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Generation and analysis of BLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator

Eindhoven University of Technology

Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Division of Telecommunication Technology and Electromagnetics
the Radiocommunications Group
Generation and analysis of BLER-tables
by developing an UMTS link level simulator
Master thesis
By M.J.H. Kicken
Master thesis
carried out from January 2004 to November 2004
at TNO Telecom Delft
Dr. M.H.A.J. Herben (EUT)
Dr. D. Matic (former TNO Telecom employee)
Dr. O.C. Mantel (TNO Telecom)
Prof. Dr. Ir. E.R. Fledderus (EUT/TNO Telecom)
Graduation professor:
Prof. Dr. Ir. E.R. Fledderus (EUT/TNO Telecom)
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of Eindhoven University of Technology disclaims all
responsibility for the contents of traineeship and graduation report
Generation and analysis of BLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
This report describes the generation and analysis of Block-Error-Rate (BLER-) tables by
developing a Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) link level simulator.
Chapter 2 of this report describes the general layout of an UMTS system and focuses on Code
Division Multiplexing Access (CDMA) which is being used by UMTS. Chapter 3 concerns the
simulation of an UMTS system by dividing the simulation process into system and link level
simulations. Chapter 3 also describes the specific interface between a system simulator which is
developed within TNO Telecom (called 'MoDySim') and the link level simulator which is
described in this report. One important conclusion that arose by defining the interface was, that
the power control function has to be implemented in the link level simulator. A short description
of the UMTS layer system is given in Chapter 4, the remainder of this chapter contains a
detailed description of the link level simulator which has been developed. Every sub-function is
described separately. Chapter 5 gives an overview of simulation results from the link level
simulator. First a validation process is described and in the remainder of the chapter the effect of
different parameter settings is shown and explained. It is shown that the generated BLER-curves
from simulations without power control can be characterized by a slope and a threshold value.
Results from simulations with power control show that the speed of the user has an enormous
influence on the shape of the BLER-curves. In Chapter 6 the extension of the simulator to a
Single-Input-Multiple-Output (SIMO) system is be described. Chapter 7 contains the simulation
results with the SIMO system. From the SIMO link level simulation results it can be concluded
that the current interface between system and link level simulator does not provide a solid base
to incorporate the effect of multiple antennas. Conclusions and recommendations are given in
Chapter 8. Appendix A concerns the user manual of the developed link level simulator.
Appendix B contains the code of the main functions of the link level simulator.
Generation and analysis ofHLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
This report has been submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master
of Science in Technology. The work has been carried out at the Mobile Networks Competence
Centre (BIT MNCC) of TNO Telecom Delft and was part of the 'Broadband Radio @ Hand'
(BR@H) project, which is a subproject of the research alliance BraBant BreedBand ([ 1 ]). The
overall goal of the BR@H project is to investigate how quality and bandwidth according to the
needs of the user can be guaranteed by realizing local area networks. Within the BR@H project
I was a member of work package IV: 'Radio network planning of smart antennas and MIMO for
Before my thesis work, I performed a three months internship within the same work package
and after the completion of my internship I was offered the challenge to perform my graduation
project at TNO Telecom as well. Results from the internship have been used as a base for the
graduation work.
TNO Telecom offered me a great working environment and a lot of freedom in organising and
performing my graduation work. Therefore I would like to thank all the colleagues from the BIT
MNCC for the pleasant time and their support. Especially I would like tot thank my supervisors
and WP4 members: (Dr.) Dusan Matic, (Dr.) Onno Mantel and (Dipl.-Ing.) Ljupco Jorguseski.
From the ECR department of my university, I would like to thank my graduation professor
(Prof. Dr. Ir.) Erik Fledderus and my supervisor (Dr. ir.) Matti Herben for their constructive
comments on my work. Also I would like to thank Marija Jevrosimovic (MSc.) and (Ir.) Tim
Schenk for the valuable discussions we had regarding my work.
Next to the people I mentioned above, I would like to thank my colleague students at TNO
Telecom Sjoerd Nikkelen and Paul Oudshoorn for the pleasant time we spent together in our
room at TNO Telecom and also for letting me taste the real Delft student culture.
Finally I would like to thanks my parents for giving me the opportunity to perform my study
and their unconditional support especially during my graduation project.
16 November 2004,
Marcel Kicken
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
Table of Contents
3.1.1 Propagation loss calculation in the system simulator 18
3.1.2 Signal-to-noise-plus-interference ratio calculation 19
3.1.3 power control 20
3.1.4 Power ratio output system simulator 21
3.2.1 Link level transmission chain 22
3.2.2 Error rate definition 24
3.3.1 Simulation set-up 25
3.3.2 EblNO interface parameter 26
3.3.3 Linking the EblNO to the link level results 30
3.3.4 Scenario interface parameters 31
3.3.5 BLER-table selection procedure 33
4.3.1 Link level chain 38
4.3.2 Baseband simulation 39
4.3.3 Time step 39
4.3.4 Simulation structure 39
4.4.1 User data generation 43
4.4.2 Cyclic redundancy check 43
4.4.3 Channel coding 45
4.4.4 Modulation 48
4.4.5 Spreading. 49
4.4.6 Channel model 52
4.4.7 AWGNaddition 59
4.4.8 Rake Receiver 60
4.4.9 Software implementation ofthe Rake receiver 63
5.1.1 Statistical reliability 67
5.2.1 Validation simulations 69
5.2.2 Influence parameter settings 77
5.2.3 Parameterisation ofthe SISO link level results 84
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
7.1.1 Angular spread ofthe multi-path components 91
7.2.1 Without power Control 91
8.1.1 SISO link level simulator 95
8.1.2 SIMO link level simulator 96
8.2.1 SIMO link level simulator 98
A.l.l.l Operation with shellfimction 106
A.l.l.2 Operation with graphical user interface (GUI) 107
A.l.2.1 Creation ofthe stand-alone application 109
A.l.2.2 Running the stand-alone application 109
B.1. LL MAIN.M 116
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
List of Abbreviations
Third Generation Partnership Project
Additive White Gaussian Noise
BraBant BreedBand
Bit Error Rate
Block Error Rate
Binary Phase Shift Keying
Base Station
Code Division Multiple Access
Cyclic Redundancy Check
Direction Of Arrival
Dedicated Physical Control Channel
Dedicated Physical Data Channel
Frame Error Rate
Line Of Sight
Multi Carrier
Mobile Equipment
Multiple Input Multiple Output
Multiple Input Single Output
Maximum Ratio Combining
Mobile Station
Non Line Of Sight
Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor
Parallel Concatenated Convolutional Coding
Probability Density function
Power Delay Profile
Packet Error Rate
Path Loss
Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
Single Input Single Output
Single Input Multiple Output
Signal-to-Interference Ratio
Spreading Factor
Signal-to-Noise Ratio
Signal-to-Noise-pIus-Interference Ratio
Time Division Duplex
Transport Format Combination Indicator
Transmission power control
Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
Universal Terrestrial
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
1 Introduction
At the end of 2004 all major telecom operators have started to exploit their first generation of
UMTS networks. These networks have been built by using static planning software. For the
moment the network infrastructure will be able to handle its first users without any problems.
However as the number of users increases it will be desirable to optimize the networks in order
to keep the performance of the network at a desirable level.
To optimize such a complex network a dynamic UMTS simulator is needed. A dynamic
simulator incorporates the dynamic behavior of the system, which delivers more realistic
predictions about the usage and performance of the network than a static planning tool.
By running dynamic simulations it is possible to adjust a number of parameters of the network
to improve the performance. For example adjustment of the base-station (BS) locations or the
tilt of the antennas on base-stations can increase coverage.
The use of multiple antennas in combination with UMTS has been under investigation for a
long time. With a dynamic UMTS simulator the effect of the implementation of multiple
antennas systems can be investigated due to the dynamic behavior of the simulator.
Within TNO Telecom a dynamic UMTS system simulator ('MoDySim') has been developed.
This simulator is capable of simulating a complete network on the system level. Based on the
properties of the users, the environment and the network layout it can predict the signal-to-
noise-plus interference ratio (SNIR) of a received signal. However, the calculated SNIR has no
linear relation with the quality which is experienced by a user. To predict this quality a link
level simulator is needed, which can actually compare original user data with received user data
at a known SNIR. If results from a link level simulation are available to the system simulator
overall performance measures like 'throughput' can be calculated.
The assignment of this thesis project was to develop a UMTS link level simulator and analyze
the results so they can be incorporated in the system level simulator. Issues as defining the
interface between the two simulators and the incorporation of the effect of multiple antennas
had to be tackled.
Generation and analysis ofHLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
2 Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
This chapter gives a short overview of the main characteristics of a UMTS system. The UMTS
system is also described in literature as Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA).
2.1 WCDMA overview
WCDMA is a wideband Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA) system,
i.e. user information bits are spread over a wide bandwidth by multiplying the user data with
quasi random bits (called chips) derived from CDMA spreading codes ([ 5 D. This implies that
all users use the same carrier frequency and are separated by spreading codes, as is depicted in
the figure below.
Spreading code
User # I
User # 2
User # 3
Figure 2-1 Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
In UMTS the chiprate is fixed at 3.84 Mcps and this leads to an approximate carrier bandwidth
of 5 MHz. A network operator can deploy multiple 5 MHz carriers to increase the capacity of a
network. The main WCDMA parameters are displayed in Table 2-1 ([ 5 D.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
Main WCDMA parameters
Multiple Access method DS-CDMA
Dup1exing method Frequency division duplex / time division duplex
Base station synchronisation Asvnchronous operation
Chip rate 3.84 Mcps
Frame length 10 ms
Service multiplexing Multiple services with different quality of service
requirements multiplexed on one connection
Multirate concept Variable spreading factor and mu1ticode
Detection Coherent using pilot symbols or common pilot
Multiuser detection, smart antennas Supported by the standard, optional in the
Table 2-1 Main WCDMA parameters
The detailed spreading and de-spreading process will be explained in paragraph 4.4.5, however
to explain the basic operation of the WCDMA system the spreading and de-spreading process is
discussed in the next paragraph.
2.2 DS-CDMA basics
Figure 2-2 shows a simple example of a spreading and de-spreading process in a DS-CDMA
system. The original user data is multiplied by a spreading code (in this example of length
eight), this results in a chiprate that is eight times the original bitrate. After the spreading
process the data is transmitted over the channel with a transmission bandwidth of eight times the
original bitrate. At the receiver site the spreading code for the desired user is known and by a
multiplication of the received data with the spreading code, the original user data can be
restored. A correlation receiver integrates the received signal after de-spreading as is depicted in
the figure. It can be seen that the amplitude of the desired signal is increased by a factor eight
(which is equal to the length of the spreading code) and the amplitudes of the signals from other
users (data with another spreading code) will be decreased.
The gain in the power of the desired signal, which can be obtained by using DS-CDMA, is
called the processing gain (PG). The processing gain links the (wideband) Signa1-to-Noise Ratio
(SNR) to the information bit energy over spectral noise density (EbINO) as is shown in Formula
(2-1 ). It can be shown that in this case the PG equals the length of the spreading code.
The information bit energy
The spectral noise density
Noise power
Signal power
Processing gain
( 2-1 )
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
- I
1------+------1 +1
1-------11------1 _I
- I
User data
Spreading code
Spread signal
(desired user)
Spreading code
- I
Data after despreading
- I
Data after integration
- 8
(other signal)
Spreading code
- I
Data after desprcading
- I
Data after integration
Figure 2-2 Spreading and de-spreading in DS-CDMA
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
3 UMTS simulations
As stated in the introduction a dynamic UMTS simulator provides the most realistic predictions
about the performance of a network. UMTS networks can be very complex and therefore the
simulations as well. In order to reduce complexity and lower the simulation time UMTS
simulations can be split into two parts: system level simulations and link level simulations.
These and the interface between them are specified in the next paragraphs.
3.1 System level simulator
A system simulator is capable of simulating a complete network at the system level. Within
TNO Telecom a dynamic system simulator ('MoDySim') has been developed. The structure of
MoDySim is displayed in Figure 3-1.
Figure 3-1 Schematic view of the dynamic UMTS system level simulator (MoDySim) based on [ 2 1
The four main input parameters of the UMTS system simulator are described below [ 2 ]:
1. Traffic Distribution
This input describes where the traffic is generated i.e. its spatial distribution, what is the
traffic intensity (i.e. call arrival rate) and what type of service is used by each call (i.e. is
it a voice call, video call, FTP etc.).
2. Mobility Grid
This input describes the movement of the generated traffic. A user can be static or move
with a certain speed.
3. BS-set up and Propagation Grid
This input describes the base station (BS) properties like coordinates, height, maximum
transmission power, the shadow fading (i.e. the configuration of the terrain) and the path
loss per pixel (path loss between the BS and the particular pixel) in the simulation area.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06112/2004
4. Service Characteristics
This input describes the properties for each service type such as the properties of the
generated traffic (for example for voice call the average and probability density function
(PDF) of the duration of the call, activity factor), the quality attributes (i.e. the target
BER and the BER vs. EblNO tables), and the possible UMTS transport channels with
the possibilities for the transmission rate.
Based on these input parameters the system simulator starts a dynamic simulation, as the
depicted in Figure 3-1, this includes simulation of different modules like 'handover' and 'power
control' which are present in UMTS. As an output the simulator generates a number of
performance measures like 'throughput' and 'blocking probability'.
The operation of the system simulator is not described in detail in this report however for the
definition of the interface between link and system simulator it is needed to describe the
'propagation loss calculation' and the 'signal-to-noise-plus-interference ratio calculation' of the
UMTS system simulator. These two calculation procedures use results of the link level
simulator. The description of those procedures is based on information provided by [ 3 ].
3.1.1 Propagation loss calculation in the system simulator
The propagation loss is calculated per pixel on the grid as is depicted in Figure 3-2.
Figure 3-2 Simplified representation of the MoDySim grid
The propagation loss is calculated based on three components:
1. Path Loss (PL)
The path loss is calculated based on the input parameters: distance between the base
station (BS) and mobile station (MS), the frequency and the height of the BS and
MS. An example of a path loss formula is the Okumura-Hata path loss formula.
2. Shadow Fading
To calculate this component a shadowing grid is calculated for each BS in MoDySim.
The fading value is dependent of the position of the BS and MS. As the user moves this
fading value may vary over time.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
3. Multipath Fading
Multipath fading is incorporated by a Rayleigh distributed variable. Every 'slot' period
an independent Rayleigh distributed value is used to model the effect of multipath
The total propagation loss is defined as:
Propagation loss (dB) = Path loss (dB) + Shadow fading (dB) + Multipath fading (dB) (3-1)
3.1.2 Signal-to-noise-plus-interference ratio calculation
This paragraph gives an overview about the SNIR calculation in MoDySim. It concerns the
general procedure to calculate the SNIR in the uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) case. In the
Downlink case the transmitter is the BS and the receiver the MS, the interfering signals arrive
from other BS's as is depicted in Figure 3-3 (a). In the Uplink case the BS is the receiver and
the MS is the transmitter. The interfering signals arrive from other MS's as is depicted in Figure
3-3 (b).
~ s l
Figure 3-3 alb Downlink and uplink case in MoDySim
The SNIR of each active connection is calculated based on the signal strength and interference
strength at the point of reception. The signal strength is calculated by multiplying the current
signal power with the propagation loss between the transmitter and receiver as explained in [ 4
]. The interference strength is calculated by calculating each individual interference contribution
in the same way as calculating the signal strength. Afterwards, all individual interference
contributions are added together. After calculation of the signal strength and interference
strength the corresponding SNIR can be calculated. Formula ( 3-2 ) shows the calculation
procedure for the downlink case and Formula (3-3) the uplink case.
(3-2 )
1 Downlink signal-to-interference ratio
1 In 'MoDySim' specification documents SNIR is denoted as SIR
Generation and analysis of BLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
Received signal power from desired BS in Watts
Received signal power from undesired BS's in Watts
Downlink orthogonality factor
Ratio of the desired user power and the total power form one BS
Thermal Noise in Watts
(3-3 )
~ t h e r
Uplink signal-to-interference ratio
Received signal power from desired MS in Watts
Received signal power from undesired MS's in Watts
Thermal Noise in Watts
3.1.3 power control
Within the UMTS standard a procedure is implemented to adjust the user transmission power
based on the SNIR measurements that are performed in the receiver. This process is called the
power control. The power control can be divided into two parts: the inner loop power control
and the outer loop power control.
Inner loop power control
Each time step of the system simulator the received SNIR are calculated (this is typically each
2/3 ms see Figure 3-4). After calculation of these signal ratios the output values are compared to
a target SNIR. Based on the difference between the ratios the transmission power is adjusted.
The inner loop power control process is described below.
1. If SNIRcurrent >SNIRtarget' then the transmission power of the transmitter is decreased
by I dB.
2. If SNIRcurrent ~ SNIRtarget , then the transmission power of the transmitter is increased by
I dB.
2 1n 'MoDySim' specification documents SNIR is denoted as SIR
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
15 slots
r ~
Frame # I Frame # 2 Frame # 3 Frame #4
c::::J Block I
_ Block 2
Figure 3-4 Slot, frame and block definition in MoDySim
Outer loop power control
The SNIRtarget. which is used in the inner loop power control is adjusted after each Block
transmission based on a retrieved BLER value. This paragraph describes briefly the
determination of the SNIR
. At the initialisation of each session in MoDySim in the UpLink
(UL) and Downlink (DL) an initial SNIRtarget is set based on the required BLERtarget or BERtarget
for that particular service and the corresponding link level result. In MoDySim a BLERtarget is
used. After the transmission of a complete Block which has a typical length of 30 timeslots in
MoDySim (see Figure 3-4), the average SNIR of a radio block is calculated and the
corresponding error rate is provided by link level simulation results. Based on the difference
between the retrieved BLER and the BLERtarget. the SNIRtarget will be adjusted. The outer loop
power control is described below:
1. If BLERretrieved < BLERtarget , then the frame is denoted as "good" and the SNIRtarget will
be decreased with ~ dB.
2. If BLERretrieved ~ BLERtarget , then the frame is denoted as "bad" and the SNIRtarget will
be increased with e dB.
Power ratio output system simulator
This paragraph focuses on the current power ratio output from the system simulator which is
used to select the appropriate BLER-value (for a certain scenario). The dynamic properties of
this SNIR will be described in paragraph 3.3.
As described in Chapter 3 the system simulator uses the link level results to set a target SNIR
for a given service. MoDySim calculates per slot an SNIR according to the procedure in
paragraph 3.1.2. After one block transmission an average SNIR value per block is calculated:
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
1 s
S n=l
(3-4 )
average SNIR per Block
SNIR per slot
the number of slots in one Block
This average ratio is linked to an Eb/NO value:
No information bitrate
(3-5 )
This value is passed to the BLER selection procedure which is described in paragraph 3.3.5.
3.2 Link level simulator
As stated in the introduction, a link level simulator is used to predict the quality of one link
between a BS and MS. The prediction is made by comparing the original user data with the
received user data. This implies that a link level simulation is able to predict the quality which is
experienced by a user.
3.2.1 Link level transmission chain
Based on previous research and literature ([ 12 ],[ 17 Da link level transmission chain can be
identified. Figure 3-5 shows the transmission chain for two physical channels in UMTS:
1) DPDCH (Dedicated Physical Data Channel)
Conveys the Dedicated Channel (DCH) Transport Channel.
2) DPCCH (Dedicated Physical Control Channel)
Carries the physical control information (like Pilot bits, Transport Format Combination
Indicator (TFCI) bits, Transmission power control (TPC) bits).
Generation and analysis ofHLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/1212004
