It9224 Distributed Systems Important Questions UNIT-1

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1. What is distributed system? 2. What are the features of distributed system? 3. Give examples of distributed systems 4. Difference between centralized and distributed system. 5. What are the advantages of distributed system over the centralized system? 6. What are the features of distributed system? 7. Difference between distributed operating system and network operating system. 8. Define Middleware 9. Explain client server model 10. What are the advantages of client server model 11. Difference between ROI and RPC 12. What is MOM? 13. Define thread. 14. Define threads in distributed system 15. Define code migration/process migration. 16. Why thread is referred as a light white process? 17. Difference between asynchronous RPC and Deferred synchronous RPC. 18. Name some of the intuitive message-passing primitives of MPI. 19. What are the various alternatives of code migration 20. Write three ways to handle code migration 21. What is the use of RMI Registry?

1. Explain Client server model in detail. 2. Explain RPC in detail 3. a) Difference between RPC and ROI(8) b) Explain ROI in detail (8) 4. Explain MOM and its operations in detail 5. (a) Write Short notes on Middleware (8) (b) What is RPC?. Write short notes on parameter passing in RPC (8)

6. (a) Give a brief account on Threads in distributed (8) (b) Explain Code migration in detail (8) UNIT-2

1. Define clock Synchronization 2. What are global states? 3. Define logical clocks. 4. What is mutual exclusion? 5. Define Deadlocks 6. Define Distributed deadlock 7. What is Berkeley algorithm? 8. What is the Election algorithm? 9. What are the types and Election algorithm? Explain 10. What are the types of algorithm used in Mutual Exclusion? 11. Define Clock Skew. 12. Difference between validation phase and update phase 13. Draw the relation between clock time and UTC 14. Define Edge chasing 15. Define time stamp ordering protocol 16. Define two-phase commit protocol 17. Explain happens-before and their relation 18. Define Vector clock and write their construction properties? 19. Compare the four algorithms in mutual exclusion 20. Explain difference between logical clock and vector clock with the help of example. 21. What are the limitations of Lamports clock? 22. Explain the difference between global state and local state. 23. What is phantom deadlock?

1. Explain about the Logical time and logical clocks. (16) 2. Write the short notes Distributed mutual exclusion and elections. (16) 3. Describe in detail about distributed deadlocks (16) 4. Explain about the Events and process state. (16) 5. Explain Clock synchronization in detail. (16) 6. Show that Byzantine agreement cannot be always be reached among four processors if two processors are faulty.(16) 7. Explain in detail about Distributed Deadlock. (16)



1. What is sequential consistency? 2. What is consistency and replication? 3. What is data store 4. Define fault tolerance 5. List solutions to the Byzantine agreement problem and explain any one. 6. Difference between sequential and casual consistency 7. What is eventual consistency? 8. What is monotonic read and write and write their conditions? 9. What is Distribution protocol? 10. What is consistency protocol? 11. Explain the principle of primary back-up protocol in consistency protocol? 12. What are the requirements for distributed system? 13. What are the types of fault? Explain. 14. What are the types of failures? 15. Define TMR. 16. Define pinging 17. Explain blocking commit protocol 18. Difference between two-phase and three phase commit protocol

1. Explain in detail about Data-centric consistency model. (16) 2. Explain in detail about Client-centric consistency model. (16) 3. (a) Briefly describe about the Fault tolerance. (8) (b) Describe about Distributed commit (8)



1. What is meant by distributed file system?

2. What are the distributed types of distributed file system available? 3. What is Andrew file system? 4. Explain the Distributed file server architecture components? 5. Define meta data 6. What is sun network file system?

1. Explain about the file server architecture. 2. Explain about the Andrew file system. 3. Discuss about the distributed file system. 4. Explain in detail about Sun Network file system

Case studies PART-1 (2 MARKS)

1. Define CORBA 2. Explain the CORBA components 3. Define Mach 4. Define JINI 5. Compare CORBA, MACH and JINI 6. What are the advantages of CORBA?

1. Explain in detail about CORBA 2. Explain in detail about MACH 3. Explain in detail about JINI

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