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Name __________________________ Date _________________________ Period ______________


Essential Question: Why Study Biology?


Bellringer: Use your course syllabus and what you remember from last class to answer the following
1. What does it mean to use professional language?
2. Can you leave biology class to use the bathroom?
3. What are some things to keep in mind if you are ever late to class?
4. What do you think are some reasons we should study biology?

Tonights Homework: HW1 is due next class!

Activity 1: Cornell Notes

Biology Objective / Essential Question:

Questions / Main Ideas:

Questions / Main Ideas:

Why are we here?
To prepare for: _______________________________________
How does Biology fit into this picture? __________________________
Stop & Jot
How important is your success in this class?


Word Breakdown:

Biology = _____________________________________________

Why study biology?


Earn a _________________________
Get into ________________________
Earn a __________________________
Get a ___________________________
So you __________________________

Knowledge is __________________________________
Stop & Jot
Who is someone you know who has power? What kind of knowledge
do they have that makes them powerful?
________________ is powerful because he/she has knowledge about
2. ________________________________________________________
Stop-and-Jot: How will graduating help you reach your goals?
Graduating will help me meet my goals because__________________

Questions / Main Ideas:

Questions / Main Ideas:

Science is _______________________________
The average salary of an engineering major just graduating from college
is ________________________
The average salary of a doctor ranges ___________________________
The average salary of a college graduate is _______________________
The average salary of a high school graduate is ____________________
The average salary of a high school dropout is ____________________
High school dropouts more than ______ times a likely to be
________________________ as college grads!
Dropping out of high school is just as silly as

Stop & Jot

How will graduating high school help you reach your goals?

What can you do with biology?


Stop & Jot

What else can you do with biology?

Activity 2: What Will the Teacher Do?

1. The teacher is giving notes at the
front of the classroom, and two
students are talking to each other. The
teacher has already asked them to stop
talking once.
2. Bria is texting on her phone
during class. The teacher has already
asked her to put it away once.
3. Tia walks into class 2 minutes after
the bell has rung. She doesnt have a
pass. Its her first tardy.
4. Sean walks into class 15 minutes
after the bell has rung. He doesnt have
a pass. Its his first tardy.
5. The teacher asks everyone to take
out their tablets, but Cassandra left her
tablet at home.
6. Two students start yelling
and cursing at each other during
7. Kristopher wants to go to the
bathroom while the teacher is giving a
lecture at the front of the room.
8. Corlandis comes into class and
immediately picks up his materials, sits
in his assigned seat, and begins working
on the bellringer.
9. There is a fire drill. Instead of
following the class to our assigned
location, Lizzie decides to go meet her
friend in front of the school.
10. Everyone in the class gets above an
81% on our unit test!

What You Thinks Is

What Will Really

Happen Is

Name: __________________________ Date: _______________________ Period: ______________

HW1: Professional Behavior

Biology I

classroomspace.Ifthebehaviorisprofessional, writePontheline.Ifthebehavioris
unprofessional,writeUNPon theline.
1. _____ Brittany enters class and immediately starts complaining about the amount of work she is
expected to do in biology class.
2. _____ Victor helps another student who was absent organize her notebook
3. _____ Tamika didnt understand the biology lecture notes in class so she writes her questions down
on the bottom of her Cornell Notes for the teacher to respond to.
4. _____ Erick stayed up too late playing video games, and decides to catch up on his sleep in biology
class. When the teacher asks him to put his head up, he tells the teacher to get out of his face.
5. _____ Joe isnt feeling well. As he enters the class he tells his teacher that he might need to put his
head down for a little while to stay in class and participate.
6. _____ Tony wants to know his grade in class, so he interrupts the teachers lecture and yells, I need
you to tell me my grade now!
7. _____ Donte lost track of time and is late to class. He comes in silently, gets his materials, and gets
started on his work right away.
8. _____ Deannas grandma is in the hospital and shes expecting a call from her mom to see how her
grandma is going. She lets the teacher know before class starts that she might have to step out into the
hall to take a call.
9. _____ Latoya doesnt do her homework, so she copies her friends homework right before class.
10. _____ Devin has biology class 7/8th period. At lunch he realizes forgot to do his homework. He
goes to his classroom to get another copy and finishes as much of the homework as he can before class.
11. In the space below, in your words, in a complete sentence, write what it means to be professional:

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