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From US $ 29.950 Not everyone wants to
live in Bali Full Time.
What’s New on
Kuta Weekly this
Volume 3, Issue 133

10 June - 16 June 2009 (133)

Bali Palms Residential Resort
offers you the chance to live in
Beautiful CANDI DASA for In Kuta There are No Rules
3, 6, 9 or 12 months of the year.
LIVE IN or enjoy Community Members Complain made written complaints to both the DPR-
of No Enforcement Against Those Who Badung and the Regency's government."
A RENTAL RETURN Point. Ignore Business Operating Rules in Kuta- Separately, the head of the Badung
A RETIREMENT or SEMI-RETIREMENT Lifestyle many can only Dream of. Legian-Seminyak Corridor. tourist office (Disparda Badung), I Made
*Full Resort Facilities *Large Pool * Beachfront Bar & Restaurant * Club Room * 24 Hour Security The lack of rules, or at least the Subaws, confirmed that both his office and the
lack of enforcement of the rules that do local village authorities have given reminders
For full information visit us at our HOLIDAY OWNERSHIP BURO at the Secret Garden, Poppies Lane 1, Kuta. exists governing restaurants, bars and to the errant businesses. He also confirmed
Contact our office on +(0361) 752743 or Jurgen Engel on 081 337 838 718 entertainment venues in the Kuta-Legian- that the two night spots lack any operating
Seminyak corridor, is a growing source of licenses, despites offers of assistance in
Visit us for an inspection and stay overnight free with meal & transport provided. community unrest - adding further to that applying for the needed permits. e-mail : area's notorious reputation as the lawless Ground Zero = Zero Rules and
corner of the island of Bali. Regulations
The impotence of enforcement Another member of the DPR-Badung
officials in enforcing the law is underlined from Legian complained that any existing rules
by the continuing operations of two bars for licenses surrounding Ground Zero and the
located on Jalan Benesari in Kuta: Kups October 12th Bombing Monument have been

largely forgotten.

Serendipity Antiques
Corner Bar and Restaurant and Bar
Bother Palace. Despite complaints by The Chairman of Commission A of the
local residents of excessive noise, DPR-Badung, IGN Sudiarsa, told NusaBali that
surprise inspections confirming decibel the Regent of Badung issued an order after the
levels exceeded by nearly a factor of two October 2002 bombing that businesses along
Poppies Lane 1. Agung Market Area. Kuta - Bali the maximum permitted exterior sound Jalan Legian would be limited to international
HP. 087 861 501 700 / 081236413652 levels and the lack of the required restaurants as a sign of respect to the tragedy
operating licenses - both establishments that occurred in the area.
Explained Sudiarsa, "At this time, this
Specialising in Real Antiques, If you have any interest-
ing articles, just send to us:
continue to operate. Local
accommodation providers in the area and
private homes complain that the loud
music is played late into the night,
area is now used for bars and similar
enterprises . . . has the Regent's rule just

Old Collectables & Bric - a - Brac Kuta Weekly

Ph : 081 734 6145
disturbing residents and tourist visitors.
Local officials, quoted in
NusaBali are calling for urgent and stern
official action. The Secretary of
Sudiarsa lamented the lack of
synergy, saying that local officials are not only
weak but never take firm action. He called for a
review of the rules for Jalan Legian and a clear
Commission B of the Badung House of explanation on what rules apply. The legislator
E-mail : Representatives, I Wayan Puspanegara, said that the entire street is now crowded with
said: "Just close them down, they been entertainment venues, offending both the warned a number of times, but they historical significance of the area and existing
continue to act in this way. To the zoning/use rules
affiliated agencies, the provincial tourism
agency (Disparda) and community

enforcement agency (Satpol PP) I call on


Kuta Steak House LA Inn

them to urgently take action. In that area,

KUTA TOWN there are homes and accommodations
AFL SHOP providers."
Puspanegara continued: "This is
what you'd call scofflaws. They been
Secret Garden
reminded and inspected on numerous
occasions. Moreover, the public have

Crusoe’s Island Lombok Corner
36 1
Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) Warung Corner JEWEL IN THE EAST
Things To Do: EATING OUT - Over 40 Restaurants, Bars & Entertainment
FOR THIS WEEK Diving - Snorkeling - Fishing - Trekking - Hiking - Submarine Underwater Adventure - Amuk Bay
Jl. Poppies I, Pasar Agung, Kuta, Bali
White Water Rafting - Surfing - Trip to Nusa Lembongan Island
Ph : (0361) 761 464, Fax : (0361) 755 998
E-mail: Place to Visit:
Tenganan Village, Kintamani, Taman Soekasada, Lake Batur & Lake Batan, Sibetan Village, Wild Life Park
Friday, 12 June 2009 Zoo, Kertagosa, Elephant Park, Water Palace, Besakih Temple, Ubud & Monkey forrest, Amed, Singaraja, Bird Park, Reptile Park.




6 “ROAST CHICKEN”for Rp. 40.000 Clean Cheap Rooms & Bungalow

(next to Police Office)
Price from Rp. 75.000,- per room per night
Rates inclide our famous BIG FREE BREAKFAST
HP. 081 7970 7339



6.30pm A F L
7 Central C.F. CARLTON vs St. KILDA
Saturday, 13 June 2009
*****CANDI DASA - BALI*****


Lush water gardens & Lily ponds
Aust. Net W. BULLDOGS vs PORT ADELAIDE Private Bungalows & Suites from
80-$ to 180-$ with minibar & amenities

Large Pool & Pool Bar, Gift Shop-Boutique FOR SALE

8.30pm International Rugby Restaurant with exquisite cuisine
Open air restaurant and theme night
Tel : 363-4150 Fax : 363 41564
Luxury One Bedroom Villas, Apartments & Studios.
Stay for 3, 6, 9 months or all year for 30 years ownership.

Australia VS Italy
Off plan prices starting from only US$29,950
7 Central


*****CANDI DASA - BALI*****
All facilities including Beachfront Bar & Restaurant, Sat TV, Wi Fi
To find out more just visit our HOLIDAY OWNERSHIP BURO
At the Secret Garden, Poppies Lane 1, Kuta.
Sunday, 14 June 2009 To book an appointment and complimentary Lunch just call
Jurgen Engel on 081 337 838718 e mail
9.00am BOXING:World Welterweight
Super Sport Miguel Cotto vs Joshua Clottey GET MARRIED - RENEW YOUR VOWS “TIGGY” 9m Boat twin 40hp
AT The Bali Shangrila Beach Club For Hire Diving, Fishing & Trips
Call 0363 41003 or 081 337 636 789
11.30am A F L 2.00pm N R L Tel 0363 41003 or 41829
Make Candi Dasa Your Base for a Wonderful Holiday in Bali.
Aust. Net HAWTHORN vs B. LIONS IMPARJA DRAGONS vs COWBOYS You can Book Your Tours or Diving from any of our Listed Hotels
To Place your adds in Kuta Weekly Call Jurgen Engel on 081 337 838 718
CANDI DASA THE Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) News Corner

HOTELS - RESTAURANTS - DIVING - SURFING - TRIPS Warning over 'temporary' tats for kids
Candi Dasa is a small established coastal Resort around 52 Km from the airport. It is nestled in bay of sand and clear blue waters THE PARENTS of a five-year-old pics here. reactions can cause 'life-long side effects'.
boy who had a `henna' tattoo on his arm "It looks as though someone has These include ongoing skin problems,
which offer breathtaking views across the sea to the small islands in the bay, and to the rear a view of green palm while on holiday in Bali fear he may have branded him with a red dragon," said Mrs scarring, raised skin and a change in
been left scared for life. Cribb. "I really hope it doesn't scar. We're pigmentation. Victims can also be left with
covered hills and mountain terrain. It’s also a paradise for divers offering many spectacular dive sites. There were no problems initially hopeful but it's the whole length of his arm; a permanent allergy to anything containing

The resort is famous for it’s many fine restaurants and small hotels, which line the main road through the village. BALI-BALI
after little Cannon Crib was painted with a huge dragon." PPD, such as hair dye, creams and certain
the 'temporary' tat of a dragon stretching It wasn't until the last portion of clothing dyes.
The small community of Balinese villagers provide a welcome and friendliness typical of the culture for which Bali is so famous... Candi Dasa in the regency almost from the top of his arm almost to his ink wore off at the end of the two-week Although the tattoos are advertised as
elbow. holiday that the arm 'puffed up' in welts containing 'henna', a natural reddish
of Karangasem and boasts some of the most spectacular scenery in Bali as well as being close to many of the major tourist attractions. But when the ink faded after a and became itchy. substance used by Indians to paint their
fortnight, the entire area welted into the The itchiness was unbearable to hands and feet, it actually contains chemical
Visit us for a taste of the real Bali experience. shape of the original image, reports the the point Cannon couldn't sleep well but colours and high levels of PPD.
Gold Coast Bulletin. gradually improved. The Australasian The substance, a known allergen, is used to


Unique, Friendly & Relaxing
Toke Bar & Restaurant

India, Balinese & Western Cuisine

Cannon's parents now believe the
tattoo contained a substance containing
para-phenylenediamine (PPD).
Their baffled doctor is treating the
College of Dermatologists has in the past
warned about the tattoos, which have been
known to cause huge bubbled blisters.
The number of reported cases of
hasten the dye process, enhance darkness
and improve pattern definition.
The college said the term
'temporary henna tattoo' was misleading. / Telp: 0363 41003 / 41829 wound as a chemical burn, requiring mum reactions in Aussie holiday-makers has
Where romance starts
Leiona Cribb to dress it several times a grown with the popularity of the tattoos.
day and apply a steroid cream. See more The college warns that allergic

