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LIPSCOMB UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF EDUCATION EG 5603-61 Leadership in Educational TechnologiesSummer 2013 3 credit hoursJuly 1-August 1 Professor: Dr.

Hope Nordstrom Office Phone: (615) 966-2013 E-mail: Office: Ezell 153D Office Hours: On-Campus M 9 a.m.-12 p.m., 2-5 p.m. (Call or e-mail first!!!) Online Hours T & Th 6-8 p.m.

(E-mail checked daily and students may expect a response within 24 hours. Assignments will be graded in a timely manner usually within a week.)
No required text for this course.

Additional reading assignments will be made throughout the semester. These will be placed on Blackboard. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will explore leadership skills and knowledge needed to implement and support educational technology use. Leaders must know how to acquire technology, plan its effective use, prepare teachers, and assess effectiveness, including how to assess what is currently in place, what is needed and how best to use it. Funding educational technology, grant writing, and prioritizing an implementation will be discussed. Also included will be the challenge of staying abreast of new technologies, assessing teacher use of technology, and utilizing community resources. COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course is designed to inform future teacher leaders and instructional leaders on the use of emerging technology and social networking and how these tools can be leveraged for increased learning in the classroom. Students will learn how to assess available technology, plan for future technology use, and manage policy implications of school-level technological advancements. COURSE REQUIREMENTS, ASSIGNMENTS and KEY ASSIGNMENTS, FIELD EXPERIENCES AND PROJECTS with DUE DATES: ASSIGNMENT TITLE Type of Assignment (note if Spiritual Growth, Key, Portfolio or Field Experience) Spiritual Growth DUE DATE: Percentage of Grade or Points Assigned (if applicable) Included in discussion grade 50 100 50 100 50

Technology and Ethical Issues

Embedded within the course July 7 July 14 July 21 July 28 July 30

Dynamic Media Vision Presentation of Current Issue/Trend Professional Development Plan Strategic Plan Analysis Field Experience: Student must interview a district technology supervisor to determine how the implementation of the district technology (58 hours)

Course Assignment Course Assignment Course Assignment Course Assignment Field Experience/Course Assignment (upload assignment to portfolio; upload signed field experience form to portfolio and record field experience hours and demographics on chart in portfolio)

Discussion Posts/Participation

Weekly Total

140 490

EG 5603-Leadership in Educational Technologies

Summer 2013

Dr. Hope Nordstrom

SPIRITUAL GROWTH: The College of Education seeks to provide opportunities for personal, professional and spiritual growth for students. One avenue for spiritual growth is a thoughtful dialogue among students and faculty centered on a common text. The college uses Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis (preferred text: ISBN 0060652926) as this common ground for exploration of spiritual contexts and applications for learning. This text may also be available online. In specialty area courses, your instructor may chose an alternate spiritual assignment related to the course topic. All core courses have a required Mere Christianity assignment. FIELD EXPERIENCES: Each masters level course in the College of Education requires a field experience that is expected to take five (5) to ten (10) hours (a minimum of 50 hours by graduation). These field experiences must be completed to be successful in the course and are designed to support the expected program outcomes. Definition: NCATE defines field experiences as: A variety of early and ongoing field-based opportunities in which candidates may observe, assist, tutor, instruct, and/or conduct research. Field experiences may occur in off-campus settings such as schools, community centers, or homeless shelters. Field experiences are define d as authentic workplace based learning experiences. It should be a way to learn by doing and to practice skills learned in your coursework. Because the College of Education is committed to equipping our students for diverse experiences, we ask that you complete your field experiences with schools or districts in varied classifications (low SES, urban, suburban, rural and cross-cultural), and with different student populations (ELL, Special Education, Advanced). This diversity of experience should be evident on your field experience data form in LiveText by the time you graduate. A Field Experience Documentation and Data Form is required of each student for each course. These forms are available in the online LiveText portfolio template. LIVETEXT PORTFOLIO REQUIREMENTS: All M.Ed. students are required to have a LiveText electronic portfolio account. A completed LiveText electronic portfolio is a requirement for graduation from all M.Ed. programs. Information about purchasing LiveText, downloading your portfolio template and creating your portfolio are found at: Some assignments are considered KEY ASSIGNMENTS. These assignments must be completed satisfactorily to pass the course and will be assessed in LiveText to demonstrate mastery of your program goals. You are responsible for uploading the assignment to your LiveText Portfolio after the instructor has graded it. Your final grade will not be posted until this assignment is complete and uploaded to LiveText. FIELD EXPERIENCE DOCUMENTATION must also be included in your LiveText portfolio. You are responsible for completing the chart with data concerning your field experiences before your final grade can be posted. You may do this immediately after completing the field experience.

