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<table cellspacing="0" rules="all" border="1" id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResu lts_gridExport" style="border-collapse:collapse;"> <tr> <td>Item #</td><td>Title</td><td>Description</td><td>Copyright</ td><td>Length (min)</td><td>Format</td><td>Price</td><td>Link</td> </tr><tr> <td>24575</td><td>10 Basics

of Business Etiquette</td><td>Discus ses the serious issues of professional etiquette in a comical fashion that will both entertain and instruct students and employees in the vital areas of etiquet te and protocol. Prepares students for many different situations where a knowled ge of professional etiquette will be essential. Includes inter-office etiquette, meeting protocol, introductions, dining etiquette, travel, and handling potenti ally awkward situations with grace. (22 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>199 3</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl02_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl02_lbl Price">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34540</td><td>100 Percent Woman: The Story of Michelle Dumar esq</td><td>A post-operative transsexual, Michelle Dumaresq has provoked outrage by entering the sport of women's mountain bike racing. This program studies com plex issues of gender identity surrounding the controversy and manifested in Dum aresq's personal and professional relationships. Commentary from her parents rev eals unconditional support for her choices, while interviews with friends and ri val cyclists indicate a wider range of positions-from confused ambivalence to a belief that Dumaresq is male and should be barred from competing. A candid look at clashing views of femininity, 100 Percent Woman explores challenging terrain in gender sociology. (60 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl03_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl03_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5781</td><td>13C N.M.R.</td><td>The importance of the low na tural abundance of 13C is stressed in this program, showing how it influences th e development of the subject. The program covers types of decoupling, the effect of chemical shift, and the effect of deuterium and 13C labels. (21 minutes)</td ><td>1995</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl04_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl04_lbl Price">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36342</td><td>18 with a Bullet: El Salvador's American-Style Gangs</td><td>In the 1990s, thousands of Salvadoran nationals living illegally in the U.S. were deported to their homeland. Some took Los Angeles gang culture with them. This Wide Angle report documents six months spent inside the transnat ional gang known as "18"-a Salvadoran permutation of L.A.'s notorious 18th Stree t gang. Following teenage "homeboys" as they patrol their turf in the streets of San Salvador, the program details the inner workings of 18-initiating would-be

members through violent beatings, organizing support for friends in need, orches trating gang activity behind prison walls, waging endless warfare against its en emies, and putting El Salvador high on the list of the most violent and crime-ri dden countries in the world. The program also features anchor Daljit Dhaliwal di scussing U.S. anti-gang efforts and deportation policy with Anne W. Patterson, A ssistant Secretary of State for Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs. (57 minut es)</td><td>2006</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl05_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl05_lbl Price">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36341</td><td>1-800-INDIA: Importing a White-Collar Economy< /td><td>Over the past decade, India has emerged as the leader in the global mark et for outsourced white-collar jobs-one reason for the nation's rapid economic g rowth. This Wide Angle case study explores the experiences of emerging Indian pr ofessionals who have been recruited into positions requiring long hours, late-ni ght shifts, and Westernized work habits. The program reveals the human and cultu ral impact of a controversial yet essentially unstoppable global economic trendexamining its effect on Indian family life, on the evolving landscape of urban I ndia, and on the aspirations and daily lives of young Indian citizens, especiall y women, as they enter the work force. In addition, anchor Daljit Dhaliwal discu sses social, political, and economic development in India with Michael Elliott, editor of Time International. (56 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl06_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl06_lbl Price">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35370</td><td>1893-1945: Against the Tide-Mao's Early Years< /td><td>Part one of the series China: Through Mao's Eyes describes Mao Zedong's youth, his formative adulthood, and his consolidation of power. Archival photogr aphs from Mao's childhood and education, film clips from his campaigns against f oreign invaders and Chinese nationalists, and lavish, government-produced recons tructions of the Long March detail the drama of those decades. Film excerpts fea turing Jiang Qing, the actress who became Mao's fifth wife and a feared politica l force, highlight the Chairman's unpredictable life choices. Based on Philip Sh ort's definitive biography Mao: A Life. Not available in French-speaking Canada. (61 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>61</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl07_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl07_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35371</td><td>1945-1959: The Sorcerer's Apprentice-Founding the Republic</td><td>Part two of the series China: Through Mao's Eyes explores t he formation of the People's Republic of China, its complicated relationship wit h the Soviet Union, and events that prefaced the Cultural Revolution. Footage do cumenting the turmoil of the Anti-Rightist movement, China's role in the Korean War, and the misnamed Great Leap Forward reveals Mao's uneven leadership as the young nation struggled to define itself. Interviews with close associates illumi

nate the Chairman's personal side, including his unusual eating habits, attire, and leisure activities. Based on Philip Short's definitive biography Mao: A Life . Not available in French-speaking Canada. (60 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>60< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl08_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl08_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35372</td><td>1958-1969: Not A Dinner Party-The Cultural Rev olution</td><td>Part three of the series China: Through Mao's Eyes examines the origins of the Cultural Revolution, Mao's orchestration of it, the political and economic shockwaves it created, and its human cost. Rarely seen archival footag e of young Red Guard operatives raiding and ransacking a home-combined with pres ent-day interviews featuring former Red Guards and their victims-create an in-de pth portrayal of the tumultuous period. One commentator links the Cultural Revol ution with the entrepreneurial freedom that China's government now fosters. Base d on Philip Short's definitive biography Mao: A Life. Not available in French-sp eaking Canada. (61 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>61</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl09_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl09_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8829</td><td>1968: The Year That Shaped a Generation</td><td >War. Assassinations. Riots. This dramatic program examines the turbulent politi cal and social landscapes of 1968 by combining dramatic archival footage and int erviews with many key participants, including Walter Cronkite, Reverend Jesse Ja ckson, Senator Tom Hayden, Barbara Ehrenreich, Carlos Fuentes, and Pat Buchanan. Individual sections spotlight topics such as Vietnam, Robert Kennedy, Martin Lu ther King Jr. and the civil rights movement, student revolts, the counter-cultur e, the Democratic National Convention, the Prague Spring, the Mexico City studen t massacre, and the '68 presidential campaign and election. A powerful education al resource about one of the pivotal years of the 20th century. (57 minutes)</td ><td>1998</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl10_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl10_lbl Price">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35373</td><td>1970 and Beyond: Mao Is Not Dead</td><td>Part four of the series China: Through Mao's Eyes details the watershed Nixon-Mao dip lomacy, Mao's death and its aftermath, and the legacy of his rule and philosophy . Scenes showing an aged and infirm Mao meeting with foreign emissaries and CPC assemblies reveal his determination to shape policy and preserve his imposing im age as long as possible. Today's citizens who look back nostalgically on Mao's r eign are contrasted with a young, materialistic, sexually uninhibited generation -although the program makes clear that the Chairman still inspires awe and rever ence throughout Chinese society. Based on Philip Short's definitive biography Ma o: A Life. Not available in French-speaking Canada. (59 minutes)</td><td>2005</t d><td>59</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl11_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl11_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30151</td><td>The 19th Century: Romanticism and Realism-in S panish</td><td>Despite the political and economic chaos of the 19th century-or p erhaps because of it-this period produced brilliant literature while setting the stage for the Generation of '98. In this program, respected authorities elabora te on the lives and works of the masters of Romanticism and Realism. Dramatic re adings include excerpts from Jose Espronceda's Cancion del Pirata, Jose Zorrilla 's Romances Historicos, and Gustavo Adolfo Becquer's Rimas as well as from the w ritings of the Duque de Rivas, Rosalia de Castro, Leopoldo "Clarin" Alas, and Be nito Perez Galdos. (Spanish, 50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl12_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl12_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30165</td><td>The 19th Century: Romanticism and Realism-in S panish with English Subtitles</td><td>Despite the political and economic chaos o f the 19th century-or perhaps because of it-this period produced brilliant liter ature while setting the stage for the Generation of '98. In this program, respec ted authorities elaborate on the lives and works of the masters of Romanticism a nd Realism. Dramatic readings include excerpts from Jose Espronceda's Cancion de l Pirata, Jose Zorrilla's Romances Historicos, and Gustavo Adolfo Becquer's Rima s as well as from the writings of the Duque de Rivas, Rosalia de Castro, Leopold o "Clarin" Alas, and Benito Perez Galdos. (Spanish with English subtitles, 50 mi nutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl13_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl13_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33105</td><td>21st-Century Bard: The Making of Twelfth Night </td><td>When the decision was made by Britain's Channel 4 to film a TV adaptati on of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, the result was a gloriously irreverent, delic iously colorful production in which the twins Viola and Sebastian-Parminder Nagr a and Ronny Jhutti-are re-imagined as shipwrecked asylum seekers adrift in a sur real contemporary London. In this fascinating four-part series, the people who m ade it all happen explain how it was done. Clips from the movie are included thr oughout. 4-part series, 25 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl14_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl14_lbl Price">$359.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9200</td><td>444 Days: The Iran Hostage Crisis</td><td>In th

e words of the U.S. Embassy Communications Officer, being held hostage "was like being raped." Drawing on archival footage-including previously unreleased film from Iran-and candid interviews with the American hostages and their Iranian cap tors, this riveting program presents a balanced look at the harrowing details of the 14-month standoff that brought radical Islam to world prominence and foreve r altered America's attitude towards the Middle East. Additional interviews with religious leaders, top-level politicians, military personnel, and others flesh out a story of uncertainty, frustration, and hardship for all involved, which wa s only resolved with the belated release of the hostages in 1981. (1 hour 43 min utes)</td><td>1998</td><td>103</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl15_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl15_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>38972</td><td>The 51st State: America's Working Poor</td><td >While poverty has traditionally been a problem only for the unemployed, a new d emographic of Americans has emerged-the working poor. This program explores the disturbing realities that many people in low-wage jobs face every day-such as ha ving to decide whether to pay the rent, buy groceries, or see a doctor. Viewers will learn how standards of living are often measured, how suburban areas have f ostered a particular type of economic hardship, and how welfare-to-work programs have, at times, led to more resistant poverty. The film also draws connections between America's immigration challenges and the swelling numbers of working poo r. (57 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl16_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl16_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36380</td><td>The 7/7 Bombers: A Psychological Investigation </td><td>On the day Britain experienced its first-ever suicide bombing, many ass umed that those responsible for the carnage must have been deranged foreigners-b ut they were not. What motivated these four seemingly ordinary young British men ? This program conducts a chilling psychological autopsy as it pieces together t he mental state of the 7/7 bombers during their final journey. The work of Ariel Merari, of Tel Aviv University, and forensic psychiatrist Marc Sageman is spotl ighted as they investigate issues of cultural estrangement, group dynamics and t he "bunch of guys" theory, and the spontaneous formation of extremist cells. A B BCW Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl17_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl17_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26553</td><td>The 7-Day Professional Image Update</td><td>Pr ovides a seven-day approach for personal improvement and polishing your image-a necessary asset whether you're a full time student, in the workforce, or both. C overs clothing, accessories, health, and communication-both verbal and non-verba l-and discusses how these aspects of your image impact the way others see you. W ill help students' self-esteem and school/work performance. (20 min.) A Meridian

Production.</td><td>1993</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl18_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl18_lbl Price">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32293</td><td>9/11 and Beyond: Coping Strategies for Trauma and Stress</td><td>The events of September 11, 2001, have dramatically shifted t he worldview of most Americans. This program by award-winning filmmaker Robert P arish promotes hope and healing in the aftermath of traumatic events such as the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Featured speakers include family advocate Jacki McKinne y; Dr. Laurie Anne Pearlman, co-director of the Traumatic Stress Institute, in C onnecticut; Dr. Frank Putnam, director of the Mayerson Center for Safe and Healt hy Children, in Ohio; The Reverend Dr. Frederick Streets, a chaplain at Yale Uni versity; and Dr. Ervin Staub, professor of psychology at the University of Massa chusetts Amherst and author of The Roots of Evil. (43 minutes)</td><td>2002</td> <td>43</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl19_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl19_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30919</td><td>9/11 Through Saudi Eyes</td><td>In this progra m, a broad cross-section of Saudis-parents and neighbors of the accused hijacker s, editors of Arab News and Asharq Al Awasat, political and military analysts, a psychologist, and others-give their perceptions of events and issues involving September 11th. Interviews provide background on and insights into the lives and minds of the alleged hijackers, the recruitment practices of al Qaeda, the co-o pting of jihad for militant political ends, Osama bin Laden's cult of personalit y, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, and frustration over U.S. foreign policy. T his video, the first documentary to scrutinize 9/11 from the Saudi perspective, is a powerful learning tool for students of political science, the Middle East, and Islam. Portions are in Arabic with English subtitles. (53 minutes)</td><td>2 002</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl20_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl20_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24589</td><td>9-5 Survival Guide</td><td>Success secrets vit al to the newly employed or about-to-be employed person are discussed in this pr ogram. Work habits, wardrobe, grooming, communication, telephone etiquette, and courteous treatment of co-workers and customers are all emphasized to give emplo yees and prospective employees the knowledge and skills needed to project a posi tive, successful business image. (21 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1993</ td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl21_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl21_lbl Price">$99.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>17690</td><td>A+ in the Workplace: Developing Positive Behav ior</td><td>A positive attitude is essential on the job. When Florence receives a negative performance review, she is forced to confront her weaknesses. Using h umorous vignettes in the present and in her childhood, Flo demonstrates why she' s in trouble. With a little help from an unseen narrator, Flo recognizes that at titude, responsibility, and communication are the key to her success on the job and takes steps to improve. Along the way, she learns that "doing the job is jus t not enough anymore...the employee with a positive attitude is going to get ahe ad"-a valuable lesson for all students! (18 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td >&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl22_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl22_lbl Price">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>989</td><td>Aaron Copland: A Self-Portrait</td><td>Copland h imself is the key explicator of his own extraordinary musical career, from piano lessons in Brooklyn and study with Nadia Boulanger, a fling as a wild-eyed mode rnist, and finally to his preeminence in the American musical world. The program features a wealth of Copland music, including ballet sequences with Agnes de Mi lle dancing in Rodeo and Martha Graham in Appalachian Spring, scenes of Copland conducting, and interviews with Leonard Bernstein and Ned Rorem, who said of Cop land, "He invented out of whole cloth what it means to be American." Written by Vivian Perlis and produced by Ruth Leon. (58 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nb sp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl23_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl23_lbl Price">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>30908</td><td>The ABCs of Vitamins</td><td>Despite both an a bundance of food and detailed nutritional labels, we as Americans are still unsu re if we're getting the proper amounts of vitamins and minerals in our diets-so unsure that we spend around three billion dollars annually on supplements. But w hat is it exactly that vitamins and minerals do in the body? And are we already getting enough nutrients from what we eat or should we use supplements? This pro gram offers a balanced overview of vitamins and minerals-what they are, why they are so important, and who really needs to take supplements. Experts discuss wha t happens when there is a deficiency of one of these nutrients, as well as the d angers of mega-dosing. Lively pop-up graphics support each topic by providing in teresting, often surprising facts. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is av ailable online. A Cambridge Educational Production. (24 minutes)</td><td>2003</t d><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl24_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl24_lbl Price">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>11865</td><td>The Abduction from the Seraglio: Mozart in Tur key</td><td>This captivating program combines key scenes from Mozart's singspiel The Abduction from the Seraglio as performed at the spectacular Topkapi Palace with a documentary about the intricate process of rehearsing the production. A w inner of the International Broadcasting Convention's Golden Rembrandt, the progr am also provides fresh insights into the personal life of Mozart, the history of the Enlightenment, and life in the harem through commentary by opera director E lijah Moshinsky and Alev Lytle Croutier, author of Harem: The World Behind the V eil. Paul Groves, Yelda Kodalli, Desiree Rancatore, Lynton Atkinson, Peter Rose, and Oliver Tobias star. (89 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>89</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl25_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl25_lbl Price">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7978</td><td>About Time</td><td>What is time? Did it have a beginning? Will it ever end? Is it something that humans have created, or does i t exist independently of the universe? This intriguing program explores the mean ing of time through the eyes of poets, philosophers, and scientists throughout t he ages. In addition, it traces the development of time-measuring and time-keepi ng instruments, from sundials and calendars, to time zones and atomic clocks. A Cambridge Educational Production. (37 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl26_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl26_lbl Price">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30055</td><td>Abraham Lincoln: A New Birth of Freedom</td><t d>When Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, he set in motion a process of emancipat ion that is still unfolding today. This classic program-filled with location foo tage, archival photos, and excerpts from speeches, diaries, letters, and newspap ers-documents Lincoln's life while emphasizing his contributions to the struggle for racial equality. Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Leon Litwack; Lincoln sch olars Jean Baker, Harold Holzer, and Charles Strozier; civil rights activist Ele anor Holmes Norton; former New York Governor Mario Cuomo; and many others offer their perspectives both on Lincoln and on the issues that divided the nation dur ing the Civil War era and, a century later, the Civil Rights era. (60 minutes)</ td><td>1992</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl27_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl27_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3698</td><td>Absorbing the Light</td><td>With the aid of dyn amic computer animation, this program explores the stages of photosynthesis at t he cellular level. Two photosystems, P680 and P700, are introduced. (10 minutes) </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl28_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl28_lbl

Price">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>12050</td><td>Abstract Art</td><td>In this program, artists John Hoyland and Sir Anthony Caro; Charlotte Mullins, of the Irish Independent o n Sunday; and others examine the history of Abstract Art. After a capsule summar y of Impressionism and Cubism, the program tracks the full flowering of Abstract Art, stretching into Abstract Expressionism and Minimalism. Special attention i s given to Wassily Kandinsky, Piet Mondrian, Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Jason Martin, and Fiona Rae. Footage of artists at work along with a wide selection o f paintings and sculpture round out this concise and informative overview. A BBC W Production. (29 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl29_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl29_lbl Price">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10360</td><td>Abstract Expressionism and Pop: Art of the '50 s and '60s</td><td>Abstract Expressionism was born from a joining of attitudes i n American art and European avant-garde art, but was later rejected for its nonf igurative and seemingly egocentric character in favor of the ultra-objective phe nomenon known as Pop Art.This program examines:o Franz Kline's C & O (1958), fro m the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DCo Helen Frankenthaler's Mountains a nd Sea (1952), from the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DCo Willem de Kooni ng's Morning: The Springs (1983), from the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdamo Jasper J ohns' Flag (1954), from the Museum of Modern Art, New Yorko Andy Warhol's The Te xan: Portrait of Robert Rauschenberg (1963), from the Wallraf-Richartz Museum an d Museum Ludwig, Cologneo Roy Lichtenstein's Girl with Hair Ribbon (1965), from the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC(60 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>60< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl30_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl30_lbl Price">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36180</td><td>Abu Ghraib: A Torturer's Tale</td><td>Javal Da vis was imprisoned for assaulting inmates at Abu Ghraib, but insists he is not a torturer. His fellow MP Ken Davis was never implicated, having reported the abu se to superiors. This program presents in-depth interviews with both men, detail ing their side of the story and conveying their disillusionment with Pentagon of ficials who wanted interrogations pushed "up a notch." Featuring nightmarish des criptions and images from inside the prison-highlighting deplorable conditions e ndured by inmates and guards alike-the program also includes insight into the me ntality of reservist Charles Graner, currently serving a 10-year sentence for Ab u Ghraib torture. Some content may be objectionable. (25 minutes)</td><td>2005</ td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl31_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl31_lbl Price">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>11151</td><td>Academic Success</td><td>This five-part series , developed and tested by Dartmouth College, helps students master the learning strategies they need to succeed. Accomplished and challenged students can benefi t from this introduction to key study tools. Presentations are short, concrete, and highly visual. 5-part series, 10-18 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp ;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl32_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl32_lbl Price">$349.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9136</td><td>Acceleration</td><td>This program defines and d emonstrates the concepts of speed, velocity, and acceleration, using basic equat ions to stress their interrelation. There is also a demonstration of how a varia tion of Newton's second law of motion can be used to determine the weight of an object. In addition, the contributions of Galileo and Newton to the understandin g of acceleration, gravity, and motion are discussed. A Cambridge Educational Pr oduction. (12 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl33_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl33_lbl Price">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11400</td><td>Accepting Life's Transitions</td><td>Aging is a series of transitions, some gradual and some abrupt. How do people come to ter ms with these changes? This program examines the aging process from beginning to end, defining age from the viewpoints of biology, psychology, society, function ality, and the law. The impact of current behaviors and attitudes on one's futur e self is also discussed, as well as dying-itself a part of life-and the stages of grieving. In addition, the program addresses the health challenges faced by o lder Americans and indicates why some seniors cope better than others. (29 minut es)</td><td>1998</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl34_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl34_lbl Price">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9203</td><td>Accepting the Challenge: Issues on the Job for People of Color</td><td>Focusing on the issues that can arise during employment, this ethnically diverse program shares the often frustrating and dramatic exper iences minorities often face while on the job. Experts advise on how to deal con structively with problems such as racism, verbal abuse, and ignorance. Participa nts give an eye-opening account of how these problems exist at all levels of emp loyment, from the fast-food industry to the corporate advertising world.A Cambri dge Educational Production. One 45-minute video.</td><td>1999</td><td>32</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl35_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl35_lbl

Price">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>1385</td><td>Acid Rain</td><td>A history and explanation of the history of acid rain and the dangers posed by industrial carbon and sulfur e manations that interact with airborne moisture to produce acid rain. The program provides chemical definitions, illustrates geological and meteorological intera ctions, and traces the sources of acid precipitation. It also demonstrates ecolo gical concepts, and suggests possible solutions. (20 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td ><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl36_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl36_lbl Price">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35316</td><td>Acids and Bases</td><td>Use this video to fami liarize students with the properties of acids and bases. Beginning with an overv iew of how these two kinds of chemicals react to or neutralize each other, the p rogram explores Arrhenius's ideas on ion release and Lowry and Bronsted's theory of proton exchange. Details on the pH scale, indicators, conjugate bases, and L owry-Bronsted reactions are featured along with numerous examples of acid and ba se applications-cleaning agents, electric batteries, stomach antacids, and indic ators in analytical chemistry experiments. Viewers will find the video's lively demonstrations and their use of everyday objects and materials particularly help ful. (31 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl37_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl37_lbl Price">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6839</td><td>Acids, Bases, and Neutralization</td><td>In the first lesson, five aqueous solutions are tested for degrees of acidity and alka linity. The nature of acids and bases is examined. In lesson two, table salt is produced by mixing small pieces of aluminum with solutions of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide. Current flow in acid, neutral, and alkaline solutions is d emonstrated. An experiment using ammonia water and dry ice tests varying degrees of acidity. An on-site visit to a neutralization plant in Japan shows how acid levels are reduced by putting quantities of limestone into the Yukawa River. A t hird lesson demonstrates precautions that should be taken when performing experi ments involving heat. Investigations that use chemicals such as chlorine bleach, ether, and metallic sodium, which should not be attempted in a school lab, are also demonstrated. (37 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl38_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl38_lbl Price">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37358</td><td>Acting Through Life: Insights from Working Act ors</td><td>Although most actors dream of celebrity, many find satisfaction in m odest film and television roles, commercials, and regional theater. This program

shows students that side of the profession, interviewing several accomplished p erformers who-although they are far from being household names-have found steady work on the stage and in Hollywood. Kevin Conway (Invincible, Gettysburg), Meli ssa Leo (21 Grams), Peter Maloney (Summer of Sam), Jacqueline Knapp (Dominick an d Eugene), Jim DeMarse (The Sopranos), Kristin Griffith (Interiors), William Wis e (In the Bedroom), and others share their practical yet inspiring views on audi tioning, insecurity, disillusionment, aging, and the viability of acting as a ca reer option today. (34 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>34</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl39_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl39_lbl Price">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29948</td><td>Actors in Earnest: Graduation and Beyond</td>< td>While the pace of the third and final year of the master's program does not l et up, the real-world necessities of an acting career begin to loom large. In th is documentary, the eight students who comprise the class of 2000 culminate thei r training and prepare for the harsh realities of trying to make a living as act ors. A key event is the showcase presentation each student performs before an au dience of agents. The finishing exercise for the class is the staging of a doubl e-bill: The Importance of Being Earnest and Bus Stop. The program then moves to a year after their graduation to show how the eight fledgling actors are faring in the world of theater, film, and television. (49 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td >49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl40_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl40_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3989</td><td>Acts of Faith: Jewish Civilization in Spain</td ><td>Many Latinos in the American Southwest wear amulets and perform certain pra ctices different from their fellow Latino Catholics-and are discovering only now , to their great amazement, that they are descended from Jews who chose conversi on rather than death at the time of the great expulsion from Spain in 1492. This program looks at remnants of what was once the great Jewish civilization in Spa in: the artifacts, which were Christianized or destroyed, and the people, many o f whom continued to practice elements of the religion and folklore of Judaism an d for most of whom the memory of Jewishness has long since been extinguished. (5 0 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl41_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl41_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36474</td><td>Acutely Anxious</td><td>Acute anxiety, one of the most common psychiatric illnesses, makes everyday experiences like walking d own the street or talking on the phone a source of potential terror. This progra m explains how and why this happens as it examines the physiology and psychology of anxiety, its symptoms, its highly maladaptive consequences, and treatments s uch as cognitive behavioral therapy. Case studies involving panic disorders and social phobia are spotlighted. (48 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>48</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl42_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl42_lbl Price">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37169</td><td>Ad Infinitum: The Many Paths into Advertising< /td><td>What kind of person goes into advertising? How do you break in? And what does it take to succeed once you get there? This program goes to New York Citybased Euro RSCG, one of the world's largest ad agencies, to find out. Shoot-from -the-hip candid, a mixed group of recent hires and award-winning professionals-a ccount executives, an art director, creative directors, executive creative direc tors, and the director of human resources-tell their stories to founding partner Tom Messner in a way that is as intriguing as it is informative. Ideal for help ing students decide if a career in advertising is right for them-and for providi ng insight into the operation of an award-winning advertising shop. (60 minutes) </td><td>2006</td><td>61</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl43_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl43_lbl Price">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33446</td><td>Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations</td><td>In 1 776, Adam Smith published The Wealth of Nations, a treatise that would forever c hange our understanding of how work, value, and money are interrelated. This pro gram details Smith's life and traces the impact of his work as Europe began the arduous transition from mercantilism to the laissez-faire philosophy of the Phys iocrats. After Smith, labor was seen as the source of a country's wealth, not it s stores of gold or silver. Ironically, The Wealth of Nations would both inspire Karl Marx's socialist ideas and facilitate the rise of liberalism, upon which t he capitalist economies of subsequent centuries would be built. Quotes from The Wealth of Nations are woven into the narrative, including the famous passage des cribing how an "invisible hand" guides individuals towards the common good. (19 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl44_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl44_lbl Price">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1363</td><td>The Addicted Brain</td><td>This documentary tak es viewers on a tour of the world's most prolific manufacturer and user of drugs -the human brain. The biochemistry of the brain is responsible for joggers' high s, for the compulsion of some people to seek thrills, for certain kinds of obses sive-compulsive behavior, even for the drive to achieve power and dominance. The program explores developments in the biochemistry of addiction and addictive be havior. (26 minutes)</td><td>1987</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl45_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl45_lbl Price">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></

td> </tr><tr> <td>33082</td><td>Addicted to OxyContin: A 48 Hours/MTV News Rep ort</td><td>Until recently, OxyContin didn't even exist. Today, the DEA says abu se of this drug is growing faster than the abuse of any other prescription remed y in decades. In a joint investigation with MTV, this 48 Hours broadcast focuses on Troy Swett, a young man who, ashamed of his $300-a-day habit, confessed his addiction and underwent rapid detox at the Waismann Institute. The program also reports on 13-year-old Shauna Ulman, who, after taking what she thought was ecst asy, died of an overdose; it debates whether OxyContin is addictive when used as prescribed; and it tracks the rise in theft of OxyContin from pharmacies and pa tients. Some content may be objectionable. Produced by CBS NEWS. (42 minutes)</t d><td>2001</td><td>42</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl46_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl46_lbl Price">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30582</td><td>The Addiction Files: Case Study of a Recoverin g Alcoholic</td><td>Is Brian's alcoholism a fate predetermined by his physiology ? If so, why is Brian's sister not an alcoholic as well? In this case study, Bri an, a recovering alcoholic, is examined at the social, physical, and even geneti c level. Specialists compare the evidence of a specific link to alcoholism with the more generalized factors of environment and behavior. From brain scans to bl ood tests, this program explores alcoholism and addiction from all angles to she d light on what alcoholism is-and is not. (30 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>30</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl47_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl47_lbl Price">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>12044</td><td>Addiction: Young Adults Winning the Battle</td ><td>If hindsight is 20:20, this three-part series offers some very clear-eyed a dvice by young adults who have wrestled with addiction and won. Combined with th e comments of addiction specialists, these straight-talking testimonials make a strong anti-substance abuse statement that will resonate with kids and teens ali ke. A Cambridge Educational Production. 3-part series, 20-22 minutes each.</td>< td>2001</td><td>64</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl48_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl48_lbl Price">$239.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9201</td><td>Addressing and Overcoming Minority Work Issues< /td><td>This documentary-style series features the inspiring stories of minoriti es who have faced and overcome adversity both in seeking employment and while em ployed.A Cambridge Educational Production.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl49_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl49_lbl Price">$139.90<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>24630</td><td>Adolescence</td><td>Includes a discussion of p hysical and emotional changes adolescents go through and how they cope with fami ly and peers, as well as the major life decisions they must make as they face th e uncertain future ahead of them. A Meridian Production. (12 min.)</td><td>1990< /td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl50_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl50_lbl Price">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2629</td><td>Adult Children of Alcoholics: A Family Secret</ td><td>In this program, famous adult children of alcoholics speak out about chil dhood nightmares and adult behavior that continues to reflect the problem of a p arent's alcoholism: some chose alcoholic partners, others developed drug, gambli ng, or other addictions. All speak of the difficulties of coping with the damage inflicted by an alcohol-centered childhood. (52 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>5 2</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl51_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl51_lbl Price">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37311</td><td>Adult Entertainment: A Psychosocial Study of a n American Obsession-Educator's Edition</td><td>Award-winning director Lance Tra cy balances serious science with tongue-in-cheek humor to create a documentary s crutinizing the scope and effects of pornography that is informative, compelling , and unsettling. Constructing an experiment to identify attitudinal and behavio ral changes that manifest as a result of viewing porn-a study in the manner of t he Annenberg School of Communications and California State University studies-Tr acy tracks two men, one single and one married, for 60 days. The effects of a 30 -day regimen of X-rated DVDs, Internet porn, adult mags, sex shops, and strip cl ubs, followed by a 30-day readjustment period, are both illuminating and dismayi ng. Porn addiction, the sex-industrial complex, and porn-related freedom of spee ch issues are also explored. Commentary by the University of Pennsylvania's Mary Anne Layden; Judith Reisman, author of "Soft Porn" Plays Hardball; Robert Weiss , of the Sexual Recovery Institute; Michael Castleman, author of Great Sex; and psychologist Daniel Linz is featured. Contains mature themes and explicit langua ge and imagery. Some language may be offensive. Also included are an expurgated audio track and 18 video clips on topics ranging from porn statistics, to the ef fects of porn on sexual and emotional intimacy, to the influence of porn on chil dren (DVD only). Viewable/printable documents such as the actual 88-question stu dy survey and the survey results for the single subject, the married subject, an d his wife are available online. (55 minutes + 24 minutes of bonus material)</td ><td>2007</td><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl52_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl52_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34606</td><td>Advanced Driving Tactics</td><td>Going beyond basic training, this video takes driving students into the real world-where road conditions are not always favorable. NASCAR celebrity David Reutimann examines a wide range of environments containing potential driving hazards, including tun nels, bridges, mountain roads, rough or uneven terrain, and harsh weather. Featu ring detailed procedures for coping with rain, snow, icy surfaces, wind, fog, an d extreme heat, the program also describes how to recover from skids, hydroplani ng, and fishtailing; how to safely and correctly change a flat tire; the best st rategies for driving at night; the ABS system; and the importance of routine mai ntenance and insurance. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available onl ine. Correlates to National Health Education Standards: Achieving Health Literac y; Joint Committee for National School Health Education and the American Cancer Society; and National Educational Technology Standards. A Meridian Production. ( 21 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl53_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl53_lbl Price">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29330</td><td>Advanced Web Work: Using HTML to Make Tables a nd Set Anchors</td><td>Tables, so valuable for organizing data on paper or onlin e, are also ideal for laying out Web pages. In this program, two webmasters from the New Mexico school system expand on the techniques they describe in Web Page Construction: Starting from Scratch, with HTML. First, they show how to create tables, both with and without visible borders, and fill them with headings, text , and images. Then, they demonstrate how to set anchors, to allow point-to-point jumps within the same Web page or to specific places on other Web pages. All in formation is equally applicable to PCs and Macs. (44 minutes)</td><td>2000</td>< td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl54_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl54_lbl Price">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24640</td><td>Advances in Industrial Robotics</td><td>Roboti cs has become a formidable force in the workplace. Some of your students may alr eady use robots on the job or work with someone who does. This video takes a loo k at the changes that have occurred since robotics was first introduced. Student s are given a refresher of the basics: terminology, concepts, system components, classification of robots. But then, new applications and work tasks are overvie wed. They see how far robotics has advanced industry-wide. Students also discove r where robots are commonly used and some anticipated future applications in bus iness and industry. Offer your students critical information on robotics as it p lays a more important role in commercial and industrial settings around the worl d. (16 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl55_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl55_lbl Price">$95.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>33208</td><td>The Adventure of English: 500 A.D. to 2000 A.D .</td><td>What started as a minor Germanic dialect spoken by the Saxons became p erhaps England's greatest export. Written and presented by Melvyn Bragg, this ei ght-part series tells the story of how English became a global language. Along t he way, each episode uses location footage, rare manuscripts, linguistic experts , and fascinating etymologies to chart the growth of English, its encounters wit h other languages, its history, and its far-ranging influence. 8-part series, 52 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl56_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl56_lbl Price">$1,039.60<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32850</td><td>The Adventure of Medicine</td><td>What is the state of medical research today? In what areas are breakthroughs imminent? What areas lag behind? This series takes a broad look at the field of medicine, journ eying to the frontiers of research in key areas of medical science, as well as t ouring the most advanced treatment centers. A Deutsche Welle Production. 6-part series, 26 minutes each.</td><td>2001</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl57_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl57_lbl Price">$899.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37676</td><td>Adventure Tourism</td><td>This program feature s profiles of three women who have staked out successful careers in the adventur e tourism industry: Diny Harrison, a certified mountain guide with experience in Italy, Switzerland, and other countries; Mylene Pronovost, a dog sled musher an d outdoor activities instructor; and Marie-Josee Blanchette, an ecotourism devel opment agent who plans and guides wilderness tours. Additional information from co-workers and supervisors supplements each job profile. (24 minutes)</td><td>20 06</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl58_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl58_lbl Price">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7968</td><td>The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Understandi ng a Classic</td><td>Few works in American literature address issues as timeless as those explored in Mark Twain's controversial novel, Huckleberry Finn. In thi s program, three scholars, including noted Twain biographer Justin Kaplan, exami ne the work and its various themes-race, cruelty, consequences of greed, meaning of civilization, and the nature of freedom. The author's life is traced from hi s days as a printer's apprentice, riverboat pilot, and journalist, to renowned a uthor. Twain scholars Shelley Fisher Fishkin and David Lionel Smith discuss Afri can-American influences from Twain's childhood that are reflected in the work, a nd suggest that these references, misinterpreted by readers, form the basis for charges that Twain was a racist. Incidents from his life, including his vehement anti-slavery and anti-racist articles couched in irony, provide convincing coun

terpoint to the charges. (34 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>34</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl59_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl59_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8569</td><td>Advertising</td><td>Some Americans charge that the advertising industry promotes materialism and compels them to buy things the y don't want. However, most are unaware that the TV and radio shows, newspapers, and magazines they enjoy for virtually no cost are paid for almost entirely by the sale of advertising time or space. This program features a historical survey of the methods of advertising in the U.S. Topics include the mass-marketing tri umph of Lydia Pinkham's 19th-century patent medicines; the role of sponsorship i n radio and early broadcast television; the application of marketing principles to the 1964 Johnson/Goldwater campaign, which featured the well-known daisy/atom bomb ad; and a step-by-step look at how a Ford Ranger TV spot was made by the J . Walter Thompson agency. The program is a valuable aid in understanding the per suasive, pervasive nature of advertising. (28 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>28</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl60_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl60_lbl Price">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>20361</td><td>Aerospace Technology: Model Rocketry</td><td>N ewton's 3rd Law of Motion states that, "For every action there is an equal and o pposite reaction." This video uses model rocketry to explore this concept, and i ntroduces the basics of rocket propulsion and the forces that affect rockets in flight (thrust, gravity, and drag). A demonstration of the use of both solid fue l and compressed air rockets is shown, while colorful graphics illustrate key co ncepts and terms. It's a great way to generate interest in the field of aerospac e technology! A Shopware Production. One 14-minute video.</td><td>1993</td><td>& nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl61_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl61_lbl Price">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8153</td><td>Aerospace Technology: The Space Shuttle</td><td >Regularly scheduled space shuttle missions have become a common feature of the NASA space program, allowing astronauts to launch and retrieve communication sat ellites, repair exploration equipment such as the Hubble telescope, and conduct numerous experiments. This video follows NASA officials through the development stages of the reusable shuttle fleet and outlines testing procedures used to rea dy the shuttle Columbia for its first in-space flight. Subsequent missions are o utlined along with commentary from crew members detailing satellite rendezvous a ttempts, conducting of experiments, and daily living conditions. It provides an interesting look at our continuing quest to explore and understand space. A Shop ware Production. One 45-minute video.</td><td>1993</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl62_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl62_lbl Price">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32705</td><td>Aesthetics: Philosophy of the Arts</td><td>Wha t do modern art, a symphony, and a documentary film have in common? They all req uire aesthetic considerations. This program presents the ideas of key figures in the shaping and understanding of aesthetics-from Plato, Francis Hutcheson, and Kant to Leon Battista Alberti, Stendhal, and Tolstoy-and addresses pivotal writi ngs, including Aristotle's Poetics and Morris Weitz's "The Role of Theory in Aes thetics." Columbia University's Arthur Danto and Princeton University's Alexande r Nehamas offer keen insights into the interactions between artist, artwork, and audience as they have evolved over the centuries. (51 minutes)</td><td>2004</td ><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl63_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl63_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5948</td><td>Affirmative Action and Reaction</td><td>This pr ogram examines the issue of affirmative action with Lani Guinier, professor of l aw at the Univ. of Pennsylvania and President Clinton's controversial nominee fo r Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights. Among the many questions examined in the program are: How do blacks and whites differ in their understanding of a ffirmative action? Is affirmative action still necessary to remedy past discrimi nation? What changes, if any, should be made to affirmative action programs? (26 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl64_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl64_lbl Price">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6552</td><td>Affirmative Action: The History of an Idea</td> <td>Critics of affirmative action say that it pits Americans against each other and elevates the importance of race, gender, and ethnicity at the expense of har d work and merit. Supporters claim that discrimination remains pervasive in the U.S. and that the government must continue to play a role in aiding minorities a nd women. This program explores the historical roots of affirmative action and t he debate over its usefulness. The program looks at several different affirmativ e action programs, from the University of California, Berkeley, where the univer sity struggles with how to maintain diversity without minority preferences, to t he city of Chicago, whose affirmative action programs for its police and fire de partments have been challenged. The program includes archival footage and featur es interviews with a wide array of academic scholars. (56 minutes)</td><td>1996< /td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl65_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl65_lbl Price">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>29500</td><td>Africa: In Defiance of Democracy</td><td>Throu ghout Africa, democracy has long been touted as the cure for the continent's ong oing unrest. But can such a form of government flourish in countries where extre me poverty is the norm and violence is the chief tool of statecraft? Spanning th e continent from Libya to South Africa, this program seeks to understand Africa' s complex political situations, addressing the "Big Man" syndrome and the one-pa rty state, the destabilizing effects of armed conflict, the mismanagement of ind ustry and natural resources, and strained relations with the industrialized worl d. (56 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl66_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl66_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8321</td><td>Africa to America to Paris: The Migration of Bl ack Writers</td><td>This program traces the path of African-American literature from the shores of the U.S. to the Left Bank of Paris at the end of World War II through the late 1960s. The program provides context by first exploring the New Orleans salon poetry of Desdunes and discussing the historic suppression of bla ck activists in the U.S. After the Harlem Renaissance, an increasingly hostile c limate drove writers James Baldwin and Richard Wright to Paris, where liberal ra cial attitudes allowed for greater artistic expression. This program traces thei r lives in France through remembrances of fellow artists and readings from their diaries and works. (53 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl67_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl67_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37560</td><td>Africa: War is Business</td><td>The world is s lowly awakening to a disturbing reality-that the diamond trade is a major source of financing for warfare and brutality in Africa. But diamonds are only one nat ural resource among many that feed bloody conflicts in Liberia, Sierra Leone, th e Congo, and other countries. This program explores the role of international bu siness interests in fomenting rebellion and arming renegade military forces acro ss the African continent-often as a means of obscuring other, equally nefarious, dealings and activities. Several experts and key players are interviewed, inclu ding Daniel Chea Sr., Liberia's Minister of National Defense; Zainab Bangura, di rector of Sierra Leone's National Accountabiliy Group; Kassim Basma, a diamond e xporter; and Major General Patrick Cammaert, UN Division Commander, Eastern Cong o. (54 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl68_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl68_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35896</td><td>Africa: Who Is to Blame?</td><td>Corporate gre ed and vestigial colonialism are Africa's worst enemies-or is homegrown leadersh ip responsible for the continent's troubles? This program explores that dichotom ous question from the vantage point of former Ghanaian president Jerry Rawlings

and Kenyan law student June Arunga, who undertake a voyage of discovery through Ghana, Tanzania, and Rwanda. Visiting a struggling fishing village, a tribal hun ting ground, an AIDS treatment center, an African-owned gold mine, and an eerily preserved site of genocidal slaughter, the program eloquently documents Rawling s' and Arunga's interaction with the socioeconomic dilemmas and everyday realiti es of African life. A BBCW Production. (60 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>61</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl69_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl69_lbl Price">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31941</td><td>African Art</td><td>In the villages of sub-Sah aran Africa where traditions are still strong, art is an integral part of daily life. This illuminating program examines the symbolism, aesthetics, and function ality of African art through the vast region&#8217;s sculpture, masks, architect ure, ornaments, clothing, and utensils. In addition, indigenous African religiou s beliefs are explored through rituals&#8212;a spiritual form of performance art &#8212;and funerary statuary. Prehistoric rock art is also presented, and the co nceptual nature of African art is stressed. Location footage underscoring the ri ch mosaic of cultures to be found in sub-Saharan Africa provides the backdrop fo r the program. (22 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl70_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl70_lbl Price">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8612</td><td>African Art: Legacy of Oppression</td><td>Belgi um's Tervuren Museum contains the world's largest collection of Central African art, which consists of approximately 250,000 pieces. Noted journalist Paul Solma n discusses the power and the true price of this collection with art historian R amona Austin and journalist/author Adam Hochschild. In the immense Congo region, there are more than 250 different cultures, so there is a broad range of artist ic styles to be found there. Austin is particularly drawn to the emotionally riv eting abstracts, with their modernistic qualities and generalized forms that inf luenced Picasso and other European masters. She also admires the intricate detai ling lavished on everyday objects like combs. But how did the Tervuren collect t his body of art? Hochschild says that when Belgium's King Leopold II colonized a nd brutally exploited this territory during the late 1800s, ivory and rubber wer e not the only things sent back to Europe. (13 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>13< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl71_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl71_lbl Price">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9361</td><td>African Ascetics and Celtic Monks: Christianity in the 5th and 6th Centuries</td><td>Part one of this program features the sack ing of Rome and introduces Augustine of Hippo and his The City of God, which exa mines the Church's uneasy relationship with human frailty and worldliness, as pi ety became identified with self-denial and celibacy was viewed as central to the

pursuit of perfection. Part two tracks the spread of Christianity to Ireland an d its establishment in Britain and northern Europe by Celtic monks, who had form ulated the concept of penance and the culture of pilgrimage. However, it was not the Christianity of Saint Patrick, but of Rome, that succeeded in dominating Br itain. (48 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl72_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl72_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33032</td><td>Africans in America: The Unfolding of Ethnic I dentity</td><td>This program uses in-depth interviews with two generations of fi ve African families now living in the Denver area to explore the dynamic process that is ethnic identity. Having emigrated from Ghana, Uganda, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria, the families bring unique traditions to a shared experience: life in America. The interviews reveal the hopes of the first generation for th e second, the thoughts and feelings of both parents and children on cultural tra nsition, their sense of self as they live in America and interact with others, a nd their pride in adding to the rich national tapestry. A viewable/printable ins tructor's guide is available online. (31 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>31</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl73_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl73_lbl Price">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>12118</td><td>Africa's Children: Kenyan Women in Transition< /td><td>This program explores the pressures on female adolescents in the Third W orld through the stories of four young Kenyan women growing up in a time of cult ural upheaval: Christine, a Masai who escaped an arranged marriage so she could study law; Dekha, brought up in a rigidly patriarchal Muslim town, who aspires t o be a doctor; Anastasia, who works on her family's farm while yearning to becom e a Catholic nun; and Mboone, who dreams of exchanging her affluent urban lifest yle for a career of service in the UN, to help improve the lives of women all ov er the world. Female circumcision, polygyny, AIDS, reproductive choice, equal ac cess to education, and other issues are discussed with candor. (58 minutes)</td> <td>2000</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl74_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl74_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36196</td><td>Africa's East Coast</td><td>Beginning at Port Said, Egypt-a busy gateway from the Middle East into Africa-this program explore s the many national and cultural identities found along the eastern face of the continent. Journeying down the Suez Canal, through the Red Sea, and into the Ind ian Ocean, the program documents apparently healthy relations between Sunni Musl ims and Orthodox Christians in Massawa, Eritrea; khat distribution and addiction in the Republic of Djibouti; the ins and outs of the booming tea industry in Mo mbasa, Kenya; and day-to-day survival on the streets of Durban, South Africa-whi ch some see as the New York of the continent, a city where dreams come to flouri

sh or die. Portions are in other languages with English subtitles. Not available in French-speaking Canada. (53 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl75_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl75_lbl Price">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36197</td><td>Africa's West Coast</td><td>The Cape of Good H ope-and a stop in thriving Cape Town, South Africa-begins this eye-opening factfinding voyage up the western edge of the continent. Presenting information and perspectives on a wide range of cultural and economic landscapes, the program ex plores the history and aftermath of civil war in Luanda, Angola; bustling street life, including an enterprising witch doctor, in Douala, Cameroon; voodoo fetis h and secondhand car trafficking in Cotonou, Benin; the specter of the slave tra de at Goree Island in Dakar, Senegal; and the split cultural identity of Tangier s, Morocco-a city as European as it is North African. Portions are in other lang uages with English subtitles. Not available in French-speaking Canada. (53 minut es)</td><td>2005</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl76_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl76_lbl Price">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10434</td><td>After Darwin: Genetics, Eugenics, and the Huma n Genome</td><td>From the promise of eliminating genetic disease to the threat o f eradicating human diversity, the potential of genetics to benefit humankind is matched only by its capacity for harm. Using interviews, archival footage, and period film clips, this insightful program traces the history of genomic researc h and its dark offspring: behavioral genetics, eugenics, and the commodification of children. Spotlighting topics including the Human Genome Project, gene paten ting, cloning, fertility clinics, genetic testing, and the discriminatory practi ces of insurance companies, Nobel Laureate Dr. James Watson, Dr. Leroy Hood, and numerous other experts examine the potential of the biotechnological revolution and the moral and ethical issues it raises. (2 parts, 49 minutes and 46 minutes )</td><td>1999</td><td>95</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl77_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl77_lbl Price">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10690</td><td>After the Gold Rush: Lucrative Lessons</td><td >As America's robust economy surged ahead during the Clinton administration, the nation as a whole experienced unprecedented growth. But behind that facade of e conomic success are disturbing psychological questions that are in urgent need o f resolution-questions that have lost none of their importance in the current ec onomic downturn. In this topical two-part series, concerned experts from a varie ty of fields scrutinize America's emotional and spiritual bottom line. 2-part se ries, 29 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl78_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl78_lbl Price">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35065</td><td>After the Rape: Mukhtar Mai Seeking Justice in Pakistan</td><td>Mukhtar Mai was gang-raped, but it wasn't considered a crime; it was a sentence handed down by a Pakistani tribal council-a punishment for the alleged indiscretions of her younger brother. This ABC News program confronts t he council's decision, a ruling declared an outrage by a local imam and others, while introducing the courageous woman who chose to defy custom and fight for ju stice in the Pakistani courts. Includes commentary by Akbar Ahmed, the Ibn Khald un Chair of Islamic Studies and professor of international relations at American University in Washington, D.C. (22 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl79_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl79_lbl Price">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32503</td><td>The Aftermath: A Visit to Postwar Iraq</td><td >Just a day after the cease-fire, news correspondents in this program journeyed into Baghdad to offer firsthand perspectives on the political, social, and relig ious fault lines exposed with the fall of Saddam Hussein. Balanced in its assess ment, the program features interviews with Iraqi clerics, businessmen, scholars, and street protesters, as well as U.S. Army soldiers and their commanders, prov iding valuable insights into the complexities and problems that will play themse lves out in the months and years to come. (46 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>46</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl80_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl80_lbl Price">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11824</td><td>The After-School Cookbook</td><td>This video s hows young people how to prepare quick, easy, and nutritious snacks and mini-mea ls using utensils and equipment found in most kitchens. Because all family membe rs can have busy schedules, teaching teens and 'tweens to do some basic food pre paration is helpful for everyone. All recipes are simple to prepare with ingredi ents easily purchased in supermarkets. Safe use of kitchen equipment is reviewed . A Meridian Production. (17 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl81_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl81_lbl Price">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7051</td><td>An Age of Revolutions</td><td>This program exam ines how the French and Industrial Revolutions altered Europe in the 18th and 19 th centuries. The French Revolution spread anti-royalty sentiment and increased awareness of the ideals of democracy throughout the continent. The Industrial Re volution promoted the middle class and turned Europe into an urbanized, industri al society. Karl Marx published his Communist Manifesto, and in doing so laid th

e groundwork for the Russian Revolution, and the later European socialist moveme nt. (23 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl82_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl82_lbl Price">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>31760</td><td>The Age of Terror: A Survey of Modern Terroris m</td><td>Who are the men and women who bring bloody death to innocent civilians ? Why do they do it? What are their methods? And how do they justify it? This em otionally charged four-part series provides unprecedented interviews with dozens of bombers, gunmen, hijackers, kidnappers, and radical leaders as it scrutinize s key terror campaigns that changed the course of modern history, right up to th e destruction of the World Trade Center. These powerful interviews, intercut wit h grim newsreel film and video footage and peppered with photos from police and news archives, make this series an unforgettable viewing experience. 4-part seri es, 47 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl83_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl83_lbl Price">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2153</td><td>The Age of the Shoguns (1600-1868)</td><td>This was the age of the Tokugawa family, the era of Edo, a period of over two-and-ahalf centuries during which Japan was hermetically sealed off from the rest of t he world and only a few Dutch and Chinese-constantly watched and treated like pa riahs-were allowed to live on Japanese soil and to trade with the Japanese. This program treats the history of Japan during this period: the established classes of daimyo, samurai, farmer, and merchant; the political organization of the sho gunate; the growth of the merchant class and the development of Kabuki; the deli neation of Japanese sensibilities and the meaning of seppuku. (51 minutes)</td>< td>1989</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl84_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl84_lbl Price">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35921</td><td>The Age of Viruses</td><td>In an escalating wa r between humans and microbes, catastrophic disease may have the edge. This prog ram studies the ubiquitous threat posed by super viruses and describes scientifi c efforts to prepare for viral disease epidemics. Documenting the World Health O rganization's response to the 2005 Angolan Marburg virus outbreak, the program e xamines strengths and weaknesses in the WHO infrastructure. It also visits the C enters for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Rocky Mountain Laboratorie s in Montana, and Cornell University's CHESS Synchrotron X-ray facility, featuri ng interviews with leading researchers who are developing sophisticated weapons against Ebola, dengue, HIV, and other viruses. (50 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td >50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl85_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl85_lbl Price">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35090</td><td>Agents, Editors, and Publishers</td><td>This v olume looks at writing from the perspective of agents, editors, and publishers. It begins with a Q&A segment that spells out how to secure an agent. Moderated b y agent Betsy Amster, the panel-BJ Robbins, Julie Barer, and Elyse Cheney-fields questions including What do you like to see in a query letter? and What is a go od way to find the right agent? A panel featuring editors Ann Close and Joy Joha nnesson and publisher Michael Pietsch concludes the program. Questions in this s egment range from the general-What makes a book sell?-to the very specific: How do you determine the advance amount an author receives? (99 minutes)</td><td>200 5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl86_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl86_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36447</td><td>Agincourt</td><td>For centuries, the Battle of Agincourt has been a classic symbol of England's national heroism in the face o f impossible odds. This program tells a different story. Based on firsthand acco unts of the illustrious French knights Gilbert de Lannoy and the Duke of Brabant ; Davy Gam, personal bodyguard to Henry V; two Lancashire archers; and an Englis h army chaplain, the program uses vivid re-creations supported by expert comment ary to provide a new perspective on the events of St. Crispin's Day 1415, when c hivalry died. Juliet Barker, author of Agincourt; medieval historian Michael Jon es; The University of York's Craig Taylor; and Tobias Capwell, Curator of Arms a nd Armor at the Wallace Collection, London, are featured. (52 minutes)</td><td>2 005</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl87_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl87_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>845</td><td>Aging</td><td>This program covers the physical p rocess of aging, examining the various body systems to see how and why they chan ge as they age. It also shows that not all the changes in older people are inevi table and that some changes in the aging body can be slowed down or reversed. (2 6 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl88_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl88_lbl Price">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>32252</td><td>The Aging Files</td><td>Emma is 17; her grandm other Pam is 70. In this program, researchers from the Universities of Oxford an d Manchester and other educational institutions analyze quantifiable differences between the two women from five different perspectives: genetic, cellular, mole cular, motor, and psychological. In the process, they discuss glycation as it re

lates to cataracts, longevity as it relates to the nematode genome, food metabol ism as it relates to the DAF2 gene, and programmed death of skin cells, as well as Pam's and Emma's muscular strength, short-term memory, mobility, and driving skills. Some of the major hurdles facing researchers of aging are also discussed . (30 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl89_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl89_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32798</td><td>The Aging Game</td><td>While technology and ec onomic factors have a great impact, social customs and values can be equally as important in caring for the elderly. This five-part series begins with an assess ment of global demographics, focusing on the incredible rise of elderly populati ons worldwide, and then looks at the welfare of senior citizens in Tunisia, Japa n, Nigeria, and India. A United Nations Production. 5-part series, 9-16 minutes each.</td><td>2001</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl90_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl90_lbl Price">$249.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10674</td><td>Aging: Growing Old in a Youth-Centered Culture </td><td>A longer life span is not a fountain of youth. As future generations ro utinely join the ranks of the centenarians, America must retool its youth-orient ed culture into something more elder-friendly than it is now. This timely two-pa rt series addresses the multifaceted issue of maintaining a good quality of life over the long haul, as the senior-set becomes the dominant demographic segment in a nation where a premium is still placed on being young. 2-part series, 29 mi nutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl91_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl91_lbl Price">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36421</td><td>Aging: What an Autopsy Reveals</td><td>To most people, old age means gray hair and wrinkled skin-but that's just the surface. In this program, anatomist Gunther von Hagens and pathologist John Lee focus on the rarely seen, internal effects of aging. The body of a woman who died in her 80s is analyzed in sections, then contrasted with corresponding sections from a young woman. Comparing age to a progressive disease, von Hagens and Lee expose t he lungs, heart, liver, stomach, and the aged brain-which contains more pronounc ed folds and thinner gray matter than a young brain-as well as the colon, which becomes more distended with age, leading to the digestive complaints common amon g the elderly. Viewer discretion is advised. Contains clinically explicit langua ge and demonstrations. (49 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl92_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl92_lbl Price">$129.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37664</td><td>Agriculture</td><td>In this program, two women with rewarding careers in agriculture describe their work: Deanna Johnson, a ma rketing representative who assists and makes purchases from grain producers; and Julie Couillard, a production coordinator who manages soil preparation, seeding , watering, and fertilization for an organic vegetable farm. Conversations with co-workers and supervisors add to the descriptions of each job. (24 minutes)</td ><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl93_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl93_lbl Price">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32129</td><td>Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources</td><td> If providing food and making the world a little greener sound like appealing goa ls, this fact-filled program will point out and explore many of the appropriate occupations by talking with men and women who work in the Agriculture, Food & Na tural Resources Cluster. Correlates to the National Standards for Life Work. A C ambridge Educational Production. (21 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl94_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl94_lbl Price">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6901</td><td>AIDS</td><td>This program discusses the nature of the HIV virus and shows how it propagates by utilizing living cells. Its orga nization is examined, along with its most prominent genes-gag, pol, and env. Rev erse transcription-the process by which the virus enters the DNA-is examined. Pr evention of the reverse transcription process, along with the development of pro tease inhibitors and genetically engineered protein vaccines, are discussed as p romising ways of slowing reproduction of the AIDS virus. (38 minutes)</td><td>19 97</td><td>38</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl95_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl95_lbl Price">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8220</td><td>AIDS: A Biological Perspective</td><td>Why is a cure so elusive? Why has it been so difficult to find a cure or vaccine for AID S? What makes AIDS so deadly? What is the HIV virus, and how does it devastate t he immune system? This eye-opening video explores these questions, providing fas cinating insights into the unique qualities of the HIV virus that make AIDS such a relentless killer.A Cambridge Educational Production. One 30-minute video.</t d><td>1995</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl96_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl96_lbl Price">$49.95<br /></span>

</td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30791</td><td>AIDS: A Global Crisis</td><td>This program off ers an excellent worldview of AIDS, providing background on the disease's histor y, its transmission and symptoms, innovative awareness campaigns, and the ongoin g search by scientists from around the globe to find an effective long-term trea tment. Fred Valentine, director of the Center for AIDS Research at the New York University School of Medicine; Lawrence Altman, medical correspondent for The Ne w York Times; Andrew McMichael, principal investigator for the Oxford AIDS Vacci ne Initiative; and others share their insights into a pandemic that has already infected and killed tens of millions. (28 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>27</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl97_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl97_lbl Price">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9352</td><td>AIDS in America: A History</td><td>From San Fra ncisco, the epicenter of the AIDS explosion, to the Bronx, notorious for its inj ected drug abuse, this program examines how AIDS took hold in the U.S. during th e early 1980s and the advances being made toward a cure. Noted journalist David Perlman, of the San Francisco Chronicle; pioneering epidemiologist Dr. Selma Dri tz; Dr. Robert Gallo, co-discoverer of the retrovirus HIV1; Dr. Anthony Fauci, h ead of AIDS research in America; and others offer insights into life with AIDS, the disease's African roots, medical advances such as AZT and protease inhibitor s, and the boost to AIDS awareness given by celebrities. (48 minutes)</td><td>19 98</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl98_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl98_lbl Price">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9350</td><td>AIDS: The Plague of the Century</td><td>Althoug h there is cause for cautious optimism in the U.S. regarding the battle against AIDS, elsewhere this devastating pandemic shows no signs of abating. When did th is disease begin, and how? And what exactly are nations and communities doing to stop it? This detailed two-part series traces the emergence and spread of AIDS around the world and the steps being taken to control and cure it. 2-part series .</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl99_lbl Format">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl99_lbl Price">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36133</td><td>AIDS Warriors: Confronting Africa's Health Cri sis</td><td>In sub-Saharan Africa, AIDS is not only a vast humanitarian tragedy, but also a dire threat to regional stability. This Wide Angle documentary explo res the role of Angola's military, the only functioning arm of the state, in a n ationwide effort to combat the AIDS pandemic. The program identifies what may be the only benefit of Angola's long civil war-specifically, one of the lowest HIV

infection rates in southern Africa-although this advantage is now endangered as refugees and soldiers reenter civilian life. Uncompromising in its social and p olitical analysis, this program offers an arresting portrait of a nation and con tinent ill-equipped to defend against an exploding health crisis. In addition, S tephen Lewis discusses Africa's AIDS crisis with anchor Mishal Husain. (57 minut es)</td><td>2004</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl100_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl100_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24668</td><td>Air and Space</td><td>Above the surface of the earth, two other forms of transportation occur: air and space transportation. V iewers explore the history of air and space travel as well as the components tha t make this type of transportation effective. Air transportation has connected o ur modern world to other nations, making long-distance travel fast and easily ac cessible to everyone. This video also discusses air highways and hub airports. V iewers also learn about the newest form of transportation technology, space tran sportation. Current space transportation has two main thrusts: an unmanned progr am of deep space exploration, and manned space exploration including the space s huttle program. Many benefits have occurred because of space transportation, inc luding modern satellite techniques. Viewers are also encouraged to explore futur e career opportunities. (17 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1997</td><td>17 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl101_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl101_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24669</td><td>Air Bag Operation and Service</td><td>Summariz es the operation and service of typical air bag systems, utilizing a combination of live-action footage and computer animation. Covers air bags on both the driv er's and passenger's side of the vehicle, and their construction, operation, and service, with special attention to servicing the sensors that operate this life -saving component. (21 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1993</td><td>20</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl102_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl102_lb lPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34450</td><td>Airborne: Life Takes to the Sky</td><td>This p rogram analyzes how flight evolved not once but four times, in very different wa ys. Presenting a number of theories, the program examines how insects, pterosaur s, birds, and bats each took to the sky. Bug wings that may have evolved from la rval gills into pond-crossing sails; flight feathers that could have begun as so ft down on small dinosaurs; and bat wings that probably developed from the webbe d paws of gliding rodents are considered. Convergent evolution and echolocation are also discussed. Original BBCW broadcast title: Airborne. (51 minutes)</td><t d>2004</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl103_lb

lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl103_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11734</td><td>Akbar the Great, Mogul Emperor of India</td><t d>A descendant of Genghis Khan and Tamerlane, Akbar the Great succeeded in forgi ng an empire in India that brought about a splendid period of political stabilit y and religious tolerance. This program blends dramatizations of significant mom ents in Mogul history with location footage of intricate architectural landmarks to create a detailed account of Akbar's reign. Religious and secular customs fr om both then and now as well as events in Europe concurrent with the Mogul empir e are also documented, in order to demonstrate the historical interplay between East and West and the survival of remnants of Mogul culture in India today. (54 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl104_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl104_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30629</td><td>Akhenaten and Nefertiti: Rulers of Egypt</td>< td>Generations after him dubbed Akhenaten "the criminal of Amarna" for replacing the Egyptian pantheon with a single god, Aten. This series explores the reign o f this revolutionary pharaoh and his evangelist queen, Nefertiti. Interviews wit h noted archaeologists and experts provide historical context, while dramatic re enactments and computer animations re-create life four-and-a-half thousand years ago. 3-part series, 27 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl105_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl105_lb lPrice">$449.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34658</td><td>Albert Einstein and the Theory of Everything</ td><td>Revolted by quantum theory, Einstein spent his final decades trying to cr eate an all-encompassing mathematical model of the universe in which God indeed does not play dice. In this program, theoretical physicist Michio Kaku and exper ts from Cambridge, MIT, and elsewhere discuss Einstein's revolutionary time/spac e theories of 1905, the ascendancy of quantum mechanics and string theory, and E instein's unswerving belief that the laws of nature-elegant and precise-must rev eal a universe of divine predictability down to the last subatomic particle. A g ripping dramatization of Einstein's last two days paints a vivid portrait of an idealistic scientist who never gave up seeking. Original BBCW broadcast title: E instein's Unfinished Symphony. (50 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl106_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl106_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11092</td><td>Albert Paley: Man of Steel</td><td>Albert Pale

y is world-renowned for his metal work in jewelry and large-scale sculpture. Thi s program provides a comprehensive overview of his life and work, including his studies at Temple University's Tyler School of Art, his early work in jewelry de sign, and more contemporary works such as the Renwick Gates and his decorative a rchitectural sculpture for Bausch & Lomb. Commentary from Elizabeth Broun, direc tor of the National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, and an exam ination of Paley's technique complete the detailed survey of this 20th-century l uminary. (58 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl107_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl107_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10365</td><td>Albrecht Durer: Image of a Master</td><td>Albr echt Durer, arguably the greatest artist of the northern Renaissance, was the pr imary conduit through whom Italian Renaissance forms and ideas were introduced i nto a Germany still dominated by the Gothic tradition. This program examines the life and work of the peerless painter and printmaker, focusing on some of his m ost important pieces. The influence of his father, a goldsmith; Anthony Koberger , Durer's godfather and one of Germany's finest printers and publishers; painter and illustrator Michael Wolgemut; and the humanist Wilibald Pirckheimer is cons idered as well. (21 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl108_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl108_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>12046</td><td>Alcohol</td><td>People who begin drinking befo re age 15 are four times more likely to develop alcoholism than those who begin at age 21. This program focuses on three teenagers-Trisha, ChiQuita, and Matt-as they candidly reflect on their first tastes of alcohol, how they got hooked on getting drunk, and how they finally summoned the strength to stop drinking, once and for all. Interviews with experienced addiction counselors stress easy avail ability and societal acceptance of drinking as the main reasons alcohol abuse is so popular with middle school and high school students, while onscreen lists sp ell out the hard facts of alcohol abuse. The need to deal with feelings, not run from them, is emphasized as well. "I'm in recovery now and things are going rea l good for me, actually," says Matt. "When I have feelings now, I'm not afraid t o feel them anymore." A Cambridge Educational Production. (20 minutes)</td><td>2 001</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl109_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl109_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2383</td><td>Alcohol and the Family: Breaking the Chain</td> <td>Alcohol is pervasive in our society; its use is accepted and encouraged. Alc oholism, on the other hand, is a disease which must be recognized and treated. T his program analyzes the signs of alcoholism and shows how a family member, cowo rker, or friend can help break the chain of alcoholism; demonstrates how one fam ily dealt with the problem and discusses the impact of alcoholism on the childre

n of alcoholics; and discusses the options and prognosis for alcoholism treatmen t. (25 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl110_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl110_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8182</td><td>Alcohol and tobacco: The Truth</td><td>This two -part series takes all of the glamour out of drinking and smoking for today's te ens by unmasking their harmful realities. A Cambridge Educational Production. 2part series, 30 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl111_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl111_lb lPrice">$159.90<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10073</td><td>Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: In Love with Mother Ru ssia</td><td>"I could not have invented my life better than it invented itself.. .. All I had to do was take possession of it to write about it." So says Aleksan dr Solzhenitsyn, a Nobel Laureate who has lived the terrible hardships of his la ndmark novels. In this gripping program, key figures such as Andrei Vassilievsky , the editor of Novy Mir; Nikita Struve, the first publisher of The Gulag Archip elago; and Solzhenitsyn himself, in a rare interview, discuss the events that ha ve both stimulated and shaped a perilous lifetime of writing. Extracts from Arch ipelago and The Oak and the Calf drive home the harsh realities of life in the U .S.S.R. during the Stalin and Brezhnev regimes. (49 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><t d>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl112_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl112_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34875</td><td>Alexander Pushkin</td><td>Arguably Russia's gr eatest poet, Alexander Pushkin established a literary tradition that was fully E uropean yet distinctively Russian in character. This program tells the tale of a brief life that was itself worthy of fiction. Incorporating footage of Pushkin' s lodgings, accoutrements, and environs as well as period artwork and architectu re, it follows Pushkin from the Imperial Lyceum at Tsarskoye Selo, where his lit erary career began, to the field of honor where, in a duel at age 38, it was cut short. A fine introduction to the author of Ruslan and Ludmila, Eugene Onegin, and Boris Godunov. (26 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl113_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl113_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33973</td><td>Alfonso XIII-in Spanish</td><td>After reprisin g key events from Alfonso XIII's early years-most notably the loss of Spain's re

maining colonies in 1898-this program traces his reign up to the military debacl e at Annual. Vintage film and dramatizations bring early-20th-century Spain to l ife as they document major challenges to Spanish monarchal rule: Catalan agitati on for autonomy, the spread of socialism and anarchism, the execution of Francis co Ferrer Guardia, labor violence, and ongoing warfare in Morocco. Sociocultural aspects of the times, such as the literary Generation of '98, are also singled out. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 63 m inutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>63</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl114_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl114_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34885</td><td>Alfonso XIII-in Spanish with English Subtitles </td><td>After reprising key events from Alfonso XIII's early years-most notably the loss of Spain's remaining colonies in 1898-this program traces his reign up to the military debacle at Annual. Vintage film and dramatizations bring early20th-century Spain to life as they document major challenges to Spanish monarcha l rule: Catalan agitation for autonomy, the spread of socialism and anarchism, t he execution of Francisco Ferrer Guardia, labor violence, and ongoing warfare in Morocco. Sociocultural aspects of the times, such as the literary Generation of '98, are also singled out. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Pro duction. (Spanish with English subtitles, 63 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>63</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl115_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl115_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29835</td><td>Alfred Kinsey: Social Science in America's Bed room</td><td>Sexuality was the last uncharted realm of social science until a co ntroversial biology professor named Alfred Kinsey walked into America's bedroom and turned on the light. In this program, John Bancroft, director of The Kinsey Institute; James H. Jones, author of Alfred C. Kinsey: A Public/Private Life; an d Kinsey's former colleague Paul Gebhard engage in a thoughtful assessment of Ki nsey's findings-data weakened, however, by the makeup of Kinsey's sample populat ion, his own sexual experiences, and his desire to see a more inclusive ethic of tolerance in the U.S. Nonetheless, as a tool of social reform, Kinsey's work su cceeded in opening a channel in the public discourse on a hitherto taboo subject . (16 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl116_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl116_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2561</td><td>Algeria 1954: Revolt of a Colony</td><td>This p rogram shows the uprising which succeeded in throwing out the French from the po int of view of an Algerian Arab, showing the conditions and following the though t processes and the steps that led to insurrection, and the revolt itself. The w ords are those of the colonized North Africans-the man in the street as well as the intellectual and politician-and of such radical theoreticians of revolt as F

ranz Fanon. (14 minutes, b&w/color)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl117_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl117_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32821</td><td>Alhaji's Wives</td><td>Alhaji has taken five w ives; one died, he divorced another and lives with the remaining three. This pro gram travels to Nigeria to examine the impact of polygamy and divorce on the cou ntry's population demographics, focusing on a case study of one family to highli ght trends and concerns. The connection between religious values and family plan ning becomes apparent in interviews with various people in the community. The pr ogram also visits a school for women who have been divorced or widowed and want to learn a skill or receive a basic education. A United Nations Production. (16 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl118_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl118_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2146</td><td>The Alhambra</td><td>If there is one building t hat symbolizes Spain-its history, its romance, its mystery, its conjoining of di sparate strains into one, single, recognizably Spanish cultural statement-it is the Alhambra. This program, produced by the Spanish Ministry of Culture, provide s a detailed tour of the buildings and grounds, as well as an explanation of the purpose and function of the citadel, and provides historical portraits of those who built and modified it, from Mohammed Ibn al-Amar in 1238 through Carlos V. (30 minutes)</td><td>1989</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl119_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl119_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37612</td><td>The Alhambra and the Reign of Queen Isabella o f Spain</td><td>In seeking to unite Spain under Catholicism, Queen Isabella expe lled the Muslims from the country-and during that period, many Moorish buildings were destroyed. But the Queen spared the Alhambra because of its magnificent be auty. Using two contrasting castles-the gothic Segovia Palace, where she resided , and the Islamic-style Alhambra Palace-as the settings, this program paints a f ascinating portrait of the reign of Queen Isabella, from the unification of Spai n to the launch of the great period of Spanish sea voyages. Not available in Fre nch-speaking Canada. (53 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl120_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl120_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37045</td><td>The Alice Project: Creative Arts Therapy in Ac

tion</td><td>At Concordia University's Centre for the Arts in Human Development, developmentally disabled participants work together to create great theater. Th is film documents the creation of the Centre's most ambitious production to date : a musical adaptation of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, complete with cho reography and elaborate props and costumes, mounted on a fully operational prosc enium stage. As the performers face the challenges of emoting, physical expressi on, line memorization, and confronting Carroll's themes of exclusion and alienat ion, their sense of accomplishment and the extraordinary benefits of the Centre' s drama therapy program become clear. (46 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>47</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl121_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl121_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32667</td><td>Alice Walker: A Stitch in Time</td><td>What we re Alice Walker's motivations in writing "Everyday Use"? In this program, the au thor discusses her short story with her official biographer, Evelyn C. White. Ov er the course of the interview, Walker talks about the autobiographical aspects of the story, the significance of quilting to African-American women, the percep tion of class differences, and the important life lessons she wished to explore. (23 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl122_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl122_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32514</td><td>Alice Walker: "Everyday Use"</td><td>Maggie se es the old family quilt-an heirloom already promised to her-as something with pr actical utility as well as tradition. Her educated, social activist sister wants to hang it on the wall as folk art. With whom will their mother side? A study i n class differences and the reclamation of Black history, Alice Walker's short s tory "Everyday Use" is beautifully realized in this dramatization. (26 minutes)< /td><td>2003</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl123_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl123_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32666</td><td>Alice Walker: Everyday Use, Uncommon Art</td>< td>This two-part series offers an in-depth study of Alice Walker's widely studie d short story "Everyday Use," combining a poignant film adaptation with a focuse d interview of the author conducted by her official biographer, Evelyn C. White. 2-part series, 23-26 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl124_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl124_lb lPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>31223</td><td>Alien Underworld: The Search for the Smallest Living Organism</td><td>Since Darwin, solving the mystery of life's origins has been the quest of scientists in fields as diverse as astrobiology and zoology. T his riveting program presents a fascinating glimpse into what might-or might not -be the smallest, most primitive living organisms. The program also serves as a case study in applying scientific method to advance radically new propositions, from initial discovery through hypothesis to funding and commercial applications . Dr. Philippa Uwins, a geologist who discovered these "nanobes" in rock samples , defends her findings against the criticism of such fellow scientists as Profes sor Kenneth Nealson of NASA. (54 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl125_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl125_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30068</td><td>Aliens from Planet Earth: The Problem of Invas ive Species</td><td>After direct habitat destruction, nonnative species introduc ed by humans to new areas pose the largest threat to global biodiversity. This p rogram looks at how scientists and conservationists are coping with a number of these critical situations, such as on Seychelles, where rats have caused 200 yea rs of devastation; on Scotland's Outer Hebrides, where hedgehogs were released t o control garden slugs; and in New York City, where Asian longhorn beetles threa ten not only Central Park but the forests of the entire east coast. Also examine d are the political and economic difficulties of these species invasions when te nsions arise between the interests of environmental protection and increasing tr ade. (25 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl126_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl126_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10656</td><td>Alive and Well: The Arts in America</td><td>Th anks to the efforts of dedicated visionaries, there is an intergenerational lear ning experience spreading across the country. This fine arts forum invites the c reators and supporters of outstanding school and community programs to take cent er stage. Together they share the positive impact the programs are having on stu dents and the public at large, promoting art education and helping to ensure tha t the nation's artistic reservoir will grow in vitality and diversity. (29 minut es)</td><td>2000</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl127_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl127_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34925</td><td>All about Boys</td><td>This video analyzes the links between biological and cultural development in boys, and addresses proble ms-such as Attention Deficit Disorder and behavioral difficulties in schools-tha t tend to involve boys. (22 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl128_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl128_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34924</td><td>All about Girls</td><td>This video explores co nflicting definitions of femininity and what it means to be a girl, and discusse s how parents can help their daughters grow into healthy and well-adjusted adult s. (22 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl129_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl129_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32132</td><td>All About Meat</td><td>Strong consumer demand for leaner-bred livestock and cuts that are smaller and less fatty has transform ed the meat industry. Tasty meals featuring beef, lamb, and pork once again are staples all across America, and this video explains why in six well-illustrated segments. How Much Meat Do We Eat? offers a statistical overview of meat consump tion. Nutritional Value of Meat addresses protein, vitamins and minerals, good a nd bad fats, cholesterol, and portion sizes. Meat Quality takes a look at the ap pearance, texture, and color of raw meat. Adding Value surveys bonus items being bundled with raw meat, from marinades, sauces, and spices to breadings and past ry shells. Handling Meat Safely considers hygiene issues. And Cuts shows how but chers are developing new cuts to match the recipes popular with today's health-c onscious, on-the-go consumer. Delicious, nutritious, and easy to prepare, meat i s back on the menu! A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to National Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences-Nutrition and Food. A Meridian Production. (18 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl130_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl130_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11456</td><td>All in the Mind: Understanding the Complexity of the Brain</td><td>In this program, Dr. Susan Greenfield expresses her belief that all aspects of human experience will eventually be explained in terms of th e physical processes of the brain. Cases drawn from the history of brain researc h-from the earliest and crudest studies of the effects of brain injury to the la test data derived from brain surgery on patients who are awake and alert-offer i nsights both fascinating and controversial. Is it possible that humankind's deep est spiritual feelings are simply the result of complex electrical activity in t he temporal lobe? A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>50</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl131_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl131_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35697</td><td>All the Trappings: Humane Field Studies of the

Naked Mole Rat</td><td>Inviting viewers into a rarely seen underground world, t his program illustrates recent developments in the study of Africa's naked mole rat and its system of subterranean colonization. With an overview of the species ' eusocial behavior-which includes allegiance to a queen, drawing comparisons to many insect communities-the video describes an innovative approach to capturing the naked mole rat that enables close study, a vast improvement over previous m ethods which often proved fatal to colony inhabitants. The program also depicts the animal's exceptional digging abilities. (13 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>13 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl132_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl132_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33663</td><td>All Too Wonderful: Frank Capra and James Stewa rt</td><td>In 1940s American cinema, they were made for each other. This magnifi cent program captures how Frank Capra used James Stewart to project a message of an ideal America, perhaps best illustrated in their 1946 collaboration, It's a Wonderful Life. It also details their biographies and first meeting on the set o f 1939's Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Stewart's later career is examined-primar ily his collaborations with Hitchcock on Rope, Rear Window, and Vertigo-but the program argues that Stewart's time with Capra produced a cinematic "ideal vision of what man could be." (27 minutes, color and b&w)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl133_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl133_lb lPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31997</td><td>Allan Houser, Apache Sculptor</td><td>Sculptor Allan Houser won international recognition for his depiction of the stoic, powe rful figures of his Chiricahua Apache and Navajo families in wood, stone, and me tal. This program follows Houser-also acclaimed for his murals and paintings-fro m quarry to studio, where he sculpts a face in marble, and to the Shidoni Foundr y, where he casts a bronze head. The art of Houser, whose father was with Geroni mo in 1886, blends his people's heritage with his own personal spirit of adventu re to create iconic figures and images that honor the past while looking to the future. (30 minutes)</td><td>1976</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl134_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl134_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37158</td><td>The Allen Brain Atlas: A Quantum Leap in Neuro logical Research</td><td>With a 90 percent match between the mouse and human gen omes, mice are helping researchers to better understand the human brain. In this NewsHour program, Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen-founder of the Allen Institute for Brain Science-and the Institute's chief scientific officer talk about the A llen Brain Atlas, an interactive 3-D map of gene expression in the mouse brain. Together with scientist Dave Anderson of Caltech, they discuss the concepts behi nd the Atlas and its creation. Susan Swedo, of the National Institute of Mental

Health, adds, "It is exactly like having a Google for the mouse brain now." Rese arch into autism with the help of this revolutionary gene map is already yieldin g valuable insights. (12 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl135_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl135_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36521</td><td>Allergies and Hay Fever</td><td>While hay feve r-also known as allergic rhinitis-can cause seasonal or even year-round misery, allergy sufferers have reason for optimism. This program presents case studies t hat show how physicians diagnose allergies and determine the best treatment for them. Highlighting a diagnosis method in which doctors inject chemical triggers into a patient's skin and examine the reactions, the program explains the import ance of an accurate diagnosis and how genetic factors come into play. The choice between oral medication and immunotherapy shots is also discussed. Expert comme ntary is provided by prominent allergists, including Dr. Eli Meltzer of UC San D iego and Dr. Gary Rachelefsky of UCLA. (27 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>27</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl136_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl136_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8775</td><td>All-Terrain Vehicles</td><td>Covers safety prac tices of operating an all-terrain vehicle and illustrates how to keep the parts and systems of an ATV well maintained-including the engine, electrical parts, an d suspension system.</td><td>1998</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl137_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl137_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33017</td><td>ALS: Lou Gehrig's Disease</td><td>This program from The Doctor Is In studies the cases of three patients with Lou Gehrig's dis ease. Expert medical commentary is provided by Lucie Bruijn, Ph.D., science dire ctor of the ALS Association, and Jeffery Cohen, M.D., a neurologist at Dartmouth -Hitchcock Medical Center. In addition, a family care provider talks about the c hallenges one faces in that role. Although there is currently no cure for ALS, i t is only a matter of time before one is found as researchers continue to advanc e the frontiers of knowledge of neurological diseases. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Med ical Center Production. (29 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl138_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl138_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5863</td><td>Altered States: A History of Drug Use in Americ

a</td><td>Whether it's caffeine, nicotine, or morphine, drugs of choice have def ined our lives and history, with sometimes benevolent, sometimes tragic results. This program focuses on the history of America's drug use and abuse, from the d ays when the early European settlers became enamored of tobacco, through Prohibi tion, and up to today. The problems we see today existed in other forms and with other drugs throughout our history. The reasons for using drugs have also remai ned constant: to ease pain, alleviate boredom, or to expand our consciousness. T he program traces the patterns of American drug use and abuse and documents the cultural, social, and political movements that impacted, or were impacted by, th e use of drugs. (58 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl139_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl139_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36031</td><td>Alternate Literary Voices and Vehicles</td><td >In the novel-driven world of popular fiction, graphic novels and short-short st ories haven't had much of a place-until recently. In this program, Art Spiegelma n, author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning Maus; Giller Prize-finalist John Gould, writer of 55 fiction and palm-of-the-hand stories; and others who are daring to be different share their successes with these robust genres. Topics range from t he influence of manga on the rise in popularity of graphic novels to a growing r espect in literary circles for compressed forms of fiction. Portions of graphic novels by Spiegelman and others and readings by Gould are included. (29 minutes) </td><td>2005</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl140_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl140_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10651</td><td>Alternative Education: Choices Beyond the Publ ic School System</td><td>Although intended to promote academic success for all, the traditional public school system in the U.S. has not always been able to mea sure up to its own high standards. In districts characterized by sagging test sc ores and dilapidated buildings, many parents are having second thoughts about en rolling their children. This provocative two-part series contends that homeschoo ling, charter schools, and vouchers may be viable ways to truly democratize the American education experience. 2-part series, 30 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td> <td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl141_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl141_lb lPrice">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31956</td><td>Alternative Framing Techniques</td><td>Alterna tive framing techniques can reduce structural lumber requirements and costs, as well as offer design improvements, such as openings in steel-frame studs that al low for the running of plumbing or electrical systems. This video looks at some of the more popular industry options in terms of materials and construction plan s. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to th e Competencies and Objectives of the National Center for Construction Education

& Research. A Shopware Production. (14 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl142_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl142_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6296</td><td>Alternative Medicine: An Overview</td><td>Alter native, or complementary, health systems are gradually being integrated into Ame rican culture and can now be found in many American physicians' offices. This pr ogram from The Doctor Is In provides an overview of Chinese and Indian medicine, homeopathy, herbalism, naturopathy, and massage. It also examines osteopathy an d chiropractic as practices recognized by traditional doctors. The program obser ves patients who are using one or more of these therapies in their health care, and speaks with several experts including Andrew Weil, a Harvard-trained physici an and author of numerous books on integrative health; Dr. Christiane Northrup, an obstetrician/gynecologist and proponent of alternative medicine; Dr. Fredi Kr onenberg, director of an alternative medical center at Columbia University; and Nancy Lonsdorf, a physician who practices both Western and the Indian system of Ayurveda in her practice. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Production. (29 m inutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl143_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl143_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11164</td><td>Alternative Power Sources and Renewable Energy </td><td>This program demonstrates how wind turbines, solar cells, hybrid automo biles, and coal gasification plants are beginning to transform the way the world is powered. The U.S. Secretary of Energy, the director of the National Wind Tec hnology Center, the CEO of Enron Wind Corporation, representatives of Worldwatch Institute and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and others discuss the challenge of satisfying the rapidly increasing global demand for energy while de veloping environmentally friendly forms of power generation to reduce air pollut ion and lessen the threat of global warming. (22 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>2 2</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl144_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl144_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1108</td><td>Aluminum</td><td>Aluminum is extracted and puri fied from clays and rocks at a British plant by purifying bauxite ore to aluminu m oxide and reducing this oxide to molten metal. The influence of economic facto rs is seen in the location of aluminum plants, which consume large amounts of el ectrical energy. In the United States, plants are located close to the power sou rce rather than to ore deposits; in England, where electricity is uniformly pric ed throughout the country, location is determined by proximity to the raw materi al. Various desirable properties of the product aluminum and its alloys are show n, as well as the link between specific properties of each alloy and its end use . (20 minutes)</td><td>1986</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl145_lb

lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl145_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32231</td><td>Alzheimer&#8217;s and Dementia: Caring for the Caregiver</td><td>The experience of the family members and spouses in this prog ram reflects that of thousands of Alzheimer&#8217;s and dementia caregivers who struggle daily with the heartfelt conflict of love and obligation. This program presents examples of caregivers who have learned to cope effectively with these stresses, restoring balance in their own lives. The importance of caregiver supp ort groups and other outlets for the discussion of problems is closely examined. (57 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl146_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl146_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10002</td><td>Alzheimer's: A True Story</td><td>Alzheimer's is a disease that affects not only the patient, but all who love and care for th at person as well. This poignant program allows a rare glimpse into one couple's experience with the fatal illness that tore their life apart, tracking the ment al deterioration of Malcolm Pointon-husband, father, Cambridge professor, and gi fted pianist, diagnosed at only 51 years of age. The documentary sympathetically yet unflinchingly chronicles Malcolm's descent into dementia and his wife Barba ra's unyielding commitment to be there "in sickness and in health." Some content may be objectionable. (75 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>75</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl147_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl147_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6999</td><td>Alzheimer's Disease: How Families Cope</td><td> In this program from The Doctor Is In, families who are caregivers provide pract ical information on how to manage the in-home care of a loved one who has Alzhei mer's. Important decisions, such as whether to use outside day care or in-home h ealth aides, are discussed. Several hints on how younger family members can part icipate in the caregiving include reading or telling stories to the patient. Two Alzheimer's specialists describe the stages of the disease, and discuss how car egivers can modify its effects on both the patient and the family. A Dartmouth-H itchcock Medical Center production. (29 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>29</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl148_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl148_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10361</td><td>The Alzheimer's Mystery</td><td>The diagnosis of celebrities such as Rita Hayworth and Ronald Reagan has brought Alzheimer's d

isease out of the closet and into the national spotlight. This program traces th e century-long initiative to understand the disease first described by Dr. Alois Alzheimer. Patients in the early stages of Alzheimer's and family members discu ss how they cope with the illness, while medical professionals address the disea se's pathology, research toward a cure, and the importance of compassionate heal thcare. No longer stigmatized as senile, patients are sympathetically viewed as victims of an insidious disease that is reaching epidemic proportions. (49 minut es)</td><td>1999</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl149_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl149_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4898</td><td>Amazing Grace: The Story of a Song That Makes a Difference</td><td>The enduring power of a single song across continents and ti me-and the ironic story of how that song was written by a man who traded in slav es-is examined in this program with Bill Moyers. One of the most popular and end uring hymns in the English language, its lyrics were written in the 18th century by the captain of an English slave ship. In the 19th century, the song successf ully crossed the Atlantic, as Southern masters and slaves adopted the hymn as th eir own. Since then, "Amazing Grace" has been adapted by scores of performers fo r a plethora of styles, from country music to gospel to folk. The program featur es some of these performers as they express what the hymn means to them. Judy Co llins sings in St. Paul's Chapel at Columbia University, the very place where sh e taped her hit recording of the song. She talks about how this song, above all others, carried her through the depths of her alcoholism. Jessye Norman sends "A mazing Grace" soaring across the footlights at New York City's Manhattan Center stage. While in Nashville, Johnny Cash visits a prison and talks about the hymn' s impact on prisoners. The folk singer, Jean Ritchie, shares a reunion of her ex tended family in Kentucky where everyone rejoices together. "Amazing Grace" is a lso a featured song in the repertory of the Boys Choir of Harlem, which is featu red performing the hymn in both New York and Japan. (80 minutes)</td><td>1990</t d><td>80</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl150_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl150_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30863</td><td>Amazing Grace: The Story of a Song That Makes a Difference-on DVD</td><td>Why is "Amazing Grace" the most-performed hymn in th e English language? In this DVD, Bill Moyers seeks to understand the enduring po wer that has carried this song across continents and through time-and the compel ling story of the slaver-turned-preacher who wrote it. This disc includes the fu ll-length program Amazing Grace as well as a special video introduction by Mr. M oyers and a menu of chapters, ten segments derived from the program that spotlig ht the history of the hymn and some of its notable singers as they reflect on wh at "Amazing Grace" means to them. Country singer Johnny Cash, opera singer Jessy e Norman, folksingers Judy Collins and Jean Ritchie, gospel singer Marion Willia ms, shape-note singers from Georgia and Alabama, and the Boys Choir of Harlem ar e featured. (80 minutes plus introduction and chapters, color) Can be viewed usi ng a DVD player or computer DVD-ROM drive. The original VHS version is copyright 1990; the enhanced DVD is copyright 2003.</td><td>2003</td><td>80</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl151_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl151_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33042</td><td>The Amazing Mole</td><td>The discovery of the mole and its relationship to mass, volume, concentration, and number of particle s revolutionized science in its day. With stunning graphics and visual metaphors , this program introduces students to this fundamental concept in chemistry, exp laining in a step-by-step way the scale of atomic particles, Avogadro's number, moles in reactions, molar mass, and mole formulas. The program is conveniently d ivided into chapters to facilitate stopping for reviews and exercises. (27 minut es)</td><td>2003</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl152_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl152_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10069</td><td> and the World of E-Commerce</td><td >In part one of this program, filmed prior to the foundering of the Internet eco nomy, NewsHour correspondent Paul Solman examines the methodology of' s founder Jeffrey Bezos and's CEO Peter Neupert, who faced stiffen ing retail and online competition by innovatively adapting their business plans. In part two, correspondent Margaret Warner analyzes the meteoric rise of dotcom s and their impact on society with Anitesh Barua, co-author of a university stud y on Internet profitability; Andrew Shapiro, co-founder of technorealism; John B attelle, president of the now-defunct Industry Standard; and former Wall Street analyst Paul Kedrosky. (29 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl153_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl153_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29906</td><td>Amending the Constitution</td><td>This program is an indispensable tool for helping students to understand the constitutional amendment process and to see its importance in their own lives. It defines what an amendment is, explains why amendments have been needed down through the centu ries, and describes the process for proposing and ratifying an amendment. Amendm ents used as illustrations of the process of changing the Constitution have been carefully selected for their interest value to today's students. A viewable/pri ntable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to National Standards for United States History Education. A Cambridge Educational Production. (18 min utes)</td><td>2002</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl154_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl154_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8106</td><td>Amendment 10: Powers Reserved to States</td><td >The U.S. Constitution is the world's oldest written charter of government in co

ntinuous effect. Much of the success of this document can be attributed to the w ay the Constitution has changed to meet the needs of the American people. The fr amers of the Constitution wisely anticipated the need to make changes to the Con stitution as the world itself changed. Between 1787, when the Constitution was w ritten, and the present time, thousands of proposed amendments have been introdu ced in Congress. But in that time, only 27 of those proposed amendments have bee n ratified. These 27 amendments tell some of the most important stories in Ameri can political, social, and cultural history. They tell the story of the founding principles of the American nation, and how that nation has changed. This compre hensive series explores each amendment, its origins, its real-world applications , its history of interpretation in the nation's courts, and its implications for the future. Combining computer graphics, original live-action video, historical artwork, and archival footage with narration and interviews, each program revea ls an important chapter in the ongoing history of the U.S. Constitution.A Cambri dge Educational Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>5</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl155_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl155_lb lPrice">$29.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8119</td><td>Amendment 11: Barring Suits Against States in F ederal Court</td><td>The U.S. Constitution is the world's oldest written charter of government in continuous effect. Much of the success of this document can be attributed to the way the Constitution has changed to meet the needs of the Ame rican people. The framers of the Constitution wisely anticipated the need to mak e changes to the Constitution as the world itself changed. Between 1787, when th e Constitution was written, and the present time, thousands of proposed amendmen ts have been introduced in Congress. But in that time, only 27 of those proposed amendments have been ratified. These 27 amendments tell some of the most import ant stories in American political, social, and cultural history. They tell the s tory of the founding principles of the American nation, and how that nation has changed. This comprehensive series explores each amendment, its origins, its rea l-world applications, its history of interpretation in the nation's courts, and its implications for the future. Combining computer graphics, original live-acti on video, historical artwork, and archival footage with narration and interviews , each program reveals an important chapter in the ongoing history of the U.S. C onstitution.A Cambridge Educational Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl156_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl156_lb lPrice">$29.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8121</td><td>Amendment 13: The Abolition of Slavery</td><td> This program examines the legal issues relevant to the 13th Amendment and the co ntroversy surrounding its passage. Legal experts explain the basis of the debate ; historical reenactments of those debates provide viewers with insights into it s social and economic underpinnings. A Cambridge Educational Production. (10 min utes)</td><td>1998</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl157_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl157_lb lPrice">$29.95<br /></span> </td><td></

td> </tr><tr> <td>8122</td><td>Amendment 14: Civil Rights of Citizens</td><td> The U.S. Constitution is the world's oldest written charter of government in con tinuous effect. Much of the success of this document can be attributed to the wa y the Constitution has changed to meet the needs of the American people. The fra mers of the Constitution wisely anticipated the need to make changes to the Cons titution as the world itself changed. Between 1787, when the Constitution was wr itten, and the present time, thousands of proposed amendments have been introduc ed in Congress. But in that time, only 27 of those proposed amendments have been ratified. These 27 amendments tell some of the most important stories in Americ an political, social, and cultural history. They tell the story of the founding principles of the American nation, and how that nation has changed. This compreh ensive series explores each amendment, its origins, its real-world applications, its history of interpretation in the nation's courts, and its implications for the future. Combining computer graphics, original live-action video, historical artwork, and archival footage with narration and interviews, each program reveal s an important chapter in the ongoing history of the U.S. Constitution.A Cambrid ge Educational Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl158_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl158_lb lPrice">$29.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8124</td><td>Amendment 16: Federal Income Tax</td><td>The U. S. Constitution is the world's oldest written charter of government in continuou s effect. Much of the success of this document can be attributed to the way the Constitution has changed to meet the needs of the American people. The framers o f the Constitution wisely anticipated the need to make changes to the Constituti on as the world itself changed. Between 1787, when the Constitution was written, and the present time, thousands of proposed amendments have been introduced in Congress. But in that time, only 27 of those proposed amendments have been ratif ied. These 27 amendments tell some of the most important stories in American pol itical, social, and cultural history. They tell the story of the founding princi ples of the American nation, and how that nation has changed. This comprehensive series explores each amendment, its origins, its real-world applications, its h istory of interpretation in the nation's courts, and its implications for the fu ture. Combining computer graphics, original live-action video, historical artwor k, and archival footage with narration and interviews, each program reveals an i mportant chapter in the ongoing history of the U.S. Constitution.A Cambridge Edu cational Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>7</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl159_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl159_lb lPrice">$29.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8125</td><td>Amendment 17: Elections of U.S. Senators</td><t d>The U.S. Constitution is the world's oldest written charter of government in c ontinuous effect. Much of the success of this document can be attributed to the way the Constitution has changed to meet the needs of the American people. The f ramers of the Constitution wisely anticipated the need to make changes to the Co nstitution as the world itself changed. Between 1787, when the Constitution was written, and the present time, thousands of proposed amendments have been introd uced in Congress. But in that time, only 27 of those proposed amendments have be

en ratified. These 27 amendments tell some of the most important stories in Amer ican political, social, and cultural history. They tell the story of the foundin g principles of the American nation, and how that nation has changed. This compr ehensive series explores each amendment, its origins, its real-world application s, its history of interpretation in the nation's courts, and its implications fo r the future. Combining computer graphics, original live-action video, historica l artwork, and archival footage with narration and interviews, each program reve als an important chapter in the ongoing history of the U.S. Constitution.A Cambr idge Educational Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>5</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl160_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl160_lb lPrice">$29.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8108</td><td>Amendment 19: Women's Right to Vote</td><td>The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State on account of sex. The wording of the 19th Ame ndment is as unflinchingly clear as the obstacles to its passage-sexism; cultura l, political, and social prejudices; and even timidity on the part of women relu ctant to challenge the status quo. This program examines the struggle of the wom en's suffrage movement and its role in the eventual passage of the 19th Amendmen t. Legal experts discuss the amendment as a constitutional document and explain the changes it brought about in American life. A Cambridge Educational Productio n. (7 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>7</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl161_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl161_lb lPrice">$29.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8101</td><td>Amendment 2: The Right to Bear Arms</td><td>Thi s program discusses the history of the "right to bear arms" Amendment. It detail s the controversy over the amendment as it relates to current gun control laws. Numerous court cases are cited as experts present both sides of the issue in thi s thorough and evenhanded analysis of the meaning of the 2nd Amendment. A Cambri dge Educational Production. (5 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>5</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl162_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl162_lb lPrice">$29.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8109</td><td>Amendment 20: Terms of President, Vice Presiden t, and Congress</td><td>The U.S. Constitution is the world's oldest written char ter of government in continuous effect. Much of the success of this document can be attributed to the way the Constitution has changed to meet the needs of the American people. The framers of the Constitution wisely anticipated the need to make changes to the Constitution as the world itself changed. Between 1787, when the Constitution was written, and the present time, thousands of proposed amend ments have been introduced in Congress. But in that time, only 27 of those propo sed amendments have been ratified. These 27 amendments tell some of the most imp ortant stories in American political, social, and cultural history. They tell th e story of the founding principles of the American nation, and how that nation h

as changed. This comprehensive series explores each amendment, its origins, its real-world applications, its history of interpretation in the nation's courts, a nd its implications for the future. Combining computer graphics, original live-a ction video, historical artwork, and archival footage with narration and intervi ews, each program reveals an important chapter in the ongoing history of the U.S . Constitution.A Cambridge Educational Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>7</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl163_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl163_lb lPrice">$29.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8110</td><td>Amendment 23: D.C. Voting</td><td>The U.S. Cons titution is the world's oldest written charter of government in continuous effec t. Much of the success of this document can be attributed to the way the Constit ution has changed to meet the needs of the American people. The framers of the C onstitution wisely anticipated the need to make changes to the Constitution as t he world itself changed. Between 1787, when the Constitution was written, and th e present time, thousands of proposed amendments have been introduced in Congres s. But in that time, only 27 of those proposed amendments have been ratified. Th ese 27 amendments tell some of the most important stories in American political, social, and cultural history. They tell the story of the founding principles of the American nation, and how that nation has changed. This comprehensive series explores each amendment, its origins, its real-world applications, its history of interpretation in the nation's courts, and its implications for the future. C ombining computer graphics, original live-action video, historical artwork, and archival footage with narration and interviews, each program reveals an importan t chapter in the ongoing history of the U.S. Constitution.A Cambridge Educationa l Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>5</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl164_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl164_lb lPrice">$29.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8111</td><td>Amendment 26: Voting for 18-Year-Olds</td><td>T he U.S. Constitution is the world's oldest written charter of government in cont inuous effect. Much of the success of this document can be attributed to the way the Constitution has changed to meet the needs of the American people. The fram ers of the Constitution wisely anticipated the need to make changes to the Const itution as the world itself changed. Between 1787, when the Constitution was wri tten, and the present time, thousands of proposed amendments have been introduce d in Congress. But in that time, only 27 of those proposed amendments have been ratified. These 27 amendments tell some of the most important stories in America n political, social, and cultural history. They tell the story of the founding p rinciples of the American nation, and how that nation has changed. This comprehe nsive series explores each amendment, its origins, its real-world applications, its history of interpretation in the nation's courts, and its implications for t he future. Combining computer graphics, original live-action video, historical a rtwork, and archival footage with narration and interviews, each program reveals an important chapter in the ongoing history of the U.S. Constitution.A Cambridg e Educational Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>7</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl165_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl165_lb lPrice">$29.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8112</td><td>Amendment 27: Congressional Pay Raises</td><td> The U.S. Constitution is the world's oldest written charter of government in con tinuous effect. Much of the success of this document can be attributed to the wa y the Constitution has changed to meet the needs of the American people. The fra mers of the Constitution wisely anticipated the need to make changes to the Cons titution as the world itself changed. Between 1787, when the Constitution was wr itten, and the present time, thousands of proposed amendments have been introduc ed in Congress. But in that time, only 27 of those proposed amendments have been ratified. These 27 amendments tell some of the most important stories in Americ an political, social, and cultural history. They tell the story of the founding principles of the American nation, and how that nation has changed. This compreh ensive series explores each amendment, its origins, its real-world applications, its history of interpretation in the nation's courts, and its implications for the future. Combining computer graphics, original live-action video, historical artwork, and archival footage with narration and interviews, each program reveal s an important chapter in the ongoing history of the U.S. Constitution.A Cambrid ge Educational Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>5</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl166_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl166_lb lPrice">$29.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8102</td><td>Amendment 3: Quartering of Troops</td><td>The U .S. Constitution is the world's oldest written charter of government in continuo us effect. Much of the success of this document can be attributed to the way the Constitution has changed to meet the needs of the American people. The framers of the Constitution wisely anticipated the need to make changes to the Constitut ion as the world itself changed. Between 1787, when the Constitution was written , and the present time, thousands of proposed amendments have been introduced in Congress. But in that time, only 27 of those proposed amendments have been rati fied. These 27 amendments tell some of the most important stories in American po litical, social, and cultural history. They tell the story of the founding princ iples of the American nation, and how that nation has changed. This comprehensiv e series explores each amendment, its origins, its real-world applications, its history of interpretation in the nation's courts, and its implications for the f uture. Combining computer graphics, original live-action video, historical artwo rk, and archival footage with narration and interviews, each program reveals an important chapter in the ongoing history of the U.S. Constitution.A Cambridge Ed ucational Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>5</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl167_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl167_lb lPrice">$29.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8103</td><td>Amendment 4: Unreasonable Search and Seizure</t d><td>The origins and historical context of the 4th Amendment are outlined along with a detailed explanation of "probable cause" and search warrant contents and requirements. Present-day situations and court cases are cited to illustrate th e main challenge of interpreting the 4th Amendment-how do we find the balance be

tween protecting society from criminal behavior and upholding individual rights to privacy and freedom from unreasonable searches? A Cambridge Educational Produ ction. (7 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>7</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl168_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl168_lb lPrice">$29.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8105</td><td>Amendment 9: Reserved Rights of People</td><td> The U.S. Constitution is the world's oldest written charter of government in con tinuous effect. Much of the success of this document can be attributed to the wa y the Constitution has changed to meet the needs of the American people. The fra mers of the Constitution wisely anticipated the need to make changes to the Cons titution as the world itself changed. Between 1787, when the Constitution was wr itten, and the present time, thousands of proposed amendments have been introduc ed in Congress. But in that time, only 27 of those proposed amendments have been ratified. These 27 amendments tell some of the most important stories in Americ an political, social, and cultural history. They tell the story of the founding principles of the American nation, and how that nation has changed. This compreh ensive series explores each amendment, its origins, its real-world applications, its history of interpretation in the nation's courts, and its implications for the future. Combining computer graphics, original live-action video, historical artwork, and archival footage with narration and interviews, each program reveal s an important chapter in the ongoing history of the U.S. Constitution.A Cambrid ge Educational Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>5</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl169_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl169_lb lPrice">$29.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8099</td><td>Amendments 1-10: The Bill of Rights</td><td>The U.S. Constitution is the world's oldest written charter of government in contin uous effect. Much of the success of this document can be attributed to the way t he Constitution has changed to meet the needs of the American people. The framer s of the Constitution wisely anticipated the need to make changes to the Constit ution as the world itself changed. Between 1787, when the Constitution was writt en, and the present time, thousands of proposed amendments have been introduced in Congress. But in that time, only 27 of those proposed amendments have been ra tified. These 27 amendments tell some of the most important stories in American political, social, and cultural history. They tell the story of the founding pri nciples of the American nation, and how that nation has changed. This comprehens ive series explores each amendment, its origins, its real-world applications, it s history of interpretation in the nation's courts, and its implications for the future. Combining computer graphics, original live-action video, historical art work, and archival footage with narration and interviews, each program reveals a n important chapter in the ongoing history of the U.S. Constitution.A Cambridge Educational Production. One video each.</td><td>1998</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl170_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl170_lb lPrice">$239.65<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>8126</td><td>Amendments 11-27</td><td>The U.S. Constitution is the world's oldest written charter of government in continuous effect. Much o f the success of this document can be attributed to the way the Constitution has changed to meet the needs of the American people. The framers of the Constituti on wisely anticipated the need to make changes to the Constitution as the world itself changed. Between 1787, when the Constitution was written, and the present time, thousands of proposed amendments have been introduced in Congress. But in that time, only 27 of those proposed amendments have been ratified. These 27 am endments tell some of the most important stories in American political, social, and cultural history. They tell the story of the founding principles of the Amer ican nation, and how that nation has changed. This comprehensive series explores each amendment, its origins, its real-world applications, its history of interp retation in the nation's courts, and its implications for the future. Combining computer graphics, original live-action video, historical artwork, and archival footage with narration and interviews, each program reveals an important chapter in the ongoing history of the U.S. Constitution.A Cambridge Educational Product ion.</td><td>1998</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl171_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl171_lb lPrice">$389.35<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8120</td><td>Amendments 12, 22, and 25: Presidential Amendme nts</td><td>The U.S. Constitution is the world's oldest written charter of gover nment in continuous effect. Much of the success of this document can be attribut ed to the way the Constitution has changed to meet the needs of the American peo ple. The framers of the Constitution wisely anticipated the need to make changes to the Constitution as the world itself changed. Between 1787, when the Constit ution was written, and the present time, thousands of proposed amendments have b een introduced in Congress. But in that time, only 27 of those proposed amendmen ts have been ratified. These 27 amendments tell some of the most important stori es in American political, social, and cultural history. They tell the story of t he founding principles of the American nation, and how that nation has changed. This comprehensive series explores each amendment, its origins, its real-world a pplications, its history of interpretation in the nation's courts, and its impli cations for the future. Combining computer graphics, original live-action video, historical artwork, and archival footage with narration and interviews, each pr ogram reveals an important chapter in the ongoing history of the U.S. Constituti on.A Cambridge Educational Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl172_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl172_lb lPrice">$29.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8123</td><td>Amendments 15 and 24: Rights of Citizens to Vot e/Poll Tax</td><td>The U.S. Constitution is the world's oldest written charter o f government in continuous effect. Much of the success of this document can be a ttributed to the way the Constitution has changed to meet the needs of the Ameri can people. The framers of the Constitution wisely anticipated the need to make changes to the Constitution as the world itself changed. Between 1787, when the Constitution was written, and the present time, thousands of proposed amendments have been introduced in Congress. But in that time, only 27 of those proposed a mendments have been ratified. These 27 amendments tell some of the most importan

t stories in American political, social, and cultural history. They tell the sto ry of the founding principles of the American nation, and how that nation has ch anged. This comprehensive series explores each amendment, its origins, its realworld applications, its history of interpretation in the nation's courts, and it s implications for the future. Combining computer graphics, original live-action video, historical artwork, and archival footage with narration and interviews, each program reveals an important chapter in the ongoing history of the U.S. Con stitution.A Cambridge Educational Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>7</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl173_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl173_lb lPrice">$29.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8107</td><td>Amendments 18 and 21: Prohibition and Repeal</t d><td>The U.S. Constitution is the world's oldest written charter of government in continuous effect. Much of the success of this document can be attributed to the way the Constitution has changed to meet the needs of the American people. T he framers of the Constitution wisely anticipated the need to make changes to th e Constitution as the world itself changed. Between 1787, when the Constitution was written, and the present time, thousands of proposed amendments have been in troduced in Congress. But in that time, only 27 of those proposed amendments hav e been ratified. These 27 amendments tell some of the most important stories in American political, social, and cultural history. They tell the story of the fou nding principles of the American nation, and how that nation has changed. This c omprehensive series explores each amendment, its origins, its real-world applica tions, its history of interpretation in the nation's courts, and its implication s for the future. Combining computer graphics, original live-action video, histo rical artwork, and archival footage with narration and interviews, each program reveals an important chapter in the ongoing history of the U.S. Constitution.A C ambridge Educational Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl174_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl174_lb lPrice">$29.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8104</td><td>Amendments 5 8: The Justice Amendments</td><td> This program thoroughly analyzes the text of Amendments 5, 6, 7, and 8 to provid e a complete understanding of the laws that are the foundation of the American c riminal justice system. Specific rights outlined in the 5th Amendment that are e xplained include: the grand jury and indictment process, "double jeopardy," self -incrimination and "the right to remain silent," and due process of law. The rig hts guaranteed in the 6th Amendment for the accused in criminal prosecutions are discussed along with the procedures to be followed in criminal trials. The righ t of trial by jury in civil cases, bail procedures, and the elimination of exces sive fines and cruel and unusual punishment as guaranteed in the 7th and 8th Ame ndments are discussed. A Cambridge Educational Production. (15 minutes)</td><td> 1998</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl175_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl175_lb lPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>8188</td><td>The Amendments to the Constitution: Bill of Rig hts and Beyond</td><td>The U.S. Constitution is the world's oldest written chart er of government in continuous effect. Much of the success of this document can be attributed to the way the Constitution has changed to meet the needs of the A merican people. The framers of the Constitution wisely anticipated the need to m ake changes to the Constitution as the world itself changed. Between 1787, when the Constitution was written, and the present time, thousands of proposed amendm ents have been introduced in Congress. But in that time, only 27 of those propos ed amendments have been ratified. These 27 amendments tell some of the most impo rtant stories in American political, social, and cultural history. They tell the story of the founding principles of the American nation, and how that nation ha s changed. This comprehensive series explores each amendment, its origins, its r eal-world applications, its history of interpretation in the nation's courts, an d its implications for the future. Combining computer graphics, original live-ac tion video, historical artwork, and archival footage with narration and intervie ws, each program reveals an important chapter in the ongoing history of the U.S. Constitution.A Cambridge Educational Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>&nbsp;</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl176_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl176_lb lPrice">$629.00<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4988</td><td>America as a Spiritual Democracy: Steven Rockef eller</td><td>The path Steven Rockefeller has taken on his intellectual and spir itual journey would very likely surprise his great-grandfather, the tycoon John D. Rockefeller, Sr. A convert to Buddhism, Steven Rockefeller has been teaching Religion at Middlebury College in Vermont for almost 20 years. Centering on what he calls "the democratic reconstruction of religion," Rockefeller has steeped h imself in the writings of Walt Whitman, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and John Dewey. In this program with Bill Moyers, Steven Rockefeller discusses his idea that the ti me has come to reconsider America as a "spiritual democracy." "The greatest sing le moral failing of many religious traditions," says Rockefeller, "is their inab ility to teach their followers to respect people of a different tradition the sa me way they respect people of their own tradition." (30 minutes)</td><td>1990</t d><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl177_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl177_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>2926</td><td>America at War</td><td>From Pearl Harbor to the Persian Gulf-the American effort during World War II in the Pacific and Europea n theaters, followed by Korea, the Bay of Pigs, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, and Op eration Desert Storm-this program covers 50 years of almost continuous action by America's military. (35 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>35</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl178_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl178_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>36214</td><td>America Becomes a World Power</td><td>While Pr ogressive leaders showed their distrust of power in their dealings with large co rporations at home, they still grasped the growing need for an aggressive nation al stance in world relations. This program covers the opening of Japan, the acqu isition of Alaska and Hawaii, the Open Door Policy in China, the Spanish-America n War, and the Boxer Rebellion. The doctrinal struggle between Expansionists and Anti-Imperialists is also discussed. Correlates to standards from the National Council for the Social Studies. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is avail able online. (30 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl179_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl179_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11226</td><td>America: Broadway and Dramatic Realism</td><td >In this program, renowned theater director Sir Richard Eyre maps out the flower ing of dramatic realism on Broadway. A study of Eugene O'Neill, an interview wit h Arthur Miller, and archival footage of Clifford Odets and Tennessee Williams r eveal an artistic fascination with the dark side of the American Dream. Then, an interview with Hal Prince and a retrospective on Yiddish shund and similar venu es set the stage for a study of musicals and the genre's early innovators: Jerom e Kern, Richard Rodgers, and Oscar Hammerstein II. Clips from Long Day's Journey into Night, Death of a Salesman, The Crucible, Showboat, and other productions reinforce each point along the way. A BBC Production. (51 minutes)</td><td>2000< /td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl180_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl180_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34183</td><td>America: Hunting for Sleeper Cells</td><td>Can America fight an enemy within its borders while preserving civil liberties? Thi s program examines the critical role of the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Forces in the hunt for al Qaeda sleeper cells, and how that role has created new challeng es for the agency. Detailing the FBI's discovery and capture of Detroit and Buff alo cells, its response to foreign intelligence, domestic surveillance difficult ies, and the intricate workings and results of FBI/CIA cooperation, this program depicts an American intelligence community struggling to adapt to the complexit ies of the war on terror. Original BBCW broadcast title: America-Hunt for the Sl eeper Cells. (41 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl181_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl181_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36205</td><td>The America of the Amish</td><td>The Amish rar ely allow themselves to be photographed or filmed, yet several members of the is olated religious community agreed to appear in this eye-opening documentary. Fil med on location in Pennsylvania and Ohio Amish country, the program goes beyond stereotypes and common misconceptions, presenting a fully human portrait of a mi

sunderstood people. Interviews with Amish men and women-some born into the relig ion, some converts from other parts of the U.S.-reveal a range of opinions and s ensibilities within the group's traditional stance on technology, education, and worship. Highlighting the rapid growth of the Amish population and their changi ng attitudes toward electricity, cell phones, cars, and other modern convenience s, the program will expand viewers' understanding of the Amish and the ways that American subcultures adapt to mainstream society. (54 minutes)</td><td>2005</td ><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl182_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl182_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9246</td><td>America the Rude</td><td>As common courtesy bec omes less common and good taste is all but a contradiction of terms, Americans c ontinue to push the envelope of socially acceptable behavior. Does the Golden Ru le still apply, or are people too busy to care about the feelings of others? Thi s program probes the apparent erosion of decorum in the United States, which has had a profound impact on respect for authority, trust for one another, and will ingness to give a helping hand. Experts include Professor Stephen Carter, of Yal e University; psychologist Arnold Nerenberg, author of Overcoming Road Rage; and Pier Forni, of Johns Hopkins University's Civility Project. (29 minutes)</td><t d>1999</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl183_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl183_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9318</td><td>America the Ugly: Searching for a Better Way to Live</td><td>Since World War II, suburbia has taken over broad sections of Amer ica, squeezing out Main Street USA in favor of cookie-cutter subdivisions, shopp ing centers, and business parks. Is the New Urbanism-in which the needs of peopl e, not cars, come first-the antidote for suburban sprawl? In this program, ABC N ews anchor Forrest Sawyer and correspondent Michel McQueen report on the housing paradigm called "traditional neighborhood developments" with architect and town planner Andres Duany, known as the Pied Piper of New Urbanism and creator of co mmunities such as Kentlands, Maryland, and Seaside, Florida. (22 minutes)</td><t d>1998</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl184_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl184_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11978</td><td>America Today: Kid CEO.Com</td><td>Napster and exemplify how technology and the Internet have given rise to a wa ve of businesses with extremely young leaders. This program looks at the emergen ce of a new breed of entrepreneurs and their impact on the American work environ ment. It addresses such questions as whether these young people are prepared for the responsibilities of running a company and if their ideals about commerce an d social commitment conflict with an older generation's. Among those interviewed are Melissa Scanyers, founder of; Brad Ogden, president of Virtual

Web Pages; Misty Elliott, executive vice president of Youngbiz; and Jayson Meye r, CEO of Meyer Technologies. (29 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl185_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl185_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11977</td><td>America Today: Looking for the Union Label</td ><td>Union membership continues to lag and even the term "collective bargaining" carries a decidedly un-American connotation. Why have labor unions lost much of the influence they once exerted on the U.S. economy? In this program, a variety of labor leaders and social and political activists examines the dynamic shift in labor-management relations over the past four decades that has changed the fa ce of the American workplace. Among those interviewed are Ralph Nader, George Wa shington University professor of law Charles Craver, Detroit AFL-CIO president D onald Boggs, and Teamsters leaders and organizers. (29 minutes)</td><td>2001</td ><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl186_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl186_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33963</td><td>America, un Mundo Nuevo-in Spanish</td><td>Aft er Columbus came the conquistadors: intrepid men who, for good and ill, have lef t an indelible mark on world history. This program dramatizes the conquests of H ernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro in the Viceroyalties of New Spain and Peru, s tories characterized by courage and brutality-on both sides. In addition, cultur al exchanges between New World and Old and their effects over time are considere d. Viewer discretion is advised. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTV E Production. (Spanish, 47 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl187_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl187_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34524</td><td>America, un Mundo Nuevo-in Spanish with Englis h Subtitles</td><td>After Columbus came the conquistadors: intrepid men who, for good and ill, have left an indelible mark on world history. This program dramat izes the conquests of Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro in the Viceroyalties o f New Spain and Peru, stories characterized by courage and brutality-on both sid es. In addition, cultural exchanges between New World and Old and their effects over time are considered. Viewer discretion is advised. Not available in Frenchspeaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish with English subtitles, 47 minutes )</td><td>2004</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl188_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl188_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>9383</td><td>American Adolescence</td><td>A rising divorce r ate, frequent relocation, and a fascination with TV, video games, and computers are leaving more and more teenagers under-supervised, rootless, and isolated. In creasingly detached from traditional values and lifestyles, these young adults f ace daunting obstacles without the support base enjoyed by previous generations. This program investigates the hurdles faced by today's teens and discusses how their hopes, fears, and expectations will shape American society. Experts includ e top officers of the Families and Work Institute, National Teen Pregnancy Preve ntion Research Center, and National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse Cont rol. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl189_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl189_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5938</td><td>American Athletics: What Happened to the Game?< /td><td>From children playing at the sandlot to the Olympics, the one thing athl etic competitions have in common is that they all center around a game. This pro gram scrutinizes athletics today through its evolution from a sport played for f un into a multibillion-dollar industry that can symbolize the problem of greed a nd the attitude of winning at all costs. Featured on the program are: sports bro adcaster Dick Vitale; Tom McMillen, former basketball star and Congressman and n ow co-chair of the President's Council on Physical Fitness; and Lisa Luciano, a New York Times sportswriter. (29 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl190_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl190_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7613</td><td>The American Civil Liberties Union: A History</ td><td>For 80 years, one legal organization has supported the rights of the indi vidual against the majority and the government, igniting rage in conservatives a nd liberals alike. That organization is the ACLU, and it has virtually molded ou r national ideal of liberty. Its history reads like a case study of freedom of e xpression and minority rights in the 20th century. This program, with commentary from Oliver North, Dave Barry, and Molly Ivins, traces the tumultuous history o f that organization from its inception by founder Roger Baldwin, through dozens of legal challenges over the past century, including the Scopes trial, the 1930s labor strikes, Japanese internment, the HUAC hearings and blacklisting, the Vie tnam war crimes trials, the American Nazi Party's bid to march in Skokie, Illino is, and others. Baldwin's story is interwoven throughout. (57 minutes)</td><td>1 997</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl191_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl191_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35505</td><td>American Imperialists: Soviet Animation vs. th e United States</td><td>Racism, unemployment, aggression, excess-the USSR's anim ation studios frequently took aim at these aspects of American culture. Represen

ting five decades of animated Soviet propaganda, this program features short fil ms that blast the United States and its perceived evils. Black and White and Mis ter Twister extol the absence of bigotry in Soviet society, while Someone Else's Voice portrays jazz as an enemy of the people. Ave Maria condemns America's pre sence in Vietnam and the influence of the Catholic church, and The Shooting Rang e underscores the violence behind economic and class divisions. Seven films tota l, plus commentary from Russian State Film School professor Igor Kokarev, direct or/artist Vladimir Tarasov, and Dr. Sonia Marshak, great-granddaughter of the ac claimed Soviet poet. (106 minutes) Portions are in Russian with English subtitle s.</td><td>2006</td><td>106</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl192_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl192_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36968</td><td>American Poet Laureates</td><td>The U.S. Poet Laureate has a unique opportunity to shape America's literary terrain-by fosteri ng public appreciation of poetry and by continuing to produce his or her own wor k. This NewsHour collection profiles six such honorees at the onset of their ter ms. Each author reflects on experiences that have influenced his writing and des cribes what he hopes to accomplish during his tenure. In addition, each laureate reads a few of his own poems. Robert Pinsky delivers a compelling rendition of "December Blues," Ted Kooser movingly presents "Father," and Stanley Kunitz reco rds a powerful recitation of "The Layers." Donald Hall, Robert Hass, and Billy C ollins are also featured. (60 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl193_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl193_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33195</td><td>The American Travels of Alexander von Humboldt </td><td>Accompanied by French botanist Aime Bonpland, Alexander von Humboldt se t off in 1799 on a five-year odyssey of discovery, conducting an awe-inspiring s cientific and cartographic survey of modern-day Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Ecuad or, Mexico, and Cuba. This two-part series traces their journey by using locatio n footage, dramatic reenactments, journal and diary entries from both explorers, and Humboldt's exquisite ink drawings and maps. 2-part series, 53 minutes each. </td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl194_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl194_lb lPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11894</td><td>Americano as Apple Pie: The Latino Experience in America</td><td>This informative series looks at a variety of issues concerni ng the Latino cultures in America, including the size and history of different H ispanic populations and the effects of current U.S. immigration laws. The progra ms examine Latino identity in both thriving urban neighborhoods and isolated rur al towns and feature a host of prominent figures in the greater Hispanic communi ty. 2-part series, 30 minutes each.</td><td>2001</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl195_lb

lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl195_lb lPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11299</td><td>The Americans with Disabilities Act: Is It Wor king?</td><td>During the 1980s, a new civil rights movement got underway-for peo ple with disabilities. In this program, Larry Paradis, executive director of Dis ability Rights Advocates, speaks with NewsHour correspondent Spencer Michels abo ut the importance of litigation in pressuring companies and communities to compl y with the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act. But are such legal actions actu ally undermining support for the ADA? Richard Baier, president of the Building O wners and Managers Association International; Congressman Mark Foley (R-FL); and others present their points of view. (12 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>12</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl196_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl196_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30023</td><td>America's First River: Bill Moyers on the Huds on</td><td>A waterway of ethereal beauty and vast commercial utility, the Hudson River has been both a precious medium for communing with nature and a convenien t sewer for industrial waste. Over the course of this captivating two-part serie s, Bill Moyers explores the dramatic history, complex ecology, profound natural beauty, and far-reaching legacy of the Hudson, a powerful symbol of the nation's conflict between its deep love of nature and its relentless desire for developm ent. Archival film, photos, paintings, engravings, journal entries, book excerpt s, and breathtaking location footage illustrate the many faces of the Hudson whi le historians, environmentalists, and others explain how colliding agendas have combined to shape the story of America's first river. 2-part series, 2 hours eac h.</td><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl197_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl197_lb lPrice">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34175</td><td>America's Immigration Debate</td><td>Diversity from immigration keeps cities alive, former Senator Bill Bradley (D-NJ) and oth er leaders assert in this program; opposing views are also presented, thus summa rizing America's immigration debate with mixed evaluations of its capacity for c hange. Using commentary from several experts-including Michael Teitelbaum, vice chair of the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform, and Margie McHugh, executive director of the New York Immigrant Coalition-this program studies the isolation of ethnic communities, the shifting of racial definitions, and America's lack o f an infrastructure to support immigrant integration. (26 minutes)</td><td>2004< /td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl198_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl198_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29936</td><td>The Americas in the 21st Century</td><td>Bring ing together 24 government leaders, top policymakers, and noted experts, this la ndmark documentary hosted by journalist Charles Krause outlines the key politica l and economic challenges facing the Americas and the issues that will test the leadership of the U.S. and Canada. Topics debated by James Baker III; President Andres Pastrana, of Colombia; Canada's former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney; For eign Policy editor Moises Naim; former U.S. Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson; the National Council of La Raza's Raul Yzaguirre; the inimitable Sol Linowitz; and others include economic integration, free trade, and cultural nationalism. ( 58 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl199_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl199_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4945</td><td>America's Leading Dissenter: Noam Chomsky</td>< td>On the face of it, this seems the worst of times for the political radical. T he consensus seems to be that dissent died with the '60s. People today are too c ontented and too rich, or too poor and put upon to protest anything; we've becom e a nation of couch potatoes. But stop a minute and consider this: in 1988, at t he height of the Reagan-Bush era, more than 500 students were arrested in campus political protests and over 3,000 people were arrested protesting against nucle ar arms. In this program with Bill Moyers, Noam Chomsky shares his thoughts abou t the meaning of protest today. Chomsky believes in the blunt scrutiny of nation al power, arbitrary government, and injustice. He discusses the decline of polit ical democracy, and his admiration for the common sense and creativity of ordina ry people. (52 minutes)</td><td>1988</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl200_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl200_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32505</td><td>America's New Religious Landscape</td><td>Sinc e the 1965 Immigration Act, the United States has emerged as the world's most re ligiously diverse country. The stories, perspectives, interviews, and images fea tured in this program culled from Religion & Ethics Newsweekly offer an opportun ity for informed dialogue about encountering these religions, both ancient and n ew, and appreciating their complexity. In-depth segments filmed at locations aro und the country spotlight emerging communities of Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, an d Hasidim. Diana Eck, professor of comparative religion at Harvard University, d iscusses what this increased diversity means. (60 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td> 61</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl201_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl201_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37131</td><td>Amin Maalouf: Building Bridges Between East an

d West-in French with English Subtitles</td><td>"My role as a writer is to creat e positive myths," says Amin Maalouf. The Lebanese-born novelist and journalist also acknowledges "the material that history gives me." This program features co nversations with Maalouf about his imaginative, historically grounded novels and his identity as a Christian Arab living in Paris. On-screen readings by the aut hor present excerpts and themes from Leo Africanus, Rock of Tanios, The Crusades Through Arab Eyes, and In the Name of Identity: Violence and the Need to Belong . While Maalouf's views on recent Middle East conflicts reveal a degree of skept icism, the staging of Kaija Saariaho's opera L'amour de loin, for which Maalouf wrote the libretto, evokes his faith in the power of cross-cultural connections. (French with English subtitles, 30 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl202_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl202_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9301</td><td>Amiri Baraka</td><td>Artist/activist Amiri Bara ka has managed to alter not merely the face of African-American writing, but its very sound and substance as well: among the first to promote Africanized Englis h, he also introduced an element of jazz into poetry. In this program, Bill Moye rs and Mr. Baraka discuss topics centering on the black experience in America. R eadings by Mr. Baraka spotlight "Funklore," "First Fire," "The Pet's Reward," "X ," "Wise-Africa," "Wise-One," "Wise-Ghosts," and others. Filmed at the Biennial Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival. (27 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>27</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl203_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl203_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29349</td><td>Amos Oz</td><td>Admiringly called "a kind of Z ionist Orwell" by Newsweek, Amos Oz is arguably the best-known Israeli intellect ual in the world. This program profiles the controversial Oz through a mix of mo nologue, interview, and biography, revealing his acute understanding of family l ife and fanaticism. Economical in his use of language, Oz depicts the people of Israel, the country's political tribulations, and the region's history-steeped l andscape with astonishing clarity and insight. (53 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td >53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl204_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl204_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10695</td><td>Ana Maria Matute</td><td>One of Spain's foremo st women writers, Ana Maria Matute has displayed a recurring fascination with th e Spanish Civil War and the defenselessness of children and the poor. Framed wit hin the context of an appearance by Matute at the Real Academia Espanola de la L engua, this program travels to Barcelona and locales in Spain's Rioja region. Ex cerpts from Olvidado rey Gudu and El rio demonstrate a subtler sensitivity and a tightening in construction as compared with Matute's earlier works, while Casa de juegos prohibidos: textos inocentes illustrates the breadth of her writing. A

n RTVE Production. (Spanish, 55 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl205_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl205_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32718</td><td>Ana Maria Matute: Dreams into Words-in Spanish </td><td>Raised within the socially restrictive mores of a transient middle-clas s family and troubled with a stammering problem, Ana Maria Matute took refuge in literature. At 17, she began to use her experiences to probe the themes of lost childhood, injustice, and the lives of the marginalized. She soon developed a f resh prose style that deftly blended fantasy and realism, revitalizing the mid-2 0th-century Spanish literary scene. This landmark program features an interview with Matute and readings from her works, as well as the insights of writer and j ournalist Inmaculada de la Fuente, the University of Madrid's Alicia Redondo Goy coechea, and Fernando Valls, of the Universidad Autonoma of Barcelona, in an exp loration of the narrative virtuosity of one of Spain's most honored and beloved writers. (Spanish, 31 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl206_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl206_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32255</td><td>Ana Maria Matute: Dreams into Words-in Spanish with English Narration and Subtitles</td><td>Raised within the socially restric tive mores of a transient middle-class family and troubled with a stammering pro blem, Ana Maria Matute took refuge in literature. At 17, she began to use her ex periences to probe the themes of lost childhood, injustice, and the lives of the marginalized. She soon developed a fresh prose style that deftly blended fantas y and realism, revitalizing the mid-20th-century Spanish literary scene. This la ndmark program features an interview with Matute and readings from her works, as well as the insights of writer and journalist Inmaculada de la Fuente, the Univ ersity of Madrid's Alicia Redondo Goycoechea, and Fernando Valls, of the Univers idad Autonoma of Barcelona, in an exploration of the narrative virtuosity of one of Spain's most honored and beloved writers. (Spanish with English narration an d subtitles, 31 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl207_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl207_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32707</td><td>Analytic Philosophy</td><td>A century after it s inception, analytic philosophy continues to clarify issues through argumentati on, analysis, and logical rigor-and to parse out the phenomenon of language. Thi s program scrutinizes the founding of analytic philosophy, the rise of logical p ositivism, the rejection of metaphysics, and the advent of linguistic philosophy through Russell's Principia Mathematica, Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philos ophicus, Willard Van Orman Quine's "Two Dogmas of Empiricism," the Vienna Circle 's manifesto, and other seminal works. Penetrating commentary is provided by Har vard University's Hilary Putnam, Rutgers University's Colin McGinn, and USC's Sc ott Soames. (49 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>49</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl208_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl208_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4090</td><td>The Anasazi and Chaco Canyon</td><td>This progr am looks at the fascinating finds at Chaco Canyon: the extraordinary city itself , the strange cult objects, the proofs of their mastery of astronomy; and at the many unanswered questions about the meaning of their depictions of humans, and the possible explanations for the disappearance of the Anasazi-leaving barely a trace of their highly advanced culture. (23 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>23</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl209_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl209_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36296</td><td>Anatomy for Beginners</td><td>Anatomist Gunthe r von Hagens is world-renowned for his invention of plastination, a method of pr eserving dead tissue. He is also famous for his Body Worlds exhibits which incor porate sophisticated-and highly controversial-dissections of human bodies. In th is astonishing four-part series, von Hagens lays bare the intricacy and beauty o f the human design, making it viewable and easily understood across a wide range of settings-from Biology 101 to the most advanced medical courses. Viewer discr etion is advised. Contains clinically explicit language and demonstrations. 4-pa rt series, 50 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl210_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl210_lb lPrice">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36298</td><td>The Anatomy of Circulation</td><td>In this pro gram, world-renowned anatomist Gunther von Hagens takes viewers into the inner w orkings of the respiratory and circulatory systems-exposing the path that oxygen takes through the human body. Von Hagens dissects lung tissue to reveal alveoli , delves into the atria and ventricles of the heart, and examines the intricate network of blood vessels that spreads through the abdomen, limbs, digestive syst em, head, and brain. Clearly explaining terms such as vena cava, pericardium, il iac artery, and other circulatory concepts, von Hagens also illustrates the effe cts of smoking on the lungs and what happens inside the body in cases of emphyse ma, asthma, pleurisy, arteriosclerosis, and heart attack. Viewer discretion is a dvised. Contains clinically explicit language and demonstrations. (50 minutes)</ td><td>2005</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl211_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl211_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>36981</td><td>The Anatomy of Crying</td><td>Humans may be th e only species to shed tears. Does that make crying a strictly human act? This p rogram explores the deep well of animal instinct that, shaped by eons of evoluti on, still informs our expression of grief, fear, anger, and even joy. Focusing o n the development of distress signals in early hominid infant behavior, the prog ram investigates differences in crying between adults and children, men and wome n, and Western and non-Western cultures. The three varieties of tears-basal, irr itant, and emotional-and their chemical makeup are identified, evoking a link be tween emotional release, the secretion of certain proteins, and the human body's metabolism. (49 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl212_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl212_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36299</td><td>The Anatomy of Digestion</td><td>Most animals, including humans, are essentially food-processing tubes. In this program, anato my guru Gunther von Hagens lays out the human body's seven-meter digestive tract end-to-end, showing viewers each stop on the gastrointestinal highway. Beginnin g with the tongue, salivary glands, pharynx, and epiglottis, von Hagens uncovers and removes the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small and large intestines, and a nus, as well as the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. He also explores the bile duct s of the liver, illustrates the ways that urine and feces are stored and release d, and-in an anatomical context-explains burps, heartburn, nausea, ulcers, and o ther rarely discussed facts of life. Viewer discretion is advised. Contains clin ically explicit language and demonstrations. (50 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>5 1</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl213_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl213_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36979</td><td>The Anatomy of Laughter</td><td>What happens i n our brains when we think something is funny? Is laughter a form of self-defens e? Can a joke be scientifically analyzed? This program studies the human respons e to humor from a physiological and psychological standpoint. Highlighting the i mportance of vocal cords in producing laughter, the program contrasts human and simian forms of humor and gives viewers an evolutionary perspective on laughter' s role in cooperation and adaptation. Also featured are interviews with comedian s-one teenaged, the other 92 years old-who demonstrate basic joke mechanics, whi le doctors and patients express varying degrees of skepticism about laughter's h ealing power. (49 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl214_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl214_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36297</td><td>The Anatomy of Movement</td><td>Gunther von Ha gens, the world's leading expert in human dissection, reveals the kinetic framew ork of the body in this program-as well as the neural expressway that enables th e structure to move. Von Hagens' dissection shows how the skeleton operates like

a system of levers, giving viewers a detailed look at the shape, composition, a nd mobility of bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage. Special attent ion is also given to the brain and spinal cord, both of which von Hagens careful ly exposes and removes. The cortex, corpus callosum, basal ganglion, and other b rain parts are identified, along with the flexibility and protection provided by the spinal column. Viewer discretion is advised. Contains clinically explicit l anguage and demonstrations. (50 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl215_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl215_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36980</td><td>The Anatomy of Pain</td><td>Pain has a clear p urpose: warning the body of invasion and other dangers. But the connection betwe en pain and the human mind is more mysterious. This program examines various typ es of pain and their frequently elusive neurological aspects; it also presents m ethods, both clinical and alternative, that help long-term sufferers cope with d ebilitating pain. Distinguishing between acute and chronic pain, the program out lines the process by which pain signals travel through the human nerve network, while spotlighting the quest to understand pain-generated depression and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Treatments involving both acupuncture and medication ar e addressed. (49 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl216_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl216_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36982</td><td>The Anatomy of Pleasure</td><td>Which is more enjoyable-the satisfaction of desire, or the sensation of longing itself? This p rogram looks at the emotional, neurological, and genetic aspects of seeking and gaining pleasure, analyzing close ties between the search for gratification and the preservation of self and species. Examining a wide range of ways to follow o ne's bliss-including sex, artistic creation, the consumption of favorite foods, and high-risk behaviors like gambling and rock-climbing-the program explains the crucial role played by endorphins and other body chemicals in these activities. The dangers of addiction and the relationship between physical and spiritual ec stasy are also explored. (49 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl217_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl217_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36300</td><td>The Anatomy of Reproduction</td><td>Dissection specialist Gunther von Hagens utilizes two cadavers in this program-an arrangem ent necessary for teaching human sexual anatomy. Von Hagens outlines the basics of male-female intercourse before detailing the physiology of human genitalia an d the functions of important glands. Analyzing the penis, scrotum, testes, and v as deferens, he explains the process of sperm production and how, anatomically s peaking, an erection occurs. Likewise, von Hagens examines the structure and mak eup of the vagina, clitoris, labia, hymen, and uterus, then elaborates on the ov aries, egg formation, and fallopian tubes. An additional segment presents MRI im

ages of a couple engaged in sex. Viewer discretion is advised. Contains clinical ly and sexually explicit language and demonstrations. (50 minutes)</td><td>2005< /td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl218_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl218_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10420</td><td>Anatomy of the Ankle and Foot</td><td>The ankl e, a major weight-bearing joint, is injured more than any other part of the body . After examining the surface features of the foot and ankle, this program probe s the deeper layers, highlighting major bones, muscles, ligaments, blood vessels , and nerves. Special attention is given to the arches and the ankle joint with respect to stability. Common ankle and foot injuries, such as sprains and fractu res, are also explained. (17 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl219_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl219_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9188</td><td>Anatomy of the Hand</td><td>When used with deli cacy, the hand is capable of manipulation that goes far beyond what might be exp ected of its mechanical design. This program demonstrates how the hand functions , spotlighting the opposable nature of the thumb, and how the nerve network and blood vessels deploy. The pathologies of common damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome, wrist fractures, "mallet finger," and degenerative dysfunctions, are i nvestigated as well. (15 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl220_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl220_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7920</td><td>Anatomy of the Human Brain</td><td>Neuropatholo gist Dr. Marco Rossi dissects and examines a normal human brain. Using three met hods of dissection-coronal plane, CT-MRI plane, and sagittal plane-Dr. Rossi sep arates the hindbrain from the midbrain, and removes a portion of the brain conta ining the substantia nigra. The anterior and posterior of the forebrain are diss ected, and each section is examined, along with the left occipital lobe. After s eparating the brain stem from the cerebellum, both are sectioned and examined. ( 35 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>35</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl221_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl221_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9189</td><td>Anatomy of the Knee</td><td>Although it is a ma jor weight-bearing joint, the knee is surprisingly flexible in all manner of for ward, reverse, and lateral motions. This program addresses the intricate mechani

cs of the knee joint's musculature, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. In additi on, traumas to the menisci and the collateral and cruciate ligaments-the most co mmonly damaged structures-are described. (15 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>15</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl222_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl222_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9187</td><td>Anatomy of the Shoulder</td><td>A ball-and-sock et joint capable of a complex range of motion, the shoulder achieves its mobilit y through the sacrifice of stability, relying on surrounding muscles and tendons for strength. This program presents the technical specifications of the shoulde r: what muscles sheathe it, how it functions, and its range of motion. Condition s such as bursitis, tendonitis, dislocation, and fracture of the clavicle are al so discussed. (18 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl223_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl223_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10425</td><td>The Anatomy of the Shoulder, Hand, Knee, Ankle , and Foot</td><td>Although the shoulder, hand, knee, ankle, and foot are well d esigned and incredibly versatile, they are prone to damage through overuse, trau ma, and aging. In this four-part clinical analysis of human anatomy, a male mode l, a dissected cadaver, and color diagrams are employed to reveal the intricate structures of these marvels of anatomical engineering-and the conditions that ca n injure them. 4-part series.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl224_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl224_lb lPrice">$359.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33259</td><td>Ancient Alexandria: Searching for the Pharos L ighthouse and the Caesareum</td><td>Hidden beneath the modern city of Alexandria is the ancient one. How was that Alexandria laid out? Where are its legendary s ignature structures located? And how is renowned archaeologist Jean-Yves Empereu r to gather the information he needs when rapidly encroaching construction proje cts and a proposed breakwater in the harbor force him to do in months what right ly should be done over years? This program films Empereur and his team performin g salvage archaeology as they scramble to find clues to the Pharos Lighthouse-on e of the seven wonders of the ancient world-and the magnificent Caesareum. (50 m inutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl225_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl225_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>8687</td><td>Ancient Britons</td><td>In this program, expert s explore the history of the British Isles from the ice age of 30,000 years ago to pre-Celtic times in search of evidence of the ancient Britons-the Neolithic " Dawn People." From Orkney to Wessex, their ancient societies left enough archaeo logical evidence to answer some questions-and to raise others. This has prompted much speculation about Stonehenge, the nature of the Britons' religious beliefs and rituals, and the extent of their geometrical and astronomical knowledge. Mo numents and mysteries appear to be the chief legacies of those who dwelt during the dawn of civilization in ancient Britain. (48 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>4 8</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl226_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl226_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8695</td><td>Ancient China</td><td>From the creation legend of Panku to the demise of the Han Dynasty, this program traces Chinese history a nd explores the roots of Chinese culture today. Visit the Great Wall of China as scholars discuss why it remains even today a symbol of oppression, exemplified in the legend of the weeping woman; the Imperial Palace and how it exemplifies C hinese beliefs in harmony; and the Beijing Opera, whose works are an elaborate r etelling of traditional folktales. The influences of Buddhism, ancestor worship, and Taoism in China are also discussed, along with stunning footage of the Budd hist caves and the terra-cotta army. (50 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>50</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl227_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl227_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33507</td><td>Ancient Civilizations</td><td>This 8-part seri es provides an immersion in each civilization by combining precise historical ov erviews with detailed glimpses of everyday life. Scholars provide commentary on each culture, including such topics as the role of women, religion, education, t he military, and politics, while readings from contemporary sources and 3-D arch itectural reconstructions allow students to virtually visit these ancient worlds . 8-part series, 46-50 minutes each.</td><td>1996</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl228_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl228_lb lPrice">$1,039.60<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8682</td><td>Ancient Civilizations</td><td>Whether it is the morning market in ancient Greece or the myths of the Aztec gods in pre-Columbia n Mexico, this 13-part series provides an immersion in each civilization by comb ining precise historical overviews with detailed glimpses of everyday life. Scho lars provide commentary on each culture, including such topics as the role of wo men, religion, education, the military, and politics, while readings from contem porary sources and 3-D architectural reconstructions allow students to virtually visit these ancient worlds. 13-part series, 46-50 minutes each.</td><td>1996</t d><td>&nbsp;</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl229_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl229_lb lPrice">$1,689.35<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8683</td><td>Ancient Egypt</td><td>For almost 3,000 years, t he pharaohs ruled a civilization that is arguably the grandest of the ancient wo rld. This program sheds new light on this enigmatic empire, offering information on the god-kings, the construction of the pyramids, religions and cults, mummif ication and burial rites, the Rosetta Stone, and the vast treasures of Tutankham en. Interviews with noted Egyptologists, a professor from Cairo University, the chief inspector at the archaeological digs at Gaza, and the son of the guide who led Howard Carter to the tomb of Tutankhamen in 1922 add valuable insights. Com puter graphics re-create pyramids, temples, and the sphinx in their original sta tes. (47 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl230_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl230_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8685</td><td>Ancient Greece</td><td>Whether looking at Weste rn language, history, or institutions, no other civilization has so greatly infl uenced our contemporary world. This program re-creates the Greek world, from the morning market to the evening symposiums, from burial rituals to the Olympics. Beginning with Homer's account of the Trojan War, this program explores Greek ci vilization using 3-D re-creations of the Parthenon and Agora, maps, and commenta ry by scholars to provide insight into the daily lives of Greek citizens. (46 mi nutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl231_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl231_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33923</td><td>Ancient Greek Heroes: Myth and Modern Vision</ td><td>This lavishly produced two-part series offers fresh interpretations of th e Jason and Odysseus stories, drawing parallels between the travails of these my thical heroes and the complexities of 21st-century Western society. Jason's voya ge becomes an exploration of gender roles and sexual identity, and Odysseus appe ars strikingly modern in his struggle for domestic happiness. With commentary fr om University of Birmingham professor Ken Dowden, author and classics professor Edith Hall, and other respected scholars, Ancient Greek Heroes takes the viewer on two very informative journeys. Original BBCW broadcast title: Ancient Greek H eroes. 2-part series, 51 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl232_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl232_lb lPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>8689</td><td>Ancient India</td><td>The antecedents of modern Indian culture can be traced back to the Harappan civilization, which flourishe d between 2300 and 1500 BC in what are now Pakistan and Afghanistan. The Aryan t ribes from the Russian steppes invaded the subcontinent in 1000 BC, bringing the ir language and culture. The resulting synthesis between the Aryan and Indian ci vilizations brought forth a unique society that included a caste system, which s oon became entrenched. This program examines the religious tension between Hindu ism, Buddhism, and Islam, and the historical events that shaped the great Indian civilizations, from the Mauryan Empire through the Mogul Empire. Maps and schol ars provide insight into a culture that remains vibrant and diverse today. (48 m inutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl233_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl233_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32756</td><td>The Ancient Mediterranean: Conquest, Commerce, and Cultures</td><td>To travel the Mediterranean is to sail into a past that sc attered Roman temples in Lebanon, Greek theaters in Jordan, and Phoenician house s in Tunisia. This program studies the unifying influence of the Mediterranean o n the civilizations that flourished on its shores. Vivid archaeological footage and computer-generated animation capture distant echoes of the clash of conquest and the jingle of commerce that once resonated from end to end of this ocean su perhighway of the ancient world. (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl234_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl234_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8684</td><td>Ancient Rome</td><td>At its zenith, the Roman E mpire included North Africa, Spain, France, and Britain. The wealth that these c onquests generated allowed Roman citizens to live in a sumptuous world of beauti fully decorated homes and opulent cities. In this program, scholars discuss Roma n unification of Europe, Roman culture and institutions, and the family structur e. The role of the army as a major force in Roman society and politics, along wi th its military structure and tactics, are discussed. The Christianization of Ro me and the enduring legacy of Roman Law and institutions in Western government t oday are also analyzed. 3-D re-creations of the Coliseum and Pompeii allow stude nts to see Rome as it was before the empire collapsed. (49 minutes)</td><td>1996 </td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl235_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl235_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34695</td><td>Ancient Theatres of Greece and Rome</td><td>Be ginning with the most rudimentary of theatres-an open plot of ground which the G reeks called a theatron or "seeing space"-this program illustrates in stunning d etail how that idea evolved over the centuries. Professor Richard Beacham of Kin g's College London guides viewers through the Theatre of Epidaurus and the Lycur gian, Hellenistic, and Roman manifestations of the Theatre of Dionysus. The odea

of Pericles and Agrippa and Rome's magnificent Theatre of Pompey are also featu red as living and breathing performance sites, clearly demonstrating through vir tual-reality archaeology the sophistication of ancient theatrical productions. ( 23 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl236_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl236_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8822</td><td>Ancient Treasures: Imperial Art of China</td><t d>Art appreciation requires an understanding of the medium, the subject matter, and the subtexts inherent in the artists' techniques. In this program, correspon dent Paul Solman and art historian Wen Fong visit an exhibit that is emblematic of Imperial China from the 8th century to the 17th. Styles discussed include the Imperial "propaganda" of the Sung and Ming dynasties; the wild spontaneity of Q wai Su's calligraphy, akin to the action painting method of Jackson Pollock; the intensely personal works of Ni-Tsung; the bourgeois images of Chu Ying; and the subtly subversive imagery of Chu Ta, a prince who became a monk. To Wen Fong, a rt is the perfect bridge between cultures because everyone can respond to its my stical essence. All one needs to do is look deeply. (9 minutes)</td><td>1998</td ><td>9</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl237_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl237_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5033</td><td>And Justice for All?</td><td>This program with Bill Moyers examines the crisis within the American court system. In many parts of the country, funding for already burdened and backlogged courts is being redu ced. And public defenders and legal aid attorneys are in short supply, leaving t he poor without adequate or timely representation. Yet, few politicians have ste pped forward with solutions. In this program, a panel of judges discuss a variet y of potential remedies for this national crisis. (60 minutes)</td><td>1992</td> <td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl238_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl238_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11413</td><td>The Andalusian Epic: Islamic Spain</td><td>Thi s program addresses the expansion of the Arab empire into Spain, where Muslims r uled with tolerance for more than seven centuries. The introduction and consolid ation of Islamic power in Spain, the creation of the Umayyad emirate by the sole survivor of the Umayyad dynasty, the rise of Cordoba as a cultural rival of Abb asid Baghdad, and the gradual ebb of Arab rule on the Iberian Peninsula are all discussed. Special attention is given to the prosperous reign of Abdel Rahman II I and the flowering of a Muslim culture that respectfully welcomed the contribut ions of Christians and Jews alike. (Portions in French with English subtitles, 2 7 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl239_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl239_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31233</td><td>Andy Warhol: Images of an Image</td><td>At onc e banal and provocative, the works of Andy Warhol sardonically comment on the ub iquity of mass media in modern America. This program takes a look at the Pop Art movement and the life of Warhol through a penetrating investigation of his dead pan Ten Lizes. The painting exemplifies his fascination with-and his indifferenc e to-celebrities as objects no less commodified than a simple can of soup. (31 m inutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl240_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl240_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10628</td><td>Anesthesia: A Clinical Introduction</td><td>Th is program explains how anesthetics modulate and inhibit the conduction of neura l stimuli. After contrasting sleep with unconsciousness, the structure of the ne rvous system and the transfer and suppression of electrochemical signals are add ressed. The particulars of how anesthesia functions are then discussed, with a f ocus on the properties of volatile anesthetics, sedative hypnotics, analgesics, muscle relaxants, and opioids; their effects on the brain and other organs; and methods of administering. Specific agents include ketamine, midazolam, propofol, etomidate, halothane, desflurane, fentanyl, lidocaine, and nitrous oxide. (61 m inutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>61</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl241_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl241_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29444</td><td>Angel Island: A Story of Chinese Immigration</ td><td>On Angel Island, the history is written on the walls. From 1910 until 194 3, Chinese immigrants to America passed through Angel Island in San Francisco Ba y, the Ellis Island of the West. Unlike other groups, the Chinese were legally d iscriminated against under an 1882 law called the Chinese Exclusion Act. This pr ogram looks at how two women-one an artist, the other a documentary filmmaker-ar e raising funds and awareness to have the old immigration station restored. Slat ed for destruction, the station was spared in 1970 when a park ranger discovered , beneath layers of paint, poems written by anxious detainees about their fears of deportation. (12 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl242_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl242_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11048</td><td>Angina Pectoris and Hypertension</td><td>Angin a pectoris is the clinical term for chest pain due to coronary heart disease, an d hypertension translates to high blood pressure-two potentially life-threatenin

g conditions that affect 10 million Americans every year. In this program, Willi am Frishman, of New York Medical College; Steve Glasser, of the University of Mi nnesota; and Henry Black, of Rush Presbyterian/St. Luke's Medical Center in Chic ago, address the causes and effects of those conditions. Treatments and preventi ve measures are considered as well, including lifestyle and risk factor modifica tion and new drug therapies. (23 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl243_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl243_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35980</td><td>The Animal Mummies</td><td>Although vital to a ncient Egyptian religion, the preservation of dead animals evidently held varyin g shades of meaning. This program studies ways in which the Egyptians mummified a wide range of creatures, highlighting two purposes for the practice-one spirit ually reverent, one blatantly commercial. Exploring the web of tunnels beneath t he Saqqara pyramids, the program distinguishes between mystical burials, such as the immense sarcophagi of the sacred Apis bulls, and the millions of smaller mu mmies warehoused in the complex centuries later. The possibility of a "mummifica tion craze," akin to the buying and selling of indulgences, helps depict Egypt's Ptolemaic decline. (25 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl244_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl244_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11171</td><td>Animalia and Plantae</td><td>From the sponge t o the giraffe, from mosses to redwoods, this program examines the similarities a nd differences between the denizens of the animal and plant kingdoms. Distinctiv e characteristics of plants and animals, including physical structure, methods o f reproduction, and life cycle, as well as where they find their food and how th ey interact with other organisms are discussed. Vivid images underscore the dive rsity of the phyla, classes, and species within these two kingdoms. A Cambridge Educational Production. (28 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl245_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl245_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29858</td><td>Animals and Stunts</td><td>Animal stories and action movies are perennial box office attractions. Who are the men and women wh o work with the animals and take the hard knocks? This program gives a behind-th e-scenes glimpse into the exciting (and dangerous) worlds of animal training and stunt performing. (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl246_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl246_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>35646</td><td>Animals as Divinities</td><td>Prehistoric art often renders animals in spiritual, even divine, form-but primitive beast images can also reflect a degree of humanity. This program sifts through the complexit y of the animal-god concept, identifying the place of the lion, the giraffe, the wolf, the elephant, and many other creatures in a wide range of myths and relig ions. With detailed observations of sculpture, carvings, and statuary-including Native American totem poles, European gargoyles and grotesques, and Egyptian mum mies honoring the cat-headed goddess Ubasti-the video demonstrates an age-old in terconnection between our reverence for nature and our need to determine our sta tus in it. (53 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl247_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl247_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8352</td><td>Animated Neuroscience and the Action of Nicotin e, Cocaine, and Marijuana in the Brain</td><td>Using sophisticated 3-D animation , this program, divided into two parts, takes viewers on a journey deep into the brain to study the effects of the three substances. The first part illustrates the major functions of the brain and shows how its principal cells, the neurons, communicate with each other through electrical and chemical signals. In the sec ond part, animated molecules of nicotine, cocaine, and marijuana travel a route from the external environment through the body to the brain, where viewers learn about the cellular targets of these drugs, and how each drug interacts with the m and subsequently affects the body. Images of actual neurons used in the animat ions create a realistic effect that helps viewers understand the concepts presen ted. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. (25 minutes)</ td><td>1997</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl248_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl248_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35504</td><td>Animated Soviet Propaganda</td><td>Here is an exclusive opportunity to view rare films and footage never before seen outside t he former Soviet Union. From the Lenin era to the dawn of perestroika, this four -part series provides an in-depth look at the spectacular animation produced by the Soviet propaganda machine. As bold and expressive as they are vitriolic and disturbing, these films open a window into the mentality of Soviet leadership du ring much of the 20th century-paranoid, defiant, and fully capable of constructi ng a magnificent aesthetic landscape. In separate installments or as a series, t his is a powerful teaching tool for Russian history, political science, and medi a studies courses. Portions are in Russian with English subtitles. 4-part series , 106-152 minutes each.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl249_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl249_lb lPrice">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8923</td><td>Annette von Droste-Hulshoff</td><td>Although he

r most important writings came late in life, Annette von Droste-Hulshoff's poetr y and prose-often compared to Goethe's-have assured her a place among Germany's great 19th-century writers. This program visits Castle Hulshoff, her Westphalian birthplace; the Ruchhaus; and Meersburg Castle on Lake Constance, where she exp erienced her period of greatest productivity. Aspects of her life, such as her n eed for solitude amid nature, and the qualities of isolation, melancholy, reveri e, and longing inherent in her writing are discussed. A Deutsche Welle productio n. (30 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl250_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl250_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>24703</td><td>Anorexia: Thin Obsession</td><td>Like its comp anion video, Bulimia: The Vicious Cycle, this program examines an eating disorde r in-depth, the causes, symptoms, and treatment. A former anorectic is interview ed, giving a glimpse into the effects this eating disorder can have on a person. Issues of psychological and physical health are detailed to give an insightful, informative picture of anorexia, giving students not only knowledge of the diso rder, but also a view of its symptoms and the help that is available to anorecti cs. A Meridian Production. One 16-minute video.</td><td>1991</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl251_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl251_lb lPrice">$52.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3379</td><td>An Anorexic's Tale: The Brief Life of Catherine </td><td>This docudrama tells the story of Catherine Dunbar's seven-year battle for life in the fight against anorexia. Based on the story told by her mother an d on her own diaries, it traces Catherine's downward spiral from the age of 15, when a lively and attractive teen became obsessed by her weight, went on binges, became addicted to laxatives, and, despite desperate efforts from many sides, d ied weighing an incredible 40 pounds. This is strong subject matter; we recommen d that you preview this program before showing it to younger audiences. (80 minu tes)</td><td>1987</td><td>80</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl252_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl252_lb lPrice">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8365</td><td>Another War: Disease and Political Strife</td>< td>This program examines the role of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevent ion and the World Health Organization in the study of a new virus, monkey pox, a nd the political strife over the spread of the disease which caused a civil war in South Africa. Initiatives established by the World Health Organization to dea l with its potential reemergence are examined. (52 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td>< td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl253_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl253_lb

lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34432</td><td>Antarctica: A Frozen Laboratory</td><td>The ha rsh environment of Antarctica offers numerous opportunities for science. This pr ogram depicts the challenges biologists, meteorologists, and geologists face as they study the continent's wildlife, climate, and formation. The video features analysis of fossils and ancient magma, shows how past weather patterns are exami ned in ice layers, and illustrates fish and bird population studies. Describing housing, clothing, waste removal, and other human adaptations, this Science Scre en Report provides a detailed portrait of living and working in the vast frozen laboratory at the bottom of the world. A viewable/printable instructor's guide i s available online. Produced in association with the Accreditation Board for Eng ineering and Technology and the Junior Engineering Technical Society. (24 minute s)</td><td>1999</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl254_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl254_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32652</td><td>Anthology of Contemporary Indian Writing</td>< td>This program spotlights a diverse group of Indian writers invited to particip ate in the Belles Etrangeres, a French literary festival. Featured authors inclu de award-winning Bengali novelist and social activist Mahasweta Devi; Kannada no velist U. R. Ananthamurthy, former president of the Sahitya Akademi; Hindi styli st Krishna Baldev Vaid; Malayalam writer M. Mukundan; Marathi Dalit writer Naren dra Jadhav; Hindi poet Udayan Vajpeyi; Gujarati memoirist and novelist Esther Da vid; English-language novelists Shashi Tharoor, Anita Rau Badami, Upamanyu Chatt erjee, and Shauna Singh Baldwin; and the author-illustrator duo Anushka Ravishan kar and Pulak Biswas. Not available in French-speaking Canada. (93 minutes)</td> <td>2002</td><td>93</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl255_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl255_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32409</td><td>Antibiotics: The Double-Edged Sword</td><td>An tibiotics initially worked miracles, saving millions of lives. In just decades, many of the wonder drugs are ineffective. How did it happen? This program report s on a battle for survival between humans and microbes, providing a concise hist ory of antibiotics, as well as tracing their decline in efficacy. Their overuse and misuse is examined in medicine, agriculture, and domestic cleaning products. Special attention is given to the world's first case of vancomycin-resistant St aphylococcus aureus, or VRSA. Among those who discuss the issue are Dr. Richard Besser, director of the Centers for Disease Control's national campaign to reduc e antimicrobial resistance, and Dr. Stuart Levy, author of The Antibiotic Parado x and founder of the Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics. (53 minutes)</ td><td>2003</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl256_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl256_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1314</td><td>Antietam</td><td>When you walk the silent Antie tam Battlefield in the cool of early morning with the mist undulating in the hol lows of West Wood, they are there-the ghosts of the generals and the 26,000 youn g Americans who died on the day one of them said was so long that "the sun moved backwards." Putting the battle into historical perspective, historian William B rown brings the massive battle to life, explaining how the muskets and field can nons worked, what the men wore, and what the battle was like for the ordinary so ldier. (56 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl257_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl257_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>1320</td><td>Antigone</td><td>Antigone is perhaps the most e asily accessible of all the great classical tragedies, its theme clear and up-to -date: the conflict between moral and political law. Now the tale of Oedipus and his family comes to its end-he, his wife Jocasta, his sons, and now, at the las t, his daughter, all dead. Antigone is not the only victim in the play; Creon to o comes to a tragic downfall-although he repents in time, bureaucratic ritual re sults in the deaths of Creon's son and wife, burdening him with guilt as well as grief. With Juliet Stevenson, John Shrapnel, and John Gielgud. (111 minutes)</t d><td>1984</td><td>111</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl258_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl258_lb lPrice">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37555</td><td>Anti-Semitism in the 21st Century: The Resurge nce-Educator's Edition</td><td>Although hatred of the Jewish people is often fou nd at the margins of society, anti-Semitism appears to be approaching a groundsw ell in many parts of the world. This program examines the phenomenon at institut ional and grassroots levels, focusing primarily on the Middle East and the compl ex history behind its conflicts. Viewers will encounter several provocative idea s about Islamic anti-Semitism and the attitudes Jews and Muslims have developed concerning each other. Celebrated historian Bernard Lewis, former Israeli Prime Minister Natan Sharansky, Iranian-American author Reza Aslan, Egyptian journalis t Mona Eltahawy, and other experts propel this timely discussion. Narrated by ve teran TV journalist Judy Woodruff. Bonus material (DVD only) features extended i nterview footage. (57 minutes + 45 minutes of bonus material)</td><td>2007</td>< td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl259_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl259_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29735</td><td>Antoni Gaudi</td><td>Over the course of his ca reer, Antoni Gaudi translated the gothic revival style into a sensuous, surreal, and highly idiosyncratic design language that established him as the leader wit

hin the Spanish art nouveau movement. Using location footage, drawings, and arch ival photos and film, this program places Gaudi within the context of his profes sion and his times. His Colonia Guell, Park Guell, Casa Batllo, Casa Mila, and S agrada Familia are featured. (Spanish with English subtitles, 49 minutes)</td><t d>2000</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl260_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl260_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37104</td><td>Antonio Gala-in Spanish</td><td>Culture and mu lticulturalism are the dominant recurring themes in this program as Spanish writ er Antonio Gala reflects on his heritage and the value of integrating immigrants into the fabric of society. The author of Poemas de Amor, Los Verdes Campos del Eden, El Manuscrito Carmesi, La Regla de Tres, and numerous other books also ta lks about how he first started writing and the process of creating literature, t he societal risks of politicizing religion, the upside of getting older, and the decadence and stagnation that can come from too much prosperity at the national level. (Spanish, 25 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl261_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl261_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37105</td><td>Antonio Gala-in Spanish with English Subtitles </td><td>Culture and multiculturalism are the dominant recurring themes in this program as Spanish writer Antonio Gala reflects on his heritage and the value of integrating immigrants into the fabric of society. The author of Poemas de Amor , Los Verdes Campos del Eden, El Manuscrito Carmesi, La Regla de Tres, and numer ous other books also talks about how he first started writing and the process of creating literature, the societal risks of politicizing religion, the upside of getting older, and the decadence and stagnation that can come from too much pro sperity at the national level. (Spanish with English subtitles, 25 minutes)</td> <td>2007</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl262_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl262_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32977</td><td>Antonio Machado-in Spanish</td><td>Filmed at l ocations throughout Spain, this program offers a literary retrospective of one o f the leading poets of the Generation of '98, Antonio Machado. Machado scholar J ose Carlos Gallardo and Manuel Nunez Encabo of the Antonio Machado Foundation pr ovide insightful commentary on the poet's life and works, including Soledades, N uevas Canciones, Juan de Mairena, and his masterpiece, Campos de Castilla. (Span ish, 51 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl263_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl263_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32981</td><td>Antonio Machado-in Spanish with English Subtit les</td><td>Filmed at locations throughout Spain, this program offers a literary retrospective of one of the leading poets of the Generation of '98, Antonio Mac hado. Machado scholar Jose Carlos Gallardo and Manuel Nunez Encabo of the Antoni o Machado Foundation provide insightful commentary on the poet's life and works, including Soledades, Nuevas Canciones, Juan de Mairena, and his masterpiece, Ca mpos de Castilla. (Spanish with English subtitles, 51 minutes)</td><td>2004</td> <td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl264_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl264_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32984</td><td>Antonio Munoz Molina-in Spanish</td><td>An awa rd-winning novelist and regular contributor to the newspaper El Pais, Antonio Mu noz Molina is also the youngest member of the Spanish Royal Academy. This progra m presents an in-depth interview with Molina. The writer discusses a number of w orks from across his career, including Der Putsch, Der Nie Stattfand; Beltenebro s; Los Misterios de Madrid; and Ardor Guerrero. (Spanish, 27 minutes)</td><td>20 04</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl265_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl265_lb lPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32987</td><td>Antonio Munoz Molina-in Spanish with English S ubtitles</td><td>An award-winning novelist and regular contributor to the newspa per El Pais, Antonio Munoz Molina is also the youngest member of the Spanish Roy al Academy. This program presents an in-depth interview with Molina. The writer discusses a number of works from across his career, including Der Putsch, Der Ni e Stattfand; Beltenebros; Los Misterios de Madrid; and Ardor Guerrero. (Spanish with English subtitles, 27 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl266_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl266_lb lPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37094</td><td>Antonio Skarmeta-in Spanish</td><td>Exploring themes of loss and personal transformation, Chilean novelist Antonio Skarmeta ha s created a resonant and spiritually optimistic body of work. In this program, S karmeta shares his views on education, tension between generations, the influenc e of television, and the implications of his own work. The author of The Victory Dance and of Burning Patience-which became the celebrated film Il Postino-sheds light on the poetic impulse of good storytelling and the need, often experience d in times of adversity, to create private myths. Skarmeta's varied opinions on technology and entertainment are also included. (Spanish, 25 minutes)</td><td>20 07</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl267_lb

lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl267_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37095</td><td>Antonio Skarmeta-in Spanish with English Subti tles</td><td>Exploring themes of loss and personal transformation, Chilean novel ist Antonio Skarmeta has created a resonant and spiritually optimistic body of w ork. In this program, Skarmeta shares his views on education, tension between ge nerations, the influence of television, and the implications of his own work. Th e author of The Victory Dance and of Burning Patience-which became the celebrate d film Il Postino-sheds light on the poetic impulse of good storytelling and the need, often experienced in times of adversity, to create private myths. Skarmet a's varied opinions on technology and entertainment are also included. (Spanish with English subtitles, 25 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl268_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl268_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6787</td><td>Anxiety-Related Disorders: The Worried Well</td ><td>Each of the six programs in this series addresses a different condition. Du ring powerful and moving interviews, two patients with each condition share thei r distressing stories of how the disorders have wreaked havoc on their lives, an d how they've learned to cope. Several people have achieved a semblance of norma lity in their lives in spite of their dysfunctions. Leading experts in each fiel d provide brief explanations of the condition. 6-part series, 15 minutes each.</ td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl269_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl269_lb lPrice">$539.70<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8986</td><td>Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better: Why the S exes Excel Differently</td><td>Statistically speaking, why have men and women no t proved equally adept at the same things? In this program, researchers debate w hether differences in brain architecture lead to a division of talents and aptit udes between the sexes-and draw some startling conclusions. To illustrate these differences, children are observed in classrooms, on the playground, and at home . (51 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl270_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl270_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8577</td><td>Apartment Renting 101: What Happened to My Secu rity Deposit?</td><td>This comprehensive video addresses all of the issues that need to be considered to find comfortable housing at a reasonable price. The pro gram begins by examining the reasons to choose an apartment and how to determine

what percentage of income should be allocated for housing. Beginning with a lis t of needs and wants, the video shows where to find available apartment listings (including on the Internet), what is covered in lease agreements, and how to do cument existing problems to keep from losing your security deposit. The program also covers the different options for finding furnishings and how to decide whet her to move yourself or contract with a mover. Ideal for teaching independent li ving skills to teens or adults. A Cambridge Educational Production. (29 minutes) </td><td>1998</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl271_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl271_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10948</td><td>The Ape: So Human!</td><td>Just how far do the similarities between humans and great apes extend? Sequences from historic expe riments by Allen and Beatrix Gardner, Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, and other primatologi sts, plus footage shot in the wild, provide compelling support for the thesis th at chimps, bonobos, gorillas, and orangutans are highly evolved indeed. Demonstr ations of cognition, self-awareness, memory retention, language use, social beha vior, mating practices, and perhaps even a sense of good and evil reveal species remarkably kindred to Homo sapiens. The anatomical basis for apes' inability to articulate speech, despite having Broca's area, is also discussed. (41 minutes) </td><td>1998</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl272_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl272_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30281</td><td>The Ape That Took Over the World</td><td>Is th e key theory about how we evolved from apes based on mistaken evidence? Since 19 74, the 3.2-million-year-old fossil dubbed "Lucy" has been considered humankind' s prime ancestor. Now, a fossil recently unearthed in Kenya by distinguished pal eontologist Dr. Maeve Leakey is rewriting the theories. This program examines th e implications of Flat-Faced Man, a bipedal hominid just as old as Lucy but with a much larger brain size. With Leakey's find, the question for paleoanthropolog ists is one of adaptive radiation: from which line of early ape did Homo sapiens evolve? A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl273_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl273_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30149</td><td>Apogee of the Golden Age-in Spanish</td><td>Du ring the 17th century, Spain witnessed a flowering of letters that was nourished by religious zeal, epic adventures, and a new sense of realism. In this program , leading scholars provide insights into the writings and personalities of Migue l de Cervantes, Lope de Vega, and other giants of Spanish literature. Dramatic r eadings include excerpts from Cervantes' Don Quijote and Los Trabajos de Persile s y Sigismunda, Vega's Fuenteovejuna, Tirso de Molina's El Burlador de Sevilla, Calderon de la Barca's La Vida Es Sueno, and Francisco de Quevedo's "Poderoso Ca ballero Es Don Dinero." (Spanish, 50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>49</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl274_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl274_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30163</td><td>Apogee of the Golden Age-in Spanish with Engli sh Subtitles</td><td>During the 17th century, Spain witnessed a flowering of let ters that was nourished by religious zeal, epic adventures, and a new sense of r ealism. In this program, leading scholars provide insights into the writings and personalities of Miguel de Cervantes, Lope de Vega, and other giants of Spanish literature. Dramatic readings include excerpts from Cervantes' Don Quijote and Los Trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda, Vega's Fuenteovejuna, Tirso de Molina's E l Burlador de Sevilla, Calderon de la Barca's La Vida Es Sueno, and Francisco de Quevedo's "Poderoso Caballero Es Don Dinero." (Spanish with English subtitles, 50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl275_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl275_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35760</td><td>The Appalachians</td><td>An eye-opening journe y through the cradle of Southern culture-and much of the American way of life in general-this three-part series illustrates the political, economic, musical, an d spiritual history of the Appalachian region. Each episode presents a provocati ve chapter in the saga of the mountain people, examining their ties to the natio n's cycles of boom and bust, war and peace, and hope and despair. Interweaving c omments from historians, political leaders, and artists such as Johnny Cash, Lor etta Lynn, and a host of others, the series shows viewers how the raw materials of America coalesced along its "first frontier." Viewable/printable instructor's guides are available online. 3-part series, 53 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td>< td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl276_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl276_lb lPrice">$449.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35763</td><td>The Appalachians: A Culture of Survival</td><t d>This program examines the 20th-century history of Appalachia through the prism s of economic hardship, spiritual perseverance, and the region's rich musical he ritage. Showcasing the power of the traditional string band, the video chronicle s the rise of modern country music by way of the radio and phonograph. It also h ighlights the resonance of long-standing church traditions and documents the App alachian experience in connection with major historical events and forces: the G reat Depression, the New Deal, the WPA, the Tennessee Valley Authority, World Wa r II, strip mining, the postwar migration of mountain people to the mid-West, an d LBJ's War on Poverty. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available onl ine. (53 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl277_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl277_lb

lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35762</td><td>The Appalachians: The Fight for Land and Work< /td><td>This program explores a century of conflict and tragedy in the Appalachi ans, beginning with the cultural oppression and forced exodus of the Cherokee. D ocumenting Appalachia's role in racial and ideological tensions leading up to th e Civil War, the video examines the prevalence of slavery outside plantation cul ture and the unpredictable divisions among mountain communities that followed Se cession. Discussions of race- and class-related strife-linked to the arrival of railroad, lumber, and mining interests in the region-culminates with the bloodsh ed of the Coal Wars, accompanied by authentic folk songs from the period. A view able/printable instructor's guide is available online. (53 minutes)</td><td>2005 </td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl278_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl278_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35761</td><td>The Appalachians: The First Frontier</td><td>T his program examines the first waves of settlement in the Appalachian mountains, beginning with the region's earliest inhabitants-the Cherokee people and other Native American tribes. Illustrating how these indigenous populations were event ually overwhelmed by the arrival of Europeans, the video focuses on the influx o f Scots-Irish immigrants, their crucial role in the American Revolution, and the ir equally defiant stance against the fledgling U.S. government during the Whisk ey Rebellion. The Appalachian origins of country music are also examined, with p articular attention to the influences of African-American and revivalist religio us culture. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. (53 min utes)</td><td>2005</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl279_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl279_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3736</td><td>Applications of Conic Sections</td><td>Some exa mples of conic sections in everyday life lead to a detailed study of two numeric al applications of conic sections: parabolic versus ellipsoidal headlight design s in cars, and the hyperbola-shaped path of the sonic boom of an airplane. (10 m inutes)</td><td>1989</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl280_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl280_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4534</td><td>Applications of Quadratics</td><td>Several comm on applications of quadratic equations are explained through real-world scenario s. Newton's law for describing the path of a projectile is examined, along with some static geometry problems that hinge on quadratics; in addition, a quadrati c equation for motion is introduced. (10 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>10</td><t

d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl281_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl281_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>2116</td><td>The Applications of Space Technology</td><td>Th is program covers both scientific and and utility satellites. Geostationary util ity satellites include communication, meteorological, and broadcasting satellite s; the science satellites cover an almost limitless range, from Explorer 1's dis covery of the Van Allen Belt in 1958, to the discovery of solar wind and the gra dual solution to the mystery of the polar auroras; Landsat, the Earth observatio n satellites, provide information for land utilization, water resource managemen t, resource exploration, oceanic survey, and environmental monitoring. The progr am also covers such spin-off technologies as space suit material, high-temperatu re fire-fighting materials, nonflammable paper and fabrics, new insulating mater ials, vacuum refrigeration, and the energy-saving "Tech House." (28 minutes)</td ><td>1989</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl282_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl282_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33036</td><td>Applying the Concepts of Equilibrium</td><td>T his program begins with an overview of the basic concepts of chemical equilibriu m: reversible reactions, Le Chatelier's principle, the equilibrium law, and the calculation of K. It then analyzes how changing conditions other than temperatur e leads to a temporary shift in the position of equilibrium and how reactions sp ontaneously adjust to maintain the value of K for any given temperature. Changes in K when increasing and decreasing the temperature of exothermic and endotherm ic reactions are examined as well, and the concept of equilibrium as it relates to the industrial manufacture of sulfuric acid is highlighted. (21 minutes)</td> <td>2003</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl283_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl283_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9051</td><td>Appropriate Actions: A Teacher's Guide to Sexua l Harassment</td><td>In this timely program, educators and expert consultants ad dress the volatile topic of sexual harassment among students. Together they cons ider definitions, examples, impact, and legal accountability. In addition, a pra ctical, step-by-step action plan for creating and maintaining a sexual harassmen t policy at school is presented, including specifics of what educators can do to ensure that their schools provide a safe learning environment. Several case stu dies and pending lawsuits are also included. This valuable resource is a must fo r all types of schools-and community organizations as well. Some language may be objectionable. (27 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl284_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl284_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29770</td><td>Aquatic Biomes</td><td>Ranging from rivers and lakes, to wetlands and intertidal zones, to coral reefs and kelp forests, aquat ic ecosystems are as diverse as the life-forms that inhabit them. This program i ntroduces students to a variety of the world's aquatic biomes. The characteristi cs of saltwater and freshwater environments are clearly described, as are the pl ants and animals that call these watery regions home. The importance of evolutio n and adaptation for aquatic species is emphasized. A viewable/printable instruc tor's guide is available online. A Cambridge Educational Production. (19 minutes )</td><td>2002</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl285_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl285_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11659</td><td>Aquatic Environments: Riparian Areas, Lakes, a nd Marshes</td><td>Lakes, marshes, and the lands that border them are home to a rich variety of plants and animals. This program describes research techniques t hat are used for exploring still water environments. The importance of riparian habitats to endangered species is underscored. (26 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td >26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl286_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl286_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11658</td><td>Aquatic Environments: Streams and Rivers</td>< td>If water is the lifeblood of the Earth, then streams and rivers are the Earth 's arteries. This program examines research techniques suitable for use in movin g water environments while presenting approaches to evaluating stream health. (2 7 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl287_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl287_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30890</td><td>Aquatic Invaders: The Rising Tide of Non-Nativ e Invasive Species</td><td>Canal systems, ballast water from oceangoing ships, a nd seemingly little things such as fish stocking, bait bucket emptying, and trai lering recreational boats all provide ways for non-native invasive species to in fest North America's aquatic environments. Using the Great Lakes-unwilling home to the sea lamprey, zebra mussel, round goby, and Eurasian ruffe-as a case study , this program takes a close look at the threats posed by aquatic nuisance speci es and how scientists, policymakers, and the public are working to prevent the f urther spread of these devastating invaders. San Francisco Bay, with its Chinese mitten crab problem, is also touched upon. (28 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>27 </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl288_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl288_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11411</td><td>The Arabs Make Their Entrance: Islam and Empir e</td><td>As the shadow of the Dark Ages fell across Europe, the scene for the a dvancement of Western civilization shifted to the Near East. This program charts the rise of the Arab empire, from its roots in the long-standing rivalry betwee n the Byzantines and the Sassanids. Nodes along that timeline include the dual r ole of Mecca as a place of worship and as a center for trade, the life of Muhamm ad and the birth of Islam, the rapid expansion of Arabia at the expense of Byzan tium and the Sassanid kingdom, and the internecine struggle between Arab faction s that led to the founding of the Umayyad dynasty. (Portions in French with Engl ish subtitles, 26 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl289_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl289_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8980</td><td>Archbishop Desmond Tutu with Bill Moyers</td><t d>Renowned as a voice of conscience in apartheid South Africa, Archbishop Desmon d Tutu-Nobel laureate and Chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (T RC)-has spent his life opposing his nation's discriminatory policies. In a power ful interview with prize-winning journalist Bill Moyers, this courageous Anglica n prelate discusses his life and work and shares his thoughts on justice, truth, and forgiveness-so timely at the end of a century notorious for genocide and fl agrant human rights violations. The Archbishop candidly describes his experience s during three years traveling the country to unflinchingly gather atrocity test imony. Archbishop Tutu and Mr. Moyers also discuss the TRC's international impac t as a model and what America in particular can learn from South Africa's attemp t at reconciliation. Although expressions of remorse and the granting of forgive ness between perpetrators and victims have not been universal, the Archbishop de voutly hopes that his troubled nation can find closure with its past so that it can pave the way to a brighter future-for everyone. (57 minutes)</td><td>1999</t d><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl290_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl290_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>20391</td><td>Arches</td><td>The arch is one of the most rel iable and enduring of structural forms. In this video, 2,000 years of the arch's development are reflected in three stunning examples: rounded Roman arches in F rance, pointed and flat Gothic arches in Cologne, and modern arches in Hamburg. (24 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl291_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl291_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37573</td><td>Architects at Work</td><td>City planning that puts people before cars, sculptural museums that are as artistic as the masterpi eces they contain, commercial spaces that redefine retail-these are some of the paradigm-shaking ideas of today's architects at work. This compilation of recent NewsHour segments introduces viewers to Frank Gehry, Rem Koolhaas, Daniel Libes kind, Vincent Scully, and Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, visionaries in the world of a rchitecture. Episodes include... Frank Gehry on the Guggenheim Bilbao: Eliza beth Farnsworth talks with architect Frank Gehry about the process of designing and building the Guggenheim Bilbao. Segment also sold as a part of Pritzker Priz e-Winning Architects. Vincent Scully and the New Urbanism: Ray Suarez and archite ctural historian Vincent Scully discuss the rethinking of urban form through cit y planning that de-emphasizes cars and focuses on community. Segment also sold i ndividually. Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk and the New Urbanism: Ray Suarez interviews Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, coauthor of Suburban Nation, on the New Urbanism as exe mplified by the Kentlands, a housing development in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Rem K oolhaas and the Architecture of Shopping: Using the Prada store in Manhattan's S oHo district as a springboard, Ray Suarez talks with architect Rem Koolhaas abou t a new approach to designing commercial space. Daniel Libeskind on the Denver Ar t Museum: Jeffrey Brown and Daniel Libeskind discuss the Denver Art Museum and t he Rocky Mountains, from which the architect drew his inspiration. (54 minute s)</td><td>2006</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl292_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl292_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5590</td><td>Architectural Techniques</td><td>Like other tec hnologies, architecture has changed across the centuries. The discovery of new m aterials, the understanding of physical principles, and the development of new c onstruction techniques have permitted architects to extend the boundaries of the possible. This program demonstrates some of the basic architectural techniques, such as the arch and the use of beams; shows how lasers and photography are use d in conjunction with traditional techniques to preserve endangered monuments; a nd shows innovative uses of textiles in an architectural context. (23 minutes)</ td><td>1993</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl293_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl293_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>24928</td><td>Architecture</td><td>PRIVATE A Meridian Produ ction. One 28-minute video.</td><td>1991</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl294_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl294_lb lPrice">$92.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33364</td><td>Architecture & Construction</td><td>With over

13 million jobs in the U.S. alone, the Architecture & Construction Career Cluste r is simply huge. This program offers a sense of how wide-ranging the opportunit ies can be by looking at the educational and training requirements, as well as t he actual work of an architect, plumber, electrician, and construction and build ing inspector. Correlates to the National Standards for Life Work. A Cambridge E ducational Production. (20 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl295_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl295_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5546</td><td>Architecture: The Science of Design</td><td>Tho ugh architecture is surely an art, it is also a science and this program focuses on the scientific component. Skyscrapers have to stand up, not only to gravity but also to wind, precipitation, and sometimes earthquakes. The program also loo ks at another fascinating achievement of modern architectural science, the "inte lligent home," many of whose features, including lighting or heating the house a nd even preparing morning coffee, can be fully programmed and executed automatic ally. Finally, the program tells us about concrete, a construction material that has become the symbol of modern architecture and is undergoing constant improve ment. (23 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl296_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl296_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29863</td><td>Archive Film</td><td>Archival footage, photos, and recordings are indispensable staples of the film industry. This program int roduces the researchers who sift the riches of stock footage houses, photo archi ves, and sound effect libraries to find the perfect images and sounds. (27 minut es)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl297_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl297_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8743</td><td>Area and Volume</td><td>This video describes ho w to calculate the area of rectangles and other shapes-both geometrical and irre gular-and how to determine the volume of a rectangular solid. Dramatized segment s and computer animations focus on calculating lawn dimensions at a sod farm; cr eatively redesigning a cereal box while retaining the original volume; and using the Pythagorean Theorem to work out the coverage area for a kitchen floor being tiled diagonally. (20 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl298_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl298_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr>

<td>11191</td><td>Argentina: An Economic Work in Progress</td><t d>By the end of the 1980s, Argentina was caught in a perilous vortex of hyperinf lation. In this program, the former Minister of the Economy, the former Secretar y of the Treasury, bank president Eduardo Escasany, economist Martin Redrado, an d others discuss the measures taken at that time to stabilize the economy, inclu ding establishing a currency board, deregulating and privatizing key industries, reforming the labor market, and asking the IMF for a loan of $3.4 billion. The ripple effects of contemporaneous economic crises in Mexico, Brazil, and Russia are also considered. (19 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl299_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl299_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32985</td><td>Ariel Dorfman-in Spanish</td><td>Forced to fle e Chile after the military coup in 1973, Ariel Dorfman has focused his writing o n the trials of tyranny and exile. This program looks at how he has fought for h uman rights as a novelist, playwright, essayist, journalist, and professor of li terature and Latin American studies. Many of the works of this multi-genre autho r are examined, including Death and the Maiden, his successful play which was tu rned into an international film by Academy Award-winning director Roman Polanski . (Spanish, 24 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl300_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl300_lb lPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32988</td><td>Ariel Dorfman-in Spanish with English Subtitle s</td><td>Forced to flee Chile after the military coup in 1973, Ariel Dorfman ha s focused his writing on the trials of tyranny and exile. This program looks at how he has fought for human rights as a novelist, playwright, essayist, journali st, and professor of literature and Latin American studies. Many of the works of this multi-genre author are examined, including Death and the Maiden, his succe ssful play which was turned into an international film by Academy Award-winning director Roman Polanski. (Spanish with English subtitles, 24 minutes)</td><td>20 04</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl301_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl301_lb lPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7280</td><td>Aristotle</td><td>In this program, the far-reac hing philosophical ideas of Plato's star pupil are examined by world-renowned au thor and professor Bryan Magee and noted Brown University professor Martha Nussb aum. Aristotle overcomes Plato's dualism of the intelligible and sensible worlds with his principle of the inseparable nature of eternal matter and form. The pr inciples of potentiality and actuality are examined, along with Aristotle's theo ry of the four causes-material, formal, efficient, and final-which account for c hanges in all things. These theories of constancy and change are credited with t he progress of scientific inquiry over the ages. A BBC Production. (46 minutes)< /td><td>1987</td><td>46</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl302_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl302_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32654</td><td>Armed to the Teeth: The Worldwide Plague of Sm all Arms</td><td>With one gun for every ten people, the UN considers the small a rms crisis one of the gravest challenges facing the world. As well as investigat ing the proliferation of firearms and the economic, political, and cultural reas ons why people carry them, this award-winning program shows what is being done t o curb a man-made pestilence. Both devastation and successful disarmament are se en in case studies from Albania, Mozambique, South Africa, Colombia, El Salvador , and the world's largest small arms manufacturer, the United States. Discussing these issues are Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations; Jayantha Dhanapala, Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament; Carol Bellamy, executive dir ector of UNICEF; and Robert Wall of the Firearms and Explosives Unit at Interpol . A United Nations Production. (56 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl303_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl303_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31480</td><td>Armenia: A Genocide Denied</td><td>In 1915, th e Ottoman Empire tried to exterminate its Christian Armenian citizens, killing p erhaps as many as 1.5 million people. Modern-day Turkey denies that it happened. For both moral and diplomatic reasons, Israel downplays the event. This program investigates evidence of an Armenian genocide by visiting sites of mass burials and presenting testimonials from survivors and their descendants. Leading figur es on both sides of the debate are interviewed, including historian Hilal Berkta y, who leads the effort for recognition in Turkey; Dr. Yari Auron, the Israeli a uthor of The Banality of Indifference; and Arslan Terzioglu, head of the Turkish government's Armenian Research Institute. (34 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>34< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl304_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl304_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>39007</td><td>Arms for the Poor: The Global Impact of the We apons Industry</td><td>Has the arms trade derailed America's national conscience ? This program articulates a disturbing point of view: that for all its generosi ty and leadership, the world's wealthiest country is better known for a mammoth military budget that enriches weapons manufacturers and feeds destructive confli cts. Featuring appearances by several activists and dignitaries-including Elie W iesel, Costa Rican President Oscar Arias, U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, a nd the Dalai Lama-the film shows how the policies of the industrialized world of ten lead to poverty and suffering in the name of "national interest." Indonesia' s invasion of East Timor and Cambodia's land-mine plague provide instructive, al beit tragic, examples. (30 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl305_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl305_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30006</td><td>Arnold Schoenberg</td><td>To pursue new direct ions in music, Schoenberg bravely abandoned traditional tonal arrangements, comp osing atonal works that would eventually lead to the development of his unique T welve-Tone System. In this program, musicologists David Rosen and Michel Fischer discuss the dramatic technical changes as well as the historical contexts of Sc hoenberg's music. Historic performances include Pierre Boulez conducting Moses a nd Aaron and Transfigured Night, Op. 4; Glenn Gould's interpretations of Pieces for Piano, Op. 25; Erich Leinsdorf conducting Chamber Symphony No. 1; Jeffrey Ta te conducting Chamber Symphony No. 2; and extracts from A Survivor from Warsaw a nd Pierrot Lunaire. (27 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl306_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl306_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8363</td><td>Around the World: Global Immunization</td><td>T his program begins with the development of the polio vaccine in 1959 and traces the disease to Uganda in 1997, where 40,000 cases per year are found in South Af rica and the sub-Sahara. The World Health Organization's campaign to immunize 4 million children against the disease is discussed, along with political and cult ural difficulties that arise when health organizations attempt to initiate immun ization campaigns in non-industrialized nations. The issue of parental rights ve rsus community obligations as it relates to the spread of disease is explored wi thin the context of a possible outbreak of the disease worldwide. (52 minutes)</ td><td>1997</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl307_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl307_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33754</td><td>Arsenic and Old Lace: A Study in Turnaround Ma nagement</td><td>Sometimes transforming a failing enterprise takes the surgeon's knife. Renowned business consultant Gerry Robinson prefers the axe. In this beh ind-the-scenes case study, Robinson applies his business acumen to The Vernon Ro ad Bleaching and Dyeing Company, a British lace dyeing operation bought in bankr uptcy by the father/son team of Henry and Richard Chaplin. Taking Richard to tas k for, among other things, disastrous inconsistency in decision-making and poor communication with employees, Robinson suggests re-motivating workers by buildin g bridges of trust and respect-and, failing that, by the exit of the boss himsel f. Original BBCW broadcast title: Arsenic and Old Lace. (40 minutes)</td><td>200 3</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl308_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl308_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>9045</td><td>Art and Life in the Middle Ages: The Luttrell P salter</td><td>The illuminated psalm book of Sir Geoffrey Luttrell is a priceles s treasure, containing beautiful calligraphy and extremely fine illustrations. P acked with scenes from the Bible and from everyday life-plus all manner of creat ures, including bizarre monsters called babewyns-the book provides a mysterious glimpse of life during the Middle Ages. Section one of this charming program dis cusses how the psalter was made and decorated, focusing on what the paintings re veal about fashion, trade, and entertainment. In section two, images of feasting , warfare, heaven, and hell are spotlighted, providing insights into 14th-centur y values and the prominent role of religion in daily living. (36 minutes)</td><t d>1998</td><td>36</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl309_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl309_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33662</td><td>Art and Life: Orson Welles and Rita Hayworth</ td><td>After the veritable riot that ensued from his 1938 radio directorial effo rt, "The War of the Worlds," Hollywood recognized the extraordinary genius of Or son Welles. A contract with RKO Studios and full creative control over his maste rpiece Citizen Kane soon followed...and then he married Rita Hayworth. This robu st program juxtaposes the biographies of Welles and Hayworth. Career pressure le d to the end of their marriage: Hayworth's iconic portrayal in the title role of Gilda, and Welles' The Stranger are discussed, among others, as well as the tes timony to their only collaborative effort, The Lady from Shanghai. (27 minutes, color and b&w)</td><td>2000</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl310_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl310_lb lPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24713</td><td>Art and Music for Preschoolers</td><td>Begin e arly to develop children's interest and abilities in art and music by doing fun and educational activities with them. Watch and learn how fine motor skills can be strengthened as children paint, draw, mold clay, and play instruments. Social skills are practiced as boys and girls share markers and paints, dance and sing side by side...emotions have an outlet as children bang, clap, mold, or scribbl e...intellectual development is boosted as young children learn concepts of shap e, size, loud/soft, high/low, manipulating tools and instruments. Stimulate pres choolers' creativity by offering an outlet in art and music for a lifetime of en joyment and enrichment. (20 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1996</td><td>20 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl311_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl311_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37604</td><td>Art Brut: Outsider Art, Outsider Artists</td>< td>In its strictest sense, the term art brut refers to art created outside the b oundaries of official culture and often focuses on the work of people who live i

n mental institutions. This program focuses on the art of Josef "Pepi" Hofer and several other artists with mental retardation and similar disabilities as it ca ptures them in workshops and at a showing and award ceremony at The House of Art , Munich. Although not designated as art therapy, the effects of creating art ar e visibly therapeutic as these individuals explore issues of sexuality and other areas of human experience and imagination through depictions both complex and d eceptively simple. (37 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl312_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl312_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>12056</td><td>Art Deco</td><td>Begun partly as a European re action to the fussiness of Art Nouveau and influenced by the Arts and Crafts mov ement, Art Deco found its fullest expression in America, where it was applied to everything from jukeboxes to diners, from radios to swimming pools, and from sk yscrapers to seaside hotels. This program presents the lively history of the Art Deco style. With no founder, philosophy, or manifesto, its popularity has endur ed-and from the Coca Cola bottle to the London Underground's typeface, its legac y is still visible today. A BBCW Production. (29 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>2 9</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl313_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl313_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32974</td><td>The Art of Barbara Hepworth</td><td>Praised by the New York Times at the time of her death as one of the world's foremost scul ptors, Barbara Hepworth left a legacy of creations that continues to inspire new generations of artists. This program reveals the beauty and the power of her sc ulptures through footage of her naturalistic carvings of the 1920s, her increasi ngly abstract sculptures of the '30s, her ambitious postwar works, her monumenta l public commissions, and the striking creations of her final years. The program also uses Dame Barbara's own words, drawn from writings, correspondence, and ar chival interviews, to express the ideas that motivated her. (49 minutes)</td><td >2003</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl314_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl314_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10176</td><td>The Art of Communicating</td><td>All societies have engaged in formalized types of communication through telling stories about their histories, whether it is an oral saga of a dynastic family or an annual r itual such as Greek tragedy. With the advent of writing, the oral tradition was transcribed and became less permeable. As certain alphabets became dominant, man y minority languages were lost, along with their literary corpora. This four-par t series examines language, writing, modern myths, and comedy in their historica l contexts, from the ancient world to contemporary culture. 4-part series, 53 mi nutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl315_lb

lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl315_lb lPrice">$519.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33107</td><td>The Art of Film</td><td>This program studies t he art that underlies the craft of filmmaking-a painstaking process that culmina tes in the take, that shared moment of concentration when everything comes toget her. Twelfth Night director Tim Supple and his first assistant director, product ion designer, director of photography, costume designer, stunt coordinator, and others offer their insights into set design, the culture of the film set, creati ng a look through costuming, choreographing the action, creating moods with ligh ting, and the nature of directorial vision. (25 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>25 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl316_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl316_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37022</td><td>The Art of Food Presentation</td><td>To any go od cook, a meal is more than food-it's a form of visual self-expression. This vi deo demonstrates techniques used by professional chefs to create and serve food that pleases the eye as well as the taste buds. The principles of color, shape, texture, and arrangement are explained, in addition to garnish and plate choices that can make or break a dish. Flavor, which must work in conjunction with visu al design, is also a crucial topic. Incorporating real-world presentation demos from professional chefs, the video gives students essential guidance in completi ng delicious culinary works of art. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is a vailable online. Correlates to all applicable state and national standards. A Me ridian Production. (22 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl317_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl317_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34641</td><td>The Art of Henry Moore</td><td>Henry Moore's w ork is so representative of mid-20th-century modernist concerns that a generatio n of art viewers may be unfamiliar with it. This program facilitates a rediscove ry of the brilliant sculptor and draftsman by freshly examining many of his draw ings, graphics, and monuments. From his most iconic pieces to his lesser-known w orks, including the amazingly relevant WWII-era tube shelter sketches, Moore's s ensitive vision emerges with startling clarity. Footage from sites in the United States, Italy, and England, including the 2003 Tate Modern exhibition-as well a s narration drawn from the artist's own words-bring his remarkable career to lif e. (61 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>61</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl318_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl318_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>11416</td><td>An Art of Living: Arab Aesthetics in 9th-Centu ry Spain</td><td>As life among the aristocracy in Damascus and Baghdad attained its zenith of refinement, another important cultural center was developing in Is lamic Cordoba. This program focuses on the remarkable cultural contributions of Ziryab, a talented young musician who fled the East for Andalusia and became the era's preeminent arbiter of style and taste. After creating a popular new form of music and perfecting the lute and other instruments, he went on to radically reshape Arab high society, inventing new fashions and hairstyles, introducing fi ne dining, and creating a thriving market for all manner of luxury goods. (Porti ons in French with English subtitles, 27 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>27</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl319_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl319_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8830</td><td>Artful Architecture: The Getty Center and the G uggenheim Museum Bilbao</td><td>Modern museums are nearly as artistic as the art that they house. In part one of this program, correspondent Jeffrey Kaye discus ses the Getty Center's design with architect Richard Meier, architecture critic Leon Whiteson, and Los Angeles Times art critic Christopher Knight. In addition, Kaye examines the Center's manuscript and photograph collections, educational o utreach program, and role in worldwide art preservation. In part two, journalist Elizabeth Farnsworth talks with Frank Gehry about the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao' s remarkably innovative design. Gehry's efforts to reconcile the museum with the striking local topography and heritage led to the creation of a titanium-clad, ship-like gallery combined with a "village of shapes." Critics are unified in th eir praise, calling the museum an architectural miracle of major significance. ( 29 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl320_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl320_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30010</td><td>Arthritis: New Hope for Patients</td><td>This program from The Doctor Is In uses case studies involving osteoarthritis, rheuma toid arthritis, and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis to explore how a number of pat ients cope with these conditions. In addition, Dr. Michael Weinblatt, former dir ector of the Robert B. Brigham Arthritis Center at Brigham and Women's Hospital and chairman of the American College of Rheumatology, and Dr. William Arnold, me dical editor of The Arthritis Foundation's Guide to Alternative Therapies, discu ss the most effective treatments currently in use. Quack remedies touted via the Internet are also addressed. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Production. ( 29 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl321_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl321_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7295</td><td>Arthur Miller: An Interview</td><td>In this exc

lusive interview, Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Arthur Miller speaks about h is life and career. Beginning in New York, Miller traces his early years through the Great Depression, offering insights into how this lean time influenced his work. A portion of the program is devoted to a discussion of the 1950s McCarthy hearings and their impact on the development of Miller's masterwork, The Crucibl e. Film excerpts from Death of a Salesman, After the Fall, and A View from the B ridge are interwoven with Miller's observations on the political and poetic natu re of his plays, and on the art of writing. A BBC Production. (76 minutes)</td>< td>1987</td><td>76</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl322_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl322_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7294</td><td>Arthur Miller and The Crucible</td><td>In the 1 950s, Senator Joseph McCarthy set up the Un-American Activities Committee to com bat the growing "threat" of communism in the U.S. Playwright Arthur Miller was o ne of many writers summoned to testify at this political witch-hunt. Miller, who was nearly ruined, said that until that time he had not understood the "inexpli cable darkness" that prevented people from seeing evil and denouncing it-the cen tral theme in The Crucible, based on the Salem witch trials. Interweaving rarely seen excerpts from the BBC production of the play with dramatizations of congre ssional hearing testimony, this powerful documentary highlights fundamental them es in common with both, and their influence on the playwright's development. A B BC Production. (29 minutes)</td><td>1981</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl323_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl323_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36151</td><td>Arthur Rimbaud</td><td>His incendiary poetry a ssaulted the constraints of European society, helped to define the Symbolist mov ement, and influenced generations of later writers-including many Surrealists, B eat poets, and even rockers like Jim Morrison. This program combines a stunning visual biography of Arthur Rimbaud with excerpts from key texts, forging a uniqu e study of the poet's personality and examining his relationship with his mother and with Paul Verlaine. Images and footage of the settings in which Rimbaud gre w up, worked, loved, traveled, and lived out his final years provide a dynamic b ackdrop for readings from "Le bateau ivre," Une Saison en Enfer, and several oth er works and letters. (59 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl324_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl324_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36456</td><td>The Artist and the Model: An Age-Old Couple</t d><td>Throughout the history of painting and sculpture no muse has exerted more influence than the artist's model. This program studies the role of the human fo rm in art, focusing on complex relationships between famous male artists and the ir female subjects. Works featuring the male figure are also examined. Discussin g numerous artistic milestones-including classical Greek statuary, Masaccio's re

vival of human-centered themes, Botticelli's ethereal Primavera and Venus, and t he reclining nudes of Titian, Velazquez, Renoir, and Matisse-the program explore s the mystical, erotic, and purely formal inspiration that models have produced. (27 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl325_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl325_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>863</td><td>An Artist's Life</td><td>The details of the anci ent Egyptian Paneb's life-how he carried out his duties as foreman of a gang of superb stone carvers and how he eventually came to grief-lead us to the oldest m ap in the world. The program discusses the gods who controlled all life; how dea th is reborn in the king's burial chamber; the relationship between day and nigh t, life and death, flood and drought; the remains of the village: the house of C aha, maker of scarabs, and of Kenherkopershef the scribe, where we can recognize his tiled office and the seat where he sat to have his head shaved so that he m ight wear his elaborate wig; the story of Horus and its meaning; Paneb the forem an; the artistic details of the tomb: a celebration of simplicity; Paneb's life and death; what cartouches tell us; following the map to the pharaoh's mines. (2 7 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl326_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl326_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>33362</td><td>The Arts, Audio Visual Technology & Communicat ions</td><td>Here's a place where your students can turn their creativity into a career. This program looks at opportunities to design, produce, exhibit, perfor m, write, or publish in a variety of media, including theater, film, textiles, n ewspapers, radio, and television. Real-world insights into this cluster are prov ided through interviews with a cable TV broadcast engineer, newspaper reporter, professional actor, commercial artist, and a TV director/producer. Correlates to the National Standards for Life Work. A Cambridge Educational Production. (24 m inutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl327_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl327_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10654</td><td>The Arts: Dying, Thriving, or Just Hanging On? </td><td>With the overwhelming demand for technology in the classroom, why shoul d boards of education approve expenditures for fine arts faculty? And with 50-ye ar-old-plus schools in the inner cities, how can municipalities justify building new museums and concert halls? This timely two-part series examines the state o f the arts in America in an era of budget-cutting and belt-tightening. 2-part se ries, 29 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl328_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl328_lb

lPrice">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11763</td><td>As American as Public School: 1900-1950</td><t d>In 1900, 6% of America's children graduated from high school; by 1945, 51% gra duated and 40% went on to college. This program recalls how massive immigration, child labor laws, and the explosive growth of cities fueled school attendance a nd transformed public education. Also explored are the impact of John Dewey's pr ogressive ideas as well as the effects on students of controversial IQ tests, th e "life adjustment" curriculum, and Cold War politics. Interviews with immigrant students, scholars, and administrators provide a portrait of America's changing educational landscape in the first half of the 20th century. (55 minutes)</td>< td>2000</td><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl329_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl329_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35836</td><td>Asbestos Invasion: How Tremolite Poisoned Amer ica</td><td>In Libby, Montana, vermiculite mining was big business...until its c hief by-product, tremolite asbestos, was implicated in the town's abnormally hig h level of respiratory disease. This two-part ABC News series starts in Libby-an environmental disaster zone more deadly than Love Canal or Woburn-and then foll ows the trail of tainted Libby vermiculite to homes throughout America. 2-part s eries, 21 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl330_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl330_lb lPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3076</td><td>The Ashanti Kingdom (Ghana)</td><td>The Ashanti are the best-known tribe of Ghana, comprising around 2 million of the country's 12 million inhabitants. All of the Ashanti kings belong to the Oyoko Dako clan, the clan of chieftains; they are the ones who have created and strengthened the Ashanti nation. This program shows the Ashanti kingdom: it explains the strict hierarchical organization of the village, the importance of the characteristic k ente garment, the naming of children, the Ashanti religious beliefs, the importa nce of traditional values and traditional festivals, and the protocol surroundin g the paramount chief of the Ashanti. (14 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>14</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl331_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl331_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10109</td><td>Asia in Transition: Culture, Politics, and Eco nomics</td><td>Asia is a vast continent joining many unique peoples and cultures . This visually stunning series follows the Transasian Highway through seven cou ntries, revealing the tensions between religious and other cultural traditions, political change, and dynamic development that are an integral part of everyday

life there. 7-part series, 47-51 minutes each.</td><td>1998</td><td>&nbsp;</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl332_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl332_lb lPrice">$1,049.65<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34184</td><td>Asia: Staking Out Terror's Breeding Grounds</t d><td>Unstable Southeast Asian countries with poorly equipped law enforcement ag encies have become havens for terrorism; one example is the rise of the al Qaeda subgroup Jemaah Islamiya, which executed the 2002 Bali bombing. This program un derscores the minimal attention that Asia has received in comparison with Middle East counterterrorist operations-and how the disparity negatively affected Euro pean and Australian intelligence preceding the Bali attack. The final episode in the Third World War series, this program evokes a sobering picture of al Qaeda' s multifaceted nature. Original BBCW broadcast title: Asia-The Breeding Grounds. (41 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl333_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl333_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33899</td><td>Asian Masters: Cultural Traditions, Esoteric A rts</td><td>Every area of human enterprise has its experts. This penetrating six -part series offers viewers fascinating-and unusual-points of entry into the cul tures of China, Japan, and India that allow them to encounter authentic Asian ma sters performing their arts. 6-part series, 13-19 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td ><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl334_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl334_lb lPrice">$359.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8529</td><td>Asian Values Devalued</td><td>As the tiger econ omies of East Asia turned from boom to bust in the 1990s, the general public was amazed, yet many economists nodded their heads knowingly. This program focuses on the plights of Indonesia, Hong Kong, and Malaysia, where nepotism, cronyism, corruption, suppression, and the exploitation of cheap foreign labor brought abo ut a financial crisis of enormous proportions. These regions grew too quickly wi thout proper controls and economic safeguards, which has left the middle and low er classes, who are crushed by inflation and unemployment, to pay the bill. Expe rts agree that East Asia will survive, eventually recover, and probably surpass itself, but at a staggering cost in money and human misery. This program is an e xcellent expose that reveals why the bubble burst. (39 minutes)</td><td>1998</td ><td>39</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl335_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl335_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></

td> </tr><tr> <td>33339</td><td>Aspects of Child Development: Ages 4 to 11</td ><td>Drawing on the insights and experience of experts from a wide range of disc iplines, this detailed three-part series tracks children's development during th e period from 4 to 11 years of age. Not available in French-speaking Canada. 3-p art series, 52 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl336_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl336_lb lPrice">$449.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36399</td><td>Aspects of MS</td><td>While the cause of multi ple sclerosis remains unknown, knowledge of how MS attacks the body is improving . This program outlines what happens to the central nervous system and its myeli n nerve sheaths when a patient suffers from MS; describes how movement, memory, and vision can be impaired; and examines recently developed medicines that can s low the advance of the disease. Identifying areas of study that may yield import ant MS clues-including gender differences, genetic factors, and environmental tr iggers such as viral or bacterial infection-the program incorporates expert comm entary from Dr. Richard Rudick of Cleveland Clinic and Dr. Patricia O'Looney, di rector of biomedical research at the National MS Society. (28 minutes)</td><td>2 003</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl337_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl337_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8646</td><td>Asperger's Syndrome: Autism and Obsessive Behav ior</td><td>It is the size of the frontal cortex that helps separate the human b rain from that of other animals. This part allows humans to communicate, infer m eaning, and imagine, all basic to the socialization process. But there is a grou p of people, primarily males, who lack a small piece of this frontal cortex and who suffer from a mild form of autism. Identified as Asperger's syndrome in 1940 , this condition makes them incapable of everyday social interactions. They live in a constant state of anxiety, a result of the phobias that are a part of the disease. This program profiles the symptoms of Asperger's syndrome and what suff erers and their families can do to overcome the limitations that it imposes. Ori ginal BBC broadcast title: I'm Not Stupid. (30 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>30< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl338_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl338_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>26563</td><td>The Assertive Professional</td><td>Employers a re looking for individuals with sharp interpersonal skills. Assertiveness is cru cial to effective communication, strengthening terms, and supervising effectivel y. This program takes a look at various personality types and methods for develo ping assertiveness skills. (20 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>&nbsp;</td>< td>&nbsp;</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl339_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl339_lb lPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6673</td><td>Assessing Diverse Populations</td><td>This prog ram explores the question of whether or not student diversity represents an issu e in assessment and evaluation testing. It also discusses whether low test resul ts among special populations can be attributed to inappropriate testing methods. Edmund Gordon, Professor of Psychology at Yale University, discusses inequities in the educational and assessment system that lead to inaccurate conclusions re garding student progress. (29 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl340_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl340_lb lPrice">$109.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29655</td><td>Assets and Payroll</td><td>Giving equal time t o two vital accounting topics, this program explains how accountants handle asse ts and payroll. The video begins with the acquisition and retention of tangible fixed assets through capital expenditures and revenue expenditures. Then, method s of accounting for tangible fixed assets with respect to depreciation and dispo sal are presented. Allocation of an asset's cost over its useful life is outline d, as well as five methods of depreciation. The discarding and sell-off of plant assets are also discussed, along with the amortization of intangible assets. Th e video then plunges into the topic of wages, beginning with an overview of payr oll expenditures and their accompanying taxes and regulations. Next, the intrica cies of gross pay, net pay, and payroll-related liabilities are thoroughly sorte d out, leading to a discussion of how payroll is recorded. Last, the proper trea tment of fringe benefits from an accounting perspective is demonstrated. A Cambr idge Educational Production. (13 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl341_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl341_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32651</td><td>Asylum: A History of the Mental Institution in America</td><td>This classic, award-winning program brings to light the complex and controversial history of the mental institution in the U.S. through a detai led study of St. Elizabeths Hospital in Washington, D.C. It also debates whether deinstitutionalization has proved an overall failure, leaving more patients hom eless than are mainstreamed into society, and if the time has come to reintroduc e the asylum as a place of therapy and benign confinement. Rare archival footage , interviews with former patients, and insights from mental health historians Da vid Rothman, of Columbia University, and Gerald Grob, of Rutgers University, mak e this a documentary not to be missed. (60 minutes)</td><td>1989</td><td>60</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl342_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl342_lb

lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11860</td><td>At the Service of the State: Archaeology as Po litical Tool</td><td>In 1940, Hitler's archaeologists excavated sites in Poland to try to prove that Germans had lived there before the Poles-an anthropological justification for political aggression and military invasion. This program expl ores the use of archaeology as a tool for propaganda and diplomatic machination by focusing on the long-standing connections between Germany and Greece. The pro gram also looks at how Mussolini, like Hitler, used Greek motifs and Roman regal ia to package the image of his party and, by so doing, align the destiny of fasc ist Italy with ancient traditions. (50 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl343_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl343_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38697</td><td>Atheism: A Rough History of Disbelief</td><td> Due to the radical politicization of religious belief in the 21st century and th e attendant threat to the freedom of thought that underpins disbelief, atheist J onathan Miller feels prompted to balance the discourse. In this unprecedented th ree-part series, Miller, a genial and deeply intelligent disbeliever, is joined by some of the world's most distinguished thinkers as together they sift through the history of atheism and question the labels of disbelief. A complex, engagin g, and highly provocative inquiry. A BBCW Production. 3-part series, 60 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl344_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl344_lb lPrice">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30749</td><td>The Atlantic Charter: The End of Colonialism</ td><td>This program examines the Atlantic Charter, a joint declaration by Frankl in Roosevelt and a reluctant Winston Churchill that gave hope to nationalists li ving in embattled Europe and in colonial possessions around the world. In additi on, controversial research asserting that the Charter accelerated Hitler's plans for the Final Solution and influenced Japan's decision to attack Pearl Harbor i s discussed. Commentary by Elliot Roosevelt; Patrick Kinna, Churchill's private secretary; Douglas Brinkley, of The Eisenhower Center for American Studies; and historians Arthur Schlesinger Jr., Richard Rathbone, Chandrika Kaul, Theodore Wi lson, and Tobias Jersak is featured. (57 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>56</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl345_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl345_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34726</td><td>Atmosphere, Climate, and Weather</td><td>Peopl e everywhere are interested in the weather, but how does it all work? Beginning with Earth's atmosphere-its evolution, its gaseous composition, and its four reg

ions-this video takes a close look at how conditions combine to create climate a nd weather. Topics include the Koppen Climate Classification System; weather pre diction; types of clouds and precipitation; thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurric anes; and weather patterns such as El Nino and La Nina. A viewable/printable ins tructor's guide is available online. Correlates to National Science Education St andards, National Educational Technology Standards, and Standards for the Englis h Language Arts. A Cambridge Educational Production. Recommended for grades 7-12 . (26 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl346_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl346_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36092</td><td>Atmospheric Hole: The History of the Ozone Lay er</td><td>Freon was a refrigeration breakthrough in 1928. It took 45 years for scientists to recognize its dangers, and another 15 for the international commun ity to enact a worldwide ban on all CFC gases. This program illustrates that lon g process of problem-solving and political action, focusing on the work of Nobel -winning chemists F. Sherwood Rowland and Mario Molina and how their discoveries led to the 1989 Montreal Protocol-which may well have prevented catastrophic de pletion of the ozone layer. Interviews with Rowland, climatologist Robert Watson , and EPA official Stephen Anderson illuminate one of the most important environ mental sagas of the last century. (30 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl347_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl347_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2897</td><td>The Atom That Makes the Difference (Carbon)</td ><td>Put a carbon here, and you have estradiol, the female sex hormone; add just one carbon atom and you have testosterone. And what a difference that single at om makes! This program profiles the multifaceted life of Carl Djerassi-novelist, art collector, professor of chemistry at Stanford University, and, as he likes to think of himself, mother of the pill-while shedding some light on the intrica cies of steroid chemistry. (26 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl348_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl348_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10128</td><td>Atomic Structure</td><td>Atomic structure lies at the crossroads of both chemistry and physics, and this program examines a fi eld of study crucial to both: the scientific shell game known as quantum mechani cs. Schrodinger's mathematical distribution and the Pauli Exclusion Principle; e lectron orbitals and the three types of quantum numbers; and shells, subshells, and nodes are all discussed. A thorough demonstration of writing electron config urations is included as well. (27 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl349_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl349_lb

lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29558</td><td>Atoms and Molecules</td><td>Here is a video th at literally gets down to basics-the basics of everything. In this concise and l ogically formatted program, students discover the fundamental building blocks of the universe: the elements. Lively computer animation makes the atom and its co nstituent parts-the proton, neutron, and electron-easy to understand. The Bohr M odel and the Quantum Mechanical Model of the atom are clearly differentiated. Wo rking from these concepts, students can then make sense of the Periodic Table wi th its arrangement according to Atomic Mass. The program also explains the conce pt of the mole and the different chemical bonds within molecules and compounds. A valuable summary at the end of the video reinforces all the concepts.A Cambrid ge Educational Production.Correlates to Project 2061 Benchmarks for Science Lite racy from the American Association for the Advancement of Science.One 16-minute video. (c) 2001.</td><td>2001</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl350_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl350_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6836</td><td>Atoms, Molecules, and Chemical Change</td><td>L esson one looks at copper atoms using a Scanning Tunnelling Microscope connected to a computer. Several demonstrations of combustion include burning firecracker s under water. Lesson two shows combustion of an industrial diamond. Thermite re action produces iron metal from iron oxide. Tatara, the traditional Japanese ste elmaking process, is described. Lesson three studies chemical reactions between iron powder and sulfur, zinc and sulfur, and copper and sulfur. Chemical combina tion and decomposition, dry distillation, and pyrolysis are discussed. (41 minut es)</td><td>1997</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl351_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl351_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35052</td><td>Atrial Fibrillation</td><td>More than 2 millio n people suffer from atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat caused by abnor mal electrical signals in the atria, the heart's upper chambers. This program an alyzes the disorder, showing how the irregularity can create discomfort, blackou ts, and blood clotting in the valves of the heart, potentially leading to a stro ke. The video also features expert commentary from medical professionals, person al stories from patients, and detailed explanations of effective treatments for atrial fibrillation, including medication and a minimally invasive surgical proc edure known as ablation therapy. (28 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl352_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl352_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24727</td><td>Attitude Alert</td><td>This video explores the

belief that a person's attitude, whether at home, school, or in the community, has tremendous influence on one's actions. Not only does our attitude influence our behavior, but how others perceive us. Changing our attitudes can improve rel ationships in all areas of our lives-it's up to us. In the video we meet some mi ddle school students who decide to start a school-wide advice column. As problem s come pouring in, they notice an interesting phenomenon-many of the conflicts e rupted because of the student's attitude. In before-and-after scenes, students w ill see that by changing their attitude, they can change an unhappy circumstance . A good way to help viewers grasp some important truths. A Meridian Production. One 15-minute video.</td><td>2000</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl353_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl353_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35407</td><td>Attraction</td><td>Can sexual attraction be sc ientifically predicted? Do opposites really attract, or is it similarity that dr aws men and women together? In this program, biologists and psychologists organi ze 50 men and 50 women in a grand experiment: finding matches for an aggressive professional woman with a ticking biological clock and a milquetoast politics pr ofessor who constantly strikes out with women. To test the expert panel's core p rediction-that mutual attraction is explained by physical similarity-the two pri ncipal subjects circulate through several rounds of challenging prospects, culmi nating in a massive, highly revealing speed date. A BBCW Production. (51 minutes )</td><td>2005</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl354_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl354_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8525</td><td>Audience and Feedback</td><td>This program expl ores the characteristics that define a desirable audience, the history of audien ce ratings, and the ways in which audiences are assessed. Because the mass media is supported largely by selling time and space to marketers, it has evolved int o the main delivery vehicle for advertising, in which the company offering a pro duct or service is the true consumer and the attention of the viewer is the prod uct that is being bought. With billions of advertising dollars at stake, markete rs, social psychologists, and statisticians carry out sophisticated demographic and psychographic studies to narrow audiences into well-defined consumer groups. On the back end, the Nielsen television rating system uses "people meters" on T Vs to determine if viewers are in fact watching what advertisers thought they wo uld. This program also debates the manipulative nature of television and include s a portion of Newt Minnow's "Vast Wasteland" speech. This video is an indispens able resource for understanding the dynamics of media/audience interaction. (30 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl355_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl355_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7300</td><td>August Strindberg: Miss Julie</td><td>Prolific

Swedish playwright August Strindberg wrote over 70 plays in his lifetime, most o bsessively preoccupied with the "battle of the sexes." In this BBC production, M ichael Simpson directs Strindberg's classic tragedy of class and sexual warfare. The neurotic, aristocratic daughter (Janet McTeer) of a count breaks off her en gagement to her irresolute fiance. Despondent and bored, she idly occupies her t ime with her father's virile valet, Jean (Patrick Malahide), who not only seduce s her, but begins to exercise Rasputin-like power over her life. As with most St rindberg works, the female character is unfashionably presented as manipulative and controlling, despite her ultimate demise by her own hand. (1 hour 40 minutes )</td><td>1987</td><td>100</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl356_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl356_lb lPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4622</td><td>August Wilson</td><td>Filmed on the set of Two Trains Running, one of America's leading playwrights traces his work back to a t roubled childhood in a Pittsburgh ghetto. His ongoing project to write a play on African American life set in each decade of the 20th century is one of the most ambitious endeavors in American theatrical history. In this program, he describ es his award-winning plays Joe Turner's Come and Gone and Ma Rainey's Black Bott om as passing down the wisdom of the African American community. "It's almost as if I'm connecting myself with something larger than myself and I trust that. It 's part of what I call the blood's memory." (22 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> 22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl357_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl357_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10089</td><td>August Wilson: The American Dream, in Black an d White</td><td>In this incisive program, two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning playwr ight August Wilson returns home to the Hill District of Pittsburgh in 1990 to re view his life and career. Archival footage and interviews with Wilson, former Ne w York Times theater critic Frank Rich, fellow writers, and others provide insig hts into the African-American experience, from the Great Black Migration to more recent times. Scenes from Jitney, Ma Rainey's Black Bottom, Fences, Joe Turner' s Come and Gone, and Two Trains Running reveal the impact of the oral tradition and the blues on Wilson's poetic prose, a skillful blend of art and authenticity . (52 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl358_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl358_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4972</td><td>August Wilson: Writing and the Blues</td><td>Ev eryone has to find his own song, says Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright August W ilson, and he found his in the blues. From music and literature he has shaped a philosophy of life and some of the country's most compelling dramas, including M a Rainey's Black Bottom and Fences. In this program, Wilson talks about finding an African American cultural identity and what he sees as the false portrayal of

black America on television. A Bill Moyers special. (30 minutes)</td><td>1988</ td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl359_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl359_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8845</td><td>Auguste Rodin: The Life of a Sculptor</td><td>R ejected innumerable times, Rodin stubbornly pursued his artistic vision and even tually rose to controversial prominence. This program, in which many of his mast erpieces are displayed, chronicles the life of this prolific artist who, in his effort to grasp what couldn't be seen, achieved remarkable levels of both realis m and impressionism that evoked strong reactions from his public. Highlights inc lude The Age of Bronze life cast scandal, the rejection of his sculpture of Balz ac, the story of his unfinished Gates of Hell, and his struggle to have The Burg hers of Calais displayed, along with examples of his drawings and paintings. (27 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl360_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl360_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5171</td><td>Authority and Change</td><td>What is a fatwa? W ho is qualified to issue one? What is the role of traditional scholars in the Mu slim world today? Egypt today is a battleground between liberal and radical Musl ims, as the secular state and traditional scholars are being challenged by more militant forces. In this program, Sheikh Syed Tautavi, Mufti of Egypt, explores these and other vital questions that underlie current developments in Egypt and elsewhere in the Islamic world. (30 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl361_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl361_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5309</td><td>Autism: A World Apart</td><td>"I feel proud," s ays Lee's mother, "to have a child like Lee, because everybody says that there i s no hope. And Lee proves there is." This documentary features two children, age s four and six, and 18-year-old Lee, who are all autistic. The program shows the strain placed on their families and how each family has learned to cope. Above all, it shows the enormous difference that special education can make in enablin g autistic children to lead happier and more fulfilled lives-and giving their fa milies hope and relief. (52 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl362_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl362_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29958</td><td>Autism: Diagnosis, Causes, and Treatments</td>

<td>What is it like for people with autism, living among others yet always, in a sense, living alone? And how do their parents cope, as they care for them? Buil t around several case studies, this program distinguishes between high- and lowfunctioning autism; illustrates structural and functional differences between au tistic and non-autistic brains; considers genetics, neurological diseases, and i mmune system anomalies as possible contributory factors; and discusses associate d conditions, such as mental retardation, epilepsy, and echolalia. Applied behav ior analysis, the TEACCH system, multisensory stimulation, and dietary intervent ions are also touched upon. (53 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl363_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl363_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32774</td><td>Auto Body Repair</td><td>This exciting 12-part series offers a complete crash course on how to make damaged vehicles look new again. Ideal for introducing, reinforcing, and reviewing essential body shop pra ctices, procedures, tools, and techniques. Safety is stressed. Each informati ve video starts with a demonstration of the proper tools and preparations and th en follows an apprentice technician through the job at hand. Automotive experts thoroughly explain key technical points. Viewable/printable instructor's guid es available online provide learning objectives, program summaries, educational standards, vocabulary terms, auto tech trivia questions, discussion and assessme nt questions, video scenarios, student activities, and lists of additional resou rces. Correlates to the standards for the Collision Repair and Refinish Technici an Training Certification Program, from the National Institute for Automotive Se rvice Excellence and the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation. A Shopware Production. 12-part series, 15-24 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td><td>& nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl364_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl364_lb lPrice">$959.40<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32775</td><td>Auto Body Repair Basics</td><td>Welcome to the auto body repair shop! This video introduces basic repair concepts, safety proc edures, and NADA service ethics. A wide range of tools is presented, and the met alworking and refinishing areas of a typical shop are shown. A viewable/printabl e instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the standards for the Co llision Repair and Refinish Technician Training Certification Program, from the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence and the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation. A Shopware Production. (21 minutes)</td><td>2 005</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl365_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl365_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32776</td><td>Auto Construction</td><td>It's easier to under stand how to repair and rebuild cars after you've seen them being put together. This video travels to an automobile factory to take a look at front end assembli

es, suspensions, major panels and components, and eight different types of frame s. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to th e standards for the Collision Repair and Refinish Technician Training Certificat ion Program, from the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence and t he National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation. A Shopware Production. (15 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl366_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl366_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6195</td><td>The Auto Industry</td><td>One of the first indu stries to globalize, the automotive business provides a blueprint for other indu stries. Already highly competitive, car manufacturers who are not lean and at th e cutting edge of cross-border integration face ruin. They also have huge opport unities because emerging nations hunger for more cars. As the trend of global pr oduction by fewer manufacturers accelerates, what factors decide which companies will succeed? We learn from senior executives at Ford, Volkswagen, Peugeot, Lot us and Renault, and DRI, among others. (37 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>37</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl367_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl367_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37330</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 1</td><td>See what's being done to help drivers stay safe in the dark, look at where concept cars mi ght be headed, and take an environmentally friendly ride with a world champion r acer. Innovations featured in this program include: BMW's Night Vision and High Beam Assist systems, the diminutive Mini Geneva and dramatically sculpted Saab A ero X concept cars, Mazda's RX8 hydrogen-power technology, an impressive arsenal of green automotive strategies from Volvo, and the Audi R10 Le Mans-the world's first-ever diesel-powered sports prototype racing car, with commentary by Head of Audi Sport Dr. Wolfgang Ulrich and 24 Hours of Le Mans winner Tom Kristensen. (25 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl368_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl368_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37339</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 10</td><td>Listen in on a driver's conversation with his car, watch General Motors resurrect a class ic, and see what happens when the world's most celebrated racing circus comes to town. Achievements featured in this program include: the OnStar Turn-by-Turn Na vigation system which allows a back-and-forth dialog between commuter and comput er; another GPS system, this one from BMW, which swivels a car's headlamps at th e same angle as its front wheels; the latest version of the Chevy Camaro, with c ommentary from GM head Rick Wagoner; and the fleet of trucks, equipment, and cus tomized parts-as well as the army of elite technicians-that accompany traveling Formula One events. (25 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl369_lb

lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl369_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37340</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 11</td><td>Take a se at inside a state-of-the-art driving simulator, experience a revolution in truck tires, and look at biofuels from the perspective of America's oldest operating car manufacturer. Design developments featured in this program include: the Volv o C30 and its sophisticated safety additions; a dynamic BMW simulator that repro duces the motions and pressures a driver feels behind the wheel; water-dispellin g Michelin tires with Raindrop and Double Wave sipes; and Ford's innovations in hybrid technology-specifically, a computer that can tell a vehicle which propuls ion system to use based on road conditions. Roelant de Waard, Chairman of Ford B ritain, explains the system's benefits. (25 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>25</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl370_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl370_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37341</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 12</td><td>Examine e fforts to cut vehicle pollution, see what goes into designing a winning racer in the 21st century, and discover a futuristic car with an unlikely name-from an u nlikely source. Automotive milestones featured in this program include: the Hydr ogen 7-Series sedan, which puts BMW ahead of the game in hybrid production, alth ough it still can't match a gas-powered car in performance; Britain's Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation, which sets green goals for the year 2010; and a carbo n-fiber-and-Kevlar-bodied two-seater V8 surprise called the Redback Spyder, from Australia's Carbontech-better known for their Lamborghini Countach replicas. (2 5 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl371_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl371_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37342</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 13</td><td>Enjoy the latest in motorsport magic, witness what could be the end of the flat tire, and take a ride across the English Channel-in a small Italian car. Triumphs of inge nuity featured in this program include: the Prodrive P2, the MB Supercar, and th e MIRA track where both were tested; PAX, Michelin's potentially invulnerable au xiliary-supported run-flat tire system; new methods of organization and operatio n in racing pits; and the watertight Panda Terramare 4, a Fiat revamped by Itali an engineer Maurizio Zanisi with an inflatable pontoon and waterjet propulsion s ystem. Zanisi explains the process of developing and testing his prototype, whic h in 2006 he "drove" from England to France, then home to Italy. (24 minutes)</t d><td>2006</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl372_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl372_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37331</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 2</td><td>Witness th e rebirth of a 40-year-old classic, see what kinds of toxic life forms can grow inside an automobile, and check out a virtual muscle car comparison. Technologic al milestones featured in this program include: the resurrection of BMW's popula r 2002 model four decades after its original release; innovations that combat ev erything from mold and bacteria growth on upholstery to aerodynamic problems on a car's exterior; the sporty design of the Alfa Romeo 159; and computerized simu lations of Mustang and Camaro models-that haven't been designed yet. Stanford Un iversity Center for Turbulence Research director Parviz Moin and Motor Trend exp erts provide insight. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl373_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl373_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37332</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 3</td><td>Watch car design students putting their work to the test, and study revolutionary new form s of vehicles-and roads-that are coming into real-world use. Key developments fe atured in this program include: a silent, battery-powered urban vehicle from Glo bal Electric Motorcars; paving technology made from recycled tires that helps cr eate new highways over old railway lines; the ethanol-powered Dodge Grand Carava n and Ram Flex Fuel vehicles; and the sophisticated design and engineering proce sses that went into the Mercedes Benz R-Class. A visit to Britain's Bruntingthor pe Aerodrome and Proving Ground reveals the challenges faced by students from ar ound the world as they build engineering skills. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td>< td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl374_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl374_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37333</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 4</td><td>Meet a car that parks itself, examine life in the fast lane on two wheels, and explore the ins and outs of seat belts. Noteworthy achievements featured in this program in clude: BMW's experimental Connected Drive model that can literally put itself to bed; the BMW R 1200S motorcycle, which the company hopes will lure riders away from Japanese and Italian sportbikes; and restraint equipment that can improve b oth racing and commuter safety, according to F1 expert Christian Danner and Dr. Johannes Stoiber of the Allianz Centre for Technology. An additional segment sho ws how the computerization of cars is rapidly turning automotive repair into a w hite-collar profession. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl375_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl375_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37334</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 5</td><td>Discover t he secrets of crash testing, how manufacturers and professional testers enhance

car safety, and what a modern racing driver wears to work. Driver-friendly innov ations featured in this program include: rigorous procedures used to test the sa fety of the Mercedes-Benz SLK roadster; the painstaking work of the Thatcham Car Test Center in Great Britain, focusing on everything from brake effectiveness t o seat shape; and pioneering full-body protection, such as computer-designed hel mets and three-layer fire-retardant Nomex suits, considered standard equipment b y today's racers. The importance of anti-theft car security is also explored by the Thatcham researchers. (25 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl376_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl376_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37335</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 6</td><td>See histor y re-created in a modern concept car, visit the hottest test-track on earth, and then go testing again-in the opposite extreme. Automotive landmarks featured in this program include: the BMW 328, unveiled and driven at the 2006 Mille Miglia by nine-time winner Guliano Cane; a hot-weather proving grounds in Arizona, nea r Death Valley-essential for developing safeguards against dust as well as overh eating; and an equally challenging test site in Sweden, north of the Arctic Circ le, used by Volvo and other manufacturers to determine car safety and effectiven ess in icy weather. Die-hard test drivers Rikard Vevang, Anders Polheimer, and V eronica Anderson provide commentary. (25 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>25</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl377_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl377_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37336</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 7</td><td>Sit in on police driver training, explore the common ground between car and motorcycle, an d learn about the long history of victorious V8s. Groundbreaking accomplishments featured in this program include: teaching techniques applied at the Volvo driv ing academy in Sweden, where British cops come to train on icy roads and frozen lakes; the VW GX 3, a three-wheeled two-seater with a motorcycle's lightness and speed; the BMW Clever, or Compact Low Emission Vehicle for Urban Transport, whi ch also has aspects of a bike; and the 70-year saga of celebrated Mercedes-Benz eight-cylinder technology, culminating in the advent of AMG's 6.3-liter model. ( 24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl378_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl378_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37337</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 8</td><td>Learn how automotive technology can prevent single-vehicle crashes, cut down on accidents involving teenage drivers, and reduce Western dependence on fossil fuels. Crucia l advances featured in this program include: electronic stability control, which applies brake pressure selectively to avoid skidding; smart key systems from Vo lvo that won't start an engine for drivers who have been drinking and won't go f aster than 60 kilometers per hour with an inexperienced driver at the wheel; and

the development of a process called fast pyrolysis, which extracts fuel from ag ricultural waste and other biomass. In addition, students at Britain's Royal Col lege of Art show off designs for high-tech plastic cars. (25 minutes)</td><td>20 06</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl379_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl379_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37338</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 9</td><td>Size up re cent offerings from the British luxury car industry, find out how intelligent ca rs keep their passengers safe, and watch the fastest cars in the world get even faster. Feats of automotive design depicted in this program include: the Jaguar XK/R, the Land Rover Freelander, Bentley's Continental GTC and Azure, and the 10 1 EX concept car from Rolls Royce; automatic features developed by Volvo that en able a car to take over driving to prevent or minimize an accident; and product development and part replacement methods essential to Formula One testing. Willi ams F1 Advanced Development Coordinator Gordon Day and Test Team Manager Mike Co ndliffe provide details. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl380_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl380_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37329</td><td>Auto Innovations: The Art and Science of Car E ngineering</td><td>Technology, skill, safety, style-all are crucial in the world of cars. This 13-part series takes an informed and informative look at the past , present, and most of all the future of the automobile. With the help of high-p owered visuals and expert interviews, each program explores state-of-the-art car designs and the forces that shape them-such as economics, environmental concern s, computers, and the search for good old-fashioned driving pleasure. Keep autom otive design or technical courses on track with this finely tuned set of instruc tional tools! 13-part series, 24-25 minutes each.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl381_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl381_lb lPrice">$779.35<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24746</td><td>Auto Shop Safety</td><td>Updated for 2008! Rei nforcing concepts with helpful animation, this program provides crucial knowledg e about accidents that can occur in automotive repair shops. The best ways to pr event them, and the smartest and safest steps to take when they happen, are expl ained. The video covers all major shop areas, including the stall, grease rack, front end rack, tool room, and classroom. Running engines, open fuel lines, weld ing tools, moving cars, cars on lifts or jacks, and other shop hazards are illus trated, with detailed information on avoiding fires, explosions, asphyxiation, c hemical burns, electric shock, and impact injuries. Hybrid vehicle technology is also explored. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is included. A Shopware Production. (20 minutes) Available April 2008.</td><td>1999</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl382_lb

lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl382_lb lPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24748</td><td>Automatic Transmissions</td><td>Automatic Tran smissions is a 29-minute video which is part of the series Drive Trains. This g roup of 6 videos not only provides a general overview of drive trains and how th ey operate, but highlights construction, design, and components. Each video cove rs a specific topic and uses 3-D animation and cutaways to demonstrate working p arts and how they function. Detailed areas are: automotive clutch flywheels press lates bands torque converters set-up transmission designs adjustments s reassembly planetary gear sets drive axle designs part inspection diffe ly. (29 minutes) A Shopware Production.</td><td>1992</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl383_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl383_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37652</td><td>Automotive</td><td>Meet three women who have e mbarked on high-powered careers in the automotive industry. This program profile s Linda Simon, a former hairdresser turned truck driver who works in some very t ough road conditions; Brenda McWilliams, an auto body technician in a state-of-t he-art repair facility; and Danuta Wozniak, who excels as an auto mechanic in a woman-owned shop. Remarks from co-workers and supervisors provide additional lay ers to the descriptions of each job. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl384_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl384_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36069</td><td>Automotive & Transportation Technology, Volume 1</td><td>This 19-program educational video collection covers auto maintenance and repair from bumper to bumper. Programs include: Auto Body Repair Basics Aut o Construction Welding Dings and Scratches Replacing and Adjusting Panels Analysis and Damage Repair Body Alignment Plastics and Adhesives Electrical R s Braking System Repair Surface Preparation and Refinishing Miscellaneous Repa hicle Maintenance and Fluid Service Basic Car Care Heating & Air Conditioning Oper ation Heating & Air Conditioning Diagnosis Heating & Air Conditioning Service otive Measurement Auto Shop Safety Recommended for high school, technical or v ocational school, and training programs. Nineteen full-length videos. (c) 2006. </td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl385_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl385_lb lPrice">$1,599.05<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24744</td><td>Automotive Computer System Operation</td><td>U

pdated for 2008! With helpful live-action footage and 3-D computer animation, th is program shows students how to analyze scan-tool data retrieved from OBD II ve hicles. Topics covered include: the concept of cybernetics, or how computerized monitoring systems are modeled on the human senses; active and passive sensors; the role of computers in antilock brake, suspension control, climate control, hy brid drive, and other functions; and details on actuators of all types, includin g solenoid, servo motor, relay, and dash display. A viewable/printable instructo r's guide is available online. A Shopware Production. (29 minutes)</td><td>2008< /td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl386_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl386_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25078</td><td>Automotive Computer System Service</td><td>Upd ated for 2008! The word "mechanic" doesn't apply to automotive service any longe r-"technician" is more accurate. This program shows students how to use a scan-t ool to diagnose car system problems, covering the following specific topics: pin point tests; active sensor service for oxygen, magnetic, knock, and light or sol ar sensors; passive sensor service for temperature, throttle position, pressure, and flow sensors; sensor replacement; actuator service; and computer service, i ncluding an overview of downloading software directly into a car's computer to u pdate systems. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Sh opware Production. (21 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl387_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl387_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24743</td><td>Automotive Computer Systems</td><td>This serie s provides a basic working knowledge of automotive computer systems. Your studen ts will learn: computer system operation trouble codes scanning tools basic t rocedures. Ford, General Motors, Chrysler, and other makes are discussed. The Co mputer Systems series videos stand alone or can be used as a set for beginning a uto technician students as well as for more advanced classes. A Shopware Product ion.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl388_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl388_lb lPrice">$319.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29064</td><td>Automotive Maintenance and Safety</td><td>Comb ines four safety videos in various subject areas to provide a comprehensive look at this important topic. A Meridian Production.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl389_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl389_lb lPrice">$399.80<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>24752</td><td>Automotive Measurement</td><td>Examines how to use the precision measuring tools essential to auto mechanics. Demonstrates the use of micrometers, dial indicators, feeler gauges, plastigauges, dial bore gau ges, straight edges and other tools essential to the trade, while showing actual auto part measurements. A Meridian Production. (33 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><t d>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl390_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl390_lb lPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td> story of his unfinished Gates of Hell, and his struggle to have The Burghers of Calais d isplayed, along with examples of his drawings and paintings. (27 minutes)</td><t d>1998</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl360_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl360_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5171</td><td>Authority and Change</td><td>What is a fatwa? W ho is qualified to issue one? What is the role of traditional scholars in the Mu slim world today? Egypt today is a battleground between liberal and radical Musl ims, as the secular state and traditional scholars are being challenged by more militant forces. In this program, Sheikh Syed Tautavi, Mufti of Egypt, explores these and other vital questions that underlie current developments in Egypt and elsewhere in the Islamic world. (30 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl361_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl361_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5309</td><td>Autism: A World Apart</td><td>"I feel proud," s ays Lee's mother, "to have a child like Lee, because everybody says that there i s no hope. And Lee proves there is." This documentary features two children, age s four and six, and 18-year-old Lee, who are all autistic. The program shows the strain placed on their families and how each family has learned to cope. Above all, it shows the enormous difference that special education can make in enablin g autistic children to lead happier and more fulfilled lives-and giving their fa milies hope and relief. (52 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl362_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl362_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29958</td><td>Autism: Diagnosis, Causes, and Treatments</td> <td>What is it like for people with autism, living among others yet always, in a sense, living alone? And how do their parents cope, as they care for them? Buil t around several case studies, this program distinguishes between high- and low-

functioning autism; illustrates structural and functional differences between au tistic and non-autistic brains; considers genetics, neurological diseases, and i mmune system anomalies as possible contributory factors; and discusses associate d conditions, such as mental retardation, epilepsy, and echolalia. Applied behav ior analysis, the TEACCH system, multisensory stimulation, and dietary intervent ions are also touched upon. (53 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl363_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl363_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32774</td><td>Auto Body Repair</td><td>This exciting 12-part series offers a complete crash course on how to make damaged vehicles look new again. Ideal for introducing, reinforcing, and reviewing essential body shop pra ctices, procedures, tools, and techniques. Safety is stressed. Each informati ve video starts with a demonstration of the proper tools and preparations and th en follows an apprentice technician through the job at hand. Automotive experts thoroughly explain key technical points. Viewable/printable instructor's guid es available online provide learning objectives, program summaries, educational standards, vocabulary terms, auto tech trivia questions, discussion and assessme nt questions, video scenarios, student activities, and lists of additional resou rces. Correlates to the standards for the Collision Repair and Refinish Technici an Training Certification Program, from the National Institute for Automotive Se rvice Excellence and the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation. A Shopware Production. 12-part series, 15-24 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td><td>& nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl364_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl364_lb lPrice">$959.40<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32775</td><td>Auto Body Repair Basics</td><td>Welcome to the auto body repair shop! This video introduces basic repair concepts, safety proc edures, and NADA service ethics. A wide range of tools is presented, and the met alworking and refinishing areas of a typical shop are shown. A viewable/printabl e instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the standards for the Co llision Repair and Refinish Technician Training Certification Program, from the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence and the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation. A Shopware Production. (21 minutes)</td><td>2 005</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl365_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl365_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32776</td><td>Auto Construction</td><td>It's easier to under stand how to repair and rebuild cars after you've seen them being put together. This video travels to an automobile factory to take a look at front end assembli es, suspensions, major panels and components, and eight different types of frame s. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to th e standards for the Collision Repair and Refinish Technician Training Certificat

ion Program, from the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence and t he National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation. A Shopware Production. (15 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl366_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl366_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6195</td><td>The Auto Industry</td><td>One of the first indu stries to globalize, the automotive business provides a blueprint for other indu stries. Already highly competitive, car manufacturers who are not lean and at th e cutting edge of cross-border integration face ruin. They also have huge opport unities because emerging nations hunger for more cars. As the trend of global pr oduction by fewer manufacturers accelerates, what factors decide which companies will succeed? We learn from senior executives at Ford, Volkswagen, Peugeot, Lot us and Renault, and DRI, among others. (37 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>37</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl367_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl367_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37330</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 1</td><td>See what's being done to help drivers stay safe in the dark, look at where concept cars mi ght be headed, and take an environmentally friendly ride with a world champion r acer. Innovations featured in this program include: BMW's Night Vision and High Beam Assist systems, the diminutive Mini Geneva and dramatically sculpted Saab A ero X concept cars, Mazda's RX8 hydrogen-power technology, an impressive arsenal of green automotive strategies from Volvo, and the Audi R10 Le Mans-the world's first-ever diesel-powered sports prototype racing car, with commentary by Head of Audi Sport Dr. Wolfgang Ulrich and 24 Hours of Le Mans winner Tom Kristensen. (25 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl368_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl368_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37339</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 10</td><td>Listen in on a driver's conversation with his car, watch General Motors resurrect a class ic, and see what happens when the world's most celebrated racing circus comes to town. Achievements featured in this program include: the OnStar Turn-by-Turn Na vigation system which allows a back-and-forth dialog between commuter and comput er; another GPS system, this one from BMW, which swivels a car's headlamps at th e same angle as its front wheels; the latest version of the Chevy Camaro, with c ommentary from GM head Rick Wagoner; and the fleet of trucks, equipment, and cus tomized parts-as well as the army of elite technicians-that accompany traveling Formula One events. (25 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl369_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl369_lb

lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37340</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 11</td><td>Take a se at inside a state-of-the-art driving simulator, experience a revolution in truck tires, and look at biofuels from the perspective of America's oldest operating car manufacturer. Design developments featured in this program include: the Volv o C30 and its sophisticated safety additions; a dynamic BMW simulator that repro duces the motions and pressures a driver feels behind the wheel; water-dispellin g Michelin tires with Raindrop and Double Wave sipes; and Ford's innovations in hybrid technology-specifically, a computer that can tell a vehicle which propuls ion system to use based on road conditions. Roelant de Waard, Chairman of Ford B ritain, explains the system's benefits. (25 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>25</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl370_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl370_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37341</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 12</td><td>Examine e fforts to cut vehicle pollution, see what goes into designing a winning racer in the 21st century, and discover a futuristic car with an unlikely name-from an u nlikely source. Automotive milestones featured in this program include: the Hydr ogen 7-Series sedan, which puts BMW ahead of the game in hybrid production, alth ough it still can't match a gas-powered car in performance; Britain's Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation, which sets green goals for the year 2010; and a carbo n-fiber-and-Kevlar-bodied two-seater V8 surprise called the Redback Spyder, from Australia's Carbontech-better known for their Lamborghini Countach replicas. (2 5 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl371_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl371_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37342</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 13</td><td>Enjoy the latest in motorsport magic, witness what could be the end of the flat tire, and take a ride across the English Channel-in a small Italian car. Triumphs of inge nuity featured in this program include: the Prodrive P2, the MB Supercar, and th e MIRA track where both were tested; PAX, Michelin's potentially invulnerable au xiliary-supported run-flat tire system; new methods of organization and operatio n in racing pits; and the watertight Panda Terramare 4, a Fiat revamped by Itali an engineer Maurizio Zanisi with an inflatable pontoon and waterjet propulsion s ystem. Zanisi explains the process of developing and testing his prototype, whic h in 2006 he "drove" from England to France, then home to Italy. (24 minutes)</t d><td>2006</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl372_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl372_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>37331</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 2</td><td>Witness th e rebirth of a 40-year-old classic, see what kinds of toxic life forms can grow inside an automobile, and check out a virtual muscle car comparison. Technologic al milestones featured in this program include: the resurrection of BMW's popula r 2002 model four decades after its original release; innovations that combat ev erything from mold and bacteria growth on upholstery to aerodynamic problems on a car's exterior; the sporty design of the Alfa Romeo 159; and computerized simu lations of Mustang and Camaro models-that haven't been designed yet. Stanford Un iversity Center for Turbulence Research director Parviz Moin and Motor Trend exp erts provide insight. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl373_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl373_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37332</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 3</td><td>Watch car design students putting their work to the test, and study revolutionary new form s of vehicles-and roads-that are coming into real-world use. Key developments fe atured in this program include: a silent, battery-powered urban vehicle from Glo bal Electric Motorcars; paving technology made from recycled tires that helps cr eate new highways over old railway lines; the ethanol-powered Dodge Grand Carava n and Ram Flex Fuel vehicles; and the sophisticated design and engineering proce sses that went into the Mercedes Benz R-Class. A visit to Britain's Bruntingthor pe Aerodrome and Proving Ground reveals the challenges faced by students from ar ound the world as they build engineering skills. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td>< td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl374_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl374_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37333</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 4</td><td>Meet a car that parks itself, examine life in the fast lane on two wheels, and explore the ins and outs of seat belts. Noteworthy achievements featured in this program in clude: BMW's experimental Connected Drive model that can literally put itself to bed; the BMW R 1200S motorcycle, which the company hopes will lure riders away from Japanese and Italian sportbikes; and restraint equipment that can improve b oth racing and commuter safety, according to F1 expert Christian Danner and Dr. Johannes Stoiber of the Allianz Centre for Technology. An additional segment sho ws how the computerization of cars is rapidly turning automotive repair into a w hite-collar profession. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl375_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl375_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37334</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 5</td><td>Discover t he secrets of crash testing, how manufacturers and professional testers enhance car safety, and what a modern racing driver wears to work. Driver-friendly innov ations featured in this program include: rigorous procedures used to test the sa fety of the Mercedes-Benz SLK roadster; the painstaking work of the Thatcham Car

Test Center in Great Britain, focusing on everything from brake effectiveness t o seat shape; and pioneering full-body protection, such as computer-designed hel mets and three-layer fire-retardant Nomex suits, considered standard equipment b y today's racers. The importance of anti-theft car security is also explored by the Thatcham researchers. (25 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl376_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl376_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37335</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 6</td><td>See histor y re-created in a modern concept car, visit the hottest test-track on earth, and then go testing again-in the opposite extreme. Automotive landmarks featured in this program include: the BMW 328, unveiled and driven at the 2006 Mille Miglia by nine-time winner Guliano Cane; a hot-weather proving grounds in Arizona, nea r Death Valley-essential for developing safeguards against dust as well as overh eating; and an equally challenging test site in Sweden, north of the Arctic Circ le, used by Volvo and other manufacturers to determine car safety and effectiven ess in icy weather. Die-hard test drivers Rikard Vevang, Anders Polheimer, and V eronica Anderson provide commentary. (25 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>25</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl377_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl377_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37336</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 7</td><td>Sit in on police driver training, explore the common ground between car and motorcycle, an d learn about the long history of victorious V8s. Groundbreaking accomplishments featured in this program include: teaching techniques applied at the Volvo driv ing academy in Sweden, where British cops come to train on icy roads and frozen lakes; the VW GX 3, a three-wheeled two-seater with a motorcycle's lightness and speed; the BMW Clever, or Compact Low Emission Vehicle for Urban Transport, whi ch also has aspects of a bike; and the 70-year saga of celebrated Mercedes-Benz eight-cylinder technology, culminating in the advent of AMG's 6.3-liter model. ( 24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl378_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl378_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37337</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 8</td><td>Learn how automotive technology can prevent single-vehicle crashes, cut down on accidents involving teenage drivers, and reduce Western dependence on fossil fuels. Crucia l advances featured in this program include: electronic stability control, which applies brake pressure selectively to avoid skidding; smart key systems from Vo lvo that won't start an engine for drivers who have been drinking and won't go f aster than 60 kilometers per hour with an inexperienced driver at the wheel; and the development of a process called fast pyrolysis, which extracts fuel from ag ricultural waste and other biomass. In addition, students at Britain's Royal Col lege of Art show off designs for high-tech plastic cars. (25 minutes)</td><td>20

06</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl379_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl379_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37338</td><td>Auto Innovations: Program 9</td><td>Size up re cent offerings from the British luxury car industry, find out how intelligent ca rs keep their passengers safe, and watch the fastest cars in the world get even faster. Feats of automotive design depicted in this program include: the Jaguar XK/R, the Land Rover Freelander, Bentley's Continental GTC and Azure, and the 10 1 EX concept car from Rolls Royce; automatic features developed by Volvo that en able a car to take over driving to prevent or minimize an accident; and product development and part replacement methods essential to Formula One testing. Willi ams F1 Advanced Development Coordinator Gordon Day and Test Team Manager Mike Co ndliffe provide details. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl380_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl380_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37329</td><td>Auto Innovations: The Art and Science of Car E ngineering</td><td>Technology, skill, safety, style-all are crucial in the world of cars. This 13-part series takes an informed and informative look at the past , present, and most of all the future of the automobile. With the help of high-p owered visuals and expert interviews, each program explores state-of-the-art car designs and the forces that shape them-such as economics, environmental concern s, computers, and the search for good old-fashioned driving pleasure. Keep autom otive design or technical courses on track with this finely tuned set of instruc tional tools! 13-part series, 24-25 minutes each.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl381_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl381_lb lPrice">$779.35<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24746</td><td>Auto Shop Safety</td><td>Updated for 2008! Rei nforcing concepts with helpful animation, this program provides crucial knowledg e about accidents that can occur in automotive repair shops. The best ways to pr event them, and the smartest and safest steps to take when they happen, are expl ained. The video covers all major shop areas, including the stall, grease rack, front end rack, tool room, and classroom. Running engines, open fuel lines, weld ing tools, moving cars, cars on lifts or jacks, and other shop hazards are illus trated, with detailed information on avoiding fires, explosions, asphyxiation, c hemical burns, electric shock, and impact injuries. Hybrid vehicle technology is also explored. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is included. A Shopware Production. (20 minutes) Available April 2008.</td><td>1999</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl382_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl382_lb

lPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24748</td><td>Automatic Transmissions</td><td>Automatic Tran smissions is a 29-minute video which is part of the series Drive Trains. This g roup of 6 videos not only provides a general overview of drive trains and how th ey operate, but highlights construction, design, and components. Each video cove rs a specific topic and uses 3-D animation and cutaways to demonstrate working p arts and how they function. Detailed areas are: automotive clutch flywheels press lates bands torque converters set-up transmission designs adjustments s reassembly planetary gear sets drive axle designs part inspection diffe ly. (29 minutes) A Shopware Production.</td><td>1992</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl383_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl383_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37652</td><td>Automotive</td><td>Meet three women who have e mbarked on high-powered careers in the automotive industry. This program profile s Linda Simon, a former hairdresser turned truck driver who works in some very t ough road conditions; Brenda McWilliams, an auto body technician in a state-of-t he-art repair facility; and Danuta Wozniak, who excels as an auto mechanic in a woman-owned shop. Remarks from co-workers and supervisors provide additional lay ers to the descriptions of each job. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl384_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl384_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36069</td><td>Automotive & Transportation Technology, Volume 1</td><td>This 19-program educational video collection covers auto maintenance and repair from bumper to bumper. Programs include: Auto Body Repair Basics Aut o Construction Welding Dings and Scratches Replacing and Adjusting Panels Analysis and Damage Repair Body Alignment Plastics and Adhesives Electrical R s Braking System Repair Surface Preparation and Refinishing Miscellaneous Repa hicle Maintenance and Fluid Service Basic Car Care Heating & Air Conditioning Oper ation Heating & Air Conditioning Diagnosis Heating & Air Conditioning Service otive Measurement Auto Shop Safety Recommended for high school, technical or v ocational school, and training programs. Nineteen full-length videos. (c) 2006. </td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl385_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl385_lb lPrice">$1,599.05<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24744</td><td>Automotive Computer System Operation</td><td>U pdated for 2008! With helpful live-action footage and 3-D computer animation, th is program shows students how to analyze scan-tool data retrieved from OBD II ve hicles. Topics covered include: the concept of cybernetics, or how computerized

monitoring systems are modeled on the human senses; active and passive sensors; the role of computers in antilock brake, suspension control, climate control, hy brid drive, and other functions; and details on actuators of all types, includin g solenoid, servo motor, relay, and dash display. A viewable/printable instructo r's guide is available online. A Shopware Production. (29 minutes)</td><td>2008< /td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl386_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl386_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25078</td><td>Automotive Computer System Service</td><td>Upd ated for 2008! The word "mechanic" doesn't apply to automotive service any longe r-"technician" is more accurate. This program shows students how to use a scan-t ool to diagnose car system problems, covering the following specific topics: pin point tests; active sensor service for oxygen, magnetic, knock, and light or sol ar sensors; passive sensor service for temperature, throttle position, pressure, and flow sensors; sensor replacement; actuator service; and computer service, i ncluding an overview of downloading software directly into a car's computer to u pdate systems. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Sh opware Production. (21 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl387_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl387_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24743</td><td>Automotive Computer Systems</td><td>This serie s provides a basic working knowledge of automotive computer systems. Your studen ts will learn: computer system operation trouble codes scanning tools basic t rocedures. Ford, General Motors, Chrysler, and other makes are discussed. The Co mputer Systems series videos stand alone or can be used as a set for beginning a uto technician students as well as for more advanced classes. A Shopware Product ion.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl388_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl388_lb lPrice">$319.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29064</td><td>Automotive Maintenance and Safety</td><td>Comb ines four safety videos in various subject areas to provide a comprehensive look at this important topic. A Meridian Production.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl389_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl389_lb lPrice">$399.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24752</td><td>Automotive Measurement</td><td>Examines how to

use the precision measuring tools essential to auto mechanics. Demonstrates the use of micrometers, dial indicators, feeler gauges, plastigauges, dial bore gau ges, straight edges and other tools essential to the trade, while showing actual auto part measurements. A Meridian Production. (33 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><t d>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl390_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl390_lb lPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36417</td><td>Autopsy: Life and Death</td><td>It's said that the dead tell no tales-but an autopsy reveals a lot about how a person lived an d died. In this four-part series, world-renowned anatomist Gunther von Hagens an d pathologist John Lee study and dissect human cadavers-preserved through plasti nation, von Hagens' patented process-and clearly illustrate the causes of death. Each program features eye-opening lessons in anatomy and pathology, offering an in-depth look at the intense hands-on training that precedes a career in medici ne. A follow-up to the series Anatomy for Beginners, item #36296. Viewer discret ion is advised. Contains clinically explicit language and demonstrations. 4-part series, 49 minutes each.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl391_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl391_lb lPrice">$519.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35209</td><td>Autry Museum of Western Heritage: Spirit of th e West</td><td>The historical West and the West of the imagination, each controv ersial in its own way, are inseparably intertwined. Through the artifacts on dis play, this program reveals what life was really like during that headlong rush f or gold and glory, freedom and opportunity. Filmed at L.A.'s Autry Museum (now t he Museum of the American West), it depicts America's westward expansion-a drama spanning centuries and combining conflict and conquest with courage and romance -through the stories of the people who made it what it was. The Wild West of Hol lywood and TV is also discussed. A viewable/printable educator's guide is availa ble online. (28 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl392_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl392_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30318</td><td>Autumn: Season of Flame</td><td>This program s avors the peaceful splendor of autumn in Kyoto. First, visits to Kozan-ji Temple , an example of early Kamakura architecture and repository of a painting by Toba Sojo; Sanzen-in Temple, immortalized by 18th-century poet Ueda Akinari; and man y other temples offer views of the region's beautiful red-colored maples. Then, the video covers the autumn festival in Arashiyama, the Jidai Matsuri procession , the fire festival of Kurama, and the Kanikakuni festival, in honor of revered writer Isamu Yoshii. And last, a variety of persimmon-based delicacies are descr ibed, along with an introduction to Cha Kaiseki cuisine at the famous Shimogamo Saryo restaurant. (47 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl393_lb

lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl393_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35419</td><td>The Avant-Garde of the 1920s</td><td>After the horrors of World War I, Latin American writing turned away from what many saw a s ornamental and frivolous experimentation. This program studies the so-called " criticism of Modernismo within Modernismo" in which language reached back to a s impler, more intimate, less urban-centered framework. Investigating the work of several poets and authors of the period-including Enrique Gonzalez Martinez, Jul io Herrera y Reissig, Maria Eugenia Vaz, Leopoldo Lugones, Delmira Agustini, Ram on Lopez Velarde, and Cesar Vallejo-the program reveals complex dynamics of nati onalism and cosmopolitanism, Western literature and indigenous voices, and the s pirit of breaking with the past and of belonging to an artistic tradition. An FF H&S/Tranquilo Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl394_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl394_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37457</td><td>The Avant-Garde of the 1920s-Spanish with Opti onal English Subtitles</td><td>After the horrors of World War I, Latin American writing turned away from what many saw as ornamental and frivolous experimentati on. This program studies the so-called "criticism of Modernismo within Modernism o" in which language reached back to a simpler, more intimate, less urban-center ed framework. Investigating the work of several poets and authors of the periodincluding Enrique Gonzalez Martinez, Julio Herrera y Reissig, Maria Eugenia Vaz, Leopoldo Lugones, Delmira Agustini, Ramon Lopez Velarde, and Cesar Vallejo-the program reveals complex dynamics of nationalism and cosmopolitanism, Western lit erature and indigenous voices, and the spirit of breaking with the past and of b elonging to an artistic tradition. An FFH&S/Tranquilo Production. (Spanish with optional English subtitles, 52 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl395_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl395_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37653</td><td>Aviation</td><td>Students will gain inspiratio n from three courageous women who have entered the aviation field. This program profiles Capt. Tanya Sprathoff, pilot and crew commander of an Aurora CP-140; Is abelle Marsan, an aircraft mechanic who maintains and repairs internal systems o n airliners; and Dawn Patterson, an aircraft structures mechanic responsible for aircraft inspection and repair. Interviews with co-workers and supervisors help to create well-rounded descriptions of each job. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td> <td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl396_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl396_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>3620</td><td>Avogadro's Hypothesis</td><td>This program adva nces Avogadro's hypothesis that equal volumes of gas at the same temperature and pressure can contain equal numbers of particles. It also examines Avogadro's as sertion that each particle of gas can contain no fewer than two atoms and that e ach particle could be called a "molecule." (10 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>10< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl397_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl397_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11386</td><td>Avoiding Infectious and Sexually Transmitted D iseases</td><td>This program provides an overview of how to reduce the risks of contracting infectious diseases of all types, with an emphasis on sexually trans mitted diseases. Major STDs such as HIV and other infectious diseases are profil ed, outlining their risk factors and describing their symptoms. The body's natur al defense mechanisms, including the immune system, the skin, mucous membranes, and enzymes, and medical interventions such as vaccines are discussed. (29 minut es)</td><td>1998</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl398_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl398_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37374</td><td>Avon's Still Calling</td><td>A business model based on door-to-door selling made sense in the 1950s, but today's young adults love to shop-which means tough times for Avon. This case study examines forces t hat have seriously reduced the company's market share and the aggressive steps i t has taken to boost its customer base and rebuild its image. Identifying pivota l socioeconomic factors among women under age 35-including a stronger-than-ever desire for a "retail experience"-the program goes inside Avon's corporate office s and R&D facilities to ascertain its recovery strategy. Viewers will accompany Avon salespeople, including men, on their rounds and explore bold marketing and advertising initiatives led by U.K. Avon president Andrea Slater. (30 minutes)</ td><td>2006</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl399_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl399_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33458</td><td>Ayumu and Ai: Studies in Animal Intelligence</ td><td>Ai is a thoroughly modern chimpanzee: researchers have taught her to be f amiliar with language and numbers, to work with tools, and even how to use a com puter to earn coins to buy treats from a vending machine. In this program, scien tists at the Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, study Ai's son, Ayumu , to see if he will prove capable of picking up the same skills by simply watchi ng his mother and other chimps-and perhaps even surpass them. The astonishing re sults of Ayumu's efforts provide new insights into animal-and human-intelligence . (54 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>53</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl400_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl400_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8686</td><td>The Aztecs</td><td>Aztec myth prophesied that a great city would one day stand on the site where an eagle, perched on a cactus with a serpent in its mouth, was found. Today, Mexico City stands on this mythic al site. Although the Aztec Empire fell on April 28, 1521, when Hernando Cortes and his army defeated Montezuma, traces of the thousand-year-old pre-Columbian e mpire still survive and influence world culture. This program explores Aztec cul ture and history, from the role of human sacrifice in the Aztec religion to thei r agricultural advances. Commentary by scholars, maps, and contemporary accounts provide an overview of the events that both shaped and destroyed an empire. (48 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl401_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl401_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>31475</td><td>Aztecs: The Exposition of a Culture</td><td>Pr esented by sculptor Antony Gormley, this program was created to complement the 2 002-3 exhibition of Aztec culture at London's Royal Academy. Many of the incredi ble works loaned to the exhibit are shown, along with sculptures and artifacts f ilmed in Mexico City and at important Aztec sites. Leading scholars and curators explore how the nomadic Aztecs drew inspiration from earlier cultures. The vari ety and sophistication of Aztec art are extensively illustrated, along with the exquisite craftsmanship of their manuscripts and their jewelry. (37 minutes)</td ><td>2002</td><td>38</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl402_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl402_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32746</td><td>Baalbek: Roman Temple Complex</td><td>On the p lains of Beqaa, on the site of the Phoenician city of Baalbek, stands what is ar guably the world's most impressive testament to Imperial Roman architecture: the gigantic temple complex dedicated to Jupiter, Venus, and Bacchus. Its six-story columns are the tallest ever erected, and its stones-some weighing nearly a tho usand tons-are the largest ever used. In this program, architect Jean-Pierre Ada m, of the National Center of Scientific Research, and Chaker Ghadban, former dir ector of Lebanese antiquities, utilize the existing remains and computer-generat ed animation to demonstrate how the immense temples at Baalbek were built. (27 m inutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl403_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl403_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>29324</td><td>Babel 2015: The Revolution in Architecture</td ><td>What are the physical limitations in the conquest of vertical space? Can th e organic structures of nature offer insights into tall building construction? A nd is "skyscraper" even an appropriate term for architectural wonders intended t o be vertical self-contained cities? This program explores a vision of tomorrow' s highest buildings through the example of the Bionic Tower, a 300-story structu re to be built in China that will utilize bionic architecture. As an alternative to urban sprawl, the Tower is projected to house 100,000 people while taking up only a single square kilometer of ground space. (30 minutes)</td><td>2000</td>< td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl404_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl404_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11877</td><td>Babies' Minds: Piagetian and Kleinian Perspect ives</td><td>How do babies develop an understanding of the people and things tha t populate the world, and at what age do they begin to acquire it? This program examines Jean Piaget's and Melanie Klein's theories on infant mental representat ion. Examples of infant behavior, captured through mother/baby interactions and classic experiments such as basic and A-not-B search tasks, demonstrate differen t stages of babies' abilities to represent permanence. (25 minutes)</td><td>1993 </td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl405_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl405_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32330</td><td>The Baby Care Workshop</td><td>This 9-part ser ies has been designed to teach step-by-step infant care-perfect for teen parenti ng and parenting classes, teacher and school daycare training, and other childca re management instruction. Using a reassuring approach designed to build confide nce, demonstrations are provided by real parents and their babies. The focused, single-subject videos can be easily incorporated into any instructional program, providing a clear introduction to skills in convenient lengths that supplement personal instruction. 9-part series, 10-17 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&n bsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl406_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl406_lb lPrice">$629.55<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30758</td><td>Baby Crash: Causes and Consequences of Declini ng Birthrates</td><td>As the world's population reaches staggering numbers, the populations of Europe, Japan, and Canada have fallen to unprecedented lows. This program analyzes why more and more young women and men from these regions are p ostponing or altogether skipping having children. But as many twenty-somethings opt to pursue career ambitions, enjoy the pleasures of leisure time, or seek the comfort of living with parents, these same regions are supporting huge senior c itizen population segments whose benefits are consuming dwindling societal resou

rces. With fewer employees-to-be in the demographic pipeline, can immigrant work ers compensate for the baby shortfall? (46 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>46</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl407_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl407_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37440</td><td>Baby Sign Language</td><td>"I want my diaper c hanged." "I want to go to sleep." These are two of many examples of what a pre-v erbal child can communicate through American Sign Language. Using the work of re searcher Joseph Garcia, founder of the business Sign with Your Baby, as a platfo rm, this program illustrates the benefits and positive implications of introduci ng ASL to children regardless of whether their hearing is impaired. Parent/child ASL creates a new source of bonding while reducing the frustrations associated with point-and-cry communication-without delaying normal speech development. (10 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl408_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl408_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24758</td><td>Baby Steps: Adjusting to Parenthood</td><td>Th is unique parenting program gives viewers a close look at four diverse families who have successfully adjusted to parenthood. We hear from all types of parents: traditional moms and dads, single parents, adoptive parents, and parents faced with unexpected complications. They each share their own personal experience wit h adjustment, including lack of sleep, added expenses, emotional upheaval, frust ration, and doing it alone. Experts in the field of parenting complement these s tories with tips on juggling all these new responsibilities effectively. The exp erts also share insights about unusual circumstances like health problems and po stpartum depression. By watching this program, viewers learn that becoming a par ent takes time, dedication, and lots of love. And it doesn't happen overnight... it happens in Baby Steps. A Meridian Production. (27 minutes)</td><td>2000</td>< td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl409_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl409_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24759</td><td>Baby's First Year</td><td>This video provides a roadmap for parents and caregivers to help them understand a baby's first 12 m onths of life. Included in this presentation is the identification of key develo pmental issues, with specific regard to the physical, emotional, social, and int ellectual growth an infant undergoes during his or her first year. Interviews wi th experts in the field of child development help to further educate the viewer on how to successfully navigate through this critical time in a child's life. A Meridian Production. (21 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl410_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl410_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34807</td><td>Bach to the Future: An Interactive Music Exper ience</td><td>J. S. Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 takes on new life in this Emmy-nominated Discovery Concert(tm). Conductor George Marriner Maull and the Ph ilharmonic Orchestra of New Jersey create an interactive experience through whic h spectators become intimate with the concerto's third movement and the structur e of a fugue. Engaging the live audience in spirited conversation, Maull cajoles them into listening carefully to excerpts played by the orchestra and offering candid responses. A listening guide accompanies the program-providing a visual m eans with which to follow the music-as well as a study guide with helpful exerci ses and a vocabulary list for teachers. Both guides are available at www.films.c om. (58 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl411_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl411_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10883</td><td>Back to the Basics: A Five-Part Series on Busi ness</td><td>Back to the Basics is a five-part series designed to introduce youn g adults to the work world. It addresses the issues of Problem Solving, Conflict Resolution and Etiquette, Communication Skills, Stress Management, and Professi onal Image. Specialists in career planning, organizational behavior, and work place wellness share their advice on how to navigate the business world successf ully. A diverse group of young adults also share their experiences in the wor kforce, giving the viewer a complete look at what works and what doesn't. The en tire series is led by a host who shares information from our research, tests vie wers on their current skills, and introduces each of the program's players. A fter watching these programs, viewers will know how to act and react in any busi ness situation, providing a comfortable, knowledgeable start to any career. A Ca mbridge Educational Production. 5-part series, 18-23 minutes each.</td><td>2000< /td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl412_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl412_lb lPrice">$349.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35551</td><td>Backstage</td><td>The "magic" of theater is th e result of rigorous planning, hard work, and the finely honed skills of artisan s and designers. This program takes viewers inside the technical process of moun ting a stage play. Focusing on a theater company's major production departmentsset, prop, costume, makeup, lighting, and sound-the video shows how the knowledg e and labor of theater technicians comes to life. Information about model fabric ation, painting techniques, flats and bracing, scene changes, hand props, furnit ure, statues and masks, period suits and dresses, light rigging, and mic placeme nt makes this the ultimate hands-on authority for theater courses and workshops. (2 hours 4 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>125</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl413_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl413_lb

lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>39019</td><td>Bacterialand</td><td>One day, microbes will el iminate our dirt and garbage, filter our exhaust systems, and help make self-cle aning clothing possible. This program takes viewers on a global journey-from the U.S. to Iceland, Sweden, India, China, Senegal, and Australia-to meet the world 's leading specialists in bacteriology and discover the incredible abilities of the microscopic life-forms they study. Employing state-of-the-art imaging techno logy and animation, the program illustrates how bacteria have learned to adapt t o harsh environments and how they can be found in a vast array of human-made pro ducts and materials, including medicines, pesticides, plastics, solvents, and ev en electro-acoustic speakers. (52 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl414_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl414_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7338</td><td>"Bad Blood"</td><td>The modern consequences of an ancient human obsession, the fear of inheriting bad genes, are explored in th is program. In Hiroshima, Steve Jones speaks with hibakusha-children of atom bom b survivors, shunned as dangerous mates-and assesses the genetic risk that their children will be mutants. The royal blood disease, hemophilia, is traced throug h the genes, but Jones scientifically disproves the theory that Queen Victoria, whose son carried the disease, was its genetic source. A genetic dating service tests applicants for defective genes. A mutant gene that causes restricted growt h is studied in combination with other causal factors, such as age and sex. Orig inal BBC broadcast title: Rules of Engagement. (50 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td >50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl415_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl415_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>26326</td><td>The Bake Station</td><td>The bake station is w here breads, cakes, and pastries are prepared. It is often set apart from other stations because much of the work is done early in the day to ensure items will be ready on time. Although some baked goods are delivered pre-made, for those wi lling to learn the right skills, homemade baked goods offer great rewards and ca n give a food establishment its own identity. This video provides a comprehensiv e look at the equipment, tools, ingredients, and techniques. Yeast breads, quick breads, cakes, cookies, pies, and pastries are all covered and special demonstr ations given. High-quality baking is a great way to customer satisfaction and a valuable skill to acquire in the food service business! (14 min.) A Meridian Pro duction.</td><td>2000</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl416_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl416_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>33743</td><td>Balance</td><td>This program focuses on the co mponents of our sense of balance. Stunt coordinator Marc Cass demonstrates how t he balance organs inform us of how we are moving. At the Circus School, in San F rancisco, a troupe of acrobats illustrates how eyes control balance by calculati ng what our bodies are doing in relation to the outside world. Dr. Ros Davies, f rom the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, examines why alcohol c onsumption worsens balance. The cause of seasickness is also discussed, and a tr ip onboard an infamous roller coaster, the Russian Vomit Comet, reveals the "why " behind the sickening results for first-time riders. A BBCW Production. (30 min utes)</td><td>2003</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl417_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl417_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34223</td><td>The Balancing Act: Security and Liberty Post-9 /11</td><td>CNN journalist Frank Sesno moderates this energetic and informative program exploring the post-9/11 relationship between security and personal freed om in America. Seven distinguished panelists-including USA PATRIOT Act author Vi et Dinh, bioterrorism specialist Margaret Hamburg, and Harvard Kennedy School of Government professor Juliette Kayyem-confront scenarios involving hypothetical attacks on American soil. Their discussions examine such critical issues as inde finite detainment, the rights of Arab-Americans, the relevance of the Freedom of Information Act, and varying interpretations of USA PATRIOT Act Section 215. (5 8 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl418_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl418_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36174</td><td>Balancing Learning Standards with Diverse Lear ning Needs</td><td>If diversity and special needs are prominent factors in a lea rning environment, teachers may have to juggle mandated standards with students' personal challenges. This video addresses that balancing act, demonstrating how experienced educators have mastered it. Focusing on multilevel instructional pl anning, the program explores the use of educational channels, individualized sup port, and interpersonal engagement-showing how to deliver lessons and assess stu dent progress based on communication style, learning preference, and other varia bles. An extensive bonus interview with Dr. Diane Ashby, Dean of Illinois State University's College of Education, is included. A viewable/printable instructor' s guide is available online. (18 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl419_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl419_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>20351</td><td>Balsa Wood Model Bridges</td><td>This video is an informative and exciting look at the basics of engineering. One of the best ways to learn how something works is to examine it when it didn't work and discu ss why it failed. This idea is demonstrated by a secondary school class that bui lds models of bridges from balsa wood. The forces that work against real structu

res, such as live loads, people and cars, dead loads, the weight of the structur e itself, and stress from weather, are simulated in the classroom. They learn ma ny different stresses that structures endure and how to control those stresses w ith structural design. An examination of various bridge structures, like a beam bridge, an arch bridge, and a tension bridge, illustrates which designs are most appropriate for specific stresses. The best model bridges are determined when t hey are tested for their strength against the forces. A must for those intereste d in design and engineering. One 19-minute video. A Shopware Production.</td><td >1995</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl420_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl420_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24762</td><td>Band Saw</td><td>Band Saw is a twenty-six minu te video which is part of the series, Woodworking Tools.This series explains the basic operation of each woodworking tool, how each is adjusted, how blades are changed, and how each is used for specialty operations. Safety is stressed throu ghout. (26 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1991</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl421_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl421_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35533</td><td>Band Saws and Scroll Saws</td><td>Whenever a p roject throws you a curve, it's time to turn on the band saw or scroll saw. This video features both. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available onlin e. Correlates to competency standards for core curriculum and carpentry from the National Center for Construction Education & Research. A Shopware Production. ( 21 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl422_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl422_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4554</td><td>A Banker's Apprenticeship</td><td>Hilmar Kopper , Chairman/Speaker, Deutsche BankThe chairman of Germany's largest bank never we nt to college, rising instead through the country's legendary apprenticeship sys tem, a combination of classroom and on-the-job training. In a wide-ranging and e nlightening conversation, Hilmar Kopper describes how apprenticeship shapes Germ an corporate philosophy and how German bankers are able to develop successfully a long-term outlook while other countries-including ours-often do little more th an pay lip service to investing for the future. (54 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td> <td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl423_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl423_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>34154</td><td>Bankers, Builders, and New Beginnings</td><td> This program illustrates life from the perspective of the medieval merchant: urb an, financially sophisticated, and revolving around trade and travel. Demonstrat ing how the growth of European cities prefaced the end of feudal society and the founding of major universities-while unfortunately enabling the spread of the B lack Plague-the program reveals surprising facts regarding city planning, bankin g practices, cartography, and the skyscrapers of the Middle Ages, cathedrals. In essence, a new civilization emerges in this final episode of Europe in the Midd le Ages, due in part to the creation of urban centers as bases for global explor ation and conquest. Portions are in other languages with English subtitles. (53 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl424_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl424_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34653</td><td>Barbie's Midlife Crisis: Mighty Mattel Fights Back</td><td>At 44, Barbie had been the queen of fashion dolls for generations o f children. But her sales and profits began to slip as she was forced to fend of f attacks from enemies both new and old: the fashion-conscious Bratz pack and Si ndy, a former rival that may yet prove to be her nemesis. After providing Barbie 's history and some background on competitors, this program focuses on Mattel's strategy, which includes giving traditional Barbie a makeover, dumping Ken, and unleashing My Scene Barbie on the Bratz-all to capture the potent new KGOY (kids growing older younger) market. Original BBCW broadcast title: Barbie's Midlife Crisis. (30 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl425_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl425_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24764</td><td>Basic Car Care</td><td>Updated for 2008! This is an excellent program for anyone owning and operating a motor vehicle, in part icular beginning auto mechanics courses and driver's education classes. It bring s a basic owner's manual "to life" and summarizes the tasks that can and should be done without the use of specialized tools. The program covers checking and ad ding fluids, inspecting for obvious problems with belts and hoses, changing a fl at tire, using jumper cables on a dead battery, paint touch-up and care, body lu brication, lightbulb replacement, and much more. Note: A short segment on career s in the auto care business has been added. Correlates to all applicable Nationa l and State Educational Standards including the NCLB Act. A Cambridge Educationa l Production. (24 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl426_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl426_lb lPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32248</td><td>Basic Clerical Skills</td><td>This two-part se ries focuses on key concepts to help young adults put their best foot forward wh en joining the work force in an entry-level position. The basic skills needed to

survive and prosper in a business office are addressed: how to file, sort mail, organize a desk for maximum efficiency, prioritize tasks, and provide good cust omer service. Viewers also learn about punctuality, dependability, and neatnessthree important skills that every employee needs on every job. Viewable/printabl e instructor's guides are available online. Correlates to the National Business Education Association's National Standards for Business Education. A Meridian Pr oduction. 2-part series, 16-19 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl427_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl427_lb lPrice">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8024</td><td>Basic Clerical Skills for New Employees</td><td >This unique video explains to beginning workers the basic skills needed to surv ive and prosper. Uses a seminar format interspersed with on-the-job scenerios to show viewers how to file, sort mail, use the business telephone properly, organ ize their desks for maximum efficiency, and prioritize tasks. They also learn th e general skills that every employee needs on every job-punctuality, neatness, a nd responsibility. Accompanying worksheets provide practice in each of these res ponsibilities while reinforcing essential work habits. Excellent preparation for working in an office!A Cambridge Educational Production. One 30-minute video.</ td><td>1992</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl428_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl428_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34605</td><td>Basic Driving Tactics</td><td>Can you operate 3,000 pounds of heavy machinery powered by continuous explosions? You must be ab le to, if you want to drive a car. NASCAR star David Reutimann explains the basi cs of automobile control in this video, guiding students from their first time b ehind the wheel to the essentials of driving and parking on public streets. High lighting mental as well as physical preparation, the program covers starting up, accelerating, braking, shifting, steering, turning, and all the steps that go i nto safely handling a vehicle. Students will also learn the fundamental rules of the road, including how to read signs, signals, and surface markings. A viewabl e/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to National Healt h Education Standards: Achieving Health Literacy; Joint Committee for National S chool Health Education and the American Cancer Society; and National Educational Technology Standards. A Meridian Production. (21 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td> 21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl429_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl429_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24768</td><td>Basic Hand Sewing</td><td>Demonstrates basic h and stitches, back stitch, basting, chain, blind stitch, etc. and the appropriat e use for each. Needle types and thread considerations for different purposes ar e explained as well as the proper threading of a needle. (15 min.) A Meridian Pr

oduction.</td><td>1991</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl430_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl430_lb lPrice">$57.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31971</td><td>Basic Methods of Measuring and Cutting</td><td >After reviewing the English and metric measurement systems, this video demonstr ates how to measure and mark lumber and then cut with handsaws and portable powe r saws. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Shopware Production. (13 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl431_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl431_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8151</td><td>Basic Parenting Skills</td><td>This program pre sents an overview of basic parenting skills in a dramatic format. The story invo lves several young people experiencing the frustrations of parenting. Discipline is presented as a system for reinforcing positive behavior. Practical technique s for dealing with tantrums and other undesirable behavior are included. The imp ortance of a relationship of love and respect between parent and child is discus sed as the basis for effective discipline, communication, and the creation of se lf-esteem. Specific ideas for building a healthy parent-child relationship are e xamined. A Cambridge Educational Production. (53 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>5 3</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl432_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl432_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8758</td><td>The Basics</td><td>A look at some of the machin es that use small gas engines (including an all-terrain vehicle, snowmobile, out board motor, chainsaw, generator, and pump); safety practices, including working in well-ventilated areas, and storing fuel in sealed containers; the right tool s (and the right-sized tools) for the right jobs; the four-point check for a qui ck engine diagnosis: checking fuel, spark, compression, and lubrication.</td><td >1997</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl433_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl433_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6686</td><td>Bass Instruments</td><td>This program discusses the instruments in the bass section of an orchestra-particularly the double bas s. We see how the double bass, originally developed as an accompanying instrumen t, was used more prominently by such musical notables as double bass virtuoso an d conductor Serge Kussevitzky-mentor of the late Leonard Bernstein. Music by Hay

dn and others illustrates the use of other bass instruments, including the tuba, bass cornet, serpent, ophicleide, bass saxophone, and bass horn. (28 minutes)</ td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl434_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl434_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11180</td><td>Batak: Ancient Spirits, Modern World</td><td>T his program featuring sociocultural anthropologist James Eder-author of On the R oad to Tribal Extinction-travels to the island of Palawan in the Philippines arc hipelago to document the Batak tribe's eco-friendly hunter/gatherer way of life. Repeatedly displaced by immigrants and increasingly driven to take part in the island's growing cash economy, the tenacious Batak struggle to maintain their cu ltural and spiritual identity while attempting to adapt to the modern world. Can conservationists, who approve of their sustainable methods of harvesting, help to secure the tribe's ancestral forest before it is all lost? Contains nudity. ( 50 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl435_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl435_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32331</td><td>Bath Time</td><td>This program will take you s tep-by-step through the proper way to bathe your baby in a safe, comfortable, an d convenient manner. (12 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl436_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl436_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32560</td><td>Bath Time-in Spanish</td><td>This program will take you step-by-step through the proper way to bathe your baby in a safe, comf ortable, and convenient manner. (14 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl437_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl437_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33310</td><td>Bathing</td><td>Throughout early childhood, th e ritual of bathing is an important opportunity for children to develop an objec tive understanding of the body. In this program, mental health specialists and o thers immerse themselves in the subject of bathing, examining how it bonds paren ts with their babies and helps shape a child's self-perception. Footage of paren ts and their children offers additional opportunities to observe how hygiene, cu lture, and socialization intersect in the bath, promoting indispensable emotiona l exchanges. Infantile sexuality, toilet training, and childhood illness are als o considered. Not available in French-speaking Canada. (54 minutes)</td><td>1999

</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl438_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl438_lb lPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35453</td><td>The Battle for Islam</td><td>A far-reaching ex ploration of Islam after 9/11, this program follows renowned scholar Ziauddin Sa rdar on an eye-opening journey through Morocco, Turkey, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Sardar interviews Muslims with widely varying political leanings-incl uding Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf, other government leaders, women's r ights activists, and a cleric who promotes an extremely conservative form of Sha ria. The program exposes the tension between pluralistic and hard-liner mentalit ies growing within the Muslim world, and concludes that moderation and tolerance , rather than zealotry and terror, will ensure the continued strength of the fai th. A BBCW Production. Some interviews are in other languages with English subti tles. (63 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>63</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl439_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl439_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33211</td><td>The Battle for the Language of the Bible</td>< td>In late-medieval England, English quietly ousted French in law and government - but the move to make it God's language meant bloodshed. This program looks at the battle for a Bible in English, a struggle with huge impact on the language i tself. Dramatic readings from successive English Bibles show the language's evol ution. Location footage and original manuscripts illustrate key figures and even ts, such as John Wycliffe, the Lollards, and the first English Bible; William La ngland's Piers Plowman; Henry V's official correspondence; the role of the Chanc ery or English civil service; William Caxton's printing press; William Tyndale's translation; and the King James Bible. (52 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>52</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl440_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl440_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3192</td><td>The Battle of Glorieta Pass: Gettysburg of the West</td><td>This program uses contemporary journals and letters and battlefield reenactments to focus on the Western strategy in the Civil War and explain one of the most intriguing scenarios in American history. Union forces had abandoned Albuquerque and Santa Fe; the Rebels were headed West, their goal to reach Cali fornia and secure the Southwest. The brutal Battle of Glorieta Pass on March 28, 1862, concluded when Union men slipped into the Rebel rear and burned the enemy wagon trains. With no more supplies, without food or ammunition, the Confederat es abandoned their New Mexico camp: a bitter defeat made even more bitter by his tory's failure to accord these soldiers their full measure of glory. (28 minutes , b&w)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl441_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl441_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8533</td><td>The Battle of Hastings</td><td>October 14, 1066 , was a day that saw the history of England and Europe change forever. This prog ram describes the Battle of Hastings in its entirety: the position of Harold II' s Anglo-Saxon army near a village that today is simply called "Battle," William of Normandy's surprise attack from Telham Hill, the cavalry charges and hand-tohand fighting that steadily weakened Harold's troops, and the death of King Haro ld himself-shot through the eye with an arrow. In addition, Dr. David Chandler, military historian and former Head of War Studies at Sandhurst, discusses the st rategy and tactics used by both sides. (30 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>30</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl442_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl442_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8532</td><td>The Battle of Quebec</td><td>As the North Ameri can colonies of France and Great Britain continued to spread, friction and outri ght violence between New France and New England became inevitable. Placing the F rench and Indian War in its larger political context, this program traces the wa r's progress to the Battle of Quebec. In a bold stroke, the British deployed on the Plains of Abraham under cover of darkness-and a mere fifteen minutes of comb at spelled the beginning of the end of 150 years of French colonial rule. (31 mi nutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl443_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl443_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37524</td><td>Battle of the Brains: The Case for Multiple In telligences</td><td>For decades, IQ tests have been the gold standard for measur ing intelligence. But is one standardized test really adequate for every taker? This program advocates a different approach, creating an array of unusual challe nges to assess brainpower and positing an argument for the interplay of multiple intelligences. Assisted by the insights of Harvard's Howard Gardner and experts using brain scanning technology at UC Davis' M.I.N.D. Institute, the program br ings together a group of obviously bright and talented people and presents them with trials of all shapes and sizes. The results establish the validity of measu ring not just what people know but also the equally important ways in which they exercise their practical, creative, emotional, and kinesthetic IQs. A BBCW Prod uction. (50 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl444_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl444_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>1481</td><td>The Battle of Verdun</td><td>The battle that ma rked the turning point of World War I, the epitome of trench warfare, and so cos tly in human life that France may never have recovered. (26 minutes, b&w)</td><t d>1986</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl445_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl445_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35200</td><td>Battling Eating Disorders</td><td>Anorexia and other eating disorders exert a frightening degree of control over millions of t eenagers, especially young women. Manifested in so-called "Pro-Ana" websites, wh ich actively promote anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating, the mental and physica l grip of these sicknesses can prove impossible to break. This program represent s a powerful weapon in the battle against eating disorders, pinpointing their or igins in body image and self-esteem issues, illustrating their grim consequences in crystal-clear terms, and offering students, parents, teachers, and counselor s a rich source of information and support. Hosted by The Sopranos' Jamie-Lynn S igler, herself a survivor of teenage anorexia, the video explains how to recogni ze eating disorders, how friends and loved ones should communicate their fears a nd concerns, and how those who suffer from these often fatal illnesses can find professional help. Special emphasis is placed on identifying anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating as actual diseases, not as misguided lifestyle choices-a realiz ation necessary for effective treatment. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to National Health Education Standards: Achievi ng Health Literacy and state standards. A Meridian Production. (29 minutes)</td> <td>2006</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl446_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl446_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33781</td><td>Bauhaus: Less Is More</td><td>This program pro vides an outstanding historical overview of Bauhaus, the most controversial and forward-looking school of art and design of its time. The conflicting artistic p hilosophies of the school's key figures are considered, from Walter Gropius' esp ousal of expressionism to Laszlo Moholy-Nagy's overriding belief that fewer aest hetic ambitions would yield more functional products-that less is more. With a s tellar faculty that also included Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky, Marcel Breuer, J osef Albers, and Mies van der Rohe, the Bauhaus inspired the artistic and constr uctivist principles that gave rise to many icons of 20th-century design and arch itecture. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production. (32 minutes)</td><td >2005</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl447_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl447_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6271</td><td>Bauhaus: The Face of the 20th Century</td><td>T his stunning program looks at the development of the Bauhaus and at the key figu res involved in it-including the founder Walter Gropius, his successor Mies van

der Rohe, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, and Josef Albers. The program also sets the histor y of the Bauhaus in the context of the political unrest and economic chaos of th e Weimar Republic in Germany. The program features numerous experts including Ch ristopher Frayling of the Royal College of Art, architectural historian Charles Jencks, and Dr. Peter Hahn, Director of the Bauhaus Archive in Berlin. Former st udents discuss their time at the Bauhaus, and the eminent architect Philip Johns on tells how it influenced his work. The program contains rare archival footage of the Bauhaus at Dessau and looks at the architecture of Chicago, much influenc ed by Mies van der Rohe, who emigrated there after the Bauhaus was shut by the N azis in 1933. (50 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl448_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl448_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34556</td><td>Be Prepared for Global Warming</td><td>Accordi ng to many scientists, global warming is irreversible-but its progress can be sl owed, its impact managed. This program examines strategies, many of them in oper ation, designed to protect land and populations made vulnerable by rapidly risin g worldwide temperatures. From life-saving weather forecast methods in Mozambiqu e to fishery replenishment systems in Vietnam, a range of innovations are studie d-but the focus is not only on the developing world. Detailing struggles against drought and violent climate in the United States, Australia, and the Netherland s, Be Prepared clearly shows that global warming recognizes no national boundari es. Original title: The Heat Is On: Better Be Prepared. (51 minutes)</td><td>200 3</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl449_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl449_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34280</td><td>Beating Depression</td><td>This program comes to grips with depression through the experiences of five patients whose backgrou nds span the socioeconomic spectrum. Three cases of chronic depression, one of w hich is complicated by borderline personality disorder and another by alcohol ab use, and two cases of bipolar disorder, one of which is extreme, are presented. The overarching message? Patients with depression can stabilize and lead fulfill ing lives if they accept their condition and proactively address it. Antidepress ants, psychiatric therapy, acupuncture, and other modalities are touched upon as components of a tailored treatment plan. (46 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>46</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl450_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl450_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36422</td><td>Beautiful Minds: The Psychology of the Savant< /td><td>In the field of brain research there is no subject more intriguing than the savant-an individual with mental, behavioral, or even physical disability wh o possesses acute powers of observation, mathematical aptitude, or artistic tale nt. This three-part series provides an enthralling look into the psychology and

neuroscience of the savant's mysterious world. 3-part series, 53 minutes each.</ td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl451_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl451_lb lPrice">$449.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37080</td><td>The Beauty Backlash</td><td>With its "Real Bea uty" information and marketing campaign, the Dove brand struck a chord with wome n skeptical of unhealthy or absurd standards of attractiveness. But did the camp aign have the widespread impact Dove intended? And what are the implications for the global cosmetics and fashion industries? This program investigates consumer reactions against the idealized images of beauty promoted by TV, movies, and gl ossy magazines, while exploring the complex relationship between corporate strat egy and feminine self-esteem. High-level insights concerning Dove, L'Oreal, and advertising giant Saatchi & Saatchi provide a fascinating departure point for so cioeconomic discourse. (29 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl452_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl452_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31779</td><td>Becoming American: The Chinese Experience</td> <td>What does it mean to become American? What is lost and what is gained in the process? In interviews with historians, descendants, and recent immigrants, thi s powerful Bill Moyers series explores these questions through dramatic encounte rs of the Chinese in America. The larger themes of that experience are made movi ngly personal through candid conversations with author Gish Jen, Nobel prize-win ning physicist Samuel Ting, AIDS researcher David Ho, business executive Shirley Young, and artist and architect Maya Lin. 6 hours total.</td><td>2003</td><td>& nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl453_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl453_lb lPrice">$559.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10864</td><td>Beef, Inc.: Fat Profits and Lean Standards</td ><td>As traditional cattle-raising by independent producers is displaced by the intense livestock production of agribusiness giants, consumers are paying the pr ice. This in-depth program examines the practices of North American meat multina tionals, which raise livestock on huge feedlots. Genetic engineering, growth hor mones, antibiotics, the monopolization of world markets, and other issues are ad dressed, along with concerns that these beefed-up cattle pose risks both to cons umer health and to the world's economy-and do not taste very good, either. (51 m inutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl454_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl454_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>37481</td><td>Beetalker: The Secret World of Bees</td><td>Fo r biologist Mark Winston, bees aren't just insects. Their behavior, as well as t heir physical characteristics, sheds light on the interconnectedness of all life . This program presents an overview of Winston's distinguished career while focu sing on his most recent activities-specifically, passing on his extensive knowle dge to the next generation of entomologists. Having identified nine queen pherom ones and studied hundreds of bee colonies, Winston is now moving into a cross-di sciplinary phase-one in which bee rituals and honeycomb building techniques prov ide rich insight for artists, philosophers, urban planners, and environmental sc ientists. (46 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl455_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl455_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10583</td><td>Before I Die: Medical Care and Personal Choice s</td><td>In the drive to save lives, American medical technology prolongs the d ying process for many, creating a number of end-of-life scenarios that have done much to rob death of its dignity and significance. This Fred Friendly Seminar, moderated by Harvard Law School's Arthur Miller, brings together a diverse group of panelists, including Yale professor Sherwin Nuland, author of How We Die; bi oethicist Arthur Caplan, of the University of Pennsylvania; Rabbi Maurice Lamm, of Yeshiva University; and Anna Quindlen, author and Pulitzer Prize-winning colu mnist. Together they confront medical and cultural issues such as advance direct ives, palliative care, physician-assisted suicide, the need to re-spiritualize t he dying process, and the overall difficulty of discussing death. A Discussion G uide and other resources are located online at (60 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl456_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl456_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14566</td><td>Beginning Sewing Techniques</td><td>This video can be used for step-by-step sewing, beginning with a trip to a fabric store wh ere the viewer will learn to select a pattern, appropriate fabric, and notions r equired to make a basic skirt and blouse. This includes taking one's measurement s to determine pattern size, making minor pattern adjustments for fit, and selec ting essential sewing equipment. Construction techniques demonstrated for a skir t include darts, tucks, and gathers; side pockets; seams and seam finishes; cent ered zipper application; waistband and closures; and hemming by hand. Techniques demonstrated for a blouse include darts and tucks; stay-stitching; neck and fro nt facings, interfacing, grading seams, and understitching; seams and seam finis hes; set-in sleeves; top stitching; buttonholes and buttons; and hemming. Emphas is is on construction techniques that are basic to sewing a variety of easy-to-m ake garments. A Cambridge Educational Production. One 60-minute video and manual .</td><td>1988</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl457_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl457_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11843</td><td>Beginning the Journey...</td><td>Virtually eve ryone can benefit from a better understanding and knowledge of child development . Current or future caregivers should know why children think, act, and feel as they do, as well as how to interact most effectively with them. Parents and pare nts-to-be will undoubtedly find information and skills related to child developm ent useful. Even those who never have had the responsibility of caring for child ren can gain a better understanding of themselves from studying their growth. Th is five-part series will walk the viewer through the early stages of life's jour ney, beginning with prenatal development and concluding with early adolescence. A Meridian Production. 5-part series, 20-22 minutes each.</td><td>2001</td><td>& nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl458_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl458_lb lPrice">$399.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30045</td><td>Beginning with Bonjour: Hello and What Follows </td><td>This program covers how to greet friends, introduce oneself to stranger s, talk about where one comes from, and tell what one does for a living. Setting s include an exhibition of rare books, a yacht race, an opera festival, a youth orchestra performance, and numerous other locales. "Bienvenue en France!" Origin al BBC broadcast title: Talk French, Program 1. (French and English, 16 minutes) </td><td>2000</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl459_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl459_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7048</td><td>The Beginnings: The Greeks and Romans</td><td>T his program traces Greek civilization from the Minoans to the city-states domina ted by Athens. The Trojan War, Marathon, Thermopylae, and Salamis are discussed as major historical turning points. The rise of the Roman Empire and its 500-yea r dominance of Europe and the Mediterranean are attributed to its engineering an d architectural expertise and military prowess. Emperor Diocletian, Constantine, and the invasion of the Visigoths are discussed in relationship to the 5th-cent ury downfall of the Empire. (25 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl460_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl460_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30325</td><td>Behind a Mask: Six Women Finding a Space to Wr ite</td><td>This classic program explores the obstacles overcome by six prominen t female authors: Louisa May Alcott, Emily Dickinson, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Virginia Woolf, Sylvia Plath, and Alice Walker. On-location footage at sites suc h as Alcott's Orchard House in Concord, Massachusetts, complements discussion fr om an array of critics and experts, including Dr. Carolyn Heilbrun, author of Wr iting a Woman's Life; Professor Elaine Showalter of Princeton University; Dr. Sa

rah Elbert, author of A Hunger for Home: Louisa May Alcott's Place in American C ulture; Madeleine Stern, Alcott's biographer and editor; and Dr. Leona Rostenber g, who, together with Stern, proved that Alcott wrote many sensationalist storie s under a pseudonym. (50 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl461_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl461_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34119</td><td>Behind the Big Bang Theory</td><td>This Scienc e Screen Report demonstrates how the Big Bang is thought to have occurred, and e xamines principles scientists use to support the theory. Beginning with the esta blishment of the concept in 1948, the program guides students through the detect ion of the Cosmic Background Radiation in the 1960s, which provided solid eviden ce of the Big Bang, to the ways in which the Hubble Space Telescope and terrestr ial facilities have helped scientists elaborate on this centerpiece of modern co smology. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to National Science Education Standards. Produced in association with the Accre ditation Board for Engineering and Technology and the Junior Engineering Technic al Society. (16 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl462_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl462_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29851</td><td>Behind the Camera</td><td>From animal trainers and makeup artists to computer-generated special effects technicians and film l aboratory specialists, this captivating series provides an overview of exciting careers in movie and TV show production. Offering something for everyone, these programs can help students see for themselves what it's like to work in two of t oday's fastest-growing industries. 12-part series, 27 minutes each.</td><td>2001 </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl463_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl463_lb lPrice">$839.40<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30471</td><td>Behind the Mask of Sanity: Psychopathy</td><td >In this program, psychopathy specialist Robert Hare; forensic psychiatrist Anth ony Hempel; Tonmoy Sharma, of the Institute of Psychiatry, in London; and behavi oral neuroscientist Marnie Rice analyze the differences between psychopathic kil lers and psychotic killers. Could neurological and physiological abnormalities i n the brain, such as a smaller-than-average amygdala, account for psychopathic b ehavior? Cody Mitten, who murdered his divorced mother, and child killer David K rueger are profiled. "I felt like a god-it was the power of God over a human bei ng," says Krueger. Original BBC broadcast title: The Mask of Sanity. (50 minutes )</td><td>2000</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl464_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl464_lb

lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8991</td><td>Behind the Scenes at the Royal Shakespeare Comp any</td><td>This indispensable two-part series-guaranteed to generate enthusiasm -allows theater and drama students a glimpse of the world behind the theater cur tain. 2-part series, 25 minutes each.</td><td>1998</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl465_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl465_lb lPrice">$299.90<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10801</td><td>Behind the Scenes in TV/Film Production</td><t d>What is it like to work in one of the world's most exciting communications ind ustries? Going behind the scenes on the set of the TV show Dr. Quinn, Medicine W oman, this program provides an inside look at careers in television and film. In terviews with industry professionals provide a clear picture of the training, du ties, and job opportunities offered by the positions of producer, assistant prod ucer, director, assistant director, stuntperson, special effects technician, mak eup artist, wardrobe specialist, camera operator, lighting technician, audio tec hnician, gaffer, grip, and best boy. A Meridian Production. (26 minutes)</td><td >1996</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl466_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl466_lb lPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>17683</td><td>Behind the Scenes-Hospitality/Hotels</td><td>W hat happens behind the scenes at a major hotel, from the moment you enter the lo bby until checkout time? This video takes an up-close look at the variety of peo ple it takes to make a person's stay away from home comfortable and pleasant in every way. Beginning with the doorman and bellhop, moving on to the check-in des k, peeking into the storage closets where all the linens are stored, and even ge tting inside the business offices, we will see that there are lots of job possib ilities in the fast-growing hospitality business. One 21-minute video. A Meridia n Production.</td><td>2001</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl467_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl467_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24782</td><td>Behind the Scenes-Printing</td><td>From the da ily newspaper to the ticket that admits you to the movie, the printing industry is responsible for most of the magazines, brochures, flyers, coupons, and poster s that you read. This program is a must for students interested in graphic arts and the printing industry. One 16-minute video. A Meridian Production.</td><td>2 001</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl468_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl468_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6933</td><td>Behind the Smoke Screen: Facts about Tobacco Us e</td><td>Sadly, tobacco use among young people is on the increase. This program , targeted at middle and high school students in both urban and rural areas, tri es to persuade viewers not to smoke or chew tobacco, and coaches them on how to quit if they already do. The focus is on the toll which nicotine takes on the bo dy. Graphic examples of people with emphysema, chronic bronchitis, cancer of the larynx, and cancerous mouth lesions drive home the point. The effects of smokin g during pregnancy, cigar smoking, and secondary smoke are also addressed. Overa ll, tobacco use is portrayed as an overwhelmingly undesirable habit, likely to h inder social and job prospects, as well as shorten one's life. (30 minutes)</td> <td>1997</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl469_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl469_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>12113</td><td>Behind the Veil: Afghan Women under Fundamenta lism</td><td>For women living in Afghanistan under repressive Taliban rule, beat ings, rape, and enslavement were commonplace occurrences. This gripping program, filmed during the Taliban's regime, describes the massive human rights abuses t hat escalated after the withdrawal of Soviet forces, as seen through the eyes of women who survived years of rampant gender and religious intolerance. Resistanc e activities carried out by women's groups inside the country are also documente d, as they fought for freedom and democracy. Some content may be objectionable. (26 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl470_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl470_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33900</td><td>Beijing Opera Masks: The Face of Chinese Tradi tion</td><td>This program enters the world of Beijing opera through the traditio nal art of mask-making-and through the eyes of 76-year-old Xiang Qi Shang, a cel ebrated mask maker who has devoted his life to preserving a custom that may yet be lost in China's rush to modernization. Master Xiang demonstrates his remarkab le brushwork as he comments on a range of topics, including the use of facial ex pression to illuminate a character's personality and the application of symbolic colors to aid in audience recognition. Facial painting in Beijing opera is also discussed. (17 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl471_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl471_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35123</td><td>Beijing or Bust</td><td>With its dramatic rise in economic and geopolitical importance, China has become a land of opportunity

for foreigners from the West-although in certain cases, "foreigner" is a proble matic term. This program presents compelling firsthand accounts of six "ABCs" (A merican-born Chinese) who have moved to Beijing in search of career progress and a better grasp of their identities. Candidly sharing personal reactions to the nation's rapidly evolving political climate, social divisions, and business cult ure, each participant must come to terms with the reality of modern China-and it s departure from the sentimental notions he or she acquired in childhood. (58 mi nutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl472_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl472_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30935</td><td>Being Gay: Coming Out in the 21st Century</td> <td>Today, while gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgenders are no longer force d to hide their sexual orientation, there is still prejudice and discrimination which can make coming out a difficult decision. And there are always internal pr essures as well. This program presents the accounts and stories of people who ha ve recently taken the step of coming out. Interviewees and experts discuss the b enefits of this important transition by examining the six stages of coming to te rms with one's sexual identity. They also look at the dangers of running away fr om sexual self-acceptance-such as alcoholism, drug abuse, and suicide-and how fi nding support can greatly assist the process. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Cambridge Educational Production. (25 minutes)</td> <td>2003</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl473_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl473_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37285</td><td>Belle & Bunty Fashions: Attracting Investment Through Brand Image</td><td>Alice Shreeve and Hannah Coniam are the founders/des igners for Belle & Bunty, London. Their trendy garments can be found in upscale boutiques and in the pages of Vogue, Glamour, and Elle-but they have yet to turn enough profit to expand their business or even pay themselves a wage. In this p rogram, mentor John Boyle advises the duo to strenuously build their brand image to help them secure investment that will enable them to take their company to t he next level. Through perseverance, Belle & Bunty gains good press with a celeb rity endorsement by TV personality June Sarpong and secures a potential licensin g deal with Debenhams, "Britain's Favourite Department Store." (24 minutes)</td> <td>2006</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl474_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl474_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30466</td><td>Ben and Damien: Observing Child Development</t d><td>The work of the Tavistock Clinic is firmly rooted in the belief that child hood holds the key to adult behavior. With that in mind, infant observation is a key part of training for trainee therapists. This program follows two ordinary families undergoing observation of their infants-newborn Damien and toddler Ben-

to examine the growth of relationships between adults and children. As one Tavis tock doctor explains, "It doesn't seem very scientific, but actually what infant observation is all about is the study of love." Original BBC broadcast title: B en and Damien. (40 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl475_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl475_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33391</td><td>Ben Jonson</td><td>As arrogant and brash as he was talented and innovative, Ben Jonson lived a life as rife with drama as any of his many plays. He was jailed more than once for staging dramas that satirize d the powers that be, and nearly had his ears and nose mutilated after collabora ting on a play that lampooned King James I. Friend and colleague of Shakespeare, he is considered by many to have been the first poet laureate of England. This program examines how Jonson's poetry, masques, and plays brought a level of humo r, intellect, and formal discipline to English letters that had rarely been seen before. Excerpts from The Alchemist; Every Man in His Humor; Volpone, or the Fo x; and Jonson's poetry are included. (22 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>22</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl476_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl476_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30511</td><td>Ben Shahn: Passion for Justice</td><td>A young Jewish immigrant, Ben Shahn fearlessly recorded in paint and on film a broad sw ath of America's social landscape, from the Great Depression to the Civil Rights Movement. This program presents the biography of an artist who fused political awareness with modernism, whose works were as likely to appear on the cover of T ime as in the Museum of Modern Art. Rare television and radio interviews recorde d before Shahn's death in 1969 complement a retrospective of his paintings, sket ches, and photographs. Also featured are interviews with Shahn's biographer, How ard Greenfeld; his widow, Bernarda Bryson Shahn; and daughter Judith Shahn. (58 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl477_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl477_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36315</td><td>Benazir Bhutto: Battling Dictatorship in Pakis tan</td><td>As prime minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto was the first woman-an d also the youngest person-to head the government of a Muslim-majority state in modern times. In this program, Bhutto answers questions about the personal risks she faced as a woman pursuing a career in Pakistani politics, the influence of Western democracy on her as a politician, and the empowering effect of her role in public life on Pakistani women. She also explains why her government recogniz ed the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and addresses charges of corruption against her. Background on her upbringing and education and her "arranged" marriage is included as well. (41 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>42</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl478_lb

lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl478_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8669</td><td>Beowulf and the Roots of Anglo-Saxon Poetry</td ><td>Beowulf is the oldest written epic in English literature. In this program, Dr. Robert DiNapoli-teaching fellow in Old and Middle English at the University of Birmingham, England-and Professor John Burrow of Bristol University examine t he symbolism and the influence of Christianity in Beowulf and other masterpieces of English and Germanic poetry. The Wanderer, The Seafarer, The Dream of the Ro od, and The Battle of Maldon are also analyzed. The program is an indispensable aid in teaching this watershed period in Western literature. (31 minutes)</td><t d>1998</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl479_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl479_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37138</td><td>Beowulf: Performed by Benjamin Bagby-Educator' s Edition</td><td>With the intensity and commitment of an ancient Norse warrior, Benjamin Bagby brings the epic poem Beowulf to incandescent life. This program documents Bagby's brilliant iteration of the saga before a live audience in Hels ingborg, Sweden-demonstrating the spellbinding qualities of both the poem and th e performer. Reciting the entire 1,062-line Grendel story in the original Old En glish and accompanying himself on an authentic Anglo-Saxon harp, Bagby offers vi ewers an in-depth, richly textured look at the tale as it would have enthralled listeners 1,000 years ago. Modern English subtitles included. This edition featu res Bagby's complete performance. Extended bonus material is also included (DVD only): a video study guide with Oral Tradition editor John Miles Foley; a panel discussion with noted Anglo-Saxonists Thomas Cable, Mark Amodio, and Foley; and an in-depth interview with Bagby. (99 minutes + 80 minutes of bonus material)</t d><td>2006</td><td>99</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl480_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl480_lb lPrice">$195.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29040</td><td>Berlin: A City in Search of Itself</td><td>The seat of the Weimar Republic, the Third Reich, and the German Democratic Republi c, Berlin was powerfully shaped by the political aftershocks of World War I, Wor ld War II, and the Cold War. As the capital of Europe's wealthiest and most popu lous nation wrestles with its past in pursuit of its future, this program search es for the essence of modern Berlin. Markus Wolf, the former head of East German foreign intelligence; ice skating champion Katarina Witt; and other contemporar y figures provide insights into the city's development as a major hub in a unifi ed Europe. (53 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl481_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl481_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7772</td><td>Bertolt Brecht</td><td>The German poet, playwri ght, and theatrical reformer who developed the drama as a social and ideological forum is the subject of this program, in which those who knew him discuss his l ife and many works. Excerpts from plays such as Mother Courage and Her Children, The Life of Galileo, The Good Woman of Setzuan, and Antigone highlight the deve lopment of Brecht's austere form of irregular verse. A later work, A Little Orgn um for the Theater, is the embodiment of Brecht's idea of true Marxist drama. It also showcases his theory of Epic Theater, which encourages spectators to view performances as scientific analyses of human behavior, rather than illusions of reality. A BBC Production. (53 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl482_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl482_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36146</td><td>Beslan: Siege of School No. 1</td><td>This Wid e Angle report investigates the bloodiest act of terrorism in Russia since Chech nya declared its independence. Based on firsthand testimony and rare footage fro m inside the school, Beslan explores the motivation of the hostage-takers, the R ussian government's failed effort to manage the crisis, and the calamity's legac y for survivors, bereaved families, and Russia's future stability. In addition, Bill Moyers speaks with The Washington Post's Peter Baker and Susan Glasser, coauthors of Kremlin Rising, about their actions on that tragic day and their view s on the broader context of the incident. (57 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>57</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl483_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl483_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10872</td><td>Best of 2000: Clio Gold Plus</td><td>This prog ram showcases the Clio gold and silver winners for the year 2000. Entries includ e Starbucks' "Good Morning to You, Too," Levi's "Invisible Man," Volkswagen's "D ouble-Checked," Budweiser's "Whassup True," MTV Networks' "Wrong Shoes" and "Sex y Dance," Guinness' "Surfer" and "Bet on Black," The Chemical Brothers' "Let For ever Be," Lipton Brisk Ice Tea's "Dojo," New Balance's "Stability," Red Bull Ene rgy Drink's "Cannon Baby," and Florida Anti-Tobacco Pilot's "Daughters" and "Fun with Stats." (40 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl484_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl484_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11750</td><td>Best of 2001: Clio Gold Plus</td><td>This prog ram presents the Clio gold and silver winners for the year 2001. Entries include Budweiser's "What Are You Doing?"; Nike's "Train To Win" and "Beatboxer"; ESPN' s "Swimming Pool," "Pottery Class," and "Pinata"; Orange mobile phone network's "Hold Up"; John West's "Bear"; Peugeot 406's "Upside Down"; Eatons' "Big Finish"

; Companion Animal Placement's "Park"; Revista E'Poca's "The Week"; and Fox Spor ts' "Baby," "Nature Channel," "Milk," "India," "China," and "Turkey." (44 minute s)</td><td>2000</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl485_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl485_lb lPrice">$109.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30188</td><td>Best of 2002: Clio Gold Plus</td><td>This prog ram highlights the Clio gold and silver winners for the year 2002. Entries inclu de Blockbuster's "Carl and Ray-Kung Fu," NutraSweet's "Fake," Nike's "Freestyle, " Sony Wega's "Kite," Guinness's "Dreamer," Telecom Argentina's "Yawn," Moonligh t Cinema's "Mozzie," the French Electricity Board's "The Valley," BMW of North A merica's "Ambush," Fox Sports' "Leaf Blower" and "Nail Gun," Doctors Without Bor ders' "Frontieres," and Womankind Worldwide's "Women Abuse." (44 minutes)</td><t d>2002</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl486_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl486_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32378</td><td>Best of 2003: Clio Gold Plus</td><td>This prog ram honors the best of the Clio gold and silver winners for the year 2003. Entri es include IKEA's "Lamp," Nike Shox NZ's "Streaker," Coca-Cola's "Supersub," Wra ngler's "Cafe," BMW of North America's "Hostage," Verizon Wireless' "Ferret," Wh iskas' "Bungee," Peugeot 206's "The Sculptor," Hewlett-Packard's "Digital Crime Fighting," Masterpack's "Watch," Labatt Breweries/Bud Light's "Ulterior Emotions ," Renault's "Road," Prensa Libre's "Stadium," Handelsblatt Newspaper's "Space P en," California Milk Processor Board's "Birthday," United Nations/Ad Council's " Under Five," and American Legacy Foundation's "Box of Poison." (45 minutes)</td> <td>2003</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl487_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl487_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33431</td><td>Best of 2004: Clio Gold Plus</td><td>This prog ram singles out the Clio gold and silver winners for the year 2004. Entries incl ude BMW's "Mouse," British Airways' "Global," Honda's "Cog," Volkswagen's "Sunny ," American Express's "One Hour Photo," Evian's "Water Boy," Toyota's "Snakebite ," and Toohey's Extra Dry's "Quest." (45 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>44</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl488_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl488_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35007</td><td>Best of 2005: Clio Gold Plus</td><td>This prog

ram displays the best of the Clio gold and silver winners for the year 2005. Ent ries include Citroen's "Dance"; Sony PlayStation 2's "Golfers" and "Athletes"; P eugeot 407's "Toys"; North American Coffee Partnership-Starbucks' "Glen"; Volksw agen Golf's "Kids On Steps"; adidas' "Unstoppable"; Mercedes-Benz Convertibles' "Sounds of Summer"; and the California Milk Advisory Board's "Russian Family." ( 44 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl489_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl489_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36212</td><td>Best of 2006: Clio Gold Plus</td><td>This prog ram comprises the best of the Clio gold and silver winners for the year 2006. En tries include Honda's "Choir," Guinness' "noitulovE," Sony PlayStation PSP's "A Day in the Life," adidas' "Hello Tomorrow," MINI's "Counterfeit," Carlton Draugh t's "Big Ad," Pfizer Canada-Viagra's "Golf," Pampers' "Lullaby," Peugeot 1007's "Easy Life," Country Life Butter's "Animals," Mercedes' "Office," Bangkok Insura nce's "Twister," and Centre For Disease Control's "Sun." (43 minutes)</td><td>20 06</td><td>43</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl490_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl490_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37404</td><td>Best of 2007: Clio Gold Plus</td><td>This prog ram offers the best of the Clio gold and silver winners for the year 2007. Entri es include Sony Bravia's "Paint," Combos' "Fever," Dove Self-Esteem Fund's "Evol ution," Instituto de Apoio a Crianca's "Alzheimer's," AIDS Awareness PSA "Sugar Baby Love," Coca-Cola's "Happiness Factory," Toyota Yaris' "Chase," Sprite's "Su blymonal," Vaseline's "Sea of Skin," Microsoft Xbox 360's "Cops and Robbers," JC Penney's "Crazy Beautiful," Sure Deodorant's "Go Wild," Sears' "Arboretum," Trav elers Insurance's "Snowball," Nike's "Swing," Adidas' "Equipo," Toyota's "Humani ty," and Skittles' "Beard." Some content may be objectionable. (41 minutes)</td> <td>2007</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl491_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl491_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33556</td><td>Best of Clios: Clio Gold Plus, 2000-2004</td>< td>The Clio Award: presented annually to recognize creative excellence, the "Emm y of the advertising industry" is also a reliable barometer of consumer taste an d a valuable snapshot of pop culture. Each program in this series highlights the Clio gold and silver winners for that year. 5-part series, 40-45 minutes each.< /td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl492_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl492_lb lPrice">$629.75<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>33557</td><td>Best of Clios: Clio Gold Plus, 2000-2004</td>< td>The Clio Award: presented annually to recognize creative excellence, the "Emm y of the advertising industry" is also a reliable barometer of consumer taste an d a valuable snapshot of pop culture. Each program in this series highlights the Clio gold and silver winners for that year. Can be viewed using a DVD player or computer DVD-ROM drive.5-part series, 40-45 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td> &nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl493_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl493_lb lPrice">$629.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10766</td><td>Best of World News 1999</td><td>The last year of the 20th century saw the impeachment trial of President Clinton, the resignat ion of Boris Yeltsin, and the funeral of Jordan's King Hussein. This program inc ludes clips from those and other headline-making stories, as well as footage fro m military hotspots such as Chechnya, East Timor, Kosovo, and Iraq; interviews w ith scientists involved in deciphering chromosome 22 and experts on genetically modified crops; and coverage of the Air India flight 814 hijacking and the power -sharing initiative in Northern Ireland. (58 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>58</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl494_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl494_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10775</td><td>Best of World News 1999</td><td>The last year of the 20th century saw the impeachment trial of President Clinton, the resignat ion of Boris Yeltsin, and the funeral of Jordan's King Hussein. This program inc ludes clips from those and other headline-making stories, as well as footage fro m military hotspots such as Chechnya, East Timor, Kosovo, and Iraq; interviews w ith scientists involved in deciphering chromosome 22 and experts on genetically modified crops; and coverage of the Air India flight 814 hijacking and the power -sharing initiative in Northern Ireland. (57 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>57</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl495_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl495_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10767</td><td>Best Stock Shots #1</td><td>From spectacular i nternational landmarks such as the Great Wall of China, the Parthenon, the Eiffe l Tower, and Stonehenge to scenes of industrial pollution, global warming, and a cid rain damage, this program offers images spanning a wide range of topics. Oth er clips include the Swiss Alps and Scottish lochs, pink flamingos in Kenya and rhinos in Zimbabwe, the Amazonian rainforest, a wind farm in Wales, a traffic ja m in Thailand, tourists in Hong Kong harbor, Germans tearing down the Berlin Wal l, and children with genetic defects born near Chernobyl. (35 minutes)</td><td>2 000</td><td>35</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl496_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl496_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10776</td><td>Best Stock Shots #1</td><td>From spectacular i nternational landmarks such as the Great Wall of China, the Parthenon, the Eiffe l Tower, and Stonehenge to scenes of industrial pollution, global warming, and a cid rain damage, this program offers images spanning a wide range of topics. Oth er clips include the Swiss Alps and Scottish lochs, pink flamingos in Kenya and rhinos in Zimbabwe, the Amazonian rainforest, a wind farm in Wales, a traffic ja m in Thailand, tourists in Hong Kong harbor, Germans tearing down the Berlin Wal l, and children with genetic defects born near Chernobyl. (36 minutes)</td><td>2 000</td><td>36</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl497_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl497_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10768</td><td>Best Stock Shots #2</td><td>This program provi des additional high-quality stock footage, ranging from scenes of Cairo, Damascu s, Krakow, and the Galapagos Islands; to fish, monkeys, birds, butterflies, liza rds, seals, and donkeys; to droughts, wildfires, and public transportation crash es; to people working, swimming, lifting weights, shopping, playing pool, dancin g, and getting married; to rubber tree tapping, Mount Aetna erupting, and even t he inscrutable Sphinx. (62 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>61</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl498_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl498_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10777</td><td>Best Stock Shots #2</td><td>This program provi des additional high-quality stock footage, ranging from scenes of Cairo, Damascu s, Krakow, and the Galapagos Islands; to fish, monkeys, birds, butterflies, liza rds, seals, and donkeys; to droughts, wildfires, and public transportation crash es; to people working, swimming, lifting weights, shopping, playing pool, dancin g, and getting married; to rubber tree tapping, Mount Aetna erupting, and even t he inscrutable Sphinx. (60 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>61</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl499_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl499_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8063</td><td>Better Grades in Fewer Days</td><td>For many st udents, the mere thought of taking a test sends adrenaline running throughout th eir bodies, brings perspiration to their brows, and causes them to suddenly forg et everything they have learned. These humorous and informative videos teach stu dents the art of stress-free test-taking. Students learn how to put test-taking

into its proper perspective and realize that although tests are important, they are simply a way to measure one's knowledge of a subject. Reading and taking not es becomes easier, more effective, and less time-consuming as students learn how to find key facts and ideas. Study sessions become more efficient as students l earn tips for condensing information into memorable formats and the effectivenes s of frequently referring to the condensed versions. These important lessons ent ertain busy, lazy, eager, and reluctant students as they learn to apply the skil ls that last a lifetime.A Cambridge Educational Production.</td><td>1992</td><td >&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl500_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl500_lb lPrice">$139.90<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37129</td><td>Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Debt Slav es of Nepal</td><td>In parts of Nepal, there is little paying work available to untouchables. Forced to borrow small sums just to survive, they quickly become d ebt slaves to higher-caste people-and although the practice is illegal, it all t oo often represents the only chance Dalits have to obtain food. This program con trasts the lives of Bharat, who seeks emancipation through the assistance of a d ebt slave-turned-activist, and Ganga, who can picture no other future for himsel f. The cameras also capture the everyday discrimination against untouchables; th e matter-of-fact nature of it as depicted in this documentary is certain to make a powerful impression on viewers. (30 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl501_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl501_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11228</td><td>Between Beckett and Brecht: Looking In, Lookin g Out</td><td>Samuel Beckett explored the inner worlds of memory and existence, while Bertolt Brecht's energies were directed outward, toward politics and insti tutions. In this program, renowned theater director Sir Richard Eyre examines th e work of those two dramatists and the impact they had both on playwrights and o n the theater itself, beginning with the 1960s. Film clips and interviews with H arold Pinter, Peter Brook, David Hare, Edward Bond, Billie Whitelaw, Caryl Churc hill, and Alan Bennett reveal an exuberant period in theater history that has se en form unconditionally surrender to dramatic expression. A BBC Production. (51 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl502_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl502_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7053</td><td>Between the Wars: The Economic Seeds of World W ar II</td><td>World War I altered the economic landscape of Europe and inadverte ntly contributed to World War II. In this program, we see how the interruption o f American economic aid following the 1929 stock market crash caused havoc in th e post-war European economy. The Treaty of Versailles, Germany's inability to re pay its war debt, and its chronic inflation problems are discussed. Germany's pr oblem with inflation is related to the rise of fascism, to leaders including Hit

ler, Mussolini, and Franco, and to the infamous Munich Agreement. (25 minutes)</ td><td>1997</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl503_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl503_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>31327</td><td>Between Two Worlds</td><td>In the early 1880s, abetted by the Chinese Exclusion Act, a wave of anti-Chinese sentiment swept ac ross America. This program examines the exclusion years through the stories of C hinese Americans and their families who were kept apart by both ancient custom a nd U.S. law. These immigrants were trapped between countries, at home neither in the U.S. nor in China. The law of the land, which separated these families, als o provided relief as Chinese Americans turned to the courts for justice. (89 min utes)</td><td>2003</td><td>89</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl504_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl504_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29421</td><td>Beyond Babel: English, the Language Rising fro m the Masses</td><td>In an era when practically everything has gone global, Engl ish is steadily gaining verbal market share as the lingua franca of the world. T his intriguing four-part series describes the phenomenal spread of English and i ts impact on business, culture, government, and technology. 4-part series, 49-54 minutes each.</td><td>2001</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl505_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl505_lb lPrice">$519.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10450</td><td>Beyond Black and White: Affirmative Action in America</td><td>All sides of the affirmative action issue have targeted the same goal: ending racism of all types. But do opportunities for some have to come at the expense of others? In this Fred Friendly Seminar moderated by Harvard Law S chool's Charles Ogletree, a what-if scenario revolves around a university's effo rts to enroll a diverse student body of qualified candidates. Panelists include Ward Connerly, proponent of California's Proposition 209; Christopher Edley, Jr. , author of Not All Black & White: Affirmative Action, Race, and American Values ; Julius Becton, Jr., former head of Washington, D.C.'s public schools; Ruth Sim mons, president of Smith College; and policy activists from the African-American , Asian, Native American, and Latino communities. A Discussion Guide and other r esources are located online at (58 minutes)</t d><td>1999</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl506_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl506_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>10687</td><td>Beyond Borders: Arab Feminists Talk about Thei r Lives</td><td>In the Arab world, women are fighting a two-front war against re pressive internal constraints and intrusive Western interference. In this progra m, a feminist delegation composed of author Nawal Saadawi and other renowned act ivists from the Middle East and North Africa gathers at the UN, on college campu ses, and in church basements to speak out about the deterioration of women's rig hts in the Arab states in an effort to heighten awareness of the Arab feminist s truggle for equality-and the effects of U.S. foreign policy on their efforts. (5 0 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl507_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl507_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11018</td><td>Beyond Life and Death</td><td>What happens aft er bodily death? This program, hosted by NewsHour's Ray Suarez, explores how bel iefs about an afterlife affect the way people live their lives and approach deat h. In a lively, insightful dialogue, Tibetan Buddhist scholar Robert Thurman and teacher/author Rabbi David Wolpe discuss the concepts of heaven and reincarnati on while presenting their different views of what they believe may lie beyond th e mortal veil. (26 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl508_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl508_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8572</td><td>Beyond the Blue: Life as a Female Police Office r</td><td>Angela Macdougall is a wife, mother, and S.W.A.T. team sniper. This pr ogram explores what it is like to balance a career in a risky, high-visibility, male-dominated occupation with marriage and motherhood. Angie and her husband, C hris, talk about the demands of law enforcement-the need for objectivity, the fi ght against cynicism, the skepticism of fellow officers, the emphasis on physica l fitness-and the sacrifices they have both made to accommodate her ten-and-a-ha lf years on the police force. Despite the statistically high rate of divorce amo ng police officers, Angie and Chris believe they have beaten the odds. (25 minut es)</td><td>1997</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl509_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl509_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34479</td><td>Beyond the Classical: Byzantine and Later Gree k Art</td><td>Far from disappearing after the Hellenistic age, Greek art flouris hed with the rise of Christianity and the Orthodox church. This program explores the development of icon painting, the influence of Greek artists on later Europ ean movements, and the advent of neoclassical architecture as a manifestation of age-old cultural legacy. With historical context from the conversion of Constan tine through Greece's post-WWII development period, Beyond the Classical provide s a double portrait of a national art movement that has drawn on its own roots t o reinvent itself, and set of aesthetic principles that have shaped societies ar

ound the world. (25 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl510_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl510_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10398</td><td>Beyond Wound Healing</td><td>Supplemented with clinical photos and precise diagrams, this program quantifies wound assessment and describes approaches to wound healing. The physiological healing cascade and infection flags are discussed, along with case studies spanning an age range of 31 to 78. A deep bruise, a leg ulcer complicated by eczema, an infected surgica l incision, and a necrotic neck tumor are presented, allowing the introduction o f subjects such as the hydrobalance, hydrosorptive, hydroactive, and hydroionic methods of wound dressing; graduated compression therapy; and odor reduction. (2 9 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl511_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl511_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6495</td><td>The Bielski Brothers</td><td>The Bielski Brothe rs commanded the largest Jewish partisan group operating in occupied Europe duri ng World War II. They saved the lives of more Jews than Oscar Schindler and took revenge against hundreds of Nazis and collaborators. Remarkably, their story ha s never been told before on film. This moving and powerful program tells their u nique story and how they built an entire town to house their 1,500 members halfunderground in the primordial forests of Byelorussia. The program shows how the twin motivations of survival and revenge drove the Bielski partisans to succeed at all costs. The two surviving Bielski Brothers, who agreed to be interviewed f or the first time in this program, explain how their unit was organized, and wha t life was like for the partisans in their four-year battle to survive and to se ek revenge. (53 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl512_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl512_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33702</td><td>The Big Chill: A Looming Ice Age?</td><td>This alarming program investigates the likelihood of the biggest climate change in m ore than 10,000 years. Scientist Richard Alley asserts that global warming contr ibutes to record amounts of cold freshwater from glaciers and the Greenland ice sheet being pushed into the North Atlantic, threatening to shut down the Gulf St ream that keeps northern Europe and the U.S. warm and wet. Within a decade, a ne w ice age could set in, with ice floes off the coast of England, and the River T hames frozen over. The U.S. does not look likely to escape, and the effects may even lead to the destruction of the Amazon jungle. Original BBCW broadcast title : The Big Chill. (50 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl513_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl513_lb

lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32209</td><td>Big Ideas</td><td>In this extraordinary four-p art series-filmed at Princeton's renowned Institute for Advanced Study-National Public Radio's Ira Flatow introduces viewers to some of today's greatest minds t hrough intimate, cross-disciplinary conversations that spotlight science, mathem atics, history, linguistics, art, and music. Each program probes the frontiers o f knowledge as Institute faculty members and visiting scholars share their theor ies, insights, and passions. 4-part series, 57 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><t d>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl514_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl514_lb lPrice">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33714</td><td>Big Mac under Attack</td><td>Hungry consumers in America and abroad are losing their appetite for the world's largest fast foo d company. Is McDonald's a brand on the verge of collapse, or can it be revitali zed? This program strives to find out, as Harvard Business School's David Upton, Philip Morris litigator John Banzhaf, BBC business editor Jeff Randall, and neu roscientist Ann Kelley cite fat- and sugar-laden foods, cannibalistic over-franc hising, menu stagnation, and competition with Subway as factors in the giant's d ecline. McDonald's accepts that there are problems, but is determined to fix the m. The plan? More customers, more often. A BBCW Production. (38 minutes)</td><td >2003</td><td>38</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl515_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl515_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36231</td><td>The Big Poker Gamble</td><td>By day, Jane is a n unassuming single mother. At night she's a high-stakes poker player-thanks to the Internet. So far Jane has won thousands of dollars, as have many online gamb lers, while others have lost huge sums. This program looks at the explosive cybe r-gambling industry, examining some leading sites and profiling men and women wh ose lifestyles now revolve around card-playing by computer. Doug's story conveys the hard, all-too frequent reality of sustained losing, shedding light on its s ocial and personal consequences. Additional interviews with gaming promoters, to urnament champions, and government regulators round out this eye-opening investi gation. (28 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl516_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl516_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36448</td><td>The Big Squeeze: Rejuvenating a Century-Old Br and</td><td>With the aim of expanding brand-identity and revenue, an iconic prod uct-the sticky, brown, vegetable-derived bread-spread known in Great Britain as Marmite-has been overhauled. This three-part series presents a fascinating case

study in operational and creative management, telling the inside story of a high -stakes product launch. The result is a wide-ranging and entertaining visual gui de to the evolving importance of brand-oriented product development. 3-part seri es, 25 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl517_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl517_lb lPrice">$269.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3372</td><td>The Biggest Jewish City in the World</td><td>Fr om the Czarist persecutions to those of Hitler, America provided a haven for Jew s. Their influx made New York the world's most densely populated city. They went on to become one of the most influential immigrant groups in America. (52 minut es)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl518_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl518_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10246</td><td>Bikes and Cars: Centripetal Acceleration</td>< td>This program considers the idea that circular motion must imply a force or co mponent of a force toward the center of a circle, as in the Newtonian theory of how the Moon orbits the Earth. The reasons why bicyclists lean during turns, why roads are banked, and why car tires react as they do during a turn are investig ated. (36 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>36</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl519_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl519_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37179</td><td>Bill Moyers Journal: Buying the War</td><td>Th e Bush administration marketed and sold the war in Iraq to the American people. How and why did the press buy it, and what does that say about the role of journ alists in helping the public sort out fact from propaganda? In this program, vet eran journalist Bill Moyers, award-winning producer Kathleen Hughes, and their i nvestigative team piece together the reporting and political spin that shaped th e public mind prior to, during, and following the 2003 invasion. Exposing the di sappearance of a watchdog mentality in mainstream newspaper and TV journalism, t he documentary also highlights the work of intrepid Knight Ridder reporters who dug beneath the surface of administration claims-only to be drowned out by the d rums of war. Further insight comes from journalists Dan Rather, former anchor of CBS Evening News; Tim Russert of NBC's Meet the Press; Bob Simon of 60 Minutes; and Walter Isaacson, former chairman of CNN. (87 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td> 87</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl520_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl520_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>37442</td><td>Bill Moyers Journal: D-Day Revisited</td><td>O n D-Day, Allied troops stormed ashore at Normandy under withering fire. The stak es were high-and so were the losses. This special episode of Bill Moyers Journal accompanies a small group of World War II veterans back to the beachheads and b attlefields of France to speak about their wartime experiences-some of them givi ng voice to memories they had held in silence for nearly half a century. Featuri ng excerpts from Bill Moyers' perennially popular documentary From D-Day to the Rhine, D-Day Revisited includes updates on the men originally interviewed in the film. Broadcast date: May 27, 2007. As a bonus feature, From D-Day to the Rhine is included in its entirety (DVD only). (58 minutes + 87 minutes of bonus mater ial)</td><td>2007</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl521_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl521_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37361</td><td>Bill Moyers Journal: Jon Stewart on Humor and an Informed Public</td><td>Jon Stewart is considered one of America's top social and comedic voices. In this program, veteran journalist Bill Moyers interviews Stewart, the long-standing anchor of the award-winning Daily Show with Jon Stewa rt, about why so many viewers get their news and analysis from his fake news sho w. Does humor have a role to play in ensuring an informed public? Also on the pr ogram, Josh Marshall, influential political blogger, gives his perspective on th e role of politics in the recent firings of federal prosecutors and Bill Moyers remembers David Halberstam. Broadcast date: April 27, 2007. (55 minutes)</td><td >2007</td><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl522_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl522_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37594</td><td>Bill Moyers Journal: July 6, 2007</td><td>Emin ent biologist E. O. Wilson has spent his life studying creatures great and small -from humans to insects-as well as the fragile and complex nature of the biosphe re as a whole. Bill Moyers Journal profiles the two-time Pulitzer Prize recipien t, his advocacy of environmental stewardship, and his latest project: the Encycl opedia of Life, an online digital catalog of every living species on the planet. Also on the program, an update on the Earth Conservation Corps-the nonprofit, y outh-oriented environmental group which has reclaimed endangered neighborhoods i n our nation's capital, even though some of its members have fallen victim to gu n violence and other tragedies. (58 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl523_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl523_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37446</td><td>Bill Moyers Journal: June 1, 2007</td><td>Form er Democratic senator Bob Kerrey is making his case for a refocused mission in I raq. The 9/11 Commission member and Vietnam war veteran tells Bill Moyers why ha ving U.S. military forces in Iraq is necessary in fighting terrorism, but calls

for a bipartisan plan to end U.S. policing and occupation in the war-torn nation . Also on the program: Joan Claybrook, one of Washington's most influential publ ic advocates, discusses ethical reforms under consideration in Congress. In addi tion, Bill Moyers shares his perspective on the Vietnam war in an essay featurin g archival audio of a conversation between President Lyndon Johnson and U.S. Nat ional Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy. (58 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>58</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl524_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl524_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37544</td><td>Bill Moyers Journal: June 15, 2007</td><td>On Wall Street, private equity firms are buying up corporations and turning them ar ound for huge profits-while America's economic disparities widen. Bill Moyers ta lks with maverick labor leader Andrew Stern, president of the rapidly growing Se rvice Employees International Union, about the looming gap between working famil ies and the wealthiest Americans. Also on the program: writer, activist, and phi losopher Grace Lee Boggs, a veteran participant in many of America's seminal civ il rights struggles, discusses her belief that real change in government will co me only from the grass roots. In addition, Bill Moyers delivers an incisive essa y on truth, lies, and the sentencing of former Vice Presidential Chief of Staff Scooter Libby. (58 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl525_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl525_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37561</td><td>Bill Moyers Journal: June 22, 2007</td><td>Whe n Harper's Magazine editor Ken Silverstein went undercover to recruit Washington lobbyists to help improve the image of Turkmenistan, a corrupt Central Asian go vernment with appalling human rights abuses, K-Street lobbying firms laid out pl ans to get the job done. In this program, Bill Moyers and Silverstein discuss wh at that says about the state of influence-peddling in Washington. Also on the pr ogram: Imam Zaid Shakir, an emerging leader in the Muslim-American community who has been called a voice of conscience for American Muslims, talks about how he copes with the ongoing skepticism toward-and scrutiny of-Muslims in post-9/11 Am erica. (58 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl526_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl526_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37593</td><td>Bill Moyers Journal: June 29, 2007</td><td>Wit h mortgages entering foreclosure at a record pace, the implications for financia l markets-and for ordinary Americans-are far-reaching and severe. For insight in to this potential meltdown, Bill Moyers talks with New York Times assistant busi ness and financial editor Gretchen Morgenson, who has covered the story. In addi tion, Lori Wallach, Director of Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch, shines ligh t on the secret "Deathstar" trade deal between the White House and Democratic Pa rty leaders; Victor Gold, former Republican-party insider, discusses his new boo

k Invasion of the Party Snatchers: How the Holy-Rollers and the Neo-Cons Destroy ed the GOP; and a Bill Moyers essay sizes up Rupert Murdoch's bid for The Wall S treet Journal. (58 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl527_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl527_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37522</td><td>Bill Moyers Journal: June 8, 2007</td><td>Emer ging from under the cloud of bankruptcy, Northwest Airlines has cut $1.4 billion from annual labor costs-while increasing executive pay. Bill Moyers looks at ye t another industry in which CEOs fly high on salaries and perks while workers an d retirees must tighten their belts. Also on the program: what's next for Afghan istan? Journalist Christian Parenti, just back from his fourth visit to the forg otten front line, discusses the growing influence of warlords in government, the resurgence of the Taliban and the drug trade, and life on the ground in the str uggling nation. In addition, Episcopal presiding bishop Katharine Jefferts Schor i-spiritual leader of more than two million American worshipers-talks about scie nce, the environment, and the rift in her church over the ordination of gay and lesbian clergy. (58 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl528_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl528_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37441</td><td>Bill Moyers Journal: Maxine Hong Kingston on P eace and War</td><td>For 15 years, National Humanities Medalist Maxine Hong King ston has been working with veterans-soldiers from World War II, from Vietnam, an d now, from Iraq-to convert the ghosts of war into the poetry, fiction, and nonf iction that Kingston believes will help them survive. In this program, Bill Moye rs speaks with Kingston about her book Veterans of War, Veterans of Peace, an an thology called "powerful and finely written" by the Chicago Tribune. This timely work is the distilled wisdom of warriors and their loved ones expressing themse lves with breathtaking artistry and truth. Broadcast date: May 25, 2007. (58 min utes)</td><td>2007</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl529_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl529_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37420</td><td>Bill Moyers Journal: May 11, 2007</td><td>Sinc e 2001, some 150 graduates of Regent University-the institution founded by the R ev. Pat Robertson-have worked in the Bush administration. Bill Moyers Journal at tends Regent's commencement ceremonies for a closer look at its stated mission: to equip Christian leaders to change the world. Also on the program, Nick Gilles pie, editor-in-chief of the libertarian magazine Reason, discusses the influence of the religious right in Washington, and historian Marilyn B. Young, co-editor of Iraq and the Lessons of Vietnam, explores what has and has not been learned from America's earlier military quagmire. (60 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>58</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl530_lb

lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl530_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37430</td><td>Bill Moyers Journal: May 18, 2007</td><td>In h er book Barbershops, Bibles, and BET: Everyday Talk and Black Political Thought, Melissa Harris-Lacewell studies various ways that racial and political issues a re discussed in America. Bill Moyers talks with the Princeton University associa te professor about the need for constructive public dialog as the racial makeup of the United States evolves. Also on the program are Harper's Magazine publishe r John R. MacArthur, author of The Selling of "Free Trade": NAFTA, Washington, a nd the Subversion of American Democracy, and writer Bruce Bawer-who left the U.S . to escape religious fundamentalism and homophobic bigotry-on what his journey says about the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in Europe. (58 minutes)</td><td>20 07</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl531_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl531_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37376</td><td>Bill Moyers Journal: May 4, 2007</td><td>Carlo Bonini and Giuseppe D'Avanzo-called "the Woodward and Bernstein of Italian jour nalism"-are coauthors of Collusion: International Espionage and the War on Terro r. In this program, Bill Moyers and Bonini discuss "Nigergate" as they trace the trail of the forged intelligence documents purporting that Iraq sought to buy y ellowcake uranium from Niger. Also on the program, Jerry Miller-exonerated throu gh post-conviction DNA testing by the Innocence Project-talks about clearing his name, and British Renaissance man Jonathan Miller discusses his documentary ser ies A Brief History of Disbelief, the hidden story of atheism. (57 minutes)</td> <td>2007</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl532_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl532_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35947</td><td>Bill Moyers on Faith & Reason</td><td>When rel igion and secularism meet, the result is often a labyrinth of misunderstanding. In this twelve-part series, which Newsday calls "rich, provocative, and enthrall ing," Bill Moyers explores the complex region between rationality and belief, jo ined by some of the world's noted writers and thinkers. The insights that emerge -about the creative process, the importance of myths and stories, and the human condition-prove as valuable as any scholarly treatise or theological tract. In Bill Moyers' own words, "Most of us live in the gray world between faith and rea son." For those attempting to navigate through the maze, these bold, intelligent discussions can help illuminate the path. Presenting challenging questions and equally challenging answers, they shed light where an uncertain democracy and an uncertain world need it most. 12-part series, 24 to 57 minutes each.</td><td>20 06</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl533_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl533_lb lPrice">$1,159.40<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35953</td><td>Bill Moyers on Faith & Reason: Anne Provoost</ td><td>Anne Provoost's interpretive novel In the Shadow of the Ark tells the sto ry of a young woman excluded from Noah's vessel. The Rose and the Swine is Provo ost's reshaping of an equally archetypal story, Beauty and the Beast. Provoost t alks with Bill Moyers about finding new truths in ancient narratives, and the wa ys that myth and storytelling offer life-changing insight into basic human exper iences. (27 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl534_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl534_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35950</td><td>Bill Moyers on Faith & Reason: Colin McGinn</t d><td>Does science have a monopoly on reason? Not at all, says philosopher and n ovelist Colin McGinn-reason is the foundation of morality as well. Bill Moyers t alks with the author of The Mysterious Flame: Conscious Minds in a Material Worl d and Ethics, Evil, and Fiction about his adoption of atheism, his views on the practicalities of religious tolerance, and his belief that rational scrutiny and criticism must coexist with religious freedom. (26 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><t d>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl535_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl535_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35954</td><td>Bill Moyers on Faith & Reason: David Grossman< /td><td>In works such as Someone to Run With and Death as a Way of Life, David G rossman has movingly depicted the realities of living in the Holy Land. Bill Moy ers converses with Grossman about his most recent work, The Lion's Honey-a retel ling of the Biblical story of Samson with parallels to today's Middle East confl icts and the mind-set of those who inflict violence in the name of faith. (32 mi nutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl536_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl536_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35951</td><td>Bill Moyers on Faith & Reason: Jeanette Winter son</td><td>Raised with parental expectations that she become a Christian missio nary, the teenaged Jeanette Winterson embarked instead upon a defiant journey of self-discovery-sparked by the books she smuggled into her bedroom. In this conv ersation with Bill Moyers, the author of Sexing the Cherry, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, and Lighthousekeeping talks about Weight, her new version of the sto ry of Atlas and Hercules. She also discusses the power of art to build a fulfill ing inner life. (34 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>35</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl537_lb

lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl537_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35957</td><td>Bill Moyers on Faith & Reason: Margaret Atwood </td><td>Can spirituality, compassion, and emotional honesty survive in the face of oppression and religious fundamentalism? Canadian author Margaret Atwood, au thor of such classics as The Handmaid's Tale, The Edible Woman, and The Blind As sassin, speaks to Bill Moyers about agnosticism, the hunger for meaning, and the distinction between belief and knowledge. (35 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>35< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl538_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl538_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35958</td><td>Bill Moyers on Faith & Reason: Martin Amis</td ><td>In the Martin Amis novel London Fields, a cynical and disjointed society hu rtles toward doomsday; in Amis' follow-up book, Time's Arrow, the narrative foll ows an absurdly reversed course-backward from the Holocaust to purity and innoce nce. Bill Moyers talks with Martin Amis about humanity's present condition and t he ongoing conflict between fundamentalism and secular values. (24 minutes)</td> <td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl539_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl539_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35949</td><td>Bill Moyers on Faith & Reason: Mary Gordon</td ><td>During her spiritually charged Catholic childhood, Mary Gordon became fixat ed on the idea of martyrdom-and vestiges of that obsession remain in her life an d work. Bill Moyers talks with the author of Final Payments, The Company of Wome n, and Pearl about the concept of martyrdom and its connection to rage and despa ir. Gordon also explores the negative implications of what she sees as two conve rging influences in modern society: fundamentalism and consumerism. (33 minutes) </td><td>2006</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl540_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl540_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35959</td><td>Bill Moyers on Faith & Reason: Pema Chodron</t d><td>One of North America's most prominent practitioners of Buddhist monasticis m, Ani Pema Chodron has written extensively on Buddhist principles in the contex t of everyday living. Bill Moyers talks with the author of When Things Fall Apar t, The Places That Scare You, and No Time to Lose about ideas and teachings that have special significance for western Buddhists-and will resonate with non-Budd hists as well. (53 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>54</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl541_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl541_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35955</td><td>Bill Moyers on Faith & Reason: Richard Rodrigu ez</td><td>Richard Rodriguez-the author of Hunger of Memory and Days of Obligati on: An Argument with My Mexican Father-has expressed provocative views on divers ity and its relationship to identity. Bill Moyers talks with Rodriguez about spi rituality, mortality, and growing up among mixed influences-including a Catholic family and community often at odds with Protestant-dominated mainstream America . (31 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl542_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl542_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35948</td><td>Bill Moyers on Faith & Reason: Salman Rushdie< /td><td>Painfully familiar with the clash of personal and religious expression, Salman Rushdie can now be seen as a literary sentinel regarding the rise of Isla mic extremism. In this program, Bill Moyers talks with the author of Shame, The Satanic Verses, and Shalimar the Clown about the impact of 9/11, about tension b etween moderate and radical Islam, and about the need to hold the line on fundam entalism even when it leads to personal risk. A reading by Rushdie from The Sata nic Verses is also included. (57 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl543_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl543_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35956</td><td>Bill Moyers on Faith & Reason: Sir John Hought on</td><td>An atmospheric physicist and a leading expert on global warming, Sir John Houghton speaks as a scientist and evangelical Christian. The author of Doe s God Play Dice? A Look at the Story of the Universe and The Search for God: Can Science Help? talks with Bill Moyers, explaining his belief that science and re ligion, rather than dividing society, can both work towards improving the human condition. (28 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl544_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl544_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35952</td><td>Bill Moyers on Faith & Reason: Will Power</td> <td>Writer, actor, and rapper Will Power brings unique characters and thought-pr ovoking scenarios to life in his vividly staged performances-including The Seven , his hip-hop adaptation of Aeschylus' Seven Against Thebes. Bill Moyers intervi ews Power about his creative process, focusing on his ability to "flip" an ancie nt Greek drama into a highly charged, completely contemporary work-one that has

meaning for audiences of all ages and backgrounds. (25 minutes)</td><td>2006</td ><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl545_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl545_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11728</td><td>Bill Moyers Reports: Earth on Edge</td><td>Fil med in collaboration with the World Resources Institute, this Bill Moyers progra m assesses the state of the environment. Combining interviews with leading scien tists and reports from Mongolia, British Columbia, Brazil, South Africa, and the state of Kansas, Moyers and his team of award-winning producers explore the imp act that human activities have had on the planet while posing an urgent question : What is happening to Earth's capacity to support nature and civilization? Comp uter graphics enhance this gripping documentary. (2 hours)</td><td>2001</td><td> 116</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl546_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl546_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29650</td><td>Bill Moyers Reports: Trading Democracy</td><td >While the benefits of the North American Free Trade Agreement are still being a rgued, the perils of one of the treaty's most powerful secrets are beginning to emerge. Bill Moyers Reports: Trading Democracy is the first television investiga tion of what has been called an "end run around the Constitution." Corporate inv estors are using the obscure NAFTA provision to challenge laws designed to prote ct the public health, environmental regulations-and even jury verdicts. The case s are heard not in open court, but before international trade tribunals that mak e rulings in secret. The program details a system of private justice that is ena bling companies to obtain covertly what they have failed to achieve publicly in America's legislatures or courts. (58 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl547_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl547_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36176</td><td>The Bill of Rights</td><td>It upholds freedom of speech and religion, guarantees a free press, grants the right to keep and be ar arms, preserves the right of trial by jury, establishes states' rights, and m ore. It's the Bill of Rights. This program presents the ten key Constitutional a mendments that have defined the fundamental liberties that are the American birt hright-and examines the controversies and challenges they have withstood. Correl ates to all applicable state and national standards. A Cambridge Educational Pro duction. Recommended for middle school through college. (69 minutes)</td><td>200 7</td><td>69</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl548_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl548_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8097</td><td>The Bill of Rights: A Living Document</td><td>B rief animations introduce key issues in this up-to-date look at the Bill of Righ ts. A host weaves together past and present, while civics experts explore the co mplexity of the issue of individual rights versus common good. Related topics in clude hate speech, school newspapers, random drug testing, gun control, and terr orism. Historical segments discuss Colonial Militias, the Intolerable Acts, Free dom of Worship, the Rights of Accused Persons, and the origins of the individual rights concept. A Cambridge Educational Production. (30 minutes)</td><td>1997</ td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl549_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl549_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7984</td><td>Bill of Rights: Bill of Responsibility</td><td> Bill Maher hosts this witty inquiry into the meaning of the Constitution today. Drawing examples from current events and pop culture, Maher reveals the Constitu tion as "a living document." Beginning with a brief overview of the full documen t, then focusing on the Bill of Rights, Maher demonstrates history as an evolvin g process. Insightful commentary encourages students to relate current events to the First, Second, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments, and others. Archival footage p rovides historical context and familiar contemporary references. A Cambridge Edu cational Production. (30 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl550_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl550_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6802</td><td>Bill T. Jones: Still/Here</td><td>What is it li ke to live with a life-threatening illness? Can fear, anger, and joy be translat ed into movement? In this program, journalist Bill Moyers and filmmaker David Gr ubin give viewers a rare glimpse into dancer/choreographer Bill T. Jones's highl y acclaimed dance, "Still/Here." At workshops around the country, people facing life-threatening illnesses are asked to remember the highs and lows of their liv es, and even imagine their own deaths. They then transform their feelings into e xpressive movement, which Jones incorporates into the dance performed later in t he program. Jones demonstrates for Moyers the movements of his own life story-hi s first encounter with white people, confusion over his sexuality, his partner A rnie Zane's untimely death from AIDS, and Jones's own HIV status. "My job," Jone s tells Moyers, "is to evoke the spirit of survival." (57 minutes)</td><td>1997< /td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl551_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl551_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35080</td><td>Bill Viola: The Eye of the Heart</td><td>A pio neer of video art in the 1970s, Bill Viola has spent three decades creating evoc

ative motion-picture and sound installations. This program gets inside his creat ive process, recording his reflections on his life and work. Exploring his child hood, his struggles as a student, and his feelings about his mother's death, the program focuses on Viola's intuitive sensibility and his approach to universal human experiences. His recollections of nearly drowning as a boy, and his statem ents on childbirth and its resonance in Medieval and Renaissance art, underscore the spirituality and scope of his vision. Also included is the bonus feature Bi ll Viola and the Making of Emergence, used with permission, (c) J. Paul Getty Tr ust. (75 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>75</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl552_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl552_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9241</td><td>Binge Drinking: The Right to Party?</td><td>Ban ning alcohol on college campuses to curb binge drinking-periodic episodes of exc essive alcohol consumption-has sparked violence and debate around the country. T his ABC News program visits trouble spots such as Michigan State University as a nchor Forrest Sawyer talks with the President of the University of Iowa about co mmunity coalitions, alcohol education programs, alternative activities, and othe r initiatives as substitutes for bans. In addition, a senior at the University o f Maryland and a junior at the University of California, Berkeley, present their own ideas about student rights and how best to deal with on-campus alcohol abus e and the associated issues of crime and unsafe sex. (22 minutes)</td><td>1998</ td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl553_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl553_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10705</td><td>Biografia: The Lives of Latin American Writers </td><td>This five-part series brings to life Latin America's literary luminarie s of the 19th and 20th centuries: Argentinian writer Julio Cortazar, Chilean Nob el Laureates Pablo Neruda and Gabriela Mistral, Mexican poet Octavio Paz, and Cu ban patriot-poet Jose Marti. Family, friends, and scholars discuss the writers' lives and works and the events that shaped them, providing detailed portraits of each. Spanish, 5-part series, 26 minutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl554_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl554_lb lPrice">$649.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29167</td><td>Biografia: The Lives of Latin American Writers </td><td>This five-part series brings to life Latin America's literary luminarie s of the 19th and 20th centuries: Argentinian writer Julio Cortazar, Chilean Nob el Laureates Pablo Neruda and Gabriela Mistral, Mexican poet Octavio Paz, and Cu ban patriot-poet Jose Marti. Family, friends, and scholars discuss the writers' lives and works and the events that shaped them, providing detailed portraits of each. Spanish with English subtitles, 5-part series, 28 minutes each.</td><td>1 999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl555_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl555_lb lPrice">$649.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36471</td><td>The Biological Mind</td><td>What do chronic st ress, depression, and anxiety have in common? The prevalence of all three is on the rise...but each, once diagnosed, is treatable with very high recovery rates. This three-part series combines case histories with expert commentary and 3-D a nimations to explore the mind/body connection as it relates to these illnesses. The Biological Mind provides an accessible corridor into the complexities of psy chological disorders. 3-part series, 46-48 minutes each.</td><td>2006</td><td>&n bsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl556_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl556_lb lPrice">$389.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33779</td><td>Biomedicine and Biotechnology</td><td>In the e ra of Big Pharma, why are researchers looking more and more to nature-and the hu man body itself-to provide tomorrow's medical cures? This program illustrates ho w scientists are growing and harvesting pharmaceuticals from common plants and f arm animals, attempting to replicate organs, and transferring much-needed islet cells to patients with diabetes. The next big breakthrough in medical care is as likely to come from a rainforest or a goat as it is from a petri dish or a test tube. (47 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl557_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl557_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29769</td><td>Biomes</td><td>This engaging five-part series encourages students to move beyond a simplified view of the environment to a dee per level of understanding: that the global ecosystem is made up of interdepende nt ecological communities populated with their own particular life forms and vul nerable to damage by both natural forces and human activity. Viewable/printable instructor's guides are available online. A Cambridge Educational Production. Co rrelates to the National Science Education Standards developed by the National A cademies of Science, Project 2061 Benchmarks for Science Literacy from the Ameri can Association for the Advancement of Science, and the National Geography Stand ards from the National Geographic Society. 5-part series, 17-22 minutes each.</t d><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl558_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl558_lb lPrice">$449.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5563</td><td>Biotechnology</td><td>This program describes th

ree practical applications of DNA technology: the use of gene transfer to improv e plant species, the use of molecular probes to quickly identify disease-causing organisms, and the development of antigen vaccines. The program makes very effe ctive use of live video action, animation, and narration to explain and summariz e these practical applications in the fast-moving field of genetic engineering. (23 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl559_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl559_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6201</td><td>Biotechnology</td><td>Since scientists first be gan to cut and splice DNA in 1973, biotechnology has produced everything from su per rice to super drugs. Considering a burgeoning global population, and increas ing demands for new, more effective drugs, biotechnology may be, as host Fred Do rey asserts, "the only answer we've got." In this program, a group of experts, i ncluding Uwe Reinhardt of Princeton University and Professor Jurgen Drews, Presi dent of International Research and Development for Hoffmann La Roche, Inc., disc uss how biotechnology will meet the challenges of the 21st century. Other expert s discuss public concern and the need for debate and consensus; financial and re search and development issues; patent protection; world markets; and biotechnolo gy's benefits for humankind. (47 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl560_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl560_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37678</td><td>Biotechnology</td><td>Meet three women who hav e embarked on successful careers in the biotechnology field. This program profil es Allison Ross, a chemist and research technician who analyzes test samples at a busy lab; Sylvie Bilodeau-Goeseels, a research scientist tasked with improving cow fertility; and Dia Matheos, Vice President of Research and Development at a biotech firm. Remarks from co-workers and supervisors provide additional layers to the descriptions of each job. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl561_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl561_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11530</td><td>Biotechnology: Friend or Foe?</td><td>Genetic science holds the keys to life itself. How should this knowledge be used? Enhanc ed by outstanding 3-D computer animations and microscopic imaging, this engaging program featuring Dr. Cary Fowler, author of Shattering: Food, Politics, and th e Loss of Genetic Diversity, takes a balanced look at the biotechnological revol ution. Among the numerous topics surveyed are genetic engineering, cloning, gene therapy, genetically modified food crops, gene patenting, DNA fingerprinting, g ene banks, and the use of transgenic animals for organ transplants. An overview of heredity, natural selection, and the mechanics of DNA is provided. (55 minute s)</td><td>2000</td><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl562_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl562_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31452</td><td>Bioterror: The Invisible Threat</td><td>In the arsenal of terrorism, biological weapons, particularly anthrax, have many compe lling characteristics. In this program, leading experts from both the U.S. and t he former Soviet Union provide chilling commentary on why bioterrorism is likely to become a global threat, citing recent incidents as well as the once-classifi ed results of a 1966 joint U.S. Army/CIA bio-weapon experiment conducted in the New York City subway. Dramatizations of simulated terrorist attacks and laborato ry techniques bring home the relative ease of manufacture and extreme lethality of these weapons. (49 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl563_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl563_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33014</td><td>Bipolar Disorder: Shifting Mood Swings</td><td >Different from the routine ups and downs of life, the symptoms of bipolar disor der are severe-even to the point of being life-threatening. In this insightful p rogram, patients speak from their own experience about the complexities of diagn osis and the very real danger of suicide, while family members and close friends address the strain of the condition's cyclic behavior. In addition, Robert Hirs chfeld, of The University of Texas Medical Branch; Karen Wagner, director of UTM B's Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; and Joseph Calabrese, director of the Mood Disorders Research Program at University Hospitals of Cleveland, pre sent new treatment options and medications for controlling bipolar disorder. (24 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl564_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl564_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32246</td><td>Birds: Flying and Gliding</td><td>After an int riguing look at tree-dwelling animals that glide, this program studies teals, du cks, geese, swans, eagles, vultures, gannets, owls, and hawks to explore three m ajor concerns of avian flight: the muscle-to-mass limits of getting airborne, th e energy costs of staying aloft, and the ways in which flight performance shapes behavior. Body architecture, wing and tail dynamics, formation flying and vorte x wakes, and modes of aerial locomotion-flapping, soaring, bounding, and gliding -are also considered. Animal flight specialists Ken Dial, Andy Biewener, Adrian Thomas, and Tim Guilford are featured. (30 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>31</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl565_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl565_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>33307</td><td>Birth</td><td>Birth: an entrance into life, th e beginning of discovery, and a forging of essential bonds. This program weaves footage of many women's experiences of childbirth with valuable commentary from obstetricians, midwives, psychologists, counselors, and recent mothers and fathe rs. Key topics covered are sonograms and prenatal examinations, changing attitud es to the role of pain in childbirth, postpartum depression or "baby blues," and birthing scenarios, such as in-hospital, at-home, and Caesarian section. Contai ns nudity associated with childbirth. Not available in French-speaking Canada. ( 54 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl566_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl566_lb lPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34930</td><td>Birth</td><td>Many women now give birth at hom e. Modern hospitals increasingly employ doulas and midwives. This video examines the latest trends in birthing, including late-in-life motherhood and the treatm ent of postpartum depression. (22 minutes</td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl567_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl567_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37542</td><td>Birth and Death: The Life Cycle of Language</t d><td>It is predicted that within a century more than half of the world's langua ges will become extinct, but as languages are lost, new ones emerge naturally or are constructed. In this program, Noam Chomsky; Esperantist Thomas Eccard; enda ngered languages researcher Peter Ladefoged, who has since passed away; and othe rs provide insights into the language life cycle. Topics include constructed lan guages such as Esperanto, language endangerment and preservation, and the role o f globalization in language obsolescence. The experts also discuss current langu age trends and offer their opinions on which languages may emerge as front-runne rs of the future. (48 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl568_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl568_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10878</td><td>The Birth and Life of Opera</td><td>Opera is u nique among musical forms in that it developed over a relatively short period of time, unlike the concerto or symphony. From the birth of opera in Florence with the Camerata to the genius of Monteverdi and beyond, this program looks at how opera grew into both a form of entertainment and a vehicle for delivering incisi ve social, political, and cultural messages. The operettas of Offenbach and of G ilbert and Sullivan are also considered, as is opera's maturation into a worldwi de phenomenon. (51 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl569_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl569_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24795</td><td>Birth Defects: Causes and Prevention</td><td>E xplores the most common types of birth defects, covering the major classificatio ns: malformations present at birth, inborn errors of metabolism, blood disorders , and prenatal damage. The video also includes information on the prevention of birth defects, with an emphasis placed on the importance of good prenatal care. A Meridian Production. (10 min.)</td><td>1990</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl570_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl570_lb lPrice">$45.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33209</td><td>Birth of a Language</td><td>Melvyn Bragg begin s the story of English in Holland, finding ancestral echoes in the Frisian diale ct. What follows is a chapter on survival as the English language weathers Vikin g and Norman invasions, vying with and eventually absorbing rival tongues. Livel y settings such as village pubs and markets bring home the lasting influence of Anglo-Saxon, Old Norse, and Old French. The connection between Christianity, Lat in, and an alphabet is explored, as well as the role of the language's first cha mpion, King Alfred the Great. Nobel prize-winning poet Seamus Heaney reads from and discusses the first epic in English, Beowulf. (52 minutes)</td><td>2003</td> <td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl571_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl571_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9359</td><td>The Birth of a New Religion: Christianity in th e 1st and 2nd Centuries</td><td>Part one of this program presents the life of Je sus against the backdrop of first-century Judea, inhabited by the Jews and occup ied by the forces of the Roman Empire. Was Jesus the long-awaited Messiah? After the Resurrection, Saul of Tarsus, later Paul, became a champion of a budding ne w religion based on Jesus' teachings: Christianity. Part two traces the spread o f the faith and its inevitable clash with Rome. Despite persecution, Christianit y thrived, setting down roots and creating the New Testament. (48 minutes)</td>< td>1999</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl572_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl572_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32839</td><td>Birth of an Icon: Frank Gehry's Disney Hall</t d><td>The symphony of construction at Disney Hall is finally completed. The Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra's long-awaited new home-a sculptural arrangement of billowing stainless steel-clad shapes-is the topic of this NewsHour program. Frank Gehry comments on how he designed the concert hall using 3-D computer mode ling, while the Philharmonic's executive director and two musicians extol the vi rtues of master acoustician Yasuhisa Toyota's efforts. Sounding a dissonant note is urban planning critic Sam Hall Kaplan, who calls L.A.'s new signature civic

icon an elitist misuse of money better spent on numerous smaller renewal project s. (11 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>11</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl573_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl573_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1954</td><td>The Birth of the Middle Ages</td><td>This progr am provides an introduction to medieval Europe by showing surviving traces to pr ovide a feel of medieval style and practice and by tracing the roots of the fall of civilization and the onset of darkness. Much that is medieval survives, some times in unlikely places: in a feudal community in sub-Saharan Africa, where an absolute ruler holds court surrounded by ministers, courtiers, and hangers-on, w ith paladins in mail and mercenaries who, according to local tradition, are desc endants of the crusaders; and in numerous folk festivals held in modern Italy, w hich reenact the futile battles against the invading nomadic hordes. The program traces the fall of Rome and the development of fortified monasteries and their gradual transformation into centers of prayer, work, and the study of ancient le arning. With the acceptance of eastern peoples into the Church of Rome, Europe a chieved its frontiers. (43 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>43</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl574_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl574_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11002</td><td>Birth Order and Its Effects</td><td>Heredity, environment, intelligence, and family birth order all help shape the personality throughout the formative years and into adulthood. Each position in a family ca n influence how a child interacts with other family members and friends. This pr ogram examines the only child, the firstborn, the middle child, and the youngest child, giving insight into behaviors and attitudes that seem to be shaped by bi rth order. A Meridian Production. (18 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl575_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl575_lb lPrice">$72.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29839</td><td>Birth Struggle of the 1964 Civil Rights Act</t d><td>This documentary from the CBS News Archives examines the stormy passage of civil rights bill H.R. 7152 through the House of Representatives. The program, filmed in 1964, begins with a report on the controversial bill's history, from i ts introduction by John F. Kennedy to the eve of its debate on the Senate floor. Following that report, Eric Sevareid moderates as Senators Hubert Humphrey and Strom Thurmond engage in a live television debate on the bill's merits. Footage of John and Robert Kennedy, Justice Department officials Nicholas Katzenbach and Burke Marshall, President Lyndon Johnson, and the racial clashes of the early 1 960s captures the tension and drama surrounding the most comprehensive civil rig hts law since Reconstruction. Produced by CBS NEWS. (55 minutes, b&w)</td><td>19 64</td><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl576_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl576_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25002</td><td>Birth to One Year</td><td>Five developmental s tages of an infant's first year. A Meridian Production. (14 min.)</td><td>1990</ td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl577_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl577_lb lPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35285</td><td>Birthrate: New Options for Parenthood</td><td> Spark classroom discussion about gender roles and evolving definitions of family with this program on worldwide birthrates. Examining trends in Denmark, Japan, South Korea, and other countries, the video uses data-mapping of childbirth stat istics to construct a global picture of cultural conventions and expectations. H ow adults in different areas of the world view parenthood-whether or not both pa rents should work, whether or not to have more than one child, or whether to eve n give birth at all-creates an eye-opening picture of the health of these societ ies and their economic priorities. This is an ideal visual tool for global studi es with a sociological focus. (31 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl578_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl578_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24797</td><td>Biscuit Joiner</td><td>Biscuit Joiner is a eig hteen-minute video which is part of the series, Portable Power Woodworking Tools .This series features the most popular and useful types of woodworking tools. Th e student will learn the safe operation of each tool, the different models and t heir purpose, the parts, choosing the proper blade or bit for the task, and the various wood-working operations that can be accomplished with each tool. The nin e videos in this series will enable and encourage your students to safely and cr eatively use portable power tools to their maximum advantage. (18 min.) A Meridi an Production.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl579_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl579_lb lPrice">$64.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36164</td><td>Bitter Harvest: The War on Drugs Meets the War on Terror</td><td>For many governments in the new political landscape of Centra l Asia, supporting America's war on terror translates into a dangerous internal juggling act. This Wide Angle documentary examines the uneasy relationship betwe en forces aligned against the Taliban and the drug lords who control the cultiva tion of much of the world's heroin. With militias and tribal factions diluting c entralized power, the current opium crop in Afghanistan is among the largest eve r. How will the international community deal with this fact of central Asian lif

e? Can agricultural reforms be implemented that will equal the profitability of the opium trade? And how will the United States resolve a dilemma that pits the war on terror against the war on drugs? In addition, UNDP Administrator Mark Mal loch Brown talks with anchor Daljit Dhaliwal. (57 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td> 57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl580_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl580_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6141</td><td>Bivariate Data: When y Depends on x</td><td>Thi s program demonstrates how "qualitative" bivariate data can be visualized by usi ng a modification of the simple Bar Chart. Quantitative data is dealt with by de veloping the Dot Plot into the Scatter Diagram, which allows any correlation to show itself in a linear relation. The program explains how this correlation can be modeled by calculating a "Line of Best Fit," how to calculate 95% Confidence Bands, and how to calculate a summary measure for any correlation called the Cor relation Coefficient. Finally, the program explains how to deal with data that i ndicates a curved Line of Best Fit by either finding a way of re-plotting to pro vide a linear correlation or, alternatively, how to calculate a curved Line of B est Fit. (20 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl581_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl581_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>1701</td><td>The Black Cat</td><td>This confessional monolog ue depicts the decay of one man as a result of his addiction to alcohol. Pomerle au's portrayal brings to vivid life that character as he evolves from a lover of animals and a caring husband to a demon facing the ultimate horror. (35 minutes )</td><td>1988</td><td>35</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl582_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl582_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29823</td><td>Black History: Lost, Stolen, or Strayed?</td>< td>"Significant." "Moving." "Devastating." These are words that were used to des cribe this news report on African-American history when it aired in July of 1968 . In fact, this program was so highly acclaimed that CBS NEWS rebroadcast it, ag ain in prime time, only three weeks later. Featured segments spotlight the chang ing image of black Americans through film and TV clips ranging from The Birth of a Nation, to Amos 'n' Andy, to Guess Who's Coming to Dinner; Freedom Day School in Philadelphia, where African-American children were taught about their herita ge and racial identity; and some of America's less familiar black heroes, includ ing Daniel Hale Williams, the first doctor to perform open heart surgery in Amer ica. A young Bill Cosby hosts. Produced by CBS NEWS. (55 minutes)</td><td>1968</ td><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl583_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl583_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34745</td><td>Black Holes, Pulsars, and Other Odd Bodies</td ><td>This video introduces some of the oddest objects in space: black holes, bot tomless gravity pits that can trap even light; neutron stars, more massive than our Sun but packed into spheres less than ten miles across; quasars, those beaco ns from the dawn of the universe; and, for an explosive finale, supernovas. Magn etars and the Local Bubble are also discussed, along with CHIPS, the Cosmic Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is ava ilable online. Correlates to National Science Education Standards, National Educ ational Technology Standards, and standards of the Association for the Advanceme nt of Science. A Cambridge Educational Production. Recommended for grades 7-12. (23 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl584_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl584_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36927</td><td>Black on White</td><td>Gullah-the African-infl uenced dialect of Georgia's Sea Islands-has undergone few changes since the firs t slave ships landed 300 years ago, and provides a clear window into the shaping of African-American English. This classic PBS program traces that story from th e west coast of Africa through the American South, then to large northern cities in the 1920s. Studying the origins of West African pidgin English and creole sp eech-along with the tendency of 19th-century white Southerners to pick up speech habits from their black nursemaids-the program highlights the impact of WWI-era industrialization and the migration of jazz musicians to New York and Chicago. (59 minutes)</td><td>1986</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl585_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl585_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36352</td><td>Bladder Disorder: Interstitial Cystitis</td><t d>Often mistaken for less debilitating problems, interstitial cystitis is a seri ous and painful disease of the bladder lining that, if not properly treated, can ruin a patient's life. This program explores the challenge that IC presents to physicians-specifically, the difficulties of diagnosing it-and features therapie s and support organizations that have greatly reduced, and may one day eliminate , the agony of IC. Dr. Lowell Parson, a UCSD professor of surgery and urology, e xplains a new catheter-delivered treatment that can heal the bladder's lining, w hile Dr. Vicki Ratner, founder of the Interstitial Cystitis Association, describ es how she spearheaded research into the disease. (28 minutes)</td><td>2003</td> <td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl586_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl586_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>24798</td><td>Bleaching</td><td>Bleaching is a twenty-seven minute video which is part of the series, Wood Finishing.A craftsman can plan, c ut, and assemble a fine piece of furniture...but it does not become beautiful un til the finish is applied. This series will give your students an understanding of the finishing options available, including advantages and disadvantages. The correct preparation and safe application methods for each are demonstrated. A Me ridian Production. 27-minute video.</td><td>1994</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl587_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl587_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10874</td><td>Bleeding and Coagulation</td><td>This program scrutinizes the human body's intricate and essential mechanism of coagulation. P hysiological and pharmaceutical hindrances to coagulation are discussed, along w ith interventions designed to regulate coagulation and to break down unwanted bl ood clots. Demonstrative case studies including a partial liver resection due to chronic hepatitis and liver cancer; a closed-skull trauma, ruptured spleen, and contusion of the lungs, complicated by sepsis; and arrhythmia with atrial fibri llation and an atrial thrombus, complicated by hypertension and bleeding in the brain, are included. (31 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl588_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl588_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11895</td><td>The Blending of Culture: Latino Influence on A merica</td><td>Recent U.S. Census figures provide dramatic testimony to the grow th of the Latino population. This program looks at the "Three Houses of Latino C ulture"-Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Mexican-American-and their widespread influence from entertainment to politics to economics. Key issues include how long Hispan ics have been in America and how U.S. immigration laws affect their assimilation . Interviews with Latino community leaders-university presidents, professors, ar tists, doctors, CEOs, bishops, and ministers-bring home the diversity and achiev ement of this rapidly expanding segment of the American populace. (30 minutes)</ td><td>2001</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl589_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl589_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29446</td><td>Blind Visions: New Hope for the Treatment and Prevention of Blindness</td><td>Perhaps more disturbing than the global statisti cs concerning blindness-for example, one child goes blind every minute-is the fa ct that much of it is easily preventable. This program shows how scientific and technological advances offer new hope for millions suffering from vision loss. E xperts such as ophthalmologists David Yorston and Bruce Allan of London's renown ed Moorfields Eye Hospital discuss cataracts, trachoma, and vitamin A deficiency , the leading causes of blindness worldwide. Film footage and computer animation s of various conditions are shown, along with close-up coverage of the newest ge

neration of laser surgery procedures. (28 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>28</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl590_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl590_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7476</td><td>The Blind Watchmaker: The Evolutionary Ideas of Richard Dawkins</td><td>British biologist Richard Dawkins is blunt in his suppo rt for evolutionary theory as opposed to "special creationism." This program, in spired by Dawkins' book, allows each side to present its best arguments-with som e bias toward Darwinian evolution. The evidence is well-organized and current. C reationist ideas are vividly contrasted with contradictory data through observat ion, computer simulations, robotics, experiments, and close examination of desig ns in nature. The central argument here is that the diversity we see in such com plex adaptations as the eye and insect mimicry can best be explained by cumulati ve natural selection over long periods of time. A BBC Production. (49 minutes)</ td><td>1987</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl591_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl591_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5547</td><td>Blood</td><td>Blood is a fluid with amazing pro perties. In this program, we learn that blood acts virtually like an organ and f ulfills a host of complex tasks within the organism, from oxygen transport to de fending against infection. The crucial importance of blood in maintaining physic al equilibrium has led to the development of numerous technologies dealing with its classification, preservation, and transfusion. The program also covers blood disorders such as anemia, hemophilia, and leukemia, as well as current medical research in treating and curing these disorders. (23 minutes)</td><td>1990</td>< td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl592_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl592_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5987</td><td>Blood</td><td>Blood and circulation are explain ed in this program through the story of a sickle cell sufferer. By looking at th e ways in which sickle cell affects the body, the program explains how the blood circulatory system operates and also how technology is being used to improve di agnosis and treatment of a major disease. The program provides a complete introd uction to the following topics:o Blood structure and functiono The heart and cir culationo Hemoglobino DNA and protein synthesiso Gas exchange at the cellular le velo Sickle cell diseaseo Genetic counselingo Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)o Applications of science and technology in medicine(20 minutes)</td><td>1995</td> <td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl593_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl593_lb

lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30458</td><td>Blood and War</td><td>Ironically, the course o f blood science was accelerated by the needs of the battlefield. This program lo oks at those innovations born of combat's grim necessities in the first half of the 20th century, from the Spanish Civil War, where blood was first collected, r efrigerated, and carried into battle, to the massive blood drives and stockpilin g during World War II. Guests include Col. John Hess, M.D., former director of t he U.S. Army's blood bank, and Spencie Love, author of One Blood, a biography of Dr. Charles Drew, who ran the Plasma for Britain program during World War II. ( 58 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl594_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl594_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6127</td><td>Blood Is Life</td><td>Every second 2.5 million red blood corpuscles are formed in our bodies; in their 120-day life expectancy each will cover about 250 miles in our blood vessels. In the course of a human's life, 200,000 tons of blood are pumped through the body, supplying each individ ual cell with its necessities, removing waste products, and playing a critical d efensive role in warding off foreign cells. That we can survive tropical heat an d arctic cold with a relatively constant working temperature is only possible be cause of our blood. This program provides a thorough introduction to our blood. (45 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl595_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl595_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7341</td><td>Blood Tests: Native American Gamble</td><td>Ste ve Jones investigates what constitutes Native American blood, then follows three individuals as they use DNA matching of a female gene to attempt to confirm a g enetic link between themselves and their Pequot ancestors. How Native Americans were disconnected from their heritage is examined by several tribal members, and the point is made that some want to establish their Indian bloodlines to share in the growing profits from casino gambling on reservations. Native American act ivist Tom Porter stresses the importance of cultural connections, and predicts t he imminent extinction of the Mohawk culture. Original BBC broadcast title: Indi an Roulette. (50 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl596_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl596_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35670</td><td>Bloomsday Cabaret: A Celebration of James Joyc e</td><td>To understand the lyricism and rhythmic quality of James Joyce's work, take a stroll through the music-filled streets of Dublin-made possible by this charming and informative program. Set on "Bloomsday 2004," the 100th anniversary

of Leopold Bloom's fictional excursion, the video immerses viewers in turn-of-t he-century Dublin, popular Irish tunes of the era, and the various ways in which Joyce incorporated them into Ulysses, "The Dead," and other works. Exquisite re enactments and interviews with literary scholars illuminate the complex relation ship between Joycean prose and the author's profound sensitivity to the joys and heartaches in a good song. (49 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl597_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl597_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32482</td><td>Blue Collar: Slingin' Drugs in Mobtown</td><td >In this gritty program, filmed cinema verite-style, five small-time African-Ame rican dealers living in Baltimore openly talk about "slingin' drugs" in the unce nsored language of the streets. Clips of drug use, violence, and arrests intersp ersed with onscreen statistics provide contexts for interviewer questions about life and death in Mobtown's drug culture. Will these young men end up in a luxur y car, a police cruiser, or an ambulance? Even they don't know. Some content may be objectionable. (45 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl598_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl598_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32295</td><td>The Blueprint: Overview of the Manufacturing S killed Trades</td><td>This program lets students see what the manufacturing skil led trades have to offer, surveying the various occupations available and provid ing a quick sketch of each job, including general machinist, industrial electric ian, industrial mechanic millwright, mold maker, pattern maker, tool and die mak er, and industrial welder. (19 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl599_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl599_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32780</td><td>Body Alignment</td><td>A skilled auto technici an has to be a good detective, too. This video explains how to use tire clues an d other evidence to identify and then fix misalignments of unitized and conventi onal frames, including diamond, twist, sag, and sway damage. Adjustments to stee ring systems and tires/wheels are also addressed. A viewable/printable instructo r's guide is available online. Correlates to the standards for the Collision Rep air and Refinish Technician Training Certification Program, from the National In stitute for Automotive Service Excellence and the National Automotive Technician s Education Foundation. A Shopware Production. (17 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td >17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl600_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl600_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>33232</td><td>The Body as a Matrix: Matthew Barney's Cremast er Cycle</td><td>With the five-part Cremaster Cycle of films, multi-award-winnin g artist Matthew Barney invented a densely layered and interconnected sculptural world that surreally combines sports, biology, sexuality, history, and mytholog y as it organically evolves. In this program, Barney, Guggenheim curator Nancy S pector, and others deconstruct the Cycle's filming and subsequent translation in to sculptural installations. The locations, characters, and symbols that organiz e the Cycle films; the Cycle installations as spatial content carriers and exten sions of the performances; and objectification of the body and undifferentiated sexuality are addressed, as are the intricacies of costuming, makeup, and sculpt ing with Barney's signature materials: plastic, metal, and Vaseline. Contains nu dity and mature themes. (53 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl601_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl601_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10892</td><td>Body Chemistry: Understanding Hormones</td><td >Hormones, a strong influence on health and a major factor of self-identity, are often viewed as a mixed blessing. Just how responsible are they for human physi cal and behavioral characteristics? Enhanced by high-end computer graphics, this three-part series explores the impact of hormones through the stories of ordina ry people "held hostage" by them and scientists who seek to more fully understan d them. A BBC Production. 3-part series, 50 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td >&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl602_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl602_lb lPrice">$449.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6793</td><td>Body Dysmorphic Disorder</td><td>BDD, as it is called, afflicts people by causing them to become obsessed with the idea that th ey must drastically and constantly alter their appearance. Two apparently normal , attractive women discuss their experiences with BDD. An expert attempts to unr avel the mysteries behind this unusual condition. (15 minutes)</td><td>1996</td> <td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl603_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl603_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29939</td><td>Body Image for Boys</td><td>As the idealized m ale physique continues to be hyped in movies, on TV, in magazines, and on billbo ards, a rapidly growing number of men are becoming obsessed with appearance. Eac h year alone, they spend billions on gym memberships and home exercise equipment -and women are no longer alone in battling anorexia and body dysmorphic disorder . This topical program explores some of the issues facing young men today as the y struggle to define themselves amidst the flood of media-generated images of ma le physical perfection. Experts including Divya Kakaiya, the visionary founder a

nd clinical director of the Healthy Within treatment center; Leigh Cohn, co-auth or of the seminal Making Weight: Men's Conflicts with Food, Weight, Shape, and A ppearance; and UCLA Healthcare sports medicine physician Gary Green as well as a number of young patients grapple with problems such as steroid abuse, eating di sorders, exercise addiction, and phony food supplements. A viewable/printable in structor's guide is available online. A Cambridge Educational Production. (18 mi nutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl604_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl604_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31477</td><td>Body Wars: Disease and the Hygiene Hypothesis< /td><td>Despite the highest sanitary and medical standards, diseases once extrem ely rare in developed nations are now on the rise. Has ultra-hygienic living unw ittingly made us the enemies of our oldest allies? This program examines compell ing evidence for the "hygiene hypothesis," which suggests that indiscriminate wa r on all microscopic organisms may be bad for our health. Immunologists, epidemi ologists, microbiologists, gastroenterologists, and environmental health experts comment on dramatic increases in allergies, auto-immune diseases, and inflammat ory bowel diseases. Case studies of asthma, Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, and eczema illustrate radically new approaches to treatments. (51 minutes)</td> <td>2001</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl605_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl605_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4553</td><td>Boeing Reinvents the Airplane</td><td>Philip M. Condit, President, The Boeing CompanyWhen their largest customers asked Boeing to match the innovations being offered by the European Airbus Consortium, Philip M. Condit went a step further. The Boeing 777 represented a fundamental rethink ing of their product-and a revolution in the very way Boeing designed, tooled, a nd built airplanes. Philip Condit explains the new gospel of concurrent engineer ing at Boeing: "Teaming," an approach that integrates people and functions that once operated in isolation, one that has enabled Boeing to stay on top in one of the world's most competitive industries. (37 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>37 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl606_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl606_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32259</td><td>Boilermakers</td><td>Once your students have t aken the tour and seen what the skilled construction trades have to offer, they will want to know more about specific jobs that may interest them. This fast-pac ed program provides a concise profile of boilermakers, looking at educational ba ckground, apprenticeships, salary, and the work itself. (12 minutes)</td><td>200 3</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl607_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl607_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33089</td><td>Boiling Point: The Global Struggle for Water</ td><td>Competition for freshwater is heating up. Is war inevitable, or is a peac eful solution possible? This program spotlights three trouble spots that epitomi ze the intensifying crisis and efforts being made to manage it: the Okavango, wh ere a commission formed by Angola, Namibia, and Botswana is trying to resolve th e conflict that is endangering the river's unspoiled waters; the Rio Grande, whe re an aging water-sharing treaty and ever-greater demands for water leave farmer s on both sides of the divide with little hope; and the West Bank, where Palesti nian rainwater reservoirs and the Israeli water grid are dangerous points of con tention between the two peoples. (27 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl608_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl608_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7018</td><td>Bolivia: The Coca Leaf, Food of the Poor</td><t d>The plight of women in this poverty-ridden nation is examined on varying socia l and economic levels. A congresswoman discusses her fight against cocaine produ ction and use; a teacher struggles against government apathy toward education; a peasant women reveals the harsh details of her existence. Progress made by wome n in the area of home business, art, and music is examined, as well as the antiq uated customs that keep women subservient. Also available in Spanish. (60 minute s)English</td><td>1997</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl609_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl609_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7745</td><td>Bonding Between Molecules</td><td>In this progr am, bonding is explained in terms of dipole-dipole bonding for polar molecules, and dispersion forces for both polar and nonpolar molecules. Changes of state fo r water are examined, and the decreased density of ice when compared with liquid water is explained in terms of intermolecular bonding. Polarity is explained wi thin the context of electronegativity. Formation of dipole-dipole bonds is used to discuss the solubility of glucose, sucrose, and other polar molecules. (20 mi nutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl610_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl610_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7744</td><td>Bonding in Metals</td><td>This program begins w ith an examination of atomic structure-presented in terms of protons, neutrons, and electrons-and the idea that bonding is related to the filling of electron sh ells to create more stable particles. Examples of metals and their usefulness ar

e presented, and the relationship between properties and structure is examined. Other processes demonstrated include the formation of metallic bonds by the delo calization of outer shell electrons; change of state from solids to liquids; coo ling of molten metal to form crystals; and the effect of rate of cooling on meta l materials. (22 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl611_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl611_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7747</td><td>Bonding in Molecules</td><td>This program consi ders the bonds formed when atoms share electrons (covalent bonding). The idea of filling electron shells to reach a more stable state is used to explain the for mation of simple molecules such as water and methane. Shapes of molecules are ex plained by considering the repulsion between molecular orbitals. Further shapes are illustrated using CH4, NH3, and NH4. Double bonds (O2) and triple bonds (N2) are introduced. More complex molecules and methods used to simplify diagrams of molecules are discussed using glucose as an example. (17 minutes)</td><td>1997< /td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl612_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl612_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34920</td><td>The Bonds of Family</td><td>Although the tradi tional family is alive and well, new ways of looking at the family unit and its makeup are emerging. Section two (episodes 10-17) of the Brazelton on Parenting series examines these changing concepts of a family's "ingredients." 8-part seri es, 22 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl613_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl613_lb lPrice">$479.60<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5982</td><td>Bones and Joints</td><td>The topic of bones and joints is explored in this program with Dr. Lyle Micheli at Boston Children's H ospital. Dr. Micheli runs the world's leading orthopedic clinic for young athlet es, where the most common types of sports injuries, such as acute impact damage, are treated. The structure and function of the knee are clearly illustrated as we follow the diagnosis and treatment of injuries suffered by the Harvard Univer sity football team. The program provides a complete introduction to the followin g topics:o Movement and the human skeletono Structure and function of jointso Bo ne growth, injury, treatment, and repairo Positive and negative effects of exerc iseo Degenerative diseases(20 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl614_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl614_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>7427</td><td>Bones of Contention: Native American Archaeolog y</td><td>The remains of more than 10,000 Native Americans unearthed at archaeol ogical sites across the U.S. are in the possession of museums such as the Smiths onian. Is the analysis of the bones valid scientific research, or is it a desecr ation of Native American culture? This program focuses on the tensions between s cientists, historians, and museum curators and Native American groups, as the bo nes take on a central role in a war of alternate perspectives. In examining this debate, the program provides an excellent survey of Native American archaeology in the U.S. A BBC Production. (49 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl615_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl615_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10977</td><td>Bonnie Blocka: Hercules Pilot</td><td>As a Her cules pilot, Bonnie Blocka flies missions all over the world, dropping food and supplies to troops. She thrives on the daily challenges and immediate gratificat ion flying brings to her life. (6 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>6</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl616_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl616_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8559</td><td>Book Industry</td><td>Book publishing is both t he oldest and the smallest of the mass media industries. With commentary by the president of Allyn & Bacon, a regional manager of Barnes & Noble, and the owner of the large, independent Tattered Cover Book Store, this program provides a det ailed look at how trade and educational/reference books are made, sold, and mark eted. Also discussed is the perception of book publishing as a glamorous career field, in spite of the hard reality of low profits and wages. In addition, talkshow footage of William F. Buckley, Jr., and Madeline Cartwright, author of For the Children, adds insights into the experiences of book authors. Despite compet ition from TV, magazines, and the World Wide Web, sales figures continue to show that books are holding their own as a method of mass communication. (28 minutes )</td><td>1997</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl617_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl617_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4329</td><td>The Book of Kells</td><td>The origins of the Bo ok of Kells are uncertain; it was written and illustrated around the year 800, b ut the monastery where it originated has not been identified. It contains the La tin text of the four Gospels, with some pages in elaborate color; almost every p age has brightly-colored birds and animals, and there are portraits of the four evangelists. This program not only shows but identifies the faces and figures an d explains the flamboyant decoration and often witty symbolism. (26 minutes)</td ><td>&nbsp;</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl618_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl618_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36148</td><td>Border Jumpers: A Better Life in Botswana?</td ><td>Botswana's electric border fence was erected to keep out diseased livestock from neighboring Zimbabwe. It has also proved remarkably effective at stemming the influx of illegal immigrants fleeing economic collapse and political repress ion. This Wide Angle report examines this frontier flashpoint, profiling both a cattle farmer who strongly supports the fence and illegal immigrants determined to breach it. An interview between Bill Moyers and George Ayittey, Distinguished Economist in Residence at American University, Washington, D.C., rounds out the program. (57 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl619_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl619_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36318</td><td>Borderless: The Lives of Undocumented Workers< /td><td>How much do American and Canadian citizens really understand about the p ersonal, social, and economic struggles of undocumented workers? This program de epens that understanding, providing an intimate look inside the lives of two non -status migrant laborers. Geraldo, a Costa Rican construction worker, and Angela , a Caribbean domestic employee, describe their experiences with labor exploitat ion and restrictive immigration laws, as well as their separation from children and family-poignantly conveyed through telephone calls home. Humanizing an often -invisible workforce, the program exposes some of the hidden costs of sustaining the "first world" economy. (27 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl620_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl620_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34876</td><td>Boris Pasternak</td><td>The life of Boris Past ernak-crowned by a Nobel Prize he dared not accept-is a story of success soured by political oppression. Drawing on previously unavailable footage, this program parts what was the Iron Curtain to profile the renowned author, from his early achievements as an upcoming avant-garde poet to the humiliations and threats hea ped upon him, late in life, as a result of writing the internationally acclaimed novel Dr. Zhivago. Archival interviews with contemporaries and film clips of Pa sternak himself provide insights into the world of a talented writer stifled by Socialist Realism and nearly destroyed by his own masterpiece. (25 minutes)</td> <td>1994</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl621_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl621_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37127</td><td>Born into Prostitution: The Badis of Nepal</td

