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Combine the pairs of sentences using defining or non-defining relative

clauses. Make any necessary changes. Do not change the meaning of
the original sentences. Do not use That. Use brackets were the relative
can be omitted.

1. Time of Your Life is a song by Green Day. Its a very popular group.
2. This book is about a girl. Her family has got problems.
3. Molly wants to be a doctor. She does voluntary work in a hospital.
4. This is the place. The accident happened here.
5. Ill never forget last Christmas. I met my girlfriend then.
6. My friend Nora lives in Canada. Shes visiting me this summer.
7. My father had car trouble last night. His car is very old.
8. This is my favourite restaurant. You can order anything there.

Rewrite the sentences using defining or non-defining relative

clauses. Make any necessary changes. Do not change the meaning of
the original sentences. Do not use That. Use brackets where the
relative can be omitted.

1.Last night I saw King Kong , and I think it is a wonderful film.

2.My sister Mona lives in another town , but she is my best friend.
3.Rome is the place Steve and I first met, and its still our favourite city.

4.Some peoples luggage got lost, and they will have to fill in lots of forms.
5.Last year during our holiday we met lots of nice people and we have kept in
touch with them.
6.Although it is new, the Rave is already the most popular club in the city.

Complete the sentences in a suitable way. Begin with one of these

relative pronouns: which,whose,where,when,who. Use each pronoun
only once.

My favourite shop,
I enjoy being with people
In the evenings, my friends and I go to places
Im looking forward to the day
Id like to have a house

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