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Vanessa L. Pamittan FA 199-V GEYM NA! vs.

1SA Thesis Analysis

Prof. Mitzi Reyes June 13, 2013

Julienne Nicolo Zapantas thesis entitled Geym Na! is an illustrated childrens book on Philippine games focusing on patintero, sipa, tumbang preso, and teks. The study aims on how much the participation of children (grades 1 to 6) in Philippine games can influence the learning behavior of their motor and social skills and in the development of Filipino values. It focused on creating a fun way to reintroduce the games to Filipino childrens playtime. The study also explored the possible reasons and factors that affect the preferences of kids in playing games, such as modern gaming technology (PSP, computer, gameboy, etc.) and knowledge or familiarity with the Philippine games. Zapanta moves on to data gathering after having clearly defined his problem, thesis statement, objectives, and target audience. According to the survey he conducted among children from Diliman Preparatory School and Old Balara Elementary School, sipa is the most popular game among the kids (24%), followed by tumbang preso (21%), patintero (16%), and teks (9%). Other games mentioned in the survey are piko, langit lupa, agawan base, trumpo, jolen, and others. The researcher also cited statements from credible sources to support and formulate his own findings and insights. In his review of related literature, Zapanta also discussed the advantages of playing games outside such as improved social interaction among children. After gathering the required data, Zapanta explained his creative idea to fulfill his thesis objectives. He chose an illustrated childrens book about Philippine games as his creative execution along with a game kit. The childrens book includes short stories that introduce the young reader to the different Philippine games (namely patintero, sipa, tumbang preso, and teks). Because his target audiences are children, he also made use of a game kit to further enhance the kids learning experiences. The game kit is divided into four parts. It has instruction manuals and the necessary equipment for each game. Zapanta documented the step-by-step process of his execution from drafts and studies to the complete and final artwork. Zapanta concluded his thesis by giving a summary of the results of his findings. He gave recommendations for further study about the topic. Through his research and artwork, he was able to emphasize the importance of Philippine games to our culture and create a way for children to look back and treasure their cultural heritage during playtime.

All in all, Geym Na! is an example of a good thesis because 1) it followed the format of a good research paper, 2) it used simple, straightforward words and sentences to give a concise message, 3) the study was written with focus on the topic, 4) sources were cited correctly, 5) the study is complete and solid as a whole, 6) it was well-planned, well-researched, and well-documented, 7) the author relied on facts and credible sources to formulate his own conclusions, 8) the chosen execution of artwork complied with the researchers objectives, 9) the artwork has good design and appropriate visuals, and 10) the study contributed to the culture of the Philippines. In contrast with, Tala Nabongs thesis entitled 1SA: A Thesis on Promoting Nationalism and National Identity to Children through Philippine Mythology and Animation, lacks quality in terms of writing and research. Nabongs thesis aims to clearly promote nationalism and national identity to children without sounding too preachy through folk myths and animation. Nabong starts the thesis with an introduction wherein the problems and objectives are also integrated. Thus, it is confusing to determine what the thesis problems and objectives are. The researcher also wrote in a more personal (speaking in first person) and subjective (using unnecessary adjectives) way. There are some sentences written incorrectly in terms of grammar and structure, and becomes a hindrance in conveying a concise message. The second part of Nabongs thesis is research. Here, the author the methods and procedures she underwent throughout the thesis. Again, the research part is written subjectively. Sometimes the researchers opinions are not based on facts or credible sources. Although the research is well-planned and contained good ideas, problems are still present. The format is hard to understand because the methodology, data analysis, summary, conclusion, and recommendations are not written separately. There is also a lack of data and other important information. In addition, the review of related literature is also lacking. The researcher could have included more findings about the topic to support her thesis statement. In terms of execution, the chosen artwork (cartoon program) is appropriate for the target audience (5-10 year old children). The concept is also good because Nabong made use of mythology as metaphor to the issues prevalent in the country at that time. The execution is also well-thought of, but the design elements can still be improved. A good thesis should be well-conceptualized, well-written, and well-executed. As visual communicators, it is necessary to be able to express a good idea effectively both in design execution and in words.

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