Bougainvillea Info

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Gen info Native to South America, The first species recorded in the Philippines was Bougainvillea spectabilis.

The other species, B. glabra and B. peruviana were introduced much later. The cultivated hybrids have produced a considerable variety in size, color, form and numbers of showy bracts. The genus is derives its name from Antoiine de Bougainville, first Frenchman to cross the Pacific. Botany Bogambilya is a woody climber that can grow to a height of more than 10 meters, with large thorny stems and long drooping branches. The leaves are dark green, petioled, alternate, ovate, with entire margins, 6 to 10 centimeters long, broadest near the base. Thorns are the axils assist the plant in climbing. Flowers are in groups of threes, forming clusters at the terminal portion of the branches, each group subtended by three, broad, purplish, oblong-ovate and acuminate bracts, about 3 to 5 centimeters long. Flowers are small, each inserted on a bract, tubular, inflated midway through its length, of varying colors.

Numerous cultivars are cultivated in the Philippines, with single or multiple bracts, in varied colors of red, purple, pink, yellow or white. Constituents - Reported constituents on B. glabra are pinitol, betacyanine, flavonoids, tannins and alkaloids. - Study showed the presence of plastid-bound oxalic acid oxidase in the leaves. - Studies have isolated flavonoids, phenolic compounds, ribosome inactivating proteins, amylase inhibitors, oxidase and pinitol.

Properties - Leaves considered to have antiinflammatory activity. - Considered anti-diabetic, antibacterial. - Pinitol considered antidiabetic.

Parts utilized

Leaves, stems, flowers

Uses Folkloric - Not known in the Philippines for any medicinal use. - Traditional practitioners in Mandsaur use the leaves for a variety of disorders, for diarrhea, and to reduce stomach acidity. - Used for cough and sore throat. - For blood vessels and leucorrhea: a decoction of dried flowers, 10 g in 4 glasses of water. - For hepatitis, a decoction of dried stems, 10 g in 4 glasses of water. - In Panama, an infusion of the flowers of B. glabra used as treatment for low blood pressure. - Nupe people of Niger use a crude extract of leaves for diabetes. The plant can reach over thirty feet. It can either be vines, trees, or shrubs with sharp thorns. The leaves of the bougainvillea are shaped like little hearts with drip tips at the ends. They are dark rich green and look almost like ivy leaves. On the underside of the leaves there are little hairs. The flowers of the bougainvillea can be several different colors, from pink, to red, to orange, to white and yellow. They are small tubes with three papery bracts around them. The flowers grow all over the canes and vines. The root system of the bougainvillea is very fragile and doesn't form a good firm root ball.

Bougainvillea has many adaptations to its climate and environment. It has many hooks so it can cling and hold onto other plants for support. Also, it can grow in full sunlight to semi-shade. It also has become a houseplant so it can survive house climates, and the Amazon's warm wet climate. The leaves have drip tips so it can get rid of the rushing water fast and not get weighed down by the water.

The plant of bougainvillea is very abundant in the wild and is not endangered at all. It is not endangered because when it is vine like it spreads very quickly

even though it does not have seeds and also it is almost insect-free. Great thorns protect it.

In conclusion, the bougainvillea is a very wonderful plant and has its own unique way of life. It leaves and flowers are very unusual also. It can grow in many different ways from shrubs to vines to trees. It also lives in a very interesting place.

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