Tarasis 2

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ISSN 2241-2638 (print)

ISSN 2441-2778 (on-line)


ISSN 2241-2638 (print)

ISSN 2441-2778 (on-line)


Discovering meaning by
healing abuse and
mental illness

Prodromos Tarasis
Issue 2012.4 thens

: -


: 2011

, PhD
, MMedSci
, MSc, PhD

medical qualitative researcher.


. .................................................................................................................................. 4
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1). . ........................ 12
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3). fiction
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Abstract ................................................................................................................................... 45

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(Stierlin et al., 1986). ,
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H Boszormenyi-Nagy
Spark (1984)
. Minuchin (1974)

/ (George & Solomon, 1999).

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(Byng-Hall, 2002).


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1). .


(.. Pollack & Horner 1985, Strupp & Binder 1984, Teyber 2000).
Dozier Tyrrell (1998)

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Dozier, Cue Barnett (1994)


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(Najavits, 2006).
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2.) :


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(Zadra & Donderi,
2000). H (2005)


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(, 2005).
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(Craig & Walsh,
1993). Hill (2004),

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H (2005)

(1972). ,

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3). fiction
Parry (1991) ,









(Androutsopoulou, 2001).

(, 2012).
4). .



o Hargrave (1994)
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Hargrave :
: .

. Boszormenyi-Nagy








: .

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. (Hargrave, 1994).






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(Bowlby 1995).


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( )


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brainstorming .

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This is a case study describing the therapeutic process of Marios (a pseudonym) in an
individual systemic therapy setting while analyzing the dilemmas and the reflections
of the therapist. The dominant issues involve the sexual abuse and mental illness in
the family. The effects of these in the management of personal and family
relationships are also examined. In addition, a range of four interventions related to
trauma is presented. These interventions include the management of recurrent dreams
relating to trauma, the use of the narrative tool called "fiction" and the
psychotherapeutic work dealing with forgiveness and releasement, proving the value
of therapy as a corrective experience.

Key words: abuse, trauma, mental illness, forgiveness.

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