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9th Grade Disclosure Document

Team AMP: Mrs. Thomson Mrs. Coates Mrs. Jenkins Team ROCK: Mr. Ochs Mrs. Ramos Mrs. Donald

This disclosure applies to 9th Grade English, Social Studies, and Science classes. Please read over this document carefully to ensure your success in these classes. CLASS RULES CONSEQUENCES

Be Prompt Be Prepared Be Productive Be Positive


Warning In-class intervention Parent contact Administrative intervention


Practice: 25% of your grade will consist of quizzes, homework,

and in-class work. These assignments are meant to give you practice opportunities for end of unit assessments.

A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 F Below 59 I Incomplete = missing work

Performance: 75% of the overall grade will be essays, tests, &

projects. Learning outcomes are derived from the core standards. Retakes will be allowed with no penalty, but all necessary practice work must be completed beforehand.

Late work will be accepted, however it will be marked as missing until it is turned in and graded. It is the students responsibility to pick up absent work.

There will not be extra credit offered in the traditional sense. However, there will be opportunities for students to extend their learning (to be determined by each teacher). If a student wants to earn a higher grade, they may redo their tests and assignments.

The citizenship grade will represent a students attitude and behavior in class. Proper participation and engagement with current tasks are expected. Citizenship Grade O= Outstanding S= Satisfactory N= Needs improvement U= Unacceptable Attitude/Behavior Never disruptive Rarely disruptive Frequently disruptive Extremely disruptive Participation Actively participates daily Regularly participates Infrequently participates Rarely participates

Each team class will be giving their own class description along with this disclosure. Please read and understand the information provided. Then you will be able to sign the disclosure digitally for all team classes. Please go to and click on sign disclosure. If you are not able to sign online please have your student ask for a paper form from one of the team teachers.

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