Daily Report: Booking Details

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Daily Report

Name Designation : : Date : Place :

1. Booking Details: Particular For the day Sales Order Booking Target Service & Maintenance Order Booking Annual Monthly Annual Monthly 0 Achievement For the month 0 0 0 0 0

For the year

0 0

2.No. of Visits: For the day For the current month For the current year

3.Pending as on Date: Sr. No. Work Description Completion Date Support Required Remarks

4.Planned for the next day:

5.Detailed Activities carried on the day:

6.Additional responsibilities taken :

7.Significant/ exceptional/ Achievement/ Contribution:

8.Order Booking Plan for current month:-

Item Sr. No. Custo mer Descr iption QTY

Rate (Basic +P& F)

Probable Probability Support Total Date of Finalizati (25%, 50%, Required / Value on 75%, 100%) Issue


9.Any shortfalls and reasons :

10.CEO Attention Required:

11.Any issues / Support required:

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