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Monday attendance, AR sign in, morning work Devotions Morning Meeting Religion Journal
Daily 5- Language Arts

2013/2014 First Grade Schedule Mrs. Schneider

Tuesday attendance, AR sign in, morning work Morning Meeting, Religion Foreign Language Foundations Gym with Mrs. Jelinski
Daily 5- Language Arts

Wednesday attendance, AR sign in, morning work CHAPEL Morning Meeting

Daily 5- Language Arts

8:20 8:45 9:15 9:50 10:00 10:25 11:20 11:25

Thursday attendance, AR sign in, morning work Morning Meeting Religion Foreign Language Foundations Journal
Daily 5- Language Arts

Friday attendance, AR sign in, morning work Devotions Morning Meeting Religion
Gym with Mr. Kellerman

Daily 5- Language Arts

Snack Recess
Daily 5- Language Arts
Pray and Bathroom Break

Snack Recess
Daily 5- Language Arts
Pray and Bathroom Break

Snack Recess
Daily 5- Language Arts
Pray and Bathroom Break

Snack Recess
Daily 5- Language Arts
Pray and Bathroom Break

Snack Recess
Daily 5- Language Arts
Pray and Bathroom Break

12:15 12:45 Math- Facts and Seat Work 1:00 Science 1:30 Social Studies 2:15 Choir 2:45 Pack Up/Read Aloud

Lunch Math- Lesson Recess

Lunch Math- Lesson Recess

Math- Facts and Seat Work

Lunch Math- Lesson Recess

Math- Facts and Seat Work

Lunch Math- Lesson Recess

Math- Facts and Seat Work

Lunch Math- Lesson Recess

Math- Facts and Seat Work

Science Social Studies Art Pack Up/Read Aloud

Science Social Studies Technology Pack Up/Read Aloud

Science Social Studies Art Pack Up/Read Aloud

Writing Scholastic News Friday time Pack Up/Read Aloud

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