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1) B.

a plasma membrane with specific elasticity

2) C. red blood cell nerve cell xylem cell palisade mesophyll sperm
3) C. Sucrose solution 4) 5) B. the level of solution B has dropped. 6) C. The cell wall bursts. 7) C. digested undigested undigested undigested digested 8) (9) 10) D. 0.50 g 11) C. Amino acids and simple sugars

15. C. Capillary Lacteal 16. B. Amino acids and glucose Fatty acid and glycerol
Section B 1a) osmosis aii) osmosis b) The water potential on both sides of the membrane is equal, there is no concentration gradient and hence no net movement of water. cii) The strip are protected by the inelastic waterproof cuticle that does not allow water to pass through. Hence it does not increase in size. d) 2d) Enzyme Pepsin Maltase Lipase substrate product PH protein polypeptides 2 Maltose Glucose 8.5 Fats Fatty acids and glycerol 8.5

3) T--- oesophagus u--v--- duodenum 3b) The liver produces bile which passes through the bile duct into the duodenum for the emulsification of fats into minute fat globules to aid in fat digestion and metabolism. 3c) defaecation d(i) waste ii) It cannot be digested and passed out as waste. Importance

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