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Conversations with Clif


Clif summarizes ALTA* Report, Pt.2:

*asymmetric language trend analysis (ALTA)

Markets – now to May 14 – start deteriorating

Downward dollar – mid-August – pressure on all currencies
Chinese counterfeiting of specialty gold coins
+ further scandals in banking community
Other issues – a slight hiatus – then resumes with a vengeance (Oct.26 – Nov.5)
Nov 5th – U.S. administration + TPTB in dire circumstances (Nov.5 – end of Feb.2010)

Next 3 weeks – new lands accelerating (Tonga) – mid May into Fall
Some disruption of Pacific coast ports – ongoing problems in Southern oceans

Change in lexicon -- BushCo to Bushistas to ??? (for O’s administration)

New entity – omni-humanity – large space component, no limited to planet earth, vague?
New phenom – hyperchroniac – time
1,000 to 50,000 living in or affected by time in a way different than the main populace of the planet
appearing now – fear in TPTB entity – failure of their efforts in some way
subset – unwitting, unwilling – new form of mental illness?

New electrics will derive from an understanding of cymatics – distribution of frequencies through
matter, currently very close to fruition (will not hear it until Nov or so) – not academia or collidor…
however, collidor will be impacted by whatever the discovery is.
(end synopsis)

more on Cymatics (the study of wave phenomena):

Roman: 4am Clif time – connected?

Clif: yes, meditating at that time, had a small – peak experience
Roman: heart space, being space – orbit, left orbit, deeply connected, beyond many, many boundaries.

Alexander: at supermarket, needed to get to the other side, choose “space” or “time” – chose time,
*chunk* of time…
Clif: Jay Weidner – hardening of time, envisions time as tip of tornado, closer to the tip, more malleable
to consciousness… more and more possible to bend consciousness, time, space – study aikido – gather
our tools, techniques and refine them. You are very close to Costa Donos in Greece(?) and Qigong
connection to John Chang in Indonesia

Sheila: UV rays?
Clif: probably no shielding – impact of UV radiation changing agriculture for humans – shut down long
row cultivation by machines and giant combine sort of harvesting (2-3 yrs.)
small plot, bio-intensive cultivation under all forms of shielding, including indoors
Clif uses woven poly ethylene and still possible to sunburn in Feb., very unusual
RV radiation most acute 33-35 degrees North latitude
Agriculture as a whole changing in next 2-3 years

Q: ?
Clif: New state of consciousness – more in (ALTA) Pt.3 + charts, scatter graph, bell curve showing
power-loving –vs– bodhisattvas
Media shift toward power-loving, materialistic, now very large shift – especially 16-26 yr. olds
Rebalance – shift to other extreme – heightened states of consciousness and enlightenment – many will
assume mental illness – ratio unknown – 10s to 100s of thousands will experience affects that will cause
them to question their sanity

Roman: confirms experience, pleasant, connected, as

if “a drop to which the ocean came”
Clif: ki or chi – energetic component of the universe
2009 year of movement, change, action undertake a
discipline – yoga, etc. We will be walking in chi
constantly and aware of material reality at the same
time – juxtaposition – breath (concentrate on breath).
Q: (?) timing of ripple effect of economic epicenter?
Clif: Minion class (not TPTB) public faces of Obama administration attempting to save a system that has
already died. $1.00 = 0.99 cents of debt – cannot be saved by yet more debt. TPTB minion class in New
York and Washington, D.C attempting to dig out of hole only result increase size and scope of hole
(end of Feb.2011). Most acute initiate in Fall (~Nov.5) trigger on Nov.26. Prior to that, the large
“summer of hell” awakening occurs, more and more of the populous, under control of the minion class –
USA, Britain, Australia, Eurozone, South America, Asia, Russia and Africa – in that order – gradually
become aware that their entire life’s work has been eliminated through the actions of these very few –
further revelations will come out that will cause separation between the minion class and larger populace
of the planet – affect not equal – majority affected. Quickening, birth pangs into something new – not
yet invented.

Very acute from July 14 onward – massive crop failure, radiation issues, weather changes, exogenic
forces to the paper debt economic system will intrude and break it out into the open - “un-deny-ability”
– watchword for collapse of the dollar. By November, many people on the planet, regular fellow
working at his job, will be wondering if the dollar will survive – a very key change.

Q: Julie – travel in/out of U.S. – movement in general – mobility?

Clif: Restriction on movement / encounters with scarcity both affect travel in the near term. Minion
class desperately seeking way to remain in power even as they’re noting that their masters – TPTB –
know the components of their plan have failed, and thus, things are in a state of stress they had not
anticipated. We can expect that the TPTB minion class will attempt to restrict movement in increasing
amounts over time, especially these next 2 yrs. The end of next 2 yrs. (2010-2011) will be quite chaotic
depending on a number of variables that will occur this year, relative to the transformation, we might,
emphasize might, see total isolation of the U.S. by external forces in early 2011 –or– corollary, form of
self-isolationism – we here in the U.S. work our problems out during that period of time. In either case,
both of those will impact the ability to move around within the U.S. itself.

However, there are exogenic events pending which are planetary or solar
system or universal-wide and the will impact humanity in ways that our
data, while it’s hinting at it, is not yet fully predicting. One of these might
be the global coastal event, which may, for instance, do away with some
portion of the ability to ship goods and people on the ocean. We may also
find, however, that there are severe restrictions on air travel, not only due
to a scarcity of resources, but also due to increasing levels of radiation at
high altitudes. Bear in mind, that the UV radiation is just a subset of the
totality of energies from space, which include energies that we are not yet
aware (of) – so we may see instances of TPTB still attempting, at some
level, to keep the airline industry alive, but at the same time, actual
physical damage from people flying in episodes of high radiation. It will only take one or two of those
before a lot of the impetus to fly will be removed. There are many other influences to this and some of
which we’ll get into in Parts 3 & 4 of the current series. (Please note: eos = end of statement)
Q: Michael – 65 degrees North?

