Three Magic Texts

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3 Magic Texts You Can Send Your Wife Or Girlfriend Tonight

A Get Results Now Report By Michael Fiore

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

Copyright 2011 by Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction and distribution in any way, shape, or form is forbidden. No part of this womanual or its accompanying video training shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any other means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission from the author. Please write Copyrighted materials cited in this course are reproduced here for educational purposes only under fair use provisions of U.S. Copyright law. Ther publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the author is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice. If legal advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Michael Fiore. individually or corporately, do not accept any responsibility for any liabilities resulting for the actions of any parties involved.

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

3 Magic Texts To Improve The Intimacy With Your Wife Or Girlfriend Tonight
Hey, this is Mike Fiore and I want to thank you for downloading this free report. this report is really the tip of the iceberg when it comes to using simple little text messages to drastically improve the intimacy, connection and passion in your relationship. Four Important Things Before We Get Started . . . 1. If you havent already, make sure you watch the free video that really explains this texting thing in a lot more detail: That video gives you a crash course in why texting is the secret key to your womans romantic mind and shows you why simple little texts sent from your average cell phone can add massive spark back into your relationship in shockingly little time. 2. Go to and like me. Facebook is 100% the best way to get in touch with me personally and I often answer questions posted on my Facebook wall. I also give a whole bunch of free content and ideas on Facebook that I dont post anywhere else. 3. If you want undeniable PROOF that the 3 Magic Texts method works (and if you want some bonus texts you can use right away, go watch me on the Rachael Ray show by going here: 4. Check your email for more over the coming days.

Whew, OK, now that thats out of the way . . .

Before I actually GIVE you the Three Magic Texts, let me just really quickly cover a couple core concepts that are important to understand before you start using this Texting thing with the woman in your life. Its important you get this stuff because if you dont you can actually HURT your relationship more than they help it. (I cover some of this stuff in more detail in some emails youre going to get over the next few days, but lets just talk in broad swaths here.) Before I actually GIVE you the Three Magic Texts, let me just really quickly cover a couple core concepts that are important to understand before you start using this Texting thing with the woman in your life.

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

Its important you get this stuff because if you dont you can pretty easily screw the pooch and send texts that actually HURT your relationship more than they help it. (I cover some of this stuff in more detail in some emails youre going to get over the next few days, but lets just talk in broad swaths here.) BIG CONCEPT NUMBER 1: Your womans cell phone is a magic portal to her deepest, most intimate mind. I talk about this in the video you (hopefully) watched before grabbing this report, but the fact of the matter is most women are absolutely ADDICTED to their cell phones and theyre ALREADY USED to sharing their most intimate and private thoughts on the phone, through text and (less and less) through phone calls. BIG CONCEPT NUMBER 2: Women Get More Passionate As They Get Older. Weird as it might sound to you or I, the vast majority of women see their desire for intimacy INCREASE as they get into their 30s, 40s and 50s. Heck, a lot of women see their drive SKYROCKET after menopause. So if you think youre wife just isnt into being physically intimate with you, I can pretty much guarantee youre wrong. BIG CONCEPT NUMBER 3: Guys Respond to VISUAL Stimuli (Pictures of Hot Chicks) While Women Respond To Verbal, Descriptive and EMOTIONAL Stimuli (Chick icks, romance novels.) Ther is REALLY important. As we go forward (and Im hoping this is the start of a really long friendship between you and I) Im going to push you to send your woman some very descriptive and specic stuff. Fact of the matter is that women are HARD WIRED and EVOLVED to respond to this stuff. If you simply stick with the program and do what I say youll be amazed at the results you get. BIG CONCEPT NUMBER 4: Your Woman WANTS you to take charge. And our nal big concept is that your woman really does WANT you to take charge of the romantic side of the relationship. She WANTS you to take the lead, to desire her on a primal level (both physically and otherwise) and to be seen as a strong, attractive woman. Plain and simple, no woman wants a guy whos constantly saying Yes, dear, and letting her make all the decisions in a relationship. She wants you to have a spine. She wants you to take charge (especially when it comes to romance) and she WANTS you seduce her, make her feel special and make her feel like a treasured and beautiful jewel. OK, if you want more on this just check your email in box over the next few days or check out some of the stuff Im posting at