Tourist Chad Vance clung to Ghan train for two hours

A YOUNG American tourist has of survival began when he boarded The According to the Bureau of
Romantic dining in a lush garden survived a terrifying train ride in which Ghan in Adelaide on Thursday for the Meteorology the thermometer dipped to
accompanied by the hits from the sixties journey to Alice Springs.
he clung to the outside of the legendary 8.4C at Woomera on the night in
Specializing in Too good to miss
Ghan in the freezing dark as it hit Like most passengers in the question. Clad only in a pair of boots,
India, Balinese & International cuisine
Jl. Raya Candi Dasa speeds up to 110km/h in the South seated carriages, he took an opportunity to jeans and a T-shirt, Mr Vance also had to
A great choice of international cocktails
Wines from: France, Australia,
Open: 10.30 am - late Australian Outback. stretch his legs during a short stop in the deal with the severe windchill factor,
South-Africa and Bali Credit Card: Visa, Master Card Telp:+62 (0)363 41991 Chad Vance, 19, frantically Mid-North town of Port Augusta around which according to a weather calculator
pursued The Ghan after missing it in 5.30pm. puts the temperature around -7C.
(Cruising or Fishing) Port Augusta, managing to climb on The university student, from the Two hours and 20 minutes after
Beach Front Resort, Luxury Hotel Room, Studio, Island Adventures to Nusa Lembongan
and squeeze himself into a tiny small hamlet of North Pole, in central jumping into the stairwell, Mr Vance's
1 Bed Apartment & Penthouse Suite. Contact WAYAN SUDI on 081338442642 stairwell as the train raced for almost Alaska, went for a stroll in town, but after desperate calls for help were answered.
200km through the night. losing track of time arrived back at the Mr Wells said that after being brought on
A C, Satellite TV, DVD, Beach Restaurant & Pool It was two hours and 20 platform just as The Ghan was pulling out. board, the exhausted and freezing
1 night including Breakfast from US $ 55 ++, Graeme Birch minutes before a Ghan crew member On board was all his luggage and backpacker collapsed to the floor.
Happy Hours on Cocktails & Beer Master Scuba Diver Trainer heard the Alaskan student's desperate valuables, including his passport and train "He was also shaking
Massage, Entertainment and Party Nights (English Instructor) cries for help about 20km south of ticket. Having already travelled by train uncontrollably for several hours and
HP: 081337335081 Pimba and brought the train to an from Sydney to Adelaide, after arriving in complained of numbness to the left side
Call for emergency halt, the Sunday Mail Australia on May 17, Mr Vance said he of his body and arms and said his face
Reservation reports. knew The Ghan would pull up just outside was also stinging," Mr Wells said. "I've
"I was worried I wasn't going to of town to change drivers before continuing never seen anything like this before and I
0363 41003 / 41829 Over 20 dive sites to choose survive," Mr Vance said of his ride on its journey. sure hope I don't ever see it happen
Thursday, May 28. He decided to chase the train again."
"If I'd fallen off at that speed before it came to a rest. Mr Vance received first aid from
VISIT US & PICK UP A FREE COPY OF KUTA WEEKLY and hit the nasty-looking rocks below, I
don't think I would have made it."
Mr Vance said when he caught up
to the stopped train, he started frantically
the crew - including a cup of soup - and
was upgraded to a sleeper cabin for a
The Ghan crew member Marty banging on the windows of the first class hot shower and warm night's sleep. His
At Mr. GRUMPY’S Candi Dasa Wells turned lifesaver when he heard
Mr Vance's frantic calls for help and
dining carriage. He said the passengers
ignored him because they "probably
youth and a childhood of cold climate
conditioning meant Mr Vance made a
(100 m North past the Lagoon) pulled the train's emergency brake thought I was some crazy kid" outside. speedy recovery.
Grumpy’s Big Burger Rp. 24.000 handle, rescuing the tourist from a After five minutes, the train started "I got off the train the next day in
potentially fatal predicament. to slowly pull away again, leaving Mr Vance Alice Springs and headed out on a tour
Hot Dog with onions, ketchup & mustard Rp. 19.000 "Chad is a very lucky guy - thinking he would be stuck in Port Augusta of Uluru and Kings Canyon," Mr Vance
All Day Brakfast - bacon, egg, sausage, beans, tomato & bread roll Rp. 29.000 when we rescued him his skin was with just $10, a digital camera and the shirt said.
white and his lips were blue," said Mr on his back. The psychology major student at
Delicious Chicken Curry Pie Rp. 24.000 Wells, a technician with The Ghan's The young tourist then made an the University of Alaska Fairbanks, left
All Day Nooodle Bowl Rp. 6000 operator, Great Southern Railway. "instinctive" decision - which he admitted in Darwin today for Cairns, for some scuba
"We were still about three retrospect was a "pretty crazy idea" - and diving on the Great Barrier Reef, before
Honey Pancake with Cream Rp. 8000 managed to grab hold of the stairwell near heading back to Sydney and then home
hours away from our next scheduled
ICE COLD BINTANG BEER all day Rp. 12.000 stop and in that time, he could have the rear of the train and swing himself into on June 17.
easily died of hypothermia or lost his a cramped sitting position.
INTERNET CAFÉ - FREE WI FI grip and fallen to his death if he hadn't As the night progressed and the
FREE POOL TABLE & HUGE TV been rescued." train picked up speed, the temperature
SPORT & MUSIC SHOWS Mr Vance's extraordinary tale outside The Ghan plummeted.

34 3
Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) Warung Corner Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) News Corner

Offer Some Of the Most Beautiful Coral Gardens
Apartments For Sale.......Update 30th March Around The East Coast Of Karangasem
One Bedroom one bathroom 2nd floor stage two. This unit has pull out divan in the lounge giving it Bali
a 3 adult or 2 adult and 2 children sleeping capacity.
Spacious lounge good size kitchen. Unit 225 48sq mts + balcony overlooking the pool area.
Also Glass Bottom Trips
1 2 bedroom 2 bathroom on the 3rd floor in stage 2 very good lift access and views looking over the pool
from the balcony and bedrooms. On offer by the owner. 321 (unit 301 on the plan) 82 sq mts. Over The Liberty Shipwreck
1 2 bedroom 2 bathroom on the 3rd floor in stage 2 very good lift access and views looking through towards and Coral Gardens Tulamben
Kuta Beach from the balcony and bedrooms. On offer by the owner. Unit 323 (303 on the plan) 88.6sq mts.

1 2 bedroom 2 bathroom two story apartment, 3rd floor, lift 10 mts away from the door views overlooking Contact
the Lap pool from the balcony. Unit 322 (302 on the plan) 102sq mts. Phone: (+62) 87 863 107 159 e-mail: website:
We have a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom in stage 1 ground floor overlooking the pool spacious veranda, all new
furnishings including Tv’s in the bedrooms. Aprox 96sq mts. VILLA for SALE
1 2 bedroom 2 bathroom on stage 1, 2nd floor very quiet corner of the complex. 3 Km from CANDI DASA
Views of the pool from the second story balcony. Aprox 96sq mts.
All the Apartments are offered as Leasehold and offer NO Limitation on owners stays,
max owner stay 52 weeks in a year POPPIES 2



at KUTA TOWNHOUSES, Where you can find a beach

ABSOLUTELY NO OBLIGATION. 150mtrs from your doorstep, swimming, surfing & snorkeling.
2,5 Are Freehold with 2 Beds, 2 Bath with spacious

Free WI-FI Internet Connection


living and pool.



LA Inn

Jl. Pasar Agung, Poppies 1 - Kuta, Bali 80361 POPPIES I

Under 300.000. USD
Phone :+62 361 761464 - Fax :+62 361 755998 - Mobile :+62 81 933079772
Phone (62) 81 337 363 673 for viewing
E-mail : - Website :
4 33
Candi Dasa Corner Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) News Corner
Bali to Host Bali Bars Cry Foul Over Sweeping Alcohol Seizures
National and High-end hotels in Bali are reported that beverages in Bali," he said. "[The customs

International demanding the return of thousands of

bottles of liquor that were confiscated by
when officers examined the bottle labels
under ultraviolet light, they did not find
officers] should have looked more carefully
at whether the hotels and restaurants met
authorities last week, saying the heavy- holographic markings that indicate the the requirements or not." Kempo handed move could ruin the tourist
island's international image.
appropriate duties were paid.
Perry said that the raids could
Aulianty Fellina Rikal, the
marketing and communications manager
Perry Markus, Bali secretary dramatically affect occupancy rates at at the Hard Rock Hotel Bali, said that so
Back-to-Back Kempo Championships general of the Indonesian Hotel and hotels. far the raids had not severely impacted her
KARANGASEM - EAST BALI to Be Held in July 2009. Restaurant Association (PHRI), on "Guests will not believe that a hotel.
Plans are in place for Bali to host both Monday said that the crackdown by five-star hotel does not sell any "We're lucky we still have stocks
Freehold 1100 m2, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, & garden US $ 330.000 (VS 008) a national Kempo championship followed by an customs officials, who claimed the bottles alcoholic beverages," he said. [of alcoholic beverages]," she said.
Leasehold 2 storey Vil a, Beach front, 750 m2 , pool, 3 bedrooms, 90 year lease international championships in the sport. The had counterfeit tax labels, hurt the
hospitality industry's credibility. quoted an
officer from Bali's customs office, who
Aulianty said the raids were
confusing because her hotel never had
international championships are expected to
AUS$ 300.000 (VS 012) attract 400 kenshi hailing from 20 countries on "We are worried that our refused to be named, as saying that problems when buying liquor from its
July 25-26, 2009, at Bali's Lila Bhuana Sports customers may not trust us anymore," similar raids would be carried out across supplier.
PADANG BAI - BALI Complex. Perry said, adding that the inconvenience Indonesia. "We're looking at this as a lesson
Included among the countries expected was compounded by the fact that the raid The official also said that the to be more careful in picking suppliers,"
Leasehold 210 m2, 2 storey Vil a, 3 bedrooms, pool, Livingroom & Kitchen US $ 195.000 (VS 025) to participate are Russia, Sweden, Australia, was conducted during the peak tourism Bali busts were ordered by the Ministry she said.
season. of Finance in Jakarta. Perry said that PHRI would seek
Freehold 2 Storey, 2 Bedrooms, 1000 m2, and Kitchen US $ 385.000 (VS 007) Timor Leste, U.S.A., Brazil.
The liquor was confiscated on Ketut Adiputra, vice chairman of action from Bali Governor I Made Mangku
The Vice-Chairman of the Indonesian
LEGIAN Kempo Association (Perkemi), Fredrik Billy, has
Thursday from at least 13 high-end hotels
and restaurants across Bali, and Perry
the Bali Legislative Council, said the
customs office had never instructed
Pastika, the Ministry of Culture and
Tourism and the Ministry of Finance.
told the press that preparations for the
Freehold 3 storey Hotel, 17 rooms, 600 m2 US $ 600.000 (VS 002) international championships are now 70%
said the raids were unfair because
businesses had not been warned about
hotels and restaurants on how to ensure
the tax labels were genuine. He also
"We don't want Bali's tourism
industry to have a bad image because of
SEMINYAK complete. An advance team comprised of
organizers and Japanese Kempo officials
checking tax labels.
"We bought those bottles from
said that the spot checks on all liquor
might have been prompted by the
this," he said.

