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Mrs. Stenger English II jstenger@alvinisd.

It is your responsibility to have the required supplies with you in class at all times. The pencil pouch will hold the writing supplies and sticky notes that will be used for Interactive Notebooks. Be sure you replenish your supplies as needed throughout the year. 1. Spiral Notebook (one subject--may need to be replenished) 2. Blue/Black ink pens. Always have at least two in stock. 3. Post-it notesany size, various colors. 4. Highlightersthree different colors 5. Colored Pencils 6. Markers 7. Pencil Pouch 8. Antibacterial wipes, antibacterial gel, and/or tissueif you know you have allergies or need to use tissues on a regular basis, it would be wise to bring your own supply.

1. Daily (20 %): homework, in-class assignments, participation, warm-ups, notes 2. Quiz (30%) 3. Major (50 %): Tests, projects, essays, short-answer responses

It is important that students turn in work on time to avoid any deductions off their grade. On time means turning in the work at the beginning of class or when it is called for. If a student does not have his/her assignment when it is due, he/she must fill out a late work form. When the assignment is brought in within the two day deadline an assignment can be late, it needs to be turned into the late work bin and make sure the date submitted is clearly written on top of the assignment. 1 Day Late: -15 points (The highest grade a student can earn is an 85) 2 Days Late: -30 points (The highest grade a student can earn is a 70) 3 Days Late: NO CREDIT will be given

1. It is YOUR responsibility to find out what youve missed by filling out a Make-up Work Request Form. This form should be filled out completely before class and dropped into the Make-up Work Request tray. I will then complete the form with any directions you may need for assignments missed and the due date. Filling out a form is YOUR responsibility. You may also find more specific details of an assignment by asking a peer, using the calendar provided for you in class, or by browsing my internet website. If you need clarification, you must talk to me before or after class. If there is not enough time to explain the missed assignments before or after class, it is your responsibility to come before or after school to receive instruction. 2. If any handouts were given out on the day you were absent you can find them in the absent box in the folder of the date you missed. 3. If you are in class when an assignment is given, it is due the day you return. For example, if you were present on Monday when a project was announced that is due on Friday, yet you were absent Wednesday and Thursday, you still must take the test on Friday. 4. If you were absent on a day a test or quiz was given, it is your responsibility to schedule a make-up test. 5. You only get the amount of days you were absent to complete make-up work

Any student not in their desk and ready to work is tardy. Ready to work means supplies are out and working on the bell ringer. Students running, jumping or entering the classroom when the bell rings ARE tardy.

I am available for tutorials on Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:00-4:00. All other times must be scheduled with me. I ask you please arrive on time, otherwise you may find I have left my classroom to take care of other things.

1. I will always be honest with you, and I expect the same in return. That honesty includes doing your own work. You can expect that if you get caught cheating, you will receive a zero on the assignment, including tests, along with a write-up. If someone is helping you cheat (i.e. giving you the homework to copy), both of you will receive zeroes and write-ups. This will have dire consequences for an honors student (NHS, etc.). 2. When dealing with fire drills, we will exit through the front of the building. You are to stay with me at all times, as I will not run around searching for you. 3. Please respect the classroom and the books, etc., that are in the classroom. In addition, my belongings on my desk are mine. Please do not touch them without permission. I will never go through your belongings out of respect for you and your space; please reciprocate the same philosophy regarding my personal belongings. 4. Students are expected to stay in their seats until the dismissal bell rings. DO NOT stand up around the door or around the room. 5. All backpacks, purses, and other bags are to remain under the students desk through the duration of class. One warning will be given if student fails to meet this expectation. If student still does not comply the bag will be placed at the front of the classroom. Keep in mind that I am not responsible for the security of your bag. 6. If a student brings an inappropriate item to class, the item will be picked up and given to the appropriate assistant principal. This can include cell phones, electronic devices, playing cards, etc. Please make sure that all devices are stored properly. I do not want to see your cell phone out. Only parents/guardians may retrieve items; cell phones require a $15 fee. 7. Above all, respect is expected in this classroom. I will treat you with respect, and I expect you will do the same with me and others in the class. This classroom is to be a place where students feel safe, therefore, there are to be no derogatory comments or disrespectful treatment of one another. If you have a problem with someone, as hard as it may be, it needs to be left at the door. Please remember that above all, this is a place for learning. If you are hurting other students education by your actions, this is a problem that will be dealt with in an appropriate manner.

1. First Occurrence: Verbal Warning 2. Second Occurrence: One twenty minute detention assigned. Parent will be notified if detention is missed. Two replacements will be assigned. 3. Third Occurrence: Parent Conference 4. Fourth Occurrence: Office Referral **Students may conference with teacher concerning behavior during tutorial times or after class. Behavior and/or consequences will not be discussed during class.

Students scoring below 70% on any major test may retest. It is the students responsibility to schedule the retest, although, the teacher may contact parent/guardians to schedule a retest time if student fails to schedule a time on their own. The higher score will be input into the grade book with a 70% being the highest score.

Students are allowed to bring electronic devices to be used for academic purposes only. However, electronic devices need to be kept in the students backpack or locker unless I have instructed students that they can be used during an assignment. Any electro nic device used inappropriately will be picked up and given to the appropriate assistant principal. Only parent/guardian may retrieve item; cell phones require a $15 fee.

Students enrolled in 9th and 10th grade are required to take the STAAR End of Course (EOC) assessment as part of their graduation requirement. The sophomore exam focuses on fiction and non-fiction reading passages (assessment will include multiple-choice questions & short-answer responses), revising and editing as well as a persuasive essay.

Students and parents can receive text messages via Remind 101 for class reminders. If you choose to receive these updates, please sign up using the code and telephone number below. 1. You will ONLY be allowed to receive the text message. You CANNOT respond back to the text message. 2. You may incur additional phone charges if you do not have unlimited text messaging. 3. Remind 101 will only be used for classroom/school related purposes. 4. Students do need to get parent/guardian permission before signing up for Remind 101.

Sign Up: Text @mrssteng to (469)-209-8611

I will be using Edmodo in my class. I will walk students through joining their class during the first week of school. We will utilize Edmodo in class and out of class. Students will take some quizzes, post assignments and/or essays, poll questions, and write short answer responses all on Edmodo instead of using paper. I am trying to cut down on paper usage and Edmodo helps me that way. Edmodo can be accessed via the internet , or using the Edmodo app, so students are able to access the group page whether they have a laptop, cell phone, Kindle or iPad.

I keep a separate class website from Alvin ISDs site. However, I do provide the link to the website on the Alvin ISD site. Please browse the website and add it to your favorites list, as it will keep you informed to any and all agendas, announcements, work missed, documents, informational links, etc.

Class Website:

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