Belief & Disbelief Part 2-2 Disbelief Is Straying Far Away

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Disbelief is Straying far Away

And whoever disbelieves in Allah, in His angels, in His
Books, in His Messengers and in the Last Day, has indeed
strayed far away.

{ 631} 4 -

Believers! Believe in Allah and His Messenger and in the Book He

has revealed to His Messenger, and in the Book He revealed
before. And whoever disbelieves in Allah, in His angels, in His
Books, in His Messengers and in the Last Day, has indeed strayed
far away.

{ 611 - 611} 4 -

(Whether people believe or not) Allah bears witness that

whatever He has revealed to you, He has revealed with His
knowledge, and the angels bear witness to it too, though the
witness of Allah is sufficient. Those who denied this truth and
barred others from the way of Allah have indeed strayed far.

Belief & Disbelief: Part 2-2: Disbelief is Straying far Away

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And he who does not respond to the one who calls to Allah will
not be able to frustrate Him on earth, nor will they have anyone
to protect them from Allah. Such people are in manifest error.
Those who dispute in doubt concerning the coming of the
Hour are gone far in error.

{ 61} 43 -

Those who do not believe in it seek to hasten its coming. But

those who believe (in it) hold it in dread and know that the Hour
(of Judgement) is bound to come. Lo, those who dispute in doubt
concerning the coming of the Hour are gone far in error.
Associating partners with Allah is also straying far away.

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Belief & Disbelief: Part 2-2: Disbelief is Straying far Away

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Truly it is only associating other partners with Allah that Allah

does not forgive, and forgives anything besides that to
whomsoever He wills. Whoever joins others as partners with
Allah has indeed strayed far away.

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He invokes, instead of Allah, those who can neither harm nor

benefit him. That indeed is straying far away. He invokes those
that are more likely to cause him harm than benefit. Such is
surely an evil patron, and an evil companion.

Belief & Disbelief: Part 2-2: Disbelief is Straying far Away

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