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Ensembles Procedures Policies Assessment Strategies Schedule Agreement/Information Form

August 12, 2013 Dear Students and Parents, Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year at Louisville High School. I am extremely excited to see the great things we will accomplish as a community. Whether you are a new member or seasoned choir veteran, it is wonderful that you have decided to be a part of the Choral Music Department here at Louisville. Be prepared to be challenged and strive for excellence, while having fun along the way. Membership in choir reaches far beyond singing a correct pitch at the correct time; it teaches us how to interact with others, manage responsibility, work diligently, and live a culturally enriched life. The goal of choral music is not only to provide a fun and rewarding activity, but also to impact and equip the individual choir member with experiences and skills, which can be applied long after his or her high school career. This goal is reflected in our motto, Making Many Voices into One. Throughout the year, we will have discussions and participate in activities, which will demonstrate how this motto is evident in our daily functioning as people and as an ensemble. A students choir membership also affects his or her parents/guardians, friends, and extended family. As you partake in the joy of attending concerts and sharing in your students success, you are provided with the opportunity to support your student through the Louisville Choral Network: our parent organization. The Louisville Choral Network exists to support the vocal music program in a variety of ways. More information about how you can be apart of this exciting organization can be found by simply speaking with an organization officer or visiting the choral music website. The Network meets on the second Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm in the choir room. Please take a few minutes of your time to review the information listed here in the choral music handbook. Your understanding of these procedures is vital to our success as an ensemble and is indicated on the sign and return form on the final page. Additionally, feel free to contact me at any time with comments, questions, or concerns. I look forward to meeting you and working together as we accomplish excellence in choral music. Musically Yours, Mr. Matthew Clear 330-875-1438 ext. 1711


Curricular Ensembles (As listed in the Louisville High School Course Selection Guide.) MIXED CHOIR (0834) Grade: 9-10 Length: 1 year Credit: 1 (Counts as a Fine Arts Credit) Prerequisites: none Requirement: Membership is open to all students, but may be limited if enrollment is high. Description: This course is specifically designed to meet the needs of the developing voice. Improvement in matching pitch, intonation, part-singing, sight-singing, and basic vocal techniques are taught. A wide variety of choral literature is offered. This group has several performances throughout the year and there are also opportunities for solo and ensemble participation. CONCERT CHOIR (0838) Grade: 9-12 Length: 1 year Credit: 1 (Counts as a Fine Arts Credit) Prerequisites: none Requirement: Membership is determined by private audition and may be limited if enrollment is high. Description: A select choir specifically made up of more experienced singers who are seriously interested in quality choral singing and musical growth. Vocal techniques, sight-singing, choreography and continually improving performance skills are stressed. A wide variety of choral repertoire is covered. Many opportunities for group, ensemble and solo performance are offered, including participation in district and state music competitions. Extra-Curricular Ensembles LOUISVILLE LYRICS Grade: 10-12 Length: 1 year Prerequisites: Membership in Concert Choir Requirement: Membership is determined by private audition during the previous years spring semester. Description: A select small performance group made up of extremely talented female vocalists, which specializes in all genres including pop, jazz, show tunes, etc. Choreography and costumes are used to enhance the groups performance. VARSITY SINGERS Grade: 10-12 Length: 1year Prerequisites: Membership in Concert Choir Requirement: Membership is determined by private audition during the previous years spring semester. Description: A highly select performance group made up of the very best singers, which Louisville High School has to offer. These singers typify the definition of excellence in music and in character. They are able to traverse diverse genres of music, prepare for a large number of performances, and execute difficult choreography.
*Membership in each choral ensemble is a one-year commitment. Credit will not be given to those who choose to relinquish their membership before the conclusion of the school year.