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

And if you have any questions shoot me over an email at Ill do my best to get back to you as quickly as I can (though I do get a LOT of email.) Best, Mike Fiore

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

The Three Magic Texts Revealed

OK, lets dive in. To start out Ive got to make one BIG assumption. And thats that youre wife HAS a cell phone and KNOWS HOW to use it to send text messages. These days thats probably a pretty safe assumption, but every once in a while I get an email from a guy saying her wife has NO IDEA how to text and isnt sure what to do. If youre wife doest get the texting thing yet, you should skip ahead to the next section where I reveal a sneaky method one of my customers came up with to bridge the texting gap with her wife, who had never texted before in her life. OK, here we go . . .

Step 1: The Curiosity text . . .

Curiosity is a phenomenally powerful tool for getting your wifes attention (or anyones attention, actually), starting the texting conversation and creating a Private world of romance and intimacy wherever you are, whenever you want. Remember, our goal is really to create this Alternate world for you and the woman you love. A world where you can feel close to each other and build towards greater intimacy (and passion) even while youre stuck at work, going about your day, taking care of the kids or doing anything else. So heres the rst thing you should send your wife or girlfriend. In fact, you should take out your cell phone and send it RIGHT NOW. I cant stop thinking about . . . Pretty simple, huh? Notice that theres nothing overtly irty about that text message. But its got a POWERFUL pull on a womans mind. Shes going to want to know what the heck it is that youre actually thinking about. In fact the ellipse () at the end of the text is kind of like a magnet. Itll pull her towards you like a tractor beam. Theres really only one response you could get from your wife in that case. And thats for her to say . . .

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

About what? I recommend waiting for a response before sending anything else. If she doesnt respond its probably because she doesnt know how to use her cell phone very well or because shes busy.

Step 2: The Attractive And Powerful Text

OK, now that weve gotten her attention its time to let her know that you think shes beautiful, desirable and damned cool. Unfortunately, most women in our culture suffer from pretty wretched self esteem. Everywhere they go theyre assaulted by images of models, actresses, cocktail waitresses and skinny bitches who are thinner, taller etc. In text two, were going to cut through a lot of that BS, let her know how attractive and powerful she is and start to wake up her desire. Again, in the main course I give you a TON of different options for doing this (You get asset texts, The Relationship Time Machine texts and a whole bunch of others as well as the full method behind the system.) But for now were just going to focus on something innocuous and easy. Remember, were building on our last text. So originally you said . . . I cant stop thinking about . . . And she responded with something like . . . About what? Again, theres not much else she COULD HAVE responded with, which is why I like curiosity texts like that so much. Theyre a way for you to CONTROL the conversation and take charge without having to have a million different responses ready. Once she responds its time for you to interrupt all the boring thoughts that are running through her head (I have to get David to karate practice, do we have any milk? woman I hate my boss) by hitting her with what I call an overwhelming emotion text. So, once she replies you say . . . How beautiful you are . . .
Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

OR Your smile . . . OR How gorgeous you looked when I left this morning. If youre feeling advanced and know (without a shadow of a doubt) what your wife considers to be her BEST features, you can also comment on those. The key is to be as SPECIFIC as possible . . . How gorgeous and green your eyes are. OR How amazing you felt lying next to me last night. If youre not comfortable with that, you can go for the all purpose response (that makes women weak in the knees.) In that case youll say . . . You. Or How much I love you. Got it? Nothing complicated here, but youll be amazed by how just doing this simple, tiny little thing sends utters through her whole body and brings a great smile to her lips. I often say that this kind of attention is like sunlight to a ower for a woman. She NEEDS to know that youre thinking of her, that you nd her attractive (even in a world of Maxim and super models) and that you appreciate having her in your life. That brings us to . . .