Leasehold 22 years, bathroom, Kitchen, Pool, 750 m2, 200 m2 Building. visited Bali on May 22-24 to review
preparations for the events. According to Billy,
distributors and we were not aware of the deaths of 25 people in Bali who drank
labels' origins," he said. "The customs tainted locally produced alcohol.
US $ 350.000 (VS 013) the advance team of Japanese and Indonesian office should have checked out the "There is a procedure for
officials totaling 12 people found no major distributors first." distributing and selling alcoholic
Leasehold 2 storey Vil a, 32 years, 750 m2, pool, EURO 300.000 (VS 019) obstacle that could impede the championships

Freehold 2 storey Vil a, 4 bedrooms, maid room, 3 bathrooms, pool,

As regards athlete participation, we
have already coordinated that with travel Move to limit use of 'invasive' full-body scanners
agents," Billy explained.
garden, Kitchen IDR 2 Bil ion (VS 023) Billy dismissed and concerns being A PASSENGER campaign to concern there was no guarantee the with civil liberty experts calling it
expressed on the close proximity of his events stop images of their private parts pictures wouldn't end up being saved intrusive.
Freehold 2 storey Vil a, 130 m2, 1 bedrooms, semi furnished, water heater & with the presidential elections scheduled for being shown in airport scanners is a or copied. Adelaide University civil liberties
pool. US $ 155.000 (VS 027) July 8th. "I can't see them (the elections) as step closer to success with the “There comes a point when, in expert Allan Perry said the technology
could breach people's privacy if used as
having any effect. What's more, we asked for passing of a US Bill limiting the use of the name of safety and security, we
BRAWA - CANGGU security from the State," continued Billy. the controversial devices. overstep that line, and we have an a general measure for all passengers
rather than those identified as a security
Just prior to the international The Bill bans full-body invasion of privacy,” Mr Chaffetz told
Leasehold 2000 m2, 7 Vil a, Kitchen, bathrooms, restaurant, bar, pool. EURO 325.000 (VS 014) championships in Bali, the Island's perkemi will scanners as the sole or primary The Salt Lake Tribune. risk.
host the Indonesian Open Championships in method of screening at US airports, “You don't need to look at my "If this is done on a widespread
JIMBARAN Kempo. To be held July 20-22, The international allowing their use only when another wife and eight-year-old daughter naked basis without selectivity it certainly goes
beyond an appropriate balance of
Freehold 1000 m2, Brand New Vil a, 3 bedrooms, pool, Kitchen. US $ 395.000 (VS 011) event will be held July 25-26 with the
Indonesian athletes victorious at the Indonesian
method of screening demonstrates the
need for further testing.
to secure that aeroplane.”
The US Civil Liberties Union personal privacy and security," he said.
Freehold 3 storey Vil a, 200 m2 land, 2 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, championships earning the right to represent The Bill was passed 310-118 backed the Bill, arguing the images There are 19 airports in the US
their country at the international championships amid ongoing concerns the full-body produced are humiliating and an testing the new technology. The
Kitchen, pool AUD $ 330.000 VS 022) three days later. imaging technology acts as an assault. Meanwhile, the European machines are used as a primary
screening device in six of those airports,
More Villas for Sale or Rent in
intrusive "virtual strip search".
The move could also have
Union has also expressed concerns
about the technology and have called and the US Transportation Security
Administration says that up to 99 per
Karangasem, Kerobokan, Seminyak, Jimbaran. worldwide implications on the use of
the technology.
for safeguards to prevent the revealing
images from being stored or published. cent of passengers have opted to
undergo the screening, “demonstrating a
Please contact Bali Living Property The scanners, which went on
trial in Sydney, Melbourne and
"I think this is an offence
against human dignity. Using this widespread public acceptance of it”.
Jl. Poppies Lane 2, Kuta Beach - Bali Adelaide last October, use radio technology does not make us safer," The Bill now faces the Senate,
where it runs the risk of being dismissed.
waves to form a 360-degree, three- said the leader of the assembly's
Jl. Raya Candi Dasa - opposite of FAJAR HOTEL dimensional image of a person's body Socialist group, Martin Schulz.
beneath their clothes in order to check "These are machines that allow
You can Call or SMS : them for weapons. US Representative for you to be seen totally naked," Mr
Jason Chaffetz, who sponsored the Schulz said.
Ph. (+62) 81 338 155 444 e-mail Bill, said there was no need for the The technology faced similar
"intrusive" technology and expressed opposition when it was unveiled here,
32 5
Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) Warung Corner Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) News Corner

Facing Layoff? Consider Painting Houses in Bali

Three Cathay Pacific Dennis Owen the U.S. where the need is often the

Executives on Unpaid Leave Marketing Manager, together greatest, Mercy Orphanages have
Travel to Bali to Paint a Local with Shirley Liu and Leslie Lu been established facilities in

Orphanage. from the airline's headquarters in eastern Indonesia to care for war
In difficult economic times, Hong Kong, used their own refuges from East Timor and in
such as these, many are funds and purchased firm-space Aceh for tsunami victims.
compelled to cut back, curtail and employee passes on Cathay For more information on the

Forced to take unpaid leave
by their companies, some would
Pacific so they could fly to Bali
to spend a week painting a local
work of Mr. and Mrs. Wiranto and
their countless co-carers visit
[Mercy Indonesia]
choose to sit home wallowing in Checking into a local hotel Shown on
FROM YOUR FAVOURITE TEAM, SIZES UP TO 4 XL self-pity, angry at the world and and purchasing paint and are pictures taken during the recent
WE HAVE their "difficult" circumstances. Yet brushes from a local hardware paint-up, fix-up visit to the Mercy
T-Shirts, Singlets, Muscle Shirts, Polo’s, Shorts
Caps, Stubby Holders, Key Rings, Bed Covers, Etc. others in the same circumstance store, the three energetic Orphanage where the three airline
will decide to take their temporary Cathay Pacific executives posed with the children,
If You Want To Make Up suspension in stride, reflecting on managers spent a week all sporting new Cathay Pacific polo
Shirts, Polo’s, Caps, Stubby Holders, Etc. the good fortune of having a job to painting the entire Mercy shirts. Also shown in a separate
For Your Company, Hotel, Restaurant, Bar, Etc Orphanage in Denpasar Bali.
return to determining how best to photograph to right) are Shirly Lui,
utilize the coming work break. Established in 2001 by Mr. Leslie Lu and Dennis Owen.
EXPERIENCED IN OVERSEAS HOME DELIVERIES Accentuating the positive in and Mrs. Paulus Wiranto to care
this manner is exactly what three for abandoned and orphaned
Where To Find Us? children, Mercy Orphanage now
Cathay Pacific Airways executives
PASAR AGUNG, POPPIES LANE 1, KUTA - BALI did, when in May 2009, they were has 9 homes throughout
HP: 081 338 560 800 put on temporary unpaid leave as Indonesia caring for some 180
an airline cost-saving measure. children. Responding when and
Round 11/12 Round 10
It's Our Island and We'll Do as We Want To
2009 N R L LADDER 2009 A F L LADDER Governor Pastika Insists that : "The artworks and cultural The governor's defiant
No. TEAM PW L D F Agnts Pts No. TEAM PW L D F Agnts % Pts that He Will Not Enforce New Anti- practices of Bali are not in any stance has brought neither rebuke
Pornography Law. way meant to be pornographic. or reprimand from the Central
1 DRAGONS 12 9 3 0 252 144 18 1 ST. KILDA 11 11 0 0 1160 633 183.25 44 In a defiant break with They are meant to educate and Government. While some interpret
2 11 8 3 2 270 192 18 1293 845 153.02 central authority in the Republic, communicate about the essence this as a return to Indonesia's long-
BULLDOGS 2 GEELONG 11 11 0 0 44 Bali's governor Made Mangku of life and existence." held tradition of tolerance, some
3 BRONCOS 12 8 4 1 267 251 18 3 W. BULLDOGS 11 7 4 0 1206 1040 115.96 28 Pastika has bee quoted by While the Central political observers suggest the
4 STORM 12 7 4 1 253 162 17 4 C.F. CARLTON 11 6 5 0 1151 984 116.97 24 Reuters and The Jakarta Post as Government has decreed that government is eager to sidestep
saying "he has no intention" of tourism-related activities are any confrontation on polarizing
5 COWBOYS 12 7 5 1 318 200 16 5 COLLINGWOOD 11 6 5 0 1024 951 107.68 24 enforcing the anti-pornography exempted by the new anti- issue that could cost valuable votes
6 PANTHERS 12 7 5 1 284 238 16 6 BRISBANE LIONS 11 6 5 0 1014 1000 101.40 24 law signed by President pornographic law, there is in Bali where the new law is
7 Yudhoyono last December. widespread concern that dance, unpopular or in Java where
KNIGHTS 13 8 5 0 293 252 16 7 HAWTHORN 11 6 5 0 1034 1050 98.48 24 Insisting that the law theatre, painting, sculpting, fundamentalist Islamic followers
8 TITANS 11 7 4 1 208 194 16 8 PORT ADELAIDE 11 6 5 0 1045 1078 96.94 24 violates Balinese cultural values monuments and even bathing in enthusiastically embrace the law's
9 12 5 6 1 239 258 13 9 ADELAIDE 11 6 0 988 1030 95.92 24 and is not in keeping with the local streams will be threatened intent.
RABBITOHS 5 aspirations of the people of Bali, by legislatively imposed
10 SEA EAGLES 12 5 7 1 236 230 12 10 SYD. SWANS 11 5 6 0 999 1036 96.43 20 Pastika said, "as long as I am the inhibitions from Jakarta.
11 RAIDERS 11 4 7 2 211 252 12 11 ESSENDON 11 5 6 0 1005 1069 94.01 20 governor of Bali, I, along with the The legislation is also
head of the provincial government criticized for it's vigilante content,
12 WARRIORS 12 4 7 1 190 246 11 12 N. MELBOURNE 11 4 7 0 847 1074 78.86 16 in Bali, have stated that we will allowing individual citizens to
13 P. EELS 1 4 7 1 174 283 11 13 WEST COAST E. 11 3 8 0 925 1061 87.18 12 not enforce this law." impose their own view of what
14 14 FREMANTLE Defending the tendency of constitutes pornography and
WESTS TIGERS 12 4 8 1 232 292 10 11 3 8 0 901 1130 79.73 12 Balinese art to celebrate nudity encouraging individual action
15 SHARKS 12 3 9 1 167 249 8 15 RICHMOND 11 2 9 0 935 1210 77.27 8 and eroticism, the governor said against people deemed to be
16 ROOSTERS 12 3 9 1 189 340 8 16 MELBOURNE 11 1 10 0 800 1136 70.42 4 his fellow Balinese held the view causing moral outrage.