Clif: Yes Michael, this is a very key issue. I am above 40 degrees north, which is a marginal position.
TPTB certainly have provided evidence that they believe that whatever has them afraid may not impact
anything above 60 degrees north. We have several key components of evidence of this – including the
seed vault, but also HAARP, Woodpecker, and a few of the other installations that they have going. So,
there is some evidence and inference that can be derived that indeed above 60 degrees may present a
survivable position within the Northern hemisphere. The alternative is to understand that below the
equator we may find larger areas that will be unaffected by whatever it is that TPTB fear.

We have Paul LaViolette, saying that the galactic superwave and the solar explosion kind of thing would
be Northern-hemisphere effective more than Southern-hemisphere effective and this seems to match
TPTB in terms of how they are acting – that is to say – deep underground to avoid radiation – but also
shifting large masses of things north of 60 degrees. This is because they believe the angle of incidence
would cause any level of radiation to be minimally effective at that level and there are some strange
things going on with TPTB relative to the far north of both Russia and Canada. So there is more support
than just a mere inference, there’s actually data points for it.

But, there is another component to this that’s not discussed and that is the issue of any kind of crustal
shift of the planet. We have to acknowledge that on the equator, the height of the water in the oceans is
13 miles higher that it is at either pole. If we have a crustal shift, the evidence is that no crustal shift in
the past has been less than 30 degrees in distance, (this is from Hapgood and also Hancock’s research).

more on HAARP: (official site) (Nick Begich)

more on Woodpecker:

more on Paul LaViolette:

more on Hapgood:

more on Graham Hancock:

If that’s the case, then some significant portion of the planet will have to transfer itself across the
equatorial bulge, including that part of the oceans, and so this may negate any supposed safety at any
level of the planet because I would believe such affects to be unpredictable. There is some small amount
of evidence that TPTB are aware of the potential for a crustal shift and its impact, and yet they still
believe that above 60 degrees north would be preserved, even under these circumstances. (eos)
Q: role of two time travelers, new physics – impact on the way this whole thing is panning out…
Clif: Yes, actually, they’re not time travelers, per se; they’re self-described as thieves or liberators. We
get a lot of information about the two personalities, oddly enough, why this should be I don’t know,
except that they apparently are very archetypical. They will have a very large affect on the spread of the
knowledge of the fundamental breakthrough that’s coming now, relative to when their visibility rises in
November. A lot of things are going to happen in November.

The “liberators” of this technology are not necessarily key to this new physical understanding of things,
but it is a curiosity which we should really divert to, to note that TPTB are very upset by the counter-
cultural (to use an old word) shift in understanding about physics, quantum physics, equal consciousness
field, TPTB have a very large level of disturbance around this and they are afraid of its impact as it
spreads, such that they have a fear or target date of March 2010. They suspect that there will be some
level of disturbance to their power-base as a result of this knowledge alone and at some point within their
structure; they’ve anticipated that a breakthrough or a bulge in understanding would reach a tipping point
as of March 2010.

The new physics in relation to the planetary changes – we do not have a conjunction of those two data
sets. It’s very difficult for us to do such a conjunction because the size of the terra entity is massively
overwhelming in terms of the lexicon – vs – the much smaller, much more defined sets of the new
physics, consciousness field,, so when we would do a conjunction of those, it would be virtually
impossible for us to find the new physics impacting. Now, if that situation were to change in reality such
that there would be some discussion about it within the press, as in the idea of a giant headline, “So & so
saved us from meteor with new physics device,” or “Fellow creates new anti-gravity device that fits in the
palm of your hand.” Those kinds of things will cause a bubble within our data prior to their occurrence
but we don’t see any of that. We also need to acknowledge though, that the chaos that will appear in
2010 and 2011 globally, seems to be already predicted to impact both the mainstream media and the
dissemination of knowledge across the Internet and this may be due to physical disruption (such as a
solar flare or something) but certainly will be impacted by the social chaos and the resource problems
that will arise. We see that there will be electricity issues and 2010 & 2011 that will
affect server farms and thus affect the Internet. (eos)

Start Part two: Space-time-consciousness-quality-quantity

Roman: This morning, we developed around the topic of consciousness, space, and time, a new
formula, which we partly regard as the first formula of the new mathematics and one element of
looking at this topic as it came up in this fresh moment - we realized that if we further the
consciousness factor - the more we further the consciousness factor - the less ‘space’ the “space-
time” factor dictates upon us, and… so, we were wondering, if we really worked on this - not only
this group, but worldwide… if we could skip on the pole shift… {{laughter}}

Clif: {{laughing}} Uh… I laugh here too. I don’t know - that’s a really good question. The issue comes
down to consciousness as we understand it. The planet is conscious, the universe is conscious, and it is
at that universal consciousness-level, for instance, that our bodies are created. We do not say ‘this
particular atom is air right next to our skin’ and ‘this particular atom is part of our skin.’ That is done at
a level that we could think of as templates through the universal consciousness field.
Now, Buddha described the indivisible unit, from his historical knowledge of it - he did not ‘discover’
enlightenment, he merely ‘experienced’ it - (and that, I need to speak about in a second), but he
described these as kalapas, or the smallest indivisible unit, which really is not a unit of matter so much
as it is the intersection of diverse forms of energy at various levels, such that we perceive those energetic
disturbances as solid matter, because, bear in mind, we are also made of energy and thus our senses
operate at a more gross level than the creation at the universal-consciousness level of our bodies and
thus our minds and our senses trick us into thinking 3D world is material.

