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Lockhart High School

WORLD LANGUAGES: Spanish II Course Syllabus (2013-2014)

Instructor: Crystal Barragn E-mail address: Conference hours: 6th period Room: 614 LHS number: (512) 398-0436 Google number: (512) 348-6313

Mission Statement of LISD The mission of the Lockhart Independent School District is to graduate all of its students as citizens who are educated, productive, and self-fullling lifelong learners. The school districts community, parents, trustees, staff and students will provide a safe, caring, and challenging learning environment in which all students develop to their fullest

Primary Texts for Spanish II: Look I Can Talk! / Look I Can Talk More! (Blaine Ray), Esperanza (Carol Gaab), Felipe Alou: Desde los valles a las montaas (Carol Gaab). Course Description: Welcome to Spanish II! In this course, students continue with oral language development through interpersonal and interpretive communication on topics related to them, their community and their environment with emphasis on hearing, understanding and responding to spoken language. At this level students' exposure to written language and embedded culture increases through lm study and reading short, leveled novels and simple authentic texts. A Note on TPRS/Comprehensible Input: You will nd that this class may not be what one traditionally expects of a language classroom. Spanish classes at LHS practice a method of teaching second language called TPRS, which stands for Teaching Prociency through Reading and Storytelling. Rather than the standard grammar-heavy language class, this research-based language acquisition method uses a mixture of reading and storytelling to help students naturally acquire a foreign language. Please check out my website for more information about TPRS and teaching with comprehensible input.

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Required Materials: One composition book (not a spiral; to be left in class) One folder with pockets and brads (to be taken home) Writing utensils (blue/black ink pens or pencils only) Composition book description: Bound pages, college-ruled, usually in a black and white speckled cover by Mead Corp. The cost is around $0.75. This is where you will enter warm-ups, free writes, vocabulary structures and grammar-related content.

Prociency Guidelines: In accordance with the American Council of Foreign Language, students will be evaluated on their performance and on their efforts to reach the next level of language prociency. This means that students will periodically be assessed on what they can do with the language they acquire every day. American Council of Foreign Language Prociency Guidelines (
Novice Low Novice Mid Novice High Intermediate Low Intermediate Mid Intermediate High Advanced Low

Spanish I

Spanish II

Spanish III

Spanish IV

Your learning goal for end of this Spanish II Pre-AP course is to reach the Intermediate Level in Spanish-language prociency. This means that you can begin to: speak and write in somewhat complex sentences, give some details about familiar topics, and understand basic spoken and written language.

Standards-Based Grading: Every day, we will be working towards real uency and reaching for the next level in language prociency. Grade categories on Skyward (such as listening, reading, speaking and writing) will be evaluated based on whether or not you meet the standard for that quarter. In other words, what determines your grade in class is not how many assignments you turn in, but rather, how well you can interpret and use the language youve acquired in class. All assignments will be graded based on rubrics similar to the one below:

Prociency Level

Description You miss opportunities to demonstrate what you can do because you are often distracted, not participating, or absent. You know what the target prociency level is, but you are confused and probably frustrated. You need some help to get started!


No attempt


F (0%)

Adapted from Daughertys Bicycles Performance-Based Learning Prezi and Martina Bexs standards-based grading system


Novice Low (S1) Novice Low (S2)

F (55%)


Novice Low (S1) Novice Mid (S2)

You know what to do to meet the target prociency level, but you need extra help.

D (65%)


Novice Mid (S1) Novice High (S2)

You can meet the target prociency level in familiar tasks and situations.

C (75%)


Novice High Intermediate Low

You consistently meet the target prociency level, and you are ready to move on. You add your own ideas, perspective, and style into what you do. You are condent and are reaching for the next level of prociency.

B (85%)


Intermediate Low Intermediate Mid

A (95%)

(S1) = Semester 1, (S2) = Semester 2

Assignments 30% Include: Participation (worth two daily assignment grades), homework, interpretive work (listening and reading activities), interpersonal activities (face-to-face speaking), cultural activities (songs, music videos, current events, history, geography, people). Expect homework once a week. In-class assignments (formative assessments that show how well you understand material while we are learning it) may or may not be picked up for a grade. All assignments are considered supporting evidence of summative (test) assessments in each grading category (listening, reading, speaking, writing). Class participation will be graded every grading period (see Participation rubric). Tests 70% Include: Reading and listening comprehension quizzes (average taken as one test grade every grading period), timed-writes, campanadas (warm-ups, taken up once every grading period), presentational speaking (projects/oral interviews). Quizzes are periodically given at the end of the class period. Expect 2 major projects, one per semester. A project will be worth 2 test grades or more.

