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(4) (10) Exceeds Expectations Work is complete All criteria has been exceeded / expanded Full understanding is demonstrated Neat and organized Few to no errors (9) Submitted on time

Excellent (A)


(8) Fully Meets Expectations Work is complete All criteria is met Understanding is demonstrated Neat and organized Few errors Submitted on time (7)




Satisfactory (C/C+)

Meets Expectation (minimal level)


All work is attempted Most criteria is met Most understanding is demonstrated Most work is legible but may not be organized Errors are evident due to carelessness Work may have been submitted late


Below Satisfactory (C-)

Approaching Expectations
(5) (4) Work may be attempted Some criteria is met Some understanding is demonstrated Work is somewhat legible and may not be organized Errors are evident Work may have been submitted late



Unacceptable / Redo (I)

Not Yet Meeting Expectations
Work is incomplete Work does not meet criteria Little to no understanding is demonstrated Little attempt to organize work Work is submitted late or not at all



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