So, your statement is correct. I believe that the more people that become conscious of the underlying
nature of reality, the less impact that that reality will have on us and in fact, this is one of the paths of
proper training that one goes through if one reads the science of yoga, or the yoga sutras by Patanjali. In
the last, or 4th book, I believe, he discusses the sitis, which are these powers or abilities to manipulate
reality based on this experiential understanding. Now this is where things must separate, let us examine
the fact that many people, even going back to say, 1978, with George Leonard’s book, The Silent Pulse,
understand the concept of holonomy, which is to say that all of universe contains within any part of
universe all knowledge of the rest of universe and thus space is not particularly limiting and we live in a
giant holographic field, if you will.

more on Patanjali:

more on George Leonard: (video)

However, the intellectual understanding of such is not the same as the experiential understanding of
such, and as people become more and more keyed into this, they have a tendency to choose one way or
the other. That is to say, there are many scientists who understand the true nature of reality, but do not
experience. Then there are many people, like myself, who are into weird and strange esoteric disciplines
and for the main, are on the fringe of society, who both intellectually understand the nature of reality,
although we don’t necessarily discuss it, but we experience it and in the experience of that you get a
certain level of power.

So, for instance, in 2001, in January of that year, I had certain meditative breakthroughs that allowed me
to understand reality a little bit better and I was able to eliminate from my system a 20 year bout with a
disease known as eczema, which is of a skin condition. This skin condition is theoretically not curable,
they treat it, but it is known for not going away and forever scarring you and I’d had a 20 year history of
it that I cured over the course of 30 days by altering a structure within my consciousness construct. I
called it, “smoothing out the curds in the yogurt,” because it seemed as though that’s what I was doing
within that particular part of my brain and the eczema went away. So that is an experiential
understanding of it.

We could go to someone who is a scientist, who had an academic understanding of reality that also had
eczema and I doubt they would be able to get inside deep enough to cure it themselves, although our
basis of knowledge is the same. Did that make sense? (eos)
Alexander: Yes, that makes a lot of sense. I was the one who experienced this formula and write it
on the paper and it was - for me, it was a consciousness related to space related to time, is how you
want to see it = 1 = 0 and I experience it now I get more freedom from this room time zone here to
interconnect and to begin to get to go into power to change the things I want to change and I ask
you now - there is a special point or a special date in timeline where this is breaking totally true
that I can come to full power of it… and because I never laughed about the thing before that said I
could change it because I want to change it because I know that it’s possible but I also know it is
not possible right now at this second, from the view of the here and now?

Clif: I understand the question - the issue for you, as an individual, will be work. In so far as my
understanding, I don’t think universe grants us power at all. If you wish to go that route, you must work
on it and develop that power yourself. The timeline suggests that the 2012 date - anything from Oct.2011
through to 2013 - is felt by TPTB as being the point of maximum risk for them, which I believe relates
from the condition of our solar system and where it is in universe. This is to say that if we’re
approaching some form of a nexus in awareness or increase of the consciousness field, you would
probably not have to do anything at all and may still find that over the period of time, from 2011 through
2013, you experienced this to a heightened degree. Whether you could control it or not is an individual
destiny sort of thing.

I am very old, and because universe has treated me to many different experiences, I recognize that while
I may develop power, I’m very uncertain as to my wisdom in the use of that power, so I have a tendency
to not go that route myself. And it does present risk, both on a karmic level as well as a personal or
physical level. So, I am old, I have finally been wised-up by universe and I don’t offer to help
individuals anymore. I will respond if asked, but the offer to help intrudes on their particular karmic
process and it also influences mine, and the ripples within the energetic fields become so entangled as to
boggle what little bit of mind I have left. My personal approach, as I say, is to develop tools and refine
my self and allow universe to decide how and when it wants me to experience things. So those things
that can be changed, even if you had the power to change them, might necessarily not be best if changed.

Alexander: Yes, I totally agree with you and this leads me to the next question - that I experience
that time is flowing from the future into the past and therefore it also makes sense this way for me
- what do you think about that time originally flows from future into the past?

Clif: That’s - I don’t feel that as an academic understanding - Western society, everything from
Egyptians onward, suggests an understanding of time as a river and we’re standing on the riverbank and
it flows passed us emanating from the future and falling into the past… such is an erroneous view.

There is only one moment, there is only one single point in the universe, space is an illusion and
time is an illusion as well. Time, for my understanding, is not available for the future. That is to say
that our work does not really suggest that time exists two years from now and it’s merely a
question of us “catching up with it,” so to speak. We all know that we cannot go back into the past,
that anything that is not part of this moment, which is to say - has already occurred - has already
occurred and cannot be revisited except in the form of memory. That is probably the condition that
exists within the future as well, which is to say that those things that have not occurred - will not
occur - cannot occur.
So, for instance, you might find these supposed whistleblowers who are discussing the concepts of this
timeline versus that timeline versus some other timeline, and that gives an impression to the human
mind, especially the monkey-mind that likes all the numbers and projection, that these are independent
streams that could converge on the point that we call “now” and that at some instance or nudge by
universe, one stream or the other might become the path down which we go. I do not find this
understanding to be my own and I don’t know that it is particularly workable given the reality that the
universal consciousness exists in a form of continuous creation. That is to say - atoms do not exist -
there is no little tiny rock swinging around another little rock that we call electrons and protons - that is
an illusion. Electrons do not spin around neutrons; the protonic mass does not exist. They only exist
when we attempt to measure them and we have made certain assumptions on this that are erroneous.