Mid-term (S1) and Final exams (S2) count for 25% of your overall semester grade. Each may include an oral interview.

Classroom Expectations: Because I have high expectations for you, I also have high expectations for myself. I expect you to be respectful, responsible students, and I will in turn be a respectful, responsible teacher. Entering the Room: These things should all be done before the tardy bell rings: 1. Take out your composition book. 2. Borrow a pencil/pen, if needed. 3. Sit at your seat. 4. Begin working silently on your warm-up.

Student Responsibilities Speak Spanish, not English!

Teacher Responsibilities Speak Spanish, not English!

Be respectful of yourself, your teachers, your Be respectful of myself, my students, my classmates, and your school. colleagues, and my school. Come to class prepared with the materials you need to do your work. Pay attention to your teacher. DO YOUR 50%. Participate actively, ask questions when you do not understand. Spend at least 15 minutes outside of each class each day looking over stories, vocabulary. Complete all assignments on time. Practice and redo everything until you understand! Come to class prepared with an organized lesson plan and all materials needed. Listen to my students. DO MY 50%. Speak to my students in a way they can understand. Spend time reviewing material in class each day, build on information students already know. Grade and return assignments as they are submitted. Help you practice and allow you to redo until you understand.

Seating: Attend class every day. Attend class every day. Every quarter or so, I will change your seating arrangement randomly in the same way you were assigned a seat on the rst day of class. Notice that our classroom features two very comfortable reading chairs. Access to these chairs is restricted to reading time only; students will be picked at random each week to use the chairs. Sustained Silent Reading: Twice a week, instead of completing a warm-up, we will have silent reading time. During this time, you can choose a book from the classroom library, take a pillow from the reading corner, and read silently for the rst 10 minutes of class. You may or may not have an assignment to complete (the important thing is that you will be reading something interesting to you that you can understand). If you would like to borrow a book from the classroom library, you may check it out from me for a maximum of one week. It must be returned on time, in excellent condition, or you will be ned. Storytelling: This year, we will learn Spanish through reading and storytelling. Amazing things happen in your brain when we tell stories, and it makes language acquisition not only a rigorous, creative undertaking but also a way for you to develop beginner language into much more. The storytelling process works in three steps: First, new vocabulary/grammar structures are introduced using a combination of gestures, translation and personalized questions; Then, in the second step, we create and act out a story using those structures. Finally, in the third step, we see the same structures again in a class reading. I will ask many dumb, silly, obvious questions about our story in class (so many that you will want to poke your eyes out), so its important that the stories we create together are funny and creative so that were not super bored while we try to get in all the repetitions we need. The most important thing in storytelling is that you always understand what I say; You cannot acquire the language I present to you without understanding it rst. My job is to talk to you in a way you can understand about things that interest you, and to let you read things that interest you that you are able to understand too. Never hesitate to ask for clarication -- doing so helps me slow down and helps others another chance at processing and decoding language they may have missed as well. The following are student expectations when participating in creating stories in class: 1. Listen with the intent to understand. 2. Suggest cute answers, avoiding English. 3. One person speaks, everyone else listens. 4. Do your 50%. 5. Use the hand-in-st gesture if you dont understand. 6. Actors match actions in story. Quizzes: As a language educator, it is important for me to evaluate how you use the language spontaneously without the need to cram information youll soon forget. For this reason, quizzes (70% of your total grade) will be unannounced. Weekly and sometimes

