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&h_Segment1=Safe and Easy Personal Computing &h_Segment2=Unlock the World of Digital Media &h_Segment3=The Connected Home and Office

&h_Segment4=Best for Business &t_helpSupport=Visit the Help and Support Center &t_helpUpdate=Learn more about Windows Update &t_windowsBasics=Get help about Windows basics &ss_text1=Faster, Smarter, Safer &ss_text2=Easier to Learn and Use &ss_text3=Better Help for Every Task &h_games=Better Help for Every Task &h_photoSharing=Faster, Smarter, Safer &h_playingMusic=Easier to Learn and Use &t_clickToReplay=Click to Replay &t_attractLoop=To continue the Tour, click an icon. &t_articleRef=For more information: <BR>Click Start, click Help and Support, and type 'walkthroughs' in the Search box.

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