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Deus Vult ‘And the angel spoke unto me, ina strong voice, crying, Many are the children of the Dragon, the Serpent, the great Satan, and they are among you now. I tell you, Servant of Christ, that the Parousia is near, that the Second Coming comet soom. Stronger still row the children of the Dragon, and they mutply, and they area wound nto the earth. And we ar the balm for this wound, we must cleanse it with fre, and purify it, and then the earth shall be ready forthe Parousia, and we shal be judged worthy. — Leopold of Murnau, The Testament of Leopold ‘The Inquisition has been accused of cruelty, fanaticism and worse, but its members shrug off the charges. They know that horrors walk the Earth, stalking mortals and slaying humans for their own pleasure. That, however, is not their worst evil. These beings threaten more than just the human body — their target is nothing less than the human soul. To battle them. requires the Inquisition use every tool, no matter how repulsive or offensive, Itis God's will by James Estes eet et ee Le Cowrents Credits: Written By: Jim Estes Developed By: Andrew Greenberg Euited By: Ethan Skemp Ast Director: Richard Thomas Layout and Typesetting: Aileen E. Miles Art: Mike Chaney, James Daly, Nick Ruskin, Ron Spencer Front Cover: William O'Connor Back Cover: Ash Arnett ‘Author's Acknowledgements & Dedication 1 would like to thank many people, including anyone who helped, advised, or put up with me during the writing of this book, chief among them: Andrew Greenberg, for showing such Faith, Hope, and Charity in his ole as developer; The cats, for staying up late with me; Jonathan Spangler, for his assistance with Latin phras- ing (blame him if its wrong!) and for The Mission; Thomas Walker, forall that cannot be said in words Dedicated to everyone whohas kept their Faith in spite of call Fae SUITE IO cy Ne 780 PARK NORTH BLYD. CLARKSTON, GA 30021 GAME STUDIO © 1995 by White Wolf, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher in expressly forbidden, except for the purpose of reviews. The Inquisition and Vampire The Mas- querade are trademarks of White Wolf, Inc. All characters, names, places and text herein are copy- righted by White Wolf, Inc The mention of, or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trade- mark or copyright concerned Because of the mature themes involved, reader discretion is advised Printed in Canada Tae vorsmon Andrew “Freeeee!” Greenberg, for giving White Wolf the pink Jennifer “What Did You Do To Me” Hartshorn, for taking my place with skill and aplomb, Ken “Butt Print” Cliffe, for his indelible contribution to my retirement party Bill “Early Bird” Bridges, for keeping the other early guests out of my hair, Phil“Mad Man” Brucato, forlivening up the festivities in his own inimitable fashion Mike “Crash Master” Tinney, for his expert skill at invitations. Rebecca “On Your Knees!” Schaeffer, fortakingcareof those invitees. Louvie “Backup” Locklear, because she would have taken care of them if Rebecca hadn't. Cynthia “Bemused I” Summers, for her opinion of the videos. Laura “Bemused Il” Perkinson, for the same. Ben “Chinatown” Monk, for showing me just how ‘much we have in common. Christian “Smooches” Naberhaus, fr all his partying sg00d Eli, Brad, Josh, Wes, Christian, Diane, Sarah, Rob, Fred, Emory, Quintessential Merey, Blue Blood and ev eryone else at the final bash, And especially, Kelly “Winnebago Warrior” Norwood, for everything. ‘Word fromthe White Wolf Game St By the time you read these words (or iit “this Word”) Pl no longer be with White Wolf. Yes, an actual human being writes these words, and for the Vampire line it has been me, Andrew Greenberg. That's only one part of a developer's job — and usually the most painless. Not this time. I've been developing this game since 1991, back when the company was Stewart, Mark and myself. Now it’s what itis and I'm off to new frontiers. Goodbye and thanks forall the leters. You can now send them to Jennifer Hartshorn, the new Vampire developer — especially the ones about yourcharacters. [PLLGET YOU FOR THIS, ANDREW!!! —Jen)

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