Egyptian Arabic Insults and Crude Language

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Egyptian Arabic insults and crude language

Here are some insults, swear words, and general crude words used in Egyptian Arabic. I tried to arrange them generally from least to most insulting but all of these are (obviously) impolite, so be careful how you use them! A lot of these insults use ( ibn il-), "son of a..." The equivalent for a woman would be ( bint il-), "daughter of a..."

( () ibn kalb [pl.] welaad kalb)

Son of a dog. This is insulting, but on the milder end of the scale. Parents even call their kids "ibn/bint kalb" when they're mad at them, so it's not too bad. And it can be used in all kinds of ways:

( di erka binte kalb)

This company is a bitch.

( mewaar ibne kalb)

a bitch of a commute

( Ta3mu ibne kalb)

It tastes horrible.

.( yixrib beitak.)
May God destroy your house. Also on the milder end of the scale of insults. Can be embellished by adding something like gave birth to you."

( wa-beit illi xallafuuk), "and the house of those who

( ibn il-Homaar)
Son of a donkey. You can also just say ( ya Homaar).

( abu 'ara3)
Someone bald from ringworm.

( garbuu3a)
The jerboa (little jumping rodent that lives in the desert). A woman can be called garbuu3a or bint garbuu3a as an insult.

. ( iTfaH be-somm el-haari)

You can say this to someone eating, kind of like "I hope you choke on it!" means "Eat," but it's not a nice word and is often used in reference to sewage. So the phrase means something like, "Eat burning poison."

( Tozz fiik)
"Screw you." Can be embellished with something like those who gave birth to you.

( wa filli gabuuk) - and

.( yaatak Darba fi 'albak.)

Sort of like "Drop dead." Literally something like "I hope your heart gets hit." Insulting, but not too bad.

.( 3a'lu Daarib.)
Like "The fuse went out" (i.e. he's an idiot). The literal meaning is something like "His head was hit."

.( yil3an abu ommak.)

Curse your grandfather (mother's father).

.( allaah yin3al abuuk.)

May God curse your father.

.( moxxu gazma.)
His mind is (as low and dirty as) a shoe. This is pretty insulting.

.( howa 3aawiz iD-Darb bi-sittiin gazma.)

He deserves to be hit with sixty shoes.

( ya gazma yibn ig-gazma)

You shoe, you son of a shoe. Shoes are associated with dirt and connote impurity and degredation, so this is pretty insulting.

.( Tiizak Hamra.)
Your ass is red (i.e. like a monkey's).

.( gaatak dahya) - .( gaatak niila) Both are roughly equivalent to "Go to hell." ( itnayyil bi-niila) means about the same. You can also say ( () ruuH fi sittiin (alf) dahya) - go to sixty (thousand) hells. And ( yaatak dahya taxdak) - I hope a disaster takes you. .( maluu zobr)
He has no dick.

.( kuss ummak.)
Your mother's cunt; the equivalent of "Fuck you," except worse. This is as insulting as it gets. Here are some more insults:

( () behiima [pl.] bahaayim) ( () Hayawaan [pl.] Hayawanaat) () - ( ahbal - feminine form habla,

livestock (i.e. stupid or uncouth) animal foolish

[pl.] hubl)

( () 3abiiT [pl.] 3ubaTa) '( \ aliil/3adiim [pl.] 'ulalaat il-adab) '( \ aliil/3adiim [pl.] 'ulalaat il-Haya) '( \ aliil/3adiim [pl.] 'ulalaat il-aSl) ( kaddaab) ( () Haraami [pl.] Haraamiyya) ( naSSaab) ( saafil [pl.] safala) ( () hamagi [pl.] hamag) ( wisix) ( moxannas) ( () xawal [pl.] xawalaat) ( () 3il' [pl.] 3iluu') ( mi3arraS) ( ibn il-3arS) ( ibn il-wisxa) ( ibn i-armuuTa) ( ibn il-'aHba) ( ibn il-mitnaaka) ( ibn il-labwa)

simple-minded, silly rude shameless from a bad family liar* thief swindler base, loathsome uncivilized, barbaric dirty, filthy (has connotations of moral filth as well) effeminate, sissy faggot faggot pimp son of a pimp son of a filthy woman son of a whore son of a whore son of a whore son of a lioness**

* Calling someone a liar in Arabic is really, really insulting, more so than in English. The same goes for "crazy" ( magnuun); in English, it can be a joke to call someone crazy, but in Arabic people take it really seriously. ** The lionness is like a symbol of an over-sexed woman, so this is very insulting. Some general crude language:

( zayy iz-zift)
Like crap, horrible (lit. like tar). This is on the milder end of things. Ex. ( il-

3arabiyya z-zift di), this crappy car.

( aHHa)
An interjection expressing frustration or anger. Considered vulgar because it supposedly represents the sound of a woman's orgasm.

( xara)
Shit. Can be used as an interjection of frustration as in English. You can also say

( axra min kida mafii) - There's nothing shittier than this. ( \ axxa/uxaax)
A crude word for urine.

- ( naak - yiniik)
To fuck. Obviously very crude.

( beiDan)
A very crude word for testicles; can be used to describe something really annoying.

( faax)
A really crude word meaning "to spread something widely," usually used in reference to legs; you can describe something you strongly dislike as "fax," but it's very crude to do that.

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