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1. what are the different kinds of actions a man undertakes. 2. How these actions can be classified. 3.

What are the ramifications of this action. 4. How are planets responsible in bringing out this ramification 5. What are different experiences of soul in different worlds 6. why does one take birth in one particular combination of planets 7. What are importance of birth in a particular nakshatra as per karma 8. Who determines the karma and who keeps record of it . 9. what is the process of Vipaka 10. How can one come out of this cycle of birth and death after knowing ones Karma and its Vipaka

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18 Oct

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. Comments Off Astrology brings peace ,prosperity to those who are Godfearing,who honour preceptors and speak only truth , for a heterodox and a crafty person,it increases miseries day by day without doubt.-Sage Parashara 1 Aug

Panchikarana Modus operandi de creation!

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Jyotish. 4 Comments As the previous creation[ universe] is destroyed in pralaya water , Lord takes the form of a child of 7crore yojan size . He transforms the whole of 50 crore yojan bramhanda into a leaf of vata vruksha and sleeps on it in YOGANEEDRA .This Lord is known by the name SHUNYA ! As 12.5 years are left in the lapse of pralaya kala , Lord inspires AMBHRANI devi [ LAXMI DEVI] to sing the Shrutigeet stotra in the form of jayavandana [ suprabhaat] . As AMBHRANI devi commences the Shrutigeet , Lord takes many amazing forms . Lord as he wakes swallows up the TAMAS ,the vatapatra merged into BHUDEVI and pralaya water merged into SRIDEVI. Later SHUNYA namak paramatma [NARAYANA] took forms of 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

VASUDEV ALONG WITH MAYA SANKARSHANA ALONG WITH JAYA PRADYUMNA ALONG WITH KRUTI ANIRUUDHA ALONG WITH SHANTI He took 24 forms viz KESHAVA . ETC He took 100 forms viz AJA ETC He took thousand forms viz VISHWA .ETC THUS these infinite forms of Lord as they appear ,it is known as ATMASRISHTI . AS LORD takes the various forms so does LAXMI DEVI takes various forms by the will of Lord , this is known as PARADHEENVISHESHAVAPTI SRISHTI BRAMHANDA AND JEEVA [SOUL] STHULA DEHA srishti with trigunatmak prakriti [ satva rajas tamas ] is known as KEVAL SRISHTI


CREATION starts with 1 part tamo rasi , 2 part rajo rasi and 4 part satva rasi . Total 7 parts of prakruti .

Firstly there are three piles [blocks of gunas ]

1. A Tamas [ 1 part ] 2. B Rajas [ 2 parts ] 3. C Satva [ 4 parts ] ie the quantum of B = twice the quantum of A similarly the quantum of C = twice the quantum of B

Of these A B C , A unmixed with B or C is kept aside D Rajas is created by -E

1. one part Tamo -A 2. 100 parts Rajo B 3. 10000 parts Satva C ie Rajas is formed by mixing 1A+100B+10000C = 10101 bindus in E

Tamas is created by -F

1. one part Rajo B 2. ten parts Tamo A 3. 100 parts Satva C ie Tamas is formed mixing 10A+B+100C = 111 bindus in F Now we have A , B , C in one group these are never used in creation they form the bodies of MUKTA jeevas shuddha satva for muktiyogya and shuddha tamo for yatna sharir of tamoyogya . second group D E F , is used in creation of which D only is used to enhance certain tatvas and is never directly a part of composition inside creation in its pure form . E F effectively form creation of UNIVERSE . Further references to Satva rajas tamas point to D E F only . 1. Ambhrani is adidevata for avyakrutaakasha . 2. Satva rashi is presided by Sridevi 3. Rajo by Bhudevi

4. Tamas by Durga 5. This prakruti is conspicuous and effect-ive [ karya rupa ] and hence is known as SAT 6. It is also in the Karan rupa [ cause -ative] and hence known as Chit 7. It is obstructive to knowledge hence known as Avidya 8. It is infatuating so it is also known as MAAYA 9. It also aids as a check on Moha hence it is AMAAY 10. AMAAY has equal satva rajas and tamas in composition .

100 parts satva + 12 parts Rajas + 1 part tamas = 113 bindus form the avyakta deha or deha of Bramha ie Mahattatva G Mahattava is divided into 3parts to 1 part . namely Rajas and tamas . H &I 100000 part of Satva + 1200 parts of Rajas [ H + E ] + 10 parts Tamas [ I + F ] is the aniruddha deha or AhankartaavaJ

1. Ahankara is divided into three parts ; Vaikarik Ahankara presided by son of Brahma , Bramhaputra Rudra [ Garuda ] with wife Varuni 2. Taijas ahankara presided by Vayuputra Rudra [ Shesha ] with wife Sauparni . 3. Tamas ahankara presided by Sheshaputra Rudra[ Shiva ] with wife Uma . 4. vaikarik is used to create the bodies of DEVATAS and manas [ mind ] of HUMANs [ MANUSHYA ] 5. Taijas is used to create Dashendriyas [ Ten indriyas - panch gyanendra + panch karmendra ] 6. Tamas is used to create Panchbhuta , Panchtanmatra . As these Tattvabhimani devatas started praying Lord , LaxmiNarayana enter the Bramhanda and create a Viraatrupa of himself [ Mahavishnu ] and from the Nabhi Kamal[ navel ] rises the Bramha in a Golden Bramhanda . Thus HE is known as PADMANABHA . This is known as Asansrusta . hereafter everything that is created inside Bramhanda is known as SANSRUSHTI. Brahma started the srushti :

Shabda tanmatra gave rise to AKASHA Sparsha gave rise to Vayu [ vayu has both shabda and sparsha ] Rupa gave rise to AGNI [ agni has rupa shabda and sparsha ] Rasa gave rise to Apa [ water has rupa shabda sparsha and rasa ] Gandha gave rise to Prithvi [ prithvi has all the qualities of taste shape sound and touch and smell]

Thus from tanmatras were created Panchabhutas Akasha divided into two parts , second part divided into four subparts to be mixed with other panchbhutas . similarly others vayu agni apa prithvi too divided into parts . the first part becomes mukhyamsha and second part becomes samanamsha . lets call mukhyamsha as $ and samanamsha as # Gnyanendriya utpatti 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. #Akaash + $ Agni = Shrotrendriya [ faculties of hearing ] #vayu + $ Agni = tvagendriya [ faculties of touch ] #Apu + $Agni = Jivhendriya [ faculties of taste ] #Prithvi + $Agni = Ghranendriya [ faculties of smell ] # Agni + $Agni = chakshurindriya [ faculties of eye ] Agni transmits its property of ushnatva [ heat ] to all the other tattvas through its # amsha 7. agni is responsible for kshattu pipasa nidra alasya vyavasaya Karmendriya Utpatti 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. #Akaash + $ Prithvi = vaagindriya [ organ of speech ] #Vayu + $ Prithvi = Panindriya [ organ of hand ] #Agni +$ Prithvi = Padendriya [ organ of legs ] #Apu + $ Prithvi = jananendriya [ organ of reproduction ] #Prithvi + $ Prithvi = Guhyendriya [ organ of anus ] Prithvi transmits its property of kathinatva [ hardness ] to rest of the tattvas through its # amsha 7. Prithvi is responsible for Asthi mansa snayu charma roma Tanmatra utpatti 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. #Akaash + $Apu = Shabda #Vayu + $ Apu = Sparsha #Agni +$Apu = Rupa #Apu + $ Apu = Rasa #Prithvi + $Apu = Gandha ] apu transmits its property of Dravatva [ Viscosity/ flow ] to rest of the tattvas through its # amsha 7. Apu is responsible for shukla medas majja rakta mutra Prana Panchaka 1. #Akaash + $ Vayu = Samaan 2. #Vayu + $Vayu= Udaan 3. #Agni +$ Vayu = Vyana

4. #Apu + $Vayu = Apaan 5. #Prithvi + $ Vayu = Prana vayu 6. Vayu transmits its property of chalanatva [ movement ] to rest of the tattvas through its # amsha 7. vayu gives prasaran akunchan sthairya uddyan patan Mano Panchak 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. #Akaash + $ akaash = Kartru / Antahkarana #Vayu + $ akaash = Manas #Agni +$ akaash = Buddhi #Apu + $ akaash = chitta #Prithvi + $ akaash = ahankara Akaash transmits its property of [ accomodaing/resting /forming base /holding ] to rest of the tattvas through its # amsha 7. akaash gives kaam krodha lobha mada matsarya Lord himself stay put in all our organs and elements inspires us to do the karma and by surrendering this karma attributing it to HIM , oh lord I seek MOKSHA!!!!!!!!! Krishnarpanamastu 31 Jul

BhuvanKosha varnanam
Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 7 Comments

Bhumandal Coming SOON .

28 Jul

Dasha vichara !
Posted by chiraan in Jyotish, planets, stars. Tagged: dasa and bhukti. 16 Comments 1. Dasha graha if it is in kendra to lagna and 2-5-8-11 to moon will give auspicious results . if in kendra to moon as well will give medium results 2. Dasha lords exaltation sign and own sign or friends sign , if in these signs moon is posited or moon is in 3-5-7-9-10-11 from dasha lord then the bhava in which moon is placed its good results will also be experienced . 3. If dasha and bhukti lords if they are friends good results will flow , if enemies difficulties will be experienced . 4. dasha and bhukti lords if they are in shashtashtaka or dwirdwadasha then there will be fall in respect and post . [ padachyuti] .especially if one the planets is in mars saturn rahu ketu stars . 5. moon with sun mars or rahu and ketu or in their stars will give many mental disturbances . 6. if dasha and bhukti lords both are in chara signs or have sambandha of 6-10 lords than there will be change of place .

7. dasha lord or bhukti lord if they own 22nd drekkana and be placed in vrushabha 3rd drekkana or kanya middle drekkana or tula first drekkana then there will be fall from high place 8. There will abortions if dasha bhukti lords have evil aspects on 5-9 rasi or navamsa 9. if 2-10 th lord have good aspects dasha lord then there will rise promotion in the dasha bhukti 10. there will be distant travels if 7-9 lord have any aspect or conjunction with the dasha bhukti lords 11. dasa lord with good aspect to 10th lord and if in gochara there is budha guru or shukra in lagna than there will be rise in power and promotion 12. if there is sixth house link to the dasa bhukti lord and sixth lord transits the lagna or 10 th lord house there will misunderstanding with the boss , memos or mental stress atwork place . 13. if dasha and bhukti lord being 3rd lord has any connection with 10th brings about change in place transfers etc . 14. dasa and bhukti lord is 9-10th lord then life will flourish 15. Retrograde planets gives its results through the dasa for as many years as it takes days to get into normal motion , one day equals one year . 16. Yogkarak planet if it is in good nakshatra like own nakshatra or benefic nakshatra life will be rosy with much respect and wealth . 17. bhukti lord if it is in 3rd-6-8-12 lord star or in aspect to 2-7 th lord or badhak lord , if the said planet is in malefic conjunction in navamsa or debilitated in navamsa than there will loss of respect , loss of land , insult , and obstructions in the work is seen . 18. Bhukti lord gives its result in cohesion with the star lord in which he is posited , ie sun bhukti if it is in moons star will give revolutionary thoughts ,in mars star it will give destructive thoughts , mercury will give respectful or thoughts leading to fame . jupiter star gives helping nature , venus will give fame through qualities and also wealth through talent , saturn shows hard toil . 19. bhukti lord mars in mercury star gives less money more work , jupiter star gives power , venus will give below par living , saturn will give struggle 20. bhukti lord mercury in jupiter star will live a intellectual life , venus star will live for higher purpose , saturn star will give alternate profession or unconventional way 21. bhukti lord jupiter in venus star earnings will be from religious institutions , in saturn star will give dual profession 22. bhukti lord venus in saturn star life will start after the marriage . 23. .to be continued krishnarpanamastu 4 Jun

Karmavipaka -2
Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 10 Comments

Lord shiva says hey vararohe ! listen to the types of children born out of ones karma . May types of wordly children arise in this world . 1. Those children born out of Punya [ like payovrata etc] are always engrossed in the service of Parents . They are very dear to the father and mother . Lifelong and till death they are obedient to the Parents . and after death they perform shraddha everyday . These children do not eat till they have done shraddha to their parents . 2. Second are the enemy children ,listen to their acts . owing to previous life events [ poorvajanmaprasang ] enemies are born as children . From the birth they behave like an enemy opposing every word of the parents . Every act of his should bring about misery and confrontation . He acts only to hurt the parents . 3. Third type are born out of debts . [Runa sambandhi] . When someone takes a debt and does not return it deliberately , then the donor is born as child without doubt .He forcibly enjoys the wealth of the parents . He gambles , goes to prostitutes and donates among his useless friends day by day decreasing the wealth of the father . If such wealth becomes nil then such children die untimely . 4. fourth are the friends born as children . If someone has given custody of the wealth and forgets or does not ask back . such people are born as children . They have much affection towards parents and their siblings and dynasty . They exhibit much qualities and bring happiness with their achievements in education sports ,career etc . They do all the acts in the house bringing much peace and pride . Such children then increase progeny alongwith their wives enjoy the wealth of the parents and when such wealth has been completely enjoyed leave their mortal body and go to heavens . Parvati devi asks SHiva oh lord ! kindly tell me the karmas and its effect done by the women folks . Shiva continues Women in their previous lives when they sin the effects are thus : 1. women who do always foul mouth their husbands , do not attain puberty[ or has irregular menses affecting child birth ] in this birth . [ donating silver tree of the size of thumb of about 20 tolas to a ved pandit will give her regular menses] 2. The women abandoning her husband in sleep goes to another man , such women fail to conceive . [ donating flowers and fruits made of gold of 40 tola and then abiding by the husband will give child ] 3. Those women who are attached to another men yet speak sweet words to the husband and engage him . such women beget only daughters . [praying 60 tola silver shivlinga with abhisheka and flowers and donating it to ved bramhins will give a son] 4. The women engaged in adultery gets repeated abortion . such women alongwith the husband go to prayag ,take bath and pray Lord Vishnu of shankha chakra and gada padma , donate a bull adorning its horns with gold , nails with silver and its tail with pearls . she begets a child

5. The women who dumps her weak or disabled husband in favour of a lecher . such women faces poverty and is without child . Such women should pray Lord vishnu in a unwed girl by giving her a clothes etc . fast on sundays to get rid of her sins . 6. The women who eats good food herself and does not give it to her husband ,she gets bad breath and mouth smells foul . She should donate jaggery and honey and sugar candy to bramhins and she will regain her cleanliness of mouth . 7. The women who kills her husband in the previous life, becomes a prostitute without doubt . such women should do tulasi pooja everyday , in kartik , magh and vaishakh should bath early in the morning before sunrise . She should do ekadashi vrat and should prayand surrender the self to Vishnu as husband . 8. The women who forcibly gets an abortion , gets severe fever and pain in the abdomen . They also suffer from diseases of anus and uterus . They must donate the idols of a bramhan and brahmahni in silver . she must pray this idols and get steady in the service of the husband . she must donate cow and help bramhin children in getting education and then she would conceive . 9. The women always speaking lies to her husband gets diseases of neck throat and is affected by sinus and diseases of nose . She may also get rashes on her body , she should donate tree made of gold with flowers of silver on it to a bramhin . 10. The women who kills her new born daughter forcibly gets leprosy . such women should pray SUN with niyam . every month on saturday pray peepal tree[ vishnu in peepal tree] . 11. Women who abuses everday her in laws wit harsh words gets rashes all over her body , sometimes white patches appear on her skin . 12 tola gold idol of SUN be donated . 12. Women who have killed to gain wealth beget daughter who becomes widow at an early age . constructing wells and tanks in the way and praying SHiva with 1 lakh mantras homa with kheer will avoid such widowhood . krishnarpanamastu 29 May

Karmavipaka -1
Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Dosha, Jyotish. 15 Comments Parvati devi requests Lord SHiva to reveal the nature of different Karma . Shiva says , People suffering from diseases and misery should inspect their horoscopes after properly propitiating the bramhins and devatas . Praying Vishnu he must address his concerns to the astrologer . Astrologer must inspect his birth chart and prashna lagna and based on the Ashwini nakshatra etc padas must declare the prayashchittas . The karma is of three types , Sanchita , Prarabdha and AGAMA . Presently we deal with Prarabdha .

Once there lived a bramhin ,who was learned and goodlooking . He was married to a kshatriya girl by name Vishalakshi . He had a son by name NARHARI who was totally given to vices and diseases . Narhari had a reind by name Lagnasharma who was pious and wealthy with Gold and sons . One day Lagnasharma visited Narhari . Narhari knowing about his wealth Killed him along with his sons and wife . He started spending gold day by day , In the end he donated 1/6 th of the gold as gurtadanam at the sangam of GANGA and YAMUNA . Overthe period of time he died owing to grahapeedha . Yamadootas by the order of YAMA put him in the hell for 70 yugas , After spending time in hell he was born as wolf in the deep jungles . Then he became an insect . As his sins exhausted he took birth in a family of fame of gaudas in a town named sundargrama in madhyadesha . He was wealthy ,flesh eating and married to same girl of previous life named as Lokmati . Lokmati month after month could not conceive even though she had regular periods . Even when she concieved she bore dead children . Parvatu intercepted and asked what makes people suffer like this , isnt karma inspired by maya . SHIVA says karma are of three types , ISHTA ANISHTA MISHRA . the first gives the swarga , second gives hell and nagaloka , third gives birth in human loka . Diseases and state of mind and sometimes the behaviour of men women give clues to the karma . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Raajyakshma disease is on account of bramha hatya One who kills a guru or relative gets repeated death of sons and daughter one who does not pray fall prey to Panduroga [ malenin destruction] One who begets only female child must have insulted vedas one loses his wife /lover if one has killed birds or a girl one who has killed his brother/sister is ever troubled by diseases those who have hurt whistles ,bells , or musical instruments gets diseases of hands one who has killed a child/animal will beget dead children one who has disfigured someones body , or instigated miscarriage abortion or stolen a book or copyright is born as blind 10. Stealing clothes , always teasing others , landgrabbing will result in poverty . 11. One who ,marries into his own gotra gets a prolonged disease of skin . 12. killing or binding a buffalo gives a disease of shivering 13. killing a bull will make one impotent and have diseases of genitals 14. Illtreating parents will give leprosy 15. illicit relationships will give prolonged sickness 16. Killing a cow will give white leprosy 17. premarital sex with immature girls will give diseases with poverty . 18. Stealing perfumes made of flowers will result in bad breath 19. stealing ghee butter etc will give skin diseases and birth as insects 20. Stealing perfumes made of bark or trees will make one a crow 21. grabbing wells ponds will give rashes and itches 22. robbing tourists in temples will give diseases of neck and throat

23. one who burns forests or cuts them will get cancer of eyes and nose 24. stealing oil will make one seller of oils 25. stealing sugar will give heavy temperature 26. one will not have children if one steals gold 27. ears will be affected if one hurts servants and slaves 28. leukemia if one steals iron etc 29. milk and curds if stolen will give disease of stomach 30. multiple diseases will come if one robs on highways . 31. if one troubles peacocks , hens , chicken ,turtles he will have diseases of wind and be born as impotent again and again 32. alcoholics , animal eaters fish eaters will i again and again indulge in hide 33. Those who disrupt grain and water sources will get diseases of teeth 34. If one steals the house of a bramhin will be troubled by epilepsy 35. Thus many diseases trouble humans as the karma fructifies . People suffering Like NARHARI owing to stealing of GOLD and murder . should perform 5LAKHS gayatri and trayamabak pooja to get rid of diseases and get progeny . Krishnarapanamastu 19 May

Harisamsmaranam- The best mode of Prayashchitta !!!

Posted by chiraan in Diseases, Dosha, Jyotish, karma, sadhana. Tagged: Chanting, hari samsmaranam, naam japa, Prayaschitta, sankirtana. 10 Comments Krute papeanutapo vai yasya punsa prajayate | Prayashchittam tu tasyoktam harisamsmaranam param || We do many sins everyday . Every sin over a period of time becomes a prarabdha . Once it becomes prarabdha one pays for his sins and is subjugated to dukha . In Bhagavadgeeta , ARJUN asks on behalf of all of the troubled souls that : OH Lord , why is it that unwillingly one is forced to do the sins under some influence .Which is this force ? Geetacharya says : Primarily it is KAMA [desires] and as a result accompanies Krodha [ anger] etc . which drives people to sin . That means , humans primarily desire something , when it is not fulfilled or if the desired is under threat [ threat of extinction , loss or damage] , one gets emotions like , greed , anger ,jealousy etc and then one is inspired to sin .

These defects like anger lust greed etc are the byproducts of the rajoguna . These are presided by [ inspired by ] demons like KALNEMI etc . BUT LORD is the main inspiration . ie EVEN evil is under the control of LORD . Lord keeping these asuras [ demons] like kali kalnemi etc as the medium of inspiration ,activates the rajoguna in the persons according to their capacity ,qualities and karma and efforts , thereby arises lust anger and greed etc in the humans leading to sins . Though Lord is chief regulator of sins among the jeevas HE himself is not subjugated or influenced by these rajoguna /tamoguna . Thus these defects do not exist in HIM and yet he regulates these qualities and only to grace his devotees makes them sin . The demons like Kalnemi etc are secondary regulators of the sin by the inspiration of LORD . BUT these demons do get influenced by the rajo/tamo gunas and are chief perpetrators of the sins in other jeevas . As jeevas sin owing to these inspirations under the influence of KAlnemi etc , chief fruits of the [ greater fruits ] goes to these demons only and as jeeva is also part of the sin though forcibly participated [ owing to prarabdha ] he is also liable for dukha . We all are reaping the ill effects of the sins of previous births . So sins of this birth may not be instantly fruitful .But in coming births even these are going to trouble . Some sins like bramhahatya etc are forceful in execution and they take effects even in the present birth also . These overlap with existing prarabdha adding to the woes , Such sins ,when committed by the unwitting mind , causes fear of ill-effects . To avoid such ill effects and in order to save oneself from the clutches of aftereffects of such sins , the remedy given by the shastras is PRAYASCHITTA . [ PARIHARA] In bhagavat Parikshit Maharaj asks , what are sins , varieties of sins and its effects and various hells to reap such sins . How to get rid of such effects . In answer to these SHUKACHARYA presents the methodology of PRAYASCHITTA . HE says , just as a good doctor ,examines the disease and its extent in a human body and thereafter suggests a suitable treatment , similarly a sadhak [devotee] should examine the sins he had committed in his lifetime and take up appropriate prayaschitta according to the shastras . Usually when one speaks about Prayaschitta , one is given a list of homa havan japa tapa dana upavasa. Is prayaschitta really about only kriya like homa etc . These are infact only its angas they themselves are not prayaschitta . If it were so then performing such homa dana is akin to KUNJARSHOUCHA [ the bath of elephant ] . Thus commented PARIKSHIT . Srimadananda teertha has given excellent solution to such doubts . He tabulates prayashchitta as follows .

1. One who has done the sins should have definite remorse[pashchattapa] and should have sincere repentance towards the sins and inclination towards atonement of sins . 2. For Such remorse to occur [ paschattap ] correct information of sins should exist 3. .Chief part of the prayashchitta is HArisamsmaranam ie remembering lord with devotion . 4. Secondarily other aspects of homa havan dana should also be undertaken as a service to LORD remembering him during such acts as well . Here the word Hari smaranam is appended with the word Sam . This indicates that one must remember HARI with complete devotion [ auspiciously] . It should also accompany the contemplation on the quality of HARI ie one who destroys the sins . It is said that human however hard he tries cannot sin to the extent which cannot be destroyed by the chant of HARI . There is no sin in the universe which cannot be overcome by the chant of HARI . Lord should be meditated[ smaranam, remembrance ] as the one who mitigates sins . At the same time one must realize his magnanimity . He is bhaktavatsal -one who is very kind towards his devotees an forgives their sins ,however grave they may be . Tantra sara says one begets the fruits as per his meditation ie , as one thinks of LORD the bhava involved in such thoughts is what the results constitutes . [ if one thinks about LORD as kind and destroyer of sins , one gets the same result contrary thinking will result in otherwise ] . Rudra -Indra chandra all these devatas have done grave sins like Bramha hatya etc yet Lord has forgiven them and saved them from harmful effects and on the contrary blessed them with definite Moksha . These incidents are abundant in Shastra and Purana and prove the bHaktvaatsalya of LORD NARAYANA . Let us first understand different SINS . Vishnudharmottar purana gives a exhaustive list of sins . Why should we have info on sins , because If we need to atone the sins then we must have remorse[ pashchattap] , the paschattap primarily consists of acceptance of having done the sin and then a strong resolution that such sins will not be repeated . and then when prayaschitta is done one gets relief from the karma . BUT if we do not know at all what we are doing is sin then how can we feel remorse and atone for it ! Thus it is necessary to know that these are sins which we must not do . Such papa parichaya is known only through the shastras . Sins are MAHANMAHATTARPATAKA ,SUMAHATTARPATAKA ,SUMAHAPATAKA, MAHAPATAKA , PATAKAs , UPAPATAKAS and Papa and Kshudra papa , each lesser in the order THAN THE PREVIOUS SINS .

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Bramhahatya [ killing of bramhin ] surapaana [ dinking alcohol or drugs] Suvarnasteya [stealing gold ] Gurupatni gaman [ abusing wife of preceptors] Mahapataki sanyog [ association with these sinners ]

These are panchamahapataka ie grave sins [ usually unpardonable by the LORD and at the same time gives instantaneous downfall] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Inviting poor bramhin and not giving him alms , bringing obstructions to the living of bramhins , disrupting their livelihood . burning or destroying ashram , houses ,villages or towns [ blasts] stopping thirsty cows from going towards the pond or water bodies Without knowing the actual purport of vedas and shastras , demeaning them or insulting them 7. making fun of deaf dumb blind etc and stealing their articles 8. Calling teachers and preceptors by their first name or ekavachan ie tu etc 9. Disobedience towards elders and teachers and making a sound of HUM in resentment towards their words . 10. If anything is most precious to a weak person [ deen vyakti] just disturbing his possession . All these sins are equivalent to BRAMHAHATYA . Leaving asides vedas , foulmouthing vedas , giving false witness ,killing a friend , eating inedible foods All these are equivalent to SURAAPAAN [ alcohol and drug abuse] Usurping mortagaged article , illegal human trafficking , horse silver diamonds and land grabbing come under the pretext of SUVARNASTEYA [ stealing GOLD ] SEX with 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. brothers and sisters [ sayoni stree ] unmarried girls [ kumari ] outcaste woman [ antyaj stree ] Friends wife [ sakhyu] daughter in law [ putra vadhu]

All these are equivalent to GuRUPATNI SANGAM . These are unpardonable sins . Dharma viveka says 1. killing ants are Kshudra papa

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

killing animals having bones ,and stealing fruits grains etc are known as papa misbehaving with women is known as upapataka killing / atrocities on shudras is known as pataka Bramhahatya etc is known as mahapataka stealing Anything belonging to devatas ie temple properties are known as sumahapataka 7. insulting devatas [deities ] and sajjanas [ devotees] is known as sumahhatar pataka 8. Sins towards LORD KEshava is known as MAHANMAHATTAR PATAKA . What are sins done towards LORD ? Following contemplations are sins : 1. There is someone equivalent to KESHAVA 2. I am GOD 3. Bramha shiva shakti etc are all equivalent to VISHNU 4. There is no qualities in Keshava [ nirgunabramha] 5. ALL those who have attained MOKSHA become KESHAVA [ GOD] 6. There is no form to the GOD 7. Keshava has body just like us souls . [ trigunatmak deha] 8. Just like souls God too has birth death and old age . 9. Sometimes GOD undergoes misery and ignorance[ dukha agyana ] 10. Keshava is subservient to another GOD 11. Somebody is superior to KESHAVA . All these form disobedience towards LORD KRISHNA . Usually Gods qualities are known as SUR . Thinking about these qualities in ones own self is known as SURAAPAAN . This is mahapataka. We always keep saying , I DID I ATE MY HOUSE etc . all these statement shows our ignorance towards the fact that we are dependent on LORD and HE alone is independent and everything belongs to HIM . But saying it to be ours is akin to attributing his independent quality to ourselves ,thus it is suraapaan . Vishnu is known as BRAMHANA . Saying there is no GOD VISHNU is akin to BRAMHA HATYA .Lord is everywhere and HE sees us everywhere , yet we forget this and sin so we think HE[ BRAMHAN VISHNU ] is not there and we commit Bramhahatya on a daily basis . Thus we are all sinners . Thus we say aparaadh sahasraani kriyanteaharnisham maya| taani sarvani me dev kshamasva purushottam || Hey Purushottam , ! day and night I have been doing thousands of sins kindly forgive them all !!

WHen we ask with remorse we must remember HOW LORD has saved others from hienous crimes and its sins . BRAMHAHATYA : Bramhins are the carriers of Bramha vidya they are the custodians of the DHARMA. Killing such a bramhin or insulting him is known as Bramha hatya . This sin has been done on a largest scale BY SHIVA . BRAMHA is the presiding diety and chief among the BRAMHINS . SHIVA cuts down his fifth head . Ambhrani sukta says that even after such a grave crime SHIVA was exonerated by VISHNU and he did not suffer much on account of it and was forgiven . Bhrigu rishi kicked VISHNU who is all pervading bramha . Such a sin was also forgiven by the LORD and Bhrigu got the grace of LORD . Tvastra had the bramhin sons by name VISHWAROOPA and Vrutrasura , Indra killed them and BRAHAHATYA engulfed was mitigated by the LORD and DEVENDRA regained his place in the heavens . Sagar and his sons insulted LORD KAPIL the BRAMHIN , yet LORD brought the GANGA to earth to mitigate their sins and gave then MOKSHA . Parikshit insulted SHaMIK rishi in samadhi by enroping a snake . FOR This BRAMHAHATYA of PARIKSHIT LORD graced him with BHAGAVAT through SHUKACHARYA and Parikshit attained MOKSHA . SUVARNASTEYA : Goddess LAXMI is ever present in GOLD , so stealing GOLD is sin towards GODDESS . THis sin was committed for the first time by BALI . BALI once stole the KIRIT [ crown ] of LORD NARAYANA sleeping in the KSHEERASAGAR [ AMUKTA STHANA ] . GARUDA chased BALI and grabbed it . BUT GARUDA placed it on the HEAD of KRISHNA in DWAPARA YUGA while HE was in GOMANTAKA PARVAT . THIS CROWN fitted exactly the head of KRISHNA establishing that there is no differenece between LORD NARAYANA and KRISHNA . BALI INDIRECTLY BECAME THE INSTRUMENT FOR SUCH A EXHIBITION OF QUALITY OF NARAYANA . BALI infact got punya rather than sin for his acts , such is the magnanimity of LORD towards his devotees . Shatdahnva and Kritavarma alongwith these two Akrur participated in the filching of SYAMANTAK MANI . Akrur hid the mani in his clothes from Krishna . LORD forgave him and also allowed him to keep the ruby . SURAAPAAN :

Sons of KUBERA , Nalkubar and Manigreeva , after consuming alcohol , nakedly were sporting in ganga with many women .NARADA cursed them to be ARJUNa trees . Krishna mitigated their sins and curse by his touch . All yadavas drank mayreyak alcohol and in ensuing brawl killed themselves but their act resulted in the Krishna leaving for paramdham thus giving them more punya . GURUPATNIGAMAN: Moon chandra indulged with wife of his preceptor BRAHASPATI and had to suffer kushta [ leprosy] . BUT LORD saved him from hell BY TAKING BIRTH IN HIS LINEAGE OF CHANDRAVANSHA as KRISHNA . KRISHNA brought enormous fame to the Lineage of CHANDRA and therby as his forefather [ mane ] moon was exonerated . PATAKI SANYOG : When we befriend pataki sinner we share his sins . RAVAN KUMBAKARNA ,SHISHUPALA DANTAVAKTRA , HIRANYAKSHA HIRANYAKASHIPU , NALKUBAR manigreeva all these were residing in the same body alongwith the demons , JAY VIJAY , DHUNI CHAMU , SIMILARLY PUTANA had both URVASHI and TATAKI . Karna had SURYA and DAMBODHBHAV LORD KRISHNA SAVED ALL THESE good souls even when they were in pataki sanyog , KAnsa minister AKRUR or his sairandhri TRIVAKRA everyone were freed from sins by LORD KRISHNA . THUS when MAHAPATAKAS can be forgiven by LORD KRISHNA by bringing pashchattap among the devotees and through Prayashchitta , then small PATAKAS or UPAPATAKAS wil also be destroyed by LORD . HE forgave 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SHringi for giving curse to a sane KING PARIKSHIT KALIYA snake for biting him in YAMUNA AJAMILA BRAMHIN for veshya gaman GANDHARI for cursing KRISHNA to exterminate yadava lineage KING SATRAJIT for false allegation of SYAMANTAKMANI apahaar .

Thus LORD forgives when devotee does prayaschitta through his samsmaranam by meditating all these events of HARI and paschattap and homa japa dana etc . . Krichcha is the best form of PRAYASCHITTA . ALL such prayaschitta should start from dwadashi tithi. Krishnarpanamastu .

16 May

Anusandhaan- Ten Contemplations !!!!

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Astrology and purana, Jyotish. 9 Comments HARE RAAM HARE RAAM RAAM RAAM HARE HARE | HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE || THE ABOVE MANTRA consists of 16 Hari naam sankirtana . The names of the Lord is repeated 16 times . 8 times the name HARI , four times RAAM and Four times KRISHNA . Mere mechanical chanting of this mantra does not give any result but result will be more pronounced and multitude if chanted with contemplation of its meaning . It conveys 6 rupas of the LORD and four qualities . The four qualities which HUMANS must know before death without doubt , if they have to reach VAIKUNTHA . However we may ask when there are only three names in this mantra [ HARI RAAM KRISHNA ] how this corresponds to various contemplations of qualities of the lord . For this we need to know what HARI means . Hari means LION [ simha] in sanskrit . hence Narsimha rupa of Lord is also known as NARAHARI . Is LORD known as HARI just because he happens to have a head of LION ? NO !!! Atishayen harati pariharati bhaktaanam bhayam duritam cheti HARI: Lord takes away [destroys] fears and ill effects [ undesired or untowards events that are to come ] of the devotees . This he does in abundance ,limitlessly . So devotees are saved by HIM and he takes away their fear and avoids mishaps and dangers . This anusandhaana [ contemplation ] is necessary when chanting Hari . Again when we chant HARI ,we must remember that LORD who has rescued GAJENDRA in TAPAS manvantara from a crocodile . This LORD known by the name TAPAS is also known as HARI and saves GAJENDRA elephant and relieves from the curse of DEVAL and AGASTYA and gives MOKSHA. This Lord has been called upon as HARI in bhagavat by the Gajendra . Thus second contemplation is DUSHTA shaktinaam akramanam pariharati means for all devotees Lord saves from the attack of evil . Such attacks bring about hurdles in the sadhana of the Devotee and HARI saves us from that . RAAM gives us contemplation of DASHARATHI RAAM and JAMDAGNI RAAM Parshuraam . Dasharathi RAAM , son of Dashrath , as Madhvacharya praises is the one who has the quality of swabhakta santaap harta RAAM kills all the evil rakshasas and thus saves

devtas [ his devotees ] from the santaap ie miseries attrocities etc and all along gives happiness to them . For us HE removes TAAPTRAYA and saves us from miseries of the world and gives happiness . EVil Kshatriyas were killed by PARSURAAM and thereby destroyed their egoes . Similarly RAAM name destroy our egoes and help us in advancing our sadhana . ALso Lord RAAM [ Parsuraam] resides in the AGNI [ agnyantargata PASURAAM] This AGNI is ever present in our mouth enabling us to speak and chant . Let LORD RAAM enable us to chant his mantras with contemplation .We must remember this while chnating RAAM a second time . KRISHNA name reminds us of YASHODA Krsihna and Vaashistha KRISHNA . As YADAV Krishna HE is most Attractive and cleanses the Kali KALUSHYA [POLLUTION of KALI ] by killing all the RAKSHASAs and masterminding MAHABHARATA . Vashishtha KRISHNA [ VEDVYASA ] cleanses the pollution of KALI by giving us the right kowledge through Puranas and MAHABHARATA etc granthas , BOTH have done the karshana of KALI hence are Known as KRISHNA . We must thus remember these rupas along with their qualities while chanting , These Six qualities apart ALL the humans aspiring moksha must necessarily know Four important qualities of the LORD . They are : Sat, chit, ananda, atma [ sacchidanand atma] 1. 2. 3. 4. Nirdushtatva Gyanrupatva Anandarupatva Swamitva

These qualities should ever be meditated upon by all the humans at all times they must do the upasana of these gunas of LORD in order to get MOKSHA . Thus says Bramha tarka a treatise on Upasana . When contemplating Narsimha removing fears and dangers and TAPAS saving from Evil we must also contemplate upon the Nirdushtatva that means as LORD saves from fear , dangers and enemies , HE himself does not have such aspects as fears or dangers or enemies . LORD cannot be subjugated to defects like fear , Lord does not fear , nothing endangers him or no enemies ever can trouble HIM and thus HE is capable of removing our defects of fears dangers and enemies . While chanting Krishna [ Vedvyasa ] contemplate on Gyanrupatva . Lord is all knowing and his body is made up of KNOWLEDGE . He is the one who has brought entire philosophical literature to the light and thus he is GYANSWARUPA , While chanting RAAM [ dasharathi RAAM ] one must also contemplate on the ANANDA guna of the LORD . Lord RAMA is embodiment of happiness .

anandaparipurna and thus gives complete happiness to the devotees , He does not have any unhappiness [ his lamenting for SEETA is thus not real ,SEETA LAXMI DEVI always resides in the heart of NARAYANA as SRIVATSA mole . she never separates from the LORD NITYAAVIYOGI , as RAAM is no different from NARAYANA SEETA always resides in HIM there is never a separation ] EXcept for 700 years of absence of SEETA alonside RAAM in RAMAYANA RAAM has lived Happily for rest 11000 years , so says SKANDA purana . Thus RAAM name should also give anusandhana of ANANDAguna paripurna . Swamitva this quality of LORDSHIP over everyone is clearly exhibited in PARSURAAM and GOPALKRISHNA avataraas . Crores of RAKSHAS could not vanquish Krishna and he established HIS Supremacy 21 times as PARSURAMA and KRISNA as well . Thus HE is SARVA SWAMY , SUPREME. Thus Hare RAAM mantra should give anusandhana of six rupas ie NARSIMHA TAPAS RAAM PARSURAAM KRISHNA AND VEDVYASA alongwith their mahimas and leelas . Also it should give anusandhana of quaities of defectlessnes , allknowing , everhappy and Supremacy . MAY ALL BE BLESSED BY SUCH ANUSANDHANA ||| krishnarpanamastu . 3 May

Apatthrakshana- Mitigation of evil!