COMPREHENSIVE EXAMS: All students must take a comprehensive exam in the last semester before graduation. (For Education Leadership students, this will be the SLLA Praxis). For all other students, you will be assigned a case study with a series of questions to answer in a take home essay format. Please keep material from this course that may be helpful in responding to such a case study question.

GRADING and LATE WORK POLICY: Grading criteria for all assignments will be communicated at the beginning of the course. As this is an online class, students will be expected to complete all required readings in order to gain a full understanding of the course topic. Participation in the forum discussions is an integral part of the course experience and will be a vital part of the students evaluation and grade. If you are experiencing circumstances that will prevent you from turning in an assignment on time, you should notify the instructor immediately via email or phone call. Failure to fulfill discussion requirements and/or late assignments will result in a lower final grade. All assignments should be submitted/uploaded into Blackboard for grading no later than 11:59 p.m. on their due date for full credit. Late work will lose 5 points per day.

EG 5603-Leadership in Educational Technologies

Summer 2013

Dr. Hope Nordstrom

College of Education Grading Scale A 94-100 B 86-93 C 77-85 F 0-76

Instructors initiate a Notice of Concern Process for students who earn a C or below in any class.

ATTENDANCE POLICY: Since this is an online class, there are no scheduled class sessions. However, students are expected to show a strong presence on Blackboard by posting regularly. COMMUNICATION POLICY: Students are asked to check their Lipscomb email regularly. Your Lipscomb email may be forwarded to another account, and instructions to do so are found on the university website. The university is not responsible for information you miss if an email has been sent to your Lipscomb account. THE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK OF C.A.R.E: Lipscombs conceptual framework for the initial and advanced programs is built upon four categories: Craft of Teaching Attitudes and Values Relationships Essential Knowledge The first letter of each category provides the theme of Lipscomb's initial and advanced programs: C.A.R.E. The College of Education believes that this conceptual framework provides the structure within which all educational programs can sustain a high level of excellence so that its candidates will be of the highest quality. It is shared widely within the university and beyond. Each student will receive a copy of the C.A.R.E Framework (Advanced). Your LiveText portfolio will reflect ways in which your program of study fit within this framework. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: In keeping with our identity as a Christian University and our goal to help shape lifelong disciples of Christ, academic integrity will be taken very seriously in this course. Unless specific permission is given to collaborate on assignments with other students, each students work shall be his/her own. Cheating on assignments and plagiarizing on written assignments will, depending on the severity of the case, result in penalties ranging from a significantly reduced grade on the assignment to failing the course. Instances of cheating or plagiarism may also be reported to appropriate members of the administration, depending on the situation. Decisions in these matters rest with the instructor. Please refer to Lipscombs Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity Policy . UNIVERSITY EVALUATIONS AND C.A.R.E ASSESSMENTS: It is part of your responsibility as a student to participate in university evaluations and C.A.R.E assessments of your course and faculty. You will receive an email toward the end of the course with instructions on how to complete the university evaluations and you will receive further instructions concerning how to complete the C.A.R.E. assessments. STUDENTS REQUIRING ACCOMMODATIONS: If you require classroom accommodations for a documented disability, please discuss your circumstances with me immediately. If you are entitled to accommodations but have not yet registered with the Counseling Center, contact that office at 966-1781 immediately. DROPPING THE COURSE: A decision to stop attending class does NOT constitute dropping the course. A drop/add form (available in the Registrar's Office) must be signed by the teacher and processed in the Registrar's Office before the drop is official.

EG 5603-Leadership in Educational Technologies

Summer 2013

Dr. Hope Nordstrom

APA FORMAT: Formal papers submitted for graduate coursework should follow American Psychological Association (APA) for general guidelines, in-text citations of materials, avoiding plagiarism, and reference pages from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition. Each instructor will be provided a desk copy of APA: The Easy Way!, Second Edition , a simplified guide that has been updated for the sixth edition (ISBN 0923568964). Students are asked to purchase a copy of this publication. Other helpful resources for APA guidelines and formatting include the following websites: COLLEGE OF EDUCATION WRITING RUBRIC: The College of Education has a writing rubric for general use with written assignments. Students who have difficulty with graduate level writing will be asked to do some remediation with the university Writing Studio. CLASS SCHEDULE DISRUPTION POLICY: Except in the rarest of instances, Lipscomb University does not cancel classes or close offices. However, should an event (weatherrelated or otherwise) occur that requires disruption of the entire Lipscomb University class schedule, students will be notified via multiple venues including the Lipscomb homepage (, a text message sent through LU ALERT (, and the Lipscomb Weather Information Line (966-1836). For information on possible snow-related closures or late starts, students should consult local television stations (2 -WKRN, 4-WSMV, 5-WTVF and 6-WZTV, and Channel 9 on campus). Students should look for information regarding Lipscomb University, not David Lipscomb Campus Schools.

