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8th Grade English Open Disclosure: Ms.

Ms. Ellen Stemle West Hills Middle School, Room 101 T (801) 412.2300 ext. 2024 E W;

Omn! Pa"! Referret: All the Pieces Matter

In our classroom, all the pieces matter.

From each and every activity,

assignment, and class period to every student, opinion, and discussion, everything, everyone, and every minute matter. Add it all up and see how far we can go together. COURSE CONTENT English and U.S. History incorporate integrated activities from the time periods in U.S. History of Early Exploration through Reconstruction. Language Arts processes will be taught in both classes. These include reading comprehension strategies, argumentative writing, word skills, listening, and speaking. WEST HILLS MIDDLE SCHOOL DRSLS Students will be critical thinkers and problem solvers Students will be effective communicators Students will be responsible citizens. Students will be life-long learners. CLASS WEBSITE: Visit our class website for class news, homework info, and resources.

8th Grade Language Arts Open Disclosure

DAILY PREPARATION Required for class every day: ! --Pencil! ! ! ! --Complete Homework ! --Planner! --Novel ! --Paper

Students will be expected to have the above required items every day in class. This will count toward their participation grades.

GRADING All student work is graded on a point system within the following weighted categories:

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8th Grade Language Arts Open Disclosure

LATE WORK Assignments turned in after the teacher calls for them or the due date are considered late and will receive 70% credit (this means that if you turn in a 50 point assignment late, the highest score you can receive is 35). There will be two deadlines set per quarter for accepting late work. Work assigned in the rst half of the quarter is due by the midterm deadline, and work assigned in the second half of the quarter is due by nal deadline. The rst deadline is the Friday after midterm; the second deadline is one week prior to the quarters end. Deadlines will be posted and updated on the class website ( *Adjustments may be made in extenuating circumstances. ABSENT WORK Students are expected to be in class every day. If an absence in unavoidable, the student is responsible for obtaining missed assignments by checking the Absent Box. The student should also plan on talking with the teacher before or after school. Absent work must be turned in by the bi-quarterly deadlines.

CITIZENSHIP H Honor ! ! ! !
! ! ! !

! ! ! !

S Satisfactory !
No more than 2 Tardies No referrals Follows class rules Generally completes work

0-1 Tardy ! ! ! No referrals ! ! ! Is positive and polite! ! Completes work on time!

N Needs Improvement!

! ! ! !

U Unsatisfactory
4 or more tardies 2 or more referrals Does not follow class rules Inappropriate behavior
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No more than 3 tardies! ! No more than 1 referral! ! Needs reminded of class rules! Completes some work! !

8th Grade Language Arts Open Disclosure

CLASSROOM RULES The ve basic rules listed below are posted in the classroom. When student follow these rules, there are rewards. When a student chooses not to follow the rules, there are negative consequences. Be on time--seated and quiet when the bell rings. Be prepared with class materials and assignment(s). Raise your hand to seek help or answer questions; avoid talking while someone else is speaking. Respect others right to learn and their personal property. Follow Ms. Stemles directions. REWARDS Each student is given two Oops Passes per quarter in each class to be used for hall passes, extra credit (10 pts.), free pencil, eraser tip, free late assignment accepted for three days after the due date, or treats. CONSEQUENCES When a student chooses not to follow class rules, the following will occur: ! /= Warning to put the behavior in check //= In-class isolation ///= Out-of-class isolation ////= Persistent misbehavior=Phone call home referral to vice principle TARDY AND TRUANCY (See Student Planner) CHEATING No credit will be given for cheating (giving and/or receiving answers) of any kind. This includes assigned work and tests. There is no talking while any test is still being taken.

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8th Grade Language Arts Open Disclosure

Please sign and return this last page to Ms. Stemle. Keep the disclosure for your own reference.

______________________________! Teacher Signature! ! ! !

_______________________________ Principal Signature

Permission to view PG-rated movies: Yes, I do give permission:_______ No, I do NOT give permission: _____

I have read, understand, and agree to comply with Ms. Stemles Disclosure:

______________________________! Students Name (please print)

______________________________ Student Signature !

_______________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature! !

_______________________________ ! Date

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