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Babes-Bolyai University Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Science Institute for Social Research Center for Conflict

Management Master of Arts in Conflict Management

Senior Lecturer Christian-Radu Chereji, PhD

Conflict Analysis Syllabus Fall Semester, 2006

First Meeting Introduction to Conflict Analysis. Assignment of Individual Research Projects. General Presentation of Bibliography. Second Meeting Types of Conflict. Setting the Conceptual Coordinates of Conflicts Chosen by Students of MACM. Third Meeting Individual Sources of Conflict. Analyzing Diferrent Paradigms and Theories of the Individual Sources of Conflict, Related to Individual Case Studies. Fourth Meeting Social Sources of Conflict. Structural vs. Social Process Sources of Conflict. Fifth Meeting Social Sources of Conflict. Groups Identities in Conflict Ethnicity, Nationalism, Religion, Age, Gender. Sixth Meeting International Sources of Conflict. Structural vs. Contextual Sources of Conflict at Inbternational Level. Seventh Meeting Structure of Conflict. First Stage Initiation of Conflicts. Parties, Issues, Opportunities, Initial Positions. Eight Meeting Structure of Conflict. Second Stage Escalation. Entrapment, Leadership, Reactions, Strategies. Ninth Meeting Structure of Conflict. Third Stage Mitigation and De-Escalation. Breaking the Cycle of Violence.

Tenth Meeting Structure of Conflict. Fourth Stage Restoring Peace and Preventing Post Conflict Re-Escalation. Eleventh Meeting A Structural Model for Conflict Analysis Building a Model of Adequate Conflict Assessment. Twelfth Meeting Final Presentation of Research Results for Each Case Study. Bibliography will be given to MA students on a weekly basis. Exam Grades will be given for active participation at meeting discussions (50%) and for the final research report to be presented at the last meeting (50%). Contact Use my e-mail address or via Verineia Codrean.

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