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Sayfuna Mumayaz 2012

Beginner Week 2 People and Places Lesson 3 The Long Journey Learning Objectives: to be able to ask and answer questions about personal travel and holiday experiences.

Stage and Objective

Lead in


Tell ss about a long or interesting journey you have made. A few ss share their experiences. Match the pictures with travel phrases. Drill the words and the use of on/by - worksheet B2.3.1

(Listen to transport noises and tick the travel phrases - Inside Out Beginner, 3.2, Unit 13 if available) Or see audio Extreme pilot errors and use as a warmer some disturbing content. Pre-teaching for the text The Long Journey. Pre-teach from and to Personalize for the Ss: I come from/to home from/to the Abu Dhabi University. In the afternoon I go from/to the university from/to my house. Students read the text and fill the gaps (Worksheet B2.3.2). Worksheet B2.3.3 Card game B2.3.4 to practice asking questions with did and responding with Yes/no they did/didnt. Turn cards face down on the table; ss in turn pick up a card and ask the question; other ss answer (they may use their reading sheets to check) Preteach holiday and elicit what questions you might ask someone about their holiday Where, When, Why, Who, How, What, etc. Competition give groups word cards B.2.3.5. They are to unscramble sentences and put them together on the wall with sticky tack. The first group to complete correctly wins. Higher level ss can be given plain cards, lower level ss use coloured cards.

Reading/ listening


Vocabulary Grammar

15 15

Restricted practice


Listening 3.11 (Optional) Listen to a man talking about his holiday and circle the correct answer worksheet B2.3.6 Freer practice 45 Radio/TV interviews - Pairs - one ss interviews the other about a journey they made or a holiday they have been on. Practice and then perform for the class. Allow questions from the audience.

Sayfuna Mumayaz 2012

Project 60 Work on weekly project

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