Figure 3-5
~ - - - - 1 E
Link level transmission chain
Rake demodulation / despreading / descrambling
Below is a short description of each of the blocks of the transmission chain. This transmission
chain has been used as a guideline for the design of the link level simulator which will be
described extensively in Chapter 4. The transmission chain consists of the following
Data source
Contains the data that has to be transmitted over the channel. In the link level chain in Figure
3-5 control and user data will be transmitted.
Cyclic Redundancy check (CRC) & tail bit insertion / removal
The Cyclic Redundancy check (CRC) adds extra bits to the data which is being transmitted. At
the receiver the extra bits are used to estimate the performance of the link (this will be expressed
in a BER or BLER). The tail bit insertion / removal concerns the adding / removing of extra bits
to original data sequence in order to perform proper channel coding.
Channel Coding / Decoding
The channel coding block encodes the user or control data with a specific coding algorithm (for
example convolutional coding). The coding will increase the number of bits which has to be
transmitted but the redundancy of the data will increase as well. The decoding block decodes the
received data sequence and restores the original data with the help of the extra redundancy bits.
Rate matching
Rate matching concerns the matching of the bit rates in order to achieve the standard chiprate
just before transmission. In UMTS the chiprate is 3,84 Mcps.
Interleaving changes the positions of bits within a time period. The interleaving process will
decrease the effect of burst errors due to fading dips.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
Mutiplexing / Demultiplexing
This process multiplexes the control and user data to one 'transmit' channel. The multiplexing
process in the downlink differs from the multiplexing process in the uplink which will be
described in Chapter 4.
Spreading / Despreading
The spreading process spreads the signal over a number of chips. The ratio between the bits
before and after spreading is called the spreading factor (SF). Because the chiprate is fixed, the
SF varies depending on the user information bit rate. This implies that when the information
bitrate is large, the spreading factor will be low.
Scrambling / Descrambling
Scrambling concerns the application of a unique code to the data of one user. The use of the
scrambling code differs in the uplink and downlink, this is described in Chapter 4 of this report.
Modulation / Demodulation
Modulation concerns the varying of the carrier wave for example by adjusting its phase. For
example in UMTS in general QPSK modulation is used.
Filter tx / Filter rx
Concerns the applying of filters to reduce transmission bandwidth of the signal.
Depending on the environment and the speed of the user the channel will influence the
performance of the transmission.
Thermal noise will affect the performance of the transmission. In the link level simulator the
effect of interferers will also be modelled as AWGN.
power control
Concerns the adjustment of the transmission power based on a comparison of a target SNIR and
the received SNIR
3.2.2 Error rate definition
The goal of link level simulations is to predict the quality of a link between a Base Station (BS)
and a Mobile Station (MS). Therefore a measure has to be defined. Within UMTS there are
several error rate definitions which can be used for that purpose ([ 12 D. The system simulator
MoDySim uses a Block Error Rate (BLER) to adjust is SNIR target value. The BLER can be
measured at point '1' in the link level chain which is indicated in Figure 3-5. The BLER
provides information about the quality of the received information bits.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
3.3 Interface link and system level simulations
The main goal of the interface between a system and a link level simulator is to link an average
SINR which is calculated by the system simulator to a BLER value for a certain scenario. A
scenario in UMTS simulations is defined as a set of variables that describes the simulation
environment, the service that a user is offered and transmission chain variables. These scenario
parameters will be discussed in paragraph 3.3.5. The basic interface between the link and
system simulator is depicted in Figure 3-6.
Figure 3-6
Interface link and system level simulations
---< BLER
3.3.1 Simulation set-up
The general set-up for UMTS simulations is to have link level simulation results available
before starting system level simulations. Link level results can be stored in so-called BLER-
tables. These tables contain the relation between a SNIR-value and a BLER for a certain
scenario. When the simulator calculates a SNIR for a certain scenario first the corresponding
BLER-table will be selected. Secondly the BLER-value will be selected from the closest SNIR
in the table.
This implies that for all possible scenarios appropriate BLER--eurves should be available. A
limitation of this simulation set-up is that is not possible to pass extensive deterministic
information from the system simulator to the link level simulator. Especially in the case of
simulations where multiple antenna systems are involved it would be desirable to pass
deterministic user information to the link level simulator. The effect of this limitation in
combination with multiple antenna simulation will be discussed in Chapter 7.
As stated before, the SNIR which is provided by the system level simulator and the scenario
parameters will determine which BLER-value is selected. Paragraph 3.3.2 explains the SNIR
parameter more in detail and paragraph 3.3.4 describes the scenario parameters which are used.
These parameters determine the design requirements of the link level simulator.
Generation and analysis of BLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
Eb/NO interface parameter
The EblNO which is used to select an appropriate BLER value is an average value of the SNIR's
per Block. In MoDySim a Block has typically the length of 2 frames but this may vary (see
Figure 3-7). The calculation of this average SNIR is shown is already shown in Formula ( 3-4 )
and the EblNO calculation in Formula (3-5 ).
inner loop period: 0.666 ms
15 slots
r ~
- .....1-- 10 ms - ~ - IOms - ~ -
Frame # I Frame #2 Frame # 3 Frame #4
CJ Block I
_ Block 2
Figure 3-7 Inner and outer loop power control time periods
It is clear that the link level results have to be generated with the same average power-ratio,
however not only the average power-ratio has to be the same, but also the variation of the
power-ratio during a Block transmission. An important remark regarding this issue is that the
variation of the power may also be influenced by the power control (which takes in this case
place 30 times during a Block transmission).
To determine the variation of the average signal power during a Block transmission the possible
causes of variation have to be identified. Recall that the SINR (in the downlink) is calculated
according to Formula ( 3-6 ).
= own
a(1- fJ)P
+Pother + Nthermal
(3-6 )
Downlink signal-to-interference ratio
Received signal power from desired BS in Watts
Received signal power from undesired BS' s in Watts
Downlink orthogonality factor
Ratio of the desired user power and the total power form one BS
Thermal Noise in Watts
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
The power P;;n and Pother are calculated based on the transmission power and the propagation
loss. When looking at the propagation loss (Formula ( 3-7 already three causes of variation
can be identified.
Propagation loss (dB) = Path loss (dB) +Shadow fading (dB) +Multipath fading (dB) (3-7)
The variation of components of the propagation loss during one Block transmission can be
described as follows:
Path Loss (PL)
It is not likely that the PL will vary a lot during the duration of a Block transmission. Recall that
the PL is calculated based on the distance between the base station (BS) and mobile station
(MS), the frequency and the height of the BS and MS. The frequency and the height of the BS
and the MS will not vary during the Block length. Assuming a Block length of 20 ms, the
variation in distance between the MS and BS at l20km!h will be:
120 kml h = d
20 ms
=> d=0.6 m ( 3-8 )
The increase in of 0.6 m in distance will not cause a significant change in the SNIR ratio.
Shadow Fading
The Shadow Fading calculation is based on a grid. The position of a user determines the amount
of fading caused by the shadowing effect. As Formula ( 3-8 ) shows, the position of a user will
not vary a lot during a Block length (even at high user speeds). This implies that also the
Shadow Fading will not vary a lot during the length of a Block.
Multi-path Fading
Multi-path fading occurs because the summation of different multi-path components at the
receiver. This process can be described by a Rayleigh faded process which is dependent on the
Doppler frequency. The generation of this fading in the link level simulator will be explained in
Chapter 4 of this report. However to determine the variation of multi-path fading, the envelope
of multi-path fading is shown in several figures. The interval in Figure 3-8 and Figure 3-9
shows the variation of the multi-path fading for 20 ms. An immediate conclusion is that the
multi-path fading will influence the variation of the SNIR enormously. During the 20 ms
interval a number of peaks and dips are present with both speeds of the users.
Rayleigh fading process
Speed =120 kmih, Fc =2100 Mhz
2.5 r - - - - - I ~ _ _ _ r - - - _ f r - - - _ _ . _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ . _ - - - _ . _ _ _ _ - - - . _ _ - - _ _ _ ,
91 78 65
....... -: : .
: : :
39 52
Time in Milliseconds (ms)
:20 ms
OL...----1_.!........I. --f- -I..- ...L.- .L.- L...-__---l
~ 1.5
~ 1
'" lL.
Figure 3-8 One-path Rayleigh fading process with speed of the user 120 km/h
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
Rayleigh fading process
Speed =30 kmlh, Fc =2100 Mhz
91 78 65 39 52
Time in Milliseconds (ms)
... 0.5
Figure 3-9 One-path Rayleigh fading process with speed of the user 30 km/h
Based on variation of the components of the propagation loss it is obvious that the the multi-
path fading will have a significant influence on the variation of the SNIR during 20 ms. This
implies that multi-path fading has to be implemented in the link level simulator.
To determine whether the multi-path fading during the 20 ms can be seen as an independent
Rayleigh distributed process; the effect of the power control has to be researched.
Effect of power control on the variation of the Eb/NO value
Figure 3-10 and Figure 3-11 show two parts of the multi-path fading, one with a user speed of
120 km/h and one with a user speed 000 kmIh. The inner loop power control period is 0.67 ms
as depicted in the figures.
Rayleigh fading process
Speed = 120 kmlh, Fc = 2100 Mhz
1.4 r------t------::::*==------,------,----------,
1.2 .
~ 0.8
g' 0.6
LL. 0.4
. ;- : .
. .' .
.................... : .
0.2 .
3.333 2.666 1. 3 2
Ti e in milliseconds (ms)
O. 66
Figure 3-10 One-path Rayleigh fading process with speed of the user 120 km/h
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
Rayleigh fading process
Spee =30 kmih, Fe =2100 Mhz
1.2 .
0.67 ms
3.333 2.666 o. 66
0.4 '-------t-------t------------'.-------'----------.J
~ 1
g' 0.8
Figure 3-11 One-path Rayleigh fading process with speed of the user 120 km/h
The graphs show that within 0.67 ms the fading will change (in the 120 kmlh case the fading
changes faster) but within the 0.67 ms the variation is small. I.e. after one slot period the fading
parameter is still correlated with the previous one.
Because the variation within a slot period is small, the inner loop power control will be able to
compensate the multi-path fading. This compensation will be better in the case of low user
speeds. This implies that the power control and a dependent Rayleigh fading process has to be
implemented in the link level simulator.
Multipath fading implementation in the system level simulator
Implementation of dependent Rayleigh fading in the link level simulator requires that the SNIR
before the multi-path fading is known. For that reason the current implementation of the multi-
path fading in the system simulator has to be clarified. The system simulator calculates the
SNIR per slot. The calculation of the SNIR also includes the effect of multi-path fading. Per slot
an independent Rayleigh distributed parameter is used to model the multi-path fading
. This
implies that the SNIR ratio which is calculated after each Block is an average of an independent
Rayleigh process. As concluded before, the link level simulator will simulate the multi-path
fading process itself and therefore needs the power-ratio from the system simulator before the
multi-path fading. The original power-ratio can be calculated from the average value of a
Rayleigh faded process, this can be shown by:
= a J% = 1,2533a (3-9 )
3 Based on Figure 3-10 and Figure 3-11 can be concluded that the multi-path fading in the system simulator is not implemented
according to the real-life situation, however the implementation of multi-path fading in the system simulator is beyond the scope of
this report.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
Mean value of a Rayleigh distributed process
Original value before Rayleigh fading
However this procedure to obtain the original power ratio before Rayleigh fading is based on
only 30 samples (length of a Block in MoDySim). A better option is to disable the Rayleigh
fading process in MoDySim completely. To simulate the power control function perfectly it is
desirable to adjust the multipath fading process in MoDySim. In that case the average SNIR can
be used directly by the link level simulator as an input parameter and the power control function
in MoDySim will perform according the real-life situation.
Linking the Eb/NO to the link level results
The conclusion that the power control is able to compensate for the multi-path fading implies
that the link level simulator should have power control implemented. However, it might be
desirable to generate link level results without power control as well. Because the interface
between the link and system simulator with and without power control differs, two interfaces
have been identified.
~ -
~ ~
Signal power Noise
Eb/NO definition
~ - - - - ,
addition for MoDySim
\ I
~ ~
~ - -
---- - ---
Figure 3-12 Eb/NO link to the link level simulator without power control
Figure 3-12 shows a basic overview of the link level simulator without power control. Also the
EblNO link is indicated. As mentioned before simulations without power control will not
generate results that are usable for MoDySim, however this set-up can be used to validate the
link level simulator with theoretical results and for comparison with results from literature. A
remark is that the signal power is determined before the channel. This signal power does not
provide information about the 'effective' signal-to-noise ratio which can be determined at the
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
Signal power Noise
addition I
Effective received
signal power
_----...l---- ...
EblNO definition
I \
for MoDySim
\ I
, ~
, ~
-- - --
- ~ ~
Figure 3-13 EblNO link to the link level simulator without power control
Figure 3-13 shows the interface of the Eb/NO value in case the link level simulator is equipped
with power control. The 'effective' received signal-to-noise ratio is compared with a target
SNIR value. Based on the difference the transmitter power is adjusted. In this proposed interface
the average SNIR provided by MoDySim is used to set the SIR target. Because the link level
results are used only once during a Block transmission, only the 'inner loop' power control has
been implemented.
Remark: the current version of the link level simulator has a fairly simple power control
function. For example in reality there is a maximum power value for the signal that is being
transmitted. The link level simulator is not equipped with this feature. However after a Block
transmission the system simulator itself calculates an average SNIR in which this feature is
equipped. In this simulation it might happen that some BLER results are simulated with a signal
power which is higher that the maximum possible transmission power.
Scenario interface parameters
Based on the 3GPP standard and internal TNO Telecom documents ([ 3 ],[ 6 ],[ 8 ],[ 18 ]) the
following set of interface parameters have been identified to describe a simulation scenario.
1. Environmental properties
The environment can influence the performance of radio link. For example different types of
environments correspond to a certain number and properties of multi-path components.
Depending on the environment a Line Of Sight (LOS) component may exist or not. In
MoDySim the environment is described by the assignment of an 'environment type' to each
cluster (pixel on the grid). This type of environment per cluster influences the SNIR calculation
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
Most occurring scenarios Frame 3-1
2. User properties
A user can be characterised by its posItIon and
movement. The positions of the user and interferers
are exactly know in the system simulator. In the link
level simulator the position is not a key parameter.
The position of the user will influence the SNIR
which is calculated by the system simulator. I.e. the
position of the user is incorporated in the SNIR
which will be used to select an appropriate BLER-
value. However the speed of the user will influence
the link level performance. For that reason the speed
of the user is a parameter which is used to select a
BLER-table. The parameter options are listed in
Table 3-1.
in MoDySim. Besides a 'Shadowing grid' is deployed in MoDySim. Environmental objects like
buildings can influence as well the received SNIR.
Link level simulation results should have the same
environmental properties which are used by the
system simulator during one simulation. To interface
the system level results to the link level results an
'environment' parameter is defined. The parameter
options are shown in Table 3-1.
3. Bearer type properties
The bearer type properties contain all the parameters
that describe the type of service that is offered to the
user. For example the phrase 'Downlink Speech
12.2 kbps' describes the properties of a bearer.
These three parameters can be used to select the
appropriate BLER-table. The bearer type properties
may also be indicated with other parameters like:
type of channel coding, spreading factor etc.
However these parameters can be linked to the ones
in the example. For example 'Speech' will imply the
use of Yz convolutional coding and '12.2 kbps'
implies the use of a spreading factor with a length of
256 chips.
4. Transmission Chain properties
The transmission chain properties describe the used transmission chain parameters. In Single-
Input-Single-Output (SISO) the transmission chain properties will be the same for all
simulations (for example the receiver will normally consist of a Rake receiver with three
fingers). However in the case with multiple antenna these properties may vary, for example the
number of receive antennas or the space-time coding algorithm can be different in different
scenarios. The parameter which is used to select the appropriate BLER-table based on the
transmission chain properties is not yet defined. However MoDySim will be modified to
implement new parameters regarding the transmission chain properties.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-lables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
Scenario properties Interfacc parameters Parameter options
Environmental properties Environment Typically Urban (Tux)
Hilly Terrain (Htx)
Rural Area (Rax)
User properties Speed of the user 0.13 m/s
13.83 m/s
33.33 m/s
69.3 m/s
Bearer type properties Type of channel coding No coding
1/2 convolution coding
1/3 convolution coding
1/3 turbo coding
Spreading factor
with 2 ~ n ~ 8
Transmission chain Number of receive antenna [Integer value]
Number of transmit antennas [Integer value]
Receiver algorithm Vblast
Table 3-1 Interface parameters and their typical values
3.3.5 BLER-table selection procedure
The simplified BLER-table selection procedure of MoDySim is shown in Figure 3-14. This
selection procedure contains next to the SISO interface parameters an extra parameter which
can be used in simulation with 'multiple antennas', This parameter can include information
about the number of antenna which is used, the beam-forming algorithm etc.
After the appropriate BLER-tables is selected the BLER-value which belongs to calculated
Eb/NO value will be passed to the system level simulator.
Uplink / downlink configuration
Link layer chain (like type ofreceiver and antenna diversity)
Channel & speed combination (like urban 50 kmlh)
,0Bearer type (like 12.2 kbps voice)
// \
Figure 3-14 BLER selection procedure MoDySim
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
4 SISO link level simulator
4.1 Layer structure UMTS
In UMTS user data is mapped from transport channels in the physical layer to the different
physical channels [ 18]. Figure 4-1 shows the mapping of two transport channels to the physical
channels. User data is present in the higher layer in a Transport Block (TP Block). A TP Block
is followed by Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRe) bits. The CRC bits will be used by the receiver
for error estimation (which can be expressed in a BLER or BER). The TP Block plus the CRC
bits are accompanied by the Transport Format Indicator (TFI), which provides additional
information about the TP Block that has to be transmitted. In the physical layer the user data
plus the CRC bits are encoded (by the channel encoder) and mapped onto the Dedicated
Physical Data Channel (DPDCH). The TFI's from the different Transport Channels are
combined into a Transport Format Combination Indicator (TFCI) and mapped to the Dedicated
Physical Control Channel (DPCCH).
.... "
" ....
" "
// ...............
Figure 4-1 Mapping of the transport channels to physical channels
Within the UMTS standard several Transport Channels exit. All Transport channels are mapped
onto related Physical channels. All the Transport channels and their related physical channels
are displayed in Table 4-1.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
Transport Channels (TrCH's) Physical Channels (PhCH's)
BCH Primary Common Control Physical Channel
FACH Secondary Common Control Physical Channel
PCH Secondary Common Control Physical Channel
RACH Physical Random Access channel
DCH Dedicated Physical Data Channel
Dedicated Physical Control Channel
DSCH Physical Downlink Shared Channel
CPCH Physical Common Packet Channel
Synchronisation Channel
Common Pilot Channel
Acquisition Indication Channel
Paging Indication Channel
CPCH Status Indication Channel
Collision Detection / Channel assignment Indicator Channel
Table 4-1 Mapping of the Transport Channels onto the relating physical channels in UMTS [ 5]
In this report only the Dedicated Channel (DCH) is considered. This channel is used to convey
user data over a dedicated user channel. This channel is most commonly used in link level
simulators in literature and also the most common used in the current implementation of UMTS
to transmit user data. Figure 4-2 shows the complete mapping of the transport channels to the
physical channels in the downlink case and Figure 4-3 shows the mapping in the uplink case.
The channels which are used in this project are indicated by the (red) canvas.
SilK' n?ltl."lI'Ur,:'(i nnil,jln bn..,o ;t';{) 1.:1/
;,.f.ll": h MJa-N\::i!/
p Ii ()fiJI (t:llt} ,'.lnitll

