The Second Declension:: Gladius, Gladi. NM., Sword

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The second declension: Classes of nouns in this declension: 1. masculine (and a few) feminine nouns ending in us.

amicus, -i. nm., friend. animus, -i. nm., mind, spirit. campus, -i. nm., plain, field. caseus, -i. nm., cheese. cervus, -i. nm., deer. cibus, -i. nm., food. deus, -i. nm., god. domus, -us (-i). nf., house, home. (irreg.: Usually fourth declension, but sometimes it is declined as a second declension noun.) equus, -i. nm., horse. fagus, -i. nf., beech tree. fraxinus, -i. nf., ash tree. locus, -i. nm., place. modus, -i. nm., manner, means. mundus, -i. nm., world. oculus, -i. nm., eye. pinus, -i. nf., pine tree. servus, -i. nm., servant. sinus, -i. nm., large drinking cup, stein. (Not to be confused with sinus, -us. nm. indentation, curve.) somnus, -i. nm., sleep. ventus, -i. nm., wind.

2. Masculine and (a few ) feminine nouns ending in-ius gladius, gladi. nm., sword. Singula r gladius gladi gladio gladium gladio gladi gladi

Case Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative Locative Vocative

Plural gladii gladiorum gladiis gladios gladiis gladiis gladii

In the genitive and locative singular, the ending -ii is contracted to -i. In the vocative singular, the ending -ie is also contracted to -i. Some examples filius, fili. nm., son. gladius, gladi. nm., sword. socius, soci. nm., ally.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Strong nouns ending in er, or ir. Weak nouns ending in er Neuter nouns ending in-um Neuter nouns ending in-ium

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