So we must look at universe as originating from a

series of pulses to create standing waves that interfere
with each other in vast levels of complexity that we
call the aggregate “tori” which is to say all of the
toruses that exist within us. If we were to look at it at
a particular way, every single one of our atoms, rather
than being a mass, per se, whirling around in space,
could be thought of as a little miniature torus, and
then you have billions of such atoms within your - in
fact, trillions upon trillions of such atoms - within the
various cells that form you as a human and you are a
larger aggregate of a giant accumulation of small
toruses or tori, and so…

But in a larger sense, as they fractalize through you and form your body from the giant consciousness
field, you become a larger tori. That torus experiences time as a progression of events within the mind
that is associated with the body, but that does not mean that those events pre-exist or post-exist. It is an
illusion, as has been stated repeatedly throughout history and one should not necessarily think of time as
a stream because it causes certain assumptions to arise that are not true and these can cause you to think
in certain ways and act in certain ways that are not necessarily in your interest.

For instance, the people that are saying that this timeline exists and oh, well, something will occur and
we get on to this other timeline and there’s no pole shift, they have no basis in reality for stating such.
Time only exists at the level of the giant template of universal consciousness that creates such things as
Earth, Sun, universe, solar system, our bodies, the table next to you, the glass of wine at dinner, and so
on. Your mind does not create that. Those things are created out of the templates from universal
consciousness expressed through what Buddha called the kalapas or the individual unit which is the
collision of all of these energies.

So, there is only now and the complexity from which we get expressions of now is vastly large beyond
our understanding and not the small, constrained timeline view that might be presented. So I don’t think
of time as a river with myself standing on the side of the bank of it, I think of myself as swimming in a
giant sea of continuous creation and one small element of the sea washing against my consciousness, if
you will, the water against my body, is felt as time. I hope that made sense? (eos)
Alexander: I meant not the time quantity, I meant the time quality. So, your answer was, for me,
about time quantities and the linear times, but not the time signatures or the time qualities…

Clif: I understand, and I skirted your point indeed. Let’s stop for a second and examine time in the sense
of quantity and quality. And let us also, before we begin, assume that we’re all vibrating entities that are
composed of nothing but energy. In order for our selves to exist within universe the way that, say a
software program or a telephone call might exist in a digital universe, they have to be identified with a
unique characteristic. In the case of telephone calls, we use phone numbers, etc. So we can think of our
selves as giant vibration of energies and we each have a unique signature that identifies you no matter
where you might be in physical universe - even though that we know that that physical universe doesn’t
actually exist and you never actually go anywhere - but in order to find the particular you or me from any
others, we would be able to need to know their individual signatures.

That signature, at a vibrational level, is what allows, for instance, thoughts to come into your mind and
experience it that way. So your experience with a quality of time change, I would believe and can state
from my understanding, relates to something being added to your signature state, if you will. It’s called a
“witness reference” in science terms or computer terms, and, in other words, your universal name, for
instance, probably has had something added to it.

When we get into the Jain understanding of karma, they also express it by stating that, at the time you
are born, for instance, certain karma determines the length of you life, the shape of your body, how many
teeth are going to need fillings, etc., etc., but your life is not limited to those as you go forward by
knowing how karma works, but some karma stems from previous actions in previous lives and you
might think of as a gift, if you will, from universe for having been a good human in a previous life, if
you will, and thus, at this particular time universe has chosen to add something to your personal
individual signature within itself, that opens you up to more of the experience of the vastness of
universe. Now the issue is that universe may have a large gifting mode going on, but it will be our
individual karma, if you will, our individual signatures that are on our vibrational life energies that allow
us to perceive some and not perceive others.

more on Jainism:

So, getting back to the quality component of time - the quality component of time is the experience of
time within the individual mind and we know that there is a collective understanding of this experience
going on at the moment. All through my long life, I have always experienced each second of that life as
slightly smaller than the second before it. Thus, the concept of time rushing as one ages and how a year
at age 50 is a smaller percentage of my life than a year at age 8, and it is experienced that way. However,
we may be coming into, or, there is evidence to support the idea, that since 1940, our solar system has
been gradually moving into an area of space that contains energies of which we know very little. These
energies probably have added that extra signature to your “witness reference” and thus you are
experiencing a quality of time. You may be ahead of the curve, so to speak, from some karmic
viewpoint in the past that has decided you’re a good fellow and you need to have this now that you may
learn something from it and perhaps take some people through it later on as things progress and what
you’re actually experiencing is a level of depth, if you will, a richness, that most of us others are not, or
that in my case, I’m experiencing an increased richness in the complexity of the experience of the key
fields, but I’m not getting, per se, an extra feeling for time. It is a more broad feeling entirely and this is
undoubtedly directly related to my particular karmic expression within universe at the moment. (eos)

Alexander (and friends): Oh! Thank you! Thank you so much! {{applause}}
Deep, deep thank you from my inner heart, I experience this in the same way and it s very nice to
have these rare, rare answers of these questions and Yes! I m overwhelmed! Thank you!

Clif: Please - do not thank me - universe has obviously decided that we must be discussing this at this
point for both of our illumination and education.

Start Part 3: Pole shift, Southern hemisphere? inner or outer? going *poof* + Burisch & the box

Declan: If the pole shift goes ahead, what will happen in South America, really far south, like the
south of Argentina?