Figure 4-2 Downlink mapping of Transport Channels onto Physical Channels ([ 19 ])
Generation and analysis ofHLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
Figure 4-3 Uplink mapping of Transport Channels onto Physical Channels ([ 19 ])
4.2 Programming language and simulation environment
The link level simulator has been developed in Matlab. Matlab is a high level programming
language which includes a large number of built-in functions which can be very useful when
designing a link level simulator. Especially the recently introduced new version of the
'Communications Toolbox' provides useful functions. The use of such functions saves a lot of
time compared to developing an own set of functions. Besides this advantage Matlab also
provides the possibility to develop graphical user interfaces. Figure 4-4 shows the graphical user
interface of the link level simulator which can be used when simulating in the Matlab
(stop simulalion:
Figure 4-4 Screenshot of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of the link level simulator
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tablcs by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
To generate a complete set of link level results which can by used by the system level simulator
a large number of simulations have to be performed. Therefore the developed Matlab functions
can be compiled to a stand-alone C-version. With a batch file, which contains the desired
parameter settings, multiple simulations can be started (also on a remote machine). The stand-
alone C version will generate a text file for each simulation which contains all the simulation
parameters and results. Afterwards all the text files can be collected and used for post-
processing. This process is described extensively in Appendix A: the user manual of the link
level simulator.
4.3 Simulator layout
4.3.1 Link level chain
Based on the link level chain described in paragraph 3.2.1, and the layer structure which is
described in paragraph 4.1, the link level chain is determined for the simulator (see Figure 4-5).
The link level chain concerns the mapping of the Downlink Dedicated Transport Channel
(DTrCH) onto the Downlink Dedicated Physical Data Channel (DPDCH). The simulator blocks
are discussed in detail in paragraph 4.4. This implies that the simulator is designed to simulate
the Downlink user data part of the transmission. However Uplink BLER-tables are generated
with the link level simulator as well. This will be explained in paragraph 4.4.4. Regarding the
differences between the Uplink and the Downlink it must also be noticed that the SNIR
calculated by the system simulator is different for the Uplink and Downlink situation.
DPDCH CRC & Coding Rate lnter- Spreading Scrambling Modulation
Source Tail matching leaving
~ ~
I ~
DPDCH CRC & Deeoding Rate De Rake demodulation / despreading
i"il matching interleaving i<IIl descrambling (MRC)
Figure 4-5 Link level chain of the simulator
Generation and analysis ofHLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
4.3.2 Baseband simulation
The simulator performs a baseband simulation. In general a bandpass modulation signal can be
described as ([ 20 ]):
( 4-1 )
4nc Information bearing signal amplitude
Information bearing signal amplitude
get) Pulse shape function
Ie Carrier frequency
The simulator uses the baseband version of the signals to generate the BER-curves. The
baseband version of Formula ( 4-1 ) is shown by:
(4-2 )
4.3.3 Time step
The time step of the simulator is equal to a chip period: 260 ns.
4.3.4 Simulation structure
The structure of the link level simulator is modular; all the different functions of an UMTS
transceiver are implemented in different (Matlab-) functions. This implies an easy adjustment of
the link level simulator. A main function (Appendix B: LLmain.m) calls all the different sub-
functions. A 'shell' function calls the main function and contains all the values of the UMTS
parameters for the generation of BER-curves. This 'shell function' can be a text file or a
Graphical User Interface (Gill).
The simulator uses the same slot and frame structure as MoDySim, which is depicted in Figure
Generation and analysis of BLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
15 slots
r ~
Frame # I Frame # 2 Frame # 3 Frame # 4
Figure 4-6 Slot and frame definition in the link level simulator
The simulation structure of the link level simulator is depicted in Figure 4-7. To reduce
computing time the simulation starts with the initialisation of some of the sub functions (like the
generation of cyclic redundancy check codes). After the initialisation the transmission of user
bits is simulated for different Eb/NO values. To acquire statistically useful information several
loops are deployed. Per loop the boundaries are indicated
Loop 1: Transport Block (TP Block) loop
The TP Block loop takes care of generating enough data to fill the number of frames that have
to be transmitted.
The number of TP Blocks that are being generated is dependent on the number
ofTP Blocks that fit into one frame. This is dependent on the information bit
rate which determines the Spreading Factor (SF).
Loop 2: Eb/NO Loop
Every loop the Eb/NO value increases and the chip data is retransmitted over the channel.
The minimum, maximum and step size of the Eb/NO value can be set in by the user of
the simulator.
The maximum Eb/NO value is also determined by a target BER-value. Whenever this
BER-value is reached the simulation will stop even when its maximum Eb/NO value has
not been reached.
Loop 3: Frame loop
Per frame the scrambling code is applied. After a frame transmission all the channel coefficients
are updated. This increases the statistical reliability of the simulation.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tablcs by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
The minimum and maximum frame transmissions can be set by the user of the
The maximum number of frame transmissions is also determined by the number of
minimum detected errors per EblNO loop. Whenever this minimum number of errors
has been reached the simulation loop will stop even when its maximum number of
frame transmissions has not been reached.
Loop 4: Slot loop
Every slot the 'power control' adjust the transmission power based on the SNIR which has been
measured the previous slot transmission.
The number of slots within one frame is fixed; In UMTS 15 slots are present in one
To obtain a better statistical reliability the loops may be extended as the dotted lines show.
However the simulation time will increase.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
--- --------
--- ------
CRC adding
Channel coding
Channel model
Figure 4-7 Software structure link level simulator
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
4.4 Implemented functions
4.4.1 User data generation
The block 'userbits' is capable of generating random binary bits. The function uses a Gaussian
distribution to generate random numbers. The distribution has a mean of zero, a variance and
standard deviation of one (see Figure 4-8). Whenever a negative number is generated by the
random Gaussian generator a zero is transmitted, in case of a positive number a one.
The block 'userbits' uses a standard Matlab function: Rand.m. This generator uses an initial
seed (in recent Matlab versions a start 'state') to generate random number. In order to prevent
using the same userdata each simulation (Matlab resets the initial state every time Matlab is
restarted) the state is of the generator has to be reset to a 'random' state. This has been
accomplished by changing the state to a value which is dependent on the internal computer
. (' . ....
Figure 4-8 Gaussian distribution generated with the Matlab function randn.m
4.4.2 Cyclic redundancy check
One of the first operations after receiving a transport block from the higher layers, is the CRC
attachment. The Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRe) is used for error checking of the transport
blocks at the receiving end.
A CRC attachment can be generated by using a generator polynomial, the 3GPP UMTS
standard defines four generator polynomials for four different CRC attachment sizes [ 6 ]:
gCRC24(X) =
gCRCI6(X) =
gCRCI2(X) =
gCRC8(X) =
+.r+.r +X+ 1
+X+ 1
+.r+.r+X+ 1
Generation and analysis ofHLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
The length of the CRC attachment is related to the certainty of detected errors. The length of the
CRC attachment is dependent of the service, which is offered to the user.
CRC-attachment generation
As described above a CRC attachment can be generated by using a generator polynomia1. As
example this polynomial is used for the generation of the 8 bit CRC attachment.
(4-3 )
With: gCRC8(X) The generator polynomial for the 8-bit CRC
Now consider the input data T
, which can be represented by
t(X) =LTkXk
t(X) Generator polynomial of the input data
Input data
(4-4 )
The polynomial b(X), which will represent the CRC attachment, is the remainder of the modulo-
2 division oft(X) and g(X) obtained from [3]:
t(X)X' =q(X) + b(X)
g(X) g(X)
1 The length of the CRC attachment
b(X) The remainder of the division
g(X) The generator polynomial for the CRC attachment
q(X) The modulus of the division
(4-5 )
The bit sequence, which corresponds to the generator polynomial of the remainder, will be
attached to the input data.
CRC-attachment evaluation
At the receiver site the cyclic redundancy check is performed by the following modulo-2
reX) =q'(X) + b'(X)
g(X) g(X)
(4-6 )
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
the received data plus CRC attachment
the CRC generator polynomial
the remainder of the division
the modulus of the division
If the remainder of the division equals zero, the data plus the CRC-attachments has been
transmitted with no errors. If the remainder is not zero, the received data plus the CRC
attachment contains at least one error.
4.4.3 Channel coding
After the addition of the CRC bits, channel coding is applied. Channel coding improves the
performance by adding redundancy bits. Codes can be divided in two broad categories: block
codes and convolutional codes.
Block codes
A block code is a mapping of k input binary symbols into n output binary symbols.
Consequently the block encoder is a memory-less device ([ 21 ]).
Because n > k, the code can be selected to provide redundancy such as parity bits, which are
used by the decoder to provide some error detection and error correction. The codes are denoted
by (n,k), where the code rate R is defined by:
Convolutional codes
(4-7 )
A convolutional code is produced by a coder that has memory. The convolutional coder accepts
k binary symbols at its input and produces n binary symbols at its output. Where the n output
symbols are affected by v + k input symbols. Memory is incorporated because v> O. The code
rate is defined by R = k / n. Typical values for k and n range from 1 to 8, and the values for v
range from 2 to 60. The range of R is between 1/4 to 7/8. A small value for the code rate R
indicates a high degree of redundancy, which should provide more effective error control at the
expense of increasing the bandwidth of the encoded signal.
Coding in UMTS
In UTRA two channel coding methods have been defined ([ 6 ]):
1. Half-rate and 1/3-rate convolutional coding. This type of coding is used for low
speed data rates. Convolutional coding is based on length 9 coding (the coding
algorithms the last 9 input bits) with the use of tail bits.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
2. 1/3-rate turbo-coding. This type of coding is used for high speed data rates. The
turbo encoding/decoding method is 8 PCCC (Parallel concatenated convolutional
Performance convolutional coding UMTS
The performance of the first type of coding can be evaluated by calculating the union bound for
the BER.
Union bound for the BER ([ 21 ]):
< LWdP
Wd total information weight associated with all paths of distance d.
d path distance
pair wise error probability
Performance parallel concatenated convolutional codes UMTS (PCCC)
(4-8 )
(4-9 )
The performance of the second type of coding can be evaluated by calculating the union bound
for the BER:
For moderate to high EblNo ratio the d
dominates the BER ([ 21 ]):
( 4-10)
W d'fOO total information weight associated with all paths of distance d
Channel coding implementation
The three channel coding techniques have been implemented in the link level simulator. Table
4-2 shows the channel coding types which correspond to the transport channels. In the simulator
the DCH channel is used so all three types of channel coding have to be present.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-lables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
Type ofTrCH Coding scheme Coding rate
BCH Convolutional coding 112
Turbo coding 113
Table 4-2 Channel coding for different TP channels [ 6 I
The two convolutional encoders and their polynomials are shown in Figure 4-9.
Output 0
=561 (octal)
Output 1
= 753 (octal)
(a) Rate 1/2 convolutional coder
Output 0
Go = 557 (octal)
Output 1
1------+-67t---+--..... =663 (octal)
L...--+fft_--+l;&------------toEft---------'ffi--Output 2
=711 (octal)
(b) Rate 1/3 convolutional coder
Figure 4-9 Convolutional encoders in UMTS [ 6 I
The two coding techniques are implemented by using the convolutional encoders which are
present in the Matlab libraries, the decoder is a Viterbi decoder.
The scheme of Turbo coder is a Parallel Concatenated Convolutional Code (PCCC) with two 8-
state constituent encoders and one Turbo code internal interleaver. The coding rate of Turbo
coder is 1/3. The structure of Turbo coder is illustrated in figure 4.
The transfer function of the 8-state constituent code for PCCC is:
G(D) = [1, gj (D)]
go(D) = 1+D
+ D
g](D) = 1+D+D
( 4-11 )
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
1st constituent encoder
Input ---.--'v-4.... < : : t : : ; ; ~ ~
Turbo code
internal interleaver
2nd constituent encoder
Figure 4-10
: _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
Turbo encoder in UMTS [ 6 I
The turbo encoder overview is shown in Figure 4-10. The implementation of the turbo coding
has been performed based on a soft decision turbo code procedure with 8 iterations ([ 22 D.
4.4.4 Modulation
Modulation in UMTS is Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK). The modulation schemes in
the uplink and downlink configuration differ from each other.
Figure 4-11 shows the spreading and modulation of the downlink channel of a UMTS link level
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/1212004
(SF =4,8,16,32,64,128,256)
3.840 Mcps
3.840 Mcps
Scramble Code
3.840 Mcps
3.840 Mcps
SF =128
SF =128
3.840 Mcps/SF
3.840 Mcps/SF
data +
Figure 4-11 Spreading and modulation of the Downlink Dedicated Physical Channel (by DE NAYER, J.
The modulation process of the Downlink channel first converts the unipolar to a bipolar data
stream according to the following rule:
1 ~ - 1
O ~ l
( 4-12 )
After the conversion the data on the odd position numbers of the user data is mapped to the 1-
branch and the data on the even position is mapped to the Q branch as depicted in Figure 4-11.
After the mapping the OVSF codes are applied to the Q and I branch. The scrambling code
generator delivers the scrambling code which can be used by the appropriate user. Pulse shaping
is applied after the scrambling process. Spreading and pulse shaping are discussed in the next
In the downlink the data, which is mapped to the I-branch and Q-branch, consists of user and
control data. The user and control data multiplexed to one data sequence is before modulation.
In the uplink however the user- and control data is not multiplexed to one data sequence. The
modulation in the uplink consists of the mapping of the control data to the I-branch and the user
data to the Q-branch. This implies that the channel bit rates on the I and Q branch may differ. In
the link level simulator 'normal' QPSK modulation is used which resembles the downlink case.
Generating BLER-curves for the uplink case with a Downlink implementation of the
modulation in the simulator is discussed in the next paragraph.
4.4.5 Spreading
Spreading consists of two operations: 'channelisation' and 'scrambling'. The channelisation
function multiplies an orthogonal code with the data on each data channel (one user can set up
several data channels). This function takes care of the real spreading process and provides the
ability for one user to transmit several data channels in parallel while providing maximum
interference reduction because of the orthogonality of the codes. The channelisation operation
also increases the transmission bandwidth; one channel bit is transmitted by several chips. The
number of chips used for one channel bit transmission is equal to the spreading factor. The
relation between the information bit rate and used spreading factor is displayed in Table 4-3.
Generation and analysis ofHLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/1212004
The scrambling function multiplies the spreaded user data with a scrambling sequence, it is is an
unique code for every user. The scrambling code however does not influence the transmission
bandwidth of the signal. The spreading process is depicted in Figure 4-11.
DPDCH spreading DPDCH channel s)'mbol DPDCR channel bit Maximum user
factor rate (kbps) rate range (kbps) data rate with
Y2 rate coding
512 7.5 3-6 1-3 kbps
256 15 12-24 6-12 kbps
128 30 42-51 20-24 kbps
64 60 90 45 kbps
32 120 210 105 kbps
16 240 432 215 kbps
8 480 912 456 kbps
4 960 1872 936 kbps
4, with 3 parallel 2880 5616 2.3 Mbps
Table 4-3 Relation of Downlink spreading factors and bit rates ([ 5 ))
In the uplink different spreading factors are used (see Table 4-4). In the uplink the used
spreading factors have the size of the Downlink because only one branch is used for user data
transport. In the simulator however the Uplink BLER-curves are also generated with the normal
'QPSK modulation'. However for the same information bit rate the used spreading factor is
DPDCR spreading DPDCR channel bit Maximum user data rate with ~ rate
factor rate (kbps) coding (approx.)
256 15 7.5 kbps
128 30 15 kbps
64 60 30 kbps
32 120 60 kbps
16 240 120 kbps
8 480 240 kbps
4 960 480 kbps
4, with 6 parallel 5740 2.3 Mbps
Table 4-4
Relation of Uplink spreading factors and bit rates ([ 5 ))
The channelisation function generates Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor (OVSF) codes by
using the function OVSF.m. This function generates OVSF-codes for a given Spreading Factor
(SF) and the output is a matrix, which each row representing a OVSF code for that SF. The
generation process of the OVSF takes place according to the 3GPP standard 25.213. The code
generation tree is depicted in Figure 4-12.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
Cch 4 0 = (1 ,1 ,1 ,1)
Cch 2 0 = (1, 1)
Cch 4 1 = (l, 1,-1 ,- 1)
1 0 = (l
Cch 4 2 = (l, -1 ,1 ,-1 )
Cch 2 1 = (1, - 1)
Cch ,4,3 = (l, - 1,- 1, 1)
Figure 4-12
1 SF = 2
Code tree generation (source: 3GPP 25.213)
SF = 4
After the generation of the needed OVSF-codes channelisation.m replaces a single input bit with
an OVSF-code or an inverse version of it depending on the value of the bit and the codenumber,
which indicates which of the generated OVSF-codes has to be used.
At the receiver site the used OFSF-code is known for each user, to extract the corresponding
userdata, the OVSF code is multiplied by the received signals. The result of this multiplication
is summed and placed in one array: this array represents the original channel bits.
In the simulator two scrambling functions can be used; one with the use of a complex pseudo
noise sequence and one by generation of a downlink scrambling code described in [8]. The
scrambling code has a length of one frame (see Figure 4-13 ). As stated before the scrambling
code is used to separate signals from different users. However a property of the scrambling code
is that a delayed version of a signal with the same scrambling code is almost uncorrelated to the
un-delayed version. This increases the performance of the Rake receiver, the effect of this
property will be explained in Chapter 5.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
Scrambling code
ser # I ---+
ser # 2 ---+ ser# 3 ---+ F
Frame # I Frame # 2 Frame # 3 Frame #4
c::::J TP Block
Scrambling code
of the user
Figure 4-13 Scrambling time period
4.4.6 Channel model
To explain the channel model first the fading properties which occur are determined, based on
these properties the software implementation of the channel is determined.
Fading of received waves can be divided into two parts [6]:
Large scale fading
Small scale fading
Large-scale fading propagation models predict the mean signal strength for an arbitrary
transmitter-receiver separation distance (several hundreds or thousands meters).
Small-scale fading propagation models characterise the rapid fluctuations of the received signal
strength over very short distances (a few wavelengths) or short time durations. The small scale
fading and the large scale fading is depicted in Figure 4-14. The red line indicates the large scale
fading, the blue line the small scale fading.
Generation and analysis ofHLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
Large and small scale fading
1.5 (])
13 26 39 52
Time in Milliseconds (ms)
65 78 91
Figure 4-14 Small scale and large scale fading
The link level simulator has specific information about the mean signal strength, the
environment of the radio wave propagation, the exact bearer type and interference. I.e. the
simulator is capable of simulating the effect of large and small scale fading. The different types
of fading are depicted in Figure 4-15. The next paragraph gives a short description of the
different types of fading.
Large scale fading
Influences the mean
signal strength over large
Small scale fading
Causes rapid fluctuations ~
of the signal strength over
very short distances
Multipath time delay
Causes flat fading or
frequency selective
Doppler spread
Causes fast fading or
slow fading
Figure 4-15 Classification of fading
Generation and analysis ofHLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
Large scale fading
Large scale fading concerns the fading of the mean signal strength over large distances. The link
level simulator takes this into account by changing the amount of noise addition based on the
SNIR, which is provided by the system level generator. Chapter 4.4.7 provides detailed
information of the noise addition process.
Small scale fading
Depending on the relation between the signal parameters and the channel parameters (such as
RMS delay spread and Doppler spread) different transmitted signals will undergo different types
of fading.
Two causes exist for the small scale fading
Small scale fading due to multipath time delay spread.
Small scale fading due to Doppler spread.
Multipath delay time spread
Multipath delay spread can cause two types of small-scale fading: flat fading or frequency
selective fading.
Frequency selectivefading
Doppler spread
If the mobile channel has a constant gain and linear phase
response over a bandwidth of the transmitted signal, then the
received signal will undergo flat fading.
If the channel possesses a constant-gain and linear phase
response over a bandwidth that is smaller than the bandwidth of
the transmitted signal, then the channel creates frequency
selective fading on the received signal.
Doppler spread can cause two types of small scale fading: fast fading and slow fading.
The coherence time of the channel is smaller than the symbol
period of the transmitted signal. This causes frequency
dispersion (also called time selective fading) due to Doppler
spreading, which leads to signal distortion.
In a slow fading channel, the channel impulse response changes
at a rate much slower then the transmitted signal. In this case,
the channel may be assumed to be static over one or several
reciprocal bandwidth intervals.
Generation and analysis of BLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
Software implementation of fading
As stated before the large scale fading is taken into account by varying the noise power. During
a link level simulation the large scale fading is presumed to be constant because of the slow
varying property of it. The small scale fading is taken into account by the implementation of
Power Delay Profiles (PDP)'s for different environments. The PDP's provide information about
the delays and powers of the (summed) multipath components.
The 3GPP standard ([3GPP ref]), provides three reference PDP profiles which describe specific
environments. When using these PDP's the impulse response can be written as:
her) =La
Rayleigh distributed fading parameter
N Number of distinctive paths
Time delay of the ith distinctive path
The standard provides three reference scenarios:
1. Typical Urban channel model (TUx)
2. Rural Area channel model (RAx)
3. Hilly Terrain channel model (HTx)
( 4-13 )
The PDP's which are provided by the 3GPP are converted to the time chip of the link level
simulator. The used PDP's are given in Table 4-5, Table 4-6 and Table 4-7.
Tap number Relative time Average relative power Doppler spectrum
(/-lsec) (dB)
1 0 -5.7 Class
2 0.2604 -7.6 Class
3 0.5208 -5.4 Class
4 0.7812 -9.3 Class
5 1.3056 -10.9 Class
6 1.566 -14.5 Class
7 1.8264 -15.9 Class
8 2.0328 -20.9 Class
Table 4-5 PDP for Typical Urban channel model (TUx)
Tap number Relative time Average relative power Doppler spectrum
(/-lsec) (dB)
la 0 -5.2
Direct path, Is = 0.71D
Ib 0 -3.1 Class
3 0.2604 -7.5 Class
4 0.5208 -15.4 Class
Table 4-6 PDP for Rural Area channel model (RAx)
Generation and analysis of BLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
Tap number Relative time Average relative power Doppler spectrum
(/lsec) (dB)
1 0 -3.6 Class
2 0.2604 -8.9 Class
3 0.5208 -4.7 Class
4 0.7812 -16.2 Class
5 1.0416 -14.4 Class
6 15.1032 -17.6 Class
7 16.1448 -22.7 Class
8 16.4052 -24.1 Class
9 16.926 -21.2 Class
10 17.7072 -26.3 Class
11 17.9676 -27.2 Class
Table 4-7 PDP for Hilly Terrain channel model (HTx)
The powers of the distinctive paths which are present in the PDP's are presumed to be Rayleigh
faded. In other words every path consists of several waves which are added at the receiver. This
process and the implementation of it in the link level simulator is explained in the following
Stochastic channel using the Rayleigh distribution
In mobile channels, the Rayleigh fading distribution is commonly used to describe the statistical
time varying nature of the received envelope of the signal, or the envelope of an individual
multipath component.
Rayleigh fading is a good description of the fading process in a high-density non-line-of-sight
(NLOS) environment. Rayleigh fading of the envelope occurs when a received signal can be
described as an addition of several waves with a Doppler shift and an uniformly random
distributed phase. If the number of waves is high, then the envelope of the signal is Rayleigh
The probability function of a Rayleigh fading distribution can be described as [ 11 ]:
r "2""""'
p(r) = ;;;-:"
(O:S; r :s; CX)
(r < 0)
( 4-14 )
u The RMS value of the received voltage signal before envelope detection (in case a wave
is considered).
In software simulation there are several ways to generate the effect of Rayleigh fading. Rayleigh
fading can be accomplished by using the addition of two quadrature Gaussian noise signals.
Another way is the addition of several waves which are shifted in frequency. This is called the
Jakes model.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
To generate the effect of Rayleigh fading with the Jakes model; Formula ( 4-15) is used ([ 11
]).If the number of simulated waves (N) is high the results of this Formula can be used to
simulate the Rayleigh fading process and the uniformly distributed phase.
ret) = x(t) + jy(t) =
u=tSin(!!!!.-)COS{21ifd COS(27m)t} + COS(2
VN;+l n=1 N
+ j T"[t Sin(!!!!.-) COS{2
tCOS( 27m )t}
VN; n=1 N
Where N is an odd number and N
is given by
N=!(N -1)
1 2 2
( 4-15 )
( 4-16 )
Figure 4-16 shows the theoretical Rayleigh distribution (R= 1) and the histogram of the
simulation of the amplitude ofa wave using Formula (4-14). The theoretical curve's amplitude
is fitted to the height of the histogram and shows that the form of the theoretical curve
resembles the form of the histogram. This indicates that using Formula (4-14) is a correct way
of simulating amplitude Rayleigh fading.