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 6 Comments The planet in third to any house is known as vedhak . But when a malefic is in third it mitigates the evil , ie it acts as vedhaka to the evil itself . LORD NARAYANA is complete omnipotent and without any defects . This knowledge should be steadfast . With such a knowledge in mind, the kind of Love that emanates for LORD is known as DEVOTION [BHAKTI] One must have immense devotion to the Lord . We all love our family members [ father mother brothers wife children ]. But Love towards Lord must exceed the love towards Family members infinitely . It should increase manifolds day by day . EVEN when 1000s of obstacles or difficulties arise , devotion should not fade or decrease . Our GURU Shri RAGHAVENDRA Swamiji has shown us this path of devotion, in his previous birth as PRAHALAD . Prahlad had intense devotion towards Vishnu , more than the Love he had towards his family [ father Hiranyakashipu] EVEN under severe stress from own Father , He did not budge to any difficulties and torture . ON the contrary he conevrted all the Daitya balakas [ demons ] into Vishnubhakthas .

Hiranyakashipu determined to put an end to his school of VISHNU devotion himself perished . Let shri RAghavendra s blessings be always with us in this path of devotion . Pandavas were in EXILE . Usual understanding or picturisation of this state of PAndavas by Popular serials or books is such that The five brothers and their wife were leading a lonely life in mid of jungle going about their daily course of life wandering through forests with fatigue and aimlessness . This is not so ! when Pandavas went to exile ,crores of Munis and sanyasis and rishis followed them . In the forest when it was difficult to get food for the self , YUDHISTHIR had additional burden of looking after crores of family of rishis . SO Pandavas worshipped NARAYANA as present in SURYA [ surya antagat NARAYANA ] and were blessed with AKSHAYAPATRA . In the forests , at the break of the dawn , whatever possible was collected from the forests for preparation of food . Then after finishing ahnik and food cooked was offered to LORD as naivedya and after vaishvadeva and baliharana , The same was put in the Akshayapatra and was served to all the people. Once Pandavas ate after everyone was fed , DRaupadi Devi took whatever left and then the day was closed after the utensil was washed . After the meals nothing would be left for the day . The next days meal would be collected again . Duryodhan jealous of such a huge following to YUDHISTHIR and his lifestye , bit his teeth everyday and waited for a moment to humiilate Pandavas. Just then DURVASA MUNI came by with his 20000 sanyasi followers . DURYODHAN showed extreme devotion [ dhambhik bhakti] . And impressed with Suyodhan, Durvasa asked him to seek boons . Duryodhan asked that DUrvasa must visit Pandavas only after they had finished their meals . His intention was after the Akshayapatra has been washed , there would be nothing in the camp . But DUrvasa if not given proper food and welcome , he would definitely curse them and that would trouble Pandavas . Durvasa though aware of his intentions goes to PAndavas as his boon would not go waste . He informs Yudhisthir that he would like to take meals and would be back from the river after ahnika . Yudhisthir calls draupadi to cook something, but nothing is there in the camp . Looking at the miserable position Draupadi meditates on Krishna . Krishna appears at her request and asks for something to eat . Draupadi tells Lord that nothing is available and worships HIM to save from the anger and curse of Durvasa . Krishna insists to bring Akshayapatra and there a leaf of the vegetable [greens] still remains in the patra . Krishna takes this offerings from PAndavas and says HE is satisfied with it . HIS satisfaction leads to completeness and fullness of stomach to DURVASA and his team of 20000 followers . when stomach is full to the brim , one cannot eat even a morsel . HAVING instructed PANDAVAS to cook and not even eating a morsel would invite ire of BHEEMSENA and more so if they come to know of the EVIL designs of the

DURYODHAN and DURVASA being party to it . DURVASA and others choose to flee the river and forests without attending to the INIVITE . YUDHISTHIR after finding prolonged delay in appearance of rishis from riverside , asked BHEEM to search for them . AS BHEEM did not find DURVASA muni ,. PANDAVAS were relieved at the evil mitigated . NOTES : 1. Worshipping SURYA antaragata NARAYANA helps to attain means of feeding family and dependents . 2. Poverty and helplessness is always a part of life . one must not fear them . 3. EVEN Greats face such helplessness on a given day , owing to absence of material wealth . 4. EVEN in difficulties brave[ YUDHISTHIR] do not shy away from supporting the people who believe in Him, abide by him and show dependency on him . 5. If you have faith in LORD and good education and capacity supporting many is never a problem even under odds . 6. WHen in diffciulty never leave faith in LORD . 7. Remember LORD and look for his HELP , and HE definitely responds. 8. EVEN a small offering to LORD with devotion gives infinite results . 9. Phalam pushpam patram toyam , whatever is given to him with devotion he accepts it and saves his devotees . HE grades devotees only on the basis of DEVOTION and not by quantity of naivaidya and offerings . 10. Devotees never face evil all evil gets mitigated even before it strikes . What was the necessity for LORD to look for a leaf ? He could have averted the mishap of DURVASA without such inspection ! The answer lies in the verse patram pushpam phalam toyam ye me bhaktya prayachchati | tadaham bhaktyuphrutmashnami prayatatmanaha| Bhakta whatever he gives I shall accept and keep the offer and make it remain always in my service . Such an act of GOD is also adhered to by our Guru Raghavendra swamy . Once many years ago a money order came to MANTRALAYAM from a devotee from Vijayawada . The money was of RS 15 /- and a note said that I had a dream the previous night to donate Rs 15/- for the repair work of the pooja samagri[ material used for pooja ] I do not know which material , kindly look into the matter and accept my offering to RAghavendra swamiji .

The manager was astonished at this request and reported to current[ then ] swamiji . On inspection they found that a bell[ GHANTA] used for SHriRAMAs Pooja was broken and was duly replaced by a new one . But the old one was not repaired and was relegated to the old stock . Immediately a goldsmith was summoned to know about the repairs and he after inspection announced it would cost RS 15/- for the repair . This surprised everyone .what was necessary to learn from this event was , 1. why RAGHAVENDRA swamiji who is in brindavan[ samadhi] required to repair the bell and not be happy with replacements 2. why should the payment be made through a unknown face in Vijayawada 3. the same payment could have been made by MUTT itself 4. perhaps a new one better one could have been purchased or created . The answer lies in the fact that one who might have donated this bell should have done so with immense devotion and faith and love . Lord wants this to be used forever in his pooja . So that devotee gets the punya of serving the LORD even in his absence and in coming era . The punya of continuing this effort was granted to Vijayawada devotee . It was also a warning[ to management] to correct the procedures of handling the goods offered by devotees , however small they may be and insignificant they may be !!!!!!!! . As Krishna says . |||| tadaham bhaktyuphrutmashnami prayatatmanaha |||| Krishnarpanamastu 22 Apr

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. Tagged: Madhvacharya, Vishnu supreme. 15 Comments The planet in upasana sthana if it is sun or mercury than one will be adhere to vaishnav sampradaya . The asscociation of twelfth lord or sixth from amatyakaraka or amatyakaraka or jupiter with sun and mercury makes one a vishnu bhakta , 1. Vishnu bhakta has taken birth in our family ,he will relieve us from hell saying thus rejoice the pitrus[manes] and clap in ecstacy and grandfather dances . 2. It is better to live for only five days as vishnu bhakta than living for a 1000 kalpa without devotion to keshava . [ without devotion many births do occur and death after death only unhappiness is encountered , but just a few days of bhakti towards Narayana will guarantee the path to salvation . 3. A human birth is waste a burden onto earth and enemy to food if it does not worship vishnu , by chanting his name ,meditation .

4. A birth as a bramhin if not as vaishnav one also should not be abhored but a Vaishnav outcaste is [ vishnu bhakta outcaste] cleanses the three world better . 5. Yama says do not bring to me those people after death in whose house a vishnu bhakata has taken food , do not bring to me those who have friendship with Vishnu bhakta because these peoples sins are destroyed by the association of vishnu devotee . 6. All the servants of devotee of Vishnu and all the bramhins who have been fed by Vishnu bhakta get sadgati relieved off their sansarik dukha [ miseries of the mortal world] 7. All the intelligent beings should seek with with efforts the food from a vishnu bhaktas house .this will destroy all the sins and give honour in Vishnu loka . 8. Sinners with an aim to obsolution should go to the house of a vishnu bhakta and beg for the food [ naivedya of Hari] . If not food atleast water asked for will also relieve from terrible sins . 9. All the sins get obsolved if the food offered to Narayana is partaken . 10. Those Vaishnavas who chant the mantras [ narayanshtakshar and dwadashakshar mantras] after bathing as per vedas , and after duly completing anganyasa , karnyasa and rushichand devta and yantra namaskar , those mantras obtained form propoer guru , entitle him to be known as one with Vaishnav deeksha and vaishnav shreshtha . A look at the face of such people by those who are vishnu bhaktas [ ordinary] themselves get relieved off sins[ like bramha hatya etc] and go to MOKSHA . 11. One who forgets the gratitude , one who kills the cow , one who seeks reason among the words of VEDA , one who has committed all the patakas get their sins desolved and become pure after coming into contact with GOPICHANDAN . 12. One risen from the mud from the land of gopi and gopikas , that gopichandan if it is donated to a bramhin will relieve the sins of seven generations of forefathers [ dead manes] the donation can be as small as a piece of gopichandan of the size of mustard . 13. Donation of grains or even a drop of water should not be made to those who are not Vishnu bhaktas . Donations should be made only to those bramhins who wear the marks of Shankhu and chakra and only then such donations bring happiness to devatas and pitrus . 14. Veda VYASA says , tadvishnu: paramam padam with this veda mantra a bramhin should annoint chakra on his right shoulder and shankha on the left . 15. Yagnyopavit bramhin should tie his shikha and wear the mudra of shankha nd chakra ,so says shruti [vedas] as pavitram te vitatam 16. Rudra [ shiva says ] those who have devotion to Narayana should always annoint themselves with chakra shankha and gada padma and narayana mudras of ayudhas . These panchayudhas must be annointed with gopichandana . 17. Gada mudra on the forehead , dhanurbana on the head ,. padma on the chest , shankh chakra on the shoulders should be worn . 18. Those who have seen GOD should also perform karma without aspiring the fruits as laid down by shastras [ vedas]

19. Those who know past present and future [ trikalgyani] or those who have capacity to alter the events of three worlds should also perform karma as per the time and destiny as prescribed in vedas . 20. One who performs the karma as per his capacity [ yogyata] and astikya bhavna coupled with guyana [ knowledge ] that gives infinite fruits . 21. Humans should aspire to live for 100 years as one performs the karma ordained for him .Thus there will be no karma lepa even of sins . But if there is no performance fo karma [ as ordained ] then sins engulf . 22. What is ordained in VEDA is dharma anything against VEDA is adharma . So also that which gives happiness to sajjanas and that is agreeable to their hearts is DHARMA . Explanation : here acharya says acharshchaiva sadhunaam .. 1. what is given in vedas as vihit karma is dharma 2. anything that is avihit is adharma 3. but if greats have done something that is against the seemingly vihit dharma then it os acharshchiva sadhunaam .. whatever the greats have done is dharma only , just as pandavas marrying Draupadi . . 4. thus when pramanas seem to be doubtful and acharana different in such scenario also resort to acharshchaiva sadhunaaam .. how our learned elders and forefather have done that itself stands good as dharma .even if it seemingly is against dharma traditions hlds good . When? 5. When sadhunaam atmatah tushtirev cha that is when such acts brings happiness to the learned elders and sajjanas and is agreeable to their hearts , then such acts [ traditional if then it is dharma ] if not traditional and against normal dharma even then if it brings happiness to sajjanas [ leared in shastras] and if it is in agreement witheir hearts then even if its adharma it can be stated as dharma only. 6. In such scenarios one must act as per the atma sakshi of sajjanas and elders. 1. Karma is of two types nivrutta and pravrutta karma .the karma which gives Moksh is nivrutta . Its features are explained thus . 2. Without aspiring for the fruits , with [ parmatma gyan ] knowledge of appeasing Lord if a karma is done then it is called nivrutta karma .such karma will lead to anadi nitya gunapoorna Parmatma HARI . 1. NAHAM KARTA HARI KARTA TATPOOJA KARMA CHAKHILAM Lord is supreme and independent HE alone in me [ different from me] gets all the work done and let this work be as a worship to him . With such conviction if one does his karma without aspiring for the fruits , such a karma is nivrutta karma . This karma takes a bhakta closer to the LORD forever . 2. Pravrutta karma should rejected or not adhered to . 3. Vedas have proclaimed VAYU as supreme among devatas in Baliththa SUKTA , That bAliththa sukta words say three avataras of VAYU [ one who takes the

bhakta nearer to HARI through sadhana as per his capacity in all his three avataras as well] such VAYU in first avatara of HANUMAN who is complete in knowledge and strength as equal in avataras as moolrupa VAYU , 1. that HANUMAN took the words of RAMA nearer to SEETA and also he taught the moolramayana to other students taking them nearer to RAMA and laid the path of MOKSHA among the satvik jeevas . 2. Second one Bheemasena destroyed entire Kaurava army and established the greatness of KRISHNA , thus teaching the real essence of writings of VYASA . 3. Madhvacharya , to grace the devotees with the knowledge of HARI has written this grantha to be offered to HARI as worship . Let this work fulfill all the wishes and desires of the devotees . Baliththa sukta [ a vedic sukta ] extolls MADHVACHARYA as the third incarnation of VAYU and acharya himslef proclaims that he is avatara of VAYU incarnated to establish the supremacy of VISHNU . Krishnarpanamastu 21 Apr

Kavita Kaushalyam Of Madhvacharya !

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 1 Comment Venus in fifth from karkamsha gives one poetic skills Madhvacharya was an extraordinary poet . His work namely YAMAK BHARAT is an excellent example of his skills in expounding the qualities of HARI . YAMAK means repeated usage of a letter . In every shloka /stanza of Yamak bharat , entire mahabharata is told with use of repetitive letters. One such stanza is of excellent composition . It contains only letter Bha repeated 32 times . This shloka BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA BHA The meaning as given by NARHARITEERTHA is as follows . First letter Bh is addressing letter . 1. Bh he bh deeptau that is one with immense lustre

2. subsequent letters become ABH one who is residing with brightness in anantasan ,shwetadweepa and vaikuntha also inside the jeevas and also outside the bramhanda . 3. Abh sarvagnya All knowing 4. Abh one who is supporting entire Bhumi upto Adhaar shakti 5. Abh- one who is supporting entire upper bhumi upto prakruti 6. Abh- unlimited in space and time 7. Abh one who is dear to Bramha the devotee 8. Abh one who can grant moksha and unlimited aishwarya 9. Abh- one who grants rajo guna to jeevas to do karma 10. Abh one who accepts only satvik jeevas 11. Abh- one who is nearer always to sajjana jeevas 12. Abh one who is served by devatas 13. Abh- one who graces the sajjanas 14. Abh- one who grants moksha to even ordinary bhaktas 15. Abh one who resides as ATMa and antaratma in everybodies heart 16. Abh one who is saluted by sajjanas in preference to every material pleasures . 17. Abh leaving atma and atmi bhava and prayed by Sajjanas 18. Abh one who is superior to Muktas [ already liberated] 19. Abh One who is independent than Mukta and AMUKTA devatas 20. Abh being independent thus HE is complete in happiness 21. Abh Known only by Vedas at all times 22. Abh Worshipped by ALL 23. Abh- one who grants knowledge and pooja materials in plenty to all who wants to worship 24. Abh- one who destroys those who bring obstacles to pooja 25. Abh- Master to all 26. Abh- one who remains a master at all times [ unlike some who profess equality to GOD in Moksha, he reamains a master to liberated souls as well] 27. Abh- One who is supremely extolled by vedas 28. Abh- one who deludes the minds of evil 29. Abh one who moves about in everyones heart 30. Abh- one who slays the daityas who think there is none other than AHAM . 31. Abh- Meditated by Bramha and others as Supreme 32. ABHA Oh the one with infinite beauty .In the last Abh + A the last A is to indicate infinity . [ bhatiiti = Bha: sambaddhau vishishta] Krishnarpanamastu 19 Apr

Story of Karna as told by NARADA

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 15 Comments Shanti Parva Mahabharata

Yudhisthir Asks NARAD muni How did Karna get curses ? Narad muni says , this is Dev Rahasya but yet I would tell you . To decrease the Kshatriya population Sun got a brilliant son from Kunti . He was named KARNA . Karna learnt dhanurved from Acharya DRONA in hastinapur . But since childhood he was jealous of strength of BHEEM , astra vidya of ARJUN , Your intelligence and Nakul sahadevs vinay .He was also weary of freindship between Krishna and ARJUN . Seeing extreme support to Yudhisthir in the praja , he made friendship with Duryodhan during childhood . After inspecting extreme brilliance of Arjun in dhanurvidya , he asked Acharya Drona in solitude that I want to learn Bramhastra its prayog and samhar . Acharya Drona said , this vidya is only reserved for BRAMHINS and KSHATRIYAS WELL ESTABLISHED IN BRAMHACHARYA AND VEDAS . Acharya SAID THIS taking into consideration Karnas proximity to Duryodhan and rivalry with Arjun . After knowing this Karna went away from the place . He reached MAHENDRA PARVAT . There he met Lord Parshuraam and introduced himself as Bramhin from Bhargav gotra . Karna was practising astra vidya on mahendra parvat , one day he mistakenly killed a cow while practising . He was cursed by the Bramhin saying his wheel will be stuck in the ground and he will slain . Even after promising to give many cows , gold and land Bramhin could not be pacified . He did not take his curse back . Dejected Karna went to his preceptor and served him with devotion and bramhacharya . Parshuram happy with his service taught him Bramhastra , its use and reversal . One day when Lord Parshuram was tired chose to rest in the lap of KARNA . There by a insect which feeds on flesh and blood , bit through karnas thighs and a pool of blood disturbed the sleep of LORD Parshuraam . Parshuram cast his eyes on the insect immediately it turned into a Rakshasa , Lord asked who he was , he said he was A daitya from Satyayuga by name DANSH . One day he had tried to abduct the wife of BHRIGU muni . Rishi gave him curse to become an insect . On repeated lament and request Bhrigu said he would be relieved once eys are set on him by one of his progeny in his lineage . Parshuraam is of Bhargav gotra in the lineage of Bhrigu . Thus I am relieved of curse . Looking at Karna Parshuram said , such a terrible pain could not be sustained by a bramhin , you seem to have kshatriya qualities , Karna fearing a terrible curse , immediately fell on the feet of Parshuram and said , I am from the caste SUTA and in greed of Bramhastra I lied to you . But as teacher is akin to a father , I introduced myself as the Bhargav gotra as you are from the lineage of Bhrigu and my Father . Looking at the shivering KARNA Parshuraam smilingly addresed , fool , owing to the greed of astra you have cheated me , hence you will forget the astras and face defeat

whenever you will fight with a sense of competition [ or whenever you fight a warrior you feel worthy to be vanquished] There is no place in this ashram for liars and greedy . But I also bless you with a bow and chariot as long as you are fighting without the spirit of competition sitting in this chariot you will not be vanquished . After saluting Parshuraam Karna returned to the Hastinapur and declared to Duryodhan that I have learnt Bramhastra!!!!!! Notes : 1. Initial dhanurvidya was taught to Karna by DRONA himslef , he was denied astras . 2. Karna could win battles with others [ other than ARJUN BHEEM etc ] only because of Parshuraams boons , not by self strength or proficiency . 3. Curses to karna were owing to his own misdeeds . He was not victim of circumstances . Gohatya cannot be a victimisation , lying to lord cannot be a circumstantial . 4. Greed was predominant in karna 5. jealousy was main factor in zeal for astras . Karna did not want to acquire astras for a just ruling or dharma yudha , he wanted them to excel Arjun . With or without astra karna had terrible ill feelings towards ARJUN , krishnarpanamastu 3 Apr

Shadgunyam- The essentials of WAR

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis. Tagged: aasan, dwaidhibhav, sandhi, sanshrya, War, yaan. 4 Comments Lord Ram advises Laxman thus : A king must always look out for the strength and weakness of the twelve types of Kingdom around him known as mandala.

Once own Kingdoms friends The kingdoms enemy . The friend of a friend is also a friend The friend of an enemy is enemy The enemy of Friend is Enemy The enemy of enemy is Friend

This is ardha mandal based on self . Similar other six crop up when you consider

The vijigeesh the nation in question the Parshnigrah the kingdom by the border. Akrand the enemy of Parshnigraha . The Friend of the Akrand is asaar . The kingdom in between the self and Enemy is madhyam The kingdoms beyond the mandal is Udaseen Sandhi Vigraha Yaan Aasan Dwaidhibhav Sanshraya

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

these are the six qualities necessary for a King [ Shaadgunya] When there is prospect of a war with a stronger one its always better to make sandhi . Total sixteen varieties of sanshi exist 1. kapal 2. upahar 3. santaan 4. sangat 5. upanyasa 6. pratikaar 7. sanyog 8. purushantar 9. adrashtanar 10. aadishta 11. aatma 12. upagraha 13. parikrama 14. chinna 15. pardushana 16. skandhopaneya But Broadly Sandhi is four types 1. 2. 3. 4. paraspar upakaar maitra sambandha upahara

One must not make Sandhi when opponents involve child ,old ,sick, shunned by relatives , timid , one who inspires timidity ,greedy, ingreeded , dispassionate , fiend , unstable mind ,one who insults dev and bramhana , unfortunate , non believer of

destiny ,affected by famine , misuses power,one who has not travelled out , always surrounded by enemy , flowing against the time , and one who has left dharma and Truth . These twenty people should always be opposed and fought without striking truceSandhi . Mutually harming each other will create animosity -Vigraha . One who is equipped with the strength and knowledge of time and space . one who aspires his progress , and one who is troubled by others can make vigraha in this world . Kingdom , women , place, country , stealing of data and force , pride , honour , terrorising , destruction of knowledge , dharma and selfrespect ; fortune , insult to a friend , destruction of relatives , cruelty towards animals , polution of geo political allignment , adamancy of superpower are the root causes of war . Animosity are of five types ; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Natural animosity [ evil vs Good] Material territorial dispute owing to speech owing to women owing to crime

These should be pacified appropriately through intelligent solutions .

When only little benefit arises out of dispute or no result arises post dispute , or presently dispute may give rise to adverse results , may also be futile in future or adverse in both future and present , or dispute is generated by unknown enemies , if dispute is for others if dispute is for the sake of a women during misfortunes if for friendship but showing no immediate results no hopes of benefic results in future long lasting dispute [possibility] against bramhins

In all above forms vigraha should be given up . King should do only those karma which is beneficial in present as well as future . When army is strong well fed , and friends , akrand and asaar are all in favorable positions towards the King and enemy army is in opposite state only then Vigraha should be made . Yaan is the advent of army , It is of five types

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Vigrahya sandhaay prasangatah upekshay nipunair

When owing to mutual destruction shatru and vizigishu both stop fighting then they are known to be in the state of AASAN . AASAN is also of five types aka YAAN . Taking aposition in between the two armies in aasan is Dwaidhibhav , Such a king should arrive with louder announcement with a kee eye on the both the opponents like a crow . If at the instant both the armies break out into war again then one must join the stronger of the two . If both do not allow to join then one must join the enemy of the two and make hi more stronger , If one gets into enemity with a stronger man and is hit badly and owing to circumstances cannot retaliate , then one must take shelter [ sanshraya] of the well bred , fortunate , dynamic strong king . At the instant , one must exhibit , extreme loyalty , obedience and gratitude towards the protector .

Aries leo , scorpio , capricorn , aquarius , if one of these occupy lagna and moon also is in other one of them then there will be disastrous war . if moon and sun occupy own rashis then there will be sandhi if malefics are in 3 ,5 ,6 12 then there will be yaan of the shatru sena . if malefic is in fourth house from lagna then satru sena will not come ie no YAANA . if moon and Sun are in each others houses then there will be aasan among the two armies owing to mutual destruction and heavy casualties. if lagna and tenth and fourth house are heavily afflicted in yuddha prashna then the king will lose his kingdom and take shelter else where . On the contrary if benefics are in tenth house then the King will win and gain wealth in the war .

Krishnarpanamastu The above excerpt is from Agni puraana 26 Feb

Bhukti vichar:
Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 6 Comments

MARS in 3rd one likes hot things. Jupiter in 3rd one likes satvik foods. Venus in 2nd one chews pan. Saturn in 2nd one speaks rudely. Kethu or jupiter clever speech. Sun and mars harsh speech moon talkative. Mercury logically rahu humbly venus in 2nd consumes milk. Madhvacharya once consumed 1000s of bananas and pots of milk after a heavy meals without discomfort. This has been blogged from mobile . Krishnarpana 15 Feb

Kalatra Kamuk taranga

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 2 Comments 1. Person will have only one marriage if seventh lord is with venus with no malefic combinations . 2. One will have more than one marriage if : 1. lord of seventh is with malefics and malefics are in 2nd and seventh 2. if venus occupies 11th or is debilitated 3. if 7th lord is in 6th or 12th 4. if malefics are in ascendant 3. if saturn mars and venus are weak and 2nd 7th or 8th 4th and 12th . 4. Mars in 8th 5. jupiter in second will give second wife late in life 6. rahu in seventh and saturn in second will give two marraiges 7. if 2nd lord in 2nd seventh or venus in 7th with benefics or aspect of benefics give as many wives as benefics . If malefic joins only one wife lives at a time . 8. Venus in seventh with saturn will give one wife and husband remains attached to her .

9. Mercury in seventh will give addiction to other woman ,jupiter in seventh will make a wife deeply attached to the husband 10. lords of 7th 2nd and 10th in 4th will make one addicted to other woman . 11. Person will be skillful if RAHU IS IN SEVENTH and ketu in seventh will wife very cunning , It is very difficult to resist a woman thus dharma prohibits ekasan with any woman be it mother sisiter or any one other than wife . Thus with mere will power one cannot desist from the charms of a woman . Thus One resorts to vrata to keep himself susheel . Thus SriRAM took Ek patnivrata . And woman keep pativrata . We eat anything everyday . But on a fast we do not our self conscious pious mind desists . Thus vrata helps in fasting which is never found everyday . Thus if one has to keep away from other woman/man has to keep vrata . But coming back to God , there is no difference between SrIRAMA and SRIKRISHNA . Then their Vrata should also remain same in both avataras ? As there is no difference between RAMA and Krishna so are both rejoice only in Laxmi . Both satyabhama and Rukmini are Laxmi rupas . Shanmahishi are souls entitled to Vishnu sanga .But here again Krishna mates only when there is Laxmi sannidhi . All the 16100 wives were rishi putra incarnation of sons of Agni . Thus Lord never mates anyone without Laxmi . His only consort hence remains Laxmi only and he is Ekpatni vrata . Krishnarpanamastu . 27 Jan

Varna Vyavastha Caste system

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 20 Comments

When kaltrakaraka is in swa uchhca and mitra navamsa one will get wife from the same or higher caste as per the relative strength of the lagna lord . When kalatrakaraka is in shatru neech navamsa aspected and associated with malefics ,one will marry woman from lower caste .the status of the woman and its family in the social strata will be known by the strength of the karaka .

Seventh lord , seventh navamsa and venus and dara karaka whoever is stronger becomes kalatrakaraka .

There are chiefly four castes viz : 1. Bramhin 2. Kshatriya 3. Vaishya 4. Shudra In the beginning of the creation only Vedic way of life was prevalent everywhere in the world . Slowly due to intermixing of these catses other cultures sprangup and as these mixed children were given different lands to stay . They were also handed down different code of conduct as per their capacity which over the centuries developed into a different races . When the four castes intermix they give rise to 16 castes .They are as follows . Off these when a man of higher catse marries the girl of immediate succeeding caste the children born belong to the caste of Father . When the difference exceeds two castes then the sanskaar is of motherss side. For example Bramhin marrying kshatriya the son born is MOORDHAVASTIKA lives like a bramhin only . So also Kshatriya marrrying Vaishya lives like kshatriya . Bramhin marrying girl of 1. vaishya son born is Ambashtha 2. shudra son is knowm as Nishaad [ parashava] Bramhin girl marrying boy of 1. kshatriya son born is Suta 2. Vaishya son born is Vaidehik 3. Shudra son born is Chandaal Kshatriya boy marrying girl of : 1. shudra son born is known as Ugra kshatriya girl marrying boy of 1. vaishya son born is Magadh

2. shudra son born is Kshatra Vaishya girl marrying a shudra boy 1. son born is ayogada . All the sons born in intercaste marriages where mother is higher than fathers caste and where mother is not a shudra woman are known as Apsada and are eligibe for Veda . And get the upanayana sanskara as per the mothers caste . Apsadas can recite mantras without the omkara . 16 castes formed from the intermixing of four castes further when they intermix with the four primary castes , 64 castes arise . All the sons born to woman of vedhadhikara can have upanayana samskara . Nishaad caste resides with the mother , so Nishaad marrrying shudra woman gives rise to PUKKAS and Shudra marrying Nishaad gives KUKKUTAKA Kshatra with Ugra girl begets a SHWAPAAK [ one who eats dog's flesh] Vaidehik with Ambashtha begets a VEN When Primary caste of Bramhin Kshatriya and Vaishya leave their sanskaara they become VRATYA .It is generally seen such Vratya only marries the mix castes brought up generally in the womans house of intermixed family . So Bramhin Vratya gives rise to sons from mixed castes as 1. Bhurjakantaka [ Bramhin +Prostitute] 2. Avantya [Bramhin + Magadh] 3. Vaatdhaan [ Bramhin + Kshatra] 4. Pushpadha [ Bramhin +Ayogada] 5. Shaikh [ bedouin] [ Bramhin + Chandaal] A Kshatriya vratya gives sons as follows in apasadas 1. Ghulla 2. Malla 3. Nicchiva 4. Nata

5. Karan 6. Khasa 7. Dravida A Vaishya Vratya begets sons in apasadas as follows 1. sudhanva 2. Kaarush 3. Vijanya 4. Maitra 5. Saatvata Usually premarital sex , incest and Shunning once own culture results into intermixed society .These are further elaborated thus . The more intermixing the lesser will be the qualities of the progeny . Anuloma and pratilomas marrying into their catses give sons equivalent to their fathers . Danyu marrying a Ayogada gives rise to Sairandhri . Hair styling , massage and hunting are the works fit for these progeny . Vaidehik marrying a ayogada giving rise to maitra is sweet in conversation and should be allocated the work of ringing bells in Rajmandir or devalaya [ temples] Nishaads intermixed with ayogada girl will give a margava or Kaivarta is fit for driving boats in the sea or river . These castes of margav maitra sairadhri do not hesitate to eat from the same plates . They do not have concept of ucchista . Nishaad in Vaidehi will give KARAVAR , who is adept in sewing the leather . Reverse will give ANDROMEDA who lives away from the villages . Chandaal in Vaidehi will give Pandusopaak he can deseed or oil the crops . Reverse will give Ahindak who should be employed in jails . Pukkas in chandaal woman will give SOPAAK he can be given the work of beheading the culprits in jail as per court orders. Nishaad and chandaal give the son named Antyaavasayi he is empoyed in smashaan [ crematorium] to burn the corpse .

Caste also changes with the tapasya like Vishwamitra .Caste also changes by the power of Beeja like Rushyashringa . A parashava woman when married to bramhin such marriages in the seventh generation gives rise to Bramhin son . Third generation for ambastha married to Bramhin gives a bramhin son . Similarly for Kshatriya and Vaishyas . This is known as jatyautkarsha . Kshatriyas after shunning their sanskaras and without the company of bramhins became vrushali [ fallen] . Such fallen Kshatriyas got intermixed to give rise to cultures of

Poundraka Odra Dravida kambhoj Yavan[ Greeks] Shaka [ Egyptians] Parad Apahlava China Kiraat [East Asia] Darada [ Africa] khasha [ North East ]

These people started talking languages other than Sanskrit and were mainly indulging in theft and oppression of people they ruled . Sutas should drive chariots . Ambashthas should look after hospital . Vaidehikas should do service of the forts and palaces . Magadhs are suited for business and commerce. Nishaad eat fish , Andromeda flesh , ayogava tvasti , and madgus eat jungle birds . Huntings these also form their work . Kshatra , Ugra and Pukkas eat animals living in holes and bila . Digvan will make leather and Ven can act as musicians or vessel makers . They can also live on collecting herbs , wood , materials found in caves and forests .

Chandaals can breed donkeys and dogs . They have right over dead . These are nomads . The have jewelleries made of iron and forest output . These can burn unclaimed dead bodies . Talking harshly and behaving abrashly and less culture are the chief qualities of mixed society . Ahimsa , truth , cleanliness and control over senses are chief qualities of higher birth . Seventh generation of mixed castes girl married to higher catse becomes equal to fathers caste . Seven generation of a Bramhin if indulged in Kingship it becomes Kshatriya , if indulged in Commerce then it becomes Vaishya and if in service then they shudras. A good person doing a bad act and a bad person doing a good act cannot become equals . So one should always indulge in work which is suited to ones qualities . In times of calamity Bramhin can live like a Kshatriya when that is not possible he can take up farming and commerce . He should not sell milk , liquids or flesh . . There is no restriction on living for shudra , he can eat anything he can live as per his choice , there is no binding on him. Such vidhi nishedh should not be forced upon him . If shudra wants to do some dharma karya , he can carry it out without mantras . Thus 64 castes gives rise to 128 castes . At this point divorce , adultery and remarraiges becomes a habitual quality of the progeny . So two types Kunda and Golakas are segregated to form 256 castes . Kunda and golakas are those born to women from others when husband is alive and second to those when husband is dead . These children are absolutely freewilled . They do not bind to any kind of rules regulations and culture . Such swechhcharis[ Mletchas] should be guided by the King with the rule of Law . Krishnarpanamastu . 16 Dec


Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 8 Comments When 10th lord is in the navamsa of saturn aspected by mercury or vice versa the subject will be engaged in building bridges and dams ! Vibheeshana suggested that a bridge be built on the ocean to reach Lanka .Initially Lord SriRam in order to request the ocean[ samuddra raj] sat before the ocean to pave way towards the Lanka . He sat there for three nights . But King of sea did not turn up .