><td>A daughter of a Badi prostitute is required to be registered under the surn ame Nepali. So marked from birth, she is born into prostitution and is expected to follow her mother into that trade-unless the family, the Dalit community, or charitable NGOs are moved to help them make a change. This program profiles two Badi families and the positive efforts of one former prostitute and Suklal Nepal i, director of SAFE (Social Awareness for Education), to assist them. Ironically , it is a sex customer, through his blunt appraisal of Badi prostitutes, who ina dvertently speaks the most eloquently of these women's plight. (30 minutes)</td> <td>2006</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl622_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl622_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32678</td><td>Born to Survive</td><td>Every human being has an armory of instincts that helps keep him or her alive. This program analyzes h ow the senses, innate physical reactions, and the ability to manage risk boost t he chances of survival. An infant's cry, its primary defense during life's most helpless time; a craving for high-calorie foods that harks back to eras of food scarcity; an inborn disgust mechanism that prompts people to avoid eating things that taste bad or look sickening; the fight-or-flight reaction, as it affects t hrill-seekers and crime victims; and a willingness to gamble-whether with money or life itself-are studied. A BBCW Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td >50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl623_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl623_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36501</td><td>Born with a Wooden Spoon: Welcome to Poverty U .S.A.</td><td>The United States continues to be the wealthiest country in the wo rld, yet one in eight Americans-approximately 37 million people-live below the p overty line. This program analytically and sympathetically discusses the effects and implications of poverty, examining factors such as illiteracy, insufficient job skills, substance abuse, and crime. The phenomenon of multigenerational pov erty is also addressed, underscoring the disturbing pattern of poverty begetting poverty. Interviews with impoverished people and those who reach out to them pu t a human face on a demographic group that lives below the radar of wealthy and middle-class Americans. (60 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl624_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl624_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8838</td><td>Bosnia's Rite of Return</td><td>What is it like when tens of thousands of refugees return home from several years of exile to r ebuild their lives? In this program, Muslim refugees from the village of Stolac describe the challenges of living with their wartime enemies; Croat refugees, pr eparing to celebrate Easter, seek guidance from a clergy that is itself divided between a desire for reconciliation and a belief in racial supremacy; and Bosnia 's major religious leaders in Sarajevo discuss the struggle to keep the nation's

multi-ethnic society alive. (50 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl625_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl625_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37287</td><td>Boso Online Marketplace: Converting Users into Investment Gold</td><td>Few online startups make it-and of those, even fewer ma ke it big. But the odds don't scare the founders of Boso, an online marketplace for Oxford University students to buy and sell secondhand stuff. In this program , mentor John Boyle counsels Harjeet and Kulveer Taggar-cousins who have staked everything on success-to market aggressively to increase users in order to attra ct investment that would enable them to take Boso national before a rival can ch allenge them. Unfortunately, they are slow to act on his advice and eBay U.K. la unches Student Zone. With a stalled user base and almost no interest from invest ors, Harjeet and Kulveer fight on, even as they face up to the fact that Boso's best window of opportunity has closed. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>25</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl626_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl626_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24820</td><td>Boss: Owning Your Own Business</td><td>Boss is for young people who love a challenge, are doers, and have lots of energy. The BIZ WHIZ QUIZ will help them identify characteristics that are necessary if they want to be in charge. Boss talks about the various hats people who own a busine ss must wear, such as a business planning hat and a marketing hat. Entrepreneurs of all ages offer insightful hints into a variety of businesses, emphasizing th at it takes a lot of money and hard work to make a go of it. (18 min.) A Meridia n Production.</td><td>1995</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl627_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl627_lb lPrice">$72.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36450</td><td>Bottled Up: Repackaging the Brand</td><td>The decision to develop a new squeezable Marmite bottle means altering a container s tyle that had gone unchanged for 103 years. This program follows the process fro m prototype to final design and the emergence of a brand-new product which the d esign team hopes will revitalize the Marmite business. Confronting the technical challenges arising from Marmite's thick consistency, the team enlists the help of a renowned package-design guru and, after a harrowing test period, eventually commissions a line of squeeze-bottles from a large German manufacturer. Meanwhi le, the marketing director and a graphic designer work out a new concept for the bottle's label. (25 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl628_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl628_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30783</td><td>Bottling the Sun: The Quest for Nuclear Fusion </td><td>As fossil fuels near depletion, nuclear fusion promises unlimited power supplies. This program looks at recent developments in the quest to turn the me chanism of the sun into a viable energy source. The program chronicles the effor ts of Alan Sykes and his team working on START, the first spherical Tokamak, at the Culham Research Facility in England. Dr. Martin Peng, who first conceived of a compact, spherical plasma reactor, is also interviewed and discusses the Amer ican offshoot of the START project, the National Spherical Tokamak Experiment. ( 30 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl629_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl629_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11765</td><td>The Bottom Line in Education: 1980 to the Pres ent</td><td>In 1983, the Reagan Administration's report, A Nation at Risk, shatt ered public confidence in America's school system and sparked a new wave of educ ation reform. This program explores the impact of the "free market" experiments that ensued, from vouchers and charter schools to privatization-all with the goa l of meeting tough new academic standards. Today, the debate rages on: do these diverse strategies challenge the founding fathers' notions of a common school, o r are they the only recourse in a complex society? (55 minutes)</td><td>2000</td ><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl630_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl630_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30660</td><td>The Bottom Line: Privatizing the World</td><td >Some call it a winner-take-all opportunity. Others call it the exploitation of scarcity in its most extreme form. This program challenges big business's alarmi ng rush to commodify the world's common resources-things as basic to life as dri nkable water and human genes. Proponents of the common good square off against p romoters of "business as usual," speaking out on controversial issues including exporting water from Canada, creating hybrid crop seeds and imposing their use o n farmers, patenting the BRCA1 gene sequence, fighting against the free dispensi ng of generic versions of patented HIV medications, and drafting international t rade agreements that create negative precedents that override existing environme ntal laws. (53 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl631_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl631_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36358</td><td>Boudica's Treasures</td><td>Britain's legendar y warrior-queen Boudica led an uprising against Roman occupation in 60 AD. After a few victories, her army was slaughtered. But what happened to the surviving m embers of her tribe, the Iceni? This program describes archaeological work that

is filling in the gaps in Boudica's story, focusing on a site in Norfolk which m ay provide some important clues. Following archaeologists Neil Faulkner and Davi d Thorpe as they study recently discovered artifacts-including gold coins, part of a chariot harness, and a heavy necklace designed for Brythonic royalty-the pr ogram explores the intriguing theory that the dig site was a seat of Iceni power . (48 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl632_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl632_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36375</td><td>Boutros Boutros-Ghali: UN Secretary-General, 1 992-1996</td><td>Despite Boutros Boutros-Ghali's diplomatic accomplishments, his tenure as United Nations Secretary-General was marked by a tragic period in Afr ican history and a difficult political transition for the world body. In this pr ogram, Boutros-Ghali sheds light on global events in which the UN participated-o r perhaps should have been more involved. The Egyptian scholar conveys his opini on that peacekeeping missions overburdened UN resources during his mandate, that warnings about Rwanda's ethnic conflict were ineffective, and that American off icials intended, through the brusque removal of Boutros-Ghali from power, to cau tion his successors. Contains graphic images of genocide victims. (28 minutes)</ td><td>2005</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl633_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl633_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10237</td><td>Bows, Arrows, and Aircraft Carriers: Moving Bo dies with Constant Mass</td><td>In this program, geometry is combined with appro ximation to solve relatively complex problems involving shooting an arrow and la nding an airplane on the deck of an aircraft carrier. Emphasizing the value of s ketching as a visualization tool, the program also explains how the solution of the archery problem, through geometric inversion, can help solve the problem of a plane landing. (59 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl634_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl634_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10005</td><td>Boy or Girl? When Doctors Choose a Child's Sex </td><td>What is to be done when chromosomal abnormalities or an accident leave a baby with what is known as "ambiguous genitalia"? In this program, ABC News co rrespondent Dr. Nancy Snyderman investigates the once-accepted belief that surgi cal sex assignment would determine gender in such cases. The studies of Johns Ho pkins child psychiatrist William Reiner and pioneering medical researcher Milton Diamond-plus testimony from the man known to medical literature as John/Joan-ar gue that gender comes from the brain, not the body, and that no operation can al ter that basic fact. Some content may be objectionable. (15 minutes)</td><td>199 8</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl635_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl635_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36938</td><td>Boy to Girl to Man: Disproving the Theory of G ender Neutrality</td><td>When David Reimer was a newborn, his penis was burnt of f in a botched circumcision. On the advice of Dr. John Money, a pioneering gende r-reassignment specialist, David was renamed Brenda and raised as a girl. This p rogram recounts the medical and psychological ordeals that Reimer underwent, bot h as Brenda and then as David again, before his suicide in 2004. Using moving dr amatizations, previously unseen interview footage of David, conversations with h is family, and transcripts of meetings between Dr. Money and his tormented patie nt, the program tells a cautionary tale of nature pitted against nurture. Origin al BBCW broadcast title: Dr. Money and the Boy with No Penis. (50 minutes)</td>< td>2004</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl636_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl636_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11203</td><td>BPH: Aging and the Enlarged Prostate</td><td>A s they get older, most men will experience benign prostatic hyperplasia, a non-m alignant enlargement of the prostate gland. This program offers timely facts abo ut a condition frequently left undiscussed until severe urinary discomfort force s the sufferer to the doctor's office. The symptoms of BPH, current drug and sur gical interventions, and future treatment options are all covered, as well as th e life-saving importance of an annual prostate exam for men over 50. Commentary is provided by Dr. Claus Roehrborn, of The University of Texas Southwestern Medi cal Center, and Dr. J. Curtis Nickel, of Kingston General Hospital, Ontario. (23 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl637_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl637_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34970</td><td>Brahms: Rhapsody in B Minor Op. 79 No. 1</td>< td>The Rhapsody in B Minor requires a range of sensibilities, from lightheartedn ess to a propensity for shock value. In this program, virtuoso pianist Martino T irimo leads an engaging master class at London's Royal Academy of Music-pushing his students to find the essence of the Brahms piece, while encouraging each per former to craft his or her individual approach. Artists from the United States, Europe, and Asia take part in this liberating and instructive session. (30 minut es)</td><td>1988</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl638_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl638_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2970</td><td>The Brain</td><td>Roger Bingham's fascinating a

nd informative series on the human brain-examining research on how it works. 6-p art series.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl639_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl639_lb lPrice">$579.70<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5988</td><td>The Brain</td><td>This program opens in the eme rgency room of a large hospital where head injuries are an all-too-common proble m. The importance of the brain is evident from the skill and technology employed in ensuring that any damage to it is minimized. Using combinations of computeri zed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and advanced surgical tec hniques, the program shows why the brain is so important and explores what is kn own about how it works. The program provides a complete introduction to the foll owing topics:o Brain structure and functiono Localization of brain activityo Mot or and sensory neuronso Simple reflex arcs(20 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>20</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl640_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl640_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8165</td><td>Brain and Nervous System: Your Information Supe rhighway</td><td>This program explores the brain and nervous system, using the a nalogy of computers and the Internet. Topics discussed include electrical impuls es and how nerve messages travel; parts of the brain and their functions; how th e brain and spinal cord are protected; the senses; and diseases, drugs, and thei r effects on the brain and nervous system. A viewable/printable instructor's gui de is available online. A Cambridge Educational Production. (31 minutes)</td><td >1998</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl641_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl641_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30473</td><td>Brain Box: Defining Intelligence</td><td>From hothousing to alternative paradigms for quantifying intelligence, this provocati ve two-part series presents the latest scientific research on how the brain work s while addressing some of today's most pernicious myths about intellectual deve lopment. Not available in French-speaking Canada. 2-part series, 50 minutes each .</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl642_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl642_lb lPrice">$299.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35406</td><td>Brain Sex</td><td>Busting some gender-related beliefs while supporting others, this program shows that brain chemistry doesn't

fit neatly into male and female categories. Five men and five women are put thr ough scientific experiments, exploring major sex-related brain functions-includi ng emotional recognition, empathy, competition, communication, and basic cogniti on. Candid camera sessions reveal male and female attitudes and behaviors that c orrespond to the test results-while a scientist studies the brains of a couple w ho constantly disagree, searching for clues in their neural activity that will h elp explain communication difficulties. A BBCW Production. (51 minutes.)</td><td >2005</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl643_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl643_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8984</td><td>Brain Sex: Brain Architecture and the Sexes</td ><td>Do men and women really see the world differently? As the debate over natur e vs. nurture continues, this three-part series presents a strong case for biolo gical influences on human thought and perception. 3-part series, 51 minutes each .</td><td>1991</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl644_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl644_lb lPrice">$269.85<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11455</td><td>Brain Story: New Frontiers in Brain Research</ td><td>For some scientists, the brain has become the last frontier to conquer. E nhanced by outstanding 3-D graphics and intimate case studies, this eye-opening six-part series explores the grand themes emerging from the latest brain researc h-research that with the aid of modern technology is producing a whole new model of brain function. In each program, renowned neuroscientist Susan Greenfield, b iologists, psychologists, linguists, and other experts investigate the physiolog ical basis of why people think, feel, and act as they do. A BBC Production. 6-pa rt series, 50 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl645_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl645_lb lPrice">$779.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>12039</td><td>Brain Tumors: New Hope, New Treatments</td><td >Several years after he was given less than a year to live, David, a patient wit h glioblastoma multiforme, is alive and cancer-free. In this program, Henry Frie dman, of the Duke University Medical Center; Michael Prados, of the University o f California at San Francisco; and other medical experts use case studies to sho w how scientific advances in the areas of brain mapping, laser surgery, and chem otherapy are offering patients like David a new lease on life. Information on th e symptoms and risk factors involved with cancers of the brain is included. (24 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl646_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl646_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24822</td><td>Brake System Service</td><td>Outlines the diag nosis of brake system problems. Inspection and maintenance are detailed while se rvice procedures on master cylinders, boosters, and disc and drum brakes are exa mined. The importance of safety of brake systems on the car is emphasized throug hout the video. (34 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>2008</td><td>33</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl647_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl647_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24823</td><td>Brake Systems</td><td>The design of master cyl inders, wheel cylinders, lines, hoses, shoes, pads, springs, and other component s are explained. Computer graphics show what should be happening inside the brak e hydraulics during normal operation. Both drum and disc brakes are included. Co mputer-controlled anti-lock braking systems are also described. (26 min.) A Meri dian Production.</td><td>2008</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl648_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl648_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32784</td><td>Braking System Repair</td><td>Hit the brakes! This video describes how to bleed, flush, and pressure-test a brake hydraulic sy stem; remove and reinstall a caliper assembly; and check parking brake system op eration. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the standards for the Collision Repair and Refinish Technician Training Cert ification Program, from the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence and the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation. A Shopware Produc tion. (18 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl649_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl649_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14442</td><td>Branches of Government</td><td>This series des cribes the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches of American government and how they interact in a system of checks and balances.A Cambridge Educationa l Production.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl650_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl650_lb lPrice">$239.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11159</td><td>Branded: Personal Identity Through Consumer Pr

oducts</td><td>This program updates the philosophy of branding, a practice that has evolved to define personal identity through a product line, a lifestyle, or simply a concept. Cultural anthropologist Ted Polhemus explains the theory of br anding and its evolution in the global marketplace. Nicolas Hayek, CEO of Swatch , uses his company's success story to discuss the emotional nature of buying-and buying into-a brand. The indie skateboard entrepreneurs of Girl & Chocolate des cribe their brand as representative of a lifestyle. And the advertising duo who created "do," a brand with a lot of attitude but no products, look at brands as a form of personal statement that replaces worn-out cultural identity tags such as political affiliation. (42 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>42</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl651_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl651_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6870</td><td>Brave New Worlds: The Science Fiction Phenomeno n</td><td>It has been written that "science fiction is the true literature of th e 20th century, showing us the present through an image of the future." This doc umentary looks at classic films and novels, pulp fiction, B movies, and the spec ial-effects wizardry of science fiction adventure epics. Interviews with key wri ters and filmmakers of the genre, such as Arthur C. Clarke and Paul Verhoeven, m ap out the history of science fiction. By juxtaposing newsreels with film clips, we reflect on just how allegorical the predictions were. Clips from popular fil ms including Terminator, Dark Star, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Alien, and St ar Wars help make the program a visually enriching experience. (51 minutes)</td> <td>1992</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl652_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl652_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34909</td><td>Brazelton on Parenting</td><td>Keeping up with the latest advances in the field of child development is one of the many challe nges young parents face. Created by renowned pediatrician and author Dr. T. Berr y Brazelton, this 26-part series compiles parenting wisdom from a variety of exp erienced sources. Case studies and parent-generated questions covering a wide ra nge of subject areas are explored, accompanied by extensive and authoritative co mmentary from a long list of distinguished pediatricians, educators, and child p sychologists. The result is more than a scholarly compendium-it's a practical gu ide to parenting success. 26-part series, 22 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td> &nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl653_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl653_lb lPrice">$1,558.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33616</td><td>Brazil</td><td>This controversial program high lights the political initiatives taken by Brazil's top two religious entities: C atholics and evangelical Protestants. It argues that the Roman Catholic Church h as always been fused with the nation's identity, from statues of Christ in Rio d e Janeiro to mark the first centenary of Brazil's independence to the thousands

of Brazilian flags waved during morning mass at the Cathedral of Aparecida. Yet the Church has seemed aloof to many Brazilians; fewer than one in ten attend mas s regularly. With the growing power of the evangelical movement, a battle agains t the Catholic establishment begins for political collusion at the time of a cru cial presidential election. (37 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl654_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl654_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38827</td><td>Brazil in Black and White: Skin Color and High er Education</td><td>"Am I black or am I white?" New affirmative action quotas f or higher education in Brazil-one of the world's most racially diverse nations-l aunch a controversial dialogue about race and identity as this Wide Angle report follows five college candidates from diverse backgrounds competing for a spot a t the University of Brasilia. In addition, lawyers from the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund visit Brazilian civil rights leaders to discuss the legal c hallenges of affirmative action. With nationwide surveys identifying more than 1 30 different categories of skin color, who will be considered "black enough" to qualify for the new racial quotas? (57 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl655_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl655_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7019</td><td>Brazil: Priestesses, Samba Dancers, and Mulatto s of Brazil</td><td>This program discusses the lives of two groups of women-the women of northern Bahia and the mulattos of Rio de Janeiro-both descendants of A frican slaves. In Bahia, voodoo religious practices are revealed, as well as the problems of prostitution and AIDS. In Rio, the program examines the tradition o f carnaval and the role of female mulatto samba dancers as sex objects. Also ava ilable in Spanish. (57 minutes)English</td><td>1992</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl656_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl656_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>828</td><td>Breakdown</td><td>This program, from The Living Body series, investigates the digestive consequences when a family sits down to lunch. As the first morsel is put into the mouth, the camera watches from inside as the molars clamp down and the process of breakdown and transformation occurs . It follows the food through the entire alimentary tract, showing how it is dis solved in acid, how the liver and gallbladder work, and how digestion and absorp tion work. (26 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl657_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl657_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d>

</tr><tr> <td>30895</td><td>The Breakdown: 1637-1641</td><td>Amidst the Th irty Years' War and an atmosphere of religious fervor stoked by continuing frict ion between Protestant sects and the High Church, an arrogant king with unshakea ble faith in divine right ignited civil war in England. In this program, host Tr istram Hunt presents the players and ideas that set the stage for bloodshed: Cha rles I, his likeminded Archbishop of Canterbury, William Laud, and their inflamm atory religious reforms; the Puritans, Presbyterians, and their reactionary mani festo, the National Covenant. Historical dramatizations filmed on location great ly assist in understanding the opening chapter to war. (29 minutes)</td><td>2002 </td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl658_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl658_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30704</td><td>Breakfast: Most Important Meal of the Day</td> <td>Greater physical stamina, better concentration at school or work, a more eff icient metabolism-the evidence is overwhelming that a healthy breakfast is the k ey to a productive day. Yet it's the meal most likely to be skipped by children, teenagers, and adults alike. This video brings home the importance of the day's first meal by exploring the numerous mental and physical benefits of a nutritio us breakfast. Viewers will understand the relationship between eating and metabo lism, specifically between breakfast and blood-sugar levels. The kinds of foods that best fuel the body in the morning are also listed. A viewable/printable ins tructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the National Health Education Standards and the National Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences Education . A Meridian Production. (21 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl659_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl659_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14373</td><td>Breaking Out of the Under-Achievement Trap</td ><td>This video recognizes the fact that underachievers often fall into a trap w ith little growth or real movement. While the underachiever may have goals, the goals are too often vague and unrealistic-from their proclamations to become pro -athletes or rock stars to their procrastination and self-defeating academic beh avior. Stressing the assistance of a total supportive environment, including gui dance from parents and teachers, Breaking Out notes that the underachiever wants the same things all other students want...they simply lack the specific success ful academic tools and the day-in, day-out motivation. Breaking Out goes beyond describing the profile of the typical underachiever. It also looks at techniques students, teachers, and parents can use to help them break out of the trap. A C ambridge Educational Production. One 25-minute video.</td><td>1990</td><td>24</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl660_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl660_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>33286</td><td>Breaking the Silence: Lifting the Stigma of HI V/AIDS in Ethiopia</td><td>In Ethiopia, fear of HIV has led to a stigma against those who carry it. This case study spotlights the heroic efforts of individuals and organizations such as Dawn of Hope, the Cheshire Foundation, Mekdim, and Sa ve Your Generation to open a life-saving dialogue about the disease that include s community education on HIV transmission and prevention as well as counseling a nd care for those in HIV-related need. "This issue is knocking on everybody's do or," says Tsegaye, a young man who came out about his infection to open the eyes of his friends to the danger of unprotected sex. "Each of us must do our part." Contains discussions of condom use. (28 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>28</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl661_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl661_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30085</td><td>Breaking the Trade: The Abolition of Slavery i n the British Empire</td><td>In the early 1800s, an extraordinary event occurred in British politics: a small pressure group successfully lobbied against the en trenched, well-moneyed interests of slavery. This program uses dramatic reenactm ents, readings of Parliamentary minutes, and expert commentary to tell the story of the three men largely responsible for slavery's abolition: William Wilberfor ce, Granville Sharp, and Thomas Clarkson. Michael Dottridge, the director of Ant i-Slavery International, explains that the barbarous practice has not been eradi cated everywhere: an estimated 27 million people are still enslaved worldwide to day. (30 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl662_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl662_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38779</td><td>Breast Cancer</td><td>Without question, breast cancer is the disease many women fear the most-not only because of the disease, but also because of what treatment involves. However, as this program illustrat es, dramatic differences exist between today's breast cancer therapies and the w ay the illness was treated a generation ago. Women with breast cancer detail the ir experiences with this disease, their reactions to the diagnosis, and the trea tments that saved their lives. They also offer advice to other women about how t o emotionally survive the breast cancer experience. Experts include Dr. Edith Pe rez of the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, and Dr. Dennis Slamon of UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center. (28 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>28</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl663_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl663_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30374</td><td>Breast Cancer: Prevention and Treatment</td><t d>This program presents a concise overview of critical concerns and issues regar ding breast cancer, a disease that affects one in five women. In a logical forma t using computer graphics and footage with real patients, the program addresses

the general pathology of cancer, the specifics of breast cancer, and the various risk factors. A segment on self-examinations clearly demonstrates how these pot entially life-saving checks are performed, explaining how they are the key to ea rly detection. Treatment options are fully explained and illustrated, including chemotherapy, mastectomy, and reconstructive surgery. (20 minutes)</td><td>2001< /td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl664_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl664_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>835</td><td>Breath of Life</td><td>This program explains why the body needs regular supplies of air and how it gets them. The camera follows the process of breathing through the ultra-thin membrane of the lung into the b lood, showing how the varying demand for oxygen is met by the exchange of inform ation between the brain and the chest muscles and how the body rids itself of ca rbon dioxide. (26 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl665_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl665_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>5985</td><td>Breathing</td><td>This program begins by lookin g at a typical day in the life of a cystic fibrosis sufferer. The structure and function of the lungs are seen through a mixture of computer graphics and real-l ife video. The problems encountered with cystic fibrosis are compared with the f unctioning of a normal healthy lung. The program provides a complete introductio n to the following topics:o The lungs and associated organso Ventilation of the lungs and gas exchangeo The role of mucus in the bodyo Causes and symptoms of cy stic fibrosiso Applications of enzyme technology to modern medicineo Measurement of lung functiono Genetic diseases and gene therapy(20 minutes)</td><td>1995</t d><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl666_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl666_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32260</td><td>Bricklayers and Stonemasons</td><td>Once your students have taken the tour and seen what the skilled construction trades have to offer, they will want to know more about specific jobs that may interest them . This fast-paced program provides a concise profile of bricklayers and stonemas ons, looking at educational background, apprenticeships, salary, and the work it self. (13 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl667_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl667_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>8204</td><td>The Bridge: How Islam Saved Western Medicine</t d><td>While it is true that the Greeks invented philosophy, mathematics, and sci ence, it is equally true that after the fall of the Roman Empire, throughout the Dark Ages, much knowledge was preserved by Islamic cultures who later passed it back to the West. This program uses footage shot in the Aegean, Middle East, Ir an, Spain, Italy, France, and Germany to explore the process by which medical kn owledge was passed on. Throughout the program, the brilliant medieval world of I slam is revealed. Monuments, historical sites and personalities, libraries and u niversities woven into scenes of everyday Islamic life paint a colorful, vivid p icture of the period. This revealing documentary reinforces our debt to the Isla mic world and clarifies history. (50 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl668_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl668_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6547</td><td>A Brief History of Slang</td><td>In this progra m, slang expert Jonathan Green explores the history of English slang and its use around the world. Wittingly revealed are the derivatives and sources of some of the more famous words, such as bimbo-a derivative of the 18th-century Italian w ord for baby-bambino, and the word slang itself, thought to have derived from th e Scandinavian word sling, meaning throw or shot. (23 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</t d><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl669_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl669_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35019</td><td>Bringing Baby Home: A How-To Guide for New Par ents</td><td>This down-to-earth video takes nothing for granted as it guides par ents through the first six months of a newborn's life. Divided into four section s, Bringing Baby Home concisely covers more than a hundred topics with practical demonstrations and authoritative information. Daily activities such as diaperin g, bathing, and breastfeeding are clearly shown, and basic health concerns inclu ding colic, jaundice, fever, SIDS, and vaccine reactions are addressed. Postpart um issues are also discussed, and advice for couples is provided by a family the rapist. A viewable/printable educator's resource guide is available online. (60 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl670_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl670_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11359</td><td>Bringing Computer Games to Life: Artificial In telligence and Physics</td><td>Never short of eager programmers and willing test ers, the computer game industry has long been both a hothouse and a proving grou nd for cutting-edge computer applications. Focusing on efforts to integrate arti ficial intelligence and the laws of physics into character response and movement , this program takes an inside look at how Britain's sophisticated computer game industry is pushing the envelope of creativity. Bullfrog Productions founder Pe ter Molyneux, designer of mega-hit computer role-playing games including Populou

s and Theme Park, is featured. (30 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl671_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl671_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34220</td><td>Bringing It to a Boil: Moist Cooking Methods a nd Food Storage</td><td>There's more to boiling than heating up water! This step -by-step guide highlights eight essential cooking methods that use moist heat: b lanching, parboiling, simmering, poaching, braising, stewing, steaming, and even microwaving. The best choices of utensils, how different techniques affect tend erness and flavor, and how to preserve food's nutritional value are covered too, with explanations of commercial preparation and storage systems like cook-chill , cook-freeze, and sous-vide. The result is an authoritative, well-organized res ource for culinary arts or food technology students. A viewable/printable instru ctor's guide is available online. (27 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl672_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl672_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33631</td><td>Bringing Up Children</td><td>Is there a crisis of childhood caused by the consumer society and the mass media? "There is impat ience in our culture for letting children be children," says Archbishop Rowan Wi lliams, who cites lack of in-depth conversations between parents and children as the main cause for their vulnerability to advertising tactics. In this intrigui ng program, Archbishop Williams argues with children's author Philip Pullman abo ut the theme of militant moral atheism in Pullman's work, and with abandoned chi ldren's charity coordinator Camila Batmanghelidjh, who says that the Anglican Ch urch is behind the times in giving a message that is relevant to troubled childr en and their experiences. (26 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl673_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl673_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8514</td><td>Broadcast Television</td><td>In 1927, Herbert H oover made TV history by appearing in one of America's first experimental broadc asts; 33 years later, the televising of the Kennedy-Nixon debates changed the fa ce of political history forever. This program covers the progress of broadcast T V, from experimental novelty, to its emergence as a mass media powerhouse, and o n to its current state as an industry with declining audience-share. In addition , the growth of public television and the symbiotic nature of the network-affili ate relationship are discussed. Can this once-dominant medium, now eroded by cab le TV, VCRs, the Internet, and Nintendo, regain its past glory? This program is a necessary resource for any study of the history of broadcast television and it s role in American culture. (28 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl674_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl674_lb

lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37482</td><td>Broken Border: America's Immigration Dilemma</ td><td>Take a trip to historic Tombstone, Arizona, and relive Wyatt Earp's gunfi ght at the O.K. Corral-or watch 21st-century vigilantes scour the landscape for Mexican invaders. Modern pseudo-cowboys haunt Southwestern communities with grow ing frequency, and they represent one of several new trends examined in this doc umentary on America's immigration anxiety. Focusing on the porous U.S.-Mexico bo rder separating Arizona and Sonora, the program records the daily routines and h igh-tech strategies of border agents, the attitudes of local ranchers and activi sts, and the motivations of undocumented job-seekers determined to cross again a nd again, no matter how many times they are arrested. A conversation with Repres entative Tom Tancredo (R-Arizona) and a look at surging Latino populations in ot her states are also included. Original CBC broadcast title: Broken Border. (45 m inutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl675_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl675_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4943</td><td>The Broken Cord: Louise Erdrich and Michael Dor ris</td><td>In this program with Bill Moyers, authors Louise Erdrich and the lat e Michael Dorris explain how traditions of spirit and memory weave through the l ives of many Native Americans and how alcoholism and despair have shattered so m any other lives. The devastating effect of fetal alcohol syndrome on their adopt ed son and on the Native American community as a whole is also discussed. The is sues discussed in the program are underscored by the tragedy of Dorris's untimel y death. (30 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl676_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl676_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11355</td><td>Broken English: The Effects of Brain Damage on Language</td><td>In this program, Dr. Jonathan Miller investigates both the pre dictable and the unexpected effects of damage to Broca's and Wernicke's areas on patients' abilities to communicate verbally and through sign language. In his e fforts to expose the physiological roots of language expression, Dr. Miller trac es the evolution of brain research, from the scientific blind alley of phrenolog y to the promising field of neurolinguistics. The essentially arbitrary yet form alized nature of words, the Chomskyan distinction between competence and perform ance, and John Hughlings Jackson's novel theory on aphasia are also considered. (47 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl677_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl677_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10431</td><td>The Brontes: Three Muses and Their Men</td><td

>Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Bronte were a trio whose writings rocked Victorian E ngland and yet who lived, suffered, and died far from mainstream British society . Featuring dramatizations, excerpts from their letters, and period illustration s, this elegiac program explores the England that they knew and portrayed, their familial relationships, and the men-both real and invented-who loomed large in their lives: their father, Patrick; their brother, Branwell; Professor Constanti n Heger; Charlotte's husband, Arthur Bell Nicholls; and Heathcliff, Zamorna, and Rochester. Bronte biographer Dr. Juliet Barker adds authoritative insights. (51 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl678_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl678_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35614</td><td>Brother 2 Brother: Positive Personal Change fo r At-Risk Youths</td><td>Many at-risk youths see negative lifestyles such as hus tling drugs as the only real alternatives open to them. Introspective in tone, t his documentary presents a different point of view through the emotional journey of at-risk young black men attending an intensive retreat led by older black me n whose life experiences qualify them as powerful mentors for positive personal change. Overall, the participants come away with a stronger sense of themselves, a new bond of brotherhood as a group, and a feeling of connection with elders w ho have faced similar circumstances and succeeded in turning their lives around. Some language may be offensive. (41 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl679_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl679_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>788</td><td>Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?</td><td>This prog ram shows the events of the Great Depression and explains how they prepared the way for the rise of Nazism, Japanese expansionism, and the altered role of gover nment in the U.S. It covers the Bonus March in July 1932; the Boom of the 1920s and the Bust, speculation, overconfidence, and an economy out of control; and th e end of the Dawes Plan. Would the New Deal solve the nation's problems or usher in the revolution? (20 minutes, b&w)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl680_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl680_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>33811</td><td>Brownfield Basics</td><td>After addressing ter ms and concepts essential to an understanding of brownfields, this program turns to author Storm Cunningham and Robert Colangelo, executive director of the Nati onal Brownfields Association, for historical background on the problem. In addit ion, nationally recognized experts Charles Bartsch and Ira Whitman discuss legis lation that led to the Brownfields Revitalization Act of 2002, and City of Phoen ix brownfields coordinator Rosanne Sanchez talks about her work with community l eaders, state officials, and private developers. Produced by John W. Sutherlin, Ph.D. (32 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl681_lb

lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl681_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33818</td><td>Brownfields, Community Involvement, and Smart Growth</td><td>In this program, Katherine Heller, of RTI International; Jane Mer gler, of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Norman Camp III, co-chairman of Partn ers for Environmental Justice; and other experts drive home the importance of co mmunity involvement in brownfields reclamation. Renewal projects in Baltimore, T renton, Phoenix, Denver, and elsewhere illustrate how sustainable redevelopment depends heavily on sharing information, balancing majority interests with minori ty rights, and long-range planning. Increasingly, brownfields are proving to be a viable alternative to greenspace depletion and an essential part of America's smart-growth strategy. Produced by John W. Sutherlin, Ph.D. (29 minutes)</td><td >2004</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl682_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl682_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33815</td><td>Brownfields Liability and Remediation</td><td> Throughout her career, Denise Chamberlain has advised business, government, and community representatives on site remediation and redevelopment. In this program , Ms. Chamberlain focuses on brownfields liability reform and the Phoenix Awards . Charles Bartsch, Ira Whitman, and Cherokee Investments' Thomas Darden offer in sights into liability issues as well. Additional interviews with EPA, HUD, and E DA officials from around the U.S. balance out the video. Produced by John W. Sut herlin, Ph.D. (30 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl683_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl683_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33810</td><td>Brownfields: Reclaiming Our Urban Environment< /td><td>Half a million brownfields litter the U.S.-abandoned polluted commercial properties that pose environmental hazards and undermine local economies. This in-depth eight-part series scrutinizes the remediation, redevelopment, and reuse of brownfields. Footage of Phoenix Award-winning projects from all around the c ountry is combined with more than 150 interview segments with government special ists, state brownfields coordinators, municipal and community leaders, developer s, insurance companies, engineering and remediation companies, and legal experts for a well-rounded look at how America is recovering its blighted real estate. Produced by John W. Sutherlin, Ph.D., through a grant from the U.S. Environmenta l Protection Agency. 8-part series, 27-44 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nb sp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl684_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl684_lb lPrice">$719.60<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>33422</td><td>Brushstrokes: The Painter's Touch</td><td>Shou ld brushstrokes be allowed to show-or even be shown off, like a signature-or sho uld they be carefully effaced whenever possible, leaving the surface of a painti ng smooth? This program looks at both the mechanical side of the question-the in fluence of pigments and brush types on the traces of a brush's passage-as well a s the long-running doctrinal tension between exponents of visible and hidden bru shstrokes. (27 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl685_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl685_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35554</td><td>Bucking the System: Alternatives to Cash and C apital</td><td>Are the days of the traditional cash economy numbered? This progr am examines ground-breaking monetary systems designed to benefit disadvantaged s egments of the population and build strength in the small business sector-not on ly in the United States, but also in Mexico, India, Poland, and Britain. Traveli ng to each country, the program showcases remarkable financial innovations-inclu ding the "Ithaca hour," a currency rapidly becoming standard in the upstate New York town; a Greenwich "time bank" that encourages community involvement; and Wa rsaw's Fundusz Micro credit organization, which helps entrepreneurs build busine sses without capital. (27 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl686_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl686_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2151</td><td>Buddha in the Land of the Kami (7th-12th Centur ies)</td><td>The history of Japan past and present is the story of the kami, the supernatural, not quite godlike spirits who underlie the Japanese-ness of Japan -who created the Japanese islands at the beginning of time and remain today the ones responsible for health and luck, for success in childbirth and business, fo r the proper functioning of silicon chips and the uniqueness and unity of the Ja panese. This program begins with the creation myth of Japan and explains the ori gin and scope of the kami concept; explains the arrival of Buddhism and how Budd hism and the kami were assimilated; discusses the role of Chinese culture, style , and writing in Japanese culture; and demonstrates how the Japanese garden epit omizes the Japanese view of the relationship between humankind and nature, space , time, and reality. (53 minutes)</td><td>1989</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl687_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl687_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11185</td><td>Buddha: The Path to Enlightenment</td><td>Draw ing on Buddha's ancient sermons, this program vividly depicts the life story of Siddhartha Gautama, who is said to have renounced luxury and radical asceticism alike to attain spiritual freedom by taking the middle path. Transformed, Siddha rtha became reverentially known as Buddha, "The Enlightened One," and offered hi

s teachings to any who wished to learn the Four Noble Truths. Buddhist rituals, holiday celebrations, and holy sites such as Buddh Gaya and Mt. Kailash are inte rspersed throughout the narrative. Aspects of monastic life are also explored, a s well as the concepts of karma and nirvana. (43 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>4 3</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl688_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl688_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33648</td><td>Buddhism</td><td>Using architecture and art, t his program studies the birth of Buddhism in India and its spread to other lands , where it has flourished. The Mahabodhi Temple, in Bodh Gaya; the Great Stupa a t Sanchi, India; the Borobudur Temple-the largest Buddhist shrine in the world-i n Indonesia; and the Chuang Yen Monastery in New York State, with its 37-foot-ta ll marble statue of The Enlightened One surrounded by 10,000 smaller statues, ar e featured. (26 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl689_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl689_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30190</td><td>Building a Corporate Vision: Buy-In and Brand Identity</td><td>This program illustrates two of many hurdles that partners-to-b e must clear in an attempt to bring about a successful merger: buy-in and brand identity. Meetings with the equity holders to outline the business plan, Anderse n consultants to value the participating companies and establish proportions of ownership, and millionaire advertising genius Siimon Reynolds to brainstorm a co mpany name and motto are featured. With high hopes, the equity holders begin the ir race to go public, never suspecting that in less than a year they would be ou t of luck and out of business. (28 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl690_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl690_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35545</td><td>Building a Workcenter</td><td>It's a multifunc tional tool stand, a workbench, and a sawhorse all in one! This video profiles t he portable workcenter, an indispensable item that's equally useful in the shop and on the construction site. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is availab le online. Correlates to competency standards for core curriculum and carpentry from the National Center for Construction Education & Research. A Shopware Produ ction. (22 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl691_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl691_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>30904</td><td>Building America: Land Development Issues in t he 21st Century</td><td>When it comes to suburban and rural development, more an d more Americans are showing interest in greener building practices, better reso urce management, and biodiversity. There is also a growing desire to redevelop A merica's urban centers. But alongside these movements are the core principle of free enterprise, the cherished right to buy and sell property, and the ongoing n eed to create housing for an ever-increasing population. Can all of these diverg ent points of view be reconciled? This three-part series of Fred Friendly Semina rs explores these critical issues. 3-part series, 60 minutes each.</td><td>2001< /td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl692_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl692_lb lPrice">$269.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3603</td><td>The Building Blocks of Electrochemistry</td><td >Basic concepts of electrochemistry are introduced with the aid of a robot power ed by an electrochemical cell. The chemical reactions that occur inside the cell demonstrate the principles of reduction and oxidation-the redox reactions-that produce the flow of electrons in the cell. (10 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>1 0</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl693_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl693_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35318</td><td>Building Faith: Sacred Architecture</td><td>Ho uses of worship are designed around the beliefs and values of those who gather i nside them. Carefully researched and conversational in style, this six-part seri es uses detailed location footage and animated models to examine the symbolism a nd historical meaning of sacred structures from six religions. Equally appropria te for introductory courses in architecture or religion. 6-part series, 25 minut es each.</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl694_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl694_lb lPrice">$779.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30247</td><td>Building Multilevel Global Brands</td><td>For Nicolas Hayek and Domenico DeSole, image is everything. In this program, Hayek, chairman and CEO of Swatch Group, and DeSole, chairman, president, and CEO of Gu cci Group, give their views on building multilevel global brands, the vital impo rtance of image, and American versus European business theory. In addition, MBA students and faculty from the International Institute for Management Development , Lausanne, Switzerland, ask questions about how to reinvigorate tired brands an d the effects of saturating markets with brands that thrive on uniqueness. (58 m inutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl695_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl695_lb

lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33503</td><td>Building to Extremes</td><td>Many saw the terr orist attack on the World Trade Center as the end of the skyscraper. They were w rong. This program interviews architects and engineers who have dedicated their lives to reaching new heights, and investigates the risks and benefits of buildi ng tall. Two projects-Taipei 101 and the Shanghai World Financial Center-are fea tured as they race to become the world's tallest building. And as plans go forwa rd for a new building on the site of the WTC and for an audacious half-mile-high tower in Dubai, can innovative materials and design techniques overcome critica l safety issues? (57 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl696_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl696_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10861</td><td>Building Tomorrow's Company: Leadership</td><t d>Already being adopted by many of the world's most successful companies, the in clusive approach to business thinking involves a broadening of vision that encom passes all of a company's stakeholders. This potent program, hosted by BBC News correspondent Paul Burden, uses the Hewlett-Packard success story to explore the leadership qualities required to position an enterprise for long-term competiti veness. The Marshall School of Business's Dr. Warren Bennis, Stanford University 's Dr. Jerry Porras, and the entrepreneurial duo of Bill Hewlett and Dave Packar d provide industry insights and penetrating analyses. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999< /td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl697_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl697_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31947</td><td>Building Trades II</td><td>Panelization. Stron gbacks. Romex. King studs. Live loads. Blind nailing. Double upper plates... There are no two ways about it: building a house is a demanding and complicated business. And as homes become even more sophisticated-and complex-the demands pl aced on builders will become even greater. For students planning on entering the building trades, mastering many different skills while keeping an eye on the "b ig picture" has never been more challenging. Building Trades II brings it all together. This 20-part series offers your students a comprehensive overview of the home construction process while each individual program features step-by-ste p directions that will help them master specific skill sets. And correlation to standards means they're getting the information they need to succeed in the clas sroom and, later on, in their careers. Beginning with design and estimating, through laying the foundation, all the way to installing the finishing trim, thi s series shows students how to get the job done-and done right. By watching skil led tradespeople model the techniques that they'll use in the field, students be nefit from the know-how that only years of experience can bring. In addition to detailed skill-based instruction, students will learn about: Industry-standard techniques for estimating materials Exciting new trends in foundations, framing, and other phases of construction Identifying the appropriate material for differ ent applications How the trades work together to construct a home Produced in conjunction with the National Association of Home Builders Production Unit, this

series features up-to-the-minute construction techniques so your students will be able to meet the demands of today's-and tomorrow's-design trends. From foo tings to ceiling joists, from innovative framing techniques to the proper way to nail a header, Building Trades II lays the foundation for success. Viewable/pri ntable instructor's guides are available online. Correlates to the Competencies and Objectives of the National Center for Construction Education & Research. A S hopware Production. 20-part series, 12-19 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nb sp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl698_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl698_lb lPrice">$1,399.00<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30244</td><td>The Built-to-Order Revolution</td><td>One pion eered the built-to-order method of mail-order. The other set the standard for ju st-in-time delivery. Together, they have changed the way the world does business . In this program, Michael Dell, chairman and CEO of Dell Computer Corporation, and Frederick Smith, chairman, president, and CEO of FedEx Corporation, discuss their business models. In addition, MBA students and faculty from the McCombs Sc hool of Business at The University of Texas at Austin ask questions about crisis management, successfully growing a company, and balancing work with personal ti me. (57 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl699_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl699_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24844</td><td>Bulimia: The Vicious Cycle</td><td>This progra m explores the debilitating eating disorder of bulimia-causes, symptoms, and tre atment. Also included are interviews with an expert clinician and a former bulim ic who describes how bulimia affected her entire life and her road to recovery. The video enables students to understand bulimia, be able to recognize symptoms they may see in others suffering from bulimia, and know what treatment methods a re available to combat it. A Meridian Production. One 14-minute video.</td><td>1 991</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl700_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl700_lb lPrice">$52.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29938</td><td>Bullies</td><td>In the U.S., an estimated 1.6 million students in grades six through ten are bullied one or more times per wee k-and as many as 150,000 victims cut classes each day just to avoid it. In this program, Dr. James Shaw, author of Jack and Jill: Why They Kill, explains how to confront and counter bullying in the nation's schools. Candid interviews with b ullied students including Evan Ramsey, convicted of killing his school's princip al and a classmate, as well as with two reformed bullies-one male, one female-pr ovide a wide-ranging peer perspective on school violence. Students also share th eir successes as part of anti-bullying and peer mediation programs in their scho ols. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to all applicable state and national standards. A Meridian Production. (18 minutes)

</td><td>2002</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl701_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl701_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11108</td><td>Bully Breath...How to Tame a Troublemaker</td> <td>This video entertains and advises viewers about handling the bullies on thei r block. Real-life situations, dramatizations, and discussions help viewers unde rstand the reasoning behind a bully's behavior, specific steps to neutralize his or her power, and how to avoid becoming a victim. Practical guidelines are give n for managing conflict and creating win-win results for bullies and their victi ms in the classroom, on the playground, and at home. A Meridian Production. One 18-minute video.</td><td>1997</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl702_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl702_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35000</td><td>Bully Girls</td><td>Traditionally, bullying ha s meant physical intimidation and violence-and in the past was considered a prob lem only among boys. But experts are finding that girls can perpetuate bullying as well, although it often takes place on more subtle or secretive levels. This program focuses on increasing awareness of bullying among girls and educating vi ewers about how, when, and why it occurs. Understanding the difference between t easing and bullying, identifying specific female bullying techniques and tactics , recognizing warning signals that help is needed, knowing the best ways to repo rt incidents, and getting school officials involved to combat the problem are al l subjects thoroughly explored in the video. A viewable/printable instructor's g uide is available online. Correlates to all applicable state and national standa rds. A Meridian Production. (20 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl703_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl703_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30081</td><td>Bunraku: Masters of Japanese Puppet Theater</t d><td>Born in Osaka some 300 years ago, Japanese puppet theater-Bunraku-is a stu nning yet refined spectacle. This program presents the story of Bunraku through two of its greatest masters, puppeteer Tamao Yoshida and chanter Sumitayu Takemo to. Brought together for the last performance of the 20th century, these two "Li ving National Treasures" transform ancient tales of old Japan into vibrant human drama. Cameras go backstage to capture the immense preparations and grueling, r arely seen rehearsals for their exquisite rendition of the masterpiece Shinju Te n no Amijima. (53 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl704_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl704_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>10113</td><td>Burma: In the Garden of the Crying Buddha</td> <td>Renamed Myanmar by its ruling junta, Burma is one of the world's poorest nat ions due to decades of iron-fisted military control and despite its valuable nat ural resources and priceless national treasures. This program presents an intrig uing glimpse of Burmese life, ranging from washing the sacred Buddha at the Maha Muni Pagoda and the initiation of young Buddhist novices amid the ruins of Baga n to farming the amazing floating gardens of Lake Inle. Issues including Burma's 40-year civil war, the vital role of the railway and the cinema, and rampant sm uggling are addressed as well. (49 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl705_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl705_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6795</td><td>Business 2000</td><td>This series offers a comp rehensive report on the globalization of business. CEOs, economists, management experts, and journalists from Europe, Asia, and North America discuss global mac roeconomic trends. 7-part series.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl706_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl706_lb lPrice">$909.65<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11269</td><td>Business Communication: Listening</td><td>Mark is exasperated-he has to redo a sales report because a coworker did not hear th e directions-and a customer is furious because someone did not listen to his spe cial shipping instructions. In this dramatization, Mark and his colleagues atten d a seminar on listening skills and learn about the steps to good listening, emo tional filters and hot buttons, and active/passive and reflective listening. A M eridian Production. (19 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl707_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl707_lb lPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11272</td><td>Business Communication: Reading</td><td>If Mar k and his colleagues are to meet a tight research deadline, they will have to re ad faster-and smarter-than ever. This dramatization illustrates the value of tak ing a time-saving approach to reading, which includes using skimming and active reading techniques, taking advantage of reader-friendly devices designed to help pinpoint information, and diligently concentrating on the content target zone. A Meridian Production. (18 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl708_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl708_lb lPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>11268</td><td>Business Communication Series</td><td>Solid co mmunication skills are keys to a smooth transition from school to work. Using en gaging scenarios to dramatize real-world communication breakdowns and demonstrat e how employees overcome them, this four-part series addresses the cornerstones of communication: listening, speaking, writing, and reading. A Meridian Producti on. 4-part series, 18-23 minutes each.</td><td>1996</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl709_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl709_lb lPrice">$399.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11270</td><td>Business Communication: Speaking</td><td>Mark' s public speaking nightmare has materialized into reality: he must present his d epartment's new marketing plan to the board of directors. This dramatization tra cks Mark's preparations, during which he learns good speaking techniques, effect ive methods for organizing a speech, tips for minimizing stage fright, and the i mportance of nonverbal communication. A Meridian Production. (23 minutes)</td><t d>1996</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl710_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl710_lb lPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11271</td><td>Business Communication: Writing</td><td>On his first day on the job, Mark already has a writing assignment. How should he begi n? In this dramatization, Mark quickly learns the four steps to good writing-pla n, write, revise, and edit-as well as the differences between a memo, a letter, and a report. Revisions are displayed on his computer screen as he actually make s them, providing concrete examples of the writing process in action. A Meridian Production. (20 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl711_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl711_lb lPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>27426</td><td>Business Ethics</td><td>Most people have an ea sier time making ethical decisions when they have been given the opportunity to think through various ethical dilemmas and discuss them with their peers. Help y our students bring their own values into focus by sharing this collection of sce narios that challenge ethical decision-making. Students become aware of ethical dilemmas they may encounter in the workplace and will become better prepared to respond. (19 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1994</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl712_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl712_lb lPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>10685</td><td>Business Ethics: A 21st-Century Perspective</t d><td>The globalization of commerce has added new shades of gray to the complex subject of business ethics. In this program, Frank Daly, corporate ethics office r at Northrop Grumman; Thomas White, director of the Center for Ethics and Busin ess at Loyola Marymount University; and David Vogel, of the Haas School of Busin ess, analyze the challenges to making ethical choices in the Information Age. Is sues raised include the need for multinationals to agree on a set of core intern ational business values, the impact of ever-shrinking time frames on the decisio n-making process, and the necessity of secure data transmission. A Meridian Prod uction. (16 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl713_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl713_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7142</td><td>Business Ethics: The Bottom Line</td><td>Is tod ay's corporate culture, characterized by exorbitant CEO salaries, downsizing, an d benefit reductions, alienating employers from employees? What moral obligation s do companies have to the people who work for them, and to the communities they serve? In this program, a group of business experts examine these issues, and d iscuss how companies can do "the right thing" and still improve their bottom lin es. Experts include the president and CEO of a large corporation, a senior fello w at the Brookings Institution, and a former executive committee member of Johns on & Johnson. (29 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl714_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl714_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7141</td><td>Business Ethics: Truth in Advertising</td><td>I n today's high-tech, multimedia business environment, ads must be slick, sensati onal, and sophisticated if they hope to stand out from the competition. This pro gram examines how truth in advertising has gotten lost in this competitive frenz y, and how consumers can learn to separate fact from fiction in the confusing ba rrage of hype and half-truths. Two advertising executives discuss how companies develop ads, and how consumer audiences are targeted. (29 minutes)</td><td>1997< /td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl715_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl715_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34961</td><td>Business is Blooming: The International Floral Industry</td><td>The typical Valentine's Day bouquet is the product of an elabo rate South American growing operation, a complicated airborne distribution netwo rk, and sophisticated European trading markets akin to stock exchanges. This pro gram describes the entire process in detail, clearly illustrating the global nat ure of the floral industry. Shot in Ecuador, Colombia, France, and Holland, the video shows how supply and demand, seasonal dynamics, global competition, and ot her issues affect the production and transportation of a fragile, perishable com modity-which, although traded on a massive scale, moves according to highly emot

ional market forces. (53 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl716_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl716_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34900</td><td>Business, Management & Administration</td><td> When it's time to get down to the business of business, introduce your students to some people who make their living at it. This program profiles a corporate ac counting assistant, an administrative assistant, an account director, and a prin cipal at a commercial real estate services firm. Together they cover a lot of gr ound as they discuss the challenges and rewards of their work, providing informa tion on necessary skills, educational credentials, and personal qualities. A Cam bridge Educational Production. (23 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl717_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl717_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33106</td><td>The Business of Film</td><td>In this program, Channel 4 commissioning editor John Richmond, producer Rachel Gesua, director Ti m Supple, screenwriter Andrew Bannerman, and members of the cast and crew talk a bout the business of making a modest TV adaptation of Twelfth Night. Step by ste p, they walk viewers through scripting; budgeting for talent, crew, cameras, sou nd, sets, blue screen, lighting, and costuming; casting actors and hiring the pr incipal crew; scouting locations; planning and building sets; and scheduling the shoot. (25 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl718_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl718_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29829</td><td>Busing: Complying with Swann in 1976</td><td>T oday, busing as a vehicle of public school desegregation is being phased out, bu t in 1971, when it was first mandated by the U.S. Supreme Court in the Swann rul ing, it was a volatile new process that had strongly polarized public opinion in many communities throughout the U.S. Filmed only five years after the controver sial precedent was first put into practice, this program looks at events in Char lotte and Boston, two places that stand as icons in the busing battle. Produced by CBS NEWS. (53 minutes)</td><td>1976</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl719_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl719_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37465</td><td>Buying into Sexy: The Sexing Up of Tweens</td> <td>Ads targeting girls between the ages of 8 and 12 employ an increasing level of sexuality. Are advertisers responding to neo-feminist notions of "girl power"

or are they leading girls toward harmful self-images? This program examines the trend by following a group of tween girls through their daily lives, recording their perceptions of fashion, celebrities, boys, and themselves. Interviews with both concerned and clueless parents-as well as a behind-the-scenes look at the corporate decision-making which so profoundly impacts tween culture-are also inc luded. Frank conversations with Candie's CEO Neil Cole and a hard look at MuchMu sic programming practices enhance this urgently needed social analysis. (26 minu tes)</td><td>2005</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl720_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl720_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30018</td><td>Buy-ology: The Science of Buying and Selling</ td><td>Americans, as a whole, live in a constant state of acquiring and discardi ng, collectively spending billions of dollars and innumerable hours on shopping every day of the week. This intriguing two-part series draws on experimental dat a, anecdotal case studies, and interviews with a wide range of experts to scruti nize why people buy-and how sellers manipulate their desires. Original BBC broad cast series title: Buy-ology. 2-part series, 51 minutes each.</td><td>2001</td>< td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl721_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl721_lb lPrice">$299.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7895</td><td>By River, By Rail: History of the Black Migrati on</td><td>In the early 20th century, blacks moved north in hope of a better lif e with little more than a prayer and the shirts on their backs. In this program, poet Maya Angelou, NAACP President Kweisi Mfume, and a host of other African-Am ericans recount the story of the migration, of separated families, and of the ha rdships, prejudice, and struggle for acceptance in the North that resulted in di sillusionment. Black luminaries include James Cameron, author of A Time of Terro r; Jacob Lawrence, artist and creator of The Black Migration series; and Dr. Jul ius Garvey, son of Marcus Garvey, founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Ass ociation and the Back to Africa movement of the 1920s. (22 minutes)</td><td>1994 </td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl722_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl722_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33196</td><td>By River into the Unknown</td><td>Scientist, c artographer, and ecological pioneer, Alexander von Humboldt set himself a vast g oal: "to find out how the forces of nature interact upon one another." This prog ram follows the first two years of Humboldt and Bonpland's explorations as they charted rivers, gathered samples, and documented thousands of species of fauna a nd flora in Colombia, Cuba, and the Andes. Along with striking location footage, many of the expedition's original maps, manuscripts, and diverse specimens are seen in Berlin's Humboldt Museum for Natural History. (53 minutes)</td><td>1999< /td><td>53</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl723_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl723_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36937</td><td>Bye-Bye, Planet Pluto</td><td>Examining the wo rk of several renowned astronomers-including NASA's Alan Stern, Minor Planet Cen ter director Brian Marsden, and Kuiper Belt pioneers David Jewitt and Jane Luu-t his program will expand viewer awareness of the vast array of solar system bodie s which science has brought to light in recent years. It also describes the pain staking process by which Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto and provides rich insig ht into the discoveries and deliberations which resulted in Pluto's demotion to minor planet status. Using both high-tech animation and low-tech, table-top prop s, the film deftly illustrates solar system structure and aspects of the Kuiper Belt. A BBCW Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl724_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl724_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9362</td><td>Byzantium and the Holy Roman Empire: Christiani ty in the 7th and 8th Centuries</td><td>Part one of this program contrasts the i ll health of Rome and its Church with the spiritual and material vitality of Byz antium. But all was not well even in the east, as war with Persia and the rise a nd swift spread of Islam made the Holy Land off-limits, while arguments about th e nature of Christ continued to split the Christian world. Part two focuses on t he conversion of the Saxon tribes first by Bishop Boniface-the Apostle of German y-and then by King Charlemagne, who was crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo I II. (48 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl725_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl725_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>1959</td><td>Byzantium: From Splendor to Ruin</td><td>This p rogram covers the founding of Constantinople as a second Rome, its flowering whe n the Roman Empire in the West was shattered, its gradual decline under the impa ct of Normans, Turks, Venetians, and the Crusades, and finally, its fall in 1453 . The program describes the history, art, and religious significance of Byzantiu m, its attempts to restore the Roman Empire, its influence in the West, and its heritage. (43 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>43</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl726_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl726_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3701</td><td>C 3 and C 4 Plants</td><td>This program explore s the ability of plants to utilize atmospheric carbon dioxide. The concept of ca

rbon 3 versus carbon 4 plants is extensively developed at the molecular level wi th computer animation. (10 minutes)</td><td>1987</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl727_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl727_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>24860</td><td>Cabinet Doors and Hinges</td><td>Details vario us methods of hanging cabinet doors including latest techniques in European and American types. Shows construction using stile and rail. A Meridian Production. 14-minute video.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl728_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl728_lb lPrice">$52.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24861</td><td>Cabinet Drawers</td><td>Shows types of door fr onts, methods of joinery including rabbets and dovetails, installation of runner s, guides, slides, and hardware. A Meridian Production. 16-minute video.</td><td >&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl729_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl729_lb lPrice">$52.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8515</td><td>Cable TV and Beyond</td><td>This program detail s the history of this dynamic medium from its modest beginnings. In 1949, cable meant television for locations that had very poor reception or were inaccessible to broadcast signals. By the mid-1970s, cable service began to expand rapidly d ue to the easing of government restrictions and the use of satellite transmissio ns. Fiber optics, new cable-ready TVs, and an explosion of programming by an eve r-growing number of networks helped to increase the number of available channels from a mere handful to hundreds. In the 1990s, with nearly 60 percent of Americ an households wired for cable, it drew close to parity with the Big Three networ ks and PBS. More recently, cable has come to mean Internet access as well. For m any people, the TV is now a source of personal communication, expanded learning and entertainment, and shopping as viewers use e-mail and the World Wide Web fro m their TVs. As the world reaps the possibilities of media convergence, what els e will come down the cable pipeline? (28 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>28</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl730_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl730_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36107</td><td>C.A.G.E. the Rage</td><td>Calm down, Assess th e situation, Gauge alternatives, and Empower yourself by choosing how to react: that's the way to safely C.A.G.E. the rage. By viewing this program, students wi

ll (1) see how to identify anger in themselves and those around them; (2) unders tand why mismanaged anger is so destructive; (3) discover how anger gets repress ed, and the bodily and mental illnesses that may result from it; and (4) learn t o release anger and express emotions in an acceptable and positive way using the C.A.G.E. method. Scenarios in which students model first unhealthy and then hea lthy behaviors make this video a particularly effective teaching tool. Candid in terviews with experts and teens are also included. A viewable/printable instruct or's guide is available online. Correlates to all applicable state and national standards. A Cambridge Educational Production. Recommended for middle school and high school. (23 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl731_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl731_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30382</td><td>Cake Night: A Journey Towards Recovery</td><td >Set in the Canadian addiction treatment center of Edgewood, this program explor es the private world of substance abuse rehabilitation through the eyes of six a ddicts and their families. Despite varied backgrounds, the goal of these patient s is to turn their backs on substance dependence by facing their addiction and t o arrive clean and sober to Cake Night, the monthly celebration of recovery. The impact of addiction on the family, the concept of dependency as a disease, and the debate surrounding this popular model of treatment are also explored. (46 mi nutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl732_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl732_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5230</td><td>Calderon de la Barca: La Vida Es Sueno</td><td> The Spanish classic, performed in the classic Spanish style-beautifully spoken a nd clear to the ear. With Julio Nunez as Segismundo and a first-rate supporting cast. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 74 minutes, b&w)</td><td>1968</td><td>74</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl733_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl733_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35228</td><td>California State Railroad Museum: Binding Ties </td><td>America's railroads carried passengers and progress to the far corners of the continental United States. This program invites viewers to ride the rails to Old Sacramento and visit the California State Railroad Museum, where meticul ously restored locomotives, railroading artifacts, and archival photographs illu strate the diverse experiences of those who built the railroads and those who us ed them. All aboard! One 27-minute video.</td><td>2003</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl734_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl734_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32332</td><td>Calming the Baby</td><td>In this video, you wi ll see helpful techniques for calming yourself and a fussy baby, as well as avoi ding shaken baby syndrome. (10 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl735_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl735_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32561</td><td>Calming the Baby-in Spanish</td><td>In this vi deo, you will see helpful techniques for calming yourself and a fussy baby, as w ell as avoiding shaken baby syndrome. (13 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>13</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl736_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl736_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30751</td><td>Cambodia's Killing Fields</td><td>This program scrutinizes U.S. violence against technically neutral Cambodia during the Vietn am War, attacks carried out in an effort to deny a haven for communist forces. T he decade of upheaval that followed what has been called the low point in Americ an diplomacy is also addressed, as an allegedly U.S.-backed coup drove Norodom S ihanouk into the arms of China and opened the door to the ruthless Khmer Rouge. Commentary by Emory "Coby" Swank and Noel Deschamps, former U.S. and Australian ambassadors to Cambodia; David Whipple, CIA station head in Cambodia; Lao Mong H ay, of the Khmer Institute of Democracy; and historian Stephen Heder is featured . (57 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl737_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl737_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14497</td><td>The Cambridge Car Buying System</td><td>Each d ay, thousands of unnecessary dollars are transferred from the pockets of novice consumers into the pockets of highly trained, professional car salespeople. This informative program portrays car buying as a three-act play and coaches buyers on how to most effectively act out their role in the drama: researching, negotia ting, and closing the purchase. The key to saving thousands of dollars on every car purchase lies in learning how to be a smart consumer by entering the process as an investigator armed with relevant information and a total understanding of the roles played by buyers and sellers. Viewers learn what information they sho uld have before walking onto a car lot: where to get this information; how to ta ke and keep control of the sale; tips for driving away with the best car, price, and terms available. A Cambridge Educational Production. (38 minutes)</td><td>1 992</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl738_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl738_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33833</td><td>Cambridge Core Science Series: BioBasics</td>< td>Use the comprehensive 8-part BioBasics series to excite your students about l ife science as you present the fundamental concepts they'll need for a firm foun dation in biology! An engaging blend of computer graphics, interviews with scien tists, and animations will hold their attention as they open their minds to a wi de range of essential life science topics. Viewable/printable instructor's guide s are available online. Correlates to National Academy of Sciences National Scie nce Education Standards and the American Association for the Advancement of Scie nce Benchmarks for Science Literacy. A Cambridge Educational Production. Recomme nded for grades 7-12. 8-part series, 16-24 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td><td>&n bsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl739_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl739_lb lPrice">$719.60<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34720</td><td>Cambridge Core Science Series: GeoBasics</td>< td>As oil supplies dwindle, as catastrophic weather events multiply, as the ozon e layer grows thinner, Earth needs geologists, geophysicists, environmentalists, and other researchers as never before! Introduce your students to Earth science -and inspire them to help save the world-with this eight-part series. Magnificen t location footage and satellite images, explanations by experts in the field, a nd animated diagrams that simplify complicated processes make GeoBasics a valuab le addition to any study of the Earth, its systems, and humankind's impact. View able/printable instructor's guides are available online. Correlates to National Science Education Standards, National Educational Technology Standards, and Stan dards for the English Language Arts. A Cambridge Educational Production. Recomme nded for grades 7-12. 8-part series, 19-26 minutes each.</td><td>2006</td><td>&n bsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl740_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl740_lb lPrice">$719.60<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34740</td><td>Cambridge Core Science Series: Space Science</ td><td>With the International Space Station a reality, a return to the Moon by 2 020, and a manned Mars shot a decade or so later, a career in space science has never been a more realistic option for students. Inspire them to reach for the s tars as you introduce them to astronomy, astrophysics, aerospace engineering, th e history of space exploration, and the process of scientific inquiry with this eight-part series. Highlights include incredible footage from orbiting observato ries and space probes, commentary by leading scientists and researchers, and ani mated diagrams that make complex concepts easier to understand. Viewable/printab le instructor's guides are available online. Correlates to National Science Educ ation Standards, National Educational Technology Standards, and standards of the Association for the Advancement of Science. A Cambridge Educational Production. Recommended for grades 7-12. 8-part series, 23-29 minutes each.</td><td>2006</t d><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl741_lb

lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl741_lb lPrice">$719.60<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14618</td><td>Cambridge Fashion Merchandising</td><td>This f ive-part series provides a comprehensive overview of fashion merchandising, incl uding wholesaling, retailing, visual merchandising, and sales skills. A Cambridg e Educational Production.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl742_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl742_lb lPrice">$369.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14550</td><td>The Cambridge Preventative Parenting Series</t d><td>This informative four-part series familiarizes caregivers with a multitude of children's health issues, from how to recognize common childhood illnesses a nd proper immunization schedules, to dental hygiene and first aid. A Cambridge E ducational Production.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl743_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl743_lb lPrice">$239.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6976</td><td>Campaign Finance: Abuses and Reforms</td><td>Th is program, hosted by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Hedrick Smith, provides an o verview of Clinton-era campaign finance reform: the failed initiatives of the po st-Watergate era, soft money scandals, and models for reform. Smith interviews J ohn McCain, Bill Bradley, and Jack Kemp to determine how soft money corrupted th e political process. The initial segment describes the campaign finance system i n use during the 1990s-itself the result of reforms instituted after Watergate-a nd explains how that system broke down. A second segment originates in Florida's sugarcane fields and demonstrates how well-targeted campaign donations helped w in passage of legislation that favored the sugar industry. A final segment, set in Maine, illustrates how a public-funding bill impacted the electoral process a nd considers the lessons the nation might learn from it. (49 minutes)</td><td>19 97</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl744_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl744_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10025</td><td>Campaign Finance Reform</td><td>Campaign fundi ng has grown to be an integral part of running for office in America. Is there a correlation between financial contributions and victory at the polls? And how a re special interest groups repaid for their generous support once a candidate ta kes office? This program takes a bipartisan look at the urgent need to redefine and restrict the role of money in the electoral process. Experts include Ann McB ride, of Common Cause; Fred Wertheimer, of Democracy 21; Representative Christop

her Shays (R-CT); Professor Michael Sandel, of Harvard University; and Washingto n Post columnists Mark Shields, David Broder, and E. J. Dionne. (29 minutes)</td ><td>1999</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl745_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl745_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>980</td><td>The Campus: A Place Apart</td><td>Thomas Jeffers on's University of Virginia-the first American campus-is like its founder in exe mplifying the national capacity for self-invention. Palladio's shade hangs over the individual house-temples which line the landscaped mall-a uniquely American idea.University builders have sought to separate the campus, by locating it in t he country or by erecting walls-walls of stone or of style. Since universities t each the past, they often reflect architecturally the sources of Western civiliz ation-the past America itself lacks: the invented medieval past of Yale's Gothic buildings or St. Paul's; the monumental classicism of the U.S. Naval Academy; a nd classicism updated in Chicago's I.I.T., where I-beams replace Doric columns.W hether in the futurism of G.M. Tech or the Air Force Academy, the integration of city and campus at the University of Chicago or the Roman Forum re-invented for the Loyola Law School, today's campus seeks to combine the dream of the past wi th the materials and problems of today. (58 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbs p;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl746_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl746_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>6551</td><td>Can the States Do It Better?</td><td>This progr am explores the history and anatomy of the ongoing political debate over the ide a of shifting power and authority from the federal government to the states and individuals. The program goes back to the founding of the country and examines t he split between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton over how much power the federal government should have, through the Civil War, to the rapid expansion o f federal powers during the Great Depression and World War II, to the Great Soci ety programs of Lyndon Johnson, to the present. The program looks at the idea of "devolution" today, and examines in detail two of the most contentious aspects of it: welfare reform and school vouchers. The program draws on documentary foot age and archival materials, and features numerous experts including several gove rnors and a wide range of leading academics. (56 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>5 6</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl747_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl747_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5034</td><td>Can We Govern? (Part One)</td><td>This program with Bill Moyers examines both the disenchantment of American voters and the fru strations of members of Congress as they try to work within the system. Voters s ay they have heard too many promises, and have seen too few results; politicians say that a sensational press and uninformed voters make it hard to govern. The

program features five politicians (former Senator Warren Rudman and representati ves Barney Frank, Dave Obey, Susan Molinari, and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen) and their responses to the exasperation of the American people. (60 minutes)</td><td>1992< /td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl748_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl748_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5035</td><td>Can We Govern? (Part Two)</td><td>This program with Bill Moyers explores the uses and abuses of political language and how the democratic conversation has been frustrated and trivialized by the new jargon of politics. Appearing in the program are Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Dean of the Anne nberg School for Communications; noted media commentator Edwin Diamond; E. J. Di onne, author of Why Americans Hate Politics; and U.S. representatives Barney Fra nk, Dave Obey, Susan Molinari, and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. (60 minutes)</td><td>199 2</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl749_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl749_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35166</td><td>Canada: A Diverse Culture</td><td>Famous for i ts natural beauty, Canada is underappreciated for its vibrant multiculturalism a nd racial diversity. This program journeys to Quebec and British Columbia to stu dy social, economic, and cultural issues in those provinces. Conversations with local residents-including bilingual students in Montreal and three generations o f Japanese fishermen in Vancouver-highlight the complexities and the rewards of the Canadian experience. A viewable/printable instructor's guide-including geogr aphical background information, extension activities, vocabulary handouts, and m ore-is available online. Correlates to National Geography Standards. (25 minutes )</td><td>2002</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl750_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl750_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31430</td><td>Cancer: A Personal Voyage</td><td>"I am writin g this because of the infinite love I have for my family, and it also makes me f eel good to write. I will never re-read what I have written." So begins the diar y of Dr. Peter J. Morgan, a physician who learned at age 29 that he had terminal cancer. This program intimately chronicles Dr. Morgan's last two years through readings of his diary by actor Matthew Broderick, along with interviews with Dr. Morgan's family and friends. The program provides a rich exploration of coming to terms with mortality on a professional as well as personal level. A Ruth York in Drazen Production. (58 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl751_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl751_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6904</td><td>Cancer and Metastasis</td><td>This program stud ies the biological processes by which the body reproduces cancerous tumors, and summarizes the results of current research. The various steps of metastasis are clearly demonstrated in film and computer animation. A film segment of real huma n tissue shows tumor cells moving in a regulated manner under the direction of " leader cells." Computer animation illustrates how a normal cell becomes cancerou s. Treatments under development for the prevention of metastasis in certain canc ers are summarized. (39 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>39</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl752_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl752_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34009</td><td>Cancer Story</td><td>This four-part series set s the medical and personal complexities of cancer into an easily understood fram ework. Designed to facilitate decisions involving the disease-whether those deci sions are preventive in nature or are part of a treatment process-Cancer Story i s an important resource for patients, healthcare providers, instructors, and sup port group participants alike. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Production. 4-part series, 57-59 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl753_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl753_lb lPrice">$519.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36368</td><td>Cannabis: Satanic Herb or Healing Potion?</td> <td>As has occurred with most drugs, the neurological effects of cannabis have o nly recently been fully identified and understood. This program presents many of the latest findings, including new investigations into the clinical application s of the drug. Focusing on studies of the nerve-related mechanisms triggered by the action of cannabis, the program highlights potential changes in the social p erceptions and medical uses of the substance. New approaches in the treatment of pain, obesity, anxiety, and even multiple sclerosis are suggested. The scientif ic contributions of Jean-Pol Tassin, Dieter Kleiber, Rafael Maldonado, and other s are explored. (51 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl754_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl754_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4382</td><td>Can't Slow Down</td><td>This program examines A mericans' increasingly hurried lifestyle, working 160 hours a year more than the y did in 1970. And for what? Because of the urge to acquire, the pressure to ach ieve or be fired, the need to achieve outside the home, and longer commutes to w ork, couples are too busy to talk to one another. The program asks how we are sp ending our time and how the constant rush is affecting everything about our rela tionships and our health. (28 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl755_lb

lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl755_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>20395</td><td>Cantilever Bridges</td><td>The cantilever is o ne of the most basic structural forms. This video explains the cantilever princi ple as it's applied in northeastern England and then marvels at the great Victor ian achievement of the Forth Rail Bridge before seeing how the cantilever has be en developed into new and exciting forms in Seville, Spain. (24 minutes)</td><td >1998</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl756_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl756_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6663</td><td>Capital Expenditure Analysis</td><td>To assess the profitability of investing in new machinery, managers at a DuPont plant pred ict future cash flows, then discount them to their present value and establish a payback period. Another case study examines how a company assesses the risk inv olved in a quarter-million-dollar investment. (28 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td> 28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl757_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl757_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35507</td><td>Capitalist Sharks: Soviet Animation vs. Greed and Ambition</td><td>Just as America envisioned Communist threats during much of the 20th century, the specter of capitalism loomed large in the Soviet Cold War psyche. This program surveys Soviet animated propaganda embodying that fiercely anti-capitalist spirit. Foreshadowing the space race, Interplanetary Revolution depicts a Communist triumph over free-market forces on Mars; China in Flames wa rns against capitalist interference in the Chinese Revolution; The Shareholder p roclaims the superiority of the Soviet economic system; and Proud Little Ship ta kes on capitalist aggression. Eight films total, plus commentary from Russian St ate Film School professor Igor Kokarev and director and animator Fyodor Khitruk. (121 minutes) Portions are in Russian with English subtitles.</td><td>2006</td> <td>121</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl758_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl758_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32967</td><td>Capitals of Tradition, Cities of Change</td><t d>While many of the ancient Asian capitals have faded into the pages of history books, a rare few have continued to grow and flourish. This beautiful series pro duced by NHK takes viewers to four such capitals-Beijing, Varanasi, Jogjakarta, and Kathmandu-and discovers one key aspect of the cultural, religious, and polit

ical life of the city and its people. Combining computer graphics and archival r esearch, each of the programs serves as a unique window on the continuities and changes in an Asian society. 4-part series, 53 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td><t d>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl759_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl759_lb lPrice">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33298</td><td>Capitals of Tradition, Cities of Change</td><t d>While many of the ancient Asian capitals have faded into the pages of history books, a rare few have continued to grow and flourish. This beautiful series pro duced by NHK takes viewers to six such capitals-Beijing, Kyoto, Varanasi, Jogjak arta, Isfahan, and Kathmandu-to discover key aspects of the cultural, religious, economic, and political life of the cities and their people. Combining computer graphics, personal stories, and scholarly research, each program serves as a un ique window on the continuities and changes in an Asian society. 6-part series, 53 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl760_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl760_lb lPrice">$899.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30038</td><td>Cappuccino Trail: The Global Economy in a Cup< /td><td>A 150-pound bag of coffee beans might earn a farmer $50; the "street val ue" of that same bag-10,000 cups of coffee-is around $20,000. By following the t rail of two coffee beans grown in the Peruvian Andes, this program takes a uniqu e look at the ubiquitous stimulant which, after oil, is the most globally traded commodity. One of the beans takes the route of the open market where its price is determined by commodities traders and analysts, such as Merrill Lynch's Judy Gaines, the industry oracle who discusses the market's volatility. The other bea n finds its way into Cafe Direct, a new gourmet coffee launched in Britain by a company dedicated to paying fair prices to farmers for their high-quality organi c crop. (50 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl761_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl761_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11451</td><td>Captured Rain: America's Thirst for Canadian W ater</td><td>As current sources of fresh water become increasingly inadequate to support the needs of North America below the Canadian border, the U.S. and Mexi co are looking toward their northern neighbor for relief. This program examines the political and commercial ramifications of NAFTA on the bulk export of water, as well as initiatives to conserve and recycle fresh water in the Sun Belt and in northern Mexico. Former senator Paul Simon, environmentalist Richard Bocking, agronomist Wendy Holm, trade negotiators, lawyers, and others discuss the growi ng geopolitical tension surrounding the commodification of water. (47 minutes)</ td><td>2000</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl762_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl762_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34277</td><td>Car Design: The Wheels of Change</td><td>Infra red headlights, joysticks instead of steering wheels, engine tune-ups via modem: this Science Screen Report showcases the rapidly changing field of car design. Looking at the dominant role of digital technology in automotive engineering and testing, the program demonstrates that computers are becoming more than tools-i n some cases, they actually generate ideas and give feedback. Other concepts fea tured include alternative car power sources, groundbreaking forms of highway mon itoring and maintenance, and the intersection of the automotive and aerospace in dustries. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Produced in association with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology and t he Junior Engineering Technical Society. (16 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>16</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl763_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl763_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34520</td><td>Career Advantage: Series Conclusion</td><td>Th e final episode of the Career Advantage series reviews several methods for remai ning focused and positive while searching for work opportunities. It demonstrate s ongoing self-assessments for building and managing a successful career, and em phasizes the development of one-year, ten-year, and lifetime goals. (27 minutes) </td><td>2004</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl764_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl764_lb lPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34491</td><td>Career Advantage: Strategies for Success</td>< td>This 26-part series guides students through the three phases of career develo pment-Self-Knowledge and Exploration, Career and Educational Exploration, and Ca reer Planning and Implementation. As students create a step-by-step work search strategy based on personal background, life goals, and current and potential ski lls, they will also observe a variety of people in the work force who describe t heir experiences, decisions, and ambitions. Commentary from What Color is Your P arachute author Richard Bolles tops off this powerful set of tools for navigatin g a challenging future. Designed according to National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee (NOICC) Guidelines. Recommended by the National Employm ent Counseling Association (NECA). 26-part series, 28 minutes each.</td><td>200 4</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl765_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl765_lb lPrice">$1,038.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>34500</td><td>Career and Educational Exploration: What's Out There for Me?</td><td>Section two (episodes 8 through 17) of the Career Advanta ge series guides students through the process of finding and evaluating career o ptions, with detailed information on the rapidly changing global economy, issues in hiring and corporate culture, and a wide range of educational choices. Desi gned according to National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee (NOIC C) Guidelines. Recommended by the National Employment Counseling Association (N ECA). 10-part series, 28 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl766_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl766_lb lPrice">$399.50<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34496</td><td>Career and Life Values</td><td>The relationshi p between students' values and daily choices is discussed in this video, which a lso connects values to career decisions. Students identify some of their key val ues and consider how personal background may have shaped them. (29 minutes)</td> <td>2004</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl767_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl767_lb lPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29739</td><td>Career Clusters</td><td>In this 4-part series, men and women discuss the background requirements as well as the rewards of the ir respective careers in education; health services; information technology serv ices; and scientific, engineering & technical services. A Cambridge Educational Production. 4-part series, 16-18 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl768_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl768_lb lPrice">$359.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32126</td><td>Career Clusters 2</td><td>What's a better way to find out about a career than by talking to someone who works in the professio n? In each of these four programs, men and women with valuable experience talk a bout their jobs and the kinds of skills and training they needed to successfully acquire them in the fields of transportation, distribution & logistics; law, pu blic safety & security; agriculture, food & natural resources; and manufacturing . Here is the resource students need to see what jobs are out there and how to g et them! Correlates to the National Standards for Life Work. A Cambridge Educati onal Production. 4-part series, 18-22 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl769_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl769_lb lPrice">$359.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>33361</td><td>Career Clusters 3</td><td>With the programs in Career Clusters 3, you can host a job fair in your classroom any day of the yea r. In this series, people from diverse fields share their experience and advice about the jobs they've chosen and how they got them. Real people in real jobs ta lk about opportunities in the arts; audio visual technology & communications; ho spitality & tourism; architecture & construction; and human services. Correlates to the National Standards for Life Work. A Cambridge Educational Production. 4part series, 20-24 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl770_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl770_lb lPrice">$359.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34897</td><td>Career Clusters 4</td><td>No one knows jobs be tter than the people who actually do them! This four-part series lets the expert s speak, as they share their firsthand knowledge of the following career areas: marketing, sales & service; government & public administration; business, manage ment & administration; and finance. A Cambridge Educational Production. 4-part s eries, 19-23 minutes each.</td><td>2007</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl771_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl771_lb lPrice">$359.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36999</td><td>Career Evaluation</td><td>This program illustr ates how to relate interests, skills, education, training, values, and lifestyle to specific occupations in the world of work. Based on the common-sense notion that you do best at what you really like to do, this video shows viewers how to find an occupation with job requirements that closely match their interests. Not hing predicts high workplace satisfaction like a close match between job duties and the employee-to-be! A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available onl ine. A Cambridge Educational Production. Recommended for high school. (10 minute s)</td><td>2007</td><td>11</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl772_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl772_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24868</td><td>Career Exploration:You're in the Driver's Seat </td><td>Technology, re-engineering, and shifting values have redefined the natu re of work, so students will enter a much different work environment than their parents and grandparents know. This two-video series takes students on a journey of career exploration and emphasizes that students are in the driver's seat. A Meridian Production.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl773_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl773_lb lPrice">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>24946</td><td>Career Opportunities</td><td>Presents an overv iew of careers across the food service industry. Includes cooks, chefs, wait sta ff, counter attendants, short-order cooks, dishwashers, hostesses, bookkeepers, and others. The program also provides information on education, training, prepar ation, and benefits. (14 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1992</td><td>14</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl774_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl774_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34511</td><td>Career Planning and Implementation: How Do I G et What I Want?</td><td>Section three (episodes 18 through 26) of the Career Adv antage series provides the basis for putting plans into action. Featuring organi zed decision-making strategies, techniques for accessing complicated job markets , and motivation exercises to maintain focus, this section leads to a new world of challenge and fulfillment. Designed according to National Occupational Info rmation Coordinating Committee (NOICC) Guidelines. Recommended by the National Employment Counseling Association (NECA). 9-part series, 28 minutes each.</td>< td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl775_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl775_lb lPrice">$359.55<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14606</td><td>Career S.E.L.F. Assessment: Finding a Career T hat Works for You</td><td>STOP! Before you start looking for a job, take a good look at your S.E.L.F. This program shows how to assess your Strengths, Experienc es, Lifestyle, and the way you Function best. Each of these elements is part of your S.E.L.F. and all should be considered when choosing a career. This program stresses the importance of knowing who you are and what direction you want your life to take before fitting your S.E.L.F. into the world of work. The key to fin ding the right job or career is asking your S.E.L.F. the right questions. This e ntertaining program discusses the questions job seekers need to answer.A Cambrid ge Educational Production. One 32-minute video.</td><td>1995</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl776_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl776_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24962</td><td>Careers in Child Development</td><td>This vide o examines the different careers available in the field of child care. Interview s with child care workers and specialists explore the positive and negative aspe cts of working in the field. The program also outlines what different jobs in ch ild care involve, including job duties and the skills and training required for a successful career in this rewarding field. (11 min.) A Meridian Production.</t d><td>1990</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl777_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl777_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24963</td><td>Careers in Clothing</td><td>Discusses many of the careers in clothing and includes interviews with people in the industry. Als o explains talents, training, and amount of work involved in each career. (16 mi n.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1991</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl778_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl778_lb lPrice">$57.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29135</td><td>Careers in Criminal Justice</td><td>Job opport unities in criminal justice are on the rise. This program looks at a number of d ifferent occupations, ranging from entry-level positions to those requiring a fo ur-year degree. Experts and people on the job share firsthand information about what their work is like. Some of the occupations discussed include local and sta te police officers, detectives, correctional officers, bodyguards, FBI agents, p robation and parole officers, private investigators, and special government agen ts. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Meridian Prod uction. (22 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl779_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl779_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8243</td><td>Careers in Science: From Archaeologist to Zoolo gist</td><td>What is it really like to have a career in science? What jobs are a vailable? How do you prepare for a scientific career? This informative, entertai ning program surveys the wide-ranging world of careers in science. Interviews co nducted at the National Youth Science Camp add a personal touch, as students and presenters share fascinating stories about their goals, research, and work. Add itional interviews with science professionals offer students a look at the diver se group of men and women working in science today. Viewers learn about the natu re of scientific inquiry and how scientific thinking is applied in day-to-day wo rk activities. The video also describes aptitude, skills, education and training , and work activities common to science careers. Some of the fields represented in the program are aeronautics, archaeology, biology, botany, chemistry, conserv ation, engineering, geology, mathematics, medicine, meteorology, nursing, parame dical, pharmacy, research, space exploration, teaching, veterinary medicine, and zoology. A great way to motivate students, and to encourage investigation of ca reer opportunities in science. A Cambridge Educational Production. One 20-minute video.</td><td>1997</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl780_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl780_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr>

<td>36000</td><td>Careers in the Earth Sciences</td><td>Flying i nto the eye of a storm, camping at the base of an active volcano, traveling back wards in time-students might think these adventures happen only in action movies . This video shows that they also take place in the lives of Earth scientists-th ose frequently daring researchers and theorists who study the past, present, and future of our planet and environment. Venturing into the realms of land, sea, a nd air, the program presents detailed portraits of a number of intrepid scientif ic explorers: a marine seismologist, a volcanologist, a meteorologist, a landsca pe ecologist, and an environmental health scientist. A Cambridge Educational Pro duction. Recommended for grades 6-12. (27 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>27</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl781_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl781_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35999</td><td>Careers in the Life Sciences</td><td>The next leader in the fight against cancer may be sitting in third-period Biology right now-but what will inspire his or her first steps into medicine? This video illus trates the awesome potential of a career in the life sciences, guiding students through fields that offer nearly unlimited possibilities for discovery. From the microscopic world of DNA, to the dazzlingly complex behavior of ants, to the my steries of human physiology, the program explores the accomplishments of several life science trailblazers. A geneticist, a molecular biologist, a neuroscientis t, and an entomologist are featured, as well as a venture capitalist who oversee s pioneering pharmaceutical research. A Cambridge Educational Production. Recomm ended for grades 6-12. (26 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl782_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl782_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35998</td><td>Careers in the Physical Sciences</td><td>There 's nothing boring about stopping a speeding bullet, especially when it's accompl ished with liquid. How about designing robots based on insect anatomy...or using computers to figure out what George Washington really looked like? This video s hows students the thrills and rewards of working in the physical sciences, demon strating that becoming a chemist, physicist, or engineer involves fun, personal challenges, and the chance to develop groundbreaking technologies. The program p rofiles a mechanical engineer, a chemical engineer, a materials scientist, a mat hematician, and a forensic scientist specializing in digital reconstruction. A C ambridge Educational Production. Recommended for grades 6-12. (26 minutes)</td>< td>2007</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl783_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl783_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35997</td><td>Careers in the Sciences</td><td>America's clas srooms are filled with aspiring actors, hip-hop moguls, and fashion models. Gett ing young people interested in science is another story-even though a scientific

career can be more exciting than working in Hollywood. This three-part series h elps students appreciate the vast horizons that science offers, highlighting the personal and financial benefits of many scientific professions and the opportun ity to do work that will transform the human experience. A Cambridge Educational Production. Recommended for grades 6-12. 3-part series, 26 minutes each.</td><t d>2007</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl784_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl784_lb lPrice">$269.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37431</td><td>Careers to Consider: The Hospitality Industry< /td><td>Hospitality: it's one of the world's fastest-growing industries, encompa ssing a wide variety of occupations and career paths. This program illustrates t he exciting opportunities offered by the industry and shows how job-seekers with almost any skill set or educational background can find success in the field. V iewers are introduced to three main areas of expertise-hotel management, culinar y arts, and tourism-with detailed explanations of important jobs in each. The ch allenges of working as a hotel general manager, business center supervisor, fron t desk supervisor, executive chef, food scientist, professional food server, com mercial pilot, bed-and-breakfast innkeeper, and cruise ship manager are revealed with the help of expert interviews and high-energy visuals. Smart ways to devel op promising career paths are also explored. Correlates to all National CTE Orga nizational Standards (including the provisions of the Perkins Act). A Meridian P roduction. (23 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl785_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl785_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36068</td><td>Careers, Volume 1</td><td>The world of work is a world of opportunity. This 18-program educational video collection will help students identify an exciting field to work in-and then land a rewarding job. Programs include: Education and Training Health Services Information Technolo rvices Scientific, Engineering & Technical Services Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Law, Public Safety & Security Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources facturing The Arts, Audio Visual Technology & Communications Hospitality & Tourism Architecture & Construction Human Services Tough Times Job Strategies Co es People Make in Interviews Your First Resume and Interview Life After High Schoo l: Succeeding in the Workplace Log On for Success: Using Internet Job Sites Profes sional Image Recommended for high school, technical or vocational school, and training programs. Eighteen full-length videos. (c) 2006.</td><td>2006</td><td >&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl786_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl786_lb lPrice">$1,569.10<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14613</td><td>Careers Without College</td><td>It doesn't tak e a college education to realize that a college education is not for everyone. T oday, over fifty percent of those graduating from high school choose to go on to

some form of postsecondary education. Does that mean those who are college boun d have decided on a career and mapped out their life? Hardly. Many go on to coll ege simply because they don't know what else to do. Others spend four years of s tudy and a lot of money only to wind up with a piece of paper and no real job gu arantees. Careers Without College spells out some of the other options available to today's high school graduates. Through humorous scenes, objective narration, and interviews with real people, viewers follow fictional, average students as they explore the possibilities before them. This production examines some choice s for graduates, what careers are available to high school graduates, and how to find them. Careers Without College intertwines sketches and gags, narration and interviews, edited in the MTV-style that young adults identify with.A Cambridge Educational Production. One 30-minute video.</td><td>1996</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl787_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl787_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11017</td><td>Caregiving</td><td>Every day, 25 million Ameri cans provide care for loved ones. This program, hosted by NewsHour's Ray Suarez, looks at the rich rewards and wisdom that often attend such care, as well as at the hard work that home healthcare entails. Drawing on the direct experience of family members and others, including author Beth Witrogen McLeod-whose book Car egiving, the Spiritual Journey of Love, Loss, and Renewal was nominated for a Pu litzer Prize-the program also offers caregiving advice and information that is b oth practical and profound. (26 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl788_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl788_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10421</td><td>Caring for People with Renal Impairment</td><t d>Using diagrams, expert commentary, and patient interviews, this program thorou ghly discusses end-stage renal disease and its management, including the symptom s and causes; hemodialysis, continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, and autom ated peritoneal dialysis; and dietary restrictions. The psychosocial impact is c onsidered as well, along with the subject of kidney transplants. A review of the filtration, hormonal, and metabolic functions of healthy kidneys is also provid ed. (28 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl789_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl789_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11554</td><td>Caring for the Caregivers: Living with Cancer< /td><td>"I thought I was going crazy. I needed to talk to people who were experi encing what I was experiencing." When cancer strikes, spouses, siblings, or chil dren can suddenly become caregivers for the ones they love, locked in a struggle with the disease as well as with their own feelings. Drawing on interviews with caregivers and the staff of Gilda's Club, the Manhattan-based support group, th is program explores the emotional impact of cancer while offering insights into how people cope. (60 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>60</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl790_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl790_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6957</td><td>Carlo Scarpa</td><td>This beautifully photograp hed program, filmed on location in Italy, pays tribute to this renowned Venetian architect, famous for combining classical and modern architectural forms. Scarp a's unique ability to successfully incorporate his own designs into historical r enovation projects is shown at several locations, including the 15th-century Cas telvecchio in Verona and Palazzo Abatellis in Palermo. Brion Memorial-one of the great enigmas of modern architecture-is examined as a hybrid of classical, abst ract, and Japanese architectural forms. In Venice, craftsmen and fellow architec ts fondly remember Scarpa's endless experimentation with color and textures. (58 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl791_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl791_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10712</td><td>Carlos Fuentes: At Home in the Americas</td><t d>The writings of Carlos Fuentes-a Mexican novelist and playwright who combines a deep awareness of history and national identity with experimental narrative te chniques to develop his themes-have had a powerful effect on contemporary Latin American literature. In this program, Fuentes, the son of a diplomat, discusses subjects such as the influence of politics on his life, his deep feelings for Me xico, and his writing career, which has brought him international acclaim. (Span ish, 30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl792_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl792_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29174</td><td>Carlos Fuentes: At Home in the Americas</td><t d>The writings of Carlos Fuentes-a Mexican novelist and playwright who combines a deep awareness of history and national identity with experimental narrative te chniques to develop his themes-have had a powerful effect on contemporary Latin American literature. In this program, Fuentes, the son of a diplomat, discusses subjects such as the influence of politics on his life, his deep feelings for Me xico, and his writing career, which has brought him international acclaim. (Span ish with English subtitles, 28 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl793_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl793_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33967</td><td>Carlos III: Luces y Sombras del Reformismo Ilu strado-in Spanish</td><td>Told in flashback during the final days of Charles III

's life, this program scrutinizes that enlightened monarch's reign, a period of moderate reformism that required balancing innovation with the heavy weight of t radition. Successful domestic initiatives such as the renovation of Madrid, cont roversial incidents including the reform riot of 1766 and the expulsion of the J esuits, and disastrous foreign policy decisions that drew Spain into the Seven Y ears' War and the American Revolution are each looked at in their turn. Not avai lable in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 49 minutes)</td>< td>2004</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl794_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl794_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34528</td><td>Carlos III: Luces y Sombras del Reformismo Ilu strado-in Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>Told in flashback during the fi nal days of Charles III's life, this program scrutinizes that enlightened monarc h's reign, a period of moderate reformism that required balancing innovation wit h the heavy weight of tradition. Successful domestic initiatives such as the ren ovation of Madrid, controversial incidents including the reform riot of 1766 and the expulsion of the Jesuits, and disastrous foreign policy decisions that drew Spain into the Seven Years' War and the American Revolution are each looked at in their turn. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spa nish with English subtitles, 49 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl795_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl795_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37114</td><td>Carlos Monsivais-in Spanish</td><td>The Mexica n writer and journalist Carlos Monsivais has frequently examined social and poli tical issues at the heart of Latin American culture-and, in the process, the spi ritual dilemmas of 21st-century modernity. This program introduces Monsivais' vi ews on the growing disconnect between urban and rural life, the destructive impa ct of pervasive technology on language and conversation, and the increasingly pr ecarious conditions faced by migrants to the U.S. The popular El Universal contr ibutor also sheds light on racism within Mexican society and discusses the work of Juan Rulfo-an author whose lyricism, in Monsivais' opinion, expresses "what s ilence sounds like." (Spanish, 27 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl796_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl796_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37115</td><td>Carlos Monsivais-in Spanish with English Subti tles</td><td>The Mexican writer and journalist Carlos Monsivais has frequently e xamined social and political issues at the heart of Latin American culture-and, in the process, the spiritual dilemmas of 21st-century modernity. This program i ntroduces Monsivais' views on the growing disconnect between urban and rural lif e, the destructive impact of pervasive technology on language and conversation, and the increasingly precarious conditions faced by migrants to the U.S. The pop ular El Universal contributor also sheds light on racism within Mexican society

and discusses the work of Juan Rulfo-an author whose lyricism, in Monsivais' opi nion, expresses "what silence sounds like." (Spanish with English subtitles, 27 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl797_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl797_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33961</td><td>Carlos V: Un Monarca, un Imperio, y una Espada -in Spanish</td><td>A child of Belgium, a speaker of French, and a Habsburg on h is father's side, there was little Spanish about Charles V, yet Spain was the co re of his kingdom. This program follows the cosmopolitan "Carlos Quinto," King o f Spain and Holy Roman Emperor, through two coronations, a wedding, wars with Fr ance and the Ottoman Empire, the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation, and hi s retirement to the Monastery of Yuste. Dramatizations, maps, artwork, and notew orthy buildings from all over Europe are featured throughout. Not available in F rench-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 53 minutes)</td><td>2004</t d><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl798_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl798_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34522</td><td>Carlos V: Un Monarca, un Imperio, y una Espada -in Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>A child of Belgium, a speaker of Fren ch, and a Habsburg on his father's side, there was little Spanish about Charles V, yet Spain was the core of his kingdom. This program follows the cosmopolitan "Carlos Quinto," King of Spain and Holy Roman Emperor, through two coronations, a wedding, wars with France and the Ottoman Empire, the Reformation and the Coun ter-Reformation, and his retirement to the Monastery of Yuste. Dramatizations, m aps, artwork, and noteworthy buildings from all over Europe are featured through out. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish with English subtitles, 53 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl799_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl799_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32719</td><td>Carmen Martin Gaite: In Search of Conversation -in Spanish</td><td>As a child of the Spanish Civil War and the repressive postwar era, Carmen Martin Gaite found kindred spirits among the Madrid literati, le d by her future husband Rafael Sanchez Ferlosio, during the '50s. In her long an d uninterrupted literary career, Gaite chose socially critical topics such as th e relationship between the sexes and the differences between provincial and city life. Using modes of expression that became increasingly more personal and expe rimental, her prose hovers between reality and dreams, the trivial and the excep tional, and the novel and the essay. This program features an interview with Gai te and readings from her works, including Las Ataduras, as well as the critical insights of writer and journalist Inmaculada de la Fuente, the University of Mad rid's Alicia Redondo Goycoechea, and Fernando Valls, of the Universidad Autonoma of Barcelona. (Spanish, 31 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>31</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl800_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl800_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32256</td><td>Carmen Martin Gaite: In Search of Conversation -in Spanish with English Narration and Subtitles</td><td>As a child of the Spani sh Civil War and the repressive post-war era, Carmen Martin Gaite found kindred spirits among the Madrid literati, led by her future husband Rafael Sanchez Ferl osio, during the '50s. In her long and uninterrupted literary career, Gaite chos e socially critical topics such as the relationship between the sexes and the di fferences between provincial and city life. Using modes of expression that becam e increasingly more personal and experimental, her prose hovers between reality and dreams, the trivial and the exceptional, and the novel and the essay. This p rogram features an interview with Gaite and readings from her works, including L as Ataduras, as well as the critical insights of writer and journalist Inmaculad a de la Fuente, the University of Madrid's Alicia Redondo Goycoechea, and Fernan do Valls, of the Universidad Autonoma of Barcelona. (Spanish with English narrat ion and subtitles, 30 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl801_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl801_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32261</td><td>Carpenters</td><td>Once your students have tak en the tour and seen what the skilled construction trades have to offer, they wi ll want to know more about specific jobs that may interest them. This fast-paced program provides a concise profile of carpenters, looking at educational backgr ound, apprenticeships, salary, and the work itself. (13 minutes)</td><td>2003</t d><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl802_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl802_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24221</td><td>Carpentry</td><td>Carpentry is a fifteen-minut e video which is part of the series, Vo/Tech: Ins and Outs.This fast-paced, ente rtaining, and intriguing series introduces several occupations in the vast caree r pathway of vocational and technical trades. Viewers are taken on a journey thr ough many different facets of vocational interest areas including welding, mason ry, electrical, residential construction, and HVAC. Each fifteen-minute program focuses on one of these particular trades and includes interviews with students preparing for each career and working professionals on the job. The programs car efully define how the participant began in the field, what the vocation means to them, educational requirements, immediate job opportunities, and how they envis ion the future of each particular occupation. The series serves as an introducti on to the vast opportunities in vocational interest areas and the need for quali fied workers in these lucrative occupations. Important contact information is al so provided for students interested in finding out more about vocational trainin g programs. These programs will serve as a valuable resource to excite and motiv ate prospective students to consider a career in these high-demand and financial

ly rewarding occupations. One 15-minute video. A Shopware Production.</td><td>20 01</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl803_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl803_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32748</td><td>Carthage: The New Town</td><td>Its Phoenician founders called it Kart Hadasht, The New Town, but history knows it as Carthagethe heart of the Punic Empire and base of the Mediterranean's renowned merchant mariners. Blending archaeology and virtual reality, this program depicts the cit y as it was during its heyday as a major economic, political, and cultural cente r. Its ingenious military port, bustling streets, and comfortable homes illustra te why it occupied a key position in the geopolitics of the ancient world and a prized place in the literature of antiquity. Site conservator Abdelmajid Ennabli is featured with M'Hamed Hassine Fantar, of the Institute of National Cultural Heritage, Tunisia. (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl804_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl804_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34651</td><td>Case Studies from the Multinational Marketplac e</td><td>How do major multinationals deal with intensified competition, a faile d product launch, corporate fraud, and the scrutiny that comes with rapid growth ? This incisive five-part series analyzes some of the situations that multinatio nal companies face as they conduct their business in the global marketplace. A B BCW Production. 5-part series, 29-39 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl805_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl805_lb lPrice">$449.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1702</td><td>The Cask of Amontillado</td><td>This classic ta le of revenge and murder depicts a victim lured to his doom by the false promise of riches-in this case, a highly prized cask of vintage wine. Pomerleau portray s both victim and villain with consummate skill as greed is punished with inesca pable and eternal imprisonment. (20 minutes)</td><td>1988</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl806_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl806_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>24977</td><td>Casual Success: Clothing for Work and Leisure< /td><td>With companies of all sizes moving toward a corporate casual dress code, our clothing choices have changed dramatically as the lines between work and le isure have begun to blur. This video allows viewers to review corporate dress re

quirements, look at some of the options for leisure wear, and see how they can p urchase clothing to serve both areas of their lives...all from the perspective o f getting the most out of a clothing budget. A Meridian Production.One 15-minute video.</td><td>2000</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl807_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl807_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33549</td><td>Cataclysm: The Black Death Visits Tuscany</td> <td>Until 1348, people in Sienna and Florence enjoyed the richest, safest, and m ost comfortable lives in their history. But almost overnight, their certainty of life-and even any hope of a good death-was gone. This program assesses the afte rmath of the ferocious damage unleashed by the bubonic plague on the two city-st ates. Historians Alexander Nagel and Nicholas Terpstra, from the University of T oronto, and professional artisans-chief among them, sculptor Marcello del Colle, from Opera del Duomo-comment on how dazzling works of architecture went unfinis hed, artisans became more intrigued with the divine world than the natural, and how from the ashes a new spiritual inquiry would spring, paving the way for the High Renaissance. (49 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl808_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl808_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10458</td><td>Catalysts of Change: Exploration, War, and Rev olution</td><td>History is predominantly a record of aggression and oppression b etween conflicting groups, interrupted by scattered periods of peace. This provo cative three-part series examines the factors that drive people to explore, wage war, and revolt. 3-part series, 53 minutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl809_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl809_lb lPrice">$269.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33567</td><td>Cataracts: Surgical Solutions</td><td>Over tim e the synergy of technology and skillful surgeons has made cataracts all but dis appear-so much so that Dr. Richard Mackool, director of the Mackool Eye Institut e and Laser Center at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary in New York City, says cataract surgery is "the most successful operation in the history of mankind." A long with Mackool, Dr. Kerry Solomon, director of the Magill Laser Center at the Medical University of South Carolina's Storm Eye Institute, assesses the risks associated with the procedure, examines the lens replacement options, and gives his thoughts on the future of lens and eye development. (28 minutes)</td><td>200 3</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl810_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl810_lb lPrice">$99.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30709</td><td>Catering: An Insider's Guide to the Business</ td><td>Catering can be a creative and exciting career, as well as a lucrative bu siness. This informative video will help you determine if the world of catering is right for you. By providing a well-organized look at both the food preparatio n and business sides of catering, the video will enable you to: Develop a busines s plan that clearly defines goals, target niche, marketing strategies, and opera tion considerations. Understand the proper licensing, insurance, and health stand ards for running a catering business. Prepare and equip a professional kitchen. Pl an, organize, and serve a catered event from conception to clean-up. Target the f actors involved in profitable menu-planning, budgeting, and pricing. Identify pre -event preparations and considerations. In addition, an overview of sanitation regulations and proper cooking methods and food transportation techniques will h elp you ensure the highest level of quality and service. A viewable/printable in structor's guide is available online. A Meridian Production. (22 minutes)</td><t d>2003</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl811_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl811_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35734</td><td>Catering Skills</td><td>Entering the world of large-scale, high-end food service requires attention to rigorous standards and expectations. This two-part series familiarizes students with the basics and the fine points of professional catering-menu preparation, kitchen practices, dish presentation, serving techniques, and more. Guidance from culinary instructor Ri chard Dodson and detailed, step-by-step visuals of kitchen and dining hall opera tions help train aspiring caterers for this very demanding business. Viewable/pr intable instructor's guides are available online. 2-part series, 25-28 minutes e ach.</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl812_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl812_lb lPrice">$119.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35736</td><td>Catering Skills: Behind the Scenes</td><td>Exp loring an array of culinary skills, this video enables viewers to create dishes for a fully catered meal. Grounding students in the elements of plate compositio n-color, texture, height, and balance-the program demonstrates entree and desser t presentation with elegant examples of smoked salmon, roast turkey, blue-eye fi llet, and lemon tart. Detailed instruction is also given in basic and extended g arnishes, and in the fundamentals of knife organization, handling, cleaning, and sharpening. Instruction from master chef Richard Dodson makes each concept easy to understand and put into action. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is a vailable online. (25 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl813_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl813_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>35735</td><td>Catering Skills: Setting the Scene</td><td>Whe ther it's a formal business lunch or a casual garden-party buffet, a catered mea l requires careful planning. This video immerses students in the world of commer cial meal preparation, covering a wide range of strategic issues that profession al caterers must consider. Master chef Richard Dodson explains how to achieve th e proper variety of dishes, determine dietary requirements, calculate portion si zes, and price menus. Server professionalism is also featured, including the bes t methods for setting tables, placing crockery and cutlery, folding napkins, car rying several plates, and clearing tables. A viewable/printable instructor's gui de is available online. (28 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl814_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl814_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>150</td><td>Caudillo: The History of the Spanish Civil War</ td><td>A superb documentary, using much footage hitherto unknown. This is a prog ram that presents both sides of this still-controversial subject in its own word s and using its own footage. The result is a solid lesson in history, a moving t estimonial to the valor and romanticism of young men, and an indispensable tool for understanding modern Spanish literature and history. (English narration and subtitles, 1 hour 51 minutes)</td><td>1980</td><td>110</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl815_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl815_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>29972</td><td>Caught in the Crossfire: Children of Gay and L esbian Parents</td><td>Prompted by the surprising comments of her own daughter, director and lesbian mother Sandra Williams made this program to give voice to t he thoughts, emotions, and positive and negative experiences of seven children w ho are being raised by gay or lesbian parents. The children, ranging in age from 8 to 16, speak about their parents' sexuality and how it makes their own lives complicated and often difficult. What comes through in these sometimes painful d isclosures is the strength of the bond between child and parent. (27 minutes)</t d><td>1997</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl816_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl816_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11126</td><td>Caught in the Speed Trap: Information Age Over load</td><td>In today's high-speed, high-tech business world, more and more peop le are reaching their breaking points, falling ill and even dying. Filmed in the U.S., Japan, Canada, and France, this cautionary program takes an unflinching l ook at techno-stress and its expression as mood disorders, heart attacks, stroke s, and brain hemorrhages. Powerful insights are provided by a diverse group incl uding a psychiatrist, a time management consultant, an entrepreneur, and the par ents of a young woman who worked herself to death. By contrast, SAS Institute is profiled as a positive example of a business that is as compassionate as it is

profitable. (43 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>43</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl817_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl817_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35344</td><td>Cauldron Earth</td><td>Students investigating the latest advances in technology and manufacturing should understand the import ance of the Earth's natural resources. This program shows how research into the chemical makeup of geological and biological materials drives the innovation of energy systems, building methods, and transportation technology-and how these im provements can save lives and reduce stress on the environment. Hydrogen fuel ce lls, resin coatings for giant wind turbines, wax-plaster mixtures for energy-eff icient homes-the video features these and many other advances, suggesting a futu re in which humanity can both profit from and protect the Earth. (29 minutes)</t d><td>2004</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl818_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl818_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36165</td><td>Cause for Murder: Fighting Corruption in Mexic o</td><td>Startled by the killing of two young women lawyers, one from the polit ical right and the other from the left, Mexico struggles to confront its own pol itical morass. This Wide Angle documentary examines the deep-rooted institutiona l corruption the attorneys had been battling-a system of bribes, debts, and favo rs that for decades has prevented the world's tenth-largest country from fulfill ing its economic potential. The program also analyzes the effect of President Vi cente Fox's election in 2000, the termination of more than 70 years of single-pa rty rule, and the fear that graft and corruption in Mexican politics are intract able. In addition, writer Enrique Krauze talks with anchor Daljit Dhaliwal. (57 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl819_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl819_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2147</td><td>The Caves of Altamira</td><td>The 20,000-year-o ld caves of Altamira are among the greatest and the least known of the monuments of prehistory. Closed to visitors to prevent disintegration through pollution, the caves are known only through a replica located in the Archaeological Museum in Madrid. This tour of Altamira shows the cave paintings in their extraordinary power as they depict the daily life of Magdalenian people seeking to bend anima l life to their will, while themselves at the mercy of magical powers they sough t to placate. The camera is able to clarify what the naked eye cannot-the artist ic relationship between the caves themselves and the art with which these protoSpaniards decorated them. (26 minutes)</td><td>1989</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl820_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl820_lb

lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29660</td><td>CBS Reports: The Homosexuals</td><td>In a surv ey conducted for this special in 1967, a majority of Americans considered homose xuality more harmful to society than adultery, abortion, or prostitution. In thi s program, CBS News correspondent Mike Wallace presents the dilemma of gay men a t that time: regarded as sick by the medical profession, criminals to the law, s hunned by employers, and rejected by heterosexual society. In addition to conduc ting extended interviews with several gay men, Wallace sounds out the opinions o f the police, the courts, and the church. For a cultural perspective, the commen ts of social critic and Columbia professor Albert Goldman are intercut with thos e of writer Gore Vidal to provide a portrait of a society reassessing its values . Produced by CBS NEWS. (59 minutes, b&w)</td><td>1967</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl821_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl821_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7031</td><td>CCI: Case Study of a Southern Prison</td><td>Th is program, filmed at the Central Correctional Institution in South Carolina, ex amines the failure of current U.S. correctional methods, and the expense of that failure in human terms. Interviews with inmates and staff capture emotions rang ing from rage to hopelessness, as they discuss the racism and violence indigenou s to prison life. The overall picture is that a growing underclass is disproport ionately punished under our current criminal justice system, and has little chan ce for rehabilitation. (30 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl822_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl822_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>31954</td><td>Ceiling and Roof Framing</td><td>Spans, hip an d valley rafters, purlins, ceiling joists, and planking-all these and more are c overed in this video which takes students step-by-step through the process of li terally putting a roof over your head. A viewable/printable instructor's guide i s available online. Correlates to the Competencies and Objectives of the Nationa l Center for Construction Education & Research. A Shopware Production. (12 minut es)</td><td>2004</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl823_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl823_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3669</td><td>The Cell and Energy</td><td>The cell's energy m olecule, glucose, is examined, and the process of extracting energy from glucose and transferring it to ATP in specific organelles called mitochondria is discus sed. The structure, function, and evolution of these organelles are illustrated in relation to their role in cellular respiration. (10 minutes)</td><td>1988</td ><td>10</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl824_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl824_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>825</td><td>Cell Duplication: Growth and Change</td><td>This program uses the fascinating setting of a circus to provide the analogy for gro wth. A magician creating the illusion of multiplying balls introduces micro-phot ography showing how cells divide and multiply. The program shows how bones are c ontinually being built and destroyed and, in a spectacular sequence of time-laps e photography, actually captures a tooth growing-from the moment it first peeps out of the gum until it falls out. (26 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl825_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl825_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>8230</td><td>Cell Functions: A Closer Look</td><td>This prog ram examines three main activities of the cell: energy storage and release, prot ein synthesis, and cell reproduction. Students take a closer look at important o rganelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts, and the roles they play in cell metabolism. Also examined are proteins, amino acids, ribosomes, DNA, RNA, genes , chromosomes, transcription, and translation. Mitosis is clearly defined and il lustrated. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Cambri dge Educational Production. (20 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl826_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl826_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8229</td><td>Cells: An Introduction</td><td>In this virtual journey through the cell, viewers become familiar with cells and their propertie s. The program describes and shows examples of cells of many shapes and sizes, a nd explores the structure and functions of different types of cells. Eukaryotes and prokaryotes are defined, and plant and animal cells are compared. Emphasizin g cells as the basic building blocks of all organisms, another segment describes the organization of cells and the formation of tissues, organs, and systems. Th e program concludes with an overview of the organelles and their functions. A vi ewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Cambridge Educational Production. (20 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl827_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl827_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32309</td><td>Cells, Cities, and Cellular Signaling: An Urba n Analogy</td><td>How is type 2 diabetes like a mile of bad road? And what does scaffolding have in common with a tadpole's tail? This innovative program combin

es hard science with urban analogies and high-tech imaging to illustrate how cel ls interact via the signals they send. Information on cell division, cell differ entiation, and programmed cell death provides a springboard for MIT's Robert Hor vitz and other experts to talk about the mechanics of type 2 diabetes, the ethic s of culturing skin for grafting using embryonic stem cells, cellular damage by free radicals that accelerates aging, and cancer-causing aberrations in the cell ular signaling system. (30 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl828_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl828_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11333</td><td>The Cells from Hell: Toxic Algae</td><td>From Delaware to North Carolina, a formerly unknown species of toxic algae has been i mplicated in an alarming series of fish kills and associated human illnesses. Th is program scrutinizes the dinoflagellate known as Pfiesteria piscicida. Discove red by researchers at North Carolina State University, P. piscicida is now known to have a highly complex life-cycle with dozens of reported forms, a few of whi ch can produce potent toxins. What has triggered this organism-a common indigeno us inhabitant of mid-Atlantic coastal waters-to suddenly become a sensational he alth hazard and the focus of widespread panic? (28 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td >28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl829_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl829_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33835</td><td>Cells: The Building Blocks of Life</td><td>Thi s video takes a close-up look at the lowest common denominator of all life: the cell. It illustrates essential cellular processes-transportation of materials, c ommunication, energy transfer, protein-building, waste disposal, movement, and t he all-important mitosis and meiosis-as well as key cellular landmarks like the nucleus, ribosomes, mitochondria, the Golgi complex, the endoplasmic reticulum, and lysosomes. Special attention is given to recent advances in biotechnology. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to Nation al Academy of Sciences National Science Education Standards and the American Ass ociation for the Advancement of Science Benchmarks for Science Literacy. A Cambr idge Educational Production. Recommended for grades 7-12. (16 minutes)</td><td>2 005</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl830_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl830_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30836</td><td>Cells-The Inside and Out</td><td>These informa tion-rich programs take an entertaining route in examining both the inner workin gs of the cell and the ways intercellular reactions occur. With extremely clear graphics and a witty narrative, the whole array of cellular organelles is presen ted, as well as the structure and function of the cell membrane. 2-part series, 29-33 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl831_lb

lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl831_lb lPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3668</td><td>Cellular Respiration</td><td>This series begins by examining the essential fuels and machinery used by living forms to sustain themselves. The fuel glucose is then broken down through the processes of glycol ysis, the Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation. Finally, the connections b etween the processes of cellular respiration and nutrition are examined. Compute r animation illustrates some facets of cellular respiration. 6-part series, 10 m inutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl832_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl832_lb lPrice">$299.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8692</td><td>The Celts</td><td>Nearly 3,000 years ago, those who first mastered iron became the first masters of Europe: the Celts. This pro gram documents the Hallstatt and La Tene Celts, separating them from myth and le gend. Historians and scholars discuss the history, values, and lifestyle of this warrior society, exploring topics that include the roles of the druids, bards, and seers; the political hierarchy in Celtic society; and human sacrifice. Battl e reenactments are also featured, contrasting the methods of warfare preferred b y the Celts to their Roman adversaries. The Celtic influence on the ethnic langu ages of Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and Britanny is also documented. (46 minutes)< /td><td>1996</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl833_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl833_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30917</td><td>CEO Exchange: Conversations in Leadership</td> <td>This remarkable 20-part series, moderated by CNN's Emmy Award-winning journa list Jeff Greenfield, uses in-depth interviews with internationally recognized a nd respected CEOs to shed light on those managerial, organizational, and technol ogical issues that are shaping the marketplace of ideas. In addition, this compr ehensive business library also explores the personal side of commerce, as indust ry icons discuss the values and experiences that shape and influence their busin ess philosophies, strategies, and decisions. 20-part series, 57-58 minutes each. </td><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl834_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl834_lb lPrice">$2,999.00<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4559</td><td>A CEO Goes Back to the Classroom</td><td>Robert W. Galvin, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Board, MotorolaOne of the earliest advocates of continuing professional development and lifelong training

, Motorola's Bob Galvin explains how he instituted one of the most extensive and successful corporate employee education programs anywhere in the world. That ed ucation program helped earn Motorola the Baldrige Award-the Oscar for quality pe rformance in the industrial world-a goal within the reach of any company recogni zing it must compete one-on-one to survive. (34 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> 34</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl835_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl835_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35607</td><td>CEO Stories: In Their Own Words</td><td>Enteri ng the upper echelons of corporate culture, this four-part series brings viewers face-to-face with some of the most powerful figures in today's international bu siness world. Each program explores both the personal and professional side of o ne charismatic CEO or executive, emphasizing what has driven him or her to build an enormously successful company. These intimate conversations are fascinating portraits of the entrepreneurial spirit and its manifestation in the fashion, tr avel, media, and automobile industries. 4-part series, 41-47 minutes each.</td>< td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl836_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl836_lb lPrice">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36210</td><td>Cervantes and the Legend of Don Quijote: The S pirit of a Book</td><td>Featuring film clips, reenactments, and dramatizations, this program examines the imperishable spirit of Don Quijote through the life of Cervantes and the literary masterpiece that bears Quijote's name. Topics range from the place of Don Quijote in world literature and its influence on later wri ters, to autobiographical parallels between Quijote and Cervantes, to the univer sal qualities of Quijote and Sancho Panza, to the eternal search for utopia. Com mentary by Gunter Grass, Jose Saramago, Mario Vargas Llosa, and other authors an d professors adds academic authority. Not available in French-speaking Canada. A n RTVE Production. (56 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl837_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl837_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36026</td><td>Cervantes y la Leyenda de Don Quijote: El Espi ritu de un Libro-in Spanish</td><td>Featuring film clips, reenactments, and dram atizations, this program examines the imperishable spirit of Don Quijote through the life of Cervantes and the literary masterpiece that bears Quijote's name. T opics range from the place of Don Quijote in world literature and its influence on later writers, to autobiographical parallels between Quijote and Cervantes, t o the universal qualities of Quijote and Sancho Panza, to the eternal search for utopia. Commentary by Gunter Grass, Jose Saramago, Mario Vargas Llosa, and othe r authors and professors adds academic authority. Not available in French-speaki ng Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 56 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>56</td ><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl838_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl838_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8776</td><td>Chainsaws</td><td>Marquette talks with Tony Que dent of the Sioux Lookout forest fighting team and asks him to demonstrate the s afety habits he uses as the chainsaw operator on his team. He then shows how to keep the parts and systems of a chainsaw well maintained, by checking the fuel, recoil, chain, and bar.</td><td>1998</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl839_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl839_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7847</td><td>Challenge Cases for Differential Diagnosis</td> <td>This program, filmed in the U.K., offers viewers a chance to watch interview s with four patients and then, based on their symptoms, come up with their own d ifferential diagnoses. The cases include a 22-year-old man who continually compl ains about body odor, when he does not have body odor; a 26-year-old man in a se emingly confused mental state; a 30-year-old woman with anxiety symptoms; and a seemingly normal young man who throws bricks through his neighbor's window. (35 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>35</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl840_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl840_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4279</td><td>Challenge to America: Competing in the New Glob al Economy</td><td>Once the world's unchallenged industrial superpower, America now faces fierce competition from economies whose social systems, cultures, and business strategies are very different from ours. What lessons can America learn from the dramatic successes of our Japanese and German competitors? In Challeng e to America, Hedrick Smith takes us inside innovative companies and classrooms in Japan, Germany, and the United States to reveal the unique strengths and weak nesses each economy brings to the table-and to show how American companies are p ioneering new and effective strategies for meeting the challenges of a new era o f global competition. 4-part series, 58 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nb sp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl841_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl841_lb lPrice">$359.80<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34916</td><td>Challenged Kids</td><td>Assistance is rapidly developing for parents of children with special needs. This video examines the r ole of science and technology in helping challenged kids enter the mainstream le arning community. (22 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl842_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl842_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30245</td><td>Challenges of Leadership</td><td>With a soften ing economy reducing revenues and stiffening competition in the high-tech sector , a time comes when even the most successful business plans must be adjusted. Th is program filmed at the Haas School of Business at the University of California , Berkeley, brings together Carly Fiorina, chairman and CEO of Hewlett-Packard, and John Chambers, president and CEO of Cisco Systems, to confront the challenge s of leadership during times of change. In addition, MBA students and faculty as k questions about Fiorina's and Chambers' successes and failures. (58 minutes)</ td><td>2001</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl843_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl843_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30234</td><td>Challenges of the 21st-Century CEO</td><td>In this program, The Dow Chemical Company, the past and present of America's venera ble chemical industry, catches a glimpse of the industry's possible future in Ch emdex, an online B-to-B exchange, as chairman William Stavropoulos and former Ch emdex CEO David Perry find common ground in their assessment of the hurdles faci ng tomorrow's CEOs. In addition, MBA students and faculty from the University of Michigan Business School ask questions about the triple bottom line, the role o f the Web as a business information conduit, and what concerns keep Stavropoulos and Perry up at night. (57 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl844_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl844_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36028</td><td>Challenges of the Writing Life</td><td>Being a writer isn't all book signings and fat royalty checks. By looking squarely at t he potential downside of the writing life-rejection letters, second-novel syndro me, and really bad reviews-this program offers insider tips on coping while enco uraging viewers to press on to success. Professional writers such as Martin Amis , Pat Conroy, Joyce Carol Oates, and Maxine Hong Kingston are joined by an edito r, an agent, and a publisher to share knowledge they've accumulated in the schoo l of hard knocks. In addition, depression, an illness frequently linked in the p opular imagination to the writer's art, is explored by Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison. Some language may be offensive. (30 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl845_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl845_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>8316</td><td>Changing Christianity: From Schism to Ecumenism </td><td>The French Revolution explodes, and the Church, at the center of the co ntroversy, must redefine its relationship with political power. This program foc uses on religious controversy throughout the ages to the 19th century, when Chri stianity finds a new vitality and diversity of worship in democratic societies. Vatican II (1962-1965) is discussed as having paved the way for modern Catholici sm, and the Protestant Ecumenical movement, also of the 1960s, is credited with reconciliation among the various Christian denominations. (55 minutes)</td><td>1 998</td><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl846_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl846_lb lPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>1635</td><td>The Changing Classical Audience for Theatre</td ><td>In the 50 years separating Aeschylus from the later works of Euripides, the atre changed: plays had been performed in honor of the god Dionysus and for the enjoyment of spectators; now they were targeted at spectators who took pleasure in the spectacle itself. Where once the text itself set the stage and described the scene, sets came into use-at first to stimulate imagination, later to imitat e it; in Roman times, there were troupes of traveling actors; and by AD 100, the theatre had acquired a permanent stage. (21 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>21< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl847_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl847_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30069</td><td>Changing Climates</td><td>What is global warmi ng? To what extent has humankind worsened it? And how are the people of the worl d being affected by it? This eye-opening two-part series offers some disconcerti ng answers as it examines the rapidly changing climate of planet Earth. 2-part s eries, 28 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl848_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl848_lb lPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11976</td><td>The Changing Face of Business</td><td>This two -part series makes an assessment of the current state of the American workplace. The first part focuses on how labor unions have lost much of their political an d economic clout over the last four decades, while the second part looks at the emergence of a new generation of young Internet entrepreneurs. 2-part series, 29 minutes each.</td><td>2001</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl849_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl849_lb lPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>11081</td><td>The Changing Face of the News Media</td><td>Ar e new technology and increasing competition leading a breakaway from traditional journalistic values? Are Americans better informed by today's 24-hour, almost i nstantaneous news delivery? Or was the public better served when there was less intense competition and more time to check sources? In this two-part series, som e of the industry's top insiders offer provocative and often opposing views on t oday's changing news media. 2-part series, 13-27 minutes each.</td><td>1999</td> <td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl850_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl850_lb lPrice">$139.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11082</td><td>A Changing Industry: The New News</td><td>Tech nological advances are rapidly redefining the news industry-and raising critical ethical concerns. Is the Internet's ability to deliver instant news and to trac k audience behavior resulting in lower news standards? And is TV news blurring t he line between hard news and infotainment? In this two-part NewsHour program, s yndicated columnist Richard Reeves; former broadcaster Marvin Kalb, of the Shore nstein Center; Ann McDaniel, Washington bureau chief of Newsweek; David Talbot, of; and Fox news anchor Bill O'Reilly discuss these and other question s, as well as the intriguing view that today's ultra-vigilant media is actually raising the ethical bar, exposing scandals that formerly went unreported. (27 mi nutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl851_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl851_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7682</td><td>Changing Lives</td><td>While addiction may caus e similar changes in the brains of different people, recovery is a very individu al solution. Changing behavior is the aim of treatment, but no single treatment program will work for all addicts. This program visits the Ridgeview Institute n ear Atlanta to interview recovering addicts and sit in on a group therapy sessio n. Mr. Moyers also visits Project SAFE, an innovative treatment program that rea ches out to disadvantaged mothers who are addicts, and to their children who are at serious risk of becoming addicts. The DVD version of this program also inclu des a special video introduction by Mr. Moyers. (81 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><t d>81</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl852_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl852_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10217</td><td>Changing Lives: Teachers in Action</td><td>Tea ching is arguably the most important career in the world-and certainly one of th e most demanding. Yet even in a field that requires so much energy and caring, c ertain teachers manage to stand out from the rest. In this inspiring three-part series, nine great teachers display their diverse approaches to educating and bu ilding self-esteem in their students. 3-part series, 24-28 minutes each.</td><td

>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl853_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl853_lb lPrice">$389.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34210</td><td>Changing Nature: Population and Environment at a Crossroads</td><td>This program examines how urbanization, industrialization, and overreaching agriculture are depleting the Earth of its natural resources. Citing environmental changes in Morocco, Ghana, Ukraine, Mexico, and Vietnam, th e program studies the impact of population growth and profiles organizations tha t respond to ecological crises stemming from such growth. With a focus on educat ional outreach efforts, particularly those for women and children, and the promo tion of sustainable development in environmentally compromised regions, Changing Nature concludes that all ecological problems are essentially global and requir e global solutions. (58 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl854_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl854_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7990</td><td>The Changing Role of Hispanic Women</td><td>The traditional role of wife and mother is changing rapidly to that of independent, self-sufficient working woman for many American Latina women. In this program, several prominent Latina women, including author Isabel Allende, discuss their c hanging role within the context of Hispanic family values, male machismo, and th e traditional role of females as the center of family and community life. Actres s Jennifer Lopez explains her choice of career over marriage. A psychiatrist and several Hispanic men examine the issue from the male perspective. Hosted by act or Jimmy Smits. (44 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl855_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl855_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4938</td><td>The Changing Role of Women: Mary Catherine Bate son</td><td>The subject of women and their roles at home and at work is one of t he major and continuing stories of the day. Mary Catherine Bateson, anthropologi st and author, has written on topics ranging from the social consequences of the AIDS epidemic to life with her celebrated parents, anthropologists Margaret Mea d and Gregory Bateson. One of her primary areas of interest is the social conseq uences of the changing roles of women. In this program with Bill Moyers, she tal ks about how the idea of "home" as a place to give and receive nurture might bec ome a new metaphor for the workplace. Bateson also discusses how women can creat e order and sense out of their conflicting commitments. (30 minutes)</td><td>&nb sp;</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl856_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl856_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11223</td><td>Changing Stages: 100 Years of Theater</td><td> In this elegant six-part series, Sir Richard Eyre-former director of the Royal N ational Theatre-explores the history of 20th-century British drama and its confl uence with the theater of Ireland, America, and Germany. Evocative archival foot age of many of the century's most memorable productions is blended with firsthan d testimonies from the writers, actors, and directors who made them possible. A BBC Production. 6-part series, 50-60 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl857_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl857_lb lPrice">$899.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35306</td><td>Changing States of Matter</td><td>This program demonstrates the changeability of solids, liquids, and gases with real-world, e asy-to-understand examples. Set at a campsite, the video utilizes simple tools a t hand-a camp stove, pots and pans, boiling water, and ice-to explain the concep ts of state change, latent heat, expansion, contraction, and sublimation. Viewer s will become familiar with the particle theory of matter, how heat or cold chan ges the characteristics of a wide variety of materials, and how a great deal of technology relies on these transformations. Helpful animation sequences and conc ise chapter summaries reinforce essential physics and chemistry concepts. (28 mi nutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl858_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl858_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35290</td><td>Changing the Face of Medicine: Profiles of Ach ievement</td><td>Inspire and encourage young women to investigate medicine as a career with this Web-enabled DVD-a collection of stories and perspectives shared directly with viewers by thirteen veteran women physicians, surgeons, and speci alists. The program conveys each doctor's deep sense of passion and commitment t o patient care, innovation, and research; it also illuminates the challenges the se trailblazers had to confront in order to earn degrees and practice medicine. Interviewees include Dr. Julie Gerberding, director of the federal CDC; Dr. Mary Ellen Avery, pioneer researcher in the treatment of premature infant respirator y distress; and Dr. Leigh Ann Curl, orthopedic surgeon for the Baltimore Ravens football team. All video in this Web-enabled DVD is viewable on a DVD player, bu t a computer with a DVD-ROM drive is necessary to access its Web links and navig ate its menus. (2 hours)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl859_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl859_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34502</td><td>The Changing Workplace: Technology and Globali zation</td><td>This video focuses on how technology has changed work, and outlin

es basic concepts of how and where work can happen. Students are introduced to t he principles of global business and the skills essential to stay employable in a global economy. (27 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl860_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl860_lb lPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35650</td><td>Chaos and Order: Making American Theater</td>< td>The American Repertory Theater is one the most respected and innovative drama tic institutions in the United States. Through the prism of the A.R.T., this pro gram explores the organizational and creative challenges facing today's theater community and describes the flexibility and resilience arts groups must have to survive in today's cultural climate. F. Murray Abraham, Debra Winger, and numero us other renowned performers-along with groundbreaking directors Andrei Serban, Peter Sellars, and Robert Woodruff-join A.R.T. technicians and artisans in illum inating the precarious condition of American theater. Tony Award-winning actress Cherry Jones narrates. (68 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>68</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl861_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl861_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1956</td><td>Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire</td><td>O ut of the ashes of the Roman Empire rose the Holy Roman Empire, born during Chri stmas of 800 in the Basilica of St. Peter's in Rome. This program covers the ant ecedents and the life of Charlemagne, shows life at the court, life of the court iers and of the peasants, recounts the battle of Roncevaux-site of the epic Chan son de Roland-and counterpoints the glories of the Carolingian Renaissance with the everyday realities of hunger, plague, and constant violence. The program con cludes with the first of Europe's major confrontations between empire and church , in this instance between Henry IV and Gregory VII. (31 minutes)</td><td>1989</ td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl862_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl862_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32000</td><td>Charles Loloma, Hopi Jeweler</td><td>Charles L oloma was one of the first Native American jewelers to use gold instead of silve r and diamonds and other precious gems in addition to turquoise, coral, and shel l. His innovative designs, so sculptural in quality, were internationally acclai med. And his clients included celebrities, monarchs, and presidents. This progra m examines the work of Charles Loloma-and how the visionary behind the enchantin g jewelry managed to break the barriers that separated Indian traditionalism and mainstream modern art. For him, the art world and the Hopi world were one. (30 minutes)</td><td>1976</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl863_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl863_lb

lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3026</td><td>Charles Stewart Parnell</td><td>This documentar y on one of the key figures in Irish history traces Parnell's career from his ba ckground as Irish Protestant landowner to the pinnacle of his power at Westminst er as leader of the Irish people. Parnell's rise was as brilliant as his fall wa s tragic; for a decade, he blazed like a comet across the Irish and British poli tical sky: idolized by the Irish, hated by Tory England, admired by Gladstone, b linded by love, he was dead at 45. Scripted by Prof. J.J. Lee and narrated by Ba rry McGovern, this program follows the story of this proud and aloof and brillia nt politician, known in his day as "the uncrowned King of Ireland"-the human sto ry as well as the political one, including his passionate love affair with Kitty O'Shea-and the political catastrophe that ensued after his fall. (58 minutes)</ td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl864_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl864_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8671</td><td>Charlotte Bronte: Jane Eyre</td><td>Through the character Jane, orphan and governess, Charlotte Bronte introduced a style of he roine that markedly departed from the previous norm in Victorian literature. In this program, Dr. Tom Winnifrith-Bronte expert and author of The Brontes-and Dr. Sally Poulson of the University of Warwick discuss a variety of topics, includi ng whether Jane Eyre is feminist literature, the theme of the Gothic novel, the Victorian education system, and 19th-century social structure. In addition, they compare and contrast the author with her shy and intense heroine to determine h ow much of the novel is autobiographical. (31 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>31</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl865_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl865_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32624</td><td>Charter Schools That Work</td><td>Pulitzer Pri ze-winning columnist Clarence Page hosts this in-depth look at a grassroots revo lution in American education barely a decade old: charter schools. Reasons for t he movement&#8217;s emergence, as well as different philosophies and methodologi es, are seen in visits to several charter schools, including North Star Academy in Newark, KIPP Academy in Houston, and the Vaughn Next Century Learning Center in Los Angeles. The video offers interviews with a wide array of teachers, admin istrators, parents, and students, as well as commentary from leading education e xperts, including Sandra Feldman, president of the American Federation of Teache rs, and Dr. Bruno Manno, co-author of Charter Schools in Action. (60 minutes)</t d><td>2000</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl866_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl866_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>33149</td><td>Chasing God</td><td>Why do so many people beli eve in a higher power? And is God still relevant in the 21st century? By traveli ng the world and interviewing religious leaders from different faiths plus scien tists and atheists, this thought-provoking program explores the human urge to be lieve in-or reject-something bigger and more powerful than oneself. An excellent discussion starter or lecture launcher. (54 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>54</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl867_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl867_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24992</td><td>Chassis and Front End</td><td>This comprehensi ve series of nine videos covers everything from steering systems, to brakes, to wheel bearing service, to suspension systems. Each video provides an overview of the topic and a detailed explanation of components and operation. Live video of component cut-a-ways intermix with computer graphics to make information clear and easy to follow. Also covers part inspection, disassembly and reassembly of d amaged or worn parts, and demonstrations of basic repairs. Some of the areas cov ered are: o arm bushing o ball joints o seals o strut rods o belts o hoses o ste ering knuckles o shock absorbers o coil & leaf springs o torsion bars o air spri ngs o power steering pumps o steering columns o ball sockets o control arms o pa rt inspection o rack & pinion steering.A Meridian Production.</td><td>2008</td>< td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl868_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl868_lb lPrice">$809.55<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9043</td><td>Che Guevara: A Guerrilla to the End</td><td>Ern esto "Che" Guevara was both a romantic and a rebel, honored by many for his comm itment to liberation yet vilified by others as a rogue. This compelling program traces the life of a man whose idealism and determination gripped the imaginatio n of an era. Interviews with family members, partisans, enemies, and others-incl uding the photographer who immortalized him-share their recollections and impres sions. Topics include Che's victory in Cuba, his failures in Africa, and his att empts to gather support in Bolivia, ending in his capture and execution. Archiva l photos and footage, plus readings from his letters and diary, round out this c ompassionate account of revolutionary fervor. (51 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td> 51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl869_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl869_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30706</td><td>Checks and Balances: The Basics of Banking</td ><td>Because teenagers have sources of income too, it's increasingly important f or every young adult to master basic banking skills. That's where Checks and Bal ances comes in. This informative, practical, and entertaining video covers the f undamentals of checking and bank accounts, such as filling out a check correctly

, maintaining a checkbook register, and reconciling a bank statement. In additio n, the video presents up-to-the-minute banking techniques, including ATM transac tions, debit cards, and online banking. Viewers will learn what factors to consi der when choosing a bank, as well as how to identify different types of checking accounts. Correlates to the National Standards of Life Skills for Life Work. A Meridian Production. One 26-minute video, blank checks, workbook, and teacher's manual.</td><td>2003</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl870_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl870_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5871</td><td>Chekhov</td><td>A superb Russian film documenta ry of the life and loves, the thoughts and works, the great themes and the littl e individual lights and shadows that made Chekhov the man and the artist. Set in Moscow in 1914-ten years after Chekhov's death, long enough to provide some per spective on his greatness, close enough for memories to have remained fresh-the program gives us Chekhov through the eyes of those who worked with him and loved him, using superb Russian documentary footage to make both the playwright and h is time come to vivid life. (Russian with English subtitles, 53 minutes)</td><td >1993</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl871_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl871_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10129</td><td>Chemical Bonding</td><td>"An atom with eight e lectrons in its valence shell is a happy atom." Section one of this program make s sense of Lewis structures and resonance structures while addressing the Octet Rule and its exceptions. In section two, "Professor Einsteinium" and elements of Atomic Mass University-AMU-study electronegativity and ionic and covalent bondi ng, while section three focuses on bond energy and reaction enthalpy. (18 minute s)</td><td>2000</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl872_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl872_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7743</td><td>Chemical Bonding</td><td>This four-part series provides a comprehensive introduction to the chemical bonding processes. Using c omputer-generated models and examples from everyday life, each program illustrat es the principles of bonding relevant to high school and college chemistry cours es. 4-part series, 17-22 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl873_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl873_lb lPrice">$359.80<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr>

<td>35315</td><td>Chemical Equations</td><td>Filled with real-li fe demonstrations that support instructive written examples, this program reinfo rces the basic principles of solving equations for chemical reactions. A brief h istorical overview describes Marie and Antoine Lavoisier's establishment of the law of conservation of mass, as well as the theoretical contributions of John Da lton. The importance of balancing equations is emphasized, along with a thorough exploration of reaction types. Step-by-step guides to combination, decompositio n, single replacement, double replacement, and combustion reactions will give be ginning- and intermediate-level students a working knowledge of formulation proc esses. (32 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl874_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl874_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10124</td><td>Chemical Equations and Atomic and Molecular Ma ss</td><td>Can a barbershop quartet introduce the subject of stoichiometry? They do in this program, which in section one presents the Law of Conservation of Ma ss and how to balance equations. Section two explains the difference between the mass number and atomic mass, what an isotope is, and how to work with atomic ma ss units to find the average atomic mass. (20 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>20</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl875_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl875_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3595</td><td>Chemical Equilibrium</td><td>This miniseries us es analogy and computer animation to introduce chemistry students to the concept s of chemical reactions. It explores and examines the theories of steady state, dynamic equilibrium, kinetic molecular theory, reaction tendencies, and the equi librium constant. The forward and reverse reactions of various chemical changes are illustrated, including the production of hydrogen iodide, hydrogen chloride, and ammonia. Finally through demonstrations of Le Chatelier's principle and the Haber process, students will gain a better understanding of the importance of c hemical equilibrium to scientific study. 6-part series, 10 minutes each.</td><td >&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl876_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl876_lb lPrice">$299.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>1110</td><td>Chemicals from NaCl: 1</td><td>Because of its w ide availability, NaCl is the starting material for many inorganic chemicals. In this program, salt is seen being pumped to the surface from deposits of 1011 to ns in salt fields as a brine solution, and into a chemical plant where chlorine and sodium hydroxide are produced by electrolysis. Three types of cells used to separate the products at the anode and cathode-mercury cathode, diaphragm, and m embrane-are shown and the commercial advantages and disadvantages of each are pr esented for discussion. (20 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl877_lb

lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl877_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>1111</td><td>Chemicals from NaCl: 2</td><td>A second product made from sodium chloride, sodium metal, is also produced at the chemical plant shown in Chemicals from NaCl: 1. It is formed by electrolysis of a sodium chlor ide, calcium chloride molten mixture, and is isolated at the cathode of the cell as a liquid. This product is extremely reactive; it must be handled very carefu lly and packaged in an inert oil, free from air and moisture. In England, sodium metal has two principal uses: in the production of the fuel additive tetraethyl lead from chloroethane (very little tetraethyl lead is used in the U.S. because of EPA regulations regarding the use of lead-free gasoline); the second major u se of sodium metal is to displace titanium and zirconium from their chlorides to produce the pure metals required for high-technology aerospace applications. Th e program also demonstrates the reactivity of fluorine. (20 minutes)</td><td>&nb sp;</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl878_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl878_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35343</td><td>Chemistry and Life</td><td>Students new to che mistry might think it's all about beakers and test tubes. Use this program to sh ow them what chemistry is really about-the foundation of life, and the innovatio ns that make life better. Outlining Earth's early development and the creation o f the first organic substances, the video focuses on what humanity has been able to accomplish, and what challenges the future holds, in the field of chemistry. Resins, fibers, and plastics that have revolutionized human activity are showca sed-in the world of sports, with its radically engineered lightweight equipment, and in the stunning example of NASA's solar-powered Helios aircraft. (30 minute s)</td><td>2004</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl879_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl879_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33881</td><td>Chemistry: Changing States of Matter</td><td>T his Science Screen Report uses experiments and everyday phenomena to explore the properties of matter and how physical forces cause state changes at the boiling , melting, freezing, and dew point. The program also demonstrates how different states of matter can be combined in suspensions and solutions and how such mixtu res can be separated into their components. Applied chemistry is spotlighted in the areas of food manufacturing and water desalination. A viewable/printable ins tructor's guide is available online. Produced in association with the Accreditat ion Board for Engineering and Technology and the Junior Engineering Technical So ciety. (14 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl880_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl880_lb

lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1362</td><td>Chemistry in Action</td><td>This series is desi gned to relate basic concepts of chemistry to commercial chemical process techno logies and to link textbook learning to the production of commonly used material s. 10-part series, 20 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl881_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl881_lb lPrice">$899.50<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10122</td><td>Chemistry: The Standard Deviants(r) Core Curri culum</td><td>Guaranteed to cause a reaction, this potent ten-part series, adapt ed from the popular series developed for students to enhance their test-taking s kills, combines serious academic content with a humorous presentation style to h elp make chemistry more accessible. Each program skillfully employs elements suc h as clever mnemonics, high-tech computer graphics, and entertaining vignettes t o boost retention and confidence while driving home core concepts through concis e explanations and challenging problems. Joining the Standard Deviants Academic Team in the creation of this series are David Rowley, Ph.D., and David Ramaker, Ph.D., both of George Washington University. Correlates to all applicable state and national standards. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available onl ine. 10-part series, 17-33 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl882_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl882_lb lPrice">$699.50<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11031</td><td>Chemotherapy and Radiation for Cancer Treatmen t</td><td>A regimen of chemotherapy and radiation treatment is a severe test of both physical and emotional endurance. In this program from The Doctor Is In, pe ople with breast, lung, prostate, and ovarian cancer and Hodgkin's disease descr ibe the treatments-what they are like, how they incorporate them into their dail y routines, and how they deal with the side-effects-and the emotional ups and do wns that accompany them. Information is also provided on new treatments that are extending the life expectancies of lung cancer patients. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Production. (29 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl883_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl883_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1311</td><td>Chesapeake Planter</td><td>A tour through the w orld of the colonial farmer in the year 1777, when most of the 13 original colon ies were still one vast forest. Farms consisted of small, rough clearings cultiv ated by hand or with primitive tools. Farm animals were smaller, wilder, and tou gher than they are today. There were few roads of any kind. Historian Burt Kumme row shares his extensive and enthusiastic knowledge of the time in a stroll thro ugh an authentic recreation of a Chesapeake farm of the period, and the people w

ho worked it. (28 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl884_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl884_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32750</td><td>Chichen Itza: At the Mouth of the Well</td><td >The fusion of Mayan construction techniques with later elements from central Me xico makes Chichen Itza one of the most important examples of the Mayan-Toltec c ivilization in Yucatan. In this program, archaeological footage and computer recreations spotlight prominent locations in the city, including the imposing Pyra mid of Kukulcan, the Temple of the Warriors, the circular observatory known as E l Caracol, the largest ball court in Mesoamerica, and the Well of Sacrifice-a sa cred water-filled cenote into which votive offerings and human sacrifices were c ast. (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl885_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl885_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24995</td><td>Child Abuse: Chain of Pain</td><td>Overviews t he five basic categories of child abuse and their effects on children. The video also examines the reasons adults abuse children, and describes ways to stop cur rent abuse and prevent future abuse. Also stressed are means of obtaining help f or victims. (14 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1990</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl886_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl886_lb lPrice">$52.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33988</td><td>Child Abuse: We All Can Work Against It</td><t d>This video speaks directly to adults and children with two helpful segments on confronting child abuse. The first emphasizes that adults in supervisory roles have clear responsibilities, not only to overcome fears of reprisal and report s uspected abuse, but also to create a safe environment in which children can free ly express problems. The reassuring second segment counsels children that they h ave a right to be safe and protected, and suggests that they identify trustworth y adults to approach if needed. Both segments clearly illustrate the need for co mmunication and the idea that child protection must be a shared goal. (33 minute s)</td><td>2004</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl887_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl887_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25013</td><td>Child Care Safety</td><td>With over twenty-six million children per year suffering injuries from accidents, child care safety must become a major concern. This video discusses safety procedures and regulati

ons within the child care facility, taking into account the ages of the children , the types of hazards, and the means of intervention. Also stressed is the need for cooperation between the parent/caregiver and the child care facility. (17 m in.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1992</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl888_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl888_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11010</td><td>Child Development</td><td>The first several ye ars of a child's life are marked by immense development, both intellectually and physically. This two-part series helps to make sense of that time of rapid chan ge. A Meridian Production. 2-part series, 19-21 minutes each.</td><td>1997</td>< td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl889_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl889_lb lPrice">$119.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26571</td><td>The Child from 1 to 3</td><td>The transition f rom infant to toddler is a dramatic one. As physical, emotional, and social skil ls develop at this important time, parents and caregivers alike need to be aware of the important role that they play during the growth process. This video offe rs an easy-to-follow guided tour through a developing child's early years of lif e. Advice from experts in the childcare field provides additional insight into t his formative period of human development. A Meridian Production. (20 minutes)</ td><td>2000</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl890_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl890_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11845</td><td>The Child from 4 to 6</td><td>Experts agree th at the ways in which we develop in childhood have a strong effect on our later l ives. This video depicts child development from the ages of 4 to 6, the years in which a child practices and fine-tunes motor skills and coordination, tests phy sical abilities, and experiences the onset of demanding physical, emotional, and social changes and challenges. Included is the first year of school, in which c hildren must adjust to a new environment that should encourage, inspire, and dir ect their intellectual development. The influence of parents and caregivers is a ll-important during these early years in order for a child to successfully reach his or her developmental milestones. A Meridian Production. (22 minutes)</td><t d>2001</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl891_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl891_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>11846</td><td>The Child from 7 to 12</td><td>Although childr en 7 to 12 still need their physical safety and health protected, they also requ ire strong role models, boundaries, and positive feedback to develop fully. This video will take the viewer through two stages: (1) middle childhood, when child ren build on what they learned in early childhood, and (2) early adolescence, wh en children begin to undergo the changes associated with puberty. During these y ears, children typically pull away from the family unit and pay more attention t o peers. While the influence of adults may seem less important than during earli er periods, it is still vital that parents and caregivers learn to monitor and b etter understand each of the stages a child undergoes at this time. A Meridian P roduction. (20 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl892_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl892_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34913</td><td>Child Safety</td><td>This video teaches parent s about a wide range of safety issues, such as how to prevent or deal with commo n accidents, in addition to larger concerns such as safety and security at schoo l. (22 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl893_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl893_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34936</td><td>Childcare</td><td>America lags behind other in dustrialized nations in childcare options, but solutions are emerging. This vide o focuses on issues of daycare choices and how children, providers, and parents relate to each other. (22 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl894_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl894_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38778</td><td>Childhood Cancers</td><td>Just a generation ag o, pediatric cancers were almost always fatal. But today, 80 percent of childhoo d cancers are cured-young patients are disease-free and go on to live a normal l ife span. This program explores how doctors and researchers achieved this milest one, considered one of the greatest success stories in modern medicine. Also, sc ientists detail how research into pediatric cancer helped oncologists to develop effective anticancer regimens for adults. Interviewees include Dr. Eugenie Klei nerman of the M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Dr. Elliot Vichinsky of Oakland Chil dren's Hospital, and Dr. Stacy Berg of Baylor College of Medicine. (28 minutes)< /td><td>2006</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl895_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl895_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>10992</td><td>Childhood Depression</td><td>Four to eight per cent of American children experience bouts of major depression. Among teenage gi rls, that rate can be as high as sixteen percent. This program from The Doctor I s In emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis and treatment to avoid potenti al patterns of repeated depression later in life-and to prevent substance abuse and suicide. Children suffering from depression talk about how they cope with it , while child psychiatrist David G. Fassler, author of Help Me, I'm Sad, and Ste ven Atkins, a psychologist at Dartmouth Medical School, provide authoritative in sights. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Production. (29 minutes)</td><td>20 00</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl896_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl896_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11876</td><td>Childhood Development: A Cognitive Approach to Developmental Psychology</td><td>During their first few years, children learn p ractically everything they will ever need to know about interacting with a world full of people. From the earliest stages of mental representation to advanced a cquisition of language and social skills, this five-part series presents various research methods, theories, and concepts of developmental psychology to promote a deep understanding of that crucial period of development. 5-part series, 25 m inutes each.</td><td>1993</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl897_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl897_lb lPrice">$449.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33018</td><td>Childhood Obesity: Reversing the Trend</td><td >This program from The Doctor Is In presents two hospital-based programs that ar e helping children lose weight and keep the pounds off by setting realistic goal s based on good health, not appearance. Patients talk about what it is like, fro m a child's point of view, to be overweight and how they have succeeded in adher ing to a program of portion control and exercise to create a healthier lifestyle . Commentary by Harvard Medical School's Dr. David Ludwig; Dr. Sonia Caprio, of Yale-New Haven Hospital; and Mary Savoye-Desanti, RD, CDN, CDE, is featured. A D artmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Production. (29 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td> 29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl898_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl898_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2349</td><td>Childhood Sexual Abuse</td><td>Childhood sexual abuse affects all social and economic groups. Psychiatrists, social workers, an d law enforcement officials explain how the pattern of abuse is frequently sprea d throughout the family; why children can be manipulated into silent acceptance of abuse; the signs of sexual abuse and how and to whom they should be reported; the reliability of children as witnesses; teaching prevention skills to childre n; and under what circumstances treatment of sex abusers can be effective. From

The Doctor Is In. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center production. (26 minutes)< /td><td>1990</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl899_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl899_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36252</td><td>Children of Substance Abusers</td><td>Danielle 's father is an alcoholic, as are both of Luke's parents. Nicole's mother is rec overing from crack cocaine addiction. How have these teenagers dealt with such o verwhelming conditions? This video explores the emotional confusion and trauma a ffecting children of substance abusers, showing how many young people are able t o break the cycle of addiction and create a healthy pattern for their own lives. Important steps in that process are featured-most importantly, realizing that y our parent's problems come from his or her sickness and are not your fault. Self -worth, acceptance, forgiveness, and the concept of the "parentified" child are all explored. (9 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>9</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl900_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl900_lb lPrice">$19.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10537</td><td>Children without Childhood</td><td>Poverty, ci vil war, the demand for cheap labor, and even the pressure to succeed in busines s: all of these forces are contributing to a world in which many children are fo rced to live, work, and suffer like adults. This powerful five-part series narra ted by Roger Moore travels to Mexico, India, Uganda, the Philippines, and Japan to examine the lives of children who are being deprived of their childhood, and to search for possible solutions. 5-part series, 45 minutes each.</td><td>1999</ td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl901_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl901_lb lPrice">$649.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4141</td><td>A Child's Guide to Language: Teaching a Second Language</td><td>Whether it's English, Spanish, Chinese, or Urdu, babies and you ng children are able to pick up their native language with remarkable ease; no o ne language seems any more difficult than any other. Yet few children who are ta ught a language in school have anything to show for it when they grow up. Why is learning a second or third language so difficult? Are the teaching methods at f ault? Enough is now known about the process of language acquisition to suggest t hat language teaching can be more effective. This BBC Horizon program looks at s ome of the different language acquisition methods in use in schools around the w orld. (50 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl902_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl902_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></

td> </tr><tr> <td>9381</td><td>Child's Play: Growing Up in America</td><td>Chi ldren and teenagers in America face challenges and choices undreamed of by previ ous generations. This insightful two-part series examines the plight of too many of today's youth-driven to succeed, yet lacking crucial pillars of emotional su pport. 2-part series, 30 minutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl903_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl903_lb lPrice">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7020</td><td>Chile: From Drama to Hope</td><td>This program examines Chile under martyred socialist President Salvador Allende, and the subs equent Pinochet regime that followed. Allende's niece and novelist, Isabel Allen de, exile Hortensia Bussi, Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriela Mistral, and othe rs discuss women's role in the eventual toppling of Pinochet, and the formation of the Latin American Federation of Associations of Families of Prisoners Missin g Since 1981-a tracking organization that helps families discover the fate of re latives kidnapped during the Pinochet reign of terror. Also available in Spanish . (59 minutes)English</td><td>1992</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl904_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl904_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5960</td><td>Chilenas: Del Drama a la Esperanza</td><td>This program examines Chile under martyred socialist President Salvador Allende, and the subsequent Pinochet regime that followed. Allende's niece and novelist, Isa bel Allende, exile Hortensia Bussi, Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriela Mistral, and others discuss women's role in the eventual toppling of Pinochet, and the f ormation of the Latin American Federation of Associations of Families of Prisone rs Missing Since 1981-a tracking organization that helps families discover the f ate of relatives kidnapped during the Pinochet reign of terror. Also available i n English. (59 minutes)Spanish</td><td>1992</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl905_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl905_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11027</td><td>Chill: Straight Talk about Stress</td><td>Unre solved stress is all too frequently a cause of substance abuse and suicide. This program shows teens how to recognize, analyze, and manage the stresses in their lives by using the C.H.I.L.L. formula: Communications, Health (nutrition), "I" concerns (self-esteem and self-image), Laid back (relaxation techniques), and Li ttle at a time (time management). This valuable instructional tool can help teen s reduce their stress levels and avoid the related problems that stress can caus e. A Meridian Production. (22 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl906_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl906_lb lPrice">$97.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8593</td><td>Chimp Talk</td><td>In this program, Paul Hoffma n, editor of Discover magazine, explores the controversial issue of language use by apes with primatologist Dr. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh and Dr. Laura Ann Petitto. T he results of Savage-Rumbaugh's 20-year study with chimpanzees reveal that they can use language with the astounding accuracy of a two-year-old human, which inc ludes a rudimentary syntactical ability. However, Petitto's research indicates t hat humans have a cognitive predisposition for language lacking in chimps, which leads to the conclusion that although apes communicate by associating symbols w ith objects and actions, they do not have language abilities in the way that hum ans do. If the scientific community should eventually accept language use by ape s, will the last scientific distinction between humans and animals be lost? (14 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl907_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl907_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35174</td><td>China: Food for a Billion Plus</td><td>Despite its huge population and expanding industrial economy, most of China's inhabitan ts are farmers. This program journeys to Hong Kong, Guangzhou, and Beijing, expl oring the relationship between Chinese agriculture and the urban centers of the country. Featuring visits to large-scale and family-operated farms, a walk along the Great Wall, and an interview with the U.S. embassy's agricultural attache, the program illuminates China's efforts to improve crop yields, food distributio n, and environmental conditions. A viewable/printable instructor's guide-includi ng geographical background information, extension activities, vocabulary handout s, and more-is available online. Correlates to National Geography Standards. (25 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl908_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl908_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11656</td><td>China: Heritage of the Wild Dragon</td><td>The fine loess soil of the Yellow River basin quickly established that region as th e home of China's earliest recorded dynasty. This program focuses primarily on B ronze Age China and the contributions of the Yin (or Shang) dynasty, with a tang ential emphasis on the reign of the Qins. Commentary by Tang Jigen, of the Chine se Academy of Social Sciences, and other experts; archival film of the excavatio n of Yinxu; armor and artifacts from the tomb of Qin Shihuangdi; footage of loes s being used to replicate intricate Yin-era bronzes; and incredible 3-D computer animation provide penetrating insights into the history of ancient China. (59 m inutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl909_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl909_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>35882</td><td>China on the Rise: Paul Solman Reports</td><td >Will the 21st century be the Chinese century? Economics correspondent Paul Solm an examines the rise of China as a global economic power-and the challenges that lie before it-in this timely collection of NewsHour reports. The episodes ar e... China's Growing Economy: This segment spotlights the freewheeling Chinese ec onomy-and its growing pains The Chinese Consumer: This segment seeks to understan d Chinese consumers and how both Wal-Mart and high-end boutiques are catering to them The Cult of Mao Zedong: This segment illustrates how the idealism and enthu siasm of the early Mao years is influencing China's emerging free market economy Misinvestment in China: This segment sheds light on the Chinese government's not ably opaque investment practices and the failing Shanghai Stock Exchange Intervie w with Cheng Siwei: In this segment, China's "father of venture capital" speaks on economic relations with the U.S., foreign investment, textile exports, and th e revaluation of the yuan Piracy Explored: This segment investigates piracy of fo reign intellectual property rights in China, using Viagra as a case in point Bump s in the Road?: This segment seriously questions whether China's economy can con tinue to grow at its incredible pace without major political reform (77 minut es)</td><td>2007</td><td>77</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl910_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl910_lb lPrice">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10116</td><td>China: The Dance Around the Golden Calf</td><t d>As China continues to experiment with Western-style economics, many city dwell ers already enjoy the prerogatives of a market economy. But how will China feed itself as more and more farmers flee their land for the allure of urban living? This program seeks to understand the effects of economic reform on Chinese socie ty, from the villages to the cities. Will cultural values and the traditional ar ts and sciences retain their importance as China makes its bid for first-world s tatus, or will they and the rest of the old China be swept away by Western attit udes, a burgeoning middle-class, and the country's new identity as a nascent eco nomic powerhouse? (50 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl911_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl911_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35369</td><td>China: Through Mao's Eyes</td><td>The video co unterpart to Philip Short's monumental book Mao: A Life, this four-part series g uides viewers through the dynamic, innovative, and brutal accomplishments of the revolutionary Chinese leader. Short-a BBC and Times of London foreign correspon dent assigned to China immediately after Mao Zedong's death in 1976-serves as th e series' writer and narrator, providing the same rigor and panoramic scope that enriches his biography. But these programs go where no book can: into a trov e of film and video materials kept secret for decades by Chinese authorities, an d-through interviews granted exclusively to the filmmakers-into face-to-face mee tings with the last surviving members of Mao's inner circle. Viewers will encoun ter a spellbinding view of 20th-century Chinese history, as well as a glimpse of the country's future. Members of Mao's family, including his daughter-in-law and granddaughter, describe life in the Chairman's home, while Sidney Rittenber g, an American scholar who worked alongside Mao, reflects on his harrowing exper

iences. Mao's chief bodyguard, his doctor, and two former Politburo officials wh o took part in the Long March of 1934-35 share their wealth of knowledge and obs ervations. Other staff members attached to Mao's private office illuminate the C hairman's cloistered but momentous twilight years. For students of Mao's era, this series may well represent the most powerful learning tool available. Its f our-part structure is organized around major phases of the leader's life and car eer, with generous attention given to Mao's influence on today's China. Not avai lable in French-speaking Canada. 4-part series, 60 minutes each.</td><td>2005</t d><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl912_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl912_lb lPrice">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36089</td><td>China's Convenience Store War</td><td>As China becomes the world's largest consumer market, its growing pains reveal fascinati ng business case studies. This program takes viewers into the heart of Shanghai' s dog-eat-dog convenience store industry, focusing on the state-owned Hao de cha in and its foreign-owned competitors. With Japan's Lawsons and Taiwan-backed Fam ily Marts seemingly popping up on every corner, the program accompanies Hao de c orporate executives from store to store as they struggle to maintain market supr emacy. Eye-opening scenes depicting employee training, low-level corporate espio nage, and emotional store openings and closings illuminate Chinese-style busines s dealings. (53 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl913_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl913_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35286</td><td>China's Prosperity: Behind the Scenes of Progr ess</td><td>China may be the world's next superpower, but its wild economic grow th doesn't tell the whole story. This program reveals the widening gap between C hinese urban and rural lifestyles and the escalating pressure for government act ion to increase educational and career opportunities in remote areas. Interviews with city dwellers whose affluence surprises even them-and with villagers strug gling for basic necessities-combine with data-mapped GDP analysis to create an a ccurate economic portrait of the country. Abstaining from political judgment, th e video raises questions about competing in the global marketplace without adequ ate domestic support systems. (31 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl914_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl914_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8854</td><td>Chinese Art: Treasures of the National Palace M useum</td><td>This program spotlights 33 works of Chinese art seldom ever seen o utside of the National Palace Museum. Spanning approximately 5,000 years of hist ory, this diverse collection of pieces includes a Neolithic pottery jar; bronze fangzun and fangyi vessels from the late Shang-early Zhou period; a bronze ding vessel from the Late Western Zhou period; a Tang figurine in sancai glaze; a Min g cup in doucai enamels; and a Qing cylindrical curio cabinet. Displayed in chro

nological order and shown from numerous angles, these cultural artifacts compris e an indispensable educational resource for art history and Asian studies curric ulums. Access points, provided in index form, make locating each artifact easy. (41 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl915_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl915_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35320</td><td>Chinese Buddhist Temples</td><td>Although they may not look exactly like their counterparts in China, North America's Chinese Buddhist temples are closely linked to them through symbolism and traditions tha t go back more than 1,500 years. This video looks at structural symmetry, north/ south building orientation, and interior layout; architectural elements like pag odas, columns, and courtyards; the lotus flower as a design element; and the sta tues of Buddha and the temple guardians. Buddhism's origin in India, the Siddhar tha/Buddha story, and aspects of Buddhist worship are introduced as well. (25 mi nutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl916_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl916_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7439</td><td>Chinese Capitalism: Moving the Mountain</td><td >From fledgling cottage industries to the Shanghai stock market, China represent s a unique blend of communism and capitalism. This program studies that phenomen on by examining how the Chinese themselves are adapting to the quasi-free market system. Chinese economic modernization is studied at a shoe factory, where comm unist worker ideals and capitalist goals coexist. In the largest migration in hi story, 90 million rural Chinese have moved to cities in search of jobs, a better life, and a larger slice of the capitalist pie, only to find the gap between ri ch and poor widening each day. Corruption, say many, is rampant. The issue of ho w these trends will eventually affect China's stability is examined. A BBC Produ ction. (50 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl917_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl917_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11982</td><td>Chinese Cracker: The Making of The Peony Pavil ion</td><td>Written by 16th-century Chinese playwright Tang Xianzu, The Peony Pa vilion is a 19-hour epic opera in 57 episodes that tells a story of youth and lo ve literally triumphing over death. This program follows director Chen Shi-Zheng and the Shanghai Kunju Opera Troupe in their monumental effort of staging the e ntire production, an event that had not occurred in nearly four centuries. Despi te resistance by the Chinese government and the project's inherent difficulties, the debut at the Lincoln Center was an overwhelming success. Coverage of rehear sals, set construction, and costume preparation is combined with interviews with Chen Shi-Zheng and his musical director Zhou Ming, who place this masterpiece i n its historical and cultural context. (53 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>53</td> <td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl918_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl918_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33901</td><td>Chinese Paper-Cutting: The Art of Good Fortune </td><td>Perennially popular in China, paper-cutting is treasured for its abilit y to transform ordinary paper into intricately patterned, brilliantly colored wo rks of art. This program, filmed in Hubei Province, charts the evolution of Chin ese paper-cutting from traditional cutouts representing luck and health to moder n visual art as it illustrates the designing, cutting, and coloring processes. T suwoo Wi, whose father was the only apprentice of the great Master Wang Lao Shan g, is featured, along with Tsuwoo Tsuing, of Central Art College, Beijing. (15 m inutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl919_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl919_lb lPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2596</td><td>The Chinese Revolution</td><td>On October 1, 19 49, the People's Reublic of China came into being following the victory of Mao T se-tung's forces over the Kuomintang, which fled to the island of Taiwan. Thus t he Communists completed a revolution begun by the idealistic Sun Yat-sen in the early 1920s. This program documents how Sun's idealism came under Bolshevik guid ance; the roles of the young Chiang Kai-shek and Mao; the Long March and the con flict between Chiang and Mao; the Japanese invasion of China; and Mao's victory and installation as Chairman of the People's Republic. The program shows how Mao 's administration began to organize 700 million people into one united China wit hin the framework of communism; China's intervention in the Korean War; the grow ing warmth and subsequent ideological split between Beijing and Moscow; the mili tary incidents on the Sino-Soviet border; the occupation of Tibet; China's devel opment and testing of nuclear bombs; and Richard Nixon's visit to China. The pro gram covers the beginning and end of the Cultural Revolution, Mao's death, the e conomic reforms of Deng Xiaoping, and ends with Gorbachev's visit to Beijing and the Tiananmen massacre. (25 minutes, b&w/color)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>25</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl920_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl920_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30326</td><td>Chinese Women: The Great Step Forward</td><td> This engaging two-part series chronicles how Chinese women broke with millenniaold traditions in the 20th century to forge a society that recognized them as eq uals-legally, at least, if only reluctantly in practice. From the controversial staging of Ibsen's A Doll's House through the Cultural Revolution, the series ex amines how Chinese women confronted social prejudice and successfully agitated f or reform, effectively catapulting themselves from a traditional role of subserv ience into modernity as China enters the 21st century. 2-part series, 54-55 minu tes each.</td><td>2001</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl921_lb

lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl921_lb lPrice">$299.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4936</td><td>Chinua Achebe</td><td>Chinua Achebe is presiden t of the town council in his village in Nigeria, a role that brings him more hea daches than honors. He's also a storyteller who hears the music of history, weav es the fabric of memory, and sometimes offends the Emperor as well. His first no vel, Things Fall Apart, took the world by storm. Achebe disagrees with the notio n that literature should be divorced from the politics and economics of its soci ety. In fact, he states, "It is the storyteller...that makes us what we are, tha t creates history." In his storytelling role, Achebe serves as the collective me mory of his society, chronicling the rough transition of African nations such as Nigeria from colonialism to democracy. In this program with Bill Moyers, Chinua Achebe, a man caught between two worlds, discusses his observations and critici sms of both African and Western politics and culture. (30 minutes)</td><td>1988< /td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl922_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl922_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9050</td><td>Chinua Achebe: Africa's Voice</td><td>Things Fa ll Apart has been translated into 50 languages, has sold over 8 million copies, and is considered one of the 20th century's literary masterpieces. This program analyzes the impact Chinua Achebe and his writings have had on world literature, as well as his influence as an editor and a spokesman for a generation of Afric an writers. Dr. Achebe, noted professors Abiola Irele and Gerald Graff, and Char les Larson, editor of the anthology Under African Skies, discuss the characteriz ation, social implications, and levels of interpretation of Things Fall Apart. V ital concepts indigenous to the Ibos of southeastern Nigeria such as oral cultur e, reincarnation, and negotiation-concepts essential to a deep understanding of the novel-are also presented. This program is an indispensable supplement to Ach ebe's best-known novel that elucidates Nigerian history and culture and the impa ct of colonialism. (61 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>61</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl923_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl923_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>25031</td><td>Choosing Furnishings and Accessories</td><td>( 9 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1989</td><td>9</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl924_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl924_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34159</td><td>Christian vs. Christian</td><td>Outlining the

provincial causes and ravaging effects of Europe's Thirty Years' War, this progr am illustrates the ability of religious fervor to inflame nationalism and drive the quest for power. With background on Martin Luther's split with the Catholic Church and the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, Dr. Helmut Neuhaus of Friedrich A lexander University offers detailed analysis of the Hapsburg-Bohemian conflict, the shifting alliances of Catholics and Protestants, and the mercenary campaigns of Wallenstein-leading to a comparison with large-scale natural disaster. The p rogram clearly identifies the three-decade inferno as an inspiration for later d ivisions of church and state. (30 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl925_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl925_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33645</td><td>Christianity</td><td>This program sheds light on the evolution and spread of Christianity across 13 centuries of architecture and art. Selected sites and masterpieces include the 8th-century monastic settle ment on Inishmurray Island, off the coast of Ireland; frescoes in the catacombs of San Domitilla and Caravaggios at Santa Luigi di Franchesi, in Rome; the Hagia Sophia, once a Christian cathedral, in Istanbul; the astonishing underground ch urches of Lalibela, in Ethiopia; Chartres Cathedral; and the Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia, in Barcelona-a visual feast of facades and spires. (26 minu tes)</td><td>2003</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl926_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl926_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6236</td><td>Christianity and Judaism</td><td>Because we are removed from spirituality today, Smith believes we find it difficult to underst and the true meaning of Christianity. Smith explains that Christianity wouldn't have existed if its "spirit had not been real and dense and palpable and evident to everyone around." Smith finds the intimate relationship between the Jews and their God "a living conversation between the human and the divine that goes on generation after generation." Through his son-in-law, Smith came to admire the b eauty of the weekly Jewish shabbat, and when his daughter died, he found solace in Jewish mourning rituals. The DVD version of this program also includes a spec ial video introduction by Mr. Moyers. (57 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>57</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl927_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl927_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>1958</td><td>Christians, Jews, and Moslems in Medieval Spain </td><td>Due partly to the weakness of its Visigothic rulers, partly to its prox imity to Africa, the Iberian peninsula was conquered by Berbers and by Arabs bel onging to the Ommayad Dynasty of Damascus. This program describes the history of Spain from the time of the first landing in 711, through the nearly 800-year-lo ng war that ended in the expulsion of both Moors and Jews in 1492; the developme nt of a culture whose people spoke various Spanish dialects while the official l

anguage was Arabic; the role of the School of Toledo in preserving, translating, and making known the ancient Greek scientific texts as well as Arabic treatises on philosophy and science; the rabbinic center in Toledo; and the history of th e Jews in Spain. (33 minutes)</td><td>1979</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl928_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl928_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8355</td><td>Chronic Anxiety in the Elderly</td><td>This pro gram addresses the problem of anxiety in the elderly and the diseases associated with the problem. Interviews with sufferers of GAD, Geriatric Anxiety Disorder, provide insights into the agony of the condition. General anxiety disorders, th eir symptoms, and physiological manifestations are examined, including chemical imbalance, psychosocial implications, and the emotional impact on the aged broug ht on by radical societal changes. Caffeine, cigarettes, and alcohol are also di scussed as possible instigators. (27 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl929_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl929_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>38775</td><td>Chronic Care</td><td>A chronic condition is a long-term or permanent illness with no known cure. This program provides a frame work for dealing with chronic illnesses-such as stroke, emphysema, or rheumatoid arthritis-whether viewers are seeking general knowledge, attending to their own health concerns, or caring for a loved one. The program explores ways for famil y members and other caregivers to participate in the development of a realistic chronic care plan. Valuable perspectives are included through interviews with he althcare support professionals, private individuals who are responsible for the day-to-day needs of others, and chronically ill patients. Case studies illustrat e smart decision-making and home care options. (30 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td >28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl930_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl930_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36479</td><td>Chronic Pain</td><td>Medicine is gaining groun d against chronic pain, thanks to determined doctors-and patients. This program explores what causes pain and looks at treatments involving medication, physical therapy, and alternative methods. Presenting interviews with physicians who hav e dedicated their careers to fighting chronic pain-including UC San Diego doctor s Mark Wallace and Armelia Sani-the program also features commentary from patien ts who cope with it every day: a man battling stomach cancer who uses relaxation techniques to ease abdominal pain...a woman with damaged vertebrae who has rega ined mobility through exercise...and an arthritis sufferer who can write without pain because of new drugs. (28 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl931_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl931_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10940</td><td>The Chronically Ill: Pain, Profit, and Managed Care</td><td>Currently, three-quarters of all U.S. healthcare dollars are spent on 100 million people with chronic illnesses and conditions. Will a cost-consci ous healthcare system, increasingly driven by the market and oriented toward acu te care, give them the proper care? This program examines how the chronically il l are faring today in seeking the high-quality, long-term care they need. Specia l reports focus on cases of patients with cancer, victims of stroke and heart di sease, and children with congenital illnesses, comparing their treatment by comm ercial HMOs with the diagnoses and recommendations of independent experts. The p rogram also documents the burdens on families providing home care. (48 minutes)< /td><td>2000</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl932_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl932_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2206</td><td>Chronobiology: The Time of Our Lives</td><td>Th is program examines the biological evolution of our internal timekeepers, examin ing the conflict between the time in our bodies and brains and the time on our w rists. It looks at the fish with the most accurate pacemaker known to science; s hows how cell cycles are being tracked and biological clocks transplanted; revea ls the novel ways in which human biological clocks are being reset; and explains why Greenwich is where time starts, how conversations can be set to music, why some people are larks and others owls, and what causes the Monday morning blahs. (58 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl933_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl933_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36441</td><td>Churchill vs. Roosevelt</td><td>The rosy pictu re of Anglo-American amity during the run-up to America's entry into World War I I is more myth than fact. Starting in May 1940 with the fall of continental West ern Europe and the isolation of Britain, this program explores the tenuous relat ionship between Churchill and Roosevelt as the U.S. haltingly progressed first t o arsenal of democracy and then to full-fledged combatant. Quotations from the P rime Minister and the President and diary entries of Sir John Colville, Henry St imson, Lord Halifax, Harold Ickes, Henry Morgenthau, and Joseph Goebbels appear throughout. (50 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl934_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl934_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29852</td><td>Cinema History</td><td>This program captures m ore than a century of moviemaking, from the pioneering work of the Lumiere broth

ers and the early silent classics to recent box office hits and modern masterpie ces of world cinema. (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl935_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl935_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6749</td><td>Circle of Recovery: Healing the Wounds of Drugs and Alcohol</td><td>In this program, Bill Moyers provides a candid portrait of seven African-American men-all recovering from drug and alcohol addiction-and th eir efforts to heal through a voluntary recovery group they formed. Each week, m embers of the group meet and openly discuss issues involving family, love, sex, racism, and work, which are interwoven with their struggles and achievements as they strive to rebuild their broken lives. We see how the support each man draws from the other group members contributes to his recovery in the healing circle. "Recovery doesn't happen in isolation," Kenny says. "No one does it alone." It is an inspiring story of shattered lives healed by courage, resolve, and friends hip. (57 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl936_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl936_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3732</td><td>Circles</td><td>The distance formula for two po ints on the Cartesian plane is used to derive the equation for a circle in stand ard position. Individual transformations are applied to the circle to develop th e general equation for a circle in any position on the plane. (10 minutes)</td>< td>1989</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl937_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl937_lb lPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10281</td><td>Circular and Rotational Motion</td><td>This pr ogram rounds out the subject of two-dimensional kinematics with a comprehensive examination of circular and rotational motion. Topics include centripetal force, centripetal acceleration, period, velocity, tangential acceleration, and total acceleration; axis of rotation, rotating through an angle, radians, angular velo city, and linear speed; and just a touch of geometry. (22 minutes)</td><td>1999< /td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl938_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl938_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25034</td><td>Circular Saws</td><td>Circular Saws is a twent y-two minute video which is part of the series, Portable Power Woodworking Tools .This series features the most popular and useful types of woodworking tools. Th

e student will learn the safe operation of each tool, the different models and t heir purpose, the parts, choosing the proper blade or bit for the task, and the various wood-working operations that can be accomplished with each tool. The nin e videos in this series will enable and encourage your students to safely and cr eatively use portable power tools to their maximum advantage. (22 min.) A Meridi an Production.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl939_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl939_lb lPrice">$64.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35542</td><td>Circular Saws</td><td>The circular saw is one of the most widely used portable power tools at construction sites. This video s potlights direct-drive and worm-drive models. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to competency standards for core curriculu m and carpentry from the National Center for Construction Education & Research. A Shopware Production. (16 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl940_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl940_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30528</td><td>Circulation, Respiration, and Breathing</td><t d>This program examines how oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported throughout the body, guided by the brain as it reacts to internal and external stimuli. Th e process of breathing is modeled by a swimmer, the control of breathing by the brain is analyzed, and oxygen intake by the lungs and transport by red blood cel ls are discussed. The complementary actions of the circulatory and respiratory s ystems to meet the body's energy needs are identified, and anaerobic respiration and oxygen debt are addressed. The internal structure of the heart is displayed . And the special properties of cardiac muscle tissue are outlined. The effects of smoke inhalation on the lungs from cigarettes and a house fire are also consi dered. (20 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl941_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl941_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36418</td><td>Circulation: What an Autopsy Reveals</td><td>T he life of a cardiac patient might hang by a thread-but it's more accurate to sa y it hangs by a tube. In this program, anatomist Gunther von Hagens and patholog ist John Lee demonstrate just how delicate and vulnerable the human circulatory system is. Exposing the network of veins and arteries from a deceased woman's bo dy, they dissect the heart to reveal a massive affliction of arterial sclerosis and illustrate what dead heart muscle looks like. They also drain the system of blood and pump a UV-sensitive resin through it, showing how blockages can affect circulation, harm the function of vital organs, and lead to heart attacks and d eath. Viewer discretion is advised. Contains clinically explicit language and de monstrations. (49 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl942_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl942_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8163</td><td>Circulatory System: The Plasma Pipeline</td><td >This program covers the circulatory system's important roles in transportation, purification, and regulation. Topics include the structure and function of the heart; the role of blood as a connective tissue; arteries, veins, and the flow o f blood; the functions of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and pla sma; the lymphatic system; and maintaining a healthy circulatory system. A viewa ble/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Cambridge Educational Pr oduction. (27 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl943_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl943_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>834</td><td>The Circulatory System: Two Hearts That Beat as One</td><td>This program describes the structure and functioning of the heart. I t analyzes the three basic components of the heart-muscle, valves, and pacemaker -and shows how each one contributes to the proper functioning of the organ as a whole. (26 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl944_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl944_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>11251</td><td>Cisco Systems and the Internet Economy</td><td >In segment one of this program, NewsHour correspondent Paul Solman, Cisco Syste ms' John Chambers, and other top Cisco executives discuss how the computer netwo rk infrastructure giant, whose routers are the brains of the Internet, uses Inte rnet technology to enhance its own operations and growth. In segment two, corres pondent Ray Suarez talks with Jay Whitehead, CEO of; labor e conomist Robert Reich; and other experts about the implications of the eyebrow-r aising increase in employment in the Internet economy-before the bubble burst. ( 28 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl945_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl945_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10212</td><td>The City</td><td>Early cities emerged from tra ding posts and fortresses; they were generally accessible by water and easily de fended. This program examines the metamorphosis of the city from fort and tradin g post to cultural epicenter and beyond. Ancient cities are discussed and Athens and Rome are compared. Modern cities including New York and Paris are also pres ented, with a focus on Paris' attempt to re-create itself in the 19th century by razing slums to build monuments and boulevards. City planning and public servic es are examined as well, along with the middle-class exodus from, and recent ret

urn to, many American cities. (53 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl946_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl946_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5588</td><td>The City and the Environment</td><td>This progr am focuses on three facets of the urban ecosystem: the underground infrastructur e that enables a city to function; traffic and the increasingly complex technolo gies required to manage it; and the trees in the city and the ongoing effort to protect city trees from the effects of urban pollution. (23 minutes)</td><td>&nb sp;</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl947_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl947_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33548</td><td>The City: Building Reputations</td><td>This pr ogram focuses on the fierce competition between the newly wealthy merchant class es in Sienna and Florence throughout the 13th and 14th centuries over the creati on of new buildings, services, and ways of governing. Leading art historians int erpret this jarring 200-year conflict through detailed analysis of each city-sta te's stunning cathedrals and exquisite artworks. Their revealing discussions sho w how city planning, law, regulation, justice, and Christian virtues brought ord er to this period of rivalry and war prior to the outbreak of the great plague. (49 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl948_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl948_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33402</td><td>City Living</td><td>With the rise of industry came the rise of the cities. In this program, host Dan Cruickshank scours London to examine how the mechanisms of industrialization generated urban life as peop le know it today. Mass production enabled a growing swathe of society to enjoy h igh-quality products and created a new and instantly recognizable world: the mod ern home. Chemistry also stoked the fires of consumer demand, producing vibrant colors that dictated the clothing and decorating fashions of the day. And the in vention of streetlights made possible one of the city-dweller's favorite pastime s: shopping. (30 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl949_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl949_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3373</td><td>City of the Big Shoulders</td><td>Polish immigr ants were the driving force behind Chicago's remarkable industrial growth. But t hey never achieved political cohesiveness, and while a million Poles now live in

Chicago, their political power is not commensurate with the number of votes the y cast. (52 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl950_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl950_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33752</td><td>The City of Tomorrow: New Models for Living</t d><td>According to the UN, more than three-quarters of the world's population wi ll live in cities by the year 2050, and the dimensions of urban development will be staggering: towns and cities will merge to form urban complexes with populat ions of 20 to 30 million. This program travels through Holland, the Ruhr area, a nd Berlin to observe the ways technology and the wealth of ideas from architects , urban planners, and researchers will change the future of cities worldwide. Di scussion focuses on the visions that will make optimum use of space, meet transp ort needs and power requirements, and maximize quality of life for tomorrow's ci ty dwellers. (26 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl951_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl951_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34821</td><td>City Under Siege</td><td>A prolonged series of terrorist attacks could seriously endanger America's stability. In this Fred Fr iendly Seminar, moderator and Harvard Law School professor Charles Ogletree comp els a team of experts to wrestle with a frightening scenario-a wave of bombings in a large port city and the credible rumor of a nuclear "dirty bomb" arriving i n the harbor on the Fourth of July. With 5,000 shipping containers landing daily , those tasked with protecting the city face agonizing logistical and ethical qu estions: Is an effective search for the bomb possible? Should the threat be made public, or would that only cause panic and undermine the investigation? And per haps the most troubling issue of all-with thousands of lives in the balance, how can information be elicited from suspects? Is torture a last resort? The clock is ticking. (57 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl952_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl952_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30690</td><td>The Cityscape</td><td>When artists worked in t he service of the state, they glorified their cities and gave them imposing faca des. But as the place of artists in society has matured over the centuries, arti stic expression has became increasingly more penetrating. Beginning with the Ren aissance, this program describes how visual artists have represented, deconstruc ted, and reconstructed the cityscape as they dealt with issues of spatial perspe ctive, the delineation of public and private spaces, the depiction of city-dwell ers singly and in groups, the portrayal of utopias and dystopias, and the distil lation of the city into its most dynamic component: its rhythm. (27 minutes)</td ><td>2002</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl953_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl953_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14440</td><td>Civil War Amendments</td><td>These programs tr ace the dramatic history of the Civil War Amendments, their impact in the Civil Rights movement of the 20th century, and crucial court decisions that have estab lished these amendments as a vital part of the nation's identity. Includes: Amen dments 13 (Abolition), 14 (Civil Rights), and 15 (Prohibiting Discrimination in Voting on Basis of Race). Programs range from 10 to 12 minutes. A Cambridge Educ ational Production. Three videos, 33 minutes total.</td><td>1998</td><td>&nbsp;< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl954_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl954_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2456</td><td>The Civil War in England: 1645-1649</td><td>Eng land's Civil War, which was a revolution of Parliament against the King, is in m any ways the model of all the successful revolutions that followed: its words ec ho in the words of Thomas Jefferson, of the French Estates-General, of the maker s of the Russian Revolution. This program provides the background of the power s truggle and the religious conflicts that led to the war, the rise to power of th e Puritans and Oliver Cromwell, the pivotal battle of Naseby, the trial of Charl es I and his execution, and the subsequent return to the throne of his son-this time not by the grace of God, but by the grace of Parliament. (37 minutes)</td>< td>&nbsp;</td><td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl955_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl955_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>2403</td><td>Civilization and Climate</td><td>Changing clima te probably played the decisive role in drawing hominids out of the trees, up on their hind legs, and off in search of food whose supply had been dispersed by t he replacement of rainforests by grasslands. Migrations were motivated by the se arch for food; during ice ages, when sea levels dropped, new areas became access ible and populations spread. Links between climatic changes and emerging civiliz ations have also been postulated; the collapse of civilizations confronted with climatic challenges to which they could not or would not adapt is clearly docume nted: the Indus River civilization, the Viking settlement in Greenland, even the French Revolution. And Hitler's disastrous decision to invade Russia in 1941 wa s apparently based on inaccurate weather forecasting! (26 minutes)</td><td>1990< /td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl956_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl956_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr>

<td>37541</td><td>Civilization to Colonization: Language Takes W ritten Form</td><td>Writing is a relative latecomer to the history of language. This program tracks its emergence in Mesopotamia, China, and Mesoamerica and its spread down through the millennia via conquest-usually violent, sometimes benig n-and colonization. The creation of creoles and pidgins resulting from the inter action of specific populations is also addressed, and speculation is made about the first things to be written down. Noam Chomsky; Peter Daniels, coeditor of Th e World's Writing Systems; the Manhattan Institute's John McWhorter; MIT's Miche l DeGraff; and Salikoko Mufwene, of The University of Chicago, contribute. (48 m inutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl957_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl957_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6676</td><td>The Clarinet</td><td>This program shows how the German-system clarinet's unique sound and wide range of musical expression assu red it a place in chamber music ensembles and in the orchestra itself. Beginning at the 18th-century workshop where it was created, we see how it was constructe d, and how it has evolved over time. Its musical history is illustrated through extracts from works by several famous composers, including Beethoven, Brahms, an d Mozart. (27 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl958_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl958_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>38704</td><td>Class Act: Jay W. Jensen and the Future of Art s Education in America-Educator's Edition</td><td>From the executive producers o f Super Size Me and Director Sara Sackner, this program examines the deplorable atrophy of arts education in America's classrooms by contrasting the crisis with the story of one very dedicated, inspiring high school drama teacher: Jay W. Je nsen, who over a 50-year career touched the lives of many with the transformatio nal power of the arts. Renowned pupils-actor Andy Garcia, film director Brett Ra tner, songwriter Desmond Child, and sportscaster Roy Firestone, to name only fou r-speak out alongside Alfie Kohn, author of The Schools Our Children Deserve; Da na Gioia, chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts; Robert Lynch, preside nt and CEO of Americans for the Arts; Richard Deasy, director of the Arts Educat ion Partnership; educators, administrators, and school board members; and studen ts. A lucid argument for the vital importance of arts education in the American public school system. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available onlin e. Bonus material consists of celebrity interviews, a featurette, educational te aching segments, and extended educational interviews (DVD only). (88 minutes + 2 hours 32 minutes of bonus material)</td><td>2007</td><td>88</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl959_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl959_lb lPrice">$199.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36343</td><td>Class of 2006: Morocco's Female Religious Lead ers</td><td>This Wide Angle program goes on location in Morocco as history is ma

de. In May 2006, an imam academy in the city of Rabat holds a graduation ceremon y. But the class of 2006 is no ordinary group of students. Side-by-side with the male graduates are 50 women pioneers, among the first contemporary group of wom en to be officially trained as religious leaders in the Arab world. Empowered to do everything that male imams do-except lead Friday prayer in a mosque-the wome n will fan out across Morocco to work as spiritual guides in mosques, schools, h ospitals, and prisons, even hosting their own television and radio talk shows. I n addition, anchor Daljit Dhaliwal discusses U.S. foreign policy in the Arab wor ld with Ambassador Dennis Ross, former U.S. envoy to the Middle East peace proce ss. (57 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl960_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl960_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6541</td><td>Classical and Operant Conditioning</td><td>This program explains the nature of behaviorism, so central to the study of human be havior, and its important applications in clinical therapy, education, and child -rearing. The program clearly explains, discusses, and illustrates the complex c lassical and operant conditioning theories of Pavlov and Skinner, and features a rchival footage of laboratory work with dogs and present-day research using rats in Skinner boxes, as well as numerous examples of conditioning in everyday life . (56 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl961_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl961_lb lPrice">$109.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>12055</td><td>Classical Architecture</td><td>Emphasizing har mony, proportion, balance, and simplicity, the buildings of the Greek and Roman empires have had a strong and abiding influence on generations of architects. Th is program classifies the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian styles of Greece, with th eir columns and entablatures, and the Tuscan and Composite styles of Rome, which augmented the Greek trabeated forms with vaults, arches, and domes. A variety o f examples are drawn not only from the ancient world, but from the Renaissance a nd the neo-Classical period as well. A BBCW Production. (29 minutes)</td><td>200 0</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl962_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl962_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29976</td><td>Classical Feng Shui: Harnessing Nature's Subtl e Forces</td><td>This program focuses on the Land Formations and Flying Stars Sc hools of classical feng shui, demonstrating the ancient Chinese geomantic practi ce of living harmoniously with the environment as it is applied in Hong Kong and elsewhere. World-renowned teacher Grandmaster Yap Cheng Hai and several feng sh ui consultants provide a detailed overview of Taoism, chi, yin and yang, the fiv e symbolic elements and animals, the bagua and its eight trigrams, and the lo pa n compass. The feng shui of a number of buildings-Norman Foster's Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank and I. M. Pei's Bank of China, among others-as well as several anc

estral grave sites is assessed. The feng shui of a variety of locales in Europe is also analyzed. (56 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl963_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl963_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32709</td><td>Classical Greek Philosophy</td><td>What is "th e good," and why is it that one can never step into the same river twice? This p rogram featuring Princeton University's Alexander Nehamas and Richard Sorabji, h onorary fellow at Wolfson College, the University of Oxford, addresses core topi cs in ancient philosophy such as freedom and fate, permanence and change, happin ess, the nature of the cosmos, and the immortality of the soul. Concepts as arti culated by key figures including Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Heraclitus, Pythago ras, and the Milesian and Eleatic philosophers-in combination with quotations dr awn from Plato's Republic, Aristotle's Physics, and other influential sources-ma ke this program an excellent tool for building a solid understanding of Western philosophy. (51 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl964_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl964_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8972</td><td>Classical Mythology: Its Origins and Impact</td ><td>In this illuminating program, renowned classicists including Sir Hugh Lloyd Jones, of Oxford University; Mary Lefkowitz, of Wellesley College; and Gregory Nagy, of Harvard University, explore the origins of classical mythology and its relationship with other aspects of Greek culture, tracing subsequent influences on Western civilization. Topics discussed include cultural transmission among th e Mediterranean peoples of the 8th century BC, the derivation of texts attribute d to Homer and Hesiod, interpretations of the myths of Phaeton and Callisto, the connections between Greek myth and tragedy, the Roman use of myths, and applica tions of modern critical theory to mythology. (29 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td> 29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl965_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl965_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30652</td><td>Classically Georgian</td><td>An icon of archit ectural design, Georgian is also the most popular revival style. This program sh owcases examples of Georgian homes from three different centuries, offering a de tailed tour of the grounds and interiors. First, the origins of the style are se en in a 1760 Georgian villa on the Thames. Next, the program visits The Grange i n Toronto, a house from 1817. And then the tour arrives at the Batterwood mansio n, built in 1927 in Canton, Ontario. Architect Barry Hobin and historians Fern G raham, Hal Kalman, and Dan Cruikshank provide commentary on this architectural h omage to perfection. (24 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl966_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl966_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11169</td><td>Classification of Living Things</td><td>Any di scussion of biodiversity and the web of life can be strengthened by an understan ding of how living things are classified. Beginning with the work of Linnaeus, t his two-part series introduces the taxonomic systems used by scientists to ident ify and categorize the Earth's abundant life forms. Live footage, microscopic im aging, diagrams, definitions of key terms and concepts, and interviews with scie nce professionals provide insights into the ongoing challenge to understand the diverse characteristics of living things. Correlates to the National Science Edu cation Standards developed by the National Academies of Science and Project 2061 Benchmarks for Science Literacy from the American Association for the Advanceme nt of Science. A Cambridge Educational Production. 2-part series, 27-28 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl967_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl967_lb lPrice">$139.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30892</td><td>Classifying Commensals and Pathogens</td><td>T his program provides a clinical overview of benign bacteria that commonly coloni ze the human body and, less commonly, pathogens of both infectious and transient asymptomatic strains. Two dramatized throat examinations demonstrate the diagno sis of Streptococcus pyogenes and infectious mononucleosis. Laboratory analysis of a throat culture and a blood sample is demonstrated. Slide images, diagrams, and lists of microorganisms are also incorporated into the video. (15 minutes)</ td><td>2000</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl968_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl968_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35297</td><td>Classroom Challenge: Debating Darwin in the 21 st Century</td><td>As the controversy over intelligent design and science educat ion heats up, open-minded discussion about the issue can be in short supply. Thi s ABC News program sorts through arguments on both sides, examines the debate in the context of America's larger political climate, and explores its fundamental questions: Are evolution and I.D. incompatible? Is exposure to both ideas harmf ul or beneficial to schoolchildren? Does fossil evidence make evolution immune t o challenge? Astute commentary from ABC News' George Stephanopoulos sums up I.D. 's implications for students, teachers, and parents. (22 minutes)</td><td>2005</ td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl969_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl969_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10264</td><td>Classroom Discipline</td><td>A common error ma

de by new teachers is attempting to impose authority on a classroom rather than encouraging students to manage themselves. In this timeless program, acclaimed p resenter Dr. Richard Curwin and noted educator and school psychologist Dr. Allen Mendler argue that students can develop internal controls and self-responsibili ty when teachers alter their traditionally adversarial classroom role. Drs. Curw in and Mendler are also cofounders of Discipline Associates and coauthors of Dis cipline with Dignity, Taking Charge in the Classroom, and The Discipline Book: A Complete Guide to School and Classroom Management. (28 minutes)</td><td>1991</t d><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl970_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl970_lb lPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30005</td><td>Claude Debussy</td><td>What the painters and p oets of the Impressionist movement sought to capture in their media, the French composer Debussy realized in music. This program looks at the techniques Debussy used to create pictures in tones and how he sought to express mood and melody i n dramatically new ways. Among the selections featured are Herbert von Karajan c onducting Prelude to The Afternoon of a Faun and La Mer, Leonard Bernstein condu cting Iberia, Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli performing Sails, Samson Francois pe rforming L'Isle Joyeuse, and Alain Kremski performing Pagodas. (27 minutes)</td> <td>1998</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl971_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl971_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37192</td><td>Clean Food, Organic Agriculture</td><td>Althou gh more than 12,000 organic farms operate in the United States, increasing deman d for organically grown food requires substantial imports from abroad. This prog ram delves into the world of sustainable, eco-friendly agriculture; it also high lights advances that should eventually enable all Americans to "act locally" whe n they shop for organic food. George Siemon, founder and CEO of Organic Valley, talks about the inner workings of his cooperative organization, while green food producers Anthony Rodale, Gary Hirshberg, and Gary Erickson explain the challen ges and rewards of their successful operations. In another segment, renowned act ivist Vandana Shiva expounds on the social, environmental, and health-related co nsequences of traditional corporate farming. (28 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>2 8</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl972_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl972_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8023</td><td>Clerical Skills</td><td>This unique video serie s explains to beginning workers the basic skills needed to survive and prosper. Includes Basic Clerical Skills for New Employees, Thank You For Calling! Effecti ve Telephone Techniques, and May I Help You? Commendable Customer Service. Excel lent preparation for working in an office!A Cambridge Educational Production.</t d><td>1992</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl973_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl973_lb lPrice">$239.85<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32249</td><td>Clerical Skills for New Employees</td><td>This program begins with a look at some of the most basic yet most important of all job skills: being punctual, dependable, and positive; dressing appropriately; an d abiding by company rules. Next, the art of organizing tasks and work areas is demonstrated, as viewers learn how to make folders for filing, compile a "to do" list to help control work flow for the day, and much more. Voicemail and e-mail are also discussed-vital elements of today's office, both can prove useless if messages are not transcribed accurately or organized properly for quick retrieva l. Clerical Skills for New Employees closes with a look at the processing of inc oming and outgoing mail and proper use of the postage machine and fax machine. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the Na tional Business Education Association's National Standards for Business Educatio n. A Meridian Production. (19 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl974_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl974_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11260</td><td>Clever and Greedy: Wealth-Building, 8,000 BC t o 650 BC</td><td>Beginning with a concise overview of brain evolution in early h ominids and what appears to be barter behavior in chimps, this program traces th e rudiments of the human wealth orientation as it developed at Wadi Faynan, a pr ehistoric agrarian settlement; at the ancient town of Catal Hoyuk; and at Uruk, a major Sumerian trading city. Host Peter Jay; Cambridge University's Nicholas P ostgate; Hans Nissen, of the Free University of Berlin; archaeologist Steven Mit hen; and others consider the transformative effect of farming, the commercial im pact of obsidian, and the invention of proto-cuneiform as an accounting tool. A BBC Production. (51 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl975_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl975_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2400</td><td>Climate and Man</td><td>This series offers a th orough introduction to and analysis of the relationship between climate and huma nity: our linked prehistory, history, and likely future. Climate is the determin ing factor in where and whether life exists-why there is life on Earth and not o n Mars and Venus; in specialized organisms where it is hot or cold, wet or dry, light or dark. Climatic change killed off the dinosaurs and brought prehistoric humans out of the trees and upright on their feet to search for food. And climat ic change is threatening now to wipe out life on Earth-by drowning, boiling, suf focating, starving, or genetic destruction. These programs examine the nature of climate, what people have done to alter it, whether we are prepared to foot the costs of saving our planet, or to try to reverse the processes we have set in m otion by attempting with scientific means to counter the deadly prospects which confront us.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl976_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl976_lb lPrice">$539.70<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10391</td><td>Clio Awards 40th Anniversary Reel</td><td>The Clio Awards is the world's largest advertising competition-and one of the most p restigious, as well. Featuring examples of creative excellence from around the g lobe, this dynamic two-part series, introduced by Ogilvy & Mather's worldwide cr eative director Neil French, creates a visual timeline of TV spots that throws a unique light on the products enjoyed by mass audiences for more than forty year s. 2-part series, 60 minutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl977_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl977_lb lPrice">$299.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10392</td><td>Clio Awards 40th Anniversary Reel, Part 1</td> <td>This program features top television ads from the Clio Hall of Fame ranging from the late 1950s through the early '80s, including classic commercials such a s Carling Black Label's "Hey Mabel," Timex's "Watch on Propeller," Volkswagen's "Snowplow," Cracker Jack's "Card Game," Salada Tea's "Motorcycles," American Tou rister's "Gorilla," Alka-Seltzer's "Spicy Meatball," Coca-Cola's "Buy the World a Coke," Life Cereal's "Mikey," Johnson & Johnson Band-Aid's "Stuck on You," and Federal Express's "Fast-Paced World." (61 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>61</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl978_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl978_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10393</td><td>Clio Awards 40th Anniversary Reel, Part 2</td> <td>This program spotlights television's best ads from the Clio Hall of Fame fro m the mid-1980s through the late '90s, including memorable moments such as IBM's "Hats," Dr. Pepper's "Hunchback," Sony's "Cranebird," Apple Corporation's "1984 ," California Raisins' "Lunchbox," Diet Pepsi's "Apartment 10G, "Energizer Batte ry's "Bunny," Penn Tennis Balls' "Bounce Test," California Milk Advisory Board's "Aaron Burr," Budweiser's "Frogs," Volvo's "Twister," Little Caesars' "Training Camp," and Nike's "Running." (57 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl979_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl979_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10807</td><td>The Clios 2000</td><td>This program brings tog ether 2000's winners of the gold, silver, and bronze Clio Awards. Entries includ e Levi's "Drugstore," Nike's "The Morning After" and "Beautiful," Bud Light's "R ough Choice," Fatboy Slim's "Praise You,"'s "Tons of Toys," Pepsi's "

Play Acting," Sega's "Apocalypse," Whiskas' "Commercial for Cats," MTV's "Snitch ," Toyota Tundra's "More Spectacular," British Airways' "Johnny Foreigner," Pret ty Polly Bras' "Ooooh," McDonald's Fish Burger's "Swimming," New Zealand Symphon y's "The Riot of Spring," Budget Car Rental's "Aromatherapy,"'s "Fr iends," and Preparation H's "30-Grit." (88 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>88</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl980_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl980_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11751</td><td>The Clios 2001</td><td>This program captures 2 001's winners of the gold, silver, and bronze Clio Awards. Entries include Budwe iser's "What Are You Doing?" and "Whassup Wasabi," Reebok's "The Blob," Toyota T acoma's "Family Reunion," Ford Trucks' "Fight Club," Samsonite Luggage's "Bomb S quad," Timex's "Kung Fu," IBM's "Recording Session," Compaq's "Web," Los Angeles Dodgers' "Giant Loser," Game Show Network's "Botulism," Partnership for a Drug Free America's "Music," The New York Times' "Tornado," San Francisco Jazz Festiv al's "Low Riders," Sony Playstation's "PS9," and Florida Department of Health's "Secrets." (2 parts, 58 minutes and 72 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>130</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl981_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl981_lb lPrice">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30187</td><td>The Clios 2002</td><td>This program catalogues 2002's winners of the gold, silver, and bronze Clio Awards. Entries include Pep si's "Beckham," Visa's "Dining Out," Blockbuster's "Carl and Ray-Kung Fu," Budwe iser's "Mr. Pro Wrestling Wardrobe Designer," Nike's "Freestyle," Toyota Corolla 's "School," AT&T's "I'm Okay," Neutrogena Skincare's "Glasses," Audi A3's "Baby sitter," Sylvania Lighting's "Old Man," Heineken USA's "Birth of a Sign," Sealy Mattress's "Boy," Volkswagen of America's "Ransom," Bright Dairy's "Football," F lorida Department of Health's "Language Class (Swahili)," Feeding Children Bette r's "Ketchup Soup," and the National Safety Council's "Damage." (2 parts, 79 min utes and 51 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>130</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl982_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl982_lb lPrice">$199.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32377</td><td>The Clios 2003</td><td>This program rounds up 2003's winners of the gold, silver, and bronze Clio Awards. Entries include FedE x's "Desert Island," Microsoft Xbox's "Eartennis," BMW of North America's "Ticke r" and "Beat the Devil," Anheuser-Busch/Budweiser's "Cards," Sci-Fi Channel's "T attoo Man," Hacks Candy's "Samurai," Sealect Tuna's "Buffet," Saturn's "Sheet Me tal," Nokia Media Master's "Tennis," Glidden Paints' "Margarita," Sears Roebuck' s "Prodigal Son," Philips Batteries' "Alarm Clock," Volkswagen of America's "Squ ares," BT Broadband's "Burst Pipe," Ontario Lottery and Gaming's "Stairs," and P ediatricians Against Child Abuse's "Old Man." (2 parts, 83 minutes and 59 minute s)</td><td>2003</td><td>141</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl983_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl983_lb lPrice">$229.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33430</td><td>The Clios 2004</td><td>This program reviews 20 04's winners of the gold, silver, and bronze Clio Awards. Entries include Nike's "Gamebreakers," NASCAR's "Rear-Ended," CBS Sports' "Drive Thru," Sony's "Gravit y Bomb," Pepsi's "Wounded," Toyota's "Party Dress," Apple's "Hip-Hop," Hewlett-P ackard's "Il Postino," MasterCard's "I Can't Believe It, Buddy!," Visa's "Monste r Chase," Delta Airlines' "The Stumbler," Heineken's "USA/Sue," Anheuser Busch's "Genius/Mr. Way Too Much Cologne Wearer," Miller Brewing Company's "Dominoes," PBS's "Puppets," the UN/Ad Council's "School," and the Amy Biehl Foundation Trus t's "Thomas" and "Thomas Returns." (3 parts, 60 minutes, 56 minutes, and 29 minu tes)</td><td>2004</td><td>145</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl984_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl984_lb lPrice">$229.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35005</td><td>The Clios 2005</td><td>This program revisits 2 005's winners of the gold, silver, and bronze Clio Awards. Entries include Nike' s "Evolution," "Shoxploitation," and "Scary House"; Volkswagen's "Time"; Wanadoo 's "The Chase"; adidas' "Improvisation"; Labatt-Bud Light's "Cuppa"; Toyota Priu s's "Donkey"; Stella's "Pilot"; Ford Ranger Opencab's "King Kong"; Bud Light's " Sky Diver"; and Miller Lite's "Victims." (3 parts, 60 minutes, 60 minutes, and 1 9 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl985_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl985_lb lPrice">$229.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36211</td><td>The Clios 2006</td><td>This program documents 2006's winners of the gold, silver, and bronze Clio Awards. Entries include Hond a's "Impossible Dream" and "Dreams," Microsoft Xbox 360's "Water Balloons," Nike Free's "Reincarnate," Rexona's "Stunt City," MTV Networks' "Beatbox Family," Sn ickers' "Bald," Vodafone's "Mayfly," AOL's "Bad," Volkswagen Polo's "Angel's Day Off," Olympus Europe's "Red-Eyed Baby," Toyota Camry's "Knives," GE's "Ecomagin ation," Amnesty International's "Candle," and Gun-Free Society's "Children." (2 parts, 57 minutes and 46 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>103</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl986_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl986_lb lPrice">$229.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37403</td><td>The Clios 2007</td><td>This program tallies up 2007's winners of the gold, silver, and bronze Clio Awards. Entries include Com bos' "Heart to Heart," Honda's "Brand New," Camelot Lottery's "Bag of Smiles," C

oca-Cola's "Video Game," Reale Mutua's "The Family," Skittles' "Leak," Nike Air Max's "Defy," Altoids' "Fruit Pants," BBC Radio 2's "Elvis," Minority Forum's "B lack Soccer Star," Axe Dry's "Mother Hen," Volkswagen's "Like," Propel Fitness W ater's "Stress Monster," Nokia's "Jeans," Guinness' "Hands," Johnny Walker's "Hu man," National Breast Cancer Center's "Finding Changes," and AIDS Awareness PSA "Sugar Baby Love." Some content may be objectionable. (96 minutes)</td><td>2007< /td><td>96</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl987_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl987_lb lPrice">$229.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33554</td><td>The Clios Year by Year, 2000-2004</td><td>The Clio Award: presented annually to recognize creative excellence, the "Emmy of th e advertising industry" is also a reliable barometer of consumer taste and a val uable snapshot of pop culture. Each program contains an outstanding array of TV ads-the creme de la creme from the U.S. and around the world. 5-part series.</td ><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl988_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl988_lb lPrice">$949.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33555</td><td>The Clios Year by Year, 2000-2004</td><td>The Clio Award: presented annually to recognize creative excellence, the "Emmy of th e advertising industry" is also a reliable barometer of consumer taste and a val uable snapshot of pop culture. Each program contains an outstanding array of TV ads-the creme de la creme from the U.S. and around the world. Can be viewed usin g a DVD player or computer DVD-ROM drive. 5-part series.</td><td>2004</td><td>&n bsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl989_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl989_lb lPrice">$949.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33281</td><td>Cloning the First Human: Do the Risks Outweigh the Rewards?</td><td>Successful animal clones such as Dolly are the exception, not the norm. Most die of catastrophic organ failure, bizarre new illnesses that do not occur in nature, or other causes-if they are fortunate enough to reach b irth at all. This program examines evidence suggesting that the very process of cloning causes subtle errors in the way genes function, leading Roslin Institute 's Ian Wilmut and others to believe human clones would fare no better. But child less couples see human cloning as an answer to a prayer...and Drs. Panayiotis Za vos and Severino Antinori, confident of success, are ready to try it. Original B BCW broadcast title: Cloning the First Human. (50 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td> 51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl990_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl990_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7679</td><td>Close to Home: Moyers on Addiction</td><td>In t his critically acclaimed five-part series, Bill Moyers puts a human face on an A merican public health crisis: drug and alcohol addiction. Each program takes on a different facet of addiction and recovery-from studies of brain pathology and genetic risk, to various prevention and treatment approaches, to a look at our p ublic policy. The intimate experience of addiction is shared by the addicts them selves, their parents, children, and those helping them toward recovery. The DVD version of this series also includes a special video introduction by Mr. Moyers . 5-part series, 57-81 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl991_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl991_lb lPrice">$349.75<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37466</td><td>Clot Busters: Case Studies of Stroke Treatment </td><td>Stroke is about sudden loss of function. Stroke intervention is about r escuing the brain-and, by extension, the mind and personality. This program brin gs viewers into the ER and the OR, the CT-scanning suite and the rehab room, of Calgary's Foothills Hospital with Dr. Alistair Buchan and his stroke treatment t eam as they fight the clock and the limits of medicine to save lives and preserv e quality of life. As the cameras track a small group of male and female patient s, viewers will experience for themselves, in real time, the life-or-death judgm ents that must be made-and the moral quandaries that have to be dealt with. Orig inal CBC broadcast title: Clot Busters. (46 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>46</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl992_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl992_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25045</td><td>Clothing Care: Laundry and Stain Removal</td>< td>Most of us become responsible for clothing care early in life, and have a ves ted interest in knowing useful laundry tips. This program is divided into three informative segments: 1) covers basic clothing care such as hanging things up an d repairing minor problems; 2) includes sorting, and choosing appropriate water temperature and wash cycle; 3) explains different types of clothing stains and m ultiple procedures for stain removal. Everyone can make their wardrobe last long er and look better by knowing and using proper clothing care. (18 min.) A Meridi an Production.</td><td>1997</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl993_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl993_lb lPrice">$74.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14575</td><td>Clothing Dollars and Sense</td><td>Teenage stu dents spend most of their earned income on their wardrobes, and young adults spe nd up to ten percent of their full-time income likewise. This live-action video helps develop the skills needed to make smart decisions when purchasing clothing

. It covers the importance of planning for purchases and illustrates how to take a clothing inventory. It also explains how personality, climate, and income inf luence what clothing we buy. A fashion coordinator teaches our young shoppers Je nnifer and Greg how to judge quality and workmanship. Is a designer label worth the price? Is fad clothing a wise choice? Follow along as they also learn about fabric identification and reading labels. A terrific video for anyone wanting to be a better clothes shopper. A Cambridge Educational Production. (41 minutes)</ td><td>1990</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl994_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl994_lb lPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10915</td><td>Clouds Are Not Spheres: The Fractal Theory of Benoit Mandelbrot</td><td>Both elegant and sublime, fractal geometry has taught mathematicians and scientists to see things differently while quantifying a new level of order in the natural world. In this captivating program, visionary math ematician Benoit Mandelbrot tells his life story as it relates to his spatial ap proach to problem solving and his scientific achievements. Supported by the insi ghts of Nobel Laureate Ivar Giaever and others, the documentary unifies the disp arate periods of Mandelbrot's life around the recurring concept of iteration. "U ntil fractal geometry became organized, my life had followed a fractal orbit," q uips Dr. Mandelbrot. (57 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl995_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl995_lb lPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8636</td><td>Cluny: A Light in the Night</td><td>During the Middle Ages, Cluny Abbey dominated western Europe with a power that rivaled the papacy itself. The abbots of Cluny-men of great sanctity and commanding abilitycentralized the Benedictine Order into a system in which they directly controlle d all of the hundreds of other monasteries. Under their guidance, thousands of m onastics joined together in studies and activities that greatly enriched medieva l life. As an outgrowth of their efforts, the code of chivalry was created, whic h redirected the energies of warring knights into the Crusades; pilgrimages to t he numerous monasteries became fashionable, which increased the exchange of know ledge and culture throughout Europe; and monastic business models began to influ ence secular commerce. This program offers a fresh look at the architecture and sociopolitical impact of Cluny, at one time the largest church in the Western wo rld. (53 minutes)English</td><td>1995</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl996_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl996_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>25051</td><td>Clutch Operation and Service</td><td>Clutch Op eration and Service is a 21-minute video which is part of the series Drive Train s. This group of 6 videos not only provides a general overview of drive trains and how they operate, but highlights construction, design, and components. Each video covers a specific topic and uses 3-D animation and cutaways to demonstrate

working parts and how they function. Detailed areas are: automotive clutch flywheel s pressure plates bands torque converters set-up transmission designs ns & servos reassembly planetary gear sets drive axle designs part inspection disassembly. (21 minutes) A Shopware Production.</td><td>1992</td><td>21</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl997_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl997_lb lPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33270</td><td>Coaching Styles for School Sports</td><td>A co mpetent coach challenges and inspires athletes to achieve their personal best. T his program analyzes the nuanced art of coaching by examining three popular coac hing styles: authoritarian, distant yet approachable, and friendly; vital coachi ng skills in the areas of leadership, management, and communication; essential c oaching qualities such as enthusiasm; the wide knowledge of athletics, sports ps ychology, sports medicine, and other disciplines that a coach must have in order to be effective; personal characteristics such as honesty, integrity, and high expectations for those on the team; and how coaching varies for athletes of diff erent ages, skills, and abilities. (24 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl998_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl998_lb lPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36134</td><td>Coca and the Congressman: Drugs, Farming, and Socialism in Bolivia</td><td>The rise of leftist leaders in South America has su rprised the international community-and has resulted in some equally surprising alliances. This Wide Angle documentary focuses on populist leader Evo Morales, w ho has taken up the fight of coca farmers against the Bolivian establishment. Tr aveling to the stunning highlands of Bolivia, the program examines Morales' effo rts to expand the amount of coca that can be legally grown and fend off the Boli vian military's drive to eliminate the crop. The program also profiles indigenou s politicians working with Morales, a farming family dependent on coca for survi val, and a coca-eradication commander on a slash-and-burn mission. In addition, Minister Jorge Castaneda discusses the power shift in Latin America with anchor Mishal Husain. (57 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl999_lb lFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl999_lb lPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3116</td><td>Cognitive Coaching: A Process for Teaching and Learning</td><td>This program describes and demonstrates specific examples of in structional conversation and other types of cognitive coaching; identifies instr uctional arrangements that are used to promote active learning by students; mode ls questioning techniques and student interactions, including the ways in which cognitive coaches keep student discussion focused and productive; and considers the role that authentic and ongoing assessment plays in cognitive coaching. Good teaching, like good coaching, depends on instructional conversations in which t he participants exchange ideas, build motivation, and develop strategies for imp

rovement. The program shows how teachers can encourage students to employ strate gies for success by providing cognitive coaching or "active teaching": by commun icating with their students, focusing on development, motivating their students, and sharing in their students' performance. (39 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td >39</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1000_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1000_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6013</td><td>Cognitive Development</td><td>The aim of this p rogram is to examine Piaget's theory and to critically evaluate it in light of m odern research. The study of child development in the 20th century revolved arou nd Jean Piaget's theories, and the program clearly describes their central theme s, covering the cognitive stages of development from birth to twelve years old, giving illustrations of children's behavior at each level. Recent research is ex amined in relation to each stage and comparisons drawn with the theories of Jero me Bruner. The program concludes that children are more cognitively capable at a n earlier age than Piaget suggested, but it is the ages rather than the stages t hat are disputed. Other developments such as metacognition and theory of mind ar e outlined, and recent research findings are reported. (58 minutes)</td><td>1995 </td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1001_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1001_l blPrice">$109.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36229</td><td>Coke on the Rocks?</td><td>Why are parents, ed ucators, health advocates, and politicians-including Arnold Schwarzenegger-takin g on Coca-Cola, the world's biggest brand? This program explains the facts and o pinions at the heart of the growing controversy, revealing the health issues and business challenges that the soft-drink company must confront in order to survi ve in an increasingly fitness-oriented beverage market. Interviewing parents, st udents, nutrition experts, and activists about the movement to ban Coke and othe r sugar-heavy sodas from public schools, the program also features comments from Coke officials who insist the company can continue to dominate in the 21st cent ury. (30 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1002_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1002_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34654</td><td>Coke's Water Bomb: The Dasani Fiasco</td><td>O n a British sitcom, two characters bottled tap water and sold it as Peckham Spri ng Water. More recently, Coca-Cola launched its purified-water lifestyle drink, Dasani, in the U.K. The connection was not overlooked. This program tracks Dasan i's progressive PR nightmare in Britain-first as newspapers screamed "Coke Sells Tap Water for 95p," and then as Coca-Cola recalled 500,000 bottles due to poten tially carcinogenic contamination at their factory. It also considers an even la rger problem as worldwide Coke sales continue to flatten: without Dasani, the so ft drink giant has no bottled water product for the lucrative European market. O

riginal BBCW broadcast title: Coke's Water Bomb. (29 minutes)</td><td>2004</td>< td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1003_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1003_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33713</td><td>Cola Wars: Message in a Bottle</td><td>This pr ogram examines how brand identity is influenced by consumer perceptions through the struggle between Coca-Cola, icon of American culture, and rivals Qibla Cola and Mecca Cola for market share in Muslim locales. Qibla's Zafer Iqbal and Mecca 's Tawfiq Mathlouthi tell the story of two opportunistic, politically correct Da vids taking on a marketplace Goliath-and each other-while Coke executives share their plan for defense against a commercial threat that is as serious as it is u nprecedented. Original BBCW broadcast title: Cola Wars (a.k.a. Message in a Bott le). (51 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1004_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1004_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35466</td><td>Colameco's Kitchen Survival Guide</td><td>Comb ining humor, enthusiasm, and a down-to-earth attitude, cooking expert Mike Colam eco is the ideal mentor for students who want to empower themselves in the kitch en. In this three-part series, the creator and host of PBS's Colameco's Food Sho w explains how to shop for groceries, store food, prepare ingredients, keep the kitchen clean and safe, and develop basic kitchen skills and techniques. Mike al so presents some accessible recipes for students to try, with hands-on demonstra tions that help build cooking confidence. Viewable/printable instructor's guides are available online. Correlates to all applicable state and national standards . A Meridian Production. 3-part series, 23-26 minutes each.</td><td>2007</td><td >&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1005_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1005_l blPrice">$209.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6921</td><td>The Cold War</td><td>In this program, Nikita Kh rushchev and Richard Nixon argue the merits of democracy and communism in the im promptu Kitchen Debate, complete with on-screen translations. Also included are Nixon's famous "Checkers" speech; a 1960 campaign address to Wisconsin farmers b y Senator Hubert Humphrey; and the verbal showdown between Senator Joseph McCart hy and attorney Joseph Welch at the Army-McCarthy hearings that helped end McCar thy's political career. (51 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1006_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1006_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>9304</td><td>Coleman Barks</td><td>Coleman Barks, Professor Emeritus of English at the University of Georgia, has become the primary conduit for translating into English the ecstatic poetry of the 13th-century Sufi poet Jelaluddin Rumi, the bard of Islam. In this program, Bill Moyers and Dr. Barks d iscuss topics including the intricate challenge of transforming antiquated Persi an idiom into modern English while retaining its essence. Readings by Dr. Barks spotlight five of Rumi's marvelous poems and his own "Love for Clouds," "A Wish, " "New Year's Day Now," "Final Exam," and "Club." Filmed at the Biennial Geraldi ne R. Dodge Poetry Festival. (27 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1007_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1007_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>38754</td><td>College Days, College Nights</td><td>Sixteen s tudents search for knowledge, fun, love, sex, and a path to a rewarding career a s this documentary tracks them through one academic year at The University of Br itish Columbia. Partying, clubs, and sports compete head-to-head with classes an d sleep-but campus life is only one part of this compelling story. The other rev olves around that age-old transition from child to adult known simply as growing up. College Days, College Nights is an honest look at the total college experie nce as seen through the cameras of Oscar-winning director John Zaritsky-and a te am of eight film students who capture events that the pros could not have witnes sed. An indispensable part of a high school's guidance library or a college's fr eshman orientation program. Some content may be objectionable, and some language may be offensive. (91 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>92</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1008_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1008_l blPrice">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33331</td><td>The College Track: America's Sorting Machine</ td><td>It's about closing the achievement gap and implementing best practices.It 's about raising expectations and lowering barriers.It's about a heart-to-heart partnership of educators and parents.Isn't it about time to start some honest di scussions in your community?Learn more about the unintended consequences of educ ational tracking in public schools. See innovative model solutions for bringing these students back onto the college track with this timely three-part series. H osted by Emmy Award-winner Andre Braugher, The College Track takes a penetrating look at the barriers to college faced by many students and showcases public sch ools and communities that are succeeding in dismantling those barriers.These sto ries and examples will help you establish or enhance an all-around winning relat ionship between your educational community and the public it serves.An educator' s guide and a community planning guide are included. 3-part series, 57 minutes e ach.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1009_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1009_l blPrice">$269.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>33914</td><td>Colombia: Cocaine's Battleground</td><td>This documentary reveals just how divisive the 40-year Colombian civil war has become . It ventures behind government spin and FARC guerilla secrecy to interview army commanders, public officials, Colombian journalists, drug cartel paramilitaries , and ordinary citizens who are literally caught in a crossfire. Testimonials fr om impoverished farmers-who have essentially no other options than to grow cocaclearly show that in a country producing 80 percent of the world's cocaine, peac e will come only after radical social change and a major reduction in global con sumption of the drug. (60 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1010_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1010_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10008</td><td>Colombia's Guerrilla War: A Sundered Nation</t d><td>In Colombia, government and paramilitary forces are terrorizing the popula ce to deprive the FARC and NLF guerrillas of civil support. But far from stampin g out the war, this policy has led to an escalation that threatens to destroy th e country. This program combines newsreel and documentary footage of life and de ath in Colombia's rural districts, cities, and guerrilla camps with interviews t o explore the roots and the results of the 20th century's longest guerrilla war. Members of Bogota's Institute of Political Studies, the Red Cross, and the Chur ch; army officers; guerrillas; politicians; and some of the 1.5 million refugees air their views on the terror and the tragedy of a nation divided. (53 minutes) </td><td>1999</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1011_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1011_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32553</td><td>Colon Cancer: The Power of Prevention</td><td> One of the most deadly forms of cancer is also one of the most preventable. In t his program, doctors from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Van derbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, and elsewh ere focus on three case studies of senior citizens with colon cancer to explore the etiology and pathology of colon cancer, risk factors, and screening options. Prevention through colonoscopic examinations is emphasized, and treatments such as surgery with adjuvant therapy and combination chemotherapy involving 5-FU, C amptosar, and oxaliplatin are described. Some content may be objectionable. (24 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1012_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1012_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7763</td><td>Color</td><td>Color is perhaps the most powerfu l artistic element, but it is also the most difficult to control. In this progra m, artist June Redfern goes to Venice to see one of her favorite paintings-Titia n's Assumption of the Virgin. Analyzing Titian's innovative use of color, Redfer n traces other color innovations pioneered by artists like Monet, Van Gogh, and Mark Rothko. (30 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>30</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1013_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1013_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29891</td><td>Color and Fire: Defining Moments in Studio Cer amics, 1950-2000</td><td>Produced in conjunction with the Los Angeles County Mus eum of Art's exhibition of the same name, this lively program explores the evolu tion of late-20th-century ceramics. Using interviews and myriad examples of thei r works, leading figures in the field, including Ruth Duckworth, Wayne Higby, Jo hn Mason, Ron Nagle, Otto Natzler, Richard Shaw, and Peter Voulkos, discuss such major themes as Abstract Expressionism, Funk, vessels, form and function, and t he debate over the decorative arts versus the fine arts. (51 minutes)</td><td>20 00</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1014_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1014_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34521</td><td>Colorado to Cairo: Voices of Youth</td><td>Thi s program presents two groups of high school students generating a flood of cros s-cultural insights. American Islamic, Christian, and agnostic teenagers speak t heir minds while young Egyptian Muslims do the same-then both panels observe and react to each other. Their subjects include dating, cliques, education, religio n, the impact of American entertainment, and more. Displaying a variety of backg rounds, attitudes, and visions for the future, these youthful gatherings offer a powerful remedy against stereotypes and an indispensable tool for diversity tra ining. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. (33 minutes) </td><td>2005</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1015_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1015_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11483</td><td>Color-Blind: Fighting Racism in Schools</td><t d>As school populations become more and more diverse, racial intolerance is shov ing its way to prominence. In this provocative program, five students from a var iety of cultural and ethnic backgrounds speak with candor about racial harassmen t at their high school in an effort to encourage teenagers to examine their own attitudes and behaviors. The greatest danger of racism is that it will go unaddr essed-until it becomes headline news. This video, ideal as a discussion-starter both in classrooms and at workshops, helps to ensure that this will not be the c ase. (27 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1016_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1016_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>3619</td><td>Combining Gas Volumes</td><td>This program expl ores what happens when we theorize about how a single-atom particle should behav e, using the gas volume hypothesis. It then makes a prediction about the behavio r of atoms in gases and compares it to Gay-Lussac's observations for his law of combining gas volumes. (10 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1017_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1017_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5755</td><td>Come Celebrate with Me</td><td>In this program, two poets reflect on the cultural legacies they have inherited. Lucille Clifton and David Mura bring their talent and humor to bear as they look at the past an d the lives they live in America today. Filmed at the Biennial Geraldine R. Dodg e Poetry Festival. (58 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1018_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1018_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10180</td><td>Comedy</td><td>Comedy is the complement of tra gedy, and tragedy is one of the oldest forms of ritual in the Western world. How ever, while tragedy is linked to the sacred, comedy is often linked to the profa ne and sometimes even the sacrilegious. This program explores comedy, from Arist ophanes and Cicero to the Christian ban on humor. The Feast of Fools and Carniva l as Christian institutions that celebrate the profane are examined, along with the role of the Fool in the Renaissance court. The work of Rabelais as a Reforma tion-era text examines satire as a form of social critique and political tool th at verges on the blasphemous. Literary figures such as Moliere and more recent i cons, such as Charlie Chaplin, are discussed, along with societies like Japan th at suppress laughter and consider it subversive. (53 minutes)</td><td>1998</td>< td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1019_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1019_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10382</td><td>Coming Down: The Aftermath of Doing Drugs</td> <td>Whether they know it or not, drug addicts must eventually face a choice: det ox, dysfunction, or death. What is life really like for young abusers trying to leave their drug habits behind? In this program, teenagers speak out about the d evastating and long-lasting emotional effects that substance abuse has had on th eir lives. Dramatizations combined with the harsh facts of addiction underscore the dangers of drug abuse. A Meridian Production. (20 minutes)</td><td>1996</td> <td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1020_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1020_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>35357</td><td>Coming of Age: Ethnographic Profiles from a Gl obal Perspective</td><td>Weaving a worldwide narrative of rites of passage, this program takes viewers into the lives of six children and adolescents, all of wh om are undergoing critical stages in their transition to adulthood. Widely varyi ng experiences from Russia, China, Malaysia, Uganda, the Dominican Republic, and Canada's Baffin Island produce a startling picture of the political, social, an d economic issues that surround growing up. An Inuit boy's first hunt, a young R ussian's involvement in a right-wing hate group, and an obligatory weeklong mili tary boot camp for a 15-year-old Chinese girl-these and other stories show the d ifferences and the unity of human development around the world. A BBCW Productio n. (60 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1021_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1021_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2152</td><td>The Coming of the Barbarians (1540-1650)</td><t d>In 1540, Portugese navigators and Jesuit priests landed in a Japan of shoguns and samurai, where the arts of warfare had been refined to hitherto unknown heig hts of cruelty. Although Westernisms quickly became the rage in Japan, the Japan ese soon recognized the long arm of colonialism. Christian priests and converts were persecuted and martyred and, in 1650, Japan shut tight its doors to the out side. (52 minutes)</td><td>1989</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1022_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1022_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>842</td><td>Coming Together</td><td>Attraction, desire, and sexual coupling lead to conception. This program covers the physiological events underlying the process of reproduction. (26 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>28</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1023_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1023_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>37626</td><td>Commedia dell' Arte: The Story, the Style</td> <td>Journeying back to the dawn of Italian theater, this program unmasks the int riguing and often underappreciated tradition known as commedia dell' arte. Viewe rs will discover the history of Italian masked theater, the origins of commedia dell' arte and its various iterations, and the nature of its performers' improvi sed style. The program explains how the tradition's inspired characters-Pantalon e, Colombina, Pulchinella, and many others-evolved and rose to prominence in the hearts and minds of 16th, 17th, and 18th-century audiences. It also illustrates how Italian masked troupes influenced countless other cultures as they performe d across Europe, thus shaping the theatrical sensibility of western society as a whole. (75 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>75</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1024_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1024_l blPrice">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32250</td><td>Commendable Customer Service</td><td>Everyone talks about "customer service." What is it, and why is it so important? As the f rontline employee, the customer service representative is the most valuable and visible person to the customers-the one they go to first for every type of infor mation and assistance. In this program, viewers will see how to provide exceptio nal customer service with a smile, a professional appearance, and a positive att itude. It covers the basics-fielding questions, solving problems, cheerfully res ponding to customer requests-and much more. And because so much interaction take s place over the telephone, viewers will learn how to stay in control when deali ng with demanding or rude customers, how to actively listen, and how to come up with solutions that satisfy. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is availabl e online. Correlates to the National Business Education Association's National S tandards for Business Education. A Meridian Production. (16 minutes)</td><td>200 4</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1025_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1025_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3606</td><td>Commercial Electrochemical Cells</td><td>This p rogram demonstrates how chemical reactions studied in previous programs apply to commercially available batteries. The development of the modern battery is trac ed, highlighting the discoveries of Galvani and Volta, the widely used Leclanche cell, and rechargeable cells. (10 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1026_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1026_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8149</td><td>Common Childhood Illnesses</td><td>This program addresses common childhood illnesses, their symptoms, possible at-home and prof essional medical treatments, and how to decide if a doctor should be consulted. School-age children describe how each illness feels, what it looks like, and how it's treated. Viewers learn about the symptoms and treatments for ear infection s, common colds, mumps, tonsillitis, appendicitis, chicken pox, fevers, asthma, croup, measles, German measles, and abnormal bowel movements. A Cambridge Educat ional Production. (33 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1027_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1027_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>14636</td><td>Common Childhood Injuries</td><td>Common Child hood Injuries is an excellent program that teaches how to care for minor emergen

cies and how to prevent serious ones from getting worse before medical help arri ves. Part one covers coping with emergencies; allergic reactions; bites and stin gs; bone, joint, and muscle injuries; and burns. Part two covers cardiopulmonary arrest; choking; cuts; scrapes; abrasions; drowning; electrical injury; eye inj ury; head injury; and poisoning. Also provided are practical suggestions for kee ping your home safe. A Cambridge Educational Production. (Two parts, 28 minutes each)</td><td>1994</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1028_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1028_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10573</td><td>Common Errors (2) / "Acceptable Errors"</td><t d>When should the red pen be wielded to the hilt, and when should writers and re aders simply agree to disagree? Part one of this program deals with three unequi vocal errors-sentence fragments, comma splices, and run-on sentences-and three m ajor enemies of clarity-tense shifts, vague pronoun references, and faulty paral lels. Contraction/possessive pronoun confusion is also sorted out. In part two, syntactical errors that many no longer consider unacceptable are examined: contr actions, split infinitives, and dangling prepositions. (25 minutes)</td><td>2000 </td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1029_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1029_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11389</td><td>A Common Heritage</td><td>What can the Dead Se a Scrolls tell modern theologians about 1st-century Judaism and the roots of Chr istianity? Drawing on the experiences of Frank Moore Cross, of Harvard Universit y; Emanuel Tov, chief editor of the Dead Sea Scrolls Publication Project; James Charlesworth, of Princeton Theological Seminary; and other experts, this program describes the battle for open access to the scrolls while exploring the common heritage that links both faiths. In addition, Barbara Thiering airs her radical hypothesis. Footage of the Pope in Jerusalem and readings from the Dead Sea Scro lls Beatitudes and the Thanksgiving Scroll are included. (33 minutes)</td><td>20 00</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1030_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1030_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35527</td><td>Common Hybrid Components</td><td>Hybrid vehicl es are complex machines-help your students get to know them inside and out. This video guides viewers through the system components common to hybrid automobiles , including the battery pack, the electric motor, the internal combustion engine , the transmission, and the generator. A viewable/printable instructor's guide i s available online. Correlates to all applicable state and national standards. A Shopware Production. (16 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1031_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1031_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30668</td><td>Common Mistakes People Make in Interviews</td> <td>This highly acclaimed video will help you avoid the pitfalls of the intervie w process-because getting an interview is only the beginning. Before you walk th rough the door for an interview, you had better know a few things: what the busi ness is all about, how to stay cool under pressure, and how you feel about worki ng with people of different races and genders. After all, an interview is a seri ous conversation about business, how you react to stress, and what kind of perso n you are. Common Mistakes People Make in Interviews is an informative and effec tive program that helps job seekers anticipate what employers are looking for. U sing a wrong way/right way format, the video illustrates the things to do and no t to do in an interview so you can convey the right attitude, project a professi onal image-and get a job offer. Perfect for job-search agencies, libraries, care er-oriented classes, or anyone who wants to ace an interview. A viewable/printab le instructor's guide is available online. A Cambridge Educational Production. ( 27 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1032_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1032_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11762</td><td>The Common School: 1770-1890</td><td>In the af termath of the Revolution, a newly independent America confronted one of its mos t daunting challenges: how to build a united nation out of thirteen disparate co lonies. This program profiles the passionate crusade launched by Thomas Jefferso n and continued by Noah Webster, Horace Mann, and others to create a common syst em of tax-supported schools that would mix people of different backgrounds and r einforce the bonds of democracy. A wealth of research illustrates how this noble experiment-the foundation of the young republic-was a radical idea opposed from the start by racial prejudice and fears of taxation. (55 minutes)</td><td>2000< /td><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1033_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1033_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36173</td><td>Communicating Social Support</td><td>Beginning teachers often don't anticipate the challenges that high-needs students present . This video provides supportive strategies that boost the success of special ne eds learners. Exploring verbal and nonverbal communication through immediacy beh aviors, the program shows how teachers can reduce the psychological distance bet ween themselves and challenged students, with tangible benefits in student perfo rmance. The power of humor, praise, inclusiveness, listening to student feedback , and other strategies are discussed, as well as self-awareness points like spee ch tempo, tone of voice, and body language. A viewable/printable instructor's gu ide is available online. (13 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1034_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1034_l

blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11107</td><td>Communicating with Preschool Children</td><td> Good communication skills are often forgotten when the person one is talking wit h is too young to respond equally, frequently resulting in frustration on both s ides of the conversation. This program presents specific techniques to improve c ommunication skills with preschool children. Parents share what works for them a nd what does not, while experts in early childhood development offer insights in to the understanding levels of young children and make suggestions on helping th em find the words they need to better express themselves. A Meridian Production. (20 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1035_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1035_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10886</td><td>Communication Skills</td><td>Presentations, re ports, video conferences, e-mail, telephone calls-more than ever, excellent comm unication skills are a prerequisite for entry into all sorts of careers. This vi deo provides guidance in strengthening both verbal and nonverbal communication. The importance of carefully targeting the message to be conveyed, minimizing out side distractions, listening attentively, and developing an awareness of body la nguage are stressed. A Cambridge Educational Production. (22 minutes)</td><td>20 00</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1036_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1036_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33709</td><td>Communism: The Fall of the Romanovs and the Be rlin Wall</td><td>The execution of the Romanovs, in 1918, marked Russia's irrevo cable shift from a monarchy to a communist state. The destruction of the Berlin Wall, in 1989, signified the collapse of that state and its Marxist ideology. Th is gripping, highly realistic program cinematically dramatizes the events of the se two historic watersheds: indelible emblems of the birth pains and death throe s of the Soviet Union. The story begins at Ipatiev House, where a dynasty died, and ends at Checkpoint Charlie, where the will of the people spoke-and the gates to freedom opened. Original BBCW broadcast title: The Murder of the Romanovs an d the Fall of the Berlin Wall. (51 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1037_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1037_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37188</td><td>Community Investing</td><td>While many nations and communities benefit from the fast track to globalization, others are in dan ger of being left behind. This program explores concepts embodied in the mantra, "Think globally, act locally," focusing on businesses and organizations that he lp to revitalize isolated and disadvantaged areas, thereby expanding access to t

he wider economy. Judy Wicks, founder of Philadelphia's White Dog Cafe, details her company's policy of buying from local farmers, while Shari Berenbach of the Calvert Foundation advocates small business loans and community development corp orations. C. K. Prahalad, author of The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, an d Equal Access executive director Ronni Goldfarb also supply valuable insight. ( 28 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1038_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1038_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10846</td><td>Competition and Market Regulation</td><td>Anti trust laws, trade regulations, and property ownership work together to preserve the balance of rights among consumers, retailers, and employees. Module one of t his program explains how citizens of Zurich voted to extend shopping hours, over turning an obsolete market intervention; module two examines fair competition in the case of Volkswagen/Audi v. The European Commission; and module three examin es how Venice, in an absence of private property rights, is moving to restore it s crumbling buildings. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1039_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1039_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6507</td><td>Competition versus Central Planning</td><td>Thi s program develops the short-run supply curve for a competitive industry and sho ws what determines long-run equilibrium in a competitive economy. The program pr ovides a detailed account of "the invisible hand," and identifies some of the de sirable features of this competitive outcome. (28 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td> 28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1040_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1040_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36067</td><td>The Complete Career & Tech Ed Library, Volume 1</td><td>To make selecting educational video easier and more efficient, Shopwar e offers the Complete Career & Tech Ed Library, 100 full-length educational prog rams spread over five key subject areas. You'll find... Career Clusters, resume-w riting, approaches to online job-hunting, interviewing techniques, and more in C areers Car care, automotive repair techniques, auto shop safety, and more in Auto motive & Transportation Technology Site preparation, framing methods, plumbing an d electrical techniques, and more in Construction & Building Trades Cutting metho ds, wood-shaping and joinery, finishing techniques, and more in Woodworking Elect rical principles, electrical and electronic components, wiring methods, and more in Electronics & Electrical Engineering Recommended for high school, technic al or vocational school, and training programs. One hundred full-length videos. (c) 2006.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1041_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1041_l blPrice">$7,575.00<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36947</td><td>The Complete Career Clusters</td><td>Covering 16 broad occupational categories, the Career Clusters system offers information on practically every job there is! Each and every Cluster is represented in this outstanding 16-part series-a perfect companion to the Career Clusters Poster Se t. Correlates to all applicable standards. A Cambridge Educational Production. 1 6-part series, 16-24 minutes each.</td><td>2007</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1042_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1042_l blPrice">$1,439.20<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36997</td><td>Complete Job Search System</td><td>This compre hensive, concise, five-part job search series is ideal for introducing job seeke rs to information and techniques that will be helpful in selecting a career and getting a job. Designed to be of use to a wide variety of viewers, these program s are entertaining yet loaded with solid content, informative interviews, helpfu l tips, and colorful graphics. Viewable/printable instructor's guides are availa ble online. A Cambridge Educational Production. Recommended for high school. 5-p art series, 10-13 minutes each.</td><td>2007</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1043_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1043_l blPrice">$399.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7765</td><td>Composition</td><td>Everyone has the desire to arrange things in a way that is most pleasing to the eye. In painting, compositi on involves arranging every ingredient-shape, color, texture, and light-so that working together, they create artistic balance. In this program, artist Ray Rich ardson deliberately chooses a long, slim canvas to challenge his compositional a bilities. As he confronts his quest to create a cinemascopic work, students begi n to appreciate the composition techniques of painters such as Piero della Franc esca, Tintoretto, Degas, and Matisse. (30 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>30</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1044_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1044_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8766</td><td>Compression System Diagnosis</td><td>How to rec ognize compression problems that could result from a blown head gasket, an impro perly tightened cylinder head, improperly assembled valve springs, or improperly set timings.</td><td>1997</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1045_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1045_l

blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8351</td><td>Computer Architecture</td><td>This technical pr ogram provides a step-by-step explanation of the infrastructure of computers and how they actually work. An overview of the processor includes discussions about how its interconnections make memory possible. Other topics include the bus and binary works and memory storage locations. Using excellent computer graphics, w e see how the arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) adds two binary numbers, and how t he information is stored. A discussion of the ALU and flags concludes the progra m. (17 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1046_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1046_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>25074</td><td>Computer Numerical Control</td><td>Covers stat e-of-the-art procedures detailing how computers operate many kinds of equipment ranging from milling machines, lathes, turning centers, and other automated mach ines to more complex manufacturing cells. CNC automatically measures parts, cont rols robotic welders, and moves materials through the manufacturing facilities. An excellent tool for providing a basic understanding of computer numerical cont rol in the current manufacturing industry. A Meridian Production. (26 minutes)</ td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1047_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1047_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25076</td><td>Computer On-Board Diagnostics</td><td>Computer On-Board Diagnostics is a 19-minute video which is part of the series Automotiv e Computer Systems. This series provides a basic working knowledge of automotiv e computer systems. Your students will learn: computer system operation trouble code s scanning tools basic tests repair procedures. Ford, General Motors, Chrysler, a her makes are discussed. The Computer Systems series videos stand alone or can b e used as a set for beginning auto mechanic students as well as for more advance d classes. (19 minutes) A Shopware Production.</td><td>1999</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1048_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1048_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11727</td><td>Computer Security</td><td>Some data thieves br eak into PCs electronically from remote locations, while others walk right in th e front door during business hours. This program addresses the vulnerability of data stored on hard drives, on file servers, on removable media, and in computer memory, as well as of data passed over the Internet. Case studies of both large and small companies provide an opportunity for computer security experts to exp lain measures that every company should take in order to protect its information assets. Fire walls, virus containment, encryption, authentication, access contr

ols, and the development of a corporate culture of security are stressed. (30 mi nutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1049_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1049_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33538</td><td>Computer Worms and Viruses</td><td>Computer bu gs are no mere prank. A disruption of global communications networks by today's sophisticated worms and viruses is costing companies billions and can do lasting damage to the world's economic health. This NewsHour program begins by defining these binary invaders and then examines the escalating security challenges of k eeping networks free of infection. Members of the Computer Emergency Response Te am at Carnegie Mellon University and other white hats discuss proactive ways to detect and then block electronic intruders through single-user protocols and ent erprise-wide defenses. (10 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1050_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1050_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29856</td><td>Computer-Generated Images</td><td>Morphing cre atures, mind-bending action scenes, destruction on a galactic scale... how do th ey do that? This program spotlights computer-generated animation and compositing , the technological wizardry behind sensational special effects that early filmm akers could only dream of. (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1051_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1051_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37312</td><td>Comrade Kamprad: IKEA Goes to Russia</td><td>T he Vikings never conquered Russia, but Swedish mega-retailer IKEA might just pul l it off. In this case, victory depends on sweet-talking, arm-twisting, and impr omptu brainstorming-skills that company founder Ingvar Kamprad has perfected ove r a long life in business. This program follows Kamprad and a handful of colleag ues during their 10-day trip across Moscow and more remote regions, revealing th e political and logistical challenges that must be overcome to solidify a domest ic supply chain and make IKEA Russia profitable. The result is both an illuminat ing international business case study and a remarkable profile of one of the wor ld's richest, oldest, and most charismatic entrepreneurs. (Portions in other lan guages with English subtitles, 46 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1052_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1052_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33035</td><td>The Concepts of Equilibrium</td><td>Starting w

ith a definition of reversible reactions, this program covers the basic concepts of chemical equilibrium and the equilibrium law. The concept of equilibrium is illustrated by comparison to the movement of cars in and out of a parking lot, t he motion of a person walking the opposite way on a moving walkway, and the move ment of people on and off paddleboats. The video concludes by considering what a n equilibrium constant indicates about a reaction in terms of the relative quant ities of reactants and products present at equilibrium. Carbon monoxide in the b loodstream is used to illustrate that point. (24 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>2 4</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1053_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1053_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>20389</td><td>Concrete</td><td>Though many people think conc rete is a modern material, it is almost as old as architecture itself. This vide o journeys through time to see concrete's early use in Italy, the rise of reinfo rced concrete, and a daring and beautiful modern masterpiece in France. (24 minu tes)</td><td>1998</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1054_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1054_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32768</td><td>Conflict</td><td>Five guards, nine prisoners.. .until one changes sides. In this study in elemental power politics, the prisone rs work to undermine the guards' authority; the most powerful prisoner is senten ced to solitary confinement, but refuses to go; and the guards squelch an attemp t to break out. Contains harsh, inflammatory, and explicit language. A BBCW Prod uction. (60 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1055_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1055_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8547</td><td>The Conflict</td><td>May 14, 1948: David Ben-Gu rion declared the independence of the Jewish state of Israel. The following day the neighboring Arab populations declared war. Israel was born from this conflic t and emerged a refuge for a people dispersed throughout the world, yet still en gaged in combat with its Arab neighbors for its right to exist. This program pre sents the history of Israel, from its founding Zionist fathers in the 19th centu ry such as Theodor Herzl, to the war of independence and the emergence of Israel as a prosperous, independent Jewish state. (52 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>52 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1056_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1056_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>33434</td><td>Conflict Resolution</td><td>Peaceful solutions to conflict are wonderful, in theory, but how do they work in the real world? U sing actual case studies, this program examines conflict and conflict resolution on four different levels: global, community, workplace, and school. Applying a novel teaching approach, it features a pair of news desk anchors and four differ ent reporters, each covering a specific conflict scenario. Topics include diplom acy, peaceful protest, and mediation. (28 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>28</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1057_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1057_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10885</td><td>Conflict Resolution and Etiquette</td><td>The ability to defuse confrontation and arrive at a solution that is acceptable to e veryone involved is a quality that all employers value. This video illustrates h ow to courteously resolve office conflicts by depersonalizing them, opening the lines of communication, and examining all options in order to come to an agreeme nt. Brainstorming with coworkers is presented as a means of developing consensus . A Cambridge Educational Production. (21 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>21</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1058_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1058_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35833</td><td>Conformity: In the Real-Life Lab</td><td>When people decide whether or not to follow the crowd, what happens inside their brai ns? This ABC News program explores that question, highlighting neurological rese arch that helps explain conformity and sheds light on the complex relationship b etween group and individual behavior. Placing test subjects in candid-camera sty le settings, the program illustrates how social pressures can alter visual perce ption and interpretation-often causing people to behave strangely or give answer s they know are wrong, simply to avoid looking different. The implications of th ese misadventures are backed up by MRI experiments that study brain activity. (1 0 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1059_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1059_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8464</td><td>Confronting Date Rape: The Girls' Room</td><td> Date rape is a crime of anger, power, and control, not sex. This program follows four girls who meet every morning to discuss their lives, their loves, and thei r feelings. When one of them is raped by a friend, the consequences are devastat ing. Did she lead him on? Was it okay, since they had been dating for a while? S he said "no," but was that enough? The final portion of the program includes int erviews with rape crisis counselors and psychologists, who examine the causes of date rape and the long- and short-term psychological consequences. An excellent presentation of a pertinent topic. A Cambridge Educational Production. (48 minu

tes)</td><td>1998</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1060_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1060_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6235</td><td>Confucianism</td><td>Born in China of missionar y parents, Smith learned about Chinese language, culture, and religion while gro wing up near Shanghai. Smith explains how the intertwining of opposites is key t o understanding the great religions of China-Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. Smith shows that Eastern religions provide "an emphasis on direct experience an d a method for attaining that." He introduces yoga, which he has been practicing for 50 years, as one such method. The DVD version of this program also includes a special video introduction by Mr. Moyers. (56 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>5 6</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1061_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1061_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5941</td><td>Congress: A Day in the Life of a Representative </td><td>The 535 elected U.S. Senators and Representatives carry with them the d esires and opinions of over 200 million Americans. Congress is often accused of being out of touch with the people-but what does the system demand of them? Is t here enough time in the day to satisfy all of the varied interests and mandates of the job? This program explores the world through the eyes of those we elect. From the political meetings to the social functions to the time spent campaignin g, this program examines what politicians really do-and have to endure-in Washin gton. Among those featured on the program are Rep. Tim Roemer (D-IN), and Rep. S ue Myrick (R-NC). (29 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1062_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1062_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30465</td><td>Conor: Deciphering Antisocial Behavior</td><td >A 3-year-old boy, Conor bites, pinches, kicks, and throws things at others. His parents, Tracey and Chris, want to find out why their beautiful baby has turned into a little monster. This program presents the therapy sessions with Conor, h is parents, and two child psychiatrists, Drs. Sebastian Kramer and Sarah Wynick. Through observing Conor and prompting his parents to tell their own stories, th e doctors offer insights into the child's behavior. The idea that Conor's action s might actually have meaning and not simply be "naughtiness" comes as a revelat ion to Tracey and Chris. Original BBC broadcast title: Conor. (40 minutes)</td>< td>1999</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1063_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1063_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>4997</td><td>Conquering America: Bharati Mukherjee</td><td>B harati Mukherjee writes vivid, sensual, and troubling stories about America's ne west immigrants, Asians like herself. Mukherjee's early novels spoke from India, the old world she left behind to marry an American. Upon arriving in America sh e set out to capture the New World experiences of Asian immigrants. In this prog ram with Bill Moyers, Mukherjee discusses America's newest immigrants and the bu ilding resentment and tensions between our country's various cultures. "We've co me to America," she says, "in a way, to take over. To help build a new culture." (30 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1064_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1064_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8364</td><td>Conquering an Invisible World</td><td>This prog ram examines the history of scientific research into the study of viruses. Begin ning in Panama during the building of the Panama Canal, it studies the outbreak of yellow fever in 1893, the emergence of the unknown flu virus during World War I, the discovery of the first viruses in 1939, the 1950s discovery of the polio vaccine by Dr. Jonas Salk, the eradication of smallpox in 1967, and the emergen ce of AIDS in the 1980s. (52 minutes, color</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1065_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1065_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35414</td><td>Conquest and Colony</td><td>To the European im agination, America was a tabula rasa, a virgin territory. As this program descri bes, narrative art forms were essential to making sense of this exotic Eden and the possibilities it offered. New Spain became a place for re-creating myths and legends of the Western literary canon, for transforming poetry, prose, and epic literature. The diaries of Columbus, Bartolome de las Casas' History of the Ind ies, Bernal Diaz' True History of the Conquest of New Spain, and Bernardino de S ahagun's Florentine Codex are explored along with works from indigenous authors of the early colonial period-such as Ixtlilxochitl (History of the Chichimec Nat ion), Munoz Camargo (History of Tlaxcala), and Alvarado Tezozomoc (Mexicayotl Ch ronicle). An FFH&S/Tranquilo Production. (46 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>46</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1066_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1066_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37452</td><td>Conquest and Colony-Spanish with Optional Engl ish Subtitles</td><td>To the European imagination, America was a tabula rasa, a virgin territory. As this program describes, narrative art forms were essential to making sense of this exotic Eden and the possibilities it offered. New Spain became a place for re-creating myths and legends of the Western literary canon,

for transforming poetry, prose, and epic literature. The diaries of Columbus, Ba rtolome de las Casas' History of the Indies, Bernal Diaz' True History of the Co nquest of New Spain, and Bernardino de Sahagun's Florentine Codex are explored a long with works from indigenous authors of the early colonial period-such as Ixt lilxochitl (History of the Chichimec Nation), Munoz Camargo (History of Tlaxcala ), and Alvarado Tezozomoc (Mexicayotl Chronicle). An FFH&S/Tranquilo Production. (Spanish with optional English subtitles, 47 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>47</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1067_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1067_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2452</td><td>The Conquest of Mexico</td><td>This program pro vides a portrait of Cortez and his world-the real world and the imaginary one pa inted by theologians, mystics, imaginative travelers, poets, and liars; of the N ew World as seen by a small number of Spaniards; and of the civilizations of Mes oamerica before they were "discovered"-the world of the Mayas and Aztecs, the na ture of Aztec religion and politics. It describes the Battle of Mexico and expla ins how and why Montezuma lost-and why, today still, the descendants of the Azte cs speak Nahuatl. (35 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>35</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1068_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1068_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29354</td><td>Conservation and Energy Alternatives: Powering the Future</td><td>Destabilization in the Middle East and concerns over global warming are heating up the national dialogue on how America intends to power its elf into the future. In segment one of this NewsHour program, Michael Marvin, of the Council for Sustainable Energy; Dan Reicher, of the World Resources Institu te; Myron Ebell, of the Competitive Enterprise Group; and Herbert Inhaber, autho r of Why Energy Conservation Fails, consider the big picture. Then, segment two narrows the focus to wind power: improvements in wind farm technology, governmen t incentives and legislation, and rising consumer demand. Drawbacks such as the unpredictability of wind are also considered. (30 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td> 30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1069_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1069_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11385</td><td>Considering Birth Control, Pregnancy, and Chil dbirth Options</td><td>Regardless of whether it is a planned decision or an unex pected surprise, parenthood is a responsibility that requires the utmost conside ration. This program explores the subject of family planning, from birth control options, to pregnancy, to the basics of childbirth. The effects of parenthood o n previous personal life goals are discussed. Options for coping with infertilit y are covered as well. (29 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1070_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1070_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11564</td><td>Considering Reparations: Paying the Debt for S lavery</td><td>In addition to harming those directly enslaved, slavery in Americ a has stigmatized all black Americans and deeply wounded a nation committed to p roviding liberty and justice for all. This highly charged yet balanced NewsHour program broaches the subject of social and financial reparations for descendants of African-American slaves. Representative John Conyers (D-MI), the introducer of reparation legislation to Congress; proponent Lerone Bennett, author of Force d into Glory; dissenter Walter Williams, of George Mason University; and others talk about the horrors of slavery, post-traumatic slavery syndrome, and forms of reparation. (11 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>11</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1071_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1071_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11815</td><td>A Consistent Ethic of Life: Is Consensus Possi ble?</td><td>When it comes to public policy on when, if ever, it is acceptable t o take a human life, Americans have shown strongly mixed feelings. This timely t wo-part series seeks to understand this ambivalence and to point the way toward an ethic of life that all Americans can live with. Guests include representative s of the Institute for Integrated Social Analysis, the Family Life/Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of New York, the Center for Christian-Jewish Understan ding, and others. 2-part series, 29 minutes each.</td><td>2001</td><td>&nbsp;</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1072_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1072_l blPrice">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37167</td><td>Constable at Tate: Art and Life in Landscape</ td><td>In his idealized yet deeply felt pastoral images, John Constable manifest ed a uniquely English identification with nature and rural life. This program, c reated from extensive Tate and National Gallery collections, explores both the a esthetic and subtly political aspects of Constable's work. Eschewing the approac h of many art documentaries, the film presents detailed audio commentary from Ta te curator Anne Lyles and art historians Michael Rosenthal and William Vaughan-a ccompanied by high-definition video of Flatford Mill, The Hay Wain, The Cornfiel d, Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows, The Opening of Waterloo Bridge, Hempste ad Heath with a Rainbow, and other stunning paintings. (57 minutes)</td><td>2006 </td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1073_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1073_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>11062</td><td>Constance of Rabastens</td><td>An illiterate c ommon woman, Constance of Rabastens' visions of the apocalypse and prophecies of the coming of the Antichrist resulted in her imprisonment at the hands of the I nquisition and the Archbishop of Toulouse. In this program, McMaster University' s Madeleine Jeay places Constance of Rabastens in the historical context of the tumultuous 15th century, including the Hundred Years' War, the French Civil War, the struggle between the Avignon Pope and the Pope in Rome, and frequent famine s that decimated the common people. (24 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>24</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1074_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1074_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37539</td><td>Constant Change: The Diversification and Sprea d of Language</td><td>In this program, John McWhorter, author of The Power of Ba bel: A Natural History of Language; Lyle Campbell, of the University of Utah; Br ian Joseph, of The Ohio State University; and population geneticist Luigi Luca C avalli-Sforza examine factors that contributed to the diversification and spread of languages, including early migration, the introduction of agriculture, and g enes. Language transfer from mother to child and from one population to the next is also investigated, along with the concept of dialects and commonalities amon g the world's more than 6,000 languages. (48 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>48</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1075_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1075_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10467</td><td>Constant Combatants: The President and Congres s</td><td>Moderated by Harvard Law School's Charles Nesson, this Fred Friendly S eminar focuses on the tension between the President and Congress during a policy crisis in the fictional European country of Nukraine, involving issues such as the power to wage war, conduct diplomacy, and operate in secrecy, as well as the media's responsibilities in matters of national security. Panelists include U.S . Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia; former Secretary of State Alexander Haig ; former Senator Warren Rudman; Professor Michael Sandel, of Harvard University; Richard Holbrooke, U.S. ambassador to the U.N. and former Assistant Secretary o f State; James Fallows, former editor at U.S. News & World Report; and others. A Discussion Guide and other resources are located online at www.fredfriendlysemi (56 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1076_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1076_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11448</td><td>Constant Craving: The Science of Addiction</td ><td>Chemical addiction is now being treated like a disease, and a cure appears to be on the horizon. Approaching the topic of heroin, cocaine, alcohol, and nic otine addiction from a biological perspective, this program features new researc h into the meso-limbic reward pathway and efforts to implement treatments based

on that research using Zyban, Naltrexone implants, and even a cocaine vaccine. S pectacular 3-D graphics, high-tech medical imaging, and case studies add emphasi s to the findings of Nora Volkow, Anna Rose Childress, Tom Kosten, and other exp erts. Footage of the first human trial of the cocaine vaccine at Yale University is included. A BBC Production. (49 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1077_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1077_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33313</td><td>Constructing the Self</td><td>This program stu dies how children continue to transform between the ages of 4 and 11 as they con front and come to terms with fear, adversity, death, and their nascent sexuality . Much attention is paid to the latency period, the intermediate age when boys a nd girls suddenly stop playing together, crave alone-time, and often clash with their parents. Child psychiatrists, psychologists, and counselors discuss the va lue of saying no and how establishing limits helps a child deal with adulthood's parameters. Not available in French-speaking Canada. (52 minutes)</td><td>2003< /td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1078_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1078_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37654</td><td>Construction</td><td>In this program, three wo men with rewarding careers in the construction trades describe their work. Menyu i Leung is a welder with experience in manufacturing and shipbuilding; Suzy Zari c is a restoration carpenter specializing in damage repair; Luce Gregoire is an electrician who works on lighting and heating equipment. Conversations with co-w orkers and supervisors add to the descriptions of each job. (24 minutes)</td><td >2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1079_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1079_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36070</td><td>Construction & Building Trades, Volume 1</td>< td>This 21-program educational video collection is a one-stop shop for anyone wh o wants to learn how to construct a building from the ground up. Applied math is introduced. Programs include: Design and Planning Construction Estimating: Ind ustry Standards Location and Excavating: Site Preparation Foundations Introduc to Framing Floor and Wall Framing Ceiling and Roof Framing Framing for Rough-I ernative Framing Techniques Wall and Roof Sheathing Frames: Doors and Windows al Insulation and Vapor Barriers Ventilation Interior Wall and Ceiling Finish ior Doors, Frame, and Trim Plumbing: Rough-In and Final Electrical: Rough-In and F inal Mechanicals: Rough-In and Final Flooring Coverings Roofing, Siding, and F ing Math in Construction Technology Recommended for high school, technical or vocational school, and training programs. Twenty-one full-length videos. (c) 20 06.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1080_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1080_l blPrice">$1,468.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31949</td><td>Construction Estimating: Industry Standards</t d><td>How much siding will you need for a medium-sized house? How much lumber wi ll it take? In this program, students will learn a number of industry-standard t echniques used to calculate the amounts of building materials for many common co nstruction projects. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online . Correlates to the Competencies and Objectives of the National Center for Const ruction Education & Research. A Shopware Production. (19 minutes)</td><td>2004</ td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1081_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1081_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30995</td><td>Consumers: Know Your Rights!</td><td>When are telemarketers legally allowed to call you? Can you return an item if you bought it from a door-to-door salesman? In a retail store, over the phone, at home, or online you have specific rights as a consumer-it's in your best interest to know exactly what they are! Presented in an engaging "news magazine" format, this pr ogram will provide students with an understanding of their rights as consumers a nd what expectations they should have when purchasing goods and services. Many i mportant areas are explored, from how to interpret food labels to disclosure of your medical and financial information. Experts offer advice on how to deal with scams and fraud. A list of consumer advocate agencies and related Web sites is also provided for further reference. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Meridian Production. (17 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>17</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1082_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1082_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4932</td><td>Consuming Images</td><td>This program looks at a society inundated with visual images. From billboards to bus stops, from rock videos to newsstands, mass-produced images have become the very air we breathe. What is this cultural atmosphere saying to us and about us? Why should we care? Ever since the pioneers of public relations and advertising spoke about the "eng ineering of consent," social critics have analyzed its effects. For some, it rev eals pure manipulation-the appropriation of language and meaning, the trivializi ng of life and thought. For others, it is the dawning of a new era-the printed w ord is dead and art and commerce are now joined in ever more sophisticated ways. (60 minutes)</td><td>1989</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1083_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1083_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>8043</td><td>Contemporary Political Campaigns</td><td>This s eries takes a look at how the process of running for public office has changed s ince the founding fathers established election practices and asks whether or no t democratic ideals are be served under the current system.A Cambridge Education al Production.</td><td>1993</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1084_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1084_l blPrice">$139.90<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8506</td><td>Continental Drift: Legacy of Fire</td><td>Throu ghout the Pacific Rim there are earthquakes, active volcanoes, and some of the r ichest mineral deposits in the world. Uncovering the link between these three ph enomena reveals the origin of dry land, and solves the puzzle of plate tectonics . This program follows geologists from Bolivia to Alaska as they examine the sim ilarities in rocks found at both poles and use the evidence to prove that the ea rth's crust has a single source: the volcanoes of the Pacific Rim. Original BBC broadcast title: Ring of Fire. (50 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1085_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1085_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32708</td><td>Continental Philosophy</td><td>The impact of c ontinental philosophy has been tremendous, infusing the humanities with a strang e brew made up of energy and insight combined with absurdity and meaninglessness . This program delves deeply into concepts and thought processes that fueled the inquiries of the era's major exponents: Hegel's dialectic, Marx's dialectical m aterialism, Kierkegaard's lone individual standing before God, Nietzsche's decla ration that God is dead, Husserl's intentionality, Heidegger's Dasein, and Sartr e's assertion that people are condemned to be free. Illuminating commentary is o ffered by Merold Westphal, of Fordham University, and Alexander Nehamas, of Prin ceton University. Excerpts from Hegel's Philosophy of Right, Nietzsche's Thus Sp oke Zarathustra, and Heidegger's Being and Time are included. (48 minutes)</td>< td>2004</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1086_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1086_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10154</td><td>Continuity and Differentiability</td><td>After Denim Dog, General Rule, and other experts wrap up the subjects of continuity a nd discontinuity, this program introduces the derivative. Practical examples of derivatives are provided, along with insights into the concepts of tangent lines and slopes. The Derivative Definition is explained as well, reinforced by plent y of sample problems. (31 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1087_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1087_l

blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5734</td><td>Contours</td><td>This program examines an obliq ue view of a mountain and describes how elevation levels are obtained. (10 minut es)</td><td>1985</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1088_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1088_l blPrice">$45.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4059</td><td>The Convection of Heat</td><td>This unit includ es six programs that cover the following concepts: volume and density-explains t hat volume refers to the amount of space an object envelops and that density fre fers to the amount of mass that is compacted in a given volume; buoyancy-explain s the principle of buoyancy by showing that objects immersed in a liquid are buo yed up by a force equal to the weight of the liquid displaced; convection-explai ns how the principle of buoyancy is responsible for the process of heat transfer ; heat as energy-demonstrates that heat is produced whenever there is movement a nd friction between two objects, and since movement is a form of energy, it foll ows that heat must also be a form of energy; radiation waves-shows that one of t he chief ways in which heat energy moves is in the form of waves and that this k ind of heat transfer is called radiation; and the radiation spectrum-shows that the waves of heat energy radiated by the sun come in many forms which together m ake a band, or spectrum, of energy waves. (30 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>30</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1089_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1089_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33628</td><td>Conversations with Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury</td><td>Instated as Archbishop of Canterbury in February 2003, at a time of deep division within the global Anglican communion, Dr. Rowan Williams has brought an energy and intellectual drive to the post. This scholarly four-p art series shows one man's spiritual depth and academic flair-his willingness to hear and think about arguments of his skeptics while defending his conviction t hat religious belief has a central place in the modern world. Filmed at Lambeth Palace. 4-part series, 26 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1090_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1090_l blPrice">$519.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35469</td><td>Cooking 101</td><td>Most young people know how to open the refrigerator-but how many have the confidence to cook up a square m eal? In this video, Mike Colameco, producer and host of PBS's Colameco's Food Sh ow, offers empowering, easy-to-follow lessons for students who are intimidated b y the kitchen. Mike guides viewers through the creation of two nutritious, tasty meals: pork loin with potatoes and spinach, and good old-fashioned spaghetti an

d meatballs. Along with step-by-step demonstrations of basic cooking techniques, Mike also breaks down each meal by cost-emphasizing that home cooking is low-st ress, easy on the budget, and the best way for students to control what they eat . A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to all applicable state and national standards. A Meridian Production. (24 minutes)</t d><td>2007</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1091_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1091_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25110</td><td>Cooking for One or Two</td><td>Single adults o r couples face some challenges in learning to prepare smaller, healthy, nutritio us meals-especially if working on a limited budget. Eating out is an option, but it can be expensive. On the other hand, who wants to come home every night and heat a can of soup! This video covers menu planning, shopping, meal preparation, and nutrition for smaller households. Special emphasis is placed on the quantit y of food purchased as well as tips that will help viewers select and store food easily and efficiently. We'll see a variety of menus and learn how to purchase food items that can be used for several meals. We'll also discuss how to shop wh en cabinet and freezer space are limited. What a great way to plan and cook heal thy nutritious meals in smaller portions while becoming a good consumer! (13 min .) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1999</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1092_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1092_l blPrice">$74.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25112</td><td>Cooking with Healthy Seasonings</td><td>Join o ur animated friends...herbs and they take us on a journey of culinar y discovery. Not only do our narrators discuss the benefits of using healthy sea sonings in place of salt and pepper, but they offer some historical background i ncluding a little bit about where they come from. Several simple recipes are pro vided along with an explanation of how various dishes can be enhanced by simple spices. If you're looking for a slightly different approach to a worthwhile subj ect, check out Cooking with Healthy Seasonings! (12 min.) A Meridian Production. </td><td>2000</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1093_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1093_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11665</td><td>Cool Desert Environments: Great Basin Animals and Plants</td><td>This program explores the factors that bring about desertific ation. The adaptations of bighorn sheep, kangaroo rats, and Rocky Mountain elk t o life in cool deserts, where temperatures are relatively low due to northerly l atitudes and high elevation, are described. (27 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>27 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1094_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1094_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38786</td><td>COPD: The Struggle to Breathe</td><td>Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is an umbrella term used to describe patients with chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, or any combination among those three ail ments. This program examines the impairments of COPD, including shortness of bre ath and mobility so restricted that simple tasks like walking to the car are alm ost impossible. Several case studies reveal both the clinical and the human dime nsions of COPD, while newly developed drug treatments for the disease are also h ighlighted. Expert commentary comes from John Kirkwood, President and CEO of the American Lung Association; Dr. Frank Rahaghi of the Cleveland Clinic Florida; a nd Dr. Gene Colice of Washington Hospital Center. (28 minutes)</td><td>2006</td> <td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1095_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1095_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35291</td><td>The Copenhagen Interpretation: Quantum Physics vs. Relativity</td><td>This program provides a substantive overview of the theo retical dispute between Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr, a controversy that still resonates today. Bohr's Copenhagen Interpretation-that measurement of phenomena creates a set of possible outcomes and that unobserved phenomena are meaningles s-is thoroughly explained in conjunction with Einstein's cause-and-effect approa ch. Using clever animation, archival footage, and interviews with leading physic ists, the video illustrates Bohr's double-slit experiment, the EPR paradox, and modern demonstrations of entanglement, composing an effective summary of quantum principles and the problematic friendship of two towering intellects. (59 minut es)</td><td>2004</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1096_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1096_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25125</td><td>Coping with Change in the Workplace</td><td>If you think that change is something that can be ignored, you're wrong. Change in the workplace, and every area of our lives, is inevitable. This program examine s change in the workplace-why it's happening, what some people's reactions are t o it, and how to cope to survive. A Meridian Production. One 15-minute video.</t d><td>1995</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1097_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1097_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11360</td><td>Coping with Illness</td><td>Heart disease. Can cer. Chronic fatigue syndrome. Repetitive stress injuries. In this clinical thre e-part series, experts in the field of medicine discuss the diseases and disorde

rs that are so much a part of modern life, promoting the value of preventive car e and early diagnosis. 3-part series, 27-29 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td >&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1098_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1098_l blPrice">$389.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9368</td><td>Coping with Scientific and Social Change: Chris tianity in the 19th and 20th Centuries</td><td>Part one of this program, present ed against a backdrop of Gothic architecture and pre-Raphaelite art, asks whethe r religion and science can coexist in a post-Darwinian world. Are Creation and E volution mutually exclusive? Part two focuses on the questions raised by the glo bal movement toward social equality. Must Christianity adapt to survive, and if so, do issues like female priests and homosexuality threaten to rob it of its sc riptural authority? Should the Church restructure along democratic lines? And wh at role will New Age religions and the Pentecostal movement play as Christianity enters its third millennium? (48 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1099_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1099_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11398</td><td>Coping with Stress</td><td>A certain amount of stress can actually enhance performance and productivity. However, continually high levels of stress have been linked to all of the leading causes of death in America, including heart disease, cancer, and lung ailments. This program analyz es the role of stress in day-to-day life and in overall physical and mental heal th. Sources of stress are identified, and techniques for managing stress are sug gested. Information on how to improve personal communication-a powerful safety v alve-is also provided. (30 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1100_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1100_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6132</td><td>Copland: Appalachian Spring</td><td>How "musica l space" is used to create drama in classical pieces is explored by examining th is famous work of American composer Aaron Copland. Mixing small musical steps wi th giant leaps between notes and chords, the orchestra shows how Copland develop ed a musical piece full of surprises and the dissonant sounds for which he is no ted. (15 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1101_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1101_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29633</td><td>Copper and Diamond</td><td>As construction of

the Worldwide Plaza moves toward completion, this program focuses on the two fin al make-or-break hurdles: a problem with the roof design, which requires that th e copper panels be hoisted by hand and the floor be reinforced to support the we ight of the building's mechanical systems, and the challenge of installing the b uilding's crowning glass pyramid 770 feet above the ground. The designing and in stallation of the structure's sophisticated elevator system is also spotlighted. (53 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1102_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1102_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36001</td><td>CopTalk: The Dos and Don'ts of a Car Stop</td> <td>A routine traffic stop can have any number of outcomes-from a polite warning to the use of lethal force. This video shows drivers the safest, smartest ways to interact with a police officer during a car stop. Written, produced, and host ed by a veteran patrolman, the program explains exactly how to park, behave, and speak when pulled over by a cop. Finding a nearby, well-lit area, staying insid e the vehicle, refraining from sudden or alarming movements, keeping a respectfu l tone, and being aware of an officer's perspective and working conditions-these and other topics are covered along with tips on court procedures, night driving info, and helpful Q&A segments featuring teen drivers. (23 minutes)</td><td>200 5</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1103_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1103_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36316</td><td>Corazon Aquino: Restoring Democracy in the Phi lippines</td><td>The assassination of Ninoy Aquino marked the beginning of the e nd for Ferdinand Marcos. In this program, Corazon Aquino explains how she entere d into politics to continue the fight that her slain husband had begun-and in th e process toppled a dictator and restored democracy in the Philippines. Discussi on of key moments in her odyssey vividly evoke the time when a housewife with no political aspirations emerged as Asia's first female democratically elected pre sident. Aquino, an exemplar of humility and faith in action, risked everything t o carry out her heartfelt resolve to return power to the people. (41 minutes)</t d><td>2005</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1104_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1104_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9156</td><td>Core Evidence: E. Coli and Apple Juice</td><td> How could E. coli, historically associated with tainted meat, infect apple juice ? In this program, investigators use DNA testing to reveal that disregard for fe deral food safety laws and quality control protocols at a major fruit juice prod ucer caused an outbreak of food poisoning in 1996 that left one person dead and many others seriously ill. This case led to the first criminal conviction in Ame rican history resulting from a large outbreak of food poisoning. (26 minutes)</t d><td>1999</td><td>26</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1105_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1105_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35047</td><td>Coronary Artery Disease</td><td>The number one killer of both men and women in America today is coronary artery disease, also known as heart disease. This program explores the risk factors and symptoms asso ciated with CAD, emphasizing that it can lead to a heart attack or cardiac death without warning. Promoting a positive approach, the video portrays these trauma s as life-changing occurrences for patients who do survive a cardiac event and c ommit to improving their health. Case studies and personal commentary from patie nts, along with explanations of advanced medical procedures developed to treat C AD, are also included. (28 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1106_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1106_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33753</td><td>Corporate Social Responsibility: From Principl es to Profit</td><td>Corporate social responsibility is not a high-minded luxury when bad press puts a chokehold on business growth and profits. This program lo oks at how product and service providers develop and implement better business p ractices to satisfy shareholders, customers, employees, and the community. Compa nies such as Shell, DHL, Nike, and GlaxoSmithKline-placed on the hot seat by Gre enpeace, the World Wildlife Fund, Oxfam, and other watchdog groups-explain how t hey dealt with environmental impact management, ethical supply chain management, equitable treatment of employees, proactive addressing of consumer disgruntleme nt, and accurate assessment of shareholder sentiment. A BBCW Production. (51 min utes)</td><td>2004</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1107_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1107_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3607</td><td>Corrosion</td><td>This program investigates why rust develops. The oxidation-reduction reaction that produces corrosion is show n, explaining the role of the electrochemical cell. Ways to prevent and control corrosion by galvanization and cathodic protection are illustrated. (10 minutes) </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1108_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1108_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36412</td><td>Cosmic Time: From Atoms to Black Holes</td><td >String field theory pioneer Michio Kaku hosts this fascinating look at the cosm ic landscape and its relationship to time. The program examines time's curious b

ehavior on a wide range of scales-from atomic nuclei, in which particles can app ear to be in two places at once, to black holes, which warp the fabric of space and squeeze time until it stands still. Demonstrating that time travel is theore tically possible, the film entertains several intriguing questions: What fate aw aits stars and galaxies? If the stars eventually go out, what will happen in the dark ages that follow? Most perplexing of all-are the beginning and the end of the universe linked to the birth and death of time? Original BBC broadcast title : Cosmic Time. (50 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1109_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1109_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35167</td><td>Costa Rica: Ecotourism and Economic Developmen t</td><td>Home to more biodiversity than either Europe or North America, Costa R ica has shown the world how to benefit from the environment without destroying i t. This program treks across the Central American nation with a spotlight on eco tourism and how it fits into Costa Rica's overall economy. Visits to a banana fa rm, a coffee plantation, the Monteverde Cloud Forest, and the Tortugero National Park demonstrate a healthy give-and-take relationship between human society and the land. A viewable/printable instructor's guide-including geographical backgr ound information, extension activities, vocabulary handouts, and more-is availab le online. Correlates to National Geography Standards. (25 minutes)</td><td>2002 </td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1110_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1110_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36459</td><td>The Cotton Wars</td><td>For centuries, cotton has influenced the relationship between America and Africa. It drove the slave t rade, and today it epitomizes the uneven playing field created by farming subsid ies. This program examines the lopsided nature of the global cotton industry-in which U.S. and European producers enjoy massive government support while indepen dent African farmers struggle to remain competitive. Going deep inside the agric ultural, bureaucratic, and diplomatic networks that control the cotton trade on both sides of the Atlantic, the program also looks at the growing influence of C hinese producers-another factor working against Africa. (53 minutes)</td><td>200 5</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1111_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1111_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30519</td><td>Countdown to Hope: Opposing the Threat of Nucl ear War</td><td>From the decline of nuclear security in the former Soviet Union to the threat of nuclear war between India and Pakistan, this program examines t he clear and present danger posed by nuclear armaments in the 21st century and e fforts to neutralize plans by nations, rogue states, and zealot factions alike t o detonate them. A senior consultant on India's nuclear weapon stance; retired G eneral Lee Butler, of the Strategic Air Command; Igor Sutyagin, from the Russian

military; Sir Michael Alexander, former adviser to Margaret Thatcher; and actor /producer Michael Douglas, a UN Messenger for Peace, are featured. (57 minutes)< /td><td>2001</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1112_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1112_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33404</td><td>Cousin Bonobo</td><td>This program launches an investigation into the identity of the bonobo, formerly known as the pygmy chim panzee. To what extent is this remarkable African ape closer to humans than all the other animals on the planet? Scientists from around the world, including Yve s Coppens, paleoanthropologist at the College de France, and Paula Cavalieri, ph ilosopher and founder of the Great Ape Project, discuss their findings on the ge netics, biology, intelligence, sexual behavior, and matriarchal social organizat ion of the bonobo. (51 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1113_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1113_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5204</td><td>Covering the World: Reports Without Borders</td ><td>This program ventures past American shores to experience what "covering the world" really means. Although television journalists can rarely provide sustain ed coverage of a specific international story, we have begun to realize that we need to cover international news with more of a world view, not just from our ow n geopolitical perspective. Driven in part by CNN's international reportage, the networks are showing greater interest in news from abroad, and local stations, too, have witnessed a tremendous growth in their global reach. Narrated by Peter Jennings. (30 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1114_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1114_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36094</td><td>Cozy Killer: The History of Cigarettes</td><td >The health hazards of cigarettes were scientifically established by the 1930s. What kept those findings under wraps for so long? This program explores the hist ory of medical research into smoking and the sustained efforts of tobacco compan ies to block public scrutiny of their deadly product. Renowned anti-smoking acti vists-including Dr. Stanton Glanz of the University of California San Francisco, Dr. Robert Proctor of Stanford University, and founder Gene Borio-d iscuss links between war and cigarette production, the creation of the duplicito us Council for Tobacco Research, the present-day health consequences of Big Toba cco tactics, and other issues. (30 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1115_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1115_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>36007</td><td>Crackhead University</td><td>The experts in th is eye-opening program don't have PhDs or high-paid teaching positions, but they know firsthand-and express in vivid language-the overpowering highs and punishi ng lows of crack cocaine addiction. Exploring the crumbling streets of inner-cit y Newburgh, NY, the program lets streetwise experience speak for itself, compili ng a collection of tragic yet faintly hopeful personal stories, and describing i n detail what happened to this once-prosperous community when crack appeared on the scene. The result is a visual textbook, brimming with the cold, hard facts o f addiction, that viewers will find hard to forget. Contains harsh language and mature themes. (70 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>70</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1116_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1116_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36222</td><td>Cracking the Code: The Continuing Saga of Gene tics</td><td>Can life can be summed up in a code? The science of genetics is fou nded on that idea-and the code has been broken. This five-part intro-level serie s reveals the history and development of genetics, reconstructing its journey fr om the 1700s to the cutting edge of 21st-century microbiology. Featuring detaile d accounts of genetic advances-from Mendel's peas to Bt-treated corn-each progra m presents complex technical analysis and reinforces key concepts using lively, scientifically precise animation. With an emphasis on real-world genetic applica tions, challenges, and dilemmas, this series conveys a panoramic view of today's preeminent life science. Viewable/printable instructor's guides are available o nline. 5-part series, 30 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1117_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1117_l blPrice">$449.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31406</td><td>Cracking Up: Addiction to Crack Cocaine</td><t d>Part dramatization, part documentary, this engrossing study of crack cocaine m akes a powerful statement on the drug's highly addictive nature. The docudrama p rofiles "Daniel Preston," an upwardly mobile user of recreational drugs who gets high on crack as part of an experiment and finds he cannot shake his craving fo r it. Interspersed throughout this classic program, a drug counselor, a psychiat rist, and crack addicts talk about how it feels to get high on crack, behaviors and health problems related to crack addiction, why crack addiction is so hard t o break, and crack's role as a gateway drug. In addition, onscreen text gives in formation on the history of coca use, the extraction and processing of cocaine, cocaine smuggling and distribution, and the manufacture of crack. (59 minutes)</ td><td>1996</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1118_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1118_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11308</td><td>Crafting the Story: Beginnings, Middles, and E

nds</td><td>How important is the opening line of a book? Does a writer always ha ve to know what is going to happen next? Where should the line be drawn between historic fact and historical fiction? And what are the particular challenges of writing a biography? Drawing on the expertise of Edvard Radzinsky, Fay Weldon, A nson Cameron, John Lanchester, Nicholas Shakespeare, and other respected authors , this program answers each question with candor and wit-and judging from the au thors' responses, there are as many ways to approach storywriting as there are w riters. (27 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1119_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1119_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30428</td><td>The Craftsmanship of Fashion: The Italian Touc h</td><td>In Italy, the finest cloth in Europe is woven and hand-assembled to th e exacting specifications of prestigious fashion houses-and it comes at a very s teep price. This program visits an exclusive fabric fair, the wool looms of Zegn a, the silk printing presses of T.J.S.S., a clothing assembly plant, and a fashi on trade show to demonstrate how Italy's best craftspeople turn thread into clot h and cloth into some of the most luxurious clothing in the world. ESCADA's Bria n Rennie, Paolo Zegna, and Werner Baldessarini, of Hugo Boss, are featured. A De utsche Welle Production. (26 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1120_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1120_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31979</td><td>Creating Biscuit and Dowel Joints</td><td>Bisc uit and dowel joints are not only strong-they're invisible, too. This video show s students how to engineer this pair of useful joints. A viewable/printable inst ructor's guide is available online. A Shopware Production. (10 minutes)</td><td> 2004</td><td>11</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1121_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1121_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11309</td><td>Creating Characters: The Essence of Writing</t d><td>In the world of literature, weak plots are lamentable, but weak characters are fatal. "You've got to be involved with them," says Vikram Seth. "You can't find them boring. If you find them boring, forget it." Gathering the insights of Seth, Dorothy Dunnett, Emma Tom, Neal Drinnan, Claire Messud, and other experie nced authors, this program spells out the essentials of characterization, from c reating realistic dialogue to developing a character's personality. The pros and cons of basing a character on a real person are weighed as well. (27 minutes)</ td><td>2000</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1122_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1122_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31981</td><td>Creating Dado Joints</td><td>This video illust rates how to lay out, cut, and hide dado joints. Rabbet-and-dado joints are also covered, and cutting dadoes with power tools is demonstrated. A viewable/printa ble instructor's guide is available online. A Shopware Production. (11 minutes)< /td><td>2004</td><td>11</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1123_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1123_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31984</td><td>Creating Dovetail Joints and Casework</td><td> What in carpentry can match the beauty of dovetail joints in a well-made piece o f furniture? This video shows students how to cut and assemble dovetails into st rong and attractive casework. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is availab le online. A Shopware Production. (13 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1124_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1124_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31982</td><td>Creating Miter Joints</td><td>From door moldin g and baseboards to picture frames and birdhouse roofs, miter joints are everywh ere. This video shows students how to construct this simple yet elegant carpentr y joint. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Shopware Production. (14 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1125_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1125_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31983</td><td>Creating Mortise-and-Tenon Joints</td><td>The time-tested mortise-and-tenon is arguably the strongest joint in woodworking. Th is video shows students how to go about crafting it. A viewable/printable instru ctor's guide is available online. A Shopware Production. (13 minutes)</td><td>20 04</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1126_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1126_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30242</td><td>Creating New Categories, Businesses, and Marke ts</td><td>Filmed at USC's Marshall School of Business, this program, guest-host ed by CNBC's Stuart Varney, partners two innovators from opposite ends of the re tail supply spectrum: Thomas Stemberg, chairman and CEO of Staples, and Carl Yan kowski, former CEO of Palm, a market leader in hand-held computers. Topics of di

scussion include creating categories, looking forward and staying ahead, and dis tribution, from shelf space to cyberspace. In addition, MBA students and faculty ask questions about mentors, managing Wall Street expectations, and maintaining focus. (57 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1127_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1127_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31980</td><td>Creating Rabbet Joints</td><td>This video take s a close look at rabbet joints: the right times to use them, the correct way to lay them out, and how to cut, smooth, and assemble them. A viewable/printable i nstructor's guide is available online. A Shopware Production. (11 minutes)</td>< td>2004</td><td>11</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1128_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1128_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30233</td><td>Creating the 21st-Century CEO</td><td>How must tomorrow's CEOs adapt themselves to thrive in the continually evolving world of big business? In this program, Jim Clark, co-founder of Netscape, and broadband warrior Thomas "TJ" Jermoluk, former chairman of Excite@Home, meet at the Unive rsity of Chicago Graduate School of Business to answer that question while specu lating on the continuing impact of the Internet on commerce. In addition, MBA st udents and faculty ask questions about staffing during corporate growth spurts a nd coping with rising demands on a CEO's time. (57 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td >57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1129_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1129_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2464</td><td>The Creation of Italy</td><td>The Battle of Sol ferino: 1859In 1858, Italy as a country did not exist; its territory had been di vided at the Congress of Vienna into eight separate states, which provided stron g motive for an independence movement at the very time when waves of nationalism and patriotic insurrection were sweeping a Europe in the throes of Romanticism. Enter Napoleon III, eager for France to reassert a leading role in European eve nts and pleased to nettle the enemy, Austria. The first phase of the Italian fig ht for independence was thus instigated by the French. This program details the onset of that fight, the intrigues and secret deals before and after, the charac ters of Cavour and Garibaldi, the climactic Battle of Solferino, and Napoleon's pay-off-Nice and the Savoy. It would take another 10 years for the unification o f Italy to be accomplished. (30 minutes)English</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>30</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1130_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1130_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30397</td><td>Creation: The Promise of Stem Cells</td><td>Pi oneering methods of human cloning give a paralyzed Texas doctor hope that he wil l walk again. Meanwhile in England, a couple prepares for the results of cloning the natural way: triplets. In this program, cutting-edge imagery gives a futuri stic, highly visual portrayal of the very latest advances in stem cell developme nt and genetic science. The efforts of Dr. Jose Cibelli, head of research at Adv anced Cell Technology, which led to the first artificially cloned embryo are par alleled with the incredible feat of genetic replication as it occurs naturally i n the womb. Commenting on how these innovations have already dramatically change d human life are Professor Lee Silver, molecular biologist at Princeton Universi ty, and Nobel Prize-winning cell biologist Sir Paul Nurse. A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1131_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1131_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3349</td><td>The Creationist Argument</td><td>Luther Sutherl and presents what he considers scientific-rather than philosophical or religious -inconsistencies in Darwin's theory which provide, he says, the scientific basis for discrediting the theory of evolution. (26 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>26< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1132_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1132_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>25136</td><td>Credit Card Cautions</td><td>One of today's ri tes of passage, from teenager to young adult, is the credit card. Armed with a b rand-new credit card, many older teens and young adults gain immediate buying po wer, but not always knowledge of how to use credit responsibly. This program gui des viewers through a maze of introductory rates, finance charges, credit report s, credit repair, card safety, and purchase decisions. First-person stories from credit card users and abusers as well as a credit counseling expert help viewer s understand how credit cards actually work. (30 min.) A Meridian Production.</t d><td>2000</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1133_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1133_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37392</td><td>Crenshaw Boulevard: L.A.'s Artery of Diversity -Educator's Edition</td><td>Immigration, racial identity, education, economic de velopment-all of these issues converge on Crenshaw Boulevard, the 23-mile urban artery running through South Los Angeles. This program travels the storied roadw ay from disadvantaged South Central to the mansions of Palos Verdes overlooking the Pacific. Viewers meet many of the residents and entrepreneurs who breathe li fe into Crenshaw-including Laura Hendrix, owner of an African-American-themed ar

t gallery; Father David O'Connell, co-chair of the anti-gang activist group One L.A.; and Freddy Fong Sr., who left Noriega's Panama to raise his children in th e land of opportunity. Bonus material (DVD and VHS only) features additional com mentary. (55 minutes + 8 minutes of bonus material)</td><td>2006</td><td>55</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1134_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1134_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8311</td><td>Crescent and Cross: Rise of Islam and Age of Cr usades</td><td>This program portrays the Crusades as a response to the rapid ris e of Islam. It looks at various orders of Christian monks and their role in the preservation of religious, artistic, and cultural aspects of civilization. The I nquisition-the Church's response to the rise of heresy and the practice of witch craft and magic in the Middle Ages-illustrates the ultimate in religious intoler ance which still exists today. (59 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1135_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1135_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33324</td><td>Cretaceous Carbonate Platforms in England and Croatia</td><td>This virtual field trip opens with a concise overview of global marine transgression in the Cretaceous sedimentary succession of the English Chi ltern Hills and then shifts to the Istrian peninsula of Croatia to investigate t he vast carbonate platform that developed there during that same period of prehi story. Some of the characteristic biota that generated the platform sediments ar e uncovered and the resulting deposits are examined in terms of sequence stratig raphy. (36 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>35</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1136_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1136_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35284</td><td>Crime in the Cities: Public Safety at Risk</td ><td>Why do urban crime rates soar in some wealthy countries while dropping in o thers? This program analyzes that question using data-mapping to find telltale p atterns in Japan and the United States. With the Japanese crime rate increasing in 90 percent of the nation, a data map based on locations and peak times of cri minal activity sheds light on deteriorating conditions in city outskirts. Opposi te patterns are observed in New York and Los Angeles, where crime rates have fal len dramatically over five years-partly as a result of improvements in municipal services and environments. Use this program to demonstrate links between crime rates and civic responsibility. (31 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1137_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1137_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>6868</td><td>Crimes and Punishments: A History</td><td>This controversial documentary traces the often brutal history of criminal punishment from the medieval era through today. Early lithographs show in shocking detail the excessive punishments applied in pre-modern times for minor crimes. We see h ow more humane attitudes toward punishment led to the construction of prisons. F eatured in this program is the CCI penitentiary in South Carolina. There, prison officials discuss the difficulties involved in running a large penal institutio n. Prisoners and corrections officers provide insights into daily life at the pr ison and talk about the overall failure of current rehabilitation efforts. This is an excellent portrait of criminal punishment as it was, and where it stands t oday. (30 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1138_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1138_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9295</td><td>Critical Condition: How Will American Healthcar e Manage?</td><td>Is America's healthcare system at death's door? And are patien ts with incurable diseases inadvertently being hastened to their graves? This co mpelling two-part series examines the dual prognosis for the management of the n ation's overburdened healthcare system and the management of the pain of termina lly ill patients. 2-part series, 29 minutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1139_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1139_l blPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10939</td><td>Critical Condition with Hedrick Smith: How Goo d Is Your Health Care?</td><td>In this powerful four-part series, Pulitzer Prize -winning journalist Hedrick Smith travels the length and breadth of the United S tates to critically examine the quality, affordability, and availability of heal thcare. Case studies of ordinary Americans, supported by thorough medical and ac ademic research, provide a timely checkup for a medical system that more and mor e say is in need of intensive care. 4-part series, 47-49 minutes each.</td><td>2 000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1140_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1140_l blPrice">$519.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9196</td><td>A Critical Guide to the Odyssey</td><td>It is s aid that every road movie and novel about a defining journey owes a debt to the Odyssey. This imaginative program uses the poem's division into groupings of boo ks as a framework to allow Dr. Tom Winnifrith, of Warwick University; Dr. Dougla s Cairns, of Leeds University; and Ken Dowden, senior lecturer at Birmingham Uni versity, to analyze the oral tradition and key elements of the story line. Readi ngs and dramatizations from the Odyssey enhance the discussion of recurrent them es, characterization, relationships, morals, and the cumulative effect of the te

n-year journey in shaping and seasoning Odysseus. (31 minutes)</td><td>1999</td> <td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1141_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1141_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36402</td><td>The Critics: Stories from the Inside Pages</td ><td>How do critics serve the public and the artistic community? Dr. Dwight DeWe rth-Pallmeyer, director of the Department of Communication Studies at Widener Un iversity, spent several months traveling the country and interviewing prominent commentators-including Good Morning America film reviewer Joel Siegel, Time maga zine film critic Richard Schickel, Nashville Scene music critic Bill Friskics-Wa rren, and Fresh Air book critic Maureen Corrigan. The result is an in-depth look at criticism as an art form, the social value of a critic's work, the various w ays that renowned critics began their careers, and the passion and intellect wit h which all professional critics must approach their work. Some language may be offensive. (75 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1142_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1142_l blPrice">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9331</td><td>Crossing the Divide: Creating a High-Tech Work Force</td><td>As America's economy goes global and companies continue to adjust, what skills and education will tomorrow's workforce need in order to prosper in the marketplace of the future? This program profiles the Travis Communications Academy, Silicon Valley's Monta Vista High School, and the New Technology High S chool, "the school that business built"-schools that stress the value of critica l thinking and teamwork as the building blocks of success. Former Secretary of L abor Robert Reich, the Assistant Secretary of Commerce, and others also discuss issues such as the school-to-work movement and universal Internet access. (57 mi nutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1143_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1143_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33858</td><td>Crossing the Line: Sexual Harassment and How t o Confront It</td><td>The only way to remove sexual harassment from school and w ork is to get educated about the problem and learn ways to deal with it. This in formative video (an update of an earlier program, Sexual Harassment: Crossing th e Line) explains different kinds of sexual harassment, defines the factors motiv ating harassers, and provides specific techniques for dealing with the problem. Viewers will see what steps to take if anyone harasses them or if they witness t he harassment of others, including keeping a journal, employing the "broken reco rd" technique, speaking with supervisors, sending memos, using grievance procedu res, and filing formal complaints. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is av ailable online. A Cambridge Educational Production. (24 minutes)</td><td>2005</t d><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1144_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1144_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37170</td><td>Crossroads: Inside the European Union</td><td> Europe is undergoing a dramatic metamorphosis. What will the "new" Europe look l ike? This six-part series presents an incisive portrait of a continent that has become a vibrant tapestry of racial and ethnic identities as well as a political , economic, and cultural pressure cooker. Combining detailed research, on-locati on filming across the European Union, interviews with policy makers and immigrat ion experts, and reports from inside isolated minority communities, the series r eveals many of the challenges facing the EU in the age of globalization. 6-part series, 27 minutes each.</td><td>2007</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1145_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1145_l blPrice">$539.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9364</td><td>Crusaders and Schism in the East: Christianity in the 11th and 12th Centuries</td><td>Part one of this program documents both t he papal reforms that severed the ties between the Church and wealthy Roman fami lies and the rift between Rome and Constantinople. Efforts to reconcile differen ces in doctrine, clerical practice, and political influence ended in the excommu nication of Constantinople's Patriarch. Part two outlines the first four Crusade s, in which Jerusalem was won and lost and Byzantium fell to the swords of its o wn Christian allies. The transfiguring influence of Islamic scholarship on Europ e is also spotlighted. (48 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1146_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1146_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34431</td><td>Crust, Mantle, and Core: Earth Inside and Out< /td><td>The Earth's surface is a fragile mask, and this Science Screen Report re veals the turmoil beneath it. A cutaway view of the planet depicts its layers-in cluding its crust, hot mantle, and superheated core-and leads to an outline of p late tectonic theory. The Himalayas, the Matterhorn, and the Hawaiian Islands ar e analyzed as examples of tectonic and volcanic activity, while the core's relat ionship to Earth's magnetic field is also studied. The program includes animatio n that clearly demonstrates the concept of subduction. A viewable/printable inst ructor's guide is available online. Produced in association with the Accreditati on Board for Engineering and Technology and the Junior Engineering Technical Soc iety. (13 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1147_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1147_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>3163</td><td>A Cry from the Edge</td><td>This program examin es what stands between our children becoming literate adults or school dropouts. It explores the experiences of students on the edge of success or failure in sc hool, shares the feelings of students who fail and those who triumph, visits cla ssrooms around the country where teachers encourage literacy across content area s and promote cognitive development for all their students, and-above all-provid es hope that the literacy crisis facing our schools can be solved. (58 minutes)< /td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1148_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1148_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3074</td><td>Cry of the Yurok</td><td>The Yuroks, California 's largest Native American tribe, have lived near the mouth of the Klamath and T rinity Rivers for 10,000 years. This program details the many problems that bese t them as they try to survive: their lands overrun by prospectors and soldiers i n the 19th century, the primeval forest cut by lumber companies, environmental d estruction that has nearly wiped out the fish on which they traditionally depend . Some of the Yuroks remain on the reservation, others have moved to the cities; all are caught in a many-sided battle between the dominant white world and the world of the Indian. (58 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1149_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1149_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7021</td><td>Cuba: The Daughters of Fidel</td><td>This progr am examines the pros and cons of Fidel Castro's Cuban revolution through the eye s of women exiles in Miami and Castro supporters in Cuba. We hear from several w omen, including an avid anti-Castro exile and a Cuban television reporter, who t ell stories of repression under the Castro regime. Health workers and educators discuss the benefits of Castro's policies, and the role of women in the revoluti on. Also available in Spanish. (60 minutes)English</td><td>1998</td><td>60</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1150_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1150_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37655</td><td>Culinary</td><td>This program features profile s of three women who have stirred up successful careers in the culinary industry : Josee Bagdadi, a gourmet butcher who considers her trade an essential part of fine cooking; Heather Irvine, a commercial baker specializing in artisan breads; and Lisa Gardin, an apprentice chef who plans to open her own restaurant one da y. Additional information from co-workers and supervisors supplements each job p rofile. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1151_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1151_l

blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9033</td><td>The Cult of the Beautiful Body</td><td>Extreme body consciousness has taken youthful narcissism to new heights, making "boy mee ts girl" a ruthless physical selection process. This program examines the cult o f the body in Western society and how it has reduced today's courtship ritual to a one-dimensional experience based primarily on physical attraction. Beginning with the pressure that men currently feel to conform to an abstract physical ide al, the role of the media is scrutinized, along with the culture that from Munic h to Los Angeles excludes all who do not espouse the ideals of bodily perfection at the expense of all else. A Deutsche Welle production. (30 minutes)</td><td>1 996</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1152_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1152_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36240</td><td>Cultural Issues in Kenya</td><td>Exploring Ken ya's multifaceted urban and rural settings, this program looks at the various cu ltures found within the nation today. Viewers will experience the country's spec tacular diversity-and the difficulty of providing education and mass communicati on for a population that speaks well over 40 languages. Highlighting the challen ges of conflicting cultural traditions and beliefs, the program looks at the nat ion's extraordinary efforts in combating the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The economic and sociological dynamics of Kenya are made clear through the interactions of Kenya n students, business people, artists, community leaders, and others. A viewable/ printable instructor's guide is available online. (24 minutes)</td><td>2003</td> <td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1153_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1153_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33085</td><td>The Cultural Revolution: Mao's Last Battle</td ><td>Whether Mao Zedong launched a campaign of ideological purification in 1966 to keep China from becoming capitalist or to solidify his power remains a subjec t for debate. Only the disastrous consequences are certain. This series presents the definitive history of the Cultural Revolution, its background, and aftermat h, blending an incredible array of documentary footage with discussion by Chines e contemporaries, diplomats, and scholars, including Roxanne Witke, the only Wes terner to interview Mao's wife, Jiang Qing. 2-part series, 53 minutes each.</td> <td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1154_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1154_l blPrice">$299.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29423</td><td>Culture: English Takes Center Stage</td><td>Th e export of Western culture has made English a star performer on the world stage

. This program discusses the ubiquity of Shakespeare and the King James Bible, e xplaining their roles in propelling English into preeminence as a language for c ross-cultural expression. The success of TV as a medium for disseminating Englis h is also explored, as is the appeal of English in movies and music to audiences in India and Japan. Ebonics as a dialect of American English with mass appeal a mong teens is also considered. Featured personalities include televangelist Pat Robertson; Moira Goff, of the British Library; fashion mogul Sir Paul Smith; and director Nagesh Kukunoor. (50 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1155_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1155_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>39223</td><td>Culture Fix</td><td>Ranging from abstract art and Art Deco to Existentialism and fine-art photography, this eclectic nine-part series captures the essence of Western culture during the 20th century. A BBCW Production. 9-part series, 29 minutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1156_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1156_l blPrice">$809.55<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4282</td><td>The Culture of Commerce</td><td>This program ex plores the systemic differences between the individualistic capitalism of Americ a and Britain, and the communitarian capitalism of Japan and Germany. It shows h ow both Japan and Germany embrace more collaborative relations between labor and management, government and business, and even among businesses than the more la issez-faire American system. Both Japan and Germany invest heavily in worker tra ining and long-term employment guarantees. The Japanese system is dominated by f amilies of companies which finance and own each other; the German system by bank s which are investors as well as lenders; the American system by entrepreneurs a nd absentee, mutual-fund type owners and managers who wield great power. (58 min utes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1157_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1157_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11850</td><td>Cure from the Crypt: Fighting Tuberculosis, Ag ain</td><td>When a crypt containing 200 extraordinarily preserved bodies was dis covered in 1994 in the Hungarian town of Vac, it caught the interest of a scient ist fighting tuberculosis on the other side of the globe. This program presents the fascinating story of Professor Mark Spigelman, an Australian surgeon turned archaeologist who is using ancient DNA to contend with the biggest bacterial kil ler in the world today. In what many call the post-antibiotic era, Spigelman's u nique genetic research has yielded encouraging results: all the tubercular mummi es were missing a TB-resistant gene in their genome; those mummies without TB ha d the gene. (27 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1158_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1158_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34698</td><td>The Cure: Heart Disease and Anti-cholesterol D rugs</td><td>Drugs that can cure cardiovascular disease, rather than simply slow ing cholesterol buildup, are currently in development. This program examines the history of anti-cholesterol drug production, as well as current biochemical res earch that might lead to the eradication of heart attacks and strokes. Describin g scientific studies of isolated populations-most notably the inhabitants of Lim one, Italy, where a genetic mutation has produced a natural cure for arterial pl aque accumulation-the video also investigates the extraordinary level of competi tion that exists among pharmaceutical companies racing to create lifesaving chem ical compounds. (55 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1159_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1159_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32207</td><td>Curing Cancer</td><td>This program tells the s tory of how a small group of researchers have developed radically new ways to tr eat the most feared of diseases by tracing cancer back to its origins: its DNA. The program focuses on two pioneering efforts: the race between Dr. Mary Claire King and Dr. Mark Skolnick, founder of Myriad Genetics, to isolate the gene link ed to breast cancer, and Dr. Brian Druker's work that eventually led to the anti -cancer drug Gleevec, which cures chronic myeloid leukemia. Extraordinary imagin g shows the genetic mechanisms of cancer and how new drugs target its aberrant s ections of DNA. (57 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1160_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1160_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35050</td><td>Curing Cancer: Clinical Research Trials</td><t d>No drug or medicine has ever been proven safe and effective without a clinical trial. This program demonstrates the vital role of clinical trials in current c ancer research, and explains why many medical experts view the clinical trial sy stem as the basis for curing all forms of cancer-or turning it into a manageable disease that patients can live with. Personal testimony from trial participants who have survived lung, breast, and other types of cancer is juxtaposed with th e problem of cultural and psychological barriers to participation, providing val uable insight into the sometimes mysterious clinical trial process. (28 minutes) </td><td>2003</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1161_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1161_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5031</td><td>Curing the Economy</td><td>This program with Bi ll Moyers focuses on what we can do to repair the U.S. economy. A business execu

tive explains why his company closed its factories in the U.S. and moved manufac turing operations to Mexico. Among those who discuss potential solutions to prob lems facing the American economy are Robert Kuttner, co-editor of The American P rospect; Henry Nau, author of The Myth of America's Decline; and Patricia Saiki, head of the Small Business Administration. (60 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>60 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1162_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1162_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29326</td><td>Curricular Infusion and Technology: New Approa ches to Environmental Education</td><td>This practical four-part series-a profes sional development tool for use either with or without the ten-part video series Way Out West: An Introduction to Ecological Science-is designed to support teac hers' efforts to integrate scientific fieldwork and Internet-based data reportin g into existing classroom curriculums. The Southwest is used as a model environm ent, and the methods and procedures are directly transferable to practically any other North American ecosystem as well. 4-part series, 44-61 minutes each.</td> <td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1163_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1163_l blPrice">$519.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29327</td><td>Curricular Infusion: Taking Environmental Educ ation into the Field</td><td>In this program, two down-to-earth middle school ma ster teachers explain how they infuse scientific research into their lessons whi le ensuring that the fieldwork does not become a socializing field trip. Their s ecrets? Engaging pre-excursion preparation, comprehensive post-excursion followup, and clearly defined criteria for student accountability throughout. Statisti cal and analytical exercises, described in detail, can be used to show students how to predict the size of a population, sample it, and analyze the data using a dichotomous key, percentages, line graphs, bar graphs, and pie charts. (61 minu tes)</td><td>2000</td><td>61</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1164_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1164_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35662</td><td>The Curse of Oil</td><td>This program offers a global history of the oil industry and the issues intertwined with it, from ear ly-20th-century prospecting in South America and the Middle East to war in Iraq. The origins and significance of OPEC figure prominently in the narrative, as do several historic and violent conflicts revolving around controlling sources or flows of oil: labor strikes in Latin America, Nasser's seizure of the Suez Canal , the Iran-Iraq war, and other pivotal events. Revealing interviews feature, amo ng others, former OPEC leader Sheikh Ahmed Yamani and former U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia James Akins-who minces no words and calls oil a curse. (52 minutes) </td><td>2003</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1165_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1165_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10157</td><td>Curve Sketching</td><td>How does art figure in to calculus? This program illustrates applications of the derivative through gra phing. Ably assisted by the Voice of Common Sense, elements such as critical poi nts, points of inflection, extreme values, increasing and decreasing curves, and concavity are all plotted out, with abundant sample problems. (23 minutes)</td> <td>1999</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1166_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1166_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10835</td><td>Customer Focus</td><td>A customer orientation is essential to successful product and market development. Module one of this pr ogram demonstrates the concept of key account management by way of the Dutch oil company NAM, which proactively develops solutions to potential client problems, while module two extends that concept to include the operations of R.S. Compone nts in the U.K. Module three analyzes how seemingly homogeneous goods, such as p aper, are differentiated in Finland to better satisfy consumer needs. (29 minute s)</td><td>1999</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1167_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1167_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30252</td><td>Customer-Driven Success</td><td>In the post-En ron and -WorldCom era, the spotlight of scrutiny is shining ever more sharply on corporations and their chief executives. In this program, Robert Nardelli, chai rman, president, and CEO of The Home Depot, and Michael Eskew, chairman and CEO of United Parcel Service, discuss the white-hot issues of corporate governance a nd ethics as well as the special challenges they face as newcomers to the top jo b. What are they doing to expand their customer bases in the face of fierce comp etition? And how are they training the new leaders who will help them take their companies-tops in their respective industries-into the future? (57 minutes)</td ><td>2002</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1168_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1168_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35531</td><td>Cutoff Saws</td><td>Also known as miter saws, cutoff saws will crosscut long stock, cut picture frame molding, fit crown moldi ng, and quickly cut multiple boards to the same length. This video compares stra ight, compound, and sliding compound models. A viewable/printable instructor's g uide is available online. Correlates to competency standards for core curriculum

and carpentry from the National Center for Construction Education & Research. A Shopware Production. (21 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1169_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1169_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36249</td><td>Cutting: Addicted to Self-Injury</td><td>Like most addictions, this one starts as a way of coping with emotional pain. But cut ting-the habit of self-injury on the rise among teenagers, especially girls-is a sign of deep-seated anxiety and self-hatred that no one can cope with alone. Th is video examines the distressing, ritualized behavior and explores how parents, friends, guidance counselors, and those who cut themselves can work together to stop it. The program goes inside a support group for young women struggling wit h the habit, showing them engaging in group discussions, self-expression exercis es, and role-play that helps them let go of negative emotions and confront the " demon" of addiction. (10 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>11</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1170_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1170_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33044</td><td>Cutting and Splicing DNA</td><td>This program presents a brief history of genetic science, from Darwin's theory of evolution t hrough the discovery of DNA and the invention of gene splicing. Darwin hypothesi zed a theory, but understood nothing of the mechanism of evolution. The program follows the history of scientific understanding of the nucleus, chromosomes, and the location of hereditary information; explains the work of Gregor Mendel and Thomas Hunt Morgan; and features exclusive interviews with James Watson, who unr avelled the secret of DNA's structure, and Stanley Cohen, who first spliced the gene and created contemporary cloning techniques. Spectacular computer animation displays the beautiful simplicity of the DNA molecule, and reveals how the gene was spliced. (24 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1171_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1171_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33778</td><td>The Cutting Edge: Innovative Surgical Methods< /td><td>This program explores emerging technologies that are revolutionizing how surgeons perform operations and deliver critical care. Featured modalities incl ude the gamma knife, a viable alternative to invasive brain surgery for a growin g list of conditions, as well as telementoring and robotic surgery, high-tech ap proaches to delivering specialized healthcare to remote regions. Clinical footag e from the operating room vividly conveys the ultimate benefits these advances i n surgical tools and techniques promise patients around the world. (47 minutes)< /td><td>2004</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1172_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1172_l

blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10121</td><td>Cutting Their Own Cloth: Entrepreneurial Cloth ing Designers</td><td>Savage Sisters is an up-and-coming label in trendy fashion sportswear. But as the demand for this brand grows, are partners Lou and Sophie McDermott ready to take their business to the next level? This concise program examines the process of starting a business on a shoestring budget in a highly c ompetitive industry. Speaking candidly, the McDermott sisters discuss start-up h urdles such as financing and market/product research; setting goals and sharing responsibilities; determining pricing and profit margins; dealing with logistics ; maintaining cash flow; developing a marketing plan; and finding good business advice. (22 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1173_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1173_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7828</td><td>Cutting to the Core-Albert J. Dunlap</td><td>On Wall Street, no one has earned a bigger reputation for cutting companies down t o size than corporate turn-around artist Albert J. Dunlap. As head of Scott Pape r and, more recently, as CEO of Sunbeam, Dunlap carried out his time-tested form ula as spelled out in his bluntly titled book Mean Business: boost the bottom li ne with swift, deep layoffs; sell off divisions; and move production to lower-wa ge states or abroad. Filmed at the height of Dunlap's power, this program spotli ghts the practices that once served "Chainsaw Al" so well-and that have since fa llen into such disfavor. (30 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1174_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1174_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6666</td><td>Cutting-Edge Issues in Management Accounting</t d><td>For nonprofit organizations, evaluating outputs is difficult because they do not produce revenue and dollar values that can be readily determined. In the first case study, we see how one organization matches costs with nonmonetary mea sures of output. The second case study focuses on total quality control. In it, a Xerox plant allows its employees at all levels to understand and contribute to the financial success of the operation. (28 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>28</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1175_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1175_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30236</td><td>Cutting-Edge Technologies</td><td>Biotechnolog y and telecommunications define, in part, the cutting edge of research, as Willi am Haseltine, founder and CEO of Human Genome Sciences, and David Huber, founder and CEO of Corvis Corporation, well know. In this program, business meets scien ce as Drs. Haseltine and Huber stress the rewards of working at the forefront of

technology. In addition, MBA students and faculty from Cornell University's Joh nson Graduate School of Management ask questions about what Haseltine and Huber are doing to educate the public about their findings and what helps them maintai n their focus. (57 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1176_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1176_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25151</td><td>CV Axles</td><td>CV Axles is a 24-minute video which is part of the series Drive Trains. This group of 6 videos not only prov ides a general overview of drive trains and how they operate, but highlights con struction, design, and components. Each video covers a specific topic and uses 3 -D animation and cutaways to demonstrate working parts and how they function. De tailed areas are: automotive clutch flywheels pressure plates bands torqu transmission designs adjustments CV axles pistons & servos reassembly ve axle designs part inspection differential disassembly. (24 minutes) A Shopware Pr oduction.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1177_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1177_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6819</td><td>Cyber Rome</td><td>Relive the splendor of ancie nt Rome through the magic of virtual realityWho among us has never dreamed of go ing back in time and reliving the splendor of the Classical era-ancient Rome, pe rhaps. Now, through the magic of virtual reality and three-dimensional computer graphics, viewers can take an unforgettable tour of the monuments of Rome circa AD 200. Buildings visited include the Colosseum, the Basilica Di Massenzio, the Tabularium, the Basilica Giulia, the Curia, the Tempio Di Vesta, the Casa Delle Vestali, the Tempio Di Marte Ultore, Traiano's Column, the Basilica Ulpia, the T empio Di Venere E Roma, and the Palatino, where legend says Romolo built the fir st wall about the city. The history, secrets, art, and curiosities of these arch itectural marvels are provided at each stop on the tour. (39 minutes)</td><td>19 96</td><td>39</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1178_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1178_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34758</td><td>Cyberbullies</td><td>Chat rooms, blogs, and in stant messaging have become standard forms of communication for many young peopl e. Unfortunately, they have also become popular ways to bully and harass others. This program is designed to prevent children and teenagers from falling victim to cyberbullying, using dramatizations and Q & A discussions to expand awareness of the issue. The video discusses cyberbullying warning signs, common patterns of abuse, and questionable online activities and destinations to stay away from. It also presents strategies for responding when cyberbullying occurs, and outli nes legal problems involving privacy and libel that young Internet users should be aware of A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correla tes to all applicable state and national standards. A Meridian Production. (19 m

inutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1179_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1179_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36546</td><td>Cyberbullying: Cruel Intentions</td><td>The te enage years have always been tough-but digital technology has raised the dangers of the social battlefield to a whole new level. This ABC News program reports o n how cell phones, digital cameras, and personal websites encourage and amplify the frequent cruelty of teen behavior. With the help of an experiment conducted by Brigham Young University child development researchers, the program analyzes the behavior of a group of teenage girls as they use online verbal innuendos and emotional attacks to vie for attention and create a social hierarchy. The progr am also looks at the difficulties parents face in monitoring what kids do on the Internet. (40 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1180_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1180_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11755</td><td>Cybercrime: The Invisible Threat</td><td>With such widespread access to the Internet, how vulnerable to online sabotage are ba nks, government agencies, nuclear plants, utilities, and hospitals? This program examines the Internet's exponential growth and evaluates risks posed by groups and individuals bent on crime or terrorism. Experts from the FBI, the Pentagon, and private companies, and even a self-confessed hacker comment on the danger of online fraud and "denial of service" attacks as well as on anti-hacking and bio metric identification as ways of protecting the World Wide Web-and perhaps the w orld itself. (53 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1181_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1181_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38816</td><td>CyberEthics</td><td>Most people learn traditio nal standards of behavior and respect for others by the time they are teenagersbut many don't realize that those rules are just as valid in cyberspace. This pr ogram helps students take the high road on the information superhighway and avoi d the temptations of the fast lane, pointing the way toward an ethically sound I nternet presence and lifestyle. Guidelines for the use of intellectual property are featured, with emphasis on the consequences of illegal downloading, copyrigh t infringement, and plagiarism. Pornography, gaming sites, chat rooms, and onlin e social networks are also discussed, helping viewers steer clear of antisocial and abusive activities, especially cyber-bullying. Comments from experts, as wel l as questions from peers who are confused about the fine points of cyber legali ty, serve to clarify central ethical principles. A viewable/printable instructor 's guide is available online. Correlates to National ISTE Technology Foundation Standards for Students. A Cambridge Educational Production. (14 minutes)</td><td >2008</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1182_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1182_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38814</td><td>CyberSafety</td><td>What harm could come from sitting leisurely at the computer, chatting with online pals? Unfortunately, man y young people who spend hours in chat rooms or post sensitive information on th e Internet have little or no idea of the risks involved. This program warns stud ents about how vulnerable they are whenever they venture into the cyber realm-ev en when they think they're among "friends." Explaining how to take precautions i n chat rooms, on social networking sites, and anywhere that predators lurk, the program strongly advises against physically meeting any online acquaintance and emphasizes that parents or guardians must be involved in such meetings. Commenta ry from experts and questions from peers reinforce the notion of an irreversible virtual footprint-a trail that all Internet users leave which can be used again st them. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to National ISTE Technology Foundation Standards for Students. A Cambridge Educ ational Production. (19 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1183_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1183_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38815</td><td>CyberSecurity</td><td>The Internet offers vast possibilities for learning, making a living, and having fun-but it can also des troy reputations, empty bank accounts, and ruin lives. This program cautions stu dents about potential hazards to their computers-not to mention their careers, f inances, and futures-that exist online. Highlighting the importance of setting u p a firewall and keeping one's operating system up-to-date, the program provides straightforward advice about protecting against hackers, viruses, Trojan horses , spyware, adware, phishing emails, and other high-tech threats. Each concept is defined in user-friendly terms. More basic but equally vital steps like maintai ning multiple passwords and not sharing personal information are also discussed. Commentary from experts, as well as questions from peers about the details of c omputer safeguards, will help students increase their online security. A viewabl e/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to National ISTE Technology Foundation Standards for Students. A Cambridge Educational Production . (21 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1184_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1184_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37242</td><td>CyberSense</td><td>Taking a no-nonsense, peerbased approach, this three-part series raises teen awareness of the threats that Internet users face. Personal, financial, and career-related risks become clear through conversations with young people and interviews with computer experts-in cluding Ron Teixeira, Executive Director of the National Cyber Safety Associatio n; Dean Daley, an experienced computer systems analyst; and Marsali Hancock of t he Internet Keep Safe Coalition. Students will gain a solid understanding of bes t practices and rules of online conduct, so that they can navigate potential Int

ernet perils before trouble occurs. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is a vailable online. Correlates to National ISTE Technology Foundation Standards for Students. A Cambridge Educational Production. 3-part series, 14-21 minutes each .</td><td>2008</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1185_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1185_l blPrice">$239.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6391</td><td>Cyberspace: Virtual Unreality?</td><td>The Info rmation Age has been hailed as a quantum leap forward for humanity-an opportunit y to finally achieve Marshall McLuhan's "global village" in which "the medium is the message." But what kind of people are being created in cyberspace? While co mputer technology has changed virtually all aspects of life, critics argue that this technology is contributing to the growing social isolation of individuals. This program examines just what the implications of the new Information Age may be with Jim Clark, President of Netscape Communications; Sherry Turkle, MIT psyc hologist and sociologist; and Clifford Stoll, author of Silicon Snake Oil: Secon d Thoughts on the Information Highway. (29 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>29</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1186_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1186_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33058</td><td>Cyberstalker: Hard Lessons of Internet Safety< /td><td>Few think of it in these terms, but logging onto the Web can be like let ting strangers walk into your living room. Hosted by Dan Rather, this program ex plores the very real dangers of the Internet through a number of eye-opening exa mples, including coverage of Operation Blue Ridge Thunder, a task force that pat rols the Internet for pedophiles; the tragic story of Amy Boyer, a 21-year-old w oman whose murderer posted his plan to kill her on his Web page; and two cases t hat illustrate the promise and perils of online dating. Produced by CBS NEWS. (4 3 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>43</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1187_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1187_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25152</td><td>Cylinder Head Service</td><td>Updated for 2008 ! Using a detailed, step-by-step approach, this program takes viewers through th e intricate process of engine cylinder head service. Students will gain a thorou gh understanding of head disassembly, head cleaning and inspection, valve grindi ng, seat grinding, three-angle valve work, and head reassembly. Computer graphic s focus on key concepts, while close-ups of actual working parts illustrate stat e-of-the-art methods for measuring, calibration, grinding, chamfering, cleaning, and inspection. The program includes information on safety precautions for the removal of valves, springs, guides, and other cylinder head parts, as well as ho w to lubricate them prior to reassembly. A Shopware Production. (29 minutes)</td ><td>2008</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1188_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1188_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7363</td><td>D. H. Lawrence</td><td>Certainly one of the mos t colorful and controversial writers of the 20th century, D. H. Lawrence's humbl e beginnings as a fragile child in a Nottingham mining town hardly foreshadowed the fame he would acquire through his writing. In this program, Lawrence biograp her John Worthen and others who knew the writer discuss the author's life, his m any love affairs, and his turbulent marriage to his wife, Frieda. A dramatizatio n of scenes from the 1960 obscenity trial over the publication of Lady Chatterle y's Lover features passages from the novel. Actress Glenda Jackson discusses Son s and Lovers and The Rainbow within the context of Lawrence's purported disdain for women. The program contains some profanity and should be previewed before be ing shown to students. A BBC Production. (53 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>53</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1189_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1189_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>962</td><td>D. H. Lawrence: "The Rocking Horse Winner"</td>< td>This story of innocent imagination destroyed by greed is a school classic. Wi th John Mills and Valerie Hobson. (90 minutes, b&w)</td><td>1987</td><td>88</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1190_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1190_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>10358</td><td>Dada and Surrealism</td><td>The Dada movement, born as a reaction to World War I, and its successor, Surrealism, opened new av enues for artistic creation by striving to bypass the reasoning process and tap directly into the unconscious mind. This program examines: Kurt Schwitters' Me rzbild 25 A (1920), from the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Dusseldorf Hanna Hoch's Cut with the Kitchen Knife (1919), from the Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin George Grosz' Untitled (1920), from the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Dusse ldorf Joan Miro's Dutch Interior I (1928), from the Museum of Modern Art, New Yor k Salvador Dali's The Burning Giraffe (1936), from the Kunstmuseum, Basel Man Ray' s La Fortune (1938), from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (60 mi nutes)</td><td>1991</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1191_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1191_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35738</td><td>Daily Cafe Operations</td><td>The Provisions C afe is known for its great coffee, food, and atmosphere. This case study takes v

iewers behind the scenes at the Provisions, illustrating the procedures and best practices that make for a well-run, successful cafe. Using high-energy visuals and detailed interviews with the Provisions' owner/manager, the program explores a typical day in the life of the cafe-including early morning kitchen and front -of-house set-up, preparations for the breakfast and lunch crowds, supply orders and deliveries, closing procedures, and the nightly cash tally. Step-by-step gu idance in cafe-specific skills, such as the making of lattes and cappuccinos, is also included. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. (27 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1192_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1192_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34541</td><td>Dali: Master of Dreams-in Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>This luminous biography combines numerous examples of Salvado r Dali's work, dreamlike imagery derived from it, and enigmatic appearances by t he painter in archival footage. Interviews with art historians and friends of th e Catalonian master offer insight into his strange childhood, his turbulent stud ies in Madrid, and his emergence as a surrealist and pre-pop icon; his ambivalen ce toward fascism and his relationship with his authoritarian father are also ex amined. With attention to both psychological and aesthetic contexts, Dali: Maste r of Dreams guides viewers through a life of relentless invention. (Spanish with English subtitles, 57 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1193_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1193_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30472</td><td>Damaged: When Trauma Leads to Violence</td><td >This program investigates the relationship between abuse suffered as a child an d the likelihood of committing murder later in life-especially when that abuse r esults in brain damage. The horrific slaying of Peyton Tuthill by Donta Page is examined, and the case of a mild-mannered doctor who became violent due to press ure from a brain tumor is addressed. Also featured are the findings of various e xperts, including forensic psychiatrist Dorothy Otnow Lewis, expert witness for Page's defense; Adrian Raine, whose studies of 41 murderers have consistently re vealed frontal lobe damage; and neurologist Jonathan Pincus, author of Base Inst incts: What Makes Killers Kill? Original BBC broadcast title: Damaged. (50 minut es)</td><td>2000</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1194_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1194_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10248</td><td>Damping: Simple Harmonic Motion</td><td>This p rogram investigates how the mathematical model of simple harmonic motion becomes more complex through the introduction of damping. The application of simple mod eling techniques to create homogeneous linear second-order differential equation s is illustrated. (44 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1195_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1195_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35384</td><td>Dance at the Moulin de la Galette</td><td>This program brings 1870s Montmartre and the Moulin de la Galette to life through Re noir's romanticized vision and history's less generous account. Beginning with R enoir's life on the Rue Cortot, the video contrasts the artist's idealism with t he realities of poverty and left-wing radicalism that pervaded the locale. In ad dition, it sheds light on the painting's composition; the art establishment's ne gative reaction to Impressionism; less complimentary takes on the famous dance h all by Toulouse-Lautrec, Picasso, and Van Gogh; and the other, smaller version o f Moulin de la Galette-which sold at auction in 1990 for an astonishing $78.1 mi llion. A BBCW Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1196_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1196_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32822</td><td>Dance Within</td><td>As one lifelong Calcutta resident says in this program, "the breakup of large families is affecting older people, especially women." This program looks at how a changing society in Indi a has forced many senior citizens to fend for themselves. The program focuses on several older women whose husbands have died and whose children have grown up a nd started families of their own. In the absence of extensive state-run programs for the elderly, these women have learned to draw on their own inner resources. A United Nations Production. (16 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1197_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1197_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2406</td><td>Danger Ahead: Is There No Way Out?</td><td>If t he threat of global warming has been created by our reckless use of technology, can we use technology to eliminate the threat? We could try to cool the earth by deliberately polluting the atmosphere, as volcanoes do, but suppose we overcool ed the planet, creating another ice age? This program suggests some less drastic solutions to the problem of global warming: reducing CO2 emissions; harnessing the energy of the sun and the wind; using nuclear power; conserving energy; cur bing or stopping the use of CFCs; and preserving the rainforest. But the basic f act is that greenhouse gases are produced by fundamental biological processes, a nd there is no reasonable way to stop their proliferation. It may also be taken as a given that, while individuals may be able to adapt to climatic change, soci eties cannot. (26 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1198_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1198_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>30191</td><td>Danger Behind Closed Doors: Hidden Agendas and Power Plays</td><td>This ongoing case study dramatically exposes two deal-break ing pitfalls that can easily derail a merger: hidden agendas and power plays. Us ing his valuation as leverage, one equity holder tries to sell his store to an o utside investor before his potential partners find out he has $3 million in undi sclosed business debt, while another uses his insensitive take-charge personalit y to dominate the process and become interim CEO-until he takes his company off the table when it becomes apparent he cannot compel the others to yield him the controlling interest. (28 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1199_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1199_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>39018</td><td>Danger: Virus!</td><td>Drawing on documentary and archival footage, 3-D and 2-D animations, and high-tech imaging, this progra m investigates a variety of virological topics: the nature of pandemics as illus trated by the SARS outbreak in China; genetic sequencing of Spanish influenza fr om exhumed tissue of a century-old corpse; how animal viruses jump the species b arrier; the dissection of live viruses in a biosafety level 4 lab; the work of a n Ebola research team in Gabon; the discovery of mimivirus; applications of Onyx -015, a genetically engineered adenovirus; and more. Vincent A. Fischetti, of Th e Rockefeller University; Jeffery Taubenberger, of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology; Y. Guan, of The University of Hong Kong; Didier Raoult, of the Frenc h National Center for Scientific Research; and other leading virus specialists a re featured. (53 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1200_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1200_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11967</td><td>A Dangerous Promise: Revelation and History</t d><td>While some belief systems view life on Earth as cyclical, Christianity see s it as linear, with an ending distinguished by cataclysm, resurrection, and div ine judgment. This program maps out the spread of the New Testament concept of a pocalypse from the days of Paul through the 20th century and addresses the impac t of apocalypticism on history. The genesis of monotheism and attempts by Thomas More and others to envision and even implement utopian societies are presented as well. (44 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1201_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1201_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33284</td><td>The Dangers of Melanoma</td><td>Left untreated for too long, melanoma-almost always curable when treated early-becomes one of the deadliest of all cancers. This program from The Doctor Is In promotes sun ex posure precautions and self-examinations as ways to lower risk of contracting an d dying of melanoma, describes standard medical practices once melanoma is diagn osed, and investigates the ongoing research to find more effective treatments, i

ncluding a cancer vaccine. Commentary is provided by oncologists, a dermatologis t, and an epidemiologist, as well as by patients who have lived with melanoma. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Production. (29 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><t d>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1202_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1202_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10500</td><td>Daniel Libeskind: Welcome to the 21st Century< /td><td>Possessed of a genius for designing buildings that are as expressive as abstract sculptures, Daniel Libeskind-called "the respectable face of radicalism "-is no stranger to controversy. In this program, Libeskind, structural engineer Cecil Balmond, architectural writer Charles Jencks, the Kensington Society's Si r Ronald Arculus, and other supporters and skeptics air their views on the Jewis h Museum Berlin; The Spiral, the visionary addition to London's Victoria and Alb ert Museum; the Imperial War Museum-North; and the Felix Nussbaum House. Are Dan iel Libeskind's sensational aesthetics setting the standards for 21st-century ar chitecture? (50 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1203_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1203_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11200</td><td>Daniil Kharms' The Old Woman</td><td>Until rec ently, the serious works of Russian avant-garde writer Daniil Kharms-his absurdi st pieces, the ones laced with irony and steeped in trenchant wit-were known onl y to the Soviet Union's literary underground. This production, reset in modern-d ay America, is the first film adaptation of Kharms' novella The Old Woman, a dar k comedy about a man trying to get rid of a dead body. (62 minutes, b&w and colo r)</td><td>1999</td><td>62</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1204_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1204_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35994</td><td>Dante: Visions of the Inferno</td><td>Drawing upon the insights of numerous international scholars-and illustrating crucial pa ssages with stunning animation sequences-this program guides viewers through the Inferno of Dante's Divine Comedy. With detailed analysis of the poet's descent into Hell and navigation through its various levels, the program interprets Dant e's motives for embarking on such a journey, explains his relationship and inter action with both Virgil and Beatrice, and describes the complex mixture of moral ity and humanism within the work-embodied in Dante's attitude toward those who i nhabit the realms of the dead. (Portions in Italian and French with English subt itles, 74 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>74</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1205_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1205_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6276</td><td>Dante's Inferno</td><td>This ambitious program, produced by the award-winning film director Peter Greenaway and internationally -known artist Tom Phillips, brings to life the first eight cantos of Dante's Inf erno. Featuring a cast that includes Sir John Gielgud as Virgil, the cantos are not conventionally dramatized. Instead, the feeling of Dante's poem is conveyed through juxtaposed imagery that conjures up a contemporary vision of hell, and i ts meaning is deciphered by eminent scholars in visual sidebars who interpret Da nte's metaphors and symbolism. This program makes Dante accessible to the MTV ge neration. Caution to viewers: program contains nudity. (8 segments, 11 minutes e ach)</td><td>1993</td><td>90</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1206_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1206_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9363</td><td>The Dark Ages and the Millennium: Christianity in the 9th and 10th Centuries</td><td>Part one of this program probes the nature of Christian prayer, questioning Eastern reliance on icons rather than the Word , as in the West. Were the incessant attacks on Constantinople by Islamic and Bu lgar forces a divine judgment for idolatrous behavior? Part two chronicles the c haos in Europe that broke out with the death of Charlemagne and the approach of the millennium. The ensuing political instability, combined with the questionabl e Cadaver Synod and fears of the Apocalypse, stood in stark contrast to the effo rts of the Peace of God movement and the Abbey of Cluny to maintain order. (48 m inutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1207_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1207_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3700</td><td>The Dark Reaction</td><td>This program shows th e step-by-step developments in the dark reaction, including the processes in the Calvin cycle and the production of glucose and starch. (10 minutes)</td><td>&nb sp;</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1208_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1208_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3691</td><td>Darwin, Naturally</td><td>The stage is set for Charles Darwin, who theorized that nature imitates the selective hand of humans in controlling variation within a species. Darwin coined the phrase "natural sel ection" to explain how variations within species are preserved or rejected. (10 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1209_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1209_l

blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37132</td><td>Date Rape: A Violation of Trust</td><td>To the average student, the definitions of date rape and sexual assault are notoriousl y unclear. Use this program to eliminate the confusion so young adults understan d exactly what these things are-and the attitudes and biases that typically acco mpany them-before anyone gets hurt. The video firmly reinforces the concepts tha t rape has its roots in hate crime; date rape is just as wrong as rape by a stra nger; a victim is never "asking for it," no matter how the person dresses; and n o one ever "deserves it." The video also underscores the rules of the dating gam e: a date is not an invitation for sex; No means No; and the inability to give c onsent doesn't mean Yes. Interviews with rape survivors and mental health profes sionals shed additional light on the trauma caused by rape, the process of postrape emotional recovery, and the importance of post-rape support by family and f riends. Date rape drugs are given special attention, and tips on safer dating ar e provided. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correla tes to all applicable National and State Educational Standards including the NCL B Act. A Cambridge Educational Production. (28 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>29< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1210_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1210_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10381</td><td>Date Rape Drugs: An Alert</td><td>Although the re are many sources of excellent personal safety tips for men and women, there i s a new danger that you can't see, smell, or taste. This video will refresh view ers on safety precautions to take that will greatly reduce the risk of being rap ed. And beyond that you will hear information on Rohypnol and other "date rape d rugs"...their street names, how they affect your body, what they look like, and how they can be administered. This video also provides concrete examples of how to protect yourself by using common sense. It's no longer enough to be aware of your surroundings, your companions, and keeping yourself out of potentially dang erous situations. Information is the key to protecting yourself against the misu se of these drugs. A Meridian Production.One 16-minute video.</td><td>1999</td>< td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1211_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1211_l blPrice">$74.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34481</td><td>Date Violence: A Young Woman's Guide</td><td>T he need to have someone special in your life is particularly pressing in adolesc ence. But what happens when that relationship turns violent? Using dramatization s, this program offers information to teens on how to recognize an abusive relat ionship, and what to do about it. Media glorification of sex and violence, dysfu nctional male role models, and thirst for control are examined as the roots of m ale violence toward women. Forms of abuse range from criticism, insults, humilia tion, withholding affection, control over decision-making, and name-calling, to hitting, biting, and forced sex. A discussion on the importance of self-esteem, and how to rebuild it after leaving an abusive relationship, concludes the progr am on a hopeful note. (22 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1212_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1212_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8454</td><td>The Dating Bill of Rights</td><td>Dating is an important part of becoming an adult, but it can also be confusing and frightenin g. This Emmy Award-winning program presents basic guidelines that clarify common myths, such as that "no" really means "yes." Abuse and respect, sexual stereoty pes, how to break up, and preventing violence are all discussed, along with what true love is ... and is not. Skits, dialogue, and quizzes engage the audience a nd present sensitive material in a very hip format. (26 minutes)</td><td>1998</t d><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1213_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1213_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8504</td><td>Dating the Earth</td><td>The Book of Genesis st ates that the earth, its heavens, water, and land were formed in six days. But h ow old is the earth? Up until the 19th century, experts had ascertained the time of the creation at 4004 B.C., less than 6000 years earlier. However, by dating rocks, noting the lack of fossils and bacteria in some areas of the globe, and s tudying meteorites, geologists have determined that the earth's first landforms emerged 4 billion years ago. This program travels back in time to uncover the pl ace where life began: volcanoes on the floor of the primordial ocean. Original B BC broadcast title: The Time Travelers. (50 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>50</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1214_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1214_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10702</td><td>David Alfaro Siqueiros: Uno de Tres Grandes</t d><td>One of the Tres Grandes of Mexican mural painting, Siqueiros was a technic al innovator and social activist. This documentary traces Siqueiros' emergence a s an artist dedicated to social change. Archival material, his own murals, and i nterviews with those who knew him reveal a man whose life and work were inexorab ly intertwined. (Spanish, 29 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1215_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1215_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29179</td><td>David Alfaro Siqueiros: Uno de Tres Grandes</t d><td>One of the Tres Grandes of Mexican mural painting, Siqueiros was a technic al innovator and social activist. This documentary traces Siqueiros' emergence a s an artist dedicated to social change. Archival material, his own murals, and i

nterviews with those who knew him reveal a man whose life and work were inexorab ly intertwined. (Spanish with English subtitles, 29 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><t d>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1216_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1216_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30692</td><td>David Hockney's Secret Knowledge</td><td>Why d id paintings suddenly take on a nearly photographic realism around 1420? In this controversial program, noted artist and art critic David Hockney investigates h ow, 400 years before the invention of the photograph, painters were using simple cameras-the camera lucida, camera obscura, and convex mirror-to capture realist ic images. Hockney visits Florence, Bruges, and Ghent, examining dozens of paint ings by such masters as Jan van Eyck, Vermeer, Holbein, Caravaggio, and Velazque z. In a specially designed Hollywood set he demonstrates his findings and replic ates the lost techniques of the Old Masters. A BBC Production. (73 minutes)</td> <td>2001</td><td>73</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1217_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1217_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6554</td><td>David with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome</td><td>David Vandenbrink seems like a normal, bright, articulate 21-year-old man. There is l ittle to suggest, on the surface, that while in his mother's womb he suffered pe rmanent brain damage. David suffers from fetal alcohol syndrome or FAS, a condit ion that went undiagnosed for the first eighteen years of his life, causing conf usion, anger, and pain for him and his adoptive family. The damage from FAS can be subtle or severe, resulting in a wide range of symptoms from slowed growth or disfigurement to behavioral problems including impulsiveness and aggression, an d the inability to grasp the consequences of one's actions. This program provide s a unique personal look at what it's like to grow up and live with the effects of FAS, through the words and experiences of a victim and his family. (45 minute s)</td><td>1996</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1218_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1218_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34425</td><td>The Day I Died: The Mind, the Brain, and NearDeath Experiences</td><td>Recent studies of cardiac arrest survivors suggest tha t near-death experiences may occur at times when the brain has actually stopped functioning. Drawing conclusions from that research, The Day I Died dares to sug gest that the mind is not dependent on the brain-and that NDEs may confirm it. " That the mind is located in the brain is just a hypothesis. It's never been prov en," says cardiologist Pim van Lommel. Accounts of NDEs, shared by the people wh o experienced them, are analyzed by researchers and skeptics alike, providing a balanced look at a theory of mind that, at least in scientific circles, has prev iously been all but unthinkable. A viewable/printable viewer's guide is availabl e online. Original BBCW broadcast title: The Day I Died. (60 minutes, color)</td

><td>2003</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1219_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1219_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10026</td><td>A Day in the Life of a Senator</td><td>Congres s plays a vital role in hammering out the policies that shape everyday life. Why then do so many Americans feel that it exists in a world of its own, out of tou ch with the very constituencies that elected them in the first place? This progr am scrutinizes the political landscape through the eyes of America's elected eli te, presenting firsthand what politicians really do-and endure-both in Washingto n and in their represented states. Featured Senators Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-TX ) and Patrick Leahy (D-VT) speak out on topics including whether bipartisan coop eration is possible in the Clinton post-impeachment era. (29 minutes)</td><td>19 99</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1220_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1220_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36409</td><td>Day Time, Night Time: The Clock Within Us</td> <td>Where does our sense of time passing come from? Besides breathing and heartb eat, does the human body have another source of internal rhythm? As this program illustrates, scientists have discovered a stopwatch within the brain that regul ates body chemistry and gives us our awareness of time. Host Michio Kaku intervi ews the geologist who first theorized the existence of the internal clock while in subterranean isolation; monitors an experiment that reveals the time distorti on experienced during trauma; meets a father and daughter who, due to a rare gen etic disorder, have body clocks that run too fast; and visits a captive gorilla with a rudimentary sense of time. Original BBC broadcast title: Daytime. (50 min utes)</td><td>2006</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1221_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1221_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37589</td><td>Days of the Dead: A Living Tradition</td><td>W ith the arrival of the conquistadors, many ancient Mesoamerican rituals were abs orbed into Christian holidays. This program examines a collection of sacred, soc ial, and artistic traditions that survived European assimilation and now compose one of Mexico's most important annual festivals. The film follows the travels a nd experiences of a young Purepecha artisan, her grandmother, and their family d uring the weeks leading up to the Days of the Dead. As these struggling craftspe ople market their wares, study new techniques, and prepare for their deceased pa triarch's spiritual return, viewers will see a wide variety of folk art practice s-from pottery painting to flower decoration to papier-mache skeleton sculpturecoalesce into a momentous cultural event. (53 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>54</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1222_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1222_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33705</td><td>Days That Shook the World</td><td>To fully app reciate the impact of history's tipping points, it is necessary to consider the subtle connections between them. This remarkable four-part series juxtaposes eig ht transformative days that changed the course of history forever. Firmly based on primary source documents, each highly realistic re-creation will give viewers the distinct impression of being on the scene as the past unfolds before their eyes. A BBCW Production. 4-part series, 51 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&n bsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1223_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1223_l blPrice">$399.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33951</td><td>De Altamira al til de Metal-in Spanish</td><t d>The discovery of the Altamira caves in the 19th century radically altered the popular perception of early human life on the planet. This program explores the world of the Paleolithic and Mesolithic peoples who called the Iberian Peninsula home. Images of artifacts, paintings, and archaeological sites reveal how the a ncients of unrecorded history progressed from Stone Age to Bronze Age and from h unting/gathering to agriculture. In addition, re-creations of life in prehistori c times show how modern humans' ancestors worked-and expressed their artistic na tures. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 51 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1224_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1224_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34454</td><td>De Altamira al Util de Metal-in Spanish with E nglish Subtitles</td><td>The discovery of the Altamira caves in the 19th century radically altered the popular perception of early human life on the planet. Thi s program explores the world of the Paleolithic and Mesolithic peoples who calle d the Iberian Peninsula home. Images of artifacts, paintings, and archaeological sites reveal how the ancients of unrecorded history progressed from Stone Age t o Bronze Age and from hunting/gathering to agriculture. In addition, re-creation s of life in prehistoric times show how modern humans' ancestors worked-and expr essed their artistic natures. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE P roduction. (Spanish with English subtitles, 51 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>50< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1225_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1225_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30682</td><td>The Dead and the Dying</td><td>"Expressing a d

ead body," wrote Leon Baptista Alberti, in 1435, "is one of the most difficult t hings in the world." This program examines the portrayal of death in art, from a ncient times to the post-World War II era. Sarcophagi, paintings, sculptures, fu nerary statuary, news photos, cinema, mixed media, and a living pieta reveal the intricacies and nuances of rendering incidents of natural, accidental, and viol ent death, including Jesus' crucifixion. The impacts of Christianity on modern f igurative painting and of historical watersheds such as the First World War and the Holocaust on old notions of death are explored as well. (27 minutes)</td><td >2000</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1226_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1226_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11387</td><td>The Dead Sea Scrolls</td><td>A theological and archaeological find of major significance, the Dead Sea Scrolls contain prayers , poems, hymns, biblical commentaries, and the beliefs and community rules of an apocalyptic Jewish sect. What have these documents revealed about Judaism and C hristianity, and what surprises might they yet contain? This fascinating two-par t series provides a thorough examination of the scrolls and the enigmatic inhabi tants of Qumran in an effort to lift the veil of mystery that still surrounds th em both. 2-part series, 33-36 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1227_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1227_l blPrice">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2547</td><td>Deadheads: An American Subculture</td><td>This program examines the Deadhead subculture: What kinds of people are attracted to this culture, and what attracts them to it? What social forms do Deadheads resis t? What forms shape their behavior? What separates them from the mainstream? The program also examines the workings of a subculture from within. (28 minutes)</t d><td>&nbsp;</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1228_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1228_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32606</td><td>Deafblind: A World Without Sight and Sound</td ><td>We think in words-without access to them, how does one construct thoughts? Adam and Mark are 12-year-old boys born deaf and blind. With no exposure to lang uage, how do they communicate with their parents? This fascinating program provi des a window into the world of those who are deafblind. Gaela and Graham, two re markable deafblind adults who lost their hearing after childhood, describe their lives and experiences-including how Graham jet skis. Using special effects that simulate sensory deprivation and compensation, the video illustrates how people such as Gaela and Graham are able to lead fulfilled, even adventurous lives. Or iginal BBCW broadcast title: Deafblind. (60 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>60</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1229_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1229_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11362</td><td>Dealing with Cancer</td><td>Cancer is currentl y the second leading cause of death in the United States, exceeded only by heart disease. In fact, 1 of every 4 fatalities in America is attributed to cancer, a mounting to more than 1,500 deaths each day. After introducing the broad topic o f cancer, this program narrows its focus to scrutinize breast, cervical, prostat e, testicular, lung, and skin cancers. The symptoms of these cancers, as well as the steps that can be taken to minimize the risk of contracting them, are ident ified. Factors that appear to increase susceptibility, such as age, diet, gender , race, and personal behavior patterns, are considered as well. (29 minutes)</td ><td>1998</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1230_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1230_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35176</td><td>Dealing with Difficult Customers</td><td>An up set customer is the ultimate test of an employee's professionalism. This program highlights the patience and diplomacy skills at the heart of good customer serv ice, demonstrating the best strategies for dealing with an irate patron demandin g immediate attention. Step-by-step dramatizations illustrate the most effective ways of addressing an angry customer, focusing on body language, active listeni ng, and exceeding expectations of good service. The program also establishes bou ndaries for personal safety, clarifying the proper approach to verbal abuse or p hysical threats. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. (2 6 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1231_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1231_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8071</td><td>Dealing with Peer Pressure: I Made My Choice</t d><td>The friendships that are formed during adolescence provide teenagers with some of their fondest memories. Friendships can also influence individuals to do things that they normally wouldn't do. Actions that all too often have negative and far-reaching consequences. This informative video utilizes testimonials fro m students to examine the topic of adolescent peer pressure. It begins by focusi ng on the detrimental effects that occur by doing something only to be part of t he crowd, losing self-control to the group, personal values conflicts, and being judged by the actions of the group. Positive self-esteem and personal decisionmaking are emphasized as effective methods for dealing with negative peer pressu re. Students learn the importance of making their own decisions, setting positiv e goals that are also realistic, and weighing the consequences of hasty actions. They will also see that the positive feelings acquired by making the right deci sions are far greater than the hurt associated with peer group rejection. This v ideo is a must for teachers trying to guide students along the right path during their formative years. A Cambridge Educational Production. One 25-minute video. </td><td>1989</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1232_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1232_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32968</td><td>Death and Dying in Varanasi</td><td>Situated b y the bank of the holy Ganges, Varanasi, also known as Kashi and Benares, is one of the oldest living cities in the world. Founded approximately 3,000 years ago , the city is the religious and cultural capital of India-considered by many to be the holiest place on earth. Every year Hindus in great number go there to die , believing that cremation in that place of renewal provides an immediate entry to heaven. Shot on location, this program celebrates life and death, examines th e Hindu beliefs and rituals about life and death, and discusses how these forces have sustained Varanasi through history. (53 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>53</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1233_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1233_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10480</td><td>A Death of One's Own</td><td>More and more Ame ricans are looking for opportunities to exert some measure of control over where and how they die. In this program, veteran PBS journalist Bill Moyers unravels the complexities underlying the many choices at the end of life, including the b itter debate over physician-assisted suicide. Three patients, their families, an d their doctors discuss some of the hardest decisions, including how to pay for care, what constitutes humane treatment, and how to balance dying and dignity. I n the end, do these patients die the way they wanted? Yes...and no. The DVD vers ion of this program also includes a special video introduction by Mr. Moyers. (8 7 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>87</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1234_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1234_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8507</td><td>Death of the Dinosaurs</td><td>The demise of th e dinosaurs remains a mystery. One theory is that a violent series of volcanic e ruptions led to periodic mass extinctions of animal life throughout the Cretaceo us period. Viewers follow scientists as they trace the evidence deep into the ea rth's core of molten metal and learn why these deadly eruptions were so vital to the progress of evolution. A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td> 50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1235_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1235_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34649</td><td>Death Row Kids</td><td>"They think we're beast s." So says a condemned murderer, succinctly expressing the view of many America

ns. But this killer committed his crime when he was 17, and asks for compassion on those grounds. Filmed prior to the March 1, 2005, U.S. Supreme Court ruling b arring execution for underage offenses, Death Row Kids tells the stories of conf used and frightened young people awaiting the ultimate penalty. The program also alludes to medical findings that a 17-year-old's brain lacks fully developed de cision-making capabilities. The result is a provocative inquiry into complex iss ues of personal responsibility and the likelihood of criminal rehabilitation. (2 7 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1236_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1236_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10341</td><td>Death: The Ultimate Enigma</td><td>What does i t mean to die? Is death a form of transition to a higher plane, mere physical di ssolution, or something else altogether? In this program, Robert J. Kastenbaum, Professor of Communication at Arizona State University; historian Michel Vovelle , of the Sorbonne; anthropologist Luce Des Aulniers; and clinical psychologist M arie-Frederique Bacque delve into the ways in which science and religion have at tempted to come to terms with humankind's ultimate enigma. Viewed from a cultura l point of view, topics under consideration include mortality, mourning, eternit y, and life itself, which most people hope to prolong at any cost. (53 minutes)< /td><td>1998</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1237_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1237_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9309</td><td>Deborah Garrison</td><td>The poetry of Deborah Garrison, who recently made her debut with her critically acclaimed collection A Working Girl Can't Win, speaks in a voice sometimes defiant and tinged with sar casm, but humorous, too, and sweetened by tender longing. In this program, Bill Moyers and Ms. Garrison discuss topics centering on her experiences as a woman i n the workforce. Readings by Ms. Garrison feature "The Boss," "Please Fire Me," "A Kiss," "A Friendship Enters Phase Two," "The Firemen," "Atlantic Wind," "She Was Waiting to Be Told," "3 A.M. Comedy," "She Thinks of Him on Her Birthday," a nd of course "A Working Girl Can't Win." Filmed at the Biennial Geraldine R. Dod ge Poetry Festival. (27 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1238_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1238_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34971</td><td>Debussy: La soiree dans Grenade</td><td>One of Debussy's impressionistic Estampes, La soiree dans Grenade vividly recalls the landscapes and architecture of Spain and the Far East. Virtuoso pianist Martino Tirimo directs a thrilling master class in this program-enabling the diverse gro up of students gathered at London's Royal Academy of Music to achieve the atmosp heric tonality that Debussy intended. Artists from the United States, Europe, an d Asia visibly benefit from Tirimo's exceptional guidance. (30 minutes)</td><td> 1988</td><td>30</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1239_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1239_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35282</td><td>Decaying Cities: Reclaiming the Rust Belt</td> <td>This program features data-mapping techniques that shed light on inner-city conditions in America and England. With an overview of manufacturing declines th at took place during the 20th century and their effect on densely populated urba n centers, the video compares and contrasts situations in Philadelphia and Birmi ngham, England. Studying these cities from a human angle, the program delves int o Philadelphia's struggling urban core and showcases Birmingham's grassroots and municipal efforts to assist the elderly, the unemployed, and the victims of cri me. The result is an informative catalyst for class discussions on severe econom ic shifts and how cities cope with them. (31 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>31</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1240_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1240_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8735</td><td>Decimals and Exponents</td><td>This video descr ibes how whole numbers and decimals are used in the monetary system, how to calc ulate costs in foreign currencies, and how to use exponents. Dramatized segments and computer animations focus on ways to determine the international value of U .S. dollars at a currency exchange; select chairs for an interior decorating job while staying within a budget; and calculate interstellar distances using scien tific notation-and imagination. (20 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1241_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1241_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>832</td><td>Decision</td><td>This program shows how the brai n coordinates functions to make a simple but lifesaving decision-how the cortex assesses incoming information, sends outgoing messages to the muscles, and store s "maps" of the world and the body; how circuits of nerve cells operate in the b rain; and how individual nerve cells function. (26 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td >28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1242_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1242_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>34513</td><td>Decision-Making Strategies</td><td>This video looks at rational-linear and intuitive decision-making techniques. Personal deci sion-making style is featured, showing how a person's values, willingness to tak e risks, and ability to be objective all influence the decision-making process.

