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Campaign Media Release

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy Anthony Albanese
AUSTRALIA DIVIDED BY BROADBAND UNDER COALITION Australia will be divided into broadband haves and have nots if the Rudd Labor Government is not re-elected at next months federal election. Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull would wreck Federal Labors National Broadband Network (NBN), denying millions of Australians access to the boundless educational, health, lifestyle and commercial opportunities this essential infrastructure delivers. Right now, construction on the NBNs fibre network has commenced or is complete for 1.2 million homes and businesses across the country. If theres a change of government on 7 September, that is where the fibre rollout will stop. Areas to miss out on superfast fibre broadband under the Coalition include 3.6 million homes and businesses currently scheduled to get NBN fibre, including Shellharbour, Alice Springs, Bendigo, Broome, Burnie, Mount Gambier and Maroochydore, as well as all suburbs in the one and three year rollout plans in every town and city across Australia. They will be left with one of two choices: battle on using last centurys copper, or fork out as much as $5,000 to have fibre connected to their home or business something others will get for free under Labors NBN. However, if the Rudd Labor Government is re-elected the roll out of fibre-to-thepremise will continue, delivering world class broadband infrastructure for all families and businesses in Australia. Tony Abbott will cut down the NBN, dividing the country between broadband haves and broadband have nots. If Tony Abbott and the Coalition win on 7 September, Australians will lose. Australians now face a clear choice: they can vote for the future and fibre under Labor or the past and copper under the Coalition. MELBOURNE 24 AUGUST 2013

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