Lord Sriram took an arrow and with anger pointed it towards the ocean , Already reddish eye corner became more red with anger as if to destroy the whole world . Laxman halted Ram asking him to forgive ocean as that would bring an end to the world . King of oceans with all the wealth of the sea and carrying articles of worship to God on his head ran towards Ram with fear . trembling offered his apologies . He said Sage Agastya at the time when he had gulped entire ocean he had predicted a a great bridge would be built on the ocean by Lord SriRam . Samudraraj suggested the Vanar Nala had a boon [curse] to float everything that is thrown by him in the ocean . So he would be apt person to build the bridge on the ocean . Nala is incarnation of Vishwakarma . As sriram had already taken up the arrow , it cannot go waste , so samudraraj requested Ram to use it to kill Rakshas who are residing in the dyukul desert inside the ocean . Even Valmiki Ramayana mentions drumkulya named desert[ marubhumi] as existent inside the ocean . As requested Ram killed all the Rakshas who were descendants of ABHIR dynasty . aftermath the marubhumi came to be known as marukantar [ onefull of flowers , roots and herbs ] The work of bridge construction started with a groups of 1000 and 100 vanar bringing different stones ,blocks from the near by mountains . AS per the Nalas instruction some took ropes , some sticks ,some mortars and started building block by block from the shores . Angad went to Kailas parvat and introduced himself as RAMDOOT and brought a piece of it to the construction . Sugreev went to Himalaya and brought a piece of it [ upaparvat] . Jambavanta went to Mahendra parvat and brought a upaparvat by introducing himself as RAMDAS . Hanuman went to bring the MERU itself but Bramha asked him to take a piece of it . Thus 1000 of mon keys in groups were bringing the stones , some groups were building and some were passing it along but thre seemed not a gap between these activities . EVen nearby rishis devtas , munis brought some rocks by their vicinity to assist in this mahakarya . Most of devatas along with their families came out in the heavens to witness this interesting event .It was difficult to compare the ocean with the ocean of monkeys trying to contain it with the bridge . !0 yojan wide[ 80 miles wide] and 100 yojan long [ 800 miles long ] this bridge was constructed in 5 days by NALA . First day only 14 yojana was constructed next day 20 and then 21 another day 22 and 23 yojana s the next two days so 100 yojana bridge was constructed in five days . Because of this bridge a total of 1000 crores [ koti sahasrani] monkeys croosed over the ocean to Lanka . such big was the army of Sugreeva .

Ram alongwith Laxman prayed by Sugreeva and vibheeshana , resting a hand gracefully on Hanuman resided on the mountain of Suvela in Lanka .This was indeed a very exciting moments in the lives of Kapisena . Seeing the end of Ravan nearby all the devatas in the heaven showered flowers on RAM . krishnarpanamastu 23 Nov

Shaabdikoyam Hanumaan the extraordinary Grammarian!

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 16 Comments When second lord and jupiter are strong and sun and jupiter are in conjunction one is very good in grammar when jupiter is aspected by a benefic and is in paravatamsa one speaks beautifully when second lord is in conjunction with jupiter also one is very good speaker . second lord with venus and mercury makes one an orator . Hanumaan went to learn vyakarana to SUN deity .This gives rise to illusion that sun may be superior to HANUMAN as he becomes his guru. But this is not true . HAnuman went to SUN to study MAHAVYAKARANA [ this was taught to Bramha by HAMSA ] So it was Narayan as present in SUN who taught HAnuman . This was akin to Krishna going to Sandeepani rishi to study . Sandeepani did not know much more than Krishna neither Krishna was ignorant at that time . [ this is a delude of evil souls ] Hanuman went to SUN and Sun keeps revolving around MERU along the periphery of Manasottari parvat in Pushkar dweep . So Hanuman facing Sun was revolving backwards . so backward speed of HANUMAN was greater and more accurate than forward more natural speed of sun . SO Hanuman was superior to SUN in gati . In other qualities also SUns avatara was [ sugreeva ] no match to Hanuman .[ Also as Bheema he surpassed Karna avatar of SUn ] Hanuman had leapt into space to save SUn from grahan and Rahu taking shelter in INDRA [who made vajrayudha attack on Hanuman] The above incidents show Hanuman is superior to SUn . All this is beautifully depicted by Hanuman himself in Ramayana in conversation with seeta .

In lanka maya seeta asks Hanuman to prove he is Ramdoota . If he is a Ramdasa then he must have seen Rama so he should be able to give correct description of Lord RAMA giving solace to her heart . Hanuman exhibits extraordinary language skills with excellent use of grammar to describe Lord of the Lords Sri RAMA. Hanuman says oh devi it is indeed very difficult toknow the lord to describe him fully is impossible still I will describe him to the best of my skills and understanding .

forgiveness is seen in BHumi [earth] ,tejas [brightness] is seen in Sun ,attraction [kanti ] is the best attribute of manmath , Indra has kirti yash[ success and fame ] other deities have other qualities , but all these they have imbibed from Sriram [ as Lord has them infinitely and others have finite] Ram is of the hue of Indraneelamani and eyes of lotus and ferocious as lion as people say He is indeed a husband for you and with none to match in the universe . He ekroopa dwishukla trisama triunnata tritamra trisnigdha trivali and trijagadguru ekroopa- one who has no organic difference in his body .[his nail and he are same , his eyes can do the same what his hands can do ] avayava of lord is not different from him so also his attributes . dwishukla two shukla means his fathers and mothers lineage is pure [shuddha vamsa ] also it denotes he has both kusum gandha and madhugandha also it denotes he has clean teeth and eyes trisama: hair folicles testicles and knees are even trishu unnata : kukshi nabhi hrudaya [ abdomen navel and chest is well developed] trishutamra : palms sole and nails are copper in colour trishusnigdha : line on sole ,wrist and hair are viscous trivali : having three lines on the abdomen TRIJAGADGURU : jagat means VAYU . trijagat means [ three avataras of VAYU , HANUMAN BHEEM and MAdhvacharya ] in each avatara also the guru is always NARAYANA . hence RAMA is NARAYANA his guru .

Chatushkala ,Chatushkishku , chaturlekh, chatuhsama ,chaturgatih, chaturdanshtra,chaturvedaprabhu ! chatushkala : one who has four lines in the thumb denoting four vedas chatushkishku : one kishku is 24 angul so chatukishku means four kishku ie 96 angul height . Ram was ninetysix angul height . chaturlekh : four lines on forehead chatuhsama : even well distributed organs from toe to head. chaturgatih : having the motion of lion , tiger ,elephant and ox chaturdanshttra: even canines

Panchasnigdha shadunnata shadgunadya saptesha ashtaruju astakshar khyata Navanata five ie eyes ,skin ,teeth and two limbs be smooth shadunnata: six [ kakshakukshivakshoghraanskandalalatikasushatsuunntaabdomen trunk chest nose shoulders and forehead are broad ] Shadguna -aishwarya etc six qualities saptesha: head of seven heavens [ bhu bhuva suvah maha jana tapa satya] [yaju sam rig atharva mahabharta ramayana panchratra] ashtaruju : eight [body hips hands feet fingers nose eyes ears should be large ] Ashtakshar khyata : one who is known by ashtakshar mantra

Navanatah :Nine [ fingejoints, hair, pores, waist ,neck ,nails ,teeth ,skin and penis should be sophisticated not coarse ]

red lips , neck like shankha very beautiful Ram having gait like elephant and voice like dundhubhi having infinite qualities our lord Sriram alongwith Laxman were searching for you devi and I met HIm in Rushyamuka mountains along with our King Sugreeva . Killing Vali Sugreeva was enthroned and has sent monkeys to all the ten directions . I Hanuman born to Vayu as Vanar in Anjana devi has leapt the ocean as Sriramdoot . Thus Hanuman gave the Ring of RAMA which for seeta was akin to Rama himself . Seeta accepting the ring says INDEED YOU ARE the DOOT of SRIRAM oh KAPISHREHSTA . I believe you . Language grammar[ HANUMAN] is all meant to convey the qualities of LORD{RAM] and create a sense of solace and belief in the bhakta[ soul SEETA] to accept HIS supremacy even when surrounded by Rakshasas in the captivity[ASHOKAVAN] of RAVAN[ Ignorance evil ] So this episode shows ,soul captivated by evil ignorance has no hopes to the extent that it doubts every knowledge and message of LORD [ HANUMAN ] . EVEN then HANUMAN with his intelligence and sweet words, creates a well being in the already unhappy miserable soul [ who has been abducted by lust anger jealousy greed pride infatuations ] Hanuman gives realisation of qualities of LORD to SOul and then also gives it the knowledge to accept the supremacy of LORD [ ring ] and assures it of release [ MOKSHA] krishnarpanamastu 1 Nov

Vrikshotpatti-[ Bal pariksha of Sriram By Sugreeva]

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 4 Comments

1. when lagna moon ,jupiter and sun are all weak a tree will appear . 2. if navamshadhipati is jalachar rashi or sthalchar rashi depending on it the tree will be either in a water or on the ground . 3. if navamshadhipati is sun then it will be strong tree like shimshupa vruksha which may have some viscous stem 4. if it is moon then the tree or plant will be milk[like liquid] giving stem 5. if it is mars then the plant will have thorn 6. if it mercury then it will trees which do not give fruits 7. if it is jupiter then the tree will give fruits 8. if it is shani navamsha then trees or plants will be a difficult sight [marshy weedy etc] 9. if it venus then plants /trees will be those that give beautiful flowers like naagchampa ,jasmine etc 10. mars also gives sour juices 11. moon gives soft plants 12. if lagna lord is shubha graha and is in shubha rashi navamsha then the trees will be beautiful places like gardens etc and will be useful and appealing to the mind and eyes 13. if lagna lord is shubha but is in malefic navamsha then it will be a beautiful tree in cemetry or smashaan 14. if lagna lord is malefic but in benefic navamsha it will be dirty weeds in a beautiful garden 15. if lagna lord is malefic in a malefic navamsha then it will dangerous weed in smashaan or cemetry Sriram and Laxman looking for Seetadevi came near rushyamook parvat . Sugreev having seen them is afraid that Vali might have sent them to kill him . He asks Hanuman to enquire about them . Hanuman disguises himself as Sanyasi and appears before RAM . [ Hanuman knew Rama is NARAYANA the all mighty thus he took sanyasi form to meet the LORD showing Lord should be approached with sanyasa [ sam nyasa] . And Evil RAVAN took the form of sanyasi to steal seeta . Good takes to sanyasa to meet the LORD and evil takes sanyasa for the sake of lust and wealth and women ] Sanyasi greeting or bowing to a Gruhasta RAM is debatable But this is for humans . RAM is not human and HANUMAN gives the hint of it to good people by bowing before him even as he is in the form of Sanyasi . most people think Hanuman is ignorant of the people who had come; so he is enquiring ,. Had that been so then as per lokmaryada he should not have bowed to a grahstha . Hanuman says Oh beautiful person , who you are the very features of yours are testimony to it , to grace this narlaoka it seems as if both NARA and NARAYANA have

descended on this earth ; what the two people who should have been in nandanvan doing in forest SriRAM says LAXMAN look he is enemy of our enemy and a friend of ours ,he is definitely a expert in vyakarana shastra because he is using perfect faultless language Laxaman says My elder brother is son of Dashrath the king of Ayodhya and in this world only Ramapati Narayana alone can be cmpared to his attributes Hanuman says My king Sugreeva is fond of good people and is fit for your friendship and will be asistance to your mission Hanuman asks Sugreeva to befriend RAM to come out of his fears . RAM assures him of his support , Sugreeva wants VALI to be eliminated . SRIRAM promises he would do so in one single arrow , that surprises Sugreeva . Sugreeva says , big mountains looks like small balls , oceans will look like wells for VALI . Even Mahendra [ INDRA] cannot vanquish with all his astras , how can you d it with single arrow Sugreeva shows a mass of skeleton of DUNDHUBHI . Dundhubhi was a rakshas , went to VARUN to fight , BUT varun sent him to Parvat RAJ saying he is more powerful , Himaraj sent him to VALI . as dhundhubhi challenged VALI killed him and swung his body that fell 1 yojan away [ 8 miles ] . As he threw it , some blood spilled onto the ashram of Matang rishi , he immediately cursed , whoever responsible for the blood be killed whenever he enters this region [ rushyamook parvat] . The curse to vali became a boon to Sugreeva . If you can throw this skeleton .. SriRAM with a mere touch of his toe threw dudhubhi skeleton to 100 yojan and then it fell with a force that slit the earth and killed many rakshas in ether world . Sugreeva exclaimed , One can a defeat a person if he is four times greater in strength and one can kill the opponent only when he is 100 times greater in strength . what Vali could throw to one yojan you have thrown to 100 yojan but when Vali threw it the body was still full ,now it has dried and many years have passed by , so 100 yojan throw can still be taken as one yojan . So let me give one more test , kindly forgive my behaviour I am very much fearful of VALI . Second test comprised of seven trees which were immovable , VALI with great difficulty could only swing onto it but could not even shed a single leaf RAM with single arrow shot down all the seven trees uprooted and the arrow went splitting all the seven spheres of earth and killed all the rakshasas in patal and rasatal

who had many boons from Bramha .The arrow had the abhimani devata of Sri VAYU and it killed all the rakshas and completed dual purpose and came back to RAM. Krishnarpana 29 Oct

Mishra GUNI The proverbial NS

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, people and astrology. 6 Comments When lagna is of mercury rashi in a majority of divisional charts , aspected/occupied both malefics and benefics . When saturn and mercury and venus are more powerful than other planets . When bha amsa of mercury is of mitra /swaochcha and others are in ari neecha . when shastiamsa of atmakaraka is not of shubh graha . The person born will be of Mixed nature . Such people will be given to both good and bad deeds and always in a confused state of mind ,Their thoughts will be against that of social norms . 99% of these people are always mediocre and pessimists . My interaction with such people always always ends up bitterly . The only thing I discern is a company of mediocre or the pessimists . Those who have no thought process or any occupation for welfare or even a good words for members beyond the family limits . Life revolves and ends with their own family . Such people when in a phase of life where everything goes smoothly sets upon themselves a rigid cover of ignorance and every member of their family walks into the same realm and boundaries . I and few of the people who are APNE JAISE TYPES call such set of people as NS. The proverbial NS NITYA-SAMSAARI , [ GOD forbid an interaction with such people ]. Quiet a long ago when concept of Vairagya had not dawned , I was a kind of SAPNO KA Saudagar who would like to move even a stone with his flute of optimism . Well Success follows in this aspect only untill you meet a classic NS . A NS has n thought of his own . He is kismat ka mara [ good or bad] never makes an attempt to even think whats wrong with him . He cries at every failure and is extremely fearful when faced with success and is cautious and sad that someone will rob his success . But at the same time so much without forethought that he would ignore the obvious threat . There is a kind of sheath of ignorance covering eyes yet they say the world is ignorant . These are not fighters , they never like wars and always shy away from confrontation . Such people seek consensus in putting forward their views and would lead only when they have assured a majority of their similar thinking persons are accompanying them .

These people are popularly known as UDASEEN . You cannot motivate them they run away at the slightest doubt of defeat . They crumble under slightest pressure . They heap praises on the opposition for having crumbled them and encourage their own members to give up the fight or shun the idea of confrontation . In a bad days , these people are greatest discouragement . A crowd full of such people always makes for a great spectatorship . When in bad days these people rejoice in saying 1. Pata nahi mere hi saat aise qyun hota hai 2. Bhagavan hamesha achche ke saath hi bura karta hai 3. Bure log to maje karrahe hain unko to koi saja nahi hoti ,sani vani sirf humko hi lage rehte hai 4. upar wale ko yeh sab karte bahut maja ata hai 5. achche achchon ke bara baj gaye hum log toh aise hi ud jayenge 6. India ka kuch nahi hone wala 7. Tum aise hi dev dev karte raho saamne wala baji mar jayega 8. Dhanda bahut mand achal raha hai [ and if you say :kya baat kar rahe ho bhai , teji hai; he would say " a are jane do yaar kahe ki teji , dhandhe me pehli wali baat kahan ] 9. if you persist, nahi seth bahut achche din chal rahe hai , sabhi to kama rahe hai , tumne bhi to tarraki ki hai , NS would say kya ise kabar me saath leke jayenge , sab chod ke hi jana hai ] 10. Then at the same time if someone comes by asking for some relief . dekho bhai dosti ek taraf business ek taraf before you could even try to figure out is he spiritual when he talks about kabar or is he materialistic when he talks about profits .Thats typical NS . You talk about spirituality they talk about importance of money and you show them the importance of money they would pick up a spiritual line [ all these only for namesake internally he is neither ] Such people always get mixed results , when extreme happy moment hits their life simultaneously they get a equally a bad news . They are unable to decide whethere they should rejoice or cry . If a success comes by perhaps they will be in a jail and their fans will be celebrating their success . Onec I was narrating [ to a NS ] a story of vyadh who was not ready to give his punya of EKADASHI to a rakshas in lieu of his life , Rakshas insisted to give half the punya, he refused , he insisted on 1/4th , vyadh refused and accepted to be killed , Rakshas went on asking for less and less and vyadh kept on refusing , finally Rakshas asked for a punya accumulated in a second [of time] on ekadashi by vyadh to be given to Rakshas . Vyadh

accepted and Rakshas was relieved off the curse and became a Gandharva . blessed the VYADH . I narrated this story and told can you get the mora how important and precious is Ekadashi day in accumulating the punya . The NS said main point toh aap bhul gaye [ You have forgotten the main and important lesson ] I asked him what ; Vyadh ki bargaining capacity solid thi , pehle maan jata toh phukat me adha punya jata , jaan bhi bach gayi aut punya bhi [ VYADH had excellent bargaining capacity had he agreed earlier he would have lost half the punya , look he saved his life and also punya ] I have a feeling the world has a majority of such people otherwise the kind of lyrics that are becoming popular cannot be digested by any sane wise person . Most of them challenge GODs omnipotence and also attribute defects of anger , lust , sorrow and cruelty to GOD . Earlier people used to object and decry such thoughts and lyrics and sentences , but people use them liberally now . 1. isko banate waqt khudha ki najare bhi lalchayi hongi 2. Aaj uparwala bhi mujhe nahi rok sakta [ main jeetu yeh usko pasand nahi] 3. Ae uparwale ,do ashq jaroor tune bhi bahaye honge 4. duniya ke dene wale . preet meri cheenke bata tujhe kya mila 5. Rab ko kahin gussa to nahi ayega , kyunki mere liye tum rab se jyada ho 6. Khush to bahut hoge tum 7. Yeh UPAR bhaith kar tum kya karte rehte ho yaar 8. Agar tumko kisi ko chheenna ho to [oh god]mujhe lelo magar ise jeene do 9. sab achche logon ko upar bula leta hain 10. uparwala pariksha le raha hai 11. jitni pooja karoge utna dukh bahdta hai 12. we can go on and on and on 13. All these even if it seems innocent is actually a hate towards GOD It shows reluctance to accept GOD as good supporting and one fulfilling all the wishes . We become what we think or meditate about if we constantly meditate GOD as cruel sadist torturing , inflicting pain , we only get pain sorrow in our life . To get happiness first thing is shun NS mentality . and start thinking positively . Optimism is the first step to MOKSHA , For optimism to build up , we need immense faith in Lord , faith in lord comes by shastras which keeps on bombarding that GOD is merciful , fulfilling all the wishes and one who gives rlief frompain and sorrow , this belief becomes stronger when we read BHAGAVAT . MAHABHARAT etc ,. and slowly when our belief becomes steadfast , we become liberated . Else we remain nitya samsaari . NS one who keeps on rotating in samsara . krishnarpana

nityasamsaari 26 Oct

Lagna KETU AND Saptam RAHU a study !

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 87 Comments Ketu in ascendant automatically Rahu goes into the seventh house . This combination astrologers are quick to pronounce the person as having many sexual partners , different from others , troubled lives and health disasters ,weak constitution , excessive sexual drive ,timid behaviour always in mental tension ,uneasy mindset etc . These are the general results prescribed by the astrologers and modern books . Let us see some of the people born under this combination : Julius Ceaser , Emperor Akbar , manekshaw . Don bradman , prithviraj chauhan .dayanand sarsvati , Sankaracharya , sister nivedita , anie beasant ,elizabeth tailor , Amitabh Bachchan , charlie chaplin , Hitler , sandeep patil , satyajit ray , kahlil gibran AND ALSO CHIRAAN . Bhirgu gives results as Sickly wife , mental tensions , troubles from relatives, vaat rog My teacher gave me result of ketu in lagna as satat stree vishayak chinta . BV RAMAN mentions an intercaste marriage or marriage/affairs with widows . Some other books [modern] suggest multiple marriages , either very young or older wife , interreligious marriage , remarriage or remaining unmarried . Less cultured wife , losses in partnership , gains in lottery ,share market , black market ,cinema ,fashion industry , sex before marraige , divorce , incest , early death of partner , alternative sexuality , veshyagaman , [adultery] incurable disease . mental disorder ,death of wife due to black magic . If the above results are studied not a single good result . It was study unto myself in initial years . I was extremely religious since childhood , I had extra love for leading life in a right manner There was a every attempt to induce good values in me by my parents , I was particularly very much engrossed in spiritual practises , so rahu in seventh was a big concern . No modern book ever gave a single good result and even my teacher was assured that ketu in lagna will not give any escape from parstree gaman . Thus I was determined to disprove this .

But classic question is is there such a destiny in my own life [ do I have to face so dirty a life ] More so as I was already a known as highly religious any slip on my part would mean hypocrisy , loss of values and failure towards spirituality . But seventh RAHU was always a challenge . Upon that My shukra dasha started at the age of eleven . That means it would last till 31 . so entire youth would be in Venus dasha , coupled with Rahu in seventh would mean impossible task . And look at the examples . AMITABH Bachhan , Emperor Akabar [he had 64 wives and 365 dasis ,i even share a date of birth with this man ] Chaplin had self admitted to having numerous partners , julious caesar lost a kIngdom and life to lust . elizabeth taylor is a known personality , None these would have escaped the destiny . It .was all the more discouraging sankaracharya , gibran, nivedita were all withdrawn personalities . So life started with initial thought of why not just stay away from marriage . From the age 11 to 15 I practised extreme Yoga and meditation . This in turn made me more lustrous and detachment had given a excellent stambhan siddhi . But as the aura grew so also attractions .[the idea of shunning marraige and yet being surrounded by females was getting absurd] Upon that venus dasha . [ So i gave up eating onions and garlic and started nirjal ekadashi to help myself upright ] At seventeen I was a well built man who could lift 100kg barbel with ease . All this energy was mostly let off into street fights over each and every matter .I had created a fiercefull image of myself .Owing to Yoga my every small and petty thoughts also materialized . [ almost I had every type of success . a berth in most coveted college of engineering , selection for quiz time show , winning university chess , part of football teams of finals , excessive female company/admiration ,a good physique and above all excellent academic record coupled with astrology and palmistry,musical achievements ,my thesis was approved by a university in tokyo ] enter the twentieth year , I realised half of the venus dasha had already gone and there was no default of character . So there must be something else in classics . Most of the classics do not talk about any results to ketu and rahu .so it was high time I read about agastya and kashyap hora . Bhrigu also gives in detail the results of rahu and ketu . From those study and my own personal experience I did find that ketu is extremely benefic in lagna if lagna is of benefic rashi . It gives extreme spiritual success . It gives insight into the other world . It also gives uncanny connection to the outer world . Ketu gives defects into body , but same defects form a style statements to many ketu in lagna people among the followers . Ketu also gives phycological disorders in malefic rashis . I remember an angel investor in my company had arranged a meeting with his personal astrologer , he looked at my chart with ketu in leo and exclaimed aap bahut krur insaan hai

The investor immediately withdrew his stake . This was a constant allegation I always faced shrewd egoistic superiority complex . But is there anything by name superiority complex . If one is superior he is superior how can it be a complex , if it is a complex that means he is not a superior . BUt agastya says , rahu in seventh if aspected by jupiter gives only one wife and an upright character . Bhrigu also says only one wife if rahu is aspected by Jupiter , Brihat parashar says ,if there is aspect of jupiter on seventh and seventh lord the one gets a very beautiful wife loyal and subject himself will have shuchi yoga . Ketu in devalokamasa, gives a tapasvi given to austerities , these statements were a deight to my eyes and ears as it took a great burden off my shoulders . But venus in kendra being most powerful planet in horoscope brought every female acquaintance to the verge/point of marriage whereby venus dasha never gave marriage . Entire venus dasha , the surrounding neighbourhood had many acquaintance , my benchmates were girls , project partners etc etc were also venusians , the gym had no gender polarisation , finally the recreation club too ended with conversation with women folks late into evening.[ Jupiter always saved the day for me] ironically venus dasha with rahu antardasa did not give even any female interaction It was only in sun dasha that I got married to a girl who waited long and rebelled her guardians to marry me . When you are determined I think Lord saves you or perhaps yoga exists [ of not defaulting the character] thats why the determination . However my teacher is still not convinced ,he says old age may see the influence or perhaps RAhU dasha may give the result . I see rahu as my best friend because I am extremely spiritual in his antardashas . and also rahu gives much wealth from mletchas . Rahu in seventh and Ketu in lagna if well aspected by jupiter or benefics , need not be feared for it still gives very good results Krishnarpana 12 Oct

Refutation of Yoga vashishtha Sara

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 38 Comments Yoga Vashishtha is a dialogue between Sage Vashishtha and SriRama written by valmiki . The following is the refutation of the Vashishtha Yoga through its various

chapters and aphorisms as put by various translators. The words in bracket are refutations ]

Chapter One Dispassion 1. Salutations to that calm effulgence which is endless and unlimited by space, time etc., the pure consciousness which can be known by experience only. [ Mangalacharana assumes an inanimate GOD] 2. Neither one who is totally ignorant nor one who knows it (i.e. Truth) is eligible to study this book. Only he who thinks I am bound; I must become free is entitled to study it. [ So ignorant is one who is not aware that he is bound ] 3. Until one is definitely blessed by the Supreme Lord he will not find either a proper Guru or the right scripture. [ This is in direct contrast to the teachings , when ignorant is not eligible to study and there is No GOD other than self , then to study it requires a blessings , which is not in the hands of self , yet self is capable of finding its truth . What are the consequences or causes that leads to this blessing so that one can study this ? is it under self or other than self ? NO answer because all that is not self is unreal so how come this blessings is real? if it not real then the understanding that I am bound also becomes unreal] 4. Just as a steady boat, O Rama, is obtained from a boatman, so also the method of crossing the ocean of samsara is learnt by associating with great souls. [ But all these souls are bound and yet in the states of unrealized and their states itself is unreal then their exercise must also be unreal] 5. The great remedy for the long-lasting disease of samsara is the enquiry, Who am I?, to whom does this samsara belong?, which entirely cures it. [whether the disease itself is real or unreal, in the following texts it is declared to be unreal ]

6. Not a day should be spent in a place which does not possess the tree of a wise knower of Truth with its good fruit and cool shade. .. 12. The Lord cannot be seen with the help of the sacred texts or the Guru. The self is seen by the Self alone with the pure intellect.
[ this is again in contrast with previous line ,saying guru is a must to know the self , Now it says guru cannot help in seeing the Self ] .

16. That perverted man who, even after knowing that worldly objects are deceptive, still thinks of them, is an ass not a man.
[ this is again illusive , guru is a realsed man . Guru cannot show self yet Guru is a must to now we are bound , gurus do teach yoga vashishtha ! Are they not dealing with worldly object very well knowing that they cannot show self ie ALL those who preach Yoga Vashishtha are also ass because they are dealing with worldly object ie Yoga Vashishtha , is it not something in this world , about this word , if world is illusory so is this yoga vashishtha as it is part of this world ] .

17. Even the slightest thought immerses a man in sorrow; when devoid of all thoughts he enjoys imperishable bliss. [ This is refutable as Geeta says there cannot be a single moment without thought ] Chapter Two Unreality of the World 6. O Rama, maya is such that it brings delight through its own destruction; its nature is inscrutable; it ceases to exist even while it is being observed. 7. Dear boy, wonderful indeed is this maya which deludes the entire world. It is on account of it that the Self is not perceived even though it pervades all the limbs of the body.

8. Whatever is seen does not truly exist. It is like the mythical city of Gandharvas (fata morgana) or a mirage.
[ Is this maya real or unreal ? It says unreal ; self is real , how can unreal bind a real ENTITY . if an unreal thing binds a real entity so much so that real is affected , if this effect is also real then binding agent has to be real , yet Vashishtha says agent is unreal .][ Self is all knowing Bramha yet it is bound by unreal maya , then maya must be powerful than Bramha , so what you are getting by destroying maya again the self . but self was already knowing then how come it was bound- No answer] [Its strange that a REAL entity is bothered about a unreal samsara which also has unreal effect] Utterly illogical ! .

11. This creation, which is a mere play of consciousness, rises up, like the delusion of a snake in a rope (when there is ignorance) and comes to an end when there is right knowledge. 12. Even though bondage does not really exist, it becomes strong through desire for worldly enjoyments; when this desire subsides bondage becomes weak. [ if a rope is mistaken as snake , the fear that it has caused i the mind is real , yet the knowledge that it is not a snake but just a rope has to be real else the fact that we have mistaken a rope for snake also becomes unreal , so what is it that we have gained ? if it is accepted that knwoledge that it was rope and not a snake is real then existence of real knowledge which is other than self is proved , but then this kowledge is also part of this world , when world is unreal so also the knowledge and efforts that goes into realising that rope was mistaken as snake , becomes unreal] [ Bondage does not exist at all yet it becomes powerfull /strong and subsequently becomes weak ! if it is not existent at all what is the efficacy of it becoming weak or strong ?if bondage is false so also its becoming strong or weak becomes false ] self contradictory statement 15. This world, though unreal, appears to exist and is the cause of life-long suffering to an ignorant person, just as a (non-existent) ghost (is the cause of

fear) to a boy.
[ isnt fear [world] of the boy a real entity , his fear is real although the cause of the fear may be due to ignorance but the fear is real , if fear itself is unreal as stated earlier then the effort to remove this fear also becomes unreal ]

16. One who has no idea of gold sees only the bracelet. He does not at all have the idea that it is merely gold. [ The idea of gold [ bliss ] becomes real only when gold itself is taken as real without the object being real its idea cannot be real , if gold is real then the bracelet made out of it also becomes real] 21. He who reckons the rays as non-different from the sun and realizes that they are the sun itself is stated to be nirvikalpa (the undifferentiating man). 22. Just as the cloth, when investigated, is seen to be nothing but thread, so also this world, when enquired into, is (seen to be) merely the Self.
[ The rays are not as hot as sun so rays are not sun Even more inspection gives that cloth is made up of thread and thread s made up of cotton , and cotton is a plant but plant is not cloth neither is each thread same as other nor the thread can be reversed to cotton such a thing is unheard of ] so cotton thread and cloth are distinct entities and essentially different]

24. Just as the foam, the waves, the dew and the bubbles are not different from water, even so this world which has come out of the Self is not different from the Self.
[ But the earlier statement was world is unreal and self is real , now since water is same as bubble , vahsishtha is saying [unreal]world has come out of [real] self and both are not different . this is self contradictory ]

27. The snake appears when one does not recognise the rope; it disappears when one recognises the rope. Even so this world appears when the Self is not recognised; it disappears when the Self is recognised.
[ this is illusory , The knowledge that rope is not snake preassumes knowledge of snake and rope in its real form , else such a distinction is not possible . so a real snake has to be known prior to understand that rope is not snake . how we come to now that rope is not a snake . we have to know that snake is moving entity [conspicuous] and it makes hissing sound , its poisonous etc , it is this knowledge which has to be present beforehand , that rope is harmless should also be known

beforehand , and all this knowledge should be real thus the inspection and analysis reasoning by mind has to be real only then the removal of fear of snake ,mistaken for rope becomes fruitfull , { but snake and rope both are illusory as they are part of world so their preknowledge also becomes illusory according to vashishtha } how come illusory knowledge lead to real self ] debatable ?

6. Wise men also, like foolish men, (occasionally) make others angry, (but they do so only) in order to test their ability to control their innate feelings (that is to say to see how far the anger of other persons will affect them). 7. Just as the trembling (of the body) caused by the (imaginary) snake persists (for some time) even after realising that there is no snake, so also the effect of delusion persists (for some time) even after getting rid of all delusions. [ If delusion is got rid off , then how can it still remain , if it is reamaining means it is still not got rid off ] again a contradicting statement ! 3. The knowers of truth declare that enquiry into the truth of the Self is knowledge. What is to be known is contained in it like sweetness in milk. [ The sweetness of milk is an attribute of milk , but the SELF as preached by Vashishtha ihas no attributes ] wrong analogy ! 4. To one who has realized the Self by enquiry Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are objects of compassion. [here vashishtha is teaching this yoga so it should be assumed that he is realised soul else he will be lying . SO he is equating himself with RAMA whom he is teaching this . RAMA is already VISHNU ] either RAMA is object of compassion to Vashishtha [ self] . isnt the compassion an illusion , or RAMA is ignorant soul ? either way Vashishtha is not in realistic position ., Yet we see Vashishtha praying Lord RAM for removal of ignorance . in RAMAYANA . so which vashishtha is truth , the SELF who sees RAM as object of compassion or IGNORANT who seeks his blessings for MOKSHA .. RAMAYANA says the later . Meditation on the Self 1. I, the pure, stainless and infinite Consciousness beyond maya, look upon this body in action like the body of another. 2. The mind, the intellect, the senses, etc. are all the play of Consciousness. They are unreal and seem to exist only due to lack of insight.

[ So the body of the other is same as ours and someonelses as well , there is no differenec among the bodies as all are unreal and exists only due to lack of insight , that means , a mother and wife and daughter all are delusive concepts and exist only because of delude or lack of insight in fact they are all same and any relations with them is unreall and any lack of relation is yet unreal so all the words of dharma as to what should be carried out in terms of mother , wife and daughter is also delusive as there is no difference in them ] This message is has a very dangerous outfall and is not conducive and supported by Vedas as vedas clearly stress on the dharma and adharma and its strict adherence to ! but the above doctrine falsifies the scriptures it talks about world as unreal and efforts in the world as unreal and the acheivement of self is alreday there so nothing special is achieved after all this is known as SELF is already real . After mammoth exercise of going through this doctrine what we find is everything around us delusive and there is no real goal to be achieved . it proposes inaction and Self praise as GOD which is definite road to HELL . as it says 28. There is neither bondage nor liberation, neither duality nor non-duality. There is only Brahman always shining as Consciousness. 29. Awareness is Brahman; the world is Brahman; the various elements are Brahman; I am Brahman; my enemy is Brahman; my friends and relatives are Brahman.
[As there is only one bramha it mens enemy freinds realtives , wife daughter mother brother friends wife everyone is bramha and one only ,.so it makes literally no difference really as to what wand how we behave with them as such a distinction and thought is maya and ignorance . it is encouraging sins] NIRVANA

5. The belief in a knower and the known is called bondage. The knower is bound by the known; he is liberated when there is nothing to know. So the entire trouble Vashishtha has taken to say that there is nothing to know . If there is nothing to know then even an ignorant is confident that there is

nothing to know , and a Reaised Vashishtha also is confident that there is nothing to know , So what is the difference between the first state and second as both have same SELF which is one and all knowing , But this same self which is existing in Vashishtha and ignorant person simulataneously .knows itself itself as bliss in vashishtha and is suffering in ignorant ,. how come one soul is experiencing bliss asweel as ignorance and bondage at the hands of maya . either it has to be two diferent entities else it cannot be blissful and ignorant at the same time . NO ANSWER !
8 Oct

18th Day Lord Krishna resents Yudhishthir

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Astrology and purana. Tagged: krishna, Bheem duryodhan, yudhisthir. 11 Comments A malefic in the third and kendras makes one put heavy efforts to accomplish the task Similarly many malefic in tenth shows one has to make Mahaprayatna After the deat of Karn Shalya and Shakuni ,Duryodhan was very unhappy . Kritavarma , Ashvaththama and Kripacharya were repeatedly troubled by Bheem and Arjun finally they fled to nearby Forests . Dhritarashtra send Sanjay to know the welfare of Duryodhan , Satyaki captures Sanjay . Vedvyasa urges to Set free Sanjay . Duryodhan angered runs towards the battlefield all alone . He defeats Sahadev Nakul . With his arrows he hits Arjun hard and Arjun falls unconscious . Then Bheemsen runs after him and destroys his chariot . Duryodhan mounts a elephant and attacks Satyai , Satyaki fall unconscious . Duryodhan taking a pras weapon attacks Yudisthir . Nakul and sahadev , All hit sit on the chariot motionless . Bheemsen kills the elephant and cuts out Pras . Then Duryodhan mounts a horse as the horse is killed by BHEEMSEN . Duryodhan flees the battlefield and enters Dwaipayan sarovar with his gada . There in the Dwaipayan pond , he undertakes jalsthambhan . Duryodhan undertakes the japa of mantra given to him by Durvasa muni , This japa if continued for 7 days would bring back from death entire army of the kauravas and they would never die again in battlefield .