Communication THE GOAL: Well informed members of an integrated Choral network including: students, parents, teachers, and community members. HOW WE CAN ACHIEVE THIS GOAL: 1. Email: 2. Phone Calls (voicemail): 330-875-1438 ext. 1711 3. Choral Website: (with the current Choral Calendar) 4. Facebook Page and mobile page ( 5. Remind 101 group text messages a. Mixed Choir: text @mxdchoir to 424-835-7295 b. Concert Choir: text @mrclear to 424-835-7295 c. Varsity Singers: text @lhsvarsity to 424-835-7295 6. Louisville Choral Network (Parent Organization) Meetings 7. Choral Student Officer Meetings 8. Handouts, Flyers, and Letters Home 9. Group voicemail through the Alert Now system 10. Parent-Teacher Conferences (listed on the school calendar) 11. Mr. Clears Office Hours a. Before school (7:10-7:40) b. MOD 10 (1:47-2:35) c. After School d. By Appointment Students and Parents should feel free to contact Mr. Clear with any problems or questions at any time. Likewise, students are responsible for communicating with parents about rehearsal schedules, fundraisers, etc. When schedule conflicts and emergencies arise which affect a students participation in choir events, it is imperative that Mr. Clear is contacted as soon as possible via phone or email. Student Officers Throughout the year, elected student officers will be responsible for providing leadership to, and acting as the student voice for the choral ensembles. Elections will take place at the beginning of the school year, and will include a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Librarian/Historian. Councils and special groups may also be formed at the discretion of the director to assist in special activities such as music filing tasks, and fundraiser planning etc. Louisville Choral Network (Parent Organization) Formed at the beginning of the 2012 school year, this selfless group of parents and community members work to support every facet of the Louisville Choral Music Department. The goal of this organization is to function as a parallel entity of the choral program, which focuses on encouraging parental involvement, music advocacy, generating fundraising ideas and is advised by the Vocal Music Director. Meetings take place on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00pm in the choir room, and are open to anyone interested in furthering Choral music in Louisville, Ohio.

Private Lessons/Solo and Ensemble Students at every level are encouraged to take private lessons. Individual study with a teacher provides attention and extra help, which cannot be afforded in the large group ensemble. If you are interested in private lessons please consult a list of local teachers available in the choir room. Additionally, if you plan to participate in the OMEA Solo and Ensemble Competition, it would be advantageous to study with a private teacher. Finally, Mr. Clear must hear contestants prior to the event in order to ensure that he or she is adequately prepared for competition.

Classroom Expectations

Students are expected to...

1. ...respect themselves, others, the director and the choral ensemble 2. ...adhere to the Louisville High School student code of conduct at all choral activities 3. on time to class and ready to begin (have music, & be seated) 4. ...dispose of gum or candy before class begins 5. ...bring a pencil to class daily and mark music using in assigned folders 6. ...use the hall pass one at a time for restroom and office needs
(students will not visit other classrooms for testing or teacher questions during choir)

7. ...give their best effort and attention during class time 8. talk and socialize at the beginning or end of class and during transition times
(students will not talk while a piece is being rehearsed)

9. ...mature as members of a group and individuals through the joy of singing BYOT In general, the choir room is a Bring Your Own Technology free zone because we use paper and pencil instructional materials. At times, students will be allowed and encouraged to use their personal devices when researching information, recording media, and communicating about choir events (remind 101, facebook, choir website, etc.). If a student chooses to use his or her technology at an inappropriate time, the device will be confiscated for the remainder of the MOD. Disciplinary Action First Offence: A direct verbal warning or blanket statement during class time Second Offence: Conference with the student and Mr. Clear to address the issue Third Offence: Communication with parents/guardians about the issue (via phone call and possible conference) and referral to school administration 5

Substitute Teachers A substitute teacher is a guest in our classroom. They will be treated as (or better than) a guest in your home. Choir officers and representatives assist substitute teacher in taking attendance, leading class, and setting the behavioral standard ABSOLUTE and UNQUESTIONABLE RESPECT is to be given to the teacher Attendance 1. Classroom: regular and punctual attendance is expected. Attendance is taken at the beginning of class. 2. Performances and Dress Rehearsals: attendance and participation in all scheduled dress rehearsals, and performances is ABSOLUTELY required. Excused Absences include athletic competitions (negotiated with coaches) personal illness family emergencies religious events * Conflicts with the performances or dress rehearsals must be submitted in written form, email, or telephone call from a PARENT and approved by Mr. Clear at least 3 weeks prior to absence * If a student does not attend the dress rehearsal, he/she will NOT be able to participate in the concert. * Students who have an excused absence from the dress rehearsal or concert will be permitted to make-up the event with an alternate written assignment as deemed by the instuctor. (Students who are unexcused from dress rehearsal will not be offered an alternate assignment.) Unexcused Absences will affect final grades The following are examples of unexcused absences: lack of transportation, work conflicts, babysitting, birthdays, etc. * Two unexcused absences from after school rehearsals or performances will greatly affect your assessment and standing in class (see assessment) Concert Procedures Detailed informational forms are distributed approximately one month prior to each concert. This form contains concert dates/times, ticket information, rehearsal dates/times, attire reminders, etc. Students and parents should read this information carefully and direct any questions or concerns to Mr. Clear as soon as possible. Attendance will be taken at your report time. If you are tardy, it will count as a point deduction. If you are not present 10 minutes after your report time, you will be counted as absent from the concert. (See assessment: concert rubric) You must remain in your assigned room for the entirety of the pre-concert time, and during the concert itself. STUDENTS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO LEAVE THE ROOM FOR ANY REASON OTHER THAN USING THE RESTROOM. Students will not be allowed to roam the halls, leave the building, watch the concert, etc. Only one person at a time will leave the room to use the bathroom. Students will attend the entire concert performance.