6 31
Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) Warung Corner Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) Sports Corner
The View: Fox Sports provides its take on round 11 of
the AFL season
Another eight games, another bunch his eye, he says it was an accidental heading the wrong way. His kick into the
of highlights, lowlights, winners, head clash". On the upset front, most Geelong forward line was sharked by
grinners, sinners and moments to punters thought the Lions at home Shannon Byrnes and a goal to the Cats
remember. Here's our take on round would account for the Blues. Wrong. resulted. Good luck explaining that one to
A full service web design house providing web development solution for companies or individuals 11 of AFL. John Worsfold, son.
interested in outsourcing their web design and website development needs The Brownlow Banker: Crown The Biggest Flop: Big stage and an
Palladium, Monday, September 21, even bigger build-up, but Melbourne The Last Laugh: Big Fev had a running
2009. AFL boss Andrew Demetriou Demons failed to fire in the first quarter sideshow to his seven-goal haul with a
fixes tie, clears throat and says: of the Queen's Birthday blockbuster run-in with Joel Macdonald and plenty of
"Round 11, West Coast v Geelong. against Collingwood. Jack Watts byplay with the home crowd. He was
Three votes, Geelong, G. Ablett." carried the hopes of the red-and-blue laughing last, therefore best. But another
Was he best on ground? Probably faithful into the match but the kid bloke smiling again is St Kilda big man
up there with Matthew Scarlett, Paul couldn't hold off a rampant Magpies. At Justin Koschitzke, and doesn't he
Chapman and even Travis Varcoe. quarter-time Mick Malthouse had deserve it. The injury-plagued Saint has
Will he get the votes? You bet. Ablett guided his side to a seven-goal lead fainted on live television, been cleaned
had 43 touches on Sunday evening and the rest, as they say, is history. up by an umpire, and cruelled by soft-
against the willing Eagles. A lot were tissue complaints. In 2009, however, his
garnered with little impact, unlike Watch This Space: Punt Road. Just pack marking and accurate conversion
Chris Judd for Carlton the night when you thought it was safe to put the have made those many blows a distant
before, but after last year's near- Richmond saga to bed, they surprise memory. On Saturday, against an
miss on Medal night he will get three by throwing 31-year-old Jade Rawlings undermanned North Melbourne,
here. Adam Goodes and Judd loom into the hot seat. It means the coach is Koschitzke played like a man among the
as the only two capable of him younger than veteran Matthew boys. He booted six goals as the Saints
bagging the Brownlow he longs for. Richardson - who also happens to be added an 11th straight win to their streak,
his brother-in-law. Someone get Jerry a record for the club.
The Golden Moment: Carlton fans Springer on the phone, this one's
will say Brendan Fevola's bag in getting weird. Anyway, the Tigers gave What's His Name Again He Had A
Brisbane was the climax of Saturday Terry Wallace a parting 'pantsing' at the Belter: Kurt Tippet isn't a boy. He played
night's entertaining match with the hands of Western Bulldogs. We all now 19 games with Adelaide Crows last year
Lions, and rightly so. There's no watch to see if Rawlings can but could still walk down Rundle Mall
doubt Fev was the matchwinner, but communicate with Generation 'Y' better without being mobbed. He's noticed,
Jared Brennan provided the than Plough could, or if the kids can though, because you can't be
breathtaking moments of the learn to kick, mark and handball with a inconspicuous at 201cm. Anyway, that's
evening. The 2002 No.3 draft pick skerrick of consistency. enough about the 20-year-old's height-
showed all his mind-boggling talent related day of shopping. Let's take a look
in a two-minute burst in the second Spray Of The Week: Etihad Stadium at his eye-catching performance against
quarter. One-handed pick-ups, a boss Ian Collins copped it this week Essendon at Etihad Stadium on Sunday.
sublime snap from the pocket and and rightly so. On Sunday, with the Eleven kicks, nine marks, seven goals;
another hook around the body that Bombers and Crows slugging out a not bad for a lad who played basketball
would've made Daniel Motlop blush. classic clash at the joint with a roof, it until his late teens.
He's far from the complete footballer started to rain. Sure, Collo can't predict
but the boy is an almighty talent. the weather, but he should know in the What You Won't See This Week: Barry
heart of Melbourne's winter that Hall and Sam Mitchell catching up to
Didn't See That Coming: North precipitation is a possibility. And it discuss the lighter side of the surly
Melbourne foot soldier Sam Power came. He may be trying Murphy's Law Swans' now-infamous 150-metre penalty.
will watch the tape and still not to break the drought, but those sitting in Big bad bustling had a brain snap in the
expect to be cleaned up by St Kilda the rain as the roof started to contract final term against Hawthorn and the pint-
colossus Steven King. Power, the couldn't see the bright side. sized Hawks skipper was on hand to tell
brother of Brisbane Lions star Luke, him all about it. Baz's forearm jolt to the
was making his way through the Wouldn't Want To Be You: Beating mouthy Mitchell seemed like a good idea
centre of Etihad Stadium when King Geelong is a monumental task. You at the time. And, apart from those
cleaned him up. Power woke some need to make sure everything goes wearing brown and gold, who wouldn't
time later with a splitting headache your way. West Coast youngster Jamie have done the same? Something about
and joined a list of Kangaroos McNamara thought he was handing his putting your head in the lion's mouth.
casualties. A week after teammate side another scoring opportunity when
Michael Gardiner copped a week, he sharked a classic ruck tap from
King is likely to be slugged by the Dean Cox as the Eagles pressed the
match review panel. Although Cats in the third quarter at Subiaco.
another Saint, Leigh Montagna, The 21-year-old surged away from the
reported "Steven has a bruise under pack and summoned his teammates to
lead; the only problem was he was
30 7
Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) News Corner

Global Recession be Damned! Bali Arrivals are Growing

Bali by the Numbers: Arrival source market for Bali. Through ranking as that nation's economy
Numbers Grow as Australia the end of the first four months of faltered and arrivals dipped 5.62%
Displaces Japan as Bali's Top Source 2009 Australian arrivals totaled over the first four months of 2009.
Market for Foreign Visitors. 102,179 increasing 30.08% as Taiwan which has long been Bali's
Foreign tourist arrival to Bali compared to the same period in #4 market, is now relegated to the
in April 2009 totaled 179,879 2008. Meanwhile, reflecting their #7 position.
representing the best April on record troubled national economy, The Winners

HOURS 8.00am till 11.00pm for Bali tourism and 21.94%

improvement over April 2008
Japanese visitors decreased
7.45% for the first 4 months of
Markets clocking
improvements for the period
January-April were: Australia
View cumulatively, the first Similarly, South Korea, (+30.08%), People's Republic of
BREAKFAST LUNCH four months of 2009 saw 645,061 which is traditionally Bali #3 China (+54.03), Malaysia
AMERICAN BREAKFAST BURGER foreign tourists come to Bali, an source market, declined to a #5 (+37.70%). Russia
Two Eggs any style Rp. 25.000 Classic Burger Rp. 25.000 increase of (+4.75%), The
Omelette - Vegetables Rp. 18.000 Cheese Burger Rp. 26.000 8.15% when Netherlands (+0.42%)
- Bacon Sausage Rp. 20.000 Ham Burger (Smoked Beef) Rp. 26.000 compared to the and France (+25.32%).
- Complete Rp. 24.000 Big Burger Rp. 30.000 same period last The Losers
- Ham Cheese Rp. 20.000 Hawaiian Burger Rp. 28.000 year (596,469). The markets in
Fresh Fish Burger Rp. 26.000 As
decline for Bali over the
predicted by first four months of 2009
Nasi Goreng Rp. 20.000 S AN D W I C H E S were; Japan (-7.45%),
Mie Goreng Rp. 20.000 B L T Sandwich Rp. 16.000
, April 2009 also Taiwan (-23.24%),
Ham Cheese Sandwich Rp. 18.000
CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST Chicken Sandwich Rp. 20.000 saw the historical South Korea (-5.62%),
Egg Benedict Rp. 26.000 Kuta Steak House Sandwich Rp. 35.000 unseating of U.S.A. (-1.80%),
Egg Florentine Rp. 26.000 Japan by Germany (-11.66%) and
French Toast Rp. 18.000 Jaffles (Various) from Rp. 20.000 Australia from its the United Kingdom (-
Kuta Steak House Big Breakfast Rp. 35.000 Pancake (Various) from Rp. 10.000 top-ranking as 6.50%).
the largest

HAPPY HOURS !! SMALL BINTANG ONLY for Rp. 10.000 from till 6.00pm Indonesian Tourism will Continue to Grow