diSlflbution R =1 .
_ Simulale<lamplilod.
i w_,,,
Figure 4-16 Rayleigh fading distribution
Figure 4-17 shows the corresponding constellation diagrams of the simulation of one Rayleigh
faded wave. In this case the channel is steady only for one symbol period, i.e. the channel
changes every symbol period.
The constellation diagrams in Figure 4-17 show the cumulative points of the transmission of a
thousand user bits.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
Constellation of chips II transmitter
Constellation of chips at receiver
o o
5 o
5 ' - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - '
-5 5 o
_5L- ~ ._J
Constellation of channel bits at transmitter
Consleiati on of channel bits at receiver
: ~
-5 o 5
-5 o 5
Figure 4-17 Constellation diagrams of a single wave with Rayleigh distributed amplitude and uniformly
distributed phase
To simulate frequency selective fading, the structure in Figure 4-18 can be used. The resulting
signal consists of an addition of multiple attenuated components which can be Rayleigh faded.
The first component may be a LOS-component, this is expressed in the figure by the dotted
Rayleigh fading simulator for the first tap.
Input signal s(t)
r------------'I :............
: Rayleigh fading : I', ,
I simulator r - - - - - - - ~ aD " >- - - - - - - - - - -
I I I'
~ - - - - - - I ~ , '
Rayleigh fading
Rayleigh fading
Output signal r(t)
Figure 4-18 Tapped delay line channel model with Rayleigh fading simulators
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
4.4.7 AWGN addition
The AWGN addition function adds noise to the 1- and Q component of the modulated baseband
signal. This function is created using an example function, which is discussed in [ 9 ].
The desired noise level is calculated from the given Eb/NO value. The Eb/NO value stands for
the information bit energy over the spectral noise density. In the simulator the noise is being
added based on a 'measured' channel bit energy over spectral noise density (Ech/NO) value. The
Eb/nO value can be linked to a Ecb/NO value by:
( 4-17)
R = length(CRC) + m
The channel bit energy
The information bit energy
The spectral noise density
the coding rate
the crc rate
length of a TP block
CRC bit sequence
The noise power must be added to the individual chips. The signal-to-noise ratio can be linked
to the Ec/NO value by:
The chip energy
The spectral noise density
Signal power
Noise power
(4-18 )
Also the following relation holds:
( 4-19 )
the spreading factor
The channel bit energy
As stated before the system simulator provides an Eb/No value, in the simulator this is
converted to the Ec/NO ratio. The noise power witch has to be added to the individual chips is
shown by:
Generation and analysis of BLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
N= S
ECB ._1_
( 4-20 )
To calculate the noise power the signal power of the transmitted chips can be calculated
according to:
S =I:(i _data(k)2 + q _data(k)2)
k=1 m . Read . R
. SF
( 4-21 )
i data

array that contains the chips transmitted on the I-branch
array that contains the chips transmitted on the Q-branch
array position number
length of Q and I array
number of bits in one Transport Block
With the Formulas ( 4-9) and ( 4-10) the desired noise power for each chip can be calculated.
The noise is added to each chip as described below.
i_data_AWGN(k) = i_data(k) +attn *randn(I,I)
_AWGN(k) = +attn *randn(l, 1)
attn = . N
( 4-22 )
( 4-23 )
i data

randn( 1, 1)4
array that contains the chips transmitted on the I-branch
array that contains the chips transmitted on the Q-branch
array position number
(Matlab-) function which generates random normally distributed data with
mean = 0 and sigma = 1.
nOIse power
4.4.8 Rake Receiver
The received UMTS signal will consist of an addition of delayed multipath components of the
desired signal and other users plus noise. If the delay between different multipath components is
larger than a chip period then a rake receiver is capable of separating different multipath
components. This can be used to improve the performance of the receiver, as is explained later.
The Rake receiver uses time-shifted versions of the original signal; these are acquired by
different correlation receivers for each multipath component. The different correlation receivers
are called Rake fingers.
4 The Matlab function Randn.m is reset to its initial state at the Matlab start-up. To prevent generation of the same 'random' number
the generator state is changed every to another one.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
The conventional Rake receiver
The conventional Rake receiver uses one single antenna for reception of the signals. This Rake
receiver will be used in mobile user equipment, because it won't be possible to place more than
one antenna on it. Of course considering this downlink situation, the basestation can be
equipped with several antennas.
The main structure of the conventional Rake Receiver is depicted in Figure 4-19 ([ 5 ], [ 10 D:
Figure 4-19 The conventional 3-finger spatial receiver
The signal received considering a Rayleigh fading channel (caused by multipath propagation)
looks like (the dips are caused by fast fading):
Rayleigh fading process
Speed = 120 kmlh, Fc = 2100 Mhz
2.5 .------,..------.--------.--------r------,----.----------,
91 78 65
39 52
Time in Milliseconds (ms)
.... -: :. ... . : ~ .
2 .....
O; 1.5
Figure 4-20 Fast fading channel
Actions undertaken by the Rake receiver to recover the data signals for a user (the downlink is
considered: BS (Base station) to ME (mobile equipment) ([ 5 ], [ 10 D:
1. Detection of significant energy and allocation of correlation receivers.
The Rake fingers (correlation receivers) are time locked to specific time positIons
(multiples of the chip time). These correlation receivers correlate the unique orthogonal
code of the wanted user with the received signal at each finger. The result of this action
is the elimination of the unwanted signal from other users (i.e. it is seen as noise).
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
2. Elimination of signals due to fast fading
After the correlation process only data for the desired user should be remained. But due
to fast fading it might be possible that there are some components false. To eliminate
these components, fast changing phase and amplitude values are tracked and removed.
3. Compensation of the receiver multi-path components
The next step is to correct the phase of the multipath components. This correction takes
place based on channel estimation. A pre-defined preamble is available at the receiver,
so for the receiver it is possible to estimate the channel at each Rake finger, assuming
that the channel is not changing very fast (between reception of the preamble and the
4. Presentation of the corrected signals to the modulator
After the channel compensation is applied, the different corrected signals are summed
and presented to the decoder.
Influence of introducing multiple omni directional antennas
The influence of introducing multiple antennas (at the transmitter site, the BS) will not cause
extra complexity to the conventional Rake Receiver. Introduction of for example two antennas
at the base station will only cause extra components of the transmitted signal at the receiver,
therefore the Rake receiver does not have to be modified. If the number of useful multipath
components exceeds the number of Rake fingers, it's desirable to raise the number of fingers for
a better performance.
Spatial filtering rake receiver
The principle of the spatial filtering rake receiver is the same as the conventional one. The Rake
fingers are still present and are capable of recovering the diversity components of a signal. In
this case though a better performance of the transmission is possible because of the use of an
adaptive antenna system. It is possible to adjust the delay between the different taps to match
the delays of the received multipath components. When the delays of the taps match the delays
of the multipath components it is possible to focus on the signal(s) of interest by adjusting the
antenna pattern. This has a result that the unwanted uncorrelated signals are eliminated. So the
possibility of varying the time delay of the different taps and the option of adjusting the antenna
pattern to the signals of interest, improve the performance of the receiver. The structure of a
spatial Rake Receiver is depicted in Figure 4-21.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tablcs by developing an UMTS link level simulator
L..-__--L..--; Wk,2
~ - _ . . . . I
Figure 4-21 The spatial filtering Rake receiver with Wk,i the beam-former weights
4.4.9 Software implementation of the Rake receiver
The implemented rake receiver is a simplified version of the conventional rake receiver which is
described in the previous paragraph. Perfect timing and allocation of the three most powerful
multipath components is assumed. The recovering process of the original signal can be
described by:
( 4-24 )
c' (t)
the signal after rake reception
The length of the TP block
the spreading code sequence
The complex channel coefficients for the m'th delayed signal
The received signal before rake reception
number of rake fingers
Figure 4-22 shows the implemented receiver structure in the link level simulator. The
implemented receiver undertakes the following action to recover the original signal:
1. Complex multiplication of the received signals with the conjugate of the scrambling
code. This action is performed in each rake finger.
De-spreading of the descrambled signals with the used OVSF code ('c(t)' in Formula ( 4-24))
in each finger.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tablcs by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
2. Complex multiplication with the channel coefficients (' am ' in Formula ( 4-24))
3. Maximum Ratio Combining of the resulting signals at each rake finger.
Because the channel compensation takes place after the de-spreading it is assumed that the
channel estimation period is larger than the used spreading factor. In general this is always the
Rake ~ - decoder
set) x(t) Mllitipath
_ ~ . . . . . - . fadin"
' . . . chann;l
+1 c(t) //
-1 //
<'" Is /
Figure 4-22 Rake Receiver structure in the link level simulator ([ 24 D.
4.5 Channel estimation
The channel estimation function in the link level simulator has perfect knowledge about the
applied channel coefficients; however, these coefficients are only updated once during a channel
estimation period. The longer the channel estimation period the more inaccurate the used
channel coefficients are. The default channel estimation period in the link level simulator is 512
4.6 Power control
As described in Paragraph 3.3 the power control function is essential in the link level simulator
to generate correct BLER-tables for MoDySim. The inner loop of the power control has been
implemented exactly as described in Paragraph 3.1.3; every timestep the received SNIR (in the
receiver) is compared to a target SNIR which is present in the power control function. The
SNIR value will be linked to the SNIR value that is provided by the system simulator. If the
'measured' value is larger than the target value the transmission power will be decreased with 1
dB, if the 'measured' value is lower than the SNIR target, the transmission power will be
increased by 1 dB.
Figure 4-23 shows the 'measured' Eb/NO value in case of one-path Rayleigh fading with an
original Eb/NO of 5 dB and no power control. The figure shows clearly the peaks and dips due
to the Rayleigh fading process. During a dip a lot of errors will occur in the transmitted signal.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
The power control function will decrease the effect of the dips (and the peaks as well) by
adjusting the transmission power. This can be seen in Figure 4-24. This figure shows clearly
that the peaks and the dips have disappeared and the measured Eb/NO value is around the target
Eb/NO value.
MeasuredEBno value with no Po\Wc Control (v = 3 kmlh)
I j
-2 '---------'-
o 100 150