(28 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1243_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1243_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14513</td><td>Decisions, Decisions: What's a Teenager to Do! </td><td>Teenagers face many decisions in high school: whether to go to college or to work; which college or career to choose; whether to get involved with drug s, drinking, or sex; what to wear to a party; whether to study or have fun. Some decisions are minor, others major; some easy, others hard. Despite these differ ences, all are decided using the same process. Many factors influence the final outcome (family, friends, society, media, and maturity) and all of these factors are filtered through the value system throughout life. Decisions, Decisions pre sents a thorough model to assist students in making responsible judgments. Ident ifying the problem and gathering all the data necessary to make a decision is th e first step of the process. The second step is to examine the options and weigh the consequences of each. Next, make a decision and accept responsibility for t he consequences of the choice. The final step-crucial but often ignored-is to ev aluate the decision (should it be changed or not?) and to learn from it. Everyon e makes mistakes, but many mistakes can be corrected. This straightforward video program emphasizes that having a clearly defined and understood set of values c an make decisions easier. A Cambridge Educational Production. One 22-minute vide o.</td><td>1989</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1244_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1244_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30807</td><td>Decoding Photographic Images</td><td>When sett ing up a shot, a photographer works with composition, lighting, and color to cre ate a subliminal subtext that reinforces or even carries the meaning of his or h er subject. This program illustrates how basic components of photography-line, s hape, form, texture, balance, volume duality, point of view, depth of field, and perspective-contribute to an image's impact on the subconscious mind. Commentar y is provided by Herb Zettl, author of the seminal Sight Sound Motion, and photo graphers Jo Whaley, Stephen Johnson, Larry Sultan, and Catherine Wagner. (27 min utes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1245_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1245_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5997</td><td>Decoding the Rap: Gangs and Rap Music</td><td>T his program examines the close correlation between gang activity and the music m any youths are listening to today, "gangster rap." The program features Sgt. Ron Stallworth, who heads the unit dealing with gangs at the Utah Division of Inves tigation. Sgt. Stallworth has frequently testified about gangs and gang violence before Congress and police and civic groups. He is the author of Gangster Rap: Music, Culture and Politics. (27 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1246_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1246_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>25163</td><td>Decorating: The Interior Design Zone</td><td>( 15 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1991</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1247_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1247_l blPrice">$52.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9249</td><td>The Deep Dive: One Company's Secret Weapon for Innovation</td><td>Numbering Nike, Apple, and Procter & Gamble among its many bi g-name clients, it looks as if IDEO, one of the most influential product develop ment firms in the world, is on to something. In this program, ABC News anchor Te d Koppel and correspondent Jack Smith visit IDEO to see the company demonstrate its highly effective form of brainstorming called the "deep dive." An enemy of p lanning done by a lone genius behind closed doors, this company uses its deep di ve technique-a form of focused chaos-to creatively redesign a shopping cart thro ugh what it refers to as a process of enlightened trial and error. (22 minutes)< /td><td>1999</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1248_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1248_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35051</td><td>Deep Vein Thrombosis</td><td>Affecting about 2 million Americans every year, deep vein thrombosis is a severe form of blood cl ot that has been linked with some cancers. This program examines how DVT develop s, including the genetic and acquired risk factors that make an occurrence likel y. It also examines the life-threatening problem of pulmonary embolisms, or bloo d clots in the lungs, which can result from DVT. Along with medical procedures u sed for early detection and treatment of DVT, the video includes case studies, p ersonal experiences of patients, and descriptions of simple strategies for preve nting and coping with blood clots. (28 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1249_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1249_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32679</td><td>Deepest Desires</td><td>What conditions of phy sical attraction tend to subtly speak out to members of the opposite sex? Why is there typically a fundamental difference in attitudes between men and women tow ard sexual relations? What physiological factors can influence men and women to stray from their partners? This program seeks to answer those and other question s as it sheds light on the mystery of sexual attraction. The relationships betwe en pheromones and an attractive immune system, status symbols and marital appeal , and ovulation and facial feature preference are also explored. Contains clinic

ally explicit language. A BBCW Production. (49 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>49< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1250_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1250_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36473</td><td>Deeply Depressed</td><td>There is growing evid ence that chronic depression is primarily a physical disease and should be treat ed like one. This program sheds much-needed light on vulnerability to depression , the subtle symptoms of the disease, and treatments involving psychotherapy and antidepressants such as SSRIs. Brain biochemistry and the serotonin transporter promoter gene are discussed as well, and stories of everyday people grappling w ith the illness express what it feels like to be clinically depressed-and, throu gh treatment, the sensation of finding joy and balance seeping back into life. ( 46 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1251_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1251_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>20396</td><td>Defense</td><td>This video examines how the ne ed to protect communities from external threats over the centuries has given the engineer a crucial role on which lives depend. Viewers will travel from a medie val castle in Scotland to a citadel in southern France before looking at the mod ern defenses used to protect the population from the sea. (24 minutes)</td><td>1 998</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1252_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1252_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30246</td><td>Defense, Aerospace, and Cyberspace</td><td>Fil med at The Anderson School at UCLA, this program teams up Philip Condit, chairma n and CEO of The Boeing Company, and Kent Kresa, chairman and CEO of Northrop Gr umman, to describe the future of the aerospace and defense industries. Together, they reveal some of the plans that will likely affect travel and warfare in the coming decades. In addition, MBA students and faculty ask questions about the c omplexities of satisfying the needs of the consumer, commercial, and defense mar kets, as well as important lessons Condit and Kresa have learned. (57 minutes)</ td><td>2001</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1253_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1253_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34607</td><td>Defensive Driving</td><td>What's the most impo rtant factor to consider when driving? Visibility? Engine performance? No-it's o

ther drivers. In this video, NASCAR sensation David Reutimann focuses on defensi ve driving, the cornerstone of safe vehicle operation. Underscoring the danger o f making assumptions when behind the wheel, the program stresses preparing for t he worst possible events and circumstances, and illustrates three solid principl es of defensive driving: Give Yourself Space, Anticipate, and Know Your Options. Issues concerning drunk driving, tailgating, finding escape routes out of dange rous situations, and proper behavior at the scene of an accident are also covere d. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to Na tional Health Education Standards: Achieving Health Literacy; Joint Committee fo r National School Health Education and the American Cancer Society; and National Educational Technology Standards. A Meridian Production. (21 minutes)</td><td>2 005</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1254_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1254_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11350</td><td>Defining and Developing Your Portfolio</td><td >Artists have been using portfolios of their work for years, to show prospective employers what they can do. Shouldn't all job seekers cash in on that idea? Thi s program focuses on the steps involved in compiling a career portfolio, from ga thering the individual components to tailoring them for use with different job c ategories. Work samples and other elements, such as a statement of confidentiali ty, a mission statement, a set of goals, a resume, and letters of reference, are highlighted. Plenty of on-screen examples show how it all comes together. A Cam bridge Educational Production. (17 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1255_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1255_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10161</td><td>Definite Integrals and Riemann Sums</td><td>Ho w do definite and indefinite integrals differ? What do Riemann sums add up? And how far will "Cowpoke" chase his dream? This program tells all, beginning with a thorough examination of definite integrals and Riemann sums. Then, the piece de resistance-the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus-is unveiled. A study of the area between two curves and the area between a curve and the x-axis rounds out the p rogram. (34 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>34</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1256_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1256_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32751</td><td>Deir el-Bahri: The Temple of Hatshepsut</td><t d>Hatshepsut, Egypt's only female pharaoh, was said to be a ruler with two faces : one political, the other artistic. This program tours her architectural master piece, the terraced and rock-cut temple at Deir el-Bahri that her people called djeser-djeseru, "sacred of sacreds." Numerous paintings adorning the interior ch ronicle her achievements and peace-loving enterprises, and a computer-generated reconstruction of frescoes gives a glimpse of the exotic land of Punt. Why did H atshepsut's successor desecrate her beautiful works and strive to erase her very

existence from history? (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1257_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1257_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33955</td><td>Del Imperio Cristiano a los Reinos Barbaros-in Spanish</td><td>This program charts the turbulent history of the Iberian Penins ula under the Romans and Visigoths. The feudalistic divide between landowners an d farmers, the brutal suppression and subsequent legalization of Christianity, b arbarian invasions and the disintegration of the western Roman Empire, Visigothi c rule, and incursions by Muslim armies are described through dramatizations, ma ps, artifacts, paintings, and footage of early churches. Many 3-D computer re-cr eations-villas, an amphitheater, a church, and entire towns-are included as well . Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 44 minu tes)</td><td>2004</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1258_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1258_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34458</td><td>Del Imperio Cristiano a los Reinos Barbaros-in Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>This program charts the turbulent histor y of the Iberian Peninsula under the Romans and Visigoths. The feudalistic divid e between landowners and farmers, the brutal suppression and subsequent legaliza tion of Christianity, barbarian invasions and the disintegration of the western Roman Empire, Visigothic rule, and incursions by Muslim armies are described thr ough dramatizations, maps, artifacts, paintings, and footage of early churches. Many 3-D computer re-creations-villas, an amphitheater, a church, and entire tow ns-are included as well. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Produc tion. (Spanish with English subtitles, 44 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>44</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1259_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1259_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33326</td><td>Delivering Continuous Improvement: The Automot ive Industry</td><td>Manufacturers around the world are facing a seemingly impos sible competitive challenge: to constantly reduce costs while maintaining high l evels of quality and adhering to tight delivery schedules. Using the automotive industry as a case study, this program takes an in-depth look at how companies t hat make vehicle components ranging from huge engines to tiny springs are applyi ng methods of reorganizing production processes-because only the most efficient methods can help ensure survival. (63 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>63</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1260_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1260_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>38804</td><td>Delos: Island at the Center of the World</td>< td>What led the great powers of antiquity to install themselves on the minuscule island of Delos? And how did Delos, one of the most important religious centers in Greece, come to be an international trading hub, as well? To answer these qu estions, this program traces the island's history between the 9th and 1st centur ies BC: Delos' renown as the mythological birthplace of Apollo; the subsequent s truggles among the Greek city-states to possess Delos; the destruction of Cartha ge, Corinth, and Beirut, which left Delos the leading commercial center of its t ime; and Delos' subsequent decline into irrelevancy. Generous footage of ruins a nd monuments marking each era-and memorializing the many peoples who fought for control of this speck of sand and rock-is included. (29 minutes)</td><td>2006</t d><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1261_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1261_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38805</td><td>Delphi: Place of Peaceful Conflict</td><td>In ancient Greece, Delphi held a central position between Attica, governed from Ath ens, and the Peloponnese, ruled by Sparta. Using the ruins at Delphi as a lens, this program views the continuous struggle for power that characterized the Gree k city-states through accounts of the "big dig" carried out between 1892 and 190 2 and recent archaeological studies conducted by researchers at the French Schoo l of Athens. Home to the Pythic games, elaborate state-financed commemorative st ructures, and oracular divination, sacred Delphi was a safe outlet for state riv alries that constantly threatened to tear Greek civilization apart. (27 minutes) </td><td>2006</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1262_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1262_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6505</td><td>Demand Theory: Household Behavior</td><td>This program explains the theory of household behavior, outlines the law of diminishi ng marginal utility, and introduces the household's optimal purchase rule. The p rogram also shows how diminishing marginal utility contributes to consumer surpl us, and then applies this concept to evaluate user fees for public services. (28 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1263_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1263_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7054</td><td>The Demise of Western Communism: Fall of a Gian t</td><td>This program discusses Western democracy's confrontation with and ulti mate defeat of communism from the end of World War II to the destruction of the Berlin Wall. Events depicted include the Red Army's invasion of Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia, and the heightening of the Cold War between the U.S. and Ru ssia through the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. The destruction of the Berlin Wall is the

symbolic beginning of a new era in European history. (26 minutes)</td><td>1997</ td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1264_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1264_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8808</td><td>Democracy in China: A Billion Small Voices</td> <td>In China, where approximately 80 percent of the population is rural, the imp act of democratic village elections could reshape the future of the nation. Alth ough some Chinese are skeptical, many believe that establishing democracy at the local level will pave the way for a democratic national government. This progra m focuses on the efforts of The Carter Center to support China's initiative by i nviting Chinese delegates to observe U.S. primaries and by sending emissaries to China to assist in the mechanics of gathering and tabulating votes. In its post -Mao effort to catch up economically with other nations, China is opening the do or to Western ways and attempting to take its place in the growing Global Villag e. (29 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1265_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1265_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36475</td><td>Democracy in the Rough: Long-Awaited Congolese Elections</td><td>Wide Angle is on the ground in the Democratic Republic of the Congo as the country holds its first elections in 46 years. The stakes are high for the Congo-a nation rich in timber, diamonds, and other raw materials, yet r eeling from decades of dictatorship and civil war. Can it implement democratic i nstitutions and prosper? This program follows a former school principal running for parliament who sees her Christian faith as the best means for improving livi ng conditions. Further insight into the relationship between democracy and pover ty comes from ordinary Congolese citizens, such as a would-be accountant who ear ns less than a dollar per day sifting through a muddy river bed for diamonds. Pr esenting a diversity of voices in a country rarely seen on U.S. television, this program immerses viewers in a nation struggling, via embryonic democracy, towar d a better future. In addition, anchor Daljit Dhaliwal discusses the significanc e of the Congolese elections with the former president of the TransAfrica Forum, Bill Fletcher, Jr. (57 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1266_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1266_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33701</td><td>The Demonic Ape</td><td>By turns charming, ala rming, and poignant, this program questions the accuracy of the human evolution theory. Chimpanzees show signs of sophisticated language, advanced social behavi or, and other traits thought reserved only for humans-even empathy. No one knows this better than the legendary Jane Goodall: her pride and joy, Frodo, grew up in front of film cameras in Gombe in Tanzania for over 30 years. But Frodo's kil ling of a child in May 2002 prompted huge debate amongst scholars about whether the origins of aggressive male human behavior can be traced back to our shared e

volutionary ancestry with chimps. A BBCW Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2004</ td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1267_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1267_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8176</td><td>Dental Care for Kids</td><td>Nothing can warm a parent's heart like a child's smile. But that beautiful smile needs help. Denta l Care for Kids is an adult's guide to children's teeth: how they develop, the c are they need, and the diseases that can spoil a child's mouth. It gives useful information about proper dental care from the prenatal period through the develo pment of primary teeth until permanent teeth come in. This program covers proper eating habits, brushing and flossing techniques, and when to visit your dentist . Parents, caregivers, educators, and anyone involved in child care is sure to b enefit from this excellent program that helps children develop healthy teeth to last a lifetime. A Cambridge Educational Production. One 28-minute video.</td ><td>1994</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1268_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1268_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36269</td><td>Dental Health</td><td>Good dentists-and smart dental patients-think of the mouth as the first line of defense against disease. This program details the importance of maintaining good dental health, not only for aesthetic reasons, but also to prevent diabetes, cardiovascular inflammatio n, and other serious health threats. Illustrating the ways that gingivitis and p eriodontal disease destroy gum and bone tissue, the program shows how these mout h ailments can ultimately weaken systems throughout the body, with dangerous and possibly fatal effects on the pancreas, blood vessels, heart, and even unborn b abies. Interviews with respected dentists reinforce critical concepts and treatm ent options. (28 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1269_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1269_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37249</td><td>Dental Hygienist</td><td>The job of the dental hygienist is just as hands-on as any dentist's-and it offers an outstanding spr ingboard for a career in the healthcare and dental fields. This program shows wh at a dental hygienist can expect as far as training, duties, and compensation, w hile outlining the personal qualities and people skills that any successful D.H. should possess. Featuring interviews with experienced hygienists and those who train them, the program highlights the cleaning and examination procedures a D.H . will perform and the special rapport he or she must be able to establish with patients. Students are advised to prepare for a dental hygienist career by excel ling in high school biology courses and volunteering at clinics and hospitals. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to nation al and state board certification standards. A Meridian Production. (22 minutes)< /td><td>2008</td><td>23</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1270_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1270_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6919</td><td>The Depression</td><td>This program features FD R's first inaugural address and "Grilled Millionaire" speech, as well as the fla mboyant Huey Long's "Every Man Is a King." Other speeches include a call for hon esty in government by Populist Wisconsin Senator Robert LaFollette; two speeches praising, then criticizing, FDR's policies delivered by demagogue Father Charle s Coughlin; and Coughlin supporter Gerald L. K. Smith's eulogy for Huey Long. Sm ith's keynote speech as third-party candidate opposing FDR's 1936 reelection is presented, along with a rousing call for working-class tax reductions by Georgia Governor Eugene Talmadge. (48 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1271_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1271_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33449</td><td>Depression: A Backpack Full of Bricks</td><td> Approximately 19 million American adults are grappling with depression. In this ABC News program, Ted Koppel talks with guests who have experienced the disease as well as family members who have lived through their loved ones' agonies. The program also pays tribute to the late actor Spalding Gray, who had the courage t o go public with his condition, and features clips from his performances in whic h depression was the focus. (23 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1272_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1272_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29105</td><td>Depression: A Living Hell</td><td>It makes no headlines. It does not suddenly break out in epidemics. Yet depression costs the U.S. economy $40 billion per year and is predicted to be the most pervasive dis ease of the 21st century. In this penetrating two-part series, noted scientist L ewis Wolpert, author of Malignant Sadness and a former patient himself, sympathe tically investigates clinical depression. A BBC Production. 2-part series, 50 mi nutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1273_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1273_l blPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6297</td><td>Depression and Manic Depression</td><td>Depress ion affects over 17 million Americans each year, and it's been estimated that on ly one-third of this group gets any treatment, largely because of stigma and fea r. The lack of treatment results in a high number of suicides, making this illne ss as fatal as any other illness and a public epidemic. This program from The Do

ctor Is In explains the disease through the experiences of several people, inclu ding 60 Minutes host Mike Wallace; Kay Redfield Jamison, psychiatrist and author of a book on her life with manic-depressive illness; artist Lama Dejani; and St ate Department official Robert Boorstin. The program also provides an overview o f medications and therapy being used. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Produ ction. (28 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1274_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1274_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11122</td><td>Depression: Beating the Blues</td><td>Accordin g to the World Health Organization, depression is the number one cause of disabi lity in the U.S. today, with an economic cost exceeding $44 billion. What are th e symptoms? How do biological, genetic, and psychosocial factors affect mood-reg ulating neurotransmitters? And are women at special risk? In this program, Marti n Keller, of the Brown University School of Medicine, and other experts answer q uestions about the pathology of depressive disorders and current treatment optio ns such as selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, psychotherapy, and electroc onvulsive therapy. (23 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1275_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1275_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32232</td><td>Depression: Not a Normal Part of Aging</td><td >Though aging has its challenges, depression and its frequent companion, substan ce abuse, need not be among them. This program dispels the myth that there is so mething inherently depressing about aging. It explores the complex relationship between depression, alcohol, and substance abuse, showing how knowledge of sympt oms, family support, and early treatment can restore the capacity for pleasure a nd contentment in most seniors' lives. Interviews with spouses, family members, social workers, and geriatric psychiatrists are combined with candid, firsthand accounts. (57 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1276_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1276_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2730</td><td>Derek Walcott: Pantomime</td><td>This short ada ptation of a play by Trinidad's foremost black writer is a metaphorical explorat ion of relations between black and white in the postcolonial world. The plot con cerns a retired white actor and his black factotum; presumably they will perform a pantomime version of Robinson Crusoe, but roles become reversed, much to the white man's bewilderment and discomfort. (26 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>26< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1277_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1277_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29347</td><td>Derek Walcott: The Poetry of Place</td><td>Hai led as one of the finest living poets writing in English, Derek Walcott grew up on an island where French, French patois, and Creole are also spoken. Filmed on St. Lucia, Walcott's birthplace and the wellspring of his poetic vision, this pr ogram presents the biography of a major figure in contemporary literature. The p oet talks about his childhood and education, his influences and techniques, and how he actually started out as a painter. Matched with beautifully filmed segmen ts of the island and its people, Walcott reads selections of his poetry, includi ng passages from his epic Omeros. (54 minutes)</td><td>1989</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1278_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1278_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10155</td><td>Derivative Rules and Tangent Lines</td><td>Wha t does an unemployed hardware salesman know about calculus? The answer to that a nd other questions can be found in this program, which features rugged tools for reducing the complexity of working with derivatives, including the Power Rule, e Rule, Natural Logarithm Rule, Product Rule, and Quotient Rule. Finding the equ ations of tangent lines and the Point-Slope Formula complete the program. (24 mi nutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1279_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1279_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7282</td><td>Descartes</td><td>"I think, therefore I am." Ra tionalist philosopher and mathematician Rene Descartes, considered the father of modern philosophy, held this as self-evidently true. In this program, world-ren owned author and professor Bryan Magee and Bernard Williams of Kings College exa mine Descartes's theory of knowledge and his use of skeptical inquiry to affirm reality, including the existence of God. Descartes's theory of physical and ment al substances, and Cartesian dualism-which allows the concept of science to coex ist with the notion of God-are also examined. A BBC Production. (45 minutes)</td ><td>1987</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1280_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1280_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6139</td><td>Describing Data</td><td>Beginning with an expla nation of the difference between "qualitative" and "quantitative" data, this pro gram goes on to explain various ways of presenting data, including Dot Plots, Ba r Charts, and Histograms. The program also explains Summary Measures, Characteri stic Values, and how to arrive at the Mode, Median, and Mean, with a discussion of their individual drawbacks and advantages. The program goes on to discuss han dling the Spread of Distribution, and explains techniques for measuring Spread, including Quartiles, Inter-quartile Range, and Standard Deviation, and concludes

with modeling using Normal Distribution. (25 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>25</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1281_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1281_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29771</td><td>Desert Biomes</td><td>Whether it's a stretch o f sand dunes in equatorial Africa or a cactus-covered plain in California, any p lace that receives less than ten inches of rain per year is considered a desert. By comparing and contrasting arid and semi-arid regions, this program provides students with a balanced picture of the Earth's desert biomes. The program also investigates how the few plants and animals that inhabit these ecosystems surviv e the extreme temperatures and severe lack of water that characterize the desert environment. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Cam bridge Educational Production. (17 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1282_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1282_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34287</td><td>Desert: Land of Extremes</td><td>This Science Screen Report studies how deserts form and how organisms adapt to these harsh en vironments. Defining a desert as a vast area of windy, arid land, the program id entifies the Gobi and Sahara as common examples as well as regions of the Arctic and Antarctic. It demonstrates that many of these supposed wastelands contain s urprisingly high levels of biodiversity, and shows how overgrazing and populatio n increase can desertify forest habitats and farmland. This is an outstanding re source for illustrating ecological variety and fragility. A viewable/printable i nstructor's guide is available online. Correlates to National Science Education Standards. Produced in association with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology and the Junior Engineering Technical Society. (20 minutes)</td><t d>2005</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1283_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1283_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31948</td><td>Design and Planning</td><td>Whether it's a cou ntry cottage or a Tudor mansion, it all begins on the drawing board. This progra m will show students how homes get built on paper, what kinds of considerations drive many of the decisions and choices, and how to read the blueprints. A viewa ble/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the Competen cies and Objectives of the National Center for Construction Education & Research . A Shopware Production. (15 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1284_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1284_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>35310</td><td>Design: Applying the Elements</td><td>The prin ciples of design are visible almost anywhere, but too often they are explained i n an abstract, intellectualized way. This hands-on video presents the basic elem ents of design and their importance in a wide variety of fields and professionsarchitecture, landscaping, fashion, furniture design, the culinary arts, informa tion technology, and other disciplines. Studying balance, contrast, cropping, hi erarchy, scale, proportion, pattern, and figure-ground relationships, the progra m demonstrates methods in which color, texture, form, line, shape, point, tone, and letterform are put to practical use. Interviews feature design experts who s hare their real-world experiences and strategies. A viewable/printable instructo r's guide is available online. (27 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1285_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1285_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3366</td><td>The Design of Modern Theatre: Adolphe Appia's I nnovations</td><td>This program explores Appia's innovations: replacing the flat painted scenery and declamatory style of the 19th century with plastic environm ents for three-dimensional actors and actresses, using mobile lighting, and coun terpointing visuals with music. His designs for Ibsen and Shaw productions link 20th-century theater to the freedoms of ancient Greek drama and mark Appia as th e father of modern theatrical design. (50 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td>50</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1286_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1286_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35149</td><td>Designer Babies: The Dangers of Corporate Gene tics</td><td>Imagine a future in which physical strength and assertiveness are t he top-selling items on "baby menus." This program explores that possibility and other frightening implications of market-driven genetic engineering. Showing ho w the government-funded Human Genome Project has become highly lucrative for pha rmaceutical companies, the video examines cases of exploitative gene harvesting in Iceland and Peru, where isolated ethnic populations contain commercially valu able DNA. Interviews with prominent scientists and activists highlight the dange rs of patenting genomic data and an absence of public discourse about artificial gene selection. (60 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1287_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1287_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36369</td><td>Designer Drugs: Uncertain Borders</td><td>Hall ucinogenic plants may be the oldest drugs in the world, and were probably used i n rituals during prehistoric times. In the 20th century, LSD and ecstasy became the hallucinogens of choice. This program recounts how science has gradually bec ome aware of the properties of hallucinogens, both natural and synthetic. It als

o provides a detailed look at the effects of such substances on the brain. Peyot e, mushrooms, ahuyasca vine, iboga and yohimbe bark, belladonna flower, and even animal-produced chemicals like bufotenin-secreted from toad skin-are explored i n detail. The findings of Albert Hofmann, Alexander Schulgin, George Ricaurte, a nd others are conveyed. (51 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1288_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1288_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33048</td><td>Designer Plants</td><td>We may not recognize t he plants and animals our children eat. But the real issue is whether the power of the gene will be wisely used, or will it be diverted to the personal ends of those seeking financial profit or political power? Biotechnology is all that sta nds between a burgeoning world population and starvation. Already, ordinary milk ing cows are a disappearing species, plants are genetically matched to growing c onditions, and plants are being engineered to kill the caterpillars that attack them. This program shows how this is done and explains its benefits, while warni ng of the dangers inherent in this and other efforts to alter natural evolution. (24 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1289_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1289_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3605</td><td>Designing Electrochemical Cells</td><td>This pr ogram shows how to build a super electrochemical cell, explaining the need for a standard half cell, how to predict the direction of the electron flow, and, fin ally, how a table of reduction potentials can predict the output of a cell. (10 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1290_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1290_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>25175</td><td>Desktop Publishing: Getting the Message Out</t d><td>From prehistoric cave paintings to the invention of today's high-speed pri nting presses, there has always been a need to "get the message out," and with t he advent of computer technology, anyone can get their own message out with the services of a desktop publishing professional. Using computers and DTP software packages, these pros work in home offices and small design firms putting togethe r everything from glossy business reports to restaurant menus to wedding invitat ions. It's an exciting career area and experienced DTP designers are much in dem and. Desktop Publishing: Getting the Message Out introduces the world of digital design with a look at the work these artists do, the hardware and software need s of a DTP pro, and some of the elements of page design that go into creating an attractive, effective document. Desktop publishing is a career more students sh ould consider and this video "look behind the scenes" will help your students do just that. A Meridian Production. (16 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1291_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1291_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30696</td><td>Dessau's Bauhaus</td><td>On the outskirts of D essau, Germany, Walter Gropius built his Higher Academy for the Arts in 1926: th e Bauhaus. Filmed on location, this highly detailed study of Gropius' groundbrea king building explores every nuance of its design, as well as its history and th e philosophy of its architect. A thorough tour of the Bauhaus is complemented wi th sketches, photographs, historic film footage, and vintage and modern aerial v iews. The separate housing units designed by Gropius and built for the famous te achers of the Bauhaus, including Paul Klee and Wassily Kandinsky, are also shown . (29 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1292_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1292_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8333</td><td>Destiny of Empires: The Spanish-American War of 1898</td><td>This two-part series explores the causes, characters, and politica l consequences of this epic event in world history. 50-52 minutes each.</td><td> &nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1293_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1293_l blPrice">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10791</td><td>Developing an Apparel Line</td><td>In the fast -paced world of fashion merchandising, every season brings with it a demand for something new and different. In this program, a designer who owns her own boutiq ue, students developing apparel as a class project, and professors from Iowa Sta te University's highly respected fashion department talk about where they get th eir fashion ideas and describe how clothing makes its way from the drawing board to the marketplace. A Meridian Production. (17 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>17 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1294_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1294_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11881</td><td>Developing Language: Learning to Question, Inf orm, and Entertain</td><td>Starting right from infancy, this program charts the development of language during childhood. Basic language acquisition, learned fr om rudimentary and higher-level child/caregiver interactions, is described. Aspe cts of competence that go beyond the purpose of simple communication are also co nsidered, including the skill of using conversation for establishing and further ing social relationships, the ability to employ language as a part of games, the capacity to understand jokes, and the awareness of what other people know and u nderstand at various stages of maturation. (25 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>25<

/td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1295_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1295_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2399</td><td>The Development of the Human Brain</td><td>This program follows the physiological development of the human brain from conceptio n through the growth of the neurological system in utero, to the moment of birth , when an amazing variety of brain functions are already apparent. The camera co ntinues to follow a child to the age of eight, as a whole range of motor and cog nitive skills appears-some as simple as focusing the eyes, others as complex as playing the piano. (48 minutes)</td><td>1989</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1296_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1296_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>818</td><td>D.H. Lawrence as Son and Lover</td><td>Lawrence' s letters, essays, and autobiographical sketches provide the sound track of this biography of the man who is arguably the greatest and certainly the most contro versial English novelist of our century, while the artifacts and scenes of his l ife provide the visuals. The ideas that permeate Lawrence's work are shown here as they develop through the dominant figures in his life-the father from whom he cannot distance himself, his possessive mother, and the young woman who cannot be the goddess of his desire. First-rate performances and deep literary insight combine to make this a program that truly adds to the perception of D.H. Lawrenc e's life and work. (52 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1297_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1297_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>36253</td><td>Diabetes: Teens Fight Back</td><td>An obesity epidemic has swept America-leading to an alarming rise in diabetes cases. This v ideo looks at the disturbing trend and illustrates how diabetic teenagers can le ad rewarding lives instead of becoming passive victims. Interviewing two young m en and following them through their daily routines, the program reveals the bene fits of staying positive and active. Will-a high school student with Type 1 diab etes-maintains a rigorous injection and glucose-monitoring schedule while excell ing at soccer and remaining focused on school and his social life. Justin, age 1 2 with Type 2 diabetes, talks about his struggle with weight control and his tri umphant loss of 18 pounds. (10 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1298_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1298_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>8921</td><td>Diagnosing and Treating Cystic Fibrosis</td><td >Divided into four segments, this program examines the presentation, diagnostic testing, treatment, and biochemistry of cystic fibrosis. Topics explored include chronic health problems associated with CF, the analysis of mutated genes throu gh DNA sampling, the combined use of medication and physiotherapy to reduce dama ge, and the vital role of transmembrane regulators in passing chloride ions and water across cell membranes in the lungs. Computer graphics and endoscopic image ry enhance this informative educational resource. (21 minutes)</td><td>1998</td> <td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1299_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1299_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8920</td><td>Diagnosing and Treating Diabetes</td><td>This p rogram, divided into four sections, explores the presentation, diagnostic testin g, treatment, and biochemistry of diabetes mellitus. Topics examined include the etiology of both insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetes; the poss ible long-term effects of poorly regulated blood glucose levels; urine testing t o determine glucose, protein, and ketone levels; blood testing for glycated hemo globin using the A1c test; the importance of diet and weight control; self-monit oring of blood glucose levels and self-administration of insulin; the mechanics of glucose transport; and the role of insulin in exocytosis and endocytosis. (22 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1300_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1300_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>38790</td><td>Diagnosing Depression</td><td>Although the sti gma of depression is fading, less than half of those who need help with depressi on will seek it out. Using several patient histories, this program addresses mil d, moderate, and severe depression as well as the specialized cases of vascular depression, treatment-resistant depression, and the depressive aspect of bipolar disorder. Signs and symptoms of depression are spelled out, and multimodal trea tment through psychotherapy, medication, support groups, and aerobic exercise is discussed. Commentary is provided by Thomas Insel, director of the National Ins titute of Mental Health; Susan Blumenthal, of the Georgetown University School o f Medicine; and P. Murali Doraiswamy, of Duke University Medical Center. (28 min utes)</td><td>2007</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1301_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1301_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5334</td><td>The Diagnosis and Treatment of Attention Defici t Disorder in Children</td><td>This program from The Doctor Is In shows how a di agnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is made and what treatments are work ing. The program follows children at home and school, both on and off medication . An innovative private school specializing in alternative education for childre n with ADD is profiled, and the program explains how best to structure school an

d home environments. Psychiatrists John Ratey and Ned Hallowell, experts in this field, provide background and perspective. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center production. (29 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1302_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1302_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>999</td><td>Dickens: Oliver Twist</td><td>David Lean's sensi tive rendering of the story is memorable, beautiful, and superbly performed by a cast including Alec Guinness, Robert Newton, Anthony Newley, and Diana Dors. (1 16 minutes, b&w)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1303_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1303_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>10372</td><td>Diego Rivera: Art and Revolution</td><td>Altho ugh an ardent Marxist, Diego Rivera cared little if a communist or a capitalist sponsored his murals and easel paintings, as long as the finished pieces were tr ue to his convictions. In this program, NewsHour correspondent Jeffrey Kaye surv eys the life and artwork of Diego Rivera, a larger-than-life figure and one of t he 20th century's truly revolutionary artists-both creatively and politically. T opics include Rivera's success in melding the painting styles of European Modern ism with the art of ancient Mexico; his belief in the dignity of everyday life; the notorious Rockefeller Center mural; and, underpinning all, his deep love of Mexico. (12 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1304_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1304_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29746</td><td>Diego Velazquez</td><td>The leading painter of the Spanish Baroque period, Diego Velazquez covered a wide range of subjects, f rom royal portraits of King Philip IV and his family to perhaps the most celebra ted of all self-portraits, Las Meninas. Filmed on location at The Escorial, The Prado, and in Velazquez's native Seville, this program chronicles the life of th e artist through his work, examining his Classical education and apprenticeship under Francisco Pacheco as well as numerous canvases from his long career as cou rt painter. (Spanish with English subtitles, 48 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>48 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1305_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1305_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29747</td><td>Diego Velazquez</td><td>The leading painter of the Spanish Baroque period, Diego Velazquez covered a wide range of subjects, f

rom royal portraits of King Philip IV and his family to perhaps the most celebra ted of all self-portraits, Las Meninas. Filmed on location at The Escorial, The Prado, and in Velazquez's native Seville, this program chronicles the life of th e artist through his work, examining his Classical education and apprenticeship under Francisco Pacheco as well as numerous canvases from his long career as cou rt painter. (Spanish, 48 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1306_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1306_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25187</td><td>Diesel Engine Operation</td><td>Diesel Engine Operation is a twenty-four minute video which is part of the series, Diesel Engi nes. These videos overview the design, construction, and operation of diesel eng ines; detail the steps needed to properly disassemble, inspect, and measure the parts of diesel engines; and summarize how to install the major parts of a diese l engine back onto its short block. Turbochargers and superchargers are also des cribed, including troubleshooting malfunctions and repair basics. Close-up shots of components and service procedures as well as computer animation give viewers maximum learning potential. (24 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1993</td>< td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1307_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1307_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25188</td><td>Diesel Engine Reassembly</td><td>Diesel Engine Reassembly is a twenty-three minute video which is part of the series, Diesel E ngines. These videos overview the design, construction, and operation of diesel engines; detail the steps needed to properly disassemble, inspect, and measure t he parts of diesel engines; and summarize how to install the major parts of a di esel engine back onto its short block. Turbochargers and superchargers are also described, including troubleshooting malfunctions and repair basics. Close-up sh ots of components and service procedures as well as computer animation give view ers maximum learning potential. (23 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>&nbsp;< /td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1308_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1308_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25190</td><td>Diesel Engine Teardown</td><td>Diesel Engine T eardown is a twenty-four minute video which is part of the series, Diesel Engine s. These videos overview the design, construction, and operation of diesel engin es; detail the steps needed to properly disassemble, inspect, and measure the pa rts of diesel engines; and summarize how to install the major parts of a diesel engine back onto its short block. Turbochargers and superchargers are also descr ibed, including troubleshooting malfunctions and repair basics. Close-up shots o f components and service procedures as well as computer animation give viewers m aximum learning potential. (24 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>&nbsp;</td>< td>&nbsp;</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1309_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1309_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32133</td><td>Diet and Disease in Modern Society</td><td>Wha t's so bad about saturated fat, and what makes fiber so good? In a society where convenience foods rule and obesity is a national epidemic, it's time to find ou t. This video investigates the relationship between diet and a number of frequen tly interrelated diseases and conditions, including heart attack, stroke, high b lood pressure, hardening of the arteries, obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and cancer. Topics include high- and low-density lipoproteins; saturated, monounsaturated, a nd polyunsaturated fats; soluble and insoluble fiber; electrolyte minerals; anti oxidants and free radicals; the effects of smoking and alcohol consumption; Disa bility-Adjusted Life Years; and the Body Mass Index. "You are what you eat!" isn 't a cliche; it's a fact of life-and of good health. A viewable/printable instru ctor's guide is available online. Correlates to National Science Education Stand ards and National Health Education Standards. A Meridian Production. (36 minutes )</td><td>2004</td><td>36</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1310_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1310_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14438</td><td>Diet and Weight Management: What Really Works? </td><td>No matter where you go and what you read, there are endless promises th at someone or something can help you lose weight. There are places to go to lose weight (Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, NutriSystem), books and magazine articles to help you manage your diet, and people who say their way is best (Susan Powte r, Richard Simmons). Furthermore, all the advertisements tell you that their pro duct is the only one that works. How do you separate the fact from fiction? How do you decide what works for you, especially when you realize that most diets re ally don't work for the long term? This video looks at reasons why people overe at and factors that influence weight gain. It explores why people diet and revie ws what is good and bad about some of the popular diets. It describes some of th e dangers and problems with diets, such as yo-yo dieting, changes in metabolism, and disorders associated with dieting. Then it tells what really works with app ropriate behavior changes to help most people lose weight, control weight gain, and maintain a comfortable, healthy weight. The video encourages use of accepted dietary guidelines, living an active lifestyle, following the Food Guide Pyrami d, and practicing portion control. A Cambridge Educational Production. One 30minute video.</td><td>2000</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1311_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1311_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37467</td><td>Diet Confidential: Heavy Marketing with a Dash of Nutrition</td><td>Every year, a new diet fad offers fresh hope to the overwe ight. But when the weight returns or refuses to budge, millions of hapless consu mers simply jump on the next diet bandwagon. This documentary explores the machi

nations of media and diet empires that have fed, and continue to feed, off the W estern obsession with slim and trim. With a fascinating historical overview of f ad dieting, including the meteoric rise of Dr. Robert Atkins, the program looks at the marketing ingredients that go into a successful fad diet and follows one Atkins wannabe and his PR allies as they create the buzz needed for a successful product launch. Strategies undertaken by food companies to cash in on this phen omenon are also studied. Original CBC broadcast title: Diet Confidential. (46 mi nutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1312_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1312_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37387</td><td>The Difference Between Men and Women</td><td>M en don't listen. Women can't read maps. Men snore more. Women are less likely to have affairs. Should those statements be dismissed as stereotypes, or can we po int to tangible discrepancies-behaviorally and neurologically speaking-along gen der lines? This ABC News program explores sex differences and the brain circuitr y behind them. Presenting an interview with Dr. Louann Brizendine, author of the controversial book The Female Brain, the program covers such provocative topics as teen brain chemistry and development, the ways that sex is discussed in "mix ed company," and the powerful hormones brought on by motherhood. Renowned transg ender neurobiologist Ben Barres is also featured. (37 minutes)</td><td>2006</td> <td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1313_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1313_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10479</td><td>A Different Kind of Care</td><td>At the end of life, what many Americans want is physical and spiritual comfort in a home sett ing. In this program, veteran PBS journalist Bill Moyers presents the important strides being made in the area of palliative care at pioneering institutions suc h as New York's Mt. Sinai Medical Center and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Cen ter. These advances are bringing peace to those who fear that they will be a bur den to loved ones, will suffer needlessly, or will be abandoned in their hour of greatest need. The DVD version of this program also includes a special video in troduction by Mr. Moyers. (87 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>87</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1314_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1314_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8317</td><td>Different Paths: Shamanism, Cults, and Religion on Demand</td><td>In animism, good and bad spirits exercise an influence on hum ans. The shaman communes with the spirits in order to heal his tribal constituen cy. These and other less traditional beliefs, practices, and rituals are the top ics of this program. Millenarianism is discussed as a nostalgic belief in a 1,00 0-year reign of the saints either before, or immediately after, the return of Ch rist. Astrology is examined as a New Age religious tool, and the upsurge in New Age religions is attributed to modern disillusionment with organized religion. (

57 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1315_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1315_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>25195</td><td>Differential Construction and Operation</td><t d>Differential Construction and Operation is a 24-minute video which is part of the series Drive Trains. This group of 6 videos not only provides a general ove rview of drive trains and how they operate, but highlights construction, design, and components. Each video covers a specific topic and uses 3-D animation and c utaways to demonstrate working parts and how they function. Detailed areas are: au tomotive clutch flywheels pressure plates bands torque converters set-up s adjustments CV axles pistons & servos reassembly planetary gear sets inspection differential disassembly. (24 minutes) A Shopware Production.</td><td> &nbsp;</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1316_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1316_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8280</td><td>Differential Diagnosis in Psychiatry</td><td>Ps ychiatry is a subtle science in which differential diagnosis can be particularly challenging. This encyclopedic seven-part series, filmed in the U.K., offers a practical overview of the broad spectrum of mental disorders. Programs one throu gh six combine real doctor/patient interviews with descriptions of the etiology and manifestation of each illness under examination-including the tricky similar ities and key differences that are crucial for accurate diagnosis. Program seven , composed exclusively of doctor/patient interviews, provides students and clini cians alike the chance to apply their knowledge of the DSM-IV and form their own differential diagnoses. This series is a powerful gateway to a deeper understan ding of the nuances of psychiatric medicine. 7-part series, 26-46 minutes each.< /td><td>1997</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1317_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1317_l blPrice">$1,049.65<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>25196</td><td>Differential Service</td><td>Differential Serv ice is a 32-minute video which is part of the series Drive Trains. This group o f 6 videos not only provides a general overview of drive trains and how they ope rate, but highlights construction, design, and components. Each video covers a s pecific topic and uses 3-D animation and cutaways to demonstrate working parts a nd how they function. Detailed areas are: automotive clutch flywheels pressure pl nds torque converters set-up transmission designs adjustments CV axles mbly planetary gear sets drive axle designs part inspection differential disa 2 minutes) A Shopware Production.</td><td>1991</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1318_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1318_l

blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11016</td><td>Difficult Decisions: When a Loved One Approach es Death</td><td>When a loved one's fate lies in another's hands, the decisions can be overwhelming. This program, hosted by NewsHour's Ray Suarez, follows two families as they grapple with life-and-death decisions inside an ICU. A doctor, an ethicist, and others help these families through the process of making decisi ons on behalf of those who are no longer able to communicate their wishes. La Ve ra Crawley, of Stanford University's bioethics department, helps the families be tter understand the difficult decisions they are expected to make. (26 minutes)< /td><td>2000</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1319_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1319_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5986</td><td>Digestion</td><td>This program provides a thoro ugh introduction to the structure and functions of the digestive tract. Using mo dern body-imaging techniques, the program explores where fat is located and how its distribution within the body differs from person to person. The program also explains how dietary fat is digested and assimilated by the body, how food beco mes body fat, and how our lifestyles dictate both our body shape and our overall health. The program provides a complete introduction to the following topics:o The location and functions of fat in the bodyo Healthy dietso Structure and func tions of the digestive tract and associated organso The process of digestiono Fa t metabolismo Regulation of adipose tissueo The role of the liver in fat metabol ism(20 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1320_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1320_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>827</td><td>Digestion: Eating to Live</td><td>This program, one segment of the widely-acclaimed The Living Body series, looks at appetite an d hunger. In some of the most dramatic interior film of the series, it shows the actions of a salivary gland, the swallowing reflex, and the powerful churning o f the stomach as food is broken down and processed. (26 minutes)</td><td>1984</t d><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1321_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1321_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>8164</td><td>Digestive System: Your Personal Power Plant</td ><td>This program examines the processes by which the digestive system acts as a power plant for the body by turning food into energy. Topics discussed include the process of energy conversion; the structure and function of the organs of th e digestive system; the role of enzymes; and maintaining a healthy digestive sys tem. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Cambridge Ed

ucational Production. (34 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>34</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1322_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1322_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3194</td><td>Digging for Slaves: The Excavation of American Slave Sites</td><td>Between the 16th and the 19th centuries, some ten million Af ricans were kidnapped and transported as slaves to America. Now archaeologists a re digging up American slave sites for the first time, unearthing the realities of slave life and discovering the contributions of enslaved Africans to American society. This program provides many fascinating and surprising details at excav ations of 18th-century slave quarters on Middleburg Plantation near Charleston; at Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson, whose slave holdings seem so irreco ncilable with his expressed views on human freedom; and at Colonial Williamsburg , which until recently neglected to show the lives of the slaves who made up ove r half the town's population but where an entire slave quarters is now being acc urately reconstructed. (50 minutes)</td><td>1989</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1323_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1323_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33079</td><td>Digital Dark Age? Gambling with Humankind's Kn owledge</td><td>Compact and portable, digitized information is an attractive alt ernative to bulky books, analog media, and emulsion-based photographs-but can it stand the test of time? In this program, Stewart Brand, co-inventor of the TCP/ IP Internet protocol, and others in the know assess the rapid proliferation of d igitization; confront the alarming risk of massive data loss through technology obsolescence, platform incompatibilities, and storage media degradation; explore the potentially catastrophic impact of data loss on cultural identity; and outl ine some of the efforts being made to stave off a digital dark age. (53 minutes) </td><td>2002</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1324_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1324_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10536</td><td>Digital Divide: Teachers, Technology, and the Classroom</td><td>As the digital revolution sweeps across America, many young pe ople are experiencing what has come to be known as the digital divide. The first hour of this program examines the push to wire America's schools, addressing cr ucial issues such as integration of technology into curriculums, budget trade-of fs that leave low-tech subjects starving for scarce funds, and the need for ongo ing hardware and software support. In the second hour, more experts, innovators, and students look into the question of community and home access to computers a nd the Internet. In addition, they explore the fundamental alienation felt by ma ny girls and students of color in the computer arena, and stress the importance of fostering a climate of inclusion. (2 hours in two parts)</td><td>2000</td><td >120</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1325_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1325_l blPrice">$199.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9327</td><td>Digital Divide: Teachers, Technology, and the C lassroom</td><td>This critical four-part series examines the effects of technolo gy in the classroom; how that technology is used; who has access to it, and who does not; and the price for being on the wrong side of the digital divide. Each program analyzes the issues and initiatives surrounding the nation's drive to pr ovide all students with a high-tech education, from the viewpoint of teachers, g overnment officials, industry executives, leaders in the fight for techno-equali ty, and-most important-the students themselves. 4-part series, 57 minutes each.< /td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1326_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1326_l blPrice">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35877</td><td>Digital Movie Maker: Guidance from an Expert</ td><td>Help students build their shooting, lighting, and recording skills with t his detailed guide to professional-quality video production. This program focuse s on the real-world techniques of producer Bill Cote, a 25-year veteran of the t elevision industry, who uses footage from a recently wrapped film to demonstrate proper equipment operation. Divided into four main chapters covering pre-produc tion, camera work, lighting, and audio recording, the program explains shooting schedules, shot lists, storyboards, camera exposure, shutter speed, lenses, filt ers, three-point lighting, time code and logs, shotgun mics, lapel mics, mic lev els, audio ambience, and much more. (58 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1327_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1327_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32778</td><td>Dings and Scratches</td><td>Most auto body rep airs fall under the category of minor damage: dents and dings too big to fill, b ut too small to need a new panel. This video shows how to assess sheet metal dam age, plan and perform repairs, and refinish surfaces. A slide hammer dent puller , weld-on pulling tool, body hammer and dolly, and other tools of the trade are demonstrated. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Corre lates to the standards for the Collision Repair and Refinish Technician Training Certification Program, from the National Institute for Automotive Service Excel lence and the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation. A Shopware P roduction. (19 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1328_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1328_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>30219</td><td>Dining and Traveling in Spain: Paella and More </td><td>When Valencianos want to get away from it all, they have a lot to choos e from. This program offers plenty of food for thought through scenarios involvi ng dining at La Mantandeta, a restaurant known for its regional cuisine; traveli ng by train to Spain's capital, Madrid; and visiting local beaches and the huge freshwater lagoon known as La Albufera. Original BBC broadcast title: Talk Spani sh, Program 5. (Spanish and English, 17 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>17</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1329_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1329_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11949</td><td>The Diplomat: Jose Ramos Horta and East Timor' s Fight for Independence</td><td>For 24 years, Jose Ramos Horta, winner of the N obel Peace Prize, campaigned to secure independence for East Timor, a Portuguese colony invaded by Indonesia in 1975. This program takes up Ramos Horta's story in the final dramatic stages of his journey, including the fall of President Suh arto, the referendum to determine East Timor's future, the overwhelming vote for independence, the carnage that ensued, the intervention of UN peacekeepers, and Ramos Horta's triumphant return to his beloved homeland. An in-depth interview with Ramos Horta, a detailed examination of the independence movement, and exten sive war footage enhance this comprehensive retrospective. (58 minutes)</td><td> 2000</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1330_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1330_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35838</td><td>Direct from Libby: Vermiculite-and Asbestos</t d><td>The tremolite asbestos-tainted vermiculite from Zonolite Mountain has spre ad its lethal legacy well beyond Montana and the town of Libby, where it was min ed and milled for decades: over the years, 236 cities in 42 states received bill ions of pounds of it to be processed into a range of consumer products. This ABC News program focuses on trouble spots in Michigan, New Jersey, and Colorado. Wi th an estimated 15 to 30 million homes containing the deadly stuff in the form o f attic insulation-and remediation costs that can run into the tens of thousands of dollars per household-this is a health and financial crisis of no small magn itude. (22 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1331_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1331_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5733</td><td>Directions</td><td>The importance of orienting a map to the landscape is emphasized to help students visualize directions. (10 minutes)</td><td>1985</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1332_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1332_l blPrice">$45.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36106</td><td>Dirty Little Secrets: The Impact of Fine Parti cle Pollution</td><td>To most people, air pollution is a global issue. But what about the air we breathe every day-on the street, at work, and in our homes? Thi s program studies fine particle air pollution and its public health hazards. Usi ng detailed graphics that magnify a compound 100,000 times, the video explains t he concept of fine particles and their ability to penetrate and disable cells-cl early illustrating the impact on human lung, heart, and brain tissue. Interviews with chemists and health experts who have studied air-borne toxins for years, c ombined with experiments measuring fine-particle exposure in urban areas, sugges t a need for more monitoring and regulation to protect the public. (27 minutes)< /td><td>2006</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1333_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1333_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6047</td><td>Disabilities in the Workplace: Working Out</td> <td>For a person who has a disability, finding and maintaining a job and gaining acceptance at a company can be a difficult process. This program promotes the d evelopment of supportive employment within the community by following four very different individuals with disabilities as they meet their respective employment challenges. The program is designed to encourage people with disabilities to pe rsevere in the workplace while helping nondisabled people to better understand t he requirements of those who have special needs. (24 minutes)</td><td>1993</td>< td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1334_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1334_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34912</td><td>Discipline</td><td>The most effective discipli ne is not punishment, but a form of teaching-and that requires an understanding of how a child learns. This video examines learning capacity at critical stages of development, presenting the best strategies for setting limits. (22 minutes)< /td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1335_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1335_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25204</td><td>Disciplining Children</td><td>Contrasts the di fference between "discipline" and "punishment" while demonstrating the benefits of teaching self-control. The need to develop a strong sense of security in chil dren and set good examples is emphasized. A detailed study guide is included whi ch can be used for practicing disciplinary skills. (9 min.) A Meridian Productio n.</td><td>1991</td><td>9</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1336_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1336_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10557</td><td>Disconnected: Politics, the Press, and the Pub lic</td><td>Has America's electoral process been hijacked by today's overheated media marketplace? This Fred Friendly Seminar, introduced by ABC News' Peter Jen nings and moderated by Harvard Law School's Arthur Miller, grapples with questio ns including: Are unsubstantiated Internet sources, tight deadlines, and a drive to boost profitability distorting journalism? Are candidates' personal lives fa ir game? And will the media's preoccupation with scandals and "horse race" cover age alienate an already disconnected public? Panelists include CBS News' Dan Rat her, CNN's Jeff Greenfield, Gwen Ifill of Washington Week in Review, Congressman Barney Frank, political analyst Ed Rollins, activist and rapper Chuck D, and ot hers. A Discussion Guide and other resources are located online at nthebalance/archives/disconnected. (57 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1337_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1337_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10832</td><td>Discontinuous Market Change and Strategic Repo sitioning</td><td>Globalization is driving companies to develop new markets and marketing strategies-fast. Module one of this program targets information techno logy as a major force that is reshaping business. Module two uses Spain's olive oil industry to illustrate the reorientation of business practices to accommodat e changing market demand, while module three addresses strategic repositioning w ith a case study of Nokia, a Finnish forestry firm that has diversified to becom e a world leader in mobile telephony. (29 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>29</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1338_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1338_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37490</td><td>Discovering Tchaikovsky's Romeo and Juliet</td ><td>Considered Tchaikovsky's first mature masterpiece, Romeo and Juliet marks t he start of the composer's remarkable career. In this program, Charles Hazlewood gives particular attention to the Fantasy Overture as, working with the BBC Phi lharmonic Orchestra, he explains how Tchaikovsky distilled the essence of Shakes peare's great romantic tragedy into music. Hazlewood also looks at the composer' s earliest versions of the piece, and the program ends with a complete performan ce of Romeo and Juliet. (59 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1339_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1339_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>37491</td><td>Discovering Tchaikovsky's Sixth Symphony</td>< td>In this program, Charles Hazlewood scrutinizes Tchaikovsky's final work-and w hat many regard as his greatest achievement: Symphony no. 6 in B Minor (Pathetiq ue), which premiered only days before his death. After outlining the symphony's four parts-the monumental first movement, the extraordinary five-beat waltz, the unfrivolous scherzo, and the quiet catastrophe of the final movement-Hazlewood returns his attention to the first movement. A full performance of that lengthy movement with the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra concludes the program. (58 minutes) </td><td>2007</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1340_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1340_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34259</td><td>Discovery of a New World</td><td>This program studies European exploration and conquest, beginning in the late Middle Ages and leading up to the emergence of the major colonial powers. Byzantium's fall in 1 453 sets the narrative stage for Henry the Navigator's massive initiative to fin d new trade routes into Asia. Henry's nautical school at Sagres is described in detail, along with the voyages of Columbus, Gil Eannes, Vasco da Gama, and conte mporaneous Arabian and Chinese adventurers. This program depicts an age of radic al technological innovation, atrocities for God and gold, and varying awareness of the world's true size and shape. (30 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>30</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1341_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1341_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11049</td><td>Diseases of the Blood: Issues and Answers</td> <td>Multiple myeloma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia are two blood cancers that are known to devastate the human immune system. In this program, Bart Barlogie of the Arkansas Cancer Research Center, Michael Keating of the M. D. Anderson Ca ncer Center in Houston, and other medical experts explore how breakthroughs in c hemotherapy and other treatments including stem cell transplants can aid remissi on of multiple myeloma and CLL. The efforts of educational foundations to increa se awareness, provide vital information and support to patients, and fund new re search are also spotlighted. (23 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1342_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1342_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7662</td><td>Disorders Due to Psychoactive Substance Abuse</ td><td>Psychiatric diagnosis can be classified into several main categories. Thi s program, filmed in the U.K., focuses on alcoholism and the five main areas inv olving psychoactive substance abuse: dependence syndrome, withdrawal state, with drawal state with delirium, psychotic disorder, and amnestic syndrome. Interview s with several alcoholics illustrate the various mental disorders associated wit h the illness, their symptoms, and the differential diagnoses associated with ea

ch, including Korsakov's psychosis. (33 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>33</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1343_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1343_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5732</td><td>Distance</td><td>Calculating distances on the l andscape and using map scales are explored in this program. (10 minutes)</td><td >1985</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1344_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1344_l blPrice">$45.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11266</td><td>Distance Learning</td><td>Distance learning ju st might be the perfect option for those who need to update their skills or purs ue training for a new career but cannot attend classes full-time. This education al resource illustrates the variety of audio, video, and online opportunities av ailable to those who want to acquire the knowledge needed to move ahead in today 's ultra-competitive employment marketplace. Various academic programs are profi led. A Meridian Production. (22 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1345_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1345_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8056</td><td>Distance Learning: The Great Controversy</td><t d>In this program, a literature teacher argues the benefits of on-line learning, while her department chairperson presents arguments against it. Methods used to conduct an effective on-line "class" are demonstrated using state-of-the-art so ftware. Criticism of distance learning includes its tendency to deny student/tea cher connections and to inhibit student interaction. Students currently particip ating in on-line learning programs discuss how it has helped them achieve their educational goals. An Iowa farmer uses distance learning to get his college degr ee. Students at Cal State protest the cost of contracts with four computer firms hired to wire the school for the Internet. (57 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>57 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1346_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1346_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7204</td><td>Divided Highways</td><td>It has altered our sen se of space, fueled our mega-economy, knifed into the hearts of thriving city ne ighborhoods, and changed the lives of millions of people in the 40 years it's ta ken to build. This program about the Interstate Highway System combines archival material, newsreels, and interviews to describe the impact of what has been cal

led the world's largest public works project. The Interstate's effect on communi ty, culture, regionalism, and freedom is considered, as are the ideals, motives, and methods of its builders who helped bind a nation together. (85 minutes)</td ><td>1997</td><td>85</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1347_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1347_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7340</td><td>Divided We Stand</td><td>This program examines how genetic studies are being used divisively by blacks and whites to prove raci al superiority. A sociologist uses poor black IQ test performances as a basis fo r recommending welfare cuts. Controversial New York University professor Leonard Jeffries discusses melanin, the pigment responsible for black skin, as stimulat ing intellectual and artistic abilities in blacks. Official studies, indicating that black children walk and talk earlier than white children and cope better wi th noise, are placed in perspective by Rick Kittles of the National Institutes o f Health. Steve Jones presents DNA evidence that disputes major differences betw een the races, and visits an anthropological excavation site in South Africa to confirm his data. A BBC Production. (49 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>49</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1348_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1348_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29985</td><td>The Divine Comedy: Visions of Violence and Bea uty</td><td>Two of Italy's greatest artists are eternally linked, one genius hav ing paid homage to another. Two hundred years after Dante Alighieri wrote The Di vine Comedy, Sandro Botticelli illustrated the classic with a series of exquisit e drawings crafted at the height of his career. In this program, translator Mark Musa, art historians, clergy, and other experts guide viewers through Botticell i's exquisite portrayal of Dante's Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso, images tha t have had a lasting impact on the collective imagination of Western civilizatio n. This program surveys Dante's epic and the 92 surviving illustrations to provi de an unparalleled tour of two masterpieces of literature and art. (60 minutes)< /td><td>2001</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1349_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1349_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30258</td><td>Divine Negotiators: Bridget of Sweden and Cath erine of Siena</td><td>Devoting their lives to works of charity and to unifying a divided church, Bridget of Sweden and Catherine of Siena challenged the limita tions imposed on their gender, playing key roles in world affairs. In this progr am filmed on location, theology experts Dr. Kathy Garay and Dr. Madeleine Jeay o f McMaster University trace the lives of Bridget, diplomat and prophet whose rev elatory visions informed the decisions of the papacy, and Catherine, who helped bring the papacy back to Rome and whose "Dialogue," or "Treatise on Divine Provi dence," is considered the prose counterpart to Dante's Divina Commedia. (49 minu

tes)</td><td>2002</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1350_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1350_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29845</td><td>Divorce: A Survival Guide for Kids</td><td>As this program makes clear, the most important thing for a child or teenager to un derstand about divorce is that it is not their fault. Still, how a child or teen ager is affected depends a lot on how the parents handle the divorce and whether they can preserve some semblance of family life. In this video, teens, psycholo gists, and divorced parents talk about the difficulties young people face when t heir parents decide to separate. Through interviews and commentary, the program outlines the six emotional stages a young person typically experiences after div orce has changed a family. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Cambridge Educational Production. (15 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>15 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1351_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1351_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>12121</td><td>Divorce Made Simple</td><td>Marriages, they sa y, are supposed to last forever. Why then have courts and legislatures made it s o much easier to get a divorce? How did they imagine it would help society? And have women and children really reaped the intended financial and social benefits ? This program examines the state of divorce in America as it argues that the ti me has come for the pendulum of legislation to swing the other way, once again m aking divorces harder to obtain. (30 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1352_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1352_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38812</td><td>DIY TV, Where the Small Screen Is the New TV S creen</td><td>"Geriatric1927" and "Katers17" broadcast from YouTube for friendsh ip and fun. Rathergood TV and Franchise News 24 broadcast from 900-channel conte nt aggregator View TV with the expectation of profit. And they're all doing it o n a shoestring budget on the Web. This program investigates the rise of do-it-yo urself TV, where anyone can be an online broadcaster. Topics range from types of user-generated content and the appeal of anytime/anywhere video to online viewe r trackability and the monetization of self-selected niche audiences. Commentary by William Dutton, director of the Oxford Internet Institute, and BBC personali ty-turned-online broadcaster Clive James is featured. (29 minutes)</td><td>2007< /td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1353_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1353_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>32203</td><td>DNA</td><td>Fifty years ago, two unknown scien tists ran into an English pub shouting that they had found the secret of life. J im Watson and Francis Crick were not exaggerating. Narrated by Jeff Goldblum, th is series looks back on the achievements that launched a new era in biology and human life itself. Along with an incredible array of renowned scientists, includ ing five Nobel Laureates, these programs use beautifully realized animations and reconstructions of key experiments to reveal the molecular basis of life in a w ay never seen before. 5-part series, 57 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp ;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1354_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1354_l blPrice">$749.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>813</td><td>DNA and the Evidence for Evolution</td><td>This program shows the structure and replicating processes of DNA and the effect of g enetic mutation; demonstrates the Lederberg Experiment; and recapitulates the ev idence provided by fossils and structural and biological homologies that the pro cess of adaptation and the selection of adaptors rests on a wide range of geneti c variability. After viewing the program, students should have a general underst anding of the general structure and functioning of DNA and of the Lederberg Expe riment and its significance, and should be familiar with the range and types of evidence for evolution presented in the review section. (20 minutes)</td><td>198 8</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1355_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1355_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>36225</td><td>The DNA Obsession</td><td>One of the most impo rtant stories in genetics is the race to understand DNA. This intro-level progra m guides viewers through that story, focusing on the biological and chemical pro cesses central to the transfer of genetic material. Beginning in the middle of t he 19th century, the program describes how competing scientists in Europe and Am erica zeroed in on the DNA molecule and determined its structure. Friedrich Mies cher's identification of "nuclein," Frederick Griffith's pneumococcus studies, J oshua Lederberg's analysis of bacteria reproduction, and James Watson and Franci s Crick's double-helix configuration highlight the obsession, rivalry, and colla boration that drive scientific discovery. A viewable/printable instructor's guid e is available online. (30 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1356_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1356_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9298</td><td>DNA Profiling</td><td>What used to take two wee ks currently takes only a day-and in the near future, will likely take mere minu tes. In this concise program, Chris Hadkiss, senior scientist at the Forensic Sc ience Service, explains the latest DNA extraction and quantification techniques.

Detailed laboratory footage illustrates the processes of sample extraction, qua ntification, amplification, separation, and interpretation. In addition, Mr. Had kiss provides background on the history of DNA profiling, sources of DNA for sam pling, the difficulties associated with radioactive tagging as compared to fluor escent tagging, and the value of mitochondrial DNA analysis. (15 minutes)</td><t d>1998</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1357_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1357_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3706</td><td>DNA Replication: The Repeating Formula</td><td> The synthesis of a DNA molecule is represented step-by-step as the fertilization of the egg starts the process of cell division that grows into the living organ ism. The ability of DNA to replicate itself during the process of cell division enables the blueprints for creating proteins to be passed on. (10 minutes)</td>< td>1984</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1358_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1358_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3705</td><td>DNA: The Molecule of Heredity</td><td>The synth esis of protein begins with the DNA molecule. Found in the nucleus of all cells, DNA molecules are grouped in complex structures called chromosomes. The two out er rails of a DNA molecule are coiled in a double helix: between these two rails , two kinds of molecules link to form endless possible sequences. The order of t hese sequences constitutes the genetic code for the construction of protein. (10 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1359_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1359_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33882</td><td>Do You Speak American?</td><td>Why is the Engl ish spoken by Maine lobstermen so different from the English spoken by Texas cow boys? What constitutes "standard English" in the U.S. today? Will Spanish displa ce English altogether? And how is English linked to issues of race, gender, and class? In this three-part series, celebrated journalist and writer Robert MacNei l travels from north to south, east to west, to answer these and other socioling uistic questions as he studies the ongoing evolution of American English-a langu age rich in regional variety, strong in global impact, and steeped in cultural c ontroversy. Do You Speak American?-a follow-up to MacNeil's award-winning The St ory of English-is an instant classic that merits a place in every academic libra ry. 3-part series, 57 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1360_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1360_l blPrice">$449.85<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>33884</td><td>Do You Speak American? Down South</td><td>This program follows Robert MacNeil down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers to Appalach ia, Louisiana Cajun country, and the Tex-Mex border to examine Southern dialects and accents and the influences of French and Spanish on American English. Lingu ist Walt Wolfram, columnist Molly Ivins, pop country singer Cody James, and othe rs talk about regional differences in vernacular, the steady displacement of Sou thern coastal dialect by inland dialect, the accents of JFK and LBJ, and the Tex as border town of El Cenizo, where Spanish is the official language. Recordings of Eudora Welty and Appalachian storyteller Ray Hicks are included, as well as W PA recordings from around 1940. (57 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1361_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1361_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33885</td><td>Do You Speak American? Out West</td><td>In thi s program, Robert MacNeil heads to California to take part in meaningful dialogu es on Spanglish, Chicano, Ebonics, and "Surfer Dude" before going to Seattle to consider the implications of voice-activation technology. Linguist Carmen Fought , Stanford University's Cliff Nass, screenwriters Amy Heckerling and Winnie Holt zman, and others speak their minds about Spanish in America, why teens create th eir own language, gay self-empowerment by redefining discriminatory terms, the o o-fronting sound shift, and whether technology will reinforce or weaken racial/r egional stereotypes. The teaching of standard English without devaluing or denig rating cultural linguistic differences is addressed. Some language may be offens ive. (57 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1362_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1362_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33883</td><td>Do You Speak American? Up North</td><td>In thi s program, Robert MacNeil canvasses the North to learn firsthand about linguisti c dialect zones, the tension between prescriptivism and descriptivism, the impac t of dialect on grapholect, the northern cities vowel shift, the roots of Africa n-American English, minority dialects and linguistic profiling, biases against n onstandard speech, and the general perception of the U.S. Midland dialect as "no rmal American." Hip-hop street talk, IM slang, Pittsburghese, and Gullah and Gee chee are sampled, and Bill Labov, the dean of American linguists; Jesse Sheidlow er, American editor of the august OED; and New York magazine's John Simon are fe atured. Some language may be offensive. (57 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>57</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1363_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1363_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35487</td><td>The Doctor and the Reverend</td><td>Car thief, heroin addict, drug dealer-how can a person escape a life like that? This ABC N

ews program examines the life-changing friendship between Merrill "The Doctor" J ackson and the Rev. Joann Muller-the first, a criminal from the streets of Phila delphia; the second, a Christian minister determined to change him. Using intima te interviews and footage of crime-infested neighborhoods, the video describes t he process through which Jackson realized his future was up to him. Revelations from both interviewees, brought out by challenging questions from host Ted Koppe l, guide viewers through the nightmare and rewards of drug recovery. (22 minutes )</td><td>2005</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1364_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1364_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31491</td><td>Document Russia: The Rise of Vladimir Putin</t d><td>Drawing on the massive news archives of the NHK Moscow Bureau and footage from Vladimir Putin's personal videographer, this intense two-part series captur es the personalities and events that placed Putin at the helm of the Russian Fed eration. Every stage of his rise to power-and each agonizing decision of his fir st two-plus years in office as he grappled with a failing economy and global ter rorism-is illustrated with compelling footage. 2-part series, 49 minutes each.</ td><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1365_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1365_l blPrice">$299.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33921</td><td>Does Prayer Work? A Medical Perspective</td><t d>This program documents the MANTRA clinical study, the largest multifaith praye r experiment ever devised. A three-year effort to find a causal link between pra yer and physiological healing, the project generated a high degree of skepticism among scientific purists and religious leaders. Nevertheless, it rigorously ass embled medical data on 750 critical heart patients while coordinating Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, and Buddhist prayer groups from North Carolina to Nepal . Does Prayer Work? follows the investigation with complete objectivity, culmina ting in multiple interpretations of the results. Original BBCW broadcast title: Does Prayer Work? (51 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1366_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1366_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32304</td><td>Dom Juan-in French</td><td>A notorious lothari o, Dom Juan is the despair of his longsuffering servant, Sganarelle. He carries on his many seductions without a care, deceiving and leaving woman after woman-i ncluding the noble Elvire, whose brothers promptly swear vengeance against him. After successfully eluding them, Dom Juan mockingly invites to dinner the statue of a man he had recently killed. When the statue's arrival prompts him to fake a repentant change of heart, an overtaxed Providence cuts the scene short by ope ning a flaming abyss at his feet and dropping him into Hell. Not available in Fr ench-speaking Canada. (French, 2 parts, 62 minutes and 80 minutes)</td><td>2003< /td><td>142</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1367_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1367_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3558</td><td>Domain Theory</td><td>This program examines the electromagnet and illustrates the relative conductivity of various metals at th e atomic level. The left-hand rule for coils is introduced, and the way that ato ms of materials such as iron and steel arrange themselves in domains is demonstr ated. (10 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1368_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1368_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>20394</td><td>Domes</td><td>As a structure, the dome is cons idered a thing of great beauty and is often believed to have mystical properties . But domes are also supremely functional and ideal for sheltering congregations of all sizes. This video visits a variety of domes in Italy, France, and the U. K. (24 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1369_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1369_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11023</td><td>Domestic Violence and Children</td><td>Severel y wounded, their mother kept crying out, "Please don't kill me! Please don't kil l me!" What effects do the sights and sounds of domestic violence have on the ma lleable minds of children? In this program, ABC News anchor Hugh Downs seeks to answer that question through interviews with Betsy McAlister-Groves, director of the Child Witness to Violence Project at Boston Medical Center, and some of the deeply scarred children who have seen and heard far too much. (14 minutes)</td> <td>1999</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1370_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1370_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4654</td><td>Domestic Violence: Behind Closed Doors</td><td> Every 12 seconds, a woman is beaten in the U.S.-beaten by her lover, her husband , her partner in life. Year after year, the cycle of violence spins faster, spir aling down through the generations, father to son and mother to daughter. Only w hen communities and families say "Enough!" can the cycle be broken. This program shows how people can and have said "Enough!": women, men, and children who offe r proof that domestic violence can be stopped, that healing is possible if there is someone to help. The program also shows the social and legal services that m ake the difference. (28 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1371_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1371_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7022</td><td>Dominican Women</td><td>The program examines th e Dominican Republic that tourists rarely see-a nation of sex markets, prostitut ion, poverty, and lack of educational opportunities. The current economic crisis and its effect on middle-class life are discussed, along with efforts currently under way to alleviate the social and economic problems. We hear from women on all levels of society, from prostitutes to the Vice President of the Dominican R evolutionary Party, who discuss rarely seen facets of Dominican life. Also avail able in Spanish. (60 minutes)English</td><td>1992</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1372_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1372_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5962</td><td>Dominicanas</td><td>The program examines the Do minican Republic that tourists rarely see-a nation of sex markets, prostitution, poverty, and lack of educational opportunities. The current economic crisis and its effect on middle-class life are discussed, along with efforts currently und er way to alleviate the social and economic problems. We hear from women on all levels of society, from prostitutes to the Vice President of the Dominican Revol utionary Party, who discuss rarely seen facets of Dominican life. Also available in English. (60 minutes)Spanish</td><td>1992</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1373_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1373_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7504</td><td>Don Quixote: Legacy of a Classic</td><td>This p rogram weaves art, music, and literature with Western culture to explore the eno rmous impact of Cervantes' classic on our world today. Artists, critics, and oth ers, from novelist Carlos Fuentes to General Norman Schwarzkopf, reveal how the work-the most translated in history-has affected their lives. Mixing discussions of the text with music, poems, other writings influenced by Don Quixote, and cl ips from the many film versions of the work, the program explores the conflict b etween imagination and reality, masculine and feminine attitudes toward love, an d other themes. This is a rich resource for the study of Don Quixote and of the influence of art on life. Original BBC broadcast title: The Further Adventures o f Don Quixote. (58 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1374_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1374_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4917</td><td>Donald Hall and Jane Kenyon: A Life Together</t d><td>Recorded in 1993, this classic program profiled Donald Hall and his wife,

Jane Kenyon-two celebrated American literary figures. Kenyon, who died in 1995, was an award-winning poet and translator; Hall is the author of more than a doze n books of poetry and in June of 2006 was named U.S. Poet Laureate. In the progr am, Bill Moyers visits Hall and Kenyon at their farmhouse in New Hampshire for a conversation about their careers, their poetry, and their life together. Their discussions are punctuated by the two poets' readings at the Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival and before an audience of their neighbors. (60 minutes)</td><td> 1993</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1375_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1375_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29971</td><td>Donald Hall and Jane Kenyon: Keeping You Safe Beside Me</td><td>This stirring, classic documentary focuses on a unique, inspir ing relationship: the love and creative connection between poet Donald Hall-name d U.S. Poet Laureate in June of 2006-and his late wife Jane Kenyon. Filmed large ly at Eagle Pond Farm in New Hampshire, an ancestral heritage for six generation s of Halls, the program explores the impact of the New England tradition on the work of both poets. Hall reflects unabashedly on his wife's bouts with depressio n and her battle with cancer, delivering poignant readings of several of her poe ms, including "Happiness," "Let Evening Come," and "With the Dog at Sunrise." Fr om his own poetry he reads "Names of Horses," and "Letters at Christmas." (40 mi nutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1376_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1376_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8712</td><td>Don't Be Shy, Mr. Sacks: Williams Syndrome</td> <td>When six-year-old Heidi Comfort, a victim of Williams syndrome, greeted neur ologist/author Oliver Sacks by saying, "Don't be shy, Mr. Sacks," he was immedia tely charmed. While children with Williams syndrome are endowed with endearing p ersonalities and strong expressive language skills, they often are challenged by musculoskeletal deficiencies and developmental delays as well. In this program, Dr. Sacks probes the nature of Heidi's condition. What he discovers sheds new l ight on the genetic basis of personality and provides fascinating insights into how the brain organizes data and experiences. A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</td ><td>1996</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1377_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1377_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7652</td><td>"Don't Kill Yourself": One Survivor's Message</ td><td>This is the story of a young man, David, who at 16 years of age survived a suicide attempt. Now 22, he shares the events of his life leading up to the at tempt, including how low self-esteem led to drug addiction, and how the addictio n encouraged the sense that life was no longer worth living. David goes on to de scribe the suicide attempt, his recovery from addiction, and how he has since ch anged his life. (25 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>25</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1378_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1378_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10243</td><td>Doors, Heart Valves, and Flic-Flacs: Moments</ td><td>After explaining the principle of moments, this program shows how apparen tly dissimilar physical phenomena are actually mathematically similar through th e examples of a synthetic heart valve, a lock gate, and the gymnastic maneuver k nown as a flic-flac, or back handspring. The need to make careful approximations during the modeling process is stressed. (51 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>51</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1379_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1379_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10334</td><td>Doris Lessing: A Life Considered</td><td>An au thor who defies classification, Doris Lessing has plowed both wide and deep, com bining acute observation of everyday life with a concern for broad issues such a s how society should be organized, the value of politics, the role of women, and the nature of individuality. In this vintage program, biographer and critic Cla ire Tomalin and science fiction author Brian Aldiss talk with Lessing about her life and her work, with a special focus on her chilling novel The Fifth Child. D ramatized extracts from that novel and from Memoirs of a Survivor, The Good Terr orist, and The Sentimental Agents, read by actresses Janet Suzman and Susan Flee twood, are included. (54 minutes)</td><td>1988</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1380_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1380_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29093</td><td>Dotcoms Gone Bust</td><td>At the height of the dotcom mania, Silicon Alley ran with gold, the "new economy" ruled Wall Street, and business as usual was declared dead. A sequel to The Internet Money Machine , this cautionary program tracks the fortunes of and aft er the bubble burst; bottom-feeder, which profited from the tech w reck; and, which sold out to AOL before the dotcom bomb. What pr ompted otherwise responsible investors and stock analysts to buy into the vision s of the Internet dream merchants? "I think it was a mass delusion," says Deutsc hebank's Ed Yardeni. "It's the madness of crowds." (23 minutes)</td><td>2001</td ><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1381_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1381_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7453</td><td>Double Helix</td><td>This fast-paced classic dr

amatization starring well-known actor Jeff Goldblum is about the race to solve o ne of the greatest mysteries of 20th-century science-the structure of DNA. It is the story of the diligent research, creative analysis, and perseverance of Jame s Watson and Francis Crick that led to the discovery. With the help of their col league, Maurice Wilkins, they also earned the 1962 Nobel Prize. Students of biol ogy and genetics will benefit from the process of problem-solving used to identi fy the structure of DNA, as well as the clear, concise summary of research evide nce. A BBCW Production. (1 hour 48 minutes)</td><td>1987</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1382_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1382_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30684</td><td>Double Vision</td><td>From the multiple perspe ctives in Jan van Eyck's The Arnolfini Marriage to the multiple soup cans of And y Warhol, Western art abounds with examples of "double vision." This program loo ks first at duplication within works of art via mirrors, naturally reflective su rfaces, and shadows and then at stylized repetition, whether it be through patte rns integral to a work or through patterns that in themselves constitute the wor k. More esoteric aspects, such as implied and distorted reflections, the otherne ss of reflected images, the weightiness of shadows, the fear-inducing quality of doubled images, and repeating as a means of progressing, are also addressed. (2 7 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1383_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1383_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11060</td><td>Douceline de Digne</td><td>A 13th-century Fren ch mystic, Douceline de Digne established the first community for laywomen devot ed to caring for the sick and the poor. This program presents an in-depth biogra phy of an early mystic who embraced an ascetic life and who was emulated by many , both rich and poor, male and female. Commentary from Kathy Garay, of McMaster University, offers insight into medieval culture and Douceline's role as a lay i con. (24 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1384_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1384_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11066</td><td>Downscale Marketing: The Ames Phenomenon</td>< td>With its "bargains by the bagful" philosophy, Ames successfully targeted a hu ge and lucrative demographic market called The Belongers. In this program filmed at the apex of Ames' success, NewsHour correspondent Paul Solman discusses the Ames phenomenon with CEO Joe Ettore, Executive Vice President Rolando de Aguiar, and others. This snapshot of Ames at its peak offers a useful point of entry in to discussions of successful retail business strategies-and, with the company's subsequent failure and liquidation, of supply chain dynamics and market forces a s well. (11 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>11</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1385_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1385_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25219</td><td>Drafting</td><td>Whether your students are jus t beginning to learn basic drawing skills or are already involved in CAD program s, this video series will ignite an interest in the "drafting world-of-work." Th e set of 3 videos covers: technical/mechanical drawing, including the tools and equipment needed; computer-aided design and drafting concepts; and drafting spec ialties, such as architectural drafting. Viewers are encouraged to explore vario us drafting occupations-requiring different levels of education and experience. What a great way to introduce your students to a wide world of opportunities for a useful career! A Meridian Production.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1386_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1386_l blPrice">$179.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34866</td><td>The Drama of Creation: Writers on Writing</td> <td>How can a handful of words, scribbled on a napkin or a train schedule, grow into a timeless play? How does a storyteller create characters with lives and in tentions of their own? Is writing a miraculous act, impossible to explain or des cribe, or is it 90 percent perspiration? In this program, a chorus of famous aut hors discuss creative strategies that lead to emotionally charged stories and dr amatic narratives. The video weaves together rarely seen interviews featuring nu ts-and-bolts commentary from Neil Simon, August Wilson, Arthur Miller, Edward Al bee, Peter Shaffer, Tina Howe, and other artists whose work profoundly moves rea ders and audiences. Exploring the writer's craft from several different angles-t he roller coaster of inspiration, the pros and cons of collaboration, the import ance of listening to a character's voice, and more-this luminous compendium of l iterary wisdom is an indispensable resource for any aspiring author or writing i nstructor. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production. (48 minutes)</td><t d>2006</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1387_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1387_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33420</td><td>Drawing: Perspectives on Line and Form</td><td >This program concentrates on the importance of drawing to the different artisti c disciplines as it addresses ongoing debates surrounding the representation of space. Drawing tools and materials are presented, and special attention is given to the application of geometry, the principal science of image construction. Cl assical and Renaissance theories of perspective are considered, as is the progre ssive disintegration of these theories by artists of the 19th and 20th centuries . (27 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1388_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1388_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>36066</td><td>The Drawings of Michelangelo</td><td>Art stude nts can benefit greatly from comparing Michelangelo's preparatory drawings to hi s finished masterworks-but viewing them together is virtually impossible in a mu seum setting. This program solves that problem, closely juxtaposing the artist's pencil and charcoal works with the painting, sculpture, and architecture that g rew out of them. Studying drawings at the British Museum, the Ashmolean Museum, and other renowned institutions, the program presents detailed analysis of the P ieta, the colossal David, the Sistine Chapel ceiling, The Last Judgment, the Med ici tomb, and St. Peter's Basilica. It also provides insight into Michelangelo's tools, techniques, stylistic evolution, and sexuality. (41 minutes)</td><td>200 5</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1389_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1389_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>981</td><td>Dream Houses</td><td>A person's home is his self -image, his autobiography as ghost-written by the architect. Mark Twain's house suited him so well that he became convinced he had himself designed it. A more i mposing self-portrait is Fenway Court, which ignores the Colonial past and indus trial present to recreate a Venetian palazzo in Boston; the American industriali st as Renaissance Italian prince is seen in Vizcaya, built in a drained mangrove swamp. William Randolph Hearst's mother would't buy him the Louvre, so when he grew up he built his own: San Simeon-the ranch to end all ranches, half the size of Rhode Island, a distinctly Californian place that combined glory on the refe ctory walls with ketchup in bottles on the table.Other houses visited in this pr ogram are Wright's Hollyhock House for Aline Barnsdall, Saarinen's Cranbrook Hou se for George G. Booth, Henry Davis Sleeper's Beauport, and Peter Eisenman's Hou se 6, whose thesis is that the good old days are tomorrow. (58 minutes)</td><td> &nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1390_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1390_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>30072</td><td>The Dream Pioneers: Visionaries of Science Fic tion</td><td>This program looks at the careers and manifold influence of The Los Angeles Science-Fiction League's most famous members: Forrest J. Ackerman, the mainspring of the group, who coined the term "Sci-Fi"; Ray Bradbury, renowned au thor of The Martian Chronicles and Fahrenheit 451; and Ray Harryhausen, master o f stop-motion animation. Extended interviews with all three men and the numerous filmmakers, special effects artists, and NASA researchers they have inspired il luminate how so many of their dreams have become reality. (50 minutes)</td><td>2 000</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1391_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1391_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>32901</td><td>Dreaming a Nation: The Kurds</td><td>"Until I knew I was a Kurd, I didn't know who I was. Now I know who I am and I am willing to die for it..."-the words, not of a battle-hardened guerrilla, but of a teena ge girl from Australia. This program shows little children singing that the Kurd s will live forever as jets roar overhead; it introduces us to warlords and guer rilla camps; and it demonstrates how people who are threatened by genocide feel that a state of their own is their only protection. That is the bottom line of n ationalism. (50 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1392_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1392_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1737</td><td>Dreams: Theater of the Night</td><td>Why do dre ams occur? What is their function? What do they mean? This provocative program l ooks at the facts and examines the theories, from Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams to today's neuroscience laboratory findings. The program visits a sleep research lab to explain REM sleep; another lab where researchers are using posit ron emission tomography (PET scanning) to explore the dreaming brain; and a ther apy session where a patient describes a recurring dream. It covers a variety of theories about the physiological, chemical, and psychological reasons for, and r esults of dreams. (28 minutes)</td><td>1988</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1393_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1393_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>25230</td><td>Drill Press</td><td>Drill Press is a ten-minut e video which is part of the series, Woodworking Tools.This series explains the basic operation of each woodworking tool, how each is adjusted, how blades are c hanged, and how each is used for specialty operations. Safety is stressed throug hout. A Meridian Production.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1394_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1394_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35539</td><td>Drill Presses</td><td>When pinpoint accuracy c ounts, the drill press is the tool of choice. This video highlights both floor a nd benchtop styles. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to competency standards for core curriculum and carpentry from the N ational Center for Construction Education & Research. A Shopware Production. (14 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1395_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1395_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>25231</td><td>Drills</td><td>Drills is a twenty-minute video which is part of the series, Portable Power Woodworking Tools.This series featu res the most popular and useful types of woodworking tools. The student will lea rn the safe operation of each tool, the different models and their purpose, the parts, choosing the proper blade or bit for the task, and the various wood-worki ng operations that can be accomplished with each tool. The nine videos in this s eries will enable and encourage your students to safely and creatively use porta ble power tools to their maximum advantage. (20 min.) A Meridian Production.</td ><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1396_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1396_l blPrice">$64.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35540</td><td>Drills and Drivers</td><td>This video takes a close-up look at cordless and corded drills and drivers, those indispensable sid earms of the building trades. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is availab le online. Correlates to competency standards for core curriculum and carpentry from the National Center for Construction Education & Research. A Shopware Produ ction. (16 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1397_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1397_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8158</td><td>Drinking . . . This Buzz is Not for You!</td><t d>This video focuses on one of the most pressing problems facing teenagers today -drinking. Part one illustrates the difficulties and problems encountered by tho se who use alcohol to excess. In the second part, the rationale for saying "NO!" to teenage drinking is discussed along with methods for avoiding peer pressure to drink.Commercialization, peer pressure, and attempts to escape personal probl ems by drinking are visually illustrated. Utilizing interviews with law enforcem ent officials, educators, and young adults, many of the educational, social, and medical problems associated with drinking are emphasized. The last segment of t he program deals with specific techniques for teens to resist the pressures of u nderage drinking and still keep their friends. Effective techniques for how to s ay no to drinking are actively demonstrated.One 30-minute video. A Cambridge Edu cational Production.</td><td>1989</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1398_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1398_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>25232</td><td>Drinking and Driving: A Crash Course</td><td>I n the past decade, four times as many Americans died in drunk-driving crashes as were killed in the entire Vietnam War. By serving up a variety of sobering stat istics like the one above, this video provides a "crash course" on the perils of drinking and driving. In addition, two separate dramatizations involving "Bob" and "Marcy" take the viewer along on their high road to handcuffs as they're arr ested for Driving Under the Influence. The video also trashes some common myths about drinking alcohol, demonstrates a number of visual signs that people exhibi

t when DUI, closely examines WHY so many people take the drunk-driving risk, and uncorks some costly facts about driving while intoxicated. For those who, one d ay, might meet a potential drinking-and-driving situation head-on-and that means ALL of us-this video is definitely "one for the road!" A Meridian Production. ( 22 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1399_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1399_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11407</td><td>Drinking Responsibly</td><td>Alcohol, the most widely used psychoactive drug in the United States, contributes to approximatel y 100,000 deaths annually-fatalities that could very likely be prevented through education and treatment. This program is designed to promote a deeper understan ding of the drinking problem in America, particularly among students on college campuses. The immediate and long-term behavioral and physiological effects of al cohol consumption are discussed as well, including blood alcohol concentration a nd alcohol absorption rates. (29 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1400_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1400_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25235</td><td>Drive Trains</td><td>This group of 6 videos no t only provides a general overview of drive trains and how they operate, but hig hlights construction, design, and components. Each video covers a specific topic and uses 3-D animation and cutaways to demonstrate working parts and how they f unction. Detailed areas are: automotive clutch flywheels pressure plates band erters set-up transmission designs adjustments CV axles pistons & servos gear sets drive axle designs part inspection differential disassembly. A Shopware uction.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1401_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1401_l blPrice">$419.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25236</td><td>Driving in Bad Weather</td><td>You're driving along and suddenly hit a patch of glare ice and start to skid. What do you do? Y ou drive into a severe thunderstorm and water is left standing on the road. Do y ou adjust your driving in any way? You suddenly encounter thick fog on the highw ay and can't see beyond your headlights. Should you switch on your high beams? T hese and many other situations are discussed and demonstrated as we watch a new driver experience some unpleasant surprises. An excellent way of experiencing co mmon weather-related driving problems from the point of view of the driver! (17 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>2000</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1402_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1402_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>25237</td><td>Driving Safely: Reason on the Road</td><td>Vie wers witness common driving behaviors like tailgating, not using turn signals, c utting cars off, and other inconsiderate behavior, from inside as well as outsid e the car. Not only do viewers see how dangerous such behavior can be, but exper ts give insight into how some incidents can escalate into violence. The SAFE pro cess is explained and demonstrated: Scan, Anticipate, Figure, Execute. This is a n excellent perspective for all new drivers and a good refresher for experienced ones! A Meridian Production. (15 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1403_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1403_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34604</td><td>Driving Tactics</td><td>A drive to the mall sh ould never be a race-but it does require mental alertness, physical coordination , and respect for every other driver on the road. NASCAR Rookie of the Year Davi d Reutimann shares his expertise in all those areas as host of this dynamic, hig hly informative three-part series. A strong foundation for safety-oriented drivi ng education, Reutimann's guidance emphasizes that driving can be a fun, positiv e experience; that it is a privilege, not a right; and that the most important p iece of driving equipment is between the ears. Viewable/printable instructor's g uides are available online. Correlates to National Health Education Standards: A chieving Health Literacy; Joint Committee for National School Health Education a nd the American Cancer Society; and National Educational Technology Standards. A Meridian Production. 3-part series, 21 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp ;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1404_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1404_l blPrice">$179.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3291</td><td>The Drug We Drink</td><td>This program explains why people drink, physiologically as well as sociologically; explains the physi ology of alcoholism; illustrates very graphically how alcohol affects the liver; and suggests guidelines for maximum alcohol consumption. (26 minutes)</td><td>1 988</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1405_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1405_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36647</td><td>The Drugging of Our Children: Inside the ADHD Controversy</td><td>Some doctors are wary of prescribing medication for ADD or A DHD, especially when treating young patients-but the majority rely on psychotrop ic drugs. This program challenges the status quo, supported by a staggering amou nt of testimony and documentation. Incorporating detailed interviews with psychi atrists, neurologists, and education experts-as well as parents and kids who hav e suffered because of rigid prescription practices-the program analyzes links be tween school procedures, the medical establishment, and Big Pharma. Footage from

the 1998 Consensus Development Conference on ADD/ADHD raises disturbing questio ns about how the disorders are diagnosed. (104 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>104 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1406_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1406_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>12045</td><td>Drugs</td><td>"I guess the lowest I ever felt was when I got out of jail and none of my friends were there for me. That's when I opened my eyes," says Logan. In this program, she and her peers Howard and Ze b openly talk about what it was like to become addicted to drugs...and what it t ook to get straight and stay clean. In addition, Ben Jones, of the National Coun cil on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, and experienced addiction counselors prov ide insights into why kids turn to drugs in the first place, how drugs take cont rol of their lives, and the short- and long-term health risks associated with dr ugs. Onscreen lists that give the lowdown on more than a dozen popular substance s are also included, explaining what kids call them, ways that they are taken, h ow they affect the body, and how they alter behavior. A Cambridge Educational Pr oduction. (22 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1407_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1407_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36364</td><td>Drugs and the Brain</td><td>"This is your brai n on drugs," may be an effective sound bite, but the reality of drug use and abu se is more complicated. As this five-part series shows, the brain can be affecte d by drugs and alcohol in many different ways, depending on the substance consum ed. The effects of stimulants, painkillers, tobacco and alcohol, cannabis, and h allucinogens are analyzed in detail, using the latest research and computer grap hics. Each program demonstrates the elaborate and frequently dangerous ways in w hich various drugs alter brain chemistry. Scientific histories and case studies are clearly illustrated in each program. 5-part series, 51 minutes each.</td><td >2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1408_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1408_l blPrice">$749.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9286</td><td>Drugs: Uses and Abuses</td><td>A veritable ency clopedia of pharmacological facts, this outstanding eight-part series thoroughly examines the therapeutic uses and dangerous abuses of drugs. Moving beyond the "Just Say No" mentality, each program gives a general overview of a particular c lass of drugs, then moves on to closely examine specific drugs in that group. Th ese programs promote discussion, explore myths, and provide information delivere d in accessible language by a wide range of concerned professionals and recoveri ng users. Review questions are provided with each program to test viewers' knowl edge, along with provocative discussion questions that address some of the sensi tive issues concerning the use and abuse of drugs. A Cambridge Educational Produ ction. 8-part series, 17-39 minutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1409_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1409_l blPrice">$559.60<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10510</td><td>The Drums of Dagbon</td><td>Dagbon, a 500-year -old kingdom located in northern Ghana, has an elaborate royal hierarchy in whic h each member has his own orchestra of "talking drums." This program, filmed on location in a group of villages surrounding Dagbon's regional capital, explores the ritual use of drum music at every milestone of life. The roles of the master drummers-born into their calling and rigorously trained from childhood-as enter tainers, historians, and moral guardians of their culture are also examined. Per formers include Issahaku Abdulai, Alhaji Ibrahim Abdulai, Fuseini Alhassan, and Fuseini Tia. (58 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1410_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1410_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32263</td><td>Drywall Finishers and Plasterers</td><td>Once your students have taken the tour and seen what the skilled construction trades have to offer, they will want to know more about specific jobs that may interest them. This fast-paced program provides a concise profile of drywall finishers a nd plasterers, looking at educational background, apprenticeships, salary, and t he work itself. One 14-minute video. (c) 2003.</td><td>2003</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1411_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1411_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32262</td><td>Drywallers</td><td>Once your students have tak en the tour and seen what the skilled construction trades have to offer, they wi ll want to know more about specific jobs that may interest them. This fast-paced program provides a concise profile of drywallers, looking at educational backgr ound, apprenticeships, salary, and the work itself. (12 minutes)</td><td>2003</t d><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1412_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1412_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5726</td><td>DUI: Unlicensed to Kill</td><td>This program sh ows why repeat drunk driving offenders are still on our roads, endangering our l ives. On the street, a man caught driving drunk three times insists that he is b eing harassed and does not have a drinking problem. In a hospital, we visit a 16 -year-old victim, run down by a repeat drunk driver, on a breathing machine, fig hting for his life. In a courtroom, we see a four-time repeat DUI offender getti ng sentenced to 48 hours in jail. The program looks at a judicial system under f

ire for failing to enforce a strict habitual offender law; a jail-house intervie w with a repeat DUI offender facing second-degree murder charges; and a Victim I mpact Panel where families who have lost loved ones in drunk driving accidents t ell their stories to repeat DUI offenders. (49 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>49< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1413_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1413_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10444</td><td>Duke Ellington's Washington: The Rise, Fall, a nd Rebirth of a Neighborhood</td><td>During the early 20th century, Washington, D.C., was the cultural capital of black America. Prefiguring Harlem in the 1920s , D.C.'s Uptown area nurtured dynamic figures such as Duke Ellington, Langston H ughes, Mary Church Terrell, Justice Thurgood Marshall, and Dr. Charles Drew. In this program, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Hedrick Smith tells the often-ov erlooked story of the heyday, decline, and renewal of Uptown. Combined with rare photographs and archival footage, sparkling interviews with jazz pianist Billy Taylor, Ellington biographer John Hasse, historians James Horton and Edward Smit h, and others describe the community's halcyon days, the post-desegregation exod us that opened the door to urban decay, and efforts that are reclaiming and rene wing the neighborhood. (57 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1414_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1414_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5203</td><td>The duPont-Columbia Awards: Ten Years of the Be st Television Journalism</td><td>The duPont-Columbia Awards are the broadcast eq uivalent of the Pulitzer Prizes. This series of programs looks at some of the be st television journalism produced over the past ten years, revealing a lot about the evolution of TV news. Produced by the Columbia University Graduate School o f Journalism, the programs are narrated by Peter Jennings. 4-part series, 30 min utes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1415_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1415_l blPrice">$359.80<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35210</td><td>DuSable Museum of African-American History: Am erican Soul</td><td>Founded in 1961, Chicago's DuSable Museum is perhaps the fir st African-American museum in the entire U.S. Part history lesson, part celebrat ion of African-American achievement, this program illustrates the black experien ce in North America, from colonial days through the 20th century. Learn about av iator Bessie Coleman, the Tuskegee Airmen of World War II, astronaut Robert Lawr ence, and Mayor Harold Washington and see the oneness of African-American histor y and American history. "We are all part of the total America," explains the mus eum's director. A viewable/printable educator's guide is available online. (27 m inutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1416_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1416_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38826</td><td>The Dying Fields: Despair in India's Cotton Be lt</td><td>Once known as India's Cotton Belt, the cotton-growing region of Vidar bha, central India, is now being called the Suicide Belt. Crop failures, sinking global cotton prices, spiraling debt, and a forbidding bureaucracy are driving farmers to unbearable levels of despair. This Wide Angle report captures the ten se relations between farmers and illegal money lenders, traveling salesmen hawki ng expensive "miracle seeds," and a businessman-turned-activist who is staking a political career on the cause of Vidarbha's farmers-and farm widows. An intervi ew between Daljit Dhaliwal and Columbia University's Jagdish Bhagwati, Senior Fe llow in International Economics at the Council on Foreign Relations, concludes t he program. (57 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1417_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1417_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33407</td><td>Dying to Be Free: Zimbabwe's Struggle for Chan ge</td><td>A portrait of the politics and history of Zimbabwe, this program trac es Robert Mugabe's rise to power and depicts his 22-year dictatorship in a count ry where millions rely on food aid to survive, inflation is at 500 percent, and almost three quarters of the country's workforce is unemployed. Also included is rare footage that captures the demand for change and the popular support for th e new opposition party, MDC, during the presidential election in 2002. (51 minut es)</td><td>2003</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1418_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1418_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30546</td><td>Dying to Get In: Illegal Immigration to the E. U.</td><td>In the E.U., internal borders have been made transparent to promote t he free flow of commerce. Its external borders, however, are another matter. Thi s program surveys the high-tech methods being used to secure the E.U.'s borders against refugees and asylum-seekers alike while speaking with human smugglers, w ho both assist and exploit their clients; illegal immigrants, who see Europe as their only safe haven; and European bureaucrats, who in the absence of an overar ching E.U. policy feel compelled to keep as many immigrants out of "Fortress Eur ope" as possible, to please their increasingly anti-immigrant electorates. (60 m inutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1419_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1419_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33571</td><td>Dying to Get There: The Real Cost of Reckless

Driving</td><td>New drivers seem to learn very quickly about tickets, suspended licenses, and even a day in court, yet few appear to dwell much on safety. The f act is, traffic accidents are the leading cause of death among teens. This progr am opens a potentially lifesaving teen-to-teen dialogue on driving-related trage dies involving drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. Strong images of totaled ca rs, powerful mortality statistics, and firsthand stories of real car wrecks with severe consequences carry the unmistakable message that driving is no joyride. The stakes are just too high for that. (21 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>21</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1420_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1420_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36338</td><td>Dying to Leave: A Two-Hour Special on Human Tr afficking</td><td>This two-hour Wide Angle special goes deep inside the global p roblem of human trafficking. Every year, at least two million people are packed in shipping containers, pulled through sewage tunnels, secreted in car chassis, and ferried across frigid waters. Among this human cargo, an alarming number end up as prostitutes, thieves, or sweatshop laborers. This documentary explores th e worldwide boom in illicit migration and human trafficking, recording the stori es of those who pull up their roots and risk all, and puts a human face on an is sue too often reduced to statistics. It examines the circumstances that drive th ese migrants from their homes, highlights the difficulties involved in their epi c journeys, and reveals what awaits them in their new world. In addition, Senato r Hillary Rodham Clinton discusses human trafficking and smuggling with anchor J amie Rubin. (2 hours)</td><td>2003</td><td>118</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1421_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1421_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36138</td><td>Dying to Leave: The Dark Business of Human Tra fficking</td><td>Every year, at least two million people are packed in shipping containers, pulled through sewage tunnels, secreted in car chassis, and ferried across frigid waters. Among this human cargo, an alarming number end up as prost itutes, thieves, or sweatshop laborers. This Wide Angle documentary explores the worldwide boom in illicit migration and human trafficking, recording the storie s of those who pull up their roots and risk all and putting a human face on an i ssue too often reduced to statistics. It examines the circumstances that drive t hese migrants from their homes, highlights the difficulties involved in their ep ic journeys, and reveals what awaits them in their new world. (57 minutes)</td>< td>2004</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1422_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1422_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10735</td><td>Dying with Dignity: The Sun City Choice</td><t d>In this program, NewsHour correspondent Susan Dentzer reports on life and deat h in Sun City, Arizona, a vibrant retirement community where hospice is the pref

erred form of end-of-life care. Dartmouth Medical School's John Wennberg and oth ers consider the desire of many senior citizens with terminal illnesses to make peace with death rather than fight it. They also confront the fact that statisti cs show no direct correlation between costly ICU interventions and patient longe vity. As America's elderly population doubles over the next 35 years, will more seniors opt for meeting the end in the Sun City way? (15 minutes)</td><td>1999</ td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1423_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1423_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32688</td><td>Dylan Thomas: Portrait of the Artist in a Pass ing Cloud</td><td>In hindsight, Dylan Thomas' precocious use of romantic but mor bid imagery-epitaphs, worms, an early death-proved a self-fulfilling prophecy. T his program traces the poet's life and works, artfully blending manuscripts, fir st editions, family photos, and location footage with interviews and readings of his poems and letters. Highlights include Thomas reading many of his poems, suc h as "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night"; interviews with actress Nancy Wick wire and childhood friend Daniel Jones; and clips from the film version of Under Milk Wood with Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, and Peter O'Toole. (47 minutes )</td><td>1999</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1424_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1424_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3597</td><td>Dynamic Equilibrium</td><td>By focusing on the behavior of hydrogen iodide, this program describes how all chemical reactions o perate in two directions. It uses a collision model, based on the kinetic molecu lar theory, to explain how molecules behave to produce dynamic equilibrium. (10 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1425_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1425_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30250</td><td>Dynamic Leadership in Turbulent Times</td><td> If terrorism and scandal have undermined the strength and credibility of America n business, so too have they stimulated a new determination to improve the way b usiness is done. In this program, two of the New York region's top executives-Ch arles Lee, chairman and co-CEO of Verizon Communications, and Arthur Ryan, chair man, CEO, and president of Prudential Financial-reflect on corporate America aft er September 11th, business ethics in a post-Enron world, and industry regulator y issues. (58 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1426_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1426_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>6984</td><td>Dyslexia: A Different Kind of Mind</td><td>Dysl exia, a learning disability that affects oral and written language, often masks the presence of a gifted mind. People with dyslexia learn differently. This prog ram from The Doctor Is In explores that cognitive difference by examining how dy slexic students learn, and how new teaching techniques are helping them succeed in school. These teaching approaches are explored at the Washington Lab School-a pioneer in the implementation of innovative teaching methods. Thomas West, auth or of In the Mind's Eye, discusses our society's need for the visual talents pos sessed by many people with dyslexia. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Produc tion. (29 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1427_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1427_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30795</td><td>Dyslexia: An Unwrapped Gift</td><td>One in 25 people are dyslexic, but the teenagers involved in making this program would say that 24 out of 25 people miss out on dyslexia. This program approaches dyslexia from a new angle, exploring how the so-called disability might prove an advanta ge in an increasingly image-based world. Educational experts from America and En gland discuss aptitudes of dyslexics, while video diaries show how dyslexia has affected the lives of young people and how they have harnessed its cognitive dif ferences. Featuring interviews with Tom West, author of In the Mind's Eye, this program will boost self-confidence in dyslexics and inspire their teachers and f amilies. (22 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1428_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1428_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5310</td><td>Dyslexia: Diagnosis and Therapy</td><td>This pr ogram features eight children and adults of different ages, all of whose lives h ave been severely affected by dyslexia. It shows the relief diagnosis brings and underscores the incalculable importance of early recognition, as well as the so metimes tragic consequences and cost to society when dyslexia remains undiagnose d. The program stresses that teachers and parents are uniquely placed to recogni ze the signs of dyslexia, and helps alert them to the symptoms and the immediate need for adequate and specialized guidance. (52 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td >52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1429_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1429_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33568</td><td>Early Breast Cancer: With Knowledge Comes Hope </td><td>A woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every three minutes in the Unit ed States, but the more than two million survivors are proof that the diagnosis does not have to be a death sentence. Indeed, if breast cancer is found early, i t has a cure rate of 90 percent. This FREDDIE Award winner explains the four sta

ges of tumor properties, provides key insight into studies linking the disease t o estrogen-genetic factors, and explores the new drugs, treatment benefits, and diagnostic techniques used by leading cancer centers. Most important, it espouse s the need for early detection. Featured interviews include survivors and leadin g physicians from M. D. Anderson Cancer Center and Northwestern University. (23 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1430_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1430_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11106</td><td>Early Childhood Health Issues</td><td>Preventi ve healthcare is crucial to the well-being of young children. This program cover s vital health issues including vaccinations and immunizations, as well as how t o recognize symptoms of serious illness. Recently developed vaccines for chicken pox and Hepatitis B are examined, and the myths that polio and diphtheria have been eradicated are addressed. Foundation health habits such as proper diet, exe rcise, rest, and cleanliness are also discussed. A Meridian Production. (16 minu tes)</td><td>2000</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1431_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1431_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8653</td><td>Early English Aloud and Alive: The Language of Beowulf, Chaucer, and Shakespeare</td><td>Cultivating an appreciation of the Eng lish classics requires studying the mother tongue as it was originally spoken. I n this program, Dr. Joseph Gallagher brings language to life by reciting example s of Old, Middle, and Early Modern English in their original dialects. In additi on, he discusses the evolution of English syntax and morphology. A dramatization of a portion of Beowulf is also included, along with visits to historic literar y sites important to the study of English, such as the Sutton Hoo burial grounds , Canterbury, and the remains of the Globe Theatre. Includes subtitles in Modern English, where necessary. (29 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1432_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1432_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>31078</td><td>Early Socialization: From Age Two to Age Five< /td><td>This program follows the social development of two young children, Max a nd Ellie, from the ages of two to five. Examples of multiple attachment, languag e development, imitation and identification, cooperative play, self-awareness, g ender identification, and social conformity are captured on film and clearly ide ntified with onscreen labels as the children broaden their awareness of the worl d through interactions with each other, family members, and peers. (29 minutes)< /td><td>2002</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1433_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1433_l

blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10003</td><td>Early Socialization: From Birth to Age Two</td ><td>Life outside the womb requires an ability to interact with others right fro m day one. This informative program clinically tracks the social development of two young children, Max and Ellie. Video footage taken during their first 24 mon ths demonstrates their progress from awareness and bonding; to communication by vocalization, facial expression, body language, and speech; to attachment to key adults; to parallel play, sharing with peers, and the rudiments of negotiation. In addition, Max and Ellie's parents provide their observations on the children 's socialization and discuss some of the challenges of parenthood. (23 minutes)< /td><td>1999</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1434_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1434_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8511</td><td>The Earth and the Moon</td><td>Although scienti sts have found evidence of volcanoes, tectonics, and rivers on Mars, only the Ea rth, which also has these features, currently sustains life. Why? Scientists hav e postulated that the answer somehow lies in the Earth's relationship to the Moo n. Astronomers are now scanning the galaxy for other habitable planets with the same configuration as the Earth and the Moon. Original BBC broadcast title: A Wo rld Apart. (50 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1435_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1435_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37479</td><td>Earth Energy</td><td>Known for his revolutiona ry home and appliance designs as well as his foot-launched aircraft, inventor Bi ll Lishman has repeatedly put the concept of renewable energy into practice. Thi s program documents Lishman's journey around the globe in search of sustainable forms of power generation. At Niagara Falls, Lishman discovers the rich history of hydroelectric production, then travels to Iceland to study advanced geotherma l energy facilities. Denmark's towering wind turbines and a massive solar power plant in the Mojave desert are also on the itinerary. Guiding viewers through hi s own spacious and naturally lit underground dwelling, Lishman shows that conser ving energy through design is just as important as harnessing renewable sources. Original CBC broadcast title: The Nature of Things: Earth Energy. (45 minutes)< /td><td>2005</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1436_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1436_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8503</td><td>Earth Story</td><td>Beginning with the first la nd formations that emerged from a primordial ocean 4 billion years ago, this eig ht-part series explores how all geologic phenomena, from volcanoes to earthquake

s, are intertwined. Journeying from the sea bottom to the highest peak in the An des, the series presents the latest theories on plate tectonics, earthquakes, vo lcanoes, land formations, and continental drift. An indispensable resource for t eaching earth science and geology. A BBC Production. 8-part series, 50 minutes e ach.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1437_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1437_l blPrice">$1,039.60<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36411</td><td>Earth Time: Evolution and Human Memory</td><td >In the 17th century, an Irish bishop judged the year of Earth's creation to be 4004 BC. Although laughable by modern scientific standards, James Ussher's calcu lation was among the first rigorous attempts to comprehend the vastness of geolo gical history. This program opens a window into time frames that dwarf human lif e spans-evoking the insignificance of civilization in comparison to the age of t he planet itself. Host Michio Kaku illustrates life's evolution by driving the d istance between America's coasts-with the final millimeter representing the huma n epoch. He also looks at the importance of DNA as a tool for studying human evo lution. Original BBC broadcast title: Earth Time. (50 minutes)</td><td>2006</td> <td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1438_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1438_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29878</td><td>East Germany: The Land Beyond the Wall</td><td >The year was 1961. Khrushchev was in power and the Berlin Wall was being built. What was it like to be living in East Germany during those days? In this progra m, filmed toward the end of that pivotal year, correspondent Daniel Schorr crack s the boomtown facade of the city of Rostock to find out. Indoctrination and pro paganda are recurring motifs as business, academia, religion, and the arts are p rofiled. A chilling interview with East German Communist Party leader Walter Ulb richt provides insights into the purpose of the Berlin Wall and the process of d e-Stalinization as Cold War tensions intensified. Produced by CBS NEWS. (52 minu tes, b&w)</td><td>1962</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1439_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1439_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30091</td><td>Easter Island in Context: From Paradise to Cal amity</td><td>When Dutch sailors landed on Easter Island, they found a warlike p eople recovering from anarchy and cannibalism. What had gone wrong with a civili zation that had lived in peace for nearly a thousand years? In this program, Cla udio Cristino, the island's resident archaeologist; William Liller, of the Easte r Island Foundation; Patricia Vargas Casanova, of the Easter Island Studies Inst itute at the University of Chile; and others offer their views on moai, rongoron go tablets, the Birdman Cult, and the devastating effects of overpopulation, to provide a captivating glimpse of a complex culture driven to the brink of extinc tion. Images of artifacts, 3-D computer graphics, and artwork enhance the progra

m. (51 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1440_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1440_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7560</td><td>Eastern Europe: 1900-1939</td><td>This program traces the history of Eastern Europe from the reign of Franz Josef to the rise o f Hitler and the beginnings of the Second World War. Topics covered include the war for Macedonia pitting Bulgaria, Serbia, and Greece against the Turks; politi cal manipulation of the Balkans by Russia, Austria, Britain, and France; dominat ion of Serbia; the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand; the fall of czaris t Russia; the Hungarian Revolution of 1918; rise of the Communist Party; birth o f the Czechoslovakian Republic; the Treaty of Versailles; the rise of Marshal Pi lsudski in Poland; formation of the United Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovene s; and the Munich Conference. (55 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1441_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1441_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9222</td><td>Eat, Drink, and Be Wary: Women and the Dangers of Alcohol</td><td>Alcohol consumption by the average woman-even in moderate amo unts-has far more lasting effects than an equal amount imbibed by her male count erpart. Even if it is a single glass of wine, the effects on their respective ph ysiology are very different: the female body absorbs alcohol faster and retains it up to twice as long as the male body, which has considerable implications bot h for social drinking and for driving while under the influence. This ABC News p rogram illustrates these differences and discusses the potential hazards. (13 mi nutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1442_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1442_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33561</td><td>Eaten Alive: Parasites and Their Human Hosts</ td><td>The remorseless battle between parasites and humans is ugly-very, very ug ly-but understanding it is of vital importance to anyone entering the health pro fessions. Using case studies, experiments, computer simulations, medical imaging , and commentary by leading experts, this graphic three-part series exposes the intricate ways in which parasites colonize the human body and illustrates how to treat infected patients. Viewer discretion is advised. Original BBCW broadcast title: Body Snatchers. 3-part series, 50 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbs p;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1443_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1443_l blPrice">$389.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>6792</td><td>Eating Disorders</td><td>Anorexia nervosa and b ulimia nervosa-two conditions rooted in the desire to be slim-are the focus of t his program. While the first deprives the body of food, the other causes its vic tims to compulsively purge food through vomiting. Two women who suffer with thes e conditions tell poignant stories of how these compulsive behaviors have nearly destroyed their lives and the lives of their respective families. An expert exp lains the specialized approach used in treating both disorders. (15 minutes)</td ><td>1996</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1444_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1444_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10993</td><td>Eating Disorders: New Approaches to Treatment< /td><td>Eating disorders are not just about food, but about the struggle with lo ss of emotional control. This program from The Doctor Is In examines the use of antidepressants and cognitive behavioral therapy to combat these dangerous illne sses. Russell Marx, M.D., of the eating disorders program at the Princeton Medic al Center, and Marcia Herrin, Ed.D., M.P.H., R.D., of the Dartmouth College Heal th Service, explain what is being done to prevent and treat one of the most leth al categories of mental illness. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center production . (28 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1445_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1445_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10991</td><td>Eating Disorders: The Inner Voice</td><td>Eati ng disorders are not about the desire to be thin. Eating disorders are severe ps ychological illnesses that usually take years to overcome and can be accompanied by devastating and sometimes deadly physical side effects. In this powerful pro gram, four young women and men from a variety of ethnic backgrounds share their stories of the physical pain and emotional torment caused by eating disorders. M edical, psychological, and nutritional experts explain the types of eating disor ders, their causes, and who is most at risk, as well as the latest treatment opt ions. A Cambridge Educational Production. (30 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>26</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1446_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1446_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>28090</td><td>Eating Disorders: You Are Not Alone</td><td>In a culture so concerned with physical appearance, some people's preoccupation wi th diet turns into an obsession. This program provides information about the thr ee major eating disorders-anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and compulsive overeating-a nd examines behavioral aspects associated with each. The intent of this video is to foster communication and understanding in parents, teachers, health care pro fessionals, and others who may interact with individuals caught up in this progr essive illness. Includes teacher's guide. (29 min.)</td><td>1988</td><td>30</td>

<td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1447_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1447_l blPrice">$97.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11495</td><td>Eating for Optimal Health</td><td>Eating for o ptimal health can be a formidable task-especially during the teens and twenties, when metabolic changes, new social situations, and more challenging responsibil ities can turn life upside down. In this program, young adults discuss the diver se elements that go into making healthy food choices. Topics include the compone nts of a balanced diet, how to interpret food labels, and how to recognize and o vercome barriers to healthy eating. (30 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>30</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1448_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1448_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36267</td><td>Eating Right, Day and Night</td><td>Whether yo ur students realize it or not, consistently good nutrition can improve...well, b asically everything. Use this outstanding four-part series to show them how eati ng healthy can help them get to where they want to go in life-and feel great get ting there. Viewable/printable instructor's guides are available online. Correla tes to all applicable state and national standards. A Meridian Production. Recom mended for middle school and high school. 4-part series, 21-25 minutes each.</td ><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1449_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1449_l blPrice">$279.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11250</td><td>eBay and Napster: Change Agents</td><td>Intern et auction house eBay and virtual music community Napster are redefining establi shed paradigms of online interactivity. In segment one of this program, NewsHour correspondent Spencer Michels explores eBay's phenomenal success with President and CEO Margaret Whitman and others, while addressing concerns related to fraud ulent merchandise and shill bidding. In segment two, Mr. Michels examines the ro ots of the landmark Napster case through interviews with partisans on both sides of the dispute, including the Recording Industry Association of America's Hilla ry Rosen. (26 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1450_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1450_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34655</td><td>eBay: Managing Success</td><td>This program pr esents the history of Internet phenom eBay; discusses the Web site's feedback sy

stem, the key to its unprecedented success; and examines the devastating impact eBay has had on antique and collectible shops. The program also exposes two vuln erabilities that have come with that success: stock prices that fluctuate with t he slightest stumble in company performance, and government's growing interest i n taxing traders' earnings. In the U.K. alone, more than 10,000 people make some or even all of their income from the site. Original BBCW broadcast title: eBay: Money for Old Rope? (30 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1451_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1451_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8366</td><td>Ebola: Chasing the Virus</td><td>This program t akes viewers into the heart of the African jungle to hunt down the deadly killer , ebola. Viewers accompany research scientists as they track the disease from it s first deadly outbreak in 1994, through the deaths of 19 people in 1996 who con tracted the disease by eating monkey meat. Visits to villages where people lie d ying reinforce the human impact of the virus, as well as the need for further re search into its causes and cure. (52 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1452_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1452_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32906</td><td>Ebola: Diary of a Killer</td><td>Ebola, one of the most deadly viruses known to humankind, struck a town in Zaire in January 1 995, ultimately causing the agonizing death of 80 percent of its victims-many of them health-care workers. This riveting documentary traces the progress of this outbreak and reports on its aftermath. Doctors at the Centers for Disease Contr ol and Prevention discuss current research, the virus's possible reemergence, an d what the international medical community is doing to prepare itself. We visit a ready-response medical unit where health-care workers are being trained to dea l with future outbreaks. English narration and subtitles. (61 minutes)</td><td>1 996</td><td>61</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1453_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1453_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36265</td><td>Echoes of Autism</td><td>Do people with autism experience love, romantic attraction, and heartbreak the same way non-autistic people feel those emotions? This ABC News program profiles Paul DeSavino, a 36-y ear-old man living with the disorder who says he is amorously drawn to a female acquaintance. Interviews with Paul, his mother, and autism expert Dr. Peter Gerh ardt shed light on the complexities of the subject. An additional segment entitl ed "My Brother's Keeper" examines the disorder in the context of sibling connect ions. A young man discusses his brother's autism and how it has shaped their rel ationship, which is visibly expressed in a loving, open manner. (23 minutes)</td ><td>2006</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1454_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1454_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36241</td><td>Ecological Issues in Kenya</td><td>East Africa 's wild beauty may also be its greatest challenge. This program describes the ec ological issues arising when a finite amount of land is needed for ever-growing human and animal populations. Where will Kenya's varied wildlife go when cities expand into age-old migration paths? How will farmers and cattle ranchers protec t their land from invading animals? And how can a developing nation boost its mu ch-needed tourist industry without harming its equally valuable natural resource s? The program features eye-opening commentary from Professor Wangari Muta Maath ai-winner of the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize and founder of Kenya's Green Belt Moveme nt. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. (18 minutes)</t d><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1455_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1455_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34215</td><td>Ecology: Life at the Edge of the Sea</td><td>T his Science Screen Report explores the challenges that marine plants and animals face in rocky shoreline areas, and vividly illustrates the diversity of those l ife forms. Examining crustaceans, gastropods, mollusks, and other shoreline crea tures, the program shows how tide pools form a marine sub-habitat, and how rocky shore dwellers have evolved specific abilities to survive powerful waves and ga ther food from the ebb and flow of tides. The medicinal value of certain tidal z one organisms is also discussed in detail. A viewable/printable instructor's gui de is available online. Produced in association with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology and the Junior Engineering Technical Society. (25 mi nutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1456_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1456_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33535</td><td>E-commerce in Business</td><td>This behind-the -scenes look at IT in action showcases three exciting e-commerce initiatives. By analyzing the growth, revenue, and future of MP3's Web site, visiting Ford's on line "showroom," and showcasing the customer benefits of Coronet-Fashion at Work 's online planning system, this program presents compelling case studies of the Internet's use to capture and exploit new markets. (30 minutes)</td><td>2003</td ><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1457_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1457_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10843</td><td>Economic Change</td><td>Between the privatizat

ion of state-owned monopolies on the one hand and advances in information techno logy and e-commerce on the other, European economies are undergoing drastic chan ges to keep up with the times. Module one of this program focuses on institution al change, as the British electricity market undergoes privatization, while modu le two examines technological change through the case study of the German online bookstore ABC Bucherdienst, a part of (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td ><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1458_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1458_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34994</td><td>Economic Development: A Global Challenge</td>< td>How is the economic progress of a country or a region measured? What causes u nderdevelopment and poverty? Will the struggling nations of the world ever "catc h up" with the wealthy ones? This program studies various methods for calculatin g economic potential, growth, and stagnation in the context of today's global en vironment. Introducing the three main determinants of income and expansion-physi cal capital, human capital, and technology-the video examines geographic, histor ical, and political reasons behind underdevelopment, especially the vestigial ef fects of colonialism and the population disparities that exist between rich and poor nations. Production structure, credit markets, income inequality within a c ountry, and the concept of the dual economy are all explored in detail. The succ ess of micro credit systems highlights the possibility of development in even th e most disadvantaged societies. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production . (36 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>34</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1459_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1459_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33817</td><td>Economic Development of Brownfields</td><td>Jo b creation, tax base expansion, neighborhood improvement, and sustainable develo pment are only four of the many themes covered in this documentary as it present s the economics side of infill development using examples drawn from the Northea st and Southwest. The EDA's Dennis Alvord and David Sampson, environmental engin eering and management specialist Ira Whitman, and a host of other experts discus s how communities are using strategies including tax increment financing to rede velop nonperforming assets such as the Bethlehem Steel site, in Pennsylvania. Pr oduced by John W. Sutherlin, Ph.D. (29 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1460_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1460_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10844</td><td>Economic Indicators</td><td>How do countries e valuate the performance of their economic systems and national economies? In mod ule one of this program, the Italian Statistical Office applies the U.S. concept of Gross Domestic Product, while in module two economists in Finland consider t he GDP plus social indicators to gain a fuller economic picture. Module three il lustrates how Hungary, a former communist bloc country, monitors its transition

from a planned economy to a market economy through its own blend of statistics. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1461_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1461_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33081</td><td>Ecstasy-Happiness in a Pill? A 48 Hours/MTV Ne ws Report</td><td>In a cooperative project with MTV, this edition of 48 Hours ta kes a broad look at the drug ecstasy. Case studies involving a high school stude nt, two college students, and a single mother of three serve as platforms for in vestigating ecstasy's role as a gateway drug, the spread of potentially lethal c opycat drugs and how the controversial group DanceSafe helps ecstasy abusers at raves to tell the difference, law enforcement's crackdown on ecstasy dealers wit h raids and stiff sentencing, and ecstasy's use as an aid in coping with emotion al trauma. Produced by CBS NEWS. (44 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1462_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1462_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34469</td><td>Ecuador: Divided over Oil</td><td>This program contrasts indigenous, community-based culture with market economics driven by m ultinational corporations. The film assesses the growing conflict between Burlin gton Resources, an American oil company licensed to prospect in regions of Ecuad or, and the self-sufficient Achuar people of that country, who believe the oil i ndustry will destroy their environment and non-materialistic way of life. Unders coring the Ecuadorian government's tendency to accommodate U.S. interests, the v ideo portrays a country divided by incompatible definitions of wealth and happin ess. (Portions have English subtitles, 26 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>26</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1463_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1463_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7025</td><td>Ecuador: The Indigenous Woman</td><td>Isolated in jungles, or crowded into large cities, Latin American Indians constitute the most exploited sector of society. This program traces the harsh life of indigeno us women from several tribes, including the Otavalan, Puruha, and Quechua of Ecu ador, from pre-Columbian times to the present. Topics discussed include rape as an ongoing practice; labor exploitation; the effects of acculturation; and racia l and sexual discrimination. Also available in Spanish. (57 minutes)English</td> <td>1997</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1464_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1464_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>1262</td><td>Edgar Allan Poe: The Principal Works</td><td>Th is group of programs is intended to help students understand the Poe they have r ead. The presenter is Conrad Pomerleau, whose one-man shows of Poe's work have f ound enthusiastic audiences around the country. Staged to recreate Poe's drawing room, with Pomerleau dressed and made up to resemble Poe, the programs focus on the works themselves and their relationship to the poet/critic/fantasist/innova tor/superb stylist who wrote them. 4-part series.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1465_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1465_l blPrice">$359.80<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33392</td><td>Edgar Allan Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado"</t d><td>"The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as best I could, but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge." So speaks Montresor in this faithful rendition of Edgar Allan Poe's chilling story of a murderous trap irresistibly b aited with fine wine and flattery. Strong performances and outstanding cinematog raphy make this classic program-an object of considerable critical acclaim at fi lm festivals-an excellent introduction to the work of the master of the American gothic genre. (17 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1466_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1466_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25254</td><td>Edible Art: Basic Cake Decorating</td><td>One 16-minute video. A Meridian Production.</td><td>1994</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1467_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1467_l blPrice">$57.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1347</td><td>Edith Piaf: La Vie en Rose</td><td>Updated in 1 998Edith Piaf's meteoric rise to fame from the nightclubs of Paris to the world' s most famous chanteuse is legend. "The Little Sparrow's" throaty renditions of such hits as "La Vie en Rose," "Non, je ne regrette rien," and "L'Accordioniste" seem as fresh today as when they were recorded. This program pays tribute to Pi af by examining her life through archival footage, photos, and the personal comm entary of Piaf historian Raquel Britton. Broadway and television actress Bebe Ne uwirth narrates. (60 minutes, b&w)</td><td>1998</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1468_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1468_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35060</td><td>Edouard Vuillard: The Pathways of Memory</td><

td>Beneath its apparent thematic simplicity, Edouard Vuillard's The Public Garde ns raises numerous historic and technical questions that this program seeks to r esolve. Entries from Vuillard's journal unify the narrative as it travels from h is art education, to his painting technique, to the effects of symbolist theater on his work, to his practice of photography-all of which shed light on or are i llumined by his nine-panel masterpiece. (30 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>30</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1469_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1469_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37098</td><td>Eduardo Galeano-in Spanish</td><td>Articulatin g his profound and compelling worldview, Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano imbues this program with a poetic sensibility and an unconstrained intellectual curios ity. Ruminations on prehistoric gender roles, global warming, and the twilight o f socialism underscore Galeano's notion of disabled memory-his term for the resh aping of history according to one's fears and prejudices-as well as his thoughts on humanity's chances for survival. The author of Memory of Fire and Open Veins of Latin America also contemplates the effects of Uruguay's past military dicta torship, which imprisoned him and subsequently forced him into 11 years of exile . (Spanish, 27 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1470_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1470_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37099</td><td>Eduardo Galeano-in Spanish with English Subtit les</td><td>Articulating his profound and compelling worldview, Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano imbues this program with a poetic sensibility and an unconstrai ned intellectual curiosity. Ruminations on prehistoric gender roles, global warm ing, and the twilight of socialism underscore Galeano's notion of disabled memor y-his term for the reshaping of history according to one's fears and prejudicesas well as his thoughts on humanity's chances for survival. The author of Memory of Fire and Open Veins of Latin America also contemplates the effects of Urugua y's past military dictatorship, which imprisoned him and subsequently forced him into 11 years of exile. (Spanish with English subtitles, 27 minutes)</td><td>20 07</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1471_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1471_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37102</td><td>Eduardo Mendoza-in Spanish</td><td>What is it like to be a writer? In this program, Spanish novelist Eduardo Mendoza offers hi s views as he talks about the sheer pleasure of writing, the state of the novel as a literary form, the effect of censorship on writers during the Franco regime , changes in the business of publishing, and repercussions of the Latin American literary Boom. The author of La Ciudad de los Prodigios, La Verdad Sobre el Cas o Savolta, El Misterio de la Cripta Embrujada, and the serialized Sin Noticias d e Gurb also grapples with his loathing of nationalism and feelings of statelessn

ess in the face of a world that is seesawing between pretentious pro-globalism a nd exaggerated localism. (Spanish, 25 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1472_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1472_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37103</td><td>Eduardo Mendoza-in Spanish with English Subtit les</td><td>What is it like to be a writer? In this program, Spanish novelist Ed uardo Mendoza offers his views as he talks about the sheer pleasure of writing, the state of the novel as a literary form, the effect of censorship on writers d uring the Franco regime, changes in the business of publishing, and repercussion s of the Latin American literary Boom. The author of La Ciudad de los Prodigios, La Verdad Sobre el Caso Savolta, El Misterio de la Cripta Embrujada, and the se rialized Sin Noticias de Gurb also grapples with his loathing of nationalism and feelings of statelessness in the face of a world that is seesawing between pret entious pro-globalism and exaggerated localism. (Spanish with English subtitles, 25 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1473_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1473_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11505</td><td>Educating to End Inequity</td><td>This program addresses teachers' efforts to level the educational and social playing fields for their students by examining public school reform and its relationship to soc ial change. Educators who taught on the western frontier in the late 19th centur y and in the South during desegregation are spotlighted, along with contemporary instructors working with Native Americans in New Mexico and inner-city youth in New York. Visionaries including Joseph Abeyta, of the Santa Fe Indian School; A nn Cook, of Urban Academy; and retired North Carolina school principal Kat Crosb y consider cultural identity, teaching for diversity, performance-based assessme nt, and other topics. (54 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1474_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1474_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29740</td><td>Education & Training</td><td>Careers in educat ion are not only rewarding for those who pursue them but vital to society as a w hole-without educators and teachers, there would be no doctors, plumbers, lawyer s, or electricians. This video presents four distinct occupations in the field: elementary teachers, teacher's aides, administrators, and librarians. People wor king in these jobs discuss their responsibilities and what each position require s in terms of training and academic credentials. A Cambridge Educational Product ion. (18 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1475_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1475_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>27428</td><td>Education and Career Choices in Drafting</td>< td>Education and Career Choices in Drafting is a sixteen-minute video which is p art of the series, Drafting.Whether your students are just beginning to learn ba sic drawing skills or are already involved in CAD programs, this video series wi ll ignite an interest in the "drafting world-of-work." The set of 3 videos cover s: technical/mechanical drawing, including the tools and equipment needed; compu ter-aided design and drafting concepts; and drafting specialties, such as archit ectural drafting. Viewers are encouraged to explore various drafting occupations -requiring different levels of education and experience. What a great way to int roduce your students to a wide world of opportunities for a useful career! (16 m in.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1999</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1476_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1476_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4346</td><td>The Education of a Singer at the Beijing Opera< /td><td>It took seven years for Wang Runqing to get his diploma from the Conserv atory of the Beijing National Opera. Descended from a family of actors, he had n o illusions about the hardships that awaited him. This program follows his rigor ous training in a variety of the arts besides singing and acting. His story is a ll the more interesting because it took place while traditional opera-which had been banned and replaced by politically correct works during the Cultural Revolu tion-was being restored to its ancient role in the cultural life of China. (54 m inutes)</td><td>1985</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1477_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1477_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>25258</td><td>Educational Planning for Your Career</td><td>D emonstrates the importance of the educational planning process by exploring conc epts such as lifelong learning, credentials, and competencies and how education is related to work, leisure, and to life roles such as family and citizenship. ( 22 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1478_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1478_l blPrice">$97.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7687</td><td>Edward Said</td><td>In this program, noted scho lar Edward Said discusses his postcolonial theory and how it applies to modern c ulture, from politics to literature. He exposes the Western image of the East as an artificial construct that is still retained today. He discusses Palestine as a politically expedient construct of Europe; argues the right of Palestine to e xist as an independent, self-governing nation; and traces the origins of Europea n attitudes toward the Arab world through the literature of E. M. Forster, T. S. Eliot, Joseph Conrad, and Chinua Achebe. (40 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>40</

td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1479_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1479_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3284</td><td>The Edwardians and After (1901-1939)</td><td>Wo rld War I would soon write finis to the world of glitter and elegance. Formality was loosening, the Gibson girl was the rage, and so was wearing grotesque assem blages of dead birds affixed to hats. The first of the major couture houses were established, and Japanese influence belatedly hit the fashion world, combining the worst of East and West. From hobble skirts to tailored suits, women responde d to emancipation with raised hems and bobbed hair and the occasional demonstrat ion that an attractive woman looks good even in the most hideous clothes. (26 mi nutes).</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1480_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1480_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9088</td><td>Effective Instructional Strategies</td><td>A on e-size-fits-all approach to education will not promote academic success in today 's culture. This program explores the value of grouping students flexibly accord ing to their changing needs, accelerating instruction for slower learners, and c ustomizing methods of teaching. The challenges of implementing such strategies, including increased demand for supplies, equipment, and technical assistance and additional teacher training, are discussed as well. (20 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp; </td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1481_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1481_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8478</td><td>Effective Listening Skills: Listening to What Y ou Hear</td><td>This important lesson discusses habits and traits that keep us f rom being good listeners and teaches improved listening skills with the D.R.I.V. E. process. Students learn the benefits of listening and master the skill by Dec iding to listen, Reading all stimuli, Investing spare time wisely, Verifying wha t they hear, and Expending energy. Teach your students how to process the inform ation that goes in one ear, and that information won't have a chance to escape t hrough the other!A Cambridge Educational Production. One 42-minute video.</td><t d>1992</td><td>42</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1482_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1482_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8113</td><td>Effective Use of the Telephone in Your Job Sear

ch</td><td>This informative and entertaining program shows how to use the teleph one to optimize networking, informational interviewing, and other job search str ategies. It shows how to add a personal touch to an Internet job search. Also co vers the use of the Yellow Pages, developing a powerful phone script, setting up interviews, and developing extraordinary job referral networks. A terrific reso urce for anyone's job search arsenal. A Cambridge Educational Production. (23 mi nutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1483_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1483_l blPrice">$98.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11156</td><td>Effectiveness Measurement Tools and Techniques </td><td>Dispelling the belief that click-through rate is the ultimate online be nchmark, this program identifies which factors e-tailers need to measure, how th ey should go about quantifying them, and how they should interpret and apply the resulting data. The interrelationship between impressions, click-through, and c onversions is clearly explained by e-commerce experts, along with the use of Int ernet research analyst services, ad servers, and path-tracking software to assis t in gauging the success of an online ad campaign or to optimize a Web site. (13 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1484_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1484_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35974</td><td>The Egypt Detectives</td><td>This six-part ser ies illuminates major chapters in the saga of ancient Egypt, from the earliest p hase of human habitation to the waning of dynastic power. Archaeologist Miriam C ooke and Egyptologist Dominic Montserrat accompany viewers on an eye-opening adv enture, sifting through prehistoric paintings, millennia-old artifacts, unearthe d tombs, and rarely seen hieroglyphs as they reconstruct the Egyptian past. Inte rviews with guest experts, including Hierakonpolis excavation leader Dr. Renee F riedman and Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities Secretary General Dr. Zahi H awass, provide additional layers of understanding. 6-part series, 25 minutes eac h.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1485_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1485_l blPrice">$779.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11653</td><td>Egypt: Journey to the Global Civilization</td> <td>Were Egypt's pyramids really built by slaves to be the tombs of the pharaohs ? Most scholars believed so-until the excavation of a workers' village and the t omb of High Priest Kai led to some startling conclusions. In this program, Zahi Hawass, of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, and renowned anthropologist A zza Saary el-Din provide support for the "public works" theory of the late Egypt ologist Kurt Mendelssohn, while analysis of the River Nile's flood cycle, inquir ies into the practices of medicine and mummification, and outstanding 3-D comput er animation offer a broad perspective on ancient Egyptian society. (59 minutes) </td><td>2000</td><td>59</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1486_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1486_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33706</td><td>Egyptology: Tutankhamun's Tomb and the Rosetta Stone</td><td>When Howard Carter entered the long-sought tomb of Tutankhamun, i t did not take him long to confirm that it was indeed the final resting place of the legendary Boy King. But his knowledge of hieroglyphics had only been made p ossible by the enigmatic Rosetta Stone, deciphered precisely 100 years earlier b y Jean-Francois Champollion. This intriguing, highly realistic program cinematic ally dramatizes the efforts of Carter and Champollion, a century apart, to make sense of an ancient world that had been kept silent for thousands of years by an indecipherable language. Original BBCW broadcast title: Tutankhamun's Tomb and the Rosetta Stone. (52 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1487_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1487_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33908</td><td>Eight Million Gods: The Japanese Matsuri Festi val</td><td>This program examines the Japanese matsuri or "summer festival," per haps the best elucidation of that country's ancient polytheism. Ceremony footage from Tokyo and surrounding areas illustrates various festival activities and ex plores the Japanese cultural emphasis on community, cooperation, and folk worshi p. Commentary by Japanese cultural scholar Yoshi Morikatsu, interviews with fest ival participants, and astonishing crowd scenes of matsuri processions make clea r that Japan derives a strong sense of unity from these communal celebratory rit uals. (Portions in Japanese with English subtitles, 21 minutes)</td><td>2002</td ><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1488_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1488_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36424</td><td>The Einstein Effect: Savants and Creativity</t d><td>Mute until the age of nine, Stephen Wiltshire learned to communicate throu gh realistic, richly detailed drawings. Alonzo Clemens sculpts clay animal figur es with great precision, even though he can barely form a sentence. Matt Savage faced extraordinary developmental problems as a child but has become a teen prod igy among jazz musicians. What is the relationship between creativity and autist ic behavior? Why does slow learning-such as the young Albert Einstein experience d-sometimes conceal genius? This program focuses on these questions and other as pects of autistic brain research, revealing fascinating links between the realms of savants and prodigies. (54 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1489_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1489_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>35602</td><td>Einstein Made Relatively Easy</td><td>Introduc ing EinSteinchen, an animated techno-Einstein who has a genius for explaining ph ysics. In section one of this DVD, this likable know-it-all elucidates 12 essent ial topics in 90-second segments that are perfect for launching lectures or illu strating concepts. Section two departs from EinSteinchen's virtual world to show 12 cutting-edge applications or studies of Einsteinian physics in high-level mi ni-documentaries of two to five minutes in length. Section one's animated seg ments include... Absolute and Relative: How size can appear to be relative throug h perspective E=mc2: What exactly this famous formula means The Discovery of Slown ess: Relativity of time when traveling through space As Fast as Light: Why light' s velocity is constant, and why nothing can outpace it Glowing Atoms-Stimulated E missions: The role that excited atoms play in laser emissions The Super-moleculeBose-Einstein Condensation: Wave-like behavior of atoms at temperatures approach ing absolute zero The Spooky Long Distance Effect: Entanglement of spatially sepa rated particles Bent Space: How massive objects exerting enormous gravity bend sp ace Dancing Particles: How the forces that play a role in molecular interactions can be defined by formulas Electricity from Light: How light energy can be conver ted into electrical energy The Invisible Force: How gravity exerted by stars and planets keeps the universe in motion Wormholes: Theoretically speaking, how trave l through a wormhole could provide a shortcut across space Section two's mini -documentaries include... Nuclear Medicine-A Formula and Its Results: E=mc2 as it relates to PET scans Satellite Navigation-Einstein's Contribution to GALILEO: Co mpensating for time relativity in navigational satellites The Speed of Light, Par t 1-Light Researchers: A satellite experiment to test whether light really does propagate at the same speed in all directions The Speed of Light, Part 2-Radar Sa tellite: TerraSAR-X, an X-band radar mapping satellite that relies on measuremen ts based on the speed of light The World's Fastest Flash: Stimulated emissions an d history's first attosecond laser pulse Juggling Ultra-cold Atoms: Implications of Bose-Einstein condensation waves on the possibility of making a quantum compu ter Cloned Atoms through Teleportation: Implications of "spooky action at a dista nce" on the possibility of making a quantum computer Cosmic Telescopes: Using gra vitational lenses to search for undiscovered galaxies and dark matter Racing Down Einstein's Paths: detecting gravity waves with laser interferometers Organic Sol ar Cells: Applying the photoelectric effect to hydrocarbon polymers Time Travel t hrough Wormholes-Nothing More Than a Dream?: Speculations on wormholes and how, theoretically, to make use of them The Search for a Theory of Everything: Hunting for evidence of the Higgs boson as a part of the search for Einstein's elusive Theory of Everything A Deutsche Welle Production. (60 minutes)</td><td>2006</ td><td>75</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1490_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1490_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30394</td><td>Einstein: Shedding Light on the Universe</td>< td>This clever animated biography of Albert Einstein incorporates photos and quo tes into a lively overview of the physicist's life and ideas. Careful attention is given to how Einstein reconciled conventional velocity addition with the cons tant speed of light and how he arrived at his special and general theories of re lativity. His most famous equation, E=mc2, is derived in four simple steps. The tapping of matter's energy through fission and fusion is also addressed. As ente rtaining as it is informative, this program is a must for any introduction to at omic physics and Einstein's contributions to 20th-century science. (31 minutes)< /td><td>2002</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1491_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1491_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32211</td><td>Einstein's Dream</td><td>This program focuses on efforts to complete Einstein's quest for a grand unifying theory that will ex plain all of the forces of nature in the same terms. Will string theory provide the key? Mathematical physicist Nathan Seiberg explains his research on string t heory in various dimensions and on particle physics; Edward Witten, named one of the 25 most influential Americans by Time magazine, defines M theory; and theor etical physicist Juan Maldacena suggests a way to unite quantum mechanics and ge neral relativity. A contradictory view of string theory is delivered with genial skepticism by Freeman Dyson. Segments highlighting Einstein's research are also included. (57 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1492_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1492_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34703</td><td>Einstein's Equation of Life and Death</td><td> When Albert Einstein discovered that E=mc2, he saw in the equation the answer to why the Sun shines. But others read into it a darker meaning. This program-part documentary with compelling graphics, part dramatization-explains how Einstein' s great achievement was also, in his own words, his "biggest blunder." A close l ook at the scientific relationship between energy, mass, and the speed of light sets the stage for the gripping drama in which Nazi Germany and the United State s vied to make the world's first true weapon of mass destruction. Commentary by Brian Cox and Robin Marshall, of The University of Manchester; authors Richard R hodes, Peter Galison, and William Lanouette; and other experts is featured. A BB CW Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1493_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1493_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11128</td><td>Eisenstein and Stalin: When Art and Politics C lash</td><td>Drawing on sixty volumes of diaries and other recently revealed arc hival materials, this program presents the struggle between Joseph Stalin and Se rgei Eisenstein, who fought for freedom of expression in a climate of exiles and executions. Rare clips of the preeminent Russian director's controversial films -including the deleted Trotsky scene in October, the original ending of The Gene ral Line, and recovered footage from the banned Bezhin Meadow-and interviews wit h the director of the Eisenstein Museum, friends, associates, and former student s underscore the coercive power of Stalin's authoritarian regime. (60 minutes)</ td><td>1999</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1494_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1494_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>8388</td><td>El Cantar de Mio Cid</td><td>El Cid is unique a mong the world's great epics because it was composed so close to the actual hist orical events (a mere 40 years after the death of Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, el Cid himself) that we can distinguish between man and legend. Meticulous attention to historical detail, spectacular cinematic production values, and the swashbuckli ng plot itself make this medieval epic superbly entertaining as well as educatio nal. An RTVE Production. (Spanish with English subtitles, 60 minutes)</td><td>19 80</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1495_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1495_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>159</td><td>El Cantar de Mio Cid-in Spanish</td><td>El Cid i s unique among the world's great epics because it was composed so close to the a ctual historical events (a mere 40 years after the death of Rodrigo Diaz de Viva r, el Cid himself) that we can distinguish between man and legend. Meticulous at tention to historical detail, spectacular cinematic production values, and the s washbuckling plot itself make this medieval epic superbly entertaining as well a s educational. An RTVE Production. (60 minutes)</td><td>1980</td><td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1496_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1496_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>34661</td><td>El Contrato: The Contract</td><td>Mexican citi zens working in the United States and Canada can face difficult conditions, even when they are employed legally. Filmed over an entire growing season, El Contra to documents the experiences of a group of laborers contracted to work in a spra wling tomato greenhouse. Tensions between workers, growers, and government offic ials reveal disturbing aspects of the hugely profitable greenhouse industry, inc luding the abuse of employees whom even the local Mexican consul seems to view a s expendable. Presenting rarely heard voices, El Contrato is an uncompromising l ook at the migrant worker's plight. (Portions in Spanish with English subtitles, 52 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1497_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1497_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11372</td><td>"El evangelio segun San Marcos"</td><td>This s tory captures a man's journey to the mystical house of a father, son, and daught er, where strange events bring the traveler to a better understanding of the red emptive power of Christ's suffering and death. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 54 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1498_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1498_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30185</td><td>El Favor de los Santos: The Sacred Iconography of Retablos and Exvotos</td><td>With the introduction of Christianity to the Az tec peoples, a new kind of religious iconography arose: retablos and exvotos. Tr aditionally painted on tin, retablos tell of the lives of the saints while exvot os give thanks for miracles granted. This program brings together art historians , preservationists, and religious practitioners to look at the stories embedded in these paintings and their significance for those who pray to them. Among thos e interviewed are Refugio I. Rochin, director of Latino Initiatives at the Smith sonian Institution; Father Manuel Olimon Nolasco, director of the National Commi ssion of Sacred Art, Mexico; and Charles Lovell, director of the New Mexico Stat e University Art Gallery. (57 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1499_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1499_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11803</td><td>El Greco: Rediscovering a Master</td><td>Spurn ed and then nearly forgotten, El Greco went on to be hailed as one of Spain's gr eatest painters. This program describes the life of Domenikos Theotokopoulos, ni cknamed "El Greco," and how his artistic legacy was rescued by a group of young Modernists who discovered his works in a museum in Barcelona. Emphasis is given to the revival of El Greco's reputation in the late 19th and 20th centuries by s uch painters as Rusinol and Picasso. Their rediscovery not only brought a master back from obscurity but also influenced their own work, as evidenced in paintin gs like The Old Guitarist from Picasso's "Blue Period." (53 minutes)</td><td>199 9</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1500_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1500_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33956</td><td>El Islam y la Resistencia Cristiana-in Spanish </td><td>This program focuses on the rise of the Moorish civilization on the Ibe rian Peninsula. Spotlights on Moorish poetry, music, science, medicine, engineer ing, commerce, and agriculture during that time underscore Islam's lasting influ ence on the region. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 53 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1501_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1501_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34459</td><td>El Islam y la Resistencia Cristiana-in Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>This program focuses on the rise of the Moorish civilization on the Iberian Peninsula. Spotlights on Moorish poetry, music, scie nce, medicine, engineering, commerce, and agriculture during that time underscor

e Islam's lasting influence on the region. Not available in French-speaking Cana da. An RTVE Production. (Spanish with English subtitles, 53 minutes)</td><td>200 4</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1502_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1502_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29157</td><td>El Lazarillo de Tormes</td><td>Published in 15 54, The Life of Lazarillo of Tormes introduced a new genre of writing, the picar esque. This classic, award-winning adaptation of the anonymous masterpiece tells the story of the young and constantly hungry protagonist, Lazaro, whose worldly education on the road through a series of masters presents a sly, often comical critique of 16th-century Spain. (Spanish, 107 minutes, b&w)</td><td>1959</td><t d>107</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1503_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1503_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10677</td><td>El picaro</td><td>Drawing on the writings of C ervantes, Quevedo, and Aleman, this production defines the quintessentially Span ish picaro-his role in society, his relationship to his master and mistress, his reliance on his own wits and his ability to outsmart others, his sense of humor , and his alienation. An RTVE production. Dramatization in Spanish with English subtitles. (30 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1504_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1504_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32322</td><td>El Principe Renacentista-in Spanish</td><td>Th e Spain of Philip II's time was a place of great cultural accomplishment as some of history's most renowned writers, artists, and philosophers created works of lasting significance. This program looks at the Renaissance as it flourished in Spain during the 16th century and Philip's role in it as a scholar and patron of the arts. Fernando Checa, director of the Museo del Prado, is featured. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 62 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>62</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1505_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1505_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33972</td><td>El Regreso de los Borbones-in Spanish</td><td> Beginning with the brief tenure of Amadeus I, continuing on through the short-li ved First Republic, and concluding with the reign of Alfonso XII and the early y ears of Alfonso XIII, this program thoroughly acquaints viewers with the second Bourbon restoration. Using dramatizations, architectural landmarks, artwork, and

film clips, it covers upsurges of regionalismo and cantonalismo, the Third Carl ist War, Cuban separatism, socialism, ongoing industrialization, mass emigration , and work- and education-related social reforms. Not available in French-speaki ng Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 50 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>50</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1506_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1506_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34884</td><td>El Regreso de los Borbones-in Spanish with Eng lish Subtitles</td><td>Beginning with the brief tenure of Amadeus I, continuing on through the short-lived First Republic, and concluding with the reign of Alfo nso XII and the early years of Alfonso XIII, this program thoroughly acquaints v iewers with the second Bourbon restoration. Using dramatizations, architectural landmarks, artwork, and film clips, it covers upsurges of regionalismo and canto nalismo, the Third Carlist War, Cuban separatism, socialism, ongoing industriali zation, mass emigration, and work- and education-related social reforms. Not ava ilable in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish with English subt itles, 50 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1507_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1507_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11374</td><td>"El sur"</td><td>In this story, a descendant o f famous ancestors dreams of more heroic times ... until a serious accident take s him to the doors of death, where the past and the present mingle-and where he meets his final destiny. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 58 minutes)</td><td>1991< /td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1508_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1508_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9262</td><td>Elder Abuse: America's Growing Crime</td><td>It has been estimated that 1.5 million elder Americans suffer neglect, mistreatmen t, and even financial exploitation at the hands of their own families. In this p rogram, ABC News correspondents Diane Sawyer and Marti Emerald probe what is qui ckly becoming the fastest-growing family crime in the U.S. Together they investi gate several cases of elder abuse and examine the efforts of crusaders such as t he members of the ground-breaking Fiduciary Abuse Specialist Team, a volunteer n etwork of social workers, bankers, lawyers, doctors, and police personnel who se ek out evidence of financially abused senior citizens. (16 minutes)</td><td>1999 </td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1509_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1509_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></

td> </tr><tr> <td>10136</td><td>The Elected: The Presidency and Congress</td>< td>In an adversarial climate of polarization and power confrontations, how can t he U.S. government get anything done? In part one of this program, correspondent Hedrick Smith examines the obstacles to bipartisan compromise between the Clint on administration and Congress as well as the difficulties parties have in disci plining their own members in Congress. In part two, Mr. Smith probes the rise an d fall of Newt Gingrich's Republican Revolution in Congress. Smith goes behind t he scenes to get Vice President Gore; Clinton executives Leon Panetta and George Stephanopoulos; Congressional leaders Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, Dick Gephardt, a nd Tom Daschle; Democratic loyalists and rebels; Republican freshmen and incumbe nts; and academic experts to divulge how serious miscalculations torpedoed hopes for both Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill. (78 minutes)</td><td>1996</ td><td>78</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1510_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1510_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11875</td><td>Election 2000: The Florida Squeeze</td><td>The sensational presidential election that dragged Florida into the media spotlight and made "butterfly ballot" and "chad" household words caused an uproar over th e malfunctioning mechanics and overall validity of America's electoral process. What is being done to see that major voting irregularities cease to occur in Flo rida and throughout the nation? In this program, David Gergen, adviser to four f ormer presidents; David Leahy, supervisor of elections for Miami-Dade County; an d Mark Seibel, managing editor of The Miami Herald, suggest ways to reform Ameri ca's voting system. (30 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1511_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1511_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6851</td><td>Electric Current</td><td>This investigation emp loys a 100-watt incandescent bulb, nichrome wire, and a variac; electric wire, a dry cell, and a compass; an ammeter; an induction coil; argon, helium, neon, an d mercury and a discharge tube; a string of lights on a Christmas tree; a Crooke s tube and induction coil; and electrodes, an electric bulb, and a beaker altern ately filled with water, sugar, table salt, vinegar, lemon juice, and orange jui ce solutions to understand the following:o how incandescent bulbs and fluorescen t tubes worko Ohm's lawo proportional relationship between current and voltageo series and parallel configurationso positive and negative electronso electricall y conductive and nonconductive liquidso ions(30 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>30 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1512_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1512_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34288</td><td>Electric Power on the Move</td><td>This Scienc

e Screen Report examines the production, transportation, and consumption of elec tricity. Using the Hoover Dam as an example of efficient hydroelectric power gen eration, the program illustrates how transformers raise or lower voltage to mana geable levels and how electricity is specifically channeled to illuminate buildi ngs, power devices, and propel vehicles. Vital electrical concepts are discussed , including the difference between alternating and direct current, the advantage s of neon over filament bulbs, and the definitions and significance of ohms, vol ts, and amperes. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Co rrelates to National Science Education Standards. Produced in association with t he Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology and the Junior Engineering Technical Society. (18 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1513_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1513_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24222</td><td>Electrical</td><td>Electrical is a fifteen-min ute video which is part of the series, Vo/Tech: Ins and Outs.This fast-paced, en tertaining, and intriguing series introduces several occupations in the vast car eer pathway of vocational and technical trades. Viewers are taken on a journey t hrough many different facets of vocational interest areas including welding, mas onry, electrical, residential construction, and HVAC. Each fifteen-minute progra m focuses on one of these particular trades and includes interviews with student s preparing for each career and working professionals on the job. The programs c arefully define how the participant began in the field, what the vocation means to them, educational requirements, immediate job opportunities, and how they env ision the future of each particular occupation. The series serves as an introduc tion to the vast opportunities in vocational interest areas and the need for qua lified workers in these lucrative occupations. Important contact information is also provided for students interested in finding out more about vocational train ing programs. These programs will serve as a valuable resource to excite and mot ivate prospective students to consider a career in these high-demand and financi ally rewarding occupations. One 15-minute video. A Shopware Production.</td><td> 2001</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1514_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1514_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35394</td><td>Electrical Circuits: Ohm's Law</td><td>This vi deo uses 3-D animation and live action to make basic electrical circuits come to life. The properties of series, parallel, and series-parallel circuits are easy to grasp when you can see the electrons flow through each circuit leg in each c ircuit type. Ohm's Law is illustrated with animated pie charts and basic calcula tions that isolate each section of the circuit. A must for introductory electric ity-electronics, auto mechanics, and technology courses. A viewable/printable in structor's guide is available online. A Shopware Production. (17 minutes)</td><t d>2006</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1515_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1515_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>35395</td><td>Electrical Components Part I: Resistors, Batte ries, and Switches</td><td>Fixed resistors, variable resistors, ballast resistor s, batteries, and various types of switches are explained in this program. Compu ter animation, component cutaways, and lab experiments are used to demonstrate h ow these basic components function. This is an informative video that will stren gthen your curriculum. It is ideal for classes in electricity-electronics, techn ology, auto mechanics, and other technical areas. A viewable/printable instructo r's guide is available online. A Shopware Production. (22 minutes)</td><td>2006< /td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1516_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1516_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35396</td><td>Electrical Components Part II: Capacitors, Fus es, Flashers, and Coils</td><td>Capacitors, fuses, fuse links, circuit breakers, flashers, coils, and other devices are discussed in this training tape. Compute r animation, component cutaways, and lab experiments are used to demonstrate how these basic components are constructed and how they operate. This is a must-see for all students of electricity-electronics, technology courses, auto mechanics , and many other subject areas that involve electricity and electronics. A viewa ble/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Shopware Production. (14 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1517_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1517_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35397</td><td>Electrical Components Part III: Transformers, Relays, and Motors</td><td>Transformers, relays, and motors are detailed in this training video. Computer animation, component cutaways, and lab experiments are used to demonstrate how basic components are constructed and operate. This is a n essential training program for all students of electricity-electronics, techno logy courses, auto mechanics, and many other subject areas that involve electric ity and electronics. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online . A Shopware Production. (15 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1518_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1518_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6850</td><td>Electrical Energy</td><td>This program uses a s olar-powered toy car; magnets, coils of enamel wire, a small bulb, and a propell er; copper wire; a galvanometer; a screen coil and a swing coil; aluminum rods a nd two dry cell batteries; liquid nitrogen, a superconductor, and a neodymium ma gnet; and a montage of different power plants to demonstrate the following conce pts:o dynamoso electromagnetic inductiono how generators worko mutual inductiono eddy currento superconductorso steam, hydroelectric, nuclear, wave, and wind en ergy conversion(30 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>30</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1519_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1519_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35393</td><td>Electrical Principles</td><td>This live-action video introduces the basics of electricity. Computer animation adds interest an d excitement as the video comes to life in its coverage of atoms, conductors, in sulators, free electrons, voltage, current, resistance, magnetism, attraction-re pulsion, electromagnets, a simple circuit, and other electrical principles. Idea l for courses in electricity, physics, science, automotive, and technology. A vi ewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Shopware Production. (18 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1520_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1520_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32783</td><td>Electrical Repairs</td><td>This video looks at common automotive electrical problems. It covers how to use a DVOM to check con tinuity, voltage, resistance, and amperage; inspect, test, and replace fusible l inks, circuit breakers, and fuses; and work on batteries and alternators. Don't get a shock-develop a well-grounded knowledge of electricity. A viewable/printab le instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the standards for the C ollision Repair and Refinish Technician Training Certification Program, from the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence and the National Automotiv e Technicians Education Foundation. A Shopware Production. (20 minutes)</td><td> 2005</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1521_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1521_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31964</td><td>Electrical: Rough-in and Final</td><td>In this video, students will learn how to install cables, wires, boxes, and devices to control current flow, such as switches, outlets, and circuit breakers. Particula r attention is paid to safety and the standards of the National Electrical Code. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the Competencies and Objectives of the National Center for Construction Education & Research. A Shopware Production. (15 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1522_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1522_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25284</td><td>Electrical Safety</td><td>Those who work with electricity encounter many hazards, including electric shock and electrical fire s. This video details safety procedures for these hazards as well as protection

of electrical instruments and solid-state devices. An excellent overview for tho se who work with electricity and as a general safety video for everyone. (21 min .) A Meridian Production.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1523_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1523_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35401</td><td>Electrical Troubleshooting</td><td>Students le arn to use a systematic approach to locate electrical problems: know the circuit , isolate the problem, test components, fix the problem, and retest the circuit. Viewers also learn about common problems found in resistors, capacitors, relays , circuit breakers, motors, and other components. A viewable/printable instructo r's guide is available online. A Shopware Production. (20 minutes)</td><td>2006< /td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1524_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1524_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32264</td><td>Electricians</td><td>Once your students have t aken the tour and seen what the skilled construction trades have to offer, they will want to know more about specific jobs that may interest them. This fast-pac ed program provides a concise profile of electricians, looking at educational ba ckground, apprenticeships, salary, and the work itself. (13 minutes)</td><td>200 3</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1525_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1525_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34798</td><td>Electricity and Electronics</td><td>This ten-p art series provides a comprehensive video guide to the study of electronics, ran ging from the fundamental laws and principles of electricity at the atomic level to troubleshooting and repair of electronic components. Lively computer animati on and hands-on demonstrations make these videos an ideal resource for the class room. Viewable/printable instructor's guides are available online. A Shopware Pr oduction. 10-part series, 18-24 minutes each.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1526_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1526_l blPrice">$799.50<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3604</td><td>Electrochemical Cells</td><td>The operation of an electrochemical cell is shown with a laboratory model of a zinc-copper cell. Animation at the atomic level shows that differences in activity levels determin e the effectiveness of the electrochemical cell. (10 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td

><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1527_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1527_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3602</td><td>Electrochemistry</td><td>This lively series com mences by taking chemistry students inside the common, everyday battery, and exp laining the basic principles involved. It then illustrates the terminology and p rocesses of electrochemical reactions, how half-cell potentials can be determine d, and how electrochemistry is at work in the commercial Leclanche cell, as well as the processes of corrosion and electrolysis. 6-part series, 10 minutes each. </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1528_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1528_l blPrice">$299.70<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3612</td><td>Electron Arrangement</td><td>When physicists Er win Schrodinger and Werner Heisenberg applied wave mechanics to the atom, they t heorized that Bohr's energy levels consisted of sub-levels, or orbitals. This pr ogram demonstrates the importance of the number of electrons in the outer orbita ls to the properties of the atom. (10 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1529_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1529_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3609</td><td>Electron Arrangement and Bonding</td><td>In six short programs, chemistry students will learn the importance of the electron to chemical compounds. Through computer animation, the series explores the develop ment of the atomic model by scientists such as Niels Bohr and Ernest Rutherford, and relates their contributions to an understanding of the functions of electro ns. It illustrates various aspects such as energy levels, orbitals, charges, rel ative mass, bonding, and electron configuration, explaining clearly and concisel y how the properties of an atom may be predicted by studying its electrons. 6-pa rt series, 10 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1530_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1530_l blPrice">$299.70<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35402</td><td>Electronic Circuit Repair</td><td>Viewers lear n "tricks of the trade" for finding and correcting electronic faults. Clear and precise examples show how to evaluate permanent, intermittent, parameter, and lo gic faults. Reseating circuit boards, power supply testing, transistor testing, and IC diagnosis tips are also shown. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Shopware Production. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>23</

td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1531_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1531_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35398</td><td>Electronic Components Part I: Semiconductors, Transistors, and Diodes</td><td>Computer animation is used to make basic electro nic components come to life in this very informative training video. The princip les of semiconductor materials, transistor operation, transistor construction, t ransistor types, diodes, and other basic electronic components are illustrated w ith very interesting experiments and computer animation. This is a "must have" f or courses in electronics, electricity, motor controls, technology, air conditio ning, auto mechanics, physics, science, etc. A viewable/printable instructor's g uide is available online. A Shopware Production. (18 minutes)</td><td>2006</td>< td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1532_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1532_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35399</td><td>Electronic Components Part II: Operation-Trans istors and Diodes</td><td>This animated video continues the study of electronics by expanding upon transistors, diodes, and other components. Transistor testing procedures show the methods used to check the operation of certain transistors along with more detailed information on the operation and applications of FETs, MOSCFETs, SCRs, and unijunction transistors. A viewable/printable instructor's g uide is available online. A Shopware Production. (20 minutes)</td><td>2006</td>< td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1533_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1533_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35400</td><td>Electronic Components Part III: Thyristors, Pi ezo Crystals, Solar Cells, and Fiber Optics</td><td>This animated video continue s the study of electronic components by demonstrating the construction and opera tion of thyristors, Hall-effect chips, piezo crystals, light emitting diodes, ph otoresistors, solar cells, fiber optics, photodiodes, phototransistors, liquid c rystal displays, etc. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available onlin e. A Shopware Production. (23 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1534_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1534_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38791</td><td>Electronic Health Records</td><td>Whether they are needed to ensure properly dispensed prescriptions, monitor a patient's reco

very, or make an urgently needed diagnosis, accurate health records are crucial to a patient's safety. This program highlights the important work of health info rmation technicians and shows how electronic health records can help make medica l care both safer and more efficient. In-depth commentary on medical information technology and its challenges comes from Dr. David Bates, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and Dr. Don Detmer, Professor of Medical Education a t the University of Virginia. Both are leading experts in medical informatics. ( 28 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1535_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1535_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36072</td><td>Electronics & Electrical Engineering, Volume 1 </td><td>This 20-program educational video collection covers everything from bas ic electrical theory, to electronics troubleshooting, to residential electrical wiring. Programs include: Electrical Principles Electric Circuits: Ohm's Law ctrical Components, Part I: Resistors, Batteries, and Switches Electrical Compone nts, Part II: Capacitors, Fuses, Flashers, and Coils Electrical Components, Part III: Transformers, Relays, and Motors Electronic Components, Part I: Semiconducto rs, Transistors, and Diodes Electronic Components, Part II: Operation-Transistors and Diodes Electronic Components, Part III: Thyristors, Piezo Crystals, Solar Ce lls, and Fiber Optics Electrical Troubleshooting Electronic Troubleshooting Th vice Entrance Panelboards Wiring Methods Grounding GFCIs and AFCIs R itches Wiring Light Fixtures Wiring for Appliances Math in Electrical Technolo ctrical Safety Recommended for high school, technical or vocational school, a nd training programs. Twenty full-length videos. (c) 2006.</td><td>2006</td><td >&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1536_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1536_l blPrice">$1,689.00<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11324</td><td>Electrons at Play: A Century of Electrifying D iscoveries</td><td>This lively program presents the 1998 Faraday Lecture, which explains how the discovery of the electron by J. J. Thomson profoundly impacted both everyday life and scientific innovation. Combining stimulating on-stage exp eriments, computer graphics, interviews, and even a visit to CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, the program illustrates the principles of elect rostatics and electromagnetism, examines the workings of the cathode ray tube an d flat-screen TV, and inquires into the origin of the universe. A Wimshurst mach ine, a Tesla coil, a plasma globe, an electron microscope, and a particle accele rator are demonstrated. (55 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1537_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1537_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3608</td><td>Electroplating</td><td>The causes and results o f electrolysis, a nonspontaneous reaction requiring a source of electrical energ y, are shown through animation. We discover that studying the reduction potentia

ls for each possible half-cell reaction enables us to predict which reaction wil l occur. (10 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1538_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1538_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37153</td><td>Electrostatics</td><td>This program explores b asic electricity as it was perceived by Benjamin Franklin and other early theori sts, as well as the principles of positive and negative charge, conduction and i nduction, atoms and electrons, and elementary charge. Coulomb's Law is related i n detail, including the torsion balance experiment that led to the breakthrough. Insulators, semiconductors, and superconductors are also explained and demonstr ated. Specific modules include Electricity, Positive and Negative, Conduction an d Induction, Atoms and Charge, Elementary Charge, Coulomb's Law, and Insulators and Conductors. Correlates to all National CTE Organizational Standards (includi ng the provisions of the Perkins Act). A viewable/printable instructor's guide i s available online. Previously sold individually. A Shopware Production. (32 min utes)</td><td>2007</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1539_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1539_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35313</td><td>Elements and Principles of Design</td><td>Plea sing the eye is important, but a skilled designer also pays attention to the con sumer's mind, emotions, and needs. This program explores the basic elements of d esign and how they can be manipulated to create powerful visual and interactive experiences. Detailing the properties of line, shape, tone, point, texture, colo r, and letterform-and how designers organize these elements through contrast, pa tterning, figure-ground tension, and other methods-the video uses examples in ar chitecture, landscaping, graphics, and other fields to reinforce essential conce pts. Students will find the program's lively animation sequences helpful as they absorb each design lesson. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. (31 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1540_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1540_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35088</td><td>Elements of Writing</td><td>This volume concen trates on successful storytelling. In a talk called "Scene, Summary, Silence," w riter/educator Al Young tells how to engage readers and keep a story moving by c reating believable narrative and maintaining a balance between scene and summary . A panel discussion moderated by Mark Childress follows, in which authors Olga Carlisle, James Brown, Lynn Freed, and Al Young examine the influence of their b irthplaces on their work. With honesty and humor they answer questions including Do you think you'd be a writer if you came from another place in the world? and What impact did leaving your birthplaces have on your writing? (111 minutes)</t d><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1541_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1541_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34291</td><td>Elements: The Foundation of Nature</td><td>Ear th, air, fire, and water: according to some ancient theories, these four element s made up the cosmos. Beginning with the work of the Greek philosopher Democritu s, this Science Screen Report describes how an accurate atomic theory developed and led to awareness of a wide variety of elements. Specific examples showing di fferent configurations of these basic units of matter-including graphite and dia mond, both made of carbon-combine with animated sequences that demonstrate conce pts of atomic and molecular structure. A viewable/printable instructor's guide i s available online. Correlates to National Science Education Standards. Produce d in association with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology and the Junior Engineering Technical Society. (17 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>17< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1542_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1542_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32265</td><td>Elevator Constructors</td><td>Once your studen ts have taken the tour and seen what the skilled construction trades have to off er, they will want to know more about specific jobs that may interest them. This fast-paced program provides a concise profile of elevator constructors, looking at educational background, apprenticeships, salary, and the work itself. (13 mi nutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1543_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1543_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35633</td><td>Elie Wiesel: Dead Stars, Dead Eyes</td><td>In this powerful program narrated by William Hurt, Elie Wiesel shares his innermost beliefs as he talks about his commitment to Holocaust awareness, his ongoing fi ght against anti-Semitism, and his tireless efforts to help the weak. From his b irthplace in the town of Sighet and back again via Auschwitz, postwar Paris, Jer usalem, and New York City, the iconic humanitarian talks about the things that m atter most to him: family, Judaism, human rights, and, most of all, the duty to remember. Footage of Wiesel at Boston University captures the Nobel Laureate in a teaching moment, while passages from his acclaimed memoir Night, read by Hurt, articulate the surreal horror of living in a death camp. (58 minutes)</td><td>2 002</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1544_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1544_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>3279</td><td>The Elizabethans (1558-1603)</td><td>Elizabetha n dress is of particular interest to students of Shakespeare, for in his time, h is plays were performed in contemporary clothes. This program explains the court clothes, how they were made and given shape; who wore what, and what kind of no nverbal messages clothing sent; how complicated it was to dress and, once dresse d, to move about; how children's clothes reflected their role as miniature-versi on adults. (26 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1545_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1545_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>38810</td><td>Elle Macpherson: Super Business Model</td><td> In a celebrity-obsessed culture, Elle Macpherson stands out. Known as "The Body" from her modeling days, she is also known as a dynamic business executive with keen insight into branding on a global scale. This program tracks Macpherson's c areer as an entrepreneur, from the enduring success of her mid-market Intimates lingerie line, to her expansion into skincare products, to the launch of her ups cale Boudoir lingerie line. Her early successes at licensing her name and likene ss to lingerie retailer Bendon and her later behind-the-scenes work as executive director of surf apparel company Hot Tuna are also examined. This is a story of one of Australia's great brand-builders-and she's ready to take on the world. ( 29 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1546_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1546_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10980</td><td>Ellen Besen: Animator</td><td>Since 1995, the proportion of female computer animators in North America has increased from ten to twenty-five percent. Ellen Besen, an independent animation filmmaker, discuss es one of her films, and we hear from several animation students. (7 minutes)</t d><td>2000</td><td>7</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1547_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1547_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35208</td><td>Ellis Island Immigration Museum: Face of Ameri ca</td><td>More than 100 million citizens in the U.S. can trace their ancestry t o an immigrant who landed at New York's Ellis Island. This program ferries viewe rs to the Ellis Island Immigration Museum, where visitors retrace the footsteps of those who first touched American soil there. The museum's oral history projec t and exhibits present the voices and artifacts of immigrants who, fearing depor tation yet filled with hope, arrived with only what they could carry: a cooking pot, religious artifacts, traditional clothing-everyday things they thought impo rtant enough to bring all the way to the New World. A viewable/printable educato r's guide is available online. (27 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1548_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1548_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>28078</td><td>E-Mail Etiquette</td><td>There is little doubt that e-mail is an extremely useful innovation that has changed, and continues t o change, the way we communicate. However, the fact that e-mail is different fro m both voice- and paper-based communication can be a source of frustration for m any people. This program gives viewers an understanding of the conventions that have been developed by e-mail users over the years to facilitate effective commu nication. In addition, the video exposes many of the myths that exist regarding such issues as e-mail privacy, and warns of possible dangers when using e-mail. The words "spamming" and "flaming" may not make sense to everyone, but chances a re they've come across examples of this type of behavior in their e-mail usage. The animated "cyber postman," who features throughout the video, has seen every example of bad e-mail usage you could imagine. With his assistance we provide a comprehensive introduction to the etiquette of using e-mail. A viewable/printabl e instructor's guide is available online. A Cambridge Educational Production. (2 0 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1549_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1549_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25312</td><td>Emerging Communication Skills</td><td>This pro gram explores the development of language during the first six years of life. Wh ile language development begins at birth with the sound of the human voice, care givers need to provide the building blocks so that children can learn language s kills during these first six years. (22 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>199 2</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1550_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1550_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32140</td><td>Emerging Diseases</td><td>An outbreak of mad c ow disease shut down Britain's cattle industry, resulting in the slaughter of hu ndreds of thousands of animals and costing the nation billions of dollars. What is mad cow disease, scientifically known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy? Co uld an outbreak happen in the U.S.? What other types of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies are out there? What precautions is the USDA taking to reduce t he likelihood of occurrence and stem the spread of these degenerative neurologic al diseases among animals and people? And what might happen if those precautions fail? This program answers those and other questions as it sheds light on this emerging group of food-borne diseases. Chronic wasting disease, Norwalk virus, a nd bovine tuberculosis are also addressed. Correlates to the Health National Sta ndards from the Joint Committee for National School Health Education and the Ame rican Cancer Society and the National Content Standards for Health according to the American School Health Association. A Cambridge Educational Production. (17 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1551_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1551_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7467</td><td>The Emerging Viruses</td><td>Scientists have id entified over 200 viruses, and an estimated 1,000 more may lurk undiscovered thr oughout the world. This program examines current scientific research on emerging viruses. Live-action microscopy shows the impact of the HIV virus on the human immune system. Sophisticated animation depicting viral life cycles reinforces th e concept that the best defense against dangerous viruses may well be a more com plete understanding of how they work. A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>199 1</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1552_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1552_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37620</td><td>Emerson: The Ideal in America-Educator's Editi on</td><td>A generation after Americans had freed themselves politically and eco nomically from Britain, it would be up to Ralph Waldo Emerson to carry the Revol ution to individual men and women by exhorting them to a freedom of the spirit a s well. Through a detailed recounting of Emerson's life, this program traces his vision of the ideal in America from its genesis to its flowering as the princip les of Transcendentalism. Readings from Emerson's journals, addresses, and publi shed works-including Nature and "Self-Reliance"-are interwoven throughout. Comme ntary is provided by Robert Richardson, author of Emerson: The Mind on Fire; Ric hard Geldard, author of God in Concord; and others. Bonus material includes shor t bios of key Transcendentalists, profiles of women who influenced Emerson and T ranscendentalism, the role of oratory in American life and the rise of the Lyceu m lecture circuit, an overview of idealism in Western philosophy, and Eastern in fluences on Transcendentalism (DVD only). Produced by The Ralph Waldo Emerson In stitute. (54 minutes + 49 minutes of bonus material)</td><td>2007</td><td>54</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1553_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1553_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32794</td><td>Emily Dickinson</td><td>While many of her lite rary peers achieved notoriety, "the woman in white" remained virtually unknown-b y choice. The self-imposed obscurity of Emily Dickinson is just one of many aspe cts of her life that this program explores. Blending daguerreotypes, paintings, manuscripts, excerpts from Dickinson's letters, and readings from nearly a dozen of her poems, this program presents the biography of one of America's most uniq ue and influential voices in poetry. (20 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>21</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1554_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1554_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>25313</td><td>Emission Control Systems</td><td>This video pr ogram summarizes the operation of automobile emission systems including parts, t erminology, and measuring controls. The use of live action, cutaways, and comput er animation explains and details how PCVs, EGRs, catalytic converters, air, tra ction, and other systems function. (24 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1992 </td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1555_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1555_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11373</td><td>"Emma Zunz"</td><td>Beneath the timid personal ity of 19-year-old Emma Zunz there lurks a thirst for vengeance. In this tale, E mma's father, wrongly accused of a crime, commits suicide, sending her on a sear ch for the real culprit. Contains mature themes. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 5 2 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1556_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1556_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11005</td><td>Emotional Development of Children</td><td>Pare nts and caregivers not only need to nurture the physical and intellectual develo pment of young children, but their emotional development as well. Each stage of emotional development provides children with opportunities to explore new feelin gs as they grow. This program focuses on the importance of emotional education d uring the various stages of childhood development and explains how caregivers an d parents can monitor this vital growth. A Meridian Production. (18 minutes)</td ><td>1992</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1557_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1557_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6983</td><td>Emotional Intelligence: The Key to Social Skill s</td><td>There was a time when parents were expected to teach their children so cial skills, such as how to listen, share, and be kind. Today, that job, and the nurturing of the emotional intelligence necessary to learn those skills, has be en turned over to schools. This program from The Doctor Is In looks at innovativ e teaching techniques that are helping students to develop emotional intelligenc e and the social skills that will help them lead happier lives. Psychologist Dan iel Goleman discusses the nature of emotional intelligence and how it develops; child psychologist Maurice Elias explains the concept of emotional literacy. A D artmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Production. (29 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td> 29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1558_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1558_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span>

</td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11118</td><td>Empire of the Bay: Ambition, Wealth, and the H udson's Bay Company</td><td>It searched for the mythical Northwest Passage. It c lashed with American interests during the War of 1812. It even had a hand in the division of Oregon. This program chronicles the epic history of the Hudson's Ba y Company, the world's oldest continuous commercial enterprise still in existenc e. Adapted from Peter C. Newman's best-seller and narrated by former NewsHour an chor Robert MacNeil, this story of exploration and exploitation uses stunning ph otography as well as paintings, drawings, maps, journals, and memoirs to tell th e company's story in the authentic voice of the people who were a part of it. (8 7 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>87</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1559_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1559_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36931</td><td>The Empire Strikes Back</td><td>Will standard English, as it was known in the 20th century, disappear? Will English continue a s the global tongue, or will its numerous varieties become, as offshoots of Lati n did, a host of mutually unintelligible languages? This classic PBS program fea tures new varieties of English that have transcended British and American influe nce. The program focuses on some of the most successful examples of "New English ," including Jamaican creole, the English of India, and the pidgin of Melanesia, brought to Papua New Guinea by maritime trade. The program concludes with the p ossibility that the world's first global language will endure alongside its unre cognizable descendants. (59 minutes)</td><td>1986</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1560_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1560_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25316</td><td>Employee Skills</td><td>Instructs students how to prepare for a job interview with a potential employer. Basic food service jo b skills are discussed along with appropriate work behavior, professional appear ance, and suitable attitude. Viewers will be able to apply practical ideas to th e job search as well as in the workplace. They will also see what employers want in an applicant and use that knowledge to get a good job in the food service in dustry. (9 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1561_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1561_l blPrice">$45.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25318</td><td>Employer/Employee Rights and Responsibilities< /td><td>"What if I'm fired unfairly?" "If I get hurt at work, will I still have a job when I recover?" "Is it legal to dismiss someone for repeatedly being late ?" "I was passed over for a promotion, and I think it's because of my ethnic bac kground. Can I take legal action?" Geared toward students entering the workforce , this timeless program answers these and other important questions as it explai

ns employer/employee rights and responsibilities. A Meridian Production. (15 min utes)</td><td>1995</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1562_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1562_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36163</td><td>The Empty ATM: Inside Argentina's Broken Econo my</td><td>In December 2001, the Argentine government defaulted on $155 billion in public debt. This Wide Angle documentary describes the economic disintegratio n of the once-affluent country, examining its political quagmire and the collaps e of its currency. Showing various methods that citizens use to survive in a bro ken economy-ranging from the ingenious, such as barter clubs for exchanging good s and services, to the brutal, including outbreaks of rioting-the program demons trates what happens when basic government services vanish. It also asks: How can the people of Argentina put their society back together? In addition, former Wo rld Bank Chief Economist Joseph Stiglitz talks with anchor Jamie Rubin. (57 minu tes)</td><td>2002</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1563_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1563_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35283</td><td>Empty Oceans: Global Competition for Scarce Re sources</td><td>Use this program to illustrate connections between fish stock de pletion and growing tensions over ocean resources. The exhaustion of West Africa 's fisheries is shown to have economic consequences a hemisphere away-specifical ly in Japan, which depends on Moroccan production for much of its octopus import s. Heavy fishing by European fleets in Senegalese waters-and the 1995 "Turbot Wa r" between Spain and Canada-provide concrete evidence that competition for the o cean's riches is hardly a local problem. This is an effective study of the indus trialized world's consumption trends and their political and environmental fallo ut. (31 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1564_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1564_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37253</td><td>EMT</td><td>With the growth of America's urban populations has come an increased demand for medical first responders-most nota bly, the emergency medical technician. This program guides students through the duties of the EMT-Basic and EMT-Paramedic, the skills and personality traits bot h require, and the financial and personal advantages that these positions offer. Featuring interviews with veterans of the profession, the program describes the 110-hour class and national or state registry exam an aspiring EMT must complet e, along with specific functions-for EMT-Bs, supporting an ambulance team in the field and during patient transport, maintaining vitals and airwave access, cont rolling bleeding, basic splinting, and applying a cervical collar; and for EMT-P aramedics, traction splinting, patient status assessment, and other functions th at prepare patients for emergency room care. Both the Hollywood-style excitement and the routine aspects of EMT life are emphasized, in addition to the best hig

h school courses and volunteer opportunities in which a would-be EMT should get involved. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlate s to national and state board certification standards. A Meridian Production. (2 2 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1565_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1565_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25371</td><td>EMTs, Nurses, Therapists, and Assistants</td>< td>In this video, viewers are able to focus on those health care jobs which are more heavily involved in caring for people. Emergency medical technicians provid e basic life support procedures before patients are transported. We learn about the various levels of experience and how they differ. The duties of nurses, ther apists, and assistants are also covered, including training, job skills, and oth er pertinent information. A Meridian Production. One 15-minute video.</td><td>20 00</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1566_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1566_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33950</td><td>En El Inicio de los Tiempos-in Spanish</td><td >Starting with the birth of the universe, this program brings to light the geolo gic formation of the Iberian Peninsula, the flourishing of the dinosaurs, and th e rise of humankind. Using extensive dramatization, En El Inicio de los Tiempos traces the advances of the earliest humans, rendering a detailed and highly plau sible scenario of existence during the unrecorded chapters of human history. Map s and photos of archaeological artifacts provide additional insights into life d uring prehistoric times. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Produc tion. (Spanish, 51 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1567_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1567_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34453</td><td>En El Inicio de los Tiempos-in Spanish with En glish Subtitles</td><td>Starting with the birth of the universe, this program br ings to light the geologic formation of the Iberian Peninsula, the flourishing o f the dinosaurs, and the rise of humankind. Using extensive dramatization, En El Inicio de los Tiempos traces the advances of the earliest humans, rendering a d etailed and highly plausible scenario of existence during the unrecorded chapter s of human history. Maps and photos of archaeological artifacts provide addition al insights into life during prehistoric times. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish with English subtitles, 51 minutes)</td><t d>2004</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1568_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1568_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2571</td><td>The Enchanted Loom: Processing Sensory Informat ion</td><td>The brain-the "Enchanted Loom," as Sir Charles Sherrington, one of t he founders of modern brain research, called it-is the most intricate, almost un fathomably complex product of evolution. It is a tapestry woven of a hundred bil lion threads-the fibers of all its nerve cells. Computers have large memories an d prodigious abilities to calculate, but are slow at interpreting visual images that the human brain recognizes at a glance. This program looks at the range of sensory information that is transmitted to the human cerebral cortex, and examin es how the brain sorts and classifies sensory information, searching for clues a nd interpreting them on the basis of expectation, past experience, and informati on from other sources. The senses provide the information, and the brain provide s the meaning. (60 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1569_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1569_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37468</td><td>The End: Media at the Tipping Point</td><td>Ev ery year, pundits and innovators prematurely predict the triumph of New Media. B ut as consumer demand for anytime/anywhere news and entertainment reaches critic al mass, the end might finally be drawing near. This fast-paced three-part serie s seeks to understand the seismic changes going on in the media industry by anal yzing the current state of Old Media and its fleet-footed competition. Have TV, radio, and print finally outlived their relevance? Original CBC broadcast title: The End. 3-part series, 20 minutes each.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1570_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1570_l blPrice">$269.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11388</td><td>The End of Days</td><td>About 2,000 years ago, a group of people lived at Qumran, on the shore of the Dead Sea. Were they real ly the Essenes? And did the inhabitants write the more than 800 scrolls that wer e found there? In this program, Geza Vermes, of Oxford University; Lawrence Schi ffman, of New York University; archaeologist Hanan Eshel; and other experts sear ch for the answers. The startling counter-theories of Norman Golb and Yitzhar Hi rschfeld are also considered. Close-ups of scroll and pottery fragments, footage of the dig at Qumran, models and drawings, and readings from the War Scroll, Te mple Scroll, and Copper Scroll are included. (36 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>3 6</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1571_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1571_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7342</td><td>The End of Evolution: Breaking the Link</td><td >In this program, genetic teams in England and Finland study how defective genes can be altered to halt transmission of disease through the generations. In Engl

and, geneticist John Burn discovers a woman's lethal cancer gene, inherited from her father. She undergoes early treatment that saves her life. Thirty genetic d iseases exist in Finland. Steve Jones traces a defective gene in one family, whi ch has caused brain damage in their child, to the couple's paternal ancestors. I n an insular Pakistani immigrant group, another gene is identified that causes a life-threatening blood disorder. Both the Finns and the Pakistanis are beginnin g to marry outside of their own groups in order to weaken the offending genes. A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1572_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1572_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11542</td><td>End of Life: Patients Facing Death</td><td>All through medical school, internship, and residency, doctors are trained to be he alers. What can they contribute to the care of patients whose illnesses are beyo nd their help? This ABC News program examines the crusading efforts of oncologis t Dr. Michael Carducci, of Johns Hopkins Medicine, to create an exemplary progra m of palliative care for people with terminal conditions. The importance of supp orting patients and their families in the making of sound end-of-life decisions is stressed. (48 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1573_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1573_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38693</td><td>The End of Pain: Anesthesia</td><td>Before ane sthetics, surgeons relied on speed, brandy, and brutality. This program reveals how a fairground dentist named Horace Wells made an essential breakthrough in pa in mitigation by ingesting nitrous oxide and pulling out one of his own teeth. R ecounting Wells' foray into other surgical procedures with the help of a colleag ue, William Morton, the program explores the subsequent split between the two re searchers, with Morton favoring ether while Wells gravitated toward chloroform. The program offers a concise history of anesthetics by featuring other self-expe rimenters like Humphry Davy and Sigmund Freud, as well as a present-day version of Dr. Fred Prescott's curare self-test. A BBCW Production. (51 minutes)</td><td >2007</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1574_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1574_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37486</td><td>The End of Print</td><td>It's newspapers, maga zines, and books versus blogs, webzines, and e-books in this program as host Jia n Ghomeshi addresses issues ranging from the popularity of citizen journalism, t o the growing shift in advertiser dollars from print to the Web, to the whole Go ogle Book Search controversy. Multiple points of view are represented by blogosp here luminaries Cory Doctorow and David Pescovitz (Boing Boing), Markos Moulitsa s Zuniga (Daily Kos), and Heather B. Armstrong (Dooce); representatives of The N ew York Times; Bob Stein, director of the Institute for the Future of the Book; intellectual property attorney Fred von Lohmann, for the Electronic Frontier Fou

ndation; Brewster Kahle, a digital librarian with the Open Content Alliance; Int ernet icons Jimmy Wales and Craig Newmark; and others. (23 minutes)</td><td>2006 </td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1575_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1575_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37487</td><td>The End of Radio</td><td>Today's teens still l isten to a lot of music, but it doesn't come from conventional radio. In this pr ogram, host Jian Ghomeshi takes the pulse of an industry that seems to be on the verge of dying as the shortcomings of airwave radio are measured against Intern et radio, podcasting, satellite radio, and HD radio. Perspectives are provided b y Bob Roback, of Yahoo! Music; Ralph Simon, of Mobile Entertainment Forum; Rusty Hodge, founder of Internet radio station SomaFM; Tim Westergren, founder of cus tomized online streaming service Pandora; Ted Cohen, of EMI Music; media strateg ist John Parikhal; music futurist Gerd Leonhard; Jennifer Ferro, of 89.9 KCRW, a n award-winning college radio station that is successfully making a name for its elf in the online radio market; and others. (23 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1576_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1576_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30645</td><td>The End of Rome, the Birth of Europe</td><td>B y the 6th century, the migrating peoples of Europe had begun to settle down, est ablishing the boundaries of their domains-but not of their ambitions. Who would become the heirs of the Roman Empire and the allies-and enemies-of the Church? T his program reconstructs the development of key non-Roman kingdoms including tho se of the Ostrogoths in Italy, the Merovingians in Gaul, and the Anglo-Saxons in Britain. (52 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1577_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1577_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37485</td><td>The End of TV</td><td>With the increasing popu larity of YouTube, video blogs, Internet-based newscasts, Slingbox, and made-for -mobile content, has the time finally come to turn off the TV? This exploration of whether-or when-nontraditional video will topple commercial television looks at how New Media is changing the way video is both created and consumed. In the process, host Jian Ghomeshi gathers the insights and opinions of former Rocketbo om host Amanda Congdon; Boing Boing's Cory Doctorow; Current TV's Anastasia Good stein; Craigslist founder Craig Newmark; blogger Robert "Scobleizer" Scoble; Jos h Shore, cofounder of the Guerrilla News Network; TV analyst Todd Chanko, of Jup iter Research; TV critic Andrew Wallenstein; media watchdog Danny Schechter; Dav id Moore, CEO of 24/7 Real Media; and others. (23 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td> 24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1578_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1578_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11265</td><td>The End or the Beginning? Wealth-Building, 194 5 to 2300</td><td>Just as there was once a time without wealth, might there come a time without poverty? In this program, host Peter Jay scrutinizes the attempt s by Great Britain, Russia, the People's Republic of China, and Tanzania to stab ilize and recharge their economies during the last half-century, while interview s with citizens who have lived through both good times and bad reveal the mixed results of governmental and institutional efforts to raise their standards of li ving. In addition, Jay looks ahead to the year 2300 and makes intriguing predict ions as to the state of the world's economy. A BBC Production. (46 minutes)</td> <td>2000</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1579_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1579_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34274</td><td>Endangered Animals: The Battle Against Extinct ion</td><td>This Science Screen Report explains how biologists help endangered s pecies. It highlights captive breeding techniques that have strengthened populat ions of Malayan tapirs and southern white rhinos; it also examines the artificia l insemination of giant pandas and the teaching of survival skills to orphaned o rangutans. Emphasizing that humans can learn and benefit from these experiencesfor instance, several innovative ways to communicate with animals are illustrate d-this program provides concrete examples of prodigious advances in zoology. A v iewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Produced in associatio n with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology and the Junior Eng ineering Society. (14 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1580_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1580_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30906</td><td>Endangered: Biodiversity and Economic Developm ent</td><td>Year by year the tourist trade has dwindled in fictional Pingwah Fal ls, leaving the town practically bankrupt. When a plan was unveiled for a modern resort, everyone's hopes rose...until they learned the land is home to a threat ened species of bird. In this Fred Friendly Seminar moderated by Harvard Law Sch ool's Arthur Miller, panelists including former county supervisor Tom Mullen; Ch ristopher Williams, of the World Wildlife Fund; Kieran Suckling, of the Center f or Biological Diversity; Thomas McGill, of Michael Brandman Associates; and seve n others try to determine what sacrifices should be made in the name of biodiver sity-and who should make them. (60 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1581_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1581_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>30898</td><td>The Endgame: 1646-1649</td><td>Even in captivi ty, a king is a dangerous prisoner-as Charles I proved twice. This program follo ws the final, desperate throes of the English civil war, from the king's initial surrender, through his escape, to his execution and the establishment of the Pr otectorate under Cromwell. Along with depictions of the events, the program look s at how the debates and ideas of the English civil war traveled around the worl d, forever altering notions of monarchy and government. (30 minutes)</td><td>200 1</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1582_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1582_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1107</td><td>Enduring Dreams</td><td>Through wars, depressio ns, and social upheavals, the West has accommodated to change while remaining a mythical land of freedom and possibility. The ghosts of the buffalos are still s tirring. Thomas Hart Benton and Grant Wood have given way to Native American art ists; Indians-once the subjects of painting-have become its practitioners. So th e myth regenerates itself and the American consciousness and the American dream are reshaped and redefined. (57 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1583_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1583_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4054</td><td>Energy and Force: Part 1</td><td>This unit incl udes five programs that cover the following concepts: inertia-the first law of p hysics; mass-how it is measured, how it differs from size, and how inertia incre ases with mass; speed-how force varies with mass and rate of change of speed; ac celeration, part one-the examples of a bicycle and a baseball player are used to demonstrate that force = mass x acceleration; and acceleration, part two-an ani mated locomotive helps explain how acceleration works and is calculated. (24 min utes)</td><td>1993</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1584_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1584_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4055</td><td>Energy and Force: Part 2</td><td>This unit incl udes five programs that cover the following concepts: gravity-explains the force of gravity and the unit with which it's measured; weight vs. mass-explains the difference between weight and mass; work-a circus strongman and a clown help pre sent the physics definition of work; kinetic energy-animated billiard balls help demonstrate kinetic energy, the energy of motion; and potential energy-a rock t eetering on the edge of a cliff is shown to have potential energy, the energy of position. (25 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1585_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1585_l

blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34727</td><td>Energy and Resources</td><td>As the Earth's fo ssil fuel reserves decline, what forms of energy will come next? After discussin g the formation, uses, and consequences of burning coal, oil, and natural gas, t his video explores the development of alternative resources that may someday com pletely replace them: nuclear power, solar energy, biomass, geothermal energy, h ydroelectric power, and wind power. Benefits, costs, and environmental impacts a re considered. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Corr elates to National Science Education Standards, National Educational Technology Standards, and Standards for the English Language Arts. A Cambridge Educational Production. Recommended for grades 7-12. (21 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>21</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1586_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1586_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14448</td><td>Energy and Work</td><td>Ever since there has b een work to do, people have looked for easier ways to complete their tasks. Thes e imaginative videos offer fresh perspectives on how machines are used to make w ork easier. Animation, graphics, video, and narration are combined to vividly ex plain the basic physical concepts associated with work, energy, and the six simp le machines. Special appearances by a hard-working caveman help put the developm ent of machines into historical (and humorous) perspective. Each segment include s history and definition, real-world examples of the physical science principles , video of simple machines in use, 3-D animations demonstrating how the machines work, as well as calculations and their applications. A Cambridge Educational P roduction. (14 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1587_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1587_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34100</td><td>Energy: Electricity from the Moon</td><td>The ocean tides offer a clean and renewable energy source that can reduce reliance o n fossil fuels. This Science Screen Report shows how Earth's tides are formed, i llustrates their relationship to the Moon's gravitational forces, and explains h ow these principles can be applied to the construction of underwater turbines. T he program also explores efforts to reduce the environmental impact of dams that are essential in the operation of undersea power plants. A viewable/printable i nstructor's guide is available online. Produced in association with the Accredit ation Board for Engineering and Technology and the Junior Engineering Technical Society. (14 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1588_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1588_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>34015</td><td>Energy for Life: Respiration and Circulation</ td><td>This edition of Science Screen Report explores the synergy of two differe nt physiological systems: the respiratory system, for acquiring and processing o xygen, and the circulatory system, for the internal transportation of oxygen and nutrients. Emphasizing the vital roles of the heart, the lungs, capillary actio n, and Earth's oxygen-rich atmosphere, Energy for Life illustrates clear connect ions between concepts in anatomy and chemistry. A viewable/printable instructor' s guide is available online. Correlates to National Science Education Standards. Produced in association with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Techno logy and the Junior Engineering Technical Society. (15 minutes)</td><td>2002</td ><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1589_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1589_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25332</td><td>Engine Bottom End Construction</td><td>Updated for 2008! Guiding students through a major component of automotive power, this video summarizes the design and construction of engine bottom end or short block assemblies. It explains how bottom end parts are made and illustrates exactly w hat they do inside an engine, while comparing and contrasting various part desig ns. Configurations for the cylinder block, crankshaft, connecting rods, bearings , and pistons-including detailed explanations of part movement and functions-are explained with the help of crystal-clear narration and easy-to-understand graph ics and animation. After viewing the video, automotive students will be better e quipped to understand engine operation and to analyze part failure when servicin g an engine. A Shopware Production. (29 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>30</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1590_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1590_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25336</td><td>Engine Front End Construction</td><td>Engine F ront End Construction is a twenty-three minute video which is part of the series , Automotive Engines.At the heart of every automobile is the engine...and this s eries of videos not only explains the basic operating principles, but provides c lear instruction for maintenance and repair. Using close ups of actual working p arts along with computer animation, this set of 8 videos covers every major part of a gasoline-driven engine. Each video summarizes the operation and constructi on of related components as well as demonstrating many important techniques for troubleshooting problems and the best methods for repair. Parts reviewed: o cran kshaft o rings o belts o timing chains o gaskets o gears o block o rods o cylind er head o valves o intake manifold o cams o main bearings o pistons o seals. The se videos also demonstrate how to inspect, organize, and measure engine parts... check for to disassemble and reassemble an engine...and briefly cov ers some machine shop operations such as grinding valves and seats...checking gu ide wear and checking head warpage. A Meridian Production.</td><td>1990</td><td> 23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1591_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1591_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25337</td><td>Engine Fundamentals</td><td>This entertaining video uses 3-D modeled animation and live-action video to explain the basic oper ating principles of a 4-stroke cycle piston engine. You will watch as a simple e ngine is built from the block up to produce an animated running one-cylinder eng ine. An excellent training tape for courses in auto mechanics, general technolog y, small gas engines, farm mechanics, science, drivers education, industrial art s, etc. (21 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1592_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1592_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25338</td><td>Engine Reassembly</td><td>Engine Reassembly is a forty-three minute video which is part of the series, Automotive Engines.At t he heart of every automobile is the engine...and this series of videos not only explains the basic operating principles, but provides clear instruction for main tenance and repair. Using close ups of actual working parts along with computer animation, this set of 8 videos covers every major part of a gasoline-driven eng ine. Each video summarizes the operation and construction of related components as well as demonstrating many important techniques for troubleshooting problems and the best methods for repair. Parts reviewed: o crankshaft o rings o belts o timing chains o gaskets o gears o block o rods o cylinder head o valves o intake manifold o cams o main bearings o pistons o seals. These videos also demonstrat e how to inspect, organize, and measure engine parts...check for to disassemble and reassemble an engine...and briefly covers some machine shop ope rations such as grinding valves and seats...checking guide wear and checking hea d warpage.(43 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1988</td><td>43</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1593_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1593_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25334</td><td>Engine Teardown, Cleaning, Inspection</td><td> Demonstrates how to do the most important tasks for disassembling, inspecting, o rganizing, and measuring engine parts. Shows how to measure part wear, check for cracks and damage, and how to determine what parts should be ordered for the en gine rebuild. (32 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>2008</td><td>&nbsp;</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1594_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1594_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25339</td><td>Engine Top-End Construction</td><td>Engine Top -End Construction is a twenty-two minute video which is part of the series, Auto motive Engines.At the heart of every automobile is the engine...and this series of videos not only explains the basic operating principles, but provides clear i nstruction for maintenance and repair. Using close ups of actual working parts a

long with computer animation, this set of 8 videos covers every major part of a gasoline-driven engine. Each video summarizes the operation and construction of related components as well as demonstrating many important techniques for troubl eshooting problems and the best methods for repair. Parts reviewed: o crankshaft o rings o belts o timing chains o gaskets o gears o block o rods o cylinder hea d o valves o intake manifold o cams o main bearings o pistons o seals. These vid eos also demonstrate how to inspect, organize, and measure engine parts...check for to disassemble and reassemble an engine...and briefly covers so me machine shop operations such as grinding valves and seats...checking guide we ar and checking head warpage. (22 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1993</td> <td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1595_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1595_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37656</td><td>Engineering</td><td>Introduce viewers to three women who have found gainful employment in the engineering field. This program profiles Elizabeth Nethery, a product support engineer who tests and customizes prosthetics; Elisabeth Paul, a computer software engineer in the aerospace indus try; and Daisy Lung, an environmental engineer who conducts site assessments for real estate clients. Commentary from co-workers and supervisors rounds out the descriptions of each job. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1596_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1596_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33210</td><td>English Goes Underground</td><td>With the Norm an invasion, English became a third language in its own country, behind French a nd Latin. In this program, Melvyn Bragg examines the impact of Old French on the development of English. Manuscripts, tapestries, and dozens of curious etymolog ies help illustrate a tremendous influx of vocabulary pertaining to romance, chi valry, and, of course, food. The influence of Eleanor of Aquitaine's patronage i s heard in works of poets and troubadours as the cult of courtly love flourished in England. (52 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1597_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1597_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33213</td><td>English in America</td><td>When Massasoit hail ed the Plymouth settlers in their own language, they might have taken it for a s ign that English would dominate the New World. Packed with surprising etymologie s and intriguing stories, this program traces the dynamic relationship between E nglish and America, exploring the linguistic influence of westward expansion, co wboy culture, slave culture, and encounters with the French and Spanish language s. Key works examined include The New England Primer and Webster's The American Spelling Book. (52 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1598_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1598_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7042</td><td>English Only in America?</td><td>When Californi a passed a law making English its official language, it set off a storm of legal and social debate-debate which continues to rage today. In this program, advoca tes for and against the policy examine the topic from social, legal, and educati onal standpoints: English-only advocates justify their viewpoint on the grounds that it promotes national unity and saves money by eliminating bilingual program s; a Mexican-American lawyer discusses the constitutionality of such a law; and an elementary school principal promotes the educational advantages of a program that teaches all students to speak, read, and write in English and Spanish. (25 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1599_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1599_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10568</td><td>English: The Standard Deviants(r) Core Curricu lum</td><td>This straight-talking ten-part series, adapted from the popular seri es developed for students to enhance their test-taking skills, combines serious academic content with a humorous presentation style to help make the rules of En glish more accessible. Elements such as high-tech special effects, computer anim ation, and entertaining vignettes boost retention and confidence while reinforci ng essential principles through concise explanations and engaging examples. Join ing the Standard Deviants Academic Team in the creation of this series are Chris Thaiss, Ph.D., of George Mason University, and Charles Fisher, M.A., of The Mad eira School. Correlates to all applicable state and national standards. A viewab le/printable instructor's guide is available online. 10-part series, 17-35 minut es each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1600_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1600_l blPrice">$699.50<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36923</td><td>An English-Speaking World</td><td>English is a language spoken by two billion people, perhaps even more. This classic PBS prog ram examines the prevalence of English in the world today and presents a histori cal overview of its rise. Focusing on the expansion of the British Empire and th e emergence of English-language mass media, the program explains how widespread English usage survived Britain's post-WWII decolonization, particularly in India and Africa. It also examines the impact of American-and especially CalifornianEnglish, which has arguably become standard. Interviews with William Safire and Gloria Steinem provide insight into Americanization and the linguistic influence of feminism. (58 minutes)</td><td>1986</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1601_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1601_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>32852</td><td>Enhanced Vision: New Directions in Ophthalmolo gy</td><td>As this program illustrates, direct access to the eye coupled with te chnological wizardry has meant that ophthalmology is one of the most rapidly adv ancing areas of medicine. Both up-to-the-minute techniques and experimental proc edures are profiled, such as photodynamic therapy, which inhibits macular degene ration by eroding deposits called drusen. The program shows how microsurgery, pa rticularly the LASIK method, has revolutionized the field. Also detailed are pio neering treatments for cataracts, retinitis pigmentosa, and new methods to detec t and treat glaucoma. A Deutsche Welle Production. (26 minutes)</td><td>2001</td ><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1602_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1602_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33257</td><td>Enigma of the Etruscans: Clues from a Shipwrec k</td><td>At the height of its power and influence, the Etruscan civilization ex tended from the Po Valley to Campania, and its merchant fleet was the master of the Mediterranean. This program documents the salvaging of the first Etruscan sh ip ever found: a spectacular wreck off the coast of southern France with a perfe ctly preserved lower hull and laden with hundreds of amphorae. What artifacts ar e waiting to be found among the many containers of wine? Lying on the seabed for thousands of years, this vessel and its cargo are a tantalizing link to a civil ization that has, as yet, given up too few of its mysteries. (50 minutes)</td><t d>2002</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1603_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1603_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30050</td><td>Enjoying the Weekend, French-Style</td><td>Thi s program spotlights the language of leisure. Topics of discussion include favor ite athletic activities, such as hiking and the immensely popular petanque; land scape painting around Mount St. Victoire, immortalized by Cezanne; recreational shopping; and nightlife in Marseille, where outdoor restaurants and discotheques are always in vogue. Original BBC broadcast title: Talk French, Program 6. (Fre nch and English, 16 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1604_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1604_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30150</td><td>The Enlightenment: Keeping the Fire Burning-in Spanish</td><td>The 18th century in Spain was less a period of literary achieve ment than a time of intellectual ferment, as the Bourbon monarchs attempted swee ping social and cultural reforms. In this program, renowned experts put into per spective the writings of those who kept the flame of literature alight during th e Age of Reason. Dramatic readings include excerpts from Torres Villarroel's El Censor, Benito Jeronimo Feijoo's "Fabula de las Batuecas y Paises Imaginarios,"

Padre Isla's Fray Gerundio, Jose Cadalso's Noches Lugubres and Cartas Marruecas, and Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos's Memoria para el Arreglo de la Policia de los Espectaculos y Diversiones Publicas y Sobre Su Origen en Espana. (Spanish, 50 m inutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1605_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1605_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30164</td><td>The Enlightenment: Keeping the Fire Burning-in Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>The 18th century in Spain was less a per iod of literary achievement than a time of intellectual ferment, as the Bourbon monarchs attempted sweeping social and cultural reforms. In this program, renown ed experts put into perspective the writings of those who kept the flame of lite rature alight during the Age of Reason. Dramatic readings include excerpts from Torres Villarroel's El Censor, Benito Jeronimo Feijoo's "Fabula de las Batuecas y Paises Imaginarios," Padre Isla's Fray Gerundio, Jose Cadalso's Noches Lugubre s and Cartas Marruecas, and Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos's Memoria para el Arreg lo de la Policia de los Espectaculos y Diversiones Publicas y Sobre Su Origen en Espana. (Spanish with English subtitles, 50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>50</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1606_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1606_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30241</td><td>Entertainment in the Digital Age</td><td>Is sh ow business a contradiction of terms? In this program, CBS Television's presiden t and CEO, Leslie Moonves-named Most Powerful Man in Hollywood by Entertainment Weekly-and Alex Yemenidjian, chairman and CEO of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, tell all a s they consider the evolution of entertainment as Hollywood goes digital. In add ition, MBA students and faculty from The Anderson School at UCLA ask questions a bout increasing the racial diversity among TV/film executives, dealing with acto r and writer strikes, and career options for MBA graduates in the movie industry . (57 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1607_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1607_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37288</td><td>Entrepreneurs on the Edge: Startups in Jeopard y</td><td>What is it like to open a new business? And, once started, what does i t take to keep it going and growing? Filmed in the U.K., this series profiles th ree small-business owners to see how they deal with stress and uncertainty as th ey skillfully guide their startups through the first stages of operation-a perio d when everything is still new, and bankruptcy is an ever-present danger. 3-part series, 25 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1608_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1608_l

blPrice">$269.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37666</td><td>Entrepreneurship</td><td>Introduce viewers to three women who have found success and satisfaction by helming their own busines ses: Lisa Nadeau, a maple syrup producer whose company started as a side busines s to her dairy farm; Christine Zacharko, an optician who runs Glasses to Go, a m obile optical dispensary; and Jessica Dawe, a pest control producer who breeds a nd sells crop-friendly insects. Commentary from associates rounds out the descri ptions of each woman's accomplishments. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1609_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1609_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10771</td><td>The Environment</td><td>In this program, pollu tion and reclamation both share the spotlight. Compelling footage of ecological damage includes smoking factories and power stations, a tap pouring out brown wa ter, exhaust emissions, a slag heap, a chemical dump, barrels of radioactive was te, acid rain damage, hillside erosion, a forest fire, burning oil wells, black rain, oil-coated waterfowl, littered waterways, melting ice floes, and dead land scapes. Images of hope, such as paper, cans, and bottles being recycled; trash b eing sorted; and scientists taking and testing water samples, are also featured. (57 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1610_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1610_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10780</td><td>The Environment</td><td>In this program, pollu tion and reclamation both share the spotlight. Compelling footage of ecological damage includes smoking factories and power stations, a tap pouring out brown wa ter, exhaust emissions, a slag heap, a chemical dump, barrels of radioactive was te, acid rain damage, hillside erosion, a forest fire, burning oil wells, black rain, oil-coated waterfowl, littered waterways, melting ice floes, and dead land scapes. Images of hope, such as paper, cans, and bottles being recycled; trash b eing sorted; and scientists taking and testing water samples, are also featured. (57 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1611_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1611_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10462</td><td>The Environment: A Historical Perspective</td> <td>From the first agricultural settlements, to the industrial revolution, to ag ribusiness and widespread urbanization, humans have been transforming the enviro nment for thousands of years. But now, with rain forests disappearing at an appa lling rate, pollution on the rise, and the world's population reaching truly ast ronomical proportions, how will the Earth survive? In this program, Lester Brown

, president of Worldwatch Institute; academic experts; and others study the envi ronmental impact humans have had on the planet and present their perspectives on ecological stewardship for the 21st century. (53 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td> 53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1612_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1612_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10912</td><td>The Environment: When Politics and Industry In tersect</td><td>Theoretically, the responsible stewardship of natural resources by industry is guided by law and supported by the public. But who might stand to profit from manipulating the laws? And who might be molding public opinion and the legislative process? This incisive two-part series investigates what goes in to lobbying for and complying with the legislation designed to ensure green busi ness practices. 2-part series, 30 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1613_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1613_l blPrice">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34728</td><td>Environmental Issues and Human Impact</td><td> This video looks at urgent environmental concerns facing planet Earth and what p eople can do to repair the degradation humans have caused. Air and water polluti on, the effects of pollution on health and the environment, deforestation and lo ss of wetlands, ozone depletion and global warming, and the negative impact of a griculture, construction, and recreation/tourism are discussed. The program ends with anti-pollution initiatives like recycling and greater energy efficiency. T he key message? Individuals can make a difference! A viewable/printable instruct or's guide is available online. Correlates to National Science Education Standar ds, National Educational Technology Standards, and Standards for the English Lan guage Arts. A Cambridge Educational Production. Recommended for grades 7-12. (22 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1614_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1614_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10584</td><td>Epidemic! A Fred Friendly Seminar</td><td>Quic k to spread and develop resistance to medical intervention, new strains of micro bes pose a growing threat to global health. How does overuse of antibiotics actu ally encourage more lethal strains of diseases believed to be conquered? How can the media successfully inform the public without causing panic? And should pers onal rights be curtailed during epidemics? This Fred Friendly Seminar, moderated by Harvard Law School's Arthur Miller, examines the biological, ecological, and cultural factors influencing the causes, spread, and control of infectious dise ases. Panelists include Nobel Laureate Joshua Lederberg; David Kessler, former c hairman of the FDA; Robert Moellering, Jr., of Harvard Medical School; C. J. Pet ers, of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; and others. A Discussion Guide and other resources are located online at

idemic. (57 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1615_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1615_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36356</td><td>Epilepsy: A New Outlook</td><td>Feared and mis understood for centuries, epilepsy is now a completely manageable condition for many patients. This program overviews newly developed treatments that have great ly reduced, and for some people eliminated, the occurrence of epileptic seizures . It also presents case studies suggesting that the disabling prejudice which ha s traditionally surrounded epilepsy is fading-and that it no longer inhibits emp loyment, an active lifestyle, or pregnancy. Neurological and drug-related inform ation is provided by Dr. Barry Gidal of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Dr. Martha Morrell of Columbia University, who focuses on the special issues wom en with epilepsy face. (28 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1616_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1616_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33570</td><td>Epilepsy: Having a Life</td><td>For centuries, many have labored under the false perception that epilepsy is a permanently deb ilitating condition, ironic given the success of such epileptics as Alexander th e Great and actor Danny Glover. This program follows four people with the diseas e who have taken control of their lives with the help of their families, epileps y education, and advancement in therapies. Dr. Martha Morrell, professor of neur ology at Columbia University, and Dr. John Pellock, pediatric neurologist at Vir ginia Commonwealth University, explain how to recognize a seizure, provide tips to ensure a seizure treatment plan, and describe seizure first aid. (28 minutes) </td><td>2003</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1617_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1617_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8140</td><td>Epilepsy: The Storm Within</td><td>Epilepsy is the second most common neurological disorder in the U.S. This program examines i ts causes, what happens in the brain during a seizure, and what should and shoul d not be done to help someone having a seizure. The diagnosis and treatment of t he condition are discussed by physicians who present up-to-date information to h elp families, friends, and coworkers recognize the needs and capabilities of epi leptics. Patients describe what it's like living with the condition. (28 minutes )</td><td>1995</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1618_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1618_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>29106</td><td>Episode 1: Experiences and Causes</td><td>This program explores the symptoms of clinical depression and the physiological, psy chological, and environmental factors that can trigger the illness. Patients evo catively describe their feelings of negativity, isolation, and despair while cog nitive therapy pioneer Aaron Beck and other researchers discuss the results of t heir inquiries into contributory causes of depression. Commentary on depressioninduced distortions of the thought process, animal and human models of secure an d insecure attachment, and a gene combination that may cause a predisposition to depression provides a variety of perspectives on this disorder. A BBC Productio n. (50 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1619_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1619_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29107</td><td>Episode 2: Diagnosis and Chemistry</td><td>Oft en obscured by symptoms and circumstances, depression is notoriously difficult t o diagnose. In this program, case studies of patients with adult, childhood, and postnatal depression define the spectrum of the illness. The history of a patie nt with Cushing's syndrome underscores the effects of cortisol on depression, wh ile studies conducted by Oxford University and the University of Pittsburgh reve al the relationship of serotonin and glia to depression. Observations provided b y patients, unsure of what is wrong with themselves and often feeling too ashame d or guilty to seek help, offer valuable insights. A BBC Production. (50 minutes )</td><td>1999</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1620_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1620_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32715</td><td>Epistemology: What We Can Know</td><td>This pr ogram travels from Plato's cave to Gettier's papier-mache barns while addressing , along the way, questions such as: What does it mean to really know something? How can one know that one knows it? And is seeing the same thing as believing? D econstructing the principles of epistemology are Rutgers University's Alvin Gold man and Peter Klein and Princeton University's Alexander Nehamas and Daniel Garb er. Their insights, in combination with incisive excerpts from Aristotle's De An ima, Descartes's Meditations on First Philosophy, Locke's An Essay on Human Unde rstanding, Hume's A Treatise of Human Nature, and Kant's Critique of Pure Reason , illuminate the complexity of "truth." (46 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>46</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1621_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1621_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2679</td><td>Epitome of the Italian Renaissance: The Gonzaga s of Mantua</td><td>The Gonzagas and Mantua were, in their heyday, largely one a nd the same: together they emerged from the Middle Ages, became strong, fortifie d their strength, and learned to decorate their fortifications, pitted brother a

gainst brother and sons against fathers while fostering artists from Mantegna an d Donatello to Titian and Rubens. Popes and kings were houseguests, Tasso and Ar iosto lived here. This program revisits the centuries of history that were writt en and often painted upon the walls of the Palace of the Gonzagas. (40 minutes)< /td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1622_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1622_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30475</td><td>EQ and the Emotional Curriculum</td><td>IQ use d to be the standard by which all were judged. Today, EQ allows for a broader un derstanding that encompasses attributes such as logical, linguistic, musical, ki netic, and emotional intelligences. This program provides an in-depth analysis o f intelligence, including how it is defined and its neural components. Leading e xperts such as Harvard's Howard Gardner; Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Int elligence; Colin Blakemore, of Oxford University; and Alison Gopnik, of the Univ ersity of California, Berkeley, examine the correlation between self-control and SAT scores, the dominant role of the limbic system, and how emotional and intel lectual intelligences can be defined and meaningfully measured. Not available in French-speaking Canada. (50 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1623_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1623_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10879</td><td>Equal Temperament</td><td>Pythagoras believed that music originates in nature and that natural harmonies express very distinct mathematical relationships between their notes. From Pythagoras' first scales a nd the advent of harmony to the standardization of all instruments to equal temp erament, this program traces the evolution of the system of tuning that revoluti onized Western music. Few musical cultures have escaped its influence, and witho ut it, much of the world's most beautiful music could not exist. (51 minutes)</t d><td>1999</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1624_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1624_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4453</td><td>Equations of Lines and Distance</td><td>Real-li fe applications help Ron Lancaster explain how to graph straight lines and find the equation of a straight line. He begins with a graph that represents rental p rices for paddle boats versus varying amounts of time on a lake in a conservatio n area. (15 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1625_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1625_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>33034</td><td>Equilibrium: Concepts and Applications</td><td >What is chemical equilibrium, and how does it work? This down-to-earth two-part series uses real-world examples and analogies to offer an in-depth look at both the concepts and applications of equilibrium. Sample problems are provided. 2-p art series, 21-24 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1626_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1626_l blPrice">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3600</td><td>The Equilibrium Constant</td><td>A dance analog y is applied to the hydrogen iodide system to illustrate how shifts in equilibri um occur. The program restates that qualitative predictions are not enough, and then examines how chemists are able to ascertain the equilibrium constant by usi ng a simple mathematical model. (10 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1627_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1627_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6843</td><td>Equilibrium of Forces</td><td>Using a frog in f ree fall; a laser; a fixed pulley, spring balance, and scale; balancing toys; a model of a bridge; a coffee can; a Cartesian diver; and a goldfish, this program teaches equilibrium of forces by demonstrating the following concepts:o zero gr avityo balance and center of gravityo role of a keystone in an archo weight of g aseso weight, volume, displacement, and buoyancyo Archimedes' Principle(30 minut es)</td><td>1997</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1628_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1628_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29328</td><td>Equipment and Sampling Techniques: Gathering E nvironmental Data</td><td>High-quality sampling equipment does not have to break the budget. In this program, an ecologist and a biologist team up to provide st ep-by-step instructions on how to make four pieces of terrestrial and aquatic sa mpling equipment: a frame quad, for plant sampling; a pitfall trap, for sampling surface-dwelling arthropods; a plankton tow, for sampling planktonic organisms in still water; and a kick net, for sampling benthic macroinvertebrates in movin g water. Then, two middle school students authoritatively demonstrate how to tes t the quality of water for carbon dioxide, hardness, dissolved oxygen, wide-rang e pH, nitrates/nitrogen, and phosphates. (58 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>59</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1629_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1629_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>25359</td><td>Erecting Substructures and Superstructures</td ><td>Covers the erecting of structures, including very detailed information on s ubstructures (slab, spread, and pile foundations) and superstructures (sills, he aders, joists, studs, roofs). Also contains a brief discussion of some alternati ve superstructures including examples of tensile structures and pneumatic struct ures. (19 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1630_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1630_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7362</td><td>Ernest Hemingway</td><td>A Farewell to Arms, Fo r Whom the Bell Tolls, The Old Man and the Sea. These titles immediately bring t o mind the adventurous life of their Nobel and Pulitzer Prize-winning author, Er nest Hemingway. This program explores his life and literary psyche through the e yes of those who knew him. As the program progresses, the many identities of Hem ingway are revealed: husband, journalist, World War I ambulance driver, Spanish freedom fighter, African big game hunter, and Paris literary expatriate. Hemingw ay's fascination with bullfighting is examined as a fixation with death. His fin al days in Cuba and tragic suicide in the 1960s conclude the program. A BBC Prod uction. (53 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1631_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1631_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30547</td><td>Escape to the E.U.? Human Rights and Immigrati on Policy in Conflict</td><td>Five decades after the inception of the Geneva Ref ugee Convention, the European immigration system is on the verge of collapse as a flood of people fleeing persecution and violence threatens to engulf the E.U. This program looks at the processing of refugees and asylum-seekers in Sweden an d Britain-typified by a lengthy detention punctuated by interrogation and a summ ary legal hearing-as the UN and the E.U. seek to address human rights issues. Th e newsmaking stories of a Bangladeshi detainee's suicide, a Kosovar Albanian det ainee's deportation to certain death, and the struggle of Cameroonian political activist George Ekontang are spotlighted. The exploitation of xenophobia as a po litical tool is also considered. Some content may be objectionable. (60 minutes) </td><td>2001</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1632_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1632_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32951</td><td>Escaping Franco: From Danger into Danger-in Sp anish with English Subtitles</td><td>This program documents the Spanish Civil Wa r from the point of view of the Spaniards who went into exile as a result of it. Firsthand accounts of that brutal conflict and the cruel realities of life as a refugee are movingly described by a broad cross-section of survivors. Graphic n ewsreel footage accompanies their stories of destruction at home and escape to o ther countries: tales of separation, imprisonment, forced labor, and frontline a

ction at the start of World War II, as well as-for some, at least-testimonials t o the kindness of strangers. An RTVE Production. (Spanish with English subtitles , 58 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1633_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1633_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33976</td><td>Espana en Libertad-in Spanish</td><td>The coro nation of Juan Carlos I marked the third restoration of Spanish Bourbon rule. Th is program tracks the mixed fortunes of post-Franco Spain as it transitioned int o a parliamentary monarchy and moved forward into the 21st century. News footage of policymakers and events addresses free elections, economic restructuring, me mbership in the E.U., educational reforms, and social security as well as the fa iled 23-F coup, high unemployment, labor strikes, and terrorism. Not available i n French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 61 minutes)</td><td>2004 </td><td>61</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1634_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1634_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34888</td><td>Espana en Libertad-in Spanish with English Sub titles</td><td>The coronation of Juan Carlos I marked the third restoration of S panish Bourbon rule. This program tracks the mixed fortunes of post-Franco Spain as it transitioned into a parliamentary monarchy and moved forward into the 21s t century. News footage of policymakers and events addresses free elections, eco nomic restructuring, membership in the E.U., educational reforms, and social sec urity as well as the failed 23-F coup, high unemployment, labor strikes, and ter rorism. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish wi th English subtitles, 61 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>61</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1635_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1635_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33974</td><td>Espana, Espana-in Spanish</td><td>The dictator ship of Miguel Primo de Rivera. Spain's Second Republic. The Spanish Civil War. This program, composed almost entirely of period footage and photographs, seeks to understand the tortuous sociopolitical forces at work in Spain between the tw o world wars. Profiles of public figures and popular movements combined with bac kground on liberal reforms and horrific atrocities evoke an image of a people to rn between hope and despair. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Pr oduction. (Spanish, 58 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1636_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1636_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>34886</td><td>Espana, Espana-in Spanish with English Subtitl es</td><td>The dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera. Spain's Second Republic. The Spanish Civil War. This program, composed almost entirely of period footage and photographs, seeks to understand the tortuous sociopolitical forces at work in Spain between the two world wars. Profiles of public figures and popular move ments combined with background on liberal reforms and horrific atrocities evoke an image of a people torn between hope and despair. Not available in French-spea king Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish with English subtitles, 58 minutes)</t d><td>2004</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1637_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1637_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29659</td><td>Essay on Women</td><td>As the late CBS News co rrespondent Harry Reasoner sardonically warns, this program is unabashedly a "br oadcast prepared by men and makes no claim to being fair." In this cinematic ess ay produced in 1967, Reasoner takes the liberty to speak on behalf of men, offer ing a reassessment of the way they regard women and women regard themselves. Giv en developments of the Feminist movement at the time, he says of women, "our fee ling is that they are better people than men and we don't understand their dissa tisfaction with their own virtues." A time capsule of outlooks and opinions sure to prompt discussion, the program also contains a segment on Helen Gurley Brown , editor of Cosmopolitan and author of Sex and the Single Girl. Produced by CBS NEWS. (26 minutes)</td><td>1967</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1638_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1638_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30335</td><td>Essen und Fahren: German Food and Fun</td><td> In Germany, trains, subways, and trams provide convenient ways to get around. Th is program looks at how to buy train and cable car tickets and how to order meal s. Featured activities include sightseeing in the Bavarian Alps, lunching at the award-winning Paulaner Imtal restaurant in Munich, eating Kaiserschmarren in Ob erammergau, and dining on Japanese cuisine at Munich's No Mi Ya restaurant. Orig inal BBC broadcast title: Talk German, Program 5. (German and English, 16 minute s)</td><td>2002</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1639_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1639_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2311</td><td>The Essence of an Instrument</td><td>This progr am is devoted to analyzing the essential features required in any instrument if a usable musical sound is to be produced. The first requirement is for a device that will produce regularity of pressure change, whether a vibration or wobble, a rotation (like the wheel of a siren), vibration of air in pipes, or tightly st retched strings, or more or less flat plates, or hollow vessels like bells. The program examines how energy can be provided to produce a continuous note, how so

und can be amplified, how amplification changes the quality of sound, and the co nsequences for music produced by synthesizers and computers. (60 minutes)</td><t d>&nbsp;</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1640_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1640_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>2155</td><td>The Essence of Being Japanese</td><td>Japan in the modern age: a people existing between the protection of the kami and the geo logical dangers of earthquake. This program covers the cataclysmic events of the 20th century-the devastating earthquake of 1923, the rise of militarism, the ac cession of Emperor Hirohito, the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere, the Pac ific War, Hiroshima, and the American occupation of Japan-but its primary focus is on what makes Japan Japanese: the Shinto rituals which are part of modern mer cantile life; such societal traits as conformism and determination, attitudes to ward violence and brutality, business ethics and the life of the salary man, the attitude toward ethics, and the role of the kami in modern Japan. (48 minutes)< /td><td>1989</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1641_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1641_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36426</td><td>Essentials of Faith</td><td>Some of history's most violent religious conflicts have taken place among people who profess the s ame beliefs. Are there insights to be learned from schisms within faiths? This s even-part series exposes the internal arguments and core beliefs of the world's major religions. Examining Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhismas well as the Humanist movement and the resurgence of Paganism-the series goes inside every manner of religious institution: temples, mosques, churches, as wel l as dynamic and colorful religious festivals. Each program presents an eye-open ing, transformative view into a spiritual world that many viewers will find surp risingly complex. 7-part series, 24 minutes each.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1642_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1642_l blPrice">$629.65<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36431</td><td>Essentials of Faith: Buddhism</td><td>Buddhism holds that life and the physical world are illusions, transcended by emptying t he mind and simplifying one's life. In reality, Buddhism is complicated-no unifi ed teaching exists. This program presents ways of articulating Buddhist thought from six straightforward and insightful practitioners who explain parallels and distinctions between Buddhist traditions. Commentators include Geshe Tashi Tseri ng of the Jamyang Buddhist Center, Ajahn Sumedho of Amaravti Monastery, Diana St . Ruth of the Golden Buddhist Center, singer-songwriter Sandie Shaw, designer Je ff Banks, and Jennie Peters of Soka Gakkai International in the United Kingdom. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1643_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1643_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36427</td><td>Essentials of Faith: Christianity</td><td>Beli efs spelled out in the Apostle's Creed link Christians around the world-but in p ractice, the faith has fractured. This program presents views from five insightf ul and widely differing believers who reveal their thoughts on conflict and harm ony within Christianity. The participants are Terry Waite, author, humanitarian, and former hostage in Beirut; Ann Widdecombe, conservative British politician a nd Catholic convert; the Reverend Joel Edwards, General Director of the U.K. Eva ngelical Alliance; Bishop Richard Holloway, author of Godless Morality: Keeping Religion out of Ethics; and Alison Elliot, the first woman to be Moderator of th e General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td> 24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1644_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1644_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36430</td><td>Essentials of Faith: Hinduism</td><td>It is no t a religion in itself-rather, Hinduism is more of a family of faiths that focus on God in different ways. Nevertheless, the majority of Hindu traditions share the same colorful festivals, reverence for sacred animals, and scriptural use of Sanskrit. This program sifts through perspectives from four practitioners of th e Hindu faith who discuss both unified and divergent ways in which their spiritu al energy is expressed. The interview subjects are Dr. V. P. Narayon Rao of the Balaji Temple, Girish Patel of Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in the London neighborho od of Neasden, Shaunaka Rishi Das of the Oxford Center for Hindu Studies, and Kr ipamoya Das of Bhaktivedanta Manor. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1645_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1645_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36432</td><td>Essentials of Faith: Humanism</td><td>It is a philosophy that seeks to replace religion with rites of passage based on compass ion and rationality. Despite its overarching goals, Humanism divides into severa l groups-from hedonism to secularism. This program delineates viewpoints from fi ve articulate humanist proponents who, through thoughtful explanations, evoke th e multifaceted landscape of Humanist thought. Participants include prominent sci entist and atheist Dr. Richard Dawkins, Hanne Stinson of the British Humanist As sociation, Keith Porteous Wood of the National Secular Society, semi-deist philo sopher Antony Flew, and Roy Hattersley, former Deputy Leader of Britain's Labor Party. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1646_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1646_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36429</td><td>Essentials of Faith: Islam</td><td>The Five Pi llars of Islam-belief in one God, praying five times a day, fasting, giving to c harity, and going on pilgrimage-guide all Muslims. But cultural and political in fluences have shaped the observance of the faith in various ways from country to country. This program explores the beliefs of four Islamic leaders and scholars who communicate penetrating insights and observations on the contrasts and cont inuity within their religion. Interviewees include Imam Abdul Sajid of the Al-Hi jrah Trust, chef and TV show host Michael Bukht, prominent London banker Kosser Sheikh, and Professor Haleh Afshar, a lecturer in politics and women's studies a t the University of York. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1647_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1647_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36428</td><td>Essentials of Faith: Judaism</td><td>A shared heritage, a spiritual belief system, a set of rules for living-these are all asp ects of Judaism, but the order in which they are emphasized varies greatly withi n the faith. This program features opinions from four articulate and sometimes c ontroversial adherents to the Jewish religion who share their views on differenc es and similarities within Judaism. Highlighting the impact of the Holocaust and contrasts between the Sephardi and Ashkenazi traditions, the program participan ts include Rabbi and Baroness Julia Neuberger, Rabbi Barry Marcus of the Central London Synagogue, performer Uri Geller, and Jewish Museum education director Su sanna Alexander. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1648_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1648_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36433</td><td>Essentials of Faith: Paganism</td><td>Drawing on ancient spirituality, most pagans sum up their chosen form of worship within a modern "green" context. Some follow druidry, others wicca, while a third brand promotes the shamanism of hunter-gatherer cultures. This program sheds light on various examples of pagan devotion put forward by four observers of ancient rel igious rites and customs. Through straightforward explanations and heartfelt exp ression, the sundry shapes and species of Paganism are explained by Druid priest ess Emma Restall Orr, Professor Ronald Hutton of the University of Bristol, Brit ish coven organizer Jeanette Ellis, and shamanic practitioner Leo Rutherford. (2 4 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1649_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1649_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>12006</td><td>Estimating Building Materials for Home Constru ction</td><td>The construction trades provide a variety of opportunities to put specialized skills to work. Some of those situations require estimating the amou

nt of building materials needed to complete the job. This program presents ruleof-thumb techniques of estimating material needs for a deck system, exterior wal ls, interior walls, roofing, electrical systems, and plumbing systems. Basing th e project on plans for a three-bedroom house, the video uses sophisticated compu ter animation to help clearly visualize the estimating process. The program show s how to calculate square and linear footage; estimate amounts of sheathing, dry wall, and siding; determine numbers of joists, studs, and beams; and assess wiri ng and plumbing needs. Easy-to-use formulas presented in a concise format make t his video a great teaching aid for the very first step in construction work. A v iewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Cambridge Educationa l Production. (26 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1650_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1650_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4437</td><td>Estimation</td><td>Estimation is an essential p art of any technical project. Ron Lancaster shows how estimation is used in busi ness after field trips to a science museum and an auto service center. (15 minut es)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1651_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1651_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7466</td><td>The Estrogen Effect: Assault on the Male</td><t d>Will environmental changes brought about by humans eventually destroy the pote ntial for males of all species to reproduce? This Emmy Award-winning documentary explores that frightening possibility. Using sophisticated investigative techni ques, scientists trace the ripple effect of estrogenic compounds in the environm ent. At first, we observe slight changes in the natural order, then witness the wider effects: seriously altered ecosytems and the disruption of fundamental lif e processes that result in reduced male reproduction. The dismal conclusion is t hat the process, unabated, may result in male sterility over time. A BBC Product ion. (53 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1652_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1652_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37605</td><td>Eternal Beauty? The Story of the Third Reich T hrough Its Own Propaganda</td><td>No other totalitarian regime is as closely ass ociated with an artistic movement as Nazi Germany. From the towering architectur e of Albert Speer to the grandiose films of Leni Riefenstahl, art fed into and s haped Nazi ideals, reflecting back a world where Aryan strength triumphs over al l enemies. Through art on a monumental scale, Hitler created a world-and a world view-as enticing as it was illusory...a world of eternal beauty. This program de finitively examines the history of the Third Reich through the lens of its own a rtistic iconography-films that promoted German superiority, demonized Jews, enco uraged love of the fatherland, and hid the fact that the nation, after reverses on every front, was steadily losing the war. (92 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>9

2</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1653_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1653_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11028</td><td>Eternal Scars: Physical and Emotional Child Ab use</td><td>Sarcastic and rude statements to children can leave as deep a wound as a cigarette burn or welts from a belt. This important program looks at both p hysical and emotional child abuse, and the lifetime effects they may have on chi ldren. We touch on what you can do if you recognize abuse of someone you know. A Meridian Production.One 23-minute video.</td><td>1996</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1654_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1654_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37184</td><td>Ethical Markets: Growing the Green Economy</td ><td>Featuring profiles of visionary entrepreneurs, economists, and activists, t his 12-part public television series delves into hot-button ethical issues at th e heart of international business. Each program investigates corporate challenge s and solutions related to the triple bottom line-an increasingly popular term f or standards of human dignity, environmental stewardship, and financial profit t hat guide socially responsible commerce. Building on the real-world expertise of its guests, commentators, and creator-renowned scholar Hazel Henderson, author of the book Ethical Markets-the series serves as a video forum for bold "green b usiness" ideas. 12-part series, 28 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1655_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1655_l blPrice">$1,079.40<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4953</td><td>Ethics and Economics: Willard Gaylin</td><td>Go vernment agencies and professionals who deal with damage claims are literally tr ying to determine the dollars-and-cents worth of human life. How do we decide wh at is an efficient annual cost for a nursing home? Or the cost for a new liver? And who is going to pay? Dr. Willard Gaylin is a practicing psychiatrist and pre sident of the Hastings Center, an institute devoted to studying the relationship s between biology and ethics. In this program with Bill Moyers, Gaylin explores the growing conflict between the survival of communities and the survival of the individual. (30 minutes)</td><td>1988</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1656_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1656_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33436</td><td>Ethics and Social Responsibility in Business</

td><td>Many businesses abide by a code of conduct, either company-specific or in dustry-wide. This timely program distinguishes between ethical behavior and soci al responsibility by spotlighting two well-known Australian businesses that exhi bit both qualities: Bendigo Bank and its Community Bank initiative, a cooperativ ely spirited venture that teaches solid commercial principles to franchisees, an d The Body Shop, a skincare product provider that calls itself an activist organ ization committed to positive social and environmental change and a retailer com mitted to customer service excellence. The underlying message? Good community is good business. (27 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1657_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1657_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31489</td><td>Ethics in Corporate America: A Crisis of Credi bility</td><td>This NewsHour program scrutinizes the state of business ethics in an America riddled with financial fraud. In segment one, correspondent Paul Sol man and Columbia Business School's Barbara Toffler cite Arthur Andersen and Stew Leonard, Sr., as examples of ethics gone awry. Segment two gathers the opinions of veteran business journalists Adam Smith, Carol Loomis, Allan Sloan, Jim Gran t, and Andrew Tobias on the practices of Enron, Tyco, Morgan Stanley, and Merril l Lynch. And, after summarizing the evolution of compensation models in the stoc k analysis industry, segment three examines the conflicts of interest that have led investment stock analysts astray. (36 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>36</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1658_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1658_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29922</td><td>Ethics in the Marketplace: A Business Challeng e</td><td>In this classic program, host Ted Holmes profiles organizations, compa nies, and colleges that are working hard to help preserve the environment, provi de equal opportunities for employees, stimulate small businesses, create low-inc ome housing, and promote ethical domestic and overseas investments. Featured gue sts include representatives of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility , the Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility, and the California Institute of Integral Studies. Produced by CBS NEWS. (27 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>28< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1659_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1659_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4983</td><td>Ethics in the Workplace: Joanne Ciulla</td><td> A Senior Fellow at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, Joanne Ciulla teaches career-minded students to think critically about the role of ethi cs in management. She brings a background in philosophy to her classroom, where future CEOs study ethics and management in business. In this program with Bill M oyers, Ciulla discusses the role of ethics in the world of business and the mean ing of work in our culture. Ciulla notes that people's lives are often dominated

by their work, sacrificing their families in the process. "Is that the kind of sacrifice you want people to make?" she asks. (30 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td> 30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1660_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1660_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32706</td><td>Ethics: What Is Right?</td><td>Moral philosoph y lies at the heart of today's most heated issues-abortion, human cloning, assis ted suicide, financial conflicts of interest, and environmental stewardship. In this program, Harvard University's Frances Kamm; Rutgers University's Larry Temk in; and Richard Sorabji, honorary fellow at Wolfson College, the University of O xford, describe the three major categories of ethics: metaethics; applied ethics ; and normative ethics, including virtue theory, divine command theory, utilitar ian theory, and duty theory. Plato's Republic, Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, K ant's Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals, and Mill's Utilitarianism are con sidered, along with the contributions of Epicurus, Hume, Bentham, Hegel, Marx, N ietzsche, John Rawls, and others. (50 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1661_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1661_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10147</td><td>Ethnic Identity, Regional Conflict, and Peacek eeping Initiatives</td><td>This compelling documentary examines efforts to promo te and safeguard peace in the 20th century, a century defined by its wars. Even today, more than a dozen wars are raging, many of them in Africa. UN Secretary-G eneral Kofi Annan discusses the history and the role of the United Nations, usin g the conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea as an example. Other scholars explor e the purpose of the state, what it requires to function, and what happens when it disintegrates. Additional issues such as world government are addressed as we ll. (50 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1662_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1662_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>132</td><td>The Etruscans</td><td>Enter the tombs at Tarquin ia and Cerveteri, and the walls speak eloquently of the art and culture of ancie nt Etruria. The superb frescoes painted to enhance the walls of these tombs tell us in detail about the environment in which the Etruscans lived. They also depi ct the elaborate houses of the dead in which priceless treasures were buried alo ng with the deceased. These detailed and beautifully preserved frescoes were pai nted to remind the dead of the living; today they speak across the gulf of centu ries about the lives of the Etruscans. (27 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp ;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1663_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1663_l

blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>9138</td><td>Eudora Welty: "A Worn Path"</td><td>On a "brigh t, frozen day" in Mississippi, 95-year-old Phoenix Jackson makes her mythic jour ney into town for the medicine her grandson needs. Touching upon themes of famil y, love, aging, and poverty, this dramatization of Eudora Welty's classic story "A Worn Path" provides both a heroic image of the human spirit enduring against tremendous odds and a poignant commentary on the African-American experience. An interview with Welty herself by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Beth Henley c oncludes the program. (32 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1664_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1664_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36207</td><td>Eugene J. McCarthy: Muses and Mementos</td><td >Congressman, senator, presidential candidate, and author-Eugene McCarthy was al l of these, and one of the most progressive public figures of the twentieth cent ury as well. This program offers a fascinating glimpse into the Senator's life, personality, and thinking. In interviews recorded during the last decade of his life, McCarthy muses on a wide range of subjects-from his early years in Minneso ta to his experiences as the most prominent antiwar leader of the Vietnam era. T he program blends rarely seen archival footage with McCarthy's wry observations, revealing the wit and intellect that set him apart from so many of his fellow p oliticians. (44 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1665_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1665_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9046</td><td>Eugene O'Neill: Long Day's Journey into Night</ td><td>This critically acclaimed production of Eugene O'Neill's autobiographical , Pulitzer Prize-winning drama unfolds over the course of a single day as the Ty rone family unflinchingly confronts its oldest, most haunting secrets. At the ce nter of that maelstrom of blame, anger, and self-deception are moments of incred ible compassion, pity, and love-and, behind it all, the profound tragedy that bi nds the family together. This paean to great theater and the classics translates to the screen with luminous warmth and inspired skill, resulting in a productio n that ranks high among screen adaptations of major stage works. (3 hours)</td>< td>1996</td><td>180</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1666_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1666_l blPrice">$199.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>748</td><td>Euripides: Medea</td><td>This is the stunning Ke nnedy Center production of Euripides' great classic about a woman driven by emot ion beyond the brink of rationality. With Zoe Caldwell as Medea and Judith Ander son as the nurse. The English text is by Robinson Jeffers. (87 minutes)</td><td>

1982</td><td>87</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1667_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1667_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>34150</td><td>Europe in the Middle Ages: A Way Out of Darkne ss</td><td>This stunning four-part series uses living history to explore the Fou r Estates of the Middle Ages. Through brilliant reenactments and elaborate recon structions, the environments and activities of monks, knights, peasants, and bur ghers come to life. Imbued with fresh, detailed historical perspective, Europe i n the Middle Ages suggests a reinterpretation of the Dark Ages as a period of cu ltural revolution. Portions are in other languages with English subtitles. 4-par t series, 53 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1668_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1668_l blPrice">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34182</td><td>Europe: Revealing the Hidden Enemy</td><td>Thi s program shows how al Qaeda's global network was uncovered, and how, in respons e to counterterrorism, that network has evolved new structures and strategies. T hrough detailed interviews with American security officials, European intelligen ce agents, and alleged terrorist organizer Salim Boukhari, the program describes operations that led to the capture of a Frankfurt terrorist cell in 2000. The r esilience of terrorist groups is emphasized, with one al Qaeda-hunter comparing the network to a disease-a virus that quickly mutates to avoid destruction. Orig inal BBCW broadcast title: Europe-The Hidden Enemy. (41 minutes)</td><td>2004</t d><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1669_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1669_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10852</td><td>European Integration</td><td>The E.U. is inten t on developing a Europe without economic borders. Module one of this program ou tlines the potential of Europe's open labor markets while addressing the barrier s imposed by language and culture. Module two examines the basic principles of t he European Central Bank and the objectives of European monetary policy. Module three assesses both the economic gains to be had from European integration and t he challenges of equitable political representation. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</ td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1670_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1670_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7047</td><td>The Europeans</td><td>This seven-part series pr

ovides a comprehensive study of the major epochs in European history-from the Gr eeks and Romans to the fall of communism. Colorful and dramatic, each program fo cuses on major historical events that shaped present-day Europe and the lives of its people. 7-part series, 23-26 minutes each.</td><td>1997</td><td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1671_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1671_l blPrice">$629.65<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34508</td><td>Evaluating Career Options</td><td>This video i llustrates how to evaluate career options based on the Three C's: content, condi tions, and compensation. It expands on the Personal Career Profile and explains how to use information gathered from occupational research. (28 minutes)</td><td >2004</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1672_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1672_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35574</td><td>Ever Wondered About Cheese?</td><td>Legend has it that cheese was invented 5,000 years ago by a desert nomad hauling a saddlepack full of milk. Regardless of its exact origin, cheese is more than a simple dairy product-it is often the work of skilled artisans and has been, at certain times in history, a status symbol. This video serves up a generous slice of chee se knowledge and cooking advice. Investigating the birth of the phrase "big chee se," the rescue of cheese supplies during the Great Fire of London, and the adve nt of processed cheese, the program also shares secrets from chef Paul Merrett: an Italian twist on cheese fondue, a great sauce for macaroni and cheese, and a delicious ricotta and lemon cheesecake. (30 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>29</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1673_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1673_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35578</td><td>Ever Wondered About Chicken?</td><td>In today' s mass-produced world, chicken is cheap and eaten nearly everywhere. Yet, it has a secure place in the history of fine cuisine, and can still be prepared with o riginality and style. From the classic British roast to the traditional French c oq au vin, this video explores the versatility, potential, nutritional value, an d historical importance of the humble barnyard hen. Shedding light on Mrs. Beeto n's chicken recipes and Henry VIII's poultry passion, the program also examines why the fast food industry depends heavily on chicken. In the kitchen, chef Paul Merrett puts a good red wine to use and reveals the chicken part that all great cooks secretly love to prepare. (30 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1674_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1674_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35576</td><td>Ever Wondered About Eggs?</td><td>Scrambled, b oiled, poached, baked, fried, beaten, whipped, and even raw-the egg has sustaine d the human race for over 5,000 years, but it's still full of surprises. This vi deo cracks open the secrets of nature's ready-made meal and traces its path thro ugh history, including an ancient Roman custard recipe, the importance of powder ed eggs in World War II, how the British egg industry nearly collapsed, the trut h behind the egg salmonella scares of the 1960s, and modern innovations that hav e improved life for captive chickens. Chef Paul Merrett creates an authentic Spa nish omelet, a superb souffle, a scrumptious eggy bread, and poached eggs to use in eggs Benedict. (30 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1675_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1675_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35573</td><td>Ever Wondered About Food?</td><td>Superb cooki ng techniques, fun food facts, and exciting culinary history all come together i n this six-part series. Each program focuses on a basic, time-honored element of the human diet, exploring how that particular food source has been collected an d prepared over the centuries. The untold stories of cheese, seafood, eggs, pota toes, chicken, and mushrooms are all revealed-along with dazzling, hands-on demo nstrations of cooking methods for each ingredient, from master chef Paul Merrett ! 6-part series, 30 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1676_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1676_l blPrice">$419.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35579</td><td>Ever Wondered About Mushrooms?</td><td>The Azt ecs considered mushrooms the food of the gods. Many Asian civilizations have cul tivated them for thousands of years, and the Romans liked them with honey-althou gh the reign of Claudius was ended by a mushroom that wasn't so sweet. This vide o unearths the historical and culinary magic of the forest-floor fungi, presenti ng little-known food facts and incredible mushroom recipes. The program explains the present-day British fascination for unusual Japanese mushroom varieties, an d shows how growers produce mushrooms year-round-while Chef Paul Merrett reveals his secrets for creating a perfect warm mushroom salad and the ultimate mushroo m risotto. (30 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1677_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1677_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35577</td><td>Ever Wondered About Potatoes?</td><td>First cu ltivated by the Incas 6,000 years ago, potatoes are now the most popular vegetab le on Earth, with 293 million tons and thousands of varieties consumed every yea r. This video peels away myths and misconceptions about the starchy tuber and pr esents many delectable ways it can be prepared. Outlining the 16th-century arriv

al of the potato in Europe, the program explores one possible explanation for th e invention of the potato chip and examines the modern world's addiction to the fried delicacy. In the kitchen, Paul Merrett creates fries with garlic mayo, pot ato pancakes, potato wedges-and, with the help of science and a potato ricer, ex quisite mashed potatoes. (30 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1678_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1678_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35575</td><td>Ever Wondered About Seafood?</td><td>What kind s of seafood did the ancient Greeks and Romans enjoy? Is there any truth behind the belief that oysters are an aphrodisiac? How did the invention of railroads c hange the way fish and shellfish were consumed? And most importantly-how do you cook a tender calamari? This video dives to the bottom of the ocean and brings u p fun food facts, enlightening culinary history, and tasty morsels for chef Paul Merrett's entertaining cooking demonstrations. The story behind Britain's natio nal love of prawns and scampi is featured, along with step-by-step guidance on h ow to prepare fantastic squid, oysters, and a classic Moules Mariniere. (30 minu tes)</td><td>2005</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1679_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1679_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30442</td><td>Every Call Counts</td><td>This video program c ombines real-world workplace scenarios with up-to-date "how to" narratives to il lustrate key concepts and skills for proper telephone techniques. A strong base of communication etiquette is developed through a series of telephone Dos and Do n'ts. Students will learn how to deliver the perfect greeting, screen calls, han dle irate callers, transfer callers, and use voicemail. By viewing a wide variet y of role-playing examples and behavior-modeling opportunities, students and pro fessionals will gain a better understanding of the skills needed to communicate effectively over the phone. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Cambridge Educational Production. (35 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>3 4</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1680_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1680_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9085</td><td>Every Child Can Succeed</td><td>To improve scho ol performance, there must be a shared belief among school administrators, facul ty, and parents that every child is capable of academic success, regardless of r ace or socioeconomic status. Filmed on location at rural and inner-city schools in the U.S. and Canada where-against all odds-disadvantaged students are achievi ng remarkable results, this outstanding six-part series identifies keys to the e ssential ingredients necessary to ensure academic success for students of any ba ckground.Each detailed program is a penetrating analysis that includes interview s with administrators, principals, teachers, and parents; instructional sequence s from classrooms; and counseling sessions between teachers and students-all der

ived from in-depth visits to eight different schools where concrete results reve al a level of student success previously unimagined.6-part series, 18-20 minutes each.</td><td>1993</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1681_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1681_l blPrice">$539.70<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30681</td><td>Every Picture Tells a Story: Artistic Themes T hrough the Ages</td><td>This provocative ten-part series singles out powerfully enduring themes that permeate the canon of Western art. Through close analyses o f works selected from a wide range of media, these programs are designed to stim ulate critical inquiry into the fundamental expression of art and to promote a d eeper understanding of both the continuity and the evolution of artistic percept ion. 10-part series, 27 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1682_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1682_l blPrice">$1,299.50<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11546</td><td>Everyday Character Development</td><td>Is your self-esteem too high, too low, or just right? Do your actions reflect your valu es? How do you tell good peer pressure from bad peer pressure? Are the decisions you make bringing you closer to or further from your goals? This five-part seri es will help viewers address these issues by discussing simple, everyday ways to develop and maintain Goals, Self-Esteem, Values, and Decision-Making Skills, an d deal with Peer Pressure. Interviews with experts and students show the importa nce of these five issues in daily life. Definitions, cultural history, and short - and long-term ramifications are covered to make viewers more aware and deliber ate in the choices they make. These informative programs will show individuals h ow their everyday behavior will shape their future. A Cambridge Educational Prod uction. 5-part series, 27-30 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1683_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1683_l blPrice">$449.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11550</td><td>Everyday Decision-Making</td><td>This program simplifies the complexities of decision-making by sorting out the various types of decisions: practical and principled, long-term and short-term, conscious and unconscious, and reversible and irreversible. The steps involved in making good decisions are also considered, as well as the importance of learning from mistak es. The bottom line? To err is human, but thoughtful decision-making will greatl y reduce the number of mistakes. A Cambridge Educational Production. (27 minutes )</td><td>2000</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1684_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1684_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>11547</td><td>Everyday Goals</td><td>Living life without a g oal is like taking a trip without selecting a destination. This program explains the difference between goals and dreams; distinguishes between short- and longterm goals as well as personal, physical, financial, academic, and career goals; and offers strategies for achieving them. The importance of putting goals in wr iting, setting a timetable, staying focused, and being flexible is stressed. A C ambridge Educational Production. (29 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1685_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1685_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11544</td><td>Everyday Peer Pressure</td><td>Sometimes posit ive and sometimes negative, peer pressure is a powerful force for molding behavi or. How does it work? This program investigates the dynamics of subtle, overt, a nd group peer pressure, along with approaches to resisting persuasion to do irre sponsible or antisocial things. The importance of reality checks-"Is this what I really want?" "Is this who I am?"-is emphasized. A Cambridge Educational Produc tion. (28 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1686_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1686_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11548</td><td>Everyday Self-Esteem</td><td>This program thor oughly describes the concept of self-esteem: what it is, where it comes from, an d how to build it, maintain it, and protect it. The power of positive thinking, the importance of a supportive home environment, and the harmful effects of adve rtising are considered, along with the negative impact of a poor attitude, destr uctive comments, and unrealistic thoughts of one's own worth. A Cambridge Educat ional Production. (30 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1687_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1687_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11549</td><td>Everyday Values</td><td>People talk a lot abou t values, but what exactly are they, and how do they work? This program answers both of those questions in detail, discussing how values are formed by upbringin g, culture, socialization, and exposure to the media as well as how they functio n as standards for behavior. The dynamic interplay between individual and group values and the price of adhering to one's values are also explored. A Cambridge Educational Production. (30 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1688_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1688_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>11418</td><td>Everything under the Sun: Astronomy, Mathemati cs, and Islam</td><td>Picking up mathematics and astronomy from where the ancien t Greeks had left off, Arab scholars paved the way for the Copernican revolution and the rebirth of science in Europe. This program reveals the Empire of the Ca liphate's role in developing the Indo-Arabic decimal system, algebra, and algori thms and in refining the science of optics and the Ptolemaic model of the solar system. The application of astronomy to sacred ends, such as accurately fixing t he time for prayers, the direction of Mecca, and the start of Ramadan, is also c onsidered. (Portions in French with English subtitles, 26 minutes)</td><td>1999< /td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1689_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1689_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33045</td><td>Evolution: Man Takes a Hand</td><td>This progr am provides an explanation of how the twin techniques of gene splicing and cloni ng are helping to unravel the secrets of variation. Genetic engineering is alter ing the branching pattern of natural evolution-which proceeds by mutations withi n a species and sexual recombination within that species-into a network, in whic h genes are moved within the laboratory from any species to any other species. T he program explains the irreversible and unforeseeable results of gene splicing and the scientific and governmental regulations under consideration-realistic sc ientific and moral questions, uninformed though highly imaginative hysteria... a nd the actual effects of cloning; it explains the sequences of DNA, how we are l earning to read them, the masterminding message in the DNA of many different spe cies, how cells activate only certain genes; and it follows the scientific and e conomic history of interferon and interleukin-2. (27 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td ><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1690_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1690_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10505</td><td>The Evolution of Art</td><td>For thousands of years, artists were anonymous, yet today they are frequently honored as celebrit ies. How did this change in perspective come about? This program tracks the cult ural evolution of art-from the ancient Greeks to the modern world, where art is big business-and addresses the technological changes that have fueled various ar tistic revolutions down through the centuries. Featured experts are sociologist Vera Zolberg, of the New School for Social Research; Catherine Millet, editor-in -chief of Art Press; and art historians Marylin Stokstad, of the University of K ansas, and Jean-Luc Chalumeau, of Verso arts et lettres. (53 minutes)</td><td>19 99</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1691_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1691_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>10203</td><td>The Evolution of Society</td><td>This series i dentifies five elements of society-education, work, commerce, punishment, and so cial classes-and explores how they have evolved, from their earliest manifestati ons in hunter/gatherer communities to the highly refined forms recognized today. Noted scholars discuss each phenomenon, offering insights into how institutions change to reflect a society's needs and values. 5-part series, 53 minutes each. </td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1692_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1692_l blPrice">$649.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3315</td><td>Evolving Transportation Systems</td><td>Preindu strial society managed with toll roads, but industrialization required low-cost, efficient transportation systems. This program examines developments in road bu ilding and the revolutionary impact of canals, and charts the rise and subsequen t decline of canals as a good example of social and technological change. (20 mi nutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1693_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1693_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30501</td><td>Examination Skills in Ophthalmology</td><td>A valuable learning tool for medical students, this clinical two-part series is de signed to help viewers diagnose a variety of ocular conditions with certainty an d confidence. 2-part series, 26-27 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1694_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1694_l blPrice">$299.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8401</td><td>The Exceptional Employee: A Guide to Success on the Job</td><td>This program emphasizes the traits and employee skills needed t o take an active role in career success and advancement. Through interviews with employers and employees from some of the world's most successful corporations, the viewer learns the essential qualities needed to succeed: Contribution, Teamw ork, Attitude, and Organization. Part one demonstrates the importance of making a contribution to the company. In part two Exceptional Employees discuss how tea mwork and effective communication are valuable assets. Attitude is the third qua lity, and viewers learn the best attitude for the workplace. Lastly, organizatio nal skills are covered and discussed. Those new to the work force must strive to be exceptional in order to succeed, and this program demonstrates how to take r esponsibility for career advancement and success. A Cambridge Educational Produc tion. (24 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1695_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1695_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span>

</td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8006</td><td>Exceptional Interviewing Tips: A View from the Inside</td><td>The job interview is one of the most taxing and stressful experie nces that we go through in our lives. This video guides the viewer through the i nterview process with an enthusiastic host and representatives from four of the most successful businesses in the country. These representatives give advice on how to conduct yourself professionally in the interview situation and how to imp ress the interviewer with your poise and personality. The video is divided into three sections: what to do before, during, and after the interview. It begins by preparing the viewer with several tips for an impressive resume and suggestions for developing a strong mental attitude before the interview. To aid this prepa ration, fifty of the most frequent and most difficult questions asked in an inte rview are listed in the workbook and discussed on tape so you can practice them and be ready. Personal appearance, when to arrive, what to bring, and what to as k are all covered in the useful section on "during the interview." It gives bene ficial suggestions on how to answer the dreaded "Tell me a little about yourself " and "What are your weaknesses?" questions. The video also discusses the timing and contents of thank-you letters. Several example thank-you letters are includ ed in the workbook. The video fully prepares viewers for a successful interview experience. A must for every person getting started in the job hunt.A Cambridge Educational Production. One 30-minute video and workbook.</td><td>1996</td><td>2 8</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1696_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1696_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36335</td><td>Exclusive to al-Jazeera: Media and Democracy i n the Middle East</td><td>This Wide Angle documentary goes behind the scenes at al-Jazeera's broadcast headquarters in Qatar during its nonstop coverage of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The program highlights the Arab-language network's differ ences from its Western counterparts, yet also illustrates striking similarities between al-Jazeera's media sensibilities and those familiar to most Americans. T he flow of world events is dramatically conveyed through the emotional rhythms o f the newsroom: tension as network executives defend the broadcast of U.S. priso ners of war; fear and apprehension as a translator juggles Rumsfeld voice-overs with calls home to Iraq; and shock and grief following the death of the network' s Baghdad correspondent, killed by U.S. artillery fire. This Wide Angle episode also features a discussion of Middle East democracy between anchor Jamie Rubin a nd Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations and former Direc tor of Policy Planning for the U.S. State Department. (57 minutes)</td><td>2003< /td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1697_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1697_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30047</td><td>Excusez-Moi, Where Is the...? Dealing with Dir ections</td><td>When traveling, finding one's way around is a big part of the ad venture. This program demonstrates how to ask for and give directions when touri ng in urban and rural settings and how to say where one lives and works. Archite ctural landmarks such as Le Corbusier's Cite Radieuse, in Marseille, and the mag

nificent mansions lining the Cours Mirabeau, in Aix-en-Provence, are featured. O riginal BBC broadcast title: Talk French, Program 3. (French and English, 16 min utes)</td><td>2000</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1698_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1698_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8093</td><td>The Executive Branch of Government: A Study of Federal and State Government</td><td>This fast-paced and informative program sho ws students how the Constitution established the Executive Branch, and provided for the separation of powers and the relationship of the Executive Branch to the Legislative and Judicial Branches of the federal and state government. Specific roles of the Chief Executive are defined such as Commander-in-Chief, Foreign Po licy Director, Legislative Leader, Party Leader, Popular Leader, and Chief of St ate, interspersed with interviews of state and national Executive Office Staff, Legislators, Media, Historians, and others. In addition, the program explains ho w the role of the Chief Executive has evolved in terms of its influence and exer cise of power since the Constitution was ratified. A Cambridge Educational Produ ction. (30 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1699_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1699_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11053</td><td>The Exercise and Nutrition Connection</td><td> How nutrition and exercise affect a person is determined by many factors. Societ al pressures to conform to an ideal body image can lead to dangerous eating diso rders and other physical and emotional problems. Having the facts about nutritio n and exercise can help prevent problems and assure a healthy approach to diet a nd fitness. This informative program examines how metabolism and body type can i nfluence the results of an exercise and nutrition regimen. Experts offer tips fo r healthy nutrition along with basic exercise and fitness goals that work best t o provide good physical and emotional health. A Meridian Production. (27 minutes )</td><td>1996</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1700_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1700_l blPrice">$84.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32950</td><td>Exile: Spanish Civil War Refugees Remember-in Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>An ideological battleground. A prelude to World War II. An internal struggle best left alone by the free powers of the We st. These are three common non-Spanish views of the Spanish Civil War. But they are not the views of the nearly one million men, women, and children who were fo rced to flee their beloved homeland to save their own lives. This gripping two-p art series is their story: the story of the exiles. Their experiences are as old as history itself-and as current as this morning's headlines. An RTVE Productio n. Spanish with English subtitles, 2-part series, 58 minutes each.</td><td>2002< /td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1701_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1701_l blPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>12060</td><td>Existentialism</td><td>In France, philosophy i s as much a part of the national character as soccer is in Britain. In this prog ram, contemporary philosophers Anthony Grayling, Catherine Audard, and Andy Leak discuss the history of existentialism, from the 19th century to the 1960s, with a special emphasis on Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus. Readings from Sartre's Nausea and Camus' The Outsider are included, as well as commentary on the terms "bad faith" and "the absurd." An existential soccer match adds a touch of metap hysical humor. A BBCW Production. (29 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1702_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1702_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33333</td><td>Expect the Best</td><td>To have a shot at coll ege, students must first believe they can get into college. This program shows t he positive things that can happen when the dream of a college education is nurt ured in classrooms and communities where expectations previously had been low. B y spotlighting innovative approaches for motivating and teaching children-from t he Upward Bound initiative in Cleveland that can only serve a few students, to G EAR UP's creation of a college-going culture in a Latino community in Texas, to the efforts of Project GRAD in Atlanta to get all 8th-graders ready to succeed i n high school and then in college-the video documents both the rewards of expect ing the best and the challenges communities face to ensure that their schools se rve all students. (57 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1703_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1703_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33197</td><td>Expedition above the Clouds</td><td>From the t angled jungle of river basins, Humboldt and Bonpland journeyed into the thin air of Ecuador, Peru, and Mexico, reaching a literal height with their ascent of Mt . Chimborazo. This program weaves location footage, reenactments, rare manuscrip ts, and readings from Humboldt's letters and journals to present the second half of a scientific odyssey. Humboldt's paradigm of "botanical geography" is clearl y seen as the precursor to today's concept of ecological systems. (53 minutes)</ td><td>1999</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1704_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1704_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32767</td><td>The Experiment: Power, Behavior, and Identity under Duress</td><td>This acclaimed four-part series from the BBC-a riveting doc

umentary that grips the attention like reality TV-updates the controversial 1971 Stanford Prison Experiment, Dr. Philip Zimbardo's inquiry into the power of soc ial situations to distort identity and erode moral behavior. Each inherently dra matic episode explores different aspects of the dynamic interplay between the st udy's prisoners and guards, dealing with issues of leadership and negotiation, c onflict and cooperation, work and stress, tyranny and resistance, power and powe rlessness-elements of prison life that can be extrapolated to shed light on the social psychology of society in general. One viewable/printable user's guide-149 pages of research background, findings, implications, conclusions, and a biblio graphy of additional texts-and illustrated transcripts for all four programs are available online. Contains harsh, inflammatory, and explicit language. Original BBCW broadcast title: The Experiment. 4-part series, 60 minutes each.</td><td>2 002</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1705_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1705_l blPrice">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37576</td><td>Explaining Globalization</td><td>Everyone talk s about globalization, but what does it really mean? And what are its implicatio ns for the average American? In this compilation of NewsHour segments, experts f rom the U.S. and abroad speak their minds on a shrinking world and an expanding global economy. Episodes include... Globaphobia-One World, One Market: Is gl obalization good or bad for Americans? Paul Solman takes a walk around his neigh borhood with Harvard University's Robert Lawrence, one of the world's top trade economists, to think it through. Gergen Dialogue-Thomas L. Friedman and the World Market: David Gergen, editor-at-large of U.S. News & World Report, talks with N ew York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman, author of The Lexus and the Olive Tr ee: Understanding Globalization. Conversation-The Mystery of Capital: Elizabeth F arnsworth and Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto discuss his book The Mystery o f Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else. Segmen t also sold as a part of Microeconomics in the Global Marketplace. A World Withou t Borders: Ray Suarez is joined by Thomas L. Friedman, author of The World Is Fl at, and Moises Naim, author of Illicit: How Smugglers, Traffickers, and Copycats Are Hijacking the Global Economy, to examine globalization and resulting change s in economics. Conversation-The Effects of Globalization: Jeffrey Brown moderate s a debate between Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND), author of Take This Job and Ship It: How Corporate Greed and Brain-Dead Politics Are Selling Out America, and Th omas L. Friedman, author of The World Is Flat, on the effects of a globalized ec onomy. (56 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1706_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1706_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10459</td><td>Exploration</td><td>Spurred on by trade, neces sity, and curiosity, all peoples throughout history have engaged in exploration. Yet while some nations, such as China, explored with the goal of forming peacef ul trade partnerships, others, including Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, Franc e, Britain, and even the U.S., tended toward conquest and colonization. This pro gram investigates the imperatives that promote exploration, addressing the chara cteristics that have prompted some countries to coexist peacefully and others to act exploitatively. (53 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1707_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1707_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25377</td><td>Exploring Health Occupations</td><td>This twopart series provides a detailed view of the field of medical technicians and tec hnologists, EMTs, nurses, therapists, and assistants. A Meridian Production.</td ><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1708_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1708_l blPrice">$159.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36202</td><td>Exploring Qualitative Methods</td><td>A dream may be the most difficult human experience to quantify-but dreaming is an excell ent topic for building qualitative research skills. This program illustrates exp eriments, designed and conducted by students, that revolve around sleep and drea ms. In the process, it provides thorough insight into the issues relevant to col lecting and utilizing qualitative data. Viewers are shown how to create effectiv e questionnaires, prepare participant interviews, assemble case studies, and con duct observational studies. The program also covers the use of content analysis and explores the correlational method, employed to make qualitative data more me aningful. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. (46 minut es)</td><td>2005</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1709_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1709_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32210</td><td>Exploring the Cosmos</td><td>This program feat ures Freeman Dyson, an elder statesman of the scientific community whose ideas a re so original in scope that his colleagues coined the term "Dysonian" to descri be any highly imaginative idea. Joining him are astrophysicist Sara Seagar, a ri sing star in planetary system research who studies large extra-solar planets; Jo hn Bahcall, a pioneer in neutrino astrophysics and the driving force behind the construction of the Hubble Space Telescope; and Feryal Ozel, a specialist on the subjects of neutron stars and black holes. Their discussion of space, ranging f rom extraterrestrial life to comets on a collision course with Earth, is out of this world. (57 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1710_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1710_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11076</td><td>Exploring Vegetarianism: A Healthy Alternative </td><td>Am I a vegetarian if I don't eat meat but I do eat fish? Can I still ha ve milk and be a vegetarian? What about eggs? These are just some of the questio ns answered in this comprehensive video about a popular but often misunderstood

subject. Terms like vegan, ovo-lacto vegetarian, and ovo vegetarian are clearly defined. Vegetarians offer firsthand information on which foods provide all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional supplements to keep our bodi es healthy. And we take a look at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and maybe a few snac ks, from a vegetarian perspective. Sample menus are provided at the end of the p rogram and in the viewer's guide. What a great way to educate your students on a healthy, alternative lifestyle. A Meridian Production.One 19-minute video.</td> <td>1999</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1711_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1711_l blPrice">$74.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2898</td><td>Explosion on the Lady Delia (Oxygen)</td><td>Th e Lady Delia was an oil rig supply level which was being refitted by highly prof essional workers who understood their work and their tools but were blithely una ware of the meaning of the chemical environment in which they worked. The first clue that things were different was that the cigarettes the men were smoking bur ned very quickly; that seemed odd but not dangerous. Then someone threw a burnin g butt to the ground, and within minutes a flash fire broke out. The subsequent investigation determined that an error caused the admission of oxygen into the a rea, and showed at what point sufficient oxygen was present so that a cigarette could cause an explosion. As it follows the investigation, the program explains the nature of oxygen and of combustion-and of the perils of being ignorant of th e basics of chemistry. (26 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1712_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1712_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4439</td><td>Exponents</td><td>Using examples such as the re production rate of rabbits, Ron Lancaster illustrates exponential growth. The le sson also includes explanations of the zero exponent, negative exponents, and fr actional exponents. (15 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1713_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1713_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36535</td><td>Exposed: Observing Human Behavior</td><td>Joy, sadness, fear, anger-sometimes they hide behind a calm, sociable facade. In oth er cases, the more we try to conceal them, the more visible they become. This fo ur-part series illuminates connections between the physical and psychological as pects of human behavior. Viewers will gain an understanding of the importance of body language, facial expression, and tone of voice, in relation to key concept s such as empathy, aggression, and territorial instinct. Hosted by noted psychol ogist John Marsden, each program explores-through humorous, poignant, and someti mes frightening examples-the interrelationship of human emotion and action. Orig inal BBCW broadcast title: Exposed. 4-part series, 56-57 minutes each.</td><td>2 006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1714_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1714_l blPrice">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30493</td><td>Exposed: The Continuing Story of AIDS</td><td> Dennis, Paulie, Andy, and Mary are the best of friends. But when Mary is diagnos ed with HIV, anyone who at one time or another has had unsafe sex with her needs to be tested too-and that means Dennis, Paulie, and Andy. This intense film rea listically captures the heart-wrenching experience of personally coming to terms with HIV, forcefully bringing home the idea that the disease is as avoidable as it is lethal while touching on issues such as peer pressure, sexual conduct, an d familial relationships. Teachers and counselors working with students whose at titudes toward sexual relationships put them at risk will appreciate Exposed's e mphasis on prevention and its "yes, it can happen to you" message. (59 minutes)< /td><td>2001</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1715_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1715_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33231</td><td>Expressing the Inexpressible: Shirin Neshat</t d><td>An acclaimed photographer, filmmaker, and video artist, Iranian-born Shiri n Neshat addresses the complex forces shaping the identity of Muslim women throu ghout the world and explores the social, political, and psychological dimensions of women's experiences. In this program, she explicates her haunting video inst allations Shadow Under the Web; Turbulent; Soliloquy; Rapture; and Fervor, as we ll as her seminal series of still images, The Women of Allah. In addition, she d iscusses being both an insider and an outsider in two different cultures, the na rrative power of cinema, sexual taboos in Islamic society, the tension between t raditional and modern values, the nature of expression when expression itself is forbidden, and the quiet strength and bravery of women that prompts them to reb el against repression. (42 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>42</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1716_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1716_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30518</td><td>Exterior Inspection: Roof, Chimney, and Exteri or Features</td><td>In this video, viewers get a close-up look at the roof, chim ney, and other exterior features-places requiring some of the most expensive rep airs a home buyer can incur. Our home inspector, Alex Welsh, begins up on a s hingled roof, where he checks the age, condition, flashing, and pitch of the roo f and looks for any hidden damage that might be lurking beneath the shingles. Va rious roof styles are reviewed and discussed, highlighting the advantages and di sadvantages of each. Hand-in-hand with the roof is the chimney. Sometimes whe n heating systems are upgraded the chimney is neglected, creating potential haza rds to the lining and ultimately to the householder. The inspector details the s igns of a healthy chimney and how to spot the danger signals. Windows and out side walls are frequently the cause for water damage and other weather-related d eterioration. The home inspector shows us how to spot rotting wood, improper des ign elements, and shoddy repair jobs that can cause homeowner headaches. Each

of the six home styles is reviewed for the distinctive features, problems, and solutions they present. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available onl ine. (22 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1717_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1717_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35287</td><td>Extinct Species: Red Alert to Humanity</td><td >Use this program to correlate the precarious existence of endangered species an d the forces of global trade. Visiting Indonesia, Japan, and the Florida Evergla des, the video studies the difficulty of balancing economic and ecological wellbeing. The plight of animal populations-Sumatran elephants losing their habitat to palm oil plantations, Oriental white storks feeding in pesticide-ridden water s, and Florida panthers struggling in developed areas-is reinforced by a compreh ensive "extinction data map" showing the biosphere's most threatened areas. This program is an effective supplement for environmental studies courses focusing o n worldwide economic factors. (31 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1718_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1718_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8013</td><td>Extraordinary Answers to Common Interview Quest ions</td><td>"What can you tell me about yourself?" "Why do you want to leave yo ur current job?" "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" Common questions, but difficult to answer. This program uses a quiz-show format and career experts to help job-seekers recognize good and bad answers to many of the most common ques tions-with an emphasis on preparation on the part of the person interviewed. Key principles of effective interviewing are outlined and applied in simulated inte rview situations. A Cambridge Educational Production. (22 minutes)</td><td>1995< /td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1719_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1719_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10158</td><td>Extrema and Max/Min Word Problems</td><td>Behi nd every calculus problem, neatly packaged and ready to solve, is a word problem . But before coming to terms with word problems, this program examines local ext rema and local maximums and minimums. Next, the first- and second-derivative tes ts for local extrema are studied. Finally, max/min word problems-like how to mak e packaging for Uncle Skippy's Premium Edible Dirt-are addressed, and the five-s tep process for solving them is applied. (34 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>34</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1720_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1720_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>11667</td><td>Extreme Environments: Sand Dunes, Hot Springs, and Tundra</td><td>How do life forms adapt to extreme terrestrial and aquatic e nvironments? This program answers that question by examining plants and animals that call quartzite and gypsum sand dunes, phreatic caves, acidic geothermal spr ings, and alpine tundra home. (27 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1721_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1721_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33683</td><td>Extreme Oil</td><td>The days of extracting "ea sy oil" from the Middle East and the Persian Gulf are gone. But given the indust rialized world's growing need for this invaluable resource, where will tomorrow' s oil be found? This dynamic three-part series portrays the extreme challenges-e nvironmental, political, and ethical-that face both the oil industry and ourselv es, the consumers of the infinite products of oil. Documentary footage from some of the most dangerous and difficult locations around the world provides a uniqu e and adventurous perspective on this crucial topic. 3-part series, 57 minutes e ach.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1722_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1722_l blPrice">$389.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35832</td><td>Extreme Sports and Teens: The Psychology of Ri sk Addiction</td><td>For teenagers with a particular psychological profile, trad itional sports don't provide enough excitement. This ABC News program looks at t he structure and chemistry of the adolescent brain and shows why certain teens d evelop addictions to danger-seeking thrills by leaping between rooftops, riding on top of fast-moving cars, and other outrageous pursuits. Dr. Frank Farley of T emple University-a psychologist who has studied risk-taking behavior for more th an 30 years-outlines ways to identify the so-called Type-T personality at an ear ly age. He also illustrates methods for engaging teens in organized activities t hat channel their energy away from adrenaline addiction. (11 minutes)</td><td>20 05</td><td>11</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1723_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1723_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37152</td><td>The Extremes of Fashion: Women's Couture and t he Media</td><td>Fashion show runways, photo shoots, the playgrounds of the chic and stylish: this program illustrates the cycles of women's couture through the '50s, '60s, and '70s-and the portrayal of women in the media as they progressed through the postwar decade, the civil rights movement, Beatlemania, the Vietnam War, and the era of women's lib. Plenty of designer names are dropped, both fro m then and now, as viewers are presented with a kaleidoscope of relentlessly cap tivating creations from Europe and the U.S. Whether covering everything or barin g all, fashion liberates even as it objectifies. Contains nudity. (53 minutes)</

td><td>2006</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1724_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1724_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5809</td><td>The Eye of the Dictator: Propaganda and the Naz is</td><td>This program examines the use of film and particularly the weekly new sreel to inform, disinform, and persuade Germany during the years of the Nazi re gime. The program takes an in-depth look at the way Josef Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda, controlled the work of German film cameramen and how he manipulated their work to great effect both as propaganda and as art. Berlin exercised total editorial control of everything, with Goebbels himself assuming total news mana gement. He approved every film and every budget, decided on the music, and chose the emphasis. When Goebbels was satisfied, the result was shown to Hitler for h is personal approval. The program contains extraordinary footage that illustrate s the Nazis' efforts in producing propaganda and demonstrates the enormous power of film to sway the national imagination. (55 minutes, color with b&w archival footage)</td><td>1994</td><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1725_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1725_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32069</td><td>Eye of the Storm: Jerusalem's Temple Mount</td ><td>At the heart of the Middle East conflict stands the Temple Mount in Jerusal em. Holy ground for Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, this 35-acre plot is the w orld's most contested piece of land. Filmed on location, this timely program pre sents a wide array of perspectives on the role and future of the Temple Mount. N umerous interviews bring together political and religious activists-from moderat e to radical-from all three faiths, including Jewish groups actively preparing f or the reestablishment of King Solomon's Temple and evangelical Christians takin g similar steps that they believe will hasten the Second Coming. (52 minutes)</t d><td>2002</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1726_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1726_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>823</td><td>Eyes and Ears</td><td>This program is devoted to the senses that bring information of more distant events. The camera shows a re ckless driver careening down a road-and then takes the viewer inside his eye, wh ere the image of the potential crash site is pictured. The camera enters the ear , showing how the linked bones vibrate in response to a sound, and by using a co mputer graphic sequence, shows how the eye focuses on an image. (26 minutes)</td ><td>1984</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1727_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1727_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>32795</td><td>Ezra Pound</td><td>Ezra Pound wielded tremendo us influence on the 20th century's literature while he cut a controversial path through its politics. His challenge, "make it new," became Modernism's touchston e. This program follows his life's extraordinary course, from his collaborations with Yeats and Eliot through his years of detention at St. Elizabeths Hospital. A wealth of photographs and manuscripts is blended with readings from his lette rs, essays, and poems, including "Meditatio," "In a Station of the Metro," and s elections from his epic work, The Cantos. (20 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>20</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1728_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1728_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9133</td><td>F = ma: Physical Science Concepts</td><td>This engaging three-part series defines the elements of Newton's Second Law-force, ma ss, and acceleration-plus related topics such as velocity and inertia; demonstra tes them using basic calculations; and applies them in real-world examples. Vide o, animation, graphics, and narration combine to make this an excellent introduc tion to this fundamental law of physics. Correlates to the National Science Educ ation Standards developed by the National Academies of Science and Project 2061 Benchmarks for Science Literacy from the American Association for the Advancemen t of Science. A Cambridge Educational Production. 3-part series, 9-12 minutes ea ch.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1729_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1729_l blPrice">$179.85<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7360</td><td>F. Scott Fitzgerald</td><td>Few writers conveye d the spirit of the roaring twenties as accurately as F. Scott Fitzgerald. In th is program, writer Jay McInerny, Fitzgerald biographer Scott Donaldson, and othe rs talk about Fitzgerald's life, writing, and marriage to the ill-fated Zelda. F itzgerald's ascent to the dizzying heights of Paris literary society and later f ailure as a Hollywood screenwriter are documented. The dissolution of his brief friendship with Ernest Hemingway is attributed to Hemingway's criticism of Fitzg erald's failure to fully develop his writing talent. Excerpts from The Romantic Egoist, This Side of Paradise, The Great Gatsby, Tender Is the Night, and The La st Tycoon illuminate Fitzgerald's unique writing style. Letters from Zelda under score the couple's tragic and superficial existence-Fitzgerald's alcoholism and Zelda's own mental illness. A BBC Production. (52 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td> 52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1730_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1730_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>31124</td><td>Face and Place: Business Beyond the Bonds of C

ulture</td><td>Across Asia, the notion of "face"-a propriety of appearances-is b eing replaced by Western frankness, while traditional caste systems are yielding to wealth as the determinant of status. This program profiles three executives who typify the changing style of business in Asia: James C. Louey, senior execut ive of the world's largest bus company, KMB in Hong Kong; Dr. Jannie Tay, CEO of The Hour Glass, a retail chain based in Singapore that sells watches throughout Asia; and Brijesh Wahi, managing director of Cellstream Technologies, a softwar e services and engineering company out of Bangalore. (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</ td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1731_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1731_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34257</td><td>The Face of the World: A History of Human Expl oration</td><td>Religious fervor, military conquest, and the needs of imperial a dministrations-historically, these have been the strongest motives for developme nts in cartography and navigation, overshadowing the desire to explore and under stand. This beautifully crafted three-part series tells the story of map-making, from ancient times to the 20th century, demonstrating with realistic dramatizat ions and distinguished scholarship the human quest to know and possess the world . 3-part series, 30 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1732_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1732_l blPrice">$269.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4901</td><td>Facing Evil</td><td>This program offers the int imate testimonies of eloquent men and women as they discuss their dramatic confr ontations with the force of evil-and the discovery that exploring evil leads to revelations about goodness. Among those featured in the broadcast are poet Maya Angelou, who speaks of being raped as a child; scholar Raul Hilberg, who discuss es the Holocaust; philosopher Philip Hallie, who speaks of his experiences as a soldier in World War II; and Dr. Samuel D. Proctor, minister and educator, who t ells of the racial hatred he has experienced. They are joined by dancer, choreog rapher, and author Chung-Liang Al Huang and former U.S. Representative Barbara J ordan. This program with Bill Moyers offers an unusual series of personal testim onies on the persistent question of the relationship between good and evil. (90 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>90</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1733_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1733_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6740</td><td>Facing Racism</td><td>This emotionally charged program follows five participants of different ethnic and racial backgrounds thr ough a three-day Unlearning Racism workshop. As the workshop begins, a EuropeanAmerican man offends his African-American workshop partner by making a joke duri ng a one-on-one dialogue. The incident sparks anger among African-American parti cipants, who openly confront the offender. White participants in the workshop ex press their frustration over their inability to understand the reactions of the

people of color. The five main participants later meet to reflect on the honest sharing of feelings that took place during the workshop. This program represents both a strong statement on the complex issues surrounding racism and an honest depiction of the difficulties involved in resolving them. (57 minutes)</td><td>1 996</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1734_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1734_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36955</td><td>Facing the Challenge: Building Peer Programs f or Street Youth</td><td>The dangerous link between teen homelessness and HIV/AID S has led activists to develop new forms of community involvement. Service provi ders are turning directly to youth for help, recruiting them to become messenger s of HIV-prevention awareness and mentors of other at-risk young people. This vi deo explores the how-to of designing peer programs by introducing viewers to fiv e models for peer-based outreach groups. It covers the training of peer mentors, the hazards they might encounter, and a wide array of clinical and management i ssues. The result is a valuable instructional tool for studies in adolescent hea lthcare, teen counseling, and other areas. (24 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>24< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1735_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1735_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9202</td><td>Facing the Challenge: Issues in the Job Search for People of Color</td><td>This program takes the viewer through the intensely personal stories of several ethnically diverse storytellers. From learning to sp eak English to teenage motherhood and blatant discrimination, all the participan ts share how they were able to beat the odds and gain employment. Each story off ers insight into the issues that affect minorities, while experts offer some exp lanation and advice about overcoming obstacles in the job search process. A Camb ridge Educational Production. One 35-minute video.</td><td>1999</td><td>32</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1736_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1736_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8798</td><td>Facing the Truth with Bill Moyers</td><td>The y ears 1960 through 1994 were a time of terror in South Africa. With the destructi on of the yoke of apartheid in 1994, South Africa has had to come to terms with its oppressive past: recrimination and punishment, or forgiveness? This compelli ng program describes the efforts of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC ) to investigate human rights violations, to heal the country, and to help South Africa in its process of reinvention. Prize-winning journalist Bill Moyers and producer-director Gail Pellett speak with apartheid victims to hear their storie s firsthand. Additional interviews with Nobel laureate and TRC architect Archbis hop Desmond Tutu, former officers of state security, counterterrorists, and jour nalists-combined with footage of some of the most dramatic confrontations that o

ccurred during the TRC hearings-round out this powerful documentary. As the U.S. wrestles with its own heritage of discrimination and injustice, the TRC's proce ss offers insights into how America might improve its own future through reconci liation and forgiveness. (2 hours)</td><td>1999</td><td>120</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1737_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1737_l blPrice">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3692</td><td>Factoring in Mendel</td><td>Darwin was unable t o explain how characteristics are transferred from generation to generation. The solution was found in Gregor Mendel's experiments with the common pea plant. Fi nally, we examine dominant and recessive traits and what the Hardy-Weinberg law proves. (10 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1738_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1738_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10423</td><td>The Facts about MRSA</td><td>How much of the m edia coverage of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus-a superbug consider ed deadly, out of control, and incurable-is misleading or even flat-out wrong? T his program, designed to assist doctors and nurses in identifying and treating p atients with MRSA, provides essential information on how the pathogen is transmi tted, who is most highly at risk, and treatment with intravenous antibiotics suc h as vancomycin and teicoplanin. Infection-control protocols for hospitals, nurs ing and residential facilities, and patients' homes are described. Phage-typing to identify strains of S. aureus is also demonstrated. (29 minutes)</td><td>1997 </td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1739_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1739_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11030</td><td>Fad Diets: The Weight Loss Merry-Go-Round</td> <td>Consumers spend millions of dollars trying to lose extra pounds through pill s, extreme weight-loss programs, and even surgery when there's only ONE rule tha t applies: "You must burn more calories than you eat." In this video, nutrition experts identify several of the more popular fad diets and why they're so appeal ing. Fad diets often do work-in the short term; but in the long term, they do no t offer healthy weight maintenance. This relevant program not only clarifies the dangers and frustrations of fad diets, but also offers suggestions to help you make the transition to healthier eating habits...habits that will result in heal thy weight loss and a lifetime of learning how to maintain your ideal weight. A Meridian Production.One 16-minute video.</td><td>1998</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1740_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1740_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>32079</td><td>Failure to Protect? A National Dialogue</td><t d>As headlines trumpet cases of children becoming "lost"-and in some cases, dyin g-while in the care of the state or when the state does not act promptly to take custody, child welfare policies have come under intense questioning. But the an swers are not simple. This award-winning Fred Friendly Seminar is presented in c ollaboration with the Institute for Child and Family Policy at Columbia Universi ty. Moderated by Dateline NBC correspondent John Hockenberry, the seminar confro nts the complexities of child safety and welfare policies and their effect on Am erican families. Panelists include Kathleen Blatz, chief justice of the Minnesot a Supreme Court; Richard Gelles, dean of the University of Pennsylvania School o f Social Work; Sandra Jimenez, head of advocacy for New York City's Department o f Homeless Services; Marcia Robinson Lowry, executive director of the advocacy g roup Children's Rights, Inc.; Cynthia McFadden, ABC News senior legal correspond ent; Representative George Miller (D-CA), author of the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980; and Northwestern University School of Law Professor D orothy Roberts, author of Shattered Bonds: The Color of Child Welfare. Additiona l resources are located online at and A FRONTL INE-Fred Friendly Seminars, Inc. co-production with 10/20 Productions, LLC. (60 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1741_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1741_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9329</td><td>Fair Play: Achieving Gender Equity in the Digit al Age</td><td>How will America close the gender gap that exists in technology, to empower female students? Set at Fulmore Middle School in Austin, Texas, this program exposes counterproductive classroom behaviors and presents measures bein g taken to correct the misperception that computing is a males-only domain. The Director of the Center for Gender Equity, the author of SchoolGirls, the creator s of and, and others scrutinize issues including equ al computer access in the classroom, attitude barriers both in class and out, an d efforts to develop software and Web sites that enfranchise female users rather than reinforce gender stereotypes. (57 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>57</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1742_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1742_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37194</td><td>Fair Trade, Ethical Trading</td><td>Archaic mo dels of global commerce assume that all parties will benefit equally from free t rade. But well-documented exploitation of workers in the developing world has co nvinced many experts of the need for stronger fair trade practices. This program reports on the efforts of socially concerned entrepreneurs and leaders to safeg uard the interests of foreign farmers, producers, and laborers. Bob Stiller, pre sident and founder of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, explains why his company h as earned a place on the Business Ethics magazine "100 Best Corporate Citizens" list; Neal Kearney, chief of the ITGLWF, debunks myths of slim profit margins in the garment industry; and Paul Rice, CEO of TransFair USA, describes his group' s fair trade certification process. (28 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>28</td><td >

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1743_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1743_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33088</td><td>Fair Trade, Fair Profit: Making Green Enterpri se Work</td><td>All over the world, green enterprise is growing. This program fo cuses on the catalyst that is transforming Earth-friendly businesses into paying ventures: a thing that economists call externalities. In Mexico, coffee growers use collective bargaining to create a more secure market. In Tanzania, where ma laria is rampant, a mosquito net manufacturer makes good by marketing social cha nge. In Brazil, babassu nut farmers preserve their traditional business by findi ng markets for their nut by-products. And in Uganda, impoverished entrepreneurs rebuild their community with startup money from a nontraditional venture capital fund called C3. (27 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1744_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1744_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7109</td><td>Faith and Reason</td><td>Efforts being made by scientists and theologians to find common ground between their two seemingly opp osing fields are captured at a Divine Action Conference. Sponsored jointly by th e Vatican and the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, Berkeley, the co nference gathers leading scientists, theologians, and philosophers, who discuss such issues as the origin of the universe and the meaning of life. Visits to Cam bridge University and Johns Hopkins provide a scientific backdrop for discussion s about whether recent space probes could threaten biblical teachings on creatio n. This thought-provoking dialogue between people of good faith makes a strong c ontribution to public discourse. (57 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1745_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1745_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10148</td><td>Faith, Hope and Capital: Banking on the "Unban kable"</td><td>Unlike banks, community development financial institutions specia lize in backing people whose future possibilities inspire more hope than their c redit reports do. This program examines the workings of CDFIs through stories of borrowers considered "unbankable" by conventional lenders. Case studies from Se attle; Chicago; Philadelphia; Portland, Maine; Demopolis, Alabama; and Chester, Pennsylvania, prove that capital and technical assistance invested in small busi nesses can stabilize and improve poor and neglected communities by creating jobs , money, and pride. (57 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1746_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1746_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>33632</td><td>Faith, Politics, and Tradition</td><td>This st raight-talking program seeks to understand if religious belief can be reconciled with the changing values of modern life. Archbishop Rowan Williams argues that religion must suit a modern audience by changing the way it communicates its mes sage-a point disputed by conservative historian Jonathan Clark, who believes the forces of modernity should be resisted. Reformist Muslim Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, Is lamic adviser to George W. Bush, submits that the West lacks acceptance of Islam despite Muslims' tolerance of Christianity. A valuable dialogue between represe ntatives of major religious entities searching for mutual knowledge. (26 minutes )</td><td>2003</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1747_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1747_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11342</td><td>The Fall of Saigon and the South Vietnamese Ex odus to America</td><td>As communism tightened its grip on what was once South V ietnam, a stream of refugees poured into America. This program uses poignant int erviews and archival footage to reveal the fortitude of Vietnamese who faced the gravest hardships in their escape to the U.S. following the fall of Saigon. In addition, Vu-Duc Vuong, of the University of California, Berkeley, and South Vie tnamese and American veterans give their firsthand views on the Vietnam War, exp loring the factors that led to the elimination of U.S. military and financial su pport as well as the war's continuing power to polarize opinion in both the U.S. and Vietnam. (37 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1748_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1748_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30679</td><td>Fall Protection: It's No Game!</td><td>This fa ct-filled video introduces viewers to many of the falling hazards on a residenti al construction work site and suggests ways to avoid them. Major danger zones ar e identified, such as open-sided platforms, leading edges, and openings in floor s and walls. Conventional safety systems, including guardrails and personal fall arrest systems, are examined in detail. In addition, a number of alternative sa fety procedures are suggested to be used when working with floor joists, floor s heathing, exterior walls, roof trusses, roof sheathing and shingles, and foundat ions-times when conventional safety systems can't be used or would create hazard s of their own. (15 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1749_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1749_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8964</td><td>The Fallacy of Global Warming</td><td>Have two centuries of industrialization caused an increase in global warming? In this com prehensive program, experts analyze satellite images, archival weather records, tree rings, core samples from the ocean floor, and air frozen into ancient ice t o investigate climatic changes over the past 250,000 years. After factoring in t

he effects of orbital variations, sunspots, volcanoes, and sulfur dioxide aeroso ls, scientists theorize that recent global warming is not caused solely by fossi l fuels and that in a wider context it is not as abrupt-nor as potentially catac lysmic-as previously believed. (30 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1750_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1750_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5042</td><td>Families Matter</td><td>This program with Bill Moyers examines why America has become an unfriendly culture for families and ch ildren, and explores ways to rebuild a web of support for families. Among those featured on the program are Rosalie Streett, Exec. Director of Parent Action (Ba ltimore, MD); Jill Bradley, Director of Child Care Services, Chicago Housing Aut hority; and Richard Louv, author of the book Childhood's Future. They discuss so me of the practical steps needed to create a more hospitable social climate for families. The program also visits parents in San Diego who are struggling with s ome of the problems affecting the quality of parents' and children's lives. (60 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1751_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1751_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10340</td><td>Family</td><td>From prehistoric extended famil ies to today's double-income and single-parent families, the family as an instit ution has undergone dramatic change. This program examines the concept of family as viewed around the world and down through time. Historians Andre Burguiere an d Pieter Spierenburg; authors Beatrice Gottlieb and Helene Tremblay; Henri Lerid on, of the Institute for Demographic Studies; and Egyptologist Florence Maruejol discuss family structure in agrarian societies, life in a polygamous family, th e practice of infanticide, the effects of the Industrial Revolution, the impact of the Baby Boom, the upsurge in generational alienation, the impact of divorce, and other topics. (53 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1752_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1752_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31127</td><td>Family and Food: Pillars of Asian Business</td ><td>For families throughout Asia, meals are a central event. It is also likely that more business deals are concluded in dining rooms than boardrooms. This pro gram examines the importance of family and food to Asian business sensibilities. The program looks at Dr. Geoffrey Yeh and his children, who run Hsin Chong, one of Hong Kong's biggest construction firms; and Dato' Hamdan Mohamad, a major sh areholder and chief executive of Ranhill, Malaysia's biggest engineering consult ing firm and designers of the tallest building in the world. (27 minutes)</td><t d>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1753_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1753_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25406</td><td>Family Ties...Strengthening the Family Unit</t d><td>Whether it's special foods, certain games, or favorite entertainment, most families have specific activities that help create family closeness and togethe rness. We watch different families create their own method of bonding and discov er why it's so important for every family to make special time for one another. (23 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>2000</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1754_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1754_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4499</td><td>Family Violence: Breaking the Chain</td><td>Thi s program looks at the effects of family violence on the abused and the abuser: at the danger that abused children will grow up to repeat the pattern of violenc e in their own relationships; at the problems of date violence; at the physical and emotional abuse women suffer at the hands of their husbands and lovers. Whil e showing the benefits of therapy, it stresses the need of the abused for safety -through shelters, hot-lines, and community assistance-from those who abuse them . (28 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1755_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1755_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11981</td><td>Fanfare for America: The Composer Aaron Coplan d</td><td>Impressed with how European music could have a "German sound," a "Fren ch sound," and so on, Aaron Copland returned from his years in Paris to New York City, intent on capturing the essence of the "American sound." This documentary presents an artful blending of the life and music of one of America's great mod ern composers. The many milestones in Copland's long career are discussed by his biographer, Howard Pollock, while stirring images of Copland's native city are set to selections of his music as performed by the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orch estra. FRSO conductor Hugh Wolff provides astute commentary. Many interviews wit h Copland are included, along with a historic recording of "Clarinet Concerto" w ith Benny Goodman playing and Copland conducting. (59 minutes)</td><td>2001</td> <td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1756_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1756_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10604</td><td>Fascism: The Legacy of Hate</td><td>As the ult ra-right edges closer to real power in Europe, a dismayed EU fears a dark renais sance in politics. This disturbing program, supported by footage including a ski nhead hate party and anti-immigrant violence, traces the virulent resurgence of xenophobia in Europe. Joerg Haider, of Austria's Freedom Party; Albert Szabo, fo

under of Hungary's World Nation Party; and politicos from the German, Italian, a nd French extreme right defend their platforms while author Michael Ignatieff, h istorian Anton Pelinka, Jewish leaders, and Kosovar and Kurdish refugees counter with insights into the psychology of hate and voice fears that Europe's bloody history will soon repeat itself. (38 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>38</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1757_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1757_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35506</td><td>Fascist Barbarians: Soviet Animation vs. Nazi Tyranny</td><td>Hitler's invasion of Russia and Germany's post-WWII partition in spired a great deal of animated Soviet propaganda. This program presents short f ilms that disparage fascist aggression and America's supposed continuation of it . Fascist Boots and Cinema Circus vilify Hitler and the Nazi invaders; A Lesson Not Learned plays on Russian fears of a reunited, vengeful, and American-support ed Germany; and Vasilok, The Adventures of the Young Pioneers, and Pioneer's Vio lin are stories about brave and loyal Soviet children encountering and standing up to fascism. Fourteen films total, plus commentary from Russian State Film Sch ool professor Igor Kokarev, writer and cultural historian Vladimir Paperny, and actor/producer Oleg Vidov. (140 minutes) Portions are in Russian with English su btitles.</td><td>2006</td><td>140</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1758_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1758_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10790</td><td>Fashion 2000</td><td>How do designers keep dre aming up fashions to catch the consumer's eye? And how do marketers keep finding ways to make these products stand out in the crowded clothing marketplace? Rely ing on insider input from industry professionals, academics, and students, this illuminating two-part series answers these and other questions. A Meridian Produ ction. 2-part series, 17 minutes each.</td><td>1998</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1759_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1759_l blPrice">$159.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10370</td><td>Fashion and Clothing</td><td>Somewhere along t he line clothing met fashion, and neither has been the same since. In this progr am, historian Valerie Steele, of the Fashion Institute of Technology, and other experts interpret the history of humankind-from the ancients to the moderns-thro ugh the intriguing context of costume. Topics include the origins of clothing; s ymbolism associated with clothing, such as gender and status; sexist aspects of fashion, from corsets to miniskirts; the impact of wartime rationing on clothing styles; icons of haute couture, including Coco Chanel; and even body piercing a nd tattoos as a form of contemporary personal expression. (53 minutes)</td><td>1 998</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1760_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1760_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30429</td><td>The Fashion Fair: Buyers and Sellers under One Roof</td><td>CPD is one of the leading fashion fairs worldwide, and Manfred Kro nen is its owner. To him, fashion equals emotion, so he never fails to market th em together at his huge exhibition hall in Dusseldorf. This program features Kro nen and the CPD staff in action, tracking them from final arrangements through t he events of opening day, including a Toni Gard fashion show and a photo shoot f or German Vogue. In addition, the program travels to Shanghai, where trendy unde rgarments and outerwear are the order of the day as Kronen builds bridges of und erstanding and commerce to emerging Asian markets. A Deutsche Welle Production. (26 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1761_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1761_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30426</td><td>The Fashion Industry</td><td>In an image-consc ious age, appearance definitely counts-and those who can afford it will go to ex tremes to be the first with the flashiest new ensemble. Who tailors the trends t hat make Europe's and America's sartorial elites race to fashion fairs and upsca le boutiques? This fascinating five-part series offers an insider's view of how the fashion industry designs, manufactures, and markets its fabulous wares, as w ell as how tomorrow's designers are trained. A Deutsche Welle Production. 5-part series, 26 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1762_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1762_l blPrice">$649.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25409</td><td>Fashion Merchandising: Concepts and Careers</t d><td>The exciting world of fashion merchandising is outlined in this basic vide o to give young adults considering fashion merchandising as a career a good over view of the field. Basic information about the principles of fashion, the import ant role the consumer plays, and careers are all covered. Also includes informat ion about how fashion merchandising is changing through catalog sales and electr onic retailing. (20 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1994</td><td>20</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1763_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1763_l blPrice">$84.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26324</td><td>Fast Food Techniques</td><td>Fast food is ever ywhere these days, not only in popular national franchises, but in hotels and fu ll-service restaurants as well. This video shows firsthand the techniques used i n the fast food business: grilling, broiling, and frying. Each method is demonst rated and explained as safety tips are highlighted throughout. Various tools and

procedures are also shown. There's even a special section on pizzas and Mexican food! Fast food jobs are a great entry to better jobs throughout the food servi ces business. (14 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>2000</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1764_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1764_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37602</td><td>Fat: Humanity's Best Friend</td><td>Despite th e success of the diet industry and the growing awareness of obesity as a genuine health risk, the human body does need fat. This program reveals the benefits as well as the dangers of body fat while illustrating the characteristics found in various types of fat tissue. Explaining how and why fat evolved and how it beha ves differently depending on the individual, the program also studies the abilit y of fat cells to communicate with other parts of the body and how some fats may produce illnesses-for example, Alzheimer's and cancer. The dubious nature of ma ny anti-fat drugs and their unfortunate consequences are explored; the program a lso outlines certain medical cures that have resulted from studying fat and poin ts to the naturally slimming qualities of smart eating. (29 minutes)</td><td>200 6</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1765_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1765_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37642</td><td>Fate of the Oceans: Our Threatened Fisheries</ td><td>The catch is trailing off in most of the world's fishing grounds. This tw o-part series travels to over a dozen international locations to report on the p recarious condition of global fisheries. Viewers will learn about a wide range o f endangered ecosystems and regional challenges, while gaining insight from a ho st of science and policy authorities-including Kieran Kelleher, a fisheries expe rt with the World Bank; Helen Davies, a WWF Fisheries Policy Officer; Fernando C urcio, Director General of Spain's Fisheries Resources; and Ahmed Habib Naseeb, a marine ecologist and diver in Oman. Depicting urgent problems facing our ocean s, the series also presents first-step solutions underway around the world. 2-pa rt series, 23-24 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1766_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1766_l blPrice">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2609</td><td>The Fateful Decade: From Little Rock to the Civ il Rights Bill</td><td>First there was the law, and then there was enforcement o f the law. This program begins at Little Rock's Central High School, when soldie rs had to provide safety for black children exercising their legal right to go t o school. Martin Luther King, Jr., already appears in 1958 at a meeting of black leaders with President Eisenhower. The civil rights movement accelerated: march es, clashes with the police and the jailing of demonstrators, the murder of Medg ar Evers, the bombing of the Baptist church in Birmingham, sit-ins and protests, the Montgomery march, the Mississippi Freedom march, Martin Luther King, Jr.'s famous "I Have a Dream" and "I Have Been to the Mountaintop" speeches, his funer

al, and President Johnson's signing of the Civil Rights Bill of 1968. (27 minute s)</td><td>1990</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1767_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1767_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34922</td><td>Fatherhood</td><td>New research points to the role that a father plays in his child's IQ development, social adaptation, and e ven the stability of that child's eventual marriage. This video offers a fascina ting look at today's father, and what he can and does mean to his kids. (22 minu tes)</td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1768_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1768_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33613</td><td>Faultlines: The Search for Political and Relig ious Links</td><td>Is religion the cause of or excuse for political conflagratio ns? In this colossal six-part series, former Beirut hostage John McCarthy embark s on a 30,000-mile journey spanning six very different countries to explore the volatile relationship between religion and politics in Israel, Iran, Russia, Ind ia, Brazil, and the U.S. Different religious and political forces are at work in each of these countries and the engagement between the two makes for fascinatin g stories-and headline news. 6-part series, 37 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><t d>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1769_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1769_l blPrice">$779.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29569</td><td>Favorite Family Recipes: Quickbreads</td><td>L earn what makes quickbreads different from yeast breads, the key ingredients for the four different types of quickbreads, how to identify the proper texture of a quickbread when it's done baking, and more. This video tells you everything yo u'll need to know to produce your own quality quickbreads. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Meridian Production. (18 minutes)</td> <td>2002</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1770_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1770_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36378</td><td>Fear of Fat: Eight Stories of Eating and Weigh t</td><td>What is it like to eat around the clock? At 457 pounds, Wally knows. A nd Tammy, at 67 pounds, has experienced both anorexia and bulimia-at the same ti me. This haunting program introduces eight ordinary people who tell, in a chilli ngly matter-of-fact way, about their life-scarring-and even severely life-threat

ening-experiences with body weight and self-image. Bouts with eating disorders a re described in detail, as well as deep feelings of hurt, anger, alienation, and utter hopelessness. Fear of Fat provides penetrating insights into society's un healthy focus on thinness and the toll in mental and physical suffering that suc h cultural fixation exacts. (60 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>61</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1771_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1771_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9167</td><td>The Federal Theater, Project 891, and the Mercu ry Theater</td><td>In this program, Ellen Adler, owner of The Stella Adler Conse rvatory, and author William Simon appraise the impact of the drama groups that f lourished during the Depression-both those that were privately operated and thos e that were federally funded-and their lasting contributions to theater. Among t he topics discussed are the American Method style of acting, as pioneered at the Group Theatre; the Federal Theater, the Classical Theatre (Project 891), and th e Mercury Theater, incubators for some of the most innovative and controversial works ever seen on the American stage; and the theatrical careers of Orson Welle s and John Houseman. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1772_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1772_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29792</td><td>Federico Garcia Lorca</td><td>Initially traine d as a classical pianist, Lorca became one of Spain's greatest poets and dramati sts. This program weaves archival footage with dozens of photos and manuscripts to examine his work, his influences, and his friendships with other luminaries, including Luis Bunuel, Salvador Dali, and Pablo Neruda. Such poetic works as Lla nto por Ignacio Sanchez Mejias, Poema del Cante Jondo, and Romancero Gitano are discussed in the context of their creation, as well as the plays La Zapatera Pro digiosa, Bodas de Sangre, Yerma, and La Casa de Bernarda Alba. The roles of Yerm a and Bernarda are closely examined, as well as Lorca's tragic muse Margarita Xi rgu, for whom these parts were written. The program concludes with his murder by the Nationalists in his native Granada. (Spanish, 53 minutes)</td><td>2000</td> <td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1773_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1773_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29793</td><td>Federico Garcia Lorca</td><td>Initially traine d as a classical pianist, Lorca became one of Spain's greatest poets and dramati sts. This program weaves archival footage with dozens of photos and manuscripts to examine his work, his influences, and his friendships with other luminaries, including Luis Bunuel, Salvador Dali, and Pablo Neruda. Such poetic works as Lla nto por Ignacio Sanchez Mejias, Poema del Cante Jondo, and Romancero Gitano are discussed in the context of their creation, as well as the plays La Zapatera Pro digiosa, Bodas de Sangre, Yerma, and La Casa de Bernarda Alba. The roles of Yerm a and Bernarda are closely examined, as well as Lorca's tragic muse Margarita Xi

rgu, for whom these parts were written. The program concludes with his murder by the Nationalists in his native Granada. (Spanish with English subtitles, 53 min utes)</td><td>2000</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1774_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1774_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8372</td><td>Federico Garcia Lorca: Remembering the Earth</t d><td>Over half a century has passed since famed poet-playwright Federico Garcia Lorca was killed in Granada at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. He lives on, however, in his immortal Canciones, Romancero Gitano, and La Casa de Bernar da Alba and other works that captured the soul of espana and the heart of the li terary world. This documentary, produced by RTVE, traces his life from Fuentevag ueros in Andalusia to his death at age 38 in 1936. Archival footage and personal interviews with family members, poets, writers, and artists including Edward Al bee and Philip Levine provide an accurate portrait of both Lorca the man and the literary giant. Portions of Lorca's most famous works, interwoven throughout th e program, are accompanied by contemporary images of the places he held most dea r. (Spanish, 59 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1775_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1775_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8819</td><td>Federico Garcia Lorca: Remembering the Earth</t d><td>Over half a century has passed since famed poet-playwright Federico Garcia Lorca was killed in Granada at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. He lives on, however, in his immortal Canciones, Romancero Gitano, and La Casa de Bernar da Alba and other works that captured the soul of espana and the heart of the li terary world. This documentary, produced by RTVE, traces his life from Fuentevag ueros in Andalusia to his death at age 38 in 1936. Archival footage and personal interviews with family members, poets, writers, and artists including Edward Al bee and Philip Levine provide an accurate portrait of both Lorca the man and the literary giant. Portions of Lorca's most famous works, interwoven throughout th e program, are accompanied by contemporary images of the places he held most dea r. (59 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1776_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1776_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>25413</td><td>Feedback on the Job: Accepting Criticism</td>< td>Video version. Viewers meet two young managers who help workers with appropri ate responses to feedback in different work situations. Whether feedback is true , unclear, or downright false, we discover how to respond in a way that enables us to develop confidence, separate our reactions from our feelings, and learn fr om the situation. Using live-action video, the CD-ROM program guides the user th rough a series of learning objectives and interactive testing to make sure the i nformation is absorbed. After each section of the video, pertinent questions are asked. If viewers give the wrong answer, they will automatically be taken back

to review the video component containing the answer. When they are finished, use rs can print out a certificate of completion which can be turned in to the cours e instructor. A Meridian Production. One 22-minute video. CD-ROM version also av ailable.</td><td>1997</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1777_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1777_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33308</td><td>Feeding</td><td>Feeding is about so much more than just food. This program takes a close look at feeding in the first three ye ars-from the breast or baby bottle to the spoon. The program shows many scenes o f breast and bottle feeding, as well as the giving of solid food. Mothers, fathe rs, pediatricians, nutritionists, and child psychologists discuss the bond that feeding creates between children and their parents. In addition, parents and exp erts provide approaches to weaning and suggestions on appropriate foods. Not ava ilable in French-speaking Canada. (53 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1778_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1778_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32333</td><td>Feeding Your Baby</td><td>This program demonst rates breastfeeding positions and techniques, as well as breast milk storage. It also covers bottle feeding, choosing a formula, bottle and nipple care, and fee ding techniques. (17 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1779_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1779_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32562</td><td>Feeding Your Baby-in Spanish</td><td>This prog ram demonstrates breastfeeding positions and techniques, as well as breast milk storage. It also covers bottle feeding, choosing a formula, bottle and nipple ca re, and feeding techniques. (18 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1780_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1780_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32320</td><td>Felipe II-in Spanish</td><td>This landmark sev en-part series pays tribute to King Philip II-Felipe-of Spain. His tempestuous r eign, captured by his contemporaries Lope de Vega, Cervantes, Titian, and El Gre co, inaugurated the Golden Age of Spanish culture. An RTVE Production. Spanish, 7-part series, 55-67 minutes each.</td><td>1998</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1781_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1781_l blPrice">$699.65<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7854</td><td>Female Circumcision: Human Rites</td><td>This p rogram documents the ritual of female genital mutilation, also known as female c ircumcision, practiced among some African groups; explores its roots in myth; an d discusses movements under way to ban the practice. Interviews with anti-circum cision activists, including medical personnel, describe the health ramifications , including hemorrhage, infection, and painful sex. Victims discuss both the phy sical and emotional pain of circumcision, and both males and females discuss why they support or reject circumcision as a valid cultural practice. Graphic scene s of an actual female circumcision are shown. (40 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td> 40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1782_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1782_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36033</td><td>Feminist Literary Voices</td><td>Has feminist literature gone mainstream? And what place do women's presses have in society as it is today? This program offers valuable insights but no consensus as Gloria S teinem; Germaine Greer; Naomi Wolf; Lynn Crosbie, editor of Click: Becoming Femi nists; Virago Press' Lennie Goodings; and Althea Prince, of Women's Press, Canad a's oldest feminist publishing house, address these and other issues. Additional topics include personal "click" moments, idealized versus real-world motherhood , equality-and loss of equality-in relationships, and the liberating feeling of menopause. A reading by poet Dionne Brand completes the program. (28 minutes)</t d><td>2005</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1783_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1783_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35661</td><td>Fernando Botero: Searching for the Heroic in A rt</td><td>Fernando Botero's distinctive style-smooth inflated shapes with unexp ected shifts in scale-reflects the Colombian artist's constant search to give vo lume presence and reality. This program combines commentary by Botero himself wi th abundant examples of his paintings and sculptures to examine the remarkable l ife and work of a world-renowned visionary. By integrating and reworking artisti c themes from the Middle Ages, the Quattrocento, the Latin American colonial per iod, and the 20th century, Botero continues to flesh out his conception of a rem arkably monumental and exaggerated world of pleasure and plenty. (53 minutes)</t d><td>2003</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1784_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1784_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33004</td><td>Fernando Savater-in Spanish</td><td>He has bee

n called Spain's Jean-Paul Sartre. As well as a leading philosopher of his gener ation, Fernando Savater is also an accomplished novelist and dramatist. In this program, Savater discusses some of the central themes in his works, such as ethi cal challenges, human love, the opposition of society to the state, and the need to strengthen democracy through education. (Spanish, 27 minutes)</td><td>2004</ td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1785_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1785_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33005</td><td>Fernando Savater-in Spanish with English Subti tles</td><td>He has been called Spain's Jean-Paul Sartre. As well as a leading p hilosopher of his generation, Fernando Savater is also an accomplished novelist and dramatist. In this program, Savater discusses some of the central themes in his works, such as ethical challenges, human love, the opposition of society to the state, and the need to strengthen democracy through education. (Spanish with English subtitles, 27 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1786_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1786_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37101</td><td>Fernando Savater-in Spanish with English Subti tles</td><td>Sifting through questions surrounding oppression and terrorism, Spa nish essayist and philosopher Fernando Savater has often analyzed religious dogm a-studying those who promote it and those who oppose it. This program documents Savater's views on the social and intellectual wellsprings of terrorism and mili tant fundamentalism, as well as the eternal conflict between science and religio n. The author of Ethics for Amador and The Task of the Hero examines both age-ol d and current tensions between inflexible ideologies and objective truth, with a n eye on what he calls "truth in history." He also focuses on the limits of scie nce and philosophy and the weaknesses of postmodern relativism. (Spanish with En glish subtitles, 26 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1787_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1787_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10383</td><td>Fetal Abuse: The Effects of Drugs and Alcohol< /td><td>Children born to mothers with substance abuse problems frequently suffer severe physical, cognitive, and behavioral abnormalities. Fetal Alcohol Syndrom e (FAS) occurs when pregnant women drink during pregnancy and may result in babi es who have problems with the central nervous system, facial irregularities, joi nt and limb abnormalities, heart defects, mental retardation, and behavioral pro blems. Mothers who use drugs during pregnancy have babies who are addicted at bi rth, have increased risk of learning disabilities, and delayed motor, speech, an d language development. The vital importance of being drug- and alcohol-free bef ore and during pregnancy is stressed. A Meridian Production. (18 minutes)</td><t d>1997</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1788_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1788_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34864</td><td>Fetal Alcohol Exposure: Changing the Future</t d><td>How are fetal alcohol spectrum disorders diagnosed? What are the primary a nd secondary disabilities associated with FASD? And-most important of all-what i s the human cost? This program addresses these questions through the firsthand e xperiences of Ann Streissguth, director of the University of Washington's Fetal Alcohol and Drug Unit; Kathy Mitchell, vice president of NOFAS; Erica Lara, who works at a residential drug and alcohol treatment facility designed especially f or women with young children; and Erica Gitis-Miles, a college student who has F ASD. The in utero effects of alcohol are considered as well, as are the facial, bodily, neurological, cognitive, and behavioral characteristics of FASD. Recomme nded for grades 9+. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production. (31 minute s)</td><td>2006</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1789_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1789_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36087</td><td>Fetal Fix: Stem Cell Research and Moral Confli ct</td><td>In the expanding world of biotechnology, cells taken from aborted fet uses are seen as a promising resource for developing a variety of medical curesalthough their use has sparked intense controversy. This program examines stem c ell and fetal tissue research programs in the United States, Japan, and China an d highlights the ethical concerns that surround these projects. Explaining why s tem cells cultivated from embryonic or fetal tissue are useful for transplant wo rk and for developing treatments for Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injuries, and other medical problems, the program explores a new dimension in the battle o ver the sanctity-and value-of human life. (53 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>53</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1790_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1790_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1957</td><td>The Feudal System</td><td>This program covers t he social and economic organization of Europe in the Middle Ages: life in a medi eval farming hamlet; the role of the feudal lord, whose role was to defend its i nhabitants in return for a share of the produce and other tribute; the role of t enant farmers, indentured servants, and serfs; the economy of the peasant commun ity and the landed estate; construction and organization of the medieval castle; the relationship between lord and vassal; the pyramid of medieval social organi zation, with pope and king at the apex and impoverished peasants at the base; th e concession of lands by the king and the financial and military obligations in return; the role of the church in feudal Europe, and of the clergy; and courtly love and other literary inventions. (36 minutes)</td><td>1989</td><td>36</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1791_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1791_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35215</td><td>The Field Museum: Earthly Treasures</td><td>Ce iling-high totem poles, two enormous African elephants locked in perpetual battl e, and Sue-the world's largest, most complete, and best preserved T. rex ever fo und-are only a few of the more than 20 million earthly treasures at The Field Mu seum, in Chicago. Viewers will deepen their understanding of and respect for the diversity and interdependence of nature and all humankind with this program-a v ideo exploration of the museum's ever-growing encyclopedic collections from whic h is constructed the truly unparalleled epic story of the Earth and its people. A viewable/printable educator's guide is available online. (28 minutes)</td><td> 2002</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1792_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1792_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5750</td><td>The Field of Time</td><td>Two courageous women artists who have turned potential tragedy into triumph are testimony to the heal ing powers of poetry. In this program, authors Sandra McPherson and Linda McCarr iston revel in the beauty of love, family, and nature, exploring and elevating t heir lives through wondrous and passionate words. Filmed at the Biennial Geraldi ne R. Dodge Poetry Festival. (58 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1793_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1793_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32851</td><td>The Fight Against Germs: Effective Weapons Aga inst Infection</td><td>Because of constant use of disinfectants, a hospital is a place where only the fittest microbes survive, a dilemma that raises the stakes of even routine surgical procedures. This program looks at how germs develop pa rtial or total antibiotic resistance and how researchers are pursuing new lines of attack to keep pace with these highly adaptive organisms. Computer imaging an d electron microscopy help illustrate how Legionella bacteria adapt to harsh env ironments. The program concludes by looking at promising research into symbiotic mechanisms in sea sponges that can repel antibiotic-resistant staphylococcus. A Deutsche Welle Production. (26 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1794_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1794_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30025</td><td>The Fight to Save the River</td><td>The Hudson River, the catalyst for the conservation movement of the 19th century and the e nvironmental movement of the 20th, remains a focus of conflicting desires and co mpeting demands. In this Bill Moyers program, Robert Boyle, author of The Hudson

River: A Natural and Unnatural History; Hudson Riverkeeper John Cronin; folksin ger Pete Seeger, founder of the Clearwater Foundation; Franny Reese, chair emeri tus of Scenic Hudson; GE's apologist and former CEO Jack Welch; and others discu ss both the long-running fight to rescue the Hudson from contamination and the f ar-reaching environmental legislation that has resulted from that struggle. (2 h ours)</td><td>2002</td><td>118</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1795_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1795_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9367</td><td>Fighting Intolerance and Slavery: Christianity in the 17th and 18th Centuries</td><td>Part one of this program traces the sprea d of Christianity via the Puritans to North America. Victims of intolerance in t he Old World, the emigres swiftly proved intolerant of others in the New World, leaving it to the Quakers to promote the religious freedom later associated with the United States. Part two outlines the Scientific and Industrial Revolutions, the Methodism of John Wesley, and the concept of human rights. How had the un-C hristian institution of slavery endured so long in France, England, and, most no tably, in egalitarian America? (48 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1796_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1796_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33138</td><td>Fighting on Both Sides of the Law: Mandela and His Early Crusade</td><td>Against the backdrop of another busy day for Nelson M andela, this program traces his biography up to the point when he was convicted of treason and began serving a life sentence in a South African jail. Among many exclusive interviews are Walter Sisulu, the colleague and African National Cong ress leader who spotted Mandela's tremendous potential; George Bizos, Mandela's defense lawyer and friend; and Fidel Castro, who supported Mandela and the ANC i n their struggle against the apartheid regime. A BBCW Production. (51 minutes)</ td><td>2003</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1797_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1797_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36095</td><td>Fighting the Microbes: The History of Antibiot ics</td><td>The prescription of antibiotics is a medical tightrope-walk. The dru gs save lives, but, because of overuse, may soon usher in a new era of super-ger ms. This program outlines the discoveries of bacteria and penicillin and sheds l ight on the frightening emergence of multi-resistant, often deadly microbes duri ng the last six decades. Presenting interviews with researchers who are deeply i nvolved with the issue-including Tufts University microbiology professor Stuart Levy and Eva Nathanson of the World Health Organization's Stop TB Program-the fi lm examines the implications of antibiotic-enhanced livestock feed and the dange rs that staphylococcus poses to hospital patients. Viewer discretion advised. Co ntains footage of injections, surgeries, and open wounds. (30 minutes)</td><td>2 006</td><td>30</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1798_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1798_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34467</td><td>Fighting the Tide: Developing Nations and Glob alization</td><td>Many Westerners embrace globalization-but do they grasp how pr ofoundly their consumption and spending habits affect people thousands of miles away? Filmed entirely on location in Malawi, Ecuador, Nicaragua, India, and Guat emala, this five-part series illuminates what globalization means for citizens o f those nations. Emotional and informative interviews with farmers, school teach ers, community activists, and others reveal the human side of situations too oft en assessed only in terms of business and profit. Portions are in other language s with English subtitles. 5-part series, 26 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>& nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1799_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1799_l blPrice">$449.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30497</td><td>Fighting the Tide: The Transformation of Marit ime Shipping</td><td>Over the course of the 20th century, unionization and innov ation totally reshaped the centuries-old maritime shipping industry. Beginning w ith a rich portrayal of life as a longshoreman in the early 1900s, this program chronicles organized labor's long-fought battles for respect and good wages-gain s ultimately stripped of their meaning by the introduction of a whole new way of moving cargoes between land and sea: the container. The intertwined biographies of labor leader Harry Bridges and container inventor Malcolm McLean provide the framework for this dramatic chapter out of American industrial history. (58 min utes)</td><td>2000</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1800_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1800_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29861</td><td>Film Equipment</td><td>For those who want to s ee what it's like to film from a dolly, a Steadicam, and even a helicopter, this program is ideal. Filmmakers give a detailed description of an assortment of cu tting-edge cameras and related equipment and demonstrate how these tools are use d. (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1801_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1801_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8273</td><td>Film History</td><td>The Lumiere brothers and T homas Edison would definitely be impressed if they could see how far the medium created with the invention of the movie camera has evolved. This program examine

s the history of film, from its beginnings in the late 19th century to the inven tion of VCRs. Filmmaking's roots as an entertainment and storytelling medium are examined, along with the emergence of Hollywood, the studio star system, and bi rth of the talkies. Film industry regulation, including censorship, is also disc ussed, along with the blacklist and competition from cable and broadcast televis ion. (28 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1802_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1802_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8272</td><td>Film Industry</td><td>In spite of competition b y other media, movies have remained a perennial favorite of American viewing aud iences. But what is it like to make them? This program analyzes the film industr y from a variety of technical, financial, legal, and business perspectives. Topi cs explored include marketing and merchandising, financial influences on content , special effects and Hollywood action movies, the domestic versus international marketplace, the role of film critics, and the film business in the new media e nvironment. (28 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1803_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1803_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34180</td><td>Film Montage: The Projection of Modernity</td> <td>In this program, art historian Briony Fer analyzes the techniques and applic ations of film montage as they developed in the 1920s in the Soviet Union and Ge rmany. By comparing and contrasting clips from October and Strike; Man with a Mo vie Camera; and Berlin-Symphony of a Great City, she illustrates how Sergei Eise nstein, Dziga Vertov, and Walter Ruttmann employed montage to address the concep t of the crowd as a heroic protagonist, the collective experience of going to th e cinema, and other topics. Dr. Fer also juxtaposes the ideologies of Soviet Mos cow and Weimar Berlin as presented in these films. (24 minutes)</td><td>2003</td ><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1804_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1804_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29862</td><td>Film Processing</td><td>Until the film is proc essed, even the world's best shooting is only celluloid in a can. This program m akes a fascinating visit to a laboratory to illustrate how mechanical and chemic al processes turn those miles and miles of film into a finished product. (27 min utes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1805_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1805_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>37667</td><td>Film Production</td><td>Women who have develop ed successful careers in the motion picture industry now share their stories wit h students. This program profiles Vali Fugulin, a director of short films and do cumentaries; Braydon Haggardy, a camera assistant specializing in underwater cin ematography; and Cynthia Greer, a technician who repairs and maintains movie cam eras. Remarks from co-workers and supervisors provide additional layers to the d escriptions of each job. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1806_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1806_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8556</td><td>Film, TV, and Media Today</td><td>What is it li ke to work in the mass media industries? This ten-part series examines the dutie s and responsibilities, the pressures, the day-to-day decisions, and the glamour that make up the lives of mass media professionals. 10-part series, 28 minutes each.</td><td>1997</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1807_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1807_l blPrice">$899.50<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>38700</td><td>The Final Hour: The End of Life-and the Death of Religion?</td><td>Key figures either directly or tangentially connected to th e progress of atheism-the Baron d'Holbach, Thomas Paine, Jeremy Bentham, Charles Darwin, George Jacob Holyoake, Sigmund Freud, and Karl Marx-are profiled in thi s program as Jonathan Miller draws links between atheism and the realms of utili tarian and secularist philosophy, evolutionary science, psychology, and politics . Is religion doomed to die out? And if not, why? Then, after a discussion of mo rtality from the atheist point of view, the program returns full circle to touch upon the issue that begins this series: religious fanaticism in the 21st centur y. Historian Simon Schaffer, philosophers Colin McGinn and Daniel Dennett, and e volutionary biologist Richard Dawkins are featured. Original BBCW broadcast titl e: The Final Hour. (60 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1808_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1808_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11461</td><td>The Final Mystery: What Is Consciousness?</td> <td>The human brain is made up of the same biological building blocks as the res t of the body, and yet somehow it manages to generate consciousness. In this pro gram, Dr. Susan Greenfield seeks to understand the human body's most remarkable phenomenon-and explains why the existence of each mind's private world of experi ences and feelings is actually more incredible than the fact that life on Earth evolved at all. The case of Graham Young, who lost his right-side vision in both eyes and yet is still able to process that visual information, adds support to her thesis. A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1809_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1809_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2008</td><td>Finance</td><td>"To know how healthy your busin ess is you must understand the relationships between its assets, its liabilities , and its income... The time to develop a banking relationship is before you nee d a loan... If managing your business is a headache, it may be that your receiva bles aren't being managed properly; if you're on top of the receivables and you still have a headache, check your inventory management... Leverage is the heart and soul of business management; too much is deadly, too little, wasteful." Thes e are some of the dynamic maxims offered in this program by Paul C. Clendenning, a widely known and respected banker, who also explains the meaning of finance a nd liquidity to small business, how to choose a bank, and the nature and purpose of credit and loans. (29 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1810_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1810_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6198</td><td>Finance</td><td>Today, billions of dollars move instantly between international markets via electronic trading. Finance is one of the world's biggest international industries, and the pace of its globalizati on is accelerating. Is true globalization the likely outcome, bringing with it t he emergence of a few financial superpowers? Meeting the needs of the consumer i s paramount-they will demand convenience and will bank and trade electronically. How will financial institutions cope with less cash and more electronic interfa cing? The financial editor of The Economist, and executives from Deutsche Bank, Citibank, Banque de France, the Chase Manhattan Bank, and UBS Hong Kong address these challenges. (37 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1811_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1811_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34901</td><td>Finance</td><td>Money, they say, makes the wor ld go around. But who keeps all those daily transactions moving, and how do they do it? Let a group of finance pros do the explaining with this program on the F inance Career Cluster! As your students watch, they'll discover that wealth mana gement specialists, accountants, bank managers, and stockbrokers are all linked by one common thread: the management of assets. Lifelong learning is stressed as these finance professionals share their knowledge about their areas of expertis e. A Cambridge Educational Production. (19 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>20</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1812_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1812_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>10838</td><td>Financial Management</td><td>How do businesses monitor their financial health and the profitability of their projects? Module one of this program presents balance sheet analysis as it is used by the world-c lass soccer team Ajax Amsterdam; module two introduces the concept of cash flow analysis with PricewaterhouseCoopers and their client Swisscom; and module three explains financial analysis of investments through the strategic partnership of the Tunisian Tourist Office and the Hotel Dar Cheralet. (30 minutes)</td><td>19 99</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1813_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1813_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33816</td><td>Financial Programs for Brownfields Remediation </td><td>By expanding the legal definition of a brownfield, clarifying remediati on standards, and limiting investor liability, the Brownfields Revitalization Ac t of 2002 added much-needed momentum to the land recycling movement. This docume ntary shows how redevelopers of brownfields, both actual and perceived, are brid ging the financial gap between proposal and implementation with cleanup grants, tax credits, low-interest and revolving loans, hazardous discharge remediation f unding, bonds, and empowerment zoning. Many experts-public planners and private developers, regional administrators and state coordinators, lenders and insurers -are featured. Produced by John W. Sutherlin, Ph.D. (30 minutes)</td><td>2004</t d><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1814_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1814_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10849</td><td>Financial Systems for Growth</td><td>Economic growth requires a variety of financial institutions that can provide a steady st ream of capital while managing risk. Traditional banking, as demonstrated in a r ural Austrian village, is the focus of module one; module two concentrates on th e trading of derivatives in the City of London; and module three explores ventur e capitalism through the case study of Novarox AG, a telecommunications software company with headquarters in Zurich and production facilities in St. Petersburg . (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1815_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1815_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37000</td><td>Finding a Job</td><td>This program discusses t he many ways a person can find job openings through a wide variety of job search methods-online job boards, want ads, state and private employment services, net working, informational interviews, the Yellow Pages, and more. Discusses the adv antages and disadvantages of each method, but emphasizes using all available met hods to obtain the widest choice of job offers in the least amount of time. A te rrific overview of the best and quickest ways to get a job! A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Cambridge Educational Production. Rec ommended for high school. (13 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>13</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1816_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1816_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10800</td><td>Finding a Way</td><td>Although more and more p eople with disabilities are entering the mainstream of life, the quest for meani ngful integration has never been an easy one in America. After discussing the hi story of institutionalization, this program uses interviews to come to grips wit h a wide range of disabilities, celebrating the progress being made toward total cultural equality while acknowledging that more still needs to be done to fully bring it about. (28 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1817_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1817_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10798</td><td>Finding a Way to Freedom</td><td>In this enlig htening two-part series, people with disabilities, parents, counselors, healthca re professionals, and others move beyond the differences between people with and without disabilities to emphasize the humanity shared by all. A Cambridge Educa tional Production. 2-part series, 28 minutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1818_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1818_l blPrice">$119.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34515</td><td>Finding Opportunities: New Technologies and Cu rrent Techniques</td><td>This video illustrates how to access the hidden or unad vertised job market, guiding the development of a networking statement and prese nting methods of seeking work, including cold calls, temporary assignments, and volunteer positions. (28 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1819_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1819_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31985</td><td>Finishing Techniques</td><td>This video illust rates how to prepare wood for finishing and then apply stains, clear sealers, an d paints and enamels. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available onlin e. A Shopware Production. (14 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1820_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1820_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>8100</td><td>The First Amendment</td><td>This program from t he acclaimed Cambridge Educational series The Amendments to the Constitution tho roughly analyzes the history and text of the First Amendment. Experts, including Dr. Nadine Strossen, President of the American Civil Liberties Union, discuss t heir interpretation of the Amendment and the freedoms it guarantees. Numerous co urt cases are cited, including those that led to the "clear and present danger" test and the "Brandenburg Standard" in determining free speech. The history of t he freedom of the press is detailed, citing the "Pentagon Papers Case" (New York Times Company v. the U.S., 1971) as well as cases involving "prior restraint" a nd the Minnesota Gag Law. (20 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1821_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1821_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11459</td><td>First among Equals: Why Do Humans Rule the Ear th?</td><td>What is it about the human brain that has allowed Homo sapiens to ta ke charge of the planet? Is it a question of brain size, cognitive abilities, sp eech, or perhaps something else? Bringing together diverse elements ranging from the first-ever brain scan of a chimpanzee performing a comprehension test to a case study of a brain injury caused by a hand grenade, this program featuring Dr . Susan Greenfield compares humans to other forms of highly evolved life on Eart h to arrive at a surprising answer. A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2000< /td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1822_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1822_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30215</td><td>First Comes Hola: Meeting and Greeting</td><td >This program covers how to greet friends, introduce oneself to strangers, talk about where one comes from, and tell what one does for a living. A whirlwind tou r of Spain reveals the country's regional diversity, while a visit to Alcoy duri ng the Moors and Christians festival-a lavish event involving parades, mock batt les, and fireworks-spotlights one of Spain's most popular fiestas. Original BBC broadcast title: Talk Spanish, Program 1. (Spanish and English, 17 minutes)</td> <td>1998</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1823_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1823_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10336</td><td>First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage . . .</t d><td>When people form a community, how do they develop the guidelines-at once u nique and yet universal-for satisfying their needs as individuals, families, and entire societies? This engaging five-part series provides a sociological overvi ew of the cultural conventions surrounding gender, love, and death and the ways in which they fuel the fundamental institutions of marriage and family. 5-part s eries, 53 minutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1824_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1824_l blPrice">$449.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35975</td><td>The First Egyptians</td><td>How long has civil ization flourished in the Nile Valley? Were the area's first inhabitants the anc estors of the pyramid builders? Or was pharaonic culture imported, as some schol ars have claimed? This program pursues the answers in an effort to understand th e identity of Egypt's original people, exploring archaeological sites that preda te the pyramids by thousands of years. Information on several fascinating findsincluding multilayered prehistoric rock art on the cliffs of El-Kab, sacred hier oglyphs in the tomb of the pharaoh Unas, and an ancient funerary mask from a dig at Hierakonpolis-strongly suggests a link between Egypt's earliest population a nd its great dynasties. (25 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1825_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1825_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33879</td><td>First Impressions: Etiquette and Work Habits f or New Employees</td><td>A bad first impression is hard to shake...something Jas on, Marita, and Chris are about to find out on their first day at work. This vid eo will save your students from common workplace blunders by showing them how to present a polished appearance, use positive body language, and demonstrate a ca n-do work ethic. Donna Panko, a professional corporate image consultant, shares her knowledge while the Wall of Wasted Opportunities-an animated rogues' gallery of employees who blew their first impression-memorably drives the program's mes sage home. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlat es to the career standards from the National Occupational Information Coordinati ng Committee. A Cambridge Educational Production. (22 minutes)</td><td>2005</td> <td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1826_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1826_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33545</td><td>First Light: Tuscany and the Dawn of the Renai ssance</td><td>This elegant four-part series deliberates on the explosive change s that occurred in Tuscany between 1200 and 1350. Invaluable works of art and ar chitecture from the early Italian Renaissance serve as a window through which le ading art historians analyze the formation of city-states, their commerce, visua l arts, and religion. A stimulating examination of how the Renaissance has shape d Western civilization. 4-part series, 49 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nb sp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1827_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1827_l blPrice">$519.80<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>24596</td><td>A First Look at Careers</td><td>o Airline Pilo t o Architect o Bank Teller o Brick Layer & Stone Mason o Compositor & Typesette r o Correction Officer o Dental Hygienist o Drywall Applicator & Finisher o EKG Technician o Electrician o Firefighter o Forester & Conservationist o Geologist o Guard o Health Services Administrator o Hotel Clerk o Industrial Engineer o In surance Agent & Broker o Jeweler o Kindergarten & Elementary Teacher o Librarian o Mechanic, Automotive o Meteorologist o Nuclear Engineer o Nurses' Aide & Orde rly o Occupational Therapist o Optician o Photographer o Printing Press Operator o Reporter & Correspondent o Roofer o Speech Pathologist & Hearing Specialist o Store Manager o Tile Setter o Tool Programmer o Travel Agent o Underwriter o Up holsterer o Veterinarian o Water & Waste Water Treatment Plant Operator. A Merid ian Production. Two videos, 30 minutes total.</td><td>1998</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1828_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1828_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36415</td><td>The First Red Multinational</td><td>As China t ransitions from a planned economy to a market economy, its rapidly growing compa nies must learn to compete on a global scale. This program presents a case study of TCL-China's first multinational corporation and the parent company of Thomso n Color TV and other major manufacturers-giving viewers an unprecedented look in side Chinese business practices. The film illustrates TCL's evolution from a sta te-owned enterprise to an industrial giant that observes only the most superfici al of socialist principles. It also profiles Li Dongsheng, a former engineer now serving as chairman and president of TCL, whose personal history parallels the rise of Chinese capitalism. (Portions in Chinese with English subtitles, 50 minu tes)</td><td>2005</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1829_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1829_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2110</td><td>The First Steps in Space Exploration</td><td>Th is program begins with the establishment of NASA in 1958 and explains the histor y and requirements of Project Mercury-the first manned orbital flight by the U.S . It covers training for high gravity and weightlessness; the development of a l ife-support system for space and a spaceship; the response to the flight of Yuri Gagarin; the first American manned space flight-Alan Shepard's 15-and-a-half mi nute suborbital flight; the series of orbital flights beginning in 1962 that tes ted endurance, the effects of weightlessness, the techniques of docking, rendezv ous, and EVA for an Earth-Moon mission; and the preliminary surveys to determine whether a manned landing on the moon was feasible. (28 minutes)</td><td>1989</t d><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1830_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1830_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr>

<td>34258</td><td>First Steps into the Unknown</td><td>Carved in stone or scratched in clay, the first maps appeared at least 5,000 years ago. T his program chronicles the rise of geographical awareness-manifested not only in crude cartography, but also through word of mouth and narratives such as Homer' s Odyssey and the Viking sagas. Clearly illustrating the forces behind navigatio nal learning and excursions into the unknown, this program presents scholarly co mmentary on the abilities of Roman and medieval armies to travel across Europe, Christianity's Jerusalem-centric world view, and the emergence of Portugal as a leader in seafaring technology. (30 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1831_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1831_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34211</td><td>First Steps: Worldwide Response to the Landmin e Crisis</td><td>Emmylou Harris narrates this in-depth program, which describes the growing international effort to eliminate the widespread menace of landmines . Examining the work of international agencies and humanitarian groups, the prog ram documents mine-removal initiatives in three heavily affected nations: Angola , Albania, and Azerbaijan. With the cooperation of dedicated mine-clearance unit s, the process is explained from inception to completion, chronicling the traini ng of de-mining troops, the deployment of supporting technologies, and the imple mentation of the mine-riddance process throughout the host country. (56 minutes) </td><td>2004</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1832_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1832_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6514</td><td>Fiscal Policy and the Deficit</td><td>This prog ram assesses the effectiveness of fiscal policy. The program explains the channe ls through which fiscal policy can work, demonstrates how government policy can alter net exports, and describes how a well-designed fiscal policy operates. (28 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1833_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1833_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32245</td><td>Fish and Marine Mammals: Swimming and Diving</ td><td>In this program, George Lauder, of Harvard University, and Terri Williams , of the University of California, Santa Cruz, investigate the anatomical and ph ysiological challenges faced by bluegill sunfish, bottlenose dolphins, sharks, s almon, and sperm whales to reduce drag and control buoyancy. Information on the optimal body shapes for reef-dwellers and open-ocean swimmers, the locomotive pr operties of fin and tail propulsion, the hydrodynamic qualities of marine animal skin, the energy conservation advantages of slipstreaming and porpoising, aerob ic and anaerobic muscle tissue, and the biomechanics of diving is also provided. (30 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1834_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1834_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1278</td><td>Fit to Drink</td><td>This program traces the wa ter cycle, beginning with the collection of rainwater in rivers and lakes, in gr eat detail through a water treatment plant, to some of the places where water is used, and finally back into the atmosphere. Treatment of the water begins with the use of chlorine to destroy organisms; the water is then filtered through var ious sedimentation tanks to remove solid matter. Other treatments employ ozone, which oxidizes everything and makes it easier to remove; hydrated lime, which re duces the acidity of the water; sulfur dioxide, which removes any excess chlorin e; and flocculation, a process in which aluminum sulfate causes small particles to clump together and precipitate out. Throughout various stages of purification , the water is continuously tested by smell, taste, titration, and by fish. The treatment plant also monitors less common contaminants with the use of up-to-dat e techniques like flame spectrometers and gas liquification. (20 minutes)</td><t d>1987</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1835_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1835_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>25003</td><td>Five to Eight</td><td>The changes that occur d uring this pivotal time when intellectual development is closely accompanied by increasingly independent social activity and expectations. A Meridian Production . (15 min.)</td><td>1990</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1836_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1836_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6656</td><td>Fixed and Variable Costs</td><td>This program f eatures case studies on cost analysis. Meyer-Mercer Inc. had its supplier and cu stomer base drastically reduced during the recession, yet it was able to survive by accurately analyzing its fixed costs. The second part of the program focuses on the hospitality industry, where slim margins are the rule. We visit a hotel where managers use their intimate knowledge of fixed and variable costs as well as step-variables to maintain comfortable profit margins. (28 minutes)</td><td>1 995</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1837_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1837_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>892</td><td>Flamenco</td><td>A magnificent panorama of Flame nco and its performers, for whom the rhythms and lyrics are inherited folklore a nd part of daily life-but the techniques are studied. There are, in fact, four d istinct schools of Flamenco in Spain, filmed here away from tourists in the plac

es where the artists perform for their own. (No narration, 56 minutes)</td><td>& nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1838_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1838_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>33354</td><td>Flannery O'Connor</td><td>Flannery O'Connor is often likened to Faulkner for her portrayal of the character and lifestyle of t he South, Kafka for her fascination with the bizarre, and Beckett for her dark h umor-comparisons that underscore the fact that her voice has a unique place in t he canon of American literature. This program provides a biographical sketch of O'Connor that illuminates her efforts to come to terms with what she perceived a s the fundamental absurdity of the human condition while never shying away from incendiary social issues. Readings from Wise Blood, "The Displaced Person," "The River," "The Life You Save May Be Your Own," and "Revelation" are included. (21 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1839_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1839_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11563</td><td>Flappers: The Birth of the 20th-Century Woman< /td><td>Living in the era of The Great Gatsby, flappers succeeded in breaking th rough the barricades of gender prejudice and social inequality on a large scale. Using vibrant archival film clips and interviews with women who came of age dur ing the Roaring 20s in Britain, this program chronicles the emergence of the mod ern woman in the aftermath of World War I. Higher education for women, the entry of women into politics and the professions, women's suffrage, new attitudes tow ard sexuality, and other topics are addressed within the historical context of t he early 1900s. (53 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1840_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1840_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10572</td><td>Flexibility in English / Common Errors (1)</td ><td>When is a noun not a noun? And is improper agreement really like wearing pl aid with stripes? Part one of this program summarizes the parts of speech and th en looks at the ways in which one part of speech can be used syntactically as an other. In part two, tiny animated dancers and other helpers provide examples of errors in subject/verb agreement and article/noun agreement. Idiom is also addre ssed. (28 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1841_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1841_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>5864</td><td>Flight to Freedom: The Underground Railroad</td ><td>Between 1790 and 1860, thousands of slaves fled the South for liberation on the "Underground Railroad," a system of invisible tracks and anonymous conducto rs who gave shelter to fugitive slaves. Through interviews with national experts , and examination of archival records and artifacts, this program provides an ov erview of the underground movement. In addition to interviews with descendants o f slaves, conductors, and abolitionists, the program includes examples of spirit uals sung by slaves as part of the "code" system, and visits homes that were use d as shelters. The program highlights Rochester, NY, which was at the heart of t he railroad, where passengers were hidden by Frederick Douglass, Susan B. Anthon y, Harriet Tubman, and many others. (109 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>109</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1842_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1842_l blPrice">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3310</td><td>Flood Control</td><td>The lowland basis around Los Angeles contains the most extensive water conservation and flood control sys tem in the world. In 1917, work began on a system of dams and improved channels to control the floodwaters entering the basin. This program looks at the way thi s system was built and the problems entailed in its design and construction. (20 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1843_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1843_l blPrice">$19.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>25435</td><td>Floor and Wall Construction</td><td>Explores b oth wood and steel construction including framing, layout, stud walls, joists, s heathing, girders, trusses, decking, reinforced concrete, and more. Shows subflo or, floor, and framework. (14 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1992</td><td> 14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1844_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1844_l blPrice">$62.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31953</td><td>Floor and Wall Framing</td><td>This video inst ructs students on the how-to of floor and wall framing. Topics include girders a nd studs, installing sills, installing floor joists and sub-flooring, constructi ng shoes and plates, assembling exterior house walls, erecting exterior house wa lls, and constructing interior partitions. A viewable/printable instructor's gui de is available online. Correlates to the Competencies and Objectives of the Nat ional Center for Construction Education & Research. A Shopware Production. (16 m inutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1845_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1845_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31966</td><td>Flooring Coverings</td><td>From wood to tiling to wall-to-wall carpeting, you could say this video gets down to brass tacks on how you can cover the floors in your house. A viewable/printable instructor's g uide is available online. Correlates to the Competencies and Objectives of the N ational Center for Construction Education & Research. A Shopware Production. (15 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1846_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1846_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25436</td><td>Fluid Power Technology-Actuators</td><td>Expla ins the construction and operation of the many types of actuators used in indust ry. Hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders, motors, rotators, grippers, pushers, lift ers, rubbers, and bellows are all detailed. Actual cutaways, examples in industr y, and computer animation make this an excellent addition to your curriculum. (2 3 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1847_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1847_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25439</td><td>Fluid Power Technology-At Work</td><td>Brings the fluid power industry into your classroom. A broad overview of the many appli cations of hydraulics and pneumatics is summarized. Everything from the steam en gine to the space shuttle to a huge robotic dinosaur eating an airplane is shown in this highly entertaining program. A few of the subjects covered include: adv antages of hydraulic versus pneumatic systems, small power equipment, mobile equ ipment, as well as fluid power in the transportation, aviation, machining, manuf acturing, mining, energy, and chemical processing industries. Hydrostatic drive, machine automation, hydro-milling, destructive testing, and many other topics a re included. (24 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1848_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1848_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3702</td><td>The Fluid Transport System</td><td>This program looks at the carbon cycle, and illustrates the role that plants play in ensurin g the survival of all animal life. Using the California redwood as a model, the program examines the intricate dual system of fluid transport. (10 minutes)</td> <td>1987</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1849_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1849_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span>

</td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6681</td><td>The Flute</td><td>This program deals with the h istory and development of the metal instrument we know today as the transverse f lute. We learn how the flute was popularized by French flautist Jacques Hotterre , son of its creator, Jean Hotterre, at the court of Louis XIV. We see how conti nuing improvements to the instrument over time increased its use, until it becam e a key instrument in modern orchestras. Flute performances from works by Lully, Frederick the Great, Beethoven, and Debussy are interspersed throughout the pro gram, along with concertos for recorders by Vivaldi and Telemann. (28 minutes)</ td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1850_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1850_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35548</td><td>Food and Digestion</td><td>With energetic grap hics and simple experiments, this program illustrates the entire process of dige stion in human anatomy. An outline of food types and how they nourish the body b egins the video, followed by a step-by-step guide through the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and large and small intestines. The processes of the liver, pancreas, c olon, and rectum are also described. Distinguishing between chemical and mechani cal digestion-and reinforcing specific principles associated with each-the progr am uses demonstrations with everyday materials to make key concepts entertaining and easy to understand. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available on line. (27 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1851_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1851_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29819</td><td>Food and Faith: A Spiritual Bond</td><td>This CBS News special examines the importance of food in three areas of religious lif e: building and strengthening the religious community; honoring the notion of Go d's earth and its abundance; and as a way of reaching out to others. The Reveren d Daniel Sack, author of Whitebread Protestants: Food and Religion in American C ulture, gives an overview of food as a tool in Protestant community building, fr om potluck suppers and feeding the homeless, to the meal central to the Christia n faith, the Last Supper.Produced by CBS NEWS. (28 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td >28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1852_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1852_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5591</td><td>Food and Nutrition</td><td>Humans used to get t heir food directly from natural sources. Today, however, a great deal of what we eat is not only processed, it is manufactured. Many complex steps lie between w hat grows and what reaches the table. This program tells us about cheese-making and shows new ways of preserving food, extending its freshness. It also discusse

s the effects of cholesterol on health. (23 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>23</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1853_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1853_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37480</td><td>Food and Obesity: What We Eat</td><td>We live in a world of diet best-sellers and state-of-the-art gyms. Why, then, is obesity on the increase? This program explores a glaring paradox in North America's foo d-obsessed culture-that our knowledge of nutrition has never been better, while our collective health has never been worse. Viewers will gain an understanding o f what food means to us socially and psychologically, as well as how the media i nfluence our eating habits. The program also examines organic foods, diabetes, a nd the value of vegetables, while a family of modest means is profiled in order to show the real-world challenges of healthy eating. TV chef Michael Bonacini, h istorian Harvey Levenstein, and FoodShare director Debbie Field add incisive com mentary. (46 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1854_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1854_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35739</td><td>Food for Special Needs</td><td>In the hospital ity industry, you really do have to please everyone. Chefs, caterers, and dining hall managers must accommodate dietary limits whenever possible. This video exa mines special food needs that restaurant customers and banquet attendees sometim es have. It identifies three major reasons for meal restrictions-allergies and i ntolerances, diseases and disorders, and cultural and religious beliefs-and expl ores several examples in each category: allergies to peanuts, seafood, and milk. ..diabetes, hypertension, bowel cancer, and cardiovascular disease and their lin ks to high levels of sugar, fat, and salt...and the dietary observances of the J ewish and Islamic faiths. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available o nline. (29 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1855_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1855_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6199</td><td>The Food Industry</td><td>The food industry has rapidly developed cross-border trade to meet the accelerating internationalism of consumer tastes. Some brands are promoted globally. But differences in religi on, culture, and taste make food one of the toughest products to sell internatio nally. The consumer, as always, is the key. Consumers will expect more varied, p re-prepared, and time-saving food, and producers will have to find ways of meeti ng the demands of not only the sophisticated consumer but also the growing popul ation of the underdeveloped countries. Experts from around the world address con sumer trends, manufacturing, retailing, farming, global change, and the importan ce of emerging markets. (39 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>39</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1856_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1856_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35368</td><td>Food Labels: Misleading Due to Misreading</td> <td>Does anyone really eat a sliver of a muffin or a fraction of a pickle? In th is brief ABC News segment, John Stossel blasts counterintuitive food labels that calculate fat, carbs, sodium, and other essential nutritional information based on a serving size that is unrealistically smaller than the unit size. A surefir e discussion-starter for any course involving nutrition. (5 minutes)</td><td>200 5</td><td>5</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1857_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1857_l blPrice">$14.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33512</td><td>Food Packaging</td><td>Using a clever news rep ort approach, this program addresses three important topics: packaging materials and their function, safety, and design; innovation in packaging techniques; and environmental issues involving packaging, with an emphasis on plastics. Experts from Heinz and Cryovac, among others, discuss packaging development while makin g sense of key industry terms such as modified atmosphere and active and aseptic packaging. (31 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1858_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1858_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35138</td><td>Food Safety</td><td>The simple fact is most fo od-borne illnesses can be avoided by applying common sense at every meal and sna ck break. This video illustrates how to shop for the freshest foods, store them wisely, and prepare them correctly. Topics include signs of freshness and contam ination; proper storage in the refrigerator, freezer, and pantry; ways to safely thaw frozen foods; how to avoid cross-contamination; the optimal temperatures f or cooking meats and poultry; and the right way to store and reheat leftovers. " Use by" and "sell by" dates and what they mean to consumers are also addressed. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to Natio nal Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences Education, National Health Educat ion Standards, National Science Education Standards, and National Educational Te chnology Standards. A Meridian Production. (21 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>21< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1859_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1859_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32554</td><td>Food Safety: From Market to Plate</td><td>What 's the best way to avoid salmonella, E. coli, and other dangerous food-borne bug s? Information! Use this fact-filled video to show your students how to buy, sto

re, and prepare delicious food with their health-and the health of anyone who ea ts with them-firmly in mind. At the supermarket, in the kitchen, and at the dinn er table, knowledge is the key to safety. A viewable/printable instructor's guid e is available online. A Meridian Production. (17 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td> 17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1860_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1860_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11103</td><td>Food Safety: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You< /td><td>Can defrosted leftovers be refrozen? What is trichinosis? And if a pan c atches fire, what is the best way to put it out? This concise program explains t he importance of proper food handling, storage, and cooking in order to prevent spoilage, waste, and potential food poisoning. Good kitchen safety habits are de tailed as well, which can help in avoiding common accidents. A Meridian Producti on. (12 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>11</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1861_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1861_l blPrice">$72.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25452</td><td>Food Science Technology</td><td>This video tak es a step beyond An Introduction to Food Science. Topics include microorganisms, methods of food preservation including irradiation and freeze drying, functions of nutrients, emulsions, mixtures, additives, toxicology, and other chemical re actions. Laboratory experiments demonstrate mold growth, food spoilage, and the role of acids and bases in food production. Career opportunities are also discus sed. Use this video to provide a more in-depth look at food science in your food s and nutrition courses. (23 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1997</td><td>2 3</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1862_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1862_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11065</td><td>Food Sensitivities: Allergy and Intolerance</t d><td>Food allergies or intolerance can mean anything from minor discomfort or i nconvenience to a life-threatening situation. This informative program explains the difference between food allergy and food intolerance and examines the eight most common food allergens. Symptoms of food allergy or intolerance are given, a s well as ways they can be relieved. The video also covers the creation of a res ponse plan in case of a severe allergic reaction. A Meridian Production. (10 min utes)</td><td>2000</td><td>9</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1863_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1863_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>26322</td><td>Food Service Skills</td><td>This four-part ser ies covers the core areas of commercial food preparation and reviews each in det ail. A Meridian Production.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1864_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1864_l blPrice">$319.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35139</td><td>Food-Borne Illness</td><td>No one wants a burg er with a side of salmonella or a taco topped with E. coli, but that's what you can get when food isn't prepared correctly. This video describes common-and seri ous-food-borne illnesses, how they're spread, and how they can be prevented thro ugh careful food handling and proper food preparation. Salmonella, Campylobacter jejuni, Escherichia coli, and shigella are discussed, along with botulism, list eriosis, and viruses like hepatitis A. Tips for selecting safe food at the marke t and the optimal temperatures for cooking meats and eggs are covered as well. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to Nation al Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences Education, National Health Educati on Standards, National Science Education Standards, and National Educational Tec hnology Standards. A Meridian Production. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1865_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1865_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9143</td><td>Fooling with Words: A Bill Moyers Special</td>< td>In this captivating program, Bill Moyers explores the vitality and diversity of contemporary poetry through intimate interviews and performance readings at t he Biennial Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival-North America's largest. Poet Lau reate Robert Pinsky, Amiri Baraka, Stanley Kunitz, Coleman Barks, Lucille Clifto n, Lorna Dee Cervantes, Paul Muldoon, Marge Piercy, Shirley Geok-lin Lim, Debora h Garrison, and other leading poets share the rhythm, spirit, and passion of the ir art through dazzling performances before an audience of thousands. (2 parts, 1 hour each)</td><td>1998</td><td>120</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1866_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1866_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9134</td><td>Force</td><td>Using visual examples and basic c alculations, this program defines and illustrates the concept of force, with an emphasis on the relationship between force and motion. Several kinds of forces a re examined, including gravity, friction, and centripetal, centrifugal, magnetic , electromagnetic, electrostatic, and nuclear forces. The experiments and findin gs of Galileo and Newton are introduced as well. A Cambridge Educational Product ion. (12 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1867_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1867_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>2762</td><td>Forensic Science: A Shred of Evidence</td><td>T his fascinating documentary offers a behind-the-scenes look at the secret and se cretive world of forensic science. Visiting Scotland Yard's laboratories-reputed ly the finest such laboratories in the world-the program shows how modern techn ology can turn a particle of sand or a piece of thread into a clue that leads to solving a crime. (53 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1868_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1868_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11661</td><td>Forest Environments: Mesic Forest Types</td><t d>Characterized by moderate levels of moisture, mesic forests contain perhaps th e greatest variety of flora and fauna. This program addresses the importance of snowpack and fire to the health of spruce and fir forests. Current research on A merican black bears is provided. (28 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1869_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1869_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11660</td><td>Forest Environments: Xeric Forest Types</td><t d>This program demonstrates forest research techniques, explains how nitrogen is absorbed by plants, and considers the positive aspect of fire-typically viewed as a destroyer-as a renewer of old-growth pine forests. (25 minutes)</td><td>200 0</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1870_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1870_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5507</td><td>Forests</td><td>Forests are not just collection s of growing trees. A forest is a complex environment, home to thousands of intr icately interconnected living species. This program explores three aspects of th e forest: the amazing process of photosynthesis, by which plants collect solar e nergy and convert it into essential compounds; the role of forests in global wea ther and in maintaining the balance of the biosphere; and the threats to our for ests. (23 minutes)</td><td>1989</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1871_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1871_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr>

<td>30400</td><td>Forever Young: An Elixir of Youth?</td><td>Iro nically, what enables life to exist is what ultimately ends it: oxygen. This fas cinating program analyzes the aging process, showing ways to build a longer-last ing human. The benefits and perils of hormones as an elixir of youth are discuss ed by Dr. Ron Livesey, who runs an anti-aging clinic in New York, and Professor Stephen Shalet, an expert on human growth hormone who explains its link to cance r. The attempt to retard aging by slowing metabolism is seen in a man on a speci al diet of less than 1500 calories a day. Molecular gerontologist Dr. Simon Melo v and Dr. Gordon Lithgow, both of The Buck Institute for Age Research in Califor nia, discuss the most promising strategy-controlling rogue elements called free radicals, the by-products of metabolizing oxygen, with antioxidants. A BBC Produ ction. (50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1872_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1872_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11422</td><td>Forgetting the Arabs: Europe on the Cusp of th e Renaissance</td><td>Why was Islamic philosophy, once the epitome of Arab learn ing, eventually rejected by Muslims? And why, after assimilating it, did Europea ns distance themselves from its formulators? This program seeks to understand th e religious climate of the late Middle Ages, in which universities and madrassas became centers of power and models for evolving sociopolitical systems. The pot entially heretical nature of philosophy is also analyzed-in Islamic lands the dj inni of intellectuality was put back in the bottle, but in Christendom it escape d the control of those who used it, paving the way for Renaissance humanism. (Po rtions in French with English subtitles, 27 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>27</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1873_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1873_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10669</td><td>Forgiveness: The Attribute of the Strong</td>< td>In a world where might frequently makes right and violence often makes no sen se at all, why is forgiveness so highly regarded by so many cultures and religio ns? In this thought-provoking three-part series, forgiveness is analyzed through the firsthand experiences of crime victims, peace advocates, and others, who to gether agree that although forgiveness cannot change the past, it does improve t he future. 3-part series, 30 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1874_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1874_l blPrice">$269.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8047</td><td>Forms of Government: What's the Score?</td><td> Welcome to Forms of Government: What's the Score?, also known as "the world's lo ngest running game show." Today's contestants: Absolute Monarchy, Representative Democracy, Communism, Socialism, and Fascism. The categories are Power, Law and Order, Liberty and Personal Freedom, Social Contract, and Pix and Nix. Who will be the winner? It's up to the viewers to decide, as they judge the merits of th

e various contestants. As the "contestants" (each representing a different type of government) respond to questions from the host, viewers use a scorecard to ra te each form of government on a scale of one to five. The game show format makes it easy to become familiar with the history and basic principles of these five forms of government. The scorecard activity provides a framework for viewers to evaluate the effectiveness of each type of government in each of the five catego ries, and to compare and discuss their responses. Includes archival footage of g overnment leaders, helping viewers develop a working knowledge of these varying philosophies in governing. A Cambridge Educational Production. One 30-minute vid eo and packet of 25 scorecards.</td><td>1995</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1875_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1875_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4442</td><td>Formulas</td><td>Statistics gathered from a fit ness test are used by Ron Lancaster to illustrate how to work with formulas. He introduces a formula to calculate ideal weight, and then uses another formula th at solves for weight, height, or body mass. (15 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> 15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1876_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1876_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10841</td><td>Formulating a Business Plan</td><td>A good bus iness plan is a roadmap to success. The three modules of this program look at th e process of creating a business plan from three different perspectives: the tra nsformation of an idea into a marketable product, the determination of financial feasibility, and negotiation with potential investors. German airship manufactu rer Cargolifter, the Swiss musical production Space Dream, and data broadcasting innovator The Fantastic Corporation serve as case studies. (30 minutes)</td><td >1999</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1877_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1877_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33674</td><td>Fornication: A Religious Perspective</td><td>W hether viewed as a spiritual matter of immorality or a secular concern with main taining family lineage, premarital and extramarital sex have caused consternatio n since ancient times. In this program, theologians Melissa Raphael and Gavin D' Costa, author Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood, and others explain what constitutes adult ery and talk about how Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Sikhism regar d women, virginity, chastity, promiscuity, prostitution, and polygamy. In additi on, punishments that may await people in this life or hereafter who engage in fo rnication are described. Contains mature themes and explicit language and imager y. (37 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1878_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1878_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30545</td><td>Fortress Europe: The Immigration Situation</td ><td>Over the past decade, thousands of refugees and asylum-seekers from all ove r the world have paid with their lives in their attempts to find safety in "Fort ress Europe." Drawing on representative case studies, gripping archival footage, and interviews with policymakers, anti-policy activists, and others, this chill ing three-part series scrutinizes Europe's stringent immigration regulations whi le exposing the severe measures used to enforce them. 3-part series, 60 minutes each.</td><td>2001</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1879_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1879_l blPrice">$449.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>806</td><td>Fossils: Reptiles and Mammals</td><td>This progr am presents fossil evidence for the evolution of reptiles and amphibians; explai ns the reasoning processes scientists must use when no direct evidence is availa ble for examination; illustrates field techniques for collecting fragile fossils for transportation to the laboratory, where examination can take place under co ntrolled conditions; and traces the evolution of some modern mammals back throug h time. After viewing the program, students should know which major features dis tinguish amphibians from reptiles, when and for how long reptiles were the domin ant land animals and by whom they were replaced, and recognize the feature in th e fossil remains of land reptiles that may indicate that they gave rise to mamma ls. (20 minutes)</td><td>1988</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1880_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1880_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>36262</td><td>Foster Care: A System in Crisis</td><td>This c ompilation of ABC News segments reports on the complex, ongoing challenges facin g families and organizations that shelter endangered children. The three segment s are "Calling All Angels," which explores dangers and frustrations familiar to many foster kids and visits a Kentucky institution for girls who have been in an d out of foster homes; "A Call to Action," which examines groundbreaking photogr aphy exhibits that have helped connect thousands of foster children with adoptiv e parents; and "Children on the Brink," which follows a busy social worker as sh e visits homes affected by drugs and poverty-highlighting success stories as wel l as painful cases in which children must be removed. (54 minutes)</td><td>2006< /td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1881_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1881_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26585</td><td>The Foundation</td><td>Discusses different typ

es of foundations (slab, pier, post, t-foundations) as well as footings and spec ial restrictions that apply (frostline, soil and subsurface conditions, earthqua kes, flooding), and types of equipment used. (12 min.) A Meridian Production.</t d><td>1992</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1882_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1882_l blPrice">$62.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>20393</td><td>Foundations</td><td>This video investigates th ree buildings whose appearances suggest that they are about to topple over at an y moment: the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Torres Puerta de Europa in Madrid, and the Torre de Collserola in Barcelona. (24 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>24</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1883_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1883_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31951</td><td>Foundations</td><td>Every house begins with a foundation, but you'll need to determine what kind. This program explains the th ree types of foundations-basement foundation, crawl space foundation, and slab-o n-grade-and uses a full basement foundation in a seasonal climate to illustrate basic techniques and concerns, including the use of footings, building forms, lo ad-bearing values of the soil, and methods for pouring and curing concrete. A vi ewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the Compe tencies and Objectives of the National Center for Construction Education & Resea rch. A Shopware Production. (14 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1884_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1884_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2150</td><td>The Fountains of Rome</td><td>Water and stone a re the elements of Rome; joined in fountains, they create the essence that is th e Eternal City. This program looks at the history, the architecture, and the art istry of Rome's fountains, following Giovanni Battista Faldi's 1691 guide and ju xtaposing his marvelous drawings with the living reality. Among the fountains ex amined are the Fontana di Trevi, Santa Maria in Trastevere, the Rotonda on the P antheon square, the Fountain of Aracoeli, the Dea Roma, and fountains by Bernini , Boromini, and many others. (26 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1885_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1885_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10142</td><td>The Four P's, Part 1: Product and Pricing</td> <td>Product, price, place, and promotion are the nuts and bolts of the marketing

plan, and apply equally to deodorant and action figures. After a quick overview of the Four P's, this program focuses on the first two: product and price. In p art one, the classification of consumer products is divided up into convenience, shopping, and specialty products, while the product life cycle is tracked from introduction to decline. Part two spotlights pricing strategies-including skim, penetration, competitive, cost-based, and target-profit approaches-and price ela sticity. (16 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1886_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1886_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10143</td><td>The Four P's, Part 2: Place and Promotion</td> <td>This program concentrates on the final two of the Four P's: place, also know n as distribution, and promotion. Part one covers distribution channels; horizon tal and vertical channel conflict; and the use of corporate systems, administere d systems, and contractual systems, such as franchises, to alleviate channel con flict. In part two, a pair of clones and other experts explain the objectives of promotion-to provide information, increase demand, stabilize sales, or accentua te a product's value-and detail the components of the promotional mix: advertisi ng, public relations, direct marketing, and sponsorship. (16 minutes)</td><td>19 98</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1887_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1887_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30315</td><td>Four Seasons in Kyoto: Festivals and Symbols</ td><td>Kyoto, Japan's center of government, learning, and the arts for much of i ts venerable history, is prized today as the center of traditional Japanese cult ure. Focusing on the emblematic flowers, foods, and festivals of each season, th is beautifully filmed four-part series provides an elegant point of departure in to Japanese history, religion, and cultural traditions. 4-part series, 47 minute s each.</td><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1888_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1888_l blPrice">$519.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8759</td><td>Four-Stroke Engine Operation</td><td>A look at an engine's five systems (fuel, ignition, cooling, exhaust, and lubrication), th eir components, and operation. Plus, an explanation of the four strokes (intake, compression, power, and exhaust), and a demonstration with a cut-away engine, a nd by viewing the valves after the cylinder head has been removed.</td><td>1997< /td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1889_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1889_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></

td> </tr><tr> <td>7431</td><td>Fourteen Days in May: The Capital Punishment De bate</td><td>In May 1987, Edward Johnson, a young African-American found guilty of murder and attempted rape, was executed at Parchman Penitentiary in Mississip pi. This program, set in the days immediately preceding and following Johnson's death in the gas chamber, focuses on the legal mechanism for execution and the i ntense ethical debate surrounding it. Johnson is interviewed at length. Question s arising from that interview explore such issues as whether the death penalty i s ever justified, whether it is disproportionately used against minorities, and whether legal avenues of appeal are sufficient, or overly-weighted in favor of c riminals. A BBC Production. (88 minutes)</td><td>1987</td><td>88</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1890_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1890_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7276</td><td>Fractals: An Animated Discussion</td><td>Dazzli ng computer animation combined with the genius of Benoit Mandelbrot and Edward L orenz present a captivating discussion of fractals and the fundamental concepts of fractal geometry-self-similarity and chaos. Mandelbrot uses a simple head of broccoli to demonstrate the complexity of fractals. Narrating over the three-dim ensional animations, Mandelbrot discusses how fractals serve as an excellent mod el of irregular natural forms, such as coastlines, and how they relieve the scie ntist of the necessity of describing nature with simple geometric forms-clouds a re not spheres, mountains are not cones. The world of fractals is revealed, from the depths of the Mandelbrot set, to the Lorenz attractor. (63 minutes)</td><td >1990</td><td>63</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1891_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1891_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4976</td><td>Fractals: The Colors of Infinity</td><td>The Ma ndelbrot set-someone has called it the thumbprint of God-is one of the most beau tiful and remarkable discoveries in the entire history of mathematics. With Arth ur C. Clarke as narrator and interviews with a number of notable mathematicians, including Benoit Mandelbrot, this program graphically illustrates how simple fo rmulas can lead to complicated results: it explains the set, what it means, its internal consistency, and the revolutions in thought resulting from its discover y. Asked if the real universe goes on forever, Stephen Hawking defines its limit of smallness; the Mandelbrot set, on the other hand, may go on forever. (52 min utes)</td><td>1994</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1892_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1892_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8738</td><td>Fractions</td><td>This video describes the mean ing of fractions and how to solve problems involving sums and products. Dramatiz ed segments and computer animations focus on adjusting ingredient amounts to var

y the yield of recipes at a bakery; deciding whether to hire an untrained worker at a bike shop by projecting overtime wages and short-term productivity loss; a nd learning to read musical notation including fractional measures. (20 minutes) </td><td>1995</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1893_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1893_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30790</td><td>The Fragile Reef: Coral in Peril</td><td>Calle d "the rainforests of the sea," the world's coral reefs are home to millions of species. But these underwater ecosystems are in grave danger. This program trave ls to Chumbe Island Coral Park, Zanzibar; Mafia Island Marine Park, Tanzania; an d Ras Mohammed National Park, Egypt, to study the fragile ecology and amazing bi odiversity of coral reefs-and the impacts of tourism, pollution, overfishing, se dimentation, and climate change. Commentary is provided by Mark Spalding and Ed Green, coauthors of the World Atlas of Coral Reefs, and experts from the World W ildlife Fund, the Zoological Society of London, and Zanzibar's Institute of Mari ne Sciences. (30 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1894_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1894_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32790</td><td>Fragments of Genius: Understanding Savants</td ><td>By any standard, Derek Paravacini is an exceptional pianist. Stephen Wiltsh ire can draw whole cityscapes from memory with uncanny accuracy. Both are savant s with severe learning disabilities due to autism. Focusing on these two case st udies, this program looks at how a disability sometimes unlocks extraordinary ab ilities, as well as how research on savants has led to a better understanding of brain function. Allan Snyder, professor of science and the mind at the Universi ty of Sydney, discusses several theories of savant skills, while Dr. Bruce Mille r shares his work on dementia which led him to identify a region of the brain th at when damaged produces savant behavior. Original BBCW broadcast title: Fragmen ts of Genius. (50 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1895_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1895_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31958</td><td>Frames: Doors and Windows</td><td>This program covers all aspects of window and doorframe construction, including the installa tion of sills and flashing. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the Competencies and Objectives of the National Center fo r Construction Education & Research. A Shopware Production. (12 minutes)</td><td >2004</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1896_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1896_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31955</td><td>Framing for Rough-ins</td><td>Partitions and w alls containing plumbing pipes or heating ducts often need to be constructed dif ferently in order to safely accommodate these systems and meet building codes. T his program details a number of common industry techniques used in these situati ons, including accompanying electrical considerations. A viewable/printable inst ructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the Competencies and Objective s of the National Center for Construction Education & Research. A Shopware Produ ction. (15 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1897_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1897_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7407</td><td>France</td><td>This interestingly filmed progra m presents modern France as a product of its main parts: food, wine, revolution, politics, and love. Topics include the French Revolution; French isolationism; anti-Semitism; anti-immigration policies; Paris as an icon of French culture; cu ltivation of the romantic French rural image; and the societal erosion of joie d e vivre. In one segment, Egyptian women discuss racial prejudice in French socie ty. A BBCW Production. Portions are in French with English subtitles. (31 minute s)</td><td>1992</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1898_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1898_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33461</td><td>France-America's Friend? The de Gaulle Years</ td><td>The war in Iraq is not the first time that the U.S. has been at loggerhea ds with its mercurial ally France. This program presents a vivid account of an e arlier troubled phase in Franco-American relations: the critical years from 1961 to 1969. Drawing on recently declassified archival materials as well as on eyew itness accounts from the advisors, colleagues, and ministers of Charles de Gaull e, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon, the program depicts JFK's historical visit to Fr ance, his discovery of a famously difficult ally in de Gaulle, and the ambiguous relationship that developed between the two countries in the years to come. (58 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1899_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1899_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33975</td><td>Franco, Franco, Franco!-in Spanish</td><td>For nearly 40 years, the totalitarian regime of Generalisimo Francisco Franco defin ed Spain. This program draws upon archival footage and photographs to show what life was like for Spaniards during that era: on the one hand, post-war economic hardships, curtailed civil liberties, and stringent governmental suppression of opposition, while on the other, widespread modernization and, following the Span ish Miracle, an improved standard of living. Franco's grooming of the future kin

g, Juan Carlos, is also covered. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTV E Production. (Spanish, 64 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>64</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1900_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1900_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34887</td><td>Franco, Franco, Franco!-in Spanish with Englis h Subtitles</td><td>For nearly 40 years, the totalitarian regime of Generalisimo Francisco Franco defined Spain. This program draws upon archival footage and ph otographs to show what life was like for Spaniards during that era: on the one h and, post-war economic hardships, curtailed civil liberties, and stringent gover nmental suppression of opposition, while on the other, widespread modernization and, following the Spanish Miracle, an improved standard of living. Franco's gro oming of the future king, Juan Carlos, is also covered. Not available in Frenchspeaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish with English subtitles, 64 minutes )</td><td>2004</td><td>64</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1901_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1901_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11431</td><td>Francois Mitterrand: A Tale of Power</td><td>F ueled by an unflagging determination, Francois Mitterrand succeeded in revitaliz ing France's political left and then holding the nation's highest office for fou rteen pivotal years. Drawing on interviews with Mitterrand, his former cabinet m embers, and others, this program sorts out the melange of triumphs, failures, ri valries, and scandals that made up the late president's career in power politics . Archival footage firmly sets the life of the magisterial leader of the French Socialist Party within the context of post-World War II-and post-Soviet Union-Eu ropean history. (56 minutes)English</td><td>2000</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1902_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1902_l blPrice">$119.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11432</td><td>Francois Mitterrand: A Tale of Power</td><td>F ueled by an unflagging determination, Francois Mitterrand succeeded in revitaliz ing France's political left and then holding the nation's highest office for fou rteen pivotal years. Drawing on interviews with Mitterrand, his former cabinet m embers, and others, this program sorts out the melange of triumphs, failures, ri valries, and scandals that made up the late president's career in power politics . Archival footage firmly sets the life of the magisterial leader of the French Socialist Party within the context of post-World War II-and post-Soviet Union-Eu ropean history. (French, 56 minutes)French</td><td>2000</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1903_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1903_l blPrice">$119.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>33519</td><td>Francophones from Around the World-in French</ td><td>Filmed in some surprising locales-Madagascar and Mauritius, Cambodia and Japan, and Louisiana as well-this program looks at how French has been adopted a nd adapted in many corners of the world where it is not the official language. F or these Francophones, speaking la belle langue francaise is a matter of traditi on...and an affair of the heart. (French, 28 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>28</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1904_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1904_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36065</td><td>Frank Gehry and Alvar Aalto: Ideas and Influen ces</td><td>Celebrated architect Frank Gehry lives and works in Los Angeles-a wo rld away from Finland, where his idol, the late Alvar Aalto, created stunning ad ditions to the urban landscape and helped originate Scandinavian modernism. This film studies parallels between the two creative giants, examining their respect ive styles and documenting an in-depth conversation about Aalto between Gehry an d architect Juhani Pallasmaa. Several works are discussed-including Aalto's Sayn atsalo Town Hall and National Pension Institution, and Gehry's Walt Disney Conce rt Hall-while commentary from L.A. Philharmonic conductor Esa-Pekka Salonen furt her illuminates Gehry's ideas. (31 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1905_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1905_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32994</td><td>Frank Gehry: Architecture as Art</td><td>Part in-depth analysis, part whirlwind tour, this program captures the essence of Fra nk Gehry and his iconoclastic creations through the celebrated architect's own w ords; the insights of Cesar Pelli, Richard Serra, Hiro Yamagata, and Rafael Mone o; and a broad sampling of Gehry's many structures, which speak for themselves. The Davis studio and residence, Loyola Law School, the Edgemar Development, the Chiat/Day Building, the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, and the DG Bank Building are f eatured, among many others. Gehry's love of motion, aesthetic exuberance, and dy namic language of design are considered, along with the seven constants that cha racterize his works. (55 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1906_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1906_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8931</td><td>Frank Gehry Uncensored</td><td>In this program, Frank Gehry discusses the popular Guggenheim Museum Bilbao in detail, a buildin g that is hailed as a cathedral for art and is a masterpiece in its own right. H e also discusses his desire to incorporate a sense of motion into his buildings, the Sydney Opera House's abominable new neighbor, and the $2-billion job he tur ned down. In addition, he answers questions about what constitutes ugly architec ture, how he gets his ideas, and what motivates him. Footage of the beautiful mu

seum complements this captivating interview. (31 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>3 1</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1907_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1907_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10013</td><td>Frank Lloyd Wright and the Prairie School</td> <td>Rectangular. Two stories. Hipped or gabled roofs, with overhanging eaves. Th is program examines the origins of the Prairie School style as exemplified by th e buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright and his associates. The story of the style-ins pired by the Arts and Crafts Movement, Louis Sullivan, and the Midwest-is elabor ated upon by art historians and architects and through the words of Wright himse lf, as played by noted actor Richard Henzel. Video clips and archival photos ill ustrate the style, while a graphical deconstruction of a Victorian house details the contrast between that style and Wright's vision of the new American home. ( 57 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1908_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1908_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32476</td><td>Frank Lloyd Wright's Last Dream: Monona Terrac e</td><td>He intended it as a gift to his hometown of Madison, Wisconsin. It bec ame one of the most contested buildings in American architectural history. This classic program presents the story of Frank Lloyd Wright's vision of a civic cen ter on the shore of Lake Monona, a project that took nearly 60 years to complete . Filmed extensively at Monona Terrace, as well as Taliesin and Oak Park, the pr ogram chronicles the controversy and achievement of Wright's long career, featur ing architects, former apprentices, Wright historian John Holzhueter, Wright arc hivist Bruce Pfeiffer, and former Madison Mayor Paul Soglin, who presided over c onstruction of the Monona Terrace project. (47 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>48< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1909_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1909_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34173</td><td>Frankfurt: The Euro-City</td><td>An emerging h igh-tech focal point, Frankfurt has the largest foreign and immigrant population in continental Europe. This program studies the effects of that diversity, for Frankfurt specifically and within the larger context of German culture as it str uggles with right-wing extremism. Rosi Wolf-Almanasreh of the Frankfurt Departme nt for Multicultural Affairs focuses on the nation's anti-discrimination policie s, while Frankfurt police officers, athletes, construction workers, and others d etail experiences with diversity, both positive and negative. Contains mature th emes associated with the city's sex industry. (26 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td> 26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1910_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1910_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35216</td><td>The Franklin Institute: Wonderland of Science< /td><td>One of Pennsylvania's most popular attractions, The Franklin Institute, in Philadelphia, will awaken the scientist in everyone. This program explores th e museum's state-of-the-art planetarium, IMAX theater, and many interactive exhi bits that enable visitors to experience-and understand-ordinary yet fascinating phenomena like stability, momentum, and speed. Ranging from Benjamin Franklin's electrifying experiments to the present day, the institute's rich historical col lection charts the progress of science in America. A viewable/printable educator 's guide is available online. (27 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1911_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1911_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10035</td><td>Franz Kafka: The Trial</td><td>A suppressor of his own writings, Franz Kafka even requested that upon his death all his extant works be destroyed-yet those very works accurately prefigured the anxieties and alienation so commonly associated with the latter part of the 20th century. Thi s program delves into Kafka's fictional world, primarily through a gripping dram atization of The Trial, a combination of simple tale and complex parable describ ing Joseph K.'s bizarre arrest and execution. Professor George Steiner, of Genev a University, sheds light on the wellsprings of Kafka's disturbingly prescient v ision. (59 minutes)</td><td>1987</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1912_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1912_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32316</td><td>Fray Luis de Leon: Un Intellectual Comprometid o-in Spanish</td><td>Monastic scholar, theologian, and poet, Luis de Leon manife sted a purity and quiet confidence that not even the Inquisition could resist. F ilmed at salient locations around Spain, this program chronicles the life of Lui s de Leon, using dramatizations; dozens of original manuscripts, documents, and first-editions; and readings from his written works, including key biblical comm entaries, "De los Nombres de Cristo," and "La Perfecta Casada." An RTVE Producti on. (Spanish, 54 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1913_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1913_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37391</td><td>Freakonomics with Levitt and Dubner</td><td>Ho w do people get what they want? The most primal aim of economics is to find answ ers to that blunt but telling question-something at which Steven D. Levitt has p roved particularly adept. In this ABC News program, Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner , coauthors of the best-selling book Freakonomics, reason out points of converge

nce between beauty pageant contestants and crack dealers, abortion and prison, c hildren's car seats and DVD players, consumers and tamarin monkeys, and black st raight-A students and Hollywood celebrities. Whether a person is likely to give more to a charity if the person collecting for it is attractive is also consider ed. (40 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1914_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1914_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30001</td><td>Frederic Chopin</td><td>Inspired by Paganini's dedication to a soloist instrument, the violin, Chopin decided early in his car eer to write only for piano. This beautifully produced program presents a biogra phy of the Polish-born child prodigy and composer who blended Slavic influences into his works. Sketches, paintings, and cinematic treatments of Chopin and his times complement the music. Archival footage includes Arthur Rubinstein, Alexis Weissenberg, and Byron Janis discussing Chopin's genius, as well as numerous exc erpts of historical performances by Rubinstein, Janis, Victoria Postnikova, Wito ld Malcuzynski, Martha Argerich, and Samson Francois. (27 minutes)</td><td>1998< /td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1915_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1915_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29962</td><td>Free Film Voices: Why Go to Film School?</td>< td>For the cost of tuition, an independent filmmaker could do a feature-length m ovie-so why go to film school? Three film students at Columbia and New York Univ ersities, along with NYU alumnus Spike Lee, talk about why school was right for them and how academic experience helps them as filmmakers. The strengths and dif ferences of the two schools are discussed by numerous professors, including Mary Schmidt Campbell, dean of NYU's Tisch School of the Arts; Bruce Ferguson, dean of Columbia's School of the Arts; Janet Roach, Columbia screenwriting professor; Bill Reilly, NYU directing professor; and Annette Insdorf, Columbia film histor y professor. This program provides a good sense of what a film curriculum is all about and how these skills and opportunities can be put to use creatively as we ll as financially. (43 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>43</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1916_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1916_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9100</td><td>Free Market Economies: The Commanding Heights</ td><td>As the movement begun in the 1970s to decentralize and deregulate continu es, economies around the world are being reshaped. In this program, Pulitzer Pri ze-winning author Daniel Yergin, Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman, and John Kenneth Galbraith explore the dynamic tension between free markets and managed economies with Ben Wattenberg, Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. The demise of European communist and socialist economic models and su ccessful market-oriented initiatives in Europe and America support the thesis th at minimal government intervention is healthy. But will big business seek a retu

rn to managed economies if world markets crash? (26 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><t d>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1917_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1917_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6903</td><td>Free Radicals</td><td>Free radicals are an impo rtant weapon in the immune system, but they can also cause chemical reactions th at lead to damage of fatty acids, DNA mutation, and protein destruction. This pr ogram examines how the most important radicals are created, and how they work. T he relationship between chain reactions of radicals within the body and conditio ns such as arteriosclerosis is examined. How the antioxidants alpha-tocopherol, beta-carotene, and vitamin C protect the body from damage is demonstrated throug h computer animation. Connections between free-radical production and cancer, he art attack, stroke, and cataracts are suggested. (31 minutes)</td><td>1996</td>< td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1918_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1918_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9103</td><td>Free Speech for Sale: A Bill Moyers Special</td ><td>When it comes to today's important public policy issues, the opportunity to be heard depends on whether you can afford it. In this program, Bill Moyers and key legal and public interest advocates examine how industries with deep pocket s use their access to the media to overwhelm the public debate, from North Carol ina's hog industry to the defeat of the McCain Tobacco Bill to the passage of th e Telecom Act of 1996. This Act, all but ignored by the newspapers and TV outlet s owned by megamedia, amounted to a massive giveaway of the public's airwaves. W hat consequences does this control over the flow of information have for our dem ocracy, and how can individuals and public interest organizations counter the gr owing dominance of big media? (57 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1919_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1919_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35871</td><td>Free Speech: Jim Lehrer with Ben Bradlee</td>< td>With a career spanning more than five decades, Ben Bradlee commands the respe ct and attention of today's news community. This in-depth conversation between N ewsHour's Jim Lehrer and the former managing editor of the Washington Post provi des a wealth of journalistic acumen vital to communications and media studies. B radlee sheds light on his early friendship with John F. Kennedy, the Watergate s tory, the eventual release of Deep Throat's identity, the Janet Cooke debacle, a nd other experiences. He also fields pointed questions from Lehrer on the subjec t of journalistic ethics, exploring scenarios in which professional integrity ca n be compromised. (57 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1920_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1920_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33015</td><td>Free to Breathe, Free to Live</td><td>For mill ions of people with respiratory illnesses, every breath is a struggle for life. Free to Breathe, Free to Live is a reality-style documentary that allows viewers to step inside the lives of patients who are grappling with respiratory disease s-and winning. Children attending specialized camps for youths with asthma are s potlighted, as are a number of adults battling a variety of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, including emphysema and chronic bronchitis. (58 minutes)</td ><td>2003</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1921_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1921_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6511</td><td>Free Trade</td><td>The benefits of free trade a re examined in this program. The program expands on the concept of specializatio n by distinguishing between absolute advantage and comparative advantage. The ne ed for adjustment assistance for displaced workers is also explored. (28 minutes )</td><td>1993</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1922_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1922_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32853</td><td>Freedom of Movement: Rheumatism Therapy of the Future</td><td>Insights into immune system disorders are unlocking new treatmen ts for rheumatoid arthritis. Many of these innovative approaches are explored in this program, such as experimental drugs that suppress messenger proteins, trea tments to regenerate cartilage through the use of stem cells, and the cultivatio n of chondrocyte cells in the lab. The program looks at detection and treatment of reactive arthritis, minimally invasive surgical techniques, and the developme nt of synthetic cartilage. A Deutsche Welle Production. (26 minutes)</td><td>200 1</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1923_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1923_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10799</td><td>Freedom of Speech: Augmentative Communication Success Stories</td><td>For people with special needs, augmentative communicatio n technology is opening the door to fuller expression, better education, and hig her self-esteem. This program illustrates the positive impact of augmentative co mmunication technology on the lives of Adam and Mike. Adam, once considered ment ally retarded by school staff, has become a college-educated professional-thanks in part to an augmentative device-while the parents of 7-year-old Mike, who doe s not speak due to autism, believe that technological advances will soon help th eir son. (28 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>29</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1924_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1924_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10606</td><td>Freedom Writers: Fighting Hatred with Language Arts</td><td>When a racial incident occurred in her classroom, 23-year-old Engl ish teacher Erin Gruwell spun it into an ongoing dialogue that ultimately change d the lives of 150 inner-city students. In this program, ABC News correspondent Connie Chung documents the story of the group that came to be known as the Freed om Writers and their exemplary teacher. Challenging them to confront hatred thro ugh writing, Ms. Gruwell led her students to publish a nationally acclaimed book about their own experiences of violence and despair. "To feel hopeless at 16 is such a tragedy. And so many kids do," she says. (15 minutes)</td><td>1998</td>< td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1925_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1925_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3594</td><td>French Intellectuals in the 20th Century</td><t d>Russia had its intelligentsia, the U.S. its cultural elite (a pejorative term) , but "intellectuals" emerged in France with the Dreyfus affair. When 30,000 peo ple reverently accompanied Jean-Paul Sartre's funeral cortege in 1980, the event marked the demise of the breed of intellectuals. This documentary series by Ber nard-Henri Levy retraces the concepts and ideals that motivated France's intelle ctuals, and shows the power they wielded and the effects they had on the history of the 20th century.Part 1: Great Expectations: The birth of the intellectual: Zola and Proust; the Great War: pacifism and surrealism; the Bolshevik Revolutio n, the new religion of Communism, Andre Malraux; the growing signals of terror f rom Moscow, which go unheeded.Part 2: Days of Contempt: The rise of Fascism, whi ch at first seemed like a logical outgrowth of the October Revolution; the Nazi occupation of France and French collaboration; the Spanish Civil War; resistance to Fascism.Part 3: Lost Illusions: The French Communist Party and anti-Stalinis m; the Algerian War; Jean Genet, Franz Fanon, Sartre, and the cause of Third Wor ld revolution.Part 4: The Demise of the Prophets: Intellectuals and the new mode ls like Communist Cuba; birth of the Maoist intellectual, with Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir distributing Maoist tracts in the street; the revolutions in Iran a nd Cambodia, whose excesses lead the intellectuals to a new cause-human rights; the death of Sartre-and the death of Chinese support for Communism, as seen at T iananmen Square.(4 parts, 52 minutes each)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1926_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1926_l blPrice">$249.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>2714</td><td>French Negatives</td><td>A highly visual and hu morously dramatic introduction to the concept of the negative in language and sp ecifically to the nature and proper usage of ne, pas, plus, jamais, rien, and pe rsonne. Produced by the Inner London Education Authority, whose success in teach ing French is attested to by the large number of Londoners who now speak a fluen

t, correct, and well-accented French. (25 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td>26</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1927_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1927_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10283</td><td>Friction, Work, and Energy</td><td>Can a giant hunk of chocolate be used to illustrate friction? It is in section one of this program, which describes kinetic and static friction, the normal force, and the coefficient of friction. In section two, a group of construction workers and the cartoon brothers Bumpkin Bill and Urban Tom elucidate the true nature of work, power, and energy. The Work-Kinetic Energy Principle is also addressed in an exa mple using the "Alexandria Ferro XL" sports car. (25 minutes)</td><td>1999</td>< td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1928_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1928_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3191</td><td>Frida Kahlo: Portrait of a Woman</td><td>A uniq ue, powerful, first-rate painter overshadowed by her lionized painter-husband, a bisexual woman torn apart by her obsessive love for her faithless husband, Frid a Kahlo lived a life of physical and spiritual torment. This program provides pe rsonal insights into her work and her torment; it offers a portrait of the woman and the roots of her work in the meaning of her gender. (20 minutes)</td><td>&n bsp;</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1929_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1929_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10704</td><td>Frida Kahlo: Portrait of an Artist</td><td>The works of Frida Kahlo, one of the 20th century's most prominent artists, are inc luded in museums and private collections the world over. This documentary incorp orates archival material, readings from journals and letters, and interviews wit h friends and scholars to retrace the life and work of one of Mexico's most high ly recognized painters. (Spanish, 28 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1930_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1930_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29181</td><td>Frida Kahlo: Portrait of an Artist</td><td>The works of Frida Kahlo, one of the 20th century's most prominent artists, are inc luded in museums and private collections the world over. This documentary incorp orates archival material, readings from journals and letters, and interviews wit h friends and scholars to retrace the life and work of one of Mexico's most high

ly recognized painters. (Spanish with English subtitles, 28 minutes)</td><td>199 9</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1931_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1931_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10098</td><td>Friedrich Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil</td> <td>The prescient seeds of thought disseminated by Friedrich Nietzsche in the 19 th century prefigured the pivotal 20th-century concepts of existentialism and ps ychoanalysis. In this program, interviews with Nietzsche biographers Ronald Haym an and Leslie Chamberlain, archivist Dr. Andrea Bollinger, translator Reg Hollin gdale, writer Will Self, and philosopher Keith Ansell Pearson probe Nietzsche's life and elucidate his writings. In addition, his sister's role in editing his w orks for use as Nazi propaganda is highlighted. Extracts of Nietzsche's aphorist ic prose, drawn from works such as The Parable of a Madman and Thus Spoke Zarath ustra, aptly convey the essence of a supreme stylist and prophetic thinker. (50 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1932_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1932_l blPrice">$109.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25466</td><td>Friendship...Put It to the Test</td><td>Sleepo vers, camping trips, phone calls, and hanging out-all part of friends being frie nds. It's hard to imagine growing up without friends, but how do we manage to fi nd those individuals? Why can some kids hook up in kindergarten and stay togethe r all through school while others go through friends like used Kleenex? Viewers learn the basics of choosing friends as they follow new student Sara in her sear ch for friends. Using vignettes and actual student interviews, we discover the e lements of a healthy friendship as well as those negative qualities that can spe ll trouble. Choosing good friends who share your values and beliefs may be one o f life's most important, yet least understood truths. (13 min.) A Meridian Produ ction.</td><td>2000</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1933_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1933_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31996</td><td>Fritz Scholder, California Mission Painter</td ><td>The first to portray the Native American as "real, not red," Fritz Scholder has been a major influence on an entire generation of Native American artists. This program films Scholder, an artist of Luiseno descent, as he takes his paint ing Television Indian and his lithograph Film Indian from conception to completi on. His unsentimental vision and his technique-a blend of abstract expressionism , West Coast pop, and Bay Area colorism-have enabled Scholder to produce a stron g body of work that realistically illustrates contemporary Native American life in the Southwest. (30 minutes)</td><td>1976</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1934_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1934_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9165</td><td>From Apprenticeship to the Academy</td><td>In t his program, Brooks McNamara, expert on 19th-century theater at New York Univers ity, and theater historian and author Mary Henderson plot out three crucial tran sitions in American culture between 1875 and 1914: for budding actors, a shift f rom apprenticeship to academy-oriented training at centers such as The American Academy of Dramatic Arts; for playwrights, a progression from surface realism to the earliest form of American naturalism; and for America, a change in sensibil ities that paved the way for the global, technocentric society of the 20th centu ry. The program also outlines the contributions of impresario David Belasco and the phenomenon of Sarah Bernhardt in the U.S. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td> 30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1935_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1935_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11421</td><td>From Arabic to Latin: The Assimilation of Arab Knowledge</td><td>As dissension mounted between the rival Arab dynasties in Bag hdad, Cordoba, and Cairo, Christendom rallied to oppose the Muslims in Spain and Jerusalem. This program plots out the decline of the Empire of the Caliphate an d the acquisition of Arab knowledge by Europeans starved for Islam's intellectua l riches. The rise of feudalism and papal authority, the gradual defeat of the M uslim rulers in Spain, the Seljuk usurpation of Abbasid power in the Near East, and the Crusades are explained, along with the concerted efforts of Catholic aut horities to translate the vast libraries of Arab scientific and philosophic text s. (Portions in French with English subtitles, 26 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td> 26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1936_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1936_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7370</td><td>From Bitter Earth: Artists of the Holocaust</td ><td>Throughout the Holocaust, Jewish artists created work that vividly document ed the horror of Hitler's reign, from the despair of the Polish ghettos to the u nprecedented misery of the death camps. In this program, artists who survived th e camps discuss the risks they took in order to obtain simple materials-scraps o f paper, pencils, and other basic supplies. They describe the inventive ways the y found for hiding finished pieces from their Nazi captors. In an ironic twist, some tell how they were recruited to create Nazi propaganda art. This program pa ys tribute to these artists, to the politics of their art, and to the tenacity o f their creative spirit. A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>50< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1937_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1937_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></

td> </tr><tr> <td>30327</td><td>From Confucius to Mao</td><td>After illustrati ng how a combination of laws, customs, and Confucian philosophy had reduced Chin ese women to chattels, this program examines in detail the turning points from t he late-19th through mid-20th centuries that paved the way for a complete revers al in Chinese women's status. Remarkable vintage film and fascinating interviews with women whose lives have spanned the 20th century provide evidence of and in sights into the harmful practices of foot-binding, arranged marriages, and polyg amy; the positive impact of the Dowager Empress, Sun Yat-sen, Mao Zedong, and Ch ina's first feminist, Qiu Jin; and the salutary effects of female education and Ibsen's A Doll's House. (54 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1938_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1938_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34718</td><td>From Depression to Discovery: A Teenager's Gui debook</td><td>Clinical depression and ignorance are a dangerous combination. My ths surrounding the disease-for example, the notion that it affects only adultsoften prevent depressed young people from seeking help. This video shatters comm on misconceptions about depression, helping young viewers recognize its outward and internal symptoms. The latest forms of treatment are also explored. Intervie ws with teens who are living successfully with the disease, and commentary by re nowned adolescent psychologist Dr. Harold S. Koplewicz, are interwoven with eyecatching and informative graphics that reinforce essential points. A viewable/pr intable instructor's guide containing student activities, discussion questions, vocabulary terms, and other helpful features is available online. The result is an honest, youth-centered informational tool that encourages a proactive approac h to depression. Correlates to National Health Education Standards. A Cambridge Educational Production. (25 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1939_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1939_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35664</td><td>From Harmony to Revolution: The Birth and Grow th of Socialism</td><td>As a movement, socialism thrived in Europe-but America w as its cradle. This program explores the origins of socialist principles and how they evolved into military revolution in Russia and political strife in the Uni ted States. Recounting Robert Owen's New Harmony experiment, the program details the intellectualization of socialism by Marx, Engels, and Bernstein, followed b y the rise of Lenin and the creation of the U.S.S.R. The video also dissects Mar x's predictions about when and where revolution could be expected, studying the careers of Samuel Gompers and Eugene Debs and the successes and failures of Amer ican socialism. (57 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1940_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1940_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>8245</td><td>From Here to Self-Esteem: A Road Map for Parent s of Young Children</td><td>Kids who have high self-esteem feel confident, adjus t to change more easily, learn how to interact with others, and are less likely to abuse drugs. This program presents ten specific ways in which parents can bui ld self-esteem in their children through everyday interactions such as respondin g to a baby's emotional needs, helping a child solve his or her own problems, en couraging independence, and promoting creativity. A Cambridge Educational Produc tion. (30 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1941_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1941_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35498</td><td>From Hilltops to Oceans: Stemming the Flow of Water Pollution</td><td>Environmental mismanagement on land has become a grave t hreat to life in the world's oceans. This two-part series circumnavigates the gl obe to report on efforts to remediate oceanic dead zones: the locations where fe rtilizer runoff, raw sewage, and other biohazards have driven the oxygen from ma rine ecosystems-and all animal life along with it. Hotspots include Spain, Iran, Kenya, India, Vietnam, South Korea, Fiji, and Brazil. 2-part series, 24 minutes each. 2-part series, 23 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1942_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1942_l blPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30328</td><td>From Mao Towards Full Equality</td><td>This pr ogram offers an in-depth appraisal of how China's women's movement slowly gather ed momentum under Mao Zedong's and Deng Xiao Ping's rule during the latter half of the 20th century. Outstanding footage from propaganda and documentary sources and compelling interviews with women who participated in the events of those de cades reveal the hard-won gains through Communist legal and social reforms, the efforts of Madame Song Qing Ling and leading feminist He Xiang-ning, and women's rights conventions. The mixed results of the Liberation and Independence campai gn, the Heroes of the Nation initiative, and the Cultural Revolution are also cr itically examined. (55 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1943_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1943_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36170</td><td>From Nature to Transcendence</td><td>After the chaos of the French Revolution, the concept of liberty became associated with n ature rather than political events. This program analyzes the Romantic fascinati on and identification with the power of the natural world. Shedding light on Wil liam Blake's early childhood experiences in the countryside, the film also explo res the work of John Clare-conveying how both poets revered the sublime power of the earth's environment and exalted a rural way of life rapidly yielding to urb anization and the Industrial Revolution. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is also fea tured-highlighting its cautions against science, technology, and the exploitatio n of nature's wild innocence. (60 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>59</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1944_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1944_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36169</td><td>From Revolution to Nature</td><td>Examining th e birth of Romanticism through the lenses of art and uprising, this program illu strates the political and cultural roots of the movement. The film begins by des cribing the significance of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, his influence on the French R evolution, and his belief that civilization and governmental systems suppress th e individual human spirit. Linking Rousseau's philosophy to the emergence of New World political ideals and the American struggle for independence, the program also studies the writings and illustrations of William Blake, the collaboration of William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and the notions of freedom ad vanced by all three poets. (60 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1945_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1945_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35416</td><td>From Romanticism to Realism</td><td>The 19th c entury brought tumultuous political change to Central and South America. This pr ogram shows how the cultural crucible of the region fused and realigned aestheti c movements considered sacrosanct in Europe-specifically, Romanticism, Realism, and Naturalism. In an eclectic matching game that became typical of Latin Americ an literature, Realist and historical novels existed cheek-and-jowl with Romanti c poetry, Romantic novels competed with the anecdotes of Ricardo Palma, and news paper serials vied for attention with costumbrismo-a genre that depicted everyda y manners and customs. Jicotencal, Jorge Isaacs' Maria, and Gertrudis Gomez de A vellaneda's Guatimozin, Last Emperor of Mexico are among the works discussed. An FFH&S/Tranquilo Production. (51 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1946_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1946_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37454</td><td>From Romanticism to Realism-Spanish with Optio nal English Subtitles</td><td>The 19th century brought tumultuous political chan ge to Central and South America. This program shows how the cultural crucible of the region fused and realigned aesthetic movements considered sacrosanct in Eur ope-specifically, Romanticism, Realism, and Naturalism. In an eclectic matching game that became typical of Latin American literature, Realist and historical no vels existed cheek-and-jowl with Romantic poetry, Romantic novels competed with the anecdotes of Ricardo Palma, and newspaper serials vied for attention with co stumbrismo-a genre that depicted everyday manners and customs. Jicotencal, Jorge Isaacs' Maria, and Gertrudis Gomez de Avellaneda's Guatimozin, Last Emperor of Mexico are among the works discussed. An FFH&S/Tranquilo Production. (Spanish wi th optional English subtitles, 52 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1947_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1947_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35486</td><td>From the Badlands to Redemption</td><td>Ten ye ars ago, Merrill Jackson stole Cadillacs and helped his fellow heroin addicts sh oot up-behavior that earned him the nicknames "Seville" and "The Doctor." This A BC News program explores the extraordinary transformation that took place in Jac kson's life after he met Joann Muller, an activist Christian minister and mother of five from the suburbs of Philadelphia. Through one-on-one interviews and ext ensive footage from Jackson's drug-dealing days, the fearless street preacher ex plains how her community-oriented mission took shape, while the man formerly kno wn as The Doctor contemplates the painful life he left behind. (23 minutes)</td> <td>2005</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1948_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1948_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2866</td><td>From the Harvard Business School: America's Com eback Strategy</td><td>A seminar with Professor Bruce Scott on national economic policy; Professor Michael Porter, author of The Competitive Advantage of Nation s; and Professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter on innovation within corporations. (28 min utes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1949_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1949_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30642</td><td>From the Mists of the North, the Germanic Trib es</td><td>In the 2nd century BCE, the Cimbri and Teuton tribes began to move so uthward from their Scandinavian homeland, Jutland. Soundly defeating the Roman a rmy at Noricum in 113 BCE, they set in motion an era of migration that spelled t he beginning of the end of Roman military and political supremacy. This program examines the reasons why these Germanic peoples left their homeland, explores th eir traditions and beliefs, and illustrates the clashes of arms and of culture t hat marked the first contacts between Roman and barbarus. (52 minutes)</td><td>2 002</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1950_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1950_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33724</td><td>From Theater to Video: Finding an Audience</td ><td>This program is a virtual "how to" on the theatrical and video distribution business. In two presentations, Steve Rothenberg, president of domestic distrib ution at Artisan Entertainment, explains today's tough movie industry mentality and how to beat what he calls "the theatrical game." The specifics of test scree nings, when to release films, and what determines niche, platform, exclusive, an d wide-scale releases are covered. In addition, Robert Tollini, former senior vi

ce president of marketing for Major Video Concepts, drives home the importance o f commerce and breaks down the significance of video in sell-through and rental markets. A powerhouse resource on the business of the movies. (51 minutes)</td>< td>2003</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1951_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1951_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36171</td><td>From Transcendence to Oblivion</td><td>Viewing life in strictly corporeal terms was abhorrent to Romantic sensibility. This pr ogram examines attempts by Romantic poets to transcend the physical world and ex pand the limits of human imagination-presaging 20th-century notions of the uncon scious. Illustrating how the idea of transcendence effectively became the religi on of Romanticism, the film reflects on Samuel Taylor Coleridge's opium-inspired composition of "Kubla Kahn," Lord Byron's defiance of social and sexual mores i n pursuit of inner truth, John Keats' worldly fragility and literary immortality , and Percy Shelley's legendary incarnation, in death, as the ultimate Romantic symbol-a disembodied heart. (60 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1952_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1952_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33453</td><td>Functional Anatomy</td><td>By their very natur e, sports competitions push the human body to its limits. In this program, we ex amine four bodily systems-skeletal, muscular, respiratory, and circulatory-to de monstrate how our anatomy enables us to be physically active. Extensive computer graphics and sports footage provide a comprehensive overview of the subject. (3 0 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1953_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1953_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10152</td><td>Functions and Limits</td><td>What is calculus, anyway, and how is it used? Answers to these and other questions can be found i n section one of this program, along with a concise review of graphing and funct ions. Section two posits the intuitive definition of limits and follows up with numerous examples to demonstrate how to find a limit through substitution, facto ring, and using conjugates. (24 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1954_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1954_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34130</td><td>Functions of the Face</td><td>This Science Scr een Report describes the anatomy and functions of facial features, and the evolu

tionary development of the human face. It explains how the mouth and nose work t ogether to identify food, the process of chewing and swallowing, and the varying functions of the taste buds, saliva, teeth, tongue, and jaws. Combining princip les in anatomy, anthropology, psychology, and zoology, the program also details how muscles in the face convey expressions and emotions, how humans and computer s recognize faces and expressions, and how the aesthetics of attractiveness can be linked to facial symmetry. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is availab le online. Correlates to National Science Education Standards. Produced in assoc iation with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology and the Junio r Engineering Technical Society. (26 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1955_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1955_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5845</td><td>Fundamental Concepts in Financial Management</t d><td>This program explains the following concepts: Risk and Rates of Return; th e Time Value of Money; and Bond and Stock Valuation. (40 minutes)</td><td>1995</ td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1956_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1956_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>20362</td><td>Fundamentals of Aeronautics Technology</td><td >Beginning with a history of humankind's quest for flight, this video then intro duces the basic components of an airplane. It also examines how an aircraft flie s, the four forces that affect flight, types of propulsion units, and the instru ments used to create movement. It's an interesting introduction to the basics of aeronautics technology. One 22-minute video. A Shopware Production.</td><td>199 4</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1957_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1957_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25472</td><td>Furnishing and Decorating Your First Apartment </td><td>You're moving away from home and into your very own apartment. It needs to reflect you and your taste-so where do you begin? This video covers the basi cs of furnishing and decorating on a limited budget. Viewers learn about element s and principles of design as well as how personal style and accessories can aff ect the look. We take you to flea markets, secondhand stores, and thrift shops t o find just the right piece of furniture and talk about floor and wall coverings . We also differentiate between essential furnishings and non-essential items. F urnishing a room or an apartment on a budget is certainly possible-especially if you're willing to stretch your imagination! (15 min.) A Meridian Production.</t d><td>1999</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1958_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1958_l

blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37289</td><td>Furniture Farm: Going It Alone as a Solo Propr ietor</td><td>Sarah Green sells furniture online and has a showroom in a quaint barn in Hertfordshire. In her first year, she has made nearly $200,000 in sales and her debt is practically zero. That's impressive for a 19-year-old-or any ent repreneur, for that matter. This program shows how a sharp furniture salesperson turned ambition into a company named 1st For Furniture as Sarah pursues a dream of building a globally recognized brand. Unfortunately, she is spiraling toward burnout. Working seven days a week in the office and making deliveries, how lon g can she keep 1st For Furniture first? (25 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>25</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1959_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1959_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30643</td><td>Furor Teutonicus, Pax Romana</td><td>At the ti me the Roman Empire supplanted the failed Republic, the Rhine River marked Rome' s northern frontier in western Europe-until Emperor Augustus tried to push the b oundary east to the Elbe. Focusing on the events during the 1st through 4th cent uries, this program traces the movements of the Goths and the tribes of Germania , including the epic battle in the year 9 when Arminius, leader of the Germanic resistance to Roman colonization, destroyed three Roman legions under Publius Va rus-and the emperor's plans for conquest. (52 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>53</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1960_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1960_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6542</td><td>Further Approaches to Learning</td><td>This pro gram explores alternative approaches and explanations of learning, including lat ent learning, learning sets, insight learning, ethology, social learning, and ne uroscience. The program emphasizes the recent move towards a cognitive theory of learning and examines research in this area. The program includes archival film featuring B. F. Skinner and Dr. Robert Epstein, who demonstrated apparent "insi ght" learning in pigeons using behaviorist techniques. Skinner, speaking just be fore his death, claims that reinforcement rather than higher mental processes is at work in learning. The cognitive behaviorists think differently! (57 minutes) </td><td>1996</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1961_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1961_l blPrice">$109.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36147</td><td>Future for Lebanon: Politics after the Cedar R evolution</td><td>Through coverage of Lebanon's 2005 legislative elections-the f irst since the end of its 15-year civil war without the presence of occupying Sy

rian forces-this Wide Angle report explores political change in the oldest democ racy in the Middle East. It also provides a solid grounding in Lebanese politics for viewers studying current events in the region. A democracy advocate, a Hezb ollah candidate, and a youth organizer for the Future Movement air their views a s the Lebanese political process grapples with old sectarian tensions. In additi on, anchor Daljit Dhaliwal discusses Lebanon with Michael Elliott, editor of Tim e International. (57 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1962_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1962_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35348</td><td>The Future of Chemistry</td><td>What benefits will emerge from molecular research in the coming years? Use this program to exp lore the boundaries of the "nanocosm" and discover chemistry's seemingly endless possibilities. Viewers are introduced to a wide variety of developments, includ ing SAM polymers, textile fibers with built-in antimicrobial functions; SPS ship construction, which creates a highly durable elastic hull layer; and OLED techn ology, which will lead to TV screens so flexible they can be rolled into a tube. The program concludes by emphasizing the importance of "green" genetic engineer ing and the need for chemists to exercise global awareness. (30 minutes)</td><td >2004</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1963_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1963_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30680</td><td>The Future of Home Construction: New Technique s, New Technologies</td><td>This program travels to the National Association of Home Builders' Research Center to study four townhouses constructed using some o f today's most innovative building materials and energy-saving technologies. Fil med at each stage of construction, these houses showcase foundations made of pre cast, pre-insulated, high-strength reinforced concrete or insulating concrete fo rms; walls made of ICFs, Hebel blocks, or steel framing; exterior finishes that incorporate thermally elastic stucco; and standing seam steel roofs. Photovoltai c roofing panels, a natural gas heat pump that uses a non-CFC refrigerant, an el ectronic home energy management system, gas fireplaces, doors made from sawmill residue and wood scraps, a geothermal heat pump, a pellet stove, and a combined space heating and water heating system are also featured. (11 minutes)</td><td>2 001</td><td>11</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1964_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1964_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11974</td><td>The Future of Life: Searching for Solutions</t d><td>At the current rate of resource depletion, humankind stands to lose fully half of Earth's remaining species over the next 100 years. At this crucial point in world history, a choice must be made: will coming generations inhabit a heal thy planet or, quite possibly, a dying one? In this program, David Attenborough searches for solutions to this impending eco-disaster. The research of demograph

er Ian Diamond, climatologist Stephen Schneider, zoologist John Hanks, marine bi ologist Amanda Vincent, conservationist Walter Lusigi, and biologists Ian Redmon d, John Lawton, Sir Robert May, and Edward Wilson is featured. A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1965_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1965_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11968</td><td>The Future of Religion</td><td>The history of the three religions of the Book is a convoluted story of deep-seated hostilities relieved by all-too-brief periods of coexistence and cooperation. Filmed from a Christian perspective, this program looks at the sectarian and interdenominatio nal clashes that have bloodied the centuries while pointing out efforts to achie ve a lasting, mutually supportive peace. As the world enters the era of globaliz ation, will the age-old animosities finally be put aside for the good of humanki nd-and in the name of the selfsame God they all revere? (45 minutes)</td><td>200 0</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1966_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1966_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11861</td><td>The Future of the Past</td><td>What are the co ncerns of archaeology today? How will improved methods and scientific technology shift perspective on the past? The last episode of this series looks at the shi ft from excavating grand palaces to discovering and learning more about some of the earliest communities, such as at San Jose Magote in the Oaxaca Valley in Mex ico, where evidence has been found of human habitation dating back 3,000 years. The program also interviews Professor George Bass of the Institute of Nautical A rchaeology in Texas, the father of underwater archaeology, who has discovered an d cataloged numerous shipwrecks off the coast of modern Turkey, some dating from the Bronze Age. (50 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1967_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1967_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29335</td><td>The Future of the Web: XML</td><td>What do Ama, Kaiser Permanente, Envera, and NASA have in common? They all use XML, o r Extensible Markup Language, the "nuts and bolts" of Internet programming and t he emerging standard for e-commerce applications. Whereas HTML is a single, pred efined text formatter, XML functions as a very flexible data formatter, a metala nguage allowing for the smooth transfer of information between companies. This p rogram explores how XML eliminates many problems of data incompatibility, as in B-to-B transactions, and facilitates specific technical uses, like large-scale e lectronic publishing or the creation of specialized documents. (26 minutes)</td> <td>2001</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1968_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1968_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11229</td><td>The Future of Theater: But Is It Art?</td><td> The 20th century saw theater faced by increasing competition-first from movies, then TV, and most recently the Internet. In this program, renowned theater direc tor Sir Richard Eyre explains how plays have succeeded in holding their own whil e speculating on the genre's future. Directors Peter Brook, Julie Taymor, Debora h Warner, Andrew Lloyd Webber, and Robert Lepage share their thoughts on the pop ularity of musicals, the primal essence of communication, intimate and unusual p erformance spaces, and other topics. Clips are drawn from Miss Saigon, Les Miser ables, The Phantom of the Opera, The Lion King, Marat/Sade, and Angels in Americ a. Original BBC broadcast title: The Law of Gravity. (50 minutes)</td><td>2000</ td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1969_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1969_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5040</td><td>Future Talk</td><td>This program with Bill Moye rs examines the politics of the environment and how choices Americans make now w ill determine whether we can create and sustain a quality of life that will not jeopardize our children's future. The program focuses on population and energy p olicies, the depletion of our natural resources, and relations between the devel oping and developed nations. Featured in the program are Al Binger, Marcus W. Fe ldman, James MacNeil, Jessica Tuchman Mathews, Nobel Prize-winner Murray Gell-Ma nn, Allen Hammond, John Holland, and John D. Steinbruner. (60 minutes)</td><td>1 992</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1970_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1970_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10031</td><td>Fyodor Dostoevsky: Crime and Punishment</td><t d>Considered the first modern novel, Crime and Punishment is both a compelling p sychodrama and an unrelenting examination of modern humankind. This program skil lfully interweaves riveting dramatizations of Fyodor Dostoevsky's masterpiece wi th Notes from the Underground and the autobiographical Memoirs from the House of the Dead. Penetrating observations are provided by Professor John Jones, of Oxf ord University, who scrutinizes the merciless introspection inherent in these wo rks. (59 minutes)</td><td>1987</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1971_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1971_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10014</td><td>Gabriel Garcia Marquez: A Witch Writing</td><t d>This in-depth interview with Nobel Laureate Gabriel Garcia Marquez is presente d in the form of a conversation with an old friend he has not seen in a long whi

le. Filmed at "Gabo's" house in Cartagena, the program is structured to suggest an apparent disorder of time-a device used most notably in One Hundred Years of Solitude. Assisted by readings and dramatizations of his works, the master of "m agic realism" focuses on the supernatural aspects of his spellbinding narrative style, in an effort to convey his particular vision of the world. (54 minutes)</ td><td>1998</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1972_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1972_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>176</td><td>Gabriel Garcia Marquez: La Magia de lo Real</td> <td>This major production delves into the world of One Hundred Years of Solitude and The Autumn of the Patriarch-the world of Garcia Marquez-where historical ri ots and levitating grandmothers appear to be equally real (or unreal). Shot on t he Colombian coast in Aracataca (Macondo), the Banana Zone, Cienaga, and Barranq uilla, and incorporating rare archival footage, the program features the author himself and the people of whom he writes. (Spanish, 60 minutes)</td><td>1981</td ><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1973_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1973_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>176E</td><td>Gabriel Garcia Marquez: Magical Realism</td><td >This major production delves into the world of One Hundred Years of Solitude an d The Autumn of the Patriarch-the world of Garcia Marquez-where historical riots and levitating grandmothers appear to be equally real (or unreal). Shot on the Colombian coast in Aracataca (Macondo), the Banana Zone, Cienaga, and Barranquil la, and incorporating rare archival footage, the program features the author him self and the people of whom he writes. (60 minutes)</td><td>1981</td><td>60</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1974_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1974_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10708</td><td>Gabriela Mistral: Focused on Love</td><td>Reco gnized from an early age as a poet of remarkable ability, the writer who was to become known as Gabriela Mistral was the first Latin American woman to be awarde d the prestigious Nobel Prize, in 1945. Composed of archival footage and comment ary from scholars and friends who discuss the personal events that affected her life and infused her work with its themes of tragic love and unfulfilled materna l love, this program provides an in-depth portrait of one of Latin America's mos t gifted poets. (Spanish, 26 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1975_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1975_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>29170</td><td>Gabriela Mistral: Focused on Love</td><td>Reco gnized from an early age as a poet of remarkable ability, the writer who was to become known as Gabriela Mistral was the first Latin American woman to be awarde d the prestigious Nobel Prize, in 1945. Composed of archival footage and comment ary from scholars and friends who discuss the personal events that affected her life and infused her work with its themes of tragic love and unfulfilled materna l love, this program provides an in-depth portrait of one of Latin America's mos t gifted poets. (Spanish with English subtitles, 28 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><t d>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1976_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1976_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8129</td><td>The Gaia Hypothesis</td><td>In this program, Ja mes Lovelock explains the development and evolution of his Gaia hypothesis, whic h considers the Earth as an intimately linked system of physical, chemical, and biological processes, interacting in a self-regulating way to maintain the condi tions necessary for life. He discusses counterarguments proposed by scientists i ncluding Richard Dawkins. The Daisyworld climatic prototype is explained in deta il through scientific computer graphics and animation. (25 minutes)</td><td>1990 </td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1977_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1977_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7140</td><td>Gambling: Does It Benefit Society?</td><td>Some states and Native American tribes rely on legalized gambling as an essential so urce of income. But has this income really benefited those it was supposed to he lp? This program explores the question by weighing the financial benefits derive d by host communities against the casino's detrimental effects on local business . Are casinos investing in communities, as suggested by supporters, or diverting the money elsewhere? Living conditions among those in communities with casinos are compared with other similar communities. Experts include a casino manager, a professor of economics, and an anti-gambling activist. (29 minutes)</td><td>199 7</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1978_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1978_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29790</td><td>Gambling on the Future: Internet Gaming</td><t d>Gambling is the world's third-largest industry, and the Web has made it more g lobal than ever. One in twenty Americans gamble online, an illegal activity unde r the Wire Act which forbids interstate bookmaking over phone lines. This progra m looks at the explosive proliferation of Internet gaming and how America-its pe ople and its government-are reacting to it. To present an overview of gambling i n the electronic era, the video canvasses many perspectives, from Web bookmaker

