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Emission Factor Report (ID: 214098)

Administrative information Data Provider: Data Provider Country: Data Provider Contact: Date calculated: Date submitted to EFDB by Data Provider: Date posted to EFDB by IPCC: Technical information Gas: IPCC 1996 Source/Sink Category: IPCC 2006 Source/Sink Category: Properties Technologies/Practices: Steel Making Method: See "Comments from Data Provider" Abatement/Control Technologies: Parameters/Conditions: Region/Regional Conditions: Others: Description: Value: Unit: Value in common units: Common unit: Equation: IPCC Worksheet: Source of data: CO2 emissions can be calculated by multiplying total national steel production and this emission factor. (See Equation 4.4 in Volume 3 of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories) 2C1, Sheet 1 of 2, in Annex 1 (page A1.17) of Volume 3, 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (Volume 3, Chapter 4, Table 4.1) Consensus of experts and IISI Environmental Performance Indicators 2003 STEEL (International Iron and Steel Institute (2004). Steel Statistical Yearbook 2004: International Iron and Steel Institute, COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC STUDIES, Brussels.) English CO2 Emission Factor for Iron & Steel Production (Global Average) 1.06 tonne CO2/tonne steel produced CARBON DIOXIDE Industrial Processes (2) -> Metal Production (2C) -> Iron and Steel Production (2C1) Industrial Processes and Product Use (2) -> Metal Industry (2.C) -> Iron and Steel Production (2.C.1) IPCC (Not applicable) Unknown Unknown

Technical Reference: Reference language: Abstract in English:

Uncertainties expressed as 95% Upper: +25% confidence limit: Data quality: Distribution shape: Unknown

Lower: -25%

Data quality reference: Other info on data quality: Usage/Review information Type of parameter: 2006 IPCC default This "Global Average Factor" (65% BOF, 30% EAF, 5% OHF = default allocation of total national steel production among these three steelmaking processes) can be used in the event that activity data for steel production for each process is not available. This is a factor based on 2003 international data where BOFs accounted for approximately 63 percent of world steel production and EAFs approximately 33 percent; OHF production accounted for the remaining 4 percent but is declining.

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