Clif: Yes, the evidence that we have from Hapgood must be crossed over to what has been called
forbidden archeology. Hapgood was not - he was an extremely good researcher for the pole shifts - but
he had his mind occluded by academic understanding.

more on forbidden archeology:

So, for instance, we can take some data points - Lake Titicaca in the Andes Mountains was at one point
sea level, and its oceanic base and its sediments prove this. There are further indications that it went
from sea level condition to nearly 11,000 ft. over the course of what may have been only 3 or 4 days.
The resulting up-thrust was such that half the population in existence at that seaport at that time, died
from the destruction of their local infrastructure - very large buildings with megalithic stone were shifted
and this is the only place on the planet that we have ever seen destruction of a megalithic structure. So,
for instance, earthquakes have never disturbed the Great Pyramids, and they have not altered Angkor
Wat, and they haven’t affected any of the other larger structures, for instance, in the Meso-American era,
where places like Machu Picchu all the way up through the various cities in Central America have been
essentially earthquake impervious. So, whatever happened at Lake Titicaca was related, we think, to this
pole shift.

more on megalithic sites:
Hapgood states that he thought that the up-thrust was indeed an effect of a pole shift at the time, but he
didn’t go into the details on it. But if we look at a globe and examine how the line of the Andes goes on
up through the Rockies, and a few other elements relative to the crust, we can make some assumptions.
But first, before we make the assumptions as to outcome, we should make some presumptions and state
that we know a few things about the planet and we need to open our thinking a bit. So, for instance,
planet Earth is not solid, the mantle is not solid. It should be better understood as a collection of rocks
that have all decided to snuggle up to each other and the rocks are various different sizes and thus it
makes it easier for us to imagine some rock masses such as a particular continent deciding to subside as
it goes through the equator and others deciding to rise. So, given that presumption, then we can go on to
certain assumptions.

The assumptions from Hapgood state that no pole shift ever occurred that he’s been able to find any
record of that was less than 30 degrees. A 30 degree pole shift moves some part of the planet through the
equator. If you’re part of that section of the planet going through the equator, you will have a rough
time. Thus, the assumption is that the further away you are from the equator in the transit, the less
likelihood that that particular part of the planet you’re on would go through the equator. Thus the siting
of the seed vault up in the Arctic circle area because no matter what, if it shifts 30 degrees from where it
is at, it will not have to transit through the equatorial rush and all the waters and the problems. This is
also likely true of far South, South America, may be true of South Africa, certainly will be true of New
Zealand, although Australia offers certain issues, especially relative to what TPTB are doing there. In
other words, if we knew that Australia was to be a survival point, I would think that it might be
inimicable to the open, sovereign individual, simply because TPTB are so heavily ensconced there.

more on Hapgood and pole shifts:

Now, South America offers some other issues. There are social movements underway that suggest TPTB
are attempting to consolidate their hold over what might be survival sites. We note the Hendaye Cross
points to Cuzco, Peru and the caves that are there. Yet those caves have now been sealed and are under
the control of the Peruvian military. Other survival sites within the Latin American or South American
mountain ranges are also under stress relative to social conditions coming from TPTB.

more on Hendaye Cross:
2012 and the Cyclic Cross of Hendaye (video)
more on Peru: (video)
Then there’s the final issue to consider and that is that if indeed this pole
shift is not like others of the past, and I discussed some evidence that that is
true, then we have some issues with being very high up. It increases your
exposure to radiation and so forth. While it might protect you from some
sea-level sloshing, you’re also going to have a hard and rough time of it and
it would not necessarily be an easy level of survival. And again, we don’t
know if there’s going to be a crustal shift or if we’re also going to have a
continental disappearance. We can look back at this thing called the Narmar
plate. Narmar is the name that the people gave their country in what we now
think of as Pharaohic Egypt. These individuals existed before the Pharaohs
and they were the source of the civilization that the Pharaohs inherited and
the Egyptians took over and we always - academic science says the
Egyptians invented, this is not true - they were ‘inheritors’ of things.

more on Narmar plate:

One of the things that has come down is this hard clay, vitrified clay, stoneware, if you will, plate that
describes eleven previous pole shifts and it puts it in perspective in each and every one of them. Saying,
for instance, in the pole shift that occurred some 48,000 years back, it was a minor deal and caused
minor flooding and minor problems to the civilization at the time but that the ones on either side of that
by 13,000 years were very severe. And so, we know that the last pole shift, prior to this one, was
devastating, and so, we can ask ourselves, if universe favors humans, and there seems to be some
evidence of that, then will this pole shift be a particularly nasty case relative to the previous ones?

And at this stage, we also have to acknowledge one

other thing - while there is some small amount of
movement by TPTB relative to a pole shift, the vast
majority of their efforts appear to be directed at saving
themselves and resources from giant solar explosions. If
we’re talking a CME - a coronal mass ejection - that
actually touches the Earth with our weakened state of
magnetosphere now, it would actually come into the
Earth’s atmosphere. This would be devastating, I think,
no matter where on the planet one happened to be,
because, in the process of consuming all of the forests
and all of the other infrastructure above ground, a great
deal of the atmosphere would be involved. It may be
that the oxygen component would not be truly depleted
simply because of the amount of carbon dioxide that would be available for other chemical reactions and
thus release oxygen, but that may also not be true. The energetic component of a CME touching the
Northern hemisphere might create serious problems atmospherically for all of the planet. We just can’t
say. TPTB sure seem to be thinking along those lines though. We say this because there’s some
information about the seed vault that they have atmospheric control for the seeds. This should only be
needed if they suspected that, while safe from earthquake or pole shift, there was some danger of the
atmosphere becoming so polluted that the seeds would be impacted. Make sense? (eos)
more on CME - coronal mass ejection:

more on magnetosphere:

Q: (muffled…) About the relation with nature and our human mind in the sense that the changes
that are coming, how much -- what does your data say on , or what do you think about -- how
much will the change have to depend on… if the human mind is to survive, will it depend on what
we will do? the humans themselves, the inner changes that we have to go through or how much
will be pushed from the outside? do we really have to push this change or is it something that the
change will just occur - do we just have to go through it and just survive?

