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Prepayment on PO

If The Payment Term in PO is 20% Advance Balance Amount in 30 days Now,you are giving Prepayment amount to the supplier against PO i.e 20% on PO total amount Then you need to do following steps. SEW_HO_Invoice -->Invoice-->Entry-->Invoice select Invoice type-->Prepaymnet

Enter the supplier name then only Prepayment Po number field will enable to enter the PO number in the field

Enter the PO number in Prepayment PO field

Fill all required data as usual

Validate the invoice and pay in full

Benefits of Prepayment on PO Entering prepayment invoice with PO number the PO number will reference against purchase order terms with Vendor. You can Apply/Unapply prepayment only with standard invoice generated against PO number Prepayment invoice can not visible on apply/unapply screen if the invoice is not generated through PO number It is useful for how much amount was given on particular PO number and we can apply only on particular invoice only.

(Harish.Mandava) 5

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