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Process Plan Scope Management

Description Develop a scope management plan

Group Plan

Input Project management plan Charter EEF OPA Scope management plan Requirements management plan Stakeholder management plan Charter Stakeholder register

Tools & Technique Expert Judgment Meetings

Output Scope management plan Requirements management plan

Collect Requirements

Defining and documenting stakeholders' needs to ensure project objectives are met.


Focus groups Interviews Facilitated workshops Group creativity techniques Group decision-making techniques Questionnaires & Surveys Observations Prototypes Benchmarking Context diagrams Document analysis Expert judgment Alternatives Generation Product analysis Facilitated workshops Decomposition Expert judgment

Requirements documentation Requirements traceability matrix

Define Scope

Developing detailed description of the project and product as a basis for future decisions.


Scope management plan Charter Requirements doc OPA Scope management plan Scope statement Requirements doc EEF

Scope statement Updates: docs

Create WBS

Subdividing major deliverables into smaller components


Scope baseline Updates: docs

Validate Scope

OPA Formal acceptance of the completed project Control Project mgmt plan deliverables. Requirements docs Requirements traceability matrix Verified deliverables Work performance data Monitoring status of the project and product Control Project mgmt plan scope and managing changes to scope baseline. Requirements docs Requirements traceability matrix Work performance data OPA

Inspection Group decision-making techniques

Accepted deliverables Change requests Work performance information Updates: docs

Control Scope

Variance analysis

Work performance information Change requests Updates: OPA; docs; plan

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