Clif: I understand the question. My personal view is that humans have

very little power, we don’t control any circumstances whatsoever… as
Buddha stated, ‘you get enlightenment when you realize that everything,
including yourself and all your thoughts are illusion’ and this is quite
true. We never really have original thoughts; we are simply in a position
where our energetic field receives something through its signature and
we think that thought originated with us because it was sent out by
universe in such a way as to have our signature on it.

Now, bear in mind, that universe may send out a particular thought that
has trillions upon trillions upon trillions of signatures as preferenced to
this. In an Internet fashion that would be like having an IP address for a
huge part of the continent attached to an email message and it would go
to each and every one of those IP addresses, or any of them, if you will,
that happened to be turned on at the moment that that was broadcast.
So, if that’s the way that universe works, then we really, truly have no control whatsoever and this is sort
of a good thing because we can give ourselves up quite freely to whatever happens. We also need note
that no human ever gets out of life alive and in spite of claims to the contrary. So death, being a natural
part of the process... it’s… while a necessarily fearful one… can be approached in a fearless manner,
and thus, my survival is not up to me. I have no real control over what in particular may happen -- a
tornado can come and snatch me up and deposit me naked in a bunch of mud 5 states over and alive…
and again, none of that is up to me. I merely, at that point, have only one thing that I can do about
anything and that is my attitude. So, if the tornado does that, I will have the proper attitude of saying,
“Well, thank you tornado - sorry you had to beat me up to get my attention, but I’m sorta glad to be here
and will pay attention to what’s going on at the moment.”

The issue of the survival of any given individual is something that is related to your personal karma
affecting your particular signature for the energetic mass that you are, so my commenting on it is
meaningless, it’s pure speculation. That’s why I don’t know that there’s any given particular safe place.

I also accept my own death quite willingly as being part of life and
therefore, universe has placed me, for instance, 135 ft. above sea level
and placed me in such conditions that I’m not able to harmonize with
universe and extract myself from this particular height above sea level.
Therefore, it must want me here and I harmonize with that. It has also
given me an inclination from being in a genetic strain going back
through the Normans and the Vikings and the Phoenicians and the
Celts to the great sea peoples of the past, and therefore, I have this
cellular reaction to the oceans and water and boats. I’m harmonizing
with that and I’m building myself a very sturdy little sailboat for such
conditions as may arise in the future. But I do so with no illusion that it would be a savior from anything
of a catastrophic nature. I do it because universe has presented me with the situation and the conditions
and the capabilities to do so and I enjoy harmonizing with that particular thread. Same thing is true with
the meditation, I have no illusions whatsoever that the meditation will present me with an enlightened
state such that I could go *poof* and avoid the whole pole shift should it occur.

It probably is quite necessary that I die in that pole shift, should it occur. To a certain extent, I take
comfort in this because a violent death is at least quick -- progresses you along on things very rapidly.
Having lived with people who’ve chosen to die over the course of decades -- I choose to go quick.

Again, thus my martial arts training and so on, that I harmonize with… but let us also note, if one were
to look at my birth chart, and you have an excellent resource there with Michael, he will be able to tell
you - this man’s chart is divided pretty much evenly between the feminine and the masculine, but all of
the masculine is heavily influenced by the martial fields, if you will, that emanate from Mars or are
identified with Mars. So I can’t really help the fact that I have an affinity towards the martial arts. The
most I can do is decide to harmonize with that and do it as best I can, or to ignore it, given the particular
attitude that I have. I find that when I harmonize with universe, things are a lot more cooperative and I
suffer a lot less, therefore, harmonization is kind of a cool thing.

But again, I have no illusions that safety or security exist at all and let me tell you -- that is the greatest
freedom of all to recognize and grasp and live - that you are dead at this moment, you just haven’t gotten
to that particular moment at this time. (eom)
Q: I just wanted to say something about going *poof* - I believe that
there’s a group of people, they’re called Bonpo, and in their tradition,
there’s something that they call the rainbow body and they developed
a system where they could actually align with their rainbow body, so
instead of the normal death they would transfer themselves into … so
these people actually were able to gather themselves to activate the
light in their DNA and actually become their rainbow bodies so they
were able to leave this time-space as they chose to.

more on Bonpo and the Rainbow Body:

Clif: I understand what you’re discussing; it’s frequently within the literature that I read. I have some
extensive knowledge for a Westerner of Sanskrit and the historical pali dialogues and have come across
such references before, also, my personal martial art is aikido called “the way of peace” by its founder,
who we call Osensei (“Great Teacher”) and Osensei also described the rainbow, he called it the rainbow
bridge between heaven and earth and you could align yourself with that, harmonize with it and go as you
chose throughout space-time, time-space by choosing particular colors, if you will, or harmonics to go
along and Osensei was a great mystic and a metaphysicist and I also go along with those traditions.

