Sid Danta

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 NgZ Ut0z0z U dU
 sg g U0z0z vg|
 zgU0zg rz Ptzr
 gdq Pl 0Pw||
 Ororva nichche guna ondondu bage jagadi
 Bhaara vororva nigondondu teradi
 Daaragalinda vidhi pididu kunidadisalu
 Nuru jade kolata mankutimma||

 wAi Ut EZU g g jwAi Egvz.

0gz gPz sg M0z0z UAiiVgvz.

 Each human being will have different nature, and

desire. He has shoulder different responsibilities in


 Dzg Jg vz U0U0v zr vQ

Ptwz. JgAi C0vAiiAiiV f

QUU QAiiV Pgt Vz.
 The god is controlling every one, like dolls controlled

by thread. He makes every one to dance to his tunes,

he is within every body, he is the main driving force,
life force in every body.

 Dzg Aiiz M0z s Q f gvz.

ew PV DQAi P0z Ugw vz.

 Some un known force designs the human life.

Astrology knowingly recognizes it as Karma.

 wAi v fv Pi gV lvg.

z zsjz0v CgjU vP vgt z

 Every human being takes birth according to his fast

deeds. As decided by god they will be born in the

surrounding, family, destined to them.

 v Pig Cs Pzz Cs 0vg

qg Cgg fv z0v d Uvz.

 vi svPz P0z Aizg vi P
s gvz.
 According to their fast deeds to suffer or enjoy they

become poor or rich.

 Present attainments are controlled by fast deeds and
present deeds control future life.

 P z0v g R 0sU 0wz.
 PiqUz zPUz
 Ps Cs P
 Karma Theory is standing on three pillars.
 No one can live without doing karma
 One has to experience the results of the karma

 Aiv C C0vP dUvi|
 P Cv UZw Ew 0Ui||
 Liyate asmin antakale jagatsarvam|
 Srustikale asmat bahirgachchati iti lingam||

 Aiiz C0vPz J V Pz U

gU gz, UU K vUz P0q

UvAi (UZw) gU gU Cz Csz.
 The force at the end time absorbs every thing in it

and again at the time of creation comes out. So what

we take with us at end time , same we experience
when we come out.

 Ez 0Pgg:
 g di g gti|
 g d dog Aii||
 E0g zg|
 PAii g gg||
 Shri shankara told thus:
 Punarapi jananam punarapi maranam
 Punarapi janani jathare shayanam
 Iha samsare bahudustaare
 Krupaya pare sahi murare

 zv d gt ZPz f PQ

P0rz. D U0z gvV

CU w vAi qAi v.
 Human is traped in the cycle of life and death.

Motivated by desire, infatuation goes behind them

and tries to get them.

 Dzg Czj0z 0t v zgAi. w

fvPz Ai U r
z Ai jv
 But not gets fully satisfied. In every life

time instead of fulfilling the desire of fast

life goes on adding to it.

 Dzj0z d gt ZP0z gg zs. dz

s s 0 dz Cs P.
 Piq v PUz w. Aiigg
Ai V Ezq zs E.
 So it is impossible to come out of this cycle of life and

death. We have to experience the fruits of good and bad

 This is the state of every human being, cant avoid doing
karma. No one can live without doing any karma.

 QAi U gU P iqz g

zjAi E. f zsguUzg M0z M0z

P iq P. Z M0z
jwAi P. Ez PwP P Jvg.
 Until one gets salvation he has do the karma. Just to

sustain life karma is necessary. Our breathing is also a

type of karma. This is called prakrutika karma.

 C sP0 Pv0P ss0|
 sP0 QAiv P P Pnv g||
 Smruti says:
 Avashyam manubhoktavyam kruta karmam

 Nabhuktam kshiyate karma kalpa koti shatai rapi||

 P Pn vg PnUzg P

s Cz s Cs C0v
Cs P. Cszz g
 That means in spite of hundred million years one has to

experience the good or bad results of karma. There is no

way other than this.

 Ddz It DPz Pt
 iV V 0g|
 fP0n izPz gU
 s dg0U 0Pw||
 Aava janmada runavo aava karmada kanavo
 Maavagi bevagi samsaravanadi
 Jiva kentipavu madaka rasapanagala
 Bhaava jvarangalavu mankutimma||

 w fAi g UtJ AiiVgvz.

0, 0zs, v, jg, id, jg J

dz It0z 0gvz. MU i
vU . F Ps irz PP vP0v

 Each living bodies place, business, character are all

pre fixed. Family, relatives, friends, whole circle,

society all come according to fast life's runa or
karma. One will get mavu and other bevu. This will
be according to his karma.

 1. g P- F dz g 0z DUiq0vz.
 2. 0av P- F UU irVg U Czg s FU

Cs PAiwgz.
 3. DU P: DZAiz 0z DUiq0vz.
 Praarabda karma- karma we do in this life time by the

influence of fast karma.

 Sanchita karma- karma we already finished and waiting to
experience its fruits.
 Agaami karma:- that we think of doing it in future.

 F  CUtV g jwAi Ps gvz.
 1. zqP- Ezg sv0 zUz.
 2. Czq P- Ezg sv0 P U P

QAi0z P0v iqz.

 According to the karma there are three types of karma

 Drudakarma- we cannot change its results.
 Adruda karma- result of this karma can be made tolerable
by appropriate timely action.