Slot number
Figure 4-23 Measured EblNO value per time slot in case of 1 path Rayleigh fading (v =3km/h)
Power Control effect (v = 3 kmlb)
EbnO meaSl.D"ed
EbnO target
Po\Wc Control iteration numrer
Figure 4-24 Measured EblNO value per time slot vs. EblNO target in case of 1 path Rayleigh fading with
power control (v =3km/h)
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06112/2004
Figure 4-23 and Figure 4-24 are generated in case of a speed of the user of 3 kmIh. At low
speeds of the user the power control will be able to compensate the effect of fast fading very
well. Figure 4-25 shows a one path Rayleigh Fading process at a speed of the user of 30 km/h
with no power control. Figure 4-26 shows the corresponding graph in case of power control.
Already from the figure can be seen that the effect of power control is way less in case of a user
speed of 30 km/h.
.g -2

.s -4
MeasmedEBno value Y.lith no Power Control (v = 30 kmlh)
Slot number
Figure 4-25 Measured EblNO value per time slot in case of 1 path Rayleigh fading (v = 30 km/h)
Power Control effect (v - 30 kmlh)
-8 '---__----1 ---'- ---'- --'- --'-- --'-- -'--- _
o 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Power Control iteration number
Figure 4-26 Measured EblNO value per time slot vs. EblNO target in case of 1 path Rayleigh fading with
power control (v =30 km/h)
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
5 SISO Simulations
5.1 Simulation process
The results in this chapter are generated by using the stand-alone-C version of the simulator.
Most of the simulation results are generated by using a computer cluster. During the simulation
the results are stored in txt files. Post processing of those results is done in the Matlab
environment (Appendix A describes this process in detail).
5.1.1 Statistical reliability
To gain insight in the statistical reliability of the simulation results, confidence intervals are
determined from the simulation results.
A confidence interval gives an estimated range of values which is likely to include an unknown
population parameter, the estimated range being calculated from a given set of sample data.
The BER for a specific EblNO value is calculated based on an average from different loop,
frame and slot transmission. This 'sample mean' will have a probability density function (PDF)
which can be described by [ 15 ]:
( 5-1 )
The true mean value
The standard deviation of a single BER calculation
The number of values that is used to calculated the mean value
In the link level simulator several stochastic processes are present which will cause a variation
of the mean BER value. For example the addition of AWON noise and the addition of several
Rayleigh faded multipath components will determine the overall probability density function of
the average BER value.
Because of the complexity of determining the overall probability function of the link level
results the overall PDF will be presumed normal distributed. Because the average BER value
and its variation differ each during the simulation of different EblNO value, the mean value and
the standard deviation have to be estimated.
In the link level simulator the 95% confidence intervals are implemented. Assuming a normal
distribution the value z can be determined, when z represents the point on the standard normal
density curve.
5 Definition takenfrom Valerie J. Easton and John H. McColl's Statistics Glossarv vl.l
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
-5 -4
-z Z
Figure 5-1 Probability density function of the normal distribution (mean = 0, sigma = 1)
In the case of 95 % confidence levels z equals 1.96. The confidence intervals can be described
confid.intervals =xz * J;; (5-2 )
As stated before the standard deviation of the process is not known and is estimated as well
from the samples, this implies that the correctness of the confidence intervals is dependent on
how close the estimated standard deviation value is to the true value. When using an estimated
value for the standard deviation the sample mean will follow the t-distribution [ 15 ]:
( 5-3 )
The true mean value
The estimated standard deviation of a single BER calculation
The number of values that is used to calculated the mean value
However when a large number of samples is used (n is large) the estimated standard deviation
will match the true standard deviation of the process. In the link level simulator this is
presumed; the confidence levels are calculated based on Formula ( 5-2) and the assumption that
the mean value is normal distributed. Figure 5-2 shows the confidence intervals for a specific
simulation. The blue dots indicate the average estimated BER value and the blue lines the
confidence interval. The red line shows the true average values of the process.
Generation and analysis of BLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
B(L)ER-cur.e QPSK
userbils::: 320,errors::: 100,frame length =38000,ch esti late =512,no fingers=3,lraject=200
Ber-R bit = 10, 256, i cod 0 r
Theoretical QPSK Rayleigh fading cur.e !_
. . __ --:: --;
- - .- - - - -;.. - - .- _. - - , - .- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - - --=- -: ..... - --:: -: - - ,
- - - - - - - -, - - --= - - --:- - ::- - - - - - -- --- - '.- - - - - - - - - - - - ::::..
Eb I NO (dB)
15 20 25
Figure 5-2 Example of the confidence intervals in the link level simulator
SISO simulation results and analysis
Validation simulations
To validate the results of the link level simulator, a number of scenarios has been defined in
which the link level results should match theoretical curves. The next paragraphs show the
derivation of the theoretical AWGN curve in case of QPSK modulation and matched filter
reception. The theoretical Rayleigh fading curve is also determined. Error probability for a binary signal
The received sampled binary signals have two conditional probability density functions (PDF).
Considering the following signal consisting of the transmitted signal and noise:
for a binary 1sent
for a binary 0 sent
ta sampling time
Generation and analysis of BLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
Two PDF's can be identified:
IS1 sent)
IS2 sent)
Assuming that if there was no noise the following relations are valid:
> V
for a binary 1sent
< V
for a binary 0 sent
With V
the threshold value at the receiver site two errors can occur, an error if r
< V
if a
binary I is sent:
( 5-4 )
And an error if r
> V
if a binary 0 is sent:
Now the BER can be calculated:
= P(errorls
sent)P(s1 sent)+ P(errorlS
sent)P(s2 sent)
The source statistics can be considered equally in most cases so:
P(S1 sent) = P(S2 sent) =-
Error probability for Gaussian Noise
( 5-5 )
( 5-6 )
( 5-7)
If the channel noise is assumed a zero-mean Gaussian process and that the receiver processing
circuits, except for the threshold device are linear. Then we know that for a Gaussian process at
the input, the output of a linear processor will also be a Gaussian process.
The two condition probability density functions will look like:
( 5-8 )
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
(5-9 )
( ] " ~ = n ~ = n ~ ( t o ) = n ~ ( t )
So the new BER becomes:
the average power of the output noise from the receiver
processing circuit where the output noise process is wide-
sense stationary.
Reduced with the Q(z) functions:
( 5-11 )
The error can be minimized by choosing the best value forV
The optimum value for V
v _5
+ 5
T - 2
The resulting Bit Error Rate now becomes:
Influence of the matched filter
( 5-12 )
( 5-13 )
Analysing the equation in the last paragraph, it is important at the receiver to maximize the
instantaneous power of the difference output signal at t = to' To do this a matched filter can be
A matched filter is a linear filter that maximizes the instantaneous output signal power at the
sampling time to when compared with the average output noise power.
Two characteristics of a matched filter:
The wave-shape of the signal is known.
Generation and analysis ofHLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
The Power Density Spectrum (PSD) of the additive input noise is known.
For the case of white noise and the wave-shape of the signals are known, the filter needs to be
matched to the difference signal of the transmitted symbols:
( 5-14 )
The output peak signal to average noise ratio is than obtained from the matched filter as:
(5-15 )
the white noise PSD
the difference signal energy at the receiver input
For a binary signalling corrupted with white Gaussian noise, matched filter reception and by
using the optimum threshold setting, the BER is:
( 5-16 )
Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK)
The two base-band signalling waveforms ofBPSK signalling are:
S1(t) = Acos(wet + Be)
S1(t) = -Acos(wet+BJ
o< t ~ T (binary 1)
o< t ~ T (binary 0)
This signal plus white Gaussian noise is present at the receiver input.
To determine the performance of a matched-filter reception, the energy in the difference signal
is determined:
Ed = J[2Acos(w
t + .9J]2 dt =2A
The energy per bit is:
( 5-17 )
Generation and analysis of BLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
The BPSK bit error rate is:
Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK)
( 5-18 )
( 5-19 )
QPSK is a multilevel signalling technique that uses 4 levels per symbol, the QPSK signal may
be represented by:
0< t ~ T ( 5-20)
The QPSK is equivalent to two BPSK signals-one using a cosine carrier and the other a sine
carrier. The QPSK signal is detected by a coherent receiver. Because the two channels of the
receiver are BPSK receivers, the BER for the QPSK receiver is:
( 5-21 )
Theoretical one-path Rayleigh fading curve (QPSK)
The theoretical BER for QPSK in case of one-path Rayleigh fading can also be determined
([ 9 ]). The theoretical BER can be calculated with Formula (5-22 ).
( 5-22) Validation results
The previous paragraph provides two theoretical BER-curves which can be used to validate the
link level simulator. During the validation the latest version of the link level simulator has been
used. Four reference scenarios have been identified to validate the link level simulator.
Generation and analysis of BLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
Reference scenario one
The first reference scenario concerns the simulation of a data transmission from one user with a
channel that contains only pure AWGN. The scenario parameters are displayed in Table 5-1.
The expected BER-curve should match with the theoretical AWGN BER-curve. Figure 5-3
shows the theoretical AWGN BER-curve (solid line) and the simulated values (blue dots). It can
be seen that the results from the simulation match exactly with the theoretical BER-curve.
Scenario parameters Value
Environment One LOS component
Speed of the user Speed of the user influence not active
Type of channel coding Channel coding not active
Spreading factor 32
Table 5-1 Scenario parameters reference scenario one
10. 1 _ =38000.C_h =512,no
-:..: :: .:: :. :: :: =1:: =- _ :::: _' .. Ber R bit _ 50, SF == 32. speed _ 1. i
- -I - - - - ._- .- Theoretical QPSK AWGN CUM
-------------- ._-----------
- :: -=1 :.: :: :: :: =- :: =- - - -= :: :: :: :: '= :: -= :: _ :: :: -::::l ::
- - - - -I - - - - - - - - - - ,_.- .- .- - ---t - - - - - - -
= -= =- = =-= .:::':1 :: :: -= -= '-= ;:; ::: 1= _
. - __ -I - - - ..:. I=--
- - - - - -
.. _--------
---'- --'-- ....--------l
9 10
10; 7: 7 C 7 =: = 7 = '= = =.' =c. = = , = _, '7 7 =C ==='" =C C == ==_,
__ __I -+ -l- - - _ _ _ _ _ ....:. --I -__ - __ - -
-__ ------4--
106L "------L-
o 2 3 4 5
Eb I NO (dB)
Figure 5-3 AWNG reference curve
Reference scenario two
The second reference scenario concerns the simulation of data in a one-path Rayleigh fading
environment with a corresponding one finger Rake receiver. The main scenario parameters are
displayed in Table 5-2. Figure 5-4 shows the simulation results and the theoretical BER-curve
for one-path Rayleigh fading. It can be seen that the results from the simulation (blue dots)
match exactly the theoretical one-path Rayleigh fading curve (red solid line).
Generation and analysis of BLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
Scenario parameters Value
Environment One-path Rayleigh fading
Speed of the user Speed of the user influence not active
Type of channel coding Channel coding not active
Spreading factor 32
Receiver one finger Rake receiver
Table 5-2 Scenario parameters reference scenario two
B(L)ER-cul".e QPSK
usemits = 320,errors :: 100.frame length =38000,ch esli ~ a l e =512,no fingers=1.traject=200
::- _
Eb I NO (dB)
15 20 25
Figure 5-4 One-path Rayleigh fading
Reference scenario three
Reference scenario three includes the use of a three-path Rayleigh fading environment. The
receiver exits of a tree-finger Rake receiver. Because a large spreading factor is used, the
receiver should be able separate all the multipath components and combine them to restore the
original data. This implies that all the simulated values should match the one-path theoretical
Rayleigh fading curve. Table 5-3 shows the main scenario parameters. Figure 5-5 shows the
simulation results for this scenario and it can be concluded that the results from the simulation
exactly match the one-path Rayleigh fading BER-curve.
Scenario parameters Value
Environment Three-path Rayleigh fading
Speed of the user Speed of the user influence not active
Type of channel coding Channel coding not active
Spreading factor 256
Receiver 3 finger Rake receiver
Table 5-3 Scenario parameters reference scenario three
Generation and analysis of BLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
Eb I NO (dB)
Figure 5-5
Reference scenario four
3 path Rayleigh fading curve, 3 rake fingers, large SF
The last scenario is the same as scenario two except an extra receive antenna is added. Table 5-4
shows the scenario parameters and Figure 5-6 the simulation results. Because of the use of two
receive antennas, the simulation results are expected be 3 dB shifted from the one-path
theoretical Rayleigh fading BER-curve. Figure 5-6 shows this expected shift.
Scenario parameters Value
Environment One-path Rayleigh fading
Speed of the user Speed of the user influence not active
Type of channel coding Channel coding not active
Spreading factor 32
Receiver Two receive antennas, one finger Rake
Table 5-4 Scenario parameters reference scenario four
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
userbHs =: 320,errors =: 100,fT'ame length =30,ch esli update =512,00 fingers=1,lrajecl=400

10':=- =- :::: ::::. :::: := :::: :::: :::::::: :::: :::: =:::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::. ::::. _:::: =- :::: ::::. :::: :::: :::::::: :::: :::: -=- _
- - - - - - - _: - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -
Eb I NO (dB)
15 20 25
Figure 5-6 One path Rayleigh fading curve with 2 receive antennas
5.2.2 Influence parameter settings
This paragraph shows the SISO simulation results for different parameter settings of the link
level simulator. The confidence levels are not shown in these simulation results to increase the
visibility of the real simulation results. However, the confidence levels are smaller than in
previous simulation results in this report (for example in Figure 5-6). The results in this section
are generated with the C-compiled version of the simulator (see Appendix A: The user manual)
on a cluster of computers. Within in the same simulation time, more reliable results were
The parameters setting which are used in the simulations are listed in Table 5-5. The paragraph
is dived into two sections: results without power control and results with power control.
Scenario properties Interface parameters Parameter options
Environmental properties Environment Hilly Terrain (Htx) (envir =1)
Rural Area (Rax) (envir = 2)
Typically Urban (Tux) (envir = 3)
User properties Speed of the user 0.13 m/s
13.83 m/s
33.33 m/s
69.3 m/s
Bearer type properties Type of channel coding No coding (cod = 0)
1/2 convolution coding (cod = 1)
1/3 convolution coding (cod = 2)
1/3 turbo coding ( cod = 3)
Spreading factor 8,16,32,64,256
Table 5-5 Parameter setting SISO simulation results overview
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by deYeloping an UMTS link leYel simulator Without power control
This paragraph shows the result of SISO simulations without power control. Each set of
simulations includes the simulation results of the parameter setting displayed in Table 5-6.
Scenario properties Interface parameters Parameter options
Environmental properties Environment Typically Urban (Tux)
User properties Speed of the user 0.83 m/s
Bearer type properties Type of channel coding No coding
Spreading factor 256
Table 5-6 Parameter setting which is present in all simulation sets
SISO results with variation of the spreading factor
Figure 5-7 shows the SISO simulation results for different spreading factor. All the other
parameter settings are kept constant. The solid red line in the figure shows the theoretical one-
path Rayleigh BER curve. It can be seen that all the curves are almost parallel to the theoretical
curve for a large range. At high EblNO values all the curves end with a threshold value. The
larger the SF is, the lower the threshold value is. This can be explained by the fact that the Rake
receiver is better to separate the multipath components when the SF is large. This can be
explained by Formula ( 4-24 ); the received signal which is present in each finger contains next
to noise also shifted versions of the original data signal. After the de-spreading (the integral in
Formula ( 4-24 )) extra noise will be present because of these signals. When the spreading factor
is large, this noise contribution will be less. This is an effect of the de-spreading process in
H( Ljl:R-<.:urv.: QPSK '\:!O. JOO. Inune knglh 300, Channd updmc period 512, no l'Ulcrs 3. lmlCe! length 400
r f .
i I I
-----,- ------ -,
_________ J. L____ I
t'._- I :
10 I r.. ...c. __ - ::: ==-= :1 ==-= = -= == -= -= '::- =- = -= -= -= =- =-=- -=- '::- -=- =- -= :::
E _... L. i-
l ---- --: --_. _c -=- - -= :::: -= :::: -= = - - - - - - - - - = = = = =
- - - - -I - - - - - -f. -"'-,,- - -- - I'" - - - - - - - - - _. -- _. - r _. - - -
128.SF OKJ.cod"jr 3
BerRbll 12.SF 256..,>pccd OKI.cnd O..... IlVlr I
Ber R bll 256. Sf- K. 0 KJ. cod O. l'IlVlr \
Her R bil - ,31. Sf 64. OKJ. O. 3
Her R bll 384. Sf K. >peed OK3. O. cnVl1 -"
H<:r R hll 64. Sot- 12. 'pct:d - 0.8]. end O. CDVlr J
rhCOrdJcal RayleJgh Jadlngcllf"c
_____1 J __""'_''',__ L _
_. 1. _
-= --= --= -=1 == =-:: j =::::. .::::. :.
---= :: -= .: =1 ==- -: :: :::: J =- =- =- =- =- r =- _
- - - - -1- - - - - I - - - - - r - -
- - - _..- - - .- - .- - 'I - - - - - I'
.=".= ==-===-===--=-1.===-=-
- - - - :: =-= =- ====I ====-=:
,- =- ==- :::::::: :::: :::: :::: :::: f :::: :::: ::::
- - - - -I - - - - - I - - - - - r .- - .- .- - - -'-'-, - - -- - .- - - - T - - - -
Figure 5-7
- - - - -1- - - - - 1 - - - .- .- r - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - T .- - - -
-= ::: =- ==1 =- _ =:::: ::: :! = ====c :::: :::: :::: =:::: :::: :::: -= :::: :::: :::: :::: -= ,= :::: :::: I -= :::: :::: :::: :::: =
_____1__. J __ ... __ L 1. _. _
10 1 J __. _..__. L
=- ====1 ====:: J =:: _.: r:::::: -:: -:: :: :: -= -= :: -= =- :: :: -= - - =- t :: -= _= --= --=:
- - - - -1- - - - - ---t - -. - - - t- .- - - - - - - - - - --< - - - - T - - - - --