Feel free to bring work/a book/iPods/etc. to the holding room. There will be down-time (although these things will be put away when the group is asked to line-up). Rooms should be clean and organized at the conclusion of the concert. Chaperones reserve the right to hold students after the concert until the entire room is neat, clean, and free of clutter. Rooms will be monitored by chaperones/staff during the concert. A Chaperones directions should be followed without argument and heeded with respect.

Concert Attire Details concerning how we will dress, costume changes, etc. will be reviewed before each concert. In general, clothing and grooming procedures of Louisville High School will be followed at all times. Any questions should be addressed to Mr. Clear. Women should expect to dawn their modest school appropriate attire such as black dress pants/white top, black dress at knee-length, or white top/black skirt at knee-length (skirts must be worn with nude hoes), with a natural amount of make up, hair away from the eyes, wearing no jewelry with any type of attention-drawing luster, and shoes or flats with heels no greater than one inch. Men should look clean and crisp being clean-shaven with hair away from the eyes, polished black shoes, BLACK SOCKS which extend at least six inches above the shoe line, black dress pants, a belt, white long sleeve button-up shirt, and neck-tie (no bow ties, or clipons). Robes Concert Choir robes will be assigned at the beginning of the year. Students are responsible for caring for their robe by: 1. removing and replacing the robe on a hanger in the assigned closet before and after every performance. 2. carrying the robe in a garment bag during off campus events. 3. exercising caution during movement in the robe. 4. refraining from consuming any edible substance while wearing the robe. The dress code for men and women should still be followed while wearing the robe, as the students foot and neckline will still be visible to the audience. (Note: Signing the handbook agreement form indicates that the student and his/her family is responsible for charges resulting in damage to the students assigned robe.) Pay to Participate Fees for ensemble participation should be paid as soon as possible. Students who do not pay the course fee risk removal from choir. Please consult the pay to participate letter and paper work for more information about payment amounts, family caps, etc. Payment should be directed to our financial secretary: Mrs. Kocher. Choir T-Shirts Students have the option to purchase a choir t-shirt for approximately $10 or less. The shirt will be used as costuming for the final numbers in our spring concert, as well as memorabilia of participation in choir. Student officers are responsible for advising and designing the choir shirt. PURCHASING A CHOIR T-SHIRT IS NOT REQUIRED.

Choir Music Written music is our course text. As in other classes, the student is responsible if the course text is lost or damaged (a cost which can add up quickly). Students will be held fiscally responsible if their assigned music and folder are not turned in at the end of the school year. Varsity Singers Rehearsals-twice a week, with the dates and times determined by the group. Students will not come late or leave early for any reason other than sports practices. Attendance policy-Each student receives two personal days per semester he or she can use to be absent from rehearsal for illness (after school), sport conflicts, family events, work schedule conflicts, etc. If the student exceeds these absences, they will be asked to leave the ensemble. Mr. Clear must be notified by phone or email if the student intends to use a personal day. (Personal days cannot be used for dress rehearsals or performances.) Performances-are mandatory at all times with the exception of school sporting events Attire-Tuxes and Dresses provided by the school with reimbursement from sponsors (see attire pricing and information sheet) Sponsorships-Each student is responsible for securing a gold level sponsorship or the equivalent of $200 to cover the cost of costuming, bussing for events, etc. Scheduling-Varsity Singers will be notified about upcoming performances at least one month in advance to accommodate school, family, and work schedules. Practice-Students must practice their music individually in order to allow rehearsal time for ensemble blend, choreography, etc.

Overview While ones grade in choir should not be the driving factor of participation, it is a necessary element in measuring ones progress in the vocal music program and toward the Ohio Music Education Standards. For this reason, students will receive an allotted number of points per day (3) for attendance, preparation, and participation. If any of these daily expectations is not fully met, points will be deducted. Students and parents should be aware that absences do not count against the participation grade, but do lower the total amount of points in the final grade. In addition, the final grade is calculated through a variety of formative and formal assessments such as student practice tapes/recordings, music theory and history quizzes, self/ensemble assessment through recording, attendance and participation in dress rehearsals and concerts, and a written concert review. A general estimate of point values and assessments in each ensemble is listed below. Students and parents should check their Pinnacle grades often to stay informed of their current vocal music grade and refer any assessment questions to Mr. Clear immediately. Concerts, rehearsals, and assignments may be added or deleted at the Directors discretion. The total point value will reflect these changes.