Victor Chandler to casino owner and publisher Larry Flynt; from Congressional op ponents of Internet gambling, such as John Goodlatte, John Wolf, and Senator Jon Kyle, to Congressman Ron Paul, who opposes regulation of the Web. (50 minutes)< /td><td>2000</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1979_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1979_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7155</td><td>Gambling: The Chance of a Lifetime</td><td>The lure of gambling is the belief that a little money, well placed, will surely bri ng a significant return-although the belief rarely coincides with reality. This program examines gambling both as a harmless social activity and as an addiction . How some people allow gambling to consume their lives, and why they do it, is discussed by a treatment expert and a compulsive gambler. The effect of gambling on both individuals and their families is also examined. (28 minutes)</td><td>& nbsp;</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1980_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1980_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36260</td><td>Game Theory: Lost in New York</td><td>What if twelve strangers were deposited in separate locations all over New York City and ordered to find each other-without being told where to look? This ABC News prog ram presents an intriguing psychological puzzle involving participants who must join up-somehow, somewhere-in a city of eight million people. Incorporating prin ciples from the mathematical discipline known as game theory, the program shows how envisioning the plans and intentions of others, even when utilizing the scan tiest of evidence and the most basic of inferences, can produce a viable strateg y. Commentary from Yale management professor and renowned game theory expert Bar ry Nalebuff is featured. (41 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1981_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1981_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37680</td><td>Gaming</td><td>In this program, three women wi th rewarding careers in the gaming industry describe their work. Dianna Schwanke is a dealer and floor supervisor at a popular casino; Leanne Painter is a 118-p ound jockey who rides and races thoroughbreds; and Suzie Dumont is a game design er and multimedia wiz who produces interactive lotto games. Conversations with c o-workers and supervisors add to the descriptions of each job. (24 minutes)</td> <td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1982_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1982_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>142</td><td>Garcia Lorca: A Murder in Granada</td><td>This i s the authoritative film biography of Garcia Lorca, containing all the family me morabilia, his drawings and paintings, and the only remaining footage of the poe t himself. The principal focus of the film is on Lorca's work. (In Spanish with English narration, 63 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1983_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1983_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>33582</td><td>Garcia Marquez: Un Viaje al Corazon de la Memo ria-in Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>Gabriel Garcia Marquez was born in 1928 in Colombia, where he was raised by grandparents in a house filled with co untless aunts and rumors of ghosts. This program examines the Nobel Laureate's l iterary works for traces of a life story that has been as fascinating as any nov el. Recollections by the renowned author, recounted in his own voice, bring to l ight some of his many memories of his childhood years, Aracataca/Macondo, his wo rk as a journalist and press correspondent, and his career as a writer and story teller. An RTVE Production. (Spanish with English subtitles, 28 minutes)</td><td >2003</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1984_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1984_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>986</td><td>The Garden and the Grid</td><td>Villages may spr ing up but great cities are laid out by surveyors measuring out divisible grids to suit the visions of real estate entrepreneurs, designers of space or social p olicy.The effort to renew the aged, replace the obsolete or provide for growth, to connect business with residential centers and cities with nature, has provide d a range of solutions that range from Colonial reconstruction to urban renewal, from the sublime to the disastrous. This program addresses the various solution s to the problem of bringing the garden into the grid.The program covers Detroit 's Renaissance Center; the buildings and monuments of Washington; H.H. Richardso n's embellishment of North Easton, Mass.; Concord, N.H.'s rediscovery of its pas t; Robert Moses' empire of landscaped highways and public parks; and the archite ctural legacy of the Rockefellers: Rockefeller Center, the Albany Mall, and the Colonial Williamsburg restoration, which seems like a suburb but is actually a c ity-the most compelling model for today. (58 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nb sp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1985_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1985_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>11962</td><td>The Garden of Eden: Ecology, Stewardship, and Christianity</td><td>"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Di vided into segments paralleling the biblical days of creation, this highly visua l program is a gentle call for stewardship of a world that has suffered great ex ploitation at the hands of humankind. Examples of unhealthy practices and though

tless actions are paralleled by initiatives to improve the planet, including env ironmentally friendly power generation and high-efficiency automobiles. (44 minu tes)</td><td>2000</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1986_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1986_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33230</td><td>Gary Hill: Transcending the Senses</td><td>Gar y Hill's transformative films, performances, and video installations offer reson ant philosophic and poetic insights as he explores the tensions that reverberate among electronic media, language, the senses, and the self. In this program, Hi ll uses a number of his pieces to investigate otherness and ambiguity, dislocati on of the senses, the boundary between words and comprehension, the physicality of text, and figurative interactivity. Featured works include Wall Piece; Crossb ow; Liminal Objects; Reflex Chamber; Conundrum; Remarks on Color; Suspension of Disbelief; I Believe It Is an Image in Light of the Other; Why Do Things Get in a Muddle? (Come on Petunia); CRUX; Primarily Speaking; and Mediations. Contains brief nudity. (54 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1987_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1987_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3618</td><td>Gas Volumes</td><td>After looking at the unsuit ability of ordinary containers, this program puts forth gas volume as a possible container for measuring the mass of atoms. A concert hall serves as a model for this container, as it has a fixed number of seats, which always hold the same n umber of people, no matter what size they are. (10 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td >10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1988_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1988_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10131</td><td>Gases and States of Matter</td><td>In part one of this program, chemistry authorities, including "Helium Man" and two janitors , lay down the law-Boyle's Law, Graham's Law, and Dalton's Law. They also presen t the Kinetic Molecular Theory and the Ideal Gas Equation and elaborate on parti al pressures and the difference between diffusion and effusion. Part two investi gates kinetic energy; ion-dipole, dipole-dipole, and London dispersion forces; h ydrogen bonds; phase diagrams; and vapor pressure. (33 minutes)</td><td>2000</td ><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1989_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1989_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>25478</td><td>Gasoline Injection System Operation</td><td>Th is program explains the operation of an electronic fuel injection system. Comput er-generated animation and actual components are used to show how a modern fuel injection system functions. The information in this video applies to all makes a nd models of cars using electronic fuel injection. A Meridian Production. (29 mi nutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1990_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1990_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25480</td><td>Gasoline Injection System Service</td><td>This program explores the basic tests and repairs on an electronic fuel injection s ystem. It discusses how to isolate the problem and the systems, tests, and repai rs needed to fix typical gasoline injection system malfunctions. A Meridian Prod uction. (27 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1991_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1991_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5737</td><td>Gathering Data</td><td>Different types of resea rch; patterns; and the need for careful, organized gathering of data are discuss ed. (10 minutes)</td><td>1985</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1992_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1992_l blPrice">$45.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6852</td><td>A Gathering of Men</td><td>In this two-part pro gram, noted American poet Robert Bly and Bill Moyers explore how men think about themselves, their fathers, their sons, and their roles in society. Bly discusse s the need for intimate emotional contact between fathers and sons, and talks ab out how his own poor relationship with an alcoholic father deprived him of the a bility to express grief. He laments the loss of meaningful rites of passage for today's young males. The influence of male mentors is discussed as important to the nurturing of sound male identity. The male tendency to confuse manliness wit h physically aggressive behavior is equated with inadequate fathering. The notio n of the warrior, instilled in younger men by mentors, is discussed as a charact er-building element that helps young males recognize behavioral boundaries. A gr oup of men at a workshop share with Moyers their concerns about their own male-t o-male relationships, and their confusion over their role in society. (2 parts, 50 minutes and 38 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1993_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1993_l blPrice">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr>

<td>2252</td><td>Gaudi: The Spirit of Barcelona</td><td>Antoni G audi was the enfant terrible of Catalan architecture-a genius whose Gothic inspi ration and daring taste transformed Barcelona from a city evolving layer by laye r and style by style from an ancient past into a dramatic statement of timeless individuality. Gaudi's architectural creations-park benches, buildings, the Cath edral-are relatively few in number but so powerful that they dominate the vistas and the mood of the city. Filmmaker Luis Bunuel imbues this program with the st range, intense, miraculous spirit of Gaudi as he covers both the scope and the i ndividual detail of his architectural creations. (30 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td ><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1994_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1994_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3084</td><td>Gawain and the Green Knight</td><td>This beauti fully dramatized version of the late-14th-century poem offers a bonanza to the E nglish teacher: one of the best known of the Arthurian legends, a portrait of li fe in Arthurian days as the Pearl poet imagined it, a baker's dozen of discussio n topics about human virtue and human imperfectibility-and a fascinating plot in volving a challenge by the Green Knight (green is of course the color of magic), who departs Arthur's castle holding his own head, which Gawain has just lopped off; Gawain's quest to keep his word and prove his worthiness while remaining al ive; and the very moral surprise ending. (76 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td>76</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1995_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1995_l blPrice">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35362</td><td>Gay in Middle America: One Town's Struggle wit h Religion and Bigotry</td><td>An excellent sociological case study, this ABC Ne ws program examines the plight of Michael Shackelford, a 17-year-old homosexual struggling for acceptance in small-town Oklahoma. The video outlines the develop ment of Shackelford's situation: his early awareness of his sexual orientation, his inability to conform and placate his mother, the attention he receives in a Washington Post article, and the subsequent media abuse he and his church endure as a result. Complex and surprising in its observations-especially those concer ning Shackelford's Bible Belt community-the program sheds light on America's inc reasingly troublesome cultural divisions. (23 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>22</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1996_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1996_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33377</td><td>Gay Marriage and the Constitution</td><td>This ABC News program looks at the constitutional controversy over gay marriage as i t exploded in both Massachusetts and California in February 2004. Is it a matter of civil rights or human rights? Should it be addressed at a state level or a f ederal level? Ted Koppel moderates a debate about gay marriage and its legal ram

ifications with Representative Barney Frank, conservative political activist Gar y Bauer, and San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, who arranged for the issuance of marriage licenses to eligible same-sex couples because the California Family Cod e is allegedly in violation of the state's constitution in the matter of gay mar riage. (22 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1997_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1997_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6513</td><td>GDP and the Multiplier Process</td><td>In the f irst of two programs on fiscal policy, we take a behind-the-scenes look at the a ggregate demand curve. Key concepts include how the equilibrium level of GDP is determined and how the multiplier process works. (28 minutes)</td><td>1993</td>< td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1998_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1998_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10739</td><td>Geisha</td><td>Their world is ruled by a stric t code of privacy and silence, and in Japan their title is a byword for exotic a llure. Called "entertainers" by some and "prostitutes" by others, the geisha are a secretive sorority in high demand by members of Japan's wealthy elite. Filmed in collaboration with Arthur Golden, author of the best-selling Memoirs of a Ge isha, this program captures the geisha mystique while documenting the experience s of two maiko, geisha-in-training. Additional interviews with clients, patrons, and others offer insights into contemporary Japanese culture and a profession t hat is slowly fading away. (51 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1999_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl1999_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37146</td><td>Geisha: The Twilight of the Flowers</td><td>Ev en today, the geisha epitomize the beauty of Japan's past. But theirs is a dying profession as the glare of Tokyo neon competes with the more mellow glow of Kyo to. Drawing on interviews with the world-renowned Mineko Iwasaki and other geish a and those who idolize them, this program places the geisha squarely in the con text of contemporary Japan. In addition to background on the geisha mystique-the clothing, the makeup, the exhaustive training in the arts-the program dispels t he distorted image of geisha as courtesans and illustrates their efforts to reta in their significance while adapting themselves to a world of commercialism and technology. (54 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2000_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2000_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>35637</td><td>The Gender Puzzle</td><td>Science is identifyi ng new biological processes that determine a person's sex. How will these findin gs affect the transgender and transsexual community? This program explores the l atest research into gender development and the medical, cultural, and legal issu es at the heart of the "brain sex" school of thought. Showing how human genome r esearch has shifted scientific focus away from chromosomes, the video examines t he role of brain receptors and the discovery of the SRY protein, which establish es maleness. Interviews featuring people with intersex and transsexual experienc es shed light on how gender identity emerges, and how it figured into one man's legal battle for the right to marry. (46 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>46</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2001_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2001_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36226</td><td>The Gene Machine</td><td>Expanding on the subj ect of DNA, this intro-level program explores the central processes that govern the continuation of all life. Beginning with a discussion of Watson and Crick's pivotal 1953 paper describing the structure of DNA and its possible role in here dity, the program describes Crick's collaboration with Sydney Brenner in solving the DNA-to-protein puzzle and the role of RNA in protein synthesis. Mutagenic a gents, restriction enzymes and plasmids, and the use of bacteria as model system s for genetic engineering are explored. The film also highlights the emergence o f controversy resulting from genetic experimentation with higher organisms. A vi ewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. (30 minutes)</td><td>20 03</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2002_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2002_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32296</td><td>General Machinist</td><td>Machinists work in m any specialized areas to make parts for the manufacturing industry. This program examines key skills, such as being able to measure with great accuracy and atte ntion to detail; the outlook for jobs in the industry, which is wide open; and p erks like good wages and company benefits. (17 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>18< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2003_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2003_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34683</td><td>General Motors: Driving the World from Detroit ?</td><td>With hundreds of thousands of employees worldwide, a net worth in the billions, and a dozen brands, General Motors is at the center of the political d ebate over globalization, the environment, and the future of the U.S. economy. I n this program, GM President and CEO Rick Wagoner talks with BBC Chief Washingto n Correspondent Matt Frei. Topics under discussion include America's unending lo ve affair with cars, the environmental impact of automobiles, and a dilemma shar

ed by all domestic car manufacturers: faced with increasing international compet ition and an already slim profit margin that is steadily shrinking, how can thei r industry possibly remain viable? Original BBCW broadcast title: Who Runs Ameri ca? Rick Wagoner. (30 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2004_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2004_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34505</td><td>Generating Career Options</td><td>Techniques f or generating a list of career possibilities are featured in this video. Student s are encouraged to brainstorm ideas and emphasize quantity over quality of idea s at this stage of the process. (28 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2005_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2005_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38963</td><td>Generation Next 2.0</td><td>What distinguishes the members of Generation Next from their predecessors? This program-a sequel t o the celebrated public television documentary Generation Next (item #36957)-loo ks at the beliefs, concerns, and goals that galvanize young people today. Renown ed broadcast journalist Judy Woodruff guides viewers across the United States an d into the lives of America's future leadership. In their early 20s, John and Ka tie Fiske are already married and own an apartment. Ex-gang member Leo Vazquez i s also married and turning his life around. Newspaper editor John Allan Clark ha s brought the idealism of Generation Next to his hometown weekly. And openly gay Jarrett Lucas speaks at Christian colleges, while Villanova student Jon Reimer is an outspoken conservative and evangelical Christian. (58 minutes)</td><td>200 7</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2006_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2006_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36957</td><td>Generation Next: Speak Up. Be Heard.</td><td>I n this revealing documentary, celebrated NewsHour and Frontline journalist Judy Woodruff takes viewers across the United States to examine the lives of 16- to 2 5-year-olds-a demographic that many are calling "Generation Next." The program d emystifies an age group that is hooked on technology, generally supportive of ga y rights and racial differences, but also swamped in debt and facing uncertain c areer paths. Traveling through the Northeast, the South, the Great Plains, and t he West, the program combines the candor of face-to-face conversations with the findings of an extensive Pew Research Center survey conducted among Generation N exters. (58 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2007_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2007_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>30153</td><td>The Generation of '27-in Spanish</td><td>At th e heart of the Generation of '27 lies experimentation with a host of popular art istic as well as political "isms" including neo-Gongorism, Ultraism, Creationism , Surrealism, socialism, and communism. In this program, renowned experts profil e key members of this post-World War I group. Dramatic readings include excerpts from Luis Cernuda's Donde Habite el Olvido, Rafael Alberti's "Cita Triste de Ch arlot," Ramon Gomez de la Serna's Flor de Greguerias, Pedro Salinas's La Voz a T i Debida, and Federico Garcia Lorca's Romancero Gitano, Bodas de Sangre, Poeta e n Nueva York, and "Romance Sonambulo." (Spanish, 50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><t d>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2008_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2008_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30167</td><td>The Generation of '27-in Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>At the heart of the Generation of '27 lies experimentation wit h a host of popular artistic as well as political "isms" including neo-Gongorism , Ultraism, Creationism, Surrealism, socialism, and communism. In this program, renowned experts profile key members of this post-World War I group. Dramatic re adings include excerpts from Luis Cernuda's Donde Habite el Olvido, Rafael Alber ti's "Cita Triste de Charlot," Ramon Gomez de la Serna's Flor de Greguerias, Ped ro Salinas's La Voz a Ti Debida, and Federico Garcia Lorca's Romancero Gitano, B odas de Sangre, Poeta en Nueva York, and "Romance Sonambulo." (Spanish with Engl ish subtitles, 50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2009_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2009_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30152</td><td>The Generation of '98-in Spanish</td><td>A pas sionate dissatisfaction with Spain's immediate past and a keen awareness of the need for a rebirth of spirit and letters was a mindset held in common by a dispa rate group of writers later renowned as the Generation of '98. They also enjoyed a shared love of old towns and the countryside and early poets such as Berceo a nd Juan Ruiz. This program seeks to understand the icons of that Generation thro ugh dramatic readings from Antonio Machado's El Manana Efimero and Campos de Cas tilla, Miguel Unamuno's La Soledad de la Hispana Castellana and El Sepulcro de D on Quijote, Pia Baroja's El Arbol de la Ciencia, Jose "Azorin" Martinez Ruiz's C astilla, and other works. (Spanish, 50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2010_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2010_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30166</td><td>The Generation of '98-in Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>A passionate dissatisfaction with Spain's immediate past and a keen awareness of the need for a rebirth of spirit and letters was a mindset he ld in common by a disparate group of writers later renowned as the Generation of

'98. They also enjoyed a shared love of old towns and the countryside and early poets such as Berceo and Juan Ruiz. This program seeks to understand the icons of that Generation through dramatic readings from Antonio Machado's El Manana Ef imero and Campos de Castilla, Miguel Unamuno's La Soledad de la Hispana Castella na and El Sepulcro de Don Quijote, Pia Baroja's El Arbol de la Ciencia, Jose "Az orin" Martinez Ruiz's Castilla, and other works. (Spanish with English subtitles , 50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2011_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2011_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30802</td><td>Genes on Trial: Genetics, Behavior, and the La w</td><td>Could genetic research stigmatize people who carry a "bad" gene? Could their behavior actually be determined by that gene? If so, then just how free i s free will? Moderated by Harvard Law School's Charles Ogletree, this Fred Frien dly Seminar scrutinizes social, ethical, and legal issues involving genetic rese arch into undesirable traits such as addiction to alcohol by exploring the relat ionship between the genetic basis for addiction and the limits of personal respo nsibility. Panelists include U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer; journali st Gwen Ifill, managing editor of Washington Week in Review; high-profile attorn ey Johnnie Cochran, Jr.; Alan McGowan, president of The Gene Media Forum; Patric ia King, Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Law, Medicine, Ethics, and Public Polic y at the Georgetown University Law Center; and David Goldman, chief of the Labor atory of Neurogenetics at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism . (58 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2012_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2012_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10622</td><td>Genetic Discoveries, Disorders, and Mutations< /td><td>This program analyzes the contributions of Mendel and Darwin, the transm ission of single- and multiple-gene disorders, and genetic mutation. Following a description of Mendel's landmark pea-breeding experiments, the principles of he redity are applied to the spread of congenital conditions such as cystic fibrosi s, hemophilia, myotonic dystrophy, and Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The second h alf of the program centers on types of mutation, including point mutation, delet ion, frame shifting, insertion, and gross chromosomal abnormality. Darwin's theo ry of natural selection is considered as well. (23 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td >26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2013_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2013_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30532</td><td>Genetic Engineering</td><td>This program offer s an overview of genetics and cloning as they occur both in nature and in the la boratory while addressing the ethical and social implications of genetic enginee ring. Genes, chromosomes, and DNA are identified, and the process of cell fertil ization is demonstrated. Identical human twins are presented as an example of na

turally occurring clones. The synthesis of human insulin using recombinant DNA t echnology, the production of alpha-1 antitrypsin using the milk of transgenic sh eep, and the reproductive cloning of animals illustrate applications of genetic engineering. And a case study involving spinal muscular atrophy acts as a platfo rm for discussing therapeutic cloning. (20 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>20</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2014_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2014_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11730</td><td>Genetic Engineering: Dreams and Nightmares</td ><td>In this three-part series, the University of Leeds' David Cove-coauthor of A Primer of Genetics and former Cambridge lecturer-addresses the mechanics of DN A replication and the subject of genetic engineering with clarity, precision, an d objectivity. Computer animation, time-lapse photography, fluoroscopic and micr oscopic imaging, diagrams, and Dr. Cove's good-natured presentation style help m ake the complexities of genetics easy to understand while promoting a balanced d iscussion of controversial issues. 3-part series, 14-21 minutes each.</td><td>20 01</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2015_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2015_l blPrice">$389.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11731</td><td>Genetic Engineering, Part 1: How DNA Works</td ><td>Any discussion of genetic engineering first requires a knowledge of how org anisms replicate. In this program, Dr. David Cove describes the structure and fu nction of DNA as he covers how coding sequences and promoters work together to c reate proteins from amino acids. DNA's remarkable suitability as a medium for du plicating the blueprints of life both rapidly and accurately in a simple yet pre cise language is emphasized. (16 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2016_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2016_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11732</td><td>Genetic Engineering, Part 2: How Genes Are Eng ineered</td><td>How does cDNA differ from normal DNA? Can a bullet really implan t genes? And why is a gene for bioluminescence so valuable to researchers? This program answers those and other questions as it introduces the process of geneti c engineering. Dr. David Cove deftly explains how reverse transcriptase is used to isolate genes, how isolated genes are cloned, how cloned genes are delivered via benign virus or "DNA gun," and how the effects of delivered genes are tracke d by reporter genes. (14 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2017_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2017_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>11733</td><td>Genetic Engineering, Part 3: Applications and Issues</td><td>Many scientists and consumers believe that genetic engineering wi ll vastly improve life on Earth, while others believe it will spell the ruin of the planet. What are the facts behind the rhetoric and the hysteria? In this pro gram, Dr. David Cove surveys past and probable future applications of genetic en gineering while calmly presenting possible benefits and liabilities. The case is stated for genetically modified crops; microorganism-produced human insulin; en gineered vaccines, which involve no disease-causing microbes; and the diagnosis and cure of gene-based diseases. The concept of risk assessment is also defined. (21 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2018_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2018_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10620</td><td>Genetics: A Popular Guide to the Principles of Human Heredity</td><td>The genomic revolution has pushed gene research to the f orefront of science, stimulating both enthusiasm and concern. Enhanced by sophis ticated computer animation, this engaging series is an indispensable tool for te achers and medical professionals alike. This series is also available as a 3-vid eo and CD-ROM multimedia series-see item #10619.</td><td>1997</td><td>90</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2019_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2019_l blPrice">$299.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33836</td><td>Genetics and Evolution</td><td>What does genet ic diversity mean, and what is its relationship to evolution? This video answers that intriguing question as it summarizes the theory of natural selection and d escribes the process of trait inheritance. Advances stemming from the Human Geno me Project-an ever-deepening understanding of life on Earth, improvements in dis ease detection and treatment, and applications of genomics to agriculture, the e nvironment, and forensic science-are also discussed. A viewable/printable instru ctor's guide is available online. Correlates to National Academy of Sciences Nat ional Science Education Standards and the American Association for the Advanceme nt of Science Benchmarks for Science Literacy. A Cambridge Educational Productio n. Recommended for grades 7-12. (24 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2020_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2020_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35625</td><td>Genital Herpes</td><td>The shock and stigma th at often follow a genital herpes diagnosis are difficult to overcome. This progr am deals with the physical side of the disease-explaining how it is contracted, how it manifests itself, and how it can be treated-as well as its social and emo tional impact. Interviews with distinguished medical professionals shed light on specific developments in the fight against genital herpes, including the advent

of powerful antiviral drugs, the special needs of pregnant women, and the relat ionship between herpes and HIV. Additional commentary from a psychologist who co unsels herpes sufferers reinforces one patient's insistence that "there is life after herpes." (23 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2021_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2021_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31140</td><td>The Genji Scrolls Reborn</td><td>Designated na tional treasures, the picture scrolls of The Tale of Genji were made in the 12th century, 100 years after Murasaki Shikibu wrote her classic story of Buddhist s ensibilities and courtly romance in Japan's Heian period. This program combines readings from chapters corresponding to the paintings with a look at their metic ulous restoration in order to rediscover an enduring literary masterpiece. Digit al technology and painstaking reproductions allow the ancient pictures to be enj oyed in their original splendor, vividly bringing the world's oldest novel to li fe. (60 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2022_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2022_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29045</td><td>Genocide: From Biblical Times Through the Ages </td><td>Although the term "genocide" was coined by humanitarian Rafael Lemkin i n reference to the Turkish expulsion and slaughter of Armenians in the early 20t h century, the phenomenon is as old as civilization. In this program, a variety of experts analyze Biblical accounts and some of the earliest documented example s of genocide, as in the Athenian siege of Milos in 416 BC, to explore the psych ology that motivates such violence. This grim survey of history looks at the ext ermination of Tasmanians, Native Americans, Namibia's Herero tribe, and the Arme nians. Guests include Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel, Executive Director of Amnesty International USA William Schulz, and David Scheffer, U.S. Ambassador at Large f or War Crimes. Viewer discretion is advised. (57 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>5 7</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2023_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2023_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29048</td><td>Genocide: The Horror Continues</td><td>The lat e 20th century produced a sinister euphemism: "ethnic cleansing." This program c oncludes a comprehensive survey of genocide by looking at the most recent exampl es in Iraq, Iran, and Turkey; Burundi and Rwanda; the former Yugoslavia; Indones ia and East Timor; and Chechnya. The role and efforts of the United Nations are discussed as well as what the future holds in trying to prevent genocide. Among many scholars, experts, and survivors interviewed are Jamsheed Marker, former U. S. Ambassador and negotiator to East Timor; Gregory H. Stanton, director of Geno cide Watch; and Joseph Mutaboba, Rwandan Ambassador to the UN. Viewer discretion is advised. (57 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2024_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2024_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34725</td><td>Geocycles</td><td>Planet Earth is an amazing m achine, and we-and our future-are riding on it. This video introduces students t o the Earth system's primary interacting subsystems (the biosphere, geosphere, h ydrosphere, and atmosphere); the nitrogen, carbon, and water cycles; and three s urface processes: weathering, mass-wasting, and erosion. The greenhouse effect, the impact of acid rain on the environment, and diminishing freshwater resources around the world are considered as well. A viewable/printable instructor's guid e is available online. Correlates to National Science Education Standards, Natio nal Educational Technology Standards, and Standards for the English Language Art s. A Cambridge Educational Production. Recommended for grades 7-12. (19 minutes) </td><td>2006</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2025_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2025_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8657</td><td>Geoffrey Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales</td><td> Written in the 14th century, The Canterbury Tales has stood the test of time as a landmark in the development of English literature. This innovative "frame stor y" owes its classic standing and impact to the diversity both of the narrators a nd of the styles of tales they tell. In this program, expert commentators Dr. Ch ristiania Whitehead and Dr. Peter Mack, both of the University of Warwick, discu ss the tradition of 14th-century poetry, the General Prologue, Chaucer's social grouping of the pilgrims and the themes they explore, and the poem as a reflecti on of Medieval English society. Dramatic reenactments of the pilgrims on horseba ck and numerous period images help bring the tales to life. (33 minutes)</td><td >1998</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2026_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2026_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5727</td><td>Geography Skills</td><td>Geography Skills uses computer animation to illustrate the tools and techniques that geographers use t o interpret the physical world. Clearly and engagingly, the series introduces st udents to several methods of map creation and interpretation, gathering data, an d solving geography problems. Its skill-based approach to training students in t he representation of the real world makes it an ideal classroom aid. 12-part ser ies, 10 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2027_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2027_l blPrice">$551.40<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr>

<td>11666</td><td>Geologic Past of the Southwest</td><td>This pr ogram researches the ancient environments of the Southwest by investigating an I ce Age cave, a Tyrannosaurus dig in the Bisti Badlands, volcanic activity at El Malpais National Monument, and fossilized mammal footprints near the Rio Puerco. (26 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2028_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2028_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36390</td><td>Geometric Optics: Reflection</td><td>What does a mirror tell us about light? This cluster of 11 computer-animated video units delves into one aspect of light's behavior-reflection. Euclid's geometric optics and his findings on the perception of distance and perspective lead to a discus sion of the Law of Reflection-linking angle of incidence with angle of reflectio n-and the concepts of absorption, transmission, and diffuse reflection. The prin ciples involved with plane, concave, and convex mirrors are explained, including vertex, principle axis, center of curvature, radius of curvature, and virtual i mage. A group of "mirror equations" show how an object's location can be determi ned using the laws of reflection. (56 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2029_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2029_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36391</td><td>Geometric Optics: Refraction</td><td>The speed of light is constant in a vacuum-but what about in the everyday world? This col lection of 23 computer-animated video shorts examines the behavior of light as i t passes through physical substances. Outlining Ptolemy's Law of Refraction and the concept of angle of incidence, the program examines light's motion through a ir, water, glass, and other media. Snell's Law, highlighting the importance of a refractive index, is explored, along with displacement, deviation, dispersion, and the role of refraction in fiber optics. Lens types including bi-convex, conv ex meniscus, plano-convex, and concave models are studied, in addition to telesc opes, magnifying glasses, and the human eye. (70 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>7 0</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2030_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2030_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10224</td><td>Geometry Basics</td><td>This program presents the building blocks that every student of geometry needs to understand. Topics a ddressed include inductive and deductive reasoning; terminology such as points, lines, planes, and space; six core postulates; five essential theorems; and how to express theorems in their statement, converse, inverse, contrapositive, and b iconditional forms. (19 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2031_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2031_l

blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35219</td><td>George Eastman House: Picture Perfect</td><td> Located on the estate of the man who made Kodak a household word, the George Eas tman House celebrates the art, technology, and impact of photography and motion pictures. This program goes behind the scenes with curators and archivists at Ea stman's colonial revival mansion in Rochester, New York-now the oldest photograp hy museum in the world-to showcase its famous collections. The Eastman House is a vital stop on the journey to understanding visual literacy. A viewable/printab le educator's guide is available online. (28 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>28</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2032_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2032_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33348</td><td>George Eliot: A Scandalous Life</td><td>She di sobeyed the social mores of her time, defied the critics bent on her destruction , and maintained her reputation by her brilliant books. Along with Charles Dicke ns, she was one of the two most successful novelists in Victorian England. This program offers a concise biography of George Eliot, exploring the complexities a nd contradictions of her personal character and the achievements of her writing career. Dramatizations from some of her greatest works, including Middlemarch an d The Mill on the Floss, complement this detailed study. A BBCW Production. (60 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2033_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2033_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29997</td><td>George Frideric Handel</td><td>Handel always k new how to succeed. His Italian operas took London by storm, but when the public rejected music in foreign languages he gave them the oratorio in English. And w hen the Royal Academy of Music folded, Handel revived it under a scheme of subsc riptions and box-office receipts and modern theater was born. This program trace s Handel's distinguished career, focusing on his great output of operas and orat orios, the most famous of which is his Messiah. Musical directors Christophe Rou sset and William Christie discuss his innovations. A wide range of his music is sampled, including Dixit Dominus, Water Music, Rinaldo, Julius Caesar, Royal Fir eworks Music, Solomon, and Concerto for Organ No. 5, Op. 4, as well as "Fammi Ca mbaterre" from Orlando, as sung by Felicity Palmer. (27 minutes)</td><td>1998</t d><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2034_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2034_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2728</td><td>George Orwell's 1984</td><td>Anthony Burgess ex amines Orwell's achievement, starting with the accuracy of his predictions for t

he future. Burgess shows how the novel 1984 sprang from the main concerns of Orw ell's earlier work and suggests that Orwell identified areas in which human free dom has always been, and continues to be, threatened. (27 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp ;</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2035_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2035_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35985</td><td>George Sand: The Story of Her Life</td><td>Sur veying the uncompromising life and career of the erstwhile Amandine Aurore-Lucie Dupin, this program familiarizes viewers with her literary output, political be liefs, and the widely varied circles she inhabited. Beginning with her birth in Paris, the film describes Sand's semi-aristocratic upbringing, stifling marriage , turbulent romances, creative evolution, and visionary proto-feminist stance. S and's memoir excerpts and artworks are featured; her stays in Venice and Mallorc a and her experiences in Paris during the Revolution of 1848 are also detailed a long with analysis of her major novels, including Indiana, Les Maitres Sonneurs, Le Peche de Monsieur Antoine, and many others. (53 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><t d>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2036_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2036_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10493</td><td>George Steiner: Vienna 1900</td><td>Behind 190 0 Vienna's facade of elegance and affluence, a new generation of artists, musici ans, writers, and thinkers was struggling to escape the straitjacket of Austro-H ungarian society. In this vintage program, George Steiner, one of the great lite rary minds of the 20th century, presents his wide-ranging theories on time, lang uage, and culture within the context of Vienna in 1900-a city and time that gave the world Wittgenstein, Schoenberg, Klimt, Freud, and even Hitler. "Why this lo ok at Vienna at the turn of the century? Because that Vienna now surrounds us," says Steiner. "To speak of Vienna 1900 is to speak very directly of our own cond ition." (47 minutes)</td><td>1985</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2037_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2037_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3281</td><td>The Georgians (1714-1790)</td><td>Social barrie rs were crumbling, and this showed in fashion. Elegance was the goal. His fancy huge cuffs were proof that the wearer was a gentleman; he couldn't work in such garb. When George III came to the throne (he who lost the American colonies), he was the youngest monarch since Elizabeth, and the general style became younger. As he grew older, coiffures became larger, and some of the decorations-fruits, feathers, sculptural ornaments like ships-made such cozy nests for rodents and v ermin that they were eventually banned. (26 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>26</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2038_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2038_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34428</td><td>Geothermal Energy: Tapping the Earth's Heat</t d><td>This Science Screen Report looks at a clean and renewable energy source th at is steadily gaining scientific acceptance: hot dry rocks, otherwise known as enhanced geothermal systems. The program shows how masses of heated granite appr oximately 3 miles underground can be accessed with advanced drilling and compute r imaging techniques, and how water forced through fissures in the granite can g enerate steam to produce electricity. A solid foundation for studying emerging a lternatives to fossil fuels. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is availabl e online. Produced in association with the Accreditation Board for Engineering a nd Technology and the Junior Engineering Technical Society. (15 minutes)</td><td >2000</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2039_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2039_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38803</td><td>Gerasa: City of the Decapolis</td><td>The Deca polis was a group of ten cities on the eastern frontier of the Roman Empire, and Gerasa, known also in antiquity as Antioch on the Golden River and today as Jer ash, is the best-preserved of them all. In this program, Jean-Francois Salles an d other members of the French Institute of the Near East-Amman exhibit their eff orts at Gerasa, including the ongoing stone-by-stone restoration of the immense Temple of Zeus. The rich history of this region-a place of contest and conquest for the Greeks, Nabateans, Hasmoneans, and Romans-and the curious plan of the ci ty itself are given special attention. (28 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>28</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2040_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2040_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31344</td><td>Geriatric Medicine: Innovations and Applicatio ns</td><td>In Europe and America alike, senior citizens are poised to become the defining demographic group. What is the Western medical community doing to bett er serve this vital population? To find out, this documentary travels to Germany , a progressive locus of geriatric research and elder-care innovation. Topics in clude anti-aging therapies, quality-of-life issues, post-hospitalization rehabil itation programs, courses that promote independence and overall well-being, seni or-friendly household appliances, and remarkable genetic experiments with worms that have succeeded in doubling the creatures' life spans and improving their he alth. A Deutsche Welle Production. (26 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2041_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2041_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>35323</td><td>German Lutheran Churches</td><td>When Lutheran ism was born, the need for a new style of church was born along with it. Drawing on architectural examples from Germany and North America, this video connects p rinciples of Lutheranism-for example, that everyone in the congregation should b e able to see and hear everything that goes on in a service-to church shape, sea ting arrangement, and the placement of the altar, the pulpit, and the baptismal font. The religion's Roman Catholic roots are examined as well, in order to see how they influenced the design of these churches. (25 minutes)</td><td>2005</td> <td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2042_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2042_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5999</td><td>The Germans: Portrait of a New Nation</td><td>I ts size, geography, economic strength, and military potential assure Germany a c entral role in shaping the post-Cold War world. Despite its strengths, though, G ermany also faces a number of challenges in the post-unification era. To underst and better the profound changes taking place in Germany today, this program prof iles individuals and families from both former East and West Germany and feature s interviews with leading public officials and experts, including an exclusive i nterview with German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. (57 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>5 7</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2043_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2043_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37613</td><td>Get 1.1 Billion's Attention: India's Vast Car Market</td><td>With its population of 1.1 billion people, India is emerging as a huge market for companies around the world. This program focuses on the industr y that truly embodies the material desires of middle-class Indian consumers: aut omobile production. With projected sales exceeding five million cars every year in the near future, competition among automakers is heating up across the subcon tinent. Among the players are Ford, which has undertaken a zero-interest rate ca mpaign; Japan's Suzuki Motors, which currently holds a 50 percent share of the m arket; and South Korea's Hyundai, which sells a car tall enough to accommodate t urban-wearing passengers. Viewers will get a detailed view of this take-no-priso ners marketing war and gain an understanding of many sea changes occurring in In dian consumer culture. Not available in French-speaking Canada. (60 minutes)</td ><td>2007</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2044_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2044_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34652</td><td>Get Cartier! Defending a Crown</td><td>As a ma rket leader in high-end jewelry, Cartier has long defended its turf against the likes of Tiffany and Bulgari. But recently, luxury goods label Louis Vuitton lau nched its own line of fine jewelry-a move interpreted as a direct attack on the

king of jewelers. In this program, award-winning business journalist Virginia Ea stman gains unprecedented access to super-exclusive Cartier parties and PR event s to observe the company's strategy for retaining its dominant position as jewel er to royalty, celebrities, and the seriously wealthy. Original BBCW broadcast t itle: Get Cartier! (30 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2045_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2045_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33334</td><td>Get In, Stay In</td><td>Issues of race and cla ss have turned the college experience into an obstacle course that is deterring many of America's brightest students from graduating with a four-year degree. Th is video counters cultures of low expectation and social isolation with three st and-out initiatives that are helping students get into college-and stay in. Feat ured in this video are: the Meyerhoff Scholars Program, a national model for tal ented minority students studying science, engineering, math, and computer scienc e; The Puente Project; the East Los Angeles College program, which bridges the t ransition gap between two- and four-year institutions; and the Twenty-first Cent ury Scholars Program, which is raising educational aspirations among Indiana's l ow- and moderate-income families. (57 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2046_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2046_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11319</td><td>Get It On! Working Your Way to Opening Night</ td><td>Rewrites and rehearsals are the final steps of crafting a play. But how d oes a playwright interest a theater company in the first place? In this program, Richard Wherret, Alana Valentine, Will Dunne, Ros Horin, and other theater prof essionals examine the process of rewriting and the role of the playwright in reh earsals-as well as how to sell a play in the drama marketplace. Common pitfalls of writing for the stage are also addressed, along with the benefits and drawbac ks of writing for other mediums, such as film and TV. The key to success as a pl aywright? "Write from the heart," says Wherret. (27 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><t d>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2047_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2047_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34760</td><td>Get Organized! Managing School, Life, and Fun< /td><td>Lost backpacks, unfinished homework, missed carpools...disorganization i sn't just annoying-it can seriously jeopardize a student's future. This video te aches young people the value of personal management skills, and provides tips an d strategies for getting organized in several key areas: living space, school ma terials, study time, extracurricular activities, and social life. Dramatizing si tuations in which a group of teenagers have made themselves miserable through a lack of self-management, the program uses a lighthearted approach that engages y oung viewers, while driving home a serious message: Effective organizational tac tics will be a valuable asset throughout your education and career. A viewable/p

rintable instructor's guide-complete with learning objectives, fast facts, vocab ulary terms, discussion questions, student activities, and other features-is ava ilable online. Correlates to National Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences , National Educational Technology Standards, and Standards for the English Langu age Arts. A Cambridge Educational Production. (23 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td> 23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2048_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2048_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33455</td><td>Get Smart: Learning to Learn</td><td>This prog ram uncovers what happens in our minds when we learn, remember, and imagine. It reveals how neurons and synapses lay down knowledge in the brain; ways to improv e our ability to acquire knowledge, including increased intake of omega-3 fatty acids; how to manipulate memory to recall information more easily; the powerful influence of subliminal messages; and what actually happens during a "eureka mom ent"-and how to have more of them. Stories of a midwife cramming for exams and a firefighter who used intuition to save lives are featured. Original BBCW broadc ast title: Get Smart. (60 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2049_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2049_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36544</td><td>Get Smart: What Consumers Need to Know</td><td >Get smart or get stung! This ABC News program gives new meaning to "let the buy er beware" as it exposes things that some advertisers, restaurant proprietors, a nd dentists would rather people didn't know about-like misleading before-and-aft er photos, questionable charges on the dinner bill, and risks associated with de ntal veneers. Ways to frustrate credit card/ATM thieves are also examined, as ar e approaches to dealing with legal but sneaky tactics sometimes used by police o fficers at traffic stops, sobriety checkpoints, and even a person's home. (38 mi nutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>38</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2050_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2050_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25493</td><td>Get What You Pay For</td><td>This entertaining program dramatizes, with comic effects, what happens to those of us who don't p ractice good consumerism. Many times, people can be taken in by shady service an d sales persons, as well as products and services that promise results that are just too good to be true. Featuring professional actors, this program gives view ers some basic information to avoid being taken advantage of. Watch as a married couple make some basic consumer mistakes, and see how they are able to recogniz e and learn from them, with a little help from a representative of the Better Bu siness Bureau. The comic approach holds the viewer's attention and ensures that the important messages about good consumerism hit home. (20 min.) A Meridian Pro duction.</td><td>1996</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2051_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2051_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25501</td><td>Getting Along with Your Supervisor</td><td>The relationship between supervisors and support staff members can often run off th e smooth road of productivity. The major reason for problems between supervisors and staff is a lack of effective, open communication. This program is a dramati zation of one employee's problems with his supervisor. The information he receiv es from the company's personnel manager gets him on track with how to cope with his supervisor's dramatically different work style. Basic tips for effective sup ervisor/employee relationships are also given, stressing that when support staff helps to make the supervisor look good, it reflects positively upon the staff a s well. (20 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1995</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2052_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2052_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30217</td><td>Getting from Here to There: Donde Esta...?</td ><td>Sightseeing is as much about getting lost-and found again-as it is about vi siting monuments and landmarks. This program demonstrates how to ask for and giv e directions, explains how to say where one lives and works, and illustrates whe n and where Spaniards typically get a bite to eat. Cultural icons such as the Ci ty of Arts and Sciences, near Valencia, and the historic town of Xativa are feat ured. Original BBC broadcast title: Talk Spanish, Program 3. (Spanish and Englis h, 17 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2053_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2053_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29104</td><td>Getting High: Not in the Job Description</td>< td>Whether you work on an assembly line in a factory or write computer programs for a company's accounting department, you have a right to a safe and drug-free work environment. This program is designed to help viewers of all ages understan d their rights and responsibilities on the job, to increase their protection fro m coworkers whose critical thinking and decision-making skills may be impaired t hrough substance abuse. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available onl ine. A Meridian Production. (20 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2054_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2054_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2761</td><td>Getting Out of Business: Privatization and the Modern State</td><td>This program chronicles the rise and fall of the concept th at government does a better job of providing transportation, power, or even empl

oyment, than does private enterprise. Case by case and country by country, it ex plains the philosophy of governmental involvement in business and examines the c onsistent results. The viewpoint is skewed in favor of private ownership and the privatization of government-owned or run industry; but the facts adduced are fa ir and equable, and the omitted arguments in favor of government intervention wi ll spark research and lively discussion of the entire role of government. (59 mi nutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2055_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2055_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5058</td><td>Getting Out the Vote</td><td>This program with Bill Moyers talks to Americans in San Antonio, Minneapolis, and Washington, D.C. , about why they don't vote, and to citizens who are trying to increase voter re gistration and turnout. Featured in the program are Father Andrew Greeley, autho r, priest, and sociologist; and Michael Franti, a rap artist. (39 minutes)</td>< td>1992</td><td>39</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2056_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2056_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11267</td><td>Getting the Story on Social Skills</td><td>Mik e talks with his mouth full, Emma makes weird noises, and Gwen dresses most pecu liarly. Even worse, Greg will not share, Barry never smiles, and Chase acts like a bully. In an effort to help these socially challenged students learn to get a long with their classmates at Fairfield Junior High, the staff of the school new spaper decides to do a story on social skills. This dramatization uses imaginati ve interviews and activities to inform viewers on how to improve their manners, grooming, and nonverbal communication while increasing their respect for others. A Meridian Production. (20 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2057_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2057_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32074</td><td>GFCIs and AFCIs</td><td>Ground-fault and arc-f ault circuit interrupters offer the peace of mind that homeowners want-and the l ife-saving protection that building codes require. After explaining where GFCIs and AFCIs must be used, this video illustrates how to wire GFCI receptacles, GFC I circuit breakers, and AFCIs and then how to test them. A viewable/printable in structor's guide is available online. Correlates to the National Center for Cons truction Education and Research standards. A Shopware Production. (17 minutes)</ td><td>2004</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2058_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2058_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>35897</td><td>The Ghost in Your Genes</td><td>Could the trau ma of a terrorist attack change the genetic characteristics of one's descendants ? This program examines the emerging science of epigenetics, which studies biolo gical heredity unrelated to DNA sequencing. With commentary from leading scienti sts in the field-including geneticist Marcus Pembrey, among the first to observe that dietary stress can produce health problems two generations later-the progr am explores a wide variety of clinical evidence for epigenetic inheritance. An e xperiment focusing on children born shortly after 9/11 evokes the new discipline 's powerful implications. A BBCW Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>5 0</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2059_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2059_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7438</td><td>The Giant Awakes</td><td>This BBC documentary, in three parts, looks beyond the headlines to present a vivid picture of the wor ld's most populous nation-China-as it undergoes economic and social transitions that are both promising and perilous. 3-part series, 50 minutes each.</td><td>&n bsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2060_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2060_l blPrice">$389.85<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4261</td><td>Gibbons v. Ogden</td><td>Does the Constitution give the states or Congress the right to regulate commerce? In 1818, a steamboat was ordered to leave New York waters because it had no license to operate withi n the state. In this case, the Marshall court ruled that the federal government did have the power to regulate commerce and in so doing laid the foundation for a unified American common market. (30 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>30</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2061_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2061_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29352</td><td>A Gift for Math</td><td>Endowed with an elemen tary representation mechanism, the human brain is naturally predisposed toward m athematics. This program seeks to understand the biological basis of humankind's "gift for math"-and why, beyond that baseline computational ability, some peopl e are capable of scaling the highest peaks of mathematical comprehension. Experi ments with animals, studies of very young children, cases involving patients wit h brain injuries, and analysis of brain imaging data are included. (52 minutes)< /td><td>2000</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2062_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2062_l

blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11160</td><td>The Gifted Child</td><td>When a child displays advanced skills in one or more areas of development, a special challenge is set before teachers, parents, and childcare providers alike. This program seeks to foster an understanding of gifted children by identifying their characteristics, addressing their educational needs, and recommending ways to enhance their deve lopment. A Meridian Production. (24 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2063_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2063_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29818</td><td>Gifts from God: Women in Ministry</td><td>In t he last 30 years, women have been enrolling in Christian and Jewish seminaries i n surprising numbers. The Jewish Theological Seminary, for example, which did no t ordain women until 1986, now has a student body that is one-third female. In t his CBS News special, a wide variety of women in ministry discuss their experien ces and triumphs, as well as their frustrations with old prejudices that remain. The program shows how more and more, women's voices are being taken seriously i n mainline religion and how their influence is growing. Produced by CBS NEWS. (2 8 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2064_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2064_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33594</td><td>Girls in Physical Education: Increasing Partic ipation and Success</td><td>Why is it that involvement in physical activity for girls drops off more rapidly than for boys? This is a serious concern, as partic ipation in school physical education programs has been shown to have a positive influence on a person's physical activity later in life. Do girls lose the atten tion of PE teachers who favor nurturing the physical development of boys, or do they make a conscious choice not to participate in the PE system? If so, are the y aware of the harmful ramifications come adulthood? This program examines some of the reasons why girls lose interest in physical education, then focuses on a number of proven strategies to help teachers tackle the problem. (24 minutes)</t d><td>2003</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2065_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2065_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11811</td><td>Giuseppe Verdi</td><td>The life of Giuseppe Ve rdi contained almost as much tragedy and joy as his timeless operas. This beauti fully filmed program traces the long and eventful career of a giant in musical c omposition who vowed to never write an opera again after the fiasco of his first production. Dramatic reenactments, photos, archival footage, and rare recording s from the National Institute of Verdi Studies and La Scala Opera Theatre chroni

cle his prolific creativity as well as his political involvements. Excerpts from Nabucco, La Traviata, Rigoletto, Aida, Macbeth, Otello, and Falstaff, Verdi's f inal triumph composed when he was nearly 80 years of age, provide an engaging sa mpling of his oeuvre. (53 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2066_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2066_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30002</td><td>Giuseppe Verdi</td><td>Considered the greatest of all opera composers, Verdi was a zealous nationalist who wrote his music not to please critics or the aristocracy but to entertain the masses. Known for his soaring arias and unforgettable melodies, his goal was to infuse dramatic power into opera. With paintings, photos, and extensive musical excerpts, this progra m looks at the life and enduring works of Verdi. Opera and stage directors Gerar d Mortier and Lucchino Visconti discuss his contributions to the art. Featured r ecordings include Luciano Pavarotti performing in Rigoletto; Sir George Solti co nducting Falstaff; Herbert von Karajan conducting Messa da Requiem and Otello; a nd selections from Don Carlo, La Traviata, Aida, Nabucco, and Macbeth. (27 minut es)</td><td>1998</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2067_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2067_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29868</td><td>Give Me Your Soul: Life Inside the World of Po rnography</td><td>Commercial pornography, an invisible industry with its own hie rarchy and social structure, nets $8 billion annually. This documentary, by Acad emy Award-nominated director Paul Cowan, reveals the complex tableau of life ins ide the world of film pornography. The video follows several individuals questin g for wealth and notoriety in the sex trade, such as Katie June, who arrives on a bus in L.A. from Tennessee determined to be a porn star. Without sensationalis m or moralizing, the program allows those interviewed to speak frankly and comfo rtably about themselves and their profession. The program contains adult situati ons, language, and nudity. Viewer discretion is advised. (82 minutes)</td><td>20 00</td><td>82</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2068_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2068_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5589</td><td>Glass and Ceramics</td><td>Glass and ceramic ar e some of the oldest man-made materials. This program demonstrates two tradition al glass-making techniques: glass blowing and the art of stained glass windows. It also follows the production of industrial ceramics, explaining that this mate rial is constantly being used in new applications. Finally, we are shown the exp anded use of glass in architecture, where it is increasingly replacing wood and stone. (23 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2069_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2069_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8882</td><td>The Glass Jungle: Surviving the City</td><td>Th is intriguing six-part series reveals how human beings have adapted to life in a modern urban landscape where sensory bombardment is the norm, personal space is a priority, and the term "familiar stranger" actually has meaning. 6-part serie s, 25 minutes each.</td><td>1996</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2070_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2070_l blPrice">$539.70<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37648</td><td>The Glass Menagerie: Character Studies Convers ations</td><td>Tennessee Williams' masterpiece The Glass Menagerie is a prime ex ample of the memory play in modern literature. In this program hosted by Eli Wal lach, former cast members and directors of Menagerie discuss plot and thematic e lements, the characterization of some of theater's most memorable and enduring d ramatic figures, and the era in which the play was written. Commentary is provid ed by Ruby Dee, Olympia Dukakis, Julie Harris, and Molly Regan (Amanda); James N aughton (Jim, the Gentleman Caller); Eric Stoltz and Sam Waterston (Tom); Martha Plimpton (Laura); and directors Mark Brokaw and Austin Pendleton. A viewable/pr intable instructor's guide is available online. A Films for the Humanities & Sci ences Production. (55 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2071_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2071_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35624</td><td>Glaucoma</td><td>People with glaucoma now have a reasonable chance of saving their eyesight-if the disease is detected early e nough. This program focuses on information critical to fighting glaucoma, emphas izing the need for regular eye exams and medical support in the management of th e degenerative ailment. Exploring the risk factors for glaucoma, including its d isproportionate rate among African Americans and its relationship to diabetes an d hypertension, the video covers various treatment strategies, including both su rgery and the optic application of medicine. Viewers will find the program's det ailed graphics helpful in understanding how glaucoma progresses and how it can b e stopped. (28 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2072_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2072_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32266</td><td>Glaziers</td><td>Once your students have taken the tour and seen what the skilled construction trades have to offer, they will want to know more about specific jobs that may interest them. This fast-paced p rogram provides a concise profile of glaziers, looking at educational background , apprenticeships, salary, and the work itself. (13 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><t

d>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2073_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2073_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30323</td><td>Glen Mills Gang: Arrested Without Locks and Ba rs</td><td>Filmed over the course of a year, this documentary goes inside Glen M ills Schools in Pennsylvania, a "boarding school" alternative to prison for abou t 1,000 young members of street gangs convicted of crimes. Sam Ferrainola, the s chool's director, has pioneered a system of rewards and privileges where the you ng men keep themselves under strict surveillance, reporting infractions of the r ules to upperclassmen, or "Big Brothers." Ferrainola stresses that Glen Mills is not a boot camp but an educational institution in which the goal is to bring ab out fundamental changes in behavior without incarceration. The system seems to w ork: of all institutions for juvenile offenders, Glen Mills' 32 percent recidivi sm rate is the lowest in the country. (50 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>50</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2074_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2074_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10046</td><td>The Global Addiction: Dispatches from the War on Drugs</td><td>Can the exploding drug trade be stemmed in the face of a rising demand in the U.S. and Europe and political accommodations and economic realiti es in producer countries? This program studies the drug industry in Colombia, Af ghanistan, Pakistan, and Burma, where UN crop substitution programs are thwarted by governments unwilling or unable to crack down on drug production and by drug lords who use incentives and coercion to increase drug crop yields. The issue i s made more complex by fundamentalist Islamic nations that have reconciled their strict religious beliefs with economic necessity and by the harsh programs Chin a and Japan are using to rehabilitate the growing number of addicts. (41 minutes )</td><td>1999</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2075_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2075_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10831</td><td>Global Business: New Ways to Improve the Botto m Line</td><td>In today's swiftly evolving world economy, change is a fundamenta l determinant of business planning. With a primary focus on Europe, this outstan ding 10-part series-created for instructional use-provides diverse case studies of international companies that exemplify core business concepts in action. 10-p art series, 28-30 minutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2076_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2076_l blPrice">$599.50<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>34993</td><td>Global Capital Market: Risks and Rewards</td>< td>What are the mechanisms that drive international finance? Does worldwide capi tal mobility destabilize the global economy? Do the benefits to investors outwei gh the potential for monetary crises? This program illustrates the flow of inter national capital, analyzes the risks it presents to banking and currency systems , and studies international political structures created to address those risks. The video presents the pros and cons of financial globalization, in the process explaining the concepts of inter-temporal trade, portfolio diversification, inc ome inequality, and capital inflow and outflow. Recounting fiscal catastrophes t hat provoked international alarm-including the 1995 Mexican peso crisis and the 1997 implosion of Asian economies that impacted nations across the world-the pro gram draws parallels between our current investment climate and the so-called Fi rst Age of Globalization in the late 19th century. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production. (33 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>34</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2077_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2077_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7931</td><td>Global Capitalism and the Moral Imperative</td> <td>In the rising tide of the global economy, some boats are riding high, and so me are being left high and dry. Moral leaders warn that global laissez-faire is producing consequences similar to those of the 19th century, when gaps between r ich and poor kept thousands in abject poverty for generations. In this new era o f social Darwinism, moral leaders are asking who in the world community will car e for the needs of the poor, and how it will be accomplished. If economic and po litical reforms are necessary, as they were in the 19th century, we must determi ne who will initiate them, and how they will be enforced. (29 minutes)</td><td>1 998</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2078_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2078_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34169</td><td>Global Cities: Immigration and the World Econo my</td><td>The globalization of the world's economy has brought about massive sh ifts in population-some welcomed, some meeting fear and resistance. This high-en ergy series tours five cities where such changes are evident, gathering perspect ives from New York, Tokyo, London, Frankfurt, and Mexico City. It also studies A merica's increasingly divisive national debate over immigration. 6-part series, 26 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2079_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2079_l blPrice">$539.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32643</td><td>Global Climate Regions</td><td>As visually spe ctacular as it is informative, this program thoroughly surveys the world's varie d climate systems. Using simple color-coded maps based on the Koppen classificat

ion system, the video identifies the characteristics of the following zones: hum id tropical climates, wet-dry tropics, dry climates, subtropical and mid-latitud e deserts and steppes, humid mid-latitude climates, humid subtropics, summer dry subtropics, marine west coasts, humid continentals, sub-arctic climates, polar climates, tundra, and highland climates. (24 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>24</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2080_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2080_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37187</td><td>Global Corporate Citizenship</td><td>Can globa l corporations remain profitable while also fostering social consciousness, envi ronmental stewardship, and respect for local laws? This program explains why tha t is not only possible but necessary in the age of international business. Corpo rate accountability guru Dr. Simon Zadek describes what it means for powerful co mpanies to behave conscientiously, while Profits with Principles coauthor Jane N elson discusses the UN Global Compact concerning industry's role in ecological a nd community health. Equally notable is commentator Oded Grajew, founder of the Ethos Institute for Business and Social Responsibility-which endeavors to counte ract the World Economic Forum's purely monetary globalization model. (28 minutes )</td><td>2005</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2081_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2081_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29441</td><td>The Global Dimension: The Risks of Globalizati on</td><td>Despite unprecedented growth in the world economy as a whole, some 1. 5 billion people in developing countries live in extreme poverty, and the living conditions for twice that number are almost as deplorable. This program investi gates how both trade and financial aid are being used to help Costa Rica and oth er third-world nations bridge the technological divide and gain much-needed know -how so that they can improve their ways of life and prosper in the burgeoning g lobal economy. (26 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2082_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2082_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34990</td><td>Global Economics</td><td>According to most exp erts, globalization is increasing with unstoppable momentum. But the resulting d ebate is heating up just as quickly-and anyone who participates needs a thorough grounding in the issues. This four-part series provides a foundation for studyi ng the political economy of international trade, finance, development, and natur al resource competition. Using concise case studies, straightforward explanation s of complex financial concepts, and interviews with renowned experts-including Dr. Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University, Bank of Israel Governor Dr. Stanley Fi scher, and former World Bank president James Wolfensohn-this series gives viewer s the wide-ranging subject coverage necessary for sustained class dialogue and d iscussion. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production. 4-part series, 33-3

9 minutes each.</td><td>2007</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2083_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2083_l blPrice">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34992</td><td>Global Exchange: Free Trade and Protectionism< /td><td>Did protectionist tariffs initiate the Great Depression? Will free trade across international borders benefit all countries involved, or create winners and losers? Is there any middle ground in the globalization debate? This program surveys the history and politics of cross-border trade, identifying ways that n ations have tried to strengthen, reduce, or prevent it. Outlining the concept kn own as pattern of trade, the video examines cases for and against free trade whi le studying comparative advantage, wage inequality, economies of scale, and the infant industry argument. The evolution of international trade policy is also ex amined, featuring prominent examples of pro- and anti-protectionist measures: th e Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, GATT, NAFTA, the emergence of the World Trade Organiz ation, and more. The success of East Asian economies following World War II high lights the principle of export-oriented industrialization. A Films for the Human ities & Sciences Production. (33 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>34</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2084_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2084_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29435</td><td>The Global Generation: The Human Face Behind G lobalization</td><td>For students trying to understand the baffling complexities of globalization, this timely six-part series provides a powerful springboard f or discourse and debate. Each episode provides a focus on some of the issues and concerns that are rapidly bringing about a new world order. 6-part series, 26 m inutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2085_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2085_l blPrice">$539.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29440</td><td>Global Grassroots: The Ramifications of Global ization</td><td>Faced with increasing cuts in government aid, grassroots organiz ations in the industrialized world are learning valuable lessons from their coun terparts in developing countries. Never having had government funding, third-wor ld assistance programs are showing them how to implement support-free communitybased initiatives. This program demonstrates how "sweat equity" and other techni ques are being used to help people cope with two of the downsides of globalizati on: the disappearance of social safety nets and the widening gap between the wor ld's haves and have-nots. (26 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2086_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2086_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>9351</td><td>The Global Impact of AIDS</td><td>In America, m any AIDS patients receive as much as $25,000 per year in medical assistance, whi le patients in poorer nations receive virtually none. In this program, doctors, members of advocacy organizations, patients, and others assess the current state of AIDS in the U.S., Europe, South Africa, Uganda, Zimbabwe, India, Thailand, C ambodia, and Hong Kong; underscore the value of education and prevention; and st udy the impact of AIDS on society. In places where medical treatment is simply n ot an option, compassion is viewed as a key therapy-a therapy still being learne d in medically advanced America. (50 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2087_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2087_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35376</td><td>Global Jihad</td><td>To better understand the forces behind Islamic terrorism, students need to look beyond the Middle East. T his ABC News program examines the rise of al Qaeda-style fundamentalism in South east Asia, the institutions that support it, and the threats to America that it represents. Investigating the organization known as Jemaah Islamiyah-and an Indo nesian boarding school that is, essentially, the group's West Point-the video so rts through one of the most troubling paradoxes of the war on terror: how milita nt Islam appears to be supported by a unified global network while regional and national groups carry out their own, independent brands of jihad. (22 minutes)</ td><td>2004</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2088_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2088_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29437</td><td>The Global Marketplace: The Benefits of Global ization</td><td>In an age of globalization, companies are scrambling to blend th e ideals of social justice with the concept of a free-market economy. Drawing on case studies from around the world, this program focuses on progressive efforts being made by businesses to unite profits and principles. Issues under consider ation include the practice of social responsibility through ethical investment p olicies and codes of conduct, the human and environmental costs of unscrupulous manufacturing, and a renewed emphasis on good employee/employer and supplier/ret ailer relations. (26 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2089_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2089_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8526</td><td>Global Media</td><td>Sixties' media philosopher Marshall McLuhan predicted the coming of a Global Village in which telecommunic ations technology would figuratively shrink the world. Satellites, the Internet, multinational communications giants, and the ubiquity of televisions and comput ers have more than helped realize his prophecy. Who are the big players and what kind of village have they wrought? As American music, TV, film, sports, fashion

, and food spread worldwide and push aside the local fare, are we guilty of cult ural imperialism? This insightful program looks at a variety of issues surroundi ng the growth of media in the era of the international audience. (28 minutes)</t d><td>1997</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2090_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2090_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29439</td><td>The Global Neighborhood: What Can Happen with Globalization</td><td>Globalization is uniting the people of planet Earth as pol itical and economic forces work to create a more centralized world. Internal aff airs of sovereign nations are no longer off limits to the global community, and the principle of humanitarian intervention is gaining widespread acceptance. Thi s program documents the efforts of nongovernmental organizations such as Oxfam a nd the World Wildlife Fund to take collective action on issues of international importance, including homelessness, environmental stewardship, and equitable tra de. (26 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2091_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2091_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29438</td><td>Global Partnerships: The Effects of Globalizat ion</td><td>While governments and industries reshape the world on a grand scale, countless individuals have pledged themselves to facilitating change at the gra ssroots level, one village at a time. This program interviews North American and European volunteers and the people in developing countries who are receiving th eir humanitarian and political assistance. By living together and sharing cultur al experiences, both volunteers and aid recipients are helping to bring into cle arer perspective their mutual concerns about human rights violations and exploit ation of the environment. (26 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2092_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2092_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34991</td><td>Global Resources: Management and Competition</ td><td>What is the relationship between a country's natural assets and its econo mic power? Does wealth in raw materials alone lead to monetary wealth? What are the dangers of relying on finite supplies? This program explores economic questi ons surrounding the management of-and international competition for-natural reso urces. Describing the process by which nations translate the products of their f orests, fields, mines, and waters into economic and political power, the video p rovides insight into the drive to control natural resources, the role they play in the economic development of poor countries, the precarious concept of the "gl obal commons," and the connection between resource mismanagement and environment al damage. Recent events in the Middle East, Asia, and Latin America highlight h istorical patterns of international resource exchange and exploitation. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production. (39 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>34</ td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2093_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2093_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36470</td><td>A Global Roll Call: The Need for Education Wor ldwide</td><td>Without schooling, a child has no future. Without an educated pop ulation, a nation has no future. These two parts of an ongoing Wide Angle series -the third episode to be produced in 2009-examine gaps and voids in educational opportunities that, tragically, keep many developing countries from advancing. F ollowing a group of children from around the world as they progress through life -and, on an uneven basis, through school-the series gets to the heart of this co lossal yet not intractable socioeconomic problem. 2-part series, 57 and 87 minut es.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2094_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2094_l blPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8134</td><td>The Global Tongue: English</td><td>English is n ow the dominant language spoken by over a billion people. There are nearly as ma ny people who speak English as a second language as there are native speakers. A ll of this is having a profound effect on the language and how it is perceived a round the world. This program looks at the different contexts and countries in w hich the language dominates education, pop music, advertising, and the Internet. It explores the pros and cons of this dominance and the ways in which it is act ually changing the language. (25 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2095_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2095_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11975</td><td>The Global Trade Debate</td><td>As tensions mo unt between big business and an increasingly powerful activist lobby, the gulf b etween their positions has never been clearer. This program offers a balanced lo ok at the reality of globalization in an effort to address the issues that under pin the angry rhetoric. Since the founding of the International Monetary Fund, t he world has seen a 12-fold increase in global trade. But local economies and th e environment have paid a heavy price. Consumers and governments alike must requ ire responsible business practices and cleaner energy, or the global marketplace -potentially beneficial in so many ways-may turn out to be unsustainable. (42 mi nutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2096_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2096_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34699</td><td>Global Tribe: Social Transformation Around the

World</td><td>A study of global questions and local challenges, this adventurou s three-part series universalizes the struggles of people in developing nations. Host Amy Eldon examines economic, cultural, and environmental issues in the Phi lippines, Mexico, and South Africa, focusing on the unsung heroes in each countr y who give inspiration to the rest of the planet. A viewable/printable instructo r's guide is available online. Portions are in Spanish with English subtitles. 3 -part series, 28 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2097_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2097_l blPrice">$269.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2405</td><td>Global Warming</td><td>The history of Earth has been a history of temperature change; people and animals have historically move d to better climes, richer pastures, and areas of more abundant food. The proble m now is that "somewhere else" is already occupied; meanwhile, temperatures appe ar to be rising, with foreseeably disastrous consequences. The gases in the air which cause the greenhouse effect have made life possible; too many gases, howev er, and catastrophe looms. Observation, historical records, and computer models lead to the conclusion that temperatures are rising, though no one can be certai n how high they will go, or when, or what will happen. Low-lying areas will be u nder water, of course, as ice melts and sea levels rise; diseases and predators will proliferate; rains will increase in some parts of the world, while drought strikes elsewhere and mass starvation results. (26 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td >26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2098_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2098_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35455</td><td>Global Warming and the Extinction of Species</ td><td>Some scientific studies predict that as the Earth continues to warm, up t o a third of all species could go extinct by the middle of the century. This ABC News program looks at the effect of global warming on non-human life-specifical ly two species of frogs that used to inhabit the Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserv e, in Costa Rica; three additional vanished frog species in Madagascar; and the severely threatened checkerspot butterfly in southern California. Commentary is provided by Alan Pounds, of the University of Miami; the American Museum of Natu ral History's Chris Raxworthy; and Camille Parmesan, of The University of Texas at Austin. (22 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2099_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2099_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33597</td><td>Global Warming: Hype or Hazard?</td><td>When i t comes to global warming, Bjorn Lomborg is a skeptical ecologist, a one-time Gr eenpeace member who is now at odds with the organization. Why? Though Greenpeace is trusted by 70 to 80 percent of people to be more accurate than government sc ientists and agencies, and even university researchers, Lomborg charges that it receives all its information from the media. Over a dozen scientists and researc

hers are featured in this provocative program that uses hard evidence to counter the alleged sensationalism in the media's coverage of global warming. The scien tists do not deny that the planet is getting warmer, but argue that the money an d time invested by those who subscribe to the hype-billions of dollars to implem ent the Kyoto Protocol for a temperature reduction of 0.15 degrees by the year 2 100-can be better spent tackling more concrete and rapidly spreading environment al issues. (45 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2100_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2100_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30186</td><td>Globalization and the Media</td><td>As globali zation of trade rapidly expands, the mainstream media is being accused of inadeq uately reporting the issues. This program canvasses some of the dissent by explo ring conflicts of interest within the media and showing how technology, such as the camcorder and the Internet, is challenging the monopoly of big news broadcas ters. Differences between mainstream and "indie" media are highlighted in covera ge of the economic summits and related protests in Genoa and Seattle. Among thos e interviewed are Danny Schechter, director of; Katharine Ainge r, editor of New Internationalist magazine; and Chris Cramer, president of CNN I nternational News. (22 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2101_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2101_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34201</td><td>Globalization Is Good</td><td>Controversial wr iter Johan Norberg argues forcefully for one side of the globalization debate. I n this program he examines three developing countries and how they fit into that debate, building a case for deregulation, the abolishment of subsidies and tari ffs, and a long-term view of industrialization. He frankly defends the use of sw eatshop labor, through which Taiwan has cultivated a vigorous, targeted manufact uring sector and transformed agrarian poverty into affluence. Praising Vietnam f or following the same path and criticizing Kenya as an unfortunate example of is olationism, Norberg's assertions compose a powerful catalyst for classroom discu ssion. (50 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2102_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2102_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10554</td><td>Globalization: Winners and Losers</td><td>How is business without borders really affecting the world? As Sabeer Bhatia, invent or of Hotmail; Narayan Murthy, founder of Infosys; and other industry leaders at test, globalization has raised the standard of living in developing economies th rough high-tech opportunities, foreign investment, and debt relief. However, Har vard's Jeffrey Sachs and other experts point out that the world market is being exploited through shortsightedness, including the aggressive deployment of genet ically modified crops, environmental negligence, and the abuse of NAFTA. This pr ogram-produced in the aftermath of the WTO protests in Seattle-addresses the pro

s and cons of doing business in the global marketplace. (42 minutes)</td><td>200 0</td><td>42</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2103_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2103_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30144</td><td>The Glories of Spanish Literature-in Spanish</ td><td>Filmed on location at literary landmarks throughout Spain, this stylish 1 3-part series-created in consultation with the University of Salamanca-thoroughl y examines the rich history of Spanish literature. Each program blends scholarly interviews and dramatic readings with images of manuscripts and artwork to shar ply profile the Spanish authors, poets, and playwrights whose names rank high in the Western literary canon. Spanish, 13-part series, 50 minutes each.</td><td>2 002</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2104_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2104_l blPrice">$1,949.35<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30158</td><td>The Glories of Spanish Literature-in Spanish w ith English Subtitles</td><td>Filmed on location at literary landmarks throughou t Spain, this stylish 13-part series-created in consultation with the University of Salamanca-thoroughly examines the rich history of Spanish literature. Each p rogram blends scholarly interviews and dramatic readings with images of manuscri pts and artwork to sharply profile the Spanish authors, poets, and playwrights w hose names rank high in the Western literary canon. Spanish with English subtitl es, 13-part series, 50 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2105_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2105_l blPrice">$1,949.35<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8834</td><td>The Glory of Byzantine Art</td><td>Byzantium: s panning eleven centuries and a major portion of the Old World's landscape, its n ame stands for power and affluence. In this program, noted journalist Paul Solma n discusses a magnificent display of Byzantine art garnered from 117 collections with Harvard professor and art expert Ioli Kalavrezou. Paintings, mosaics, carv ings, and ceramics facilitate an exploration of Byzantine iconography as it evol ved from Hellenistic and Roman themes to abstractions that go beyond classical r epresentation. (12 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2106_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2106_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>25509</td><td>Gluing and Clamping</td><td>Details reasons fo r gluing and clamping, expansion and contraction of wood, moisture content, grai

n direction, differences in glues, application, and clamping for strength. A Mer idian Production. 10-minute video.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2107_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2107_l blPrice">$52.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31977</td><td>Gluing and Clamping</td><td>For times when nai ls and screws won't do, there's glue. This video shows students how to join wood using glue and a variety of clamps. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Shopware Production. (10 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>11</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2108_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2108_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3670</td><td>Glycolysis 1</td><td>This program begins with t he discovery of the energy role played by the cell cytosol, the starting point o f cellular respiration. Computer animation is used to follow the sequential brea kdown of glucose through the process of glycolysis that leads to the production of ATP molecules. (10 minutes)</td><td>1988</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2109_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2109_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3671</td><td>Glycolysis 2</td><td>Continuing with the second half of the glycolysis process, the energy intermediate molecule NADH is introd uced. The glycolytic breakdown of glucose continues, ending with the production of the molecule pyruvate. The program also looks at how simple life forms produc e alcohol. (10 minutes)</td><td>1988</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2110_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2110_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3371</td><td>Go West, Young Man</td><td>Around 1850, the vas t fertile lands of the Midwest attracted nearly a million farmers from Norway, w here land was scarce and often unfit to farm. Their life as pioneers was hard, b ut their descendants have prospered. (52 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>52</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2111_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2111_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></

td> </tr><tr> <td>2901</td><td>The Goals of Customer Service</td><td>Ours is i ncreasingly becoming a service economy. It follows that our premiere commodity i s customer service. This program describes and defines the problem: what custome r service is and what it isn't; the skills necessary to achieve it; the rational e for improving service; the categories of customer service-decision-making serv ice (helping customers decide), problem-solving service (fixing things), and ti me-of-purchase service. (20 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2112_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2112_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34514</td><td>Goal-Setting and Action-Planning</td><td>This video helps students establish criteria for attainable goals and objectives, and shows them how to evaluate goals on the basis of these criteria. Students begin to draft their own goal lists and action plans for implementing their search. ( 28 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2113_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2113_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31542</td><td>God and the Inner City: Inside Three Faith-Bas ed Social Programs</td><td>More and more people believe that faith-based program s can transform the downward spiral of America's inner cities. The reality of th ese organizations in the trenches seldom fits the stereotypes of inner-city mini stries. Narrated by Phylicia Rashad, this compelling program looks at three emot ional stories of struggle and hope. Although President Bush has proposed federal funding for some of these charities, many Americans do not understand what thes e programs really do. The documentary also includes expert commentary from both sides of this controversial issue and considers the question of separation of ch urch and state. (58 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2114_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2114_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35660</td><td>The God of the Gaps</td><td>Will modern scienc e close the book on God, or can reason and faith coexist? This program analyzes how the process of scientific inquiry has challenged belief in a divine being. W ith visits to locations ranging from the CERN particle physics lab, to the Lourd es shrine, to Grace Fellowship Church, Kentucky, Robert Winston discusses the vi ews of Pascal, Galileo, Newton, and Darwin; the Higgs boson, or "God particle"; the "God gene"; the curative power of faith; evolution versus creationism; and o ther topics with probability expert Stephen Unwin, physicists Jim Virdee and Jor dan Nash, geneticist Dean Hamer, evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, and cre ationist Ken Ham. A BBCW Production. (60 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>60</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2115_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2115_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6125</td><td>The Gods Are Laughing: Aristophanes, His Life a nd Theatre</td><td>As irreverent and bawdy as Aristophanes, but with more access ible humor, this pseudo-biography juxtaposes elements of Aristophanic plays with the activities of contemporaneous people to show how Aristophanes became the fa ther of political satire and why his theatrical innovations are still staples of the contemporary theatre. Aristophanes is shown as an artist living on the edge , who uses comedy to mock his enemies and wages a one-man campaign against those Athenians who revel in war and death; he is set off against his son, who wants to write to entertain; a coldly rational Socrates; Cephisophon, the Laurence Oli vier of ancient Greece; the dictator, Cleon; and Aristophanes' skeptical mother, who prefers tragedy to comedy. Caution: contains sexual situations. (52 minutes )</td><td>1995</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2116_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2116_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7856</td><td>God's Earth: A Call for Environmental Stewardsh ip</td><td>This program, narrated by Catholic priest, ecologist, and author, Pau l Collins, presents a well-rounded, intellectual discussion of the Judeo-Christi an elevation of humankind at the expense of nature and the environment. Beginnin g with Plato and his emphasis on the spiritual, theologians and ecologists trace the philosophy as it veers toward increasingly anthropocentric ideas. The Bible 's mandates for humans to "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, a nd subdue it..." are discussed within the context of overpopulation and pollutio n. The entire discussion is presented as a philosophical, ethical, and practical challenge to modern western religions to accept their role as stewards of the e nvironment. (57 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2117_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2117_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7781</td><td>Goethe in Weimar</td><td>This program pays lyri cal homage to the enigmatic relationship between the poet/dramatist Goethe and t he Baroness Charlotte von Stein and explores its influence on his work. Excerpts from a selection of the more than 2,000 letters exchanged by Goethe, Charlotte, and their friends bear testimony to the intensity and intimacy of the relations hip-one which most experts believe was platonic, despite the often passionate to ne of the letters. Dramatized vignettes, sketches, and actual footage provide a historical glimpse into the German courts of the period, and into the life of th is revered German figure and the woman he considered "mother, sister, and one tr ue love." A Deutsche Welle production. (28 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>28</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2118_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2118_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37419</td><td>Going Green: Real-World Solutions for the Envi ronment</td><td>It's easy to talk about environmental stewardship, but quite ano ther matter to practice it. This compilation of 12 ABC News stories shows how go vernments, businesses, and individuals around the world are taking concrete, eco -friendly action. Each engaging example of "going green" offers an opportunity f or class discussion, further study, and perhaps even genuine change. The episod es are... * Businesses Going Green: Additions to the Manhattan skyline, such as the Hearst Corporation headquarters and the Bank of America Tower, reveal a gro wing corporate interest in recycling and solar energy. Texas Instruments' Dallas offices and the Atlanta home-building market take the discussion further. * In terview with Arnold Schwarzenegger on Global Warming: California's governor emph asizes the need to become environmentally proactive and insists that going green is not an anti-business stance. A second segment, More on Businesses Going Gree n, looks at eco-friendly initiatives from General Electric, WalMart, DuPont, and FedEx. * Electric Cars Encouraged in a Small California Town: Citizens of Linc oln, CA, share their enthusiasm for NEVs, or neighborhood electric vehicles. The se golf cart-sized automobiles won't set any speed records, but they can dramati cally reduce fossil fuel consumption and emissions. * Solar Power Usage: Will S ilicon Valley become "Solar Valley"? Companies like Solar City, Miasole, and Sun Power represent a new direction in high-tech-one that fuses state-of-the-art tec hnology with the rapidly growing green consumer market. * With the Olympics Loo ming, China Goes Green: A visit to Beijing illustrates the city's intensifying e fforts to clean up air and water quality in anticipation of the 2008 games. Beij ing's scarcity of water is also discussed. * Buying the Right to Pollute? The p ractice of issuing "carbon offsets" raises questions about enabling, rather than preventing, pollution. One expert compares carbon offsets to the granting of in dulgences by the medieval Church. * Japan Goes Green: A visit to a Tokyo family 's energy-efficient apartment demonstrates devices that many Japanese citizens u se to lower fuel and electrical consumption. * Biofuel Usage for Airplanes: Ric hard Branson, former CEO of Virgin Atlantic airlines, discusses his development partnership with Boeing. Its goal: to offer viable commercial flights that produ ce zero emissions. In addition, GE engineers describe the challenges of creating biofuels that won't freeze at high altitudes. * San Francisco Goes Green: This story highlights improvements to Giants Stadium, Grace Cathedral, the Californi a Academy of Sciences, and the Public Utilities Commission building-all examples of green architecture or energy-efficient heating and lighting. * Going Carbon Negative: Two American consumers are profiled-one whose lifestyle leaves a big carbon footprint, and another whose footprint is steadily vanishing as a result of many ongoing changes. * A Family Goes Completely Green: Can an American hous ehold neutralize its environmental impact for an entire year? Colin Bevins and h is wife explain their attempt to do so-no small feat for a family of three accus tomed to life in New York City. 45 minutes.</td><td>2007</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2119_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2119_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8171</td><td>Going It Alone: Preparing for Single Parenthood </td><td>This program provides young men and women with realistic expectations a bout what single parenthood is like and what skills they will need to cope. Topi cs include prenatal care, daycare and finances, and tending to their own emotion al needs and those of their newborn. Case studies that discuss the pregnancy, bi

rth, and child-rearing help viewers to identify with their own situation. Expert s offer advice, including how to balance home and work with raising a child. Thi s is an excellent vehicle for classroom discussion and a no-holds-barred view of the realities of single parenthood. A Cambridge Educational Production. (35 min utes)</td><td>1994</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2120_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2120_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10659</td><td>Going Online in Your Classroom</td><td>The Int ernet is bringing new possibilities to education. This program introduces the te rms and techniques needed by students and teachers alike to use Internet technol ogy with confidence. In addition, instructors share some of their creative lesso n plans that incorporate the Internet as a means of collaborative communication through videoconferences, chat rooms, and e-mail; as a gateway to cyber-librarie s; as a platform for virtual field trips; and as an instant online publishing to ol for Web sites and intranets. Administrative issues such as Acceptable Use Pol icies, Netiquette, and content filtering are also addressed. (58 minutes)</td><t d>1999</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2121_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2121_l blPrice">$109.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30333</td><td>Going Places and Buying Things-the German Way< /td><td>Whether shopping or sightseeing, going to work or going to college, trav el and conversation are both a part of everyday life. This program demonstrates how to say where one lives and works and what one does for a living, how to ask for and give directions, and how to ask what the costs of things are. The BMW fa ctory, an all-organic supermarket, the renowned Borstei apartments, and Neuschwa nstein Castle are featured. Original BBC broadcast title: Talk German, Program 3 . (German and English, 16 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2122_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2122_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30189</td><td>Going Public: A Cautionary Case Study</td><td> Just when the tide of Internet-driven stock market activity had begun to turn, t he owners of seven computer dealerships decided to merge, putting aside egos and mistrust to go public and make a killing before the market's momentum reversed. Combining fly-on-the-wall footage and hindsight interviews with the principals, this four-part series-an in-depth case study as gripping as it is informative-t racks the efforts of the short-lived Apple reseller network Buzzle to catch a ri de on the receding wave of high-tech IPOs. 4-part series, 28 minutes each.</td>< td>2001</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2123_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2123_l

blPrice">$519.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30180</td><td>Going to Table: Food and Design</td><td>From i ts preparation to its enjoyment, the meal has always been a province of design. This program gathers six of today's leading designers for an exposition of objec ts used in the kitchen and dining room. Interviews with designers artfully blend with examples of their work, including spoons, cutlery, glasses, vases, and a C hampagne stand by Ettore Sottsass; kettles, cooking pots, and espresso machines by Richard Sapper; dining tables and chairs by Philippe Starck; serving trays an d bowls by Enzo Mari; cutlery and glasses by Achille Castiglione; and kettles, t eapots, and trays by Alberto Alessi. (51 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>51</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2124_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2124_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37649</td><td>Gold Futures: Open-Pit Mining in Romania</td>< td>Rosia Montana is a Romanian village that has existed since the days of ancien t Rome. Now, as Gabriel Resources, a Canadian mining company, hopes to begin exc avation there of the largest open-pit gold mine in Europe, mineral wealth and ba dly needed jobs compete with time-honored rural traditions and concerns about th e potential for an environmental disaster. This Wide Angle report captures the u nfolding conflict between villagers who welcome the company's buyout offers and their neighbors who remain fiercely defensive of their age-old heritage and the picturesque mountain landscape of their homeland. (57 minutes)</td><td>2007</td> <td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2125_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2125_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31326</td><td>Gold Mountain Dreams</td><td>In the 1840s, civ il war and famine in southern China drove thousands of young men to seek their f ortune in the California Gold Rush. This program traces the Chinese experience i n America, from their welcome in San Francisco as "celestial men of commerce," t hrough the Gold Rush and building of the Transcontinental Railroad, to the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act banning their entry into this country. This program redisc overs the often-overlooked role of the Chinese and tells their stories through t he lives of individuals using photos, artifacts, and interviews with descendants and historians. (89 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>89</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2126_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2126_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1103</td><td>The Golden Land</td><td>Here is the saga of Man ifest Destiny, the banner under which Americans surged westward in the mid-19th century. It is the story of the Texas Revolution, the Mexican War that doubled t

he size of the young United States, the gold strikes that doubled its wealth, an d the pioneer spirit that made the Oregon Trail into Main Street. (57 minutes)</ td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2127_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2127_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37607</td><td>The Golden Thread: The Tie that Binds the Reli gions of the Book?</td><td>Sharing a common root, Judaism, Christianity, and Isl am may arguably be seen as aspects of one large religious system. Yet each of th ese religions has continually set itself above the others. As a result of such a bsolutism, history has been fraught with violence as their overlapping interests clash around the world. Speaking from a primarily Christian viewpoint, this thr ee-part series seeks to understand the underpinnings of the three religions of t he Book. Is the golden thread of God that connects them strong enough to bind th ese related but conflictive belief systems in unity? 3-part series, 56-60 minute s each.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2128_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2128_l blPrice">$389.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37093</td><td>Gonzalo Rojas-in Spanish with English Subtitle s</td><td>Addressing themes too often neglected in our technology-worshiping glo bal culture, Chilean poet Gonzalo Rojas exemplifies the complexity of 20th-centu ry Latin American literature. This program records Rojas' musings on his life in poetry and the manifold settings and circumstances in which he has worked. The Cervantes Prize winner and author of The Misery of Man, Against Death, and Dark contemplates the importance of physical sensations and actions-such as writing b y hand instead of typing-when composing verse, as well as the difference between ambiguity and confusion in literature and life. He also shares his thoughts on the self-imposed exile of his youth. (Spanish with English subtitles, 25 minutes )</td><td>2007</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2129_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2129_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3064</td><td>Goree: Door of No Return</td><td>Goree Island i s where the slave ships anchored, cramming their holds with Africans to be shipp ed across the Atlantic to work the fields and tend their "owners" throughout the Western Hemisphere; Goree Island is where the enslaved Africans were held until the ships were ready to receive them. This documentary tells the history of the slave trade: the arrival of the first Europeans, the origins of slavery in the Americas, the development of Goree as a center of the expanding slave trade, the wealthy merchant women who controlled the slave trade on the island. Today, the island is a monument to an ignoble past. The program visits the colonial buildi ngs, the homes of the slave traders still standing, the trading warehouse called the House of Slaves, and the infamous Door of No Return, the door through which most of America's enslaved people passed on their way to the New World. (30 min

utes)</td><td>1992</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2130_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2130_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34899</td><td>Government & Public Administration</td><td>Ded icated public servants in the spheres of government and public administration ar e the backbone of America-and most of them don't live anywhere near Capitol Hill . In this program, a city manager, a community relations manager, a police offic er, and a park ranger/director of parks, recreation, and forestry answer a barra ge of questions designed to help your students understand the ins and outs of th ese occupations as they learn what it's like to live "a day in the life." A Camb ridge Educational Production. (23 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2131_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2131_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35751</td><td>Goya: Crazy Like a Genius</td><td>Written and presented by Robert Hughes, one of the world's most prominent art commentators, this program explores the life and work of Francisco Goya-focusing on the painte r's subversive, often gruesome outlook. The video provides in-depth visual and i ntellectual analysis of dark Goya masterpieces, including The Dream of Reason, W itches in the Air, and The Third of May, as well as examples of his portraiture and early work-such as The Duchess of Alba, both Majas, and a gratuitously viole nt tapestry painting. Links between Goya's work, deafness, and political stance are explored in detail, while observations from painter Leon Golub highlight Goy a's continuing relevance. (Portions in Spanish with English subtitles, 76 minute s)</td><td>2002</td><td>76</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2132_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2132_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>169</td><td>Goya: His Life and Art</td><td>An introduction, not only to Goya's work, but to the critical period in Spanish history which he recorded. In a period largely bereft of major literary masterpieces, it is to Go ya that we look to find out what Spain was like in the period spanning the decli ne of neoclassicism, the devastation of the Napoleonic Wars, and the rise of Rom anticism and Impressionism. An RTVE production. (44 minutes)</td><td>1981</td><t d>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2133_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2133_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>11802</td><td>Goya: The Audacity of Freedom</td><td>Francisc

o Goya was a paradox, the happy recipient of royal patronage as court painter ye t proponent of individual freedom. This program closely examines the struggle of Goya's contradictory desires for a life of middle-class sensibility informed by a caustic perception of the world. His works are evaluated as social critiques of the time and place in which he lived, often harsh and satirical commentaries made on a culture Goya derided as archaic and prejudiced. What emerges in this e xploration of Goya's life, filmed in part in his original work space, is a perso na quite different from the 19th-century romantic traditionally portrayed. (72 m inutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>72</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2134_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2134_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31995</td><td>Grace Medicine Flower and Joseph Lone Wolf, Sa nta Clara Potters</td><td>This program examines the pottery of Grace Medicine Fl ower and her brother Joseph Lone Wolf, members of the renowned Tafoya family of Santa Clara Pueblo. They revived and expanded the traditional forms and techniqu es of their pre-Columbian ancestors, the Mimbres, to create exquisite works feat uring abstract designs and emphasizing sgraffito and polychrome techniques. Toge ther with their father, Camilio Sunflower Tafoya, Medicine Flower and Lone Wolf are filmed digging and refining their clay and then molding it into pots, which they decorate and fire. (30 minutes)</td><td>1976</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2135_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2135_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2677</td><td>Granada</td><td>This program tells the story of Granada, which is the history of Spain encapsulated: the Moorish conquest and t he Moorish presence-art, technology, military might, wealth, religious devotion, indecipherable inscriptions, all somewhat mysterious to the non-Islamic eye; an d the Reconquista-an 800-year-long war that is seen here only in its after-effec ts, ruins and a sense of something ineffable, inexpressible, unattainable lost f orever. (40 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2136_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2136_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37608</td><td>The Grand Invention: Christianity</td><td>At t he moment of Paul's conversion, the former persecutor of the Christians became o ne of the most avid defenders of the faith-and, in a way, the inventor of what c ame to be recognized as the Christian religion. Empowered by his revelatory visi on, Paul acted independently to found the first Christian communities, but his e fforts did not proceed smoothly. This program follows the travels and trials of Paul as he evangelized his way through the ancient world. In addition, Judaism a nd popular sects of paganism are considered within the context of early Christia nity, the concept of Christian martyrdom is explored, and the transfiguration of Christianity from object of Roman persecution to state-sponsored religion of Ro me is examined. (60 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>60</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2137_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2137_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7144</td><td>The Grandchild Gap: The Effects of Low Birth Ra tes</td><td>Birth rates in the industrialized world are lower than ever, and man y people are concerned. This program, hosted by Ben Wattenberg, explores the phe nomenon, and what it may mean in social and human terms. Wattenberg and a panel of population experts are fearful that programs such as Social Security, which r ely on taxes paid into the system by younger workers, may be jeopardized. On loc ation in France and Italy-two countries with the lowest birth rates-experts pred ict a 30 percent decrease in population if current fertility levels persist. The human consequence of the problem-a "grandchild shortage"-is discussed as being potentially damaging to traditional family values and lifestyles. (56 minutes)</ td><td>1997</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2138_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2138_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34928</td><td>Grandparents</td><td>In many families, grandpa rents have become a valuable resource in childcare-but their importance is more than economic. This video discusses the role of extended family in child develop ment, and gives advice on helping a child cope with a grandparent's death. (22 m inutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2139_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2139_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33023</td><td>Graphic Design: What's in a Logo?</td><td>Grap hic designers with the consulting firm Navy Blue must produce a new corporate id entity for Digital Animations Group, a Scottish company on the cutting edge of 3 -D technology. Their task is to create a logo that captures the company's spirit and works across different formats, such as on paper, signs, windows, and Web p ages. This program follows the entire process, from sitting down with the client to determine the mission, to brainstorming and pitching proposals, to unveiling the finished product. (15 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2140_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2140_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5738</td><td>Graphing</td><td>Cartography-the science of dra wing charts, diagrams, and maps-and the skill of graphing are presented. (10 min utes)</td><td>1985</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2141_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2141_l blPrice">$45.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4452</td><td>Graphing and the Straight Line</td><td>To intro duce slope, Ron Lancaster uses a graph to plot two series of values, the first r epresenting different antifreeze solutions and the second representing freezing points. He defines rise and run and calculates slope from these two sets of valu es. He also talks about how slope is used in building trades. (15 minutes)</td>< td>&nbsp;</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2142_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2142_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8734</td><td>Graphs</td><td>This video describes how to read , interpret, and evaluate data displayed in bar graphs, line graphs, and pie cha rts. Dramatized segments and computer animations illustrate ways to determine th e financial advantages of a staggered breeding schedule at a dairy farm; allocat e rack space in a CD store, based on regional and local sales figures; and decid e whether an athlete's physical characteristics indicate competition as a sprint er or as a distance runner. (20 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2143_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2143_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29772</td><td>Grassland Biomes</td><td>The prairies of the A merican west, the pampas of Argentina, the steppes of Russia, and the veldt of S outh Africa all share at least one thing in common: they are covered with miles upon miles of grass. This program can help students learn to identify the climat es, life-forms, and behavioral adaptations that correspond to each type of grass land biome. Factors that threaten the survival of these habitats' distinctive an imal communities-and of the ecosystems themselves-are also addressed. A viewable /printable instructor's guide is available online. A Cambridge Educational Produ ction. (17 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2144_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2144_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11663</td><td>Grassland Environments: Animals in the Grassla nds</td><td>How do buffalo and prairie dogs impact grassland health? This progra m provides an answer while covering how to take samples of grassland soils. A vi sit to a cave to investigate the habits of Mexican free-tailed bats is included. (25 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2145_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2145_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11662</td><td>Grassland Environments: Fire and Its Effects</ td><td>This program illustrates grassland sampling techniques and reveals why fi re is crucial to the health of grassland environments. Mimicry in snakes and the comeback of the endangered masked bobwhite quail are discussed. (26 minutes)</t d><td>2000</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2146_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2146_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10284</td><td>Gravitation</td><td>Why are things attracted t o one another? How long does it take the moon Titan to complete one orbit around Saturn? And what is the weight of a pizza on the Sun? Using the help of a Sun S urface Pizza deliveryperson, this program answers these and other burning questi ons regarding the Law of Universal Gravitation and all three of Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion. (18 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2147_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2147_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6918</td><td>Great American Speeches: 80 Years of Political Oratory</td><td>This unique, six-part series places students of public speaking, American history, and political science front row, center at key speeches by th e most eloquent orators of the 20th century. FDR, Huey Long, Generals MacArthur and Patton, and JFK share the podium with Barbara Jordan, Ronald Reagan, Mario C uomo, Jesse Jackson, and others. Rare archival footage combined with insightful commentary from host Jody Powell puts each speech into historical perspective. F eatured on History's Best on PBS. 6-part series, 39-53 minutes each.</td><td>199 5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2148_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2148_l blPrice">$539.70<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9179</td><td>Great Battles of History</td><td>This dazzling six-part series spotlights crucial battles within the context of epic struggles for national, political, and religious domination. With examples drawn from both the Old World and the New World, this select group of programs provides a new t ake on battles that have shaped history, from 1066 to 1815. 6-part series, 30 mi nutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2149_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2149_l

blPrice">$539.70<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>2308</td><td>Great Black Women</td><td>African-American wome n have two strikes against them-their color and their gender. Hosted by Tanya Ha rt, this program looks at the women who succeeded, asking what drove them to cha llenge the prejudices against them, what enabled them to succeed and to make sig nificant contributions in politics, entertainment, civil rights, business, publi c service, music, and sports. Among those featured are Coretta Scott King, Lena Horne, Shirley Chisholm, Tina Turner, and Oprah Winfrey, as well as Marva Collin s, Whoopi Goldberg, Patti LaBelle, and "Mother Hale." (52 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp ;</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2150_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2150_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11430</td><td>The Great Cathedral at Amiens</td><td>From the top of its arcade to the bottom of its vault, the Cathedral at Amiens is virtua lly all windows-a truly remarkable feat for 13th-century engineering. This progr am thoroughly examines France's monumental masterpiece, an architectural hymn to the High Gothic in stone and glass. With height the dominant aesthetic aim, ske letal construction was carried to its precarious limit, creating a sunlit nave m ore than 140 feet high and capable of accommodating a congregation of 10,000. Th e cathedral's charmed history, during which it has remained unscathed by revolut ion and war, is also discussed. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2151_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2151_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11965</td><td>The Great Challenge: Love and Justice</td><td> In a swiftly globalizing, money-driven world, is there still a place for St. Fra ncis and a gospel that preaches the dignity and relevance of the poor? This prog ram investigates the concepts of social justice and global responsibility from a Christian perspective. The ill effects of first-world preoccupations with owner ship and profit are contrasted with church-sponsored efforts to care for the mar ginalized of the world: homeless people, illegal aliens, prison inmates, and oth ers who are impoverished, dispossessed, exploited, or too sick to work. (44 minu tes)</td><td>2000</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2152_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2152_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10772</td><td>Great Disasters</td><td>Caused both by humans and by nature, disasters have played an unforgettable part in the history of the 20th century. This program contains footage of the 1937 Hindenburg disaster at Lakehurst, the 1940 Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse, and the aftermath of Pan Am flight 103's mid-air explosion over Lockerbie and the 1998 high-speed train cras

h at Eschede. Clips of natural catastrophes include flooding in New England; hur ricanes in Florida; avalanches in France and Austria; earthquakes in Turkey, Tai wan, and Mexico City; and volcanic eruptions in Hawaii, New Zealand, Montserrat, Guatemala, and Nicaragua. (63 minutes, color/b&w)</td><td>2000</td><td>63</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2153_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2153_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10781</td><td>Great Disasters</td><td>Caused both by humans and by nature, disasters have played an unforgettable part in the history of the 20th century. This program contains footage of the 1937 Hindenburg disaster at Lakehurst, the 1940 Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse, and the aftermath of Pan Am flight 103's mid-air explosion over Lockerbie and the 1998 high-speed train cras h at Eschede. Clips of natural catastrophes include flooding in New England; hur ricanes in Florida; avalanches in France and Austria; earthquakes in Turkey, Tai wan, and Mexico City; and volcanic eruptions in Hawaii, New Zealand, Montserrat, Guatemala, and Nicaragua. (62 minutes, color/b&w)</td><td>2000</td><td>62</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2154_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2154_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10692</td><td>The Great Divide</td><td>During the recent per iod of high employment and low inflation, the economic fortunes of the U.S. coul d hardly have been better. But as the rich got richer, the gap between rich and poor grew all the larger. Today's concerns over recession notwithstanding, has t he gulf between the haves and the have-nots finally widened to the point of mora l indefensibility? Have the nation's obligations to citizens of lower socioecono mic levels been forgotten amid the excitement of getting and spending? This prog ram examines the moral and ethical questions that accompany national prosperity. (29 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2155_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2155_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10769</td><td>Great Events #1</td><td>Beginning with the Sue z crisis and ending with the fighting in Chechnya, this program presents a broad sampling of the events that have shaped the post-World War II historical landsc ape. Clips from the Vietnam War, Bloody Sunday, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Gulf War, the Somalia relief effort, the Ciskei massacre, and the attempted Sov iet coup in Moscow are included. Personalities such as Queen Elizabeth, Prince C harles, Nikita Khrushchev, JFK, MLK, and Margaret Thatcher are captured on film as well, along with Marilyn Monroe, The Beatles, Brigitte Bardot, Michael Jackso n, and Mick Jagger. (55 minutes, color/b&w)</td><td>2000</td><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2156_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2156_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10778</td><td>Great Events #1</td><td>Beginning with the Sue z crisis and ending with the fighting in Chechnya, this program presents a broad sampling of the events that have shaped the post-World War II historical landsc ape. Clips from the Vietnam War, Bloody Sunday, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Gulf War, the Somalia relief effort, the Ciskei massacre, and the attempted Sov iet coup in Moscow are included. Personalities such as Queen Elizabeth, Prince C harles, Nikita Khrushchev, JFK, MLK, and Margaret Thatcher are captured on film as well, along with Marilyn Monroe, The Beatles, Brigitte Bardot, Michael Jackso n, and Mick Jagger. (58 minutes, color/b&w)</td><td>2000</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2157_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2157_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10770</td><td>Great Events #2</td><td>Helicopters lifting of f from the U.S. Embassy at the fall of Saigon, an IRA terrorist throwing hand gr enades at a funeral, oil wells burning out of control in Kuwait: these unforgett able images transcend words to affect viewers deeply. This program contains clip s of those and other events, including civil war in Nigeria, the Falkland Island s War, the aftermath of the explosion of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, the S oviet occupation of Afghanistan, the fall of Vukovar to Serb forces, the siege o f Dubrovnik, and civil war in the Republic of Georgia. (58 minutes)</td><td>2000 </td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2158_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2158_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10779</td><td>Great Events #2</td><td>Helicopters lifting of f from the U.S. Embassy at the fall of Saigon, an IRA terrorist throwing hand gr enades at a funeral, oil wells burning out of control in Kuwait: these unforgett able images transcend words to affect viewers deeply. This program contains clip s of those and other events, including civil war in Nigeria, the Falkland Island s War, the aftermath of the explosion of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, the S oviet occupation of Afghanistan, the fall of Vukovar to Serb forces, the siege o f Dubrovnik, and civil war in the Republic of Georgia. (59 minutes)</td><td>2000 </td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2159_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2159_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32704</td><td>Great Ideas of Philosophy I</td><td>This serie s investigates core questions in philosophy, such as: Why is there something rat her than nothing? What is right action? And what do we mean when we talk about t he "mind"? Some of the world's foremost contemporary philosophers-Richard Sorabj

i, Colin McGinn, Hilary Putnam, Frances Kamm, Alexander Nehamas, and Arthur Dant o, to name only six-enlighten and enliven with their knowledge on these and othe r topics. 7-part series, 43-51 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2160_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2160_l blPrice">$1,049.65<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33172</td><td>Great Ideas of Philosophy II</td><td>Stimulati ng commentary by renowned philosophers whose lines of inquiry intersect the sphe res of science, religion, politics, epistemology, and logic makes this 6-part se ries an indispensable asset for the study of philosophical principles and approa ches that are closely aligned with the activities and concerns of daily life. In terviews with some of the discipline's top experts, excerpts from influential wr itings, and numerous on-screen charts, diagrams, and illustrations enhance each program. 6-part series, 42-46 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2161_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2161_l blPrice">$899.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6924</td><td>Great Modern Political Speeches</td><td>This pr ogram features speeches by several major orators of the modern political era, in cluding Representative Barbara Jordan's stunningly eloquent appeal for nonpartis an judgment at the Nixon impeachment hearings. Ronald Reagan shows why he was kn own as the Great Communicator in his 1981 inaugural address. Former New York Gov ernor Mario Cuomo's resounding keynote speech at the 1984 Democratic Convention, as well as an emotion-charged 1984 campaign speech by Jesse Jackson, are also i ncluded. (53 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2162_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2162_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35217</td><td>Great Museums-for Art</td><td>This outstanding four-part series visits The Metropolitan Museum of Art and three other renowned American institutions. Magnificent gallery footage and interviews with experts passionate about art make this an experience not to be missed. A viewable/printa ble educator's guide is available online. A part of the award-winning Great Muse ums series. 4-part series, 28-52 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2163_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2163_l blPrice">$219.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35214</td><td>Great Museums-for Science</td><td>Drawn from t

he award-winning Great Museums series, this pair of videos will open viewers' ey es to the wonders of science at two of America's premier science museums. Each g limpse of dynamic exhibits, each bit of captivating commentary, is an open invit ation to discover-and to learn! A viewable/printable educator's guide is availab le online. 2-part series, 27 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2164_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2164_l blPrice">$99.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35207</td><td>Great Museums-for Social Studies</td><td>Take your class to six of America's finest museums with this outstanding series that honors people and values, events and artifacts, that have helped make this count ry what it is today. Ideal for social studies curriculums exploring U.S. history and culture. A viewable/printable educator's guide is available online. A part of the award-winning Great Museums series. 6-part series, 27 minutes each.</td>< td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2165_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2165_l blPrice">$299.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37273</td><td>Great Sites of Antiquity Video Clip Collection </td><td>This beautifully filmed collection of 21 three-minute clips brings impo rtant sites of antiquity to life with spectacular aerial and ground-level footag e, computer-generated reconstructions and fly-throughs, and authentic dramatizat ions. Each clip marks the site's geographic location on the globe and then summa rizes its history, offering important cultural insights along the way. A wide-op en window on the rich legacy bequeathed to humankind by our ancestors. Video clips include... The Near East Baalbek, Lebanon: Baalbek was one of the most i mportant pilgrimage spots of the Roman Empire. This clip highlights the Temples of Jupiter, Venus, and Bacchus-and the remarkable engineering that was required to build them. Palmyra, Syria: This clip recounts the dramatic story of an immens ely prosperous but short-lived realm situated at a major caravan crossroads betw een the Parthian and Roman Empires. Petra, Jordan: The capital of the Nabatean ci vilization sat astride the ancient Incense Road. In this clip, the Khazneh and i ntricate water management system are spotlighted. North Africa Alexandria, Egy pt: This clip roams the city of Alexandria, from the Caesarium, to the Macedonia n necropolis, to the ingenious network of under-street canals, to the sea floor, where parts of the legendary lighthouse have been discovered. Carthage, Tunisia: In this clip, Carthage-both the city and the civilization-is surveyed, from its founding to its fall after the Punic Wars with Rome. The city's ingenious harbo r structures are given special attention. El Jem, Tunisia: Modeled on the Colosse um, the amphitheater in this well-planned Roman city could hold up to 30,000 spe ctators. That arena and mosaics from the city's outlying villas are featured in this clip. Giza and Saqqara, Egypt: On the plateau of Giza and Saqqara are 100 py ramids. This clip goes inside the most ancient, Djoser's, and the largest, Cheop s'-the only one of the Wonders of the Ancient World still standing today. Thebes, Egypt: The Tomb of Hatshepsut is the focus of this clip. The most majestic edif ice in the Valley of the Kings, it serves as a reminder of a powerful ruler whos e existence has been all but wiped from the annals of Egyptian history. Karnak, E gypt: The Temple of Karnak is the largest column sanctuary in the world. This cl ip roams the sacred precinct, giving special attention to the Temple of Amun Ra, the heart of the complex. Luxor, Egypt: The Temple of Luxor, with its monumental

entrance, colossal colonnade, and courtyards, is featured in this clip. The Cha mber of the Divine Birth and the Opet Festival are given special attention. S outhern Europe Cerveteri, Italy: The necropolis near Cerveteri is a true city of the dead, complete with streets and squares. This clip goes inside the tombs, wh ere bas reliefs and murals tell much about Etruscan life. Delphi, Greece: Sportin g events and religious rituals at the Delphi complex, built on a spur of Mount P arnassus in the land of Apollo, are the focus of this clip. The track, sanctuary , and theater are featured. Olympia, Greece: This clip surveys the sports complex at Olympia: the stadium, the palaestra, the Temple of Hera, and the Temple of Z eus, with its ivory-and-gold statue of the god-one of the Seven Wonders of the A ncient World. Pompeii, Italy: When Mount Vesuvius erupted, Pompeii was smothered under soot and ash. This clip reveals marvelously preserved structures that prov ide insights into a populous Roman city where life suddenly stopped. Mesoamer ica Chichen Itza, Mexico: Once a vital cultural and religious center, Chichen Itz a is renowned for its Cenote of Sacrifice. This clip highlights El Castillo, the Temple of the Warriors, El Caracol, and the ball court where losers lost their heads. Easter Island, Chile: Also known as Rapa Nui and Isla de Pascua, Easter Is land is the home of the Moai. This clip sheds light on those enigmatic statues a s well as on the island's bird-man carvings and rongorongo tablets. Cahuachi, Per u: The giant geoglyphs of the Nazca are visible in their entirety only from the sky. This clip reveals their enigmatic splendor, as well as details of life-and death-in the city of Cahuachi. Palenque, Mexico: This clip goes inside the palace complex and the Temple of Inscriptions in this magnificent Mayan city carved fr om the jungles of Chiapas. Murals and stucco reliefs of human sacrifices are spo tlighted. Teotihuacan, Mexico: Who founded this immense city of 200,000-and, hund reds of years later, who destroyed it? The Pyramids of the Sun and Moon and the so-called Avenue of the Dead are featured in this clip. Trujillo, Peru: Trujillo was once home to the ancient Moche people. The Pyramids of the Sun and Moon and the 1,500-year-old remains of the Lord of Sipan are the main focus of this clip. Some finely molded ceramics are also presented. Uxmal, Mexico: This clip examine s the Pyramid of the Magician, the Governor's Palace, and the Nunnery Quadrangle -mute testimony to the technical skill and spirituality of the Mayan people. Filmed with the patronage of UNESCO. (63 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>62</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2166_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2166_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35382</td><td>The Great Wave</td><td>Hokusai's The Great Wav e is arguably the best-known image of Japanese art in the Western world today, a nd yet prints of it were sold in the 19th century for only the price of a large bowl of noodles. This program tells the story of an iconic image, its visionary maker, and the times in which he lived. It also decodes the multiple meanings of The Great Wave, explains the mechanics of woodblock printing, considers the inf luence of Shiba Kokan's art on Hokusai's, and illustrates The Great Wave's impac t on Impressionism and 1960s pop art. 36 Views of Mt. Fuji, of which The Great W ave is a part, is also discussed. A BBCW Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2004</ td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2167_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2167_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>11966</td><td>The Great Yearning: Of Heretics and Saints</td ><td>As in times past, many people today still believe that spirituality provide s the deepest level of meaning to life. Profiling Augustine of Hippo, Hildegard von Bingen, Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, Martin Luther, Waldo, and Mother Teresa, this program explains how devoted seekers of God's truth-saints? reform ers? heretics?-have altered the course of Christianity. The inspirational power of pilgrimages to holy sites such as Lourdes and Taize is also discussed. (44 mi nutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2168_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2168_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35168</td><td>Greece: Urbanization and the Environment</td>< td>The legacy of ancient cities can inform modern urban challenges and a culture 's response to them. This program explores the Greek cities of Patras, Delphi, a nd Athens, looking at how each one formed, grew, and changed over time. Focusing on Athens as a living, evolving metropolis rather than simply an archaeological site, the video examines the city's answers to its pollution and traffic-conges tion problems and how it prepared for the 2004 Olympics. A viewable/printable in structor's guide-including geographical background information, extension activi ties, vocabulary handouts, and more-is available online. Correlates to National Geography Standards. (25 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2169_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2169_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34478</td><td>The Greek Awakening: Art from the 5th Century BC</td><td>Beginning about 500 BC, Greek artists and architects began working at an unprecedented level of sophistication, paralleling the rise of Athens as a M editerranean power. This program illustrates the awakening of that classical Gre ek vision, from which emerged the most influential sculptures and buildings of W estern culture. With detailed visual analysis of the Parthenon, its frieze in th e British Museum, the theater at Epidavros, and other exemplary works, The Greek Awakening offers a wide-ranging tour of the nation's most enduring monuments an d an understanding of their relationship to classical Greek identity. (24 minute s)</td><td>2004</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2170_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2170_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11790</td><td>Greek Drama: From Ritual to Theater</td><td>Wh y do plays well over two millennia old still speak to audiences today? This prog ram traces Greek theater from ancient harvest rites to the golden age of Aeschyl us, Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes. Key scenes from Antigone, Oedipus Ty rannus, Medea, and Lysistrata show how these works remain relevant by exploring the timeless themes of honor, class, gender, sexuality, and politics. Essential concepts such as catharsis, hamartia, and the use of masks and a chorus are disc ussed. Scholarly commentary by Helene Foley of Barnard College, Jeffrey Henderso

n of Boston University, Princeton University's Robert Fagles, and Peter Meineck of NYU's Aquila Theatre Company emphasizes the vitality of classical drama and t he essential role it played in the everyday lives of the ancient Greeks. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production. (57 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>57< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2171_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2171_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37190</td><td>Green Building and Design</td><td>The history of Western architecture can be viewed as a battle-namely, humanity vs. nature. B ut the green revolution has prompted new forms of building design that welcome i n the natural world. This program surveys some of those advances and the archite ctural pioneers who create and implement them. Celebrated architect William McDo nough explains his working methods and outlines designs for major projects-inclu ding the Ford Motor Company's eco-friendly Rouge Center renovation-while Leslie Hoffman, executive director of Earth Pledge, showcases a stunning example of a g reen urban home. Further commentary comes from EPA Energy Star program director Kathleen Hogan and Time magazine "Hero for the Planet" Dr. John Todd. (28 minute s)</td><td>2005</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2172_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2172_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10913</td><td>Green Pacts and Greenbacks</td><td>Environment al protection laws have spawned a whole new form of business: firms that special ize in handling ecological regulatory issues for industry. To what extent are en vironmental standards achieving the goal of purifying America's air, land, and w ater? And to what extent are those selfsame standards contributing to the growth of a market geared toward simply meeting the legal minimums in order to avoid p enalties? In this program, Betsy Taylor, executive director of the Center for a New American Dream, and environmentalists Dr. Calvin DeWitt and Robert F. Kenned y, Jr., explore the business behind doing business the Earth-friendly way. (29 m inutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2173_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2173_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31343</td><td>Greenhouse Earth: An Uncontrolled Experiment</ td><td>To what extent has industrialization impacted Earth's climate? How are re searchers studying global warming? And what is being done to forestall the plane t-wide ecological crisis looming over the horizon? This timely program makes gen erous use of computer models, 3-D animations, and high-tech imaging to explore t hese crucial questions. Analysis of ocean sediment, prehistoric trees and pollen , and air trapped in polar ice; the influence of forests, volcanic aerosols, and microbe activity on the greenhouse effect; increases in desertification, hurric ane activity, and incidences of drought, flooding, forest fires, and mudslides; and sustainable and efficient energy sources are discussed. A Deutsche Welle Pro

duction. (26 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2174_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2174_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2401</td><td>The Greenhouse Effect</td><td>A life-sustaining envelope of gas surrounds the earth. This atmosphere contains oxygen, CO2, wate r vapor, and other gases-it is what generates climate, which affects all living beings. This program analyzes the sun's gradual brightening and the relationship between sunlight and CO2, explains why the atmospheres of Mars and Venus cannot sustain life, theorizes about the disappearance of dinosaurs and a dinosaur-fri endly climate, and explains the relationship between climatic change and contine ntal drift. (26 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2175_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2175_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4962</td><td>The Greenhouse Effect and Global Climate: Jessi ca Tuchman Mathews</td><td>How serious is the "greenhouse effect" on global clim ate and the environment? Very, says Dr. Jessica Tuchman Mathews, a Ph.D. in bioc hemistry and biophysics. We are now facing the specter of the "greenhouse effect ," the prospect of overloading the earth's atmosphere with gases released when i ndustrial nations burn fossil fuels like coal and oil, and the Third World strip s its forests to farm and burn firewood. In this program with Bill Moyers, she c ontemplates just how much the earth and the heavens can stand. Mathews suggests that advances in technologies and international cooperation are necessary if the world is to save itself from ecological disaster. (30 minutes)</td><td>1988</td ><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2176_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2176_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36334</td><td>Greetings from Grozny: Inside the Chechen Conf lict</td><td>Chechnya's war of independence has raged for years, but Americans r arely see the human face of the conflict. This Wide Angle report illuminates the ruined-yet still inhabited-cityscape of Grozny and its surrounding countryside, sifting through both Russian and Chechen perspectives on the ongoing clash. The program depicts Russian troops conducting "cleansing missions" through a rural Chechen village, visits a barely functioning university in the heart of the city , reveals life in a refugee tent city, and goes inside an active unit of Islamic Chechen fighters. Webs of special interest woven by the United States, Wahabist Muslims, and neighboring Georgia are also examined. In addition, anchor Daljit Dhaliwal talks with Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasia n Affairs Ambassador Steven Pifer. (57 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2177_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2177_l

blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11015</td><td>Grief and Healing</td><td>The news of a loved one's impending death is often accompanied by an initial reaction of fear. In th is program, introduced by NewsHour's Ray Suarez and facilitated by Frank Ostases ki, founder of San Francisco's Zen Hospice Project, seven everyday people reflec t on their experiences with loss, grief, and healing. Discussing what they fear, how they would say good-bye, and other deeply personal topics, some discover th e transformation and healing that may occur in such moments. The program conclud es with a simple exercise in which participants write a final message to their l oved ones, toss the paper into a fire, and watch the ashes rise into the darknes s. (26 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2178_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2178_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8156</td><td>Grounded for Life: Teenage Pregnancy</td><td>Gr ounded for Life examines the rising national trend of unplanned pregnancies in t he teen population. Utilizing actual case studies and interviews with teenage mo thers, it illustrates the risk factors, motivations, and thought processes assoc iated with the rapidly growing teenage pregnancy problem. Thought-provoking foot age of single teenage parents portrays the economic and emotional hardships they face. Detailed investigations of educational programs for students and parents, self-evaluation, birth control, and counseling are examined in an open manner. Closing perspectives given by teen mothers and fathers provide backdrop for many classroom discussions and assignments. One of the most informative, intriguing classroom videos available today. A Cambridge Educational Production. One 39-min ute video.</td><td>1988</td><td>39</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2179_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2179_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32073</td><td>Grounding</td><td>What exactly needs to be gro unded in a house, and how is it done? That's what this video explains as it demo nstrates how to install a low-resistance panel-to-earth grounding system. Other surge and lightning protection devices are also discussed, and tips on testing s ystems for functionality and safety are included. A viewable/printable instructo r's guide is available online. Correlates to the National Center for Constructio n Education and Research standards. A Shopware Production. (16 minutes)</td><td> 2004</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2180_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2180_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37606</td><td>Growing Old</td><td>Most people are unwilling to confront aging-even many seniors live in denial of it. Some fear losing their

independence and autonomy, while others simply can't accept the graying of thei r hair. This program explores the varied landscape of aging in America, presenti ng the realities-physical, medical, emotional, and economic-of growing old in a youth-obsessed society. Whether they are well off in retirement, financially mar ginalized, in good health, or terminally ill, the film's participants provide mo ving and provocative commentary and raise several challenging questions. What ex actly is the healthy way to grow old? Is age a disease to be battled or a beauti ful stage of life to be embraced and celebrated? Perhaps most importantly, how c an we reverse our society's neglect of the elderly? (74 minutes)</td><td>2006</t d><td>74</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2181_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2181_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11460</td><td>Growing the Mind: How the Brain Develops</td>< td>As far as Dr. Susan Greenfield is concerned, learning, memory, and even the p rocess of individuation should be understood as a restless brain adapting moment by moment to the environment it encounters. This program charts the changes in the human brain as it develops from infancy to adulthood. The brain's extraordin ary adaptability, as demonstrated by its ability to reorganize its neural networ k after radical surgical intervention, and its terrible vulnerability to damage, as in the case of John Forbes, whose memory faculty was almost entirely destroy ed by an accident at birth, are addressed. A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</td><t d>2000</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2182_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2182_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33096</td><td>Growing Together</td><td>In a frenetic culture where skewed body image messages mislead the young and nutrition repeatedly los es out to convenience, children's physical and psychological well-being are incr easingly at risk. In response to this alarming situation, psychologist Jodi R. G alin and registered dietitian Andrea McDonough have created Growing Together, a three-part kit designed to help educators, parents, caregivers, health professio nals, and community leaders protect children from developing obesity and eating disorders. It consists of Watch Me Grow! Stop to Listen!, a 32-minute documentar y-style video filled with authoritative information-including how to recognize " red flags" that may signal a need for professional attention-as well as tips, ta ctics, and ideas; a supplemental guidebook that elaborates on ideas presented in the video; and Healthy Kids! Healthy Bodies!, a printable four-lesson curriculu m guide for children ages 9 through 12 and student surveys, on CD-ROM. Help chil dren grow into their own healthy size with Growing Together! Correlates to the N ational Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences Education from the Family and Consumer Sciences Education Association and the National Health Education Stand ards from the Joint Committee on National Health Education Standards. 3-part set .</td><td>2004</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2183_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2183_l blPrice">$199.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>33596</td><td>Growing Up Fast</td><td>In this engrossing doc umentary, filmmaker and author Joanna Lipper follows six teen mothers and severa l young fathers through their last months of high school. This film goes beyond explaining the difficulties of early parenthood to reveal the compassionate stre ngth, resilience, self-awareness, and insight of these adolescents as they look back on past decisions with enhanced understanding of their consequences. Throug h their intimate stories, the program explores the emotions, relationships, and psychological forces that lead to teen pregnancy. Assumptions about teen mothers are challenged as the girls work at minimum wage jobs to support their families while simultaneously working to graduate from high school with the assistance o f tutoring and daycare. Recognized by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sci ences as an outstanding short documentary. Additional information is located onl ine at (35 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>35</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2184_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2184_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8189</td><td>Growing Up Fast: A Guide to Unplanned Parenthoo d</td><td>This two-part series takes an unflinching look at the facts on adolesc ent sexual behavior and attitudes toward birth control. It also outlines the cho ices facing an expectant teen mother and stresses the importance of developing a positive and responsible attitude in order to make the best of the situation. A Cambridge Educational Production. 2-part series, 40-42 minutes each.</td><td>19 92</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2185_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2185_l blPrice">$159.90<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32367</td><td>Growing Up Hispanic: Children in Crisis</td><t d>Reports from reputable medical sources reveal a statistical correlation betwee n healthcare issues and poor academic performance in Hispanic communities nation wide. In this program, the National Council of La Raza's Raul Yzaguirre, former Surgeon General David Satcher, the Hispanic Dental Association's Nelson Artiga, and other experts address the pervasive health concerns-most notably dental prob lems and pediatric obesity-and insufficient access to healthcare that plague Ame rica's Hispanic population, significantly undermining Latino children's educatio n as well as long-term well-being. Health initiatives in California, Texas, Flor ida, and New York are featured, along with case studies from those states. (58 m inutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2186_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2186_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6519</td><td>Growth and Development</td><td>This program loo ks at how growth in the standard of living occurs and what government policy can do to affect this process. Among the concepts explained in the program is how g

rowth policy differs from stabilization policy. (28 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><t d>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2187_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2187_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3318</td><td>The Growth of Towns and Cities</td><td>This pro gram looks on urban landscapes as a series of layers of architectural evidence, each of which is the key to another chapter in the history of the area, and anot her chapter in the way people's lifestyles have been changed by technology. The program examines how industrialization led to urbanization, which led to higher rents, overcrowding, and problems of sanitation, which in turn led to government al controls; it also shows how railways and improved transportation opened up ci ties and led to the growth of suburbs. (19 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>19</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2188_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2188_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7023</td><td>Guatemala Silenced</td><td>Stratification of wo men in Guatemalan society is the subject of this program. It examines the submis siveness of upper-class women; a new emerging middle class who are defying tradi tion and cultural expectations to fight for their equal rights; and the indigeno us population, who are segregated and discriminated against. Scenes and descript ions of sexual abuse among lower economic groups are graphic, as are description s of political terror. Women refugees in Mexico discuss the terror that drove th em into exile. Also available in Spanish. (57 minutes)English</td><td>1997</td>< td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2189_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2189_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5963</td><td>Guatemala Silenciada</td><td>Stratification of women in Guatemalan society is the subject of this program. It examines the subm issiveness of upper-class women; a new emerging middle class who are defying tra dition and cultural expectations to fight for their equal rights; and the indige nous population, who are segregated and discriminated against. Scenes and descri ptions of sexual abuse among lower economic groups are graphic, as are descripti ons of political terror. Women refugees in Mexico discuss the terror that drove them into exile. Also available in English. (57 minutes)Spanish</td><td>1992</td ><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2190_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2190_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>34472</td><td>Guatemala: The Human Price of Coffee</td><td>C offee is second only to oil as the world's most valuable traded commodity, but s mall-scale producers rarely profit from it. This program reveals the hardship an d uncertainty faced by coffee farmers in Guatemala, and how many are taking step s to obtain better prices and build better lives. Analyzing the country's trauma tic history and the lingering effects of its civil war, the video sheds light on the reluctance of some citizens to organize for fear of persecution and murder. The video clearly demonstrates that behind every pound of coffee lies a story o f human struggle. (Portions have English subtitles, 26 minutes)</td><td>2004</td ><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2191_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2191_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9349</td><td>Guggenheim Museum Bilbao</td><td>Architect Fran k Gehry's extraordinary building in the Basque country of northern Spain resembl es a gigantic abstract sculpture in titanium, glass, and limestone. Its luminous exterior is as visually stimulating as the cathedral-like atrium and the organi c forms of the galleries-an artful complement to the building's artistic content s. In this outstanding program, Mr. Gehry discusses his design approach and the architectural evolution of the museum, from sketches, to computerized blueprints , to the completed project. (33 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2192_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2192_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36926</td><td>The Guid Scots Tongue</td><td>The Scottish ton gue is one of the oldest in Britain, a Northern variety of English that, but for the accidents of history, might have become a separate language. This classic P BS program deals with the influence of the Scots in spreading the language of th eir historic enemies-the Sassenachs of the South-around the world. The program b egins in the 15th century, the golden age of the Scottish tongue; it follows the linguistic path of the Scots as they settled in Ulster and then crossed the Atl antic into Appalachia and the American sunbelt. A look at the English of the Sco ttish Highlands is also included, studying the influence of the Gaelic languages that still survive on the Outer Hebrides. (58 minutes)</td><td>1986</td><td>59< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2193_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2193_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>12108</td><td>A Guide to Disabilities</td><td>Preserving qua lity of life and independence is a goal for people with disabilities and those w ho care for them. This series provides a basic, practical reference for caregive rs assisting individuals with either physical or mental disabilities. The progra ms use helpful demonstrations and computer graphics to illustrate techniques and concerns. In addition, there are many illuminating interviews with doctors, car

egivers, parents, spouses, and those overcoming disabilities.4-part series, 27-4 0 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2194_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2194_l blPrice">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6685</td><td>The Guitar</td><td>The guitar is the national i nstrument of Spain, so it is appropriate that this program begins with the playi ng of the traditional vihuela. The story of the instrument's development over th e next 400 years includes its replacement of that universal Renaissance instrume nt, the lute, in both Spain and Italy. Both guitar solo performances and guitar performances with voice appear throughout the program, including one of the last public performances of famed classical Spanish guitarist Andres Segovia. (28 mi nutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2195_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2195_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>12000</td><td>Gum Disease: Beyond Tooth Loss</td><td>Mountin g evidence indicates that there is a definite correlation between unhealthy gums and risk factors impacting overall bodily health. In fact, the bacteria that ca use gingivitis and periodontitis also multiply the chance of heart attack, strok e, pneumonia, and, for mothers-to-be, premature birth. In this program, dental p rofessionals address these and other related life-threatening conditions; spell out the symptoms, stages, and treatment of periodontal disease; and explain the simple steps to maintaining good oral hygiene. (24 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td >24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2196_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2196_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30004</td><td>Gustav Mahler</td><td>Moved as a boy by the ch arming simplicity of an organ-grinder's song, Mahler brought "street sounds" int o his symphonies. As conductor, he demanded dynamic stage design and lighting an d insisted on darkness in the hall, changing the nature of the conductor's role and introducing modern stagecraft. Even his appointment as director of the Vienn a Court Opera at the precocious age of 37 was revolutionary. This program charts Mahler's life and professional career with commentary from musicologist Philipp e Chambouard and selections of historic recordings from Mahler's oeuvre, such as Brigitte Fassbaender singing from Kindertotenlieder and Leonard Bernstein condu cting Symphony No. 2 (Resurrection) with mezzo-soprano Dame Janet Baker. Bernste in also conducts Symphonies No. 5 and No. 8, as well as the Adagio from No. 9. ( 27 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2197_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2197_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31230</td><td>Gustave Courbet: The Place of Death</td><td>In 1848, a political revolution in France foreshadowed a revolution in art. In 185 1, Gustave Courbet's A Burial at Ornans scandalized the public with its unembell ished portrayal of an ordinary funeral. The shift toward Realism had begun. This program tells the sensational story of Courbet's Burial while analyzing the sub tleties and surprises that underlie its deceptively innocent facade. (32 minutes )</td><td>1996</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2198_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2198_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31236</td><td>Gustave Courbet: The Place of Death-in French< /td><td>In 1848, a political revolution in France foreshadowed a revolution in a rt. In 1851, Gustave Courbet's A Burial at Ornans scandalized the public with it s unembellished portrayal of an ordinary funeral. The shift toward Realism had b egun. This program tells the sensational story of Courbet's Burial while analyzi ng the subtleties and surprises that underlie its deceptively innocent facade. ( French, 32 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2199_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2199_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34763</td><td>Gustavo Adolfo Becquer</td><td>Although he liv ed only 34 years, Gustavo Becquer is largely responsible for leading Spanish poe try toward the Modernist era. This program details his life and artistic journey , from his birth into impoverished nobility to his death in obscurity-and his po sthumous fame as Spain's greatest post-Romantic poet. Outlining the author's edu cation, friendships, and failed loves, the video focuses on the power of the Rim as and the political turmoil that prevented its publication during Becquer's lif etime. The clarity and sensitivity of his letters and the inventiveness of his p rose legends are also showcased in this poignant, compelling biography. (English , 22 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2200_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2200_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30331</td><td>Guten Tag! And Then What?</td><td>This program covers how to greet friends, introduce oneself to strangers, talk about where o ne comes from, and say what languages one speaks. Settings include a Munich art gallery featuring contemporary art, a renowned violin-making school in the ancie nt town of Mittenwald, and Munich's annual arts and music festival. In addition, a whirlwind tour of Germany reveals the country's regional diversity. Original BBC broadcast title: Talk German, Program 1. (German and English, 16 minutes)</t d><td>2002</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2201_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2201_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36149</td><td>Gutted: The Demise of Scotland's Fishing Indus try</td><td>Scottish fishermen have trawled for cod in the North Sea for generat ions. Under new European Union laws, many families are being forced out of the t rade. This Wide Angle documentary poignantly depicts a year in the life of Frase rburgh, a hard-hit community caught between E.U. policies designed to preserve f ish stocks and the need to earn a living. Showing how commercial overfishing has decimated the local whitefish population, the program joins one veteran fisherm an on the final voyage of his family boat, and profiles the Cod Crusaders-a grou p of Fraserburgh women who besiege E.U. committee hearings in a last-ditch effor t to save their town's livelihood. Leon Panetta, Chairman of the Pew Oceans Comm ission, discusses the state of the world's oceans and marine life with guest anc hor Carol Marin. (57 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2202_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2202_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36150</td><td>H5N1: Killer Flu</td><td>Avian influenza A (H5 N1) has successfully made the leap from poultry to people. Is a human-to-human p andemic inevitable? Using Southeast Asia as a case study, this Wide Angle report looks at the Vietnamese government's efforts to contain the disease while educa ting its population. In addition, Bill Moyers speaks with Dr. Anthony Fauci, of the National Institutes of Health, about how this lethal virus mutates and sprea ds, symptoms of infection, best- and worst-case survival scenarios, the vaccinat ion development process, and whether there will be enough vaccine in the event o f a major outbreak. (57 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2203_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2203_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3601</td><td>The Haber Process</td><td>This program provides a study of the development of the process invented by Fritz Haber for producing ammonia from atmospheric nitrogen, with a review of the concepts presented in t he first five programs. The program recounts the major events of Haber's life, e xplaining how his discoveries prolonged the First World War. (10 minutes)</td><t d>1992</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2204_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2204_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32844</td><td>Haiku: In Basho's Footsteps</td><td>More than three centuries ago, the seminal haiku poet Matsuo Basho traveled Japan in a spi

ritual quest for enlightenment. In this down-to-earth program, haiku enthusiasts from around the world including award-winning haiku poet and English teacher Vi snja McMaster and haiku translator Judit Vihar, professor of Japanese studies at Eotvos Lorand University, follow in the master's footsteps as they open themsel ves to the haiku moment at the very places where Basho himself found inspiration . Excerpts from Basho's impressions of his journey, The Narrow Road to the Deep North, are included, as are haiku written by the trip participants. The therapeu tic value of haiku-writing for traumatized children and adults is also addressed . (45 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2205_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2205_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37603</td><td>HairKutt: Breaking the Heroin Death Grip</td>< td>In this program, three well-meaning friends take their buddy Bryant "HairKutt " Johnson to a remote cabin for a week of improvised detox in the hope of helpin g him break his 15-year addiction to heroin. But when withdrawal turns to intern al bleeding and life-threatening dehydration, they have to rush him to a hospita l, where life and death hang in the balance. HairKutt survives, but becomes re-a ddicted immediately after returning home. These four friends, as close as family , learn the hard way that only 1 in 5 cold-turkey detoxes succeed in the short t erm and that it's rare for a heroin addict to kick the habit on the first attemp t. An intensely human drama that unfolds slowly but very powerfully. Tell your s tudents to forget reality TV and watch this instead, because this is the real de al-filmed live and unscripted as the story unfolded. Some content may be objecti onable, and some language may be offensive. (77 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>77 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2206_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2206_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33620</td><td>Haiti: Land of Tragedy, Land of Hope</td><td>T he numbers alone are stunning: 8 million inhabitants, 70 percent of whom live be low the poverty line; a life expectancy of 50 years; a 65 percent illiteracy rat e; and a 70 percent unemployment rate. Such is the recent population in Haiti, w hich ironically had its origins cast in optimism: the Haitians were the first pe ople to abolish slavery in 1797 and establish a black republic. Yet the followin g years have brought the island a succession of violence, chaotic politics, and the railroading of national sovereignty for the benefit of few. This thought-pro voking documentary traces what Jean-Bertrand Aristide calls Haiti's "linear hist ory" back to its discovery by Columbus in the late 15th century and the violent process of colonization to the present. (55 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>55</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2207_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2207_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11140</td><td>Hajj: The Pilgrimage</td><td>Every year, milli

ons of Muslims journey to Mecca to take part in the Hajj, the fifth pillar of fa ith-a sacred duty that transcends race, nationality, and even time. This program captures the day-by-day events of one such pilgrimage, including the ritual of tawaf, the performance of wuquf on Mt. Rahmah, the overnight stay at Muzdalifah, the symbolic stoning of the Devil in the valley of Mina, and the festival of sa crifice. Footage of the holy city of Medina, the ancient battlefield at Uhud, an d the changing of the embroidered cover on the Kaaba is also included, as well a s detailed historical background on Islam and its prophet, Muhammad. (53 minutes )</td><td>1999</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2208_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2208_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8750</td><td>Half Past Autumn: The Life and Art of Gordon Pa rks</td><td>In this program, 85-year-old Gordon Parks discusses his multifaceted , lifelong career in the arts. Best known, perhaps, for his photography, Mr. Par ks has documented the plight of the poor as a photojournalist with Life magazine , the lives of the famous, and the looks of the fashion elite. A distinguished f ilm director, poet, author, composer, and digital art pioneer as well, Gordon Pa rks has spent his life getting to know the world one person at a time. Yet in a career spanning more than 50 years and packed with noteworthy accomplishments, M r. Parks feels that his best works are still to be done. (12 minutes)</td><td>19 98</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2209_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2209_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7709</td><td>Hamlet: A Critical Guide</td><td>Shakespeare's troubled character comes to life in this program in the capable hands of leading scholars, as they discuss the major themes of the play, its plot, and the actio ns of its main characters. Analyzing key scenes, scholars Russell Jackson and St anley Wells of Stratford-upon-Avon offer insights into the underlying meaning of Hamlet's eloquent soliloquies, as well as the play's eight violent deaths, adul tery, ghostly haunting, and ultimate tragic end. Death and revenge are explored as major themes of the work, as well as Shakespeare's playful inclusion of comed ic relief. An analysis of Hamlet's relationships with his mother and Ophelia pro vides interesting insights into his multifaceted character. (31 minutes)</td><td >1998</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2210_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2210_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>2751</td><td>Handel's Messiah</td><td>This is a performance of the Messiah in the original scoring, performed as Handel intended it, with mu ch smaller resources than we have become accustomed to and, therefore, a perfect balance between a small chorus and orchestra. Roger Norrington conducts the Lon don Baroque Players (comprising leading specialists in 17th- and 18th-century in strumental practice), the Cardiff (Wales) Polyphonic Choir, and soloists Norma B

urrowes, Helen Watts, Robert Tear, and Willard White. (114 minutes)</td><td>&nbs p;</td><td>114</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2211_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2211_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32334</td><td>Handling, Diapering, and Dressing</td><td>In t his program, parents demonstrate safe and comfortable ways to hold and carry new borns, as well as techniques for diapering and dressing babies. (16 minutes)</td ><td>2003</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2212_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2212_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32563</td><td>Handling, Diapering, and Dressing-in Spanish</ td><td>In this program, parents demonstrate safe and comfortable ways to hold an d carry newborns, as well as techniques for diapering and dressing babies. (19 m inutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2213_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2213_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14379</td><td>Handling Difficult Questions</td><td>This prog ram teaches how to prepare for commonly asked questions, how to tactfully answer illegal questions, and how to prepare for skeleton questions. Emphasis is place d on giving students an understanding of what interviews look for and how to tur n disaster questions into interview assets. A Cambridge Educational Production.O ne 30-minute video.</td><td>1986</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2214_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2214_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30046</td><td>Handling Social Situations with Finesse</td><t d>Filmed at a bustling cafe, a wedding, a christening, and a variety of other in teresting locations, this program shows how to order and pay for beverages and h ow to express familial relationships and marital status. Commentary provides ins ights into cafe culture and family life in France. Original BBC broadcast title: Talk French, Program 2. (French and English, 16 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>1 6</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2215_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2215_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8150</td><td>Handling Stress: Today and Tomorrow</td><td>Str ess has been a part of life since the beginning of humankind. Events that occur daily cause different levels of stress for different individuals. The way a pers on views a situation is directly related to the degree of stress that he or she may feel. This video program helps students identify stressful circumstances and provides ways to manage the pressure that they create. It also explains that wh ile high levels of stress can be harmful, by learning to handle tension by chann eling energy to positive feelings, individuals accomplish goals rather then spen d time worrying about failure. By knowing how to put events in perspective, stud ents possess a vital tool for managing stress today and tomorrow. A Cambridge Ed ucational Production. One 25-minute video.</td><td>1989</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2216_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2216_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6138</td><td>Handling Variability</td><td>This program exami nes the measurement of blood pressure to introduce the idea that multiple measur ements may produce very variable results. The idea that measurement "errors," to gether with fluctuations in the parameters being measured, create variability is followed by an explanation of both Systematic and Random Error and the recognit ion of the need for statistical techniques to handle this variability in order t o allow inferences to be drawn and decisions made. (25 minutes)</td><td>1996</td ><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2217_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2217_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8449</td><td>Hand-Me-Down Genes: An Introduction to Genetics </td><td>This two-part series introduces the fundamental concepts that students need in order to understand how genes work and how human characteristics are inh erited. Incorporating the latest research in genetics, concepts are presented in a clear and interesting manner through computer-generated graphics. Interviews with young people who discuss their genetic conditions bring the material to lif e. From conception to meiosis, this series allows students to gain a basic under standing of genetics and DNA. 2-part series, 25-28 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;< /td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2218_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2218_l blPrice">$299.90<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8451</td><td>Hand-Me-Down Genes: Family Patterns</td><td>Whe n you look at a family photo, the resemblances, even across several generations, can be striking. What role do genes play, and why aren't siblings identical (an d why are some)? This program explains how the formation of sex cells, from the first gamete to chromosome pairs, determines our genetic makeup. Deviations such

as cystic fibrosis, Huntington's disease, achondroplasia, Klinefelter syndrome, and Turner syndrome are also discussed. (28 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>28</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2219_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2219_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8450</td><td>Hand-Me-Down Genes: How Genes Work</td><td>Our body is composed of billions of cells, but how does each cell know what to becom e? This program starts with the nucleus of a single cell and then explains the o ther components the cell needs to function: chromosomes, genes, DNA, and ribosom es. From hair color to height, our genes determine who we are. This program expl ores, through animated graphics, all of the basic genetic building blocks and ho w they work. (25 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2220_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2220_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35818</td><td>The Hanoverians</td><td>As the 18th century da wned, foreigners continued to dominate the English royal line. This program prof iles the four Kings George and William IV, and their significance in the German House of Hanover. Beginning with the rancorous relationship between George I and II, the program explores the origin of the position of Prime Minister, the cour tly rivalry between George II and his son Frederick-expressed largely through op era sponsorship-and the American Rebellion. The personally disastrous reigns of George III and IV, both of whom suffered humiliation and insanity while presidin g over a vast colonial empire, are explained in detail. (45 minutes)</td><td>200 4</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2221_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2221_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10173</td><td>Hard Time: Teens in Maximum Security Prisons</ td><td>Every Wednesday another busload of new inmates arrives at the Western You th Institution in Morganton, North Carolina, a maximum security prison for juven ile offenders. What trade-offs do the convicts have to make, just to stay alive in this hostile environment? And what will they be like if they eventually make it back into society? In this program, ABC News anchor Diane Sawyer reports on p rison life through the experiences of four new teenage inmates-one only 13 years old. A follow-up two years later reveals the impact of their incarceration on t heir minds and bodies, best summed up by the words of one of the four: "This is not the place to be." (24 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2222_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2222_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>10285</td><td>Harmonic Motion and Waves</td><td>Section one of this program sheds light on the behavior of springs and pendulums undergoing simple harmonic motion, illuminating the application of Hooke's Law and the form ula for calculating oscillation. In section two, physics experts like "Working J oe" discuss wave terminology, principles such as periodic waves, and wave types, including transverse, longitudinal, and surface waves. Examples using rope, a r adio, and an electric guitar reinforce these fundamentals. (23 minutes)</td><td> 1999</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2223_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2223_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29996</td><td>Harmonics: The Innovators of Classical Music</ td><td>Once in a while a composer comes along who changes the very way music is made. This series of portraits tells the stories of the great composers by focus ing on the innovations they brought to their art. Each program draws on a wealth of archival material, historical accounts, contributions from renowned musicolo gists, and world-class performers to chart the musical milestones in each compos er's career. Among the interpreters who play, sing, or conduct in the series are Arthur Rubinstein, Leonard Bernstein, Herbert von Karajan, Arturo Benedetti Mic helangeli, Luciano Pavarotti, Karl Richter, Mischa Maisky, Klaus Tennstedt, Jose Van Dam, Dame Janet Baker, and Glenn Gould. 10-part series, 27 minutes each.</t d><td>1998</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2224_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2224_l blPrice">$899.50<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30378</td><td>Harm's Way: The Lessons of Youth Violence</td> <td>Are the increasingly frequent accounts of wanton, often cold-blooded youth v iolence a reflection of a toxic culture or the problems of troubled, isolated in dividuals? This program tells the stories of several young offenders from their own perspectives as well as from those of their families and the families whose lives they have irreparably changed. Interviews with social workers, law enforce ment and probation officers, psychologists, criminologists, forensic psychiatris ts, and, most importantly, the kids themselves offer possible answers to a deepl y disturbing problem. (47 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2225_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2225_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>20386</td><td>Harnessing Nature's Power</td><td>The ability to tap the natural resources of the planet is crucial to our world, and a great challenge to an engineer. This video travels around Europe to show viewers a hyd roelectric power station in the U.K., a wind turbine in Sweden, and a solar furn ace in the Pyrenees. (24 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2226_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2226_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3317</td><td>Harnessing Steam</td><td>The history of the dev elopment of coal, iron, and steam during the Industrial Revolution is extensive and complex. In the era of the microchip, it is easy to overlook the critical ro le of the steam engine in powering the 19th-century machine. This program looks at the role of water power, examines Newcomen's and Watt's machines, looks at th e interdependence of steam, coal, and iron and at the new demand for coal, and e xamines the growth of electrical energy. (20 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>20< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2227_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2227_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35752</td><td>Harold Clurman: A Life of Theater</td><td>As a founding member and the driving force behind the Group Theater, Harold Clurman helped heighten the emotional sensitivity and social awareness of American drama . This classic program, narrated by Meryl Streep, recounts Clurman's artistic jo urney using rarely seen archival films and conversations with the director's inn er circle-luminaries of the mid-20th-century American stage including Arthur Mil ler, Lee Strasberg, Roy Scheider, Karl Malden, Phoebe Brand, and others. Full of provocative and entertaining Clurman appearances, the program features extensiv e excerpts from his lectures, personal interviews, and the only Clurman acting w orkshop ever recorded. (57 minutes)</td><td>1987</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2228_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2228_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6678</td><td>The Harp</td><td>This program discusses the dev elopment of this ethereal instrument in 8th-century Ireland. We see how Irish mo nks introduced the harp to Europe, and follow its growth from a small, hand-held instrument into the standard 75-pound, 46-string instrument played today. Works by Handel, Mozart, Liszt, and Debussy, as well as music from Ireland and Switze rland, illustrate the harp's use through time. (28 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td>< td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2229_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2229_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9323</td><td>Hate and the Internet: Web Sites and the Issue of Free Speech</td><td>What is the price of free speech? Protected by their Firs t Amendment rights and the Internet's cultural philosophy of "post it all and le t the readers decide," American hate groups are having a field day on the World

Wide Web, creating virulent virtual communities of intolerance. In this program, ABC News anchor Ted Koppel investigates the proliferation of hate online with D on Black, founder of the white nationalist Web site Storm Front, and Floyd Abram s, a First Amendment attorney who has represented The New York Times and ABC New s. Together they discuss both the medium and the message, plus the controversial issue of content filtering. (22 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2230_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2230_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10931</td><td>Hate Groups USA</td><td>Using the shocking rac ist murder of James Byrd as a starting point, this disturbing program investigat es America's proliferating hate groups. The KKK's Charles Lee; the founder of Ar yan Nations and his successor, Pastor Neumann Britton; and William Pierce, head of the National Alliance and author of The Turner Diaries, calmly proclaim their chilling views on "racial patriotism" and "positive hate." Countering, Julian B ond, of the NAACP; Irv Rubin, national chairman of the Jewish Defense League; Ro bert Blitzer, bureau chief of the FBI's domestic terrorism unit; and others expl ore the mentality of intolerance, abetted by the subversive Christian Identity m ovement. Original BBC broadcast title: Heart of Darkness. (48 minutes)</td><td>1 998</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2231_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2231_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29913</td><td>A Hazy Transparency: Peru's 2000 Elections</td ><td>As opposed to passively monitoring the electoral process, the Organization of American States responded actively to the lack of procedural transparency and the blatant corruption in Peru's 2000 elections, waging a campaign to keep vote rs informed of irregularities. This program provides a detailed account of the e lections and shows how the OAS observation mission set a controversial precedent by contributing to quasi-dictator Fujimori's resignation. Eduardo Stein, the le ader of the OAS mission, talks at length about the political situation at the ti me and how his team worked to maintain fairness at the polls. (27 minutes)</td>< td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2232_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2232_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36956</td><td>HEADSS: An Interview Protocol</td><td>Identify ing social and psychological needs is a critical step in caring for at-risk yout h. The interview protocol known as HEADSS-focusing on Home, Education & Employme nt, Activities, Drugs, Sexuality, and Suicide & Depression-is a highly effective method for listening to teenagers and building strategies to help them. This vi deo introduces the HEADSS protocol to health and social service students and to professionals who are developing outreach skills. It suggests ways to integrate HEADSS methodology into youth-oriented social service settings, highlighting the need to recognize an interview subject's strengths as well as vulnerabilities.

(13 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2233_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2233_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6135</td><td>Healers of Ghana</td><td>This program explores the traditional medical practices of the Bono people of central Ghana and how th eir healers are cooperating with Western doctors, using herbs and spiritualism t o improve health-care delivery in rural areas. Traditionally, Bono tribal priest s undergo a painful spiritual possession, during which deities reveal to them th e causes of illnesses, which plants to use to treat them, who is perpetrating wi tchcraft, and which villagers might be endangering society through improper beha vior. The program features vibrant dance and possession ceremonies, set against the backdrop of the Bono villages, which are awash with color. (58 minutes)</td> <td>1993</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2234_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2234_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6500</td><td>Healing Arts: The Arts and Medicine</td><td>Art has been used over the centuries to help people accept a medical condition they cannot change or to provide a spiritual lift during difficult times. But, incre asingly, the arts are being used in a scientifically ordered manner to improve h ealth in specific ways. Studies have shown that arts therapy can reduce pain, im prove the health of pre-term babies, decrease the severity of headaches, and imp rove speech of people who've had strokes. This program from The Doctor Is In pro files several examples, including a dance that evolved out of dealing with AIDS, murals in a children's cancer clinic, a physician who is also a professional cl own, music therapy for autistic children, and a woman with manic-depressive illn ess who uses painting as therapy. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center productio n. (29 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2235_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2235_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10670</td><td>Healing the Heart: Forgive and Remember</td><t d>How could Bud Welch, whose daughter died in the Oklahoma City bombing, forgive Timothy McVeigh? How did the Reverend Walter Everett move beyond his desire for revenge against the man who murdered his son? In this program, these and other remarkable individuals-people who in picking up the pieces of their shattered li ves have triumphed over hate-share the details of their long, painful, and deepl y personal journeys from shock and the desire for retribution to an attitude of forgiveness. (30 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2236_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2236_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10672</td><td>Healing the Soul: Religious Perspectives on Fo rgiveness</td><td>Atonement, penance, and absolution are beliefs that reside at the core of the world's major religions. Have the practices of contrition and re stitution become relics of the past, or are they still viable today as opportuni ties for spiritual cleansing, healing, and rebirth? In this program, The God Squ ad's Rabbi Marc Gellman and Monsignor Thomas Hartman; Dr. Abdulaziz Sachedina, o f the Organization for Islamic Learning; Sister Helen Prejean, author of Dead Ma n Walking; and others present their diverse perspectives on forgiveness in relig ious and institutional milieus. (30 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2237_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2237_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10671</td><td>Healing the Wounds: Making Peace a Priority</t d><td>Can the current generation of hereditary enemies muster the will to put th e past behind them? Can nations reconcile old enmities once and for all? This pr ogram explores the complexities of promoting forgiveness on a mass scale in plac es such as Ireland and the Middle East. Dr. Robert Enright, president of The Int ernational Forgiveness Institute; Nobel Laureate Betty Williams; representatives of The Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies; and others discu ss their efforts to advance the peace-making process-a process essential to the progress of humanity. (30 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2238_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2238_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29975</td><td>Healing the Wounds: Nursing's Road to Recovery </td><td>With the majority of nurses getting uncomfortably close to retirement, it is urgent that a new generation enter the ranks of the profession. This progr am looks at how nurses and other members of the healthcare industry are trying t o attract more young women and men to the field, as well as at initiatives to re store respect for nursing as a career choice. Turning the nursing profession aro und will take educational and financial incentives, a willingness to incorporate new ideas, and time-but time is the one thing that is in very short supply. (29 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2239_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2239_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35848</td><td>Health & Wellness Core Curriculum Video Librar y</td><td>Good nutrition or junk food? Healthy coping mechanisms or substance ab use? Peaceful conflict resolution or violence? These are only a few of the conce rns addressed head on in this 20-program educational video collection. Recomm ended for grades 8-12. Correlates to state and national standards. Twenty full -length videos. (c) 2006.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2240_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2240_l blPrice">$785.00<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5205</td><td>Health and Medicine: On the Cutting Edge</td><t d>This program takes us on a tour of what has become one of the most popular and prolific beats in television, on both the network and local levels. The depth a nd range of medical reporting have grown considerably in the last decade, but, w ith few exceptions, we were tragically late in reporting the scope and severity of the AIDS story. Controversial cures and dubious wonder drugs have always gott en lots of air-time, but television has dallied in addressing the health care cr isis. The whole subject of aging has also been virtually ignored, and when it do es get attention, it's usually of the doom-and-gloom variety. The good news is t hat health and medical reporting has broadened, abstract concepts have been huma nized, and a new category of investigative reporting is helping medical consumer s take more control of their own care. Narrated by Peter Jennings. (30 minutes)< /td><td>1994</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2241_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2241_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6200</td><td>Health and Pharmaceuticals</td><td>A worldwide increase in longevity has brought a focus on making that longer life a healthier one. The greater focus on health, and the considerably higher cost of caring fo r the elderly, will create a need for a more effective health-care delivery syst em. Experts from Kaiser Permanente, U.S. Healthcare, Genzyme, and Boehringer Ing elheim, among others, provide insight on these challenges and likely new directi ons for health-care systems and pharmaceutical companies. What will the changes be as the effects of the new technologies and drugs, ever-increasing patient dem ands, and cost constraints intensify? (35 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>35</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2242_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2242_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29321</td><td>Health Information Management</td><td>Compilin g and retrieving up-to-date information on patients' illnesses, injuries, and me dical history is more important than ever for effective medical care. This video focuses on opportunities in the field of healthcare information management and technology. Examples of HIM-related positions are covered-including medical bill ing specialist, diagnostic and procedural coder, and privacy officer-along with the two main types of schooling that precede a HIM career: an associate degree l eading to work as a Registered Health Information Technician, and a baccalaureat e degree required for employment as a Registered Record Administrator. Patient c onfidentiality is an important subject in the video. A viewable/printable instru ctor's guide is available online. A Meridian Production. (15 minutes)</td><td>20 02</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2243_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2243_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36110</td><td>Health Information Management Technician</td>< td>Because of a growing need for detailed records, health information management technicians are increasingly in demand. This program looks at the specific duti es and peculiarities of the HIM tech's job, focusing on organizational and proce ss-related skills. Responsibilities highlighted in the video include maintaining databases of medical records, complying with legal and ethical privacy guidelin es, managing diagnostic and procedural codes, and producing reports for physicia ns to analyze. Featuring conversations with skilled practitioners in the field, the program explains the steps to becoming a HIM technician, including graduatio n from a 2-year, CAHIIM-accredited associate degree program and passing the AHIM A written exam. Special attention is given to the position of medical coder. A v iewable/printable instructor's guide containing additional material-including st udent activities, discussion questions, vocabulary terms, and fast facts-is avai lable online. Correlates to national and state board certification standards. A Meridian Production. (24 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2244_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2244_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29741</td><td>Health Services</td><td>Aside from doctors and dentists, there is a wide range of health service occupations, from paramedics on the "front lines" of accidents and illness to therapists assisting a patient' s full recovery. This program looks at the required training, qualifications, an d licensing for emergency medical technicians, pharmacists, physical therapists, and dental hygienists. The video also points out the differences between a diet etic technician and a dietician as well as a licensed practical nurse and a regi stered practical nurse. Health care professionals in all these positions talk ab out the rewards of their chosen careers. A Cambridge Educational Production. (16 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2245_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2245_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11827</td><td>Healthy Habits = Healthy Children</td><td>Keep ing toddlers and young children in tip-top health requires nutritious foods, ade quate sleep, and exercise. This video reviews the nutritional requirements for c hildren, appropriate serving sizes, and the importance of variety, balance, and moderation in their diet. Along with healthy eating habits, we look at exercise and wellness patterns to teach to young children who can benefit from them as th ey grow into adulthood. Everyone who interacts with children will want to help t hem combat the twofold menace of inactivity and obesity. A Meridian Production. (15 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2246_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2246_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11425</td><td>Healthy Relationships</td><td>Emotional abuse, fits of jealousy, and the use of physical force have no place in a healthy roma ntic or friendly relationship. This enlightening program offers teenagers practi cal approaches to nurturing healthy behavior in themselves and in others. Expert s offer guidelines for dealing with specific dating or friendship problems and f or handling peer pressure, which often leads to poor choices in teen relationshi ps. Tips for ending unhealthy relationships are included as well. A Cambridge Ed ucational Production. (33 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2247_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2247_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31151</td><td>Heard Island</td><td>Over 2,000 miles southwes t of Australia, Heard Island is wet, windy, and one of the few unspoiled environ ments left on earth. In this program, scientists and researchers from a wide arr ay of disciplines undertake a six-month expedition to this remote spot that serv es as a precise barometer of climate change and global warming. The team conduct s studies ranging from archaeological excavations of Heard Island's once-bustlin g seal blubber industry to ornithological surveys of migratory sea birds and the ir diets. (51 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2248_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2248_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33742</td><td>Hearing</td><td>This program deconstructs the emotional effects evoked by music and other sounds. Experiments by Dr. Mark Blag rove at the Sleep Laboratory in Swansea show that our sense of hearing is consta ntly alert, even while asleep, and Dr. Sarah Collins, from Nottingham University , explains why deep voices are so attractive to the opposite sex. Scientists ass ert that we have certain automatic responses to rhythmic sounds because many of our basic body processes work to a beat-the heart pumping or the legs and arms m oving as we walk. Highlighted is the mating male humpback whale, which sings to convey emotions to its fellow whales. A BBCW Production. (30 minutes)</td><td>20 03</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2249_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2249_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36286</td><td>The Heart of Bassett Place: W. Gertrude Brown and the Wheatley House</td><td>In the early 20th century, community centers call ed settlement houses were established across America. This documentary relates t he history of one such facility-the Phyllis Wheatley Settlement House, known in its time as "the greatest settlement house in the U.S. for Negroes." The program

profiles its first director, W. Gertrude Brown, who touched the lives of genera tions of African-Americans, and describes life at the Minneapolis center. The hi story of 20th-century African American culture is paralleled, since many social and artistic leaders-including Paul Robeson, Langston Hughes, Marian Anderson, a nd W. E. B. Dubois-called the Wheatley House their second home. (47 minutes)</td ><td>2006</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2250_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2250_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4281</td><td>The Heart of the Nation</td><td>This program ex plores the central values of Japan, Germany, and the U.S. and focuses on what dr ives each of these societies. America's hallmark is individualism, Japan's the p reeminence of the group; in America, freedom and diversity are primary values; i n Japan, conformity and a powerful sense of nationalism prevail. Germany stands between the two, asserting individualism but striving, more than the U.S., for s ocial harmony and consensus. The program shows how education is a metaphor for t he contrasts in the three societies. (58 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>58</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2251_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2251_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5754</td><td>The Heart of Things</td><td>Adrienne Rich, Vict or Hernandez Cruz, and Michael S. Harper have changed the way poetry is heard, r ead, and absorbed. This program showcases these three poets who exult in languag e's ability to illuminate culture and history. Filmed at the Biennial Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival. (58 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2252_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2252_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36537</td><td>Heartbreak</td><td>It can lead to isolation, t o depression, even to violence. In this program, psychologist John Marsden inves tigates the devastating effect that social and romantic rejection can have on th e brain, the body, and human behavior. Using the latest neuro-imaging technology , Dr. Marsden examines the links between unrequited love and physical pain; he a lso sheds light on why crimes of passion and revenge occur, and explains how ear ly childhood experiences of rejection can shape adult relationships. Examples of romantic failure and social isolation are analyzed through their physical manif estations-although these are shown to vary according to gender. A BBCW Productio n. (57 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2253_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2253_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>10286</td><td>Heat</td><td>When a werewolf stalks hyperactiv e teens in Hawaii, only the concept of phase changes can save them. This program outlines the mechanics of heat transference within isolated systems, including specific heat capacity; the relationship between latent heat and changes of stat e; the processes of conduction, convection, and radiation; and the theory behind the work produced by an internal combustion engine. (34 minutes)</td><td>1999</ td><td>34</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2254_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2254_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6846</td><td>Heat</td><td>Using a bow-drill and flint stones ; a glass tube filled with cotton and a piston; crushed pieces of dry ice in a v inyl pipe; liquid nitrogen and a butane lighter, a rose, a ball, and mercury; a bi-metallic strip of brass and aluminum; and a wooden stick and copper, iron, an d glass rods, the following concepts are demonstrated:o changing the energy of m ovement to heat energyo using compressed air to create fireo the three states of mattero heat and changes of volumeo heat expansiono thermal conductiono convect ion(30 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2255_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2255_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4057</td><td>Heat and Temperature</td><td>This unit includes six programs that cover the following concepts: molecules in solids-defines the three states of matter and illustrates the latticework pattern of molecules in solids; molecules in liquids-as molecules in a solid get hotter, they vibrate fa ster and faster and eventually slip out of their latticework pattern, changing t he substance from a solid to a liquid state; evaporation and condensation-a gold fish bowl demonstrates the process of evaporation; expansion and contraction-usi ng balloons to show how, when matter gets hot, its molecules go faster and the s olid, liquid, or gas expands, and when matter gets cold, its molecules go slower and the solid, liquid, or gas contracts; measuring temperature-shows how Swedis h scientist Anders Celsius invented the Celsius thermometer; and temperature vs. heat-explains that heat refers to quantity of hotness and is determined by the mass and speed of molecules. (30 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2256_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2256_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>25552</td><td>Heating and Air Conditioning</td><td>This thre e-part series uses live-action footage and computer animation that illustrates t he action that takes place inside a car's heating and air conditioning systems. Demonstrates electrical tests, using refrigerant recovery systems, evacuation, c harging with just a gauge set, as well as charging with a charging station. Also covers troubleshooting techniques. A Meridian Production.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><t

d>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2257_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2257_l blPrice">$239.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25548</td><td>Heating and Air Conditioning Diagnosis</td><td >This program covers basic inspection, checking control head and air door action , feeling and measuring line temperatures, listening for normal and abnormal sou nds, as well as other techniques for finding trouble. Compares R-134a refrigeran t systems with the older R-12 systems. Viewers also learn how to use a manifold gauge set to complete a performance test to diagnose system operation. (23 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1999</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2258_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2258_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25549</td><td>Heating and Air Conditioning Operation</td><td >This program covers physical principles, the basic refrigeration cycle, and the function of major parts, and compares the two major system classifications, exp ansion valve and orifice tube. Includes theoretical and service information on R -134a refrigerant systems. (24 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1999</td><td >24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2259_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2259_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25550</td><td>Heating and Air Conditioning Service</td><td>T his program complements the information given in the diagnosis and operation vid eos and includes service methods for heating systems, component replacement, and flushing heater cores. (21 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1999</td><td>22 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2260_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2260_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36098</td><td>Heaven</td><td>Incorporating works of art from Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, and other traditions, this program examine s the evolution of the concept of heaven and how it has been depicted since anci ent times. Luca Signorelli's fresco Coronation of the Elect, at Orvieto Cathedra l; Fra Angelico's altarpiece Last Judgment; an illustration of paradise in a Per sian manuscript by Aqa Mirak; an image of heaven from a medieval Hebrew Bible; a nd a Wheel of Life thangka are spotlighted, along with an illustration of the Eg yptian Field of Reeds, a fragment of Roman fresco depicting the Elysian Fields, Bruegel the Elder's The Land of Cockaigne, Stanley Spencer's Resurrection at Coo

kham, and Tracy Emin's fabric wall hanging Meet Me in Heaven. (23 minutes)</td>< td>2004</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2261_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2261_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11184</td><td>Heaven, Hell, and Nirvana</td><td>Buddha, Jesu s, Muhammad: founders of three of the world's dominant religions. This illuminat ing three-part series provides an overview of each historical figure and the bel ief systems that they defined and inspired. 3-part series, 43 minutes each.</td> <td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2262_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2262_l blPrice">$449.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33642</td><td>Heaven on Earth: Monuments to Belief</td><td>A graceful blend of religion, art, and history, this six-part series seeks to und erstand how pagan peoples, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists have expressed their spiritual devotion through architecture and art. Heaven on Eart h was filmed on location in 14 countries. 6-part series, 26 minutes each.</td><t d>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2263_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2263_l blPrice">$779.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35663</td><td>Heaven on Earth: The Rise and Fall of Socialis m</td><td>It began with simple notions of peace and equality, but it produced a vastly different reality. This three-part series presents the story of socialism , a violent and sweeping saga dominating much of the 20th century. With eye-open ing portrayals of the philosophical, political, and military leaders who brought socialism into the world-or eventually presided over its disintegration-each pr ogram analyzes a particular phase in the ideology's development and specific eve nts linked to it. The result is a compelling narrative as well as an excellent f oundation for studying how ideas shape human history. 3-part series, 57-58 minut es each.</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2264_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2264_l blPrice">$449.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35840</td><td>Heaven: Where Is It? How Do We Get There?</td> <td>Barbara Walters hosts this ABC News program about the afterlife, collecting an array of opinions, hopes, and scenarios concerning what, if anything, happens following death. Walters interviews religious leaders from various cultures and faiths, including Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, archbishop of Washington, D.C.;

Pastor Ted Haggard, president of the National Association of Evangelicals; Rabbi Neil Gillman of New York's Jewish Theological Seminary; Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, founder of the American Society for Muslim Advancement; and His Holiness, the D alai Lama. A prominent atheist, a renowned neuroscientist, and an electrocution victim also discuss near-death experiences. (82 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>82 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2265_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2265_l blPrice">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31999</td><td>Helen Hardin, Santa Clara Painter</td><td>The abstract geometric paintings of Helen Hardin beautifully illustrate the artist's struggle to depict aspects of her native heritage yet depart from the Santa Fe/ Dorothy Dunn model of her predecessors-including her mother, the acclaimed Pabli ta Velarde. This program takes a close look at the work of a gifted Santa Clara painter and printmaker who acted almost as if she knew that her time to make a m ark in the art world would be short. Her multi-layered paintings, created with a combination of brushes and drafting tools, reveal the crisp precision that char acterizes her distinctive style. (30 minutes)</td><td>1976</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2266_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2266_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7715</td><td>Helene Cixous</td><td>In this interview, Helene Cixous explores her childhood as a Jew in French-occupied Algiers and the impac t it had on her work in the area of feminist theory and on her personal politics . Cixous turns to the classics-Freud's Dora and Shakespeare's Cordelia-to illust rate the legacy of phallocentricism in western culture. Its major effect-the sil encing of women-is explored, as Cixous advocates the importance of writing for w omen as a means of creating an alternate body-une ecriture feminine-through whic h they can speak and express themselves. (40 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>40</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2267_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2267_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36099</td><td>Hell</td><td>The iconography of hell-a grim wa rning and arguably a form of behavior control-dates back to ancient times. This program surveys the landscape of damnation as it has been portrayed as Tartarus, Gehenna, Hell, Jahannam, Naraka, and modern-day apocalyptic horror. Representat ive works of art include the doom painting at Salisbury's Church of St. Thomas, Lorenzo Maitani's relief The Last Judgment on the facade of Orvieto Cathedral, H ieronymus Bosch's triptych The Garden of Earthly Delights, an illustration by Wi lliam Blake of Dante's Inferno, Auguste Rodin's The Gates of Hell, Hadith illust rations, Japanese scrolls, and Hell, a diorama by Jake and Dinos Chapman populat ed by mutated and mutilated Nazis-destroyed, ironically, in a warehouse fire. (2 3 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2268_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2268_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36143</td><td>Hell of a Nation: Pulling Afghani Democracy fr om the Fire</td><td>In December 2003, Afghanistan convened a loya jirga in order to adopt a constitution. This Wide Angle documentary details the experiences of two aspiring Afghan delegates at the gathering, showing them literally risking their lives to participate in the future of their country. The program also exam ines the frantic preparations of an international and Afghani logistics team scr ambling to register potential delegates, distribute drafts of the constitution, and hold elections for delegates. This is a rare look at the difficulties of def ining the role of religion in a new democracy and of nation-building in a war-to rn country with no mass media and very little infrastructure. In addition, Ahmed Rashid discusses nation-building in Afghanistan with anchor Mishal Husain. (57 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2269_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2269_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37173</td><td>Help Wanted: Dynamics of the EU Labor Market</ td><td>With a low birth rate and an aging workforce, the European Union needs im migrants-but how temporary or permanent their status should be is a matter of de bate. This film examines existing and proposed guest worker programs, in additio n to other EU measures, designed to address the results of globalization and shi fting demographics. Focusing not only on the EU's tremendous economic advances b ut also on regions afflicted by poverty, the film looks at immigrant education, ambition, and self-employment, while sifting through issues such as worker job s ecurity and the growth of sex industries. Nick Clark of the Trade Unions Congres s, Leo Monz of the German Federation of Unions, and several guest workers share their views. (27 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2270_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2270_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36266</td><td>Helping the Youngest Victims of AIDS: Spotligh t on South Africa</td><td>This ABC News program focuses on the good works being done by two remarkable AIDS crusaders who have taken the AIDS pandemic in Africa to heart: singer/songwriter Alicia Keyes and human rights maverick Stephen Lewi s. Keyes' position as spokesperson for Keep a Child Alive, a nonprofit organizat ion providing life-saving medicines directly to African children and families wi th HIV/AIDS, is showcased alongside the efforts of Lewis, U.N. Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa and creator of a foundation devoted to funding community-bas ed HIV/AIDS-related initiatives. (22 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2271_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2271_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33315</td><td>Helping Them Flourish</td><td>Helping children to grow and bloom properly also means taking into account their biological rhyt hms. This program seeks out holistic approaches to education that more scientifi cally organize the school day and strike a better balance between intellectual a nd physical development. Educators, psychologists, a geneticist, a philosopher, and others consider topics such as the times of day when students are most ready to learn and the role of play in the developing child. They also question the e ffectiveness of lectures and take a penetrating look at the video game phenomeno n. Not available in French-speaking Canada. (53 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>53 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2272_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2272_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35103</td><td>Henri Cartier-Bresson: Questions, Not Answers< /td><td>"In photography, you have to keep in the same line of sight your head, y our eye, and your heart." After a lifetime of taking pictures of others, in 1994 Henri Cartier-Bresson finally agreed to step from behind the lens to be filmed. This landmark documentary about one of the 20th century's finest photographers brings viewers face-to-face with both the artist and the man as he touches upon topics ranging from the enigmatic quality of life, to his philosophy of and appr oach to photography, to the role of the unconscious in his art. Many of CartierBresson's most memorable photos and some clips from films he directed are inters persed with both vintage and more recent footage of him in action. Time is also devoted to his marvelous drawings, a contemplative counterpoint to what he terms his reportage through film. (Portions in French with English subtitles, 39 minu tes, b&w)</td><td>1994</td><td>39</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2273_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2273_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30598</td><td>Henri Rousseau: The Secret of the Customs Offi cer</td><td>A self-taught painter, Henri Rousseau insinuated himself into art hi story with an oeuvre that reveals an astonishing sensibility behind a naivete th at was both personal and artistic. This captivating program traces the life of " Customs Officer Rousseau," as he was mockingly called, separating the facts from the artist's fantasies and self-deceptions. Many of his canvases-primitives tha t reverberate with a darkly powerful emotion-are examined. Both admired and the butt of jokes, Rousseau prefigured the Surrealists' ideal of the untaught genius whose eyes could see farther than those of a trained artist. Not available in F rench-speaking Canada. (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2274_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2274_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>10202</td><td>Henrik Ibsen: Sphinx-Who Are You?</td><td>Henr ik Ibsen scrutinized and interpreted human hearts and minds in such a manner as to prompt Sigmund Freud to create a typology based on the dramatist's principal characters. Yet the evidence of Ibsen's life argues that he himself lived with a dual nature that went largely unreconciled. This program seeks to understand th e man known as "The Sphinx" by tracing his travels, examining excerpts from his writings, and studying his detailed instructions for the performance of his cont emporary dramas. (53 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2275_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2275_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10033</td><td>Henrik Ibsen: The Master Playwright</td><td>Th is program, narrated by Ibsen biographer Michael Meyer, charts the development o f Henrik Ibsen's style over four periods: his early years of failure; his epic d ramas; his sociological plays, such as A Doll's House, Ghosts, and Rosmersholm; and his final plays, including Hedda Gabler, The Master Builder, and Little Eyol f, in which he dealt with the dark interior of the human soul. Televised product ions and theater excerpts showcase Ibsen's works, while writers John Mortimer an d D. M. Thomas and psychologist Anthony Storr consider their complexity and trea tment of daring themes such as women's rights, venereal disease, and parental re sponsibility. (58 minutes)</td><td>1987</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2276_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2276_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33383</td><td>Henry David Thoreau: In His Own Words</td><td> Filmed on location in and around Concord, Cambridge, and Cape Cod, this delightf ul program brings Henry David Thoreau's Walden and "Civil Disobedience" to life through the captivating delivery of Thoreau impersonator Jeffrey Hyatt. Long pas sages, as expressed by Hyatt, capture the energy and intensity of Thoreau's word s, while presenter James H. Bride II and Thoreau specialists Lawrence Buell, Rob ert Richardson, and Joel Myerson provide commentary on the works, Thoreau's life , and the times in which he lived. (32 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2277_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2277_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25561</td><td>Herbs and Spices</td><td>One 17-minute video. A Meridian Production.</td><td>1991</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2278_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2278_l blPrice">$57.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>5752</td><td>Here in the Mind</td><td>Gary Snyder and Daisy Zamora have each, in their own way, engaged in battle. In this program, the stau nch defender of the natural world and the combatant in the Nicaraguan civil war wield their preferred weapon, language, which in their hands has the power to ch ange the way people feel, think, and act. Filmed at the Biennial Geraldine R. Do dge Poetry Festival. (58 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2279_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2279_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9365</td><td>Heresy, War, and the Black Death: Christianity in the 13th and 14th Centuries</td><td>Part one of this program follows the dual enterprises of constructing cathedrals and stamping out heresy. Buildings of un precedented grandeur exemplified the power and influence of the Church in Europe , as did the systematic destruction of the heretic Cathars. Part two covers King Philip IV of France's defiance of Church authority and the Black Death. Althoug h the Pope declared the Plague a judgment by God, rumors of a Jewish plot were r ife, leading to anti-Semitic massacres in Germany and elsewhere. (48 minutes)</t d><td>1999</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2280_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2280_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10588</td><td>The Heritage of Flamenco</td><td>In Andalusia and all around the world, the sensual rhythms of flamenco ignite the blood with joy and sorrow. This classic program helps make accessible the mysterious, intim ate, plaintive form of music known as flamenco, promoting a deeper appreciation of Spanish culture. Background information on Moorish Spain and a chronology of Gypsy history provide the context for generous footage of a juerga-an informal f lamenco performance-that includes a full complement of dancers, singers, guitari sts, and palmeros. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 60 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><t d>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2281_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2281_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1252</td><td>Herman Melville: "Bartleby the Scrivener"</td>< td>This is Melville's sardonic and symbolic story of a copyist at a Wall Street law firm who refuses to conform, responding to all requests with, "I prefer not to." Autobiographical in its despair over the public's failure to understand the writer, prophetic in its foreshadowing of 20th-Century Absurdism, "Bartleby the Scrivener" provides a window into the work of Melville and a convincing argumen t that he may be at his best in the short story medium. (59 minutes)</td><td>&nb sp;</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2282_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2282_l

blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36350</td><td>Hernia Repair</td><td>Hernias do not happen on ly to heavy lifters; a simple sneeze can put as much pressure on the abdominal w alls as bench pressing 350 pounds. This program uses operating room footage, com mentary by medical experts, and case histories of hernia patients to illustrate the benefits and basic techniques of laparoscopic hernia surgery. In addition, f ive types of hernias are identified, the benefits of high-tech mesh for reinforc ing ruptures in the abdomen are discussed, and the life-threatening risk of unre paired hernias becoming strangulated is stressed. (28 minutes)</td><td>2006</td> <td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2283_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2283_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30393</td><td>Heroines: A Walk on the Wild Side Through the Lens of Lincoln Clarkes</td><td>This disturbing and controversial documentary pr esents a raw glimpse into the world of female heroin addicts. Filmed in Vancouve r and told through the images of renowned photographer Lincoln Clarkes, the poet ry of award-winning writer Susan Musgrave, and the experiences of six "heroines, " the program creates a harsh collage of personal stories that share common them es of abuse, rape, and addiction. Like all of Clarkes' powerful photos, Heroines humanizes a world most people ignore-along with the women who inhabit it, strug gling to survive at the fringes of society. Some language and content may be obj ectionable. (49 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2284_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2284_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35352</td><td>Hieronymus Bosch: The Delights of Hell</td><td >Documenting two major museum exhibitions, this program ventures inside the fren zied world of Jeroen van Aken-otherwise known as Hieronymus Bosch, the 15th-cent ury Dutch painter famous for his visions of sin, damnation, and inadvertent erot icism. The video examines numerous Bosch works, including Ecce Homo, The Temptat ion of Saint Anthony, The Haywain, The Garden of Earthly Delights, and The Conju rer. While concentrating on the artist's central themes and imagery, the program also explores the late medieval culture in which he worked, taking into account the influences of the carnival and the religious brotherhood to which he belong ed. Some interviews are in French with English subtitles. (60 minutes)</td><td>2 003</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2285_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2285_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9087</td><td>High Expectations</td><td>If faculty expectatio ns are low, student achievement can never be high. This program documents the po

werful impact of high expectations on student mastery of basic and higher-level skills. The supportive effect of a positive school culture, the use of monitorin g as a medium to communicate a school's insistence on academic excellence, and a dedication on the part of educators to develop challenging instruction are emph asized. (19 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2286_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2286_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33056</td><td>High Speed Impact: The Hidden Toll</td><td>Fat alities are the most tragic outcome of auto accidents, but in societal terms, in juries involving irreversible brain damage may exact a higher toll. In this prog ram, a team of the auto industry's leading researchers reconstruct an actual sid e-impact crash to explore what happens to the human brain in a collision. Specia lized crash-test dummies, high-speed X-ray cameras, and computer simulations are used to capture crucial information. The dangers of four-wheel drive vehicles, particularly SUVs, are also examined as part of ongoing initiatives to improve d esign safety. (27 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2287_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2287_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10156</td><td>Higher Derivatives and the Chain Rule</td><td> What do you get when you calculate the derivative of a derivative of a derivativ e? After taking the headaches out of understanding higher-order derivatives, thi s program zooms in on the Chain Rule, used alone and in combination with the Pow er Rule. Examples of the Chain Rule, including its application to a series of ge ars, reinforce the understanding of this key concept. (21 minutes)</td><td>1999< /td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2288_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2288_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11321</td><td>Highlights of the York Mystery Plays</td><td>T his enchanting program revives the drama and pageantry of the medieval mystery p lay as performed by the venerable guilds of York, England. Perched atop pageant wagons in the streets of their home city, guild members and townspeople in perio d costumes enact scenes from eleven plays of the Corpus Christi Cycle: Creation to the Fifth Day, The Creation of Adam and Eve, The Fall of Adam and Eve, The Fl ight into Egypt, The Temptation, The Agony in the Garden and the Betrayal of Chr ist, The Death of Christ, The Harrowing of Hell, The Incredulity of Thomas, The Ascension of Jesus Christ, and The Last Judgment. An introductory segment sets t he stage. (57 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2289_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2289_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10873</td><td>High-Tech Foods: Is Genetically Engineered Foo d Safe?</td><td>Fast-tracked by the FDA, GMOs-genetically modified organisms-hav e already deeply penetrated America's food supply. Are they safe? In this progra m, NewsHour correspondent Paul Solman looks at both sides of the GMO controversy . Agricultural law professor Neil Hamilton, a nutrition consultant, and an indep endent corn farmer counsel a conservative approach, while economist Dermot Hayes , of Iowa State University, reacts to the unfairness of anti-GMO rhetoric, in wh ich the plants are, in effect, considered guilty until proved innocent. Do the p otential benefits of GMOs outweigh the possible risks? (13 minutes)</td><td>2000 </td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2290_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2290_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7681</td><td>The Hijacked Brain</td><td>Aided by powerful ne w diagnostic tools, scientists are making dramatic discoveries about how addicti on affects the brain. In this program, Moyers goes into the laboratory to follow researchers engaged in charting an "image of desire" in the brain. We actually see images of a cocaine user's brain as the drug takes effect, and a doctor expl ains how these scans reveal addiction as a chronic relapsing brain disease. Moye rs observes a genetic researcher as he monitors a variety of factors that may de termine who is likely to develop alcoholism. The DVD version of this program als o includes a special video introduction by Mr. Moyers. (57 minutes)</td><td>1998 </td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2291_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2291_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30254</td><td>Hildegard of Bingen</td><td>Poet, essayist, mu sician, and visionary, Hildegard of Bingen is the most well-known female mystic of the Middle Ages, renowned in Europe for advising popes and bishops, conductin g theological debates with Bernard of Clairvaux, and composing Ordo Virtutum. In this program, host Avril Benoit and theology experts Dr. Kathy Garay and Dr. Ma deleine Jeay of McMaster University tour the abbey Hildegard founded in the Rhin e river valley. Dramatic reenactments highlight key events in Hildegard's life. Audio accompaniments include selections of Hildegard's musical compositions. (49 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2292_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2292_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35319</td><td>Hindu Temples</td><td>Hindu temples are models of the Hindu universe. And while no two temples are exactly alike, they do shar e some common architectural features. This video compares modern Hindu temples i n North America to the classic northern- and southern-style Indian temples of a

thousand years ago. Elements that have survived the centuries-the sikhara tower and the statues of the myriad manifestations of the universal spirit, Brahman-ar e illustrated alongside more recent aspects of temple architecture, like the ass embly hall and the om symbol, in Hindu theology the sound of creation. The conce pts of karma and moksha are also touched upon. (25 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td >25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2293_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2293_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37130</td><td>Hindu vs. Hindu: Caste Violence in India</td>< td>Every year, thousands die in India through caste-related violence, as untouch ables and upper-castes alike stoop as low as they need to go to gain their aims. Seen through the lens of a veteran photojournalist, this program looks at both sides of the struggle between the upper-caste Ranvir militia and Dalit supporter s of the Marxist-Leninists in Bihar. Professor Kanchia Eliah, of the University of Hyderabad, provides background on the state of caste tensions while interview s with fighters on both sides express their views. A possible solution? Adequate food, shelter, and education for all Dalits-and until then, weapons at the read y. Some content may be objectionable. (30 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>28</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2294_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2294_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33647</td><td>Hinduism</td><td>This program provides insight s into the practice of Hinduism through the architecture and art of India. Circl ing from Varanasi to Mamallapuram and Khajuraho and back again, it spotlights ca rved-stone shrines such as the Krishna Mandapam, the Panch Rathas, and the Dharm araja Ratha; the ancient Shore Temple, recovered from the Bay of Bengal; and the Kandariya Mahadev Temple, with its exotic-and erotic-exterior panels. An aarti ceremony on the banks of the Ganges and the rarely filmed and highly symbolic cr emation process are captured as well. (27 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>26</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2295_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2295_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9205</td><td>Hinduism: An Introduction</td><td>Fully 80 perc ent of India's vast population follow the way of Hinduism, an ancient yet vibran t religion. This overview-filled with evocative images of India and its people, architecture, and sacred works-provides a stimulating glimpse of a spiritual way of life that is expansive yet tolerant, sublime yet practical, and supportive o f individual expression. The history of Hinduism's development and reformation; spiritual concepts such as karma, dharma, and God as both one and many; the nume rous Hindu scriptures; and Hindu worship practices are explored in this intrigui ng educational resource. (29 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2296_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2296_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6234</td><td>Hinduism and Buddhism</td><td>This program expl ores the two great religions to come from India. "The historian of religion can find almost anything he wants in India, enacted with intensity. What remains is to carry its insight into everyday life." Smith uncovered the mysteries of multi phonic chanting among Tibetan lamas, previously unknown in the West. Characteriz ing these chants as "the holiest sound I have ever heard," Smith reveals the cha nting to be a form of meditation. Smith spent ten weeks with a Zen master silent ly meditating 8 hours a day, where he derived insights that help the viewer unde rstand the way of Zen Buddhism. The DVD version of this program also includes a special video introduction by Mr. Moyers. (56 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>56</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2297_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2297_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37290</td><td>Hip-Hop Shop: Opening a Music/Multimedia Studi o</td><td>Carla Campbell's business, Instant Melodies-Britain's first pay-as-you -go music/multimedia studio-is doing well enough for her to relocate and expand. With loans secured, new space rented, and equipment purchased, the 27-year-old is ready for her grand opening. This program follows Carla as sizzle quickly tur ns to fizzle. When business proves alarmingly slow, she makes a bold decision to speed up her promo plan by sinking her last startup money into extra advertisin g. Within days of a targeted flyer campaign and a strategic radio ad featuring c elebrity DJ Phoebe One, business at the hip-hop shop takes off-and Carla breathe s a sigh of relief. (25 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2298_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2298_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33954</td><td>Hispania, un Producto de Roma-in Spanish</td>< td>This program chronicles Rome's conquest and protracted pacification of the Ib erian Peninsula-and the subsequent Romanization of its peoples as Hispania was i ntegrated into an empire united by Roman law, Roman language, and the remarkable Roman road. A wide range of visuals brings this era of warfare and uneasy peace to life, including dramatizations, 3-D computer animations, paintings, mosaics, sculptures, edifices, artifacts, maps, and ruins in Girona, Aragon, Cuenca, Sor ia, Cadiz, Seville, Cordoba, Asturias, and Burgos. Not available in French-speak ing Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 52 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>52</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2299_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2299_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>34457</td><td>Hispania, un Producto de Roma-in Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>This program chronicles Rome's conquest and protracted pacification of the Iberian Peninsula-and the subsequent Romanization of its pe oples as Hispania was integrated into an empire united by Roman law, Roman langu age, and the remarkable Roman road. A wide range of visuals brings this era of w arfare and uneasy peace to life, including dramatizations, 3-D computer animatio ns, paintings, mosaics, sculptures, edifices, artifacts, maps, and ruins in Giro na, Aragon, Cuenca, Soria, Cadiz, Seville, Cordoba, Asturias, and Burgos. Not av ailable in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish with English sub titles, 52 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2300_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2300_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7987</td><td>The Hispanic Americans</td><td>In this 7-part s eries, hosted by actors Jimmy Smits and Hector Elizondo, dozens of Hispanics-som e famous, some average people-explore what it means to be Hispanic American. 7-p art series, 44 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2301_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2301_l blPrice">$629.65<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7994</td><td>Hispanic Americans: One or Many Cultures?</td>< td>Anglo-Americans tend to lump Hispanics together, forgetting that the category covers a wide range of cultural backgrounds. Mexican culture is different from Puerto Rican culture, and so on. In this program, three Hispanic Americans-New Y ork Justice Frank Torres, a Puerto Rican; Cuban-born former Miami mayor Xavier S uarez; and Mexican restaurateur Gordino Velasco-discuss what unites and divides the various groups. The Puerto Rican perception of themselves as voting resident s of a U.S. commonwealth is compared to the first-generation Cuban perception of themselves as Cuban citizens in exile. Velasco discusses problems related to Me xican immigration in California. Journalist Felipe Luciano stresses the importan ce of voting as a means of achieving common political goals. Hosted by actor Hec tor Elizondo. (44 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2302_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2302_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7992</td><td>Hispanic Americans: The Second Generation</td>< td>Hosted by actor Jimmy Smits, this program examines how second-generation Hisp anics are adapting to American society, and how they are maintaining their Latin o roots while assimilating into the American cultural mainstream. A variety of f amous and everyday Hispanic Americans are interviewed, including pop film direct or Richard Rodriquez. Hispanics from doctors and police officers to comedians, f ashion designers, and rock stars discuss the continuing role of family, and the ongoing battles with ethnic stereotyping. (44 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>44</

td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2303_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2303_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7989</td><td>Hispanic Education at the Crossroads</td><td>Ed ucation is intrinsic to success in our society. But for members of Hispanic grou ps, good education may be hard to come by, because of either language barriers o r under-performing schools. This program, hosted by actor Edward James Olmos, ex amines how Hispanic American children are faring in the educational system, with an emphasis on bilingual education. Two such programs in California and in New York are examined; students and teachers evaluate their effectiveness. (44 minut es)</td><td>1996</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2304_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2304_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7993</td><td>Hispanic Entrepreneurs: Against All Odds</td><t d>In this program, Geraldo Rivera and a host of Hispanic American executives dis cuss how they overcame racial and financial discrimination to turn their fledgli ng businesses into million-dollar corporations. The executives include construct ion mogul Linda Alvarado, owner of the Colorado Rockies baseball team; the devel oper of the Simpsons and Garfield cartoon programs; the owner of Dial-a-Mattress ; and others. Executives from Chase Manhattan Bank speak candidly about the prac tice of loan discrimination against Hispanic minorities. Measures being taken to counter inequities are examined. Hosted by actor Hector Elizondo. (44 minutes)< /td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2305_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2305_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7991</td><td>Hispanics in the Media</td><td>From news anchor s to editors, from actors to filmmakers-Hispanics are making their presence know n. Discrimination still exists, however. In this program, Hispanics who have mad e it describe how they did it, the problems they encountered along the way, and the hurdles that remain. Those interviewed include Geraldo Rivera, Academy Award -winning director Moctesuma Esparza, and Clint Eastwood producer David Valdez. A ctors Rita Moreno, Elizabeth Pena, Jimmy Smits, and Isiah Morales examine why Hi spanic actors are still relegated to marginal roles, while MTV producer Robert F riedman discusses growth potential in the ever-expanding Hispanic media marketpl ace. (44 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2306_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2306_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>34893</td><td>Historia Contemporanea-in Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>Starting with the Napoleonic era, this nine-part series depic ts Spain as it struggles through invasion and civil war, abdications and restora tions, and elections and coups on its path to parliamentary monarchy and the 21s t century. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. Spanish with English subtitles, 9-part series, 45-64 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td> &nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2307_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2307_l blPrice">$1,349.55<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33979</td><td>Historia Medieval-in Spanish</td><td>This five -part series tracks the unification of Spain through times of peace and periods of societal upheaval. Key themes include the rise and fall of the Moors and the consolidation of national political power under the Catholic monarchs of Castile and Aragon. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. Spanis h, 5-part series, 52-53 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2308_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2308_l blPrice">$749.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34891</td><td>Historia Medieval-in Spanish with English Subt itles</td><td>This five-part series tracks the unification of Spain through time s of peace and periods of societal upheaval. Key themes include the rise and fal l of the Moors and the consolidation of national political power under the Catho lic monarchs of Castile and Aragon. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. Spanish with English subtitles, 5-part series, 52-53 minutes ea ch.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2309_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2309_l blPrice">$749.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33980</td><td>Historia Moderna-in Spanish</td><td>This seven -part series traces the progress of Spanish history through the reigns of "Carlo s Quinto"; Philip II, III, and IV; Charles II; Philip V; and Charles III-periods of ability and ineptitude, enlightenment and condemnation, punctuated by the Si glo de Oro and the Inquisition. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. Spanish, 7-part series, 46-54 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&n bsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2310_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2310_l blPrice">$1,049.65<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>34892</td><td>Historia Moderna-in Spanish with English Subti tles</td><td>This seven-part series traces the progress of Spanish history throu gh the reigns of "Carlos Quinto"; Philip II, III, and IV; Charles II; Philip V; and Charles III-periods of ability and ineptitude, enlightenment and condemnatio n, punctuated by the Siglo de Oro and the Inquisition. Not available in French-s peaking Canada. An RTVE Production. Spanish with English subtitles, 7-part serie s, 46-54 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2311_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2311_l blPrice">$1,049.65<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38777</td><td>History of Cancer</td><td>Cancer treatments ha ve changed dramatically since Congress declared war on cancer in 1971 with the p assage of the National Cancer Act. This program explores the history of the Canc er Act and takes a look at breakthrough treatments that would not have occurred without it. Patients who have benefited from these once-experimental therapies t ell their stories, and scientists who have been at the forefront of cancer resea rch for several decades talk about the vast difference in treating cancer then-b efore the Cancer Act-and now. Commentators include Dr. Vincent DeVita, former di rector of the National Cancer Institute, and Dr. Steven Rosenberg, NCI Chief of Surgery. (28 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2312_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2312_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10206</td><td>A History of Commerce</td><td>This program sum s up the evolution of commerce, from barter, to coinage, to today's stock market . Economist Professor Grantham, of McGill University, discusses how writing and accounting facilitated trade and gave rise to a merchant class in the ancient wo rld, and hence the spread of classical civilization in the Mediterranean and Asi a Minor, culminating in the Roman Empire. The importance of the spice and silk t rades is also discussed, along with how the quest for new trading partners impel led exploration in the 15th and 16th centuries, leading to the discovery of the New World and new prosperity. (53 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2313_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2313_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7035</td><td>The History of Computation: Wood, Brass, and Ba boon Bones</td><td>This program provides a fascinating survey of mathematical mo deling through the ages-from scratch marks on early bone, to the ingenious Babba ge Engine-forerunner of the modern computer. Primitive models include the early Greek sundial and astrolabe; a knotted rope used by the Incas to keep track of t he community larder; and a wooden tablet with tally marks showing the number of kegs received by a tavern owner. Later, more sophisticated models include Napier Rods-predecessor of today's multiplication tables; logarithm charts; and the or iental abacus still used today. Each model is discussed within the context of it s period and function. (25 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>25</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2314_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2314_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29445</td><td>The History of Computers</td><td>The history o f computers is not just the story of a specialized machine but of a great idea a nd the people who made it happen. Initially designed as large-scale calculators, computers have quickly become indispensable tools in every field of endeavor. T his fascinating program traces the course of technological innovations leading u p to today's computers, from Charles Babbage and his analytical engine of the 18 60s to the latest laptops. All the major concepts, advances, and companies are e xplored using demonstrations, expert commentary, and historic film footage and i nterviews. The program shows how ideas such as Boolean logic, the binary system, magnetic/iron core memory, and microprocessors have dramatically increased the capacity of computers while drastically reducing their size, a phenomenon known as Moore's Law. The personal computer or PC boom is easily seen as an inevitable event, with software programmers such as Steve Jobs and Bill Gates emerging as its leaders. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Camb ridge Educational Production. (26 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2315_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2315_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10204</td><td>A History of Education</td><td>Plato's academy was the first formal arena for education, where young men were tutored in the r igors of logic, philosophy, and mathematics. Prior to this, societies transmitte d knowledge from one generation to the next orally, and after the advent of writ ing, through texts. Although education throughout history has been predominantly a privilege of the elite, universal education is currently seen as a basic righ t, necessary for a country's prosperity. This program traces the evolution of ed ucation through the ages, from oral traditions to its role in today's ever-chang ing society, where the need to learn new job skills is a constant necessity. (53 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2316_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2316_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35526</td><td>The History of Hybrids</td><td>So your student s think hybrids are a new idea? Show them how far hybrid technology has come sin ce the 1800s. This video surveys the historical background of hybrid cars, intro duces students to hybrid configurations currently on the road or in development, and explains the basic principles of hybrid system propulsion. A viewable/print able instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to all applicable state and national standards. A Shopware Production. (15 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td >15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2317_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2317_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37556</td><td>The History of Medical Imaging</td><td>Over th e past century, Nobel Prize-winning scientists and doctors have worked untiringl y to develop and fine-tune highly effective medical imaging equipment-tools that play a vital role in diagnosis and treatment. Combining rarely seen archival fo otage, interviews with imaging specialists, and incredible medical images, this program highlights milestones in X-ray scanning, magnetic resonance imaging, ult rasound, and nuclear imaging. Filmed on location throughout Europe and the Unite d States. (53 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2318_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2318_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9214</td><td>The History of Money</td><td>How is the word "c apital" related to "cattle"? What does the goddess Juno have to do with money? A nd is a "buck" related to a male deer? This intriguing documentary investigates the evolution of money and its impact on world history. Composed of a seamless f low of artwork, artifacts, archival footage, and film shot on location, the prog ram spans 5,000 years, beginning with the agrarian settlements of the Neolithic period. The contributions of the ancient and modern worlds-including coins, comm erce, banking, paper money, credit cards, ATMs, e-commerce, and even smart cards -are all touched upon in their turn. Of special note is an examination of the fo rces that have prompted these innovations and their effects on society. (55 minu tes)</td><td>1997</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2319_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2319_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7070</td><td>The History of Musical Instruments</td><td>This outstanding 13-part series discusses modern musical instruments in elaborate de tail. Each program focuses on a different instrument-its origin, history, how it is made, how it works. Viewers visit factories and watch as expert craftsmen co nstruct each instrument. Performances on both the original version of the instru ment and its modern counterpart illustrate its use by composers over time. 13-pa rt series, 28 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2320_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2320_l blPrice">$1,169.35<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10207</td><td>A History of Punishment</td><td>The forms of p unishment a society chooses, and what exactly it deems a crime, tell a great dea l about that society's values. How is justice pursued and punishment meted out? This program looks at the history of punishment, beginning with early compensato ry forms of justice, Hammurabi's Code, and the Law of Moses. Socrates' execution

and Roman and medieval forms of justice are analyzed in a historical context, u nderscoring the fact that punishment was often intended as a deterrent rather th an as a reformatory measure. Contemporary forms of punishment, including the dea th penalty, are discussed, along with the ways in which these sentences reflect what society values. (53 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2321_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2321_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10208</td><td>A History of Social Classes</td><td>Marx divid ed the industrial world into two antagonistic classes: the bourgeois and the pro letariat. In today's society, this simple dichotomy fails to capture the many se gments of a global marketplace. From the communal hunter/gatherers and agrarian cultures; to ancient empires and medieval fiefdoms; to the technocrats, executiv es, laborers, and others of the stratified modern world, this program examines h ow each era has organized its members into social classes. Although the opportun istic meritocracy of the global marketplace has displaced earlier societal model s, do older patterns of privilege still linger? (53 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><t d>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2322_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2322_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2109</td><td>The History of Space Technology</td><td>Since t he time of Icarus, man has tried to fly. This program covers the history of flig ht, from the invention of the propeller through the Wright Brothers' first fligh t and Lindbergh's trans-Atlantic solo; profiles Robert Goddard and traces the de velopment of the rocket from the beginning, through the development of gyroscopi c instruments, the V-2, Sputnik, and Explorer 1; traces the advances in the X-se ries, including the achievement of supersonic speed, aerodynamic design improvem ents, and the development of materials suitable for space travel. (28 minutes)</ td><td>1989</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2323_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2323_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7273</td><td>History of the Anthropoid: The Search for the B eginning</td><td>Curiosity is often the driving force behind great discoveries. In this program, Friedemann Schrenk teams up with Meave Leakey to examine fossil specimens recovered at Lake Turkana, Lothagam, and Kanapoi, where they discuss the relationships between Australopithicus afarensis, A. boisei, and Homo habili s. Dr. Schrenk also visits the Nairobi Museum, the Anatomical Institute in Dar e s Salaam, and Norongoro National Park. In addition, a meeting at Witwatersrand U niversity to analyze recent findings brings Schrenk and Leakey together with a v eritable who's who of paleoanthropology: Phillip Tobias, Tim White, Berhane Asfa w, and Michel Brunet. (46 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2324_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2324_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9104</td><td>The History of the European Monetary Union</td> <td>Central to the aims and ideals of the European Union is a single currency st andard based on the euro. This wide-ranging program, divided into 12 segments, p resents the history of the EMU, the unification timetable up to 2002, the conver gence criteria, and the coins and banknotes themselves; provides background on t he euro member states and the European Central Bank; examines the impact of the euro on world trade, the job market, and tourism; analyzes the euro's role in in ternational monetary transactions; compares the euro to the dollar; and discusse s the hopes and fears of the new citizens of "Euroland." A Deutsche Welle Produc tion. (60 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2325_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2325_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10205</td><td>A History of Work</td><td>There can be no soci ety without work. Yet as civilizations prosper and grow, labor historically is s hifted onto the less privileged, while the elite either scorn work or only parti cipate in certain types, creating hierarchies and inequalities. This program exa mines work from the early egalitarian hunter/gatherer and agrarian societies to the modern world-a world of multinationals and child slavery, of leisure and har d labor. Noted anthropologists, such as Professor Herbert Applebaum of SUNY, off er insights into how work has evolved and the challenges faced today, when milli ons are unemployed and the economic disparity between the First and Third Worlds is becoming ever greater. (53 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2326_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2326_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30088</td><td>History's Artifacts: Separating Fact from Fict ion</td><td>Incorporating remote sensing, DNA testing, satellite photography, an d 3-D computer animation, this compelling five-part series scrutinizes the myths that have grown up around several of the world's most famous and fascinating hi storical artifacts: the Sphinx, Stonehenge, the moai of Easter Island, Noah's Ar k, and Jesus' tomb. In each program, scholars as well as scientists present thei r deeply insightful theories regarding these mysterious cultural icons while sep arating myth from history. 5-part series, 51 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td><td> &nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2327_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2327_l blPrice">$749.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32676</td><td>Hitch: Alfred the Auteur</td><td>As this progr

am illustrates, Alfred Hitchcock would take even bigger risks and attain greater success in the second half of his career. Film clips, stills, and commentary fr om Hitchcock, actors, and production specialists help chronicle the making of su ch classics as The Birds, Rear Window, Vertigo, and Psycho. Footage also looks a t Hitchcock's ambivalence toward the popular TV show that brought him into milli ons of living rooms. Along with extensive discussions with Hitchcock himself, in terviews include Tippy Hedren; Karen Black; Bruce Dern; director Peter Bogdanovi ch; Evan Hunter, screenwriter of The Birds; and Joe Stefano, screenwriter of Psy cho. Materials previously unavailable include outtakes and screen tests. A BBCW Production. (51 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2328_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2328_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32675</td><td>Hitch: Alfred the Great</td><td>In 1927, Londo n audiences got their first taste of a Hitchcock masterpiece with The Lodger. Th is program traces the first half of Alfred Hitchcock's life, looking at his upbr inging, education, and incredible rise as a director. Along the way, the video d etails his apprenticeship with Fritz Lang, his production of the first British " talkie," Blackmail, his move to Hollywood, a tumultuous collaboration with David O. Selznick, and the formation of his own short-lived studio. Footage from The 39 Steps, The Man Who Knew Too Much, and Under Capricorn highlights his use of m ontage, the "10-minute take," and his philosophy of "pure cinema." Also featured is a wealth of commentary from actors, writers, daughter Pat Hitchcock, and the director himself, including excerpts from Francois Truffaut's famed 26-hour int erview. A BBCW Production. (51 minutes, color)</td><td>1999</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2329_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2329_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32674</td><td>Hitch: The Genius of Alfred Hitchcock</td><td> Over a 60-year career, he was known as the master of suspense. Today, his name i s synonymous with the genre. This two-part series presents the definitive examin ation of the life and works of Alfred Hitchcock. Each program features extensive film clips, interviews, commentary, and previously unavailable materials, inclu ding outtakes, filmed auditions, and Hitchcock's own home movies. Original BBCW broadcast title: Hitch. 2-part series, 51 minutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nb sp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2330_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2330_l blPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36440</td><td>Hitler vs. Stalin</td><td>From the Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact to the launch of Operation Barbarossa, this program explores in detail the efforts of Hitler and Stalin to outwit each other during the so-c alled period of cooperation lasting from August 1939 to June 1941-and how their mutual distrust wrong-footed them both, with disastrous results for their countr ies. Numerous quotations from the dictators are included, as well as readings fr

om the diaries of Joseph Goebbels, Count Ciano, General Franz Halder, Major Gerh ard Engel, and Georgi Dimitrov. (50 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2331_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2331_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36414</td><td>Hokusai: The Suspended Threat</td><td>This pro gram takes a deep look into Hokusai's The Great Wave, interpreting the story it tells and scrutinizing formal aspects ranging from the perfect spiral that under pins the wave, to the spiritual balance between water and sky, to the fractal-li ke nature of the wavelets. Footage of artisans at work demonstrates how plates f or The Great Wave were cut, inked, and successively impressed onto paper in vivi d colors. Additional examples of Hokusai's work illustrate his use of geometric elements to frame key parts of scenes, his application of perspective, how he pl ayed with the plasticity of nature, and his foray into erotic images. (31 minute s)</td><td>1999</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2332_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2332_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36189</td><td>Holding Back the Years? The Race to Slow the A ging Process</td><td>This program airs conflicting viewpoints of biologists, nut ritionists, and geriatric experts as it presents efforts being made to dramatica lly slow the process of aging. Factors impacting the rate of aging and bodily ch anges associated with aging are analyzed, and insights into the telomere hypothe sis, the oxidative stress hypothesis, and hormone depletion associated with agin g are provided. Research into telomere elongation is discussed, and two controve rsial therapies-calorie restriction and hormone replacement-are debated. A visit to a documented longevity village in Japan, home to 112-year-old Yoko Minagawa, is included as well. (54 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2333_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2333_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32952</td><td>Holding On, Fighting Back: The Long Road Home to Spain-in Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>After the fall of France in W orld War II, the hardships of the Spanish Civil War refugees grew worse. In this program, survivors from those desperate days openly talk of their ordeals and v ictories: repression and reprisals in Franco's Spain; suffering in French intern ment camps; deportation to Nazi concentration camps; meritorious service with th e French Resistance and Allied forces; and, after the war, their lives in exile until, after Franco's death, they could finally go home. Graphic newsreel footag e places each story in context. An RTVE Production. (Spanish with English subtit les, 58 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2334_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2334_l

blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35223</td><td>Hollywood Entertainment Museum: American Dream Factory</td><td>Situated near Grauman's Chinese Theatre, the Hollywood Entertai nment Museum is an interactive destination that celebrates the history of Tinsel town like none other. This program is filled with fascinating information on the entertainment industry, and the featured exhibits are a veritable studio pass f or anyone who has ever wanted to visit makeup and wardrobe or walk in the footst eps of Sam Malone and Kathryn Janeway on the classic sets of Cheers and Star Tre k: Voyager. One 28-minute video.</td><td>2002</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2335_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2335_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33661</td><td>Hollywood Pairs: American Cinematic Couples an d Duos</td><td>Making movies is a collaborative effort and at the heart of it is the vision of the director, as executed by the actor. This vibrant five-part se ries examines the working relationships of some of Hollywood's most revered acto r/director teams: Rita Hayworth and Orson Welles, James Stewart and Frank Capra, Elia Kazan and Marlon Brando, Billy Wilder and Marilyn Monroe, and John Wayne a nd John Ford. Each actor was the director's instrument in the creation of some o f American cinema's most colossal works. An essential mixture of production lore , cinematic scholarship, and film clips from landmark productions. 5-part series , 27-30 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td><td>130</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2336_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2336_l blPrice">$499.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4966</td><td>Hollywood's Role in Shaping Values: David Puttn am</td><td>Those who stand outside our culture often view it with a lens made mo re accurate by distance and perspective. An Englishman on intimate terms with Am erica, film producer David Puttnam (Chariots of Fire and The Killing Fields ) se es in our movies the reflection of a nation at odds with itself. In this age of the visual image, popular culture can make attractive the vice or virtue that po litics then imitates. During his tenure as chairman of Columbia Pictures, he was known as the conscience of Hollywood, a champion of quality and moral standards in an industry corrupted by money. In this program with Bill Moyers, Puttnam di scusses the stories we tell about ourselves in the movies and how watching them reflects and shapes our society. (52 minutes)</td><td>1988</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2337_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2337_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8314</td><td>Holy Days: Christian and Jewish Feasts and Ritu als</td><td>Christmas, Easter, Passover, Yom Kippur, Bar or Bas Mitzvah, and oth er significant feasts and rituals of the Christian and Jewish faiths are discuss

ed in this program. Jesus is shown as the role model for Christian behavior as e xhibited by the early martyrs and saints. Protestantism's rejection of saints as religious icons is examined. The spiritual characters of specific modern "saint s," including Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and Sister Emmanuelle, are examined. (59 mi nutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2338_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2338_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34156</td><td>The Holy Wars</td><td>Calls for jihad are ofte n heard from today's radical Islamists, while many Americans believe in a divine mission for the U.S. military-but the trail of war waged in God's name reaches back over 1,000 years. This fascinating three-part series examines the historica l relationship between militarism and strictly interpreted religion. With penetr ating scholarly analysis and an energetic visual style, The Holy Wars provides a wide-ranging perspective on orthodoxy, empire, cultural domination, and the res istance they can incite. 3-part series, 30 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&n bsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2339_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2339_l blPrice">$269.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14670</td><td>Home Economics Careers</td><td>This exciting v ideo presents a variety of career opportunities for both males and females in th e field of Home Economics. A series of interviews with persons working in each f ield explores careers in dietetics, foods and nutrition, child development, inte rior design, and fashion. Working with cooperative extension, in education, and with business and industry, are among the career profiles presented. Educational , personal, and professional requirements are given for each field. The video co ncludes with suggestions for becoming an entrepreneur in a chosen occupation. Do n't pass on this opportunity to expose students to the exciting career possibili ties in Home Economics.A Cambridge Educational Production. One 30-minute video a nd student manual.</td><td>1990</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2340_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2340_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37252</td><td>Home Health Aide and Personal Care Assistant</ td><td>The aging of the baby boomer generation will dramatically increase the ne ed for home care, opening up opportunities in a frequently overlooked field. Thi s program explores the challenging and deeply satisfying work of the home health aide and the personal care assistant-revealing the skills and special personali ty traits these jobs require and the personal rewards that come from helping peo ple "age in place" with a degree of independence. Interviews with experienced pr actitioners clear up any confusion a student might have, showing that home healt h aides and personal care assistants deal with a patient's nutrition, hygiene, a nd safety more than with cooking, cleaning, and other household duties that may be needed. The program also points out the pleasant variety these positions invo

lve, as aides and assistants often commute to several different homes during the course of a day. The training and certification courses for becoming a home hea lth aide or personal care assistant, along with the possibilities for career adv ancement, are highlighted. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to national and state board certification standards. A Meridi an Production. (22 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2341_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2341_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30515</td><td>The Home Inspector</td><td>Before signing on t he dotted line, a prospective home owner needs to know a lot of nitty-gritty det ails: Is the wiring safe? Are the pipes OK? Is the roof in good shape? Is the fo undation sound? "Let's take a closer look," says licensed professional engineer and registered home inspector Alex Welsh. Over the course of this three-part ser ies, Alex looks at the core systems and key structural features of six charming dwellings: a 40-year-old hillside ranch house, a flat-roofed Victorian row house , an 1832 timber frame farmhouse, and, from the early 1900s, a brick Victorian-s tyle house, an enlarged three-story house, and a custom-built California bungalo w. Will they measure up? Only the home inspector can tell. Viewable/printable in structor's guides are available online. 3-part series, 20-22 minutes each.</td>< td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2342_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2342_l blPrice">$209.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32589</td><td>Home Safety: Prevention, Preparation, and Prac tice</td><td>Nicks and cuts, minor burns, bruises, abrasions-more accidents occu r in the home than anywhere else. To reduce the number and severity of injuries, people need to understand the three P's: prevention, preparation, and practice. In addition to giving plenty of information on how to deal with common househol d dangers, this video stresses the importance of thinking ahead to eliminate haz ards before they can become a problem. Ideal for students living at home or out on their own. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Mer idian Production. (15 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2343_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2343_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36256</td><td>Homeless: A Teen Perspective</td><td>Filthy cl othes, needle marks, this an accurate picture of teenage homele ssness? Going behind common stereotypes, this video tells human stories about hu man beings-most of them young people who know homelessness firsthand. Amber and Tieshi describe the harsh reality of life on the street, clearly demonstrating t he same needs, fears, and hopes that all teens have. Andy explains what it's lik e to live in a car and why homeless teens should never give up or lose hope. Cin dy and others describe the effects of homelessness on families, while Liz Murray describes her personal journey from homeless teen to Harvard student and New Yo

rk Times journalist. (16 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2344_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2344_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32845</td><td>Homeopathy: The Test</td><td>In an age of medi cal marvels and high-tech treatments, why does homeopathy continue to have a lar ge and loyal following? Could it be because homeopathic remedies-dilutions conta ining no discernible ingredients-are believed by patients and even some mainstre am medical practitioners to exert a positive influence over certain illnesses in people and even animals? This program charts the course of recent homeopathy re search, ending in a test by a panel of experts and a dedicated debunker who woul d love to be proved wrong: paranormal investigator James Randi, who will pay $1 million for documented proof that homeopathic medicine really works. Will he kee p his money? A BBCW Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2345_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2345_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30530</td><td>Homeostasis</td><td>This program investigates how the body controls its internal environment. The steady state of the Earth's biosphere is compared to that of the human body. An automated greenhouse and a c omputerized inventory system demonstrate how negative feedback loops use detecti on and response to maintain their own balanced states. The regulation of body te mperature in response to extreme heat and cold is explored both in a sauna and o n a mountain slope. The roles of the pancreas and liver in controlling blood glu cose levels are described. And the control of water concentration at the cellula r level and waste filtration via the kidneys are explained. The impact of alcoho l consumption on temperature regulation and water management is also considered. (20 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2346_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2346_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5990</td><td>Homeostasis</td><td>In order to understand home ostasis in a natural setting, this program observes what happens to the body dur ing a marathon race. By monitoring the various physiological responses of one of the runners, we show the many changes and adjustments being made in the body as the race progresses. The data obtained from the runner are used to explain in d etail how the body regulates temperature, blood oxygen, blood glucose, water bal ance, heart rate, breathing rate, and hormone levels. The program provides a com plete introduction to the following topics:o Homeostatic mechanisms within the b odyo Regulation of temperatureo Regulation of blood sugaro Feedback systemso Rol e of hormoneso Water balance(20 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2347_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2347_l

blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11404</td><td>Homo Sapiens: A Look into a Distant Mirror</td ><td>Where did Homo sapiens come from? How did they interpret their world? And w hat did they think and feel? This program seeks to profile modern humankind's di stant forerunners through the research of ethnologists Bernard Saladin D'Anglure and Valentina Gorbatcheva, archaeologist Sergei Vassiliev, historian Jean Clott es, linguist Merritt Ruhlen, anthropologist Bernard Vandermeersch, geneticist Mi chael Hammer, and ethnoarchaeologist Polly Wiessner. Prehistoric caves in southe rn France; the oldest-known human tombs, in Israel; "fossil words"; the genealog y of the Y-chromosome; and other topics serve as portals to the past. Not availa ble in French-speaking Canada. (53 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2348_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2348_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33675</td><td>Homosexuality: A Religious Perspective</td><td >Throughout history, homosexuality has been censured by some of the world's majo r religions-and often punished to the severest degree. This program studies the scriptures and doctrines of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam to understand why, and then contrasts their stances with those of Hinduism, Sikhism, and the Rome o f Hadrian. A compassionate and compelling discussion of gay marriage and child a doption by gay couples involving the Reverend Richard Kirker, of the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement; Rabbi Chaim Rapoport; and others is featured. Genetic p redisposition toward homosexuality is considered, and homosexual acts in the ani mal world, as they relate to scripture, are addressed. Contains mature themes an d explicit language and imagery. (37 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2349_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2349_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36144</td><td>An Honest Citizen: Cocaine and Corruption in C olombia</td><td>Colombia's $5-billion-a-year cocaine trade has funded a brutal c ivil war involving leftist guerillas, right-wing paramilitaries, and a national government severely undermined by corruption. This Wide Angle report spotlights the efforts of Maria Cristina Chirolla, head of the Colombian attorney general's anti-money laundering office, to crack down on the drug lords. But the cost of her integrity is a life of almost constant fear as she evades drug barons plotti ng to assassinate her. This program also includes an interview with Marc Grossma n, former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. (57 minutes)</td> <td>2004</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2350_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2350_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31490</td><td>Hong Kong, Five Years Later: Reversal of Fortu

ne</td><td>On July 1, 1997, as China's flag was raised over Hong Kong, the world wondered: would the former British crown colony be swallowed up by Beijing, or would it be business as usual in Asia's financial crown jewel? This program, fil med five years after the handover, takes a close look at Hong Kong's declining f ortunes, due in part to sociopolitical changes and to the bursting of the Asian economic bubble. Issues deeply impacting immigration, human rights, employment, health and welfare, and freedom of the press are addressed through the opinions of influential figures and the stories of ordinary people struggling to cope wit h life in Chinese Hong Kong. (54 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2351_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2351_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8817</td><td>Honorable Murder</td><td>In many Middle Eastern countries, honor is so highly prized that it is considered more valuable than l ife itself. This program examines the code of conduct that makes each woman a sa cred vessel of her family's honor-and the practice of atoning for any family mem ber's breach of that code with her blood. Scholars, judges, and clergymen discus s the culturally sanctioned practice of "honorable murder," while fathers, broth ers, and mothers talk about the communal pressure to adhere to the honor code an d how the loss of daughters and sisters has affected their lives. Interviews wit h some of the "lucky" ones-women who were imprisoned rather than executed-are al so included. (57 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2352_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2352_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36235</td><td>Hooked: America on Meth</td><td>A rising numbe r of American children under the age of 18 are experimenting with methamphetamin es. In Montana, meth addiction has become the No. 1 drug problem. This ABC News program reports on the Montana Meth Project, an organization undertaking an aggr essive plan to "unsell" meth-with an ad campaign designed to frighten Montana's youth into avoiding the drug. Highlighting the campaign's gritty imagery and lan guage involving prison, rape, and prostitution, the report includes information on the project's financing, how the ads play out in Montana's teen demographic, and the need for long-term antidrug programs. (11 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td> 11</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2353_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2353_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35513</td><td>Hookworm</td><td>Estimated to infect about one -fifth of the world's population, worm parasites are especially destructive in p oor, rural areas of the developing world. This program focuses on the hookworm, the stealthiest and most resilient of the helminth, or worm, varieties. Examinin g the insidious methods by which hookworm parasites enter the human body, the vi deo shows how they endanger their hosts and what medical science is doing to com bat the spread of infestation-with special attention to young children and pregn

ant women, for whom hookworms are particularly dangerous. Commentary from renown ed parasitologist Dr. Peter Hotez emphasizes key medical concepts. A BBCW Produc tion. (25 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2354_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2354_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34665</td><td>Hope Beyond the Breaking Point: No Child Ever Deserves to Be Abused</td><td>Inspired by "simulated baby" counseling programs f or teenage students, this video uses a classroom setting and dramatizations to t each personal responsibility and self-awareness in parenting and childcare. It h elps young people recognize various forms of abusive behavior, including physica l injury, sexual abuse, emotional humiliation, neglect of parental duties, and i mminent risk, or knowingly placing a child in danger. With an instructor's guide full of useful tools-lesson plans, Q & A cards, abuse reporting guidelines, a t emplate for informational letters to parents, and more-Hope Beyond is an indispe nsable resource for educators, counselors, health care personnel, and other prof essionals concerned with increasing awareness of child abuse issues. The viewabl e/printable instructor's guide is available online. (19 minutes)</td><td>2005</t d><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2355_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2355_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10895</td><td>Hormonally Yours</td><td>From the womb to old age, it is believed that hormones have a powerful impact on gender and sexuality . Drawing on the research of Roger Gorski, professor of neurobiology at UCLA, an d Donatella Marazzitti, of Pisa University, this program explores both the role of sex hormones and the biochemistry of love. Case studies of transgendering and a condition in which a woman's body produces an excess of testosterone are exam ined. In addition, a group of teenagers-considered "hormones on legs" by Dr. Gor ski-share their approaches and reactions to the impulse of sexual attraction. A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2356_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2356_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10894</td><td>Hormone Heaven?</td><td>A world without teenag e angst, PMS, and mid-life crisis; a life without hair loss and wrinkles: are th ese products of wishful thinking, or genuine scientific possibilities? In this p rogram, scientists from the University of Wisconsin and the Life Extension Insti tute in Palm Springs strive to answer that question through their intriguing res earch. Clinical studies into hormone supplements for youthful vigor and hormone replacement therapy for healthier bones are described by medical professionals a s well as by enthusiastic patients themselves. Research correlating cortisol pro duction with stress is included. A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>1999</td ><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2357_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2357_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10893</td><td>Hormone Hell</td><td>Whether it is due to a sp ecific time of life or a particular style of living, hormones are believed to al ter moods and erode bodily health. In this program, endocrinologist Lorraine Fit zpatrick, of the Mayo Clinic; a woman who has kept a video diary charting her mo nthly bouts with PMS; and a cast of teens and seniors investigate how hormones a ffect different stages of life, such as puberty and menopause. In addition, psyc hiatrist Ned Kalin, of the University of Wisconsin; a police officer; and a tran s-Atlantic flight attendant offer insights into the hormonal havoc caused by str ess and jet lag. A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2358_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2358_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>838</td><td>Hormones: Messengers</td><td>The delicate interp lay of hormones is responsible for all the events of reproduction. How many othe r body processes are controlled and cooordinated by these chemical messengers be comes apparent in this program, which follows the role hormones play in response to a sudden emergency: the 'fight or flight' reaction. (26 minutes)</td><td>198 4</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2359_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2359_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>26595</td><td>Hospital</td><td>A Meridian Production. (8 min .)</td><td>1999</td><td>9</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2360_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2360_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33751</td><td>Hospital City: Making It Work</td><td>Operatin g theaters and patient rooms, labs and pharmacies, the maternity ward and the mo rgue: this program works its way through some of the many units of a hospital as it spotlights staff members doing their jobs. From sterilizing equipment to cor rectly interpreting the dance of cells across a computer screen to treating pati ents, these professionals deal with crucial matters every day...even as debate r ages over funding cuts and a healthcare system said to be in crisis. An informat ive and inspiring training resource for all hospital and healthcare workers or s tudents preparing to enter the medical field. (49 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td> 49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2361_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2361_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32433</td><td>The Hospital Experience</td><td>A hospital is a place of healing and recovery. So why can the experience provoke feelings of a nxiety, confusion, helplessness, and fear? This program will help relieve the st ress of hospitalization by familiarizing you with what to expect. Topics include admittance procedures, your typical day in the hospital, interacting with your health care workers, and knowing your rights as a patient. As the program follow s an actual patient through the process, social workers, nurses, doctors, and pa tient advocates discuss relevant issues along the way. (24 minutes)</td><td>2003 </td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2362_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2362_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33363</td><td>Hospitality & Tourism</td><td>The hospitality and tourism cluster is all about providing food, lodging, and entertainment to p eople when they're away from home. This program provides an inside track on what the work is like by talking to a travel agent, hotel manager, baker, and waitre ss. Correlates to the National Standards for Life Work. A Cambridge Educational Production. (22 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2363_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2363_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>837</td><td>Hot and Cold</td><td>Using the extremes of tempe rature that occur in a day's skiing, this program shows the range of mechanisms through which the human body maintains a steady internal temperature and protect s its vital organs: shivering, hair erection, and rerouting of blood supplies to conserve heat; increased blood flow to the body surface, sweating, and panting to lose heat. (26 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2364_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2364_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>35945</td><td>Hot Off the Press: Inside a Daily Newspaper</t d><td>Believe it or not, print journalism is alive and kicking in the digital ag e. This video takes viewers behind the scenes at a large daily newspaper, explor ing in detail how staff members fulfill their writing, illustration, and assembl y duties, and how the paper-based periodical has adapted to high-tech documentat ion, communication, and delivery methods. News and feature reporters, sub-editor s, photographers, and the paper's news editor and print manager all discuss thei r challenges and responsibilities in detail-shedding light on how newsworthy eve nts are tracked, stories are assigned, fieldwork is accomplished, pages are digi

tally laid out, and other aspects of journalism. A viewable/printable instructor 's guide is available online. (26 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2365_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2365_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26323</td><td>The Hot Station</td><td>The hot station is the heart of the food service kitchen. Most main dishes are prepared here and this is where some of the most important skills in food service are learned. Viewers will see how main courses or entrees are typically prepared, including meat, pou ltry, and seafood. The video covers storing and preparing meat, methods of cooki ng, and various professional tips throughout. There is a special section on vege tables, cereals, rice, and pasta. Given the right preparation and technique, mai n courses can be the attraction in a food services career! (15 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>2000</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2366_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2366_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25573</td><td>Hotline: Coping with Family Abuse</td><td>A te en "telephone hotline" sets the stage for the topic of family violence. Voluntee rs learn the facts about violent and abusive family situations as well as succes sful techniques for helping "callers" cope. Two facts are stressed throughout th e video: no one deserves to be a victim and help is available. (29 min.) A Merid ian Production.</td><td>1993</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2367_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2367_l blPrice">$97.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32590</td><td>Housecleaning 101: Fighting the War on Grime</ td><td>Can cleaning the house be made fun and exciting? Not really, but this tir esome chore can be cut down to size by following the simple tips and suggestions in Housecleaning 101. Which rooms should be cleaned first (and last)? How shoul d you approach a room so that nothing is missed? What supplies will you need, an d how often should you clean? Humor and practical strategies will motivate viewe rs to roll up their sleeves and get to work. Guaranteed to be a hit with anyone who has too many dust bunnies and too little time. A viewable/printable instruct or's guide is available online. A Meridian Production. (17 minutes)</td><td>2000 </td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2368_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2368_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32375</td><td>Housing America: Demographics and Development<

/td><td>As the 21st century unfolds, how are Americans adapting to urgent issues involving sustainable growth, quality of life, and community planning? Segment one of this NewsHour program examines the effect of urban sprawl on Atlanta's po pulation, job and housing markets, the environment, and commuters. Segment two a ddresses the need for affordable housing in Burlington, Vermont, where the dispa rity between wages and real estate prices is on the rise. Segment three assesses urban renewal efforts in the old neighborhoods of Philadelphia. And segment fou r studies an experimental community system in Virginia known as co-housing. (64 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2369_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2369_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8094</td><td>How a Bill Becomes a Law</td><td>This program d eciphers the legislative process by explaining how an idea metamorphoses into a law. In interviews, prominent legislators and lobbyists explain how a bill is co nceived, moved through the House and Senate or killed in committee, amended, pre pared for a vote, and sent for the President or Governor's signature. A Cambridg e Educational Production. (27 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2370_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2370_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3613</td><td>How Atoms Bond</td><td>The forces of attraction and repulsion within atoms are examined, and the different types of bonds that form are shown. Covalent bonds, in which atoms share electrons, and ionic bonds, in which an electron is traded from one atom to another, are explained. (10 min utes)</td><td>1992</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2371_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2371_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37469</td><td>How Bad Is Your Boss?</td><td>Structured aroun d a Bad Boss Quiz, this lively program asks some tough questions about managers while suggesting ways to deal with those who are less than perfect. In addition, a series of Boss Boot Camp segments spotlight a management coach assisting an u p-and-coming hotel manager in determining his weak points as a boss and overcomi ng them. Commentary by Shaun Belding, author of Winning with Bosses from Hell, i s sprinkled throughout, and an interview with the one-and-only Jack Welch is fea tured. Comic strips and bizarre-but-true employee anecdotes add a light touch to a heavy subject, making How Bad Is Your Boss? a great addition to introductory business classes. Some language may be offensive. (22 minutes)</td><td>2006</td> <td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2372_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2372_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29325</td><td>How Change Happens: Breaking the "Teach as You Were Taught" Cycle in Science and Math</td><td>This program, sponsored by the N ational Science Foundation, showcases innovative teaching techniques as performe d by science and math professors at Hampshire College, the University of Massach usetts, and Springfield Technical Community College. In seminars and full-blown lectures, these instructors have succeeded in increasing their students' engagem ent with the subject matter by applying active learning, cooperative group work, and alternative test-taking techniques. How Change Happens is an excellent tool for stimulating discussion among faculty members about course and curriculum re form. (25 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2373_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2373_l blPrice">$109.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34120</td><td>How Scientists Look at the Sun</td><td>The Sun is a dynamic body undergoing constant, violent transformation. This Science Scr een Report explores the Sun's multilayered structure, the forces at work within it, and the methods by which scientists study it. Detailing the activities of th e SOHO spacecraft, the program also explains various solar phenomena: nuclear fu sion, the release of neutrinos, oscillation of the photosphere, and the processe s by which the Sun may have formed as well as those that will eventually cause i ts collapse. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correl ates to National Science Education Standards. Produced in association with the A ccreditation Board for Engineering and Technology and the Junior Engineering Tec hnical Society. (19 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2374_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2374_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4982</td><td>How the Human Mind Works: Patricia Smith Church land</td><td>Professor of Philosophy Patricia Smith Churchland is probing a new frontier in the area of brain research, convinced that exploration into the phys ical function of our "wonder tissue" can help us better understand what our thou ghts mean and how we can control them. In her book, Neurophilosophy, she describ es how recent discoveries about the brain call into question such basic philosop hical concepts as free will and rational thinking. In this program with Bill Moy ers, Dr. Churchland discusses startling new theories about how the mind works an d about how much control we have over our thoughts, decisions, and choices. (30 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2375_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2375_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11190</td><td>How the IMF Tracks Economies and Makes Loans</ td><td>In IMF parlance, what does "surveillance" mean? And how does the IMF deci

de who gets a loan? This program describes how the IMF monitors national economi c policies for their impact on the Fund's 180-plus member nations and how loans are made to ailing or emerging economies. Topics under consideration include Art icle IV consultations and poverty- and debt-reduction initiatives. Former IMF Ma naging Director Michel Camdessus; Edwin Truman, Assistant Secretary of the Treas ury for International Affairs; IMF economist David Goldsbrough; and IMF historia n Jim Boughton are featured. (16 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2376_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2376_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37470</td><td>How the Kids Took Over: Child-Driven Marketing </td><td>Despite the success of Harry Potter, there's nothing magic about market ing to kids-corporations have it down to a science. This program explores the hi gh-stakes world of child-driven market research, in which vast resources are ded icated to gauging the desires and buying power of young customers. Depicting a w ide range of research strategies-including home visits and "brainstorming sessio ns" that earnestly mine youngsters' imaginations-the program presents views from marketing experts as well as from activists opposed to the commercial manipulat ion of children. Among these are Ralph Nader, Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), and C onsuming Kids author Susan Linn. Original CBC broadcast title: How the Kids Took Over. (49 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2377_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2377_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2550</td><td>How the Nazis Came to Power</td><td>This progra m shows how simple and logical it all was-one step at a time, from the bitter de feat of World War I and the humiliating Treaty of Versailles, the wrangling of t he Weimar democracy, the economic crisis... Then the fear of Communism, the thr eat of violence, and the Nazi promise of law and order was so seductive that the mass of Germans were willing to overlook a little repression here and a little there, until it became a point of honor for Germans to witness brutality without flinching. Forced after the war to look at what they had done, the Germans woul d not or could not see. (17 minutes, b&w)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2378_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2378_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30020</td><td>How They Sell</td><td>Shopping, once simply a basic task, now vies with television as America's most popular leisure activity. How are retailers cashing in on all that discretionary spending? From the Turki sh bazaar to the Mall of America, this program reveals the strategies being used to ensure that wallets and purses remain open for business. Retail anthropologi st Paco Underhill, shopping center architect Eric Kuhne, retail analyst Claire W illiams,'s Jeff Bezos, and Geoff Burch, "the world's most persuasive man," share their insights into the importance of advertising, store design, pro duct placement, and buyer behavior analysis-all underlying aggressive new approa

ches that have redefined consumers as targets. Original BBC broadcast title: Buy -ology: Program 2. (51 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2379_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2379_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30396</td><td>How to Build a Human: Genetic Science in the 2 1st Century</td><td>Now that scientists have decoded the human genome, how can p eople expect to benefit from this extraordinary accomplishment? Blending remarka ble animated graphics and interviews with leading experts from around the world, this four-part series is an event unto itself, providing an up-to-the-minute as sessment of landmark research and breakthroughs. Scientists are not only answeri ng age-old questions about human life but predicting and even improving on its i mperfections. A BBC Production. 4-part series, 50 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td ><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2380_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2380_l blPrice">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25591</td><td>How to Buy Quality Furniture</td><td>Purchasin g bargain furniture now may not be such a bargain in the long run. Knowing what to look for in well-made furniture, regardless of your budget, will help you get the most for your money. Furniture makers and furniture retailers share their e xpertise. We visit a furniture factory and see all types of furniture-wooden, up holstered, chrome, steel, wicker; compare styles and construction; and figure ou t what fits our lifestyle choices. (13 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>2000 </td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2381_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2381_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25593</td><td>How to Clean a House</td><td>Knowing how to cl ean is a basic life skill that everyone should have. Is there a right way and a wrong way to clean a house? No, probably not, but there are ways that are effici ent, organized, and easy to maintain while keeping time spent to a minimum. Stan dards of cleanliness range from those who keep everything spotless, to those who only do dishes when there aren't any clean glasses, to those who are somewhere in between. Even though individuals may view what is acceptable in varied ways, there are certain cleanliness standards which should never be compromised becaus e of health and safety issues. This video covers all the basics while discussing cleaning schedules, methods/routines, and tools and supplies. Cleaning may not be one of Nature's joys, but with a little knowledge and the right tools, it can be accomplished quickly and easily. (12 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>19 99</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2382_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2382_l

blPrice">$74.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10850</td><td>How to Cope with Unemployment</td><td>Where th ere is commerce, there is usually a degree of unemployment as well. Module one o f this program presents an agency that develops the marketability of unemployed youth in Spain-victims of schooling/market mismatch and employer reluctance to p rovide training. Module two considers collective bargaining agreements in the Ne therlands that have created employer incentives to hire out-of-work teens and yo ung adults. Module three spotlights an innovative labor retooling initiative in Finland. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2383_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2383_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10789</td><td>How to Produce a Video</td><td>What is it like to work for a television station or a video production company? This program pr ovides a concise overview of the video production process-from conceptualization , through the planning and production phases, to the finished product. Microphon es, lights, editing equipment, and cameras are all touched upon, along with ever ything else that it takes to create an informational or documentary video. Light! A Meridian Production. (16 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>16 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2384_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2384_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34129</td><td>How Touch Makes Sense of the World</td><td>Thi s Science Screen Report examines the sense of touch not only as a means of physi cal sensation, but also as the most basic way of communicating and interacting w ith one's environment. The program highlights the human body's methods for detec ting and evaluating external stimuli, and outlines scientific approaches to help ing people with an impaired tactile sense. Presenting human touch as a mechanism for survival and happiness, this program is an ideal component for any study of the senses in anatomy or psychology. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to National Science Education Standards. Produced in association with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology and t he Junior Engineering Technical Society. (16 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>16</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2385_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2385_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11878</td><td>How We Study Children: Observation and Experim entation</td><td>This program asserts that the testing of a causal hypothesis in volving cognitive development is best done through a combination of observationa l and experimentational methods. Kathy Sylva and Peter Bryant, both of the Unive

rsity of Oxford, and other researchers share their insights into categorizing an d codifying patterns of play through observation, avoiding common experiment-rel ated pitfalls such as covariation and unintentional bias, and mitigating artific iality, a challenge to practitioners of both approaches. (25 minutes)</td><td>19 94</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2386_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2386_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25618</td><td>How Your Car Works</td><td>Updated for 2008! I t's the ultimate challenge for every basic automotive instructor: how to teach s tudents who know almost nothing about car technology. This video is designed for viewers who might have only a vague understanding of an automobile's inner work ings, helping them to become more technically informed about vehicle parts, syst ems, and operation. With the help of detailed yet accessible animation, as well as high-energy live action footage, the program provides enough technical vocabu lary and know-how to communicate with service technicians and to begin preparing for an automotive career. Note: Contains new material on hybrid cars and system s. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Cambridge Educ ational Production. (16 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2387_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2387_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10876</td><td>Howard Goodall's Big Bangs: Turning Points in Music History</td><td>Armed with wit and charm, composer and pianist Howard Good all charts the "Big Bangs" that forever changed the course of Western music. Fro m the inspired invention of the thin red line in musical notation a thousand yea rs ago to the modern electronically delivered music that surrounds us each day, this captivating five-part series examines in detail aspects of the musical worl d without which Western music, both classical and popular, might not exist as we know it. 5-part series, 51 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2388_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2388_l blPrice">$749.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9191</td><td>HPV: Issues and Answers</td><td>According to Th e American Journal of Medicine, over 70% of Americans have been infected with a genital human papillomavirus, yet few are aware that they have it-or even know w hat HPV is. This eye-opening program delivers the facts that high school and col lege students-the primary victims-need to raise their awareness about an incurab le sexually transmitted disease. Doctors, professors, peer educators, and others provide concise information on topics including HPV's link to genital warts and cervical cancer, the vital importance of pap smears, current treatments, and re search being done to eliminate HPV once and for all. (24 minutes)</td><td>1998</ td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2389_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2389_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35824</td><td>Hugo Chavez</td><td>Ascending to the Venezuela n presidency on a wave of anti-corruption, anti-poverty, and anti-American senti ment, Hugo Chavez has become one of the most charismatic and controversial leade rs on the world stage. This program details the rise of the Chavez government an d the challenges it has faced in reforming the South American nation's economy a nd political culture. Incorporating incisive commentary from Venezuelan journali sts, academics, and opposition leaders-as well as in-depth interviews with Chave z himself-this case study in developing-world politics provides a penetrating lo ok at a confrontational and transformative head of state. (Portions in Spanish w ith English narration and subtitles, 54 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>54</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2390_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2390_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10097</td><td>Human, All Too Human: Nietzsche, Heidegger, an d Sartre</td><td>From its roots in the 19th century to its full flowering in the 20th, existentialism has made a profound impression on the course of modern his tory. This powerful three-part series profiles the lives and critically examines the contributions of proto-existentialist Friedrich Nietzsche; Martin Heidegger ; and Jean-Paul Sartre, under whom it ripened to its fullest expression. 3-part series, 50 minutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2391_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2391_l blPrice">$329.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33504</td><td>Human Body Shop</td><td>Miniature electronics, precision surgical techniques, and an ever-increasing understanding of the huma n body are making it possible for medical researchers to turn science fiction in to science fact. Covering sophisticated leg prostheses, remarkable artificial vi sion systems, and astonishing advances in brain signal translation, this program examines the complex and futuristic research that is melding human and machine. Osseointegration pioneer Richard Branemark, vision visionary William Dobelle, a nd Duke University's Miguel Nicolelis are spotlighted. (57 minutes)</td><td>2004 </td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2392_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2392_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37064</td><td>The Human Body: Systems at Work</td><td>This s eries combines illustrations, animations, interviews, and real-world analogies t o define and explain the major systems of the human body, with an emphasis on ho

w they enable us to perform everyday activities and maintain good health. Compar isons to systems occurring outside of the body help viewers understand the compl ex mechanics of the systems operating within it. Viewable/printable instructor's guides are available online. A Cambridge Educational Production. 7-part series, 19-34 minutes each.</td><td>2001</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2393_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2393_l blPrice">$559.65<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7919</td><td>The Human Brain</td><td>This three-part series provides in-depth anatomical and medical examinations of the various parts of th e brain and thorough explanations of its function and behavior under the influen ce of various traumas and disease conditions. 3-part series.</td><td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2394_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2394_l blPrice">$449.85<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7921</td><td>The Human Brain in Situ</td><td>Professor of ap plied neurobiology Susan Standring conducts a basic anatomical examination of th e human brain and its connections in the skull using museum specimens. During th e process, Standring identifies the cerebral lobes, optic nerves, arachnoid gran ulations, and blood vessels. Examining the cranial cavity with the brain removed , she points out the frontal bones, orbital plates, crista galli, and the cribri form plate. Cerebrospinal fluid and the tentorium cerebelli are shown. Using a b rain specimen and resin model, the ventricular system is explained. (21 minutes) </td><td>1997</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2395_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2395_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33046</td><td>The Human Genome</td><td>This program explores the search for the one specific disease-causing gene among a hundred thousand g enes clustered on 23 pairs of chromosomes-a maze called the human genome. In the 1950s, we discovered that genes were sections of the long strand of hereditary material, DNA; in the 1970s, we learned how to cut and splice that strand; in th e 1990s, we are labeling the individual genes that carry beneficial or unwanted characteristics. The program shows how individual genes are being identified, an d the moral and psychological dilemma confronting doctor and patient when a dise ase like Huntington's chorea can be genetically identified: Is it better to live with fear or risk knowing that a lingering and horrible death awaits? (28 minut es)</td><td>1988</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2396_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2396_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>811</td><td>The Human Influence</td><td>This program illustr ates how natural selection works to enable a species to adapt to adverse environ ments; shows how human breeding of desirable varieties-which antedates by millen nia any theories of genetics or evolution-often overrode natural selection; demo nstrates how species can be changed by artificial selection and in response to h uman interference with the environment; and explains the desirability of preserv ing the gene pool. After viewing the program, students should understand how env ironmental changes and artificial selection alter the random variability in a po pulation, how breeders strengthen rather than create variation, and why it is so important to preserve the gene pool. (20 minutes)</td><td>1988</td><td>&nbsp;</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2397_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2397_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>32677</td><td>Human Instinct</td><td>Instincts are the found ation of behavior. This very visual four-part series takes a close-up look at th e rudimentary responses and primal urges that shape the human experience. Both f ascinating and fun, each program uses engrossing experiments, captivating interv iews, high-tech graphics, and dramatic reenactments to illustrate the instincts that underpin our actions. Pioneering researcher Lord Robert Winston hosts. A BB CW Production. 4-part series, 50 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2398_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2398_l blPrice">$519.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7465</td><td>A Human Life Emerges</td><td>Human reproduction is a fascinating and complex process, especially when seen microscopically. Thi s program presents a close-up view of reproduction, beginning with the fertiliza tion of the female egg, through gestation and the millions of cell divisions, an d culminating in the birth of a fully formed individual. Each stage of the devel opment is visualized in sequence: when the heart begins to beat, when the limbs develop, when the child first moves and responds to stimuli, and when it offers its first cry to the world at the moment of birth. Sophisticated computer animat ion and technical narration are used throughout in an effort to explain the gest ation and birth processes for the advanced learner. (35 minutes)</td><td>1995</t d><td>35</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2399_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2399_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34452</td><td>Human Life: From Evolution to Self-Evolution</ td><td>An extraterrestrial biologist would probably not hesitate to classify Hom o sapiens as just another chimpanzee. After all, the two species share 98 percen t of their DNA-and yet what a difference that two percent makes. This program in

vestigates how such similar primates became so very dissimilar...and how humans, having reached the point where they are little hindered by natural selection, a re beginning to evolve themselves. This is a story full of surprises. Original B BCW broadcast title: Human Life. (49 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2400_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2400_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33454</td><td>The Human Mind: From Neurons to Knowledge</td> <td>Combining scientific theory and extraordinary experiments with illuminating human dramas and computer animation, this three-part series presented by Profess or Robert Winston takes a pioneering journey through the mind. Original BBCW bro adcast title: The Human Mind...and How to Make the Most of It. 3-part series, 60 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2401_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2401_l blPrice">$449.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36978</td><td>Human Nature</td><td>Brain and body are often considered separate entities-but they work together to create our emotional inte rface with the world. This four-part series explores the fascinating subject of human sensation and response, focusing on laughter, crying, pain, and pleasure-a nd why these phenomena help define us as a species. Featuring compelling persona l stories and rigorous analysis from doctors and researchers, each episode thoro ughly investigates a particular aspect of humanity's sensory vocabulary. 4-part series, 49 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2402_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2402_l blPrice">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32206</td><td>The Human Race</td><td>In 1990, a massive ente rprise was launched to decipher the ultimate instruction manual. The Human Genom e Project soon turned into a race and a feud. This program tracks the tumultuous progress of the endeavor, detailing the scientific innovations that led to its completion, as well as its political and economic impact. Exceptional graphics b ring home the daunting task of sequencing the human genome. Among those who disc uss the project are initial rivals Francis Collins and J. Craig Venter; Dr. John Sulston; Sir Alec Jeffreys, the discoverer of DNA fingerprinting; Nobel Laureat es Fred Sanger and Jim Watson; and former President Bill Clinton. (57 minutes)</ td><td>2003</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2403_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2403_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>36177</td><td>Human Rights</td><td>This program sets two cru cial human rights-related Constitutional amendments within the context of their historical times: Amendment 13, abolishing slavery throughout the U.S., and Amen dment 14, defining U.S. citizenship and stipulating due process and equal protec tion under the law. Four additional amendments-11, judicial powers construed; 16 , federal income tax; and 18 and 21, Prohibition and its repeal-are included as well. Correlates to all applicable state and national standards. A Cambridge Edu cational Production. Recommended for middle school through college. (48 minutes) </td><td>2007</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2404_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2404_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7440</td><td>Human Rights in China</td><td>China is booming economically. U.S. companies, including Motorola and Boeing, are employing thous ands in new factories. However, Western economic investment has not translated i nto a Chinese acceptance of Western ideas concerning human rights-as evident in the Tiananmen Square massacre. This program discusses the progress that is being made. We meet a radio talk-show host who invites callers to grill government of ficials, and newspaper editors who sometimes run pieces critical of the governme nt's human rights record. And while China may have a ways to go in this respect, one Chinese official predicts, "Full bellies and controlled political evolution will keep China on course [toward expanding human rights]." Original BBC broadc ast title: Shaking the World. (49 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2405_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2405_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33737</td><td>Human Senses</td><td>Life will never be experi enced the same way again. This six-part series goes around the globe in search o f the biological roots of our senses of smell, vision, taste, touch, hearing, an d balance. Live action combined with special effects creates incredible imagery to convey the "feeling" of how our senses work. A BBCW Production. 6-part series , 30 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2406_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2406_l blPrice">$539.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33365</td><td>Human Services</td><td>Because it's all about interacting with and helping other people, the Human Services Cluster is also wh ere some of the most personally rewarding careers can be found. This program sho ws what Human Services has to offer by spotlighting several diverse jobs in the field. A preschool teacher, clinical psychologist, social worker, and cosmetolog ist discuss what they love about their jobs and what they did to get started. Co rrelates to the National Standards for Life Work. A Cambridge Educational Produc tion. (22 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2407_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2407_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11383</td><td>Human Sexuality: A Contemporary Guide</td><td> This three-part series authoritatively addresses the subject of human sexuality, offering solid information on healthy relationships, the responsibilities of pa renthood, risk factors for contracting HIV, and other topics that too few young adults fully understand. 3-part series, 29 minutes each.</td><td>1998</td><td>&n bsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2408_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2408_l blPrice">$389.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37174</td><td>Human Trafficking: A Crisis for the EU and the World</td><td>Europe's wealth represents a golden opportunity for those who smu ggle cheap, easily exploited workers across international borders. But how does the loathsome mechanism of human trafficking actually occur, and what are EU aut horities doing to fight it? This program investigates by recording the experienc es of human trafficking victims and evaluating the work of the EU government in the battle against 21st-century slavery. Corruption, prostitution, victim protec tion and repatriation, and the creation of FRONTEX-the agency responsible for Eu ropean border patrol-are all highlighted, while members of the European Parliame nt and other officials discuss what must be done to improve anti-smuggling effor ts. (27 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2409_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2409_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37137</td><td>Human v2.0: How Brain Research Could Change Ou r Species</td><td>As neural research and digital technology converge, many scien tists envision a so-called singularity event in which humans and computers becom e inseparable. This program explores that possibility, focusing on the work of k ey players in brain research and artificial intelligence. Drs. Jose Delgado, Mig uel Nicolelis, and Philip Kennedy-all pioneers in brain/computer interfacing-exp lain their contributions to a techno-biological, transhumanist future, while MIT professor Seth Lloyd showcases his quantum computer prototype, a major mileston e on the road to reproducing and exceeding human brain capacity. Inventor Ray Ku rzweil predicts a machine-dominated paradise, but Dr. Hugo De Garis warns of an impending dystopia. A BBCW Production. (49 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>50</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2410_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2410_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6899</td><td>Humans and Bacteria</td><td>This program presen

ts the human body as a complex ecosystem of bacteria, then examines each portion of the body, which bacteria live there, and why. The three major bacterial grou ps-sphere-shaped cocci, rods, and helical spirochetes and spirilla-are examined. Their behavior when interacting within the body is explored. The life and death of obligate aerobes, facultative anaerobes, and obligate anaerobes is described . A discussion of factors that encourage bacterial growth leads to specific info rmation on which bacteria cause certain conditions, and how infection can be avo ided. (41 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2411_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2411_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30257</td><td>The Hungarian Princesses: Elizabeth and Margar et</td><td>Perhaps no members of European royalty rejected wealth and embraced p overty so utterly as Elizabeth and Margaret, Hungarian princesses and members of a ruling family that produced ten saints. Filmed amidst the spectacular vistas of Hungary's medieval past, this program traces the lives of Elizabeth, queen of Thuringia, and her niece, Margaret, comparing and contrasting their asceticism and devotion to the church. Highlights include the well-known portrait of Margar et in the Dominican habit and a tour of the ruins of Margaret's convent on what has since been called Margaret Island. (49 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>49</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2412_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2412_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10944</td><td>The Hungry Eye: Walker Evans</td><td>The stark , deceptively simple photographs of Walker Evans have become a part of America's collective memory, forever capturing the places and faces of times long gone. I n this program, NewsHour correspondent Ray Suarez outlines Evans' life while tal king with Jeff Rosenheim, curator of photography at the Metropolitan Museum of A rt, and Evans' close friend William Christenberry, about the late photographer's approach to his art, his collaboration with writer James Agee on Let Us Now Pra ise Famous Men, his love of advertising signage, and other topics. (15 minutes)< /td><td>2000</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2413_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2413_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10518</td><td>The Hunt for the True October: The Real Russia n Revolution</td><td>On the night of October 24, 1917, a police patrol stopped t wo men on the streets of St. Petersburg, but failing to recognize their quarry, the police let them pass. One of them-disguised as a tramp-was the future founde r and leader of the Soviet Union: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. In this program, Cambri dge University's Orlando Figes, author of A People's Tragedy, and Vitaly Startse v, of St. Petersburg Herzen University, investigate the circumstances of the Oct ober Revolution, exploding the popular myths reinforced by Sergei Eisenstein's f ilm October and exploring the what-ifs that could have led to democracy in Russi

a instead of dictatorship. (25 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2414_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2414_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32971</td><td>Hutong: Alleyways of Change in Contemporary Be ijing</td><td>As Beijing prepares for the 2008 Olympics, most of the hutong-the city's small traditional dwellings and the network of lanes and alleys formed by them-are being demolished to make room for skyscrapers. This program explores s ocial and cultural changes in historical Beijing, as seen in the life of a few o rdinary citizens who still live in the hutong. The program includes computer mod els of the designing of ancient Beijing City. (53 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td> 53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2415_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2415_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24220</td><td>HVAC</td><td>HVAC is a fifteen-minute video wh ich is part of the series, Vo/Tech: Ins and Outs.This fast-paced, entertaining, and intriguing series introduces several occupations in the vast career pathway of vocational and technical trades. Viewers are taken on a journey through many different facets of vocational interest areas including welding, masonry, electr ical, residential construction, and HVAC. Each fifteen-minute program focuses on one of these particular trades and includes interviews with students preparing for each career and working professionals on the job. The programs carefully def ine how the participant began in the field, what the vocation means to them, edu cational requirements, immediate job opportunities, and how they envision the fu ture of each particular occupation. The series serves as an introduction to the vast opportunities in vocational interest areas and the need for qualified worke rs in these lucrative occupations. Important contact information is also provide d for students interested in finding out more about vocational training programs . These programs will serve as a valuable resource to excite and motivate prospe ctive students to consider a career in these high-demand and financially rewardi ng occupations. One 15-minute video. A Shopware Production.</td><td>2001</td><td >15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2416_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2416_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32267</td><td>HVAC & R</td><td>Once your students have taken the tour and seen what the skilled construction trades have to offer, they will want to know more about specific jobs that may interest them. This fast-paced p rogram provides a concise profile of HVAC occupations, looking at educational ba ckground, apprenticeships, salary, and the work itself. (13 minutes)</td><td>200 3</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2417_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2417_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37243</td><td>HVAC Basics</td><td>Success in the HVAC indust ry means learning the wide variety of tools, equipment, and materials that exper ienced repair and maintenance people deal with every day. Featuring crystal-clea r live-action demonstrations and easy-to-understand animation, this two-part ser ies provides students with thorough, up-to-date knowledge of HVAC technology. Im portant safety tips round out the nuts-and-bolts explanations of heating, ventil ation, and cooling systems. Viewable/printable instructor's guides are available online. Correlates to all National CTE Organizational Standards (including the provisions of the Perkins Act). A Shopware Production. 2-part series, 24 and 21 minutes each.</td><td>2008</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2418_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2418_l blPrice">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35525</td><td>Hybrid Auto Repair Series</td><td>A new genera tion of automotive technicians is emerging, made up of men and women with solid training in hybrid technology. Give your students a chance to be part of this te chnological revolution. This three-part series provides a thorough grounding in hybrid technologies, focusing on building both system knowledge and safety aware ness. In addition to outlining the history and growth of electric, hydrogen, die sel, and other alternative propulsion systems, the series explores major hybrid components and details the safety challenges that these complex mechanisms prese nt to technicians. Job-seekers who are looking to set themselves apart from the average automotive trainee will find the ideal learning resource in this series. Viewable/printable instructor's guides are available online. Correlates to all applicable state and national standards. A Shopware Production. 3-part series, 1 5-18 minutes each.</td><td>2007</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2419_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2419_l blPrice">$179.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35528</td><td>Hybrid Safety Issues</td><td>Hybrid technology means cleaner air for everyone-but under the hood, it's a danger zone for unpre pared technicians. This video enables students to understand and follow the uniq ue safety requirements of hybrid system maintenance and repair, focusing on prec autions and procedures necessary to prevent electric shock. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to all applicable state and national standards. A Shopware Production. (18 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>18< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2420_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2420_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>35025</td><td>The Hydrogen Age: Energy Solutions for the 21s t Century</td><td>Leonard Nimoy narrates this wide-ranging documentary on hydrog en-based energy solutions in the United States and around the world-including sy stems that are fully operational as well as those currently in development. Visi ting China, Germany, Iceland, and other countries, the program examines the PEM fuel cell and equipment that incorporates fuel cell technology, avoiding fossil fuel consumption and utilizing clean, renewable hydrogen. This dynamic and in-de pth video gives special attention to energy advances that can help developing na tions improve their economies while reducing pollution and environmental damage. (57 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2421_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2421_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3735</td><td>Hyperbolas</td><td>The equation for a hyperbola in standard position is developed and, through transformation techniques, expan ded into the general equation. Viewers also learn about transverse and conjugate axes, a method for determining the equations of the asymptotes, inverse variati on, and the constant difference definition. (10 minutes)</td><td>1989</td><td>10 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2422_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2422_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33282</td><td>Hypernovas and Stellar Nurseries</td><td>Not a ll stellar nurseries occur near hypernovas, yet it appears that hypernovas only occur in stellar nurseries. What is the connection between them? This program il lustrates how a scientific quest to understand massive intergalactic gamma ray b ursts revealed to Stanford Woosley, of the University of California, Santa Cruz; the University of Cambridge's Sir Martin Rees; Princeton University's Bohdan Pa czynski; and Dale Frail, of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, the nature of massive stars-and the possibility that they will point the way to the place where the very first stars were born. Original BBCW broadcast title: The Death S tar. (50 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2423_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2423_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10041</td><td>Hypertension: The Facts</td><td>This clinical program thoroughly addresses all aspects of hypertension, including risk factors , impact on the vascular system and organs, diagnosis, and treatment through lif estyle modification and pharmaceutical means. Special attention is given to the proper technique for taking blood pressure. In addition, the therapeutic values and side effects of hypertension medicines such as thiazide diuretics, beta bloc kers, ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, and angiotensin II receptor anta gonists are described. (29 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2424_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2424_l blPrice">$109.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37634</td><td>Hypnosurgery</td><td>The use of hypnosis in me dicine has a long history. In the early days of anesthesia, surgeons often used the trance-inducing technique as a fail-safe measure-and today the concept is be ing revisited. This program presents a scientific investigation into the idea th at hypnosis can reduce or even replace the use of anesthesia. Exploring the meri ts of making the procedure available to more patients-especially those too weak for, or unsuited to, conventional pain mitigation-the program includes both cont emporary and archival examples of the effectiveness of surgical hypnosis. Footag e shot during a hernia operation performed under hypnosis only-with no anestheti c at all-highlights the medical realities involved. (49 minutes)</td><td>2006</t d><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2425_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2425_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37633</td><td>Hypochondriacs: Inside Health Anxiety Disorder </td><td>Every time Laura gets swollen glands, she spends hours on the Internet researching terminal cancer. Kevin lives in fear of contracting HIV-a drop of bl ood can send him into a state of panic. And the smallest ache convinces Sarah th at she could die at any moment. Studies suggest that as many as one in four gene ral-practitioner consultations are for hypochondriacs-or those who suffer from w hat is now called Health Anxiety Disorder. This compelling film follows these pa tients as they undergo an intensive period of cognitive behavioral therapy at a country retreat affiliated with London's Maudsley Hospital. Will it make them be tter, or are they destined to spend the rest of their lives in and out of unnece ssary medical appointments and procedures? (49 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>49< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2426_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2426_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10262</td><td>Hypothesis Testing, Types of Error, and Small Samples</td><td>In this program, a helpful bunch of bullies comes to grips with null and alternate hypotheses, the significance level, the test statistic, accep tance and rejection regions, one- and two-tailed tests, and Type I and Type II e rrors. The essentials of dealing with small samples-including t-distribution, th e t-Value Formula, and degrees of freedom-are also tackled. (37 minutes)</td><td >2000</td><td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2427_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2427_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>6553</td><td>I Am a Sufi, I Am a Muslim</td><td>This program introduces Sufism, a branch of Islam which is much less well known in the West than some of the more fundamentalist forms which are frequently in the news. The program travels to India, Pakistan, Turkey, and Macedonia to explore exactly wh at Sufism is and observe how it is practiced in various parts of the world today . Among the many aspects of Sufism featured in the program are the whirling derv ishes of Turkey, who find God through ecstasy; ecstatic fakirs in Macedonia, whe re there is a big revival in popular Sufism; and the vital role of music in Sufi sm in India and Pakistan. The program also features Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, perha ps the most well-known performer of Qawali music. (50 minutes)</td><td>1994</td> <td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2428_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2428_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9198</td><td>I Am Dekel: Portrait of a Life with Down's Synd rome</td><td>Dekel Shekarzi, a 21-year-old who defines himself as an actor, a po et, a dancer, and a romantic in love with love itself, is defined by many others not by who he is, but by what he was born with: Down's syndrome. This engaging documentary follows Dekel in his everyday life, which is anything but "everyday. " For him, faith, hope, and willpower have fused together to fuel his dreams. Fi lm of Dekel on stage and at home, candid interviews with his family members, and reflections from this remarkable individual-who evidently is a philosopher, too -reveal an intriguing personality well worth getting to know. (Hebrew with Engli sh subtitles, 29 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2429_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2429_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10162</td><td>I Am Woman</td><td>What is the state of the wo men's movement? This provocative two-part series questions whether the women's m ovement is running out of steam or merely shifting gears as well as evaluates th e contributions of African-American women to America's maturing social conscienc e. 2-part series, 29 minutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2430_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2430_l blPrice">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10605</td><td>I. M. Pei and the Mathematics of Architecture< /td><td>The common link joining I. M. Pei's diverse creations is his use of simp le mathematical concepts. Students of architecture, engineering, urban planning, and applied mathematics can all benefit from this engaging program in which the enthusiastic architect addresses the pyramid as a structural form, explains the impact of geometry and technology on building design, shares innovative solutio ns to space and ratio challenges, and defines the dynamic interplay between form and function. Signature buildings from around the world plus archival material illustrate Pei's reliance on mathematics to define his vision of public spaces. (58 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>54</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2431_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2431_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7419</td><td>The Ice Cream Wars</td><td>This program examine s how luxury ice cream companies are vying for their European market shares. A v ariety of strategies used by Haagen-Dazs are discussed. In Britain, a Haagen-Daz s executive explains how the company appealed to adult consumers by presenting i ce cream as a sensual gourmet specialty, rather than a child's treat. Advertisem ents in Vogue and other upscale publications use sex and celebrities to boost sa les. In France, stores selling the product are located in exclusive areas, such as the Champs-Elysees. But Haagen-Dazs's quest for classic brand status is now b eing threatened by American competitor Ben & Jerry's, England's Rocombe Farms, a nd other European premium brands. Executives from those companies discuss compet itive marketing strategies that appeal to more traditional values. Original BBC broadcast title: From Food to Fashion. (30 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>30</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2432_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2432_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8462</td><td>The Iceman</td><td>The discovery in the Alps of a 5300-year-old corpse, perfectly preserved by five millennia of ice, allowed a rare glimpse into the daily life of Stone Age man: his diet, his clothing, and way of life. This program follows scientists and archaeologists as they analyze his hair, clothing, and stomach to uncover clues to how our ancestors lived and died. The program offers a fascinating glimpse into one of the archaeological fi nds of the century. (97 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>97</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2433_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2433_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8008</td><td>The Ideal Resume</td><td>One of the most diffic ult tasks job-seekers face is putting together an impressive resume. This progra m shows how to do it by highlighting the best of the job applicant's achievement s, skills, and abilities, whether they are first-time job-seekers or established professionals. Topics include the purpose of the resume; various styles; what i nformation to include and what not to include; what will likely catch an employe r's eye; and how to write an effective cover letter. Electronic resumes-how and where to post them on the Internet-are also covered. A Cambridge Educational Pro duction. (21 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2434_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2434_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>10941</td><td>The Idealistic HMO: Can Good Care Survive the Market?</td><td>America's managed care system was designed to provide coordinate d preventive and long-term healthcare better than individual doctors could in ye sterday's fragmented fee-for-service system. Have HMOs lived up to that promise? In this program, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Hedrick Smith investigates K aiser Permanente-the largest nonprofit HMO in the U.S.-and its social mission of lifetime care. Although it has pioneered improvements such as mass screening fo r colon cancer and special team care for patients with diabetes and HIV, Kaiser Permanente has also drawn fire for unpopular cost-cutting measures and for alleg edly neglecting needy communities. (47 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2435_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2435_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7313</td><td>The Ideas of Chomsky</td><td>Linguist and polit ical activist Noam Chomsky of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology transfor med the nature of linguistics before he was 40. In this program with world-renow ned author and professor Bryan Magee, the outspoken Chomsky challenges accepted notions of the way in which language is learned, examines the relationship of la nguage to experience, and discusses the philosophical nature of knowledge. A BBC Production. (47 minutes)</td><td>1977</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2436_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2436_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37175</td><td>Identities: Culture and Nationality in Europe Today</td><td>What prevents minority communities from joining the European mains tream? Is there an appropriate balance between assimilation and preserving one's cultural heritage? This program wrestles with questions of identity and integra tion resulting from the racial and ethnic divisions of European society. Depicti ng daily life in immigrant communities on the Continent and in Great Britain, th e film features observations from African, Asian, and Middle Eastern transplants , each offering his or her personal take on living in two worlds-and the bridges , if any, that can be built between them. In addition, European MP Wolf Klinz pu ts forward his belief that immigrants should be required to learn the language o f their adopted country. (27 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2437_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2437_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34648</td><td>Identity Crisis: Self-Image in Childhood</td>< td>What shapes a child's identity-situation and surroundings, or unchangeable fa ctors within the child? This program weighs in on that question by capturing the emotional and psychological development of 25 boys and girls at age five. In fa scinating and sometimes disturbing scenes, the children reveal clear signals abo ut their self-worth and their expectations for the future that bear strong conne ction to nationality, gender, skin color, economic class, and the presence or ab

sence of either parent. Powerful in its social implications as well as its emoti onal impact, Identity Crisis brings vital documentation to the nature vs. nurtur e debate. Original BBCW broadcast title: Identity Crisis. Part of the BBC series Child of Our Time 2005. (60 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2438_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2438_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37525</td><td>If... Drugs Were Legal</td><td>The year is 201 5. A coalition of European countries has decriminalized most stimulants, narcoti cs, and hallucinogens. But has legalization made drug use-or the streets of Lond on-any safer? This program depicts a future in which police officers, Big Pharma executives, and recreational drug consumers would, depending on one's perspecti ve, either reap the benefits or suffer the consequences of a reversal in drug po licy. Interwoven with the fictional narrative are real-world interviews highligh ting both sides of the debate. Former chief constable Francis Wilkinson and Tran sform Drug Policy Foundation director Danny Kushlick argue for legalization, whi le toxicology expert John Henry and former customs investigator David Raynes war n against it. A BBCW Production. (61 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>61</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2439_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2439_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36287</td><td>If I Could: Breaking the Vicious Cycle of Chil d Abuse-Educator's Edition</td><td>"Families destroy themselves, so families hav e to heal themselves." If I Could is the heart-wrenching chronicle of Tracy Mara sco, a single mother struggling to help her adolescent son James cope with sever e emotional trauma resulting from abandonment by his father and sexual abuse by his father's cousin. To complicate the situation, Tracy herself was victimized a s a child, sexually abused by her father and forced, for a time, into prostituti on. Rage and despair permeate this disturbing program, but so do hope and determ ination-represented, in part, by VisionQuest, a provider of innovative intervent ion services to at-risk youth and families. Tracy benefited from it as a teen; c an it turn James around, too? Will the Marascos' multigenerational cycle of abus e be broken? Sally Field narrates. Contains mature content; viewer discretion is advised. Comes with 90 minutes of bonus material-comments by NPR's Fred Goodwin , post-viewing reactions of numerous medical professionals, an interview with di rector Patti Obrow White, and more. (99 minutes + 90 minutes of bonus material)< /td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2440_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2440_l blPrice">$189.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8044</td><td>If I'm Elected: Modern Campaign Techniques</td> <td>Did our founding fathers envision today's political campaigns? Do political races serve our democratic ideals? How do candidates get voters to choose them? Viewers learn how running a campaign has turned from the noble pursuit our found ers planned into a manipulative science. Although campaigns from the beginning s

uffered from negative rhetoric, in the age of television they have become even m ore harsh and a lot less truthful. Viewers learn about the fascinating roles pla yed by political consultants and the powerful influence they have on candidates. They learn how campaigns control and manage news-media coverage and the signifi cant role money plays in backing the candidate. This video takes students throug h noteworthy campaigns to look at and analyze why politicians seeking office say and do what they do. A provocative and thought-provoking presentation.A Cambrid ge Educational Production. One 25-minute video.</td><td>1993</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2441_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2441_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37526</td><td>If... The Oil Runs Out</td><td>Transporting vi ewers to the year 2016, this program paints a disturbing picture of an oil-starv ed America and the socioeconomic upheaval that may accompany the death of the Oi l Age. The film follows a middle-aged, Midwestern couple through violence at gas stations, conflicts with neighbors, and the loss of their livelihood; it also f ocuses on their daughter, an oil prospector determined to find new crude oil fie lds in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge. Interspersed with the docudrama are notable statistics on oil production and consumption as well as real-world inte rviews with former Pentagon energy security adviser Paul Domjan, Centre for Glob al Energy Studies chairman Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani, and other experts. A BBCW P roduction. (44 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2442_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2442_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37527</td><td>If... We Could Stop the Violence</td><td>In th e future, brain scans could be used to assess a child's potential for violence-a nd to decide if that child should be kept apart from the public, even when he or she has never hurt anyone. Should neurologists and behavioral psychologists hav e that much power? This program explores the issue with a compelling dramatized story, showing just how a combination of medical expertise and governmental auth ority could be applied to create a "safe" society-at the expense of those who fi t certain parameters. Viewers will gain additional insight from USC Professor of Psychology Adrian Raine, Georgetown University Professor of Neurobiology Jonath an Pincus, Children's Society Policy Manager Sharon Moore, and other experts. A BBCW Production. (60 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2443_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2443_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35364</td><td>If You Can't Beat 'Em, Blog 'Em</td><td>The ri se of the blog as a form of serious news reporting means that conventional journ alists must become familiar with the blog format and rethink typical journalisti c approaches. This ABC News program examines the blogger "community," reviews ma jor news stories that were broken by bloggers, and demonstrates ways in which bl ogging differs from traditional reporting methods. Featuring an interview with a

Virginia schoolteacher who created a groundswell of political action with her b log, the video shows how the immediacy and the personal style of blog-writing ca n have powerful results-so powerful that journalistic accountability is now a co ntentious blog issue. (22 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2444_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2444_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10024</td><td>If You Can't Say Anything Nice . . .</td><td>F rom mud-slinging ad campaigns to the public airing of dirty laundry, the words c oming from America's political class in recent years have done more to disillusi on than inspire. At what point will cynicism, indignation, or outright anger cau se substantive changes in the guidelines for attaining-and remaining in-office? This program appraises the alarming decline in popularity of politics among the electorate and suggests possible approaches to restoring faith in a venerable pr ocess. Experts include Jean Bethke Elshtain, professor of ethics; Andrew Kohut, of the PEW Research Center; Professor Michael Sandel, of Harvard University; and Washington Post columnists Mark Shields, David Broder, and E. J. Dionne. (29 mi nutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2445_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2445_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37471</td><td>Igniting the Buzz: Cashing in on Cool</td><td> Marketing specialists can no longer rely on traditional media, such as televisio n and print ads, to generate mass appeal. And sometimes they don't need to. This program explores marketing case studies in which consumers-often those in the 1 8-to-25 age group-have boosted product sales through word-of-mouth, amateur vide os, fan clubs, and other informal and unpaid means. Featuring commentary from ma rketing guru Seth Godin, author of Small Is the New Big and All Marketers Are Li ars, the program takes viewers inside promotional crusades that have benefited f rom, or tried to exploit, nontraditional marketing. Examples include campaigns f or Mukluk boots and Virgin Mobile as well as a giddy Mac user conference featuri ng Steve Jobs. (23 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2446_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2446_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8765</td><td>Ignition System Diagnosis</td><td>If your fourpoint check shows no spark, that means there's trouble in the ignition system, w hich consists of the coil, flywheel, magnets, magnetron, spark plug, and wires. Diagnosis consists of checking for a faulty spark plug, faulty ground, broken or removed flywheel, incorrect air gap, and incorrect magnetron installation.</td> <td>1997</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2447_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2447_l

blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>25637</td><td>Ignition System Operation</td><td>Ignition Sys tem Operation is a twenty-one minute video which is part of the series, Electric al Systems. Using 3-D animation and live-action close-ups of electrical system c omponents, these videos examine and explain elements of various systems, trouble shooting, conducting basic tests, and basic repair procedures for many system fa ilures. Also provides detailed information about the proper tools and how to use them. Topics covered include: o starting motors o solenoids o cables o ignition switches o sensors o multimeters o voltage regulators o alternators o scopes o wiring diagrams o high-voltage systems. (21 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td >1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2448_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2448_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>787</td><td>Il Duce</td><td>This program is devoted to the r ise of Mussolini and Italian fascism; its aim is to show the roots of fascism in Italy and the execution of its seemingly laudable goals of "order" and "discipl ine." It shows the genuine need for reform and stability, which led to the impos ition of totalitarian enforcement of order and discipline; the dawn of the Corpo rate State, where there are no strikes and all decisions are made in the interes t of the State; how Italian youth were converted into fascist youth; and the ach ievement of peace with the Vatican. The obvious benefits-reducing unemployment a nd illiteracy-are set against the hidden costs. (20 minutes, b&w)</td><td>&nbsp; </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2449_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2449_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>36257</td><td>Illegal Immigration: A Dangerous Journey</td>< td>For many teenagers in Mexico, heading across the U.S. border after high schoo l is much more common than heading off to college. But as law enforcement contin ues to tighten security, that journey is growing more and more hazardous. Filmed on both sides of the border, this program briefly examines issues surrounding i llegal immigration-particularly how much more a person can earn in America than in Mexico. Footage of a BORSTAR search-and-rescue officer hot on the trail of il legals in Arizona's Sonoran Desert emphasizes the dwindling chances of successfu lly crossing into America illegally. Recommended for high school. (12 minutes)</ td><td>2006</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2450_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2450_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30685</td><td>Illuminating the Night</td><td>What do Piero d ella Francesca's Dream of Constantine and Edward Hopper's Summer Evening have in

common with the films The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and The Night of the Hunter? This program analyzes the lights that illuminate the night-from candles and stre et lights, to the moon, to Ingo Maurer's hologram of a neon-rendered light bulband the way artists make use of them to create revealing contrasts and to direct the viewer's gaze. Technical aspects of light manipulation in the visual arts s uch as the use of chiaroscuro and sfumato in painting and the creation of cinema tic night effects by underexposing film are considered as well. (27 minutes)</td ><td>2001</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2451_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2451_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4934</td><td>Illusions of News</td><td>This program looks at the impact of the visual image on news and politics in the electing of Presiden ts and the governing of America. While projecting a self-serving image has long been an understandable part of American politics, the 1980s produced a marriage of sophisticated news manipulation by political candidates and a willingness of the news media to dance to the candidate's tune. To what extent has this manipul ation contributed to political apathy on the part of the American public? The pr ogram looks at the changing values in journalism, including the increasing monop olization of the media and the use of pictures over ideas by television news. Sa ys Michael Deaver, a former advisor in the Reagan White House, "The media, while they won't admit it, are not in the news business. They're in the entertainment business." (60 minutes)</td><td>1989</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2452_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2452_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37385</td><td>I'm a Child Anorexic</td><td>Therapists in Ame rica and Europe have noticed a disturbing trend: anorexia now appears in element ary-school-age children. This film documents the highs and lows of a London clin ic's 12-week program, during which malnourished patients must confront and conqu er their fears of eating. Girls as young as eight enter the clinic dangerously e maciated and depressed-and although most battle their way back to good health an d reunions with loved ones, do their attitudes toward food really change? Once h ome, will they revert to old ways? The documentary reveals frighteningly distort ed beliefs that run rampant among the young patients-one girl even insists that water contains calories-and it offers surprising revelations about the role of i dealized body images in the media. A BBCW Production. (57 minutes)</td><td>2007< /td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2453_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2453_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8890</td><td>I'm Really Going to Miss Me: Coping with Termin al Illness</td><td>How do people approach life when the end is near? Taking a pe rsonal rather than clinical approach, this sensitive documentary records the int imate thoughts and feelings of Bobbie Martin, diagnosed with leukemia; Jeff Swin

erton, with lymphatic cancer; Paul Starr, with AIDS; and Chennelle Jaramillo, wi th Batten Disease, a degenerative neuromuscular disorder. Hopes, fears, regrets, the reactions of others, and preparations for the end are all candidly discusse d, offering a penetrating look at what life is really like for those who don't h ave long to live. (59 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2454_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2454_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8518</td><td>Images in Media</td><td>The pictures in our hea ds that define who we are and help us neatly categorize others are increasingly shaped by the newspaper, magazine, film, and TV images that bombard our senses. To convey a message quickly, these images often rely on stereotypes and primal r eflexes that can foster in an audience an inordinate fear of violence, racial an d ethnic prejudices, diminished self-worth, and even eating disorders as young w omen attempt to mimic the look of high-fashion models. This program is a behindthe-scenes look at the media's image-makers, from the first photographers to tod ay's Madison Avenue wizards, and asks some disturbing questions about the self-s elected few who hold a distorted mirror up to our society. (28 minutes)</td><td> 1997</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2455_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2455_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>1104</td><td>Images of Glory</td><td>The Rocky Mountains wer e "like the stairs of heaven after the last soul has ascended earth," said Fitz Hugh Ludlow. Said Sitting Bull of the Battle of the Little Bighorn, "Our young m en rained lead across the river and drove the white braves back." This is the ti me of the Civil War in the East, the last of the Indian Wars, the final spike in the transcontinental railroad. Thomas Moran and Albert Bierstadt paint a mythic al Eden, while pioneer photographers Eadweard Muybridge and Timothy O'Sullivan w het America's appetite for Western adventure. It is the beginning of the end of the "Wild West." (57 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2456_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2456_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8144</td><td>Images of India: A Social Studies Primer</td><t d>Designed specifically with students and classrooms in mind, this video explore s major themes in the history, geography, and culture of India. Emphasizing the diversity of this vast and ancient land, Images of India provides an overview of the country, with sections on Land, Culture, Religion, History, and Life Today, including current economic and social conditions. Spectacular footage helps vie wers appreciate the varied population and topography of India. Maps and graphics are used to illustrate geographical features. Viewers follow the history of Ind ia from the 13th-century Islamic dynasties through British rule and the struggle for independence, to its current status as the world's largest democracy and an emerging economic superpower. Through it all, India has absorbed many influence

s and incorporated them into its own unique and diverse culture. Other key topic s include: spiritual life, the caste system, agriculture and monsoon rains, the leadership of Gandhi and Nehru, the formation of Pakistan, industrial developmen t, and the problems of poverty. Images of India is a memorable introduction to o ne of the world's most important nations. A Cambridge Educational Production. On e 35-minute video.</td><td>1998</td><td>35</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2457_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2457_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37286</td><td>I-magine iPod Accessories: Jumping from Startu p to Market Leader</td><td>Andrew Selby and Ali Farzad couldn't find a place to buy cool iPod gear, so they started their own online business selling it-and pro fits are rising. Now they see an opportunity to expand into the Internet telepho ny market with phones and accessories, but exploiting it would mean embracing ri sk, enlarging their operation, and working harder than ever before. In this prog ram, mentor John Boyle opens Andrew and Ali's eyes to the untapped potential of i-magine and motivates them to leap into VoIP and position themselves as a marke t leader. After a slow start, Andrew and Ali successfully take action, but the s hift from cruising to climbing is not an easy one. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td ><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2458_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2458_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30304</td><td>Imagining Robert: My Brother, Madness, and Sur vival</td><td>For 17 million Americans, severe, long-term mental illness is a fa ct of life-a fact little understood by the majority of their fellow citizens. In an effort to raise public awareness of the day-to-day impact mental illness has on families, this intimate documentary profiles Robert Neugeboren and his broth er, Jay, as decade after decade they cope with Robert's schizophrenia and bipola r disorder. Drawing on Jay's heart-rending yet uplifting family memoir of the sa me title, the program deftly reveals the engaging personality of Robert while ex pressing Jay's considerable frustration in dealing with the mental health establ ishment. As instructive as it is insightful, Imagining Robert is ideal for openi ng a sympathetic dialogue on the treatment and impact of mental disorders. A Stu dy Guide and other resources are located online at (56 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2459_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2459_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7693</td><td>The Immortal Emperor: Shihuangdi</td><td>It's 2 21 BC, and the veil of history is lifted to reveal life in the Qin Dynasty, unde r China's first emperor, Shihuangdi. Noted historians, archaeologists, and other experts extrapolate from discoveries made in the ruler's tomb, as they examine the political, intellectual, philosophical, artistic, and religious structure of Chinese society of the first dynasty. Sophisticated computer animation re-creat

es both the outer and inner structure of Shihuangdi's tomb, complete with rivers rippling with mercury; decorative period artifacts; food larders; mummified con cubines awaiting their master's pleasure; and the now-famous 8,000-man terra-cot ta army of statues standing guard to protect the dead emperor from his enemies i n the afterlife. A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2460_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2460_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11789</td><td>Immortal Ibsen</td><td>Second only to Shakespe are, Henrik Ibsen is the most-performed playwright in the world. This program, a s much a tribute to the art of theater as to the immortal Ibsen, reveals a peren nial fascination with Norway's master playwright. Excerpts from A Doll's House, Peer Gynt, and other productions captured on film in the United States, Canada, Britain, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Serbia, Iran, China, Argentina, and Venezuela are included, as well as interviews with renowned actor Earl Hyman and other no table interpreters of Ibsen's plays. (51 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>51</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2461_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2461_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38695</td><td>Immune from Harm: Discovering Vaccines</td><td >Killer bugs like the plague, cholera, and typhoid were all brought under contro l by adventuring self-experimenters. This program looks at medical trailblazers who took the ultimate risk and injected or ingested some of the most terrifying diseases known to humankind. Describing Louis Pasteur's flirtation with mortalit y-during which he asked his assistants to inject him with the rabies virus-the p rogram also explores the gambles taken by two early-20th-century American doctor s who injected themselves and their families with polio in a bitter race for a v accine. Modern researchers who have infected themselves with hookworm in a novel bid to control allergies are also featured. A BBCW Production. (51 minutes)</td ><td>2007</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2462_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2462_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30529</td><td>The Immune System</td><td>This program takes a look at the mechanics of the body's internal defense system. The protected envi ronment of the womb is contrasted with the pathogen-laden environment of the pos t-birth world. Passive immunity is distinguished from the body's active lines of defense: the skin and its secretions, the inflammatory response, phagocytes, an d lymphocytes. Case studies involving chicken pox, tetanus, and tuberculosis sho w different ways the human immune system seeks to protect the body from infectio n. And case studies involving asthma and HIV introduce the subjects of immune sy stem hypersensitivity and failure. Contains nudity associated with childbirth. ( 20 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2463_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2463_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34123</td><td>The Immune System at Work</td><td>This edition of Science Screen Report illustrates how the human immune system protects again st the pathogens humans encounter on a daily basis. It explains the function of first-line defenses and white blood cells, the distinction between viruses and b acteria, and the different functions of vaccines and penicillin. It also shows w hat happens when the immune system falters or fails, and how immunological under standing is increasing. Use this video to highlight a dimension of human anatomy that healthy people too often take for granted. A viewable/printable instructor 's guide is available online. Correlates to National Science Education Standards . Produced in association with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Techn ology and the Junior Engineering Technical Society. (17 minutes)</td><td>2003</t d><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2464_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2464_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8175</td><td>Immunizations</td><td>Parents want their childr en to live happy and healthy lives. With help from the medical community this is possible. Immunizations at the appropriate points in a child's development can have lifelong benefits. This comprehensive program helps parents understand the need for vaccinations against disease, and explains how the vaccines work, and t he results and reactions that may occur with each immunization. The proper immun ization schedule is discussed as recommended by the American Pediatric Associati on. This program details the DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus) vaccine; the H epatitis B vaccine; the Polio vaccine; the HIB (Haemophilus Influenza B) vaccine ; and the MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine. Immunizations are undoubtedly t he most significant contribution of science to the control of disease. With the information provided in this program, you will be better armed to keep your chil dren healthy!A Cambridge Educational Production. One 20-minute video.</td><td>19 94</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2465_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2465_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10357</td><td>The Impact of Cubism</td><td>Influenced by the works of Cezanne, African tribal art, and the art of the Iberian peninsula, Cub ism-the most influential style of the early 20th century-offered European artist s unfamiliar, nonclassical ways to represent form and space.This program examine s:o Juan Gris' The Breakfast Table (1915), from the Centre Pompidou, Pariso Marc el Duchamp's Sad Young Man on a Train (1911), from the Peggy Guggenheim Collecti on, Veniceo Robert Delaunay's Champ de Mars (1911), from The Art Institute of Ch icagoo Sonia Delaunay's Electric Prisms (1914), from the Centre Pompidou, Pariso Kazimir Malevich's An Englishman in Moscow (1913-14), from the Stedelijk Museum , Amsterdamo Umberto Boccioni's Farewells (1911), from the Museum of Modern Art, New York(60 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>60</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2466_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2466_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25640</td><td>Impact of Divorce on the Family</td><td>This p rogram examines divorce from different points of view: that of the parents, the children, and the family psychologist. Reasons for divorce are explored, includi ng interviews with families who have experienced a divorce. A family psychologis t discusses the particular impact that divorce has on children and the phases th at children go through in dealing with it. Also included is information on the p ositive changes that can take place when a divorce occurs. (16 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1990</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2467_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2467_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30071</td><td>The Impact of Global Warming</td><td>Earth's t emperature is on the rise-and so are incidents of severe weather and heat-relate d health problems. This program travels the world to observe how global warming, accelerated and exacerbated by air pollution, is affecting society. Coastal ero sion in Florida, the destruction of Alaskan forests by the spruce beetle, the de pletion of Montana's glaciers, the decline in North Pacific salmon, rising sea l evels that threaten to engulf the world's small islands, increases in smog-relat ed asthma, and the spread of malaria into the highlands of Africa, Madagascar, P akistan, and Peru are all being chalked up to significant changes in ocean and a ir temperatures. (28 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2468_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2468_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30621</td><td>The Impact of Humanism in the Visual Arts</td> <td>Divided into nine sections, this illuminating program investigates the influ ence of humanism on European painting, sculpture, and architecture by comparing the styles of well-known works of Renaissance art. Among the many treasures disc ussed are Benozzo Gozzoli's Procession of the Magi, in the chapel of the Palazzo Medici, Florence; Donatello's Annunciation and Bernardo Rossellino's tomb of Le onardo Bruni, both at the Church of Santa Croce, Florence; Andrea Montegna's Min erva Chases the Vices from the Garden of Virtue; Filippo Brunelleschi's Pazzi Ch apel, Florence; and Giulio Romano's Palazzo del Te, Mantua. (59 minutes)</td><td >1999</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2469_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2469_l blPrice">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>5931</td><td>The Impact of Violence on Children</td><td>What is the future of our children in America? Kids today live in a volatile world w here violence in the school, home, and streets is an everyday occurrence. Statis tics are staggering as children are not only abused by adults, but are killing e ach other. This program looks at the sources of violence that affect our childre n. Among the experts featured in the program are Dr. James Garbarino, Director o f Cornell University's Family Life Development Center; James Stayer, President o f Children Now; and Kathleen Kostelny, Ph.D., of the Erikson Institute. (28 minu tes)</td><td>1995</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2470_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2470_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11532</td><td>Imperial Rome, Ostia, and Portus: Ancient Arch itecture and Technology</td><td>This program examines the technology behind the architecture that characterizes Imperial Rome and its transshipment centers, Ost ia and Portus. Maps, city models, footage of historic sites, and expert commenta ry reveal the feats of surveying, organization, and engineering that led to the construction of aqueducts, harbors, multistory tenement blocks known as insulae, the Servian and Aurelianic Walls, the Baths of Caracalla, the Pantheon and its puzzling portico, and other marvels. The use of brick-faced concrete is given sp ecial emphasis. In addition, the architectural record provides insights into lif e in ancient Rome and its environs. (59 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>59</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2471_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2471_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26598</td><td>Importance of Play</td><td>Play helps children develop imagination, overcome fears, experiment, and learn to cope with new sit uations. It also helps children stretch their minds and bodies as well as practi ce skills needed for future development. (10 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><t d>1991</td><td>9</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2472_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2472_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33394</td><td>Importing Drugs: The Canadian Connection</td>< td>Pharmaceutical prices in the U.S. are pushing patients to have their prescrip tions filled in Canada, where drugs such as Lipitor cost less. Budget-conscious state governments are also eyeing Canadian distributors as a way to manage their prescription plans while making fiscal ends meet. But officially speaking, such transactions are still illegal in the U.S.-and the medicines themselves, travel ing outside the domain of the FDA, may not even be safe. In this two-segment pro gram, NewsHour health correspondent Susan Dentzer taps senators, governors, FDA officials, pharmacists, and the CEO of drug manufacturing giant Pfizer to presen t a balanced view of one of today's most controversial topics. (22 minutes)</td> <td>2004</td><td>22</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2473_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2473_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10238</td><td>Impulse: Moving Bodies with Variable Mass</td> <td>Using Newton's second law and a balloon-powered toy car, this program examin es how impulse relates to the change in momentum and how the rate of that change equates to the resultant force. In addition, the exhaust velocity of the jet-pr opelled car is estimated. (39 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>38</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2474_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2474_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11357</td><td>In a Manner of Speaking: The Phenomenon of Con versation</td><td>Social context, intonation, and body language add a vital laye r of meaning to the spoken or signed word-a layer that can manifest only in conv ersation. In this program, Dr. Jonathan Miller addresses the subject of group ta lk, offering his observations on topics including the concept of "speech acts" a la Austin, Wittgenstein, and Searle; the implicit mechanics of verbal give-andtake; and the belief that social context, far from being a mere adjunct to lingu istic communication, is actually the root cause of it. The implications of the a pparent connection between right hemisphere brain damage and an impaired sense o f linguistic nuance are examined as well. (47 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>47</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2475_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2475_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35061</td><td>In Another Life: Reincarnation in America</td> <td>This program builds a plausible case for reincarnation in a country known to be skeptical of that phenomenon: America. Starting with the rigorous studies of Ian Stevenson, author of Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation, the video pr ovides both expert commentary by researchers and therapists and testimony from p eople who have had past-life experiences-everything needed to stimulate empirica l thinking about what has traditionally been a matter of religious belief. The s piritual side of reincarnation is addressed through the teachings of Swami Vivek ananda and Meher Baba. A valuable source of information in the search for quanti fiable proof of reincarnation. (59 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2476_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2476_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32594</td><td>In Brands We Trust</td><td>After "OK," "Coca-C ola" is the most widespread word in the world. How did branding evolve into a gl

obal shadow force that packages lifestyles, commodifies personal values, and sta nds in for cornerstone cultural institutions? In this provocative program, Saatc hi & Saatchi Worldwide's Kevin Roberts, Chanel's Jacques Helleu, anti-corporate crusader Naomi Klein, and others astutely address the concept of branding, its h istory, its impact on youth, key visionaries, and the convergence of brands and culture. A significant backlash against branding is also discussed. Coke, Nike, Chanel, Apple, and Benetton are spotlighted, and many other brands are touched o n. (52 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2477_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2477_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8858</td><td>In Context: Of Mice and Men</td><td>John Steinb eck's Of Mice and Men, a portrait of friendship and loneliness, is a tribute to the half million who headed to California in search of work and the American dre am. In this program, Dr. Susan Shillinglaw of the Center for Steinbeck Studies d iscusses labor exploitation in the Salinas valley during the Depression era to r einforce an appreciation of the precarious lifestyle faced by migrant laborers. Passages from the novella; interviews and archival footage and photos of Wall St reet, FDR, the Dust Bowl, and the 1936 lettuce strike; and an excerpt from Woody Guthrie's Bound for Glory add depth to this powerful study. A BBC Production. ( 20 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2478_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2478_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8859</td><td>In Context: To Kill a Mockingbird</td><td>In Mo nroeville, Alabama, Harper Lee's model for Maycomb, To Kill a Mockingbird is cel ebrated as a tribute to Southern life. This hard-edged program juxtaposes white and black experiences in the racially segregated South of the 1930s-1960s to dee pen the understanding of the novel's portrayal of racial tension and tolerated j udicial bias. Interviews, archival footage, and photographs combine to illustrat e the realities of segregation, lynching, white supremacy, injustice in the cour ts, and the Civil Rights movement. Dramatic readings from the novel and a powerf ul rendering of a blues song about lynching provide additional poignancy. A BBC Production. (20 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2479_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2479_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11816</td><td>In Search of Common Ground: Remaking Public Po licy on Human Life Issues</td><td>Do Americans still hold certain truths to be s elf-evident? Do all human beings possess inalienable rights endowed by their cre ator? Are all lives of equal value? And if so, how do those core beliefs transla te into public policy on issues such as healthcare, poverty, abortion, capital p unishment, and euthanasia? This program explores what the late Joseph Cardinal B ernardin called a "consistent ethic of life," explaining how it might be used as a framework for finding common ground between rival interests and how it could

be applied to serving the common good. (29 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>29</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2480_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2480_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34577</td><td>In Search of Palestine: Edward Said's Return H ome</td><td>For Palestinian expatriate Edward Said, the return to his homeland a mounted to a painful inquiry into his past. This program captures the interconne ction between Said's personal recollections and the shared memory of the Palesti nian people. Far from ignoring the contemporary realities of the Middle East, Sa id's perspective relates the ruins of history to the complacent and destructive policies of present-day governments, and delivers a powerful articulation of the weaknesses of the Oslo accords. His intellectual legacy provides valuable insig ht into the circumstances of the second intifada, as well as the faint steps tow ard peace that have followed. A BBCW Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>1998</td>< td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2481_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2481_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9047</td><td>In Search of Thoreau</td><td>Few voices in Amer ican literature have been as bold and influential as that of Henry David Thoreau . This program traces the author's life from his early days in Concord and Harva rd, to his friendship with Emerson and his years at Walden, to his role in the a nti-slavery movement. In addition, Thoreau scholars Brad Dean and Wes Mott discu ss his writings, including Walden and "Civil Disobedience." Interweaving dramati c readings and reenactments of Thoreau's life with beautiful nature photography of Walden Pond, this lyrical account allows Thoreau's unique character and writi ngs to come to life. (45 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2482_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2482_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34819</td><td>In the Balance: A Two-Part Series on Terrorism </td><td>On the front lines of the war on terrorism there are no second chances. This two-part series of Fred Friendly Seminars reflects that hard reality as it examines the most critical mission of the war: preventing the next attack-or de aling with it. In two riveting scenarios, a panel of distinguished experts confr onts tough questions and impossible choices that cut to the heart of America's v ulnerability, as well as its strengths. This is real "reality TV" in the acclaim ed Fred Friendly tradition. Panelists include Richard Clarke, former senior Whit e House advisor; Jamie Gorelick, former deputy attorney general of the United St ates; Dale Watson, former FBI head of counterterrorism; former Senator Warren Ru dman, (R-NH); Congressman Charles Rangel (D-NY); Frank Keating, former governor of Oklahoma; James Gilmore, former governor of Virginia; Martin O'Malley, mayor of Baltimore; Frank Sesno, CNN special correspondent and former Washington burea u chief; and Nadine Strossen, President of the ACLU. 2-part series, 57 minutes e

ach.</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2483_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2483_l blPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3690</td><td>In the Beginning</td><td>Although the biblical account of creation was widely accepted, several 18th-century scientists unwitti ngly challenged the creation model and laid the groundwork for the theory of org anic evolution. This program examines the contributions of pioneers Carl Linnaeu s, le Comte de Buffon, and Jean Lamarck to the modern theory. (10 minutes)</td>< td>1992</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2484_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2484_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11305</td><td>In the Beginning: So You Want to Write a Story </td><td>After the pen and paper have been gathered, what comes next? In this pr ogram, Fay Weldon, Janet Evanovich, Richard Ford, Amit Chaudhuri, Isobelle Carmo dy, and other highly regarded authors share their approaches to launching a stor y. From how to jumpstart the imagination to deciding whether to write for a spec ific market, these writers candidly speak their minds-even about the dreaded wri ter's block. "If you stop [writing] and start artistically contemplating how des olate you are at stopping, of course you're going to come to a writer's block," says Carmody. (27 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2485_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2485_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7336</td><td>In the Blood</td><td>In this six-part series fr om the BBC, Professor Steve Jones of University College, London-one of the world 's leading geneticists-uses genetic investigation to study a variety of intrigui ng questions related to anthropology, sociology, and the evolution of humankind. 6-part series, 50 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2486_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2486_l blPrice">$899.70<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33258</td><td>In the Footsteps of the Celts</td><td>The cons truction of a high-speed train line in eastern France quickly turned into the st art of a major archaeological dig when a Celtic necropolis was discovered. Who w ere the Celts, a people that dominated broad stretches of Europe for more than 5 00 years? In this program, archaeologists, paleoanthropologists, and other team members follow the migratory trail of the Celts across Europe, unearthing vestig es of a civilization vaster and more sophisticated than previously believed-incl

uding traces of a cultural blending of Celts and Etruscans and evidence of a wel l-developed knowledge of mathematics. (52 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>52</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2487_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2487_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11457</td><td>In the Heat of the Moment: The Biochemistry of Feelings</td><td>A landmark study of the facial expressions of native Papua New Guineans suggests that all human beings share six basic emotions. But what happ ens in the brain to trigger those emotions, and how do emotional responses diffe r according to age and experience? In this program, Dr. Susan Greenfield conside rs past attempts to explain emotions in terms of brain areas-and then asserts th at the answers actually lie in the function of neurotransmitters. Research indic ating that battlefield terror can actually alter the brain's structure is also d iscussed. A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2488_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2488_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34157</td><td>In the Name of Allah</td><td>Military conflict accompanied the spread of Islam during the Middle Ages. This program reveals th e ironies of that union between war and faith: how Islam was adopted rather than marginalized by invading Mongols; how the rise of strict Islamic orthodoxy coun tered the scholarly advances of Arabic culture, weakening the empire; and how Eu ropean appreciation of Islamic culture grew after the Christian reconquista of t he Iberian peninsula. Interviews with respected scholars-including Drs. Raif Geo rges Khoury of the University of Heidelberg and Patrick Franke of Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg-illuminate key developments in Islam's Mediterranea n dominance.(30 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2489_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2489_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34158</td><td>In the Name of Christ</td><td>This program exa mines the forces behind European determination to capture Palestine, linking the belligerence of medieval Crusaders with their piousness. Drs. Klaus Herbers of Friedrich Alexander University and Patrick Franke of Martin Luther University dr aw surprising parallels between East and West, focusing on martyrdom as a vital component of the Crusader's motivation, interreligious notions of knightly behav ior, and cases of negotiation and cultural exchange despite numerous atrocities and military disasters. Without neglecting the harsh realities of the Crusades, In the Name of Christ presents a fresh perspective on the medieval clash of Chri stian and Islamic powers. (30 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2490_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2490_l

blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31763</td><td>In the Name of God: Holy Word, Holy War</td><t d>By detailing key incidents ranging from the Dawson's Field hijackings to the L uxor massacre, this program charts the ever-widening holy war that is pitting Is lamists against Zionists and the Arab world against the West. The Kach Party's N oam Federman; Bassam abu Sharif, founder of the Palestine Democratic Party; Abde l Aziz Rantisi and Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, operational and spiritual leaders of Ham as; Sheikh Jamal Khatab and Sheikh Fadlallah, spiritual leaders of Lebanese al Q aeda and Hezbollah; former Jewish Underground leader Yehuda Etzion; and former P FLP hijacker Leila Khaled are featured, as are former prime minister of Israel B enjamin Netanyahu and Conor Gearty, expert in human rights law. (47 minutes)</td ><td>2002</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2491_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2491_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31761</td><td>In the Name of Liberation: Freedom by Any Mean s</td><td>This program analyzes terrorism used in the name of national liberatio n through studies of covert wars for independence in British Palestine, British Malaya, French Algeria, apartheid South Africa, and Northern Ireland. Bruce Hoff man, co-author of Countering the New Terrorism, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu offe r their insights, while former Irgun commander Shraga Alis; former Malayan Commu nist Party leader Chin Peng; former FLN commander Yacef Saadi; Milk Bar Cafe bom ber Zohra Drif; retired French military officers Paul Aussaresses and Pierre-Alb an Thomas; former ANC bomber Robert McBride; and former IRA member Patrick Magee -the Brighton Bomber-reflect on the parts they played in terror and counter-terr or actions. (47 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2492_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2492_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31762</td><td>In the Name of Revolution: Gun-Barrel Politics </td><td>For modern revolutionaries the world over, Cuba's Che Guevara literally wrote the book. This program examines radical political movements in Germany, I taly, Peru, and Colombia to see how Che's theories have fared in practice. Forme r gunman Peter Jurgen Boock, of the Baader-Meinhof Gang; former gunman Valerio M orucci, of the Red Brigades; a former Shining Path insurgent; and Raul Reyes, se cond-in-command of FARC, talk about their roles in their factions' ideological w ars. Giovanni Moro, son of the murdered Italian statesman Aldo Moro; Peruvian Tr uth Commission member Carlos Tapia, former leader of the United Left Front; and Peru's Minister of Justice Fernando Olivera Vega provide additional insights. (4 7 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2493_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2493_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>31764</td><td>In the Name of the State: When Might Makes Rig ht</td><td>This program profiles cases of Iranian-sponsored terrorism via the He zbollah and the PLO as well as Argentina's dirty war, when the government used t error tactics against its own people. U.S.-backed insurgency in Nicaragua via th e Contras is also analyzed. Joseph Kennedy II; Duane Clarridge, former chief of the CIA's Latin American division; and Bayardo Izaba, of the Nicaraguan Center f or Human Rights, are spotlighted, as are retired General Martin Balza, former he ad of Argentina's armed forces; former interrogator Hector Vergez; Estela Barnes de Carlotto, president of the Association of Grandmothers of the May Square; an d forensic anthropologist Luis Fondebrider, who is committed to identifying rema ins of the disappeared. (47 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2494_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2494_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37265</td><td>In the Shadow of Faith: Redemption Behind Bars </td><td>Angola Penitentiary has its own radio station, its own magazine, and-mo st notably-its own highly organized evangelical ministry. It is also a working f arm, tended in large part by compliant, nonviolent inmates. What forces are at w ork in the once-notorious Louisiana institution? Have its residents embraced rel igion sincerely, or is Angola a focal point of sophisticated brainwashing? This program invites viewers to consider those questions. Examining daily life at the complex, it reveals an existence that, while varying from inmate to inmate, fin ds meaning in work, worship, and little else. Insights into prison realities and their spiritual remedies come from lifers, guards, and warden Burl Cain, the ch arismatic instigator of Angola's transformation. (57 minutes)</td><td>2006</td>< td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2495_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2495_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14447</td><td>Inclined Plane, Wedge, and Screw</td><td>Ever since there has been work to do, people have looked for easier ways to complete their tasks. These imaginative videos offer fresh perspectives on how machines a re used to make work easier. Animation, graphics, video, and narration are combi ned to vividly explain the basic physical concepts associated with work, energy, and the six simple machines. Special appearances by a hard-working caveman help put the development of machines into historical (and humorous) perspective. Eac h segment includes history and definition, real-world examples of the physical s cience principles, video of simple machines in use, 3-D animations demonstrating how the machines work, as well as calculations and their applications. A Cambri dge Educational Production. (13 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2496_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2496_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6510</td><td>Income Distribution and the Tax System</td><td>

This program looks at why a decentralized market economy produces a wide range o f income levels. The program also examines ways in which incomes can be redistri buted, and studies the effects of welfare and income tax programs. (28 minutes)< /td><td>1993</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2497_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2497_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33521</td><td>The Incorrigible Orthography of French-in Fren ch</td><td>This program talks about the origins of French orthography and the 19 90 attempt at spelling rectification, which, inaccurately presented as spelling reform, ended in a public furor. Key figures in the case-reform promoters and th eir opponents, including former French Prime Minister Michel Rocard-all have a s ay. (French, 28 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2498_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2498_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33038</td><td>Incriminating Evidence: Forensic Specialists i n Action</td><td>Two intruders are surprised by a homeowner while committing a B &E-and when they stab him during the getaway, the heavy charge of aggravated bur glary is what awaits them if they are identified. This program follows a team of forensic specialists from the crime scene to the laboratory and Scotland Yard a s they locate, collect, and examine the evidence that places the perpetrators at the scene of the crime-and puts them behind bars. High-tech analysis of fingerp rints, tool marks, footprints, pollen, fibers, and DNA is featured. (25 minutes) </td><td>2003</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2499_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2499_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33617</td><td>India</td><td>This program captures the increa singly political nature of Hinduism and its volatile relationship with Islam-Ind ia's leading minority religion. It argues that this volatility results from thei r past history, when large parts of India were dominated by the Muslim rulers, t he Mughals. Today, many Hindus demand greater recognition of Hinduism in governm ental affairs and oppose what they feel is the favoring of Muslims and other min orities. In other words, Hindus call for a tougher form of Hinduism. But there a re many religious beliefs in India: Sikh and Buddhist, Christian, and even athei st. Does this mean there is a contradiction between Hinduism as politics and Hin duism as faith? (37 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2500_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2500_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>33524</td><td>India and Pakistan: The Expanding Nuclear Thre at</td><td>India and Pakistan have been battling over ownership of Kashmir for m ore than half a century. In 1998, however, both countries shocked the world by j oining the exclusive nuclear club. When violence erupted the following year in K argil-the central region of Kashmir-an anxious U.S. report declared that this co nflict "had the potential to escalate into a nuclear war between the two countri es." This program explores how close each country came to nuclear weapons use at the time of the Kargil conflict based on firsthand accounts of citizens, armies , and government officials. Considerable attention is given to 9/11's influence on the ordeal. (57 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2501_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2501_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35267</td><td>India of the Gandhis</td><td>Immerse your stud ents in India's current political landscape and the influence of the Nehru-Gandh i dynasty. Focusing on the accomplishments of Mohandas Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Nehru's descendants-including the improbable rise of Sonia Gandhi in 2004-t his program uses archival images, dramatic press footage, and interviews from a broad cross-section of Indian society to vividly depict the social, economic, an d ideological legacy of the Mahatma and his inner circle. While viewers will enc ounter information on Congress Party detractors, the program clearly demonstrate s that the Gandhis remain a powerful political force. (52 minutes)</td><td>2004< /td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2502_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2502_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35173</td><td>India: Population and Resources</td><td>Dramat ic changes over the past 20 years have created a tech-savvy Indian middle class. This program details the economic strength of the "new" India, its ongoing prob lems of unemployment and poverty, and how these issues are linked to overpopulat ion. Outlining the country's 5,000-year history, the video focuses on the southe rn city of Bangalore, also known as the Silicon Valley of India, and the daily i nflux of rural job-seekers it faces. Conversations with women in prominent hightech positions emphasize changing attitudes toward gender roles. A viewable/prin table instructor's guide-including geographical background information, extensio n activities, vocabulary handouts, and more-is available online. Correlates to N ational Geography Standards. (25 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2503_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2503_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10539</td><td>India: The Little Serfs</td><td>Although child labor has been banned in India, it still thrives because too many see a profit in the grueling work of young hands. This program spotlights the exploitation of children as bond slaves in the rug-weaving, bangle-making, quarrying, and gemst

one-cutting industries and the measures being taken to eradicate this practice. Advocates including John Matthew, of the Rugmark Foundation; Kailash Satyathri, of the Coalition Against Child Slavery; and antislavery activist Swami Agnievesh speak out-as well as Rishi Poddar, an unabashed carpet exporter who defends the distasteful practice of child labor. (45 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>45</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2504_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2504_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10112</td><td>India: The River of Life</td><td>Containing ne arly a sixth of the world's population, India is home to almost a billion people , more than half of whom live in rural villages. This program provides an overvi ew of topics such as the caste system as it exists in the holy Hindu town of Var anasi and the massive pilgrimages to Allahabad, where millions of Hindus come to ritually bathe at the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna Rivers. Also discusse d are arranged marriages; local trades in Agra, site of the matchless Taj Mahal; Sikhism in the city of Amritsar; the Indian/Pakistani tug-of-war for Kashmir; a nd the plight of small farmers, driven from their holdings by powerful landowner s. (50 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2505_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2505_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9178</td><td>India: The Struggle for Independence</td><td>Fr om the rise of the Moghul empire under Babur in 1526 to the setting of the sun o n the British Raj in 1948, this program surveys four centuries of history during which India slowly but decisively shook off foreign rule. Expert commentary on the pivotal politico-military struggles between the Moghuls, the Afghans, Great Britain, and the Indians by Dr. David Hardiman, of Oxford University; Dr. David Washbrook, of Warwick University; and historian Rakesh Dayaz puts India's centur ies-long fight for independence into perspective. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td> <td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2506_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2506_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34471</td><td>India: Working to End Child Labor</td><td>This program examines India's immense child labor problem and the fight against it. The video contrasts this nation's status as the world's largest democracy with t he fact that, inside its borders, 80 million children work physically exhausting jobs for minuscule wages. Incorporating interviews with Shanta Sinha, founder o f the organization known as MVF, the video illustrates how the group coordinates community action against the exploitation of young people and creates bridge sc hools that help children with the transition from work to education. It also mak es a strong case that child labor increases poverty levels. (Portions have Engli sh subtitles, 26 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2507_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2507_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33598</td><td>Individual Differences: Gender, Training, and Physical Performance in Sport</td><td>Why are some able to perform tremendous ph ysical tasks, while others cannot? More specifically, why are males able to perf orm in ways females cannot? This program answers these questions and more by exa mining and calculating various indicators of physical fitness: percentage body f at, upper body size and strength, VO2 maximum, stroke volume, heart rate, cardia c output, hemoglobin and red blood cell count, and arteriovenous oxygen differen ce. An ideal anatomical and physiological learning resource for students and tea chers of physical education. (27 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2508_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2508_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8837</td><td>Indonesia at the Crossroads</td><td>In Indonesi a, activists seek to return their country to its traditional moral values after a period of rapid economic growth that resulted in rampant nepotism and corrupti on under President Suharto. As Muslim students and Hindu priests work to revital ize Indonesia while preserving a democratic ideal, this thought-provoking progra m provides an in-depth portrait of a country seeking to redefine itself within a historical context of religious tradition and tolerance. (35 minutes)</td><td>1 998</td><td>35</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2509_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2509_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11655</td><td>Indus: The Unvoiced Civilization</td><td>Shrou ded in mystery, the details of the Indus Valley civilization are slowly being ex tracted from the archaeological record. In this program, Richard Meadow, of Harv ard University; R. S. Bisht, of the Archaeological Survey of India; linguist Ask o H. S. Parpola; and other experts investigate the language, customs, and belief s of the inhabitants of Mohenjo-daro, Harappa, Dholavira, and Kalibangan. Satell ite photos, maps, relics, and an extraordinary 3-D computer re-creation of Dhola vira and its water management system shed light on topics including the enigmati c Sarasvati River and Indus Valley links to Bahrain and faraway Mesopotamia. (59 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2510_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2510_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10627</td><td>Indus to Independence: A Journey Through India n History</td><td>India, a rich amalgam of cultures and religions, bears the imp

rint of many civilizations. Beginning with the Stone Age, this comprehensive pro gram unfolds India's past, era by era, covering the Indus Valley civilization, t he Vedic Age, the Mauryan empire, the Gupta Age, the southern kingdoms, the Musl im invasion, the Mogul and Maratha empires, the British Raj, and independence. T he impact of India's diverse religions-Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Islam, and C hristianity-is also explored. (34 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>34</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2511_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2511_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32297</td><td>Industrial Electrician</td><td>Industrial elec tricians must be focused, have good manual dexterity, and be able to solve probl ems creatively. This program describes the tasks of industrial electricians, inc luding laying electrical lines and testing electronic equipment for the automoti ve, aerospace, medical, and communications sectors. The video also explains the apprenticeship system and spotlights women in the business. (16 minutes)</td><td >2003</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2512_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2512_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32298</td><td>Industrial Mechanic Millwright</td><td>Industr ial mechanic millwrights work in every manufacturing plant to keep production eq uipment running smoothly and to make replacement parts. This program explains wh at it takes-reading blueprints, problem solving, troubleshooting, and operating machines-to work in this fast-paced field. Rising demand for this occupational s pecialty is considered, and a female apprentice discusses her education and on-t he-job training. (17 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2513_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2513_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30487</td><td>Industrial Point Source Water Pollution</td><t d>The Clean Water Act has led to a vast improvement in the overall quality of in dustrial point source wastewater, but there is still a significant amount of wor k to be done. In this program, George Crozier, executive director of the Dauphin Island Sea Lab; attorney David Perry; wastewater superintendent Bhaskar Patel; representatives of International Paper and petroleum refiner Koch Industries; an d many others air their views on the controversial topic of compliance with the complex yet effective National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. Cases of loophole exploitation and permit violations are debated. (29 minutes)</td><td>20 00</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2514_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2514_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>3313</td><td>The Industrial Revolution</td><td>This series i s a basic survey of the Industrial Revolution where it began and where it has ha d the most striking effects: Britain. The programs follow a case study approach to industry, transportation, and settlement. Their purpose is to provide a basic understanding of the chronology of the main events and the relationships betwee n them. 5-part series, 20 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2515_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2515_l blPrice">$649.75<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32302</td><td>Industrial Welder</td><td>A welding apprentice earns while learning on the job to build machinery and structures. This program introduces viewers to the business of industrial welding as a community college welding instructor describes the skill and artistic flair involved in the trade . Because there is great demand for well-trained welders, an apprentice can look forward to good wages and many opportunities. (17 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td >&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2516_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2516_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11153</td><td>The Industry Leaders and Online Strategy</td>< td>Just as in the bricks-and-mortar world, a marketing plan is a must in cybersp ace. In this program, leaders in the field of online marketing cut through the c onfusion to lay out the principles of driving traffic, branding, and targeting o n the Internet. Executives from companies including 24/7 Media, Renegade Marketi ng Group, Beyond Interactive, and Media Metrix offer keen insights into a wide r ange of topics, such as the value of online linking, how to effectively integrat e offline and online brands, and the use of focus groups and site registration t o gather demographic information on niche communities. (13 minutes)</td><td>2000 </td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2517_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2517_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11490</td><td>Infants: The Fight for Life</td><td>When a bab y is hospitalized with a life-or-death illness, parents place their trust in the doctors, nurses, and other specialists of the neonatal intensive care unit. Thi s program blends the intimate and the informative to examine both the technologi cal and the human aspects of infant critical care. Case studies featuring footag e of the birth of the Faul twins, one of whom was diagnosed in utero with a pote ntially life-threatening cyst; Baby Eddie's surgery and therapy, designed to all ow his undeveloped lungs to grow; and Baby Prakhar's treatment for a mystifying virus are included. (51 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2518_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2518_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32726</td><td>Infection: A History</td><td>As a history of i nfection and contagion, this program tells a story of clever science and dumb lu ck, horror and hope. Filmed at locations worldwide, the video traces the battles fought against humanity's oldest foes: diseases such as yellow fever, malaria, syphilis, cholera, smallpox, tuberculosis, polio, and perhaps the deadliest pand emic of all, AIDS. Health workers and epidemiologists on the front lines discuss the dynamics of combating disease, particularly in Africa, where AIDS ravages t he continent. The growing problem of antibiotic resistance is also examined. Exp erts include Dr. David Ho, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris who ha s developed some of the most effective HIV drugs. (51 minutes)</td><td>2001</td> <td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2519_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2519_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35281</td><td>Infectious Diseases: More Mobility, Greater Da nger</td><td>Illustrating connections between globalization and the spread of di sease, this program uses data-mapping to assess the potential impact of deadly v iruses-including the much-feared and adaptable avian influenza. Outbreaks of bir d flu in the Netherlands and West Nile virus in New York City illustrate the inc reasing mobility of exotic pathogens in an era of frequent international travel and dynamic global migration. Presenting detailed information on virus tracking and the horrific effects that many epidemics have on livestock as well as on peo ple, this video illuminates a new front line in the battle between humans and th eir microscopic enemies. (31 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2520_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2520_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38694</td><td>Infectious Enthusiasm: Beating Infection</td>< td>John Hunter, surgeon to King George III, was said to have inoculated himself with a venereal disease-an example of well-intentioned research with more than o ne unfortunate result. This program presents a fascinating overview of the battl e against infectious diseases, depicting several instances in which doctors expo sed themselves to syphilis, yellow fever, cholera, or other nefarious microbes i n order to better understand those illnesses. Highlighting what may be the most courageous act of self-experimentation in recent history-and one that eventually garnered a Nobel Prize-the program details Dr. Barry Marshall's 1984 decision t o culture a newly discovered bacterium and swallow it himself. A BBCW Production . (51 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2521_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2521_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>36201</td><td>Inferential Statistics</td><td>Who said statis tics were boring? Using magic and circus motifs, this program demonstrates the s ignificance of probability theory and the importance of using the correct test t o analyze research data. Host Amy and her friend Matt the Magician guide viewers through the need to make probability statements, and along with a team of stude nts, use juggling skills to explore choice of test. Setting significance levels, tests of difference, the sign test, degrees of freedom, Yates correction, expec ted frequencies, parametric tests, and plastic interval scales are explored. Sup porting graphics and animation enliven each discussion point and set up question s posed to viewers. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. (36 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>36</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2522_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2522_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35895</td><td>Influenza</td><td>If influenza were an animal, it would be a chameleon. This program sheds light on the constantly changing vi rus, exploring medical efforts to track its adaptations, improve flu treatments, and develop a reliable vaccine. Explaining the differences between influenza ty pes A, B, and C, the video describes how the body's immune system reacts to an i nfluenza attack, highlights the importance of T-cell levels, and looks at the pa rticular vulnerability of people over age 65. Detailed commentary from physician s, researchers, and CDC authorities focuses on the historical cycle of epidemics and global pandemics and the push to develop an H5N1 avian influenza vaccine. ( 28 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2523_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2523_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35675</td><td>Information Literacy: The Perils of Online Res earch</td><td>In a world of information overload, information literacy has becom e a survival skill. But what exactly does information literacy mean? With a focu s on the Internet, this video explains how to conduct solid online research by c ollecting information in an organized, efficient, and ethical way. Professor Mau rita Holland of the University of Michigan School of Information provides expert commentary and guidance on a range of research activities, including evaluating the credibility of Web content, documenting online sources, and paraphrasing-no t copying-the words of others. Additionally, a high school teacher and a graduat e student demonstrate real-world examples to reinforce the challenges and reward s of online research. The consequences of plagiarism and shaky facts are emphasi zed. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to all applicable state and national standards. A Cambridge Educational Production. (21 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2524_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2524_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>29742</td><td>Information Technology Services</td><td>It has been called the information age, and there is no doubt that for the foreseeable future those who know how to work with computers will be in great demand in the job market. In this video, people employed in the field as computer engineers, computer programmers, systems analysts, and database administrators discuss the skills and educational background needed for their careers. A Cambridge Educatio nal Production. (18 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2525_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2525_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34507</td><td>Informational Interviewing and Networking</td> <td>The significance of networking and informational interviewing is made clear in this video. It shows students how to find networking opportunities and contac ts, as well as develop techniques for conducting informational interviews. (28 m inutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2526_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2526_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9291</td><td>Inhalants</td><td>This video presents a summary of this class of drugs and then details its constituent parts: solvents and aer osols, nitrites, and nitrous oxide. A doctor of pharmacology, an addiction speci alist, police officers, a historian, recovering addicts, and others delve into t he history and biological effects of these drugs. Together, they share case stud ies and personal experiences to address the use, abuse, and hazards of inhalants , including brain, liver, and kidney damage, as well as sudden sniffing death sy ndrome. A Cambridge Educational Production. (20 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>20 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2527_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2527_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10384</td><td>Inhalants: A Deadly High</td><td>"Cheap, acces sible, powerful, and tragically misunderstood" is a description that neatly sums up the class of drugs known as inhalants. This program offers the straight dope on how the vapors of easily obtained substances such as hair spray, paint thinn er, and gasoline are abused, including the mechanics of metabolization and the d ebilitating short- and long-term side effects. The program is an excellent tool for informing viewers of the dangers associated with potentially deadly chemical s too often thought of as harmless. A Meridian Production. (16 minutes)</td><td> 1998</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2528_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2528_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35101</td><td>Injecting Fear: Does the MMR Shot Cause Autism ?</td><td>A link between autism and the Measles-Mumps-Rubella shot has been larg ely refuted by the medical establishment. But some doctors, along with many pare nts of autistic children, remain convinced of a connection. This program sifts t hrough both sides of the issue, fully explaining both the link theory and the ep idemiological research that vindicates the MMR. Interviews with Dr. Andrew Wakef ield-the gastroenterologist who first asserted that the vaccine can cause intest inal infections and lead to brain damage-accompany moving testimony from familie s affected by autism, as well as extensive commentary from skeptical physicians. A BBCW Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2529_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2529_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33367</td><td>Inner Journey: The Path of Mysticism</td><td>T his program respectfully explores mystical aspects of Judaism, Islam, Christiani ty, Hinduism, and Taoism. Learned scholars, including Elliot Wolfson, professor of Hebrew and Judaic studies at New York University; Peter Awn, professor of Isl amic studies and comparative religion at Columbia University; and Eric Yudelove, author of The Tao and the Tree of Life, introduce Kabbalism, Sufism, Hesychasm, kundalini yoga, and Taoist yoga. Together they shed light on the history of mys ticism, purification practices for mind and body, challenges and struggles assoc iated with traveling an esoteric path...and mystical union with the One. (57 min utes)</td><td>2001</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2530_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2530_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33502</td><td>Innovation: Life, Inspired</td><td>This captiv ating four-part series tells the stories behind the technological breakthroughs that are changing lives around the world. Going beyond the "wow" of technology, Innovation explores the personalities, politics, inspirations, and serendipity t hat transform concepts into reality. Designed to educate, inspire, and entertain , each program presents viewers with the information they need to understand how advances occur, the scientific principles behind them, and their powerful impac t on society. 4-part series, 57 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2531_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2531_l blPrice">$519.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30243</td><td>Innovators of Silicon Valley</td><td>Home to t housands of IT-related companies, Silicon Valley generates approximately $200 bi llion in revenue annually. In this program, two icons of high-tech innovation-Sc ott McNealy, chairman and CEO of Sun Microsystems, and Marc Andreessen, chairman

of Loudcloud and co-founder of Netscape-talk about the CEO as superstar, facing the competition, organizing a team, and Silicon Valley culture. In addition, MB A students and faculty at the Stanford Graduate School of Business ask questions about fostering creativity, broadband wireless technology, and Microsoft's plac e in the future of computing. (57 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2532_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2532_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30838</td><td>Inside Cells: Cells and Their Organelles</td>< td>Take your biology students on a tour of an unusual art museum-the "Cell Galle ry." Using electron microscope images and entertaining graphics, this program wa lks viewers through the basic components of a cell. The tour looks in detail at the structure and function of cellular organelles, including cell membranes, nuc lei, mitochondria, chloroplasts, smooth and rough endoplasmic reticula, ribosome s, lysosomes, vacuoles, cytoplasm, cytosol and cytoskeleton, microtubules and mi crofilaments, and the Golgi complex. The program also covers the importance of i nternal cellular membranes and compares the relative sizes of the different orga nelles. (29 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2533_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2533_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38731</td><td>Inside Dyslexia</td><td>Often viewed as a weak ness, dyslexia actually means that a person processes information differently, a nd many with the disorder have learned to see it as a strength. This program ill ustrates the challenges faced by Amanda, Carmen, and Gio-three young people livi ng with dyslexia-through personal interviews with them and those close to them. Viewers are guided into their unique and often overlooked world, made clear thro ugh eye-opening scenes at school and home. Produced by filmmakers who are themse lves dyslexic, the film serves as a tool for educating others about dyslexia, dy scalculia, and dysgraphia, and for identifying a common vocabulary that can brid ge the gap between those with and without learning disabilities. A viewable/prin table instructor's guide is available online. (58 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td> 58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2534_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2534_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33723</td><td>Inside Hollywood: Mindsets and Methods</td><td >When it comes to Hollywood, inspiration can only take aspiring actors, screenwr iters, and directors so far-business know-how is a must. In this detailed threepart series filmed at Indiana's Heartland Film Festival, prominent Hollywood pro ducers, writers, and executives provide expert commentary that strikes a necessa ry balance between business and creative aspects of the film and television indu stries. 3-part series, 32-51 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2535_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2535_l blPrice">$309.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2842</td><td>Inside Information: The Brain and How It Works< /td><td>This program explains research on the brain's processes: how individual parts of the brain work, how the brain uses pattern recognition rather than logi c to interpret reality, which experiments with computer analogs have been succes sful and which have failed, and why. The program also provides interviews with s ome of the foremost researchers in the field, including neuroscientist John Hopf ield, vision scientist V. S. Ramachandran, and physicist Carver Mead, who has a computer chip that can "see." (58 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2536_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2536_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33622</td><td>Inside Money: Cooperative Solutions from the I MF</td><td>This fast-paced animated case study examines the International Moneta ry Fund's role in assisting countries under economic distress. Spotlighted is a fictional country called Ruritania, whose litany of monetary problems includes g overnment's role in the economy surpassing that of the private sector; wasteful government spending to employ relatives of politicians; subsidies to civilians w ho do not need social benefits; low tax revenues, prompting heavy government bor rowing from abroad; and inflation caused by over-circulation of money printed fo r the government to spend more than it earns. Host Ian McFadden discusses the me asures the IMF takes to pull Ruritania out of the bind. A viewable/printable stu dy guide is available online. (13 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2537_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2537_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34639</td><td>Inside Saatchi & Saatchi: A Spirited Case Stud y</td><td>Can Saatchi & Saatchi turn Sagatiba cachaca, a sugarcane liquor popula r in Brazil, into a globally recognized brand? This program tracks the Sagatiba launch from start to finish-and in the process reveals the inner workings of an ad agency whose name is synonymous with success. Footage of key agency players b rainstorming, running client meetings, producing commercials, and more illustrat es how the iconic Jesus statue in Rio became the model for a cool young lookalik e who stands in as the living image of the "Pure Spirit of Brazil." Original BBC W broadcast title: Inside Saatchi & Saatchi: Selling Brazilian Spirit. (40 minut es)</td><td>2005</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2538_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2538_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8396</td><td>Inside the Cold War with Sir David Frost</td><t

d>For thirty years, a Cold War between the world's two mightiest superpowers-Rus sia and the U.S.-raged on nearly every continent. In this two-part series, David Frost presents a probing, even-handed look at the personalities and events of t he war through interviews, extensive archival footage, and declassified governme nt documents. 2-part series, 48-50 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2539_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2539_l blPrice">$299.90<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30039</td><td>Inside the Criminal Mind</td><td>This gripping three-part series enters the world of forensic psychology to illustrate how law enforcement officers and mental health professionals get inside the criminal mi nd. Captivating case studies from the U.K. and the U.S. provide a real-world con text for the techniques and processes described. 3-part series, 46-47 minutes ea ch.</td><td>2001</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2540_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2540_l blPrice">$449.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37172</td><td>Inside the European Union: Parliament under Pr essure</td><td>Defining "European" is one of the main challenges facing the EU P arliament. This program outlines the history of the governing body and assesses the actions it has taken to shape and organize the EU. Shedding light on elector al and procedural methods adopted by the Parliament, the film documents politica l fanfare and maneuvering accompanying the eastward expansion of the union with the entry of Bulgaria and Romania. The program also shows how these developments influence the path to comprehensive immigration laws-and how foreign workers, i llegal immigrants, and asylum seekers are affected. Several members of the EU Pa rliament are interviewed. (27 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2541_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2541_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36372</td><td>Inside the Glass Building: Interviews with UN Secretaries-General</td><td>While the United Nations Secretary-General often att racts the media spotlight, history has rarely recorded the personal impressions of the world body's top leader. In this four-part series, Secretary-General Kofi Annan and three of his predecessors-Kurt Waldheim, Javier Perez de Cuellar, and Boutros Boutros-Ghali-share their thoughts about serving in the often-unenviabl e post. Rarely seen archival images and footage supplement each interview. For s tudents of international politics and history, these programs offer valuable ins ight into the decision-making process within the UN as well as the organization' s strengths and limitations. 4-part series, 27-31 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td ><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2542_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2542_l blPrice">$359.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32856</td><td>Inside the Head: New Dimensions in Brain Resea rch</td><td>Perhaps the most intriguing field of medicine is the one that seeks to understand consciousness itself. This program provides a tour of the most adv anced work in brain research and cognitive science, as well as the latest applic ations of these discoveries in treating patients with brain disorders. Using MRI and EEG to determine areas of brain activity, researchers explore the connectio n between memory and epilepsy. New treatments are presented for Parkinson&#8217; s disease and multiple sclerosis, as well as experimental drugs based on the rec ently identified Alzheimer&#8217;s gene. A Deutsche Welle Production. (26 minute s)</td><td>2001</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2543_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2543_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9277</td><td>Inside the Internet</td><td>From its simple ori gins to its emergence as a global nervous system, the Internet has changed the w ay the world works. In this fascinating overview, ARPANET pioneers and Usenet tr ailblazers describe how the Internet and e-mail came to be. Next, law enforcemen t officers and hackers from the L0pht address censorship, worms and viruses, and the challenge of Internet security. And finally, Web experts discuss the use of hyperlinks, graphical interfaces, search engines, and streaming technology to m ake the Internet more transparent, while the CEOs of DoubleClick and now-defunct DigiCash talk about the impact of e-commerce. A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</t d><td>1997</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2544_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2544_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37044</td><td>Inside the Mind of Adolf Hitler</td><td>Psycho logical profiles of criminals and foreign adversaries are a regular part of mode rn law enforcement and intelligence-gathering. At the height of World War II, ho wever, creating a profile of the enemy-detailing as much as possible about his c hildhood, current state of mind, and potential actions-was a groundbreaking noti on. This program recounts the work of Harvard psychoanalyst Dr. Walter Langer, w ho compiled the first-ever disciplined analysis of Adolf Hitler's mental and emo tional state, using a Freudian model of investigation. The process by which Lang er joined the U.S. Office of Strategic Services, assembled a team, conducted int erviews, and wrote his prescient 281-page report makes a fascinating case study for coursework in psychological profiling and research. A BBCW Production. (48 m inutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2545_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2545_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>30182</td><td>Inside the Movie Business</td><td>From a scrip twriter's first flash of inspiration to a star-studded premiere, this program st eps through the process of making feature films. Award-winning producers Philipp a Braithwaite and Stephen Woolley, up-and-coming director Justin Kerrigan, actor /screenwriter Craig Ferguson, casting directors, foley artists, a film editor, a nd other industry professionals provide insights into the challenges of pitching scripts, attracting a high-profile cast, balancing creative expression with bud getary concerns, and turning raw footage into box office hits. Clips from Slidin g Doors, The Big Tease, and Human Traffic are featured. Original BBC broadcast t itle: Culture Fix: Filmmaking. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2546_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2546_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31290</td><td>Inside the Tate Modern: A Century of Modern Ar t</td><td>What the MoMA is to New York, the Tate Modern is to London. This stimu lating five-part series draws on the works of 35 modern masters and pop culture icons displayed at the Tate Modern to show how art evolved during the 20th centu ry. Each of the series' 15 insightful segments is ideal for stimulating discussi on as well as for deepening understanding and appreciation. 5-part series, 15 mi nutes each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2547_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2547_l blPrice">$449.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31125</td><td>Insider and Outsider: The Subtleties of Doing Business in Asia</td><td>How to deal with the different countries and complexiti es of Asia? Those without the language and a knowledge of customs and trade regu lations are the outsiders, those with these tools are the insiders. This program presents three businessmen who bridge cultures, enabling their companies to thr ive abroad: Shoza Honda, chairman of Spike, an Australian Internet company launc hing a branch in Japan; Arun Abey, executive chairman of IPAC Securities, an alr eady international financial management company trying to expand into India; and Pradip Shah, a venture capitalist and founder of India's first credit agency. ( 27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2548_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2548_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35623</td><td>Insomnia</td><td>An inability to sleep is far more than a nuisance-it's a genuine health problem. This program examines insomn ia from a medical perspective, exploring the physical, emotional, and psychologi cal aspects of the disorder. Interviews with doctors who specialize in treating sleep difficulties provide historical background on the affliction, the personal and professional hazards it can present, and dietary and behavioral adjustments that can improve the quality of sleep. The advent of safe and effective sleep m edications is also described in detail, while observations from patients who hav

e overcome insomnia provide a reassuring human dimension to the discussion. (28 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2549_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2549_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>12054</td><td>Installation Art</td><td>Fashionable. Engaging . Controversial. This program defines what has come to be known as installation art, while providing a number of examples that unite diverse elements such as ar chitecture, sculpture, painting, video, music, and performance. Richard Wilson, creator of the acclaimed 20:50; Tracey Emin, whose My Bed caused a media sensati on; and other contemporary artists talk about their environmental and site-speci fic art, through which they manipulate space and perception while exploring the dynamic tension between artwork and its setting. A BBCW Production. (29 minutes) </td><td>2000</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2550_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2550_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25661</td><td>Installing Utilities</td><td>Details the insta llation of utilities of all types: electrical communications, water, sewage, and natural gas. The process of installation for each type of utility is covered in depth, including the workers who perform the tasks, the specific tasks themselv es, materials and components used, as well as an explanation of how the utilitie s operate, and the finishing stages of installation for each. A brief discussion of automated control (Smart House) systems is included. (20 min.) A Meridian Pr oduction.</td><td>1994</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2551_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2551_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32268</td><td>Insulators</td><td>Once your students have tak en the tour and seen what the skilled construction trades have to offer, they wi ll want to know more about specific jobs that may interest them. This fast-paced program provides a concise profile of insulators, looking at educational backgr ound, apprenticeships, salary, and the work itself. (12 minutes)</td><td>2003</t d><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2552_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2552_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35996</td><td>Integrating ESL Students into the Classroom</t d><td>By viewing Integrating ESL Students, classroom teachers of any subject wil l come away with concrete information and advice that they can use to teach-and

reach-their English-language learners (ELLs) better. Practicality and relevance guide the program as it reviews basic ESL standards and strategies, gives exampl es of how to incorporate these techniques into teaching various subject areas, s uggests ways to assist ELLs in mastering English in social and community setting s, and addresses the use of technology in helping ELLs improve their understandi ng and expand their knowledge. Multiply the power of this program! Workshop i t with the accompanying facilitator's workbook. It contains suggested topics for discussion, exercises for participants to practice skills or explore ideas on t heir own, and more. (A viewable/printable version of the workbook is available o nline.) Award-winning psychologist Kenneth Shore, Ph.D.-an author of six book s on students' special needs and a recognized advocate of inclusiveness in the c lassroom-consulted in the making of this program. Recommended for teachers, s tudent teachers, and education students. Correlates to national standards from t he Center for Applied Linguistics and TESOL. A facilitator's workbook is include d. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production. (27 minutes)</td><td>2007</ td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2553_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2553_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3118</td><td>Integrating Instruction and Assessment</td><td> This program explores the nature of authentic assessment and its impact on curri culum and instruction; identifies the economic and political pressures for accou ntability, which have driven school systems to adopt inadequate approaches to as sessment; and highlights alternative assessment strategies and tools-those that help teachers make good instructional decisions, as well as those that help stud ents develop self-monitoring and self-assessment strategies of their own. Many s tandardized tests currently in use are administratively efficient and psychometr ically accurate, but for a variety of reasons have served to distort instruction and the definition of the achieving student. This program addresses the need fo r alternative instruments of assessment-assessment that is multidimensional and longitudinal, involves use of educational resources, addresses possibilities for improvement, reflects good classroom practice, and demonstrates clear standards shared by teachers and students. (42 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>42</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2554_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2554_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34582</td><td>Integrating Media into the Classroom</td><td>A n increase in confidence and comfort level with high-tech teaching tools is the key to unlocking the full potential of educational media in the classroom. In th is inspiring and informative two-part series, educators and media specialists wi th firsthand experience of the challenges and rewards of integrating media into the classroom share their in-depth knowledge. Watch these videos to gain insi ght into how you can use technology to improve your lessons, create a more const ructivist learning atmosphere, increase student understanding and retention, and motivate your students to learn as never before. Want to workshop Integratin g Media into the Classroom? A facilitator's workbook comes with purchase of the series, and each video is accompanied by its own viewable/printable viewing guid e available online. Correlates to National Education Technology Standards for Te achers from the International Society of Technology Education. A Cambridge Educa

tional Production. 2-part series, 30 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2555_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2555_l blPrice">$99.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34584</td><td>Integrating Media into the Classroom: Practice and Case Studies</td><td>Welcome to the multimedia learning environment! In thi s video, middle school, high school, and college media specialists and instructo rs invite viewers into the classroom to see for themselves how colleagues are ta pping into the power of media to improve teaching and enhance learning. Drawing on their direct experience, they offer practical advice, tips, and examples to s how how to use media to support instructional strategies, develop ideas on teach ing, and engage students. Program segments include "Why Use Media," "Choosing Me dia," "Preparing Media for the Classroom," "During and After," and "Case Studies "-footage of real educators who are really putting theory into practice. A viewa ble/printable viewing guide is available online. Correlates to National Educatio n Technology Standards for Teachers from the International Society of Technology Education. A Cambridge Educational Production. (30 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><t d>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2556_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2556_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34583</td><td>Integrating Media into the Classroom: Theory a nd Research</td><td>"To be able to integrate as many of the multiple intelligenc es as possible into a single codified approach is extremely powerful and benefic ial," says media theoretician Lou Fournier Marzeles. In this video, he and other recognized experts review the history of educational media and then clearly sta te the case for media as a powerful-and highly effective-classroom tool. "By usi ng a lot of images in the classroom, are we really going to raise our test score s?" asks Dr. Lynell Burmark, author of Visual Literacy: Learn to See, See to Lea rn. "The answer to that is unequivocally Yes." Program segments include "History and Context," "Supporting Research," "Delivery Modes and Methods," "What Media Can Do for My Students," and "The Future of Media in the Classroom." A viewable/ printable viewing guide is available online. Correlates to National Education Te chnology Standards for Teachers from the International Society of Technology Edu cation. A Cambridge Educational Production. (28 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>28 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2557_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2557_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3119</td><td>Integrating Thinking, Reading, and Writing Acro ss the Curriculum</td><td>This teleconference for teachers, administrators, and parents addresses the issues of improving comprehension; cognitive coaching; the link between thinking, reading, and writing; and the integration of instruction and assessment. The program features Syracuse University Professor Harold Herbe

r, Professor Dorothy Strickland of Rutgers University, Robert Peterkin of Harvar d University's Urban Superintendents' Program, Fairfax County (Virginia) teacher Diane Flemming, and Ann McCallum, a member of the IRA Board of Directors; the m oderator is Paul Anthony. (80 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td>80</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2558_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2558_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29827</td><td>Integration and Busing: The Early Years</td><t d>What was it like during the first few years following Brown v. Board of Educat ion of Topeka and Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education? This pair o f vintage network documentaries takes viewers back to those peril-laden years wh en victories and violent setbacks followed in close succession. Produced by CBS NEWS. 2-part series, 31-53 minutes each.</td><td>1976</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2559_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2559_l blPrice">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29828</td><td>Integration: Complying with Brown in 1957</td> <td>In 1957, the eyes of America were on Little Rock, where the compulsory deseg regation of Central High School was front-page news. But what about the broader picture? How successful had integration efforts in the South been in the three y ears following the Brown decision? This program, filmed in that year, brings tog ether a panel of newsmen from the Southern Education Reporting Service to assess -against the backdrop of anti-integration violence-the overall progress being ma de in complying with the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling. Produced by CBS NEWS. (31 minutes, b&w)</td><td>1957</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2560_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2560_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10160</td><td>Integration Techniques</td><td>Is the opposite of integration disintegration? This program deftly dissolves any such misconcep tions as it presents the four keys to successful integration: the Integration Fo rmula for a Constant, the Power Rule, the Natural Logarithms Rule, and the Expon ential Rule. When to use each-and in what order-is carefully considered. How to apply substitution is examined as well. (21 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>21</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2561_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2561_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11011</td><td>Intellectual Development: The First Five Years </td><td>Even a single day can bring changes in what a new baby can do. This inf

ormative program offers parents and caregivers ways in which to monitor a child' s intellectual growth within a wide range of normal activity. A child developmen t specialist, a pediatrician, and a parent explain what is going on in a baby's young brain and what can be expected to happen over the first five years of life . A Meridian Production. (21 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2562_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2562_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9173</td><td>Intelligence, Creativity, and Thinking Styles</ td><td>How do multiple intelligences and different thinking styles relate to tra ditional IQ scores? What role should teacher creativity and the family play in s haping student intelligence? In this interview by Phillip Harris, of Phi Delta K appa, Robert Sternberg-IBM Professor of Psychology and Education at Yale Univers ity-answers questions about the IQ-based "single trait notion of intelligence"; the application and implementation of his triarchic theory of intelligence; and the implications of school reform on the future of public education. (30 minutes )</td><td>1997</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2563_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2563_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35298</td><td>Intelligent Design vs. Evolution</td><td>Confr onting one of the most complex and potentially divisive issues on the American c ultural landscape, this ABC News program examines the intellectual and political forces that support the teaching of intelligent design in public schools. The v ideo focuses on the Discovery Institute, a Seattle-based think tank that has gen erated widespread enthusiasm-and criticism-for making I.D. part of science curri cula. Also featured is an in-depth debate between George Will and Cal Thomas, tw o conservative commentators who differ on whether a non-testable, quasi-religiou s belief should be promoted in biology courses. The result is an effective sprin gboard for class discussion on an extremely challenging topic. (22 minutes)</td> <td>2005</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2564_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2564_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33841</td><td>Interdependence of Life</td><td>On planet Eart h, no living thing is an island. This video identifies the world's ecosystems as it explains the flow of energy and the cycling of matter within them. Terms suc h as biosphere and biome, biotic and abiotic, autotrophs (producers) and heterot rophs (consumers), and the food web are defined, and ecology and conservation as fields of study are explored. Rainforests serve as a timely and powerful exampl e of the interdependence of life at the global level-and the devastating worldwi de effects of deforestation. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is availabl e online. Correlates to National Academy of Sciences National Science Education Standards and the American Association for the Advancement of Science Benchmarks for Science Literacy. A Cambridge Educational Production. Recommended for grade

s 7-12. (22 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2565_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2565_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6516</td><td>Interest Rates and Exchange Rates</td><td>By co mbining the supply and demand of money, this program demonstrates how interest r ates are determined. The program also examines flexible and fixed exchange rates and looks at how monetary policy works in large and small economies. (28 minute s)</td><td>1993</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2566_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2566_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>31962</td><td>Interior Doors, Frame, and Trim</td><td>This v ideo highlights the methods and materials for installing doors; fitting trim aro und openings; and fitting trim at intersections of walls, floors, and ceilings. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the C ompetencies and Objectives of the National Center for Construction Education & R esearch. A Shopware Production. (14 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2567_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2567_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31961</td><td>Interior Wall and Ceiling Finish</td><td>Today 's builder has many options when it comes to walls and ceilings-this video looks at some of the most popular, including drywall materials, such as gypsum wallbo ard, plywood, particleboard, and solid wood paneling, as well as plaster and cem ent board. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlat es to the Competencies and Objectives of the National Center for Construction Ed ucation & Research. A Shopware Production. (16 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>16< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2568_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2568_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>840</td><td>Internal Defenses</td><td>This program deals wit h events when the entire body is under attack-when bacteria or viruses invade th e whole system. It shows the roles of the spleen, the lymphatic system, and the white blood cells, and explains the body's production of antibodies. With the co mmon cold as the main example, it demonstrates the sequence from viral attack to recovery. (26 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2569_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2569_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>30237</td><td>International Branding in the 21st Century</td ><td>Although America still holds the lead when it comes to e-commerce, Europe i s catching up-fast. Filmed at the London Business School, this program brings to gether Jim Rose, CEO of, the UK's Euro-centric answer to eBay, and Kevin Roberts, CEO of advertising giant Saatchi & Saatchi. Topics of discussion focus on the CEO and corporate culture, international branding, and old versus new me dia. In addition, MBA students and faculty ask questions about retaining online customer loyalty, managing merger risk, and stimulating employee commitment. (57 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2570_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2570_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8807</td><td>The International Monetary Fund: Financial Cure or Catastrophe?</td><td>In this program, financial experts including economist Jeffrey Sachs, Paul Krugman of MIT, and the IMF's Stanley Fischer reveal the IMF 's ignorance of basic economic realities at the time of the Asian financial cris is, during which the IMF's one-size-fits-all policy recommendations and faulty j udgment worsened the economies it hoped to assist. Issues such as conflicts of i nterest, charges of corruption, and political heavy-handedness have prompted the CATO Institute and others to call for an end to the IMF, especially in light of the Russian financial fiasco, which left the IMF holding valueless promissory n otes worth millions. (37 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2571_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2571_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10851</td><td>International Trade</td><td>Free trade is a vi tal source of economic growth, yet it is frequently endangered by the protection ist demands of special interest groups. Module one of this program uses the Hung arian clothing industry to illustrate the comparative advantages of internationa l trade; module two goes inside the WTO, the only international body dealing wit h the rules of trade between nations; and module three seeks to understand strat egic trade policy through the example of Airbus Industries. (30 minutes)</td><td >1999</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2572_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2572_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11152</td><td>Internet Marketing and Advertising Strategies< /td><td>In a market where hundreds of online ventures take off each week, only t he educated e-tailer will succeed. This four-part series introduces marketing an

d advertising professionals as well as students to the knowledge they need to en ter the e-commerce arena, where access to the eyes-and wallets-of millions is on ly a click away. 4-part series, 13-22 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2573_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2573_l blPrice">$279.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11235</td><td>The Internet: Portal to Everywhere</td><td>The Internet is quickly dissolving the boundaries of time zones, geography, and eve n language. This program, hosted by CNBC's Tyler Mathisen, brings together visio naries and commentators to spotlight Internet applications in vogue around the w orld. Businesses including real-time Internet research service iNetNow as well a s educational initiatives such as, a provider of virtual safaris, ar e profiled. Broadband capabilities and wireless access are explored, along with day-trading and venture capital. Cybersurgery, an online auction, and Web-based games also grab a share of the limelight. (44 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>44</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2574_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2574_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30235</td><td>Internet Shopping in the 21st Century</td><td> This program, filmed at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, li nks two innovators who really know e-commerce:'s Jeff Bezos, standard -bearer for all companies operating solely online, and David Dyer, president and CEO of Lands' End, who expanded his brand into cyberspace as well as into the c lothing department of Sears to make his business a leader in the apparel arena. Together they address the challenges of e-tailing in the post-New Economy world while MBA students and faculty ask questions about Internet privacy, the commerc ial digital divide, and consumer demands for very rapid delivery. (57 minutes)</ td><td>2000</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2575_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2575_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10457</td><td>Internet Shopping: Interactive or Invasive?</t d><td>E-tailers routinely collect information from visitors to their Web sites t o better target their ads. Is this surrender of privacy the price of a personali zed online shopping experience? In this program, NewsHour correspondent Jeffrey Kaye seeks to understand the dynamics of, and the ethical issues surrounding, st rategic online marketing with top management from, Lycos, and DoubleClic k and an attorney from the Center for Democracy and Technology. From cookies to banner ads, the gathering and leveraging of consumer data is viewed as the key t o making e-commerce viable. (13 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2576_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2576_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11165</td><td>The Internet: The End of TV as We Know It?</td ><td>How will producers, advertisers, and consumers be affected when information and entertainment merge into the on-demand environment of the Internet? Segment one of this program deals with the displacement of broadcast TV, while segment two examines the rise of cultural capitalism and the vanishing distinction betwe en producers and consumers. A collage of interviews with Peter Schwartz, of Glob al Business Network;'s Jeff Bezos; and heavy hitters from Walt Disney , Sony Digital Media, the Hollywood Stock Exchange,, TiVo, Eidos Games , and MIT explore the business, cultural, and technological ramifications of liv ing in a world where the Internet is the new medium of choice. (2 parts, 50 minu tes each)</td><td>2000</td><td>101</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2577_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2577_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5780</td><td>Interpreting Infrared and N.M.R. Spectra</td><t d>An explanation of the theory of infrared absorption is followed by showing a s eries of spectra demonstrating the major absorption peaks. Shifts within the car bonyl group, and their explanation, are discussed. The N.M.R. portion of the pro gram covers the ideas of integration, chemical shift, and splitting in proton sp ectra in a logical process of development of the subject. (40 minutes)</td><td>1 992</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2578_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2578_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3200</td><td>Interracial Marriage</td><td>Two generations ag o it was a recipe for social ostracism; a generation ago the tongues wagged; and now there are some once totally clannish ethnic groups with a 60% rate of inter marriage. This program examines how and why couples of different colors, religio ns, and ethnic roots are drawn to one another, how their differences affect thei r marriages, how they deal with their friends, and how their parents make peace with the children-in-law they wish were of their own race or background. (52 min utes)</td><td>1992</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2579_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2579_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34519</td><td>Interview Follow-up</td><td>This video present s specific steps to go through after an interview, with a focus on maintaining a network and keeping up the momentum of the job search. How to turn a rejection into a positive experience is also discussed. (29 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td> 29</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2580_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2580_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37001</td><td>Interviewing for a Job</td><td>The most intimi dating and the most crucial part of a job search, the interview either results i n a job offer or it doesn' second chances. This program covers preparing f or an interview, dressing for an interview, using body language to good advantag e, articulating skills and abilities, answering difficult questions, and handlin g salary and benefits issues. Emphasis is placed on being prepared and relaxed d uring the most important step of the job search process. A viewable/printable in structor's guide is available online. A Cambridge Educational Production. Recomm ended for high school. (12 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2581_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2581_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34518</td><td>Interviewing Strategies</td><td>Three essentia l steps in interview preparation are spotlighted in this video: knowing one's se lf, knowing the position, and knowing the company. The STAR, or Situation-Task-A ction-Result, framework is featured. (29 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>29</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2582_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2582_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10172</td><td>Interviewing Suspects</td><td>This program pro vides extended interviews selected from those featured in An Overview of Investi gative Interviewing, offering viewers a more detailed look at the processes invo lved in interrogating suspects. The first interview is considered to be well con ducted, employing the techniques of cognitive interviewing, conversation managem ent, and nonverbal communication, while the second interview contains errors in judgment. A careful analysis of each model helps students to assimilate these Br itish methodologies for use in a real-world context. (60 minutes)</td><td>1998</ td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2583_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2583_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10171</td><td>Interviewing Victims and Witnesses</td><td>Thi s program offers extended interviews selected from those featured in An Overview of Investigative Interviewing, providing viewers with a more detailed look at h ow cognitive interviewing, conversation management, and nonverbal communication are applied to interrogating victims and witnesses in the U.K. The victim interv

iew is presented as a well-conducted interview, while the witness interview is d esigned to demonstrate flaws in technique. (58 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>58< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2584_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2584_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29966</td><td>Intimate Partner Violence</td><td>While intima te partner abuse can occur in same-sex couples, the abuser in the vast majority of cases is a man, his target a woman. This program from The Doctor Is In profil es Buffalo, New York, where the medical community, social and psychiatric servic es, police, and courts have formed a coalition to reduce the incidence of partne r abuse and help the victims. Among those who comment are Dr. Susan McLeer, the head of Erie County Medical Center's psychiatry department; Katey Joyce, directo r of a shelter for battered women; and Jessica Benigni, chair of the Erie County Coalition Against Family Violence. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Product ion. (29 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2585_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2585_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9168</td><td>Into the Post-War Era</td><td>This program cons iders the unique synergy between method acting and poetic realism, as Ellen Adle r and Tom Oppenheim, of The Stella Adler Conservatory, and author William Simon track the changes in American theater from pre- to post-World War II society. Am erica's newfound place on the world stage is spotlighted, along with the careers of Paul Robeson, Canada Lee, and Marlon Brando; milestone plays such as A Stree tcar Named Desire, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Bus Stop, and The Crucible; and the ic onic stature of Times Square, the heart of New York's mainstream theater. The pr ogram also sums up more than 200 years of American life as reflected by the thea ter that has shaped the nation's cultural history. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td ><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2586_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2586_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>25688</td><td>Introducing Plastics Technology</td><td>Introd ucing viewers to the wonders of the plastic age, this video provides an excellen t overview for any plastics course or unit. It reviews thermoplastic and thermos etting materials, investigates processes used in converting plastics, and also d escribes many of the career opportunities available in the plastics field. Anima tion and close-ups make this video interesting and informative for all viewers. (21 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1991</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2587_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2587_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3610</td><td>Introducing the Players</td><td>This program in troduces the atom and the three main subatomic particles-the electron, the proto n, and the neutron. The location, charge, and relative mass of these particles a re demonstrated. Ernest Rutherford's model of the atom is reviewed in terms of i ts advantages and shortcomings. (10 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2588_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2588_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8339</td><td>Introduction and Sacred Space</td><td>This prog ram discusses the mixture of faiths that abound in Indianapolis, and the importa nce of sacred space to each denomination. Martin E. Marty, of the University of Chicago Divinity School, defines sacred space as a place where individuals exper ience a sense of the spiritual events relevant to their faith. Visiting several places of worship about the city, we learn how size, decoration (or lack of it), and location confirm the faith's place in history and express the cultural valu es of its members. (21 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2589_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2589_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34493</td><td>Introduction to Career Advantage</td><td>This video provides an extensive overview of the career development process, as well as introducing several people currently in the work force who will tell about th eir career choices, experiences, and successes throughout the series. (29 minute s)</td><td>2004</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2590_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2590_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34501</td><td>Introduction to Career and Educational Explora tion</td><td>Changes in the world of work are examined in this video. It introdu ces three major areas of change-technology, globalization, and workforce demogra phics-as well as strategies for adapting, which are expanded in following episod es. (29 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2591_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2591_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34512</td><td>Introduction to Career Planning and Implementa tion</td><td>Putting ideas into action is the focus of this overview video, whic

h outlines steps expanded upon in subsequent episodes: making a career decision, creating an action plan, and launching the search for work opportunities. (28 m inutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2592_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2592_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36199</td><td>Introduction to Designing Experiments</td><td> Adam suspects that most hairy dogs have balding owners. Testing his "pet" theory at a local park, he quickly finds flaws in his own experiment. This video demon strates Adam's second test, involving better preparation, more rigorous analysis , and an exciting pasta cook-off. Showing how Adam can effectively determine the best spaghetti recipe, the program illustrates concepts that are central to the scientific method-including null, alternative, and two-tailed hypotheses; field and lab settings; sampling; primacy/recency effects; constant/random errors; an d other testing principles. Graphic screens reinforce each concept and enable st udents to fully absorb the testing process. A viewable/printable instructor's gu ide is available online. (23 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2593_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2593_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14501</td><td>An Introduction to Fashion Merchandising</td>< td>This highly informative program presents professionals in various segments of the exciting and fast-paced fashion industry discussing their roles at design, production, wholesale, and retail levels. Viewers see how merchandise is present ed to wholesale buyers in New York showrooms and learn how resident buying offic es assist store buyers in deciding what merchandise best suits their clientele. Interviews with wholesale and retail professionals in all areas of production an d sales reveal the challenges and drawbacks of careers in fashion merchandising. A Cambridge Educational Production.One 45-minute video & student manual.</td><t d>1991</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2594_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2594_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25690</td><td>Introduction to Fluid Power</td><td>This video provides a balanced and concise overview of fluid power. Offering definitions, principles, and current uses, Introduction to Fluid Power also covers fluids; hy draulic and pneumatic systems; fluid power formulas; static pressure; pressure g auge and regulator operations; as well as pumps, valves, and actuators. Question s are inserted at intermediate stopping points so that students can interact...s etting this program apart from the rest. Information is also given for career op portunities, including educational requirements and certification. An excellent addition for those who only have time to cover the basics. (19 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2595_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2595_l blPrice">$95.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31952</td><td>Introduction to Framing</td><td>Framing is the fundamental building block in many aspects of home construction. This program w ill detail the basics of many framing applications, including layout terms and p rinciples, construction techniques, and standard framing plans. A viewable/print able instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the Competencies and Objectives of the National Center for Construction Education & Research. A Shopw are Production. (12 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2596_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2596_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25479</td><td>Introduction to Gas Metal Arc Welding and Flux Core Welding</td><td>There are a lot of similarities between Gas Metal Arc Weld ing (MIG) and Flux Core Arc Welding, including the use of direct current to prov ide constant voltage. Viewers will also learn about the different types of elect rodes wires used in each outfit. Wire feeders are demonstrated along with the sp ools that feed them-containing several hundred feet of electrode wire...allowing welders to make long continuous welds. Students see how to position the electro de and how to establish a good weld pool. As in all of the welding videos, safet y practices are clearly demonstrated and explained. (11 min.) A Meridian Product ion.</td><td>1998</td><td>11</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2597_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2597_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26784</td><td>Introduction to Gas Tungsten Arc Welding</td>< td>Gas Tungsten Arc Welding or TIG welding presents special safety concerns. Vie wers are warned of the suffocation hazards present when working with inert gases and why good ventilation is required. The video also provides an explanation of how TIG welding differs from other types of particular the use of non-consumable electrodes. Electrode leads, hoses, regulators, and collets are d emonstrated and explained as well as the use of the post flow timer to protect t he weld from contamination. Also discussed are using the correct collet set and electrode size and type needed for the job. (11 min.) A Meridian Production.</td ><td>1998</td><td>11</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2598_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2598_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10569</td><td>Introduction to Grammar / Parts of Speech (1)< /td><td>Can a noun have a number? What do demonstrative pronouns demonstrate? An d is an article really an adjective? After a concise explanation of grammar and