EG 5603-Leadership in Educational Technologies

Summer 2013

Dr. Hope Nordstrom

EG 5603 Assignment Calendar Summer 2013 Module 1 (July 1-7) Course Introduction/Leadership & Vision READINGS: Read any articles and watch any videos posted on the Module 1 page located on Blackboard. DISCUSSION on Blackboard: Introduce yourself to your classmates, and post a picture that represents you when it comes to leadership. Explain how the picture represents your view of leadership. (DUE: July 7) Write a response to your most significant learning from the readings and videos in this module. What difference will this learning make in your professional practice? (DUE: July 5) Respond to at least two classmates. (DUE: July 7) Tech Tool of the Week: As a technology leader, discuss at least three suggestions on how you might implement the tech tool of the week. It could be specific examples on how teachers, administrators, or other people might be able to use it. (DUE: July 7) ASSIGNMENTS: Dynamic Media Vision Representation (DUE: July 7) Module 2 (July 8-14) Productivity and Professional Practice READINGS: Read any articles and watch any videos posted on the Module 2 page located on Blackboard. DISCUSSION on Blackboard: Identify a communication strength in your district/organization (internal or external--i.e. website, intranet, wiki, parent portal, etc.) and share it with others in this forum. Explain why you feel it is a strength of your organization. Where do you think your district can improve with utilizing a tool or tool(s) with communication? (DUE July 14) Todays teachers have a lot on their plate when it comes to their classroom. How would you as a new technology leader sell your current issue/trend to teachers? How would you deal with the resistant teachers? Be specific in your discussion and be mindful to approach the discussion from an informed point of view and not just a gut-level reaction (DUE: July 12) and respond to at least two classmates (DUE: July 14). Tech Tool of the Week: As a technology leader, discuss at least three suggestions on how you might implement the tech tool of the week. It could be specific examples on how teachers, administrators, or other people might be able to use it. (DUE: July 14)

ASSIGNMENTS: Presentation of Current Issue/Trend (DUE: July 14)

EG 5603-Leadership in Educational Technologies

Summer 2013

Dr. Hope Nordstrom

Module 3 (July 15-21) Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues READINGS: Read any articles and watch any videos posted on the Module 3 page located on Blackboard. DISCUSSION on Blackboard: After watching Dr. Weschs talk about our society and how social media and technology is shaping our relationships. What are your thoughts? How does this affect teaching and learning from this perspective? (DUE: July 18) and respond to at least two classmates (DUE: July 21). Using your districts acceptable use policy, discuss the expectations for students and parents. Are there aspects need to be changed in the acceptable use policy? Based on this weeks information, what would an optimal acceptable use policy include? (DUE: July 21) Tech Tool of the Week: As a technology leader, discuss at least three suggestions on how you might implement the tech tool of the week. It could be specific examples on how teachers, administrators, or other people might be able to use it. (DUE: July 21) ASSIGNMENTS: Professional Development Plan (DUE: July 21) Module 4 (July 22-28) Procedures, Policies, Planning, and Budgeting READINGS: Read any articles and watch any videos posted on the Module 4 page located on Blackboard. DISCUSSION on Blackboard: Write a response to your most significant learning from the readings and videos in this module. What difference will this learning make in your professional practice? (DUE: July 26) Respond to at least two classmates. (DUE: July 28) Being a technology leader requires the ability to use technology resources, find new resources, and find ways to acquire new resources that are compatible with the standards used in your school. Choose a technology need that your school has that a grant might help to meet. Seek out grants that can help you meet those needs. Using the Internet, course materials, or any other source of information to identify three specific grant opportunities for your organization. Post the link and why you selected that specific grant opportunity. (DUE: July 28) Tech Tool of the Week: As a technology leader, discuss at least three suggestions on how you might implement the tech tool of the week. It could be specific examples on how teachers, administrators, or other people might be able to use it. (DUE: July 28) ASSIGNMENTS: Strategic Plan Analysis Paper (DUE: July 28)