daily short quizzes in reading and listening comprehension are the norm and are based entirely on the content of the days or weeks story or chapter in our current novel. Retakes for these quizzes are available before or after school. Leaving the Room: These things should all be done before leaving class every day: 1. Return your composition book to the class bin. 2. Return borrowed materials (books or writing utensils) if applicable. 3. Clean your desk area. 4. Wait at your desk to be dismissed. Do not line up at the door. Absences and Make-up Work: Believe it or not, every day I speak to you in a way that you understand is a day in which youre naturally acquiring and internalizing language. The more I speak to you in Spanish and the more you are able to decode what I say, the more language you will ultimately acquire. Therefore, when you are absent, you will miss our conversations (and trust me, we will have very interesting conversations) and you will fall behind in picking up the language. It wont matter how many worksheets you try to complete to make up a grade. Our goal is to absorb language and I promise you its MUCH easier to do this if you are present and listening to our crazy stories and conversations every day. If you are absent: Know that you may have to spend time with me in before or after school tutorials. You have ve school days (one week) to turn in missed assignments, if any. After the fth day, it will be marked a zero. Missed reading or listening quizzes and timed-writes (test grades) must be made up before/after school or during my conference period. Homework: You should expect to spend at least 15 minutes a day practicing Spanish outside of class. Parents/Guardians: There will be a weekly assignment requiring students to retell our class stories to you in Spanish. Please remind your student to do this, and please sign off on the sheet they bring home. Pre-AP Requirement: In addition to moving at a slightly faster pace, the Pre-AP sections of Spanish II will fulll extra writing and speaking assignments throughout the course of the year. These writing and speaking assignments may incorporate the use of technology; Access to a computer or mobile device may be required. Academic Integrity: Academic integrity is being honest and responsible with regard to your schoolwork. It means that your work is your work, and anything you have found somewhere else is credited to its source. Students will receive a non-negotiable 0 on any assignment in which academic integrity has been breached. You may not copy another students work or allow someone to copy your work. You may not use online translators to write sentences or essays. You may not pass off work completed by a native speaker as your own. You must cite any website, book, article, etc., from which you gather information. Questions and Extra Help: Always ask questions if material is unclear to you. Morning and afternoon tutorials are held 3-4 times a week if you need extra help. Find me in between classes, e-mail me at or message me on Edmodo if you have any questions or concerns. I promise to reply quickly.

Syllabus Agreement and Technology Use: A Letter to Students, Parents and Guardians
Dear LHS family, Welcome to Srta. Barragns Spanish class! This year, we will be utilizing an amazing variety of resources, both digital and in print, to ensure that foreign language learning at LHS is both meaningful AND fun! Whether it be through art, music, lm, literature, or web-based technology tools, I am 100% committed to work our 21st century skills in developing and rening our Spanish-language skills. In an effort to make our use of technology as transparent as possible, listed below is an overview of some of tools we may utilize in class. Parents, please read the descriptions and indicate whether or not your child may participate.

Edmodo provides teachers, students, and parents a secure place to connect and collaborate, share content and educational applications, and access homework, grades, class discussions and notications. How it will be used in Spanish class? Students can ask questions, view assignments and notes, and use Spanish in a fun and familiar setting.

Google Voice provides students a secure and easy-to-use way of submitting oral responses through a virtual voicemail box. How it will be used in Spanish class? Students call a virtual Google number to read a paragraph or speak sentences, allowing for an effective and individualized way of identifying a students level of prociency or areas of needed improvement. My child may participate My child may not participate

Edublogs is an easy, safe, reliable, and feature-rich blogging platform tailored for student use in the classroom. How it will be used in Spanish class? Pre-AP students will be responsible for the creation and upkeep of a course ePortfolio. Students will be given class time to update their blogs in Spanish every week.

My child may participate My child may not participate

My child may participate My child may not participate

Class notes, handouts, and announcements will be made available through our class Edmodo and on my class website, both of which are accessible by students and parents. Throughout the school year, I may feature photos, videos, or work of individual students (identied by rst name only) or student group activities on either of those platforms. If you prefer that I not publish your childs photo, video/ audio recordings, or school work, please let me know. You may e-mail me at If you have any questions regarding the course or information listed on this syllabus, please feel free to call, come by, or e-mail. My conference hours are 1:15pm-2:00pm, Monday through Thursday. Im looking forward to a fantastic new year at LHS, and promise to do everything I can to help my students reach success. GO LIONS! Sincerely, Crystal Barragn

Please return this page signed by Wednesday, August 28 (for a grade)

I have read and understood the Spanish II Pre-AP course policies, procedures, and expectations.

(student printed name)

(student signature)

I have read and understood the course policies and procedures. I am aware of the expectations of the student for this course. I understand that I may contact the instructor or access Skyward to view my childs grades.

(parent printed name)

(parent signature)

(contact number)


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