Out of 11 akshouhini sena 6 were killed by BHEEM and 5 by Arjun , whatever was left was killed by Dhristadhyumna , Gatotkach and Abhimany Satyaki .other pandavas . seven akshouhini of PAndavas , three was killed by Ashwaththama , rest by Bheeshma Drona Karna kritavarma each less than the former . Panadavas happy about victory went to Dwaipayan sarovar , there Ashwaththama seeing them alongwith Krishna ran away . krishna ordered Yudhisthir to use harsh language against Duryodhan . Yudhisthir said come out for a fight , Duryodhan replied , You enjoy the Kingdom Yudhisthir said Duryodhan you had said not even a size of needle head would be given to PAndavas , now after taking bali of Bheeshma DRona , talking this does not make sense ,we cannot enjoy the kingdom without killing you, I dont think so you are a Kuru born for you are denying war Aggravated Duryodhan rose from the water and came to the shore . he said yudhisthir , you all are with kavach and armoury and weapons , i have none . still i will fight with you all single handedly Yudhisthir said you will be provided weapons and kavach , and you can choose anyone of us to fight and if you kill anyone of us , rest of us will go to the forest and if you die we will all together rule . duryodhan Arjun and sahadev nakul and yourself are all too meek to fight with me , Only Bheem is fit for me . I choose a the gada Bheemsen takes a gada 1 and half times more heavier than Duryodhans gada and fight begins . Krishna resnts Yudhisthir , says your giving choice to Duryodhan to fight was wrong . If Duryodhan had chosen Arjun , or any other four other than Bheem all these efforts uptill now would have gone waste . Because the other four are no match for him . Even Bheem would kill him somehow . Duryodhan if he holds mace [ gada] none in the three worlds not even Indra and all deities put together can defeat him . This is because he is very nipuna . Krishna shows utter displeasure towards Yudhisthir . Many doubts arise with these words of krishna towards Duryodhan . Also to be noted is Duryodhan praises Bheema before fight begins as someone worth fighting . Better than Arjun . This incident also Shows Krishna rating Bheema higher than Arjun . Now the doubts ? Duryodhan is nipun , does that mean Bheem is not nipun or not as nipun as Duryodhan ? secondly Krishna says Bheem would kill Duryodhan somehow? Somehow means , Does Bheem have to struggle to kill him . or is Bheem not as strong as Duryodhan etc etc .

The answer to this should be contemplated against the background that , Bheem is the strongest has been declared by Krishna and Duryodhan himself in virat prasang also . Krishna while jarasandha episode declares him to be strongest . Also Krishna says Bheem you have many times more qualities than what you actually think you have . Vedayasa says There is none equal to Bheemsen in both the armies in terms of strength and knowledge as well . So it cannot be dismissed that these words Of krishna meant anythig less wrtr BHEEM. The word nipuna in terms of Duryodhan is to indicate that , Duryodhan was mahaprayatna shali . Both Duryodhan and Bheem had learnt from Balaram . so only Duryodhan could have been nipun aowing to this training from balaram . Nipuna was due to extreme efforts he was putting in practising gada yudha to kill Bheemsen . This mahaprayatna was a plus factor in his favour [ excessive efforts and practise cannot be discounted it is a potent factor ] Also Duryodhan had a mantrashakti . these factors weighed heavily against arjun and other four to counter Duryodhan . Bheemsen was he not mahaprayatnashali . was Bheem not putting maximum efforts in his endeavour . No because killing duryodhan was not a very difficult task for Bheemsen . Putting extra extreme efforts on fairly simple tasks is not the quality of Uttam Purush , great personalities . Bheemsen would kill somehow does not mean with little possibility . what is meant by it ,Bheem had vowed to break the thighs of Duryodhan . hitting below the navel is adharm in gadyudh . Now carrying out the Pratignya is more important dharma failure of which will give more adharma vartan [ failure to stick to dharma] if Duryodhan is killed by hitting above the waist , then pratignya will be broken . If he kills by hitting the thigh , then pratignya is upheld but gadayudh niyam will be broken . So without getting into situation of breaking some rule , Duryodhan cannot be killed , so the word somehow is used by the Lord Krishna . krishnarpanamastu. 4 Oct

Tatvavada Tenets of Dvaita philosophy

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis. Tagged: dvaita. 52 Comments shrIman.h madhva-mate In Sriman Madhvas doctrine 1> hariH parataraH Hari (Vishnu) is Supreme 2> satyaM jagat.h The world is true (real)

3> tattvataH bhedaH The differences between soul God and non sentient are real 4> jIvagaNAH hareH anucharAH The sets of souls are dependent on Hari 5> nIchochcha bhAvaN^gatAH And differ in the status even in the MUkti 6> muktiH naija-sukha-anubhUtiH mukti (liberation) is the experience of the joy of ones own nature 7> amalA-bhaktiH-cha tat.h sAdhanaM That is achieved by flawless devotion and Yathartha Gyana correct understanding] 8> axAditritayaM hi pramANaM [perception ] anumana [logic] and agama [ scriptures] etc., are indeed the sources of knowledge 9> akhila-AmnAya-eka-vedyo hariH Hari alone is conveyed in all the Veda A tatva is areal entity . A entity [ object ] when perceived as it exists [ a thing in itself] it is said to be real . For example a rope is perceived as rope[only] then the object rope is a real entity . But if it is percieved as snake , then the object snake is superimposed perception and not real . All the entities which convey themselves in real are known as tatvas . Tatvas are of two types , Svatantra and asvatantra [paratantra]. Independent and dependent . Supreme God Vishnu alone is svatantra independent . and all others are dependent on HIM . The paratantra is again divided into BHAVA and ABHAVA. Bhava is of two types Chetan and ACHETANA . Chetana is of two types , One afflicted by Sorrow and One untouched by Sorrow . Goddess Laxmi devi is Nitya mukta and untouched by Sorrow . She is the consort of Vishnu . The other type Those afflicted by Sorrow are of two types , Muktayogya and Muktiayogya . Muktiyogya are those liberated and unliberated. rest are of two types , Neech madhyama [ Tamoyogya and nityasamsari]. Muktiyogya are Devata rishi Pitru Raja narottama Tamoyogya are classified as daitya rakshas pishacha and naradhama four types . Muktiyogya reach Vaikuntha and tamoyogya reach andhatamisra . Both worlds have no return . Mukti is achieved by Nirmal Bhakti towards the Supreme and unmixed hate guarantees the andhatamisra . It is the intrinsic nature of the soul to be under a class . Achetan is classified as Nitya Anitya And nityaanitya ,

veda akshara and Avyakrut akasha are all nitya . Purana , kala and prakruti are all nityanitya . krishnarpanamastu . 4 Oct

Kojagir Purnima
Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis. 32 Comments people born on purnima are learned , handsome , agreeable personalities ,usually leader among their kinsmen . But as moon happens to be in kendra for the poornima birth , the wealth and prosperity and intelligence of the individual will not come out tob full potential . only when Moon is in apoklima to sun the individual reaps his destiny to the full is the dictum of classics . The same Moon [full moon ] if it is vargottama gives rise to a man who is prominenet in his profession . If such a full moon vargottama has an aspect of four or more planets gives rise to a unique RAjyoga . The subject rules a vast land with four types of army under his rule . C RAJAGOPALACHARI had this combination , and even during British rule he was chef minister [ akin to] MAdras presidency and then became first GOVERNOR GENERAL of INDIA after the british left and Dr Rajendra Prasad took over as President of INDIA. The Rajyoga operates irrespective of world scenario . Ashvayuja Purnima is also known as KOJAGIR Purnima , KUMAR Purnima or Sharad Poornima . Goddes Laxmi manifested on this day . People facing finanacial problems can be assured of relief from poverty and excessive expenses by praying Goddess Laxmi on this night just by staying awake . Unmarried girls can get handsome mates on this day praying KUMARKartikeya . This day the moon is brightest and such a full moon has inspired many a poets in comparing the characters with richness of moon light . Madhvacharya ,Vyasa teertha and Raghavaendra swamy all of them have been compared with Sharad indu in bestowing beacon light to those who were astray ed in darkness of ignorance . Just as the Sharad purnima moon these great teachers have shown the path to the people on the earth to regain their self and direct their sadhana towards the Moksha . Krishnarpana mastu . Note :Chiraan also came into this world on Ashvayuja Purnima .

30 Sep

Pitru Vatsalya The story of Bhagirath

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Dosha, karma, ramayana, sadhana. Tagged: ganga, pitru bhakti, pitru dosha, shapa, bhagirath. 1 Comment If the lagna of father is 10th to that of son , son will have extreme devotion towards his father and ancestors . similarly pitru pada and lagna pada are in mutual kendras there will be extreme affection between the son and the father . Sanatan dharma [ vedic way of life ] stresses extreme importance of the kartavya [duties] towards our pitru[ father and ancestors] . Pitru tarpan and solace to ancestors departed is very essential to the happiness and general well being of the family . However it is quality of followers of dharma that they perform duty out of consciousness of Dharma coupled with love towards Pitrus rather than greed of well being . This is known as Pitru vatsalya . The story of Sagar putra is good example of this vatsalya as how generations together a dynasty struggled to free its ancestors from sin and curse. This is a great lesson to us that we our actions affect our pitrus and vice versa . So one must be careful with ones karma as it affects 7 generations prior to us and seven generation following us . a man can suffer himself but cannot bear to see his children and manes suffering owing to him . Once there lived a very pious King named SAGAR . he had two wives , one son named ASAMANJAS from one wife and 60000 from other . Asmanjas grew to be very cruel , he threw the children of the city into sarayu river . The subjects complained to the King and King abandoned Asamanjas . Asamanjas had developed vairagya and wanted to take sanyas and leave the world . But as sagar was intent on making him King , He acte like cruel , once abandoned he made his real intention clear and brought back all the children from sarayu river. Many years later Sagar decided to perform Ashwamedha yagnya . The horse of Aswamedhayagnya was stolen by Indra and tied it near Kapila Muni in patala loka . 60000 sons of Sagar went to search the horse . In their attempt to reach Patal they dug the entire earth . This resulted in lowering of the land and samudra [ocean ] surrounding jambu dweep entered the earth and thus we could see formation of SAAGAR .[ sea] . as samudra gave way to smaller sea [ this was due to Sagar sons'] and thus named SAAGAR . Now as they reached Patala loka , they thought Kapila muni himself has stolen the horse , in ignorance like patanga insects attacking fire flame , attacked Kapila . [ Kapila is form of VISHNU] Lord Kapila opened his eyes and all the 60000 were reduced to ashes . [ Lord who is capable of bringing pralaya and reducing entire creation to ashes , this act is no surprising] .

Asamanjas s son Anshuman went looking for the horse , As he came to patala , he prayed Lord kapila and asked his forgivance towards his uncles . Lord blessed Anshuman and gave him the horse , also told him that only Ganga if brought down on earth to Patala , when flows over the ashes of the sagar sons will ensure them a place in swarga . Anshuman took the horse and Sagar completed the yagnya . To give solace to his pitrus , Anshuman started a penace to bring the Ganga to the earth . Even before achieving the task , he left the world . His son Dileep also went into forest to bring the Ganga , but died before achieving the task in his life time . [ imagine spending a lifetime in penace and giving life in the pursuit to bring solace to Pitrus] Dileeps son Bhagirath too wnet into forest and after a penace of 1000 years to Bramha asked the Ganga to be brought down to the earth . Ganga expressed her force was too heavy and would split the earth if she falls unchecked and hence would require someone to control and check her flow. Bhagirath went into penance for another 1000 years to Lord Shiva and requested him to take it into his jata . But AS GANGA FELL INTO THE JATA , to teach ganga a lesson and relieve her from ego , Shiva tightened his jata that not a single drop flew out of it . Bhagirath again prayed for many years to request Rudra to release ganga . Shiva released a strand and with great flow Ganga fell on himalayas . Bhagirath the noble minded in order to make many places pure and blessed , took Ganga to trace a long track around earth to Patala . On the way , Ganga s flow disturbed Agastya muni and Sage drank entire ganga . Bhagirath again prayed to the sage and Sage brought out the River through his ears . [ Thus all bramhins are said to have sannidhi of ganga in the ear ] . Bhagirath brought the Jhanhvi [ being daughter of kingJahnu , Ganga is also known as Jahnvi] to Patala to flow over his manes ashes , Sagar sons went to swarga . Ganga had come into existence by the touch of foot of Lord Trivikrama[ haripada] .So ganga is HaripadaUdaka . and thus by the touch of sacred pada of the Lord , it can destroy many sins and purify the sagars sons and absolve them of the sins . here should not be any doubt then that Pada of Hari himslef when resorted to can destroy many a sins and purify us . Thus shravan manan and kirtan [ listening to , meditating on lords' feet] will definitely give Moksha Krishnarpanamastu . 28 Sep

SriRamchandra Vishwaroopa- Triumph of Srirama Over Ravan

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 3 Comments

Dassehara marks the muhurta Vijaya in which Ravana was killed by Sriram . This muhurta Namely Vijaya is very auspicious and brings only success . No planetary position is to be studied to start any work /venture on this day . The venture [shubh karya ] on this day is definitely successful . Normally Vishwaroopa word is associated with Srikrishna avatara only . But even in Ramaavatara lord has shown Vishwaroopa of different kind astonishing to the entire world of humans devatas and rakshasas . After the death of Indrajit , Ravan sent his moola bala [ the core army] to fight the vanar sena of SriRAMA. what was moolbala ? Moolbala of Ravan was 36000 akshouhini in number . Each member of this army was as powerfula as ravan himself . These were unassailable by the boon of BRAMHA . these are huge in number Lanka had no space to keep it so Bramha had given another boon to hide hem in a cave . 36000 akshouhini is a huge number [ Note : many people feel Ramayana war was simple war with limited warriors ! but this is not true , the magnitude of ramayana war was multitude times more larger and diffciult than Mahabharata war . Mahabharta war was fought among only 18 akshouhini soldiers . but imagin 36000 akshouhini soldiers attacking simultaneously .] In few minutes Srirama killed entire moolabala . HOW? Army Like a ocean of elephants with waves of chariots driven by horses like wild amphibians rushed towards a fire of volcano namely SRIRAM . Like a flames of weapons surrounded by smoke of dust the army moved like the fire [sanvartak agni] during pralaya . Such army like a tornado swirled entire trees and vanar[monkeys ] alike in its whirl . The entire kapi sena succumbed in this davagni . Seeing their army being rooted ,fallen and perishing ,Sugriva Neel and Angad ran to protect it . But their efforts seemed like a twig struggling in the tsunami . The boon of Bramha to the army of Ravana was making it unstoppable and slowly overpowering the monkeys were proceeding towards The lord Rama like a patang insect running towards the Fire . The army fought with Rama with shataghni , shakti , parigh shool ,gada , khadga ,tomar ,pattish,bhindipala and arrows and astras . This scene created various thoughts in the minds of people [ according to the quality ,nature of the soul , their thoughts varied wrt Sriram faced with 36000 X 108 crore army . it was one man versus 38880000 million soldiers ] some thought How can one man fight with such a huge army ? while some others thought Perhaps Lord will win over this !

While knowledged thought Sriram will kill all these playfully # According to the jeevas and their intrinsic nature , tamas souls doubted Rams ability . Rajas souls were confused as regards to Ram and Satvik souls had complete faith in Ram . As Ram took his arrows onto his golden bow it brought happiness to suras and unhappiness to asuras . In single instance Ram delivered infinite arrows , it hit some of the elephants in the head , some in the trunk and some in the legs and finished the army section by section even before it approached the Lord . The soldiers on the Horses and chariots who never faced defeats earlier fell from their horses and chariots like the souls falling from swarga after the exahausting punya . Lie terrific waves calming at the shores the waves of the soldiers emanating from the Ravana s army silenced at the footsteps of RAMA .Just as the heavy rains settles the dust on the earth the infinite arrays of arrows from Ram settled the rows of soldiers with swords running towards him . THE HEADS OF senapatis who could vanquish the Devatas in previous wars rolled due to the use of Javelins by Ram . But the onlookers could never see Ram taking the arrow , pulling the string or releasing the arrows towards the army ,they could only see the Ram in a static position . at times they could see various postions of Ram . Note : here author of Mool Ramayana is explaining the existenceof persisitence of vision in humans . Whn killing crores of people the arrows have to be shot in multitudes and at a pace faster than the 1/10 th of a second . that means Ram was shooting arrows in less than the 1/10th of seconds and he was shooting thousands in seconds , as human eyes cannot distinguish any events taking place within 1/10 th of the second , the events of RAMA taking arrrows and reeasing it through his bow were not witnessed by the onlooketrs , they could only see the army vanishing and dying but Rama was still to their eyes . [ for example when a wheel with spokes is rotated with speed , the spoke becomes invisible] Suddenly SRIRAM took in a single moment 100 . 1000 , lakh , crore , kharva ,mahaougha number of arrows and released them without missing the aim . sa yougapadyen shatam sahasram laksham cha saakshad vilaksha eiva | kotim cha kharvam cha mahaugham munchannishonesha ripun jhaghaan|| This shloka of ramayana shows that there were more than mahougha ie 1000 crore soldiers which Rama killed in single attempt . Then Even if he could kill these soldiers with his single roopa ,Lord to show his prowess showed Vishwaroopa This was different than the vishwaroopa ofSrikrishna avatara . Srikrishna showed in one single roopa showed entire universe , but here ShriRAm

showed many infinite roopas at a single instance . Rama suddenly multiplied in his roopa , Rama on the earth , Rama in space far away Rama , near by RAma , Rama among the shatru sena . rama among the monkeys ,every where there was Rama . There was no space left where he could not be seen ,. Ramah purastat partopi ramo ramah param dikshu vidikshu ramah | ramairanatairiti vishvarupo nighnannaratin virraj ramah || looking at anant Rama and looking at infinite qualities in each of the infinite Rama devatas were happy and remained in a meditative pose .rooting the enemies Rama with lotus like eyes and bluish hue of Indraneelamani was prayed by the people gathered to witness this astonishing event . Some Ram roopa were holding the arrows and bow, some were destroying enemies , some were observing the war themselves . This scene was very illusive to the three worlds [ It was akin to Krishna seen simultaneously with all 16108 wives] Some Rakshas who had opened mouth to eat monkeys , Rama had already shut them with arrows .Seeing the enemies perishing some Rama roopas were clapping and enjoying .some were smiling . The presence of monkeys and their army was really of no use to Sri Ram to fight Ravan . this astonishing act of Rama established it . As one lamp can lit the many lamps and all these lamps will alight alike , so did Rama emanate from one roopa to infinte vishwaroopa . They were all equal and rama only and no different from him . as larger wick gave larger light and smaller wick made smaller light so did the various roopas differed in size but yet they were all Rama and were no different from Lord Rama the supreme . They were deathless , beautifull and complete with infinite qualities. Rama also merged all the roopas into one again . just as all the wicks when brought together merge as single large lamp . Thus Lord proved he was special and different from others . Ravan after hearing the destruction of his moolabala , prepared himself for his death . He was totally devastated . He proceeded to war . Ravan hit by the arrows of Rama fell unconscious for 48 minutes . In the meanwhile agastya muni came near Rama and asked him to recite aditya hrudaya [ Sriman Narayana as present in Surya ] Aditya hrudaya is vyakhyana for dheya sada dhyan shloka of Gayatri dhyana .. To show to the world that Aditya hrudaya is best shatru mardan mantra Rama recited it and not that Rama could not kill Ravan without it . Rama himself is the light in the Sun . Ravan got up and used various astras on rama Ram cut all the ten heads of Ravan . But they sprang back by the boon of Bramha . earlier such a incident had never taken place , ie heads of Ravana had never been cut earlier by any devata or manav . So only to shpw that Bramha had given such a boon to Ravan Rama made scope for such event . Finally

when all the devatas prayed SHRIRAM used Ram bana and RAVAN fell to this very special arrow greater than bramhstra . The mukhyaprana is the abhimani devata of Ram bana . Thus After killing RAVANA it went into the earth and then came back to the Ram. Thus Ram showed he uses only Vayu to punish the evil in this world . happy dassehara . Krishnarpanamastu. 4 Sep

Jananat Purvam Pitru maran yoga: The story of Parikshit

Posted by chiraan in Astrology and purana, Daiva vs Purushartha - can destiny be changed?, karma, mahabharath, mantras, people and astrology. 11 Comments Sun in eigth twelfth or sixth , eigth lord with ninth , twelfth lord in lagna and sixth lord in fifth ,such a person s father will have died before his birth . Duryodhan fell on the ground ,he was troubled by dogs and wolves ,which were preying on his wounded body . Just then Ashwaththama alongwith Kritavarma and Kripacharya came near him , looking the plight of Duryodhan Ashwaththama was deeply moved and asked Duryodhan if he can do anything for him : Duryodhan asked Ashwaththama to produce a child through his wife and install him on the throne after killing all the sons of Pandavas .To bind ashwaththama to is words , he took the dust on the ground on poured it onto ashwaththama to give him Deeksha to his actions . Ashwaththama accepted . Just then Ashwaththama saw an owl killing many crows , inspired by this He decided he can kill single handedly all the remaining people and Pandavas . He went towards the Pandavas camp , there He saw Rudra himelf guarding the camp , he fought with Rudra . [ Ashwaththama is Rudravatara , how could he fight himself , for this Acharya says this is akin to suicide where a person tries to kill himself ] All the weaopons fired by ashwaththama Rudra promptly swallowed it . Vexed Ashwaththama performed Manas Yagnya and offered himself in the Yagnya , Pleased RUdra let him through the camp and took away BHeemsenas son from Kalidevi by name Sharvatrat with him to Rudraloka [ because Kalidevi's father Kashi Raja had prayed Rudra that his grandson should be one without death , as ashwaththama would kill all the Pandava sons and Krishna wanted Parikshit to assume throne , Rudra took him to heavens with him , Sharvatrat is still surviving son of Bheemasen ] Aswaththama went into camp and Dhrishtadhyumna was sleeping , he kicked him , Dhrishtadhyumna seeing his death near pleaded Ashwaththama to give him time to get

hold of his sword so that he can have veermaran , but Ashwaththama said good death is for good people and not for Guruhatya or Brahmaghati , he deserves death like animal . Ashwaththama dragged Dhrishtadhyumna and slit his throat .But before his head could fall off , Dhristadhyumna left the body through Yoga and reached agni loka [ he was incarnation of Agni] Ashwaththama then kiled his brothers Shikhandi , yudhamanyu , Uttamataijas , janmayjay . Then he killed all the sons of Pandavas .To kill all the remaining people in the camp he torched the camp with fire . All those who came out of the camp in panick were killed by Kripacharya and Kritavarma at the enterance . Dhristadhyumnas Sarathi escaped in the night and told Bheemasen , Bheemasen went after Ashwaththama , Ashwaththama ran towards the forest but after he felt running would be of no use , He stooped and used Bramhastra . Krishna the lord has already set the order that Bramhastra would never go waste and at the same time Krishn also never lets Bheemasen to be ever Lose battle . So in this situation both could not be possible , so he asked Arjun to counter Bramhastra with another Bramhastra with a sankalpa that let this pacify astra , safeguard guruputra ashwaththama , all the Pandavas and the world in general . Ashwaththama had sankalpa of bramhastra that i kill the Pandavas , Nakul Sahadev had no knowledge of this Astra leaving astra on those who are not aware would also harm the one who uses it ie ashwaththama . Thus Arjun made sankalpa that it safeguard Guruputra Ashwaththama also [ so kind of Arjun] , he safeguareded self brothers , when two astras collide it brings harm to world also thus he also made sankalpa to safeguard world . Yet even after all this care the astras would have caused more harm to the surrounding , thus Shri Vedvyasa appeared in between the two Astras . temporarly holding it , Vedavyasa said earlier also there were people who were knowers of Astra but they never used such irresponsibly , Arjun said I have used in distress , Ashwaththama also said the same .Then Vedvyasa asked to withdraw the astras . Arjun took back the astra but Ashwaththama could not take it back . Krishna said even being Kshatriya Arjun had conserved Bramhacharya but Ashwathama though being Bramhachari had ost his bramhacharya [ by giving word of raising son in Duryodhan's wife] . thus he faied to take back astra . Arjun though married waas bramhachari How? [ After marriage if one copulates with wife leaving ashtami tithi chatushtaya parvakala remains a bramhachari] Vedvyasa asked Ashwaththama to atleast change his Sankalpa to safeguard Uttaras womb . Ashwaththama refused out of anger . Srikrishna then said I have already made up my mind to get the Pandavas[ their sons] rule the earth for 1000 years , so even if your astra is used I shall get the son in Uttara [ Abhimanyu's wife] womb to Survive . Thus Lord cast a protective spell around the womb , this spell was Lord himself protecting the

child in the womb . Inside the womb child used to alweays inspect with curiosity as to who tghis strange person is who is protecting me . This curious inspection of his led him to be called PARIKSHIT one who has been inspected [ tried tested ]thoroughly . Parikshit was born after the death of his Father Abhimanyu and was installed on the Throne of Hastinapur as successor to Yudhisthir after 36 years of Rule By BHEEMASEN [ As guided by Krishna ] which was akin to RamRajya . Vedvyasa cursed Ashwatththama to suffer from bad odour of wounds till one thousand years and then return to NARAYANASHRAM resuming the shishyatve of Vedavyasa and then in the next cycle be born as VYASA to bifurcate VEDAS. Krishnarpanamastu 29 Aug

Maranam Elimination through incantation !

Posted by chiraan in Astrology and purana, Daiva vs Purushartha - can destiny be changed?, Jyotish, bhagya, karma, mantras, people and astrology, sadhana, stars, yashas -success in career. 1 Comment What a Kshatriya achieves through the power of his arms and weapons , a bramhin should achieve through the power of his learning and mantrashakti. When enemy physically tries to attack , and when there is no other option to save the self , then unwittingly bramhin resorts to maran. Saturn in house of mars [weak ] aspected by mars and gulika [mars being in the navamsa of cancer or jupiter ] the person is killed by abhichara . Bring the deepagni or dhoopagni of the enemy and begin the Abhichara . Maran karma should not usually accompany the sacrifice of kravya . With the neem oil dipped feather of crow or owl ,homa should be performed by chanting continuously enam daray, enam shoshay , enam maray then going to the rear of the kunda ,invoke a kritya and chant yo me ch kantakam duraadduram va chantikeapi ch pibataddyamsruk within 9 days enemy dies a miserable death . A yantra with swaha maray hum amuk hrim phat if worn in neck on Tuesday kills enemies if the following mantras chandalini kamakhya vasini vandurge klim klim thah swaha has been made siddhi . if not used on appropriate enemies it kills the one who invokes. Vishvamitra created a Rakshas [kritya ] with his mantra shakti and sent it to kill only surviving Son of Vashishtha Shaakti Rishi [ father of Parashar muni] . Rakshas killed Shakti muni in absence of Vashishtha , when Shakti was in meditation .

When Parashar knew about this through his friends , he started a vedic homa to remove entire Rakshas clan in the universe. Slowly all the rakshasas fell in the homa kunda one by one and the Homa went on for a year long . when all the Rakshasas were slowly getting extinguished , Rishi Pulastya and pulaha were deeply disturbed by the genocide of their clan . Pulastya went to rishi vashishtha to pacify his grandson . Sage Vashishtha appeared before Parashar and addressed him thus Oh grandson , regain your calm and put aside the hatred and anger in you . Hatred and anger does not suit a Bramhin . All the human beings on this earth reap their fruits by the virtue of their previous karma . No one kills the other by his own self will , its the purvajanma karma that kills the person , My son Shakti also died because of his purvajanma karma and not by the Rakshas . Rakshas was just an instrument . So setaside your anger on Rakshas jati and stop this yagnya . May good senses prevail on you and let Shanti [ peace be setin into your heart] . Taking the words of the Grandfather as an order , Parashar stops this yagnya giving relief to the Rishi Pulastya , Pulastya then says Oh Paraashar , having stopped this yagnya at out behest and through the words of Vashishtha , we are all relived and we give you a boon that may all the shastras be realized by you easily and may you be the Puran pravakta for the ages to come , let every purana be your Lore ., let there be a siddhi to you for all the words of vedas and vedanmga and let Lord be born to you as your Son and be the light for the world through his wisdom . Let this all be known as the words of Parashar , as a result of which let the shastras be always alight in your heart as Lord dwell in heart as Gnyana , May he be visible to you in your heart Happy with the boons , Parashar stopped the yagnya leaving the remaining Rakshas to save their lineage . All these were recollected by Parashar when Maitreya put the question to Parashar about the beginning of Universe . krishnarpanamastu 24 Aug

Syamantakopakhyaan A story about Krishna Ganapaty and False Allegation

Posted by chiraan in Astrology and purana, Jyotish, education, karma, mahabharath, people and astrology, yashas -success in career. 16 Comments When saturn is in the fourth house in any of the divisional charts one faces allegation in his life. Krishna in order to Save yadavs from Jarasandhas repeated attacks , called Vishwakarma and created a beautiful city of DWARAKA . This city was fully golden with gates doors of each house made of gold . It had 16000 palaces for gopika stree of Lord Krishna . Also

it had 11000 crores houses for all yadavs . The vastu of the city was such that none would ever fall sick or die prematurely . note: today world population is itself 6 billion whereas in dwapara each city itself had the population of 110 billion .This proves the purana statement that distances , men hieght and living places all change as the yuga changes. In nutshell world shrinks with age.people fight for land food and living . cultivation has reduced to twice a year , in Dwapar it was 6 times , in treta it was 9 times and in krutyuga cultivation was year long . In kruta yuga the mode of exchange was precious stones , In treta it was Gold and in Dwapara it was silver , in todays era , the bill of exchange are of plastic ,paper or coins are copper and iron . In such dwaraka lived one by name UGRASEN . he had two sons Satrajit and Prasen . Satrajit undertook ANSHAN VRAT[fasting unto death ] to please Surya [Sun diety] devata. Surya devata , with his bright gayatri swaroop appeared before him , Deity asked him to seek a boon . Satrajit asked for the dangling Ruby in the deitys neck and sought as boon . This ruby [ Syamantak MANI ] was very lusturous , it had to be worn only by the pious and clean [ shuchi] person . It would end the life of the person who is unclean by mind and body . At the same time this Mani would give every day a 8000 kgs of gold . Wearing the precious stone in his neck , Satrajit came back to the city , as he entered the city everyone thought Sun himself has come to meet kRISHNA . Such was the radiance of Satrajit . Satrajit fearing that Krishna would ask his MANi for himself , he gave it to his brother Prasen . Prasen once wearing the stone went for hunting . On the same day from a different direction even Krishna went for the Hunt . Prasen was killed by a lion and lion took the Syamnatak mani from him . After a few stroll Lion was killed by a bear [ Jambavanta] and he carried the Mani to his cave and tied it to the cradle of the baby . Seeing Krishna return and no trace of Prasen , Satrajit alleged that krishna has killed his brother for the want of Syamantak mani. Krishna to get rid of allegation ,wnet into the forest alonmg with all his relatives. They saw the remains of [ leftover by lion] Prasen and followed the footmarks of Lion , there they found the footmarks of a bear and killed lion. They follwed the footmarks of the bear into a cave . cave was dark and deep . Thus Krishna ordered all his relatives to stay at the entrance and as he was self illuminating personality , he entered the cave all by himself. There after the dark patch , he suddenly saw a bight palace with many dazzling lights . onto cradle was dangling the Syamantak mani. the lady of the house advised Krsihna to take away the mani and go away before jammbavan wakes up . Krishna smiled and blew is conch thus waking up jambavan . Jambvaan and Krishna had a terrible fight which went onto many days . After seven days when Krishna did not return , relatives at the enterance of the cave assumed Krishna as dead and went back to Dwaraka . there they also peformed the last rites. here after 21 days of Fight Jambavaan was defeated and fell on the ground exhausted . Jambavaan exclaimed ,I belong to the time of Lord SriRAM , No one can defeat me in a

straight combat , but since you have defeated me , you must be Sriman Narayana himself . Krishna showed his RaM roopa to Jambavaan , Jambavaan fell on the feet of the LOrd , gave Syamantak Mani and also Kaustubha mani along with his daughter Jambavati in marraige to SriKrishna . SriKrishna came back to Dwaraka and called a huge gathering to clear the allegation that was put unto him and handed back the Syamantak Mani to satrajit . Satrajit afraid of the backlash of Yadavas and also out of Fear of Srikrishna gave the mani and his Daughter SATYABHAMA to Lord Krishna in marriage . Shatdhanva and Akrur were not happy with this marraige and in the absence of Krishna [ Krishna when he had gone to see the pandavas ] attacked Satrajit and killed him and took away the Syamantak mani fron Satyabhama . Fearing that Krishna would wage a war , Shatdhanva gave the mani to Akrur and Akrur fled to Kashi alongwth the Mani and started living a pious life there . He built many temples with the gold avaialable through Syamantak mani. Knowing all these , yet Krishna pretending as if he knows nothing about Akrur , inspired Balaraa to go togetehr and bring back Syamantak mani from Shatdhanva . Both the brothers chased Shatadhanva , Shatadhanva fearing for his life climbed a mare and rode away , Krishna and balarama chased him , in a day Shatadhanva crossed over 800 miles. lastly the mare died of thrist , leaving it to its fate , Shatadhanva fled on foot . Krsihna followed him and finally cut his throat thrugh Sudarshan . Then as a normal human he searched for the MAni in his dress . Balraam arrived a bit late , As Krishna declared there is no Mani . Balaraam grew angry 1. for unncessarily making a false pretext to kill relative Shatadhanva . Secondly Balaraam suspected , Krishna ahd no intenetion to give Syamantak Mani to Him [ though elder brother] , as Balraam was alcoholic . Balaraam developed anger and frustration on Krsihna and left him and settled in a new town of MITHILA for next five years brothers did not interact with each other . Seeing this opportunity Duryodhan went to Balaraam under the pretext of learning Gadayudha from him [ art of fighting with Mace] . In thes efIve years Duryodhan expected to gain over Balaraam and ask for the hand of Subhadra , If Balaraam promises , Krishna would not object and once He marries Subhadra , both the brothers would be under his sway for the sake of sister. [ Such was the Plan of Duryodhan ] . However he managed to get the promise from Balaraam . Here Akrur became pious day by day . Narad muni asked Srikrishna to perform Ganesh Chaturthi Vrat to get rid of all the allegation onto him . Narad said , as Krishna ahad seen the moon on the Ganesh Chaturthi day [ Bhadrapad shukla chaturthi] [ Ganapaty had cursed moon that whoever sees the moon on the Bhadrapad shukla charturthi day , he would face false allegation] .

As KRISHNA performed the vrat , Akrur completely guilty ridden went back to Dwaraka and handed over the Syamantak mani to Krsihna . All the allegations were cleared. Seeing ugrasen , Balraam and Satyabhama all wanting to keep the Mani with them Krsihna felt giving it any would annoy the other and hence asked Akrur to keep it for himself as he was pious and always engaed in Yagnya. Thus one who does Ganesh Vrat gets rid of all allegations and all his works undertaken will be successful and without obstacles. Krsihnarpanamastu 20 Aug

Drishti The Possesion -1

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Astrology and purana, karma, mahabharath, sadhana, tartamya. 13 Comments When there is an association /aspect between bhadak adhipati /sthana with lagna lord / seventh lord there is Drishti badha . The person is possessed .If the sign is movable then the person is possessed by Devatas .

The sun governs Rudraganas ugradec and naga graha[ saiva bhuta] moon kinnara yaksha , pisacha[ dharma] mars rakshas bhuta bhairav [ subramanhya , bhairava] mercury attalas , devata [ gandharva ,siddha chanur ] Jupiter deva grahas naga[ bramhan varga, deva , trimurti] venus- yakshee matruka , naga [bramha rakshas , deva , indra] sani- nisteja ,bhasmak, kshudra vidya ,kashmala ,sasta kirata [pancha bhuta ] rahu pisacha , naga ,sarpa ,pannaga[ sesha ] ketu preta , pitru [ ganesha , garuda ,marut ] gulika abhichara preta .