Step 3: Planting The Seed

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

OK, so so far weve used curiosity to get her attention and have used what I call a Clean Asset text to give her a compliment and establish how much you care for her and how much you desire her. . After your second text she only really has one possible response, and thats to say Aww, thank you. OR Youre just saying that. Or she might just send you a smiley face like this =-) In our third text were going to use the TWO MOST POWERFUL WORDS IN THE WORLD and the principal of anticipation to put a huge smile on her face and have her counting down the minutes until she gets to see you again. Got it? Good. So our little text conversation so far is something like . . . YOU: I cant stop thinking about . . . HER: About what? YOU: How beautiful you are. =-) (The little smiley is optional.) HER: Aww. Youre just saying that. YOU: No. Im not. I cant stop imagining what its going to feel like when I see you again. The two power words here are IMAGINE and FEEL. Ill go into more detail on this later, but these are some NUCLEAR POWER WORDS for women (and for men too, but to a lesser extent.) Its actually really hard for the human brain to read the word imagine without IMMEDIATELY imagining what it is youre talking about. (Try not to imagine a pink elephant. =-)) And Feel appeals deeply to how women think in general. To a woman feeling is everything. Of course you can mix it up if you want to.
Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

HER: Youre just saying that. YOU: No. Im not. You cant imagine how good its going to feel when I see you tonight. OR YOU: You cant imagine how it feels, sitting here and knowing I have to wait hours to see you again.

And thats really The 3 Magic Texts In a nut shell.

Step 1: Curiosity Step 2: Establish that shes beautiful/wanted/attractive Step 3: Use an Imagine text to have her thinking about the future and how great its going to feel in the future. Its completely possible that shes going to want to keep texting back and forth with you at this point. If she does you can try Winging it or you can use some of the more advanced techniques Ill tell you about soon. (Oo, curiosity.) But the really important part is that stay congruent when you get home that night. Walk up to her. Look her in the eye. Say did you get my text? and see what happens. =-)

Of Course the 3 Magic Texts Are Just The Tip Of The Romantic Texting Iceberg . . .
If youre like most guys, after you try out the 3 Magic Texts youre going to nd yourself turning into a bit of romantic texting addict and saying . . .

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

OK, Michael, I get it . . . I see how I can use TEXT MESSAGES to Bring Massive Spark Into MY Relationship. But What Do I Do Next?
Glad you asked . . . =-) Because Ive got a really good answer for you. Like I said at the beginning of this report, my name is Michael Fiore . . . And for the last few years Ive been teaching guys just like you how to use text messages to drastically improve the love, passion and intimacy in your relationships. Honestly, this texting thing just started off as something fun to do . . . I shared one of my appreciation texts with a buddy of mine at a poker game. Hed been having trouble with her girlfriend and was really down in the dumps about it. I gave her one simple text to use . . . and watched as her phone leapt off the table the moment her girlfriend received it.

And from there things got a little crazy . . .

I started sharing these weird little texting techniques Id come with for me and my girlfriend with my friends . . . And getting amazing results.

And the next thing I knew I was on the radio, being featured in blogs and even ying to New York City to be on the Rachael Ray show on Valentines day . . .

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

(You can see my clip from the show at Now, if youre like most guys you probably dont think the Rachael Ray show is anything special (heck, I know I never watched the show before being invited to be on it.) But the reason I got invited onto the show (which is watched by 4 MILLION women each and every day) is because this Romantic Texting thing sets off absolute FIREWORKS in a womans mind . . . And Rachael and her producers knew just having me get up there and talk about this stuff was going to have women in the audience squirming in their seats (and guys at home plotting and planning how to use this stuff on their wives.) So WHY did I get all this mainstream media attention? Why do women regularly write me emails BEGGING me to teach this stuff to the men in their lives? All because Id gured out the secret code to using text messages as . . .

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

Love Letters 2.0

And turning romance into a simple, step-by-step system even lazy guys can do really well (as long as theyve got a cell phone and can follow simple instructions.) Finally, after getting all that attention, I decided to package up everything I knew about using tiny little text messages to hijack your womans romantic mind and giving you the love and sex youre craving into a simple, step-by-step program I call . . .

Text The Romance Back: The 30 Day Digital Relationship Transformer

Text The Romance Back is an easy, step-by-step system (used by thousands of guys already) that will show you how to use tiny little text messages sent from your average cell phone to instantly ignite a tremendous re in your relationship . . . To help you and your girlfriend or wife (or even just a woman youre dating) quickly connect on a deep and primal level (even if you dont have much passion in the relationship now . . . ) To have her freely giving you the attention you used to get (without ever having to ask for it) . . . And to create a better, more romantic and more passionate marriage or relationship where you can relax and give your woman all the romance she needs . . . literally at the push of a button. The TRB program is crammed full of step-by-step instructions and done-for-you texts designed to crawl into her subconscious mind and subtly awaken the Secret Romantic within . . .

