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Hi, I have 2 company codes.

1st company code currency is USD and the 2nd company code currency is INR. I have cross company code transactions and clearing between these two company codes. In the above scenario, what are the configuration steps required in currencies part and also exchange rates. Please explain in detail Correct Answer The configuration steps here are: 1. Check whether the translation ratios are maintained between INR and USD for your exchange rate type (tcode OBBS) 2. For your company code configuration use the standard but define both company codes as "Company" as well 3. Do configurations in PREPARE CROSS COMPANY CODE TRANSACTIONS (tcode OBYA) 4. Maintain the exchange rate between INR and USD (tcode OB08) Other Answer Currency configuration steps: 1. Check Currency Codes - OBY3 2. Set Decimal Places for Currencies - OBY4 3. Check Exchange Rate Types - OB07 4. Enter Exchange Rates - OB08 5. Define Translation Ratios for Currency Translation - OBBS 6. Define Additional Local Currencies - OB22 7. Define Accounts for Exchange Rate Differences - OB09 Cross Company Code Clearing - Configuration steps Make necessary settings in Transaction code: OBYA Note: Your 1st and 2nd compnay codes should be assigned to the same company. That is both company codes defined under the same company name.

Can the currency in the customer master be defaulted in to price master. since the users are using the currency in the price master different from the customer master. Because of this the values are posted to FI as incorrect

Correct Answer Depending upon the currency of the Company code the prices currency will be maintained. As per My knoledge if you comapny code is using currency EUR and the Customer Master you have specified as INR.

then you have to maintain the exchange rates for the same in the system : OB08 The prices will get converted into the same currency of the Company code as per the exchange rate.

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