If bhadaka is aspected by benefics the devatas will do good and increase happiness , fame and victory. If aspected by 6 , 8 th ,there will be harm . These grahas usually attack people at , mines , tombs , parks , temples[ crowded] , water tracts , tanks which are not known , pleasure places , ,wild animals habitat , multistoried elevations , cowsheds , ,stables , bazaars , anthills , deep forests , millitary barracks , war zones , high walls , malls , deep caves . When Deva grahas possess ones strength increases , his eyes becomes numb and watery with radiance coming out of it . He frequently takes bath , performs poojas ,wears garland

and is fond of milk and sweet preparations . he is unusually strong and speaks extra ordinarily . his presence oozes charm and luck to the surroundings . such people when they enter someones house , there suddenly comes a good news to the house owner , or they get windfall gains . when they enter a shop suddenly empty shops get full customers .a quarrel is resolved and is people in general get their problems solved when they come into contact of such person . such people have very fast moving eyes , subtle expressions and extremely radiant and strong . well dressed and completely attractive with clear and loud voices, such people always win over others and perform extraordinary deeds. Sometimes these deeds defy their natural abilities. When Satyaki faced Karna in the battle of Mahabharta He suddenly grew stronger and larger and his attack was so ferocious that Karna had to flee the battle , this was due to the possesion of Garuda in Satyaki as Satyaki himself could not vanquish Karna . The momentary Presence of Garuda made him most powerful warrior for that moment . Ghatotkach troubled Duryodhan and Karna relentlessly to the point both wre exhausted and ran for cover because of presence of Rudra and Nirutti . Abhimanyu defied all logic in facing all the kauravas put together on a single day due to resence of Indra , kama , moon , and Vayu all together . Arjuna by himself could never face Ashwaththama the latter being superior in warfare , But in Mahabharta Arjun whenenver faced Ashwaththama , Arjun was possesed by Sesha which enabled him to better Ashwaththama . Dhritarashtra was incarnation of Hu Hu gandhrava and Pandu ha ha gandharva . But both had special possesion by maruts to conquer entire world , Dhritrashtra could have divine vision whenever Maruts possesed him . Dronacharyaa was incarnation of Brahaspati but could teach [Indra-Arjun , Bheema -vayu ] because of Possesion of Bramha in him ] This entitled him to be respected by Bheemasen . Though Balarama is incarnation of Sesha he could teach Bheemasen gadayudha because of presence of Swetakeshi Narayana . Because of this presence Balaram was also considered as Avatara . Pancha Pandavas had the possesion of Pran apan vyan udana Vayu along with VasudeV , Sankarshana , Aniruddha ,Pradyumna .Since Nakula and sAHADEVA were single soul with two bodies they had similar possesion. This possesion kept them together and bonded. Strange are the ways of Lord that can never be deciphered by ordinary human beings.

krishnarpanamastu 2 Aug

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Astrology and purana, education, karma, mahabharath, mantras, ramayana. 10 Comments Mercury with mandi or gulika aspected by mars in badhak sthana will make one suffer from abhichara dosha . Enemies resort to abhichara when they cannot harm a person through wits and schemes . Abhichara acts only through purva janma yoga . When a person is having a good phase of time abhichara does not affect him but affects in due course when bad times strike. It will not be an exaggeration if a statement is made to the effect that 90 % of the people in the world are affected by abhichara . Sometimes a very good family with happy ties and bonds suddenly fall prey to internal mishaps and severe enmities . Brothers suddenly stop talking to each other . Two families eager to tie knots to their siblings stop conversing and worst become severe enemies. Two most loving couples fall prey to misunderstandings and stay apart for long time . though in all such cases there is longing for reunion but when they come across face to face a moment of rashness destroys their peace attempts unknowingly they drift away from and lament later . All these times all these people keep sighing If only . These are all definite signs of abhichara being applied onto the people by enemies . Vidweshan is powerful form of abhichara which brings two people at war . Then maran is applied to kill all the parties involved . This is tamas vidya and should not be adhered to even in extreme danger . Vidweshan can be cast , when teeth of elephant and lion powdered and mixed with butter if applied onto two people they will become enemies forever . homa between two houses with malati flowers can cause vidweshan . however vidweshan mantra should be made sidhdha with two falcons in each hand . Enemies are constantly in effort to separate good friends , brothers and lovers . etc . To avoid these one must always protect self from sudarshan mantra and Hanuman kavach .

When Yudhisthir put on gamble bait his brothers , Duryodhan exclaimed to Bheema , hey Bheem and Arjun , deplore your elder brother , who has treated you like objects and I shall grant you the freedom Bheem says , even now Yudhisthir is very dear and respectable to us . He has every right onto all of us and whole of Indraprastha . nothing wrong in putting us on bait as son is the property of the father , elder brother is akin to father , to obey is our duty . We do not seek freedom you , as an order from Yudhisthir will be enough to release Him from your clutches as I send you to the clutches of Yama . The attempt by Duryodhan to create Vidweshan through mantras given by durvasa and Shukracharya did not have any effect on Bheemsen . As Bheemsen was reciting Manyusukta . Even while killing Duryodhan Bheemsen recited Vrushabh sukta as Duryodhan was chanting 3 crores of mantras all at once onto Bheemsena .. This goes on to show that one must always protect oneself from enemies . In Ramayana Agastya muni asks Lord Shri Rama as to how he manages to keep his siblings so dear to him , how come there never has been a squabble between them and why when enemies in this world are always attempting to dismantle a family harmony , what is a secret to his happy family . Shri Rama says . Kshama is the only mantra for keeping the family intact , one must always forgive severest of severest mistakes of brother and he will ever remain loving to the all . Else a small angry rift will make enemies take advantage and sow seeds of enmity among brothers . That is the reason why Rama did not kill Vali at the first instance giving a chance to the siblings to come to terms as brothers are naturally born of same blood and hence sibling fraternity can arouse any moment . One must never fight with younger brothers and treat them like ones own son . krishnarpanamastu 1 Aug

Vashikaran The story of Chitrasena

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Astrology and purana, Diseases, karma, mantras, people and astrology. 3 Comments When Venus and moon are in libra one indulges in vashikarana to attract other women.

Punarnava root brought in pushyami nakshatra ,if enchanted with sarvalokvashankar mantra seven times and tied on the arm will make one easily attract others . [ the mantra should have been made siddha upto lakh times ] fruit , flower , bark ,leaves , twig , brought on a sunday ,powdered and mixed with karpoor kumkum and gorochan , applied on forehead will attract others. first kamakhya mantra should be practised , then bramhadandi powder mixed with corpse ashes when applied on any person he becomes subservient

teeth of neelgay and human when powdered with oil and applied on forehead will bring to toes most difficult of spouse. Bhaskar mantra chanting on kumkum chandan and karpoor with tulasidal in cows milk , applied on forehead will make a king obey to your words. chirchira seeds on pushyami nakshatra if given to king in his ood will make him grant all wishes . Yakshini mantras practised well with japa and homa , chanted on a banana juice mixed with sweat and gorochan will make ones husband always be enchanted . kalika mantra chanted on crossroads for 1 lakh times makes all and sundry enchanted.

Once Indra was tiored of all his wealth and power , he decided to renounce the world and decided to strive for moksha. He went to Kailash parvat and started serving Parvati and Rudra there . oNe day while serving them he sawa beautiful woman . She was Chitrasena , wife of Kubera . Indra lost his senses to her beauty . Indra called Manmath and ordered him to get Chitrasena to swoon over him . Manmath with his bow of Sugarcane and arrow of flowers caused intense passion in Chitrasena to be attracted to Indra . Indra pulled her into his arms and took her into his plane to a place never known to Devatas and asuras inside the kandara of Mandar parvat . There he personally looked after the beautiful chitrasena enchanting her with every happiness of the swarga . Here Kubera became totally devasted at the news of his missing wife from mansarovar. He decided to commit suicide . His minister Kantha kubja advised him not to loose heart and look for his wife and seek her release from the unknown thief . He adised him to take the help of Vibheeshan his brother . Kubera went to Vibheeshan and in loneliness told him of his plight , Vibheeshan called his most able Rakshashi Nadijangha , who was expert in maya to look for the wife of Kubera , chitrasena among all the devatas and asuras in the world. Nadijangha tooka a beautiful form , such a form that no one could keep his eyes off her and swooned to possess her . Soon she reached Amaravati . Indra saw her and desired to possess her . He sent Ashvini devatas to get her to his chamber . Ashwini devatas pleaded her to be with their king Indra . She asked them to briong Indra himself to her to please her and she would not go to him,. Indra came to the beautiful women . She said she would like Indra to fulfill her wish and only then take her to his palace. Indra gave her a word. Nadijangha asked , she would like Indra to introduce her to all the women he has enjoyed till date , to see if any of them is as beautiful as she is ? only then she would oblige Him . Indra agreed .

He showed her entire Amravati and all his palaces . Nad then said I have one more in madar parvat , I shall show you but you must not tell anyone about it . So both set out towards Mandar in aplane . While flying , Indra [ posessed by Kali ] happened to befront Narad muni , he became shy in the presence of muni , but Narad playfully asked , Indra is everything Okay in Amravati , and how about you Nadijangha , Is Vibheeshana doing fine Indra immediately understanding the deciet of NADIJANGHA , TOOK HER DOWN INTO THE FOREST , and was about to kill her . The forest belonged to the muni Trinabindu , Muni objected to killing of woman in his ashram . But Indra disregarding Muni Killed her . Trinabindu cursed Indra to become a woman . Indra became a woman instantly . All the devatas worried about ther king in a womans body , went to Bramha to seek his release . Bramha told except Vishnu none will be capable of relieving Indra for his misdeeds . All the devatas , went to Mandar and sent back Chiterasena to Kubera and asked Bramha to give some mantra to relieve Indra from the body of woman .Bramha advised two lakhs japa of Astakshara mantra . Indra practisede ashtakshara and was relieved from muni shapa and became male again to Rule over Swarga. Krishnarpanamastu 28 Jul

Rajodarshan- First menses [ Story of Sharmistha ]

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Astrology and purana, Daiva vs Purushartha - can destiny be changed?, karma, people and astrology. 6 Comments When mars aspects the moon [lagna] in a unupachaya place , a girl attains her first menses. If the first menses [rutu] falls on : 1. Padyami -issueless 2. Dwitiya happy 3. tritiya wealthy 4. chaturthi Wicked 5. Panchami progeny 6. Shashti cruel mind 7. Saptami riches and ornaments 8. Ashtami Bold 9. Navami- sorrows 10. Dashami Leader 11. Ekadashi Pure [shuchi] 12. Dwadashi Scandal monger 13. Trayodashi Joyous 14. chaturdashi Sinful

15. Poornima Strong body 16. Amavasya poor

Sunday diseased Monday Virtuos Tuesday- sorrow Wednesday good married life thursday polite Friday obedient saturday vicious

Result of cloth on the first menses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. white cloth happy silk /fibre queen or fortunate New cloth happy torn cloth poverty red cloth diseased black cloth widowhood diry cloth poverty

results of number of drops on first menses 1. 2. 3. 4.

drop gives wealth drops gives good enjoyments drops diseases many drops poverty If mars joins the star in which the first menses occurs , the girl will have dead children guru makes her pious ravi will give loss of husband rahu will make her adulterous sani will make her a maid servant . no planets will make her a happy and long lived. moon in eigth will bring dangers venus in seventh will give marriage in foreign lands saturn will give enslavement .

Sharmistha was the daughter of asura King Vrishaparva. Shukracharya was the daitya guru to the King. One day Sharmishtha and Devayani ,daughter of Shukracharya were playing in the garden . Playfully Sharmistha pushed Devayani into well owing to an argument as to who was more powerful , as daughter of king Sharmistha or Devayani as the daughter of Bramhin .

Yayati a powerful King passed by pulled Devayani out helping her through his right hand. As Yayati had held the hand of Devayani , Devayani insisted he marry her owing to have taken her hand [ Panigrahan] . Yayati with the blessings of Shukracharya married Devayani .And As a punishment Vrshaparva king [ to pacify his guru] made Sharmishtha the maiden of Devayani . Sharmishtha accompanied Devayani to the land of Yayati . In course of time Sharmistha attained puberty . Yayati was around at the same time. Sharmistha asked Yayati to marry her . Yayati refused . Sharmistha explained shastra words to Yayati saying : Oh king , Those who refuse to marry the girl having attained her first rutu during rutu kala [ out of her own will if wishes to have progeny from a man] will get sin equal to bHrun hatya. King says marriages are to be performed by the wishes of parents of Kanya , and without the wish of the Vrishaparva or Shukracharya it is not possible Sharmishtha says oh King smriti says , parents have right onto the girl only till she attains puberty , after the rutu kala has passed even when a Parent is unable to find a suitable groom for the girl , then girl has an independence to choose the man for herself. Therfore being the daughter of a king though living like a slave in your house , I choose you to be my husband , kindly accept me. else you will have to embrace the sin of stree hatya and bhrun hatya as if you will not marry then I am surekly not going to be alive. hearing this King Yayati secretly married Sharmistha and bore her three sons. Devayani after seeing three healthy babies in her courtyard asked her about their father . When the kids pointed to the KIng , she felt decieved and Shukracharya instantly cursed YAYATI to become old aged . When yayati narrated the circumstances in which he had to marry Sharmistha , Shukracharya said his curse cannot be reversed but he can exchange his old age with any young man. Yayati called all his sons to accept his old age , none accepted except PURU . Thus puru gave up his enjoyments in young gae and embraced the old age of his father , after a lakhs of years too Yayati found that his thrist for sexual pleasure did not weaken or die. Thus concluding this thirst cannot be quenched unless renounced. He renounced the world and gave back his youth to Puru and also the kingdom . krishnarpanamastu. 21 Jul

Optimism Bhagavat Dweetiya Skanda

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Astrology and purana, Daiva vs Purushartha - can destiny be changed?, Jyotish, bhagya, karma, mahabharath, people and astrology, sadhana. 8 Comments

One who has [shadbal poorna] venus in the fourth house is ever optimistic and happy all through his life.

Optimistic attitude is must in this world. One must be optimistic about ones fate . One must be optimistic about Lords Grace onto us. One must be optimistic about achieving the desired through the efforts and grace of Lord and Guru even in the most challenging situation. Taking even the most negative incident in ones life as a an opportunity given by God to betterment is the highest form of Optimism . And yet again blessing those [ who were responsible for such Hardships] for having provided this opportunity and being indebted to Them is again an extreme Vairagya.[coupled with Optimism] . Maharaja Parikshit exhibited these qualities when cursed by the Rishikumar Sringi to die within seven days. Maharaja did not go into a gloom or despondency at the fast approaching certain Death .But Instead called for a great gathering of the wise to advice him to achieve what a best can be achieved in seven days. Shuka Muni Arrives there and King Asks Him whether is there anything that can be achieved great in Seven DAYS.. As He has a certain Death awaiting Him in seven days . Shuka muni explains [ Bhagavat Dweetiya Skanda Prathamo Adhyaya Shloka 13]

khatvango nama rajarshir jnatveyattam ihayushah muhurtat sarvam utsrijya gatavan abhayam harim There is one Solution for all the problems of the world that a man may face , that is the Knowing the Glories of Lord Srikrishna the Supreme . [ Note : When someone suggest say Chant These names , listen to Bhagavat etc , an immediate question arises of what use will it be? Then it has to be explained look such and such person had done so and he achieved this result . immediately second question arises , will I reap similar results ? Yes be optimistic and give it a try ! this is what ,a background ,Shuka muni is creating for the Phalashruti of Bhagavat from above verses]

Bhagavat is the Full of Glories of Lord Krishna . But Parikshit wants to Know whether seven days are enough ? Shuka says there was once a King called Khatvanga , when this rajarishi enquired devatas as to how much longevity was leftover , Devatas said only a muhurtha . [Note : one muhurtha is two ghati . One ghati is 24 minutes and hence Muhurtha is 48 minutes.] Khatvanga raja after ascertaining his life would end after 48 minutes , immediately withdrew his senses from all the material enjoyments of life. and attaining unattached mental state to all his belongings and being completely engrossed in the Glories of Lord achieved Moksha. Shukamuni says Oh King Parikshit if Moksha has been achieved in one muhurtha 48minutes by king Khatvanga , then by that measure you have complete seven days . each day has 30 muhurtha and you have 210 muhurthas at your disposal. In this world No one can guarantee whether he will get up alive next day morning to see the rising SUN and his family . [ that means death can strike any moment , it is always uncertain] But Fortunate are You Oh Parikshit that RISHI Sringi has cursed you to DIE after seven days. He has ensured that you would LIVE Definitely for next seven days . King Parikshit is indebted to RISHI kumar for having cursed him and the recourse[ optimistic ] that King took over next seven days of Listening to SRIMADBHAGAVATA MAHAPURANA, definitely gave him Moksha . KRISHNARPANAMASTU 16 Jul

The fate of astrologer post prediction

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Daiva vs Purushartha - can destiny be changed?, Jyotish, karma. 4 Comments Once a Yavan King tried to test an astrologer . He asked astrologer to predict from which of the four doors he would leave that day. He asked astrologer to write it in a paper. Astrologer wrote in a piece of paper and it was sealed in an envelop. Yavan King drilled a hole in the eastern wall and went out that day. Next day the durbar was called . The envelope was opened ,it was written king will leave by a hole in the eastern wall and not by the doors.king was very upset because he wnted to have a last laugh and a dig at astrology but failed and himself became a laughing object.

He ordered astrologer to be thrown away from the top of the terrace of fort . The soldiers threw him down , but Astrologer survived by falling on a heap of gunny bags below.He was brought back alive to the court , King asked whether he had forseen this event , Astrologer took a pocket diary out and showed a scribling today i will be thrown from the height but would survive by the grace of GOD. How can one predict the future of self while giving predictions ? Incidently one must never predict if the questionaire wants to test. Addition of lgna chandra and gulika sphuta gives Trisphuta. Similarly one can find Pranasphuta , Dehasphuta , and Mrityusphuta . Adding these three will give Sukshma Trisphuta . If gulika occupies this Longitude then Astrologer will be in trouble. 12 Jul

StreePrashansha By Varahmihir
Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 2 Comments One born in revati star is always conquered by Woman.

Woman is the essence of happiness that a man craves for. A king[ even any man] even if he wins entire earth his capital is the essence Even inside his capital his palace is the essence Inside the palace his residential room is the essence Inside the room the royal cot is the essence On the cot the well bejewelled Woman is the only essence Woman decorates a jewel and its not jewels that ornate the woman .Because even without jewels woman can steal the mind or attract attention ,but jewels dont attract attention without being on woman A soldier , leaving all emotions of happiness , fear ,excitement etc fights with the enemies to win them , a trader spends days and nights into millions of business schedules , ministers spend sleepless nights with strategies and policies in all these stressful eventuality the only happiness they expect is the embrace of woman. In the entire creation Bramha has not created any other thing [except woman] whereby its thought can ignite happiness . And only for a women people follow dharma and achieve artha. Woman gives happiness of senses and happiness of progeny . Thus woman is grahaLakshmi and thus deserves respect and honour of one and all. Only evil finds fault with woman.

None of the defects in woman are those that are not present in man. first man errs and then woman ie woman have learnt to err only from men . But men cleverly prempts it onto woman and woman accepts because she has more qualities. so says Manu moon has given chastity to woman , gandharvas have bestowed sweetness and cultured words , Agni has bestowed allconsuming quality to women thus women are golden .[ wrt pursuit] Bramhin is revered at feet , cow by the rear , horse by the mouth ,But Woman is revered all over [ ie all her parts are revered] There is no other thing in this world as pure as woman, they regain purity every cycle of mensturation [ destroying all their sins through 3 days of rajodarshan] When woman in rage curses a house [ due to lack of respect] that house gets destroyed just like the one engulfed by the spell from all over four sides. Mankind arises from woman, he takes birth from a Mother and and is reborn [ his part] from a his wife as son . Thus one who dishonours JAYA /Janitri cannot prosper. One who pollutes woman can only get pure [relieved from sin ] if he wears a donkey skin inside out and begs in the street for six months clad in it . MAn never exhausts his sexual cravings even after 100 years , but gives it up only account of his inability [ physical due to old age] , but woman gives up sexual wants with courage. Thus one who taunts woman to shun her is akin to a man shouting at the theif to stop .[ after stealing] The man praises woman only in the moment of passion before her and perhaps may not praise her in her absence , but woman embraces a the dead body of her husband and happily enters pyre. The man who has the happiness of beautiful woman , even if he is in poverty is equivalent to King. Because Kingdom has its essence in food and women and rest of the enjoyments are all like sticks that ignite fire of thirst.[ mirage] Nowhere in entire creation the enjoyments [ asexual] can be compared to the happiness obtained from embrace of woman of beauty, slow in movement , soft ,tender ,making a strained voice , heavy upright bosoms , full of youth. The other asexual happiness of sweet songs of gandharvas ,kinnara , [nartakas gitagya vadgya ], or wise words of devatas muni sidhdhas charana etc are all available in bramha loka but cannot be better than a moment of isolation and union with a beautiful woman . Everyone from Bramha to a insect and entire creation is tied in the union of stree and purush . Whats shame in it ? Even Mahadev ran towards the Mohini , continuosly wetting the earth with all his heads concentrated on her . Only NArayana is beautiful . Kapila is the most ustere form of Narayana , when Kapila was in penace , all the apsaras tried to test their beauty by distracting him , when after many such attempts , the annoyed rishi created Urvashi from his thighs , Urvashi was so beautiful that all the apsaras felt ahsamed of themselves after seeing her and fell at the feet of Lord for having brought them to senses , God himself is responsible for all their beauty and hence they need not test it befiore

him .They realised , only a most beautiful being NARAYANA can give rise to other beauty . Krishnarapanamastu 9 Jul

Success in Prediction Significance of Aarudh

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Daiva vs Purushartha - can destiny be changed?, Jyotish, karma, yashas -success in career. 109 Comments Most of the clocks are inaccurate , not tuned to the IST [ or local mean time]. Perhaps people are not so serious about the accuracy. Or shall we say we do not have yet smart clocks who auto update themselves with IST [GMT or LMT]. This being the case , when the time is 10:45:46 , most hospital may be showing , 10:40 : 21 or 10:48:52 or may be 11:00:04 also . yet all of them think they are right [ Fuzziness of the time sense] . When a child birth occurs seldom do doctors or parents give a serious thought about tuning their watches . when tuned they will certainly have to adjust their clocks by pretty 4-5 minutes. There are 12 rashis . Each rashi is 30 deg . Each deg has 60 secs.Thus total gunanphal K = 12 X 30 X 60 =21600 . Incidentally a man in his entire day takes only 21600 breathes.[shwas] In hamsa mantra Japopasamhara it is written thus : purvedyu: pratah suryodayadarabhya aadya pratah suryodyaparyantam madhridistithena mukhyapran kruten shatshathadhikyaekvimshatsahasrasankhyak[21600] shwasroop hamsa mahamantra japen tatha mukhyapranpreriten mayakruten dash hamsa mahamantra japen bhagvan mukhyapran pati: hamsarupi lakshminarayan : priyataam In a rashi shashtyamasa is also 60th part of the rashi. The time taken to change one rashi in shashtiamsha is 2 minutes. So a horoscope changes every two minutes. thus when the time is offtrack by 4-5 minutes then the predictions change drastically. [ shashtiamsa chart is totally unreliable in this case] rest of the charst may differ accordingly. The moment of the person at any given crucial time is governed by Shashtiamsha and according to vimsopaka this divison enjoys more strength and importance than Rashi. [ vimsopak of 5 ie a strength contribution of 5 out of total twenty 20 ] That means a planet ill placed in shashtiamsha never gives good results .

as there 21600 shastiamshsa operating in a day in a human life. every moment he faces is his private moment and completely influences his existence for that moment. ie a moment of danger, that moment is very crucial for a life irrespective of whether the person is KING or a beggar that moment both are equally vulnerable. This inner moment of vulnerability is governed by Shashtiamsha . When a person temporarily loses his cool [ his actual characteristic vanishes and he may become inhuman for a minute. Perhaps may regain his cool and become normal . Such behaviors may be unexplained when a very good man suddenly behaves in a sinful manner for a short moment of time. How does this happen . The shashtiamsha are elaborated as 1 rakshas amsha , kubera amsha , yaksha amsha , gandharva , heramba etc ; when these are operative man is possessed by such deities /demons to carry out such activity . Woman on silver screen dazzle and look heavenly due to presence of gandharva amsha , when met at other times may look normal and disappointing . When in yaksha amsha some people may give extraordinary performances on stage and yet in interviews they may seem to squeak with their voice when told to sing without microphone and accompanying orchestra. However This shasti amsha changes when there is defect of 2 minutes in birth chart which usually every hospital may carry as a result of approximate clocks. Next let us assume moons degree at 3 18 in cancer moon travels 200 in 360 min . so when there is difference of 4 minutes in clock then 200/90 = 2 02 ; then moons degrees will have a difference of 2 ; Then the number of days for which the prediction goes off track is 5 X 360/100 =18 days. approx . So a dasha system of 18 days difference is carried out by the calculation of astrologer . Thus astrologer will never be able to identify the events of importance like marriage or loss of job etc. If someone has just lost the job after a beautiful stint astrologer would still be giving better results to the native. Thus in absence of accurate time , predictions will never be successful . In such situations AARUDHA is the best tool to decipher the events. Aarudh is the piece of gold laid out by non astrologers over a rashi chakra or the direction in which querist is sitting this determines the exact nature of the query and its result .Aarudh gives the result accurately . Krishnarpana 7 Jul

Linga Lakshan

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 2 Comments

The person with small ling[ penis] will be rich Large ling will make one poor Bent towards Left will give financial troubles and troubles from children bent towards right will have fortunate child Bent downwards will give poverty Vsible nerves on the ling will give less children Knotty ling will make one happy Soft ling will give death due to diabetes One testicles [anda]will give death by drowning Uneven and will make one run after females [ lecher/flirt] Even and will become a leader stressed upwards and will reduce longevity And elongated long and will make one live 100 years. If mani [ under/lower skin edge of penis] [ lingagra] is red in colour man will be wealthy . if mani is white and dirty [faded] man will lose his wealth If while urinating there is noise then man will enjoy happiness If there is no noise then one will become poor in later life If urine falls clockwise in two three or four streams respectively then one becomes a king. Those who urinate in a dispersed manner face poverty Only single stream urination will make one very beautiful but without children Drop by drop urination will make one very learned If there are bubbles while urination person is potent. Those whose mani are raised ,even and viscous they will enjoy women wealth and precious stones in abundance if centre of Mani is cut and small depressed They will give birth to only females. Those whose mani centre is raised will own many animals If mani is absent they will be wealthy. Those whose semen smells like flowers become King Those whose semen smells like honey will have many children Very less semen will give female offsprings Those whose semen smells like meat will enjoy many women and are addicted to sex Those whose semen smells like alcohol will perform yagnya Astringent smelling semen will give poverty Those who finish satisfying copulation in a whisk live longer Delayed ejaculation will give less life span. Six packs [natural] on stomach will make one learned Four packs will make one enjoy many woman two packs will die by weapons Eight packs will make one own a diary No packs but stomach like that of lion will make one king.

Uneven packs [two four six] will not give above result but man will have illicit relationships aka incest. Even packs or lines will make one turn away from other woman and be attached to only wife.

Once on the banks of river sarswati , All the rishis had gathered to perform satra yaga . The saptarishis were presiding . Just then rishis nArad came by and asked ,all the humans are engaged in doing yaga japa etc , but who is actually recieving them in heavens , have they ever inspected this . Is it not right to inspect and find whether the Deities are capable/worthy of recieving thses offerings and giving them fruits. If it is truth then who is the supreme deity that receives these offerings and should be prayed to. Kashyap then deputed Bhrigu muni to inspect and sent him to heavens. Sage Bhrigu went to Maharloka and Shiva was busy with Parvati in ekanta and did not bother to welcome Bhrigu . Bhrigu cursed him that henceforth none should worship Shiva in his idol form but instead Shiva be worshipped in his LINGA form. Also he cursed one who partakes offerings to Linga lose his punya. Then Bhrigu proceeded to Bramha and here too Bramha ignored him [ Both Shiva and Bramha ignored on purpose to declare the supremacy of Vishnu and it was not a disrespect to Muni or defect in their characteristics of getting engrossed in respective wife] Bhrigu cursed Bramha that he be not worshipped at all on earth and let there be no temples in his name. Owing to thgis curse there are no Bramha temples in the world. except at Pushkar which was constructed at the arly stages of creation . Then Bhrigu went to Vishnu , seeing Vishnu in Yoga nidra he kicked him in the chest. Lord pacified Bhrigu by pressing his feet . this angered [ mock anger] Laxmi . She left Shwetadweepa and settled in Kolahpur.Lord came down looking for her ended up Marrying Padmavati and then stood as TIRUPATI BALAJI . Krishnarpana 6 Jul

Mahapurush Lakshan -32 features

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 32 Comments Beauty of a person is judged by 32 features .Such 32 Features present indiactes a perfect man/woman. These features are

Chest ,forehead ,shoulders must be broad -3

Navel ,and Satva must be deep [ Gambhir]-2 Breasts,stomach,knees,nose,face,hips must be well developed -6 Penis ,back,neck,thighs should be small -4 Eye edges,palms,foot ,nails ,toungue ,lips,palette should be red in colour 7 teeth ,nails,hair,skin ,pores should be subtle [not coarse] -5 Mouth ,eyes , ears ,nose and arms should be large -5 additionally three lines should be visible at forehead ,neck and stomach

Only Hanuman has all the Lakshanas .Shiva has 28 Lakshanas and others have lesser and lesser , devatas have 15 and above rishis have eight best lakshan and beautiful humans have 4 or 5 good lakshanas ,Demons have all distorted lakshan , Kali has all 32 durlakshanas only. Those who have more than 20 lakshanas there words on Vedas can be accepted . More the lakshanas more the happiness . More will be devotion towards Vishnu .For women beauty is the only indicator for good qualities .More beautiful a women more devoted will be she towards God. Abenefic in Lgna or a benefic aspecting Lagna makes one beautiful krishnarpana 4 Jul

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 14 Comments Man born on earth is ordained to perform certain karma which is compulsory and non adherence results in sin and punishment in hell. These karmas are known as Nitya karma . Ekadashi vrat and Chaturmasa , Krishna ashtami are nitya karmas which every human being must adhere to . Chaturmasa is four months of austere ties to observed starting from Ashadha shukla Ekadashi to kartik shukla dwadashi. In the four months of the rainy season, from the Ekadashi of the bright fortnight of Ashadha when the Sun is in the Cancer to the Ekadashi of the bright fortnight of Kartika, Lord Vishnu sleeps on the serpentbed[ YOGA NIDRA] This period is pious and most appropriate for devotion to Lord Vishnu. Today is Ashadha Shukla Dwadashi and Chaturmasa begins.Chaturmasa the four months are observed thus ; Ashadha Shukla Ekadashi to Shravan Shukla Ekadashi Shaka Vrat In this month no vegetables are used in the kitchen a and recipes.

Vegetables like Onion, garlic, drumstick, eggplants, radish, and bottle gourd are some of them which induce passion and hence ever prohibited. But specially prohibited in Shaka vrat are Prohibited ingredients Tamarind Chili Coriander Mustard All types of vegetables Fruits (except Mango) Dry grapes Cardamom ,hing, scented articles. Coconut Nuts like Cashew, etc. Allowed ingredients Pulses (except Bengal gram and fried gram) Pepper Cumin seeds Amla powder Wheat Sesame seeds Ragi Sooji Rava Maida Gingelly oil Ghee Jaggery Sugar Corn Amchur powder (dry mango powder) Dadhi vrata Shravan Shukla Ekadashi to Bhadrapad Shukla Ekadashi -All items made of curds and curds are prohibited in this period. Ksheer vrata Bhadrapad shukla ekadashi to Ashvayuj shukla ekadashi All items made in milk and by products and milk are prohibited to be used. Dwidala Vrata Ashvayuj Shukla Ekadashi Kartik Shukla Ekadashi all the seeds [ dals ] which break into two when hit with stone [ dicotyledons] are prohibited and all plants sprouted from these are also prohibited , also fruits and vegetable containing multiple seeds are not to be used.

This gives control of the senses for longevity. Among the five sense organs the tongue is most vulnerable and susceptible for the temptation and it is very difficult to control. This is the last sense organ ceases its operation before the death. A bath in holy waters,visits to holy places, temples, charities and merits take shelter in Lord Vishnu. One bathing in a river in the Chaturmasa becomes accomplished, and if one bathes in holy waters, ones sins are destroyed. If one mixes sesame seeds and amla powder, takes a bath with this water, he will get purged of all sins.Compassion to living beings is particularly recommended in Chaturmasa and the giving of food, water and cows etc. reading of scriptures and fire sacrifices afford immense religious merit. Giving food bestows the highest religious merit. It can be given at any time of the day; It is a rare virtue to have the inclination to abide by dharma, to serve the saints, have darshana and satsanga of saints to worship Lord Vishnu and practice alms giving in Chaturmasa. If one, for the sake of the Lords pleasure, voluntarily forswears sense-enjoyments dear to ones heart in Chaturmasa, one gets those sense-enjoyments in unlimited quantity. One doing so with full faith gets immense Punya .

One not using metal utensils and taking food on Palasha leaves in Chaturmasa attains to vairagya. One should particularly refrain from taking food in copper utensils during Chaturmasa. Wearing black and blue is prohibited in Chaturmasa. One, who refrains from shaving in Chaturmasa, saves himself from the taptraya. Sleeping on the ground, observing brahmacharya, eating on leaves, fasting, Mauna (silence), japa, meditation and charities in Chaturmasa gives results manyfolds. If one remains steadfast and takes moderate quantities of food only once in a day throughout Chaturmasa, he gets absolved of all sins and goes to Lord Vishnus abode. One eating only a single cereal throughout Chaturmasa is saved from diseases. One taking only one meal in a day in Chaturmasa attains punya of performing twelve yagyas. One living on milk or fruit alone gets thousands of sinful births destroyed. Complete fasting on one out of fifteen days destroys all ailments of the body and converts all the food taken in past fourteen days into ojas. That is why fasting on Ekadashi is so highly celebrated. Chaturmasa. continuosly fasting for 12 days is known as parak taking a single morsel and increasing each morsel every day uptill Poornima and reducing till Amavasya is known as Krichcha . eating only once in the morning and fasting in evening is known as Nakta Eating in evening and fasting during daytime is known as ekabhukta .

All these austerities give complete results in chaturmasa and are multiplied crores of times in absolving heinous sins. It is specifically required to keep the mind engaged in reading shastras during this period , it is known as PARAYANA . It is very easy to attain mantra siddhi during chaturmasa Woman can serve Lord by taking up austerities like making 100000 battis [ wicks lamp] for the lord . Woman can also opt for making 10000 namaskaras to Lord in four months . Ascetics Vow to stay in one place and do not cross city borders , they perform 10000 Tulasi archana to the Lord Anantshayan.

Lord Vishnu sleeps in yognidra during Chaturmasa; therefore, no marriages or other ceremonies or sacrifices with desire of future reward should be performed in Chaturmasa. This four month period is for austerities. Lord gets up from his YOGNIDRA on Utthan DWADASHI [ which is also TULASI VIVAH ]. 3 Jul

Palabha Prashna Phalaprapti kaal

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Jyotish. 5 Comments

A 12 angul Shanku when erected on a plain ground gives a shadow on to the ground due to sun at various times at a given place. This shadow is known as Shankuchaya The prashna Ascendant [rashi kala vikala] when converted to vikalas gives kalapinda Each planet has a gunaka[multiplier] ,sun=5 moon=21 mars=14 mercury=9 jupiter=8 venus=3 saturn=11. Kalapinda when multiplied with chaya be divided by 7 whatever remainder R is obtained .[1 -7 sun -sat] that planets gunak be multiplied by kalapinda and chaya. Kalapinda X chaya / 7 =remainder R Z= kalapinda X Chaya X [R corresponding gunaka] Z / 7 =remainder if sun mars or shani then the prashna will have negative result else positive result is obtained. Kalapinda X chaya /71 =remainder K Keep deducting sun 5 moon 21 from this K where deduction is not possible that planets and remains will the number of days months or years time taken to attain the result.

Here chaya is important in knowing both prashna lagna and timings. What is chaya . In olden days Astrologers used to have a stick 12 angul erceted in the house and year long shadow markings for various hours at various months were marked .This is impractical in todays times.

So without erecting shanku [stick ] can we find the chaya . Lets use some mathematics.