Now, we have for instance, the Six Yogas of Naropa, which comes out of Cashmere and Tibet and he
gives six different techniques for getting to that stage, if you will, and the last one is the sixth yoga and
says you can basically do this on your deathbed if you got really clear at that point, the other five are
how to, more or less, achieve it in this life.

more on Aikido:

more on Six Yogas of Naropa: (video)

But it comes back to something else as well. Now, bear in mind, my energetic vibrations are martially-
oriented and this gives me a particular -- a squirrelly view of reality - because even if I could go *poof*,
I have not the wisdom to decide that that would be an appropriate impact on my karma. As I say, it may
be necessary and desirable and beneficial for my self to go through some rather horrific times -
especially relative to the chaos, because I chose to live here at this time.

So I don’t like the idea of checking out before the movie is over, if that makes sense? Not to say that that
is not a valid choice for other individuals. My viewpoint is necessarily colored by the karmic conditions
that were set up at my birth and as a martial artist, my approach is “welcome to my mat, please
demonstrate your art that I may demonstrate mine” and the ultimate expression of that art is how I
conduct myself through the transit into death. (eos)
Julie: There’s some stuff up on the Internet about Dan Burisch and a box, and I was curious if
your data had any information about that?

Clif: Yes, Julie - I have all kinds of information showing up around Dan Burisch because of the amount
of verbiage that’s associated with him. So, for instance, in our lexicon, we do get information about
specific personalities. These personalities have associated with them archetypes. The archetype of Dan
Burisch and his Looking Glass business and some of the stuff that he’s stated make a good story, but we
don’t have any backing within our lexical discussions to suggest that Dan Burisch is in any way as he
claims. So… and in fact, there’s a lot of the archetypes within the structure that we hold, the context that
we hold for Dan Burisch, in this other subset, that would seem to suggest that he’s part of a
disinformation situation - for whatever reason - personal gain or whatever - I don’t know.

This brings up - there’s several individuals that are out there that keep showing up within our datasets
within the archetypes and they, for instance, are promulgating, in the case of Dan Burisch, the timeline
business, which is a fine understanding of things, however limited… but there’s no evidence to support
that the claims that are being made from these individuals, however cohesive, are anything other than a
giant scam, if you will.

So, it brings up the issue of the grey aliens - a common characteristic of the aliens as is described by all
of the whistleblowers, at all levels, no matter how many races they’re describing is that they basically
fall into two categories - those that are like our Earth humans - the Nordics, for instance, or other
individuals, who look as individuals. They may resemble each other genetically, the way that one
Norwegian might resemble another Norwegian, but they will have individual characteristics. These
individual characteristics set their face apart from any other face and they fall into what we categorize
here at HalfPastHuman as 5th order beings.

Now, if we look at the grey aliens and the other of their ilk. The little grey aliens, big grey aliens - just
doesn’t matter - all of these beings that are claimed by Burisch to be humans devolved in the future -
there is a common subset that denies his claim. That common subset is the idea that each and every one
of these individuals look identically the same. Now they have a reason for this, theoretically, within Dan
Burisch’s story line, and that is that the DNA degraded to the point where basically they’re all clones and
thus they are our descendent, if you will, not descendents, not progeny, but a single individual that has
been cloned repeatedly. I find this not to be credible. The reason that I find this not to be credible is
that all of the grey aliens show themselves consistently to be identical to each other without the ability to
have any distinguishing characteristics.

The same kind of thing that we find in 4th order beings - such as insects. If we examine a praying
mantis, each and every one of the praying mantises is as though it had been cloned or stamped out of a
template. They are a 4th order being. There are many 4th order beings here on our planet and there are
also 5th order beings, such as humans. And you will note that wherever humans get involved with life -
such as breeding dogs, cats, horses, anything - we have a tendency to increase diversity, not decrease it.
Also, that is the way that universe operates.

When DNA degrades, as is the case right now - we’re in the 6th largest extinction period in our planet’s
history, and it may well become the largest, it’s still growing, we just don’t know - but wherever these
things occur, mutations are also found and mutations cause diversity. They do not restrict diversity. So,
therefore, Burisch’s whole structure is built on some predicates that I cannot find a reason to support.
This causes me to really look at a lot of his other statements and this is at the same time that we find
archetypes within Burisch’s context that are similar to the archetypes that we find, for instance, with this
individual calling himself Dr. Deagle. Now Dr. Deagle is an interesting character and he is at the
periphery of the “consciousness-world,” if you will. Say that we have Project Camelot as the center of
the “consciousness-world” and it’s whirling around, it’s collecting at its edge, at it’s fringe, some
individuals which gravitate towards the center and we see that, within the Project Camelot-world, that
the Dan Burisch view, timelines and everything, is discussed as though it were reality and no debate is
really taking place on that. Some of the same archetypes that are there are also found within Deagle and
having done some background checking on these individuals with reality, I know, for instance, that
those archetypes relate back to the shadow government.