SEAE-Standard Edited American English-this program explains the ins and outs of common, proper, compound, and demonstrative nouns; personal, possessive, and dem onstrative pronouns; and adjectives, including the tiny article. Singular and pl ural subjects are also covered. (26 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2599_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2599_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30678</td><td>An Introduction to Home Building: The Case of the New Clubhouse</td><td>When the Elm Street Detectives Club needed a new clubh ouse, Anna, Michael, and Erin decided to do it right-right after their cardboard hideout fell apart in the rain. In this informative, hands-on video, three pret eens meet with a general contractor to get a taste of the basics of home constru ction and then, with his help, build themselves a real clubhouse. When they're d one, the detectives have a simple yet durable structure they can be proud of, wh ile viewers benefit from a concise, easy-to-understand overview of the building process and a capsule history of home construction in the United States. (11 min utes)</td><td>2001</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2600_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2600_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14619</td><td>An Introduction to Intelligent Money Managemen t</td><td>Where did my last paycheck go? How can I save when I barely make it th rough the month? Why is my paycheck less than I expected? Many people enter the job market expecting their paychecks to bring them freedom and unlimited new pos sessions. In reality, what they find is an inability to control their finances a nd shock over the speed at which the paycheck disappears. This informative progr am shows viewers that the ability to control their finances influences more than just their bank balances. Viewers learn how to make the most of even a part-tim e or entry-level income as they establish lifelong habits that will lay the foun dation for a sound financial future. Whether they dream of a new stereo or a new home, viewers learn how to create a budget, assess their disposable income, set short- and long-term goals, establish a spending and savings plan, differentiat e between gross and net take-home pay, choose the right bank account, reconcile their check books, and use credit wisely. Simple organizing techniques save youn g people from making common and costly mistakes. A Cambridge Educational Product ion.One 35-minute video.</td><td>1994</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2601_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2601_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33834</td><td>Introduction to Life Science</td><td>Launch a unit on life science with this video! It addresses central topics in biology-evo lution, cellular structure, and hierarchical organization, to name only three; e xplains the process of scientific inquiry; and spotlights the contributions of k ey researchers in the life sciences, from Aristotle to Watson and Crick. The vid eo also provides students with a bird's-eye view of many exciting biological fie

lds, including biochemistry, ecology, genetics, marine biology, molecular biolog y, neuroscience, paleontology, and more. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to National Academy of Sciences National Scienc e Education Standards and the American Association for the Advancement of Scienc e Benchmarks for Science Literacy. A Cambridge Educational Production. Recommend ed for grades 7-12. (18 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2602_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2602_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6655</td><td>Introduction to Management Accounting</td><td>T his first program explains what management accounting is and how it is used to m ake optimal business decisions. The second part of the program focuses on busine ss ethics, with insights into how different conclusions might be drawn from the same information, depending on how it is presented. Three dramatic vignettes off er clear examples of specific ethical dilemmas and advise on how each should be handled in the interests of fairness and integrity. (28 minutes)</td><td>1995</t d><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2603_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2603_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>25685</td><td>Introduction to Math in Technology</td><td>Int roduction to Math in Technology is an eleven-minute video which is part of the s eries, Math in Technology. "But why do I need math?" Now, using this series, giv e students a clear, definitive, and logical answer. Math is necessary to get the job done in most technical fields, including auto mechanics, electricity/electr onics, and the building trades. Each video shows real-life problem situations so lved by using practical math and actual computations on the screen. Use Introduc tion to Math in Technology as an overview and then progress to specific topics. At last...a program to help your students succeed in the world of technical math . (11 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2604_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2604_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10123</td><td>Introduction to Matter, the Elements, and Unit s of Measure</td><td>Elements and compounds, accuracy and precision, liters and moles and joules-what does it all mean? After introducing the states, properties , and types of matter, this program proceeds to the periodic table of elements a nd the qualities of atoms, compounds, and molecules. An investigation of the met ric system, SI units, uncertainty in measurement, and dimensional analysis wrap up this engaging educational resource. (26 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>26</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2605_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2605_l

blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31291</td><td>Introduction to Modern Art</td><td>Segment one of this program presents Rodin's The Kiss, Boccioni's Unique Forms of Continuit y in Space, and Picasso's The Three Dancers to chart the progression of distorti on as a means of expressing more than what a figurative subject can represent. S egment two uses Kandinsky's Cossacks and Pollock's Summertime: Number 9A to illu strate how color, line, and shape communicate ideas and emotions without a recog nizable subject. Segment three spotlights Sir William Nicholson's The Lowestoft Bowl, Cezanne's Still Life with Water Jug, and Picasso's Still Life to demonstra te how the still life, in moving from realistic to abstract, made possible the c oncept of mixed media. (15 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2606_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2606_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30503</td><td>An Introduction to Ophthalmoscopy</td><td>This program demonstrates how to use a direct ophthalmoscope to examine patients' re tinas. A detailed examination technique segment is followed by examples of clini cal abnormalities to be looked for during a checkup. Juxtaposed with images of o rdinary retinal tissue, the examples clearly display the signs of key pathologie s. Possible causes of retinal abnormalities are presented, and common errors in interpreting those abnormalities are addressed. (27 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><t d>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2607_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2607_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26785</td><td>Introduction to Oxyfuel Welding</td><td>This v ideo very clearly explains and demonstrates the careful and safe method of using the combination of acetylene and oxygen gas cylinders. Pressure regulators, che ck valves, and hoses and fittings are demonstrated as well as torch tubes and ti ps. Clear instructions on ignition, use of the outfit, and shutting down are pro vided along with tips on flame adjustment and methods to direct it to the work a rea. Also demonstrated are various welding techniques and types of welds. (14 mi n.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2608_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2608_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7303</td><td>An Introduction to Philosophy</td><td>Bryan Mag ee-world-renowned author and professor-and Sir Isaiah Berlin, Fellow of All Soul s College, Oxford, and biographer of Karl Marx, answer fundamental questions suc h as "What is philosophy?" "Why does it matter?" and "Why should anybody be inte rested in it today?" A BBC Production. (46 minutes)</td><td>1976</td><td>46</td> <td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2609_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2609_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30805</td><td>Introduction to Photography and Visual Literac y</td><td>Movies, magazines, TV, billboards, the Web-the world is filled with ca ptivating photographic images competing for viewers' attention. Not surprisingly , citizens of the Global Village are experiencing a growing need for visual lite racy: the ability to read between the lines and extract meaning from that daily bombardment. This program takes a close look at the vital importance of visual l anguage skills, how information overload is shortening the human attention span, the proliferation of iconographic communication, and implications for America's education system. A capsule history of photography, with insights into the medi um's future, is included. (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2610_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2610_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10574</td><td>Introduction to Punctuation / The End Marks</t d><td>Mastering punctuation requires both understanding and finesse. In this pro gram, Mama Napoli, a crossing guard, and other savvy English authorities open a dialogue on punctuation and then skip to the end-of the sentence, that is. The u se of the period in commands, in declarative sentences, and with abbreviations; the question mark in interrogative sentences and to show disbelief or sarcasm; a nd the exclamation point for emphasis are all discussed in detail. (17 minutes)< /td><td>2000</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2611_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2611_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26786</td><td>Introduction to Shielded Metal Arc Welding</td ><td>This video explains the differences between alternating current and direct current arc welding machines and shows how an electrical current melts electrode s to supply filler metal. Also demonstrated are electrode leads, workpiece leads , and electrode holders. Electrode sizing and its importance are explained. Setup and shut-off instructions are shown step-by-step as well as how to use equipm ent safely. Uses of Shielded Metal Arc Welding are discussed and demonstrated. ( 12 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2612_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2612_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30145</td><td>Introduction to Spanish Literature-in Spanish< /td><td>Characterized by expressions of individuality, popularismo, criticism, s

toicism, humor, piety, and dignity, the literature of Spain spans ten centuries, includes some of history's most significant writers, and contains landmark work s of every major literary genre. This program provides an overview of Iberian hi story as it relates to Spanish literature. The formation of regional tongues and their importance in the cultural life of Spain are discussed, with an emphasis on the three languages that, apart from Castilian, are most in evidence today: C atalan, Gallego, and Basque, or Euskera. Dramatic readings include excerpts from Rosalia de Castro's Cantares Gallegos, Miguel de Unamuno's "Alma Vasca," Salvad or Espriu's La Piel de Toro, and Eduardo Pondal's "Yo Naci en la Pequena Pontece so." (Spanish, 50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2613_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2613_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30159</td><td>Introduction to Spanish Literature-in Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>Characterized by expressions of individuality, po pularismo, criticism, stoicism, humor, piety, and dignity, the literature of Spa in spans ten centuries, includes some of history's most significant writers, and contains landmark works of every major literary genre. This program provides an overview of Iberian history as it relates to Spanish literature. The formation of regional tongues and their importance in the cultural life of Spain are discu ssed, with an emphasis on the three languages that, apart from Castilian, are mo st in evidence today: Catalan, Gallego, and Basque, or Euskera. Dramatic reading s include excerpts from Rosalia de Castro's Cantares Gallegos, Miguel de Unamuno 's "Alma Vasca," Salvador Espriu's La Piel de Toro, and Eduardo Pondal's "Yo Nac i en la Pequena Ponteceso." (Spanish with English subtitles, 50 minutes)</td><td >2002</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2614_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2614_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10253</td><td>Introduction to Statistics and the Relative Fr equency Histogram</td><td>After concisely defining the purpose of statistics, se ction one of this program uses Five-Card Charlie's Fuzzy Dice Cola to examine th e concepts of population and sampling and to catalogue the elements of statistic al problems. In section two, data derived from the National Martyr Competition p rovides an opportunity to set up a relative frequency histogram, which involves classes and their widths, boundaries, frequencies, and relative frequencies. (30 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2615_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2615_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>821</td><td>Introduction to the Body: Landscapes and Interio rs</td><td>An introduction to human biology-the subject of that most fascinating human study, ourselves. The program shows a wide range of human activities, and how the body enables us to live in diverse climates and perform diverse activit ies. Extraordinary close-up filming over the body's exterior and in its interior

causes surface differences to fade away and enables viewers to see the immensel y complex and interactive systems that constitute the living body. (26 minutes)< /td><td>1984</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2616_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2616_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>11189</td><td>An Introduction to the IMF</td><td>The consens us of the world's leaders is that economic stability and cooperation offer the b est hope for global peace. Using interviews with members of the International Mo netary Fund's Board of Governors-each one the head of a national central bank or a minister of finance-this program explains how the IMF is structured and illus trates how it sets policy. The program also uses archival footage to examine the dual birth of the IMF and the World Bank and to explore the vision of its found ing members: John Maynard Keynes and Harry Dexter White. IMF historian James Bou ghton provides additional insights. (18 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>18</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2617_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2617_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9055</td><td>An Introduction to the Italian Renaissance</td> <td>Giorgio Vasari's Lives of the Artists has been the basis of art criticism si nce the 16th century. This dramatized program cleverly illustrates how each grea t master developed techniques by building upon the work of his predecessors. The lively discussion between Master Vasari and his apprentice reveals the innovati ons of Giotto, Ghiberti, Donatello, Uccello, Masaccio, della Francesca, Botticel li, Leonardo, Raffaello, and Michelangelo. Images of selected masterpieces illus trate the Roman influence on Renaissance art and reinforce the concepts of persp ective, balance, chiaroscuro, composition, and realism. This charming guide to t he Italian masters provides an excellent foundation for high school students. (2 9 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2618_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2618_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7202</td><td>An Introduction to the Microscope</td><td>The m icroscope's role as an indispensable piece of laboratory equipment is well-recognized. This program illustrates the fundamentals of microscope use. Its six segments discuss the basic parts of a microscope, lighting techniques for maximum vision, preparing specimens for viewing, care of the microscope, and advanced techniques, such as the use of oil immersion and video microscopy. (21 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2619_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2619_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span>

</td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>30502</td><td>An Introduction to Visual Fields</td><td>This program provides a systematic overview of visual fields and their associated def ects. After key terms are defined, a dynamic 3-D model of the brain and visual s ystem is employed to illustrate the neuroanatomy of the eyes. A full demonstrati on of confrontational testing is then followed by a look at both kinetic and sta tic automated field-testing techniques and an introduction to the visual field c hart. The program closes by displaying the effects of various neurological lesio ns on the visual fields. (26 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2620_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2620_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34209</td><td>An Introduction to Web Site Design</td><td>Thi s program offers a comprehensive introduction to the basic principles of Web sit e design. Applicable to online retail outlets, electronic newspapers, blogs, sea rch engines, and other types of sites, it explains how to identify the target au dience, determine the site's core purpose, apply Ben Schneiderman's eight golden rules of GUI design, address technological issues and matters of visual appeal, and carry out an ongoing test/evaluation/update cycle. Interviews with two succ essful Web site designers are also included, to illustrate how it all comes toge ther in the real world. (25 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2621_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2621_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25686</td><td>Introduction to Welding</td><td>This series in troduces viewers to four major welding areas: Oxyfuel, Shielded Metal Arc, Gas T ungsten Arc, and Gas Metal Arc/Flux Core Arc. Each video shows: welding definiti ons welding components safety equipment assembly and use of the system the ty ds of welds. Safety procedures are emphasized throughout, including the proper c lothing, equipment, and filter lens required for the job. An excellent overview of the field while clearly demonstrating proper technology in each area. A Mer idian Production.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2622_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2622_l blPrice">$199.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29652</td><td>Introductions and Definitions</td><td>When it comes to finances, "approximately" is just not good enough. Accounting professio nals are expected to understand all the ins and outs of money matters, applying the rules of accountancy with good sense and care. With that in mind, this progr am starts with the basics, introducing the purpose of accounting, identifying th e AICPA and FASB, explaining the concept of GAAP, and spelling out the differenc es between CPAs and CMAs. After contrasting three types of business organization s, the program moves on to the actual process of recording and tracking transact

ions. Types of business transactions, charts of accounts, journalizing and posti ng transactions, the rules of debits and credits, the purpose of the trial balan ce, and four main types of financial statements are described. The accounting eq uation is also presented. A Cambridge Educational Production. (15 minutes)</td>< td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2623_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2623_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6502</td><td>Introductory Economics</td><td>This 17-part ser ies introduces the tools economists use to understand how the economy functions, and insight is given into the policy decisions governments make. Topics covered in the series range from supply and demand to free trade. The programs are host ed by Ellen Roseman and John Palmer of the University of Western Ontario. 17-par t series, 28 minutes each.</td><td>1993</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2624_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2624_l blPrice">$1,529.15<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29501</td><td>Inventing the Future: The K-16 Connection in S cience</td><td>In spite of a growing dependence on technology, studies show that as students move through grade levels they become progressively less interested in the sciences. This program illustrates how teachers can use inquiry-based le arning, a powerful teaching method, to motivate students to deepen their underst anding about the world around them. Students tackle problems and ask questions i nstead of simply memorizing concepts in the abstract. What makes this video uniq ue is that it shows teachers using this approach in their classes across grade l evels, from kindergarten to college. (33 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>33</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2625_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2625_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33547</td><td>The Invention of Banking</td><td>In 13th- and 14th-century Tuscany, money became the new tool of power as industry, trade, and finance flourished. This program follows the remarkable rise of the great banki ng families whose groundbreaking innovations in finance led to the economics of international big business practiced today. Merchant bankers also supported the aims of the Catholic Church by using their extraordinary wealth to become patron s for charities and spectacular works of art and architecture. Featured intervie ws include Nicholas Terpstra and Dr. Elizabeth Leesti, historians at the Univers ity of Toronto. (49 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2626_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2626_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>11077</td><td>Investigating Food Additives</td><td>Without p reservatives, bread would get moldy in a day or two, salad oil would turn rancid , and other foods would quickly spoil on grocery store shelves. However, as the use of preservatives and color- and flavor-enhancing additives has increased, co nsumers have grown concerned about the safety and long-term effects of these add itives. This program explains how preservatives, antioxidants, stabilizers, buff ers, sulfites, and other food additives work, while describing the FDA's efforts to ensure their safe use. A Meridian Production. (23 minutes)</td><td>1997</td> <td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2627_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2627_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6833</td><td>Investigations in Chemistry: Experiments and Ob servations</td><td>This series brings a full range of laboratory experiments int o the classroom. Detailed, easy-to-follow narration and close-up shots illustrat e the steps in experiments and demonstrations that are a part of any core curric ulum. Each program features three lessons that cover related content. Some of th e experiments-too dangerous to conduct in many labs-allow teachers the advantage of illustrating processes students might not otherwise experience. 6-part serie s, 30-40 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2628_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2628_l blPrice">$419.70<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7104</td><td>Investigations in Microbiology</td><td>This out standing eight-part series uses electron microscopy and computer technology to s tudy the science that is at the heart of today's cancer, genetic, and bacterial research. Designed for college classes, the programs combine sophisticated compu ter graphics and animation with excellent microscopic views of body tissues to t horoughly examine each concept discussed. 8-part series.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> &nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2629_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2629_l blPrice">$1,199.60<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6842</td><td>Investigations in Physics: Experiments and Obse rvations</td><td>Designed for basic physics labs, this series offers an extensiv e collection of demonstrations and experiments essential to any core physics cur riculum. Each program features three related lessons that are supported by table -top close-ups, computer graphics and animation, re-creations of famous experime nts using replicas of original equipment, and simple, concise narration. Some le ssons incorporate sophisticated equipment not normally found in schools. Selecte d demonstrations take viewers to exotic sites to dramatically illustrate fundame ntal physics principles. 9-part series, 30 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> &nbsp;</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2630_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2630_l blPrice">$809.55<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10169</td><td>Investigative Interviewing: The Methodology Be hind Police Interrogation</td><td>A purse is snatched on the street. When the vi ctim, a witness, and a suspect are brought in for interrogation, it is up to the Detective Sergeant to skillfully question each person to extract the facts from the inevitable hodge-podge of images, impressions, recollections, and evasions. This detailed three-part series presents the British approach to cognitive inte rviewing, conversation management, and nonverbal communication in a scenario-bas ed format. Dramatizations scrutinize the mugging and subsequent interrogations f rom multiple points of view, highlighting both good and bad interviewing techniq ue. 3-part series, 58-62 minutes each.</td><td>1998</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2631_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2631_l blPrice">$449.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5206</td><td>Investigative Reporting: The Righteous Lens</td ><td>Investigative reporting is expensive, time-consuming, labor-intensive; it c an be dangerous-and you can get sued. The resultant slack in network news invest igative reporting has been taken up by some local stations. And, as this program illustrates, there are some important trends: the growth of environmental stori es and the emergence of women as a powerful force in investigative journalism. T here are also new techniques that bring viewers to the "scene of the crime," so to speak. The program shows some provocative and controversial examples. Narrate d by Peter Jennings. (30 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2632_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2632_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33178</td><td>Investing</td><td>A 10-year high school reunio n provides an chance to investigate opportunity cost, supply and demand's effect on wages, investing in human capital, and the costs and benefits of career deci sions. In another segment, two workers, thinking hard about their futures, learn about incentives for investing in human capital and the economic risks involved , why people change jobs, and factors that enhance job mobility. Galloping compe tition in the manufacturing sector sets the stage for discussing productivity, i nvestments in robotic technology, automation and the loss of jobs, and the role of government in training displaced workers. Correlates to National Economics St andards. A 152-page teacher's guide is included. (68 minutes)</td><td>1996</td>< td>68</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2633_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2633_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>10848</td><td>Investment and Growth</td><td>The investment/g rowth cycle relies on synergy between government and industry. Module one of thi s program features the UN's International Fund for Agricultural Development, whi ch assists in the progress of low-developed countries around the world. Using Si ngapore's economic success as a model, modules two and three highlight two prere quisites for economic growth: political credibility derived from sound economic policy and investment in human capital. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>29</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2634_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2634_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34744</td><td>The Invisible Universe</td><td>In the darkness of space, invisible energy fills the vast regions between the stars. This video sheds light on intergalactic radio waves, microwaves, X-rays, deadly gamma rays , and other forms of energy not visible to the naked eye. Information on technol ogy for seeing the invisible universe such as the Very Large Array radio telesco pe, the Infrared Astronomical Satellite, the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, the Hubble Space Telescope, and the Chandra and Newton X-ray Observatories will give students a new view of the "emptiness" of space. A viewable/printable instructo r's guide is available online. Correlates to National Science Education Standard s, National Educational Technology Standards, and standards of the Association f or the Advancement of Science. A Cambridge Educational Production. Recommended f or grades 7-12. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2635_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2635_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7746</td><td>Ionic Bonding</td><td>This program uses the ide a of filling electron shells to explain the formation of cations and anions. Ele ctrostatic forces are then used to explain lattice formation, and the relationsh ip between properties and structure is examined. Ionic bonding is introduced by comparing the malleability of silver with the brittleness of rock salt. Demonstr ations include the formation of sodium and chloride ions from their respective a toms. Lattice formation is explained in terms of electrostatic repulsion and att raction. Models of different lattice structures are illustrated and explained in terms of the relative sizes of ions. (18 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>18</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2636_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2636_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6837</td><td>Ions</td><td>Lesson one demonstrates the circum stances under which common materials, such as sugar and table salt, conduct elec tricity. The process of electrolysis is demonstrated in the making of metallic l eaves. In investigating the movement of ions, permanganate ions spread toward th

e anode side of a liquid chamber when electricity is applied. Lesson two demonst rates the formation of a metallic copper crystal tree, and silver crystals are f ormed when copper wire is immersed in aqueous sulfur nitrate. Lead iodide is for med by heating a mixture of potassium iodide and lead nitrate solutions. In less on three, chemical batteries are made of copper, zinc, a grapefruit, and an eggp lant. Fuel cells generate pollution-free electricity. (38 minutes)</td><td>1997< /td><td>38</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2637_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2637_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30474</td><td>IQ and the Pressure to Perform</td><td>From pr enatal Mozart to hothousing, the debate surrounding intelligence and how it is b est cultivated is a controversial one. But is there really an optimal window of opportunity for neural development? This program invites John T. Bruer, author o f The Myth of the First Three Years; Colin Blakemore, of Oxford University; UCLA 's Paul Thompson; Bill Greenough, of the University of Illinois; and David Elkin d, professor of child development at Tufts University, among others, to critical ly examine the myth of critical periods and to look at what the latest scientifi c research indicates about how the brain develops in the early years and beyond. Not available in French-speaking Canada. (50 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>50</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2638_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2638_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33615</td><td>Iran</td><td>In the Islamic Republic of Iran, battle lines are drawn between conservative clerics claiming a God-given right t o rule and reformers challenging their authority. This provocative program seeks to understand what happens when a modern state is re-created based on fundament alist Islamic principles, and whether its society should be open and democratic or oppressed and authoritarian. From Iran's chaotic capital Tehran to its holy c ity of Qom, Iranians share their thoughts on life before the rise of Ayatollah K homeini in 1979, the brutal eight-year war with Iraq, and the struggle Islamic r eformers face against hard-line Muslims to establish a progressive government in place of a Republic they believe has lost its way. (37 minutes)</td><td>2003</t d><td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2639_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2639_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10110</td><td>Iran: Departure into the Unknown</td><td>In Ir an, even laughter is considered sinful by the nation's strict Shiite regime. Yet after revolution and war, Iranians cherish hopes of a freer future. This progra m describes the impact of life in a modern fundamentalist society on Iran's dive rse population, which includes Muslims, Christians, and Jews. It also spotlights the joyful celebration of Sizdah Bedar, which welcomes the spring; the incompar able Iranian crown jewels; monuments such as the magnificent palace of Shah Abas

the First, the huge Imam Mosque, the ruins of Persepolis, and the wind towers o f Nain; and the lifestyles of artisans, craftspeople, laborers, and students. (4 9 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2640_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2640_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32752</td><td>Iraq al-Amir: The Palace of Qasr al-Abd</td><t d>Considered the most imposing Hellenistic site in Jordan, the Qasr al-Abd at Ir aq al-Amir was the dream of Hyrcanus, an unscrupulously ambitious member of the influential Tobiad family. With the assistance of architect Francois Larche, of the National Center of Scientific Research, this program virtually reconstructs the ornate but uncompleted palace-ironically, a symbol of Hyrcanus' failed aspir ations. Fawzi Zayadine, of the Jordanian Department of Antiquities, places Hyrca nus, both the player and the pawn, within the context of the power struggle betw een the Ptolemaic and Seleucid Dynasties. (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2641_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2641_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37621</td><td>Iraq: The Agony of a Nation</td><td>What, if a nything, has American military power achieved in Iraq? What are the origins of t he fractured nation's sectarian warfare? Are Iraqi security forces more dangerou s than Islamist insurgents? This documentary features reports that U.S. and Iraq i government forces can be linked to the country's most dire security problems. Featuring interviews with high-ranking officials in the Interior Ministry and po lice chiefs in Mosul and Baghdad, the program investigates the actions of the so -called Wolf brigades, a U.S.-supported Shiite military group that participated in a number of anti-Sunni offensives and reportedly committed torture and other atrocities. The program also deals with other renegade militias, some trained by the same American operatives who allegedly created the Salvadoran death squads of the 1980s. (54 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2642_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2642_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8348</td><td>Irish Civil War: The Madness from Within</td><t d>In 1922, the people of Ireland turned against each other in one of the bloodie st civil wars in history. In its wake, internecine feuding incited decades of te rrorist atrocities. This program features interviews with participants in the Ci vil War, some in their 90s, whose passionate defense of the side they took remai ns as strong and vivid as ever. Contributions from surviving relatives of partic ipants in the war, including three sons and daughters of members of the 1922 Pro visional Government headed by Eamon de Valera and Michael Collins, provide insig hts into the infighting that led to Collins' assassination. The political roles of the parties Sinn Fein and Fianna Fail are examined, as well as the military r ole of the Irish Republican Army. Interviews are interwoven throughout with arch

ival footage and photographs from the period. (60 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><t d>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2643_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2643_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11225</td><td>Irish Theater: Raw Bones and Poetry</td><td>Th is program, hosted by renowned theater director Sir Richard Eyre, describes the battle for an authentic Irish theater-a theater of the working class, with reali stic language and gritty social and political content. The influences of Oscar W ilde, William Butler Yeats, George Bernard Shaw, John Millington Synge, and Sean O'Casey are analyzed in detail. Harold Brighouse and D. H. Lawrence are also pr ofiled, as are the Manchester school and the regional repertory movement. Clips from The Importance of Being Earnest, The Playboy of the Western World, The Plow and the Stars, and other plays are included. Original BBC broadcast title: Irel and. (50 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2644_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2644_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1109</td><td>Iron and Steel</td><td>Iron ore is reduced and manufactured into steel in a modern plant where, in a continuous process, ore is crushed and mixed with coke and then fed into the top of a blast furnace. Molte n iron flows off from the bottom; slag is skimmed off; and iron is converted to steel by blowing oxygen through it to remove residual carbon, adding lime and ma gnesium powder to remove other trace solid impurities. Alloying metals are then added to the steel. The molten metal is cast into molds which are later rolled i nto required shapes. (20 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2645_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2645_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>28091</td><td>Iron and Steel</td><td>This video celebrates 2 ,000 years of engineering achievement in Europe by looking at the two most funda mental building materials of the Modern Age, iron and steel. Two of Gustave Eiff el's greatest achievements, and one of the finest works in steel and glass in Pa ris, are featured. (24 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2646_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2646_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31126</td><td>Iron Butterflies: Powerful Asian Businesswomen </td><td>As Asia embraces free enterprise and its attendant changes, women are e xperiencing the challenges of shifting roles more than any other group. This pro

gram profiles three businesswomen who discuss their success in commerce, society , and at home: Joyce Ma, who introduced European designer fashion to Hong Kong; Yoshiko Shinohara, founder of Tempstaff, the second-largest temporary employment agency in Japan; and Asma Abdullah, a human resources specialist in Malaysia wh o uses her skills to fill the gaps between foreign and local companies. (27 minu tes)</td><td>2001</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2647_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2647_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32269</td><td>Iron Workers</td><td>Once your students have t aken the tour and seen what the skilled construction trades have to offer, they will want to know more about specific jobs that may interest them. This fast-pac ed program provides a concise profile of iron workers, looking at educational ba ckground, apprenticeships, salary, and the work itself. (13 minutes)</td><td>200 3</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2648_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2648_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32141</td><td>Irradiation-Promise or Threat?</td><td>The U.S . government has given its stamp of approval to irradiation as a way of killing food-borne bacteria, germs, and parasites. If irradiated food is considered safe enough to give to immune-compromised patients in hospitals and astronauts in sp ace, why is the practice of food irradiation so controversial? This program offe rs a balanced look at this important method of food purification as it explains how X-rays, electron beams, and gamma radiation are used to sterilize food; iden tifies watchdog groups-the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Co ntrol and Prevention, the American Medical Association, and others-that keep an eye on the effectiveness and safety of irradiation technology; and presents the concerns of food irradiation opponents. Which side of the debate are your studen ts on? This video will definitely help them decide. Correlates to the Health Nat ional Standards from the Joint Committee for National School Health Education an d the American Cancer Society and the National Content Standards for Health acco rding to the American School Health Association. A Cambridge Educational Product ion. (19 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2649_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2649_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33139</td><td>An Irresistible Vision: Mandela and the End of Apartheid</td><td>Who would have believed that Nelson Mandela would one day gai n not only his own freedom, but the freedom of a nation? This program continues the powerful story of Mandela, from his 27 years in prison to his receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize and rise to the South African presidency. Along with archival footage and interviews with family, friends, and fellow leaders, the program pr esents Mandela in his own words through candid talks and ongoing coverage of his extraordinary public life. A BBCW Production. (51 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td

>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2650_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2650_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11999</td><td>Irritable Bowel Syndrome</td><td>Irritable Bow el Syndrome is a medical mystery, even though it affects approximately ten perce nt of adults. Using case studies and cutting-edge medical research, this program seeks to understand chronic overreaction of the bowels-a condition that has its roots in the complex interaction between the brain and the intestinal tract. Sy mptoms; exacerbators, including stress, hormonal fluctuations, and a history of childhood abuse; and psychosocial factors such as the stigma of bowel-related di sorders are considered. (24 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2651_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2651_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10318</td><td>Is America Number One? Understanding the Econo mics of Success</td><td>America enjoyed unprecedented growth in the 1990s, which firmly established the country as the world's leading economic power. Why? In t his program, ABC News correspondent John Stossel reports on what special factors make the U.S. and Hong Kong, a tiny yet extremely dynamic geopolitical entity, so successful-and why similar success eludes India and other countries. Experts include Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman; Federal Reserve economist Michael Cox; Dinesh D'Souza, of the American Enterprise Institute; Tom Palmer, of the Cato Institute; and Dr. James Galbraith, of the University of Texas at Au stin. (41 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2652_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2652_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34748</td><td>Is Anybody Out There?</td><td>What are the odd s that life exists elsewhere in the universe, and what are we doing to find out? Topics in this video range from the meaning of the Drake Equation and assumptio ns being used to narrow the vast field of stars in which scientists are searchin g, to the Doppler and transit methods of discovering extrasolar planets, to thre e initiatives that will help pinpoint probable life-supporting worlds: the Keple r mission, the spectroscopic Life Finder mission, and the Terrestrial Planet Fin der observatories. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to National Science Education Standards, National Educational Technol ogy Standards, and standards of the Association for the Advancement of Science. A Cambridge Educational Production. Recommended for grades 7-12. (27 minutes)</t d><td>2006</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2653_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2653_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7339</td><td>Is Criminal Behavior Genetic?</td><td>Are some people born evil? Steve Jones addresses this question by examining the genetic a nd social factors that contribute to crime and antisocial behavior. The work of Dutch geneticist Hans Brunner and his discovery of the "crime gene"-the genetic marker for violence-is examined, as lawyers seize upon the research to defend a murderer. Los Angeles geneticist David Comings, who runs a clinic for troubled y ouths, believes in the genetic theory and prescribes drugs such as Ritalin to co ntrol antisocial behavior. Several career criminals discuss why they committed c rimes. The adage, "Deeds must be judged by society, not by science," provides an excellent basis for public discourse. Original BBC broadcast title: Original Si n. (50 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2654_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2654_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10164</td><td>Is Feminism Dead?</td><td>Years after the wome n's movement burst open doors of opportunity that had long been barred, a new ge neration of women seems to be questioning the meaning and the value of the battl es fought by their mothers and grandmothers. Has feminism somehow gone out of st yle? In this program, Patricia Ireland, of NOW; Phyllis Schlafly, of the Eagle F orum; Ellen Goodman, of The Boston Globe; Dr. bell hooks, of CUNY's English depa rtment; Dr. Tessie Liu, of Northwestern University's history and gender identity departments; and Dr. Martha Wharton, of The Ohio State University's departments of African-American studies and women's studies, appraise the women's movement as it currently exists and discuss its relevance in today's cultural climate. (2 9 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2655_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2655_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10117</td><td>Is God a Number? Maths that Mimic the Mind</td ><td>If mathematics underpins the elegant precision of the macroscopic and micro scopic worlds, is there a Master Mathematician as well? This fascinating program examines the computational paradigms being used to model human consciousness an d to quantify reality, from Euclidean geometry to fractal transform algorithms. Oxford mathematician Sir Roger Penrose, quantum physicist Reverend John Polkingh orne, compression technology expert Michael Barnsley, and physiologist Horace Ba rlow seek to understand how the brain functions-and grope for evidence of a guid ing force. Outstanding computer graphics enhance this exploration of inner and o uter space. (53 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2656_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2656_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25703</td><td>Is It Love or Is It Gross? ... Is It...Sexual

Harassment?</td><td>This engaging video presentation uses the format of a call-i n radio show for teens to discuss sexual harassment. Teens need to understand th is growing problem, not just in the adult world, but in their own world as well. Sexual harassment is defined, discussed in several different possible situation s, and a plan for dealing with sexual harassment is explained. Includes a sponta neous discussion with actual teens relating their own experiences with sexual ha rassment. (26 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1992</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2657_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2657_l blPrice">$97.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11972</td><td>Is There a Crisis? Biodiversity in Decline</td ><td>The most striking feature of life on Earth is its richness and variety. But research shows that the planet's biodiversity is seriously threatened with dest ruction by human activities. From the depths of the oceans to the tops of rainfo rest canopies, from the African savannas to the soil underfoot, this program hos ted by David Attenborough reveals the extent of that living bounty-and the chill ing rate at which species are becoming extinct. The research of paleontologist P eter Ward, marine biologist Sylvia Earle, entomologist Terry Erwin, and biologis ts Sir Robert May, Edward Wilson, and John Lawton is featured. A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2658_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2658_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10713</td><td>Isabel Allende: Possessed by Her Art</td><td>F rom her first novel, which evolved from a letter to her grandfather, to her most recent works, Isabel Allende has frequently made use of magic realism and her e xpertise as a journalist to explore the harsh political realities of South Ameri ca, the role of women in Latin America, and her own life experiences. In this pr ogram, Allende elaborates on her years in Chile, Venezuela, and the United State s; the importance of spiritualism in her creative process; and other subjects. ( Spanish, 30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2659_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2659_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29175</td><td>Isabel Allende: Possessed by Her Art</td><td>F rom her first novel, which evolved from a letter to her grandfather, to her most recent works, Isabel Allende has frequently made use of magic realism and her e xpertise as a journalist to explore the harsh political realities of South Ameri ca, the role of women in Latin America, and her own life experiences. In this pr ogram, Allende elaborates on her years in Chile, Venezuela, and the United State s; the importance of spiritualism in her creative process; and other subjects. ( Spanish with English subtitles, 28 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2660_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2660_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10335</td><td>Isabel Allende: The House of the Spirits</td>< td>Called "a novel of force and charm" by The Washington Post and "sharply obser vant" by The New York Times, The House of the Spirits earned Isabel Allende paea ns of praise, making its author the most unexpected sensation from Latin America since the emergence of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. In this classic interview, award -winning writer Isabel Allende discusses why she turned to writing novels, the i mpact of Chile's 1973 coup, her life as an emigre, and her recurring literary th eme of exile. Although at peace with her life abroad, she also describes her lon ging for her homeland, which continues to take up space in her life. (46 minutes )</td><td>1988</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2661_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2661_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4239</td><td>Isabel Allende: The Woman's Voice in Latin Amer ican Literature</td><td>Isabel Allende, the most recent Latin American novelist to bestride the world literary stage-and the first Latin American woman-describe s the emotions that inform her fiction and the events that set them in motion. N iece of the deposed (and presumably assassinated) Chilean Marxist president Salv ador Allende, she fled Chile in terror and blossomed in exile to write of the lo ve, hate, and revenge that shape the lives of people she knew, or dreamt about: her characters, her own legend in the making. (56 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td> 56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2662_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2662_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37112</td><td>Isabel Allende-in Spanish</td><td>Exhibiting r emarkable insight into the human condition, Latin American author Isabel Allende fills this program with the same passion and intelligence found in her many nov els. Allende confronts issues that trouble not only South and Central America bu t the planet as a whole, using her poetic voice to articulate compelling views o n immigration, religious fundamentalism, the exploitation of women and children, and the resilience of feminism. The author of The House of the Spirits and Of L ove and Shadows also discusses how Chilean democracy, made vulnerable by a kind of national amnesia, succumbed to Augusto Pinochet's military dictatorship. (Spa nish, 25 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2663_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2663_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37113</td><td>Isabel Allende-in Spanish with English Subtitl es</td><td>Exhibiting remarkable insight into the human condition, Latin America

n author Isabel Allende fills this program with the same passion and intelligenc e found in her many novels. Allende confronts issues that trouble not only South and Central America but the planet as a whole, using her poetic voice to articu late compelling views on immigration, religious fundamentalism, the exploitation of women and children, and the resilience of feminism. The author of The House of the Spirits and Of Love and Shadows also discusses how Chilean democracy, mad e vulnerable by a kind of national amnesia, succumbed to Augusto Pinochet's mili tary dictatorship. (Spanish with English subtitles, 25 minutes)</td><td>2007</td ><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2664_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2664_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6936</td><td>Isamu Noguchi: Stones and Paper</td><td>This pr ogram is a timeless retrospective on the life and career of Isamu Noguchi, whose binational heritage sent him back and forth between Japan and America seeking a new artistic synthesis. He started his career in Paris as Constantin Brancusi's apprentice. He made his name in New York. And, after World War II, he brought a fresh modernist wind to Japan, putting his mark on Japanese ceramics, gardens, and paper lanterns. His late masterworks-rough stone monoliths that echo both Br ancusi and the Zen garden of Ryoanji-marry East and West in an absolutely origin al way. (56 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2665_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2665_l blPrice">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32843</td><td>Isamu Noguchi: The Sculpture of Spaces</td><td >"One day...I had a vision: I saw the Earth as sculpture." Isamu Noguchi often s aid that the space around a thing is as important as the thing itself. This clas sic program shows Noguchi turning landscapes into participatory works of art as it follows in dramatic detail the struggle to bring his ideas to fruition at Mia mi's Bayfront Park and at Moere Numa Park, outside Sapporo. His austere sets for Martha Graham, which helped define modern dance, and his UNESCO garden in Paris , which shaped earth, water, and greenery into a series of multisensory surprise s, are featured as well. A brilliant glimpse of an artist at work. (53 minutes)< /td><td>1995</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2666_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2666_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33299</td><td>"Isfahan Is Half the World"</td><td>During the 17th century, Abbas the Great renewed the city of Isfahan, turning the former S eljuk capital into a vast garden city of flowing water and lush vegetation. Alth ough the shah is long deceased, his city is still an oasis in the desert, and th e Imam Mosque has been a reassuring presence from his time until now. This progr am uses the restoration of the mosque's dome as a point of entry into the life o f the city: the practice of Islam, the work of men who craft tiles and women who weave carpets, and the peoples who have made Isfahan a cosmopolitan center sinc

e the time of the Silk Road. (53 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2667_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2667_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33646</td><td>Islam</td><td>Five times a day, one fifth of t he world's population faces Mecca and falls to its knees in prayer. This program illustrates how, through architecture and art, Muslims have articulated their f aith. Architectural sites include the Great Mosque of Djenne, in Mali; the Jama Masjid Mosque, in Delhi, which took 5,000 workers more than six years to build d uring the time of Shah Jahan; the Hagia Sophia, in Istanbul; the Great Mosque of Cordoba; and the ultramodern New York Mosque. (26 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td >26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2668_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2668_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6237</td><td>Islam</td><td>Smith discovered Islam as an adul t, and became enamored with Islamic conceptions of order, justice, mercy, and co mpassion. He still prays five times a day as Muslims do. The Sufis opened the do ors of Islam to Smith. Through their trance-inducing dances, these mystics bring God into the immediate moment. Smith and Moyers discuss misconceptions about Is lam held in the West today. The DVD version of this program also includes a spec ial video introduction by Mr. Moyers. (56 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>56</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2669_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2669_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5168</td><td>Islam and Christianity</td><td>This program exa mines the historical relations between Islam and Christianity and the long histo ry of conflict between them. Iran's ambassador to the Vatican, Mohammad Masjed J ame'i, explains the basic differences and similarities between Islam and Christi anity: the roles of Christ and Mohammad, the Bible and the Koran, and the main d ifferences of approach. The program also examines the reasons for the continuing conflict between Islam and the West, and whether an understanding can be reache d between them. (30 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2670_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2670_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33783</td><td>Islam and Christianity: A Comparative Analysis </td><td>The invitation from the minaret may sound similar to the one from the c hurch bell tower, but there is an inherent contrast between them. This scholarly

three-part series unveils the wisdom and beauty of Islam, analyzing theological points of convergence and divergence between it and Christianity-and, inasmuch as it underpins these two faith traditions, Judaism. Based on the book Is the Fa ther of Jesus the God of Muhammad?, Islam and Christianity raises the dialogue b etween Muslim and non-Muslim to a higher level of understanding. 3-part series, 27-35 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2671_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2671_l blPrice">$299.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33784</td><td>Islam and Its Five Pillars</td><td>A meaningfu l understanding of Islam begins when its principles are discussed with an open m ind. In this program, Amina Wadud, of Virginia Commonwealth University; Ibrahim Kalin, of the College of the Holy Cross; and Timothy George, founding dean of Be eson Divinity School, join together to examine the meaning of Islam-both within a Muslim context and in relation to the Christian and Jewish traditions of Abrah amic monotheism-and to explain Islam's Five Pillars. The purpose of hijab, the d istinction between individual and congregational prayer, and mosque design are g iven special consideration, as are the Virgin Birth, Jesus, and an almighty God. (28 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2672_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2672_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5167</td><td>Islam and Pluralism</td><td>In this program, An war Ibrahim, Malaysia's Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister, explains his government's approach to multiculturalism within Islam. Although Malaysia is a multicultural and multireligious society, the official religion is Islam. Dra wing examples from Islamic history, Anwar Ibrahim argues for a tolerant and plur alistic approach to Islam. He also explores issues of non-Muslim minorities, Isl amic fundamentalism, and economic development, and its impact on Islamic values. (30 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2673_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2673_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5169</td><td>Islam and War</td><td>Seen as the spiritual hea d of the Hezbollah, Sayed Fadlallah-a leading political figure in the Lebanese I slamic Movement-gives his views of Jihad or Holy War, its rules, its origins, an d the role of terror in such a war. The program also examines how Muslim thinker s see the role of war and violence in the contemporary world, and why some feel the need to wage a Holy War. (30 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2674_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2674_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></

td> </tr><tr> <td>32512</td><td>Islam: Discovery and Discussion</td><td>This p rogram offers fifteen stand-alone segments, or "lecture launchers," from Religio n & Ethics Newsweekly on a wide range of subjects concerning Islam, including th e Hajj, W. D. Mohammed and the Nation of Islam, Muslim voter turnout in the 2000 elections, and the role of women in Islam. The program provides an introduction to Islamic beliefs and practices, as well as reporting on timely contemporary i ssues. Each clip can serve as a springboard for thoughtful discussion and a rich resource for exploring aspects of this major religious tradition. (2 hours)</td ><td>2002</td><td>117</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2675_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2675_l blPrice">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11139</td><td>Islam Rising</td><td>Islam is the fastest-grow ing religion in the world, increasing by hundreds of thousands of devotees each year. This absorbing five-part series provides a global perspective on that anci ent faith, presenting Sharia and key doctrinal concepts within the context of Mu slim life in places such as Iran and America as well as in revolutionary hotspot s, including Indonesia and independent states of the former Soviet Union. 5-part series, 53 minutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2676_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2676_l blPrice">$499.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10936</td><td>Islam: The Five Pillars of Faith</td><td>Resid ing to the north of India, the population of Kashmir is primarily Muslim. This p rogram travels to the place known as "the Switzerland of the East" to study the beliefs and practices of Islam. Topics such as the Koran, the Pillars of Islam, the influence of Sharia, and traditional Muslim festivals and holy sites are add ressed. Background on the arrival of Islam in Kashmir and its spread throughout India creates a historical context for the religion's predominance in many regio ns. (52 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2677_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2677_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30434</td><td>Islam vs. Islam: A Special Edition of NOW with Bill Moyers</td><td>In the West, Islam is often oversimplified-to the detriment of better understanding this complex religion and the diverse interpretations i nspired by its tenets. The Aspen Institute and Bill Moyers brought together eigh t journalists and scholars from the U.S., Pakistan, France, Iraq, Turkey, India, and Britain to join in a conversation about the history and motives of the stat es too easily grouped under the heading "Islamic nations." The panelists identif y and explore the fulcrum of the conflict: increasing tension between the growth of religious expression in the region and the pressures of modernity from the W est. (58 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>58</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2678_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2678_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37638</td><td>Islamic Art: Africa and Central Asia</td><td>C ontinuing his trek across the Muslim world, art scholar Waldemar Januszczak intr oduces viewers to masterworks in Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia-from the gigantic and surreal mud mosques of Mali; to a rare, 10th-century Egyptian e wer carved out of a single piece of rock crystal; to the inspired urban planning of the ancient city of Isfahan in Iran; to the stunning architecture of Uzbekis tan's Samarquand. Januszczak shares his knowledge of the Sunni-Shiite schism and its artistic implications, the Fatimid influence evident in Cairo's Al-Azhar mo sque, and the vast debt which Gothic architecture owes to the arches and filigre es of medieval Islamic building design. (45 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>45</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2679_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2679_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37168</td><td>Islamic Art at the V&A</td><td>London's Victor ia and Albert Museum contains one of the finest collections of Islamic art in Eu rope or America. It is housed in the V&A's recently constructed Jameel Gallery-a facility designed to increase awareness and appreciation of Islamic art. This p rogram highlights the beauty and complexity of the Jameel collection; it also en ables viewers to closely examine individual pieces-including the Ardabil Carpet from 16th-century Iran, one of the largest and finest carpets in existence, and an exquisite rock crystal ewer from 11th-century Egypt. Many other examples of c eramics, textiles, metalwork, manuscripts, and architectural elements are featur ed. (51 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2680_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2680_l blPrice">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37637</td><td>Islamic Art: India and the Middle East</td><td >In this program, art critic Waldemar Januszczak travels through the heart of th e Middle East and beyond to study a wide range of Islamic architecture, decorati on, and art objects. Providing helpful historical background on the faith-with a n eye on the explosive spread of early Islamic culture-the program examines the pristine beauty of India's Taj Mahal as well as one of the world's oldest surviv ing mosques, and what may be its most spectacular: the Great Mosque in the Syria n capital of Damascus. Dispelling the myth that Islam forbids all pictorial imag es, Januszczak analyzes mosaics commissioned by Umayyad caliphs Al-Walid I and I I-including one uninhabited cityscape that seems to depict heavenly paradise. (6 0 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2681_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2681_l

blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5166</td><td>Islamic Conversations</td><td>The Islamic world stretches around the globe and covers more than a billion people. This series p rovides a unique insight into the views of influential Muslim thinkers on subjec ts as diverse as violence and holy war, democracy, the rights of women, multicul turalism, Christianity, and the Islamic state and religious authority. 6-part se ries, 30 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2682_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2682_l blPrice">$539.70<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35321</td><td>Islamic Mosques</td><td>The mosque's minaret: alongside the dome, there is no more familiar symbol of a Muslim place of worshi p. But not all mosques have minarets-or even domes. This video describes the evo lution of the mosque, or masjid, over time and across cultures by using the mosq ue at Cordoba, Spain; the Friday Mosque in Isfahan, Iran; and many others from a round the world as examples. Common elements like decoration with geometric desi gns and Arabic calligraphy, the place for ritual cleansing, the imam's podium, a nd the niche that signifies the direction of Mecca are presented, along with a c apsule history of Islam's birth and spread. (25 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>24 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2683_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2683_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11141</td><td>Islamic Resurgence and Holy War: The Former So viet Union and Indonesia</td><td>Over the last decade, Islam has swiftly grown i n popularity-so much so that today one in every five people on Earth is a follow er of Muhammad. But with this resurgence has come an increase in friction betwee n Muslims and non-Muslims. Segment one of this program focuses on four divinity school students from Tatarstan who dropped out to join the jihad in Chechnya, wh ile segment two tracks the efforts of President Abdurrahman Wahid to make peace between rioting Muslims and Christians on the Indonesian island of Ambon. (53 mi nutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2684_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2684_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5170</td><td>The Islamic State</td><td>Islamic movements thr oughout the Muslim world are demanding an Islamic state. What is an Islamic stat e? What is its relationship to the people, and how democratic can it be? In this program, Dr. Hassan Turabi, widely regarded as the architect of the Sudanese Is lamic state, describes the ideal Islamic state and its ideology; he also discuss es the issues of human rights, women's rights, and the position of minorities in the Sudan. (30 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>30</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2685_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2685_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10689</td><td>The Islamic Wave</td><td>Rising above the myth s and misinformation surrounding Islam, one fact is clear: the Muslim religion i s growing as never before. This program surveys the sociopolitical landscape of Islamic hotspots in the Middle East, Pakistan, Indonesia, Sudan, and elsewhere. Featuring commentary by General Pervez Musharraf, Qazi Hussain Ahmad, Dr. Hasan al-Turabi, and other key figures, the balanced documentary provides background o n the world's second-largest religion, examines Islam's increasing popularity, a nd considers the use of violence by Muslim extremists to attain their goals. (50 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2686_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2686_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33614</td><td>Israel</td><td>This jarring program chiefly us es the ideological battle between ultra-orthodox Jews and Zionists to examine th e division between religion and politics in Israel. Leaders of religious parties attack the thinking of Tommy Lapid, minister of justice and leader of Shinui, t he main party advocating secularism. In addition, candid firsthand accounts illu strate the identity crises faced by many Israeli Arabs. Also featured are perspe ctives of neutral Jews from Poland to Morocco, Ethiopia to Russia, who have emig rated to the progressive city of Ashdod to escape the otherwise dominant religio us and secular debate. (37 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2687_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2687_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29656</td><td>Israel at 50: An American Perspective</td><td> Israel has evolved from a land of agrarian pioneers to a modern industrial state . This program looks at what this complex country means to Jews, Catholics, Prot estants, and Muslims in America. Rabbi James Rudin, Director of Interreligious A ffairs of the American Jewish Committee, leads an interfaith dialogue with the R everend John Pawlikowski, O.S.M., Professor of Social Ethics, Catholic Theologic al Union; Mohhamad Yusuf Siddiq, Visiting Scholar, Harvard Law School; Dr. Marvi n R. Wilson, Professor of Biblical Studies, Gordon College; Rabbi Ruth Langer, A ssistant Professor of Jewish Studies, Boston College; and Gary A. Anderson, Prof essor of Old Testament, Harvard Divinity School. Produced by CBS NEWS. (28 minut es)</td><td>1998</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2688_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2688_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>2606</td><td>Israel: The First Forty Years</td><td>Showing P alestine under the British Protectorate and the arrival of Holocaust survivors i n 1946, this program properly begins with David Ben-Gurion's proclamation of the state of Israel, and proceeds through the tumultuous first 40 years of the olde st surviving nation and the newest democracy in the Middle East. Included in the program are the '67 and '73 wars, the invasion of Lebanon and the destruction o f the Iraqi nuclear plant, the trial of Adolf Eichmann, Yad Vashem, life on a ki bbutz, the liberation of the Wailing Wall, the Camp David agreement, the move of Israeli settlers into West Bank territories, the arrival of Falashas from Ethio pia and Anatoly Shcharansky from the Soviet Union, and much more. (49 minutes)</ td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2689_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2689_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30541</td><td>Issey Miyake Moves</td><td>Touring Issey Miyak e's design studio and factory as well as spotlighting his garments on the runway , this program presents a total look at one of the world's leading fashion desig ners. Half innovation, half invention, Issey's use of pleats and twists has open ed up a whole new world of possibilities in fabric by exploiting texture and wri nkles. The process of folding and twisting the fabrics by hand, then baking them , is captured on film. Miyake talks about his background, training, and some of his favorite projects, such as designing costumes for William Forsythe's Frankf urt Ballet and outfits for Lithuania's 1992 Olympic team. (53 minutes)</td><td>1 996</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2690_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2690_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6503</td><td>The Issues and Methods of Economics</td><td>Thi s program describes economics as the study of choices: the concept of opportunit y cost illustrates how society makes choices. Other key topics are the trade-off between efficiency and equity objectives; positive and normative statements; an d supply and demand. (28 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2691_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2691_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30486</td><td>Issues in Water Quality</td><td>The U.S. needs more than 340 billion gallons of fresh water every day, but industrial effluent , agricultural runoff, and municipal discharge are contributing to an ongoing de cline in water quality. In this program, Marty Tittelbaum, of the University of New Orleans; a water quality consultant; an environmental attorney; teachers; an d many others address public health concerns, the need for stricter process cont rols, and broader enforcement of the Clean Water Act, while emphasizing the impo rtance of information-sharing, educational outreach, and grassroots involvement in citizen action groups and environmental restoration projects. (40 minutes)</t

d><td>2000</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2692_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2692_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11896</td><td>Issues of Latino Identity: The Yearning to Be ...</td><td>Though Hispanic people journey to the United States from different h omelands, do they all share the same heritage and concerns? This program takes a detailed look at the fastest-growing minority in the U.S. and what it means to be Latino and American. The documentary contrasts the experience of being a Lati no in a flourishing ethnic neighborhood of a big city with living in a small tow n, where many Latinos feel isolated. Interviews with individuals stepping up to the roles of leadership in the Hispanic community cover a large spectrum of subj ects, including social services, churches, business, and the arts. (30 minutes)< /td><td>2001</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2693_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2693_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25711</td><td>It Takes Many Colors to Make a Rainbow</td><td >Androgena and her friends, the pinkies, the blueies, and the greenies are a col orful introduction to diverse cultures for young children. This zany group is gl ad to show kids that everyone is special-just the way they are. No matter what c olor, culture, socioeconomic background, or gender, children can learn to accept the similarities and differences among their peers. This important video challe nges some of the biases that are visible among young children and encourages the m to grow up with a positive attitude about others. A Meridian Production. (11 m in.)</td><td>1999</td><td>11</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2694_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2694_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10353</td><td>The Italian Renaissance</td><td>The Italian Re naissance, which embraces both the Early Renaissance and the High Renaissance, s tands as the central tradition in European art-and continues to be a powerful so urce of artistic influences.This program examines:&#8226; Masaccio's Profile Por trait of a Young Man (1425), from the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC&#8 226; Andrea Mantegna's Crucifixion of Christ (1456-59), from the Musee du Louvre , Paris&#8226; Leonardo da Vinci's Portrait of Ginevra de' Benci (1474-76), from the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC&#8226; Raphael's Portrait of Bindo Altoviti (1515), from the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC&#8226; Titian' s Bacchanal (1525), from the Museo del Prado, Madrid&#8226; Paolo Veronese's The Marriage at Cana (1562-63), from the Musee du Louvre, Paris(60 minutes)</td><td >1991</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2695_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2695_l

blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7403</td><td>Italy</td><td>This program paints a portrait of Italy as a modern nation historically divided into numerous cultural, regional, and political interests. Topics include the artistic influence of the Renaissan ce on fashion and other industries; political party divisions; the influence of the Papal State; relationships between the sexes; and the role of the Mafia. Ben ito Mussolini's granddaughter, Alessandra Mussolini, proposes the rekindling of Roman ideals and the spirit of nationalism as a means of unifying Italian societ y. A BBCW Production. Portions are in Italian with English subtitles. (30 minute s)</td><td>1992</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2696_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2696_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35169</td><td>Italy: Natural Hazards and Disasters</td><td>W hy do communities take hold in areas prone to flooding, volcanic eruptions, and other catastrophes? This program profiles Italian cities that have suffered from natural disasters and why habitation has continued in those places. Touring flo od-plagued Florence, its Arno River dam, and a Roman-style house near Pompeii, t he program presents examples of how, throughout history, environmental dangers h ave taken a backseat to everyday human needs, until they can no longer be ignore d. A viewable/printable instructor's guide-including geographical background inf ormation, extension activities, vocabulary handouts, and more-is available onlin e. Correlates to National Geography Standards. (25 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td >25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2697_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2697_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10765</td><td>ITN/Reuters Stock Footage Library</td><td>When European news giants ITN and Reuters pooled their massive archives, it resulted in an unparalleled collection of 96,000 hours of film and videotape. This exclu sive 8-part series brings together some of the best of that collection for the f irst time in the U.S., making portions of their remarkable stock footage availab le to schools throughout North America.This outstanding archive can be purchased in either of two formats. Journalism, communications, and film students will fi nd the version with on-screen time code to be a one-stop source for hard-to-get B-roll segments as they learn the art of editing and preparing news packages. An other version is also available without visible time code, making it the ideal c hoice for use in school newscasts and in multimedia projects and presentations.W ith something for everyone, the ITN/Reuters Stock Footage Library is a peerless addition to any high school or college's media library. All footage is copyright -free for instructional use.8-part series, 35-66 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td> <td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2698_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2698_l blPrice">$559.60<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10774</td><td>ITN/Reuters Stock Footage Library</td><td>When European news giants ITN and Reuters pooled their massive archives, it resulted in an unparalleled collection of 96,000 hours of film and videotape. This exclu sive 8-part series brings together some of the best of that collection for the f irst time in the U.S., making portions of their remarkable stock footage availab le to schools throughout North America.This outstanding archive can be purchased in either of two formats. Journalism, communications, and film students will fi nd the version with on-screen time code to be a one-stop source for hard-to-get B-roll segments as they learn the art of editing and preparing news packages. An other version is also available without visible time code, making it the ideal c hoice for use in school newscasts and in multimedia projects and presentations.W ith something for everyone, the ITN/Reuters Stock Footage Library is a peerless addition to any high school or college's media library. All footage is copyright -free for instructional use.8-part series, 36-63 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td> <td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2699_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2699_l blPrice">$559.60<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35273</td><td>It's a Mall World</td><td>An ideal discussionlauncher for sociology courses, this program examines cultural and psychological aspects of what is now an archetypal suburban experience: shopping at the mall. Visiting "cathedrals of consumerism" throughout North America-from the Southdal e, Minnesota, progenitor of the enclosed retail mall to the absurdly spectacular Grand Canal Shoppes and Desert Passage in Las Vegas-the video raises fundamenta l questions about consumer identity and diversity. Evoking "experience retail" a s a conceptual counterpoint to Internet-driven home shopping, the program also c atalyzes inquiry into the relationship between economics, architecture, and huma n interaction. (47 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2700_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2700_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11423</td><td>It's Not Okay: Speaking Out Against Youth Viol ence</td><td>In this provocative program, high school students offer a teen pers pective on violence and its day-to-day impact at school, at home, and in the com munity. Opposed to the violence of which they have been a part, these young men and women speak their minds on topics including the causes of violent behavior, the effects of dysfunctional families, bullying and mob mentality, and the fear of being killed going to and from school. School administrators, mental health p rofessionals, and other adults second the teens' pleas for greater parental supp ort, an end to media stereotypes, and overall social change. Some language may b e objectionable. (40 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2701_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2701_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>11901</td><td>It's the Law</td><td>The laws of the criminal justice system are primarily framed by the Constitution, which sets the standard s of due process. In this program, lawyers, prosecutors, and judges explain the differences between misdemeanors and felonies, the various degrees of crimes, an d the elements of a crime. Investigation procedures in the gathering of evidence and statements are discussed. Legal experts and police officers clearly illustr ate such concepts as 5th Amendment rights, Miranda warnings, the "stop and frisk " rule, search warrants, and the "knock and announce" rule. Probable cause and a rrest procedures are also demonstrated. A Cambridge Educational Production. (30 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2702_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2702_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30498</td><td>Ivan the Terrible</td><td>His name conjures im ages of senseless brutality, yet in Russia, Ivan the Terrible is considered by m any a national hero, even a man of God. Filmed entirely on location, this docume ntary presents a thorough biography of Russia's despot of contradictions. Also h ighlighted is how Stalin admired Ivan and saw in him a role model and useful sym bol of the state. The program offers readings of Ivan's diary and letters, inter views with leading scholars, and extensive footage from Sergei Eisenstein's clas sic film-personally commissioned by Stalin-about Russia's first Czar. The Oprich niki, the dreaded brotherhood sworn to protecting Ivan, are seen as a precursor to Stalin's secret police. A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>4 9</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2703_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2703_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37028</td><td>Jacinto Benavente-in Spanish</td><td>Jacinto B enavente-a member of the Generation of '98, the winner of the 1922 Nobel Prize f or Literature, and one of the most influential Spanish dramatists of the entire 20th century-penned more than 170 plays. This program tells the story of Benaven te's life and the turbulent times in which he lived as it sheds light on aspects of his writing. A critic of the bourgeois class, he nonetheless counted its mem bers among his most loyal supporters. Readings from some of his most important w orks are included. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production. (Spanish, 2 1 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2704_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2704_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37029</td><td>Jacinto Benavente-in Spanish with English Subt itles</td><td>Jacinto Benavente-a member of the Generation of '98, the winner of the 1922 Nobel Prize for Literature, and one of the most influential Spanish dr amatists of the entire 20th century-penned more than 170 plays. This program tel

ls the story of Benavente's life and the turbulent times in which he lived as it sheds light on aspects of his writing. A critic of the bourgeois class, he none theless counted its members among his most loyal supporters. Readings from some of his most important works are included. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production. (Spanish with English subtitles, 21 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>22 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2705_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2705_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30248</td><td>Jack Welch: Icon of Leadership</td><td>This pr ogram, guest-hosted by CNBC's Stuart Varney, profiles Jack Welch, dubbed Most Ad mired CEO of the Century by Forbes and lauded by Fortune as "perhaps the most ad mired CEO of his generation." General Electric's former chairman and CEO shares his commonsense philosophy and the leadership initiatives that transformed GE an d revolutionized the world of business. In addition, MBA students and faculty fr om the University of Michigan Business School ask questions about the difference between creating an edge and creating fear, whether the GE leadership model can be transferred to governmental agencies, and Welch's worst professional decisio n. (58 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2706_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2706_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9125</td><td>Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko: Icons of Abstr act Expressionism</td><td>The power of color. The power of freedom. The power of an aesthetic coming into its own in post-war America. Section one of this progr am explores the work of the rebel painter dubbed "Jack the Dripper" by Time maga zine and launched into the American imagination by Life. Archival photos and fil m clips of Pollock in action provide a compelling glimpse of an artistic vision that defined its own space between art and chaos. Section two traces the career of the dissident modernist born Marcus Rothkowitz, from obscurity to celebrity. Joseph Solman-89-year-old co-founder of "The Ten"-and art historian Dore Ashton shed light on the works of an artist for whom success was both a triumph and a d efeat. (23 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2707_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2707_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6440</td><td>Jacques Derrida</td><td>Jacques Derrida, the Fr ench philosopher credited with launching the Deconstructionist movement, argues his theories in this program. Derrida begins with a frank discussion on the ethi cal problems of Deconstruction, especially in relation to human rights. He argue s that Deconstruction is not a dissolution of the subject, it is first and forem ost a historical or genealogical analysis of that subject and an attempt to focu s on a universal translation of it. Derrida points out that Deconstruction is ma inly an affirmation-it goes further and changes the nature of the subject-and is neither "reconstruction" nor "destruction." (39 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>3

9</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2708_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2708_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10935</td><td>Jainism: Ascetics and Warriors</td><td>Abuttin g the border of Pakistan, the state of Rajasthan is the home of the Jains, a rel atively small but influential indigenous religious group founded by Vardhamana M ahavira, said to be the last Tirthankara. This program profiles Jainism, which e spouses salvation by conquering material existence through strict ascetic discip line. The imperative detachment from worldly existence necessary for liberation is explained, as is ahimsa, the doctrine of non-injury to any living thing. (51 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2709_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2709_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7676</td><td>James Baldwin</td><td>This program covers Baldw in's life, from his youth in Harlem to later years as an expatriate in Paris to his death in 1987. Interviews with the author, his contemporaries, and critics c reate an intriguing portrait of Baldwin the man, the writer, and avid civil righ ts activist. The program explores Baldwin's views on the African-American experi ence through his writings, which include the novels Go Tell It on the Mountain a nd Tell Me How Long the Train's Been Gone and the play The Amen Corner. A BBC Pr oduction. (54 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2710_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2710_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10034</td><td>James Joyce: Ulysses</td><td>Banned in 1920 ye t subsequently lionized for its compelling characterization, breadth of humor, a nd use of the stream-of-consciousness technique, James Joyce's Ulysses expanded the literary possibilities of the novel. This program presents an extraordinary dramatization of Joyce's well-known rendering of the Odysseus epic. The late wri ter and critic Anthony Burgess and Professor Clive Hart, of Essex University, el aborate on the story's construction, innovative use of language, and themes. (61 minutes)</td><td>1987</td><td>61</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2711_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2711_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7237</td><td>Jamming</td><td>Based on John Kao's best-sellin g book, Jamming: The Art and Discipline of Business Creativity, this program exp lores the reality that creativity can be cultivated within organizations through

innovative thinking. The point is clearly made that much of what passes for bus iness on a daily basis can be compared to "reading the sheet music"-sticking to the plan. Now, watch the creative process unfold in case studies featuring small entrepreneurial firms. What Kao proposes is flexible improvisation, which event ually leads to the kind of creative thinking that helps companies survive in tod ay's fiercely competitive business environment. (41 minutes)About John KaoJohn K ao is academic director of the Managing Innovation executive program at Stanford . He is a former professor at Harvard Business School, where he taught MBA and A dvanced Management courses and served as Program Chair for the Enhancing Corpor ate Creativity Program. Kao has founded several companies: Genzyme Tissue Repair , involved in advanced tissue engineering; Variagenics, a cancer diagnostics and therapeutics firm; and a film production company, Pacific Artists.</td><td>1996 </td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2712_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2712_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9307</td><td>Jane Hirshfield</td><td>The effect of Jane Hirs hfield's reading is almost transcendental, like the sound of distant echoes in a canyon. "I know that many of my poems don't evoke clapping," she says, "and I w ant to assure you that I take silence as a high compliment." In this program, Bi ll Moyers and Ms. Hirshfield discuss topics including her experience as a practi tioner of Zen and the relative merits of sound and silence in poetry. Readings b y Ms. Hirshfield feature "Three Foxes at the Edge of a Field at Twilight," "Slee p," "Inspiration," "Mule Heart," "For What Binds Us," "Each Happiness Ringed by Lions," and "Three Times My Life Has Opened." Filmed at the Biennial Geraldine R . Dodge Poetry Festival. (27 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2713_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2713_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32481</td><td>Jane Jacobs: Urban Wisdom</td><td>Through her groundbreaking books, Jane Jacobs has influenced the planning and understanding of cities and economies with what she calls a "web way of thinking." In this pro gram, Jacobs shares her insights into urban planning by tracing the progression of ideas in her books, including The Death and Life of Great American Cities; Th e Economy of Cities; Cities and the Wealth of Nations; Systems of Survival; and her most recent, The Nature of Economies. An extended interview with Jacobs is b lended with scenes from various North American cities and footage of her 1997 se minar, "Ideas That Matter." (45 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2714_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2714_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2160</td><td>Japan Past and Present</td><td>Here is an excep tionally well-presented series that shows the origins of modern Japan and Japane se attitudes in the nation's 2,000-year history. Strikingly beautiful photograph y and well-researched and thoughtful commentary combine to provide an understand

ing of such disparate concepts as the Japanese invocation of supernatural spirit s to bless business ventures, their disdain for and distrust of foreigners while they adapt foreign advancements, and Japanese concepts of nature, honor, loyalt y, beauty, solidarity, and violence. In short, the programs manage to articulate the essence of Japan and of being Japanese. 5-part series, 48-53 minutes each.< /td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2715_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2715_l blPrice">$449.75<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10542</td><td>Japan: The Taboo of Failure</td><td>In Japan, where even kindergarten has an entrance exam, education begins in the womb. In t his program, social psychologist Dr. Masao Miyamoto, author of Straitjacket Soci ety; Dr. Makoto Shichida, founder of Shichida Children's Academy; the president of Keio University; and others address the true price of making the grade in a s ociety in which only the most intelligent can thrive-or in some cases even survi ve. Set against the backdrop of an 11-year-old girl's nervous breakdown, topics include the fear of failing, the perceived value of conformity, school violence, and adolescent suicide. (45 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2716_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2716_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32836</td><td>Japanese Architectural Design: East Meets West </td><td>Beginning with the Meiji Restoration, the techniques of Western archite cture spread rapidly throughout Japan. Some architects fused the two traditions, while others subtly incorporated Western details into the modernized sukiya sty le. Filmed in Kyoto, this program focuses on the evolution of Japanese architect ure from the late 19th century up to the Second World War. Buildings toured incl ude the Shimadzu Foundation Memorial Hall; Murin-an; Botukuden Hall, by Shigemit su Matsumuro; the former JR Nijo Station; Gion-kaku Tower, by Ito Chuta; Chochik kyo, by Fujii Koji; Kyoto Kaikan Hall Annex; Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art; and Yasaka Kaikan Hall, by Tokusaburo Kimura. (46 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>46</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2717_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2717_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11726</td><td>Japanese Dance: Succession of a Kyomai Master< /td><td>With a gracefulness equal to its subject, this intriguing program goes b ehind the scenes to film for the first time the private world of kyomai, Kyoto-s tyle dance. The efforts of the 95-year-old reigning master, Inoue Yachiyo IV, to prepare her 43-year-old granddaughter to become her successor are deftly captur ed amidst footage of training sessions and performances; rare film clips of Yach iyo IV and her predecessor, Yachiyo III, on stage; background on the history of kyomai; and insights into the education of geisha, chief practitioners of this c enturies-old form of Japanese dance. (53 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>53</td><t d>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2718_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2718_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33927</td><td>Japanese Education in Crisis</td><td>This docu mentary explores sobering developments linked to Japan's emphasis on intense aca demic pressure and conformity: 2,000 teen suicides per year, a 60 percent increa se in crime since 1994, and the phenomenon of hikikomori children-those who have collapsed emotionally and withdrawn from society. Gritty footage shot in chaoti c classrooms and dysfunctional homes, combined with commentary from counselors, parents, and dispirited young people, depicts a nation unprepared for radical so cial change and, in spite of recent educational reforms, lacking a consensus on whether to crack down or loosen up. (Portions in Japanese with English subtitles , 20 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2719_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2719_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9248</td><td>Japan's Economy: Bursting the Bubble</td><td>In this program, noted correspondent Paul Solman inquires into how Japan's star ec onomy fizzled out-and why America deceived itself regarding Japan Inc. Seth Sulk in, President of Pacifica Corporation; Professor Yoshi Tsurumi; and investment b anker Eugene Dattle present crony capitalism, flawed financial institutions, a d earth of skilled public regulation, and Yakuza involvement as factors that led t o bursting Japan's economic bubble. But not all pundits repudiate their earlier opinions: Ezra Vogel, author of Japan as Number One, and MIT professor Paul Krug man defend their past assessments of Japan's economy. (12 minutes)</td><td>1999< /td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2720_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2720_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33924</td><td>Jason and the Argonauts</td><td>A contemporary interpretation of Jason's quest for the Golden Fleece, this beautifully crafted program scrutinizes what is colloquially referred to as the battle of the sexes . Production values convincingly re-create the world of the Bronze Age, but comm entary from modern scholars evokes themes easily recognizable in the 21st centur y: Who holds the real power in male/female relationships? Why are women so often objects of male fear as well as desire? How heroic is a classical male protagon ist if he constantly needs female assistance? Jason and the Argonauts explores t hese subjects with the vitality of the ancient story itself. A BBCW Production. (51 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2721_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2721_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>37032</td><td>Javier Egea and Luis Garcia Montero-in Spanish </td><td>After the death of Franco and during the transition to a parliamentary monarchy, Spain's cultural life blossomed once again. In this environment, the p oetry movement known as "the other sentimentality"-named after the first book of Javier Egea and Luis Garcia Montero-was born, a movement known for its transfor mation of the personal experience into a collective one so that any reader might identify with the feelings evoked. This program discusses that literary movemen t, chronicles the disenchantment about life and society that soon set in and con tributed to Egea's suicide, and celebrates the continued achievements of Luis Ga rcia Montero's life. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production. (Spanish, 31 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2722_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2722_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37033</td><td>Javier Egea and Luis Garcia Montero-in Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>After the death of Franco and during the transit ion to a parliamentary monarchy, Spain's cultural life blossomed once again. In this environment, the poetry movement known as "the other sentimentality"-named after the first book of Javier Egea and Luis Garcia Montero-was born, a movement known for its transformation of the personal experience into a collective one s o that any reader might identify with the feelings evoked. This program discusse s that literary movement, chronicles the disenchantment about life and society t hat soon set in and contributed to Egea's suicide, and celebrates the continued achievements of Luis Garcia Montero's life. A Films for the Humanities & Science s Production. (Spanish with English subtitles, 31 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td> 31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2723_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2723_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36374</td><td>Javier Perez de Cuellar: UN Secretary-General, 1982-1991</td><td>During his two terms as United Nations Secretary-General, Jav ier Perez de Cuellar encountered and made use of several opportunities for inter national conflict resolution. He helmed the organization through the aftermath o f the Falklands War and promoted the Contadora Group as a force for Central Amer ican peace and stability. Under Perez de Cuellar, the UN was also engaged in the negotiation process for Namibian independence and many issues affecting Africa and the Mediterranean region. In this program, the Peruvian statesman contemplat es his term as Secretary-General and its relationship to previous and subsequent global developments. (27 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2724_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2724_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7116</td><td>Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Retreat to Romanticism</

td><td>The life, personality, and thought of the 18th-century political philosop her and essayist are examined in this outstanding program. Emphasis is on Rousse au's critique of the inequities and shallowness of French society, and the new v alues system he developed which promoted individual rights and a return to natur e. Rousseau's masterwork, The Social Contract, defined this philosophy and serve d as a major influence on French Revolutionary thought. Other aspects of Roussea u's philosophical development include his early association with Diderot and the Encyclopedists, and later friendship with David Hume. (25 minutes)</td><td>1991 </td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2725_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2725_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30309</td><td>Jean-Paul Sartre: A Retrospective</td><td>Prod uced 20 years after Sartre's death in 1980, this program assesses the philosophi cal legacy of one of France's most renowned intellectuals. The documentary featu res extensive film footage of Sartre conducting lectures, as well as several int erviews. A host of friends, scholars, and philosophers, including Jean-Toussaint Desanti, J. B. Pontalis, Gerard Wormser, and Bernard-Henri Levy, discuss his wo rks and his pivotal role in the Existentialist movement. (55 minutes)French with English subtitles</td><td>2000</td><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2726_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2726_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10100</td><td>Jean-Paul Sartre: The Road to Freedom</td><td> Jean-Paul Sartre's abstract ideas, grounded in everyday life, crystallized the m ood of the times and became both a rallying point for youth and a touchstone for reaction to world events. This program uses archival footage; accounts by some of Sartre's close friends, including Olivier Todd, Jean Pouillon, and Michelle V ian; and interviews with Jonathan Ree, Baroness Mary Warnock, Patrick Vaudey, Be rnard Levy, and other experts to analyze Sartre's life and existential outlook f rom the vantage point of World War II and its aftermath. Dramatized excerpts of Nausea and No Exit underscore Sartre's themes of alienation and commitment and o ffer a glimpse of his vision of hell. (50 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>50</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2727_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2727_l blPrice">$109.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30593</td><td>Jean-Simeon Chardin: The Great Magician</td><t d>In pre-Revolutionary France, the still life was considered merely a minor genr e of painting. How then did the still life artist and portraitist Jean-Simeon Ch ardin, the ultimate outsider in an age of frivolity, rise to become a court favo rite of Louis XV? This program captures the essence of the artist dubbed the "Gr eat Magician" by Diderot for his uncannily realistic portrayal of domestic scene s. Using slow pans and close-ups, the program closely examines the painter's tec hnique as it profiles the man behind the brush-so very out of tune with his time

s, yet supremely successful in his art. Not available in French-speaking Canada. (27 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2728_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2728_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10976</td><td>Jen Miller: Firefighter</td><td>The first know n female firefighter was Molly Williams in New York City in 1818. Jen Miller is training to become a professional firefighter in the hope of following in her fo otsteps. One of six women in a class of forty-one, Jen enjoys the teamwork and s atisfaction that firefighting offers. (8 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>8</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2729_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2729_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8629</td><td>Jesus Gathers a Following</td><td>This program, based on detailed intelligence from the "Jesus file," focuses on Jesus' recruit ment of disciples from fishermen along the Sea of Galilee, his relationship with fellow agitators Simon and Andrew, the growth of his popularity, and his lack o f success preaching in Jerusalem-until he raises a man named Lazarus from the de ad. This dossier also features archaeological information on a 1,900-year-old fi shing boat, the recently discovered village of Bethsaida, and the city of Capern aum and its synagogue. (26 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2730_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2730_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11186</td><td>Jesus of Nazareth: Rebel or Messiah?</td><td>T he recorded history of the West is, in a sense, the history of Christianity. How did the religion get its start? This program, based on the New Testament, uses gripping reenactments-from Herod's infanticidal purge to the crucifixion and bur ial-to dramatize key moments in the life of Jesus of Nazareth. Footage of ritual s as well as landmarks both devotional and archaeological adds depth to the stud y of the man millions would later call the Son of God, while topics including Je sus' Jewish heritage, the discovery of the Codex Sinaiticus by Konstantin von Ti schendorf, and the question of the Shroud of Turin's authenticity provide points for deeper inquiry. (43 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>43</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2731_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2731_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7624</td><td>The Jeweled City: The Cathedral of Chartres</td ><td>The Cathedral of Chartres, built from 1150 to 1220 and widely recognized as

a masterpiece of Gothic architecture, is now a world heritage site. This progra m offers a narrated tour of the cathedral, along with a historical portrait of t he political and religious fervor of the medieval architects who saw it through to completion. A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2732_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2732_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35769</td><td>Jewish Law: At Home</td><td>While Judaic ortho doxy may sometimes appear rigid and conservative, the traditional Jewish home is a warm, dynamic place full of nurturing and hospitality. This program visits se veral such households that closely observe Jewish law, demonstrating the profoun d connection between the mitzvot and Jewish family life. Viewers are treated to engaging visual demonstrations of what makes a kitchen kosher-including the pres ence of two ovens, two sinks, and two refrigerators-and the hectic yet dutiful p reparations for Shabbat that many Jewish families undergo every week. Although i t avoids graphic details, the program begins by attending a ritual circumcision. (50 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2733_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2733_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35768</td><td>Jewish Law: At Work</td><td>A rabbi's duties e ncompass far more than Torah study and synagogue services. In this program, view ers accompany a group of rabbis as they inspect and reinforce adherence to koshe r laws. Businesses subject to inspection include a bakery, a fish processing fac ility, and a slaughterhouse-all of which undergo intense scrutiny regarding thei r equipment, supplies, food additives, and employee hygiene. The video explains the reasoning behind specific commandments about wine, eggs, milk, and other asp ects of cooking-while examining the challenges an Orthodox rabbi faces in an inc reasingly hi-tech and fast-paced work and travel environment. (50 minutes)</td>< td>2004</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2734_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2734_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35767</td><td>Jewish Law: Belief and Practice</td><td>Often going unnoticed by the secular world, the traditions and philosophy of Orthodox Judaism require rigorous attention to every aspect of daily life. This three-par t series follows a community of rabbis and their families over several days, pro viding an inside look at their work, household activities, and religious gatheri ngs. Viewers who have little or no knowledge of Jewish culture will encounter a new and fascinating perspective-one that explores many applications of Jewish la w and provides an understanding of the commitment, hard work, and personal rewar ds it involves. 3-part series, 50 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2735_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2735_l blPrice">$389.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35770</td><td>Jewish Law: In the Community</td><td>Is Orthod ox Judaism obsessed with rules and regulations? This program explores historical and spiritual concepts behind the Jewish mitzvot, demonstrating that strict fai th can reflect humility and compassion rather than blind obedience. Through inte rviews with rabbis and members of their families and congregations, the video pr ovides information about the prayer shawl, the tefillin, the sheitel, and why th ese are worn; why a boy receives his first haircut at age three; why male-female contact is prohibited among unmarried adults; and why good works are important. The lighter side of Jewish life emerges full force with the festival of Purim-w hen getting drunk is expected. (50 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2736_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2736_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35322</td><td>Jewish Synagogues</td><td>Although Solomon's T emple was destroyed more than 2,500 years ago, it has influenced the design of s ynagogues ever since. This video uses Jewish houses of worship from around the w orld and down through the ages to illustrate three basic floor plans and the fou r elements common to all synagogues: the bimah, the desk, the ark, and the Torah scrolls. Symbols like the Star of David, the menorah, and the eternal light are also discussed, as is decoration with Hebrew calligraphy. A concise history of Judaism, from its birth to the Diaspora and onward, is included. (25 minutes)</t d><td>2005</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2737_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2737_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35543</td><td>Jigsaws and Reciprocating Saws</td><td>A recip rocating saw is a workhorse that can cut through just about any material. A jigs aw is a precision instrument for cutting tight curves and complex shapes. This v ideo shows how to put this dynamic duo to work. A viewable/printable instructor' s guide is available online. Correlates to competency standards for core curricu lum and carpentry from the National Center for Construction Education & Research . A Shopware Production. (16 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2738_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2738_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37557</td><td>Jihad TV: Terrorism and Mass Media</td><td>In al Qaeda's global jihad against the West, videos of smiling suicide bombers and insurgent ambushes have become as important as the attacks they glorify. This pr ogram illustrates in chilling detail how Islamic extremists use the power of the

Internet and the network sound bite. From the markets of Baghdad, where brightl y packaged jihadist DVDs are snapped up by young consumers, to the broadcast stu dios of Al Arabiya, where editors debate the merits and consequences of airing g raphic violence, the program explores the inextricable links between media techn ology and terrorist agendas. One scene features training footage from the Global Islamic Media Front explaining how to use Windows Movie Maker to craft an effec tive video. Viewer discretion is advised. (Portions in Arabic with English subti tles, 47 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2739_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2739_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3287</td><td>J.M.W. Turner: The Sun Is God</td><td>This supe rb dramatization of the life and artistic development of the great painter shows a wide array of his works in the context of the time and place at which they we re created. Using the writings of John Russell to provide commentary and artisti c analysis, the program provides a delicate portrait of the painter whose experi ments with light influenced a whole generation of Impressionists, who spent his life trying to capture in paint the power and brilliance of the sun, whose dying words were, "The sun is God." (63 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>63</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2740_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2740_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30260</td><td>Joan of Arc: The Maid of Orleans</td><td>From within her own brief life to the present day, Joan of Arc's mystique has been ap propriated by many groups and causes. This program, filmed in Orleans and Joan's native village of Domremy, allows her to speak for herself through voice-over r eadings of her letters and her responses before the Inquisition, as well as test imony from the minutes of her rehabilitation trial. Leading scholars discuss Joa n's timeless appeal, the growth and uses of her myth, and issues of gender trans gression. Images of Joan over the centuries in books, posters, paintings, and fi lm, including illuminations from the manuscript of Les Vigiles du Roi Charles VI I, complement the narration. (49 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2741_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2741_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33254</td><td>Joaquin Rodrigo's Century-in Spanish with Engl ish Subtitles</td><td>Refined, luminous, and fundamentally optimistic, the music of Joaquin Rodrigo is a tribute to the rich and varied cultures of Spain. Filme d on location throughout Europe, this captivating program profiles the influenti al Spanish composer whose life spanned the 20th century and whose works set the standard for guitar technique in modern Spanish music. Performance clips from hi s Concierto de Aranjuez, Fantasia para un Gentilhombre, Concierto Andaluz, and o ther compositions let the music speak, while interviews with many who knew him-f amily members, fellow composers, musicians, biographers-provide a verbal counter point. (Spanish with English subtitles, 55 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>56</td>

<td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2742_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2742_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8705</td><td>The Job Interview</td><td>What mistakes do ex-o ffenders commonly make during a job interview? This program is designed to help prepare job candidates to make the most of their meetings with prospective emplo yers. Features of this thorough job-hunting tool include dressing for success, u sing body language to convey positive messages, clearly articulating pertinent s kills and abilities, coping with difficult questions, and negotiating salary and benefits. A Cambridge Educational Production. (15 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td >15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2743_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2743_l blPrice">$98.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>14617</td><td>Job Survival Kit</td><td>A lot of people think the best way to keep a job is to just do what you are told. That is part of it, but not all of it, by far. Today's employers are looking for people who can tru ly contribute to the company-someone who can handle responsibility, be flexible, and adapt! This enlightening program explores common-sense rules to follow and exactly what employers are looking for in the next person they hire, such as: a can-do attitude; being punctual; adapting to any situation; respecting customers , supervisors, and co-workers; and many other unique characteristics and qualiti es that make a valuable employee. The Job Survival Kit creatively shows viewers how to strive to be as good at their job as they can, while making useful recomm endations of how to keep a job diary, approach the annual review, and handle a d isagreement in the office. This is a smart resource that should be viewed by any one looking for a job or anyone who has just landed a job. A Cambridge Education al Production. (30 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2744_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2744_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33253</td><td>Joe Chaikin and American Experimental Theater< /td><td>The story of Joe Chaikin's professional life is also the story of experi mental theater in America. In this intimate program, footage of Chaikin in actio n as well as interviews with playwrights Edward Albee, Sam Shepard, Jean-Claude van Itallie, and John Belluso; writer Susan Sontag; and many others reveal Chaik en's devotion to the stage-a love that even severe aphasia, the result of a stro ke, could not diminish. A variety of clips spanning Chaikin's acting/directing c areer-from his early days, with the Open Theatre and the Living Theatre, to late r, post-stroke work, most notably with actors with disabilities-are featured. (4 3 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>43</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2745_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2745_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29998</td><td>Johann Sebastian Bach</td><td>His playing too advanced for small-town churches, his cantatas far more complex than those of hi s contemporaries (and thus under-appreciated), Bach initially found his genius t hwarted. This program surveys the amazing achievements of the man of whom Beetho ven said: "Not brook but ocean should be his name." Interviews with cellist Pabl o Casals and organist Pierre Cambourian complement an array of selections from B ach's music, such as Pascal Roge playing Prelude No. 16 of The Well-Tempered Cla vier; Gustav Leonhardt playing Fugue No. 12 from The Art of Fugue; and Karl Rich ter conducting the St. Matthew Passion, Brandenburg Concerto No. 1, and Passacag lia and Fugue in C Minor. (27 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2746_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2746_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32792</td><td>John Donne</td><td>Synonymous with metaphysica l poetry, John Donne combined wit with passion, startling diction with curious c ontrasts. This program chronicles his extraordinary life as lawyer, lover, sailo r, father, preacher, and poet. Manuscripts and paintings are combined with readi ngs from many of Donne's most famous writings, including "The Flea," "Elegy XX," "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning," "The Calm," "Progress of the Soul," "Holy Sonnet XVII," "Meditation XVII," and "Hymn to God, My God, in My Sickness." (20 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2747_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2747_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33445</td><td>John Locke</td><td>This program chronicles the life and work of John Locke, the 17th-century English philosopher and political theorist considered by many to be the first notable thinker of the Enlightenmen t. Without a doubt, Locke's legacy is vast: his articulation of empiricism laid the intellectual groundwork for an explosion of scientific activity that continu es to this day, and his political philosophy is widely seen as the genesis of mo dern liberalism-an inspiration behind the American and French Revolutions and th e philosophical foundation for the development of democracy in the West. Truly, John Locke is one of the principal architects of the modern world. Excerpts from Locke's An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Two Treatises of Government, a nd Letter Concerning Toleration are included. (21 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td> 21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2748_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2748_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5362</td><td>John Locke</td><td>This program gives us Locke

the man and the thinker. It states, explicates, and clarifies Locke's principal views by placing him in conversational settings as he returns from exile in Holl and and in flashbacks with the Earl of Shaftesbury and others. Thus, what emerge s is the character of Locke as well as his philosophical positions, which are ex plained against the political background of his time-when he himself was exiled, and friends, no more revolutionary but perhaps less discreet, were drawn and qu artered. (52 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2749_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2749_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35151</td><td>John Marshall: Citizen, Statesman, Jurist</td> <td>The size and shape of American government is due in no small part to Chief J ustice John Marshall. This biography focuses on his contribution to the status o f the Supreme Court, his implementation of judicial review, and his advocacy of strong central authority for the protection of the new nation and its ideals. Ou tlining Marshall's youth on the Virginia frontier, the program describes his ser vice in Washington's army, his early law career, and his eventual appointment to Chief Justice. Discussions of major Marshall decisions, including Marbury v. Ma dison, Worcester v. Georgia, and Boyce v. Anderson, clearly demonstrate his prog ressive leanings. (57 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2750_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2750_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1715</td><td>John Millington Synge: Playboy of the Western W orld</td><td>"The definitive Playboy" is how the Irish Times described this prod uction. Mistaken for a celebration of drunkenness and violence at its Abbey Thea tre premiere in 1907, the play's allegory and black humor came gradually to be u nderstood and Playboy recognized as a classic of 20th-century theatre. It is her e presented in what the London Times called "a landmark production." (2 hours 2 0 minutes)</td><td>1985</td><td>140</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2751_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2751_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35473</td><td>John Osborne and the Gift of Friendship: A Fil m Directed by Tony Palmer</td><td>With his 1956 play Look Back in Anger, British dramatist John Osborne renewed the emotional and rhetorical intensity of Englis h theater. Unfortunately, misunderstanding and controversy surrounded most of hi s career. This program reconstructs Osborne's life and artistic journey using ra rely seen archival films and firsthand accounts from the author's inner circle. A veritable who's who of the London stage appears here-including Laurence Olivie r, Albert Finney, Nicol Williamson, Richard Burton, and director Tony Richardson -in personal interviews and in lengthy excerpts from Look Back, Luther, Inadmiss ible Evidence, and other Osborne plays. The result is a dynamic portrait of Engl ish drama as it developed in the latter half of the 20th century. (2 parts, 56 m inutes and 73 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>130</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2752_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2752_l blPrice">$189.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5416</td><td>John Osborne: Look Back in Anger</td><td>Kennet h Branagh and Emma Thompson star in this production of one of the great classics of post-war British drama. The play's protagonist is Jimmy Porter, who, as a ch ild, watched his father die poor and alone and has grown up to be an angry young man who despises the establishment and vents his bitterness and frustration on his wife and her upper-class background. The playwright himself hailed Kenneth B ranagh as "the best Jimmy Porter ever." Emma Thompson plays the wife who must be made to feel pain equal to Jimmy's so that their marriage can survive. (114 min utes)</td><td>1989</td><td>114</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2753_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2753_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9326</td><td>John Steinbeck and the American Experience</td> <td>This program is a comprehensive portrait of John Steinbeck and the America h e depicted, providing students with an appreciation of one of the 20th century's definitive literary voices. Incorporating historic events ranging in magnitude from the devastating Dust Bowl to poignant local histories, Steinbeck portrayed a nation ravaged by poverty and injustice, in which his characters, often drawn from real life, grapple with conditions and events beyond their control. (45 min utes)</td><td>1990</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2754_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2754_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9137</td><td>John Updike: "A&P"</td><td>When Queenie and her friends, dressed only in bathing suits, enter Lengel's A&P to buy kipper snacks , the life of Sammy the cashier is changed forever. This program presents a dram atization of John Updike's frequently anthologized story of irony and innocence. Updike himself comments on the story in an interview with Donald M. Murray, col umnist for The Boston Globe and Pulitzer Prize-winning writer. (31 minutes)</td> <td>&nbsp;</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2755_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2755_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35535</td><td>Jointers</td><td>Jointers and biscuit jointers are becoming a common sight in woodshops. This video takes a look at both of th ese important tools. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online . Correlates to competency standards for core curriculum and carpentry from the

National Center for Construction Education & Research. A Shopware Production. (1 7 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2756_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2756_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10922</td><td>Jonathan Swift: The Troubled Dean</td><td>This program is a definitive treatment of the life of Jonathan Swift, the foremost p rose satirist in the English language. Passages from Swift's correspondence and astute commentary by Swift biographers Joseph McMinn and Robert Mahony and other experts provide keen insights into Swift's phenomenal successes and embittering humiliations-plus his enduring works, such as Gulliver's Travels-while firmly a nchoring his writings in the socio-historic context of his times. His lifelong c rusade against hypocrisy and injustice and his pivotal relationships with his tw o ladyloves, "Stella" and "Vanessa," are thoroughly analyzed. (39 minutes)</td>< td>1999</td><td>39</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2757_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2757_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37110</td><td>Jorge Edwards-in Spanish</td><td>Drawing upon his own past as well as the history of Latin America, Chilean novelist and journ alist Jorge Edwards shares unique perspectives forged at the crossroads of liter ature and social commentary. Edwards describes his secretive and book-filled chi ldhood, his overbearing father, his admiration for the Spanish writer Miguel de Unamuno, and his equal reverence for Pablo Neruda-while rejecting the latter's f ondness for Stalinist thought and dismissing Marxism for its "bad analysis of th e future." The author also sheds light on the literary turmoil surrounding Perso na Non Grata, his memoir about the Castro regime. (Spanish, 27 minutes)</td><td> 2007</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2758_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2758_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37111</td><td>Jorge Edwards-in Spanish with English Subtitle s</td><td>Drawing upon his own past as well as the history of Latin America, Chi lean novelist and journalist Jorge Edwards shares unique perspectives forged at the crossroads of literature and social commentary. Edwards describes his secret ive and book-filled childhood, his overbearing father, his admiration for the Sp anish writer Miguel de Unamuno, and his equal reverence for Pablo Neruda-while r ejecting the latter's fondness for Stalinist thought and dismissing Marxism for its "bad analysis of the future." The author also sheds light on the literary tu rmoil surrounding Persona Non Grata, his memoir about the Castro regime. (Spanis h with English subtitles, 27 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2759_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2759_l

blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29133</td><td>Jose Marti and Cuba Libre</td><td>If a single individual may be said to have embodied the development of the Cuban secessionis t movement, that person was surely Jose Marti. Set within the context of the tur bulent relations between Cuba, Spain, and the U.S.A., this program spotlights Ma rti-a striking orator, sagacious propagandist, and inspiring leader-and the move ment that he founded, Cuba Libre. Although killed during a skirmish at Dos Rios in 1895, Marti lived on as the emblem of the undying desire of the Cuban exile p opulation to free Cuba from foreign control. (55 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>5 4</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2760_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2760_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10710</td><td>Jose Marti: Cuba's Herald</td><td>A Cuban patr iot who expressed his views in his poetry and essays, Jose Marti lived many year s in exile from Cuba, in Spain and Venezuela. This program traces 19th-century L atin American history through the life of one of its best-known commentators. Ar chival material, readings from his works and journals, and commentary by scholar s and historians provide an overview of Marti and the era that he so greatly inf luenced by his actions and his writings. (Spanish, 26 minutes)</td><td>1999</td> <td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2761_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2761_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29172</td><td>Jose Marti: Cuba's Herald</td><td>A Cuban patr iot who expressed his views in his poetry and essays, Jose Marti lived many year s in exile from Cuba, in Spain and Venezuela. This program traces 19th-century L atin American history through the life of one of its best-known commentators. Ar chival material, readings from his works and journals, and commentary by scholar s and historians provide an overview of Marti and the era that he so greatly inf luenced by his actions and his writings. (Spanish with English subtitles, 28 min utes)</td><td>1999</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2762_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2762_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9120</td><td>Jose Marti: Cuba's Patriot-Poet</td><td>"When I die, without a country or a master, I want a bouquet of flowers and a flag plac ed on my grave." A tireless proponent of freedom from Spanish rule, Jose Marti i s known as "The Apostle of Cuban Independence." Combining documentary material w ith dramatizations, this program celebrates the selfless life of the freedom fig hter, which was marked by imprisonment, exile, and, ironically, death in his fir st appearance on the battlefield. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 63 minutes)</td>

<td>1998</td><td>64</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2763_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2763_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37238</td><td>Jose Ortega y Gasset: Philosophy and Politicsin Spanish</td><td>Believing that a philosopher's chief aim should be to challen ge prejudices and useless traditions, Jose Ortega y Gasset promulgated a worldvi ew based on "reason with life as its foundation." This program depicts the life and accomplishments of the famous Spanish intellectual, from his early studies i n turn-of-the-century Malaga to his spectacular funeral in Madrid in 1955. Featu ring interviews with Ortega scholars and some of his contemporaries-including ce lebrated writer Francisco Ayala as well as Ortega pupil Julian Marias-the film c overs Ortega's years in Germany and Argentina, his admiration for Victoria Ocamp o, and his ambivalence towards the Franco regime. (Spanish, 58 minutes)</td><td> 2006</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2764_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2764_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37303</td><td>Jose Ortega y Gasset: Philosophy and Politicsin Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>Believing that a philosopher's chief a im should be to challenge prejudices and useless traditions, Jose Ortega y Gasse t promulgated a worldview based on "reason with life as its foundation." This pr ogram depicts the life and accomplishments of the famous Spanish intellectual, f rom his early studies in turn-of-the-century Malaga to his spectacular funeral i n Madrid in 1955. Featuring interviews with Ortega scholars and some of his cont emporaries-including celebrated writer Francisco Ayala as well as Ortega pupil J ulian Marias-the film covers Ortega's years in Germany and Argentina, his admira tion for Victoria Ocampo, and his ambivalence towards the Franco regime. (Spanis h with English subtitles, 58 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2765_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2765_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32979</td><td>Jose Ortega y Gasset-in Spanish</td><td>This p rogram presents the biography of Spanish philosopher Jose Ortega y Gasset. A wea lth of photos and archival footage help illustrate the extraordinary times in wh ich Ortega lived, while Professor Jose Luis Molinuevo, director of the Centro de Estudios Orteguianos, discusses his important contributions to the realms of so cial and political philosophy. Particular attention is given to Ortega's Espana Invertebrada and La Rebelion de las Masas. (Spanish, 53 minutes)</td><td>2004</t d><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2766_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2766_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32983</td><td>Jose Ortega y Gasset-in Spanish with English S ubtitles</td><td>This program presents the biography of Spanish philosopher Jose Ortega y Gasset. A wealth of photos and archival footage help illustrate the ex traordinary times in which Ortega lived, while Professor Jose Luis Molinuevo, di rector of the Centro de Estudios Orteguianos, discusses his important contributi ons to the realms of social and political philosophy. Particular attention is gi ven to Ortega's Espana Invertebrada and La Rebelion de las Masas. (Spanish with English subtitles, 53 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2767_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2767_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5231</td><td>Jose Zorrilla: Don Juan Tenorio</td><td>The fir st appearance of the Don Juan legend in literary form was in Tirso's El Burlador de Sevilla. Moliere's Dom Juan, da Ponte's libretto for Mozart's Don Giovanni, and the "Don Juan in Hell" scene in George Bernard Shaw's Man and Superman are t he other most famous versions, with the notable addition of Zorrilla's play. It was the most successful play of the nineteenth century in Spain. The reason is m ade obvious by this stylish, lavish, and captivating production. An RTVE Product ion. (Spanish, 2 hours 17 minutes)</td><td>1988</td><td>137</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2768_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2768_l blPrice">$169.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8589</td><td>Joseph Conrad: Heart of Darkness</td><td>Joseph Conrad's compelling novella, marked by an ominous tone and a sense of unspeakab le menace, is a literary introduction to the savage 20th century. In this progra m, noted Conrad scholars Bruce Harkness, Frederick Karl, Jerome Meckier, and Dwi ght Purdy examine the author's life within the context of his times: the pervasi ve influence of his Polish background, the impact of the sense of isolation he e xperienced as a merchant marine, and the nightmarish conditions in King Leopold' s Belgian Congo. Historic photos and maps help set the tale in the context of ti me and place. In addition, experts analyze Marlow, Kurtz, the Accountant, the Ma nager, and Kurtz's fiancee; discuss the importance of literary techniques such a s juxtapositioning; interpret the meaning of Kurtz's last words and Marlow's lie to the fiancee regarding them; and consider the story's bleak implication that it is only the knowledge of one's own perversity that separates humankind from t he darkness. (30 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2769_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2769_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34447</td><td>Journey of Life: Evolution in Action</td><td>I n their drive to populate the planet, organisms have overcome challenges to thei r survival that are as varied as they are numerous. This captivating five-part s

eries uses cinematic-quality re-creations of prehistoric Earth, extraordinary 3D computer animations of life processes and extinct creatures, and breathtaking documentary-style nature footage to provide a fresh look at the primordial progr ession of evolution. Informative, accessible, visually captivating, and vastly i ntriguing, Journey of Life takes viewers on a trip through time that leads them through the drift of eons and themselves. Original BBCW broadcast titl e: Journey of Life. 5-part series, 50 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2770_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2770_l blPrice">$749.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8228</td><td>A Journey Through the Cell</td><td>This two-vol ume set combines live-action video, colorful computer graphics and animations, a nd interviews with scientists to introduce students to ideas central to understa nding cells and their profound role in the living world. Viewable/printable inst ructor's guides are available online. Correlates to the National Science Educati on Standards developed by the National Academies of Science and Project 2061 Ben chmarks for Science Literacy from the American Association for the Advancement o f Science. A Cambridge Educational Production. 2-part series, 20 minutes each.</ td><td>1997</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2771_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2771_l blPrice">$139.90<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8505</td><td>Journey to the Ocean Floor</td><td>Marine scien tists have mapped the ocean floor and discovered that the "spine" of the earth r uns down the Atlantic Ocean, then up through the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It i s here that the earth's crust was forged, and it is also where living things fir st existed. Using satellite images and the latest marine technology, this progra m contains stunning footage of the ocean floor, the underwater volcanic range th at is still active, and the myriad creatures that live there. Original BBC broad cast title: The Deep. (50 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2772_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2772_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36125</td><td>Journeys into Islam</td><td>Filmed entirely on location, this four-part series shows how Islam has spread and flourished throu ghout Asia and Africa since the time of Muhammad. An excellent opportunity to ba lance out any Islamic studies collection currently weighted more toward the birt h of Islam and the Ummayad and Abbasid caliphates. 4-part series, 47-52 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2773_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2773_l blPrice">$519.80<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36129</td><td>Journeys into Islamic Africa</td><td>Geographi cally, Muslim countries cover approximately 50 percent of Africa. This program t ravels around the continent to inquire into Islamic history and the Muslim way o f life, making stops in Ethiopia, Tanzania, Zanzibar, South Africa, Senegal, Alg eria, Sudan, and many other destinations. The experiences of two particular grou ps-those sent by Muhammad himself to Ethiopia, during the Muslim-Quraish War, an d slaves and prisoners of the Dutch who were forcibly relocated to South Africaare given special attention. (52 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2774_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2774_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36127</td><td>Journeys into Islamic China</td><td>In additio n to trade goods, religious beliefs also followed the ancient Silk Road into Chi na. Today, a vibrant minority of more than 20 million Chinese Muslims of various ethnic groups live harmoniously among an overall population of more than a bill ion. This program traces the history of Islam in China while illustrating the Mu slim way of life there, including prayer, religious education, and cultural acti vities. (52 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2775_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2775_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36126</td><td>Journeys into Islamic India</td><td>Muslims ar rived in India the same year they entered Spain-and by the end of the 13th centu ry ruled nearly all of the country. This program travels across India by way of Iran, Pakistan, and Maldives to examine the rich Islamic heritage of the region. The program also observes the Muslim way of life on the subcontinent as it exis ts today. Sites of note include the Taj Mahal, the Golkonda Fort ruins, and the Charminar monument. (50 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2776_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2776_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36128</td><td>Journeys into Islamic Southeast Asia</td><td>T his program follows in the footsteps of the traders who introduced Islam into So utheast Asia. From the Thai, Cambodian, and Vietnamese mainland to the islands o f Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines, the program acquaints viewers with I slamic culture, representative architecture, historical monuments, and the Musli m way of life in the region. (47 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2777_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2777_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3029</td><td>Joyce, Yeats, and Wilde</td><td>Seamus Heaney, one of the finest poets writing in the English language, and the late Richard El lmann, biographer of Joyce and Wilde, and critic of Yeats, in literary dialogue about these three brilliant Dublin writers. The literary dialogue between Heaney and Ellmann uses documentary material pertaining to Joyce, Yeats, and Wilde, an d was filmed at such literary landmarks as the Hill of Howth, Sandymount Green, Trinity College, and the Joyce Tower at Sandycove. (39 minutes)</td><td>1982</td ><td>39</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2778_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2778_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33665</td><td>Joyful Complicity: Billy Wilder and Marilyn Mo nroe</td><td>As an investigative journalist in Austria-Hungary, Billy Wilder esp oused ideals that would be the themes in his later films: a play of ambiguity; c hanges of identity; and a fascination for America. This compassionate program ex plains how Wilder used these themes to craft Marilyn Monroe's performances in Th e Seven Year Itch and Some Like It Hot. Their joyful complicity is best illustra ted in Wilder's Fedora, sequel to his masterpiece Sunset Boulevard and made 16 y ears after Monroe's untimely death; the film is his dedication to the actress wh ose talent and charm he argued would never be duplicated in Hollywood. (30 minut es, color and b&w)</td><td>2002</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2779_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2779_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37107</td><td>Juan Goytisolo-in Spanish with English Subtitl es</td><td>Probing the relationship between political and artistic identity, Spa nish-born author Juan Goytisolo investigates rarely explored concepts at the hea rt of Spanish and Latin American culture. This program presents an overview of G oytisolo's outlook on past and present social dilemmas and their connection with his self-exile from his home country. The author of The Young Assassins, Marks of Identity, and Juan the Landless sheds light on artistic and political oppress ion under Franco and his prescience about the way Spanish fascism would eventual ly crumble. He also discusses his experiences in France and New York, as well as his views on Latin American anti-colonial movements. (Spanish with English subt itles, 24 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2780_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2780_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2607</td><td>Juan Peron</td><td>This program provides and ov erview of the rise and fall and rise again of Juan Peron. Events covered include Peron's first presidency, during which his second wife, Evita (Maria Eva Duarte ), died; the coup that drove Peron out of Argentina; Peron's return to Argentina

and his second presidency; Peron's death and the succession of his third wife, Isabel Martinez de Peron (Maria Estela Martinez Cartas); the overthrow of Isabel Martinez de Peron; the "dirty war" to stifle dissent against the new government , which led to tens of thousands being tortured, killed, or simply "disappeared" ; the defeat of Argentina in the Falklands War; the election of Raul Alfonsin; a nd the persistence of the Peronista movement. (13 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><t d>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2781_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2781_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37239</td><td>Juan Ramon Jimenez: A Movement Toward Purity-i n Spanish</td><td>Awarded the 1956 Nobel Prize in Literature, Juan Ramon Jimenez was a master of impressionistic language and imagery. This program explores the Spanish poet's life and career with the help of scholarly interviews, archival photographs, and excerpts from Jimenez' writings. Conveying his youthful interes t in Romanticism and Symbolism, his subsequent emphasis on color and tonality, a nd his lifelong engagement with the spiritual dimensions of death and nothingnes s, the program describes the poet's bouts with depression, his ties to other Spa nish writers such as Ruben Dario and Francisco Villaespesa, and the travels unde rtaken by Jimenez and his wife, Zenobia Camprubi. (Spanish, 58 minutes)</td><td> 2006</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2782_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2782_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37304</td><td>Juan Ramon Jimenez: A Movement Toward Purity-i n Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>Awarded the 1956 Nobel Prize in Literat ure, Juan Ramon Jimenez was a master of impressionistic language and imagery. Th is program explores the Spanish poet's life and career with the help of scholarl y interviews, archival photographs, and excerpts from Jimenez' writings. Conveyi ng his youthful interest in Romanticism and Symbolism, his subsequent emphasis o n color and tonality, and his lifelong engagement with the spiritual dimensions of death and nothingness, the program describes the poet's bouts with depression , his ties to other Spanish writers such as Ruben Dario and Francisco Villaespes a, and the travels undertaken by Jimenez and his wife, Zenobia Camprubi. (Spanis h with English subtitles, 58 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2783_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2783_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10015</td><td>Juan Ramon Jimenez: Platero y Yo</td><td>Plate ro y Yo, the ever-popular poem series written by Nobel Laureate Juan Ramon Jimen ez, chronicles the life of an amiable donkey and serves as a vehicle to comment on life in Moguer, Jimenez' native village. This imaginatively scripted program features a simulated TV interview with the writer whose style bridged the gap be tween Dario and the Generation of 1927. Based on authentic interviews and Jimene z' own writings, the program dispels misconceptions related to the different poi

nts of view between the author and the reader and offers valuable insights into the symbolism of the story's characters. Vivid descriptions of Jimenez' childhoo d in Andalusia are provided as well. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 57 minutes)</ td><td>2000</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2784_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2784_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10611</td><td>Juan Rulfo</td><td>Unlike the reputations of m any of his more prolific contemporaries, Juan Rulfo's is based on only two works : Pedro Paramo, one of the few Latin American novels of that time to successfull y lay bare the inner lives of country people, and El llano en llamas, a collecti on of short stories. In this program, the late author-a leading exponent of magi c realism-analyzes both of those works. He describes his tragic childhood as wel l, including the Cristero revolt, his family's financial ruin, the death of his father and mother, and his life in an orphanage in Guadalajara. (Spanish, 47 min utes, b&w)</td><td>1998</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2785_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2785_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33644</td><td>Judaism</td><td>This program explores how, ove r time, the Jews of the Diaspora have expressed their beliefs through architectu re and art in a variety of countries. Architectural sites include Tempio Israeli tico, in Rome, a sumptuous example of Italian Jewish architecture; the tiny Cord oba Synagogue; Budapest's Great Synagogue on Dohany Street, a mixture of Byzanti ne and Moorish design elements; and, in New York City, the largest synagogue in the world: Temple Emanu-el. (26 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2786_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2786_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33708</td><td>Judaism: Kristallnacht and the Birth of Israel </td><td>Following "The Night of Broken Glass," the world reacted with horror... and did nothing. So began the Holocaust. Who could have foreseen, at that low eb b of Judaism, that just ten years later a Jewish state, Israel, would finally be born? It was a victory for Jews everywhere. But it also signaled the further ma rginalization of the Palestinian population. This emotionally charged, highly re alistic program cinematically dramatizes the events surrounding two days that di d much to define the fortunes of Jewry in the 20th century, indelibly capturing both the courage and the fear that etched the annals of the times. Original BBCW broadcast title: Kristallnacht and the Birth of Israel. (51 minutes)</td><td>20 03</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2787_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2787_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25737</td><td>Judging Clothing Workmanship</td><td>This prog ram describes what to look for to discriminate between well-made and poorly made clothing, and is an effective way to encourage wise shopping decisions. Areas c overed include seams, finishing, buttons, zippers, hems, and other things that l eave tell-tale signs of poor construction and quality. Viewers will be able to a void problems that come from purchasing inferior clothing. (10 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1995</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2788_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2788_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36097</td><td>Judgment</td><td>If there is life after death, will it be one of bliss or torment? This program focuses on the moment of judgm ent in the belief systems of ancient Egypt, Judaism, Buddhism, Taoism and Confuc ianism, and Christianity. Featured works of art include the Egyptian Book of the Dead; a Buddhist painted scroll; a mosaic from the Byzantine Church of San Apol linare Nuovo, in Ravenna; a mosaic in Venice's first cathedral, the Church of Sa nta Maria Assunta; Giotto's fresco Last Judgment; the doom painting over the cha ncel arch of the Church of St. Thomas, in Salisbury; Michelangelo's The Last Jud gment, in the Sistine Chapel; The Last Judgement by John Martin; and Mark Wallin ger's Threshold to the Kingdom, a slow-motion video installation filmed at Londo n City Airport. (23 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2789_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2789_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36096</td><td>Judgment Day: Images of Heaven and Hell</td><t d>Over the course of this three-part series, art historian Tim Marlow uses the i ntersection of art and religion to explore the concepts of divine judgment, heav en, and hell in Western and non-Western religious traditions. An excellent resou rce for Western art history courses and world art surveys as well as for courses in comparative religion and sociology. 3-part series, 23 minutes each.</td><td> 2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2790_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2790_l blPrice">$389.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8277</td><td>The Judicial Branch of Government</td><td>This program focuses on the Judicial Branch and its role in government. The Supreme C ourt's decisions concerning school desegregation, school prayers, abortion, pris on overcrowding, the death penalty, and the rights of criminal defendants are ex plored. Students see how the Court's decisions affect their daily lives, how it resolves disputes without bloodshed, how it interprets our laws and explains wha t they mean, and how it prevents the other branches from abusing their power. A Cambridge Educational Production. (35 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>35</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2791_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2791_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29077</td><td>Juggling Work and Family</td><td>In an era whe re dual-career couples and single parents have become the norm, mothers and fath ers are getting caught in a work-family conflict that pits the "ideal worker" ag ainst the "ideal parent." In this timely documentary, Pulitzer Prize-winning jou rnalist Hedrick Smith examines the impact and implications of a massive shift in our workforce that has buried the traditional father-breadwinner/mother-housewi fe family model. Incisive case studies, innovative corporate and union initiativ es, and analyses by experts addressing the tension between work and family provi de insights into people's struggle to reconcile workplace expectations with fami ly needs. Experts say the time has come for America to realign its priorities an d create ways to protect the family-but how can it be done without sacrificing A merica's competitive advantages? (2 hours)</td><td>2001</td><td>118</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2792_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2792_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7714</td><td>Julia Kristeva</td><td>In this program, French feminist theorist Kristeva explains her theory of difference and its importance to literature, institutions of higher education, and politics. Beginning with th e idea of the "outsider" in contemporary politics, she explores the role of the "foreigner" in western culture and its earliest representation as a woman in the works of Aeschylus. She explores the role of psychoanalysis and the linguistic theories of Chomsky, Bakhtin, Levi-Strauss, Rabelais, and Dostoyevsky in relatio n to her own ground-breaking work, Revolution in Poetic Language, in order to an alyze contemporary politics and culture. English with French responses and subti tles. (40 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2793_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2793_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11058</td><td>Julian of Norwich</td><td>A 14th-century Engli sh mystic who enclosed herself for life in order to fully develop her relationsh ip with God after a series of revelations, Julian of Norwich and her writings ar e still studied by Christian theologians. Her prose, some of the most terrifying and compelling, is the first to refer to God as "She," forging the way for incl usive language that is used in many Bibles today. This program offers a concise overview of Julian's life, times, and writings, along with commentary by Anne Sa vage of McMaster University, who discusses influential contemporary books such a s Holy Maidenhood and A Guide for Anchoresses along with the reception of Julian 's writings by the medieval Church. (24 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>24</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2794_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2794_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10978</td><td>Julie Lewis: Contractor</td><td>Julie Lewis, a self-employed home renovations contractor, talks about a typical day on the job and how she came to work in this field. For Julie, the benefits outweigh the di fficulties. As she states: "I've learned that I can really do whatever I want." (7 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>7</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2795_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2795_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30463</td><td>Juliette: Coping with Physical Illness</td><td >Juliette is a young mother who found out while pregnant that she has chronic cy stic fibrosis. Due to severe complications after giving birth prematurely to her daughter, Juliette must have a heart and lung transplant. In this program, Tavi stock specialists Barbara Dale and Jenny Altschuler work with Juliette, her part ner John, and 4-year-old daughter Aimee, to help them all cope with the medical and emotional ordeal of Juliette's upcoming operation. Original BBC broadcast ti tle: Juliette. (40 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2796_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2796_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10706</td><td>Julio Cortazar: Argentina's Iconoclast</td><td >Novelist and short-story writer Julio Cortazar was a master of experimental lit erature. In this program, Cortazar's preoccupation with 20th-century life and hi s rejection of its values is placed in historical context and examined as a them e in his works. In particular his masterpiece, Rayuela, is examined. Archival ma terial and interviews with contemporaries bring to life the times that shaped Co rtazar's oeuvre and ensured its enduring legacy. (Spanish, 26 minutes)</td><td>1 999</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2797_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2797_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29168</td><td>Julio Cortazar: Argentina's Iconoclast</td><td >Novelist and short-story writer Julio Cortazar was a master of experimental lit erature. In this program, Cortazar's preoccupation with 20th-century life and hi s rejection of its values is placed in historical context and examined as a them e in his works. In particular his masterpiece, Rayuela, is examined. Archival ma terial and interviews with contemporaries bring to life the times that shaped Co rtazar's oeuvre and ensured its enduring legacy. (Spanish with English subtitles , 28 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2798_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2798_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7708</td><td>Julius Caesar: A Critical Guide</td><td>This wo rk-the only Shakespeare tragedy considered to have its roots in the classics-is a study in contradiction. Though it is about the character of Brutus, it has Cae sar as its dominant figure. This and other complexities and themes of the drama are investigated through the performance of key scenes by noted Shakespearean ex perts from the Shakespeare Centre and the Shakespeare Institute, Stratford-upon Avon. Themes and topics include politics and the corruption of power; the play a s drama, history, and art; the persona of Brutus as noble but self-deluded; Cass ius as an opportunistic prime mover; the rhetorical skills of Brutus and Antony as pivotal to the action; and Shakespeare's use of dramatic effect in key scenes , such as the appearance of Caesar's ghost. (33 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>33 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2799_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2799_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9034</td><td>The Jungle Pharmacy: Nature's Remedy</td><td>Do the world's rainforests contain a cure for cancer and AIDS? This intriguing pro gram travels to Jakarta, Surabaya, and the jungles of Kalimantan to investigate the preparation and use of natural remedies to combat illnesses such as skin fun gus, malaria, and even AIDS. But logging continues unabated, even as ethnobiolog ists from the National Cancer Institute and the Harvard Medical School scramble to quantify the curative properties of indigenous plants. Will the jungle pharma cy disappear before it can be understood? A Deutsche Welle production. (27 minut es, color)</td><td>1995</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2800_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2800_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34591</td><td>Junk Food Wars</td><td>Healthy eating is a cha llenge-sometimes, it's even a battle. With vending machines, convenience stores, and fast food restaurants almost everywhere, nutritional value can go down in d efeat. This high-energy video shows how to defend against the dangers of junk fo od. Straightforward discussions and dramatizations arm students with a wealth of information on the updated 2005 food pyramid, the different kinds of fats and s ugars, how to read ingredients labels, and how to control what foods are availab le. Commentary from nutrition and food policy experts provides backup, with insi ghts into junk food packaging and advertising tactics. Stop losing battles! Join the Junk Food Wars. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online . Correlates to National Health Education Standards. A Cambridge Educational Pro duction. (30 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2801_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2801_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34743</td><td>Just How Big Is Space?</td><td>This video reve als the immensity of space by showing how its vast distances are measured and by examining the strange effects of Einstein's Theory of Relativity on space trave l. Topics include the units of measure in astronomy; how scientists estimate dis tances through parallax calculations, the inverse square law of light brightness , and the Cepheid variable, Doppler shift, and supernova methods; and time dilat ion, space dilation, and the distorting effect of gravity on the space-time cont inuum-all things to take into account as we study the universe. A viewable/print able instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to National Science Educ ation Standards, National Educational Technology Standards, and standards of the Association for the Advancement of Science. A Cambridge Educational Production. Recommended for grades 7-12. (27 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2802_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2802_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8802</td><td>Just Like Me: Talking about AIDS</td><td>"It co uld never happen to me." This program dispels the myths still surrounding HIV tr ansmission through interviews with six ethnically diverse young men and women wh o contracted HIV while teenagers. They speak out about their relationships prior to infection, how they believed they wouldn't contract this virus, and the phys ical, psychological, and social effects of being HIV-positive. They also discuss the difference between birth control and disease protection, plus the crucial i mportance of always using condoms or abstaining from sexual intercourse. HIV is a life-or-death reality that needs greater clarification now-and this program ca n help. (21 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2803_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2803_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32327</td><td>Justicia y Razon de Estado-in Spanish</td><td> Viewed through the lens of time, Philip II was not the cruel tyrant portrayed by so many. In fact, his reign was generally just, but his bureaucratic absolutism , with its disregard for local conditions and privileges, inevitably caused disc ontent and even revolt. This program discusses the court of Philip II, an indust rious king who loved justice yet was little disposed to clemency or forgetfulnes s of wrongs. Luis Marti Mingarro, dean of the Ilustre Colegio de Abogados, is fe atured. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 61 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>61</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2804_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2804_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35351</td><td>Juvenile Correction Facilities</td><td>No one yearns to experience the inside of a prison-but to understand the American crimi

nal justice system and those who enter it at an early age, spending a couple of nights behind bars yields powerful results. This ABC News program is the product of unprecedented access to Arizona's juvenile correction facilities, documentin g six months in the lives of inmates between 12 and 17 years old. Although the s ettings can be violent, the young interviewees display remarkable honesty, resil ience, and hope for the future, reminding viewers that even in "juvie," opportun ities for learning and self-discovery are still available. (39 minutes)</td><td> 2005</td><td>39</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2805_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2805_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34426</td><td>Juvenile Justice</td><td>How does America's ju venile justice system work? In what ways has it failed? And what would it take t o improve it so that it routinely operates in the best interests of offenders, t heir victims, and society as a whole? These are not simple questions, as this Fr ed Friendly Seminar points out-and they become all the more complex when moderat or Charles Ogletree, of Harvard Law School, casts 13 experts as figures in a hyp othetical scenario involving two families, four teens, and a sequence of violent crimes culminating in a murder. By incrementally raising the stakes, Ogletree m oderates a passionate discussion that addresses different conceptions of justice , the balance between rehabilitation of a minor and the safety of the public, th e need to strengthen the home environment, availability of social services, and matters of race and socioeconomic status. Panelists include Cregor Datig, chief deputy district attorney for Riverside County, California; Patricia Lee, deputy public defender for San Francisco County; Lisa Hill, of the Alameda County Proba tion Department; Indiana Superior Court Judge James W. Payne; Congressman Dan Lu ndgren (R-CA), former attorney general of California; Taalia Hasan, of the West Contra Costa County Youth Services Bureau; Walter Allen III, director of the Cal ifornia Youth Authority; Lateefah Simon, of The Center for Young Women's Develop ment, in San Francisco; Luis Aroche, outreach director of Boys & Girls Clubs of San Francisco; Laurence Steinberg, from the Department of Psychology at Temple U niversity; Amy Holmes Hehn, senior deputy district attorney for Multnomah County , Oregon; Eddie Ayala, of the Oakland Police Department; and Robert Long, news d irector for KNBC-TV, Los Angeles. Produced in association with The Institute for Child and Family Policy at Columbia University. (58 minutes)</td><td>2004</td>< td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2806_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2806_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11098</td><td>Juvenile Justice: In the Child's Best Interest </td><td>When victimized children turn victimizers themselves, juvenile court is likely to be their next destination. Using case studies of families in turmoil, this gripping program sheds light on the juvenile justice system. Courtroom foo tage reveals the intense proceedings in which judges must shape the futures of c hildren and parents alike, while therapists, child welfare caseworkers, foster p arents, and staff members from assistance organizations discuss their efforts on behalf of the children. (60 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2807_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2807_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8347</td><td>Juvenile Sex Offenders: Voices Unheard</td><td> An average pedophile will molest 363 children in his or her lifetime. This progr am goes to a lock-down and into the community to develop a profile of juvenile s ex offenders and to study the pioneering work of organizations attempting to rei ntegrate offenders into society. Interviews with experts reveal the causes behin d the actions of young sex offenders, including sex abuse in their own young liv es. At the Family Service Society in Marion, Indiana, offenders, some voluntaril y and others under court order, engage in unique therapy sessions. There interve ntion, designed to prevent them from carrying their activities into their adult lives, helps them understand and correct their habitual behavior. (58 minutes)</ td><td>1997</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2808_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2808_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30332</td><td>Kaffee und Kuchen: Having a Chat</td><td>This program, filmed at the Cafe Tambosi and Rischart's Backhaus, the Englischer Gart en, a christening, a beer garden, and the unique Corpus Christi boat procession in Seeburg, shows how to order and pay for food and beverages and how to express familial relationships and marital status. Commentary provides insights into Ka ffee und Kuchen culture and other social events in Germany. Original BBC broadca st title: Talk German, Program 2. (German and English, 16 minutes)</td><td>2002< /td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2809_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2809_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7286</td><td>Kant</td><td>World-renowned author and professo r Bryan Magee and contemporary philosopher Geoffrey Warnock discuss the philosop hy of anti-empiricist Immanuel Kant, and his view that activities and powers wit hin the mind are the key to knowledge, and that all knowledge is appearance. Kno wledge, for Kant, is a complex affair, in which knowing is acquired not just thr ough the senses, but through pure concepts of understanding indigenous to the mi nd. Countering Hume, Kant insists it is the mind, not the senses, which unifies and organizes sensory flow into meaningful definitions of things. A BBC Producti on. (45 minutes)</td><td>1987</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2810_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2810_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35426</td><td>Karl Marx</td><td>In the fullness of time, his failings have become obvious. Yet, even after the collapse of global Communism, Karl Marx stands undiminished as one of history's most influential thinkers. Th

is program chronicles Marx's life and intellectual development, including the pu blication and impact of his major writings. Beginning with his birth and religio usly confused childhood in Prussia, the video traces Marx's student years and hi s early affinity for Hegel, outlines his radicalization in Paris and Brussels, a nd describes his friendship and partnership with Friedrich Engels. Incorporating insightful commentary by Dr. Merold Westphal of Fordham University and spoken-w ord excerpts from Das Kapital, The Communist Manifesto, the Economic and Philoso phical Manuscripts, the Theses on Feuerbach, and other works by Marx and his col laborators, this concise philosophical biography helps viewers understand the hu man dimension of the Marxist ethos. It shows that despite his theoretical shortc omings and overreaching idealism, Karl Marx formulated a worldview based on comp assion for working people and anger at the dehumanizing aspects of 19th-century capitalism. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production. (22 minutes)</td>< td>2006</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2811_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2811_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3928</td><td>Karl Marx and Marxism</td><td>The impact of Mar x on the 20th century was all-pervasive and worldwide, costing tens of millions of lives where Communism was imposed, resulting in brutal wars to contain or exp and it, and vastly improving the lives of workers where fear of Communism result ed in social reform. This program looks at the man, at the roots of his philosop hy, at the causes and explanations of his philosophical development, and at its most direct outcome: the failed Soviet Union. (52 minutes)</td><td>1983</td><td> 52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2812_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2812_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8438</td><td>Kashmir: Valley of Despair</td><td>The valley o f Kashmir is occupied by both India and Pakistan and acts as a buffer zone betwe en these two nuclear powers. The Kashmiri people want an independent, autonomous state, which India refuses to grant. India fears that if Kashmir gains sovereig nty, other ethnic minorities may also demand independence. The Kashmiri rebels, backed by Pakistan, and Indian government forces are waging a war of attrition t hat nobody appears to be winning and which could result in nuclear conflict. Thi s program provides a history and a thorough analysis of the political, religious , and ethnic causes of the Kashmir conflict. (44 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>4 4</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2813_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2813_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>2799</td><td>Kate Chopin: Five Stories of an Hour</td><td>Th is program consists of five versions of the same short story, "The Story of an H our" by Kate Chopin, who scandalized American readers in the late 19th century b y questioning the social and marital mores of her time. The story examines the b

ehavior and feelings of a woman on the day she is informed of her husband's deat h. The program includes a reading of the story by Zoe Wanamaker, plus dramatizat ions by playwrights Kathleen Potter, David Stafford, and Michelene Wandor. (26 m inutes)</td><td>1988</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2814_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2814_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>817</td><td>Kate Chopin: "The Joy That Kills"</td><td>This i s the widely heralded adaptation of the short story by Kate Chopin, the late-19t h-century writer whose work is only now receiving the major recognition it deser ves. The setting is Kate Chopin's own world-the world of the upper-class Creole society that dominated New Orleans in the 1870s, a world with a strict code of b ehavior, one of whose strongest tenets required a wife to subordinate her will a nd her very being to her husband. Produced and directed by Tina Rathborne. (56 m inutes)</td><td>1988</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2815_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2815_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>10975</td><td>Kathy Doughty: Emergency Technician</td><td>In 1999, a large metropolitan city's Emergency Task Force responded to 441 high-ri sk calls. Kathy Doughty, the only female member of her team, explains the types of calls the ETF handles as well as the equipment and training used by the teams . (7 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>7</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2816_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2816_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35790</td><td>Kawabata Yasunari: The Master of Funerals</td> <td>Winner of the 1968 Nobel Prize for Literature, Kawabata Yasunari wrote novel s that expressed the transitory nature of love and beauty. This program traces K awabata's life and career, focusing on his importance in Japan's Neosensualist m ovement and the development of his finely tuned, elegiac sensibility. Personal a nd historical events that shaped the author's creative journey-including the los s of his family in childhood, Japan's militarism and defeat in World War II, and Kawabata's friendship with Mishima Yukio-provide a framework for discussions of The Izu Dancer, Snow Country, The Sound of the Mountain, Kyoto, and other novel s. Kawabata's untimely death and the role of suicide in Japanese culture are als o explored. (50 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2817_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2817_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>30624</td><td>Keepers of the Faith: Chasidim in the New Worl d and Beyond</td><td>Filmed in diverse Chasidic centers, including Montreal, New York, Vancouver, and Bangkok, this program presents a compelling depiction of m odern Chasidism that removes layers of cultural stereotyping by focusing on thre e families and offering both male and female perspectives. These familial portra its are combined with archival footage of the "original rebels of Judaism" that shows the journey out of the 18th-century shtetls to the modern day. The Chasidi c way of life, including rituals, kosher guidelines, education, dating, and marr iage, is closely examined. (53 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2818_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2818_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11399</td><td>Keeping Fit</td><td>Sedentary jobs and pastime s. Foods high in sugar, fat, and cholesterol. A superabundance of labor-saving t echnologies. Is it any wonder that a recent study by the Mayo Clinic shows that more than sixty percent of all adult Americans are statistically overweight? Thi s program describes the basic components of physical fitness and the numerous he alth benefits that derive from regular physical activity while explaining why ex ercise is helpful in reducing overall health risks. (29 minutes)</td><td>1998</t d><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2819_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2819_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30837</td><td>Keeping It Together: Cell Membranes</td><td>Wi th all the activities inside and outside the cell, how does the cell membrane ho ld it all together? This program closely examines the structure and function of cell membranes, including compartmentalization, intercellular interaction, regul ation of the movement of materials, and as a location for biochemical activities . Using a combination of narration, film footage, and engaging graphics, the pro gram covers the various ways in which materials can cross the cell membrane, suc h as diffusion, active and passive transport, osmosis, and endo- and exocytosis. The effects of osmosis-plasmolysis and turgor in plants-are also presented. (33 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2820_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2820_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30891</td><td>Keeping Our Waters Clean: Watershed Management and TMDLs</td><td>Despite great strides made in reducing point source pollution , America still has 300,000 miles of rivers and streams and 5 million acres of l akes that remain contaminated. This documentary examines how coastal and inland communities across the country are turning their attention to controlling non-po int source pollution through watershed management and TMDL-total maximum daily l oad-programs. Water quality assessment, development of a pollution abatement pla n, plan implementation, and follow-up monitoring are presented. Community educat ion is cited as the key to successful long-term remediation. (44 minutes)</td><t

d>2001</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2821_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2821_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34499</td><td>Keeping Track of Self-Knowledge and Exploratio n</td><td>This video expands the Personal Career Profile by helping students rec ognize their preferred values and interests, as well as their current and potent ial skills. (28 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2822_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2822_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8888</td><td>Keeping Up Appearances: The Culture of Conformi ty</td><td>Whether following stated procedures or complying with implicit rules of conduct, modern humans willingly modify their behavior dozens of times each d ay. In this program, the conformity necessary for mass interactions and the flex ibility required to learn and use the behaviors of conformity are investigated. In addition to conventions such as air travel protocol and museum manners, insta nces of the subversion and even outright abuse of conformity are examined. (25 m inutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2823_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2823_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4556</td><td>Keiretsu and the Friday Lunch</td><td>Minoru Ma kihara, President, Mitsubishi Corp.Each Friday, executives, employees, sharehold ers, and strategic partners meet over lunch to map the long-term strategy for Mi tsubishi. For Japan, competitiveness is the product of consensus. Minoru Makihar a, whose selection as president of Mitsubishi in 1992 caused a stir in Tokyo bec ause he had spent much of his career outside Japan (including earning an undergr aduate degree at Harvard), has a unique vantage point from which to view the dif ferences between Japanese and American management-and what the two can learn fro m one another. (36 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>36</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2824_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2824_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6922</td><td>Kennedy and King: Promises and Dreams</td><td>T his program contains speeches by two of the 20th century's greatest orators: Joh n F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. Included are Kennedy's inaugural addres s, the American University speech calling for an end to nuclear proliferation, a nd the politically-charged "Ich Bin ein Berliner" address delivered at the Berli n Wall. King's moving "I Have a Dream" speech to civil rights marchers in Washin

gton and parts of his prophetic "When a Man Has Already Died" speech are also fe atured. (45 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2825_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2825_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>2746</td><td>Kenneth Branagh's Twelfth Night</td><td>Kenneth Branagh takes on Shakespeare's Twelfth Night with the Renaissance Theatre Compa ny. The exemplary cast includes Richard Briers as Malvolio, Frances Barber as Vi ola, Caroline Langrishe as Olivia, Christopher Ravenscroft as Orsino, and James Saxon as Sir Toby Belch. The original music for this production is by Paul McCar tney and Pat Doyle. (2 hours 40 minutes)</td><td>1988</td><td>157</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2826_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2826_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35171</td><td>Kenya: National Identity and Unity</td><td>Fro m the Great Rift Valley to the shores of the Indian Ocean, Kenya contains extrao rdinary diversity in culture, landscape, and wildlife. This program surveys the history of the country, its difficult transition out of colonial rule, and its w ide variety of ethnic groups and languages. Visits to a Nairobi high school, a M asai village, and two wildlife conservation areas underscore the challenges mode rn Kenya faces in economic progress and environmental protection. A viewable/pri ntable instructor's guide-including geographical background information, extensi on activities, vocabulary handouts, and more-is available online. Correlates to National Geography Standards. (25 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2827_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2827_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35946</td><td>Key Functions of Business: A Case Study</td><t d>Which part of a company has the most impact on product design? On employee tra ining? On forming relationships with customers? This business case study address es those questions by examining the needs, strategies, and goals of a major corp oration's departments. Going behind the scenes at Holden, a thriving General Mot ors subsidiary, the program features interviews with managers and directors in F inance, Human Resources, Manufacturing, and Sales and Marketing. From the challe nges of efficient assembly to the demands of accurate budget forecasting, a dyna mic portrait of the company emerges, emphasizing dependence on teamwork as well as on expertise. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. (2 9 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2828_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2828_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>34476</td><td>Keys to Success in Business</td><td>Starting a business is like learning a musical instrument-certain steps and practices are required, or you just make noise. This video shows aspiring entrepreneurs ten pr inciples for creating a solid, profitable company. Developing a realistic plan, seeking guidance from experienced mentors, building rapport with suppliers, and maintaining client relationships are a few of the subjects covered. With in-dept h interviews featuring young owner/managers of recent computer gaming and graphi cs start-ups, Keys to Success in Business provides specific advice on recognizin g, enhancing, and fine-tuning company strengths, and on increasing harmony among partners. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. (30 minu tes)</td><td>2004</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2829_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2829_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33534</td><td>Khomeini's Children: Imprisoned Youth?</td><td >The generation of students who overthrew the Shah's regime in Iran some 25 year s ago championed the synthesis of Islam with leftist ideologies. But today's gen eration has no direct recollection of that regime, and they regard it as one wit h greater personal liberties than they now enjoy. This program examines the pres ent condition of those who grew up during Ayotollah Khomeini's Islamic Revolutio n, with particular emphasis on how these young people yearn for secular freedoms -drinking, dancing, dating-considered to be against the Islamic way of life. An insightful look at the real lives of Iran's generation X. (54 minutes)</td><td>2 004</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2830_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2830_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25744</td><td>Kick the Tires...Finding and Financing a Used Car</td><td>"Too many miles...too much money...too many rust spots...and...can I really live with neon orange?" Finding, much less affording a reliable used car can be a giant exercise in frustration. There's so much to think about! Breathe a sigh of relief. This video provides clear-cut, specific information for the e xperienced as well as inexperienced car shopper. Don't know where to look? This video offers a number of options, some you may not have thought of, giving the p ros and cons of each. It covers what to check when you find that special pre-own ed vehicle that has potential-should you really kick the tires? And finally, thi s video discusses the financial part of the deal as well as the "legal stuff" to take care of when buying a car. A must for drivers of all ages to avoid future headaches. (21 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2831_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2831_l blPrice">$95.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36349</td><td>Kidney Cancer: The Silent Destroyer</td><td>An estimated 12,000 Americans die from kidney cancer every year, succumbing to a d

istressingly stealthy disease. This program studies kidney-related cancers and t he risk factors, physical impact, and treatments associated with renal cell carc inoma-the most common form of nephritic cancer. Touching on the disease's tenden cy to afflict elderly men, the video describes surgical approaches to fighting i t and also describes the advent of new drugs, such as oral medications, that hav e manageable side effects. Dr. Robert Motzer of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Can cer Center and Dr. Daniel Petrylak of Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center provi de expert commentary. (28 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2832_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2832_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34915</td><td>Kids and Computers</td><td>The high-tech revol ution is led by children, many of whom possess skills that baffle their parents. From chat rooms to Web pages to kid-created Internet companies, this video expl ores computer-assisted learning and the value of the "virtual classroom." (22 mi nutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2833_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2833_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34918</td><td>Kids and Divorce</td><td>Unfortunately, the co ncerns of divorcing parents often overshadow the needs of their children. This v ideo shows how that discrepancy is being reexamined by parents and experts. (22 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2834_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2834_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34932</td><td>Kids and Food</td><td>A shocking number of Ame rican children suffer from obesity and eating disorders. This video offers paren ts practical tips on managing a child's weight and eating habits. (22 minutes)</ td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2835_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2835_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34937</td><td>Kids and Language</td><td>Neuro-imaging has gr eatly improved our understanding of speech development. This video shows how the early detection and treatment of speech problems could potentially help a gener ation of children. (22 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2836_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2836_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34933</td><td>Kids and Sleep</td><td>Scientists are using cu tting-edge brain imagery to increase their understanding of how children sleep. This video explores new discoveries in sleep dynamics, discusses the treatment o f sleep disorders, and explains the safe and proper way to put a baby to bed. (2 2 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2837_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2837_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34911</td><td>Kids and the Media</td><td>How are children af fected by television? Do they tend to mimic televised violence? This video studi es the connection between kids and the media in today's society, and the need to make TV a positive force in child development. (22 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><t d>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2838_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2838_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10168</td><td>Kids Behind Bars</td><td>Too young to drive, b ut old enough to kill. What happens to children convicted of felonies? How and w here are they incarcerated? Can they be helped? And does their punishment really fit their crimes? In this program, judges, legal counsel, law enforcement offic ers, academic experts from Emory and Rutgers Universities, the Director of the I nstitute for Minority Health Research, and others examine the trend in the U.S. toward trying children as adults and discuss efforts being made to understand th eir violent behavior. (29 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2839_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2839_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8190</td><td>Kids Having Kids: Teenage Pregnancy</td><td>Thi s hard-hitting documentary uses interviews with several girls, their boyfriends, parents, counselors, teachers, and other professionals to examine one of the mo st critical issues facing young Americans today. Exploring the reasons why so ma ny teenagers get pregnant, the video looks at the facts on adolescent sexual beh avior and attitudes toward birth control. Although the emphasis is focused on th e mother-to-be, the program also studies the parental obligations of the male an d stresses the need for open communication and realistic decision-making. A Camb ridge Educational Production. (40 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2840_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2840_l

blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34919</td><td>Kids in the Spotlight</td><td>Auditions, photo shoots, talent agencies... should they be a part of childhood? This video provi des an inside look at the show business game-studying its effects on the familie s of aspiring child stars. (22 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2841_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2841_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8191</td><td>Kids Raising Kids: Teenage Parenthood</td><td>Y oung mothers need to be aware of the benefits and problems associated with the o ptions of marriage or single parenting. This program stresses the importance of developing a positive and responsible attitude in order to make the best of the situation. The video provides information on finding a doctor, prenatal care, an d the benefits of a practical diet, exercise, and childbirth classes, as well as advice on adjusting to the baby, assuming responsibility, continuing education, finding help, and managing finances. A Cambridge Educational Production. (42 mi nutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>42</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2842_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2842_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9382</td><td>Kids' Sports</td><td>As parents aggressively ma nage sports teams and push children to struggle for status and glory, the old-ti me values of fun and fair play have been severely undermined. What is fueling th is overriding emphasis on competition and excellence at all costs? This program scrutinizes the current state of organized youth sports, focusing on the lessons that kids are really being taught. Experts include Professor Sandra Hoffereth, coauthor of a landmark study of how children spend their time; sports psychologi st Dr. Michael Simon; Rick Wolff, Sports Illustrated correspondent; and the Nati onal Director of the American Sports Education Program. (30 minutes)</td><td>199 9</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2843_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2843_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34917</td><td>Kids under Pressure</td><td>More American chil dren are showing symptoms of severe stress-from poor academic performance to psy chosomatic illnesses. This video illustrates methods that help reduce anxiety in children while building their love of learning. (22 minutes)</td><td>2000</td>< td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2844_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2844_l

blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25747</td><td>Kids.calm: Childhood Stress</td><td>Is childho od really the carefree and happy-go-lucky picture that some adults paint? Not al ways! In this program, we see that children do have stress in their lives, but n ot the wisdom or experience to know how to handle it. Eye-catching graphics and stories from the kids themselves will keep your classes watching to see fun and creative ways to handle stress in productive ways. And...a tag at the end of the program will provide useful skills for all adults who work with children. A pos itive, proactive way to help kids have childhoods filled with warm, positive mem ories instead of stomach aches, nail-biting, and too many tears. A Meridian Prod uction. (20 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2845_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2845_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32725</td><td>Kill or Cure: A History of Medical Treatment</ td><td>For much of the course of medicine, it was often the case that a treatmen t could either kill or cure. This five-part series presents a history of medical science from ancient times to the present, dramatically contrasting today's mos t advanced techniques with the methods of the past. Archival footage, photos, an d excerpts from manuscripts and other primary sources are blended with interview s with patients and commentary from leading physicians, experts, and medical his torians. 5-part series, 51 minutes each.</td><td>2001</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2846_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2846_l blPrice">$749.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37609</td><td>Kill Them All: Christian Crusaders Against Chr istian Heresy</td><td>After hundreds of years of ideological discord, one form o f early Christianity, Roman Catholicism, defined itself as the only true version and began to eliminate all other versions. Using history as an analytical lens, this program looks at Christian heresy in the form of the Cathars, on the one h and, and the Apostolics, on the other-examples of two different types of alterna tive Christianity that were squelched in a similar way. Brutal military expediti ons and the gruesome Inquisition effectively spelled the end of these schismatic sects' resistance. The commentary of Michel Roquebert, author of History of the Cathars, and historian Corrado Mornese is featured. (56 minutes)</td><td>2006</ td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2847_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2847_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37472</td><td>Killed by Care: Making Medicine Safe</td><td>I f helping without harming is the aim of medicine, then why are tens of thousands of North Americans dying every year due to medical error? This program seeks to

answer that urgent question through two case studies and an in-depth examinatio n of a groundbreaking inquest involving Dr. Jonah Odim. Measures to improve pati ent safety are also presented. Commentary by Donald Berwick, professor of pediat rics and healthcare policy at Harvard Medical School, and Lucien L. Leape, of th e Harvard School of Public Health-high-profile proponents of the patient safety movement-is featured. Is it the culture of medicine itself that is ultimately to blame? (46 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2848_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2848_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33525</td><td>The Killing of Kashmir</td><td>This program of fers provocative perspectives on the fate of Kashmir and investigates the accusa tions of international human rights groups that Indian troops and police systema tically kidnap, torture, and kill innocent civilians. Through firsthand accounts of the Indian troops and police as well as Pakistani militants immersed in the conflict, the documentary argues that the inhabitants of Kashmir are hapless vic tims of both sides. (50 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2849_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2849_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10979</td><td>Kim Parker: Biomedical Engineer</td><td>Kim Pa rker, a biomedical engineer, researches rehabilitative theories and methods for children with disabilities in order to build effective prosthetic equipment. We see her at work, assessing, designing, and refining equipment through the use of computers, and working directly with the children, who benefit from her dedicat ion and expertise. (7 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>7</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2850_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2850_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35386</td><td>The Kiss (Rodin)</td><td>Loved by the public a nd spurned by its creator, Rodin's The Kiss remains controversial to this day. W hile telling the remarkably intricate story of how the sculpture came to be, thi s program illustrates the impact of Michelangelo's and Ghiberti's works on Rodin 's artistic sensibilities, comments on Rodin's relationships, sketches out the c haracter of the times, sheds light on The Kiss's imperishable place in pop cultu re, and thoroughly explores the sculpture's erotic appeal. Rodin's The Age of Br onze and The Gates of Hell are discussed as well. Contains mature themes and exp licit language and imagery. Original BBCW broadcast title: The Kiss. (50 minutes )</td><td>2004</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2851_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2851_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>35137</td><td>Kitchen and Food Safety</td><td>Protect your s tudents from eating-related injuries and illnesses with Kitchen and Food Safety. This three-part series is filled with easy-to-remember guidelines and tips, sim ple but powerful reminders, lots of onscreen graphics, and sensible explanations by authorities on food handling, food-related illness, and kitchen safety. View able/printable instructor's guides are available online. Correlates to National Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences Education, National Health Education Standards, National Science Education Standards, and National Educational Techno logy Standards. A Meridian Production. 3-part series, 17-24 minutes each.</td><t d>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2852_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2852_l blPrice">$209.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10582</td><td>The "Kitchen Goddess": The Reemergence of the Village Psychic</td><td>Can the future be seen in the dregs of a teacup? For som e, the past and the future are an open book-and what was once an underground sis terhood is now mainstream. In this program, devotees of Wicca and practitioners of tarot, astrology, palmistry, and other arcane arts explain their gifts of div ination and healing while reflecting on their efforts to reconcile their unortho dox callings with Biblical injunctions and sometimes hostile skepticism. Wiccan initiation rites and psychic counseling sessions shed light on obscure practices that are very much alive today and in demand by a diverse constituency that eve n includes the police. (54 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2853_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2853_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35140</td><td>Kitchen Safety</td><td>The kitchen is a warm a nd welcoming place, but there are dangers. Make your students aware of them with this video. Using examples and what-if situations, it explains how to safely us e and store knives; how to operate small appliances and the stove without accide nts; how to prevent bruises, shocks, and burns; and how to put out a fire (and w hen to simply evacuate and call 911!). The first step to avoiding kitchen catast rophes is awareness. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online . Correlates to National Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences Education, N ational Health Education Standards, National Science Education Standards, and Na tional Educational Technology Standards. A Meridian Production. (17 minutes)</td ><td>2006</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2854_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2854_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10241</td><td>Kites: Modeling with Vectors</td><td>After def ining the basic concepts of vectors, this program uses algebra to determine how the resultant of numerous forces acting on a body can be obtained and then equat

ed to the product of mass and acceleration. Kites are employed to exemplify both equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions. (28 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>2 8</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2855_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2855_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34152</td><td>Knights and Nobles</td><td>This program survey s the courtly culture of armored knights, their duties and privileges, and their significance in the religious and political conflicts of the Middle Ages. Presi ded over by royalty, knights formed an elite caste with a code of honor steeped in the arts of hand-to-hand combat and chivalry. Knights and Nobles examines the ir everyday customs, coats of arms, weaponry, and-with the help of an elaborate historical reconstruction-the castles which sheltered them between campaigns. Th e program climaxes with the Battle of Crecy in 1346, which initiated infantry-st yle warfare and effectively ended knighthood in the military sense. Portions are in other languages with English subtitles. (53 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>53 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2856_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2856_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8804</td><td>Knowing the Facts: Preventing Infection</td><td >This straight-talking, down-to-earth program describes in detail how HIV is acq uired, how it can be prevented, and the relative risks of a wide range of sexual behaviors. Hosted by a young African-American man and Latina woman, the program addresses HIV and AIDS; condoms-what type to use, how to use them correctly, wh ere to get them, and how to properly carry them; injection drug risks; mother-ch ild HIV transmission; and HIV testing. In addition, adolescent myths about AIDS are addressed and dispelled. Contains explicit language and demonstrations. (17 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2857_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2857_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10837</td><td>Knowledge Management</td><td>How do companies tap the information locked up in the minds of their employees? The three modules of this program compare various corporate learning systems designed to increase knowledge and promote the sharing and archiving of data. Case studies feature t he 70,000-employee consulting firm Arthur Andersen; the European Automobile Manu facturers Association, Daimler Benz, and Volvo; and Switzerland's ABB, the world 's largest power company. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2858_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2858_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>34498</td><td>Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities</td><td>The d ifferences between knowledge, skills, and abilities are made clear in this video , which presents basic skills required by employers and identified by the U.S. D epartment of Labor SCANS Report. Real-life uses for this information are shown. (28 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2859_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2859_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36376</td><td>Kofi Annan: UN Secretary-General, 1997-2006</t d><td>Professing the goal of "bringing the United Nations closer to the people," Secretary-General Kofi Annan ushered in a new era of UN involvement with intern ational social and medical issues. This program features the Ghanaian-born diplo mat's ideas about the role of the UN in today's world, with particular attention to the so-called Millennium Goals of ending poverty and inequality, increasing access to education, fighting AIDS, protecting the environment, and preventing h umanitarian crises due to violent conflicts. Annan also poignantly shares his th oughts about the loss of Sergio Vieira de Mello and 22 others in the 2003 bombin g of the UN's Baghdad headquarters. (27 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>27</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2860_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2860_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2513</td><td>Korea: Ancient Treasure, Modern Wonder</td><td> Updated in 1997In the shadow of continuing turmoil in North Korea, the South con tinues to prosper under its current president, Kim Young Sam. This program looks at the combination of centuries-old tradition and modern technology that has tu rned a small, war-torn agrarian country into a major industrial power. It shows the effects of modernization on traditional values, covers the roles of educatio n and religion, and relates Korean history, language, and culture to those of Ch ina and Japan. A special segment discusses the dynastic-like leadership in the N orth brought about by the death of Kim Il Sung and the transfer of power to his son, Kim Jong Il. (29 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2861_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2861_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11192</td><td>Korea: Conquering a Financial Crisis</td><td>I n 1997, South Korea-the world's 11th-largest economy at that time-was brought to the verge of economic collapse by the "Asian flu." This program scrutinizes tha t country's amazing comeback, facilitated by the IMF. Using intensive crisis man agement and a massive bailout of $21 billion, South Korea quickly began to rever se the effects of a buildup of bad banking debt and excessive short-term borrowi ng. The former Minister of Finance and Economy, IMF economists, and others addre ss the banking reforms used to insure the future of the economy, such as adjusti

ng interest rates, creating new bank lending practices, and encouraging corporat e debt reduction. (19 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2862_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2862_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7352</td><td>Korea: Tiger of Asia</td><td>South Korea boasts the third-largest economy in Asia. This program examines how cheap government l oans encouraged the growth of large conglomerates, and how new policies are help ing small and medium companies to develop. A representative of a British automob ile company discusses the Korean government's use of onerous anti-business tacti cs, such as tax audits on those Koreans who buy imported cars. Officials from co nglomerates Daewoo, Samsung, and Hyundai discuss the business practices that con tributed to their success. A British computer executive discusses ways in which foreign companies can cope with Korean business regulations and customs. A BBC P roduction. (30 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2863_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2863_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4535</td><td>Korean Americans</td><td>This program examines a major piece of the new American mosaic-a group that is seeking to retain its t raditional cultural values while adjusting to life in the U.S. Korean Americans have come into frequent and violent conflict with inner-city African Americans, and have sought, through their own ethnic civic organizations, to overcome the r ejection of the community around them. (50 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>50</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2864_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2864_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>2585</td><td>The Korean War</td><td>This program provides a brief overview of the partitioning of Korea; the battles for Seoul, Inchon, and Pusan; the entry of Chinese troops into the war as United States marines approac hed the Manchurian border; General MacArthur's famous speech to Congress; and th e armistice at Panmunjom and the establishment of the demilitarized buffer zone. The program also shows the war's aftermath in the North: the rebuilding of Pyon gyang; the institution of Kim Il Sung's personality cult, and his exhortation to achieve communism by undergoing cultural and technical revolutions and collecti vizing labor; and North Korea today. In portraying South Korea, the program foll ows the parade of riots and assassinations as the country teetered between repre ssion and promises of democracy. South Korea's economy appears strong but precar ious. And the buffer zone still stands-one of the last remaining monuments of th e East-West confrontation. (30 minutes, b&w/color)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>30</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2865_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2865_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34155</td><td>The Korubo People of Amazonia</td><td>This pro gram documents a visit by Brazilian government officials to the Korubo people, h unter/gatherers of the Javari River Valley. Transcending a history of mutual dis trust and violence with other groups, especially Caucasians, the Korubo warm to the camera team after receiving medical help for their malaria-stricken leader. The team's unprecedented access leads to breathtaking, revelatory footage of Kor ubo hunting and fishing techniques, hygienic practices, and sophisticated techno logy hand-wrought from vegetation. The program underlines the importance of Braz il's Fondacao Nacional do Indio policy that protects Korubo land, and in so doin g, protects the Korubo themselves. Contains nudity and mature subject matter. Po rtions are in Spanish with English subtitles. (58 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td> 58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2866_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2866_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9353</td><td>Kosovo: Of Blood and History</td><td>To fully u nderstand the recent bloodshed in Kosovo, one must go back 600 years and trace t he causes of the undying hatreds that permeate Serbia and the surrounding region . Using eyewitness accounts, maps, and footage both of historic events and of Se rbian life, this program examines the ethnic nationalism and religious extremism that have resulted in the long-standing hatred between Serbs and Kosovar Albani ans-a hatred that continued to destabilize the Balkans during the Milosevic regi me. (41 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2867_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2867_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30228</td><td>Koto: Praise on Strings</td><td>Hideaki Kuriba yashi was a disciple of koto legend Tadao Sawai and is considered the finest liv ing player of this traditional Japanese stringed instrument. In this program, in terviews with Kuribayashi are intercut with performances from his concerts in Na gano and Kyoto in 2000. Kuribayashi comments on the history and art of koto musi c and discusses the creation of his own original musical compositions. (48 minut es)</td><td>2002</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2868_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2868_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30229</td><td>Koto: The Music of Tadao</td><td>Tadao Sawai w as Japan's greatest modern koto player, enjoying immense popularity and influenc ing a whole generation of musicians. His widow, Kazue Sawai, has become heir to his musical legacy and is one of the foremost players of this traditional instru

ment. In this program, Kazue discusses Tadao's playing and how she has integrate d modern music into her own repertoire. In addition to highlighting several of K azue's performances, the program also contains archival footage of Tadao playing his koto. (48 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2869_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2869_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3672</td><td>The Krebs Cycle</td><td>The chemical process kn own as the Krebs cycle is examined in detail. The cyclical metabolism of pyruvat e and the subsequent generation of NADH inside the cell mitochondrion are illust rated in three-dimensional computer animation. (10 minutes)</td><td>1988</td><td >10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2870_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2870_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10494</td><td>Kurt Vonnegut: So It Goes</td><td>In this time less interview, Kurt Vonnegut-iconoclastic writer of science fiction and satirediscusses his family history, how he got his start as an author, his experiences in World War II, his obsession with the betrayal of humankind by science, and h is vision of technology gone mad. Delving into the psyches of his characters, he even enters into a dialogue with his fictional alter ego, Kilgore Trout. Dramat izations and excerpts from Slaughterhouse-Five, Breakfast of Champions, Cat's Cr adle, and Deadeye Dick bring the offbeat yet vivid world of Vonnegut's stories t o life. Contains mature themes. (61 minutes)</td><td>1983</td><td>61</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2871_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2871_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36373</td><td>Kurt Waldheim: UN Secretary-General, 1972-1981 </td><td>Although dogged by scandal after his term as Secretary-General, Kurt Wa ldheim steered the United Nations through a precarious phase of global history-i n which the Vietnam War and the space race were the most prominent of many inter national dramas. Waldheim's involvement in Turkish-Cypriot diplomacy and several attempts at conflict resolution in the Middle East and Central Asia are also no table, as well as his spearheading of numerous international conferences. This p rogram presents an overview of the Waldheim mandate and records the Austrian lea der's detailed reflections on his challenges and accomplishments as Secretary-Ge neral. (31 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2872_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2872_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>29156</td><td>La Celestina</td><td>This vintage dramatizatio n of La Celestina-arguably the most influential work of the early Renaissance in Spain-places the spotlight squarely on Celestina, an old bawd who dominates the story's action. Recruited by Calisto to help him seduce a young woman named Mel ibea, she becomes the center of a plot that begins in comedy and ends in tragedy . Attributed to Fernando de Rojas, La Celestina is remarkable for its originalit y, depth, handling of dialogue, and drawing of character and is often considered the first European novel. (Spanish, 2 hours)</td><td>1969</td><td>123</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2873_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2873_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33965</td><td>La Decadencia de un Imperio de los Austrias a los Borbones-in Spanish</td><td>Charles II was the last of the Spanish Habsburgs . This program follows the continuing decline of Spanish influence during Charle s the Bewitched's life-and the War of the Spanish Succession that broke out upon his death. The Peace of Utrecht, which marked the triumph of balance of power o ver hereditary rights of rule, is addressed as well. Dramatizations, artwork, an d visits to important locales bring this period to life. Not available in French -speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 46 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td >46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2874_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2874_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34526</td><td>La Decadencia de un Imperio de los Austrias a los Borbones-in Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>Charles II was the last o f the Spanish Habsburgs. This program follows the continuing decline of Spanish influence during Charles the Bewitched's life-and the War of the Spanish Success ion that broke out upon his death. The Peace of Utrecht, which marked the triump h of balance of power over hereditary rights of rule, is addressed as well. Dram atizations, artwork, and visits to important locales bring this period to life. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish with Engli sh subtitles, 46 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2875_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2875_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33964</td><td>La Decadencia Politica en el Siglo de Oro-in S panish</td><td>Spain's Golden Age is recognized as the most fertile and glorious era in Spanish arts and letters. Miguel de Cervantes, Francisco de Quevedo, Cal deron de la Barca, Diego Velazquez, and many others created works of enduring re nown...even as their country fell into ruin. This program contrasts the marvels of the Siglo de Oro through dramatizations, film clips, artwork, and visits to i mportant locales with the ineffectiveness of Kings Philip III and IV-a long peri od of rule that was largely characterized by political and military decay and di saster. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 4 6 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>46</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2876_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2876_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34525</td><td>La Decadencia Politica en el Siglo de Oro-in S panish with English Subtitles</td><td>Spain's Golden Age is recognized as the mo st fertile and glorious era in Spanish arts and letters. Miguel de Cervantes, Fr ancisco de Quevedo, Calderon de la Barca, Diego Velazquez, and many others creat ed works of enduring renown...even as their country fell into ruin. This program contrasts the marvels of the Siglo de Oro through dramatizations, film clips, a rtwork, and visits to important locales with the ineffectiveness of Kings Philip III and IV-a long period of rule that was largely characterized by political an d military decay and disaster. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish with English subtitles, 46 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>46 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2877_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2877_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33957</td><td>La Disgregacion del Islam Andalusi y el Avance Cristiano-in Spanish</td><td>From the death of Almanzor and the breakup of Moor ish al-Andalus into taifas to Christian victory at the Battle of Las Navas de To losa, this program depicts the continuous transformation of the Iberian Peninsul a as rival powers shaped the land's destiny. The alliances and struggles among C hristians, Moors, Almoravides, and Almohads are captured through numerous dramat izations and maps. Key figures, including Alfonso VI and El Cid, are featured. N ot available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 53 minutes )</td><td>2004</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2878_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2878_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34460</td><td>La Disgregacion del Islam Andalusi y el Avance Cristiano-in Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>From the death of Almanzor and the breakup of Moorish al-Andalus into taifas to Christian victory at the Ba ttle of Las Navas de Tolosa, this program depicts the continuous transformation of the Iberian Peninsula as rival powers shaped the land's destiny. The alliance s and struggles among Christians, Moors, Almoravides, and Almohads are captured through numerous dramatizations and maps. Key figures, including Alfonso VI and El Cid, are featured. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Productio n. (Spanish with English subtitles, 53 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2879_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2879_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>33959</td><td>La Epoca de las Calamidades-in Spanish</td><td >This program delves into a period of violence and catastrophe in Spanish histor y as civil war and ongoing campaigns against the Moors, on the one hand, and the Black Death and economic and agricultural crises, on the other, ravaged the Ibe rian Peninsula. Dramatizations and maps, architecture and art, bring to life a n arrative that spotlights pivotal events such as the Battle of Rio Salado and key personages-the Trastamaras, Pedro the Cruel, and others-who moved Spain ever cl oser to becoming a world power. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 53 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2880_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2880_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34462</td><td>La Epoca de las Calamidades-in Spanish with En glish Subtitles</td><td>This program delves into a period of violence and catast rophe in Spanish history as civil war and ongoing campaigns against the Moors, o n the one hand, and the Black Death and economic and agricultural crises, on the other, ravaged the Iberian Peninsula. Dramatizations and maps, architecture and art, bring to life a narrative that spotlights pivotal events such as the Battl e of Rio Salado and key personages-the Trastamaras, Pedro the Cruel, and otherswho moved Spain ever closer to becoming a world power. Not available in French-s peaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish with English subtitles, 53 minutes) </td><td>2004</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2881_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2881_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33962</td><td>La Espana de Felipe II: Un Imperio Sin Emperad or-in Spanish</td><td>Philip II ruled over Spain at its peak of world influence. ..and at the start of its long slide from prominence. This program depicts the l ife and times of this absolutist monarch through dramatizations, artwork, and ma ps. High-profile topics, including the Inquisition, the Armada, and the Battle o f Lepanto, are presented while addressing controversies such as the imprisonment and death of the king's heir, Don Carlos. Cultural elements such as the Ommegan g Pageant, the works of El Greco, and architectural landmarks are also highlight ed. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 54 mi nutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2882_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2882_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34523</td><td>La Espana de Felipe II: Un Imperio Sin Emperad or-in Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>Philip II ruled over Spain at its p eak of world influence...and at the start of its long slide from prominence. Thi s program depicts the life and times of this absolutist monarch through dramatiz ations, artwork, and maps. High-profile topics, including the Inquisition, the A rmada, and the Battle of Lepanto, are presented while addressing controversies s

uch as the imprisonment and death of the king's heir, Don Carlos. Cultural eleme nts such as the Ommegang Pageant, the works of El Greco, and architectural landm arks are also highlighted. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Prod uction. (Spanish with English subtitles, 54 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>54</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2883_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2883_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32321</td><td>La Espana Que Hereda Felipe II-in Spanish</td> <td>During the reign of Charles V, Philip II's father, Spain grew to be a truly global power. This program considers the far-flung empire that Philip first bega n inheriting during the final years of his father's regime: the kingdoms of Cast ille and Aragon, parts of Italy, lands in France, all of the Low Countries, and vast stretches of the Americas. RTVE's Salvador Pons, the director of the Felipe II series, is featured. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 60 minutes)</td><td>1998< /td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2884_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2884_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32324</td><td>La Familia del Rey&#8212;in Spanish</td><td>Ph ilip II was married to Maria of Portugal, Mary I of England, Elizabeth of France , and Anna of Austria. What were the ramifications of these courtly alliances? A nd why did Philip imprison his heir, Don Carlos, in favor of his younger son, th e future Philip III? This program discusses the convoluted royal family of Phili p II. Fernando Bouza, of the Universidad Complutense Madrid and author of Imagen y Propaganda: Capitulos de Historia Cultural del Reinado de Felipe II, is featu red. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 62 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>62</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2885_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2885_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32325</td><td>La Guerra-in Spanish</td><td>The story of Phil ip II's reign is a chronicle of invasion, intervention, suppression, and colonia l expansion. This program evaluates the martial record of Philip II, ranging fro m his victories against France, Portugal, and the Ottoman Empire to the ignomini ous defeat of his "Invincible Armada," sent against England. Philip II biographe r Geoffrey Parker, Adreas Dorpalen Professor of History at The Ohio State Univer sity and author of The Grand Strategy of Philip II, is featured. An RTVE Product ion. (Spanish, 55 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2886_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2886_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>32326</td><td>La Maquina del Estado-in Spanish</td><td>Ferve ntly pious, Philip II was the scourge of those called heretics and infidels-but his motives were not entirely due to his strong Roman Catholic faith. This progr am explores the interrelation of Church and State during Philip II's reign as he zealously championed the Counter-Reformation, albeit not without subverting eve n the Spanish Inquisition to his political aims. Antonio Escudero, founder and d irector of the Instituto de Historia de la Inquisicion, is featured. An RTVE Pro duction. (Spanish, 58 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2887_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2887_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33960</td><td>La Monarquia de los Reyes Catolicos-in Spanish </td><td>The union of Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon, two able rulers known jointly as the Catholic Monarchs, set the stage for the unificatio n of Spain religiously as well as politically and economically. This program uti lizes dramatizations, location footage of historical landmarks, and maps to illu strate their consolidation of power, including the final conquest of Granada, th e expulsion of the Jews, and the establishment of the Inquisition in Spain. Span ish conquests in the Mediterranean and Columbus's voyages of discovery are also mapped out. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanis h, 52 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2888_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2888_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34463</td><td>La Monarquia de los Reyes Catolicos-in Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>The union of Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon, two able rulers known jointly as the Catholic Monarchs, set the s tage for the unification of Spain religiously as well as politically and economi cally. This program utilizes dramatizations, location footage of historical land marks, and maps to illustrate their consolidation of power, including the final conquest of Granada, the expulsion of the Jews, and the establishment of the Inq uisition in Spain. Spanish conquests in the Mediterranean and Columbus's voyages of discovery are also mapped out. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An R TVE Production. (Spanish with English subtitles, 52 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><t d>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2889_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2889_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11371</td><td>"La muerte y la brujula"</td><td>This mystery revolves around a series of three identical assassinations, each committed on th e third day of the month, for three consecutive months, in three different locat ions. Following the clues, a clever detective stumbles into the perfect trap. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 58 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2890_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2890_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33966</td><td>La Nueva Espana de Felipe V-in Spanish</td><td >Under Philip V, Spain at last began to recover from the long stagnation it had suffered during the twilight of the Habsburg dynasty. Employing dramatizations a nd maps, this program charts the reign of the first Bourbon king of Spain and th e geopolitical forces that shaped the Europe of the Enlightenment-most notably t he Spanish and Austrian wars of succession and their treaties. Bourbon reformism is also considered, and homage is paid to the arts and architecture of the time s. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 53 min utes)</td><td>2004</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2891_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2891_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34527</td><td>La Nueva Espana de Felipe V-in Spanish with En glish Subtitles</td><td>Under Philip V, Spain at last began to recover from the long stagnation it had suffered during the twilight of the Habsburg dynasty. Emp loying dramatizations and maps, this program charts the reign of the first Bourb on king of Spain and the geopolitical forces that shaped the Europe of the Enlig htenment-most notably the Spanish and Austrian wars of succession and their trea ties. Bourbon reformism is also considered, and homage is paid to the arts and a rchitecture of the times. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Produ ction. (Spanish with English subtitles, 53 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>53</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2892_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2892_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33958</td><td>La Peninsula de los Cinco Reinos-in Spanish</t d><td>This program employs dramatizations, maps, art, and architecture to follow the ongoing struggles between Christians and Moors-and among the Christians the mselves-during the years 1213 through 1347 as the Christian reconquista changed into a Crusade. It also contrasts these clashes of arms with the cultural reviva l among Christians, Muslims, and Jews in the Iberian melting pot. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 52 minutes)</td><td>200 4</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2893_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2893_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34461</td><td>La Peninsula de los Cinco Reinos-in Spanish wi th English Subtitles</td><td>This program employs dramatizations, maps, art, and

architecture to follow the ongoing struggles between Christians and Moors-and a mong the Christians themselves-during the years 1213 through 1347 as the Christi an reconquista changed into a Crusade. It also contrasts these clashes of arms w ith the cultural revival among Christians, Muslims, and Jews in the Iberian melt ing pot. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish w ith English subtitles, 52 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2894_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2894_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35379</td><td>La Primavera</td><td>Is Botticelli's La Primav era an artistic allegory? A pageant of sexual permissiveness? An emblem of Renai ssance humanism and Neoplatonism? This program offers multiple interpretations o f one of the most hotly debated works in the history of Western art as it tracks La Primavera from its creation, to its decline into obscurity, to its sensation al reemergence as an icon of the Pre-Raphaelites, to its place in modern pop cul ture as an object of both reverence and satire. Technical aspects of La Primaver a's painting, such as Botticelli's use of egg tempera and lead white, are touche d upon as well. A BBCW Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2895_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2895_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34880</td><td>A la Sombra de la Revolucion-in Spanish with E nglish Subtitles</td><td>Charles IV succeeded to the Spanish throne in 1788. One year later, the cataclysmic revolution in neighboring France dealt European mon archism a blow of seismic proportions. Focusing on Charles' reign-conducted with extreme passivity and ending in abdication-this program uses film clips, dramat izations, paintings, and architectural landmarks to examine a country caught in the throes of sociopolitical turmoil. Queen Maria Luisa and her lover Manuel de Godoy, the true royal powers, are spotlighted as Spain's fortunes in the shadow of Napoleonic France are appraised. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish with English subtitles, 45 minutes)</td><td>2004</td>< td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2896_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2896_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32323</td><td>La Sombra del Emperador-in Spanish</td><td>Thr ough military action or political alliance, the hand of Philip II's father, Char les V, lay heavily upon portions of the Old World, the New World, and the Far Ea st-but the scope of his imperialistic scheme was thwarted by the inexorable poli tical realities of the day. This program examines Philip's reign as he exercised his vast power in the shadow of the former Holy Roman Emperor. Economist Jose R odriguez, of the London School of Economics and Political Science, is featured. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 67 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>68</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2897_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2897_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7821</td><td>Labor's Comeback: In-sourcing Work at Northwest Airlines</td><td>This program includes conversations with airline machinist Mar v Sandrin, and Northwest Vice President, Richard Anderson. Sandrin is former pre sident of District Lodge 143 of the Machinists' Union. He was employed at Northw est Airlines before the ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) gave him and his un ion an ownership stake in the company. Under that ESOP, unions gave up $900 mill ion in wage and work rule concessions, and the owners gave labor three seats on the corporate board and 30 percent ownership of the company. The deal made North west Airlines' ESOP one of the biggest in the U.S. Sandrin has also participated in one of the most important experiments at Northwest: the creation of a unionmanagement committee which gives workers a chance to bid on jobs that would othe rwise be outsourced. (30 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2898_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2898_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7819</td><td>Labor's Comeback: Labor's Man on the Board</td> <td>Duane Woerth, Director of Northwest Airlines, is different from most America n corporate board directors. He's a labor leader, representing employees who own 30 percent of Northwest. What gave Duane Woerth a role in setting corporate pol icy was the airline's brush with bankruptcy in 1993. Woerth, a Northwest pilot f or 15 years, joined with the leaders of other unions to offer the company $900 m illion in wage and work rule concessions-concessions that not only saved Northwe st, but forced its corporate culture to change. Today, Northwest unions have thr ee seats on the board, and influence decision-making from the boardroom to the s hop floor. Collaboration between labor leaders such as Duane Woerth and CEO John Dasburg has helped to power Northwest's economic comeback, as the two sides wor k together to find new efficiencies and create skilled new union jobs. (30 minut es)</td><td>1998</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2899_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2899_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>25755</td><td>Lacquers and Varnishes</td><td>Lacquers and Va rnishes is a twenty-two minute video which is part of the series, Wood Finishing .A craftsman can plan, cut, and assemble a fine piece of furniture...but it does not become beautiful until the finish is applied. This series will give your st udents an understanding of the finishing options available, including advantages and disadvantages. The correct preparation and safe application methods for eac h are demonstrated. A Meridian Production. 22-minute video.</td><td>1994</td><td >22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2900_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2900_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36141</td><td>Ladies First: Rwandan Women Help Heal Their Na tion</td><td>After genocide ripped their nation apart in the 1990s, the women of Rwanda have led the healing process and have helped usher in a much-needed era of stability. By depicting the multifaceted efforts of women activists to build a sustainable peace between the majority Hutus and minority Tutsis, this Wide An gle documentary explores the challenges facing Rwanda. The film features an in-d epth examination of the remarkable role Rwandan women play in politics and the b usiness sector and shows how one portion of a citizenry, no matter how under-rec ognized and under-appreciated, can help guide a nation and provide a courageous example to the wider world. Ambassador Swanee Hunt, Director of the Women and Pu blic Policy Program at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, discusses Rwanda' s women with Mishal Husain. (57 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2901_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2901_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31227</td><td>The Lady and the Unicorn: Making Sense of the Senses</td><td>The National Museum of the Middle Ages in Paris is the home of Th e Lady and the Unicorn, the exotic set of six medieval tapestries that illustrat es the five senses-and the Lady's deepest desire. This program seeks to unravel the mysteries woven into these enchanting wall hangings as it explores their his tory and symbolism. (33 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2902_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2902_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31235</td><td>The Lady and the Unicorn: Making Sense of the Senses-in French</td><td>The National Museum of the Middle Ages in Paris is the home of The Lady and the Unicorn, the exotic set of six medieval tapestries that illustrates the five senses-and the Lady's deepest desire. This program seeks t o unravel the mysteries woven into these enchanting wall hangings as it explores their history and symbolism. (French, 33 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>33</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2903_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2903_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10918</td><td>The Lake Poets</td><td>Tucked away in arguably the most lovely corner of Great Britain, a poetic revolution took place around the turn of the 19th century that did much to define the nature of modern poetry . Using the atmospheric scenery of the Lake District as a backdrop, this program focuses on the literary development of William Wordsworth and Samuel Coleridge. Expert commentary is provided by some of the greatest authorities on British ro manticism, including Robert Woof, Jonathan Wordsworth, Grevel Lindop, Molly Lefe bure, and Pamela Woof. The late poet laureate Ted Hughes reads from the works of

Wordsworth. (62 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>62</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2904_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2904_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25756</td><td>Land and Sea</td><td>In this video, viewers le arn how the development of land- and sea-based transportation changed the world. Transportation by land created a more rapid exchange of goods, information, and travel as well as the development of commerce. As transportation systems advanc ed from good roads to railroads followed soon after by the automobile, they chan ged the speed of commerce, travel, communication, and also the way society funct ioned. Sea-based transportation opened up the entire world, allowing long-distan ce travel and trade with faraway places. Today, marine transportation is the mos t economical and efficient form of transporting large quantities of goods, and c ontainerized shipping has revolutionized how countries trade. The video also dis cusses environmental concerns including scarce resources and escalating pollutio n. (18 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1997</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2905_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2905_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35643</td><td>The Land and the Sacred: Nature's Role in Myth and Religion</td><td>Spiritual traditions, treasured narratives, and sacred wor ks of art-all emerge from a culture's effort to understand and draw sustenance f rom its environment. This three-part series illustrates the mythical relevance o f humanity's natural surroundings and the creatures with whom we have struggled to coexist since our species first appeared. Journeying to Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America, the series explores the raw materials of mythmaking-and reve als awe-inspiring comparisons and contrasts between the world's manifold religio ns. 3-part series, 53 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2906_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2906_l blPrice">$449.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34449</td><td>Land Grab: Life Moves Ashore</td><td>Long ago, the oceans were home to all living things. Then some creatures moved ashore. Bu t how? This program outlines the stages of natural selection that enabled waterdwelling animals and plants to survive, and then thrive, on land. Key evolutiona ry innovations such as exoskeletons and endoskeletons, legs and feet, cold blood and warm blood, lungs, hard-shelled eggs, fur, and live young are exemplified b y a diverse group of arthropods, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. Original BBC W broadcast title: Land Grab. (51 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2907_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2907_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>32244</td><td>Land Mammals: Running and Hopping</td><td>Sinc e movement burns precious energy, it makes sense that animals would want to move as efficiently as possible. What factors influence animals' gaits? This program studies horses, cheetahs, elephants, bonobos, and kangaroos to find out. Commen tary by land animal locomotion specialists Don Hoyt, Vaughan Langman, Peter Aert s, and Russ Baudinette offers insights into the mechanics of running and hopping , how muscles and tendons conserve locomotive energy, the physiological concepts of preferred speed and cost of transport, quadrupedal versus bipedal movement, and heat exchange. (30 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2908_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2908_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35546</td><td>Landing a Job in the Trades</td><td>Getting hi red as a carpenter, electrician, manicurist, or any other tradesperson requires the same professional attitude that all job candidates must show. This video exp lores essential self-marketing practices that transform job-seekers into wage-ea rners, focusing on the best ways to display valuable skills and personality char acteristics. With straightforward explanations, helpful graphics, and interviews with job-search experts and real-world employers, the program illustrates how t o structure a resume based on skills and background, how to compose a cover lett er, how to behave and communicate during an interview, and how to follow up with a winning thank-you letter. Special emphasis is placed on building an upwardlymobile approach, encouraging applicants to display enthusiasm, leadership potent ial, and a willingness to learn. This is a realistic and reliable demonstration of the steps that lead to "You're hired." A viewable/printable instructor's guid e is available online. Correlates to Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessa ry Skills (SCANS) Standards for Life Work: Interpersonal, Information, and Syste ms. A Shopware Production. (16 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2909_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2909_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30689</td><td>Landscape as Backdrop</td><td>According to som e, the concept of landscape originated with the painters of northern Europe and their use of light-a light that models objects and creates successive planes tha t draw the eye into the distance. This program traces the evolution of the lands cape in art, from its function as a stylized setting to its employment as a real istic part of a scene, and the technical challenges of depicting a landscape's c onstituent parts. Paintings, film clips, and photographs show how visual devices such as gardens and estrades are used to separate foreground and background and how the artistic tension is resolved between landscapes and the humans that oft en inhabit them. (27 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2910_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2910_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>36454</td><td>Landscape: The Invention of Nature</td><td>Som e of the earliest landscape paintings are found on the walls of Egyptian tombs-d emonstrating that, since ancient times, panoramic scenes of nature have held spi ritual significance. This program guides viewers through the history of landscap e art and its various emotional, symbolic, and sacred meanings. Progressing thro ugh ancient Greek and Roman villa paintings, Byzantine art, and the proto-Renais sance advances of Giotto and Lorenzetti, the program shows how awareness and mas tery of perspective evolved, leading to magnificent works by Giorgione, Brueghel , da Vinci, and other masters of landscape. (27 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>27 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2911_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2911_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31533</td><td>Langston Hughes: His Life and Times</td><td>In this program, Pulitzer Prize-winner Alice Walker and renowned Langston Hughes b iographer Arnold Rampersad talk about "The Poet Laureate of Harlem" with award-w inning filmmaker Bruce Schwartz. Together they discuss experiences that shaped y oung Langston, how he came to be a writer, the beauty of his writing style, his practice of reaching out to aspiring writers, and the Harlem Renaissance as a li terary and cultural watershed. They also discuss the force of religion in Southe rn Christian African-American communities and "Salvation," Hughes' coming-of-age story deftly brought to the screen by Schwartz. (26 minutes)</td><td>2003</td>< td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2912_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2912_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30667</td><td>Langston Hughes: "Salvation"</td><td>"I was sa ved from sin when I was going on 13. But not really saved. It happened like this ..." So begins this powerful dramatization of "Salvation," Langston Hughes' eloq uent autobiographical story that illustrates how his aunt's well-meaning efforts to bring him into the spiritual fold resulted in a moral crisis. Calmly waiting for Jesus to appear to him in the hot, crowded church, young Langston's anticip ation changes to confusion and disillusion when pressured to choose between bein g true to himself or fulfilling the expectations of the preacher, his aunt, and the rest of the congregation. (31 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2913_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2913_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31532</td><td>Langston Hughes: Working Toward Salvation</td> <td>This outstanding two-part series brings together an excellent production of Langston Hughes' short story "Salvation" and thought-provoking interviews with a uthor Alice Walker and Hughes biographer Arnold Rampersad. 2-part series, 26-31 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2914_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2914_l blPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10177</td><td>Language</td><td>Language is a social construc t. It unites the individuals of a given community through a code that is underst ood by those who use it, ranging from street slang to the prescribed usage of gr ammar by an elite. This program examines language in a historical context and as a political tool. Since the advent of the printing press and, most recently, th e Internet, English has become the universal language, replacing French. This ha s in turn meant the loss of many languages. Today only 6,000 are still spoken, a nd it is estimated that by the end of the 21st century, 90 percent of these will have disappeared. (53 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2915_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2915_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35844</td><td>Language Arts & Literature Core Curriculum Vid eo Library</td><td>Covering drama, poetry, and prose fiction, this 20-program ed ucational video collection brings language and literature to life! Recommende d for grades 8-12. Correlates to state and national standards. Twenty full-len gth videos. (c) 2006.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2916_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2916_l blPrice">$1,385.00<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6015</td><td>Language Development</td><td>The emphasis in th is program is on the development of language in babies and young children. The p rogram follows this development from the first cry of an infant in the delivery room through that of a seven-year-old, when language development is almost compl ete. The program features babies and children attempting to communicate, from cr ying and babbling to making grammatical errors to speaking fluently. The program discusses the arguments for and against the nature/nurture debate and the Inter actionist view. The Whorf-Sapir hypothesis is described and illustrated with rea l-life examples. The question "can non-human animals use language?" is discussed and illustrated with video of chimpanzees. (40 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>40 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2917_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2917_l blPrice">$109.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33215</td><td>The Language of Empire</td><td>"Amok," "boomer ang," "bungalow," "bangle," "dumdum," "plonk," "assassin"-these are some of the many words that have entered English by way of colonial expansion. This program explores how the British Empire in its heyday exported its language around the g

lobe and how different forms of speech and vocabulary, as well as different atti tudes to English, developed out of that colonial expansion. Rich variations of d ialect, accent, and slang are heard in many samples from India, the Caribbean, a nd Australia. (52 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2918_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2918_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33108</td><td>The Language of Film</td><td>When Tim Supple d irected the filming of Twelfth Night, he was a stickler for sticking to the word s as the Bard penned them. Everything else, though, was up for grabs as he and s creenwriter Andrew Bannerman shifted and intercut scenes and in general translat ed the play into the all-encompassing language of film. In this program, members of the cast and crew use snippets of the screenplay to demonstrate how scene, s etting, character, action, and dialogue combine to communicate the essence of th e story with all of its nuances, subplots, themes, and hidden meanings. (25 minu tes)</td><td>2003</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2919_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2919_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5315</td><td>The Language of Life: A Festival of Poets</td>< td>A companion to Bill Moyers' book The Language of Life: A Festival of Poets, t his eight-part series-filmed at the Biennial Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festivalcrosses the lines of race, gender, and culture to reveal, and revel in, the beau ty and power of modern American poetry. Gary Snyder, Robert Bly, Naomi Shihab Ny e, Jimmy Santiago Baca, Sekou Sundiata, Marilyn Chin, Daisy Zamora, and 11 other prominent poets join Moyers to discuss some of their most significant works-and the life experiences that prompted them. An outstanding multicultural literary resource. 8-part series, 58 minutes each.</td><td>1995</td><td>464</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2920_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2920_l blPrice">$299.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30804</td><td>The Language of Photography</td><td>In this th ought-provoking eight-part series, world-class photographers, academic experts, museum personnel, and others stress the importance of visual literacy as they ra nge over the history and mechanics of photography. They also emphasize major con cerns facing photographers today, including digital image manipulation and the c ommodification and decontextualization of photographs, and consumer issues such as information overload and selective perception. 8-part series, 27 minutes each .</td><td>2001</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2921_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2921_l blPrice">$1,039.60<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>11737</td><td>The Language of the Soul: Abraham's Children</ td><td>Apart from their outward differences in ritual and doctrine, Christianity , Judaism, and Islam share an inward-pointing imperative to know God. In this pr ogram, clergy, theologians, and others with religious vocations delve into the e soteric aspects of three of the world's great religions. The use of meditation a nd contemplation as vehicles for transcending the mundane and drawing closer to the divine is examined, especially as exemplified by monastic life, Kabbalism, a nd Sufism. (53 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2922_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2922_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10115</td><td>Laos: In the Shadow of the Giants</td><td>Impo verished, sparsely populated, and still recovering from the Vietnam War, Laos ex ists on the edge of the abyss. This program considers the cultural and economic impact on Laotians and Hmong alike of initiatives designed to improve the countr y, such as the new highway being built by Swedish engineers. Although the regime 's "reeducation camps" show no signs of being closed and antigovernment rebels c ontinue to make travel dangerous, foreign tourism is being courted for the curre ncy it can bring, while the country's rich spiritual life-expressed through the practices of Buddhism and animism-serenely continues. (47 minutes)</td><td>1998< /td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2923_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2923_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33907</td><td>Larger Than Life: India's Bollywood Film Cultu re</td><td>This program travels extensively through the colorful landscape of In dian cinema, providing insightful contrasts and comparisons to the film industry most Westerners know. Interviews with Shah Rukh Khan, India's rugged action her o, and Manisha Koirala, a top female star, examine the unusual pressures of Indi an film acting. Sensuality without sex, the brevity of female stardom, and the p remium placed on fantasy and escape are some of the issues discussed. For an exp loration of "the other Hollywood"-vastly different from, yet surprisingly simila r to, America's-Larger Than Life promises an unequalled itinerary. (Portions in Hindi with English subtitles, 57 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2924_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2924_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35655</td><td>Lars von Trier: Finding Truth in Film</td><td> The cinematic movement known as Dogme 95 espouses minimalist, reality-based prod uctions. Although he helped found the movement, Lars von Trier has set aside its original guidelines, employing more elaborate filmmaking techniques and higher budgets-while still creating subtle and challenging motion pictures. This entert aining and provocative interview illuminates von Trier's childhood, his tenuous

relationship with his parents, his views on religion and agnosticism, his though ts about casting movie stars, and his opinions concerning American culture-a par ticularly complex subject since his fear of flying prevents him from visiting th e United States. (43 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>43</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2925_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2925_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33953</td><td>Las Grandes Potencias se Disputan Iberia-in Sp anish</td><td>After the disappearance of Tartessos, other Iberian locales rose t o prominence and flourished-until their successes drew the unwanted attention of rival civilizations. This program tracks the history of Iberia during the era o f Carthaginian and Roman expansion. Paintings, dramatizations, and maps reconstr uct the course of the Punic Wars. In addition, the characteristics and cultures of these embattled regions are examined through re-creations of everyday life, i mages of artifacts, and footage of ruins in Girona, Tarragona, Teruel, Galicia, Asturias, Soria, and Seville. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE P roduction. (Spanish, 48 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2926_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2926_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34456</td><td>Las Grandes Potencias se Disputan Iberia-in Sp anish with English Subtitles</td><td>After the disappearance of Tartessos, other Iberian locales rose to prominence and flourished-until their successes drew th e unwanted attention of rival civilizations. This program tracks the history of Iberia during the era of Carthaginian and Roman expansion. Paintings, dramatizat ions, and maps reconstruct the course of the Punic Wars. In addition, the charac teristics and cultures of these embattled regions are examined through re-creati ons of everyday life, images of artifacts, and footage of ruins in Girona, Tarra gona, Teruel, Galicia, Asturias, Soria, and Seville. Not available in French-spe aking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish with English subtitles, 48 minutes)</ td><td>2004</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2927_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2927_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31225</td><td>Lascaux: The Prehistory of Art</td><td>One of the world's most fascinating museums is by far one of the oldest. But can the pa intings there really be called art? This program goes inside the Lascaux cave co mplex to examine the richest and most beautiful collection of Paleolithic cave d rawings in France. Who were the artisans who rendered those arresting images, an d how exactly did they do it? Different theories are presented as the cameras ca pture a site that never ceases to amaze and intrigue. (61 minutes)</td><td>1996< /td><td>61</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2928_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2928_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29318</td><td>Lascurain: In Power for Less Than an Hour</td> <td>Focusing on the life and career of Pedro Lascurain, this program scrutinizes the turbulent beginning and violent ending of democracy in 20th-century Mexico. The events leading up to Lascurain's noble moment as president are thoroughly e xamined, as is the heavy-handed American interference in Mexican politics. Polit ical analyst Arnaldo Cordova, professor of history Eugenia Meyer, and other expe rts on this pivotal time period offer their views on topics including the Diaz r egime, the challenges facing the Madero government, and the characters of Ambass ador Henry Lane Wilson and General Victoriano Huerta. (47 minutes)</td><td>2000< /td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2929_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2929_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7983</td><td>Laser Technology: Fiber Optics</td><td>The use of fiber optic technology continues to change the way we live today. This video demonstrates the various ways it has been incorporated into our everyday surroun dings, and how it may be used in the future. Beginning with a history of fiber o ptics development, the video then goes on to describe the basic principles of li ght and how it interacts with matter. Building on this understanding, the video then defines the requirements of a fiber optic communications system. Important terms such as attenuation, photons, and refractive index are explained in detail , alongside colorful graphics which demonstrate major concepts. Finally, the vid eo explores the use of Fiber Optic Trainers in classroom settings, which allow v iewers to transmit radio, analog, and digital signals, and experiment with senso r applications. This is a great introduction to the ever-expanding field of fibe r optics. One 17-minute video. A Shopware Production.</td><td>1995</td><td>17</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2930_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2930_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10697</td><td>Laser: The Brightest Light</td><td>The laser b eam is so powerful that it can vaporize steel, so coherent that it can be used f or delicate surgery, and so adaptable that it can even be used to transport data . This overview of laser technology clearly defines what a laser is and how it f unctions while providing a concise history of its evolution. Visits to businesse s where lasers are used, commentary by laser professionals, and entertaining dem onstrations reveal the science behind the magic. A Meridian Production. (19 minu tes)</td><td>1997</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2931_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2931_l blPrice">$94.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>8630</td><td>The Last and First Days of Jesus</td><td>This p rogram investigates Jesus' presence in and around Jerusalem during Passover: his allegedly seditious activities, his subsequent arrest in the garden of Gethsema ne, his trial at the palace, and his execution by crucifixion. The remains of th e shops of the money-changers and the great temple itself are also explored. Wit h his death and burial, the "Jesus file" is closed, except for one loophole: his miraculous resurrection. (26 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2932_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2932_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6056</td><td>Last Call: Alcoholism and Co-dependency</td><td >Alcoholism affects not only the person suffering from the disease but the alcoh olic's family as well. This program takes an in-depth look at the effects of alc oholism on both the individual and the family, contrasting an urban and a rural home linked by the common problem of alcoholism. From the alcoholic to his or he r spouse and their children, everyone is affected. As other family members seek to cope and prevent the destruction of the family, unhealthy behavioral patterns often emerge: spouses face frustration, shame, and a feeling of helplessness, a nd children try to hide the problem, creating stresses they can carry with them for the rest of their lives. The program provides a broad insight into alcoholis m and how it affects those on its periphery. (24 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>2 4</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2933_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2933_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11488</td><td>Last Chance, Best Hope: The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit</td><td>For preemies and critically ill infants, life is a minute-tominute battle. This gripping two-part series goes inside the neonatal intensive care unit to observe how dedicated medical professionals combine high tech and " high touch" in the race to save young lives. 2-part series, 51-53 minutes each.< /td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2934_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2934_l blPrice">$299.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11553</td><td>Last Chance for Peace in Sierra Leone</td><td> This compelling program documents the daring efforts of the Interreligious Counc il of Sierra Leone to press for peace and reconciliation in a country devastated by civil war. Ahmad Tejan Kabbah, president of Sierra Leone; William Schulz, ex ecutive director of Amnesty International, U.S.A.; Diana Eck, of Harvard Divinit y School; and others offer their views on topics including atrocities committed against civilians, the questionable Lome Peace Accord, and the power of religion to affect politics. Sierra Leonean history provides a larger context for the pr ogram, while news footage and interviews with those directly affected bring home the reality of the civil war and its turbulent aftermath. (53 minutes)</td><td>

2000</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2935_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2935_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11864</td><td>The Last Days of Zeugma and Apamea: An Archaeo logical Race Against Time</td><td>This program captures the feverish work of the multinational rescue archaeology team that excavated low-lying areas of Zeugma and key portions of Apamea before inundation by the Birecik Dam, in Turkey. Cath erine Abadie-Reynal, director of the French contingent, and other experts descri be their efforts to map the cities and to discern the tides of Greco-Roman histo ry that once flowed through the region. Detailed 3-D computer re-creations and g enerous footage of architecture, murals, bronzes, coins, and the site's signatur e mosaics give a tantalizing glimpse of two priceless ancient urban centers-so r ecently found, so irretrievably lost. (53 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>53</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2936_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2936_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7843</td><td>The Last Drop: Is the World Running Out of Wate r?</td><td>Water shortages contribute to many regional conflicts worldwide. Only two-and-a-half percent is fresh, and it is therefore a precious commodity. This documentary illustrates how the worsening problem of global water shortage lead s to regional political and social conflicts, destruction of economies, and fami ne. Beginning in the Middle East, we see how diversion of water to Israel at the expense of Palestinian villages has exacerbated that conflict. In Namibia, in S outh Africa, cultures are dying and people are starving, as hydro-cops monitor w ater use and abuse by residents. Experts predict that countries along the Rhine may find themselves in the same dry situation, if water diversion from the river continues at current rates. Throughout the program, experts, those involved in water preservation, and those affected by water shortages examine the situation and suggest solutions. (51 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2937_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2937_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4642</td><td>The Last Khan of Khans</td><td>This program tra ces the life of the fifth Great Khan, Kublai Khan, who preferred to make his hom e in China, where he ruled as the first emperor of the Yuan dynasty. Upon his su ccession to power, he set out to unite the entire nation. It took 14 years of wa r and a lifetime devoted to winning the hearts and minds of the Chinese, which h e largely accomplished by being a great patron of the arts and sciences. Kublai lacked, however, his grandfather's military acumen and sent ill-fated military e xpeditions to Java, Southeast Asia, and Japan that produced disastrous results. Though his achievements had world significance, he died a disappointed man with the empire showing signs of decay. (50 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>50</td><t d>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2938_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2938_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36357</td><td>The Last Neandertal: Competing Theories of Hum an Origins</td><td>Among scientists, Africa is the undisputed birthplace of huma nity. But anthropologists are split into two camps over other questions. How man y waves of Homo sapiens migrated out of Africa? Did other highly developed homin id species-such as Homo neanderthalensis-make the same journey? And to what exte nt did these populations mingle and compete with each other? This classic progra m presents differing viewpoints about the age and development of the Neandertaland about how the vanished species figures in the story of modern humanity's ris e. The film features prominent voices in the ongoing debate, including Milford W olpoff, Chris Stringer, Lewis Binford, and others. (52 minutes)</td><td>1996</td ><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2939_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2939_l blPrice">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10784</td><td>The Last Shot</td><td>When Warren's girlfriend breaks up with him in a particularly cruel manner, he buys a gun and exacts his bloody revenge at the school dance. This emotionally charged dramatization grap hically portrays the growing problem of school violence. A radio show, which fea tures a psychologist and one of the survivors, frames the tragic story, providin g insights into the warning signs of impending violence and how such an incident could perhaps be prevented in real life. The mounting pressures on Warren are a lso examined, along with the behavior of those around him, including his teacher s, parents, siblings, and friends. Warning: This program contains scenes of viol ence. A Meridian Production. (24 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2940_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2940_l blPrice">$95.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10949</td><td>The Last Supper in New York</td><td>"One of yo u will betray me." In The Last Supper, Leonardo da Vinci broke with tradition an d seated Judas amidst the other disciples, and in so doing added many layers of meaning and mystery to that masterpiece. In this captivating program, art histor ian Amelia Arenas uses a full-scale digital replica of the painting to stimulate discussion among a group of high school students. Together, they express their impressions and insights, analyzing the painting's content and composition while attempting to identify which figure is the traitor. Computer graphics and foota ge of the original undergoing restoration enhance this engaging educational reso urce. (53 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2941_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2941_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33428</td><td>Late Gothic Art and Architecture: England, 140 0-1547</td><td>This program beautifully captures the transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance through the Late Gothic art of England and its Perpendic ular architecture. Spanning the reigns of Henry IV to Henry VIII-the era of the Hundred Years' War, the Wars of the Roses, and the early Tudors-artists and arti sans in England produced exquisite jewelry, glorious devotional sculptures and i mages, dazzling illuminated manuscripts, and monumental structures. Leading hist orians reinterpret the period, with revealing discussions of patronage, England' s artistic relations with the Continent, and the fundamental importance of relig ion to society of that time. (47 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2942_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2942_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36091</td><td>Late Lessons from Early Warnings 2: The Ongoin g Need for Vigilance</td><td>Filled with in-depth historical analysis, this four -part series analyzes cases in which 20th-century progress ran amok-with 21st-ce ntury consequences. Each story highlights "safe" consumer products and technolog ical advances that have backfired, leading to massive health and environmental c osts and serving as lessons for a new generation of innovators, leaders, and cit izens. 4-part series, 30 minutes each.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2943_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2943_l blPrice">$519.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33235</td><td>Late-Life Depression</td><td>As many as one in five older Americans have late-life depression, which can lead to suicide. In t his program from The Doctor Is In, three senior citizens describe how they have coped with this life-threatening illness. Medical commentary is provided by Char les Reynolds III, director of the Late-Life Depression Evaluation and Treatment Center at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; psychiatrist Thomas O xman, of the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center; and Lucille Karatzas, director of Elder Services at Seacoast Mental Health Center. The central message? Late-li fe depression is a treatable disease, not an inevitable part of aging. A Dartmou th-Hitchcock Medical Center Production. (28 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>28</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2944_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2944_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35537</td><td>Lathes</td><td>Spindle-turning, furniture-maki ng, shaping round- or disk-shaped pieces of wood-lathes can do it all. This vide o examines how. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Cor relates to competency standards for core curriculum and carpentry from the Natio nal Center for Construction Education & Research. A Shopware Production. (14 min

utes)</td><td>2006</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2945_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2945_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35421</td><td>The Latin American Boom</td><td>By the 1960s, Latin America's avant-garde movements had matured into a range of literary style s that were firmly entrenched in the cultural landscape. At the same time, there emerged a new and distinctive accent to Latin American literature that was no l ess authentic than its forebears. This program surveys the artistic phenomenon, manifested most notably in magical realism, that came to be known as the Latin A merican Boom. Examining the role of journalism and the ways in which various aut hors stylized their reporting in the service of artistic goals, the program look s at the work of Alejo Carpentier, Augusto Roa Bastos, Julio Cortazar, Gabriel G arcia Marquez, Juan Carlos Onetti, Jose Donoso, Miguel Angel Asturias, and Juan Rulfo. Some language may be offensive. An FFH&S/Tranquilo Production. (50 minute s)</td><td>2008</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2946_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2946_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37459</td><td>The Latin American Boom-Spanish with Optional English Subtitles</td><td>By the 1960s, Latin America's avant-garde movements ha d matured into a range of literary styles that were firmly entrenched in the cul tural landscape. At the same time, there emerged a new and distinctive accent to Latin American literature that was no less authentic than its forebears. This p rogram surveys the artistic phenomenon, manifested most notably in magical reali sm, that came to be known as the Latin American Boom. Examining the role of jour nalism and the ways in which various authors stylized their reporting in the ser vice of artistic goals, the program looks at the work of Alejo Carpentier, Augus to Roa Bastos, Julio Cortazar, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Juan Carlos Onetti, Jose Donoso, Miguel Angel Asturias, and Juan Rulfo. Some language may be offensive. A n FFH&S/Tranquilo Production. (Spanish with optional English subtitles, 50 minut es)</td><td>2008</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2947_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2947_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34714</td><td>Latin American Women Artists 1915-1995</td><td >Surveying some of the most under-appreciated art of the 20th century, this prog ram documents a groundbreaking exhibit of work by Latin American women at the Mi lwaukee Art Museum. The video opens up the world of these bold and sensitive vis ionaries, illuminating their accomplishments, their impact on artists outside th eir own countries, and the relationship between cultural and artistic identity. Featuring the work of legendary painters Frida Kahlo and Maria Izquierdo-as well as living artists Fanny Sanin, Soledad Salame, Elba Damast, and many others-the program reevaluates notions of mainstream and margin in the contemporary art wo rld. (27 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>27</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2948_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2948_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7988</td><td>Latin and African Americans: Friends or Foes?</ td><td>Hispanics and African-Americans-from politicians to poets to everyday peo ple-speak candidly about the tensions between their communities. In Los Angeles, Mexican-Americans resent the African-American perception of them as mostly ille gal immigrants who are taking their jobs. In Miami, the division between blacks and Hispanics leaves Cubans feeling culturally isolated. In New York, Puerto Ric ans and blacks speak frankly about competition for educational and financial res ources. Poet Maya Angelou, political activist Al Sharpton, Congressman Herman Ba dillo, actress Philicia Rashad, and others suggest solutions that emphasize cult ural understanding. Hosted by actor Hector Elizondo. (44 minutes)</td><td>1996</ td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2949_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2949_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11366</td><td>Latin Beat: Latino Culture in the United State s</td><td>Drawing on interviews with more than fifty major personalities from a broad cross-section of disciplines, this tour de force both analyzes and celebra tes the growing influence of Latino culture in the U.S. Featured guests include artist Andres Serrano, poet Pedro Pietri, composer Luis Dias, dancer Paloma Herr era, actor Guillermo Diaz, fashion designer Willey Esco, photographer Mariluz Go rdillo, radio host Paco de Radio Mega, TV producer Gamelier de Jesus, Newsweek e ditor Veronica Chambers, and Washington Post journalist Jaime Manrique, who shar e their personal and professional experiences of being of Latino descent in Amer ica today. (Mostly Spanish with English subtitles, 2 hours)</td><td>2000</td><td >118</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2950_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2950_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5730</td><td>Latitude</td><td>Using the equator as the start ing point, this program shows how the Tropic of Cancer, Arctic Circle, Tropic of Capricorn, and Antarctic Circle are measured. (10 minutes)</td><td>1985</td><td >10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2951_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2951_l blPrice">$45.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10565</td><td>Latitude and Longitude: A Global Address</td>< td>Every point on earth has a unique global address, which is described by the s

ystem of latitude and longitude. With today's satellite navigation systems, we c an find latitude and longitude positions with an accuracy of a few centimeters. This program describes how the system of latitude and longitude works, clearly d efining key terms and concepts with the use of diagrams, illustrations, and vide o footage. The history of latitude and longitude is examined, from the early exp eriments and charts of Eratosthenes and Ptolemy to the inventions of the late 18 th century allowing mariners to find longitude at sea. The video also reviews th e use of latitude and longitude today, including electronic navigation and Globa l Positioning System satellite technology. This video is an excellent resource f or geography, world history, and earth science classes. A Cambridge Educational Production. Correlates to the National Science Education Standards developed by the National Academies of Science, Project 2061 Benchmarks for Science Literacy from the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the National G eography Standards from the National Geographic Society.One 30-minute video.</td ><td>2000</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2952_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2952_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10211</td><td>The Law</td><td>The law is a set of rules foun d in all organized societies. In the modern world, many key aspects of human exi stence are governed by laws: registration of births, school attendance, traffic, taxation, business, procreation, and the pronouncement of death. This program d iscusses the application of law to regulate human conduct, including the subject of global human rights. But can any international law successfully influence so vereign nations that consider themselves independent of outside jurisdiction? (5 3 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2953_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2953_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11900</td><td>Law and Order: An Inside View of the Criminal Justice System</td><td>The Constitution provides for an impartial criminal justi ce system. In this 2-part series, lawyers, prosecutors, judges, and police offic ers move through the entire process of jurisprudence, from investigation and arr est procedures to courtroom proceedings and sentencing. Differences applicable t o juvenile law are made clear. These videos provide an excellent resource for po litical science or legal studies courses. A Cambridge Educational Production. 2part series, 28-30 minutes each.</td><td>2001</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2954_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2954_l blPrice">$159.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32128</td><td>Law, Public Safety & Security</td><td>To serve and protect-whether as a paralegal, EMT, police officer, or in a host of other roles-that's what the challenging occupations in this Cluster mean. This program profiles a number of men and women who work in these fields, highlighting how t hey got started in terms of training and education. Correlates to the National S

tandards for Life Work. A Cambridge Educational Production. (22 minutes)</td><td >2004</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2955_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2955_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6838</td><td>Laws of Chemical Change and Heat Flow</td><td>T he first lesson provides examples of the Law of Conservation and Mass and the La w of Definite Proportions. Recycling of elements is examined. In lesson two, exo thermic and endothermic reactions are demonstrated by an experiment that uses th e chemical contents of a pocket warmer and dry ice. The third lesson includes de monstrations of oscillating reactions and clock reactions, as well as interestin g though hazardous experiments such as a hydrogen explosion, acetone peroxide ex plosion, surface polymerization, and silver mirror reaction. (35 minutes)</td><t d>1997</td><td>35</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2956_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2956_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>25758</td><td>Layout, Cutting, and Marking</td><td>Layout, C utting, and Marking is a thirteen-minute video which is part of the series, Clot hing Construction.This series covers all the basics of sewing machines, clothing construction, and essential fibers. From start to finish, now you can provide c lear instruction for your students to lay out and alter patterns, create clothes , and fit and construct hems, seams, zippers, or pockets to complete any new out fit. The timeless titles of this video pak offer a comprehensive reference for a ny sewing, costuming, or family-oriented classroom. (13 min.) A Meridian Product ion.</td><td>2000</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2957_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2957_l blPrice">$52.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32305</td><td>Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme-in French</td><td>Mon sieur Jourdain, a wealthy tradesman, is sparing no expense to try to buy what he can never be: a born gentleman. As delightful as he is fatuous and as genuine a s he is naive, M. Jourdain's attempts to transform himself through custom-tailor ed clothing and all manner of lessons are absurd to everyone-except himself. But when his pretensions lead him to refuse his daughter's hand to Cleante on the g rounds that the young man is not a gentleman, he goes too far. Thanks to a cleve r scheme, she and her beloved find the happiness they seek. Not available in Fre nch-speaking Canada. (French, 2 parts, 93 minutes and 52 minutes)</td><td>2001</ td><td>145</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2958_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2958_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>32306</td><td>Le Malade Imaginaire-in French</td><td>Hypocho ndriac Argan's household revolves around his obsession with his chronic imaginar y illnesses. Served by a pair of unscrupulous doctors, Argan even goes so far as to try to marry off his daughter Angelique to one of their sons so he would hav e a physician in the family. But Angelique is in love with Cleante, and it takes all of the wiles of servant Toinette to bring about their marriage. Le Malade I maginaire was Moliere's last play. Playing Argan, he collapsed onstage during a performance and died that very night. Not available in French-speaking Canada. ( French, 2 parts, 66 minutes and 57 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>123</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2959_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2959_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10762</td><td>Le Misanthrope</td><td>Having lost all patienc e with the flattery and hypocrisy of fashionable society, Alceste has vowed to s peak and act only with complete sincerity. Paradoxically, he falls in love with the epitome of all that he despises: the cruel coquette Celimene. Disgusted by h is loss in a lawsuit in which justice was on his side, Alceste resolves to aband on society once and for all, and asks Celimene to accompany him. Unfortunately, she is more in love with her frivolous lifestyle than with him. Alceste departs alone. (French, 2 parts, 80 minutes and 61 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>135</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2960_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2960_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35561</td><td>Leaded Gasoline: Trading IQ for Octane</td><td >As a gasoline additive, lead suppresses engine knock. Lead is also a well-known poison, and yet during the 1920s it was championed over safer alternatives-and even backed by the U.S. surgeon general. Why? This program presents the history of leaded gasoline and its impact on human health and intelligence, most notably as documented in Herbert Needleman's controversial study of schoolchildren. Pro fessor Needleman is featured, along with Bill Kovarik, of Radford University; Ph ilippe Grandjean, of the University of Southern Denmark; and Angela Mathee, of t he Medical Research Council, Johannesburg. (29 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>30< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2961_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2961_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26601</td><td>The Leadership Assignment</td><td>Have you eve r tried to define "leadership"? How about identifying the skills of a good leade r? In this video, one young executive must tackle this difficult task through an assignment from his CEO. By working around the clock, he gains valuable informa tion on leadership skills from some very unexpected sources. Viewers learn how s tyles of leadership differ, skills that make a good leader, how to assess their

own leadership potential, and much more. (24 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><t d>1995</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2962_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2962_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30251</td><td>Leadership in a Fast-Paced Economy</td><td>Bot h were founded in 1927. Both are still going strong. And both are counting on th eir abilities to implement new technologies and to react quickly to changing cus tomer tastes to stay ahead of the competition. This program pairs up James Keyes , president and CEO of 7-Eleven, and Donald Carty, chairman, president, and CEO of AMR Corporation and American Airlines, to comment on the CEO as a catalyst fo r change and to share how they serve customers on the go and stay ahead of costcutting competitors. (58 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2963_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2963_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4933</td><td>Leading Questions</td><td>This program examines the power of professional pollsters to influence public opinion. Public opinion pollsters and market researchers serve virtually every facet of American cultur e. Nearly everyone-from the makers of cake mix to television executives and cand idates for public office-seeks to become the intimate of our private opinions fo r the purposes of their own strategies. In the hands of campaign consultants, th e sophisticated techniques of market research become tools of political persuasi on and "leaders" wind up finding out what we think, so they can tell us what the y think is what we think, too. "If the toothpaste doesn't live up to your dreams , you are out a dollar fifty-seven," notes one observer. "With political candida tes, the stakes are much higher." (60 minutes)</td><td>1989</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2964_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2964_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34938</td><td>Learning</td><td>Cognitive science has provide d exciting breakthroughs in child development. This video demonstrates how child ren are learning much more, at much earlier ages than many experts thought possi ble-and that learning is rooted in emotion as well as logic. (22 minutes)</td><t d>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2965_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2965_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30843</td><td>Learning about Multiple Sclerosis</td><td>This program introduces the subject of multiple sclerosis, covering onset, short- an

d long-term physiological effects, and treatment. A pair of patients with relaps ing-remitting MS describe their experiences while the late Lawrence Jacobs, a pi oneer in MS research and treatment, and other MS experts emphasize the benefits of early identification and intervention in managing this autoimmune disease. Di agnostics involving MRI scans, pharmaceutical treatment with the "ABC drugs" and Rebif, and physical therapy are also discussed, rounding out this comprehensive overview. (24 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2966_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2966_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36353</td><td>Learning about Rheumatoid Arthritis</td><td>Th is program provides a detailed look at how rheumatoid arthritis appears, progres ses, and responds to treatment. It also features case studies that demonstrate t he potential dangers of RA while outlining new therapies that have noticeably re duced the effects of the disease. Helpful animation sequences shed light on how rheumatoid arthritis attacks a joint's synovial membrane, while Dr. Salahuddin K azi of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and Dr. Kathryn Hobbs of the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center explain the RA diagnostic process-including anti-CCP blood testing-and the importance of "biologics" that battle tumor necrosis factor. (28 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2967_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2967_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25766</td><td>Learning Disorders</td><td>This two-part serie s helps parents, educators, and social workers understand learning disorders. Th e controversy surrounding ADHD is also discussed. A Meridian Production.</td><td >&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2968_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2968_l blPrice">$119.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9089</td><td>Learning Essential Skills</td><td>Working toget her, administrators, principals, and teachers can give priority to the essential skills children must develop in order to succeed. This program presents the val ue of a no-nonsense approach to teaching. By maximizing learning time, by struct uring curriculums so that mastery of academic content is required to proceed, an d by quickly providing extra assistance for students having difficulty, the proc esses of both teaching and learning can be greatly enhanced. (19 minutes)</td><t d>&nbsp;</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2969_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2969_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>33520</td><td>Learning French: Lessons from the Mother Count ry-in French</td><td>For children learning their mother tongue, class is always in session. Drawing on the knowledge of linguist Marc Wimet, the Sorbonne's Jean Pierre Goudailler, and Benedicte de Boysson-Bardies, author of How Language Com es to Children, this program looks at the process of language acquisition at hom e, at school, and among peers in both city and suburban settings. Standard Frenc h and slang are each considered. A must for understanding how students of a vari ety of ages can best learn language skills. (French, 26 minutes)</td><td>2000</t d><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2970_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2970_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33314</td><td>The Learning Process</td><td>Eager for knowled ge, a child is by nature curious about everything. Why, then, is school such an unpleasant place for some children? In this program, teachers, researchers, a ps ychoanalyst, a neurologist, a neurobiologist, a psychomotor specialist, and othe rs examine the process of learning and the classroom as a learning center. Maste ry of reading and writing-the key to unlocking all forms of communication and th e entry point to many other exciting domains-is emphasized. In addition, the con cept of multiple intelligences is explored. Not available in French-speaking Can ada. (52 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2971_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2971_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37384</td><td>Learning Strategies for General Chemistry</td> <td>General chemistry-the starting point for understanding many different scienc es-is a rigorous discipline. This program, filmed at Dartmouth College, will hel p students stay engaged with the coursework as it explains the necessity and the benefits of making a wholehearted commitment. The nine strategies presented by a mix of professors and students are: set goals, manage your time, keep up with reading, attend every lecture, take effective notes, do practice problems, apply yourself to chem lab, make use of the professor's office hours, and prepare for exams. Very motivational! (15 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2972_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2972_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25772</td><td>Learning to Solve Problems</td><td>No matter w hat your work is like, problem situations arise that require you to make decisio ns. In this program, Mary, a newly appointed Vice President, must solve the prob lem of improving the company's delivery system. Mary discovers the specific step s necessary to good problem solving. This program will train new and prospective workers to be good problem solvers-a must for today's workplace. A Meridian Pro duction. 14-minute video.</td><td>1996</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2973_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2973_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33910</td><td>Left Behind: Kenyan AIDS Orphans</td><td>This award-winning program takes an unflinching look at the lives of Kenya's chokoras , children orphaned by AIDS. It features emotionally charged visits to a disease -ravaged Nairobi slum, starkly illustrating the link between poverty, prostituti on, and the tragically high level of sexual activity and ignorance among Kenya's street kids. Eschewing any pretense of offering solutions, the program neverthe less holds up the Nimbani orphanage-an American-funded refuge in an area with no other support system for either homeless children or people with AIDS-as an exa mple of constructive activism. (36 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>36</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2974_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2974_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32766</td><td>Legacies of War</td><td>From munitions stockpi les to psychological trauma, the effects of war linger long after conflict forma lly ends. This award-winning documentary examines several postwar situations aro und the world, highlighting ongoing efforts to repair physical, social, and pers onal damage. Powerful footage captures the dangers of unexploded bombs in German y and land mines in Mozambique; the reconstruction of Guatemalan society after 3 6 years of civil war; the plight of refugees in Kosovo; and the difficult task m any African villages face of accepting children back into the community who have fought as soldiers. Several experts also comment, including Mary Robinson, UN H igh Commissioner for Human Rights. A United Nations Production. (32 minutes)</td ><td>2000</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2975_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2975_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9126</td><td>The Legacy: Murder and Media, Politics and Pris ons</td><td>From murders to manhunts to a win-at-all-costs political campaign, t his riveting expose presents the disturbing story behind the passage of Californ ia's stringent "Three Strikes" law. Through candid interviews and news footage, Mike Reynolds and Marc Klaas-brothers-in-arms turned bitter opponents-and other key players including judges, legal analysts, and state officials illuminate bot h sides of this heated issue, revealing in stark terms how criminal justice poli cy is debated and promoted in today's media-saturated political climate-particul arly in a state where more money is spent on building prisons than on education. (77 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>77</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2976_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2976_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>6311</td><td>The Legacy of Nuremberg</td><td>This program ex amines the moral and ethical issues involved in the arguments for amnesty, and f or retribution, in dealing with war crimes. Using archival material and footage, the program explores some of the major issues raised by the prosecution of war criminals. Among the experts discussing the influence of the Nuremberg trials ar e Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal; Lord Shawcross, chief British prosecutor at Nure mberg; and Justice Richard Goldstone, chief prosecutor of the War Crimes Tribuna l for the former Yugoslavia. The program also includes a debate which focuses on the contemporary experiences of war crimes in Bosnia and the process of reconci liation in the new South Africa. Among the five debaters are the Rev. Desmond Tu tu and Jacques Verges, a French lawyer who defended the Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie. (50 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2977_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2977_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29846</td><td>Legacy of Shame: Migrant Labor, an American In stitution</td><td>In this classic program-a follow-up to the alarming 1960 broad cast Harvest of Shame, which first awakened the nation to the plight of migrant workers-correspondents Dan Rather and Randall Pinkston document the ongoing expl oitation of America's invisible laborers while highlighting efforts being made t o protect them. Topics of investigation include pesticide risks, the uneven enfo rcement of employment and immigration regulations, and peonage, as well as the e fforts of rural legal services and progressive growers to advocate for this sile nt minority and provide equitable employment opportunities. Produced by CBS NEWS . (48 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2978_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2978_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11173</td><td>The Legacy of Vietnam: Learning the Lessons of War</td><td>This multi-part NewsHour program provides a powerful retrospective on the Vietnam War and its ongoing influence, from both the American and Vietnam ese points of view. Special attention is given to the war's long-term impact on the U.S. military, the news media, American protest movements, and the inhabitan ts of Vietnam. Long-time journalists Morley Safer and Haynes Johnson; Representa tive Bobby Rush; the Reverend James Wallis; former Viet Cong commander Vuong Tua n Kiet; civilian and military protesters; American and Vietnamese war veterans; and others speak with eloquence and passion on an event that divided the U.S. an d united Vietnam. (42 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>42</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2979_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2979_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36367</td><td>Legal Drugs: Still Addictive, Still Deadly</td ><td>The vast majority of drug addicts are not criminals; tobacco and alcohol, b oth perfectly legal in most societies, are used and abused in staggering abundan

ce. This program details the ways smoking and drinking chemically take hold of t he brain. Explaining the many reasons-besides nicotine-for tobacco's stealthy ef fects, the program describes the existence of thousands of other addictive chemi cals in the plant. It also studies properties in alcohol, which some scientists have nicknamed the "dirty drug," that short-circuit the brain and cause consider able damage. Research by Philip Gorwood, Alain Ehrenberg, Martine Cador, Philipp e Batel, and Michel Hamon is documented. (51 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>52</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2980_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2980_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30345</td><td>The Legend of Arthur in Literature and Popular Culture</td><td>What makes the promise of Camelot still resonate in the 21st ce ntury? In this program, Barbara and Alan Lupack, authors of King Arthur in Ameri ca and Arthurian Literature by Women; Debra Mancoff, author of The Arthurian Rev ival in Victorian Art; and Kevin J. Harty, author of King Arthur on Film, New Es says on Arthurian Cinema, discuss the enduring fascination with King Arthur in B ritain and America since the Victorian era. Tennyson's Idylls of the King, Twain 's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, paintings of the Pre-Raphaelites , and writings of John Steinbeck, T. H. White, Marion Zimmer Bradley, and others are featured. In addition, Hollywood and pop culture's continuing infatuation w ith Arthur is explored. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production. (26 mi nutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2981_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2981_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6387</td><td>Legislating Morality: There Oughta Be a Law!</t d><td>When Americans become outraged with behavior considered immoral or unethic al, a typical response is to call on state legislatures or Congress to pass legi slation outlawing it. Can government impose morality on its people by banning ne gative behavior or mandating positive behavior? History suggests that such effor ts, though well-intentioned in many cases, are often ineffective. This program e xamines the successes and failures of law as a source of ethics in the U.S. with former New York governor Mario Cuomo; legal scholar Thomas DiBacco of American University; and Nadine Strossen, President of the American Civil Liberties Union . (28 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2982_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2982_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29351</td><td>Leonardo da Vinci: The Mind of the Renaissance </td><td>This program surveys the life and work of the perennially fascinating g enius Leonardo da Vinci, from his birth in Tuscany to his final years in Cloux. Painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, and student of anatomy, physiology, bota ny, architecture, hydrodynamics, aeronautics, and other disciplines, he was the quintessential "Renaissance man." (53 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>53</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2983_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2983_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35388</td><td>Les Demoiselles d'Avignon</td><td>In 1907, the intimidating women in Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon-also known as The Bro thel-were a jarring contrast to all prior Western traditions of depicting the fe male nude. This program offers an in-depth analysis of an iconoclastic painting born from the rivalry between Picasso and Matisse for leadership of the avant-ga rde. The painting's intentional lack of narrative, rejection of three-dimensiona lity, and distorted, sharp-edged forms are analyzed, as are the influences of In gres, Cezanne, El Greco, African tribal masks, a stolen Iberian stone sculpture, and one very significant postcard. A BBCW Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2004 </td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2984_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2984_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10764</td><td>Les Femmes Savantes</td><td>Pseudo-intellectua lism is all the fashion, and Chrysale is a man under siege. Philaminte, his wife , is enthralled by the pedantic poet Trissotin and is determined to marry their youngest daughter, Henriette, to him in spite of her husband's opposition and He nriette's protests that she be allowed to marry the sensible Clitandre. In the e nd, Henriette is united with her beloved, but not before Trissotin abandons his suit-just when it appears that the family's fortunes have been lost through Phil aminte's spendthrift highbrow pursuits. Directed by Georges Bensoussan. (French, 2 parts, 87 minutes and 48 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>134</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2985_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2985_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10758</td><td>Les Precieuses Ridicules</td><td>Gorgibus, a p rovincial bourgeois, moves to Paris in the hopes of marrying his daughter and ni ece to a pair of young men of good families. Unfortunately, Magdelon and Cathos, enamored of the affectations of Parisian society, reject their suitors for lack ing the flamboyant manners they so adore. In retaliation, the suitors pass off t heir valets as highly fashionable noblemen, who succeed in infatuating the snobb ish young ladies-and when the subterfuge is revealed, their mortification is com plete. This play was Moliere's first comedy of manners. Directed by Georges Bens oussan. (French, 63 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>62</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2986_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2986_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>35030</td><td>Les Quatre Saisons-in French</td><td>Using the seasons as a framework, this culturally diverse language-instruction program ex plores France to gather a wide range of perspectives on seasonal activities and celebrations. The annual summer vacation rush; pastimes including petanque, fish ing, card games, bike riding, and cooking; occupations such as wine-making; and a selection of holidays ranging from Christmas, Hanukkah, and Ramadan to May Day , Chinese New Year, and July 14th are highlighted. (French, 60 minutes)</td><td> 2000</td><td>61</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2987_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2987_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5348</td><td>Leslie M. Silko</td><td>The works of Leslie Mar mon Silko are strongly rooted in her own matrilineal tribal background. Like all writing of lasting value, they use particular experiences and places to reveal universal truths. Here, Silko discusses her own background and the interrelation ship between her smaller, immediate Native American world and the larger, brutal surrounding world. (45 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2988_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2988_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11964</td><td>Lessons from Job: Desperate with Grief</td><td >Throughout history, the crucifix has been to Christians a symbol both of suffer ing and of overcoming suffering. How, in a world filled with genocide, pandemics , and mass starvation, has Christianity been able to reconcile the concept of di vine mercy with rampant human misery? Citing the story of Job, Angela of Foligno , and Archbishop Oscar Romero, this program examines the roots of faith within t he context of suffering. The concepts of good and evil are also explored, as is original sin. (44 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2989_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2989_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31148</td><td>Let Each Light Shine: A Portrait of Camphill V illage</td><td>At Camphill Village U.S.A., there are no patients and no caregive rs. Only villagers live and work there-people with and without mental disabiliti es whose joint mission is to help each other enjoy meaningful lives. This progra m uses scenes of community activities and interviews with villagers to explore t he Camphill movement's remarkably effective group living model. Camphill Village U.S.A., where inclusion means everything, is living, loving proof that the prin ciples of Rudolf Steiner, as put into action by Dr. Karl Konig, can make a wonde rful difference. (58 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2990_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2990_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6867</td><td>Let the Doors Be Made of Iron: 19th-Century Pri son Reform</td><td>This Academy Award-nominated program uses dramatic reenactmen ts, old lithographs, and photographs to trace the fascinating history of the wor ld's first full-scale penitentiary-Eastern State Penitentiary, Philadelphia. Con ceived as a humane alternative to the overcrowding and debauchery of smaller jai ls, the prison's fortress-like design and policy of separate confinement and mea ningful labor became the correctional model for prisons worldwide. Important eve nts in the prison's history are detailed, including the arrival of its first pri soner in 1829, and a visit by its only detractor-Charles Dickens. This is an int eresting historical window on an early experiment in the humane treatment and re habilitation of criminals. (23 minutes)</td><td>1987</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2991_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2991_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37538</td><td>Let There Be Words: The Origin of Human Langua ge</td><td>What precisely is language, and how did humans acquire it? In an effo rt to answer those essential questions, this program journeys back to prehistori c times in search of language's origin. But this is not a passive discussion, as Noam Chomsky; Brown University's Philip Lieberman; Johanna Nichols, of U.C. Ber keley; Stanford University's Merritt Ruhlen; professor of anthropology Richard K lein; Nobel physicist Murray Gell-Mann; and others passionately defend their poi nts of view. Additional topics include distinguishing features of human communic ation and what humankind's first utterances may have been. The early evolution a nd migration of humans is also considered. (48 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>48< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2992_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2992_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32741</td><td>Let's Do Lunch</td><td>"Who has time?" "I don' t need the calories." "A double bacon cheeseburger, that's a good lu nch!" Sound familiar? Grab your students' attention with Let's Do Lunch and show them why that second meal of the day is vital to their health and academic perf ormance. Covers childhood obesity and related conditions, the basics of balanced nutrition, good and bad cholesterol and different types of fat, and how to star t making healthier food choices. Dieticians and an athletic trainer add their st amp of authority, while savvy teens offer quick, easy, healthy, and delicious lu nch and snack ideas. Break the fast food, junk food, no food habit! A viewable/p rintable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the National Heal th Education Standards and the National Standards for Family and Consumer Scienc es Education. A Meridian Production. (25 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>26</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2993_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2993_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>37401</td><td>Let's Talk About It: Domestic Violence</td><td >Xiomara Fuentes, Amandeep Kaur, and Nneka-three wives beaten and humiliated by their husbands-are the subjects of Let's Talk About It, which gives a voice and a face to a spreading epidemic of spousal abuse. This program puts video cameras into the hands of these women's children who then interview their mothers about why they endured-and how they survived-such physical and emotional injury. The questions they ask, framed with a poignant blend of candor and naivete, leave no room for equivocation. A compelling and purposeful call to action produced by a cclaimed filmmaker Deepa Mehta, Let's Talk About It is a journey into the secret and dangerous world of domestic violence, no more powerfully illustrated than t hrough the eyes of the children. (Portions in foreign languages with English sub titles, 46 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2994_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2994_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37402</td><td>Let's Talk About It: Domestic Violence-in Engl ish with Spanish Subtitles</td><td>Xiomara Fuentes, Amandeep Kaur, and Nneka-thr ee wives beaten and humiliated by their husbands-are the subjects of Let's Talk About It, which gives a voice and a face to a spreading epidemic of spousal abus e. This program puts video cameras into the hands of these women's children who then interview their mothers about why they endured-and how they survived-such p hysical and emotional injury. The questions they ask, framed with a poignant ble nd of candor and naivete, leave no room for equivocation. A compelling and purpo seful call to action produced by acclaimed filmmaker Deepa Mehta, Let's Talk Abo ut It is a journey into the secret and dangerous world of domestic violence, no more powerfully illustrated than through the eyes of the children. (English with Spanish subtitles, 51 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2995_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2995_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33265</td><td>Letter to America: How Arabs View the United S tates</td><td>Is America's "war on terrorism" a defensive reaction to the events of September 11th or a smokescreen for an attempt to secure oil and spread West ern culture throughout the Middle East? Syrian-born BBC correspondent Rana Kabba ni takes a personal journey through the region to explain Arab anger with the Un ited States and how Muslims in the region have come to view America. Kabbani tou rs Egypt, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates, canvassing opinions of citizens fr om all levels of society, as well as those of Americans living abroad. Original BBCW broadcast title: Correspondent: Letter to America. (45 minutes)</td><td>200 1</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2996_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2996_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>9247</td><td>Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire</td><td>This program takes a penetrating look at what is happening to American culture as honesty com es to be measured less by truthfulness and more by the reasons for lying and the degree of deception involved. What is to become of a society in which professio nal ethicists are required to help companies recapture a culture of integrity, a role previously reserved for religion? Experts include Laura Nash, Director of the Institute for Values-Centered Leadership; L. Gregory Jones, Dean of the Duke Divinity School; and Professor Jeffrey Abramson, author of We the Jury. (29 min utes)</td><td>1999</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2997_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2997_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36536</td><td>Liars</td><td>It's been estimated that there a re over 100 different types of lie-some good, some bad, some pure evil. Although lying is universal, it may be the most poorly understood of all human traits. I n this program, psychologist John Marsden attempts to unravel the mysteries surr ounding deception and identify its cues in body language and facial expression. Dr. Marsden interviews Donald Bickerstaff, a man who swindled millions from inve stment clients and who displays little remorse for his dishonesty. Dr. Marsden a lso meets Beth Shannon, a portrait artist with an uncanny ability to spot falseh oods, and confronts that most merciless of lie detectors, the polygraph machine. A BBCW Production. (56 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2998_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2998_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32699</td><td>Liberty and Security in an Age of Terrorism</t d><td>The U.S. is on orange alert, and the citizens of Midburgh are on the looko ut for "suspicious activity." What should they do when circumstantial evidence i ndicating a potential terrorist plot points to two people of Arab ethnicity? Thi s Fred Friendly Seminar, produced as part of Columbia University's 250th Anniver sary, explores the balance between national security and civil liberties in the post-9/11 world. Is one price of vigilance suspicion among neighbors? Do the dem ands of security now require broader government power to investigate and to deta in? Using a hypothetical scenario, moderator Professor Michael Dorf of Columbia Law School pushes the panelists to confront these issues. Panelists include Viet Dinh, a principal architect of the USA PATRIOT Act; Congressman Barney Frank (D -MA); Lee Bollinger, president of Columbia University; James Kallstrom, Senior A dvisor for Counterterrorism to Governor Pataki, State of New York; Judge Alex Ko zinski, of the U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit; Mary Jo White, former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York; Kate Martin, director of the Cen ter for National Security Studies; Fareed Zakaria, editor of Newsweek Internatio nal; Jan Ting, professor of law at Temple University; Nadine Strossen, president of the American Civil Liberties Union; First Amendment attorney Floyd Abrams; J ames Gilmore, chair of the Congressional Advisory Commission on Terrorism Involv ing Weapons of Mass Destruction; and Jack Cloonan, former FBI case agent on Osam a bin Laden and al Qaeda investigations. The panelists, who wrestle with these h igh-stakes questions in their daily lives, discuss the implications of the USA P ATRIOT Act, surveillance of suspects, closed detention hearings, demands for stu dent information, and just what constitutes an unlawful enemy combatant. Additio nal resources are located online at (58 minutes)</td><td>2

003</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2999_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl2999_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36312</td><td>Librarian Special-Science</td><td>Introduce st udents to life science, Earth science, and space science with this 24-program vi deo collection! They'll see the world in a whole new way. Programs include: Ca mbridge Core Science Series: BioBasics (Introduction to Life Science, Cells: The Building Blocks of Life, Genetics and Evolution, Organization and Diversity, Li fe Processes of Animals, Life Processes of Plants, Microorganisms, Interdependen ce of Life) Cambridge Core Science Series: GeoBasics (Our Planet Earth; Plate Tec tonics; Rocks and Minerals; Oceans and Seas; Geocycles; Atmosphere, Climate, and Weather; Energy and Resources; Environmental Issues and Human Impact) Cambridge Core Science Series: Space Science (The Planets; The Sun and Stars; Just How Big Is Space?; The Invisible Universe; Black Holes, Pulsars, and Other Odd Bodies; Yesterday the Moon, Tomorrow Mars?; Living in Space; Is Anybody Out There?) T wenty-four full-length videos. (c) 2006.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3000_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3000_l blPrice">$2,158.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35213</td><td>The Library of Congress: Volumes to Speak</td> <td>Today's Library of Congress is not only the repository of the nation's life story, it's arguably the "ultimate museum," documenting civilizations from aroun d the world. This program immerses viewers in history through a selection of cul tural treasures archived among the library's more than 130 million items, includ ing Jefferson's draft of the Declaration of Independence, the maps carried by Le wis and Clark, and the typewritten script of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Drea m" speech. A viewable/printable educator's guide is available online. (27 minute s)</td><td>2003</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3001_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3001_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38774</td><td>Life After Heart Attack</td><td>Each year, mor e than one million men and women suffer a heart attack. This event suddenly and dramatically alters a person's life forever, but studies show that if sufferers can get to a hospital quickly, more than 90 percent will survive. This program e xplores the radical and unexpected changes that heart attack sufferers must deal with. Spotlighting the importance of targeted medications, lifestyle modificati ons, and-no less importantly-determination, the program provides case studies in which patients have regained productive and enjoyable lives. In addition to exp ert commentary, the program also overviews the warning signs of a heart attack a nd how they might differ between men and women. (30 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><t d>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3002_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3002_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25785</td><td>Life after High School: Succeeding in the Work place</td><td>As students take their places in the workforce, they will need to quickly acquire important work-related behaviors such as punctuality, respect fo r managers and coworkers, and a willingness to follow company guidelines. They m ust also develop good communication and time management skills, to help them wor k efficiently. This program shows how five teenagers successfully adjust to the workplace environment as they share their achievements as well as their fears an d concerns. Keys to success are reinforced throughout as each of the new employe es deals with job-related difficulties. If a picture is worth a thousand words, this video will speak volumes to students as they prepare to make their transiti on to the world of work. A Meridian Production. (21 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><t d>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3003_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3003_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8473</td><td>Life after Prison: Success on the Outside</td>< td>This information-packed program illustrates the specific steps needed to tran sition from incarceration to a rewarding life, and examines the many pitfalls th at must be avoided along the way. Parolees discuss their successes and failures, while parole officers provide insights into why not all ex-offenders succeed. A lso examined are where to look for employment and how to make the most of the wo rk experience and skills learned in prison. A Cambridge Educational Production. (42 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>42</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3004_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3004_l blPrice">$98.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37366</td><td>Life and Death: Medical Ethics of the Schiavo Case</td><td>Many who followed the Terri Schiavo case struggled to make sense of the flurry of opinions it generated. This NewsHour program, recorded during the last days of Terri Shiavo's life, presents two opposing yet thoroughly reasoned perspectives on the issues. Beth Israel Medical Center neurologist Dr. Russell Portenov explains the medical justification for removing the feeding tube, while Dr. Robert George, professor of jurisprudence at Princeton University and a mem ber of the President's Council on Bioethics, raises legal and moral questions su rrounding the decision. Keeping its focus on the Schiavo controversy, the progra m also explores implications for other potential end-of-life situations. (12 min utes)</td><td>2005</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3005_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3005_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>34271</td><td>Life and Death on the River Ganges</td><td>Tra veling from Gaumukh, the source of the holy Ganges, to Gangasagar, where the riv er enters the sea, this program acquaints viewers with some of India's venerable cultural traditions-and reflects on environmental factors that are steadily des troying this sacred Indian waterway. The Durga Puja Festival at Gangnani, a wedd ing procession in Haridwar, ritual bathing at Allahabad, and ritual cremation an d evening puja at Varanasi are featured, and the dual impacts of global warming and severe water pollution are addressed. Commentary is provided by academics, y oga master Swami Vivekananda, an Aghori baba, and others. Some content may be ob jectionable. (50 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3006_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3006_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11792</td><td>The Life and Legend of Sojourner Truth</td><td >As with many historic American figures of the 19th century, Sojourner Truth's s tory is incomplete and somewhat mythical, a fact compounded by her having been b orn a slave. This detailed program traces the lifelong odyssey of a woman who li terally walked out of bondage, changed her name in 1843, and traveled the countr y as an abolitionist and women's rights advocate. Along the way she would meet F rederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln and be further cast into fable by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Interviews with scholars and dramatic readings from Truth's speec hes and autobiography conjure more clearly a picture of this truly heroic woman. (57 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3007_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3007_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34956</td><td>The Life and Times of El Nino</td><td>It has b een linked to famines, epidemics, even the fall of empires. This program follows El Nino's deadly path through human history and the progress science has made i n understanding the once-mysterious phenomenon. The effects of El Nino are prese nted in detail, including an 1878 outbreak of yellow fever in Tennessee, a concu rrent drought that ravaged much of China, and more recent calamities that have b rought the true nature of this climatic occurrence to light. Focusing on high-te ch advances in meteorology, the video outlines El Nino's significance in the glo bal warming debate and illustrates the use of computer models that can predict i ts next appearance. A BBCW Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>50</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3008_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3008_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34212</td><td>Life and Times: The Biology of Aging</td><td>T his Science Screen Report explores the genetics of aging and the different ways in which biologists study longevity. Citing various experiments with test subjec ts ranging from fruit flies to elderly humans, the program focuses on genetic st

ructure and how it affects the life span of organisms. Highlighting two importan t scientific discoveries-the telomere, a genetic sequence determining how many t imes a cell can divide, and telomerase, an enzyme that extends that number-the p rogram also suggests that the effects of aging may one day be reduced, if not el iminated. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Produced in association with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology and t he Junior Engineering Technical Society. (14 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>14</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3009_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3009_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8883</td><td>Life at Speed: Picking Up the Pace</td><td>Why does life in a modern city move so fast, how have people adapted to this frantic pace, and what are the pluses and minuses of adaptation? This program studies t he high-speed lifestyle of city dwellers, focusing on issues such as the hormona l response to continual sensory stimulation and the automatic filtering mechanis m that protects against sensory overload. Addiction to the unavoidable metabolic rush of urban living is also explored, as well as the stress that occurs when t he need for speed is thwarted. (25 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3010_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3010_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10167</td><td>Life Behind Bars</td><td>Are prisons supposed to rehabilitate convicts, punish them, or simply keep them off the streets? The answer depends on who is being asked. This program explores the current state of prisons in America and examines their conflicting mandates. The Directors of th e National Prison Project of the ACLU and the National Center on Institutions an d Alternatives, the Governor of South Dakota, an Arizona sheriff, adult and juve nile inmates, and others consider issues such as the societal impact of mandator y sentencing and the prison-building boom. (29 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>29< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3011_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3011_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6896</td><td>Life Cycles</td><td>The life cycles of plants, animals, and humans are studied close-up in this outstanding biology program. Na rrated film action scenes show plant and animal reproduction, then show the budd ing of leaves, and the emergence of baby chicks from their shell. The growth sta ge depicts a caterpillar's metamorphosis into a butterfly, and a tadpole's emerg ence as a frog. Mature penguins, sheep, ducks, and baboons forage for food, whil e plants drink in sunlight and humans find their food at the supermarket! Decomp osing fruit and bread are used as examples of how the final life cycle, death, p roduces new life-in these cases, bacteria and mold. (21 minutes)</td><td>1996</t d><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3012_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3012_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35280</td><td>Life Expectancy: Geography as Destiny</td><td> Give students a context in which to study the world's widely varying life expect ancy statistics. Focusing discussion on economic and cultural factors, this prog ram examines dramatic discrepancies between life spans in the United States, Jap an, Russia, and the developing nation of Sierra Leone-where a high infant mortal ity rate creates the lowest life expectancy in the world. The video presents ala rming findings at the opposite end of the economic spectrum as well-in Okinawa a nd West Virginia, where links between obesity and mortality rates are growing, a nd in Moscow and its suburbs, where the pressures of rapid social change are low ering life expectancy. (31 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3013_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3013_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29594</td><td>Life in the Fast Food Lane</td><td>The lunch h our calls most Americans to the drive-thru lane or to the dining area of a wellknown fast food restaurant. Knowing what or what not to eat can be very tricky b ecause most menu items are high in fat, calories, and sodium. This video offers tips for making wise fast food choices, including specific ways to cut fat and c alories, and steps for adding complex carbohydrates and fiber. It introduces som e new lighter foods offered by many fast food chains. It also gives a comparison of leading fast food items: burgers, fries, chicken, pizza, and breakfast foods . An excellent program for those who want to eat a healthy, balanced diet but co ntinue to find themselves trapped in the fast food lane. A Cambridge Educational Production. One 20-minute video. (c) 1997.</td><td>1997</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3014_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3014_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32800</td><td>The Life of the Buddha</td><td>Called a religi on, a philosophy, and a science of mind, Buddhism is the way for hundreds of mil lions throughout the world. Who was the historical Prince Siddhartha, and where did he undergo the events that shaped his perceptions of the human condition? Th is remarkably accessible program dramatizes the life of the one who, beneath a t ree at Bodh Gaya, transcended life's misfortunes and sufferings and became known , forevermore, as Buddha. Scholars, researchers, and monastics provide illuminat ing insights into Siddhartha/Buddha's experiences, his teachings, and the rapid spread of Buddhism after his death. A BBCW Production. (51 minutes)</td><td>2003 </td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3015_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3015_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>11492</td><td>A Life of Time: Physics and Chronology</td><td >Whether it is measured by the clock on the wall or by the sun in the sky, time orders the doings of the world. But what are the rules that govern time? Drawing on scientific principles including Albert Einstein's theory of relativity and l eavened with thought-provoking time-related phenomena, this program tells the st ory of time-from its incredible beginning to its probable end, somewhere in the distant future. How much time is left? (29 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>30</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3016_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3016_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33838</td><td>Life Processes of Animals</td><td>Welcome to K ingdom Animalia! Clue your students in on the characteristics of multicellular a nimals with this video. It illustrates the specialized structure and function of the four basic animal tissue types, describes 12 major bodily systems, and anal yzes the process of homeostasis for both endotherms (regulators) and ectotherms (conformers). A concise history of zoology and species classification is also in cluded, and the distinction between vertebrates and invertebrates is explained. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to Natio nal Academy of Sciences National Science Education Standards and the American As sociation for the Advancement of Science Benchmarks for Science Literacy. A Camb ridge Educational Production. Recommended for grades 7-12. (20 minutes)</td><td> 2005</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3017_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3017_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33839</td><td>Life Processes of Plants</td><td>What are thes e alien life forms living among us? They're...plants! This video investigates th e major differences-and some striking similarities-between plants and animals in the areas of what they consume, how they breathe, and how they reproduce. Plant evolution, cell structure, the photosynthesis/respiration cycle, flowering and non-flowering plants, and sexual and asexual reproduction are covered. A viewabl e/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to National Acade my of Sciences National Science Education Standards and the American Association for the Advancement of Science Benchmarks for Science Literacy. A Cambridge Edu cational Production. Recommended for grades 7-12. (17 minutes)</td><td>2005</td> <td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3018_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3018_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29979</td><td>Life Stories</td><td>Mother to daughter, fathe r to son, generation to generation-these critically acclaimed documentaries tell an epic story in intimate detail, presenting a powerful account of contemporary

life through timeless, fundamental relationships. Filled with moving moments of honesty from the broadest range of people, this three-part series explores the bonds that define us all. 3-part series, 45 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>& nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3019_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3019_l blPrice">$449.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35658</td><td>Life, the Universe, and Everything...</td><td> Beginning at the Gargas Caves, France-humankind's first house of worship?-this p rogram seeks to understand why our ancestors began to believe in one or more div inities and how, through the ages, different cultures have expressed that belief . Great mysteries such as death and nature are considered as factors in the evol ution of religious faith as Robert Winston, archaeologist Jean Clottes, The Brit ish Museum's Irving Finkel, and others discuss animism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Zoroastrianism. The Pyramid of the Moon, Teotihuacan; Bambalapitiya Temple, Sri Lanka; the Great Stupa, Anuradhapura; and the Atashgah fire temple, Isfahan, are just some of the sacred sites visited. A BBCW Production. (60 minutes)</td><td> 2005</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3020_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3020_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36410</td><td>Life Time: Death and Immortality</td><td>Like most living things, humans are programmed to die. Can science change that? This film examines mechanisms within our bodies that eventually wind down and stop, a nd shows how medicine may one day find a method for reversing the biological eff ects of time. Host Michio Kaku interviews Nobel Prize-winning biochemist Sir Pau l Nurse, who has spent a lifetime analyzing cellular division and other processe s. The program also studies clues to immortality existing in other organisms-inc luding sea urchins that live far longer than expected and display no signs of ag ing, and the Methuselah Tree, a nearly 5,000-year-old pine in California that st ill produces cones. Original BBC broadcast title: Lifetime. (50 minutes)</td><td >2006</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3021_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3021_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>836</td><td>Life Under Pressure</td><td>This program follows the journey of a red blood cell around the circulatory system to demonstrate th e efficient and elegant design of oxygen and food delivery to all parts of the b ody and the removal of wastes before they can do harm. It shows how the veins an d arteries are structured to perform their tasks: muscular arteries to transmit the force of the heartbeat, veins with valves to insure the blood's return to th e heart. (26 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3022_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3022_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>30591</td><td>Life with Dad</td><td>In the U.S. and Canada, there are nearly 8 million single mothers. There are also more than 2 million si ngle dads. And over the past decade, the number of men looking after children by themselves has grown at almost three times the rate for women. This program pro vides an intimate look at the challenges of daily life for three single fathers and their children. Societal acceptance of single dads is also addressed, and qu estions concerning the concepts of maleness, fatherhood, and family are touched upon. (44 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3023_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3023_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33540</td><td>Lifecycle Assessment: The Environmental Impact of Manufacturing</td><td>The planet is not a garbage can, as every Earth-friend ly manufacturer knows. This program charts the process of lifecycle assessment f or items made of metal, plastic, and wood. The environmental impacts of specific products are followed in detail, including use of natural resources, depletion of raw materials, emissions to the atmosphere and water supply, solid wastes, an d ecological consequences. Both conceptual and analytical approaches to lifecycl e assessment are presented, and the four main stages of lifecycle assessment are identified: goal definition and scope, inventory of materials, impact assessmen t, and assessment interpretation. (24 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3024_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3024_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34510</td><td>Lifelong Learning</td><td>This video offers a range of educational options for reaching career goals, including vocational tra ining, community college, and undergraduate and graduate degrees. The benefits o f experiential education, such as internships, are also presented. (28 minutes)< /td><td>2004</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3025_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3025_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30697</td><td>Lifting the Lid: How Computers Work</td><td>Mo st computer users are familiar with terms such as chips, hard drives, and RAM, b ut what exactly is a chip and what does it do? What does a hard drive look like and how does it work? With helpful graphics and a lively presentation, this info rmative, entertaining program goes inside today's typical computer to look at th e functions of its main components. Close-up visuals show the inner workings of the hard disc drive, while clever demonstrations make concepts such as memory, b inary coding, and RAM easy to understand. Convenient summaries follow each secti

on of new material. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. (32 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3026_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3026_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32903</td><td>Lifting the Yoke: Ukraine</td><td>The starting point of this program is the concept that your nation is where your graves are. Michael Ignatieff, the series presenter, stands by his great-grandfather's grav e, whose marble top still bears marks from when it was used as a butcher's block in Stalin's time. This program examines the emotional effects of the establishm ent-or re-establishment-of an independent Ukraine: the looming ghost of Stalin, the fear of clashes between the Church and independence-minded nationalists, and opinions on both sides on the imposition of the Ukrainian language. (50 minutes )</td><td>1993</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3027_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3027_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36386</td><td>Light: Everything You Need to Know</td><td>The study of light presents a multitude of difficult abstractions. This five-part s eries provides concrete ways to understand those ideas and their history. Using sophisticated 3-D animation, each episode in the series contains several short v ideo modules that focus on a particular concept and how it has altered the physi cs of light. Every module clearly distills the complexity of its subject for use in college-level and advanced high-school course work, and can be deployed eith er as a stand-alone presentation or as part of the overall episode. 5-part serie s, 46-76 minutes each.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3028_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3028_l blPrice">$749.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25792</td><td>Light Is Right: Cooking for Health</td><td>One 93-minute video. A Meridian Production.</td><td>1988</td><td>93</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3029_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3029_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3699</td><td>The Light Reaction</td><td>The light reaction i s explored in depth with computer animation. The program follows the path of the electrons through the P680 and P700 photosystems, and eventually out into the s troma, where they are used in the dark reaction. (10 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td ><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3030_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3030_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36453</td><td>Light, Shadow, and Reflection: Painting with L ight</td><td>Illumination, darkness, and the mysterious region in between-three basic components of the painted image. This program describes ways that artists have manipulated light over the centuries, and examines religious, psychological , and aesthetic reasons behind their innovations. Viewers will encounter medieva l depictions of Biblical narratives and the luminous work of Renaissance and Bar oque painters such as Jan van Eyck and Caravaggio. The program also conveys Char din's mastery of light in still life and the exquisite relationship between sunl ight and color in the paintings of Bonnard and Monet. (27 minutes)</td><td>2005< /td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3031_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3031_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33506</td><td>Light Speed</td><td>The laser light pulses tha t travel the gossamer threads of glass in today's high-tech communication system s are the distant offspring of ancient signal fires. In this program, Ira Flatow and Tom Standage guide viewers through the evolution of long-distance communica tion, a field of endeavor spurred on by creativity, competition, and chance. Spe cial emphasis is given to fiber optics as it is being used today, both in commun ications and in other disciplines such as telerobotic surgery. (57 minutes)</td> <td>2004</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3032_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3032_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30179</td><td>Lighting: Designing New Ways to See</td><td>An integral component of any planned space, light is a favorite theme of designers . This program surveys the innovative work of seven contemporary designers whose lamps and lighting installations have literally changed the way we see things. Achille Castiglioni, Michele de Lucchi, Ettore Sottsass, Alberto Meda, Philippe Starck, Richard Sapper, and Ingo Maurer discuss their influences and ideas conce rning the practical, decorative, and industrial applications of light fixtures. (52 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3033_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3033_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11316</td><td>Lights Up! Getting Started as a Playwright</td ><td>In this program, Andrea Lemon, Timothy Daly, Katherine Thomson, David Willi amson, and other theater professionals describe what it was that prompted them t

o set pen to paper and write their first plays. They also explain how writing fo r the stage differs from other types of writing, give their opinions on the qual ities needed to succeed as a dramatist, and offer advice on how to begin the wri ting process. "Practice the art of enticing the imagination of the public," says Daly. "It often starts with a title." (27 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>27</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3034_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3034_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1277</td><td>Limestone</td><td>Limestone, or calcium carbona te-made of the skeletons of billions of sea creatures-is mined in large quantiti es. Carefully blasted out of the ground, it is first crushed with huge pestles t o eliminate large boulders, then passed through a series of sieves to separate l arge chunks for further crushing. When sufficiently small, it is washed to remov e clay, dust, and sand. The grades are separated: some for road-building, others for processing into sodium carbonate for glass-making. The sand from the wash i s separated out and can be made into quicklime and subsequently into slacked lim e; the remainder is processed to make cement powder. (20 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp; </td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3035_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3035_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10760</td><td>L'Impromptu de Versailles</td><td>Under the pr etext of holding an improvised rehearsal at Versailles, Moliere gathers his acto rs and attempts to explain his conception of drama while defining the poetics of a rigorous and innovative dramatic art-and in the process settles some accounts with the troupe of the Hotel de Bourgogne. This play, along with La Critique de L'Ecole des Femmes, served as Moliere's response to the severe criticism of his L'Ecole des Femmes. Directed by Georges Bensoussan. (French, 56 minutes)</td><t d>1998</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3036_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3036_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10282</td><td>Linear Momentum and Newton's Laws of Motion</t d><td>In section one of this program, colliding basketball players demonstrate t he Principle of Conservation of Momentum, while section two debuts all three of Newton's Laws of Motion, as illustrated by moving a large bookcase, hanging from a rope, and pushing against a wall. Newtonian concepts of inertia, force, mass, weight, equilibrium, tension, and momentum, plus free-body diagramming, are als o covered. "Live the laws, love the laws, be one with the laws." (24 minutes)</t d><td>1999</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3037_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3037_l

blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6434</td><td>Listening to the Silence: African Cross Rhythms </td><td>"Africans listen to the silence and use it as a dimension in which they can improvise," observes John Collins, an English musician and host of this pro gram. Taking off from the peace of nature, the singing cicadas, and the simple r outines of the workday, this program explores a kaleidoscope of musical examples from Ghana: children's games and their musical bands; traditional drums; sensua l dances; trance dances; animated funeral music; and many other examples from th e Ewe, Ashanti, Ga, and Frafra peoples of Ghana. Throughout the program, the lei tmotif is social participation and the strikingly complex rhythmic sensibilities of the people. (33 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3038_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3038_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34972</td><td>Liszt: Verdi's Rigoletto Concert Paraphrase</t d><td>Liszt frequently expanded upon the work of previous composers to create ne w musical forms. His transcription of Verdi's Rigoletto was part of a completely new style of piano composition. In this program, Martino Tirimo guides students toward a mastery of the Rigoletto paraphrase and an understanding of its compos itional layers. Assembled at London's Royal Academy of Music, pianists from the United States, Europe, and Asia are noticeably moved by Tirimo's instruction. (3 0 minutes)</td><td>1988</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3039_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3039_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30157</td><td>The Literature of Spain: 1975 to the Present-i n Spanish</td><td>With the death of Franco came a loosening of political restric tions and a restoration of many civil liberties. In this program, respected auth orities look at the past 25 years of literature in post-Franco Spain and the lit erary inclinations of the next up-and-coming generation of poets, authors, and p laywrights. Dramatic readings include excerpts from Manuel Vazquez Montalban's " Sin Memoria," Francisco Umbral's Mortal y Rosa, Juan Goytisolo's Senas de Identi dad, Rosa Regas' Fabula Moralista, and Antonio Gala's Poemas de Amor. (Spanish, 50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3040_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3040_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30171</td><td>The Literature of Spain: 1975 to the Present-i n Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>With the death of Franco came a looseni ng of political restrictions and a restoration of many civil liberties. In this program, respected authorities look at the past 25 years of literature in post-F ranco Spain and the literary inclinations of the next up-and-coming generation o

f poets, authors, and playwrights. Dramatic readings include excerpts from Manue l Vazquez Montalban's "Sin Memoria," Francisco Umbral's Mortal y Rosa, Juan Goyt isolo's Senas de Identidad, Rosa Regas' Fabula Moralista, and Antonio Gala's Poe mas de Amor. (Spanish with English subtitles, 50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>4 9</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3041_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3041_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2498</td><td>A Little Bit of Magic Realized: William Fox Tal bot's Discovery</td><td>William Fox Talbot was a brilliant scholar determined to capture the magic of the camera obscura in some permanent, reproducible form. I n 1835, he discovered the negative-positive process, and went on to prove himsel f an exceptional creative photographer. This program explains the technical aspe cts of his work and shows many of his most beautiful and thought-provoking resul ts. (26 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3042_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3042_l blPrice">$109.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35385</td><td>Little Dancer Aged 14</td><td>Enigmatic and re mote, yet very much present and perhaps all too real: that is the Little Dancer Aged 14, by Degas. Beginning with information on the artist's life, this program brings to light the genesis of Degas' immortal wax sculpture, background on the unusual model who posed for it, and the uproar the piece caused at its debut, w here it stood at stark odds with the ideas of feminine beauty then in vogue. Ill ustrations of studies, both nude and clothed, that Degas drew for it; high-tech forensic analysis of it; and a peek into the seamy side of the world of ballet i n 19th-century Paris provide additional insights. A BBCW Production. (50 minutes )</td><td>2004</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3043_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3043_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36425</td><td>A Little Matter of Gender: Developmental Diffe rences among Savants</td><td>One of the great success stories from the world of autism, Temple Grandin revolutionized the field of livestock management, empower ed by her sensitivity with animals. Tommy McHugh displayed no such sensitivity-u ntil a brain hemorrhage transformed him from a brawler into a gentle soul. As sc ientists continue to investigate differences between the male and female brain, the special characteristics of autistics and savants take on increased importanc e. This program describes the latest research in that area, shedding light on th e role of testosterone, fetal development, evolutionary factors, and the notable lack of romantic and sexual bonding among the autistic. (53 minutes)</td><td>20 06</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3044_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3044_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>39008</td><td>Lives for Sale: Human Trafficking</td><td>Each year, more than one million people try to cross the U.S.-Mexico border, contend ing with dangerous forces that prey on their hopes and exploit their gullibility . This program exposes the most painful, disturbing, and hidden dimension of ill egal immigration: the growing black market trade in human beings. Shedding light on the poverty that causes so many to risk everything by leaving their home cou ntries, the film reconstructs the frightening journeys of sex-slavery victims an d highlights the work of CAST-the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking. Border patrol agents and other members of law enforcement share their knowledge and experience regarding this ongoing human rights crisis. (60 minutes)</td><td> 2006</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3045_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3045_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11487</td><td>Lives Together, Worlds Apart: Men and Women in a Time of Change</td><td>Drawing on case studies from first- and third-world na tions, this program exposes the "gender apartheid" that has led to the marginali zation of women around the world through violence and poverty. Commentary by Kof i Annan, secretary general of the UN; Festus Mogae, president of Botswana; and M argaret Jay, Britain's minister for women, as well as by many grassroots leaders reveals the victimization that is occurring through educational neglect, unfair labor practices, spouse abuse, and inadequate reproductive healthcare. The posi tive effects of rural empowerment programs, battered women refuges, and free hea lth and legal counseling are also presented-but will cuts in funding sweep away the good that these initiatives have done? (57 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>57< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3046_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3046_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37388</td><td>Living and Dying with Muscular Dystrophy</td>< td>Duchenne muscular dystrophy is the world's most frequently occurring fatal ge netic disease among children-although its victims sometimes live into their teen s or early adulthood. This ABC News program features a young man named Darius We ems who decided early on not to become a victim. Paralleling the celebrated docu mentary Darius Goes West, the program describes a life-affirming cross-country a dventure undertaken by the wheelchair-bound hero and his friends. Reporter Marti n Bashir explores the painful challenges Darius has overcome and their similarit y to struggles Bashir has witnessed before-in the life of his own brother, who s uccumbed to DMD in 1991. (13 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3047_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3047_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>32926</td><td>Living Better Longer</td><td>Hosted by CBS NEW S correspondent Dan Rather, this program looks at aging from a number of angles. Individual profiles highlight major factors in growing older while maintaining health and happiness, such as diet and exercise, social relationships, and engag ement with life itself. Among those featured are actor Nick Nolte; Dr. John Rowe , a leading expert on aging and the elderly; and Dr. Leila Denmark, who practice s medicine at the age of 102. Produced by CBS NEWS. (39 minutes)</td><td>2000</t d><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3048_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3048_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32570</td><td>Living Donor Organ Transplants</td><td>For pat ients in need of an organ, the wait, not the surgery, is often the more life-thr eatening factor. After a concise overview of cadaveric organ transplants, this p rogram shifts its focus to living donor organ transplants. Three liver transplan t case studies-young mother to baby daughter, adult daughter to elderly mother, and adult son to elderly father-spotlight pioneering surgeon Nancy Ascher and ot her transplant specialists in action. Close-ups of actual surgery provide a fasc inating look at the procedure that is revolutionizing the science of organ trans plantation. The use of immunosuppressants to curb organ rejection is also addres sed. (23 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3049_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3049_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32969</td><td>A Living Goddess in Kathmandu</td><td>The Kuma ri, a flesh-and-blood goddess, is revered by both Hindus and Buddhists in Nepal as a protector of the land and defender of all living beings. This program trace s the mythological underpinnings of the Kumari and presents the living tradition of Kumari worship, including the Kumari selection, the secret preparation ritua ls, and Kumari-related festivals and ceremonies. It also discusses the relations hip between the Kumari and the king. (53 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>53</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3050_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3050_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34747</td><td>Living in Space</td><td>This video gives stude nts a dramatic view of what it's like to live and work in space with action foot age of the International Space Station, the Buran-Energia Shuttle, the Mir Space Station, and Skylab. The pros and cons of living in an environment lacking Eart h's gravity, protective atmosphere, and moderate temperatures (relatively speaki ng) are considered, and the future of space exploration, as outlined in George W . Bush's "A Renewed Spirit of Discovery" address, is mapped out. A viewable/prin table instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to National Science Edu

cation Standards, National Educational Technology Standards, and standards of th e Association for the Advancement of Science. A Cambridge Educational Production . Recommended for grades 7-12. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3051_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3051_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10463</td><td>Living in the Brave New World</td><td>As techn ology becomes increasingly complex and pervasive, it is impacting the very essen ce of what it means to be human. Narrated by the influential futurists and media gurus Arthur and Marilouise Kroker, this unsettling two-part series explores ho w technology is disrupting not only the workplace and home, but the mind and bod y as well. Where is the Digital Revolution going? And what will become of those who are left behind? 2-part series, 41-52 minutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nb sp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3052_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3052_l blPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35920</td><td>Living in the Hyphen: Cultural Identity in a M ultiethnic Society</td><td>In Canada, diversity is represented as "an ethnicity + a hyphen + Canadian." But what if you are one of the many people who don't fit into an obvious category? What if your background is a hybrid of ancestries and you live "in the hyphen"-somewhere in between, where cultural identities overla p? This program examines the experiences of poet Fred Wah and six other Canadian s with one parent from a European background and one from a visible minority. As globalization increasingly blurs borders of all kinds, Living in the Hyphen off ers a provocative glimpse of a future in which hyphens give way to a celebration of mixed heritages. (45 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3053_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3053_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4955</td><td>Living in the Information Age: Vartan Gregorian </td><td>It has been calculated that the available knowledge in the world double s every 5 years; we are increasing our store of knowledge much faster than we ar e learning how to retrieve and use it. What is the danger of intellectual gridlo ck when the mind is jammed thinking about such questions? In this program with B ill Moyers, Brown University President Vartan Gregorian shares his views on the information age. Education must show a direct connection between this informatio n and life, Gregorian says. (30 minutes)</td><td>1989</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3054_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3054_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>35837</td><td>Living in the Shadow of Zonolite Mountain</td> <td>Much of what is known about the environmental disaster in Libby, Montana, ha s been due to the unflagging efforts of residents Les Skramstad, U.S. attorney f or Montana, and Gayla Benefield. In this ABC News program, these determined indi viduals are joined by Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter Andrew Schne ider; Drs. Brad Black and Alan Whitehouse, of Libby's Center for Asbestos-Relate d Disease; and others to speak candidly about the situation there. Topics includ e the history of vermiculite mining in the area, allegations against W. R. Grace of covering up the presence of tremolite asbestos in the ore, and the shocking toll on the health of those who live in the shadow of Zonolite Mountain. (21 min utes)</td><td>2005</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3055_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3055_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10676</td><td>Living Longer ... Aging Well</td><td>Although many cultures venerate their elders, looking to them as living repositories of w isdom and experience, America, with its "forever young" self-image, does not. La cking societal support, how are Americans supposed to age well-to grow older wit h grace and understanding-and make life's final decades a meaningful experience? This program features the stories of exemplary individuals who, despite the inh ospitable social climate, are growing older with courage and dignity. (29 minute s)</td><td>2000</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3056_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3056_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10675</td><td>Living Longer ... Living Better?</td><td>Thank s to recent advances in medicine, longevity is on the rise. But will America's y outh-oriented society finally develop the maturity to respect its elders? And wi ll the Medicare and Social Security infrastructures be able to meet the needs of the Baby Boomers? In this program, experts including medical ethicist David Sol omon, the directors of the Aging with Dignity Institute and the Forever Learning Institute, and the author of Another Country...Navigating the Emotional Terrain of Elders examine these and other pressing quality-of-life questions. (29 minut es)</td><td>2000</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3057_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3057_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29377</td><td>The Living Martyr: Inside the Hezbollah</td><t d>For militant followers of Islam, the highest honor is to be dubbed al-shahid a l-hai-"the living martyr," one who has irrevocably committed himself to dying in a suicide attack against the organization's enemies. Why do boys and young men so readily embrace this ideal? And how do the mothers, sisters, and daughters fe el about it and the honor that it confers upon them? Filled with exclusive inter views with Lebanon's Hezbollah resistance fighters and their families as well as

chilling footage of suicide mission preparations, this program is a must-see do cumentary for anyone seeking to understand the political situation in the Middle East and beyond. (53 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3058_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3058_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8887</td><td>Living on the Edge: The Line Between Scary and Fun</td><td>This program redefines fear stimuli and explores the fine line betwe en fright and excitement. The rapid evolutionary modification of supposedly hard -wired responses to heights, enclosed spaces, and darkness by the demands of mod ern living is described, along with the new terrors that have taken their place. But parallel to the desire for safety is the desire for excitement. The risks p eople willingly take, such as driving recklessly fast, to assert their right to control their own lives and to attain an adrenaline high are also examined. (25 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3059_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3059_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>38796</td><td>Living Stones 2: Uncovering Ancient History</t d><td>This outstanding ten-part series assembles, through archaeology, a vivid c omposite picture of world-shaping events and day-to-day business in the ancient world. Footage of archaeologists at work, computer-generated reconstructions, an d virtual walk-throughs bring the history of faraway lands and long-ago times to life. 10-part series, 27-29 minutes each.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3060_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3060_l blPrice">$899.50<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32745</td><td>Living Stones: Where Archaeology Begins</td><t d>Filmed from an archaeological perspective, this remarkable 12-part series goes back in time to study daily life in some of the major civilizations that shaped history. Ranging from southern Europe to North Africa and the Near East to Meso america, the series brings history to life with vivid computerized reconstructio ns and breathtaking location footage. 12-part series, 27 minutes each.</td><td>2 001</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3061_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3061_l blPrice">$1,559.40<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34451</td><td>Living Together: Relationships in the Wild</td ><td>This program seeks to understand how relationships between living things ha ve promoted the diversity and splendor of life as it exists on Earth today. Pred

ation, competition, and symbiosis are addressed through topics such as the anato mical arms race between predators and prey, the evolutionary benefits of sexual reproduction, and the impact of viruses on creatures ranging from rabbits to hum an beings. Original BBCW broadcast title: Living Together. (50 minutes)</td><td> 2004</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3062_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3062_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34640</td><td>Living with ADHD</td><td>Children with Attenti on Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder need not miss out on crucial educational oppor tunities. This program describes new medical strategies designed specifically fo r parents struggling to keep ADHD from controlling their households and limiting the prospects and happiness of their children. It also focuses on the challenge s of parents who, in addition to their children, are diagnosed with the disorder . While presenting concerns that Ritalin and other drugs have led to overmedicat ion, the video demonstrates that clinical advances are enabling children to lear n constructive behavior, build relationships, and lay the foundations of a rewar ding life. A BBCW Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3063_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3063_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38788</td><td>Living with Alzheimer's</td><td>What is the di fference between run-of-the-mill memory difficulties and the effects of Alzheime r's disease? If an older person is experiencing more "senior moments" than usual , should he or she be concerned? What happens inside the brain of an Alzheimer's patient? This program addresses those questions with the help of expert intervi ews and compelling case studies. Viewers will learn how the disease alters brain chemistry and leads to brain cell loss, and how it is typically diagnosed with cognitive tests and by studying patterns in a patient's history. Interviewees in clude Dr. Stephen Aronson of the University of Michigan Medical School and Dr. M arc Agronin of the Miami Jewish Home and Hospital for the Aged. (28 minutes)</td ><td>2006</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3064_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3064_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36519</td><td>Living with Arthritis</td><td>One out of three American adults suffers from arthritis or related joint pain. This program exam ines the widespread affliction and the treatment protocols for it. Explaining th e difference between arthritis pain and the natural stiffness of aging, the prog ram describes the early warning signs of the disease, demonstrates its impact wh en left untreated, and details treatment options. Expert medical commentary is p rovided by Dr. John Klimkeiwicz of Georgetown Medical Center, Dr. John Bruno of the Tennessee Orthopedic Alliance, and Dr. Wayne Goldstein of the Illinois Bone and Joint Institute-the creator of sophisticated joint implants that have given arthritis sufferers unprecedented mobility. (28 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>28

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3065_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3065_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29956</td><td>Living with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Di sorder</td><td>Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is characterized by deve lopmentally inappropriate impulsivity, inattentiveness, and, in some cases, hype ractivity. In this program, therapists, teachers, parents, and patients offer th eir insights into living with and overcoming AD/HD. The benefits of a treatment approach combining ongoing psychological assessment, specialized classes, and ca refully monitored use of Ritalin or similar medications are cited. In addition, the brain biochemistry of people with AD/HD is discussed, and anomalous brain de velopment before birth is identified as a likely cause of the disorder. (53 minu tes)</td><td>2000</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3066_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3066_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32569</td><td>Living with Crohn's Disease</td><td>Of the mor e than 400,000 Americans living with Crohn's disease, as many as 20 percent were diagnosed as children or teens. Several case studies of young female patients p rovide a forum for medical experts from the Mayo Clinic and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center to share their knowledge of risk factors, symptoms, screening methods, c omplications, and treatment options, including anti-inflammatory medications, st eroid treatments, immunosuppression, injected proteins, and surgical interventio ns. Cycles of remission and relapse, genetic and pharmaceutical research, diet a nd nutrition, pregnancy, and support groups are also covered. (24 minutes)</td>< td>2002</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3067_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3067_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10478</td><td>Living with Dying</td><td>Death, which sooner or later comes to all, is treated as a strangely taboo subject in America. In th is program, veteran PBS journalist Bill Moyers describes the search for new ways of thinking-and talking-about dying. Forgoing the usual reluctance that most Am ericans show toward speaking about death, patients and medical professionals ali ke come forward to examine the end of life with honesty, courage, and even humor , demonstrating that dying can be an incredibly rich experience for both the ter minally ill and their loved ones. The DVD version of this program also includes a special video introduction by Mr. Moyers. (87 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>87 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3068_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3068_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36354</td><td>Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis</td><td>Rheum atoid arthritis can ravage the human body if not treated in time, but there is g ood news. This program explores medical innovations that are improving the quali ty of life for patients with advanced RA. Case studies profile patients who have resumed active lives after struggling with pain and fatigue for years. Renowned RA experts-including Dr. Steven Paget of Cornell University's Weill School of M edicine and Dr. Alvin Wells, director of the Rheumatology and Immunotherapy Cent er in Oak Creek, Wisconsin-explain the use of TNF alpha inhibitors and groundbre aking MRI and ultrasound applications that are helping to fight the battle again st RA. (28 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3069_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3069_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11363</td><td>Living with Today's Maladies</td><td>Despite s teady advances in medical science, there is still no end to the long list of ill nesses in need of treatment. This program examines symptoms and risk factors ass ociated with a wide variety of maladies, including those that derive from the st resses of modern living. Respiratory disorders, such as allergies and chronic br onchitis; neurological problems, including headaches, seizure disorders, and MS; gender-specific diseases; digestive disorders; musculoskeletal problems; and co ntemporary afflictions, such as chronic fatigue syndrome and repetitive stress i njuries, are featured. Strategies for prevention and intervention are also explo red. (29 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3070_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3070_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36930</td><td>Loaded Weapon</td><td>The Irish experience ref lects two language traditions, English and Gaelic. This classic PBS program show s how English was first established in Ireland in the 17th century and how, in c ases of violent cultural conflict, language can function as a weapon. Exploring the west of Ireland today, the program identifies traces of Irish Celtic culture , despite the historical decline of the Gaelic tongue. Typical Irish accents in Cork are examined, with examples containing strong echoes of Elizabethan speech. The impact of Cromwell's rule and the catastrophic famines of the 1840s-both of which forced many Irish into exile, further distancing them from their native l anguage-is also studied. (59 minutes)</td><td>1986</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3071_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3071_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29249</td><td>Local News</td><td>Faced with intense competit ion from the Internet and other news media, TV news directors and station owners across the country are struggling to increase ratings and keep viewers. By taki

ng a critical look at how local news is produced, reported, and packaged at WCNC -TV in Charlotte, North Carolina, this provocative 5-part series offers a unique , behind-the-scenes perspective on the many challenges facing American televisio n news in general and the tensions between ratings and journalistic ethics. 5-pa rt series, 58 minutes each.</td><td>2001</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3072_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3072_l blPrice">$349.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29252</td><td>Local News: A Working Team</td><td>Months afte r his arrival, WCNC-TV news director Keith Connors feels he has assembled a winn ing team, but beneath the surface the newsroom family is riven by tensions. Prom otions and demotions cause the reporters to question their director's motives. O ne reporter openly rebels after having to cover a story he felt was beneath him. Connors experiences the isolation of leadership's tough decisions as his team's cohesion crumbles. (58 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3073_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3073_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29251</td><td>Local News: Changes and Consequences</td><td>T he banking industry is turning Charlotte, North Carolina, into a boomtown; for W CNC-TV news, the city's growth brings its share of problems. Veteran reporter Be a Thompson became the city's first black female TV news journalist 22 years ago. Now on the verge of being fired, she touches off a protest that escalates into picketing and boycotts. News director Keith Connors and general manager Rick Kei lty must scramble to avert a public relations disaster and boost sinking morale at the station. (58 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3074_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3074_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29253</td><td>Local News: Grace Under Pressure</td><td>In re sponse to pressure from the station management for higher ratings, WCNC-TV news gets a reformatted program, a new anchor, and a new emphasis on breaking stories , especially in crime coverage. Once again, ethical conflicts arise as news dire ctor Keith Connors and his reporters try to determine how much information regar ding an ongoing murder case they can air without jeopardizing the police investi gation. At the same time, Connors' education reporter confronts the most divisiv e scene yet in the school busing debate and can barely go to air with the story. The 5 o'clock broadcast is a debacle and Connors must lead as never before. (58 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3075_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3075_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>29254</td><td>Local News: There's No Place Like Home</td><td >When news director Keith Connors goes home to Ashtabula, Ohio, for Christmas, h e is struck by the contrast with booming Charlotte and realizes why he left to c over news in other people's communities. His former reporter, Bea Thompson, made the opposite bargain, forsaking opportunities elsewhere to serve the city in wh ich she grew up. After Connors orchestrates his news team's coverage of the turn of the millennium, he and the viewers are left to wonder: is WCNC's experiment a shining hope for television journalism or an impossible dream? (58 minutes)</t d><td>2001</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3076_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3076_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29250</td><td>Local News: To Work a Miracle</td><td>When a w ave of bomb threats hits Charlotte's schools, newly hired WCNC-TV news director Keith Connors reins in his reporters while the competition rushes to air with mi sinformation. Connors loses the big story but hopes he is building viewer trust. The station confronts a different ratings dilemma when several white families s ue to overturn the city's landmark 1971 school busing plan. As reporters and pro ducers argue over the amount of trial coverage, racial tensions in the newsroom are revealed and Connors must try to reconcile the demands of business, journali sm, and community. (58 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3077_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3077_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31950</td><td>Location and Excavating: Site Preparation</td> <td>Where a house is going to be built can be just as important as how it's desi gned. This informative video looks at considerations that go into choosing a str ucture's location, as well as that first big step on-site: breaking ground. A vi ewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the Compe tencies and Objectives of the National Center for Construction Education & Resea rch. A Shopware Production. (13 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3078_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3078_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33359</td><td>Log On for Success: Using Internet Job Sites</ td><td>Show your students how to find great jobs fast-with the Internet. This vi deo will tell them everything they need to know to start blazing an electronic p ath to outstanding career opportunities. It covers how to find and then effectiv ely search mega-job sites, industry- or profession-specific sites, and individua l company sites; how to prepare Web-ready and E-mail-compatible resumes and cove r letters; how to fill out online questionnaires; and how to save, organize, and keep track of what's been posted and sent. The video also clues viewers in to w hat information not to post, like social security numbers, so bad guys won't be

able to scam them. In an Information Age job market, success begins with a click ! A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the career standards from the National Occupational Information Coordinating Commit tee. A Cambridge Educational Production. (19 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>18</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3079_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3079_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32714</td><td>Logic: The Structure of Reason</td><td>As a to ol for characterizing rational thought, logic cuts across many philosophical dis ciplines and lies at the core of mathematics and computer science. Drawing on Ar istotle's Organon, Russell's Principia Mathematica, and other central works, thi s program tracks the evolution of logic, beginning with the basic syllogism. A s ampling of subsequent topics includes propositional and predicate logic, Bayesia n confirmation theory, Boolean logic, Frege's use of variables and quantifiers, Godel's work with meta-mathematics, the Vienna Circle's logical positivism, and the Turing machine. Commentary by Hilary Putnam, of Harvard University; NYU's Ki t Fine; and Colin McGinn, of Rutgers University, is featured. (43 minutes)</td>< td>2004</td><td>43</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3080_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3080_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8736</td><td>Logical Reasoning</td><td>This video describes how to recognize and apply inductive and deductive reasoning. Dramatized segment s and computer animations involve determining a crime suspect's guilt or innocen ce based on clues from a series of convenience store robberies; finding a strate gy for winning a game played with coins; and matching students to the sports or musical instruments they play as a part of a puzzle. (20 minutes)</td><td>1995</ td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3081_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3081_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34172</td><td>London: The Post-Imperial City</td><td>Definin g the typical New Yorker has always been impossible; today, the definition of a Londoner is nearly as elusive. This program travels London's increasingly cosmop olitan neighborhoods, sorting through perspectives on immigration and resistance to it. Interviews with leaders and everyday citizens reveal distrust in several quarters; Lord Nazir Ahmed and East London Muslims cite examples of Islamophobi a, and several Londoners express frustration with foreigners who refuse to confo rm. But a tour of the city's food markets reflects an astonishing diversity that is, according to many interview subjects, a source of newfound civic pride. (26 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3082_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3082_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11307</td><td>The Long Haul: How Do Writers Go the Distance? </td><td>In this program, dedicated authors including A. Scott Berg, Ann-Marie M acDonald, Isobelle Carmody, Venero Armanno, and Thomas Keneally explore the ways in which writers deal with fatigue, rejection, and uncertainty in order to sust ain their enthusiasm over the years it often takes to write a book and then find a publisher. In addition, they address three core issues involving the mechanic s of writing: how to choose a narrative stance, how to develop a style, and how to revise that monolithic first draft-"You need to rework and rework and rework, " says Carmody. (27 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3083_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3083_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5731</td><td>Longitude</td><td>The lines of longitude are re lated to local times, using the prime meridian and the sun. (10 minutes)</td><td >1985</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3084_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3084_l blPrice">$45.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33777</td><td>Looking Ahead: Advancements in Modern Medicine </td><td>This three-part series analyzes the phenomenal research of medical visi onaries, scientists, and futurists. Covering developments from robotics to teles urgery, computer chip brain implants to homes that monitor their residents for i llness, the series provides exceptional insights into where medicine is going an d what remarkable feats it may accomplish during the 21st century-and beyond. 3part series, 47 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3085_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3085_l blPrice">$389.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11227</td><td>Looking Back: British Theater, Two Wars Later< /td><td>From Vortex, to The Pink Room, to Look Back in Anger, British theater in the decades surrounding World War II evolved through a series of surprises, sho cks, and scandals. This program, hosted by renowned theater director Sir Richard Eyre, focuses on theater in London from the 1920s to the '60s, as self-expressi on struggled against rigid governmental censorship. The contributions of playwri ghts John Osborne, Noel Coward, Terence Rattigan, Rodney Ackland, Brendan Behan, and Shelagh Delaney are spotlighted, along with heavy-hitting producers "Binky" Beaumont, George Devine, and Joan Littlewood. Original BBC broadcast title: 195 6. (50 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3086_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3086_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11859</td><td>Looking for One Beginning: The Fallacy of Diff usionism</td><td>When explorers examined the remains of an advanced Mexican cult ure, they concluded that a superior race must have come from elsewhere to build the palaces and pyramids: the theory of diffusionism was born. This program char ts the 150-year search for civilization's origins, which most 19th and early 20t h century archaeologists believed to be a single source. Though questioned in th e 1950s by Henri Frankfort, the diffusion theory persisted, as this program show s, and received interpretations ranging from Thor Heyerdahl's idea that the Mexi can pyramids were built by the Egyptians to notions that they were made by alien s-all under the premise that the ancient Mexicans could not have done it themsel ves. (50 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3087_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3087_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32976</td><td>Lope Felix de Vega Carpio-in Spanish</td><td>C ombining beautiful location footage with original manuscripts, paintings, letter s, readings, and scenes from selected performances, this program presents the li fe and works of Lope de Vega, the prolific playwright who single-handedly crafte d a national drama for Spain. (Spanish, 51 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>51</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3088_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3088_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32980</td><td>Lope Felix de Vega Carpio-in Spanish with Engl ish Subtitles</td><td>Combining beautiful location footage with original manuscr ipts, paintings, letters, readings, and scenes from selected performances, this program presents the life and works of Lope de Vega, the prolific playwright who single-handedly crafted a national drama for Spain. (Spanish with English subti tles, 51 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3089_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3089_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9305</td><td>Lorna Dee Cervantes and Shirley Geok-lin Lim</t d><td>Lorna Dee Cervantes began writing poetry at the age of eight and founded h er own press to publish the works of Mexican-Americans. Dr. Shirley Geok-lin Lim , an English professor and Fulbright Distinguished Lecturer, uses her Chinese/Ma laysian roots to bring a unique Asian-American perspective to her writing. In th is program, Bill Moyers and the two poets discuss topics that revolve around the theme of otherness. Readings by Ms. Cervantes feature "Summer Ends Too Soon," "

California Plum," and "Coffee"; readings by Dr. Lim showcase "My Father's Sadnes s," "Lament," and others. Filmed at the Biennial Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festi val. (27 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3090_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3090_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11376</td><td>Los pazos de Ulloa</td><td>This classic produc tion is based on Emilia Pardo Bazan's two most famous novels: Los pazos de Ulloa and its sequel, La madre naturaleza. Straddling the border between Naturalism a nd Realism, these works illustrate the decay of feudalism in 19th-century Galici a, as depictions of the beautiful countryside are contrasted with the spreading decadence of the humans inhabiting it. Sordid episodes of drunkenness, adultery, and incest are balanced by the author's engaging narrative style, skillful char acterization, and insightful social commentary. An RTVE production. (Spanish, 4 hours on four videocassettes)</td><td>1985</td><td>240</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3091_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3091_l blPrice">$349.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36461</td><td>The Lost City of New Orleans: A Case Study</td ><td>Throughout the world, sea levels are rising, coastlines are crumbling, and the intensity of hurricanes is increasing. Is the situation in New Orleans a gli mpse into the future of all cities that exist near major bodies of water? Filmed six months after Katrina, this program analyzes why New Orleans flooded so cata strophically and asks whether the city-constructed on a steadily subsiding flood plain and losing coastal barrier land at the highest rate in the U.S.-should be rebuilt at all. Louisiana State Climatologist Barry Keim; Harry Roberts, directo r of LSU's Coastal Studies Institute; hurricane expert Ivor Van Heerden; Colonel Richard Wagenaar, of the Army Corps of Engineers; and Hassan Mashriqui, who is developing coastal hydrologic/hydraulic modeling capabilities for the LSU Hurric ane Center, are among the experts featured. Original BBCW broadcast title: The L ost City of New Orleans. (50 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3092_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3092_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9257</td><td>Lost in the Mirror: Women with Multiple Persona lities</td><td>In this program, ABC News anchors Diane Sawyer and Sam Donaldson study the causes and key signs of dissociative identity disorder and the fragmen ted lives of two people dealing with its effects. "It isn't role playing and it is not mood swings. They are totally separate entities," says Chris Sizemore, th e inspiration for the 1957 film The Three Faces of Eve. For 44 years, 22 persona lities of various ages ruled her life. But for Lucy, a wife and mother of two, h er personalities are not yet fully reintegrated. Sexually abused as a child, she developed seven little-girl personalities in addition to her adult one-further proof that child abuse can shatter an entire life. (23 minutes)</td><td>1998</td ><td>23</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3093_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3093_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35467</td><td>Lost in the Supermarket</td><td>Too many peopl e shop for groceries without a clue about what they really want or need. In this video, Mike Colameco, producer and host of PBS's Colameco's Food Show, helps st udents keep their brains turned on after they enter the supermarket. Mike demons trates that smart food purchases-accomplished on a reasonable budget-will lead t o healthy and flavorful meals. With a well-organized shopping list, Mike walks v iewers through the aisles of a grocery store, teaching them how to compare price s, find bargains, read nutrition labels, and determine the proper quantity to bu y so as to avoid waste. A focus on organic foods is also included. A viewable/pr intable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to all applicable sta te and national standards. A Meridian Production. (26 minutes)</td><td>2007</td> <td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3094_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3094_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7337</td><td>Lost Tribes</td><td>Steve Jones travels from Is rael's Plains of Armageddon to Africa's Great Zimbabwe to solve the age-old ridd le of what happened to the fabled lost tribes of Israel. Genealogists use DNA to trace the connection between a Samaritan tribe and non-indigenous Jewish groups , and to trace the ancestry of Mormons, who claim to be descended from a lost tr ibe. In Africa, a tribe shows anthropological evidence that its members are desc endants of Abraham. A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>50</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3095_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3095_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35609</td><td>Louis Schweitzer: Chairman of Renault</td><td> Nephew of the famous theologian Dr. Albert Schweitzer and head of one of the wor ld's most innovative automobile companies, Louis Schweitzer devised a visionary strategy for revitalizing Renault in the early 1990s. In this interview, he disc usses his tenure as CEO, his beliefs about the economic resilience of Europe, an d the political and cultural complexities of the evolving EEU. In addition, he e xplores Renault's challenges as a major stakeholder in Nissan and as a principal player in the eastern European auto industry. His enthusiasm for Dacia's "5,000 -euro car" concept highlights the importance of developing a reliable model for economically challenged consumers. (43 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>43</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3096_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3096_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>10338</td><td>Love</td><td>What exactly is love? What are it s biological underpinnings, and how have cultural definitions of that word, so h eavily endowed with meaning, evolved? Beginning with the Sumerians and other anc ient civilizations, this program seeks to understand love's social rituals and i ts interrelated physiological imperatives. Topics under consideration by anthrop ologist Helen Fisher of Rutgers University, psychoanalyst Malek Chebel, biologis t Robert Francoeur, and author Morton Hunt include pair bonding; platonic, court ly, and romantic models of love; homosexuality; inhibitions vs. promiscuity; and behaviors such as flirting. Some content may be objectionable. (53 minutes)</td ><td>1998</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3097_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3097_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35408</td><td>Love</td><td>Science tells us a lot about sex, but what can it tell us about love? This program highlights research on the neu rochemistry and psychology of love, suggesting ways to improve-and even salvagelong-term relationships. Four couples undergoing various types of relationship s tress are put through a battery of experiments, while a team of research scienti sts try to determine the physiological and neurological factors that make love l ast. In the most daunting stress test that many couples will ever face, the scie ntists discover unique biochemical reactions to conflict and create a communicat ion-building plan designed to turn troubled relationships around. A BBCW Product ion. (51 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3098_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3098_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37198</td><td>The Love Economy</td><td>What forms the bedroc k of America's wealth? Home ownership? Small businesses? Wall Street? This progr am lays out an entirely different economic conception, pointing to the vast amou nt of unpaid labor and services that keep the rest of society afloat. Riane Eisl er, author of The Real Wealth of Nations, analyzes the significance of volunteer work, medical support provided by family members, and other hidden or uncompens ated labor. Activist Vandana Shiva sheds light on the nonmonetary contributions of small farmers around the world, while economist Hazel Henderson maps out the place of the "love economy" within the conventional one. Barter is also explored , with the help of Time Dollars creator Edgar Cahn and Barter News editor Bob Me yer. (28 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3099_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3099_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8987</td><td>Love, Love Me, Do: How Sex Differences Affect R elationships</td><td>How might acknowledging the brain's sex make interpersonal relationships run more smoothly? Using images from popular art, television drama

, and hidden-camera footage to illustrate both predictable and unexpected confli cts, this program presents the way sex-related differences in brain architecture may influence love, marriage, reproduction, and parenthood. (51 minutes)</td><t d>1991</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3100_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3100_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9219</td><td>Love, Lust, and Marriage: Why We Stay and Why W e Stray</td><td>How do people find love, why do they fall in love, and, once mar ried, how do they stay in love? In this ABC News special with correspondent John Stossel, the modern-day notion of love, with all of its attendant expectations, is examined. Despite divorce rates that are currently holding steady at 50 perc ent, research shows that married couples are actually healthier-and claim to be happier as well. Also discussed are what can make a marriage fail and other cult ures' solutions to "the dating game," such as arranged marriages. (43 minutes)</ td><td>1997</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3101_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3101_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11261</td><td>The Love of Money: Wealth-Building, 650 BC to 450 AD</td><td>As ancient trading broadened and became more complex, barter beca me inadequate. In this program, host Peter Jay; Andrew Meadows, curator of the B ritish Museum; Exeter University's Richard Seaford; and archaeologist John Camp examine history's first surge of coinage, from the stamped nuggets of electrum u sed at Sardis to the dominance of the denarius throughout the far-flung Roman Em pire. The rise of the Agora in Athens as a locus for commerce and information, t he effects of Roman law on trade, and other topics are discussed-along with the massive limestone currency used on the Micronesian island of Yap. A BBC Producti on. (50 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3102_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3102_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>12119</td><td>Love on the Rocks: The Challenges and Complexi ties of Marriage</td><td>This three-part series studies the complexities of marr iage, the ramifications of changing societal expectations, and the efforts of so me to strengthen the weakening ties that bind individuals legally, socially, and culturally. Guests include psychologist Judith Wallerstein, author of The Unexp ected Legacy of Divorce; Diane Sollee, founder of the Coalition for Marriage, Fa mily, and Couples Education; Michael Rosebush, executive director of Focus on th e Family's Institute for Family Studies; and many others. 3-part series, 30 minu tes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3103_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3103_l

blPrice">$269.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36104</td><td>Love Trap</td><td>Is the most exhilarating of human emotions simply nature's way of keeping our species alive and reproducing? This program studies the behavior of men and women as they experience the magic al feeling of attraction; it also presents a lively look at what happens inside a love-struck brain. Commentary from renowned anthropologist Dr. Helen Fisher re veals the significance of vocal cords, sense of smell, pheromones, and hormones such as serotonin, oxytocin, and vasopressin, in creating the emotions and sensa tions of love. The specific roles these chemicals play highlight three critical stages that lead to an enduring bond: lust, romantic love, and emotional attachm ent. (26 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3104_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3104_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5749</td><td>Love's Confusing Joy</td><td>Coleman Barks has dedicated much of his life's work to introducing the 13th-century Islamic mystic Jelaluddin Rumi to contemporary audiences. In this program, Barks brings the pr olific Rumi to life in poems that are alternately ecstatic, wise, and hilarious. Filmed at the Biennial Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival. (58 minutes)</td><td >1995</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3105_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3105_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36268</td><td>Low Back Pain</td><td>It bothers-and sometimes debilitates-an estimated 80 percent of Americans at some time during their adul t lives. And low back pain shows no sign of going away, despite current research into its causes and potential cures. This program examines the ongoing health i ssue through case studies, interviews with medical experts, and animated graphic s showing spinal anatomy, movement, and conditions. Highlighting the major facto rs that contribute to low back pain, the program discusses the different levels of the disorder-acute, recurrent, and chronic-and a variety of treatments, inclu ding physical therapy, epidural steroid injections, and both compression and fus ion surgery. (28 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3106_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3106_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25800</td><td>Low-Fat Cooking</td><td>Current nutritional an d dietary requirements recommend limiting fat content in a healthy diet. Guideli nes from the USDA and food labeling regulations make it easier for consumers to make healthy choices. This informative program not only discusses low-fat cookin g but also gives examples of cooking techniques as well as several delicious rec ipes. (12 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1994</td><td>15</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3107_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3107_l blPrice">$57.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25803</td><td>Lubrication Systems</td><td>This video provide s a comprehensive explanation of the theory and design of lubrication systems, i ncluding operation and function of all major components.o motor oil o pump o fil ter o galleries o functions of the lubrication system.(27 min.) A Meridian Produ ction.</td><td>1992</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3108_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3108_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35608</td><td>Luciano Benetton: Image Maker</td><td>Starting with a bicycle, his sister's knitting, and additional help from his two brother s, Luciano Benetton built one of the world's most successful clothing companies. In this interview, the dominant personality behind the Benetton brand recounts his early years, his activities on the political and social landscape, and the i nnovative ways in which his company has communicated its image. Benetton's invol vement with the World Food Organization and his support of La Fabbrica-a creativ e workshop and community established to support the arts-form a clear picture of his perspective on the role of the corporation in an increasingly uncertain wor ld. (42 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>42</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3109_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3109_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11849</td><td>Luciano Berio</td><td>It is seldom that an emi nent figure in the arts lives to witness the outcome of his influence on a trans itional era, but such is the case of Italian experimental composer Luciano Berio . This program presents a living biography of a musical innovator whose career b egan over fifty years ago with the Avant-garde movement. Using an ongoing arrang ement of his acclaimed work Cronaca del Luogo as the axis of the film, Berio ref lects on the creative process and what the future holds for modern music. Among those interviewed is Umberto Eco, who discusses Berio's connection to compositio n and contemporary culture in general. (60 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>60</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3110_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3110_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9308</td><td>Lucille Clifton and Mark Doty</td><td>Like musi cians, Lucille Clifton and Mark Doty stress the rhythmic and musical qualities o f poems, the former shaping them with economical, everyday language and the latt

er with language more baroque. In this program, Bill Moyers and the two poets di scuss topics such as the weight of racial memory and the encounter between self and history. Readings by Ms. Clifton showcase "Fury-for Mama," "Donor," "The Tim es," and "Alabama 9/15/63"; readings by Mr. Doty spotlight "The Embrace," "Fish Are Us," "Michael's Dream," and "A Green Crab's Shell." Filmed at the Biennial G eraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival. (27 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3111_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3111_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3286</td><td>The Luddites</td><td>In 1812, there were violen t disturbances in England when new machines were introduced into the wool indust ry. This docudrama re-creates the attempt, doomed from the start, of the despera te victims of the new machine age to strike back. Unable to get through to manag ement, a group of workers vented their frustrations on the machines. Thus the Lu ddites have become symbolic, not only of the pointless opposition to machines' t aking over human lives, but also of the larger issue of the human toll of indust rialization. (50 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3112_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3112_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30000</td><td>Ludwig van Beethoven</td><td>Beethoven transfo rmed the sonata, taking it from drawing rooms to concert halls. His third sympho ny altered the very nature of the genre and launched the heroic style in music. And the fact that he wrote only nine symphonies-far fewer than his predecessorsforcefully demonstrated a fundamental change in composition. In this program, th e life and legacy of a genius come alive through letters, paintings, scholarly c ommentary, and, of course, the music. Historic performances of Beethoven's works include Karl Bohm conducting Piano Concerto No. 4, Op. 58; Herbert von Karajan conducting Symphonies No. 3, 5, and 8; and Leonard Bernstein conducting Symphoni es No. 3, 5, and 9. (27 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3113_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3113_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>12065</td><td>Luis Bunuel</td><td>Completed a year after his death in 1983, this program presents the definitive biography of Spain's renown ed Surrealist film maker and iconoclast, Luis Bunuel. Using photographs, film ex cerpts, and numerous interviews with Bunuel, the video chronicles his early frie ndships with Salvador Dali and Federico Garcia Lorca, the stormy reactions to ma ny of his groundbreaking films, and the influence he has had on international ci nema. Among those interviewed are directors Federico Fellini, John Huston, and J ose L. Saenz De Heredia; Bunuel's wife, Jeanne Rucar, and son Juan; actor Franci sco Rabal; and Octavio Paz. (Spanish with English subtitles, 75 minutes)</td><td >1984</td><td>75</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3114_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3114_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32995</td><td>Luis Goytisolo-in Spanish</td><td>In the four novels of Antagonia, Luis Goytisolo explores the cultural and political milieu o f Barcelona in the 1950s and 60s through characters disabused of their youthful ideals. In this interview, the Spanish novelist discusses many of the postmodern strategies and creative considerations involved in writing his ambitious tetral ogy. (Spanish, 27 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3115_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3115_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32996</td><td>Luis Goytisolo-in Spanish with English Subtitl es</td><td>In the four novels of Antagonia, Luis Goytisolo explores the cultural and political milieu of Barcelona in the 1950s and 60s through characters disab used of their youthful ideals. In this interview, the Spanish novelist discusses many of the postmodern strategies and creative considerations involved in writi ng his ambitious tetralogy. (Spanish with English subtitles, 27 minutes)</td><td >2004</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3116_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3116_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3096</td><td>Luis Valdez and El Teatro Campesino</td><td>Lui s Valdez is the celebrated founder of the Teatro Campesino, the West Coast theat rical group that has given voice to the struggles of Chicano farm workers. As a child, Valdez picked fruit alongside his father in California's fertile valleys. In this program, he describes how he overcame the handicaps of migrant life to become a playwright and director, and explains how his plays retrace the experie nces of Chicano families as they contend with the adversities of rural life or t he equally squalid and deprived circumstances of life in the city. (26 minutes)< /td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3117_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3117_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7076</td><td>Macbeth: A Critical Guide</td><td>In this progr am, the major themes of Shakespeare's most popular tragedy are investigated by n oted experts. Analyzing key scenes from an award-winning film production, Profes sor Robert Smallwood of the Shakespeare Centre and Professor Stanley Wells of th e Shakespeare Institute examine how the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Ma cbeth changes during the course of the play; how Banquo's character serves as a counterpart to Macbeth's; whether Macbeth's character is at all admirable; and w hether the play confirms that all tragedies are uniformly pessimistic. Host Grah

am MacTavish, an actor with the Stratford Shakespeare Company, establishes conte xt and background for the play. (33 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3118_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3118_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32650</td><td>Macbeth: Shakespeare for the Modern Age</td><t d>This condensed adaptation of Macbeth, performed by experienced Shakespearean a ctors of the innovative Big Adventures Theatre Company, uses the Bard's own immo rtal words to tell the story of Duncan King, head of King Enterprises, and his s cheming employee, Macbeth, recently awarded the coveted Cawdor contract. After M acbeth's fateful meeting with three saucy witches-not on the heath, but at the H eath Nightclub-the tragedy unfolds, leading to the inevitable showdown in which Macduff shoots Macbeth. E-mail, cell phones, and stretch limos all have their pl ace in this intriguing film. Guaranteed to catch the interest of teenage and adu lt viewers alike. (37 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3119_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3119_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33443</td><td>Machiavelli: The Prince</td><td>Few literary w orks have inspired as diverse and impassioned opinions as Machiavelli's The Prin ce. While some have denounced it as epitomizing the immorality and cynicism of d espotic political rulers, others have considered it a paragon of pragmatism and lucidity in political affairs-including Napoleon Bonaparte, who deemed The Princ e the only book that deserved to be read. In this program, the treatise that gav e birth to modern political theory is examined in depth, both from a historical perspective and in the context of Machiavelli's own turbulent life. As a diploma t and city official, Machiavelli witnessed firsthand and was eventually caught u p in the power struggles and intrigues of 16th-century Florence. From these obse rvations and experiences, The Prince-acknowledged by many as western history's m ost important text on politics-was born. Includes numerous excerpts from the tex t. (23 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3120_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3120_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30042</td><td>Mad or Bad? Psychologically Assessing Criminal Competence</td><td>Sane or insane? Court verdicts and parole decisions alike of ten hinge on that single crucial question. This program explores the intricacies of psychiatric evaluation and parole risk assessment with forensic psychologist Jeremy Coid, clinical psychologists, a probation officer, and others. The Yorks hire Ripper serial murders, the London Nail Bomber case, the Ipswich Rapist case , the 1999 attack on a London church congregation by a naked sword-wielding man, and a parole review involving a composite serial pedophile-a case that neatly i llustrates the challenge of balancing society's right for safety against a convi ct's right to be treated fairly-are profiled. (47 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td> 46</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3121_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3121_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3376</td><td>Made in Britain</td><td>The British had it the easiest of all. As long ago as the settlement in Jamestown, they came not to esc ape poverty but to find prosperity. As a group, they found it the easiest to rea p the material rewards of an expanding America. (52 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td> <td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3122_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3122_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32257</td><td>Made with the Trades</td><td>This comprehensiv e series profiles 21 different construction trades, offering a quick, exciting o verview of each job that will generate curiosity in young people still making th eir career choices. In each program, men and women who have recently begun train ing and working in the industry discuss their jobs, the kinds of training they a cquired, and the benefits of their employment. Fast-paced video montages of actu al projects will inspire students with just how much is possible in the construc tion trades. 22-part series, 12-25 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3123_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3123_l blPrice">$1,978.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36317</td><td>Madeleine Albright: Fighting Genocide in Kosov o</td><td>For former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, the war in Kosovo wa s both political and very personal. This program focuses on how America's first female Secretary of State built national and international consensus against Slo bodan Milosevic to derail his agenda of ethnic cleansing in the wake of the fail ed Rambouillet peace negotiations. Albright also discusses the shaping of her va lues through both her early years of life in the Europe of Hitler and Stalin and her family losses to the Holocaust. Positive comments on what it was like to be a high-ranking woman in the male-dominated world of politics and diplomacy roun d out the program. (40 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3124_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3124_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30451</td><td>A Madman's Journal</td><td>For two years, the narrator of this program went through a nightmare, feeling a self-hatred and wor thlessness beyond love and redemption that he described as "the concentration ca mp of the mind." This video presents one man's attempt to convey the ordeal of s

evere depression by writing a memoir about the experience. Dramatic reenactments , along with interviews of the narrator's psychiatrist, fellow patients, and the ir spouses and friends, effectively show from all angles how this devastating il lness takes its toll-and how it can be brought under control. (45 minutes)</td>< td>2002</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3125_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3125_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32730</td><td>Madness: A History</td><td>In the past, there was no such thing as mental illness, only madness. Its treatment was often indis tinguishable from torture or murder. This program follows the long, often grim r oad towards understanding and treating mental illness. Through testimonials, ori ginal manuscripts, photos, and extensive footage from medical archives, leading doctors and medical historians trace the history of asylums, the development of psychoanalysis, electroconvulsive therapy, and the rise of psychopharmacology. T he program also details the once widespread use of phrenology, lobotomy, and lob otomy's ancient precursor, trepanning. (51 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>51</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3126_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3126_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8558</td><td>Magazine Industry</td><td>This program examines the evolution of the magazine industry over the course of the 20th century. Gen eral-interest magazines like Life and Look once provided a national forum that h elped Americans explore their common interests. After World War II, the tremendo us impact of television on audience-share caused the magazine industry to focus instead on developing niche publications aimed at consumers and businesses. Time , Ebony, Cosmopolitan, Sports Illustrated, and People are all spotlighted as exa mples of magazines that have successfully targeted new audience segments and ada pted to changing times and tastes. In addition, the rise of online magazines and their relationship to their print counterparts are examined. The program is an excellent source of information for students of communications, publishing, and contemporary American history. (28 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3127_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3127_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35347</td><td>Magic Materials</td><td>Whether a student drea ms of becoming an artist or an astronaut, the world of laboratory-created substa nces will figure prominently in his or her career. This program brings students up-to-date on synthetic materials research that is leading to breakthroughs in m any creative and technical fields. Demonstrating the tremendous influence of sil icone and super-strength polymers on a wide range of occupations-including archi tecture, sculpture, textile production, car design, cosmetics, precious metal mi ning, and recreation-the video uses high-tech laboratory footage and eye-catchin g animation to depict unprecedented product development. (29 minutes)</td><td>20

04</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3128_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3128_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2497</td><td>The Magic Mirror</td><td>Using only the words o f some of the great photographers, this program seeks to trace "the life-line of the species" (in the words of John Szarkowski of the Museum of Modern Art, New York). Selecting their own favorite photos from contemporary works back to 1839, the producers of this program trace the lineage of photography as art and prese nt a glorious parade of great photographs drawn from the great museum collection s of the world: the Musee d'Orsay, Paris; the Museum of Modern Art and the Metro politan Museum, New York; The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles; The Victoria an d Albert Museum, London; and the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain, Ba th. (26 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3129_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3129_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8995</td><td>Magic of the Image: Photography Revealed</td><t d>This elegant program artistically unfolds the history of photography, includin g the contributions of Joseph Niepce, Louis Daguerre, Fox Talbot, and the Lumier es, with an emphasis on the processes involved in creating photographs. The chem istry of modern film development is described in detail, using computer imaging to illustrate the mechanics of the exposure and development processes. In additi on, the recently rediscovered Niepce process is demonstrated for the first time on film, along with the daguerreotype process. (27 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td >27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3130_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3130_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30457</td><td>Magic to Medicine</td><td>This program travers es a broad span in which blood went from being viewed as a key element in religi ous rituals and the crafting of myths to the end of the 19th century, when trans fusions had become safe and routine. Among those who highlight the milestones al ong the way to a better understanding of this precious liquid are Douglas Starr, author of the critically acclaimed Blood: An Epic History of Medicine and Comme rce; Harold Ellis, Emeritus Professor of Surgery at the University of London; an d Dr. Anne Marie Moulin, Head of Research at the Paris Institute for Development Research. (58 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3131_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3131_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>35595</td><td>Magnetic Force</td><td>Beginning with lodeston es and ending with MagLev trains, this program introduces viewers to magnetic th eory, magnetic fields and poles, the Earth as a magnet, electromagnets and elect ric motors, and magnets in everyday life. Experiments, animated graphics, and fo otage of applied magnetism are used to reinforce these essential scientific conc epts. (25 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3132_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3132_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6849</td><td>Magnetism and Static Electricity</td><td>Using a bar magnet and compass; a neodymium magnet, soft iron, and a dumbbell; a ferri te magnet crushed into small pieces; a magnetized and broken knife blade; nails and a plastic plate with layers of aluminum, copper, and iron in-between; an iro n bar, enamel wire, and a battery; and an ebonite bar, a wool cloth, and a leaf electroscope, this program investigates the following concepts:o magnetic field, poles, and lines of forceo Curie temperatureo electromagnetso static electricit yo Thompson's water droplet experimento like and unlike charges(30 minutes)</td> <td>1997</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3133_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3133_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34292</td><td>Magnetism: Invisible Fields of Force</td><td>T his Science Screen Report studies the physical force known as electromagnetism a nd how it encircles, interacts with, and is generated by matter. Demonstrating a ttractive and repulsive forces with iron filings suspended in liquid, the progra m explains the significance of a magnet's poles and why some materials are more magnetic than others. The electromagnetic fields of the Earth and Sun are also e xplored, with attention to magnetism's role in animal migration, the aurora bore alis, and solar storms. Animated sequences reinforce essential concepts. A viewa ble/printable instructor's guide is available online. Produced in association wi th the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology and the Junior Enginee ring Technical Society. (14 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3134_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3134_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30612</td><td>Maha Kumbh: A Mythic Confluence</td><td>Filmed in Allahabad, this captivating program captures the 2001 Maha Kumbh festival, a 43-day event that drew tens of millions of devotees to the confluence of the Ga nges, Yamuna, and mythic Saraswati Rivers to honor the creation story of Hinduis m and to pray for release from the cycle of reincarnation. The program provides a kaleidoscopic view of the pageants, rituals, and ceremonies that make up the f estival, as well as the sadhus and sadhvis, pandits, kalpavasis, pilgrims, spect ators, and others who gather to transcend the self and blend into a collective i dentity. Contains brief glimpses of nudity among the male ascetics. (53 minutes)

</td><td>2001</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3135_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3135_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10146</td><td>Mahatma Gandhi: The Great Soul Lives</td><td>T his compelling program traces the footsteps of Mahatma Gandhi from London, where he first studied law; to South Africa, where he established his first ashram; t o India, where he worked tirelessly for independence. More than a biography, thi s documentary seeks to understand the essence of Mahatma Gandhi and his philosop hy, which guided India in its struggle for independence and continues to inspire others in their efforts to achieve freedom. Daughter-in-law Nirmala Ramdas Gand hi and others who knew the Great Soul share their memories. (60 minutes)</td><td >1998</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3136_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3136_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32230</td><td>Maintaining Mental Health</td><td>Aging well m ight be an ambiguous phrase but it does have meaning, especially for people over 60. This program tells the stories of five vibrantly alive seniors who have suc cessfully navigated through momentous life changes. Their examples highlight imp ortant precepts for staying mentally healthy, showing how mental health is a key to successful aging. In interviews and in footage of these men and women engage d in various activities, the program provides useful tips and firsthand advice o n planning for retirement, staying active, coping with grief, and making the sen ior years an age of new discoveries. (57 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>57</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3137_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3137_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33162</td><td>Maintaining the Truth: Epistles of the New Tes tament</td><td>Of the 27 compositions that comprise the New Testament, 21 are le tters: some guide, some warn. This program explores the content as well as authe nticity of the various letters attributed to Paul, James, Jude, and Peter. Locat ion footage brings to life Paul's missionary journeys to Antioch, Athens, Corint h, and Rome. The Pastoral Epistles, Gospel of Thomas, letters of Pontius Pilate, and the theological differences between James and Paul are also examined. Along with noted scholars, Father Jerry Murphy O'Connor of the Ecole Biblique Jerusal em and the Right Reverend Tom Wright, Bishop of Durham, also offer commentary. ( 52 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3138_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3138_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>8767</td><td>Maintenance and Storage</td><td>A checklist for small-engine maintenance: involves clearing the spark plug and checking the gap ; replacing the air cleaner every 25 hours of use; inspecting the carburetor; lu bricating the linkages; checking the fuel tank for dirt; changing the oil regula rly; and repairing the recoil when necessary. These measures, combined with stor ing engines, drained of fuel, in a dry, ventilated location, should ensure years of service.</td><td>1997</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3139_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3139_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30240</td><td>Major League Entrepreneurs</td><td>Filmed at t he Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, this program teams u p Mark Cuban, billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks and cofounder of Broadca, and Daniel Snyder, owner of the Washington Redskins, who made his team o ne of the most valuable franchises in sports history. Together they discuss bein g an entrepreneur in the world of professional sports, while MBA students and fa culty ask questions about management styles, the lure of owning a sports team, a nd the impact of salary caps. (57 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3140_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3140_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29857</td><td>Makeup, Wig Dressing, and Costumes</td><td>By transforming actors into memorable characters, makeup specialists, wig dressers, and wardrobe designers help bring the movies to life. This program takes a look at these highly skilled professionals who are in demand whenever the cameras ro ll. (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3141_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3141_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4249</td><td>Making a Difference: Great Teachers, Part 1</td ><td>This documentary focuses on three teachers who have made a positive impactacademically or personally-on their students' lives. Selected as a result of an essay contest that asked students to write about the teacher who had most challe nged and inspired them, the teachers are shown at work in the classroom, doing w hat they excel at: teaching and making a difference. (28 minutes)</td><td>1994</ td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3142_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3142_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>6496</td><td>Making a Difference: Great Teachers, Part 2</td ><td>This program follows three outstanding teachers throughout the school day t o show how they motivate students. We see the classroom skills that help make th em great teachers-charisma, concern, perseverance, and enthusiasm-and how they i mpart self-esteem to their students. These instructors teach Social Studies, Eng lish, and Special Education. (24 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3143_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3143_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7057</td><td>Making a Difference: Great Teachers, Part 3</td ><td>This program focuses on three instructors singled out as "great teachers." One teacher's infectious enthusiasm, another's solid dedication, and a third's s ense of humor foster self-esteem in even the most difficult students. This is an interesting study of three very different educational "styles" that produce the same positive educational results. (26 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>26</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3144_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3144_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30801</td><td>Making Better Babies: Genetics and Reproductio n</td><td>How far should people be allowed to go in trying to have better babies ? And whose definition of "better" should prevail? This Fred Friendly Seminar mo derated by Dateline NBC correspondent John Hockenberry considers the ethical dil emmas facing individuals and society that grow out of prenatal testing and genet ic options that may be available in the future-such as cloning. Panelists includ e Francis Collins, director of the National Human Genome Research Institute; ABC journalist Meredith Vieira; Princeton University's Lee Silver, author of Remaki ng Eden: How Genetic Engineering and Cloning Will Transform the American Family; Commissioner Paul Miller of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; A drienne Asch, Henry R. Luce Professor in Biology, Ethics, and the Politics of Hu man Reproduction at Wellesley College; Faye Wattleton, president of the Center f or Gender Equality; and Zev Rosenwaks, director of The Center for Reproductive M edicine and Infertility at the New York Weill Cornell Medical Center. (58 minute s)</td><td>2003</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3145_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3145_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33457</td><td>Making Friends: The Science of Social Interact ion</td><td>This program investigates the mind's remarkable ability to recognize people, to make sense of their expressions and body language, to perceive what they may be thinking, and then-if the moment seems right-to charm them. Viewers will discover why first impressions are so important, what happens when they "cl ick" with someone, how to tell if a smile is genuine, and why a party is one of the most demanding and complex situations humans will ever face. The story of a

couple attempting to win over their respective in-laws-to-be is featured. Origin al BBCW broadcast title: Making Friends. (60 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>60</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3146_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3146_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37375</td><td>Making it Big on eBay</td><td>Almost anything can be sold on eBay, from office supplies to office buildings. But that doesn't mean eBay success comes easily. This program follows three very different entrep reneurs as they struggle to make the massive Internet auction site work for them . From a living room crammed full of nostalgic nicknacks, Simon hopes to earn en ough to pay his mortgage-if he can avoid getting kicked off eBay again. Wilma is a bit more organized, having hired a photographer and an assistant to help her sell secondhand clothing. Meanwhile, Jameel is well on his way to launching a fu lly branded jewelry company within the eBay "mall"-assuming he can attract the n ecessary investors. (30 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3147_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3147_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14523</td><td>Making It on Your First Job</td><td>You're hir ed! To a job seeker, no two words sound more beautiful. But after you're hired, what steps should you take to assure that your venture into the working world wi ll be a success? This fast-paced, comprehensive program utilizes a dialogue form at highlighted with testimonials from entry-level workers and their supervisors to emphasize the need for developing adaptive skills and positive attitudes. Stu dents are shown that school and work environments contain many similarities such as authority figures and specific rules and regulations. Major differences such as having others depend on your performance are also discussed. Work habits inc luding punctuality, attendance, initiative, and personal relations with co-worke rs, supervisors, and the public are shown to be vital ingredients for job succes s. The last segment deals with the importance of adjusting to particular work si tuations encountered and how those adjustments are directly related to job perfo rmance. With the job market so competitive, students need all the help they can get in establishing themselves as valuable assets in the workplace. A Cambridge Educational Production. One 30-minute video and program guide.</td><td>1989</td> <td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3148_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3148_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36452</td><td>Making Masterpieces 2: A History of Painting C oncepts</td><td>A follow-up to Making Masterpieces: A History of Painting Techni que (item #33419), this six-part series explores major ideas, themes, and motifs that have driven the development of Western art. Renowned examples of still lif e, portraiture, and landscape painting are showcased, along with the manipulatio n of chiaroscuro, the narrative power of pictures, the ancient connection betwee

n artist and model, and the use of scientific analysis to study a painting's hid den past. The result is a set of outstanding instructional tools for both studio art and art history courses. 6-part series, 27 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td>< td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3149_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3149_l blPrice">$539.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33419</td><td>Making Masterpieces: A History of Painting Tec hnique</td><td>This remarkable six-part series analyzes the history of painting technique in a way that is at once both highly focused in approach and encyclope dic in content. Each video critically examines an individual aspect of the paint ing process using well-known masterpieces as examples. The sheer abundance of hi gh-quality art images makes the series an excellent reference work-and special e ffects and scientific processes such as infrared reflectography enable viewers t o see for themselves how some of the world's greatest paintings were made. An ou tstanding asset for art history and fine arts programs where the evolution of pa inting is the focus. 6-part series, 27 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp; </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3150_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3150_l blPrice">$539.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11812</td><td>Making Masterpieces: The Art of Crafting Violi ns</td><td>Though the violins of Antonio Stradivarius and Guarneri del Gesu rema in the gold standard for concert musicians, their prices-often in the millions-a nd their scarcity place them beyond the use of all but a handful of soloists. Th is NewsHour program looks at Samuel Zygmuntowicz, the master violin-maker whose replicas and original designs fetch $20,000 to $30,000 and involve a three-year waiting list. A visit to this craftsman's workshop in Brooklyn, New York, reveal s why his selection of wood and uncanny skill in shaping it have made his instru ments the choice of such legends as Heifitz, Totenberg, and, currently, Isaac St ern. Lively interviews with Stern and other musicians enhance the appreciation o f Zygmuntowicz's art. (12 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3151_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3151_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8096</td><td>The Making of the Constitution</td><td>This is a compelling account of the events leading up to the creation of the Constitutio n. Conforming to civics and history curriculums, the program puts key events int o historical perspective by examining the pressures faced by Loyalists, Patriots , and average colonists. Richly textured with historical art, compelling video f ootage, and insightful commentary, it explores a fascinating mix of individuals, political philosophers, and social issues of the day. Dramatized sections provi de insights into what actually went on at Independence Hall while the document w as being written. A Cambridge Educational Production. (30 minutes)</td><td>1997< /td><td>30</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3152_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3152_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29356</td><td>Making Peace with the Mind</td><td>Gambling th at changes from a penny-ante pastime to a full-blown addiction. Nightmares that refuse to go away. A series of inconsequential rituals that fills up every wakin g hour. In this three-part series, anecdotal case studies and scientific researc h are blended into a candid analysis of three chronic mental disorders: patholog ical gambling, post-traumatic stress disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder . 3-part series, 52 minutes each.</td><td>2001</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3153_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3153_l blPrice">$449.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35142</td><td>Making Schools Work: A Roadmap for Recovery</t d><td>This extraordinary seven-part series-a practical roadmap for schools and s chool districts across the country-is essential viewing for educators, administr ators, advocates, and anyone else with a heartfelt concern over the future of Am erica's children. The first program, a detailed overview of some of the nation's most successful educational initiatives, is followed by in-depth interviews wit h eight visionaries from the world of educational reform. 7-part series, 45-120 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3154_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3154_l blPrice">$699.65<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35147</td><td>Making Schools Work: Conversations with Anthon y Alvarado and Eric Smith</td><td>In this interview, Anthony Alvarado, the dynam ic architect of controversial principal-centered educational reforms in New York City and San Diego schools, and Eric Smith, Ed.D., who has risen to national pr ominence as superintendent of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg and Anne Arundel County school districts, join Hedrick Smith to describe their methodologies and examine the results of their policies and initiatives. (2 hours)</td><td>2005</td><td>1 19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3155_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3155_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35148</td><td>Making Schools Work: Conversations with Kati H aycock and Michael Casserly</td><td>In segment one of this interview, Kati Hayco ck, founder and director of The Education Trust, and Hedrick Smith discuss a ran ge of hot topics in contemporary education: the standards movement and education al equity, No Child Left Behind, and the critical components of effective school

reform, to name only three. In segment two, Mike Casserly, Ph.D., executive dir ector of the Council of the Great City Schools, joins Mr. Smith to address topic s such as the recent history of educational reform, America's drive to create gr eat schools, district- versus school-level strategies, and lessons learned in re gard to making schools more effective and boosting student achievement. (85 minu tes)</td><td>2005</td><td>85</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3156_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3156_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35146</td><td>Making Schools Work: Gene Bottoms on High Scho ols That Work</td><td>High Schools That Work is the nation's first large-scale e ffort to unite educational stakeholders at all levels with the objective of re-e ngaging what some have called the forgotten majority in U.S. high schools. In th is interview, founding director Gene Bottoms, Ed.D., talks with Hedrick Smith ab out the HSTW program in general and Corbin High School, Kentucky-an exemplary ca se study-in particular. "If you can help youngsters to begin to connect to a goa l beyond high school, and they can begin to connect the courses they're taking t o that goal, you have a youth going someplace," says Dr. Bottoms. (45 minutes)</ td><td>2005</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3157_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3157_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35144</td><td>Making Schools Work: James Comer on the Comer Process</td><td>James Comer, M.D., M.P.H., has spent decades promoting a focus o n child development as a way of improving schools. In this interview, he and Hed rick Smith analyze the Comer Process, a school- and system-wide psychosocial int ervention grounded in conflict mitigation, behavior modeling, power-sharing, and all-around involvement of teachers, parents, students, and other stakeholders. "Our program focuses on the socially interactive aspects of development so that children learn how to manage themselves in a whole variety of situations," says Dr. Comer. (51 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3158_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3158_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35145</td><td>Making Schools Work: Michael Feinberg on the K IPP Model</td><td>KIPP, the Knowledge Is Power Program, is a network of free ope n-enrollment college-preparatory public schools in under-resourced communities t hroughout the United States. In this interview, KIPP co-developer Michael Feinbe rg joins Hedrick Smith to discuss the program-a reform initiative created as a m odel for middle school reform, starting in fifth grade. The purpose of KIPP? "To provide kids with the academic, intellectual, and character skills they need to succeed in high school, college, and the competitive world beyond," says Mr. Fe inberg. (59 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3159_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3159_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35143</td><td>Making Schools Work: Robert Slavin on Success for All</td><td>In this interview, Robert Slavin, Ph.D., talks with Hedrick Smit h about Success for All, a comprehensive, research-based reading and math progra m for elementary and middle schools. The most important objective, says Dr. Slav in, "is to get every single child to be successful, every single child to master the basic curriculum, to achieve the higher-order objectives that every parent would want for their child and that our society demands..." The genesis, evoluti on, implementation, and replication of Success for All are covered, as are the i nitiative's core elements. Criticism of SFA's controversial scripting for teache rs to ensure uniformity of instruction is also addressed. (59 minutes)</td><td>2 005</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3160_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3160_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35020</td><td>Making Schools Work, with Hedrick Smith</td><t d>Amidst a gloomy climate of failing schools and the stringent No Child Left Beh ind legislation, some communities have created a small revolution, achieving gai ns with children others had given up on-with implications for schools nationwide . In this penetrating documentary, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Hedrick Smi th travels from inner city to rural town to observe how some districts and refor m models are making a difference: the Success for All reading program; the Comer Process; KIPP, the Knowledge Is Power Program; and High Schools That Work, a pr ogram that links academics to work-oriented learning. The video also spotlights important district-wide reforms in New York City, San Diego, and Charlotte, Nort h Carolina. The lesson? Learn from schools that work, spread their methods widel y, and keep updating them for continuous improvement in student achievement. Int erviews with Yale's James Comer, Johns Hopkins' Robert Slavin, and reformers Gen e Bottoms and Anthony Alvarado, among others, help frame this cogent report. (2 hours)</td><td>2005</td><td>117</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3161_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3161_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11162</td><td>Making Your Presentation</td><td>When it comes to public speaking, preparation is the key to success. Using a step-by-step app roach, this program thoroughly addresses each part of the presentation process. The topics of smoking and alcohol act as platforms for building two separate inf ormational presentations, both of which demonstrate planning and research; prepa ration of content, visuals, and handouts; rehearsal; and delivery. Advanced skil ls such as the use of body language and speaker/audience interaction are discuss ed, and stage fright is examined. On-screen outlines reinforce this thorough lea rning tool. (21 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3162_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3162_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34468</td><td>Malawi: A Nation Going Hungry</td><td>Poverty, unstable government, and disadvantages in trade have virtually eliminated food security in Malawi. This program explores the African country's struggles on bot h a personal and national level, interviewing frustrated civil servants and impo verished citizens, and reflecting widespread despair over WTO policies and the g overnment's inability to subsidize the agriculture of its own people. Highlighti ng the additional problems of environmental degradation and AIDS, the program of fers a moving glimpse into human lives that revolve around one constant challeng e: getting something to eat. (Portions have English subtitles, 26 minutes)</td>< td>2004</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3163_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3163_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6041</td><td>Male Violence: A Room Full of Men</td><td>This program examines male violence towards women by following three men with a histo ry of abuse who have joined a program to help them stop their abusive behavior. The issues of authority and control by men over women, both physically and menta lly, are explored by the men and by domestic counselors as a major cause of male violence towards women. Popular misconceptions such as the woman's role in "pro voking" the violence are dispelled. Two women from different socioeconomic backg rounds describe their experiences in abusive relationships. (49 minutes)</td><td >1991</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3164_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3164_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30343</td><td>Malory's Le Morte Darthur: Anatomy of a Legend </td><td>The richly embroidered story of King Arthur as set down by Sir Thomas M alory during the Middle Ages has unfailingly intrigued generations of readers. P . J. C. Field, one of the world's top authorities on Malory and president of the British branch of the International Arthurian Society; Helen Cooper, editor of the Oxford World's Classics edition of Le Morte Darthur; and medievalist Kevin J . Harty, of La Salle University, begin this survey by assessing the historical a nd apocryphal underpinnings of the Arthurian legend. Then, supported by reenactm ents, location footage, and works of art, the program examines each section of M alory's archetypal Le Morte Darthur. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Produ ction. (26 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3165_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3165_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33010</td><td>Malpractice and the Measure of Human Suffering

</td><td>When it comes to malpractice awards, there will always be those who cal l them exorbitant and others who call them just. But how exactly do juries calcu late a figure for damages? How do they determine what the quality of life-or eve n life itself-is worth in dollars and cents? This ABC News program introduces vi ewers to a jury that, after finding a doctor to be negligent, had to then answer questions that most would find unanswerable. Their insights are illuminating. ( 23 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3166_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3166_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2747</td><td>Mama Coca</td><td>This program travels to Boliv ia to investigate cocaine at its source. It talks to the Bolivian peasants who g row the coca and who believe that their tired land will grow nothing else; it al so explains the Agro-Yungas project launched by the U.S. government to replace c oca crops with coffee-and the reasons these farmers don't want to participate. T he Aymaras Indians, descendants of the Incas, discuss the everyday and the sacre d uses of the coca leaf. This program reveals why it is so difficult to stop coc aine traffic at its source. (26 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3167_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3167_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32443</td><td>A Man for the Whole World: Pierre Dansereau</t d><td>Considered the father of modern ecology, Pierre Dansereau is known worldwi de for his work on forest dynamics, building a bridge between natural and human science. Lively and insightful, Dansereau discusses his visionary theories and w orldview in this program, using computer graphics and location footage to illust rate his "ball of arrows" model of trophic levels within a given ecosystem and t he "environmental pie," a kind of questionnaire used to determine an individual or group's environmental needs. (51 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3168_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3168_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4120</td><td>The Man Who Moved the Mountains</td><td>The map of the Earth is a flat picture of the Earth's surface; this BBC Horizon program presents the story of how Harold Wellman changed that picture. Hired by the New Zealand Geological Survey to map the underlying bedrock of the Southern Alps re gion, he noticed that there were invariably only two kinds of rock, granite and schist. His search for the boundary between the two led to the discovery of the longest straight line on Earth and a radical new theory that describes the Earth 's surface and permits geophysicists to explain how mountains are built, and why they are such a prominent feature of the landscape. (50 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp; </td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3169_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3169_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>2002</td><td>Management</td><td>Management is the first and foremost element in business success, and inadequate or improper management the primary cause of business failure. In this program, Jim Sanders, administrator o f the United States Small Business Administration, provides cogent insights into the many aspects of management which the small-business owner must address in o rder to survive and prosper: strategic planning; writing the business plan; hiri ng, training, and supervising employees; knowing what and when to delegate; line and staff; financial guidelines for borrowing and/or using your own capital; i dentifying problems and seeking solutions; management by objectives versus manag ement by crisis-and how the small business can avoid many crises by more careful ly planning its objectives. (23 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3170_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3170_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7827</td><td>Management Combines Forces with Unions-Northwes t Airlines</td><td>In 1993, as CEO of Northwest Airlines, John Dasburg headed a company on the verge of bankruptcy. Dasburg pulled back from the brink by striki ng a dramatic agreement with Northwest's union. The union gave up 900 million do llars in wage and work rule concessions, and the owners gave labor three seats o n the corporate board and 30 percent ownership of the company. The deal gave Nor thwest Airlines one of the United States' biggest ESOPs-Employee Stock Ownership Plans. CEO Dasburg believes that Northwest's new relationship with its union gi ves it a competitive advantage. In the 1980s, Northwest labor relations were so bad that some people nicknamed the company "Cobra Airlines"-they'd strike at any thing. Today, Northwest has made a stunning economic comeback, one that Dasburg attributes largely to good labor/management relations. Dasburg likes labor's pre sence on his board, and voluntarily extended their participation for another ten years. (30 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3171_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3171_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11782</td><td>Management in Chinese Cultures</td><td>As West ern companies become more interested in networking and partnering, doing busines s the Chinese way may become the next big thing in corporate methodologies. This program describes key elements of modern Chinese entrepreneurship, such as team work, harmony, deference to authority, and guanxi-a system of interpersonal rela tions that stresses covenantal rather than contractual agreements-that different iate it from the traditional Western model. The strengths and weaknesses of both systems are weighed by the chairman of DHL International Ltd. and others, provi ding a balanced analysis of business in both the Asia-Pacific region and the glo bal marketplace. (30 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3172_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3172_l

blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10971</td><td>The Management of Pain</td><td>Pain can be tot ally debilitating to those who suffer. But painkillers, although they merely mas k physical discomfort, can make life livable again. This program looks at the th ree primary types of painkillers, their origins, and their actions. Alternative treatments, such as massage, acupuncture, and relaxation, are also presented as viable alternatives to traditional medications. (25 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><t d>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3173_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3173_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9297</td><td>Managing Care, Managing Death</td><td>To decrea se the suffering of terminally ill patients, some doctors routinely prescribe st rong painkillers-medications that, in effect, actually hasten the patient's deat h. What distinguishes such treatment from physician-assisted suicide? This progr am discusses legislative initiatives designed to protect patients from "disguise d euthanasia"-and addresses the volatile question of whether such laws are a thr eat to the professional judgment of doctors. Experts include Professor David Ore nlicher, former counsel to the AMA; Dr. Zeke Emmanuel, of the NIH's Department o f Clinical Bioethics; and Yale University's Dr. Sherwin Nuland, author of How We Die. (29 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3174_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3174_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9296</td><td>Managing Care, Managing Dollars</td><td>America 's healthcare system frequently leaves patients feeling shortchanged, while phys icians are forced to overdose on paperwork and managed care companies are helple ss to cap their soaring costs. What is the future of this system, as the tidal w ave of Baby Boomers surges toward retirement? This program analyzes the symptoms of America's healthcare ills and suggests a prescription for potential cure. Ex perts include Professor Uwe Reinhardt, of Princeton University; Dr. Joseph Carve r, of Aetna U.S. Healthcare; Dr. David Shulkin, of the University of Pennsylvani a Health System; and the Editor-in-Chief of The New England Journal of Medicine. (29 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3175_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3175_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36520</td><td>Managing Cholesterol</td><td>If cholesterol le vels are a measure of how long a person will live, why don't more people make an effort to lower them? This program illustrates how LDL and HDL cholesterol affe ct the heart and circulatory system-and how untreated LDL levels can kill withou t warning. It also features revealing case studies of three patients-a middle-ag

ed man working to reduce his LDL levels through diet and exercise; a woman who s uffered a heart attack during pregnancy, also eating better now; and an elderly man with excellent cholesterol levels, thanks in part to the Mediterranean diet. Dr. Roger Blumenthal of Johns Hopkins Hospital and nutritionist Lisa Bookstein offer expert commentary. (28 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3176_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3176_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35048</td><td>Managing Diabetes</td><td>A disease that frequ ently goes unnoticed for years, diabetes can lead to blindness, loss of limbs, e ven death. The good news, as this program clearly demonstrates, is that diabetes is neither inevitable nor unmanageable. Illustrating ways for patients to take a proactive approach to their health, the video details changes in diet, exercis e, and attitude that can stop the progression of the disease and in some cases p revent its occurrence in the first place. Personal testimony from patients and e xpert commentary from physicians are included. The result is an empowering guide to managing and minimizing a formerly debilitating illness. (28 minutes)</td><t d>2003</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3177_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3177_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2908</td><td>Managing Difficult Situations</td><td>The custo mer is not always right, but the customer's needs remain the number one priority . This program moves beyond the fundamentals of good customer service to the pro blems of dealing with more complex and difficult situations: How do you satisfy customers who want something you cannot give them? How do you work out a deal wi th a customer when you cannot agree on the terms? What are the most effective wa ys of dealing with angry customers? (20 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>20</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3178_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3178_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4265</td><td>Managing Diversity in Business</td><td>This pro gram covers the important and timely issues involved in managing multicultural a nd sexual diversity in the workplace. Topics covered include "Why Value Diversit y?," "Understanding Our Biases and Assumptions," "Sexual Harassment," "Recruitin g and Interviewing a Diverse Workforce," "Making New Employees Feel Valued," and "Managing Diversity: Meeting the Challenge." (60 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td> 60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3179_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3179_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></

td> </tr><tr> <td>30009</td><td>Managing Inflammatory Bowel Disease</td><td>Fo r reasons that are not altogether certain, Inflammatory Bowel Disease is affecti ng more and more Americans every year. In this program from The Doctor Is In, Dr s. Scott Plevy, formerly of Mount Sinai School of Medicine, and Susan Edwards, o f the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, seek to understand the spreading incid ences of Crohn's disease and colitis, the two primary forms of IBD, while descri bing pharmaceutical and surgical treatment options. Case studies of two young wo men with IBD focus on how they manage their debilitating conditions. A Dartmouth -Hitchcock Medical Center Production. (30 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>30</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3180_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3180_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33599</td><td>Managing the Difficult Group</td><td>Every tea cher has been there-staring in the face of a difficult student or group of stude nts threatening to thwart the progress of the day's lesson. But how can the teac her handle the conflict in a way that benefits everyone? Frustrated back-and-for th shouting between teacher and student should not and does not have to take pla ce in the classroom. This program suggests practical classroom management strate gies which are designed to help difficult students learn more successfully. It a lso examines why some students are disruptive and provides educators with specif ic techniques to prevent disruptive behavior. (30 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td> 30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3181_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3181_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6665</td><td>Managing Uncertainty</td><td>Situations involvi ng flexible budgetary strategies are explored in a case study of the Toronto Map le Leafs hockey team. A second study focuses on what happens when separate proje cts under way at the burgeoning Equine Research Centre require different cost an d revenue information for decision making. (28 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>28< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3182_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3182_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11496</td><td>Managing Your Weight</td><td>This program exam ines the role of exercise, dieting, and other weight control strategies in attai ning optimal health while skewering fad diets and risky or useless products, whi ch only serve to undermine healthy weight management. Psychosocial factors that distort views on what constitutes a healthy look and weight are also considered, as young adults explore the dynamics of body image and the issues involved in e ating disorders. (29 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3183_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3183_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33137</td><td>Mandela: The Living Legend</td><td>This two-pa rt documentary series stands as the definitive film biography of Nelson Mandela. Each program meticulously chronicles his powerful story through archival footag e and exclusive interviews, while unprecedented access to Mandela offers an inti mate look into his life today. Friends and world leaders interviewed include for mer President Bill Clinton, Fidel Castro, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. A BBCW Pr oduction. 2-part series, 51 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3184_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3184_l blPrice">$299.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34711</td><td>Manhood and Violence: Fatal Peril</td><td>The Resolve to Stop the Violence Program places male convicts in highly structured e ncounter groups, helping them recognize the warped concepts of masculinity behin d their violent behavior. This documentary follows nine inmates through the rigo rous self-discovery process, recording their growing sense of accountability and willingness to change. With commentary from law enforcement officers, violenceprevention experts, victims' relatives, and the inmates themselves, the video al so follows up on RSVP participants after their release, highlighting the ultimat e benefit of the program-a dramatic reduction in recidivism among its graduates. (58 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3185_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3185_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25824</td><td>Manual Transmissions</td><td>Manual Transmissi ons is a 20-video which is part of the series Drive Trains. This group of 6 vid eos not only provides a general overview of drive trains and how they operate, b ut highlights construction, design, and components. Each video covers a specific topic and uses 3-D animation and cutaways to demonstrate working parts and how they function. Detailed areas are: automotive clutch flywheels pressure plates e converters set-up transmission designs adjustments CV axles pistons & s etary gear sets drive axle designs part inspection differential disassembly. (20 es) A Shopware Production.</td><td>1992</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3186_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3186_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32315</td><td>Manuel Rivas: Esta Es Mi Tierra-in Spanish</td ><td>Hosted and narrated by Manuel Rivas and filmed in his native Galicia, this program showcases the work of the prize-winning Spanish journalist and author of

the internationally acclaimed novel, The Carpenter's Pencil. As personable as h e is talented, Rivas reads excerpts from his novel, a portrayal of the human cos t of the Spanish Civil War, along with several of his poems. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 57 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3187_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3187_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32130</td><td>Manufacturing</td><td>From choosing raw materi als to designing assembly processes to inspecting the final product, the Manufac turing Cluster is the place where things get made. This program goes inside the diverse world of manufacturing by presenting the career profiles of a number of people who hold different jobs there. Correlates to the National Standards for L ife Work. A Cambridge Educational Production. (18 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td> 29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3188_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3188_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37659</td><td>Manufacturing</td><td>In this program, three w omen with rewarding careers in manufacturing describe their work. Marnie Zimmerm an is an instrumentation technician who repairs circuit boards for air condition ing systems; Kristina Bouchard is a machine operator for an aerospace company; a nd Darlene Fitzgerald is a horticulturalist who manages a large production staff . Conversations with co-workers and supervisors add to the descriptions of each job. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3189_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3189_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33518</td><td>The Many Flavors of French-in French</td><td>T his program travels from Lyon and its surrounding region to Belgium, Switzerland , Senegal, and Quebec to savor some of the various flavors of French that have f lourished on the Continent and abroad. Native speakers sing the language's prais es and in doing so offer interesting insights into the cultures they represent-p laces where French must compete with other languages for prominence. (French, 27 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3190_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3190_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33216</td><td>Many Tongues Called English, One World Languag e</td><td>This program explores how America's rise as an economic power made it the driving force behind the spread of English in the 20th century. A world tour

illustrates how English has mixed with other languages-from "Franglais" in Fran ce to "Singlish" in Singapore-and how the dollar's power, coupled with the lure of consumerism, has made English the international trade language. Bringing it f ull circle, host Melvyn Bragg returns to the British Isles to survey English as it is spoken there now, measuring the influence of American slang and vocabulary from other languages. (52 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3191_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3191_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5729</td><td>Map Grids</td><td>The simple scientific method of determining location-by means of a map grid-is described, and its advantages and disadvantages outlined. (10 minutes)</td><td>1985</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3192_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3192_l blPrice">$45.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5728</td><td>Map Symbols</td><td>This program teaches an und erstanding of map legends, and the techniques of identifying and locating inform ation through different sizes and shapes of symbols. (10 minutes)</td><td>1985</ td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3193_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3193_l blPrice">$45.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>24974</td><td>Mapping Your Career Plan</td><td>Books...artic les...occupational dictionaries...even the Internet...offer a wealth of informat ion about all kinds of careers. But the challenge is discovering how to tap into the various resources. Teens must learn how to set goals. Job shadowing, extern ships, internships, volunteer work, special classes, and summer jobs are just so me of the important stops on the path to career preparation. But most essential: get advice, get experience, and get training! A Meridian Production.One 16-minu te video.</td><td>1999</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3194_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3194_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3329</td><td>Maps and Mapmaking</td><td>This program shows h ow topographical and hydrographical maps are made, how the requisite information is gathered, measurements made and verified, the handwork completed. It also ex plains the conventions of mapmaking from the early 17th century, through the 19t h-century establishment of the tradition that puts North at the top, through the contemporary extremes of maps-the detailed thematic map, and the view of Earth from space. (30 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>30</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3195_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3195_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4259</td><td>Marbury v. Madison</td><td>Who determines what the Constitution means: the Supreme Court, Congress, or the President? This 1803 case established the judiciary's authority to interpret the Constitution. Marsh all's insistence on the principle of "judicial review" of acts of Congress broug ht him into conflict with President Thomas Jefferson, but established the court' s responsibility. (30 minutes)</td><td>1987</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3196_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3196_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30572</td><td>Marcel Duchamp, Iconoclast</td><td>This outsta nding program presents Marcel Duchamp and his controversial oeuvre. Representati ve works, culled from every period of his life, bring together sketches, paintin gs, readymades, kinetic art, optical discs, sculpture, and his posthumous instal lation, Etant Donnes: 1. La Chute d'Eau 2. Le Gaz d'Eclairage. Clips from an int erview filmed the year before Duchamp's death, location footage of significant p laces from his past, and archival photographs provide additional insights into a n enigmatic artist whose every creation displays an intriguing blend of banality and provocation. Not available in French-speaking Canada. (27 minutes)</td><td> 2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3197_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3197_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11998</td><td>Marcel Proust: A Writer's Life</td><td>Deftly blending the personal and the historical, this classic program is an illuminatin g and accessible introduction to the life and work of Marcel Proust, whose novel Remembrance of Things Past changed the face of literature. Interviews with writ ers Dame Iris Murdoch, Shelby Foote, and writer-critic Roger Shattuck highlight the magnitude of Proust's accomplishment, while dramatizations of key scenes fro m Proust's life combine with rare archival footage to place his personal struggl e in a historical context. The film was co-produced by William C. Carter, author of the critically acclaimed Proust biography. Archival interviews include Jean Cocteau, Francois Mauriac, and Celeste Albaret, Proust's long-time friend and as sistant. (60 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3198_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3198_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10716</td><td>Marcela Serrano: A New Voice</td><td>Marcela S

errano's first novel won the Literary Prize in Santiago and her second book won the Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz prize, awarded to the best Hispano-American novel written by a woman. In this program, Marcela Serrano-clearly on the upward path to international renown-assesses the diverse concerns that have influenced her l ife and her work, including the elimination of apartheid and the importance of c reating genuine and loving relationships. (Spanish, 30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td ><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3199_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3199_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29178</td><td>Marcela Serrano: A New Voice</td><td>Marcela S errano's first novel won the Literary Prize in Santiago and her second book won the Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz prize, awarded to the best Hispano-American novel written by a woman. In this program, Marcela Serrano-clearly on the upward path to international renown-assesses the diverse concerns that have influenced her l ife and her work, including the elimination of apartheid and the importance of c reating genuine and loving relationships. (Spanish with English subtitles, 28 mi nutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3200_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3200_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>752</td><td>Marcus Garvey: Toward Black Nationhood</td><td>T his documentary examines the career of the pioneer black nationalist; it ranges from his birthplace in Jamaica to the United States, Europe, and Africa. Garvey (1887-1940) captured the imagination of black Americans during the 1920s with hi s impassioned call for an independent black nation. The program shows how Garvey 's legacy inspired the civil rights movement in the U.S. and liberation movement s throughout the Third World. (42 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3201_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3201_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>7305</td><td>Marcuse and the Frankfurt School</td><td>In thi s program with world-renowned author and professor Bryan Magee, the late philoso pher and radical political theorist Herbert Marcuse explains how the so-called F rankfurt School reevaluated Marxism when world economic crisis failed to destroy capitalism as predicted by Marx. He also analyzes the philosophical roots of th e student rebellions of the sixties. A BBC Production. (46 minutes)</td><td>1977 </td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3202_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3202_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></

td> </tr><tr> <td>7917</td><td>Margaret Sanger</td><td>Birth control advocate, self-styled libertarian, and ardent proponent of women's rights-Margaret Sanger was all of these, as this balanced, probing documentary attests. Using rare arc hival footage, diary excerpts, and commentary from historians, critics, and rela tives, the program traces Sanger's extraordinary life and exhaustive work in the promotion and legalization of contraception. The documentary examines Sanger's legal battles, her work to distribute scientific birth control information, and her best-known achievement: the establishment of Planned Parenthood. Grandson Al exander Sanger-himself a birth control activist-offers insight into her bohemian life as well as the fierce opposition she faced from conservative religious and social groups. Margaret Sanger is seen in both triumph and failure. At the star t of her career, she opened the first birth control clinic in the United States. She finished her work a half-century later after launching the research that le d to the birth control pill. But her darker side-her use of the racist and eliti st arguments of eugenics-haunts her memory to this day. (87 minutes)</td><td>199 7</td><td>87</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3203_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3203_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9303</td><td>Marge Piercy</td><td>At heart, Marge Piercy is a utopian, possessing what Margaret Atwood described as "a view of human possibi lity ... that makes the present state of affairs clearly unacceptable by compari son." In this program, Bill Moyers and Ms. Piercy discuss topics such as the pol itical and religious themes behind much of her writing and the curiosity and ima gination that fuel her creativity. Readings by Ms. Piercy showcase "The Book of Ruth and Naomi," "To be of use," "Kaddish," "The hunger moon," "For the young wh o want to," "Coming up on September," and others. Filmed at the Biennial Geraldi ne R. Dodge Poetry Festival. (27 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3204_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3204_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11061</td><td>Margery Kempe</td><td>As women mystics became more common throughout Europe in the late 14th and 15th centuries, the manner in which they expressed and practiced their devotion became more diverse. In this program, Kathy Garay, of McMaster University, presents Margery Kempe's unconvent ional life in context. Topics such as bridal mysticism are discussed, along with Kempe's pilgrimage to Jerusalem. The transcription of her life into the first a utobiography in the English language presents a portrait of a woman who defied s ocial norms by following her visions and risked the charge of heresy in doing so . (24 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3205_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3205_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>10094</td><td>Marguerite Duras: Worn Out with Desire . . . t o Write</td><td>She was the sort of woman who spared neither herself nor othersand arguably qualifies as 20th-century France's greatest femme de lettres. In th is vintage interview, the late novelist and filmmaker talks openly about the har dship and the romance of her childhood in French Indochina, sharing how this per iod haunted her life and shaped her work. Excerpts from her films and readings f rom her books by actress Elizabeth Rider and Duras herself-including The Lover, winner of the Prix Goncourt and translated into more than forty languages-bring to life those formative years in Vietnam. (52 minutes)</td><td>1985</td><td>52</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3206_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3206_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38799</td><td>Mari, Part 1: Sumerian City on the Euphrates</ td><td>Discovered by chance in the early 1930s, the ancient city of Mari provide s insights into Mesopotamian culture and humankind's first steps toward urbaniza tion. In this program, archaeologists Jean-Claude Margueron and Beatrice MullerMargueron lead a team in the excavation of Mari's urban center as they work to u ncover the successive layers of the third, second, and first towns. Geographic a nd historical background on Mesopotamia is provided, archaeological evidence of prolific metalwork and ceramics industries is unearthed, and 3-D animations illu strate aspects of how the city looked and functioned in its prime. (27 minutes)< /td><td>2005</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3207_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3207_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38800</td><td>Mari, Part 2: The Palace of Zimri-Lim</td><td> The Palace of Zimri-Lim at Mari was one of the wonders of the Mesopotamian world . This program documents the opening of an excavation site at the palace's gate, while an animated walk-through of the palace precincts enables viewers to follo w in the footsteps of courtiers and the king himself. Information on life inside the palace-from the business of keeping it functioning smoothly, to matters of religion, to the pleasures of the harem-illustrates life in this once-great plac e. Unfortunately, restoration of Mari has become a race against time. Will erosi on do what even Hammurabi could not achieve: the erasure of Mari from the face o f the Earth? (28 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3208_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3208_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37669</td><td>Marine Transportation</td><td>Students have pl enty to gain from hearing the stories of women in the marine transportation fiel d. This program profiles Manon Turcotte, a boat pilot accustomed to busy shippin g lanes and port harbors; Gina Gray, a ferry deckhand working her way up to Seco nd Officer; and Louise McGowan, a Canadian naval engineer who maintains shipboar d mechanical equipment. Interviews with fellow crewmembers and supervisors help

to create well-rounded descriptions of each job. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td>< td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3209_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3209_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10714</td><td>Mario Benedetti: Writing and Revolution</td><t d>Recognized as one of Uruguay's most perceptive writers, Mario Benedetti was al so deeply involved in Latin American politics during the 1960s and 70s. In this program, Benedetti reflects on topics such as his life both at home and in Cuba, his crisis of political consciousness, and his diverse oeuvre, which includes n ovels, short stories, poems, and essays. (Spanish, 28 minutes)</td><td>1999</td> <td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3210_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3210_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29176</td><td>Mario Benedetti: Writing and Revolution</td><t d>Recognized as one of Uruguay's most perceptive writers, Mario Benedetti was al so deeply involved in Latin American politics during the 1960s and 70s. In this program, Benedetti reflects on topics such as his life both at home and in Cuba, his crisis of political consciousness, and his diverse oeuvre, which includes n ovels, short stories, poems, and essays. (Spanish with English subtitles, 28 min utes)</td><td>1999</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3211_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3211_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10715</td><td>Mario Vargas Llosa: In Love with Peru</td><td> The writings of Mario Vargas Llosa-penetrating studies of Peruvian life-demonstr ate the author's lifelong commitment to social change. In this program, Vargas L losa, winner of the Cervantes Prize and widely regarded as Peru's most interesti ng novelist, offers insights into his beloved homeland, his life abroad, his uns uccessful bid for the presidency, and other topics. (Spanish, 30 minutes)</td><t d>1999</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3212_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3212_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29177</td><td>Mario Vargas Llosa: In Love with Peru</td><td> The writings of Mario Vargas Llosa-penetrating studies of Peruvian life-demonstr ate the author's lifelong commitment to social change. In this program, Vargas L losa, winner of the Cervantes Prize and widely regarded as Peru's most interesti ng novelist, offers insights into his beloved homeland, his life abroad, his uns

uccessful bid for the presidency, and other topics. (Spanish with English subtit les, 28 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3213_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3213_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33673</td><td>Marital Sex: A Religious Perspective</td><td>T his program examines religious guidelines designed to regulate and add meaning t o the sex lives of married couples of the Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, and Sikh faiths. Topics include when intercourse is permissible and when it should b e avoided, whether it is sinful for men and women to use contraception, what typ e of genital contact is allowable, whether marital sex for non-procreative pleas ure is morally acceptable, and possible penalties for marital sex that is deemed sinful. Special attention is given to ways in which these religions are changin g, or not changing, with the times. Contains mature themes and explicit language and imagery. (38 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>38</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3214_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3214_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6509</td><td>Market Failure: Externalities</td><td>This prog ram looks at the problem of public good associated with a dramatic spillover, an d examines the beneficial and detrimental externalities associated with a less e xtensive spillover. The program also looks at how pollution, a classic example o f a detrimental externality, can be eliminated. (28 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><t d>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3215_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3215_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6508</td><td>Market Failure: Monopoly</td><td>This program l ooks at the inefficiencies of monopoly and how a government-created monopoly can be eliminated. Removing an inefficient natural monopoly is more difficult; the program describes three methods. (28 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3216_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3216_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10845</td><td>The Market Mechanism</td><td>Supply and demand is the basic relationship that fundamentally shapes any market-based economy. M odule one of this program shows how S&D sets the price of a rose at the Aalsmeer flower auction in the Netherlands; module two reveals how Germany's Flensburger shipyard has survived in a shrinking market through capacity planning; and modu le three demonstrates how quality decisions ultimately led Bianchi to victory in

the Giro d'Italia bicycle race. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3217_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3217_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10139</td><td>Marketing Planning</td><td>True or false? "A g ood product will sell itself." In this program, a swashbuckling swordsman and ot her experts answer that question with a thorough summary of the marketing proces s-covering mission statements, business and marketing objectives, and market sha re-and the marketing plan, which addresses situational analysis and goals. The t ools involved in creating a marketing plan are described as well, including the BCG matrix; strategic business units, with their stars, cash cows, question mark s, and dogs; SWOT analysis; and trend analysis. (27 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><t d>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3218_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3218_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10140</td><td>Marketing Research and Information</td><td>"Wh o needs that product, anyway?" This program provides the inside scoop on how to gather consumer data. Sources of secondary information from the government-inclu ding the Statistical Abstract of the United States and materials obtained throug h FOIA requests-and from syndicates such as ACNielsen are considered. Methods of gathering primary information, such as focus groups, one-on-one interviews, sur veys, and experiments, are also examined. (9 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>9</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3219_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3219_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34898</td><td>Marketing, Sales & Service</td><td>There will always be a place in America's consumer-centric culture for energetic go-getters in the areas of marketing, sales, and service. This program, set in a marketing agency environment, introduces students to an account director/senior associate , an account director/partner, an associate creative director, and a managing pa rtner. Background information on the field in general-and the education needed t o really excel-is included. Also, the ability to build and maintain strong clien t relationships is stressed. A Cambridge Educational Production. (21 minutes)</t d><td>2007</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3220_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3220_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37625</td><td>Marketing the Message: Selling Jesus, or Selli

ng Jesus Out?</td><td>If the goal of Christian evangelism is to draw people to J esus, then it makes a certain amount of sense to translate eternal Christian bel iefs into the vernacular of pop culture. But it's a slippery slope. At what poin t might the methods to win souls obscure, cheapen, or compromise the message its elf? Believers and skeptics speak out as this program takes a balanced look at m arketing the message. Ministries built around NASCAR racing, pro wrestling, skat eboarding, and motorcycles are spotlighted along with Jesus-oriented products ra nging from clothing and housewares to rock music CDs and Bibles styled like fash ion magazines. A visit to The Holy Land Experience, Orlando, is also featured. ( 27 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3221_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3221_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10137</td><td>Marketing: The Standard Deviants(r) Core Curri culum</td><td>This persuasive six-part series, adapted from the popular series d eveloped for students to enhance their test-taking skills, combines serious acad emic content with a humorous presentation style to help make the subject of mark eting more accessible. Each program skillfully employs elements such as clever m nemonics, high-tech computer graphics, and entertaining vignettes to boost reten tion and confidence while driving home core concepts through concise explanation s and case studies. Joining the Standard Deviants Academic Team in the creation of this series are John McCarty, Ph.D., of American University, and Barbara Rose nthal, Ph.D., of Miami-Dade Community College. Correlates to all applicable stat e and national standards. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available o nline. 6-part series, 9-27 minutes each.</td><td>1998</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3222_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3222_l blPrice">$539.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11391</td><td>Marketplace of Ideas, Volume 1</td><td>In this program, nine judges from the 1999 Clio Executive Juries talk about how creativ es get their ideas, the dangers of overtesting ads, the need for even more effec tive advertising, and other topics. Also, a dynamic group of international indus try executives from Goodby Silverstein & Partners, San Francisco; Young & Rubica m, London; CLM/BBDO, Paris; Scholz & Friends, Berlin; Ginkgo Saatchi & Saatchi, Montevideo; Leo Burnett, Kuala Lumpur; and other agencies discuss commercials su ch as Volkswagen's "Snowplow," Maxell's "Israelites," and Little Caesars' "Focus Group" to provide insights into what makes a TV spot a success. (32 minutes)</t d><td>2000</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3223_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3223_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11392</td><td>Marketplace of Ideas, Volume 2</td><td>In this program, thirteen judges from the 2000 Clio Executive Juries speak on topics su ch as the teamwork involved in making an ad, how a campaign sometimes shocks peo ple's ideas of advertising, and the motivation for being in the advertising busi

ness. In addition, industry leaders drawn from prominent agencies around the wor ld, including Fallon McElligott, Minneapolis; Ogilvy & Mather, Mumbai; Paradiset DDB, Stockholm; Clemenger/BBDO, Melbourne; and Agulla & Baccetti, Buenos Aires, analyze TV spots such as MTV's "Jukka Brothers" and Diesel Jeans' "A Day in Pyo ngyang" and several print ads and posters from the Clio archives. (31 minutes)</ td><td>2000</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3224_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3224_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11390</td><td>Marketplace of Ideas: What Makes a Great Adver tisement?</td><td>Who knows what makes a great advertisement? The judges for the annual Clio Awards do, and in this penetrating two-part series they spell it ou t. In addition, creatives from some of the world's best agencies share their kno wledge and experience, as they discuss the business of making profitable-and mem orable-TV and radio spots, print ads, and posters. 2-part series, 31-32 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3225_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3225_l blPrice">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7183</td><td>Marlowe&#8217;s Faust, Part 1</td><td>This live ly performance excerpt from The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus provides the mea ns to understand and enjoy the classic play as living literature. As with most o f Marlowe&#8217;s plays, Faust represents a pivotal change from the medieval out look of humans at the whim of an unseen hand, to the Renaissance view of humans in control of their own destiny. This program clearly shows how, in writing Faus t, Marlowe intended to engage the cultural and religious issues of the 16th cent ury. However, the creative nature of the performance encourages contemporary int erpretations as no printed text can. (25 minutes)</td><td>1989</td><td>25</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3226_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3226_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7184</td><td>Marlowe&#8217;s Faust, Part 2</td><td>This is t he second of two programs featuring a performance of Christopher Marlowe&#8217;s classic The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus. The play&#8217;s last scenes inclu ding the magical appearance of Helen of Troy, Faustus&#8217; failed attempt to r epent, and his final, tormented soliloquy are presented. We catch glimpses of Ma rlowe&#8217;s classic larger-than-life characters&#8212;all &#8220;over-reachers ,&#8221; who seek to dominate everything around them. In this case, the ultimate demise of Faustus seems even more tragic when measured against the dimensions o f his ambitions. (25 minutes)</td><td>1989</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3227_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3227_l

blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7182</td><td>Marlowe's Faust</td><td>The potential of blank verse for drama was not truly recognized until Christopher Marlowe's Tamburlaine the Great. Many believe his innovation greatly influenced Shakespeare's work. H owever, it is Marlowe's later work, The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus, that be came his most celebrated. This play has mesmerized theatergoers for over 400 yea rs, and served as the inspiration for numerous books, films, television shows, a nd even a Broadway musical. This two-part series presents an innovative, period interpretation of some of its most important scenes. 2-part series, 25 minutes e ach.</td><td>1989</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3228_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3228_l blPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10339</td><td>Marriage</td><td>An institution supported by r eligious and civil authorities, marriage bestows both freedoms and restraints de signed to promote social stability. But as divorce rates continue to soar, is ma rriage getting a bad name? In this program, author Sabine Da Costa and anthropol ogists Helen Fisher, of Rutgers University, and Peter Lovell, of the University of New Brunswick, track the development of marriage, from ancient times to the c urrent day. Specific topics include cohabitation; arranged marriages; betrothal; dowry; the wedding ceremony; endogamy and exogamy; monogamy, polygamy, and poly andry; same-sex marriages; divorce; and remarriage. (53 minutes)</td><td>1998</t d><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3229_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3229_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11064</td><td>The Marriage Partnership</td><td>"And they liv ed happily ever after." Most couples expect their wedding day to end like a fair y tale. However, statistics show that almost half of all marriages end in divorc e. Most newlyweds are not as prepared for married life as they are for their wed ding day. This program explores the steps that cultivate strong marriages: choos ing the right partner, moving from "me" to "we" thinking, establishing roles and goals, and making good decisions. Experts and married couples offer ways in whi ch newlyweds can become equal partners-for life. A Meridian Production. (19 minu tes)</td><td>2000</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3230_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3230_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37128</td><td>Married to a Goddess: The Joginis of India</td ><td>In southern India, Yellamma is the goddess of the untouchables, and the jog inis are typically Dalit girls dedicated to their service-and to the servicing o f the local men. The jogini role as representative of the goddess has been corru

pted: "Society has deliberately turned the jogini into sex workers, and exploits them as such," says jogini-turned-activist Hajamma. After describing the sacred side of jogini life, this program explores the dark side: prostitution and outr ight rape. Interviews with joginis illustrate that although their abuse has been formally abolished, little has changed. Some content may be objectionable. (30 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3231_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3231_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10099</td><td>Martin Heidegger: Design for Living</td><td>Th e monumental treatise Being and Time was published in 1927-the same year as Mein Kampf. This program dispassionately scrutinizes the life and philosophy of Mart in Heidegger, describing his rise to intellectual prominence while laying bare t he motives for his involvement with the Nazi party. Interviews with his son, Her mann Heidegger; George Steiner, author of an influential critique of his philoso phy; Heidegger biographer Hugo Ott; and former pupil Hans-Georg Gadamer provide fresh insights, while reconstructions of key moments in Heidegger's life flesh o ut the story of a man whose apologists and antagonists are still acrimoniously d ivided. (50 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3232_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3232_l blPrice">$109.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1691</td><td>Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: The Making of a Ho liday</td><td>Paying lip service to Dr. King's message is one thing, creating a national holiday is quite another. This is the story of how Martin Luther King, Jr.'s, birthday became a national holiday-of the unrelenting drive of his widow, Coretta Scott King, to carry on his work; of politicians (especially Representa tive John Conyers, Jr.) determined to memorialize Dr. King and offer hope as the alternative to black rage at his assassination; of the ultimately silly argumen ts against the holiday (such as the economic cost of lost man-hours of work). Ra re documentary footage and interviews follow the chronology of events, while the participation of Stevie Wonder, Bill Cosby, Harry Belafonte, Diana Ross, and ho st LeVar Burton provides the program with genuine celebration. From King's "I Ha ve a Dream" speech to Stevie Wonder's "Happy Birthday, Martin," this is an engag ing look at the making of a holiday. (28 minutes)</td><td>1978</td><td>28</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3233_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3233_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34968</td><td>Martino Tirimo: Piano Master Class</td><td>Gre ek-born pianist Martino Tirimo is well known for his virtuoso performances-and e qually famous for his teaching ability. Shot at London's Royal Academy of Music, this classic four-part series captures Tirimo's prestigious International Class on video-creating a detailed record of his sensitive and authoritative instruct ion. Works by Schubert, Brahms, Liszt, and Debussy come to life in the hands of

several gifted students and their brilliant mentor, with a full program devoted to each challenging piece. 4-part series, 30 minutes each.</td><td>1988</td><td> &nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3234_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3234_l blPrice">$359.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33346</td><td>Mary Shelley: The Birth of Frankenstein</td><t d>Her father was philosopher William Godwin. Her mother, Mary Wollstonecraft, wa s feminism's founder. By pedigree and experience, Mary Shelley was uncannily equ ipped to write the gothic masterpiece, Frankenstein. This program offers a fresh exploration of her novel, focusing on how Shelley's personal life influenced th e book and mirrored it afterwards. Along with reenactments of scenes from her cl assic and dramatizations of her life, the program draws from a wealth of primary sources, including readings from her mother's A Vindication of the Rights of Wo man and Mary Shelley's personal letters, as well as those of her husband, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and Lord Byron. A BBCW Production. (60 minutes)</td><td>2003</td ><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3235_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3235_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33104</td><td>The Masai Today: Changing Traditions</td><td>S wahili or English? Extended or nuclear family? Cattle or camel herding? For the proud, pastoral Masai tribe of Africa, Western culture's advance brings decision s in every area of an ancient lifestyle. Filmed over the course of seven years, this program follows one family as it contends with the challenges of modernity facing the Masai people as a whole. Through interviews and an extremely detailed depiction of Masai daily life, the program explores changing gender relations, language and identity, tribal leadership and family structure, and the influence of education. (53 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3236_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3236_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24223</td><td>Masonry</td><td>Masonry is a fifteen-minute vi deo which is part of the series, Vo/Tech: Ins and Outs.This fast-paced, entertai ning, and intriguing series introduces several occupations in the vast career pa thway of vocational and technical trades. Viewers are taken on a journey through many different facets of vocational interest areas including welding, masonry, electrical, residential construction, and HVAC. Each fifteen-minute program focu ses on one of these particular trades and includes interviews with students prep aring for each career and working professionals on the job. The programs careful ly define how the participant began in the field, what the vocation means to the m, educational requirements, immediate job opportunities, and how they envision the future of each particular occupation. The series serves as an introduction t o the vast opportunities in vocational interest areas and the need for qualified workers in these lucrative occupations. Important contact information is also p

rovided for students interested in finding out more about vocational training pr ograms. These programs will serve as a valuable resource to excite and motivate prospective students to consider a career in these high-demand and financially r ewarding occupations. One 15-minute video. A Shopware Production.</td><td>2001</ td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3237_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3237_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9135</td><td>Mass</td><td>This program uses original animati on and live-action examples to present the concepts of mass, matter, and inertia , clearly distinguishing between mass and weight. Also, Newton's laws of motion are introduced, with an emphasis on mass as a measurement of inertia. A Cambridg e Educational Production. (9 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>9</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3238_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3238_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8521</td><td>Mass Media in Society</td><td>The world is quic kly becoming saturated with information, entertainment, and advertisements. In t his program, academic and industry experts examine the globalization of informat ion exchange, the way in which it has altered the social distance between nation s and individuals, and the future of mass media. In the U.S., viewers watch an a verage of 4.5 hours per day of television, willingly lending their eyes and ears to advertisers. However, the 1990s have seen a growing fragmentation of America into demographically segmented audiences, driven by niche programming and narro w-interest advertising. The enthusiasm for interactive communication is growing, spurred on by the desire for news and entertainment tailored and delivered on d emand and the possibilities of one-to-one marketing. Is the concept of mass medi a on the verge of extinction? (28 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3239_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3239_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5776</td><td>Mass Spectrometry</td><td>An explanation of how a mass spectrometer works is followed by a demonstration of a mass spectrometer in action. The analysis of simple mass spectra is discussed-simple splitting of hydrocarbons, the effect on splitting of heteroatoms in alcohols and ethers, an d the McLafferty rearrangement. Discussion of the spectra of isotopic mixtures, such as chlorine and bromine, and the use of accurate masses is also included. ( 30 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3240_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3240_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>30431</td><td>Mastering Fashion Design: Studying with Vivien ne Westwood</td><td>Called Britain's most consistently original, outrageous, ecc entric, and controversial designer, Vivienne Westwood is also an esteemed profes sor of fashion at Berlin's Academy of Arts. This program profiles Westwood while capturing the student experience under her rigorous tutelage. Footage of her ap prentices-in the classroom, learning the ropes at her London workshop, and putti ng on a fashion show where intricate historical costumes take pride of place-pro vides penetrating insights into what it takes to become a top-ranking fashion de signer. A Deutsche Welle Production. (26 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>26</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3241_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3241_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30238</td><td>Mastering the Art of Corporate Reinvention</td ><td>Chairman and CEO Gordon Bethune engineered the turnaround that moved Contin ental Airlines from worst to first. Former Honeywell International CEO Michael B onsignore brokered a merger with Allied Signal to create a $26-billion colossus. In this program, these two masters of corporate reinvention share their views o n customer service, mergers, and workforce inspiration. In addition, MBA student s and faculty from The Fuqua School of Business at Duke University ask questions about crisis management, balancing long-term and short-term goals, and the diff erences between leading and managing. (57 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>57</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3242_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3242_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34762</td><td>Masters of the Spanish Word</td><td>Examining the lives and accomplishments of major authors writing in Spanish, this five-par t series offers remarkable insight into their poetic, dramatic, and fictional ex pression. Calderon de la Barca, Gustavo Becquer, Ruben Dario, and Rafael Alberti are each featured in a program, with an additional episode devoted to the picar esque novel, a literary form with Spanish origins. Incorporating archival photog raphs, paintings, and drawings, these visual histories make up a powerful narrat ive woven through four centuries of Spanish-language literature. English, 5-part series, 20-25 minutes each.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3243_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3243_l blPrice">$449.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>964</td><td>Matador</td><td>A poetic and authentic look at t he bullfighter and his bull-the importance of bullfighting in Spanish society; t he breeding, rearing, and training of the bull; the human side of the matador; a nd the countryside and people who have provided a home for bullfighting for coun tless centuries. The program culminates at a bullfight at the Feria de Abril in Seville. Also available in English. (50 minutes)Spanish</td><td>1983</td><td>50<

/td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3244_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3244_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>29653</td><td>The Matching Concept and the Accounting Cycle< /td><td>This program divides its time between the matching concept and the accou nting cycle. First, the cash basis of accounting is compared to the accrual basi s of accounting. Next, the five main types of entry adjustments are defined and illustrated. And then, with suitable fanfare, the accounting cycle is described in detail. Its eight steps include analyzing and journalizing transactions, post ing transactions to the ledger, preparing the unadjusted trial balance, assembli ng and recording adjustments, preparing the financial statements, journalizing a nd posting adjusted entries, journalizing and posting closing entries, and prepa ring the post-closing trial balance. Taking care of business means handling fina nces both consistently and systematically, and this video shows students exactly how to do it. A Cambridge Educational Production. (15 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</ td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3245_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3245_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33397</td><td>Material World</td><td>This program investigat es how England's insatiable appetite for tea, cotton, and china fueled that coun try's industrial revolution. Driven by ingenious inventions such as the Newcomen steam engine, the spinning jenny, and the flying shuttle, mass production took England by storm. At the same time, the globe-trotting expeditions of Captain Ja mes Cook did more than chart exotic lands-they also demonstrated the economic be nefits of setting up plantations in far-flung colonies to feed the growing indus trial sector with raw materials, laying the groundwork for today's global econom y. (30 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3246_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3246_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4520</td><td>Math and Literature</td><td>A bookstore owner e xplains how storybooks can be used to help teach math to primary school students . Although they are not all written with math in mind, each featured book incorp orates mathematical thinking used in meaningful situations. (26 minutes)</td><td >1993</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3247_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3247_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr>

<td>36233</td><td>Math Can Take You Places</td><td>With American schools struggling to boost mathematics scores, math teachers need all the guid ance they can get. This bilingual program contains a powerful tool-chest full of lesson demonstrations, professional development videos, and an interactive quiz -all designed to help educators develop real-world teaching examples and applica tions. Five segments feature a high-energy middle-school teacher in action, lead ing students through measurement, equivalency, domain/range/reasonableness, prob lem-solving, and patterns. Five additional segments focus on professional develo pment, presenting tips from experienced teachers on honing algebraic thinking, i ncorporating video and the Internet, implementing manipulative learning tools, a nd showing how math is used in everyday life. English or Spanish soundtrack, DVD only. A viewable/printable instructor's guide-containing lesson plans, classroo m activities, a helpful Web link, and more-is available online. (50 minutes)</td ><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3248_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3248_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10234</td><td>Math in a Box</td><td>Too many students view m athematics as merely a hurdle to be jumped in their race for an education rather than as a fundamental tool for understanding and solving scientific and mechani cal problems. Using real-world examples-plus plenty of animation and graphics-th is comprehensive 15-part series helps students to visualize the relationship bet ween forces and motion through phenomena that characterize them. Each program is presented by Dr. Timothy David, a mathematician at the University of Leeds' Sch ool of Engineering, and consists of two sections: a case study, with a series of questions and a hint as to how to construct the mathematical model, and a detai led explanation of the principles behind the case study, along with the solution s to the equations. 15-part series, 21-58 minutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nb sp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3249_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3249_l blPrice">$1,049.25<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25843</td><td>Math in Automotive Technology</td><td>Math in Automotive Technology is an eleven-minute video which is part of the series, Mat h in Technology. "But why do I need math?" Now, using this series, give students a clear, definitive, and logical answer. Math is necessary to get the job done in most technical fields, including auto mechanics, electricity/electronics, and the building trades. Each video shows real-life problem situations solved by us ing practical math and actual computations on the screen. Use Introduction to Ma th in Technology as an overview and then progress to specific topics. At last... a program to help your students succeed in the world of technical math. (11 min. ) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>11</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3250_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3250_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>25844</td><td>Math in Construction Technology</td><td>In thi s dramatized program, a contractor trainee prepares an exterior painting estimat e for a house that has been vandalized by taking exact measurements, calculating square footage using geometry, adding cost of materials, and multiplying labor costs per hour. Afterward, a group of teens gets ready to build a bike repair sh ed by reading blueprints, calculating floor area, and squaring the shop's footpr int by equalizing the floor's diagonal measurements. A Meridian Production. (10 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3251_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3251_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25845</td><td>Math in Electrical Technology</td><td>Math in Electrical Technology is an eleven-minute video which is part of the series, Mat h in Technology. "But why do I need math?" Now, using this series, give students a clear, definitive, and logical answer. Math is necessary to get the job done in most technical fields, including auto mechanics, electricity/electronics, and the building trades. Each video shows real-life problem situations solved by us ing practical math and actual computations on the screen. Use Introduction to Ma th in Technology as an overview and then progress to specific topics. At last... a program to help your students succeed in the world of technical math. (11 min. ) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3252_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3252_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25378</td><td>Math in Technology</td><td>"But why do I need math?" Now, using this series, give students a clear, definitive, and logical an swer. Math is necessary to get the job done in most technical fields, including auto mechanics, electricity/electronics, and the building trades. Each video sho ws real-life problem situations solved by using practical math and actual comput ations on the screen. Use Introduction to Math in Technology as an overview and then progress to specific topics. At last...a program to help your students succ eed in the world of technical math. A Meridian Production.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><t d>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3253_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3253_l blPrice">$279.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31019</td><td>The Math Life</td><td>Why did a magician becom e a mathematician? How can a person see in four dimensions? What does a mathemat ical proof have in common with a Picasso portrait? This elegant program brings t o life the human dimension of mathematics through lively interviews with Freeman Dyson, David Mumford, Ingrid Daubechies, Persi Diaconis, Michael Freedman, Fan Chung Graham, Kate Okikiolu, Jennifer Tour Chayes, Peter Sarnak, Steven Strogatz , and seven other mathematicians. These captivating luminaries vividly communica te the excitement and wonder that fuel their work as they explore the world thro ugh its patterns, shapes, motions, and probabilities. Computer animations and an

alogies drawn from the visual arts are incorporated, to maximize accessibility t o the fascinating concepts discussed. A Wendy Conquest/Bob Drake/Dan Rockmore Pr oduction. (51 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3254_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3254_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33537</td><td>Mathematics and Computers</td><td>Divided into five short segments for easy inclusion in lectures, this engaging and accessibl e program uses computer-rendered models to illustrate five essential topics in m athematics. These include how the Golden Ratio is calculated and has been applie d to architecture, art, and design; the ratio of similitude and how it relates t o the Pythagorean Theorem and fractals; defining pi using cylinders, regular pol ygons, the area of a circle, and the weight of geometric cutouts; Hippocratic cr escents; and cylindrical and conic sections. An excellent tool for bringing a st rong visual element into the teaching of algebra and geometry. (52 minutes)</td> <td>2002</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3255_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3255_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5532</td><td>Mathematics and Nature</td><td>The shapes of na tural things-trees and clouds, blades of grass and galaxies-seem countless. Clos er observation shows that nature only presents a small number of fundamental sha pes and that these basic shapes obey strict laws. This program explains a new sc ience of natural forms that aims to understand the order of nature. We see that most natural phenomena, whether the movement of planets or the secretion of horm ones, follow regular cycles. Attempts to describe the order of nature mathematic ally have led to a new geometry: fractal geometry. (23 minutes)</td><td>1990</td ><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3256_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3256_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35845</td><td>Mathematics Core Curriculum Video Library</td> <td>Theoretical and applied math, math in nature, logic, and background on life as a mathematician are all examined in this 20-program educational video collect ion. Recommended for grades 8-12. Correlates to state and national standards . Twenty full-length videos. (c) 2006.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3257_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3257_l blPrice">$835.00<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4435</td><td>Mathematics for Technology: Part 1</td><td>This

basic course features real-life, practical applications of mathematical concept s. "Mathemagician" Ron Lancaster is the enthusiastic host. Each program includes clear explanations of the concepts and how to do the calculations, along with r elevant examples from such areas as sports, banking, auto repairs, and health ca re. Field trips, scale models, examples on Ron's computer screen, and magic tric ks bring the concepts to life. 10-part series, 15 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</ td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3258_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3258_l blPrice">$899.50<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4446</td><td>Mathematics for Technology: Part 2</td><td>In t his second 10-part series, "mathemagician" Ron Lancaster uses a clear, step-by-s tep approach to demystify concepts ranging from trigonometry to personal finance , with real-life applications to show how the concepts relate specifically to th e world of technology. 10-part series, 15 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>& nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3259_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3259_l blPrice">$899.50<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6834</td><td>Matter and Change</td><td>In lesson one of this program, experiments are conducted on five white "mystery" powders to determine chemical content and reaction. Salt is fused into a solid block. By feeding gas eous oxygen into a plastic bag of liquid nitrogen, we observe the resulting chan ges in gases; argon condenses into liquid, then turns to gas upon being removed from liquid nitrogen. Lesson two shows the three states of bromine. Mercury is e vaporated and a match is lit using only steam. In lesson three, the density of s olids and liquids is examined. Gas densities of copper sulfate solutions, liquid paraffin, carbon tetrachloride, and dyed propanol are illustrated by layering e ach substance in a graduated cylinder. The gas density of a soap bubble is teste d with and without hydrogen; various gas densities are tested to float a hot air balloon. (31 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3260_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3260_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11817</td><td>A Matter of Life and Death: The Politics of Ab ortion and Capital Punishment</td><td>When it comes to situations involving life and death, the United States is strongly polarized. Liberals commonly support t he legality of abortion as a private matter of personal choice but condemn the d eath penalty as inhumane, while conservatives often support execution as a form of justice but denounce abortion as legalized murder. How did these points of vi ew become a part of the ideologies of the left and the right? This program trace s the development of political stances on life-and-death issues, exposing the la ck of a consistent life ethic in mainstream American politics. (29 minutes)</td> <td>2001</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3261_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3261_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29731</td><td>Matters of Life and Death: The Role of Ethics and Faith in Medicine</td><td>Along with the interventions that can sustain the life of a terminally ill senior citizen or a severely impaired premature baby ha ve come a host of ethics-related dilemmas, and chief among them is when to suspe nd treatment. In this timeless program, renowned theologian Martin Marty, of The Park Ridge Center; members of Lutheran General and Good Samaritan Hospitals' et hics advisory teams; hospice providers; and others address the sanctity of life in a medical context, wrestling with the issues of appropriate care and quality of life. The ethical and theological implications of healthcare reform are also considered. Produced by CBS NEWS. (28 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3262_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3262_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31228</td><td>Matthias Grunewald: The Sanctity of Suffering< /td><td>His birth date is uncertain. His name entered the annals of art history misspelled. And his greatest work, the Isenheim Altarpiece, was for centuries at tributed to Albrecht Durer. Who exactly was Matthias Grunewald, admired today as one of the geniuses of the Northern Renaissance? This program profiles Grunewal d and his intensely expressive approach to subject matter as demonstrated by tha t altarpiece, designed for use in a hospital for patients being treated for St. Anthony's fire. (34 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>34</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3263_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3263_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36451</td><td>Maxed Messages: Launching a New Ad Campaign</t d><td>The popular bread-spread Marmite is headed for store shelves in a new sque ezable bottle-and now the public must be alerted and mobilized. This program exa mines the formation of the advertising campaign that will launch the product. Go ing inside creative meetings and consumer testing sessions, the program follows the evolution of TV ad messages from storyboarded pitches to the final chosen co ncept. Attempts in both TV and print highlight the challenge of appearing edgy a nd trustworthy at the same time. Problems increase when a favored print-ad appro ach doesn't jibe with the realities of the product-until the product is modified to match the ads. (25 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3264_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3264_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8025</td><td>May I Help You? Commendable Customer Service</t

d><td>This video teaches beginning workers how to provide good customer service through maintaining a good attitude, projecting positive body language, using th e correct tone of voice, and developing rapport with the customer. Also explains and demonstrates proven techniques to placate angry customers. Better service l eads to customer satisfaction and is good for both the career of the capable emp loyees and future of the company. A Cambridge Educational Production. One 30-min ute video.</td><td>1992</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3265_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3265_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8688</td><td>The Mayans</td><td>The most advanced of the pre -Hispanic peoples of Central America, the Mayans rose to great prominence, only to suddenly decline around the year AD 900. In this program, cultural historian Iain Grain delves into Mayan history, investigating topics such as the Mayans' m astery of mathematics, their extremely hierarchical society, their use of human sacrifice to induce rain, and Mayan art. Many examples of Mayan architecture are provided as well, plus a computer re-creation of the temple at Chichen Itza. Al though there are still more than two million native Mayans living in Central Ame rica, the exact origins of their ancestors and the fate of the ancient Mayan cit ies remain mysteries. (47 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3266_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3266_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>38784</td><td>MDS</td><td>Often beginning as a seemingly har mless case of fatigue, myelodysplastic syndrome, or MDS, is a disorder of the bo ne marrow which can lead to leukemia. This program provides an overview of the d isease, pointing out that it is virtually unknown to the general public and ofte n not diagnosed by medical caregivers. Whereas little could be done for MDS pati ents in previous years, the program features several success stories as it detai ls recent research into the disease. Specific procedures, including blood transf usions and bone marrow transplants, are identified. Interview subjects include D r. Alan List of the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Dr. James Rossetti of the W estern Pennsylvania Cancer Institute. (28 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>28</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3267_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3267_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35512</td><td>Measles</td><td>After nearly disappearing from much of the world, the measles virus is on the rise. This program journeys to T ajikistan, where the collapse of the health care system established under Soviet rule led to a hiatus in disease vaccination. With measles now threatening child ren across the country, the Tajik government has launched a new vaccination camp aign in partnership with UNICEF. The video follows mobile teams as they prepare for and perform large-scale injection operations in hard-to-reach villages; it a lso explores new research currently under way in England, led by Dr. David Brown

of the Health Protection Agency, that will produce a more efficient, inhalant-b ased vaccine. A BBCW Production. (25 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3268_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3268_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34480</td><td>The Measure of All Things: Greek Art and the H uman Figure</td><td>This program studies cultural transformations that began in the fifth century BC as Greek art discarded religious functions and moved toward human-centered concerns. Views of Cycladic sculpture and Koiros statues demonst rate an evolving realism, leading to stunning examples of the idealized human fi gure: the Kritios boy, the Temple of Zeus pediments, Praxiteles' Hermes, and oth ers. With additional focus on the Olympic games, their architecture, and painted Greek pottery-which spread sensual imagery as well as goods-The Measure of All Things evokes ancient obsessions with the body, and humanity's place in nature, that are alive and well today. (24 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3269_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3269_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8737</td><td>Measurement</td><td>This video describes how to estimate costs of products and services, determine the circumference of an obje ct and its effect on motion, and calculate area and volume. Dramatized segments and computer animations illustrate ways to use measurements taken from blueprint s to estimate construction costs; determine tire sizes, which affect vehicle spe ed; and calculate a running track's circumference to fairly stagger the start li nes. (20 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3270_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3270_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35899</td><td>Measurement: The Long and the Short of It</td> <td>Emphasizing hands-on practice, this program is an excellent tool for introdu cing the basics of linear measurement: its history, terminology, systems, and pr actical applications. Using both customary and metric rulers, Measurement: The L ong and the Short of It will guide your students through the process of taking m easurements, performing related calculations using whole numbers and fractions, and arriving at answers they can feel confident with. By the time the program is over, students will understand exactly what measurement is-and why it's relevan t to their lives. Includes a workbook. Correlates to all applicable state and na tional standards. A Shopware Production. Recommended for middle school, high sch ool, and vocational/technical school. (16 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>16</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3271_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3271_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10255</td><td>Measures of Variability and Relative Standing< /td><td>In this program, grumpy old men and competitive statistics students serv e as samples for working with two more types of numerical representation: variab ility and relative standing. Section one wrestles with range, deviation, varianc e, and standard deviation in detail and tackles the Empirical Rule, while sectio n two dives into Z-scores, outliers, and percentiles. (29 minutes)</td><td>2000< /td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3272_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3272_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35410</td><td>Measuring Success in Treatment for Autism</td> <td>Four years have gone by since the two preschool boys profiled in Autism and Applied Behavioral Analysis began intensive ABA therapy-formerly considered cont roversial, but now hailed as one of the few effective approaches to treating the disorder. This ABC News program brings viewers up to date on the boys and on th e benefits of ABA in treating autism. But the program communicates a sense of fr ustration, as well-with the financial expense of ABA therapy, with the limited s uccess of even this form of autism treatment, and with how much is simply still not understood about this mysterious disorder. (22 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td >22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3273_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3273_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24932</td><td>Mechanical Engineering</td><td>A Meridian Prod uction. One 13-minute video.</td><td>1991</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3274_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3274_l blPrice">$92.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30516</td><td>Mechanical Inspection: Electrical, Plumbing, a nd Heating</td><td>In this video, viewers are shown three of the key areas to in spect when buying a home-the electrical service, plumbing, and the heating syste m. Beginning in the basement, our home inspector, Alex Welsh, closely checks the electrical service. He reviews the condition of the fuse box or circuit brea ker box to ensure that it is properly assembled and that there are no loose conn ections or frayed wires. While in the basement, he also checks out the water hea ter and the heating source. There are many different types of heating systems; h ere the focus is on gas furnaces and boilers and the particular issues they pres ent. There is also a special "spotlight" feature on state-of-the-art furnaces. As the home inspector roams the house, he also checks plumbing joints for dryn ess, fit, and safety, as well as looking for evidence of asbestos. A comprehensi ve review of modern septic systems is also included. Each home style is featu red for the distinctive elements and potential problems it presents. A viewable/

printable instructor's guide is available online. (21 minutes)</td><td>2003</td> <td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3275_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3275_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31965</td><td>Mechanicals: Rough-in and Final</td><td>Heatin g, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) comprise one of the major systems to be installed in a house. This video will guide students through application gui delines and installation of many of these components, such as furnaces, warm-air perimeter systems, air exchangers, and central air-conditioning. A viewable/pri ntable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the Competencies an d Objectives of the National Center for Construction Education & Research. A Sho pware Production. (15 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3276_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3276_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>839</td><td>Mechanisms of Defense: Accident</td><td>The body is like a self-supporting hospital, able to deal on its own with wounds, bacter ial invasions, fractures, and obstructions to its various passages. This program follows the sequence of events over seconds and weeks when skin or bone is dama ged and shows the defensive reactions of blood clotting, fever, and mending of b one fracture. (26 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3277_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3277_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>11205</td><td>The Media and Democracy in the Arab World</td> <td>This program goes behind the scenes at Al Jazeera, "the CNN of Arabia." Dedi cated to freedom of speech, Al Jazeera has earned the admiration of the West and the ire of the Arab nations-with the exception of Qatar, where the independent news agency is based. Interviews, clips of the highly controversial and extremel y popular debate show The Opposite Direction, and reportage covering the first d emocratic election in Qatar, the role of women in Iranian politics, jihad in Afg hanistan, U.S./British air strikes on Iraq, and the war in Kosovo demonstrate Al Jazeera's commitment to boldly present "the other opinion." (45 minutes)</td><t d>1999</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3278_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3278_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36131</td><td>Media by Milosevic: How Serbia's Dictator Wiel ded Power</td><td>The most brutal European dictator since Hitler or Stalin, Slob

odan Milosevic played the trump cards of nationalism and racism to gain and pres erve power. This Wide Angle documentary takes viewers inside the regime and insi de the mind of Serbia's ruthless despot. The program illustrates how, once in of fice, Milosevic performed an intricate balancing act, controlling information an d the media to safeguard his reign and accomplish his ends-including concentrati on camps and ethnic cleansing. Featuring exclusive interviews with former Milose vic associates, loyalists, dissenters, and his wife Mira, this is a startling po rtrayal of one of the darkest reigns of the past 50 years. In addition, Ambassad or Pierre-Richard Prosper discusses Milosevic's war crimes trial with anchor Dal jit Dhaliwal. (57 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3279_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3279_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8520</td><td>Media Convergence</td><td>The telephone, the te levision, and the computer are three of the most potent inventions of the 20th c entury and have completely transformed world society. But what happens when you combine all three into one powerful communications medium? This program examines the growing convergence of phones, TVs, and computers in Cyberspace and the rad ical impact on businesses, homes, and schools in this "many-to-many" communicati ons model. Is the day coming when we can satisfy most of our shopping, banking, security, and entertainment needs while sitting in front of one smart, multipurp ose screen? Is the long-predicted school-without-walls finally here? If so, what will daily life be like in the world we are on the road to creating? (28 minute s)</td><td>1997</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3280_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3280_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8523</td><td>Media Ethics</td><td>Is a political candidate's past personal life fodder for the front page? If a child commits murder, should the offender's name be released? If a CD by a top recording artist has strongly antisocial lyrics, should the record label consider its impact on kids? In this program, news professionals and executives from NBC, CBS, Capitol-EMI Records, and Mercury Records speak out about the ethical dilemmas their industries face. The program also examines the case of Janet Cooke, who wrote a Pulitzer Prize-wi nning story about an 8-year-old heroin addict in 1981. The message was heartfelt , but fact-checking later proved her story to be closer to fiction than fact. In addition, the need for honesty and fairness, the subtle pressure of commercial interests, and the lure of sensationalism are discussed in this frank investigat ion of the pressures and circumstances that make up the context of media ethics. (28 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3281_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3281_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8517</td><td>Media History</td><td>This program is an excell ent survey of the history of mass media. Academic and industry experts discuss t

he invention and impact of the printing press, telegraph, and telephone, all of which have allowed information to be easily transmitted over great distances. Ma ss media as it is currently evolving is also examined in depth. During the 1920s and 30s, radio dominated entertainment and the news and changed America's socia l habits. The advent of broadcast television in the 1950s and the rise of the Bi g Three networks further shaped America's culture. In the 80s and into the 90s, broadcast TV audience-share has declined due to cable and satellite television, VCRs, and Nintendo, and broadcasting has yielded to narrowcasting. Today, global ization and technological convergence are redefining the boundaries of communica tions. Where is all this leading the media industry? Only tomorrow will tell for sure. (28 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3282_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3282_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11740</td><td>Media Interrupted: The Dissection of Media in American Culture</td><td>It can sway what we do. It can affect what we buy. It c an even alter our views of the people around us. This fast-paced three-part seri es investigates the pervasive influence of the media in American culture. Commen tary by Temple University's George Gerbner, New York University's Todd Gitlin, a nd Seventeen senior editor Melanie Mannarino is combined with on-the-street inte rviews and visual examples to provide eye-opening insights into how television, newspapers, the Internet, and other media shape people's perceptions. A Cambridg e Educational Production. 3-part series, 25 minutes each.</td><td>2001</td><td>& nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3283_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3283_l blPrice">$209.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37088</td><td>Media Literacy</td><td>The average person is e xposed to more than 3,000 commercial messages each day-and probably will not rec ognize almost 80 percent of them. Use this timely and informative two-part serie s to deepen your understanding of media's influence and to train students to cri tically analyze media messages before accepting them. 2-part series, 31-35 minut es each.</td><td>2007</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3284_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3284_l blPrice">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8522</td><td>Media Rights and Responsibilities</td><td>Tablo id journalism. Kinky TV talk shows. "Gangsta" rap music. Sexually explicit and v iolent movies. The media have established new outposts in the frontiers of taste that were thought impossible 30 years ago, and all in the name of First Amendme nt rights and giving the public what it wants. But with these rights come respon sibilities that are seldom respected. What leverage can society use beyond the b oycott and angry letter to put curbs on the more outrageous forms of media expre ssion? What is the rightful role of government? How do we balance these measures with a healthy respect for creativity and freedom of expression? This program l

ooks at all of the issues surrounding the media's pursuit of the advertising dol lar versus its responsibility to exercise some concern for the public good. (28 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3285_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3285_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36109</td><td>Medical Assistant</td><td>Many young people ar e interested in entry-level healthcare jobs that balance clinical duties with ad ministrative functions. This program illustrates the ins and outs of just such a position-the certified medical assistant. The video examines a CMA's typical re sponsibilities, such as maintaining patient records, managing a physician's sche dule, and preparing examining rooms, as well as the skills a successful medical assistant will need-including data entry, customer service, specimen collection, and first aid. Incorporating interviews with experienced medical assistants and the specialists who train them, the program describes what it takes to become a CMA, from the best high school courses to take to passing the AAMA CMA certific ation exam. A viewable/printable instructor's guide containing additional materi al-including student activities, discussion questions, vocabulary terms, and fas t facts-is available online. Correlates to national and state board certificatio n standards. A Meridian Production. (20 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>20</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3286_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3286_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29132</td><td>Medical Imaging: X-Rays, CT, MRI, Ultrasound, and Virtual Reality</td><td>This comprehensive overview assesses a number of non invasive ways to look inside the human body. Segment one addresses the limitatio ns of X-ray and fluoroscopic technologies and introduces computed tomography, ma gnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound. Segment two describes how images are d igitized and discusses the practical difficulties in achieving a clear image. Se gment three demonstrates how computers can be used to enhance image definition. And segment four features two virtual reality programs that allow medical studen ts to practice performing a craniotomy to remove a tumor and percutaneous rhizot omy to treat trigeminal neuralgia. (38 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>38</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3287_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3287_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29158</td><td>Medical Mistakes: Taking a Cue from Aviation</ td><td>In order to save lives, emergency room procedures require teamwork and sp lit-second timing-not unlike what goes on in an airplane cockpit. In this progra m, medical professionals watch a performance of Charlie Victor Romeo, a play bas ed on a number of actual air disasters, and then implement the lessons from avia tion by adopting a more systemic approach to safety. The video shows hospital st aff performing dramatic reenactments of medical crises patterned on similar situ ations in airline emergencies and demonstrating where potentially deadly errors

in patient care can occur. Dr. Donald M. Berwick, president and CEO of the Insti tute for Health Care Improvement, provides commentary. (26 minutes)</td><td>2000 </td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3288_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3288_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25376</td><td>Medical Technicians and Technologists</td><td> This video provides a comprehensive look at the field of medical technicians and technologists. These jobs deal with diagnosing and treating illnesses using com puters, machinery, and other tools. Viewers learn about a typical day on the job , the type of training and certification needed, and how to earn these qualifica tions. We see dental technicians and hygienists, dental laboratory technicians, EKG technicians, nuclear medicine technologists, dosimetrists, sonographers, cyt otechnologists, phlebotomists, and others. This is an excellent resource for stu dents who wish to learn more about this field. A Meridian Production. One 15-min ute video.</td><td>2000</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3289_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3289_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35708</td><td>Medicinal Plants and a New Alliance</td><td>Ma ny critics of "Big Pharma" see a pattern of exploitation in the industry's deali ngs with the developing world. This program identifies new ways for drug manufac turers to operate globally, promoting increased cooperation with local producers of traditional, plant-based medicines. Recognizing that worldwide demand for al ternative medicine may create new producer countries, the program visits centers of herbology and other non-Western healing methods in China, Vietnam, Bhutan, S enegal, and Kenya. The documented ability of these facilities to fight AIDS and other diseases forms a powerful argument for the coexistence of both corporate a nd traditional industries. (52 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3290_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3290_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35346</td><td>Medicine and Molecules</td><td>At the crossroa ds of chemistry and medicine lie opportunities to eradicate disease. This progra m guides students through advances in biotechnology and genetic engineering that may lead to long-sought medical treatments and cures. Presenting the 19th-centu ry development of aspirin as the first synthetic imitation of a naturally derive d medicinal substance, the video demonstrates large-scale, present-day experimen ts on fungi and plant material that make gene-based medical breakthroughs almost inevitable. The creation of smart plastics for surgical applications will furth er expand students' understanding of where medicine and nanotechnology meet. (30 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3291_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3291_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33780</td><td>Medicine, Engineering, and the Human/Machine I nterface</td><td>This program investigates how mechanical technology is being ad apted for use with the human body to treat disease and injury. Cyborg technology offers the possibility of melding injured bodies and machines, enhancing mobili ty for paraplegics and quadraplegics through thought-activated devices. Nanotech nology holds out the hope of using microscopic machines to combat internal illne sses such as cancer. And 3-D imaging technology, an essential tool for doctors a t the vanguard of surgical treatment, is opening a new window on-and into-the hu man body. (47 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3292_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3292_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10819</td><td>Medieval Drama: From Sanctuary to Stage</td><t d>This definitive program traces the development of medieval drama, from Hildega rd von Bingen's musical morality play Ordo Virtutum (The Ritual of the Virtues) to the seminal Everyman. Featuring extended excerpts from these influential work s, as well as from The Second Shepherd's Play and the 1998 staging of the Myster y Cycle in York, England, the video also establishes the genre's socioreligious context. Expert commentary from a variety of scholars, including Meg Twycross of Lancaster University and Alexandra Johnston of the University of Toronto, as we ll as interviews with theater staff help to capture the vitality of an art form that bridges dramatic history from the Classical Age to Shakespeare. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production. (48 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>48</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3293_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3293_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7281</td><td>Medieval Philosophy: Thomas Aquinas</td><td>Thi s program examines the ideas of the medieval philosophic theologians, particular ly St. Thomas Aquinas. World-renowned author and professor Bryan Magee and Oxfor d medieval philosopher Anthony Kenny discuss Aristotelian logic as the basis of Aquinas' thought, and dispute charges that medieval philosophy merely reinforced extant Christian views. Logical methods employed by Aquinas are discussed as pr ecursors of the scientific methodology of later philosophers, such as Descartes. A BBC Production. (45 minutes)</td><td>1987</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3294_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3294_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33720</td><td>Medieval Spain</td><td>This program uncovers m edieval Spain's historical significance through four of its monasteries: Sant Pe

re Rodes Benedictine Monastery, Santes Creus Cistercian Monastery, Poblet Cister cian Monastery, and Miravet Templar Monastery and Castle. Dr. Francisco Sandoval , from the University of Madrid, and Father Jose Maria Recasens, from the Cister cian Monastery, discuss how the monasteries battled and defended the land agains t the advance of the invading Islamic army in the 10th century, and were key in preserving Western culture. Dramatizations of village and monastery life against the backdrop of real medieval towns illustrate a chapter in history that is gen erally unknown. (55 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3295_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3295_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2902</td><td>Meeting Customer Expectations</td><td>Providing a service is different from producing a product because service is produced at the moment of delivery-a one-time opportunity to satisfy the customer which, onc e lost, is often lost forever. This program shows what the customer expects in t he way of service, and how he or she reacts to both good and bad service. The pr ogram also describes the service cycle and the techniques for empowering employe es, and illustrates specific techniques for improving tolerance, patience, and h elpfulness. (20 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3296_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3296_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4643</td><td>Meeting the Challenge: A Conversation with Pres ident Clinton</td><td>Can America rise to the challenge posed by its economic co mpetitors in Europe and the Pacific Rim? Fresh from NAFTA and GATT victories, Pr esident Clinton shares his vision for re-engineering America's industrial and tr ade policies, education strategy, and tax and fiscal incentives in this incisive interview with Hedrick Smith. (30 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3297_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3297_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10663</td><td>Meeting the Needs of All Students with Technol ogy</td><td>Technology equalizes learning opportunities and expands learning cha llenges for a wide range of students. Using compelling classroom footage, this p rogram features innovations that are empowering all types of learners. Examples of adaptive technology for physically and visually challenged students include I ntelliKeys, TouchWindow, Braille 'n Speak, and audio-based computer software. Fo r those in gifted and talented programs, high-tech role-playing scenarios and mu ltimedia projects help them to sharpen critical thinking skills. And for student s in need of tutoring, there is even the Homework Hotline satellite TV show. (69 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>69</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3298_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3298_l

blPrice">$109.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33905</td><td>Mehndi: An Ancient Indian Body Art</td><td>"Me hndi is traditional painting of intricate patterns drawn on hands and feet with natural dye extracted from henna leaves," says mehndi artist Smarahjit Jana. In addition to numerous demonstrations of mehndi being applied, this program shows the gathering and preparation of henna leaves, discusses types of mehndi pattern s and their significance, and describes different purposes of mehndi. More than mere adornment, this venerable form of body art is an important part of Indian c ulture. (13 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3299_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3299_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2154</td><td>The Meiji Period (1868-1912)</td><td>The arriva l of Commodore Perry in 1854 marked the stage for Japan's dramatic leap from the Middle Ages into modernity. The ports of Japan were forced open; the English, F rench, Russians, and Dutch promptly demanded-and got-the same privileges. In 186 8, the last shogun gave way to a 15-year-old emperor, who dressed in Western-sty le clothes. Edo became Tokyo, education became a national passion, and the dicho tomy between ancient shared values and new imported styles and forms deepened as the Japanese learned colonialism as well, spreading their influence and their s overeignty in Formosa and Korea. (52 minutes)</td><td>1989</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3300_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3300_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3693</td><td>The Meiotic Mix</td><td>This program illustrate s the difference between mitosis, an asexual mode of reproduction, and the "chro mosomal dance" that occurs during meiosis, with their significance to organic ev olution. The reshuffling of chromosomes during meiosis is shown to generate vari ation. (10 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3301_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3301_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35991</td><td>Meltdown: A Global Warming Journey</td><td>Des pite widespread scientific acceptance of the global warming theory, it remains a highly contentious subject. This program studies divergent points of view contr ibuting to the global warming debate, untangling a morass of political and scien tific concerns and providing a wealth of historical background on the issue. Is the greenhouse effect as dangerous as theorized, or is that simply bad science? What effect on human life and the world economy can be expected in the coming ye ars? Will the global community ever agree on a concerted plan of action? These a nd other questions shed light on the dominant environmental issue of our time. A BBCW Production. (60 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>60</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3302_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3302_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34889</td><td>Memoria de Espana-in Spanish with English Subt itles</td><td>Produced by RTVE, "the PBS of Spain," Memoria de Espana is an ency clopedia of Spanish history. Spanning 23 hours of world-class video, it stretche s from the geologic formation of the Iberian landmass to the 21st century-a monu mental project worthy of the epic story it tells. Not available in French-speaki ng Canada. An RTVE Production. Spanish with English subtitles, 27-part series, 4 4-64 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3303_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3303_l blPrice">$4,048.65<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1738</td><td>Memory: Fabric of the Mind</td><td>This program looks at the various areas that brain researchers are now exploring: What kind of brain chemistry can explain memory? If long-term memory is a kind of permanen t pattern on the fabric of the mind, what structural changes occur in the brain? Are different types of memory located in different areas of the brain? Are spec ific memories stored in separate places? What is the process of forgetting? Is i t possible to improve memory? The program seeks answers to these and other fasci nating questions about the brain and memory at several internationally renowned memory research labs. Gary Lynch's team believes it has found the basic mechanis m of memory formation; James McGaugh's that emotional states affect the ability to store and recall information; Richard Thompson has located and experimentally proved the specific location of a procedural memory; John Hopfield is developin g a computer to simulate brain activity. The program also demonstrates prodigiou s feats of memory and the advice of a memory teacher. (28 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp ;</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3304_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3304_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36423</td><td>Memory Masters: How Savants Store Information< /td><td>Reudiger Gamm performs complex arithmetic instantly and without help-his brain stores numbers like a calculator. Orlando Sorrel remembers exactly what h e was doing on any date, at any hour, and can accurately predict the day of the week thousands of years in the future. Kim Peek-the original "Rain Man"-has read 12,000 books and hasn't forgotten a single word. What lies behind these astonis hing abilities? This program explores recent research into the vast mental capac ities of so-called savants. Studying brain structure and other important neurolo gical factors, the film also examines why savants often lack basic interpersonal and survival skills. (53 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3305_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3305_l

blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33290</td><td>Men Don't Cry: Prostate Cancer Stories</td><td >When Oscar-winning documentarist John Zaritsky started directing this program, he had no idea he was about to be diagnosed with prostate cancer himself. Men Do n't Cry tells the intimate stories of Greenpeace cofounder Bob Hunter and two ot her patients as they come to terms with the disease. Each, with the support of h is spouse, chooses to fight it in his own way, balancing treatment options, rate s of cure and survival, and quality-of-life concerns about impotence and inconti nence. A video that is as human as it is candid, Men Don't Cry reinforces the im portance of PSA screening to catch the disease early. Contains clinically explic it language. (48 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3306_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3306_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30470</td><td>Men: The Killer Sex</td><td>A killer combinati on? Based on recent research, scientists think that low serotonin and high testo sterone in men could be a mixture for murder. In this program, Rebecca and Russe ll Dobash, of Manchester University; psychiatrist Fred Berlin; psychologist Jame s Dobbs; and neuroscientist Frederick Goodwin discuss the biochemistry of why me n kill, as well as protocols such as chemical and physical castration. The cases of Jason Harper, who strangled his wife when he discovered she was having an af fair, and Dion Sanders, who shot his grandparents while robbing them, are explor ed. Original BBC broadcast title: The Killer Sex. (50 minutes)</td><td>2000</td> <td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3307_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3307_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9335</td><td>Mending Ways: The Canela Indians of Brazil</td> <td>For the Canela, peace is more important than justice, and sharing-especially of sexual partners-means survival and prosperity. By putting the good of the tr ibe first, the Canela have retained their tribal identity for centuries, thanks both to the bonding that occurs through ritualized, extramarital, multiple-partn er sex and to their ability to maintain communal harmony via their intricate fam ily relationships. But can they survive the outside influences of sexual monogam y and materialism, which have finally infiltrated the tribe? This program, based on the research of Smithsonian Institution anthropologist Dr. William H. Crocke r, documents the unique Canela way of life, focusing on their extraordinary bond ing rituals and their conflict resolution skills they call "mending ways." Conta ins nudity. A Co-production of the National Human Studies Film Center, Smithsoni an Institution. (50 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3308_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3308_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>30192</td><td>Merging and What Follows: Contracts and Integr ation</td><td>This continuing case study captures the tense experience of hammer ing out a merger contract and addresses the strenuous challenges of uniting sepa rate companies into one. Still recovering from previous partners' Machiavellian maneuverings and coping with severe network integration woes and a sudden econom ic downturn, the directors of Buzzle struggle to eke out a profit with their 32 stores. Committed at last, everyone pulls together by hiring an outside CEO, bui lding consumer awareness, searching for big-money contracts, and even taking sal ary cuts-but will it be enough to attract investors to make the sinking company float? (28 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3309_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3309_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36108</td><td>Meridian Allied Health Series</td><td>Healthca re is among the fastest-growing areas of employment in America-and while the opp ortunities are great, there is also plenty of job competition. This three-part s eries provides much-needed information for high school and vocational college st udents who are interested in assistant-level medical careers. It features an ove rview of the healthcare field as well as detailed guidance concerning three spec ific jobs-Medical Assistant, Health Information Management Technician, and Physi cal Therapy Assistant. Each episode covers what a particular job requires, who i t would likely appeal to, and what it offers in terms of salary, long-term caree r prospects, and personal rewards. Viewable/printable instructor's guides contai ning additional material-including student activities, discussion questions, voc abulary terms, and fast facts-are available online. Correlates to national and s tate board certification standards. A Meridian Production. 3-part series, 20-24 minutes each.</td><td>2007</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3310_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3310_l blPrice">$269.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37246</td><td>Meridian Allied Health Series II</td><td>While it is growing by leaps and bounds, the healthcare labor market is also extremel y competitive, even for entry-level and support positions. This series equips st udents with vital knowledge about three jobs that are not only lucrative and sat isfying occupations but also solid first rungs on the professional ladder. Each episode covers what a particular job requires, who it would likely appeal to, an d what it offers in terms of salary, long-term career prospects, and personal re wards. Viewable/printable instructor's guides containing additional material-inc luding student activities, discussion questions, vocabulary terms, and fast fact s-are available online. Correlates to national and state board certification sta ndards. A Meridian Production. 3-part series, 22-23 minutes each.</td><td>2008</ td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3311_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3311_l blPrice">$269.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>37250</td><td>Meridian Allied Health Series III</td><td>As o pportunities in the healthcare industry continue to grow and evolve, job-seekers who stay aware of the field's wide-ranging positions have a decided advantage. This series invites students into the world of three exciting medical occupation s that require important skills while building chances for career advancement. E ach episode explores a specific job and its requirements, the type of individual who might be attracted to it, and the typical salary range it offers. Viewable/ printable instructor's guides containing additional material-including student a ctivities, discussion questions, vocabulary terms, and fast facts-are available online. Correlates to national and state board certification standards. A Meridi an Production. 3-part series, 22 minutes each.</td><td>2008</td><td>&nbsp;</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3312_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3312_l blPrice">$269.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32757</td><td>Mesoamerica: The Rise and Fall of the City-Sta tes</td><td>Filmed on location in central and southern Mexico, this program touc hes on the Mayan, Toltec, and Aztec cultures-and a civilization that preceded th em all at a city dubbed Teotihuacan by Nahuatl-speakers centuries after its fall . Expert commentary and 3-D computer images shed light on the complex societies that emerged, grew strong, and disappeared in the highlands and lowlands of Meso america. (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3313_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3313_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11654</td><td>Mesopotamia: I Have Conquered the River</td><t d>Literally "the land between the rivers," Mesopotamia was host to some of the w orld's earliest and most powerful civilizations. Shot on location, this program seeks to understand how the Sumerian city-states, cradled by the Tigris and Euph rates Rivers, built a vibrant agricultural economy-and why, after centuries, the wheat crop suddenly failed. Commentary by Asli Ozdogan, of Istanbul University, and Kazuya Maekawa, of Kyoto University; discussion of cuneiform, the Code of H ammurabi, and the Epic of Gilgamesh; and a remarkable 3-D computer re-creation o f a peopled street scene offer a glimpse of life in Lower Mesopotamia. (59 minut es)</td><td>2000</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3314_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3314_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37291</td><td>Message Received: Reaching Consumers Through P ermission-Based Marketing</td><td>Matt McNeil's online startup,, offe rs small and midsize businesses Web-based software to create, launch, and track permission-based e-mail and text message campaigns-and the results so far have b een fabulous. But the 23-year-old entrepreneur and his hard-charging team must b uild on their initial success very, very quickly if they are to outpace their co

mpetition. This program tracks the British company's progress over one month as lucrative deals are done, a new version of software is rolled out, an d a two-pronged sales goal-15 percent growth in revenue, 33 percent growth in cl ients-is achieved. (25 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3315_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3315_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11652</td><td>Messages from the Past: Reassessing Ancient Ci vilizations</td><td>The stories of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, and ancient China are, in a sense, the stories of their life-giving rivers. In this fascinating four-part series, the disciplines of archaeology, anthropology, sociology, engineering, agriculture, climatology, and metallurgy contribute to a thought-provoking examination of these civilizations, their contributions to w orld culture, and the central role of their vital waterways. 4-part series, 59 m inutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3316_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3316_l blPrice">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34954</td><td>Messing with Heads: Marijuana and Mental Illne ss</td><td>For decades, heavy marijuana use has been linked to impaired judgment and mental ability. This program explores new research into another link-this t ime between marijuana and mental illnesses, specifically schizophrenia and paran oid psychosis. Citing a wealth of clinical evidence and observations by neurolog ists, psychiatrists, and psychologists, the program delves into the frightening effects of THC on young brains: psychotic delusions and behavior that may not ap pear until years after drug abuse has ended. With pot addiction beginning at inc reasingly young ages around the world, this program is essential viewing in any anti-drug education campaign. (46 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3317_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3317_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3674</td><td>Metabolism and Nutrition</td><td>This program e xamines the role of ATP in biological systems and looks in detail at one specifi c example of ATP use, the action of muscle fibers. The interplay of the three fo od groups in the processes of cellular respiration is then illustrated in the co ntext of human nutrition. (10 minutes)</td><td>1988</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3318_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3318_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3615</td><td>Metals and Ionic Solids</td><td>The common prop

erties of metal-its conductivity and malleability-can be explained by the types of bonding that occur between metal atoms. The properties of metals, which are c ovalent solids, are contrasted with those of crystals, which are ionic solids. ( 10 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3319_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3319_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30687</td><td>Metamorphoses of the Body</td><td>Physical met amorphosis as a theme in painting, sculpture, photography, and cinema reveals an ongoing fascination with all manner of transformations and distortions of the h uman form. Ranging from classical to modern times, this program presents zoomorp hism; hybrids from mythology, the hells of Hieronymus Bosch, and the caricatures of Granville; "botanomorphism," people as plants; treatments of body as landsca pe and landscape as body; the personification of genitalia; digital manipulation of images, to model bizarre new races of people; and engineered beings such as Frankenstein-type creatures and cyborgs. (27 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>27</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3320_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3320_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8668</td><td>The Metaphysical Poets</td><td>In a reaction ag ainst Elizabethan-period poetry, 17th-century English poets such as John Donne, George Herbert, Richard Crashaw, and Andrew Marvell began writing in a new style . Although derisively dubbed "metaphysical" because of its unseemly-that is, int ellectual-nature, metaphysical poetry soon became appreciated for its remarkable blend of emotion and erudition, as evidenced by complex conceits, unconventiona l imagery, and the avoidance of smooth and regular meter. This program spotlight s the works of the genre's founder, John Donne, as Dr. Daniella Havenstein of Ox ford University and Judith Aldridge of the University of Central England interpr et and analyze some of his best-known poems, along with the works of other metap hysical poets. (30 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3321_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3321_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32710</td><td>Metaphysics: What There Is</td><td>Systematic thought about the true nature of things is the very foundation of philosophical reasoning: idealism and materialism...realism, nominalism, and conceptualism...t he noumenal and the phenomenal...logical positivism, emergentism, and modal real ism. In this program, Rutgers philosophers Brian McLaughlin, Barry Loewer, John Hawthorne, Ted Sider, and Dean Zimmerman discuss the nature of this most ancient branch of philosophy, exploring concepts of causation, time, necessity, and pos sibility and contemplating the big questions of "Who am I?" and "Where am I?" In the process, they reference the works and theories of Aristotle, Plato, William of Ockham, Hume, Kant, Mill, Leibniz, and others. (43 minutes)</td><td>2004</td ><td>43</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3322_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3322_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34429</td><td>Meteorology: The Science of Weather</td><td>Th is Science Screen Report looks at the causes of climatic conditions and their in fluence on human activity. Outlining principles of topography and atmospheric pr essure, the program identifies specific types of weather and how they form globa l patterns-sometimes with damaging and deadly results. The role of ocean current s, and their relation to massive storm systems such as hurricanes and El Nino, i s made clear. This program is a valuable source of information on meteorological studies, including the use of satellite technology. A viewable/printable instru ctor's guide is available online. Produced in association with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology and the Junior Engineering Technical Socie ty. (14 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3323_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3323_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31974</td><td>Methods of Cutting Circles and Curves</td><td> When it comes to sawing through wood, straight cuts are only the beginning. This video shows students the ins and outs of cutting circles and curves. A viewable /printable instructor's guide is available online. A Shopware Production. (12 mi nutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3324_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3324_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35218</td><td>The Metropolitan Museum of Art: A World of Art </td><td>The world-renowned Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City is a com prehensive 3-D encyclopedia of art history. This program introduces viewers to t he history of art through the Met's vast assortment of treasures that spans 5,00 0 years of world culture and fills two million square feet of floor space. Featu red European and American pieces are drawn from the Met's collections of ancient , Renaissance, 18th-century, 19th-century, and early modern art. Works from Afri ca, Asia, Oceania, and Mesoamerica are highlighted as well. A viewable/printable educator's guide is available online. (52 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>52</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3325_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3325_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10538</td><td>Mexico: Back Door to the Promised Land</td><td >Since NAFTA, goods flow more freely from Mexico-but not people, although a mill

ion try to slip across the U.S. border each year. In this program, children of d esperately poor families share the stories of their hardships and the choices th ey have made. For some, childhood means heavy labor as migrant workers in northe rn Mexico, while for others it means gang life on the streets of Tijuana. Yet fo r all-economic refugees for whom dollars are more valuable than education-the dr eam of life in America is like a vision of the promised land. (45 minutes)</td>< td>1999</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3326_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3326_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34174</td><td>Mexico City: The Largest City</td><td>This pro gram defines Mexico City's globalization in terms of winners and losers, examini ng how, in the world's largest metropolis, immigration challenges are linked to poverty and population influx from surrounding rural areas. Contrasting the city 's high-tech facilities and fashionable neighborhoods with its sprawling slums a nd their struggling inhabitants, the program outlines the relationship between f oreign investment and the worldwide need for cheap labor, which Mexico and its i ndigenous peoples readily supply. Glimpses into a tech-savvy youth culture and t he persistent Zapatista movement reinforce the capital's nickname: City of Contr asts. (26 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3327_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3327_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34701</td><td>Mexico Journal: Life in the Earth</td><td>Urba n punks with green hair and green thumbs, the members of Tierra Viva transform t oxic Mexican earth into vegetable gardens. Their actions make up one remarkable part of this wide-ranging Mexican odyssey. Depicting Michoacan farmers who are f ighting the trend to move to the cities-and preserving the winter home of the mo narch butterflies-the program also journeys to Magdalena Bay, highlighting one m an's attempt to save endangered sea turtles. With awareness of Mexico's poverty and environmental fragility, the video nevertheless portrays a nation rising to its challenges. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. (Po rtions in Spanish with English subtitles, 28 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>28</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3328_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3328_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5964</td><td>Mexico: La Rebelion de la Llorona</td><td>This is the story of Mexican women who have fought, and continue to fight, for equali ty and women's rights. They are women looking for children kidnapped during poli tical pogroms, journalists, writers, and political activists. Machismo and the r esulting sexism, as well as Catholicism and its perpetuation of the myth of the Virgin Mary as the standard for feminine behavior, are discussed as social facto rs contributing to the continued subjugation of Mexican women. Also available in English. (60 minutes)Spanish</td><td>1992</td><td>60</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3329_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3329_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7024</td><td>Mexico: Rebellion of the Weeping Women</td><td> This is the story of Mexican women who have fought, and continue to fight, for e quality and women's rights. They are women looking for children kidnapped during political pogroms, journalists, writers, and political activists. Machismo and the resulting sexism, as well as Catholicism and its perpetuation of the myth of the Virgin Mary as the standard for feminine behavior, are discussed as social factors contributing to the continued subjugation of Mexican women. Also availab le in Spanish. (61 minutes)English</td><td>1992</td><td>61</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3330_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3330_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10342</td><td>Michael Holroyd on George Bernard Shaw</td><td >For biographer Michael Holroyd, playwright George Bernard Shaw is practically a n alter ego. Using archival footage and Holroyd's painstaking detective work, th is intriguing program questions the extent to which Shaw's life and art fed upon each other, addressing issues including the effects of the triangle between his father, his mother, and Vandeleur Lee on his plays, as seen in Misalliance and Pygmalion. A second theme deals with the reciprocal relationship between biograp her and subject. To what extent has Holroyd's point of view shaped audience perc eption? And how much has the study of Shaw affected Holroyd? (53 minutes)</td><t d>1988</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3331_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3331_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35746</td><td>Micro Credit for Women: The Story of the Grame en Bank</td><td>For more than a decade, the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh has provi ded small business loans to struggling women-helping lift many out of poverty, w hile creating friction among some conservative Muslims. This two-part series des cribes how 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus launched the bank and de monstrates its profound effects on the lives of loan recipients. Beginning in th e mid-1990s and following up a decade later, Micro Credit for Women visits entre preneurs who have prospered and others who have fallen further into despair-as w ell as men who have changed their minds after first condemning the bank. The res ult is a rare, unflinching story of success mixed with uncertainty. Portions are in Bangla with English subtitles. 2-part series, 47-55 minutes each.</td><td>20 05</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3332_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3332_l blPrice">$299.90<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>32552</td><td>Microbe Invasion: Learning from Good Guys and Bad Guys</td><td>This engaging program delves into the microscopic milieu that o verlays life as human beings know it, illustrating the complex relationship betw een the microscopic and macroscopic worlds as the human host, with its billions of microbial allies and antagonists, journeys from the birth canal to the decomp osition that follows death. Spectacular 3-D computer animation, case study foota ge, and expert commentary offer insights into the infiltration mechanisms of a r ange of pathogenic organisms; defense strategies of the digestive tract, lungs, ears, nose, and skin; positive results of probiotic therapy; and postmortem fore nsic research. Some content may be objectionable. (51 minutes)</td><td>2002</td> <td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3333_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3333_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37577</td><td>Microeconomics in the Global Marketplace</td>< td>Micro-lending, capitalism, and off-shoring are the topics of discussion in th is compilation of NewsHour segments. Nobel Laureate Mohammad Yunus, economist He rnando de Soto, and Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Thomas L. Friedman are feat ured. Episodes include... Bootstrap Capitalism: Paul Solman and Mohammad Yun us discuss the merits of micro-lending using U.S.-based Good Faith, a venture ca pital lender to start-ups with no collateral, as an example. Segment also sold i ndividually. Small Change, Big Change-Micro-loans: Paul Solman is joined by Maria Otero, of micro-lender Accion International, and Carl Horowitz, Washington corr espondent for Investor's Business Daily, to debate the value and implications of "trickle-up" economic growth through micro-loans. Conversation-The Mystery of Ca pital: Elizabeth Farnsworth and Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto discuss his book The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Every where Else. Segment also sold as a part of Explaining Globalization. Thomas L. Fr iedman's Journal-Sri Lanka and India: Back from a reporting trip to Sri Lanka an d India, New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman joins Ray Suarez to talk ab out, among other topics, Bangalore's role as the back office to U.S. firms. Moham mad Yunus and the Nobel Peace Prize: Fred de Sam Lazaro and Nobel Prize-winner M ohammad Yunus discuss the success of Grameen Bank, after which Jeffrey Brown int erviews Maria Otero, of Accion International, on Yunus' success. Mohammad Yunus o n the Impact of Microfinance: Paul Solman speaks with Mohammad Yunus about micro finance and micro-entrepreneurship, the bond of trust between lender and borrowe r, and the entry of the private sector into micro-lending. (76 minutes)</td>< td>2006</td><td>76</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3334_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3334_l blPrice">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34206</td><td>Microengineering and Nanotechnology</td><td>Th is edition of Science Screen Report shows how the principles of microengineering and nanotechnology are being applied to environmental science, medicine, and en gineering. A complete water-testing laboratory on a single microchip is spotligh ted, as are grooved bandages that channel the movement and bonding of fibroblast s, speeding up healing and minimizing scarring. Research into the manipulation o f individual atoms, the use of microscopic beads as medicinal magic bullets, and

the identification of stress cracks caused by resonance is also featured. A vie wable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Produced in association with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology and the Junior Engin eering Technical Society. (17 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3335_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3335_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33840</td><td>Microorganisms</td><td>Open your students' eye s to the hidden worlds of monerans, protists, and fungi with Microorganisms. Aft er watching this video, they'll be able to explain exactly what a microbe is, id entify each general type of microorganism by its characteristics and functions, and describe the hazards and benefits of microbes. Microorganisms may live at th e root of the evolutionary tree, but they've been around for billions of years, are found everywhere in nature (including the human body!), and are crucial in h elping maintain the atmosphere, assisting in digestion and decomposition, and mo re. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to N ational Academy of Sciences National Science Education Standards and the America n Association for the Advancement of Science Benchmarks for Science Literacy. A Cambridge Educational Production. Recommended for grades 7-12. (19 minutes)</td> <td>2005</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3336_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3336_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33564</td><td>Micro-Parasites: Invisible Death</td><td>Stron ger and more mobile than ever, humankind's oldest enemies-lethal micro-parasites -may very well be threatening the survival of the human race. Some were believed to have been eradicated from the industrialized world, only to reappear in drug -resistant strains. Others, previously known only to remote regions of the plane t, are turning up anywhere an infected traveler can fly to. This program examine s recent outbreaks of parasitic or parasite-borne illnesses, including SARS, Wes t Nile virus, Ebola, tuberculosis, and bubonic plague. Viewer discretion is advi sed. (50 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3337_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3337_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36224</td><td>Microscopes and Mutants</td><td>As the 19th ce ntury gave way to the 20th, genetics came into its own as a science. This introlevel program shows how the development of the microscope pushed genetic studies forward, and includes in-depth discussion of early cell theory, particularly th e first observations of meiosis and mitosis. Exploring Thomas Morgan Hunt's find ings involving Drosophila mutation, the program covers sex-linked inheritance, t he discovery of the X and Y chromosomes in the early 1900s, chromosomal roles in the transmission of genetic material, the importance of gene-mapping, and ways in which the science of genetics has been co-opted, particularly in the dead-end study of eugenics. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online.

