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Glogster Special or Weebly Permission form for Mr.

Smiths Class School Year 2013-14 Dear Parent: This year, I would like to provide students the opportunity to use the computers in my classroom to create multimedia online glogster/posters or websites. You can find out more about glogster posters at Some students will use the online website tool weebly. ( I will be using Glogster and Weebly to put online original student work (scanned or digitally created.) While I will ask students to identify their work online with a project title, class identification, and first name, they will not post their last names. Students with Prosser School District parent permission forms for network use and this signed permission will be allowed to create digital glogs or websites. Please sign below to let me know if your child has permission to create a digital glog or website that will be posted online. If you prefer, your child may instead work offline and use traditional poster tools that will not be published online. As noted previously, students must have a signed Prosser School District parent network use form. High school students may create digital blogs with their own glogster accounts. Middle school students will use generic accounts that may be deleted, changed, or shared as required by the class. For this project, students may be required to work in small groups.

Student Name:_____________________________________ Parent Name (printed):______________________________

Class: __________________ Grade: _____

___ I give my permission for my child to create a glogster poster or Weebly website online. I understand that it will be posted online. __ I do not give my child permission to create a glogster poster or Weebly website at this time.

Parent Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ____________________

Please ask your child to return this form within the week.

Student PSD Username: _____________________

HMS102 Glog/Weebly name:__________

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