I " f
1 1 1 1
.- - - - - - - - -t - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
10' 1.._ l 1 1
o 10 15 20 :!S JO 35 l\{) (dBl
SISO results without power control for different information bit rates
Generation and analysis of BLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
SISO results with variation of the environment
Figure 5-8 shows the SISO simulation results in case of the variation of the environment. The
environment is incorporated by using different PDP's profiles for different environments. Figure
5-8 shows that in the results it mainly concerns a shift from the theoretical Rayleigh fading
BER-curve. The rural environment delivers the best performance. This can be explained by the
presence of a Line-Of-Sight (LOS)-component in the Power Delay Profile (PDP).
B(L)ER-curve QPSK: userbils -= 32U, errors -= ]OU. frame length ""JOU. Channe1update period --'5l2, no ringers=oJ. traJect lcnglh =400
~ ) - ,
10 - - --= .-::
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - ..... ~ " ' - -- - - .- - - - - --
_ ------ ---------- - - - - ------
Ber R bit = 12, SF - 256, speed - O.R3. cod ~ O. cnvir - 1
Ber RbIt - 12, ~ T - 256. speed - U.R]. cod - O. cnvir -= 2
BCT R bit - 12, SF"'" 256. speed - (1.10. cod - n. cnvir -= J
Theoretical Rayleigh rading curve
1U 15 20
Eb I NO (dBI
25 10 }5
Figure 5-8 SISO results without power control for different environments
SISO results with variation of the user speed
Figure 5-9 shows the SISO simulation results in case variation of user speed. The speed of the
user is incorporated in the link level simulator by the Doppler frequency which changes the
channel coefficients faster when the speed of the user is higher. The channel estimation period
does not change during a change of the speed of the user, this implies that when the speed of the
user is high, the channel estimation coefficients will differ from the real channel coefficients
more than compared to a low user speed. Figure 5-9 shows that the speed of the user causes a
threshold value at high EblNO values. If the speed of the user increases the threshold value
increases as well.
Gcncration and analysis of 8LER-tablcs by dcveloping an UMTS link lcvel simulator
B( L)ER-curvc QPSK. ll-.;t::rblts - 320. errors - JOO. thltnc length -100. Channel upd1te penod -512, no Irajcl:l knbrth -400
Iii =- ==:..:: =-:! =:..:: -= -= :1- .-: :. -= =1=:..:: =-:..:: =t: =:..:: ==-.::: =- =- =- =- =-:..:: =- =-:

_____ .1 _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ . . _
:: 10

, I
- ,_ - - - =- --:: I:. ::: =- -= -= ::: =. =- =:::
- - - - + - - - >.. - - - - - 1- .- "- - - - - - - - - - - .-
- - - + - - - - - - - - - - I--
-------- -- -_.__._---
Ber Rblt 12, SF -256. -0.10. cOlj-O.cllvir - 3
Ber R bit - 12, SF = 256. speed - 13.1\:<. cod - I). envlI - 'l
Bel" R bil - 12, Sf - 256, speed - JJ.J1. cod II. Cn\'lr-
Ber R bll 12, SF 256. speed _. /l9 44. end 1I. cnvir - 1
Theoretical Rayleigh t:1dmg curve
00 10 _ -= =. == == =-= -=1 -= .::: = :: -=- 1= == :: -= -= -= :::: =.:. ::: _ -"- _ ----
=-= ::-: = - I -= ::-: -= -= =1 =. -:: ::: :: .:: I=.- '':: -= ==:::: ::: -= :=. :. .:: _ -::
______ l I _
I 1 1
10 - -- -- - - T - - - - -I - 1
I ,
III 15 20
Eb / NO (dB)
25 JO 35
Figure 5-9 SISO results without power control for different user speeds
SISO results with variation of the channel coding type
Figure 5-10 shows the SISO simulation results for different types of channel coding. It can be
seen that the channel coding does not affect the shape of the BER-curve a lot. This can be
explained by the fact that channel coding adds extra redundancy bits to the original data rate; the
coding algorithm will increase the performance of the transmission, but the number of bits that
have to be transmitted increases as well. Due to the definition of the Eb/NO value the average
power per bit will decrease as well. Figure 5-10 shows that the gain which is achieved due to the
channel coding is compensated by the energy decrease per bit. This implies that the resulting
curves will not vary a lot from the curves without channel coding.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06112/2004
B(LjER-cUfve QPSK: userbus -0 321, errors- JOO, frame length <'00. Chal1l1elupdatc period -512, no fingcrs-3. traJccl length -4011
Ber R bit 12, SF 0 256, specd ..." 0.1:<3. cod _. ll, envlr 3
Ber R bit = 12, SF = 256, speed = 0.1:<3. cod = I. envir 3
Ber R bit - 12, SF..." 256, speed 0.1:<3, cod..." 2. envir - 3
Bcr R bil - 12, SF "'0" 256. :-'llecd - 0.1:<3. cod - 3, envir - 3
Theoretical R<lyleigh f<lding curve
1 1 1
:::- - - - -'-:;,,; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -;- - - - - - 1- - - --
- - - - - - . - - - --i - - - - - - ,- - - - - - - ...:. - - - + - - '.- -
1 1 1
- - - - - - -- - -- - -J--- -"--- - - - - -
, - - - - - - - - - - ---l - - - - - - - - - - - - t- - - - - - + - -- - -- _.
.- - - - - - - - - - - - ---1 - - - - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - - + - - - - -
10 - -j f
____________ _ L l _
1 1
1 1
1 1
I. 1
1 r
I _ I I
=== ====== == == ===: === ==
I "1'
I 'I"
l _

____________ J ....:L 1
__ -.J . L ._ _ _ _ _ l.. _ ..__. _
------- ---1- -----------r-----1-----
i I I
[0 is 2(J 25
Eb' NO (dB)
" 10

Figure 5-10 SISO results without power control for different types of coding With power control
This paragraph concerns the SISO simulation results in the case the power control function is
active. The number of results with power control is still limited. As stated before the power
control will affect the SISO results mostly when the speed of the user is low. In this case the
power control function will be able to compensate for the fast fading effect as is explained in
paragraph 3.1.3.
SISO results with variation of the user speed
Figure 5-11 shows the effect of power control for different user speeds. At low speeds (for
example 0.83 ms) the power control can compensate for the effect of fast fading very well. This
implies that the BER-curve will tend more towards the theoretical AWGN BER-curve. Figure
5-11 shows that the blue curve more tends towards the blue solid AWNG curve than the
theoretical Rayleigh fading curve. Due to the fact that the power control adjusts the transmission
power with quite large steps the simulated curve will never generate a perfect match with the
theoretical AWGN curve. For larger speed of the users it can be seen that the curves more tend
towards the theoretical Rayleigh fading BER-curve.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
B(LIER-curve no. - 30(J, frame length. -\0000. Ch.,mnclllpUalo: period -512. no fingers-J. If<JjcL1 length -[00


10 15 20
25 JII 15
Figure 5-11 SISO results with power control for different speeds of the user
Comparison with SISO simulation results from literature
Comparison of the simulation results with ones that can be found in literature is difficult.
Definitions of the used energy ratio (for example the EbINO) may differ, also the implemented
link level chain may vary (for example different PDP's are used to model the environment or
the stepsize of the power control function is different). However, this paragraph contains a
global comparison with simulation results with power control from literature.
The results which are used for comparison are taken from [ 25 ], but can also be found in an
Eurescom project document ([ 26 D. Figure 5-12 shows the effect of the user speed on the
EblNO value which is needed to achieve a BLER of 10% in case a packet data is being
transmitted with 480 kb/s. The parameter setting of the simulations differ from the one that is
used to generate Figure 5-11, also the used PDP's are different from the ones that are used in the
developed simulator. However it can be seen that the overall effect is the same: if the speed of
the user increases the required EblNO increases as well.
Figure 5-13 shows the effect of the user speed on the EblNO value which is needed to achieve a
BER of 0, 1% in case of voice transmission of 8 kb/s. Again a different parameter setting is used
in this simulation. However it can be noticed that the effect of the speed of the user does not
greatly influence the BER until a speed of 200 km/h has been reached. This is explained be the
fact that at speeds between 25 and 250 km/h the power control function and the channel
estimation function become less effective and less precise but the effectiveness of the
interleaver in spreading the error bursts increases and therefore the system working point
remains rather independent of the user speed in this region ([ 25 D. At user speeds more than
250 km/h the channel will change to fast for the power control and channel estimation to be
From this comparison it can be concluded that the SISO simulation results with power control
have to be extended to make a final comparison with simulation results which can be found in
literature ([ 17 ], [ 25 ], [ 26 D. However, it can be seen that the results in literature and the ones
Generation and analysis of BLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
from the developed simulator both show that in the case of large user speeds the performance of
the system decreases because of the fast change of the channel.
1000 10 100
Mobile speed (km/hr)
-- Outdoor-to-indoor A
-- Outdoor-to-indoor B
+--------+------l-6- Vehicular A
-0- Vehicular B
8 0
a:: 7



Figure 5-12 Downlink system working point for UDD 480 kb/s service (113 convolutional coding, SF =4,
interleaving = tOms) [ 25)
1000 10 100
Mobile speed (kmlhr)
, , , , , . , ... ,
. , . , , ",. " .. , , " , .. ,
--------------------------------------------------- . , . , .... , ,.' .. , ,., ,," ....
, . , .. , '" ,
, , . ,. ,., ,

, I ,. "
Outdoor-to-indoor A +
Outdoor-to-indoor B .:.
Vehicular A .:. J __J
Vehicular B : ::::: :: ::: ::
T1__,__, -,-,-,-,-,,-,---,-_...J-:- :-:-:-1-;-----:---:- -:-;-;::
------.---T- - r '-r lili------r---.--'--,- )-I-(ir-----'---r j-r-.-r 11
I I I I I I III I I I I I "1' 'I I I II It


.... 15
is' 10

Figure 5-13 Downlink system working point for 8kb/s voice data service (113 convolutional coding, SF
=128, interleaving = 20ms) [ 25)
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link leve! simulator 06/12/2004
5.2.3 Parameterisation of the SISO link level results
The number of BLER-tables which has to be present to the system level simulator is large. With
the present parameter settings the amount of BLER-tables is 144. To increase the manageability
of the results it might be desirable to parameterise the generated BLER-tables. For that reason
linear parameterisation has been investigated.
Analysis of the BLER-tables shows that all generated curves (on a logarithmic scale) can be
described by two straight lines as is depicted in Figure 5-14. The fist line describes the slope of
the BLER-curve, the second line describes the threshold value of the BLER-curve for high
EblNO values. As Figure 5-15 shows, the slopes and the threshold values differ for every
parameter setting. Based on this conclusion the following linear parameterisation functions can
be established:
Slope value =fCcoding type, environment type, speed of the user, spreading factor) ( 5-23 )
Threshold value =fCcoding type, environment type, speed of the user, spreading factor) (5-24)
BIL )ER-"':UfH QPSK. us...:rbits"'" 320. <:rrors )O(), frame length "'"JOn, Channel upuatc pcnou no ringers"), Ira.lcd lcn
J1:h -,.400
Line # 2
25 15 20
Ebi NO (dBI
'or- -- ---:--- -- ------ ----- -:- -----
............ _ - - - - I - - - - - i- - - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - I" - - - - -I - - - - - I TheoretIcal Rayleigh fading curvr
'0' - -:- - - - -, - - - - - - - i-----:- -----
._ .1 _ _....... _ _ _ _ _ L _ ... I _
- -= -= -= - -= - -= -= =: -= -= -= -=
' , ' ....
CO I I .......
""I :-: ':--------:: :c: : : : :': : : ..........
"'1::::,_:_ .::-::::::::::::f::_ __ Li,,"
..... __ __ -l. _ - - - - 1-_ _ _ _ _ +- - -_I __
I , ,
10 I L j
fl 5 10
Figure 5-14 Linear parameterisation orthe SISO results without power control
To identify the linear parameterisation coefficients a Matlab program has been written. This
program determines from all generated BLER-curves the slope values and the threshold values.
Based on the (scenario) parameter settings it tries to find the linear parameterisation
coefficients. However, the results of this linear parameterisation method are not very promising.
It showed that linear modelling of the slope and threshold values is not valid for these curves.
An explanation for this failure is that the effect of a change in one specific scenario parameter is
dependent on the other scenario parameters. For example change of the speed of the user in a
rural environment will affect the BLER-curves differently than in an urban environment.
Generation and analysis of BLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
B(L)ER-curv..: QPSK: usl'rbits - no, - 300. frame knglh Channel upll'He period --'-512, 110 lraJcd Icnbrth -400
_ t _
:: :I =:: : :: S::: ===:: =:: :: =:: ==:1= =:: :: :: :: :: =======
-r ---- -- --,- ----- -r
1 ,I
1- - - - - - - - - - - - - --" -iJ-
- - - - - - - - - _. - - ""'-
- t - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - -- - . -- - --
- -
1- - -

.. _.... _-------
-= ==- =!: ==-= =::::! -= =- =-= ='-:: -= -= "=:
Ber R bit - 12. SF - 25f>. spCl"d OK1. cod U, cnvlr J
Ber R bll - J 2. Sf - 256. speed 1.1 ,KI<, cod - 0, envlI' J
Ber R bit - 12. Sf - 256. 'ip..::cd - 3.L13 , cod - O. envlr - 3
Btr R bit J 2. Sf 256, speed - 6'1.44, cod'""' 0, enVlr - '3
The()Tel iea! Raykigh fading curve