(30 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3338_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3338_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8621</td><td>Microsoft vs. the Justice Department: Playing M onopoly</td><td>Microsoft has allegedly made predatory use of its monopoly power to stifle competition, integrated its own browser software into Windows' core c ode, and manufactured Internet Explorer with embedded Microsoft-oriented hyperli nks. This Emmy Award-winning NewsHour program, which combines footage of top Mic rosoft executives and their opponents with a hands-on examination of the Windows operating system, neatly presents the root causes of the long-running and acrim onious Microsoft anti-trust trial-in plain English. (18 minutes)</td><td>1998</t d><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3339_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3339_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36230</td><td>Microsoft's Big Games Gamble</td><td>Going beh ind the scenes at the world's leading software company, this consumer technology case study takes a front-row seat at the conception, development, and product l aunch of the Xbox 360. Interviews with executives, designers, programmers, and g ame testers at the center of Microsoft's initiative highlight a creative and int ensely competitive culture prevalent not only at the Redmond-based tech giant bu t across the entire videogame industry as well. Conversations with potential cus tomers evoke the difficult challenge Microsoft has set for itself: to dominate t he game market by appealing to buyers outside the traditional young male demogra phic. (29 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3340_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3340_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38811</td><td>Microsoft's Vista: The Product Launch</td><td> Seven years and $10 billion in the making, Microsoft's Vista is more than just a n operating system; it's a paradigm shift. Over the course of the run-up to the Vista launch, this program takes viewers into the meetings-and inside the mindsthat decided on key aspects of the operating system and its debut. CEO Steve Bal lmer, Windows Marketing Vice President Mike Sievert, Vista Design Director Tjeer d Hoek, Vista Creative Director Jenny Lam, and others in the know discuss the de velopment of Vista, the Vista "Wow" advertising campaign, pre-launch PR events, the maddening delays that plagued the project, and even the design of the iconic Start button. Background on Bill Gates and Microsoft is included. (30 minutes)< /td><td>2007</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3341_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3341_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25908</td><td>Microwave Cooking</td><td>Beyond re-heating an d defrosting, microwaves provide easy and nutritious meals in a fraction of the time. This video demonstrates cooking techniques, safe utensils, and other facto rs that affect microwave cooking. (11 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1991< /td><td>11</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3342_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3342_l blPrice">$52.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7049</td><td>The Middle Ages</td><td>This program traces the evolution of Europe during the Middle Ages from a group of loosely tied kingdom s to a prosperous community of nations. Topics include the role of the Church, d evelopment of the feudal system, the rise of the nobility, the Crusades, formati on of the German Hanseatic League, the effects of the Plague, the growth of trad e guilds, the discovery of printing, the urbanization of the peasantry, and the rise of science. (25 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3343_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3343_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30146</td><td>The Middle Ages: From Anonymity to Authorshipin Spanish</td><td>The 13th and 14th centuries saw a remarkable cultural floweri ng under Alfonso X and the appearance of Spain's first important literary achiev ements. In this program, leading scholars compare and contrast the writings of t he masters of the late Middle Ages, whose works gave rise to some of Spain's mos t memorable heroes. Dramatic readings include excerpts from the anonymously writ ten Cantar de Mio Cid, Alfonso el Sabio's Cantigas de Santa Maria and Siete Part idas, Gonzalo de Berceo's Milagros de Nuestra Senora, Rabbi Sem Tob's Proverbios Morales, and Juan Manuel's El Libro de los Estados and El Conde Lucanor. (Spani sh, 50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3344_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3344_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30160</td><td>The Middle Ages: From Anonymity to Authorshipin Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>The 13th and 14th centuries saw a rema rkable cultural flowering under Alfonso X and the appearance of Spain's first im portant literary achievements. In this program, leading scholars compare and con trast the writings of the masters of the late Middle Ages, whose works gave rise to some of Spain's most memorable heroes. Dramatic readings include excerpts fr om the anonymously written Cantar de Mio Cid, Alfonso el Sabio's Cantigas de San ta Maria and Siete Partidas, Gonzalo de Berceo's Milagros de Nuestra Senora, Rab bi Sem Tob's Proverbios Morales, and Juan Manuel's El Libro de los Estados and E l Conde Lucanor. (Spanish with English subtitles, 50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td>< td>49</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3345_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3345_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11428</td><td>The Middle Years (Ages 5 to 12)</td><td>Stubbo rnness and back talk are common (albeit unwelcome) signs of independence in norm ally developing children. This program, filmed in real family settings, demonstr ates how positive discipline techniques, including home rules, problem-solving, and honest communication, can be used to deal with the behavior problems associa ted with growing up. Points to consider in a pre-discipline review are also offe red: Is the child angry? Did something happen at school? Or could it be the star t of puberty? A Cambridge Educational Production. (35 minutes)</td><td>2000</td> <td>35</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3346_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3346_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38783</td><td>Migraines</td><td>In terms of lost and reduced productivity, migraines cost U.S. employers more than $10 billion each year. Ho w can these debilitating headaches be prevented? Using case studies, this progra m discusses the biomechanics of migraine, including postmonitory and postdromal phases; diagnosis of migraine; and treatment of migraine with beta-blockers and neuromodulators as well as with biofeedback and dietary supplements such as coen zyme Q-10 and vitamin B-10. Doctors from Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Diamond Headache Clinic, and Nashville Neuroscience Group provide expert commentary. (28 minutes)</td><td >2007</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3347_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3347_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29750</td><td>Miguel de Cervantes</td><td>Using drawings, pa intings, letters, maps, and footage of notable landmarks, this program presents the adventures and tribulations of Miguel de Cervantes, arguably the best-known figure in Spanish literary history. In addition to Don Quixote, one of the most influential and widely read classics in Western literature, the program also int roduces Cervantes' Novelas Ejemplares, a group of short stories that he claimed were the first to be written in Castilian. (Spanish, 43 minutes)</td><td>2000</t d><td>42</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3348_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3348_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29751</td><td>Miguel de Cervantes</td><td>Using drawings, pa

intings, letters, maps, and footage of notable landmarks, this program presents the adventures and tribulations of Miguel de Cervantes, arguably the best-known figure in Spanish literary history. In addition to Don Quixote, one of the most influential and widely read classics in Western literature, the program also int roduces Cervantes' Novelas Ejemplares, a group of short stories that he claimed were the first to be written in Castilian. (Spanish with English subtitles, 43 m inutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>43</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3349_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3349_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9122</td><td>Miguel de Unamuno: El Rector</td><td>A distingu ished senior member of the Generation of '98 and Rector of Salamanca University, Miguel de Unamuno considered himself an "ideoclast": someone who breaks in idea s like boots, making them his own by wearing and using them. This program combin es documentary material and dramatizations to present the story of a multitalent ed Spanish philosopher, essayist, novelist, poet, and playwright against the bac kdrop of his turbulent times. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 54 minutes)</td><td> 1999</td><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3350_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3350_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32978</td><td>Miguel Hernandez-in Spanish</td><td>From a poo r goatherd in youth to a defeated soldier languishing in prison, the story of po et Miguel Hernandez is as romantic as it is tragic. Filmed on location, this pro gram chronicles the life of Hernandez, a casualty of the Spanish Civil War whose poetry reflected all the beauty and sorrow of his native country. Manuscripts, photos, and documentary footage complement a thorough survey of his powerful wor ks, including Perito en Lunas, El Rayo Que No Cesa, El Gallo Crisis, and Teatro en la Guerra. (Spanish, 52 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3351_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3351_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32982</td><td>Miguel Hernandez-in Spanish with English Subti tles</td><td>From a poor goatherd in youth to a defeated soldier languishing in prison, the story of poet Miguel Hernandez is as romantic as it is tragic. Filme d on location, this program chronicles the life of Hernandez, a casualty of the Spanish Civil War whose poetry reflected all the beauty and sorrow of his native country. Manuscripts, photos, and documentary footage complement a thorough sur vey of his powerful works, including Perito en Lunas, El Rayo Que No Cesa, El Ga llo Crisis, and Teatro en la Guerra. (Spanish with English subtitles, 52 minutes )</td><td>2004</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3352_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3352_l

blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35654</td><td>Mike Leigh: Singular Vision</td><td>Full of in sight about filmmaking outside Hollywood, this program presents an interview wit h British writer/director Mike Leigh. The acclaimed filmmaker discusses his high ly personal approach to story development and his refusal to categorize his work as "art house" or strictly political. Insisting that he makes films for popular enjoyment, Leigh asserts his artistic mission: to create stories that resonate on a basic, emotional level, featuring characters with whom the audience can clo sely identify. Clips from his movie Vera Drake and from an interview with that f ilm's star, Imelda Staunton, shed additional light on the uniqueness of the dire ctor's vision. (47 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3353_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3353_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8095</td><td>Milestone Documents</td><td>This two-part serie s closely examines both the events that led to the creation of the Constitution and the modern-day relevance of the Bill of Rights, placing each document in the context of the American political tradition. A Cambridge Educational Production . 2-part series, 30 minutes each.</td><td>1997</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3354_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3354_l blPrice">$159.90<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6133</td><td>Milhaud: Boeuf sur le Toit</td><td>In this prog am, the orchestra uses lighthearted cafe music from the Milhaud ballet set in a Paris nightclub to illustrate how the use of various keys adds color to the musi cal landscape. Different instruments, performing the pieces in major and minor keys, give listeners a firsthand glimpse into how key changes add interest to mu sic. (15 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3355_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3355_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11188</td><td>Millennium: The IMF in the New Century</td><td >Established after World War II as a tool to promote stable currencies, internat ional trade, and economic growth, the International Monetary Fund is bent on ach ieving peace through global prosperity. This four-part series appraises the IMF' s methods in a world where extenuating circumstances are the norm, and looks ahe ad as the Fund retools itself to meet the challenges of the new century. 4-part series, 16-19 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3356_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3356_l

blPrice">$359.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32270</td><td>Millwrights</td><td>Once your students have ta ken the tour and seen what the skilled construction trades have to offer, they w ill want to know more about specific jobs that may interest them. This fast-pace d program provides a concise profile of millwrights, looking at educational back ground, apprenticeships, salary, and the work itself. (13 minutes)</td><td>2003< /td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3357_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3357_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10501</td><td>The Mind of a Killer: Case Study of a Murderer </td><td>What compels a seemingly normal person to disregard a fundamental socie tal principle and commit murder? In this disturbing program, correspondent Steve Aveson reports on recent scientific research into the behavior of killers. An e xclusive interview with serial killer Joel Rifkin, convicted of strangling 17 wo men, is combined with neurological testing, brain scans, and even information de rived from laboratory studies of animal aggression to attempt to shed light on R ifkin's obscure motivation to kill-a motivation that is a mystery even to himsel f. An ABC News/Discovery Channel Production. (46 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>4 7</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3358_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3358_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30469</td><td>Mind of a Murderer 2</td><td>How far is biolog y a predeterminer of violent behavior, and to what extent do environment and con ditioning influence the brain? Drawing on a range of brutal case studies from th e U.S., the U.K., and Canada, this compelling three-part series takes a scientif ic look at psychopathy as it seeks answers to those and other fundamental questi ons about what prompts human beings to commit murder. A BBC Production. 3-part s eries, 50 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3359_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3359_l blPrice">$449.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9061</td><td>Mind Over Matter: Advances in Brain Research</t d><td>How does the brain create that internal space called consciousness? In thi s stimulating program, top names in cognitive science such as Daniel Dennett, Ro dney Brooks, Endel Tulving, and John Searle delve into the mechanics of percepti on and cognition and speculate on the meaning of consciousness. Using advanced t echnology, they and other experts seek to understand the brain, leading to discu ssion of concepts that include mind-body dualism, self-emergent organization, un conscious vision, and even socially interactive machines like MIT's Cog. (47 min utes)</td><td>1997</td><td>47</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3360_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3360_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8554</td><td>Mind Talk: The Brain's New Story</td><td>What i s the difference between the mind and the brain? Are they separable? Are they ev en quantifiable? And where does the soul fit in? In this thought-provoking progr am, experts including Oxford mathematician Sir Roger Penrose, cognitive scientis t Dr. Daniel Dennett, and cyber-age techno-visionary Jaron Lanier contemplate th e social and moral impact of brain research and questions such as how matter dev eloped consciousness, whether computers can model human abilities, how free "fre e will" really is, and where legal responsibility for actions begins and ends. T his intriguing program is a vital resource in the ongoing challenge to understan d that which makes human beings truly human. A Bob Drake/Wendy Conquest Producti on. (59 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3361_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3361_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11458</td><td>The Mind's Eye: How the Brain Sees the World</ td><td>One patient cannot recognize a single face, including his own. Another ca nnot see anything that is moving. And a third can watch and understand a soccer game, but cannot recognize the black-and-white object they are kicking. Drawing on the experiences of people with rare forms of brain damage, this program featu ring Dr. Susan Greenfield reveals the tricks and shortcuts used by the brain to construct its version-or illusion-of reality. Is seeing really believing? A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3362_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3362_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4918</td><td>Minimum Wages</td><td>In this program, Bill Moy ers takes a piercing look at how global economic changes are destroying the live s and livelihoods of hardworking Americans. The documentary follows several indi viduals and their families in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, as they fight to make ends m eet in the "new economy." In sheer numbers, more jobs were created than lost in America during the last decade, but a look behind those numbers reveals a shorta ge of jobs that pay enough to support a family. The program intimately portrays the lives of workers and their families as they struggle to make it in today's j ob market. As Bill Moyers observes, "Americans are dividing into two groups: one that works for a living and makes it, and one that works for a living and can't make it." (60 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3363_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3363_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></

td> </tr><tr> <td>37670</td><td>Mining</td><td>In this program, three women wi th rewarding careers in the mining industry describe their work. Robin Betker is a mining technician who lays drill patterns for long hole drillers; Marilene La rocque is Chief Geologist with a mining exploration company; and Shalni Prowse i s a grade control technician who monitors ore quality. Conversations with co-wor kers and supervisors add to the descriptions of each job. (24 minutes)</td><td>2 006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3364_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3364_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33505</td><td>Miracle Cell</td><td>With unprecedented and ex clusive access to current clinical trials, this program appraises the successes and future potential of regenerative medicine. One featured patient is Joy Veron -paralyzed while trying to save her children from a car accident-who has stem ce lls from her nose transplanted into her back. The film also follows a heart atta ck victim who has his own bone marrow stem cells injected into his heart. Do the se landmark treatments represent the start of a great revolution in medical tech nology? Carlos Lima, of the Egas Moniz Hospital in Lisbon, and the University of Frankfurt's Andreas Zeiher are featured. (57 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>57</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3365_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3365_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32904</td><td>Mirror, Mirror: Northern Ireland</td><td>This program focuses on the Loyalists of Northern Ireland: Protestant, anti-Catholic, anti-European, anti-Irish, monarchist, they clearly belong to a nation-state-th e United Kingdom-but feel abandoned by the British people, who no longer share t heir devotion to traditional values. They are, of course, at home in the norther n part of Ireland; but they seem most at home when invoking the past to justify their present opinions and singing the kind of nationalist song which any Serb o r Croat, Kurd, German or Ukrainian, French Canadian or Cree would sing to prove his or her blood and belonging. (50 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3366_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3366_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32786</td><td>Miscellaneous Repairs</td><td>Details, details ! This video demonstrates how to carry out minor repairs to the vehicle body and systems, including lights, wipers, windows, seatbelts and shoulder harnesses, a ir bags, and interior door and door glass components and hardware. A viewable/pr intable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the standards for the Collision Repair and Refinish Technician Training Certification Program, fro m the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence and the National Auto motive Technicians Education Foundation. A Shopware Production. (19 minutes)</td

><td>2005</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3367_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3367_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5690</td><td>Misha: Recovery from a Serious Accident</td><td >This is the powerful story of 16-year-old Misha Heselwood, and her successful f ight to regain her life after being seriously injured. The program begins with M isha's hospitalization with severe brain injuries suffered in a car accident and follows Misha, her family, and the medical staff over a nine-month period, char ting her recovery from coma as she re-learns how to walk, talk, eat, and eventua lly regain self-reliance and independence. The program also examines how the fam ily of a recovering patient must cope with the emotional and financial pressures associated with the patient's recovery. (40 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>40</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3368_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3368_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8035</td><td>Missing Persons: The Drunk Driving Holocaust</t d><td>This program brings the real-life consequences of mixing alcohol with driv ing into the classroom. Hard-hitting footage helps young adults realize the cons equences of drunk driving, for the victim and the driver. Bereaved parents and f riends, permanently disabled victims, and young inmates convicted of vehicular h omicide explore the relationship between alcohol, death, and prison. Members of MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), SADD (Students Against Drunk Driving), and CAR (Convicts After Recovery) discuss how the thoughtless act of driving drunk impacts people's lives. A Cambridge Educational Production. (26 minutes)</td><td >1992</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3369_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3369_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36370</td><td>Missing Women: Female-Selective Abortion and I nfanticide</td><td>In India, Pakistan, and China, being born a girl can be an in stant death sentence. This program-winner of the Albert Londres Prize, France's highest award for journalism-unflinchingly examines the cultural, economic, and political reasons for the systematic elimination of females in Asia and consider s the implications of the dramatic demographic disruption that will likely occur as a result of this growing imbalance between the sexes. The use of amniocentes is and ultrasound scans to identify female fetuses for abortion is investigated, as are the practices of newborn abandonment and infanticide by a parent or a hi red baby girl killer. (54 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3370_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3370_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36250</td><td>Mission: Colombia</td><td>The United States is pumping a huge amount of aid money into the Colombian army. Is the goal to kill coca plants, or is it to destroy the FARC anti-government forces? Is FARC reall y more concerned with protecting the coca crop than the coca farmers? And could Colombia become another Vietnam? This brief program raises these pointed questio ns as it visits Colombian army and FARC training bases. An excellent discussionstarter! Recommended for high school. (7 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>7</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3371_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3371_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36480</td><td>Mitral Valve Prolapse: Treatment Advances in M VP</td><td>When it comes to the heart, every condition is serious. Fortunately, MVP is one of the lesser problems. Approximately 60 percent of patients have no symptoms and require no treatment at all. Mild symptoms are often managed with m edication or lifestyle change, and even the serious cases can be safely treated through surgery. This program provides a thorough overview of the disorder, with an emphasis on surgical remediation in severe instances. Surgical specialists f rom the University of Michigan, NYU Medical Center, Brigham and Women's Hospital , and Loyola University Medical Center provide commentary. (28 minutes)</td><td> 2002</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3372_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3372_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36344</td><td>Mixed Blessings: Changing Irish Identity</td>< td>Ireland never had an industrial revolution-its economy leaped from agrarian g loom into high-tech high-gear almost overnight. This Wide Angle case study visit s Limerick, one of the country's largest cities and the epitome of the Celtic Ti ger's rise. Once the blighted setting of Angela's Ashes, today's Limerick boasts the glories and the growing pains of all economic boomtowns: heavy foreign inve stment, a burgeoning services industry, high levels of immigration-and a real es tate explosion in which a venerable Jesuit church is on sale to the highest bidd er. The program profiles Limerick citizens whose lives are caught up and conflic ted by this avalanche of change. In addition, it features an in-depth discussion between anchor Daljit Dhaliwal and Irishman Peter Sutherland, UN Special Repres entative on Migration & Development and BP Chairman. (57 minutes)</td><td>2006</ td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3373_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3373_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33468</td><td>Mme. Chiang Kai-shek: A Legendary Life</td><td >As the most powerful first lady of China, Soong Mei-ling, better known as Madam

e Chiang Kai-shek, was considered by some as a charming and forceful lobbyist fo r China and by others as an arrogant propagandist for her husband's corrupt and incompetent government. In this insightful two-part series-the first and only do cumentary on Mme. Chiang's legendary life-Public Television Service, Taiwan, pre sents recently declassified historical documents and rare archival footage, as w ell as in-depth interviews with historians, journalists, former aides, nurses, a nd family members of Mme. Chiang. 2-part series, 49-53 minutes each.</td><td>200 3</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3374_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3374_l blPrice">$299.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4984</td><td>Mobilizing the Latino Community: Ernesto J. Cor tes, Jr.</td><td>Ernie Cortes isn't a business tycoon and he hasn't been elected to public office, but a Texas business magazine named him one of the five most powerful Texans, along with people like H. Ross Perot. Ernie Cortes' influence, though, reaches beyond Texas and he has been called "the most effective Latino g rassroots organizer in the country today." He is a man who empowers, a member of the national staff of the Industrial Areas Foundation, a nonprofit organization that helps "ordinary" people organize to make positive changes in their communi ties. In his home state of Texas, he teaches citizens to take on issues that mat ter to them: water and sewer systems, roads, education, worker safety, and healt h care. In this program with Bill Moyers, Cortes discusses individual participat ion in American politics and highlights the importance of agitation, confrontati on, and compromise in the discourse of democracy. (50 minutes)</td><td>1990</td> <td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3375_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3375_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>20352</td><td>Model Bridges</td><td>Follow engineering stude nts as they compete in the annual College Engineering Model Bridge Building Cont est. University-level teams work to build 20-foot-long bridges that can withstan d the testing procedures of competition. They discuss the design challenges face d by team members and the successes and failures they experienced. Categories an d rules of competition are also outlined for those interested in participating i n advanced-level model bridge building competition. One 23-minute video. A Shopw are Production.</td><td>1993</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3376_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3376_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10240</td><td>Modeling Vectors</td><td>Employing diverse exa mples such as trains and water slides, this program illustrates the use of vecto rs to represent forces operating in both two and three dimensions. The algebraic manipulation of vectors in modeling problems is featured. (24 minutes)</td><td> 1999</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3377_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3377_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33400</td><td>Modern Medicine</td><td>Industrialization not only changed the face of Western society-it also made people sick. Overcrowded c ities, harsh working conditions, and newfound mobility all conspired to imperil public health. In this program, host Dan Cruickshank traces the developments in medicine that took place during-and were often inspired by-the Industrial Revolu tion. Pioneering Englishmen such as William Withering, Steven Hale, Edward Jenne r, and James Lind transformed folk remedies into potent medicines, invented vent ilation systems to combat the spread of disease, created a smallpox vaccine, and instituted what is now known as the clinical trial. (30 minutes)</td><td>2003</ td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3378_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3378_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35819</td><td>The Modern Monarchs</td><td>How has the import ance of English royalty evolved over the past two centuries? This program examin es the passage of the monarchy into figurehead status, tracing the line of desce nt from Queen Victoria to the current ruling family. Recounting Victoria's berea ved isolation and her son's rejection of her standards of propriety, the program reflects on English rule through two world wars, the Princess Diana tragedy, an d the media circus that is now a feature of royal life. The episode concludes wi th an analysis of the crown's vague national purpose-ultimately recognizing an a ge-old interdependence between the monarchy and its subjects. (47 minutes)</td>< td>2004</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3379_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3379_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10179</td><td>Modern Myths</td><td>All communities embrace o rganizing principles that are indispensable to their cohesion, imposing order on chaos and allowing individuals to function in groups. Many of these principles are related through myths. In this program, the transformation of the earlier "s avior" myth into the modern myth of the "hero" is examined. How social myths suc h as "progress" facilitate modern industrial societies, and the myth of the "sta r" as a social construct that provides the audience with an object on which to p roject its ideals, are also discussed. (53 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>53</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3380_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3380_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>32713</td><td>Modern Philosophy</td><td>During the 16th cent ury, a new breed of thinker arose, equal parts philosopher and scientist, that t hrew off the received wisdom of the past and started afresh. In this program, Pa ul Guyer, of the University of Pennsylvania; Rutgers University's Colin McGinn; and Princeton University's Kwame Anthony Appiah and Daniel Garber address the ma jor philosophical currents of that era-and the explosive controversies surroundi ng them. Bacon's Novum Organum, Descartes's "Discourse on the Method," Hobbes' L eviathan, Spinoza's Ethics, and other germane works are cited. (42 minutes)</td> <td>2004</td><td>42</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3381_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3381_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5572</td><td>Modern Transportation Management</td><td>At a t ime when more people are traveling further than ever, transport management and c ontrol systems must be constantly upgraded. This program deals with the increasi ngly complex technology in use to ensure the safety and efficiency of modern tra nsport systems, particularly air traffic control and rail traffic management. Ca ptivating sequences also outline the main stages of one of the boldest transport ation projects of the century: the Chunnel. (23 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td>23 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3382_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3382_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35417</td><td>Modernismo</td><td>It was an aesthetic movemen t with an ambitious program: linguistic innovation as a means of liberation from Romanticism and Neoclassicism, and as a way to clarify Latin American identity. As this program explains, Modernismo coincided with a burst of interest in stor ies and accounts that were tied to the creation of independent nation states. Vi ewers will discover valuable insights regarding this cultural tidal wave and the ways in which it transformed the novel, lyrical poetry, and nonfiction prose in to highly original shapes. The achievements of Ruben Dario, Jose Marti, Manuel G utierrez Najera, Jose Asuncion Silva, and other seminal writers are examined, al ong with the external influences of the Symbolists and the Parnassian Poets. An FFH&S/Tranquilo Production. (51 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3383_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3383_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37455</td><td>Modernismo-Spanish with Optional English Subti tles</td><td>It was an aesthetic movement with an ambitious program: linguistic innovation as a means of liberation from Romanticism and Neoclassicism, and as a way to clarify Latin American identity. As this program explains, Modernismo co incided with a burst of interest in stories and accounts that were tied to the c reation of independent nation states. Viewers will discover valuable insights re garding this cultural tidal wave and the ways in which it transformed the novel, lyrical poetry, and nonfiction prose into highly original shapes. The achieveme

nts of Ruben Dario, Jose Marti, Manuel Gutierrez Najera, Jose Asuncion Silva, an d other seminal writers are examined, along with the external influences of the Symbolists and the Parnassian Poets. An FFH&S/Tranquilo Production. (Spanish wit h optional English subtitles, 53 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3384_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3384_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2404</td><td>Modifying the Weather: The Case of the Man-Made Desert</td><td>By building roads, watering crops, and grazing cattle, we are c onstantly changing the climate. We may also modify the weather by cloud seeding, though there is no scientifically accepted proof that rain or snow would not ha ve occurred naturally in cases where seeding appears to have been successful. Th is program shows how migration in the Sahel has altered regional climate; examin es the tomorrow-be-damned policy of water usage in Arizona; and investigates the drastic miscarriage of good intentions in Central Asia, where efforts to irriga te the desert turned into the worst climatic disaster in the history of the Sovi et Union: the drying up of the Aral Sea, once the world's fourth-largest lake. T he program details how this catastrophe happened and reveals its consequences fo r the population, the physical geography, and the climate of the area. (26 minut es)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3385_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3385_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32299</td><td>Mold Maker</td><td>Mold making is the start of many manufacturing projects. This program covers required traits like patience, creativity, an eye for design, and good manual dexterity; job opportunities in industries ranging from automotive, to medical, to communications; and the appre nticeship system. In addition, a journeyman mold maker describes his experiences , from his apprenticeship to ultimately owning his own business. (17 minutes)</t d><td>2003</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3386_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3386_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3622</td><td>The Mole</td><td>This program introduces the mo le as the ultimate "standard container" for directly comparing large numbers of atoms. It also extends the use of the mole to standardize gas volume comparisons , and introduces Avogadro's number. (10 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>10</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3387_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3387_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>3616</td><td>The Mole Concept</td><td>This series clarifies the concept of the mole and opens the way to understanding chemical reactions at the molecular level. Each program uses computer animation to simplify the mater ial and teaches students how to compare atoms in chemical reactions through exer cises in reasoning. 6-part series, 10 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp ;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3388_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3388_l blPrice">$299.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6900</td><td>Molecular Biology</td><td>This program shows th e various types of gene reproduction and examines the gene responsible for blood clotting. The production of coded proteins is clearly demonstrated. The process es of gel filtration, protein sequence analysis, isolation of mRNA, DNA synthesi s and reproduction, production and screening of a DNA bank, and hybridization, a long with other demonstrations, are re-created through highly sophisticated comp uter animation. (42 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>42</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3389_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3389_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10130</td><td>Molecular Geometry and Bonding Theories</td><t d>Why is the acronym VSEPR pronounced "vesper"? The answer to that question is t he only thing not revealed in part one of this program, which takes a look at th e VSEPR theory, non-bonding electron pairs, polarity, and dipoles. In part two, a "cow-chicken" and other experts elucidate the theories of hybrid orbital and m olecular orbital overlap and illustrate how to determine bond order. (18 minutes )</td><td>2000</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3390_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3390_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3614</td><td>Molecular Substance and Covalent Crystals</td>< td>This program explains stable and unstable atomic bonds. Diatomic molecules fo rm when atoms share pairs of electrons, held together by covalent bonds. Polar m olecules, produced by a combination of covalent and ionic bonds, occur when one nucleus has a stronger charge than the other. (10 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td> 10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3391_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3391_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35342</td><td>The Molecular Universe</td><td>Exploring human

life and its environment on a molecular level, this six-part series demonstrate s the importance of chemistry and nanotechnology-and their applications in medic ine, sports, and the arts. Overviews of historic developments in molecular scien ce, combined with exciting stories of the challenges chemists face in the 21st c entury, will show students how ground-breaking chemical compounds can literally change the world. 6-part series, 28-30 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp; </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3392_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3392_l blPrice">$539.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10125</td><td>Moles, Percent Composition, and the Empirical Formula</td><td>When is a mole not a mole? Section one of this program demystifi es concepts such as Avogadro's Constant, molecular mass, and molar mass. In sect ion two, the Percent Composition Formula is spotlighted, while section three add resses the Empirical Formula and its use in determining formula weight. The calc ulation of mass in the conversion of magnesium to magnesium oxide in a segment c alled "Cooking with Professor Rowley" ties things together. (31 minutes)</td><td >2000</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3393_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3393_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35358</td><td>The Mommy Mystique: The Anxiety of Modern Moth erhood</td><td>Featuring an interview with acclaimed author and cultural observe r Judith Warner, this ABC News program conveys the perspective of an American mo ther who has done much of her parenting outside the United States. Warner discus ses her book Perfect Madness and its observations about the hectic, competitive lifestyle embraced by many American moms-a lifestyle increasingly fraught with a nger and depression. While the author and three other mothers provide insight on a personal, emotional level, Warner's analysis of women on the edge raises poli tical and cultural questions that are worthy of every American's consideration. (23 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3394_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3394_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11170</td><td>Monera, Protista, and Fungi</td><td>Underpinni ng the plant and animal kingdoms is a group of organisms so basic-and alien-as t o require three separate kingdoms of its own. This program explores the realms o f Monera, Protista, and Fungi, spotlighting representative classes and species a long the way. Topics covered include structure, habitat, means of obtaining ener gy and nutrients, reproduction, movement, behavior, life cycle, and relationship s with other organisms. A Cambridge Educational Production. (27 minutes)</td><td >2000</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3395_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3395_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6515</td><td>Money and Banking</td><td>This program examines government attempts to stabilize the economy, focusing on monetary policy. Conc epts explored include fractional reserve banking, the deposits in chartered bank s as a major component of the country's money supply, and how chartered bank res erves can be increased. (28 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3396_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3396_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11142</td><td>Money: Man-Made or a Divine Gift from Allah?</ td><td>In the world of business, Muslims are striving to remain faithful to Isla mic law while accommodating economic changes and technological advances. After p roviding a concise overview of the Muslim religion, this program explores the th ird pillar of faith-zakat, or alms-giving-and the Islamic financial system, wher e usury and speculation are forbidden but profit-sharing and dividends are manda tory. The application of zakat in everyday life is addressed, along with the imp act of no-interest banking for a Saudi Arabian multinational conglomerate, the A lbaraka Group. (53 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3397_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3397_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29353</td><td>Money Never Sleeps: Global Financial Markets</ td><td>Money circulates through a multiplicity of financial markets at a dizzyin g speed and on a global scale. To make sense of the complicated world of high fi nance, this lively program profiles some of the people who keep the money moving . Nobel Laureate James Tobin, best-selling author John Murphy, fund managers, sc holars, and day traders are captured at MIT Sloan, Yale University, Firebird Man agement, London's foreign exchange market, the Ecole Polytechnique in France, an d trading rooms in the U.S. and Europe. Lending liquidity, handling mutual funds , stock speculation, charting, model-driven trading, and other topics are covere d. (53 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3398_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3398_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4919</td><td>Money Talks: The Influence of Money in American Politics</td><td>This program with Bill Moyers examines what many people consid er to be the scandal of American democracy-the influence of money on our politic al system. The 1992 Presidential election sent a strong signal: by voting for Bi ll Clinton or Ross Perot, both of whom ran on reform platforms, voters registere d their disgust with the way laws are made, influence is bought, and an elite cl ass of politicians control the system. This 1994 program examines the roles that

financial contributions, corporate influence, and special interests played at t he start of the Clinton administration, as well as in national, state, and even local political contests across the country. Issues raised in the program includ e: Has the "business" of politics in Washington changed since the election? What is the relationship between the Clinton White House and Big Business? What's th e Clinton record on the effects of money, power, and privilege on policy? Is cam paign financing reform for real? How can citizens effect change in the system at the grassroots level? (60 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3399_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3399_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9090</td><td>Monitoring Student Progress</td><td>Frequent an d regular assessment of student progress is an effective method for driving scho ols towards equity and academic excellence. This program focuses on how student assessment data can be used to evaluate and improve instructional priorities and strategies, to communicate high expectations, and to involve parents and the co mmunity in a school's efforts. (18 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3400_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3400_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34151</td><td>Monks: Keepers of Knowledge</td><td>As hubs of spiritual and scientific activity, monasteries were the information centers of the Middle Ages. This program explores the varying missions-and the often-cloake d thoughts and feelings-of the medieval monk, within the larger context of the e ra's highly regulated and intrigue-ridden religious life. With a focus on the in teraction of European and Arab cultures, as well as the importance of libraries and pre-Christian texts, the program's discussions of medicine, mathematics, ast ronomy, law, and philosophy portray monastic life as full and surprisingly world ly: not only the zenith of introspection, but an arena of passion, exploration, and power struggle. Portions are in other languages with English subtitles. (53 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3401_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3401_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8447</td><td>Monoclonal Antibodies</td><td>Using computer gr aphics, this program illustrates the difference between monoclonal and polyclona l antibodies. It describes how lymphocytes in the bloodstream respond to the app earance of an antigen by producing antibodies to it. Problems with antibodies fr om the blood are discussed along with Milstein's solution. A step-by-step proced ure to obtain stable hybridomas, a hybrid cell produced by the fusion of an anti body-producing lymphocyte with a tumor cell, through the isolation of lymphocyte s from the spleen is demonstrated. (25 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3402_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3402_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11531</td><td>Monsters in the Closet: Childhood Fears</td><t d>A fear of the dark. A fear of thunderstorms. A fear of monsters in the closet. Even a fear of being sucked down the bathroom drain. Although they are frighten ing, childhood fears are generally a benign part of growing up. In this program, parents and experts share their insights about the fears that affect children a t different ages. The use of such fears to chart a child's cognitive development and ways to help children cope with their fears are also discussed. A Meridian Production. (17 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3403_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3403_l blPrice">$72.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7848</td><td>Mood Disorders</td><td>Mood disorders, or affec tive disorders, are discussed in this program filmed in the U.K., together with their symptoms and differential diagnoses. Classifications are based upon the co urse and severity of symptoms. The two main classifications of mood disorders-ma nic and depressive-are clearly defined and differentiated according to symptoms. The persistent mood disorders cyclothymia and dysthymia are discussed, along wi th medical causes of mood disorders, such as hypothalamic tumor. All symptoms ar e clearly illustrated in interviews with patients suffering from degrees of the various disorders. (39 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>39</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3404_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3404_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37635</td><td>The Moors: At the Height of Empire</td><td>Wit h the grandeur and geometric sophistication of the Alhambra as a powerful openin g example, this program looks at Islamic culture in southern Spain following the Berber invasion of 711. Scholar Bettany Hughes talks with Professor Antonio Fer nandez-Puertas of the University of Granada, who has studied Nasrid art and arch itecture for 40 years; with Professor Lauro Olmo Encisco of Alcala University in Madrid, an expert on the Visigothic site of Recopolis; and with Islamic histori an Ali Raisuni, who posits noble motives behind Moorish expansion. These convers ations, as well as the program's energetic visuals and helpful overviews of Isla m's origins, yield valuable insight into the social, economic, scientific, and m ilitary dynamics of the period. (53 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3405_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3405_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37636</td><td>The Moors: Prelude to the Renaissance</td><td> Over seven centuries of Islamic rule, Spain became the cultural jewel of Europe. This program illustrates that flowering of art and science, placing the rebirth

of classical learning in Andalusian rather than Italian cities. Writer Bettany Hughes speaks with Antonia Almagro of the Spanish National Research Council abou t the intellectual and aesthetic revelations a visitor from Florence or Venice m ight have experienced in Muslim Granada or Toledo. She also hears from historian Emilio Gonzales Ferrin, who contrasts the initial wave of Islamic settlers with more fundamentalist reinforcements brought up to defend against the Christian r econquest. Questions behind the identity of the Spanish hero Guzman El Bueno ref lect these complexities within Islam. (50 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>50</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3406_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3406_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33552</td><td>Morbid Obesity: A Probable Cure?</td><td>Anton io Biello wants to walk again. Jean-Pierre Allard wants his son to see how energ etic he once was. And Vanessa Hull simply hopes not to be dead before 30. Three people of different worlds, yet inextricably linked to a condition that Dr. Nich olas Christou says is poised to spread more rapidly than smoking-morbid obesity. This clinical program follows the three as they each seek an answer in the form of gastric bypass surgery. Medical professionals explain the physiology of obes ity and argue the effectiveness of the procedure, and weight-loss surgery advoca tes analyze the ever-existing social stigmas against obese people. Contains expl icit nudity. (Portions in French with English subtitles, 48 minutes)</td><td>200 3</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3407_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3407_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6654</td><td>More Than Numbers: Management Accounting in Pra ctice</td><td>More companies every day are looking toward management accounting for answers to their survival. Using real-life case studies, this practical 12-p art series designed for students and business professionals explores the entire subject of management accounting, from specific accounting techniques and key ac counting concepts to ethical questions involving how information is presented. T he material is relevant to small, medium, and large businesses; case studies inc lude on-site interviews with company representatives. Problem-solution formats, used wherever possible, help students identify the concepts presented and encour age them to consider what methods they might employ when handling similar proble ms. 12-part series, 28 minutes each.</td><td>1995</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3408_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3408_l blPrice">$839.40<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4450</td><td>More Trigonometry</td><td>Ron Lancaster reviews the basics of trigonometry and stresses the importance of using reason, along w ith equations, when making calculations. In the field, Lancaster and a land surv eyor use trigonometry to calculate the height of a tree and the distance up a sk i slope. (15 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>15</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3409_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3409_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35237</td><td>Morris Museum of Art: The Art of the South</td ><td>The Morris Museum of Art, in Augusta, Georgia, is the first museum in the c ountry dedicated to the regional art of the American South. Contrasting 19th-cen tury portraits by William Edward West of Kentucky to modern paintings of Gullah life by Jonathan Green of South Carolina, this program makes it clear that the a rt of the South is as varied and diverse as its people. From antebellum portrait ure to 20th-century folk painting and from American impressionism to narrative r ealism, this art has a power and presence that reveals the social, economic, and historical complexities of life in the American South. One 28-minute video.</t d><td>2002</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3410_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3410_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36379</td><td>Most of Our Universe Is Missing: Dark Matter a nd Dark Energy</td><td>"What is everywhere, not made of atoms, and can't be seen ?" Dark matter, says renowned astrophysicist David Spergel-but not everyone in t he cosmological community is in agreement with him. This program presents the vi ews of Spergel and other key figures in the debate, including Princeton Universi ty's P. James Peebles and Jeremiah Ostriker; Timothy Sumner, of Imperial College London; astrophysicist Mordechai Milgrom; and Saul Perlmutter, a member of Lawr ence Berkeley National Laboratory's physics division. Experiments in Europe's de epest mine looking for the elusive neutralino, the concept of variable gravity, and what may well become the new standard model of how the universe works are al l scrutinized. Original BBCW broadcast title: Most of Our Universe Is Missing. ( 50 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3411_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3411_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11382</td><td>Mother and Eve: Breaking the Silence</td><td>I n this program, four middle-aged women-Jeannine, Paulette, Suzanne, and Rachel-s peak with both candor and sensitivity about how they came to redefine their sexu al orientation. Their stories of coming to terms with their true sexuality in Su dbury, Ontario, are stories of courage, transformation, and a fierce determinati on to be true to themselves. Additional insights are provided by their ex-spouse s and children. (French with English subtitles, 54 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td >54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3412_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3412_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>11493</td><td>The Mother of All Collisions: The Dynamics of Impacts</td><td>Designers of seatbelts and airbags want to know. So do particle physicists. What makes things heavy? This program suggests an answer as it exami nes the fundamental law that links all collisions, big and small. One of the wor ld's largest atom-smashing experiments-projected to involve more than 2,000 scie ntists from around the world, cost over $6 billion, and achieve a level of compl exity greater than that of flying a team of astronauts to the moon-is featured. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3413_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3413_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37540</td><td>Mother Tongues: Languages Around the World</td ><td>This program travels the globe as it surveys a large portion of the world's languages-25 percent of which are spoken by a mere 0.1 percent of the Earth's p opulation. Moving from Africa to Oceania and up to Asia and then west to Europe and across the ocean to the Americas, the program assesses how many languages ar e spoken in each region, the characteristics they share, and misconceptions abou t them. Historical background on some of the key languages of the regions is inc luded as well. The commentary of Salikoko Mufwene, coeditor of The Ecology of La nguage Evolution; Larry Hyman, of U.C. Berkeley; Hua Lin, of the University of V ictoria; Harvard University's Jay Jasanoff; and Lyle Campbell, of the University of Utah, is featured. (48 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3414_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3414_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36236</td><td>Mothers Addicted to Meth</td><td>Kristi is a 3 3-year-old woman brought up, according to her own account, by strict parents wit h strong middle-class values. She is currently battling a methamphetamine addict ion, while trying to be a good mother to her small children at the same time. Th is ABC News program demonstrates that as meth becomes the latest drug of choice for many Americans, it isn't only the users who are falling victim to the powerf ul stimulant-it profoundly affects their sons and daughters as well. Focusing on the rehabilitation of "meth moms," the program examines the struggles they face in staying clean and reconciling with their broken families. (10 minutes)</td>< td>2006</td><td>11</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3415_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3415_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29860</td><td>Motion Control and Virtual Studio</td><td>High -tech motion control cinematography coupled with virtual studio software makes c ombining live action with computer graphics, miniatures, stock imagery, or other live-action sequences much easier. This program demonstrates how it's done. (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3416_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3416_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6844</td><td>Motion of Bodies and Mechanical Energy</td><td> This program details the movements of an amusement park's waterchute boat and ro ller coaster; an ice skater; a diver; a rubber ball; a rocket; toy carts; a stee l ball and loop; and a swinging church lamp to investigate the following concept s:o law of inertiao uniformly accelerated and uniform straight motiono free-fall motiono acceleration due to gravityo law of conservation of momentumo potential and kinetic energyo Galileo's isochronism of a pendulum(30 minutes)</td><td>199 7</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3417_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3417_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36185</td><td>A Motivated Mind</td><td>If high test scores b ring praise or treats, students will develop good study habits-according to comm onsense thinking, at least. But conventional wisdom is changing. This two-part s eries sheds new light on the ways that children push their own limits, overcome challenges, and take pleasure in learning. Interviews with psychologists and edu cation experts reveal counterintuitive but highly effective methods for building student confidence and achievement. Portions are in Korean with English subtitl es. 2-part series, 42-46 minutes each.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3418_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3418_l blPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8456</td><td>Motor Development</td><td>Abnormal motor develo pment in special-needs children requires specific skills for caregivers. This pr ogram presents positioning and handling techniques for both the hypertonic profi le child, one who is easily overstimulated and has stiffening of the limbs, and the hypotonic profile child, who has flaccid muscle tone and decreased movement. Positions are discussed for sleeping, handling, and playing to encourage the de velopment of basic motor skills. (25 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3419_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3419_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7046</td><td>Movements at Joints of the Body</td><td>This pr ogram, divided into three parts, uses live subjects to demonstrate various body movements. The first part focuses on movements at the synovial joints-gliding mo vements (typified in the wrist area); rotation movements (medial and lateral); a nd angular movements (flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and circumductio

n). Special movements include inversion, eversion, protraction, retraction, pron ation, elevation, and depression. A second part examines the actions of muscles in specific areas of the body, including face, head, spine, extremities, and abd omen. Part three features a self-quiz complete with teacher instructions. (39 mi nutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>39</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3420_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3420_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29865</td><td>Movie Magic: Using Special Effects</td><td>Asi de from taking an audience's breath away, special effects are often used simply for logistical reasons, such as when an actor or actress is unavailable for a sh oot and must be woven into the scene later. In this program, experts in the fiel d of special effects discuss how they create images that range from the spectacu lar to the invisible. Postproduction specialists discuss and demonstrate techniq ues of overlaying computer animation and digitizing 35mm and 65mm film. The cine matic applications of prosthetics, animatronics, and pyrotechnics are also close ly examined. Contains nudity. (52 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3421_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3421_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>830</td><td>Moving Parts</td><td>This program shows how the cerebellum coordinates muscle activity and how position sensors in the muscles a nd joints and the balancing mechanism of the inner ear function. The motions of a waterskier show how muscles, joints, and organs link up. The role of joints is explained, and a look at the interior of a human knee shows clearly how lubrica ting fluid is produced. (26 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3422_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3422_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>6130</td><td>Mozart: Overture to "The Marriage of Figaro"</t d><td>Using Mozart's lively operatic piece, this program illustrates how compose rs weave together musical ideas to bring contrast and texture to their music. Ab rupt pizzicatos, resounding fanfares, and languid melodies presented as a series of quick edits illustrate the point, along with an uninterrupted playback of a portion of the Overture. (15 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3423_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3423_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30467</td><td>Mr. and Mrs. Green: When Grief Gives Way to He aling</td><td>Three years ago, Ken and Sue Green lost their only son, Paul, in a

traffic accident. Their angry quest to find out the exact details of Paul's dea th has served as a way of avoiding the reality of their loss. In this program, t he Greens try to confront their true feelings over the course of four sessions w ith Caroline Garland, an expert in trauma therapy at the Tavistock Clinic. As th e meetings with their therapist progress, the couple begins to emerge from the i solation of their grief, hopefully enabled to go on again with their lives. Orig inal BBC broadcast title: Mr. and Mrs. Green. (40 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td> 40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3424_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3424_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30464</td><td>Mr. Brind: Managing Stress in the Workplace</t d><td>Roger Brind has been the head teacher of the Trelai Primary School for ove r eighteen years, a demanding job since many of the children come from economica lly deprived backgrounds and nearly half are enrolled with special needs. In thi s program, the dedicated teacher and administrator finds help in managing his st ress levels from Dr. Anton Obholzer, a Tavistock expert in organizational analys is. The filmed sessions show how Roger eventually accepts what had been previous ly unthinkable-that the Trelai School could go on without him and that for Roger there was a life after his work. Original BBC broadcast title: Mr. Brind. (40 m inutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3425_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3425_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35514</td><td>MRSA-Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aure us</td><td>Many people in Britain now fear hospitalization almost as much as inj ury or illness, due to a rising rate of hospital-related staph infections. This program examines the threat posed by MRSA, or methicillin-resistant Staphylococc us aureus, and assesses the medical establishment's ability to fight it. Two div ergent perspectives are featured: from doctors who perform every anti-MRSA proce dure available, and from hospital patients who have nevertheless become infected . Meanwhile, experiments under way at the Royal Botanic Gardens-directed by Prof essor Monique Simmonds, an expert on the antimicrobial properties of fungi-sugge st the potential to one day defeat MRSA. A BBCW Production. (25 minutes)</td><td >2005</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3426_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3426_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11187</td><td>Muhammad: The Voice of God</td><td>"There is a mong you the messenger of God, the future prophet whom the gospel has announced as the successor of Jesus." This program narrates the biography of Muhammad, a m erchant from Mecca, reportedly called by Allah to be his prophet and spread the Muslim faith. Why was Islam so readily accepted by so many? What is the secret o f Islam's appeal? And why do many non-Muslims fear the religion's spread? The an swers to these and many other questions are powerfully illustrated by footage of

holy sites and rituals, as well as modern desert life in Saudi Arabia-so little changed, in many ways, since Muhammad's time. (44 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td >44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3427_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3427_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33237</td><td>Multicultural Perspectives on Adults with Deve lopmental Disabilities</td><td>Community-based caregiving is a vital mode of sup port for older adults with developmental disabilities. This insightful and uplif ting program examines how, within Hispanic, African-American, and Asian-American cultural contexts, the needs of high-functioning members of this population are being met through the empowering assistance of their families and through healt hcare- and employment-related programs that promote self-determination. The impo rtance of service providers who share their clients' respective cultures and, wh ere necessary, speak Asian languages or Spanish is underscored. (33 minutes)</td ><td>2002</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3428_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3428_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35063</td><td>Multilingual Hong Kong: A Sociolinguistic Case Study of Code-Switching</td><td>Using multilingual Hong Kong as a case in point , this program makes the hot-button phenomenon known as language-mixing easily a ccessible to any viewer through interviews with dozens of Hong Kong residents. T heir explanations of why and when they mix Cantonese and English reveal much abo ut cultural identity in cosmopolitan populations and the effects of globalizatio n. Scholarly analysis is provided by specialists from The University of Hong Kon g and the City University of Hong Kong. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Portions are in Chinese with English subtitles. (32 minutes ) The DVD version has on-demand English and Chinese subtitles. The VHS version h as burned-in English subtitles.</td><td>2005</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3429_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3429_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7514</td><td>Multiple Genders: Mind and Body in Conflict</td ><td>Instinctively, we say there are two sexes. But does this always reflect rea lity? In this program, Dr. Stephen Whittle argues that it does not. Whittle furt her contends that society must recognize transsexuals, like himself, and others, like Arthur and Del, who are hermaphrodites-sexual hybrids. Arthur has male and female attributes and wants to keep them in the interest of maintaining his psy chic balance and identity. Del, born female, favors her male side and has writte n a book charting her physical transition to an "inter-sex." A theologian addres ses the moral implications of multisexual orientation, while a physician and pol ygendered people ask: Is sex the same as gender? Are inter-sexes mistakes or par t of nature? Do parents have the right to demand reconstructive surgery for thei r polysexual newborns? A thoughtful and measured investigation of a seldom-discu

ssed and provocative topic. (39 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>39</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3430_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3430_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10266</td><td>Multiple Intelligences: Other Styles of Learni ng</td><td>Historically, student progress has been gauged by success in subjects that tap the verbal/linguistic and logical/mathematical talents of students, in evitably leading to the disenfranchisement of learners weak in these areas. In t his timeless program, David Lazear, author of Seven Ways of Knowing and Seven Wa ys of Teaching and founder of New Dimensions of Learning, contends that educator s must ensure the success of all students by teaching for the five nontraditiona l intelligences as well: visual/spatial, musical/rhythmic, body/kinesthetic, int rapersonal, and interpersonal. (30 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3431_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3431_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30844</td><td>Multiple Sclerosis: Attacking the Nervous Syst em</td><td>Until a cure for MS is discovered, medical science is doing all it ca n to help people delay the onset of MS and manage its symptoms so they can conti nue living physically active lives. In this program, Jerry Wolinsky and Staley B rod, of The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, and patients w ith primary-progressive and relapsing-remitting MS share their insights. After s ummarizing the disease's pathology, the program spotlights treatment using Copax one and Novantrone, demonstrates the importance of patient support groups, and c onsiders the possibility that environmental factors can trigger MS in people wit h a genetic predisposition to it. (23 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3432_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3432_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30632</td><td>The Mummies of the Heretics</td><td>After he d ied, Akhenaten was declared a heretic and an attempt was made to wipe out all tr aces of his reign. Did the Egyptian high priests also destroy the mummies of the pharaoh and Nefertiti? This fascinating program traces the discovery by Richard Lepsius in the 19th century of Akhenaten's city at Amarna, Akhet Aten, and the search for the mummies of the heretic king and queen. Could Tutankhamon, the pha raoh's famed son, have ordered his parents' remains to be moved to a safe locati on? (27 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3433_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3433_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>32628</td><td>Murder by Mail: The Hunt for the Anthrax Kille r</td><td>When anthrax-laden letters began appearing in the mail just days after the terrorist attacks of September 11th, all eyes looked to al Qaeda. But could the culprit be at the heart of the American bioweapons and intelligence communi ties? Unfolding like a taut thriller, this program follows the grim course of a rampage conducted by mail and the ongoing investigation to catch the killer thro ugh analysis of the deadly pathogens and the letters themselves. Interviews incl ude forensic experts at the FBI and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as Dr. David Franz, former commander of the U.S. Army Medical Research I nstitute of Infectious Diseases; Dr. Paul Keim of Northern Arizona University, t he world's leading anthrax authority; and Don Foster, a professor of English at Vassar College who uses grammar analysis to solve crimes. A BBCW Production. (60 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3434_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3434_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30738</td><td>The Murdochs: Building an Empire</td><td>With operations in Australia, Britain, and the U.S., the Murdoch media conglomerate o ccupies leading positions in the world of print and broadcast news. This program traces the story of the three-generation Murdoch media dynasty through intervie ws with a rich cast of family members and their associates, including Ed Koch, f ormer mayor of New York City, and Andrew Neil, former editor for The Sunday Time s (London). News clips and home video footage of the Murdochs at work and at pla y offer powerful insights into what it takes to build a business empire from scr atch-and to keep it on top. Contains brief glimpses of tabloid cover nudity. (58 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3435_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3435_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5983</td><td>Muscles</td><td>In this program, the diverse na ture of muscle tissue is examined, from its gross structure to its detailed micr ostructure, where chemical energy is harnessed to produce movement. As muscle fo rms the basis for much of a person's body shape, we explore the ways in which th is shape can be changed by the activities we perform. The program provides a com plete introduction to the following topics: Location and uses of smooth, skeletal , and cardiac muscles Muscle structure and function Aerobic and anaerobic respirat ion Relationship between muscle mass and body shape Neuromuscular disease Phys fitness (20 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3436_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3436_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>829</td><td>Muscles and Joints: Muscle Power</td><td>This pr ogram demonstrates, on a microscopic level, what happens when a kung fu master i s at work: how muscles work, how two types of molecules telescoping against each other produce enormous strength as they work in large numbers, how muscles of t

he heart and digestive tract move without conscious direction. (26 minutes)</td> <td>1984</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3437_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3437_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>8167</td><td>Muscular System at Work: The Inner Athlete</td> <td>This program looks at the many roles played by muscle and skin in our everyd ay lives. Topics include muscles and movement; cardiac, smooth, and skeletal mus cle; detailed structure of a skeletal muscle; types of muscle contraction and mo vement; muscles and posture; homeostasis; and the important roles played by skin , hair, nails, and glands. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Cambridge Educational Production. (24 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>24 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3438_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3438_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36925</td><td>A Muse of Fire</td><td>As the landscape of the New World awakened England's imagination, so did a new landscape of words-in th e English of William Shakespeare and the King James Bible. This classic PBS prog ram describes the spread of English to North America and explains how Shakespear e's prodigious vocabulary filled the language with startling new words, phrases, and constructions. Recording strong echoes of Shakespearean English in the litt le villages lying near Stratford, the program also describes the making of the A uthorized Version of the Bible-the only great work of literature ever created by committee-and examines the linguistic dissent perpetrated by the Puritans. (59 minutes)</td><td>1986</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3439_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3439_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5586</td><td>Music</td><td>Music is an art that depends grea tly on the quality of the instrument as well as the skill and talent of the perf ormer, the nature of the music itself, and the perceptions of the listener. This program explains how the brain perceives music and why certain melodies seem mo re appealing than others. The flute is used to show how this instrument has been adapted to different music and musicians at different times. Lute-making illust rates how music and technology are inseparable. (23 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><t d>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3440_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3440_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr>

<td>37682</td><td>Music</td><td>Introduce viewers to three women who have found gainful employment in the field of music. This program profiles Sandra Schultz, a sound engineer and technician who records and mixes for music producers; Shelley Park, a guitar builder who produces between 12 and 20 instrum ents per year; and Alice Bernier, an electronic music composer who works out of her own high-tech studio. Commentary from colleagues and associates rounds out e ach description. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3441_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3441_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35053</td><td>Music Moves the World: The Power and Passion o f Rhythm, Melody, and Dance</td><td>This program travels to both developing and industrialized countries to capture culture-defining rhythms and melodies and ex plain the important roles they play in human society. With stops in Africa, Asia , Latin America, the Caribbean, and Europe, the video observes how music is used by gauchos and Cossacks, Sufis and Buddhist monks, Papuan warriors and Western soldiers, Senufo weavers and flamenco dancers, marching protesters and singing s occer fans, and many others. Harmony and polyphony, music as an organizing princ iple, the spiritual qualities of sound, and how the brain processes music are to uched upon as well. (52 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3442_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3442_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36294</td><td>Music of the Primes: From Riemann to Ramanujan </td><td>With the advent of Bernhard Riemann's zeta-hypothesis, the study of pri me numbers took on astonishing new dimensions-including a way to predict the app earance of primes. This program focuses on the numerical landscape which Riemann 's calculations opened up and examines the work of subsequent mathematicians who challenged the notion of a finite set of prime numbers. Using state-of-the-art 3-D animation, the film guides viewers through the zero-punctuated pattern that Riemann unveiled. It also describes the friendship between G. H. Hardy and Srini vasa Ramanujan and the difficulties both men experienced as they confronted prob lems in number theory. (28 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3443_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3443_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36293</td><td>Music of the Primes: From the Greeks to Gauss< /td><td>The special characteristics of prime numbers have intrigued and confound ed mathematicians since ancient times. Outlining the basics of primes-including their unique multiplicative properties and their supposedly random appearance in the number line-this program details the early history of prime number theory, beginning with discoveries that took place in the Hellenistic world. The film il lustrates how the torch of Euclid's work passed to 18th- and 19th-century Europe ans, exploring Carl Friedrich Gauss' groundbreaking work in the prediction of pr ime numbers and introducing Bernhard's Riemann's revolutionary zeta function. (2

7 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3444_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3444_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36295</td><td>Music of the Primes: From Turing to Tomorrow</ td><td>Many consider Alan Turing to be the father of computer science-mainly bec ause of his cryptography machine, which cracked the German code during World War II. But Turing created his device before the war-not for military purposes, but in the hope of disproving the Riemann hypothesis. This program gives an account of Turing's unresolved zeta function research, the tragic conclusion of his lif e, and his legacy in the mathematical community-highlighted by a visit to Prince ton's Institute for Advanced Studies. Interviews with some of today's prominent mathematicians reveal tantalizing notions about the future of the Riemann hypoth esis. (27 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3445_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3445_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10870</td><td>The Music ParadigmTM: A Seminar in Business Ma nagement</td><td>Dozens of Fortune 100 companies agree that The Music Paradigm, the ingenious brainchild of conductor Roger Nierenberg, promotes keen insights i nto the dynamics of corporate leadership and communication. In this program, Nie renberg leads the BBC concert orchestra and executives from several major corpor ations through a series of interactive exercises relating to the complex interpl ay between conductors and musicians-or, by analogy, between managers and employe es. The Music Paradigm has earned kudos from Lucent Technologies, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Lockheed Martin, Liz Claiborne, and many others. (60 minutes)</td><td>19 99</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3446_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3446_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11415</td><td>The Muslim Town: Urban Life under the Caliphat e</td><td>Although the first towns the Arabs founded during the expansion of Ara bia were only vast campsites, it was not long before their temporary dwellings g ave way to the magnificent signature architecture of Arabian culture. What was i t like to live in the Arab cities of the Abbasid dynasty, grand oases of refinem ent and innovation? This program describes key centers of the Muslim town, inclu ding the mosque and the souk; technical achievements such as the waterwheel; and the roles of the prince, the doctors of the law, and the leaders of the various social groups in keeping order within the bustling community. (Portions in Fren ch with English subtitles, 27 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3447_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3447_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29943</td><td>Muslims in America: Islam in Exile</td><td>Thi s program examines the surprisingly rapid growth of Islam in the heart of Americ a's Bible Belt, a predominantly fundamentalist Christian locale. Yet for Muslims living in Appalachia, the daily challenge lies not so much in acceptance by the ir neighbors as with practicing their religion in a country whose overall cultur e is so often at odds with their own beliefs. Interviews with refugees living in the region and with experts in American Islam reveal the resiliency of a faith that can thrive in exile. The history of Islam, Islamic contributions to the art s and sciences, and common ground between Muslims and Christians are also highli ghted. (57 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3448_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3448_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3695</td><td>Mutation and All That</td><td>Although the mech anism of meiosis constantly reshuffles the gene pool of a population, only mutat ion can account for the upward progression of a species. Examining the structure of DNA and the alteration of the genetic code, we learn why the relation of mut ation to the rate of evolution remains a subject of debate today. (10 minutes)</ td><td>1992</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3449_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3449_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33450</td><td>My Name is Walter James Cross: The Reality of Schizophrenia</td><td>Walter James Cross tried to kill himself and failed, so he decided to tell his story instead. Finding an abandoned theater, he stands on t he stage alone and recounts his descent into mental illness, into schizophrenia. Created by a psychiatrist who has worked for many years with schizophrenic pati ents, this compelling dramatic monologue presents an accurate depiction of a dev astating, costly, much maligned, and misunderstood illness. This program has bee n screened at film festivals and professional conferences, including the America n Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, and was well received by doctors and n urses as well as patients and their families. (53 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td> 53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3450_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3450_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35644</td><td>Mysteries of the Landscape</td><td>The Earth's surface gave shape to the early cosmologies of almost every culture. This progr am explores that universal phenomenon, traveling across the globe to examine the role of geology in religion and myth. From the revered Uluru/Ayers Rock in Aust ralia to Crete's Diktaeon cave-according to tradition, the birthplace of Zeus-th e video explains the spiritual significance of numerous sites while connecting t

hem with historical events and scientific concepts. Sacred, monumental additions to the landscape are also featured, including the Mayan pyramids, the stone dol mens of Europe, the dragon trees of Tenerife, and the Meteora monasteries atop t he Pindus Mountains. (53 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3451_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3451_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2029</td><td>Mysteries of the Mind</td><td>This program expl ores manic-depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, alcoholism, and other mood disorders whose victims show a lack of control over their behavior. It examines the neurochemical and genetic components of these disorders, as well as physiol ogical, neurological, and biomedical research into the mysteries of the brain. T he program shows the nature of these mood disorders and the pain they cause pati ents and their families. (45 minutes)</td><td>1988</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3452_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3452_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36093</td><td>Mysterious Poison: The History of PCBs</td><td >They are now banned worldwide-but the toxins known as PCBs are not going away. This program explains how the compounds have almost irreparably polluted the glo be and still threaten future generations. The film begins in 1927, when PCBs bec ame integral to electric power and, eventually, a vast array of agricultural and technological products. Describing the growth of scientific awareness of PCB-re lated threats across the food chain, the program features compelling interviews with researchers who helped uncover the hereditary hazards of PCBs-including Wor ld Wildlife Fund senior scientist Dr. Theo Colburn and University of Stockholm p rofessor Soren Jensen. (30 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3453_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3453_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30093</td><td>The Mystery of the Tomb of Jesus: The Quest fo r the Historical Christ</td><td>This program uses footage of the caverns beneath the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and other sacred sites, artwork, and expert co mmentary to analyze the historicity of Jesus' last days, the political context o f 1st-century Jerusalem, and the emergence of Christianity as an institution. Je sus' execution, burial of the dead in Jewish tradition, the significance of Jesu s' tomb, and two millennia of Jerusalem's history are addressed by N. T. Wright, canon theologian of Westminster Abbey; archaeologist Ronny Reich, of the Univer sity of Haifa; Martin Biddle, of the University of Oxford; Jonathan Riley-Smith, of the University of Cambridge; author John Dominic Crossan; and others. (51 mi nutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3454_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3454_l

blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11056</td><td>Mystic Women of the Middle Ages</td><td>From t he 12th century to the 15th, women throughout Europe dedicated their lives to Go d by founding communes, becoming anchoresses, and even leading armies. In the co urse of doing so, many challenged the medieval Church and its male hierarchy, an d as a result, some were recognized for their contributions while others were la beled as heretics. This six-part series presents the legacy of medieval women wh o challenged society through their visions, teachings, and writings, and who con tinue to provoke discussion today. 6-part series, 24 minutes each.</td><td>2000< /td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3455_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3455_l blPrice">$779.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30253</td><td>Mystic Women of the Middle Ages, Part 2</td><t d>Filmed at locations around Europe, this series presents the portraits of six w omen who served God in their own unique ways, from Margaret of Hungary, who live d in ascetic isolation on an island, to Joan of Arc, who led French armies to vi ctory. Each program uses primary sources, such as letters, testimony, and works written by these women, while scholars and experts provide insightful commentary . Accompanying visuals include written and illuminated manuscripts, paintings, w oodcuts, and iconography. 4-part series, 49 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td><td>& nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3456_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3456_l blPrice">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11736</td><td>The Mystical Spirit of the East: Masters and D isciples</td><td>Filmed on location in India, Japan, and elsewhere, this program provides insights into Hinduism; Mahayana, Hinayana, Tantric, and Zen Buddhism; and Shintoism. Religious leaders including 112-year-old Sri Swami Shivananda, d eputy director of the Divine Life Society; Master Thich Nhat Hanh, founder of th e Plum Village Zen community; His Holiness the Dalai Lama; and The Venerable Mr. Hatakake, head abbot of the Ise Shinto shrine, elaborate on the principles of t heir timeless religions. (53 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3457_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3457_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33666</td><td>Myth Makers: John Ford and John Wayne</td><td> They helped to instill the mythic qualities of the cowboy in American cinema. Th is powerhouse program focuses on the friendship of John Wayne and John Ford, beg inning with their first meeting in 1928 and spanning their collaboration over 13 0 pictures, 14 of which were made without a contract-unheard of in 21st-century Hollywood. The program analyzes chiefly their work in Stagecoach and Red River,

as well as Fort Apache, one of the first pro-Native American films, and The Alam o, which Wayne directed. Their efforts in World War II-Wayne's at home, Ford's a broad-and the war's effect on their later work are also considered. An ideal res ource for the American film historian. (28 minutes, color and b&w)</td><td>2002< /td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3458_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3458_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33150</td><td>The Myth of the Holy Grail</td><td>The Holy Gr ail may be history's most legendary artifact, but did it ever really exist and, if so, was it a chalice or something very different? Filmed at key locations in England and France, this program follows the intriguing efforts of two modern-da y Grail hunters, providing along the way a concise account of the Grail story, i ts role in Arthurian legend, and its enduring fascination. Dramatic reenactments , paintings, and original manuscripts are blended with commentary from scholars, archaeologists, and experts, including Graham Phillips, author of The Search fo r the Grail, and Henry Lincoln, author of Key to the Secret Pattern and co-autho r of Holy Blood, Holy Grail. (47 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3459_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3459_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33676</td><td>The Mythic Camera of Frank Hurley</td><td>One of the last of the renowned imperial adventurers, Frank Hurley captured the firs t images ever seen of some of the world's most inhospitable and uncharted territ ories. But historians now know that some of "Captain Hurley's" photos were elabo rate concoctions-and a few were outright fakes. This stimulating program follows Hurley's footsteps in the early 1900s to the Antarctic, Belgium, Papua New Guin ea, Israel, and Australia to see if he was a giant of photography or a conjurer with a camera. His snapshots of Antarctic heroes, world wars, and mysterious nat ives in faraway jungles seized the imagination of all who saw them. But were tho se images transformed in the darkroom to the level of myth? (53 minutes)</td><td >2004</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3460_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3460_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30230</td><td>Mythical Tunes of Biwa: Yoshiko Sakata</td><td >The biwa, a pear-shaped, wooden lute, is played using a triangular plectrum. Wi th no structured tuning, the instrument is adjusted to complement the player's v oice, allowing for a highly personalized music. This program showcases the sound s of one of Japan's oldest stringed instruments through performances by Yoshiko Sakata, a noted biwa player and composer who plays both traditional songs and or iginal compositions. (48 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3461_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3461_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9102</td><td>The Mythology of Star Wars with George Lucas an d Bill Moyers</td><td>The struggle between heroes and villains and the influence of a higher force are the essence of mythology and resonate within all cultures , providing storytellers with a natural framework for spinning tales. In this pr ogram, George Lucas discusses his efforts to tell old myths in new ways, the rol e of faith in his own life, and the influence of his mentor, Joseph Campbell. Us ing extensive film clips from the Star Wars saga, the discussion explores how th e continuing battle between the forces of light and darkness is best waged when we believe in a force greater than ourselves. Lucas says that Star Wars is ultim ately about a quest for personal transformation and that key to this journey is a deep faith and an appreciation for friendship, honor, and trust. (57 minutes)< /td><td>1999</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3462_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3462_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10004</td><td>Myths about Madness: Challenging Stigma and Ch anging Attitudes</td><td>Fear and misunderstanding are major roadblocks on the p ath to effective community care for people with mental illnesses. This concise t raining tool exposes the myths surrounding afflictions of the mind and challenge s discrimination against the mentally ill. Interviews with mental health profess ionals, journalists, researchers, and people who have themselves been through th e mental health system raise questions about the public's attitude toward mental illness. In addition, people diagnosed with mental health problems speak candid ly about the stigmatizing impact of living with a label. (23 minutes)</td><td>19 98</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3463_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3463_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5346</td><td>N. Scott Momaday</td><td>N. Scott Momaday is th e most widely published and read of the Native American writers, and the recipie nt of the most valued awards and prizes for both his poetry and his prose. A Ph. D. in English literature, he has combined his study of Western literature with t he themes as well as the structures of his Kiowa Indian heritage. Here, Momaday discusses what it means to a Native American to be an American citizen, and reve als the artist, thinker, and imaginative creator behind (or perhaps at the core of) his impressive and important body of work. (45 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td >45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3464_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3464_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr>

<td>32923</td><td>Name Brand Counterfeiting: A Global Economic C risis</td><td>Cheap lookalikes of popular goods are flooding the world's markets , depriving legitimate manufacturers of hundreds of billions of dollars each yea r. This eye-opening expose follows the anti-counterfeit investigators of Cartier and BIC from their headquarters to New York and Nigeria and then on to China as they hurry to trace and stop the flow of illegal goods at the source. But bring ing injunctions and carrying out raids against the many vendors, Internet mercha nts, and wholesalers require time, which is not on their side. Every day, inferi or fakes are siphoning off sales while tarnishing their products' reputations fo r high quality. (53 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3465_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3465_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2250</td><td>Nanook Revisited</td><td>Robert Flaherty's Nano ok of the North created the very genre of film documentary, with its documentati on of Nanook the Inuit and the Eskimo traditions which were even then being thre atened by the influences of whites. This program revisits the site of Flaherty's filming, and learns that he staged much of what he filmed, sired children to wh ose future he paid no heed, and is himself now part of Inuit myth. (60 minutes)< /td><td>1990</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3466_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3466_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9174</td><td>Napoleon Bonaparte</td><td>"They may try to wri te me out, suppress me, or alter the facts, but it will be difficult to make me disappear altogether." A military and political leader passionately driven by am bition and possessed of a genius for rallying the French people to his cause, Na poleon Bonaparte is not likely to be forgotten. Filmed at historic locations ran ging from Corsica to Egypt and from Spain to Moscow, this epic program tracks th e course of events surrounding that peerless figure in French history who took o n all of Europe-and very nearly won. (2 parts, 53 minutes and 57 minutes)</td><t d>1999</td><td>104</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3467_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3467_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9177</td><td>The Napoleonic Wars</td><td>At a time when revo lutionary France was assailed from all sides, there emerged a young military off icer whose genius and ambition assured him of great fame-and notoriety. In this program, Dr. David Chandler-world-renowned authority on the Emperor Napoleon and author of The Campaigns of Napoleon-provides full commentary on the strategies and tactics of the Napoleonic Wars. Large-scale reenactments bring to life the m ilitary campaigns that so strongly influenced a century of European history. Map s, hundreds of images and paintings, and analyses of the weapons used by the opp osing armies also contribute to this thorough examination of the Napoleonic era. (31 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>30</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3468_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3468_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>2896</td><td>Napoleon's Wallpaper (Arsenic)</td><td>This pro gram provides a neat chemical answer to a small historical mystery: Who poisoned Napoleon? In 1950, a sample of Napoleon's hair was analyzed and found to contai n high levels of arsenic. This in turn led to a conspiracy theory about Napoleon 's murder. The program explains arsenic's reputation as the "inheritance powder" and shows how testing for arsenic is done; it explains the connection between S cheele's green or copper arsenite, its use on wallpaper, and numerous mysterious deaths; and it demystifies the mystery. The program shows the test used on a sc rap of Napoleon's wallpaper to determine what had been on it; historical researc h into the conditions of Napoleon's incarceration supplied the remaining details to justify the conclusion that Napoleon died, not as the result of a conspiracy , but because dampness made his wallpaper lethal. (26 minutes)</td><td>1991</td> <td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3469_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3469_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>38792</td><td>Narcolepsy</td><td>At various moments througho ut the day, people with narcolepsy experience a sudden urge to sleep. If the urg e becomes overwhelming, they may sleep for periods lasting from a few seconds to several minutes. This program examines the chronic neurological disorder and it s connection to the brain's inability to regulate the correct times for sleeping and waking. Illustrating the profoundly debilitating aspects of the condition-w hich makes basic activities like driving, typing, and even conversing with other s extremely difficult-the program presents case studies and expert interviews. D r. Richard Bogan of SleepMed and Dr. Todd Swick of the Houston Sleep Center are featured. (28 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3470_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3470_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9288</td><td>Narcotics</td><td>This video presents a profile of narcotics as a class of drugs and then spotlights opium, codeine, morphine, and heroin. Expert commentary is provided by a pharmacist, a nurse, police offic ers, addiction counselors, a historian, recovering addicts, and others. Together , they discuss the history and biological effects of narcotics, scrutinizing the ir use, abuse, and hazards through case studies and personal experience. A Cambr idge Educational Production. (29 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3471_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3471_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></

td> </tr><tr> <td>35420</td><td>Narrating Modernity: Writers of the Mid-20th C entury</td><td>The mid-20th century was an era of large-scale and often tragical ly violent political shifts which completely changed the face of Latin American life-and art. As this program demonstrates, the rise of military dictatorships a nd authoritarian regimes forced a reassessment of issues that had been problemat ic since Latin American countries gained their independence. These dilemmas brou ght intense pressure on social institutions and energized the works of Jorge Lui s Borges, Octavio Paz, Pablo Neruda, Roberto Arlt, Cesar Vallejo, Alejo Carpenti er, Silvina Ocampo, and Juan Carlos Onetti. The significance of the Rio de la Pl ata region and Angel Rama's concept of narrative transculturation also inform th e discussion. An FFH&S/Tranquilo Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>5 0</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3472_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3472_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37458</td><td>Narrating Modernity: Writers of the Mid-20th C entury-Spanish with Optional English Subtitles</td><td>The mid-20th century was an era of large-scale and often tragically violent political shifts which comple tely changed the face of Latin American life-and art. As this program demonstrat es, the rise of military dictatorships and authoritarian regimes forced a reasse ssment of issues that had been problematic since Latin American countries gained their independence. These dilemmas brought intense pressure on social instituti ons and energized the works of Jorge Luis Borges, Octavio Paz, Pablo Neruda, Rob erto Arlt, Cesar Vallejo, Alejo Carpentier, Silvina Ocampo, and Juan Carlos Onet ti. The significance of the Rio de la Plata region and Angel Rama's concept of n arrative transculturation also inform the discussion. An FFH&S/Tranquilo Product ion. (Spanish with optional English subtitles, 50 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td> 52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3473_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3473_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7512</td><td>Nathaniel Hawthorne</td><td>For many, The Scarl et Letter represents the pinnacle of 19th-century literature. In this program, t hree leading Hawthorne scholars use the novel and several Hawthorne short storie s to explore issues of interpretation and literary analysis. Each work is discus sed in relation to American culture and political events. Significant details of Hawthorne's life are also illuminated. Experts include Millicent Bell, a leadin g Hawthorne scholar; Professor Larry Reynolds, President of the Hawthorne Societ y; and Professor Brenda Wineapple, author of a biography on Hawthorne. (29 minut es)</td><td>1998</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3474_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3474_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr>

<td>10200</td><td>Nathaniel Hawthorne: "Young Goodman Brown"</td ><td>Was there evil lurking in the gloomy New England woods the night that young Goodman Brown went on his secret errand? Or did he bring the evil with him, loc ked within his own heart? This program features an outstanding adaptation of Nat haniel Hawthorne's classic tale-shot on location in historic Salem-that deftly c aptures the story's mystery and menace. In addition, a discussion of the life of Hawthorne and the Salem witch trials provides the historical context for this d ark gem of American fiction. (43 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>43</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3475_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3475_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3377</td><td>Nation of Immigrants</td><td>The great immigrat ion from Europe ended in the 1920s. Today these descendants of the immigrants ar e trying to rediscover their heritage. How do they now view the Old World? And h ow do they view America's future? (52 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>52</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3476_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3476_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32902</td><td>A Nation Returns: Germany</td><td>A neo-Nazi s kinhead thinks democracy is unnatural; a typical liberal prefers to be a citizen of the world; a far-right office holder fantasizes about his hard-working, disc iplined, Aryan fatherland. This program looks at Germany reunified: while there was an East/West, communist/capitalist split, Germans could forget about nationa lism, which is now back with a vengeance. The liberals, we discover, don't like the Germany they have, while the neo-Nazis love a Germany that doesn't exist; af ter 45 years of longing for reunification, the two Germanys hardly recognize one another. (50 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3477_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3477_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35212</td><td>The National D-Day Museum: Triumph of the Spir it</td><td>Powerful and poignant, this program features the National D-Day Museu m in New Orleans, which honors the sacrifices and triumphs of the American men a nd women who served in World War II and celebrates the American spirit. From the Normandy coast to the beaches of the Pacific, from the frontlines to the home f ront, the program presents the war in human terms through the personal stories a nd artifacts of those who participated in this epic defense against tyranny. A v iewable/printable educator's guide is available online. (27 minutes)</td><td>200 3</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3478_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3478_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35221</td><td>National Museum of Women in the Arts: A Woman' s Touch</td><td>The National Museum of Women in the Arts is home to the world's most important collection of artwork by women. Set against a backdrop of masterp ieces ranging from the Dutch baroque to abstract expressionist and beyond, this program sheds light on the marginalization and suppression of female artists thr oughout most of Western history, the egalitarian nature of artistic expression, and the long-overdue recognition of women artists that began during the 20th cen tury. A viewable/printable educator's guide is available online. (28 minutes)</t d><td>2002</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3479_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3479_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32899</td><td>Nationalism: Blood and Belonging</td><td>The R ise of Ethnic MovementsThe key narrative of the new world order is the disintegr ation of nation states into ethnic civil war; the key figures of that order are a new generation of warlords; the key language is that of ethnic nationalism. Th is series examines the true nature of nationalism, its sentimentality and persua siveness, its roots and rootedness. It shows the warlord as his people's protect or, who kills the enemy to protect his own innocents. For those who choose to le arn from history instead of repeating it, these programs should be required view ing.6-part series, 50 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3480_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3480_l blPrice">$779.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7052</td><td>The Nationalists</td><td>This program examines how liberal ideas from the French Revolution fueled the fires of European nation alism, and how extreme nationalistic beliefs led to World War I. In Germany, Cha ncellor Otto von Bismarck constructed the philosophical and political framework for a unified Germany, steeped in the mythology of a German super-race and its d estiny: to rule Europe. Serbians, inflamed by nationalism, assassinated Austrian Archduke Ferdinand, and Germany, as Austria's ally, declared war on Russia, and subsequently on Britain and France. (25 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>25</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3481_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3481_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>31994</td><td>Native American Artists</td><td>This classic s ix-part series, which aired on PBS during the nation&#8217;s bicentennial, exami nes the careers of some of the most talented Native American artists of the Sout hwest as they were unfolding at that time. The many examples of their work, comb ined with intimate glimpses of Indian cultures, make each program a valuable tim e capsule of an era when Native American art first began to attract the attentio

n of the mainstream modern art community both in the U.S. and around the world. Rod McKuen narrates. 6-part series, 29 minutes each.</td><td>1976</td><td>&nbsp; </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3482_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3482_l blPrice">$539.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8693</td><td>The Native Americans</td><td>This program explo res the many similarities among tribal nations, including a profound respect for nature, myth, and tradition; matriarchal governance; a communal lifestyle; a be lief in an afterlife; and the use of pictographs, symbols, and patterns rather t han an alphabet-based language. Also featured are brief scenes of re-created war fare: the French and Iroquois vs. the British as a part of the Seven Years' War and the Sioux and Cheyenne vs. the U.S. cavalry at Little Bighorn. The Native Am ericans' near-extinction-brought on by contact with non-indigenous peoples-is di scussed, along with the renewal of Native American culture demonstrated by prese nt generations. (47 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3483_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3483_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>12107</td><td>Native Americans: Celebrating Traditions</td>< td>Once forced to hide their heritage, Native Americans now enjoy both an accept ance and a celebration of their history and culture. By presenting the experienc es of Native Americans from a wide array of fields including artisans, performer s, and teachers, this program shows how many tribes are returning to the traditi ons and spirituality of their ancestors. Among those interviewed are Kevin Locke , award-winning Native American vocalist; Wilma Mankiller, the first woman in mo dern history to lead a tribe; and Richard West, Director of the Smithsonian Inst itution's National Museum of the American Indian. (30 minutes)</td><td>2001</td> <td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3484_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3484_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32681</td><td>Natural Born Heroes</td><td>This program exami nes arguably the most human instinct of all: the instinct to protect, which, com bined with other qualities, prompts people to risk everything for the sake of ot hers. Three gripping stories-a mother who wrestled a cougar to save her son, a s oldier who braved enemy fire to rescue a comrade, and two men who helped a woman in a wheelchair escape the collapse of the World Trade Center-are spotlighted. The effect of the familial gene pool on the impulse for self-sacrifice is consid ered as well, along with the role of mirror neurons in promoting empathy and a b ent for fair play shared by humans and vampire bats alike. A BBCW Production. (5 0 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3485_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3485_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8181</td><td>The Nature of Biology: An Introduction</td><td> Why study biology? What's it all about? Why does it matter? This is the video th at helps answer these common questions about biology. Images from the natural wo rld reinforce the sense of wonder and excitement involved in studying life scien ce. Interviews with science professionals help viewers appreciate the impact and value of biology in society. The program is organized around the general themes of biology: Diversity of Life, Heredity, Cells, Interdependence of Life, Flow o f Matter and Energy, and Evolution of Life. Through exploring these themes, stud ents gain an understanding of the principles and values of life science. An upbe at introduction to the study of the living environment. A great way to begin a c lass in the life sciences! A Cambridge Educational Production. One 30-minute vid eo.</td><td>1995</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3486_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3486_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>31279</td><td>The Nature of Business: Partnering with the En vironment</td><td>As corporations continue to think globally, the rapidly deteri orating state of the environment is demanding that they act locally-now. This pr ogram brings together the president of the World Bank and visionary corporate le aders to map out a plan for a sustainable future that everyone can live with. Br itish Petroleum, an industry giant committed to reducing greenhouse gases; the O tto Group, a German conglomerate that factors environmental protection and socia l responsibility into all processes and decisions; and Interface, an American co mmercial interior furnishings company dedicated to sustainable development and f ighting waste, are featured. (28 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3487_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3487_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34276</td><td>The Nature of Fire</td><td>A fire needs heat, fuel, and oxygen. This Science Screen Report examines that triangle of ingredien ts, and how scientists study it in order to combat-or harness-fire. With detaile d examples of firefighting techniques, the program demonstrates the removal of h eat from a class A blaze through the use of water or sprayed polymers, and the e limination of oxygen, a strategy used in fighting oil fires. The video concludes with a focus on the internal combustion engine and the oxyacetylene torch, two technological achievements that transform fire into a tool. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to National Science Educatio n Standards. Produced in association with the Accreditation Board for Engineerin g and Technology and the Junior Engineering Technical Society. (22 minutes)</td> <td>2004</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3488_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3488_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35345</td><td>Nature's Chemistry</td><td>The natural world i s an excellent chemistry classroom. This program shows how naturally occurring c hemical compounds inspire scientists to push the boundaries of communication and production technology. Entering the insect world, the video explains how bees, butterflies, and other creatures have developed sophisticated methods of communi cating and detecting sensory information, and how alternative versions of these systems have been created in laboratories. The chemical makeup of printer's ink and tire rubber-as well as the manufacturing of computer chips-are also shown to be heavily influenced by our understanding of natural substances. (28 minutes)< /td><td>2004</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3489_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3489_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33389</td><td>Nature's Cleaners: Balancing the Biosphere</td ><td>Arguably the most basic law of the biosphere is this: waste matter must be recycled into fresh building blocks if life is to continually renew itself. To i llustrate this principle, this program, divided into 10-minute segments for easy inclusion into lectures, features close-up photography of carrion beetles reduc ing a rat carcass, pill bugs and worms turning leaves into humus, dung beetles d ealing with animal droppings, microorganisms decontaminating sewage at a wastewa ter treatment plant, and bacteria devouring industrial pollutants. Viewed togeth er, these five very visual episodes underscore the interconnectedness of all liv ing things. (51 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3490_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3490_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37528</td><td>Neanderthal: The Rebirth</td><td>Approximately 30,000 years after the last Neanderthals vanished from Europe, this documentary brings them back to life. Combining computer imaging, knowledge from excavated skeletal pieces, and a meticulous sculptural process, the program showcases an a stonishing physical reconstruction that embodies almost everything cumulatively known about Neanderthals-their musculature, the way they moved, even the tone an d volume of their voices. Dr. John Shea of Stony Brook University explains Neand erthal hunting techniques; Dr. Ralph Holloway of Columbia University sheds light on their brain capacity; and Dr. Clive Finlayson of the Gibraltar Museum descri bes climate changes that may have contributed to their extinction. Many other ex perts are also featured. A BBCW Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>50 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3491_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3491_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14460</td><td>Negative Behavior, Positive Discipline</td><td

>Parents often discipline their children the only way they know how-the way they were raised. Although many of the methods result in positive behavior, others p roduce less desirable outcomes. This program shows parents and educators how to positively discipline children in a manner that makes the child more self-confid ent instead of less self-reliant-it puts the responsibility of positive behavior on the child as well as the parent. Interviews with child psychologists, parent s, teachers, and children are interspersed with short vignettes that show how to implement the various steps and principles covered in the video. Specific topic s include: What is positive discipline?; Positive discipline vs. the way our par ents did it; Behavior goals; Natural and logical sequences; Encouragement vs. ov erindulgent praise; Birth order and discipline. This program helps parents creat e a structured and consistent behavioral environment that children will accept a nd appreciate. A Cambridge Educational Production. (25 minutes)</td><td>1995</td ><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3492_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3492_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31496</td><td>Neruda: Let Me Sing for You-in Spanish with En glish Subtitles</td><td>Nicknamed "The Emperor of the Stage," Franklin Caicedo h as applied his remarkable talents to create a one-man show that movingly evokes the spirit of Chile's greatest poet, Pablo Neruda. In this program, Caicedo is f ilmed onstage, with students in a park, and at a variety of other venues as he d ramatically recites "The Words," "Not Only Fire," "I Like You When You Are Silen t," "Self-Portrait," "The Question," The Dead Woman," "Farewell," "Saddest Poem, " "Letter on My Travels," and other selections from Neruda's oeuvre. (Spanish wi th English subtitles, 41 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3493_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3493_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>831</td><td>The Nervous System: Nerves at Work</td><td>This program looks at nerve signals and how they are transmitted. It looks at the par t played by nerve messages in reflex activities and at both the chemical and ele ctrical activities of networks of nerve cells in contact. (26 minutes)</td><td>1 984</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3494_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3494_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>7849</td><td>Neurotic, Stress-Related, and Somatoform Disord ers</td><td>This program, filmed in the U.K., discusses the following disorders and their differential diagnoses: phobic anxiety; anxiety; obsessive-compulsive disorder, from minor to acute; stress reactions and adjustment; and dissociative disorders. Sub-disorders discussed include Korsakov's syndrome; agoraphobia and social phobia; generalized anxiety and mixed-anxiety-and-depressive disorder; p anic disorder; and post-traumatic stress syndrome. Patients suffering from each disorder exhibit the various symptoms in interviews conducted by psychiatrists.

(45 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3495_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3495_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29047</td><td>Never Again? Genocide Since the Holocaust</td> <td>After the atrocities of World War II, the cry of conscience was "never again !" As this program demonstrates, that bitterly learned injunction went unheeded throughout much of the world. The chronicle of genocide continues with a look at Mao's purges in China, Cambodia under Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge, the Arab/Israeli c onflict, border wars in Pakistan and Bangladesh, and killing in Central America. Guests include Dr. Ben Kiernan, Genocide Studies Program director at Yale Unive rsity; Pierre-Richard Prosper, Special Counsel and Policy Advisor to U.S. Ambass ador at Large for War Crimes Issues; and Sophal Leng Stagg, Cambodian survivor a nd author of Hear Me Now: Tragedy in Cambodia. Viewer discretion is advised. (57 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3496_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3496_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11263</td><td>Never the Same Again: Wealth-Building, 1497 to 1851</td><td>This program, hosted by Peter Jay, focuses on Europe's hunger for wealth as it relates to the exploitation of the New World and the First Industri al Revolution. Expert commentary on the Aztec civilization, Europe's bullion fam ine, England's cottage industries, and expanding markets in North America-combin ed with the prescient writings of Daniel DeFoe and Bernard de Mandeville-lay the groundwork for a deep understanding of modern economics. The lesson? Spanish pl under, unproductively invested, was soon depleted, whereas British commercial en terprise paved the way for sustainable economic growth. A BBC Production. (52 mi nutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3497_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3497_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6660</td><td>New Approaches to Costing</td><td>In the first case study, a hospital employs a radical new approach to determining the cost of hospital care by tracing all costs back to individual patients. In a separate b ut related case study, a telecommunications company changes from a traditional a pproach of allocating overheads to a new system of activity-based costing. (28 m inutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3498_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3498_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr>

<td>30460</td><td>New Blood</td><td>With transfusion-related cas es of AIDS and hepatitis and the growing threat of mad cow disease, the blood su pply faces new threats. This program chronicles the last fifteen years in the hi story of blood science, assessing current safety levels and examining future opt ions, such as synthetic plasma. As the program makes clear, compared to Europe o r Asia, American blood is very safe but expensive and in short supply. Among tho se interviewed are Dr. Karl Krieger, a heart surgeon at New York's Presbyterian Hospital who is well-known for his efforts in reducing the need for blood during open-heart surgery, and broadcaster Cory Dubin, founding member of the Committe e of 10,000, a coalition of hemophiliacs infected with HIV from their medication s. (58 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3499_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3499_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34012</td><td>New Directions: The Fight Against Cancer</td>< td>This program illustrates the excitement and frustration inherent in cancer re search, and outlines the steps by which drugs are tested for safety and effectiv eness. Dr. Randy Noelle, professor of microbiology and immunology at Dartmouth M edical School, and Dr. Richard Stone of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute focus o n the recruitment of patients for clinical trials and the procedures in place to maximize their safety. Highlighting promising new treatments and the FDA's fast -track approval process, New Directions offers a revealing look at the present a nd future of cancer treatment. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Production. (57 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3500_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3500_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7073</td><td>The New England Transcendentalists</td><td>Expe rt interviews, dramatic re-creations at Walden Pond, and readings from major wor ks are used to explore the evolution of the American Transcendentalist Movement in the early 19th century. The lives and writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margar et Fuller, and Henry David Thoreau are examined to discover the spiritual founda tions for America's first authentic literary voice. Experts include Harvard Univ ersity Professor Lawrence Buell, University of South Carolina Professor Joel Mye rson, and the authors of three current biographies on Emerson, Fuller, and Thore au. (27 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3501_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3501_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32759</td><td>The New Face of Leprosy: Healing Bodies, Openi ng Minds</td><td>Multidrug therapy can cure leprosy, stop its transmission, and prevent disfigurement. However, the disease will not be eradicated until early d iagnosis and easy access to treatment become the norm-and heightened awareness c ompletely replaces fear with facts. This compassionate program uses case studies from India, Ethiopia, Brazil, and Japan to illustrate the symptoms of leprosy,

pharmaceutical treatment, and corrective surgery. In addition, it movingly addre sses the rejection, isolation, and violation of human rights that generally have been the lot of leprosy patients. Initiatives such as Father Marian Zelazek's K arunalaya Leprosy Care Center are spotlighted. (49 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td >49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3502_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3502_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34921</td><td>The New Family</td><td>Can the American family be defined? Today's isolated nuclear families, some with unmarried or same-sex parents, challenge traditional notions. This video explores the evolution of new family types and what they mean for the future. (22 minutes)</td><td>2000</td>< td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3503_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3503_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32138</td><td>New Fears for Food</td><td>"We want more, and make it quick!" That's the message the food industry is hearing as it scrambles to keep up with consumer demand. Some innovations have proved successful, but ot hers-especially in the areas of mass production and automated processing-have op ened the door to dangerous contamination. That's why this timely three-part seri es is so valuable. It explains the risks and possible remedies in a lively yet l evel-headed way, to help students replace their fears with facts. A viewable/pri ntable instructor's guide for the series is available online. Correlates to the Health National Standards from the Joint Committee for National School Health Ed ucation and the American Cancer Society and the National Content Standards for H ealth according to the American School Health Association. A Cambridge Education al Production. 3-part series, 17-19 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3504_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3504_l blPrice">$269.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34982</td><td>The New Food Pyramid</td><td>When it comes to nutrition today, one size doesn't fit all. That's why the USDA created MyPyramid , a food guidance system that emphasizes a more individualized approach to impro ving diet and overall physical fitness. After watching this video, your students will have a clear understanding of the food pyramid's history, the six themes i ncorporated into the MyPyramid system, the main components of MyPyramid, and how people like themselves can make this updated food pyramid a part of their life. Solid information delivered by nutrition experts from Princeton University and elsewhere and supported by onscreen diagrams, lists, and fun facts make The New Food Pyramid an indispensable part of any health-related video collection. A vie wable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to National H ealth Education Standards for Achieving Health Literacy. A Meridian Production. Recommended for grades 7-12. (22 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>21</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3505_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3505_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11343</td><td>The New Generation: Vietnamese-Americans Today </td><td>Through candid interviews with first- and second-generation VietnameseAmericans, this program documents the process of assimilation into American cult ure of refugees from the former Republic of Vietnam. Vu-Duc Vuong, of the Univer sity of California, Berkeley, as well as college students, professionals, and cl ergy explore what it means to be of Vietnamese descent in America today. Topics include stresses on the family unit caused by cultural and generational differen ces, gang membership and drug abuse among the young, anti-Vietnamese racial bias , and feelings about relations between the U.S. and Vietnam. (33 minutes)</td><t d>2000</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3506_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3506_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10842</td><td>The New Global Economics: A Real-World Guide</ td><td>Using nations of the European Union, Singapore, and New Zealand as models , this comprehensive 10-part series provides numerous case studies to analyze ho w economies must adapt in order to prosper in a rapidly changing world. What les sons in economic theory and monetary policy can America learn from the restructu ring going on in Europe and around the globe? 10-part series, 30 minutes each.</ td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3507_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3507_l blPrice">$899.50<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37435</td><td>The New Green Revolution</td><td>What will it take to create an eco-friendly global economy? This program addresses the financ ial, technological, and organizational obstacles that must be overcome before hu man society and planet Earth can truly coexist. Drawn from the series Ethical Ma rkets: Growing the Green Economy (item #37184) and futurist Hazel Henderson's bo ok by the same title, the program contains powerful insights from engineers, ene rgy experts, venture capitalists, and product development specialists-all of who m are committed to building a greener world. Interviews with Tradelink president Keith Bronstein, National Venture Capital Association president Mark Heeson, Cl eantech chairman Nicholas Parker, and many others enliven the discussion. (59 mi nutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3508_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3508_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>32212</td><td>A New History of the World</td><td>Is there su ch a thing as a just war? Is terrorism ever morally acceptable? And can ancient art change the current view of history? This program investigates these and othe r questions with political philosopher Michael Walzer, who examines the origins of modern terrorism; classicist Glen Bowersock, whose study of ancient mosaics i s helping him deepen his understanding of great conquests from antiquity; and Ol eg Grabar, a historian of Islamic art, who discusses the religious and political volatility of the Dome of the Rock. In addition, Kirk Varnedoe, formerly of New York's Museum of Modern Art, talks about Jackson Pollock and what exactly makes modern art so modern. (57 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3509_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3509_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32966</td><td>The New Leap Forward: The Chinese Communist Pa rty in the 21st Century</td><td>Thanks to reforms first enacted by Jiang Zemin a nd others, Chinese communism has adopted some remarkably capitalistic ideologies . This landmark program documents the transformation of the Chinese Communist Pa rty as, in its efforts to advance the nation's manufacturing power and extend th e benefits of Party membership, it inducts a previously banned member segment: p rivate entrepreneurs. But can the new Communist Party still be called Marxist? ( 52 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3510_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3510_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>843</td><td>A New Life</td><td>This program looks at the eve nts that lead from the fertilized cell to a human baby. Using film of living fet uses in the womb, it explains how the familiar human shape is "sculpted" out of the basic cell mass, what controls the timing of the various stages of fetal dev elopment, and what life is like for a fetus. (26 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>2 8</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3511_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3511_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>5981</td><td>The New Living Body</td><td>How does the human body work? What advances have been made in medicine which enable us to understan d the human body better? These programs provide a comprehensive answer to both q uestions in this ten-part series. Filmed in the United States and Great Britain, these programs were all produced in 1995 and contain valuable information for t he study of human anatomy and physiology.Each program contains three major eleme nts:o Live-action video showing the human body in action, often under experiment al conditions, putting the theme of each program into context.o Advanced imaging technology is used, including x-rays, radioisotope and ultrasound scans, fiber optics, MRIs, and video of surgery. These techniques provide unparalleled glimps es into the inner workings of the body.o Three-dimensional computer graphics pro vide easy-to-understand illustrations of processes and functions which are diffi

cult to see otherwise.10-part series, 20 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&n bsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3512_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3512_l blPrice">$899.50<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10429</td><td>New Markets, New Challenges</td><td>How can Am erican employees compete against super-low-wage, no-benefits workers abroad? How can corporations call themselves American while outsourcing large pieces of the ir business overseas? And how can American companies deal with labor practices i n other countries that would be proscribed in the U.S.? In this Fred Friendly Se minar moderated by Harvard Law School's Charles Ogletree, a 14-member panel incl uding corporate executives from around the world, international financiers, and human rights and union activists explore the growing trend toward global busines s using the imaginary emerging-market nation of Xanadu. Panelists include Robert Hormats, vice chairman of Goldman Sachs International; Govindasamy Rajasekaran, secretary general of the Malaysian Trades Union Congress; Henry Schacht, chairm an of the executive committee of Cummins Engine Company; and Norbert Walter, chi ef economist of Deutsche Bank Group. (57 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>57</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3513_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3513_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34935</td><td>The New Pediatrics</td><td>Corporate medicine is rapidly replacing the traditional family practice. This video provides today' s parents with information and support in navigating the confusing new world of health care. (22 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3514_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3514_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33546</td><td>A New Saint, A New Art</td><td>St. Francis of Assisi revolutionized Christianity in 13th-century Tuscany with his down-to-eart h belief that poverty, chastity, and obedience should shape an individual's rela tionship with God. By going back to Christ's original message, he played a pivot al role in the genesis of the Renaissance. This poignant program investigates ho w St. Francis's infusion of emotion and nature into the Christian mainstream ins pired artists of the period to produce naturalistic depictions of him that were full of action and feeling. Interviews with Monsignor Timothy Verdon, art histor ian at Canon Florence Duomo; Franciscan Friar Maurice Richard; and Alexander Nag el, art historian at the University of Toronto, are featured. (49 minutes)</td>< td>2004</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3515_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3515_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30657</td><td>The New Suburbia</td><td>Neo-traditionalism or New Urbanism attempts to recapture the small town milieu of yesteryear. This pr ogram visits three paradigms of this architectural school. Built from scratch, F lorida's Seaside is the prototype, the first town designed by world-renowned urb an planners Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk and Andres Duany. Constructed along centurie s-old lines, Poundbury is a modern extension of the town of Dorset, England. And McKenzie Towne in Calgary, also by Plater-Zyberk and Duany, is a continuation o f the Seaside idea customized for Canada. Interviews with Plater-Zyberk and Duan y complement this detailed tour of tomorrow's traditional communities. (24 minut es)</td><td>1999</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3516_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3516_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34014</td><td>The New World of Fitness and Recreation</td><t d>This Science Screen Report explores the growing importance of science in sport s and recreation. The program shows how technological research fuels athletic ac hievement and profoundly influences equipment and facility design, and the ways in which robotics, computers, and high-speed cameras are enabling humans to inte ract with our planet's different environments. Clearly demonstrating a wide rang e of advances, The New World of Fitness and Recreation offers an inspiring view into a surprising intersection of disciplines. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Produced in association with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology and the Junior Engineering Technical Society. (1 5 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3517_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3517_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37159</td><td>New York Divided: Slavery, the Civil War, and King Cotton</td><td>Although slavery was abolished in New York State on July 4th , 1827, America's slave-based cotton trade was not, as bales from the South cont inued to enter New York City for transshipment to Europe. In this program, James Oliver Horton, historian emeritus at the Smithsonian, talks with NewsHour corre spondent Gwen Ifill about slavery's impact on New York City during the first hal f of the 19th century. Economically dependent on King Cotton, it was a place div ided between abolitionism and African-American civil rights on the one hand, and immense commercial profits on the other. The proposed secession of New York Cit y from the United States is addressed. (11 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>12</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3518_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3518_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34170</td><td>New York: The World's City</td><td>To describe

New York City's cultural makeup, the best metaphor is a salad bowl rather than a melting pot. This program follows the Queens #7 subway line through a dazzling array of ethnic communities, each with its own distinct texture and flavor, ill ustrating demographic changes the city has undergone since the early 1990s. Less inclined to learn English and join mainstream society than previous immigrant g enerations, recently arrived New Yorkers are nevertheless part of a long-establi shed pattern-which former Senator Bill Bradley (D-NJ) praises, while New York Se nator Frank Padavan discusses fears that some conservative citizens harbor. (26 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3519_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3519_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34186</td><td>News from the Holy Land: Theory and Practice o f Reporting Conflict</td><td>Is Western media coverage of the Israeli/Palestinia n conflict hindering the peace process? This hard-hitting program says yes, argu ing that news reports focusing on violence without sufficiently addressing the c auses promote bias and polarize public opinion. Examples of TV news stories that could provide a more accurate reflection of what is taking place in Israel and the West Bank-and, by extension, anywhere a vicious cycle of violence exists-are featured. An excellent jumping-off point for a deeper understanding of the comp lexities and nuances of TV journalism and the ongoing violence in the Holy Land. Viewable/printable instructor's notes are available online. (51 minutes)</td><t d>2004</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3520_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3520_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11364</td><td>News Media Convergence: The Key to Synergy or Mediocrity?</td><td>Thanks to favorable regulatory changes and the lure of great er profits, newspapers, broadcasters, and cable outlets are merging in an effort to tap each other's resources in the print, TV, and Internet news arenas. Will merger mania pave the way for faster and more dynamic reportage? Or will a slack ening of competition allow news to become bland and homogeneous? In this program , Al Tompkins, of The Poynter Institute; Bob Haiman, of The Freedom Forum; and o thers air their views with NewsHour correspondent Terence Smith. They also share concerns over the danger to democracy of a free press stripped of editorial div ersity. (14 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3521_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3521_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36970</td><td>The NewsHour: Animals and Insects</td><td>This collection of NewsHour segments examines developments in zoology and agricultur e that are challenging scientists, business leaders, and government officials al ike. With commentary from Lori Williams of the National Invasive Species Council , the program studies a disturbing increase in nonnative and often harmful insec t populations on American soil. North Carolina's sprawling hog farms and their g

rowing waste-disposal problem are also investigated, with input from farmers, th eir neighbors, and EPA officials. Finally, the program offers insights into the 17-year cicada life cycle-featuring an interview with renowned entomologist and University of Maryland professor Mike Raupp. (30 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>3 0</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3522_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3522_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34847</td><td>NewsHour Business Ethics Anthology</td><td>The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer is renowned for its balanced, in-depth reporting. This anthology of NewsHour segments comes to terms with thorny issues of business et hics. Through interviews with key figures and insightful analysis, the anthology blends case studies and background reports to explore the Enron affair, stratos pheric executive compensation, Wall Street irregularities, and other topical bus iness concerns within their broader contexts. The episodes are... CEOs' View of Corporate Ethics: Paul Solman elicits perspectives from CEOs Pete Peterson, Bill George, and Dick Syron on corporate and accounting scandals Executive Perks: Ray Suarez talks with Harvard Business School's Rakesh Khurana, author of Searc hing for a Corporate Savior, and Robin Ferracone, a partner with Mercer Human Re sources Consulting, about the pay and perks of Jack Welch and other CEOs Ethics o f Stock Options: Margaret Warner analyzes the effects of stock options as compen sation for managers and executives with TechNet's Rick White and law professor J ennifer Arlen Executive Pay-The Issues: Paul Solman inquires into the factors tha t influence executive pay Executive Pay-Market Forces: Paul Solman examines wheth er the marketplace truly has a say in determining executive salaries Wealth and D emocracy: Paul Solman analyzes the impact of wealth on democracy with author Kev in Phillips and free market champion Lawrence Kudlow Tricks of the Accounting Tra de: Paul Solman examines short-term accounting gimmicks that businesses sometime s use to inflate earnings reports Accounting Alchemy at Enron: Paul Solman takes a look at the sleight-of-hand accounting that contributed to the rise and fall o f Enron Wall Street Fraud: Terence Smith discusses the implications of a $1-billi on settlement by major Wall Street firms with Jim Cox, professor of corporate an d securities law, and Charles Elson, director of the John L. Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance Mutual Fund Fraud: Margaret Warner investigates unfair mutu al fund management practices such as late trading and market timing with Donald Langevoort, a former special counsel at the SEC, and John Bogle, founder of the Vanguard Group Legislating Ethics: Terence Smith considers Sarbanes-Oxley corpora te reforms with law professor Jim Cox; Nell Minow, editor of the watchdog Web si te The Corporate Library; and The Brookings Institution's Bob Litan Wall Street E thics, Part I: Gwen Ifill reviews the settlement of the lawsuit alleging that Me rrill Lynch misled investors with John McConnell, of the Krannert School of Mana gement; Paul Kedrosky, a former equity analyst at HSBC; and New York Times finan cial writer Gretchen Morgenson Wall Street Ethics, Part II: Margaret Warner exami nes the ways Wall Street investment firms can influence the stock market with Co lumbia Law School's John Coffee; Peter Siris, managing director of Guerilla Capi tal Management; and Stuart Kaswell, general counsel for the Securities Industry Association (3 hours)</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3523_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3523_l blPrice">$249.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>36972</td><td>The NewsHour: Environmental Science</td><td>Wh ether they arise from human causes or forces within planet Earth itself, natural disasters threaten life and civilization with what seems to be growing frequenc y. This album of NewsHour segments studies troubling developments in marine, arc tic, wetland, and urban environments-highlighting research opportunities that ma y help prevent future catastrophes. Coral reef decay, Everglades habitat loss, p olar ice disappearance, and global warming are all analyzed. In addition, the pr ogram looks at earthquake prediction, hurricane and tornado tracking, air pollut ion monitoring, tsunami warning systems, and the cleanup of toxic flood sediment in New Orleans. (112 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>111</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3524_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3524_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36973</td><td>The NewsHour: Human Biology</td><td>Genetic an d neurological research has led to increasingly sophisticated medical capabiliti es-resulting in a growing number of moral and ethical quandaries. This cluster o f NewsHour segments surveys recent milestones in biology-many of which have prod uced as much controversy as insight. Reporting on the newly identified anti-agin g gene SIR2 and the cross-species implantation of stem cells, the program also i nquires into artificial limb technology, the dynamics of the teenage brain, and the storage of environmental toxins in the human body. A visit to the American B ible Belt, including Kentucky's Creationist Museum, highlights the ongoing debat e over human origins. (71 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>71</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3525_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3525_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37178</td><td>NewsHour Medical Ethics and Issues Anthology</ td><td>A respected source of balanced, first-rate journalism, The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer raises urgent and challenging questions whenever it covers the health care field. This anthology of NewsHour segments confronts ethical dilemmas and c omplex issues in medicine today. Through in-depth reporting and interviews with doctors, nurses, patients, and other experts, the anthology examines case studie s, scientific breakthroughs, and connections between corporate and public policy . The episodes are... * Rising Healthcare Costs: Susan Dentzer explains a 2007 U.S. healthcare spending report projecting a dramatic rise over the next de cade, from $2 trillion to over $4 trillion by 2016. * Uninsured Americans: Susa n Dentzer analyzes a 2006 U.S. Census Bureau report on the number of uninsured A mericans, which has increased by 1.3 million-including 400,000 more children-sin ce 1999. * Longevity and Income: Highlighting medical research that links certa in health risks with low social status, Paul Solman reports on the connection be tween what we earn and how long we live. * A Plan to Insure Everyone: Susan Den tzer clarifies groundbreaking Massachusetts legislation which would allow 99 per cent of individuals in the state to obtain health insurance. * Foreign Country Doctors: Fred de Sam Lazaro studies the increase in doctors from overseas workin g in the U.S. healthcare system-and how American hospitals often can't manage wi thout them. * Medical Mistakes: Up to 98,000 deaths annually can be attributed to errors in U.S. hospitals. Susan Dentzer reports on the 100,000 Lives campaign which aims to prevent those tragedies. * Nurses Denied Training: Why are thous ands of would-be nurses denied affordable training at community colleges while A merica's healthcare providers, facing a shortage, import nurses from abroad? Joh

n Merrow investigates. * Caregivers Struggle with Alzheimer's: Susan Dentzer lo oks at the growing number of patients stricken with Alzheimer's disease and the emotional, physical, and financial burdens placed on their loved ones. * Restru cturing the ER: Studies show that more than half the nation's emergency rooms ar e so overcrowded that they frequently turn patients away. Susan Dentzer sheds li ght on this critical situation. * Risk of Hospital Infections: Ray Suarez inter views Dr. Richard Shannon of the University of Pennsylvania about an alarming st atistic: approximately 100,000 Americans die each year from infections acquired in hospitals. * Changing Face of AIDS: Joined by activists and health professio nals from the U.S. and Africa, Ray Suarez moderates a roundtable on AIDS policy. * Conducting Drug Research in India: Fred de Sam Lazaro visits India, explorin g the controversial decision by many pharmaceutical companies to conduct clinica l trials there. * Debating Drug Company Gifts: Gwen Ifill and two experts discu ss a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association on Big Pharma mar keting tactics-and their effects on patients. * Drug Safety: Margaret Warner in terviews FDA Commissioner Dr. Andrew Von Eschenbach about administrative changes designed to improve oversight of prescription drugs. * Mandatory Cervical Canc er Vaccine Debate: After a background report from Susan Dentzer on the human pap illomavirus, two guests debate mandatory HPV vaccinations for school-age girls. * Pricing Drugs: Ray Suarez focuses on efforts by states to make prescription d rugs more affordable. His guests are Marjorie Powell of PHARMA and Kevin Concann on, director of the Iowa Department of Human Services. * Assisted Suicide: A Ca se Study: Lee Hochberg guides viewers through the U.S. Supreme Court case concer ning Oregon's assisted suicide law; Margaret Warner interviews doctors and activ ists regarding the controversy. * Embryonic Stem Cell Tests: Susan Dentzer stud ies two new techniques for creating stem cells and the ethical and religious con cerns surrounding them. 3 parts, 54 minutes, 55 minutes, and 70 minutes.</td> <td>2007</td><td>185</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3526_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3526_l blPrice">$249.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36971</td><td>The NewsHour: Space Exploration</td><td>In the conquest of space today, it is robots, not humans, who get the glory. This grou p of NewsHour segments describes missions that represent the foreseeable future in space exploration: sensor-filled craft and remotely operated devices going wh ere men and women can't. The program features Deep Impact, a comet-blasting prob e; Cassini-Huygens, pioneer of Saturn's moon Titan; Robonaut, a machine designed to perform human tasks; Ranger, a huge mechanical spider that could conceivably repair the Hubble Space Telescope; the Hubble itself, aging but carrying on; an d the planned Webb Space Telescope, Hubble's eventual successor on the vanguard of deep-space science. (32 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3527_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3527_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36974</td><td>The NewsHour: Technology</td><td>Has the hightech revolution enhanced or inhibited our quality of life? This selection of New sHour segments reveals examples of digital technology applied in both beneficial and potentially destructive ways. The program focuses on LED-based lighting, st ate-of-the-art sports training, nanotechnology for hydrogen fuel cells, and the computer-aided reconstruction of King Tut's true appearance. It also looks at wh

at some experts say are cases of technological overconfidence-such as computeriz ed voting machines and the American military's proposed National Missile Defense System-as well as the dark menagerie of worms and viruses coursing through cybe rspace. (76 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>76</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3528_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3528_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8557</td><td>Newspaper Industry</td><td>In 1923 more than 50 0 American cities had two or more competing daily newspapers, but in the 90s tha t number dwindled to a mere 36. This program spotlights the cross-town rivalry b etween The Denver Post and the Rocky Mountain News, offering insight into some o f the benefits and drawbacks of competition for the same readership. In addition , it provides an engaging overview of America's oldest mass media industry. Some of the topics examined include the continual pressure for newspapers to adapt, the evolution of content, family versus conglomerate ownership, editorial and op erations decision-making, the daily production life cycle, and the role of adver tisers. The program is an excellent tool for understanding where the newspaper i ndustry has been and where it is going. (28 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>28</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3529_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3529_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>14430</td><td>Newton's Laws of Motion</td><td>Isaac Newton's three Laws of Motion are clearly described, using animation and video to illust rate each law at work. This video introduction to Newton's Laws combines creativ e animation with concise narration and a touch of humor. The program is designed to help viewers develop a basic understanding of each law and how it works in t he real world. A number of key physical science terms are introduced and defined : motion, inertia, friction, force, mass, acceleration, and resistance. There's also a brief introduction to Isaac Newton and his contributions to our understan ding of motion. A Cambridge Educational Production. One 10-minute video.</td><td >2001</td><td>9</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3530_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3530_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7683</td><td>The Next Generation</td><td>Experts are increas ingly focusing on prevention efforts based on community and family. This documen tary looks at two of those efforts. One works with parents addicted to heroin by teaching them how to repair the damage to family wrought by drug abuse, and in spite of it, how to raise strong, resilient children. In a second program, vigil ant counselors in Dade County schools watch for kids at risk of becoming drug ad dicts, and offer immediate counseling for those who are already involved with dr ugs. Nicotine addiction is addressed by a program that provides classes designed to prevent students from smoking, and another that helps them stop if they've a lready begun to smoke. School officials, counselors, and students are interviewe

d. The DVD version of this program also includes a special video introduction by Mr. Moyers. (57 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3531_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3531_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5966</td><td>Nicaragua: Del Rojo al Violeta</td><td>This pro gram follows the progress of women's rights and equal employment from the Contra war through the term of former president Violeta Chamorro. A former Sandinista fighter who lost a foot laying mines for the Contras wants the government to giv e her a job; a woman displaced from her job by men returning from the war object s; another whose daughter was murdered by the Somozist Guard wants justice. Doze ns of others tell their stories, as Chamorro defends her coalition government's policies toward women against criticism by feminists, who seek a wider role in p olitical and social decision-making. Also available in English. (58 minutes)Span ish</td><td>1992</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3532_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3532_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7026</td><td>Nicaragua: From Red to Violet</td><td>This prog ram follows the progress of women's rights and equal employment from the Contra war through the term of former president Violeta Chamorro. A former Sandinista f ighter who lost a foot laying mines for the Contras wants the government to give her a job; a woman displaced from her job by men returning from the war objects ; another whose daughter was murdered by the Somozist Guard wants justice. Dozen s of others tell their stories, as Chamorro defends her coalition government's p olicies toward women against criticism by feminists, who seek a wider role in po litical and social decision-making. Also available in Spanish. (58 minutes)Engli sh</td><td>1992</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3533_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3533_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34470</td><td>Nicaragua: Turning Away from Violence</td><td> In Nicaragua, a growing awareness of domestic violence and its consequences has spurred grassroots activism. This program documents the efforts of two groups, t he Xochitl-Acatl Center and the Association of Men Against Violence, both of whi ch confront gender and sexual abuse. Arguing that economic and political oppress ion influence male tendencies to exercise physical authority within the home, th e video describes educational campaigns that build financial self-sufficiency an d self-esteem in both men and women. Interviews with participants feature more t han one success story. (Portions have English subtitles, 26 minutes)</td><td>200 4</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3534_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3534_l

blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7289</td><td>Nietzsche</td><td>Vehement repudiation of Chris tian and liberal ethics; the detestation of democratic ideals; the celebration o f the "superman"; the death of God; and a life-affirming "will to power" are the philosophical legacies of Friedrich Nietzsche. In this program, world-renowned author and professor Bryan Magee and Nietzsche philosopher J. P. Stern discuss t hese concepts as the genesis of existentialism, and as the root philosophies of fascist political movements. A BBC Production. (45 minutes)</td><td>1987</td><td >45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3535_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3535_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35380</td><td>The Night Watch</td><td>When Rembrandt painted Frans Banning Cocq's militia company, he imbued it with all the drama and gravi ty of a major moment in history. This program deftly deconstructs The Night Watc h to understand the many conventions it broke through its suggestions of movemen t, dramatic use of light and perspective, and its very composition; appraises it s value in the hearts of the Dutch; and reveals the terrible damage it has susta ined over the centuries. The story of Banning Cocq's musketeers and Rembrandt's commission to paint them is also told, and The Anatomy Lesson of Doctor Tulp-alo ng with several Night Watch homages and send-ups-is discussed. A BBCW Production . (50 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3536_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3536_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33600</td><td>The Nightingale of Wittenberg</td><td>Congrega tional music during worship owes its origin to Martin Luther, who used it to pro claim his bedrock message of the Protestant Reformation: God's grace as the sole ingredient for salvation. This elegant program explains how Luther changed the mode of public worship by integrating music into the divine service so that all Christians-not just the clergy-could express and celebrate their belief. It also highlights Luther's biography, from his time as a professor of Theology in 1512 at Wittenberg University to his "love for the truth and...desire to elucidate i t" expressed in his 95 Theses five years later. Excommunicated and under the ban of the Emperor, Luther's love of music in Protestant worship never waned. (27 m inutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3537_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3537_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35696</td><td>No Child Left Behind: The Case of City Springs </td><td>The state of Maryland nearly closed underperforming City Springs Elemen tary-until the Baltimore school implemented a rigorous teaching method known as

Direct Instruction. Filmed over an entire school year, this fascinating case stu dy documents the progress made by City Springs students as they struggle to buil d reading and math skills-and their teachers struggle to make D.I. more than a t heoretical concept. Although the year is filled with constant setbacks and chall enges, including wearisome discipline problems and a demoralizing case of vandal ism, the video culminates in statewide exam results that heavily favor City Spri ngs' new strategy. (87 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>88</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3538_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3538_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36187</td><td>No Child Without Motivation</td><td>To prevent children from being left behind, educators must create goals that are integrate d into the skills-building process, not just based on rewarding success. This pr ogram illustrates the impact of both approaches on young learners, monitoring th eir levels of motivation and confidence. Showing how learning-oriented students take on projects based on a desire to expand their abilities-while performance-o riented kids shy away from anything truly challenging-the program demonstrates t he importance of autonomy, or letting a child explore his or her own choices. On e experiment highlights the negative effects of intrusive parental pressure. (42 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>43</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3539_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3539_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37171</td><td>No Colors: Racism and Prejudice in Modern Euro pe</td><td>Racial tension has become a politically explosive and socially divisi ve threat to stability in the European Union. This program looks at the racism a nd xenophobia brought to the surface by a massive influx of foreign workers and job-seekers into Western Europe; it also describes the search for equitable solu tions by moderate EU leaders and citizens. Islamophobia, religious fundamentalis m, the radicalization of young Muslim men, and racism in football (or soccer) ar e all examined. With insight into modern Europe's cultural and political dynamic s, the film presents commentary from Mahmud Al-Rashid of the Muslim Council of B ritain, British National Party spokesperson Colin Smith, European Parliament pre sident Josep Borrell, and everyday people on the street. (27 minutes)</td><td>20 07</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3540_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3540_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35659</td><td>No God But God</td><td>In this program, Robert Winston focuses on monotheism as he continues to examine the building blocks of faith and humankind's quest to plumb the nature of God. Visits to Mt. Sinai, th e Tomb of the Patriarchs, the Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, St . Peter's Basilica, Mecca, and the Abalfazl and Imam Mosques, Isfahan, shed ligh t on the beliefs that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have in common and the is sues that divide them. Featured experts include scholar Zaki Badawi, historian E

lizabeth Lev, authors Jonathan Kirsch and Jack Miles, and Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of Britain. A BBCW Production. (60 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>60</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3541_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3541_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5826</td><td>No More Shame: Understanding Schizophrenia, Dep ression, and Addiction</td><td>These programs examine research about the physiol ogical, psychological, sociological, and cultural aspects of these disorders and their treatments. Each program highlights real people with these illnesses and their treatments and features leading experts in each field. The goal of these p rograms is to explain what we do and do not know about each of these conditions, as well as to destigmatize the disorders by presenting them in the context of t he same research process that is applied to all medical disorders.3-part series, 21-24 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3542_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3542_l blPrice">$269.85<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33086</td><td>No Rest for the Weary: The Cultural Revolution and Its Origins</td><td>From World War II until Mao's death in 1976, the Chines e faced recurring hardships, the Cultural Revolution perhaps the most damaging t o their traditional society. This program carefully traces the origins and imple mentation of Mao's agenda of social upheaval, bringing together documentary foot age and firsthand accounts from those who experienced it. Among those interviewe d is Song Yongyi, a history professor at Dickinson College who left China in ord er to write an account of the movement. (53 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>53</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3543_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3543_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31328</td><td>No Turning Back</td><td>The new immigration la ws of 1965 were a turning point for the Chinese in America and allowed a new wav e of immigrants to enter the country. Chinese American life has flourished in th e years since. Narrated by Bill Moyers, this program presents intimate portraits of the new Chinese Americans who face a struggle common to so many immigrants: to reconcile some losses of their old culture in order to embrace their adopted American one. (88 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>88</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3544_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3544_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>36407</td><td>No Vacancy: Global Responses to the Human Popu lation Explosion</td><td>With the population of the Earth poised to double withi n the next five decades, there is evidence that the pendulum of overpopulation i s beginning to swing the other way. In this program, Population Communication's Robert Gillespie visits India, China, Mexico, Indonesia, Iran, Ghana, Nigeria, F rance, the U.S., and elsewhere to observe a fertility transition that may prove to be one of the most important elements in humankind's survival. Gillespie is j oined by Paul Ehrlich; the presidents of World Watch Institute, Earth Policy Ins titute, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, and Population Council; and a host of others who have pledged to work toward population stabilization. An emot ional and at times provocative portrait of global transformation. (92 minutes)</ td><td>2005</td><td>92</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3545_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3545_l blPrice">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8509</td><td>Noah's Children</td><td>Did the great flood, as described in the Book of Genesis, really happen? In this program, scientists tr avel to Switzerland, Barbados, Greenland, and South Africa to decipher the clues left by history. These include erratic boulders and terminal moraines, coral te rracing, microscopic fossils in core samples from the ocean floor, and tiny pock ets of carbon dioxide in glacial ice samples. Evidence shows that periods of war ming during the earth's previous ice ages caused average temperatures to climb a s much as 21 degrees Fahrenheit in a single lifetime, which may have led to glob al flooding. Follow scientists as they examine the evidence and discuss the poss ibility of another "Noah's flood." A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>1998</ td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3546_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3546_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30092</td><td>Noah's Flood in Context: Legend or History?</t d><td>How much truth is there in the Old Testament account of Noah? Enhanced by satellite imagery, declassified intelligence photos, archival footage, and artwo rk, this program considers the scientific plausibility of the Noah story. Expert s including Porcher Taylor III; archaeologist Fredrik Hiebert, of the University of Pennsylvania; linguist Peter Machinist, of Harvard Divinity School; geologis t Farouk El-Baz, of Boston University; and others discuss the efforts of British Museum researcher George Smith, archaeologist Sir Leonard Woolley, explorer Fer nand Navarra, and former astronaut James Irwin to prove the Noah story while pre senting counter-theories based on the latest scientific scholarship and research . (51 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3547_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3547_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32724</td><td>The Nokia Saga: From Cables to Wireless</td><t d>A decade ago, Nokia was on the ropes, yet today it manufactures more mobile ph

ones than Ericsson and Motorola-combined. What is CEO Jorma Ollila's secret? Thi s program draws on exclusive material and previously untapped sources to map out the pivotal decisions that transformed a small-town business into a world leade r in wireless telecommunications. Interviews with Ollila and former members of s enior management provide a top-down perspective. Commentary by historian Martti Haikio, author of Nokia: The Inside Story, and Kalle Lyytinen, of Case Western's Weatherhead School of Management, provides additional insights. (53 minutes)</t d><td>2001</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3548_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3548_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33100</td><td>Nomads' Land: The Life That Ladakhi Shepherds Dream Of</td><td>In the Himalayas of northern India, the Ladakhi and their exile d Tibetan cousins follow a nomadic lifestyle that is on the verge of disappearin g, their sole livelihood shepherding and the making of cashmere wool. This progr am combines location footage and interviews to present an intimate portrait of t he daily life of the Ladakhi people, as well as their rituals, customs, and hist ory. (52 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3549_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3549_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30489</td><td>Non-Point Source Water Pollution: A Focus on S tormwater</td><td>First-flush runoff from a rainstorm can be as bad, in quality, as raw sewage. What are municipalities doing about it? In this program, Ray All en, executive director of Coastal Bend Bays Estuaries Program; stormwater engine er Valerie Gray; and many others discuss the positive effects of governmental re gulations, stormwater management projects, and runoff purification initiatives. The establishment of stormwater utilities, increased monitoring and testing, the retrofitting and upgrading of storm drain and sewer systems, and the engineerin g of surge ponds are examined. School- and community-based educational outreach is reinforced. (27 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3550_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3550_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30488</td><td>Non-Point Source Water Pollution: An Overview of Runoff</td><td>This program investigates sources of runoff and the pollution that occurs when it washes contaminants such as pesticides, bacteria, oil, and u nwanted nutrients into aquatic ecosystems. Cost-effective initiatives to divert and filter runoff are also spotlighted, including stormwater rehabilitation syst ems, highway runoff purification systems, construction site erosion controls, an d waste retention lagoons. In addition, many experts are featured, including A. J. Englande, of Tulane University; Frances Dunham, executive director of the San ta Rosa Sound Coalition; and Carlton Dufrechou, executive director of the Lake P ontchartrain Basin Foundation. (30 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3551_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3551_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25982</td><td>Non-Verbal Communication</td><td>Explores the ability of body language to reinforce or contradict the message we are sending v erbally. Students will understand the importance of how we dress and present our selves in order to make a good impression. Differing eye expressions are examine d as a powerful body language tool, as is the sense of touch. Mixed messages are also investigated. (13 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1992</td><td>9</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3552_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3552_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35814</td><td>The Normans</td><td>To William, the Duke of No rmandy, England was "Angleterre" or the Old French equivalent-and in 1066 the co untry became as French as William could make it. This program describes the Norm an invasion that ended Anglo-Saxon rule, summarizes William the Conqueror's tran sformative reign, and profiles the six rulers who followed him. How Henry I wres ted the crown from his brothers and solidified royal authority, how Stephen of B lois succeeded instead of Henry's own son, how Richard Coeur de Lion fulfilled c hivalric ideals but as a king fared no better than his hapless brother John-thes e and other accounts compose a lively proto-history of England's "foreign" royal ty. (47 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3553_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3553_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31535</td><td>North Korea: Secret Nation</td><td>This underc over report documents the stark poverty and extreme repression in North Korea th at exist alongside spectacular cultural events and age-old customs unfettered by political ideology. Posing as a tourist, broadcast journalist Janet Choi risked arrest to get an inside look at one of the planet's most secretive-and brutally totalitarian-countries while under surveillance by a police "tour guide." Archi val footage, an interview with a defector, and commentary by Dr. Daniel Pinkston and Timothy McCarthy, both of the Center for Nonproliferation Studies, provide additional insights into the country's history, culture, military posture, and l iving conditions. (18 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3554_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3554_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4234</td><td>Not a Bedroom War: New Visions of Leadership fo r Women</td><td>The title of this unique documentary is drawn from Betty Friedan

's challenge of the 1970s that feminism is not about men and women but about cha nging the world. The program was filmed at the meeting of women leaders from aro und the world who gathered in Dublin in 1992 to discuss new visions of leadershi p. Ireland's President Mary Robinson, Friedan, and Utte Ranke-Heinemann are amon g the many charismatic speakers who debate the nature of power and empowerment-o f religion, marriage, dreams, and achievements. (52 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td> <td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3555_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3555_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10877</td><td>Notation: The Thin Red Line</td><td>Early musi cal notation was much like a road map that lacked names or places. The use of ne umes gave the basic shape of the tune and a primitive notion of rhythm, but coul d not tell the performer what note to start on. This program shows how all of th at changed around the year 1030, when the choirmaster Guido of Arezzo came up wi th the simple device of a thin red line: a dot directly on it would always repre sent the note "F"; a dot above it, G; a dot below it, E; and so on. This system of Western musical notation paved the way for harmony-and composers. (51 minutes )</td><td>1999</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3556_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3556_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7080</td><td>Notetaking</td><td>The skills students need to effectively record and learn information presented in class are outlined in this program. Featured is the Cornell Notetaking Method, which stresses organization and prompt review. A notebook page format that divides information into actual notes and student comments is central to both accurate notetaking and meaningful study. Suggestions are provided on when and how often notes should be reviewed for maximum learning benefit. (9 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>9</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3557_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3557_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>38699</td><td>Noughts and Crosses: The Development and Codif ication of Atheism</td><td>By 500 A.D., Christianity had begun its rise as the d ominant religion of Europe. Skeptical philosophical beliefs were effectively sil enced, and the Roman Catholic Church was on its way to becoming a power that wou ld endure unchallenged for a millennium...until the Scientific Revolution. But a s Jonathan Miller points out in this program, schisms within the Church-subseque ntly exacerbated by Deists Edward Herbert and David Hume as well as by monist ph ilosopher Thomas Hobbes-had much more to do with clarifying and systematizing at heism than did the discoveries of Copernicus and Newton. The program concludes w ith the formal codification of an atheistic philosophy in 1770 via La Systeme de la Nature, written by the Baron d'Holbach. Historian Simon Schaffer is featured . Original BBCW broadcast title: Noughts and Crosses. (60 minutes)</td><td>2004< /td><td>61</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3558_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3558_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32475</td><td>Nourishing Earth: Natural Systems Agriculture and Ecological Technologies</td><td>Could the prairie, which runs on sunlight an d rain, be the model for the perfect farm? This program explores natural systems agriculture, or perennial polyculture, an alternative to industrial agriculture and agroforestry that combines cutting-edge science with nature itself. Dr. Wes Jackson, a MacArthur Fellow and founder of the Land Institute, illustrates thes e concepts in action, discussing the environmental and economic advantages of pe rennials-rather than annuals-grown in a mixture that mimics the prairie ecosyste m. John Todd, a designer of ecological technologies, leads a tour of one of his "living machines" used to clean sewage water. (57 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td> 57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3559_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3559_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30916</td><td>Now Is Our Time: Healthy Living for Black Wome n 40-55</td><td>In America, black women have statistically high incidences of ce rtain illnesses and conditions. Therefore, as they approach their menopausal yea rs-a time of greater health risks for all women-it is especially important that they focus their attention on wellness. In this program hosted by dancer/celebri ty Debbie Allen, several black women talk about their midlife health concerns, w hile two doctors and a diabetes educator discuss the importance of monitoring fo r diabetes, heart disease, and cancer; the pros and cons of hormone replacement therapy; and other topics, including the importance of a healthy lifestyle. (37 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>34</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3560_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3560_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30915</td><td>Now Is Our Time: Healthy Living for Women 40-5 5</td><td>As they reach midlife, women face a special set of health-related chal lenges. This program hosted by dancer/celebrity Debbie Allen weaves together the personal stories of a racially diverse group of perimenopausal women as they de al with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and osteoporosis. Expert c ommentary by an endocrinologist and a diabetes educator stresses the importance of a good diet, exercise, and periodic mammograms and Pap smears. Positive aspec ts of maturity are also reinforced, rounding out this comprehensive overview of women's health from ages 40 to 55. (37 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3561_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3561_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>33068</td><td>NOW with Bill Moyers: A Question of Fairness</ td><td>The idea that anyone can succeed in America is a vital part of the nation al identity. But today, the middle class shrinks as the gap between rich and poo r widens. In this program, Bill Moyers investigates what lies behind the dispari ty. In three telling examples, Moyers draws attention to a question of fairness involving the politics of privilege: the impact of NAFTA on a Pennsylvania mill town; financial deregulation in the early 1990s that led to WorldCom's scandalou s collapse; and the story of a failed attempt to reform Alabama's state income t ax system. (58 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3562_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3562_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33148</td><td>NOW with Bill Moyers: Amal Amireh on Life in t he Occupied West Bank</td><td>Amal Amireh is a Muslim Palestinian who lived in R amallah most of her life. In this program, Dr. Amireh, currently a member of the English department at George Mason University, talks with Bill Moyers about the hardships of life under Israeli military occupation. "The occupation is not som ething abstract," she says; "it's something that affects people's lives daily. I t's about's about water, about land, about jobs. That is what the occupation is." Suicide bombings and a two-state solution to the Palestinian/Is raeli deadlock are also discussed. (27 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3563_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3563_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32544</td><td>NOW with Bill Moyers: Azizah al-Hibri on Inter faith Dialogue</td><td>By applying her deep knowledge of the Quran and the U.S. Constitution to issues involving democracy and women's rights, Azizah al-Hibri h as been instrumental in nurturing an urgently needed interfaith dialogue both at home and abroad. In this program, Bill Moyers and Dr. al-Hibri explore her role as a bridge builder between Muslims and non-Muslims as she advocates conflict r esolution through mediation, not violence. She also addresses Arab animosity tow ard the U.S., America's tarnished image in the eyes of many Middle Eastern count ries, and the hijacking of Islam for political ends, using the 9/11 attacks as a powerful case in point. (47 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3564_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3564_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32556</td><td>NOW with Bill Moyers: Benjamin Barber on Globa lization</td><td>Are capitalism and democracy mutually exclusive? Benjamin Barbe r does not think so. In this program, Bill Moyers talks with Barber, the author of the best-selling Jihad vs. McWorld: Terrorism's Challenge to Democracy and Un iversity of Maryland's Gershon and Carol Kekst Professor of Civil Society. Their lively discussion explores the promise, as well as the peril, of the emerging n

ew world order, examining recent political and economic events in the light of w hat Professor Barber deems the two fundamental forces at work behind them: globa lism and tribalism. (27 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3565_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3565_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32909</td><td>NOW with Bill Moyers: Daniel Yankelovich on Pu blic Opinion Research</td><td>Opinion polls are said to be the voice of America; Daniel Yankelovich has been listening for the last 40 years. In this program, B ill Moyers talks with the survey pioneer recently named one of the 20th century' s ten most influential people in the area of public policy. From his vast experi ence in the field, Yankelovich explains the agendas behind public opinion resear ch, homing in on its uses and abuses by special interest groups. He also discuss es the integral link between the economy and education, as well as what American s can do to become poll savvy. (36 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>36</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3566_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3566_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32558</td><td>NOW with Bill Moyers: Horton Foote on Contempo rary Drama</td><td>One of America's leading dramatists, Horton Foote has accumul ated a wealth of professional honors over his 60-plus-year career-the National M edal of Arts, two Oscars, a Pulitzer Prize, and election to the Theatre Hall of Fame, to name only a few. In this program, Bill Moyers talks with Foote about hi s new play The Carpetbagger's Children and three concepts that had a distinct in fluence on it: family, memory, and home. In the process, they open a window on w hat it is like to be a writer for stage and screen as they discuss topics rangin g from the art of storytelling to the dynamics of the creative process. Biograph ical background on how Foote got his start as an actor and a dramatist is also i ncluded. (43 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>43</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3567_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3567_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32542</td><td>NOW with Bill Moyers: Islam-Facing East, Facin g West</td><td>As the faithful of Islam face the east in prayer, some Muslims al so face the West with a growing sense of confusion, alarm, and anger. This timel y four-part series brings Bill Moyers together with several of today's leading e xperts on Islam to grapple with some of the issues on everyone's mind since Sept ember 11, 2001. 4-part series, 23-47 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3568_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3568_l blPrice">$359.80<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>32546</td><td>NOW with Bill Moyers: John Esposito on the Str uggles of Islam</td><td>In this program, Bill Moyers and Georgetown University's John Esposito-author of Unholy War: Terror in the Name of Islam and editor-in-c hief of The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World-focus on Islam in As ia, where the vast majority of all Muslims live. The conflict within Islamic cou ntries among religious fundamentalists, radical extremists, and the moderate mai nstream is considered, along with American geopolitical concerns in the war on g lobal terrorism. Human rights abuses in Indonesia and East Timor, the operation of al Qaeda, and a distinction between holy war and jihad are examined as well. "Can we fight terrorism without it becoming a worldwide clash of cultures?" asks Moyers. (23 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3569_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3569_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32930</td><td>NOW with Bill Moyers: John Nichols and Robert McChesney on the Media and Democracy</td><td>In this program, media experts John Nichols and Robert McChesney join Bill Moyers to examine America's corporate me dia machine and the dire implications of closed-door deregulatory decisions. Nic hols, Washington correspondent for The Nation, and McChesney, author of Rich Med ia, Poor Democracy: Communication Politics in Dubious Times, discuss, among othe r topics, the pernicious influence of corporate interests on the free press, whi ch they contend have become a major barrier to the exercise of democracy. (50 mi nutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3570_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3570_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30433</td><td>NOW with Bill Moyers: Justice and Jihad</td><t d>Hostilities between Israelis and Palestinians continue to flare, while small-s cale conflicts in postwar Iraq proceed unabated-will the bloodshed and anguish i n the Middle East never end? In this special edition of NOW with Bill Moyers, th e Aspen Institute and Moyers invite eight journalists and scholars to participat e in a dialogue exploring the religious and political roots of these chronic tro ubles. Rich in information and constructive commentary, their conversation yield s not only the context and history of the hatred but the outline of a viable fut ure accord. (58 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3571_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3571_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32545</td><td>NOW with Bill Moyers: Karen Armstrong on Relig ious Fundamentalism</td><td>"If you were God, would you do away with religion?" With that question, Bill Moyers launches into a discussion with Karen Armstrong, one of the world's foremost commentators on religious affairs and author of Isl am: A Short History. In this program, they seek to understand the psychosocial i

mpact of religious fundamentalism, which frequently elevates God at the expense of personal freedom. Over the course of their dialogue, they also cover the conc ept of sacredness, the relationship between religion and psychology, and the pro found connections among the three religions of the Book-all within the context o f Ms. Armstrong's own spiritual journey from disenchantment to peace. (41 minute s)</td><td>2002</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3572_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3572_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32605</td><td>NOW with Bill Moyers: Kathleen Hall Jamieson o n Political Advertising</td><td>Amidst the mudslinging, campaign promises, and s care tactics, what is really being said in those highly produced political ads? In this program, Bill Moyers talks with one of America's leading political and m edia analysts, Kathleen Hall Jamieson, dean of the Annenberg School of Communica tion and author of Everything You Think You Know About Politics... And Why You'r e Wrong. Through astute analysis, Jamieson deconstructs more than a dozen TV com mercials currently used by politicians and public interest groups, homing in on their visual and rhetorical methods to expose their actual agendas of issue advo cacy. Together, Jamieson and Moyers discuss the significance of these ads in the contexts of future elections and American politics in general. (71 minutes)</td ><td>2003</td><td>71</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3573_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3573_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32894</td><td>NOW with Bill Moyers: Katie Roiphe on Pornogra phy, Censorship, and Feminism</td><td>How damaging to society, and women in part icular, is the proliferation of pornography? And how is the tension resolved bet ween community standards and First Amendment rights? In this program, Bill Moyer s talks to Katie Roiphe, feminist critic and author of The Morning After: Sex, F ear, and Feminism. Expanding on many of the ideas in her book, Roiphe discusses how restrictions on pornography could lead to more general censorship, while wid espread access actually undermines pornography's fascination. (22 minutes)</td>< td>2003</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3574_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3574_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30270</td><td>NOW with Bill Moyers: Kids and Chemicals</td>< td>All across the U.S., growing numbers of children are being diagnosed with ast hma, childhood cancers, and learning and behavioral disabilities. Is exposure to an ever-increasing number of untested chemicals to blame? In this program, Bill Moyers investigates the relationship between environmental contamination and th e health of America's children. Dr. Philip Landrigan, of Mount Sinai School of M edicine; Dr. Richard Jackson, of the CDC's National Center for Environmental Hea lth; Dr. Frederica Perera, of Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Hea lth; and other medical investigators and health officials discuss their findings

. In addition, families whose children are coping with potential chemical poison ing talk about their anger and their fears. (58 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>58 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3575_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3575_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32890</td><td>NOW with Bill Moyers: Mark Hertsgaard on the W orld's Love/Hate Relationship with America</td><td>Why has much of the world's r egard for America diminished in the last few years? In this program, Bill Moyers talks with journalist and author Mark Hertsgaard, who traveled the globe gaugin g foreigners' ambivalence towards the United States. He shares his findings, pub lished in his new book, The Eagle's Shadow: Why America Fascinates and Infuriate s the World, and comments on how America's role is changing, especially in the w ake of September 11th. He discusses key U.S. environmental and foreign policy de cisions that have proven divisive of the international community, as well as a p erceived lack of difference between globalization and Americanization. (37 minut es)</td><td>2003</td><td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3576_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3576_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32511</td><td>NOW with Bill Moyers: Paul Woodruff on Reveren ce</td><td>The capacity for awe in the face of the transcendent: that is how Pau l Woodruff, one of America's foremost interpreters of Plato and other venerable thinkers of ancient Greece, defines reverence. In this program, Bill Moyers and the author of Reverence: Renewing a Forgotten Virtue examine this crucial yet fr equently misunderstood and misapplied concept and its implications for the world today. Topics include the nature of the transcendent, hubris versus humility, t he reciprocal relationship between justice and reverence, tyranny and terrorism as failures of reverence, the vital link between reverence and politics, and the surprising realization that religion is not always reverent. (51 minutes)</td>< td>2003</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3577_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3577_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32445</td><td>NOW with Bill Moyers: Richard Rodriguez on Bei ng American</td><td>As the entrenched racial labels "white" and "black" become l ess and less meaningful, Richard Rodriguez sees a definite future for a new one: "brown." In this program, Bill Moyers talks with the acclaimed memoirist, journ alist, and social critic about the ways race, culture, class, and religion are r eshaping the concept of identity in America today. Rodriguez's discussion with M oyers exposes many of the contradictions and convergences that make being a 21st -century American so complex and yet so compelling. Topics include bilingual edu cation, affirmative action, Spanish Catholicism, and the implications of what it means to be brown. Three of Rodriguez's books-Hunger of Memory, Days of Obligat ion, and Brown-are featured as well. (40 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>40</td><t

d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3578_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3578_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30432</td><td>NOW with Bill Moyers: Struggles and Solutions in the Middle East</td><td>In this special two-part series, the Aspen Institute and Bill Moyers assemble a panel of eight international journalists and scholars to examine the contexts and causes of the ongoing struggles in the Middle East. Their dialogue does not simply stop at an assessment of the religious and socio political dynamics of the region, but goes on towards a formulation of a possibl e plan for peace. Panelists include Seyla Benhabib, the Eugene Meyer Professor o f Political Philosophy at Yale University; Charles Krauthammer, Pulitzer Prize-w inning columnist for The Washington Post; and Fareed Zakaria, editor of Newsweek International. 2-part series, 58 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3579_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3579_l blPrice">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32543</td><td>NOW with Bill Moyers: Zaid Shakir on Being Mus lim in America</td><td>Muslims have lived in the U.S. for centuries. Should the work of Islamist extremists be allowed to undermine their place in American soci ety? This program captures a spirited discussion between Bill Moyers and Imam Za id Shakir, who details his experiences as both a Muslim and an American in the w ake of the 9/11 attacks. In addition, Imam Zaid describes the structure and comp rehensiveness of Islam, the compatibility of core Islamic and American values, a nd the tragic misuse of Islam as justification for terrorism. He also talks abou t morality in government, the concept of Islamic civilization as contrasted with Islamic statehood, Muslim anger with American foreign policy, and the levels of jihad. (31 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3580_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3580_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36400</td><td>NSAID Options</td><td>People who live with chr onic pain often face a no-win situation. They usually rely on medications known as NSAIDs-or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-which, unfortunately, can dam age their stomachs and may even threaten their lives. This program details new s trategies for helping patients with chronic pain, enabling them to fight it with out giving up NSAIDs. Interviews with University of Michigan gastroenterologist James Scheiman and rheumatologist Daniel Clauw shed light on the importance of C OX isozymes and the effects of aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, and other pain reli evers. The use of PPIs, or proton pump inhibitors, is also studied. (28 minutes) </td><td>2005</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3581_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3581_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5613</td><td>Nuclear Energy</td><td>This program looks insid e a modern nuclear reactor and explores its functions in detail. It also address es nuclear safety-the various measures intended to diminish the risk of accident s and radioactive emissions. Finally, the program looks at the steps involved in the production and storage of radioactive waste, as well as the dangers of its by-products. (23 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3582_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3582_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29755</td><td>Nuclear Medicine</td><td>When searching for bl ockages or damaged areas of the body's many organs and systems, radioactive trac er drugs are extremely helpful. This program travels to the Moffitt/Long Hospita l to find out how technicians use radiopharmaceuticals to conduct examinations. A thallium study is performed to highlight some of the proficiencies necessary f or a career in this field. Avenues for career growth that are open to nuclear me dicine technologists are also considered. A Cambridge Educational Production. (1 3 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3583_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3583_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37241</td><td>Nuestra Familia, Our Family-Educator's Edition </td><td>Nobody is safe in Salinas, California, where two Latino gangs, Nuestra Familia and the Mexican Mafia, are at war. Through exclusive interviews with NF members and law enforcement personnel, this program describes Nuestra Familia's formation by convicts inside the prisons of northern California, its military-li ke structure, its dismaying power throughout the region and the U.S., and Operat ion Black Widow, a controversial joint task force between the Salinas Police Dep artment and the FBI designed to demolish this notorious crime machine. The multi generational story of one family's involvement with the NF-a story of total comm itment turned to disillusionment and deep regret-is interwoven. Bonus material i ncludes interviews with inmates at Pelican Bay State Prison, Salinas Chief of Po lice Daniel Ortega, gang-prevention activist Antonio Avalos, and the filmmakers themselves (DVD only). Filmed by the Center for Investigative Reporting. (59 min utes + 56 minutes of bonus material)</td><td>2006</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3584_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3584_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10278</td><td>Numbers, Units, Scalars, and Vectors</td><td>E ven Deedee Dodobird knows that a strong general knowledge of scientific and math ematical concepts makes it much easier to understand physics, the study of how t

hings work. Section one of this program demonstrates fundamental abilities such as how to manipulate numbers using scientific notation and how to convert and al gebraically cancel SI units. In section two, scalars and vectors are presented, including the head-to-tail and component methods of vector addition, dot product s and cross products, and even a healthy dose of trigonometry. (34 minutes)</td> <td>1999</td><td>34</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3585_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3585_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11950</td><td>Nurses: Code Blue</td><td>By the year 2020, th e U.S. is expected to need 1.7 million nurses. Experts predict that only 600,000 will be available. This two-part series seeks to understand why nurses, so cruc ial to the nation's well-being, are typically undervalued in America and what is being done to revitalize the nursing profession. Guests include Mary Foley, pre sident of the American Nurses Association; Kay McVay, president of the Californi a Nursing Association; and Charles Pierce, Jr., president of the Florida Hospita l Association, as well as academics, nursing students, and others. 2-part series , 29 minutes each.</td><td>2001</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3586_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3586_l blPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32134</td><td>Nutrients: Their Interactions</td><td>If taste were a reliable guide to a nutritious diet, candy and soda would be two food gr oups vital to good health-but it's not. That's why this video takes a scientific look at dietary nutrients, explaining what they are, why the body needs them, a nd how they work with each other to produce energy, stimulate growth, repair and maintain hard and soft tissues, and regulate bodily processes. Metabolism, ener gy yield from different food types, the composition and role of blood, key vitam ins and minerals, dietary fiber, and recommended daily allowances are only a few of the topics covered in this detailed overview of the biochemistry of nutritio n. The impact of nutritional deficiencies on short- and long-term health is also discussed. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correla tes to National Science Education Standards and National Health Education Standa rds. A Meridian Production. (21 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3587_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3587_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32432</td><td>Nutrition and Exercise</td><td>When diabetes f orced Yvonne to take her health seriously, she enlisted the help of a registered dietician and started exercising. By looking at Yvonne and others, this program details how the right foods combined with an adequate amount of exercise can he lp you avoid certain diseases and cope with existing medical conditions. Basic e xercise tips and fitness assessment pointers are combined with suggested daily d iets, especially the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet, as explained by Dr. John Cook, director of Vascular Medicine at Stanford Medical School and author of The

Cardiovascular Cure. (24 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3588_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3588_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11494</td><td>Nutrition: Eating for Life</td><td>Good nutrit ion is a lifelong balancing act that must take into account a person's age, gend er, lifestyle, known medical conditions, and any number of other factors. This a ccessible two-part series simplifies a complex subject while providing solid inf ormation on the physical and mental aspects of eating for overall health. 2-part series, 29-30 minutes each.</td><td>1998</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3589_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3589_l blPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11545</td><td>Nutrition for Active Fitness</td><td>Fad diets and "miracle" products are not the keys to attaining long-term physical health. This program uses the success stories of people who have made fitness a lifelon g goal to illustrate the benefits of living a healthful life that includes smart food choices and regular exercise. By eating well and staying active, students can attain optimum performance both athletically and academically. A Meridian Pr oduction. (17 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3590_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3590_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34862</td><td>Nutrition for Infants and Children</td><td>The saying "You are what you eat" is oh-so-true-especially for little ones. This vi deo explains the importance of good nutrition for newborns, infants, and toddler s and examines its beneficial effects on their growth and development. Filled wi th how-to and when-to advice, the video also discusses the relative merits of br eastfeeding and bottle-feeding, potential food allergies, the importance of a ba lanced diet and physical activity even at a young age, and special dietary prefe rences like vegetarianism. Perfect for new parents and parents-to-be, caregivers , and anyone who wants to learn more about feeding children from day one through age five! A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlat es to National Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences Education, National Ed ucational Technology Standards, and Standards for the English Language Arts. A M eridian Production. (26 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3591_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3591_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36435</td><td>Nutrition for Infants and Children-in English

with Spanish Subtitles</td><td>The saying "You are what you eat" is oh-so-true-e specially for little ones. This video explains the importance of good nutrition for newborns, infants, and toddlers and examines its beneficial effects on their growth and development. Filled with how-to and when-to advice, the video also d iscusses the relative merits of breastfeeding and bottle-feeding, potential food allergies, the importance of a balanced diet and physical activity even at a yo ung age, and special dietary preferences like vegetarianism. Perfect for new par ents and parents-to-be, caregivers, and anyone who wants to learn more about fee ding children from day one through age five! A viewable/printable instructor's g uide is available online. Correlates to National Standards for Family and Consum er Sciences Education, National Educational Technology Standards, and Standards for the English Language Arts. A Meridian Production. (26 minutes)</td><td>2007< /td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3592_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3592_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9026</td><td>NYD: Not Yet Diagnosed</td><td>Chloe Atkins' me dical history runs more than 500 pages. She has been hospitalized repeatedly wit h visibly life-threatening symptoms-yet no doctor has been able to diagnose her illness. Is it Munchausen Syndrome? Is it a psychosomatic disorder? Or is it som ething unknown to medical science? In this provocative program, hosted by renown ed actress Margot Kidder, Chloe and medical experts examine her symptoms, her pu rsuit of a medical or psychological solution, and her image in the eyes of an an tagonistic medical community that apparently would like to silence her. (51 minu tes)</td><td>1997</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3593_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3593_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>31988</td><td>NYPD at Close Range</td><td>With nothing stage d or dramatized, this 4-part series portrays with gritty, often sobering realism how crimes are solved by specialized units of the New York City Police Departme nt. Cameras travel with the officers, capturing investigative details and the me thods employed, while candid interviews and ongoing commentary lend further insi ght into the law enforcement profession. 4-part series, 54 minutes each.</td><td >2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3594_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3594_l blPrice">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31991</td><td>The NYPD Emergency Services Unit</td><td>When someone is in trouble, they call the police; when the police are in trouble, the y call ESU. This program travels with the highly trained, heavily armed officers of the NYPD's Emergency Services Unit who specialize in forced entries, raids, and situations where the violence or potential for extreme violence are more tha n ordinary police are prepared to handle. Cameras capture ongoing operations as the ESU storms a crack house and responds to emergency calls. (54 minutes)</td><

td>2002</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3595_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3595_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31992</td><td>The NYPD Homicide Unit</td><td>By its nature t he work is grisly, but a successful homicide investigation can at least give sur vivors the consolation of justice. In an ongoing case and in a notorious one tha t was closed, this program shows how killers are caught by NYPD homicide experts . Veteran Detective Robert Mooney discusses his methods, including forensics and what he calls "victimology," the background checks that often lead right to the suspect. Police archive footage includes Detective Mooney interrogating an even tually convicted murderer. Contains harsh language. Viewer discretion is advised . (54 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3596_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3596_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31989</td><td>The NYPD Narcotics Unit</td><td>Since New York City enacted its zero-tolerance drug policy in the early 1990s, arrests for nar cotics violations have increased over 40 percent. This program goes on the stree ts where the policy is enforced, taking a gritty look at narcotics stake-outs an d arrest procedures. Cameras follow the real-life beats of Detective Danny Murph y and Sergeant Vincent Curulli in Brooklyn, Detective Larry Burke in the Bronx, and Detective Bernie Malone, a 17-year NYPD veteran now working with the DEA. Co ntains harsh language. (54 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3597_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3597_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31990</td><td>The NYPD Vice Division</td><td>New York City s pends $23 million annually on prostitution control. This program goes undercover with Detective Kevin Mannion and members of his specialized Vice Division team tasked with tracking down pedophiles and child pornographers both on the street and on the Internet. Surveillance cameras and live-action interviews provide fir sthand access into police procedures as the team arrest a pimp on the streets of Manhattan and conduct a chilling Internet pedophile sting. Contains explicit la nguage. (54 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3598_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3598_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37390</td><td>Obeying or Resisting Authority: A Psychologica l Retrospective</td><td>Echoing the infamous Milgram experiment from the 1960s,

this ABC News program sets up a psychological test in which an authority figure urges men and women to inflict pain. Test administrator and social psychologist Dr. Jerry Burger interprets the disturbing findings. The program also analyzes t he 1971 Stanford prison experiment as well as the 2004 hoax in which a McDonald' s manager and her fiance-directed by a caller impersonating a police officer-str ip-searched and abused an employee. Original footage from all of these occurrenc es is included, along with present-day commentary from Dr. Philip Zimbardo, who designed the Stanford test. Finally, the program explores the ethics of using hu man participants in psychological tests. (36 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>36</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3599_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3599_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33902</td><td>The Obi: Epitome of Japanese Elegance and Refi nement</td><td>More than 80 years of unstinting devotion to his craft have made 98-year-old Yatsujiro Yamaguchi one of the best textile artists in Japan-and per haps the world. Filmed at the Nishijin Textile Center and other locations, this program showcases the obi, the key component of traditional female garb and the epitome of Japanese elegance and refinement, as woven by Mr. Yatsujiro. Noh cost umes are also spotlighted as the video addresses topics such as the fine-fabric weaving process, textile patterns and design, and the cultural significance of t he kimono. Footage of the esteemed weaver in his workshop is featured. (15 minut es)</td><td>2002</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3600_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3600_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31292</td><td>Objects</td><td>Segment one of this program of fers Marcel Duchamp's urinal-cum-readymade Fountain, Michael Craig-Martin's glas s of water entitled Oak Tree, and Rebecca Horn's Concert for Anarchy, a grand pi ano suspended upside-down, as an invitation to look at everyday things in a new way. Segment two introduces minimalism through Carl Andre's brick pile Equivalen t VIII and Cornelia Parker's Thirty Pieces of Silver, suspended pools of flatten ed metalware. Segment three features Damien Hirst's room-filling installation Ph armacy, the meaning of which is explained by the artist himself. (15 minutes)</t d><td>2003</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3601_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3601_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6683</td><td>The Oboe</td><td>The modern version of the oboe and the many forms it has taken during its evolution are the subject of this pr ogram. We see the oboe's ancient Egyptian ancestor-an unrecognizable prototype o f the instrument played today. The more familiar-looking oboe, developed in the 17th century, is discussed within the context of its predecessors-the English ho rn, the heckelphone, and the contra bassoon. Works from Lully to Strauss illustr ate the oboe's versatility in musical composition. (28 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</

td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3602_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3602_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4552</td><td>An Obsession with Quality</td><td>George Fisher , CEO, Eastman Kodak; CEO, Motorola 1990-1993Named one of the most-admired execu tives in the electronics industry as president and CEO of Motorola, Kodak's chie f executive explains how Motorola's single-minded pursuit of quality-not just pr oduct quality, but quality in how the company treats its people and customers-ha s helped the American electronics firm achieve nearly zero-defect production whi le assuming a position of world leadership in high-technology manufacturing. (35 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>35</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3603_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3603_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32645</td><td>Obsessions: Understanding OCD</td><td>Are comp ulsive hair-pulling, hand-washing, and even gambling learned behaviors or inheri ted diseases? Where do obsessions come from and how can they be managed so they do not dominate a person's life? Using a number of actual case studies, this two -part series attempts to understand the roots of obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, and looks at both standard and experimental treatment options. Original BBCW broadcast title: Obsessions. 2-part series, 50 minutes each.</td><td>2003</ td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3604_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3604_l blPrice">$299.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6789</td><td>Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder</td><td>Intrusive , repetitive thoughts, often of a disturbing nature, are the symptoms of the anx iety-related condition, OCD. In this program, two people whose lives have been s hattered by OCD tell their stories. An 18-year-old woman talks about how she fee ls compelled to perform detailed rituals every day of her life. A man tells how he is tormented by the obsessive belief that he has killed someone. A psychiatri st sheds light on this bewildering condition. (15 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td> 15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3605_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3605_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29359</td><td>Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: The Tyranny of Rituals</td><td>"There are 34,000 different obsessive-compulsive disorders. Mine is just one among many others." In this program, research psychiatrist Gilbert

Pinard and pediatric psychiatrist Patricia Garel talk with OCD patients about th eir rituals-the thoughts and behaviors triggered by hyperactive brain activity i nvolving the thalamus, orbito-frontal cortex, and caudate nucleus. The effective ness of behavioral and drug therapies in controlling obsessive-compulsive disord er is discussed as well. (53 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3606_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3606_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37248</td><td>Occupational Therapy Assistant</td><td>Many pe ople think occupational therapy helps with employment or career guidance. This p rogram clears up any misunderstanding and gives students a solid overview of wha t an O.T. Assistant does. Illustrating the responsibilities of the O.T.A. and th e skills and personal qualities needed to become one, the video also describes t he pay level and personal satisfaction that many people in the job have achieved . Including interviews with a number of accomplished O.T.A.'s, the program shows viewers the wide variety of settings in which the work can take place-from home s and offices to clinics around the country, in the case of itinerant assistants . Another important subject is building the right skill set and a basic knowledg e of human anatomy through volunteer work and by taking the proper biology class es in high school. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to national and state board certification standards. A Meridian Produ ction. (22 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3607_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3607_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34724</td><td>Oceans and Seas</td><td>More than 70 percent o f the Earth's surface is covered by water. Use this video to impress upon your s tudents the importance of the seven seas to people, the marine food chain, and t he planet as a whole. Topics include the various kinds of currents and the force s that influence them, tides and waves (what they are, what causes them, and how they're classified), features of the seabed, and the formation and shaping of c oastlines. A basic explanation of how oceans have been affected by human activit y is also provided. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to National Science Education Standards, National Educational Techno logy Standards, and Standards for the English Language Arts. A Cambridge Educati onal Production. Recommended for grades 7-12. (21 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td> 21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3608_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3608_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11866</td><td>Oceans of Life: Marine Biology</td><td>Excepti onally filmed and presented, this program clearly shows just how interconnected every link is on the marine food chain, from microscopic algae, known as phytopl ankton, to the blue whale, the largest organism to ever live on earth. The polar , temperate, and tropical zones are explored in a systematic way by looking at t

he major classifications of oceanic creatures: plankton, nekton, and benthos. Th ermoclines and the photic zone are also discussed in this context. Awe-inspiring underwater photography and animated graphics make this program a great classroo m asset. (53 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3609_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3609_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10608</td><td>Octavio Paz</td><td>The evocative poems of Oct avio Paz, as featured in Pasado en claro, are nourished by Paz' intrinsic belief that poetry constitutes "the secret religion of the modern age." A remarkable p rose stylist, he also wrote a large body of essays on poetics, literary and art criticism, and Mexican history, politics, and culture. In this program, the late Nobel Laureate addresses a variety of subjects, including his ongoing interest in politics, his views on relations between Mexico and Spain, the aesthetics of surrealism, and the characteristics of great writers. (Spanish, 90 minutes, b&w) </td><td>1998</td><td>90</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3610_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3610_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10709</td><td>Octavio Paz: Mexico's Muse</td><td>Poet, write r, editor, diplomat, and Nobel Laureate, Octavio Paz is among the best-known Lat in American literary figures. This program examines the influences of Marxism, B uddhism, and Hinduism, along with Existentialism and Surrealism, throughout his work. Archival material and commentary from friends, family, and scholars provid e a comprehensive portrait of this extraordinary man and his work. (Spanish, 26 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3611_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3611_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29171</td><td>Octavio Paz: Mexico's Muse</td><td>Poet, write r, editor, diplomat, and Nobel Laureate, Octavio Paz is among the best-known Lat in American literary figures. This program examines the influences of Marxism, B uddhism, and Hinduism, along with Existentialism and Surrealism, throughout his work. Archival material and commentary from friends, family, and scholars provid e a comprehensive portrait of this extraordinary man and his work. (Spanish with English subtitles, 28 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3612_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3612_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33569</td><td>Ocular Health: Glaucoma and Macular Degenerati

on</td><td>Using the expertise of leading ophthalmologists specializing in the m ost common refractive and non-refractive conditions, this program presents the l atest therapies to protect the eyes in the event of potentially blinding disease s. Ivan Schwab, Director of Cornea and External Disease Service at the Universit y of California, Davis, maps out the physiology of the eye and its role in sendi ng images to the brain; Kuldev Singh, Director of the Glaucoma Service at Stanfo rd University School of Medicine, describes the symptoms of glaucoma as well as the different therapies available; and Richard Abbot, clinical professor of opht halmology at the University of California, San Francisco, describes macular dege neration and its contributing factors. (28 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>28</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3613_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3613_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33925</td><td>The Odyssey</td><td>Contemporary Western socie ty revolves around celebrity-and ancient Greek culture was no different, as this program demonstrates with perceptive comparisons of the two worlds. Scholarly a nalysis and splendid re-enactments bring new life to Homer's epic, giving it bot h a historical and personal context. For long-ago Greek listeners enraptured wit h famous warriors and athletes, Homer fashioned a subtle moral dilemma: can one pursue fortune and recognition without endangering a far more valuable treasurenamely, the love and stability of family? Clearly, The Odyssey still engenders s ociologically relevant discussion. A BBCW Production. (51 minutes)</td><td>2004< /td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3614_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3614_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1319</td><td>Oedipus at Colonus</td><td>Bearer of an almost unspeakable, immutable fate, Oedipus yet feels himself a man chosen-that is, fav ored-by the gods. Now an old man, blind and outcast, Oedipus wanders through Gre ece guided by his daughter Antigone until he comes to Colonus, where he knows he will die. Protected by the ruler of Thebes against the armies of Creon who have come in pursuit, he curses his son Polynices for indifference and ingratitude. Oedipus in this play is old and rails against the indignities of old age. Sophoc les, nearly 90 at the time of its composition, apparently wrote the play to prov e he was of sound mind; his son, it seems, was trying to claim Sophocles' estate by accusing his father of senility. With Anthony Quayle as Oedipus, John Shrapn el as Creon, Juliet Stevenson as Antigone, and Kenneth Haigh as Polynices. (2 ho urs)</td><td>1986</td><td>120</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3615_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3615_l blPrice">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>1318</td><td>Oedipus the King</td><td>Sophocles often won th e leading prize at the Dionysia, the principal dramatic festival of Athens; but Oedipus the King was a runner-up, winner of the second prize. Posterity, however

, considers the play second to none. The play tells the beginning of the Oedipus saga, setting the stage and creating the characters who will continue the story to its conclusion in Antigone. With Michael Pennington, John Gielgud, and Clair e Bloom. (2 hours)</td><td>1986</td><td>120</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3616_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3616_l blPrice">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6196</td><td>Oil and Energy</td><td>The world demand for ene rgy by 2020 will be 50% greater than it is today. Can we meet the demand? All en ergy sources will be needed but oil will dominate. Production will move into dee per waters and more remote places, which means longer pipelines. Even if reserve s are found, concerns for the environment may prevent their use. Sheikh Yamani, Chairman of the Centre for Global Energy Studies; the Chairman of Shell Oil; the Secretary General of OPEC; and experts from Chevron, the Worldwatch Institute, and Andersen Consulting, among others, consider energy technology, transportatio n, distribution, markets, and cartels. (32 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>32</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3617_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3617_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37671</td><td>Oil and Gas Technologies</td><td>This program features profiles of three women who have forged successful careers in the oil a nd gas industry: Kandy Hubl, a health, safety, and environmental coordinator for a major gas company; Melanie Bowman, a power engineer for a busy gas refinery; and Julie Jolicoeur, a project manager who oversees service station design and c onstruction. Additional information from co-workers and supervisors supplements each job profile. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3618_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3618_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33685</td><td>The Oil Curse</td><td>The discovery of oil is often celebrated as a one-way ticket to wealth and economic growth. But in some developing countries, striking it rich has had the opposite effect-making oil mo re of a bane than a blessing for the poorest inhabitants. This program contrasts two cases: Ecuador, where the toxic environmental legacy of oil has sparked a l andmark lawsuit over international corporate accountability, and western Africa, where today's oil companies have embraced new ethical and political approaches to business. In Angola, the oil industry is creating health and education develo pment projects to ensure that some part of a potential $200-billion jackpot will reach and benefit the local population. (57 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>57</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3619_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3619_l

blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>25999</td><td>Oil, Shellac, and Wax</td><td>Oil, Shellac, an d Wax is a sixteen-minute video which is part of the series, Wood Finishing.A cr aftsman can plan, cut, and assemble a fine piece of furniture...but it does not become beautiful until the finish is applied. This series will give your student s an understanding of the finishing options available, including advantages and disadvantages. The correct preparation and safe application methods for each are demonstrated. A Meridian Production. 16-minute video.</td><td>1994</td><td>16</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3620_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3620_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32139</td><td>Old Foes, a New Threat</td><td>Around 76 milli on cases of food-borne illness occur each year in the U.S., causing thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations. This program compares and contrasts our old enemies campylobacter, salmonella, E. coli, Listeria monocyto genes, calicivirus, and Hepatitis A, which, thanks to "improved" methods of food processing, have become a renewed health threat. The program also examines some of the many opportunities for food contamination that can occur on the trip fro m the farmyard to the kitchen table; identifies people most vulnerable to severe cases of food-borne diseases; describes symptoms and treatments; and explains h ow to avoid catching these nasty illnesses to begin with. The bottom line? These bugs can make anybody sick, so knowledge is the first line of defense. Correlat es to the Health National Standards from the Joint Committee for National School Health Education and the American Cancer Society and the National Content Stand ards for Health according to the American School Health Association. A Cambridge Educational Production. (19 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3621_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3621_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4280</td><td>Old Ways, New Game</td><td>In very human ways, this program shows the stakes of the global economic competition for individual Americans and for the nation. It also shows how major American companies are far ing in their battles with Japanese and German competition. The program moves fro m a look at mass production, craft production, and lean production in the auto i ndustry to races for "voice" computers and laptops, as well as the Japanese driv e to challenge America's lead in basic research by setting up labs in the U.S. a nd hiring top American scientists. (58 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>58</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3622_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3622_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr>

<td>3369</td><td>Old World, New World</td><td>The story of 35 mi llion Europeans who left their troubled homelands for the promise of freedom and opportunity, and the hardships of the transatlantic voyage they endured to reac h America. (52 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3623_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3623_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10323</td><td>Olivier Messiaen: The Music of Faith</td><td>O livier Messiaen played a leading role in the evolution of 20th-century music. In this classic interview, the late composer talks on topics such as his love of n ature and his fervent Christian faith, two themes that profoundly shaped his wor k; his views on rhythm and tonal color; his relationship with his mother, the po et Cecile Sauvage; and his professorship at the Paris Conservatoire. Film clips of Messiaen improvising on the organ and notating birdsong for his compositionsplus excerpts of his music, some of which are performed by his wife, the celebra ted pianist Yvonne Loriod-provide a deeper appreciation of his special genius. ( 79 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>79</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3624_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3624_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>958</td><td>Olivier's Hamlet</td><td>Winner of five Academy Awards, the International Grand Prix of Venice, the New York Film Critic's Award , and the Parents Magazine Award for Extraordinary Merit, Olivier's Hamlet is no doubt the premier teaching tool for Shakespeare classes-Olivier's breadth of vi ew of both the protagonist and the entire play will be enjoyed again and again b y the teacher, while making the text comprehensible and exciting to students. (2 hours 35 minutes, b&w)Hamlet......................................Laurence Oliv ierPolonius.........................................Felix AylmerOphelia......... ................................Jean SimmonsGertrude............................ ............Eileen HerlieGravedigger.......................Stanley HollowayMarce llus................................Anthony Quayle</td><td>1988</td><td>&nbsp;</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3625_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3625_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>959</td><td>Olivier's Henry V</td><td>Is there a Shakespeare lover who does not know this superb film? Two entire generations were introduce d to Shakespeare by this expansive production, which is as fresh and dramatic an d deeply touching today as when first it ushered in the contemporary style of Sh akespearean production and taught us to see the vast and rich panoply beyond the lines of Shakespeare's Henry V. (2 hours 16 minutes)King Henry V............... ......................Laurence OlivierAncient Pistol............................ .......Robert NewtonKatharine...........................................Renee As hersonConstable of France..................................Leo GennThe Dauphin.. ...............................................Max Adrian</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td

>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3626_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3626_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>37207</td><td>On Air: America's Alternative Media</td><td>Do TV viewers find any real differences when they switch between the major news ne tworks? How rigorous is the reporting? Has subservience to corporate interests r eplaced true journalism? This program explores the emergence of alternative medi a in the form of blogs, satellite broadcasts, and documentaries that examine rar ely visited yet vital issues. Focusing on the political arena and the modern ant i-war movement, the film presents interviews with outspoken journalists, editors , and filmmakers-including Mother Jones managing editor Roger Cohen, Outfoxed di rector Robert Greenwald, Guerilla News Network founder Ian Inaba, and Amy Goodma n of Democracy Now! Some language may be offensive. (54 minutes)</td><td>2006</t d><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3627_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3627_l blPrice">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30334</td><td>On Holiday in Germany</td><td>When the time co mes for getting away from it all, Bavaria offers a wide range of options. This p rogram introduces questions and answers related to shopping for vacation supplie s and arranging for lodgings. Settings include a department store, a country hot el, a hostel in the Ammergauer Alps, and an ancient Benedictine convent located on Frauen Island, in the Chiemsee. Original BBC broadcast title: Talk German, Pr ogram 4. (German and English, 16 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3628_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3628_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10477</td><td>On Our Own Terms: Moyers on Dying in America</ td><td>In this acclaimed four-part series, veteran PBS journalist Bill Moyers re ports on the growing movement in America to improve care for people who are dyin g. Using interviews and research from across the country, each program describes the intimate experiences of patients, families, and caregivers as they struggle to infuse life's ultimate rite of passage with compassion and comfort. The DVD version of this series also includes a special video introduction by Mr. Moyers. This powerful series is available exclusively through Films for the Humanities & Sciences. 4-part series, 87 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>360</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3629_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3629_l blPrice">$279.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>36193</td><td>On the Attack: Expectations for a Cancer Cure< /td><td>In 1971, President Nixon declared war on cancer, envisioning a cure with in five years. What mechanisms-financial, political, and medical-did his announc ement set in motion? Are we any closer to winning the war? This program takes on those questions, examining milestones in cancer research and studying forces ou tside the scientific world that have driven or hindered anti-cancer efforts. Int erviews with renowned medical pioneers-including Dr. Steven Rosenberg of the Nat ional Cancer Institute, Prof. Samuel Epstein of the University of Illinois Schoo l of Health, and Dominique Stehelin, the scientist who paved the way for gene th erapy-provide in-depth analysis. Not available in French-speaking Canada. (53 mi nutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3630_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3630_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29651</td><td>On the Money: The ABCs of Accounting</td><td>B ased on one of the most popular accounting textbooks, this four-part series prov ides a thorough overview of accountancy. Company case studies and interviews wit h finance professionals provide a real-world context for the wide range of conce pts covered. In addition, important industry terms such as GAAP, AICPA and FASB, CPAs and CMAs, debits and credits, journalizing and posting, assets and liabili ties, depreciation and amortization, LIFO and FIFO, gross and net pay, and taxes are defined. Used in the classroom as an introduction to accounting or as a pre -exam review, this series is an excellent tool for helping finance and business students understand how all of accounting's many details come together. A Cambri dge Educational Production. 4-part series, 13-15 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td> <td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3631_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3631_l blPrice">$359.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33399</td><td>On the Move</td><td>This program chronicles th e transportation revolution of England's industrial age, which not only transfor med the way people and things are moved from place to place, but forever altered people's relationship to distance and time-the world began to shrink, and horiz ons to expand. Examined in this program are John McAdam's system for improving r oad surfaces; Thomas Telford's hugely ambitious iron suspension bridge; James Br indley's elaborate systems of canals; Richard Trevithick's "Puffing Devil," the world's first successful self-moving engine; George Stevenson's highly refined l ocomotive, "Rocket"; and Sir George Cayley's pioneering steps into aeronautics. (30 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3632_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3632_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36191</td><td>The Once Good Earth: Understanding Soil</td><t d>Beneath our feet lies a world of violence, death, and renewal-the soil. This p rogram takes viewers deep inside that unseen realm, focusing on the chemical and

ecological complexity that enriches soil and sustains plant and animal life. A wide array of fungi, microorganisms, insects, and small animals are examined, il lustrating the roles they play in the development of root systems and eventually the farms and forests humans need to survive. Highlighting the use of organic f ertilizers and pesticides, the program shows that the medium in which life grows and dies is more than the sum of its parts, and that, although the true importa nce of soil is rarely visible, it must not be taken for granted. (46 minutes)</t d><td>2005</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3633_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3633_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11412</td><td>Once Upon a Time: Baghdad During the Abbasid D ynasty</td><td>The victory of the Abbasids over the Umayyads signified much more than the replacement of one dynasty with another. With it, Islam saw the birth of a multiethnic concept of power, in which both Arab and non-Arab Muslims could share authority. This program presents the Abbasid Caliphate at its peak, enthr oned in its prestigious capital city: Baghdad. The defining project of Caliph al -Ma'amun, the translation by an army of clerks of all the ancient writings his e missaries could procure, is spotlighted-an achievement that set the stage for an eventual showdown between religious and secular scholars. (Portions in French w ith English subtitles, 26 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3634_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3634_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6905</td><td>Oncogenes</td><td>This program discusses how th e chemical alteration of oncogenes in human cells causes the growth of cancerous tumors. Toxic substances, radiation, viruses, and inherited genetic defects are examined as factors causing such alteration. The mechanisms by which the altere d forms overrule normal cell regulation are illustrated through microscope views and computer animation. Specific information is provided on cell cycle, cell di vision, growth factors, receptors, protein kinase, phosphatase, G-proteins, tran sduction processes, src-, ras-, and raf-oncogenes, and signal transduction. (33 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3635_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3635_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11738</td><td>The One and the Many: Pilgrims in a World of F aith</td><td>Whether for pardon, healing, inspiration, or enlightenment, a pilgr image can be a journey through the kingdom of spirit. In this program, Paul Coel ho, author of The Pilgrimage; His Holiness the Dalai Lama; the director of the T iberias Center for Kabbalah and Healing; and others reflect on the history and s ignificance of major pilgrimage destinations, including Santiago de Compostela, Mecca, Bodh Gaya, the Jordan and Ganges Rivers, the tombs of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yo hai and Kobo Daishi, and Chamundi Hill. (53 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>53</td ><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3636_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3636_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9183</td><td>One Brief Life: The Baby L Case</td><td>During her eight weeks of life, Leaney Lavea-born prematurely and with medically insurm ountable abnormalities-was dependent on machines to live. But were these machine s prolonging her life, or were they merely delaying her death? This deeply movin g program explores the ethical dilemma surrounding a case that began in a hospit al and ended up in court. Interviews with Baby L's parents, the attending physic ian, the Laveas' legal counsel, and others trace the course of the battle betwee n the parents and the hospital to assert their rights to do what they each belie ved was morally correct. (40 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3637_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3637_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30057</td><td>One Day Clean: Recovery, Reconciliation, and R edemption</td><td>This poignant program deftly captures the hope and heartbreak of three men struggling to put drug addiction behind them and regain the lost tr ust of their loved ones. Completion of a closely monitored court-ordered drug tr eatment plan is their ticket back to life on the outside, and they are staking t heir futures on it...but only two succeed. Interviews with the recovering addict s and their family members movingly illustrate the damaging repercussions of dru g abuse. (28 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3638_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3638_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33735</td><td>One Day of War</td><td>This shocking and highl y innovative documentary reveals the scale and effects of war on the modern worl d: people fight for their land, their religion, their ideas, and sometimes, sole ly their survival. Following combatants in 16 wars over the same 24-hour time pe riod, the program tells the stories of a range of fighters-from child soldiers t o women commandos and UN peacekeepers to army conscripts-in conflicts from Burma to Sudan, Laos to Cambodia, cutting between characters as the day unfolds. This is a continuing drama about individuals: their reasons for fighting, their hope s for the future, and the fear, excitement, and often banality of life in a war zone. A BBCW Production. (47 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3639_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3639_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33734</td><td>One Life: Detox or Die?</td><td>David Graham S

cott has been addicted to drugs for nearly 20 years, or as he puts it, "four on heroin and the rest on methadone." Filmed by Scott himself over a five-year peri od, this emotionally charged documentary follows his double life as a heroin abu ser and filmmaker, his pattern of deceit with his family, his battle to conquer methadone, and the fight to finally beat his addiction. His desperation to overc ome drugs causes him to risk all on an unauthorized, controversial, and potentia lly lethal method that promises to limit withdrawal symptoms to one day-but send s the patient on a soul-searching, gut-wrenching 36-hour detox. Some content may be objectionable, and some language may be offensive. A BBCW Production. (45 mi nutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3640_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3640_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34615</td><td>One Night in Bhopal</td><td>The world knows to o little about what happened in the Indian city of Bhopal on December 3, 1984. T his program provides a chilling reconstruction of the Union Carbide methyl isocy anate disaster and details its horrific and protracted consequences. Interviews with eyewitnesses-including medical personnel, a company technician, Bhopal's po lice chief, and a young man orphaned by the tragedy-tell the story from the vict ims' perspective; but the program also argues for further scrutiny, inquiring in to the disturbing failure of corporate and government authorities to provide pub lic disclosure or adequately compensate those who suffered most. A BBCW Producti on. (60 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3641_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3641_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10279</td><td>One-Dimensional Kinematics</td><td>In this pro gram, one-dimensional wonderboy Not-Quite-Bright and other experts investigate t he one-dimensional quantities of displacement, average and instantaneous velocit y, and average and instantaneous acceleration through skiing, swimming, and spee d-walking vignettes. The kinematic equations for instantaneous velocity, displac ement, and final velocity are also examined, along with supporting examples. (17 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3642_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3642_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10153</td><td>One-Sided Limits and Limits Involving Infinity </td><td>Are one-sided limits unfair? And how does infinity fit into the equatio n? This program provides the requisite rules and notations for working with left - and right-hand limits. Limits involving infinity are also described, highlight ing the concepts of increasing and decreasing without bound and vertical and hor izontal asymptotes. Determining limits by inspection is covered as well. (32 min utes)</td><td>1999</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3643_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3643_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30548</td><td>One-Way Ticket to Ghana: Forced Deportation fr om the E.U.</td><td>Peter Ekwiri, a Ugandan, is only one of many people whose ap plications for asylum in the E.U. have been denied. And like many other blacks f rom Africa considered "undesirable" by European governments such as Sweden and G ermany, he was forcibly deported-but not to his home country. This program uses Ekwiri's case as a springboard to reveal a corrupt system in which E.U. police a nd immigration authorities clandestinely pay Ghana to act as a transfer point-in reality a dumping ground-for black deportees. And life in Ghana usually means y ears of imprisonment and an obscure death. The program also investigates other s imilar cases while exploring the statistical implications of European racial bia s against black Africans. (59 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3644_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3644_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37076</td><td>The Online Music Revolution</td><td>An industr y once dominated by four giant companies-Sony BMG, Warner Music, Universal, and EMI-has undergone a radical transformation. This program examines the explosion of legal music downloading and viral marketing, which have enabled enterprising bands and singers to distribute their own work rather than signing with major la bels. Focusing on the success of Nizlopi, Arctic Monkeys, Internet marketing pio neer Simply Red, and other artists, the program also features commentary from Jo hn Kennedy, chairman of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industr y-who outlines the potential benefits that big corporations may one day reap fro m consumer downloading. (30 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3645_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3645_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11502</td><td>Only a Teacher: The Impact of Teachers on Amer ican Public Education</td><td>This outstanding three-part series narrated by Sto ckard Channing examines both the history of teaching in the U.S. and the current state of the teaching profession. Interviews with educators, historians, celebr ities, and students; a wealth of archival materials; and evocative dramatization s tell with passion and due reflection the story of America's promise to its chi ldren: the best education for everyone. 3-part series, 54-56 minutes each.</td>< td>2000</td><td>165</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3646_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3646_l blPrice">$389.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35550</td><td>Onstage</td><td>Although staging a play requir

es extensive preparation, its ultimate success depends upon the energy of the pe rformers and their ability to engage a live audience. This program focuses on wh at makes that interaction successful, featuring segments on character interpreta tion, timing, underplaying, movement, positioning, dialects and accents, portray ing pain and drunkenness, and other principles and elements of acting. Sections covering mime performance-one of the oldest forms of acting-and stage management are also included. The result is one of the most thorough and user-friendly gui des to stage acting and directing now available to students. (1 hour 55 minutes) </td><td>2005</td><td>120</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3647_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3647_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35508</td><td>Onward to the Shining Future: Animation and th e Big Soviet Lie</td><td>Soviet film studios worked hard to portray their govern ment's system as idyllic and forward-looking. This program showcases animated fi lms designed to promote that utopian vision. Soviet Toys, the earliest known exa mple of Soviet animation, condemns Lenin's New Economic Policy; The Victorious D estination celebrates the achievements of Stalin's first five-year plan; Samoyed Boy praises the Soviet educational system and the casting-off of antiquated tra ditions; and Hot Stone, Music Box, and Songs of the Years of Fire rejoice over t he passing of Czarist imperialism and the establishment of a new, benevolent soc iety. Eleven films total, plus commentary from Russian State Film School profess or Igor Kokarev, political cartoonist Boris Yefimov, and director/animator Fyodo r Khitruk. (152 minutes) Portions are in Russian with English subtitles.</td><td >2006</td><td>152</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3648_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3648_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32271</td><td>Operating Engineers</td><td>Once your students have taken the tour and seen what the skilled construction trades have to offer , they will want to know more about specific jobs that may interest them. This f ast-paced program provides a concise profile of operating engineers, looking at educational background, apprenticeships, salary, and the work itself. (14 minute s)</td><td>2003</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3649_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3649_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6848</td><td>Optics</td><td>This investigation uses a candle placed between two mirrors; a laser and smoke lens; a water tank; a right-angle prism; a fiber-optic bundle; four planar mirrors; a convex lens; a coffee cup, a coin, and chopsticks; and a paraboloid mirror and a 3-D mouse to explore the f ollowing concepts:o mirrors and image formationo convex and concave mirrorso str aight line propagation and reflection of lighto angles of incidence, reflection, and refractiono principles of optical communicationo focal pointo holograms(30 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>30</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3650_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3650_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34289</td><td>Optics: Bringing the World into Focus</td><td> This edition of Science Screen Report explains the complex system of human visio n and how that system can deteriorate. Outlining the basic concepts of visual pe rception, the program describes the functions of the lens, cornea, retina, and o ptic nerve, and identifies conditions that interfere with eyesight, such as glau coma and macular degeneration. Also included are discussions of medical research and corrective procedures that have restored vision. A viewable/printable instr uctor's guide is available online. Correlates to National Science Education Sta ndards. Produced in association with the Accreditation Board for Engineering an d Technology and the Junior Engineering Technical Society. (16 minutes)</td><td> 2004</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3651_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3651_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33591</td><td>Optimizing Different Learning Styles</td><td>T his program provides a helpful guide to teachers for recognizing their students' primary styles of acquiring and working with information: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. To illustrate each style's impact on successful classroom learning , discussion focuses on the observation techniques used by visual learners; the hearing and repetition procedures practiced by auditory learners; and the handson approach preferred by kinesthetic learners. The program also identifies ways educators can plan and implement a variety of strategies that enable students to use the learning style that is best attuned to their needs. (30 minutes)</td><t d>2004</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3652_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3652_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10834</td><td>Optimizing the Value Chain</td><td>The three m odules of this program use the operations of the Italian clothing corporation Gr uppo Finanziario Tessile to illustrate the value chain. This crucial concept is investigated by considering the benefits of adding value at every stage of produ ction; of leveraging core competencies, such as creative fashion design and a ta lent for forecasting future trends; and of carefully selecting the best distribu tion channels for particular types of apparel. (29 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td >29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3653_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3653_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>17694</td><td>Options after High School Graduation</td><td>A fast-paced overview of ALL types of education and training available after high school, from apprenticeship programs to four-year university. Join students in different situations to discover that there is a place for everyone to prepare f or a career that meets individual needs and preferences. A Meridian Production. Video version. (19 min.) Windows CD-ROM version also available.</td><td>1997</td ><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3654_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3654_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32769</td><td>Order</td><td>In this profile of the psycholog y of leadership, a new prisoner joins the group in lockup, a master set of the g uards' keys is stolen, and the two most forceful prisoners go head to head in a struggle for authority. Contains harsh, inflammatory, and explicit language. A B BCW Production. (60 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3655_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3655_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11902</td><td>Order in the Court</td><td>In this program, va rious legal experts explain pretrial and trial procedures, pointing out along th e way differences in juvenile proceedings. Judges and lawyers navigate the pretr ial process, beginning with the establishment of probable cause and formal charg ing by grand jury. Indictment, pretrial release, bail, and arraignment are also discussed. Such concepts as an alibi, burden of proof, and reasonable doubt are clearly explained. Finally, a panel of experts comments on a sentencing hearing and punishment, along with the defendant's constitutional right to appeal. A Cam bridge Educational Production. (28 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3656_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3656_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7069</td><td>The Organ</td><td>Pipe organs are the most maje stic of musical instruments, and each one is a unique work of art named after it s designer. This program studies the painstaking craftsmanship in wood and metal that goes into pipe organ construction and illustrates the function of the inst rument's many parts. The voicing process, in which the volume and tonal quality of a pipe organ is adjusted to suit the acoustics of its location, is also expla ined. Generous musical samples, included to illustrate the range and effects of pipe organs, are performed on both historical and modern instruments. (28 minute s)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3657_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3657_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36481</td><td>Organ Transplants: Making a Match</td><td>Sixt y years ago, organ transplants for humans began to show signs of success. Since then, organ donation has saved millions of lives worldwide. This program gives v iewers a detailed look at how transplant recipients and donors are matched, as w ell as what happens before, during, and after a transplant operation. Case studi es profile an elderly man waiting for a heart transplant and a golf pro whose do nated kidney gave her a new lease on life. The program also features commentary from transplant experts-including doctors at Stanford University's world-renowne d transplant center-who describe state-of-the-art methods for predicting and tre ating organ rejection. (28 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3658_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3658_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6312</td><td>Organic Cleanup: Microbes and Pollution</td><td >Over 200 years of industrial activity have left the earth with a legacy of poll ution and waste. This program looks at how pollution from everyday industrial pr oduction and from ecological disasters like the Exxon Valdez oil spill can be cl eaned up with bacterial treatment. The mighty microbe is no longer a laboratory curiosity. The program demonstrates how microbes can and are being used successf ully in the fight against pollution. (28 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>28</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3659_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3659_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7661</td><td>Organic Disorders</td><td>This program, filmed in the U.K., demonstrates clinical organic disorders, their characteristics, and differential diagnoses. Divided into the two categories of dementia and deliriu m, the disorders discussed include those relating to psychoactive substance use; schizophrenia and delusional disorders; mood, neurotic stress-related, and soma toform disorders; and personality disorders. Each disorder is explained and iden tified by its characteristics. Dementia disorders include Alzheimer's, Pick's di sease, Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and HIV dementia. Delirium disorders include organic amnestic syndrome, organic per sonality disorder, frontal lobe syndrome, primary cerebral disease, systemic dis ease, endocrine disorders, exogenous toxic substances, and temporal lobe epileps y. (36 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>36</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3660_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3660_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3689</td><td>Organic Evolution</td><td>This series traces th e development of various theories of evolution. It begins with the biblical acco unt of creation, then goes on to discuss Darwin, Mendel, the Hardy-Weinberg law,

and more. The series ties together the microscopic and macroscopic, genetics an d heredity, cell reproduction and breeding populations, hypothesis and observati on. 6-part series, 10 minutes each.</td><td>1992</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3661_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3661_l blPrice">$299.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33837</td><td>Organization and Diversity</td><td>Planet Eart h is teeming with life. Help your students make sense of it all by starting them at the bottom of the biosphere-home to bacteria, microbes, fungi, and insects. Organization and Diversity defines key terms, classifies the kingdoms and domain s of life, outlines the Linnean hierarchical system, contrasts evolutionary taxo nomy with cladistic analysis, and provides powerful DNA evidence supporting the unity of life. Also, the fascinating contributions of molecular taxonomy are sho wcased. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to National Academy of Sciences National Science Education Standards and the Ame rican Association for the Advancement of Science Benchmarks for Science Literacy . A Cambridge Educational Production. Recommended for grades 7-12. (19 minutes)< /td><td>2005</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3662_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3662_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8049</td><td>Organizing America: The History of Trade Unions </td><td>Using interviews, personal accounts, and archival footage, this program investigates the major events in the history of American trade unions, from the formation of the first "friendly societies" in the 18th century, to the challen ges posed by new technologies in the 1980s and 90s. Important issues such as min imum wages, health and safety conditions, discrimination, benefits, job security , and strikes are addressed. Veterans of labor struggles, labor historians, and business and government officials reveal fascinating personal insights into labo r's sometimes violent origins, and how its influences have changed the workplace over the past 200 years. A Cambridge Educational Production. (38 minutes)</td>< td>1994</td><td>39</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3663_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3663_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36200</td><td>Organizing Quantitative Data</td><td>This vide o focuses on effective ways to understand and organize data using descriptive st atistics. Analyzing data collected from studies of young music students, the vid eo helps viewers sort through basic data-interpretation concepts: measures of ce ntral tendency, levels of measurement, measures of dispersion, and graphs. A wid e range of organization principles are covered, including mode, median, and mean ; discrete and continuous data; nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio data; stan dard deviation; and normal distribution. Animation and graphics clarify and rein force each concept. The video concludes with a quick quiz to assess understandin g and focus on key areas. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available o

nline. (37 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3664_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3664_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>812</td><td>Origins of Change: Heredity and Mutation</td><td >This program introduces the concepts of naturally occurring and artificially in duced mutagens, demonstrates how X-radiation and chemical additives can produce genetic mutations, introduces Dr. Maclyn McCarty (one of three researchers who i dentified DNA as the substance that transformed one variety of Pneumococcus into another), and shows how DNA is extracted and precipitated. After viewing the pr ogram, students should understand why Drosophila melanogaster is so well-suited to genetic investigation, how mutation can be induced by chemicals, and how inhe rited variation is the result of a change in the genetic code of DNA. (20 minute s)</td><td>1988</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3665_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3665_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>12040</td><td>Osteoporosis: New Treatments for Bone Loss</td ><td>Osteoporosis eats away at bones, leaving them dangerously weak-and there is no specific age group, gender, or ethnicity that is immune from it. What causes such debilitating deterioration, and what can be done to resist it? This progra m describes the symptoms of osteoporosis while providing information on medicati ons such as raloxifene, Fosamax, Actonel, and calcitonin. The importance of good nutrition and regular exercise as preventive measures is emphasized. (23 minute s)</td><td>2000</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3666_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3666_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3030</td><td>Othello</td><td>"John Kani's Othello is a fine and masterful performance that should make every white actor think twice before blacking up for the Moor," wrote The Guardian of this raw and powerful interpret ation of the play. The production marked the first time an African actor had bee n cast in the title role opposite a white Desdemona before a multiracial audienc e in Johannesburg, South Africa. With Tony Award winner John Kani as Othello, Jo anna Weinberg as Desdemona, and a contextual introduction by director Janet Suzm an. (3 hours 7 minutes)</td><td>1988</td><td>187</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3667_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3667_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7710</td><td>Othello: A Critical Guide</td><td>Compelling dr

amatizations of key scenes from Shakespeare's tragedy are analyzed by two noted Shakespearean experts-Stanley Wells and Russell Jackson of the Shakespeare Insti tute, Stratford-upon-Avon. Themes and topics include the motives of Iago, and wh ether his evil is as complete as most commentators suggest; Victorian objections to the interracial relationship between Othello and Desdemona; evidence of raci sm within Shakespeare's characterization of Othello; the role of opposing forces (good and evil) in relationships and events; Desdemona as victim or manipulativ e conniver, responsible for her own downfall; Othello as victim, ruled by emotio n rather than logic; the conflict between Othello's identity as a Christian comm ander of the Venetian force and as a social and racial outsider; and the use of women as characters vital to plot development. (33 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td >33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3668_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3668_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10254</td><td>Other Graphical Methods and Numerical Methods< /td><td>A knowledge of graphing is essential to visualizing data-and sometimes l eads to free nachos. Moving beyond the relative frequency histogram, this progra m studies the distribution curve and the stem-and-leaf display. Then, after dist inguishing between statistics and parameters, the program thoroughly investigate s measures of central tendency: the mean of samples and populations, the median, and the mode. (21 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3669_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3669_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11123</td><td>Otolaryngology and Refractive Surgery: Breakth roughs and Treatments</td><td>In segment one of this program, Dr. Charles Myer, of the Children's Hospital Medical Center in Cincinnati, addresses alternatives to traditional antibiotic therapy for otitis media and airway reconstruction sur gery for children with serious voice and breathing difficulties. In segment two, photorefractive keratectomy and laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis are discu ssed by pioneering surgeon Marguerite McDonald and experts from the Casey Eye In stitute and the International Society of Refractive Surgery. Cochlear implants a nd customized laser ablation are also considered. (22 minutes)</td><td>1999</td> <td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3670_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3670_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8690</td><td>The Ottoman Empire</td><td>The Ottoman Empire, from the sacking of Constantinople to the end of the 16th century, encompassed E astern Europe, the Balkans, Algeria, Lebanon, Egypt, Spain, and Turkey. This pro gram examines the structure of this empire, from the family to religion and bure aucracy. The role of the powerful doshan, young Christian peasant boys who were abducted and educated to serve the sultan, is also discussed, along with the rol e of women. Maps and scholarly commentary portray an empire that at its zenith w

as an infallible military power dedicated to the spread of Islam, but which also tolerated a diverse population and many creeds within its boundaries. (47 minut es)</td><td>1996</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3671_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3671_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30799</td><td>Our Genes/Our Choices</td><td>Scientific resea rch involving the human genome is advancing at a dizzying speed. This compelling three-part series from Fred Friendly Seminars explores many of the resulting qu andaries. In each program, eminent panelists role-play scenarios that challenge them to apply their knowledge and experience to complex, often excruciating situ ations that people face-or will be facing in the near future. A viewable/printab le instructor's guide is available online. 3-part series, 58 minutes each.</td>< td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3672_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3672_l blPrice">$389.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30194</td><td>Our Grieving Hearts: Stories of Parental Berea vement</td><td>Franca and Peter Napoli said a long goodbye to their 4-year-old d aughter Christina, who died of a brain tumor. Linda and Glen Woods lost two sons , one in a car accident, one to suicide. And Margaret and former Canadian prime minister Pierre Trudeau's son Michel drowned. In this powerful program, three co uples describe the ordeal of losing a child and their search for meaning in the face of tragedy that can become an all-consuming grief. It is a search that begi ns with tears, denial, and guilt at surviving one's offspring, but often ends in a new equilibrium and a heightened sense of the sacredness of life. (46 minutes )</td><td>2001</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3673_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3673_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6800</td><td>Our Hiroshima</td><td>Setsuko Nakamuro Thurlow, a relentless campaigner for peace, was 13 when the atomic bomb dropped on Hiros hima, killing most of her family. Her vivid eyewitness account, combined with ra re archival footage taken before and after the event, provides a comprehensive r ecord of this pivotal episode in world history. A haunting music score, stark im ages, moving testimonies, and impassioned speeches make a compelling case for pe ace and nuclear sanity. The program also takes a hard look at the politics invol ved in developing and promoting the use of the bomb, and delves deeply into Cana da's role in supplying uranium and scientists to the Manhattan Project. The ulti mate conclusion of the program, in the words of physicist and pacifist Ursula Fr anklin, is that "there is no other way of surviving but peace." Includes graphic footage. (43 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>43</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3674_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3674_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5510</td><td>Our Immune System</td><td>A veritable army of c ells is constantly on the alert in our bodies. Its mission is to destroy any for eign cells, viruses, or bacteria that attack the fortress they are protecting, t he human body. This program uses stunning imagery to describe the battles our im mune system wages inside our bodies, showing how it sets up defenses against vir al invasion. It explains how, by means of vaccination, we can use the functions of the immune system to prevent disease. The program also shows how, in the case of organ transplants, the immune system must be suppressed, and shows how the a nti-rejection drug, Cyclosporine, works. (23 minutes)</td><td>1989</td><td>23</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3675_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3675_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36394</td><td>Our Own Private Bin Laden-Educator's Edition</ td><td>Would the collapse of the Soviet Union have been possible without America n sponsorship of Islamic fundamentalism? Did U.S. policies pave the way for 9/11 ? Does the American media help sustain Osama Bin Laden's popularity? This docume ntary examines those questions, studying the machinations of key players-the CIA , Bin Laden, Afghani mujahideen and opium traders, Presidents Carter and Reagan, the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, and others-as the Cold War morph ed into the War on Terror. Presenting a wide range of opinions, the program feat ures eye-opening interviews with high-level leaders and renowned political analy sts-including Milton Bearden, former CIA station chief in Pakistan; Benazir Bhut to, former Prime Minister of Pakistan; and scholar and activist Noam Chomsky. Al so notable is Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor and architec t of the Carter administration's plan to draw the Soviet Union into a Vietnam-st yle conflict in Afghanistan. Contains extensive bonus interview material (DVD on ly). (63 minutes + 102 minutes of bonus material)</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3676_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3676_l blPrice">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34721</td><td>Our Planet Earth</td><td>If Earth's entire his tory could be compressed into a single year, modern humans would've appeared jus t 23 minutes ago! Use this video to introduce your students to the concept of ge ological time (also called deep time); relative age dating of rock via the princ iples of stratigraphic superposition, original horizontality, and cross-cutting; absolute age dating by radioactive decay; the chemical elements, heavy and ligh t, that make up the planet; and Earth's three main layers: crust, mantle, and co re. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to N ational Science Education Standards, National Educational Technology Standards, and Standards for the English Language Arts. A Cambridge Educational Production. Recommended for grades 7-12. (22 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3677_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3677_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>833</td><td>Our Talented Brain</td><td>In many ways our brai ns may be like those of animals, but in our capacity to think, to remember, and to create we are much different. This program looks at some of the reasons for t hese differences, exploring the neural structure of the human brain, our physiol ogical brain capacity, and the use of memory and symbols. (26 minutes)</td><td>1 984</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3678_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3678_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>37235</td><td>Our Town: Character Studies Conversations</td> <td>In Grover's Corners, New Hampshire, the time is 1901 and the place is Americ a's collective memory. But Thornton Wilder's Our Town is not the sentimental nos talgia piece most people perceive. This program hosted by Eli Wallach offers wid e-ranging and extraordinarily deep insights into the play from those who arguabl y know it best: Our Town alumni who over the years have brought the play to life on stage and screen. Interviews with Paul Newman (Stage Manager); Cynthia Nixon and Maggie Lacey (Emily Webb); Paul Newman, Ben Fox, Harvey Evans, and Eric Sto ltz (George Gibbs); James Rebhorn (Doc Gibbs); Frances Conroy (Mrs. Gibbs); Jeff DeMunn (Editor Webb); and Stephen Spinella (Simon Stimson) are featured. Our To wn director James Naughton and Tom Jones, writer of the musical adaptation Grove r's Corners, also contribute. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is availab le online. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production. (68 minutes)</td><t d>2007</td><td>68</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3679_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3679_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30485</td><td>Our Urban Environment: Water Quality</td><td>T his indispensable six-part series produced by the University of New Orleans' Sch lieder Urban Environmental Systems Center examines the management of wastewater, stormwater, and industrial discharge in urban centers, helping viewers to ident ify basic issues, evaluate options, and implement decisions. 6-part series, 25-4 0 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3680_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3680_l blPrice">$779.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30220</td><td>Out and About: Having Fun the Spanish Way</td> <td>Living a balanced life requires plenty of time to relax and have fun. This p rogram uses all sorts of recreational and leisure activities-from sports and wil derness adventures to concerts, shopping trips, and nightclubbing-to stimulate c

onversation. In addition, the program captures the renowned Fallas festival, whe re hundreds of satirical sculptures are displayed and, amidst great excitement a nd gaiety, are joyfully destroyed. Original BBC broadcast title: Talk Spanish, P rogram 6. (Spanish and English, 17 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3681_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3681_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8426</td><td>Out of Asia: New Theories on Evolution</td><td> The common consensus among anthropologists is that modern man emerged from Afric a. This program examines new evidence that disputes this theory and alleges that simultaneous to the emergence of Homo erectus in Africa, there were also groups of Homo erectus in Australia. Was there an earlier diaspora that predates the A frican migration? Is there a single, linear evolution from Homo erectus to moder n man, or is it possible that there were various strains and that evolution is a result of hybridization? Does Java Man, dated as living two million years ago, refute the Africa theory? A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>50 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3682_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3682_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36406</td><td>Out of Control: AIDS in Black America</td><td> With the final investigative work of journalist Peter Jennings as its cornerston e, this program studies the frightening rise of AIDS among African-Americans-a t rend that has been developing for several years, but which has gone largely unno ticed outside the black community. Jennings' contribution to the program is a ca ndid group discussion he conducted with HIV-positive African-American men in Atl anta. In addition to that eye-opening conversation, the program also features ta lks between anchor Terry Moran and various black leaders-including the Reverends Jesse Jackson, Calvin Butts, and T. D. Jakes-and frank input from several Afric an-American women. (41 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3683_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3683_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29764</td><td>Out of Harm's Way: Personal Safety at Home and Away from Home</td><td>A parking lot at night, a lonely cash machine, a questio nable Internet chat room: for muggers, stalkers, and other criminals, these are ideal hunting grounds for potential victims. Filmed in a compelling question-and -answer format involving law enforcement officers and a diverse group of adults, this no-nonsense program suggests safety protocols to use with cars, ATMs, elev ators, the Internet, and the telephone; when exercising outdoors; and in the wor kplace and at home. The bottom line? Stay alert, act with confidence, and be pre pared. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Meridian P roduction. (26 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3684_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3684_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1279</td><td>Out of the Air: 1</td><td>Air, an important ind ustrial raw material, is first filtered to remove any solid matter. Then its con stituent gases-nitrogen, oxygen, and other trace gases-can be separated by compr essing the air, cooling it, and then allowing it to expand, which cools it furth er. Since each gas liquefies at a different temperature, the gases can easily be separated. As the air expands, it is used to drive turbines, which generate ele ctricity; the cold air is also used to freeze carbon dioxide and water vapor. Th e liquid nitrogen and oxygen, stored and transported in well-insulated tanks, ha ve many industrial uses, from steel-making to packaging potato chips. (20 minute s)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3685_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3685_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>1280</td><td>Out of the Air: 2</td><td>Two very important pr oducts derived from air are ammonia and nitric acid. Ammonia is produced when hy drogen gas is extracted from natural gas and steam, mixed with nitrogen from the air, and heated. The resulting ammonia gas is condensed into liquid form, to be made into other chemicals. Ammonia is also used to make nitric acid, basic in t he production of fertilizers, detergents, and many other products. The program a lso discusses the role of chemical and mechanical engineers in industry. (20 min utes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3686_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3686_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36983</td><td>Out West: Beyond the Myth</td><td>Outside the boundaries of America's collective folk imagination and underlying the sweeping narrative of U.S. history lies the lived experience of the nation's westward pio neers. Without exaggeration or embellishment, this captivating documentary focus es on the lives of the common people who headed West between the early 1860s and the turn of the 20th century. Accounts of personal challenges and hardships, in terwoven with larger stories of progress and warfare, create a vivid narrative t hat presents the expansion of America through the eyes of those who won the West at the expense of the land's indigenous peoples. By demythologizing America's M anifest Destiny, Out West will doubtlessly alter many previously unquestioned be liefs. (57 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3687_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3687_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8774</td><td>Outboard Motors</td><td>Discusses safety habits

for operating an outboard motor and shows how to keep the parts and systems wel l maintained-including the power head, the lower unit, and propeller.</td><td>19 98</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3688_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3688_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37449</td><td>Outbreak in America: When the Flu Pandemic Hit s Home</td><td>Flying home from Hawaii, where he has met with a group of Chinese business contacts, salesman Michael Peterson begins to feel ill. This program p resents the frightening consequences of his journey, which has transformed him i nto America's Patient Zero-an unwitting carrier of the deadly, Asian-born H5N1 v irus. Peterson soon infects his own son, other inhabitants of his California sub urb, and, indirectly, millions across the continent. Although his story is ficti onal, it represents a disturbingly probable scenario for which even the world's most powerful nation has no satisfactory contingency plan. Dr. Jim Robertson, pr incipal scientist for Britain's NIBSC, conveys the realities of vaccine shortage s; Dr. Gregory Poland of the Mayo Vaccine Research Group describes the physiolog ical ravages of a cytokine storm. Original BBCW broadcast title: Pandemic Part t wo. (49 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3689_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3689_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37448</td><td>Outbreak in Asia: How a Flu Pandemic Is Born</ td><td>An avian influenza epidemic will almost certainly begin where poultry is slaughtered in poorly managed, unsanitary conditions. This semi-dramatized progr am starts in rural Cambodia, where a mutated H5N1 virus spreads easily from an i nfected chicken into the local population and prompts a swift response from Worl d Health Organization field workers. Depicting the WHO containment strategy in d etail, the program also illustrates how a single wayward villager could render a ll such measures useless, despite the best efforts of science and the internatio nal community. Dr. Gregory Poland, director of the Mayo Vaccine Research Group, explains the science of cross-species infection, while Dr. Catherine Macken of t he Los Alamos National Laboratory displays chilling computer simulations of outb reak patterns. Original BBCW broadcast title: Pandemic Part one. (49 minutes)</t d><td>2006</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3690_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3690_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33040</td><td>Outbreak: Stopping SARS</td><td>"WHO Issues a Global Outbreak Alert" "Emergency Travel Advisory" "SARS Spreads Worldwide" When SARS first hit the headlines, it was poised to become a major pandemic. This pr ogram shows how vigilant medical professionals save countless lives by tracking and identifying emerging mystery viruses-and stopping them cold with shared know ledge and cutting-edge technology deployed on a global scale. Examination techni ques for patients with unknown infectious illnesses are demonstrated, as are dia

gnostic laboratory tests. The mechanics of coronaviruses are addressed. (25 minu tes)</td><td>2003</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3691_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3691_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34962</td><td>Outsourcing: White Collar Exodus</td><td>Bluecollar jobs have been leaving America for decades. Now, thousands of higher payi ng positions are also moving abroad. This program examines the pros and cons of white-collar outsourcing, highlighting emotional and ideological divisions on th e topic. It also studies real-life examples of outsourcing in action. An in-dept h look at India's booming call center industry-which provides systematic trainin g for Mumbai workers in American standards of speech and culture-illustrates the extent to which American business relies on overseas labor, while commentary fr om economists and policy makers explores the effect of outsourcing on America's middle class. (51 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3692_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3692_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36351</td><td>Overcoming Acne</td><td>It's a teen rite of pa ssage-but acne and its scars can continue into adulthood, sometimes leading to s erious physical and emotional problems. This program looks at the causes and eff ects of the unpleasant and frequently distressing skin condition, possible remed ies for it, and the specific problem of adult-onset acne. Common misconceptionslinking poor hygiene or chocolate consumption with acne outbreaks, for example-a re debunked. Stressing the benefits of medically assisted skin care, renowned de rmatologists Dr. Madhavi Kandula and Dr. Lawrence Eichenfield review acne treatm ent strategies, including over-the-counter medications and prescription drugs. ( 28 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3693_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3693_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34509</td><td>Overcoming Barriers to Employment</td><td>Lega l issues related to hiring and workplace discrimination are outlined in this vid eo, as well as techniques for confronting and challenging discrimination. Questi ons designed to gauge a company's corporate culture are presented. (29 minutes)< /td><td>2004</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3694_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3694_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6061</td><td>Overcoming Children's Language Problems: Speaki

ng for Ourselves</td><td>Approximately 10% of children have some difficulties in learning to speak. This program explores how children learn to communicate and how parents can help their children overcome speech problems if they occur. It f ollows families as they work on their child's speech and/or language skills in a n institutional setting and at home; shows the challenges the children face in d eveloping such social and physical skills as meeting new friends or learning new games; and explains the techniques for recognizing speech or language disorders , and why doing so is so important. (24 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>24</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3695_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3695_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>38789</td><td>Overcoming Infertility</td><td>Difficulty in c onceiving a child is becoming an increasingly common problem for many couples. A ccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, infertility affects more than 6 million men and women in the United States. As this program shows, i nfertility can be frustrating, mysterious, and difficult to cope with-however, a dvances in assisted reproductive technology are also highlighted, demonstrating that many couples are eventually able to achieve their dream of starting a famil y. Interviews with renowned infertility experts and patients who have undergone infertility treatment provide encouraging and informative case studies. (28 minu tes)</td><td>2006</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3696_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3696_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>12112</td><td>Overcoming Mental Impairment</td><td>This prog ram provides useful guidelines and advice to caregivers assisting people with me ntal impairments. The two major classifications of impairment are closely examin ed: dementia, or degenerative diseases of the brain such as Alzheimer's, and men tal disorders due to congenital conditions, such as Down syndrome. Techniques on how to communicate with and assist elderly people are demonstrated. Instructive interviews with spouses and caregivers of elderly patients and with parents of children with mental disabilities round out this program. (32 minutes)</td><td>2 000</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3697_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3697_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>12109</td><td>Overcoming Problems of Locomotion</td><td>For people with disabilities, the great enemy is depression and a feeling of helples sness, which is why preserving some means of simply getting around is so importa nt. This program looks at ways individuals with disabilities and their caregiver s can overcome problems of physical mobility. Using clear-cut demonstrations and excellent computer graphics, the program illustrates techniques of lifting and moving a patient. The basic types of wheelchairs and devices for assisting in wa lking are also shown and evaluated. The importance of skin care and types of bed

s are discussed for prevention of pressure sores. (32 minutes)</td><td>2000</td> <td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3698_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3698_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>12110</td><td>Overcoming Problems with Bladder, Bowels, and Swallowing</td><td>This program addresses disability-related concerns that are m atters of not only a person's health but dignity as well. The two types of longterm bladder problems-disinhibited and paralyzed bladder-are discussed, along wi th their management. The reasons for constipation and the different types of lax atives are explained, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the bedpan and commode. Various techniques are demonstrated for dealing with swallowing pro blems, and tips are provided on how to assist a person in eating. (27 minutes)</ td><td>2000</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3699_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3699_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>12111</td><td>Overcoming Problems with Speech, Hearing, and Vision</td><td>This program explains the principles of assisting people with spe ech, hearing, or vision impairments. Various speech impediments are explored, su ch as misshapen palate, spastic dysarthria, and dysphasia due to stroke or Parki nson's disease. Speech pathologists are shown working with individuals who have speech or hearing impairments. Excellent computer animation is used to show the two major forms of hearing loss, conductive and sensorineural deafness, along wi th the different types of assistance each requires. Hearing aids and cochlear im plants are discussed, and useful tips to assist people with hearing impairments are outlined. Similarly, the program provides guidelines for assisting blind peo ple and interviews with them that contain helpful advice for practical living ar rangements. (40 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3700_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3700_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10889</td><td>Overview of Biotechnology</td><td>Some of the hottest challenges facing the 21st century are being worked on right now by biot echnologists. This introductory-level program investigates the dynamic field of biotechnology and examines how it relates to a cross-section of different discip lines such as medicine, healthcare, ergonomics, and communications. In addition, employees from the biotechnology sector offer their insights on the work that t hey do and on the industry as a whole. A Meridian Production. (15 minutes)</td>< td>2000</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3701_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3701_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24696</td><td>An Overview of CAM</td><td>This video defines CAM, shows how a CAM system is integrated with a CAD system, and discusses backg round necessary for employment with CAM and the future of CAM in industry. (14 m in.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1992</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3702_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3702_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24698</td><td>An Overview of Drafting</td><td>Overview to Dr afting is a thirteen-minute video which is part of the series, Drafting.Whether your students are just beginning to learn basic drawing skills or are already in volved in CAD programs, this video series will ignite an interest in the "drafti ng world-of-work." The set of 3 videos covers: technical/ mechanical drawing, in cluding the tools and equipment needed; computer-aided design and drafting conce pts; and drafting specialties, such as architectural drafting. Viewers are encou raged to explore various drafting occupations-requiring different levels of educ ation and experience. What a great way to introduce your students to a wide worl d of opportunities for a useful career! (13 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td >1999</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3703_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3703_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10170</td><td>An Overview of Investigative Interviewing</td> <td>What is the right way to interrogate victims, witnesses, and suspects? And, of equal instructive value, what is the wrong way? This program investigates bot h, as trained British actors apply the principles of cognitive interviewing, con versation management, and nonverbal communication in a series of unscripted Q-an d-A sessions related to a purse-snatching. Segments dramatizing the incident fro m the victim's and witness's points of view are also included. In addition, film clips of a totally separate mugging are included-ideal for use as a witness/int errogator practice exercise. (62 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>62</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3704_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3704_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>20472</td><td>Overview to CAD</td><td>Overview to CAD is a s ixteen-minute video which is part of the series, Drafting.Whether your students are just beginning to learn basic drawing skills or are already involved in CAD programs, this video series will ignite an interest in the "drafting world-of-wo rk." The set of 3 videos covers: technical/mechanical drawing, including the too ls and equipment needed; computer-aided design and drafting concepts; and drafti ng specialties, such as architectural drafting. Viewers are encouraged to explor e various drafting occupations-requiring different levels of education and exper ience. What a great way to introduce your students to a wide world of opportunit

ies for a useful career! (16 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1999</td><td>1 6</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3705_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3705_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3673</td><td>Oxidative Phosphorylation</td><td>Occurring acr oss the inner membrane of the mitochondrion organelle, this process is shown to depend on the creation of a hydrogen gradient that in turn drives the synthesis of ATP molecules. The program totals the ATPs produced from a single glucose mol ecule through the combined process of glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation. (10 minutes)</td><td>1988</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3706_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3706_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8510</td><td>Oxygen: The Poison Gas</td><td>Three billion ye ars ago, bacteria polluted the atmosphere with a new gas, oxygen, and changed th e planet forever. This new "poison" gas became the catalyst for life to emerge. But today, humankind is also creating new gases, along with altering the composi tion of the atmosphere by building dams and removing forests. This program exami nes the possible consequences of our actions. Original BBC broadcast title: The Living Earth. (50 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3707_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3707_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10707</td><td>Pablo Neruda: Chile's Master Poet</td><td>The life and work of Pablo Neruda-Nobel Laureate, statesman, renowned poet-both refl ect and embody the events that shaped the 20th century. Born in Chile, he fled a s a political refugee in 1948, not to return until 1952. Through archival materi al, Neruda's writings, and interviews with family, friends, and scholars, this p rogram presents Neruda's life and the times that molded it. (Spanish, 26 minutes )</td><td>1999</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3708_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3708_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29169</td><td>Pablo Neruda: Chile's Master Poet</td><td>The life and work of Pablo Neruda-Nobel Laureate, statesman, renowned poet-both refl ect and embody the events that shaped the 20th century. Born in Chile, he fled a s a political refugee in 1948, not to return until 1952. Through archival materi al, Neruda's writings, and interviews with family, friends, and scholars, this p rogram presents Neruda's life and the times that molded it. (Spanish with Englis

h subtitles, 28 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3709_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3709_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10507</td><td>Pablo Neruda: Closer to Blood than to Ink</td> <td>Equally adept at writing simple love lyrics, surreal works of great complexi ty, and even epics, Nobel Laureate Pablo Neruda was a master of many forms of po etry. This captivating program tells the story of the poet's life and prodigious work, set against the backdrop of the country that inspired him. Readings from his massive oeuvre amply demonstrate his sincere commitment to the Communist Par ty and his abiding love for the natural world. Described by Federico Garcia Lorc a as a writer "closer to death than to philosophy, closer to grief than to intel lect, closer to blood than to ink," Pablo Neruda stands as Chile's greatest poet . (47 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3710_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3710_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33643</td><td>Paganism</td><td>Since the dawn of humankind, people have wondered: Is there a sentient power within or beyond our world that is involved in our lives? This program examines the practice of paganism through important prehistoric sites such as the capstone dolmen Pentre Ifan, in Wales; the megaliths of Newgrange, in Ireland; some of the 3,000 standing stones at Car nac, in France; and the Altamira caves in northern Spain, with their remarkable examples of pagan rock art. In addition, a Dogon funeral dance in Mali exemplifi es an indigenous religious ritual as it is performed today. (26 minutes)</td><td >2003</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3711_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3711_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10424</td><td>Pain Management</td><td>Pain, a frequent part of recovery from illness and injury, is actually controllable in the vast majori ty of cases. This program from The Doctor Is In illustrates approaches to pain c ontrol for patients healing after surgery, dealing with cancer, and coping with chronic back and nerve conditions. Experts profiled include Dr. Margaret Caudill , developer of an innovative mind-body therapy; Johns Hopkins University's Dr. R ichard North, who specializes in electrical stimulation; Dr. Ronald Melzack, cre ator of the Gate Control theory of pain; and Dr. Carol Warfield, of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center's Division of Pain Medicine. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medi cal Center production. (30 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3712_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3712_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>35066</td><td>Pain Management: Doctors, Patients, and the DE A</td><td>High-dose pain management therapy involving narcotics has placed docto rs and patients under scrutiny by federal regulators. Is the Drug Enforcement Ad ministration simply cracking down on criminal overprescription and prescription forgery, or is it unfairly targeting doctors for merely doing their jobs, and pu nishing people with chronic pain? This ABC News program weighs in on the questio n through interviews with DEA Administrator Karen Tandy, a doctor convicted of o verprescribing, and a patient serving a 25-year prison sentence for possessing t oo much pain medication. (22 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3713_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3713_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10970</td><td>Pain: The Language of the Body and the Mind</t d><td>Pain is often the body's sole method of communicating with the mind; it al erts the brain to malfunctions and protects the body from further harm. This con cise three-part series explores the management, psychology, and physiology of pa in to provide an in-depth overview of its role in our physical, and mental, live s. 3-part series, 17-25 minutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3714_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3714_l blPrice">$269.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36366</td><td>Painkillers: Numbing the Mind</td><td>The huma n body manufactures its own painkillers to ensure survival when injured. This pr ogram shows how opium and its derivatives, heroin and morphine, hijack that natu ral pain-numbing ability. Illustrating the brain's ability to alter its own chem istry when attacked by drugs, the program depicts the process by which brain rec eptors become desensitized and thus addicted. Tranquilizers-and the potentially lifelong physical dependency and psychological problems they can cause-are also studied. The findings of Brigitte Keiffer, Marc Valleur, Martine Cador, Emiliana Borelli, Alain Ehrenberg, and the Strasbourg Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics are featured. (51 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3715_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3715_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32272</td><td>Painters</td><td>Once your students have taken the tour and seen what the skilled construction trades have to offer, they will want to know more about specific jobs that may interest them. This fast-paced p rogram provides a concise profile of painters, looking at educational background , apprenticeships, salary, and the work itself. (13 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><t d>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3716_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3716_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30691</td><td>The Painter's Studio</td><td>While they allow the viewer into the artist's workshop, paintings of the painter's studio are alw ays a stylized portrayal where what is not shown is just as important as what is . This program surveys a number of examples of this classic theme, drawing atten tion to some of the different approaches artists have used to convey the space i n which they work. (27 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3717_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3717_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33425</td><td>The Painter's Studio: Art Workshop, Art Labora tory</td><td>The painter's studio: at once an open forum for exchanging skills w ith other artists and a private retreat for experimenting with technique. Beginn ing with the Renaissance and concluding with the 20th century, this program cove rs an assortment of studio-related topics, including life as a painter's apprent ice; the birth and growth of art schools and academies; the progress of the pain ter's status in society; the development and proliferation of art tools; the use of nude models; the hard-won success of women in gaining acceptance for female painters; and the continually evolving creative space known as the studio. (27 m inutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3718_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3718_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33423</td><td>Painting on Architectural Surfaces</td><td>Thi s program travels to four locales to examine technical aspects of how frescoes h ave been painted: a villa in Pompeii, where walls saturated with figures, dense colors, and ornamental motifs functioned both decoratively and ritually; the Bas ilica of San Francesco in Arezzo, home of della Francesca's Legend of the True C ross; the Salle des Saisons at the Louvre, to view Romanelli's frescoes combined with richly gilded stuccowork; and the Residenz palace in Wurzburg, to see how Tiepolo's trompe l'oeil creates an extraordinary illusory space. (27 minutes)</t d><td>2003</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3719_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3719_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33424</td><td>Painting on Portable Media</td><td>The centuri es-long era of painting on wooden panels culminated in magnificent works such as Grunewald's Isenheim Altarpiece and van der Weyden's Beaune Altarpiece. But the n canvas finally came into its own: light in weight, low in cost, easy to prepar e, and an ideal replacement for frescoes where climatic conditions did not easil y permit mural painting, over time it became the artist's medium of choice. This

program traces the evolution of painting on portable media, giving equal attent ion to great wooden polyptychs of 30 to 40 panels and tiny canvases such as Verm eer's The Lacemaker. (27 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3720_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3720_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26025</td><td>Painting Wood Furniture</td><td>Painting Wood Furniture is a ten-minute video which is part of the series, Wood Finishing.A cr aftsman can plan, cut, and assemble a fine piece of furniture...but it does not become beautiful until the finish is applied. This series will give your student s an understanding of the finishing options available, including advantages and disadvantages. The correct preparation and safe application methods for each are demonstrated. A Meridian Production. 10-minute video.</td><td>1994</td><td>10</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3721_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3721_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10111</td><td>Pakistan: Between the Chitralis and Pathans</t d><td>Situated in western Asia, Pakistan occupies a region of political and econ omic tension. This program looks at Pakistan's complex relations with Iran, Indi a, and the United States and the contributions of its multicultural population. The influences of Punjabi and Pathan, Sindhi and Baluchi, and Ismaili and Buddhi st are all captured, set against the background of life both in cities and in ru ral communities. The region's heritage as the seat of the Indus Valley civilizat ion is also explored. (51 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3722_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3722_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32754</td><td>Palmyra: Venice of the Sands</td><td>Thriving in the shadows of the Roman and Parthian Empires, the polyglot oasis town of Pal myra, "the Venice of the Sands," grew rich on the caravan trade between northern Syria and Babylonia. In this program, archaeological footage and 3-D computer-g enerated images enable viewers to step into that bustling multicultural center, with its busy streets, temples to ancient gods, and silent tombs. In addition, t he socioeconomic history of the region is described, along with Palmyra's bid fo r rulership of the eastern Roman Empire during the reign of Zenobia. (27 minutes )</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3723_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3723_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>11125</td><td>Pancreatic Cancer: Search for the Cure</td><td >Despite its ranking as one of the most lethal of diseases, pancreatic cancer ha s been largely neglected in terms of funding and public awareness, further contr ibuting to its high mortality rate. This program examines efforts being made by dedicated specialists to hold the disease at bay while caring professionals and celebrities strive to inform the public and raise money. Margaret Tempero, Beppi no Giovanella, James Abbruzzese, and other key figures in pancreatic research di scuss therapies that have proved helpful to a number of patients, including 9-ni tro camptothecin, gemcitabine, and the Whipple procedure. (23 minutes)</td><td>2 000</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3724_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3724_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37447</td><td>Pandemic: An Influenza Scenario</td><td>Perhap s even more dangerous than terrorism or natural disasters, the virus known as H5 N1 could bring the Western world to its knees at any time. This two-part seriesboth a riveting dramatization and a rigorously researched documentary-clearly de picts how a bird flu outbreak would explode into a global pandemic, dealing out death and societal chaos on an unprecedented level. Commentary from leading doct ors and researchers illuminates the science at the heart of this compelling stor y. Original BBCW broadcast title: Pandemic. 2-part series, 49 minutes each.</td> <td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3725_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3725_l blPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32208</td><td>Pandora's Box</td><td>When it comes to DNA sci ence, nobody has a better track record than Jim Watson; what makes him controver sial, however, is his vision of its future. This program looks inside the Pandor a's box of genetic manipulation with the man who opened it. Watson serves as gui de, exploring some of the current and proposed ways scientists are improving hum ankind. He also addresses some of his critics, including a family with a son who has Down syndrome, and Dr. Kay Jamison, a world expert on bipolar disorder and a bipolar patient herself. (57 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3726_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3726_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33756</td><td>Panelboards</td><td>This video focuses on the main electrical panel, the power center of the home. It explains how to properly mount and connect cables, balance the load, work with circuit breakers and fuse s, and install sub-panels. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the National Center for Construction Education and Researc h standards. A Shopware Production. (19 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>18</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3727_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3727_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2375</td><td>Panic!</td><td>This program from The Doctor Is In explains anxiety disorders, which include panic attacks, phobias, and agoraph obia. It follows two agoraphobics through three years of treatment; a man discus ses his phobia of poisoning himself; and a woman shows how she worked through a fear of flying. Researchers explain their evidence for a biological cause for an xiety disorders. Doctors David Sheehan of the University of South Florida Psychi atry Center and Charles Ravaris of the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center discus s the disorders and their treatments. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center produ ction. (26 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3728_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3728_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6788</td><td>Panic Attacks</td><td>This program shows panic attacks as a symptom of other stress-related conditions-specific phobias, agorap hobia, generalized anxiety disorders-and also as a separate condition. A housewi fe and businessman tell how panic attacks placed limitations on their daily live s and how they finally sought help and relief. A specialist in behavioral psycho therapy provides professional advice on how to identify panic attacks and what t reatments are available. (15 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3729_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3729_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29957</td><td>Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia: When Fear Take s Control</td><td>"At some point, you contemplate suicide. You think, 'This is u seless. I'm suffering too much. What's in store for me?'" In this program, patie nts share their stories of terror and triumph as they struggle to deal with thei r irrational fears and avoidance behaviors. In addition, mental health professio nals contrast behavioral cognitive psychotherapy, augmented by video conferencin g and virtual reality, with psychopharmacological intervention, which usually in volves anxiolytics, antidepressants, and beta-blockers. Computer graphics mappin g out the physiological mechanics of a panic attack are also included. (53 minut es)</td><td>2001</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3730_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3730_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26325</td><td>The Pantry Station</td><td>The pantry station is responsible for preparing foods served cold. These include salads and sandwic hes which are often prepared ahead of time and refrigerated until served. Salads consist of four parts: the base, the body, the dressing, and the garnish, and e

ach is thoroughly covered including safety tips. Hot and cold sandwiches are dis cussed as well as the importance of using high-quality breads. Helpful explanati on of sandwich and salad production is also provided so that large amounts of id entical items can be assembled quickly. Organization is the key to this station! (13 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>2000</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3731_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3731_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31226</td><td>Paolo Uccello: Capturing War</td><td>Giving fr ee rein to his passion for perspective, Paolo Uccello immortalized a clash betwe en Florentine and Sienese troops in his Battle of San Romano. This program uses that three-panel Early Renaissance masterpiece to gain insights into Uccello's f ascination with three-dimensionality as well as his intense curiosity about geom etrical forms, color, and movement. (31 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>31</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3732_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3732_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14488</td><td>Paper Plates to Silver Spoons: The Complete Gu ide to Table Manners</td><td>This entertaining video takes both a serious and a humorous look at the importance of learning table manners. Viewers see the benef its of learning proper techniques so that they become natural rather than using correct manners only on special occasions. Starting with a discussion of differe nt kinds of meal settings, utensils, and the order in which they are used, viewe rs are taken through the steps of a meal. This entertaining production illustrat es the importance of a good posture, how to hold and use utensils, and how to be prepared for conversation. The program shows the correct way to eat most common foods (salads, soups, breads, steaks, desserts, etc.). Viewers learn what to do when faced with tricky situations-a drink is spilled or a utensil dropped, food is offered which they don't or can't eat, a question is asked and their mouth i s full, a situation arises and they don't know what to do, and much more! This v ideo covers both formal and informal occasions and teaches manners that will ass ure confidence in any dining situation. A Cambridge Educational Production. (38 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>38</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3733_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3733_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10235</td><td>Parachuting: Moving Bodies with Constant Mass< /td><td>This program uses a parachutist to demonstrate the effects of drag on th e force of gravity, showing how to make mathematical approximations and how the resultant forces can be equated to the product of mass and acceleration. A first -order differential equation is then used to find the minimum height from which a parachutist can jump without injury. (21 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>22</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3734_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3734_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37630</td><td>Paradise Found: Discovering Islamic Art</td><t d>In this two-part series, renowned art commentator Waldemar Januszczak makes an epic journey of discovery across the Muslim world, revealing awe-inspiring arch itecture and art objects that evoke the history of Islam. Along the way he meets local historians and experts-as well as an array of weavers, calligraphers, pot ters, and jewelers-who contribute their knowledge of this fascinating art-histor ical field. The result is a stimulating introduction to a set of globally signif icant aesthetic traditions. 2-part series, 45-60 minutes each.</td><td>2007</td> <td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3735_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3735_l blPrice">$299.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7889</td><td>Paradise Lost</td><td>Patterned on Greek and Ro man classics, yet achieving a voice of its own by defying the strict dictates of classical subject matter, Milton's epic poem is a masterpiece of monumental pro portions. His diverse and often awesome use of language creates an effect as sur real and powerful as Dante's Inferno. This program features probing analysis by Professors Thomas Winnifrith, University of Warwick, and Robert Wilcher, Univers ity of Birmingham. Topics include Milton's creation of hell as one of the great imaginative accomplishments of literature. Also examined are the poem's anti-Cat holic tone; the use of the Narcissus myth; the weak, headmaster-like characteriz ation of God; Eve as the strong, archetypal woman; Satan as hero; and criticism of Milton as a misogynist. A brief biography of Milton highlights philosophical debates of the period. (30 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3736_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3736_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32683</td><td>Parallel Universes</td><td>Is M theory Einstei n's elusive "theory of everything"? In this program, visionary physicists Neil T urok, of Cambridge University; Burt Ovrut, of the University of Pennsylvania; Pa ul Steinhardt, of Princeton University; and others theorize on a revolutionary c osmology that explains what happened at the Big Bang-and in the process posit a continuum in which our universe is but one bubble among an infinite number. The development of string theory, the contributions of string and supergravity theor ies to M theory, the relative weakness of gravity, and parallel universe-creatin g collisions between membranes in the eleventh dimension are discussed. A BBCW P roduction. (50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3737_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3737_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>33562</td><td>A Parasite Primer</td><td>Lethal parasites kil l one human every ten seconds. Others prefer to keep people alive, for food and shelter. In this program, patients discuss their encounters with botfly maggots, leeches, candiru fish, elephantiasis, tapeworms and cerebral tapeworm cysts, an d a tiny water parasite that eats away at the interior of the eye. Experiments i nclude one in which lice are scattered on a volunteer to see how they react and another in which a volunteer incubates a monstrous beef tapeworm in his digestiv e tract-and then expels it. Viewer discretion is advised. (50 minutes)</td><td>2 003</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3738_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3738_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33563</td><td>Parasites that Harm, Parasites that Help</td>< td>This program contrasts pernicious and benign parasites through four case stud ies: a flesh-eating organism that nearly causes the facial disfigurement of a yo ung woman; a mysterious malaria attack contracted by an American man who has nev er traveled to an at-risk locale; a vacationing child who returns home with a bo il on her neck containing a very large Tumbu fly maggot; and a woman who volunta rily takes worms into her body to relieve a painful intestinal condition. Resear ch into using beneficial parasites to treat asthma and allergies such as hay fev er is also presented. Viewer discretion is advised. (50 minutes)</td><td>2003</t d><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3739_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3739_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9091</td><td>Parent Involvement</td><td>The battle to promot e academic success cannot be won solely by administrators, principals, and teach ers. This program examines how parents can become a driving force for school ref orm by increasing their involvement in their children's instruction both at scho ol and at home-and why it is imperative for parents to communicate with schools on a continuing basis about their children's progress, discipline, and achieveme nts. (18 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3740_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3740_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34910</td><td>Parenting Challenges</td><td>What do kids and concerned parents face in the 21st century? Violent schools, intense academic pr essures, and high-tech digital media that invade every corner of life. Section o ne (episodes 1-9) of the Brazelton on Parenting series presents solutions to par ticular problems in education, child safety, and the healthy development of a ch ild's attitudes and behavior. 9-part series, 22 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td>< td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3741_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3741_l blPrice">$539.55<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30639</td><td>Parenting Tips from the Pros</td><td>Unfortuna tely, kids don't come with an instruction manual. But parents and caregivers can benefit from the helpful advice offered by the experts in this program. Leading child psychologists outline effective strategies to help manage your child's te mper tantrums and teach your kids how to cope with their own emotions. When it c omes to disciplining your child, you'll learn about the four C's of parental con duct-being clear, concise, consistent, and calm. Parent educators demonstrate th e best ways to deal with whining and explain how to know when-and when not-to gi ve your children rewards. Created with the best expertise available, this progra m will make the parent-child relationship a more rewarding and loving one. A vie wable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Cambridge Educational Production. (22 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3742_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3742_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7722</td><td>Paris: 1900</td><td>It is the turn of the centu ry-fin de siecle. This program captures that magical period in all of its glory on archival film by the renowned Lumiere brothers. Take a personal tour of the W orld's Fair, attend the Opera Comique, view Rodin's Gates of Hell, visit with Pi casso and the Impressionists. This is Paris at the end of a major cultural epoch . (14 minutes)French</td><td>1995</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3743_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3743_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7723</td><td>Paris: 1900</td><td>It is the turn of the centu ry-fin de siecle. This program captures that magical period in all of its glory on archival film by the renowned Lumiere brothers. Take a personal tour of the W orld's Fair, attend the Opera Comique, view Rodin's Gates of Hell, visit with Pi casso and the Impressionists. This is Paris at the end of a major cultural epoch . (14 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3744_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3744_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11558</td><td>Paris in the 19th Century: The Making of a Mod ern City</td><td>This program thoroughly maps out the transformation of Paris du ring the 19th century from a stifling, congested city of narrow and winding stre ets to an aesthetically pleasing model of Industrial Age modernity. David Jordan , author of Transforming Paris, and experts from institutions including the Ecol

e d'Architecture de Paris-Conflans and the Centre Nationale de Recherche Scienti fique discuss key construction projects such as the Rue de Rivoli, the Parisian railroad system, the Bois de Boulogne and the Bois de Vincennes, the Paris aqued ucts and sewers, and the Eiffel Tower, all within the context of French history. (58 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3745_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3745_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2471</td><td>Paris Through the Ages</td><td>From its beginni ngs as a small fishing village inhabited by the Parisii during the third century B.C. through Caesar's conquest of Gaul and its acquisition of the name Lutetia, from its consecration as the capital of Capetian France in the 10th century thr ough Villon to the student rebellion of 1968, Paris has been synonymous with Fra nce as no other national capital is. This program tells the story of Paris and i ts people: kings and councilors, poets and painters, architects and gardeners... rich and poor, aristocrats of ancient lineage and new immigrants, people of exqu isite and those of execrable taste-Parisians all. In French. (58 minutes)</td><t d>1991</td><td>62</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3746_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3746_l blPrice">$119.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10969</td><td>Parkinson's Disease: An Update</td><td>Parkins on's disease currently afflicts one out of every 100 Americans over the age of 6 0. How do they cope with it? And what new medical insights are being derived fro m the study of it? This program from The Doctor Is In sheds light on both of tho se questions through interviews with Stanley Fahn, professor of neurology at Col umbia-Presbyterian Medical Center and scientific director of the Parkinson's Dis ease Foundation; neurosurgeon David Roberts, of the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center; and Paul Newhouse, director of the clinical neuroscience research unit a t the University of Vermont. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center production. (2 9 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3747_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3747_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30637</td><td>The Parkinson's Enigma</td><td>Using the illne ss of Michael J. Fox as a springboard, this program theorizes that most Parkinso n's cases are the result not of heredity but of viral attacks and environmental toxins that severely damage the substantia negra, the "gearbox of the brain." Fo x, Oliver Sacks, neurologists from The Parkinson's Institute and The University of British Columbia, and others share insights drawn from their knowledge of Par kinson's, encephalitis lethargica, Guam disease, and MPTP poisoning that, taken together, make a compelling argument for linking Parkinson's to neuronal trauma. Therapies involving neuronal grafting from fetal tissue, retinal pigmented epit helial cell implantation, and transplantation of adult stem cells are discussed as well. (47 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>47</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3748_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3748_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36259</td><td>Parole: Getting Out and Staying Out</td><td>Pr ison life is hard-but for most ex-convicts, life on the outside is tough, too. T his video follows paroled prisoners as they re-enter civilian life and face chal lenges both large and small. Upon release from jail, the lives of these young me n are suddenly filled with critical decisions. Some are dreaded, such as the spl it-second choice of whether or not to engage in violence-the wrong choice will p ut them back behind bars. Other dilemmas are unexpected, like having to decide w hat to wear every morning. The program provides an eye-opening look at the typic al parolee's struggle to find work, stay away from drugs and former friends, and maintain a positive attitude about the future. (16 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><t d>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3749_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3749_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5484</td><td>Part 1: Juveniles Locked Up</td><td>In the Vent ura School, California's showcase juvenile prison, inmates discuss how drugs and alcohol, lack of family support, and gang involvement have influenced their liv es. The program also looks at Adult Time For Adult Crime, a program in Dade Coun ty, FL, which sends more kids to adult court than any other county in the U.S. T hose who prosecute, defend, and judge young offenders explain how our society ha s come to the point where the age of the defendant is no longer a mitigating fac tor-and how 14-year-olds are being sentenced to life behind bars. But there are alternatives to that kind of traditional sentencing of young, violent offenders which are explored in a report from the Last Chance Ranch, a work-study lockup r ooted in firm discipline, treatment, and rehabilitation. (56 minutes)</td><td>19 95</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3750_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3750_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36337</td><td>Part 1: Time for School-The Global Education C risis</td><td>Over 100 million children worldwide have never spent a day in scho ol. One in four does not complete even five years of basic education. Now, 182 n ations have promised to provide access to free and compulsory education for ever y child in the world-by 2015. To test the reality of that sweeping commitment, t his Wide Angle installment profiles children in Japan, Kenya, Benin, Brazil, Rom ania, Afghanistan, and India who have managed to enroll in the first year of pri mary school-in most cases despite great odds. Exploring cultural comparisons fro m viewpoints that are too often overlooked, this program offers an in-depth stud y of the lives of young people in widely differing circumstances, as each one ta kes a hopeful first step into an uncertain future. (57 minutes)</td><td>2003</td ><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3751_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3751_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36346</td><td>Part 2: Back to School-The Ongoing Struggle to Educate the World's Children</td><td>In 2003, the Wide Angle program Time for S chool profiled children in seven countries-Afghanistan, Benin, Brazil, India, Ja pan, Kenya, and Romania-as they started their first year of school, often in the face of great adversity. Three years later this Wide Angle episode returns to v isit each child, updating the progress of their educational and personal develop ment. The similarities and contrasts that emerge among the lives of these young people provide rich insight into the disparities of opportunity around the globe -underscoring the hard fact that more than 100 million children worldwide are gr owing up without schooling. This richly detailed documentary puts a human face o n the global crisis in access to education. Additionally, anchor Daljit Dhaliwal discusses the state of global education with former National Economic Council d irector Gene Sperling. (87 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>87</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3752_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3752_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33469</td><td>Part One: East and West</td><td>Born into a pr ominent family in China, Soong Mei-ling was nonetheless thoroughly Western in th ought and philosophy, having studied in America-one of the first Chinese women t o do so. After marrying Chiang Kai-shek, the couple led a China embroiled in yea rs of war and political intrigue. During World War II, she became the first Chin ese national ever to address a joint session of the U.S. Congress and was counte d as the fourth luminary of the Cairo Conference, alongside Roosevelt, Churchill , and her husband. This program tells the compelling story of Mme. Chiang up to the ousting of the Chinese Nationalist government. (49 minutes)</td><td>2003</td ><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3753_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3753_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33470</td><td>Part Two: The Exile Years</td><td>After the Ch inese Nationalist Government fled to Taiwan, Soong Mei-ling remained in the publ ic eye as the distant and mysterious "Madame Chiang." She continued the role she had played during her years in mainland China, remaining prominent in foreign a ffairs and devoted to her work with women and charitable causes. This program ex amines the second half of Madame Chiang's life: her often-fractious relations wi th her stepson, President Chiang Ching-kuo; her efforts to safeguard the legacy of the Republic of China; and her relocation to the U.S., where she lived in sec lusion until her death at the age of 106. (53 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>53</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3754_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3754_l

blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10570</td><td>Parts of Speech (2)</td><td>In this program, t op verb experts including the yodeling Midori sisters and a circus sideshow bark er demonstrate the past, present, and future forms of the simple, perfect, progr essive, and perfect progressive tenses. Conditional statements, conjugation, hel ping verbs, and the verbals-gerunds, infinitives, and past and present participl es-are considered as well. Dangling participles and other faux pas are also expl ained. (35 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>35</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3755_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3755_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10571</td><td>Parts of Speech (3) / Sentences</td><td>Part o ne of this program completes the study of the building blocks of grammar with a thorough explanation of adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections-w ow! Then, part two covers the basic rules of syntax, featuring subjects and pred icates; appositive and verb phrases; direct and indirect objects; linking verbs; predicate nominatives, nouns of direct address, and appositives; dependent and independent clauses; and compound and complex sentences. Also, the egregious sen tence fragment is introduced. (34 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>34</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3756_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3756_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32626</td><td>Passion and Discipline: Don Quixote's Lessons for Leadership</td><td>What lessons can Cervantes' romantic knight from La Manch a offer the bottom-line world of today? Based on Professor Emeritus James G. Mar ch's acclaimed course at the Stanford University School of Business, this progra m creatively examines how Quixote's kind of self-knowledge might serve modern le adership. Narrated by Professor March, the program parallels episodes from Quixo te's adventures with illustrative examples in the modern world-from former Presi dent Richard Nixon and Martin Luther King, Jr., to Bill Gates and Hewlett-Packar d. Engaging interviews with contemporary leaders drawn from business, government , and education are interwoven with archival footage of historic leaders who dem onstrate imagination, perseverance in the face of adversity, and joy in work. (7 0 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>70</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3757_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3757_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7036</td><td>The Passionate Statistician: Florence Nightinga le</td><td>In this historical reenactment, Florence Nightingale uses applied sta tistics to disprove the medical assumptions of her day. Using fatality counts fr om the Crimean War, Nightingale develops a progressive series of statistical dia grams that reveal startling information: most soldiers did not die of their woun

ds, as reported, but in army hospitals, from diseases related to poor hygiene. W hen further data show army death rates twice that of the civilian population, Ni ghtingale traces the cause to overcrowded, disease-ridden barracks. (25 minutes) </td><td>1995</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3758_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3758_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29629</td><td>Past and Future</td><td>This program traces th e evolution of the American skyscraper over the 20th century and speculates on t he skyscraper of the future. A study of landmark structures ranging from the Hom e Insurance Building and the Singer Building, to the Chrysler Building and the E mpire State Building, to the World Trade Center and the Sears Tower serves as a timeline of U.S. skyscraper history. In addition, some of America's best-known a rchitects and engineers explain how they have overcome the challenges of constru cting higher and higher buildings. (52 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>52</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3759_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3759_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7441</td><td>The Path of Chinese Privatization</td><td>Two C ommunist Party officials cruise the dusty streets of Ma Bei village in a new Cad illac. Welcome to China at the end of the 20th century. Fueled by profits from p rivate businesses, the town is booming, while at a plant up the road thousands o f workers, formerly protected under the communist system, may lose their jobs un der privatization. Similar situations are developing all over China, and officia ls are worried that workers may revolt. So they've come up with a uniquely Chine se solution: industries will gradually phase in privatization, letting fear of w orker unrest dictate the pace. Original BBC broadcast title: A Very Chinese Solu tion. (49 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3760_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3760_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35084</td><td>The Path to Publication: Advice from Authors, Editors, and Agents</td><td>This seven-volume series takes viewers inside the pr estigious Squaw Valley Community of Writers workshops, where the faculty compris es significant authors such as Amy Tan, Anne Lamott, Richard Ford, Janet Fitch, and Mark Childress as well as agents, editors, and publishers from New York and Los Angeles. Each volume contains two complete program segments and focuses on a different aspect of writing. An essential resource both for novices looking to improve their technique and for experienced writers who are polishing their manu scripts and looking for agents. Each DVD also provides background on the speaker s, information about the Community of Writers, and previews of the other volumes in The Path to Publication. 7-part series, 82-127 minutes each.</td><td>2005</t d><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3761_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3761_l blPrice">$1,049.65<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29357</td><td>Pathological Gambling: A Costly Addiction</td> <td>Every year in North America, chronic compulsive gambling shatters the lives of millions. In this program, psychologists Claude Boutin and Robert Ladouceur t alk with recovering gamblers who share their stories of exhilaration and despair as they rode the roller coaster to ruin-what it felt like to win and lose, to s pend every dollar they had, to lie and steal in order to finance their addiction , to contemplate suicide, and, fortunately, to enter group therapy. The program also describes the emotional attraction of games of chance and explains the bioc hemical roles of serotonin and dopamine in gambling addiction. (53 minutes)</td> <td>2001</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3762_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3762_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7922</td><td>Pathology Examples in the Human Brain</td><td>N europathologist Dr. Marco Rossi examines different human brain specimens and pre sents evidence of trauma or disease. Brains examined include that of a 59-year-o ld woman with dementia; an 82-year-old man who suffered a road accident; a young man with a shunting tube for hydrocephalus; an elderly man with Parkinson's dis ease; an elderly female stroke victim; and a middle-aged woman with hemiplegia. (24 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3763_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3763_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29320</td><td>The Patient Care Nursing Team</td><td>Wherever people need wellness services, acute care for an illness or injury, or medical support when bedridden or shut-in, nurses are standing by. This video introduces students to the rewarding career of nursing, the largest healthcare profession in America. Incorporating interviews with working nurses from a range of medical specialties, the program describes the challenges that nurses face in a variety of work environments-including hospitals, clinics, schools, and homes-and outli nes the education and licensing process that nurses must complete. The importanc e of organization, coping with stress, and the personal and emotional benefits o f nursing are also communicated. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is avai lable online. A Meridian Production. (15 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>15</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3764_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3764_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>35610</td><td>Patricia Barbizet: CEO of Artemis</td><td>As a young business school graduate, Patricia Barbizet made waves when she joined th e finance department of French automaker Renault. Three decades later, she is no w CEO of the colossal holding company Artemis, and in this interview she reflect s on her distinguished career. Barbizet describes her experiences with both comp anies, her vision for Artemis, its significance within the corporate empire know n as PPR, and the legal difficulties her group has faced in America. While focus ing on her business accomplishments, the conversation also touches on Barbizet's family background and the sacrifices that many women who reach her position mus t make. (47 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3765_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3765_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32300</td><td>Pattern Maker</td><td>The highly specialized t rade of pattern making requires creativity, ingenuity, and a great eye for detai l. This program explains how pattern makers turn a two-dimensional drawing into a 3-D object for a mold or prototype. The growing demand for pattern makers is a lso addressed, and two pattern makers-a journeyman and an apprentice-talk about what it's like to work in the trade. (17 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>18</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3766_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3766_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6270</td><td>Paul Ehrlich and The Population Bomb</td><td>Th e human population is likely to double by the middle of the 21st century, soarin g past 10 billion people. How will all these people survive? Will there be enoug h resources to meet everyone's needs or will there be massive social upheaval, f amine, and rampant pollution? These questions have been a consuming passion for biologist and environmental pioneer Paul Ehrlich, who set out decades ago to per suade the world that continued and unchecked population growth would upset the b alance of nature and further widen the gap between developed and developing nati ons. Based on Ehrlich's best-selling book, The Population Bomb, this program fea tures compelling archival footage from around the world, as well as interviews w ith Ehrlich, his colleagues, and his critics. (60 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td> 60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3767_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3767_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30017</td><td>Paulo Coelho: The Alchemist of Words</td><td>W ith sales of more than 32 million books in 51 languages, Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho is one of the most widely read authors in the world. This program capture s Coelho's story through conversations with the award-winning writer and those w ho know and admire him. Coelho's use of a symbolic language, designed to transce nd the intellect to speak directly to the heart, is discussed along with colorfu l incidents spanning his life, from his youthful involvement with the hippie mov

ement to his emergence as a world-class author. In addition, The Alchemist, a nu mber one bestseller in 29 countries, and some of his more recent writings are ex amined. (48 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3768_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3768_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35367</td><td>The Pay Gap: Sexism or Something Else?</td><td >Warren Farrell protested alongside Gloria Steinem in support of women's rights and was even elected to the board of NOW-three times. But Farrell is also the au thor of Why Men Earn More: The Startling Truth Behind the Pay Gap-and What Women Can Do About It. In this brief ABC News segment, John Stossel considers the opp osing views of Farrell and Martha Burk, chair of the NCWO and author of Cult of Power: Sex Discrimination in Corporate America and What Can Be Done About It. It 's about supply and demand, states Farrell, not sexism: higher compensation gene rally means bigger sacrifices on the home front-a cost most women are statistica lly less willing to bear than men. (8 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>9</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3769_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3769_l blPrice">$19.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36347</td><td>The PCL-R Checklist: A Measure of Evil</td><td >It's a scenario from science fiction: police, predicting the future, arrest cit izens before they commit crimes. But the scenario has real-world parallels in ps ychology. This film examines the PCL-R, or Psychopathy Checklist-Revised, a clas sification tool used to profile criminals and predict whether or not they will r e-offend. In addition to forensic applications, the film shows how the checklist has been modified for use in the corporate world. Interview subjects include Dr . Robert Hare, the University of British Columbia psychology professor who devel oped the PCL-R, as well as organizational psychologist Dr. Paul Babiak and Simon Fraser University psychology professor Dr. Stephen D. Hart. (47 minutes)</td><t d>2005</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3770_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3770_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9293</td><td>PCP and Ketamine</td><td>This video describes P CP and the veterinary anesthetic ketamine. A police officer, an addiction specia list, an addiction counselor, a veterinarian, and recovering users review the hi story and biological effects of PCP and ketamine, employing case studies and per sonal experience to assess their use, abuse, and hazards-including false feeling s of invincibility, flashbacks, and even psychosis. A Cambridge Educational Prod uction. (17 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3771_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3771_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span>

</td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36223</td><td>Peas in a Pod</td><td>Mapping the human genome is one achievement in a long line of scientific milestones. This intro-level pr ogram explores discoveries in the 18th and 19th centuries that gave birth to the science of genetics. Focusing on the work of Carl Linnaeus, Gregor Mendel, and Josef Kolreuter, the program shows how the basic laws of inheritance were establ ished, highlighting the importance of Linnaean taxonomy and Mendel's revolutiona ry notion that there is a double set of genetic instructions. Detailed discussio ns of the four-letter genetic code, the concepts of phenotype and genotype, and Mendel's life and working methods are featured, along with an overview of the im pact of genetic engineering. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is availabl e online. (30 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3772_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3772_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34153</td><td>Peasants, Serfs, and Servitude</td><td>During the Middle Ages, most of Europe's inhabitants were illiterate and lived in the s hadow of the wealthy; knowledge of peasant culture is therefore limited. This pr ogram addresses the historical lack of firsthand written materials, viewing serf s and servants through the eyewitness accounts of a fictitious traveler. Althoug h a peasant farmer's daily existence was indeed oppressive, defined by taxation and compulsory military service to the ruling noble, the program details innovat ions of the era-including the horse-drawn iron plough and the three-field planti ng system-amounting to an agricultural revolution that set the stage for a heavi ly populated, modern Europe. Portions are in other languages with English subtit les. (53 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3773_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3773_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35626</td><td>Pediatric AIDS</td><td>Both promising and cont roversial, the drug Nevirapine is a strategic weapon in the battle against pedia tric AIDS. This program explores the positive effects of medicines such as Nevir apine and AZT-and of obstetric procedures developed in recent years-that have he lped prevent in utero HIV. It also assesses progress that doctors and counselors have made in helping youths who are already infected with the virus. Interviews with children, parents, and healthcare professionals highlight the importance o f emotional support for young patients and describe the use of sophisticated dru g cocktails that will hopefully keep kids alive until a cure is found. (23 minut es)</td><td>2002</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3774_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3774_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9184</td><td>Pediatric Neuroscience: Rage of Innocents</td><

td>Recent laboratory research indicates that emotional neglect of children durin g their first few years of life can have long-term biochemical consequences. In this outstanding documentary, anthropologists from Cornell and Emory Universitie s and other experts share their findings on the subtle biochemical link between parental attentiveness and the proper development of a child's brain regions tha t control responses to stress. The program also investigates approaches to caregiving from the perspective of social science and evolutionary biology. Some lan guage may be objectionable. (47 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3775_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3775_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34764</td><td>Pedro Calderon de la Barca</td><td>The Spanish code of honor and the mystery of holy rituals are at the forefront of Pedro Cal deron de la Barca's poetic dramas. This program surveys Calderon's achievements in the secular and religious theater of 17th-century Spain, highlighting his ren own as an innovator. Recounting his family background and the influence of Lope de Vega on his choice of themes and subject matter, the video illustrates the im portance of the auto sacramental in Calderon's oeuvre and the complexity of the honor tragedies and comedies he perfected. Additional material on his military a nd priesthood service complete this biography of the man who came to be known as Spain's Shakespeare. (English, 20 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3776_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3776_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2492</td><td>The Pencil of Nature</td><td>The wonderful inve ntion of Daguerre and Fox Talbot fascinated the Victorians as a new art form and a new way of looking at the world. This program follows the technical and esthe tic strides made by the early, often amateur, practitioners. Material is drawn f rom the British Royal Archives at Windsor Castle; The Royal Institution of South Wales, Swansea; from the early photographlc societies; The Royal Photographic S ociety of Great Britain, Bath; Norwich Photographic Society; and from the first museum to embrace the new medium, The Victoria and Albert Museum, London. (26 mi nutes)</td><td>1989</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3777_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3777_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10247</td><td>Pendulum: Simple Harmonic Motion</td><td>This program introduces the concept of simple harmonic motion through the operation o f the pendulum. The findings of Galileo and his contemporaries on the mechanics of the pendulum are presented, along with examples of pendular motion drawn from the modern world. (54 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3778_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3778_l

blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7468</td><td>Penicillin: Discovering the Truth</td><td>Altho ugh Alexander Fleming is usually credited with the discovery of penicillin in 19 28, no penicillin-based antibiotic was actually developed for human use until 19 38 through the work of Australian pathologist Howard Florey and German biochemis t Ernst Chain. This program puts Fleming's contribution in scientific perspectiv e. Live interviews, journal accounts, and archival footage lead the viewer throu gh the discovery of the drug from a by-product of the tiny fungus, Penicillium n otatum. The roles played by luck, politics, and society both in scientific resea rch and bestowing credit for the discovery are explored. Original BBC broadcast title: The Mold, the Myth and the Microbe. (51 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td>51< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3779_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3779_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35220</td><td>Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts: Art Get s a Start in America</td><td>Founded when Jefferson was president and the Revolu tion was still a part of living memory, the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Art s, in Philadelphia, is home to more than two centuries of American artwork. This program goes behind the scenes at the nation's first art museum and art school to consider the evolution of painting in America. A viewable/printable educator' s guide is available online. (28 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3780_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3780_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31295</td><td>People</td><td>Segment one of this program exa mines the unidealized human form with Lucian Freud's nude Standing by the Rags, Arman's mixed-media sculpture Condition of Women I, and John Coplans' nude Friez e No. 2, 4 Panels. Segment two grapples with physical abuse and racial and sexua l stereotyping through Nan Goldin's Nan One Month after Being Battered, Sonia Bo yce's From Tarzan to Rambo Etc., and Sarah Lucas' Self-Portrait with Knickers an d Self-Portrait with Fried Eggs. Segment three seeks to understand issues of ide ntity and to discern the roots of cruelty with Louise Bourgeois' Cell (Eyes and Mirrors) and Annette Messager's The Pikes. (15 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>15< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3781_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3781_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10133</td><td>The People and the Power Game</td><td>Has the American political process been hijacked by media pundits, lobbyists, and leader ship blinded by narrow ideologies? In this eye-opening three-part series, Pulitz er Prize-winning journalist Hedrick Smith takes on the White House, Congress, th

e media, and the special interest lobbies to investigate America's political gri dlock. Studded with high-profile interviews and exclusive footage, each program focuses on the agendas and the infighting that have made the Washington power ga me a study in frustration. Smith's book, The Power Game: How Washington Works, i s required reading on modern U.S. politics on many campuses. 3-part series.</td> <td>1996</td><td>160</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3782_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3782_l blPrice">$269.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8786</td><td>Perception: The Theories</td><td>Can perception be explained in terms of sensation? In this program, the senses, including prop rioception, are described; the structuralist, gestalt, constructivist, and direc t perception theories are critically analyzed, focusing on both their strengths and weaknesses; and perceptual models such as those of Ulric Neisser and David M arr are presented. Many examples of the perceptual theories are provided. In add ition, the roles of Wundt, Wertheimer, Gregory, and Gibson are discussed, along with key perceptual concepts such as Weber's Law, the Principle of Pragnaz, and the Laws of Proximity, Closure, and Continuity. An excellent overview of percept ion theory and various interpretations. (48 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>48</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3783_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3783_l blPrice">$109.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6680</td><td>Percussion Instruments</td><td>This program pre sents the wide range of instruments found in the percussion section of an orches tra-timpani, side drum, bass drum, cymbal, tam-tam, tubular bells, and xylophone -in performance. Works by composers from Mozart to Stravinsky illustrate the spe cial effects achieved by using the various instruments. (28 minutes)</td><td>&nb sp;</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3784_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3784_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32998</td><td>Pere Gimferrer-in Catalan with English Subtitl es</td><td>Baroque in style and metaphysical in tone, Arde el Mar established Pe re Gimferrer as one of the leading voices of his generation. This program presen ts an interview with the award-winning poet, who has written collections in both Catalan and Spanish. Along with discussing his aesthetic approach, Gimferrer ta lks about some of his most recent works, including Mascarada and El Agente Provo cador. (Catalan with English subtitles, 28 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>28</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3785_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3785_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10265</td><td>Performance Assessment: Moving Beyond the Stan dardized Test</td><td>In an age of multicultural classrooms and new understandin gs about multiple intelligences, what role should standardized tests play? And w hat direction should performance assessment take in tomorrow's schools? In this timeless program, Dr. Art Costa-Professor Emeritus at California State Universit y, Former President of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Developmen t, and a leading proponent of the explicit teaching of thinking-addresses the ur gent need to create viable alternatives to standardized tests that can measure c reativity, problem-solving, and cooperation. (29 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>2 9</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3786_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3786_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14649</td><td>Perils of Plastic: Handling Credit</td><td>For young adults just starting out on their own, couples planning for the future, a nd anyone who needs help in learning to manage their money, one of the most impo rtant financial processes they need to understand is the use of credit. This pro gram begins with a brief look at how credit fuels our economy and how advertiser s entice consumers to go into debt to supposedly improve their social status. It also describes what credit is and why it is needed, the advantages and disadvan tages of using credit, how credit is obtained, and how credit ratings work. View ers also learn how to establish credit, how to use it wisely, the importance of good credit, and how it affects their futures. This informative presentation con cludes with the danger signs of being over-extended and methods for dealing with the problem if it occurs. Give viewers the opportunity to avoid the dangers of credit downfalls and make informed decisions. A Cambridge Educational Production . One 35-minute video.</td><td>1993</td><td>34</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3787_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3787_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4448</td><td>Perimeter, Area, and Volume</td><td>Ron Lancast er runs through equations for calculating the perimeters of various shapes, then goes to an agricultural museum, where he calculates and compares the areas of a square, a rectangle, a triangle, and a circle. In the studio, Lancaster challen ges viewers to figure out which of three boxes would have the greatest volume. ( 15 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3788_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3788_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7381</td><td>Periodic Table</td><td>The millions of differen t substances that make up the world can be reduced to a comparatively small numb er of chemical elements. These, arranged in order of their atomic number, form t

he Periodic Table. This program from the BBC archives provides a comprehensive o verview of the development of the table. It discusses the work of John Dalton, J ohann Dobereiner, and John Newland, and the creation of the first table by Dmitr i Mendeleyev in the late 19th century. Later refinements by Henry Moseley, and t he 1950s discovery of the artificial element #93 by Edwin MacMillan, are also di scussed. The evolution of the table over the past two centuries is clearly and c leverly illustrated through computer animation and song. A BBC Production. (21 m inutes)</td><td>1985</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3789_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3789_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3063</td><td>The Periodic Table and the Human Element</td><t d>A series of personal stories, told by working scientists, that provide the hum an perspective to the annals of chemistry. The programs demonstrate the chemical principles while showing the human properties of some of the boldest frontiersm en and women of chemistry. A co-production of BBC Continuing Education & Trainin g and Films for the Humanities & Sciences(r). 6-part series, 26-30 minutes each. </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3790_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3790_l blPrice">$539.70<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33553</td><td>Peripheral Artery Disease: Staying on Your Fee t</td><td>When it comes to clogged arteries, your legs are no safer than your he art. This incisive clinical program raises awareness of peripheral artery diseas e, a very dangerous and often misdiagnosed vascular ailment. Doctors from Lenox Hill Hospital and Temple University Hospital explain the physiology of the disea se and identify its most common risk factors, symptoms, diagnostic testing, and methods of treatment. They also stress the crucial need for early detection, cit ing that only one quarter of the 12 million Americans who have the disease are a ware that their symptoms are PAD-induced. An informative and alarming learning r esource. (27 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3791_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3791_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31229</td><td>Persian Miniature: The Gardens of Paradise</td ><td>Filmed at the Bibliotheque Nationale, this program spotlights an outstandin g representative work of Persian miniature: Five Poems by the 12th-century poet Nezami, as interpreted in the 17th century by Haydar Qoli Naqqash, a painter of the Safavide School, and calligrapher Abd al Djabbar. A marriage of artistic and poetic languages, this masterpiece serves as a dual entry point into Persian ar t and culture. (31 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3792_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3792_l

blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4451</td><td>Personal Finance</td><td>Ron Lancaster talks to a bank manager about how the amortization period of a mortgage can be dramatica lly reduced. At his computer, Lancaster looks at interest and principal payments on a small-business loan, and illustrates the advantages of paying on a weekly or biweekly basis. (15 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3793_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3793_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>31774</td><td>A Personal Journey with Dr. David Ho, AIDS Res earcher</td><td>Since arriving in America from Taiwan at the age of 12, Dr. Davi d Ho has become a world-renowned scientist. His research in the fight against HI V/AIDS earned him honors as Time magazine's Man of the Year. In this program, Bi ll Moyers talks with Dr. Ho about his experience as an immigrant and U.S. citize n, and his contributions to the battle against AIDS. (15 minutes)</td><td>2003</ td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3794_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3794_l blPrice">$29.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31776</td><td>A Personal Journey with Gish Jen, Author</td>< td>Born and raised in the United States, Gish Jen has become a leading literary voice of the Chinese American experience. In this program, Bill Moyers talks wit h the critically acclaimed writer, whose novels and short stories are known for their humorous and incisive edge. (15 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3795_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3795_l blPrice">$29.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31778</td><td>A Personal Journey with Maya Lin, Artist and A rchitect</td><td>Sculptor, architect, and designer Maya Lin catapulted to promin ence when, as a senior at Yale University, she was chosen to design the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. In this program, Bill Moyers talks with he r about her upbringing and multifaceted career. (27 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><t d>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3796_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3796_l blPrice">$29.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31777</td><td>A Personal Journey with Samuel Ting, Nobel Lau

reate Physicist</td><td>Born in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and raised in China and Tai wan, Samuel Ting received the Nobel Prize in physics in 1976 and is now leading a multinational experiment with NASA to search for antimatter, the opposite of o ur known universe. In this program, Bill Moyers speaks with Dr. Ting about his c hildhood years in war-torn China, his current project, and his philosophy of sci ence. (15 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3797_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3797_l blPrice">$29.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31775</td><td>A Personal Journey with Shirley Young, Market Research Pioneer</td><td>In this program, Bill Moyers talks with Shirley Young, an inspiring woman who survived the Japanese occupation of the Philippines to be come a pioneer of market research with Grey Advertising. Later, as a vice presid ent of General Motors, she helped launch GM's operation in China, the country of her birth. (15 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3798_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3798_l blPrice">$29.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6238</td><td>A Personal Philosophy</td><td>This program summ arizes and distills what we have learned about the great religions in this serie s. Smith's lifetime of experience and study helps him to go beyond the differenc es between each tradition. He shows how the cultivation of virtues valued by all religions-intelligence, compassion, creativity, truth, beauty, and goodness-can lead to transcendence. In the many faces of God he has contemplated, Huston Smi th sees no conflict. He believes them all to be windows on the same transcendent truths. All wisdom traditions ultimately make the same claim, that everything e manates from an absolute perfection. The DVD version of this program also includ es a special video introduction by Mr. Moyers. (56 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td >56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3799_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3799_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33456</td><td>Personality: All About Me</td><td>The 100 bill ion cells that make up the brain communicate electrically over 1,000 trillion ne ural connections at up to 250 miles per hour-and from this sparking of electrica l power grows the personality and its behavior. This program explores how person alities are shaped during childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, exposing how tr aits such as extroversion and introversion develop. Additional topics range from how parents affect children's personalities, to why teens are so emotionally se nsitive, to what lies at the heart of mood swings. The story of an overall amiab le man trying to curb a severe anger problem is featured. Original BBCW broadcas t title: Personality. (60 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3800_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3800_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34497</td><td>Personality and Interests</td><td>This video d emonstrates the connections between personality, interests, and work preferences . Students get in touch with their primary interest patterns and aspects of thei r personality through various exercises. (28 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>27</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3801_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3801_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7850</td><td>Personality Disorders</td><td>Personality disor ders come in various varieties and degrees of severity, including persistent, in grained behavior patterns; extreme deviant behavior; and problems in social func tioning. Histrionic disorder, anankastic disorder, anxiety disorder, and depende nt disorder are the common categories. This program, filmed in the U.K., looks a t the most common disorders-paranoid, histrionic, and dissocial. It describes th eir symptoms and criteria for diagnosis. Patients exhibit the symptoms in interv iews conducted by psychiatrists. (26 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3802_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3802_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7767</td><td>Perspective</td><td>In this program, artists Be n Johnson and Patrick Hughes travel to Florence, where 15th-century painter Pier o della Francesca first employed mathematically based perspective. Tracing the u se of perspective, they discuss how artists at the beginning of the 20th century rebelled against its limitations. Johnson then uses a computer to create a perf ect perspective model for a planned painting, while Hughes completely subverts t he rules of perspective in creating his own work. (30 minutes)</td><td>1997</td> <td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3803_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3803_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6671</td><td>Perspectives on Assessment and Evaluation</td>< td>Richard Stiggins and Asa Hilliard discuss the main issues involved in the ass essment and evaluation process. Main topics include the need for a clear vision of what is being assessed, proper methods of assessment, careful sampling of stu dents' work, and awareness of bias within the assessment process. (29 minutes)</ td><td>1994</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3804_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3804_l

blPrice">$109.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29658</td><td>Perspectives on Gender and Sexuality</td><td>P roviding insight into commonly held attitudes in a pre-E.R.A. and pre-Stonewall America, these two 1967 CBS News broadcasts allow viewers today to understand th e obstacles that faced women and gay men. Produced by CBS NEWS. 2-part series, 2 5 minutes each.</td><td>1967</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3805_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3805_l blPrice">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36538</td><td>Persuaders</td><td>Is there a way to cut in li ne without creating hard feelings? Why are peer groups such a strong influence o n individuals? What is the secret to swaying the undecided and winning over the skeptical? In this program, psychologist John Marsden illustrates how experts in the art of persuasion think and operate, and how their goals can become transpa rent. Dr. Marsden talks with salespeople, marketing gurus, and business owners-a s well as a hypnotist who can pull teeth without anesthetics and a former cult m ember who has firsthand experience in being psychologically controlled. From ove rt dominance to discreet manipulation, the multifaceted world of persuasion is r evealed. A BBCW Production. (57 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3806_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3806_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30811</td><td>Persuasion, Propaganda, and Photography</td><t d>This program addresses the emotionally manipulative power of photography by il lustrating how commercial advertising has created an obsession with youth and ph ysical perfection and can exploit viewers' fascinations with celebrity, sexualit y, and violence. The video also demonstrates how photogenic people who adroitly use the visual media have come to dominate the political scene. Commentary is pr ovided by Steve Luker, formerly a creative director with Publicis & Hal Riney; S hanto Iyengar, director of the Political Communication Lab at Stanford Universit y; museum educator Julia Brashares; and others. (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><t d>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3807_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3807_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7027</td><td>Peru: The Rage of Hunger</td><td>In today's Per u, a country scourged by unemployment, political violence, and drug trafficking, the ability of the women to face the worsening societal and economic crisis is cause for admiration. This program looks at the noble efforts of city women in g eneral, as they prepare community meals, work at menial jobs to support families , run employment workshops, and provide counseling for abused women, pregnant te enagers, and refugees fleeing war in the provinces. It also examines the importa

nce of the coca leaf to the rural Peruvian economy. Also available in Spanish. ( 60 minutes)English</td><td>1997</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3808_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3808_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4950</td><td>Peter Drucker</td><td>In a lifetime that spans nearly a century, Peter Drucker is one of America's foremost experts on the subj ect of change. Widely known as the father of modern management, he has advised g overnments and corporations throughout the world, written dozens of books that h ave been translated into numerous languages, and even penned a column for The Wa ll Street Journal. In this program with Bill Moyers, Drucker examines some of th e stiff challenges facing America. (30 minutes)</td><td>1988</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3809_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3809_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35725</td><td>Peter Jennings Reporting: Breakdown-America's Health Insurance Crisis</td><td>One of the last documentaries from ABC News jour nalist Peter Jennings, this program untangles a particularly complex problem: th e rapidly growing number of Americans who lack health care coverage. With charac teristic thoroughness, Jennings searches out specific reasons for the weakening and potential collapse of employer-subsidized health insurance. America's rising median age, medical advances that have increased the use of health services, an d a broad spectrum of economic factors are all explored. Interviews with doctors , hospital administrators, corporate leaders, scholars, and everyday working peo ple highlight what's at stake for American businesses and employees. (42 minutes )</td><td>2005</td><td>42</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3810_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3810_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35069</td><td>Peter Jennings Reporting-Ecstasy Rising</td><t d>How did an obscure chemical compound become an entire generation's drug of cho ice? Why has law enforcement gone into overdrive to fight it? In Ecstasy Rising, Peter Jennings leads a groundbreaking investigation into the faulty science beh ind the anti-Ecstasy campaign, highlighting the futility of government scare tac tics and how they have damaged the overall credibility of anti-drug efforts. The program accurately assesses Ecstasy's risks, and incorporates interviews with m ajor players in the Ecstasy saga-including the chemist who first experimented wi th it, the Dallas businessman who named it and made millions selling it, and the DEA officer who led the fight to criminalize it. (44 minutes)</td><td>2004</td> <td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3811_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3811_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35077</td><td>Peter Jennings Reporting-From the Tobacco File </td><td>After the high-profile tobacco lawsuits of a decade ago, many believe A merica's smoking problem has been addressed. But as Peter Jennings reveals in Fr om the Tobacco File, policy makers and public health leaders have failed to capi talize on legal triumphs. In rare interviews with key players in the tobacco war s, Jennings explores what occurred behind the scenes in the industry during the 1990s, showing how close cigarette manufacturers were to complete capitulation. The tragic erosion of support for legal settlements-and for subsequent anti-smok ing legislation-underscores Jennings' conclusions about one of the most pressing public health issues in America. (41 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3812_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3812_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35071</td><td>Peter Jennings Reporting-Guantanamo</td><td>Ac cording to the Bush Administration, the war on terror requires new tactics and n ew thinking-including departure from the Geneva Conventions when deemed necessar y. Guantanamo shows how that policy is implemented at Camp Delta, how it is vigo rously defended in the name of national security, and how it is contested just a s passionately on behalf of personal freedom and human rights. Reporter Peter Je nnings interviews Gitmo's commanding general and former Administration insiders, shedding light on decision-making within the White House-while firsthand accoun ts of experiences inside the prison compose the darkest dimensions of the story. (43 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>43</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3813_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3813_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33271</td><td>Peter Jennings Reporting-How to Get Fat Withou t Really Trying</td><td>While much of the public debate about obesity has focuse d on personal responsibility, Peter Jennings reveals how federal government agri cultural policies and food industry practices are contributing to America's grow ing obesity epidemic. How to Get Fat Without Really Trying takes on topics rangi ng from agricultural subsidies and their impact on the American diet to the effe cts of aggressive food marketing on children to place obesity in its broader soc iopolitical context. (44 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3814_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3814_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35070</td><td>Peter Jennings Reporting-LAPD</td><td>Southeas t Los Angeles: it could be the most violent 10 square miles in America. In LAPD, Peter Jennings reports from inside that notorious police department, riding wit h anti-gang officers, interviewing top brass, and listening to community members . Focusing on Chief William Bratton's efforts to repeat the crime-reduction succ

ess of New York City-and to go one better by building trust in poor, predominant ly minority neighborhoods-the program explores how a military-style police force with a brutal reputation struggles not just to stem violence, but to dig up its roots. A challenging and intimate look at cops trying to reinvent themselves, a nd their city. (43 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>43</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3815_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3815_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35078</td><td>Peter Jennings Reporting-No Place to Hide</td> <td>Is the surveillance society inevitable? In No Place to Hide, Peter Jennings examines high-tech monitoring methods that promise greater safety and security b ut threaten personal privacy. The program shows how Acxiom, ChoicePoint, and oth er companies use supercomputers to obtain data on more than 90 percent of Americ an households-and how law enforcement and government intelligence agencies incre asingly rely on this information. It also studies questionable programs like MAT RIX and the Pentagon's Total Information Awareness project, and finds a surprisi ngly effective model for the responsible use of surveillance technology: the Las Vegas casino. (41 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3816_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3816_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33059</td><td>Peter Singer: A Dangerous Mind</td><td>Dr. Pet er Singer has been called the most influential living philosopher. He has also b een called a monster. In this thought-provoking program, he faces his critics an d discusses his ideas on euthanasia, abortion, and infanticide. The program foll ows his worldwide tour of lectures and encounters, including case conferences an d a trip to Austria, where most of his family was killed in the Holocaust. A ran ge of commentators consider his utilitarian stance and its impact on public poli cy, including Wesley J. Smith, a bioethicist and attorney with International Tas k Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide; Raimond Gaita, professor of moral ph ilosophy at London University; and Harold T. Shapiro, former president of Prince ton University, where Dr. Singer teaches. (56 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>56</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3817_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3817_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2457</td><td>Peter the Great</td><td>This program details th e nature of the Swedish Empire in the 17th and beginning of the 18th centuries a nd draws a fascinating portrait of Charles XII. But the major part of the progra m is devoted to a portrait of the extraordinary and contradictory Tsar Peter the Great, the Oriental Russia into which he was born and the ways in which he turn ed Russia toward Europe, the problems he faced and the sometimes inventive and s ometimes incredibly brutal ways in which he imposed solutions, the city he built , and the spirit he aroused-which is why he is considered the father of his coun try. It also tells of his conflict with Sweden and the Battle of Poltava. (33 mi

nutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3818_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3818_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9380</td><td>Peter the Great</td><td>Emperor of All the Russ ias, Peter the Great launched the transformation of his nation from a medieval s ociety into a Western-style European power. Expert analysis by Professor Lindsay Hughes, of London University's School of Slavonic and Eastern Studies, and hist orian Dr. David Moon-plus lush dramatizations of Peter as a child and an adult-e mphasizes his sweeping reforms in the areas of government, military science, ind ustry, commerce, education, culture, and even religion. From Peter's fascination with all things Western, to his convoluted ascension to the throne, to his vict ory in the Great Northern War, this program neatly sums up the fascinating life of one of European history's most dynamic figures. (32 minutes)</td><td>1999</td ><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3819_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3819_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32747</td><td>Petra: The City in the Rock</td><td>Setting ou t from the ancient Red Sea port of Aqaba, this program travels to Petra, a pivot al trading center that sat astride the caravan route from Arabia to points north . An arid place of monumental structures carved into the colorful sandstone moun tains, the Nabatean capital is also the site of innovative storm water managemen t and water conservation systems. A low-altitude flight over the Wadi Rum, a vis it to an ornate cave building, and a virtual walk through the temple of the god Dusura highlight this archaeological field trip to a place that is part natural wonder, part architectural jewel. (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3820_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3820_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37077</td><td>Pets for Profit</td><td>Animal health insuranc e, gourmet pet foods, designer dog clothing, chic critter birthday parties and " bark mitzvahs"-all are part of the burgeoning luxury pet industry. This program illustrates trends among American and European consumers that signify dramatic i ncreases in pet-related spending. To track the new phenomenon, the film visits t he quickly expanding Pets at Home superstore chain, observes the annual "Pet-a-P orter" fashion show at London's Harrods Department Store, and surveys a variety of socioeconomic developments: rising disposable income, a growing number of emp ty-nest households, and changing attitudes toward the valuation of pets' lives. (29 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3821_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3821_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30506</td><td>Pfiesteria Files: Closing the Case</td><td>Mil lions of fish died. People experienced memory loss, confusion, and respiratory, gastrointestinal, and skin problems. And the press had a field day. This program provides an in-depth retrospective on the Pfiesteria hysteria that engulfed muc h of the mid-Atlantic region in 1997. Interviews with a wide range of concerned parties-aquatic botanists, an ecologist, an epidemiologist, a neuropsychologist, a government official, journalists, local fishermen, and coastal poultry farmer s-provide insights into the origins, effects, and end results of that sensationa l P. piscicida crisis. (60 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3822_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3822_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35977</td><td>The Pharaoh's Stone</td><td>The life-size stat ue of Pharaoh Khafra at Giza evokes an intriguing logistical question: how did a ncient Egyptian builders transport a three-ton block of gneiss granite five hund red miles from its source? This program offers a set of viable answers, examinin g technology and working conditions prevalent in Egypt 4,500 years ago. Consider ing the possibility that the statue was precut at Khafra's remote quarry site, t he program also hypothesizes a North African climate far greener than today's-wi th a wadi conveniently connected to the Nile, and an early type of amphibious ve hicle for reaching the waterway. A reduced-scale, fully functional reconstructio n of the craft is featured. (25 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3823_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3823_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36238</td><td>Pharm Country</td><td>The snack bowl at a "pha rm party" includes a mix of prescription drugs-from Adderall to Oxycontin to Xan ax-and most of them come directly from the household medicine cabinet. This ABC News program examines a disturbing and rapidly growing trend in teenage drug abu se: getting high on legal drugs, often obtained through parents' prescriptions o r from questionable sources over the Internet. Presenting studies showing a rapi d spike in pharmaceutical abuse among students as young as eighth-graders, the p rogram visits a Houston substance-abuse treatment center where recovering teenag e addicts and their parents share their eye-opening experiences. (21 minutes)</t d><td>2006</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3824_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3824_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29322</td><td>Pharmacy Technician</td><td>To support the cru cial work of pharmacists, special technicians are often employed to assist patie nts and customers. This video shows students what it's like to be a pharmacy tec hnician-a specialization in high demand at many medical facilities and drugstore

s. The core duties of a pharmacy tech are outlined, including stocking, retrievi ng, counting, pouring, weighing, mixing, packaging, and even pricing medications . The video also explores the responsibilities of ensuring accuracy and communic ating with physicians and insurance providers to verify prescriptions and covera ge. In addition, the opportunities afforded by on-the-job training and education al programs are highlighted. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is availabl e online. A Meridian Production. (15 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3825_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3825_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8853</td><td>Philip Johnson: Looking Back</td><td>Adjectives used to describe the controversial architectural vision of Philip Johnson range from "brilliant" and "original" to "gimmicky" and "uninspired." In this program , the 90-year-old innovator of the International Style and proponent of Post-Mod ernism reflects on his career with correspondent Charlayne Hunter-Gault. Togethe r they discuss his current passion for designing with concrete, the emotional po wer of architecture, his place in the architecture hierarchy, his philosophy of life, and his heartfelt regret for ever having been involved in politics. (13 mi nutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3826_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3826_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10541</td><td>Philippines: Angels of the Night</td><td>Wheth er it is a large family living in a shed or a bunch of street kids living in a w ooden crate, prostitution is the occupation of necessity for supporting Manila's impoverished multitudes. This program tracks the lives of three girl prostitute s, ages 11 to 13, over a five-year period, during which one becomes a pimp in a slum, another turns drug addict living on the street, and the third simply vanis hes, presumed dead. Efforts by family planning organizations such as UNICEF-spon sored Reach Out and the Apelo Women's Health clinic are described in detail, as well as the Roman Catholic point of view. (45 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>45</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3827_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3827_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34700</td><td>Philippines Journal: The Spirit of Togethernes s</td><td>Infused with the concept of bayanihan, or "spirit of togetherness," th is program presents encouraging stories of teamwork and activism in the Philippi nes. It travels through Manila's bustling Quiapo Market, where commerce thrives in many forms-in contrast to the sprawling Payatas garbage dump outside the city , where a group of mothers have transcended scavenger subsistence, creating a co mmunity center with educational and hygienic services. Efforts to preserve the a ncient and spectacular Banaue rice terraces are also presented in this astonishi ng visual record of resourceful, cooperative, and forward-looking accomplishment s. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. (28 minutes)</td

><td>2003</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3828_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3828_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7316</td><td>Philosophy and Literature</td><td>The areas in which philosophy and literature overlap are examined in this program by world-re nowned author and professor Bryan Magee and Oxford novelist Iris Murdoch. Style and structure in philosophical writing are compared and contrasted with those in literature. The narrative abilities of Plato, Schopenhauer, and Kant are examin ed. Philosophy's predilection for accepting only literature that supports its th eories is discussed as a source of antagonism between the two disciplines. A BBC Production. (46 minutes)</td><td>1977</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3829_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3829_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32711</td><td>Philosophy of Mind</td><td>The mysterious rela tionship between the mind and the body is avidly being researched by today's cog nitive scientists. This program seeks to understand the mind/matter dichotomy th rough the eyes of some of history's keenest philosophers, including Descartes, W ittgenstein, Leibniz, Mill, Gilbert Ryle, Willard Van Orman Quine, Thomas Nagel, and John Searle. Three of today's leading lights in this intriguing branch of p hilosophy-Colin McGinn and Brian McLaughlin, both of Rutgers University, and NYU 's Ned Block-share their views as well. Descartes's Meditations, Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations, and Quine's "Mind and Verbal Dispositions" are con sulted. (47 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3830_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3830_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32717</td><td>Philosophy of Religion</td><td>This program ex plores three major areas of philosophical inquiry into religion: religious epist emology, or the exploration of the rational grounds for religious beliefs and, i n particular, the existence of God; the metaphysics of religion, which inquires into the nature of God; and theodicy, which examines the philosophical implicati ons of the presence of evil in the world. Commentary by Alvin Plantinga, of the University of Notre Dame; Fordham University's Merold Westphal; Dean Zimmerman, of Rutgers University; and Richard Sorabji, of King's College London, is feature d. Readings from Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica, Moses Maimonides' Guide for t he Perplexed, and other essential texts are included. (44 minutes)</td><td>2004< /td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3831_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3831_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>32712</td><td>Philosophy of Science</td><td>Does science exp lain the world, or does it simply describe it? Can science ever be truly objecti ve? What is the boundary between science and non-science? Does nature have laws? This program seeks to answer questions such as these through the insights of Pr inceton University's Daniel Garber; Hilary Putnam, of Harvard University; and Ba rry Loewer, of Rutgers University. Ranging from the Physics of Aristotle to the competing physics paradigms of Einstein and Bohr, the program illustrates the pr ogression of scientific thought from ancient times, through the Renaissance, to the 21st century. (46 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3832_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3832_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7314</td><td>The Philosophy of Science</td><td>In this progr am, world-renowned author and professor Bryan Magee and Hilary Putnam of Harvard examine current philosophical thought that dismisses the primacy and infallibil ity of mathematical logic and the scientific method. Modern thinkers, such as Ei nstein, are credited with introducing interpretive logic into their scientific t heories. A BBC Production. (46 minutes)</td><td>1977</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3833_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3833_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11509</td><td>Phobia: When an Irrational Fear Takes Control< /td><td>For a person with a phobia, overcoming the fear-or at least learning how to resist its debilitating effects-can open the door to a fuller, freer life. T his two-part series takes an unflinching look at the biological and psychologica l mechanics of terror, as determined patients seek to master their irrational fe ars through behavioral therapy, virtual reality, hypnosis, EMDR, and the controv ersial techniques of flooding and TFT. MRI scans, EEG tracing, and thermographic imaging enhance these compelling documentaries. Original BBCW broadcast title: Phobia. 2-part series, 48 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>96</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3834_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3834_l blPrice">$299.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10932</td><td>The Phoenicians</td><td>Daring sea navigators, highly skilled artisans, and scholars of the first order, the Phoenicians left an indelible mark on Western history. This program traces the history of the Pho enician civilization while discussing the Phoenicians' many achievements, which include the circumnavigation of Africa, the construction of Solomon's temple, an d the development of the proto-Latin alphabet. But did they really engage in hum an sacrifice? And did their voyages actually bring them to the shores of America ? Experts search for answers to these and other questions. (53 minutes)</td><td> 1999</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3835_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3835_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32921</td><td>The Photoelectric Effect</td><td>The story of the photoelectric effect is an ongoing one, from its discovery in 1887 to its us e in a myriad of today's devices, such as cameras and cell phones. This program tells that story, charting the contributions of Hertz, Lenard, Planck, and Einst ein, while making use of actual experiments, clever demonstrations, and formulas that describe each aspect of a crucial physics phenomenon. Topics include: Hert z's initial experiment; Lenard's investigations; evidence for a wave theory of l ight; problems with the wave theory; Planck's explanation of black body radiatio n; Einstein's explanation of the photoelectric effect; calculations of threshold frequency, cut-off potential, and work function; and real-world applications of the photo cell. (35 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>35</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3836_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3836_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30808</td><td>Photographic Storytelling</td><td>This program examines how photographers work with images to communicate stories and ideas an d how viewers interpret those images. Message manipulation deriving from point o f view, context, editing, superimposing, cropping, recoloring, and captioning ar e discussed. In addition, selective perception-seeing pictures through the filte rs of values and prejudices-is studied. Commentary is provided by Doug Nickel, c urator of photography at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; Joel Slayton, o f the CADRE Laboratory for New Media at San Jose State University; Shanto Iyenga r, director of the Political Communication Lab at Stanford University; and other s. (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3837_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3837_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30806</td><td>Photography and the Brain</td><td>How do photo graphic images evoke meaning and emotion? To understand that, viewers first need to understand how the eyes and brain process input from the visual world. After an overview of the biomechanics of vision, this program explains how proximity, similarity, and continuity affect perception; what light is and how lighting ty pes and angles alter an image; and how color theory operates. Commentary is prov ided by photographers Dale Kistemaker, Catherine Wagner, Jo Whaley, and Larry Su ltan. (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3838_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3838_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>12063</td><td>Photography as Art</td><td>When specialty came ras, trick photography, and digital manipulation are combined with creative geni us, photography becomes an extremely versatile medium of expression and self-exp loration. This program examines the history of photography, charting its evoluti on from a technical craft to a fine art. Works of Tim Macmillan, Catherine Opie, Suky Best, Alison Jackson, and Caroline Molloy are highlighted. Archival clips of Man Ray, Cindy Sherman, Bill Brandt, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Andreas Feininger , Robert Mapplethorpe, Duane Michals, Richard Avedon, and Elsie Hill are include d. A BBCW Production. (29 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3839_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3839_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10794</td><td>Photography, Graphic Arts, and Desktop Publish ing</td><td>This program provides a succinct overview of the commercial applicat ions of photography, the graphic arts, and desktop publishing, along with the ca reers associated with them. Demonstrations of equipment and software, plus defin itions of industry jargon, demystify these fascinating fields, while discussions on a diverse range of topics such as how a camera functions and how DTP technol ogy has revolutionized the publishing industry provide technical insights. Conce pting and design are touched upon as well. A Meridian Production. (13 minutes)</ td><td>1997</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3840_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3840_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30810</td><td>Photography: Making Art and Recording Life</td ><td>Once strictly considered a visual recording device, the camera has expanded beyond its documentational niche and made places for itself in the worlds of fi ne art, advertising, and news media as well. This program describes existing and emerging genres in the photographic arts, including documentary photography, po rtraiture, still life, commercial photography, and photojournalism. Commentary i s provided by Steve Luker, formerly a creative director with ad agency Publicis & Hal Riney, and photographers Larry Sultan, Ed Kashi, Richard Barnes, Jo Whaley , Dale Kistemaker, and Catherine Wagner. (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3841_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3841_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30599</td><td>Photonics: The Revolution in Communications</t d><td>This program examines the use of lasers and optical fibers as a means of p roviding high-bandwidth communications. The underlying principles of physics are thoroughly explained, the chemical and engineering challenges faced in providin g improved data transfer are explored, and examples of applied photonics-both pr esent and future-are examined. Expert commentary and 3-D computer animations enh ance the program. (31 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3842_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3842_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3696</td><td>Photosynthesis</td><td>Starting with the histor ic discoveries of Joseph Priestley, Jan Ingenhousz, and Jean Senebier, this mini series examines the absorption of light by plants, and follows the energy pathwa ys to the production of carbohydrates and other organic materials. Programs also develop the Calvin cycle, as it functions in carbon 3 and carbon 4 plants, and the remarkable fluid transport system that delivers water and nutrients througho ut the plant structure. 6-part series, 10 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>& nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3843_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3843_l blPrice">$299.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11012</td><td>Physical Development: The First Five Years</td ><td>In the course of the first five birthdays, a child moves from being physica lly helpless to virtual mastery of the large and small motor skills. This progra m spotlights children at each stage of physical development between birth and fi ve years of age. A pediatrician and a child development specialist describe what occurs during those formative years. A Meridian Production. (19 minutes)</td><t d>1997</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3844_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3844_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35850</td><td>The Physical Science Collection</td><td>From t he core of the Earth to the depths of outer space, this 16-program educational v ideo collection spans the universe! Programs include: Cambridge Core Science S eries: Space Science (The Planets; The Sun and Stars; Just How Big Is Space?; Th e Invisible Universe; Black Holes, Pulsars, and Other Odd Bodies; Yesterday the Moon, Tomorrow Mars?; Living in Space; Is Anybody Out There?) Cambridge Core Scie nce Series: GeoBasics (Our Planet Earth; Plate Tectonics; Rocks and Minerals; Oc eans and Seas; Geocycles; Atmosphere, Climate, and Weather; Energy and Resources ; Environmental Issues and Human Impact) Recommended for grades 9-12. Sixtee n full-length videos. (c) 2006.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3845_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3845_l blPrice">$719.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36111</td><td>Physical Therapy Assistant and Aide</td><td>Of all the healthcare disciplines, physical therapy may require the widest range o f talents and interests. This program profiles the jobs of physical therapy assi stant and aide, detailing their responsibilities, essential skills, and differen

ces. The video explores the duties the assistant and aide must perform-such as h elping patients under the supervision of a physical therapist, performing treatm ents according to customized programs, observing and reporting patient behavior, and providing physical and emotional encouragement. The skill set outlined in t he video includes an in-depth knowledge of human anatomy as well as the ability to work with ill and disabled people, collaborate with and serve under other hea lth professionals, and maintain one's own physical fitness, motivation, and orga nization. Educational requirements are also addressed-most importantly, graduati ng from an APTA-accredited program. A viewable/printable instructor's guide cont aining additional material-including student activities, discussion questions, v ocabulary terms, and fast facts-is available online. Correlates to national and state board certification standards. A Meridian Production. (23 minutes)</td><td >2007</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3846_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3846_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33601</td><td>Physical Training Strategies: Preparing for a Purpose</td><td>This program gives instruction on choosing and using the right t raining strategies to ensure maximum performance during physical activity. Topic s for discussion include: the three energy systems in the body and each one's in volvement in athletic exertion; types of continuous, interval, and resistance tr aining methods and each one's effect on the energy systems; and the specificity, duration, frequency, intensity, and diminishing return principles of training. Footage of many sports and events illustrates the topics, providing practice to the theory. (26 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3847_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3847_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37247</td><td>Physician Assistant</td><td>Although it requir es far less time and training, the job of Physician Assistant brings with it man y of the challenges and rewards of being a doctor. This program explores the res ponsibilities of the Physician Assistant, the skills and personality traits need ed to become one, and the financial and personal advantages that most people in the position enjoy. Including interviews with both young and veteran P.A.'s, the program describes their rigorous training and their typical duties, such as per forming preliminary exams for the supervising physician and providing diagnoses or prescriptions with no help from a doctor. The opportunity to work in a variet y of clinical settings and help patients of all backgrounds is also emphasized. Students are urged to get started early by taking the right high school courses and volunteering at clinics and hospitals. A viewable/printable instructor's gui de is available online. Correlates to national and state board certification sta ndards. A Meridian Production. (23 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3848_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3848_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>5564</td><td>The Physics and Physiology of Sports</td><td>Wh en we engage in a sports activity, we are usually not aware of the scientific wa y in which the activity combines the principles of physics and physiology. This program describes the principles governing the following sports activities: scub a diving, flying, sailing, and gymnastics. Content ranges from nitrogen bubbles and the "bends" through the Bernoulli principle to semicircular canals, all esse ntial constituents of our sporting activities. (23 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td >23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3849_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3849_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34097</td><td>Physics: Forces at Work</td><td>This Science S creen Report explains the forces that come into play when a cyclist puts on the breaks, a pitcher throws a curve, and an airplane takes to the sky. Focusing on such concepts as acceleration, terminal velocity, friction, and balanced and unb alanced forces, the program also delineates Newton's laws of motion and Bernoull i's principle of pressurized air and fluid behavior. For discussions in applied or theoretical science, this is a skillful balance of basic and advanced concept s. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Produced in asso ciation with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology and the Juni or Engineering Technical Society. (13 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3850_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3850_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36228</td><td>The Physics in Baseball</td><td>When you use b aseball to demonstrate the principles of physics, your students will see science in a whole new way. Divided into four segments, this program takes a close look at the pitch (how gravity, drag, and the Magnus force are used to manipulate th e path of the ball); the hit (kinetic energy, the coefficient of restitution, an d Newton's Laws of Motion-and the changes that result when rawhide meets wood); the flight (the effects of launch angle, drag, turbulence, temperature, air dens ity, and the Magnus force on a ball during its flight to the bleachers); and run ning the bases (force, mass, inertia, and acceleration as the crowd goes wild!). A fascinating and informative teaching tool. Correlates to the National Science Education Standards and the Ohio Science Academic Content Standards. A viewable /printable instructor's guide is available online. (27 minutes)</td><td>2004</td ><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3851_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3851_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7672</td><td>The Physics of Amusement Park Rides</td><td>Wan t to know where to sit on a roller coaster to get the biggest thrill? In this pr ogram, engineers use the principles of physics to design amusement park rides. V iewers will be catapulted along on a roller coaster, slammed into their seats, g lued against a wall, shot down a luge course, and swung around on a hellacious r

ide they call "the corkscrew." As they go, they learn the relationship between k inetic and potential energy, vectors, speed, friction, and acceleration in an ex citing real-world format. Original BBC broadcast title: Most Swirling, Swinging, Sliding, Spinning, Up and Down Ride of Your Life. (30 minutes)</td><td>1986</td ><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3852_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3852_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34098</td><td>Physics: Properties of Light</td><td>This edit ion of Science Screen Report examines the importance of the Sun's electromagneti c energy, and how light makes life on Earth possible. Focusing on the properties of visible light and their relation to human perception, the program demonstrat es how different wavelengths of light determine color, how various surfaces refl ect or absorb light, and the importance of light as a communication tool through out human history. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Produced in association with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technol ogy and the Junior Engineering Technical Society. (14 minutes)</td><td>2001</td> <td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3853_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3853_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10277</td><td>Physics: The Standard Deviants(r) Core Curricu lum</td><td>This creative ten-part series, adapted from the popular series devel oped for students to enhance their test-taking skills, is designed to reduce the gravity of physics by combining serious academic content with a humorous presen tation style. Each program skillfully employs elements such as catchy mnemonics, high-tech computer graphics, and entertaining vignettes to boost retention and confidence while driving home core concepts through concise explanations and eng aging examples. Joining the Standard Deviants Academic Team in the creation of t his series are Edward Finn, Ph.D., of Georgetown University, and Barry Berman, P h.D., of George Washington University. Correlates to all applicable state and na tional standards. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. 1 0-part series, 17-34 minutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3854_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3854_l blPrice">$699.50<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34125</td><td>Physiology: Muscles and Bones</td><td>This pro gram looks at the human body in motion, studying the interaction of the skeleton and muscles and the ways in which engineers and designers imitate these systems . Demonstrating how bones allow mobility while also providing protection, the pr ogram examines skeletal strength, calcium's importance, the internal structure o f bones, and their dependence on muscles for cohesion and power. Linking archite cture, machine design, computer science, and other disciplines, this Science Scr een Report offers a fresh way of understanding human anatomy. A viewable/printab le instructor's guide is available online. Produced in association with the Accr

editation Board for Engineering and Technology and the Junior Engineering Techni cal Society. (14 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3855_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3855_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10973</td><td>The Physiology of Pain</td><td>What is pain, a nd what is its purpose? This program explores various aspects of pain, including how the mind perceives the body's warning messages, whether from a stomach-ache or a chronic condition; the body's ability to control or ignore pain; the effec ts of nerve damage on the body's early-warning system; and pain caused not by th e body, but by the mind. (17 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3856_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3856_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6682</td><td>The Piano</td><td>In 1701, Bartolomeo Christofo ri, a musician employed by the Medicis, invented the first piano by modifying a harpsichord. This program discusses how this popular instrument has changed over the years (except for its hammers), and how its flexibility and expressiveness have inspired composers such as Beethoven, Schumann, Liszt, and Bartok. (28 minu tes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3857_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3857_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10880</td><td>The Piano: King of Instruments</td><td>No othe r instrument has been as important to the history of Western music as the piano. Since its invention in Florence three hundred years ago, the piano has become m any things to many people-a bridge between the worlds of classical and popular m usic and the ultimate composer's companion. This program traces the ancestry of the instrument and the history of those composers who championed its use. From t he concert hall to nightclubs and living rooms, the piano has become the instrum ent of choice throughout the Western world. (51 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>51 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3858_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3858_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34765</td><td>The Picaresque Novel</td><td>Originating in Sp ain, the picaresque novel abandoned idealized literary approaches and exposed th e harshness of reality and human nature. This program presents the history of th e narrative art form, tracing its development through Mateo Aleman, Cervantes, a nd Defoe, all the way to Kerouac and subsequent writers. Beginning with the anon

ymous publication of The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes, the video analyzes example s of fictional outsiders struggling to survive in a corrupt and hypocritical soc iety. Guzman de Alfarache, Moll Flanders, Huckleberry Finn, and several other wo rks are discussed, all with a recognition of their artistic antecedent: the unfl inching exploits of the Spanish picaro. (English, 23 minutes)</td><td>2006</td>< td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3859_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3859_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3937</td><td>Picasso and His Time</td><td>This superb docume ntary covers the long and extraordinary life of Picasso, beginning with the firs t period of his life in Malaga, La Coruna, and Barcelona (the time of his classi c painting) and continuing in Paris, Vallauris, and Vouvenargue. This beautifull y photographed program follows the development of this genius through the Pink a nd Blue Periods, surrealism, cubism, sculpture, and ceramics: a unique artist wh o excelled in all styles and all media and remained-regardless of where he was-S panish to the core. (57 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3860_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3860_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4096</td><td>Picasso and His Time</td><td>This superb docume ntary covers the long and extraordinary life of Picasso, beginning with the firs t period of his life in Malaga, La Coruna, and Barcelona (the time of his classi c painting) and continuing in Paris, Vallauris, and Vouvenargue. This beautifull y photographed program follows the development of this genius through the Pink a nd Blue Periods, surrealism, cubism, sculpture, and ceramics: a unique artist wh o excelled in all styles and all media and remained-regardless of where he was-S panish to the core. (34 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>34</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3861_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3861_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36340</td><td>Pickles, Inc.: Arab-Israeli Women Launch a Bus iness</td><td>Many Arab widows lead a cloistered and restricted life, often livi ng below the poverty line. In 2003, eight widows in the Galilean village of Tamr a started a daring business venture-the Azka Pickle Cooperative-seeking financia l independence for themselves and their children. This Wide Angle report follows the women as they establish a tiny pickle factory and market their product to l ocal stores. With little formal education or work experience, the women face num erous hurdles in their effort to expand the business into stores throughout Isra el-while their personal lives reflect what is at stake for them financially, emo tionally, and in the context of their culture. In addition, anchor Bill Moyers d iscusses global development and the Arab world with Azza Karam, Coordinator for the U.N. Arab Human Development Report. (57 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>57</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3862_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3862_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33057</td><td>Picture Perfect: Chasing an Impossible Goal</t d><td>Alicia, a 16-year-old, has battled anorexia since she was nine. Due to bod y dysmorphic disorder, Tim believes that his flat stomach is huge. A high school swimmer, Haley initially wanted breast augmentation to correct a size imbalance but then opted for enlargement. This program follows several case studies in or der to highlight what can happen when the quest for physical perfection goes too far. Patients, families, doctors, and psychologists confront the dangers and di fficulties of an obsession. Produced by CBS NEWS. (45 minutes)</td><td>2000</td> <td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3863_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3863_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36179</td><td>Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: The Wings of Spiri t</td><td>He was a philosopher, paleontologist, Jesuit priest-and far more than the sum of these disparate labels. Illuminating the life and work of Pierre Teil hard de Chardin, this program examines his origins, his difficulties with Cathol ic orthodoxy, and his legacy as a major contributor to the "living Earth" theory . Interviewing scientists and religious leaders influenced by Teilhard, the prog ram describes his anthropological achievements and explains concepts he invented -such as the noosphere and the Omega point-that helped to establish the Gaia hyp othesis and similar worldviews. The result is an engaging portrait of a visionar y whose ideas remain relevant in today's debate over intelligent design. (60 min utes)</td><td>2005</td><td>61</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3864_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3864_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31231</td><td>Pierre-Auguste Renoir: Bright Summer Sundays</ td><td>This program studies Pierre-Auguste Renoir's charming composition The Mou lin de la Galette, a marvelous interweaving of sunlight and soft, hazy blue-and a genial proclamation of the Impressionist school. The nuanced color, the subtly overlapping brushstrokes, the artful blurring of the figures, and other technic al elements are considered. (32 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3865_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3865_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31237</td><td>Pierre-Auguste Renoir: Bright Summer Sundays-i n French</td><td>This program studies Pierre-Auguste Renoir's charming compositi on The Moulin de la Galette, a marvelous interweaving of sunlight and soft, hazy

blue-and a genial proclamation of the Impressionist school. The nuanced color, the subtly overlapping brushstrokes, the artful blurring of the figures, and oth er technical elements are considered. (French, 32 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td> 32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3866_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3866_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33421</td><td>Pigments: From Lascaux to Picasso</td><td>This program explains how artists' colors are made and applied by charting the devel opment of various families of pigments-and by demonstrating that the compounding of colors is always a mixture of tradition and technology, experience and innov ation. Pigments prepared from natural sources and derived from industrial proces ses are closely studied, noting failures as well as successes. Decorative applic ations of color to cloth-making, glass staining, and printing are considered as well. (27 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3867_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3867_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37298</td><td>Pilgrimage to Karbala: Iran, Iraq, and Shia Is lam</td><td>It is the summer of 2006, and a bus filled with Iranian men and wome n sets out on a perilous journey to the holy sites of Najaf and Karbala in war-t orn Iraq. Wide Angle accompanies them on their pilgrimage-revealing many of the attitudes, beliefs, and emotions that add to the complexity of modern Islam. As the bus rolls through breathtaking desert landscapes, the five-day odyssey takes on spiritual as well as historical dimensions. Each traveler recalls past anxie ties and dangers-having lived through Iran's 1979 revolution and its war with Ir aq-and each marvels at the chance to experience the longed-for Karbala pilgrimag e, impossible during Saddam Hussein's rule. In addition to this moving and somet imes disturbing story, anchor Daljit Dhaliwal talks with Dr. Vali Nasr, Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and author of The Shia Revival : How Conflicts Within Islam Will Shape the Future. (87 minutes)</td><td>2007</t d><td>87</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3868_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3868_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36928</td><td>Pioneers! O Pioneers!</td><td>Both westward ex pansion and 19th-century immigration affected the development of a uniquely Amer ican English. This classic PBS program tells the story of that burgeoning dialec t, from the Revolutionary War to the 1920s. Beginning with the Declaration of In dependence, the program depicts the determination of American radicals-dictionar y author Noah Webster among them-to achieve linguistic as well as political sepa ration. While the urban, immigrant-laden Northeast is rightly viewed as a lingui stic pressure cooker, the western frontier is portrayed as no less dynamic-thank s to fur traders, riverboat pilots, gold miners, Spanish-speaking cowboys, Nativ e Americans, and the railroad. (59 minutes)</td><td>1986</td><td>59</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3869_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3869_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33684</td><td>The Pipeline</td><td>This ambitious documentar y follows the circuitous route of the 1,100-mile BTC Pipeline, a string of 150,0 00 steel pipes that links the cities of Baku, in Azerbaijan; Tbilisi, in Georgia ; and Ceyhan, in Turkey. The pipeline will transport the rich, previously untapp ed energy reserves of the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean, from where it will f low into the global market, but its route makes many detours around areas of reg ional conflict and territorial dispute. Traveling the pipeline's length, the fil mmakers encounter numerous stumbling blocks-including their own arrest in Azerba ijan-as they make their way through some of the most geographically challenging and politically unsafe places on Earth. (57 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>57</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3870_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3870_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33405</td><td>Pisa: The Riddle of the Leaning Tower</td><td> To save the Leaning Tower of Pisa from further leaning and eventual collapse, th e Italian government appointed a scientific committee to devise a solution. Film ed over three years, this classic program documents the engineering challenges a nd the committee's controversial answer to the structure's ongoing decline-the m ost fateful moment in the Tower's eight centuries of existence. Experts intervie wed include John Burland, professor of geotechnics at Imperial College London; P iero Pierotti, professor of medieval architecture at the University of Pisa; and Giorgio Macchi, professor of structural engineering at the University of Pavia. (53 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3871_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3871_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6517</td><td>Pitfalls in Stabilization Policy</td><td>This p rogram discusses monetary and fiscal policy for a large economy. Some key topics are the crowding-out effect, the short-run trade-off between inflation and unem ployment, and how stabilization policies with long lags can affect business cycl es. (28 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3872_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3872_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3374</td><td>A Place in the Sun</td><td>In 20 years, four mi llion Italians entered the U.S.. While all immigrant groups were disdained by th

ose who had come even a generation before, Italians suffered especially. Many be came poorly-paid laborers, but many others made good. (52 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp ;</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3873_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3873_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35834</td><td>A Place in the World: Adults with Autism Findi ng Their Way</td><td>Children with autism turn into adults with autism: an obvio us fact, but one that remains inadequately addressed by society. Through the upl ifting stories of Paul deSavino and Jamie Hoppe, two adults with autism who enjo y the support of their parents, life coaches, and others dedicated to their well -being, this ABC News program looks at America's overall unpreparedness in helpi ng such adults pursue fulfilling lives. Psychologist Peter Gerhardt; Jen Hoppe, cofounder of Quest Autism Foundation; and others express their concerns about lo ng-term quality of life for people with autism, emphasizing the need for more in itiatives to assist them-and the funding to keep those initiatives running. (23 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3874_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3874_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8574</td><td>Place Your Bets</td><td>North America has more than 15 million compulsive gamblers, 4.2 million of whom have attempted suicide. But in a society where gambling is a legal form of entertainment and where ther e is no consensus on its addictive power, what hope do sufferers have for help b efore it is too late? This penetrating program explores the insidious appeal of the new generation of video gambling machines, the efforts of counselors and sup port groups to assist victims in rebuilding their lives, and the role of governm ent as a silent partner in this debilitating industry. First-person accounts fro m recovering compulsive gamblers tell of obsession, lying, and stealing, and how they have learned to come to terms with their actions. (24 minutes)</td><td>199 8</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3875_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3875_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>31293</td><td>Places</td><td>Segment one of this program use s four paintings by Mondrian to track his migration from impressionistic and abs tract landscapes to the pure geometry of Neo-Plasticism. Segment two employs Bra ncusi's Fish, Dame Barbara Hepworth's Pelagos, and Joseph Beuys' The End of the Twentieth Century to analyze how abstract sculptors represent nature. Segment th ree explores Richard Long's fascination with organizing nature through his Line Made by Walking, Red Slate Circle installation, and Waterfall Wall Painting, cre ated by finger painting with a white clay slurry on a large black wall. (15 minu tes)</td><td>2003</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3876_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3876_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2182</td><td>Places, Please!</td><td>This program looks at e ducational theater through the theater program at Hamden (CT) High School, inter spersing production segments in rehearsal and performance with teacher, student, and audience interviews. Recommended by the NEA, the program demonstrates the v alue of educational theater and how this value can be maximized. (58 minutes)</t d><td>1989</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3877_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3877_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>984</td><td>The Places Within</td><td>The corridors of power , in business and government, lead to heroic interior spaces, and business has f requently appropriated the architecture of power-that is, of government. Interio r spaces symbolize as well as contain function. The ambiguous relationship to na ture is seen in the American desire to bring a scaled-down outdoors inside; the incorporation of the past takes different shapes.The town square concept reappea rs in guises as diverse as the great interior space under the Capitol dome and t he glazed-over shopping mall that is Houston's Galleria; hotels and museums with indoor plazas seek to provide the same sort of community meeting space. Grand Central Terminal-with twinkling stars painted on its concourse ceiling-is both t he nexus of a transportation network and a grand bazaar. The Pennsylvania Academ y of Art demonstrates how the effort to combine tradition, function, and the sym bols of industrial modernity may wind up a mixed metaphor.It took Frank Lloyd Wr ight to reconcile the dome of the pantheon and the arcaded market in the Marin C ounty Civic Center. (58 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3878_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3878_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>35536</td><td>Planers</td><td>If radial arm saws are the mos t hazardous power tools in the shop, planers are probably the safest. This video shows how to work with them. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is availab le online. Correlates to competency standards for core curriculum and carpentry from the National Center for Construction Education & Research. A Shopware Produ ction. (14 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3879_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3879_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37523</td><td>Planet Earth: Seven Ways to Help Save the Worl d</td><td>As the world wakes up to the need to protect the environment, ABC News continues to cover the most crucial ecological issues of today-and tomorrow. Th

is unprecedented program, reported from all seven continents on the eve of Earth Day 2007, examines urgent problems unfolding in the natural world and offers so me real solutions to them. From Australia's Great Barrier Reef to the Brazilian rain forest to an African game preserve to a massive solar power array in Arizon a, these stories will open eyes, ears, and minds. Seven leading science and busi ness experts share insights on water shortages, species extinction, loss of habi tat, and runaway energy consumption. An additional report vividly illustrates si mple lifestyle changes that can reduce humanity's collective environmental footp rint. (41 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>42</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3880_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3880_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34741</td><td>The Planets</td><td>Any study of the universe requires a solid understanding of the solar system-home sweet home and the launc hing pad for intergalactic exploration. This video explains how the solar system formed and offers plenty of detailed information on the inner and outer planets . The minimum requirements for planetary life as we know it and the specifics of the Sun, asteroids, comets, and the planets' many moons are also given. A viewa ble/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to National Sci ence Education Standards, National Educational Technology Standards, and standar ds of the Association for the Advancement of Science. A Cambridge Educational Pr oduction. Recommended for grades 7-12. (29 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>29</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3881_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3881_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31975</td><td>Planing</td><td>Until the day that wood comes perfectly flat and square from the lumberyard, there will be planing. This video shows students how to plane surface and end grains to perfection. A viewable/pr intable instructor's guide is available online. A Shopware Production. (16 minut es)</td><td>2004</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3882_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3882_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26078</td><td>Planning Activities for Children</td><td>This informative program leads the viewer on a tour of a daycare center with helpful and informed caregivers who suggest, initiate, and direct activities offering ne w learning experiences for the children in their care. These activities are show n to build children's self-esteem and encourage social cognitive growth and deve lopment. Detailed study guide with suggestions for activities is included. (10 m in.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1991</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3883_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3883_l

blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35706</td><td>Plant Wars: A Global View of Natural Medicine< /td><td>The future of the pharmaceutical industry seems firmly entrenched in mol ecular research-but herbalism and other natural healing methods may influence dr ug production and medical procedures in the years to come. This three-part serie s investigates the increasing importance of traditional, non-Western approaches to treating and curing diseases-and shows how, in some cases, indigenous culture s and drug manufacturers are at odds regarding the procurement of medicinal plan t resources. 3-part series, 52 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3884_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3884_l blPrice">$449.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32496</td><td>Plant World: The Biology of Flowering and Nonflowering Plants</td><td>This outstanding two-part series enters the exotic worl d of plants to introduce three of its most fascinating groups: anthophytes, bryo phytes, and lichens. Each ten-minute segment-five per program-beautifully blends core scientific information with remarkable photography to create a memorable e ducational experience. 2-part series, 51 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td><td>&nbs p;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3885_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3885_l blPrice">$299.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30846</td><td>Plants Out of Place: Facing the Green Invasion </td><td>Quickly and quietly, non-native invasive plants are making deep inroads across America, depriving entire ecosystems of the living things and natural re sources they depend on to survive. This program illustrates the alarming environ mental and commercial impact of non-native invasive plants; explains why they we re planted and how they got out of control; introduces federal, state, and local organizations dedicated to stopping them; and describes mechanical, biological, and chemical methods of fighting them. The program also catalogues numerous pes t plants currently wreaking havoc, including kudzu, purple loosestrife, garlic m ustard, giant salvinia, yellow star thistle, and water hyacinth. (61 minutes)</t d><td>2001</td><td>61</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3886_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3886_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32782</td><td>Plastics and Adhesives</td><td>Working with pl astics and adhesives is tricky-and can be dangerous, too. This video DVD shows h ow to safely prepare, fix, and refinish holes in fiberglass and plastics with th ermoplastic and thermoset plastic. Repairing plastic parts with urethane and epo xy adhesives is also illustrated. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is ava

ilable online. Correlates to the standards for the Collision Repair and Refinish Technician Training Certification Program, from the National Institute for Auto motive Service Excellence and the National Automotive Technicians Education Foun dation. A Shopware Production. (16 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3887_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3887_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34722</td><td>Plate Tectonics</td><td>Studies of our planet' s crust, or lithosphere, suggest that it's not a single solid layer at all. This video illustrates the process of scientific inquiry by studying the evolution o f our understanding of plate tectonics, the dynamics of those ever-shifting slab s of earth we call solid ground. Beginning with Alfred Wegener's hypothesis of c ontinental drift, the program discusses major and minor plates, types of plate b oundaries, and the concepts of spreading and subduction. Earthquakes and volcano es are also addressed. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available onli ne. Correlates to National Science Education Standards, National Educational Tec hnology Standards, and Standards for the English Language Arts. A Cambridge Educ ational Production. Recommended for grades 7-12. (25 minutes)</td><td>2006</td>< td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3888_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3888_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6148</td><td>Plate Tectonics: Secrets of the Deep</td><td>Vi ewed from space, one of the remarkable features of our planet is that it has con tinents and oceans. The changing pattern of the continents and oceans is a very important characteristic of the earth, and the discovery of how this movement oc curs is one of the most exciting scientific stories of modern times. The key to this understanding lay not in the continents at all, but in the oceans. The ocea ns turned out to have a record of their history as precise as tree rings or a ma gnetic bar code, and with it came the history of relative motion between the con tinents. These motions are not fast by our standards, but by geological standard s they are very rapid. As a description of what is happening in the oceans, plat e tectonics is so simple, powerful, and accurate that it has come to dominate ou r view of the earth's behavior. (57 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3889_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3889_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7279</td><td>Plato</td><td>The dialogues of Plato are analyz ed in this program by world-renowned author and professor Bryan Magee and Cambri dge philosophy professor Myles Burnyeat. Seeing Plato's ideas initially as exten sions of those of his teacher, Socrates, Burnyeat explains the development and c ontent of Plato's original doctrines of knowledge as virtue, the immortality and tripartite division of the soul, and the theory of forms (ideas). Plato's polit ical philosophy is discussed within the context of the notion of the ideal state -a political utopia ruled by philosopher-kings. A BBC Production. (46 minutes)</

td><td>1987</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3890_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3890_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11880</td><td>Play and the Social World: Acquiring Social In telligence</td><td>Designed to be a happy place of imagination and cooperation, a playground is too often a danger zone of intimidation and violence. This progr am explores the educational value and social dynamics of play while emphasizing the importance of a supportive adult presence in the playground environment. Gam es and techniques used by teachers and psychologists to help children develop in terpersonal skills, articulate their feelings, and reflect on their behavior are included, as is information on playground design. (25 minutes)</td><td>1994</td ><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3891_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3891_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1106</td><td>Play the Legend</td><td>The West fueled an enti re industry: the entertainment business. When the first Western movie was shown, the audience stood up, cheered, and shouted for a re-run. Said Bronco Billy And erson, "That's it. It's going to be the picture business for me. The future has no end." This program shows the West as the subject of popular culture and show business, the greatest circus act in the world, from dime novels to Buffalo Bill 's Wild West Show, from the movie cowboys to that modern embodiment of the cowbo y spirit, the country singer. (57 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3892_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3892_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8993</td><td>The Players: Costumes and Makeup</td><td>Over t he course of a single year at the RSC, 150 actors play 500 different roles, each requiring authentic period costuming and makeup. In this remarkable program, ma ster costumers and makeup artists demonstrate their crafts as expressed in produ ctions of The Tempest, Measure for Measure, and Thomas Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy . How does cleverly designed clothing help make Pompey more arrogant and Isabell a look both chaste and alluring? How is Caliban's speckled hide created, and how does Hieronimo seem to actually bite off his tongue? With subtlety and finesse, this powerhouse team works miracles of stage magic. (25 minutes)</td><td>1998</ td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3893_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3893_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr>