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

When You Grab Your Copy Of Text The Romance Back Today, Youll Discover . . .
How to attract her attention no matter where he is, no matter how busy he is or how addicted to work he might seem. All by using the simple Curiosity Magnet text no woman can ignore . . . The stunning power of Appreciation Texts that will send subtle shivers down her spine (youll be shocked at the spring he gets in her step and the goofy smile that spreads across her face when you use this simple method to tell her how you really feel . . .)

Feel Like The Passion Is Missing From Your Relationship?

Once you learn the power of Sensual Compliments texts youll be able to multiply the heat in your relationship and have your woman feeling warm and romantic on even the iciest of days . . . (And youll be overwhelmed at the tingle that goes through your whole body the rst time he uses one of these on you.)

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

And thats just the tip of the iceberg . . . As you get into the more advanced material youll also discover . . .

The incredible Text Massage Technique . . .

A technique so powerful shell swear she feels your hands on her, kneading her muscles and sending her to a place of total relaxation . . . Even if youre all the way across town or on a business trip in a different part of the state . . . Use this simple text to have your woman feeling like shes right there next to you (and loving every minute,) even when shes across the country or around the world on business (or any time you cant get close even though you desperately want to.) Sick of the same old ghts and never ending up happy?

With The 3 Magic Words Text Youll Be Able To Stop Arguments In Their Tracks and laugh and enjoy each other even when times are tough . . .
OK, this next one is one of my favorites . . . Next youll learn how to irt and tease her with . . .

Digital Telepathy Texts . . .

Sneaky and intimate texts that draw her attention to you like a tractor beam even when youre in the same room. Youll be amazed at the look she gives you when she reaches into her pocket and sees the message you sent her . . .and how eager (or desperate) she is to get you alone afterwards. =-)
Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

And for when its time for Romance to turn into hot and heavy passion youll discover . . .

How To Use Digital Foreplay To Enter The Most Private And Primal Parts Of Her Mind . . .
And create a level of attraction and desire in your relationship you probably havent felt since that you rst kissed. In fact, if youre like the thousands of men who have used Text The Romance Back already, youll feel like youve gone through a . . .

Relationship Time Machine. . .

And have created a better, more connected, more intimate, sexier and more fun relationship with your woman . . . Literally at the push of a button . . .
Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

Tim from Las Vegas tried the system . . . he sent just 3 texts and his wife was so hot for him when she got home that they had the best sex in years. Jim from Seattle says My wife and I were right in the middle of a dry patch when I discovered your stuff. Her reaction was overwhelming. Now her friends keep asking me to teach their HUSBANDS how to do this. And Mark from Minesota says he thought the romance was DEAD . . . But suddenly shes seducing ME over text message. And those are just a few of the thousands of emails Ive received from incredibly satised women after trying this simple system . . .

Heres My Promise To You . . .

If youve got two thumbs you can do wonders for your relationship and be giddy and passionate like teenagers again, just by using these simple techniques like thousands have already.

OK, How Do You Get Started?

How much for the Text The Romance Back System (as featured on Rachael Ray) and including dozens of done-for-you texts for both you and your woman to use . . . PLUS my patented Romantic Texting formulas I promise youve never heard of before . . .? Honestly, this is the only program like this in existence, so theres nothing to compare it to. So lets just think of the alternatives you could try (or that youve tried already) to bring the spark and the Romance back into your relationship. First, You Could Try Planning A Romantic Dinner With Your woman . . . That will cost you at least a hundred dollars (just for an Okay restaurant.) . . . And if youre like a lot of guys, youll nd yourself annoyed at how you sit there, not talking. How she looks at you expecting more. And how nothing really changes.

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

Next, You Could Try Grabbing Her Attention By Buying Her Some Sexy Lingerie . . . A really nice set will cost you a few hundred bucks (at least) . . . And even if she doesnt blow up at you for only thinking of sex what are the odds that shell actually wear it? If Youre Really Serious You Could Try a Romantic Weekend Away . . . That will cost you THOUSANDS to do right . . . And even if you do connect on a deep level and get physically and emotionally closer, youll probably end up right back where you are now as soon as your Magic vacation is over.

