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UNIT 1 QUIZ NAME:_________________________________ DATE: _____________________

Conjugate the given verb in the present or past perfect according to context. 1. They are two of the strangest people I ________________ (hang) out with. 2. By the time you _____________ (build) a raft, I will _____________(leave) this island. 3. The superhero ________________ (leap) off the building before. 4. If you ____________ (tell) me, I could _________ (help) 5. Although horrible, the song ___________________ (stick) in his head before. 6. I think I ___________ (mistake) my teacher for Brad Pitt. 7. I __________________(swing) the bat three times just to hit the ball once. 8. The distance ____________(tear) them apart forever. 9. My jacket __________________(shrink) before and almost recovered its shape. 10. Even though the bee ____________________(sting) me, it ________________not (strike) fear in my heart. Choose the correct phrase in parenthesis 11. My lawyer (takes up/has take up/ have taking up/has taken up) my time before. 12. If you (have bought/had brought/have brought) it already, I hope you have saved your receipt. 13. If you (had took/had taken/take/has taken) Gaspar Villaroel, you would (had avoided/have avoided/has avoided/avoided) a lot of traffic. 14. I (have been forgetting/had forgotten/have forget/has forgot), until you reminded me. 15. We might (had/have had/had have/has have) that discussion before. 16. If the sound (have been caughting/had caught/have catch/have caught) his attention, the thief would (had winded up, have wound up, has wound up) in jail. 17. By the time you (left/leave/had left/have left), the best things will (had sold/have sold/ have been sold/had been sold) 18. I recently (hear, have heard, had heared, have heared) that you weren't feeling well 19. As long as I can remember, I (had always hated, always hated, have always hated) broccoli. 20. While the Ferrari (has cost, have costed, had cost) us a fortune; the Lamborghini would (have dealt, has deal, had dealt, have dealed) the final blow.

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