DINNER Minister Wacik: World 2 percent because of the current 60%, that's still good. If that
Starter Main course Dessert Financial Crisis May Slow, But Not number goes down, don't rush to
financial crisis, but that tourism in
Garlic Bread with cheese Rp. 20.000 K S H Vegetarian Rp. 20.000 Traditional Fil et Steak Rp. 50.000 Deep Fried Breaded Ice Cream Rp. 20.000 Halt Growth of National Tourism the Asia region is expected to lay-off employees. That's getting
Bruschetta Rp. 20.000 Double Creamy Vegetarian Rp. 25.000 Traditional Fil et Steak Rp. 50.000 Caramelized Apple Rp. 20.000 Sector. perform marginally better and ahead of yourself," warned Wacik.
Prawn Cocktail Rp. 20.000 Chicken Fil ets Bonne Femme Rp. 40.000 with Garlic Sauce with Ice Cream Indonesia's Minister of actually grow slightly in 2009. He urged all tourism
Culture and Tourism, Jero Wacik, has Wacik continued: "We professionals including hoteliers,
Calamari Special Rp. 20.000 Fish and chips Rp. 38.000 Traditional Fil et Melt Mozzarella Rp. 55.000 Banana Pancake Rp. 20.000 renewed his assertion that the often look at a figure of 5% as to be patient if there is a decrease
Deep Fried Breaded Mushroom Rp. 20.000 “Steak House” Chicken Basket Rp. 38.000 Fil et Mignon Rp. 55.000 with Ice Cream national tourism sector has nothing to small, but when compared to in visitors for he is certain that in
Prawn Avocado Rp. 25.000 GRILL PORK CHOP Rp. 45.000 Surf “ N “ Turf Double Fil et Rp. 55.000 Caramelized Banana Crepes Rp. 20.000 worry about in the face of the world- other countries, we are still O.K.. the months ahead, assuring all that
Sauteed Mushroom Rp. 20.000 “Steak House” Chicken Cordon Blue 40.000
Rp. Traditional Fil et Steak Rp. 55.000 with Ice Cream wide financial crisis. If new hotels can still open, this the numbers will once again grow.
Wacik, as quoted by the State means tourists are still coming to Wacik added: "Because of this,
with Bacon & Garlic Chicken Lemon cream Garlic Rp. 40.000 with Bacon & Mushroom Sauce Deep Fried Breaded Apple Rp. 20.000 news agency Antara, said: "Indeed Indonesia. A few days ago I hotels must continue to promote so
Deep fried Breaded king Prawn Rp. 25.000 Spaghetti Carbonara Rp. 30.000 Traditional Black Pepper Steak Rp. 50.000 with Honey Dressing foreign tourist arrivals are not as opened a new hotel in Manado tourists will continue to come.
with Aioli Spaghetti Bolognaise Rp. 30.000 Steak House Fil et Steak Rp. 60.000 Mango Crepes Rp. 20.000 dynamic as they were before the (North Sulawesi), yesterday in Everyone must promote Indonesia
crisis. Nonetheless, we are confident Bandung (West Java), today in for visits by foreign tourists."
Chef’s Mixed Leaf Salad Rp. 20.000 Burger with Chips Rp. 30.000 Steak House Stuffed Fil et Steak Rp. 65.000 with Ice Cream our tourism arrivals that (formerly) Bali and soon another hotel in The Minister said that his
with Bacon & Parmasan Gril ed King Prawn Rp. 55.000 Steak House Pepper Steak Royal Rp. 65.000 Two Scoop Ice Cream Rp. 15.000 grew at a rate of between 15-16% Bandung." ministry will always support inter-
King Prawn butter Fly Rp. 25.000 with Garlic Herb Butter Giant Fil et Steak Rp. 75.000 Chocolate Pancake Rp. 20.000 can still achieve around 5-6% The Minister in charge of national events in Indonesia, in
with Garlic Mayo Sauce Gril ed Mahi-Mahi Rp. 40.000 Giant Panker Ranch Rp. 75.000 with Ice Cream growth." The Minister's comments national tourism also urged the order that these events can stimu-
were made at a opening ceremony management of the nation's late additional visitors to fill the
with Basil Creamy Sauce Chef’s Mixed Gril Rp. 75.000 for a new hotel in the Tuban area of country's hotels.
hotels to act cautiously when
Poached Fresh MAhi-Mahi Fish Rp. 40.000 South Kuta. taking business decision tied to
with Creamy Basil Sauce Wacik cited a World Tourism hotel occupancy levels. "If the
Organization (WTO) survey that occupancy level is still above
Weekly BlackBoard specials as Advertised on Board estimates world tourism will shrink by
Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) News Corner Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) Sports Corner

Jakarta Pledges Limited Commercialization at Brisbane Lions coach Michael Voss wants cover for
Bali's Airport injured players
Minister Djusman Safei, the Minister's convenience. The governor is also Brisbane Lions coach Michael The Kangaroos finished their the likelihood of the number of injuries
Voss has joined growing calls for the AFL game against St Kilda with only 17 fit because of the increased fatigue of the
Djamal Says No More than 30% rebuke to the airport's demanding that Balinese to cap interchanges or introduce a players while Brisbane lost rising star other players."
of Bali's Airport Can be Dedicated management followed the architectural touches must be substitute rule as injuries become a Josh Drummond to a calf injury in the Former Richmond coach Terry
to Commercial Use. rejection by Bali's governor of incorporated into any final design. bigger issue than at any point in the opening minutes. Wallace last year proposed the AFL allow
In seeming response to redevelopment plans for the Djusman Safei told the game's history. "There is a definite sides to name two reserves who could be
And he also wants the league to disadvantage of losing a player very
criticism from Bali's governor that airport that would dedicate 40% press in Bali that the governor's called on during games if their teammates
consider re-introducing a mid-season early in the game," he said. suffered game-ending injuries.
Bali's airport is being over- of the airport space to wishes must be made a prime draft to allow clubs to cover key injury "It puts a tremendous amount It was well received after trials
commercialized, Indonesia's commercial leases. As reported consideration and that, in any case, losses. of pressure on another group of during the pre-season tournament.
Minister of Transportation, on, Bali's current regulations limit the amount Voss first raised the two ideas in players, which then increases the Voss's early-year submission to the
Djusman Safei Djamal has governors is involved in a verbal of commercialized space to no a pre-season submission to the league likelihood of injuries on those guys." AFL also included calls for a mid-season
but has now gone public after a weekend The Lions lost their round-four draft.
assured Bali that only a maximum tug-of-war with the Manager of more than 30% of the entire area of where two results were directly clash to Collingwood when Jed Adcock Brisbane have ruckmen Charman
of 30% of the entire airport will be the Bali Airport authority over the airport with all remaining area influenced by injuries. and Jamie Charman were unable to and Matthew Leuenberger on the long-term
used for commercial pursuits. current plans for the design of dedicated to "traffic management". He has called on all of the compete after half-time and the injury list while defenders Daniel Merrett and
During a visit to Bali, the the revamped airport. Governor The entire area of Bali's game's stakeholders, the league, clubs Magpies ramped up their rotations and Joel Patfull have also missed more than a
Transportation Minister reminded Pastika has threatened to refuse airport complex following the and media to engage in a "rigorous" ran the tiring Brisbane outfit off their month of football.
debate about the merits of capping feet. "I wouldn't mind it (a mid-season
the management of Bali's Airport, building permits for the planned redevelopment will cover interchanges or introducing substitutes to "I know that if an opposition draft) right now, I think I'd be looking across
PT Angkasa Pura, not to remodeling if, in his opinion, the 100,000 square meters. limit the adverse effects of injuries. player goes down I'm ramping up my Australia for a defender," he said.
commercialize a planned 40% of new design puts He proposes capping rotations too because I'm making sure
the airport. commercialization before interchanges at 80 per game and said that the intensity is right up there so I
As reported by efficiency and customer the inevitable rorting of a substitute put some massive load on the other
system could be negated by a rule that players," he said.
made players who had been substituted "Some may say that's part of
ineligible to play the following week. coaching and that might be part of the
Tourism Chief Calls for End to Custom's Raids Voss warned that increasingly
rapid-fire interchanges had made the
sport but I think it's got to the point the
keel is starting to go the other way.
game too dangerous and also more "I'm not suggesting you still
Bali Tourism Boss unfair to teams which lose players to can't win, but I do think it does load up
Quoted in, course of their continuing game-ending injuries. the other players and we do increase
Subhisku Says Government Subhisku said: "Now it is the "sweeping" raids.
Should Be Chasing Distributors distributors who must be chased,
of Illegal Custom's Stamps, Not not people from our (tourism)
Restaurants and Hotels. industry. This is a lopsided
The Bali Tourism Service approach."
(DIPARDA) is urging the Bali Subhisku said his call for Jl. Benesari 22 X Poppies 2. Phone :081 338 454 087
Customs and Excise office to end to sweeping by Customs and
halt sweeping raids being Excise officials of hotels and
conducted against Bali hotels HAIR CUT Rp. 20.000,- MANICURE Rp. 28.000,-
restaurants is Cutting Only Treat your arms, finger’s massage are Including cuticle treatment with
and restaurants in the current based on the vitamin creams
CREAMBATH Rp. 25.000,-
drive to halt the sale of wine and high demands Every type or hair will be treated different combination Including
PEDICURE Rp. 28.000,-
liquor bearing counterfeit shoulder & massage
for alcoholic Foot treatment completed with foam bath, food massage cuticle
customs stamps. BLEACHING / COLOURING treatment with vitamin creams
beverages as
The Chief Tourism Official
for Bali, Ida Bagus Subhisku,
issued a statement of June 2,
2009, underlining the fact that
Bali enters into
its busiest
business period
or high season.
* Short
* Medium
* Long
By Wella Including shampoo & Styling

* Short
ROOM Rp. 150.000,-
Rp. 200.000,-
Rp. 250.000,-

W A X I N G (Australia Product)
* Under Arm
* Full Hand
* Bikini Line


Bali's hotels and restaurants Up until * Medium Rp. 150.000,-
* Half leg Rp. 60.000,-