Let Me Ask You A Question . . .

Years from now, when youre looking back, how are you going to feel if you could have made your relationship so much better just by pushing a few simple buttons on your cell phone? Not to get depressing here, but most couples in this country just dont make it. They get too busy for love . . . They forget to be romantic . . . to seduce each other . . . to love each other. They drift apart . . . they get bitter . . . and all that passion just turns to apathy and anger. How are you going to feel if you could have gone through that Relationship Time Machine . . . brought back the romance, the lust and love . . .?

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

And what if you could have done it all just by tapping out a few tiny messages on your cell phone? Its hard for a lot of guys to believe, but having a great relationship . . . being that couple who everyone else is envious of, is really just about doing a few little things right. As I showed live on television with Rachael Ray, the techniques I teach in Text The Romance Back work VERY well. And because I want you to experience the results for yourself, Im going to let you have the full program at a price youre not going to believe. The regular retail price of Text The Romance Back is . . . Just $97 . . . Less than one expensive dinner at a romantic restaurant (not to mention what youll pay for a babysitter and gas.) And a LOT less than youll pay to a Relationship Counselor if you dont get this Romance Thing handled . . . if you dont feed the desire youve got burning its way through your heart . . . if you dont do SOMETHING to fan the ames of your love. I know $97 can seem like a lot of money to people sometimes (and I want to take away every barrier to you getting the romance you deserve.) Everyone whos used Text The Romance Back says its a STEAL at $97, and my friends and clients tell me the absolute least I should allow you to enroll in the program for is . . . Just $97 $67

But I Want To Make this A Real No Brainer For You . . .

I want YOU to try this material and see how well it works for yourself.

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

Thats why Im willing to let you have the complete Text The Romance Back program . . . For Just $97 $67 $47 . . . today.

Plus If You Act Now Ill Also Give You The Audio Of The Training At No Additional Charge . . .
The audio version of Text The Romance Back comes in iPod Friendly MP3s so you can study up and learn these simple texting techniques while youre at the gym, in the car or any time youve got a pair of headphones.

AND Youll Get My New Facebook Romance Secrets Program Absolutely Free (A $27 Value all by itself)

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

Facebook Romance Secrets is a new program Ive created that will allow you to seduce your woman (or ANY woman, actually) using Facebook and other social media sites like Twitter . . . And will make her SWOON every time you log in. As I say in the program . . . What You Post On Facebook Is The Story You Tell The World About Yourself . . . And in this training, my friend Mike Hill and I will teach you how to tell a story that will have your woman grinning from ear to ear . . .

In Facebook Romance Secrets Youll Discover . . .

How to use simple little posts on your womans Facebook wall to rivet her attention and send shivers of anticipation up her ngertips and through her whole body. Facebook Photos . . . and sneaky tricks to commenting on her pictures in a way that has her friends and family GUSHING over how youre the perfect guy for her. How to be Unapologetically Romantic with your woman . . . and have her feel like the most Romanced woman on the block without spending one red cent. The single most romantic thing you can do on your womans birthday (I cant even hint at how powerful this is here, but youll be shocked when you hear it.) And MUCH more . . Facebook Romance Secrets is normally $27 all by itself, but Id like to at out GIVE it to you just for trying out Text The Romance Back today . . .

Just To Add It All Up, As Part Of this Special Promotion Youll Get . . .
Text The Romance Back: The 30 Day Digital Relationship Transformer (Reg $67) Text The Romance Back Audio (Reg $17) Facebook Romance Secrets (Print AND Audio) (Reg $27)

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

AT LEAST $108 of value . . .

For Less Than 50 Bucks!! All You Have Do To Get Started Is Go To now
Youll gain INSTANT access to EVERYTHING and will be Texting The Romance Back With Your woman tonight . . .

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

And, of course, youre 100% covered by my . . .

You Get Romance Or You Dont Pay Guarantee . . .