Concert Choir Assessments Assessment Frequency Point Value Daily Points (attendance, preparation, participation) Every Rehearsal 3 x 175 Days Pencil Checks As needed 8 x 3 Points Practice Recordings-rubrics/instructions will be Set prior to each 2 x 25 Points distributed and online Concert Music Theory (Solfeg, Circle of fifths) and Music With at least 3 x 25 Points History Quizzes (Madrigal Unit) 1 weeks notice Self/Ensemble Assessment After every concert 3 x 11 Points Written Concert Review-rubrics/instructions will be Semester 1 48 Points distributed and online Mid Term Exam Semester 1 50 Points Final Exam Semester 2 100 Points Dress Rehearsal Attendance/Participation/Attire Before each concert 4 x 70 Points Concert Attendance/Participation/Attire During each concert 4 x 70 Points TOTAL: 1,465 Points Mixed Choir Assessments Assessment Frequency Point Value Daily Points (attendance, preparation, participation) Every Rehearsal 3 x 175 Days Pencil Checks As needed 8 x 3 Points Music Theory (Solfeg, Circle of fifths) and Music With at least 3 x 25 Points History Quizzes (Madrigal Unit) 1 weeks notice Self/Ensemble Assessment After every concert 3 x 11 Points Mid Term Exam Semester 1 50 Points Final Exam Semester 2 100 Points Dress Rehearsal Attendance/Participation/Attire Before each concert 4 x 70 Points Concert Attendance/Participation/Attire During each concert 4 x 70 Points TOTAL: 1,367 Points Concert and Dress Rehearsal Rubric Dress Rehearsals-70 points Concerts-70 points Point Deductions -10 points: up to 10 minutes late beyond the rehearsal start time or performance call time -35 points: more than 10 minutes late beyond the rehearsal start time or performance call time -20 points: if correct attire (robe or assigned clothing) is not worn (if the school dress code is broken, the student will not perform).

2013-2014 High School Choral Music Schedule

Subject to change throughout the year

Wednesday, Aug. 21 Thursday, Sept. 12 Wednesday, Sept. 18 Thursday, Oct. 10 Oct. 15-24 Thursday, Oct. 24 Thursday, Nov. 14 Sunday, Dec. 1 Thursday, Dec. 12 Thursday, Dec. 19 Thursday, Jan. 9 Saturday, Feb. 1 Thursday, Feb. 13 Thursday, Feb. 13 Friday, Mar. 7 and Saturday, Mar. 8 Thursday, Mar. 13 Thursday, Apr. 10 Thursday, Apr. 17 Thursday, May 8 Tuesday, May 20 Sunday, May 25

First Day of School Parent Info Meeting Parent Info Meeting Choral Network Meeting Cash Cow Fundraiser Fall Concert Choral Network Meeting Light Up Louisville Choral Network Meeting Holiday Concert Choral Network Meeting

all day 7:00-8:00 pm 7:00-8:00 pm 7:00 pm all day 7:30 pm 7:00 pm TBA 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:00 pm

Solo and Ensemble Adjudication all day Choral Symposium Concert Choral Network Meeting Large Group Ensemble OMEA Adjudicated Event Choral Network Meeting Choral Network Meeting Spring Concert Choral Network Meeting Senior Showcase Commencement Ceremony TBA 7:00 pm all day

7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 6:00 pm 10

Student Information and Agreement Form Student Name _______________________ I play the following sports: Student Choir __________

My signature certifies that I have read, understand, and will abide by the contents of the 2013 - 2014 Choral Music Handbook in its entirety including (but not limited to) rehearsal and performance attendance policies, robe and concert attire rules, assessment strategies, choir music, pay to participate, classroom expectations, and communications.

Signed____________________________ (student)

Date __________

Parent/Guardian Information and Agreement Form Student Name _______________________ Student Choir __________

Parent/Guardian Name _________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name _________________________________ Preferred Phone Number (circle: Home, Work, Cell) (______)-_______-____________ Parent Email Address ____________________________________
My signature certifies that I have read, understand, and will abide by the contents of the 2013 - 2014 Choral Music Handbook in its entirety including (but not limited to) rehearsal and performance attendance policies, robe and concert attire rules, assessment strategies, choir music, pay to participate, classroom expectations, and communications.

(parent or guardian)

Date __________

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