* Long Rp. 200.000,-
purchase their alcohol supplies June 2, 2009, Rp. 250.000,-
* Full Leg Rp. 80.000,-
PERMING * Lip, Eye Brow Rp. 25.000,-
from official distributors DIPARDA * Short
appointed by the government. recorded around * Medium
* Long
Rp. 100.000,- MASSAGE
Rp. 150.000,-
According to Subhisku, if there is 13 hotels and Rp. 200.000,- THAI MASSAGE Rp. 85.000,-
in fact smuggled alcohol being restaurants * Short
MASSAGE 1 HOUR Rp. 40.000,-
MASSAGE 1,5 HOUR Rp. 60.000,-
used, it is the distributors who where custom's * Medium
Rp. 200.000,- MASSAGE MILK Rp. 95.000,-
* Long
should be under scrutiny and not officials had Rp. 250.000,- MASSAGE LULUR/BOREH BALI Rp. 70.000,-
FACIAL Rp. 300.000,- FOOT MASSAGE 0,5 HOUR Rp. 25.000,-
Bali's hotels and restaurants. seize liquor The best treatment your skin with traditional product cleansing, peeling FOOT MASSAGE 1 HOUR Rp. 40.000,-
face mask Including Neck, Shoulder Massage Rp. 25.000,- FOOT & SHOULDER MASSAGE Rp. 40.000,-
stocks in the
28 9
Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) Warung Corner Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) News Corner

Bar & Restaurant

For Sale......
Still Very Good Condition

Rp.19 Million
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Live Music 081 558 100 605 or
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TELEPHONE LINE FOR SALE ( Rp.450,000 )_at Poppies Lane 1 area

Great Value EVERY Week!!!! Contact : (0361) 761 225
FROM : 6.00pm - 9.30pm Getting to the Gili Islands just got EASIER
Lamb, Beef & Pork Served With Vegies!!!
To Finish.....A Yummy Dessert!!!! DIRECT TO - GILI TRAWANGAN
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10 27
04 June - 10 June 2008 (80) 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) Warung Corner Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) Sport Corner

Sydney Swans enforcer Barry Hall fighting for his playing


Lombok Corner Sydney Swans' forward

Barry Hall admits he has half an
AFL season to convince the Swans
he can be trusted not to lose his
temper again following his latest on-
field outburst.
that, I've got to cop that on the
“I guess the thing for me
going forward now is that I've got
11 weeks to show the football club
confirmed the club's leadership
group did not want to impose a
suspension, which clears him to play
Collingwood in the second weekend
of the split round 12.
“No doubt they were
Airlines offer several daily flights. A passengers and car ferry service departs from Padang Bay
Hall, 32, is again fighting to
that I can put stuff like this behind
me. disappointed, but they're ready to
prolong his career after costing his “This could change things move on,” he said.
several times a day. A passengers service to Senggigi is operated by PERAMA team badly by conceding Hall said he often
three successive 50-metre found himself
penalties in the final frustrated in AFL
quarter, which contributed games, mainly through
to the Swans' 11-point the lack of free kicks
defeat to Hawthorn at the he received from
MCG on Sunday. umpires.
His latest brain But he conceded he
snap again raised doubts also gave umpires a
Right on the beachfront over whether he can "hard time".
Large comfortable double bedroom handle the pressure of Hall said his anger
Air conditioning playing in the AFL,
Semi open air bathroom with hot water shower
over recent years had
Private terrace overlooking the beach particularly after the Swans stemmed from his
Nice back-packer rooms also available imposed a club ban on him inability to handle the
Tropical gardens last year, following his criticism directed at
Ocean view swimming pool suspensions for striking
Great value rates
him for his poor
West Coast's Brent Staker performance in the
and attempting to strike 2006 grand final, when
Collingwood's Shane dramatically, I could go downhill Sydney were beaten
Wakelin. from here. by West Coast by one point.
Sydney were angry with Hall ``But, the next 11 weeks are pretty "I didn't cope with that very
for conceding the penalties, which big for me, and I don't think that well at all, and I probably did hang
gifted the Hawks a goal at a crucial will be the case.” on to that for way too long," he said.
time and changed the momentum Hall is out of contract at Hall has often been linked
of the game. the end of the season and initially with pursuing a boxing coach once
The Swans' loss left them did not commit to wanting to play he finishes with football, and said
with a 5-6 win-loss record and on. that would be dependent on his talks
outside the eight. But he said he was “70 per with Sydney after the season.
JL. RAYA SENGGIGI, BATU BOLONG - LOMBOK Hall agreed with coach Paul "That's something I've got to
cent” confident of continuing into
Ph/Fax : +62 370 693637 Mobile :081805243380 Roos that his actions in 2010, and wanted to so he could weigh up at the end of the year," he
e-mail : remonstrating with the umpire and change the ways fans view him, said.
clashing with Hawks Jarryd given his anger issues in recent
Roughead and Sam Mitchell, which years. "Timing's probably not on my side,
brought on the penalties, changed “At this stage mentally I'm I'm going to be 33 next year so I'm
the game and cast new doubt over really willing,” he said. no spring chicken."
his future. “The old body's saying Hall on Monday was cleared
“In the scheme of things, we different stories to me. of any wrongdoing by the match
had the momentum ... it turned the “I'd say 70 per cent I'd like review panel, for his shove on
game totally and if another player to play on. Mitchell and for accidentally kneeing
from my side did that I'd be filthy “With the perception, I'd Xavier Ellis in the head earlier in the
with him,'' he told Network Ten's like to change that and if it takes game.
One HD station. another year of footy to do that AAP
“So I've got to wear that. and I'm still passionate and still
“We (he and his teammates) want to play, all things equal, it
spoke about it after the game and should happen.”
they were disappointed. Hall said he had
“It was really disappointing apologised to his teammates for
and I knew that. I've got to wear his latest indiscretion, and
26 11
Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) News Corner Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) Sports Corner