 3. zq zq P- Ezg sv0 UU Dgzs U

0w PU0z z z.
 i V iP, aP, jjP J0z g
zsz P iqv.
 Druda druda karma its result can be modified by

appeasing , offering poojas to planets responsible for it.

 Human being normally tends to do three types of karma.
Manasika, vachika, sharirika. That is physical, mental, and

 gz CAi0z Pz P U AiZ.
 z PAiz U a0v
 P .
 Mental karma:
 To think of getting others money unjustified means.
 To do the work which is normally banned.
 Un devotional thinking.

 aP P:
 CAiV ivqz
 gAig Dz.
 C0UvV ivqz.
 Verbal karma:
 Talk to hurt other person
 Tell lie
 Blame other person
 Talk insensitively

 jjP P:
 gAijU jjP 0.
 g U.
 Physical karma:
 To give physical toruture to others.
 Enjoying with others wife.

 P iq jwAi Czg s g jwAi

zg. 1. v 2. gd 3. wP.
 v: iqPz v wP P (Ce0z)
 To give out karma:

 According to the manner in which we do karma it is

classified as 1. Tamasa 2. Rajasa 3. Satvika

 Tamasa karma: to give out the daily essential rituals other
duties by ignorance.

 vP. wP P, PP J0z g U.
 vP: wv DZj Pz e, 0zs0z.
 wP P: tPU, Ut, 0P0w, 0vV

DZguAig PU.
 Daily Karmas: They are of three type- 1. Nityakarma 2.

Naimittika karma 3. Kaamya karma.

 Nityakarma: Daily rituals like pooja, sandhyavandana.
 Naimittika karma: Festival days, holy days, eclipse,
sankranthi, etc which where generally observed.

 PP: sP0z DZj (v) 0vz.
 gd P: CV iqP0z wzg jg

Uz0z iqz Egz.

 Kaamya karma: rituals that are performed keeping

some desire in mind or for fulfillment of desire like

vruthas, poojas, homas.
 Rajasa karma: the essential rituals and duties which
were avoided knowingly to escape from physical

 wP P: CPv 0z wz Ci gU z

gvV sP Ez DZjz.
 F jw PU0z U Gv, zs, Czs J0
g jw d0vgU. Uv.
 Saatvika karma: knowing that it it is very essential

observing it without any desire , proud, enmity.

 By this type of karmas human being gets three type of
rebirths. 1. uttama 2. madhyama 3. adhama.

 1. zv GvUw
 2. v- zs Uw
 3. gv U wAiv-CzsUw.
 ew Pz0vz Dzsgz 0wg . dz

P 0zs , F jUtvz.
 Godlyness: uttama gati
 Human being: madhyamagati
 Sthaavaratva- thiryatva: adhamagati
 Jyotisha is standing on karmasiddhantha. This shastra

takes into account the previous births karma phala.

 zs, Cx, P, P J0 Zxz gxU

evP Cj jUvz.
 Four fold desires or purushartha 1. dharma 2. artha 3.

kama 4. moksha are calculated using the birth chart or


 zs(CV) ; Cx(y); P (Ai);
 P (d)
 F gxz U F gU Eg U g gwU

EU U Eg M wAi iUzP gUvg.

 1. Dharma ( fire) 2. Artha ( earth) 3. Kama ( vaayu) 4.

Moksha ( water)
 Rashi(sign)chakra, planets in those rashis, planets owning
that rashi indicate , guide us to know the likings, disliking
of a person.

 Pz Ai JgqsU wv. C 5,9.
 5 s zs. Ez dz P0r dz

QAi w s. Ez t J0z Pgzg.

 Nature of karma can be known by two houses namely

fifth and ninth.

 Fifth house is dharmasthana. It is the bridge to the
previous birth, it tells about the left out karmaphala. So it
is known as purva punya sthana.

 9 s F s 5 sP 5 s. zs. F dz

DZjPz P U w . 0 dz
P0r Pq.
 9th house is fifth house from fifth house known as

Dharmasthana. This house tells about the Karmas to be

performed during this birth. This house is also a link to
our next birth.

 UU v Cjg Pv z, zPt, EU0z Q

AiiP0z 0z J Zg wAivz.
 Gz: Ai, Z0zg gV Ug zPt zzg f
zP0z 0zz0z wAivz.
 P /Z0zg zPt zzg v P.
 Planets , the Nakshatra Padas where they are posited,

Drekkaana , from these, we can know that the persons birth is

from which Loka.
 Eg: Sun and Moon are Jupiter Drekkaana and strong then the
person taken birth from Devaloka.
 If in Venus or Moon Drekkana birth from Pitru Loka.

 Ai Pdg zPt zzg vP.
 zs zPtzzg gP P.
 v0z wz wAizAi DU Csz

0z wAiz.
 If in Sun or Mars Drekkaana from Mrutyu Loka.
 If in Mercury or Saturn Drekkaana from Hell.
 The persons suffering due to known or un known bad

Karmas can be judged from Saturn.

 F zP M0z dz i0z CAiv. C0v AiivAi F

zP M0z t 0v. M0z zQ0z v0zP U d. E

irz v, MU R CAi 0zjAivz.
E G w0z C g PrAi P.
Ez P z0v. Ez Pz0vz J0z z.
We judge the life from one birth. But in infinite life cycle this life is a small
stage. Death is just a stage to go from one birth to other birth. The good
and bad deeds and their results continue in the next birth also.
We have to experience the good and bad Phalas of previous birth.

 This is the foundation of the Karma siddhantha.

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