Chayakarna = chaya + Shanku This principle can be found in grahalaghav , sarvanandkaran ,makarand etc treatises of Astrology. Vishuvat is sayan mesha sankranti and Sayan tula sankranti normally falls on 21 march and 23 september .On these days at NOON, 12 angul shanku at whatever place gives the shadow , that shadow is known as PALABHA . At Vishuvat rekha ie akshansha 0 deg at equator shadow will be zero. As we go northwards or southwards the shadow increases so does Palabha proportional to lattitudes. that means if akshansha is known [ longitude /lattitudes] then plabha can be known. and vice versa. ie If shadow is accurately cast then lattitudes and longitudes of the place can be found out. Palabha = {625 -(Akshansha X 10 )} if Palabha is known then chaya can be found out as follows Y= [charapala / {palabha X 10 }] X 2 ; Bhajya= Y+ Y/5 +114 ; Bhajak = charapala /5 114 ; Sama= {Natkal +0.30 } / 2 ; Palakarna = [Palabha /25] + 12 ; Abhista har ={Bhajak- sama } / Palakarna ;

Chayakarna = Bhaja / Ishta har ; Chaya = chayakarna Shanku This is shadow at the time of prashna . Example : Let there be a question at 10 am delhi when ascendant was 4. 22 .46. kalatmakpinda = 4X 30 =120 +22 =144 X 60 =8640 +46 = 8686 ; Let chaya be 9.13 kalapinda X chaya = 8686 X 9.13 = 80055.58 80056/7 = remainder 4 [ Mercury ] gunak =9 8686X 9 = 720504 720504/7 remainder =1 [ sun] thus the result will not be favourable. 80056/71 = remainder 36 . 36- surya 5 = 34 34- moon 21 = 13 13- mars 14 [ deduction not possible ] thus thus 13 days trouble are indicated as sun is not favoravle. if remainder is sun mars = days ,venus moon =fortnight , jupiter =months , mercury = 2 months , saturn =years ; as many days months years etc. should be predicted for timing of the event such as travel , return from foriegn trip , loss gain , destruction of enemies ,advent of finance etc. For details One can refer Surysidhdhanta triprashnadhikar. krishnarpanamastu. 2 Jul

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 1 Comment

Utpat are of three types : Divya antariksha Bhauma

Differences in the discs of SUn ,planets or stars are known as divya . Ulka[comets] nirghat [meteors] ,Vayu vikar [ windstorms] Parivesha [solar /lunar dispersion] Gandharva nagar [UFO] Indradhanush [ rainbow] are all Antariksha utpat Movable things if they become immovable or immovable things become movabel on earth then it is Bhauma Utpat . Shanti will alleviate Bhauma utpat. Antariksha utpat reduces its effect when shanti is performed. Divya Utpat does not calm down even after Shanti. Gold , Food and cow and Prithvi[land] dwhen donatedreduces some UTPAT illeffects . Divya Utpat can also be pacified by 1 Crore homa. [koti homa]. King fins results of Divya Utpat in his body, son,treasury ,vehicles,city,queen ,chief preist and subjects . Shivaling, Devata statue and temples or places of worship when they dislocate , cry , ,sweat,or fall or make some strange noises then it foretells death or danger to the King and his Kingdom. When during festival in temples ,if the grand vehicles [yatra ratha] breakdown wheel gets stuck or overtuurms ,then it foretells bad future for the inhabitants and King. When Draupadi Vasraharan was attempted by Dushyashan , temporarily all the greats in the Kuru family were mentally stuck by inertia [ they were all stabdha] by the evil force of Kali and Dhritrashtra ,Bheeshma ,Drona and Kripa except Vidur none opposed the act. Vikarna [brother of Duryodhan opposed the act saying this is adharma . But this was not out of any devotion to Krishna or attachment to Pandavas or extreme faith in Dharma. Vikarna wanted to show that he knows some dharma well and wanted to exhibit it without any conviction. Thus even after he opposed , Bheemasen vowed to kill all the 100 brother s of Kauravas. Bheema is apostle of Dharma , he cannot err . Yet If Vikarna was right then BHeemsen should have vowed for 99 people but He vowed to eliminate all the 100. Gandhari did ask this question to Bheemsen in the end. Bheem explains , Vikarna had only shown intent on his knowledge exhibition and no conviction. Yet he also was party to imprisoning scheme of Krishna and rendered hima vishnu Drohi amd hence was entitled to be kiled by BHeemsen.

After the Bheemsend Vow , there were UTPAT everywhere visible in the skies and Earth trembled , there were heavy cries from owls , yagnyashala of Kauravas moved to a distance , therw as a vile storm and heavy rains, Dhrtarashtra s throne trembled , his crown fell down and horses vomited blood. owls and vultures cried loudly . All the AYga mantap lit automatically by fire. the statue of Kuru greats wept profusely. Dhritarashtra called for Vidura and asked him the results of this Utpat . Vidura said if you dont act Oh great king you will be destroyed along with your sons and children .Bheemsen is veryt angr and Draupadi can any moment Curse you , this will close gates of heaven to you. and imminent downfall awaits your family. Dhritarashtra afraid of Curse of Draupadi asks Vidura a way out to escape calamity. He says return the Kingdom and husbands freedom for Draupadi. Dhritarastra asked whats wrong in gaining a kingdom by his son in gambling How does that entitle Bheemsen to wage war .? Vidura says Oh King , listen to the Dharma carefully , that which is given to a woman by her husband ,That whchis taken away from a pious bramhin , or widowed woman or a crippled soldier or that which is lost in a gamble , all this can be taken back by force and there is bno loss of dharma in it Dhritarashtra then pacifies Draupadi and asks her to seek a boon . Kshtriya woman does not seek any boons from other than husband. Vidura says three can be taken from the husbands father. SInce Pandu is not alive Dhhrtarashtra is akin to Father , and her father inlaw so she can ask three boons from him. Vidura urges Dhritarashtra to bestow freedom to Draupadi , her husbands and third retiurn of Kingdom lost in gamble. Dhritarashtra obliges and returns all that is lost in the gamble alongwith freedom from slavery to Pandavs. Bheemsen says what has been given in fear is not a dana or boon but a an extract by themselves. thus they as kshatriys cannot be said to ahve gained freedom in bhiksha. As Dhritarashtra gave these out of fear. But great is the Satvik nature of Draupadi , that even in extreme trouble she did not curse Kauravas but relied on Krsihna to safeguard her honour . This is true Bhagavat dharma. krishnarpana. 1 Jul

Pravarshan- Rainfall
Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 1 Comment

Pravashan is known by omens present at the rainfall on the following stars Purvabhadrapad, Uttarabhadrapad ,uttarashada , purvashadha ,rohini . in these five stars when there is rainfall , then it is known as garbha. After 195 days it is known as prasava , where there will be massive rains or poor rains as per the omens on the day of Garbha. if there is rainfall on these stars with more than required quantity in every season then there will be enough rains . But if there are rains on shatbhishaga , ashlesha, ardra,swati or magha , as garbha then if these are lit with omens like utpat[ divya antariksha or bhaum] there will not be rains for as many days in the rainy season for as many days the omens exist during garbha. fibe factors to be observed for a rain are Vayu jal vidyut , megh ,shabda. if garbha contains all the five factors , then there will be ample rains in the season. When all the five are present then there will be rains for 100yojans , if only four omens at garbha then rains will be for 50 yojan , three omens will give 25 yojan , two will give 12.5 yojan only one omen will give 5 yojan distributed rains. if garbh is in margashirsh then there will be less rains . Jyeshta shukla ashtami to four days are normaly suitable for garbha , if it rains on swati satr then there will no rains in shravan amasa. if it rains on vishakha then there will be no rains in bhadrapada , anuradha will not giuve rains in ashvayuj and jyeshta rain will make it rainless in kartik. Where there is good law and order and where Bramhins are always engaged in homa havan and yagnyas and are agnihotris there will always be plenty of rains. Today most parts of India are facing extreme power shortage . here are unsheduled power cuts even in cities like Bangalore ,delhi etc. This seems to be caused by shortage in water level in reservoirs in dams. Electricity department has openly made an appeal to the people to understand that this is due to shortage of rainfall . if it does not rain in coming weeks , the unsheduled cuts will be normalised and additional cuts will be imposed apart from regular 5 hour cuts in city like Bangalore. Tariff may increase by Rs 3. And it is all due to no Rains. Strange , how the rationalists have suddenly started believing in the rain Gods . In the era when it was fashionable to build dams ,depending on rains was superstition . Every river had dams obstructing its flow thinking that will give electricity forever. Wise cried ,the river is not just a water flowing it is ecosystem . If

ecosystem is disturbed then environment is affected. People laughed , they thought it is oldfashioned to oppose dams. There were films in those days where waiting for rains for agriculture was shown as sign of backwardness and unscientific. The arrogance of science was on the basis of its discovery of electricity. This arrogance led to abuse of rivers , rivers dried everywhere in every part of India . Today same cusodians of electricity are looking skywards [like poor farmer of parallel cinema art film] for rains. krishnarpanmastu 26 Jun

Rajvrittant- List of kings after Mahabharata war

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 8 Comments Bhagavat purana lists all the kings that would come to rule the land of bharat [ entire jambudweepa] after King Parikshit. This is an inetresting tale of kings yet to come a prediction by Vedavyasa the names of the kings and their prospective rule along with the number of years they ruled is amazingly accurate when compared to the actual history . However william Jones and others distorted Indian history and jumbled up thye names of many a kings to match with the sumerian record. Most of the history we read is highly biased and interpolated to suit the erstwhile british empire designs to show the land of Bharat as land of snake charmers and naked babas. Th actual list is thus.

3139 The Mahabharat War Start of Brihadrath dynasty of Magadh Start of Yudhisthir dynasty of Hastinapur 3102 Ascension of Bhagwan Krishn Start of kaliyug 2139 End of Brihadrath dynasty 2139-2001 Pradyot dynasty 2001-1641 Shishunag dynasty 1894-1814 Gautam Buddh 1641-1541 Nandas 1541-1241 Maurya dynasty *1541-1507 Chandragupt Maurya 1507-1479 Bindusar 1479-1443 Ashokvardhan

1241-784 Shung and Kanau dynasty 784-328 Andhra dynasty 328-83 Gupt dynasty 328-321 Chandragupt Vijayaditya *326 Alexanders invasion 321-270 Samudragupt Ashokaditya Priyadarshin, or Ashok the Great 102BC-15AD Vikramaditya, established Vikram era in 57 BC (AD) 25-85 Shalivahan, established Shalivahan Shak era in 78 AD 85-1192 There were several kingdoms of Rajpoot kings all over India. They ruled for 1,107 years. 1192-1757 In 1192, Mohammad Gori invaded Delhi (Hastinapur) the second time, defeated and killed Prithviraj Chauhan, and became the king. Since then several dynasties of Muslims ruled India for 565 years. 1757-1947 In 1757 English regime was established in Bengal. British ruled India for 190 years. 1947 India got Independence It can be seen that there is full 1200 years of diffrence between the Chanakya Maurya and Alexander . The myth of Alexander and his Selukus having fought maurya is evident. This is the greatest hoax of this century. a grand goof up. To proove the same let us provide some evidence. The famous Aihole inscription of glorious Chalukya King Pulkeshi II of the 7th century says,

It means, 3,735 (30 + 3,000 + 700 + 5) years have already elapsed in kaliyug after the Mahabharat war, and 556 (50 + 6 + 500) years of Shalivahan era is running (on this date of engraving this inscription). The inscription says that 3,735 years of kaliyug had already elapsed. It means the 3,736th year of Kali era was running in the Shak era 556 AD which was 556 + 78 = 634 AD. Thus, deducting 634 from 3,736 comes to 3102 BC.

Thus date of both Mahabharata war and Shalivahan shaka has been established through this inscription. Now Bhagavat clearly deleanates the list and is also supported by Vishnu purana and Bhavishya Purana. Bhavishya Puran itself there are descriptions of Vikramaditya in more than 40 chapters between Pratisarg Parv I and IV. Pratisarg Parv IV, chapter 1 of Bhavishya Puran says that after the elapse of a full 3,000 years in kaliyug (3102 3000 = 102 BC), a dynamic Divine personality was born who was named Vikramaditya. Bhavishya Puran further says that the great King Vikramaditya ruled for one hundred years. Kalidas, the greatest poet, writer and the literary figure of his time, living a pious life and sincerely devoted to his scholarly work, was one of the nine gems of King Vikrams court. The Jyotirvidabharnam by Kalidas tells in its first chapter [astrological treatise by Kalidas]

that Vikram era started at the elapse of (agni 3, ambar 0, yug 4 and ved 4 = 3,0,4,4) 3,044 years of kaliyug. Thus, the 3,045th year of kaliyug was the beginning of Vikram era which is 57 BC. At the end of Jyotirvidabharnam, Mahakavi Kalidas mentions the exact date of his writing and says that in the Kali era 3067 he had started to write this book. It means, he wrote that book when 3,067 years of kaliyug had passed. That comes to 35 BC (3102 3067 = 35), which is after the beginning of Vikram era. Thus, Vikramaditya was born in 102 BC (3102-3000), established his era in 57 BC and left this earth planet in 15 AD. There were nine dynasties that ruled Magadh after the Mahabharat war (3139 BC). They were: 21 kings in Brihadrath dynasty (1,000 years), 5 in Pradyot (138 years), 10 in Shishunag (360 years), one King Mahapadm Nand along with his 8 sons (100 years), 10 Maurya (137 years), 10 Shung and 4 Kanva (457 years), and 30 kings of Andhra dynasty for 456 years (Bhagwatam 9/22/46-49, 12/1/1-28 ). Thus Alexanders era of 320 Bc does not coincide with Chanakya and Maurya. Morover Megasthenes never mentions about any minister of Sandrokottus by name Chanakya.The most prolific and authentic historian it is unlikely that when he has not missed to captue the essence of Magadh empire with details of gardens and footpath and roads and administration has failed to mention the most revered and admired minister of Empire. It is infact the empire of Ashoka priyadarshin[samudragupta] that megasthenes was describing and not Candragupta Maurya. as 320 Bc was gupta period and not Maurya period.

Some names are confusing .

The Gupt dynasty was the ninth Magadh dynasty. There were seven kings in the Gupt dynasty: (1) Chandragupt Vijayaditya (ruling period 7 years), (2) Samudragupt Ashokaditya Priyadarshin or Ashok the Great (51 years), (3) Chandragupt II Vikramaditya (36 years), (4) Kumargupt Mahendraditya (42 years), (5) Skandgupt Parakramaditya (25 years), (6) Nrasinghgupt Baladitya (40 years) and (7) Kumargupt II Vikramaditya (44 years). The total reigning period was 245 years. After the downfall of Gupt dynasty the kingship of Magadh ended and it went under the subordination of Vikramaditya of Ujjain (Malva).

And Mauryan dynasty

Chanakya, also known as Kautilya, who didnt have a pleasant appearance but had an intelligent brain, managed to terminate the existing King Mahapadm Nand and his eight sons and made Chandragupt the King of Magadh who was also the legitimate heir of the throne. The total period of the four dynasties including the Nand dynasty after the Mahabharat war is 1,598 years (1,000 + 138 + 360 + 100). Thus, the coronation date of Chandragupt Maurya comes to 3139 1598 = 1541 BC. Chandragupt Maurya ruled for 34 years (1541-1507 BC), his son Bindusar ruled 28 years (1507-1479 BC) and his grandson Ashokvardhan ruled for 36 years (1479-1443 BC).

Megasthenes mentions King of india had usurped kingdom from his master. Chandragupta of Gupta dynasty was a general in the cout of Andhra king when the king diesd his son Pauloma was a infant so Chadraguta assumed throne later killed Pauloma to become emperor. whereas Mautya was installed by Chanakya and was legal heir to the throne. Megasthenes was considered as gossiper by Greeks themselves Strabo says Megasthenes account cannot be believed as it says some Indians had feet backwards with eight toes. Sugarcane was a honey coated reed which gave honey without bees. Inidians lived only for 40 years. and women gave birth to child at seven . the snakes were flying and scorpions threw venom from skies and ants were as big as camel. All these show he was cooking up stories. And Jones took advantage of these writings to establish Sandrokottus was chandragupta Maurya. and Hindus were Aryans from foriegn Land and so muslims and christians were equally acceptable as hindus in this land as invaders. But megasthenes never mentions MAurya. or Chanakya.

Thus this history is distorted . And true history is what is given in Bhagavatam and Bhavishya Purana. kings of Pramar dynasty up to King Bhojraj as given in the Bhavishya Puran (Pratisarg Parv IV chapter one) states Vikramaditya, son of Gandharv Sen, reigned up to 15 AD. Vikramadityas son Deobhakt ruled from 15-25 AD and his grandson, Shalivahan, ruled from 25-85 AD. Shalivahan established his era in 78 AD. It is called the Shalivahan Shakera. 26 Jun

Vaksiddhi Birth of Vyasateertha

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 6 Comments

Mercury in kendra , venus in second house and any other benefic in the third house gives Vaksiddhi. Jupiter with any other benefic in vargottam will give vaksiddhi.

Many atimes Astrologers reap fame due to vaksiddhi. Even austere saints exhibit vaksiddhi. Vaksiddhi gives rise to a concept that Lord sometimes overrides the destiny of people for the sake of words of certain chosen few. One must not pester Astroogers to answer any queries when he is not in a mood , his words sometimes spoils a good fortunes and a delighted brsmhin astrologer can spin wonders for a dejected man or one beaten down by the hit of destiny. Astrologers should hence use restraint in giving negative predictions. Vedvyasa resides in the speech of bramhins. Perhaps this may be the reason why in Yaksha prashna Yudhisthir answers The power of bramhin is in his speech This is also the reason why Prahlad asks the only boon in his life to Lord Narsimha to always give his lineage and descendants the mind to oblige bramhins. For this Lord Narayana says Bramhano sakshat mama devata. Once there lived a woman in her late fifties by name Kaveri. She hurriedly went to the Mutt where Shri Bramhanyateertha was engrossed in the study of shastras. Kaveri had just lost her husband Ramchandraachar and his corpse was being taken to the funeral . Unable to bear the agony she decided to alight the pyre [sati]and wanted to take permission from the saint. Saint without even taking a look at her , engrossed in his book , and withhout even listening to her exclaimed deergha sumangali bhava ,suputrapraptirastu

Kaveri amma became very puzzled. She said Swamiji my husband is being taken for funeral [he is already dead] and what is this you have said. Swamiji said his words woud not go waste. Bramhanya teerth went to the corpse and sprinkled the holy water [teertha ] of Sriman MOOLARAM and Ramchandraachar got up to the delight of all the gathering. even as a aged woman she conciebved and gave birth to a great scholar .This child studied in Kanchi and became famous as Vagmi and compiled entire Madhva shastra into a couplet. Shripad Rayaru of Mulbagil was very impressed with his mastery over Shastras. Then Bramhanya teertha ordained this boy as the successor to his Mutt Peethadhipati and named him Shri Vyasa Teertha. Sulava Narsimha was emperor of Vijaynagar empire , He requested ShriPadraja swamiji to take over pooja of Tirumala Venkataramana . Tirupati was governed by Vijaynagar Kings . Shripadaraj swamiji recommended Vyasateertha to be appointed for Praying Tirupati Balaji . [Madhvas were actually archakas during Vijayanagar Rule ]. Vyasa teertha did abhisheka and pooja At tirumala for 12 years . It was during such period Sulava raya declared Vyasateertha as his Rajguru . His successor Krishnadevaraya also accepted Vyasaraja As his Guru. the famous historian and poet Somanath writes .Vyasa raya was respected by all the Kings even muslims. He was revered Saint and King actively sought his political advise. The great Dasa like Purandara ,kanaka etc were ordained under his tutorship.The great Saints like Vijayeendra , Vadiraaj also learnt under him. He defeated many scholars of his time to establish Madhva philososphy. He was considered as Abhinav Vyasa. Idols of Krishna danced whenever he was engaged in its pooja. People rejoiced and felt safe in his administration. Once when a astrologer declared that great calamity will befall the Kingdom of Vijayanagar when the brith star of the King was tenented by three malefics. The astrologer predicted ,whoever sits on the throne at that inauspicious hour will meet certain death. Krishnadevaraya ,invited Vyasateertha to rule the Kingdom for twelve years on the throne[as he alone could mitigate the duryoga] . Vyasateertha threw his angavastra onto the throne and it burnt down to ashes, then he ascended the Throne of Vijaynagar Empire and ruled for twelve years to safeguard King Krishnadevaraya from illfate . He was able adminstrator and statesman . Vyasateertha established 732 Idols of Hanuman all through the Empire .Vyasateertha was Balhika in the Mahabharata war . As Balhika [elder brother of Shantanu and Uncle of Bheeshma ] he had raised mace on Lord Bheemasen 732 times. finally he died in the

hands of Bheemasen . having raised weapon on the Lord Vayu , he did prayashchitta by installing 732 haniman idols all over the empire in this birth. Vyasa teertha was reborn as Shri Raghavendra Teertha. 24 Jun

RajYoga-The story of Narahari teertha

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Jyotish, bhagya, karma, people and astrology, sadhana, yashas -success in career, yogas. 27 Comments || sasItAmUlarAmArchA koshe gajapateH sthitA | ||yenAnItA namastasmai shrImannR^iharibhixave|| Narahari teertha -3rd Pontiff in the Shree Madhacharya -Raghavendra Mutt (1324-1333Hampi-Thungabhadra) PooRvashram name SHyam shaastri. When Jupiter is in Lagna and sun in the tenth house at the time of travel one will acquire a Kingdom in his travel. Shyam Shastri was the minister of Kalinga State. His father was Narasimha Bhatta. who was also an officer in that state. They were powerful in many respects. Many temples were erected during their time.The inscriptions at Srikurmam says He had donated a Village to bramhins for the welfare of King Bhanudev II . He was expert swordsman and able statesman.He was a scholar. Lead a life like rajaRshi ,working as an minister in the court of King Gajapathi of Orissa(Kalinga) State. Sriman Madhwacharya camped at Orissa after returning from Badarikashram. A Vidwat sabha was arranged. The Father and the son took part in the debate. Both father and son duo were traditionally ADVAITI bramhins ,thus they were debating against the Dvaita philosophy of Sriman Madhvacharya .They could not succeed. They accepted the defeat.. Impressed by the discourses of SriMadhvacharya Shyama Shastri accepted the Vaishnava-dvaitha Math and became his disciple. He was ordained the Name NARHARI Teertha Stayed for some time with his guru. Sriman Madhwacharya asked him to go to Kalinga State and spread the Dvaitha Philosophy. At that time the king died leaving a infant heir to the throne. A caretaker was neccessary till the infant prince grew Youngand capable. The subjects were in dilemma. They decided and made arrangements for the Royal elephant to go round the State with a

garland at its trunk and to put to the neck of a person to whom it chooses as the best.That person would rule the kingdom. The Royal elephant saw a Sanyasi coming out of Lord Jagannatha temple, after performing pooja. It garlanded the Sanyasi and prostrated before him. The subjects felt that Lord Jagannatha had come in the form of Swamiji and entrusted the State to the control of the Swamiji. He was none other than Sri Narahari TheeRtha. The subjects were more than happy to see erstwhile minister now back to look after them. Sri Narahari theertha also thought that it was the will of God to protect the kingdom till the prospective ruler would grow and was able to take charge of the kingdom. Thus he looked after the Kingdom for 12 years. The history of orissa well records this fact in the following extract .. Narasimhadeva I was successful in his campaigns against the Muslims and humbled the pride of his enemy. Like his father he was a devotee of Lord Purushottama. He is remembered in history as the builder of the world famous temple at Konarka. In 1264 A.D. Narasimhadeva I was succeeded by his son Bhanudeva I born of queen Sitadevi. During his time Narahari Tirtha the disciple of Ananda Tirtha (Madhvacharya) had great influence in Orissa. He was even appointed as a Governor of Kalinga. During the rule of Bhanudeva, Chandrikadevi, the daughter of Anangabhimadeva I, constructed the Ananta Basudev temple at Bhubaneswar in 1278 A.D. That year Bhanudeva died and his son Narasimhadeva II was an infant. Narahari Tirtha worked as regent for long twelve years. Narasimhadeva II is known to have fought against the Muslims of Bengal the results of which were decisive. His long reign from 1278 to 1306 was peaceful .. During his rule , he remained a sanyasi and converted many adjacent princes and kings to Vaishnav Dvaita fold and renamed them .The Matsya rulers of Oddavadi became independent of the Gangas and were converted to Vaisnavism by Narahari Tiirtha. Arjuna became Narasimha Vardhana, Annamaraja Gopalavardhana and Munjaditya Srirangavardhana. Sri Narahari Tiirtha was also responsible for the conversion of many princely and aristocratic families of Kalinga and Andhra regions to Madhva fold. The descendants of these families still flourish in the coastal Andhra and adjoining states. When the successor had attained maturity to take charge of the kingdom, he handed over the State and left for the UDUPI. The Young Raja wanted to give presents to the outgoing Sanyasi. But Sri Narahari theertha did not accept anything. When the young Rajakumar persisted him to have something as a memento, he took the MoolaRama idols from the Raja Bhanadara and arrived at the Udipi Kshetra on Kartheeka shudhdha

Dwadashi evening. He submitted these idols to SriMan Madhwacharya. The morning Pooja were over due to Dwadashi. Yet Sriman Madhwacharya again went to Sri Madhwa sarovara and took bath and completed the Ahneeka . Taking these Bramha KaraaRchitha [one adorned and prayed by Bramha] idols and kept by the side of Lord Kadagol Krishna and performed the Pooja. Sri Narahari theertha was performing Sanchara in all the directions like Sri PadmanaBha theertha spreading the Dwaitha doctrine. He came to a village called GollarahaLLI. That early morning, Lord Sriman NarayaNa appeared in his dream informing the saint that he was in the form of an idol in the nearby tank. Accordingly, the saint with his parivara went to the spot indicated by the lord and brought a beautiful idol of Sri LakshminarayaNa and installed in a temple specially constructed for it. The Tank was improved. It started yielding good crops for the nearby fields. People called the tank as NarayaNa Kere .Tipu sulthan on horse back, on his way to a war, happened to see this Lakshminarayana idol and went on to conquer KoppaLa, on his return, Tippu saw the idol again. He was pleased. As a mark of his victory he made arrangements for a diamond studded crown for this idol. The saint came to a village called Chikkera haLLi near MoLakalmanoor. The saint dreamt that Anjaneya was inside a big anthill in that village. The mud was extracted and the saint found Anjaneya Vigraha Pratishtapana was done as per the wishes of Anjaneya and people believe that it belonged to Janamejayarayas period. A separate temple was constructed. Sri Narahari teertha was Acharyas pet student. He wrote commentary for Geetha Bhashya. He also wrote commentaries for Yamaka Bharatha. Also wrote Keerthanas in Kannada language. He lived for 80 years in Kalinga, Andhra, and Karanataka States He gave ashram to Sri Maadhawa Theertha. Behind the Vijaya vitala temple of Hampi near Chakratheertha, he entered Brindavana. What was the neccesity for Madhvacharya to send Narhari teerth to Kalinga? The story ends with Narhari teertha bringing the MOOLRAMA vigraha .This is gold idol still in Mantralayam and has interesting background which warrants a naration. God Narayana is omnipotent . Lord has all his roopa intact and imperishable. So Lord MoolRama was /is present even before Lord Ram actually appeared as son of Dasharath. Bramha was praying this idol Moolrama in Satyaloka . He had appointed a deity by name ShankhaKarna to bring everyday tulasi and flowers without fail and punctually at the time of pooja of Bramha . Shankhakarna was prompt in his duty for yugas. However one day , as he gazed the idol , a desire to do the pooja himself to the idol of MoolRama and hold it in the his hands ,

crisscrossed the mind of the deity. Engrossed in his desires and such thoughts and dreams , he forgot to hand over the tulasi and flowers to Bramha in time. Bramha in anger cursed him to be born on earth as rakshas . When prayed ardently by the ShanhaKarna , Bramha smiled and said this was not a curse but a anugraha shapa [ a boon in disguise] . He had grased his desire and in his one of the births he would pray the idol with his own hands. And all his births he will be specially devoted to VISHNU. ShankhaKarna was born as Prahlad.[ chief inspiration behind the advent of lord as NARSIMHA] . Then he was born as BALHIKA [ elder brother of SHANTANU and uncle of BHEESHMA fought war and died in the hands of BHEEMA, he was the eldermost[elder to bheeshma ] warriors in MAhabharata war] .Then he took birth as Shri RAGHAVENDRA Swamy. Bramha gave the idol to Ikshvaku of Solar dynasty. From there it came to Dasharath and the Lord RAM gave it to Lakshman ,subsequently to Hanuman. Hanuman gave this to Bheemasen . Bheemasen after the war handed it over Kalinga King. In this Kalinga lineage , this remained in orrissa but the pooja had long ago stopped and hence it was kept in the Royal storage. It was through Narahari teertha it came back to Bheemsen [ Madhvacharya] and in the mutt was continuouskly prayed daily by the MUtt POntiffs. Thus in this tradition Shri Raghavendra was appointed Pontiff by Sudhindra teerth. and Shriraghavendra [ShankhaKarna] fulfilled his long cherished dream of praying MOOLRAMCHANDRA ||Sriman moolramo Vijayate|| ||Sri Gururajo Vijayate||

Krishnarpanamastu. 22 Jun

Sutra Panchakam- Diagnosis of ailment

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Daiva vs Purushartha - can destiny be changed?, Diseases, karma. 7 Comments There are five sutras in Astrology of ailment . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Samanya Sutra Adhipati sutra Amsaka sutra Nakshatra sutra Mahasutra

referring to earth water fire wind and ether . These are further used to determine Jeeva Sutra ,Roga Sutra and Mrutyu Sutra. in all questions Jeeva sutra confers longevity ,vitality and wealth .Roga sutra gives losses and worry and ill health . Mrutyu sutra gives increase of illness fear ,and failure in undertakings. In whichever Bhuta [earth fire etc] the sutra is seen that bhuta is afflicted by disease . In a body flesh bones skin hair are earth .Blood urine sweat saliva and semen are water .Hunger thirst sleep shine of skin or dullness ,radiance are all fire . Movement of limbs and shaking of the body are air .Affection hatred ,infatuation fear ,aging ,are all ether. Apart from above sutras Trisphuta ,pranasphuta ,dehasphuta chatusphuta and panchasphuta Mrutyusphuta and Sukshmasphuta indicate details of ailments.Gulika navamsa gives exact time of death. Any relationship between pranasphuta and dehasphuta gives long life. Normally an astrologer should abstain from describing his achievements of predictions. But following are given to establish efficacy of Astrology in determining the disease and [not to extol astrologer but astrology itself] Once in a visit to family friend , I found a relative of my friend grieving along with his family . Their son a software engineer in an MNC was given ultimatum by doctors . the Son was 30 years old and required immediate replacement of kidney in a two days or definite death was what doctors had told bluntly to the Father of the boy. Boy was recently married and had a six months baby . The case: The s/w boy had terrible pain in the thigh , he went to doctor, they advised him tests. After initial test they declared his BP was abnormal and then a biopsy of thigh nerve and then they went neurological tests , when they found nothing , they advised

angiogram ,plasty et all. Finally they declared his pain was due to kidney failure . his both kidneys have failed and one requires replacement that too within two days else it will fatal. All these test took around six months of time and medication costing 80000 rs of which test were 65000 and medicines were 15000 . Of course the MNC paid his all bills. He was then voluntarily withdrawn from service. the whole family was in grief.As no Kidney was in sight[donor] . Father agreed to donate one he was 70 years old. It was a day before these transplant that those people came across me and I instantly told them the boy had no illness and his longevity was high. Father need not give his kidney . The words of longevity heartened them but no disease words did not inspire them.But they invited me to their house to have a look at the boy. who had left all hopes of life . his wife was weeping and child was very cute. Parents were in total grief. Boy had no perspiration he had cool of a saint . How can a person of abnormally high BP be without perspiration and super cool . I convinced the boy of good health and inspired the entire family to go for a second opinion. The entire family went for a second opinion in a big hospital in the same city. But the second opinion of this hospital repeated the tests and gave same opinion. The family was totally disheartened. I did not give up , I asked them to try once again in another city . They went to another city and carried out tests !Lo! All tests were normal , The boy had a minor injury and that resulted in sever pain could be cured by medicines after one month however the family also undertook pranic healing to recover faster. Case 2: I was waiting in a waiting room of a platform , a family was totally preparing for a funeral of a still alive man. Who had a cancer in the mouth .The Doctor they had met just had told within few hours the time would be come. so they mercilessly discharged the patient , who could not talk. The mobile hones of the family elder were ringing and only thing they were discussing were how to port him to other world and how this can be even before reaching destination. I looked at the man in a easy chair watching helplessly , he could not talk ,but his eyes were moist , he had no plan to die. He wanted desperately to live. But Doctor refused to operate him. What was wrong with him. He had a cancer inside the cavity. He could not open the mouth . there was no way anything could be inserted through his mouth to treat the cancer [chemo therapy ] . So doctor declared as chemo therapy could not be done , his cancer is in last stages and he will die any moment.

I enquired the grieving people and then they showed me X-rays and reports . The family was very poor and one of the BPL family[ below poverty line] and they had gone to the doctor who was a specialist who grants appointment only once in six months. they had got the doctor by special letter from local MLA . Doctor obliged in seeing the patient but refused to treat him because he assumed patient could not afford his fees and treatment . So he wrote in the report , as there is no scope for surgery [and also patients financial condition do not permit] , the operation cannot be done. I took the elder of the family aside and said , look , dont believe what doctors say , person does not die just because doctors say he is going to die. This man has long life. He did not believe me . They said how can they remove cancer he cannot open the mouth . I told , cut the jaw make a incision and treat the cancer and then replace the jaw . This way he will survive , you cannot make funeral preparation before a live man. This is atrocious. Then elderly said From where are we going to bring money. i told him give me the number of his MLA , I talked to him over phone ,and asked him to call up the Doctor and assure him of his treatment with his funds[MLA funds] , he will be blessed and popular for saving a life . He agreed. Next day Doctor gave a fine surgery and man lived long happily. Krishnarpanamastu. 20 Jun

Moon Mind & Abhimanyu

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, karma, mahabharath, people and astrology, sadhana. Leave a Comment Moon indicates mind in astrology. Moon also indicates ability to attract near and dears m. Moon indicates royal favors and cheers from subjects. Moon also indicates hasty decisions .Moon indicates able ruler and his heirs.Moon is the dynasty .Moon also indicates manes. Abhimanyu was the incarnation of moon. Abhimanyu was Angad in his previous life in ramayana . Arjun was Vali. He carried forward his runanubandha even in this life. Due to extreme devotion Angad had in Rama , Abhimanyu became very dear to Krishna. When Mind is firmly fixed in the Lord Ram , then no evil can even enter your mind or disturb your gait /goal and resolution. Although every type of evil is ever engaged in

disturbing /moving the tranquil of the Brain and mind. Such a mind when fixed in Rama becomes firm just like Angad put his step firmly on the ground taking the name of Lord Ram. none in the court of Ravan could even move it leave aside uproot it. All the demons [ various sins ,evil thoughts] tried their best to move Angads feet but without success. A firm resolute mind is only possible when it is fixed unconditionally towards Ram. Your mind automatically purifies and achieves the great feat. Even under hostile circumstances it fears not to convey the message of RAM. Abhimanyu leant great Vidya by Lord Krishna in the womb . Lord impregnates mind with multitudes of capacity .Abhimanyu was dear to all the Pandavas. Abhimanyu represents Half knowledge . With half knowledge one can never come out of delusion [ padmavyuha ] called life. Logic cannot help in gain victory over senses . Neither it helps solve mystery of life . When mind is not fully equipped it keeps revolving in padmavyuha. When such a mind is not accompanied by [ Bheem , Yudhisthir, Nakul Sahadev] ,ie.perfect Knowledge & devotion towards divine , Dharma [do's and don'ts] , good neeti and conduct. Though it can successfully tackle problems of life but cannot overcome it .When such accompaniment fails due to interference owing to lust [jayadrath] , it is severally attacked by jealousy[Karna] ,ego[Ashvaththama] , sense of dejection[ Kripa] ,Greed[Duryodhan],perverted Knowledge[ dushyashan] and confusion[shakuni] all aided by atheism [ Drona]. Such an unprepared mind is afflicted severally by these and there is no hope whatsoever about escape from such a situation . One gets lost into such delusion named chakravyuha. One ends up with his head hit by the mace of [ Kushashtra] ,son of Dushyashan [ perverted knowledge gives birth to delusive scriptures and beliefs]. Such Chakravyuha can only be successfully tackled by Arjun[ shravan , manan ,dhyana] directed by Lord Krishna in body which is purified by the presence of Hanuman . Always engage the mind in the practice of meditation of Lord else one will get stuck in the chakravyuha of life never to come out of it afflicted by shadvairy [ six enemies of Kama krodha lobh mada moha matsarya]. Never leave the company of dharma gyana neeti and suvartan. krishnarpanamastu. 17 Jun

AraniPrapti Recovery of Lost Article.