<td>33311</td><td>Playing</td><td>For a child, play is serious f un. This program will help parents, teachers, caregivers, and students understan d the complex functions of play. The relationship to objects, whether toys or ev eryday things, is explored through dozens of scenes of children interacting in c lassic situations. Discussion by experts and parents and video footage of childr en at play offer insights into games of imitation, the development of the imagin ation, stimulation of the senses, and what makes a good toy. Not available in Fr ench-speaking Canada. (54 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3894_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3894_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32205</td><td>Playing God</td><td>Twenty years after the dis covery of DNA's structure, another revolution swept biology when scientists bega n learning how to manipulate genes outright. The controversy continues. This pro gram tells the story of genetic engineering's pioneers, focusing on the race to synthesize insulin and the development of genetically modified crops. Spectacula r computer animations of molecular processes are paired with extensive commentar y by key researchers, including Genentech founder Herb Boyer, Stanford Universit y biochemists Stan Cohen and Paul Berg, former Genentech scientist Dave Goeddel, Nobel Laureate Jim Watson, Harvard University molecular biologist Walter Gilber t, and Monsanto biochemist Bob Horsch. (57 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>57</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3895_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3895_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33629</td><td>Playing God</td><td>Is the new genetics runnin g ahead of society's ability to supervise it, or does genetic science bring huge benefits that humanity should willingly embrace? In this thought-provoking prog ram, Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. Rowan Williams asserts the need for religious belief in the modern world to Sir John Sulston, Nobel Prize winner and the guidi ng spirit behind the Human Genome Project, and to Shahana Hashmi, who recently w on a legal battle to create a genetically enhanced child. An ideal resource for understanding the ongoing debate on the Anglican church's view of progressive sc ience. Filmed at Lambeth Palace. (26 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3896_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3896_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29332</td><td>Playing God: Human Cloning</td><td>Will human cloning provide a panacea for ailments and diseases or usher in a nightmarish wo rld of eugenics and designer people? This program presents an in-depth explorati on of the ethical concerns regarding human cloning, a technology that has alread y prompted heated debate over its potential uses and abuses. A variety of perspe ctives are canvassed from the theological, legal, and scientific fields, includi ng interviews with Dr. Ian Wilmut, the first scientist to successfully clone a m ammal-Dolly, a sheep. (50 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>49</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3897_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3897_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34957</td><td>Playing Hurt: Ethics and Sports Medicine</td>< td>Imagine that it's the week of the football championship game, and a star play er may have an undisclosed head injury. Everyone wants him to play. If you were the coach, would you let him? Or picture a talented WNBA hopeful who has torn he r ACL-for the third time. Add in bouts of bulimia and her lifelong dream of goin g pro. As her adviser, what would you do? These are only two of the agonizing qu estions that Harvard Law School's Charles Ogletree puts to a panel of dedicated and deeply concerned sports experts. In this Fred Friendly Seminar, filmed at an annual meeting of The American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, they ex plore the ethical and medical issues-and moral obligations-that come into play w henever an athlete becomes a patient. Topics include conflicts of interest, the complexities of informed consent, the limits of confidentiality, and the vital t rust triangle between the athlete, team doctor, and coach. Panelists include Tra ce Armstrong, former president of the NFL Players Association; orthopedics speci alist John Bergfeld, M.D., team physician for the Cleveland Browns and Cavaliers ; Andrew Bishop, M.D., team physician for the Atlanta Falcons; malpractice lawye r Patrick Dekle; Gordon Matheson, M.D., Ph.D., head of sports medicine at Stanfo rd University; Elliot Pellman, M.D., the NFL's medical liaison; football Hall of Famer Jack Youngblood; and others. (58 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>58</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3898_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3898_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32918</td><td>Playing the Drums</td><td>In this program, Geo ff Nicholls, co-presenter of BBC TV's classic Rock School series, introduces stu dents to the drum set with instruction on the components of the drum set and the ir parts; choosing sticks, drums, and cymbals; replacing drum heads; how to hold the sticks using orthodox and matched grips; tuning; hand and foot strokes; dru m notation and keeping time; quarter, eighth, and sixteenth notes and their asso ciated triplets; varying rhythms with rests; varying tempo and volume; accents; fills; and how to improvise both simple and complex rhythms. The program conclud es with a performance by Nicholls. (109 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td>109</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3899_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3899_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30748</td><td>Playing the Game: 20th-Century American Foreig n Policy</td><td>Filmed in ten countries, this illuminating three-part retrospec tive takes an insightful look at watersheds in American foreign policy during Wo rld War II, the Vietnam War, and the years in between. Outstanding archival foot age of key figures and events and commentary by renowned experts and eyewitnesse s bring to life an era in world history that saw the U.S. move from isolationist

idealism to expedient intervention in its efforts to bring an end to colonialis m and defeat the forces of fascism and totalitarianism. 3-part series, 57 minute s each.</td><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3900_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3900_l blPrice">$449.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32916</td><td>Playing the Guitar</td><td>In this program, Jo hn James, one of Britain's top fingerstyle guitarists, shows viewers the basics of playing the six-string acoustic guitar. Subjects include types of guitars; th e parts of the guitar; replacing strings; how to hold acoustic and electric guit ars; tuning; strumming and fretting; left- and right-hand fingering; notes and i ntervals; bending notes and vibrato; chord diagrams, tablature, and keeping time ; scales; the C, G7, D7, G Major, and C7 chords; triad arpeggios; how to improvi se simple songs; and playing the blues. The program concludes with a performance by James. (77 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td>77</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3901_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3901_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32915</td><td>Playing the Keyboard</td><td>This program feat ures Matt Clifford, a brilliant keyboard artist who has toured with The Rolling Stones and Yes. After a detailed overview of synthesizers and their capabilities , he gives instruction on choosing a keyboard; notes and intervals; bending note s and vibrato; keeping time; scales; bass lines, left- and right-hand chords, me lody lines, and rhythms; MIDI technology and sampling; using orchestral, classic rock, and synthesized sounds; building multitrack sequences; and how to improvi se simple songs. The program concludes with a performance by Clifford. (92 minut es)</td><td>1991</td><td>92</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3902_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3902_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32335</td><td>Playtime</td><td>This video demonstrates safe, simple, and enjoyable activities for parents to share with their infants. (14 m inutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3903_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3903_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32564</td><td>Playtime-in Spanish</td><td>This video demonst rates safe, simple, and enjoyable activities for parents to share with their inf ants. (16 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3904_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3904_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11315</td><td>Playwrights' Workshop: Writing for the Stage</ td><td>From ancient epics to contemporary productions that obliterate the bounda ries of convention, dramatists continue to spotlight the highs and lows of human existence. In this engaging four-part series, Nick Enright (Lorenzo's Oil) and other playwrights, directors, and actors talk about the creative process involve d in writing for the stage. 4-part series, 27 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td >&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3905_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3905_l blPrice">$519.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4593</td><td>Plea Bargains: Dealing for Justice</td><td>The vast majority of criminal cases end in plea bargains. No one argues that this is the most just way-only the most efficient. This program examines what happens w hen the deal is struck: who gets out of jail, who doesn't, and who decides what kind of deal to make. Filmed behind the scenes, deep inside the nation's crimina l justice system, it presents an ugly picture that has little to do with justice . (26 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3906_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3906_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32273</td><td>Plumbers and Steamfitters</td><td>Once your st udents have taken the tour and seen what the skilled construction trades have to offer, they will want to know more about specific jobs that may interest them. This fast-paced program provides a concise profile of plumbers and steamfitters, looking at educational background, apprenticeships, salary, and the work itself . (13 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3907_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3907_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26085</td><td>Plumbing</td><td>Watch basic plumbing installa tion for residential and commercial construction including pipe fitting and bath room fixtures. (14 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1992</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3908_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3908_l blPrice">$62.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>31963</td><td>Plumbing: Rough-in and Final</td><td>This prog ram looks at plumbing in its two construction phases: rough-in, or initial insta llation, and final. Details of water systems and drainage, waste, and venting (D WV) systems are examined, as well as tools commonly used. A viewable/printable i nstructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the Competencies and Object ives of the National Center for Construction Education & Research. A Shopware Pr oduction. (19 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3909_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3909_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37643</td><td>Plundering the Oceans</td><td>Almost without e xception, fishing grounds all over the world are being recklessly exploited. Thi s program brings the global problem to light, making clear that our planet is ap proaching an environmental crisis. It examines methods that are widespread in In dia's fisheries, including the use of nets so finely meshed that even seawater o nly trickles out; it also explores the waters of the Mediterranean and the North Atlantic, where tuna and cod populations are not only shrinking but quite possi bly doomed. The assault by land-based polluters on coastal fishing areas is docu mented as well. Industry's self-destructive approach is perhaps best exemplified by a story from Bali, where new hotels were made from local coral-leaving fish species without a habitat and snorkeling tourists with no fish to see. (24 minut es)</td><td>2005</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3910_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3910_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33442</td><td>Plutarch: Parallel Lives</td><td>With a noveli st's attention to psychological detail, a diarist's love of personal history, an d a moralist's penchant for spinning parables, the Roman writer Plutarch created an altogether new kind of biographical history with his Parallel Lives, a serie s of paired portraits of major figures from classical Greece and Rome. In this p rogram, Plutarch himself is held up for scrutiny, and he gives an extraordinary accounting of himself. Philosopher, priest of the Temple of Apollo, benefactor, and early advocate for the education of women, Plutarch practiced what he preach ed: "The virtues of these great men serve me as a sort of looking-glass, in whic h I may see how to adjust and adorn my own life." Passages from Parallel Lives a re interspersed throughout the program, highlighting both Plutarch's style and h is substance. (22 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3911_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3911_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35511</td><td>Pneumococcal Disease</td><td>Although it is ra rely fatal in wealthy countries, pneumonia kills more children each year than an y other infectious disease. This program explains why the pneumococcus bacterium

has run rampant in the underdeveloped world, and explores recent medical breakt hroughs that may help reverse the deadly pattern. Interviews with prominent rese archers-including Dr. Keith Klugman and Dr. Orin Levine, two scientists leading an initiative to distribute a new vaccine throughout Africa-demonstrate the poss ibility of eradicating pneumococcal diseases. Footage from hospitals struggling to treat children and infants in remote areas shows the real-world challenges of such efforts. A BBCW Production. (25 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3912_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3912_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34712</td><td>The Poet and the Con</td><td>In this riveting and painfully honest documentary, poet and performance artist Eric Trules explor es his multifaceted relationship with his uncle Harvey, an alcoholic mobster and confessed murderer. The program examines surprising parallels between the two m en, revealing how artist and outlaw share a deep-rooted resistance to social and moral conventions-a notion of particular relevance when Trules is arrested for a felony himself. Featuring poignant scenes in which Eric and Harvey share their regrets, fears, and affection for each other, this is a provocative study of th e criminal mind, family ties, and the psychology of personal recovery and redemp tion. (59 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3913_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3913_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4921</td><td>Poet Laureate Rita Dove</td><td>A Pulitzer Priz e-winner before she was 35, Rita Dove is the youngest poet to have held the post of Poet Laureate of the United States (1993-1995). In this program with Bill Mo yers, Dove talks about her life and work, the relationship between poetry and po wer, and her plans for taking poetry to the people. The program also features Do ve reading extensive selections from her works (including her Pulitzer Prize-win ning collection Thomas and Beulah) and in performance before an audience. (60 mi nutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3914_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3914_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35095</td><td>Poetry and Its Relevance: An Experiment</td><t d>What is poetry, and what place does it have in today's society? In an attempt to answer these questions, two filmmakers stood an old refrigerator on a busy Sa n Francisco street corner, invited passersby to compose poems using magnetic poe try kits, and filmed the intriguing results. Both funny and poignant, this jewel of a program will make a provocative addition to courses on creative writing, p oetics, language studies, and the sociology of contemporary culture. Serendipito usly inspired and surprisingly profound. (13 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>13</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3915_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3915_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10497</td><td>Poetry Slams: Reasserting Poetry's Oral Tradit ion</td><td>Part performance, part competition, poetry slams are boosting poetry 's popularity with children, teens, and even adults. In section one of this News Hour report, Elizabeth Farnsworth talks with nationally ranked slammers Ariana W aynes and Roger Bonair-Augard about the concept of slamming and their experience s with the genre. In section two, Spencer Michels investigates the positive impa ct that slamming is having on at-risk youth, as demonstrated by the Youth Poetry Slam League sponsored by WritersCorps, an organization that works with young wr iters in schools, detention centers, housing projects, and shelters. (16 minutes )</td><td>1999</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3916_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3916_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9031</td><td>The Poisoned Dream: The Love Canal Nightmare</t d><td>In 1980, three frustrated mothers made American history by taking federal officials hostage in the community built on the site of New York's toxic Love Ca nal. In this riveting expose, the three activists-Lois Gibbs, Barbara Quimby, an d Patti Grenzy-and research scientist Dr. Beverly Paigen, who staunchly stood by the residents, discuss their volatile four-year political battle to have the en tire community evacuated. Archival footage of President Jimmy Carter, Jane Fonda , government officials, and residents who were on the scene convey the urgency o f America's first headline eco-disaster. (48 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>48</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3917_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3917_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36420</td><td>Poisoning: What an Autopsy Reveals</td><td>In this program, anatomist Gunther von Hagens conducts a meticulous autopsy in orde r to address the subject of poisoning-but the toxins he searches for have been m anufactured within the deceased. Von Hagens and pathologist John Lee dissect the body of a man who suffered kidney failure, showing how the body can be contamin ated if critical organs such as the kidneys and the liver can't filter out the p oisonous by-products of metabolism. Following explanations of dialysis, a long s egment of intestine is removed and connected to a fluid source, demonstrating th e frequently fatal effects of obstruction, ulceration, or perforation of the int estinal tract. Viewer discretion is advised. Contains clinically explicit langua ge and demonstrations. (49 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3918_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3918_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>35741</td><td>Political and Social Satire through Caricature </td><td>In this classic program, the audacious satirical puppet team of Roger L aw and Peter Fluck take viewers on an intriguing tour of political and social sa tire through caricature. Ranging from James Gillray's lampooning of King George III to Ralph Steadman's savaging of Richard Nixon, the program illustrates how m asters of caricature have shaped public opinion through the mediums of drawing, painting, sculpture, and puppetry. The work of Honore Daumier and archival foota ge of George Grosz, Otto Dix, and David Lowe further underscore the power of sat irical caricature to unmask-and to skewer. (57 minutes)</td><td>1985</td><td>57< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3919_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3919_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32716</td><td>Political Philosophy</td><td>Who should lead t he world's only superpower? When is it acceptable to topple another country's le ader? Are personal freedom and national security mutually incompatible? The answ ers to urgent political questions such as these are informed by 23 centuries of discourse that started with The Republic. This program focuses successively on t he pivotal ideas of Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Rousseau, Marx, Mill, John Rawls, and Robert Nozick to elucidate the thinking that underpins the West's conception s of good and bad government. Commentary by Ronald Dworkin, of New York Universi ty, and Kwame Anthony Appiah, of Princeton University, is featured. (46 minutes) </td><td>2004</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3920_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3920_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35415</td><td>Politicians and Revolutionaries</td><td>The Er a of Revolution severed political ties between Latin America and the Old World-b ut cultural independence was another matter. This program explains how the regio n's literature began to come into its own, relying on models and themes imported from Spain while establishing a dialogue with other literary traditions and aes thetic movements. Through the work of Jose Joaquin Fernandez de Lizardi, Esteban Echeverria, Bartolome Hidalgo, Mariano Melga, Jose Marti, Cirilo Villaverde, an d other writers, viewers will become familiar with the "literature of independen ce" particular to Latin America-one that threads together the old and the new, t he alien and the indigenous, to form its own unique creations. An FFH&S/Tranquil o Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3921_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3921_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37453</td><td>Politicians and Revolutionaries-Spanish with O ptional English Subtitles</td><td>The Era of Revolution severed political ties b etween Latin America and the Old World-but cultural independence was another mat ter. This program explains how the region's literature began to come into its ow

n, relying on models and themes imported from Spain while establishing a dialogu e with other literary traditions and aesthetic movements. Through the work of Jo se Joaquin Fernandez de Lizardi, Esteban Echeverria, Bartolome Hidalgo, Mariano Melga, Jose Marti, Cirilo Villaverde, and other writers, viewers will become fam iliar with the "literature of independence" particular to Latin America-one that threads together the old and the new, the alien and the indigenous, to form its own unique creations. An FFH&S/Tranquilo Production. (Spanish with optional Eng lish subtitles, 50 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3922_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3922_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30550</td><td>Politicized Space: Florence and Milan</td><td> Filmed on location and divided into three sections, this program examines how ci vic planning was tailored to suit the varying political agendas of Republican Fl orence, Ducal Milan, and Ducal Florence. By taking the viewer on a detailed tour of urban plazas and buildings, including the Piazza and Palazzo della Signoria in Florence and the Castello Sforesco in Milan, the program shows how architectu re, heraldic imagery, commissioned artworks, and even religious iconography can be used to reinforce the public status of governing parties. (51 minutes)</td><t d>2000</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3923_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3923_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10023</td><td>Politics as Usual?</td><td>In the United State s, political conduct continues to set new lows for decorum, special interest gro ups still help pave the road to office with dollars, and Capitol Hill seems as r emote as King Arthur's Court. What can be done to restore dignity, integrity, an d efficiency to the political scene? This incisive three-part series addresses t he current state of American politics, warts and all. 3-part series, 29 minutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3924_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3924_l blPrice">$269.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7684</td><td>The Politics of Addiction</td><td>The story of how our society meets the challenge of translating what scientists, doctors, cou nselors, and recovering addicts have learned into rational public policy is comp lex and sometimes contradictory. This program looks at Arizona's struggle to fin d an alternative to established drug-related policies. Proposition 200 proposed a reassessment of the status of nonviolent drug addicts now serving time, and em phasized treatment over incarceration. The movement was supported by an alliance from across the political spectrum. On the Washington scene, members of Congres s, doctors, and policy activists joined in a movement with recovering people to push for a change in public policy. The DVD version of this program also include s a special video introduction by Mr. Moyers. (57 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td> 57</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3925_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3925_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8836</td><td>Politics, Religion, and National Identity</td>< td>Political and religious activism are driving forces for social change-but whe n they conflict, the result can be ethnic warfare that tears nations apart and p its neighbor against neighbor. This series examines the rise of religious confli ct and political identity in three developing nations-Indonesia, Bosnia, and Bra zil-and its impact on each country's way of life. 3-part series.</td><td>1998</t d><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3926_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3926_l blPrice">$449.85<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29424</td><td>Politics: Will English Rule the World?</td><td >Although members of the E.U. value its practicality and the African National Co ngress calls it indispensable, not everyone agrees that English should dominate the global dialogue. In this program, Thomas Patterson, of the Kennedy School of Government; Nicholas Ostler, of the Foundation for Endangered Languages; the pr esident of CNN International; advocates and opponents of the English-only moveme nt in America; and others debate the value of English as an international politi cal language while coming to terms with the likely extinction of nondominant lan guages in America and abroad. Can diversity and identity be retained in a world of fewer languages? (54 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3927_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3927_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1112</td><td>Polyethylene</td><td>Polyethylene is one of man y commercially important organic compounds derived from crude oil. This program demonstrates the polymerization of ethylene at different pressures and in the pr esence of different catalysts, depending on the intended end use of the polyethy lene-low-density polyethylene for flexible products like film and plastic bags i s produced at between 1500 and 2000 atm with trace oxygen as the catalyst; for r esilient, tough, high-density polyethylene, reaction pressures are 5 to 30 atm a nd titanium chloride and aluminum chloride catalysts are used. The program also shows the molding of polyethylene into commercial products and the testing and a nalytical techniques used to determine their properties. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of replacing wood and glass with plastic products are discusse d. (20 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3928_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3928_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>36261</td><td>Polygamy</td><td>Is polygamy a degrading and h armful practice that only benefits men, or a misunderstood aspect of American su bculture that deserves a break? This ABC News program gives the subject careful attention by interviewing women with widely varying polygamist experiences. Some practitioners portray it as a healthy institution that eliminates jealousy and isolation. Another woman condemns it, recounting a barrage of abuses from her po lygamist past and epitomizing the viewpoint of many who have escaped the culture . The program accompanies the young woman as she returns to her childhood home t o confront those who exploited and mistreated her. (37 minutes)</td><td>2006</td ><td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3929_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3929_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26091</td><td>Polymer Production Techniques</td><td>Moving b eyond Introducing Plastics Technology, this video gives your students an in-dept h look at the technology skills needed to pursue a career in plastics manufactur ing. Viewers learn various types of plastics and their properties as well as app ropriate methods for processing raw materials into finished products. Blow-moldi ng, compression-molding, extrusion, and injection-molding are just some of the a reas covered. Maintenance, safety, and troubleshooting are also discussed. Give your advanced students an edge in plastics manufacturing. (21 min.) A Meridian P roduction.</td><td>1998</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3930_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3930_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4441</td><td>Polynomials</td><td>Ron Lancaster uses a puzzle to introduce algebra, and gives some everyday examples of its usefulness. He st resses the importance of collecting like terms and shows how to factor. (15 minu tes)</td><td>1992</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3931_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3931_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>2094</td><td>Pompeii: Daily Life of the Ancient Romans</td>< td>A walk through the streets of Pompeii, into villas and shops, baths and garde ns, temples, basilicas, the stadium, and the marketplace, demonstrates and expla ins the history of Pompeii and its relationship to Rome; the customs, lifestyle, living standards, and moral and religious values of Pompeians; and the cataclys m that buried the city and suffocated its entire population. Re-creations of bui ldings and other sites help to clarify an extremely vivid and informative progra m. (45 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3932_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3932_l

blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10451</td><td>Popular Culture: Rage, Rights, and Responsibil ity</td><td>In this timeless Fred Friendly Seminar, Harvard Law School's Charles Ogletree stimulates a vigorous exchange on the tension between artistic express ion, freedom of speech, and social responsibility. Presented with scenarios invo lving antisocial and sometimes violent messages in mass media, Richard Dreyfuss, Def Jam Recordings' David Harleston, the ACLU's Nadine Strossen, Congressman Ba rney Frank (D-MA), and other distinguished panelists examine the impact that TV, music, and the movies have on young people, the police, and public attitudes to ward society in general. In addition, the program explores how the disenfranchis ed express their often-stifled views through entertainment venues. (58 minutes)< /td><td>1992</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3933_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3933_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3694</td><td>The Population Picture</td><td>Returning to the larger themes of organic evolution, we again use the Hardy-Weinberg model, focu sing on how the equilibrium of a population may be disturbed. Stabilizing, direc tional, and disruptive evolutionary phenomena are examined and we touch on the t heory of random genetic drift. (10 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3934_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3934_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10919</td><td>Population Six Billion</td><td>With 10,000 chi ldren born per hour, 80 million per year, the human population of the Earth surp assed the 6 billion mark in 1999. As resources of every kind get spread thinner and thinner, how will the impoverished peoples of Africa, Asia, and Latin Americ a survive? And how much longer will it be before their urgent plight devastates Western society? This program thoroughly addresses the grim realities of life in third-world nations while providing case studies of population control initiati ves in Vietnam, Uganda, and Mexico that include family planning, HIV/AIDS testin g and counseling, and sex education. (58 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>58</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3935_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3935_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33970</td><td>Por la Senda Liberal-in Spanish</td><td>With t he Pragmatic Sanction, the Spanish rule passed to Ferdinand VII's young daughter , Isabella, upon his death-and touched off the Carlist Wars, with Ferdinand's br other Don Carlos pitting himself against Queen Regent Maria Cristina. This progr am employs dramatizations, artwork, maps, film clips, and footage of palaces and other landmarks to make sense of the complex political and social forces at wor

k during the years of the First and Second Carlist Wars. Battles and reprisals a s well as reforms and socioeconomic progress all have a place in this story of S pain's turn toward liberalismo. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 53 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3936_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3936_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34882</td><td>Por la Senda Liberal-in Spanish with English S ubtitles</td><td>With the Pragmatic Sanction, the Spanish rule passed to Ferdina nd VII's young daughter, Isabella, upon his death-and touched off the Carlist Wa rs, with Ferdinand's brother Don Carlos pitting himself against Queen Regent Mar ia Cristina. This program employs dramatizations, artwork, maps, film clips, and footage of palaces and other landmarks to make sense of the complex political a nd social forces at work during the years of the First and Second Carlist Wars. Battles and reprisals as well as reforms and socioeconomic progress all have a p lace in this story of Spain's turn toward liberalismo. Not available in French-s peaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish with English subtitles, 53 minutes) </td><td>2004</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3937_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3937_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11349</td><td>The Portfolio Resume Series</td><td>Finding a job is tough. There's a lot of competition for good paying jobs. How can a job s eeker set himself apart from others? Whether a first-time job seeker or someone who's been in the market for a while, a career portfolio can help job seekers pr esent the best to prospective employers and others who may be able to help them in their job search. A portfolio is a collection of information about the job se eker! It should be designed to help present a wealth of skills to prospective em ployers. In this 2-part video series, the viewer learns about the various compo nents of a career portfolio, which include goals and values, the resume, work sa mples, letters of recommendation, works in progress, awards, community service, references, and more. Career portfolio expert Anna Graf Williams, Ph.D., helps v iewers better understand which information to include, in order to personalize t he portfolio. Armed with a solid portfolio, any job seeker will stand out and be able to show prospective employers exactly what sets them apart from other job seekers. A Cambridge Educational Production. 2-part series, 17-21 minutes each.< /td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3938_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3938_l blPrice">$159.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7680</td><td>Portrait of Addiction</td><td>In this program n ine men and women-all recovering from drug and/or alcohol addiction-tell their s tories. The recovering addicts run the gamut: a former narcotics agent, now reco vering from a cocaine habit; a mother of three who is a marketing specialist; a former addict and founder of Stand-Up Harlem, a community of HIV-positive addict

s and recovering addicts; a journalist and former addict who actually served as the researcher for Moyers on the series. This candid testimony from people who h ave been there leaves no doubt that addiction can happen to anyone...and so can recovery. The DVD version of this program also includes a special video introduc tion by Mr. Moyers. (57 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3939_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3939_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3802</td><td>Portrait of an Onnagata</td><td>Men playing the stage roles of women is as old as the history of theater; in the tradition of K abuki, the portrayal of female characters has become a tradition of its own. Thi s program looks at the history of Kabuki and the role of women, and looks partic ularly at the dynastic development of the onnagata-the female impersonator-and t he intricate techniques and details by which a thoroughly masculine male transfo rms himself into a man's dream of the womanly woman: more feminine and more perf ect than any real woman, young lover, geisha, or princess. (30 minutes)</td><td> &nbsp;</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3940_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3940_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30809</td><td>Portraits and Snapshots</td><td>Since the Civi l War, portrait and snapshot photography have provided a visual history of lifeand transformed society. This program explores how professional and amateur phot ographers capture the essence of people while considering the intensely personal nature of portraits and snapshots, their use as means of self-exploration and c ultural narrative, and concerns involving their commodification and decontextual ization. Commentary is provided by photographers Michael Collopy, Dale Kistemake r, Larry Sultan, Catherine Wagner, Richard Barnes, and Ed Kashi. (27 minutes)</t d><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3941_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3941_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36008</td><td>Portraits in Human Sexuality</td><td>This seve n-part series-produced by a clinical psychologist and a social psychologist and introduced by Herb Samuels, of the City University of New York-uses interviews t o illustrate important and even controversial issues in human sexuality. Opennes s, spontaneity, and sheer humanity characterize the subjects of these programs a s they answer every question with honesty, a remarkable level of positivity, and , at times, a sense of humor. A guaranteed discussion starter. Contains clinical ly explicit language as well as mature themes and imagery. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. 7-part series, 34-40 minutes each.</td>< td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3942_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3942_l blPrice">$909.65<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36009</td><td>Portraits in Human Sexuality: Human Developmen t</td><td>Parents, friends, sex education classes, the media-all of them shape o ur perceptions of reproduction and physical intimacy. Starting at the beginning, then, this program focuses on developmental issues in human sexuality. Its four interview segments question children on what they know about love and sex; adol escents on what they know about sex and what constitutes good sex education; adu lts on what they believe children should know about sexuality; and a persevering couple on their difficulties in achieving pregnancy and reaching full term. Con tains clinically explicit language. (35 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>35</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3943_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3943_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36013</td><td>Portraits in Human Sexuality: Medical Issues</ td><td>Is sexuality an unavoidable casualty of physical disability or of surgery that significantly restructures intimate parts of the body? In this program, a man with a spinal cord injury, a woman with breast cancer who had a skin-saving mastectomy and reconstructive surgery, and a transsexual woman who underwent sex reassignment surgery discuss ways in which sexual expression has changed since their life-altering events. Perspectives from their significant others are elici ted as well. Contains clinically explicit language and illustrations. (36 minute s)</td><td>2006</td><td>36</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3944_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3944_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36010</td><td>Portraits in Human Sexuality: Meeting, Dating, and Maintaining Relationships</td><td>This program looks at aspects of how rela tionships are formed and sustained. Interview segments include a couple who talk about connecting online through; a diverse group of young Muslim wome n who discuss the liberating effects of physical modesty and Islamic approaches to courting and marriage; and a couple who describe how they met and demonstrate how PREP relationship enhancement classes have strengthened their marriage. (35 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>36</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3945_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3945_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36012</td><td>Portraits in Human Sexuality: Nonconsensual Se xuality</td><td>Without consent, sexual intercourse is nothing less than rape. T his program offers insights into sexual victimization through interviews with a young woman who was raped in her own home by an armed assailant and a young man

who was expelled from college on a charge of acquaintance rape. Also, a rehabili tation service for sexual offenders is profiled, with an emphasis on the treatme nt of deviant sexual arousal and the cognitive restructuring, victim impact awar eness, and empathy skills development that goes into it. Contains mature themes and explicit language. (40 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3946_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3946_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36014</td><td>Portraits in Human Sexuality: Sexual Dysfuncti on and Therapy</td><td>It has been estimated that 80 to 90 percent of couples wi ll have one or more of the nine sexual dysfunctions outlined in the DSM-IV. This program introduces the most common dysfunctions while dispelling myths about fe male sexuality, stressing the importance of good communication, and offering adv ice on improving sexual technique. Common sexual disorders are commented upon as well. In addition, a case study of a couple with psychogenically induced low se x drive provides an opportunity for viewers to learn what it is like to particip ate in sex therapy. Contains clinically explicit language and illustrations. (39 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>39</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3947_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3947_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36011</td><td>Portraits in Human Sexuality: Sexual Orientati on</td><td>Geoffrey and Mark and Lisa and Allison are a pair of gay couples who are co-parenting biological children they conceived together. In this program, t he four discuss when they first discovered they are gay; how they met their part ners; major issues they have faced as gay couples; their children, ages 2 and 4, and the co-parenting experience; and what it means to them all to be a family. In addition, an overview on HIV/AIDS given by a healthcare professional distingu ishes the virus from the syndrome, explains how HIV is contracted and transmitte d, and promotes protected and informed sex for sexually active students, debunki ng a variety of myths along the way. (37 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>37</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3948_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3948_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36015</td><td>Portraits in Human Sexuality: The Business of Sex</td><td>Pornography shops. Phone sex services. Strip clubs. Culturally, such businesses are typically consigned to the questionable fringes of society. But are there exceptions? In this program, workers in these three industries share t heir personal experiences; describe their clientele, which, in addition to men, often includes women and couples; and explain how they have lifted their occupat ions to a higher level by setting strict limits and boundaries that both they an d their customers must adhere to. Contains mature themes and explicit language a nd imagery. (34 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>34</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3949_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3949_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36455</td><td>Portrait/Self-Portrait: The Conquest of the Hu man Figure</td><td>Ten thousand years ago, Magdalenian artists carved expressive faces into slabs of limestone, creating a Paleolithic portrait gallery that req uired sophisticated drawing skills. This program shows how the art of portraitur e has been refined and expanded through the ages. Examples of Egyptian sarcophag i portraits segue into discussions of paintings by Titian, Rafael, Durer, and ot her masters-including Rembrandt, who produced more self-portraits than any other artist. Examining Modernist and Pop approaches, the program illustrates ways in which Cezanne, Van Gogh, Picasso, and Warhol captured the features and emotions of the human countenance. (27 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3950_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3950_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10159</td><td>Position, Velocity, and an Introduction to Ant iderivatives</td><td>Is it true that there is an infinite number of antiderivati ves for every derivative? Before answering that question, this program concentra tes on three interrelated functions: position, velocity, and acceleration. Then, the mysterious nature of the general antiderivative is laid bare, revealing the indefinite integral-another name for the same thing. (24 minutes)</td><td>1999< /td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3951_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3951_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14634</td><td>Positive Credit</td><td>Looking for a car? Wan t to go to college? Want to start your own business? Are all of these ideas pipe dreams? Only until they come true. To make them come true, you need to know som ething about handling finances. Positive Credit is an information-packed program that teaches viewers how to make a budget, what savings and assets are, how to use credit, how to become eligible for credit, the ins and outs of credit rating s, and how to accept financial responsibility. Complete with interviews from cre dit counselors, financial planners, loan officers, and others, this program show s viewers how to acquire assets, establish collateral, and manage finances in a responsible way. A Cambridge Educational Production. One 23-minute video.</td><t d>1994</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3952_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3952_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>12053</td><td>Postmodernism</td><td>Architecture, the first

discipline to reject Modernism, ushered in the era of Postmodernism. Using numer ous examples drawn from the U.S. and Britain, this program seeks to define a mov ement that is perhaps best characterized by an anything-goes plurality that mixe s elements of high and pop culture. Charles Jencks, author of What Is Post-Moder nism?; renowned architect Frank Gehry; Alice Rawsthorn, architecture critic for the Financial Times; and others look at the contributions of 20th-century vision aries such as Robert Venturi, Andy Warhol, Jacques Derrida, and Kazuo Ishiguro t o the development of Postmodernism. A BBCW Production. (29 minutes)</td><td>2000 </td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3953_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3953_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32336</td><td>Postpartum Care</td><td>This program will help new mothers understand what to expect during the postpartum period and how to a void complications. (11 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3954_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3954_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32565</td><td>Postpartum Care-in Spanish</td><td>This progra m will help new mothers understand what to expect during the postpartum period a nd how to avoid complications. (12 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3955_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3955_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29855</td><td>Postproduction</td><td>"That's a wrap!" Even a fter the last of the filming is over, a movie is still far from finished. This p rogram goes inside the editing suite, to see how the film is spliced to create t he visual narrative and how the musical score and sound effects are added. (27 m inutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3956_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3956_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6791</td><td>Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder</td><td>While co ntroversy flares over whether this anxiety-related condition even exists, two me n are certain of it based on their own experiences. This program examines the di sorder associated with anxiety symptoms experienced following the witnessing of a traumatic event. One man, who witnessed the deaths of his two teenage daughter s, and another man shot in an IRA ambush, give highly personal accounts of the b ehavioral changes experienced as a result of the traumas. An expert from a hospi tal traumatic stress unit tells why she supports the view that the condition doe

s, indeed, exist. (15 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3957_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3957_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29358</td><td>Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: When the Memor ies Won't Go Away</td><td>After a traumatic shock, most people experience immedi ate symptoms of stress-and for some, the feelings do not fade away. In this prog ram, psychiatrist Cecile Rousseau, psychologist Deogratias Bagilishya, and other specialists in the field of emotional trauma discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder. The effects of adrenaline and corti sol on the body and the mechanics of narrative and emotional memory are also exa mined. Stories of trauma caused by child abuse, spouse abuse, war atrocities, an d terminal illness are related by patients recovering from PTSD. (53 minutes)</t d><td>2000</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3958_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3958_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38971</td><td>Poverty in America</td><td>Combining scholarly analysis with a human-centered approach, this two-part series looks at the caus es and effects of economic hardship in the United States while suggesting ways f or society to combat the cycle of poverty. Situational, multigenerational, elder , and child poverty are all addressed through conversations with those who know hunger or homelessness firsthand. Leading socioeconomic experts and frontline ac tivists are also interviewed, including David Broder of the Washington Post, Ala n Berube of the Brookings Institute, and Jessica Bartholow, a community food ban k administrator. 2-part series, 60 minutes each.</td><td>2007</td><td>&nbsp;</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3959_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3959_l blPrice">$299.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9044</td><td>Poverty, Politics, and Religion: The Plight of India's Poor</td><td>Charges against Christian missionaries for unlawful convers ions and desecration of Hindu shrines are fodder for militant Hindu revivalists who seek to claim converts for themselves-and justification for their acts of vi olence against India's Christian minority. This gripping program investigates th e political agendas behind the violence, as the tribal poor-many of whom have be nefited socioeconomically from embracing Christianity-are coercively reclaimed b y a Hinduism of which they were never a part. (32 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td> 31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3960_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3960_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></

td> </tr><tr> <td>8483</td><td>Power Interviewing Skills: Both Sides of the De sk</td><td>This two-volume series takes an in-depth look at the interview proces s from both sides of the desk. Focusing on the different aspects and challenges faced by both the interviewer and the interviewee, this comprehensive series wil l be an invaluable resource for everyone. A Cambridge Educational Production.</t d><td>1998</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3961_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3961_l blPrice">$159.90<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35538</td><td>Power Nailers</td><td>This video nails the sub ject of nailers with information on four types: pneumatic, cordless electric, co rdless impulse, and power-actuated. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is a vailable online. Correlates to competency standards for core curriculum and carp entry from the National Center for Construction Education & Research. A Shopware Production. (16 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3962_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3962_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37025</td><td>The Power of Art: Bernini</td><td>Although ren dered in stone, the sculptures of Gian Lorenzo Bernini convey a sense of weightl essness perhaps unequalled in the history of Western art. This program illustrat es Bernini's nearly miraculous ability to turn marble into a vessel of rapture, both spiritual and sexual. With The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa as his principal fo cus, presenter Simon Schama examines numerous works by the prodigious artist-Dav id, Apollo and Daphne, The Rape of Proserpina, Bust of Cardinal Scipione Borghes e, Bust of Constanza Bonarelli, and more. Schama also addresses the failure of B ernini's bell tower at St. Peter's Basilica and recounts the fierce rivalries an d amorous misadventures that shaped the sculptor's life and career. (52 minutes) </td><td>2006</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3963_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3963_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37024</td><td>The Power of Art: Caravaggio</td><td>Backed by a Church struggling to connect with the faithful, Michelangelo Merisi da Carava ggio painted images imbued with physical immediacy and in-your-face drama. As th is program shows, there was a trade-off: Caravaggio's biblical scenes frequently eschew, in the words of presenter Simon Schama, "any vision of consolation or r edemption." Exploring the artist's humble origins, penchant for violence, and sp iritual complexity, the program analyzes several major paintings-including The C alling of Saint Matthew, The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew, The Beheading of John t he Baptist, and The Death of the Virgin Mary-with extensive commentary on the om inous David with the Head of Goliath. A BBCW Production. (53 minutes)</td><td>20 06</td><td>54</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3964_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3964_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37026</td><td>The Power of Art: David</td><td>If the French Revolution had an official painter, it was Jacques-Louis David-although "officia l propagandist" is a much more accurate term. This program follows David's caree r from his early ambitions as a Prix de Rome scholar to the actions that defined him, morally and artistically, during the reigns of Robespierre and Napoleon. W ith The Death of Marat as its centerpiece, the program studies The Portrait of M onsieur Lavoisier and His Wife, The Oath of the Horatii, The Lictors Bring to Br utus the Bodies of His Sons, a self-portrait painted in prison, and other works. Simon Schama presents this powerful examination of David's political opportunis m and his talent for solidifying ideology in immortal works of art. (52 minutes) </td><td>2006</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3965_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3965_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37027</td><td>The Power of Art: Rothko</td><td>Life, death, heroism, tragedy-subjects that, until the latter half of the 20th century, prope lled the canon of Western art. How do the abstractions of Mark Rothko figure in that tradition? Are they, in a sense, its swan song? This program depicts Rothko 's engagement with timeless themes that dominated his thinking long after the my thic grandeur of Abstract Expressionism had yielded to the calculated banality o f Pop. Host Simon Schama presents an impassioned study of Black on Maroon as wel l as compelling discussions of Rothko's subway paintings, The Green Stripe, nume rous untitled works, the images enshrined at the Rothko Chapel, and other select ions from the Seagram's project. The painter's youth and his encounters with ant i-Semitism are also examined. (53 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3966_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3966_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9230</td><td>The Power of Belief: Its Impact on Our Minds</t d><td>Belief is at the heart of the world's great religions as well as the susta ining power behind the paranormal, supernatural, and occult events that grace Am erica's tabloids. How can belief be explained, and from what deep well within th e human psyche does it spring? In this program, ABC News anchor John Stossel goe s to a psychology lab and even walks through fire to investigate the power of be lief-as demonstrated by the placebo and "nocebo" effects-and what psychologists call "magical thinking." Mr. Stossel takes a look at a wide range of phenomena t hat exist beyond the ken of modern science, including astrology, faith healing, voodoo, channeling, and clairvoyance. (40 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>40</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3967_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3967_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7669</td><td>The Power of Sound</td><td>Sound waves can be u sed to soothe, to heal, or to pulverize. This fascinating program examines the p ower of sound as it is employed today-for everything from electroplating metal t o breaking up kidney stones through lithotripsy. Detailed experiments illustrate each concept discussed, and relevant terms are concisely defined. A BBC Product ion. (29 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3968_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3968_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7483</td><td>The Power of Speech</td><td>As Maya Angelou poi nts out in The Power of Speech, "If the words and delivery are powerful, they ec ho down the centuries." To emphasize the point, Angelou and other writers and or ators examine the moving oratory of 14th-century tax protester John Ball, 19th-c entury slave Sojourner Truth, and Martin Luther King, Jr. Each speaker's techniq ue is examined within the context of why the speech is being delivered, and to w hom. Examples of how great orators throughout history have used their skills for good and evil drive home the immense power of the spoken word. A BBC Production . (30 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3969_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3969_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4555</td><td>Power Sharing at Daimler-Benz</td><td>Edzard Re uter, Former Chairman, Daimler-BenzIn the U.S. it would be branded "communism," but at Daimler-Benz, union officials actually interview candidates for top corpo rate executive jobs. Edzard Reuter, former chairman of Germany's largest corpora tion, explains what he believes are Germany's principal competitive advantages o ver American companies, including a unique system of power sharing that enables owners, managers, and labor to sit together in a process that would be revolutio nary in America. (36 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>36</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3970_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3970_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36541</td><td>Power Struggles: Parents vs. Children</td><td> Is it healthy for parents to exercise complete control? Are rebellious children better equipped for the future? What measures should be taken to reign in unruly kids? This program looks at childhood battles for independence and the reasons why such struggles are psychologically necessary for children to undergo. Observ ing a group of 25 toddlers who have become self-aware and generally want their o wn way, the film examines the tests of will that arise during this crucial time. Triplets Alice, Mabel, and Phoebe compete for attention. Twins Ivo and Alexande

r have perfected the art of the temper tantrum. And how will disabled mom Alison discipline her rambunctious son? Original BBCW broadcast title: Power Struggles . Part of the BBC series Child of Our Time 2002. (60 minutes)</td><td>2002</td>< td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3971_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3971_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36186</td><td>The Power to Overcome Failure</td><td>When a c hild is promised some kind of prize-such as candy, a toy, or money-for completin g a task successfully, his or her drive to succeed often surges. But what effect does such carrot-dangling have on long-term motivation and progress? This progr am explores the relationship between rewards and human development, contrasting performance goals with learning goals. Simple observational experiments with bab ies, toddlers, and elementary- and middle-school students demonstrate that immed iate gratification often leads to lower motivation and skill development-while f ocusing on the learning process and its more subtle rewards creates better acade mic results. (46 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3972_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3972_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8398</td><td>Powerplay: End of an Empire</td><td>In the mids t of the trauma of the Vietnam War, a U.S. diplomatic strategy evolves that begi ns the unraveling of the Soviet Empire. This program on the Cold War of the 1970 s and 80s, hosted by David Frost and featuring historian Michael Beschloss, focu ses on such key events and tactics as detente, the manipulations that sparked Mi ddle East tensions between Soviet-supported Egypt and American-backed Israel, Ni xon's historic trip to China, the SALT talks, the "dirty little wars" in Central America, the Reagan Revolution and his Strategic Defense Initiative, the fall o f the Berlin Wall, "perestroika" and "glasnost," and the ultimate collapse of th e Soviet Union. Exclusive Frost interviews with Margaret Thatcher, Norman Schwar zkopf, Mikhail Gorbachev, Presidents Carter, Reagan, and Bush, and others, along with the use of previously classified U.S. and Russian documents, bring the sto ry of the last decades of the Cold War to life. (50 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><t d>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3973_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3973_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4440</td><td>Powers, Roots, and Radicals</td><td>An exhibit at a science museum helps Ron Lancaster explain the Pythagorean theorem. He then uses the theorem to calculate the cheapest way to run a cable between a power s tation and a house on an island. (15 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3974_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3974_l

blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10623</td><td>Practical Applications and Risks of Genetic Sc ience</td><td>This program discusses the Human Genome Project, gene-related medi cal research, and beneficial and potentially dangerous applications of genetic t echnology both to humans and to plants. Efforts to fight disease through gene th erapy and recombinant DNA technology are addressed, as well as research into gen etically controlling cancer and organ transplant rejection. The risks of agricul tural over-hybridization through genetic engineering and cloning are also explor ed, as well as the ethical and biological issues surrounding human cloning, alte ration of the human genome, and gene warfare. (24 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td> 24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3975_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3975_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34929</td><td>Practical Parenting</td><td>Big or small, the choices parents make can have far-reaching effects. Section three (episodes 18-2 6) of the Brazelton on Parenting series illustrates a wide variety of practical approaches-from giving children the proper diet to creating the optimum conditio ns for their mental and emotional development. 9-part series, 22 minutes each.</ td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3976_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3976_l blPrice">$539.55<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29763</td><td>Practicing Basic Control Tasks Behind the Whee l</td><td>When it comes to driving, the basics are not just a "sometimes" thing. They play a part in every trip a driver makes, so learning them right is a top priority. Filmed on actual roadways, this engaging video systematically demonstr ates low-risk methods of parking, entering traffic, steering, backing up, and tu rning around. The program's host, a calm and likeable driving instructor, reinfo rces the techniques while encouraging students to continually practice them. He also addresses a variety of dangerous road conditions and suggests using the Thr ee Seconds Rule to maintain the proper following distance. In addition, he offer s tips like coasting before braking and avoiding jackrabbit starts as ways of sq ueezing the most miles from a tankful of gas...and of avoiding the kinds of coll isions that most commonly happen with an inexperienced driver behind the wheel. A Meridian Production. (17 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3977_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3977_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11403</td><td>Practicing Proactive Consumerism: Healthcare</ td><td>In a consumer society, smart shopping is a virtue-and in matters of healt hcare, it is a necessity. This program seeks to demystify the complexities of Am

erica's healthcare system by offering indispensable information on healthcare or ganizations and practitioners, types of health insurance, common legal and ethic al considerations, and individual rights as a health consumer. Definitions of es sential medical terminology are also provided. (29 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td >29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3978_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3978_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30654</td><td>Prairie Style</td><td>Frank Lloyd Wright's Pra irie Style, with its floating horizontal planes and organic relationship to natu ral surroundings, changed the face of modern architecture. In this program, Wrig ht's lasting legacy is examined both in one of his own designs and in those of t wo architects he inspired. Cameras tour Wright's 1904 Tomak House in Illinois, D an White's house in Vancouver, and the Donald Fraser residence in Ontario. Archi tectural historian Hal Kalman and architects Barry Hobin and Dan White discuss t he innovations and details of these groundbreaking homes . (24 minutes)</td><td> 1997</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3979_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3979_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35279</td><td>Precious Earth: Mapping the Human Condition</t d><td>A poignant and quantitative experience all at once, this eight-part series brings the power of global data-mapping into the classroom. Enabling students t o interpret detailed statistics gathered from around the world, each program foc uses on specific concerns-life expectancy, crime rates, the spread of disease, a nd more-to create an international portrait of the human condition. The result i s a potent catalyst for global studies dialogue and discussion. 8-part series, 3 1 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3980_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3980_l blPrice">$1,039.60<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32294</td><td>Precision Decisions</td><td>Many manufacturers are having difficulty finding qualified employees, which means that young peopl e pursuing careers in the manufacturing skilled trades will be hot commodities o n the job market! This eight-part series gives young men and women still thinkin g about their career paths the big picture regarding opportunities in the indust ry, as well as more detailed profiles of seven specific trades. Students who hav e recently started in the trades discuss what they like about their work, while fast-paced film footage captures the excitement and satisfaction of a job well d one. 8-part series, 16-19 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3981_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3981_l blPrice">$719.60<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35413</td><td>Pre-Columbian Literature</td><td>The history a nd social structures of Latin America's native peoples were neither simple nor p eaceful before the arrival of Europeans. Wars were fought, empires were created and destroyed, and-as this program illustrates-narrative tapestries of fact and fiction were woven in the process. Underscoring the linguistic sophistication th at flourished for thousands of years in the region, the program addresses the pr oliferation of Nahuatl and Quechua literature, the codices and quipu of Mayan an d Incan societies, and other ancient forms of written and oral communication. Al though mythical accounts-including the Popol Vuh, the Chilam Balam, the Apu Olla ntay, and the Runa yndio-are analyzed on several levels, they are most notably l inked with the agendas of pre-Columbian social hierarchies. An FFH&S/Tranquilo P roduction. (45 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3982_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3982_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37451</td><td>Pre-Columbian Literature-Spanish with Optional English Subtitles</td><td>The history and social structures of Latin America's native peoples were neither simple nor peaceful before the arrival of Europeans. Wars were fought, empires were created and destroyed, and-as this program illus trates-narrative tapestries of fact and fiction were woven in the process. Under scoring the linguistic sophistication that flourished for thousands of years in the region, the program addresses the proliferation of Nahuatl and Quechua liter ature, the codices and quipu of Mayan and Incan societies, and other ancient for ms of written and oral communication. Although mythical accounts-including the P opol Vuh, the Chilam Balam, the Apu Ollantay, and the Runa yndio-are analyzed on several levels, they are most notably linked with the agendas of pre-Columbian social hierarchies. An FFH&S/Tranquilo Production. (Spanish with optional Englis h subtitles, 45 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3983_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3983_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30398</td><td>Predictor: Genetic Screening</td><td>To what e xtent do genes determine human behavior? Human destiny? With vivid imagery and f ascinating examples, this program looks at how genetic screening yields answers to riddles past and future. A woman discovers that a single letter change in the genome has been responsible for her family's generations-old "curse" of deforme d hands. Dr. Hugh Montgomery of University College Hospital, London, screens the DNA of army recruits for the ACE or endurance gene which may affect their longe vity as well as their basic training. Dr. Dean Hammer of the National Institutes of Health explains his search for a thrill-seeker gene, D4DR. And attorney Dani el Summer argues for leniency for his death-row client because his DNA predispos ed him to a life of crime. Professor Lee Silver of Princeton University and Nobe l Laureate Sir Paul Nurse also provide commentary. A BBC Production. (50 minutes )</td><td>2002</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3984_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3984_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34931</td><td>Preemies</td><td>Babies born more than three m onths prematurely have low chances of survival, and a preemie that beats the odd s may face serious-even lifelong-medical issues. This video describes the battle for life in a high-tech neonatal care unit and how parents of preemies can find support. (22 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3985_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3985_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11489</td><td>Preemies: The Fight for Life</td><td>Born too soon and too small, premature newborns present doctors with some of the toughest medical and ethical challenges today. This program takes a deeply personal look at the emotional odysseys of two families, as specialized medical teams do all they can to save their babies. The emergency C-section to deliver Baby Jada, bor n twelve weeks early, and an operation to close a hole in Baby Neil's heart are captured on film, as well as interviews with doctors from some of the most advan ced neonatal intensive care units in America-and the children's parents, torn be tween hope and despair. (53 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3986_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3986_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32727</td><td>Pregnancy: A History</td><td>Due to ignorance, politics, and misused technologies, childbirth until very recently was often de adly to mother and child. This program presents a medical history of childbirth from ancient times to the present, contrasting methods and beliefs of the past w ith today's obstetrics. Along with commentary from obstetricians, medical histor ians, and evolutionary biologists, the program highlights dangers and advances i n birthing through documentary clips, reenactments, archival material, computer graphics, and footage of several modern delivery techniques. Topics include caes arian section, fertility treatments, morning sickness, ultrasound, in utero surg ical procedures, and the story of obstetrical forceps. Contains nudity associate d with childbirth. (51 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3987_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3987_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33978</td><td>Prehistoria e Historia-in Spanish</td><td>Begi nning with the arrival of humankind on the Iberian Peninsula, this six-part seri es takes a sociocultural approach to the history of the region that has come to be called Spain. It spotlights Tartessos, the first great mining economy of Iber ia, and subsequent domination by the Carthaginians, Romans, and Visigoths. Not a vailable in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. Spanish, 6-part series,

44-56 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3988_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3988_l blPrice">$719.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34890</td><td>Prehistoria e Historia-in Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>Beginning with the arrival of humankind on the Iberian Penins ula, this six-part series takes a sociocultural approach to the history of the r egion that has come to be called Spain. It spotlights Tartessos, the first great mining economy of Iberia, and subsequent domination by the Carthaginians, Roman s, and Visigoths. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. S panish with English subtitles, 6-part series, 44-56 minutes each.</td><td>2004</ td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3989_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3989_l blPrice">$899.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9163</td><td>Prelude and First Curtains</td><td>In this prog ram, Brooks McNamara, expert on 19th-century theater at New York University; the ater historian and author Mary Henderson; playwright Michael Dinwiddie; and New York City historian George Thompson examine the efforts at theater-making in Ame rica from the 1750s to the eve of the Civil War. Among the topics discussed are actor training; the stage careers of Ira Aldridge, Edwin Forrest, and William Ma cready; the African Theater Company; the Astor Place Opera House riots; and issu es such as immigration and segregation. The program also sets the stage for the entire series by asking questions that are explored over the course of the six e pisodes. (52 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3990_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3990_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11844</td><td>Prenatal Development</td><td>Research shows th at our development in the womb can have a profound influence on our later lives. This video examines the nine months beginning with conception and ending with t he birth of a healthy baby-the period of time called prenatal development. In ad dition this video contains information on the major physical milestones during p regnancy, emphasizing the importance of the expectant mother's health, nutrition , and care and describing the proper development of the baby. It also shares wha t mothers-to-be can look forward to during these crucial months. Proper prenatal care provides a healthy start and is essential to the entire process of human d evelopment. A Meridian Production. (21 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3991_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3991_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>25004</td><td>Prenatal to Birth</td><td>An overview of all s tages of embryonic and fetal development, from fertilization to birth. Prenatal testing is also explored. A Meridian Production. (13 min. video)</td><td>1994</t d><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3992_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3992_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8627</td><td>Preparing the Way for Jesus</td><td>This progra m describes the political and religious situation in Judea during King Herod's r eign prior to Jesus' public life. Material extracted from the "Jesus file" inclu des background on the city of Caesarea, Judas the Galilean's rebellion, the fort ress of Masada, the Pharisees and Sadducees, the Essenes at Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the activities and subsequent execution of John the Baptist. (2 6 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3993_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3993_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>26103</td><td>Preparing Wood</td><td>Preparing Wood is a sev enteen-minute video which is part of the series, Wood Finishing.A craftsman can plan, cut, and assemble a fine piece of furniture...but it does not become beaut iful until the finish is applied. This series will give your students an underst anding of the finishing options available, including advantages and disadvantage s. The correct preparation and safe application methods for each are demonstrate d. A Meridian Production. 17-minute video.</td><td>1994</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3994_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3994_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6642</td><td>The Pre-Raphaelite Revolt</td><td>Some of the m ost widely known paintings in the history of English art were produced by the Pr e-Raphaelite Brotherhood, whose work stands out as the most intensely romantic a spect of Victorian painting in England. Founded in 1848 to protest against the o utmoded academic conventions of the day, the Brotherhood's influence lasted unti l the end of the century, affecting fashion, interior design, and literature. Th is program explores the early years of the group and examines the works of Milla is, Ruskin, Ford Madox Brown, Holman Hunt, Arthur Hughes, and Rossetti. Over thi rty paintings and nearly fifty drawings are seen in the program. The commentary for the program includes the poetry of Tennyson, Christina Rossetti, and Dante G abriel Rossetti. (30 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3995_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3995_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></

td> </tr><tr> <td>8159</td><td>Prescription for Danger</td><td>The misuse of p rescription medicine is a growing problem. This program outlines six commonsense questions every patient should ask when given a prescription, like what activit ies should be avoided, and possible side effects. It also explains the importanc e of communication between patient, physician, and pharmacist to avoid potential problems. Saving medication, borrowing it from friends, and failing to take med ication as prescribed are discussed as potential pitfalls. (27 minutes)</td><td> 1997</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3996_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3996_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32253</td><td>Prescription Medications: A Patient's Primer</ td><td>With thousands of prescription drugs on the market, patients, physicians, and pharmacists must work together as never before to ensure that medicines yie ld their intended effects without exposing those taking them to unnecessary heal th risks. This overview of prescription medications emphasizes the dangers of in teractions between prescription drugs and other prescription drugs, over-the-cou nter medications, herbal and dietary supplements, and foods and beverages. Patie nt involvement through sharing information with the healthcare team, accepting a ccountability for compliance with the dosage regimen, and becoming informed of d rug side effects is stressed. (24 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3997_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3997_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4930</td><td>Presenting Mr. Frederick Douglass: "The Lesson of the Hour"</td><td>The great abolitionist Frederick Douglass comes back to lif e in this acclaimed theatrical performance featuring Fred Morsell, as he dramati cally re-creates Douglass's famous speech on slavery and human rights. With an e loquence and intelligence rarely matched, Frederick Douglass became a giant in t he struggle against racial injustice. He called upon all Americans of every colo r to work to fulfill the vision of a just society that was proclaimed in the Dec laration of Independence and the Constitution. This program was filmed at the Me tropolitan A.M.E. Church in Washington, D.C., where Douglass delivered his celeb rated last speech, "The Lesson of the Hour," over a century ago. A Bill Moyers s pecial. (60 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3998_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3998_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6845</td><td>Pressure</td><td>By featuring a water rocket; a syringe and a toy pig; balloons; a drum; a fountain made of a flask and tubes; oil and beer cans lowered into the depths of the ocean; and an expedition that t ransports a glass tube filled with mercury up Mt. Fuji to 12,388 feet above sea level, this program helps to illustrate the following content:o air pressureo eq

ual forceo vacuumo atmospheric pressureo balanced pressureo pressure from depth of watero Torricelli's experiment(30 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3999_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl3999_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>38785</td><td>Pressure Ulcers</td><td>Pressure ulcers and ot her types of chronic non-healing wounds are a significant-even life-threateninghealth risk. In this program, Kristjan Ragnarsson, chairman of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine; renowned medical ant hropologist Meg Jordan; and others analyze pressure ulcer formation, prevention, and treatment among paraplegics, diabetes patients, and people in hospitals and nursing homes who are unable to leave their beds. SofPulse electromagnetic fiel d therapy is given special attention as a breakthrough technology in non-healing wound repair. (28 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4000_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4000_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29443</td><td>Pretty Colors: Inside America's Rave Culture</ td><td>As a way of escaping their dysfunctional families and their boredom in su burbia, Sarah and Stacey have embraced the L.A. underground rave scene. This gri tty program, filmed in a cinema verite style, presents an insider's look at a wo rld of teenagers fueled by techno music and synthetic drugs such as Ecstasy and methamphetamines. As enlightening as it is disturbing, the film eerily crosscuts the girls' roller-coaster ride of depression and euphoria with an ongoing stake out by narcotics officers of a clandestine drug factory. Some language may be ob jectionable. (77 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>77</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4001_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4001_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11409</td><td>Preventing Drug Abuse</td><td>Recent statistic s from the DEA indicate that approximately one in ten children of ages 12 throug h 17 is currently using illicit drugs. This program investigates the ever-growin g demand in the United States for illegal drugs, with a special focus on heroin, crack cocaine, and other substances currently in vogue. The reasons abusers giv e for turning to drugs are considered, as well as the relative effectiveness of current prevention and intervention efforts. (29 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>2 9</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4002_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4002_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>38793</td><td>Preventing Flu and Pneumonia</td><td>According to the American Lung Association, flu and pneumonia are jointly ranked as the s eventh leading cause of death in the United States-hence, the critical importanc e of flu and pneumococcus vaccines in preparation for winter. This program outli nes the science behind influenza and pneumonia and the conditions, both hygienic and environmental, that contribute to the spread of dangerous viruses and bacte ria. Engaging animation sequences, compelling case studies, and interviews with prominent physicians create a framework for improving viewer comprehension of fl u and pneumonia. Detailed physician recommendations highlight the best ways to p revent these illnesses. (28 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4003_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4003_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29969</td><td>Preventing School Violence</td><td>With bullyi ng, sexual harassment, and credible death threats on the rise, school is becomin g less about learning and more about fear. This program from The Doctor Is In th oroughly examines violence among children and teens of both sexes. Innovative pr eventive measures yielding impressive results at Bartle Elementary in New Jersey and Lebanon Junior High in New Hampshire are featured. In addition, psychologis t Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence, presents his theories on imp roving the school environment and James Garbarino, author of Lost Boys, talks ab out the pressures that can lead to extreme acts of violence at school-even murde r. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Production. (29 minutes)</td><td>2001</t d><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4004_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4004_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34013</td><td>Prevention and Screening: New Cancer Defenses< /td><td>This program highlights prevention models that have led to reductions in the incidence of cancer by prompting changes in behaviors and medical procedure s. Correlating the discontinuation of tobacco and alcohol use with a lower susce ptibility to throat cancer, the program also demonstrates the effectiveness of t he PSA test in screening for prostate cancer, and how test results may suggest a variety of options. Efforts in the manufacturing sector to protect workers from carcinogens, and ways in which scientists link carcinogenic risk to environment al substances, are also examined in this engaging final episode of the Cancer St ory series. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Production. (59 minutes)</td><t d>2004</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4005_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4005_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8045</td><td>The Price of Power: Money in Politics</td><td>T his documentary zeroes in on the price candidates pay to win election to public office. Media drives campaigns; money drives media. As a result, modern politica l campaigns have become enormously expensive, with winners often decided by the

size of their campaign expenditures. This video investigates where candidates ge t their money and what they trade in their quest for political power. This thoug ht-provoking program takes a look at wealth and its influence on our First Amend ment rights and analyzes the role of money in campaigns, including local, state, and national races.A Cambridge Educational Production. One 25-minute video.</td ><td>1993</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4006_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4006_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10691</td><td>The Price of Wealth</td><td>The dawning of the 21st century was a milestone in the longest and strongest economic expansion in America's history. But as the nation's fortunes rose, the emphasis on wealth-bu ilding left many feeling psychologically overdrawn. Did consumerism fill that fe eling of emptiness? And did an increasing GNP really make Americans any happier? This program explores the hidden emotional costs associated with living during a boom time-a time of absorption with externals that generally leads to a dimini shed focus on the interior life. (29 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4007_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4007_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6661</td><td>Pricing Issues</td><td>The difficult yet crucia l task of pricing products is examined as a photocopy franchise develops a creat ive pricing strategy to remain competitive. A second case study shows how a ston e supplier uses joint product costing to price dissimilar products originating f rom one stone block. (28 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4008_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4008_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3090</td><td>The Priest and the Nganga (Cameroon)</td><td>Th is program visits the world of the traditional African healer, the nganga. Beyon d viruses and bacteria, many believe there are evil spells, and the program show s how ngangas fight the sorcery that is thought to cause illness. The patients i nclude a government official and a schoolteacher; the ngangas, like the patients , are Christians; the filmmaker and narrator is a white Belgian priest. (29 minu tes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4009_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4009_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33607</td><td>Primaries: Defining the Battle in New Hampshir e</td><td>After establishing the historical background of primary elections in t

he U.S., this fast-paced program focuses on the 2004 primary in New Hampshire to study the role of communication in the electoral process. Dr. Kathleen Kendall, author of Communication in the Presidential Primaries; The Washington Post's Da vid Broder; and other prominent experts analyze speeches, ads, news broadcasts, and all manner of interpersonal interactions as the candidates, their constituen ts, and the media construct a campaign dialogue. The key role of TV coverage, th e media's fascination with polls, and the impact of technologies such as digital cameras and the Internet are spotlighted. (23 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>23< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4010_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4010_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36135</td><td>The Prime Minister and the Press: The State of the Italian Media</td><td>With his vast media empire, former Prime Minister Sil vio Berlusconi is Italy's richest man. This Wide Angle documentary explores ques tions about the independence of the Italian media under Berlusconi, analyzing th e effect of his combination of political power and personal ownership of a large sector of the press. Clearly illustrating the impediments that the Berlusconi m achine placed before the country's leading critical voices-including Marco Trava glio, one of Italy's most prominent investigative journalists-the program shows how Berlusconi gained prominence and explores what happens to public debate when wealth and political power dominate the fourth estate. In addition, author Alex ander Stille discusses Berlusconi and the media with anchor Jamie Rubin. (57 min utes)</td><td>2003</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4011_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4011_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>20419</td><td>Principles of Flight</td><td>This two-part ser ies introduces the aeronautic principles of lift, gravity, thrust, and drag. A S hopware Production.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4012_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4012_l blPrice">$139.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>20359</td><td>Principles of Flight: Part 1</td><td>In order to be a competent pilot, one must develop a thorough understanding of how and wh y a plane flies, as well as the forces that affect the flight of an aircraft. Th is video gives viewers just that. It outlines the forces of Lift and Gravity on an aircraft and goes on to describe how different structures on the plane are us ed to control these forces. Experts on aeronautics and flight give exciting comm entary on their area of expertise. A Shopware Production. One 29-minute video.</ td><td>1993</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4013_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4013_l

blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>20358</td><td>Principles of Flight: Part 2</td><td>This seco nd video in the Principles of Flight series focuses on the forces of Thrust and Drag and how each can affect flight. Viewers then learn how pilots manuever thro ugh these forces using primary and secondary instruments which create movement a round the three axes of flight. Key terms such as wing tip vortices, pitch, yaw, and roll are explained in detail, giving a clearer understanding of the mysteri es of flight. A Shopware Production. One 29-minute video.</td><td>1993</td><td>& nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4014_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4014_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8564</td><td>Print History</td><td>A single issue of The New York Times is said to contain more information than could be learned in a lifet ime by a person living in the 15th century. This program traces the development of books, newspapers, and magazines in the Western world, from the invention of the printing press, metal type, paper, and oil-based ink to the present day. Exp erts from the Smithsonian Institution, Harvard University Press, MIT, and The Ne w York Times discuss the effect of print technology on the spread of Martin Luth er's doctrines and the Reformation; printing in colonial America; advances stimu lated by the Industrial Revolution, the Civil War, and the Trans-Continental Rai lroad; Mergenthaler's Linotype machine; Yellow Journalism; and the impact of Tim e magazine. Permanence and portability, in combination with affordability and ea se of replication, have made the printed word a vital form of mass communication that is unlikely to be replaced even in the age of the Internet. (28 minutes)</ td><td>1997</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4015_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4015_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8562</td><td>Print News</td><td>Although advances in telecom munications and computer technology have changed the way news is covered and wri tten, the role of the journalist-to gather the facts and report the news in a wa y that will engage a mass audience-has remained the same. In this program, staff members of The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Miami Herald, the Rocky Mountain News, and The Denver Post talk about how they decide what to include i n each day's newspaper, the trend towards greater objectivity, the need to avoid undue influence, the Woodward and Bernstein watershed in investigative journali sm, and the role of news services like the Associated Press, Reuters, and Bloomb erg. The program is a source of valuable information on what it is like to work in present-day newspaper journalism. (28 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>28</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4016_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4016_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></

td> </tr><tr> <td>9073</td><td>Prison Gangs and Racism Behind Bars</td><td>Pri sons have become incubators for hate, where ethnic and white supremacist enclave s vie for control through violence and coercion directed along color lines. In p art one of this program, ABC News anchor Ted Koppel talks with prisoners doomed to solitary confinement due to their gang affiliations. They discuss the dangers that drove them to join-and that keep them looking over their shoulders even in the so-called protective environment of a supermax prison. In part two, Mr. Kop pel spends a night in solitary confinement to observe firsthand the effects of s upermax on inmates-and to document the type of ex-convict that will one day be r eturned to society: racially intolerant, unrehabilitated, and psychologically an d emotionally broken. (40 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4017_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4017_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35274</td><td>Prisoners of Age</td><td>Raising complex and t imely questions about the warehousing of America's prison population, this progr am accompanies photographer Ron Levine on his mission to depict the physical, em otional, and psychological conditions of aging inmates-including those nearing d eath. Levine focuses his work on Alabama's Hamilton Institute for the Aged and I nfirm, the first prison created specifically for elderly convicts. Through Levin e's documentation and interviews, the humanity of those incarcerated emerges in poignant detail, leading viewers to assess their own beliefs about rehabilitatio n, victims' rights, and how far society's punishment should go. (50 minutes)</td ><td>2004</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4018_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4018_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10166</td><td>Prisons: Questioning the System</td><td>From m andatory sentencing to capital punishment, America has developed a strong stance on dealing with crime. But are these measures improving society or undermining it? In this topical two-part series, representatives from the legal system, acad emia, and community service organizations speak out about the system that many a pprove of as practical and timely-and others condemn as misguided and a failure of humanity. 2-part series, 29 minutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4019_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4019_l blPrice">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10469</td><td>Privacy and Security</td><td>In this Fred Frie ndly Seminar moderated by Harvard Law School's Arthur Miller, panelists such as U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer; Nadine Strossen, president of the ACL U; Jamie Gorelick, of the U.S. Department of Justice; Professor Stephen Carter, of Yale Law School; and others examine the fine balance between the power of the government and the rights of the individual in a fictional community called Uni

ty. Discussion points include government initiatives such as Megan's Law, Intern et privacy, mandatory fingerprinting, and the encryption of privileged informati on-and whether these actions are constitutional. A Discussion Guide and other re sources are located online at (57 minut es)</td><td>1997</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4020_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4020_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35378</td><td>The Private Life of a Masterpiece: Ten Great W orks of Art Exposed</td><td>Going beyond the Who, When, and Where of great art t o address the all-important Why, this remarkable series firmly sets each of ten of the world's greatest masterpieces within the vibrant context of its times. A good deal of How is included as well, as X-ray analysis and 3-D reconstructions expand on the narratives-and solve long-unexplained riddles-by revealing details that could not otherwise be seen. And behind it all is valuable commentary by l eading art historians, artists, art critics, and other specialists. Many images of other significant works are included throughout. Original BBCW broadcast titl e: The Private Life of a Masterpiece. 10-part series, 50 minutes each.</td><td>2 004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4021_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4021_l blPrice">$1,499.50<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30905</td><td>Private Property vs. The Public Trust</td><td> The fictional locale known as Eagle Bay is breathtakingly beautiful. First home to a handful of modest houses, over the decades it has transitioned into a neigh borhood of stately mansions-except for one 50-acre parcel, whose owners now want to sell it for subdivision. This Fred Friendly Seminar moderated by Harvard Law School's Arthur Miller explores the complexities that arise when a family's fre edom to sell its property clashes with their neighbors' and local government's i dea of land management. The ten-member panel includes Jane Hague, past president of the National Association of Counties; land use attorneys Robert Freilich and Kenneth Bley; and developer Grady O'Rear. (60 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>60< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4022_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4022_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10256</td><td>Probability</td><td>What are the odds that a c asino card dealer and a pair of Simon and Garfunkel wannabes know something abou t probability? This program begins by defining probability and sampling, experim ents, simple and compound events, and sample space. Next, the formula for findin g probability is analyzed, along with the composition of simple and compound eve nts, mutually exclusive events, and complements of events. Finally, dependent an d independent conditional events are discussed. (27 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><t d>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4023_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4023_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8744</td><td>Probability</td><td>This video describes how to use statistics to determine risk and how to calculate the likelihood of two and three independent events occurring simultaneously. Dramatized segments and comp uter animations involve learning how risk factors influence the cost of car insu rance; assessing a fire department's request for a new truck and crew; and figur ing out the odds of dice combinations. (20 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>20</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4024_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4024_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10884</td><td>Problem Solving</td><td>Problems are a natural part of the business world, so learning how to solve them efficiently is extrem ely important. This video demonstrates problem-solving skills for workers in wid e range of occupations. Key elements of successful problem solving, such as stay ing focused, collecting all of the pertinent data, examining the situation from multiple perspectives, and knowing when to ask for assistance, are highlighted. In addition, role-play, active listening, and a positive attitude are offered as proactive measures to help reduce the frequency and severity of work-related pr oblems. A Cambridge Educational Production. (18 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>18 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4025_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4025_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37476</td><td>The Problem with Boys: Falling Behind in Schoo l and Life</td><td>According to education statistics across North America, boys now perform poorly compared with girls-and with boys of previous generations. Wh at is causing this trend? What can be done to help both genders succeed? This pr ogram presents insights from experts in child development-including Dr. William Pollack, Harvard clinical psychologist and author of Real Boys, and Jean-Claude St. Amant, Senior Education Researcher at the University of Laval; it also surve ys male teenagers themselves about the challenges facing boys and young men. Tea cher training, curriculum design, literacy instruction, role models, pop culture , and male behavioral tendencies are some of the topics addressed. Original CBC broadcast title: The Problem with Boys. (41 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>41</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4026_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4026_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>1529</td><td>Problems of Working Women</td><td>This program examines the pressures facing working women with small children: salaries too lo w to pay for proper care and supervision of their children during the work day, inadequate or unavailable child-care facilities, little or no help with househol d maintenance. The locale of the program is Dallas, but the experiences are nati onal. (24 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4027_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4027_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6659</td><td>Process and Job Order Costing</td><td>Much of C ollege Tool and Die's business is custom work. Using job order costing, the comp any isolates overhead costs and reduces them. The effectiveness of process costi ng techniques is explored in a Dupont Corporation case study that shows how the company controls costs while processing thousands of unique customer orders. (28 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4028_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4028_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33025</td><td>Product Design: A Hand-Made Stereo for a HandMade Car</td><td>The sound system that goes into a hand-assembled Aston-Martin s ports car must be special indeed. In this program, designers at Linn, a precisio n-engineering company specializing in state-of-the-art sound reproduction, draft and build a compact stereo for this elite automobile. Project leaders demonstra te the use of 3-D CAD in the drafting process. The outsourcing of a component pr ovides a good example of how to work with subcontractors. (15 minutes)</td><td>2 002</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4029_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4029_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29853</td><td>Production</td><td>Before a single scene is sh ot, a lot must be done to get a movie off the ground. In this program, veteran p roducers talk about how they choose a screenplay, get financial backing, and con ceptualize the finished product. (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4030_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4030_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10839</td><td>Production Planning and Cost Management</td><t d>Global competition has made business optimization more important than ever. In module one of this program, Ernst & Young describes the concept of process-orie nted cost accounting. Module two focuses on lean production, as demonstrated by

"smart factory" technology and tight manufacturer/supplier cooperation, while mo dule three concentrates on how Electrolux Hungary makes decisions concerning out sourcing and the optimal investment of scarce funds. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</ td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4031_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4031_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9086</td><td>Productive Climate and Culture</td><td>Student success in the classroom begins with a top-down commitment to a clearly stated m ission emphasizing the importance of academic achievement. This program demonstr ates how a school-wide mission statement-monitored to ensure that it is carried out and reinforced through public recognition of students and teachers who exemp lify it-can promote an environment conducive to learning. (19 minutes)</td><td>1 993</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4032_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4032_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>26113</td><td>Professional Careers in the Food Industry</td> <td>Professional Careers in the Food Industry takes viewers behind the scenes to watch a food stylist, a chef, a caterer, and a food scientist at work. We disco ver the career path that led to the job...the training and education needed, inc luding any licensing or governmental regulations...and just exactly what the job entails. Of course we see colorful and enticing dishes along the way to whet ou r appetites. If you've considered a professional job in the food industry, this video will give you the inside scoop on how to reach your goal. (17 min.) A Meri dian Production.</td><td>1999</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4033_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4033_l blPrice">$74.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10888</td><td>Professional Image</td><td>The secret to prese nting a professional image goes much deeper than external appearances. This vide o investigates not only the visible factors of proper attire and hygiene, but th e issues of attitude, professional self-esteem, familiarity with technology, and knowledge of business trends as well. The image a person communicates through w ritten correspondence and in after-hours settings is also addressed. A Cambridge Educational Production. (23 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4034_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4034_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10711</td><td>Profiles: The Faces of Latin America Today</td

><td>This outstanding five-part series features interviews with some of the lead ing writers that define contemporary Latin America. Spanish, 5-part series, 30 m inutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4035_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4035_l blPrice">$649.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29173</td><td>Profiles: The Faces of Latin America Today</td ><td>This outstanding five-part series features interviews with some of the lead ing writers that define contemporary Latin America. Spanish with English subtitl es, 5-part series, 28 minutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4036_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4036_l blPrice">$649.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36215</td><td>The Progressive Era</td><td>During the preside ncies of Teddy Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson, America was w itness to so many political, corporate, and social reforms that the period came to be known as the Progressive Era. This program provides an excellent overview of the times, underscoring the importance of women's suffrage, the Square Deal, the temperance movement, and other signal initiatives. In addition, many of the era's movers and shakers are spotlighted, including Upton Sinclair, Eugene Debs, Jane Addams, Jacob Riis, Ida Tarbell, and "Battling Bob" LaFollette. Correlates to standards from the National Council for the Social Studies. A viewable/print able instructor's guide is available online. (31 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>3 1</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4037_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4037_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6657</td><td>Project Analysis</td><td>Northern Telecom has t o decide which of their products they will continue to manufacture and which the y will out-source. Details are given on how they conducted their study. A small manufacturer of houseware products has to discount prices in order to get shelf space in large chain stores. We see how they cope with a take-it-or-leave-it pri cing situation. (28 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4038_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4038_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34117</td><td>Project Poltergeist: The Mystery of Neutrinos< /td><td>Project Poltergeist documents a 40-year endeavor to understand the neutr ino, a fundamental particle in the structure of the present universe-and the ear ly cosmos. After a concise introduction to Wolfgang Pauli's neutrino theory, the

program focuses on John Bahcall's controversial struggle to detect accurate neu trino quantities and confirm the calculations of his colleague Ray Davis. Featur ing the massive underground facilities used to measure neutrino influx, includin g the SNO laboratory at which the Davis/Bahcall collaboration triumphed, the pro gram concludes with the cosmological implications of their findings. Original BB CW broadcast title: Project Poltergeist. (50 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>50</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4039_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4039_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10280</td><td>Projectile Motion</td><td>This program introdu ces the "plane facts" of two-dimensional kinematics via Bright-As-Light, the two -dimensional supergirl. Using scenarios based on soccer and archery, the project ile motion equations for calculating initial horizontal and vertical magnitudes, horizontal and vertical velocities, and horizontal and vertical displacements a re analyzed in detail. (21 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4040_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4040_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32922</td><td>Projectile Motion: Get a Grip!</td><td>Present ing a cornerstone of physics, this program explores the motion of projectiles un der gravity-initially in one dimension and then in two-through the examples of j uggling balls, as well as stunt bikes and paragliders. Frequent summaries are co mbined with convenient cues to pause the program and allow students to apply the ir knowledge. Topics include: motion under constant acceleration, parabolic path of a projectile, resolving projectile motion into horizontal and vertical compo nents, calculating air resistance using force vectors, and appropriate formulas for describing the path of any object in motion. (25 minutes)</td><td>2003</td>< td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4041_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4041_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>998</td><td>A Prologue to Chaucer</td><td>A scholarly progra m that reaches out to students of The Canterbury Tales to relate its characters and themes to everyday life in late-14th-century England. Period art of exceptio nal richness is combined with location photography that retraces the April pilgr image to Archbishop Becket's shrine at Canterbury; excerpts are read from variou s tales; and the famous beginning is heard in Middle English. Written by Velma B . Richmond, produced by the University of California, Berkeley. (29 minutes)</td ><td>1986</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4042_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4042_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span>

</td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>11961</td><td>Promises and Paradoxes: Reconciling Christian Ideals with History</td><td>This outstanding seven-part series examines the idea ls and promises of Christianity through a variety of lenses, focusing on key iss ues of enduring importance to Christians and non-Christians alike. The episodes are intricately woven together with insights gleaned from Old Testament prophets , Christian theologians, medieval mystics, and philosophers as well as from cont emporary scientists and political reformers. Detailed reenactments, lavish compu ter animation, and historical photography are featured. 7-part series, 44 minute s each.</td><td>2000</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4043_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4043_l blPrice">$1,049.65<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11396</td><td>Promoting Healthy Behavior</td><td>This progra m introduces the basic concepts of health and wellness, emphasizing that well-be ing is a multidimensional concept that exerts an ongoing influence throughout on e's life. By promoting an understanding of the factors that affect personal heal th and an awareness of what can and cannot be controlled, viewers are invited to take a proactive role in their personal health. The value of making smart decis ions-so crucial for defending against negative peer pressure-is reinforced by th e DECIDE model: Define, Explore, Consider, Identify, Decide, and Evaluate. (29 m inutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4044_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4044_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>12061</td><td>Propaganda</td><td>Though they often work in t he shadows, their efforts have affected the destinies of entire nations, in peac etime and war. This program focuses on dictators and spin doctors who shaped the perceptions of the masses in 20th-century Europe. Archival news film and footag e and historical photos spotlight the propaganda of the Russian Revolution, Worl d War II, the Gulf War, and the NATO attacks against Serbia, as well as the PR b litzes so much a part of today's political scene. Clips from propaganda classics Battleship Potemkin, The Triumph of the Will, and The Eternal Jew are also incl uded. A BBCW Production. (29 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4045_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4045_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4447</td><td>Properties of Geometric Figures</td><td>Ron Lan caster describes the properties of congruent and similar triangles, and demonstr ates how similar triangles can be used to discover unknown lengths and distances . At a conservation area, he uses similar triangles to calculate the distance fr om a point on a beach to the middle of a lake. (15 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td >15</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4046_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4046_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10132</td><td>Properties of Solutions</td><td>If chemical te rms like miscibility, concentration, and osmosis are a mystery, this program pro vides the solution. They and other key concepts-including solubility, saturation , dilution, and electrolytes; mass percentage composition, mole fractions, molar ity, and molality; and freezing-point depression and boiling-point elevation-are all carefully spelled out and applied. (28 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>28</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4047_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4047_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29995</td><td>Prostate Cancer</td><td>Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death for men. This program from The Doctor Is I n examines the importance of patient involvement in decisions concerning prostat e cancer, such as which, if any, medical option to choose: surgery, external bea m radiation, or brachytherapy, a new procedure where tiny, radioactive metal see ds are implanted in the prostate. Two men who opted for surgery are interviewed, along with a man diagnosed with the cancer who has decided to wait before start ing a treatment. Discussing diagnosis and treatment are Robert Nadler, assistant professor of urology at Northwestern University Medical School; H. Gilbert Welc h of the VA Medical Center in White River Junction, Vermont; and Eric M. Wallen, urologist at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medi cal Center Production. (29 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4048_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4048_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34275</td><td>Protecting Earth's Atmosphere</td><td>This Sci ence Screen Report explains the importance of the gas layers surrounding our pla net and the consequences of changing them. Detailing how the atmosphere and the Sun's radiation create the greenhouse effect, the program outlines ways that hum an activities-including deforestation and the use of fossil fuels-have increased carbon dioxide levels and affected the ozone layer. Specific methods of reducin g greenhouse gases, such as recycling and carpooling, are also discussed. A view able/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to National Sc ience Education Standards. Produced in association with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology Junior Engineering Technical Society. (19 minutes )</td><td>2004</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4049_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4049_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>37644</td><td>Protecting the Oceans</td><td>Although sustain able fishing practices are a rarity in our environmentally threatened world, som e can be found. This program searches out fishing industries that take steps to protect delicate ecosystems. In the Canary Islands, fishermen use hook-and-line methods for high market-value species and take only fully mature fish. In Oman, the authorities closely monitor catch sizes as well as what types of boats and n ets are used. In one small British village, a 70-year-old injunction allowing on ly sail power along the coast has prevented the over-exploitation of fish and oy ster beds. Interviews with leading policy-makers elicit a growing awareness that drastic action must be taken to protect ocean fish stocks-although in almost al l cases, these measures fall short of what is needed to avert a planetary crisis . (23 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4050_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4050_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37661</td><td>Protective Services</td><td>Introduce viewers to three women who have found gainful employment in the field of protective serv ices. This program profiles Capt. Jamie Speiser, a Griffon helicopter pilot who has flown missions in Bosnia and Haiti; Sylvie Nault, a Royal Canadian Mounted P olice constable; and Shauna Vollmer, a fire protection designer working for a la rge fire prevention contractor. Commentary from co-workers and supervisors round s out the descriptions of each job. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4051_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4051_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3703</td><td>Protein Synthesis</td><td>Biology students will quickly grasp the importance of proteins as the basic building blocks of life a nd the fundamental role that protein synthesis plays in all living things from t his miniseries. Each program explores one aspect of the process, from the manufa cture of DNA to the roles of the messenger and transfer RNA. Computer animation provides clear demonstrations that make this complex subject easily understood. 6-part series, 10 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4052_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4052_l blPrice">$299.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3704</td><td>Protein: The Stuff of Life</td><td>Proteins are found everywhere in all living organisms and are fundamental to life itself. Th is program examines the marvelously varied protein compounds, their biological f unctions, the way they bind, and how organisms synthesize the complex chains of amino acids that make up proteins. (10 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>10</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4053_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4053_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6902</td><td>Proteins</td><td>Proteins, the essential bioche mical foundation of the cell, fulfill a variety of tasks within the human body. This program provides insights into their structure and several of their functio ns, including their role in catalytic biochemical reaction and reproduction. How proteins recognize the "packaging" of smaller molecules is explored. Using a ph otosynthetic protein-a proton pump-as an example, excellent computer simulation shows the proteins at work, moving an atom through the system. (37 minutes)</td> <td>1994</td><td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4054_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4054_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9290</td><td>Psychedelics and Hallucinogens</td><td>In this video, a pharmacist, an addiction counselor, a police officer, a historian, a pa stor, and recovering users provide background on psychedelics and hallucinogens as a class of drugs, and study the history and biological effects of mescaline, psilocybin, LSD, and the designer drug MDMA. Utilizing case studies and personal experience, they explore the uses, abuses, and hazards of these drugs, which ca n include vivid flashbacks and critical serotonin depletion. A Cambridge Educati onal Production. (29 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4055_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4055_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33664</td><td>Psychology and Method: Elia Kazan and Marlon B rando</td><td>Brando and Kazan: two dynamic forces of heightened realism who use d each other to further their aims. This valuable program goes behind the scenes of some of their best-known collaborations-A Streetcar Named Desire and On the Waterfront-to illustrate how Kazan was like a father figure to Brando, challengi ng him to excel. Both men's careers leading up to their first meeting at Lee Str asberg's Actors' Studio are highlighted. The program also conveys Kazan's social ly conscious political philosophy and how he integrated it into the films of his later years, particularly The Last Tycoon. (28 minutes, color and b&w)</td><td> 2001</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4056_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4056_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8787</td><td>The Psychology of Learning</td><td>This series comprises a comprehensive analysis of how people learn, investigating the areas of attention, cognitive development, memory, language development, classical and

operant conditioning, approaches to learning, and perception. 7-part series.</t d><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4057_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4057_l blPrice">$769.65<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10972</td><td>The Psychology of Pain</td><td>Wracked by emot ions, the mind will often increase pain, while control of feelings such as fear, loneliness, and stress will generally reduce pain. This program presents the ps ychology of pain, along with ways to manage physical discomfort through therapy, various relaxation techniques, and coming to terms with physical limitations. ( 18 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4058_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4058_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4931</td><td>The Public Mind</td><td>This series explores "i mage and reality in America"-how public opinion is formed through the mingling o f fact and fiction in a society saturated with images. The series examines the i mpact on democracy of a mass culture whose basic information comes from image-ma king, the media, public opinion polls, public relations, and propaganda. Accordi ng to host Bill Moyers, "Our public discourse and our ability as a political cul ture to face reality depend upon our information system. If it gives us an inade quate picture of reality, we wind up in trouble. Our own willingness to face rea lity has been deeply affected by the triumph of the visual image as the grammar of the times." The series explores the following issues: Are we able, any longer , to distinguish between truth and fiction? When the line is steadily and pervas ively blurred, what happens to the consent of the governed? Do we even know we a re ill-informed? 4-part series, 60 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4059_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4059_l blPrice">$359.80<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8568</td><td>Public Relations</td><td>Since the first writte n account of public relations-like activities in ancient Greece, PR professional s have been on record as shapers and reshapers of public opinion. This program d efines the role of public relations, differentiating it from advertising, and ex amines the way in which PR operates. In addition, industry professionals discuss the contributions of Ivy Lee and the founder of modern PR, Edward L. Bernays; t he role of public relations in America's two world wars; the shamefully successf ul Lucky Cigarettes campaign to make smoking in public fashionable for women; an d the Ad Council and public service announcements. Crisis intervention is examin ed, as in the well-handled case of the tainted Tylenol scare, and the botched da mage control of the Exxon Valdez disaster. The program does an excellent job of explaining a difficult-to-understand and often-maligned industry. (28 minutes)</ td><td>1997</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4060_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4060_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10829</td><td>Public Speaking: Time to Stand</td><td>In this program, Dr. Tina Dupree, president of the Motivational Training Center and fou nder of the Professional Speakers Network, shares her proven techniques for buil ding confidence as a public speaker. How to turn fear into an asset, master the art of small talk, create a "30-second commercial," assess an audience, choose t he right words, organize a speech, improve delivery, and other topics are addres sed, along with the ten do's and don'ts of creating a winning speech. Guest spea kers include Arlene Hoffman, of International Sales & Marketing; Bradley Johnson , of Johnson Partners Research; and retired pro football player Roy Foster. (27 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4061_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4061_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35085</td><td>Publishing Short Stories</td><td>In this volum e, Amy Tan gives a talk called "Serendipity, the Muse, and Divine Intervention." Using examples from The One Hundred Secret Senses, she explores the role that t hese elements played in the development of her work. This volume also features a lively panel discussion in which authors Amy Tan and Richard Ford and editors W ill Allison, Alan Cheuse, and Andrew Tonkovich field questions posed by moderato r Stephen Kochand and members of the audience. Questions include What are the be st markets for emerging fiction writers?, Are there trends to follow or avoid?, and What role does the editor play in selecting content for various publications ? (91 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4062_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4062_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7028</td><td>Puerto Rico: Paradise Invaded</td><td>This prog ram examines the work of the resolute women of the Puerto Rican independence mov ement. The first woman mayor of San Juan, Felisa Rincon, discusses problems of d elinquency and crime within the culture, and how women are contributing to a sol ution. Feminism and women's rights in the areas of divorce, abortion, and employ ment are examined, along with racism experienced by Puerto Ricans in the U.S. Al so available in Spanish. (59 minutes)English</td><td>1998</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4063_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4063_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11154</td><td>Pull Marketing Techniques</td><td>Because the Internet is a dynamic environment, pull marketing is an ideal tool for directing

traffic to particular Web sites. This program presents the benefits of opt-in e -mail; niche communities built around Web portals, newsletters, and ad networks; and Webcasts-powerful attention-grabbing techniques that can be incorporated in to virtually any online pull marketing strategy. In addition, P.R. disasters tha t can stem from trampling a Netizen's right to privacy by spamming and covertly collecting demographic, user path, and purchase information are addressed. (18 m inutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4064_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4064_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38787</td><td>Pulmonary Fibrosis</td><td>Lung disease-or pul monary fibrosis, to use a more clinical term-is actually a set of illnesses that cause progressive scarring inside the lungs. This program takes a close look at the disease, the ways in which it is often detected, and current strategies for treating it. Showing how, over time, pulmonary fibrosis replaces healthy lung t issue with scar tissue, the program demonstrates how this causes airways to cons trict, making oxygenation difficult and eventually impossible. Doctors, research ers, and patients are interviewed, presenting several case studies. Viewers will discover how clinical trials may one day lead to a drug that prevents lung func tion from worsening-allowing patients to live longer. (28 minutes)</td><td>2006< /td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4065_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4065_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10578</td><td>Punctuation Potpourri</td><td>Ranging from the everyday to the esoteric, this program rounds out the study of punctuation by i nvestigating the many functions of hyphens, apostrophes, slashes, and ellipses. Topics presented include the following: using hyphens to create compound nouns a nd adjectives, spell out numbers, and break lines of text; using apostrophes to form contractions, possessives, and plurals; using slashes to separate lines of poetry, offer a choice between words, and represent fractions; and using ellipse s to indicate omitted text, a trailing-off of thought, and a lengthy pause. (22 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4066_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4066_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4920</td><td>Pure Pete Seeger</td><td>The wit, wisdom, and s ong of one of America's best-known bards comes to life in this program, which of fers a rousing musical portrait of the beloved and often controversial folk sing er, songwriter, storyteller, and activist. On the eve of Seeger's 75th birthday, Bill Moyers visited him at his home in New York's Hudson Valley for a warm and often wryly funny conversation about his life and times, and the music that has both reflected and impacted them. Throughout the program, Seeger's guitar and ba njo are never far from his hands, and he strums and sings his way through some o f the songs that have meant the most to him in his life. (60 minutes)</td><td>&n

bsp;</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4067_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4067_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6835</td><td>Pure Substances and Mixtures</td><td>In lesson one, heat is used to distill ethanol. Iodine distilled from seaweed demonstrates the chemical phenomenon of sublimation. The principle of chromatography is expl ored by studying color pigments in water-base pens. Lesson two studies salt diss olution. Degrees of solubility are measured by dissolving quantities of boric ac id at different temperatures. Recrystallization is achieved. In lesson three, bl each and pig's liver are combined to produce oxygen; carbon dioxide, ammonia, an d hydrogen are produced and their properties are studied. (38 minutes)</td><td>1 997</td><td>38</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4068_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4068_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11155</td><td>Push Marketing Techniques</td><td>Push marketi ng, the essence of traditional advertising, easily translates to the Internet. T his program explores a smorgasbord of online push marketing options, from staple s including search engine optimization, banner ads, and interstitials to delicac ies such as promotions, affiliations, sponsorships, and even rich media. The dif ference between directory- and spidering-based search engines is spelled out, an d the value of reinforcing an online presence with offline advertising and gueri lla marketing is also considered. (22 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4069_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4069_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31493</td><td>Putin: A Bitter Decision</td><td>In the mind o f Vladimir Putin, 9/11/01 marked the day that triggered a chain of events that e nded with Russia's acceptance into the ranks of the West-but at a terrible cost to national pride and the balance of nuclear power. This program narrates the ci rcumstances leading to President Putin's bitter decision to trade U.S. approval of the war in Chechnya for what has proved to be a diminished role in world poli tics. Footage of Putin, George W. Bush, Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov, Security Council Secretary Vladimir Rushailo, and Djuma Namangani, military commander of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, is featured, along with gripping images of New York's Ground Zero and Central Asian Islamist extremists in action. (50 minu tes)</td><td>2002</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4070_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4070_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>31492</td><td>Putin: Stairway to Power</td><td>This program tracks the career of Vladimir Putin from KGB spymaster for the U.S.S.R. to presi dent of the Russian Federation. Footage of landmark events-the fall of the Berli n Wall, the election and re-election of Boris Yeltsin, the war against Chechnya, terrorist attacks on Moscow-are featured, as well as archival interviews with f ormer Stasi official Horst Jemlich, former Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov, olig archs Boris Berezovsky and Vladimir Gusinsky, al Qaeda-trained Chechen army comm ander Omar ibn al-Khattab, the IMF's Michel Camdessus, former Deputy Secretary o f State Strobe Talbott, and Putin himself. (50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>50< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4071_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4071_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35976</td><td>The Pyramids</td><td>Although their function a nd architecture have inspired centuries of debate, the Egyptian pyramids harbor yet another enigma, having to do with their location. This program looks at why particular places were selected for pyramid-building and why new sites were chos en as Egypt's culture evolved. Explaining the architectural leap from the mastab a to the Step Pyramid of Djoser, the program explores reasons for abandoning Saq qara, building on the Giza plateau and at Abu Roash, and returning to Saqqara. T he availability of construction resources in these areas is analyzed, as well as an equally important religious factor-focusing on Heliopolis, the hub of sun wo rship. (25 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4072_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4072_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4443</td><td>Quadratic Equations</td><td>A review of linear equations begins this lesson on quadratic equations and how to solve them. Ron L ancaster shows how quadratic equations can be applied to the things around us wh en he uses a quadratic equation to describe the motion of a bouncing ball. (15 m inutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4073_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4073_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10943</td><td>The Quality Gap: Medicine's Secret Killer</td> <td>What is the most costly element of America's trillion-dollar healthcare syst em? Surprisingly, experts believe it is the medical quality gap and medical erro rs, which they estimate take more than 90,000 lives each year. In this program, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Hedrick Smith examines New York's tough perfor mance reports on doctors and hospitals doing open-heart surgery; profiles a pion eering effort by a VA hospital in Kentucky to confront medical errors; and shows breakthrough quality improvement drives in northern New England and Utah. Each case study is an eye-opener for an American public that rates high-quality care as its number one health priority. (49 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>49</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4074_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4074_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36389</td><td>The Quantum Leap: Photons and Light Particles< /td><td>Exploring the antithesis of the wave model, this album of eight computer -animated video segments looks at the particle approach to studying light. Black -body radiation, Planck's constant, the Photoelectric Effect, and the work of Ja mes Clerk Maxwell are presented as forerunners to Einstein's concept of photon f requency. Examples of a slope intercept graph and a revised double-slit experime nt using light-sensitive paper segue to an illustration of the Compton Effect, e stablishing that light consists of a stream of particles. De Broglie's contribut ions introduce wave-particle duality-which some might consider a muddy solution, although it represents the best that current science can do. (46 minutes)</td>< td>2006</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4075_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4075_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11963</td><td>The Quest for God</td><td>For thousands of yea rs, people have felt a fascination with an unseen power that watches over humank ind and can intercede at crucial moments. But does God really exist? And, if so, is there still a place for Him in today's world? This program travels to venera ble religious landmarks in Egypt, the Holy Land, and Rome as well as to modern a stronomical observatories in a search for the handprints of God throughout the c ourse of history. The relevance of Christianity in the 21st century is also cons idered. (44 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4076_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4076_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32633</td><td>Quest for Justice: Legal Services and the Poor </td><td>Formed in 1966 as part of President Johnson's War on Poverty, Legal Ser vices provides free legal assistance in civil matters to those who cannot afford counsel. Using New Jersey as a microcosm of the condition of the impoverished t hroughout America, this program highlights the crucial work of Legal Services an d its basic premise: without equal access, there is no equal justice. Case studi es show both the judicial and human dynamics of resolving family matters, consum er matters, housing evictions, public entitlement disputes, and welfare and Soci al Security issues. The program also contains interviews with state and federal judges, as well as staff members and the president of Legal Services of New Jers ey, Melville D. Miller, Jr. (52 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4077_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4077_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>33526</td><td>The Quest for the Athlos: Investigating the Ro ots of Greek Athletics</td><td>To the ancient Greeks, athletics made gods and he roes of men. Narrated by the late Sir Peter Ustinov, this program journeys among the ruins of antiquity to depict ancient stadiums and gymnasiums and to discove r where the spirit of peaceful contest was cultivated. Athlos-participating in a thletics-initially defined these significant deeds: the pursuit of perfection th rough creative activities that involve physical endurance and skill, as well as virtue, energy, beauty, and health. An insightful and thorough examination of th e basis upon which the Greek ideals of athleticism and sportsmanship were formed . (54 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4078_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4078_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36371</td><td>A Question of Fairness: The Affirmative Action Debate</td><td>Entering a crucible of racial, political, and legal issues, this program explores America's national debate over affirmative action. Viewers wil l receive a detailed look at the 2003 U.S. Supreme Court case which confirmed th e legality of race-based academic admission criteria, as well as a behind-the-sc enes examination of hiring policies at the Ford Motor Company. Observations from students, professors, legal plaintiffs, and activists shed light on the debate' s central concepts-including the economic legacy of slavery and the use of quota s and preferences. In addition, former Secretary of State Colin Powell describes the role affirmative action has played in his career. Original title: The First Black Man in the White House. (50 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4079_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4079_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8889</td><td>A Question of Genes: Inherited Risks</td><td>Wh en a woman tests positive for a high possibility of breast cancer, should she co nsider a preemptive mastectomy? Should it be permissible for companies to use ge netic testing to determine insurability? When a single genetic marker implicates more than one disease, should the doctor tell the patient all the possible cons equences? This program explores these and other perplexing questions raised by g enetic testing. Its use-and applications of other genetic research now available or just over the horizon-will continue to be hotly debated while the repercussi ons test society's values and beliefs. (1 hour 46 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td> 106</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4080_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4080_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10773</td><td>The Quirky Collection</td><td>"And finally," a set of outrageous stories of the kind so frequently used at the end of news bro adcasts. Clips in this program feature the largest and smelliest flower, a schoo

l for Santas, a pilot who literally flies blind, a telepathic terrier, the World Worm-Charming Championships, crossing the Atlantic by pedal boat, bungee-jumpin g at Victoria Falls, underwater hockey, the 16th Annual Juggling Olympics, the F at Pets Slimming Contest, the world series of Monopoly, Pippy the homing budgie, and the baby with the longest name. (66 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>66</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4081_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4081_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10782</td><td>The Quirky Collection</td><td>"And finally," a set of outrageous stories of the kind so frequently used at the end of news bro adcasts. Clips in this program feature the largest and smelliest flower, a schoo l for Santas, a pilot who literally flies blind, a telepathic terrier, the World Worm-Charming Championships, crossing the Atlantic by pedal boat, bungee-jumpin g at Victoria Falls, underwater hockey, the 16th Annual Juggling Olympics, the F at Pets Slimming Contest, the world series of Monopoly, Pippy the homing budgie, and the baby with the longest name. (63 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>63</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4082_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4082_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35839</td><td>Quit to Live: Fighting Lung Cancer</td><td>ABC News' World News Tonight has partnered with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Cancer Institute, and the North American Quitline Cons ortium to provide viewers with a comprehensive look at the leading cause of prev entable death in America: lung cancer. This compilation of WNT segments reports on issues ranging from tobacco-related public health policy, to the latest medic al advances in lung cancer treatment and prevention, to the efforts of smokers t rying to kick the habit during National Lung Cancer Awareness Month. The 16 segm ents are The Power of Tobacco, What's in a Cigarette, Smokeless Tobacco, Marketi ng to Kids, Teen Smoking, Women at Risk, Lung Cancer, Detecting Lung Cancer, Add iction, The Quitting Drug, Smoking Bans, Settlement Spending, and Smokers' Video Diary, Parts 1 through 4. (56 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4083_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4083_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11143</td><td>The Quran and the American Dream</td><td>In th e U.S., Islam is prospering as never before-but some Americans are beginning to fear the burgeoning power of that group, currently 8 million strong. This progra m traces the rapid expansion of Islam in New York City, where it sustains and br ings hope to Muslim citizens, recent Muslim immigrants, and converts drawn prima rily from the downtrodden sectors of society. The program also features the Coun cil on American-Islamic Relations, which strives to root out legal injustices an d dispel prejudicial stereotypes. The Reverend Jesse Jackson adds a powerful not e of support for the newest addition to America's religious mix. (53 minutes)</t

d><td>1999</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4084_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4084_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33786</td><td>The Quran, the Bible, and the Torah</td><td>Is lam, Christianity, and Judaism possess a rich body of writings that are authorit ative and normative for the life and faith of their respective communities. In t his program, Timothy George, author of Is the Father of Jesus the God of Muhamma d?; Amina Wadud, author of the groundbreaking Qur'an and Woman; and Ibrahim Kali n, author of many articles on Islam and Islamic thought, present their perspecti ves on the revelatory and inspirational texts of the three religions of the Book . In the process, they compare the illiteracy of Muhammad to the virginity of th e Virgin Mary as essential conditions for the untainted transmissions of the Wor d and contrast views on the validity of sacred works in translation. (35 minutes )</td><td>2004</td><td>34</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4085_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4085_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32755</td><td>Qusair Amra: Desert Castle</td><td>Standing in the Jordanian desert is a singular archaeological treasure: the bath complex at Qusair Amra. Inside, the walls display lively frescoes depicting hundreds of ch aracters engaged in a wide variety of activities. Using a computer-generated rec onstruction of the least well preserved paintings, this program restores the fad ed images to their original vibrant colors in order to unravel the fascinating v isual narrative. These frescoes are a splendid example of figurative representat ion as depicted in Arab art-and a valuable window on life during the Umayyad dyn asty. (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4086_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4086_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31998</td><td>R. C. Gorman, Navajo Painter</td><td>"Unconven tional" and "paradoxical" are two of the more common words people use to describ e R. C. Gorman, an award-winning Navajo painter and printmaker who treats Native American subjects ranging from geometrics to nudes with a distinctly Mexican ar tistic sensibility. This program films the man The New York Times dubbed "The Pi casso of American Indian Art" as he works, capturing his fascination with mass a nd shape as he paints both on paper and on a lithography stone. At once timeless and contemporary, Gorman's idiom unites the Indian and mainstream art scenes. ( 30 minutes)</td><td>1976</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4087_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4087_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>36545</td><td>Race and Sex: What We Think (But Can't Say)</t d><td>Behind the conscious mind's efforts to judge people on their merits, the s ubconscious categorizes by details such as gender, race, and age-just as it has done since the dawn of humankind. Can ethnic prejudice be overcome? What is the "stereotype effect"? Are there quantifiable differences that make one race super ior to another in sports? Is it possible to visually perceive a person's sexual orientation? In this ABC News program, John Stossel seeks answers to these and o ther questions through eye-opening social experiments and insights from Manhatta n Institute Senior Fellow John McWhorter; renowned teacher Jane Elliott; Taboo a uthor Jon Entine; J. Michael Bailey, of Northwestern University; Harvard Univers ity's Anthony Greenwald; social psychologist John Dovidio; NYU's Joshua Aaronson ; and others. (39 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4088_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4088_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30087</td><td>Race on Trial</td><td>Does the American justic e system treat people differently based on their race? In this ABC News program, correspondent Michel Martin reports on the startlingly disparate outcomes of tw o almost-identical drug-related cases tried one after another in a Boston court. In one case, the judge sentenced an African-American defendant with no prior re cord to prison time on the insistence of the prosecution. In the other case, the prosecution asked for a sentence of drug rehabilitation as opposed to prison ti me for a white defendant with prior convictions. This provocative program offers a timely assessment of an unfortunately recurring problem in American courtroom s. (23 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4089_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4089_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9370</td><td>Racial Profiling and Law Enforcement: America i n Black and White</td><td>DWB: Driving While Black. For many African-Americans, simply having dark skin seems to be grounds for being pulled over on the highway and searched for drugs. Police call it "profiling," based on years of successfu l drug interdiction through traffic stops, but angry and humiliated victims call it "racial profiling"-a blatant form of discrimination-and want it stopped. In part one of this program, ABC News anchor Ted Koppel and correspondent Michel Mc Queen investigate the issue from the victims' points of view. In part two, Koppe l and McQueen look at profiling through the eyes of the police, with special com mentary by law professor and former OJ Simpson prosecutor Christopher Darden. So me language may be objectionable. (41 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4090_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4090_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37006</td><td>Racial Stereotypes in the Media</td><td>Althou

gh demeaning and offensive racial stereotypes were pervasive in popular media of every kind during the 20th century, most observers would agree that the media i s much more sensitive to representations of race today. But the pernicious effec ts of that stereotyping live on in the new racism arising from disparities in th e treatment of stories involving whites and people of color in a ratings-driven news market, media-enhanced isolationism as a result of narrowcasting, and other sources. This program examines the relationship between mass media and social c onstructions of race from political and economic perspectives while looking at t he effects media can have on audiences. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Pr oduction. (42 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>42</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4091_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4091_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35532</td><td>Radial Arm Saws</td><td>A radial arm saw may j ust be the most versatile power tool in the shop-and also the most hazardous. Th is video thoroughly acquaints viewers with it. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to competency standards for core curricul um and carpentry from the National Center for Construction Education & Research. A Shopware Production. (17 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4092_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4092_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35516</td><td>Radiation Roulette</td><td>A single CT scan is the equivalent of hundreds of chest X-rays-leading some experts to view the wid ely used procedure as a dangerous medical gamble. This program offers detailed i nformation on radiation screening tests, their benefits, and hazards they may po se to individuals with certain medical profiles. The complexity of the issue eme rges in the stories of three women: Kyla, whose thyroid cancer may be the result of frequent X-ray imaging; Paula, who suffers from life-threatening heart disea se caused by childhood radiation treatments; and Jo-Ann, a CT scan recipient who must now consider skipping regular mammograms-because of physician advice to av oid excess radiation. (48 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4093_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4093_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29756</td><td>Radiation Therapy</td><td>Although diagnostic radiologic fields are good at detecting cancer, radiation therapy can actually h elp stop it. In this program, filmed at La Grange Memorial Hospital's Treatment Pavilion, five radiation experts demonstrate how a radiation therapy team works as they treat a young man with abdominal cancer. By watching the oncologist, cli nical physicist, dosimetrist, and radiation therapists develop a comprehensive t reatment plan, students will gain an understanding of the knowledge and skills r equired to work in this field. A Cambridge Educational Production. (14 minutes)< /td><td>2002</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4094_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4094_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8566</td><td>Radio History</td><td>This program tells the co mplete story of radio, from its roots in Marconi's wireless telegraphy and the i nvention of the vacuum tube by Lee De Forest, to its heyday in the 1930s and sub sequent upstaging by television in a battle for audience-share. Academic experts discuss the impact of early innovators like Frank Conrad of station KDKA, Pitts burgh, who broadcasted from his garage; the power of personalities to influence mass audiences, citing FDR, Edward R. Murrow, and Orson Welles as examples; radi o's role as a vehicle for delivering mass audiences to advertisers; and the supe rior ability of the radio to entertain and actively engage listeners in the "the ater of the mind." This program provides an intriguing look at America's once-do minant mass medium. (28 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4095_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4095_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8560</td><td>Radio Industry</td><td>Many technology and mass media pundits have predicted the demise of radio, but radio's mystique and extr aordinary ability to adapt have repeatedly proved them wrong. In this program, t he business side of public and commercial radio broadcasting is explored in dept h by industry insiders. Host Ray Suarez and others from NPR's "Talk of the Natio n" discuss how content is created and how their show is produced, while executiv es at Jones Radio Network offer a behind-the-scenes look at what goes into comme rcial radio: the way in which audience profiling drives programming, the role of Arbitron ratings, and the business of selling advertising time. Although other forms of mass media offer things that radio cannot, surveys show that it is the immediacy, accessibility, and local feeling of radio-even when prerecorded and b eamed by satellite from remote locations-that keep people tuning in. (28 minutes )</td><td>1997</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4096_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4096_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7915</td><td>Radioactivity: How Much Can the Body Take?</td> <td>In a millisecond, on July 16, 1945, the evolution of the human species took a remarkable turn. Until the explosion of the world's first nuclear weapon, the human body coexisted, if uneasily, with natural sources of radioactivity from th e sky, rocks, and other unavoidable sources. Now, with x-rays and nuclear medici ne a part of our daily lives, the issue has become just how much radioactivity o ur bodies can safely absorb. This program explores the question, and whether the re is really such a thing as a healthy dose. (28 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>2 8</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4097_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4097_l

blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29753</td><td>Radiography</td><td>Once limited to X-ray phot ography, radiography has bred a number of dynamic subspecialties such as magneti c resonance imaging, computerized tomography, and mammography. This program goes inside the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics system to discover what MRI scans and CAT scans are, to observe how they are done, and to learn what skills are needed to be a successful technician. An MRI scan on a young woman's brain and a CAT scan on the upper body of another young woman are performed, and the r esults are interpreted and discussed. A Cambridge Educational Production. (14 mi nutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4098_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4098_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29752</td><td>Radiologic Technology Careers</td><td>This fou r-part series-endorsed by the Radiologic Society of America and the Associated S ciences Consortium-introduces viewers to a diverse group of doctors and technici ans who are pursuing rewarding careers in the radiological sciences. After watch ing these programs, students will see that the field of radiology includes much more than X-rays. A Cambridge Educational Production. 4-part series, 13-14 minut es each.</td><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4099_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4099_l blPrice">$319.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34767</td><td>Rafael Alberti</td><td>Deftly interweaving pol itical concerns into his poetry, Rafael Alberti fashioned a literary style suite d to the social turmoil of the 20th century. This program shows the evolution of that style, from the highly personal Marinero en Tierra, to the balance of play fulness and melancholy in El Alba de Alheli, to the mystical and nearly apocalyp tic Sobre los Angeles. Detailing Alberti's travels across Europe and to the Sovi et Union, the United States, and South America-including Argentina, where he spe nt 23 years of his life-this energetic biography also highlights Alberti's invol vement with painting and theater, as well as with the Spanish Communist party. ( English, 25 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4100_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4100_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35831</td><td>Rage: A Social Analysis</td><td>Obscenities, s creaming matches, fistfights, shootings-these have become almost standard forms of public expression. Why? Can society's violent downward spiral be reversed? Th is program explores the emotional causes and social dangers of short fuses, link ing the pressures of a hard-driving, high-tech world to the prevalence of an eas ily threatened, easily angered point of view. Breaking its analysis into three p

arts, the program examines road rage, workplace aggression, and violence among s ports spectators, with observations from police officers, anger management couns elors, athletes, and recovering "ragers." Nonviolent ways to assert needs and gr ievances are highlighted. (48 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4101_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4101_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33236</td><td>Rage: On the Road, in the Air, and at Home</td ><td>This 48 Hours report uses a pair of violent incidents to challenge assumpti ons about road rage and air rage. A highway encounter between two middle-aged wo men that ends in a conviction of manslaughter: road rage or self-defense? An inc ident in which a young man tries to force the cockpit door of an airliner in fli ght, only to be brutally subdued by passengers-a trauma that leads to his death: air rage, a drug-induced frenzy, or a panic attack? Also included is a profile of a marriage in rage-related crisis, to demonstrate nonviolent remediation thro ugh immersive anger management therapy. Produced by CBS NEWS. (44 minutes)</td>< td>2001</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4102_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4102_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8711</td><td>The Ragin' Cajun: Usher Syndrome</td><td>The de af-blind community in Seattle is extraordinarily vibrant, with a strong sense of pride and independence. That is why Danny Delcambre moved there. Deaf from birt h and steadily losing his sight, Danny suffers from Usher syndrome. The region i n Louisiana he left behind has the highest concentration of Usher syndrome in th e world. This program takes a sensitive look at this degenerative condition, as neurologist/author Oliver Sacks and Danny explore the nature of deaf culture and the marvelous richness of American Sign Language, which includes a sophisticate d touch-based variation called tactile signing. A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</ td><td>1996</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4103_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4103_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37473</td><td>Raging Bull: The Red Bull Energy Drink Controv ersy</td><td>Red Bull is a study in apparent contradictions: Containing a jolt o f caffeine and sugar, it's promoted as a natural health product. Bearing a label that it not be drunk by children or mixed with alcohol, it's sold in convenienc e stores and bars. And although enjoyed as a refreshing pick-me-up while dancing or playing sports, it can increase dehydration to dangerous levels. Focusing on Red Bull's rollout in Canada, this program looks at a beverage sensation that i s winning fans and raising concerns around the world. Hard questions receive gua rded answers in this health report that is part inquiry, part expose. Also a val uable business case study on how to penetrate resistant markets-or, perhaps, how not to. Original CBC broadcast title: Raging Bull. (15 minutes)</td><td>2004</t d><td>15</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4104_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4104_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37683</td><td>Rail Transportation</td><td>Meet three women w ho have embarked on successful careers in railway transportation. This program p rofiles Brenda Cox, a yard foreman who loads and organizes rail cars for train a ssembly; Rebecca Mann, a technical officer who tests the structural and mechanic al limits of rail cars; and France Robert, an electronics systems technician who performs safety tests on passenger trains. Remarks from co-workers and supervis ors provide additional layers to the descriptions of each job. (24 minutes)</td> <td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4105_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4105_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3316</td><td>The Railway Age</td><td>This program examines t he enormous impact of the introduction of railways, covering the technological r evolution, the commercial and human reactions that culminated in Railway Mania, and the economic and social results: the increased demand for coal and iron, the delivery of fresh food and milk in cities, the reduction of local isolation and differences, the requirement of new management skills, the landscape changes cr eated by viaducts, bridges, and tunnels, and the establishment of railway towns and entire new industries. (20 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4106_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4106_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10456</td><td>Rainer Maria Rilke: A Poet's Cosmology</td><td >Rainer Maria Rilke's supreme mastery of the German language, which he manipulat ed with an unprecedented subtlety and plasticity, forms the bedrock upon which h is reputation as one of the 20th century's finest and most influential poets is built. This program interweaves biographical details of Rilke's restless and emo tionally troubled life, extracts from his letters, and readings from the Duino E legies-his culminating literary achievement. Imbued with the most minute shades of meaning, Rilke's intensely personalized elegies stand as a monument to his gr eat technical ability and his complex poetic vision. (42 minutes)</td><td>1996</ td><td>42</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4107_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4107_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29773</td><td>Rainforest Biomes</td><td>At one time, lush, s teaming jungles covered much of the planet's land mass. Through this program, st

udents can expand their understanding of rainforests and how their inhabitants l ive. Special attention is given to the threats to these incredibly rich ecosyste ms, home to more than half of the different kinds of animals and plants that liv e on Earth. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Cambr idge Educational Production. (20 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4108_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4108_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38813</td><td>A Raisin in the Sun: Character Studies Convers ations</td><td>Hosted by Eli Wallach, this program dissects Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun through the sharp insights of Joe Morton (Walter Lee Younge r); Kim Yancey (Beneatha Younger); Phylicia Rashad (Lena Younger); Ruby Dee, Aud ra McDonald, Starletta DuPois, and Ernestine Jackson (Ruth Younger); Ralph Carte r (Travis Younger); John Fiedler (Carl Lindner); directors Lloyd Richards and Ja ck Hofsiss; Broadway producer Philip Rose; and Hansberry expert Lynn Domina, aut hor of Understanding A Raisin in the Sun: A Student Casebook to Issues, Sources, and Historical Documents. The first play to realistically portray the daily liv es of a contemporary African-American family, Raisin-a revolutionary work about race written during the civil rights era-makes the universal statement that drea ms of a better future are important to everyone. A viewable/printable instructor 's guide is available online. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production. (51 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4109_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4109_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10526</td><td>Rap: Looking for the Perfect Beat</td><td>Rap music has articulated a black aesthetic that is influencing pop culture around t he world. But does it also promote violence, misogyny, and crime? This program f eaturing rap-master Melle Mel describes the history of rap and hip-hop from its roots in earlier oral and musical traditions to its full flowering in the mid-19 90s. Commentary by Grandmaster Flash and Afrika Bambaataa, rap's early innovator s; music critic Nelson George, author of hiphopamerica; radical jazz poet Gil Sc ott-Heron; movie star and rapper Ice Cube; former gangsta rapper Snoop Doggy Dog g; members of Public Enemy, Arrested Development, and the jazz/hip-hop fusion gr oup UFO; and others speak out about the urban African-American experience, civil rights, social responsibility, and other pressing topics. Clips from music vide os provide a visual perspective on the genre. Some images and lyrics may be obje ctionable. (53 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4110_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4110_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1055</td><td>Rape: An Act of Hate</td><td>FBI statistics sho w that a woman is raped every seven minutes in the United States. These are repo rted rapes; probably ten times as many rapes go unreported. Hosted by actress Ve ronica Hamel, this program seeks to determine why people rape and to help people

protect themselves against this crime. It examines the history and mythology of rape, and explains who are its most likely victims. The program contains interv iews with experts in the fields of media, law enforcement, and sociology. (30 mi nutes)</td><td>1986</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4111_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4111_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7657</td><td>The Rape Drug: A New Menace</td><td>This progra m examines the use of the drug Rohypnol to sedate women in order to take sexual advantage of them on dates. It follows two such cases through interviews with vi ctims and their attorneys. The drug, both odorless and flavorless, can be mixed with alcohol and renders the victim easy prey for her attacker. Available in 64 countries, the drug also leaves its victim with complete or partial amnesia, mak ing prosecution of offenders nearly impossible. This program puts the spotlight on a growing social problem. (26 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4112_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4112_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4438</td><td>Ratios</td><td>At a plant nursery, Ron Lancaste r discovers the significance of the ratios listed on fertilizer boxes, and later calculates how much fertilizer is required for a lawn. He also calculates ratio s using Wayne Gretzky's hockey scoring statistics. (15 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</ td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4113_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4113_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4345</td><td>Ravi Shankar: The Man and His Music</td><td>Thi s loving portrait of Ravi Shankar shows us the totality of Shankar's art, the in ner peace from which the fiery dexterity emerges, the philosophy that underlies the shape of raga, and the characteristics of the sitar, tabla, santur, sarod, a nd sarangi. We see and hear him play and talk: in Europe and America, with Yehud i Menuhin, Zubin Mehta, Jean-Pierre Rampal, and George Harrison, and at home, in India, with his students and his wife. (60 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>60</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4114_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4114_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29944</td><td>Raymond Carver: "Cathedral"</td><td>Robert, a blind man and now a widower, has come to visit his friend and her husband. Promp ted by a television show, the apprehensive husband asks Robert if he really know

s what a cathedral is: his answer is a lesson in how to truly see. This dramatiz ation of Raymond Carver's classic short story "Cathedral" presents a minimalist exploration of loneliness, vision, and personal spirituality. An interview follo ws with Carver's widow, Tess Gallagher, whose poem "The Hands of the Blindman" i s excerpted in the production. (56 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4115_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4115_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3598</td><td>Reaction Kinetics</td><td>This program provides an examination of why some chemical reactions happen more quickly than others. A chain mechanism model shows how energy released by reacting molecules influenc es other molecules, and leads to a clearer understanding of exothermic and endot hermic reactions. (10 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4116_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4116_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3599</td><td>Reaction Tendencies</td><td>This program introd uces Le Chatelier's principle: if a system in equilibrium is subject to stress, the system tends to react in such a way as to oppose the effect of the stress. I t examines this principle by observing the effects of two types of stress: chang e in temperature and change in pressure/volume. (10 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><t d>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4117_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4117_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36543</td><td>Read My Lips: Learning Language</td><td>Commun ication is at the core of the human experience, even though effective communicat ion takes a lifetime to learn. This program explores how we develop the arts of speech and physical expression to make ourselves understood and to understand ot hers. Visiting a group of 25 three-year-olds, the film observes them learning as many as ten new words a day-some already grasping the first 1,500 components of the 20,000-word vocabulary collected in the average life span. The "nonverbal l eakage" or body language that supplements verbal skills is also explored, demons trating that children with verbal disadvantages can compensate through other tec hniques. Original BBCW broadcast title: Read My Lips. Part of the BBC series Chi ld of Our Time 2004. (60 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>61</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4118_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4118_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>20325</td><td>Reading a Ruler: English and Metric Measuremen

ts</td><td>In the first lesson, the different forms of English measurement are d iscussed and displayed as they would appear on a ruler. The viewer also learns h ow to understand fractions when measuring and how to find exact measurements usi ng a ruler. The second lesson deals with the metric system by introducing the me ter and other metric measurements. Viewers learn how to read a meter stick, and common abbreviations of metric measurements are discussed. Viewers also learn ho w to convert measurements using the decimal point. A Shopware Production. (18 mi nutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4119_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4119_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7081</td><td>Reading Improvement</td><td>Reading rate and co mprehension can mean the difference between success and failure to students. Thr ee strategies for improving both are presented in this program. The first sugges ts reading during the day, for short periods in a quiet place, for maximum effic iency. One method demonstrates how to divide words into groups on a page as an e ffective way of improving reading rate. The SQ3R Strategy (Survey, Question, Rea d, Recite, and Review), developed by a leading reading expert, is also examined as a strategy for improving reading comprehension. (12 minutes)</td><td>1996</td ><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4120_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4120_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35091</td><td>Readings and Conversations</td><td>In segment one of this volume, authors Mark Childress, Janet Fitch, and Glen David Gold rea d and talk about their previously unpublished works. In the second segment, "Con versations," Oakley Hall-founder of the Squaw Valley Community of Writers, autho r of 24 novels, and former writing teacher-presents 15 tips that every writer ne eds to know, beginning with Write every day, Observe and listen, Employ all the senses, and Use strong verbs. (127 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4121_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4121_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37079</td><td>The Real Big Brother</td><td>Civil liberties a dvocates have warned against government surveillance for decades. Today, corpora tions use technology to monitor employees and customers. Is big business the new big brother? This program addresses the growing debate about our "surveillance society" and its erosion of privacy and anonymity-which could become casualties of the war for market supremacy as well as the war on terror. The proliferation of public CCTV cameras, smart chips on customer loyalty cards, call centers that track phone activity, and radio frequency ID tags-a potential design component in many consumer products-emphasizes the need for more grassroots awareness and inquiry. (30 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4122_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4122_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33170</td><td>The Real Dr. Evil</td><td>North Koreans call h im "dear leader." President Bush calls him part of an "axis of evil." Kidnapper, terrorist, and likely nuclear tyrant also apply. This program uses extensive ne wsreel footage, archival materials, and exclusive interviews to create a biograp hical and psychological profile of Kim Jong Il in order to understand what motiv ates his sometimes bizarre and often tragic deeds. Interviews include former bod yguards, a former central committee member, a former North Korean spy, CIA profi lers, Pentagon advisers, former U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Donald Gregg, and Selig Harrison, author of Korean Endgame. A BBCW Production. (46 minutes)</td>< td>2003</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4123_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4123_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33347</td><td>The Real Jane Austen</td><td>Illustrated with clips from movie and television adaptations of her novels, this program takes a visually rich approach to understanding the woman behind such classics as Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, and Emma. An extensive biographical and psycholog ical profile of the author provides insight into what life was like for a woman in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Filmed at key locations, including Ba th and Austen's later home in Chawton, the program also shatters the myth that s he lived the elegant Regency life of one of her heroines. A BBCW Production. (60 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4124_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4124_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30676</td><td>Real Jobs, Great Trades!</td><td>In this video , four young teens try their hands at home building and decorating on real work sites with experienced tradesmen. John, a professional mason, shows Nora how to lay bricks for exterior house walls and decorative yard sculptures. Andre, a con tractor, teaches Misha how to construct the framing for a townhouse. Painter and decorator Pat instructs Camille on pasting wallpaper and stenciling interior wa lls. And Jim, a licensed electrician, shares some of his tricks of the trade wit h Peter. Concise and engaging, this video is an ideal introduction to the buildi ng-related trades. (13 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4125_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4125_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33037</td><td>Real Science</td><td>In matters of life and de ath and moments of thrilling entertainment, science is a force that makes things

happen. A little bit of theory and a whole lot of action carry viewers through each program of this stimulating three-part series as they watch real people app ly real science to real-life situations. 3-part series, 25 minutes each.</td><td >2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4126_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4126_l blPrice">$269.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35428</td><td>Realism: The Artistic Form of the Truth</td><t d>It is a creative impulse as old as humanity itself: to depict life faithfully, accurately, in words or images. This program shows how that impulse led to Real ism-a widespread artistic movement, born in the latter half of the 19th century, which rejected pretense, distortion, and sentimentality. Incorporating intervie ws with art historians and literary scholars, the program explores the sociopoli tical origins of the phenomenon in the 1848 Revolution in France and the concurr ent wave of industrialization that swept Europe and America. Luminous images by Edouard Manet, Gustave Courbet, Jean-Francois Millet, and Honore Daumier-along w ith the unflinching writings of Honore de Balzac, Gustave Flaubert, Emile Zola, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Anton Chekhov, August Strindberg, and Heinrik I bsen-are analyzed and compared with the work of Thomas Eakins, George Bellows, M ark Twain, Jack London, Stephen Crane, and others. The contributions of early ph otographers and filmmakers, as well as the first stirrings of feminism, are also examined. (54 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4127_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4127_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35494</td><td>Rebel Frontier: Organized Labor vs. the Anacon da Copper Company</td><td>Martin Sheen-impersonating the voice of author Dashiel l Hammett-narrates this compelling docudrama on immigrant labor and anti-war pol itics in 1917. As a young employee of the Pinkerton Detective Agency, Hammett sp ied for the Anaconda Copper Mining Company in Butte, Montana, during the height of labor struggles there. Using a wealth of archival footage, first-rate dramati zations, interviews with historical experts, and the personal recollections of B utte residents, the program gives viewers a blow-by-blow account of conflicts in volving Irish and Finnish miners, the Industrial Workers of the World or "Wobbli es," and America's emerging industrial-military complex. (66 minutes)</td><td>20 04</td><td>66</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4128_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4128_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35978</td><td>The Rebel Pharaoh</td><td>Comparable to Luther 's split with Catholicism, Pharaoh Akhenaten's religious revolution caused an up heaval in Egyptian society. This program sheds light on the royal renegade's mot ives for abruptly switching to monotheistic sun worship and relocating 50,000 of his people to the hastily planned capital at Armana. Studying several archaeolo gical discoveries-including the tombs of Akhenaten's courtier Aye and servant Pe

renefa, as well as the site of the Gempaaten adjacent to the Karnak Temple gatethe program examines the complex web of economics, power politics, and religious dogma that pitted the wayward pharaoh against the Theban orthodoxy. (25 minutes )</td><td>2004</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4129_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4129_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32770</td><td>Rebellion</td><td>As time creeps by, the exerc ise of reward and punishment and the friction of social inequality within the mi crosociety of prison take their toll, fraying nerves among the prisoners and gen erating anxiety among the guards. In this episode, two inmates form an unlikely alliance-and the guards are taken by surprise when three prisoners launch a nigh ttime revolt. Contains harsh, inflammatory, and explicit language. A BBCW Produc tion. (60 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4130_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4130_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>17688</td><td>Rebounding from Job Loss</td><td>Buyouts, plan t closings, mergers. They all come down to someone losing a job. This kind of lo ss affects everyone differently. This important program helps viewers see how lo sing a job often parallels the trauma experienced after a death. In both cases, individuals must go through a grieving process that includes working through var ious stages. We also learn strategies for finding the positive opportunities in this dramatic change that touches so many people every day. A Meridian Productio n. One 17-minute video.</td><td>2000</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4131_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4131_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31077</td><td>Rebuilding the Brain: Adult Brain Stem Cells</ td><td>The ethical debate over embryonic stem cell use may have been rendered mo ot by pioneering research being conducted at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in Australia, where Dr. Perry Bartlett and his team have is olated stem cells within the human brain. In this program, Dr. Bartlett discusse s in detail the different types of stem cells, what research is being done with them, and how their use will have a future benefit in rebuilding neural tissue a nd restoring brain function in people with impact injuries, strokes, tumors, or brain disease. The program makes a good primer for understanding these promising but controversial cells. (21 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4132_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4132_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>32075</td><td>Receptacles and Switches</td><td>Receptacles a nd switches bring a house to life. What kinds are there? How many should go in e ach room? Where exactly should they be placed? And what's the best way to wire t hem? This video answers these and other questions as it demonstrates receptacle and switch installation. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available on line. Correlates to the National Center for Construction Education and Research standards. A Shopware Production. (18 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4133_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4133_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35196</td><td>Recipe for Success: The Culinary Arts in High Schools</td><td>Never underestimate the educational value of chocolate ganache! This ABC News report profiles the Careers in the Culinary Arts Program, a ground breaking curriculum that teaches students the craft of fine cuisine-and importan t life skills along the way. The documentary visits the Queens high school where this nationwide teaching trend began, interviewing one of its graduates-now a s uccessful Manhattan chef who says cooking classes made school worth finishing. A lso featured is Richard Grausman, the man who founded C-CAP. Use this inspiring video to show students the wide variety of academic and vocational possibilities open to them. (22 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4134_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4134_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35674</td><td>Recognizing Child Abuse</td><td>Kids who grow up facing brutality and neglect are lucky if a teacher or daycare provider catch es on. Tragically, child abuse often goes unnoticed-and if a first-responder doe s detect it, he or she may not understand what measures must be taken. This prog ram spells out the Four Rs of child abuse-the harsh Reality of its presence in o ur society, the Results it leads to, the many ways to Recognize it, and the prop er channels for Reporting it. Each of these concepts is explained through eye-op ening dramatizations and supported by interviews with education and child welfar e experts. By following the program's clearly illustrated steps to awareness and action, viewers will become better equipped to recognize and intervene in cases of neglect and abuse...while there's still time to help. A viewable/printable p resenter's guide is available online. A Meridian Production. (25 minutes)</td><t d>2007</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4135_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4135_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32905</td><td>Reconquering the Conquest: Quebec</td><td>This program focuses the spotlight on a region that crackles with both aboriginal an d linguistic nationalism. The politics of language is at the heart of the battle for a unilingual French-speaking society; at the same time, a different yet sim ilar battle is going on in the icy north, where the Cree people are fighting the

Quebec government over territory the Cree claim-an example of an aboriginal gro up using the language of European nationalism to advance its claims. Quebec rais es the question of whether a single federal state can survive if it contains a c ouple of nations and two major language groups. (50 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td> <td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4136_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4136_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10881</td><td>Recorded Sound: The Dream Becomes a Reality</t d><td>For centuries people dreamed of being able to record and play back sound. In 1877 Thomas Edison invented the phonograph and the whole course of music was forever changed. From the jukeboxes of the 1880s to contemporary composers blend ing live and recorded music, this program examines the effects, both positive an d negative, that resulted from the birth of the phonograph and the subsequent de velopment of electronic and computerized music-making devices. (51 minutes)</td> <td>1999</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4137_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4137_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8561</td><td>Recording Industry</td><td>How does a new artis t attract the attention of a recording company? How do recording companies find new talent? Can a big-name label make a run-of-the-mill CD into a platinum selle r? In this program, top industry executives and other experts answer these and o ther questions, such as how much performers can expect to make in royalties, how SoundScan has revealed the true top 100, and how MTV has raised the bar for per former talent. In addition, brief clips of David Bowie, Billy Rae Cyrus, Debbie Davies, Peter Gabriel, and Metallica are included. (28 minutes)</td><td>1997</td ><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4138_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4138_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6308</td><td>Recovery from Sexual Abuse</td><td>This drama i s about five teenagers who are working to recover from the effects of sexual abu se in the context of a teen group. The program is designed to acknowledge and va lidate the feelings and experiences of teens and adults who have been sexually a bused, and to encourage recovery within a context of healing and hope. Each of t he teens talks about his or her feelings of fear, sadness, anger, depression, gu ilt, and confusion and the ways in which they have coped with these feelings. Th e six segments of the program show us six "movements" in the process of healing, as the teens give each other support over a period of six months. At the last m eeting, the program observes that each teen is beginning to move towards a safe and healthy life. User's guide also available (see item #500). (48 minutes)</td> <td>1995</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4139_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4139_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30651</td><td>Recycling City Space</td><td>As land in urban environments becomes scarcer and more expensive, buildings and areas previously overlooked are being rediscovered. This program looks at some unusual inner-city spaces that have been turned into housing, including a unique loft in London; t he Europa housing project in Montreal; and the Brewery Creek project in Vancouve r, an industrial site converted into original living spaces. Architects Jerry Ke nnedy, Barry Hobin, Christopher Ash, and Raouf Boutros and architectural critic Rhys Phillips discuss the successes and failures of these innovative approaches. (24 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4140_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4140_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10786</td><td>Red Flags: Avoiding Abusive Relationships</td> <td>What if dating were like football, where flags are thrown when the rules are broken? In this award-winning program, the Love Referee does just that, using h is red flag system to stop the action when abusive dating situations develop. Pl ay-by-play coverage of scenarios involving sexual pressure, manipulative and obs essive behavior, physical abuse, lying, and problem lifestyles help make it easi er to recognize and avoid those pitfalls in real life. The overall message? Ever yone deserves to be treated with respect and to feel safe on a date. A Meridian Production. (21 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4141_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4141_l blPrice">$95.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30456</td><td>Red Gold: The Epic Story of Blood</td><td>From superstition to science, from bloodletting to synthetic plasma, this four-part series presents a history of humankind's understanding of the liquid that pulses through its veins. These programs gather an impressive array of guests and expe rts to examine the milestones in the study of blood, as well as look at the succ esses and tragedies of efforts to stockpile this vital substance. Symbol of life and death, health and disease, race and religion, blood becomes the vehicle for a fascinating journey of discovery. 4-part series, 58 minutes each.</td><td>200 2</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4142_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4142_l blPrice">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36145</td><td>Red Lines and Deadlines: Inside Iran's Reformi st Media</td><td>Twenty-five years after the Islamic Revolution, Iran is struggl ing for political reform. Some of the most visible signs of struggle can be foun

d in the nation's media. This Wide Angle documentary goes behind the scenes at S hargh, one of Iran's new pro-reform newspapers, illustrating its efforts to repo rt the news without incurring the "blade of censorship"-an ever-present threat f rom Iranian authorities. Showing how Shargh has quickly cultivated a loyal reade rship among Iran's intellectuals, opinion-makers, politicians, and youth, the pr ogram features eye-opening scenes of daring young journalists covering Iran's co ntroversial 2005 presidential elections. In addition, Judith Kipper discusses Ir an with anchor Bill Moyers. (57 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4143_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4143_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37186</td><td>Redefining Success</td><td>Most economists use Gross Domestic Product to measure a country's economic health. But some experts in the field of economic development consider GDP calculations to be painfully inadequate. This program explores alternative ways to define national success an d productivity using not only monetary parameters but also the safety, happiness , and potential of a country's citizens and the health of its natural environmen t. A conversation with Interface CEO Ray Anderson sheds light on efforts to redu ce the ecological footprint of big corporations, while University of California mathematics professor Ralph Abraham and Wealth of Nature author Robert Nadeau de scribe the failure of mainstream economics to address quality of life and other human issues. (28 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4144_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4144_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11361</td><td>Reducing the Risks of Cardiovascular Disease</ td><td>According to current estimates, cardiovascular disease is responsible for more deaths each year than the next seven leading causes of death-combined. Thi s program begins with a concise overview of how the heart and circulatory system function and why a healthy heart is so important to overall bodily health. Comm on heart- and circulatory system-related problems are then addressed, with an em phasis on pathology and long-term preventive and palliative measures. The major risk factors for cardiovascular disease in the U.S. are also described, distingu ishing between those that are controllable and those that are not. (27 minutes)< /td><td>1998</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4145_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4145_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26171</td><td>Refinishing</td><td>Refinishing is a twenty-se ven minute video which is part of the series, Wood Finishing.A craftsman can pla n, cut, and assemble a fine piece of furniture...but it does not become beautifu l until the finish is applied. This series will give your students an understand ing of the finishing options available, including advantages and disadvantages. The correct preparation and safe application methods for each are demonstrated. A Meridian Production. 27-minute video.</td><td>1994</td><td>17</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4146_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4146_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8312</td><td>Reformation: Luther and the Protestant Revolt</ td><td>This program traces the history of the Protestant Reformation, the path o f its founder, Martin Luther, and the subsequent rise of sects including Calvini sm, Anglicanism, Presbyterianism, and Methodism. Topics discussed include the Co uncil of Trent, the renewal of Catholicism in the 16th and 17th centuries, and t he rise of religious orders founded by St. John of the Cross, St. Teresa of Avil a, and St. Vincent de Paul. (52 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4147_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4147_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35377</td><td>Refugees in Africa: Another Quiet Emergency</t d><td>The day-to-day struggle for dignity and survival that goes on in refugee c amps remains invisible to most of the world. In this ABC News program, actor Don Cheadle travels to Uganda to focus media attention on the plight of innocent pe ople-especially children-displaced and endangered by war. Cheadle visits a rehab ilitation center for boys and girls kidnapped by the Lord's Resistance Army, the militia that has battled the Ugandan government for 20 years, and sheds light o n the rebels' practice of enslavement and forced prostitution. A camp for "night commuters," or young people who sleep away from their homes to avoid capture, f urther emphasizes Africa's crisis. (22 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4148_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4148_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3282</td><td>The Regency (1790-1837)</td><td>This was a peri od when wars and revolutions were coming thick and fast. Industrialization, the French Revolution, Romanticism-all these are reflected in the simplification of dress, the disappearance of lace and ruffles and the kind of ostentation that b espoke aristocracy. The growth of the English woolen industry led to the displac ement of silk by wool. The same love of Orientalism and archaism that pervades t he literature of the period appears in the Turkish turbans and Grecian waistline s and hairdos. Among other things, we learn from this program the origin of the term "guinea pig" and Beau Brummel's rules for tying a cravat. (26 minutes)</td> <td>&nbsp;</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4149_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4149_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35350</td><td>Reign of Terror: An Interview with Shamil Basa

yev</td><td>On July 28, 2005, ABC News sparked international controversy by broa dcasting an interview with Shamil Basayev-the Chechen rebel leader some called R ussia's Osama bin Laden. This is the interview in its entirety, conducted by Rus sian journalist Andrei Babitsky without any preparation or previously submitted questions. Over the course of the conversation, Basayev discusses his motivation s for the Beslan school massacre, the takeover of the Dubrovka Theatre in Moscow , and other terrorist atrocities-as well as his expectations for the future, inc luding his own fate. As documentation of the terrorist mind-set, this program ha s few equals. (24 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4150_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4150_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6342</td><td>Reinventing the City: New York and Los Angeles< /td><td>On the surface, New York and Los Angeles are quintessentially American c ities, and although each is recognizable by its media image, both are little und erstood. This program transcends that superficial imagery through the fascinatin g story of how both cities responded to, and were reshaped by, the pervasive for ces of economic and social change that characterized late-20th-century America. The program explores both cities' major urban redevelopment projects during the early 1990s and seeks to provide a balanced investigation of the complex interac tion between those local and global forces of change that were involved in the r estructuring and the reinvention of both cities. (50 minutes)</td><td>1994</td>< td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4151_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4151_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3621</td><td>Relative Atomic Mass</td><td>This program intro duces the mass spectrometer, the modern method of measuring atomic mass. It uses the analogy of cars of various masses traveling at a fixed speed to illustrate this instrument's acting principles. (10 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>10</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4152_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4152_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3617</td><td>Relative Mass</td><td>This program looks at how to compare the masses of atoms in order to understand how they differ from one another. The example of two truckloads of pigs and turkeys shows how relative ma ss can be determined and how the same principle can apply to calculating the rel ative mass of atoms. (10 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4153_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4153_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></

td> </tr><tr> <td>32819</td><td>Relative Values</td><td>In Tunisia, a home for the elderly is quite unusual since most older people are automatically cared fo r by their families. This program explores how Tunisia, both as a state and a cu lture, negotiates the task of providing for its growing senior population, a tas k many Tunisians see as illustrative of key differences between European and Ara b values. Along with a tour of a home for the elderly in Tunis, the program canv asses the views of younger people who are now responsible for the well-being of parents or grandparents. A United Nations Production. (16 minutes)</td><td>2001< /td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4154_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4154_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8469</td><td>The Reliable Babysitter</td><td>This program is an informative and entertaining guided tour through the world of babysitting. S itters of all ages learn basic and advanced techniques in home child care. Prese nted in an upbeat, modern style, viewers watch as four young women discuss their experiences and provide answers for many of the most often asked babysitting qu estions. This program prepares young adults to be responsible and capable of han ding child safety while being able to handle most emergency situations. Inventiv e dramatizations illustrate key points as the video explores the various respons ibilities of a reliable babysitter. Topics covered include discussions of safety issues, first aid and emergency response, feeding and dietary guidelines, diape r changing and hygiene, fun activities for all ages, and bathtime and bedtime. W hile some may think babysitting is just for fun, this program emphasizes that on e should take the responsibility given to them and treat it as a serious job. A Cambridge Educational Production. One 21-minute video.</td><td>1997</td><td>21</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4155_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4155_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8307</td><td>Religion: A World History</td><td>This ten-part series examines religion from spiritual, historical, social, and political view points. From the roots of various belief systems to New Age religious practices, each program outlines a particular aspect of humankind's quest for spiritual fu lfillment.10-part series, 51-59 minutes each.</td><td>1998</td><td>&nbsp;</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4156_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4156_l blPrice">$999.50<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8338</td><td>Religion as a Window on Culture</td><td>Religio n remains a pervasive influence on American society. To understand a nation's ps yche, one must first investigate its structure of beliefs, values, and tradition s. This six-part series examines religion in the increasingly multicultural city

of Indianapolis, here used as a microcosm for America at the dawning of the 21s t century. 6-part series, 17-23 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4157_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4157_l blPrice">$539.70<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33345</td><td>Religion in Hindu India</td><td>From ritual ab lutions to ceremonial cremation, the religious life of a Hindu is intimately ass ociated with the spiritual properties of water and fire. This program steps off the beaten path for a journey with two sadhus as they visit holy locales, witnes s religious rites, and, in general, immerse themselves in Hindu culture as it is exists in the religion's motherland, India. The Festival of Shivaratri, in Bena res, and the Festival of Holi, in Mathura, are featured, along with devotional a nd secular activities in Allahabad that follow the official conclusion of the Ku mbh Mela. Contains nudity associated with Nagas, male warrior ascetics. (52 minu tes)</td><td>2002</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4158_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4158_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32504</td><td>Religion, War, and Violence: The Ethics of War and Peace</td><td>This selection of compelling stand-alone segments from Religi on & Ethics Newsweekly brings together experts, scholars, and religious leaders from a variety of communities and faiths to discuss a wide range of related issu es: war and peace, terrorism and its roots, fundamentalism, just war, holy war, pacifism, the use of force, and violence in the name of God. Along with document ary footage and field reportage, the panel discussions provide new, insightful p erspectives into some of the most timely issues today-issues at the root of curr ent events around the world. (90 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>91</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4159_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4159_l blPrice">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5741</td><td>Religions of the Book: Women Serving Religion</ td><td>One of the most visible issues facing Judaism, Christianity, and Islam is the role of women serving religion. Because of religious and cultural condition ing in the past, women in all three religions have experienced limited roles. To day, though, their voices are being heard. This program traces women's roles in religious tradition and what it means to be a woman in these three religions tod ay. The program also explores the cultural influences of feminism upon religious tradition and the beliefs regarding the ordination of women. (29 minutes)</td>< td>1991</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4160_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4160_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5061</td><td>The Religious Right</td><td>This program with B ill Moyers focuses on the conservative evangelical movement in the U.S., present ing an eye-opening report on the "National Affairs Briefing," a meeting of membe rs of the religious right following the Republican National Convention in 1992. Members of the movement featured in the program include Rev. Don Wildmon, Oliver North, Pat Buchanan, and Phyllis Schlafly, who voice their opinions on Bill Cli nton, "militant homosexuals," feminists, "abortionists," and the "liberal secula r" media. (37 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4161_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4161_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8334</td><td>"Remember the Maine": The Roots of the SpanishAmerican War</td><td>"The U.S.S. Maine Blown Up in Havana Harbor-268 Men Lost" s houted the headlines of the day. Using archival footage, newspaper excerpts, and historical documents, this program traces the roots of the Spanish-American War to Spain's quest to preserve its flagging empire, American imperialism, and the genuine desire on the part of Cubans to shake off the yoke of Spanish dominatio n. It closely examines the role of Cuba's poet/patriot Jose Marti, exposes Ameri can expansionist policies that contributed to our decision to enter the war, and reveals Spanish attempts to thwart open conflict. (50 minutes)</td><td>1998</td ><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4162_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4162_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30147</td><td>The Renaissance: From Courtly Tradition to Loc o Amor-in Spanish</td><td>Despite the dampening effects of the Inquisition and t he Counter-Reformation, the Renaissance gave a powerful impetus to learning and experimentation-and in the process ensconced Castilian as the language of choice for both poetry and prose. In this program, renowned experts place the masters of the Renaissance within the context of their times. Dramatic readings include excerpts from Fernando de Rojas's La Celestina, Juan Alfonso de Baena's Cancione ro de Baena, the Marques de Santillana's Dialogo de Bias Contra Fortuna, Jorge M anrique's Coplas a la Muerte del Maestre Don Rodrigo, and selected romanceros. ( Spanish, 50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4163_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4163_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30161</td><td>The Renaissance: From Courtly Tradition to Loc o Amor-in Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>Despite the dampening effects o f the Inquisition and the Counter-Reformation, the Renaissance gave a powerful i mpetus to learning and experimentation-and in the process ensconced Castilian as the language of choice for both poetry and prose. In this program, renowned exp

erts place the masters of the Renaissance within the context of their times. Dra matic readings include excerpts from Fernando de Rojas's La Celestina, Juan Alfo nso de Baena's Cancionero de Baena, the Marques de Santillana's Dialogo de Bias Contra Fortuna, Jorge Manrique's Coplas a la Muerte del Maestre Don Rodrigo, and selected romanceros. (Spanish with English subtitles, 50 minutes)</td><td>2002< /td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4164_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4164_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7050</td><td>The Renaissance, Reformation, and Beyond: Towar ds a Modern Europe</td><td>The Italian Renaissance's contributions to revolution s in architecture, art, religion, commerce, politics, and navigation are discuss ed in this program. The Signoria Tower, Ghiberti's Baptistry doors, and Giotto's Bell Tower exemplify innovative ideas in architecture and art; Martin Luther an d John Calvin apply similar revolutionary thinking to religion; Portuguese seafa rers boldly set out to discover a route to India, while Christopher Columbus, se tting his sights westward, discovers the New World. (25 minutes)</td><td>1997</t d><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4165_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4165_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>2332</td><td>The Renaissance Stage</td><td>The intermediate step between the modern theatre and its classical antecedents was the Renaissanc e stage-an obvious, if by no means simple, step, for while texts of classical pl ays were more or less readily available, there was no knowledge of what Roman th eatre had looked like and how plays had been performed. This program traces the earliest Renaissance attempts to stage classical drama through the application o f medieval concepts of production; follows the deductions made from Vitruvius' D e Architectura and the impetus provided by the appearance of dramas in Italian; the building of the Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza and the theatres in Ferrara and P arma; shows the varying uses of perspective in scene painting and the developmen t of moveable scenery; and explains how, when the facade was eliminated and the door opened to reveal the scenery behind, the proscenium arch and the picture fr ame theatre were born. (30 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4166_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4166_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34696</td><td>The Renaissance Theatre</td><td>The theatre fa miliar to most modern viewers had a lowly medieval birth-in churches, on festiva l platforms, and in the great halls of the European nobility. Hosted by Professo r Richard Beacham of King's College London, this program weaves together elabora te visual tours and the latest scholarly research, surveying the evolution of El izabethan and Renaissance stage formations and the conventions they established. With striking depictions of the Globe as Shakespeare would have known it, the T eatro Olimpico in Vicenza, and the Teatro Farnese in Parma, the program also stu

dies the importance of Sebastio Serlio and Inigo Jones to the history of stage d esign. (21 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4167_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4167_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37191</td><td>Renewable Energy</td><td>This program examines the urgent need-not only in the U.S. but across the world-for sustainable energ y; it also illustrates how new power production methods are becoming a reality. Alternative energy trendsetters are featured, including Time magazine "Hero for the Planet" Geoffrey Ballard, who explains his hydrogen fuel cell innovations. E vergreen Solar vice president Mark Farber describes his company's advanced solar cell production methods and its mission to provide access to energy in the deve loping world-a goal shared by the Solar Electric Light Fund, says executive dire ctor Bob Freling. In addition, Rocky Mountain Institute founder Amory Lovins pro motes the benefits of small solar power plants, and economist Hazel Henderson ex plores the potential of wind energy. (28 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>28</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4168_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4168_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10496</td><td>Renzo Piano: Piece by Piece</td><td>Renzo Pian o has intentionally defined no signature style because "each time the story you are telling is a different one, using a different expression." This program docu ments the career and the creations of the Pritzker Architecture Prize-winning ar chitect, exploring his passion for visual lightness, his belief that buildings s hould be constructed on a human scale, and his concern that architecture is a co ntaminated art. Spectacular footage and excellent computer graphics reveal the v isionary qualities of his achievements, including the regenerated Potsdamer Plat z, Houston's Menil Collection Museum, and the Tjibaou Cultural Centre in New Cal edonia. (56 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4169_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4169_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32779</td><td>Replacing and Adjusting Panels</td><td>This vi deo describes how to inspect, remove, replace, and then align to manufacturer sp ecs an assortment of non-structural body panels. Related hardware and assemblies are also covered. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the standards for the Collision Repair and Refinish Technician Tra ining Certification Program, from the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence and the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation. A Shopw are Production. (21 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4170_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4170_l

blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7537</td><td>A Report from the Harvard Business School: Lead ership</td><td>Harvard Business School Professor John Kotter and other experts s hare their views on the topics of leadership, entrepreneurship, and employees. K otter leads off the program by focusing on the qualities of leadership, as exemp lified by Japanese CEO Matsushita, founder of the company that bears his name; G eneral Electric's Jack Welsh; and Walmart's Sam Walton. Emphasizing the importan ce of good leadership at all levels, Kotter distills leadership into its key ele ments: the ability to strategize, to inspire confidence and enthusiasm, and to m otivate all workers. In addition, he provides a profile of the basic leadership personality. (26 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4171_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4171_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33384</td><td>Reporting on Terrorism: The News Media and Pub lic Health</td><td>How should the news media prepare for and cope with a potenti al bioterrorist attack? In this Fred Friendly Seminar, Professor Michael Dorf of the Columbia University School of Law and 12 panelists role-play a hypothetical scenario that begins in a city hospital where a spike in a flu-like illness cau ses the ER staff to confront a chilling possibility: that it is not the flu at a ll, but something far worse. What should the ER do with the overflow of patients ? Send them home? What if they are contagious? When does bioterrorism become a p ossible cause? When should the health department be contacted? When will the pub lic find out, and what will their reaction be? What is the job of the journalist s covering this story? Should they report the story when the health department i s uncertain of the diagnosis but rumors are flying and the public is clamoring f or information? A lively panel wrestles with these and a host of other dilemmas. Panelists include Douglas Clifton, editor of The Plain Dealer (Cleveland); Jero me Hauer, former acting assistant secretary for public health emergency prepared ness at the Department of Health and Human Services; Joseph Henderson, associate director of terrorism preparedness at the CDC; Seattle Chief of Police R. Gil K erlikowske; Paula Madison, president and general manager of KNBC-TV, in L.A.; Bo ston Mayor Thomas Menino; Lewis Nelson, M.D., of the Department of Emergency Med icine at Bellevue Hospital; Frank Sesno, former Washington bureau chief of CNN; and Kathleen Toomey, M.D., M.P.H., director of the Division of Public Health at the Georgia Department of Human Resources. Additional resources are located onli ne at (58 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4172_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4172_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5991</td><td>Reproduction: Designer Babies</td><td>This prog ram examines some of the issues raised by the potential uses and misuses of gene tic technology. The program demonstrates the techniques of both ultrasound scann ing and amniocentesis as well as explains genetic manipulation techniques and th e potential applications of the knowledge gained from the human genome project. The program provides a complete introduction to the following topics:o Structure and function of DNAo Social, economic, and ethical implications of genetic mani

pulationo Prenatal screening techniqueso Genetic abnormalitieso Artificial insem ination and embryo transplants(20 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4173_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4173_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>841</td><td>Reproduction: Shares in the Future</td><td>This, the first of four programs on reproduction and birth, looks at how the male and female bodies are prepared for their task of increasing the human race. The pro gram shows the characteristics of sperm and ova and how each contains a partial blueprint for the future offspring. The mechanism of cell division is shown thro ugh exceptional microphotography, and the mechanisms of heredity are carefully d escribed. (26 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4174_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4174_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>7348</td><td>A Reputation: The Rape of Artemisia Gentileschi </td><td>Artemisia Gentileschi painted for the kings and queens of Europe, but w herever she went, she faced slander as a fallen woman. In 1612, Artemisia accuse d a fellow artist of rape. Using original transcripts from the rape trial, this program, through Artemisia's and other characters' testimony, reconstructs how t he male-dominated art community of Rome falsified her promiscuity and forever de stroyed her reputation as a woman and even as an artist. Nevertheless, she pursu ed her career until the end of her life. A BBC Production. (30 minutes)</td><td> 1994</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4175_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4175_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37662</td><td>Rescue</td><td>Meet three trailblazing women w ho have embarked on successful careers as EMT and rescue personnel. This program profiles Danielle Gagnon, a paramedic in Montreal's emergency medical service; Julie De Grandpre, a rescue diver in the Canadian Coast Guard; and Pamela Krysko w, a firefighter with experience in a wide variety of emergencies. Remarks from co-workers and supervisors provide additional layers to the descriptions of each job. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4176_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4176_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36198</td><td>Research Methods in the Social Sciences</td><t d>Using psychology as its primary medium, this four-part series thoroughly explo res qualitative and quantitative research methods used in a wide range of discip

lines. Hosted and narrated by students, each program demonstrates the ins and ou ts of testing hypotheses, preparing experiments, and analyzing data-while improv ing knowledge of terms and concepts essential to examination boards. Viewable/pr intable instructor's guides are available online. 4-part series, 23 to 46 minute s each.</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4177_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4177_l blPrice">$359.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34506</td><td>Researching Career Options: New Technologies a nd Current Techniques</td><td>This video focuses on finding career options using both print and electronic sources of occupational information. Using key inform ation categories, students develop approaches that will lead to strong and thoro ugh research efforts. (28 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4178_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4178_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37245</td><td>Residential Air Conditioning</td><td>Students aiming for a career in air conditioning repair and technology will encounter all the essentials in this program, which summarizes the ins and outs of operation and service. Typical systems for cooling or dehumidifying residential environmen ts are covered. Details on condensing units and their components-including the c ondenser coil, compressor, motor, fan, and accumulator-are illustrated along wit h typical outside housings and insulation materials. The three methods of heat t ransfer-conduction, convection, and radiation-are outlined, along with the diffe rence between high side and low side pressure systems. The refrigeration cycle i s demonstrated, as are different types of compressors, such as scroll, reciproca ting, and piston. Heat pumps, electrical controls, evaporators, and sight glasse s are explained. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Co rrelates to all National CTE Organizational Standards (including the provisions of the Perkins Act). A Shopware Production. (21 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>21 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4179_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4179_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26203</td><td>Residential Air Conditioning Fundamentals</td> <td>Live-action video, component cutaways, and 3-D computer animation make air c onditioning and refrigeration systems easy to understand in this program. As the y see what happens inside every part of a refrigerant-based system, viewers will understand how an air conditioning or refrigeration system functions and be bet ter prepared to analyze problems when they occur. (21 min.) A Meridian Productio n.</td><td>1995</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4180_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4180_l

blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26204</td><td>Residential Carpentry Framing</td><td>A step-b y-step how-to series of videos that will show your students how to build. Whethe r working with floor, wall, ceiling, or roof framing, viewers get a first-hand l ook at construction procedures, safety issues, and proper tools. A clear expl anation of each step provides in-depth information while viewers watch actual ca rpenters do the work. Notes are given throughout offering tips and safety warnin gs. Carpenters carefully review the plans for layout, materials, and any variati ons. Starting with floor framing and using the platform method, carpenters pl ace sills and check the foundation to make sure its level. Students see how gird ers and joists are installed and how spacing marks are made and transferred. Con struction terms are used throughout as specific steps are demonstrated. Students learn about header joists, story poles, bridging, framing openings, and how to lay down subflooring. Moving on to wall framing, carpenters carefully make la yout marks, chalk the subflooring, cut and place the plate stock, and mark studs , cripples, trimmers, and corner studs. Studs, headers, and trimmers are cut to proper size and wall components are pre-assembled. The walls are nailed, braced, and then raised into place. Ceiling framing and roof framing follow the same pattern...taking students through the construction process...providing clear in structions and demonstrating each step. Throughout each video, safety concern s are addressed and helpful tips highlighted that the professionals use. Give yo ur students the opportunity to see actual on the job construction before they tr y it themselves. A great series to add to any construction/building trades progr am! Four 9-to-12-minute videos.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4181_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4181_l blPrice">$199.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26198</td><td>Residential Ceiling Framing</td><td>Residentia l Ceiling Framing is a nine-minute video which is part of the series, Residentia l Carpentry Framing.Finally, a step-by-step "how-to" series of videos that will show your students how to build. Whether working with floor, wall, ceiling, or r oof framing, viewers get a first-hand look at construction procedures, safety is sues, and proper tools. A clear explanation of each step provides in-depth infor mation while viewers watch actual carpenters do the work. "Notes" are given thro ughout offering tips and safety warnings. Carpenters carefully review the plans for layout, materials, and any variations. Starting with floor framing and using the platform method, carpenters place sills and check the foundation to make su re it's level. Students see how girders and joists are installed and how spacing marks are made and transferred. Construction terms are used throughout as speci fic steps are demonstrated. Students learn about header joists, story poles, bri dging, framing openings, and how to lay down subflooring. Moving on to wall fram ing, carpenters carefully make layout marks, chalk the subflooring, cut and plac e the plate stock, and mark studs, cripples, trimmers, and corner studs. Studs, headers, and trimmers are cut to proper size and wall components are pre-assembl ed. The walls are nailed, braced, and then raised into place. Ceiling framing an d roof framing follow the same pattern...taking students through the constructio n process...providing clear instructions and demonstrating each step. Throughout each video, safety concerns are addressed and helpful tips highlighted that the professionals use. Give your students the opportunity to see actual "on the job " construction before they try it themselves. A great series to add to any const ruction/building trades program! A Meridian Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>9</ td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4182_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4182_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26205</td><td>Residential Construction</td><td>This informat ive three-part video takes a how-to approach as it explains the basics of plumbi ng, wiring, and masonry in a residential setting. A Shopware Production.</td><td >&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4183_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4183_l blPrice">$209.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26207</td><td>Residential Electrical Wiring</td><td>Shawn, o ur narrator, has become an apprentice electrician for the day. We follow him thr ough the specific steps of wiring a house as he works with a professional electr ician. The video covers wiring diagrams, breaker panels, circuit breakers, switc hes, and outlet wiring. A quick but instructive look at the basics of wiring. (1 2 min.) A Shopware Production.</td><td>2000</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4184_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4184_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32070</td><td>Residential Electrical Wiring</td><td>Construc tion, renovation, rehabbing... To succeed in today's housing market, electrician s need to know how to do it all! That's where this outstanding eight-part series comes in. Filled with information on installing, upgrading, and updating reside ntial electrical service, it walks students through all the major processes they 'll need to know. Viewable/printable instructor's guides are available online. C orrelates to the National Center for Construction Education and Research standar ds. A Shopware Production. 8-part series, 16-21 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td>< td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4185_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4185_l blPrice">$719.60<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26199</td><td>Residential Floor Framing</td><td>Residential Floor Framing is a ten-minute video which is part of the series, Residential Car pentry Framing.Finally, a step-by-step "how-to" series of videos that will show your students how to build. Whether working with floor, wall, ceiling, or roof f raming, viewers get a first-hand look at construction procedures, safety issues, and proper tools. A clear explanation of each step provides in-depth informatio n while viewers watch actual carpenters do the work. "Notes" are given throughou t offering tips and safety warnings. Carpenters carefully review the plans for l ayout, materials, and any variations. Starting with floor framing and using the

platform method, carpenters place sills and check the foundation to make sure it 's level. Students see how girders and joists are installed and how spacing mark s are made and transferred. Construction terms are used throughout as specific s teps are demonstrated. Students learn about header joists, story poles, bridging , framing openings, and how to lay down subflooring. Moving on to wall framing, carpenters carefully make layout marks, chalk the subflooring, cut and place the plate stock, and mark studs, cripples, trimmers, and corner studs. Studs, heade rs, and trimmers are cut to proper size and wall components are pre-assembled. T he walls are nailed, braced, and then raised into place. Ceiling framing and roo f framing follow the same pattern...taking students through the construction pro cess...providing clear instructions and demonstrating each step. Throughout each video, safety concerns are addressed and helpful tips highlighted that the prof essionals use. Give your students the opportunity to see actual "on the job" con struction before they try it themselves. A great series to add to any constructi on/building trades program! A Meridian Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>10</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4186_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4186_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37244</td><td>Residential Heating and Ventilation</td><td>Wi th this program as a foundation, students will be well on their way to careers a s heating and ventilation service technicians, installers, or even system design ers and engineers. The program illustrates several different types of heating sy stems, including forced-air gas furnaces, high-efficiency furnaces, and hot air systems. Different types of ignition and fuels are covered, along with the major elements of gas furnaces, including solenoids, burners, manifolds, heat exchang ers, and more. Air flow components such as supply and return plenums, air filter s, and split capacitor motors are also explained, in addition to thermostats, pi lot safety switches, and gas valves. Viewers will get a look at the automated se rvice centers at the heart of many modern large office buildings, which maintain climate control using high-tech sensors and adjustment systems. A viewable/prin table instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to all National CTE Org anizational Standards (including the provisions of the Perkins Act). A Shopware Production. (24 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4187_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4187_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26209</td><td>Residential Heating Systems</td><td>Gas, oil, and electric residential heating systems are explained in this fast-paced, highl y educational program. Live-action video, part cutaways, and 3-D computer animat ion show viewers the inside detail necessary for understanding repair and mainte nance. Gas furnaces are covered in detail with explanations of conventional pilo ts, electronic pilots, pressure regulators, and other components. (22 min.) A Me ridian Production.</td><td>1995</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4188_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4188_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>26210</td><td>Residential Masonry</td><td>In this video Shaw n, our apprentice, tackles residential masonry. Working alongside a professional , he and the viewers learn basic skills in forming block wall foundations, diffe rent types of cement, and forming, pouring, and finishing concrete. We also lear n skills in using mortar and bricklaying. (15 min.) A Shopware Production.</td>< td>2000</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4189_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4189_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26211</td><td>Residential Plumbing</td><td>Our in-house narr ator, Shawn, takes on plumbing as he works with a professional plumber. We find out what it takes to design the plumbing service, and how to install pipes, fauc ets, drains, sinks, bathtubs, and showers. Shawn shows us how to rough in the pi pes, cut holes in the floor, sweat copper pipes, and bond PVC pipes. An extremel y instructive how-to video. (14 min.) A Shopware Production.</td><td>2000</td><t d>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4190_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4190_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26200</td><td>Residential Roof Framing</td><td>Residential R oof Framing is a nine-minute video which is part of the series, Residential Carp entry Framing.Finally, a step-by-step "how-to" series of videos that will show y our students how to build. Whether working with floor, wall, ceiling, or roof fr aming, viewers get a first-hand look at construction procedures, safety issues, and proper tools. A clear explanation of each step provides in-depth information while viewers watch actual carpenters do the work. "Notes" are given throughout offering tips and safety warnings. Carpenters carefully review the plans for la yout, materials, and any variations. Starting with floor framing and using the p latform method, carpenters place sills and check the foundation to make sure it' s level. Students see how girders and joists are installed and how spacing marks are made and transferred. Construction terms are used throughout as specific st eps are demonstrated. Students learn about header joists, story poles, bridging, framing openings, and how to lay down subflooring. Moving on to wall framing, c arpenters carefully make layout marks, chalk the subflooring, cut and place the plate stock, and mark studs, cripples, trimmers, and corner studs. Studs, header s, and trimmers are cut to proper size and wall components are pre-assembled. Th e walls are nailed, braced, and then raised into place. Ceiling framing and roof framing follow the same pattern...taking students through the construction proc ess...providing clear instructions and demonstrating each step. Throughout each video, safety concerns are addressed and helpful tips highlighted that the profe ssionals use. Give your students the opportunity to see actual "on the job" cons truction before they try it themselves. A great series to add to any constructio n/building trades program! A Meridian Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>10</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4191_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4191_l

blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26201</td><td>Residential Wall Framing</td><td>Residential W all Framing is a twelve-minute video which is part of the series, Residential Ca rpentry Framing.Finally, a step-by-step "how-to" series of videos that will show your students how to build. Whether working with floor, wall, ceiling, or roof framing, viewers get a first-hand look at construction procedures, safety issues , and proper tools. A clear explanation of each step provides in-depth informati on while viewers watch actual carpenters do the work. "Notes" are given througho ut offering tips and safety warnings. Carpenters carefully review the plans for layout, materials, and any variations. Starting with floor framing and using the platform method, carpenters place sills and check the foundation to make sure i t's level. Students see how girders and joists are installed and how spacing mar ks are made and transferred. Construction terms are used throughout as specific steps are demonstrated. Students learn about header joists, story poles, bridgin g, framing openings, and how to lay down subflooring. Moving on to wall framing, carpenters carefully make layout marks, chalk the subflooring, cut and place th e plate stock, and mark studs, cripples, trimmers, and corner studs. Studs, head ers, and trimmers are cut to proper size and wall components are pre-assembled. The walls are nailed, braced, and then raised into place. Ceiling framing and ro of framing follow the same pattern...taking students through the construction pr ocess...providing clear instructions and demonstrating each step. Throughout eac h video, safety concerns are addressed and helpful tips highlighted that the pro fessionals use. Give your students the opportunity to see actual "on the job" co nstruction before they try it themselves. A great series to add to any construct ion/building trades program! A Meridian Production.</td><td>1998</td><td>13</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4192_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4192_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10966</td><td>Resiliency: Beating the Odds</td><td>Poverty.. .abuse...drug dependency...alcoholism...disabilities-situations that can severel y debilitate body, mind, and spirit. Yet there are those who rise above their di fficulties and thrive. This program investigates resiliency, that elusive qualit y found within that allows people to overcome the most difficult situations and events. What are the personality traits of resilient people, and how can we lear n to nurture those qualities within ourselves? A Meridian Production. (19 minute s)</td><td>1998</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4193_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4193_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32274</td><td>Resilient Flooring Installers</td><td>Once you r students have taken the tour and seen what the skilled construction trades hav e to offer, they will want to know more about specific jobs that may interest th em. This fast-paced program provides a concise profile of resilient flooring ins tallers, looking at educational background, apprenticeships, salary, and the wor k itself. (13 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4194_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4194_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10249</td><td>Resonance: Simple Harmonic Motion</td><td>In t his program, resonance is examined. The value of mathematical models is demonstr ated through the physics of applying a time-varying force to a body that fundame ntally exhibits simple harmonic motion. Solution techniques for general linear s econd-order differential equations are featured. (50 minutes)</td><td>1999</td>< td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4195_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4195_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>983</td><td>Resorts: Paradise Reclaimed</td><td>American pio neers had to overcome the dangerous wilderness; Americans at rest want to return to nature-not the wilderness, but a tamed and peaceful nature.Having cut down n ature to build cities, we bring back the country through parks: New York's Centr al Park gives us a dreamlike, idealized New York with forests, lakes, hills, mea dows, foot and bridle paths, and architecture to complement the picturesque sett ings; vacationers sought rusticity with comfort, and nature brought indoors beca me the fad. The ultra-rich built a private resort town around a country club (Th e Newport Casino, R.I.- both classical and colloquial, the first example of the Shingle Style); they found shelter in marble palaces (they called them cottages) -the Vanderbilts contributed to this genre; Addison Mizner concocted Palm Beach for it.Postwar Florida resorts bear the stong imprint of Hollywood-in the great hotels of Miami Beach and in the fantasy of Disney World, which gives us the ele mental, mythically American Main Street. (58 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nb sp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4196_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4196_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>31297</td><td>The Resource Conservation House: Building a Su stainable Future</td><td>In the postwar building boom, home construction was bas ed on cheap energy, disposability, and seemingly endless resources-a world that no longer exists. Can conservation and sustainable development be part of the bu ilding industry's future? This program showcases the construction of a home buil t with materials, methods, and products that place a high priority on resource c onservation. The off-the-shelf building supplies are made from recycled material s or products made from recyclables. The completed house serves as a living labo ratory for environmentally conscious design, construction, and living. (15 minut es)</td><td>2001</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4197_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4197_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>8168</td><td>Respiratory System: Intake and Exhaust</td><td> Using the analogy of an automobile's system of fuel intake and exhaust, this pro gram explores the makeup and functions of the respiratory system. Topics include the processes of respiration; the organs involved in respiration; why cells nee d oxygen; structure and functions of the lungs; relationship between the brain a nd the respiratory system; and a detailed look at what's behind the "simple" act of breathing. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Ca mbridge Educational Production. (19 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4198_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4198_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37251</td><td>Respiratory Therapist</td><td>For students int erested in combining technical duties with personalized patient care, the job of respiratory therapist stands out. This program focuses on the responsibilities and rewards of the position, the skills and qualities it requires, and the finan cial and personal advantages a registered respiratory therapist can expect. Pres enting interviews with both young and veteran RRTs, the video describes the 2-ye ar and 4-year training programs that lead to the position and the duties an RRT performs, such as evaluating a patient's breathing capacity, setting up and init ializing a ventilator, guiding patients through ventilator or nebulizer treatmen ts-and perhaps even joining a rapid response medical team. The chance to work in a variety of settings and assist many different types of patients is also explo red. Recommendations for appropriate high school courses in biology, chemistry, and math are spotlighted. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available o nline. Correlates to national and state board certification standards. A Meridia n Production. (21 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4199_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4199_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10840</td><td>Responsibility to Stakeholders</td><td>Success in business is not measured solely by the bottom line. Module one of this progr am considers the subject of fair trade and the efforts of the Max Havelaar found ation to ensure it. Environmental accountability is explored in module two by No rsk Hydro, the Norwegian petrochemical firm. Module three discusses how the impa ct of tourism must be balanced against economic opportunism, as in the case of t he Oasis of Tozeur, in Tunisia. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4200_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4200_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36504</td><td>Restaurant Orientation</td><td>Filmed onsite a t a variety of popular Philadelphia eating places, this program does an excellen t job of giving viewers an overall sense of what it's like to work in the restau rant industry. Composed of a kaleidoscope of fast-paced, highly informative soun

d bites, Restaurant Orientation communicates the restaurant experience through t he people who know it best: waiters, bartenders, managers, owners, hosts, busboy s, dishwashers, and cooks and chefs of every type. Comments run the gamut: pay, hours, employee skill sets, career paths, motivations for working in the busines s-the upside and the downside, as viewed from the inside. (14 minutes)</td><td>2 006</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4201_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4201_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36653</td><td>Restaurant Orientation-in Spanish</td><td>Film ed onsite at a variety of popular Philadelphia eating places, this program does an excellent job of giving viewers an overall sense of what it's like to work in the restaurant industry. Composed of a kaleidoscope of fast-paced, highly infor mative sound bites, Restaurant Orientation communicates the restaurant experienc e through the people who know it best: waiters, bartenders, managers, owners, ho sts, busboys, dishwashers, and cooks and chefs of every type. Comments run the g amut: pay, hours, employee skill sets, career paths, motivations for working in the business-the upside and the downside, as viewed from the inside. (14 minutes )</td><td>2006</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4202_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4202_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7954</td><td>The Restless Planet: El Nino and Global Warming </td><td>This program presents a comprehensive scientific examination of global warming and El Nino, while viewers travel to the battlefields of Waterloo, to Ha waii and Antarctica, and across North America to learn how complex, contradictor y, and influential weather can be. Topics include the role played by weather in Napoleon's defeat, and the relationship of El Nino to underwater volcanic activi ty. Students are encouraged to question the scientific assumptions behind confli cting views on global warming. (51 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4203_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4203_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3062</td><td>A Restoration Drama (Sulfur)</td><td>St. Servat ius Basilica in Maastricht is one of Holland's oldest churches; it has been rest ored and redesigned several times over the years. During the 20th century, the i nterior began to decay: the church was built of a soft stone that absorbs water easily; water had entered the stone and salt had built up on or just below the s urface of the stone. One of these salts was calcium sulfate, which expands in hy drate form, so that it expanded every time fresh water was absorbed. As a result , the stone began to crumble. To restore the church, the calcium sulfate had to be removed, but calcium sulfate is not very soluble and therefore difficult to r emove. This program shows the fascinating combination of steps necessary to solv e the problem, remove the sulfate, and save the church. (30 minutes)</td><td>199 2</td><td>30</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4204_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4204_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6546</td><td>The Restoration Theater: From Tennis Court to P layhouse</td><td>During the English Civil War, London's theaters were closed by Parliament, and many were destroyed by Cromwell. During the Restoration, new pla yhouses, built to stage the probing social comedies of the era, were shaped by c hanges in English drama, politics, and society. We learn how the Parisian tennis court theaters, attended by the court in exile of Charles II, influenced the ne w London theaters, particularly Christopher Wren's Theatre Royal. Other Restorat ion design solutions, some baroque and some neoclassical, were responses to chan ges in British drama and society. Advanced computer graphics illustrate importan t theater features throughout the documentary. The program shows how Wren's work influenced Georgian playhouses and is once again inspiring modern theater desig n. (45 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4205_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4205_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34517</td><td>Resume Preparation</td><td>This video covers t he development and use of chronological and functional resumes. Students learn h ow to create accomplishment statements that use action verbs and display concret e results. (27 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4206_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4206_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8442</td><td>Resumes and Applications for People with Disabi lities</td><td>This program covers two of the most important parts of the job se arch process. Resumes and applications are critical in deciding if you move on t o the next step, the interview. What do you want a potential employer to know, o r not know, about you? Should you reveal a disability at this point? How do you use your resume or application most effectively to sell yourself? The program de tails these critical steps while explaining how the Americans with Disabilities Act provides protection against discrimination. A Cambridge Educational Producti on. (25 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4207_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4207_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8704</td><td>Resumes and Job Applications</td><td>This progr am demonstrates how resumes and job applications can be used effectively to find satisfying employment. Popular types of resumes are presented, with an emphasis

on those that are more effective for ex-offenders. In addition, specific ways t o incorporate prison education programs and to handle time gaps in employment hi story are discussed. Resumes and job applications are vital job-hunting resource s, so having skill in preparing them can make a real difference. A Cambridge Edu cational Production. (19 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4208_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4208_l blPrice">$98.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>14639</td><td>The Retail Store</td><td>This fact-filled vide o explains the general organization of a retail store and shows how the various parts of the organization work to present merchandise to customers effectively. In detail, retailers discuss how they plan and buy inventories and what they do as products arrive. Viewers learn solid information about the diverse opportunit ies available in the retail store environment as professionals explain retail fi nance, sales promotion, personnel, operations, and merchandising. Fashion coordi nators, buyers, and sales associates also discuss how they help customers make b uying choices. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Ca mbridge Educational Production. (23 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4209_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4209_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6197</td><td>The Retailing Industry</td><td>Retailing is no longer a supply-based industry, it is now consumer-led the world over, and this trend will intensify. What store format is likely to succeed in the future? How will supply and distribution systems provide a competitive edge? In developed co untries, saturated markets and low population growth mean that the successful re tailer will have to expand into growth markets, but how, and where are the emerg ing markets? Leading retailers from around the world discuss consumer trends, me rchandising, marketing, new technologies, and strategies for growth. (39 minutes )</td><td>1995</td><td>39</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4210_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4210_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37474</td><td>Rethinking the Advertising Game</td><td>Conven tional wisdom says an ad agency should promote the brands of its clients. Why wo uld the reverse ever happen? This fast-paced case study profiles three young exe cutives as they open up Rethink, a new agency. The quirky realities of starting and running an ad business become clear with each "first" in the growth of the c ompany-the moment Rethink signs its first clients, hires its first employees, cr eates its first television campaign, and launches a product with its own name on the label. Viewers will indeed rethink the ad game as this upstart agency's sel f-named beer is bottled and sold-part of an unusual strategy for a brewery that has hired them. Will Rethink's risk produce results? (19 minutes)</td><td>2005</ td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4211_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4211_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11258</td><td>Rethinking the Death Penalty</td><td>Some mist akes are fixable. Wrongful conviction and subsequent execution is not. In this p rogram, ABC News correspondent John Donvan traces the history of the death penal ty in the U.S. since 1935 while capturing the views of George W. Bush and Illino is governor George Ryan. Then, Gerald Kogan, former chief justice of the Florida Supreme Court, and Dudley Sharp, director of Justice for All, join anchor Chris Wallace to discuss the use of DNA evidence to overturn death penalty conviction s and to debate whether America's criminal justice system is functioning or fail ing. (22 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4212_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4212_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33654</td><td>Return of Allah: Shiite Muslims in Iraq</td><t d>This engrossing documentary provides a historical overview of Shiites' religio us suppression in Iraq-spanning 13 centuries-then enters the heart of Iraq's hol y cities to see how Shiites initially react to recent spiritual liberties. It gi ves firsthand accounts of Saddam Hussein's merciless campaign against Shiites in Karbala during the Gulf War, and highlights the power struggle in Najaf's relig ious council. In addition, Shiites in the former capital city of Samarra make pi lgrimages to honor Imam Muhammad Hasan al-Askari, who they believe will soon ret urn, and those in Baghdad defend the Kadhimiya Mosque from what they feel is a g rowing American interference. (54 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4213_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4213_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11735</td><td>The Return of the Gods: A Global Search for My stical Meaning</td><td>Behind the external differences among the world's myriad belief systems exist deep and harmonious similarities. This thought-provoking fo ur-part series seeks the mystical core of some of the world's age-old religions and New Age spiritual paths, testifying to a transcendent yearning for union wit h a greater power. 4-part series, 52-53 minutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp ;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4214_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4214_l blPrice">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35835</td><td>Return to the Heart of Darkness</td><td>The wo rld largely ignored Rwanda's descent into genocide and civil war. With tensions continuing along the Congo-Rwanda border, will history repeat itself? This ABC N

ews program examines new challenges in central and eastern Africa, reporting on the instability created by Hutu guerillas known as the FDLR. The program also an alyzes successes and failures that have occurred as Rwanda tries to heal. Revisi ting the shores of Lake Kivu, where vast numbers of refugees died during the vio lence of the mid-1990s, the program studies the efforts of the International Cri sis Group to address vestiges of the tragedy and remove the FDLR-giving the worl d a second chance to pay attention. (23 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>23</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4215_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4215_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6658</td><td>Revenue and Production Constraints</td><td>Cutl er Forest Products receives most of its orders for one product in a relatively s hort period of time, which creates production bottlenecks. We see how they minim ize production constraints while maximizing profits. A second case study shows h ow Wilfred Laurier University, despite cutbacks in government financial support, continues to operate successfully. One of the reasons is a decentralized budget ing process that allows management to actually expand service while operating un der revenue constraints. (28 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4216_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4216_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>846</td><td>Review of Biology: Design for Living</td><td>The final program recapitulates and reviews the principal messages of the curriculu m as it summarizes the functions and designs of the body's major systems and org ans and the methods by which they interact. (26 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>27 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4217_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4217_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>4436</td><td>Reviewing Your Math Skills</td><td>Host Ron Lan caster gives advice on how to select a calculator, and demonstrates a simple way to remember the order of operations. He shows how useful the order of operation s is when he employs it to measure the area of a room in order to estimate how m uch paint to buy. (15 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4218_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4218_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10461</td><td>Revolution</td><td>By definition, a revolution is an abrupt and usually violent change in the political and social structure o

f a country, occurring when people are pressed to the very limits of tolerance. In this program, historian Michel Guay and sociologists Alain Touraine and Jack Goldstone discuss the preconditions necessary to ignite a rebellion and present possible outcomes, drawing on historic examples such as the American, French, Ru ssian, and Chinese Revolutions. Nonmilitary revolutions are considered as well, including the industrial, feminist, and information revolutions. (53 minutes)</t d><td>1998</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4219_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4219_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32477</td><td>Revolution of Conscience: The Life, Conviction s, and Legacy of Martin Luther</td><td>Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on the church door at Wittenberg hoping to open a theological dialogue. Instead, he sp arked the Reformation. This definitive documentary chronicles Luther's life and lasting impact on religion and society through a wealth of location footage, ori ginal manuscripts, period paintings, and expert commentary from Dr. Timothy Geor ge, Dean of Beeson Divinity School, and Dr. Paul Richardson, professor of hymnol ogy at Samford University. Providing social and historical context, the program elucidates key theological issues, such as sanctification, justification, the sa le of plenary indulgences, the dogma of transubstantiation, and, ultimately, the origin of religious authority itself. (56 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>57</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4220_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4220_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36348</td><td>Revolutionizing "Chemo"</td><td>The word conju res fears of debilitation and hair loss, but today's "chemo" treatments are far more endurable than in past decades. This program explores advances in chemother apy that have transformed dread into relief for many cancer patients. The video shows how chemo medications are administered and how-unlike past regimens, which forced a high number of patients to quit or delay therapy-new drugs have reduce d nausea, fatigue, and other side effects. Dr. Lee Schwartzberg of the West Clin ic and oncology dietician Debi Kreiman of the Memorial Cancer Institute explain how chemo patients can remain active, eat properly, and maintain an attractive a ppearance. (28 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4221_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4221_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36413</td><td>Rheumatoid Arthritis</td><td>Guiding viewers t hrough the complex world of rheumatoid arthritis treatment, this two-part series explains new drugs, physical therapies, and methods of diagnosis that have made RA a manageable disease. The first program deals primarily with the science of rheumatoid arthritis, while the second focuses on ways for patients to cope with -and gain control over-the ailment. 2-part series, 28 minutes each.</td><td>2003 </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4222_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4222_l blPrice">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37478</td><td>Rhyme Pays: Hip-Hop and the Marketing of Cool< /td><td>Back in the day, Run-DMC's mega-hit My Adidas promoted consumerism as a form of rebellion. More recently, however, as savvy teens lose interest in tradi tional forms of advertising, product placement in lyrics and music videos has be come big, big business for manufacturers and rappers alike. Drawing on interview s with Russell Simmons, co-founder of Def Jam Records; Camille Hackney, of Elekt ra Entertainment Group; Damon Dash, CEO of Roc-a-fella Enterprises; media litera cy advocate Debbie Gordon; and numerous Canadian rap artists, this program follo ws the money into the music/marketing arena. Clifton Joseph, a co-founder of the dub poetry movement in Canada, hosts. (57 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>58</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4223_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4223_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6927</td><td>Rhythm</td><td>This program examines 20th-centu ry music from the perspective of its most fundamental force-rhythm. It shows how western orchestral music has freed itself from the domination of melody and exp lored the richness of musical pulse. Starting with the driving power of Stravins ky's Rite of Spring, Rattle uses works by Gustav Mahler, Sibelius, and modern co mposer Steve Reich to show that the labels "traditionalist" and "innovator" are irrelevant to the expression of rhythmic invention. (53 minutes)</td><td>1996</t d><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4224_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4224_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32854</td><td>The Rhythm of Life: Innovative Heart Research< /td><td>Heart valves fabricated from the body's own cells are durable and are no t rejected. Stimulating the natural growth of blood vessels to skirt clogged one s could make elaborate bypass surgery obsolete. As this program shows, these are some of the tools, either in use or under development, that place vascular scie nce at the forefront of medicine. The program also highlights innovations in clo t-dissolving drugs, artificial hearts, on-the-spot repairs through catheters and tiny video cameras, and growing three-dimensional heart tissue in the lab. A De utsche Welle Production. (26 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4225_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4225_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>9036</td><td>Rhythms to Nirvana: An Introduction to Indian C lassical Music</td><td>Since India's ancient times, music has been considered a potent vehicle for attaining nirvana, spiritual salvation. This intriguing progr am provides an overview of the history of Indian classical music, from its divin e origins to the present day, showcasing popular stringed, wind, and percussion instruments such as the sitar, sarangi, veena, tambora, and sarod; the flute, sh ehnai, and harmonium; and the mridang, tabla, and bayan. The Indian approach to teaching music is also discussed. (30 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4226_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4226_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3709</td><td>Ribosomal RNA: The Protein Maker</td><td>Riboso mal RNA and protein make up the ribosome, a complicated two-part machine that mo nitors the interaction between messenger RNA and transfer RNA. As explained in t his program, the mutations that result from the faulty replication of a DNA code are usually harmful, but they are also believed to be the basis of evolution. ( 10 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4227_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4227_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33141</td><td>Rice: A Precious Commodity</td><td>A staple fo r over half the world, rice is truly a precious commodity. This program looks at the ubiquitous grain from all angles, offering concise sections on its history, biology, primary production, processing, marketing, and the environmental impac t of its farming. In addition, the program highlights the creation of miracle ri ce strains through breeding or genetic modification and summarizes health and sa fety issues concerning rice farming and processing. A summary of information fol lows each section. (31 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4228_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4228_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33113</td><td>Richard Branson: My Life</td><td>He made his f irst million at eighteen. Today, Sir Richard Branson heads an empire of internat ional businesses that includes airlines, railroads, mobile phones, and cosmetics . In this intimate, dynamic portrait of his life, Branson talks about his upbrin ging, his entrepreneurial philosophy, and the story of his many successful ventu res. In settings as diverse as his home in Oxford, a limo in New York, or aboard his new bullet train, Branson discusses the concept of a brand and how over 200 different Virgin brands mean different things to different people in different countries. (53 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4229_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4229_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30003</td><td>Richard Wagner</td><td>In Lohengrin Wagner lin ks arias with recitatives-unbroken musical continuity is born. In Tristan und Is olde he changes the very role of the orchestra. And in The Ring of the Niebelung en he invents the leitmotif. This program charts the fortunes and innovations of the composer who truly revolutionized opera. Beginning with The Flying Dutchman , the video explores the connections between Wagner's themes and the events in h is life that inspired them. Excerpts from the Wagnerian canon include Bayreuth F estival productions of Lohengrin and Parsifal; Sir George Solti conducting Tannh auser; and Pierre Boulez conducting the Ring cycle. (27 minutes)</td><td>1998</t d><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4230_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4230_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30631</td><td>The Riddle of Amarna</td><td>Akhenaten's insis tence on a new monotheistic faith plunged Egypt into a crisis. But did the phara oh knowingly lead his country into disaster or was he beguiled by a ruthless wom an, his queen Nefertiti? In this program, archaeologists and scholars examine th e still-unresolved mysteries of their reign. Location footage is combined with c omputer animations based on excavations of Akhenaten's colossal city dedicated t o the sun god. Geneticists and forensic experts try to unravel the incestuous li neage of this royal family and determine whether its heir, Tutankhamon, was murd ered. (27 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4231_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4231_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11724</td><td>Riddle of the Dome: Florence Cathedral and Fil ippo Brunelleschi</td><td>What do herringbones and flowers have to do with the d ome of the Florence Cathedral, a structure that has seemed to defy both gravity and the principles of engineering for centuries? Drawing on the research of Mass imo Ricci, who has devoted his life to understanding the design of that amazing dome, and the insights of structural engineer Cecil Balmond, art historian Timot hy Verdon, and others, this program reveals the techniques likely used by Filipp o Brunelleschi to create the largest vaulted brick structure in the world. Backg round on the life of Brunelleschi and on the Italian Renaissance is also provide d. (30 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4232_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4232_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10653</td><td>The Right Choice? Charter Schools and Voucher Systems</td><td>In theory, America's public schools provide an equal-opportunity education for children of all walks of life. Unfortunately, in practice it does not always work out that way. For many families, charter schools and voucher sy

stems are providing what they feel are the keys to better education. This progra m looks at these alternatives at the Countryside Charter School and elsewhere, d emonstrating how they allow concerned parents the option to bypass public school s in favor of institutions with stronger programs and better reputations. (30 mi nutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4233_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4233_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36998</td><td>The Right Job for Your Personality</td><td>Thi s program shows viewers how to select a rewarding and satisfying career by engag ing in a reflective self-assessment process-a process designed to help them gain insights into themselves by looking at different aspects of their lives includi ng their interests, skills, education, training, values, and lifestyle. Shows ho w to identify and organize a variety of personal information into a form that's optimal for making informed career decisions! A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Cambridge Educational Production. Recommended for h igh school. (11 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4234_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4234_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34539</td><td>The Right to Femininity: Fighting Female Circu mcision in Africa Today</td><td>The custom of female circumcision faces growing opposition in Africa. This program presents multiple perspectives on the issue, interviewing health care personnel, professional circumcisers, women who have un dergone the ritual, and men who are against it. Examining medical and emotional problems that follow genital mutilation, the video also features signs of positi ve change, including a Nigerian drama troupe that stages anti-circumcision produ ctions and groups like UNICEF, CARE Austria, and the Girls' Power Initiative tha t campaign in areas where the ritual's effects are most profound. Includes graph ic footage of births and circumcisions. (46 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>46</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4235_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4235_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33630</td><td>Rights and Responsibilities</td><td>In a socie ty that is so economically, racially, and culturally diverse, how hard should pe ople pursue individual and group rights? Does humanity's modern obsession with r ights create a self-obsessed world preoccupied by victimhood? Archbishop Rowan W illiams thinks so, and worries that rights groups become static whenever civil l iberties are obtained. Filmed at Lambeth Palace, this multifaceted program exami nes the conflicting ideals between group rights and the Anglican church as Willi ams argues his point to controversial civil rights lawyer Imran Khan, and to phi losopher Jonathan Ree. (26 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4236_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4236_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4043</td><td>Rigoberta Menchu: Broken Silence</td><td>"In re cognition of her work for social justice and ethno-cultural reconciliation" she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on October 12, 1992. "The celebration of Colum bus is for us an insult," said Menchu, one of the most outspoken and articulate and persuasive advocates of native rights. This program presents a profile of th is extraordinary woman, whose life has become a symbol of the sufferings, not on ly of her own Mayan Quiche people, but of all the indigenous people of the Ameri cas. It is a moving portrait, too, of a self-taught woman who dreams of two thin gs: a Guatemalan Congress integrating indigenous and non-indigenous men and wome n-and having a child "so I can plant my own seed, for better or worse." (25 minu tes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4237_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4237_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10703</td><td>Rigoberta Menchu: Cassandra and Crusader</td>< td>Rigoberta Menchu has become widely known as a leading advocate of Indian righ ts and ethno-cultural reconciliation-and also a center of controversy-not only i n her native Guatemala, but throughout the western hemisphere. In this program, Menchu, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and other international awards, talks ab out her life both at home and in exile, her autobiographical I, Rigoberta Menchu , her associations with the Committee of the Peasant Union and The United Repres entation of the Guatemalan Opposition, and other topics. (Spanish, 30 minutes)</ td><td>1999</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4238_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4238_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29180</td><td>Rigoberta Menchu: Cassandra and Crusader</td>< td>Rigoberta Menchu has become widely known as a leading advocate of Indian righ ts and ethno-cultural reconciliation-and also a center of controversy-not only i n her native Guatemala, but throughout the western hemisphere. In this program, Menchu, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and other international awards, talks ab out her life both at home and in exile, her autobiographical I, Rigoberta Menchu , her associations with the Committee of the Peasant Union and The United Repres entation of the Guatemalan Opposition, and other topics. (Spanish with English s ubtitles, 28 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4239_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4239_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31972</td><td>Ripping and Crosscutting</td><td>When it comes

to woodworking projects, standard plank and beam lengths usually won't cut it. This video shows students the professional way to rip and crosscut with smooth p recision. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Shopwar e Production. (14 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4240_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4240_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7379</td><td>The Rise and Rise of Bill Gates</td><td>In 1992 , the market value of Microsoft-the tiny startup founded by Harvard dropout Bill Gates-exceeded the value of General Motors. Since then, Gates, the high-tech wu nderkind, has amassed a huge personal fortune and become one of America's most i nfluential and controversial corporate players. This program examines Gates's fo rceful management style against the backdrop of allegations that Microsoft monop olized the personal computer market. In addition, a description of his aggressiv e merger tactics by a Novell executive offers an intriguing counterpoint. The pr ogram also examines the opening moves in the FTC's investigation of the software giant. A BBC Production. (40 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4241_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4241_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11262</td><td>Risky Business: Wealth-Building, 450 to 1497</ td><td>As recession enfolded Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire, the econ omic axis shifted to the Islamic world, where the concept of risk management was born. This program, hosted by Peter Jay, explores the Muslim commercial empire in Egypt, the reemergence of trade in northwestern Europe with the waning of the Dark Ages, and the rise of banking and sophisticated accounting methods among t he Italian states. Stefan Reif, of Cambridge University Library, and historians Christopher Dyer and Rheinhold Mueller discourse on subjects ranging from centur ies-old financial records preserved in Cairo's Ben Ezra synagogue to Venetian ma ritime trade. A BBC Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4242_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4242_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>803</td><td>River Channel Forms</td><td>This program analyze s the dynamic nature of rivers and the relationship between their forms and proc esses. It examines the various functions a single river needs to perform, and sh ows how to measure river form and process, relate the two, and synthesize severa l attributes of the form of a river channel. It examines the differences between low and high flow, and explains how to calculate the quantity and velocity of w ater transport and how to attempt to measure the amount of bed-load. It compares bankfull and low flow and upstream and downstream discharge, shows how man's in tervention has solved a low water problem, and asks students to try to deduce wh at will occur during a flood. (20 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4243_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4243_l blPrice">$19.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>3707</td><td>RNA Synthesis: The Genetic Messenger</td><td>Ev ery living species relies on the accuracy of DNA replication, and RNA, or ribonu cleic acid, plays an essential role in this process. The information of the DNA strand is carried by the messenger RNA to the ribosome, the site of protein manu facture. (10 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4244_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4244_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10785</td><td>Road Rage: Havoc on the Highway</td><td>Tailga ting, making rude gestures, and cutting other cars off are only three of the way s that drivers exhibit aggressive behavior-behavior that can provoke road rage, a growing factor in automobile injuries and fatalities. This program spotlights a wide variety of potentially explosive driving situations in order to help stud ents recognize the warning signs of road rage in others and in themselves. Exper ts offer insights into why normally capable drivers sometimes go berserk, while police officers discuss how others who share the road can avoid becoming their v ictims. A Meridian Production. (22 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4245_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4245_l blPrice">$95.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32900</td><td>The Road to Nowhere: Yugoslavia</td><td>They m ight be described as a throwback to the Middle Ages, but this current crop of wa rlords constitute the big figures of the new world order. This program examines these people, whose power derives from the barrel of a gun, and the rhetoric wit h which they justify themselves and motivate one another: the rhetoric of nation alism. The story of Yugoslavia is the story of the country's first highway, the Highway of Brotherhood and Unity; today it is a symbol of everything that has go ne wrong in the country, a road impassable for both Serb and Croat-a road to now here. (50 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4246_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4246_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36136</td><td>Road to Riches: Black Empowerment in Today's S outh Africa</td><td>In post-apartheid South Africa, whites earn an average of $6 ,300 each year, while blacks bring home just $950. Some black citizens believe t hey were financially better off during apartheid. This Wide Angle documentary ex amines economic empowerment programs designed to help transfer more of the natio n's wealth and opportunity to its black majority. Focusing on Uthingo, the conso

rtium of black-empowerment companies that manages the national lottery, the prog ram shows how the group has created thousands of new jobs for black South Africa ns-while broad social change, including black ownership and participation in oth er industries, is slow in coming. In addition, Susan Rice discusses black econom ic empowerment with anchor Mishal Husain. (57 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>57</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4247_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4247_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36911</td><td>The Road to Success: Stories of Career Satisfa ction in Popular Fields</td><td>What does Virginia Jose, an art educator at Sout h Bronx Preparatory School, have in common with Paul Orfalea, founder of Kinko's ? Or Michele Speer, Nurse Coordinator for the Women's Breast Center at Stamford Hospital, with Brightcove cofounder Bob Mason? Or Cindy Sites, owner of Go Figur e Fitness, with Ray Anderson, Vice President of NFL Operations? Each has created her or his own personal road to career success, overcoming challenges and uncer tainties along the way. Use this ten-part series to introduce your students to 2 2 real people who in following their hearts have found lasting satisfaction in t heir work. A fascinating introduction to popular occupational fields! 10-part se ries, 16-21 minutes each.</td><td>2007</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4248_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4248_l blPrice">$899.50<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36239</td><td>Road Trip to Kenya: A Path Toward Global Under standing</td><td>Enthusiastic young adults serve as on-screen guides in this two -part series, which travels to Kenya to study compelling issues in culture and e cology. The series takes an investigative approach, revealing Kenya's many stren gths, challenges, contrasts, and opportunities. Visiting different parts of the country and hearing commentary from a wide range of experts, viewers will gain a clear picture of Kenya's cultural diversity, education system, landscape, and n atural resources-while learning about its relationship to the global community. Viewable/printable instructor's guides are available online. 2-part series, 24 a nd 18 minutes.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4249_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4249_l blPrice">$139.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36218</td><td>The Roaring Twenties</td><td>Best known for it s flappers, gangsters, and jazz, the Roaring Twenties was also an era of social tensions and political change. This program is a time capsule of a boisterous er a that began with a surge of hope and ended on the verge of the Great Depression . Topics include the presidencies of Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge, the post-World War I "return to normalcy," the economic boom and the affordable Mode l T, the Red Scare, Garveyism, the Scopes trial, Prohibition, and the unique pop culture of the decade. Correlates to standards from the National Council for th e Social Studies. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. (

31 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4250_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4250_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29557</td><td>Robert Frost: An American Poet</td><td>Often c onsidered a "New England poet," Robert Frost emerges in his work as a universal voice. Filmed with the cooperation of Frost as part of the CBS NEWS series Accen t, this vintage television broadcast presents a portrait of the poet in his own words, along with remarks President John F. Kennedy recorded for the program in early 1961. A haunting pictorial essay unfolds while Frost comments on his art a nd his country. He reads such poems as "The Gift Outright," "Mending Wall," "Bir ches," and "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening." Produced by CBS NEWS. (25 min utes, b&w)</td><td>1961</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4251_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4251_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9302</td><td>Robert Pinsky</td><td>Robert Pinsky, Poet Laure ate of the United States for an unprecedented third term, finds his inspiration in common things, transforming the culturally unpoetic into masterpieces of verb al expression. In this program, Bill Moyers and Mr. Pinsky discuss topics includ ing his love of the English language, the pervasive influence of history, and th e flourishing of poetry on the Internet. Readings by Mr. Pinsky feature "ABC," " Ginza Samba," "Poem with Refrains," "To Television," and "From the Childhood of Jesus." Filmed at the Biennial Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival. (27 minutes)< /td><td>1999</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4252_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4252_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29968</td><td>Robert Pinsky: Our Premier Poet Scholar</td><t d>Three-time American Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky has labored on many fronts for the advancement of his art. This program offers an in-depth look into three mai n areas of Pinsky's efforts: his translation of Dante's Inferno, featuring exten ded excerpts of his lecture on rendering the classic into English, as well as re adings from it; his own highly accomplished poetry; and his initiative as Poet L aureate, The Favorite Poem Project. Along with interviews and aptly chosen visua ls, the poet reads two of his own pieces, "Ginza Samba" and "Shirt." Acclaimed B ritish actor Michael York has said of this documentary: "Pinsky is a spellbindin g speaker and the quintessence of eloquence." (48 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td> 49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4253_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4253_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>33000</td><td>Roberto Bolano-in Spanish</td><td>A high schoo l dropout who became one of Chile's most respected writers, Roberto Bolano wrote more than a dozen novels. This program presents an interview with Bolano, autho r of Amuleto and Los Detectives Salvajes, for which he won the prestigious Romul o Gallegos prize. (Spanish, 26 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4254_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4254_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33001</td><td>Roberto Bolano-in Spanish with English Subtitl es</td><td>A high school dropout who became one of Chile's most respected writer s, Roberto Bolano wrote more than a dozen novels. This program presents an inter view with Bolano, author of Amuleto and Los Detectives Salvajes, for which he wo n the prestigious Romulo Gallegos prize. (Spanish with English subtitles, 26 min utes)</td><td>2004</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4255_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4255_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37389</td><td>The Roberts Court: A Nightline Special Edition </td><td>In November of 2006, Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts sa t down with ABC News legal correspondent Jan Crawford Greenburg for his first ne twork television interview-which happened to take place before 3,600 spectators at the University of Miami. This ABC News program documents that conversation, p resenting Roberts' behind-the-scenes story of his nomination and offering a glim pse of the inner workings of the U.S. Supreme Court. Chief Roberts also shares h is views on the role of the Chief Justice and the importance of the Supreme Cour t in American society. This special edition includes Chief Roberts' informative and inspiring speech to the students. (76 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>76</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4256_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4256_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37672</td><td>Robotics and Automation</td><td>Introduce view ers to three women who have found gainful employment in the field of robotics an d automation. This program profiles Isabelle Tremblay, an engineer specializing in the use of robotics for space exploration; Jessica Amsden, a robotics technic ian who works in automated manufacturing; and Cheryl Hyrnkiw, owner-operator of Solarbotics, which produces educational robot kits. Commentary from co-workers a nd supervisors rounds out the descriptions of each job. (24 minutes)</td><td>200 6</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4257_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4257_l

blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8269</td><td>Robotics Fundamentals</td><td>Robots are now be ing used in a variety of industrial settings to complete repetitive and sometime s dangerous work. In this video, viewers are introduced to robotics fundamentals including the identification of robotic parts and the capabilities of various r obots being used in industry. Viewers also see several examples of industrial ro bots, microcomputer controllers, robot control programs, and sensing systems. It 's a great introduction to the basics of robotics technology! One 13-minute vide o. A Shopware Production.</td><td>1997</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4258_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4258_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34099</td><td>Robots: A Look into the Future</td><td>Artific ial intelligence is almost categorically inferior when compared with humanity-ne vertheless, it is evolving rapidly. This program examines robots developed for a wide range of purposes, from medical nanotechnology to computerized, environmen tally sensitive logging machines. Robotic communication and perception skills ar e also explored. Clearly showing the increasing aptitude and mobility of artific ial brains and bodies, this Science Screen Report will expand the viewer's under standing of robot usage and importance. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Produced in association with the Accreditation Board for En gineering and Technology and the Junior Engineering Technical Society. (16 minut es)</td><td>1999</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4259_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4259_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26231</td><td>Robots: An Important Place in World Industry</ td><td>Learn what a robot is and how it compares to human workers. View robots a t work performing a variety of jobs; examine the benefits and liabilities of rob ots and the need for worker safety. (11 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>199 2</td><td>11</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4260_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4260_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29630</td><td>Rock and Paper</td><td>This program introduces the major players in the Worldwide Plaza construction project, including develo per William Zeckendorf, Jr.; architect David Childs, of Skidmore, Owings & Merri ll; and construction manager Dominic Fonti, of HRH Construction, as they begin w ork on the building. The design process, the raising of capital and recruitment of future tenants, and site excavation and preparation are featured. A visit to Mosher Steel, in Houston, illustrates how raw steel is fabricated into the colum ns and beams that are to form the structure's skeleton. (53 minutes)</td><td>&nb

sp;</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4261_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4261_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36336</td><td>The Rock Star and the Mullahs: Cultural Tensio ns within Pakistan</td><td>Salman Ahmad, charismatic lead guitarist for the Paki stani rock group Junoon, has publicly advocated peace with India. Ahmad is also UNAIDS Special Representative. But a coalition of fundamentalist Islamic parties has made unexpected gains in Pakistani elections-evoking contrasts between libe rals like Ahmad and hardliner mullahs who want to ban music. This Wide Angle rep ort follows the artist as he journeys to the tolerant, ancient city of Lahore an d the fundamentalist stronghold of Peshawar, revealing religious and political c onflicts within the nuclear-armed Islamic republic. From this trip emerges a ric h portrait of modern-day Pakistan, a pivotal nation in the war against terror. I n addition, anchor Mishal Husain interviews Christina Rocca, Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia. (57 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4262_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4262_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10239</td><td>Rockets and Avalanches: Moving Bodies with Var iable Mass</td><td>In this program, footage of rockets blasting off and avalanch es roaring down mountainsides provides two perspectives of the same principle: t he rate of change of momentum. Practical calculations of the time it takes for a rocket to lift off and the time a skier has to escape a landslide, plus an expe riment with eggs and flour, reinforce the lesson. (42 minutes)</td><td>1999</td> <td>42</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4263_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4263_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34723</td><td>Rocks and Minerals</td><td>Knowledge of the ph ysics and chemistry of the planet's "bones" is essential to a complete understan ding of Earth science. Ranging from the Mohs scale and specific gravity to silic ates, carbonates, and halides, this video delves deeply into the composition, pr operties, and classification of rocks and minerals. An element of forensic-type analysis is also brought into play, since any stony formation represents a porti on of the planet's history and local conditions. A viewable/printable instructor 's guide is available online. Correlates to National Science Education Standards , National Educational Technology Standards, and Standards for the English Langu age Arts. A Cambridge Educational Production. Recommended for grades 7-12. (23 m inutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4264_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4264_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32275</td><td>Rodworkers</td><td>Once your students have tak en the tour and seen what the skilled construction trades have to offer, they wi ll want to know more about specific jobs that may interest them. This fast-paced program provides a concise profiles of rodworkers, looking at educational backg round, apprenticeships, salary, and the work itself. (13 minutes)</td><td>2003</ td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4265_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4265_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33785</td><td>The Role of the Prophet Muhammad</td><td>Unlik e the founders of Christianity and Judaism, much is known about the life of Muha mmad, enabling Muslims to closely emulate him. This program featuring Islam scho lars Ibrahim Kalin and Amina Wadud and Beeson Divinity School's Timothy George e xamines the life of Muhammad in detail. From his birth in 570 to his death in 63 0, it covers key experiences both before and after his transformation to the pro phet of Islam. Highlights include Muhammad's early career and marriage to Khadij a, the revelations that form the Quran, the establishing of Islam, his miraculou s journey to heaven via Jerusalem, the first hajj, and his battles against the M eccans. (27 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4266_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4266_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1634</td><td>The Role of Theatre in Ancient Greece</td><td>T his program looks at the theatres of Herodus Atticus, Epidauros, Corinth (where Arion is said to have taught the dithyramb), and many others to explain the desi gn of the ancient theatre, the synthesis of art forms that was ancient Greek dra ma, the origins of tragedy, the audience in classical times, the comparative rol es of writer/director and actors, and the use of the surrounding landscape in ma ny plays. (23 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4267_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4267_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33039</td><td>Roller Coaster: Designing Thrill Rides from St art to Finish</td><td>This program travels to the home of Colossus-the world's f irst ten-inversion steel roller coaster-to reveal the physical, mechanical, and psychological forces that make the roller coaster the undisputed king of thrill rides. Concepting, computer-assisted track design, 3-D simulation, track constru ction, and car safety mechanisms are covered by some of the experts who know rol ler coasters best. The goal? Pulse-pounding speed and mind-blowing disorientatio n through the manipulation of potential and kinetic energy and plenty of positiv e and negative Gs. (25 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4268_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4268_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35131</td><td>Roman and Islamic Spain</td><td>Iberia, Hispan ia, Al-Andalus-successive names for a crucible of ancient cultures, world powers , and major religions. This program explores World Heritage sites corresponding to Spain's deep-rooted Roman and Islamic influences. With stunning visuals of th e aqueduct at Segovia, the Mesquita Mosque in Cordova, Granada's Alhambra Palace , and other magnificent locations, the program vividly illustrates the ebb and f low of two empires prior to the Christian reconquista of the peninsula. Informat ive narration complements a progression of architecture and engineering that cle arly illustrates the sophistication of both cultures. (53 minutes)</td><td>2004< /td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4269_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4269_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33782</td><td>Romanticism: Imagining Freedom</td><td>The reb ellious artist, the attraction to the dark side, love and death, and the primacy of nature-all of these are themes that suffused the artistic and ideological re volution known as Romanticism. This program vividly conveys how new ways of thin king and seeing reshaped the humanities in the 18th and 19th centuries. The writ ings of Holderlin, Emerson, Poe, Whitman, Byron, Wordsworth, and Keats, as well as the paintings of Turner and Goya and the music of Beethoven, are vibrantly pr esented. Scholars Susan Wolfson, professor of English at Princeton University; R afael Argullol Murgados, director of the Institut Universitari de Cultura; Xavie r Antich, professor of aesthetics at the Universitat de Girona; and David Reynol ds, distinguished professor of English at Baruch College, CUNY, discuss the char acteristics of this influential movement and its impact on contemporary culture. (53 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4270_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4270_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36168</td><td>The Romantics</td><td>Filmed on location at Br itish and French historical sites, this three-part series delves into the art, l iterature, and politics of 18th- and 19th-century Europe-telling the tumultuous story of Romanticism and its reshaping of Western culture. Through imaginative r eenactments and incisive commentary, the series explores the writings and achiev ements of the movement's leaders-including William Blake, Samuel Taylor Coleridg e, William Wordsworth, Lord Byron, and Percy and Mary Shelley. The result is a p owerful illustration of an era that continues to influence today's artistic and intellectual climate. 3-part series, 60 minutes each.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp ;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4271_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4271_l

blPrice">$449.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32276</td><td>Roofers</td><td>Once your students have taken the tour and seen what the skilled construction trades have to offer, they will want to know more about specific jobs that may interest them. This fast-paced pr ogram provides a concise profile of roofers, looking at educational background, apprenticeships, salary, and the work itself. (13 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td> 13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4272_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4272_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31967</td><td>Roofing, Siding, and Finishing</td><td>In this video, students will find out many of the ways to apply the finishing touches b y roofing and siding the house, as well as cabinetry, stairs, and exterior and i nterior painting. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. C orrelates to the Competencies and Objectives of the National Center for Construc tion Education & Research. A Shopware Production. (18 minutes)</td><td>2004</td> <td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4273_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4273_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26234</td><td>Roommates: Harmonious Living or Horror Story</ td><td>Financially, sharing a living space and expenses has become a fact of lif e for many, if not most, young adults. We've all heard horror stories about room mates-financial disasters, messy habits, complete incompatibility. How can you m ake sure your roommate measures up? This video covers the reasons for wanting a roommate as well as specifying how to choose the right person for you. Viewers a lso learn about practical matters like how to divide responsibilities fairly; ho w to handle food and personal purchases; issues of privacy, cooperation, and cou rtesy; and how to make sure everyone is financially responsible for paying rent and utilities on time. With a little planning and foresight, having a roommate c an be a great experience-not a total nightmare! (18 min.) A Meridian Production. </td><td>1999</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4274_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4274_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36443</td><td>Roosevelt vs. Stalin</td><td>Toward the end of World War II, as the era of European empires was coming to a close, a new world order was in the making-and Roosevelt and Stalin were at the center of its crea tion. This program tracks the political hopes and fears of the Allies during the period that ended with the death of FDR and the collapse of the Third Reich. Th e words of Roosevelt, Stalin, W. Averell Harriman, Daisy Suckley, Anthony Eden, and Lord Moran offer insights into the monumental events during which Roosevelt

gambled the freedom of millions in the shakeout of postwar Europe...and lost. (5 0 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4275_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4275_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6926</td><td>The Roots of 20th-Century Music: Dancing on a V olcano</td><td>This program describes a great musical culture in decline in turn -of-the-century Vienna, and discusses how that decline led to the musical revolu tion whose reverberations are still felt today. Names like Schoenberg, Webern, a nd Berg still strike terror in the hearts of many concert-goers. With the help o f Simon Rattle, however, we hear in their powerful, brooding music the collapse of the Austro-Germanic order, the rise of Fascism, and the portents of the new m usic to come in the latter part of the 20th century. (52 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp; </td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4276_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4276_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8308</td><td>The Roots of Belief: Animism to Abraham, Moses, and Buddha</td><td>Neanderthals begin burying their dead in sepulchers that sim ulate their huts in an attempt to connect with the spiritual world. When God fir st speaks to Abraham, he becomes the father of three great religions: Judaism, a nd subsequently Christianity and Islam. Moses leads the children of Israel out o f slavery and into the Promised Land. Buddha, "The Awakened One," teaches humans to transcend their worldly desires. This program traces these stories, and thei r inevitable path toward the institutionalization of religious practice. (51 min utes)</td><td>1998</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4277_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4277_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>31450</td><td>ROOTS: The Saga of an American Classic</td><td >For eight nights in 1977, America came face to face with slavery depicted, for the first time, from the black point of view. It was an unforgettable experience . This penetrating retrospective considers the impact of the landmark miniseries ROOTS, the catalyst for a long-overdue dialogue on race relations in the U.S. I nterviews with producer David L. Wolper and cast members LeVar Burton, Ben Veree n, Leslie Uggams, Maya Angelou, Richard Roundtree, and Ed Asner are featured. Po werful clips from ROOTS-one of the highest-rated TV events ever-are included, as well as interviews with Larry King, Will Smith, Michael Jordan, and others who discuss how the miniseries affected their lives. (48 minutes)</td><td>2001</td>< td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4278_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4278_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33003</td><td>Rosa Regas-in Catalan with English Subtitles</ td><td>Born in Barcelona, Rosa Regas has founded two publishing houses and two m agazines, as well as written several award-winning novels. In this extended inte rview, the novelist and journalist discusses several of her books, including Azu l, Luna Lunera, and Le Cancion de Dorotea. (Catalan with English subtitles, 28 m inutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4279_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4279_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35544</td><td>Rotary Tools, Bench Grinders, and Sharpeners</ td><td>For carving fine details or honing an edge, rotary tools, bench grinders, and sharpeners are a must. This video deals with them all. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to competency standards for core curriculum and carpentry from the National Center for Construction Educatio n & Research. A Shopware Production. (12 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>12</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4280_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4280_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35515</td><td>Rotavirus</td><td>GlaxoSmithKline's new rotavi rus vaccine can potentially save children across the globe from fatal diarrhea. This program guides viewers through the medicine's development process, and exam ines the highly unconventional way it is being distributed-with the initial test phase occurring in Mexico, rather than in a wealthy part of the world. Intervie ws with officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Mexic an Ministry of Health, and GlaxoSmithKline Biochemicals shed light on their frag ile yet groundbreaking organizational partnership. The result: an in-depth look at the real-world progress science is making against a microscopic killer. A BBC W Production. (25 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4281_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4281_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33403</td><td>Rothko: An Abstract Humanist</td><td>This prog ram offers a rare examination of the life and work of Mark Rothko. Rothko gave a bstraction the emotional power of music and poetry. He painted ideas rather than objects and, in the process, created a deeply original pictorial language. One of the most important artists of his generation, Rothko is perhaps best known fo r his work in the style of the New York School and was a peer of many other illu strious abstract artists: Jackson Pollock, Barnett Newman, Clyfford Still, Franz Kline, and Robert Motherwell, to name only five. (52 minutes)</td><td>2003</td> <td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4282_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4282_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30894</td><td>Roundheads and Cavaliers: The English Civil Wa r</td><td>No event in English history has had such far-reaching social and polit ical effects; until World War I, no event claimed more lives. Filmed on location in the British Isles, this exciting four-part series captures the full context and drama of England's great internal cataclysm. Historian and host Tristram Hun t provides an engaging, fast-paced account of the war with emphasis on its polit ical and religious dynamics, while exceptional dramatic reenactments bring to li fe the key figures and events. 4-part series, 30 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td> <td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4283_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4283_l blPrice">$519.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35534</td><td>Routers</td><td>Help your students get in the groove. This video introduces the router through table-mounted and freehand appl ications. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlate s to competency standards for core curriculum and carpentry from the National Ce nter for Construction Education & Research. A Shopware Production. (20 minutes)< /td><td>2006</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4284_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4284_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34766</td><td>Ruben Dario</td><td>Considered by many as the first Modernist poet to write in Spanish, Ruben Dario is a major 20th-century li terary figure by any reckoning. This program explores his life and work, with at tention to both verse and prose achievements. Identifying Azul as the genesis of Spanish-language Modernism, the video also explores Dario's Profane Hymns, whic h established his prominence among Latin American poets of the period. His horro r story Thanatopia, his journalistic work for La Nacion, his pacifist efforts pr ior to World War I, and his service as a diplomat are discussed as well-reflecti ng Dario's importance in a time of political and artistic upheaval. (English, 23 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4285_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4285_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9069</td><td>Run Like a Girl</td><td>In this down-to-earth p rogram, the unconventional yet extremely demanding sports of rugby, synchronized swimming, and double-Dutch rope jumping provide the context for teenage girls f rom a cross-section of ethnic backgrounds to probe the issues of adolescence. Th

ey discuss their feelings of liberation within the strict regimentation of compe titive sports, their search for identity and self-esteem while revolting against the stereotyped expectations of others, body image, dating, and the importance of mothers and coaches as mentors. They also tackle social concerns, including b ulimia, self-injury, suicide, broken homes, teen pregnancies, and crime. Run Lik e a Girl is a presentation of the Independent Television Service, with funding p rovided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. (57 minutes)</td><td>1998</t d><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4286_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4286_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36449</td><td>Run with It: Reorganizing Production</td><td>M armite's momentous changes include a factory re-fit to make expansion possible. This program shows how the venerable bread-spread has traditionally been manufac tured and how the company's operations will be modernized. The program then illu strates the engineering and installation of 3.7 million dollars worth of new mac hinery and explains what happens when the installation doesn't go as planned. Ma rketing and contractual preparations are also explored, as the marketing directo r studies ideas submitted by consumers-reinforcing the need to develop a squeeza ble bottle-and visits a large bakery licensed to produce Marmite biscuits. (25 m inutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4287_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4287_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10586</td><td>Ruskin's Journey: Teaching People to See</td>< td>Author of Modern Painters, The Seven Lamps of Architecture, and The Stones of Venice, John Ruskin was a leading art critic and architectural authority whose brilliant prose shaped a generation of writers and whose insights and aesthetics helped establish the careers of Whistler and Turner. In this program, scholar M ichael Wheeler traces Ruskin's spiritual and intellectual journey both around Eu rope and through life, visiting the Gothic cathedral at Rouen and other sites th at inspired and shaped the thinking of the great writer. Manuscripts, artwork, a nd personal memorabilia drawn from the Brantwood and Ruskin Library collections add depth to this sensitive portrait. (48 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>48</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4288_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4288_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33618</td><td>Russia</td><td>It is no irony that Victor Zork altsev, a Communist, is also the head of the religious committee of the Russian parliament, the Duma. It is also not an accident that the Russian government pai d for an extraordinary replica of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour that is ma intained by local businessmen. And if more than 80 percent of Russians describe themselves as Orthodox Christians, why do only 5 percent go to church regularly? These are three of many examples in this potent program that concentrates on th

e resurgence of the Russian Orthodox Church and how its aspirations to spiritual and political power pose a threat to the fundamental freedoms of many Russians. (37 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4289_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4289_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35170</td><td>Russia: Rebuilding a Nation</td><td>Although r ich in oil, gas, lumber, and many other natural resources, Russia is experiencin g difficulty building a free-market economy. From the heart of Moscow and nearby areas, this program investigates major challenges that Russian companies face f ollowing the breakup of the Soviet Union. Interviews with resource managers and business leaders-along with spectacular views of the Kremlin, Red Square, and hi storic churches-shed light on the growing pains of a seemingly young nation. A v iewable/printable instructor's guide-including geographical background informati on, extension activities, vocabulary handouts, and more-is available online. Cor relates to National Geography Standards. (25 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>25</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4290_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4290_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3611</td><td>The Rutherford-Bohr Atom</td><td>With his conce pt of energy levels, Bohr saved Rutherford's model of the atom. This program exp lores Bohr's hypothesis that electrons can occupy only definite energy levels. T he transfer of electrons between energy levels and the relationship between the properties of an atom and its electron arrangement are also discussed. (10 minut es)</td><td>1992</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4291_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4291_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33715</td><td>Ryanair: Revolutionizing the Airline Industry< /td><td>In a time of continual crisis for the airline industry, this program is a case study of a carrier that has shown a remarkable ability to rake in the cas h: Ryanair. CEO Michael O'Leary, inspired by Southwest Airlines, cites cost-cutt ing-dirt-cheap fares, low-budget advertising, direct booking, short turnaround t imes, and flights only to secondary airports, plus an incredibly deep discount f rom supplier Boeing-and ancillary revenues as key factors in Ryanair's success. But is it all upside? The program also considers the legality of discounted land ing charges from which O'Leary's company benefits and questions its caveat empto r approach to customer service. Original BBCW broadcast title: Ryanair's Cut-Pri ce Route to Riches. (30 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4292_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4292_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34542</td><td>The Saatchi Gallery: Highlights of British Con ceptual Art</td><td>Presenting nearly 100 pieces from the Charles Saatchi collec tion in London, this program transcends the standard video catalog format by inc orporating interviews with several artists, all of whom candidly share their goa ls and processes. From Gary Hume's contemplative abstractions to Damien Hirst's shark in formaldehyde, a wide variety of artistic and social concerns come to li ght. Jake and Dino Chapman's bizarre figures are among the most challenging piec es featured, in addition to Tracy Emin's provocative fabric installations and Sa rah Lucas' sexually suggestive food sculptures. Contains mature themes and expli cit language and imagery. (53 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4293_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4293_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8344</td><td>Sacred Journey and Conclusion</td><td>This prog ram examines the ancient significance of sacred journeys, or pilgrimages, and wh y individuals undertake them. Pilgrimages are encouraged and even required by ma ny religions. All able Muslims must go to Mecca at least once during their lifet ime. Both Jews and Christians are drawn to Jerusalem. Catholics visit Rome and s hrines where miracles have taken place. Mormons journey to Salt Lake City. In In dianapolis, members of the Church Federation Prayer Vigil Network "journey" to p laces in the community where a murder has taken place, to say prayers and bring healing to the community. A pilgrimage to Auschwitz provides a journey of unsurp assed impact for two Holocaust survivors from Indianapolis. (23 minutes)</td><td >1998</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4294_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4294_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8342</td><td>Sacred Memory</td><td>Sacred memory forms the i nfrastructure of most faiths. This program examines these memories in several ma jor religions, including Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, and Hinduism. The path o f religious memory is traced to special holy days such as Ramadan in the Muslim religion, and Christmas and Easter for Christians. The celebration of the birth and teachings of Buddha and those of important gods in Hinduism are discussed as intrinsic to the religious memory of those faiths. The significance of the Chri stian liturgical calendar is explained by Martin E. Marty, and the significance of the Islamic calendar as a document that traces the important events in the li fe of the prophet Mohammed is explained by Sayyid M. Syeed, Ph.D., of the Islami c Society of North America. (20 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4295_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4295_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8340</td><td>Sacred Rituals, Sacred Spaces</td><td>This prog

ram discusses the significance of rituals, and the necessity for defined sacred space both traditional and nontraditional. Rituals discussed include the Euchari st, or Communion, meditation, and others. The practice of placing the mezuzah at the door of a Jewish home is presented within the context of the home as a sacr ed space; Buddhist meditation ceremonies are relegated to specific places in the home. And at a community center for East Indians, some space is set aside for r eligious ceremonies, while the rest is used for secular community activities. Th e outdoors as a stage for sacred rituals is examined at a Christian Easter sunri se service. (17 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4296_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4296_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30999</td><td>Sacred Sounds: Music of the World, Songs of th e Soul</td><td>To comprehend the holy and inspire the believer, the world's reli gions have always incorporated music as a form of prayer. This award-winning doc umentary takes an ecumenical look at a diverse selection of these traditions as performed at the Festival of World Sacred Music held in Fez, Morocco. Along with commentary from festival director Dr. Faouzi Skali and music anthropologist Dav id Lynch, the program features dynamic performances from the Christian, Islamic, and Jewish traditions, including medieval chants, Sufi blessing songs, American gospel, and Israeli popular ballads. (58 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>58</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4297_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4297_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8313</td><td>Sacred Space: Art, Architecture, and the Role o f the State</td><td>Roman, Gothic, Baroque, and Rococo religious art, along with Christian iconography, are examined as reflections of the religious and politic al attitudes of the periods in which they were created. This program also examin es the role of the Christian Orthodox Church and the schism of 1054 that permane ntly divided its members. The degrees of reverence accorded to Mary as Christ's mother by Catholics and Protestants are compared. (59 minutes)</td><td>1998</td> <td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4298_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4298_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11179</td><td>Sacred Spirit: The Lakota Sioux, Past and Pres ent</td><td>This poignant collage features members of the Oglala Lakota Sioux li ving on and off the Pine Ridge reservation who present their unself-pitying yet pointed observations on Lakota history and modern-day Lakota life. Their creatio n myth and their attitudes toward Mother Earth and the concept of time contribut e insights into their worldview, while footage of a major powwow and a tepee-rai sing offer glimpses of the people's cultural heritage. Wounded Knee and the exte rmination of the buffalo are discussed. Gang violence, alcoholism, lack of emplo yment, and housing and health problems are also addressed, as well as the many f

aces of subjugation. (51 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4299_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4299_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8343</td><td>Sacred Text and Stories</td><td>This program ex amines and analyzes the significance of the religious documents of five major re ligions-the Christian Bible, the Hebrew Torah, the Islamic Koran, the Hindu Veda s, and the Buddhist sutras. Martin E. Marty and Sayyid M. Syeed discuss the simi larities among the texts-how the documents keep traditions alive, connect the pa st to the present, and preserve their religion for future generations. Other sto ries, such as those that document the lives and teachings of the founding father s of the Mormon religion, are shown to play important roles in unifying believer s. (22 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4300_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4300_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8341</td><td>Sacred Time</td><td>In this program, Martin E. Marty, of the University of Chicago Divinity School, examines the difference bet ween secular and spiritual concepts of time. Retreats are described as bodies of concentrated time reserved for spiritual reflection, as distinct from smaller t ime frames set aside for religious activities, such as meal blessings and mornin g and evening prayers. The Muslim tradition of designating a specific time of th e day for worship is compared to the Judaic/Christian Sabbath tradition. At a Ca tholic monastery, the entire day is examined as one continuous spiritual time cl ock. Other time-centered rites such as bar mitzvahs, baptisms, and weddings are discussed. (21 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4301_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4301_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>26237</td><td>Safe and Sanitary Dishwashing</td><td>Dishes w ill always be with us. And unless we live with our mothers for the rest of our l ives or eat off of paper plates, most of us will have to wash them at some point . So, how hard can it be? Safety concerns in the kitchen have made this video ne cessary. We take a look at dishwashers and include information on loading, water temperature, cycles, types of supplies, and special cleaning problems. We also look at washing dishes by hand including pre-treatment, water temperature, techn iques, drying (which is better-rack or dishtowel?) and other areas. Even though everyone takes washing dishes for granted, the only way to eliminate the spread of germs is through proper cleaning and this video does an excellent job of prov iding information in a humorous and entertaining manner. (12 min.) A Meridian Pr oduction.</td><td>2000</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4302_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4302_l

blPrice">$74.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32337</td><td>Safe and Sound</td><td>This program provides t ips and suggestions to help parents create a safe environment for their infant. Recommended sleeping positions for baby are also shown. (14 minutes)</td><td>200 3</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4303_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4303_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32566</td><td>Safe and Sound-in Spanish</td><td>This program provides tips and suggestions to help parents create a safe environment for the ir infant. Recommended sleeping positions for baby are also shown. (16 minutes)< /td><td>2003</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4304_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4304_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11825</td><td>Safeguarding Your Privacy at Home and Work</td ><td>How do advertisers get your telephone number or e-mail address? Do they hav e your social security number too? This timely video addresses your concerns abo ut keeping personal information private. We hear from experts following this imp ortant issue and learn what steps we can take to safeguard our privacy. You will find out just how much information is already legally available to people who k now how to access it-even without your permission. Finally, we will explore our rights as consumers. Because we all live and work in a technologically advanced society, everyone needs to be informed about the erosion of privacy. A Meridian Production.One 25-minute video.</td><td>2001</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4305_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4305_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26239</td><td>Safety and Sanitation</td><td>Familiarizes vie wers with some practical, commonsense methods of making a food service job site safe and clean. Sanitation is the science of maintaining a clean, germ-free food production environment. The goal is to prevent food from becoming contaminated or dirty or harmful to eat. Employers are responsible for providing a safe workp lace, but employees have a responsibility to maintain safe and sanitary practice s on the job. These employee responsibilities are emphasized, along with regulat ions which are determined by local health departments. (10 min.) A Meridian Prod uction.</td><td>1991</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4306_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4306_l blPrice">$45.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31296</td><td>Safety Doesn't Happen by Chance</td><td>Gambli ng with your safety on a job site is like playing the lottery-the more you play, the better the odds that you'll hit the big one. But unlike the lottery, safety 's stakes are much higher. This program provides a concise guide to basic constr uction safety concerns and practices. Topics include: Personal protective equipme nt, including hardhats, protective glasses and goggles, clothing, and boots Tool safety rules and tips Electrical safety practices, including use of ground-fault circuit interruptors (GFCIs) Hazard communication, such as material safety data s heets (MSDS) Ladder and scaffold safety A helpful summary of the main points con cludes the program. (12 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4307_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4307_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14466</td><td>Safety First: Auto Shop Safety</td><td>Shows t he proper way to operate hydraulic jacks, lifts, and chain falls. Also covers th e proper procedure for recharging batteries, disposing of old batteries, and how to handle battery acid and other corrosive materials. The best way to clean oil spills to prevent falls is discussed, along with preventing fires and how to co ntain a fire if one should occur. Provides a step-by-step procedure for pulling a car into a shop, and discusses the importance of proper ventilation to prevent asphyxiation. Also covers the safe way to remove the radiator cap on a vehicle that has overheated. A Cambridge Educational Production. (30 minutes)</td><td>19 95</td><td>36</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4308_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4308_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26240</td><td>Safety in the Kitchen</td><td>Safety and sanit ation in the kitchen are areas of vital importance and must be strictly maintain ed in order to save yourself and your family from dangerous accidents and potent ially fatal illnesses. This thorough program covers all the basics of keeping a safe and sanitary kitchen, and is divided into the following topics: burns and s calds; cuts and wounds; slips and falls; kitchen sanitation; and caustic poisons . Special attention is given to food-borne illnesses and their prevention in the section on kitchen sanitation. Vital information for anyone working in or aroun d a kitchen environment is given in a straightforward, visually interesting appr oach. (23 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1996</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4309_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4309_l blPrice">$92.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36339</td><td>Sahara Marathon: The Sahrawi's Race for Sovere ignty</td><td>Exhausted by years of guerilla warfare against Morocco's annexatio n of Western Sahara, the Sahrawi people are still waiting for the referendum on

their sovereignty promised in a 1991 UN-brokered cease-fire. This Wide Angle doc umentary presents the story of a unique annual marathon in the Sahara desert, de signed to draw attention to the plight of the Sahrawi. Following the race throug h brutal heat and punishing sirocco sandstorms, the program focuses on two compe titors-Jorge Aubeso, a top Spanish athlete sympathetic to the cause, and Abdulla h, a Sahrawi self-trained runner determined to win the race for his nebulous hom eland. The filmmakers poignantly convey the story of 165,000 people, far from th e mainstream media spotlight, who fear that their problem may never be resolved without a return to armed struggle. Anchor Mishal Husain discusses the conflict with former U.S. Secretary of State James Baker. (57 minutes)</td><td>2004</td>< td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4310_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4310_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8281</td><td>Saheri's Choice: Arranged Marriages in India</t d><td>This program examines the custom of arranged marriages in India. It follow s the story of Saheri and her family as they confront the reality of an impendin g marriage that was arranged when she was barely six years old. An overview of t he custom presents it as common among all castes, although many Indians today vi ew the practice in a negative light. Education, family wealth, and astrological compatibility are examined as important in determining with whom the marriages a re arranged. In one case, the issue of dowry leads to the suicide of a young fem ale marriage prospect. Severe penalties for breaking engagements are discussed, along with divorce negotiations should the marriage fail. This is a candid glimp se into contemporary Indian society. (27 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>27</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4311_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4311_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30603</td><td>Salvation: The Army in the Streets</td><td>Out in the streets of more than 100 countries, The Salvation Army is at war. Its ze alous officers, soldiers, and adherents fight daily battles to minister both spi ritually and physically to homeless addicts and the desperately poor-people whos e lives have hit rock bottom. Filmed at The Salvation Army Gateway, a shelter an d drop-in center in Toronto, this powerful program spotlights the frontline work ers and the street people they serve, who together crusade against poverty and h uman misery. Calling itself "the hand of God in the heart of the city," Gateway exemplifies Salvationist devotion to those in greatest need of a helping hand in turning their lives around. (52 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4312_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4312_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5736</td><td>Sampling</td><td>This program explains three fu ndamental concepts employed by geographers when sampling: average, percent, and density. (10 minutes)</td><td>1985</td><td>10</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4313_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4313_l blPrice">$45.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8694</td><td>Samurai Japan</td><td>From their ascension to p ower in the 13th century to the unconditional surrender of Japan at the end of W orld War II, the Samurai, with their code of virtue and discipline, created a so ciety that prized one's honor over one's own life. In this program, scholars dis cuss the unique influence that this created and the impact of the Samurai on Jap an's institutions and history, including the role of women in political alliance s. Also discussed is Japan's shift from feudalism to a bureaucratic and cosmopol itan society, symbolically ruled by the emperor and administered by shoguns. (48 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4314_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4314_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>38824</td><td>The Sand Castle: Building a City in the Desert of Ras al-Khaimah</td><td>A magnet for tourists, investors, and Fortune 500 com panies, the United Arab Emirates is an oasis of economic success-but the wealth is not shared equally among its sheikdoms. In the emirate of Ras al-Khaimah, She ikh Saud bin Saqr al-Qasimi has a plan to attract more business to his oil-poor realm: a new capital city designed to become the region's center of trade, indus try, and tourism. But can the team of Norwegian architecture firm Snohetta and t he renowned Rem Koolhaas make an iconic city bloom in the desert? This Wide Angl e report has the answer. In addition, Afshin Molavi, former Dubai-based Reuters correspondent and New America Foundation fellow, speaks with Daljit Dhaliwal abo ut the U.A.E's global significance. (57 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>57</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4315_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4315_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37436</td><td>The Sand Creek Massacre: Seven Hours that Chan ged American History</td><td>On November 29, 1864, Col. John Chivington and 800 troops of the First Colorado Cavalry attacked a peaceful Cheyenne and Arapaho ca mp-massacring women, children, and the elderly. This program introduces the Sand Creek atrocity to viewers in a way that written texts and dramatizations cannot . It consists of oral histories passed down from firsthand accounts through the generations and movingly conveyed by descendants of Native American eyewitnesses . In addition, professional historians of the region and time period give backgr ound information on possible causes of, and twisted motivations for, the genocid al slaughter. Informative maps and an impressive array of archival photos are al so included. (22 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4316_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4316_l

blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31978</td><td>Sanding</td><td>This video focuses on the skil l of sanding, with an emphasis on square corners and small pieces. Making sandin g jigs for drill presses and disc sanders is also covered. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Shopware Production. (13 minutes)</td> <td>2004</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4317_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4317_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37030</td><td>Santiago Calatrava-in Spanish</td><td>A bridge that brings to mind a harp. A transportation hub reminiscent of a dove. Winner of the IAI Gold Medal as well as the Eugene McDermott Award in the Arts, Santiag o Calatrava is celebrated for harmoniously combining sculptural architectural el ements with rigid principles of engineering. This program showcases some of Cala trava's most popular projects as it tracks the career of an architect/engineer w ho is also a skilled artist. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production. ( Spanish, 25 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4318_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4318_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37031</td><td>Santiago Calatrava-in Spanish with English Sub titles</td><td>A bridge that brings to mind a harp. A transportation hub reminis cent of a dove. Winner of the IAI Gold Medal as well as the Eugene McDermott Awa rd in the Arts, Santiago Calatrava is celebrated for harmoniously combining scul ptural architectural elements with rigid principles of engineering. This program showcases some of Calatrava's most popular projects as it tracks the career of an architect/engineer who is also a skilled artist. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production. (Spanish with English subtitles, 25 minutes)</td><td>2007< /td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4319_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4319_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32789</td><td>SARS: The True Story</td><td>After severe acut e respiratory syndrome struck down its first known victim, it seemed only fear c ould spread more rapidly than the disease itself. Little was known about it, exc ept that it was flu-like-and, for 15 percent of patients, lethal. Filmed in the wake of the initial SARS onslaught, this gripping program describes the World He alth Organization's decisive counterattack. Julie Hall, of the WHO's Global Aler t, Response, and Operations Department; WHO virologist Klaus Stohr; and other fr ontline personnel in the all-out war on SARS discuss the coronavirus's emergence , its spread, and, through unprecedented international cooperation, its swift co ntainment. A BBCW Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>50</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4320_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4320_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36140</td><td>The Saudi Question: What Fate Awaits the World 's Top Oil Exporter?</td><td>Despite severe restrictions on Western media, this Wide Angle documentary goes deep inside the ruling elite of the Saudi kingdom. W ith an introduction to the royal family from reform-minded Prince Turki al-Faisa l, the program explores the Saudi government's ability-or lack thereof-to implem ent lasting democratic change. It records an extraordinary emergency council ses sion convened by then Crown Prince Abdullah and features an interview with Jamal Khaleefa, Osama bin Laden's brother-in-law. Conversations with ordinary citizen s are also included-presenting Saudis who welcome progressive reforms and Wahabi st hardliners who advocate the destruction of all infidels. In addition, Senator Joseph R. Biden discusses Saudi Arabia with anchor Carol Marin. (57 minutes)</t d><td>2004</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4321_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4321_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11230</td><td>Save Our Swamp! The Everglades in Crisis</td>< td>This program examines the harm done to the Everglades by decades of exploitat ion and contamination. The impact of the sugar and orange industries, of flood c ontrol efforts, of Florida's burgeoning population, and even of competing conser vation initiatives are considered. The points of view of environmentalists, indu stry, Native Americans, and academics are represented by John Ogden, of the Ever glades Restoration Program; Malcolm Wade, of the U.S. Sugar Corporation; Buffalo Tiger, an elder of the Miccosukee tribe, which used to live in Water Conservati on Area 3A; and biology professors from Columbia and Florida International Unive rsities. (21 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4322_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4322_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4445</td><td>Savings Accounts</td><td>Consulting with the ma rketing manager of deposit and investment services at a large bank, Ron Lancaste r learns about options for investment. In the studio, he explains how savings ac counts and term deposits work, and uses a spreadsheet program to demonstrate how interest makes money grow. (15 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4323_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4323_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>31973</td><td>Sawing and Shaping</td><td>This video explains

the effect of cutting speed on wood finish and how to transfer patterns. Also, the use of sliding compound miter saws, scroll saws, and routers is demonstrated . A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Shopware Produc tion. (9 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4324_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4324_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6677</td><td>The Saxophone</td><td>This program traces the s axophone from its early use in French military bands, to orchestrations by 20thcentury Impressionist composers, to American jazz bands. It also looks at the fa scinating character of its creator, Adolphe Sax, whose genius is evident in a se ries of other absurd wind instruments that he dreamed up. Film footage of live j azz performances by the Duke Ellington Band and the World Saxophone Quartet illu strates the instrument's use in that musical genre. (28 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;< /td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4325_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4325_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>2314</td><td>Scales, Synthesizers, and Samplers</td><td>This program covers such problems as the production of varying degrees of loudness o n harpsichords and spinets, the mechanical engineering of the modern piano, the origin of scales, and the inability of keyboard instruments to produce scales in all keys exactly in tune. Synthesizers demonstrate both the problem and its sol ution. The progression is from electronic organs to analogue synthesizers, from purely electronic oscillations to the addition, subtraction, multiplication, mix ing, and performance of additional functions that comprise the complex sounds of music. The program also looks at digital sound and musique concrete, using the BBC Radiophonic Workshop to answer some of the questions about the partnership b etween science and music. (60 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4326_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4326_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>26253</td><td>Scanning Automotive Computer Problems</td><td> Scanning Automotive Computer Problems is a 22-minute video which is part of the series Automotive Computer Systems. This series provides a basic working knowle dge of automotive computer systems. Your students will learn: computer system oper ation trouble codes scanning tools basic tests repair procedures. Ford, Gener Chrysler, and other makes are discussed. The Computer Systems series videos stan d alone or can be used as a set for beginning auto mechanic students as well as for more advanced classes. (22 minutes) A Shopware Production.</td><td>1999</td> <td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4327_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4327_l

blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36457</td><td>The Scenario: Telling a Story Through Painting </td><td>Can a painting be read the way a play or movie is watched? What stories do the shapes and colors of the world's great pictures tell? This program encou rages viewers to analyze the narratives in painted images, illustrating possible interpretations for a long procession of famous works. Piero della Francesca's The Flagellation, Caravaggio's Judith Beheading Holofernes, Rubens' Medici Cycle , Brueghel's Blind Leading the Blind, Vermeer's Woman at the Scales, David's Cor onation of Napoleon, and Manet's Luncheon on the Grass-these are a few of the ma sterpieces which, with the help of the film, reveal their author's insights into the human drama. (27 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4328_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4328_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8731</td><td>The Scene of the Crime</td><td>Before detective s set foot on a crime scene, forensic scientists must first painstakingly glean every bit of evidence. In this program, Professor Margot of the Forensic Science Institute of Lausanne describes advances in criminal science. New technology ha s made it possible to capture footprints with Mylar and static electricity rathe r than plaster; to cause fingerprints on a shell casing to reappear after the bu llet has been fired and ejected; to computerize Identikit composites; and to ide ntify firearms and ammunition by discharging weapons into pseudo-flesh and exami ning the results. The contributions of Reiss and Locard to crime scene analysis, along with Godart's role in the 1927 Sacco and Vanzetti investigation, provide some of the historical antecedents of modern criminology. (55 minutes)</td><td>1 998</td><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4329_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4329_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7851</td><td>Schizophrenia and Delusional Disorders</td><td> Schizophrenia, acute and transient psychoses, persistent delusional disorders, a nd schizoaffective disorders are examined in this program, which was filmed in t he U.K. Their principal abnormalities are divided into the following psychiatric phenomena: disordered thinking, delusions, hallucinations, and abnormal behavio r. Specific symptoms of each disorder are discussed. Particular symptoms to look for in patient interviews are provided, along with criteria for diagnosing each disorder. (46 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4330_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4330_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10045</td><td>Schizophrenia: New Definitions, New Therapies< /td><td>Using interviews with medical authorities including neuropsychiatrist Ri

chard Petty, of the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, and outstanding c omputer animation of the brain, this program provides an update on the causes an d treatments of schizophrenia. NewsHour correspondent Susan Dentzer focuses on a young Philadelphia man trying desperately to control this devastating disorder. Although new atypical antipsychotic drugs such as Olanzapine, Risperidone, and Quetiapine are proving helpful-to those who can afford them-experts agree that a strong community support program is also essential to achieve lasting recovery. (29 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4331_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4331_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6293</td><td>School of Assassins</td><td>This Academy Awardwinning documentary looks at a United States institution that trains Latin Ameri can military officers. Few Americans have heard of the school-the U.S. Army Scho ol of the Americas-nor are they aware that some of its graduates have gone on to become dictators and violators of human rights in their home countries. The pro gram contrasts the mission statement of the school with the actions of its gradu ates, among whom are former Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega, numerous other s trongmen throughout Central and South America, and a large number of lower-level officers who have been charged with the murders of thousands of civilians, incl uding North American missionaries. (19 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4332_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4332_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11761</td><td>School: The Story of American Public Education </td><td>Born out of centuries of conflict and experimentation, America's public school system is one of the nation's most significant-but still unfinished-achi evements. This four-part series, narrated by Academy Award-winning actress Meryl Streep, is a compelling odyssey that weaves archival footage, rare interviews, and on-site coverage into an unprecedented portrait of public education in Ameri ca. 4-part series, 55 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4333_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4333_l blPrice">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5403</td><td>Schools of Thought: Teaching Children in Americ a and Japan</td><td>This fascinating comparison between Japanese and American ed ucational systems examines both the differences in goals between the two and the different ways in which they seek to achieve the same goal. With American produ cers photographing in Japan and Japanese producers photographing in the U.S., th is documentary explores efforts in both countries to balance creativity and disc ipline in education. Above all, this Oregon Public Broadcasting program gives Am erican educators a better understanding of the high level of focus and disciplin e of Japanese students. (55 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4334_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4334_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34969</td><td>Schubert: Impromptu in B-flat D935 No. 3</td>< td>Schubert's Impromptus allow the performer a chance to display considerable sk ill, but modern-day pianists have tended to neglect them. This program documents Martino Tirimo's spellbinding master class at the Royal Academy of Music, in wh ich the B flat impromptu takes on a refreshing new shape and color. Pianists fro m the United States, Europe, and Asia immerse themselves in the beauty of Schube rt's melody-and in Tirimo's energizing instruction. (30 minutes)</td><td>1988</t d><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4335_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4335_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2309</td><td>Science & Music</td><td>For every music lover w ho has ever wondered how music happens, what Pythagoras meant when he classified music as a branch of mathematics, this informative and entertaining series of l ecture-demonstrations provides fascinating insights into the relationships betwe en sound and music. Part of the annual series of Christmas Lectures given each y ear at Britain's Royal Institution, the programs explore the basic science of th e fact that every sound-from the dropping of a pin to the deafening frenzy of a rock concert-is produced by changes in air pressure. The resulting waves are per ceived by the miraculous ear-brain system as sensations we understand as sound a nd music-both apparently objective, yet intensely subjective phenomena.56-part s eries, 60 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4336_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4336_l blPrice">$449.75<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35846</td><td>Science Core Curriculum Video Library</td><td> This 20-program educational video collection stretches from the invisible world of atoms to the vast reaches of space as it investigates a broad cross-section o f the sciences. Recommended for grades 8-12. Correlates to state and nationa l standards. Twenty full-length videos. (c) 2006.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4337_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4337_l blPrice">$1,025.00<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8072</td><td>Science Fair Projects: The Ultimate Guide</td>< td>This video provides a step-by-step guide to science projects. Interviews with participants at science fairs and footage of their projects provide most of the information. Participants describe where they got their ideas, how they conduct ed their experiments, what problems they encountered, and what they discovered i

n the process. Viewers learn what the scientific method is, why it is used in pr ojects, and how it encourages "hands-on science." Interviews with science fair j udges and organizers provide insights into the judging process. Terms such as hy ptothesis, control, and variable are defined. Helpful tips on recording and orga nizing data, safety, writing a report, constructing a display, and preparing an oral presentation round out the information. Correlates to the National Science Education Standards developed by the National Academies of Science and Project 2 061 Benchmarks for Science Literacy from the American Association for the Advanc ement of Science. A Cambridge Educational Production. (35 minutes)</td><td>1995< /td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4338_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4338_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37321</td><td>Science in Everyday Life: Health and Wellness Video Clips, Part 2</td><td>This collection of 13 spectacular video clips offers insights into weight management, nutritional supplements, and more. Healthy and unhealthy eating, vitamins and vitamin deficiencies, food additives, and the ac tions of salt and water in the body are considered. Video clips include... Weight Control Battling the Bulge: Overindulgence Battling the Bulge: Glycemic In dex Battling the Bulge: Dieting Battling the Bulge: Healthy Lifestyle Dietary S upplements Vitamins: Vitamin C Vitamins: Dementia and Vitamin B12 Vitamins: Ve les and Life Span Vitamins: Food and Vitamins Vitamins: Vitamin Loss Plus... ky Additives? MSG Risky Additives? A World Without Food Additives Precious Salt: H ow the Body Regulates the Salt/Water Levels Water, Source of Life: The Path of Wa ter in the Body (45 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4339_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4339_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37317</td><td>Science in Everyday Life: Journey of the Invis ible Video Clips</td><td>Using scanning electron microscopy, this collection of 36 video clips takes a close-up look at the extraordinary qualities of ordinary things. Journey of the Invisible brings science home-literally-by scrutinizing o bjects that can be found in and around the house. Video clips include... I n the Kitchen Salt Bread Orange Walnut Cauliflower Oat Flakes In the Bathroom Toilet Paper Toothbrush Nail file In the Study Comp st-it Note Bubble Wrap In the Craft Room Paint Box Ball of Wool Candle Chalk Velcro In the Jewelry Box Jeweled Ring Mother-of-Pearl Cor en Insect Eye Cactus Bark Snake Skin Solar Cell In the Shed in Jacket In the Garbage Can Mold Fish Scale Broken Glass Cigar (51 td><td>2008</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4340_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4340_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3061</td><td>Science in the Saddle (Nitrogen)</td><td>Profes sional sports are a high-stakes business and none higher than horse racing-which

is why the temptation to use drugs often leads to the effort to avoid detection . Inherent in the increasingly sensitive and accurate testing for drugs is the d anger that the scientific proof-the existence of drugs-will be correct but the l ogical deduction drawn therefrom will be incorrect, unjust, and harmful. This pr ogram explains why nitrogen is the critical element in testing for drugs; looks at the range of techniques used to test blood and urine for drugs; explains the workings of thin-layer chromatography, gas chromatography, and mass spectroscopy ; and explains how certain drugs like vasodilators mimic the shape of natural mo lecules. (30 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4341_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4341_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8439</td><td>Science Lab Safety</td><td>Many students do not realize how hazardous the lab can be. Safety awareness in the laboratory is ess ential. This engaging and entertaining program teaches students how to recognize hazards, prevent accidents, and cope with emergencies. The proper way to exting uish a fire is demonstrated, along with first aid for acid burns and electric sh ock. Correlates to the National Science Education Standards developed by the Nat ional Academies of Science and Project 2061 Benchmarks for Science Literacy from the American Association for the Advancement of Science. A Cambridge Educationa l Production. (19 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4342_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4342_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30070</td><td>The Science of Climatology</td><td>Since the I ndustrial Revolution sparked the widespread burning of fossil fuels, scientists have concerned themselves with the climatic effects of carbon dioxide. This prog ram spotlights milestones in the history of that research as it seeks to underst and humankind's impact on Earth's atmosphere. The greenhouse effect, global warm ing, ozone depletion, the Keeling Curve, the Atlantic Conveyor Theory, and other key concepts are illustrated through the contributions of Jean-Baptiste Fourier , John Tyndall, Svante Arrhenius, Charles Keeling, Joe Farman, James Hansen, Ric hard Alley, and Wally Broecker. (28 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4343_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4343_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33880</td><td>The Science of Fuels and Gases</td><td>The Ear th is surrounded and permeated by gases. This program, a Science Screen Report, looks at the composition, properties, and applications of fuels and gases. Throu gh experiments and real-world examples, it illustrates how the uses of different gases relate to their weight, combustibility, and degree to which they can be c ompressed or liquefied. The video also discusses how fossil fuels and gases such as methane and hydrogen are applied to heating, cooking, and vehicular travel. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to Natio nal Science Education Standards. Produced in association with the Accreditation

Board for Engineering and Technology and the Junior Engineering Technical Societ y. (17 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4344_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4344_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36969</td><td>Science on The NewsHour</td><td>Television vie wers know they can count on PBS' The NewsHour for in-depth science journalism. C overing technology, space exploration, wildlife, human biology, and the environm ent, this five-part series from The NewsHour's Science Unit faces the issues wit h an uncompromising commitment to clarity and accuracy. Each program features br oadcast segments full of incisive reporting, interviews with prominent experts, and an abiding respect for the complexity of scientific issues. Produced in asso ciation with the National Science Foundation. 5-part series, 30 to 112 minutes e ach.</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4345_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4345_l blPrice">$569.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2312</td><td>Science, Strings, and Symphonies</td><td>Two gr oups of instruments use strings as the primary source of sound: those in which p lucking sets the strings in vibration, and the bowed strings. This program shows how the demand for more powerful sounds was met, and examines the instruments o f Stradivari to determine what science can and cannot reveal about their magic. It also examines the ways in which scientific methods complement the skill of cr aftsmen in making instruments. (60 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4346_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4346_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29743</td><td>Scientific, Engineering & Technical Services</ td><td>Whether it is a computer screen or an airplane engine or a bridge, someon e has to decide how big it will be and how it will work. The men and women in th e scientific, engineering, and technical services field create the designs and d raw up the plans that determine how things will be built. This program will offe r insights into the jobs of a civil engineer, an electronics technician, a hazar dous waste technician, and a water and liquid waste treatment plant and systems operator. A Cambridge Educational Production. (18 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td> 18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4347_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4347_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8428</td><td>Scientific Method</td><td>This program examines

the basic elements of the scientific method: defining and researching the probl em, forming a hypothesis, gathering information through experimentation and obse rvation, analyzing the data, forming a conclusion, and communicating the results . Practical applications of the scientific method, such as testing new medicines and analyzing the performance of sporting goods, are included as well. Correlat es to the National Science Education Standards developed by the National Academi es of Science and Project 2061 Benchmarks for Science Literacy from the American Association for the Advancement of Science. A Cambridge Educational Production. (23 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4348_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4348_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10914</td><td>Scientific Spin Doctors</td><td>For centuries, people have counted on science to provide them with objective answers to questi ons about the world of nature. But on pressing environmental issues such as glob al warming and ozone depletion, some special interest groups are striving to ben d science to their agendas. Spinning data into webs of rhetoric, such groups run the risk of creating more confusion than clarity, fostering a paralysis of publ ic opinion and environmental policy. This program, featuring environmentalist Dr . Calvin DeWitt of the University of Wisconsin, considers the consequences of ex ploiting science to shape public policy. (29 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>29</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4349_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4349_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37475</td><td>Sc@mmed: Online Identity Theft</td><td>Bouncin g between Canada and the U.S., Sc@mmed exposes an urgent problem of global propo rtions: phishing, the illegal gathering of others' personal information online i n order to steal all their money-and even their identities. Through the cautiona ry stories of two people who got burned, this program shows how cybercriminals u se scam spam and spoof Web sites to trick people into willingly giving up their most sensitive financial and personal information. Crooks go phishing all around the world every day; help your students avoid becoming their next victims. (25 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4350_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4350_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33809</td><td>Scream: The History of Anesthetics</td><td>Ins tructive and gruesome in equal parts, this program enters the operating theater with eyes wide open to observe how "fast and dirty" surgery-inexpressibly brutal in the time before anesthesia-led to 19th-century breakthroughs in the area of pain management. Traveling from the Victorian era to the present day, the progra m charts the evolution of anesthesiology and reviews the trial-and-error researc h behind anesthetic substances ranging from chloroform and nitrous oxide to coca ine and ketamine. Dr. David Wilkinson, president of the Confederation of Europea

n National Societies of Anaesthesiology, is featured. Viewer discretion is advis ed. A BBCW Production. (49 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4351_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4351_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33725</td><td>Screenwriting: Tips from the Pros</td><td>FADE IN: A stage, upon which sit award-winning playwright and screenwriter Mark St. Germain, two-time Emmy-nominated Freaks and Geeks creator and writer Paul Feig, actor and writer Bobby Garabedian, and producer Belen Santos. In two straight-ta lking forums, they advise today's flock of would-be screenwriters on what makes a character compelling, how plot points should be used in a three-act structure, how to get good representation for a script once it is written, and why it is i mportant to know the rules...before breaking them. (33 minutes)</td><td>2003</td ><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4352_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4352_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10362</td><td>Sculptors at Storm King: Shaping American Art< /td><td>The 400-acre Storm King Art Center is America's premier outdoor museum o f post-1945 sculpture-and home to the works of more than a hundred of the world' s top talents. Through interviews, archival footage, and film clips of sculptors in action, this program offers a glimpse into the creative process of some of t he century's most influential artists while presenting a magnificent visual surv ey of the encyclopedic Storm King collection. Featured sculptors include the lat e David Smith, whose work forms the nucleus of the collection; deceased artists Louise Nevelson, Alexander Calder, and Isamu Noguchi; and Kenneth Snelson, Mark di Suvero, and Richard Serra. (47 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4353_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4353_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35842</td><td>The Sculpture 100: England's Public Sculpture, 1905-2005</td><td>Beginning with Thomas Brock's Queen Victoria Memorial and end ing with Marc Quinn's Alison Lapper Pregnant, this program spotlights 100 public sculptures in Britain created over the course of 100 years. Stories of patronag e, controversy, and celebration contextualize the images on screen, while quotat ions and commentary from important sculptors offer valuable insights. Henry Moor e, Joseph Beuys, Richard Serra, Andy Goldsworthy, Barbara Hepworth, Anish Kapoor , Rachel Whiteread, Anthony Caro, Antony Gormley, Tracey Emin, Jacob Epstein, To ny Cragg, Eric Gill, Richard Wilson, David Mach, Elisabeth Frink, William Turnbu ll, and "England's Michelangelo" G. F. Watts are only 18 of the landmark artists represented. (58 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4354_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4354_l

blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33917</td><td>Sea Changes: Medicine from the Ocean</td><td>O nce conducted almost entirely on dry land, the hunt for biochemical and pharmace utical resources is shifting to the world's oceans. This program examines variou s phases of that research-algae and sponge extraction around the globe, the grow ing utilization of toxic substances produced by some marine organisms, and the p ractical application of treatments and cures that are often a dozen years in the making. With its ethical discussions about animal testing and the prerogatives of developing countries, Sea Changes provides a balanced and comprehensive look at a fascinating vanguard in undersea exploration. (50 minutes)</td><td>2004</td ><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4355_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4355_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10396</td><td>Seamus Heaney: Looking Back</td><td>Nobel Laur eate Seamus Heaney has been judged by Robert Lowell to be the most important Iri sh poet since Yeats. This classic program looks back over Heaney's career at the time his best-selling collection Seeing Things-a return to the rural childhood territory of his very first book-was published, offering a rare opportunity to h ear the poet read and discuss his work. Through poems including "Death of a Natu ralist," "The Toome Road," "Wheels Within Wheels," "The Strand at Lough Beg" and "Seeing Things," he describes his efforts to balance losses with life's marvels , the lyrical with the elegiac, and social responsibility with creative freedom in a society divided by religion and politics. (52 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td >52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4356_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4356_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10924</td><td>Seamus Heaney on the New Beowulf</td><td>Recen tly re-translated by Nobel Laureate Seamus Heaney, Beowulf has caused a sensatio n in both the U.S. and the U.K. In this program, NewsHour correspondent Elizabet h Farnsworth speaks with Heaney about his attraction to that epic poem, the prob able background of the bard who created the original, similarities between Old E nglish and bits of Anglo-Saxon that still crop up in rural Ireland, and the impo rtance of meter and alliteration in driving the poem. A reading of a passage fro m the new text and the old demonstrates the poetic affinity between them while u nderscoring the poem's timeless appeal. (12 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>12</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4357_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4357_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>979</td><td>The Search for a Usable Past</td><td>Architectur

e grows out of a people's shared past. But in America, where ties to ancient cul tures have been broken, we have individually and collectively invented a usable past. From the practical shelters built by the Pilgrims at Plymouth Plantation t o the classic ideals of Thomas Jefferson's Monticello to the stylistic diversity of our own time, our buildings reflect the strong-willed individuals who have f used national and personal mythologies.This first program in the series provides an overview of American architecture, exploring the result of the search for co ntinuity and the need for innovation and introducing the development of differen t building types and styles as responses to the demands and wants of Americans.S ites covered in detail in this program are Plimouth Plantation, Jefferson's Mont icello, Washington's Mount Vernon, Hill-Stead, and the Philip Johnson Estate. Vi ncent Scully, Jaquelin Robertson, and Philip Johnson join Robert A. M. Stern in this program. (58 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4358_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4358_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>9162</td><td>A Search for an American Voice in Theater</td>< td>This extraordinary six-part series traces the history of stage drama and the American imagination, from pre-Revolutionary days to the late 20th century, thro ugh expert interviews and a rich trove of archival images. Using theater as a mi rror, each program reveals the ongoing evolution of American culture and a socie ty's artistic aspirations. 6-part series.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4359_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4359_l blPrice">$599.70<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34121</td><td>The Search for Black Holes</td><td>This Scienc e Screen Report details the long history of speculation that led to theoretical awareness of black holes, as well as the eventual confirmation that they exist b ased on observations by the Hubble Space Telescope and terrestrial radio telesco pes. The program presents solid discussions of the relationship these objects ha ve to quantum particle behavior, antimatter, and the origins of the universe. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to Nationa l Science Education Standards. Produced in association with the Accreditation Bo ard for Engineering and Technology and the Junior Engineering Technical Society. (26 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4360_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4360_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5188</td><td>The Search for Clean Air</td><td>This program p resents a clear, forceful, and thorough exposition of the problems of air pollut ion: its causes; its effects on forests, streams, and human health; and the issu es involved in correcting the problems. Narrated by Walter Cronkite, the program shows the consequences of air pollution in Shenandoah National Park, the Adiron dacks, New England, Ohio, California, Mexico, Canada, and Eastern Europe. The pr ogram includes interviews with academics and scientists from the EPA, Harvard Sc

hool of Public Health, the U.S. Forest Service, and the National Park Service. A ll sides of the issues are expressed. Since nothing really meaningful will be do ne about cleaning up the air until ordinary Americans understand the problems an d their consequences, this is a very important program. (57 minutes)</td><td>199 4</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4361_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4361_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30239</td><td>The Search for Talent in the 21st Century</td> <td>In this program filmed at Carnegie Mellon's Graduate School of Industrial Ad ministration, Gary Goldstein, chairman and CEO of staffing service Headway Corpo rate Resources, and Jeff Christian, chairman and CEO of executive search firm Ch ristian and Timbers, talk about the challenges of recruiting top talent in a mar ket where the demand has outstripped the supply. In addition, MBA students and f aculty ask questions about the power of stock options to attract potential emplo yees and whether entrepreneurial drive is a good quality in job candidates. (57 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4362_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4362_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34448</td><td>Seas of Life</td><td>The oceans are life's lab oratory, the global test tube where trial and error meet cause and effect. By fo cusing on pivotal animals-ammonites, flatworms, sea squirts, frog fish, and bott lenose dolphins, to name only five-and anatomical adaptations such as the eye, t he brain, the backbone, and fins, this program illustrates how life populated th e seas. Evidence of humankind's evolutionary past is underscored in this aquatic realm of the beautiful and the bizarre. A BBCW Production. (51 minutes)</td><td >2004</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4363_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4363_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33511</td><td>Seasons of a Navajo</td><td>This classic anthr opological study of a traditional Navajo family, the Neboyias, examines their li festyle through the four seasons as they travel to each of their hogans-planting , sheepherding, harvesting, and weaving. The documentarist's style is natural an d unobtrusive, allowing viewers to share in the Navajo world vision. Filmed in t he Monument Valley, Canyon de Chelly, and Window Rock areas of Arizona. Portions are in Navajo with English subtitles. (60 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>59</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4364_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4364_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>24604</td><td>A Second Look at Careers</td><td>Building on t he extremely popular First Look at Careers, this 2-part video set takes an alpha betic Second Look at Careers. We've taken 40 occupations from the Children's Dic tionary of Occupations, and brought them to life using real people at work. Stud ents learn about the tools of the trade and the tasks performed on the job. They hear from workers who will tell them how to prepare for each job, including the education and training needed. Best of all, this fast-paced video set encourage s your students to begin thinking about the future world of work and is an excel lent introduction to career days, job fairs, or classroom units on careers. Use alone or in conjunction with the Children's Dictionary of Occupations. If you've used A First Look at Careers, you'll love A Second Look at Careers. If not, wha t a great way to introduce students to real world occupations! A Meridian Produc tion.o Aircraft Mechanic o Accountant o Broadcast Technician o Butcher o Carpent er o Chemist o Chiropractor o Dancer o Dentist o EMT o Economist o Farmer o Flig ht Attendant o Glazier o Home Appliance Repairer o Home Health Aide o Industrial Designer o Information Clerk o Janitor o Judge o Kitchen Worker o Landscape Arc hitect o Lawyer o Mail Carriero Manicurist o Musician o Nuclear Medicine Technol ogist o Optometrist o Physical Therapist o Quality Assurance Inspector o Real Es tate Agent o Respiratory Therapist o Secretary o Telephone Line Installer o Urba n Planner o Vehicle Washer/ Equipment Cleaner o Writer o X-Ray Technologist o Ye oman (Armed Services) o Zoologist. Two videos, 33 minutes total.</td><td>2000</t d><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4365_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4365_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29947</td><td>Second Year: Putting the Pieces Together</td>< td>Perhaps the toughest part of the course, the second year at the National Thea tre Conservatory forces actors to cope with the demands of working on multiple p rojects. In this program, the eight students, now closer and more at ease with e ach other, must stage a production of The Merchant of Venice in addition to craf ting solo Shakespeare performances. John Barton, founding member of the Royal Sh akespeare Company, guides their efforts. The hard-working thespians learn the va lue of dramaturgical analysis of lines. To supplement their curriculum, they do television analysis and begin to field understudy positions and their first comp any castings. (55 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4366_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4366_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9172</td><td>The Secret Life of Boys</td><td>Is male youth v iolence one result of the societally imposed demand for men to seem "strong and silent"? In this ABC News 20/20 program, correspondent John Stossel; Dr. William Pollack, of the Harvard Medical School and author of Real Boys; and researchers from Emory University and the University of Connecticut explore why boys tend t o repress their feelings. Using a real counseling session, experts demonstrate h ow to help boys express their feelings before they begin to act them out at scho ol and at home in antisocial behavior-or even in a shooting spree or suicide. (2 4 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4367_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4367_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32204</td><td>The Secret of Life</td><td>A half-century ago, three teams with three different approaches raced to unravel the structure of D NA. This program blends extensive interviews and firsthand narration with extrao rdinary graphics to tell the compelling story of how the perhaps unlikely duo of Jim Watson and Francis Crick won that race. Many of the principal figures in th e quest discuss their frustrations and insights, including Nobel Laureates Watso n and Crick, Maurice Wilkins, and Linus Pauling's son, Peter. (57 minutes)</td>< td>2003</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4368_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4368_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30399</td><td>The Secret of Sex: Finding the Essence of Man and Woman</td><td>One of the most fundamental human acts, sex has always been a mystery. This program examines aspects of reproduction, as well as what being ma le or female means at the cellular level. Dr. Roy Levin, a reproductive physiolo gist, uses an FMRI scanner to glean surprising images from a couple having inter course. Startling physiological effects are seen over a mere six months in a wom an who begins testosterone therapy. Experts include Marc Breedlove, Professor of Neuroscience at Michigan State University; Dr. Peter Goodfellow, renowned autho rity on the Y chromosome; Professor John Burn, clinical geneticist at Newcastle University; Dr. John Manning, one of the world's leading specialists on testoste rone; and Dr. Melissa Hines, Professor of Psychology at City University who has studied testosterone's influence on how children play. A BBC Production. (50 min utes)</td><td>2002</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4369_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4369_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36264</td><td>Secrets and Dangers: The World of Today's Teen s</td><td>How have mixed cultural signals and online social interaction impacted the average teenager's behavior? Is reducing violence, drug abuse, and dangerou s sex a lost cause? This ABC News program examines those questions, presenting t hree eye-opening stories of teen life... First, a small Michigan town recoils fr om a school-hall stabbing, highlighting an alarming rise in abusive teenage rela tionships... In the second segment, 14 girls from around the country attend a Ne w York-area slumber party, discussing their personal lives and the confusing wor ld of teen sexuality today... Finally, viewers get an in-depth look at MySpace.c om-the hugely popular Internet meeting place that can spell trouble for misguide d teens. Viewer discretion is advised. (40 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>40</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4370_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4370_l

blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10827</td><td>Secrets of Closing the Sale</td><td>Regardless of how good a sales pitch is, the sale is not made until it is closed. In this program, Bob Kimball-author of the American Marketing Association's popular AMA Handbook for Successful Selling and professor of marketing at the University of West Florida-addresses the ins and outs of getting to "yes" while laying down th e laws of making the sale: assume a closing mentality right from the start, be a lert for prospect acceptance and closing cues, and ask for an order as soon as a greement is sensed, turning ordinary statements into closing questions. (24 minu tes)</td><td>1999</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4371_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4371_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10823</td><td>Secrets of Effective Personal Communication</t d><td>In general, prospects can be divided into groups known as Amiables, Expres sives, Analytics, and Drivers-and knowing the differences between them can make or break a budding business relationship. This program narrated by Bob Kimball-a uthor of the American Marketing Association's popular AMA Handbook for Successfu l Selling and professor of marketing at the University of West Florida-stresses the value of good writing skills; of nonverbal communication during "7-second pl ans" and presentations; of listening and following up; and of generating mutual cordiality and respect. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4372_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4372_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10826</td><td>Secrets of Making Objections Your Friends</td> <td>For a salesperson, an objection is the kiss of death. Or is it? In this prog ram, Bob Kimball-author of the American Marketing Association's popular AMA Hand book for Successful Selling and professor of marketing at the University of West Florida-makes it clear that an objection and a rejection are two totally separa te things, as he describes in detail the process of turning an objection into an ally: first, probe for the underlying reasons; next, acknowledge it with a disa rming statement, mentally classify it as content-based or visceral, and deal wit h it accordingly; and then get back on track and go for the close. (26 minutes)< /td><td>1999</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4373_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4373_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10828</td><td>Secrets of Negotiating Profitable Sales</td><t d>The difference between making a sale and making a profitable sale means more t han just an extra zero or two on the bottom line. This program narrated by Bob K imball-author of the American Marketing Association's popular AMA Handbook for S

uccessful Selling and professor of marketing at the University of West Florida-e mphasizes the importance of negotiating win-win sales. Key discussion points inc lude getting everything on the table before beginning to negotiate, remembering that price is only one element of the total package, and never making a concessi on without receiving one in return. (26 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>26</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4374_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4374_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10822</td><td>Secrets of Personal Time and Territory Managem ent</td><td>"I work hard every day, every week, but I'm not making any money in selling. If I'm working this hard, I ought to be doing a lot better than I am." In this program, Bob Kimball-author of the American Marketing Association's popu lar AMA Handbook for Successful Selling and professor of marketing at the Univer sity of West Florida-explodes the myth that sheer effort guarantees results whil e explaining how to "plan your work and work your plan," how to codify prioritie s and then stick to them, how to eliminate time-wasters, and the crucial importa nce of making weekly and daily schedules. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>30</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4375_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4375_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10821</td><td>Secrets of Professional Selling</td><td>Sellin g well, like any set of skills, begins with a solid foundation. In this program, Bob Kimball-author of the American Marketing Association's popular AMA Handbook for Successful Selling and professor of marketing at the University of West Flo rida-drives home the basics, including the importance of listening, in order to determine a prospect's needs and buying motives; of highlighting prospect benefi ts, not product features; of having a broad knowledge of one's industry; of maki ng a paradigm shift from "company salesperson" to "buyer consultant"; and of foc using on value rather than price. (26 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4376_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4376_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10820</td><td>Secrets of Professional Selling: Eight Steps t o Success</td><td>When it comes to professional selling, Bob Kimball literally w rote the book. Throughout this dynamic 8-part sales training series, Dr. Kimball , author of the American Marketing Association's popular AMA Handbook for Succes sful Selling and professor of marketing at the University of West Florida, uses his comprehensive, step-by-step training approach to reveal how anyone who is in terested in sales or marketing can sell more-and more effectively.Each skills-or iented program presents secrets of selling in no uncertain terms while spelling out their application through concrete examples, demonstrations, illustrations, and critiques. This engaging, no-nonsense series is ideal for both classroom and business use. 8-part series, 21-30 minutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</t

d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4377_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4377_l blPrice">$719.60<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10824</td><td>Secrets of Successful Prospecting</td><td>What is a salesperson's most important activity? In this program, Bob Kimball-author of the American Marketing Association's popular AMA Handbook for Successful Sel ling and professor of marketing at the University of West Florida-tackles the su bject of prospecting, from gathering referrals to making cold calls. How to tap current and prior customers for referrals; how to cultivate a "non-referral farm " through research, networking, and other avenues; how to quantitatively assess the value of prospecting activities; and ways to improve the "appointment-to-dis appointment ratio" are all considered. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>30</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4378_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4378_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35136</td><td>Secrets of the Body: An Introduction to the Hi story of Western Medicine</td><td>This concise program-ideal for use as a lectur e launcher-summarizes the evolution of medical knowledge in the Western world wi th numerous drawings, paintings, diagrams, and clips of historical footage. High lighted moments in the quest for a more thorough understanding of disease and th e human body are augmented by capsule case studies and intriguing information on the effects of both the Scientific Revolution and religion on the field of medi cine. (11 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>11</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4379_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4379_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11417</td><td>The Secrets of the Human Body: Islam's Contrib utions to Medicine</td><td>This program investigates the practice of medicine du ring the Abbasid Caliphate, offering profiles of Jurjis ibn Jibrail, personal do ctor to Caliph al-Mansur; Yuhanna ibn Masawayh, head of Caliph al-Ma'amun's Hous e of Wisdom; Rhazes, whose Kitab al-hawi outlines an exemplary clinical approach ; Avicenna, universally known for his Canon of Medicine; and Abul Qasim al-Zahra wi, the father of modern surgery. The Islamic concern with the relationship betw een the body and the soul is also discussed, as is the founding of hospitals, on e of the great achievements of Islamic society. (Portions in French with English subtitles, 27 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4380_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4380_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>10825</td><td>Secrets of the Sales Presentation</td><td>Noth ing promotes buying like buy-in. How is it achieved? This program narrated by Bo b Kimball-author of the American Marketing Association's popular AMA Handbook fo r Successful Selling and professor of marketing at the University of West Florid a-answers that and other questions as it examines the sales presentation, from s tart to finish. Topics covered include properly using open- and closed-ended que stions; identifying the benefits most dear to the prospect; uncovering unmet nee ds or dissatisfactions; getting the prospect involved in the presentation; and c losing on every point of agreement. (21 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>21</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4381_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4381_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35405</td><td>Secrets of the Sexes</td><td>What happens when conventional wisdom on the differences between the sexes is put to the test? Th is three-part series examines the latest theories about neurological and psychol ogical gender distinctions, and how those differences influence everything from flirting techniques to empathy for one's partner. While each episode features te sting methods that are entertaining and "outside the box" in approach, they lead to viable conclusions by trained psychologists and promise lively gender studie s discussion. A BBCW Production. 3-part series, 51 minutes each.</td><td>2005</t d><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4382_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4382_l blPrice">$449.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9366</td><td>Sectarianism and Schism in Europe: Christianity in the 15th and 16th Centuries</td><td>Part one of this program highlights the Great Schism. The Papacy's move to achieve political independence and the flower ing of the Renaissance are presented as well-along with the violent opposition t o the new papal politics and the humanism that was remaking God in man's image. Part two plots out the religious revolt sparked by the sale of indulgences, from Martin Luther's 95 Theses, to the Inquisition, to the Protestantism of John Cal vin. The spread of the Catholic faith to Latin America by the Jesuits is also di scussed. (48 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4383_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4383_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9287</td><td>Sedatives</td><td>This video offers a summary o f sedatives as a class of drugs, and then focuses on barbiturates, tranquilizers , and alcohol, while touching lightly on narcotics. A doctor of pharmacology, po lice officers, an addiction specialist, a historian, a pastor, recovering addict s, and others describe the history and biological effects of sedatives, employin g case studies and personal experience to analyze the use, abuse, and hazards of this seductive group of drugs. A Cambridge Educational Production. (32 minutes)

</td><td>1999</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4384_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4384_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36227</td><td>The Seeds of a New Era</td><td>Shedding light on today's biotech revolution, this intro-level program examines the controversi es surrounding genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, specifically in agricult ure. The program explains the process of modification using crown gall disease a nd Agrobacterium tumefaciens as models to demonstrate how genetic engineering wo rks in plants. Marker genes, DNA constructs, promoters, ligase, restriction enzy mes, and the real-world agricultural applications of transgenic plants are analy zed. The film clearly shows that, regarding the long-term use of GMOs and their products, farms are both working laboratories and ethical battlegrounds. A viewa ble/printable instructor's guide is available online. (30 minutes)</td><td>2003< /td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4385_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4385_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3697</td><td>Seeing the Light</td><td>This program offers an introduction to the process of photosynthesis, through the historical discoveri es of Joseph Priestley, Jan Ingenhousz, and Jean Senebier. The classic equation is developed step-by-step, with reference to the role played by each of the ingr edients, from the raw materials to the finished product. (10 minutes)</td><td>&n bsp;</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4386_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4386_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32647</td><td>Seeking Perfection</td><td>Gary's love of socc er might wreck his wedding plans. Rosemary embezzled four million dollars in ord er to shop and hoard. An attractive young woman, Jennifer sees herself as disfig ured due to body dysmorphia. These and other cases are used to illustrate how ob sessive-compulsive disorder can be the flip side to strong, healthy self-interes ts. Along with studies of actual patients, the program features experts such as Dr. John Grant of the University of Minnesota, who has found similarities in bra in circuitry and chemistry among those with OCD. A BBCW Production. (50 minutes) </td><td>2003</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4387_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4387_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10141</td><td>Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning</td><td

>No product can be all things to all people-not even Wheelie Cheese. In this pro gram, the principles of carving up a market are addressed. Topics under investig ation include market characteristics such as demographics, lifestyle, usage leve l, geographic area, and benefits sought; the 80/20 Principle; undifferentiated, concentrated, and differentiated targeting strategies; and positioning strategie s based on benefit, user, occasion of use, product class, price and quality, and competitor. (14 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4388_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4388_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2148</td><td>Segovia: The Mirror of Spanish History</td><td> Built as a walled fortress by the Romans and watered by their great aqueduct, Se govia began to grow in Visigothic times and came into its own as a rich and powe rful city in the Middle Ages. This program documents its history-which in many w ays mirrors the history of Spain-through its homes and churches, its highways an d byways, the rooms where Alfonso el Sabio wrote his astronomical treatise and w here ordinary fullers plied their trade. Segovia is the most Romanesque city in Spain, and the most continuous monument of Spanish history from the beginning of the historical past to today. (35 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>35</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4389_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4389_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>26265</td><td>Selecting and Storing Fruits and Vegetables</t d><td>How do you tell if a banana's ripe? Is it OK to buy apples and cut out the bruises? Will a tomato or a pear continue to ripen? Can anyone really pick a ri pe watermelon? Should grapes be washed? Different fruits and vegetables need dif ferent kinds of selection guidelines and storage procedures. Viewers of this vid eo will learn how to properly select many types of fruits and vegetables; how to determine quality and ripeness; what is and is not acceptable in appearance; an d how to store fresh items. (12 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1996</td><t d>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4390_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4390_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>809</td><td>Selection in Action: Natural Selection</td><td>T his program provides arguments in favor of continental drift and the one-time ex istence of a supercontinent, shows how isolation can give rise to different spec ies and how species develop in response to their environments, and explains clin es and suggests the reason for their existence. After viewing the program, stude nts should understand the significance of the continental drift theory, the purp ose of studying inherited variation in isolated populations, and the conclusions about an isolated environment in a species' ancestry that can be drawn from the presence or absence of variation. (20 minutes)</td><td>1981</td><td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4391_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4391_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>14371</td><td>Self-Esteem</td><td>This program focuses on te aching teens how to overcome feelings of inadequacy and replace them with feelin gs of self-worth, self-respect, and self-confidence. Using real-life examples, t he video begins by focusing on the causes of low self-esteem. The second portion of the program shows how to recognize and avoid low self-esteem traps. The fina l portion of the program demonstrates how to raise one's self-esteem through pos itive thinking and realistic goal setting. A Cambridge Educational Production. ( 22 minutes)</td><td>1988</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4392_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4392_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6790</td><td>Self-Harm</td><td>One person in 600 attended to by an emergency unit is a victim of self-harm-surely the most disturbing of all anxiety-related disorders. Its victims compulsively cut, burn, or strike themse lves to relieve unresolved anxieties. This program shows how victims carry the b urden of guilt and shame associated with their actions. Two women, who have regu larly harmed themselves for years, share their tragic personal experiences. An e xpert from a hospital crisis recovery unit explains the theories behind the cond ition and discusses various treatments. (15 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>15</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4393_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4393_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34495</td><td>Self-Knowledge and Beliefs</td><td>This video presents simple methods for expanding self-awareness, and explores links between beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. Students practice identifying personal belie fs about success, and begin to develop their Personal Career Profile. (29 minute s)</td><td>2004</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4394_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4394_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34492</td><td>Self-Knowledge and Exploration: What Do I Real ly Want?</td><td>Section one (episodes one through seven) of the Career Advantag e series focuses on helping students recognize their key values, how they envisi on their various life roles, and what specific skills they possess and wish to d evelop. Students will be able to incorporate these factors into the process of d etermining career choices. Designed according to National Occupational Informat ion Coordinating Committee (NOICC) Guidelines. Recommended by the National Empl

oyment Counseling Association (NECA). 7-part series, 28 minutes each.</td><td>2 004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4395_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4395_l blPrice">$279.65<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29963</td><td>Selling Australia: Branding a Country</td><td> Nearly two decades after Paul Hogan first put that "extra shrimp on the barbie," he is still on camera selling Australia to tourists and Aussies alike. Focusing on the phenomenally successful "Brand Australia" campaign, this program questio ns whether travelers' expectations should be allowed to drive a country's imageespecially when that image relies on simplistic, nostalgia-laden stereotypes. In terviews with Paul Hogan, the Australian Tourist Commission's John Morse, and ot hers, as well as footage of vacationers living out their vision of the land down under, provide telling insights into the relationship between marketing, touris m, and national identity in the first country to ever promote itself as a brand. (26 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4396_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4396_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14647</td><td>Selling Skills</td><td>Interviews with profess ional sales personnel present strategies for enhancing business transactions. Vi ewers are shown how to prepare for a sale, approach customers and determine thei r needs, present merchandise, ask for a sale, handle resistance, and steps to ta ke after the sale. Students see how to approach the sales process in its totalit y, beginning with the first customer contact, and carrying on long after goods a nd cash have been exchanged. The techniques are applicable to sales positions in any type of business. A Cambridge Educational Production.One 35-minute video.</ td><td>1992</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4397_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4397_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10576</td><td>The Semicolon, Colon, and Dash</td><td>Filled with solid information and good advice, this program defines the rules for using the semicolon, the colon, and the dash, offering clear-cut caveats against misu se and overuse along the way. Litmus tests such as the "furthermore" test and th e "and here it is" test make it easy to tell when to utilize these punctuation m arks, while Thai food, spaghetti sauce, and even oatmeal with paprika spice up t he numerous examples. (22 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4398_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4398_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>33441</td><td>Seneca: Moral Epistles</td><td>"If wisdom were given me under the express condition that it must be kept hidden and not uttere d, I should refuse it." Thus wrote the 1st-century Roman philosopher Seneca in o ne of the many letters he wrote to his disciple, Lucilius. These letters were la ter collected together to form Moral Epistles, one of the central ethical works of the classical period. This program examines Seneca's particular brand of stoi c philosophy and chronicles an extraordinary life that spanned the tumultuous re igns of Caligula, Claudius, and finally Nero-whom Seneca served as both tutor an d counselor. Included are a number of excerpts from Seneca's Epistles, among the m passages in which he deplores capital punishment and encourages unity, brother hood, and equality among all people-including slaves. (25 minutes)</td><td>2004< /td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4399_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4399_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31486</td><td>Sense and Sensation: English Culture in the Ei ghteenth Century</td><td>Adapted from his book, The Pleasures of the Imagination , this lavish exploration of the arts in eighteenth-century London is presented by historian John Brewer. Illustrated with period prints and paintings, along wi th artful reenactments of London cultural life, the program considers the world of commerce and celebrity in which Georgian culture was created-a world with man y parallels to today. Brewer relates the remarkable stories of entrepreneur Jona than Tyers and his Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens; literature, gallery, and theater a ficionado Anna Larpent; thespian legend David Garrick; Samuel Johnson and his Li terary Club; and John Gay and The Beggar's Opera. (51 minutes)</td><td>2002</td> <td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4400_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4400_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5989</td><td>The Senses</td><td>This program examines the ro le that our senses play in providing us with information about the world around us. Our brain depends upon the information from all our senses being integrated so that the brain is provided with consistent data that it can use to direct our actions. The program demonstrates how the senses of sight and balance operate a s well as how they interact with each other. The program provides a complete int roduction to the following topics:o The visual systemo The vestibular systemo Th e relationship between the brain and the sensory organso Using modern technology to overcome our sensory limitations(20 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>20</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4401_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4401_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>822</td><td>The Senses: Skin Deep</td><td>This, the first of two programs on the senses, looks at those sense receptors that depend on conta

ct with the immediate world: taste buds, touch sensors, and olfactory cells. The se receptors also sense heat, pain, and pressure. The complex world just beneath the skin is re-created with realistic models, showing events like the pulling o f a hair seen from the viewpoint of the root. (26 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td> 28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4402_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4402_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>30531</td><td>Sensory Systems</td><td>This program concentra tes on the nervous and endocrine systems. A soccer match offers an opportunity t o investigate how neurons work and how a simple reflex arc functions. Footage of infants illustrates the processes of neural network growth and coordination acq uisition. A Penfield map opens the door to a study of the senses, with an emphas is on vision. The links between chemical activity in the brain and behavior are examined. And an analysis of bungee jumping indicates how the endocrine and nerv ous systems work together to control actions and moods. The effects of drugs and other psychoactive substances on these sensory systems are also considered. Con tains nudity associated with childbirth. (20 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>20</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4403_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4403_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8315</td><td>A Separate Peace: Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, a nd Shintoism</td><td>This program examines the structure and major tenets of the se four eastern religious philosophies. The role of the spiritual master in Hind uism is defined, and the belief in transcendental power and a multitude of deiti es is explained. The history of Buddhism is traced from the 6th century BC. Rein carnation and nonviolence are discussed as major beliefs. Chinese Taoism, especi ally its stress on the equilibrium of forces, is examined. Shintoism, a Japanese religion, is presented as a form of animism in which nature is composed of a mu ltitude of deities: the kami. Shintoism's coexistence in Japan with Buddhism is explained as follows: "Shintoism is in charge of birth and marriage; Buddhism is in charge of death." (54 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4404_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4404_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35307</td><td>Separating Mixtures</td><td>Using clever anima tion and real-world examples, this video gives viewers a solid grounding in the principles of mixtures, how they can form, and how they can be separated. Starti ng with everyday tools and materials-including a campfire, sugar, water, and mag nets-the program illustrates simple and complex experiments that demonstrate a w ide range of mixture separation techniques. Viewers will discover the difference between solvents, solutes, and solutions; the characteristics of suspensions an d colloids; and both low- and high-tech methods for separating mixtures, from ev aporation and magnetism to paper chromatography and the use of a centrifuge. (22

minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4405_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4405_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35068</td><td>Sepsis: The Peril of Infection</td><td>A frigh tening and often deadly affliction, sepsis is a result of the immune system over reacting to bacterial infection. This program thoroughly examines the cause of s epsis, its specific symptoms and effects, and the possibility of treatment and r ecovery if life support and antibiotics are administered in time. Describing how immunological defenses shift into overdrive to rid the blood stream and organs of invaders, the video illustrates the all-too-frequent results of the human bod y attacking itself: organ damage and, typically, system failure. Case studies of sepsis survival and expert commentary from physicians at major medical centers are also included. (24 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4406_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4406_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33329</td><td>Sequence Stratigraphy: The Book Cliffs of East ern Utah</td><td>Sea-level change has occurred throughout Earth's history. What can the past tell scientists today about the rise and fall of the planet's ocean s? This program takes viewers on a virtual field trip to the Book Cliffs, in Uta h-the place where sequence stratigraphy was developed and tested-to study and in terpret the sedimentary record there. Some of the field evidence for sea-level c hange is shown, along with how the sequence stratigraphy model has been applied to this particular shallow marine and fluvial succession. An excellent combinati on of location footage supported by detailed on-screen diagrams. (44 minutes)</t d><td>2001</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4407_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4407_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29088</td><td>Sequencing Life</td><td>Both a public consorti um of researchers and a private U.S. company successfully decoded the human gene tic blueprint. In this program, Doctors Francis Collins, head of the Human Genom e Project, and J. Craig Venter, CEO of Celera Genomics, discuss the completion o f the mapping of the human genome and what that achievement means for the future of medicine. Initial discoveries indicate that the structure of human DNA is si mpler but its functions far more complex than previously imagined. (16 minutes)< /td><td>2001</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4408_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4408_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>5969</td><td>Ser Madre en America Latina</td><td>This progra m discusses reproduction and motherhood in the hyper-patriarchal societies of La tin America. Women on different economic and social levels discuss such topics a s working mothers, and how the extended family contributes to child-rearing; the sterilization movement; abortion; gay parenting; manipulation of women's reprod uctive rights by governments; and how access to medical services varies from cou ntry to country. Also available in English. (59 minutes)Spanish</td><td>1992</td ><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4409_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4409_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6952</td><td>Sergei Eisenstein</td><td>This richly personal documentary uses first-person narration, artwork, film clips, and photographs to trace the life and achievements of this legendary artist and filmmaker. Rare an d extensive footage from several important films, including Battleship Potemkin and Ivan the Terrible, illustrates the use of montage and subject-to-subject cam era cuts-techniques developed by Eisenstein that revolutionized filmmaking. His relationships with celebrities such as Walt Disney, D. W. Griffith, Jean Cocteau , and Albert Einstein are explored within the context of Eisenstein's meteoric r ise to fame from promising artist and set designer to master filmmaker. (57 minu tes)</td><td>1987</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4410_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4410_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37116</td><td>Sergio Pitol-in Spanish</td><td>"Childhood is your native land, and language is your native land-the two elements for a writer , of course," says Mexican author Sergio Pitol. In this program, the Cervantes P rize-winning writer reflects on his love of reading, which began at a very young age, and his lifelong admiration for the works of Jules Verne and Thomas Mann. In addition, the author of El Viaje, El Arte de la Fuga, El Desfile del Amor, an d La Vida Conyugal shares his thoughts on changes in Mexico over the past severa l decades, the New French Novel of the 1950s and '60s, and the publishing indust ry's incessant demand for magical realism, which, to Pitol's relief, has finally abated. (Spanish, 25 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4411_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4411_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37117</td><td>Sergio Pitol-in Spanish with English Subtitles </td><td>"Childhood is your native land, and language is your native land-the tw o elements for a writer, of course," says Mexican author Sergio Pitol. In this p rogram, the Cervantes Prize-winning writer reflects on his love of reading, whic h began at a very young age, and his lifelong admiration for the works of Jules Verne and Thomas Mann. In addition, the author of El Viaje, El Arte de la Fuga, El Desfile del Amor, and La Vida Conyugal shares his thoughts on changes in Mexi

co over the past several decades, the New French Novel of the 1950s and '60s, an d the publishing industry's incessant demand for magical realism, which, to Pito l's relief, has finally abated. (Spanish with English subtitles, 25 minutes)</td ><td>2007</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4412_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4412_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36263</td><td>Serial Rapist: A Criminal Profile</td><td>Jame s Perry lived a double life. On the surface, he was a loving husband and fatherbut for more than five years, the Madison, Wisconsin, construction worker commit ted dozens of sexual attacks against children and young women. This ABC News pro gram explains how the man known as the "mall rapist" was finally caught, and how his massive collection of digitized images and video provides chilling insight into the mind of a psychopath. Featuring interviews with Perry's former wife and with crime expert Maureen Wall, the program is not only a psychological crimina l profile-it also sheds light on ways for parents to protect children from preda tors. (24 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4413_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4413_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36472</td><td>Seriously Stressed</td><td>The pace of life ha s greatly increased, and the escalation of chronic stress is costing people thei r health, relationships, and careers. In this program, an immunologist, a psychi atrist, and a mental skills coach lay bare the symptoms of chronic stress, the n egative impact on the body of continual exposure to adrenalin and cortisol, and biological and psychological factors that influence vulnerability to overstressi ng. The fight/flight/freeze response function and the stress/resistance/recovery curve are also addressed. Case studies include an IBM executive, an administrat ive assistant, and a crime scene videographer. (46 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td >46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4414_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4414_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33755</td><td>The Service Entrance</td><td>Starting with the service entrance, this video addresses buried versus aerial service, calculatin g amperage and choosing cable, and connecting the meter base to the panel. A wel l-grounded understanding of electrical work starts here. A viewable/printable in structor's guide is available online. Correlates to the National Center for Cons truction Education and Research standards. A Shopware Production. (18 minutes)</ td><td>2004</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4415_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4415_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8772</td><td>Servicing and Storing Two-Cycle Engines</td><td >Presents a checklist of parts and systems to be checked to keep a two-stroke en gine well maintained, particularly before seasonal storage.</td><td>1998</td><td >&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4416_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4416_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36194</td><td>Setbacks: Realities of the War on Cancer</td>< td>For decades, the medical establishment has focused on producing pharmaceutica l weapons to fight cancer-but some scientists are disillusioned with that approa ch. This program looks at developments in late-20th-century cancer research, sho wing how environmental and dietary studies have become marginalized. Biostatisti cian John Bailar laments conventional wisdom, calling for more preventive emphas is, while Andrew Von Eschenbach, former National Cancer Institute director, igno res Nixon's 1971 declaration and blithely predicts a cure by 2015. The challenge s involved in banning asbestos, expanding breast cancer awareness, and other con cerns are also explored. Not available in French-speaking Canada. (53 minutes)</ td><td>2006</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4417_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4417_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3278</td><td>Seven Ages of Fashion</td><td>Fashion is a mirr or of political and social change-in short, a reflection of history. These progr ams show 400 years of British history, from the time of Elizabeth I to Elizabeth II, reflecting through fashion the enormous changes between the time that Henry VIII forbade women to wear hats to the time when Mary Quant hiked hemlines to t he hip. 7-part series, 26 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4418_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4418_l blPrice">$629.65<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5696</td><td>The Seven Ages of the Brain</td><td>This progra m focuses on how a brain grows from a fertilized egg and how our brains change, even after birth, right up to old age. The establishment of connections between brain cells occurs not only in the womb, but also after birth. These connections can be modified, or even abolished, in accordance with certain changes in the e nvironment. Hence, the development of the brain is a little like sculpting, wher e a pattern is formed by removing unwanted parts. It is the patterns of connecti ons between brain cells that are all-important. These connections are, to a cert ain extent, constantly changing throughout our lives. (58 minutes)</td><td>1994< /td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4419_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4419_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35485</td><td>Seville's Story: Choosing to Live Clean</td><t d>Personal responsibility is at the center of this two-part series of ABC News p rograms-but compassion and redemption are also major parts of the equation. Draw n from the so-called Badlands, one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Philad elphia, this is the story of a former criminal and the community activist who he lped him change. The psychological journey of the man known as Seville demonstra tes what social outreach and involvement can accomplish-when a lost soul makes a conscious choice to find a better life. 2-part series, 22-23 minutes each.</td> <td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4420_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4420_l blPrice">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14642</td><td>Sewing ABCs</td><td>Learning to sew is as simp le as reciting the ABCs with this easy-to-follow demonstration. Viewers learn to begin sewing projects with a positive attitude and to buy all fabric and notion s before starting a project. They see the importance of checking supplies on han d and collecting all tools and equipment before beginning to sew. These basic se wing principles help viewers select a pattern, use the information on the patter n envelope and inside guide sheet, and use the pattern they select. Both novice and experienced sewers will benefit from the demonstrations of basic sewing tech niques. Viewers learn about elastic waistbands, side pockets, and hems on simple shorts, skirts, and pants; facings, interfacing, darts, and seam finishes for t ops and blouses; and zipper application, pleats, waistband, fasteners, and hems for basic skirts. Close-ups make each of these procedures come alive as viewers learn techniques they can apply to future sewing projects. A Cambridge Education al Production. One 157-minute video and manual.</td><td>1993</td><td>117</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4421_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4421_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29227</td><td>Sewing Is My Art</td><td>With a little creativ ity and patience (and a whole lot of fabric and thread), students can sew just a bout anything. This straightforward two-part series introduces the art and craft of sewing, both by hand and with a sewing machine. Viewable/printable instructo r's guides are available online. A Meridian Production. 2-part series, 11-15 min utes each.</td><td>2001</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4422_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4422_l blPrice">$119.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>29228</td><td>Sewing Is My Art #1</td><td>If your students d on't know a seam ripper from a seam gauge, this video is a perfect place to star t teaching the skills needed for sewing by hand. All of the basic tools of the t rade are identified, including measuring instruments, tracing wheels and paper, fabric markers, scissors and shears, needles, ballpoint and sharp pins, basting tape, pin cushions, thimbles, irons, pressing cloths, and steamers. Once student s know how to measure, mark, and cut fabric and smooth out a finished product wh en it's done, they'll be ready to put their needles to work making one-of-a-kind clothing that's uniquely their own. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Meridian Production. (15 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>15</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4423_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4423_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29229</td><td>Sewing Is My Art #2</td><td>Sewing is a useful skill that is as handy in the home as it is profitable in the workplace. This v ideo introduces students to the sewing machine, the key to high-volume stitching and a rewarding career in the clothing industry. First, the program names each part of the machine, from the thread take-up lever, to the bobbin winder spindle , to the presser foot lifter. Then, it demonstrates how to thread the machine an d start sewing. Troubleshooting tips are also included, for times when the threa d snaps, the needle breaks, or the stitches just don't look as good as they shou ld. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Meridian Prod uction. (11 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4424_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4424_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33672</td><td>Sex and Religion</td><td>How do religions seek to influence their adherents' sexual activity and sexual orientation, and why? And what are the historical and doctrinal roots of sexual prohibitions? In this thought-provoking three-part series, nearly two dozen experts-theologians, clerg y, historians, scientific researchers, and others-openly discuss human sexuality from the perspectives of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Sikhism. C ontains mature themes and explicit language and imagery. 3-part series, 37 minut es each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4425_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4425_l blPrice">$299.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37568</td><td>Sex, Censorship, and the Silver Screen: From t he Depression to WWII</td><td>In what many see as Hollywood's Golden Age, the of fices of William Hays and Joseph Breen worked overtime to combat sexuality and s ubversion in American movies. This program examines the products of that era-fil ms that danced around the standards of the Production Code and paved the way for increasingly daring storytelling and images. From the modesty of It Happened On e Night to the shocking and nearly prohibited use of "damn" in Gone with the Win

d to the ambiguous morality of Double Indemnity, the program surveys the achieve ments of Clark Gable, Hedy Lamarr, Errol Flynn, Lana Turner, Rita Hayworth, Jane Russell, Cecil B. DeMille, Frank Capra, Billy Wilder, Preston Sturges, and othe r screen artists. The forces that led to Hays' dismissal and the weakening of th e Code are discussed in depth. (72 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>73</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4426_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4426_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37569</td><td>Sex, Censorship, and the Silver Screen: The 19 50s and '60s</td><td>After World War II, the wholesomeness of American movies fa ced a tidal wave of change-from outside, as a growing number of provocative fore ign films made their way to the U.S., and from within, as car culture flowered a nd drive-in theaters sprang up across the country. This program documents the pe riod, from the birth of art house cinema to the ascent of boundary-busting Ameri can actors and directors like Marlon Brando and Stanley Kubrick. Studying the sh ifting moral standards that Hollywood, Italian cinema, and the French New Wave s ignaled-and which the Catholic Legion of Decency resisted tooth and nail-the pro gram features groundbreaking scenes from The Miracle, Baby Doll, Lolita, and oth er films. The 1952 Supreme Court decision granting First Amendment protection to motion pictures is also highlighted. (59 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>59</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4427_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4427_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37567</td><td>Sex, Censorship, and the Silver Screen: The Ea rly Decades</td><td>While the earliest motion pictures were admired simply for t heir novelty, viewers soon demanded more than raw footage of trains, sneezes, an d other random subjects. This program describes the discovery of sex as a surefi re cinematic attraction and the outrages it provoked among religious and civic a uthorities during Hollywood's formative years. Documenting the rise of William H ays as the arbiter of movie morality-and the studio system's answer, after the F atty Arbuckle fiasco, to the threat of government censorship-the program explore s the artistic and cultural shock waves created by Theda Bara, Rudolph Valentino , Erich Von Stroheim, Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, Jean Harlow, Busby Berkeley , Mae West, Barbara Stanwyck, and many other early film luminaries. Contains foo tage from A Fool There Was, Possessed, Klondike Annie, and more. (50 minutes)</t d><td>2007</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4428_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4428_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9226</td><td>The Sex Offender Next Door</td><td>Convicted ch ild molester Jonathan Hawes is a marked man. Although out on parole and free to live wherever he chooses, he is regarded by his neighbors with suspicion, fear, and animosity. In part one of this program, ABC News anchor Ted Koppel, Jonathan Hawes' parole officer, two of Hawes' neighbors, and a woman who blocked Hawes'

attempt to move into her neighborhood address the impact of Hawes' residency in Gaston, Oregon, and why a predatory sex offender is held in greater disdain than even a murderer. In part two, in which one of Hawes' child victims recounts the attack, Ted Koppel, Hawes' mother, and Jonathan Hawes himself discuss Hawes' st ruggle to break with his past-and the struggles of others to keep him chained to it. Some content may be objectionable. (39 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>46</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4429_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4429_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10337</td><td>The Sexes</td><td>From childhood on, biologica l and social factors combine to shape an individual's sexual identity. In this p rogram, Ruben Gur, Professor of Neuropsychology at the University of Pennsylvani a; sociologist Rhoda Reddock, of the University of the West Indies; philosopher Elisabeth Badinter; historians Arlette Farge and Jennifer Stoddart; and others e valuate gender-related behavioral models from a variety of times and places, ran ging from ancient Babylon to the contemporary U.S. Other topics include the shif ts in female status that have accompanied society's evolution from hunter/gather ers, to farmers, to industrialists. (53 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>53</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4430_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4430_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37004</td><td>Sexual and Racial Stereotypes in the Media</td ><td>Sexual and racial stereotypes are constantly being redefined and reinforced on TV and in movies, in magazines and on the Web, in video games-practically ev erywhere. They frame perceptions, reinforce prejudices, and promote a fear of th e "other." This two-part series scrutinizes the media in order to both expose an d understand common sources of bias and the intentions behind them. Expert comme ntary is provided by Carolyn Kitch, director of the Mass Media and Communication program at Temple University; Oscar Gandy, professor emeritus at the Annenberg School for Communication; and NPR's Bob Garfield, cohost of On the Media. A Film s for the Humanities & Sciences Production. 2-part series, 38-42 minutes each.</ td><td>2008</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4431_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4431_l blPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1416</td><td>The Sexual Brain</td><td>Study of the brain pro vides some of the answers that separate cultural and social from physiological d istinctions between the sexes. Mammalian brains, including our own, show distinc t differences between male and female in the thickness of the cortex and the siz e of the corpus callosum. The program shows some startling effects of hormone in jections on brain structure and raises provocative questions about the sexual an d reproductive roots of structural differences between males and females. (28 mi nutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>28</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4432_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4432_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>26294</td><td>Sexual Harassment: News at Six</td><td>When a group of middle school students happens to see a local news story on sexual hara ssment, they decide to build a school project around this interesting but often misunderstood topic. Using a video camera, they roam the halls of their school a nd discover, to their amazement, that sexual harassment is alive and well, even in the middle school. Through tasteful dramatizations, some very real issues are explored including a working definition of sexual harassment and some clear exa mples designed to relate to viewers. This is an excellent introduction to a diff icult topic. At various points in the video, viewers are asked to stop the tape and discuss specific questions relating to information they have just seen. They will see an example of sexual harassment and decide if it's true, what's wrong with the behavior, and how the individuals might have done things differently. B y the end of the video, our students have gained a much better understanding of this uncomfortable issue...and so will yours. A Meridian Production.One 14-minut e video.</td><td>1998</td><td>14</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4433_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4433_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11743</td><td>Sexual Stereotypes</td><td>More than ever befo re, Americans are being bombarded-and acculturated-by the media, and only discer ning individuals will recognize the sexual biases that all too often are a part of each day's worth of information and entertainment. This program focuses on id entifying and looking beyond categorical stereotypes of women, men, gays, and le sbians. A Cambridge Educational Production. (25 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>19 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4434_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4434_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37005</td><td>Sexual Stereotypes in the Media</td><td>Catego rizing others is a part of human nature, and even as infants we divide the world into two groups-male and female-to help organize our reality. But when these st ereotypes are used to make assumptions about a person's character and value, the y become gender bias or outright sexism. This program illustrates some of the co mmercial, cultural, psychological, and sociological forces that have shaped sexu al stereotypes in the media, such as demographic segmentation and the selling of gender, the myths of alluring femininity and rugged masculinity, Jungian person ality archetypes, consensus reality, stereotype threat, the hegemonic forces of agenda-setting and mainstreaming, body image dysfunctions, and the theory of the male gaze. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production. (38 minutes)</td>< td>2008</td><td>38</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4435_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4435_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10068</td><td>Shackled Women: Abuses of a Patriarchal World< /td><td>With dowries reaching fifty percent of a family's income, a second daugh ter is often called "the girl born for the burial pit." This program assesses se cond- and third-world abuses of women's rights by the male establishment-and exa mines how female collaboration sometimes contributes to their perpetuation. Femi nist Taslima Nasreen; the author of Brides Are Not for Burning; and others speak out on topics such as dowry deaths, female circumcision, the Islamic zina law, the rigors of hijab, and child prostitution. But does the banding together of wo men against female infanticide in Tamil Nadu spell the beginning of a women's so lidarity movement and a new world order? Some content may be objectionable. (41 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4436_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4436_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37610</td><td>The Shadow of God: Turning the Dark Side of Mo notheism to the Light</td><td>No religions have proved more combative than Judai sm, Christianity, and Islam, despite the fact that they share the same deity-or perhaps because of it. In this program, renowned biblical scholar and religious historian Othmar Keel sheds light on topics such as the volatile historical and cultural contexts in which the Old Testament originated; the protracted struggle of monotheism for supremacy over polytheism; and brutal ruptures between succes sive belief systems that have pitted Jews against polytheists, Christians agains t Jews, and Muslims against both Christians and Jews. Keel urges adherents of Ju daism, Christianity, and Islam to critically review their own histories within a vertical ecumenical vision based on their common origins and not on their denom inational differences. (58 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4437_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4437_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38698</td><td>Shadows of Doubt: The Roots of Religious Disbe lief</td><td>In this program, Jonathan Miller visits Ground Zero to consider the religious implications of 9/11. "Events such as this bring one face-to-face wit h the consequences, both social and political, of belief in the divine, the supe rnatural, the holy, the sacred, and the transcendent-ideas that I, like many oth ers, find alien, uncongenial, and, to be frank, almost unintelligible," says Mil ler. He then searches for evidence of the first unbelievers in ancient Greece an d examines some of the modern theories of why people have always tended to belie ve in mythology, mysticism, and magic. Writers Arthur Miller and Gore Vidal, phi losophers Daniel Dennett and Colin McGinn, historian Geoffrey Lloyd, anthropolog ist Pascal Boyer, evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, and physicist Steven W einberg are featured. Original BBCW broadcast title: Shadows of Doubt. (60 minut es)</td><td>2004</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4438_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4438_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3973</td><td>Shakespeare and His Theatre: The Globe</td><td> A fifth of London's population in the year 1600 were regular playgoers. Examinat ion of the Globe Theatre shows where they stood, how the stage was constructed, and how the special effects so beloved by the audience were achieved, from thund er and lightning to fairies flying through the air and ghosts emerging from the earth. Rehearsals were minimal and there was no producer or director-just the pl ay, the actors, and the audience of two to three thousand, which could be kept u nder control only by the interest of the play itself. The program points out tha t Shakespeare himself wrote the plays to be adaptable to different theaters when the company was on tour, and to different audiences. (28 minutes)</td><td>1993< /td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4439_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4439_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>931</td><td>Shakespeare and the Globe</td><td>This program a rtfully brings together a treasury of visual resources to retrace Shakespeare's life and work. Included are the landmarks of Elizabethan London associated with his plays; depictions of the structure and operations of the Globe Theatre (incl uding scenes from Laurence Olivier's Henry V); historical sources of the plays i n art and architecture surviving today; theatrical traditions that influenced th e playwright, like folk festivals and medieval dances; and sites associated with Shakespeare's family and origins. Some of the major dramatic motifs, like the B raggart Warrior, are shown through reenactment of sections of the plays. Produce d by Hugh Richmond, University of California-Berkeley; directed by Paul Shepard. (31 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4440_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4440_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>11224</td><td>Shakespeare: Drama's DNA</td><td>In England, e ach generation has reinterpreted Shakespeare's plays, finding in them both a mir ror and a measuring stick of humanity. In this program, renowned theater directo r Sir Richard Eyre traces the evolution of Shakespearean drama, from the days of the Rose to the best performances of the last hundred years. Interviews with Pe ter Brook, Sir Tom Stoppard, Dame Judi Dench, Trevor Nunn, Sir Peter Hall, and t he late Sir John Gielgud, plus excerpts from avant-garde as well as traditional productions, reveal the genius of the Bard and his famous interpreters. The cont ributions of Harley Granville-Barker and Lilian Bayliss are considered as well. Original BBC broadcast title: The Invention of Theatre. (60 minutes)</td><td>200 0</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4441_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4441_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32637</td><td>The Shakespeare Enigma</td><td>Long considered the world&#8217;s greatest writer, Shakespeare the man all but eludes biographe rs&#8212;leading some scholars to doubt they are one and the same. Filmed at sal ient locations around England, this program explores the four main theories of t he Bard&#8217;s true identity. Professor Stanley Wells of the Shakespeare Birthp lace Trust defends Shakespeare&#8217;s authorship. Francis Carr and Mark Rylance , artistic director of The Globe Theatre, argue for Francis Bacon. A. D. Wraight of the Marlowe Society proposes that poet and playwright Christopher Marlowe is the real author, while Elizabeth Imlay champions Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford . Manuscripts, excerpts, and scenes from the plays are used to support each theo ry. (51 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4442_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4442_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>12083</td><td>Shakespeare on the Silver Screen</td><td>Effor tlessly making the leap from stage to cinema, the plays of William Shakespeare h ave enjoyed decades of popularity in theaters on both sides of the Atlantic. Thi s program combines clips from significant movie productions with an eclectic gro up of interviews to demonstrate the Bard's uncanny ability to fire the modern im agination-especially through the medium of film. Excerpts from Julie Taymor's Ti tus and Kenneth Branagh's musical Love's Labour's Lost as well as classic footag e from Baz Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet, Laurence Olivier's Hamlet, Peter Brook's A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Othello with Laurence Fishburn are included. (50 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4443_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4443_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35522</td><td>Shakespeare's Globe</td><td>An intimate look i nside a living time capsule, this program explores the planning and reconstructi on of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, presenting a day in the working life of the u nique artistic institution. The video guides viewers through the facility, pains takingly designed and built to resemble the original Elizabethan playhouse, and offers commentary from the actors, artisans, and educators who practice their cr aft there. Illustrating how the Globe's productions breathe life into the works of Shakespeare and his contemporaries, the program features thrilling performanc es from Romeo and Juliet, including the balcony scene and the death of Mercutio. (50 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4444_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4444_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35109</td><td>Shakti: The Power of Women</td><td>Taking insp iration from the spiritual concept of Shakti, the Great Mother or supreme female

deity of the Hindu religion, this program celebrates the power of women to driv e social and economic change in India. Female-centric activism propels an organi zation that combats the practice of child marriage, and another which has create d a banking system for the poor. The video also examines a renowned scientist wh o promotes eco-feminism and a married couple fighting for the rights of the trad itionally shunned Dalit caste. These stories support the idea that Shakti is a p henomenon to be reckoned with-a source of creative energy for cultural transform ation. Portions are in Hindi with English subtitles. (54 minutes)</td><td>2004</ td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4445_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4445_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37019</td><td>Shameless: The Art of Disability</td><td>What does it mean to be disabled and how does it shape an artist's work? This documen tary explores what is known as the disability art movement, following five artis ts-including a painter, a writer, an actor, a theater director, and a filmmaker, all of whom happen to have physical disabilities-through their creative work. I ntense group discussions of artistic and personal goals are also recorded. Dispe lling the myth of tragic disability, the film depicts its subjects as, first and foremost, creative people. The result is a profound look at, and celebration of , the act of making art-viewed through the lens of disability and the rejection of its stereotypes. (49 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4446_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4446_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29432</td><td>Shanghai: The New Chinese Way</td><td>A benefi ciary of post-Maoist economic reform, Shanghai has been modernizing at a remarka ble rate as foreign investment pours into that venerable city. This program trac ks the progress of Shanghai's makeover through the diverse voices of its citizen s-children of modernity, swept up in the economic revolution, and elders who hav e witnessed the evolution of Chinese communism over the course of the 20th centu ry. Will Shanghai succeed in its bid to become the new financial and cultural ca pital of Asia? (51 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4447_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4447_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36234</td><td>Shaping the Emirates</td><td>Focusing on trade , education, and technological progress, this program outlines the late-20th-cen tury history of the United Arab Emirates and details its emergence among the mos t advanced, liberal nations in the Middle East. Incorporating the recollections of elderly U.A.E. citizens who have witnessed sweeping changes within their life times, the program also presents conversations with young professionals-includin g a stockbroker, a diplomat, and a satellite communications specialist-as well a s students at Zayed University, a thriving institution for women only. The progr am emphasizes the visionary decision of former president Sheik Zayed to invest i

n education programs. (27 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4448_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4448_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37196</td><td>Shareholder Activism</td><td>One of the most s urprising aspects of 21st-century capitalism is the emergence of shareholders wh o are concerned about corporate behavior and accountability. This program invest igates that trend, assembling a collection of researchers and business leaders w ho share valuable insights into shareholder activism. Alisa Gravitz, executive d irector of Co-op America, and Linda Crompton, CEO of the Investor Responsibility Research Center, recount past and ongoing examples of divestment-driven politic al change. California State Treasurer Phil Angelides discusses the investment st rategy of the Green Wave Initiative, while Roberta Karp, Senior VP of Liz Claibo rne, describes shareholder involvement in factory monitoring policies. (28 minut es)</td><td>2005</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4449_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4449_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11310</td><td>The Sharp End: Dealing with Writer's Block and Rejection</td><td>In this program, esteemed authors including Thomas Keneally, Christopher Koch, Eva Sallis, Luke Davies, and Nikki Gemmell focus on two of the most difficult things that inevitably come with a writer's livelihood: writer's block and rejection. The business side of writing-agents, publishers, and edito rs-is also considered. Some final advice on how to write a story? Sallis says, " Just write-let it rip." "Write as if you are dying," adds Gemmell. (27 minutes)< /td><td>2000</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4450_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4450_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33355</td><td>She Stoops to Conquer</td><td>An ambitious ste pmother, a pragmatic father, impassioned sweethearts, and starry-eyed suitors ar e all sent spinning in Oliver Goldsmith's classic comedy of manners-and errors. Directed by Max Stafford-Clark and recorded at The Theatre Royal in Bath, this p roduction of She Stoops to Conquer played to rave reviews. Staged with authentic costumes and sets, the commonly anthologized play makes an excellent introducti on to 18th-century theater. (2 parts, 74 minutes and 65 minutes)</td><td>2003</t d><td>136</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4451_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4451_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>32277</td><td>Sheetmetal Workers</td><td>Once your students have taken the tour and seen what the skilled construction trades have to offer, they will want to know more about specific jobs that may interest them. This fa st-paced program provides a concise profile of sheetmetal workers, looking at ed ucational background, apprenticeships, salary, and the work itself. (13 minutes) </td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4452_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4452_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34614</td><td>Shell Shock: The Failure of Corporate Ethics</ td><td>When oil conglomerate Shell stunned investors by announcing a 20 percent reduction in its proven reserves, pensions and portfolios suffered around the wo rld. This program reveals a pattern of exaggeration and cover-up at the company' s top level-specifically involving the former chairman and head of production. A n unflinching analysis of a failure in business ethics, Shell Shock raises compl ex and timely questions: At what point did protection of the company's image usu rp shareholder interests? How did financial industry safeguards let such a crisi s develop? And how can similar fiascoes be prevented in the future? Original BBC W broadcast title: Shell Shock. (39 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>39</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4453_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4453_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11047</td><td>Shingles: Treating the Chronic Pain</td><td>Af flicting one out of seven senior citizens, shingles, or acute herpes zoster, is caused by the same virus responsible for chicken pox. What factors are most like ly to re-trigger the virus in seniors? What are the latest methods for suppressi ng that virus? And what are the common symptoms of PHN, the debilitating pain th at often develops after the rash is gone? In this program, Dr. Bradley Geller, o f the Pain Medicine and Palliative Care Program at Beth Israel Medical Center, a nswers these and other questions. The topical lidocaine patch, which effectively reduces PHN pain with minimal side effects, is discussed as well. (22 minutes)< /td><td>1999</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4454_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4454_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34018</td><td>Shirts & Skins: The Sociology of Basketball</t d><td>Pickup basketball is democracy in action. This program-an astute study of sports sociology-tracks a mixed group of serious amateurs through an eight-month period, studying player culture, hierarchy, and interaction as they manifest in a setting that has no place for referees. Age, gender, race, injuries, and mult igenerational families of players are also considered, as are the game rules and social norms that keep this group together. Skill alone governs each player's s tatus, and teamwork and fair play are prized above victory. (28 minutes)</td><td >2003</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4455_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4455_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29854</td><td>Shooting</td><td>"Quiet on the set...roll 'em! " In this program, different shooting techniques are presented, along with some of the critical decisions the director of photography and camera operators must make in order to translate the director's creative vision into images on film. ( 27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4456_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4456_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26306</td><td>Shop Safety</td><td>This video demonstrates th e types of dangers present in any industrial or manufacturing atmosphere and the n explains how to prevent accidents. Actual industrial accidents (cranes collaps ing, foundry explosions) are used to stress the importance of using proper metho ds when in a general shop. An excellent program for technology/vocational course s. (22 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4457_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4457_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34205</td><td>Shoreline Habitats</td><td>This Science Screen Report shows how human interests and the needs of aquatic life can be balanced. It describes the efforts of scientists, engineers, farmers, and fishermen to ad dress shoreline habitat problems and support endangered species. Citing ways the se cooperative efforts have succeeded-for example, by rehabilitating gray seal p opulations, redesigning dikes to aid migratory birds, and protecting seabeds dur ing cockle harvests-this program demonstrates the fragility and importance of th e Earth's wetlands. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to National Science Education Standards. Produced in association wit h the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology and the Junior Engineer ing Technical Society. (17 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4458_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4458_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36195</td><td>Shores of Africa</td><td>Many Westerners have difficulty understanding the multifaceted challenges facing Africa today. This t wo-part series provides an economic, political, and cultural portrait of African life, focusing on the countries located along the eastern and western shores of the continent. Each program analyzes the dynamics of trade, language, religion, geography, and history that have given Africa its present-and evolving-shape. P ortions are in other languages with English subtitles. Not available in French-s

peaking Canada. 2-part series, 53 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4459_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4459_l blPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33517</td><td>A Short Story of France's Epic Language-in Fre nch</td><td>From medieval Gaul to the Age of the Internet, the French language h as kept in step with history, changing and growing with the times yet never losi ng its unique character. This program stops at various points along the timeline to spotlight important chapters in the story of the evolution of a vibrant ling uistic melange in locales as diverse as Europe, North America, and Africa. Many maps, representative texts from across the centuries, and newsreel clips help te ll the tale. (French, 28 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4460_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4460_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33909</td><td>A Short Summer in Gaza</td><td>The precarious hopes and daily struggles of Gaza strip residents are documented in this compell ing program, which focuses on the 2003 summer ceasefire-a chapter of Israeli-Pal estinian history filled with American ambivalence, disappointing prisoner releas es, and the eventual disintegration of the ceasefire itself. A pacifist Gazan ar tist, his militant-minded son, and the pragmatic widow of a Hamas extremist all contribute to this street-level exploration of the summer's events-shedding ligh t on the human and political consequences of the Israeli occupation, and clearly illustrating why Palestinian despair surpasses optimism. (Portions in Arabic wi th English subtitles, 50 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4461_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4461_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30227</td><td>Shozan Tanabe: The Sound of Silence</td><td>Th e shakuhachi, a kind of wooden flute, was introduced to Japan sometime between t he 8th and 12th centuries and was used in court music as well as in Buddhist mon asteries as a vehicle for enlightenment. This program features performances and discussion by Shozan Tanabe, one of Japan's most recognized players of the shaku hachi. Along with recordings of his music, Tanabe talks about the history of thi s instrument so often associated with the "sound of Japan." (48 minutes)</td><td >2000</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4462_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4462_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>32338</td><td>Sibling Preparation</td><td>A new baby in the house can produce mixed reactions from older siblings. This program explores the emotions children of various ages may experience with an addition to the family and how parents can help them adjust. (17 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>17</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4463_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4463_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32567</td><td>Sibling Preparation-in Spanish</td><td>A new b aby in the house can produce mixed reactions from older siblings. This program e xplores the emotions children of various ages may experience with an addition to the family and how parents can help them adjust. (17 minutes)</td><td>2003</td> <td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4464_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4464_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34926</td><td>Siblings</td><td>Sibling relationships present complex issues. This video untangles the inner dynamics of those relationships, with a focus on birth order and its role in personality development. (22 minute s)</td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4465_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4465_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29994</td><td>Sickle Cell Anemia</td><td>Recent innovations are enabling more effective management of the circulatory problems associated wi th sickle cell anemia, a genetic disorder that affects people of African, Medite rranean, and Asian descent. Research into the disease points the way toward an u ltimate cure. This program from The Doctor Is In features sickle cell clinics in Atlanta and Seattle and interviews with two teenagers and an adult who live wit h the disease. Medical experts include Dr. Michael Bender of the Odessa Brown Ch ildren's Clinic in Seattle and Dr. Lewis Hsu at the Georgia Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Production. (29 minutes)</td> <td>2001</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4466_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4466_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10981</td><td>Sickle-Cell Anemia</td><td>How does sickle-cel l anemia differ from sickle-cell trait? How is the disease transmitted? And who is at highest risk? This program answers these and other frequently asked questi ons, providing a thorough overview of the sickle-cell phenomenon. Symptoms, trea

tment, and possible complications are discussed, as well as screening methods an d the biochemical reason why sickle cells take on their characteristic shape. (1 6 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4467_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4467_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30148</td><td>The Siglo de Oro Begins: Picaros and Mystics-i n Spanish</td><td>At the onset of Spain's Golden Age, the genres of pastoral fic tion and mystic poetry attained their fullest expression while the picaresque st ory made its bracing debut. In this program, respected authorities scrutinize th e lives and works of those who paved the way for Cervantes, Vega, and Gongora. D ramatic readings include excerpts from the anonymously written Lazarillo de Torm es, Mateo Aleman's Guzman de Alfarache, Jorge Montemayor's Los Siete Libros de l a Diana, and poems from Fray Luis de Leon and San Juan de la Cruz. (Spanish, 50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4468_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4468_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30162</td><td>The Siglo de Oro Begins: Picaros and Mystics-i n Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>At the onset of Spain's Golden Age, the genres of pastoral fiction and mystic poetry attained their fullest expression while the picaresque story made its bracing debut. In this program, respected au thorities scrutinize the lives and works of those who paved the way for Cervante s, Vega, and Gongora. Dramatic readings include excerpts from the anonymously wr itten Lazarillo de Tormes, Mateo Aleman's Guzman de Alfarache, Jorge Montemayor' s Los Siete Libros de la Diana, and poems from Fray Luis de Leon and San Juan de la Cruz. (Spanish with English subtitles, 50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>48</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4469_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4469_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9299</td><td>Sign, Symbol, and Script: Origins of Written Co mmunications and the Birth of the Alphabet</td><td>Written language is arguably humankind's most important invention. This delightfully accessible documentary u ses maps, tables, artifacts, and copious examples to trace the progression of co mmunication through its six stages: gestures, picture writing, pictograms, ideog rams, phonograms, and acrophonic characters. Through detailed narration, the pro gram explores topics such as the function of tokens, wall paintings, and wampum; the flowering of Egyptian hieroglyphs, Mesopotamian cuneiform, and Chinese ideo grams; the influence of Ugaritic cuneiform and Sinaitic script; and the metamorp hosis of the Phoenician alphabet into the Latin characters used today. (40 minut es)</td><td>1996</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4470_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4470_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11318</td><td>Significant Others: The Rest of the Theatrical Team</td><td>By its very definition, a play is a group project. This program, w hich features Nick Enright, Ros Horin, Timothy Daly, David Williamson, and other theater professionals, introduces some of the "significant others" of the drama profession: the actors, directors, dramaturges, composers, and designers who wo rk with playwrights to polish their scripts and bring their stories to life. "Pa rt of the learning process of collaboration," says Enright, "is learning to edit , learning to sift those responses, and...having the humility to listen in the f irst place." (27 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4471_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4471_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5689</td><td>The Silent Hunger: Anorexia and Bulimia</td><td >This program answers two important questions: what are eating disorders, and wh at causes them? The program specifically examines anorexia nervosa, bulimia nerv osa, and binge eating syndrome. Seven females who have all suffered from eating disorders, the father of a woman who died as a result of her disorder, and healt h professionals offer their insights and knowledge. These interviews are highlig hted by dramatic sequences designed to encourage a greater understanding of the issues and emotions associated with eating disorders. (46 minutes)</td><td>1994< /td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4472_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4472_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33099</td><td>Silent Killers: Mold, Blood Clots, Carbon Mono xide, and Asbestos</td><td>Slipping beneath the radar of everyday awareness are things that can sicken the unsuspecting-and even kill. This 48 Hours report uses compelling personal accounts from anti-pollution activist Erin Brockovich, crus ading attorney Jan Schlichtmann, and others to raise viewers' awareness about fo ur of them: infestations of the toxic mold Stachybotrys in the home; deadly bloo d clots believed to be caused by lengthy airplane flights; lethal carbon monoxid e concentrations resulting from a problematic houseboat design; and the dangerou s presence of tremolite asbestos in vermiculite building insulation. Produced by CBS NEWS. (44 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4473_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4473_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32820</td><td>The Silver Age</td><td>Traditionally, a Japane se household contained an extended family, several generations under one roof. N ow, cultural sensibilities and sweeping demographic changes have meant that youn

g and old choose to live apart. This program examines how these factors have aff ected care of the elderly in a country with the longest-lived population in the world. Seniors discuss the challenge of living alone in a transformed society. C reative new arrangements are seen in a visit to an experimental home that allows friends or family to live for a time with their elderly relatives. A United Nat ions Production. (16 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4474_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4474_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>816</td><td>Simon Bolivar: The Great Liberator</td><td>Here is a portrait of Simon Bolivar-aristocratic revolutionary, victor in battle, and loser to those who considered the revolution their personal mandate-and of the landscapes and forces that shaped the Latin America of his day and ours. This su perb documentary details how and why Spain lost her colonies, and the historic t rends and national heroes responsible for the outcome. (58 minutes)</td><td>&nbs p;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4475_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4475_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>11498</td><td>Simon Bolivar: The Liberator</td><td>The durat ion and scope of the 19th-century Latin American wars for independence dwarf all other conflicts in the New World up until that time. This program-enhanced by p eriod paintings, engravings, maps, and documents from The John Carter Brown Libr ary's Bromsen collection and other esteemed collections of Latin Americana-tells the remarkable life story of Simon Bolivar, founder of Bolivia and liberator of Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Ecuador, and Peru from Spanish colonial rule. Alth ough his dream of Latin American unity was not realized in his lifetime, Bolivar 's passion for independence lives on. (30 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>30</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4476_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4476_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37023</td><td>Simon Schama's The Power of Art</td><td>Presen ted by celebrated historian Simon Schama, this four-part series focuses on a qua rtet of iconic artists-Caravaggio, Bernini, David, and Rothko-and the cultural, political, and personal forces that drove each one to create. Sumptuous on-locat ion cinematography, superb dramatizations, and Schama's spellbinding narratives venture directly into the life of each artist-enabling viewers to witness, as if firsthand, the birth of great paintings and sculptures. Schama delivers more th an colorful storytelling, however; his consideration of major works is ripe with earnest, startling, and finely tuned interpretations. A BBCW Production. 4-part series, 52 minutes each.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4477_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4477_l blPrice">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4056</td><td>Simple Machines</td><td>This unit includes five programs that cover the following concepts: the inclined plane-how an inclined plane allows you to trade increased distance for decreased force; the lever-the principle of the lever; mechanical advantage and friction-the mechanical advanta ge of an inclined plane vs. that of a lever; the screw and the wheel-examples an d definitions of a screw and a wheel; and the pulley-shows how a pulley works to lift a heavy object. (25 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4478_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4478_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4444</td><td>Simply Interesting</td><td>Using household bill s as examples, Ron Lancaster explains and shows how to calculate simple and comp ound interest. The program also describes how a financial journalist gathers the latest interest rates for his newspaper column. (15 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td ><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4479_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4479_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35175</td><td>Singapore: Industrialization and Migration</td ><td>A hub of trade for centuries, Singapore is now an economic powerhouse. This program explores factors that have enabled Singapore to thrive, including its l ocation, its high-tech labor force, and its wide variety of cultural groups and nationalities. Interviews with the deputy manager of the nation's port, conversa tions with citizens from a spectrum of ethnic backgrounds, and colorful displays of traditional Malay dance and dress reflect Singapore's balance of indigenous and immigrant influences. A viewable/printable instructor's guide-including geog raphical background information, extension activities, vocabulary handouts, and more-is available online. Correlates to National Geography Standards. (25 minute s)</td><td>2002</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4480_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4480_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14665</td><td>Sisters Cake Decorating Made Fun and Easy!</td ><td>This step-by-step introduction to cake decorating covers the basics. The de corators have over forty years' experience and the techniques are excellent with good close-ups of procedures described. Covers basic equipment, ingredients, an d techniques for producing a variety of cakes including birthday cake, doll cake , bridal shower, Halloween, and Santa face. Includes shortcuts, dos, don'ts, and detailed techniques for making borders, flowers, and more! A Cambridge Educatio nal Production. One 46-minute video.</td><td>1990</td><td>46</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4481_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4481_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30517</td><td>Site Inspection: Foundation, Drainage, and Wat erproofing</td><td>Every good home starts with a strong, solid, watertight found ation. In this video, our home inspector, Alex Welsh, takes us on a tour of vari ous house foundations and notes the problems many older homes often incur at the foundation level over the years. Some are serious structural problems, others j ust simple cosmetic issues-but it is imperative to know and be able to identify the difference. Starting on the outside, the inspector ensures that the found ation is sufficient to bear the weight of a house that may be significantly larg er than when it was first built. Then, he studies the lay of the land and evalua tes the water runoff. Improper drainage can do serious damage to a home's founda tion over time. The program also addresses retaining walls and waterproofing techniques. Each of the six home styles is reviewed for the distinctive features , problems, and solutions that they present. A viewable/printable instructor's g uide is available online. (20 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4482_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4482_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30177</td><td>Sitting Down: The Art of the Chair</td><td>For sheer functionality, what piece of furniture is more essential than the chair? In this program, six leading contemporary designers discuss their technical and aesthetic approaches to making places for people to sit down. In keeping with th e innovative spirit of design, the program blends stylishly filmed interviews wi th many examples, such as Alberto Meda's aluminum injection technology chairs; R oss Lovegrove's ergonomic chairs based on composite plastics; Charlotte Perriand 's work with tubing and cushions; Ron Arad's sculpted steel furniture, notably " the well-tempered chair"; Antonio Citterio's functional, ecologically minded bus iness furniture; and Gaetano Pesce's diversified series. (52 minutes)</td><td>19 99</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4483_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4483_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32791</td><td>Six Poets: Searching for Rhyme and Reason</td> <td>Providing extensive biographical profiles and readings from each writer's mo st famous works, this series explores the lives and literary legacies of six maj or poets: John Donne, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot, an d W. H. Auden. 6-part series, 20 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4484_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4484_l blPrice">$779.70<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33721</td><td>The Sixth Extinction: The Human Role</td><td>T he five extinctions that have impacted the Earth over the past 400 million years -the Ordovician-Silurian, Late Devonian, Permian-Triassic, End Triassic, and Cre taceous-Tertiary-may be set to include another one on a massive scale. This alar ming program assesses the extent to which Homo sapiens is provoking the planet's sixth extinction. According to scientists, wholesale destruction of habitats by humans contributes to the disappearance of 27,000 species each year. With decim ation proceeding at such a rate, how long can life on Earth survive? Interviews with Oxford University zoologist Richard Dawkins, Harvard biologist Andrew Knoll , and Sussex University paleontologist Richard Fortney are featured. (52 minutes )</td><td>2002</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4485_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4485_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8166</td><td>Skeletal System: The Infrastructure</td><td>Thi s program explores the skeletal system, with an emphasis on its importance in pr oviding structure and support for the body. Topics include how the skeletal and muscular systems work together to enable movement; the relationship between join ts and bones; connective tissue; functions of the skeletal system, including sup port, protection, movement, storage, and blood cell production; and types of bon es and joints. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Ca mbridge Educational Production. (27 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4486_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4486_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>26321</td><td>Skills for Child Care Workers</td><td>Whether you're currently working with children or preparing for a career in child care, this video will review the basic skills needed to be the most effective caretake r possible. Reviewing techniques will be helpful for you and the children in you r care. (15 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4487_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4487_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5984</td><td>Skin</td><td>The topic of skin is introduced by viewing a typical collection of bodies on a sun-drenched beach. We are familiar with the sight of skin exposed to the sun, but do we know what is actually happ ening to the skin surface? Using scanning electron microscopy, we get a bug's-ey e view of the living barrier between our body and the outside world. The detaile d internal structure of the skin is explored using high-quality computer graphic s. The program provides a complete introduction to the following topics:o The st ructure and function of the skino What sunburn is and how to avoid ito The effec ts of ultraviolet light on the skino What is meant by the inflammatory responseo

How and why the body produces melanino The causes and treatments of skin cancer (20 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4488_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4488_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11424</td><td>Skin Deep: Understanding Self-Injury</td><td>E ach year nearly two million people injure their own bodies using knives, scissor s, glass, cigarettes, candles, razors-in fact, practically any destructive item they can find. Through interviews with patients and mental health professionals and footage of actual therapy sessions, this compelling program seeks to underst and a deeply disturbing and often secretive mental disorder that affects as many teens and young adults as anorexia. A Cambridge Educational Production. (22 min utes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4489_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4489_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29628</td><td>Skyscraper</td><td>This classic five-part seri es offers a behind-the-scenes look at the design and construction of Worldwide P laza-a 47-story, 770-foot tower in Manhattan-from beginning to end. A dramatic t ale of money, art, human relations, and technology, the series profiles the peop le who financed the project, designed the structure, and operated the equipment that transformed an empty lot into a massive landmark. 5-part series, 53 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4490_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4490_l blPrice">$449.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32642</td><td>Slave Island: New York&#8217;s Hidden History< /td><td>When excavation in downtown Manhattan unearthed an 18th-century Negro bu rial ground, New Yorkers were reminded that slavery was not limited to the South . This program explores an often-overlooked chapter in the history of the city a nd the colonies in general by examining the oldest slave cemetery ever found in North America. Scholars and leading experts conduct archaeological and forensic analysis of the remains of nearly 400 African-American slaves. Dramatic reenactm ents, early maps, and documents from slave traders also help to piece together a clearer picture of life in forced servitude to either the Dutch West India Comp any or English masters. Original BBCW broadcast title: Slave Island. (50 minutes )</td><td>2002</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4491_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4491_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>38782</td><td>Sleep Disorders</td><td>Over 40 million Americ an adults suffer each year from a variety of chronic sleep problems, prompting e xtensive research into sleep patterns and potential obstacles to healthy sleep. This program explores sleep disorders, how they are diagnosed, and how they can be easily managed or treated. Viewers will learn how various disorders are usual ly classified into three major categories: lack of sleep, or insomnia; disturbed sleep, such as obstructive sleep apnea; and too much sleep, known as narcolepsy . Factors such as stress, biology, diet, and environment are overviewed. Several case studies and expert interviews are included. (28 minutes)</td><td>2006</td> <td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4492_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4492_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>824</td><td>Sleep: Dream Voyage</td><td>What happens to the body during sleep? This program explores the mystery of REM sleep, shows a compu ter display of the waves that sweep across the brain during sleep, and presents extraordinary footage of a cat "acting out" its dreams. The analogy of sleep to a ship on automatic pilot graphically illustrates how some functions must and do continue while the conscious brain is asleep. (26 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td >28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4493_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4493_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>6669</td><td>Sleeping Well</td><td>Forty million Americans s uffer from insomnia. Another 56 million can't sleep because of pain. This progra m from The Doctor Is In provides specific information on how to get a good night 's sleep. The topics of breathing disorders such as apnea are discussed, along w ith the conditions of narcolepsy and restless legs. Dr. Peter Hauri of the Mayo Clinic and Dr. Allan Pack of the University of Pennsylvania Center for Sleep Dis orders offer tips on how to fall asleep, and how to manage sleep when working ni ght shifts or traveling across time zones. For parents, Dr. Richard Ferber expla ins ways to help infants and children fall asleep and stay asleep. A Dartmouth-H itchcock Medical Center production. (28 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>28</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4494_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4494_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3731</td><td>Slicing the Cone</td><td>The standard double ri ght circular cone is introduced, and the seven conic sections are discovered whe n the cone is sliced at various positions and angles with a plane. The circle, e llipse, parabola, and hyperbola are explored in detail, and their functional pro perties are discovered when the conics are constructed from basic principles. (1 0 minutes)</td><td>1989</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4495_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4495_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10245</td><td>Sliding and Toppling: Modeling Forces</td><td> This program discusses how geometry, gravity, and the coefficient of friction de termine whether an object slides or topples. The mathematical models behind thes e phenomena are presented through examples such as ice hockey and skiing. The re lationship between sliding and a body's velocity as an exercise in energy conser vation is explored as well. (33 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4496_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4496_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35324</td><td>Slovak Churches</td><td>Straddling two worlds of Christian belief, Slovak churches are places where Byzantine and Roman Cathol ic religious traditions meet and merge. This video analyzes eastern- and western -style Slovak church design in two ways: first, it points out their underlying s imilarities by tracing their architectural roots back to their common ancestor, the basilica of ancient Rome; then, to explain their very visible differences, i t follows the history of Christianity over the centuries immediately following t he religion's division into its eastern and western branches. By reaching out in both directions, Slovak church architecture partakes of Constantinople and Rome in a way that is uniquely its own. (25 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>25</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4497_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4497_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37483</td><td>Slum Cities</td><td>Each week, in countries ar ound the globe, nearly a million people say goodbye to their homes in impoverish ed rural regions-and move to even worse conditions in cities. This program explo res the tragic results: illegal slums filled with some of the poorest people in the world, lacking water, sanitation, and other resources needed to support expl oding populations. Viewers are shown the lives and homes of those who struggle i n the slums of Mumbai, India, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and who face the threa t of eviction, the spread of disease, and rampant drug dealing and gang violence on a daily basis. Slum residents, as well as those who have broken out of the c ycle of poverty, share their personal insights and frustrations regarding this u rgent international issue. (46 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4498_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4498_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30683</td><td>Slumber</td><td>What is it about slumber that has beguiled artists and viewers alike, down through the centuries? This program

focuses mainly on depictions of sleeping women-clothed, partially bared, and to tally nude-in paintings, sculptures, engravings, art photos, and film, from the medieval period to mid-20th century. Topics include the latent eroticism and voy eurism inherent in such subject matter, symbolism such as entanglement in beddin g, the use of veils as backdrops and of curtains as dividers, the concept of sle ep as a form of betrayal, and the technical challenge of depicting a dreamer and a dream within the same artistic space. (27 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>26</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4499_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4499_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35580</td><td>Small Change, Big Business: The Women's Bank o f Bangladesh 10 Years Later</td><td>Micro credit-small loans administered with n o collateral requirement-might represent the most powerful weapon in the fight a gainst global poverty. But is micro credit a sustainable solution? This program follows up on the 1995 documentary The Women's Bank of Bangladesh (item #7129) w hich examined Bangladesh's Grameen Bank, a pioneering micro credit provider focu sed mainly on struggling women. Small Change, Big Business revisits loan recipie nts a decade later, studying the long-term effects of micro credit in their hous eholds and in their Islamic community. The video also interviews Grameen bank fo under Muhammad Yunus, who sheds further light on the bank's methods and goals. P ortions are in Bangla with English subtitles. (55 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td> 55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4500_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4500_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33813</td><td>Small Communities and Brownfields Recovery</td ><td>This program focuses on rural and small communities and tribal governments implementing brownfields recovery initiatives. Kathie Atencio, U.S. EPA Region V III brownfields coordinator, discusses redevelopment projects in the western sta tes-particularly in the Dakotas. In addition, EDA, HUD, and other EPA personnel as well as community leaders and project managers offer insights into proposals being implemented all across the country, drawing case studies from Virginia, Fl orida, New England, and elsewhere. America's first eco-industrial park, a brownf ield-to-brightfield project, and a waterfront redevelopment project are featured . Produced by John W. Sutherlin, Ph.D. (33 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>33</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4501_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4501_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26300</td><td>Small Gas Engine Construction and Operation</t d><td>Introduces the operation, construction and design variations of small gas engines. Live-action video footage and computer graphics are used to explain how both two- and four-stroke engines operate. Design variations, such as poppet vs . reed valves, valves-in-block vs. overhead valves, gasoline vs. diesel vs. LP g

as, air vs. liquid cooled are all explained. (27 min.) A Meridian Production.</t d><td>1994</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4502_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4502_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26329</td><td>Small Gas Engine Disassembly</td><td>Explains the major steps for engine teardown and rebuilding. Instructional footage stress es safety, part organization, and use of proper tools. The program prepares stud ents for working on any engine. (20 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1994</t d><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4503_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4503_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26298</td><td>Small Gas Engine Inspection, Measurement, and Cleaning</td><td>Summarizes how to inspect each part during a major rebuild of a small gas engine and how to find part damage and measure wear accurately so stu dents know which parts should be replaced and which can be reused. Live-action v ideo and computer graphics explain part clearances-which are critical to engine life. Clear visuals show the proper use of cleaning tools and equipment. The las t part of the program shows a valve job using both carbide cutter and a valve gr ind machine. (26 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1994</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4504_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4504_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26330</td><td>Small Gas Engine Reassembly</td><td>Shows how to properly reinstall a major part of a small gas engine. Students will learn to assemble both two- and four-stroke cycle engines. Clear, live-action video emph asizes safety, proper gasket and seal installation, correct utilization of torqu e valves, and tightening patterns. (23 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1994 </td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4505_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4505_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26299</td><td>Small Gas Engine Troubleshooting and Tune-Up</ td><td>Summarizes how to properly troubleshoot both performance and mechanical p roblems in small gas engines. Logical diagnosis methods are supplemented with co mputer graphics that show what causes a rod knock, piston slap, and low compress ion. Engine maintenance and basic tune-up are also included. (35 min.) A Meridia n Production.</td><td>1994</td><td>35</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4506_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4506_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26331</td><td>Small Gas Engines</td><td>This five-part serie s covers the operation, maintenance, disassembly, and assembly of small gas engi nes. A Meridian Production.</td><td>1994</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4507_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4507_l blPrice">$349.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33738</td><td>Smell</td><td>This program investigates how ps ychological principles determine a smell's level of repellence. After testing na tural smells found to be offensive to most people, scientists at Monell Chemical Services Center and the University of California propose that our reactions are heavily shaped by personal experience. Demonstrations of how olfactory lobes wo rk are featured. Host Nigel Marven observes how one of nature's worst smells, sk unk, fails to bother everyone at a busy shopping mall. But this soon may change: the Monell scientists are developing the world's first universally abhorrent od or, so disgusting it could be used for crowd control. A BBCW Production. (30 min utes)</td><td>2003</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4508_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4508_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35211</td><td>The Smithsonian National Museum of the America n Indian: Native Voice</td><td>The Smithsonian National Museum of the American I ndian in Washington, D.C.; New York; and Suitland, Maryland, amply demonstrates that Native American history and culture are part of the shared cultural heritag e of all Americans. This program spotlights cherished items in the museum's coll ection-including perhaps the oldest depictions of human beings in the Western he misphere. Go behind the scenes to the museum's storage facility where artifacts are arranged by tribe and given traditional-style care. A viewable/printable edu cator's guide is available online. (28 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4509_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4509_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35562</td><td>Smog: The Sweet Smell of Success?</td><td>For most of a century, industrial and automotive smoke were equated with progress an d prosperity. But the cost in human health has been devastatingly high, particul arly in developing countries. In this program, Devra Davis, author of When Smoke Ran Like Water; Peter Brimblecombe, executive editor of Atmospheric Environment ; and others use examples such as smog-related deaths in Donora, Pennsylvania, i n 1939 and London in 1952 to address the causes and effects of air pollution. Th

e Ruhr Valley, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Calcutta, and Durban, South Africa, are also discussed. Improvements via legislation and emissions standards are touche d upon as well. (30 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4510_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4510_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9278</td><td>Smokeless Tobacco: A Wad of Trouble</td><td>Man y teens begin using smokeless tobacco with the assumption that "dipping" or chew ing is a safe alternative to smoking cigarettes. In reality, one can of smokeles s tobacco may contain as much nicotine as three packs of cigarettes. This eye-op ening program provides viewers with the facts concerning the social and medical ramifications of using smokeless tobacco and presents techniques for quitting th is potentially deadly habit.Doctors and dentists look at how nicotine is readily absorbed through the lining in the mouth, while an interview with a woman who l ost a brother to oral cancer provides viewers with a firsthand look at the devas tating consequences of continued use. Also includes interviews with teenage user s explaining how and why they began using smokeless tobacco, and victims' accoun ts of their medical problems. Graphic photos show various stages of cancerous le sions and users whose faces have been grossly disfigured from surgery to remove diseased areas. This hard-hitting program provides teens with the facts concerni ng the dangers of smokeless tobacco and the basis for hours of classroom discuss ion. A Cambridge Educational Production. One 25-minute video.</td><td>1998</td>< td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4511_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4511_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4137</td><td>Smokers Are Hazardous to Your Health</td><td>Th e risks of secondary smoke are becoming more and more apparent, as each new stud y documents growing disease and death tolls of smoking-related illnesses among n onsmokers. This BBC Horizon program documents the growing international battle a mong those who make money out of tobacco, those who demand the right to smoke, a nd the rest of the population. (50 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4512_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4512_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29967</td><td>Smoking Cessation</td><td>Millions of smokers try to quit each year but only about 5 percent succeed. The good news is that wi th the medical and psychological help now available, there has never been a bett er time to stop smoking. This program from The Doctor Is In surveys the various medications, support groups, and counseling that can help smokers successfully q uit. Among the experts who discuss these options are Dr. Michael Fiore, director of the Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention at the University of Wiscon sin Medical School, and Matthew Myers, president of the National Center for Toba cco-Free Kids. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Production. (28 minutes)</td ><td>2000</td><td>29</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4513_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4513_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34738</td><td>Smoking Out the Truth: Teens and Tobacco</td>< td>You can lecture until you're blue in the face about the horrible effects of c igarettes, but with tobacco companies spending tens of millions of dollars every day on marketing, even the most forceful teachers and counselors need all the h elp they can get. This video focuses on the illusions and misconceptions surroun ding teen smoking, exposing the faulty reasoning that leads kids to start or con tinue the habit. It also offers several rock-solid motives to quit or abstain-an d strategies for doing so. Taking a proactive, student-driven approach, the prog ram features myth-busting classroom presentations delivered by smoking and nonsm oking students alike. Topics covered include the methods and mind-set behind tee n-targeted cigarette advertising, the ways that nicotine and tobacco damage heal th and personal appearance, and the fallacy of claiming, "My parents don't care if I smoke" or "I can quit whenever I want to." Use this video to show teenagers -among the most vulnerable of media consumers-how to see through Big Tobacco mar keting schemes and dead-end peer pressure. A viewable/printable instructor's gui de containing learning objectives, educational standards, fast facts, discussion questions, and more is available online. Correlates to National Health Educatio n Standards. A Cambridge Educational Production. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td>< td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4514_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4514_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35822</td><td>Snack Attack!</td><td>We're surrounded by proc essed snack foods-and they taste so good! It's a shame they're just not good for us. Filmed at a high school that has implemented a healthy food vending program , this video explains why "junk food" is fittingly named and shows students how to balance their diets with nutritious snack alternatives. Information on obesit y and other serious health problems is presented, with thorough coverage of the evils of trans fats and bad cholesterol. Viewers will also learn about the build ing blocks of healthy nutrition, how to make sense of food labels, and how www.m can be used to plan a healthy snack counterattack. Onscreen quizzes keep the experience interactive. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is ava ilable online. Correlates to all applicable state and national standards. A Meri dian Production. Recommended for middle and high school. (22 minutes)</td><td>20 06</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4515_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4515_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32131</td><td>Sniper: Psychological Crossfire</td><td>During a 23-day rampage that terrorized thousands, the "D.C. sniper" killed ten people , seriously wounded three, and turned out to be two men: John Allen Muhammad and John Lee Malvo. As the definitive treatment of the story, this program chronicl

es the nationwide manhunt, providing in-depth biographical and psychological pro files of the men, as well as assessing the social impact of their grim spree on the community. Newsreel footage, 911 calls, photographs of the snipers and victi ms, and key legal documents are combined with expert commentary by FBI profilers , criminologists, and forensic psychologists, as well as interviews with Montgom ery County Police Chief Charles Moose and Assistant Chief Bill O'Toole. Produced by CBS NEWS. (46 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4516_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4516_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33283</td><td>Snowball Earth: How the Planet Froze and Lived to Tell</td><td>For decades, the radical Snowball Earth Theory had been dismiss ed as impossible. In this program, geologist Brian Harland; meteorologist Mikhai l Budyko; Joseph Kirschvink, of the California Institute of Technology; Harvard University's Paul Hoffman and Daniel Schrag; Guy Narbonne, of Queen's University , Ontario; and Chris McKay, of NASA Ames Research Center, explain the step-by-st ep scientific detective work that convinced them that 600 million years ago, glo bal glaciation really did occur-and that such a freeze/thaw sequence may be a vi tal step in the evolution of complex life forms. Original BBCW broadcast title: Snowball Earth. (50 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4517_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4517_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5046</td><td>So Violent a Nation</td><td>This program with B ill Moyers focuses on Dallas, TX, to examine how violence is affecting American life. Dallas has the highest crime rate of any American city with a population a bove 500,000. The program visits a hospital emergency room, citizens who patrol their neighborhoods, and follows a police officer who patrols one of the most da ngerous beats in Dallas. Featured in the program are interviews with a youth cas eworker, a victim's rights advocate, and the Dallas Police Chief. They discuss g un control, police-community relations, education, and other crime-related topic s. (60 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4518_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4518_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>26343</td><td>Social Development in Children</td><td>Humans are social beings and while we sometimes prefer to be alone, most times we are r equired to interact and get along with one another. This video charts the develo pment of social skills in children during the first few weeks of life, through t he beginning of school. It explains the different stages of social development, as well as how to give encouragement for positive social growth. (16 min.) A Mer idian Production.</td><td>1992</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4519_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4519_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37195</td><td>Socially Responsible Investing</td><td>A growi ng number of investment firms and individual investors are guided by the triple bottom line of human dignity, environmental stewardship, and financial profit. T his program looks at the growth of socially responsible investing, or SRI, as a successful approach for portfolio managers, venture capitalists, and individual investors. Outlining the "three pillars" of SRI-company screening, community inv esting, and shareholder activism-the program features insights from several expe rts in the field: venture capitalist and Arete Corporation president Robert Shaw , Environmental Design International CEO Deborah Sawyer, The New Global Investor s author Robert A. G. Monks, California State Treasurer Phil Angelides, and othe rs. (28 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4520_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4520_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30216</td><td>Socially Speaking: What to Say and When</td><t d>Filmed at a variety of interesting locations including a horchateria, Johnny M aracas' Cuban-style nightclub, and a castle where a wedding is being conducted, this program shows how to order and pay for beverages of all types and how to ex press familial relationships and marital status. Commentary provides insights in to the social scene and family life in Spain. Original BBC broadcast title: Talk Spanish, Program 2. (Spanish and English, 17 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>16</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4521_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4521_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>801</td><td>Soils: Profiles and Processes</td><td>This progr am looks at the way soils can vary even within a small area of a forest. A welldeveloped podzol is examined in detail, with samples taken from the center of ea ch horizon and then analyzed for organic content, soil acidity, mineral content, and particle size distribution. The measurements and analyses demonstrate why t hree soil profiles can be so very different in closely contiguous areas, with th e same underlying sand, the same climate, and similar if not identical vegetatio n. The differences are due not to soil types, but to different processes at work . (20 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4522_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4522_l blPrice">$19.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>10126</td><td>Solution Stoichiometry</td><td>In this program , stoichiometry goes swimming. The topics of molarity, dilution, acid/base react ions, titration, limiting reagents, and yield-theoretical, actual, and percent-a

re all carefully examined. Practical problems involving the Molarity Equation gi ve the program a quantitative analysis flavor, while "Cooking with Professor Row ley" and other skits present key stoichiometric concepts with a dash of levity. (33 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4523_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4523_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8199</td><td>Solutions to Ten Common Parenting Problems</td> <td>This video provides simple and realistic solutions to many problems commonly experienced by parents of young children. Learn how to deal with temper tantrum s, bed-wetting, misbehavior at mealtime and bedtime, and sibling rivalry. Answer s commonly asked questions: how to toilet train; when does an illness require a doctor; is thumb-sucking bad; is television harmful; and what's the difference b etween active and hyperactive? Parenting becomes more enjoyable and rewarding wh en you know how to interpret and handle a child's behavior. Alleviates the need to search for advice and ideas by addressing the ten most common parenting probl ems and solutions in one easy-to-understand lesson. A Cambridge Educational Prod uction. One 50-minute video and manual.</td><td>1992</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4524_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4524_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4973</td><td>Solving Black Inner-City Poverty: William Juliu s Wilson</td><td>The poorest neighborhood in the U.S. is not an isolated souther n mountain hollow or a midwestern farm county blasted by drought, but a four-blo ck stretch of public housing on the South Side of Chicago. Most of the residents are black, on welfare, and living in dysfunctional families. But as woebegone a s that neighborhood is, the pattern is repeated on block after block in city aft er city. The problems of our inner cities have been growing worse with each year ; some policymakers and scholars question whether these problems can ever be sol ved. In this program with Bill Moyers, Dr. William Julius Wilson, author and soc iologist, argues that the time to throw up our hands in despair has not yet arri ved; he believes that most inner-city blacks stay poor not because they are blac k, but because they live in the wasteland of the inner city. (30 minutes)</td><t d>1989</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4525_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4525_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5739</td><td>Solving Geography Problems</td><td>Like all pro blem solving, solving geography problems needs practice and method. Using the sk ills of classification and comparison, this program shows how we can recognize p atterns, which in turn help us to solve geography problems. (10 minutes)</td><td >1985</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4526_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4526_l blPrice">$45.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>31061</td><td>Somalia: An American in Mogadishu</td><td>In 1 993, Mohammed Aideed's militia triumphantly paraded U.S. corpses through the str eets of Mogadishu. In stunning irony, Mohammed's son, Hussein, though not a repr esentative of Somalia's official government, now offers the U.S. strategic bases . This program presents a candid interview with Somalia's de facto leader, a war lord with unusual credentials: American citizen, former Marine, and member of th e Republican Party. A succinct overview of the country's political situation sin ce UN intervention in the early 1990s is crosscut with Aideed's remarks. (33 min utes)</td><td>2002</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4527_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4527_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5751</td><td>Some Can Sing</td><td>Poetry's ability to bridg e gaps and cross boundaries is emphasized in this program through the works of R obert Hass, Claribel Alegria, and Carolyn Forche. Distinctly different in terms of background and style, these three artists are identical in their ability to t ransport audiences to new places, new feelings, and new hopes. Filmed at the Bie nnial Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival. (58 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>56</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4528_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4528_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6774</td><td>The Songs Are Free: Bernice Johnson Reagon and African-American Music</td><td>In this program, Bernice Johnson Reagon, founder of the musical group Sweet Honey in the Rock, and curator of the Community Life Division of the Smithsonian Institution, discusses with Bill Moyers how black mu sic has shaped the African-American experience and identity. Reagon traces the r ole of early spirituals rooted in the black church to their inspirational use in the early Civil Rights movement. Live musical performances, educational worksho ps, and archival footage of Reagon and noted Civil Rights leaders are included. Reagon's work with Sweet Honey in the Rock is shown as continuing the tradition of black music as a source of resistance, courage, and pride, as well as determi nation and faith. (58 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4529_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4529_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10927</td><td>Sonnet Variations: A Performance of Selected S onnets by Shakespeare</td><td>Witty, sensual, and poignant, Shakespeare's sonnet s are perhaps the greatest love poems ever written. In this ingenious program, 2 9 of the Bard's best are delivered in various pastoral settings-as well as at th

e breakfast table, over the telephone, and even as a standup comedy routine. Div ided into Prelude, The Young Friend, The Dark Lady, and Epilogue, the performanc es include the following sonnets: 1, 3, 12, 15, 18, 20, 29, 33, 34, 35, 57, 60, 73, 87, 90, 94, 97, 116, 126, 129, 130, 135, 138, 143, 144, 146, 147, 153, and 1 54. An afterword provides comments on the history and enduring relevance of the sonnets. (46 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4530_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4530_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29754</td><td>Sonography</td><td>Drawing on sonar technology , sonography uses sound waves to see inside the body. This program visits Thomas Jefferson University Hospital to study how sonographers put this technology int o practice. An ultrasound scan is done on a middle-aged man and on an expectant young mother, and the results are reviewed and explained. The subspecialties of sonography-general ultrasound, vascular ultrasound, and echocardiography-are als o explored from a career perspective, and the growing demand for sonographers is discussed. A Cambridge Educational Production. (13 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><t d>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4531_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4531_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9253</td><td>Soothing the Savage Beast: Venting Rage</td><td >Is the physical release of anger in a controlled setting a healthy way to proce ss it? Many angry people say yes-but not all researchers agree: "It's a seductiv e theory. It does make sense, but it's a myth," says noted psychologist Dr. Brad Bushman. In this program, ABC News anchors Charles Gibson and Connie Chung and correspondent John Stossel set the record straight about two different anger dis orders and the methods used to control them. For under-venters, bataka bats and anger release workshops may be the prescription, but for over-venters, an anger management workshop is a better choice. (14 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>14</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4532_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4532_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>1317</td><td>Sophocles: The Theban Plays</td><td>The three T heban plays-Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus, and Antigone-tell the story of Oedipus and his family: of how the great King of Thebes was destroyed after he learned his true identity, of his mysterious death years later at Colonus, and h ow his daughter Antigone, inheritor of his destiny, defied the power of the stat e embodied in her mother's brother, King Creon. Although the three plays carry forward the development of one legend, The Theban Plays were not written to be p erformed as a group and are therefore not a trilogy in the sense of The Oresteia . Composed almost across the length of Sophocles' long writing career, they stan d, in fact, as a series of studies of the relationships between fathers and chil dren: in Oedipus the King, the son kills his father and takes possession of his

mother; in Oedipus at Colonus, the father disowns his rebellious children; in An tigone, the daughter who stood by her father is destroyed. It is no mean task t o capture for modern audiences the excitement that these plays held for the orig inal Greek audiences, distanced for us as they are by 2,500 years of reverence a nd the conventions of classical Greek drama. In this superb version this task ha s been accomplished by means of an aggressively contemporary translation that re mains true to the text; setting the plays in the past yet not the distant past, not any pinpointable past; and, dispensing with masks, using the finest classica l British actors. 3-part series, 2 hours each.</td><td>1986</td><td>&nbsp;</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4533_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4533_l blPrice">$479.85<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36132</td><td>Soul of India: Hindus and Muslims in Conflict< /td><td>Home to more than a billion people, India struggles to remain the secula r and tolerant society that Mahatma Gandhi envisioned. This Wide Angle documenta ry focuses on India's increasingly powerful Hindu nationalist movement, the spec ter of religious and ethnic strife that has haunted the nation since the dawn of its independence in 1947, and the actions of government and partisan forces tha t may be headed for a large-scale confrontation. Exploring mob violence in the s tate of Gujarat, the efforts of India's "supercop" to quell the unrest, and the influence of a dynamic Hindu youth movement, this program offers an in-depth loo k into the identity of the world's largest democracy. In addition, former Senato r George Mitchell talks with anchor Jamie Rubin. (57 minutes)</td><td>2002</td>< td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4534_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4534_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9300</td><td>Sounds of Poetry</td><td>Since its inception in 1986, the Biennial Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival has spotlighted over 300 established and emerging poets-and attracted an audience of more than 50,000 avi d listeners. This sparkling nine-part series featuring popular television journa list Bill Moyers is a dual celebration of poetry, emphasizing both the power of its highly refined language and its importance as a spoken art form. In-depth co nversations with eleven award-winning Festival alumni, combined with readings of their works, make each program an incomparable resource on contemporary poetry, suitable for use in the classroom and at workshops. 9-part series, 27 minutes e ach.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4535_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4535_l blPrice">$809.55<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34702</td><td>South Africa Journal: A Nation's Renewal</td>< td>Nelson Mandela spoke of the past haunting the present. This program explores the rebirth of South Africa, demonstrating that a national history racked with o ppression can guide and instruct those working for a better future. Studying the

moving and provocative art of the apartheid era, the program also visits Robben Island, where Mandela was imprisoned, and examines Cape Town's historic Distric t Six, which serves as a reminder of long-lost vitality and racial integration. The most illuminating scene, however, concerns a Cape Province vineyard that is home to the nation's first black-owned wine label, aptly named New Beginnings. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. (28 minutes)</td><td >2003</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4536_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4536_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7277</td><td>Soviet Disunion: Ten Years That Shook the World </td><td>This comprehensive ten-year history of Russia following glasnost and pe restroika presents a dismal picture of a nation in disarray, battling with seemi ngly insurmountable economic, social, and political problems. Major topics inclu de the election of Mikhail Gorbachev; dissolution of the gulag system; Boris Yel tsin's opposition to Gorbachev's initiatives; environmental legacies, including the disaster of Chernobyl; the break-away of the Baltic states; Gorbachev's arre st; the rise of Yeltsin; creation of the stock exchange; an explosion of crime; and decay of the military. Interviews with Gorbachev and with Russian officials Edvard Shevardnadze, Nikolai Ryzhkov, and former KGB chief General Oleg Kalougin e provide insights into the causes and severity of the problems. Journalists and ordinary Russian citizens reveal both the hope and disillusionment of a proud b ut troubled nation struggling with its newfound identity. (57 minutes)</td><td>1 995</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4537_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4537_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33050</td><td>Sowing the Seeds of Disaster</td><td>Technolog y has poisoned our planet and biotechnology may be the way to save it. This prog ram shows how biotechnology is finding, altering, and growing answers to chemica l pollution-how PCB-eating organisms are designed, tested, and produced and how frost-resistant plant strains are produced. It also examines the dangers of intr oducing nonnatural substances into our ecosystems, when we are unable to forsee their potential side effects. Love Canal serves as an example. (26 minutes)</td> <td>1988</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4538_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4538_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26355</td><td>Space for Growth and Development</td><td>Child ren have unique needs and desires. This video shows how child-care facilities ca n effectively provide a stimulating learning environment if available space is u sed to its full potential. The program discusses the value of providing an envir onment that is both attractive and practical. (19 min.) A Meridian Production.</ td><td>1992</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4539_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4539_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8884</td><td>Space Invaders: Strategies for Life in a Crowd< /td><td>In this program, the need for personal space is explored through the avo idance behaviors people employ to maintain a perceived distance from others, suc h as falling into a "middle-distance stare" in a crowded subway; the use of a pr oxy, like a jacket on a barstool, to reserve a place; the attitudes of drivers t owards other cars on the road, which can lead to road rage; and the unconscious cooperation displayed in sharing public places. The phenomenon of crowd identity , in which the rules of personal space are willingly suspended, is also examined . (25 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4540_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4540_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37437</td><td>The Space of Pottery: Ceramics of Paul Mathieu </td><td>This beautifully filmed program by Richard L. Harrison explores the wor k, creative process, and philosophical perspective of award-winning ceramist Pau l Mathieu, whose multilayered works in porcelain defy conventional boundaries of craft, sculpture, and representation. Different stages of the ceramics-making p rocess are spotlighted as Mathieu creates an intricate stacking dinner service c alled The Arrows of Time inspired by physicist Stephen Hawking's book A Brief Hi story of Time. Images of numerous other finished pieces-Le Souci de Soi, The Pie ce Is Not to Be Photographed, and The Mortal Secret of Immortality, to name only three-further emphasize the complexity of Mathieu's work and the cerebral yet p oetic nature of his aesthetics. The only thing missing from this classic program -and from the internationally acclaimed artist himself-is ego. (27 minutes)</td> <td>1991</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4541_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4541_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7404</td><td>Spain</td><td>The days of the conquistadors hav e long since passed, but in many ways Spain remains locked within its glorious h istory, captivated by tradition. This program searches for the modern face of Sp ain by examining its social and economic progress, or lack of it, since Franco. Main topics include the Spanish Civil War, the failed rise of the middle class, and the illusion of Spain as a prosperous nation. Also examined are Spain's myri ad ethnic traditions; politics; Catholicism; family traditions; urbanization; Sp anish duende (soul); the South as a cliche for all of Spain; and general apathy of the Spanish people toward change. A BBCW Production. Portions are in Spanish with English subtitles. (31 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4542_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4542_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span>

