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In Mind There's in my mind a woman of innocence, unadorned but fair-featured and smelling of apples or grass.

She wears a utopian smock or shift, her hair is light brown and smooth, and she is kind and very clean without ostentationbut she has no imagination And there's a turbulent moon-ridden girl or old woman, or both, dressed in opals and rags, feathers and torn taffeta, who knows strange songs but she is not kind. Denise Levertov Please read this poem and analyze it critically specifically, 1. describe the two women as well as you can from the information that you are given. What can you tell us about them? How are they different, how are they alike? 2. Identify any poetic techniques that Levertov uses, and; 3. Explain why she uses them in relation to the underlying message or meaning of the poem. What might Levertov be talking about? Please write your responses. Be prepared to discuss your thoughts in class and turn in your responses at the end of class today.

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