Threshold values

lS 3U 25 I{)
Slope values ---+1
Figure 5-15 Linear parameterisation of the SISO results without power control
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
6 SIMO Link level simulator
As stated in the introduction one of the goals of this study was to investigate the effect of
multiple antennas. This concerns the effect of multiple antennas on the BER/BLER-curves and
indirect the effect of multiple antennas on the interface between link and system level simulator.
Paragraph Paragraph 6.2 describe the extension of the SISO link level simulator to the
SIMO link level simulator.
6.1 Channel modification
The channel model of the SISO simulator consists of tapped-delay line with dependent Rayleigh
fading simulators (see Figure 4-18). The average powers of the delay signals are obtained from
the power delay profiles provided by 3GPP.
The current implementation of the SIMO model uses the SISO PDP's as well, it is assumed that
all the distinctive multi-path components have a different Direction of Arrivals (DOA's). This is
visualized in Figure 6-1.
The receiver (the uplink considered) is equipped with several antennas. Signals with the same
DOA's will be received with a different phase shift at each antenna. The antenna spacing is
assumed to be ,,1/2 and the number of receive elements is four. Formula ( 6-1 ) describes the
signals from one multi-path component arriving at one antenna element (at the k'th snapshot)
([ 23 D.
(k) = Ls;Ck)e-j2ff(dmIAc)SinB; + n
( 6-1 )
Distance of the m'th antenna element measured from the reference antenna
The different arriving signals
Incident angle of Si (k)
Wavelength at the carrier frequency
Noise addition
The received signal at the antenna elements can be expressed in matrices as shown in Formula
( 6-1 )
( 6-1 )
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06112/2004
S m X n matrix, columns contain the signals from different directions, rows contain the
different samples.
A m x n matrix, columns contain the phase shifts due to the positions of the receive
antennas, rows contain the DOA's from the different arriving signals.
Y m x n matrix, columns contain the different samples, rows contain the signals which
arrive on the different antenna elements.
#1 #2 #3
Figure 6-1 SIMO Channel model
_ ,
SISO Rake :
... -_ ....
_ ~ : : ~ ~ ~ J
1-- - .. - -- - .. - .. - ---,
: S1S0 Rake :
____ .J "''" _
l _ ~ : : ~ ~ ~ .. ~ .... __ .. J
separa.te signals
. from different
6.2 Receiver modification
The receiver has been extended with a space-processing block which can be seen in Figure 6-1.
The current implementation uses the same time processing block as the SISO simulator. Future
extensions may include the design of one space-time block function in the simulator. This will
decrease the computing time of simulations.
The beamforming algorithm which is implemented is Maximum Ratio Combining (MRC). This
algorithm only uses the DOA's of the wanted signals (multipath components from the desired
user) and does not cancel out the multipath components of the interferers. The algorithm is
expressed in Formula ( 6-2).
(6-2 )
In case ofMRC: W = A
Y m x n matrix, columns contain the different samples, rows contain the signals which
arrive on the different antenna elerrx.nts.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
W m X n matrix, columns contain the phase shifts due to the positions of the receive
antennas, rows contain the DOA's from the different arriving signals.
S m x n matrix, columns contain the signals from different directions, rows contain the
different samples.
Generation and analysis of BLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
7 SIMO simulations results and analysis
7.1 Simulation process
The SIMa results have been obtained by running simulations for a given spread of the multi-
path components of the user and the interferer. This implies that a BER/BLER curve is only
valid for one specific angular profile of user and interferer multi-Qath cQmponents. The SIMa
results will be presented in the normal BER/BLER-curve with an according beamforming
7.1.1 Angular spread of the multi-path components
The simulation of a SIMa situation requires additional information about the arriving multi-
path components. DOA's from each multi-path component from the user and interfere have to
be known for a correct simulation of the scenario.
True DOA's from the multi-path components can only be obtained from measurements or ray-
tracing models. However these options are not available to the link level simulator therefore a
stochastic model is used. An average angular spread of the multi-path components is related to a
environment ([ 14 D. Every simulation DOA's of the multi-path components are determined by
using the angular spread of the multi-path components. The angular spread of the multipath
component for different environments are listed in Table 7-1. This table however is not
complete for all environments. However for the intended simulations this angular spread
information will be sufficient
~ ~ !
Urban 15
Table 7-1 Angular spread of multi-path components connected to environments
7.2 Simulation results
7.2.1 Without power Control
Figure 7-1 shows a SIMa situation in case there exits a large separation of the user and
interferer multipath components. Figure 7-2 shows the corresponding BER-curve. It can be
concluded that the BER-curves resembles the one without the use of multiple antennas; in this
case the beam-forming pattern shows that the space algorithm is able to isolate the user signals.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tablcs by developing an UMTS link level simulator
90 - -
Figure 7-1 Beamforming pattern (the desired user multipath components are red, the multipath
components from the interferes blue)
userbils ::: 320,errors::: 100,frame length =3800a,ch esti update =512,no fingers=3.trajecl=100
- - - _1- ... _
- - - - - - - 1- -
::':1::: --:. :: ~ -= = = =::: ::: ::: =::: - - - - -
- - __ - - - _I . _
- - - .- - - - 1- - - - - - - -1-
~ , - - , - , -,' --
,] ._' : c _
10 15
Eb I NO (dB)
Figure 7-2 SIMO results without power control
Figure 7-3 shows a beam-fonning pattern that is not able separate the interfering multipath
components from the desired user multipath components. The corresponding BER-curve
(Figure 7-4) shows a decrease in performance (almost 5 dB) compared to the scenario in which
good user separation is possible.
Beamformer of the user
I 5 '
" l
, (
Angle in degrees
Figure 7-3 Beamforming pattern (the desired user multipath components are red, the multipath
components from the interferes blue)
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
B(lIER""",, QPSK
userbits == 320,ooor5 = 100,frame length =38000,ch esti updale =512,no fingers=3.traject=100
10' .-----_-
-,,,,,,,cc """ ,ro," "'"""_-"""', _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Theoretical QPSK Rayleigh fading _

__ 1 -J _
, ,
, ,
10' , ' 'J



- _I __
., -

Ebl NO (dB)
15 20 25
Figure 7-4 SIMO results without power control
Generation and analysis ofHLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
8 Conclusions and recommendations
8.1 Conclusions
The research in this project has provided qualitative insight in the link level chain of UMTS
transmission and link level simulations in general. The key parameters that influence the link
level performance have been identified and the individual effect of the parameters has been
studied. A complete overview of the effect of different parameter settings has been given,
current literature does not provide in such an overview as already noticed in ( [ 12] ).
Regarding the interface between system and link level simulation it can be stated that a clear
interface has been defined for the 'SISO case' and conclusions and recommendations for the
'SIMO case' have been made.
8.1.1 SISO link level simulator
First the conclusions regarding the influence of parameter settings of the link level chain are
discussed, secondly the conclusions regarding the interface with the system simulator are given.
At the end of this paragraph the conclusions regarding the parameterisation process will be
Parameter influences in the SISO link level simulator
The 'information bit rate' is a parameter in the link level simulator that does influence the
performance of the link. The information bit rate concerns the bit rate of the user data, which is
generated in the first block of the simulator.
Based on the information bit rate an appropriate spreading factor is selected, the length of the
SF is responsible for the effect to the BERIBLER curves. It is observed that the larger the SF,
the better the performance will be. In the simulation results without power control it can be seen
that the threshold value (which is present in most of the cases) is related to the length of the SF.
The cause of this effect is a better separation of the different multi-path components in the Rake
receiver when the SF is large.
In UMTS three types of 'channel coding' have been defined: 1/2 convolution coding, 1/3
convolution coding and 1/3 turbo coding. The effect of the Eb/NO curves in the case of no
'power control' is small in the BERIBLER-curves. The gain which is obtained by the effect of
the coding algorithm is annihilated by the energy decrease per chip because of the coding rate
(more chips have to be transmitted to transfer the original user data). In the case of power
control the effect of channel coding is more visible due to the lack of deep fading dips (more
stable SNIR) the coding algorithms perform better.
As described in the report the effect of the different 'Environments' is simulated by the use of
different Power Delay Profiles (PDP's) for each environment. The PDP's include delay and
power information for the different multi-path components. Differences in these delays and
power can cause extra noise in the receiver, because the number of rake fingers is limited. The
rural environment delivers the best performance, mainly because a LOS-componept is present in
the PDP.
Generation and analysis ofHLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06112/2004
The 'speed of the user' parameter has a large influence on the overall BERIBLER curves. This
can be explained by the fact that the channel which is experienced by a user will change based
on the speed of the user. In the simulations without power control the effect of the speed of the
users is present because of imperfect channel estimation. A large speed of the user implies a fast
change of the channel and this implies that the channel estimation will be less accurate.
In the case power control is active, another effect of the speed of the user is noticeable. As
stated before, when the speed of the user is low the channel will change slowly. This implies
that the power control will be capable of compensating the effect of fast fading. At low speed
this means that the generated BLER-curves more tend to the AWGN theoretical curve than to
the Rayleigh theoretical curve.
It was shown that a comparison of the simulation results with ones that can be found in
literature is difficult. Definitions of the used energy ratio (for example the EbINO) may differ,
also the implemented link level chain may vary (for example different PDP's are used to model
the environment or the stepsize of the power control function is different). However, a
comparison with simulation results with power control was given in paragraph
Interface conclusions SISO
The interface between the link and system simulator for the SISO case has been clearly defined.
The main conclusions of the interface study are that the power control function is absolutely
needed in the link level simulations even if the power control is present in the system level
simulator. The energy ratio (EbINO) which is used to select a BLER-value is an average value
over a period which is longer than the period of the power control. This implies that the power
control is namely able to compensate for the fast fading even during the period over which the
EblNO is averaged.
Regarding the output SNIR value of the system simulator it can be concluded that it is most
desirable that the Rayleigh fading process is disabled in the system simulator. The other option
to use the current SNIR output requires a transformation of the output SNIR to a SNIR which
can be used by the link level simulator but will cause extra unreliability.
The parameterisation of the generated results has been researched: it was shown that without
power control, the curves can be described by a slope- and a threshold variable. A linear fitting
program has been designed to identify the model coefficients. However it showed that based on
the generated results, a linear modelling process does not provide coefficients that are suitable
to generate the results with a high reliability. Non-linear modelling might provide better
coefficients which can be used to parameterise the results.
In the case of results with power control, no parameterisation research has been started. First
observations show that a further (analytical) study is needed to find out what parameters can be
used to characterize the BLER-curves.
8.1.2 SIMO link level simulator
First the conclusions regarding the influence of parameter settings are discussed, afterwards the
conclusions regarding the interface with the system simulator are discussed.
SIMO link level simulator
The SIMO link level simulator is equipped with one space-time algorithm; Maximum Ratio
Combining in combination with a Rake Receiver. This algorithm is used to study the effect of
beam-forming on the link level results. Simulation results show that the performance of the
Generation and analysis of BLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
beam-forming process is very dependent on the angle of arrivals of the different mUlti-path
components from the desired user and its interferers. In other words if an average improvement
due to effect of multiple antennas is calculated, the average value will have a large standard
Interface SIMa
As stated before, the angle of arrivals of the multi-path components of the user and the
interferers have a large influence on the performance. This indicates that when linking the
system simulator to link level simulator results, without a parameter that describes the position
of the wanted and unwanted interfering signals, the performance improvement calculation will
be very inaccurate with respect to the real world situation.
To simulate the effect of multiple antennas in the system- and link level simulator in a proper
way two options have been identified:
Option I: Introduce an extra parameter which gives information about the angle of arrivals of
the signals. This extra parameter can be used by the system simulator to select an appropriate
BLER-table which has been generated with the same parameter value.
Option 2: Perform an effective SNIR calculation in the system simulator. This implies that the
gain which is obtained by the use of multiple antennas is incorporated in the SNIR-value which
is used to select a SISO BLER-table. Using this option requires research of the SISO and SIMO
BER/BLER tables. This option namely implies that SISO and SIMO-curves should have more
or less the same shape and the SNIR improvement between the SISO and SIMO results should
correspond to the effective SNIR calculation which has to be performed in the system level
8.2 Recommendations
The recommendations paragraph is spilt into two sections: one section containing the
recommendations regarding the SISO simulator and one section regarding the SIMO simulator.
SISO link level simulator
To gain more insight in the effect of the different parameter settings in the link level simulator,
the research has to be extended with an analytic approach. Some literature focuses on the
analytical modelling of for example fading process ([ 13 ]). An analytical approach will also
provide insight in the non-linear modelling process of the link level results.
The number of SISO simulations results with power control is still limited. Extending the
number of simulations with power control will provide the option make a more precise
comparison of the simulation results with the ones that can be found in literature ([ 17 ], [ 25 ], [
26 ]).
A topic that could be investigated more could be the effect of over-sampling the channel. A
more precise implementation of the PDP's can be achieved and also the effect of pulse shaping
may be investigated, although literature shows that the effect is little in DS-CDMA systems in
case ofjust AWGN ([ 16 ]).
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
8.2.1 SIMO link level simulator
The current number of SIMO simulation results is limited, the recommendation is to generate a
large number of SIMO simulation results with different angular spreads of the user and
interferer multipath components. This will provide insight in the shape and the 'EbINO' shift
based on a certain angular spread as explained in the conclusions. Especially this will provide
information about the feasibility of incorporating the effect of multiple antennas in the system
level simulator.
The current SIMO link level simulator is only equipped with one space-time algorithm, it might
be desirable to investigate the effect of other algorithms as well. The resulting BLER-curves
may differ in shape and EblNO shift.
For future developments it is desirable that the receiver is not split into two parts: the 'space'
and 'time' equalisation blocks (like a the current implementation). When designing a space-time
algorithm from scratch in a link level simulator, the use of optimized matrices will increase the
manageability of the different variables and may increase the speed of the simulations.
Regarding the current development in the 3GPP standardisation process and the developments
in the B4 project it is desirable to study the link level effect of MIMO systems as well.
Extending the link level simulator to a MIMO situation requires the insertion of a space-coding
block, a MIMO channel and a space coding receiver. A very extended MIMO Matlab channel
model is already available in literature ([ 14 ]).This channel model may be used as a guideline
for the development of a own specific MIMO channel model.
Generation and analysis of BLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
9 References
[ 1 ] BraBantBreeBand (B4) website
[2 ] Matic, D., Rijken, M. and Jevrosimovic, M.
Internal B4 deliverable
[ 3 ] Jorguseski, L. and Matic, D.
Internal TNO Telecom, 30-4-2004
[ 4 ] Fleuren,M., Jorgeski,L., Vermijmeren,S. and Meijerink, E.
TNO Telecom internal (MOMENTUM), 2001
[ 5 ] Holma, H. and Toskala, A.
Chichester, England: John Wiley, 2000
[ 6 ] 3GPP Technical Specification 25.212,
[7] W.C.Lee
McGraw-Hill, U.S: New York, 1997
[ 8] 3GPP Technical Specification 25.213,
[ 9 ] Harada, H. and Prasad,R.
Artech House; Book and CD-ROM edition (May 1,2002)
[ 10 ] Rappaport, Th. S.
Upper Saddle River; Prentice Hall, 2002
[ 1]] Jakes, W.C.
John Wiley and Sons; 1974
[ 12] Kicken, M.J.H.
Internship report, January 2004
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
[ 13] Simon, M.K. and Alouini, M.S.
John Wiley and Sons; 2000
[ 14] Schumacher, L.
1ST METRA; Matlab implementation of a MIMO channel
[ 15] Leon-Garcia, A
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1989.
[ 16 ] Orten,P. abd Svensson,A.
Frames Document no: AC090/CTH/AIl/PI/I/004
[ 17] Andrade, E., Shinoda, A, Pellenz, M., Yacoub, M.
IEEE proceedings of the 3th simulation sympsium, 2002. p. 381 - 388
[ 18] 3GPP Technical Specification 25.302, Physical Layer - Services provided by the
Physical Layer (FDD)
[ 19] Ericsson WCDMA training documents
TNO telecom internals
[ 20] Proakis, J.G.
Digital Communications
McGraW-Hill International Editions, 1995
[21] Wade, G.
Hampshire: Palgrave, 2000.
[22 ] Haykin, S.
Simon Haykin, McMaster University
[23] Van der Veen, A
Dictate TU Delft ET4147
[ 24] Seeger, A
[25] Melis, B. and Romano, G.
IEEE Personal Communications, 2000. pA2 - 49
Generation and analysis of BLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
[26] EURESCOM Project P921, UMTS Radio Access
Generation and analysis ofHLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
Appendix A: User manual UMTS Link level simulator
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
A.I Introduction
This manual can be used to run simulations with the UMTS link level simulator as described in
[1 ].
With a given parameter set the link level simulator is capable of generating so called BLER-
curves. The BLER-curves contain the relationship between signal-to-noise ratios and BLER
The simulator has been developed in Matlab and has two operation modes: operation in the
Matlab environment and stand-alone operation. Both operation modes will be explained in this
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
A.2 Simulation structure
This chapter gives a short overview of the simulation structure of the link level simulator in
pseudo code. It will not provide information about the implemented functions of the simulator
itself. The variables used in the pseudo code can be found in Table 9-1.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
A.3 Operation process
As stated in the introduction the simulator can be used in two operation modes: in the Matlab
environment and as standalone application. Originally the simulator has been designed in
Matlab. To decrease simulation time and increase the usability of the simulator a standalone
application has been created. The stand-alone simulator is a (in C) compiled version of the
Matlab simulator. However to use the stand-alone version Matlab libraries are required.
A.I.I Operation in Matlab environment
All Matlab simulation scripts are stored in one directory (most likely: \LLsimulator_v.x.x.x),
which has to be the Matlab working directory. The function 'LL_main.m' is the main function
of the simulator and calls all the required functions. 'BER_eval_shel1.m' is a shell function,
which can be used to call the main function with a given parameter set. calls
a graphical user interface.
A.t.t.1 Operation with shell function
'BER_eval_shel1.m' contains all the necessary parameters for a single simulation. This means
that the function can be used to generate a single BLER-curve.
The parameters are divided into 2 sections: 'Simulation parameters' and 'Transmission chain'
Simulation variables
EbnO start Information bit energy over spectral noise density (EbnO) start value,
this variable is only used for testing purposes. The default value is zero.
EbnO step Increasement of the EbnO value during simulation
EbnO max Maximum EbnO value during one simulation
errors Minimum number of errors which has to be detected per EbnO loop
BER target
Minimum value for bit error rate during one simulation
min chips Minimum number of chips in one simulation loop (I frame)
max frame Maximum number of frame retransmissions
traj Minimum number of frames in one transmission
const Constellation diagrams (on = 1, off= 0)
pdp Show the used Power Delay Profile (on = I, off = 0)
psd Power spectrum (on = 1, off= 0)
th AWGN Plot theoretical AWGN curve (on = 1, off = 0)
th Rayl Plot theoretical Rayleigh Fading curve (on = I, off = 0)
ber fit Ber fitting (on = 1, off= 0)
beamplot Plot the beamformer
output Output directory, default: '\\ntlsam1O\brh$\sim\results\'
Table 9-1 Simulation parameters
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
Transmission chain parameters
Transmitter variables:
M Number of userbits which are transmitted in one loop
R bit Bitrate of the offered service in kbps
CRCsize Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) length (options are: 8, 12, 16,24)
Codenumber Number of OVSF-code which is used!
Cod Coding type (0 = no coding, 1 = 1/2 convolutional, 2 = 1/3
convolutional, 3 = 1/3 turbo coding)
Channel variables:
multip Mu1tipath channel (on = 1)
MIMO MIMO channel (on = 1, off = 0)
envir Type of environment 1 = Htx, 2 = Rax, 3 = Tux.
v Speed of the user (mls)
NoI Number of interferers
TrafficSpread Spread of the multipath components (narrow -> 15, medium -> 45, wide
-> 90)
RadioEnv Spread of the users (suburban -> 5, urban -> 15)
Receiver variables:
M Number oftx antenna's
no fingers Number of Rake fingers in Rake receiver
ch esti update Number of chips after which the channel estimation is performed (>SF)
Table 9-2 Transmission chain parameter
A.1.1.2 Operation with graphical user interface (GUI)
The graphical user interface (Figure 9-1) can be started by entering the command
'ber_eva1_gui.m' on the Matlab command line.
The variables that are displayed in the Gill are exactly the same as listed in Table 9-1 and Table
9-2. The advantage over the use of the Gill to the shell function apart from the more is the some
variables have a limited number of options, which prevents the user from choosing not existent
options. Another advantage is the possibility to save the settings of a simulation. By default the
interface opens using last time settings.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
Figure 9-1 Graphical user interface link level simulator
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
A.1.2 Stand alone operation
As stated before, simulations can also be performed by a compiled C version of the Matlab files.
This approach is more desirable when generation a large number of BERIBLER curves. The
simulation time is shorter and remote access operation is possible.
A.1.2.1 Creation of the stand-alone application
To create a standalone version of the simulator the simulator files must be compiled to an
executable file. To compile the Matlab version of the simulator the following Matlab commands
can be used:
This command compiles 'ber_eval_c.m' and all the linked m-files into a C-stand-alone
compilation. The function 'ber_eval_c.m' is an adjusted version of 'ber_eval.m'. The first
contains some data type conversions which are needed for the compiled c version of the code.
The results of this compilation process are stored in the '/compiled' directory.
When using the Matlab 7 compiler the results of this process consists of 2 files:
1. ber eval c.exe
2. ber eval c.ctf
Both files are needed for the stand-alone operation.
A.1.2.2 Running the stand-alone application
Running of the stand-alone application requires not only the 2 generated files but also the
installation of Matlab libraries and runtime components. To install then on a different machine
than the original the following procedure [ 28 ] should be undertaken:
Install the 'MCR installer' on the target machine, this installer will copy all the necessary library
and runtime files onto the target machine. The file MCRIstaller.exe can be found in the
<matlabroot>\toolbox\compiler\deploy\win32 directory.
After installation the following path should be added to the system path:
<mcr root>\runtime\win32.
To start the simulator in the stand-alone mode and to generate a single BLER-table the
following commands can be used.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/1212004
When simulating the last line should be replaced changed to pass the real values of the function
to simulator:
During the simulation the simulator generates the following output:
Displaying the in-between results of the simulation in DOS box
After the simulation the simulator creates a txt file which contains all the simulation parameters
and the simulation results. The default directory for the output txt files is:
'\\ntlsaml O\brh$\sim\results'.
To generate a complete set of BLERIBER curves a batch file can be used. The batch file starts
different simulations with different parameter settings. As an example a part of such a batch file
is displayed below:
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/1212004
A.l.3 Remote access operation
The stand-alone simulator can also be runned on a remote pc using the 'rsh' functionality.
Another batch file can be created for this purpose (,start_sim.bat'). This batch files starts two
batch files on 2 remote pc's (in this case \\SAM21 & \\SAM22).
A disadvantage is that the in-between results are not directly available, however also the in-
between can be stored in an additional .txt file. This can be accomplished by adding the
following command to the 'rsh' line:
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
A.4 Post processing
This chapter concerns the post processing of the generated .txt files.
The simulator generates .txt files in a directory (default: '\\ntlsamlO\brh$\sim\results'). The
name of the txt files is distracted from the input parameters of the simulator and therefore easy
to categorize.
The most important variables are available in the name of the txt-file.
To generate the corresponding BERIBLER curves from the link level results the following steps
should be undertaken:
1. Place output results in directories with less than seven output files. For example they
may be categorized first to environment and after to the speed of the user.
2. Copy the post-processing m- file (grabnplot.m) to each of the directories.
3. Start Matlab and change the working directory to the directory of the catergorized
output results.
4. Run grabnplot.m
As a result all the BERIBLER curves are plotted in one figure.
REMARK: The displayed BLER value is estimated from the BER-value in the output files,
the 'real' BLER value is also available in the output files but far less accurate
than the estimated value. To use the 'real' BLER-value the simulation time
must be extended to undesirable simulation times.
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
A.5 References
[ 27] Kicken, M.J.H.
TNO Telecom internal graduation report, 2004
[ 28 ] Matlab 7
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
Appendix B: Matlab functions
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004

