Problem: Activity Monitor Job Details

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STATUS CODE 227: Disaster Recovery Hot Catalog Restore Fails with status 227 (no entity was found).

Overview: Disaster Recovery Hot Catalog Restore Fails with status 227. Troubleshooting: This can happen if the new Diaster Recovery Server Clock is set to an old (eg 1970) timestamp which was before the date of the Hot Catalog Backup. Resolution: Set the system time of the Disaster Recovery Server to the current date.

Status Code 227: A Puredisk Export to Tape fails with status 227 (no entity was found).

Overview: Puredisk export policy failing with status 227 as wrong image path being used to try to write file. Error: 48 : /C:/WINDOWS/<path>: could not be exported (invalid file descriptor) Log Files: Activity Monitor job details 01/29/2008 10:58:09 - mounting <media id> 01/29/2008 10:58:14 - mounted <media id>; mount time: 0:00:05 01/29/2008 10:58:14 - positioning <media id>to file 88 01/29/2008 10:58:15 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00 01/29/2008 10:58:15 - positioned <media id>; position time: 0:00:01 01/29/2008 10:58:15 - begin writing 01/29/2008 11:02:25 - Error bpbrm (pid=13467) db_FLISTsend failed: no entity was found (227) 01/29/2008 11:02:26 - end writing; write time: 0:04:11

Puredisk log - Job log details under the section [10:57:40] *** Start: ExportFilesToNBU *** ### NetBackup Export Parameters ### [10:57:50] Data selection id : <id> [10:57:50] Data source client : <client> [10:57:50] Export agent : [10:57:50] NetBackup version : NetBackup-RedHat2.4 6.0MP5 NetBackup Policy : <policy name> Error: 3 : Failed on call to end data Error: 4 : Failed to complete the export <..Error Repeats> Error: 3 : Failed on call to end data Error: 4 : Failed to complete the export Error: 4 : Failed to write data Error: 48 : /lib/ssa/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux-gnu/3.5-tree-ssa/include/c++/bits/vector.tcc: could not be exported (invalid file descriptor) Export completed in error (0 PO exported)

Resolution: Symantec has acknowledged that the above-mentioned issues (Etracks 1124933, 1124931) are present in earlier versions of the product(s) cited at the end of this article. Symantec is committed to product quality and satisfied customers. This issue is resolves in the following NetBackup version(s): - NetBackup Enterprise Server 6.5.2 - NetBackup Enterprise Server 6.0 MP6 (Maintenance Pack 6) These versions are available at this location:

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