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Global Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Colombo, Srilanka

Suggested Programme Day - 1

9:00 Hrs Registration 10:00 10:15 Hrs: INAUGURAL SESSION Resource Person Dr.PRS Sarma Opening remarks Inaugural Address 10:15 11:15

Global Supply Chain and their Management

11:15 Resource Person 11:30 Dr.CH. Venkataiah Resource Person Dr.PRS Sarma 13:30 14:30 Resource Person Dr.PRS Sarma

Tea/Coffee Global Logistics and their Management

11:30 12:30

Inventory Management and Risk Pooling

12:30 13:30

Supply Chain Integration 14:30 15:30

15:30 Resource Person 15:45 Dr.CH. Venkataiah

Tea/Coffee Global Sourcing and Operations

15:45 16:45

16:45 17:00

Q & A Session

Day - 2

Resource Person Dr.PRS Sarma Resource Person Dr.CH. Venkataiah

Decision Support Systems for Supply Chain Management

09:30 10:30

Marketing of Logistics

10:30 11:30

11:30 Resource Person 11:45 Dr.CH. Venkataiah Resource Person Dr.PRS Sarma 13:30 14:30

Tea/Coffee Logistics Risk and Management

Case Study-I

11:45 12:45 12:45-15:30

Strategic Alliances 14:30 15:30

Resource Person Dr.PRS Sarma

15:30 15:45


Resource Person Dr.CH. Venkataiah

Case Study-II

15:45 16:30

16:30 18:00

Panel Discussion

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