Eth Geo Syr Basil Chrys Cyril Jer Pela

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Reading martuvrio n

Alexandrian ac B Y 33 81 104 1739 copsa

musthvrio P46vid n C swthvrion eujaggevl ion


Manuscript Tradition according to Text-Type Western Byzantine F G it(b d f L P 0150 6 256 263 365 424 459 1175 g) vg 1241 1319 1506 1573 1852 1881 1962 1984 2127 2200 2464 Byz Lect arm ethpp geo syrh Basil Chrys Cyril Jer Pela it(a o r) slav 436 1912 syrp Ambst Ambr Aug BasA Hipp PaulNo scr k l593 l598 l599 Theodoert

Fig. 2, Manuscript Evaluation according to Text-Type1 Reading martuvrio n Category I ac B 33 1739 copsa Category II D F P 81 1175 1506 1881 2127 2464 it(b d f g) vg C it(a o r) slav Hipp kscr Category III Category V G Y 0150 6 104 256 263 365 L 424 459 1241 1379 1573 1852 1962 2200 Byz Lect arm ethpp geo syrh Basil Chrys Cyril Jer Pela 436 1912 syrp Ambst Ambr Aug BasA PaulNo l593 l598 l599 Theodoert

musthvrio P46vid a* n A copbo swthvrion eujaggevl ion

Fig. 3, Manuscript Evaluation according to Categories2

Metzger, Text of the New Testament, 55-65, 79-84, 213-16.


Kurt Aland and Barbara Aland, The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism (trans. Erroll F. Rhodes; Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1987), 97-134.

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