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Teacher Centered

In a Teacher Centered class the teacher controls everything. The teacher decide: what should be taught how it should be taught when it should be taught In other words, the classroom is based around the needs and preferences of the teacher and the administration. The students are not necessarily taught what is best for them, but rather what is deemed to be necessary for them by the teachers. Likewise, the teaching methods are primarily designed for the teacher rather than the student and work is graded by the teacher alone. This means the teacher controls the entire learning process.

Teacher Centered

On the other hand, Student Centered classrooms focus on the needs and abilities of the students and on topics relevant to the students lives, needs and interests.
This increases student motivation and as a result they feel they have a stake in their own learning which (it has been proven) increases their learning and performance. The role of the teacher while its still important is not so much a provider of knowledge as much as a facilitator. The teacher will not, for example, stand and lecture the class but rather set up situations where the students can find out for themselves the information they need.
Student Centered

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