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Astrology and purana, Daiva vs Purushartha - can destiny be changed?, bhagya, karma, mahabharath. Leave a Comment When there are benefics in the 2 ,3 4 or 11 ,then lost articles are recovered. As Pandavs were living peacefully in the forest after Karna nd Duryodhan were rescued by Arjun from gandharva Chitrasen . A bramhin one day came by to the place where pandavs were dwelling. Bramhin had his arani cariied away by a deer .What is arani ? In olden days bramhins resorted to Agnihotra everyday . Agnihotra required the fire to be lit in the homa Kunda. This fire was lit with the help of sticks known as Arani . two arani sticks when rubbed caused fire to be lit through kusha and samit. As arani was carried away by the deer stuck in its horns. Bramhin came to Pandavs to get back the arani from the deer which might be wandering in the forest. All the five brothers set out into the forest. They looked into the direction where deer hoofs were found . they chased the deer deep into the forest , and deer suddenly vanished . All the five brothers were tired and thirsty due to prolonged chase. Nakul sad at the events and failure thus spoke to Yudhisthir ; Oh elder one, as far as i know our ancestors have never turned down the request of the subjects . Neither did we ever fail in our daily oblations and prayer towards the Lord. Nor do I remember a day when we have sinned or missed a Vow. Then What caused our failure to catch this deer . Sahadev said I did not make any mistakes in my Life except when Shakuni decieved in the dice , I should have Killed him then and there , But I failed to do so , thus today because of that karma seeing this day of exhaustion and failure. Arjun too claimed He should have slit the throat of Karna as he uttered those words to Draupadi Bheem agreed with them , but Yudhisthir said, which Karma we are reaping now is in the hands of Yama[dharma] ,so we cannot exactly be reaping instantaneous karma .Strange are the ways of destiny known only to Dharma. Yudhisthir then ordered Nakul to look for water nearby. Nakul climbed the tree and saw a watery bushes and cranes flying . Thus He told nerby a pond must be there . Yudhisthir ordered to bring water to quebch the thirst . Nakul went to the Pond. Dharma disguised as baka bird warned oh son answer my question and then drink , else you shall die

Nakul without paying heed drank the water and lay still . sahadev went and similarly laid still Arjun went and listening to the Voice looked in all directions , took a arrow and hit the shabdavedhi arrow to cover entire pond with arrows . Yama said why this much of efirt just answer few questions and drink Arjun did not pay heed . Bheem to did not pay heed and laid still. To answer the questions and take water would be akin to using Vidya for self sustainance . this is not allowed for kshatriys . Thus even if these knew the answers . they preffered deth than foregoing Dharma. Yudhisthir however in order to revive his brothers thought to answer the Yaksha. Yaksha asked many questions.. Yudhisthir answered them successfully . happy with dharmas son answers ,Yama said He would revive only one of the brothers. Yudhisthir asked Nakul to be revived. Yama said Yudhisthir , everyone Knows Bheem is quiet dear to you ,he is the one who has brouht kingdom to you and he is the one You are relying to gain back Kingdom from Duryodhan . why did you then choose Nakul to be revived . Yudhisthir said.oh noble one , You seem not to be ordinary yaksha for none in this entire universe except celestials can put these to slumber. neither these brothers of mine have turned pale due to poison of pond . It seems your maya has made them so. but I chose Nakul because I am the surviving son of Kunti , My fathers other wife Madri is also equally a mother to me . It is for that her son should also be alive I asked nakul. Yaksha happy with yudhisthir revived all the brothers. Revealiing himself as Yama as father of Yudhisthir. Yama said it was to test him he disguised as deer toook the Arani of the bramhin. Pleased he asked Yudhisthir to seek a boon. Yudhisthir asked let this bramhin never fail in his agnihotra Yama happy asked Yudhisthir to seek another boon. Yudhisthir said 12 years have completed in forest , 13th year is to commence , they have to live incognito[indisguise] . Let no one recognise them in this year.

Yama replied I give you all a boon to assume any form of your choice as long as you wish and resume at your will. No one will be able to recognise you all by my boon even if you all are in original forms. Yudhisthir said as they are all born to devatas , they ahev naturally very high radiance far superior to ordinary men and kings. This would definitely raise a suspicion in the minds of people and duryodhans spies may easily target them Yama by his maya reduced their lustre .assured them they would never be recognised. Pleased with Yudhisthir Yama asked to seek another boon , Yudhisthir asked to ever remain in Dharma . Yama blessed it to be so as to become very nature of Yudhisthir. Happily Pandavs returned the Arani to Bramhin . went to Virat for Agnyat Vasa. Krishnarpana 16 Jun

Veda Apaurasheyatva
Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Jyotish, education, karma, sadhana. Tagged: veda. 4 Comments

Vyam Vedvyasaya Namaha Sri Gurubhyo namaha Sadagamaikvignyeyam samateetksharaksharam Narayanam sada vande nirdoshasheshasadgunam

When mercury is in deep exaltation in second house , shani in paravatamasa ,jupiter in gopuramsa , the person becomes veda pandit.

Why only vedas should be considered supreme authority? Sadagamaikvignyeyam : Bramha can only be known through Vedas .The word sadagama refers to vedas , pancharatra , moolramayana , and mahabharata and purana and other treatises which are in sync with the above. For every work the anubandachatushtaya must exist. what are they 1. vishaya (subject of enquiry) 2.prayojana ( goal) 3.sambandha (relationship between previous two) 4.adhikarin (follower)

1.Narayan is the vishaya , 2.knowledge of Narayana and attaining liberation(Moksha) through this knowledge is the proyojana. 3.sajjana -all good souls are the adhikarin and 4.relationship among these is sambandha. Vedas declare themselves as supreme authority in conveying Narayana. some statements are: He who does not know Veda etc sacred scriptures will not be able to comprehend the Supreme Who possesses infinite auspicious qualities and is all pervading . Veda teaches on to attain Moksha Taittiriya Shruti The Knowledge of the Supreme cannot be obtained by Logic nor can it be removed by logic if already obtained . This knowledge when imparted by competent teacher leads to Vision of the Supreme Kathak Sruti Nor the senses nor the inference can help comprehend Bramha , Vedas can alone enable one to comprehend HIM-Pippalada Sruti Vedas are not compositions of any individual. ie. They do not have an author.

Let us examine this statement. Vedas as recited by learned in kashmir and the one in Kanyakumari or somewhere in Assam/ bengal or far west in Gujarat will be same. There will not be any disagreement with the vedic passages among these scholars though these scholars might never have met each other . And all these scholars unanimously accept that there never was an author to these passages and they have been handed down revealed from time immemorial from father to son / guru to shishya etc. In this world of copyright every single piece of useful info is patented and meticulously assigned ownership to author. and least to say how many cases are being fought in the name of royalties to known algorithms. sometime stolen or copied from others. In such a practical scenario a content with enormous value to human being has not been claimed authorship definitely augments the case of non composition by the Humans. But some people argue there cannot be single statement which is not composed by a Human. Let us explore a bit more ; The society needs moral laws . There has to be code for Dharma Adharma etc. These

laws are beyond sense perception and are accepted by all religious philosophers and thinkers. If anyone says my philosophy has nothing to do with dharma adharma , then this teacher is without any subject and a purpose. Because if people believe there is no dharma adharma, then they will become aggressive and calamity will befall society. in such situation any harm done to very teacher himself will not be considered wrong . whats the use of such teaching which brings no good to teacher himself. But at the same time a person cannot claim complete knowledge of dharma adharma all by himself without drawing authority from some source. else he will have to postulate many attributes like non ignorance and non deception etc unto himself. Ignorance and defects of death and birth and diseases are seen everywhere . so such a postulation is not observed in the real world. Hence concepts of dharma adhrama etc should come from a source that is not composition of individual or humans. On the other hand if this is accepted nothing has to be postulated to accept vedas as source. Vedas are self evident ( svatah pramana) Knowledge is registered in our system , this is cognition. what is validity of cognition? A true knowledge /right knowledge is self evident! i take a hot water bath , i feel hot do i need anything else to validate this feeling of HOT! it is self evident . On the contrary a faulty cognition requires another agency to validate it being faulty. sometimes through inspection. Hence scrutiny is required only for invalid cognition . Valid cognition does not require validation. Vedas are self evident its only the mind/ due to faulty thinking finds fault in it . scrutiny is required to remove certain faults of thinking (ie invalid cognition). Vedas are eternal Finally in sanskrit akshara ( a aa e ee u uu etc ) are eternal . they are neither created nor destroyed. sequence of these aksharas are also fixed they are not formed as a probability. These sequences are sentences which are of fixed nature . they exist in the mind of GOD. These fixed sequences are what known as Vedas. They are revealed to the seers sages in their penance. Sound(shabda) syllable(akshara) is the manifested in space(Akasa) -is well known. hence it can be seen .Thus this revealed knowledge is self evident because they are imperishable and covey only truth because of their impersonal nature due to lack of authorship. Narayana is the chief purport of Vedas he is above living(jeeva) and non living(jada) being and conveyed only through Vedas Sadagamaikvignyeyam. krishnarpanamastu 15 Jun

5th House -Pratibha

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis. Leave a Comment

If 5th house is exalted and there is a relationship with the lagna lord . And both lords are in vaisheshika amsa , there will be special skill acquired by the native. Jupiter exalted in vimsamsa and jupiter in kanduka will give the same result. Karnas specialist skill was He could never be defeated if is not competing. Ie If He is fighting for justice or fighting as a duty , no one can defeat him .This was the boon of Parshuraam. If he is fighting in the chariot Given by Parshuram ,then he cannot be disarmed or his chariot never perishes. His bow Vijay if its string is cut it automatically regenerates . They can send thousands of arrows in one single shoot. Karna had Kavach and Kundal ,with which He cannot be killed piercing that kavach by anyone who is below SUN diety. Karna having Shakti in his hand any opponent is sucspetibel to death. Karna had a special blessings of Krishna as Krishna himself was present in him at times, It is at these Times that KARNA cannot be equalled by anyone. But then it is Krishna and not Karna who is unrivalled in him. It was this presence of Krishna as avesha that caused fear among all the opponents.

Karns shortfall KArna had the curse of Parshuram That whenever he fights to obtain selfish desires or competes on the footings of wrong intent ,he will lose . Karna had another curse that he would forget all his skill when he requires them most. Karna had another curse that he will lose his chariot when his death nears. Karna had a boon that his fame will remain unsullied and he will achieve what he was always clamoring for , to be called equal to Arjun. Arjuns special skill Arjuns quiver never exhausted , they will automatically be filled with arrows . All others will have to carry arrows , but arjun need not . He will always have quiver full of arrows .This was a special quiver. Arjuns bow could dispel eight variety of arrows ,a> one which can create a thousand arrows.b> one which can create illusions , one which can show fiery images to opponents

c> one which can cover entire battlefield to darkness with arrows.d> one which can shield him from opponent arrows with a sheath of arrows .e>one which can kill selectively from amongst the group f>one which can make visible invisible opponents g>arrows which can search its target and hit. h>one which just touches the opponent without killing or hurting him. Arjuns Gandiva was a bow which could not be cut or its string does not slit. It produced sound that can kill a hundreds of elephants. clouds rained just by the shriek of Gandiva. Arjuns horses could not be slain ed. They can run in all 10 directions. They dont tire and fly in the air as well. Arjuns chariot could not be destroyed . Up to one mile of chariot No ordinary arrows can even pierce its range leave alone reach Arjun. The Flag of chariot contained Hanuman , who by blowing wind through his mouth dispelled a storm and enemy weapons and enemies like small soldiers would get blown away by the wind. Arjuns charioteer was Krishna who drove his chariot so fast that even before Arjuns arrows touched the target Arjuns chariot would have crossed it. Arjun could pull arrow from both his hands and could fight enemy invisible only through his sound. he could hit even at the leg of fly. HE could send arrows as long as 200 yojan. that 1600 miles. Both Karna and Arjun could fight simultaneously with 1 Lakh Warriors along with their Armies. Arjun and Karnas shortfall They were ordinary if without Astras. Karna needed both Boons and Astras to win Arjun needed Astras only .

Bheema speciality. He was of superior most strength. He never used astras . He was faster than astra He was hotter than astra i.e astras got burnt to ashes when touched bheema. He could dispel any astra by his mere speed and strength . He had strength even in his skin . The weapons never hurt him as he could easily cut them through his hands and fists. His hit of fists powdered mountains . He killed elephants and soldiers with fists only. He could kill 2 crore people in two vighatika 48 seconds.

HE could fly , pierce through fire without getting hurt. He ran faster than chariots. He obstructed chariots by killing elephants and piling it all around the chariot. His roar deafened horses and they died on the spot vomiting blood. He was terrible in the war , enemies ran away just by seeing him hence He is known as BHEEMSEN. As Bheem only relied on strength and no astras or boons , He was the superior most Warrior. 13 Jun

Summary of Debate Arjun vis a vis Karna -2

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 17 Comments Debators Surya | Chiraan Observers Sonu | Renu | Nilesh | Sundara | Neeraj Jury Hariprasad Surya wants to settle the issue of Translation and original Sanskrit before going to new points. He cites ! Ganguly 2. M N Dutt 3. R C Dutt 4. Lal to say Karna stringed the Bow. Chiraan says All these authors have different versions and they do not match with Sanskrit . Hariprasad shows Where Ganguly mentions Radhas son as failed for a shloka ,R C Dutt shows it Shishupala failed and MN Dutt shows it as Jarasandha Failed. If Surya says they are all authentic How these are different translation for same shloka. Surya says : Although he does not know Sanskrit , They are all correct translation s and Jury Hariprasad has no ability to read . There is no difference at all. He challenges to show the verses in Sanskrit by Chiraan where Karna failed or made an attempt. Chiraan shows the verse , Surya says it is fabricated. Chiraan says it is same Shloka which is mentioned in his site where Ganguly translation resides .

Surya says : The Sanskrit version at site is not acceptable But Ganguly is acceptable. If chiraan can show same sansjkrit for MN Dutt [ or if he proves M N Dutt translated from so and so Sanskrit ] he would accept. Hariprasad jury shows , In saskrit there name Karna failed and M N Dutt by the side of English he skips the name KArna . this is dubious. Surya claims its the publishers mistake , he has pulled one Sanskrit version and printed against Dutt translation. Chiraan says , Dutt mentions that it is Kolkata edition Sanskrit from where he has derived, Ganguly says he has derived from Neelkantha and resorted to Bengali rendition. LAL also confirms this in his book. P N Mullick also criticizes the interpolation and incidentally this booki is co authored by MN Dutt . So Ganguly shows error in writing Radhas son. LAl and Dutt agree ganguly has interpolated . All these have derived from Bhasa . Who has written two plays [not translation] making a hero out of Duryodhan and Karna . Such plays and its views cannot be accepted as authentic translation. Surya feigns He cannot see any such proof provided by the links. Whereas all the observers find them a learning experiences. Surya says he accepts Vyasa Sanskrit but is not ready to accept the shloka given by Chiraan as there is scope for misinterpretation . Chiraan says same shlokas are available in all sites on the internet and no other version is available . and hence they have to be vyasa Sanskrit shlokas , and the word karna is clearly visible and hence there is no scope for misinterpretation for word karna Surya says , all the sites showing that shloka are corrupt versions of Sanskrit including his own sacred-texts site[ self contradictory] Sundara exclaims Surya is wrong in his logic. Renu feels Surya has clearly failed Neelesh finds Suryas logic utter nonsense . He admitrs he was fan of Karna after watching BRC teleserial , but now after learning karma debacles he has a change of mind . He concludes Arjun is the best among the warriors and Karna is least evil among evils.

Neeraj finds it difficult to understand as why chiraan is quoting Vivekananda when he is not accepting his views . Hariprasad unanimously says the logic of Surya is untenable . Sonu puts forward following questions 1. After draupadi swayamvar Karna is defeated by Arjun 2 KArna was defeated in Gandharva episode . he was captivated [fled by some] abandoning Duryodhan and army . he was rescued by ARJUN . 3. In Viraat episode Arjun single handedly defeats Drona Bheeshma and Karna all put together and Karna flees from the battlefield . 4.When Drona demands gurudakshina to capture Drupada .Duryodhan along with Karna attack drupad but is defeated and rooted and driven away. Arjun wins Drupad. Why did Karna lose here [ he had kavach kundal and boons everything] ? isnt these loses prove him to inferior. Surya defends : 1.Karna was unprepared . he did not expect Bramhin to be serious adversary and hence lost . 2. In Gandharva episode , Karna was surprised [ if you are expecting Veerappan and suddenly if you find israelies what can you do] so because of element of surprise[ gandharva was superior] was there he lost . show similar incident for Arjun and I shall accept. 3. In viraat parva too He was not aware Arjun was before him hence he was unprepared. Unpreparedness makes a warrior vulnerable . It is common and need not hamper Karnas greatness . Chiraan shows : Arjun similarly fought chitrarathj gandharva when he did not even have a bow and arrow and surprising attack in night , he hurled torch as astra and defeated gandharva. Surya how can a gandharva be thought of formidable opponent . You mst show some serious incident [ Karna lost to Gandharva because gandharva was superior , yet when Arjun wins without weapons ,.it is just gandharva] self contradictory Hariprasad jury points out , How come Bramhin [arjun in disguise ] was not taken seriously by Karna , he had just demnonstrated a superior skill which all kshatriys and Karna himself could not achieve [stringing of bow and hitting of fish] Having witnessed superior skill Karna should have been more prepared , and Karna led the attack .so did he lead without preparation . Surya : Karna thought it was roadside bramhin who could have got a boon to win swayamvar but will perform miserable in duel.[- self contradictory]

Chiraan says if that were true why did all kshatriyas together fought one single bramhin.. jarasandha was most feared demon in those days , when he failed and Bramhin succeeded that means he was superior to jarasandha , Atleast Karna should have estimated that and he was prepared and defeated . Hariprasad shows , in virat Drona declares its arjun coming to fight and then Karna says even if it is Arjun he can vanquish these words show he was well prepared and he did see Arjun before him and knew it was Arjun. And he lost pathetically and fled the battlefield. Surya , karna was expecting Virats , But he saw Arjun at the last moment and there was no time for preparation ,hence Karna was unprepared and hence lost but that does not show him to be less than Arjun. Otherwise Why Yudhisthir will say he lost sleep for 13 years thinking about Karna despite these setbacks Chiraan Yudhisthir has said same thing about Krishna too he said how can we vanquish jarasandha , as Krishna himself could not vanquish hinm. Yudhisthir is known to worry unnecessarily , his worry does not make Karna a great. The by his worry even Krishna is susceptible to Jarasandha [ which is clearly unacceptable] Hariprasad jury asks , In drupad war , it is clearly mentioned that Duryodhan and Karna and all brothers get into competition as to who will first get to Drupad. Here Karna is well prepared .Karna knows the opponents as Drupad and Panchalas , He knows their strength and he was fully equipped with kavach kundal and bow VIJAY everything. The why did he lose ? Surya says this was drona s war and Karna was not interested in winning it . He was less enthusiastic so he lost. We cannot consider this loss as mark of inferiority.[ self contradictory] Karna lost even when prepared. And opponent surya accepts it. Haripasad Jury says Suryas remarks defies elementary logic. Karna lost to Drupad , Arjun thrice ,Gandharva ,Bheemasen Ghatotkach, Satyaki , Abhimanyu . He also failed to string the bow in Draupadi Swayamvar. So with so many failures Karna cannot be declared as Supreme Warrior . Arjun is undoubtedly a superior warrior than Karna as he never lost a Battle until Krishna was there on the earth. 12 Jun

Pashandamatha Khandan-Refutation of Jain Philosophy

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 5 Comments

When eighth lord is in lagna , the native is Vishnu drohi. When tenth lord is in eighth native engages in devaninda When eighth lord is in eigth, native is anyathavadi[Vitand] When eigth lord is in ninth one is nastik[atheist],pashandi When saturn and rahu are in eigth one indulges in Himsa [ violence] Vishnu took avatara as budhdha to delude many tripurasuras .Some of these were reborn as sons of jin and came to be known as Jains. Jains refute violence . They believe in Ahimsa. People believing in Vedas carry out yagnya .In yagnya Pashu himsa [animal sacrifice ] is common.. Jains say this is deplorable and hence it is violence and against dharma . Thus Vedas are not truth and not acceptable. Pontiff Vadiraaj says Oh Jains , your ancestor Jin [The one who has propagated your philosophy] was born in Kaliyuga. Even before he was born Indra has done 100 ashvamedha yaga and became eligible for Indra post. Bramha obtained the post of Bramha by performing Rajsuya yaga Vashishtha ,prithuchakravarthi etc infinite people have done yagas .Were these all ancestors ,ignorant than kali born Jina . Jains proclaim Pashuhimsa in yagnya is noble to you because it was carried out by Indra and others , as they were born before Jina. Then we ask you your Sri Madhvacharya was born after Jina was born . Then why is Jain philosophy brought before birth of Madhacharya not acceptable? Jains So just as jain philosophy though born before Madhvacharya is challenged by you , similarly yagnya and pashu himsa is also susceptible to challenge even if it is done prior to Jina Vadiraja our Madhvacharya has taken birth in Kaliyuga at the same time he has accepted Vedas and the culture of earlier born Indra and others. But jina has taken birth in Kaliyuga and is challenging the prachin anushthana [ tradition] . So the comparison doesnt stand as it is the question of challenging tradition ancient and not person born ancient. Just because Jina was born prior to so and so his challenge to tradition cannot be taken as acceptable because all born prior have not challenged tradition Jain Brahma ,Indra have done Yagnya , you proclaim,! How should we believe theat they have done so? Vadiraaj Bramha has done Rajsuya and the Place is famous by Name Prayaag even today . Indra is famous as shatakratu[one who has done 100 yagnyas] .Vashishtha is known as paramyagnik Vishwamitra is known to have taken RAMA to save yagnya in ramayana Horses were known to be left to circle earth for Ashwamedha and many who intercepted ,

battled out for supremacy ! All these are well known in history and famously recited traditionally for years . Thus the yagnyas were done priorly by Bramha Indra etc are without doubt acceptable Jains: Because Indra etc have done Yagnyas and Pashuhimsa is part and parcel of yagnya and thus it is acceptable is what you say ! But why cant we think these Bramha ,Indra etc were under illusion that they got results due to Yagnya , they might have as well got good fortunes without these rituals as well ? But it could be their illusion [ bhranthi ,bhrama] that they have acquired good results through Yagnya ! why this cannot be true ! How should we believe that results came only because of pashu himsa in Vedic rituals. They could have erred in doing so and we say they have and hence Animal sacrifice is wrong Vadiraaj: If results were achieved by mere simple exercises like agricultural poghing etc or any other simple less exerting exercises or phenonmenon , then perhaps your statements that they might have been illusioned may sustain . But A Vedic ritual involves lot of expenditure running into crores of rupees and also it requires lot of exertion with regards to fasting months together and resorting to penance and niyamas . were so many infinite people Bramha and Indra and others fools [aviveki ] to have undergone so much labour and exertion. Why would so many follow to [illusive] exercise , if it were [bhrama] and waste crores of rupees and at the same time exertion of body . Will an entire civilization spend and toil for benefits that were illusive. How have you understood them as subject to illusion ? illusion can be resorted to only when it is easily available or achievable , yagnyas like ashwamedha , rajasuya are not easy and effortless activies . so to make such activities one has to be quite knowledged. And sure!! Jains: By killing[sacrificing] animals in rituals no result would have been possible , it is cold blooded murder and cruelty onto animal Vadiraj Vedic mantras purify these animals and that becomes havissa for the deity and diety happy at it gives Swarga to the animal [soul]sacrificed and also to the performer goes to swarga King gives salary [money ] to the soldiers and asks them to fight a war , thses soldiers die . They achieve swarga and King by murdering[ violence to soldier] these soldiers on his behalf [giving money] is not known to have acquired sin. Even this King also goes to swarga for waging war. Doctor undertake himsa [violence] while operating on patients they give misery to him and yet when he is cured he blesses Doctor . so Himsa is not always deplorable , at times it is acceptable in this world and it is seen Likewise before animal is subjected to violence and the it is laos given happiness in swarga ,which all by itself this animal could never have got !! Jains: So you accept that there is some element of dukha to animal while sacrificing ! why cant we say that yagniks are adharmik because they are giving dukha to animal

Vadiraj: Jin advises Shravak vrat whereby keshollunchan each strand of hair is uprooted ,this this not painful and dukhakar isnt Jin who advices such a painful activity violent [himsak] . But he advises so that end result is happy .and just as you accept him yagniks are acceptable Jains: Nobody has seen an animal sacrificed in ritual going to swarga , so swargaprapti for animal is false Vadiraj: Jains believe in the words of Jin and resort to panchamaldharan [ ie withholding all the secretions of eyes ears ,mouth,genital and anus] expecting some happiness that is to come in future. This happiness has also been not seen by anyone till date . How come you dont feel like animals [which incidentally also dont clean mouth anus etc forever] and yet believe in this Jin for some expected happiness. Jains: Okay then we cannot establish our future happiness and neither can you establish pashuhimasa as swargaprada , so are we not sailing in the same boat Vadiraaj : Definitely not !! Vashishtha etc had the ability to go swarga and there they have witnessed the sacrificed animal enjoying in swarga ! By the experiences of these great Rishis we have come to know about happiness of sacrificed animals and also yagnyakarta. Jin is not known to be capable of foretelling the status of panchamaldharis , but vashishtha is famous as trikalgnyani Jin being so there is no proof either textual or fact! To be contd .. Krishnarpanamastu 11 Jun

Vada Vadi Partivadi Refutation of Charvak

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis. Leave a Comment The person who puts forth the first statement or concept or accusation is known as Vadi. One who defends himself from accusation or protects his own logic is Prativadi There are actually four types of discussions samvaada, vaada, jalp and vitanDa. samvaada is the discussion between the teacher and the taught as is shree krishnaarujuna samvaada. The student does not question the teacher but questions his understanding for clarification. This type of discussion can occur only when the student surrenders himself completely at the feet of the teacher. Vaada is the discussion between two equals for mutual enhancement of knowledge

the purpose is to settle what the truth is. Both come to the table for discussion with an open mind and the discussion is based on some accepted pramaaNa -of the authority Jalpa is where each debater comes to the table with preconceived notion that he is right and the other fellow is wrong. The other fellow also comes with the same notion. The purpose of the discussion is only to conver the other fellow to his camp. There is no knowledge that takes place in these discussions. Even if one is loosing his arguments, he only goes and comes back with more ammunition to defend himself. Only lot of noise. But those who are bystander can learn the defect in each of their arguments and they can learn out of these discussions. Vitanda is some what peculiar. In these discussions one is ready to take up the other fellows arguments, which he himself does not believe in, but argues against the other fellow just to prove that he is wrong. This is also accepted arguments and is used very effectively to prove there is no credibility for the opponent. You are wrong, not because the statement by itself is wrong but it is wrong because you made that statement. When Benefics are in eleventh like Jupiter venus or mercury or if sun is in 11th then Prativadi wins the debate. Or the one who opens the debate looses. When these planets are in 10th then Vadi wins. When one opens the debate in an ascendant ,the 4th from which happens to be fiery sign , the opponent runs away If sun tenants lagna or 10th house or benefics occupy them there will be increase of knowledge .jupiter increases knowledge venus poetic skills and mercury communication skills. In 10th a benefic will spread knowledge. Madhvacharya has written an exclusive grantha Katha Laxan explaining the various forms of debates and methods to tackle them and types of proof to present to uphold VEDAS. Here is sample debate Of Acharya with a Charvak . A charvak is an atheist . [ Charu- sweet Vak- speech ] [ I would term it as Kshar vak ] A charvak was a Brahmin who believed only in perception . Acquiring of Knowledge through sense perception alone. He refutes inference and Vedas or textual scriptures as not reliable in matters of knowledge. A charvak is modern theory of materialism ; Yesterday has gone by , Tomorrow is not yet seen , SO live in the present and enjoy. Enjoy and celebrate your senses even if you have to borrow money , without adhering to any dharma or bindings. Out of the aphorisms of Brihaspati came a whole school of Hindu materialists, named, after one of them, Charvakas. They laughed at the notion that the Vedas were divinely revealed truth; truth, they argued, can never be known, except through the senses. Even reason is not to be trusted, for every inference depends for its validity not only upon accurate observation and correct reasoning, but also upon the assumption that the future will behave like the past.

One may ask why there are so many philosophies in the world, why the debates and why cant only one dharma prevail. Why? The answer is 1) dourlabhyaat shuddha-buddheenaam [due to lack of pure intellect] 2) baahulyaat alpavedinaam [due to lot of ignorant people] 3) duraagraha-gRuheetatvaat [due to prejudices] 4) vartante samayaaH sadaa || [all faiths remain for ever] The discussion goes thus: Charvak: I believe in only sense perception . Madhvacharya: How did you come to know about your belief! Charvak: No answer! [Belief is not perceived by any senses] Charvak proclaim only eyes etc senses [jnanendriya] are true. This statement is self contradictory. Here if one relies purely on the senses for knowledge then one is denying the self and its existence as the one who is actually gaining the knowledge. This self is not visible or heard. We say this is my hand this is my body , the word my is indicative and is inferred by someone inside as neither hand nor the body that is seen or heard is me. The self contradictory [vyahatha bhasha] is imperative in Charvaks words. What is vyahatha? It is akin to saying My mother is a barren woman The sentence itself shows it is wrong and contradictory. If the mother was barren how did she become a mother!!!!! If a charvak is teaching his student his philosophy, how can he deduct that student has learnt his philosophy, by facial expression? He will have to somewhere infer it. So inference has to be accepted by Charvakas. Third is the textual proof. Charvak says it cannot be believed. What people say what Vedas say, what religion says need not be true . Let us ask a Charvak what day is today? Charvak says it is Thursday! How did he come to know that? Either he will have to refer a calendar for that and Accept the text written Today is Thursday So Charvak is accepting Textual proof as well. Let us also give him sentences -Text is not acceptable Charvak if he says he does not accept then he is accepting that Text is acceptable !

If he says yes text is not acceptable then he is accepting the given sentence as proof ! Thus beyond doubt Charvak becomes a vyahatha Bhashi. Vedvyasa in Brahma sutra refutes Charvak matha by following aphorism || Om abyugamepi arthaabavaath Om || Philosophy is meant to increase happiness. Happiness more than what we presently have. Philosophy is meant to reduce miseries in present birth and freedom from misery forever. If philosophy does not say what to do and what not to do , the it is of no use The perception and relying solely on it is form of self denial and existence It is akin to ignoring self So such philosophy should be discarded. Krishnarpanamastu 10 Jun

Devakanya- the Story of Tapti

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. Leave a Comment When mars ,jupiter and venus are associated in one rashi [yuti] then the subject will have a devata stree [ or qualities of devata like] woman as his wife. When upapada lord is exalted and in devalokamasa , a devata will be the wife of the native. In all the above combinations Woman will be begged to be wife of the suitor MAN . Woman will be pampered and the person having such combination will perform penace ,vows and extraordinary acts to express his love to the concerned woman . The woman invariably has the man yearn for her. Kings like Pururava , Shantanu and Samvarna are known to have married the woman from heavens. This is unique Human form is different and Devatas have different bodies. Yet when celestials are born on earth , their wives also take birth as human and they marry . But The kings mentioned above had different ccases. These were born as Human , yet their wife never took birth on earth , they married thses Kings remaining in their Devata form only. Thus the yoga of having Devakanya as wife can be seen in these horoscopes. Once a beautiful daughter was born to celestial god of light SUN . He named her TAPTI She was perfect damsel with large dark eyes. Her heavenly form was unparalleled in three worlds. Sun grew anxious as to whom he should give his daughter to . HE decided to give her in marriage to the one who deeply loves her and at the same time is equally

beautiful . In the lunar race was born a King named Samvarna. He was very handsome and known for posseing a beautiful body . He was equally ascetic . He He prayed Surya [Tapana] everyday with arghya padya and pushpa gandha etc to attain glory and fame . he was a king ruling entire jambudweepa , soothing as moon to friends and scorching as sun to Enemies. Once the King went into deep forests over the mountains .Wandering deep into woods , his steeds[horses ] gave way due to thirst and fatigue. King left those horses there and walked deep into the mountains. As he was tired , he fell down on the ground. Just then he saw a bright light emanating far away rising towards the skies. He felt curious and neared the light to see a very beautiful damsel , with perfect faultless features. She was exceedingly beautiful , and as she strode around , the light enmanating from her body dazzled and lit the forest like a early morning Sun. In form she resembled a golden statue such was the hue of her skin. . King dumbstruck at her beauty went near her and stood motionless at her sight. His heart was aching with the strike of cupids arrow. Love struck King said oh great beauty with large dark eyes , you do not seem to be a human nor a gandharva or nor yaksha . neither I see arakshas or asura maya as they cannot come near me. The apsaras are nowhere remotely nearer to you in beauty and luster . Are you the goddess of wealth , it cannot be as I am struck with unbearable KAMA , you cannot be one. Oh beautiful one who are you.? I desire your company forever in my life. My life feels like a wasteful burden until now , as I see you I feel a new zeal to live a life exclusively for you. As King Samvarna was speaking these words the beautiful damsel , vanished from the sight of mortals , like a lightning . there was darkness all around.. Deeply hurt and unable to bear the pain and permanently lovestruck King lost his senses and fell on the ground thinking about the girl he had just seen. After sometime seeing the handsome King unconscious , Tapti appeared again and with a sprinkle of water on the kings face she woke him up to senses. King opening his eyes finding his love standing before him could not believe for a moment and not differentiating the reality and illusion asked whether the beautiful daughter of SUN to dispel his illusion. King spoke oh the beauty with heavenly hue , know me to be drawn to you as the bhramar towards the lotus, I beg you to be my wife for I desire not to live without you. Tapti spoke thus Oh ruler of earth Know this to be real , You are brave and illustrious among men , who in the three worlds will not desire to marry such a handsome and pious gem among men. Know yourself to be in my heart pleased as I am to know that you love me to the point of bewilderment. Your losing senses at my disappearance speaks of my good fortune. But I am not independent in taking decisions . I am bound by the decisions of my father the Sun . If he so wishes I shall be your wife serving you all my life at your feet . Saying this She ascended to the heavens with a splurge of light rising towards the surya loka. The king fell on the ground again motionless , as there never was a moment before a devakanya ever getting married to a human [manava] . Sun being his aradhya devata he

dared not to make such a proposal , but his heart could not let go the thought of beautiful Tapti , it yearned for her and with every moment passing the King lost all his senses and fell to ground like a heap of grain. Seeing King not returned for long , the ministers searched the entire forest and finally found the King lying on the ground. The ministers assured King there would food made available immediately and water and drinks were fetched, but King would take none. The rajvaidya declared him to be afflicted mentally. King refused to be moved from forests and to partake food or drink. He neither moved his lids nor his body and stay laid in the midst of the forest on the mountain top gazing at the sun. Not knowing Kings plight the ministers grew anxious and slowly whole of the Kings well wishers started praying for him. Just then Rishi Vashishtha came by , with his divine knowledge and divyadrishti he soon found out the plight of the KING. He ascended with the power of his tapasya towards heavens . he went to Surya loka and Sun looking at the bramhan bramharishi Vashishtha at his doorstep offered arghya padya and madhu . He said unto the rishi , blessed as I am by your arrival oh great Bramhan . I see my abode graced by lord , appearing in your form unto my place of dwelling. I shall give you whatever you ask for , in this three worlds whatever you desire for shall be yours ! kindly order. Hearing these words Vashishtha spoke Oh father of Beautiful Tapti , I ask you to accept King Samvarna as your Son inlaw , for there is no one as beautiful as him among Devatas and manavas , He is the best of the rulers in the three worlds , just like Indra , he is rules justly the land of mortals. He is pious and given to austerities. He is of noble race and ardently devoted to you and his duties towards the subjects. He is befittingly the best suit for your daughter as also she has secretly given her heart to him , and awaits your permisiion . The king has forsaken food , water and readied himself to end his life for his love towards your daughter .Know him to be best for Tapti.and also to mankind Surya the deity of light happily exclaimed what good fortune has fallen on my Daughter , the proposal so brought by the greatest of Bramahanas , how can it be not accepted , Indeed I shall be bestow my daughter to the greatest scion of human clan . Know that it was indeed my wish too ,to have him as my son inlaw , you have relieved me of a great pain and search for a suitable groom. Together with Tapti Sun descended illuminating the whole of forest like a fire , There the King on the twelfth day of his fast and vow , on seeing Tapti and Sun elated and partook food and bowed to Sage VAshishtha . The marriage was celebrated in the three worlds. King dwelled in the same forest for another twelve years leaving the kingdom to his ministers. Sun in order not to disturb the lovelife of her daughter in the forest did bnot give rains for twelve full years. And shone mildly with gentle breeze and prosperous flora and fauna. King enjoyed the company of his beautiful wife for twelve years , but by then his capital was forced into draught due to lack of water and rains. People grew sick and struck with diseases , the city resembled the city of dead. Vashishtha looking at the plight of the people asked the kIng to return to the capital , as King and his auspicious wife

[Devakanya] stepped into the city , sun gave full rains and farms grew green and city flodeed with milk and precious stones much to the delight of citizens. To these illustrious couple was born the greatest Kings of all time KURU . Thus gandharva told ARJUN the story of his preceptor KURU . And advised Yudhisthir to look for a able priest . As Without able bramhin priest heading the family , a Person or KING cannot prosper. Kings desirous of wealth and Kingdom and fulfillments of wishes must seek a bramhin Priest well versed in all the shastras and Vedas and six vedangas as Raj purohit . Just As Vashishta enabled Samvarna to obtain his wishes , so you too Yuidhisthir shall obtain your destiny By the blessing of DHOUMYACHARYA. 9 Jun

Why was Mahabharta tampered?

