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CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION One technique used to separate the mixture compounds is called extraction.

Extraction is a process that selectively dissolves one or more of the mixture components into an appropriate solvent. The solution of these dissolved compounds is often referred to as the extract. Extraction processes include removal of soluble compounds from a solid matrix, such as in the brewing of coffee or tea, or in decaffeinating coffee with liquid carbon dioxide. In the organic chemistry laboratory, however, extraction almost always refers to the transfer of compounds from one liquid solvent to another. In solid-phase extraction (SPE) of sample preparation, the sample need to be cleaned up before been analysis. Basically, it is a technique that is used to bond hydrophobic functional groups to solid particle surfaces and act as the extracting phase. Because of this, the need for large volumes of organic solvents is reduced. Solid-phase extraction (SPE) may be used to concentrate analytes from gaseous or liquid samples and often is used to clean up and concentrate liquid extracts. The adsorbed analytes can be eluted with a solvent or thermally desorbed.

CHAPTER 2: OBJECTIVE Among the objective of this experiment are: a) To conduct the procedure of sample preparation prior to the solvent extraction experiment. b) To study and understand the procedures for solvent extraction of known sample. c) To perform extraction of prepared sample for HPLC and GC analysis. CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY Extraction of Sample 1. 2. 1 g of sample is taken and been grinded until fine powder is obtained. 250ml conical flask is taken for the addition of 25ml methanol and 1 gram sample in the flask. The magnetic stirrer is put into the flask to stir the chemical, and the aluminium foil is used to cover the sample. 3. The flask is being heated on the hot plate at 600C for 1 hour.

4. 5. 6. 7.

The sample is being filtered by using filter paper. The filtrate is kept in the refrigerator with the temperature of 40C. Step 1 to 5 is repeated for the same period of time, 1 hour. Further analysis will be conducted in the next experiment.

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