Clubber's guide to Ibiza 2009 The View: Fox Sports provides its take on round 13 of the NRL
A MAN wearing a
But Sydney DJ Goodwill, Jump online and grab your tickets
horse's head is being led who has played at some of Ibiza's early for loads of savings. Check Round 13 of the NRL premiership could actually haul themselves back into Watch this space:
had a full complement of off-field drama the premiership race if they play with the Does the outbreak of swine flu among
through a semi-naked crowd biggest clubs, is still kicking out Ibiza Club Tickets. and on-field heroics. And, as always, there same commitment in the coming weeks. Queensland players put the next round of
by another wearing leather himself for not experiencing the Ibiza has a free bus service was something to talk about in between. Golden moment: NRL matches in jeopardy? The revelation on
chaps. White Isle sooner. to transport travellers to its clubs. The Dally M darling: The look on FuiFui MoiMoi's face when he Sunday that Bulldogs prop Ben Hannant had
Nearby a DJ spins Cronulla have justifiably come in for a lot of scored what turned out to be the match- contracted the virus rocked the NRL and was
"There's a tribe of people Grab one of those, even if it's only flak this season, but their fortunes, on the
tracks while suspended over a winner for Parramatta against Newcastle followed on Monday morning by the news
over there soaking it up," says just going near the club you have field at least, looked to have turned a on Sunday was priceless. The giant that all Queensland players were to be
dance floor swimming pool, Goodwill. your sights set on. You'll save a corner in the last two weeks. And central to Tongan backed up some magical play placed in quarantine, subject to the return of
watched by a mass of party- "I accepted a gig at Pasha fortune on costly cab fares. that revival has been the inspirational from young halfback Daniel Mortimer to tests for the bug later this week. NRL chief
hard clubbers. figure of Trent Barrett. Big things were score under the posts and hand the Eels operating officer Graham Annesley indicated
last year and when I got there I Food in Ibiza can be expected from the 31-year-old upon his an upset victory. The four-pointer should the league would continue to be guided by
It's an average night on said to myself 'why the hell have I expensive. Eat on the cheap by return from England this season, and he be something to really savour because it health authorities, but you would think that if
Spain's legendary party island not been coming here for years'". hitting the supermarket and has, on the whole, delivered performances doesn't happen all that often. In 81 even if some of the tests come back positive,
Ibiza. And an Aussie invasion of a consistently high level even if his team appearances for the Eels, the yellow-and- there would be major doubt over what is
But Ibiza is not just about grabbing some necessities. Some hasn't. In a bid to kick-start their season,
is underway. blue-braided-one has scored just nine shaping as a crucial round. One game in
beer-blurry beats and hedonism, organised tours such as Contiki's the Sharks shook up their playing tries and only three of them have come in particular would be seriously affected. It's
Gold Coast DJ Matt he insists. include meals. personnel after the loss to St George last the last three years. The lead-up to the try second against fourth when the Bulldogs visit
Stafford from dance duo the "You get this image in your While Ibiza is famous for its month dumping a number of high profile deserves special mention as well. Brisbane in potentially one of the best games
Stafford players and promoting some talented Mortimer's grubber and re-gather evoked of the season and both teams will not want
fabulous and youngsters. Barrett has seemingly revelled to be without key players.
Brothers has memories of his famous uncle Steve.
fun clubs, in a 'baby-sitting' role providing vital Biggest flop: The Last Laugh:
a few Ibiza make sure experience and leadership and giving hope Plenty of worthy candidates again this Gold Coast Titans continue to defy the
seasons you venture to a future generation of Sharks. His Origin weekend. Wests Tigers seem to be a doomsayers who say they are headed for a
days are probably passed him but Barrett perennial visitor to this space in recent dramatic fall. On the contrary, Monday night's
under his belt out in the wouldn't look out of place in a Blues jumper times. The Warriors, despite enjoying an impressive victory has pushed them into a
and has also sunlight to for the second game in Sydney on June overwhelming amount of possession, share of the lead with the Bulldogs and
noticed the check out 24. couldn't put away Cronulla. The Dragons Dragons and they must now be taken
growth. Origin debate: were only excused because of their flying seriously as genuine premiership hopefuls.
some of the New South Wales are unlikely to tinker too
"We finish on the Gold Coast. Manly and the The main source of their success has been
many unspoilt much with their line-up for game two, but Roosters rivalled the Parramatta-Cronulla their incredible home form Newcastle,
played Bora beaches. several positions could up for grabs in clash for the worst game of the season so Bulldogs, Manly, Canberra, Souths and St
Bora last year Talama game three if Queensland have wrapped far. So that leaves the Knights. After George have all tasted defeat on their visits
and there the series up. Chief among them could be beating the Warriors, Manly, Gold Coast to Skilled Stadium. But their away form
nca, Sa the back-row where a number of Brisbane and the Bulldogs at home, the hasn't been too shabby either as Melbourne
were loads of Caleta and candidates have stated a compelling case Knights came unstuck against, of all Storm and North Queensland have found out
Australians Las Salinas in recent weeks. Nathan Hindmarsh, Zeb teams, Parramatta. And it was no fluke! to their detriment. They are coming out of a
there in Taia, Anthony Tupou and Trent Waterhouse As Knights coach Brian Smith readily very tough patch of games and must be
are just a few must all come under consideration if the
support with admitted, they were beaten by the better looking forward to their upcoming schedule
of the many incumbents fail to fire in Sydney. Another team. In truth, the score-line flattered the which includes matches against the
flags and we gorgeous position sure to be hotly debated is five home side greatly. With the way the Roosters, Warriors, Raiders and Eels. In
will definitely beaches on eighth, where Jarrod Mullen continues to results went over the weekend, this ended other words, don't expect a fade out this
be performing there this year," head because you see all these offer, each fringing stunning azure
impress and put a lot of pressure on Terry up being a huge missed opportunity for season.
terrible Ibiza Uncovered (shows). waters. Campese. James McManus didn't really do the Knights. A win would have pushed What's His Name Again He Had A Belter:
he says. much to suggest that he was the long-term The Melbourne Storm have had two
"But that's just one small them up to third, instead they now find
Ibiza has often been Deals solution on the right wing either and David themselves in seventh. established wingers in Steve Turner and
regarding as the paradise part of the island. The rest of the Contiki's 12-day Spanish Williams, among others, could be given an Spray of the week: Anthony Quinn for a few years now but the
place is just stunning beautiful opportunity. The Lawnmower Man made quite a name form of young gun Joseph Tomane is sure to
playground for Brits, whose Spree includes visits to Barcelona, Didn't see that coming:
beaches with hardly anyone there Zaragoza, Madrid, Toledo, for himself both on and off the field on have them both peering anxiously over their
booze-fuelled antics have So much for 'fortress EnergyAustralia Sunday. Fresh from playing a starring role shoulders. With Quinn suffering concussion,
helped coin the island's during the day and amazing bars Cordoba, Seville, Gibraltar, Costa Stadium'! Newcastle Knights blew their in Cronulla's 18-10 victory over the the 19-year-old has played four of the last
signature phrase: "sand, sea, and food. del Sol, Granada and Ibiza. nine-match winning streak at home to a Warriors, young halfback Scott Porter was five Storm games and played a starring role
"There's so much of the team with the second-worst away record in interviewed by Fox Sports and the fun in the 48-4 demolition of Brisbane at Olympic
sound and sex". This tour is priced from the NRL. Parramatta's only previous Park last Friday night. Tomane was the main
island that's not trashy began. A pumped-up Porter used a
Every year global $1959 per person, twin share (land success on the road in 2009 had come way certain 'choice' word at least three times beneficiary of Billy Slater and Greg Inglis'
revellers make the hedonist nightclubs," said Goodwill. only) including accomodation, all back in round two at ANZ Stadium against to describe his combination with new dominance in attack, scoring a hat-trick of
pilgrimage to the Top tips for travelling to transport, sightseeing
Souths. In the meantime, they had captain Trent Barrett. That's fine, Scott, tries in a match haul of 24 points. He made
Ibiza conceded 48 points against the Bulldogs, when you're talking to your mates, but on 15 runs for a total gain of 142 metres and
Mediterranean pleasure Mecca knowledgeable road crew and 40 against the Broncos and 34 against television, c'mon! He later apologised. “I also produced 10 tackle busts. His goal-
to experience the world's best Ms Marshall from Contiki many meals including breakfast Manly. It seemed, on paper, to be one of just want to say sorry for swearing on the kicking has also proved of immense value to
parties in the world's biggest Holidays gives us her essential daily. the easier games of the round to predict. Fox Sports, I just got a bit excited. I didn't the Storm and has taken the pressure off
travel tips to clubbing in the party But the Eels, even with star player Jarryd even realise. I was just so excited for captain Cameron Smith. Meanwhile,
clubs. Hayne ineffective, for once, were inspired
island: winning again, it just slipped out - Cronulla's youngsters continue to lead the
Since its controversial by Nathan Hindmarsh and Daniel Mortimer, someone told me. I didn't even realise way in the club's on-field revival. Fullback
launch in 1973, the island has Ibiza clubs are famously son of former Bulldogs great Peter, and that I did it, one of the boys told me, and I Nathan Stapleton and halfback Scott Porter
offered up everything from fire- pricey, however many offer pre- really should have won by more than 20- just want to say sorry. I need to do a little were among the stand-outs in the victory
sale tickets, which are a lot 18. The Eels, of course, have flattered to bit of media training I think, I'm over the Warriors.
breathing dwarves to live porn deceive many times in the past but they
cheaper than buying on the door. struggling.”
shows at dawn.
12 25
Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) Sports Corner Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) News Corner

Sri Lanka beat Australia by six wickets to knock them out of

World Twenty20
Australia's cricketers will turn
their attention to the Ashes after Sri
sent home in disgrace last week over
disciplinary issues.
a handy cameo.
But the only other batsmen to
Kuta Townhouses Friday special
Lanka knocked them out of the World
Twenty20 with a six-wicket victory at
Captain Ricky Ponting said his
team would spend the evening
crack 20 runs were Shane Watson (22
off 21) and Ricky Ponting (25 off 15). Roast Chicken POPPIES 2
Trent Bridge. dissecting their performance before the Lee claimed the early scalp of
served with roast potato,

Sri Lanka captain Kumar Test players began their preparation in Sanath Jayasuriya for two, brilliantly
Sangakkara scored an unbeaten half
century to lead his side to 4-160 with
Leicester while waiting for the
remainder of the squad to arrive.
caught overhead by David Warner at carrot,pumpkin,
full stretch right on the backward square
six balls remaining after Australia "We had very high leg boundary. onion,cauly flower KUTA
were restricted to 9-159 by some expectations coming into the But the veteran Sri Lankan's TOWNHOUSES

and Gravy & Bechamel sauce

outstanding bowling from Ajantha tournament," Ponting said. opening partner Dilshan carved out an
Mendis, who took 3-20 off four overs. "It's been our mistakes that important innings before Michael Clarke
Sangakkara, who scored 55 have let us down. bowled him with his first ball of the
off 42 balls, was well supported by "We've got some thinking to match, having come into the attack in Rp. 40.000

opener Tillakaratne Dilshan (53 off do, there's no doubt about that. We'll the 10th over.


32), while Lasith Malinga claimed 3- have a chat about where our Twenty20 Sangakkara stepped up his
Start 6 pm

LA Inn
36. cricket is at tonight and then we've got scoring after Dilshan's dismissal and
The Australians' second group to move on from it pretty quickly stood firm against the Australians. POPPIES I