Heres how it works: Simply order today. Use the material. If you arent blown away (and if you dont get results) simply email me or my staff within 60 days for a complete, no-questions asked refund. No ne print. No hoops to jump through. No B.S. Listen . . . The way I like to do business (and the way I was raised) is, I dont think I deserve your money unless I OVER deliver. Thats why Im willing to give you two full months to try out the program and see if it works for you. I know from experience (and the thousands of women who have used Text The Romance Back in the past) that the odds are it WILL work for you, that youll be blown away by the results you get in shockingly little time and that youll become something of an evangelist for Text The Romance Back, telling everyone you know about the program and raving about how much you love it on my Facebook wall. But every once in a while a woman grabs TRB and its just not for her. Thats totally OK. I want you to know that youre 100% safe and 100% covered and youve literally got nothing to lose here by trying out Text The Romance Back today.

But You Really Do Have To Act Now . . .

Im letting you have Text The Romance Back now for just $97 $67 $47 as a bit of a test but Im planning on raising the price (or maybe even doubling it) in the near future. See, heres the weird thing: When I tell a lot of guys that they can fundamentally change their relationship just by pushing a few buttons on their cell phone and for such a low price, a lot of them just dont believe me.

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

And I guess that makes sense. I mean, really $47 to get the sex and romance youve wanted for so long seems almost TOO cheap to be for real . . . So Im probably going to be forced to raise the price up to AT LEAST $97 and maybe even more just to make it seem reasonable. I dont really want to raise the price, but if you saw me on TV you know Im pretty passionate about helping men and women around the world have the best relationships possible. And if I have to raise the price to do that, I will. But if youre reading this letter right now it means youve still got a chance to get the full program (plus the bonuses) at the discount price of just $47 (but only if you act right now.) Listen, I dont want to put too much pressure on you here, but . . .

Youve Got A Really Simple Choice To Make . . .

And when you think about it, as you sit in your chair and read this letter, youve really just got three options. Option 1: Do nothing. Stop reading this letter, try to force everything Ive just said to you out of your mind and keep doing what youre doing now. Let Romance die out of your life. Keep feeling that terrible longing in your chest. Keep being jealous of those other guys you know who have that perfect relationship and wondering why you cant have it too. Honestly, if youve read through this letter I think we both know that what youre doing now simply isnt working for you. That you NEED more love and passion and SEX and romance in your life. And that if you dont take action right now, youre going to regret it more than anything youve regretted in a very long time. Option 2: Take what you learned in this report and try to wing it with your wife or girlfriend (or with that cute guy youve been wanting to talk to for so long.) You can try this, but I can tell you from experience that without guidance, the chances of you sending the wrong message, messing up and getting the opposite result of what you want this way are huge.
Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

Im sure you can imagine how youd feel if you sent the wrong message and it backred on you. And I really dont want that to happen to you. Which brings us to . . . Option 3: Risk NOTHING At All Today . . . Grab the Text The Romance Back Training for the special discounted price today. Experience for yourself what its like to have that romance and connection in your life in a way youve never felt before. And line up to be ANOTHER of my growing list of success stories.

All You Have Do To Get Started Is Go To now

I sincerely hope youll give me the chance to prove to you how well the Text The Romance Back program works. I hope youll let me help you feel that thrill of romance and love and seduction again . . . to bring you back to how you felt when you rst fell in love, simply by tapping out a few messages on your cell phone. But the only way I can help you is if you take this tiny action right now, risk absolutely nothing and grab your copy of Text The Romance Back. I cant wait to hear about your success. Yours, Michael Fiore Creator: Text The Romance Back P.S. Ive already showed you some of the messages I get from guys, but get emails from WOMEN every single day raving about Text The Romance Back. Here are just a few of my recent favorites: Youve Created A Monster =-) Michael, Ive been seeing F for about 3 weeks and I have completely blown her away with this method. He is totally losing it . . . In the beginning he wasnt texting back to me

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

with much imagination. He would just tell me how hot it was and how amazing I was. Youre making me want you so bad But this week something happened. He got it. He started creating her own imagination texts like You are the most amazing woman, I cant believe you are with me. Its like you have been this hidden creature I get to open up and see the beautiful pearl inside. Like a treasure just for me. I love the way you write to me. You make me feel so amazing. I just want to give that back to you . . . And, of course, he writes more detail I cant write here. =-) Thank you SOOO much for this gift, this skill I am now cultivating. It has totally changed the way I communicate. I can text things I would never say out loud, but boy does it get appreciated on the other side! Yours, Margot Its Becoming An Obsession Michael, Another day to start and its becoming an obsession using your program. I love what your program is doing in my relationship right now. I know its a little frustrating to my woman because after turning her on he cant do anything but wait until he sees me again on Sunday. I started last Sunday and hes become so sweet in her replies. Hes opening up to me and telling me whats on her mind in a way he never has before. Im happy that youre helping a lot of confused women like me. Thank you so much! I hope and would appreciate it if you would include me on your upcoming program on how men really think. More power!! Lia And heres a few from my Facebook wall . . .