</td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35130</td><td>Spain's Multicultural Past</td><td>Fought over since prehistoric times, the Iberian peninsula could be viewed as one immense b attlefield-were it not for the beauty of its landscape, architecture, and varied culture. This two-part series examines the World Heritage sites of Spain and th eir historical significance. Focusing on religious structures, royal palaces, mi litary fortifications, and examples of spectacular urban planning, the series te lls the story of ancient and medieval Spain through the handiwork of long-vanish ed builders and artisans. 2-part series, 53 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>& nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4543_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4543_l blPrice">$299.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34208</td><td>Spam</td><td>What is spam? How do spammers get their unwanted offers into your in-box? And how can the flow of electronic junk mail be stopped? Filmed in news report style, this program explains how shady a dvertisers send spam and then presents proactive strategies for combating it: sp am filters, blacklists and white lists, opt-in and opt-out protocols, anti-spam legislation with real teeth, and greater cooperation between legitimate business es, Internet and online service providers, and consumers. Spammer techniques-how spammers harvest e-mail addresses, use open relays and spoofing to cover their tracks, and more-are revealed. (30 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4544_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4544_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9108</td><td>The Spanish Armada</td><td>Outwitted and outman euvered by Lord Howard of Effingham and Sir Francis Drake and thwarted by the we ather as well, the Duke of Medina Sidonia's once-mighty Armada returned to Spain in defeat, signaling the end of Spanish naval supremacy. This program analyzes the political and military aspects of Philip II's attempted invasion of England through expert commentary, battle maps, and reenactments involving the personali ties and the ships that made this conflict a watershed in European history. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4545_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4545_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>2597</td><td>The Spanish Civil War</td><td>This program cove rs the roots of the Spanish Civil War-the electoral defeat of right-wing forces by the union of left-wing parties into the Popular Front; the polarization of Le ft and Right as Fascism and Communism loomed on the far side of the Pyrenees; th e young officers' conspiracy that began the uprising in Morocco. Within days, th e conflict had spread to Spain, and the bitter Civil War had begun. The program covers the course of the war: the battles, the targeting of civilians (including

the bombing of Guernica), the human cost, the intervention of the totalitarian powers and the non-intervention of the democracies-until, at the end, the Soviet Union withdrew its support and the International Brigades were disbanded, Natio nalist forces entered Madrid, and the war was over, leaving more than a million people dead, wounded, or as refugees. (25 minutes, b&w)</td><td>1993</td><td>25< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4546_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4546_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30154</td><td>The Spanish Civil War: Blood and Ink-in Spanis h</td><td>When Spain's army mutinied against the Second Republic in 1936, it mar ked the beginning of a bitter civil war that lasted three years and cost one mil lion Spanish lives. In this program, respected authorities elaborate on the writ ings and personalities of those who captured this devastating period in poetry a nd prose. Dramatic readings include excerpts from Rafael Alberti's "Romancero Ge neral de la Guerra," Antonio Machado's "Muerte de un Nino Herido," Jose Maria Pe man's "De Ellos Es el Mundo" and "Poema de la Bestia y el Angel," and Miguel Her nandez' Viento del Pueblo. (Spanish, 50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>49</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4547_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4547_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30168</td><td>The Spanish Civil War: Blood and Ink-in Spanis h with English Subtitles</td><td>When Spain's army mutinied against the Second R epublic in 1936, it marked the beginning of a bitter civil war that lasted three years and cost one million Spanish lives. In this program, respected authoritie s elaborate on the writings and personalities of those who captured this devasta ting period in poetry and prose. Dramatic readings include excerpts from Rafael Alberti's "Romancero General de la Guerra," Antonio Machado's "Muerte de un Nino Herido," Jose Maria Peman's "De Ellos Es el Mundo" and "Poema de la Bestia y el Angel," and Miguel Hernandez' Viento del Pueblo. (Spanish with English subtitle s, 50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4548_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4548_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9107</td><td>The Spanish Conquest of Mexico</td><td>Although Hernan Cortes hardly considered himself the reincarnation of Quetzalcoatl, the Aztecs did-and his conquest of Mesoamerica utterly destroyed their world, exactl y as prophesied. In this program, Spanish historian and Oxford University profes sor Sir John Elliott and cultural historian Dr. Elizabeth Baquedano survey polit ical, cultural, and religious aspects of Aztec civilization; analyze Cortes' mil itary campaign in detail; and discuss Spanish influences on Mexican culture. Art work, artifacts, 3-D models, and excerpts from the writings of Bernal Diaz add d epth to this penetrating study of Spanish opportunism in the New World. (30 minu tes)</td><td>1999</td><td>30</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4549_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4549_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30156</td><td>Spanish Literature under Dictatorship: 1940 to 1975-in Spanish</td><td>How did life in post-civil war Spain-a time of uncertai nty and oppression-influence the writings of the period? In this program, renown ed experts explore the literature of the Franco era through the experiences of A na Maria Matute and other writers who chose to stay in Spain after the Nationali st victory in 1939. Dramatic readings include excerpts from Camilo Jose Cela's L a Colmena, Luis Martin-Santos's Tiempo de Silencio, Carmen Martin Gaite's Entre Visillos, Miguel Delibes' Cinco Horas con Mario, and Gonzalo Torrente Ballester' s Don Juan, as well as from the works of Matute, Jaime Gil de Biedma, and Jose A ngel Valente. (Spanish, 50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4550_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4550_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30170</td><td>Spanish Literature under Dictatorship: 1940 to 1975-in Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>How did life in post-civil war S pain-a time of uncertainty and oppression-influence the writings of the period? In this program, renowned experts explore the literature of the Franco era throu gh the experiences of Ana Maria Matute and other writers who chose to stay in Sp ain after the Nationalist victory in 1939. Dramatic readings include excerpts fr om Camilo Jose Cela's La Colmena, Luis Martin-Santos's Tiempo de Silencio, Carme n Martin Gaite's Entre Visillos, Miguel Delibes' Cinco Horas con Mario, and Gonz alo Torrente Ballester's Don Juan, as well as from the works of Matute, Jaime Gi l de Biedma, and Jose Angel Valente. (Spanish with English subtitles, 50 minutes )</td><td>2002</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4551_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4551_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35132</td><td>The Spanish Reconquista</td><td>Beginning with the eighth-century defeat of Islamic forces in the Asturian mountains, this pro gram traces the gradual return of Christian rule to Spain. Breathtaking depictio ns of World Heritage sites guide viewers along the Route of Santiago de Composte la-a Christian pilgrimage that catalyzed the struggle against Islamic control-as well as strategically important cities, including Toledo, Avila, and the last M uslim stronghold to fall, Granada. The historical narrative explains how smaller kingdoms merged to form more powerful unions, leading to the alliance of Castil le y Leon and Aragon and, ultimately, the creation of a single Christian nation. (53 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4552_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4552_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30155</td><td>Spanish Writers in Exile-in Spanish</td><td>Af ter the Spanish Civil War, the defeated Republicans had only two options: to sta y in Spain and accept the rule of Franco's authoritarian regime or to leave thei r homeland and go into exile. In this program, leading scholars talk about the l ives and works of Spain's dispossessed literary elite, whose voices refused to b e silenced. Dramatic readings include excerpts from Rafael Alberti's "A Traves d e la Niebla," Leon Felipe's Espanol del Exodo y del Llanto, Luis Cernuda's "Un E spanol Habla de Su Tierra," Rosa Chacel's "Cultura y Pueblo," and Ramon Sender's Requiem por un Campesino Espanol. (Spanish, 50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>49 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4553_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4553_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30169</td><td>Spanish Writers in Exile-in Spanish with Engli sh Subtitles</td><td>After the Spanish Civil War, the defeated Republicans had o nly two options: to stay in Spain and accept the rule of Franco's authoritarian regime or to leave their homeland and go into exile. In this program, leading sc holars talk about the lives and works of Spain's dispossessed literary elite, wh ose voices refused to be silenced. Dramatic readings include excerpts from Rafae l Alberti's "A Traves de la Niebla," Leon Felipe's Espanol del Exodo y del Llant o, Luis Cernuda's "Un Espanol Habla de Su Tierra," Rosa Chacel's "Cultura y Pueb lo," and Ramon Sender's Requiem por un Campesino Espanol. (Spanish with English subtitles, 50 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4554_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4554_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8335</td><td>The Spanish-American War: A Conflict in Progres s</td><td>This program examines the conduct of the war, from Theodore Roosevelt' s Rough Riders, to the defeatist attitude of Spanish commander Admiral Cerveras, to Cuban General Gomez and his decision to side with the Americans. Actual foot age taken at the battles of Las Guasimas, El Caney, and San Juan Hill supports e xcellent historical commentary, including photos, sketches, and firsthand accoun ts of the war by publishing mogul William Randolph Hearst. The precise sequence of political and military events leading to the Spanish defeat is carefully trac ed up to the Treaty of Paris, where Spain relinquishes all rights to Cuba, the P hilippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico. (52 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4555_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4555_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10220</td><td>Spare Parts: Growing Human Organs</td><td>In t his fascinating program, experts on the cutting edge of tissue engineering and r egenerative medicine present the astounding results of their research. Academic

experts from MIT, Johns Hopkins Medical Institute, Massachusetts General Hospita l, Duke University, and the University of Toronto-plus representatives of Osiris Therapeutics and Geron, leading industry pioneers-explain how new organs, arter ies, ligaments, tendons, and skin are being grown from scratch using embryonic s tem cells and bone marrow cells, bio-reactors, biodegradable scaffolding, and te lomerase. Ethics issues and the race for patents are discussed as well. (28 minu tes)</td><td>1999</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4556_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4556_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11201</td><td>Spares or Repairs: Applications and Implicatio ns of Cloning</td><td>Beginning with Dolly, this program explores the successes of cloning animals and specialized cells, the use of cultured neurons to combat degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's, and the future of tissue engineering, as well as the ethical dilemmas attending the science of genetics. Researchers from Roslin Institute, including Ian Wilmut; Robert Winston, professor of fertil ity studies at the University of London; and biologist/author Colin Tudge are fe atured. Footage of DNA extraction from an egg, stem cells growing into brain cel ls, and neuronal implantation offer a glimpse of the future of medicine. (26 min utes)</td><td>2000</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4557_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4557_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34222</td><td>Sparkling Clean: Sanitation in Hotels and Rest aurants</td><td>Let's face it-cleaning is a tough job. The only way to make sure a hotel or restaurant stays sanitary is to put regular procedures into action, and Sparkling Clean provides the know-how to do just that. From selecting and se tting up the right equipment to implementing regular cleaning schedules, this vi deo covers the complete range of actions that lead to spotless kitchens, restroo ms, and bedrooms. It's all about the details, including information on effective signage, MSDSs, customer privacy awareness, linen sorting practices, and person al protective equipment and clothing. Interviews with experienced industry profe ssionals round out this thorough, authoritative guide. A viewable/printable inst ructor's guide is available online. (31 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>31</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4558_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4558_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37537</td><td>Speaking in Tongues: The History of Language</ td><td>Currently there are more than 6,000 languages spoken around the world. Th is five-part series traces the history and evolution of language and attendant t heories and controversies while evaluating the scope of linguistic diversity, th e dissemination of language, the expansion of language into written form, and th e life cycle of language. Prominent figures in the field of linguistics-Noam Cho msky, John McWhorter, and Peter Ladefoged, to name only three-are featured. 5-pa

rt series, 48 minutes each.</td><td>2007</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4559_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4559_l blPrice">$749.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33214</td><td>Speaking Proper</td><td>This program follows E nglish through the 18th and 19th centuries, from attempts at reforming and stand ardizing the tongue in the Age of Reason to the soaring verse of Romanticism and the verbal prudishness of the Victorian era. Linguistic milestones are highligh ted by original editions of critical texts, including Newton's Opticks, Samuel J ohnson's Dictionary of the English Language, Thomas Sheridan's British Education , and George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion. Other key figures discussed include Jonat han Swift, Robert Burns, Jane Austen, and William Wordsworth. (52 minutes)</td>< td>2003</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4560_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4560_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33028</td><td>Speaking to Power: A NOW with Bill Moyers Spec ial Edition</td><td>Eighty percent of Americans-four out of five-say they are Ch ristians. Right now they are divided over a critical social, political, and theo logical challenge: how to live with religious diversity in an increasingly plura listic and polarized world. Over the past twenty years, conservative fundamental ist Christians have been front and center in politics and the media-but faith, l ike democracy, wears many faces. At The Riverside Church in New York City, a dif ferent kind of Christian voice can be heard preaching a very different message: the speaker is the Reverend Dr. James Forbes, Jr., and his vision is one of soci al justice for all. This timely Bill Moyers special provides an intimate view of Dr. Forbes and The Riverside Church as it traces Riverside's theological roots as well as its history and architecture, revealing a house of worship dedicated to the idea that science, learning, and faith can comfortably coexist under the same vaulted roof with a religiously diverse congregation. "The new reality is, that nobody in today's world can be truly mature in their religion without makin g space for respect for all of the other religious traditions," says Dr. Forbes. (57 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4561_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4561_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5299</td><td>Special Needs Students in Regular Classrooms? S ean's Story</td><td>This is the story of an eight-year-old boy with Down syndrom e who was part of a battle over "inclusion," the practice of placing mentally or physically challenged students in regular classrooms. Teachers felt inadequatel y trained; teachers and parents asked whether "inclusion" was in the best intere sts of all students-those with and those without disabilities; and the future of special education schools was in question. The program chronicles Sean's first year in a regular classroom setting and also follows the story of his friend Bob by, who also has Down syndrome but whose parents chose to keep him in the specia

l education school. Sean's mother thinks a regular classroom will help him adjus t to the real world; Bobby's mother equates placing a mentally challenged child in a regular classroom with "putting a five-foot-two kid on the varsity basketba ll team and expecting him to do well." The program talks to students, parents, t eachers, and administrators on both sides of the issue. (45 minutes)</td><td>199 4</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4562_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4562_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36388</td><td>The Special Theory of Relativity</td><td>How d id 20th-century physics change long-held notions of light's makeup and behavior? This group of 12 concise computer-animated videos illustrates Einstein's monume ntal contributions to the study of light. Showing how rudimentary ideas of mater ial wave motion yielded to more advanced concepts of electromagnetic waves, the program details Einstein's conclusions about the speed of light and his concepti on of time-which, given his findings on mass and energy, proceeds according to v ariable frames of reference. Relativistic thought experiments, conveyed through helpful animation, demonstrate simultaneity, time dilation, length contraction, and relativistic mass. (63 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>63</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4563_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4563_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30089</td><td>The Sphinx in Context: Solving the Riddle</td> <td>Starting when the first explorers laid eyes on the incomparable Sphinx, theo ries have proliferated about who built it and why. In this program, Zahi Hawass, of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities; Egyptologist Fayza Haikal; Kathryn B ard, editor of The Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt; authors Pau l Jordan and Robert Schoch; and others employ the latest scientific scholarship and research to dispute those many theories while addressing a century of preser vation and restoration efforts. Their keen insights, in combination with 3-D com puter animations, vintage newsreel footage, archival photos, and artwork, bring to life a story of monumental proportions. (51 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>51< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4564_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4564_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34124</td><td>The Spine: The Body's Central Highway</td><td> This edition of Science Screen Report looks at the design and function of the sp inal cord, how damage to the cord affects body movement, and medical advances us ed in treating spinal cord injuries. After outlining the components of the spine and central nervous system, the program portrays studies and experiments rangin g from a high-tech muscle stimulation therapy to the development of nerve-regene rating computer chips that can be implanted directly in the spine. This is an ef fective presentation of principal concerns in neurology, and of the worldwide ef fort to understand paralysis and find a cure. A viewable/printable instructor's

guide is available online. Correlates to National Science Education Standards. P roduced in association with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technolo gy and the Junior Engineering Technical Society. (13 minutes)</td><td>2002</td>< td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4565_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4565_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10244</td><td>Spinning Tops and Ailerons: Moments and Angula r Momentum</td><td>In this program, animated graphics help to define the concept of angular momentum and to express the relationship between moments and the rat e of change of angular momentum. Problems include determining the dimensions nee ded for an airplane's ailerons and the amount of force required to rotate a toy spaceship. The reasons why a spinning top shows precession are also addressed. ( 43 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>43</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4566_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4566_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7283</td><td>Spinoza and Leibniz</td><td>The ideas of ration alist philosophers Baruch Spinoza and Gottfried Leibniz are examined in this pro gram by world-renowned author and professor Bryan Magee and philosopher Anthony Quinton. Spinoza favors a pantheistic God who has matter and mind as two attribu tes, and who is the ultimate substance and explanation of the world. Leibniz see s the real world as consisting of an infinity of things purely spiritual, where everything, including space, is a phenomenon-a by-product of a real world with a n infinite array of spiritual centers. Both philosophers construct a world that is very different from what the average person perceives, and both reject Cartes ian duality. A BBC Production. (46 minutes)</td><td>1987</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4567_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4567_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10092</td><td>The Spirit of Lorca</td><td>In a brief life fi lled with prodigious artistic achievements, Federico Garcia Lorca's greatest leg acy may well be his complex and compelling personality. Filmed on location in Sp ain, this vintage program profiles the immortalized poet/dramatist, capturing th e potent essence of Spanish culture in the process. Extracts from his poems, pla ys, and letters demonstrate his duende-burning passion-for the arts, while the d etails of his life and violent death, as told by his biographer Ian Gibson, cont emporaries Rafael Alberti and Luis Rosales, and others, present a thoughtful per spective on Spain's revered literary icon. (76 minutes)</td><td>1986</td><td>76< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4568_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4568_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33418</td><td>Spirits of the Rocks: The Culture of the San B ushpeople</td><td>The extraordinary rock paintings of the San bushpeople provide a culturally rich point of reconnection with humankind's collective past. In th is program, anthropologists Patricia Vinnicombe-author of the groundbreaking boo k People of the Eland-and Frans Prins as well as Megan Biesele, cofounder of the Kalahari Peoples Fund, take part in an ethnographic sojourn with the San in Sou th Africa, Botswana, and Namibia. To better understand this venerable indigenous people, they immerse themselves in their culture, partaking of their art, myths , beliefs, rituals, and healing dance. Not available in French-speaking Canada. (80 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>79</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4569_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4569_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34475</td><td>Spirits of the State: Japan's Yasukuni Shrine< /td><td>Tokyo's Yasukuni shrine honors and venerates the spirits of Japanese sol diers and officers-including convicted and executed war criminals. This program explores the history of the Shinto shrine, the complexity of its functions, and the controversies generated when political leaders appear there. Interviews with visitors, an inside look at the shrine's adjacent museum of war memorabilia, an d a discussion of what has become known as "state Shinto" create a context in wh ich reverence for the enshrined may be understood. A rare view of Japanese natio nalism and the political use of religious traditions, Spirits of the State offer s valuable insight into the continuing and contested legacies of World War II. A vailable in the U.S., Canada, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand only. (28 minutes )</td><td>2004</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4570_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4570_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10934</td><td>Spiritual India: A Guide to Jainism, Islam, Bu ddhism, and Hinduism</td><td>In India, religious observances weave countless gol den threads into the homespun fabric of daily life. This program provides an ove rview of four of India's prominent religions: Jainism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hind uism. Stunning footage from all around the subcontinent displays these jewels of India's religious heritage-along with their monuments, shrines, temples, festiv als, and sacred rituals-against the backdrop of the nation's intricate history, diverse geography, and rich variety of cultures and languages. (50 minutes)</td> <td>1995</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4571_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4571_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14609</td><td>Sports and Nutrition: The Winning Combination< /td><td>Proper nutrition plays a major role when we strive to reach our physical

potential, and nutrition makes an important contribution to our well-being and ability to perform. Basal metabolism and physical activity determine the amount of food we should eat. This video shows how to eat right while in training, befo re competitions, and during the event. It reveals which of us should use carbohy drate loading and explains the safe way to gain or lose weight. There is emphasi s on drinking the right amount of fluids, including which sport drinks are safe to use. Also included are the use of supplements such as salt tablets, electroly te replacements, and vitamin and mineral supplements. For most of us, good nutri tion is a key to winning.A Cambridge Educational Production. One 18-minute video .</td><td>1997</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4572_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4572_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14548</td><td>Sports Psychology</td><td>Five seconds left, t he game is tied, your hands are sweaty, and your knees are knocking. Could a fea r of failure ruin your chances of winning the game or making the putt? Not with the information from Sports Psychology, a comprehensive guide to success by deve loping the proper mental attitude. Designed by a leading sports psychologist, th is program teaches you how to improve performance by commitment, communication, and attitude. The keys to designing a positive mental game plan are detailed. Go al identifcation and self-motivation explain correct methods of attaining succes s. Various concentation skills and focusing techniques give an athlete the added tenacity to improve. Tips on avoiding mental burnout and handling stress are al so discussed. Remember, you can defeat yourself if you aren't mentally ready.One 60-minute video.</td><td>1991</td><td>63</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4573_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4573_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36914</td><td>Spotlight on Careers in Education</td><td>Gast on Caperton overcame dyslexia to become the Governor of West Virginia and Presid ent of the College Board-provider of the SAT, AP exams, and CLEP tests. In secti on one of this program, Caperton explains how his struggle with dyslexia fueled his dedication to the promotion of education. In section two, Virginia Jose, an art educator at South Bronx Preparatory School and a practicing professional art ist, discusses what teaching means to her. She also shares why art is so importa nt to her-a message she also strives to communicate to her more than 120 student s each week. (17 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4574_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4574_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36918</td><td>Spotlight on Careers in Entrepreneurship</td>< td>Since its founding, Paul Orfalea's Kinko's empire has grown to more than 1,50 0 stores and 23,000 employees worldwide. And Pleasant Rowland's American Girl do lls, second only to Barbie in U.S. sales, made her $700 million when she sold he r company to Mattel. How did these incredible entrepreneurs do it? Section one o

f this program profiles Orfalea, who talks about overcoming dyslexia while growi ng up and his business philosophy, which is based on his freethinking, creative style. In section two, Rowland describes her motivation in creating the American Girls and how her special approach to marketing and distribution has helped mak e them so popular. (20 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4575_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4575_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36920</td><td>Spotlight on Careers in Fitness and Sports</td ><td>Cindy Sites was a ballet dancer; Ray Anderson played football and baseball in college. Section one of this program focuses on Sites' success as owner of Go Figure Fitness, a small chain of studios where she and her staff teach her Figu re Method-a combination of Pilates, yoga, and classical ballet technique. Sectio n two tracks the career of Anderson from Stanford University and Harvard Law Sch ool, to sports agent to the likes of the Colts' Tony Dungy and the Cardinals' De nnis Green, to Executive Vice President of the Atlanta Falcons, to Vice Presiden t of NFL Operations. (17 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4576_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4576_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36919</td><td>Spotlight on Careers in Food</td><td>Cato Corn er Farm in Connecticut produces handmade gourmet cheeses prized by the upscale B lue Hill restaurants in New York. Section one of this program introduces viewers to the art and craft of cheese-making through the experiences of the mother/son team of Elizabeth MacAlister and Mark Gilman, who talk about the joys and chall enges of their business as they demonstrate how they make and market their chees es. In section two, Dan Barber-one of America's top chefs and owner of the Blue Hill restaurants-explains why he became a chef, how he ended up owning two resta urants, and why he's so enthusiastic about using locally grown foods. (21 minute s)</td><td>2007</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4577_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4577_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36916</td><td>Spotlight on Careers in Housing and Real Estat e</td><td>Before he opened his own construction company, Ted Herz worked in the chemical industry. And Arnold Penner, head of his own multimillion-dollar real e state development/investment business in New York City, started out as a car sal esman. In section one of this program, Herz discusses his frustrations in the co rporate world, how he turned his home remodeling hobby into a full-fledged caree r, and the kinds of things that have to be considered when dealing with so many projects and clients. In section two, Penner talks about the appeal of real esta te and how hard work has paid off for him as he tours viewers through several of his NYC properties. (18 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4578_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4578_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36915</td><td>Spotlight on Careers in Medicine</td><td>Secti on one of this program profiles Dr. Swayam Sadanandan, a member of New York maga zine's Best Doctor Hall of Fame: her dedication to treating sickle-cell anemia a s head of the Pediatric Hematology/Oncology program at The Brooklyn Hospital Cen ter, her efforts to provide social services to patients and their families, and her irrepressible optimism. Section two turns the spotlight on Michele Speer, RN , breast cancer survivor and Nurse Coordinator for the Women's Breast Center at Stamford Hospital's Tully Health Center. Her mission? To provide support, educat ion, and advocacy for each of her breast cancer patients. (16 minutes)</td><td>2 007</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4579_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4579_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36917</td><td>Spotlight on Careers in Science</td><td>Sectio n one of this program introduces viewers to Donna Shirley, who tells the story o f how a small-town girl with a keen interest in flying made a remarkable career for herself at NASA, where she has been Project Engineer for the Cassini mission to Saturn and head of the Mars Exploration Program. Section two puts Ira Mellma n under the microscope-a music major who ended up with degrees in cell biology a nd human genetics and has gone on to become Vice President of Oncology at Genent ech and Sterling Professor of Cell Biology and Immunology at Yale University. (1 9 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4580_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4580_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36921</td><td>Spotlight on Careers in Technology</td><td>Wha t is it like to be a visionary, to have a hand in shaping the future through imp ortant technologies? Section one of this program showcases the environmentally c lean, zero-emission Ballard Fuel Cell as Geoffrey Ballard himself explains how h e developed it against all odds. In section two, Bob Mason, cofounder of the dir ect-to-Internet TV service Brightcove, discusses why he and partner Jeremy Allai re started the company, Brightcove's place in the Internet revolution, and caree r options in the ever-changing high-tech industry. (18 minutes)</td><td>2007</td ><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4581_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4581_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36912</td><td>Spotlight on Careers in the Arts</td><td>How d o three talented individuals translate their unique artistic sensibilities into

action? This program explains. Section one focuses attention on Jacques d'Ambois e, one of the world's finest classical dancers and founder of the National Dance Institute, which exposes thousands of inner-city school children to the magic a nd discipline of dance. Section two introduces viewers to Andre Andreev and Dan Covert, lead designers for many of MTV's premiere award shows and the founding d uo of high-profile graphic design shop Dresscode. (18 minutes)</td><td>2007</td> <td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4582_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4582_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36913</td><td>Spotlight on Careers in Travel and Hospitality </td><td>One of Fortune's Most Admired Companies, jetBlue is dedicated to bringi ng humanity back to air travel. And HK Hotels, family-owned and -operated accomm odations infused with charm and Old World service, has been featured in Conde Na st Traveler and Travel + Leisure. In section one of this program, Eric Brinker t ells how he overcame severe dyslexia to become jetBlue's Director of Brand Manag ement and Customer Experience, while in section two, Henry Kallan, President and owner of HK Hotels in New York City, recalls how he emigrated from the former C zechoslovakia at the age of 21 and got his humble start in the hotel industry as a busboy. (17 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4583_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4583_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30907</td><td>Sprawl: Inner Cities and Outer Suburbs</td><td >To at least one resident of the fictional city of Metropolis, a new outer subur b being planned for some pristine farmland sounds like the American Dream come t rue. His brother, also a Metropolite but an advocate of smart growth, sees it as a nightmare. Moderated by Harvard Law School's Arthur Miller, this Fred Friendl y Seminar seeks to understand the housing situation facing the U.S.-a burgeoning nation that creates more than 1.5 million new households per year. The 12-membe r panel includes Bruce Katz, of the Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy at T he Brookings Institution; Stuart Meck, of the American Planning Association; and Harry Alford, of The National Black Chamber of Commerce. (60 minutes)</td><td>2 001</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4584_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4584_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30316</td><td>Spring: Season of Cherry Blossoms</td><td>This program captures the essence of spring in Kyoto. First, the program presents th e region's gorgeous displays of cherry blossoms and other flowers at Heian Jingu Shrine, built to commemorate Kyoto's 1,100 years as capital of Japan; in Maruya ma Park; by Togetsu Bridge; and at a number of famous temples. Next, traditional seasonal events are profiled, including the Miyako-odori and Kamogawa-odori dan ces, a Mibu Kyogen performance, a Kyokusui-no-Utage poetry reading, and the Shin ko-sai, Aoi, and Mifune festivals. And finally, a sampling of seasonal cuisine-s

ushi, bean curd, and many other foods, served informally and in Kaiseki style-is highlighted. (47 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4585_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4585_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32278</td><td>Sprinkler Fitters</td><td>Once your students h ave taken the tour and seen what the skilled construction trades have to offer, they will want to know more about specific jobs that may interest them. This fas t-paced program provides a concise profiles of sprinkler fitters, looking at edu cational background, apprenticeships, salary, and the work itself. (13 minutes)< /td><td>2003</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4586_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4586_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11059</td><td>St. Clare of Assisi</td><td>Inspired by Saint Francis, Clare of Assisi abandoned a comfortable and privileged life to establis h her own order; founded on vows of poverty, self-denial, and working for the po or, it flourishes to this day. This program provides a biography of Clare's life along with an in-depth analysis by McMaster University's Kathy Garay of Clare's relationship to the Church and to her peer St. Francis. A history of religious orders is also provided, as is testimony regarding the legacy that continues to draw contemporary women to her vision. (24 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>24</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4587_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4587_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6518</td><td>Stabilization Policy for a Small Open Economy</ td><td>This program analyzes a small, open economy, such as Canada's, where fina ncial markets are integrated with world financial markets. The program shows tha t the interest rate of a small, open economy is determined by the rest of the wo rld, and looks at the implications of this. (28 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>28 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4588_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4588_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8992</td><td>The Stage: Set Design and Construction</td><td> It can take more than 100 specialists working 8,000 hours to create the set for a single stage production. How is it done? In this extraordinary program, the dy namic process of set design for RSC productions of Much Ado About Nothing, The T empest, and Measure for Measure is described by the people who make it all happe

n. From creating a full-size tree for Benedick to climb that can be removed quic kly between acts to fabricating a giant conch shell for Caliban to inhabit, no c reative or engineering challenge is beyond the abilities of this talented team o f prop makers and set builders. (25 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4589_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4589_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35549</td><td>Stagecraft</td><td>A complete theater workshop on video, this two-part series covers all aspects of the art of stage performan ce and production. Each program is divided into easy-to-access segments that exp lore the details of staging a play or theatrical event-from preliminary acting r oundtables and rehearsals to set construction, lighting, costumes, makeup, and p rops. Providing nearly 4 hours of instruction, this series is an invaluable reso urce for both newcomers to the stage and anyone wishing to learn more about prod ucing live theater. 2-part series, 115-124 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td><td>&n bsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4590_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4590_l blPrice">$299.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34694</td><td>Stages of Theatre: From the Greeks to Shakespe are</td><td>Resurrecting long-vanished places of performance, this two-part seri es uses state-of-the-art graphics to conduct vivid interactive tours-from the ea rliest sacred spaces to the proscenium arch theatre most audiences recognize tod ay. Hosted by Professor Richard Beacham of King's College London, the world's le ading scholar in ancient theatre design, the series explores numerous exemplary sites through stunning 3-D computer reconstructions-forming an ideal introductio n to the history of drama and theatre construction. 2-part series, 21-23 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4591_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4591_l blPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29945</td><td>Stagestruck: Crossing the Greenroom</td><td>Hu ndreds of aspiring actors from across the country audition annually for entry in to the master's degree program at the National Theatre Conservatory-only eight a re chosen. For the next three years they refine their talents and techniques alo ngside the professionals of the Tony Award-winning Denver Center Theatre Company . This series follows a new class over its three-year odyssey of challenges in s tage, film, and television instruction and then catches up with them a year out as they try to put their talents to work. 3-part series, 40-55 minutes each.</td ><td>2001</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4592_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4592_l blPrice">$449.85<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1613</td><td>Staging Classical Comedy</td><td>Tragedy uphold s traditional values and comedy attacks them-which explain much of the change fr om Aristophanes to Plautus, from Old Comedy to New, reflecting as it does the ch ange from Athenian democracy to Roman totalitarianism. Wary of creating permanen t spaces that might be used for mass meetings, the Romans constructed temporary wooden structures to house their theatrical productions. Since these structures were made of wood, they did not survive. To determine how Roman comedy was stage d, evidence must be sought elsewhere-in surviving artifacts, contemporary Latin descriptions, and, above all, in the texts themselves. This program uses Plautus ' Miles Gloriosus (The Braggart Warrior) to test the stageability of a classical comedy as authentically as possible, combining a full-scale reconstruction of t he lost stage, the ancient text, and a still-vital comic style. (36 minutes)</td ><td>&nbsp;</td><td>36</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4593_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4593_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>26362</td><td>Staining Wood</td><td>Staining Wood is a twent y-minute video which is part of the series, Wood Finishing.A craftsman can plan, cut, and assemble a fine piece of furniture...but it does not become beautiful until the finish is applied. This series will give your students an understandin g of the finishing options available, including advantages and disadvantages. Th e correct preparation and safe application methods for each are demonstrated. A Meridian Production. 20-minute video.</td><td>1994</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4594_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4594_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10074</td><td>Stalin: The Red God</td><td>When atheistic Jos eph Stalin assumed power, he put to use his training as a Russian Orthodox pries t to redirect his people's devotional fervor and to cast himself as a secular go d. Using eyewitness accounts, reenactments of key events in Stalin's life, and e xamples of Soviet film, art, music, and architecture, this provocative program d emonstrates how Stalin ennobled communism and elevated it to the level of a stat e religion. Neo-Stalinists, nostalgic for their godlike leader, provide insights into how a terrifying dictatorship can ignite a devotion both deep and disturbi ng. (62 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>62</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4595_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4595_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9306</td><td>Stanley Kunitz</td><td>The recipient of virtual ly every honor that can be bestowed upon a poet, Stanley Kunitz has been a sourc e of encouragement for a century of budding talent and a tireless promoter of th e arts. In this program, Bill Moyers and Mr. Kunitz discuss topics such as his l

ove of life and the recurring theme of renewal in his work. Readings by Mr. Kuni tz spotlight "The Flight of Apollo," "The Lincoln Relics," "The Quarrel," "Vita Nuova," "The Round," "The Portrait," "Passing Through," and "The Layers." Filmed at the Biennial Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival. (27 minutes)</td><td>1999</ td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4596_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4596_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10210</td><td>The State</td><td>Winston Churchill said that democracy is "the worst system devised by the wit of man, except for all the oth ers." Although the state has taken many forms throughout history, some consider it not a protector of its citizens and their freedoms, but a fetter on their lib erty. This program provides a historical overview of the myriad forms of governm ent that have existed and their organizing principles, whether it is a Greek cit y state such as Athens that granted each citizen rights or a 20th-century empire , such as the Soviet Union, where the individual was secondary to the omnipotent and monolithic state. (53 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4597_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4597_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33812</td><td>State and Local Brownfields Programs</td><td>S tate and local programs are on the frontlines of brownfields reclamation. This d ocumentary-a practical primer with many examples-catalogs common types of enviro nmental challenges faced in the redevelopment of contaminated properties. Virgin ia brownfields coordinator Chris Evans and U.S. EPA Region V Administrator Tom S kinner comment on their efforts. David Sampson and Dennis Alvord, both of the ED A, review federal programs available to states and local communities. And Kathy Blaha, of The Trust for Public Land, outlines options beyond commercial redevelo pment. Produced by John W. Sutherlin, Ph.D. (44 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>44 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4598_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4598_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10847</td><td>State Control and Private Initiative</td><td>I n the world of business, what are the benefits and drawbacks of state interventi on in the private sector? Modules one and two of this program investigate the im pact of Poland's transition from a state-managed economy to a market economy and New Zealand's fundamental reorientation from a socialist welfare state to liber al capitalism. Module three studies how private enterprise and local communities have cooperated to create a successful zone of commerce in Italy's Sassuolo dis trict. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4599_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4599_l

blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36137</td><td>A State of Mind: Pageantry and Propaganda in N orth Korea</td><td>In 2003, as the United States confronted North Korea over its resumption of nuclear weapons production, North Koreans prepared to celebrate t he 50th anniversary of their supposed "victory" over the South in the Korean War . This Wide Angle documentary tells the story of two teenage girls preparing to participate in the Mass Games, one of the last surviving Communist showcase page ants and a celebration of North Korea's statehood and revolutionary zeal. Captur ing a mixture of excitement and contradiction at the heart of the state-produced spectacle, this program yields valuable insights into family life and daily act ivity in the little-known world of the "hermit kingdom." In addition, Professor Charles Armstrong discusses North Korea with anchor Jamie Rubin. (57 minutes)</t d><td>2003</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4600_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4600_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10655</td><td>The State of the Arts in America's Schools</td ><td>As cuts in federal and state funding continue to erode support for public s chool fine arts programs and field trips, opportunities for children to experien ce the visual arts, music, dance, and theater are disappearing. In this document ary, Kerry Bennington, of the Krasl Art Center, and other concerned experts trac e the evolution of the arts in America and enter into the debate over whether th e fine arts are an educational asset or an elitist diversion of scarce resources from core curriculums. (29 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4601_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4601_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11971</td><td>State of the Planet: Biosphere in the Balance< /td><td>Deforestation, global warming, depletion of aquifers, rising sea levels, and mass extinctions-how much longer can Earth compensate for these damaging fo rces? In this timely three-part series, David Attenborough and some of the world 's leading experts on environmental matters consider probably the most important issue of the 21st century: the future of life on this planet. A BBC Production. 3-part series, 50 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4602_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4602_l blPrice">$449.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36405</td><td>State of the Union: Politics in Red and Blue</ td><td>Is the U.S. so divided into communities of the like-minded that people ha ve stopped hearing any political opinion that differs from their own? This progr am reported by ABC News' George Stephanopoulos explores the polarizing phenomeno n known as "the big sort" and how that detrimental force is reshaping activism,

influencing the media, and suppressing bipartisan discourse in Congress. Stopove rs at true-blue Montclair, New Jersey, and red-hot Franklin, Tennessee, illustra te this national trend, while experiments on the dynamics of group polarization and on the effects of "shout television" offer some startling insights. Intervie ws with U.S. Senators Barack Obama and Lindsey Graham; Bill Bishop, author of Th e Great Divide; Cass Sunstein, of The University of Chicago's law school; politi cal activists Arline Isaacson, of the Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Political Ca ucus, and the Reverend Patrick Mahoney, of the Christian Defense Coalition; and Dan Burstein, co-author of blog!, are included. (43 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><t d>43</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4603_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4603_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32818</td><td>The State of World Population Report</td><td>A ccording to the latest statistics from the United Nations Population Fund, the m omentum of world population growth has slowed. But does that mean the population boom is over? This program summarizes the results of the most recent State of W orld Population Report, highlighting key changes in fertility rates and family s ize, as well as demographic shifts and the implications of increased human longe vity. A United Nations Production. (9 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>8</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4604_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4604_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35541</td><td>Stationary Sanders</td><td>This video explains how to make quick work of the biggest chore in the shop with stationary sanders . A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to com petency standards for core curriculum and carpentry from the National Center for Construction Education & Research. A Shopware Production. (13 minutes)</td><td> 2006</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4605_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4605_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>17679</td><td>Staying Alive: A Consumer Reports Car Safety S pecial</td><td>Most drivers are likely to be in more than one crash in their lif etime. No one expects to be in a car accident. But every year on our highways, t housands of people are killed and millions more injured. The National Highway Tr affic Safety Administration says the car you're in will have a lot to do with yo ur survival. We see crash test footage and witness the results. We learn what ex perts look for in designs to make cars safer. We monitor crash dummies to measur e severity of head, chest and upper leg injury. The less damage in "the survival zone"...the less chance of severe injury or death. Experts talk about airbags, antilock brakes, seatbelts, children's car seats, and safer tires. Throughout th e video, experts discuss government guidelines and manufacturer standards for bu ilding safer cars. But they also clearly indicate that consumers must make good choices by finding and using current safety information. Staying Alive provides

a critical look at a very timely subject...give your students the safety edge! ( 28 min.)</td><td>1998</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4606_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4606_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30249</td><td>Staying on Top in Turbulent Times</td><td>Phar maceuticals and banking are among the most profitable industries in the world. W hat are these companies doing to remain profitable during the post-9/11 economic downturn? In this program, Jamie Dimon, chairman and CEO of Bank One Corporatio n, and Raymond Gilmartin, chairman, president, and CEO of Merck and Company, tal k about leadership during turbulent times; the outsider as insider, when a CEO i s tasked with operating a business that was previously family-run; and what lies ahead for corporate America. (58 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4607_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4607_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34516</td><td>Staying on Track in Your Work Search</td><td>S tress management and time budgeting techniques are introduced in this video, alo ng with an overall approach to staying motivated and focused. (27 minutes)</td>< td>2004</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4608_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4608_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37685</td><td>Steel</td><td>In this program, three women wit h rewarding careers in the steel industry describe their work. Stephanie Sebasti an is a production worker at a fast-paced galvanizing mill; Jennifer Zahra is a quality control inspector involved with steel tubing for automotive uses; and Ch ristine Guerin is a research technician focusing on the chemical components of s uper-strong steel. Conversations with co-workers and supervisors add to the desc riptions of each job. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4609_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4609_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29632</td><td>Steel and Stone</td><td>This program tracks th e progress being made on the Worldwide Plaza, as metalworkers, stone masons, and other specialists exercise their skills. In addition, a subcontractor who has f allen significantly behind schedule, the burden of late fees if tenant Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide cannot move in on time, and public relations problems jeopardiz e the success of the project. A tour of a quarry in Venice, where the skyscraper 's stonework is cut and polished, showcases a mock-up of one of the Plaza's gran

ite columns. (53 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4610_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4610_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4558</td><td>Steering Ford to Superior Quality</td><td>Harol d "Red" Poling, Former Chairman and CEO, Ford Motor CompanyUnder Red Poling's le adership, Ford was the first U.S. automaker to recognize and respond to Japan's invasion of the U.S. car market. "Quality Is Job One" became the rallying point around which managers, employees, suppliers, and dealers joined forces to build a better product, build it faster, and do it at a lower cost. Red Poling reveals the strategies he used to guarantee that quality became more than just a slogan at Ford. (34 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>34</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4611_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4611_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>26373</td><td>Steering System Service</td><td>Steering Syste m Service is a thirty-one minute video which is part of the series, Chassis and Front End.This comprehensive series of nine videos covers everything from steeri ng systems, to brakes, to wheel bearing service, to suspension systems. Each vid eo provides an overview of the topic and a detailed explanation of components an d operation. Live video of component cut-a-ways intermix with computer graphics to make information clear and easy to follow. Also covers part inspection, disas sembly and reassembly of damaged or worn parts, and demonstrations of basic repa irs. Some of the areas covered are: o arm bushing o ball joints o seals o strut rods o belts o hoses o steering knuckles o shock absorbers o coil & leaf springs o torsion bars o air springs o power steering pumps o steering columns o ball s ockets o control arms o part inspection o rack & pinion steering. (31 min.) A Me ridian Production.</td><td>2008</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4612_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4612_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26374</td><td>Steering Systems</td><td>Steering Systems is a twenty-nine minute video which is part of the series, Chassis and Front End.Thi s comprehensive series of nine videos covers everything from steering systems, t o brakes, to wheel bearing service, to suspension systems. Each video provides a n overview of the topic and a detailed explanation of components and operation. Live video of component cut-a-ways intermix with computer graphics to make infor mation clear and easy to follow. Also covers part inspection, disassembly and re assembly of damaged or worn parts, and demonstrations of basic repairs. Some of the areas covered are: o arm bushing o ball joints o seals o strut rods o belts o hoses o steering knuckles o shock absorbers o coil & leaf springs o torsion ba rs o air springs o power steering pumps o steering columns o ball sockets o cont rol arms o part inspection o rack & pinion steering. (29 min.) A Meridian Produc tion.</td><td>2008</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4613_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4613_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35611</td><td>Stelios Haji-Ioannou: The Man Behind easyJet</ td><td>He loves to start companies, but not to run them. His easyGroup functions as a kind of laboratory for his "crazy" business ideas. But Stelios Haji-Ioanna u has built a hugely profitable corporate empire that has helped transform a wid e range of industries. In this compelling interview, Stelios talks about learnin g the shipping business in his father's successful company-and how he moved away from that stable environment in favor of risk-taking entrepreneurship, creating the discount air carrier easyJet. He also discusses his vision for the entire l ine of easy-brand companies, including easyBus, easyCruise, easyHotel, easyCinem a, and easyMusic. (41 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4614_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4614_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35499</td><td>Stemming the Flow of Water Pollution, Part 1</ td><td>The UN Environment Program has identified approximately 150 dead zones in the Earth's seas-some more than 40,000 square miles in size. Examining causes r anging from too many partially cremated bodies in the Ganges to defunct sewage s ystems in Nairobi, this program explains how watercourses flowing into the seas are being polluted and coastal areas are being destroyed. The catastrophic effec ts on marine habitats as well as on the health and livelihoods of people living near such blighted areas are discussed, and some fruitful protests and surprisin g innovations are brought to light. (24 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>24</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4615_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4615_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35500</td><td>Stemming the Flow of Water Pollution, Part 2</ td><td>The Donana marshland. The oyster beds below Rio. The Caspian's sturgeon f ishing grounds. The coral reefs of the South Pacific. This program travels to Sp ain, Brazil, Iran, and Fiji to observe efforts to mitigate severe ecological dam age to these sensitive regions-places primarily spoiled by water pollution, with causes as varied as upland agricultural runoff and the rupture of a mine tailin gs dam. Solutions such as preservation legislation, riverbank reconstruction, th e creation of artificial wetlands, cultivation of depleted species of marine lif e, and even voluntary anti-pollution compliance among commercial stakeholders ar e featured. (24 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4616_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4616_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>11401</td><td>Stemming Violence and Abuse</td><td>The key to reducing violence is understanding its roots. This program offers insights and suggestions that can stop dangerous incidents before they start. Among the topic s explored are ways to avoid becoming a victim of campus crime, domestic abuse a nd the cycle of violence theory as defined by psychologist Lenore Walker, date r ape and guidelines for preventing it, the triggers for bias crimes, the factors that influence youth to join gangs, and how to handle sexual harassment in the w orkplace or at school. (29 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4617_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4617_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29745</td><td>Steps and Stages: A Caregiver's Guide to Child Development</td><td>The most dramatic changes in any person's life occur within the first year. For parents or caregivers, it is vital to know what to expect o f a baby's progress in this time. This video provides essential information on d evelopmental milestones associated with a child's first 15 months of life. The p rogram looks at the importance of communication, as well as how to recognize cog nitive and motor development, such as palmer and plantar grasp and the Moro refl ex. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. The video addre sses the national standards, as well as the standards of the National Coalition for Family and Consumer Sciences Education. A Cambridge Educational Production. (20 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4618_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4618_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9294</td><td>Steroids</td><td>This video examines the use an d abuse of anabolic steroids and GHB, a synthetic steroid-like substance and dat e-rape drug. Former NFL player Charles Hunt and a pharmacist, a police officer, an addiction counselor, a trainer, a swim coach, a recovering abuser, and others explore the history and biological effects of steroids, using case studies and personal experience to probe anabolic steroid abuse and the drug's many side eff ects. Some of these side effects include impotence, liver tumors, renal failure, and "roid rage," which can lead to violence and even suicide. A Cambridge Educa tional Production. The DVD version has on-demand English subtitles and can be vi ewed using a DVD player or computer DVD-ROM drive. One 24-minute video. (c) 199 9.</td><td>1999</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4619_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4619_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9289</td><td>Stimulants</td><td>Beginning with an overview o f stimulants as a class of drugs, this video examines caffeine, nicotine, amphet amines, methamphetamines, and cocaine-in both powder and crack form. A doctor of pharmacology, police officers, an addiction specialist, a historian, recovering addicts, and others profile the history and biological effects of stimulants, e

mploying case studies and personal experience to analyze their use, abuse, and h azards-including their instantly addictive nature. A Cambridge Educational Produ ction. (39 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>39</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4620_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4620_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36365</td><td>Stimulants: The Mechanics of Pleasure</td><td> Like an avenue filled with neon signs, the brain's so-called pleasure pathway ca n light up or go dark, depending on what sort of stimulation it receives. This p rogram explores the workings of the human nerve center under the influence of co caine, amphetamines, and other stimulants, and shows how our understanding of br ain disorders and drug addiction has increased by studying these drugs. Profilin g the pioneering work of Bruno Giros, Gaetano Di Chiara, Nora Volkow, Wolfram Sc hultz, Barry Everitt, Trevor Robbins, and others, the program provides viewers w ith a detailed history of the discovery and development of euphoria-inducing sub stances. (52 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4621_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4621_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34664</td><td>The Stockholm Solution: New Therapies for Eati ng Disorders</td><td>With a 75 percent success rate in treating anorexia and bul imia, Stockholm's Karolinska Institute is in the vanguard of eating disorder the rapy. This program follows patients through the Karolinska regimen as they relea rn healthy eating behavior, gradually recognizing natural feelings of satiety wi th the help of a computerized biofeedback system. Closely observing the Institut e's counseling sessions, the video shows how the Karolinska approach counters tr aditional clinical methods, which typically involve medication, family dynamics, and a high rate of recidivism. The Stockholm Solution portrays a medical revolu tion-and what is for many young women a new lease on life. (37 minutes)</td><td> 2004</td><td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4622_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4622_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35366</td><td>Stolen Childhoods</td><td>An uncompromising lo ok at child exploitation, this ABC News program features investigative filmmaker s Len Morris and Robin Romano, who have exposed child labor operations around th e globe. A gravel quarry in India, a Kenyan coffee plantation, a fishing platfor m on the Sea of Sumatra, even farms in the United States-the program shows how e xtensively these and other locations depend on child workers. With commentary fr om children risking reprisals in order to be heard, and from U.S. Senator Tom Ha rkin, who has sponsored numerous bills to combat child labor practices, the prog ram clearly links a painful global reality with the complacency of Western socie ty. (22 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4623_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4623_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30090</td><td>Stonehenge in Context: From Modern Myth to Anc ient History</td><td>Using 3-D computer re-creations of Stonehenge during its th ree phases of construction, archival film and photos of archaeological excavatio ns, and artwork, this program traces the long history of Britain's most famous N eolithic landmark. Archaeologists Geoffrey Wainwright, Dave Batchelor, and Gilli an Swanton and authors Rosamund Cleal, Clive Ruggles, Christopher Chippindale, a nd Mike Pitts consider the many theories posited over the centuries, summarily d ebunking some and conservatively praising others. Remarkable footage of a recent attempt to build a similar monument using ancient human-powered methods is incl uded. (51 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4624_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4624_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11856</td><td>Stones and Bones: The Birth of Archaeology</td ><td>In the last 250 years, archaeologists have changed the basic understanding of time and human existence. This program looks at the birth of modern archaeolo gy, an event that stirred all of Europe's imagination: the unearthing of the rui ns of Pompeii and Herculaneum in the 18th century, buried since Roman times unde r volcanic ash. It follows the early excavations of Pitt Rivers in Egypt and Eng land; the classification of the Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages; the momentous disc overy of cave paintings in Spain and France; and Mary Leakey's finds in Africa w hich took human history back over 3 million years. (50 minutes)</td><td>2000</td ><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4625_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4625_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37176</td><td>Stop the Flow: Analyzing the Causes of EU Immi gration</td><td>Can Western aid to the developing world help to stem the tide of foreign workers into the EU? This program reports on European initiatives inten ded to improve conditions in Africa and the Middle East and thus reduce the numb er of job-seekers entering the European Union. With a spotlight on human rights, fair trade, the global war on poverty, the role of the private sector, and the frustrations of young unemployed foreigners, the program uses Morocco as a speci fic case study and also outlines the significance of the Middle East peace proce ss. Additional insight comes from activists and businesspeople in developing cou ntries and from Louis Michel, EU Commissioner of Development and Humanitarian Ai d. (27 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4626_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4626_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>30024</td><td>Stories from the Hudson</td><td>The strategic key to the American Revolution, a vital transportation artery for a fledgling na tion, and an enduring source of spiritual and artistic inspiration, the Hudson R iver is a true American icon. This Bill Moyers program focuses on the seminal ro le the Hudson has played in the development of America's culture, literature, ar t, economy, industry, and ideology. Interviews with historian Roger Panetta; for mer West Point superintendent General David Palmer, retired; art scholars Barbar a Novak and Ella Foshay; art dealers Howard Godel and Alexander Boyle; Bill McKi bben, author of The End of Nature; and others shed light on the many facets of t he Hudson. (2 hours)</td><td>2002</td><td>115</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4627_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4627_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30929</td><td>Stories from the Mines: How Immigrant Miners C hanged America</td><td>The first decades of the 20th century saw the rise of Ame rica to superpower status-an ascendancy fueled in large measure by the social an d industrial impact of anthracite coal mining in northeastern Pennsylvania. This meticulously researched program uses location footage, archival film, period ph otos, dramatizations, and academic commentary to examine the coming-of-age of Am erican labor. The agitation and violent suppression that so characterized the ti mes are vividly captured, as are the era's larger-than-life personalities. Prece dents including wage and child labor laws and the right to collective bargaining are set against the stark backdrop of immigrant miners savagely exploited by la issez-faire industrialists. (57 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4628_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4628_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4992</td><td>The Stories of Maxine Hong Kingston</td><td>Whe n Maxine Hong Kingston was growing up in California, she listened to her parents ' stories and memories of their native China. In her highly acclaimed memoirs, T he Woman Warrior and China Men, she linked those tales of tradition to the story of her own American experience, blending childhood memory, meditation, and magi c. They are the most widely taught books by a living American author on college campuses today. In this program with Bill Moyers, Kingston discusses new images of America as a "melting pot" where the dutiful notions of the Puritans blend wi th the Chinese Monkey Spirit to produce a new American consciousness. (52 minute s)</td><td>1990</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4629_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4629_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35359</td><td>Stories of Women in Kabul</td><td>The producer s of this program were granted unlimited access to Kabul's Baghe Zanana, or Gard en of Women-perhaps the only public place in Afghanistan where men are not welco me. Here, women can gather, dance, and remove their burqas without fear of viole

nce or alienation. In stark contrast, a women's prison is also visited. The cour ageous figures who inhabit these settings-including a resident therapist who con ducts support groups for the frightened and the traumatized, and a cafeteria emp loyee struggling to improve her family's living conditions-demonstrate how far A fghanistan must go to overcome its repressive and war-ravaged history. A Deutsch e Welle Production. (27 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4630_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4630_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30644</td><td>Storm Over Europe: The Huns Are Coming</td><td >When the Huns charged into the lands of the Goths and then, in the 5th century, into Europe, they started a new wave of terror and tribal relocation. This prog ram tracks the displacement of the Visigoths to Spain and the Vandals to North A frica. Both succeeded in defeating proud and once-mighty Rome in its own capital -but who would stop the hordes of Attila as they raced onwards into the Frankish Kingdom? (52 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4631_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4631_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35711</td><td>The Story of 1: How a Single Digit Created Mat h and Changed the World</td><td>The humble digit 1 has in actuality been the pri me mover in creating the entire concept of mathematics-and a surprisingly large force in the shaping of world history. This very clever video hosted by the irre pressible Terry Jones of Monty Python fame tells the entire story of 1 and how, with 0, it has come to dominate society through digital technology. Landmark dev elopments-addition and subtraction in Sumer, measurement in Egypt, geometry in G reece, Roman numerals in Rome, "Arabic" numbers in India, and more-are spotlight ed. In addition, pivotal figures including Pythagoras, Archimedes, al-Khuwarizmi , Fibonacci, and Leibniz are introduced. Recommended for grades 6-18. (60 minute s)</td><td>2005</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4632_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4632_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29981</td><td>The Story of Fathers & Sons</td><td>One father loses his two-month-old son; another father must watch his son grow up through prison bars; one son wants to be the father he never had; and another son sheds tears of joy to be an old man alongside his dad. This documentary explores one o f the core human relationships in dozens of variations. The program's structure reflects the cycle of fatherhood and the path to maturity: birth, growing up, bo ys to men, and man to man. Among the many poignant stories told firsthand are th ose of actor Edward James Olmos and basketball star Shaquille O'Neal. (46 minute s)</td><td>1999</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4633_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4633_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35657</td><td>The Story of God</td><td>Broad in scope and bo ld in vision, this three-part series filmed around the world takes a fresh look at God to see how belief in a supreme being came about and whether religion and science contradict or complement each other. This is both the history and the my stery of God explored in a respectful spirit of intellectual curiosity-outstandi ng for use in courses ranging from comparative religion, to cultural anthropolog y, to philosophy of science. Professor Robert Winston hosts. A BBCW Production. 3-part series, 60 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4634_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4634_l blPrice">$449.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29654</td><td>The Story of Inventory</td><td>Keeping track o f inventory is a crucial yet challenging process-and the more raw materials, com ponents, and products a company has, the more challenging it gets. This program explores key aspects of managing inventory while keeping an eye on how inventory figures impact a company's bottom line. First, the physical counting process is illustrated, including special situations such as figuring out who owns merchan dise in transit or on consignment. Second, average cost, FIFO, and LIFO costing methods are analyzed. Third, periodic and perpetual systems of valuation are con trasted with three methods used in special situations: the lower-of-cost-or-mark et method, net realizable value, and estimating. Fourth and finally, the impact of inventory errors on financial statements is addressed. A Cambridge Educationa l Production. (15 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4635_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4635_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29980</td><td>The Story of Mothers & Daughters</td><td>Winne r of numerous awards, this moving documentary explores the special bond between mothers and daughters by letting dozens of ordinary women share their insights, emotions, and experiences. Their stories form a diverse tapestry of age and race , anger and understanding, sorrow and joy. Like the timeless cycle of motherhood itself, the program is arranged into basic sections: birth, growing up, separat ion, woman to woman, and death and renewal. (46 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>46 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4636_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4636_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7079</td><td>Strategic Learning</td><td>This program outline s a concise three-step process for understanding and retaining information. The steps include exposure, review, and practice. Class attendance is stressed for m

aximum exposure to material. Valuable advice is provided on how to distill weekl y lecture notes into a meaningful study guide. Methods for retrieving informatio n learned include recitation and group study. (10 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td> 10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4637_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4637_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6664</td><td>Strategic Planning</td><td>The success of Atlas Van Lines is shown to be the result of a long-term strategic planning process t hat allows for organization-wide input and a strategy to increase market share t hrough marketing and customer service. A second case study shows how a museum su rvives funding cuts. It develops a wide consultative process in which its employ ees provide the requisite information and buy into the new strategic plan. (28 m inutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4638_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4638_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8485</td><td>Strategies for the Interviewee</td><td>Strategi es for the Interviewee helps viewers determine what types of jobs or careers the y are most qualified for and what to expect during the interview. Strategies for the Interviewee goes further than just discussing typical "tell me about yourse lf" types of questions by preparing viewers for any style of interview. Emphasis is placed on the necessity of becoming familiar with new technologies used in t he interview process, including Internet teleconferencing, video interviewing, a nd more. Learn how not to be eliminated during telephone and face-to-face screen ing interviews by being prepared and armed with appropriate information. Viewers learn what the interviewer is looking for in the best applicant and the chances they may need to take to set themselves apart from other applicants...and recei ve a job offer. Contains interviews with human resource personnel to provide fir sthand information on new interview concepts and uncovers the secrets of success ful interviewees.A Cambridge Educational Production. One 28-minute video.</td><t d>1998</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4639_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4639_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8484</td><td>Strategies for the Interviewer</td><td>This pro gram goes beyond the standard interview practices to help the interviewer determ ine what assets the potential employee possesses that fit the company's needs. L earn about laws that affect the interview process and discover how to "read betw een the lines" to get past the standard wall of answers given by applicants. The secrets of effective power interviewing are uncovered. Interviewers learn what types of questions to ask to uncover the true work habits of the interviewee and how he or she will react in various work situations. Discover the benefits of u sing the telephone to conduct screening interviews and identify ways to learn th e most about the applicant before the first face-to-face meeting. The program al

so discusses using features of the Internet for pre-screening purposes and to ge t a feel for the applicant's knowledge and familiarity with advancing technologi es. An important preparation tool for anyone involved in the interview process o n the employer's side of the desk.A Cambridge Educational Production. One 28-min ute video.</td><td>1998</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4640_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4640_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6134</td><td>Stravinsky: Devil's Dance from A Soldier's Tale </td><td>and Vivo and Finale from PulcinellaThis energetic program illustrates h ow unpredictable rhythms punctuate musical pieces, and how different instruments are used to create the effect. The orchestra dissects the two Stravinsky pieces line-by-line, illustrating the composer's use of stark rhythm changes to achiev e wondrous musical special effects. (15 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>15</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4641_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4641_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9261</td><td>Street Life: Inside America's Gangs</td><td>Pol ice estimate that there are 31,000 gangs currently operating in the U.S., with m ore than 800,000 members-many of whom are women. In this program, ABC News corre spondent Cynthia McFadden interviews female members of two Los Angeles gangs-the Drifters and Tepa 13-while correspondent John Quinones talks with King Tone, th e radical leader of New York City's notorious Latin Kings. In addition, extensiv e unscripted video footage shot by members of these three gangs provides a glimp se as raw as it is rare of life inside the net that is snaring young people all across the country. Some content may be objectionable. (43 minutes)</td><td>1999 </td><td>43</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4642_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4642_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>14369</td><td>Stress</td><td>This program teaches the causes and effects of stress along with specific techniques for controlling it. With c lear language it covers the psychological, physiological, and emotional effects of stress. Utilizing drama and humor, the video covers a variety of stress contr ol techniques including breathing, muscle relaxation, exercise, as well as a var iety of cognitive approaches. Emphasis is placed on accepting and expressing fee lings, developing communication, and setting realistic goals. A Cambridge Educat ional Production. (21 minutes)</td><td>1988</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4643_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4643_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>5725</td><td>Stress: Keeping Your Cool</td><td>This program looks at the impact that stress has on our society and describes positive and ne gative stress, stress control, and ways to simplify a hectic lifestyle. Experts identify what causes stress, why women are experiencing such high levels of stre ss in their lives, and how teenagers are particularly prone to stress. The progr am explores the relationship between stress levels and health and the growing re cognition in medical circles that physical ailments are often linked to, if not caused by, mental and emotional stress and anxieties. (36 minutes)</td><td>1994< /td><td>36</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4644_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4644_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10887</td><td>Stress Management</td><td>Poor stress manageme nt, stemming from factors such as impending deadlines, work overload, and procra stination, can lead directly to burnout, one of the top reasons for quitting a j ob. This video identifies workplace stressors and offers guidelines for reducing their impact to a safe level. Proven principles of stress management, including proper nutrition, adequate rest, and non-work-related pastimes, are emphasized as keys to good health and better overall job performance. A Cambridge Education al Production. (20 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4645_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4645_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11150</td><td>Stress Management</td><td>Stress, when careful ly managed, can actually facilitate academic achievement. Reinforced by on-scree n lists and a review segment at the end, this program first defines stress and t hen promotes three core strategies for dealing with it: a positive attitude, a h ealthy lifestyle, and relaxation techniques. The harmful aspects of unmanaged st ress, which include an increased susceptibility to physical illness, clinical de pression, and substance abuse, are also discussed. (10 minutes)</td><td>2000</td ><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4646_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4646_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32781</td><td>Structural Analysis and Damage Repair</td><td> Repair, replace, or total? This video gives an overview of how to analyze the ex tent of major automobile damage. Repair techniques for those vehicles worth rest oring are described. Air chisels, spot weld cutters, drills, and saws are demons trated. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the standards for the Collision Repair and Refinish Technician Training Certi fication Program, from the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence and the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation. A Shopware Product ion. (17 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>17</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4647_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4647_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11764</td><td>A Struggle for Educational Equality: 1950-1980 </td><td>In the 1950s, America's public schools teemed with the promise of a new , postwar generation of students, over half of whom would graduate and go on to college. This program shows how impressive gains masked profound inequalities: s eventeen states had segregated schools; 1% of all Ph.D.s went to women; and "sep arate but equal" was still the law of the land. Interviews with Linda Brown Thom pson and other equal rights pioneers bring to life the issues that prompted such milestones as Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954), the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Title IX, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. (55 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4648_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4648_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37533</td><td>Stryker's America: Photographing the Great Dep ression</td><td>Roy E. Stryker headed the Historical Division of the Farm Securi ty Administration from 1935 to 1943. This program tells the story of how Stryker , a low-level federal bureaucrat with integrity and vision, managed a massive Ne w Deal project to document the Great Depression. These photos-nearly 200,000 by both established and aspiring photographers, including Dorothea Lange, Gordon Pa rks, Arthur Rothstein, and many others-became the defining statement of the era. Many signature images of poverty and hardship are included. Narrated by Beverly Brannan, curator of photography at the Library of Congress; Alan Fern, retired director of the National Portrait Gallery; and Peter Kuznick, professor of histo ry at American University. (23 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4649_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4649_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2696</td><td>Stuart and Georgian London: 1667-1830</td><td>A fter the Great Fire of 1666, there were carefully-conceived and well-designed pl ans for the rebuilding of London which-in a foreshadowing of modern times-came t o nought as private interest won out over public policy. This program shows Chri stopher Wren's original design for St. Paul's Cathedral (which was vetoed by a b uilding committee that was sure it knew more about design than Wren) and the chu rch itself; explains the effect of the fire and the population shift westward; s hows Dr. Johnson's house and his definition of the civilized life; and describes the institution of the club and analyzes the values of Beau Brummel. The princi pal illustrations: Cardinal's Wharf in Bankside, St. Paul's Cathedral, Dr. Johns on's House in Gough Square, Temple Bar, George Inn in Southwark, Boodle's Club, Carleton House Terrace, Regent Street, Regents Park, Buckingham Palace, Marble A rch, Inner Temple. (20 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4650_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4650_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35817</td><td>The Stuarts</td><td>The death of Queen Elizabe th foreshadowed a power struggle between parliament and the monarchy. This progr am begins with the crowning of James I-whose policies made the confrontation ine vitable-and documents five generations of tumultuous Stuart governance. Sifting through the complex mixture of financial crisis and mounting religious factional ism that characterized Jacobean England, the program describes the eruption of t he Civil War, the execution of Charles I, the heavy-handed authority of Cromwell , and the legacy of the prolonged conflict: an enthusiastic return to monarchy a nd a general distaste among the English for political extremism. (46 minutes)</t d><td>2004</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4651_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4651_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3280</td><td>The Stuarts (1603-1714)</td><td>A new king, who wasn't English (James the First was Scottish), and the style was decidedly diff erent. The 16th century had been dominated by Spanish influence; in the 17th cen tury, the influence was French. The style for men was longer hair, lace and fril ls around the knees, bucket boots sometimes to the waist, sometimes pushed down; the Van Dyck beard says it all. Women dropped their necklines, narrowed their s leeves and bared their arms to the elbow, showed their hair. The Puritans, with their short hair and plain clothes, looked chic without intending to. (26 minute s)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4652_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4652_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30074</td><td>The Studio Glass Movement: Legacy of Glass</td ><td>This program chronicles the Studio Glass Movement from its inception in the early 1960s. In historic footage and interviews, Harvey Littleton, Dominick Lab ino, and others discuss the movement's rise and the innovations they pioneered t hat transformed glassblowing into a celebrated art form. The distinctive styles of three contemporary artists-Labino's sole protegee Baker O'Brien, Shawn Messen ger, and Mark Matthews-are also profiled. (51 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>51</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4653_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4653_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6012</td><td>The Study of Attention</td><td>Do we really hav e to pay attention to control and direct all our behavior? How is it that we foc us our attention on one input or stimulus and ignore the rest? This program answ

ers these questions by examining the following concepts: the selective attention models of Broadbent and Triesman are described using real-life examples such as air traffic controllers; divided attention theories are described and evaluated ; and the area of visual attention is illustrated by the demonstration of the vi sual search technique and the Stroop test. (43 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>43< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4654_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4654_l blPrice">$109.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6014</td><td>The Study of Memory</td><td>This program introd uces the basic terms used in the study of memory such as encoding and storage an d retrieval, and looks briefly at the historical ideas about memory. Modern theo ries are explained using diagrams and real-life examples, and the program then g oes on to discuss current research in the area of everyday memory. The reasons f or forgetting are explored and the biological basis of memory outlined. In addit ion, the program examines ways of improving memory. The program emphasizes the r adical shift from laboratory-based research to the study of memory in everyday l ife. The program also includes eight exercises for viewers to take part in, incl uding memory tests and a video clip of a robbery to test recall for eyewitness t estimony. (75 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>74</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4655_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4655_l blPrice">$109.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11298</td><td>Study to Win!</td><td>Tabitha is the best runn er on her high school track team. She has learned both physical and mental techn iques that help her win long-distance races. But this spunky runner is a mega-pr ocrastinator when it comes to schoolwork. That's all about to change as her best and brainy friends take a closer look at the techniques Tabitha uses to win rac es and then coach her to apply them academically. Following the Seven Big C's (C OMFORT, CHARGE, CALCULATION, COMPREHENSION, CONCENTRATION, COHESION, and CONFIDE NCE), Tabitha learns how to Study to Win!This energetic and information-packed v ideo shows students how to get Organized, Make a Study Schedule, Take Excellent Notes in class, and Prepare and Preview Material. Also covered are Chapter Summa ries, Writing a Rough Draft, Writing an Outline and Thesis, Memorization Tips, H ow to Use Association and Visualization, and more. Jam-packed with clever and he lpful information, all students will benefit from watching this video, and like Tabitha will learn how to Study to Win!A Cambridge Educational Production. One 3 0-minute video.</td><td>2000</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4656_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4656_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32498</td><td>Studying Bryophytes and Lichens</td><td>This c aptivating program takes a close look at mosses, liverworts, and hornworts as th ey are found in natural and urban settings and how these hardy but sensitive pla nts are affected by environmental changes. Lichens, easily mistaken for bryophyt

es, are examined as well. Microscopic imaging combined with laboratory experimen tation and fieldwork are used to illustrate the concepts and principles explored in the video's five highly focused ten-minute segments: "Different Kinds of Bry ophytes," "Reproduction in Bryophytes," "Bryophyte Look-Alikes," "The Roles Bryo phytes Play," and "Mosses and Air Pollution." (51 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td> 51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4657_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4657_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33388</td><td>Studying Chemicals: Acids and Bases</td><td>Fi lled with simple yet time-tested, instructive experiments, this program-five ver y visual segments of ten minutes each-illustrates how four important laboratory and industrial chemicals are made and used: hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, ammonia water, and limewater. A fifth segment demonstrates how to dye litmus pa per and employ it to test for acidity and alkalinity. (51 minutes)</td><td>2002< /td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4658_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4658_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32497</td><td>Studying Flowering Plants</td><td>Divided into five targeted ten-minute segments, this engaging program uses microscopic imagi ng, time-lapse photography, cut-aways and dissections, laboratory experimentatio n and fieldwork, computer modeling, and graphing to shed light on the intricate lifecycles of anthophytes. Segments include "Photosynthesis and Respiration," "T he Role of Flowers," "From Pollination to Fertilization," "Spreading Seeds," and "Plants That Move." The issue of global warming is also considered. (51 minutes )</td><td>2002</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4659_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4659_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10734</td><td>Substance Abuse in the Elderly</td><td>Faced w ith complex regimens of medication and diminished tolerances for alcohol, many e lderly Americans run the risk of falling into the trap of substance abuse. In th is program from The Doctor Is In, senior citizens discuss how they deal with the se challenges, while Dr. James Campbell, director of the geriatric center at Met roHealth Medical Center, and Carol Colleran Egan, director of older adult servic es for Hanley-Hazelden Center, present some innovative programs created especial ly for elderly people. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Production. (30 minu tes)</td><td>2000</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4660_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4660_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>11405</td><td>Substance Abuse: Risks and Responsibilities</t d><td>"I can't get hooked on drugs if I only try them once." "Alcohol doesn't re ally affect me." "Over-the-counter medications are totally safe." This authorita tive four-part series dispels these and other dangerous myths as it clearly pres ents the facts about drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine. 4-part series, 29 mi nutes each.</td><td>1998</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4661_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4661_l blPrice">$519.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4659</td><td>Substance Misuse</td><td>"Seductive" and "intri guing" are two words that describe the effects of a wide range of dangerous subs tances. So are "addictive" and "lethal." This program examines some of the most commonly abused substances, explaining their effects and the problems they can c ause. The substances covered include stimulants (MDMA, cocaine, amphetamines, ni cotine, and caffeine), depressants (barbiturates, benzodiazepines, alcohol, and solvents); hallucinogens (LSD, cannabis, and "magic mushrooms"); and opiates (he roin and morphine). (30 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4662_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4662_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>982</td><td>Suburbs: Arcadia for Everyone</td><td>Americans dream of owning a single-family home-ideally in some leafy Arcadia not too far f rom the city workplace.There are many shapes to this dream-Gothic cottages and m ini-castles surrounded by manicured wilderness, like the first planned suburban development in Llewellyn Park, N.J.; detached dwellings in sylvan surroundings, with restrictive land use and minimum cost regulations (Olmstead and Vauz' River side); the company town, whose prototype is Pullman, IL.; a suburb like Forest H ills successfully inserted into the very heart of New York: a totally designed c ommunity that combines quaintness and modernity, compact enought to be served by a single school and having a civic focus; Oak Bluffs on Martha's Vineyard, whic h grew from a religious tent city into a planned resort village.Levittown addres sed the problem of affordable individual housing for large masses and their auto mobiles. Some of the solutions became problems in themselves. Still, though in p laces it turned nightmare-Slurbia, spreading like ooze between and even within c ities-the dream of owning one's own home is the glory of American life, the most persuasive exemplar of our democracy. (58 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp ;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4663_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4663_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>37002</td><td>Succeeding on the Job</td><td>Is the hard part over once a person lands a job? No, the hard part has just begun! This program shows viewers not only how to survive on the job, but how to get ahead, too. Att

itude, timeliness, dress, ethics, grooming, teamwork, conflict resolution, and g etting along with co-workers are among the topics discussed in this video. Inter views with employers are interspersed with commonsense narration to provide soli d advice for any newly hired employee. A viewable/printable instructor's guide i s available online. A Cambridge Educational Production. Recommended for high sch ool. (10 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4664_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4664_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11219</td><td>Success and Failure at P.S. 27, Part 2</td><td >How does a teacher develop the skill, courage, and stamina to teach disadvantag ed youth-the children given up on by virtually everyone else? In this program, A BC News anchor Ted Koppel delivers three more reports on Lesley-Diann Jones and her class, covering January to graduation day in June. In addition to her concer ns over chronic absenteeism and the future prospects of her students, Ms. Jones was forced to deal with one student who made a death threat against a classmate and another who alleged that Ms. Jones had publicly humiliated her. A retrospect ive segment completes the program. (57 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4665_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4665_l blPrice">$109.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7169</td><td>Successful Camera Work for Video</td><td>This p rogram looks at the main functions of the camcorder-focus, aperture, shutter spe ed, depth of field, and zoom-as well as aspects of framing and image composition , including techniques such as pull focus and the trombone shot. The relationshi p between subject and camera movement is examined in a section that also introdu ces the notion of simple tracking and jib movements. (30 minutes)</td><td>1997</ td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4666_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4666_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7172</td><td>Successful Editing for Video</td><td>This progr am looks at the creative skills needed by a video editor, and also considers som e of the practical aspects of postproduction, using both linear videotape and no nlinear digital techniques. A range of examples illustrate the concepts-jumps in time and space, cutting interview material, crossing the line of action, jump c uts, controlling pace, association of ideas, and splitting audio and video edits . Sound techniques are illustrated for sound effects, dialogue, and music. More technical issues such as time-code, approaches to off-line and on-line editing, digital video effects, and digital nonlinear editing are also discussed. (32 min utes)</td><td>1997</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4667_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4667_l

blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7170</td><td>Successful Lighting for Video</td><td>Creative use of light can turn an ordinary scene into something special. There are ways o f controlling sunlight, artificial light, and professional lighting instruments for maximum video effect, and this program covers them all. Control principles a re considered in five sections: contrast, quality, direction, intensity, and col or. The method of three-point lighting is described in detail, along with proble ms encountered when mixing natural and artificial light. The production of a com plete short film involving nighttime, daytime, and day-for-night lighting conclu des the program. (32 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4668_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4668_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30627</td><td>Successful Nonlinear Editing for Video</td><td >Up until the mid 1990s, editing had to be done sequentially on tape; now video editing can be done on computer using cut-and-paste techniques similar to those in word processing. This program provides a step-by-step approach to nonlinear e diting by demonstrating a variety of essential techniques using the latest video -editing software. Viewers will become familiar with the edit window and how ima ges and sound can be manipulated within it. Topics include choosing shots, editi ng for a reason, line of action, editing dialogue, transitions, digital effects, and music. A convenient summary of key points follows each segment. (36 minutes )</td><td>2003</td><td>35</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4669_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4669_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7171</td><td>Successful Sound for Video</td><td>Sound record ing for video can be divided into two distinct phases-recording during productio n, and recording during postproduction. This program discusses a variety of subj ects, including the different types of microphones and when to use each, when ce rtain types of sound are appropriate, the use of audio mixers on location and in postproduction, recording levels, distortion, multitracking, mixing, music reco rding, and sound effects. Key points are summarized after each discussion. (33 m inutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4670_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4670_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10435</td><td>Sudan: Black Kingdoms of the Nile</td><td>A ma jor gateway to sub-Saharan Africa, Sudan has seen the rise and fall of many powe rful kingdoms and refined cultures-and the key to understanding these ancient ci vilizations lies in the multitude of archaeological treasures that dot the lands cape and that are still buried beneath the sands. This program follows the trail

of the young French naturalist and pioneer Frederic Cailliaud, whose account of his journey to Merowe in 1820 first sparked interest in Sudan. Excavations and artifacts provide insights into the way of life, beliefs, and accomplishments of the peoples who inhabited the region from Neolithic times onward. (53 minutes)< /td><td>1997</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4671_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4671_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35375</td><td>Sudan in Crisis</td><td>The hostilities rippin g apart the Sudanese region of Darfur have created a humanitarian crisis which t he international community is only beginning to address. This ABC News program s erves as a starting point for analyzing the situation, shedding light on how the conflict spiraled out of control and led to the deaths of thousands and the dis placement of far more. Focusing on the efforts of relief organizations to shelte r, feed, and care for a tidal wave of refugees-and the political, logistical, an d geographic obstacles that have made such efforts nearly impossible-the video a ssesses the accuracy of the term "genocide" in describing the conflict's ethnica lly driven atrocities. (22 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4672_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4672_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32401</td><td>Sudden Death: Malignant Hyperthermia</td><td>M alignant hyperthermia, or MH, is a rare inherited muscle disorder that can be tr iggered by anesthesia or elevated temperature. This program follows the medical detective story of its discovery in the 1960s by Australian clinical geneticist Michael Denborough and his pioneering of the MH antidote, Dantrium. Along the wa y, the value of his efforts is seen in the stories of people whose brush with MH has changed their lives. The program also looks at Denborough's continuing and controversial research strongly linking MH to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. (50 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4673_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4673_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11045</td><td>Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: An Update</td><t d>Several thousand seemingly healthy babies die in their sleep each year. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is one of the leading causes of death in infants. This pr ogram explores what is known about SIDS and examines some practices that may red uce risk factors. Physicians and other health experts discuss appropriate prenat al care and examine child sleeping positions, parental smoking, and other factor s. Although significant advances have been made in the treatment of many serious illnesses, doctors and scientists remain baffled by SIDS and stress that there can be no blame if a baby succumbs to this silent killer. An excellent program f or future parents, child care providers, and anyone else who has responsibility for infants. A Meridian Production. (17 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>17</td><td >

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4674_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4674_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36255</td><td>The Suffering of Sudan</td><td>Darfur is dying . Drought and military violence in this region of Sudan have caused more than a million people to flee, and the death toll from starvation, disease, and militia attacks continues to rise. What, if anything, is being done to help the victims ? This Peabody Award-winning program goes inside the Bredjing Refugee Camp in ne ighboring Chad, visits a tiny clinic run by Doctors Without Borders, and rides w ith the Sudan Liberation Army to give viewers a glimpse of what the UN is callin g one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world. Recommended for high school . (12 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4675_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4675_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8985</td><td>Sugar and Spice: The Facts Behind Sex Differenc es</td><td>Even during the first moments of life, baby girls and boys already be have differently. Combining case histories and scientific analysis, this program argues that the mixture of hormones in the womb "hardwires" the brain with a se x-aligned signature before birth, causing it to become distinctly female or male -or a mixture of both. (51 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4676_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4676_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37477</td><td>Sugar Surprise: Dieter's Dilemma</td><td>The a verage person consumes way too much sugar-without even knowing it. This video re veals the true sugar content of everyday food products and the negative health e ffects of a high-sugar diet. Guiding viewers through the aisles of a grocery sto re, nutritionist Beth Mansfield explains the fine points of nutrition labels and explores ways to figure out the actual amount of sugar in fruit juice, snack ba rs, cereals, and other supposedly healthy fare. Also included is an interview wi th Dr. Marion Nestle, NYU professor of nutrition and author of the eye-opening b ook Food Politics, as well as information on WHO nutrition guidelines, commentar y from a sugar industry lobbyist, and a visit with a 12-year-old girl determined to lower her sugar intake. (25 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4677_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4677_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10043</td><td>Suicide: A Guide for Prevention</td><td>The Sa maritans, a British suicide intervention organization, fields 2.5 million phone

calls per year. Using dramatized scenarios and commentary by healthcare professi onals, this program replaces myths with facts about suicide: who is at risk, how warning signs are displayed, what some of the triggers are, and how to interven e. Of special emphasis is the vital need for the medical staff to engage in a co mpassionate dialogue with parasuicides in order to correctly assess their readin ess for release and need for referrals to mental health specialists and social w orkers. (26 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4678_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4678_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3103</td><td>Suicide and the Police Officer</td><td>Suicide among police officers is a dramatic example of what can happen when those entrus ted with the protection of others fail to protect and care for themselves. This program, produced by the New York City Police Foundation, focuses on the underly ing problems-alcohol or drug abuse, severe relationship problems, difficulty in dealing with violence-that can, if unchecked and unresolved, lead to suicide. Po lice officers, trained to appear invulnerable and in control, are less likely to admit they need help, and are therefore at greater risk of suicide. This very m oving program provides a forum for understanding and perhaps ameliorating the pr essures that lead to suicide for those in positions of control. (39 minutes)</td ><td>&nbsp;</td><td>39</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4679_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4679_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36139</td><td>Suicide Bombers: Inside the Minds of Failed Ma rtyrs</td><td>In a series of powerful and revealing interviews from inside Israe li prisons, this Wide Angle documentary examines the motives of Palestinian suic ide bombers. A recruiter, a bomb builder, and three failed suicide bombers captu red by Israeli security forces speak openly of their training, motivation, opera tional methodology, and profound belief in the idea of entering paradise as a sh ahid-a martyr for Islam. They discuss their hatred of Jews and Israel, their det ermination to die, and the personal motivations that have influenced them-includ ing a failed love, a sense of personal revenge, the frustration of living under Israeli occupation, and envy for the prosperous Israeli lifestyle. In addition, Sari Nusseibeh, president of Al-Quds University, speaks with anchor Mishal Husai n. (57 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4680_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4680_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11003</td><td>Suicide: Dead Is Forever</td><td>Viewers take a tour through a cemetery, stopping at the graves of teens who have committed su icide. We see their lives through flashbacks and the reasons they died. Then we hear from survivors, those who have been affected by suicide, and learn about ri sk factors, statistics, and warning signs. Using an unusual dramatic approach, t his video provides an overview of suicide and its impact on friends and family m

embers, and discusses warning signals and avenues of help. A Meridian Production .One 19-minute video.</td><td>1996</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4681_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4681_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3059</td><td>The Suicide of a Camp Survivor: The Case of Pri mo Levi</td><td>This is the story of an assimilated Italian Jew, a chemist of no particular renown whose efforts to survive in fascist Italy were finally thwart ed when he was deported to Auschwitz, where he survived through no effort of his own while tens of thousands around him were slaughtered-people possibly nobler, more valuable than he. He emerged from the experience a superb writer and a sca rred man, who in his works sought to remember, bear witness to, and above all un derstand the human qualities that emerge on the sharp edge of despair. He surviv ed the camp, burning with the need to tell how it was; and when he had done so a nd said it all, he gave in to depression and ended his life. (72 minutes)</td><t d>&nbsp;</td><td>72</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4682_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4682_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32970</td><td>The Sultanate of Jogjakarta</td><td>The Sultan of Jogjakarta, regarded by his people as the divine representative and intermed iary between themselves and the supreme being, rules one of the last remaining k ingdoms in Asia. This program explores the emotional bond between the sultan and the people as well as the cultural and religious traditions in Java through his tory. (53 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4683_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4683_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2782</td><td>Sumer, Babylon, Assyria: The Wolves</td><td>Thi s program looks at the British Museum's extraordinary collection of Near Eastern antiquities from Sumer, Babylon, and Assyria, from 5000 BC to the 7th century A D. The Assyrian friezes, reliefs, and statuary provide a stark portrait of a bru tal, efficient war machine on which depended the land of Nineveh and Nimrud. The camera also moves to the sites in Iraq where these and other excavations were m ade. The sculpted and chiseled military history of Assyria and its neighbors is supplemented by a host of objects, some of surpassing beauty, from Sumer and Bab ylon. (26 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4684_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4684_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr>

<td>30317</td><td>Summer: Season of Cedar and Cypress</td><td>Th is program explores the glories of summer in Kyoto. The video starts with a tour of the Kurama-dera Temple, spotlighting its history as a shrine to the Sonten t rinity, its fire festival and bamboo-cutting ceremony, and the locale's natural beauty. It continues with visits to the gardens of the Tendai Buddhist Manshu-in Temple and Zen Buddhist Ryoanji Temple, as well as to the Gion festival, which dates back to the year 869, and some of the celebrations and ceremonies associat ed with the Bon festival. And it concludes with a number of eel-based dishes-a s taple of summer cooking-and an introduction to Kawadoko cuisine at the renowned Hiroya restaurant. (47 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4685_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4685_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35992</td><td>The Sun</td><td>Solar science has entered a go lden age. Exploring discoveries made possible through new orbital and ground-bas ed technology, this program offers fascinating conclusions concerning the past, present, and future of the star that gives our planet life. Featuring images fro m the SOHO and TRACE satellites as well as the Swedish solar telescope on Las Pa lmas, the program presents analysis of the inferno at the Sun's core and the mag netic chaos of its surface-along with views of the heliosphere, which for years could only be observed during eclipses. The program also considers whether or no t the Sun's power can be harnessed to meet escalating global energy needs. A BBC W Production. (60 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4686_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4686_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34742</td><td>The Sun and Stars</td><td>This video looks dee p into space to learn how stars are born and how, eventually, they die. Each sta ge is covered: the formation of proto-stars, the nuclear ignition of main sequen ce stars, the cooling of red giants, the compaction of white dwarfs, and the fin al drama: death by burnout as a black dwarf or by supernova. Special attention i s given to the Sun-its effect on the Earth, its projected life span, and its var ious levels, from corona to core, and their characteristics-as well as to spectr ographic analysis of starlight and star classification with the Hertzsprung-Russ ell diagram. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correl ates to National Science Education Standards, National Educational Technology St andards, and standards of the Association for the Advancement of Science. A Camb ridge Educational Production. Recommended for grades 7-12. (25 minutes)</td><td> 2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4687_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4687_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2402</td><td>Sun, Sunlight, and Weather Patterns</td><td>Cli mate is a changing phenomenon, the first signs of alteration appearing in its da y-to-day behavior-i.e., the weather. One readily observable recent climatic chan

ge is the increase in the number and ferocity of giant weather events like hurri canes. This program explains the origin of tropical storms, tropical rainforests , and polar deserts. It shows the route and the effect of the Gulf Stream and ex plains its role in the Little Ice Age of the 16th century; theorizes about the e vents that caused the Sahara to become desert; and examines the link between the se events, changes in the sun's activity, and cycles involving dust storms and v olcanic eruption. (26 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4688_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4688_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30630</td><td>The Sun Was the Only Witness</td><td>When Akhe naten became pharaoh, Egypt had been a polytheistic culture for over 2,000 years . Filmed on location, this program tells the story of how a heretical ruler kind led a religious revolution, building an unprecedented city at Amarna and restric ting worship to a single deity, the sun god Aten. Lavish reenactments and expert commentary bring to life the drama of Akhenaten's bold plans which made him the first founder of a religion known to history. Scholars point out that while mos t traces of his rule were erased after his death, the idea of monotheism was nev er banished. (27 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4689_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4689_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35387</td><td>Sunflowers</td><td>To study the Sunflowers seq uence is to chart van Gogh's meteoric rise from apprentice to master-and subsequ ent ruin. In telling the incredible story of how these 11 paintings came to be, this program follows the doomed trajectory of the relationship between van Gogh and his would-be mentor, Paul Gauguin. Van Gogh's unprecedented use of color and texture and the method to his seemingly mad technique are also covered, as is t he tireless work of his sister-in-law Johanna Van Gogh to promote awareness of h is works after his death. A BBCW Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>5 0</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4690_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4690_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35296</td><td>Super Materials</td><td>This program brings st udents up-to-date on synthetic materials research that is leading to breakthroug hs in many technical fields. Demonstrating the tremendous influence of nanotechn ology and super-strength polymers on a wide range of occupations-including archi tecture, building construction, art restoration, auto design, medicine, and spor ts-the video uses high-tech laboratory footage and eye-catching animation to dep ict unprecedented product development. Smart plastics that "remember" their orig inal shape, textile fibers that ward off dangerous germs, and TV screens that ca n be rolled up into a tube are a few of the incredible innovations featured. Not e: this program contains material from the state-of-the-art science series, The Molecular Universe #35342. (47 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>46</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4691_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4691_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36355</td><td>Super Staph: Invincible Bacteria?</td><td>Anti biotics have saved countless lives from potentially deadly infections-but bacter ia keep rebounding in stronger mutations. This program focuses on one of the mos t lethal pathogens: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA. Outlin ing the microbe's alarming ability to withstand methicillin, amoxicillin, and re lated antibiotics, the program examines the emergence of two separate staph stra ins, healthcare-associated and community-associated, and features case studies o f each. Dr. Benjamin Lipsky of the University of Washington and Dr. John Jerniga n of the CDC explain the challenges of fighting these resilient killers. They al so explore the possibility of an MRSA vaccine. (28 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td >28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4692_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4692_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8349</td><td>Superbugs: When Antibiotics Don't Work</td><td> They lurk in nursing homes and hospitals-anywhere where people's resistance is d own. One, VRE, a usually harmless microbe found in the human bowel and genital t ract, is already drug-resistant; the other, MSRA, currently treatable with vanco mycin-type antibiotics, is quickly becoming resistant to their effects. Using re al-life case studies of patients who are infected, this program studies the effe cts of the diseases, how they are contracted, and their often deadly consequence s. (45 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4693_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4693_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>26441</td><td>Supercharger Service</td><td>Supercharger Serv ice is a twenty-five minute video which is part of the series, Diesel Engines. T hese videos overview the design, construction, and operation of diesel engines; detail the steps needed to properly disassemble, inspect, and measure the parts of diesel engines; and summarize how to install the major parts of a diesel engi ne back onto its short block. Turbochargers and superchargers are also described , including troubleshooting malfunctions and repair basics. Close-up shots of co mponents and service procedures as well as computer animation give viewers maxim um learning potential. (25 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1993</td><td>25< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4694_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4694_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td>

</tr><tr> <td>35104</td><td>Supercomputing: The Power of Visualization</td ><td>Astonishing ways to share scientific data are emerging in the digital age. This program explores the phenomenal growth of supercomputing and its impact on medicine, oceanography, air traffic control, law enforcement, and other fields. Showcasing practical examples of dynamic visualization technology, the video loo ks at three-dimensional renderings of cities accurate to the square foot, medica l imaging capabilities on the cellular level, and instantaneous collaboration be tween laboratories a hemisphere apart. Commentary by virtual reality pioneer Jar on Lanier and other innovators underscores the need to recognize the human facto r in the age of supercomputers. (27 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4695_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4695_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32429</td><td>Superfly: A History of Genetics</td><td>With t wo thirds of the same DNA as our own and a two-week breeding cycle, it's an idea l lab specimen: Drosophila melanogaster, or the fruit fly. Using specialized pho tography, 3-D animation, and graphics, this program entertainingly tells the sto ry of a humble creature's huge role in the history of genetics. Dramatizations r ecap Thomas Morgan's groundbreaking experiments at Columbia University, while on going research is discussed by today's leading experts, including Nobel laureate Professor Eric Wieschaus of Princeton University, Professor Tim Tully of Cold S pring Harbor Laboratory, and Professor Mike Levine of the University of Californ ia, Berkeley. (60 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>61</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4696_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4696_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26443</td><td>Supermarket Shopping</td><td>Shopping used to be such a time-consuming process...buying meat at the butcher's, vegetables at t he market, flowers at the florist's. But today's supermarket is truly a one-stop -show for many consumer needs. We discover shopping techniques to help shop smar ter and faster, like...choosing the best time to shop...and whether to use coupo ns, buy the store brands, or opt for the generic ones. We look at how stores are organized...research comparison shopping...and find out how product placement i nfluences what we buy and how much we spend. We also explore other shopping choi ces including warehouse stores, health food stores, specialty stores, and farmer 's markets. Shopping may be a whole lot more convenient, but wise consumers know that making good choices means having all the facts. (16 min.) A Meridian Produ ction.</td><td>1999</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4697_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4697_l blPrice">$74.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9072</td><td>Supermax, a Prison Within a Prison</td><td>Tota lly isolated from the outer world and deprived of virtually all forms of meaning ful activity and social contact, inmates idle away their years in a limbo of con

crete, steel, fluorescent light, and little else. In part one of this program, c onvicts speak out as ABC News anchor Ted Koppel explores solitary confinement in today's super-maximum security prisons, the quarters of men too violent or unco operative for incarceration anywhere else. In part two, prison staff reveal thei r experiences with this harsh system as Mr. Koppel investigates the skyrocketing demand for correctional officers that has led to abbreviated training regimens and a decline in proficiency standards. (40 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>39</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4698_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4698_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9071</td><td>Supermax: Life in a Super-Maximum Security Pris on</td><td>Promoting greater public safety and punishment that better fits the c rime, legislators are pressing for tougher sentencing and prisons that bear no r esemblance to country clubs. But dehumanized to the point of despair and even in sanity, many inmates being returned to the streets from supermax prisons are ang ry and psychotic. This explosive two-part series featuring ABC News anchor Ted K oppel scrutinizes the impact of supermax on convicts, prison staff, and society itself. 2-part series, 40 minutes each.</td><td>1998</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4699_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4699_l blPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35295</td><td>Super-Powered Earth</td><td>Use this program t o emphasize connections between the Earth's natural resources and the latest adv ances in technology and medicine. The video shows how research into the chemical makeup of geological and biological materials drives the innovation of energy s ystems, building techniques, and pharmaceuticals-and how these improvements can save lives and reduce stress on the environment. Resin coatings for giant wind t urbines, wax-plaster mixtures for energy-efficient homes, and fungi-derived comp ounds that could lead to an osteoarthritis cure-the video features these and man y other advances, suggesting a future in which humanity can both profit from and protect the Earth. (46 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4700_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4700_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8397</td><td>Superpowers Collide</td><td>The end of World Wa r II brought a desolate European landscape with two countries and two ideologies in an epic face-off. Sir David Frost and noted historian Michael Beschloss exam ine a multitude of essential topics and events of the period, including the root s of the Cold War, the early challenge to Truman, the Berlin Airlift, the Korean War and the spread of "red scare" paranoia, the arms race and the threat of nuc lear Armageddon, Khrushchev, the Berlin Wall, the Cuban missile crisis, and the growing quagmire of Vietnam as navigated by Presidents Johnson, Nixon, and Ford. Frost's interviews with Alexander Haig, Helmut Schmidt, Bobby Kennedy, Henry Ki ssinger, Margaret Thatcher, George Bush, and others provide insight into the ner

ve-wracking tensions and high drama of this pivotal struggle in world history. ( 48 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4701_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4701_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6504</td><td>Supply and Demand</td><td>This program explains how economists use elasticity to measure how demand responds to price. The prog ram also discusses factors that cause shifts in supply and demand and how "the i nvisible hand" works in free markets and what happens when price controls are im posed. (28 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4702_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4702_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32555</td><td>Supply and Demand: Christmas, a Case Study</td ><td>In the industrialized world, Christmas means megabucks to the businesses th at can create a fad or spot a trend. Filmed from a U.K. perspective, this progra m illustrates the annual scramble of key holiday-related industries-toys, video games, music CDs, luxury items, Christmas trees, and holiday foods-to catch the seasonal wave and ride it to high profits. But which products within each catego ry will capture shoppers' attention? The dynamics of-and glitches in-the global supply and demand cycle are thoroughly covered, factoring in the effects of bran ds, product licensing, advertising, research and development, and offshore manuf acturing. (50 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4703_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4703_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6506</td><td>Supply Theory: The Behavior of Profit-Maximizin g Firms</td><td>This program examines the theory of the firm, which is based on the assumption of profit maximization. The program explains the optimal hiring r ule and the optimal output decision, and explores several methods of illustratin g a firm's revenue and cost data. (28 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4704_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4704_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10233</td><td>Surface Area and Volume</td><td>Whether wallpa pering a footlocker or filling a cylinder with corncobs, a knowledge of three-di mensional shapes is essential. This program demystifies the subjects of surface area and volume by sharing solid information backed up by the surface area formu las for right cylinders and spheres and the volume formulas for right prisms, cy linders, and spheres. (16 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>16</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4705_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4705_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32785</td><td>Surface Preparation and Refinishing</td><td>A glimmering coat of paint is the finishing touch to an auto body repair job. This video takes viewers through the entire process of preparing, sanding, priming, sealing, topcoating, clearcoating, quality-checking, and final detailing. A view able/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the standar ds for the Collision Repair and Refinish Technician Training Certification Progr am, from the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence and the Nation al Automotive Technicians Education Foundation. A Shopware Production. (24 minut es)</td><td>2005</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4706_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4706_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32729</td><td>Surgery: A History</td><td>Today, most surgica l procedures are safe, even routine. It wasn't always that way. By looking at th e obstacles of pain, infection, and shock, this program chronicles the milestone s and pioneers of modern surgery, tracing the development of anesthesia, antisep tics, antibiotics, and transfusions. To illustrate just how far the field has co me, the intricacies of heart bypass surgery are presented in close detail. Numer ous case studies are also used to show the progress of reconstructive and cosmet ic surgery, as well as the emergence of laparoscopy and other noninvasive techni ques. (51 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4707_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4707_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>12052</td><td>Surrealism</td><td>Surrealism, a reaction agai nst the rationalism that had plunged Europe into the cataclysmic First World War , sought to reunite the conscious and subconscious minds in order to create a ne w view of reality. Incorporating archival clips of Andre Breton, Max Ernst, Man Ray, Salvador Dali, and Herbert Read as well as footage of modern surrealists Co nroy Maddox and Jake Chapman, this program analyzes the history of the movement. Works by Ernst, Ray, Dali, Rene Magritte, and Luis Bunuel are featured. A BBCW Production. (29 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4708_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4708_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33791</td><td>Surrealist Film: The Stuff of Dreams</td><td>S urrealist cinema sought to break with the conventional linear narrative style in

favor of chance events and a world of the subconscious. This penetrating progra m featuring Alan Williams, author of Republic of Images: A History of French Fil mmaking, analyzes the origin, evolution, and legacy of a cinematic movement whos e stylistic artifacts can still be found in today's mass culture. Background on Dadaism-and the seismic historical events that gave birth to it-sets the stage f or a nuanced discussion of Surrealism and its use of cinema to best express the movement's vision during its heyday and since. Key figures of Dadaism and Surrea lism are highlighted, as are important films such as La Coquille et le Clergyman , L'Etoile de Mer, and Bunuel's iconic Un Chien Andalou and L'Age d'Or. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production. (39 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>38</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4709_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4709_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10577</td><td>Surrounding Information: Punctuation that Come s in Pairs</td><td>Using a talking gingerbread man and an infomercial for punctu ation marks, this program demystifies the art of working with quotation marks, p arentheses, and brackets. Both the basics and the finer points are covered, incl uding when to use double quotation marks and when to use singles, the difference between quoting and paraphrasing, and how quotation marks, parentheses, and bra ckets interact with other forms of punctuation. (29 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><t d>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4710_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4710_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14576</td><td>Surviving the Checkout: Wise Food Buying</td>< td>Today's food buyer must be knowledgeable-not only to save money while shoppin g, but also to be aware of techniques used by stores and manufacturers to tempt consumers into purchasing their products. This entertaining video shows how to m ake wise food-buying decisions by pre-planning meals for the week using newspape r food ads and the food groups as guides. In a trip to the supermarket, new room mates Richard and Larry learn firsthand how to select fresh foods as well as how to read and compare labels, brands, and unit prices. They learn about open dati ng on products, USDA grading of meats, and the use of meat substitutes and exten ders to save money. Throughout the store they become aware of the various displa y techniques used by retailers to encourage impulse buying. A summary of alterna tives to supermarket shopping is also presented. This video is packed with usefu l information for beginners as well as the "seasoned" shopper. A Cambridge Educa tional Production.One 30-minute video and manual.</td><td>1990</td><td>30</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4711_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4711_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11377</td><td>A Sus Ordenes Mi Senador</td><td>Within hours of the start of the 1973 coup against Salvador Allende- the world's first democr

atically chosen Marxist president-Allende was dead and the junta was in control of Chile. This program thoroughly examines the rise of Allende's Political Unity party and the trip-hammer response of General Augusto Pinochet, the man who sei zed the reins of power and then held them in his iron grip for almost two decade s. Interviews with members of the Allende family, writer Antonio Skarmeta, and m others of "the disappeared" shine light into the darkness of the Pinochet regime . An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 29 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4712_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4712_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6017</td><td>Susan B. Anthony Slept Here</td><td>In this hig hly acclaimed program, ABC News correspondent Lynn Sherr takes us on a lively tr ip across America to visit the landmarks and places that celebrate famous Americ an women. She maps out a unique tour of the nation following in the footsteps of these women, and in doing so creates mini-biographies of them.In four different categories, seven women are featured. Adventurers and Athletes: Babe Didrikson Zaharias and Annie Oakley; Artists and Performers: Georgia O'Keeffe and Bessie S mith; Groundbreakers and Heroes: Madame C. J. Walker and Christa McAuliffe; and Suffrage and Stateswomen: Susan B. Anthony.Each category is hosted by a notable contemporary woman. First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton on Suffrage and Stateswome n tells us about Susan B. Anthony, with a special personal message about the imp ortance of women's right to vote. Olympic Gold Medalist and sportscaster Donna d e Varona profiles Babe Didrikson Zaharias and Annie Oakley. Actress Blair Brown tells us the stories of Georgia O'Keeffe and Bessie Smith, and Dr. Mae Jemison, the first African-American woman astronaut, takes us into the lives of Mme. C. J . Walker and Christa McAuliffe.There are many other montage-vignettes that inclu de other great American women like Louisa May Alcott, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Sac ajawea, Isadora Duncan, Jacqueline Cochran, Helen Keller, Amelia Earhart, Eleano r Roosevelt, Molly Brown, Harriet Tubman, and many others. (47 minutes)</td><td> 1995</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4713_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4713_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33903</td><td>Sushi: A Bite of Culture, Aesthetics, and Natu re</td><td>There is an old Japanese adage that "the best food is that which is l east prepared." This program looks at Kyoto-style sushi both as a delicacy and a s a symbol of Japanese cultural aesthetics. Footage of Kitamura Norio and Kitaku ra Hiroyuki-two of Japan's foremost sushi chefs-illustrates their specialized ap proaches to oshi sushi and nigiri sushi while capturing the care they put into e very step of the sushi-making process, from rice cooking and fish selection to p lacing the final garnish. In addition, the video provides information on Kyoto h istory. (19 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4714_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4714_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>20390</td><td>Suspension Bridges</td><td>From the earliest r ope bridges in mountain gorges to the superlong sea crossings of today, the susp ension bridge has been a consistently successful form. This video visits bridges in Britain, Denmark, and the Czech Republic to see how they work. (24 minutes)< /td><td>1998</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4715_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4715_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26446</td><td>Suspension System Service</td><td>Suspension S ystem Service is a twenty-three minute video which is part of the series, Chassi s and Front End.This comprehensive series of nine videos covers everything from steering systems, to brakes, to wheel bearing service, to suspension systems. Ea ch video provides an overview of the topic and a detailed explanation of compone nts and operation. Live video of component cut-a-ways intermix with computer gra phics to make information clear and easy to follow. Also covers part inspection, disassembly and reassembly of damaged or worn parts, and demonstrations of basi c repairs. Some of the areas covered are: o arm bushing o ball joints o seals o strut rods o belts o hoses o steering knuckles o shock absorbers o coil & leaf s prings o torsion bars o air springs o power steering pumps o steering columns o ball sockets o control arms o part inspection o rack & pinion steering. (23 min. ) A Meridian Production.</td><td>2008</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4716_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4716_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26447</td><td>Suspension Systems</td><td>Suspension Systems is a twenty-five minute video which is part of the series, Chassis and Front End .This comprehensive series of nine videos covers everything from steering system s, to brakes, to wheel bearing service, to suspension systems. Each video provid es an overview of the topic and a detailed explanation of components and operati on. Live video of component cut-a-ways intermix with computer graphics to make i nformation clear and easy to follow. Also covers part inspection, disassembly an d reassembly of damaged or worn parts, and demonstrations of basic repairs. Some of the areas covered are: o arm bushing o ball joints o seals o strut rods o be lts o hoses o steering knuckles o shock absorbers o coil & leaf springs o torsio n bars o air springs o power steering pumps o steering columns o ball sockets o control arms o part inspection o rack & pinion steering. (25 min.) A Meridian Pr oduction.</td><td>2008</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4717_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4717_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5753</td><td>Swirl Like a Leaf</td><td>Poetry offers a way f or individuals to make sense of themselves, understand their motivations and fea rs, gain insight into their past and their future. As this program shows, Jimmy Santiago Baca, Robert Bly, and Marilyn Chin have all found routes to self-discov ery and personal reconciliation through writing. Filmed at the Biennial Geraldin

e R. Dodge Poetry Festival. (58 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4718_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4718_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34647</td><td>Synesthesia: When the Senses Overlap</td><td>S ynesthesia may be a brain disorder, but those afflicted rarely complain about th e symptoms. This program examines the unusual condition, outlines its appearance s in medical history, and describes new theories and speculation surrounding it. Identifying well-known artists, writers, and musicians who may have experienced "crossed signals" in their sensory perceptions-including Wassily Kandinsky and Miles Davis-the video presents the possibility that tasting sounds or seeing num bers in color may actually occur to a lesser degree in most people, and that syn esthesia could even have driven the evolution of language. Original BBCW broadca st title: Derek Tastes of Earwax. (50 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4719_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4719_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6687</td><td>The Synthesizer</td><td>This program discusses the history and evolution of electronic music. The synthesizer's roots are trace d from the 1920s to the invention of the "Trautonium"-a prototype of the modern synthesizer. Its acceptance in European music circles is discussed. Performances that include the synthesizer show how the development of the modern Moog synthe sizer in the 1970s revolutionized contemporary music both in America and abroad. (30 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4720_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4720_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4455</td><td>Systems of Equations</td><td>Two equations and two unknowns make up a system of equations; Ron Lancaster shows how comparison a nd graphs can be used to solve systems. In one example, Lancaster uses a system of equations to calculate the temperature at which Fahrenheit and Celsius values are the same. (15 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4721_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4721_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32796</td><td>T. S. Eliot</td><td>As a poet, T. S. Eliot did not just modernize, he revolutionized. As critic and publisher, he informed lit erary theory and promoted a generation of major young writers. This richly resou rced program provides a concise biography of Eliot, tracing the key events of hi s life and highlighting his many contributions to English literature. The progra

m features readings and excerpts from his major poems and critical work, includi ng "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," "Sweeney among the Nightingales," "Ger ontion," "The Hollow Men," "Ash Wednesday," The Wasteland, Four Quartets, and Th e Sacred Wood. (19 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4722_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4722_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10032</td><td>T. S. Eliot: The Waste Land</td><td>Read by no ted actors Michael Gough, Edward Fox, and Eileen Atkins, T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land powerfully expresses the disillusionment and disgust of the post-World War I era in Europe. In this program, Professor Frank Kermode, of Cambridge Univers ity; Eliot biographer Peter Ackroyd; and poets Sir Stephen Spender and Craig Rai ne examine the complex nature of Eliot's influential poem, analyze its appeal, a nd trace the reasons why it became one of the best-known emblems of the 20th cen tury. (59 minutes)</td><td>1987</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4723_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4723_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35530</td><td>Table Saws</td><td>This video covers both cabi net and portable table saws-the tools of choice when a circular saw just won't c ut it. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates t o competency standards for core curriculum and carpentry from the National Cente r for Construction Education & Research. A Shopware Production. (22 minutes)</td ><td>2006</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4724_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4724_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26483</td><td>Table Setting: Banquets to Barbecues</td><td>I n our busy schedules it's easy to grab a fork and a paper plate and stand at the kitchen counter to eat. But, it's nice to know the basics. This video reviews t he techniques of the various table settings including family-style and buffet. I t also reviews the difference between formal and informal settings, and touches on creating a pleasant atmosphere at mealtime. (10 min.) A Meridian Production.< /td><td>2000</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4725_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4725_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30459</td><td>Tainted Blood</td><td>Even after World War II, a continued need for large supplies of blood was made clear by peacetime disast ers and the advent of open-heart surgery and transfusions for hemophiliacs. By t

he 1960s, a new industry boomed as the indigent rushed to sell the one valuable thing they owned: blood. This program traces how commercialization of blood coll ection in the U.S. led, at one time, to the spread of hepatitis and of a new epi demic called AIDS. Among those commenting are Dr. Donald Francis, a former epide miologist for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who foresaw the AID S crisis; Dr. Ed Shandbrom, a key figure in developing the first hemophilia medi cation; and Dr. John Ashworth, a chemist who assisted in devising, with Harvard' s Edwin Cohn, a technique to manufacture albumin from blood plasma which saved t housands of lives in World War II. (58 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4726_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4726_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34955</td><td>Taiwan: Dire Strait</td><td>A timely, unpreced ented look at Taiwan's struggle for direction, this program focuses on President Chen Shui-Bian and his sometimes subtle, sometimes blatant push for independenc e. The video follows Chen's elaborate attempts to bolster alliances in the regio n and maintain a favorable image at home-both of which are major challenges as m any countries increase ties with Beijing and Chen's domestic opponents gain poli tical strength. A summary of China-Taiwan relations, interviews with opposition leader Su Qi, and commentary from Taiwanese citizens complete this unsettling po rtrait of a nation that could, through a wrong turn, spark a global military con flict. (25 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4727_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4727_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10236</td><td>Take-off: Moving Bodies with Constant Mass</td ><td>This program shows that a single mathematical model can describe the take-o ff of a wide variety of aircraft, running the gamut from a single-engine trainer to the Concorde. Because the search for approximations is somewhat complex, gra phical notation is employed to reveal the interaction and variation of the force s involved. (26 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4728_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4728_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30218</td><td>Taking a Break: Shopping and Vacationing in Sp ain</td><td>This program presents questions and answers related to shopping for food and gifts in a variety of settings and arranging for lodgings at hotels. Fe atured locations include Valencia's Mercado Central, one of Europe's largest ind oor marketplaces; a fragrant bakery; a bargain-filled street market; and the buc olic Hotel Mont Sant. ?Que desea? Original BBC broadcast title: Talk Spanish, Pr ogram 4. (Spanish and English, 17 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4729_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4729_l

blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35205</td><td>Taking a Stand: The Bullying Prevention Series </td><td>No longer a simple matter of schoolyard scuffles and "boys will be boys ," bullying is now recognized as a major threat to the education of America's yo ung people. Research shows that intimidation and humiliation among students invo lve both genders, affect young people of every background, and have become even more widespread with the help of digital technology. This three-part series help s students and teachers identify bullying activity, confront the instigators of it, and assist the victims-with the ultimate goal of preventing bullying in all its forms. Behavior and tactics specific to boy bullies, girl bullies, and cyber bullies are discussed at length in each of the respective videos, addressing the complexity of the issues with dramatized scenarios and peer discussions. Includ es a 15-minute bonus video, A Teacher's Guide to Bullying Prevention, that will help educators implement the overall program. Viewable/printable instructor's gu ides are also available online. Correlates to all applicable state and national standards. A Meridian Production. Recommended for grades 7-12. 3-part series, 18 -20 minutes each. Bonus video included with purchase of series.</td><td>2006</td ><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4730_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4730_l blPrice">$239.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30948</td><td>Taking Care of Business: CEOs Sound Off</td><t d>Your students probably already have an idea of what "entry level" in the workp lace is like. Why not introduce them to life in the corner office? In this exhil arating four-part series, the chief executive officers of, the Washin gton Redskins, CBS TV, and Dell Computers give the inside scoop on how they got there, challenges they've faced, and failures they've overcome. But bring an oxy gen mask-the air is mighty thin at the top. 4-part series, 60 minutes each.</td> <td>2001</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4731_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4731_l blPrice">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37428</td><td>Taking Credit: Understanding Loans, Credit Car ds, and Other Debts</td><td>Some people have a hard time qualifying for a loan, while others can walk into a bank empty-handed and leave with thousands of dolla rs in credit. The same goes for credit cards-although most consumers carry sever al, for an unfortunate few they are out of reach. But no matter how easy or diff icult it is to borrow money, one thing is certain: paying it back is the real ch allenge. This program helps high school and college-level viewers understand the basics of financial credit systems, the best ways to obtain and manage credit, and how credit decisions can influence one's future. Focusing on credit cards, c ar loans, student loans, and mortgages, the program offers lighthearted dramatiz ations that illustrate good and bad borrowing and spending habits and highlight discipline as the key to a great credit rating and sustained financial health. S tudents will also encounter the four C's of lending-capacity, credit, capital, a nd collateral. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Corr elates to all applicable National and State Educational Standards including the

NCLB Act. A Cambridge Educational Production. (25 minutes)</td><td>2008</td><td> 26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4732_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4732_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>20392</td><td>Taking On the Sea</td><td>The sea has always p osed a challenge to the expansion of human civilization. This video looks at thr ee structures that all have to deal with the threat of the sea: a lighthouse, fl ood gates, and an oil rig. (24 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4733_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4733_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4560</td><td>Taking Risks at Intel</td><td>Andrew S. Grove, CEO, Intel Corp.Before "Intel Inside" became the sine qua non of PC manufacturin g, Intel faced the prospect of being squeezed out of the microchip market by Jap anese manufacturers who threatened to turn the chip into a commodity. Here, Andr ew Grove explains how Intel shrugged off a business-as-usual mindset and began e ncouraging innovation and experimentation, enabling the company to climb back to the top of an industry where the core product is reinvented every six months. ( 32 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4734_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4734_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30896</td><td>Taking Sides: 1641-1644</td><td>When fear and poverty drove Catholics to massacre Protestants at Portadown, Ireland, war began in earnest. This program provides a fast-paced, blow-by-blow account of the pol itical and military maneuvers between Parliamentarians and Royalists that culmin ated in the first set-piece battle of the conflict at Edgehill, England. Locatio n footage, compelling reenactments, and insightful commentary from host Tristram Hunt all combine for a dynamic presentation of the events. (30 minutes)</td><td >2002</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4735_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4735_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4061</td><td>The Tale of Genji</td><td>Elegant and lyrical, The Tale of Genji-written by Murasaki Shikibu, considered by many to be the worl d's first novelist-predates the seminal Don Quixote by an incredible 600 years. This extraordinarily beautiful program traces the plot, which centers on the rom antic relationships of the noble hero Genji, through the panels of a series of i llustrated hand scrolls dating from the early 12th century. The program explains

both Genji's adventures and the visual effects created by the paintings, decora ted paper, and calligraphy of the scrolls, making accessible to Western audience s a formative work of Japanese culture and one of the milestones of world litera ture. (60 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4736_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4736_l blPrice">$159.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35365</td><td>A Tale of Modern Slavery</td><td>Use this ABC News program to increase viewer awareness of a heartbreaking but undeniable trut h-that slavery is alive and well in the 21st century. The video shows how caste systems and other archaic traditions have perpetuated slavery in some poor count ries, and points to the complacency of wealthier nations regarding this ongoing tragedy. Highlighting the work of Nigerian anti-slavery activists, including the imprisoned Ilguilas Weila of the human rights group Timidria, the video also fe atures commentary from Amnesty International USA Executive Director William Schu ltz, who emphasizes the need for more action from the Western world. (22 minutes )</td><td>2005</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4737_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4737_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7891</td><td>A Tale of Two Cities</td><td>"It was the best o f times. It was the worst of times...." Dickens' tragic tale of love, friendship , and sacrifice begins against the backdrop of the French Revolution. Using affe cting dramatizations of key passages, Dickens experts Professor Margaret Reynold s and Professor John Rignall analyze the many nuances and themes of this work. T opics discussed include dualism in characterization and plot; the impact of the ideas of the French Revolution; the rights of women in 18th-century England and France; and society's ambiguous attitude toward violence. Dickens' dual personal ity is revealed in the characters of Sidney Carton and Charles Darnay. Although Dickens takes aim at both aristocratic tyranny and revolutionary excess, it is t he latter that is precisely conveyed by the character Madame Defarge. The work's lasting importance is analyzed within the context of its emphasis on the irrepl aceable value of each human life. (30 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4738_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4738_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35429</td><td>Talk Fast: Pitching a Screenplay in Two Minute s</td><td>What if an aspiring screenwriter could get just two minutes of face ti me with a major Hollywood exec to make a pitch? Welcome to Pitchmart. In this re ality-based program, five people with five big ideas express their passions and frustrations as they spend a week with Ken Rotcop to polish their presentationsand then two precious minutes with the decision-makers who could transform their scripts into box office bonanzas. Rotcop, Pitchmart's founder, is an award-winn ing screenwriter and author of the best-selling The Perfect Pitch. An honest and insightful scrutiny of parlaying a script into a movie deal. (53 minutes)</td><

td>2001</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4739_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4739_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30044</td><td>Talk French</td><td>"Parlez-vous francais?" Fi lmed in the south of France, this lively six-part series covers all of the pract ical essentials of contemporary conversational French while spotlighting cultura l aspects of the country. Each program uses a diverse group of speakers talking in a wide range of real-world contexts to encourage beginners to speak up-and to have fun doing it. A BBC Production. French and English, 6-part series, 16 minu tes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4740_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4740_l blPrice">$539.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30330</td><td>Talk German</td><td>"Sprechen Sie Deutsch?" Fi lmed in and around the Bavarian city of Munich, this energetic six-part series i ntroduces all of the necessary components of contemporary conversational German while spotlighting cultural aspects of the country. Each program uses a lively g roup of speakers talking in a wide range of real-world surroundings to motivate beginners to make themselves heard-loud and clear. A BBC Production. German and English, 6-part series, 16 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4741_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4741_l blPrice">$539.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30214</td><td>Talk Spanish</td><td>This spirited six-part se ries, filmed in the Mediterranean city of Valencia and its environs, introduces all of the basics of contemporary conversational Spanish while highlighting cult ural aspects of the country. Each program uses a friendly group of speakers talk ing in a wide range of real-world settings to inspire beginners to have their sa y. "!Hablar espanol es muy divertido!" A BBC Production. Spanish and English, 6part series, 17 minutes each.</td><td>1998</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4742_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4742_l blPrice">$539.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30040</td><td>Talk to Me: The Dynamics of Hostage Negotiatio n</td><td>"I want doctors! I'm gonna kill doctors! I want white coats!" In 1993, gunman Damacio Torres shot up the Los Angeles County-USC Healthcare emergency r oom and took two hostages. Using the Torres case as a springboard, this program explains the tricky business of hostage negotiation while seeking to understand the mentality of hostage-taking. Psychologist Kris Mohandie, SWAT team superviso

r Lt. Michael Albanese, and former hostage Anne Tournay, all present that day, o ffer keen observations on the five-hour standoff. Psychologist John Potter, of E xeter University, and Stephen Romano, of the FBI Crisis Negotiation Unit, provid e additional insights. (47 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4743_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4743_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33312</td><td>Talking</td><td>For the newborn, the notion of coexistence-that there are others in their world with whom they can communicate -begins with crying. In this program, researchers and other experts join with pa rents to discuss the steps children go through in mastering their mother tongue. Topics include the process of cognition, a baby's ability to make use of body l anguage and semiotic gestures, babbling as a precursor to language acquisition, timeframes for learning to speak, and growing up in a multilingual home. Not ava ilable in French-speaking Canada. (55 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4744_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4744_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>20387</td><td>Tall Buildings</td><td>Building upward has lon g been a means for people to show off their wealth or power. This video explores the ambitions and limitations of the engineers of skyscrapers. Visits to a medi eval Manhattan in Italy, the first true European skyscraper, and Europe's talles t building, in Germany, are featured. (24 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>24</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4745_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4745_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11163</td><td>Taming Student Anger</td><td>This program expl ores the subject of anger from the student point of view while presenting some s trategies for managing it. Dramatizations of school-oriented confrontations, can did interviews with children and teenagers, and insightful commentary by psychol ogists, a youth counselor, and a social worker serve as windows into a disruptiv e and potentially destructive emotion. Issues such as the effects of media role models on the development of antisocial coping mechanisms are addressed, and a g roup therapy session is documented. (23 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>23</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4746_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4746_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33460</td><td>Tanim: Instituting Democracy in Tribal Papua N

ew Guinea</td><td>Democratic political principles have finally reached the highl ands of Papua New Guinea. Tanim-"to change" or "to turn"-is the story of how the Apulin people, the ruling tribe of Enga province, are struggling to balance thi s alien electoral system, with all its implicit values and practices, with the s ecure familiarity of their traditional approaches to rule, land ownership, and s ystems of compensation. Change has come, and the Apulins must now turn their soc iety in a new direction if they are to survive in their ancestral lands. (51 min utes)</td><td>2003</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4747_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4747_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32855</td><td>Targeting Tumor Cells: New Strategies in Fight ing Cancer</td><td>The Pap smear was a diagnostic milestone in detecting precanc erous cells. Researchers are developing similar tests, particularly ones based o n genetic predisposition, as they learn to home in on other cancers. As this pro gram illustrates, sophisticated screening is just one of the ways medicine has a dvanced the fight against a dreaded disease. The program also looks at the targe ted destruction of tumors through drugs that either react to substances unique t o tumor cells or suppress angiogenesis. The latest surgical techniques using las ers, robots, and endoscopes are examined as well. A Deutsche Welle Production. ( 26 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4748_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4748_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33952</td><td>Tarteso, El Reino Legendario de Argantonio-in Spanish</td><td>The history of Tartessos, the first great mining economy of Iber ia, is also a story of prosperity-and ruin. This program makes extensive use of dramatizations, images of artifacts, footage of ruins, maps, and 3-D re-creation s of ships and buildings to illustrate the skilled craft of metalwork, science o f navigation, spread of overseas trade, intersection of cultures, development of written language, and use of currency as history unfolded during that remarkabl e epoch. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 56 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4749_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4749_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34455</td><td>Tarteso, El Reino Legendario de Argantonio-in Spanish with English Subtitles</td><td>The history of Tartessos, the first great mining economy of Iberia, is also a story of prosperity-and ruin. This program makes extensive use of dramatizations, images of artifacts, footage of ruins, ma ps, and 3-D re-creations of ships and buildings to illustrate the skilled craft of metalwork, science of navigation, spread of overseas trade, intersection of c ultures, development of written language, and use of currency as history unfolde d during that remarkable epoch. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish with English subtitles, 56 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>5

6</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4750_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4750_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10763</td><td>Tartuffe</td><td>When the religious charlatan Tartuffe insinuates himself into the household of the wealthy but credulous Orgo n, it is not long before he takes over, acquiring the deed to the property, disi nheriting Orgon's son, and becoming betrothed to Orgon's daughter. But when clev er Elmire, Orgon's wife, trips up the imposter, Orgon throws him out-only to fin d himself arrested and his family evicted instead. A last-minute intervention by the King restores order and metes out justice. This play was suppressed twice b efore permission was given to perform it freely. Directed by Georges Bensoussan. (French, 2 parts, 70 minutes and 50 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>120</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4751_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4751_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33740</td><td>Taste</td><td>This program explores the biolog ical reasons why humans have the most amazing sense of taste on the planet. Pers uading a family raised on Chinese food to try ripe Stilton cheese and a group of gourmet cheese lovers to try a Chinese delicacy of fermented raw duck eggs, hos t Nigel Marven assesses how we end up with such extraordinary tastes that vary a cross different cultures. Yale University professor Linda Bartoshuck discusses h ow the tongue and nose work together to taste food, and University of Pennsylvan ia professor Paul Rozin accompanies Marven to a chili eating contest, where he a nalyzes the exhilaration of the contestants. A BBCW Production. (30 minutes)</td ><td>2003</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4752_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4752_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26488</td><td>Taste and Flavor: The Inside Story</td><td>One of the joys of eating is savoring flavorful, tasty food. But what we perceive a s "taste" is actually much more. This video explores the difference between what we know as taste and flavor, including taste buds and sense of smell, as well a s how our taste changes as we become older. (10 min.) A Meridian Production.</td ><td>2000</td><td>9</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4753_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4753_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37489</td><td>Tchaikovsky Uncovered</td><td>In this two-part series, renowned British conductor Charles Hazlewood brings a fresh perspective

to the interplay between Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's life and works by exploring two of the composer's signature compositions: the Fantasy Overture from Romeo a nd Juliet and Symphony no. 6 in B Minor (Pathetique). For each piece, Hazlewood deconstructs the score, working through the music and explaining and analyzing k ey points in the material with the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra playing fragments of it to illustrate his points. There then follows a full performance of the sco re, filmed at the spectacular Empress Ballroom in Blackpool's Winter Gardens. 2part series, 58-59 minutes each.</td><td>2007</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4754_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4754_l blPrice">$179.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11503</td><td>A Teacher Affects Eternity</td><td>Since the 1 830s, public schools have spread into every corner of America. Then and now, wha t kind of people have been called to teach in these schools? This program explor es the importance of educators in the lives of their students, emphasizing a tea cher's influence as role model, as upholder of society's norms, and even as agen t of social change. Dedicated women who spent their careers teaching newly freed slaves and turn-of-the-century teachers of immigrants are profiled, as well as exemplary instructors of today's struggling teenagers. Education reformer Theodo re Sizer, education historian David Tyack, and author Frank McCourt are featured . (56 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4755_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4755_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29921</td><td>The Teacher Shortage Problem: Making the Grade at P.S. 25</td><td>Facing a severe teacher shortfall for the 2000-2001 academic year, New York City scrambled to staff its worst-performing school district by crash-training hundreds of eager teaching fellows. In this program, NewsHour cor respondent John Merrow presents five reports that track several of these brand-n ew teachers from opening day to summer recess as they learn the ropes at P.S. 25 , in Brooklyn. Balancing their idealistic views of teaching are hard-won insight s that demonstrate a powerful determination to overcome discouragement brought o n by long hours, inadequate resources, and classroom discipline problems. High-s takes citywide testing is also addressed. (58 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>58</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4756_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4756_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36172</td><td>Teaching Diverse Learners</td><td>A diverse le arning environment benefits everyone, but it can put overwhelming pressure on an unprepared teacher. Produced by Illinois State University's renowned College of Education and School of Communication, this two-part series empowers educators using real-world teaching methods-enabling them to overcome the obstacles and ma ximize the rewards of a diverse learning atmosphere. Viewable/printable instruct or's guides are available online. 2-part series, 13 and 18 minutes.</td><td>2005

</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4757_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4757_l blPrice">$139.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30086</td><td>Teaching Lessons and Learning Lessons in the S pecial Ed Classroom</td><td>This down-to-earth program shares the hard-won exper iences of an award-winning special ed teacher. Speaking with an engaging mix of candor, earnestness, and passion, he explains how personal introspection, collab oration with other staff members, promoting trust, structuring the academic envi ronment, instilling success, and developing teacher/student interdependence have transformed his classroom into a place where students thrive. Part success stor y, part how-to manual, the program is an excellent source of ideas and inspirati on for teachers of all types of students. (26 minutes, color)</td><td>1987</td>< td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4758_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4758_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36416</td><td>Teaching Media Literacy: Asking Questions</td> <td>This program explains how to teach media literacy through the application of three basic facts and five key analytical questions that can be applied to any media message. This simple and highly effective approach is reinforced by insigh ts and observations provided by important figures in the media literacy movement , including Elizabeth Thoman, Tessa Jolls, and Jeff Share, of the Center for Med ia Literacy. Fight passive consumerism and promote critical thinking with Teachi ng Media Literacy. Previously sold individually. (31 minutes)</td><td>2006</td>< td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4759_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4759_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37416</td><td>Teaching Tools for Economics with John Stossel </td><td>For grounding students in business and financial principles, the best t ools come from the real world. This two-part series of ABC News programs feature s 20/20 anchor John Stossel, who uses thought-provoking questions, everyday situ ations, and events in the news to spark discussion of hot-button economic issues . Viewable/printable instructor's guides are available online. 2-part series, 67 and 75 minutes each.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4760_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4760_l blPrice">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37417</td><td>Teaching Tools for Macroeconomics, Government,

and International Trade</td><td>Do the rich get a break at tax time-or do they pay more than their share? Who benefits and who suffers when sweatshops are allo wed to operate? Are gas prices as outrageous as everyone thinks? This compilatio n of ABC News stories features 20/20 anchor John Stossel, who uses real-world si tuations to address provocative macroeconomic questions. In a straightforward st yle well-known to viewers of 20/20, Stossel covers a wide range of concepts and overturns many common assumptions. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is av ailable online. The episodes are: * Is Life Getting Worse? Income Comparisons across Time Periods: Comparing the America of 100 years ago with the present, th is segment explores issues of quality of life and public safety. It's an ideal c atalyst for class discussions on consumer outlook and the business environment. * Gas Prices: Adjusting Nominal Values for the Effect of Inflation: Pointing ou t the error of comparing nominal prices across time periods, this segment illust rates that gas prices, when adjusted for inflation, are lower than those experie nced during most of the 20th century. * Laid-Off Steelworkers: Dynamic Change a nd Labor Productivity: Profiling the labor market in Youngstown, Ohio-where laid -off steel workers have found better, safer, higher-paying jobs-this segment add resses the concept of resource mobility. * Broken Windows: Expenditure Multipli er and Fiscal Policy: This segment uses broken windows and the glass industry as metaphors for what keeps the economy running and what can happen if government is too involved in it. * Stadiums: Government Spending and Jobs: Visiting the n ew baseball stadium built especially for the Chicago White Sox, this segment exa mines problems with taxpayer-funded support for private business and the use of tax money as transfer payments. * How Much in Taxes Do the Rich Pay? Impact of Marginal Tax Rates: Questioning the idea that America's wealthy contribute only five percent of public revenues, this segment shows that the very richest-the to p one percent-actually pay much more. * Are Boycotts of Sweatshop Products Help ful? International Trade, Labor Markets, and Minimum Wage: This segment looks be yond protests against "sweatshop" factories, proposing that employing workers in developing countries benefits all markets. Likewise, it submits that implementi ng minimum wages endangers those markets. * Does Outsourcing Cost American Jobs ? International Trade and Employment: This segment suggests that, as jobs are se nt to foreign countries, labor resources are freed up to move to more productive areas-with long-term economic benefits. * The Role of Freedom in Prosperity: T his segment travels to an Indian state in which government planning dominates. P laces characterized by less planning, including the U.S., Hong Kong, and New Zea land, are examined for contrast. * Economic Freedom in the U.S., India, and Hon g Kong: Economic Growth and Sources of Prosperity: Comparing India and the U.S. with Hong Kong, this segment examines political barriers to innovation and how C hina's "special administrative region" allows the greatest economic freedom. Int erviews with economists Milton Friedman and Dinesh D'Souzah are included. * Emi nent Domain in New Rochelle: Role of Government and Protection of Property Right s: Visiting a neighborhood in New Rochelle, New York, this segment addresses the controversial government practice of invoking eminent domain. Property rights a nd their uneven enforcement are discussed. * Is Government Too Big? Size and Gr owth of Government: This segment analyzes the reasons behind high and numerous t axes, examining the social and political factors within government that cause it to expand and continually require revenue. * Government Growth: Size and Growt h of Government: Government spending has risen drastically since the 1930s. This segment explores the mid-twentieth-century expansion of government and how the trend it set in motion affects economic conditions today. * Pork Barrel Spendin g: Collective Decision-Making: The Alabama Peanut Festival and a $200-million br idge in Alaska illustrate the ability of special interests to influence governme nt funding-sometimes for projects that benefit few people. * Jersey City Water Department: Markets versus Government Involvement: This segment focuses on compe tition and the difference between public and private enterprises. The water depa rtment in Jersey City, New Jersey-where a private company has taken over operati ons-provides a helpful example. 67 minutes.</td><td>2006</td><td>67</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4761_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4761_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37418</td><td>Teaching Tools for Microeconomics</td><td>Are prescription drug prices as outrageous as they are made out to be? Should farmer s receive government subsidies, simply because they grow certain crops? What doe s it mean to be poor in America? This compilation of ABC News stories features 2 0/20 anchor John Stossel, who explores microeconomic questions through challengi ng, real-world examples. In his trademark down-to-earth style, Stossel digs into human dilemmas that will be sure to generate discussions of money, business, an d society. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. The epi sodes are: * Costs and Benefits of Government Regulation: Opportunity Costs, Tr ade-offs, and Secondary Effects: This segment weighs marginal costs against marg inal benefits, using the example of seat belt installation in school buses. John Graham of the Harvard Center for Statistical Analysis is interviewed. * Is Sha ring Good? Economics of Private Property Rights: This segment explores private a nd common property rights and how both relate to individual incentive and the ut ilization of resources. A discussion of hunting rights in Africa reinforces thes e concepts. * Greed: Gains from Trade and Wealth Creation: Profiling well-known practitioners of worldly gain-the Vanderbilt family, most notably-this segment presents one way to look at greed: as the force behind a healthy economy. * Why Steak Gets to New York: Market Coordination and the Invisible Hand: From raisin g and slaughtering beef in Iowa to its consumption in New York City, this segmen t illustrates market coordination and Adam Smith's "invisible hand." * Rent Con trol: Price Controls: Using New York City's housing policy as an example, this s egment asserts that rent control helps mostly high-income families-in other word s, those whose privileges enable them to abuse the system. * Pharmaceutical Pri ces: Profits, Price Controls, and Secondary Effects: With an eye on the pharmace utical industry, this segment addresses the impact of price controls-demonstrati ng that drug research is almost prohibitively expensive and must be covered by r evenues from existing products. * Flood Insurance: Subsidies and Secondary Effe cts: Analyzing government-subsidized insurance, John Stossel recounts his disast rous experience with oceanfront property. James Lee Witt, former FEMA director, explains government insurance subsidies. * Farm Subsidies: Subsidies and Politi cal Behavior: Visiting a California cotton farm, this segment investigates the i mpact of farm subsidies. Interviews with the owners lead to questions about the wisdom of farm subsidy policies. * Wal-Mart: Competition and Costs: Exploring c ompetition, overhead, and cost of living, this segment asks: Does a company like Wal-Mart exploit workers in the U.S. and abroad? Or, by lowering prices, does i t give consumers what amounts to a raise? * Poverty and Entrepreneurship: This segment profiles Steve Mariotti, a teacher in a struggling New York high school who introduced entrepreneurial principles into his classroom. Philosopher David Kelley is also featured. * Do Women Make Less Money? Wage Discrimination: This segment offers a discussion of wage discrimination, including conversations with Martha Burk, head of the National Council of Women's Organizations and author o f Cult of Power, and Warren Farrell, former N.O.W. board member and author of Th e Myth of Male Power. * Underage Batboy: Regulation of Labor Markets: Relating the story of a batboy who was prevented from working because of strict child lab or laws, this segment inquires into the government's role in regulating labor ma rkets. * Ted Turner Gives to UN: Investment and Property: In this segment, entr epreneur T.J. Rodgers and scholar David Kelley react to Ted Turner's billion-dol lar gift to UN charities. They argue that Turner's money would have been better spent on creating jobs through business investment. * Is Making Money Good or B ad? The Role of Profits and Losses: Featuring an interview with T.J. Rodgers, fo under of Cypress Semiconductor, this segment highlights the role of the profit m otive and its widespread benefits. * Poverty in the U.S.: Heading into the stre ets of the South Bronx, historically an icon of urban decay, this segment questi

ons the official definition of poverty and the ways it is often measured. * Sch ool Choice: Education and the Role of Competition: Exploring the economics behin d the controversial issue of school vouchers, this segment describes how more ed ucation options, both public and private, could help parents and students. 75 m inutes.</td><td>2006</td><td>75</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4762_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4762_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33991</td><td>Teaching Writing: A Process Approach-Level 1</ td><td>This program explores the process approach to writing instruction, assert ing that the act of writing is more than simply the completion of a product; it is a complex, creative, and unpredictable progression of ideas and strategies. W ith commentary from veteran writing instructors-including Dr. Lois Matz Rosen, a uthor of Within and Beyond the Writing Process in the Secondary English Classroo m, and Michael Steinberg, author of The Writer's Way: A Process Approach to Writ ing-the program outlines specific group activities for each step in the process: invention, drafting, sharing work in progress, revising, and editing. Lively fo otage from high school and college classrooms show instructors circulating among groups of highly engaged students, offering advice and suggestions through form ative rather than summative evaluation. Accompanying the program is a workbook c ontaining a teacher workshop outline and activities, as well as teacher resource s, tools, and student-based learning projects. A stylish, inspiring guide to an effective and thoroughly tested teaching method, the Teaching Writing package pr ovides vital preparation for any composition, journalism, or creative writing in structor. Recommended for teachers of grades 6-10. Correlates to English Languag e Arts standards and Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS ) Information. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Ca mbridge Educational Production. (44 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4763_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4763_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33992</td><td>Teaching Writing: A Process Approach-Level 2</ td><td>This program explores the process approach to writing instruction, assert ing that the act of writing is more than simply the completion of a product; it is a complex, creative, and unpredictable progression of ideas and strategies. W ith commentary from veteran writing instructors-including Dr. Lois Matz Rosen, a uthor of Within and Beyond the Writing Process in the Secondary English Classroo m, and Michael Steinberg, author of The Writer's Way: A Process Approach to Writ ing-the program outlines specific group activities for each step in the process: invention, drafting, sharing work in progress, revising, and editing. Lively fo otage from high school and college classrooms show instructors circulating among groups of highly engaged students, offering advice and suggestions through form ative rather than summative evaluation. Accompanying the program is a workbook c ontaining a teacher workshop outline and activities, as well as teacher resource s, tools, and student-based learning projects. A stylish, inspiring guide to an effective and thoroughly tested teaching method, the Teaching Writing package pr ovides vital preparation for any composition, journalism, or creative writing in structor. Recommended for teachers of grades 11-14. Correlates to English Langua ge Arts standards and Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCAN S) Information. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A F

ilms for the Humanities & Sciences Production. (45 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td >44</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4764_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4764_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35666</td><td>Tearing Down the Wall: The Decline of Socialis m</td><td>Did the Soviet Union collapse under external pressure or its own weigh t? What enabled free market forces to assert themselves in China? Is socialism d ead, or has it simply evolved? This program addresses these and other questions, focusing on the political, cultural, and economic factors behind the fall of th e iron curtain regimes. Outlining the Cultural Revolution and its consequences, the emergence of the Reagan and Thatcher administrations, and the backfiring of the Soviet coup in 1991, the program demonstrates in detail how governments acro ss the world abandoned socialism-some entirely, while others have maintained a t enuous facade. (58 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4765_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4765_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10465</td><td>Technoculture: Finding Our Way in the Terra In cognita</td><td>Technological innovations are penetrating ever more deeply into the substance of society-faster, in fact, than people can assimilate them. As et hical dilemmas and unforeseen consequences pile up, will techno-enthusiasts succ eed in weaving a net that will ultimately trap us all? Following a concise summa ry of Technoscience, this disturbing program addresses diverse topics such as vi rtual reality, cybernetics, eugenics, cloning, parallels between technological a nd Christian views of the body, similarities between Nazi experiments and curren t technology, and the role of artists in defining a grim future that may prove t o be more prison than paradise. (41 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4766_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4766_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10833</td><td>Technological Change</td><td>High-tech innovat ion has triggered an avalanche of new business opportunities. Module one of this program examines how information technology is changing the airline business in Hong Kong. In module two, the impact of the evolving Internet infrastructure on markets and business organization is discussed. In module three, tomato-growing in Iceland is a case in point for the way technological advances are allowing t raditional industries to alter their production methods. (28 minutes)</td><td>20 00</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4767_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4767_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>33536</td><td>Technological Development in Business</td><td> Without adopting new technological developments, a company's profits will lag; w ith them, they can soar. This program uses two case studies-Ford and Australia P ost-as they introduce very different types of technology in their respective org anizations. Can these companies hope to maintain sales, market share, and profit if they are not in a position to exploit the latest technological advancements? (29 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4768_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4768_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11783</td><td>Technology and Deaf Culture</td><td>Cochlear i mplants could soon make a lifetime of profound deafness a thing of the past-and in the process bring an end to America's vibrant Deaf culture. In this program, NewsHour correspondent Betty Ann Bowser takes a balanced look at the implication s of cochlear implant technology on the Deaf community. Dr. John Niparko, direct or of The Listening Center at Johns Hopkins; King Jordan, president of Gallaudet University; and others share their markedly different perceptions of cochlear i mplants, with some portraying them as miraculous assistive devices and others as a baneful attempt by the well-meaning hearing majority to "fix" the Deaf. (13 m inutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4769_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4769_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10891</td><td>Technology: At Your Service</td><td>What would modern life be like without technology? Where has technology made a difference? This program explores how the equipment we often take for granted has become an integral part of our daily lives. At work, at school, and in the home, technolo gy has become one of our most valuable resources. Robots, computers, and many ot her types of high-tech hardware are introduced. A Meridian Production. (19 minut es)</td><td>2000</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4770_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4770_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33109</td><td>The Technology of Film</td><td>Computers are c hanging everything, including filmmaking. This program illustrates the digital p ostproduction process through numerous editing examples taken from Twelfth Night . Key crew members-a film editor, sound designer, sound recording engineer, digi tal effects artist, and others-share their expertise with setting the film's pac e and rhythm, constructing sequences with different types of shots, crafting the soundscapes that support the action and help tell the story, recording and mixi ng the music, creating skyscapes for the blue screen, and grading the lighting. (25 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4771_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4771_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29425</td><td>Technology: The Web and "World English"</td><t d>While tracing the spread of English via Internet technology, this program cons iders the implications of such de facto linguistic hegemony in a world of high-t ech haves and have-nots. In addition, the program examines the simultaneous stan dardization and fragmentation of English as it is acquired by non-native English -speakers in Africa and Asia. Interviews with specialists drawn from WorldCom an d Sony subsidiary So-Net, the Library of Congress and the British Library, CNN a nd the BBC, and elsewhere provide a wide-angle perspective on digital content, l anguage translation utilities, and initiatives to bridge the digital and linguis tic divides. (52 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4772_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4772_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2313</td><td>Technology, Trumpets, and Tunes</td><td>Despite its title, this program actually covers all the wind instruments, including the pipe organ. It considers the way in which the technology of making instruments has affected the course of musical development, particularly the development of valves for trumpets and Boehm's system of woodwind keys. The program examines th e subject of vibrations in tubes, the role of finger holes, and the components o f tone quality. It concludes by putting a camera inside a large church organ to show what happens inside this marvelous combination of thousands of pipes, hundr eds of yards of pneumatic tubing or electric cables, and countless valves or rel ays in response to the movements of the organist's hands and feet. (60 minutes)< /td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4773_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4773_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10464</td><td>Technoscience: Blurring the Line Between Man a nd Machine</td><td>Was the performance of IBM's Deep Blue against Gary Kasparov an example of supersonic calculation or the first step toward artificial intelli gence? Does the acclaimed performance artist Stelarc, striving to become a cybor g-like hybrid, represent the possibility of a strange new race? This startling p rogram tracks advances in robotics at Stanford University and Honda Motors, biot echnology as applied to synthetic skin and organs, workplace computerization, su rveillance using Xerox's "tab dogs," and nanotechnology, including atomic-scale machinery and designer genes, and speculates on their ultimate impact on society . (52 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4774_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4774_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>8170</td><td>Teen Dads' Point of View</td><td>This program e xamines teenage pregnancy from the teenage father's point of view. It is an in-d epth look at the attitudes of young men toward sex, birth control, and teenage f atherhood. Teen pregnancy, its cost to society, and the plight of young mothers and their newborns are discussed, along with how most young fathers deal with th e reality of a pregnant girlfriend. A final section examines the role of teenage fathers in child-rearing, and discusses ways in which they can learn better par enting skills and become more involved. However, the message here is clear: teen age parenting is difficult at best, and teens should seriously consider sexual a bstinence. A Cambridge Educational Production. (40 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td >38</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4775_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4775_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36248</td><td>Teen Danger Zone: Teens at Risk</td><td>Combin ing hard-hitting personal stories with cold facts, the first six segments of thi s chaptered program report on some of the most common drugs currently being abus ed by teens: OxyContin, PMA, Special K (ketamine), the methamphetamine Ice, inha lants, and, in the form of binge drinking, alcohol. The final segment focuses on hazing, a frequently outlawed form of initiation that, like substance abuse, sp eaks directly to the teenage desire to fit in with peers-sometimes at any cost. Recommended for high school. (46 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4776_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4776_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34923</td><td>Teen Parents</td><td>Over 1,400 teenage girls become pregnant every day in America. This video identifies three sources of sup port-family, school, and community-that are essential in helping teen parents ra ise children successfully. (22 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4777_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4777_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30635</td><td>Teen Pregnancy: Reel Stories, Real Life</td><t d>Being a teenager is difficult enough. Try being a parent at the same time! Thi s program follows the stories of three young women with unplanned pregnancies-15 -year-old Valerie, 17-year-old Karina, and 18-year-old Sara. The program also pr esents another couple, Amanda and Tomas, who have chosen abstinence. In three se gments, the teens are interviewed over the course of their pregnancies and after they have become mothers. In this emotional roller-coaster, labor might be the least of their difficulties as Karina and Sara's boyfriends eventually walk out, Sara decides to put her baby up for adoption, and none of the young women retur n to school. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. (15 mi nutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>15</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4778_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4778_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8180</td><td>Teen Suicide</td><td>We all get depressed or fe el stressed once in awhile. But today, teenagers have more stress in their lives than ever before. Divorced parents, substance abuse, lack of adult supervision, abusive family situations, unemployment, and a sense that the world may not be getting any better...are all factors which cause many teenagers to feel alone an d desperate. Most teenagers successfully deal with these problems-but the fact r emains that, on their own, too many can't. This excellent production takes a loo k at the reasons kids consider, attempt, or commit suicide while stressing speci fic measures to help prevent unhappy teens from becoming suicide statistics. Vie wers learn how to recognize the signals of suicide contemplation which they can look for in friends or relatives considering taking this drastic measure, the im portance of communication, what to do to help, and where to go for assistance in saving a friend's life. Those who may be thinking that ending their lives is th e only way to escape discover that they are not alone in their problems, learn h ow to conquer these feelings, and become aware of specific people and organizati ons that desperately want to help. A life-saving message for teens, parents, tea chers-anyone who comes in contact with at-risk teens. A Cambridge Educational Pr oduction. One 35-minute video.</td><td>1994</td><td>34</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4779_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4779_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8169</td><td>Teenage Pregnancy</td><td>This two-part series explores the realities of teenage pregnancy and single parenthood. Using case st udies, expert advice, and testimony from actual teenage parents, the programs pr ovide an excellent catalyst for classroom discussion. A Cambridge Educational Pr oduction. 2-part series, 35-40 minutes each.</td><td>1994</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4780_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4780_l blPrice">$159.90<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37078</td><td>Teenage Tycoons</td><td>Children still dream o f becoming firefighters or astronauts-and many parents still nudge their offspri ng toward professions like doctor or lawyer. However, an increasing number of yo ung people view freewheeling entrepreneurship as a valid career choice-and enjoy solid parental endorsement along the way. This program reports on successful ve ntures undertaken by kids as young as 10 using the same resources most adult-own ed start-ups make use of: their brains, their sweat, and the Internet. While sup port from mom and dad is also a factor, the film clearly shows that children can profit from businesses far above and beyond the lemonade stands of yesteryear. (30 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4781_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4781_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10787</td><td>Teenagers and Gangs: A Lethal Combination</td> <td>Gang violence plagues schoolyards and pervades city streets. Both inner-city and suburban teenagers are confronted by it daily. This documentary-style progr am features former gang members and their stories. Each one views his/her experi ence differently and viewers will learn who joins gangs, the reasons they join, and alternatives to gang life. It's no secret that a gang lifestyle can be attra ctive to teenagers, so we talk to psychologists and inner-city counselors to fin d out why. As they discuss the need to belong, low self-esteem, peer pressure, a nd academic failure, they also offer expert advice. An extremely focused and ins ightful view of a serious problem. A Meridian Production. One 26-minute video.</ td><td>2000</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4782_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4782_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32319</td><td>Teens Dealing with Death</td><td>Maybe it's he aring about friends, driving home from a dance, who get into a car wreck that no one survives. Or a fellow student-the one who wears a bandanna to hide what che motherapy has done to her hair-one day fails to show up for homeroom. Or an anno uncement over the school's PA system: "There will be a memorial service this aft ernoon..." For many young people, this will be their first exposure to death. Ho w can teachers and school administrators help guide them through the experience? This program features Camp Comfort Zone, in Virginia, where viewers meet teens who have come to spend a weekend of talking, enjoying the outdoors, and sharing their grief over someone they've lost. The stories range from suicide, to sudden death, to terminal illness, and as the camp weekend progresses, viewers see how veteran campers help first-timers release their feelings. As healing and person al growth continue, an amazingly positive spirit, in most cases, actually oversh adows the sadness. Teens Dealing with Death includes expert advice from Dr. Ele na Lister, clinical assistant professor of psychiatry at Cornell University Medi cal College, New York City, and the collaborating psychoanalyst at the Columbia Psychoanalytic Center as well as the co-author of I Will Remember You: A Guidebo ok Through Grief For Teens. Dr. Lister shares her own personal experience of los ing her daughter and offers suggestions on where teens can go for support and he lp in their communities. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available on line. Correlates to the National Health Education Standards. A Cambridge Educati onal Production. (29 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4783_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4783_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26532</td><td>Teens for Hire</td><td>Many teens have no idea what type of job to look for or what to expect when they begin their first job. Their parents may lecture and warn them but often to no avail. By following tee ns on the job and examining the responsibilities each job holds, viewers gain in valuable insight into what awaits them in the workplace. Each of our storyteller

s is successful on the job, but discusses the challenges and hard work required in keeping up with schoolwork and home responsibilities. They share tips regardi ng time management, setting goals, and appropriate behavior on the job as well a s share the rewards of holding a job. A Meridian Production. One 15-minute video .</td><td>1999</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4784_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4784_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37386</td><td>Teens Hooked on Porn</td><td>Whether they live in America, Britain, or elsewhere, most teenage boys have been exposed to some form of pornography. But the Internet has radically escalated that exposure-to t he point at which many adolescents are addicted. This program follows the storie s of teenage porn addicts as they struggle with the issues that drive their beha vior-although not all are open to soul-searching. Darryl, age 17, doesn't think he has a problem, but 16-year-old Malcolm has recognized his addiction and has b egun seeing a therapist. Colin, age 14 and a devout Christian, needs help too bu t is unsure about approaching his pastor. All of their stories are tied together by issues of anger, aggression, and inhibition, and raise questions about the r ole of parents. A BBCW Production. (57 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4785_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4785_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35361</td><td>Teens in Danger</td><td>Child safety: the subj ect that most often keeps parents awake at night. This ABC News program features a child safety expert who helps parents identify their children's susceptibilit y to predators and abductors. As the program's candid camera-style scenarios unf old-with the participation of actors who demonstrate the ploys used by potential attackers-astonished parents watch as their daughters unknowingly head into sit uations that would be dangerous in reality. The result is a revealing look at th e techniques used by some of the most frightening offenders on the street, and a guide that can help parents and children prevent victimization. (9 minutes)</td ><td>2005</td><td>9</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4786_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4786_l blPrice">$19.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29982</td><td>Teens: That's Another Story</td><td>A roller-c oaster ride through the spirited and emotional world of raging hormones, this do cumentary explodes stereotypes about teenagers right from the start. In candid i nterviews, a diverse mix of real teens speak for themselves about their lives an d concerns with a depth and level of sophistication that might surprise many adu lts. From 18-year-old Rick, who was born with the HIV virus, to Amanda Beard, wh o won an Olympic gold medal in swimming when she was 14, teens' stories run the gamut of experience. (47 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4787_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4787_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37673</td><td>Telecommunications</td><td>Meet three women wh o have embarked on successful careers in the telecom industry. This program prof iles Josselin Grebinsky, a telecommunications specialist who maintains instituti onal systems; Louise Meilleur, a technical support specialist who designs teleco mmunications systems for clients; and Mindy Turk, a naval communicator making he r way up in the ranks. Remarks from co-workers and supervisors provide additiona l layers to the descriptions of each job. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4788_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4788_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11687</td><td>Telenovelas: Love, TV, and Power</td><td>If TV is the opiate of today's masses, then the Latin American telenovela-broadcast s ix days a week in prime time to more than 120 countries-is the leading genre. Th is program examines the cultural impact of the telenovela and its influence on L atin American power politics. Interviews with sociologist Joan Luis von Tilburg; media moguls Emilio Azcarrage and Roberto Marinho; and others are included, alo ng with generous clips from the sensational By These Streets, which closely para llels Venezuelan news events, and the mega-popular Brazilian romantic melodrama Body and Soul. (59 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4789_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4789_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8839</td><td>Televangelism in Brazil</td><td>Until recently, Brazil was the world's most populous Catholic nation-until the Pentecostal Prot estants began a televangelical campaign that has resulted in a national identity crisis. This program examines the TV ratings war between the Pentecostals and t he Catholics, whose Charismatics are countering with television programming of t heir own. Additional insights are offered by Liberation theologian Leonardo Boff . (42 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>42</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4790_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4790_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8519</td><td>Television History</td><td>Few innovations of t he 20th century can top the television in overall effect on culture and daily li fe. This program covers the development of TV from the labs of John Baird, Philo T. Farnsworth, and Vladimir Zworykin to the present day. Pioneered as a futuris tic and somewhat farfetched experimental branch of radio technology, television began as a very expensive luxury. Though its progress was slowed by World War II

, the television industry exploded in the 1950s and now enjoys a 99 percent pene tration of American households, with U.S. viewing reaching 250 billion hours per year. This program is an excellent tool for anyone studying the techno-cultural phenomenon of television. (28 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4791_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4791_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8516</td><td>Television News</td><td>How do you juggle journ alistic ideals with bottom-line concerns? Each day both local and national TV ne ws operations attempt to report on the day's events in a way that will maximize viewers and advertising dollars. But what is the downside of this tortured calcu lus? In this program, a wide assortment of news professionals and scholars cast a critical eye on the practices, content, and impact of TV news. Some charge tha t the race to the ratings jackpot has eroded the integrity and objectivity of ne wscasters. If this is not so, how does a newfound emphasis on the sensational an d pop culture square with their duty to keep viewers informed about important is sues of the body politic? (28 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4792_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4792_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>1700</td><td>The Tell-Tale Heart</td><td>Here is Poe weaving a web of psychological terror as a murderer recounts the bizarre details of his crimes against "the old man with the evil eye." The intensity and emotion build as the murderer becomes unhinged, a victim of his own crime. Again, the strengt h of Pomerleau's performance enables the audience to feel the power of Poe's mac abre imagination. (20 minutes)</td><td>1988</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4793_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4793_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>864</td><td>Temple Priests and Civil Servants</td><td>The mi ne and the palace compound show how life was lived for centuries in ancient Egyp t, until faraway battles and changing weather created shortages and discontent. The program discusses the granite quarry; the construction of the mud-brick pala ce of the King; the temple, the relationship between pharaoh, gods, priests, and common people; the temple calendar; the average villager's diet; religious cere monies, music, and dancing; the coming of drought, the decline in supplies, and the resultant outburst-the first sit-in in recorded history; and the beginnings of class divisions in the village. (25 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4794_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4794_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d>

</tr><tr> <td>32480</td><td>Tempting Faith: Is Charitable Choice Working?< /td><td>The implementation of the 1996 welfare reform act's Charitable Choice pr ovision has proved controversial in the extreme. In this program, supporters and opponents alike give a clear sense of what is at stake as they examine the appl ication of Charitable Choice in Indiana, Massachusetts, and North Carolina-state s with distinctly different political cultures and religious landscapes. These a cademic, religious, legal, and human services experts debate the pros and cons o f faith-based/public partnerships as they shine the light of inquiry into the wi dening gray zone between church and state. (57 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>57< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4795_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4795_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8007</td><td>Ten Commandments of Resumes</td><td>Resume writ ing is considered by many to be the most difficult part of the job search proces s. It is tough to know what the employer is looking for, and even more difficult to express your abilities in a way that gets attention. Discussing ten importan t tips for writing an excellent resume, this exciting video gives the viewer the knowledge needed to stand out in a crowd of job seekers. An outstanding resume is more important than ever today because of growing competition in the job mark et. This program helps job seekers create effective, dynamic resumes. Topics cov ered include the importance of focusing on the employer's needs, not your own; h ow to use powerful assertions; how to inspire and excite the employer; and much more. Also covered: tips to make the "skills and accomplishments" section and th e "list of qualifications" section of the resume intriguing, not boring. A must for anyone seeking a career.A Cambridge Educational Production. One 35-minute vi deo.</td><td>1997</td><td>35</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4796_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4796_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5207</td><td>Ten Years of Social Struggles: Who We Are</td>< td>Television has emerged as a dominant teaching tool in the area of complex con temporary social issues-a modern-day civics text. The range of subjects is as di verse as our culture: welfare, the farm crisis, the state of the American family , abortion, race relations. Yet documentaries are a threatened species because t hey take so long to research, report, shoot, and edit. Still, news of the docume ntary's death has been exaggerated; each of the excerpts in this program is an e loquent testimonial to the triumph of the television documentary form. Narrated by Peter Jennings. (30 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4797_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4797_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9215</td><td>Tennessee Williams and the American South</td>< td>This outstanding program traces the life of Tennessee Williams, revisiting th

e locations in the southern states that were his inspiration. Scenes from Willia ms' most memorable works, including The Glass Menagerie and A Streetcar Named De sire, evoke the atmosphere, characters, and conflicts of the Deep South, while f ootage of a rare television interview and a dramatic reenactment of the life of the young Tennessee provide new insights into one of America's greatest playwrig hts. (45 minutes)</td><td>1989</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4798_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4798_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32749</td><td>Teotihuacan: The City of the Gods</td><td>Repu tedly the first great city of the Western hemisphere, Teotihuacan, the City of t he Gods, is also one of the most mysterious. Who lived there? What were its inha bitants like? And why did their culture collapse? In this program, archaeologist Ruben Cabrera Castro, co-director of the site, leads the way down the Avenue of the Dead-and inside both the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon, no rmally closed to the public. The city's political, religious, commercial, and ar tistic influences on subsequent societies are considered. A virtual fly-over rev eals Teotihuacan's carefully planned layout. (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>2 7</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4799_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4799_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32279</td><td>Terrazzo, Tile, and Marble Workers</td><td>Onc e your students have taken the tour and seen what the skilled construction trade s have to offer, they will want to know more about specific jobs that may intere st them. This fast-paced program provides a concise profile of terrazzo, tile, a nd marble workers, looking at educational background, apprenticeships, salary, a nd the work itself. (13 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4800_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4800_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34820</td><td>Terrorism: BioAttack</td><td>One of the most d readed weapons in the terrorist's arsenal can be delivered in a paper envelope. Vividly exploring situations that public officials, health care workers, and law enforcement personnel would have to confront in the event of a biological attac k, a panel of experts wrestles with questions that have gone largely unanswered in the public record: Who among America's leadership is in charge of the respons e? Who gets medical treatment, and who decides? Must the affected city be quaran tined? Will people be prohibited from leaving? Moderated by ABC News Chief Legal Correspondent Cynthia McFadden, this Fred Friendly Seminar lays bare the centra l issues of homeland security and the possibility that a biological attack would turn America into a much different place overnight. (57 minutes)</td><td>2005</ td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4801_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4801_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8310</td><td>Testament: The Early Church and the Jewish Dias pora</td><td>Using the book the Acts of the Apostles, this program traces the bi rth of Christianity to the development of the first Christian communities. Chris tian persecutions and the role of the catacombs as places of hiding and worship are discussed, along with the activities of the founders of the first synods, th eologians Gregory of Nyssa, John Chrysostom, and Saint Augustine. An examination of the Jewish diaspora from ancient times to the present provides a valuable hi storical perspective on political events in Israel and the Middle East. (52 minu tes)</td><td>1998</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4802_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4802_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33075</td><td>Testing the Limits of Possibility: Massive Dam s and Waterworks</td><td>When it comes to water management, many politicians and technocrats have felt that colossal problems are only solved by colossal projec ts: dams. But blind faith in concrete can often have devastating effects on comm unities and the environment. This program examines the positive and negative imp act, as well as the politics and economics of several ongoing or proposed projec ts: China's Three Gorges Dam, Egypt's Mubarak pumping station, pit-mine reclamat ion in Germany's Lausitz region, and Spain's controversial national hydrological plan for the Ebro river. (27 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4803_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4803_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37686</td><td>Textiles</td><td>This program profiles three w omen who have fashioned successful careers in the textile industry: Nathalie Jac ques, a planning manager for an upholstery and fabric manufacturer; Myriam Phane uf, a research and development technician who creates new textile designs thread by thread; and Tarah Jakubiak, Vice President of Sales for an international fab ric producer. Additional information from co-workers and supervisors supplements each job profile. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4804_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4804_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10114</td><td>Thailand: King, Combat, and Ad Karabao</td><td >Unlike its neighbors, Thailand has never been colonized or annexed-but keeping it that way has been a stern challenge. This program examines Thailand's politic al independence, which is based on democratic and generally peaceful rule by a c ulturally supported monarchy. However, growing dissatisfaction has caused grass-

roots dissent, as demonstrated by the lyrics of pop music idol d Karabao, who pr otests against imported consumer goods, and the agitation of "Ubon Without a Bor der," a group lobbying for open access with Laos and Cambodia. The powerful yet incongruous influences of Thai boxing and Buddhism are also assessed. (48 minute s)</td><td>1998</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4805_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4805_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8026</td><td>Thank You for Calling! Effective Telephone Tech niques</td><td>This video provides students with the basic skills needed to hand le all types of business telephone communications. Shows the viewer how to deal with the proper procedures for answering the telephone, taking messages, screeni ng calls, and handling irate callers. Presents the steps for placing calls, incl uding a brief look at the telephone directory, local and long distance calls, ef ficient use of the telephone, and more. A Cambridge Educational Production. One 30-minute video and workbook with reproducible worksheets.</td><td>1992</td><td> 30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4806_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4806_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36540</td><td>Thanks for the Memories: How Children Remember </td><td>Do our brains store experiences from our first few months of life? What happens to children who witness disturbing events before age two? How does bein g unwanted affect a baby? This program explores the personal significance of mem ory and examines the developmental stages at which meaningful awareness is forme d. Visiting a group of 25 children, the film observes them as they turn two year s old and studies the relationship between their memories and their current stat e. Among them are troubled Charlotte, who has converted her fear and sadness int o bad behavior, and Jamie, whose mother has had difficulty forming an attachment to him. Original BBCW broadcast title: Thanks for the Memories. Part of the BBC series Child of Our Time 2002. (60 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4807_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4807_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31150</td><td>Thapelo: A Prayer for Africa</td><td>In post-a partheid South Africa, one in two children die of AIDS, one in two women are rap ed, and 20,000 homicides occur annually-the world's highest murder rate. Against these appalling statistics and a disintegrating social fabric, this program pre sents examples of South Africa's greatest hope, the spirit of its people, such a s Garra, who feeds 400 children a day out of her tiny apartment's kitchen; Kate and Busi, both rape victims and HIV-positive, who counsel other survivors; and a soccer team of AIDS educators who take their safe-sex message on the road. (53 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4808_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4808_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33516</td><td>That Surprising French Language!-in French</td ><td>This engaging five-part series studies a language often called the most cul tured and colorful in the world. Topics include reading and writing, speaking an d spelling, a bit of French history, and a journey around the globe to see and a ppreciate the universality and vitality of the language. French, 5-part series, 26-28 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4809_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4809_l blPrice">$449.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9292</td><td>THC</td><td>This video examines THC and the can nabinoids marijuana, hashish, and hash oil. Expert commentary is presented by fo rmer NFL player Charles Hunt, a pharmacist, a police officer, addiction counselo rs, a historian, a pastor, recovering addicts, and others. Together, they explai n the history and biological effects of THC, investigating its use, abuse, and h azards, and its reputation as a gateway drug. A Cambridge Educational Production . (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4810_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4810_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10522</td><td>"The Play's the Thing": China's Cultural Revol ution</td><td>The Cultural Revolution, which started in 1966, had less to do wit h culture than with a violent attempt to control the minds of the Chinese people . Yet it was a play, which slyly criticized Chairman Mao, that raised the curtai n on this horrendous period in China's history, acting as a catalyst for the bru tal reforms. Beginning with an excerpt from The Dismissal of Hai Rui, this progr am presents the details of the movement that led to the deaths of half a million people before finally consuming itself. Jack Gray, author of Rebellions and Rev olutions, and Zhang Yongning, son of a Party official, offer their insights into the Communist politics of the day. (25 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>26</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4811_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4811_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1699</td><td>"The Raven" and Other Poems</td><td>If "The Rav en" is not the best-known American poem, then "Annabel Lee" is. Both have endure d because they successfully illustrate Poe's esthetic theories of poetics; they use natural, comprehensible language whose music weaves a spell that underscores and heightens the language. These two poems and "The Dream within a Dream" are performed (not merely read!) as Poe himself might have recited them to his peers

-with deep passion and intensity, but always with maximum attention to the text itself. The result is to magnify the mood and clarify the meaning, but never to illustrate, which the reader should do in his or her mind's eye. (17 minutes)</t d><td>1988</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4812_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4812_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>31277</td><td>"The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe</td>< td>Filmed in Gothic monochrome and recited in lively fashion by British actor Jo ss Ackland, Edgar Allan Poe's classic short story of premeditated evil comes ali ve in this engaging program. Supplementing the dramatization, writer and film di rector Neil Jordan discusses the story's powerful imagery, particularly that of the eye and the heartbeat, along with Poe's lasting influence. (25 minutes)</td> <td>2000</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4813_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4813_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10986</td><td>Theater in Japan: Yesterday and Today</td><td> Theater has a long history in Japan, ranging from traditional Kabuki to today's avant-garde performing arts. This program explores the cultural debate within Ja pan regarding traditional forms of theater and more contemporary variations, inc luding the adaptation of Western texts such as Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard and street theater. Interviews with many of Japan's leading playwrights such as Tade shi Suzuki and some of the country's most talented performers present an encompa ssing-and engrossing-overview of the modern Japanese theater scene. (53 minutes) </td><td>1989</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4814_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4814_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1637</td><td>Theatrical Devices in Classical Theatre</td><td >This program covers the purpose, design, and uses of the ekkyklema for showing the victims and perpetrators of off-stage violence; the deus ex machina, a crane mechanism to suspend gods above the stage; Charonian steps, for ghosts from the underworld; and other means of entrance and exit. It also explains the reasons for New Comedy, its audience, and its physical requirements. (20 minutes)</td><t d>1989</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4815_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4815_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>38797</td><td>Thebes, Part 1: Life on the West Bank of the N

ile</td><td>It has long been held that ancient Egyptians viewed the east bank of the Nile as life on Earth and the west bank as life in the hereafter, a vision that strictly ruled their urban planning. But recent archaeological digs at Theb es have revealed a somewhat different story. This program examines the houses of priests and other structures that indicate bustling activity on the funereal we st bank-among the temple complexes as well as at Deir el-Medina, a village for t he onsite laborers and craftsmen who were previously thought to be the only perm anent residents of the necropolis. (27 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4816_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4816_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38798</td><td>Thebes, Part 2: Death on the West Bank of the Nile</td><td>Ancient Egypt's greatest concentration of divine and funerary monum ents is located on the west bank of the Nile at Thebes. Using computer-generated animation, onsite commentary by members of France's National Center for Scienti fic Research, and close-up archaeological footage, this program addresses the or igin and evolution of religious belief in Egypt, the offices and power of the pr iesthood, and the layout, function, and symbolism of the Temple of Karnak and it s precincts. Specific aspects of death such as mummification and the ritual of t he open mouth are given special attention. (27 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>28< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4817_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4817_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5735</td><td>Theme Maps</td><td>Several techniques for mappi ng population density are explored in this program. (10 minutes)</td><td>1985</t d><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4818_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4818_l blPrice">$45.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3346</td><td>The Theory of Inheritance</td><td>Darwin's theo ry of natural selection, to be valid, required explanations for both the origin of variation and for the inheritance of variants. John Maynard Smith explains La marck's theory of the inheritance of acquired characteristics (in which Darwin b elieved), Weismann's theory of separate inheritance lines of germ and soma, Mend el's experiments and explanations, and the discovery of the role of DNA in the t ransmission of genetic information. (26 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>26</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4819_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4819_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>10652</td><td>There's No Place Like Home: The Return to Home schooling</td><td>Recent statistics indicate that more than two million students in the U.S. are taught at home. Why are so many parents opting to educate their children themselves? Are they wary of violence in public schools? Do they lack confidence in what they perceive as a one-size-fits-all approach to learning? Or are they intent on adding a fourth R, religion, to the traditional three? This program examines the homeschooling phenomenon with Chris Klicka, director of the Center for Home Schooling; two pairs of parent-teachers; and two students, curr ently in college, who were homeschooled. (30 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>30</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4820_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4820_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31959</td><td>Thermal Insulation and Vapor Barriers</td><td> For economic reasons as well as comfort, insulation is a key component to any ho me construction project. This program covers the essentials about weatherstrippi ng, loose fill insulation, rigid insulation, R-values of insulation efficiency, installation of vapor barriers, and estimating materials for the job. A viewable /printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the Competencie s and Objectives of the National Center for Construction Education & Research. A Shopware Production. (13 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4821_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4821_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10127</td><td>Thermochemistry</td><td>This program heats thi ngs up with a concentrated analysis of thermochemistry, explaining precisely how temperature figures into chemical reactions. Section one covers endothermic and exothermic reactions, the standard enthalpy of formation, and the workings of H ess's Law, while section two explains the concepts of heat capacity, molar heat capacity, and specific heat. (17 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4822_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4822_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10287</td><td>Thermodynamics</td><td>A 100% efficient automo bile engine is a nice idea. Unfortunately, it breaks the law-the Second Law of T hermodynamics, that is. This program judiciously explains both Laws of Thermodyn amics, providing details on isovolumetric, isobaric, and adiabatic processes. He at engines, with their hot and cold reservoirs, are also given their day in cour t, along with the concept of entropy, which is charged with disorderly conduct. (27 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4823_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4823_l

blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11414</td><td>They Surveyed the World: Exploring the Arab Em pire and Beyond</td><td>During the 10th century, people routinely journeyed from one end of the huge Arab empire to the other-and even into non-Islamic lands fa r to the north and the east. Who were these travelers, and what did they seek? T his program captures what it was like to be a pilgrim in a caravan bound for Mec ca, an official carrying out the Caliph's orders, a scholar seeking knowledge, a merchant in search of new markets, and an explorer charting the seas. Some of t he era's most memorable personalities-the mathematician al-Khuwarizmi, the chron icler Abul Hasan Ali al-Mas'udi, the cartographer Abu al-Qasim Muhammad ibn Hawq al-are profiled. (Portions in French with English subtitles, 27 minutes)</td><td >1999</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4824_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4824_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33510</td><td>Thieves of Time: Who Owns the Past?</td><td>Th is program, introduced by author Tony Hillerman, studies Native American burial grounds over five centuries of cultural, scientific, and legal change. The Nativ e American Graves Repatriation Act, covering the ownership and study of human re mains and sacred objects, is given special emphasis. Interviews with Martin Sull ivan, director of the Heard Museum, in Phoenix; Paul Bender, former dean of The College of Law at Arizona State University; Richard Rabinowitz, Harvard Universi ty historian; and Walter Echo-Hawk, of the Native American Rights Fund, are feat ured. (28 minutes, color)</td><td>1992</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4825_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4825_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32213</td><td>Thinking Big</td><td>This program brings toget her six icons of intellect-mathematician John Nash, mathematical biologist Marti n Nowak, mathematician Enrico Bombieri, mathematical physicist Freeman Dyson, cu ltural anthropologist Clifford Geertz, and pianist Robert Taub-who talk about mi lestones on their roads to success. In the process, they range far and wide, cov ering topics such as game theory, the evolution and cultural adaptation of langu age, the Riemann hypothesis, genetic engineering, nuclear-powered spacecraft, th e ethnography of Southeast Asia and North Africa, Beethoven's piano sonatas, and even the movie A Beautiful Mind. (57 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4826_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4826_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11402</td><td>Thinking Globally, Acting Locally about Your E nvironment</td><td>Ozone, groundwater contamination, and hazardous waste disposa l are only three of the many ecological hurdles to be jumped in the race to save

the Earth. This program investigates the major environmental problems facing th e United States today and the possible health hazards associated with each. Cont ributing factors such as rapid resource depletion and an ever-growing population are considered, as well as positive steps that can be taken by communities and individuals to help reduce the impact of these and other exacerbating factors. ( 28 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4827_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4827_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6550</td><td>A Third Choice</td><td>This program examines Am erica's fascinating national experience with third parties and independent candi dates, covering more than 200 years of American political history. The program l ooks back to the birth of the two-party system and explores the most influential third-party movements in American political history, including Abraham Lincoln and the rise of the Republicans, Teddy Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party, Strom Thurm ond's Dixiecrats and Henry Wallace's Progressives in the 1948 elections, George Wallace's American Independent Party in 1968, and Ross Perot. The program featur es interviews with leading academic experts on American politics, a rich collect ion of campaign memorabilia, rare archival footage, artwork, political cartoons, and campaign songs. (57 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4828_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4828_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35381</td><td>The Third of May 1808</td><td>"It's the reveng e of power on those that dare to challenge it." So begins this program on Goya's haunting painting of defiance and despair, The Third of May 1808. The video kee nly conveys the circumstances of the Spanish uprising against the French, relate s Goya's deafness to his darkening artistic vision, examines Goya's painting tec hnique, analyzes The Third of May's symbolism, illustrates the painting's influe nce on both the art world and society in general, and comments on its prescience in prefiguring the horrors of future atrocities. The painting's companion, The Second of May 1808, is also discussed, as are Goya's engravings The Disasters of War and "the black paintings." A BBCW Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2004</td ><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4829_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4829_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34181</td><td>The Third World War: Al Qaeda</td><td>A global enemy requires a global response. This powerful series explores the unparallele d level of international cooperation necessary to defeat the al Qaeda network an d contain terrorism. Interviews granted by intelligence officials in the United States, Europe, and Southeast Asia-as well as detailed conversations with captur ed terrorists-contribute to a document of epic proportions, clearly portraying w hat many see as a new world war. A BBCW Production. 3-part series, 41 minutes ea ch.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4830_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4830_l blPrice">$389.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33072</td><td>Thirsty Planet</td><td>Funded in part by UNESC O, this six-part series provides a comprehensive, up-to-the-minute examination o f the world's water crisis. Footage from around the globe is combined with comme ntary from corporate and public leaders, scientists, farmers, engineers, and exp erts including Klaus Topfer of the UN Environment Program, Peter H. Gleick of th e Pacific Institute, and Vandana Shiva, author of Water Wars. 6-part series, 27 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4831_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4831_l blPrice">$539.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33212</td><td>"This Earth, This Realm, This England"</td><td >Has any single person shaped English more than William Shakespeare? This progra m uses unparalleled access to some of the greatest English texts, including the first English dictionary and a rare first folio of Shakespeare's plays, to illus trate the great Bard's influence. John Barton, honorary associate director of th e Royal Shakespeare Company, discusses the sound and accessibility of Shakespear e's words. His impact is also examined in the larger context of Elizabethan Engl and and the Renaissance. (52 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4832_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4832_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8064</td><td>This Is a Test...This Is Only a Test: Test-Taki ng Techniques</td><td>For many students, the mere thought of taking a test sends adrenaline running throughout their bodies, brings perspiration to their brows, and causes them to suddenly forget everything they have learned. This humorous and informative video teaches students the art of stress-free test-taking. Stude nts learn how to put test-taking into its proper perspective and realize that al though tests are important, they are simply a way to measure one's knowledge of a subject. This is a Test stresses that no gimmick or shortcut can take the plac e of knowledge and teaches tips for reviewing and retaining information with eas y-to-implement, effective study techniques. Students learn how test scores and a nxiety levels are affected by preparing, organizing, cramming, and anticipating. Students discover the most effective ways to approach common test formats (mult iple choice, standardized, matching, true/false, and essay), the importance of r eading questions carefully, and the benefits of preparing themselves physically as well as mentally. A Cambridge Educational Production. One 30-minute video and how-to-study book.</td><td>1992</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4833_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4833_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span>

</td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8065</td><td>This Way to an A: Effective Study Skills</td><t d>Why do we have to learn this? When will I ever use this information once I get out of school? When students acquire the ability to answer these questions for themselves, they develop an improved understanding of their subjects along with the ability to identify and retain pertinent information. This upbeat video teac hes students the Empty "V" System which stresses the importance and effectivenes s of deciding the purpose of each lesson in order to better understand key infor mation. Students learn proven techniques for studying, reviewing, and retaining information that fit into any lifestyle or class structure. Reading and taking n otes becomes easier, more effective, and less time-consuming as students learn h ow to find key facts and ideas. Study sessions become more efficient as students learn tips for condensing information into memorable formats and the effectiven ess of frequently referring to the condensed versions. This important lesson ent ertains busy, lazy, eager, and reluctant students as they learn to apply the ski lls that last a lifetime. A Cambridge Educational Production. One 30-minute vide o and how-to-study book.</td><td>1992</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4834_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4834_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3710</td><td>Thomas Hart Benton: Tom Benton's Missouri</td>< td>Painting America was his life's work, and Thomas Hart Benton was at the apex of his career when he painted Social History of the State of Missouri. This prog ram explores this, the most ambitious mural by America's foremost muralist, and its depiction of Missouri's history from pioneer days to the Depression era. The program is narrated by Benton (using recorded interviews), with additional comm entary by historian Bob Priddy. (28 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4835_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4835_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10036</td><td>Thomas Mann: The Magic Mountain</td><td>A nove l of ideas at once serious and comic, The Magic Mountain offers a bird's-eye vie w of the political, philosophical, and social landscapes of pre-World War I Euro pe. This program uses provocative dramatizations of key scenes from Thomas Mann' s grotesque bildungsroman and employs the character of Mann himself, in a re-cre ation of a 1939 lecture, as a guide to the story's heights and depths. In additi on, Mann's biographer, Nigel Hamilton, inquires into the story's manipulation of time and the effects of environment on identity. (60 minutes)</td><td>1987</td> <td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4836_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4836_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7298</td><td>Thomas Middleton and William Rowley: The Change

ling</td><td>Famed British actor Bob Hoskins gives a triumphant performance in t his Jacobean parody of Shakespeare, written in the 17th century by Elizabethan p laywrights Thomas Middleton and William Rowley. Beatrice (Elizabeth McGovern) is contracted to marry Alonzo (Peter Darling), but is in love with Alsemero (Hugh Grant). She hires the deviant DeFlores, played to the hilt by Hoskins, to kill A lonzo. DeFlores, enamored of Beatrice, is blind to the terrible price he will pa y. Directed by Simon Curtis. A BBC Production. (92 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td >92</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4837_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4837_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33444</td><td>Thomas More: Utopia</td><td>Thomas More's Utop ia, one of the most significant texts of English humanism, has become the ideal for a society based on fundamental human principles of fairness and justice. Thi s program follows the progress of More's intellectual development, from his earl y friendship with the influential humanist Erasmus of Rotterdam, to his rise to power as a member of Parliament and later Chancellor of England, through his tem pestuous relationship with King Henry VIII-who would eventually break away from the Catholic Church and set into motion More's execution. In this program, quota tions from Utopia serve as a dramatic counterpoint to More's own life story, bri nging into stark relief the contrast between his idealized state and the real wo rld in which he lived and died. (24 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4838_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4838_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11504</td><td>Those Who Can ... Teach</td><td>Historically, America has displayed an ambivalence toward public school teachers, expecting mu ch from them while frequently offering little respect, meager pay, and inadequat e working conditions. This program traces the evolution of teaching as a profess ion, honoring educators who risked everything to stand up for teachers' rights. Stanford University's Linda Darling-Hammond; Lorraine Monroe, of the School Lead ership Academy; and others talk about issues such as training, unionization, sta ndards, bureaucracy, and professional growth, while four intern teachers share t he lessons of their baptisms of fire. (56 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>56</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4839_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4839_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11419</td><td>The Thousand and One Nights: A Historical Pers pective</td><td>Encompassing fairy tales, romances, legends, fables, parables, a nd anecdotes, The Thousand and One Nights is a composite of popular oral stories that developed over several centuries, mainly during the Empire of the Caliphat e. This program scrutinizes the wonderfully audacious tale of Scheherazade and w hat it tells the attentive reader about the dreams of Arab men and women during the empire's golden age. Recurring themes such as a hunger for adventure and a d

esire to be free from tradition are explored, as well as a conception of power t hat glorifies self-control and disparages violence. (Portions in French with Eng lish subtitles, 27 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4840_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4840_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6549</td><td>Threads of Hope</td><td>This program tells the powerful story of a group of women who banded together and dared to defy the bru tal dictatorship of Chile's Gen. Augusto Pinochet. The women-mothers, wives, and sisters of the tens of thousands of victims of the regime's torture and executi on-armed only with scraps of cloth, sewing needles, and the overwhelming desire to find their loved ones, set to work to tell their stories by creating arpiller as, colorful handmade tapestries which chronicled the horror and injustice of Pi nochet's reign of terror. The tapestries were ultimately smuggled out of the cou ntry and sold, with the proceeds returned to Chile to support the victims' famil ies. The program, narrated by Donald Sutherland, explores the compelling stories of three of these women and how through their vibrant and beautiful art they we re able to transform their trauma, grief, and their hope into commitment to help the survivors, and in their own way, to help democracy to return to Chile. (51 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4841_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4841_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30418</td><td>Threads of Life: The Power of Genes</td><td>Ho w are Aborigine children able to score so well on memory tests? Why do Europeans have a higher alcohol tolerance than Asians? What makes Kenyans such extraordin ary marathon runners? Drawing from a fascinating array of examples, this program uses outstanding graphics and illuminating metaphors to bring home the power of a set of chemical instructions called genes. Laboratory experiments and real-li fe cases also show the dramatic effects of mutations, such as atavism and albini sm. As scientists discover what these genetic switches control, the grim fact of heredity-that two out of three people will die for reasons connected with the g enes they carry-may be relegated to the dustbin of history. A BBC Production. (5 9 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4842_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4842_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8309</td><td>Three Pillars: Confucius, Jesus, and Mohammed</ td><td>The identities of the founders of three major religions-Confucianism, Chr istianity, and Islam-are studied in this program. The story of Confucianism and how its tenets spread to the Chinese social and political structure includes dis cussions about the yin (feminine principle) and the yang (masculine principle). The significance of Jesus as a prophet for Muslims, and God incarnate for Christ ians, is analyzed. Mohammed and the religion he created as codified in the Koran are examined. Temples, churches, and mosques are discussed as intrinsic to the

practice of each religion. (53 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4843_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4843_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>25005</td><td>Three to Five</td><td>Investigates the develop ment of individuality and gross motor skills along with the first stages of soci alization and self-awareness. A Meridian Production. (16 min.)</td><td>1990</td> <td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4844_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4844_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10701</td><td>Through a Blue Lens: A New Take on Drug Abuse Prevention</td><td>When seven police officers decided that patrolling their beat wasn't providing enough of a deterrent for would-be drug users, they began to v ideotape it as well, creating a powerful educational tool to help prevent drug u se among teenagers. This gritty program gives people with addictions a voice as they talk openly about who they are and how they ended up on the streets. Throug h their participation in the video, they hope to prevent others from joining the m in a nightmarish existence where life's highest goal is to get the next fix. S ome content and language may be objectionable. (53 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td >53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4845_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4845_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37018</td><td>Through a Child's Eyes: Views of Global Povert y</td><td>Most elementary-age children exude innocence and optimism. What about kids who face extreme poverty? This documentary focuses on the plight of underpr ivileged nine-year-olds across the world-revealing their hardships and challenge s as well as the light-hearted spirit they often exhibit in spite of their surro undings. Traveling to Egypt, Rwanda, India, Cambodia, Romania, Brazil, and New Y ork City, the film presents a case study of a child in each location through com pelling interviews, tours of struggling schools, and visits to barely livable ho mes. In every segment, the most illuminating moment follows the question, "What would you do if you had a lot of money?" (55 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>55</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4846_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4846_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36103</td><td>Through the Eyes of the Sculptor</td><td>"A sc ulpture comes alive in clay, dies in plaster, and is reborn in marble." This int

ense process has rarely been documented. The program takes viewers inside the Ma libu studios of master sculptor Emmanuel Fillion as he creates a new piece-from a figurative clay model to a life-size marble sculpture. Educated as a restorati on artist, Fillion worked on many important historical monuments in France inclu ding Notre Dame cathedral and the Louvre. In a program highlight, he visits a ma ster carver restoring sculptures on the Pont Neuf, a 17th-century Parisian bridg e. Comparing present-day carving and quarrying methods with those used centuries ago, scenes in the marble mountains of Pietrasanta and Carrara, Italy evoke ric h traditions dating back to Michelangelo's time. (59 minutes)</td><td>2005</td>< td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4847_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4847_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33677</td><td>Through the Looking Glass: The Mirror and the Self-Conscious</td><td>When do humans develop self-consciousness and recognition of others as separate beings? Do these psychological advancements occur differe ntly in animals? Many scientists think so, using the most advanced of scientific equipment to base their conclusions: the common mirror. This engaging and somet imes surprising documentary builds a case for the mirror's role in determining t he stages of psychological progress in humans and animals. Field experiments con ducted by Jim Anderson, researcher in psychology at Sterling University in Scotl and, illustrate how the mirror's secrets teach much about the intelligence of th e animal world. (52 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4848_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4848_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10543</td><td>The Tiananmen Hostage: Fang Lizhi</td><td>In e arly 1989, U.S.-China relations were at an all-time high-until the tragic Tianan men Square demonstration, fomented, some say, by astrophysicist Fang Lizhi and h is wife, Professor Li Shuxian. This program provides a play-by-play account of t he events surrounding the massacre and Fang and Li's escape from China, in the w ords of former emissaries Brent Scowcroft and Larry Eagleburger-an account confi rmed by then-Vice Foreign Minister Zhu Qizhen. Additional interviews with James Baker and numerous others who were on the scene shed light on the dubious triump h of diplomacy over democracy. (52 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4849_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4849_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37445</td><td>Ties that Bind: Connecting Communities across Religious Boundaries</td><td>Fundamentalism may be on the rise, but the American interfaith movement is also alive and well. This Emmy-nominated documentary fol lows seven women-all leaders in Chicago's Christian, Jewish, or Muslim communiti es-who have gathered to share views, express fears and concerns about the post-9 /11 world, and build bridges of peace between their faiths. Participants include the Rev. Willie T. Barrow, chair emeritus of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition; Rabbi

Andrea London of Beth Emet synagogue; and Karen Danielson, Public Education and Outreach Director for the Muslim American Society, Chicago chapter. Commentary i s also provided by National Book Award-winning religion scholar Martin Marty and Interfaith Youth Core founder and executive director Eboo Patel. The DVD versio n includes a discussion guide and bonus disc featuring additional conversations and excerpts from a town hall meeting. (59 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>60</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4850_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4850_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8147</td><td>Ties That Bind: Immigration Stories</td><td>Thi s program looks at the human drama behind the current debate over U.S. immigrati on policy. It roams both sides of the Texas-Mexico border, exploring the root ca uses of why Mexicans immigrate. The role played by transnational corporations an d their social and economic impact on both Mexicans and other North Americans is considered. A second segment explores the determination of immigrants and quest ions why current immigration policies are the most restrictive in years. A third part discusses the strong family values immigrants bring with them as having a positive impact on U.S. culture. Immigrant organizations are examined within the context of the American citizen action tradition. (56 minutes)</td><td>1996</td ><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4851_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4851_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9139</td><td>Tillie Olsen Discusses "I Stand Here Ironing"</ td><td>"Can you imagine? That woman went on for pages just about ironing. Standi ng there ironing!" said an unimaginative judge about Tillie Olsen's short story, submitted in a competition for a fellowship at Stanford University. Olsen credi ts that fellowship, which she won, as the catalyst that transformed her back int o a professional writer after 20 years of motherhood. In this interview conducte d by historian Peter Carroll, Tillie Olsen-known for her powerful writings about the inner lives of the working poor, women, and minorities-discusses her autobi ographical "Help Her to Believe," serendipitously renamed "I Stand Here Ironing. " Previously sold individually under the title Tillie Olsen: "I Stand Here Ironi ng." (18 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4852_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4852_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33874</td><td>Tillie Olsen: "I Stand Here Ironing"</td><td>T his moving dramatization of Tillie Olsen's frequently anthologized "I Stand Here Ironing" is an unvarnished exploration of an impoverished single mother's ambiv alence toward her worth as a parent and her 19-year-old daughter's future. Rich in subtext, the highly metaphorical story-penned in a stark and dramatic fashion devoid of cliche and sentimentality-raises important questions about individual identity, the role of women in society, the effects of poverty and abandonment

on children, the nature of intimacy, and the life experiences of the author hers elf. Without climax or easy answers, the story concludes on a hopeful, or at lea st prayerful, note. (33 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4853_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4853_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33873</td><td>Tillie Olsen: Ironing Out Life</td><td>Publish ed in 1961, "I Stand Here Ironing" is arguably Tillie Olsen's most famous short story. This insightful two-part series pairs a dramatization with an author inte rview for a deep look into an engrossing stream-of-consciousness narrative. 2-pa rt series, 17-32 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4854_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4854_l blPrice">$219.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32380</td><td>The Timber Mafia: The Economics of Deforestati on</td><td>In countries such as Brazil, Cameroon, Cambodia, and the Philippines, organized timber rackets are booming, selling rare wood illegally cut from nati onal parks and nature preserves. Such mercenary deforestation threatens countles s species and has already changed global weather patterns. Often filmed covertly , this program goes inside the illegal timber traffic in Indonesia, examining th e profits and attendant corruption, as well as exposing ongoing logging operatio ns. Economics of the trade and countermeasures are discussed by key figures and experts, including the Indonesian Forestry Minister, the U.K. Environment Minist er, and members of the Environmental Investigation Agency, Malaysian Timber Coun cil, and Worldwide Fund for Nature. (46 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>45</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4855_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4855_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26656</td><td>Timberrr! From Logs to Lumber</td><td>Would yo u like to show your students a comprehensive look at the logging process from be ginning to end, step-by-step, that not only would give them valuable information but would keep them glued to the screen for the entire program? Timberrr! From Logs to Lumber is a fascinating adventure at a Northwoods Sawmill near Crivitz, Wisconsin. Using a host, Mac, who is constantly getting into trouble as he helps the lumberjacks operate heavy machinery, this video provides complete informati on in a humorous and entertaining way. Don't expect talking heads giving facts a nd figures. Do expect disaster as Mac attempts to load logs, drive a forklift, a nd get himself into many other "situations." However, the real stars of the vide o are the machines which cut, stack, haul, and turn logs into lumber products us ed in home building and construction. Watch as giant machines harvest trees...on e huge machine does it all-cuts, de-limbs, and stacks the logs. Kids of all ages love to watch how heavy machinery works and this video has it all...skidders, l oaders, forklifts, and heavy trucks! So...if you're searching for something diff erent...perhaps an entertaining and humorous look at a vital American industry i

s for you in Timberrr! From Logs to Lumber! (26 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>26 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4856_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4856_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29631</td><td>Time and Money</td><td>In this program, Domini c Fonti observes the effects of stress tests on a mock-up of the Worldwide Plaza exterior wall; laborers begin building the skyscraper's frame and pouring its f loors; William Zeckendorf's staff deals with design changes demanded by future t enant Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide, which alters the schedule and budget of the ent ire project; and the architects and developers go head to head over the color of the structure's exterior bricks. A trip to Glen-Gery Brick, based in Wyomissing , Pennsylvania, demonstrates how the nearly 1.25 million bricks needed for the g lass-and-masonry tower are manufactured. (53 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>52< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4857_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4857_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33438</td><td>Time Frenzy: Keeping Up with Tomorrow</td><td> One of the ironies of the ubiquitous technologies now in use is that they were s upposed to save time and improve the quality of life. What went wrong? This caut ionary program examines the social and ethical consequences of the increasingly fast pace of life in the U.S. It contrasts the American 24/7 work ethic with the business traditions of other countries and, in the process, examines the impact of technology on personal relationships, education, health, and the environment . (59 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4858_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4858_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7082</td><td>Time Management</td><td>Three strategies to hel p students make better use of their time are presented in this program. They inc lude the development of a term calendar on which students list important academi c "events," such as term-paper deadlines and exam dates. A weekly schedule allow s students to assess available time and make the most of it. A daily "To-Do List " helps students avoid last-minute cramming for exams and other academic project s. (18 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4859_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4859_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36408</td><td>Time: The Story of Existence</td><td>Is time a

n illusion created within our minds? Or is it a dimension of the physical univer se? Either way, time largely defines the human experience. In this four-part ser ies, string field theory trailblazer Michio Kaku explores inner and outer worlds in search of time's essence and implications. Each program takes on a specific aspect of time: personal perception of it, defiance of it through the scientific search for immortality, our view of it through the scope of Earth's past, and t he panorama of cosmological time. Original BBCW broadcast title: Time. 4-part se ries, 50 minutes each.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4860_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4860_l blPrice">$519.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10481</td><td>A Time to Change</td><td>Whether they want to or not, four out of five Americans will likely die in hospitals or nursing homes , and the care they get will depend on both who is providing it and who is footi ng the bill. In this program, veteran PBS journalist Bill Moyers introduces crus ading medical professionals-including staff members of the Balm of Gilead Projec t in Birmingham, Alabama-who have dedicated themselves to improving end-of-life care by changing America's overburdened health system. The DVD version of this p rogram also includes a special video introduction by Mr. Moyers. (87 minutes)</t d><td>2000</td><td>87</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4861_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4861_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34118</td><td>Time Trip</td><td>This program explores the co mplex landscape of time travel theory. Starting with Newton's conclusions that t ime is fixed and events predetermined, then explaining Einstein's eradication of those notions, the program focuses on exotic speculation begun in the latter pa rt of the 20th century. Interviews with renowned theorists-including Dr. Frank T ipler, who proposes time travel via spinning structures in space, and Dr. Richar d Gott, leading advocate of cosmic strings as time travel hubs-create an engagin g tapestry of possibilities, among them the likelihood that reality may be a New tonian puppet show after all. A BBCW Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2003</td>< td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4862_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4862_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6662</td><td>The Time Value of Money</td><td>The El Sembrado r Worker's Co-op, a fledgling import-export business, secures a start-up loan by proving to investors that money spent wisely today will produce future revenues higher than the initial debt. In the second study, an apple orchard decides whe n to plant and sell based not only on farming knowledge, but also by weighing pr esent expenses against predicted future revenues. (28 minutes)</td><td>1995</td> <td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4863_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4863_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>38711</td><td>The Timebank: An Economy for Everyone</td><td> Transactions that use "time dollars," or currency offered and consumed in the fo rm of services, have become more than just a novelty. This program looks at orga nized systems known as time banks, through which thousands of people-many of who m would likely subsist on charity or government aid in the traditional cash econ omy-now maintain rewarding and productive lives. Taking a global approach, the p rogram examines two institutions that were created independently of each other b ut which have developed along similar lines: Timebank, in the U.S. and Great Bri tain, and the LETS system in Germany. Interviews with Timebank USA chairman Edga r S. Cahn, Timebank London chairman Martin Farrell, and several participants and administrators from both systems illustrate their innovative, community-based a pproach. (47 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4864_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4864_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>17692</td><td>Timing is Everything ... How to Have a Product ive 25-Hour Day</td><td>Managing a schedule, like comedy, is just a matter of ti ming. This "how-to" program takes a look at setting priorities, assessing availa ble time, getting organized, managing interruptions, setting a daily schedule, a nd more. A stand-up comedian introduces each section with his own wacky perspect ive on time management. The humor and information in this video are sure to plea se everyone. Help your students become more efficient time managers-a skill that will help them in school and in the workplace. A Meridian Production. (20 minut es)</td><td>1995</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4865_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4865_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26662</td><td>Tip Top Tots: The Nutrition Pyramid for Presch oolers</td><td>An informative program for caregivers, with a musical ending to t each to the tots! Learn about the nutrition pyramid and serving sizes for presch oolers, why proper nutrition is so important at this age, and how to determine p ortions. Then you will see some creative, fun ways to prepare foods so that chil dren enjoy their mealtimes. (20 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1994</td><t d>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4866_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4866_l blPrice">$74.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>956</td><td>Tirso de Molina: El Burlador de Sevilla</td><td> A superb production of Tirso's most famous work, the play that introduced the th

eme of Don Juan into European literature. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 2 hours) </td><td>1987</td><td>122</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4867_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4867_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>4802</td><td>'Tis Pity She's a Whore: The First Women on the London Stage</td><td>Women appeared on London's stages for the first time in 16 60; before that, female roles were played by boys. When the first woman stepped onto the public stage, she was assumed to be a whore; men had free access to the ir dressing rooms and at least two, Moll Davis and Nell Gwynn, were mistresses t o King Charles II. This program looks at the background and training of these fi rst actresses, at their influence on plays written at the time, at their lives a nd the roles they played, and at how their sexuality and availability became the central feature of their professional identity. (26 minutes)</td><td>1994</td>< td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4868_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4868_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11124</td><td>Tissue Engineering: Custom-Made Organs on Dema nd</td><td>Still in its infancy, tissue engineering has already made it possible to grow human-based substitutes for basic bodily systems. In this program, expe rts from MIT, the Georgia Institute of Technology, and Advanced Tissue Sciences, a commercial leader in tissue engineering technology, focus on synthesized skin and arteries, as well as cellular growth-inducing patches. Applications of thes e products for burn victims and people with diabetes are demonstrated. In additi on, industry challenges including government regulation, mass production, and th e forming of strategic alliances for research and distribution are addressed. (2 2 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4869_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4869_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7029</td><td>To Be a Mother in Latin America</td><td>This pr ogram discusses reproduction and motherhood in the hyper-patriarchal societies o f Latin America. Women on different economic and social levels discuss such topi cs as working mothers, and how the extended family contributes to child-rearing; the sterilization movement; abortion; gay parenting; manipulation of women's re productive rights by governments; and how access to medical services varies from country to country. Also available in Spanish. (60 minutes)English</td><td>1992 </td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4870_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4870_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></

td> </tr><tr> <td>4590</td><td>To Be Old, Black, and Poor</td><td>This is a gr itty and painfully real exposition of what it means to be black, poor, and elder ly in the U.S. The film crew documents the life of Leonard and Sarah Bass on and off for six months, recording their struggle to survive, watching as well-meani ng neighbors and opportunists come and go.(52 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>52 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4871_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4871_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30041</td><td>To Catch a Killer: The Use and Abuse of Crimin al Profiling</td><td>In 2001, the last piece of a serial rape/murder case that h ad tantalized London police for nearly 20 years finally fell into place. In this program, retired FBI profiler Robert Ressler, LAPD psychologist Kris Mohandie, and British law enforcement professionals discuss the history and techniques of criminal profiling within the context of the Railway Rapist crimes that terroriz ed greater London during the 1980s. In addition, the sensational case of Rachel Nickell, murdered in broad daylight on Wimbledon Common in 1992, illustrates how profiling improperly applied can hijack an investigation. Forensic psychologist Gisli Gudjonsson, of King's College London, provides commentary on that crime. (46 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4872_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4872_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36130</td><td>To Have and Have Not: Wealth and Poverty in th e New China</td><td>Every year this nation's economy struggles to absorb million s of the unemployed, while the rich move to gated communities with private schoo ls and tennis courts. That might sound like America, but it isn't. This Wide Ang le documentary studies the new China, once the home of Mao's rigidly imposed soc ial equality-and today, a member of the World Trade Organization containing both staggeringly wealthy and tragically destitute citizens. The country's commitmen t to private enterprise and free markets may reshape China more in a single year than most countries change in a decade. This eye-opening program illustrates th e effect of that dynamic on the people of China. (56 minutes)</td><td>2002</td>< td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4873_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4873_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3285</td><td>To the New Elizabethans (1945- )</td><td>Drabne ss and shortages marked the years after World War II, until Dior's New Look arri ved. And then a parade of innovations: artificial fibers, separates, casual clot hes, stiletto heels and witches' toes, Teddy boys and zoot suits-an example of f ashion coming from below and not above. It took 15 years from the introduction o f the lady's pantsuit until a woman wearing pants was admitted to a tony London

restaurant; meanwhile, Mary Quant arrived with clothes made for young people, mi niskirts, tights. Boutiques were in. And above all, people asserted their own pe rsonalities in selecting their clothes, instead of letting "fashion" dictate. (2 6 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4874_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4874_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>12047</td><td>Tobacco</td><td>Whether smoked or chewed, toba cco is a delivery system for a very potent drug: nicotine. "It's actually the le vel of nicotine in the blood stream that the body is responding to... We see the same kind of thing with, for example, the addiction to heroin or the addiction to cocaine," says Ben Jones, of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Depe ndence. In this program, teens Nate, Kay, Joy, and Tony frankly describe their e xperiences with tobacco. A recurring theme of their individual stories is the fe eling of coolness and social acceptance that comes with smoking and dipping-a pe rception that the program's experienced addiction counselors are quick to deflat e, while tarring the media and a permissive society as the primary forces behind tobacco's attraction. A satiric onscreen "quiz" also helps strip the glamor fro m tobacco use. A Cambridge Educational Production. (22 minutes)</td><td>2001</td ><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4875_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4875_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8202</td><td>Tobacco Road: A Dead End</td><td>Hard-hitting, graphic footage and interviews with people stricken with tobacco-related illness es-lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease, and vascular disease-stand in stark co ntrast to teen testimony that reflects dangerously blase attitudes toward smokin g. Explicit operating room scenes of portions of a lung being removed drive home the serious results of smoking and are bound to stir up emotions in teens who h ave so far refused to heed other warnings about the dangers of tobacco. A Cambri dge Educational Production. (29 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4876_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4876_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11427</td><td>The Toddler and Preschool Years</td><td>Bedtim e tantrums, poor mealtime manners, whining for attention, refusing to share-all are typical behaviors in young children that can test the patience of the most d evoted parent or caregiver. Filmed with real families, this program shows how to use positive discipline techniques such as timeouts and problem-solving to guid e youngsters into better behavior. A pre-discipline review is also suggested: Is the child tired or hungry? Bored or frustrated? Or maybe even frightened? A Cam bridge Educational Production. (28 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4877_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4877_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34934</td><td>Toilet Training</td><td>In 1957, 92 percent of American children were toilet trained by 18 months. Today, only 60 percent of k ids are trained by age three. This video explores ways to help children adjust t o life after diapers. (22 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4878_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4878_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34171</td><td>Tokyo: The Neon City</td><td>Tokyo is one of t he most technologically advanced cities on the planet, but Japan's low birth rat e and the diversifying interests of its young people are causing Tokyo to rely i ncreasingly on skilled immigrant labor. This program examines the implications o f that change, gathering insightful commentary from a wide range of Japanese soc iety about multiculturalism, racism, and interracial marriage. While the program cites one statistic saying 80 percent of Japanese citizens oppose foreign immig ration, its anecdotal approach suggests more tolerance and sophistication. As th e French CEO of the Nissan Corporation declares, Japan's involvement in globaliz ation is here to stay. (26 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4879_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4879_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1649</td><td>The Tokyo Trial</td><td>This program presents a clear, concise, and complete history of events in the Far East from the Sino-Ja panese War of 1894 through 1952. The International Military Tribunal for the Far East provides the framework for this monumental archive. The program uses the c harges themselves and the evidence presented to illustrate the events: the Manch urian, Sian, China, and Nanking Incidents; the occupation of Northern Indochina; the Japanese-American negotiations in late 1941; the attack on Pearl Harbor; th e Bataan Death March; the turning tide and the end of the war. The program ends with the execution of the convicted Japanese war criminals. (4 hours 39 minutes, b&w)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>279</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4880_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4880_l blPrice">$199.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9210</td><td>Tom Peters: Radically Reengineering Business</t d><td>For Tom Peters, "change" is too tame of a word to describe his vision of w hat businesses should do to remain competitive in an age when uncertainty is the only certainty. In this dynamic seminar, the world-renowned consultant builds a strong case for implementing radically innovative management approaches. Case s tudies include four global businesses: ABB Asea Brown Boveri, which slashed staf f to get closer to its customers; Oticon, which pioneered "spaghetti organizatio

n"; Imagination, which operates under the principle that nothing is impossible; and The Lane Group, which does business using open-book accounting. Peters also presents his "Tips to Building a Curious Corporation." Original BBC broadcast ti tle: Crazy Ways for Crazy Days. (59 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4881_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4881_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33159</td><td>Tomorrow's Islam</td><td>Both in principle and historically, Islam is a pluralistic and progressive faith. Unfortunately, worl d events involving extremist groups and fundamentalist regimes have projected a distorted image of the religion into the West. In this program, devout Muslim in tellectuals-Ridwan al-Killidar, of the Al Khoei Foundation; Baroness Pola Manzil a Uddin, the first Muslim woman to sit in Britain's House of Lords; the "Muslim Martin Luther," Tariq Ramadan; fiery Brookings scholar Muqtedar Khan; and others -correct misconceptions while envisioning an Islam that is at home in a moderniz ed, interconnected world: one that retains the best of the tradition while embra cing ijtihad, individual reformist thinking, to adapt the religion to the 21st c entury. (59 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4882_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4882_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4996</td><td>Toni Morrison: A Writer's Work</td><td>Toni Mor rison exists in two worlds: the visible world, bustling around her, and the worl d of her novels, whose characters tell about an interior reality hidden from the eyes of strangers. In her work, Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison has transporte d millions of readers into the experience of being black in America and confront ing the realities of race. In this program with Bill Moyers, Morrison discusses the characters in her work, the people in her life, the power of love, and how t he invented world of fiction connects to life. (52 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td >52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4883_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4883_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8860</td><td>Toni Morrison Uncensored</td><td>In this compel ling program, world-renowned author Toni Morrison candidly answers questions reg arding how she became a writer, the pain of empathizing with her characters, the sensual nature of her novels, and how it felt to win the Nobel Prize. In additi on, she pulls no punches discussing how she first became aware of her racial oth erness, how writing for a black audience has kept her work from becoming derivat ive, the societal uses of racism, and how racism leads to barbarism when individ uals abdicate their humanity. (30 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4884_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4884_l

blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6974</td><td>Too Close to Heaven: The History of Gospel Musi c</td><td>Deeply rooted in African rhythms, the first gospel music, as sung on s outhern plantations, expressed the collective sorrow of American slaves, and the history of their diaspora. Using narration and thrilling performance footage, t hese programs trace the 200-year history of gospel music from black churches, to the civil rights movement, to its influence on modern jazz, blues, and rock and roll. Its revolutionary sounds and joyful vocal styles are featured in several live performances by noted singers. Interviews with key figures provide insights into the cultural and artistic importance of this uniquely American art form. ( 3 parts, 51 minutes each)</td><td>1996</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4885_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4885_l blPrice">$349.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32301</td><td>Tool and Die Maker</td><td>Tool and die makers design, craft, modify, and repair dies, forms, cutting tools, jigs, and fixture s. This program takes a look at the skills and traits that go into becoming a to ol and die maker; commonly used machinery, like drills, pedestal grinders, lathe s, and welding equipment; and the impact of technology on the trade as it's perf ormed today. Also, a pair of apprentices-one male, one female-talk about the too l and die making experience. (17 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4886_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4886_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37046</td><td>Tools of the Trade: Inside the Carpenter's Too lbox</td><td>How do carpenters turn building materials into buildings? To find o ut, this program takes a look at the tools and construction materials carpenters depend on every day. After a rundown on manufactured wood products like plywood , OSB, I-beam joists, and glu-lams as well as the fasteners that hold them all t ogether, the video covers a variety of carpentry tools divided into four groups: planning and drawing, measuring and marking, cutting and shaping, and fastening and assembly. Types of carpenters-rough, finish, and general-are also mentioned , and safety is reinforced throughout. Correlates to all National CTE Organizati onal Standards (including the provisions of the Perkins Act). A viewable/printab le instructor's guide is available online. A Shopware Production. (19 minutes) Recommended for high school, vocational/technical school, and adult education.</ td><td>2007</td><td>19</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4887_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4887_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37048</td><td>Tools of the Trade: Inside the Mason's Toolbox </td><td>The eye of an artist coupled with the mind of an engineer: that's a mas

on. Over the course of this program, viewers will learn about commonly used maso nry tools; the attributes of brick, block, tile, stone, cast concrete, and morta r mixes; fasteners, wall ties, and mortar joint reinforcements; estimating mater ial amounts; and on-the-job safety. The building of a brick wall from footing to cap showcases a variety of tools in action, including the brick tongs, mortar h oe, chalk line, hawk, trowel, bricklayer's rule, mason's hammer, brickset, power saw, and jointer. Specialized tools for use with cast concrete, block, stone, a nd tile are also shown. Correlates to all National CTE Organizational Standards (including the provisions of the Perkins Act). A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Shopware Production. (24 minutes) Recommended for high school, vocational/technical school, and adult education.</td><td>2008</td ><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4888_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4888_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36100</td><td>Tools of the Trade: Inside the Plumber's Toolb ox</td><td>From plungers, to pipe wrenches, to Teflon tape, this program introdu ces each common tool of the plumbing trade with a brief demonstration of its pro per use. Safety precautions and industry tips are provided as well, and four maj or types of piping and tubing-steel, copper, plastic, and cast iron-are describe d. Correlates to all National CTE Organizational Standards (including the provis ions of the Perkins Act). A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available o nline. A Shopware Production. (32 minutes) Recommended for high school, vocatio nal/technical school, and adult education.</td><td>2007</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4889_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4889_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33916</td><td>Topology: Mathematics of the Surface</td><td>H osted by Professor Tim David of the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, this program concisely presents the basic concepts of topology. After a brief introdu ction involving the four-color theorem, Professor David compares the elastic def ormations of various geometric figures to determine equivalence, making use of f ixed points and point sets affected by surface transformation. The discussion is facilitated by simple yet stylish computer animation, and prepares the viewer t o answer a particularly challenging final question: can a Mobius strip be proven equivalent to other configurations? (30 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>30</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4890_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4890_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11024</td><td>The Torment of Schizophrenia</td><td>Although one out of every hundred people in the world will likely wrestle with schizophre nia, the disease remains one of psychiatry's greatest therapeutic challenges. En hanced by computer animations of the brain, this poignant program uses several c ase studies and expert commentary to promote a better understanding of schizophr

enia: its causes and warning signs, current treatments, and how it affects the l ives of those who have it. The phases of a psychotic attack are described, and p ositive, negative, and cognitive symptoms are defined. In addition, approaches t o mainstreaming patients are addressed. (53 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>53</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4891_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4891_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35823</td><td>Torture: We Have Ways of Making You Talk</td>< td>Examining the use of torture over the past half-century, this program describ es its horrific application in military and political settings and explores its profound human cost. Featuring interviews with confessed practitioners of the gr uesome craft, the program exposes interrogation methods developed and carried ou t by French army officers against Algerian independence fighters, by British pol ice against the IRA, by American troops against the Viet Cong, and other shockin g occurrences in South America and South Africa. The employment of physical and psychological abuse as a weapon against guerilla and opposition groups parallels current dilemmas in Iraq and at Guantanamo Bay. (53 minutes)</td><td>2005</td>< td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4892_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4892_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30592</td><td>Toshiko Takaezu: Portrait of a Ceramic Artist< /td><td>Renowned for her extraordinary pottery and highly respected as a teacher , Toshiko Takaezu is one of the most significant ceramic artists of the 20th cen tury-and the 21st. This program, filmed both in New Jersey and the artist's nati ve Hawaii, presents the life story of the internationally acclaimed potter. Film clips of Ms. Takaezu at work-shaping clay in her studio, demonstrating pottery techniques at Princeton University, and overseeing raku-firing-provide illuminat ing insights into her philosophical creative process, as do interviews with cera mic artists Claude Horan and Jennifer Owen; gallery owner Charles Cowles; Paul S mith, director emeritus of the American Craft Museum; poet Stephen Berg; and the artist herself. (29 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4893_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4893_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30897</td><td>Total War: 1644-1646</td><td>England, Scotland , and Ireland had been locked in all-out conflict for two years-and the largest battle was yet to come. This program looks at the period of the worst violence i n the English civil war and the emergence of the king's chief nemesis, Oliver Cr omwell. Dramatic reenactments filmed on location bring to life the largest battl e of the war, at Marston Moor in York, and its most decisive, at Naseby. The epi sode concludes by showing how the brilliant success of Cromwell's New Model Army turned Charles I into a fugitive in his own kingdom and fundamentally changed t he organization of all future armies. (30 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>29</td><

td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4894_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4894_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33741</td><td>Touch</td><td>Why are humans so responsive to touch? This program calculates the different sensitivities of the body's most re ceptive parts. The density of touch sensors in the skin explains why some parts of the body seem to have a much lower pain threshold-a microscopic splinter in a finger can be extremely painful, while a cut on your leg may not hurt as much. University College London professor Tony Dickinson and Stanford University profe ssor David Spiegel conduct experiments with electric shocks, painkillers, and hy pnosis to demonstrate the brain's role in the experience of physical pain. A BBC W Production. (30 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4895_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4895_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35841</td><td>Touch the Earth Lightly: The Architecture of G lenn Murcutt</td><td>Through more than 500 projects, Glenn Murcutt-winner of the Pritzker Prize and the Alvar Aalto Medal-has demonstrated a very personal inter pretation of modernist idiom that both respects the environment and embraces loc al tradition. In this program, Murcutt, author/architect Francoise Fromonot, and others speak on topics such as the architect's formative years; the transparenc y, luminosity, refined structural form, and exquisite detail that characterize h is designs; and the challenges confronting urban and suburban development. Signa ture structures are featured throughout, including the Done House, the Kempsey F armhouse, the Simpson-Lee House, the Magney Houses in Sydney and Bingie Bingie, the Pratt House, and the Marika-Alderton House. (54 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><t d>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4896_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4896_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29355</td><td>Touch: The Forgotten Sense</td><td>This progra m examines the significance and the beauty of tactile sensation. The sensory imp act of touch and feel on quality of life is studied through mother/baby bonding; touch therapy for preemies and victims of physical abuse; Tadoma, a touch-based form of communication for people who are Deaf and blind; and an experimental to uch-based interface designed to help people without sight to visualize, while a case study of Guillain-Barre syndrome explores the ramifications of losing the a bility to sense via the skin. Featured experts include Tiffany Field, of the Tou ch Research Institute; Jules Older, author of Touch Is Healing; Carol Crook, of the Perkins School for the Blind; and neuroscientist Paul Bach-y-Rita. (53 minut es)</td><td>2001</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4897_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4897_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37592</td><td>Touched by Genius: A Neurological Look at Crea tivity</td><td>Nick van Bloss possesses astonishing musical talent. He is also a fflicted with Tourette's Syndrome. As this program illustrates, the two are ofte n linked, leading those born with the disorder to view it as both a curse and a gift. Nick's journey-taking him from the humiliating loss of his career as a con cert pianist toward a more self-assured acceptance of his condition-is not only inspiring; it is also a highly informative look into the diagnosis, treatment, a nd day-to-day realities of Tourette's, Parkinson's, autism, schizophrenia, and o ther disorders. Among Nick's many notable interactions are those with autistic j azz composer Matt Savage and with neurologist Dr. Oliver Sacks, author of Musico philia: Tales of Music and the Brain and other books. Original BBCW broadcast ti tle: Glad to Be Mad. (50 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4898_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4898_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11157</td><td>Tough at the Top: Business Management Styles</ td><td>To achieve their business objectives, managers must blend their skill and experience with one or more management styles in order to communicate their pla ns and concerns with their staffs. This attention-grabbing program from Australi a goes over the top to dramatize five basic business management styles: autocrat ic, persuasive, consultative, participative, and laissez-faire. After each skit, the preceding situation is analyzed and the likely outcomes are considered. Onscreen lists of style characteristics and the advantages and disadvantages that go along with them reinforce the learning experience. (13 minutes)</td><td>2000< /td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4899_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4899_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30573</td><td>Tough Times Job Strategies</td><td>Whether you 're just entering the work force, a recent grad, or changing careers, this progr am will help you develop strategies to find and keep a job in today's challengin g economy. Packed with examples and practical advice, the video features intervi ews with people in many different jobs and professions, as well as valuable tips from career counselors. Through their real-world experience and guidance, you'l l learn how to research career options, utilize employment opportunity resources , and discover ways to network. Because landing a position is only half the batt le, this program offers novel tactics on diversifying your marketable skills tha t will offer flexibility and increase your value in the eyes of any employer-esp ecially when companies are forced to downsize. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. A Cambridge Educational Production. (24 minutes)</td ><td>2003</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4900_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4900_l

blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32258</td><td>Tour of the Trades</td><td>The construction in dustry is big business, involving hundreds of professions and specialty areas. T his program offers a fast-paced survey of the skilled construction trades, provi ding a sense of the diversity of jobs available, as well as comparing the wages of construction trades to other industries. Along with dozens of scenes from con struction projects on a variety of scales, apprentices and journeyman workers di scuss what they enjoy about their trade and how they got started. (25 minutes)</ td><td>2003</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4901_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4901_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8399</td><td>Toward a Better Death</td><td>This informative program explores the choices open to terminally ill patients and their families, presenting the options available for comfortable end-of-life care that attends to physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Medical experts and caregivers disc uss the difficult choices that arise, including the moral and legal controversie s and medical options available when a cure is no longer an option. Important in formation about living wills and health care proxies is also provided. (27 minut es)</td><td>1998</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4902_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4902_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>29946</td><td>Towards the Limelight: Mastering Skills and Te chniques</td><td>This documentary, filmed in a cinema verite style at the Nation al Theatre Conservatory, follows eight student-actors through their first year o f the master's degree program, an intensive daily regimen of voice, dance, elocu tion, and acting instruction. Initially uncomfortable with the strangeness of ac ting together and with some of the classes, such as trapeze work, the students b egin to gel as a group and demonstrate why they were selected out of hundreds fo r this prestigious program. (40 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4903_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4903_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5816</td><td>The Tower Without Ends</td><td>A glittering new tower will soon be scraping the skies over Paris. Transparent and thin as a pen cil, it will challenge the laws of nature. But will it snap in a storm or collap se like a house of cards? Our host for this program is Tony Fitzpatrick, a dynam ic engineer who has built some of the world's most flamboyant skyscrapers. In ad dition to examining this new tower in Paris, the program traces the dizzying his tory of skyscrapers and our quest to build to the heavens as we struggle to defy wind and gravity. (29 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>29</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4904_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4904_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37611</td><td>Toyota's Drive to the Top</td><td>Japan's firs t automaker has learned a few lessons about corporate identity in the global eco nomy-and what it will take to become the world's largest automaker. This program shows how Toyota has localized its overseas operations, pursuing a strategy in which its factories integrate into surrounding communities. Visiting Toyota plan ts and suppliers in Texas and Thailand, the film illustrates Toyota's system of cultivating native-born "trainer's trainers" who will pass on crucial production techniques and practices. Viewers are given a firsthand look at the frontline o perations of a company that is fighting-or, in the words of one trainer, employi ng a "human-centered approach"-to become the worldwide leader in its industry. N ot available in French-speaking Canada. (50 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>50</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4905_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4905_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30342</td><td>Tracing the Arthurian Tradition</td><td>The le gend of King Arthur holds a place of honor in the collective imaginations and my thic traditions of both Britain and America. In this captivating three-part seri es, some of today's leading Arthurian experts discourse on the history, literatu re, and cultural impact of one of Western society's most pervasive icons-a ubiqu itous symbol of mystery, honor, enchantment, and passion. A Films for the Humani ties & Sciences Production. 3-part series, 24-26 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td> <td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4906_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4906_l blPrice">$389.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26672</td><td>Tracking Your Interests and Abilities</td><td> No one has all the answers when it comes to figuring out what to do for the rest of their lives...especially teens! But they do need to ask good questions...lik e What do I like to do? What am I good at? What is important to me? As they crea te individual profiles, and explore options, students will discover their person al interests, strengths, and values. These will become the basis for pursuing a good career match. A Meridian Production.One 16-minute video.</td><td>1999</td>< td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4907_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4907_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>11476</td><td>Trade Secrets: A Moyers Report</td><td>Innovat ions in chemistry over the past 50 years have produced thousands of man-made che micals. The majority of Americans believe that the government is making sure tha t they are protected from any harmful substances, but are they right? In this re port, Bill Moyers sets the record straight, drawing on industry documents and in terviews with historians, scientists, and public health professionals who explor e the effects of chemicals on the public's health and safety. (2 hours)</td><td> 2001</td><td>120</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4908_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4908_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29422</td><td>Trade: The Dollar Speaks English</td><td>Filme d in China, India, South Africa, and the U.S., this program demonstrates how the evolution of international trade has made English an indispensable business par tner all around the world. Case studies spotlighting Coca-Cola, Bloomberg Televi sion, Virgin Atlantic, Mahindra BT, and the British School of Language emphasize the importance of seamless communication across time zones, geographical bounda ries, and cultural divides. Featured personalities include David Crystal, author of The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language, and the Harvard Business School's Rosabeth Moss Kanter. (49 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4909_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4909_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2178</td><td>Tradiciones Navidenas</td><td>With the former C onvent at the Desierto de los Leones as the backdrop, this program lets viewers take part in a traditional posada. The songs, the pinata, the litany, the lights , and the candlelit walks through the historic buildings and grounds bring this special Christmas fiesta to life. In Spanish. (56 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td> 54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4910_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4910_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9164</td><td>The Tragedian, the Rebel, and the Prince</td><t d>This program focuses on the Booth family to evaluate their tremendous impact o n American theater and, in a broader sense, to create an image of Victorian Amer ican culture. Brooks McNamara, expert on 19th-century theater at New York Univer sity, and theater historian and author Mary Henderson delve into the careers of the acclaimed tragic actor Junius Brutus Booth, Sr.; the notorious assassin John Wilkes Booth; and Edwin Booth, America's first great Hamlet and the most import ant American actor of the 19th century. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>30</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4911_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4911_l

blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3708</td><td>Transfer RNA: The Genetic Messenger</td><td>The functions of the three different types of RNA-messenger, transfer, and ribosoma l-are explained. The transfer RNA acts as a vehicle for the amino acids, ferryin g them to the ribosome, where they link up with the messenger RNA molecules, for ming a chain that becomes a protein. (10 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>10</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4912_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4912_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37200</td><td>The Transformation of Work</td><td>Just as the industrial revolution changed the way people work, so has the rise of digital t echnology-leading to the radical reorganization of business models and workplace s, as well as the geographical redistribution of labor and services. This progra m inquires into 21st-century work paradigms, presenting commentary from scholars and business leaders about what it means to be an employee today-and what it wi ll mean in the future. Patricia Kelso of the Kelso Institute explains the concep ts behind ESOPS, while Verna Allee, author of The Future of Knowledge, and Lynne Twist, author of The Soul of Money, elaborate on new relationships between labo r and capital. Paul Millman, CEO of Chroma Technology, discusses the benefits of employee ownership. (28 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4913_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4913_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38801</td><td>Transjordan, Part 1: Holy Land, Historical Lan d</td><td>Transjordan-the Oultrejordain of Crusader times, known to the ancients as Edom and Moab-is steeped in biblical history. In this program, archaeologist s Fawzi Zayadine, Mohammed Waheeb, and Carmelo Pappalardo attempt to match up bi blical events with the terrain where it is said that they occurred. The refuge o f Lot, the trail of the Exodus, the place of Jesus' baptism, Moses' vantage poin t on the summit of Mount Nebo, and early churches of the Madaba region are the f ocus of their exploration. In addition, Catreena Hamarneh, director of the Madab a Mosaic School, discusses the remarkable Madaba mosaics and their restoration. (28 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4914_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4914_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38802</td><td>Transjordan, Part 2: The Crusader Castles</td> <td>Recent research at the 12th-century Frankish castles of Shobak and Kerak in what was called Transjordan provides valuable insights into life and death in th e Holy Land during the time period of the Crusades. In this program, historian C edric Devais, of the French Institute of the Near East-Amman, and history guide

Mustapha Kiwan talk about prior archaeological missions to the region, structura l aspects of the fortifications, and day-to-day life within those massive stone bastions. In addition, the program addresses the political and economic incentiv es to waging holy war against the Muslim forces. (27 minutes)</td><td>2006</td>< td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4915_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4915_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>20381</td><td>Transmission, Tires & Steering, and Suspension & Braking Systems</td><td>This program covers the proper working order of the c lutch and gearbox and provides step-by-step minor maintenance procedures for bot h. The second portion of the program looks at how to get the longest life from y our tires and how to properly and safely change a flat tire. The last segment co vers the suspension system and explains how to perform periodic brake system che cks that will keep your vehicle operating at a safe and efficient level. (49 min utes)</td><td>1989</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4916_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4916_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32728</td><td>Transplants: A History</td><td>The waiting lis t of organ recipients-80,000 people in America alone-is testimony to the spectac ular success of transplant surgery. This program presents a history of this emer ging field of medicine, highlighting breakthroughs in surgical procedures and re lated drugs, as well as looking at how cutting-edge technologies will change its future. Cameras go inside the operating room to show several different procedur es, with detailed coverage of a father-daughter kidney transplant. Many organ re cipients discuss their experiences. Interviews also include several transplant p ioneers, including Dr. Thomas Starzl, who helped develop immunosuppressive medic ines. (51 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4917_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4917_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10503</td><td>Transportation</td><td>For thousands of years, travel by foot, horseback, carriage, and sailing ship were the only ways to get around, setting the pace of society and, to a large degree, circumscribing the potential of humankind. But all of that changed with the advent of steamships, t rains, automobiles, and airplanes. In this program, Ronald E. G. Davies, curator of air transport at the National Air and Space Museum; historian Ruth Schwartz Cowan; MIT researcher Andreas Schafer; and other authorities investigate the rev olutionary impact of modern transportation on society-and on the environment, wh ere pollution is taking a heavy toll. (53 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>53</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4918_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4918_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32127</td><td>Transportation, Distribution & Logistics</td>< td>So much of life really comes down to moving things. So it's no surprise how m any different career paths the Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Cluster offers. In this program, people who work in various occupations within the Clust er discuss their jobs, as well as the education and training they needed to acqu ire them. Correlates to the National Standards for Life Work. A Cambridge Educat ional Production. (21 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4919_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4919_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26678</td><td>Transportation Technology</td><td>This series provides an overview of the transportation industry and the technology involved. Students get a first-hand view of the four major types of transportation-land, air, water, and space-as well as the system itself. It consists of Inputs, a Pro cess, and Outputs and is controlled and regulated through the use of Goals and F eedback. Goals include timeliness, efficiency, safety, and profitability, while Feedback provides the constant stream of information needed to monitor the proce ss. Information may be in the form of delivery records, maintenance records, and customer reports. Conservation and alternative transportation fuels are also di scussed as future transportation technology is explored. Also detailed are resou rces needed to support a transportation system including people, capital, knowle dge, materials, energy, time, and finance. A Meridian Production.</td><td>&nbsp; </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4920_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4920_l blPrice">$159.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38781</td><td>Travel Medicine: Be Prepared</td><td>Travel ab road and even within the U.S. poses special health risks. In this program, Bradl ey Connor, of the International Society of Travel Medicine; Phyllis Kozarsky, of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; and others offer advice on prot ection from illness while traveling. Suggested pre-trip preparations include det ermining destination-specific health risks, obtaining requisite vaccinations, ma king a travel health kit, and creating a medical safety net at the destination, in case illness should strike. Information on venous thromboembolism, a risk fac tor of air travel, and health tips specifically for trips to developing countrie s are included. (27 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4921_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4921_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30048</td><td>Traveling in France: Booking Passage, Booking

Rooms</td><td>In France, traveling by public transportation is a popular way to see the sights. This program introduces questions and answers related to buying train and boat tickets and arranging for lodgings. Settings include a harbor nea r the famous Chateau d'If, a train terminal, a hotel, a bed-and-breakfast, and a variety of other interesting locations. Original BBC broadcast title: Talk Fren ch, Program 4. (French and English, 16 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4922_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4922_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34477</td><td>Treasures of Athens and Olympia: Greek Art thr ough the Ages</td><td>With sumptuous footage, an authentic musical soundtrack, a nd commentary from leading experts in classical art and culture, this beautifull y crafted three-part series provides a detailed guide to the treasures of Greece 's foremost city and its surroundings. Paintings, sculptures, ceramics, and arch itectural spectacles create a visual framework in which Greek culture, and its i mpact in the wider world, can be comprehended and appreciated. 3-part series, 24 -25 minutes each.</td><td>2004</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4923_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4923_l blPrice">$269.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35707</td><td>A Treasury of Plant Medicines</td><td>While ac knowledging the achievements of the pharmaceutical industry, this program offers an alternative perspective on the production of medicines, emphasizing the use of plants and herbs instead of synthetic compounds. Beginning with a historical overview of plant remedies-including evidence of sophisticated herbalism in anci ent Mesopotamian, Egyptian, and Arab cultures-the video describes how pharmacolo gy evolved out of traditional herbal medicine. It also explores new pharmaceutic al research that has come full circle, returning to the use of natural plant ext racts. The development of anti-cancer medicine derived from periwinkle is one of many examples. (53 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4924_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4924_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33060</td><td>Treating Obesity</td><td>This program from The Doctor Is In presents a trio of case studies to illustrate a spectrum of treatm ent approaches for obesity: medical center-based plans emphasizing exercise, edu cation, portion control, and peer support; medicines that suppress the appetite and promote weight loss; and bariatric surgery. In addition, Madelyn Fernstrom, Ph.D., of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center's Weight Management Center ; Sharon Alger-Mayer, M.D., of Albany Medical Center's Lifestyle Challenge Group ; and William Laycock, M.D., of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, discuss thei r work in the field of weight management. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center P roduction. (28 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4925_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4925_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11510</td><td>Treating Phobias 1</td><td>For 10-year-old Dan ny, it's dogs. For Trevor, it's falling. For Diane, it's air travel. And for Don na, it's the everyday act of driving a car. In this program, these four patients come to grips with their phobias by undergoing treatments involving behavioral therapy, flooding, and EMDR, eye-movement desensitization reprocessing-with impr essive results. Original BBCW broadcast title: Programme 1. (48 minutes)</td><td >2000</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4926_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4926_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11511</td><td>Treating Phobias 2</td><td>This program presen ts four case studies involving the fear of public places, public speaking, birds and feathers, and mice. Applications of behavioral therapy, virtual reality, hy pnosis, and TFT, thought field therapy, are documented. Research at the Institut e of Psychiatry (London) into brain activity during moments of stress, panic, an d terror is also included. Original BBCW broadcast title: Programme 2. (48 minut es)</td><td>2000</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4927_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4927_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30427</td><td>The Trend: Where Fashion Begins</td><td>From P aris to London, Monte Carlo to Milan, and Munich to LA, taste-makers Li Edelkoor t, Gucci's Tom Ford, and Werner Baldessarini, of Hugo Boss, seek to identify the spirit of the age wherever they can find it-and then translate it into the next big trend in fashions. In this program, Edelkoort, Ford, Baldessarini, and othe rs unravel the intricacies of clothing-oriented trend-spotting. In addition, par allel examples of trend-spotting are drawn from BMW subsidiary Designworks/USA, since the automotive industry is as driven by taste as the clothing industry is. A Deutsche Welle Production. (26 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4928_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4928_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10792</td><td>Trends in Apparel Marketing</td><td>Technology and a booming U.S. economy are driving innovation in the clothing industry that is beneficial to businesses and consumers alike. This program examines trends i n apparel marketing and changes in manufacturing and distribution. Bricks-and-mo rtar marketing via retail, department, discount, specialty, and outlet stores; c atalog sales; shopping by television; and online buying are all discussed. In ad dition, interviews with a distributor, a buyer, and a retailer provide insider p

erspectives on this dynamic industry. A Meridian Production. (17 minutes)</td><t d>1998</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4929_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4929_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33695</td><td>Trial and Error: The Rise and Fall of Gene The rapy</td><td>This clinical though often emotionally charged program challenges o ne of the most seductive and controversial ideas in all medicine: gene therapy. Scientists once thought its concept beautifully simple: remove the defective gen es and replace them with healthy ones. Research was thought to advance when Dr. James Wilson determined that the best way to transport the healthy genes into th e patient's cells would be via the adenovirus. Jesse Gelsinger, who had a non-li fe-threatening genetic disorder, was asked to take part in a trial using the vir us as a vector. The tragic results that followed taught Gelsinger's family that gene therapy is decades away from being the wonder cure scientists hoped it woul d be. A BBCW Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4930_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4930_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10783</td><td>Trial by Jury</td><td>Every year there are app roximately 120,000 jury trials in the United States. The right to trial by jury is guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution. This video explores the origins of the j ury trial, explains the jury's crucial role in our judicial system, and introduc es students to the courtroom and the process of a trial. The program is divided into the following sections: The History of Jury Trials; What Trial Juries Do; W ho's Who in the Courtroom; Qualifications for Jury Service; What Happens During a Trial; Alternatives to Jury Trials; The Grand Jury; and Pros and Cons of Jury Trials.Combining courtroom scenes, archival footage, and interviews, the video p rovides a valuable introduction to the basics of the U.S. system of justice. Key subjects include: historical antecedents such as trial by combat and trial by o rdeal; an overview of the constitutional guarantees to jury trial; the role of j uries in criminal and civil cases; the process of jury selection; jury deliberat ions and verdicts; and the future of jury trials.A Cambridge Educational Product ion. One 35-minute video.</td><td>1999</td><td>35</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4931_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4931_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4263</td><td>The Trial of Aaron Burr, part 2</td><td>The sec ond part of United States v. Burr. (30 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>30</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4932_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4932_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4264</td><td>The Trial of Aaron Burr, part 3</td><td>The con clusion of United States v. Burr. (30 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>30</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4933_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4933_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9360</td><td>Trials and Triumphs in Rome: Christianity in th e 3rd and 4th Centuries</td><td>Part one of this program places Christianity-an outlawed faith-within the context of the religiously diverse Roman Empire, whose citizens worshipped the old Greco-Roman gods, mystery cult figures such as Mith ra, and the Emperor himself. But by appealing to all people and promising eterna l salvation, Christianity began to surpass the popularity of the Roman religions . Part two begins with Diocletian's Great Persecution; proceeds to Constantine's conversion, the Edict of Milan, and the Council of Nicaea; and closes with the excommunication of Theodosius. (47 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4934_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4934_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37284</td><td>Tricky Business: Advice for Struggling Entrepr eneurs</td><td>Multimillionaire John Boyle is the Donald Trump of the U.K. Over the course of this series, John provides valuable suggestions to three pairs of eager and talented twentysomethings whose fledgling ventures are struggling to s tay airborne. But will they take his advice? 3-part series, 24 minutes each.</td ><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4935_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4935_l blPrice">$269.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4449</td><td>Trigonometry</td><td>The concepts of sine, cosi ne, and tangent are introduced by Ron Lancaster; he then shows how these ratios can be used to find the length of an unknown side. A land surveyor demonstrates how trigonometry is used in the field to measure a horizontal distance. (15 minu tes)</td><td>1992</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4936_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4936_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30740</td><td>Trio Solisti Explores Beethoven</td><td>In thi s program, the Trio Solisti practice, interpret, and perform two of Beethoven's

piano trios, the "Archduke" Trio and the "Ghost" Trio. Pianist Jon Klibonoff, ce llist Alexis Pia Gerlach, and violinist Maria Bachmann discuss the challenges of transforming the composer's score on paper into a vibrant performance. Footage of their work sessions in the studio is mixed with highlights of their concert b efore a live audience. (25 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4937_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4937_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34914</td><td>Troubled Kids</td><td>What can be done about t he escalating violence in the lives of today's teenagers? This video focuses on ways to identify and reduce aggressive tendencies in young children. (22 minutes )</td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4938_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4938_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29108</td><td>Troubled Kids: Is Medication the Answer?</td>< td>Millions of children in America are being diagnosed with learning disorders a nd depression. While many say medications such as Ritalin, Dexedrine, and Prozac are the answer, others recommend counseling, social skills training, or dietary changes. How does one distinguish between a child with Attention Deficit Hypera ctivity Disorder and a kid who is just being a kid? This program offers parents, teachers, and caregivers a balanced look at options for helping children with l earning difficulties or behavioral problems. A viewable/printable instructor's g uide is available online. A Meridian Production. (21 minutes)</td><td>2002</td>< td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4939_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4939_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33448</td><td>Troubled Minds: The Lithium Revolution</td><td >In the 1940s, an Australian doctor discovered an astonishing treatment for what was then known as manic depression. At a time when electric shock, lobotomy, an d Freudian psychotherapy were the only approaches to treating the disorder, lith ium changed the way the medical establishment thought about mental illness and n euroscience and initiated the era of psychopharmacology. This program tells the story of the lithium revolution, from John Cade's research and historical breakt hrough to its acceptance-despite decades of resistance by pharmaceutical compani es and a ban due to deaths from the drug's toxic effects-as the standard treatme nt for what is now called bipolar disorder. (52 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>53 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4940_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4940_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>32742</td><td>Troy: Battlefield of Myth and Truth</td><td>Lo nger than Troy's fabled siege, Professor Manfred Korfmann's excavation yielded a royal Hittite seal that corroborates the city's location. But does it prove Hom er's Iliad is no myth? This program traces the course of the modern search for T roy, beginning with a look at Heinrich Schliemann's controversial 1870 expeditio n, reviewing subsequent digs by others, and focusing on Korfmann's truly groundb reaking research, a meticulous excavation begun in 1988. On-site footage, artifa cts, photographs, reenactments, and commentary from Professor Korfmann and other experts help piece together one of Western civilization's oldest archaeological puzzles. (30 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4941_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4941_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26684</td><td>Truce: Conflict Resolution</td><td>When confli ct escalates into violence, everyone loses. Since it's impossible to eliminate c onflict from our lives, we need to find a way to resolve it. This video provides viewers with a series of problem-solving steps to settle misunderstandings peac efully. Teens will learn that resolving conflict isn't about winning, losing, or competing; it's about having respect for others and learning to cooperate rathe r than instigate. (17 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1994</td><td>18</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4942_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4942_l blPrice">$95.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34260</td><td>The True Image of the Earth</td><td>Galileo's recantation in 1633 opened a gap between Christianity and science, a separation that widened as the first great age of European exploration came to a close. Thi s program studies the second great age ushered in during the later half of the 1 8th century amidst a thickening web of French and British colonialism-an age in which maps and charts facilitated political and economic objectives far more tha n religious concerns. In this program, the voyages of James Cook, the mapping of the Sahara, and the arbitrary partitioning of the Middle East clearly demonstra te the use of cartography in the service of empire. (30 minutes)</td><td>2004</t d><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4943_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4943_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6679</td><td>The Trumpet</td><td>The story of the trumpet be gins with the trumpeters' guilds of the Renaissance. We see how improvements in its construction led to its use in the Baroque period, and how Vivaldi began to use a more refined version in his compositions. Later flexibility made it popula r with dance bands and jazz musicians. Combining computer graphics with music, a trumpeter demonstrates how the sound of the instrument developed over time, and

how new playing techniques were introduced. (28 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td >28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4944_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4944_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8183</td><td>The Truth about Alcohol</td><td>Utilizing hardhitting, dramatic footage with insightful interviews, this program graphically i llustrates why alcohol is so widely used and abused by both adults and teens. Fr om its role as an important commodity in our economic system, to its role as a d eceptive escape from personal problems...from the enormous media campaigns promo ting alcohol to its role as a major contributing factor in the deaths of thousan ds of drunk drivers...from the societal pressures to the shattered personal live s, The Truth About Alcohol exposes the contradictions of the drug while encourag ing the viewer to think about the implications. Why do people drink? How much is too much? How can one deal with the peer pressure? When does "social drinking" stop and the self-deceptive web of alcoholism begin? What role do low self-estee m, self-doubt, and insecurity play in making decisions about drinking? These and many other questions are explored. A Cambridge Educational Production. (30 minu tes)</td><td>1991</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4945_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4945_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>4935</td><td>The Truth About Lies</td><td>The public mind is often deceived by those who manipulate it, and it deceives itself, as well. Thi s program examines how deception has influenced some of the major events of our recent past and how self-deception shapes our personal lives and the public mind . Why do trusted people in public life lie to us and to themselves? Can a societ y die from too many lies? Do our institutions demand loyalty at the expense of t he truth? The program explores such events as Watergate, the war in Vietnam, and the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger, and reveals the pressures that l ed to the denial of truth and the distortion of reality. Among those interviewed are John Dean, former counsel to President Nixon, and Roger Boisjoly, a Morton Thiokol engineer who tried to postpone the launch of the Challenger. (60 minutes )</td><td>1989</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4946_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4946_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8184</td><td>The Truth about Tobacco</td><td>Everyone knows the statistics. Tobacco is the leading contributor to thousands of deaths and de bilitating illnesses. So why do teens continue to smoke? The first part of this program explores not only why teens start, but also why it's so hard to stop, wh y our society allows tobacco companies to promote a lethal drug utilizing stateof-the-art media persuasion techniques, how tobacco is economically entrenched i n our system, and why politicians avoid the issues. Startling interviews with pe ople stricken with smoking-related illnesses are contrasted with teen interviews

demonstrating attitudes of self-deception. The program illustrates the immediat e negative consequences of smoking...bad breath; stained, ugly, yellow teeth; an d stinking clothes, as well as the devastating illnesses caused by long-term smo king. Instead of another peer to adolescent lecture, this program presents enlig htening facts to help today's youth make informed decisions. A Cambridge Educati onal Production. (30 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4947_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4947_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34808</td><td>The Truth about Vitamins</td><td>We live in a vitamin-obsessed culture, thanks in part to Nobel laureate Linus Pauling, who vi ewed diet supplements as the best defense against disease. This program explores research that counters Pauling's theories, suggesting that high doses of some v itamins may actually harm the human body. Outlining Pauling's achievements in ch emistry and his innovative ideas about nutrition, the video contrasts his conclu sions with new studies of vitamins A and E and the manufactured forms in which t hey are typically consumed. An alarming association with increased osteoporosis and cancer rates is one of several medical findings discussed. A BBCW Production . (50 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4948_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4948_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9245</td><td>Truth and Consequences: Is America Going Downhi ll?</td><td>What has become of the classic American virtues of good manners and honesty? Are they dead, dying, or simply in hiding? This provocative two-part se ries argues that changes in the American character have promoted a pervasive att itude of "me first" and "anything goes." 2-part series, 29 minutes each.</td><td >1999</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4949_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4949_l blPrice">$179.90<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30812</td><td>Truth or Fiction? Photography and Ethics</td>< td>Photographs have the potential to present powerful truths-or to create convin cing fictions. This program uses case studies involving Iwo Jima, Elian Gonzalez , and O. J. Simpson to show how images can be manipulated to influence the way v iewers perceive events. The ethics of photography and the positive and negative impacts of digital technology, which is steadily eroding the border between arti stic and documentary photography, are covered. Commentary is provided by photo h istorian Diana Gaston, former curator at San Francisco Camerawork; Joel Slayton, of the CADRE Laboratory for New Media; and others. (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</t d><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4950_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4950_l

blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32639</td><td>The Truth Will Out: Is vCJD Caused by BSE?</td ><td>This excellent brief on variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is set in the pla ce where this horrifying illness first came to light: the U.K. Experts represent ing both the scientific community and the government debate the link between vCJ D and bovine spongiform encephalopathy-mad cow disease-as they review the histor ies of BSE and vCJD, describe the prion hypothesis and the metal-balance mechani sm of prion deformation, and reopen discussion on whether a virus is the infecti on transmitter of vCJD. But with an incubation period of perhaps decades, are th e deaths recorded so far only the beginning? (15 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>1 5</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4951_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4951_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11739</td><td>The Truth Within: Towards a New Spiritual Utop ia</td><td>Why are many of today's spiritual seekers looking beyond the world's mainstream religions for fulfillment? And is technology eclipsing the concept of God? This program goes to the heart of those questions through interviews with Marilyn Ferguson, author of The Aquarian Conspiracy, as well as leaders of New A ge organizations such as the Naropa Institute, the Krishnamurti Foundation, and the University of Creation Spirituality. In addition, Dr. Huston Smith, Father L aurence Freeman, Master Thich Nhat Hanh, and Sheikh Abd al-Wahid Pallavicini off er their opinions on the New Age movement. (52 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>52< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4952_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4952_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30226</td><td>Tsugaru Shamisen: The World of Michihiro Sato< /td><td>Michihiro Sato is considered the finest player of the Tsugaru shamisen, a traditional three-stringed instrument of the Tsugaru province integral to Japa nese folk music. This program combines live performances by Sato at the Otsu Tra ditional Performing Arts Center with the musician's commentary on the history an d role of the shamisen player, a door-to-door minstrel of a bygone era. Sato als o discusses the future of Tsugaru shamisen, such as his work with jazz and avant -garde musicians in America and Europe. (48 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>48</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4953_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4953_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2695</td><td>Tudor and Stuart London: 1500-1666</td><td>Betw een the reigns of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, the population of London grew from 50,000 to 200,000-despite the popular spectator sport of watching executions. T

he program covers the uses of the dungeons in the Tower, quotes from the last wo rds of Thomas More and Anne Boleyn, explains the niceties of the private executi on ground on the Tower Green, and shows the changes in London's appearance as Tu dor houses and Elizabethan dress and jewelry made their appearance. The program also covers the end of the reign of Charles I, the plague of 1665, and the Great Fire of 1666, which wrote finis to the London of earlier times. The principal i llustrations: Lambeth Palace, Tower of London, Tower Green, St. Andrew in Lender shaft, Staple Inn in Holborn, Cheapside Head, Stage Set of Brief Lives, Westmins ter Hall, Banqueting House in Whitehall, Portrait of James I, A Feast of Bermond sey. (20 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4954_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4954_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35816</td><td>The Tudors</td><td>With a French princess and Welsh courtier as its progenitors, the Tudor dynasty continued England's traditi on of rule shaped by outside influence. This program examines the saga set in mo tion by Owen Tudor and Catherine of Valois, illustrating the events that led to the coronation of Henry Tudor and shedding light on the entire succession of Tud or monarchs. With the murderous power-grab of Richard III as counterpoint, the p rogram explores the bloody reigns of Henry VIII and Mary I, and shows how their successor, Elizabeth I, reversed the trend-becoming synonymous with England's do mestic tranquility and supremacy on the world stage. (46 minutes)</td><td>2004</ td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4955_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4955_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36419</td><td>Tumor: What an Autopsy Reveals</td><td>Cancer is a vicious killer, but it leaves behind substantial clues that doctors can stu dy. In this program, anatomist Gunther von Hagens and pathologist John Lee expos e cancer for what it is-an attacker that can quickly and stealthily infiltrate t he human body. Lee and von Hagens dissect the cadaver of a woman who, tragically , lost a battle with bowel cancer; they reveal the site of the primary tumor in the sigmoid colon, as well as the areas to which cancer had metastasized: the lu ngs and abdominal wall. To further illustrate tumor-spreading, the frozen body o f a woman who succumbed to breast cancer is encased in polyurethane foam and saw ed into slices. Viewer discretion is advised. Contains clinically explicit langu age and demonstrations. (49 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4956_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4956_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29774</td><td>Tundra Biomes</td><td>About a fifth of the Ear th's land surface is tundra: cold, dry, treeless, and home to a diverse range of inhabitants including lichens and lemmings, sedges and snowy owls, and dwarf wi llow bushes and musk oxen. By viewing this program, students can develop a funda mental appreciation for the world's Arctic and Alpine tundra biomes. The plants

and animals that populate tundra environments are clearly identified, along with the adaptations that enable them to live in places where the temperature can dr op to 70 degrees below zero. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is availabl e online. A Cambridge Educational Production. (22 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td> 22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4957_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4957_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2905</td><td>Tuning In to the Customer</td><td>This program offers techniques for hearing what the customer is really saying, in words and w ith body language. It stresses the importance of listening, shows common barrier s to what seems like (but isn't) an ordinary skill, and explains how and when to express empathy, ask questions, paraphrase, and summarize. It further explains the interpretation of nonverbal signals from the customer; covers such problems as tuning out, interruptions, impatience, and contact overload; and shows when a nd how to change the subject. (20 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4958_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4958_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>26703</td><td>Turbocharger Service</td><td>Turbocharger Serv ice is a twenty-two minute video which is part of the series, Diesel Engines. Th ese videos overview the design, construction, and operation of diesel engines; d etail the steps needed to properly disassemble, inspect, and measure the parts o f diesel engines; and summarize how to install the major parts of a diesel engin e back onto its short block. Turbochargers and superchargers are also described, including troubleshooting malfunctions and repair basics. Close-up shots of com ponents and service procedures as well as computer animation give viewers maximu m learning potential. (22 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1993</td><td>23</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4959_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4959_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6923</td><td>The Turbulent Sixties</td><td>This program begi ns with a fiery speech by Malcolm X that reminds us of the polarization of Ameri can political life in the 1960s. Nelson Rockefeller's condemnation of 1968 Repub lican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater as a political extremist; Goldwater 's rebuttal of the charges; and Ronald Reagan's stump speech in support of Goldw ater follow. Robert Kennedy's moving eulogy for Martin Luther King, Jr., conclud es the program. (39 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>39</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4960_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4960_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></

td> </tr><tr> <td>36345</td><td>Turkey's Tigers: Integrating Islam and Corpora te Culture</td><td>For years, Turkey has been run by a stridently secular busine ss and political elite, while its devout Muslim citizens have been pushed to the political and economic fringes. But now, even the most committed Muslims are em bracing Western-style capitalism and commerce-and are ascending in Turkish socie ty at the ballot box and in big business. This Wide Angle documentary captures a modern-and to many Westerners, surprising-face of Islam rarely seen in the Amer ican media. The program follows prominent members of Turkey's up-and-coming busi ness community-including two rival fashion entrepreneurs, one of whom has founde d his company on Islamic principles-as they develop and carry out their manufact uring and marketing strategies. In addition, Turkish political cartoonist Salih Memecan discusses his work, Islam's relationship with the West, and the benefits of Turkey's association with Europe with anchor Daljit Dhaliwal. (57 minutes)</ td><td>2006</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4961_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4961_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33427</td><td>Turner and Venice</td><td>Venice is the subjec t that dominates the later paintings of J. M. W. Turner. Its shimmering radiance , ethereal beauty, and faded magnificence inspired some of his best-loved and mo st enchanting images-dazzling reflections on light and color, history and litera ture, tradition and modernity. This program explores all aspects of the rich rel ationship between the illustrious painter and the city he loved so well. Intervi ews with Ian Warrell, curator of a Turner exhibition at Tate Britain; historian David Laven; poet Andrew Motion; and artist Cornelia Parker are featured. (39 mi nutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>49</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4962_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4962_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4557</td><td>Turning Around General Motors</td><td>Harry J. Pearce, Executive Vice President and General Counsel, General Motors Corp.In a s tunningly candid interview, Harry Pearce describes the mistakes that led to Gene ral Motors' huge loss of market share-the mismanagement of the board, the arroga nce and isolation of top management-and shares GM's strategy for reforming the w orld's largest automaker and regaining world dominance in the automobile market. Back from the brink, here is how GM has made a new beginning with its customers and employees. (30 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4963_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4963_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>14431</td><td>Turning Points: Steps to Success for Single Pa rents</td><td>Single parenting can be overwhelming. Single mothers and fathers f ace very real challenges and realities, such as financial instability, stress, f

inding child care, and quality time for themselves and their children. With guid ance, tools, and a clear plan of action, single parents can have enriching, secu re, and healthy lives with their children, while creating new opportunities for themselves, in ways never imagined possible. Interviews with single parents, alo ng with experts, discuss the joy and challenges of single parenting. Whether div orced, unmarried, widowed, raising a child with an absent parent, or by choice, single parents will find a roadmap for success in this video. A Cambridge Educat ional Production. (31 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4964_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4964_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34221</td><td>Turning Up the Heat: Basic Dry Cooking Methods </td><td>Baking, barbequing, toasting, or roasting-if it's a dry heat cooking me thod, this high-energy guide has it. The essentials of wokking, sauteing, and va t frying get plenty of attention here, as well as a wide range of grilling and b aking techniques. Focusing on choosing the proper utensils, being aware of color and texture, and maintaining nutritional value, the video also lays out safety tips for deep frying and other cooking approaches that use hot oil or gas igniti on. All in all, this is an outstanding resource for secondary or professional co urses, designed for both commercial and domestic settings. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. (29 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>29</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4965_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4965_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35979</td><td>Tutankhamun's Treasures</td><td>Like Howard Ca rter before them, modern Egyptologists observe something puzzling in the way Tut ankhamun was entombed-the riches surrounding him seem intended for someone else. This program sifts through the mystery, studying the link between the young pha raoh and the heretical Akhenaten, who most experts agree was the boy's father. T he significance of Aye, the courtier who bore allegiance to both rulers, is also assessed. Entering rarely seen burial chambers in the Valley of Kings, and inco rporating detailed analysis of Tutankamun's famous death mask, the program reach es startling conclusions about the treasures-as well as the personal history and fate-of the boy king. (25 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4966_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4966_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33726</td><td>TV and Film Writers in Hollywood: Learning to Succeed</td><td>This program provides the essentials for writing for television and feature films. David McFadzean and Matt Williams, writers for such primetime television programs as Roseanne and The Cosby Show, discuss what they call the "grueling" cycle of writing for the medium. They advise would-be writers how to take and learn from criticism, and that any immorality in stories should be cons tructed within the context of morality. In addition, McFadzean speaks of the dif

ficulties of writing and selling a screenplay in the film industry, defining a g ood screenwriter as "someone who goes from failure to failure with enthusiasm." An essential overview of what any aspiring teleplay or screenwriter should expec t in Hollywood. (32 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>32</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4967_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4967_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11475</td><td>TV News: Writing and Editing the Story</td><td >The footage has been shot and the clock is ticking. How does a television news reporter put together an interesting and informative story in today's hurry-up m edia marketplace? This program discusses the steps involved in preparing reports for the TV news: logging tapes; structuring the story; editing, including the t echniques and relative benefits of linear and nonlinear editing; writing comment ary; and creating a soundtrack. On-screen lists of key points summarize each sec tion, and before-and-after sequences clearly demonstrate the differences between stories that really communicate and stories that miss the mark. (37 minutes)</t d><td>2001</td><td>38</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4968_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4968_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6841</td><td>TV Violence and You</td><td>Why are television shows created with such a high level of violence, and how are viewers affected b y it? In this program, George Gerbner, of the University of Pennsylvania's Annen berg School for Communication, and other media experts provide insightful commen tary on both blatant and subtle TV violence. Drawn from one week of television p rogramming, video clips fall into five main areas: building distrust through ste reotypes and putdowns, the impact of TV on interpersonal relationships, news cov erage and "fiction by selection," TV as big business, and censorship. Some conte nt may be objectionable. (30 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4969_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4969_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>34927</td><td>Twins, Triplets, and More</td><td>Increased us e of fertility drugs has led to a rise in multiple births-twins, triplets, somet imes more. This video sheds light on the phenomenon, detailing the serious healt h and developmental issues that sometimes accompany multiple births. (22 minutes )</td><td>2000</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4970_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4970_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>34638</td><td>The Two Loves of Anthony Trollope</td><td>How did Anthony Trollope, master of the English novel of manners, achieve his prodig ious output, and how did the loves of his life-his wife, Rose, and a young Ameri can named Kate Field-influence his writing? This illuminating Trollope biography reveals the inner man through reenactments of milestone moments, film clips fro m He Knew He Was Right and Barchester Towers, and dramatized readings from such works as Can You Forgive Her?, Castle Richmond, and An Autobiography, as well as from intimate correspondence. Pamela Neville-Sington, of The Trollope Society; Margaret Markwick, author of Trollope and Women; and Harrow School's Anne Hall-W illiams are featured. A BBCW Production. (61 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>61</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4971_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4971_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9358</td><td>Two Thousand Years: The History of Christianity </td><td>This spectacular ten-part series-hosted by acclaimed writer Melvyn Brag g-charts the story of Christianity from its very beginning to the second millenn ial anniversary of Jesus' birth, set against the panoramic sweep of 2,000 years of history. Filmed at historic sites and featuring interviews with noted experts , each program focuses on two centuries, presenting the spread of a religion tha t, when melded with social, political, and cultural events, played a major role in shaping the world. 10-part series, 48 minutes each.</td><td>1999</td><td>&nbs p;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4972_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4972_l blPrice">$1,499.50<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8771</td><td>Two-Cycle Engine Troubleshooting</td><td>Marque tte illustrates the method of locating problems in the fuel system of an outboar d motor, including: checking the gauge, ignition system, and compression. He als o offers advice on repairing typical problems.</td><td>1998</td><td>&nbsp;</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4973_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4973_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8770</td><td>Two-Stroke Engine Assembly</td><td>The systemat ic procedure of assembly is demonstrated on a Rotax Elan two-stroke engine inclu ding: replacing the cylinder; replacing the cylinder head; replacing the inner s hroud; replacing the flywheel; replacing the outer shroud and recoil; replacing the carburetor; and replacing and gapping the spark plug.</td><td>1998</td><td>& nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4974_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4974_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span>

</td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8769</td><td>Two-Stroke Engine Disassembly</td><td>The syste matic procedure of disassembly is demonstrated on a Rotax Elan two-stroke engine , including: draining the fuel; removing the flywheel with a flywheel puller; re moving the cylinder head; and removing the cylinder itself. The piston is not re moved, but the pin, rings and skirt are pointed out, as well as the connecting r od.</td><td>1998</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4975_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4975_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8768</td><td>Two-Stroke Engine Operation</td><td>Andrew reca ps the operation of the four-stroke engine, introduces the mechanics of the twostroke engine, and explains the differences in their components. He illustrates how gas and oil are added differently to the two types of engines and also stres ses the importance of using your manual.</td><td>1998</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4976_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4976_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>38780</td><td>Types of Cancer</td><td>A cancer diagnosis is always bad news, but the words "You have cancer" don't necessarily instill the f ear and confusion they did three decades ago. This program demystifies cancer by explaining how varieties of the disease typically begin and develop. The progra m also highlights some of the innovative treatments that are helping more and mo re patients to become cancer survivors. In addition, scientists discuss the impo rtance of early detection in giving cancer patients more treatment options. Comm entators include Dr. Vincent DeVita, former director of the National Cancer Inst itute; Dr. Robert Figlin of City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center; and Dr. Mi chael Atkins of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. (28 minutes)</td><td>2006< /td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4977_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4977_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32771</td><td>Tyranny</td><td>In this episode, the primal ex ercise of negotiation and opportunism is explicated as 12 prisoners and guards b and together to form a new and balanced society. Mere hours later, faced with an inability to enforce the commune rules, four members fill the power vacuum by l aunching a ruthless bid for control of the group. Contains harsh, inflammatory, and explicit language. A BBCW Production. (60 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>61</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4978_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4978_l

blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30928</td><td>Uganda: A Different Drummer</td><td>Determined to march to its own beat, Uganda has made a clean break with tried-and-failed t op-down approaches to economic progress. Filmed on location, this program illust rates the progress of Uganda's antipoverty and debt-reduction crusade being carr ied out through its Poverty Eradication Action Plan and Poverty Action Fund, und er the guidance of the IMF. By setting national priorities based on input gather ed at the local level-and discouraging corruption by instituting highly public a ccountability at all levels of government-Uganda is enjoying the benefits of hea lth and education reforms, infrastructure improvements, and a growing economy. A lso, NGOs and anti-globalization groups, in disagreement with the IMF's policies , present their views. (30 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4979_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4979_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10540</td><td>Uganda: The War of the Children</td><td>In the Lord's Resistance Army, eight out of ten rebels are under 16 years of age. Some are as young as 6. Providing rare footage of guerrilla leader Joseph Kony, inte rviews with President Museveni and village and church leaders, and firsthand acc ounts of the child soldiers and their families, this program reveals the stark f acts of life in northern Uganda's Acholi villages. There thousands of children-b oth male and female-have been forcibly conscripted into the rebel army. Attempts at rehabilitation and repatriation of escaped and captured rebels are also emph asized. (45 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4980_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4980_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35049</td><td>Ulcers and GERD</td><td>Frequent indigestion a nd heartburn may indicate a precancerous digestive illness called GERD, or gastr oesophageal reflux disease. This program describes the symptoms, effects, and me dical treatment of GERD, while also exploring another digestion-related conditio n, the peptic ulcer. Explaining the link between ulcers and the H. pylori stomac h bacterium, the video clearly describes the best medical strategies for coping with ulcers and GERD; it also reinforces the need to seek medical attention when symptoms appear regularly. Case studies and anecdotal commentary from patients provide additional medical insight. (28 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>28</td><td > <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4981_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4981_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11420</td><td>Ulema and Philosophers: Faith vs. Reason in Is lamic Arabia</td><td>By replacing paganism with monotheism and tribal life with

empire-building, the Arabs of the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties effected a compl ete paradigm shift in their worldview. This program studies the codification of Islamic law and assimilation of non-Arab texts-and the ensuing competition betwe en the ulema, or doctors of the law, and the philosophers, who saw reason as an equal to divine enlightenment. The contributions of key figures, including the C aliph al-Ma'amun, Yaqub ibn Ishaq al-Kindi, Abu al-Nasr al-Farabi, Avicenna, Muh ammad ibn Tufayl, and Averroes, are also examined. (Portions in French with Engl ish subtitles, 26 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4982_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4982_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8046</td><td>The UN: It's More Than You Think</td><td>This i nformative program provides an accurate profile of the United Nations-its organi zation, structure, and purpose. It covers the organization from its history and status as an international zone in New York City, to explanations of its role as mediator between developed and developing nations, which often find themselves politically divided. UN officials offer candid revelations about tensions in the UN Security Council, how the balance of power is maintained between negotiating nations, and the changes brought about by the end of the Cold War. The many way s that satellite agencies such as UNICEF impact today's global political environ ment are discussed. A Cambridge Educational Production. (30 minutes)</td><td>199 1</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4983_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4983_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35108</td><td>The UN Security Council: Keeping the Peace</td ><td>A cornerstone of the United Nations, the Security Council takes on some of the organization's most difficult duties. This program highlights the Council's role in preventing conflicts, resolving disputes, and occasionally initiating mi litary action against an aggressor. Beginning in the era of the original "P-5" m embership-the U.S., the U.S.S.R., China, France, and Great Britain-the video exp lores the history of the Council, examining dramatic moments in the Korean confl ict, the Cuban missile crisis, the prelude to the invasion of Iraq, and other ca ses in which members have struggled to balance their own interests with those of the world body. A United Nations Production. (16 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td> 16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4984_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4984_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7270</td><td>Unborn Addicts</td><td>Drug abuse is generally considered a victimless crime, but research shows that a disturbing number of ba bies are born each year addicted to drugs. This program presents case studies of two pregnant women, lifelong addicts, who have entered Methadone programs. We f ollow the women throughout their pregnancies and deliveries. Remarkably, Natrici a delivers a baby who is drug-free, but 18 hours after birth, Kim's daughter mus

t be given opium to relieve the intense symptoms of drug withdrawal. Health expe rts discuss the management of drug babies. Scenes depicting infant drug withdraw al may be disturbing to some viewers. (47 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>47</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4985_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4985_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>12005</td><td>The Uncertainty Principle: Making of an Americ an Scientist</td><td>Trying to create a device that can measure the flow of heat at a quantum level, postdoctoral student Keith Schwab confronts the uncertainty principle not only in physics but in life as well. This program follows the ard uous quest of a charismatic young physicist and the personal price of his dedica tion to a long-term goal. Working at Caltech with his mentor, Professor Michael Roukes, Keith sees how his ambitious experiment is less technical than artistic, requiring intuition, courage, vision, sacrifice, and the ability to cope with c onstant failure. Interviews with his professors and fellow Ph.D. students comple te this engaging story of what it means to pursue a career in physics. (54 minut es)</td><td>2000</td><td>54</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4986_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4986_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34261</td><td>Unchaining the Mind: Advances in Schizophrenia Research</td><td>In the late 1790s the young director of a Paris insane asylum prohibited the use of chains and shackles. Philippe Pinel's decision is the firs t of many advances detailed in this program, which studies the history and physi ology of schizophrenia, and illustrates current research aimed at finding a cure . Outlining the functions of neurotransmitters and the development of antipsycho tic drugs, the video discusses newer medications and the importance of long-term care-with special attention to the "clubhouse" approach, including interviews w ith patients, psychiatrists, and mental health nurses. Cognitive therapy is also examined as a vital form of treatment. (36 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>36</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4987_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4987_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33256</td><td>Uncovering Lost Worlds</td><td>Shrouded by tim e and hidden from sight, the bulk of the ancient world has been lost-but not irr etrievably. At the junction of archaeology and other allied disciplines is a pla ce where science meets adventure as dedicated researchers recover the past, bit by bit. This fascinating four-part series goes out to the digs and into the labs to show viewers what it is like to literally uncover lost worlds. Outstanding 3 -D computer re-creations of ancient locales and close-up footage of artifacts as they are actually being discovered complement each program. 4-part series, 50-5 2 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4988_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4988_l blPrice">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34861</td><td>Under a Coloured Cap: Sean O'Casey, His Life a nd Work</td><td>This program paints an intimate and fascinating portrait of Sean O'Casey: a controversial playwright, a prolific memoirist, and one of the great figures of the Irish literary renaissance. Narrated and directed by Shivaun O'C asey, his daughter, the program profiles the renowned writer's life of hardship and triumph, idealism and disenchantment. Topics under discussion include O'Case y's grim formative years; his activities in various socialist movements and in t he movements for Irish independence; his satiric and often violent tragicomedies The Shadow of a Gunman, Juno and the Paycock, and The Plough and the Stars; and his later years in self-imposed exile in Britain. (82 minutes)</td><td>2004</td ><td>82</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4989_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4989_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36458</td><td>Under the Image: The Secrets of a Picture's La yers</td><td>Museums and galleries offer one way to look at art. When a painting is taken off the wall and subjected to high-tech scrutiny, an entirely differen t view of it becomes possible. This program demonstrates the ability of laborato ry researchers to venture beneath the finished surface of paintings, shedding li ght on previously hidden versions and designs. Techniques that use X-rays, ultra violet radiation, and infrared light are examined, illustrating cases in which t he original goals of an artist-as well as subsequent restoration, misguided revi sion, or even blatant attacks on a work-become apparent. (27 minutes)</td><td>20 05</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4990_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4990_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8200</td><td>Underdeveloped and Overexposed: Putting Your Se lf-Esteem in Focus</td><td>Even people who have 20/20 vision may have difficulty putting the image they see in the mirror into focus. While they may see the tru e image of everything and everyone around them, the picture becomes distorted an d unrealistic when looking at themselves. This positive and upbeat video acquain ts young adults with the problems caused by low self-esteem and teaches techniqu es for creating a more positive self-image. Viewers learn what self-esteem is, h ow it is formed, and the difficulties created by a low self-image. As they follo w three high school students who are struggling with their own self-images, view ers learn techniques for combatting a low self-esteem and exercises for turning negative feelings into positive attributes. This highly effective motivational t ool is a must-see not only for students who need to improve their self-image, bu t also for those who feel up one day and down the next. A Cambridge Educational Production.One 30-minute video.</td><td>1993</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4991_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4991_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>20385</td><td>Underground Spaces</td><td>This video goes und erground to explore how spaces can be created beneath our feet, and the many dif ferent ways such spaces can be put to use. A mine in the U.K., a Norwegian mount ain hall, and the site of an underground railway station under construction in L ondon are the featured destinations. (24 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>24</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4992_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4992_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5829</td><td>Understanding Addiction</td><td>Currently, ther e are over 23 million Americans addicted to alcohol or other drugs, with devasta ting consequences not only for the addicts and their families, but also for the nation as a whole. This program explains current research into why people become addicted, what puts them at risk, and what the best treatments may be. The prog ram profiles an individual who was an alcoholic and has gone through the process of recovery. (24 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4993_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4993_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10960</td><td>Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder</td><td>Found in both children and adults, Attention Deficit Hyperactiv ity Disorder is looked upon by some as having a physiological cause while others see it as a psychological disorder. This program offers diverse and candid opin ions from both sides of the debate. Is medication the best treatment, or is beha vior modification combined with increased structure and discipline the preferabl e course? A classroom teacher, a social worker, a behavior specialist, a pediatr ician, and a parent with twins who have ADHD offer their insights. A Meridian Pr oduction. (20 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4994_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4994_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29624</td><td>Understanding Autism: A Biochemical Approach?< /td><td>Autism, a complex developmental disability, is generally believed to be a genetic disorder. But Dr. William Walsh, a senior scientist at the Pfeiffer In stitute, believes he has isolated a biochemical cause, based on analysis of bloo d, urine, and hair samples from 503 autistic children. His pioneering research a ttributes autism to the inability of a protein-metallothionein-to balance the bo dy's metal metabolism. In this program, Dr. Walsh discusses his controversial fi ndings bolstered by parents whose children have shown dramatic results from diet

ary supplements that counteract metal imbalance. (12 minutes)</td><td>2001</td>< td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4995_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4995_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26714</td><td>Understanding Color</td><td>A Meridian Product ion (10 min.)</td><td>1992</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4996_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4996_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5828</td><td>Understanding Depression</td><td>Depression aff ects over 4% of the population of the U.S.-over 10 million people-annually. It i s a condition that will affect one in five Americans over the course of their li fetime. A depressive illness can be devastating not only for the affected, but a lso for family and friends. This program focuses on current research into depres sion, explaining the medications and psychosocial therapies that can help to eli minate the symptoms of the disease. The program profiles a woman with clinical d epression and examines how her life and that of her family have been affected by the disease. (22 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4997_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4997_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6066</td><td>Understanding Depression: Through the Darkness< /td><td>This program explores clinical depression, explaining the symptoms, vari ous treatment options, and the need to erase the negative stigma that this illne ss carries. The program features three patients who suffer from clinical depress ion, examining the devastating effect of the illness on them, how they have deal t with the social stigma, the roles of their families and friends during their i llness, and perhaps most importantly, how they have fared in their treatment pro grams. Psychiatrists in the program discuss the symptoms of depression, the impo rtance of seeking help, and the need for society to accept clinical depression j ust as they would other illnesses. (24 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4998_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4998_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>3895</td><td>Understanding Different Cultural Values and Sty les</td><td>This program refutes the melting pot theory, explaining that employe es do not-and should not be expected to-set aside their particular cultural valu es when they come to work. The most successful organizations and managers are th ose who understand diversity and seek to profit from it; this program presents t

he views of African Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans, and Native Americans who share their work experiences and demonstrate that what they want from others is no more than an open mind and a fair chance. (37 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td ><td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4999_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl4999_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>26717</td><td>Understanding Hang Tags and Labels</td><td>Exp lains why it is so important to read hang tags and care tags before buying cloth es or clipping the tags off the garment. Care instructions are also discussed. W hat is required by law is covered as is the European labeling system. Important features to look for on hangs/labels are anti-cling, moth resistant, perma-press , wash and wear, stain resistant. (9 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1990</ td><td>9</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5000_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5000_l blPrice">$45.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10752</td><td>Understanding Hate Crimes: A Service for Jerem y</td><td>What happens when intolerance and hatred lead to tragedy? A Service fo r Jeremy presents one scenario. Fifteen-year-old Jeremy is abducted and beaten t o death by fellow high school students because he is gay. Such tragedies are rou tinely played out in various forms across the country as victims are targeted be cause they are Black, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, poor, gay, or just different. Thi s video closely follows a handful of students through the days immediately follo wing the murder of Jeremy. From the confessions of the killers to the media cove rage, visitation, and final service for the dead teenager, students question the forces that led to Jeremy's murder and grapple with the task of organizing a me morial service for a student few people really knew. Interspersed with comments and opinions from a variety of professionals, this fast-paced drama explores the doubts, prejudices, compassion, inhumanity, and overall decency of a group of t eens at what could easily be any high school in the country. What would you do i f this happened at your school? Do you really think no one would care?A Cambridg e Educational Production. One 47-minute video.</td><td>2000</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5001_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5001_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11384</td><td>Understanding Healthy Relationships and Sexual ity</td><td>This program furnishes background on the issues of sexual expression , preference, and choice and sensitively identifies the characteristics of the s exually healthy adult. Topics under discussion include different types of relati onships, factors that influence the formation and maintenance of relationships, and social and psychological perspectives on people as sexual beings. (29 minute s)</td><td>1998</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5002_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5002_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37140</td><td>Understanding Hepatitis</td><td>Sex, drugs, an d food-only a few of the means by which hepatitis hijacks and quietly assaults t he human body. This three-part series presents valuable facts about the causes o f, and treatments for, the stealthy virus; it also features case studies that of fer a real-world perspective on the globe-spanning disease. Pushing beyond the l evel of a medical primer, the series will enrich studies in substance abuse trea tment, child care, restaurant training, and much more. 3-part series, 23 minutes each.</td><td>2007</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5003_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5003_l blPrice">$269.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37141</td><td>Understanding Hepatitis A</td><td>Although it' s the least menacing type of hepatitis, the virus strain known as HAV should not be underestimated. This program focuses on the causes and typical treatments fo r Hepatitis A and guides viewers through the different levels of danger that the virus poses to victims. Medical experts-including Dr. Harold Margolis, Former C hief of the CDC Hepatitis Branch, Dr. Jay Keystone of the University of Toronto, and travel medicine specialist Dr. Bradley Connor-explain the basic science beh ind HAV infections, describe common symptoms, and spell out preventive and palli ative strategies. Also, a traveling businessman describes his frustrating experi ences with Hepatitis A. (23 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5004_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5004_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37142</td><td>Understanding Hepatitis B</td><td>More harmful and resilient than its alphabetic precursor, Hepatitis B is usually transmitted sexually or through other close bodily contact. This program explains what dist inguishes HBV from other hepatitis strains, how it can infect the human body and still go undetected for decades, and how it can be prevented with vaccines. Phy sicians specializing in hepatitis research and care-including Dr. Robert Perrill o of the Ochsner Clinic Foundation, Dr. Anna Lock of the University of Michigan Medical Center, and Dr. Frank Mahoney, chief of the CDC's Hepatitis Prevention U nit-outline both successful and tragic case studies and guide viewers through th e public health benefits of HBV education and immunization programs. (23 minutes )</td><td>2007</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5005_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5005_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37143</td><td>Understanding Hepatitis C</td><td>Most people

associate cirrhosis with alcoholism-but another cause of liver scarring and fail ure is HCV, one of the most severe strains of hepatitis. This program provides a basic medical understanding of the virus, presents various ways that it is tran smitted, and explores what many call a groundbreaking method of Hepatitis C trea tment. Veteran researchers and doctors-Professor Eugene Shiff of the University of Miami Center of Liver Disease, Dr. Ira Jacobson of Weill Cornell Medical Coll ege, Dr. Beth P. Bell of the CDC, and others-describe typical HCV danger zones a nd causes and the pronounced risk of liver damage that the virus represents. Adv anced antiviral therapies combining interferon and ribavirin are also discussed. (23 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5006_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5006_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10965</td><td>Understanding Learning Disabilities</td><td>Ho w could a child be a top math student yet not be able to read? Why can another c hild read well but not be able to write a paragraph that makes sense? While watc hing children being taught new ways to learn, this program offers expert insight into the nature of learning disabilities, why learning disabilities may also be accompanied by ADHD or social disorders, and what can be done to help children learn to compensate and succeed. A Meridian Production. (16 minutes)</td><td>199 6</td><td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5007_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5007_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>37089</td><td>Understanding Media Literacy</td><td>TV and ra dio commercials, Web sites and banner ads, magazine ads, pop songs, photos, and even news articles and textbooks: all of them are sending messages to influence the reader/viewer/listener. How do they grab the attention? What are they sellin g-a product or service? a lifestyle? an ideology?-and why? Would a different med ia consumer interpret the message differently? This program raises more question s than it answers, which is the whole point: to prompt students to question, que stion, question the messages they are bombarded with daily. Savvy media consumer s aren't born; they're made, and this program is an excellent tool for shaping t he classroom dialogue. (35 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>35</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5008_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5008_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35517</td><td>Understanding Mental Illness and Schizophrenia </td><td>Although mental illnesses severely affect thoughts, moods, and coping a bilities, a fulfilling life is still possible for people who face those challeng es. Outlining the symptoms and possible causes of schizophrenia, clinical depres sion, and bipolar disorder, this program explores various treatment options and identifies ways that patients can achieve personal independence. Real-world succ ess stories are featured, emphasizing the importance of support from family and friends, as well as the vital role that medication and therapy play. A detailed

discussion of meds developed during the 1990s sheds light on their improvements over previous drugs, as well as concerns about their side effects. (27 minutes)< /td><td>2004</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5009_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5009_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11006</td><td>Understanding Parenting Styles: Authoritarian, Democratic, Permissive</td><td>Parenting styles are often a combination of a pa rent's own personality with the parenting role models she or he grew up with. Th e authoritarian style imposes will through rigid rules and allows little flexibi lity or freedom. A permissive style has few rules and abdicates power. And the d emocratic style is a blend of the two, sharing power and encouraging children to make good decisions and think for themselves. Using three vignettes, this progr am shows teens interacting with their parents in stressful situations that demon strate the traits of each parenting style. A Meridian Production. (25 minutes)</ td><td>1998</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5010_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5010_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8038</td><td>Understanding Prejudice</td><td>This program di scusses the nature of prejudice and its effects on individuals and society. The focus is on the following questions: Where does prejudice come from? Why does it exist? Where are we headed as a society? Included are a historical overview of prejudice and definitions of key terms, such as discrimination and bigotry. Inte rviews illuminate different kinds of prejudices and stereotypes. The topics of m ulticulturalism, homosexuality, "politically correct" language, the role of the media, and religion are discussed. This is an excellent classroom tool for promo ting tolerance. A Cambridge Educational Production. (47 minutes)</td><td>1996</t d><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5011_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5011_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5827</td><td>Understanding Schizophrenia</td><td>Schizophren ia is the most severe of the serious mental illnesses, and it is more common tha n diseases such as cystic fibrosis, diabetes, or Alzheimer's disease. This progr am explains research on the disease, speaking with leading medical researchers t o explore what we do and don't know about schizophrenia. The program profiles an individual with schizophrenia and explains how the disease has affected his lif e and his family's and how they are coping with it. (21 minutes)</td><td>1994</t d><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5012_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5012_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30344</td><td>Understanding Sir Gawain and the Green Knight< /td><td>Like Malory's Le Morte Darthur, the anonymously authored Sir Gawain and the Green Knight represents a watershed in the development of the Arthurian trad ition. Drawing on insights from Nicholas Perkins, a specialist on medieval Engli sh literature and manuscripts at the University of Cambridge; Arthurian expert K evin J. Harty, of La Salle University; and Helen Cooper, authority on medieval l iterature at the University of Oxford, this program explicates this complex alli terative poem, examines its treatment of familiar Arthurian themes, and illustra tes why it is considered one of the finest romances of the Middle Ages. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production. (24 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>24</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5013_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5013_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10621</td><td>Understanding the Basic Concepts of Genetics</ td><td>After recapping the contributions of Schwann, Schleiden, Crick, Watson, a nd Wilkins, this program investigates the basic concepts of genetics. First, pro tein composition and the role of proteins in cell structure are described. Next, chromosomal differences between the sexes and the structure and function of DNA are examined, along with the concept of base pairing. Third, protein transcript ion and translation, gene expression, and meiosis-including crossover and indepe ndent assortment-are presented. An animated depiction of the fertilization proce ss and the development of the fetus completes the program. (28 minutes)</td><td> 1997</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5014_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5014_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10600</td><td>Understanding the Dream World: Moving Beyond F reud</td><td>A century after the debut of Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams, the neurobiological approach to understanding the subconscious is yielding to an integrated psycho-bio-sociological model. Following a concise overview of Freud ian theory, NewsHour correspondent Terence Smith moderates a discussion with cog nitive neuroscientist Robert Stickgold, of Harvard Medical School, and psychoana lyst Robert Pyles, president of the American Psychoanalytic Association. Togethe r they examine the process of dreaming, debate the historical value and current applicability of Freudian theory, and speculate on the future of dream research. (13 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5015_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5015_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11408</td><td>Understanding the Risks of Tobacco and Caffein e</td><td>Even today, many teenagers and adults do not understand that nicotine

and caffeine are highly addictive substances. This program addresses the major h ealth risks associated with smoking tobacco and drinking caffeinated beverages, with a special emphasis on lung cancer and other smoking-related conditions. The attractiveness of tobacco and caffeine in American culture is also explored, hi ghlighting the roles of advertising and peer pressure in promoting cigarettes an d coffee. (29 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5016_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5016_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36401</td><td>Understanding the Use of Growth Hormone</td><t d>A must-see for parents and doctors as well as for medical students, this progr am comes to grips with the controversial topic of human growth hormone therapy. Five case studies shed light on a variety of related topics, including the role of the pituitary gland and genes in growth, diagnostics such as bone age X-rays and growth hormone provocative testing, treatment modalities and side effects, a nd applications of growth hormone to cases of renal failure and HIV infection. T he importance of early detection of growth problems at routine well-baby checkup s and periodic follow-up examinations of school-age children is emphasized. (22 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5017_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5017_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11254</td><td>Understanding Underachievers</td><td>Underachi evement: a persistent discrepancy between a student's perceived ability and acad emic performance. This program examines the root causes of this problem, its ear ly warning signs, and the curricular impact of mistakenly assessing it as a lear ning disability or as ADHD. Constructive communication strategies teachers and p arents can use to investigate indications of underachievement are suggested. A M eridian Production. (18 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>18</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5018_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5018_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29952</td><td>Unearthing Evil: Archaeology in the Cause of J ustice</td><td>By grim coincidence, archaeologists are ideally suited by their c onventional techniques to determine whether or not war crimes have been committe d. This program looks at forensic archaeologist Richard Wright, whose work has g reatly helped the international community in the pursuit of justice. The program shows details of his team's findings at the Ukrainian village of Serniki, provi ng with such evidence as bullet manufacture and carbon dating that the SS had ca rried out the executions, not Stalin's soldiers. Based on this work, Wright was asked by the UN to investigate 29 mass graves in Bosnia. The excavations helped convict the perpetrators of some of the most heinous ethnic cleansing in the Bal kans. (28 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5019_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5019_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10135</td><td>The Unelected: The Lobbies</td><td>In America, a shadow government wields incredible influence over what gets done inside the Beltway-and who reaps the benefits. In this program, correspondent Hedrick Smith spotlights the powerful influence of the nation's special interest lobbies duri ng the Clinton years. Majority Whip Tom DeLay; Charles Blixt, of R. J. Reynolds; Mike Pertschuk, of the Advocacy Institute; members of Congress; lobbyists; and others scrutinize how UPS paralyzed OSHA's efforts to improve worker safety and how the medical insurance lobby's "Harry and Louise" ads helped sink the Clinton healthcare reform bill. In-depth reporting reveals the stealth tactics used by the tobacco industry in its ongoing fight against federal legislation. (43 minut es)</td><td>1996</td><td>42</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5020_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5020_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10134</td><td>The Unelected: The Media</td><td>In an environ ment increasingly dominated by network ratings and tabloid-driven stories, the l ine between journalism and entertainment is blurred. In this program, correspond ent Hedrick Smith goes behind the hype and the headlines to show how the media a ffect the national agenda and the standards of political debate. Network persona lities Peter Jennings, Dan Rather, Brit Hume, and Eric Engberg; former Washingto n Post reporters Paul Taylor and Richard Harwood; and others address topics such as the Clinton/Flowers story, a case study of news coverage gone out of control ; the negative dynamic between the White House Press Corps and the President; an d how increased competition from tabloids, talk shows, and cable TV is changing the mainstream media. (41 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5021_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5021_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6512</td><td>Unemployment, Inflation, and National Output</t d><td>This program begins to look at how cycles in an economy develop by explain ing how unemployment, inflation, and gross domestic product are measured. The pr ogram also introduces aggregate supply and demand, and uses these concepts to sp ell out why business cycles occur. (28 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5022_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5022_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>9320</td><td>Unemployment: Understanding the Grieving Proces s</td><td>Losing a job is one of the common denominators of life in America: eve ryone has lost one-or knows someone who did. How do people cope with this partic

ular form of loss? This straight-talking program considers the concerns and feel ings that people often experience after job loss. The six topics examined are th e realities of losing a job, why people identify with their jobs, the different ways job loss affects people, understanding the emotions associated with losing a job, finding support, and taking action to find a new job. A Cambridge Educati onal Production. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5023_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5023_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5049</td><td>Unequal Education</td><td>This program with Bil l Moyers compares the everyday experiences of two New York City middle school st udents and contrasts political rhetoric with the reality of American schooling. A profile of the two students and their different schools points out the inequal ities of our current system and how disproportionate funding affects the quality of education. The program also features advocates for educational reform, who d ebate what the Democratic and Republican parties can do to improve schools. Amon g those interviewed are John Chubb, author of Politics, Markets, and America's S chools, and Jonathan Kozol, author of Savage Inequalities. (40 minutes)</td><td> 1992</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5024_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5024_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36166</td><td>Unfinished Country: Haiti's Struggle for Democ racy</td><td>Through unfettered access to powerbrokers and ordinary citizens, th is Wide Angle report covers Haiti's ongoing struggle to craft a truly representa tive government from a volatile failed state. Butteur Metayer and Guy Philippe-s trongmen of the National Front for the Reconstruction of Haiti Party and former rebels who drove Jean-Bertrand Aristide from power in 2004-and three other Haiti ans express their points of view. An interview between Bill Moyers and James Dob bins, former U.S. Special Envoy to Haiti, concludes the program. Will the Wester n hemisphere's most impoverished nation finally succeed in creating a stable dem ocracy? (57 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5025_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5025_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33087</td><td>The Unfortunate Generation: The Cultural Revol ution and Beyond</td><td>Within two years of the Cultural Revolution, armed fact ions battled each other in Mao's name. To avoid civil war, Mao essentially banis hed his zealots to the countryside. This program chronicles the Cultural Revolut ion, its disastrous aftermath, and the role of Mao's wife, Jiang Qing. Scholars, diplomats, and survivors discuss the forced labor camps known as "Schools of Ma y 7th"; the attacks on foreign consulates in Hong Kong and Beijing; China's supp ort of Cambodia's Khmer Rouge; and the trial of the "Gang of Four." The program concludes with Deng Xiaoping opening China to the West. (53 minutes)</td><td>200 3</td><td>53</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5026_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5026_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10942</td><td>The Uninsured: Forty-Four Million Forgotten Am ericans</td><td>Corporate cost-cutting, downsizing, temporary employment, and ot her business imperatives are making today's pricey health insurance either unava ilable or unaffordable for 44 million Americans-of which 85 percent are in worki ng families. With employers cutting back on offering insurance and with shrinkin g access to charity care as hospitals face their own funding shortfalls, where c an America's uninsured turn for healthcare? In this program, Pulitzer Prize-winn ing journalist Hedrick Smith reports on how states such as California, Texas, an d Tennessee are dealing with the desperate needs of the uninsured and their chil dren. (47 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5027_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5027_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35172</td><td>United Arab Emirates: Oil and Water Resources< /td><td>The UAE's oil is plentiful and readily consumed by an energy-thirsty wor ld; meanwhile, the nation struggles with its own thirst for water. This program documents the history of the wealthy Arab nation and how it deals with water sca rcity and an abundance of petroleum. Detailed discussions of the oil drilling an d seawater desalinization processes, conversations with young UAE citizens, and a stroll through a souk, or public market, vividly illustrate cultural and econo mic aspects of this Persian Gulf country. A viewable/printable instructor's guid e-including geographical background information, extension activities, vocabular y handouts, and more-is available online. Correlates to National Geography Stand ards. (25 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5028_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5028_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35107</td><td>The United Nations: Working for Us All</td><td >Nearly everyone on the planet knows of the United Nations, but far fewer unders tand the important functions it performs in our complicated world. Michael Dougl as narrates this compelling introduction to the work of the organization. Outlin ing the UN's creation and history, and incorporating interviews with Secretary-G eneral Kofi Annan and other prominent leaders, the program illustrates the UN's widespread efforts in peacekeeping, police training, land mine removal, election monitoring, disaster relief, and health initiatives to combat HIV/AIDS and othe r epidemics. The roles of UNICEF and other subgroups are also explored. A United Nations Production. (15 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5029_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5029_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4262</td><td>United States v. Aaron Burr: The Trial of Aaro n Burr, part 1</td><td>The only case in this series not decided by the Supreme C ourt, this John Marshall decision was handed down in Federal Circuit Court in Ri chmond, Virginia, in 1807. Once again, it placed the Chief Justice of the Suprem e Court in direct opposition to President Thomas Jefferson. Former Vice Presiden t Aaron Burr was being tried for treason; although the evidence against Burr was tenuous, Jefferson, in an address to Congress, had declared him guilty. The thr ee-way struggle between Marshall, Jefferson, and Burr produced dramatic results: a precedent was set for limiting executive privilege; the right of unpopular de fendants to a fair trial was established; the constitutional definition of treas on was upheld; and Chief Justice Marshall was hanged in effigy. This is the firs t of a three-part program. (30 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5030_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5030_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10232</td><td>Units, Perimeter, Circumference, and Area</td> <td>When it comes to measuring flat shapes, geometry generously provides a formu la for every occasion. This program begins with an overview of how to convert En glish and metric units of measurement. Next, finding the perimeter of polygons i s illustrated, after which a tour of Circleville provides a snapshot summary of circumference and pi. Finally, the Area Congruence and Area Addition Postulates are revealed, along with formulas for the area of squares, rectangles, parallelo grams, triangles, trapezoids, and circles. (20 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>20< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5031_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5031_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8594</td><td>Unlocking Language</td><td>Approximately 70,000 years ago, humankind began talking, and hasn't stopped since. In this fascinati ng program, a diverse group of experts-an evolutionary linguist, a neurologist, a geneticist, a neuropsychologist, a developmental cognitive neuroscientist, and an Oxford professor of communication-discuss the birth, development, and transm ission of the mysterious phenomenon called language. Topics explored include the ability of language to express abstractions; the role of evolution in the devel opment of languages; language as an innately guided behavior in unborn babies, i nfants, and toddlers; the parts of the brain involved in language; the relations hip between genes and language disorders; and the isolation of the Speech 1 gene . (29 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5032_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5032_l blPrice">$109.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35510</td><td>Unseen Enemies: A Close-up Look at the World's

Deadliest Diseases</td><td>Science is developing sophisticated weapons in the b attle against life-threatening diseases-yet people in economically struggling co untries continue to die from infections that are treatable or curable. This five -part series confronts the dilemma, putting the issue of "geography as destiny" into a medical context. Each program focuses on a specific contagion that might seem harmless in wealthy countries but wreaks havoc in the developing world. Clo sely examining the latest efforts to eradicate these illnesses, Unseen Enemies t ransports viewers to the forefront of biomedical research. Original BBCW broadca st title: Kill or Cure: A Close-up Look at the World's Deadliest Diseases. 5-par t series, 25 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5033_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5033_l blPrice">$649.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35665</td><td>Unstable Utopias: The Global Spread of Sociali sm</td><td>At the end of the 19th century, socialism was an idyllic dream among intellectuals. Sixty years later it had become a reality for much of the world. This program describes the expansion of socialist and Communist rule into Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and western Europe-showing the weaknesses that develope d in the practice of socialism even as it reached the apex of its popularity. Do cumenting the ascendancy of Clement Atlee in Britain and the challenges of democ ratic socialism, the program also surveys Mao's brutal reign in China, Julius Ny erere's slide into dictatorship in Tanzania, and a problematic socialist experim ent in Israel. (58 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5034_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5034_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3596</td><td>Unsteady Steadiness</td><td>This program explor es the direction of chemical reactions by seeking completion of both endothermic and exothermic reactions. Illustrated examples lead to a comparison of steady s tate and closed systems and to an apparently stopped reaction-equilibrium. (10 m inutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>10</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5035_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5035_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37125</td><td>Untouchable: Life as an Outcaste</td><td>Altho ugh it is illegal to discriminate against untouchables, the members of this grou p continue to be looked down on in South Asian society and are still pressed int o the most debasing roles. This five-part series examines the situations of indi vidual Dalits who, despite routine violation of their humanity, are living their lives with all the dignity they can muster. The underlying issues that keep the m in their dehumanizing trades-abject poverty, a lack of plausible alternatives, a patriarchal social order, the sheer stigma of being a Dalit-make the series a particularly valuable tool for stimulating powerful discussions on human rights . Some content may be objectionable. 5-part series, 30 minutes each.</td><td>200 6</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5036_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5036_l blPrice">$449.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8886</td><td>Urban Explorers: Dealing with the Unfamiliar</t d><td>The modern city is a complex maze of choices and decisions. This program d escribes the brain's empirical approach to finding sense amid confusion. Subcons cious methods of information gathering, including visual scanning to find goods in a supermarket and direction finding while traversing an urban environment, ar e analyzed. In addition, the natural human ability to learn by trial and error i s observed, emphasizing the concept of "natural mapping" and the importance of f eedback. (25 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5037_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5037_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36539</td><td>Urban Survival</td><td>Are humans genetically disposed to live in large, dense groups-or are we actually unfit as a species to do so? In this program, psychologist John Marsden dissects the behavior of city dwellers, analyzing why some people are capable of living shoulder-to-shoulder with thousands or even millions of their fellow humans-while others clearly are not. Dr. Marsden inquires into the dangers of city life, the complex nature of u rban etiquette, and-through experiments on unwitting test subjects-the visible e ffects of sensory overload and urban anonymity. He even gets wired up himself, j oining a riot-control simulation to measure his own stress levels. Original BBCW broadcast title: City Life. (57 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5038_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5038_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>826</td><td>The Urinary Tract: Water!</td><td>This program s hows the crucial part water plays in the body's functioning and the system for k eeping it in balance. Drinking, sweating, and breathing are covered. The urinary tract is analyzed in detail, with particular attention to the functioning of th e kidneys. (26 minutes)</td><td>1984</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5039_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5039_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></t d> </tr><tr> <td>33619</td><td>U.S.A.</td><td>This program addresses accusati ons of the Christian right's distorting influence on America's place in the worl d. President George W. Bush has actively promoted the idea of faith-based initia tives-government's assistance in combating welfare and social deprivation-prompt ing charges of First Amendment violations from Democrats and liberals. But Presi

dent Bush has had to force these initiatives through a highly resistant Congress . So is talk of the heavy power of the Christian right on American government ba sed on liberal paranoia, as many conservatives attest? Archival congressional fo otage, with considerable attention paid to 9/11, chronicles the long-standing de bate. (37 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>34</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5040_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5040_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11351</td><td>Using and Maintaining Your Portfolio</td><td>A s a tool for organizing thoughts and boosting confidence, a career portfolio is unbeatable. But once it's created, how is it actually used at an interview? Afte r driving home the importance of thoroughly researching every target company and customizing the portfolio for each job opportunity, this program demonstrates t he use of the portfolio to leave a prospective employer with a very favorable im pression. Maintaining a career portfolio for use at annual performance reviews a nd as a touchstone for career development is also encouraged. A Cambridge Educat ional Production. (21 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5041_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5041_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11467</td><td>Using Natural Resources Wisely</td><td>The res ponsible use of the world's dwindling supply of natural resources is everybody's business. In this program, experts from industry and academia provide backgroun d on energy conservation, while real-world examples prompt viewers to use natura l resources thoughtfully. Surprising facts, such as how some appliances use elec tricity even when turned off; scientific information, including lighting and win dow technologies that can save energy; and suggestions on how to become more sel f-sufficient, as by capturing sunlight with photovoltaic energy cells, are offer ed. A Meridian Production. (20 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5042_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5042_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11406</td><td>Using Pharmaceutical Drugs Safely</td><td>Over -the-counter medications provide a ready supply of potentially harmful substance s to uninformed consumers and possible abusers alike. After opening with a gener al discussion of addiction and the personality type that commonly falls prey to addiction, this program examines non-prescription pharmaceutical drugs and their capacity for misuse and abuse. The inherent risks of drug abuse are spelled out , and information for responsible consumers on drug interactions and side-effect s is included. (29 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5043_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5043_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6140</td><td>Using Samples</td><td>This program begins with an explanation of the difference between a Population and a Sample, and the reas ons why samples are so important in estimating data relating to populations too large or too impractical to be measured in their entirety. The program emphasize s the need for random samples, explains how several random samples of the same s ize will vary, and then looks at ways of dealing with this variability, calculat ing the Standard Error of the Mean, and how to estimate the "95% Confidence Inte rval." The program goes on to show how, when dealing with quantitative data, you can calculate the size of the sample that is needed in order to achieve the pre cision required. (20 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5044_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5044_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37663</td><td>Utilities</td><td>There's a lot to learn from women who have succeeded in the utilities industry. This program profiles Melani e Young, a network operations technician in the telecommunications field; Laura Warkentin, a natural gas systems planner who coordinates the installation of gas main services; and Nicole Brochu, a linesperson accustomed to working at extrem e heights. Interviews with co-workers and supervisors help to create well-rounde d descriptions of each job. (24 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5045_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5045_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32753</td><td>Uxmal: Thrice Built</td><td>Set in the heart o f the Puuc hills, the imposing remains of Uxmal-Thrice Built, in the Yucatec May an language-testify to that city's extraordinary past. This program travels to t he Yucatan Peninsula to explore the ruins of this significant Mayan cultural cen ter. Aerial photography captures the magnitude of the site, while a ground-level inspection homes in on details such as the long-nosed Chac masks and carved mos aic facades associated with Mayan architectural ornamentation of the period. The Pyramid of the Magician, Nunnery Quadrangle, Governor's Palace, and Grand Pyram id are featured. (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5046_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5046_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10047</td><td>V. S. Naipaul: The Enigma of Writing</td><td>I n this vintage program, novelist V. S. Naipaul, winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize i n Literature, explores the relationship between a writer and his work, offering insights into his life, his career, and his subtly incisive novel/memoir The Eni gma of Arrival. In particular, he contrasts the inspiration of living in the Eng lish countryside with the Caribbean, Indian, and African influences that dominat e his earlier writings. Excerpts from Miguel Street, A House for Mr. Biswas, and

other books-read by actor Roshan Seth and by Naipaul himself-round out this eng aging interview. (53 minutes)</td><td>1987</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5047_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5047_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10836</td><td>The Value of Brand Names</td><td>In the consum er goods industry, branding is crucial to market penetration. Using Alessi's sup erlative line of home furnishings and Nestle's well-known Nescafe coffee as exam ples, modules one and two of this program seek to understand the cachet that sur rounds brand names, which gives the products associated with them an added appea l. Module three goes inside the U.K. offices of advertising giant Young & Rubica m to investigate how brands are developed and maintained. (29 minutes)</td><td>1 999</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5048_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5048_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11117</td><td>Vanishing Points: An Introduction to Architect ural Drawing</td><td>From conceptual sketches to detailed blueprints, drawings s erve as the vehicle for translating architectural visions into masterpieces of d esign and construction. This outstanding program provides a concise demonstratio n of axonometric, isometric, and one-point and two-point perspective drawing. Co mputer graphics are employed to help explain the underlying principles of archit ectural drawing, while student projects serve as examples of well-executed draft ing. (20 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5049_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5049_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4454</td><td>Variation</td><td>Examples of direct and partia l variation are all around us, as host Ron Lancaster demonstrates. Lancaster def ines the properties of the two types of variation, shows how they differ, and de velops equations for both. (15 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5050_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5050_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10242</td><td>Vectors and Moments</td><td>Moving beyond the concept of simple force, this program expands the application of vectors to incl ude velocity, acceleration, and rotational motion. In addition, moments of great er complexity are investigated through vector geometry. Real-world examples are included. (56 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5051_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5051_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4456</td><td>Vehicle Costs</td><td>Ron Lancaster talks about the costs of buying or leasing a car and shows how some simple math can help an yone take control of vehicle expenses. After calculating vehicle depreciation an d graphing a depreciation curve, Lancaster then works out the comparative costs of public transit, taxis, and occasional car rental. (15 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp; </td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5052_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5052_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>26739</td><td>Vehicle Maintenance and Fluid Service</td><td> This program presents crucial information for anyone owning or operating an auto mobile. It covers all the basic inspections and service operations needed to kee p a car running safely and dependably and is ideal for service station attendant s, driver education courses, and first-year classes in general auto mechanics. ( 27 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>2000</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5053_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5053_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26740</td><td>Vehicle Safety: Be Prepared</td><td>Thousands of people are injured or killed each year in auto accidents because they were dr iving unsafe motor vehicles. This video summarizes the most important things you can do to make sure your car is safe and reliable. Learn how to listen for "tel ltale signs" (noises, vibrations, smells) that indicate something dangerous coul d be wrong with your vehicle. You will also learn how to do a vehicle safety ins pection to find less obvious problems. The video also reviews what items to keep in your trunk in case of a roadside emergency. Finally, if an accident does occ ur, there is a section that summarizes what the drivers should do, especially if there are injuries. A Meridian Production. (14 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>14 </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5054_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5054_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2215</td><td>Velazquez</td><td>A portrait of the extraordina ry painter who chronicled the life and times of his friend King Philip the Fourt h, who built the core of the Prado collection (which today houses almost all of his work), and who, with El Greco, Goya, and Picasso, comprises the quartet of t he greatest painters of Spain. (36 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>36</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5055_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5055_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>5970</td><td>Venezuela: Del Siglo 21 a la Prehistoria</td><t d>In 1524, Venezuela was the first country with a woman ruler-on Margarita Islan d. Beginning there, this program traces the role of women in the nation's profit able oil industry, and their struggle with oil companies to protect the environm ent. The discussion is then extended to what general economic opportunities (or lack of them) are available to women within the culture-from drug smuggling to e ngineering-and the ongoing racism and violence that keep many women living in po verty. Also available in English. (58 minutes)Spanish</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>58< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5056_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5056_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7030</td><td>Venezuela: The 21st Century to Prehistory</td>< td>In 1524, Venezuela was the first country with a woman ruler-on Margarita Isla nd. Beginning there, this program traces the role of women in the nation's profi table oil industry, and their struggle with oil companies to protect the environ ment. The discussion is then extended to what general economic opportunities (or lack of them) are available to women within the culture-from drug smuggling to engineering-and the ongoing racism and violence that keep many women living in p overty. Also available in Spanish. (60 minutes)English</td><td>1992</td><td>60</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5057_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5057_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30542</td><td>Venice: A Secondhand City?</td><td>Renaissance Venice was a society absorbed with appearance. But behind the facade of Venetia n wealth was a city run on poverty and a credit system. In this program, reenact ments of English Courtier Thomas Coryat's visit in 1608 are contrasted with arch ival research and commentary by Dr. Patricia Allerston of the University of Edin burgh, revealing a brisk secondhand and pawn trade. Professor Patricia Fortini-B rown of Princeton University offers further economic and legal insight into Rena issance society as she discusses the enlightened self-interest of a city that ch ose to accommodate rather than outlaw, as seen in its creation of a Jewish ghett o and red light district. (30 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5058_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5058_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31960</td><td>Ventilation</td><td>Ventilation is an integral

component of building design. This program will show students proper procedures for the installation of vent flashing and various types of ventilation ports. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the Co mpetencies and Objectives of the National Center for Construction Education & Re search. A Shopware Production. (15 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5059_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5059_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>4989</td><td>Victim of Two Cultures: Richard Rodriguez</td>< td>Richard Rodriguez, the son of Mexican immigrants, calls himself "a comic vict im of two cultures." He started out speaking nothing but Spanish, and now argues for education in nothing but English. A Fulbright scholar with degrees from Sta nford and Columbia, he suddenly walked away from a promising career in academia; despite his ambition to teach, he rebelled against job offers that, he says, ca me to him just because of his Hispanic surname. Condemned by some for having for saken his roots and for his negative views of affirmative action and bilingual e ducation, he has been praised by many others for his intimate understanding of t he impact of language on life. In this program with Bill Moyers, Rodriguez expla ins his opposition to bilingual education and talks about his experience growing up in America as the son of immigrants; he also discusses the differences betwe en Mexican and American cultures. (52 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5060_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5060_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33390</td><td>Victor Hugo</td><td>The life of Victor Hugo, o ne of the giants of French literature, is a study in contrasts. This program chr onicles how a man born into humble circumstances became a staunch monarchist and then a political liberal and supporter of the French republic. Though he lived many years in exile, Hugo was considered the conscience of the Republic, and his fame as a political force rivaled his renown as the author of plays, prose, and poetry. As a writer, he conquered the stage for Romanticism with his play Herna ni and captured the imagination of untold millions with his epic novel Les Miser ables. Readings from Hugo's vast oeuvre are included throughout the program. (25 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5061_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5061_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31409</td><td>The Victorian Nude</td><td>In this program, Ta te Britain's Alison Smith explores contradictory Victorian attitudes toward the nude in painting and sculpture. Topics include attempts to characterize the Engl ish nude, the classical nude as an expression of moral and spiritual ideals, the mystique of the artist's studio, the sensational nudes of the later Victorian y ears, and modern depictions of the naked human form that began to emerge around 1900. The works of William Etty, William Blake Richmond, Annie Swynnerton, Edwar d Burne-Jones, John William Waterhouse, Frederic Leighton, Henry Scott Tuke, Wil

liam Orpen, John Singer Sargent, and others are featured. (37 minutes)</td><td>2 002</td><td>37</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5062_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5062_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>3283</td><td>The Victorians (1837-1901)</td><td>As the age a pproaches our own, time accelerates; and in the six-and-a-half decades of Victor ia's reign, changes came thick and fast: England's population doubled, the econo my exploded, railways shrank the country's size, iron and steel were everywherein clothing too, in the women's steel hoops and cages and bustles. This was an a ge that began in moderation and soon became a contest for conspicuous consumptio n; an age of contradictions, too, when children began to be dressed as children while women were strapped into tight corsets; an age that ended looking not all that different from our own. (26 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5063_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5063_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37632</td><td>Victory Is Your Duty: Boxing as a Policy Tool in Cuba</td><td>For decades, boxing has held a special place of honor in Cuban s ociety-not least because Fidel Castro deployed the nation's athletes as an uncon ventional tool of foreign and domestic policy. This Wide Angle report goes insid e the Havana Boxing Academy-the first time a foreign film crew has been permitte d-to follow future Olympians, hand-picked from the age of nine, as they fight th eir way into shape to become the standard bearers of la Revolucion. Their journe y to the national championships reveals that victory is not just their hope; it is their duty. In addition, Andy Gomez, Senior Fellow at the University of Miami 's Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies, speaks with Daljit Dhaliwal a bout Cuba's post-Fidel era and the future of U.S./Cuban relations. (57 minutes)< /td><td>2007</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5064_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5064_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33790</td><td>Video Art</td><td>Since its emergence in the 1 960s and early 1970s, video art has been both a hothouse and a sanctuary for rad ical modes of expression disparaged by the mainstream art community. This progra m combines film clips and interviews with artists John Wood and Paul Harrison to consider a medium that continues to fly in the face of the fine art tradition a nd the culture industry. Host Dave Beech argues that if video art spurns convent ion, it is not because it settles for less, but because it asks for more. Some c ontent may be objectionable. (30 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5065_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5065_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span>

</td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33229</td><td>Video Artists, Video Art: Film at the Fringes of Experience</td><td>Enlightening or mystifying, intriguing or repulsive, the w orks of Gary Hill, Shirin Neshat, Matthew Barney, and William Kentridge demand a reaction. This in-depth four-part series showcases these renowned video artists and their creations, giving viewers an opportunity to immerse themselves in a c inematic world where experimenting with the limits of filmmaking and testing the boundaries of societal acceptance are the norm. 4-part series, 42-54 minutes ea ch.</td><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5066_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5066_l blPrice">$519.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32924</td><td>The Video Game: Past, Present, and Future</td> <td>From Pong and Donkey Kong to Final Fantasy and Tomb Raider, this program tra ces the remarkable history of video games by studying the companies, technologie s, and economics that are fueling the industry in Japan, the U.S., and France. I t also seeks to understand the driving force behind the video game's phenomenal cultural penetration while offering insights into the rigorous development and a ggressive multichannel marketing of games and game consoles. The inevitable conv ergence of the video game and film industries and the impact of the Internet as a global gaming environment are also considered. (51 minutes)</td><td>2001</td>< td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5067_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5067_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31075</td><td>Video Games: Creating Virtual Fantasy</td><td> With annual sales figures mounting up into the billions of dollars, video games have reshaped the leisure landscape. Who are the brains behind the big-budget ma sterpieces such as Star Wars: Force Commander and the Turok series, and what is it like to be part of a game development team? In this program, creative directo rs, writers, designers, artists, programmers, composers, sound effects specialis ts, and testers from Nintendo of America, LucasArts Entertainment, and Acclaim S tudios step through every stage of the game development process, from initial co ncept to last-minute prerelease debugging. (46 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>46< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5068_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5068_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11248</td><td>Video on the Web: A Digital Video Primer</td>< td>Traditional media companies are scrambling to understand the process of produ cing video for the Web because they know that early adapters will have a tremend ous competitive edge in the nascent digital entertainment and information indust ry. This topical overview-a valuable resource for media professionals and studen

ts alike-methodically explains the fundamentals of creating streaming video for the Internet, including shooting, digitizing, encoding, serving, broadcasting, a nd playback. Bandwidth, compression, luminosity, signal cleaning, frame rate, ro uter hop, and other key terms are defined. (30 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>30< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5069_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5069_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30674</td><td>Video Tech</td><td>This award-winning five-par t series provides the ultimate guide to professional video production, with an e mphasis on specific creative techniques in sound, lighting, camera work, and edi ting. Each program is divided into topic sections that end with a summary of key points covered. 5-part series, 30-35 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp ;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5070_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5070_l blPrice">$449.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11341</td><td>Vietnamese-Americans</td><td>One of the effect s of war has long been the displacement of peoples. But what happens when the re fugees come to live in the country of one of the combatants and neither speak th e language nor know its culture? This balanced two-part series puts a human face on the issues surrounding the Vietnamese-American experience. 2-part series, 33 -37 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5071_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5071_l blPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8691</td><td>The Vikings</td><td>This program studies the Vi kings within the context of medieval history, during which time Europe was still politically fragmented by the breakup of the Roman Empire. Experts from academi a, including Sandhurst Military College, investigate topics such as the effect o f Viking aggression on commerce in Christendom, the efforts of the Church to con vert the Vikings in order to control them, the military value of the shallow-dra ft Viking longship, and the beauty of Viking art. In addition, Viking society is examined in depth, with a special focus on politics, culture, and religion. The role Vikings played in the development of European trade is also discussed. (48 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>48</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5072_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5072_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>1960</td><td>Vikings and Normans</td><td>The Vikings were fa

rmers and food gatherers, fierce and violent in battle, with family and clan loy alties that lasted beyond life. This program covers the Viking sea prowess and e xplorations: Viking influences in England and Scotland, trade with the Far East 300 years before Marco Polo and the discovery of America 500 years before Columb us, the Viking presence as far as the Black Sea, and encounters between Slavs an d Vikings. The program also covers the Normans-Vikings who had conquered norther n France and adopted both Christianity and the French language-and their establi shment of the Norman Kingdom of Sicily; the Norman conquest of England in 1066; and the Magna Carta and its effects. The program concludes with the final barbar ian invasions of Europe by the Magyars. (37 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>37</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5073_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5073_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30732</td><td>Viktor Frankl's Choice</td><td>A Holocaust sur vivor, the author of Man's Search for Meaning, and the founder of logotherapy, V iktor Frankl combined an inquisitive nature and a courageous zest for life with wisdom and humility. This captivating program hosted by Richard Dreyfuss and Kat hleen Chalfant examines the life of the renowned psychiatrist, his contributions to science and philosophy, and the application of his theories, particularly in the area of palliative care. Rare archival lecture and interview footage and re adings from his autobiography Recollections and other works are featured, as are interviews with members of the Frankl family. A Ruth Yorkin Drazen Production. (58 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>58</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5074_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5074_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9166</td><td>Village Radicals, New Americans, Boom, and Cras h</td><td>This program analyzes the cultural changes that occurred during the ea rly 20th century, the golden age of American mainstream theater. Ellen Adler, ow ner of The Stella Adler Conservatory; playwright Michael Dinwiddie; Brooks McNam ara, director of the Shubert Archive; and theater historian and author Mary Hend erson address topics such as the impact of immigrants on the emerging voices in drama; the blossoming of ethnic theater; the role of the American Laboratory The ater; the influence of the Greenwich Village Theatre and the Provincetown Player s; and the works of Eugene O'Neill, including Beyond the Horizon, Long Day's Jou rney into Night, and The Iceman Cometh. (30 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>30</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5075_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5075_l blPrice">$99.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>10599</td><td>Vincent Scully and the New Urbanism</td><td>He has taught at Yale for over 50 years, his students are a who's who of American architecture, and he has even had an award named after him. In this program, New sHour correspondent Ray Suarez interviews architectural historian Vincent Scully

, a passionate proponent of the New Urbanism. Together they discuss the need to stop designing towns and cities around the automobile. In support of his thesis, Mr. Scully cites issues such as the backlash against high-rise housing, the det rimental effects of the interstate system on viable urban communities, and the A merican love affair with the single-family home. (12 minutes)</td><td>1999</td>< td>12</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5076_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5076_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7159</td><td>Violence Against Women</td><td>The secrecy surr ounding domestic violence is the focus of this program. Hosted by a policewoman and a television news anchor, it contains stories of hope for women who are curr ently in violent relationships, and provides valuable information on how to leav e an abusive partner. Specific information is included on speaking out, having a plan, when to leave, where to go, the legal aspects, getting help for abusers, and how to protect and counsel children who live in violent homes. (46 minutes)< /td><td>1995</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5077_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5077_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>6684</td><td>The Violin</td><td>This program traces the hist ory of four violins made at the workshop of master craftsman Andrea Amati-an ori ginal Amati made in 1566; a violin made by Nicolo Amati, an instructor to Stradi varius; and two 18th-century violins. We visit the Venice workshops of other vio lin master craftsmen, and see how the craft spread from there to Switzerland, wh ere a workshop established in the 17th century still thrives today. (28 minutes) </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5078_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5078_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>2718</td><td>Virgil Goes to China: An Introductory Course in Spoken Mandarin</td><td>A hands-on introduction to Mandarin Chinese, this set o f videos provides vocabulary, pronunciation, syntax, appropriate usage, and the realistic setting for the words and phrases. The narrative concerns Virgil, a yo ung tourist visiting China; scenes of contemporary China provide the context for the language skills taught. The communication topics consist of Food and Eating , Buying Things, Planning the Day, Getting around the City, and Getting There; t he combination of animation and documentary footage is designed to motivate inte rest and make the lessons more easily remembered. 5-part set, 15 minutes each.</ td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5079_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5079_l blPrice">$495.95<br /></span>

</td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7732</td><td>Virginia Woolf</td><td>Mrs. Dalloway, To the Li ghthouse, The Waves, Orlando. All of these titles, written by novelist and essay ist Virginia Woolf, stand at the forefront of 20th-century literature. In this p rogram, those who knew Woolf trace her life and prolific career from her childho od in London to her final days as a victim of mental illness and eventual suicid e. As a leading member of the Bloomsbury group, Woolf's impressionistic style an d stream-of-consciousness techniques are examined through excerpts from some of her most famous works. A BBC Production. (51 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>51</t d><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5080_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5080_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32944</td><td>Virginia Woolf: "A Room of One's Own"</td><td> "A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction." So s poke Virginia Woolf in 1929 as she discussed the problems of the writer and of w omen in general. Woolf's talk represents perhaps the most persuasive of all her writings on liberty, literature, and the role of women in her society. Woolf spo ke not only about writing, but about writing as a woman-speaking in an age when women were deprived of virtually every possibility of earning their own living. In this program, the actress Eileen Atkins re-creates her acclaimed one-woman st age show based on Woolf's talk, in the original lecture hall at Girton College, Cambridge, where Woolf spoke and amidst the background of Cambridge, with its di stinguished colleges and elegant riverbanks that were the original inspiration f or Woolf's noble and exhilarating talk. (53 minutes)</td><td>1990</td><td>53</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5081_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5081_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10039</td><td>Virginia Woolf: Mrs. Dalloway</td><td>Virginia Woolf pushed the boundaries of the novel as a tool for psychological inquiry th rough her experimentation with subjective and relativistic perceptions of time a nd events. This program intercuts scenes from a compelling dramatization of Mrs. Dalloway with a portrayal of Virginia Woolf-played by actress Eileen Atkins-who , based on entries from her diary, explicates the story. Literary critic Hermion e Lee addresses topics in the novel such as the significance of shared external events and the theme of emotional bankruptcy, both of which propel this drama of the mind. (59 minutes)</td><td>1987</td><td>59</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5082_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5082_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30527</td><td>The Virtual Body</td><td>Offering a high-tech approach to understanding human biology, this outstanding five-part series hoste

d by British media personality Liz Fraser uses an array of eye-popping visuals t o illustrate how the body works. Spectacular 3-D animated computer renderings pr esent functioning organs and structures as cutaways and virtual tours, providing a captivating inside-out view of the human body. Endoscopic and microscopic ima ging and 2-D animated diagrams are used as well. Viewed as a whole, this series stresses the interdependence of the body's many systems. 5-part series, 20 minut es each.</td><td>2001</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5083_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5083_l blPrice">$449.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9330</td><td>Virtual Equality: The Information Revolution an d the Inner City</td><td>"Every child in America deserves a chance to participat e in the Information Revolution," says President Clinton. But first, the inner-c ity technology ghetto must be eliminated. In this program, representatives of gr oups such as the National Urban League, ASPIRA, the East Harlem Tutorial Program , the Technology Access Foundation, and the Urban Technology Center examine the urgent need for technology-centered education through home computer access, comm unity technology centers, and schools-properly funded and staffed. They also ass ess the use of computers as tools for higher learning rather than merely as dril lmasters. (57 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5084_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5084_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8885</td><td>Virtual Friends: Living in Cyberspace</td><td>R elationships in the modern megalopolis: interpersonal or impersonal? This progra m investigates the new interactive society model in which physical neighborhoods connected by proximity have been displaced by virtual neighborhoods linked by t echnology. Topics discussed include the intimate anonymity of the Internet; the use of emoticons in e-mail; the growing importance of telecommunications; the Pa vlovian response to a ringing telephone; and the relationship category defined a s "familiar strangers." (25 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5085_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5085_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>30649</td><td>Virtual Worlds: Inside Online Games</td><td>As online gaming companies position themselves to tap an entertainment market that is projected to explode, researchers question the safety of deeply immersive vi rtual worlds. In this program, MIT psychologist and sociologist Sherry Turkle; D avid Greenfield, author of Virtual Addiction; Richard Garriott, creator of Ultim a Online; Brad McQuaid, co-creator of EverQuest; representatives of Sony Online Entertainment and Mythic Entertainment; Janet Murray, author of Hamlet on the Ho lodeck; and many others tackle some big questions: What makes these games so com pelling? Are they clinically addictive? And do they promote violence? Additional topics include player demographics, the profit potential of the online gaming i ndustry, and the future of TV in the era of interactive entertainment. (52 minut

es)</td><td>2002</td><td>52</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5086_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5086_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7103</td><td>Viruses</td><td>Viruses are the simplest forms of life-so primitive in biological terms that for some years the scientific comm unity debated whether they should even be regarded as living organisms. This pro gram examines how viruses, though incapable of reproducing outside of living cel ls, have developed refined strategies for reconfiguring the host organism into o ne that serves exclusively as a virus breeder. Sophisticated computer graphics a nd microscopy allow viewers to watch as these resourceful parasites seek out, da mage, or kill the invaded host. (33 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5087_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5087_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>8362</td><td>Viruses: The Global Challenge</td><td>This four -part series traces the path of several of the world's major viruses-polio, flu, monkey pox, and ebola. The emergence of new viruses is addressed within discuss ions centered upon past and current research efforts. 4-part series, 52 minutes each.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5088_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5088_l blPrice">$519.80<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33739</td><td>Vision</td><td>This program argues that the hu man visual system is skillful at some things, but that we miss an amazing amount of what is going on right in front of our eyes. Whether spotting attractive peo ple in a crowd, gauging depth and distance, or even predicting where things end up, the eyes are at their most perceptive. But clever experiments conducted at a nightclub by scientists from Sussex University illustrate that when a person's visual focus reaches its peak, other things within eyesight are missed. Discussi on also focuses on the brain's processing of images, as well as the coordination of our sense of vision with our bodies. A BBCW Production. (30 minutes)</td><td >2003</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5089_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5089_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11057</td><td>Visions of Prophecy, Voices of Power</td><td>B y the Middle Ages, women's roles as defined by the Church were strictly circumsc ribed; however, alternate role models were also available, beginning with the Vi rgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, and the transvestite saints from the early Church. Th

is program examines the options available to women living in the 12th through 15 th centuries and how some subverted traditional roles in order to discover and e xpress their own freedom, dignity, and power. Professors Kathy Garay and Madelei ne Jeay, of McMaster University, offer insights into the medieval world and how medieval women's struggles for recognition reflect contemporary issues. (24 minu tes)</td><td>2000</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5090_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5090_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26758</td><td>Visiting a Fabric Store</td><td>Do you like th e idea of wearing designer clothes...without paying designer prices? Selecting j ust exactly the right style, color, and fabric? Then our video Visiting a Fabric Store may be just what you need! We explore the wide range of choices for sewer s today as well as cover: advantages and disadvantages of different fabrics; dif ferent types of finishes (crease-resistant, water repellent, durable press); whi ch fabrics work best for different types of garments; and more. For example: Cot ton is comfortable and easy to care for, but is it really the best choice for th at tailored jacket? Not only will beginners get a solid foundation on fabric typ es and styles, but experienced sewers will become even more proficient. Becoming knowledgeable about fabrics and finishes will help you make the best choices fo r that one-of-a-kind garment! (17 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1999</td> <td>17</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5091_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5091_l blPrice">$74.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>14640</td><td>Visual Merchandising</td><td>This informative video shows students how to analyze the essential elements involved in creating the right ambiance for merchandise. Includes: the creation or change of a store' s identity, both from the inside and through windows; techniques for using space , line, and lighting; how to utilize colors; and the showmanship created by usin g current events and holiday themes. Leading professionals discuss how visual me rchandising has become a prime selling force in stores today. Viewers learn abou t the skills and interests needed to become a visual merchandiser and the wide r ange of career options available. A student manual is included. A Cambridge Educ ational Production. (35 minutes)</td><td>1994</td><td>35</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5092_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5092_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29859</td><td>Visual Special Effects</td><td>Cel animation, scale modeling, Claymation, and animatronics are four time-tested techniques tha t are widely used for creating incredible special effects. This program shows ho w masters of these arts perform their visual magic, from conceptualization to ap plication. (27 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5093_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5093_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33971</td><td>"Viva Espana con Honra!"-in Spanish</td><td>Th e reign of Isabella II was characterized by palace intrigues, antechamber influe nces, barracks conspiracies, and military pronunciamientos. This program illustr ates the factionalist ferment that led to the Revolution of 1868, the expulsion of the queen, the regency of Francisco Serrano, and the short reign of Amadeus I . Film clips, artwork, dramatizations, and maps shed light on the unrest at home and in Cuba as well as on moderate progress in public works and slight improvem ents in commerce and finance. The advantageous Spanish war against Morocco is al so presented. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Span ish, 46 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5094_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5094_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34883</td><td>"Viva Espana con Honra!"-in Spanish with Engli sh Subtitles</td><td>The reign of Isabella II was characterized by palace intrig ues, antechamber influences, barracks conspiracies, and military pronunciamiento s. This program illustrates the factionalist ferment that led to the Revolution of 1868, the expulsion of the queen, the regency of Francisco Serrano, and the s hort reign of Amadeus I. Film clips, artwork, dramatizations, and maps shed ligh t on the unrest at home and in Cuba as well as on moderate progress in public wo rks and slight improvements in commerce and finance. The advantageous Spanish wa r against Morocco is also presented. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish with English subtitles, 46 minutes)</td><td>2004</td> <td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5095_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5095_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5873</td><td>Vivaldi</td><td>This program retraces the life and places, the glories and despairs of Antonio Vivaldi, the red(haired) priest whose working relationship with a diva set tongues wagging and whose love for op era led to his downfall. And throughout and above all, of course, his music. Exq uisite performances of the range of his work, from the "Estro Armonico" and othe r string masterpieces, pieces from some operas, "Juditha Triumphans," and exampl es of the sacred vocal music, are set against contemporary paintings and still-s tanding monuments and artifacts to show us the brilliant violin virtuoso who was said to be able to play on all four strings at once, to explain the qualities o f Stradivarius' violins, and to trace the rise and fall of the inimitable Antoni o Vivaldi. Written and directed by Lina Wertmuller. In Italian with English subt itles. (55 minutes)</td><td>1993</td><td>55</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5096_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5096_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span>

</td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33969</td><td>"Vivan las Caenas!"-in Spanish</td><td>Beginni ng with the Battle of Bailen, this program charts the erratic course of politics in Spain that saw Ferdinand VII deposed by Napoleon and replaced by the emperor 's brother, Joseph; reinstated at the end of the Peninsular War by the victoriou s allied forces; constrained by a coup in 1820 to abide by the liberal Constitut ion of 1812; and unbound by a second coup to resume his authoritarian reign-an e ra known as the Decada Ominosa. Wars for independence in Spain's American posses sions are also chronicled. Dramatizations and film clips capture the harshness o f the period. Viewer discretion is advised. Not available in French-speaking Can ada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish, 50 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5097_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5097_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34881</td><td>"Vivan las Caenas!"-in Spanish with English Su btitles</td><td>Beginning with the Battle of Bailen, this program charts the err atic course of politics in Spain that saw Ferdinand VII deposed by Napoleon and replaced by the emperor's brother, Joseph; reinstated at the end of the Peninsul ar War by the victorious allied forces; constrained by a coup in 1820 to abide b y the liberal Constitution of 1812; and unbound by a second coup to resume his a uthoritarian reign-an era known as the Decada Ominosa. Wars for independence in Spain's American possessions are also chronicled. Dramatizations and film clips capture the harshness of the period. Viewer discretion is advised. Not available in French-speaking Canada. An RTVE Production. (Spanish with English subtitles, 50 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5098_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5098_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35314</td><td>The Vocabulary of Film and TV</td><td>Motion p ictures have a language all their own, and media students need to become fluent in it. This video is the ideal primer, using an entertaining story line to teach basic film vocabulary. Set in an actual movie studio, the program explores the stylistic conventions of action, horror, and other genres, and demonstrates prin ciples of camera placement, mise-en-scene, lighting, sound, shot size, and editi ng. The spine-tingling (but not too scary) horror plot keeps viewers focused on film language and how it is manipulated to tell a story with a logical flow that builds to an emotional conclusion. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is a vailable online. (27 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5099_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5099_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34011</td><td>Voices: Cancer Patients Speak Out</td><td>This program presents the reality of cancer as experienced by patients. Commentary f

rom Dr. Julia Rowland, director of the NCI's Office of Cancer Survivorship, focu ses on a patient's quality of life as cancer treatment proceeds, as well as the impact of the disease on a patient's family. Five patients of varied ages and at different stages of the disease-including a 28-year-old woman with breast cance r and a 54-year-old man with Hodgkin's lymphoma and lung cancer-progress with th eir families and caregivers through diagnosis, treatment, and the hopes and unce rtainties that follow. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Production. (58 minu tes)</td><td>2004</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5100_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5100_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10329</td><td>Voices from Heaven: The Religious Music of Eur ope in the Middle Ages</td><td>Filmed in several of northern Italy's most magnif icent churches and beautiful villages, this documentary illuminates the medieval origins of Christian music through vocal and instrumental performances by the G othic Voices of London, the Ensemble Venance Fortunat of Paris, the Orthodox Cho rus of Moscow, and the Giovanna Marini Ensemble Micrologus of Assisi, Italy. The Timna Brauer Ensemble & Elias Meiri of Vienna perform songs based on the ancien t Cabala. Expert commentary on the cultural and religious context of these authe ntically rendered melodies, combined with outstanding footage of the art and arc hitecture of the Middle Ages, rounds out the program. (57 minutes)</td><td>1997< /td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5101_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5101_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33406</td><td>Voices of Disposable People</td><td>More than 300 million men, women, and children are being forced to work in conditions of v irtual enslavement. They have lost all control over their lives, and their survi val rests in the hands of exploitative individuals and corporations. When they a re no longer productive, they are simply discarded-broken, empty, and humiliated . This program goes around the world to document the stories of disposable peopl e: sugarcane cutters in the Dominican Republic, bonded laborers in India, and mi grant workers in Miami, U.S.A. (53 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5102_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5102_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10163</td><td>Voices of Power: African-American Women</td><t d>African-American women have captured the moral imagination of mainstream Ameri ca through their essays, novels, poetry, and other artistic endeavors, breaching the static lines of race, gender, and class. How have their reflections so clea rly articulated the hopes and philosophies of so many? In this program, writers Alice Walker and bell hooks and Ohio State University faculty Dr. Martha Wharton , of the departments of African-American studies and women's studies, and Dr. Va lerie Lee, of the departments of English and women's studies, examine the emerge nce of African-American women as popular and powerful voices of social conscienc

e. (29 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5103_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5103_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36090</td><td>Voices of the World: The Extinction of Languag e and Linguistic Diversity</td><td>"The world is a mosaic of visions, and each v ision is encapsulated by a language." Yet every two weeks, one of the world's ap proximately 6,500 languages dies out. What is the significance of this loss to t hose who speak the language as well as for the rest of humankind? Why do some la nguages become global while others disappear? And how are language and identity connected? In this program, linguists David Crystal, Peter Austin, and Jorgen Ri schel search for the answers to those and other pressing questions as they inves tigate the state-and fate-of Livonian, in Latvia; Dogon, in Mali; Mlabri, in Tha iland; Changsha Hua and Naqxi, in China; Pitjantjatjara and Pintupi, in Australi a; and Tutunaku, in Mexico. (Portions in other languages with English subtitles, 60 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5104_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5104_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11807</td><td>Voltaire and Jefferson: The Sage of Ferney and the Man from Monticello</td><td>This program explores the fascinating story of Thomas Jefferson's admiration for Voltaire and how the French philosopher, stead fast advocate of political and religious freedom, influenced not only Jefferson but many of the other founding fathers. Striking parallels are observed between life at Voltaire's rural retreat at Ferney near Geneva and Jefferson's estate at Monticello. Narrated by Academy Award-winning actor Cliff Robertson, this visua lly stunning video combines beautiful on-site footage and other images with auth entic music of the period to accentuate the dialogue of ideas between these two great minds. (23 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5105_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5105_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>38806</td><td>Volubilis: Western Outpost of Roman North Afri ca</td><td>Once the Berber town of Volubilis, in modern-day Morocco, was absorbe d into the Roman Empire, subsequent construction aimed at Romanizing it. The res ult was a blend of European and African, imperial and tribal, that brought out s ome of the best of both worlds. This program tours the ruins of the town to poin t out key landmarks and explain their primary political purpose: to tightly bind this important defensive outpost to the interests of Rome. Monuments, inscripti ons, and mosaics offer insights into the civic, social, and private life of the municipality. Commentary is provided by Rachid Bouzidi, assistant curator at Vol ubilis, and former curator Hassan Limane. (27 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>27</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5106_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5106_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33814</td><td>Voluntary Brownfields Cleanup Programs</td><td >In this documentary, environmental regulators share their knowledge about volun tary brownfields cleanup programs. Linda Garczynski, director of the U.S. EPA Of fice of Brownfields, explains how regulatory flexibility and memorandums of agre ement facilitate the cleaning up of polluted sites for redevelopment. Arizona br ownfields coordinator Ren Willis-Frances covers different ways to address cleanu p activities. And Stan Hitt, brownfields administrator from U.S. EPA Region VI, analyzes approaches that have worked in the past. Many before-and-after shots-fr om Houston, to Phoenix, to York, Pennsylvania-illustrate properties restored to productive use. Produced by John W. Sutherlin, Ph.D. (27 minutes)</td><td>2004</ td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5107_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5107_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>20379</td><td>Vo/Tech Ins and Outs</td><td>This fast-paced, entertaining, and intriguing series introduces several occupations in the vast c areer pathway of technical trades. Viewers are taken on a journey through many d ifferent facets of vocational interest areas including welding, masonry, electri cal, residential construction, and HVAC. Each fifteen-minute program focuses on one of these particular trades and includes interviews with students preparing f or each career and working professionals on the job. The programs carefully defi ne how the participant began in the field, what the vocation means to them, educ ational requirements, immediate job opportunities, and how they envision the fut ure of each particular occupation. The series serves as an introduction to the v ast opportunities in vocational interest areas and the need for qualified worker s in these lucrative occupations. Important contact information is also provided for students interested in finding out more about vocational training programs. These programs will serve as a valuable resource to excite and motivate prospec tive students to consider a career in these high-demand and financially rewardin g occupations. A Shopware Production. 5-part series, 15 minutes each.</td><td>20 01</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5108_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5108_l blPrice">$349.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8052</td><td>Voting: A Right and a Responsibility</td><td>Wh y should I vote? Does my vote count? This program addresses these questions and reinforces the importance of voting to the political process. The program begins with a history of voting, and the struggles of women and African Americans to g ain voting rights. It then offers examples of close elections. Students are enco uraged to consider how history might have been changed if the outcomes had been different. Instructions on how to vote, how to register, absentee voting, and ho w to use a voting machine are presented. Both primary and general elections are discussed on the local, state, and national levels, as well as referendums and v otes on constitutional amendments. Students learn how to critically evaluate can

didates based on their positions, experience, and other factors. A Cambridge Edu cational Production. (40 minutes)</td><td>1996</td><td>40</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5109_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5109_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>14441</td><td>Voting Rights Amendments</td><td>The series in cludes: Amendments 15 and 24 (Rights of Citizens to Vote/Poll Tax), 17 (Direct E lection of U.S. Senators), 19 (Suffrage for Women), 23 (Voting Rights for D.C. C itizens), 26 (Minimum Voting Age). Programs range from 7 to 10 minutes. A Cambri dge Educational Production. Five videos, 41 minutes total.</td><td>1998</td><td> &nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5110_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5110_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10830</td><td>Voyage Inside the Cell</td><td>Within each hum an cell lies a world of complexity, populated by an amazing array of messenger m olecules, miniature structures, and biochemical micro-machines. Composed entirel y of 3-D computer animation, this spectacular program follows a hormone on its j ourney through inner space, where it penetrates a cell's membrane, reaches the n ucleus, and induces mitosis. Cell components such as proteins, enzymes, the endo plasmic reticulum, and cytoplasm are all identified, while a memorable depiction of cell division deftly captures the awesome yet alien nature of cellular repro duction. (15 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5111_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5111_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35165</td><td>The Voyageur Experience in Global Geography</t d><td>Offering complete immersion in global geography, history, and environmenta l studies, this student-hosted 10-part series spans the world. Each program feat ures eye-opening interaction between student travelers and local inhabitants, an d creates a case study on economic, political, and cultural issues unique to a p articular nation. A viewable/printable instructor's guide-including geographical background information, extension activities, vocabulary handouts, and more-is available online. Correlates to National Geography Standards. 10-part series, 25 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5112_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5112_l blPrice">$499.50<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11083</td><td>Vying for Viewers: The Cable News War</td><td> When CNN debuted, a 24/7 TV news channel seemed like a radical idea. Two decades

later, the spread of 24-hour news networks has validated the concept while gene rating intense inter-network competition for audience share and advertising reve nue. In this program, NewsHour correspondent Terence Smith reports on the infigh ting between CNN, MSNBC, and the Fox News Channel. CNN's Reese Schonfeld, the fa ther of 24-hour news; Judy Woodruff, CNN's prime anchor; MSNBC anchor Brian Will iams; Fox News' Kim and Brit Hume; and others discuss the evolution and future p rospects of "news on demand." (13 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5113_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5113_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7383</td><td>W. Edwards Deming: Prophet Unheard</td><td>W. E dwards Deming introduced the concept of quality control to Japanese manufacturin g after World War II. As history testifies, it turned that nation into an intern ational manufacturing giant. In rare archival footage, Deming himself profiles h is 14-point management philosophy. We learn why American businesses chose to ign ore it after the war, and how modern U.S. companies are using the concepts to im prove quality and increase profits. In the first case study, Ford Motor Company implements Deming's management ideas in order to better compete with foreign car manufacturers. A second case study documents how Florida Power and Light wins t he coveted Japan-sponsored Deming Prize for quality control after instituting hi s management practices. A BBC Production. (30 minutes)</td><td>1992</td><td>30</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5114_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5114_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32797</td><td>W. H. Auden</td><td>A prolific virtuoso of poe tic forms and techniques, W. H. Auden achieved literary fame on both sides of th e Atlantic. This program traces his life's story and provides a sampling of his very best works, including "Musee des Beaux Arts," "In Memory of W. B. Yeats," " Epitaph on a Tyrant," "Leap Before You Look," and "The Shield of Achilles." (21 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5115_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5115_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33153</td><td>Wafa Idriss: The First Female Palestinian Suic ide Bomber</td><td>Wafa Idriss was both a nurse with the Red Crescent and an ant i-Israeli occupation activist. What motivated the 28-year-old to make her mark o n history not as a healer, but as a martyr and a murderer? This program uses her story as a window into the simmering standoff that exists in the embattled West Bank. Through interviews, Wafa's mother and others who knew her express their s urprise and dismay at her actions, while a Jewish victim's widow and al Fatah's Marwan Barghouti add their own particular perspectives. Footage of attacks and r eprisals-and of Dareen abu Aisheh, inspired to become the second female Palestin ian suicide bomber-underscores the desperation felt by many Palestinians. Viewer discretion is advised. (28 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>28</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5116_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5116_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35993</td><td>Waiting for a Heartbeat: The Battle Against Mi scarriage</td><td>Rachel has lost six pregnancies-but a London medical center is giving her a fighting chance at motherhood. This program records a year inside the Recurrent Miscarriage Clinic at St. Mary's Hospital, a facility renowned for its state-of-the-art treatment. Underscoring the cautious optimism that the cli nic has inspired in thousands of couples, the program details pregnancy planning and care for Rachel and two other women who are painfully familiar with miscarr iage-Naomi, whose blood tests indicate the presence of a harmful antibody and th erefore a possible treatment, and Joanne, whose tests reveal no problem and henc e, no solution. Drug-based and surgical procedures pioneered at St. Mary's are e xplored. A BBCW Production. (50 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5117_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5117_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34281</td><td>Walk in Our Shoes: Speaking Out about Steriliz ation</td><td>This emotionally charged program filmed in Australia explores the ethics of whether, and in what circumstances, women and men with severe mental o r physical disabilities should ever be sterilized. All parties involved desire a better quality of life for people who it is believed are incapable of fully com prehending and then acting on the issues for themselves. But is sterilization, p erformed in a person's perceived best interests, a humane or an inhuman way to t ry to achieve it? Candid interviews with parents, caregivers, members of the jud iciary, and individuals with disabilities provide numerous angles on a topic tha t is as compelling as it is controversial. (46 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>46< /td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5118_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5118_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2890</td><td>Walking Through the Fear: Women and Substance A buse</td><td>Increasing numbers of women are addicted to alcohol and drugs, yet only one in five people in treatment centers is a woman. Why aren't women seekin g or getting the help they need to overcome their addictions? This program inves tigates the problems women face when they seek such help, and four women tell wh at life was like before they sought help and how their lives changed after recov ery. (28 minutes)</td><td>1991</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5119_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5119_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td>

</tr><tr> <td>31957</td><td>Wall and Roof Sheathing</td><td>Sheathing prov ides a nailing base for siding and roof covering. This program examines various sheathing materials, such as plywood composites, particleboard, and shiplap, and illustrates their installation. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is avai lable online. Correlates to the Competencies and Objectives of the National Cent er for Construction Education & Research. A Shopware Production. (14 minutes)</t d><td>2004</td><td>13</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5120_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5120_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32793</td><td>Walt Whitman</td><td>A self-styled sketch runs , "Walt Whitman, an American, one of the roughs, a kosmos." He could have added journalist, carpenter, nurse, and one of the greatest poets in English. This pro gram presents a unique literary biography, tracing Whitman's childhood, various careers, and the evolution of the masterpiece that proved his lifelong work, Lea ves of Grass. A collage of photos, paintings, and manuscripts accompanies excerp ts of letters from Whitman and Ralph Waldo Emerson, as well as readings from sec tions of Leaves of Grass, such as "Song of Myself," "I Sing the Body Electric," and "Native Moments." (22 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>22</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5121_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5121_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30641</td><td>The Wandering Tribes of Europe</td><td>This sp ectacular four-part series takes an in-depth look at the history of Europe's wan dering tribes: their migrations in search of land, their ensuing clashes with th e Romans and the Huns, and their adoption, over time, of Christianity. Dramatic reenactments, computer-generated re-creations of period architecture, maps, imag es of anthropological and historical artifacts, and insights from leading schola rs create a compelling picture of life and death in ancient and early medieval E urope. 4-part series, 52 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5122_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5122_l blPrice">$599.80<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10460</td><td>War</td><td>Wherever political, religious, rac ial, or ideological interests collide, diplomacy and tolerance historically yiel d to the barbarity of war. In this program, political scientist Charles-Philippe David; Jean-Louis Dufour, editor-in-chief of the magazine Defense; and historia ns Robert O'Connell, Andre Corviser, and Laurent Henninger trace the history of warfare from its remote origins to the present day and discuss if it is avoidabl e or if it is an innate human drive. Will the battles of tomorrow be fought by c omputer proxies, or will conventional troops always be used to attack and occupy territory? (53 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5123_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5123_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>31294</td><td>War</td><td>Segment one of this program addres ses the anxiety and suffering surrounding World War I through Sir William Orpen' s Zonnebeke, Henri Gaudier-Brzeska's Bird Swallowing a Fish, and Max Beckman's C arnival. Segment two reflects on the fear and anguish of World War II with Salva dor Dali's Mountain Lake and Francis Bacon's triptych Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion. Segment three captures the doubts and deep-seated grief of post-war Europe through Jean Fautrier's Large Tragic Head, Alberto Giac ometti's Standing Woman, and Hannah Collins' In the Course of Time II, a chillin g reminder of the Holocaust. (15 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5124_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5124_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33697</td><td>War Against Deadly Microbes and Lethal Viruses </td><td>This eye-opening program delves into humanity's war with lethal microor ganisms and viruses. Astoundingly detailed images by medical photographer Lennar t Nilsson illuminate how microbes attack the body and how our immune systems def end it. Reenactments of remarkable medical discoveries-penicillin, blood groups, methods of malaria control, and the polio vaccine-are portrayed, and cutting-ed ge stem cell research is discussed. The rapid speed with which the SARS virus sp read around the globe is also investigated. Leading immunologist Robert Gallo ur ges awareness to prevent these mounting threats...AIDS and SARS will not be the last new diseases to endanger humans. (54 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>53</td>< td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5125_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5125_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33401</td><td>War Machine</td><td>One of the most effective engines of change is war. This program examines what happened when some of the b rightest minds of the Industrial Revolution applied their skills to the field of battle. Host Dan Cruickshank takes viewers on a tour of military innovation, fr om camouflage and rifled gun barrels to David Bushnell's ingenious submarine and William Congreve's terrifying war rockets, which brought combat under the waves and into the skies. Some less spectacular but farther-reaching inventions motiv ated by warfare include wrought iron, interchangeable parts, and the world's fir st fully mechanized production and assembly line. (30 minutes)</td><td>2003</td> <td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5126_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5126_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>35825</td><td>War of the Sexes</td><td>Hidden weapons, errat ic battle lines, and no sign of a clear victor... such is life in the gender war . This five-part series confronts age-old myths and dilemmas that perpetuate ten sions between the sexes, deploying the latest scientific research into gender-ba sed differences. Featuring leading scientists and researchers-including anthropo logist Helen Fisher, sociolinguist Deborah Tannen, psychiatrist Harrison Pope, n eurologist Ruben Gur, and psychologists David Geary, Vikki Stark, and Daniel Per usse-the program juxtaposes scholarly commentary from these experts with compell ing group-dynamic experiments that measure male and female strengths, weaknesses , prejudices, and potential. 5-part series, 45 minutes each.</td><td>2005</td><t d>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5127_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5127_l blPrice">$749.75<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35828</td><td>War of the Sexes: Emotion</td><td>When asked t o describe birth from a baby's perspective, a group of women talk about fear, el ation, and other feelings-while their male counterparts summon only physical sen sations. What causes such a contrast? This program explores the divergent emotio nal tendencies of men and women, throwing gender differences into bold relief th rough spontaneous theatrical exercises and expert commentary. While confirming t hat expression of and reaction to emotion varies according to sex, the program a lso demonstrates that the male psyche values emotion no less than the female-as suggested by a collaborative storytelling session in which men craft the more ev ocative tale. (45 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5128_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5128_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35826</td><td>War of the Sexes: Language</td><td>Why do girl s demonstrate greater reading and writing ability than boys? Is the female brain hardwired for faster verbal development? Should men let women do the talking? T his program studies language differences between the sexes and explores the poss ibility that many communication skills are gender-specific. Following two teams of well-educated adults as they undergo a crash course in broadcast journalism, the program documents wide variations between male and female abilities to verba lly multitask, and examines distinctions in physical interaction, eye contact, a nd other behavioral factors. Clinical evidence regarding the significance of tes tosterone levels is also explored. (45 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5129_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5129_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35827</td><td>War of the Sexes: Power and Leadership</td><td >The war of the sexes, like any war, needs leaders and followers. Using a milita ry-style competition between male and female test subjects, this program examine s the different ways in which men and women exercise power, set goals, construct hierarchies, and perform teamwork. A chain of command, incorporating clearly de

fined roles and responsibilities, quickly materializes among the male participan ts-while the women appear less equipped to implement rigid organization. But the program shows that a female-centric system, in which authority figures emerge o nly after a period of familiarization and mutual affirmation, proves more effect ive for satisfying the contest's requirements. (45 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td >45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5130_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5130_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35830</td><td>War of the Sexes: Sexuality and Seduction</td> <td>Looks, personality, intellect, bank account-the reasons for attraction can't be predicted. Or can they? This program investigates ways that men and women ev aluate potential lovers and life partners, and shows how male and female criteri a may be more similar than many think. Creating a relaxed, club-like setting in which a small group of singles meet, flirt, and discuss their goals, the program records each participant's candid responses to the interaction, and to a barrag e of additional images and questions designed to measure deeply ingrained prefer ences. Commentary from psychologists and a respected sex therapist provides anal ysis on the evolving romantic expectations of both genders. (45 minutes)</td><td >2005</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5131_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5131_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35829</td><td>War of the Sexes: Spatial Abilities</td><td>Pa cking the trunk, finding the right road, parking in a tight spot-are these mascu line tasks, best accomplished with a man's mechanical aptitude and spatial reaso ning? This program resists broadly brushed stereotypes, but does identify dispar ities in the ways men and women operate machines, manipulate tools, focus on tas ks, and navigate. Accompanying two teams as they race to organize and complete a n extended car trip, the program juxtaposes a woman's use of personal reference points and outside assistance with the male penchant for self-reliance and schem atic course-plotting-while observations from psychologists and neurologists link these tendencies with brain evolution. (45 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>46</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5132_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5132_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36192</td><td>War on Cancer</td><td>Surgery, radiation, and drugs have become increasingly sophisticated weapons in the war against humanity 's deadliest enemy-but not everyone is convinced of their effectiveness, and som e argue that the war itself is misguided. This two-part series examines the scie ntific and social dimensions of fighting cancer, providing a detailed history of cancer research over much of the 20th century. Assembling a vast amount of expe rtise through incisive, uncompromising interviews, the series studies the volati le combination of political power, corporate influence, and media hype that surr

ounds the war on cancer. Not available in French-speaking Canada. 2-part series, 53 minutes each.</td><td>2006</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5133_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5133_l blPrice">$259.90<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11181</td><td>The War on Drugs: Winners and Losers</td><td>I s the war on drugs in the U.S. causing greater societal harm than the problem of drug abuse itself? This provocative program features interviews with Bruce Bens on and David Rasmussen, co-authors of Illicit Drugs and Crime; Eric Sterling, fo rmer Counsel to the House Judiciary Committee; Joanne Page, director of the Fort une Society; and others. Together they indict flawed initiatives that have made criminal forfeitures into a cash cow, private corrections into a highly profitab le industry, social workers and doctors into informants, and children of convict ed mothers into wards of the state. Powerful statistics and case studies support their claims. (93 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>93</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5134_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5134_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36232</td><td>A War on Science: Intelligent Design in the Cl assroom</td><td>Are advocates of the intelligent design theory really creationis ts in disguise? To what extent has the I.D. argument widened America's cultural divide? And if a clear winner emerges, who loses? This program thoroughly examin es those questions, describing the theory's quasi-scientific origins and documen ting the Pennsylvania court battle over teaching I.D. in biology classes. A hist orical overview of the creation vs. evolution debate in the United States is als o included, highlighting 20th-century struggles over separation of church and st ate and the troubling implications these issues present for American education. Original BBCW broadcast title: A War on Science. (50 minutes)</td><td>2006</td>< td>51</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5135_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5135_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35096</td><td>War on Their Minds: Voices of American Kids</t d><td>When is war justified? What is worth dying for? Does protesting work? Is w orld peace possible? In this politically balanced program, children and teens ex press themselves with passion, intelligence, and insight as they grapple with th ese questions. "I made this documentary to give children a voice as well as enco urage adults to reflect on what we are teaching tomorrow's citizens," says direc tor/producer Jennifer Glos. An excellent tool for exploring the sociological and psychological impact of 9/11, the war in Iraq, and other incidents of violence on today's children. Aired nationally on Showtime Networks. (26 minutes)</td><td >2004</td><td>26</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5136_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5136_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6560</td><td>The War Poets</td><td>The futility and madness of the First World War was the spur for some of the most moving poetry ever writ ten, but the young men who brought the voice of reason to the Great War were the mselves part of a long tradition of war poetry. This program traces the developm ent of the art of war poetry from Anglo-Saxon times to the early 20th century an d the works of Brooke, Owen, and Sassoon. Using extensive feature film footage a s well as contemporary images, the program brings a new vitality to the checkere d tales of heroism, cowardice, luck, valor, and misery which together form the e xperiences of war over the centuries. Jon Stallworthy of Oxford University, one of the world's foremost authorities on war poetry, analyzes the works. (60 minut es)</td><td>1993</td><td>60</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5137_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5137_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33277</td><td>War Spin: The Media and the Iraq War</td><td>S ome stories are simply too good to be true. In this program, John Kampfner, poli tical editor for the New Statesman (London), skewers heroic reports of the ambus h, capture, and rescue of Private Jessica Lynch, calling them misrepresentations designed to bolster wavering support for the Iraq War. Kampfner also scrutinize s the controversial practice of embedding members of the news media in military units and questions the sincerity and overall informational value of the daily C entCom briefings in Doha. An ideal springboard for discussions about propaganda, media ethics, and journalism in the modern combat zone. Original BBCW broadcast title: War Spin. (46 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>46</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5138_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5138_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26775</td><td>Wardrobe Wise...Clothing Choices</td><td>The w ay we dress expresses our personalities, but we are influenced by many other fac tors when choosing a wardrobe. Clothing reflects culture, lifestyle, and customs and can also mirror physical, mental, and emotional characteristics. This video will overview those components which affect clothing decisions, including adver tising, design, and peer pressure, and identify the principles of effective ward robe planning. (15 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>1997</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5139_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5139_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11664</td><td>Warm Desert Environments: Chihuahuan and Sonor an Animals and Plants</td><td>This program demonstrates transecting and other sa mpling techniques used in desert shrublands while examining how bushes, grasses,

and forbs have adapted to arid environments characterized by high summer temper atures. (25 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5140_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5140_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11100</td><td>Warning Signs: A Look at Teenage Violence</td> <td>Open any newspaper or listen to any news report and hear about teenage viole nce. This fast-paced, edgy video brings together experts, victims, and offenders to help viewers identify and detect the warning signs surrounding a violent sit uation. Victims explore the emotions of fear and helplessness while perpetrators expose the mayhem behind their emotions and offer ways to identify and deal wit h teens who may be most likely to strike. Experts who work with troubled teens s hare critical insight into the minds and behaviors of potentially violent indivi duals. Viewers will be given not only specific warning signs, but also an effect ive plan of action against a possibly volatile situation. A Meridian Production. One 24-minute video.</td><td>2000</td><td>24</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5141_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5141_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8530</td><td>The Wars of the Roses</td><td>Using large-scale reenactments of 15th-century warfare, detailed maps, graphics, and expert comme ntary by Dr. David Chandler, military historian and former Head of War Studies a t Sandhurst, this informative program explores the roots and the results of the brutal and exhausting civil war between the houses of York and Lancaster. From S t. Albans to Bosworth Field, the program provides a penetrating examination of a complicated yet compelling period of English history. (30 minutes)</td><td>1998 </td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5142_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5142_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>31232</td><td>Wassily Kandinsky: Invisible Shapes</td><td>Fo r Wassily Kandinsky, the father of abstract art, geometric form was the external expression of inner meaning. What sensibilities do art lovers need in order to decode the shapes behind the shapes in his colorful-and, in their day, controver sial-paintings? This program introduces the subject of symbolism in abstract exp ressionism through a close examination of Kandinsky's Yellow-Red-Blue. (33 minut es)</td><td>1994</td><td>33</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5143_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5143_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>11470</td><td>Waste Generation, Characterization, Collection , Transfer, and Disposal</td><td>The U.S. produces 200 million tons of municipal solid waste per year-and the landfill area used by the nation's ten largest cit ies alone is larger than the entire state of Indiana. Divided into two episodes, this program draws on the knowledge of William Mollere, of the Louisiana Depart ment of Environmental Quality; Marty Tittelbaum, of the University of New Orlean s; and other experts, first to define the constituent parts of the municipal sol id waste stream and then to discuss methods of collecting, transferring, and dis posing of them. The impact of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act is asse ssed. (45 minutes)</td><td>1999</td><td>45</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5144_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5144_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>36206</td><td>A Waste of Shame: The Mystery of Shakespeare a nd His Sonnets</td><td>In 1609, William Shakespeare published a collection of 15 4 sonnets, creating what is arguably the greatest lyric sequence in English lite rature-and at the center of this masterpiece lies a mystery that has endured for centuries. What are the identities of "the young man" and "the dark lady" to wh om all but two of the sonnets allude? This moving performance brings to life the gritty reality of Shakespeare's England, bits of the Bard's plays and poems, an d the consummate poet and dramatist himself as it exposes these personages unsee n but so keenly felt in Shakespeare's sonnets and in his life. Rupert Graves, To m Sturridge, Indira Varma, Anna Chancellor, and Zoe Wanamaker star. Contains mat ure themes and explicit language. Some content may be objectionable. (86 minutes )</td><td>2005</td><td>87</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5145_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5145_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30490</td><td>Wastewater Generation and Collection</td><td>A typical city of 100,000 produces millions of gallons of wastewater every day. I n this program, Harold Gorman, of the New Orleans Sewerage and Water Board; Tere sa Battenfield, director of Houston's wastewater treatment plant; Casi Callaway, executive director of Mobile Bay Watch; and many others consider the challenges of collecting wastewater via aging pipes as populations continue to grow. Storm water infiltration and high water tables are singled out for special scrutiny. I n addition, a number of infrastructure assessment and rehabilitation projects us ing computerized mapping, remote control video cameras, and other means are high lighted. (25 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>25</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5146_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5146_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30491</td><td>Wastewater Treatment and Discharge</td><td>Thi s program illustrates the physical, biological, and chemical treatment processes required to decontaminate industrial and residential wastewater and describes w ays in which discharge is being put to work. Two wastewater treatment facilities

are toured-one a traditional bricks-and-mortar operation and the other a constr ucted wetland system. Also, Steve Woods, of the Bayou Marcus Water Reclamation F acility; Thomas Byrom, of the Galveston Bay Estuary Program; and many others pra ise innovations such as high-tech disinfection and using treated wastewater to r echarge aquifers while at the same time voicing concerns over funding difficulti es and violations of the law. (27 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5147_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5147_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11651</td><td>Wasting Away: Anorexia Nervosa</td><td>This em otionally charged program profiles four young women attempting to recover from a norexia nervosa. Ranging in age from 14 to 25, they struggle to gain weight whil e dealing with associated conditions such as osteoporosis and depression, family dysfunctionality, and a mind-set that equates starvation with self-control. Fil med at the adolescent eating disorder unit of Westmead Hospital in Sydney and a private outpatient clinic, the program captures the complexities of a devastatin g psychological disorder that drives women to continuously lose weight-even if i t kills them. (47 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5148_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5148_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35645</td><td>Water and Its Powers</td><td>Water may be the world's hardest-working religious symbol, representing life, death, purification , destruction, and countless other ideas. This program studies the spiritual pro perties of water and the myriad ways in which humanity has regarded the precious substance over the millennia. Establishing a link between climate and the evolu tion of god-images, the video explores the notion of the angry deity who punishe s with water-a concept prevailing in arid regions and informing flood myths acro ss the globe. The program also illustrates the power of the river-as a source of life, and as a route into the underworld-highlighting the cultural and historic al importance of the Nile, the Ganges, and the mythical Styx. (53 minutes)</td>< td>2005</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5149_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5149_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29428</td><td>Water Babies</td><td>Did the ancestors of the human race go through a crucial semi-aquatic phase? This balanced program examin es the latest evidence that water played a major role in human evolution and ass esses how it stands up to the traditional Savanna Theory proposed by Darwin. Pre eminent critics and adherents of the Aquatic Ape Theory discuss such key points as humans' unique diving reflex and voluntary breath control; the connection bet ween brain development and long-chain fatty acids found in marine foods; links w ith schizophrenia research; and the fossil record. (29 minutes)</td><td>2001</td ><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5150_l

blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5150_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33076</td><td>Water for Profit</td><td>The moment demand out paces supply, water becomes a commodity to be traded in the global market. But w ho owns the rights to water? And how can a price be set on water? In this progra m, the pros and cons of privatization are assessed in a number of water manageme nt situations around the world: Aguas Argentina in Buenos Aires; the Bechtel cor poration in Cochabamba, Bolivia; Thames Water company in Jakarta; and a public/p rivate test partnership in Albania. Corporate representatives, anti-privatizatio n activists, farmers, and industry experts offer commentary from all sides of th e issue. (27 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5151_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5151_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33074</td><td>Water for the Cities</td><td>This program take s a hard look at the mounting challenge of providing millions of people in urban areas with potable water and adequate disposal of waste water. To highlight the difficulties, segments focus on the water problems of the megalopolis, cities w ith populations of over ten million people, such as Lagos, Jakarta, and Mexico C ity. The massive logistics that enable Las Vegas to prosper in the middle of a d esert are also explored. (27 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5152_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5152_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33073</td><td>Water for the Fields</td><td>No matter where o n Earth, the one human activity that consumes the most water is the one that was tes the most: agriculture. From locations around the world, this program surveys both disasters of agricultural irrigation, such as cotton farming in Uzbekistan , and innovative successes in water-efficient techniques and crops, such as in C alifornia and India. Numerous examples illustrate the destructive effects of def orestation and overgrazing, the difficulty of fighting erosion and reclaiming ar able soil, and the urgency of the motto: more crop per drop. (27 minutes)</td><t d>2003</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5153_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5153_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>8777</td><td>Water Pumps and Generators</td><td>Marquette ta lks to Harry Gray of the Sioux Lookout forest fire fighting team about the use o f water pumps and generators in forest fire fighting. Harry and his team demonst rate the use of a water pump.</td><td>1998</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5154_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5154_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>33300</td><td>Water, the Lifeblood of Kyoto</td><td>Kyoto's immense underground spring has nourished Japan's former capital for more than a thousand years. This program illustrates how Kyoto's incomparable spring water h as been integrated into the flow of the city's culture and industry, adding its purifying touch to the tea ceremony, festivals and religious rituals, the dispar ate arts of kimono-making and tofu-making, and the landscaping of the city's Imp erial residences, temples, and shrines. But as urbanization causes the water tab le to drop, how much longer will Kyoto's spring-oriented society survive? (53 mi nutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5155_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5155_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33077</td><td>Waters of Discord</td><td>Almost half the worl d gets its drinking water from rivers that cross national boundaries. Analysts p redict that more wars will be fought over water than oil. This program surveys a number of active or potential hot spots: Israel and the river Jordan; the South eastern Anatolia Project in Turkey and its effects on Syria and Iraq; Egypt's To shka Canal and the Nile Basin Initiative; and the Tehri dam in India. The progra m also looks at the effects of the Hoover dam on the Colorado River delta in Mex ico and the success of Lesotho's Katse dam. Vandana Shiva, author of Water Wars, discusses many of these situations. (27 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>27</td><t d> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5156_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5156_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34204</td><td>Watery Creatures: Life in the Sea</td><td>This Science Screen Report examines different ways marine species confront their env ironments using elaborate, specialized survival adaptations. Parallels between h unting techniques and defensive methods are described by contrasting aquatic pre dators with more vulnerable creatures, which rely on camouflage and sophisticate d mobility. The program emphasizes that the oceans are not only the cradle of li fe-they are also one-third of the planet's surface, and in a very real sense an unexplored frontier. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online . Correlates to National Science Education Standards. Produced in association wi th the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology and the Junior Enginee ring Technical Society. (23 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5157_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5157_l blPrice">$59.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>33078</td><td>Watery Visions: Is the Future Potable?</td><td >In a dramatic reversal of policy since apartheid, South Africa has become a mod el of water fulfillment. Despite being one of the driest regions on Earth, India 's Rajasthan is an oasis due to the revival of a system of ancient rain basins. This program looks at these encouraging examples to show how sustainable solutio ns to long-term water management can be achieved, while a visit to Sertao in Bra zil illustrates the appalling alternative-two very different futures. (27 minute s)</td><td>2003</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5158_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5158_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>9208</td><td>Watts, Then and Now: 1965-1991</td><td>In the s ummer of 1965, tensions in South Central Los Angeles exploded: high unemployment , poverty, and racism ignited a tinderbox of frustration after a routine traffic arrest. In 1991, the same conditions once again resulted in riots, violence, an d looting after the acquittal of four white police officers in the beating of Ro dney King. This program examines the socioeconomic conditions in Watts that have made it an ongoing hotbed of violence. Community activists and long-time reside nts, along with younger residents, address the question of why it happened in 19 65 and 1991-and what can be done so that it does not happen again. (47 minutes)< /td><td>1998</td><td>47</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5159_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5159_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36387</td><td>The Wave Nature of Light</td><td>Is light comp osed of waves or particles? This collection of 17 computer-animated video module s explores the wave model of light, from its earliest roots to our modern unders tanding of electromagnetism. Empedocles' belief that light streams from the eye, Aristotle's conception of light as a disturbance in ether, and Euclid's mathema tical, ray-centered paradigms are all explored. The Cartesian sine wave model, H uygens' principle of bending wave fronts, the electromagnetic spectrum, and aspe cts of particle theory are also presented, along with overviews of diffraction, interference, polarization, and dispersion, and an explanation of Young's double -slit experiment. (76 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>76</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5160_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5160_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>6847</td><td>Waves and Sound</td><td>A guitar; Kundt's appar atus; a tuning fork and a column of air inside a tube; a resonating fish pot; a cymbal-playing toy monkey in a vacuum jar; a Slinky; an oscilloscope; the rim of a wine glass; and a fish-finder are just some of the items used to demonstrate the following concepts:o sound and vibrationo resonanceo standing waveso amplitu deo traverse, longitudinal, planar, and circular waveso parabolic antennas and m

irrorso reflection and refraction of waves(30 minutes)</td><td>1997</td><td>30</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5161_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5161_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>11657</td><td>Way Out West: An Introduction to Ecological Sc ience</td><td>With its diversity of biomes, the Southwest is an ideal natural la boratory for the study of ecological science. This outstanding 10-part series, d eveloped by the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science using state and national standards as guidelines, emphasizes a field-based approach to understa nding the region's forests, grasslands, deserts, and aquatic habitats. Filmed on location, each program combines commentary by a wildlife ecologist with peer in struction to give students a solid understanding of both the environment and res earch techniques. The cycling of nutrients, energy, and water through ecosystems and the adaptations of organisms to their surroundings are stressed. 10-part se ries, 25-28 minutes each.</td><td>2000</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5162_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5162_l blPrice">$1,299.50<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10795</td><td>The Way We Communicate...</td><td>CADD-Compute r-Aided Drafting and DesignThis video is designed to provide an overview of CADD , Computer-Aided Drafting and Design, and its importance in today's world. Viewe rs will see real-world examples of applications, including engines, circuitry, a nd heating and air conditioning systems. Benefits of using CADD are outlined , a nd we hear from experts in the field who are actually using CADD on the job. Not only do students see CADD in operation, they are also given clear explanations as to various components and how they work. Most important, viewers learn that u sing CADD allows advancement in technological design at a speed and level of eff iciency that are nearly miraculous. An extremely valuable tool for introductorylevel courses. A Meridian Production.One 13-minute video.</td><td>1997</td><td>1 3</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5163_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5163_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>1276</td><td>Ways with Coal</td><td>Major research has been devoted to making the processes of coal combustion more efficient and reducing t he pollution they cause. Coke, the first smokeless fuel made from coal, has impo rtant industrial uses which depend on the grade and strength of the coke. Coke c an be carbonized to remove volatile matter which is in turn processed to provide a wide range of industrial materials: pitch, creosote, road tar, and concentrat ed ammonia solution are some examples. Coal can be gasified and converted into a type of crude oil, which can be fractionally distilled into diesel fuel, gasoli ne, and chemical raw materials. (20 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>20</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5164_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span>

</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5164_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36460</td><td>We Love Cigarettes: Resisting the Romance of S moking</td><td>What causes smoking's deadly allure? Is there a surefire method f or breaking free of it? This program examines humanity's love affair with cigare ttes, traveling around the globe to interview doctors and counselors dedicated t o fighting nicotine well as a few individuals who defiantly promo te the habit. Artist and passionate smoker David Hockney, cold turkey guru Allen Carr, nicotine patch inventor Dr. Jed Rose, and Dr. Jeffrey Wigand-the tobacco whistleblower who inspired the movie The Insider-are some of the interviewees. T he program also features commentary from Dr. Linda Ferry, who discovered that th e antidepressant Zyban can reduce nicotine cravings. Original BBCW broadcast tit le: We Love Cigarettes. (50 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>50</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5165_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5165_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33031</td><td>Wearing Hijab: Uncovering the Myths of Islam i n the United States</td><td>In America, there are many misconceptions about Isla m, particularly concerning its distinctive veil known as hijab. But how do Musli m women in this country who wear hijab feel about it? In this program, six Musli m women from six different ethnic backgrounds discuss their relation to this tra ditional garment, as well as what it means in a more general way to practice Isl am in the U.S. Interviews with spouses and family members also shed light on the spiritual and cultural dimensions of this practice. A viewable/printable instru ctor's guide is available online. (34 minutes)</td><td>2003</td><td>34</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5166_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5166_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29329</td><td>Web Page Construction: Starting from Scratch, with HTML</td><td>The Internet is proving to be an outstanding forum for sharing class projects. In this program, two webmasters from the New Mexico school syst em present an informal tutorial on how to construct a basic Web page using HTML. Filled with examples and tips, the program explains how to use HTML tags to set up a basic page; modify the alignment, size, and color of text; make line and p aragraph breaks; change the background color; insert horizontal dividers; import images; set relative and absolute links; and create bulleted and numbered lists . All information is equally applicable to PCs and Macs. (57 minutes)</td><td>20 00</td><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5167_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5167_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr>

<td>8472</td><td>Web Resumes</td><td>There are cell phones, emai ls, faxes, multi-telephone conferencing, video conferencing...the list goes on a nd on. This is also true in the job search. The resume has undergone several cha nges in the past ten years. In some cases, a basic cover letter and resume are n o longer enough to attract an employer's attention. This video program takes a l ook at various resume alternatives and how to best utilize these nontraditional formats to your advantage.Topics covered include Web and Electronic Resumes-deal s with the newest wave of resumes to come along. Viewers learn how to effectivel y put together a resume for the web, how and where to post it, and how to get it noticed. Creative Resumes-What are they? How do you put one together? What occu pations lend themselves to this type of resume? Looks at various types of creati ve resumes such as video and creative writing. Target Resumes-gives viewers info rmation about targeting a specific career and creating a resume specific to this career. Information on how to develop your capabilities, accomplishments, exper iences, and other important information directly related to the position you're seeking. Mid-Life and Re-Entry Resumes-More and more people are discovering they must take charge of their lives. This change is sometimes by choice and sometim es by necessity. Layoffs, technological advances, and job dissatisfaction are al l factors that can lead to career changes. In addition, there are more women tha n ever returning to the work force after taking time off to raise a family. This section deals with how to handle the unique challenges facing these individuals and how to create the most effective resume for them. The program includes inte rviews with a resume professional, job search counselor, and individuals from th e Online Career Center. A Cambridge Educational Production. One 30-minute video. </td><td>1998</td><td>30</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5168_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5168_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>37367</td><td>Weighing the Decision: The Ethics and Science of Stem Cell Research</td><td>On August 9, 2001, President George W. Bush announ ced his support for federal funding of limited embryonic stem cell research. Thi s NewsHour program offers a revealing snapshot of that historic intersection bet ween science and public policy. It features a panel of ethicists and researchers expressing their views on the President's decisions-including University of Chi cago professor Leon Kass, who soon became chair of the President's Council on Bi oethics; Dr. Dianne Krause, a stem cell researcher and Yale School of Medicine p rofessor; Alta Charo, a University of Wisconsin professor of law and bioethics; and Richard Doerflinger, Deputy Director of Pro-Life Activities for the U.S. Con ference of Catholic Bishops. (12 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5169_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5169_l blPrice">$49.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35468</td><td>Welcome to the Kitchen</td><td>Is it time to c ook? Not until the right tools are at hand and the kitchen is clean and safe! In this video, Mike Colameco, creator and host of PBS's Colameco's Food Show, illu strates smart cleaning and storage methods and their importance in cooking. Mike provides essential facts on food-borne illnesses, as well as the correct use of knives, food processors, and cutting boards. Explaining how easily food poisoni ng can occur, Mike shows how to set up and protect the cooking area, and reveals his techniques for safe chopping, cutting, slicing, dicing, and mincing. He als

o covers the use of processors and blenders for large food quantities, and discu sses why more than one cutting board is usually needed. A viewable/printable ins tructor's guide is available online. Correlates to all applicable state and nati onal standards. A Meridian Production. (23 minutes)</td><td>2007</td><td>23</td> <td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5170_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5170_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>5748</td><td>Welcome to the Mainland</td><td>From the jazz-l aced street speech of African-American poet Sekou Sundiata's Harlem nights to Pa lestinian-American Naomi Shihab Nye's delight in the wonder of everyday objects, this program celebrates the cultures of today-and the way those cultures have b ecome part of the American mosaic. Filmed at the Biennial Geraldine R. Dodge Poe try Festival. (58 minutes)</td><td>1995</td><td>56</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5171_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5171_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>35292</td><td>Welcome to Warren: Inmates and Guards on Life in Prison</td><td>Most prison documentaries focus on the inmates. This sobering program features guards and prisoners alike, giving the viewer two interpretatio ns of life at Ohio's Warren Correctional Institution. From the smallest detail-h ow cellmates rig a shabby partition around their toilet-to the cynicism and fron tline sociology with which the corrections officers analyze their surroundings, the video clearly elucidates the effects of prolonged monotony and confinement o n the human spirit. As one officer puts it, "Eight hours a day, I'm locked up he re too." For discussions of the American criminal justice system and its dehuman izing elements, this is a strong catalyst. Opening scene contains brief nudity. (31 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>31</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5172_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5172_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>24224</td><td>Welding</td><td>Welding is a fifteen-minute vi deo which is part of the series, Vo/Tech: Ins and Outs.This fast-paced, entertai ning, and intriguing series introduces several occupations in the vast career pa thway of vocational and technical trades. Viewers are taken on a journey through many different facets of vocational interest areas including welding, masonry, electrical, residential construction, and HVAC. Each fifteen-minute program focu ses on one of these particular trades and includes interviews with students prep aring for each career and working professionals on the job. The programs careful ly define how the participant began in the field, what the vocation means to the m, educational requirements, immediate job opportunities, and how they envision the future of each particular occupation. The series serves as an introduction t o the vast opportunities in vocational interest areas and the need for qualified workers in these lucrative occupations. Important contact information is also p rovided for students interested in finding out more about vocational training pr

ograms. These programs will serve as a valuable resource to excite and motivate prospective students to consider a career in these high-demand and financially r ewarding occupations. One 15-minute video. A Shopware Production.</td><td>2001</ td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5173_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5173_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>32777</td><td>Welding</td><td>This video puts safety first a s it explains how to use a MIG (GMAW) welder. Weld types, welder setup, destruct ive tests, and general welding techniques are covered. The causes of contact bur nback, incomplete fusion, and other problems are identified. A viewable/printabl e instructor's guide is available online. Correlates to the standards for the Co llision Repair and Refinish Technician Training Certification Program, from the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence and the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation. A Shopware Production. (23 minutes)</td><td>2 005</td><td>23</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5174_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5174_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>7060</td><td>Welfare Reform: Social Impact</td><td>While pol iticians grapple with reforming welfare, those who receive benefits worry about how welfare reform will affect their lives. Critics of welfare argue that it has created a psychology of dependency, and that it is rife with fraud and abuse. T his program traces the history of welfare beginning with the Depression, then ex amines the complex issues involved in reforming it. Experts discuss various refo rm plans within the context of who is likely to benefit, and who is likely to be hurt. Those interviewed include Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson, who oversaw the implementation of the first welfare reform program in the nation; Wendell Pr imus, Director of Income Security at the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities ; and Rebecca Blank, author of It Takes a Nation. (29 minutes)</td><td>1997</td> <td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5175_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5175_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>7061</td><td>Welfare Reform: Social Responsibility</td><td>T his program weighs the financial savings of a reformed welfare system against ou r responsibility to those who need help. Political and religious leaders discuss the feasibility of establishing a new system that works to eliminate the proble ms of crime, drugs, poverty, and unwanted births. Critics and supporters of curr ent reform efforts discuss their views. Those interviewed include a New Hampshir e State Senator, and a single father and welfare recipient. (29 minutes)</td><td >1997</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5176_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td>

<span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5176_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32229</td><td>Well into Your Future: Mental Health and Aging </td><td>Created to meet the needs of a steadily growing American senior populat ion, this series addresses important issues that affect quality of life for olde r men and women, as well as their spouses, family, and friends. Through scenes o f daily living, interviews, and expert commentary, the programs provide valuable insights and advice on mental wellness, the key to successful aging. 3-part ser ies, 55 minutes each.</td><td>2002</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5177_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5177_l blPrice">$389.85<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34503</td><td>What Employers Want: Skills and Attitudes</td> <td>Attitudes and characteristics essential for success are explored in this vid eo. It shows students how to recognize their transferable skills and evaluate wo rk readiness. (28 minutes)</td><td>2004</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5178_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5178_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>12120</td><td>What Is a Marriage?</td><td>The institution of marriage is facing strong challenges in the 21st century, as diversity and incl usivity continue to reshape its underlying principles. Supported by some and opp osed by others, issues such as same-sex marriages and the raising of families ou tside of marriage are ongoing sources of debate. Can marriage evolve? This progr am focuses on the efforts of religion and society to redefine and strengthen the marriage relationship. (30 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>29</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5179_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5179_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34010</td><td>What Is Cancer?</td><td>The first episode in t he Cancer Story series provides a primer on how cancer begins and grows. Using c olorful animation and interviews with medical experts, the program explains norm al cell behavior and cancer etiology within a larger, dramatized story of a canc er patient undergoing diagnosis and treatment. With straightforward commentary f rom Drs. C. Norman Coleman, Christopher Lowrey, and three other renowned M.D.s, What Is Cancer painlessly introduces a complicated and often intimidating subjec t. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Production. (57 minutes)</td><td>2004</t d><td>57</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5180_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5180_l

blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>10138</td><td>What Is Marketing?</td><td>Is there a market f or bacon-scented sun block? Yes-at least in theory. After explaining basic termi nology such as needs, demands, and markets, this program outlines the three stra tegies for inducing potential customers to purchase merchandise-the product orie ntation, selling orientation, and marketing orientation-and defines the marketin g concept, where product promotion is tailored to a target audience. (15 minutes )</td><td>1998</td><td>15</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5181_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5181_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>2310</td><td>What Is Music?</td><td>Whenever the pressure of air is changed rapidly-by the beating of a drum, rattling a stick in a can, plu cking a string stretched across a box-the ear-brain system detects the pressure changes as sound, which travels from source to listener as sound waves. This pro gram examines sound waves: why some sounds are musical and others just noise, an d the relationship of regularity or irregularity of vibration to the perception of musicality, as well as such nonscientific questions as the cultural content o f musical perception. (60 minutes)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5182_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5182_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>36482</td><td>What Is True? An Introduction to Secular Human ism</td><td>Those who wish to pursue a life of pure reason are often attracted t o the movement known as secular humanism. This program explores the movement by presenting several humanist inquiries, including: How and why do religions devel op? Can morality exist without religion? Is there a humanist narrative that can take the place of myth? How can public policy become truly rational? The film fe atures explanations from prominent humanist figures-Dr. Paul Kurtz, founder of t he Council for Secular Humanism; Dr. Christopher diCarlo, University of Ontario philosophy professor; Toni Van Pelt, women's rights activist; Ronald Bailey, sci ence correspondent for Reason magazine; and others. (41 minutes)</td><td>2006</t d><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5183_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5183_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33161</td><td>What Is Truth? The Gospels and Their Authors</ td><td>Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are generally regarded as the authors of th e Gospels. But did they actually write them? And if not, who did, and when? This program focuses on accounts and theories pertaining to the identities of the fo ur Evangelists, as well as the authenticity of the texts attributed to them. Sch olars and clerics examine and discuss original manuscripts, such as Codex Sinait

icus, with its Shepherd of Hermas and the Epistle of Barnabas, and the Book of A lexandria with its first and second letters of Clement. (52 minutes)</td><td>200 3</td><td>53</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5184_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5184_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>29744</td><td>What Should I Do? The Basics of First Aid</td> <td>Knowing what to do until medical assistance arrives is what first aid is all about. This video will prepare viewers to respond safely in emergency situation s. Along with CPR and treating for shock, the program shows how to respond to mi nor injuries such as cuts, burns, sprains, and strains; how to recognize and car e for heat and cold injuries; what to do in case of poisoning, bites, or stings; and how to pack a first aid kit with all the essential contents. Taken into con sideration in developing the video were the national educational standards and t he standards of the National Association for Sport & Physical Education. A Cambr idge Educational Production. (28 minutes)</td><td>2002</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5185_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5185_l blPrice">$79.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>33396</td><td>What the Industrial Revolution Did for Us</td> <td>This comprehensive six-part series shows how, from 1760 to 1840, key ideas, principles, and technologies that drive the modern world were developed. Through the stories of the men and women who made it happen, each program reveals the i nventive power, sweeping vision, and astonishing ingenuity of a pioneering and t ransformative age. 6-part series, 30 minutes each.</td><td>2003</td><td>&nbsp;</ td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5186_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5186_l blPrice">$539.70<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35087</td><td>What to Write</td><td>In segment one of this v olume, screenwriter Gill Dennis gives a presentation that addresses how to find the story, develop memorable and realistic characters, uncover "significant irre levancies" and apply them to fiction, and use emotions to develop story lines. I n the second segment, "Psychological and Spiritual Distress of Writing," Anne La mott provides good advice and great examples as she gives insights into topics r anging from what to write, to her fears about getting published, to how she cope s with her critical voice. She also talks about what to do when your work doesn' t get the response you were hoping for. (110 minutes)</td><td>2005</td><td>&nbsp ;</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5187_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5187_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td><

/td> </tr><tr> <td>9101</td><td>Whatever Happened to Japan Inc.?</td><td>Should Japan abandon its interlocking alliance between business and government and ree ngineer its economy on the American model? In this program, syndicated columnist and author Ben Wattenberg moderates a debate with Eamonn Fingleton, author of t he controversial Blindside; Yoichi Funabashi, of the Asahi Shimbun; and experts from The Brookings Institution, U.S. News & World Report, The New York Times, an d the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (Tokyo). They discuss the current health of Japan 's economy, speculate on Japan's impending deregulatory "big bang," and address the economic impact on the U.S. if Japan should succumb to the "Asian flu" that imperils its less prosperous neighbors. (27 minutes)</td><td>1998</td><td>27</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5188_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5188_l blPrice">$149.95<br /></span> </td><td></ td> </tr><tr> <td>32878</td><td>What's a Teacher For? The Nurturing No-Nonsens e Classroom</td><td>This program is based on a cross-disciplinary educator works hop in which Indiana University choir director James Mumford employed choral sin ging as a tool for participant self-discovery and education. As students, the pa rticipants came to grips with the fear of public performance as they experienced firsthand Mumford's empowering method of instruction, which involves creating a climate of trust, gently holding everyone to high standards, stimulating engage ment through passion, and validating others' difficult past experiences without being constrained by them. Footage of the participants back in the classroom ill ustrates how the workshop's lessons translate to the real world. (41 minutes)</t d><td>2000</td><td>41</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5189_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5189_l blPrice">$129.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>30049</td><td>What's Cooking? Food Shopping and Dining in Fr ance</td><td>"J'adore le poisson grille." "J'ai horreur des broccolis." "J'aime beaucoup les fruits." This program focuses on the vocabulary of food. Featured a ctivities include cherry-picking in Aurons, buying produce and lunching in Aix-e n-Provence, and gathering ingredients for bouillabaisse at the fish market in Ma rseille. Original BBC broadcast title: Talk French, Program 5. (French and Engli sh, 16 minutes)</td><td>2000</td><td>16</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5190_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5190_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>35821</td><td>What's for Dinner?</td><td>Dinner used to be a time to sit down to a wholesome, home-cooked meal-a rarity today! This video sh ows how a nutritious dinner can improve physical and mental performance and help control weight. After pointing out some alarming health trends, the program sho ws why it's important to not skip meals, and explains how to increase consumptio

n of high-fiber, high-protein, low-fat, low-cholesterol foods through a range of strategies-including better communication with adults, smart snacking, nutritio n-label awareness, and helpful guidelines found at Tips on wa ys to squeeze a nutritious dinner into a super-busy lifestyle are also featured. A viewable/printable instrucctor's guide is available online. Correlates to all applicable state and national standards. A Meridian Production. Recommended for middle and high school. (21 minutes)</td><td>2006</td><td>21</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5191_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5191_l blPrice">$69.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>11829</td><td>What's For Dinner? Planning a Menu</td><td>Dis tinguished graduate of The French Culinary Institute, chef, author, and food ser vice consultant Mark Sherwood introduces the five principles of menu planning du ring the preparation of a well-balanced five-course meal. Each course focuses on a single principle, so the instructor can stop between courses to comment and r einforce key points. Chef Sherwood also provides numerous tips on selecting qual ity foods, saving time in the kitchen, and basic kitchen protocols along the way . Today's Menu seviche (and comments on the availability of fresh ingredients) beef consomme (and insights into preparation time) two salads (and advice on the cost of ingredients) tarragon chicken (and tips on nutrition) frozen chocolate sou ffle (and ideas on presentation) A viewable/printable instructor's guide is a vailable online. A Meridian Production. (67 minutes)</td><td>2001</td><td>67</td ><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5192_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5192_l blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>34504</td><td>What's Out There: How the World of Work is Org anized</td><td>This video points out distinctions and similarities between indus tries and functions. Several primary industries and job functions are described, giving students insight into types of work that they might enjoy. (28 minutes)< /td><td>2004</td><td>28</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5193_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5193_l blPrice">$39.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26797</td><td>Wheel Alignment Theory and Adjustment</td><td> Three-dimensional computer animation makes difficult-to-explain wheel alignment principles easy to visualize. Live-action footage of actual components, tire wea r patterns, and other beneficial information is included. General techniques for adjusting wheel alignment are also described to supplement theory and prepare s tudents to utilize a specific type of alignment machine. (27 min.) A Meridian Pr oduction.</td><td>2008</td><td>27</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5194_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5194_l

blPrice">$89.95<br /></span> </td><td>< /td> </tr><tr> <td>26798</td><td>Wheel Bearing Service: Conventional</td><td>Wh eel Bearing Service: Conventional is a thirty-six minute video which is part of the series, Chassis and Front End.This comprehensive series of nine videos cover s everything from steering systems, to brakes, to wheel bearing service, to susp ension systems. Each video provides an overview of the topic and a detailed expl anation of components and operation. Live video of component cut-a-ways intermix with computer graphics to make information clear and easy to follow. Also cover s part inspection, disassembly and reassembly of damaged or worn parts, and demo nstrations of basic repairs. Some of the areas covered are: o arm bushing o ball joints o seals o strut rods o belts o hoses o steering knuckles o shock absorbe rs o coil & leaf springs o torsion bars o air springs o power steering pumps o s teering columns o ball sockets o control arms o part inspection o rack & pinion steering. (36 min.) A Meridian Production.</td><td>2008</td><td>36</td><td> <span id="ctl00_MainContent_ucSearchResults_gridExport_ctl5195_l blFormat">Digital On-Demand<br /></span> </td><

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