So thus, for instance, there is a suggestion that Deagle is indeed being paid by the CIA, or whoever,
NSA, whatever, one of the shadow governments. I also think that this may be the case with Burisch and
that there are some unlikely, very hard to overcome, contradictions between the stuff that Burisch says,
and what we can actually find out in reality. So, at this point, I don’t put much credence in it and I think
that it may be -whether he’s wittingly or not doing it - he may be part of a disinformation campaign.
Now Dr. Deagle, I know is willingly part of this whole thing, in terms of what he’s doing. Dan Burisch,
I can’t say that he is an agent willingly, he just may be a dupe and may have been in a
compartmentalized structure and indeed, may have worked for black ops, and the shadow government,
but his level of understanding is limited, to say the best. (eom)
Final Words

Michael: Thank you very much Clif, this is Michael again. I’m really glad that you laid it out -
I’ve never dared say to anybody, but maybe like a couple of friends, who I really trust, and yes, I
agree with what you said - now that it’s said - we all heard it… {{laughter}}

So, for the moment we have no more questions here and we had almost two hours with you and I
just wanted to thank you so very much for everything because this was really, really an amazing
two hours we’ve had together. The last question or suggestion I have would be to prompt you or
ask you to say what you advice us to do given everything that we know. I mean, we all know now, a
lot of things together and so what is your opinion or wihat isyour advice, your suggestion - what we
would be well-advised to do, in the next, say, 4 to 5 to 7 months?

Clif: Yes Michael, thank you very much for the time with you and the questions have been very good
for me, very mind-stretching - I really appreciate it, especially on a cold and wet day such as we have

Over the next short term, really my advice always keeps centering down to refine your self, but again, it’s
my filter as a martial artist - there may be something there though… If you study, for instance, Michael
Tsarion and a few other people, they have come to the conclusion that the yogic and martial arts may
actually be a counter to something that occurred in our genetic past and may indeed be very beneficial for
all individuals, as well as humanity as a whole.

The issue of the greys and their timeline stories and their lies is a very interesting one, how many people
refuse to believe or disbelieve, and it’s very interesting, I think too, that the timelines and the grey stories
and their apex, their focus, is also within the Mayan calendar range and so on…

more on Tsarion and others:

Michael Tsarion:
Jordan Maxwell:
David Icke:
Barbara Hand Clow (especially her book, “Catastrophobia”):

more on Mayan calendar:

John Major Jenkins:
Ian Xel Lungold:
Carl Johan Calleman:
Now, over the next 5 to 7 months, we can take the approach of becoming involved in the planet and so
on… trying to acquire more resources to stash away, this sort of thing, all of these are probably very
good things to do, given the short term. But it’s probably a waste of what I think you might agree, is a
unique opportunity, relative to how the planets are aligned. It would seem as though the planetary
alignments are supporting gnosis, in the sense of action and change as a personal expression.

gno•sis (n 's s) - n. Intuitive apprehension of spiritual truths, an esoteric form of knowledge sought by the Gnostics.
[Greek gn sis, knowledge, from gign skein, gn -, to know; see gn - in Indo-European roots.]

If that’s the case, then this alignment will go away sometime, I think, maybe late 2009 or early 2010,
and between now and then, it just happens to be a very good time where universe is more or less saying -
‘I give you the freedom to go on out and explore these things’ and new experiences, as that goes, should
probably be cultivated, just so we can see, ‘yes, this is worth it’ and ‘no, this is not worth it.’

The 7 months that we’ve got coming relative to TPTB and the minion class, the social structures around
us, it is my personal viewpoint that it is probably best to think of this as 1st century China. First century
China was the time where the Chin Empire had been established, the Chin king had collected 40 or 50 of
the larger tribes and formed China as a whole, but it was very, very, very chaotic at the time. There were
war lords, it was the beginning of the Shaolin temple era, there were enlightened individuals coming over
the mountains from India that were starting to spread Buddhism, this sort of thing, and during that period
of time, it was very chaotic at a social level. But it also seems that in the midst of that terrible chaos there
was also a unique opportunity for a large number of enlightened beings to occur, or to become aware and

more on China:

So I think we’re at that same sort of a nexus at the moment and that my personal approach is to refine
myself, do those things that are necessary for my family and that the universe has provided me the
responsibility for - for all those beings - to provide the love and nurture that they need, but at the same
time, to cut out a little bit of space-time for myself, to refine my nature and to explore what’s going on.

And I leave you with one story, not verifiable, but if we were to just take it at face value… I know an
individual who is so advanced spiritually that this individual has some of the sitis - the powers that are
talked about in the yogic tradition and one of those powers is the ability to go out into the forest and
create from that person’s mind - a golden palace or a hamburger or a fish, any number of things. This
individual had demonstrated this power to me and, while overwhelming initially, there’s one key
component to that and that is that the minute, the millisecond, this individual stops projecting that chi
energy into that reshaping of illusion of reality, that part of the illusion reverts back to the templates of
universal consciousness - I sure hope this makes sense as I explain it - so, thus, it is a function of the
amount of chi energy that one can manipulate internally, that allows the sitis to exist, they don’t exist as
superpowers, for instance, when one can just jump up and fly like superman at any given time. In our
real understanding of reality, the power exists only because you’ve got that chi charged up within you,
your battery is full, so to speak and that you need to be cognizant of how much that energy one uses to
also do those things that are necessary to recharge that battery and thus, we come back to the various
practices that I’m engaged in which all leads towards a very fixation of that point - again goes back to
first century China - the arrival of the indigenous Taoist religion, which is not really a religion, but is a
scientific understanding and what was known as the Hui Ming Ching (The Book of Consciousness and
Life) and it is that process described in that book that describes what the Buddha went through in
becoming a tathagata, which is to say that form of enlightened being that he is. I think that this
particular unique period of confluences - which we call time - provides support for any individual that
should choose to charge their chi battery and go out and play with that energy. (eos)

Clif: And thank you very much, by the way - very, very engaging.

more on Taoism:

more Hui Ming Ching:

more on Tathagata:

Michael: Thank you very, very much. Thank you Clif. One last question - is it ok that we can post
this in the zone?

Clif: I have no problem with that whatsoever, please, go ahead and post.


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