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

P.P.S. Let me just answer a few of the more common questions I get about Text The Romance Back. 1. How quickly will I get Text The Romance Back? Great question. TRB is a 100% digital download. Youll be able to download everything just 2 short minutes from right now and will be digging into the material (and getting results) in no time. If you were able to open up this PDF than you already have everything you need on your computer to read the manual and its formatted to be easily printable. 2. Im not in a relationship right now, can Text the Romance Back still help me? Yup, denitely. Now, obviously, TRB was designed with men (and women) who are currently in relationships in mind. But Ive had lots of guys use TRB with women they just met and say they got amazing results . . . that the women they started dating couldnt believe what was happening and that TRB gave them the tools to do things right from the start and have the kind of relationship theyve wanted for so long.

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

It also works great if youre just dating and want to be able to hot wire a girls mind and have her thinking of you as the sexiest, most amazing guy shes ever met. this stuff is powerful. 3. What if I dont text? What if my partner doesnt text? Good question . . . though its one I get less and less often these days. If you dont text TRB can still help you and heres why: many of the men and women who grab TRB end up using the formulas and texts I give them in a wide variety of ways. One guy said he uses the techniques simply by whispering in his wifes ear while many women say they leave notes, send emails or otherwise hook their guy with these messages. Personally, I love texting because its immediate and is almost like telepathy but the material is designed to work no matter what. 4. Were you really on the Rachael Ray show? Whats she like? Weird that people ask me ther. You can watch the clip from the show here: (I was on some other shows too, including one with Allie from The Bachelorette. Anyway, yes I was on Rachael Ray on Valentines day of 2011. It was a great experience and I got to prove this texting thing works so well in front of a live studio audience. Rachael called me handsome and said I gave her chills. It was a great experience and really opened a lot of doors for me as far as getting this material out there. 5. Isnt this just about SEXTING? Are you trying to get me to SEXT my woman? I get this one a lot. Heck, Rachael Ray asked me that. Heres my answer: Yes and no. Personally I think sexting with somebody you love is great and you should do it. The mistake people make is using the tool of texting for evil. They use texting out side their relationship instead of turning all that energy inward where it should be. TRB is about a LOT more than just sexting though. Its packed full of a ton of emotional content that many guys have used to get their women panting like crazy. 6. Isnt texting just something teenagers do? Teenagers do text a lot, but these days texting is done by just about everybody. Seriously. Even my mom texts. =-)

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

7. My partner and I are ghting, will Text The Romance Back help? Yes, but it really depends on the level of the ght. If youre having an argument that cuts to the very CORE of your relationship, no single text is going to solve everything. What TRB WILL do is remind your partner of why they fell in love with you in the rst place and open the door for you to mend some fences. 8. What Is this Relationship Time Machine You Talk About? The Relationship Time Machine is a technique I created that lets you use text messages to go back in time to when your relationship was exciting and passionate and new. Its amazing. Seriously. I use it with my girlfriend regularly to remind her how much I love her and how lucky I am to have her. Its spelled out in TRB. You wont regret checking it out. 9. Im a woman, can I use Text The Romance Back Too? Yup. And you should. Seriously, women who use this program report crazy good results. Theres something about texts that sneaks past a guys defense mechanisms in a really amazing way. 10. Can I trust your guarantee? Yes. And heres why: All my payment processing is handled through Clickbank; an online merchant processor who handles payments for a lot of Big dog companies. If you want a refund all you have to do is go to Clickbank and let them know and youll get it. But beyond that, Im simply not in the business of trying to rip people off. Ive got a quality program here and I know from the many (many) women who have used it how effective it is. If you arent happy, you get your money back. It really is as simple as that.

All You Have Do To Get Started Is Go To now

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

Copyright 2011 Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, LLC

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