% 18-2-2004 Marcel Kicken
% Main function for a B(L)ER analysis of an UMTS transceiver
function [BER, BLER_v, EbnO, comp1ex_chips_awgn, Rcod, numberofframes, numberofchips,
muci] = LLmain(mu1tip, envir, v, EbnO_step, BER_target, CRCsize, SF, cod, ...
m, codenumber, tsp, errors, const, psd, R_bit,res_m, no fingers, ch_rs, min chips,
max_frame, traj, pdp, ch_esti_update, EbnO_max, MIMO,
NoI,beamp1ot,TrafficSpread,RadioEnv,M,EbnO start);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Input parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% General %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% res m % Output file identifier
% %%%%%%%%%%%%% Simulation variables %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% EbnO start %
compatible with the rest of
% EbnO step %
% EbnO max %
% errors %
% BER_target %
% min_chips %
% max frame %
% traj %
% tsp = 1 I 3.84e6; %
EbnO start value (use only for testing!! : not fully
the simulator)
Channel bit energy over spectral noise increase
Maximum EbnO value
Number of errors
BER target
Minimum number of chips in one simulation loop (1 frame)
Maximum number of frame retransmissions
Minimum number of frames in one transmission
Time step (chip period)
% canst
% pdp
% psd
% th AWGN
% th_Ray1
% ber fit
% beamp10t
% output
Constellation diagrams (on ~ 1, off = 0)
Show the used Power Delay Profile (on = 1, off 0)
Power spectrum (on ~ 1, off = 0)
Plot theoretical AWGN curve (on = 1, off = 0)
Plot theoretical Rayleigh Fading curve (on = 1, off
Ber fitting (on = 1, off = 0)
Plot the beamformer
Output directory
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% %%%%%%%%%%%% Transmission chain parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% %Transrnitter
Spread of the users (suburban -> 5, urban -> 15)
Number of userbits which are transmitted in one
Bitrate of the offered service in kbps
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Length (options are:
8, 12, 16, 24)
Number of OVSF-code which is used!
Coding type (0 = no coding, 1 = 1/2 convolutional,
2 = 1/3 convolutional, 3 ~ 1/3 turbo coding)
Spreading Factor
Channel bit rate in kbps
components (narrow -> 15,
~ 1)
off = 0)
Htx, 2 Tux. Rax, 3
Multipath channel (on
MIMO channel (on = 1,
Type of environment 1
Speed of the user (m/s)
Number of interferers
Spread of the multipath
% R bit
% CRCsize
% codenumber
% cod
% SF
% ch rs
% %Channel
% multip
% envir
% m
% v
% NoI
% TrafficSpread
medium -> 45, wide -> 90)
% RadioEnv
% %Receiver
% M % Number of tx antenna's
% no_fingers % Number of Rake fingers in Rake receiver
% ch estl update % Number of chips after which the channel estimation
is performed (largest SF)
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
%%%%%%%%%%%%% output variables %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% BER % Bit Error Rate
% BLER v % Block Error Rate
% complex chips_awgn % Baseband signal at the receiver site (for testing
% purposes only)
% Rcod % Coding rate
% numberofframes % Number of frames which are transmitted during one
% simulation
% numberofchips % Number of chips which are transmitted per frame
% muci % Confidence levels (stored in cell array)
% Check whether number of userbits corresponds whith the used coding type
if ((rem(m,2)==0) & cod ~ = 3 ) I ((rem(m,2)-=0) & cod -=3)
disp('ERROR: Incorrect number of userbits: use an odd number for turbo coding and
even number else! ');
%%%%%%%%%%% function variables %%%%%%%%%%%
% Identify the corresponding coding rates according to the coding type
if cod == 1
Rcod = 2;
elseif cod 2 I cod 3;
Rcod 3;
Rcod 1;
min frame traj; % Minimum number of frame transmissions is equal to the
var traj
data tx [];
i chlps [] ;
q_chips [];
nUmberofchips = 1;
% load the correct environment parameters
[tap no, itau, dlvl, direct_wave] = envir_param(envir,tsp);
% load the correct channel parameters
[phiUdeg, phiU, phildeg, phiI,lambda] =
%%%%%%% UMTS link level blocks %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
while numberofchips < min chips
% ----------- DPDCH source ----------
data tx_temp = userbits(m); % random bit generation
% ---------- CRC & tail bit insertion -----------
data crc = CRCadd(data tx temp, CRCsize);
% Channel coding -----------------------------
if cod == 1;
[data_cod,trel] encoder conv2(data_crc);
elseif cod == 2;
[data_cod,trel] encoder_conv3(data crc);
elseif cod == 3;
[data_cod, g, alpha, puncture, niter, L total, dec alg, m_t, Rcod]
data cod data crc;
% ---------- Serial to parallel mapping
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 0611212004
ser2parmap(data cod);
%%% Scatterplot generation %%%
if const == 1
b = figure(l);
set(b,'position',[0 300 1024 400]);
subplot(2,4,1) ;
scatterplot(i_data + j.*q_data);
title('Constellation of channel bits at transmitter');
% --------------------- Spreading
% Channelisation process
% Applying of the OVSF codes
[i chips temp, OVSF i]
[q_chips_temp, OVSF_q]
channelisation(i data,SF,codenumber);
% --------------------- Frame filling
i chips
[i ChlPS l chips_tempJ;
[q_chips q_chips temp];
numberofchips = length(i_chips);
numberofchbits numberofchips / SF;
TP_chip_length length(i ChlPS temp);
data_tx = [data_tx data_tx_temp];
% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% ------------- Scrambling and frame equalization -------------------
% Scrambling process
% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%%%%%%%%%%%% EbnO loop set up %%%%%%%%%%%
% print to screen
fprintf('\n Ebno BER BLER');
spow = (i chlps(1)A2 + q_chips(1)A2)/2; % Chip power
n = 0;
BER= [1];
firsttime ~ 1;
EbnO value = EbnO start;
while (BER(n + firsttime) > BER_target & EbnO value <= EbnO_max)
different EbnO values
firsttime = 0;
n = n + 1;
w = 0;
loop_number = 0;
noe = [];
BER_temp = [0];
BLER_temp ~ [0];
%%%%%%%%%%% Frame retransmission loop set up %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
update_counter = [OJ;
complex_chips channel I tot = [OJ;
% Loop for
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator 06/12/2004
channel I tot [OJ;
while ((sum(noe)
w = w + 1;
fprintf ( , . ' ) ;
< errors)
(loop number <= min frame)) & (loop number <
Loop for FRAME retransmissions
% ---------- Baseband modulation ----------
complex chips = (i chips + j .* q_chips);
%%% Scatterplot generation %%%
if const = ~ l
figure (1)
title('Constellation of chips at transmitter');
% ---------- Channel ----------
% Signal of the desired user
[complex_chlps channel_U,taus,xc,xs,flat,dlvl,steervecU,lambda]
LL_channel(multip,MIMO,complex chips, tsp, envir, v, SF,n,w, EbnO value,
m,CRCsize, Rcod,spow,M,phiUdeg,phiU,lambda);
% Signal(s) of the interferer(s)
for ii = 1 : 1 : NoI
% Generation of interferer chips
complex chlps I = sqrt(2) .* (((2.* (double(rand(l,length(complex chips >
0.5) - 1) + j .* 2.* (double(rand(l,length(complex chips > 0.5) -
1) ;
[complex chips channel_I, taus I,xc I,xs_I,flat_I,dlvl I,steervecI,lambdal =
LL_channel(multlp,MIMO,complex_chlps I, tsp, enVlr, v, SF,n,w, EbnO_value,
m,CRCsize, Rcod,spow,M,phiIdeg(ii,:),phiI(ii, :),lambda);
complex_chips channel I tot
complex_chips channel I;
complex_chips channel I tot +
% Addition of the user and interferer(s) signal(s)
complex chips tot = (complex chips channel U +
complex_chlps channel I tot) .!(NoI + 1);
% Noise addition
Rcod,spow) ;
AWGN(complex chlps tot, EbnO_value, m, SF,CRCsize,
% ------------------------------------------------------
%%% Scatterplot generation %%%%%%%
if const == 1
figure (1)
scatterplot(complex_chlps awgn)
title ('Constellation of chips at receiver');
%%% Power spectrum generation %%%%
if psd ~ ~ 1
N 512;
Y = fft(complex_chips_awgn, N);
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
P Y.* conj (Y) I N;
q 1 I tsp;
f q* (0 : 511) IN;
plot (f, P (1: 512
title ('Frequency content of y')
xlabel('frequency (Hz) ')
% ---------- Baseband demodulation ----------
real (complex chips awgn);
% ---------- Receiver ---------------------
if MIMO == 1 & multip 1
% Space processing
[complex_chips_channel] space_proc(complex_chips awgn,steervecU,lambda,M,
% Scatterplot generation %%%%%%%
if const ~ ~ 1
title('After space processing');
% Time processing (Rake receiver)
[rx ch_bits_total_i, rx_ch_bits_total_q] ~ rake (real (complex_chips_channel),
lmag(complex_chips channel), taus ,xc ,xs, no flngers, OVSF i, OVSF_q, flat,
dlvl, scr long DWL, ch_esti update);
elseif multip ~ ~ 1
% ---------- only time processing (Rake Receiver) ---------------------
[rx_ch_bits_total_i, rx ch bits total q] = rake(i awgn, q_awgn, taus ,xc
,xs, no flngers, OVSF_i, OVSF_q, flat, dlvl, scr long_DWL, ch esti_update);
% Descrambling
Receiver (no time processing) ----
chips_dsc = (i awgn + q_awgn * j)
conj (scr long DWL);
* conj ((l+j) labs (l+j
i awgn
real (chips dsc);
imag(chips dsc);
rx ch bits total i
- - - -
rx ch_bltS total q
dechannelisation(i awgn, OVSF_i);
dechannelisation(q_awgn, OVSF q);
%%% Calculation of the effective received SNIR %%%%
% calculation of the signal to noise ratio for the channel bits
rec_ch_pow = rx_ch_bits_total i.
2 T rx ch_bltS total_q.A2 I
length(rx_ch_bits total i);
Generation and analysis ofHLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
%%%% Scatterplot generation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
if const == 1
figure (1)
scatterplotrx ch_bits total i + j .* rx_ch_bits_total_q) ./SF);
title('Constellation of channel bits at receiver');
drawnow; % forces matlab to redraw the screen
% ------------- Frame detraction ---------------------
data rx = [];
for p = 0 : 1 numberofchbits / TP_ch_bit length) - 1)
the number of TP which are transmitted
% LOOp till
rx_ch_bits_i ~ rx_ch_bits total i(l + P * TP_ch_bit length
rx_ch_bits_q = rx_ch_bits_total_q(l + p * TP ch_bit length
TP_ch_bit_length) ;
(p + 1) *
(p + 1) *
if cod == 1
data demod
data decod
Channel decoding & demodulation----------
% 1/2 hard decision convolutional decoding
par2serdemap(rx_ch_bits_i, rx_ch_bits_q);
decoder conv(data_demod,trel, Rcod);
elseif cod == 2 % 1/3 hard decision convolutional decoding
data demod par2serdemap(rx_ch_bits_i, rx_ch_bits_q);
data decod = decoder conv (data_demod, trel, Rcod);
elseif cod == 3 % 1/3 soft decision turbo decoding
data demod par2ser(rx_ch_bits i, rx ch_bits_q);
data decod ~ decoder_mk(data_demod, g, alpha, puncture,
dec alg, m_t, Rcod, SF, EbnO_value);
data demod
data decod
% no decoding
par2serdemap(rx_ch_bits i, rx ch bits q);
% ---------- CRC & tail bit removal and evaluation ----------
[error, data rx_temp] ~ CRCrem(data_decod, CRCsize);
data rx = [data_rx data rx_temp];
end % TP block evaluation
%%%%% B(L)ER evaluation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
[BER_temp(w),noe(w)] = ber(data_tx(l:length(data_rx, data_rx);
BLER_temp(w) = ble(data_tx(l:length(data_rx, data rx);
end % End of frame / packet retransmission
numberofframes(n) loop_number; % Number of transmitted frames per EbnO value
% BER_temp
BER(n) ~ sum (BER_temp) / loop number;
BLER_v(n) sum (BLER_temp) / loop_number;
Generation and analysis ofBLER-tables by developing an UMTS link level simulator
% Statistical reliability calculation
[mu,sigma,muci(nj,sigmaci] = normfit(BER_temp);
% Print inbetween results to screen
fprintf('\n %2.2f %f %f', EbnO_value,BER(n),BLER_v(n;
EbnO value ~ EbnO value + EbnO step;
end % End of the different Ebno values ....
EbnO [O:EbnO step:EbnO_value-EbnO step];
% Print to matlab compatible txt file
fprintf(res_m, '\r\n ebnO = [ 'I;
fprintf(res_m,'%2.2f " EbnO);
fprintf(res_m, '];');
fprintf(res_m, '\r\n BER ~ ['I;
fprintf(res_m, '%f " BER);
fprintf(res_m, 'J; 'I;
fprintf(res_m, '\r\n BLER_v = ['I;
fprintf(res_m, '%f " BLER_v);
fprintf(res_m, ']; 'I;
%statistical reliability
fprintf(res_m, '\r\n muci = [');
fprintf(res_m, '%d " cel12mat(muci;
fprintf (res_m, ']; ') ;
%angles of the users
fprintf(res_m, '\r\n phiU = ['I;
fprintf(res_m, '%d " phiU);
fprintf(res_m, 'J; ');
fprintf(res_m, '\r\n phil = ['I;
fprintf(res_m, '%d " phil);
fprintf(res_m, 'J;');
fclose (res_m);

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