match was a must-win affair if they because we've got some Test matches
Be EARLY to avoid disappointed
"It feels really great to beat a
were to have any hope of reaching the just around the corner." side like Australia," Sangakkara said.
Super Eight stage after losing to the The Ashes begin on July 8. "It's unfortunate that they've
West Indies by seven wickets.
Their latest defeat extended a
After losing the toss, no one in
Australia's top or middle order
had two bad games in a tournament
and that means that they're out of it.
Andrew Symonds fallout will linger for many years
disappointing Twenty20 record with managed to compile a significant "But we've had that experience
Australia having won only 11 of their innings amid a steady stream of with the Australians before. The Andrew Symonds debacle is a Tough decision-making is not a Hayden has retired.
23 internationals. wickets. “We beat them, they bounce back. So much greater mess than people realise. strong suit of Australian cricket. Some people felt Queensland would do
Already it is starting to fade from our It's been about a decade since well to follow the lead of forward-thinking NSW
The defeat made it five Mitchell Johnson made a they're a hard side to keep down, you newspapers because it no longer shocks Melbourne lawyer Malcolm Speed resigned and select a fleet of young players like the Blues
straight for Australia in the shortened gallant attempt to save the innings, just enjoy every time you beat them and people to read about sportsmen behaving as Cricket Australia chief executive officer have done in recent seasons, unearthing gold
format. equal top scoring with 28 off 13 balls try and do it again when you meet them badly. but the Australian game still misses him nuggets Phil Hughes, Dave Warner and fast
It also capped a nightmare and sharing a 41-run partnership with again." But the fallout is great and the scars because during crisis moments he is much bowler Josh Hazelwood, who have created
tour following the dismissal of big- David Hussey (28 off 22), while Brett will linger for many years. tougher than anyone now in power. enormous public interest.
hitting all-rounder Andrew Symonds, Lee contributed 15 off five deliveries in Symonds is understood to be in a Speed had a filthy temper but that But Queensland has decided their future
very bad head space and so are the playing almost enhanced his worth as an is their past and will go back to Symonds, who
group in England who started the push to administrator because it made him a man of turns 34 on Tuesday.
sack him. conviction. The Queensland environment will suit
Jenson Button continues great start to the season to win They are uneasy because they know,
cricketing-wise, they have handed down a life
He would never have allowed
Symonds to get away with what he has over
Symonds because where at Australian level
players grew tired of his excesses, the Bulls
Turkish Grand Prix sentence.
They know they were right, but it is
the years even if, as some people believe,
Symonds' problem is a physical
players will cover up for him like they did last
still a heavy burden and it's a small wonder dependency on alcohol rather than him In their minds they will be doing him a
Briton Jenson Button extended his reborn career. his nearest challenger and Brawn some of them have had trouble sleeping since being a bad egg. favour - in fact it will be the worst thing for him.
his lead at the head of the drivers' It was also the first time in five team-mate Brazilian Rubens and Australia have gone belly-up in their first The Australian game is also missing He needs a strong captain.
world championship to more than 20 Turkish Grand Prix that the driver who Barrichello, who made a bad start World Twenty20 match against the West former selection chairman Trevor Hohns Perhaps the worst mistake Symonds and
points when he cruised to an Indies. who was a very quiet but deceptively strong his management made was pushing him
started on pole failed to win the race. and was later forced to retire from the
Wendell Sailor may have been character. He once, when a half-cut Ian headlong into the corporate world where he was
unexpectedly comfortable victory in Vettel recovered from his race in what was a season first for banished from sport for two years for taking Botham was acting up on a flight to Perth, never comfortable. When players take six-figure
the Turkish Grand Prix. impetuous early error and, after a switch the team. drugs but the fact that he has reappeared and rose from his seat and ordered him to sit sums to lend their face and profile to a product
The 29-year-old Englishman, of strategy, battled to come home third on Defending drivers' champion done so well has completely remodelled his down. Only the brave do that. sometimes they forget no one gives away free
once again revelling in the excellence the rear wheels of his Red bull teammate Briton Lewis Hamilton of McLaren reputation, mindset and marketability. New selection chairman Andrew money.
of his Brawn GP car, clinched his sixth Australian Mark Webber who came home Mercedes started from 16th and Amazingly, Sailor is almost the Hilditch has not made the same impression. Those contracts meant time-soaking
win in seven races this season with a feelgood story of the year, the outcast who He loves to put his tracksuit on and appearances at functions, before cameras, in
second, 20 seconds behind Button. battled through to finish 13th. became a cult hero. train with the Australia squad, something transit and no player (perhaps apart from Damien
virtually flawless demonstration of Vettel, frustrated, was third Brawn now lead the But Symonds will not get that chance. Hohns was not into because he felt there Martyn) was less suited to this role in the modern
smooth and well-judged racing. ahead of Italian Jarno Trulli in a Toyota, constructors' championship with 96 He is gone for good now. should always be a slight distance between era.
He won the race in a time of German Nico Rosberg for Williams and points ahead of Red Bull on 56.5 He will never wear his country's cap him and the players, given he had to make Symonds offered to take a $200,000-
one hour, 26 minutes and 24.848 Brazilian Felipe Massa who was sixth for points. again and when people talk about him in 10 the final call on their futures. plus pay cut from Cricket Australia to cut down on
seconds, finishing six seconds ahead Ferrari. The next race is Button's and years they will remember him not as an Queensland Cricket has decided his appearances but by that stage it was too late.
Australian World Cup hero but as a man they will contract Symonds for next season Symonds will be paid around $1.5 million
of second-placed Australian Mark Pole Robert Kubica confirmed Brawn's home British Grand Prix at kicked out of the game by his peers. which is a bolder decision than it looks. to play in next year's Indian Premier League.
Webber. BMW Sauber's revival after a Silverstone on June 21. It's understood one of the players For the first time in decades No doubt the big money Twenty20 offers
Gifted the lead on the opening disappointing start to the season, by involved with making the decision is angry Queensland have no regular Test player and will keep rolling in but more important than the
lap, when pole-sitting German finishing seventh ahead of German Timo because he feels the players should never may not find one for another two or three money is finding the peace of mind that has
Sebastian Vettel made a mistake and Glock in the second Toyota. have had to take such a major stance and that years at least. The Bulls have no player cruelly eluded him for the past few painful years.
ran off while leading, Button took Australia's selectors should have noted even close to winning a baggy green cap.
Button's win was his fourth in Symonds' erratic behaviour this year and Mitchell Johnson and Shane
control and measured his drive to succession and lifted him to 61 points in never sent him on tour. Watson have left the state for love interests
perfection to record the seventh win of the drivers championship, 26 more than That's a totally fair point. and are not expected back. Matthew

24 13
Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) News Corner Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) Warung Corner
Contaminated Melamine’s Products
The Food and
Drug Supervising Agency
(BPOM) has announced
Chinese products and
has called on the Industry SECRET GARDEN
Ministry to ban the Local
that a range of melamine Brand.
cutleries and plat
products had tested Poppies Lane 1, Kuta-Bali
pisitive for containing Ph: 0361 - 757720
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dangerous to health as
they release
formaldehyde when Large Selection of Your Favorite Food
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Please take a look Our Menu
foods,”said Husniah (Head
of BPOM)
She said exposure
banned similar imports from
FROM Rp. 15.000 - BIG Bali Hai BEER Rp. 10.000 - SMALL Bali Hai BEER
to formaldehyde could Out of the 62 items
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urinal tract and kidneys or manufactured under ADS
event couse death.
She said BPOM
brand name are made in
indonesia. Rp. 17.000 - BIG BINTANG BEER Rp. 12.000 SMALL BINTANG BEER
The BPOM has
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14 23
Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) Warung Corner Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) Warung Corner

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22 15
Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) Warung Corner Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) Warung Corner

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16 21
Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) Joke Corner Kuta Weekly 10 June - 16 June 2009 (133) News Corner

Erotic 'daggering' dance craze causing bodily

k C r e
Jo e o n r
AN erotic dance craze
is thought to be the cause of a
recent spate of broken penises
in Jamaica, and now faces a
public protests - have prompted
the Jamaican government to ban
songs and videos with blatantly
sexual content.
has been present in Jamaica's
dancehalls for many years. It is
roughly the equivalent of the
Caribbean's “cabin stabbing”, another
government crackdown. Jamaica's Broadcasting crude style of music and dance.

Irish Coffee
An Irish woman of advanced age visited her physician to ask his advice in reiving her husband's
"Daggering", a lewd
dance style where couples
simulate dry sex in various
positions to the beat of the
Commission, which defines
daggering as a "colloquial term
used in dancehall culture as a
reference to hardcore sex or what
“Daggering is a dance that
makes you unleash the beast! If you
ain't know what I mean think about
every sex position and put it in a
libido. music, is characterised by over- is popularly referred to as 'dry sex' dance,” commenter Driva said of the
'What about trying Viagra?' asked the doctor. the-top gyrating, heavy pelvis- or the activities of persons dance.
'Not a chance', she said. 'He won't even take an aspirin.' thrusting and daredevil leaps. engaged in the public simulation A series of YouTube videos
'Not a problem,' replied the doctor. 'Give him an 'Irish Viagra'. It's when you drop the Viagra Many couples have of various sexual acts and depict daggering as a rough, and
tablet into his coffee. He won't even taste it.. Give it a try and call me in a week to let me know how taken the “rough” daggering positions", enforced the ban in sometimes violent, act which can be
dance from the club to the February. demeaning to women. One video
things went.'
bedroom, with disastrous “There shall not be shows popular group RDX performing
It wasn't a week later when she called the doctor, who directly inquired as to her progress. The consequences. transmitted through radio or its song Daggering live, with one
poor dear exclaimed, 'Oh, faith, bejaysus and begorrah! Jamaican doctors were television or cable services, any member simulating extremely rough
T'was horrid! Just terrible, doctor!' prompted to issue a warning on recording, live song or music dry sex on the floor with a woman.
'Really? What happened?' asked the doctor. the dangers of daggering when video which promotes the act of The community is divided over
'Well, I did as you advised and slipped it in his coffee and the effect was almost immediate. He presented with a range of 'daggering', or which makes the dance, with singers up in arms
jumped straight up, with a twinkle in his eye and with his pants a-bulging fiercely! fractured penises caused by reference to, or is otherwise over the ban, saying it stifles their right
With one swoop of his arm, he sent me cups and tablecloth flying, ripped me clothes to tatters and rough intercourse. suggestive of 'daggering',” the to free speech, but others welcome
took me then and there passionately on the tabletop! The number of cases Jamaican Broadcasting the ban.
It was a nightmare, I tell you, an absolute nightmare!' tripled in the last year, the UK's Commission's official statement
Sun reports. said.
'Why so terrible?' asked the doctor, 'Do you mean the sex your husband provided wasn't good?'
The rising popularity of Daggering is a newly
'Feckin jaysus, 'twas the best sex I've had in 25 years! the new dance - and subsequent accepted name for an activity that
But sure as I'm sittin here, I'll never be able to show me face in Starbucks again!’

THREE Wishes Airline's match-making flight for singles

Three men - an Australian farmer, Osama bin Laden and a Biker are all walking together AIR New Zealand will be offered during the long unusual marketing ideas.
one day. offer a lonelyhearts trip for flight, said Air New Zealand's Earlier this week it launched
They come across a lantern and a Genie pops out of it. US singles to New Zealand Steve Bayliss. a domestic television ad showing
'I will give each of you one wish, which is three wishes in total', in what it is billing as the The global downturn in staff including baggage handlers,
says the Genie. world's matchmaking pilots and cabin crew at work
The Australian says, 'I am a farmer and my son will also farm. I want the land to be forever flight. wearing very little but body
fertile in Australia ' US singles are paint.
POOF! With the blink of the Genie's eye, the land in Australia was forever fertile for being offered the Even chief executive
farming. chance to fly from Los Rob Fyfe appeared briefly in
Angeles in October to
Osama was amazed, so he said, 'I want a wall around Afghanistan , Palestine, Iraq and the advert.
“get amongst it” with
Iran so that no infidels, Americans or Australians can come into our precious land.' New Zealanders at the
POOF! Again, with the blink of the Genie's eye, there was a huge wall around those
“Great Matchmaking
countries. Ball” in Auckland.
The Biker says,'I am very curious. Please tell me more about this wall.' Before take-off
The Genie explains, 'Well, it's about 5,000 feet high, 500 feet thick and completely passengers will attend a
surrounds the country. Nothing can get in or out; it's virtually impenetrable.' pre-flight gate party at travel due to the economic
The Biker sits down on his Harley, cracks a beer, lites a joint, smiles and says: Los Angeles Airport, and crisis and more recently the
'Fill it with water.' themed food, drink, swine flu outbreak is leading
Touche. entertainment and games will the airline to come up with
20 17
Kuta Weekly

18 19

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