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Delta Waves & Music only

Before bed, slip on your headphones, close your eyes and soon youll feel as if you are oating and then start to slowly swirl and drift. Soothing sound waves gently ease your brain wave activity out of the rapid rhythms of beta and into the depths of delta for a peaceful and refreshing nights sleep.

Clinically Proven Method

This program balances right and left hemispheres of the brain to produce the remarkable mental state known as Hemispheric Synchronization. A special feature of Brain Sync technology is the use of scientically researched frequencies called Window Frequencies, which t through narrow biological windows to impact the body at a cellular level. Sound Sleep has been used successfully in hospitals and biofeedback clinics throughout the world. Scientists have found that when the brain is generating large amounts of delta waves the pituitary gland triggers the release of growth hormone, associated with good health, regeneration and healing.

Instructions for Listening

Listen when you need to sleep, rest or nap. Lie comfortably with your spine straight. This allows your natural channels of energy to open and flow freely. Close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply. For maximum long term benefits, listen daily for a period of six to eight weeks or after as needed.

To experience the brain optimizing effects of this program, listen with headphones.

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