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E.SVOBODA AGHORA Ill THE LAW OF KARMA ROBERT E. SVOBODA BROTHERHOOD OF LIFE PUBLISHING / SADHANA PUBLICATIONS ©1997 Robert E. Svoboda First published in 1998 Published by Brotherhood of Life, Inc. 110 Dartmouth SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 ISBN 0-914732-37-4 & Sadhana Publications PO Box 365 Floresville, TX 78114 ISBN 0-9656208-1-6 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information or retrieval system without permission in writing from Brotherhood of Life, Inc. or Sadhana Publications. Reviewers may quote brief passages. Cover art: from a photograph by Stuart Haman (The Preakness, 1996, Pimlico Park, Maryland) 03 02 01 99 98 97 10987654321 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 7 L.STONEY oo eee cece cece eet e cence renee terest ene eeeee 3 2. ELAN 2 3. TEASERS AND STALLIONS . » A, TIMIR «0... 00s eee eee i 5, SCARLET RUBY ......-++ 5: 6. THE City OF DELUSION 183 7. REPAY . ca . REDSTONE : tee 283 9. PRAKRITI SIDDHI EPILOGUE .. GLOSSARY ..

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