EG 5603-Leadership in Educational Technologies

Summer 2013

Dr. Hope Nordstrom

Module 5 (July 29-August 1) Putting It All Together READINGS: Read any articles and watch any videos posted on the Module 5 page located on Blackboard. DISCUSSION on Blackboard: After watching the ISTE 2013 keynote presentation, choose two concepts that captured your interest the most and tell us why it did. (DUE: July 30) Complete the Course Reflection Exit Ticket. (DUE: July 30) ASSIGNMENTS: Field Experience Reflection and Documentation Forms (DUE: July 30)
ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTIONS: All papers and assignments should follow APA format and references should be cited correctly. Other than research papers, a running head is not needed in this course. Please read and review the APA portion of the syllabus and talk to Dr. Nordstrom if you have any questions. Include a title page that follows APA formatting for ALL assignments submitted. Include your last name with every online submission of assignments. Dynamic Media Vision Representation (50 points) DUE July 7 o Using Animoto, or another dynamic media tool, create a presentation that clearly and powerfully communicates your vision for transformational change related to strategic integration of digital technologies. o This presentation should last no more that 5 minutes and include graphics, audio, text, and animation or video. o Submit assignment on both Blackboard and LiveText. Presentation of Current Trend/Issue (100 points) DUE July 14 o Prepare what you would consider to be a 10-minute presentation of a current technology issue or trend. o Create this presentation as if you were presenting it to a school board or those who make technology decisions in your organization. o The presentation should highlight the important points of the topic. o Possible topics may include but are not limited to: importance of continued technology professional development, current research regarding assistive technology, purpose of an acceptable use policy, pros and cons of BYOD (bring your own devices), budget implications of cloud computing, using mobile devices in the classroom, importance of social networking for student learning, filtering online content, digital citizenship, etc. o Submit assignment on both Blackboard and LiveText. Professional Development Plan (100 points) DUE July 21 o Develop a professional development plan that includes at least three sessions regarding social, ethical, legal, and human issues. o These are sessions that you would be willing to offer to teachers or administrators in your district or organization. o These could be one-hour sessions teachers attend regarding these issues. You can focus on these issues for teachers or these issues for students. o Follow the provided template to complete the assignment. o Submit assignment on both Blackboard and LiveText. Strategic Plan Analysis (100 points) DUE July 28 o Locate and examine your school districts strategic plan, with a focus on 21st century skills, the NETS-S and NETS-T, and the philosophy of transformational change. o Cite specific examples from the plan where these are addressed. o Note gaps or faults in the plan related to these ideas.
EG 5603-Leadership in Educational Technologies Summer 2013 Dr. Hope Nordstrom

o o o

Based on this analysis, provide an outline of modifications/additions to the strategic plan and your rationale for these. If you do not have a district strategic plan, locate one online from another school district for this assignment. Submit assignment on both Blackboard and LiveText.

Field Experience (50 total points) DUE July 30 o Field experience is expected to take between five (5) to ten (10) hours. They can be arranged in the current workplace, if possible, but must be completed to be successful in the course. Your own classroom does not count toward field experience hours. o Complete and submit assignment on both Blackboard and LiveText of the Field Experience Documentation Form and Observation reflections. o You can take a picture of the Field Experience Documentation Form and upload it as a .jpg. Many students take a picture with their phone or iPad. o Once you upload the field experience for your grade, you also need to upload the documentation form into your portfolio on LiveText (not just the assignment section). o For this course, your Field Experience must include: Interview the district technology coordinator, someone in IT, or someone who makes major technology decisions for your district, your school, or your organization. (1-3 hours) Submit a written reflection (1-3 pages) on the interview along with your most significant takeaway from the interview. Feel free to ask the following questions or create your own questions that you have been wanting to know: -How did they come into the position? -Describe a typical day for you. -What factors play a key role into adding new technologies into the organization/district? -What are some of the challenges they face? -What has surprised them the most in their role? -What do they think will be the most significant technology innovations that will change education in the next five years? Share your presentation of a current issue/trend with an administrator or someone at the district level. (1-3 hours) Submit a written reflection (1-3 pages) on the feedback you received from the person. Discussion Board Responses (140 total points) o Each week you will be required to read a set of journal articles or watch videos specific to our topic of study for the week. All of the required articles will be available on Blackboard. After reading the articles and text or watching the videos, respond to the discussion questions that have been posted on Blackboard. Be sure to cite the readings in your responses on the discussion board. For some posts, you will be required to write a response AND respond to 2 or more of your classmates posts.
GRADING: Course grades will be based on the following: Dynamic Media Vision Representation-50 points Presentation of Current Issue/Trend-100 points Professional Development Plan-50 points Strategic Plan Analysis Paper-100 points Field Experience-50 points Discussion Board Responses- 140 points TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS - 490 The grading scale is: A B C F = = = = 94 100 86 93 77 85 0 - 76 (459+) (419-458) (375-418)
Summer 2013 Dr. Hope Nordstrom

EG 5603-Leadership in Educational Technologies

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