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Astrology and purana. 1 Comment When mercury is afflicted by malefic in earthy signs, a discussion on pollution of literary works definitely occur. When such a combination is in Kendra, falsifying great works and tenets and illusive arguments take place. When such combinations occur in second house, invariably persons lie. When Jupiter is in Kendra to such combination, such allegations are usually cooked up. The extent of pollution depends upon the number of shad Vargas in which mercury is aspected/associated by malefic MAHABHARATHA has been tampered thoroughly. WHY? After 1000 years of PANDAV rule dharma started eroding on the earth. I.e. that was 4000 years ago .i.e. Yuhdisthir ruled 5100 years ago and his dynasty ruled for 1000 years. With Kshemak as the last king. Duryodhan had done only one good deed in his lifetime that is washing the feet of DURVASA muni. [This also he did to ask a boon to trouble Pandavs]. For this he achieved swarga for 4300 years. This was the period i.e. 13th century when KALI expanded full throttle. p> 1. In previous eras there ensued direct fight between Rakshasa and Devatas. Rakshasa headed by Kali were always vanquished By Devatas with the help of Vishnu 2. In dwapar, Kali decided that If Vishnu does not interfere; if we take birth in the same family as that of Devatas then these Devatas will, out of affection will not kill us. { This explains why Duryodhan did not come out of womb for two years till Yudhisthir took birth } a. Krishna gives Geetopadesha to remove the illusion of relationship wrt Rakshasas and

go for WAR. Krishna always vanquishes Kali with VAYU as chief instrument. b. In Ramayana RAM[Vishnu] Vanquished Kali [in RAVAN] with chief instrument Hanuman [ Vayu] c. In Mahabharata , Krishna [Vishnu] Vanquished Kali[ Duryodhan] with chief Bheema[ Vayu] 3. When beaten severely, All the Rakshasas were afraid to incarnate due to the fear of Bheema. 4. Kali assured them as it is Kaliyuga, it is his Yuga and Lord has given him boon to freely rein in this era. 5. But other demons were not convinced and showed fear of Bheema reincarnating. 6. Then Kali suggested they should all take birth as Brahmins , so that they will not be killed . 7. But how will they be able to spread violence and unhappiness 8. Kali said , people follow what Brahmins say , Brahmins have extreme faith in Vedas and itihas puranas. These lead to pleasing of Vishnu . 9. If these are distorted then automatically people will get into delusion .this will prevent them from getting Grace of Vishnu , and fallen as they will be , we shall enter them and these will resort to violence , greed and sins. 10. As this can be achieved by preaching wrong notions , we shall all take birth as Bramhins and sanyasis , masses will follow us .Born as Brahmins we are , Bheema cannot kill us , as it is taboo . 11. Just as 1000 years were completed , lord enaced Baudhdha avatar to preach non vedic religion , taking a cue , Kali took the birth of shakya muni and several others took births as mishra , kumar bhat , bhasas, arya, harsha,govind,charvak ,bhaskar ,prabhakar ,kapali ,ghoramitra ,vachaspati ,satyasimha ,vidyaranya ,vetal ,vatsyayan,jeevpada etc. 12. All the above mentioned bramhins have especially distorted a branvh of learning giving rise to new philosophy. 13. All resorted to Bhairav sidhhi to enchant the rulers and killed many Vedic pandits by deceit and demonic spells. Illusion prevailed all over as non vedic religions started spreading everywhere and grocery shops , and Kingly courts became favorite preaching premises of non vedic culture. 14. Next few centuries saw onslaught of such culture with non kshatriya Kings easily succumbing to indrajala of shakyas and pashand mata , as this gave them a freedom from bramhin stronghold in the administration. 15. As 8th century dawned , Budhism was everywhere as it was non vedic culture , Most Bramhins did not take to it , itihas and puranas as misinterpreted by these did not appeal to the masses . 16. So Kali sent demon manimanta [ Ekalavya] , who was reluctant . All the demons from patala encouraged him , and announced support by entering his opponents to get disillusioned. 17. Manimantha prayed Lord Shiva to assist him in knowing Vedas . Shiva gave a boon to utter vedic verses.and Ekalavya was born as bramhin. 18. Manimantha spread the new concept of illusion of world and absence of soul. 19. This however technically was not at all different from Budhism as budhism too dealt with Shunya [ whether you call world unreal or shunya ] does that make any difference ] but now this new concept had the backing of Vedas.

20. This misrepresentation was acceptable to Bramhins and demonic spell ensured they all succumbed to this logic. [ Gautam rishis curse was also responsible for this illusion] 21. But most of the puranas and itihas [ MAHABHARATa] was still theistic in nature and it contradicted with monotheism of the post 8th century scholarly compositions. 22. To make these texts[ Mahabharata and puranas] look like upholding monotheism and qualified monotheism , the verse where explicit dualism was present was altered . Agni purana was fully tampered and slowly all puranas succumbed at the hands of rulers . 23. Most ardent vedic Scholars flew beyond mountains not bearing the torture of the lands . And thus three centuries of Confusion and malpractises ensued . 24. Vedic rites were not performed as it was meant to be illusionary ,no yagnyas were performed as it involved bali , sacrifice of animals and Jain rulers were against it. 25. Vedvyasa prayed by Bramha and other deities at the failing situation of dharma in Land of Gods . ordered Bheema to incarnate and spread the right knowledge . 26. A part of Bheemasen[ amsha] incarnated in UDUPI [ PAJAK] in the house of Madhygeha Bhat [ tulu speaking bramhin ] as Vasudev . 27. Vasudev at the age of 10 renounced the world and became ordained as Anandteertha . 28. As his teacher Achyutpreksha readied him to teach first lesson in monotheistic book , Acharya Anandateertha explained a 100 mistakes in the very first verses of the book Istasidhdhi . 29. amazed at the ability of student Achyutpreksha asked Him as to what is right knowledge . 30. Acharya then propounded MADHVA philosophy . a. That Vishnu is Supreme diety { GOD} b. None is either equal to him or greater than him c. Neither in the past or nor in future d. This world is real e. Moksha is unmixed happiness f. It is obtained by perfect bhakti[ amlabhakti] g. Study of shastras is what ensures such bhakti h. The world consists of five fold diference i. Lord is essentially different from Soul . j. Acharya wrote 37 grantha to prove and propound his philosophy k. Nowhere Acharya said that this his philosophy l. He said he is merely resurrecting what had bee practiced in Vedas in accordance with Vedvyasa rendering . m. He gave only vedic and puranic verses as statements backing his claims. n. He wrote Mahabharta Tatparya NIrnay to dispel the myths surrounding the epic .He collected many manuscripts and weeded out discrepancies and anomalies to give exact verses and meaning of the Mahabharat . o. According to Acharya Mahabharata has 10 meanings and it is impossible even to Indra to understand all the 10 meanings p. Acharya has demonstrated each word[name] in VISHNUSAHASRANAM has 100 meanings each . q. Acharya Madhva s works are too intense for a smaller brains like mine to grasp . In order to grasp the concepts , saint Raghavendra Swamy of Mantralayam has written more than 100 works simplifying the Anadateertha philosophy for common man with notes and

commentary. r. What has been presented here all along is in accordance with these s. Krishnarpanamastu 4 Jun

Summary of Debate on Arjun vs Karna -1

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 15 Comments Debator Surya | Chiraan Jury Hariprasad AMIt Nilambar Obsever Sonu NILESH Chiraan invites Surya to a debate on Whether is Karna is Superior to Arjun ? Was Karna Evil ? Chiraan starts the debate with invitation to decide which is authentic translation of MAHABHARATA ! Surya refuses to be drawn into debate on what is authentic and what is unauthentic ? He also refuses to be drawn into deciding what is evil? Chiraan concludes that authentic translations should not contain anomalies and should remain faithful to the original Sanskrit Mahabharat by Vyasa and translation should conform to traditions of India . Chiraan offers Surya to raise questions ! Surya opens debate with the birth of Karna 1. Had Kunti not abandoned Karna at birth , Karna would have been taught by Drona .Would not have attracted curses. 2. He would have occupied the throne 3. He would not have been abused racially 4. He would have married Draupadi 5. Duryodhan would not have waged war So Kunti is irresponsible mother and the main reason for the debacle of Karna. Chiraan argues : 1. Kunti is solely responsible for betterment of Karna .She is one woman who never had sex in her Life . Karna was not born out of premarital sex but as a boon from Durvasa through SUN ,who himself incarnated through her womb .Both Karna and Sun were uninvited guests to her house , she was all but six years of age ; When she was not in a position f raising the child ,she ensured him better upbringing a. by giving him KAvach kundal [ physical protection] b. Protection of Father [ Sun always spoke to Karna in distress]

c. Enough money /diamonds to ensure RADHA raises him Surya argues : Had she confessed to Pandu about her son , he would have agreed to make him King Chiraan : Even if she had agreed Karna would not become King as he is not son of Pandu Kunti having given him up saved him from being called KANIN .and people of Hastinapur would not accept a KANIN to be a King as was evident when Duryodhan raised doubts over Yudhisthir none objected until Vedavyasa came and told that they were born in presence of PANDU .. Since he was not suspected as KANIN , he ,karma got best education from Parshuram [GOD] himself better than Arjun . He got best astras and weapons than ARJUN . He got better education is known from the fact that He exhibited all that Arjun exhibited during tournament. KArna could not have become KING . Duryodhan made him a king against the rule of land . Surya : when his archery was exhibited why was he not eligible to become a king.Why did Bheema abuse him Chiraan: A suta is not kshatriya , he is charioteer but a higher caste. A suta cannot become King . only kshatriyas become King , A caste is determined not by birth but by sanskar[rites] that are performed. Karna had rites of SUta so he remained a suta. A suta cannot challenge a Prince , so unequal warfare was stopped between KArna and Arjun. Surya Drona rejected Karna on grounds of caste ? injustice Chiraan: Drona did not reject Karna on basis of Caste, but he rejected him because the He was teaching only princes of HAstinapur. Surya : Parshuram would have rejected KArna had he told he was Kshatriya or suta , so he lied to him as bramhin and got education ! He was smarter Chiraan: God is all knowing , he Knew Karna was Kshatriya and hence he taught him , but since he lied ,he was cursed. Had he told he was suta he would have got education as suta is higher caste and given education in gurukul . But Karna wanted to excel in astra vidya more than other kshatriyas hence he lied as bramhins had more astra vidya than kshatriya . Proof Ashwaththama showed more proficiency in tournament than KArna and Arjun. Surya : whats wrong in zeal ? Chiraan Teacher never teaches looking at zeal of the student but at the capacity of the student, zeal is not virtue ! So it was good fortune of Karna he had better education than Arjun and God gave him so , and not Karna tricked him , else that would raise doubts over all knowing quality of GOD ,which is clearly unacceptable.

Surya : Karna would have married Draupadi , as he would not have been rejected by Draupadi as suta and he would have hit the fish in swayamvar. Chiraan: Karna failed in Swayamvar , He could not string the bow leave aside hitting the mark. Surya has been all along debating upon relying on Kisari Mohan Ganguly Translation of Mahabharata. But the same translation shows in one passage Karna as being rejected by Draupadi , just as he strung the bow and was ready to hit the mark .In the very next passage Ganguly writes Karna along with Shalya failed in stringing the bow. This constitutes anomaly and renders the translation as unauthentic . Surya : the verse where People failed to string the bow are : Radhas son , vakra and shalya , here Radhas son is another son of RADHA [Karnas brother and not Karna] Chiraan: was this Radhas son not suta , then how Draupadi did not object to this one participating . Surya says Draupadi had a double standard. Chiraan : If Gangulys version is translation then in original Sanskrit it is written as KARNA and SHALYA as failed to string and not Radhas son ; Ganguly has tampered the text by translating KARNA as radhas son . Surya acuses Chiraan of being like mullahs and evangelist who resort to Arabic or Hebrew when cornered. Chiraan : whether Hebrew or Arabic or Sanskrit , A word KArna would mean Karna only Chiraan gives alternate translation from Russian library and ISCKON writings. This version of ADI parva Mahabharata says Karna did not string the bow and failed in Swayamvar and there was no abuse from Draupadi. C.Rajgopalachary renowned Sanskrit scholar says Karna did not string the bow but failed by hairs breadth. Swaminathan in his book also says KArna failed. This book is read in universities. Swamy Vivekananda expresses Karna was not rejected by Draupadi. Surya says , these are all abridged versions amd drawn from internet dustbin and cannot be taken as authentic . Ganguly is authentic because it is approved by Wikepedia. Chiraan shows Wikepedia is not authentic as anyone can change contents. Jury Amit agrees radhaas son is Karna only . But raises a doubt if Karna could string VIJAY a bow given by Parshuram then how could he not string relatively lesser bow . so common sense suggests Karna strung the bow. Chiraan : Though Vijay is superior bow , it is a boon from Parshuram and Karna could lift it with boon . So could Arjun lift Gandeev because of boon , so also Drupads bow was presented with a rider only Arjun could string. Moreover Gandeev and Vijay were celestial bows did not require stringing as they were auto strung.

Surya says : karma stringing is there in authentic RC DUTT translation, why it cannot be deemed that chiraan is fabricating incidents rather than Ganguly who is acclaimed by scholars? Jury Hariprasad says , R C Dutt has also fabricated as , instead of Radhas son ,he has written shishupal , if Ganguly is authentic then it becomes Radhas son as failed , and RC DUTT says shishupala . how come two authentic translation give different translation of same verse. It shows anomaly. He gives verdict as Karna did not abuse and did not string the bow and failed in swayamvar. Chiraan says. The whole of Mahabharat is recited by SUTA , the son of lomaharshan . The very first verse in Mahabharata starts with Saunaka asking Oh Son of suta , please recite Mahabharata . Suta is born to bramhin mother Kshatriya Father . If both parents are higher caste how child is relegated to be abused caste. Then how come Saunaka rishi and other bramhin rishis are learning from SUTA the great epic of Mahabharta. The Ganguly text translates the first verse as SAUTI says Instead of Suta uvacha . The first verse itself has anamoly . So SUta is not a racial abuse , and pseudo sympathy for Karna as being abused as SUTA does not stand logically as he never was abused. He clearly failed in Swayamvar. If Draupadi were not interested in him , then he would not have been Invited, twice DRUPAD and Dhristadhyumn mention his name as invitee to the swayamvar . if he were unwelcome his name would have been struck or never mentioned. After mentioning his name , Drupad and Dhristadhyumn makes a vow that whoever strikes will get Draupadi. So Draupadi could not have gone against the words of Father and Brother as she was epitome of virtue. So KArna clearly failed in Swayamvar . and Thus HE was inferior to ARJUN . Neutral Jury Nilambar upholds the view of Chiraan . Observers SONu and Nilesh also feel the arguments by Surya are insufficient to Prove Karna succeeded in Swayamvar. 18 May

Lord Krishna Praises Karna!

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Daiva vs Purushartha - can destiny be changed?, karma, mahabharath. Tagged: Karna the fortunate. 211 Comments One of the strongest points that followers of Karna [ as invincible] have is the words of Krishna praising Karna ,on the eve of death of Ghatotkach . Krishna says

Karna is given to austereties Karna is one abiding by bramhins and Devatas Karna is not given to falsehood .

[He says to PArshuram ,I am anatha , all orphans and other creatures as well are children of GOD,You are GOD and YOU are Bramhin , thus I said I am bramhin ]

KArna cannot be slayed by INDRA ,YAMA ,VARUNA KArna , cannot be vanquished not even Sudarshan Chakra All this because He has Kavach kundal. What was so great about Kavach Kundal . It was an armour given as boon to KARNA by SURYA . Can a boon by Surya make Karna invincible even to Devatas and Narayana ? let us analyse ;

Nivat kavach rakshas too had boon of kavach , Nothing could pierce the kavach . Kavach could not be cut or destroyed by Devatas . This was the boon given to nivat kavach by BRAMHA . Indra gives his vajrayudh and Kirit [ hence ARJUN is called KIRITI] to ARJUN and sends him to fight with nivat kavach . Arjun destroys the Kavach of nivath kavach and makes Indra happy . [ boon is overtaken] Jarasandha had boon of SHiva , never to die and be immortal , but BHeema kills him [ boon is surpassed ] . JAyadrath had boon that he would be invincible to all PAndavs , but as Pashupat astra was given to Arjun , Shiva made it clear that except Arjun he would be invincible over Pandavs but only for a day . Bheema earlier had overtaken Shiva boon , but here HE let the boon happen , for Abhimanyu had to die .[ boon honoured ] Kaalyavan had a boon by SHiva that He would Kill Krishna , but contrarily he died at the sight of MUCHIKUNDA . [boon overtaken][ boon to muchikunda honoured] Samshaptakas had boon from Shiva [ not to lose in a battle ] but lose terribly to Arjun [ boon overtaken] Kritavarma had a boon from Krishna , that he would be Invincible on a chosen day [ boon honoured ] Satyaki had a boon from Krishna , that he would be invincible for a day [ boon honoured when he defeats all the kauravas] Bhagadatta had a vaishnav astra from VARAHA Vishnu [ boon honoured ,as no PAndav ventured as long as he had the astra , when Krishna took on himself , he was killed by PAndav ] boon nullified . Shrutdhanva had a mace which would make him invicible but would hit him back if he used it on unarmed , it fell on Krishna and his head blew up . [ boon nullified ]

SO at times boons were honoured and at times boons were dishonured to show that KRISHNA is the master of the UNIVERSE and not the bestower of these boons . Thus he indicrimintaley ,randomly , honoured or dishonoured at his will . The fact that boons were dishonoured shows mere boons does not make one INVINCIBLE . Krishnas Sudarshan has never come back without destroying the enemy when used . SO karna cannot be immuneto it , As even greater Rakshasas having boons of invincibilty are known to have succumbed to SUDARSHAN CHAKRA . Bhagavat is testimony to it , Entire puranas sing glory of VISHNU with CHAKRA having never failed . Krishna has shrouded SUN himself with the Chakra [ jayadrath killing ], when SUN himself was overpowered , where his boons stand . KARNA is mere a mortal and pitiable mortal at that . WIth KAVACH kundal on he was vanquished by many . There is a incident in the mahabharata where , bheema hits the kavach during RAJASUYA digvijay , it hurts KArna to the point of death , just to honour Parshurams words and Suryas boon , he does not break it . Karna accepts the soverignty of YUDHISTHIR and pays taxes . RAjsuya yagya is completed .[ without KArna accepting defeat , this Yagnya would not have deemed complete as Raajsuya is meant for rulership of all the world , KArna was part of world . No great warrior gives /accepts Superiority till his life/death , only when HE has love of LIFE , he accepts defeat . Karna feared losing LIFE despite KAVACH KUNDAL . This is also reflected in GANDHARVA episode , KARNA was captivated , a warrior will give life rather than get captivated , One gets captivated when he is helpless and fears LIfe . otherwise war takes place unto death . SO kavach and Kundal were not something that could save KArna's LIFE . Sudarshan is a highest weapon , its use would definitely KIll KARNA , but as lord VOWED not to use weapons , using SUDARSHAN was unwarranted . ALSO as PArshuram Lord has promised protection to KARNA as long as he is without jealousy . BUT KARNA could never get rid of JEALOUSY towards ARJUN to the point he could not abide by LORD KRISHNA and KUNTI and SURYA [ the giver of KAVACH] . It was KArnas inability to overcome SHADVAIRI [ KAAM KRODHA LOBHA MADA MOHA MATSARYA ] that made him lose despite all the boons . ALl the good fortunes became useless ,

His repentance of not having Dronas tutorship was well compensated by PARSHURAM [ Drona 's guru ] that made him equal to Drona himself [ is it not good fortune ] He was made KING of ANGA even before YUDHISTHIRA could acquire a KINGDOM [ is it not good fortune ]

His skills were acknowledged and was parised everywhere [ is it not good fortune ] He acquired ANother half of ANGA rajya from JARASANDHA [ is it not good fortune ] EVEN when PAndavs were langusihing in forests , HE always had a Kingdom of his own and an emperor as a freind [ is it not good fortune ] He had the protection of highest KInd [ KAVACH and KUndal] is it not good fortune . His father SURYA always spoke to him in the times of distress [ Is it not good fortune ] He was recognised by the whole world as a potential rival to ARJUN by whole world [ takshak's son chose him to take revenge ] is it not good fortune . [ getting support of enemies enemy ] He was even offered a chance to Rule over his Rival ARJUN by KRISHNA [ is it not a good fortune ] Except for the sanskara of SUTA all his life he led a life akin to a glorified KSHATRIYA .[ is it not a good fortune ]

He turned a blind eye to all these fortunes and out of ego , pride and jealousy , sided with the evil and lost all the fortune and perished . KAvach KUndal were for his safety till He grew into an adult , boons are meant for doing good in this world , when one misuses them they are taken back . INDRA took back the KAVACH because KArna had to be killed for his misdeeds . Boon of SURYA would be falsified . GOD CHOSE TO HONOUR SUN . [ ALSO IT SAVED KARNA FROM UTTER DISGRACE again good fortune ]. MORAL : Never succum to shadvairi[ KAAM KRODHA LOBHA MADA MOHA MATSARYA] , all your good fortunes notwithstanding you shall perish unaided by LORD KRISHNA .

krishnarpana 18 May

Karna -The Astrologer

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Astrology and purana, Daiva vs Purushartha - can destiny be changed?, karma, mahabharath, people and astrology, yashas -success in career. Tagged: krishna, Karna, kuntee, soota, kshatriya. 6 Comments When Krishna the lord of Universe offers Karna the lordship of the World to leave Duryodhan and side with Pandavas .

Karn said You are right, Krishn, I now know that whatever you have said to me that Kuntee bore me when she was a maiden through her connection with Soorya. At the command of Soorya she abandoned me as soon as I was born without thinking of my welfare. Soot Adhirath found me and took me home. There his wife Raadhaa brought me up with all her affection. Adhirath gave me the name Vasusen. When I grew up, I married the wives according to his selections. I have now sons grandsons through them. My all rites and religious duties are performed with Soot. With Duryodhan I have enjoyed sovereignty for over 13 years. Now when Duryodhan has decided to fight with Paandav considering me as against Arjun, I cannot go back because of fear, death or bloodshed. If I do not indulge with Arjun in single combat, it will be an insult to both of us. I am sure that Paandav will do whatever you have said but for now, you must hide this for the benefit of both of us. Let Yudhishthir be king for ever. He has collected a great crowd of warriors. I am repenting for what I said to Paandav. Duryodhan is going to do a Yagya. When you will see me slain by Arjun then Punachiti of this Yagya will begin, when you will see Bheem drinking the blood of Dushaasans chest then the Som drinking of this Yagya will take place, and when the two sons of Drupad Shikhandee and Drishtdyumn will overthrow Bheeshm and Drone, then this Yagya will be suspended for interval. When Bheem will kill Duryodhan then the Yagya of Duryodhan will be concluded. When all Kuru women will lament for their husbands and sons in the battlefield without their protector, it will be the last bath of this Yagya. [ Karna predicts the future ] I just pray you that dont let these Kshatriya be perished miserably for thy sake. Let them die by weapons in the most sacred place among the three worlds. Whatever you have in mind, accomplish it on this spot only. Till I face Arjun in the field, keep our talks secret. Krishn said O Karn, Dont you wish to rule over the whole world? You know that Paandavs victory is certain. Divine Bhaum has set up Hanumaan banner like Indras banner. Extended for one Yojan it will never be obstructed by any thing. When Arjun will twang his bow then that signs off all Yug (Sat, Tretaa and Dwapar). All kings will get excellent state after dying for Duryodhan in the battlefield. Karn worshipped Krishn and said Knowing everything why do you want to baffle me? This war is going to happen. The great fierce planet Shani (Saturn) is afflicting the Nakshatra Rohinee which indicates the destruction on Prithvi. Mars is coming to Nakshatra Anuraadhaa through Jyeshthaa indicating a great a slaughter of friends. Certainly a great calamity will come over Kuru family when the planet Mahaapat will afflicts the Nakshatra Chitraa. Moons position has changed and Raahu is also proceeding towards Soorya. A black circle surrounding the solar disc appears to view. [ Karna's command on astrology can be seen here ] Krishn said Yes, The destruction of the world is at hand but you are not agreeing for it. Karn said If we have come out of the war then we will meet here again, otherwise we shall surely meet in Heaven. and embraced Krishn very hard. Keshav dismissed him and he came back with us.

Kunti went to Gangaa River where she heard Vedic mantra chanting by her son. Karn was standing facing east, so Kuntee stood waiting behind him burning in hot Sun. Then she shifted under the shade of upper cloth of Karn. And Karn continued his prayers until his back was very hot with Sun. Then he turned back and was surprised to see Kuntee standing there. He saluted her properly and bowing his head Vrish (Karn), the son of Vikartan (Adhirath), said to her I am Karn, Raadhaa and Adhiraths sson. Why have you come here and what can I do for you? Kuntee said You are Kuntees son, not Raadhaas, nor your father is Adhirath, nor you are born in a Soot family. I bore you when I was a maiden. You were born in the palace of Kuntibhoj. I gave you birth in my fathers house along with Kavach and Kundal on your body. You stand in Duryodhans camp not knowing your brothers, is not proper. Duryodhan has wickedly snatched Yudhishthirs wealth. You take that wealth back from them and enjoy it. Let people call you like Raam Balraam. If you both are united what is in this world which cannot be accomplished? As Kuntee finished, Karn heard a soft loving voice coming from Soorya What Prithaa is saying is true. Follow her words, it is for your good. Karn could not answer immediately because his heart was following only truth. He said I cannot accept what you have said to me. Although I should obey you as you are my mother. You abandoned me as soon as I was born. This was the greatest injury you did to my life and fame. Thus I was deprived of all the rights of Kshatriya. You have never thought about my good before this and you are telling me something for my good today? Who is not afraid of Arjun? And if I go to Paandav today, people will say that I did so because of fright. Just to fulfill my own desires how can I leave Duryodhans friendship? They always respect me, bow down to me and wait on me. I will surely fight with Paandav. However except Arjun, your other four sons will not be slain by me. I will fight only with Arjun. Whether he will be slain, or me, in both cases my life will be glorified and your five sons will always be alive. end of extract Points to be noted in the above speech by Karna ;

Karna Knew he was going to be slained by ARJUN Karna had complete knowledge of the Planetary scenario at the MAhabharata WAR , he was great astrologer as he completely predicts the future about Bheem slaying Kauravs . Karna was chanting Vedic mantra [ Only higher caste chant VEdic mantra , Karna was not considered Low born as depicted ,soota is not low caste or untouchable] Ones birth is not alone important in determining caste as much as His Sanskara , Karna had sanskara as SOOTA ,mark Karnas words , and hence He remained a SOOTA all along even if Duryodhan gave him Kingdom, even if he was born a

Kshatriya . This was the point made in Vidyapradarshan BY BHEESHMA , when he objected to Arjun fighting Karna . That a Kshatriya should not fight with Soota at the competition . Karna admits to Duryodhans Soverignty to as recent as 13 years and Not from the day He was made the King . why? Karna was made the King when Yudhisthir and Duryodhan were around 25 years of Age . Then intermittently pandavas suffered treason in Varnavat . Then they were married in disguise . When Pandavas went to Vanvas , Yudhisthir was 57 years old . When they came back Yudhisthir was 70 years old . So Karna should have told 50 years of soverignty , why 13 years . because After Raajsooya Yagnya his Kingdom was snatched by BHEEMASEN and given back to him after his acceptance of soverignty of Yudhisthir . The kingdom of Yudhisthir was usurped in dice by Duryodhan and hence 13 years of soverignty .

Karna is persuaded by Lord ,but to only Fight Arjun he refuses Krishnas Proposal [ Lord's command is not so important for him than his prestige [ego] that he will be declared coward . Lord could have as well made him a hero had he accepted , NO faith ! ] Karna is persuaded by Kunti and SOORYA . He admits he must obey them but cannot for the desire of Fighting Arjun . Karna does not grant what his MOTHER asks for , only for his good ! [ DAANVEER of no use to MOTHER ]. krishnarpanamastu. 17 May

Superiority of Arjun vis-a-vis Karna A Debate

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, mahabharath, people and astrology. Tagged: Arjun, debate, Karna. 742 Comments Karna failed in Swayamvar . HE failed to even string the bow . Surya counters Radhas son is not KARNA but brother of Karna And that bow which Rukma, Sunitha, Vakra, Radhas son, Duryodhana, Salya, and many other kings accomplished in the science and practice of arms, could not even with great exertion, string Views of Prof Pandurangi HOD Sanskrit Bangalore University Rashtrapati awardee , MAHAMAHOPADHYAYA Tirupati Sanskrit University First Shishupala tried and failed. Then, Jarasandha, Shalya tried and failed. In the case of Karna a ticklish point is raised. According to North India recession of Mahabharatha Draupadi remarked that Naham Variyam Sutham I do not like to marry a charioteer. On the other hand when Arjuna asks Dhristadyumna whether a

Brahmana can participate in the svayamwara contest, Dhristadyumna replies that Brahmano Vatha Rajanyo Vaishyo va shudra aeva va? Whetehr one is Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya or Shudra if he can wield the bow and hit the mark, I shall give my sister. From this it is clear that Karna lost the chance by his incapacity bit not on the ground of his caste. The North Indian version seems to be interpolation. ..end of extract . C Rajagopalachary view Sisupala, Jarasandha, Salya, and Duryodhana were among these unsuccessful aspirants. When Karna came forward, all the assemblage expected that he would be successful but he failed by just a hairs breadth and the string slid back flashing and the mighty bow jumped out of his hands like a thing of life. Vivekananda View Now, there came kings and princes from different parts of India, all anxious to win the hand of the princess, and one after another they tried their skill, and every one of them failed to hit the mark.When all those princes failed in hitting the mark, then the son of King Drupada rose up in the midst of the court and said: The Kshatriya, the king caste has failed; now the contest is open to the other castes. Let a Brahmana, even a Shudra, take part in it; whosoever hits the mark, marries Draupadi. Among the Brahmanas were seated the five Pandava brothers. Arjuna, the third brother, was the hero of the bow. He lifted the bow in his hand, strung it without any effort, and drawing it, sent the arrow right through the wheel and hit the eye of the fish. Then there was great jubilation. Draupadi, the princess, approached Arjuna and threw the beautiful garland of flowers over his head 15 May

Vedanta In Computer Science

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, education, sadhana. Tagged: advaita, computer science, dvaita, philosophy, vedanta. Leave a Comment

Second lord mercury exalted , saturn in gopuramsha or jupiter in simhasanamsha , the native will become a Vedantagnya; Jupiter in kendra or trikona aspected by mercury or venus , saturn in paravatamsha , one inspects Vedata shatra . jupiter in kendra , venus in uttamamsha in kendra and chandra in devalokamsha , native becomes vedantagnya .

Operating system is the crucial ingerdient of the Computer . OS or Kernel fors the foundation over which a computing task is accomplished in a machine . OS resides in the Computer , to a outer world it is invisible , it stays in a realizable form to the students of Computer science , for all others its magic at work .

OS is in the form of KNowledge and is the King that commandes the resources of the computer .

Every Other ingredient is subservient to this KIng and It has a final say in all the activities of the Computer . The other softwares can run on the computer but has to obey the dictum of OS and has to depend on the OS for its execution . At any given Time OS has greater say than the tertiary software , and directs the resources to be allocated to the software as per its capacity and requirement from time to time.

Now philosophy [ ADvaita ]

Both OS and other softwares are of same type [ AS ATMA & PARAMATMA are of same type ] All softwares are similar and mere set of instructions of similar types inherent to CPU and hence one . Difference is in the worldly terms but from CPU point of view they all are similar and infact one only one . Both reside in the same place ie at any given point of time instruction that is being executed in the processor [CPU] cannot be distinguished whether it is of OS or OF soaftware , its just a instruction for the processor and processor irrespectively executes it . [ Thus the original form of Software , whether OS or ANy Application is in the form of a set of instructions common to both , thus they can be declared as same ] As execution is independent and common to both apps and OS , the delineation of a task is external manifestation and is mithya [ of local consequences only ] , inreality from CPU point of view , it makes no difference whether OS is operating or Application is running . Certain specialized application when given access to higher resources of the Computer , can act akin to OS and infact merge as a enhancement to OS [ when written in assemby modules ] Thus a application is subservient OS as long as it feels as an application , if it realizes that it is equal to OS in form and perspective , it can gain access to higher resouces of Architecture and merge with OS . So as ATMA [application] realizes that it is infact Paramatma [OS] [ AHAM BRAMHASMI] it can merge into the OS [ BRAMHA] .

Dvaita philosophy

Both OS and Appliation Software are unique and different [ ATMA and PARAMATMA are different and unique ] Though they are made up of similar knowledge instructions , Apllication software is subset of OS [ Bimba pratibimba] Difference is not only in the worldly terms but also there is Difference as OS is superior and has complete control of application layers All other softwares are also unique and different .

The superiority of OS is visible and to the experience of us all as OS if busy in other activity , application does not show result [ karma is not accomplished as per desire] Though OS and apps instruction set and only one instruction at a given point resides CPU , [ it becomes difficult to identify whether CPU is executing OS or application ] such a overlap exists but OS retains its superiority through Clock and control circuitry . At no point can Application override a perfect OS . EVen if Application realizes the presence of OS and go according to its allocation of resorces , all it can expect is better resources and smooth execution and priority from OS . But never can it equal OS . Even after such prioritisation [ due to frequent execution and presence in good books ; prefetch] it still remains subservient to OS . So Atma is never equal to Paramatma and always remains subservient to HIM . If aplication tries to gain access to higher resources , for which it is not eligible , it is either termed as VIRUS[ tamoyogya] or the computer crashes , with OS opting to preempt the software . Sometimes such crahses can be ireversible [ Andhatamas] . BUt in all cases OS remains the KING , before , and thereafter too .

krishnarpana 14 May

Nara Narayan and Karna

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis. Tagged: Arjun, karna .kavach kundal, nara narayan. 4 Comments Karna was a demon by name Dambhodbhav in his previous birth . Dambodbhav did penace to Sun for many years . Pleased with his penace Sun appeared before him and asked him to partake a boon . Dambodbhav asked for immortality . Sun said no one can become immortal as all those who have taken birth should die , this the law of the nature set by NARAYANA , thus he can ask for something else . Dambodbhav asked something that would be akin to immortality . HE asked Oh Lord Sun kindly give me a 1000 KAvach Kundal that should not break for atleast 1000 years and one who breaks it should die immediately . Sun grants him the boon . Dambodbhav smitten with pride created havoc in the world and none could kill Dambodbhav and none dared to fight as that would mean definite death . SO when the world was besieged with the cruelty of Dambodbhav , sages and devatas went to Lord NArayana asked for the relief . Lord Narayana took the form of two sages along with NARA . NARA-NARAYANA . The sages confronted the Demon , Narayana sat in meditation tapasya, for a 1000 years

with mrit sanjeevani vidya , while nara would fight with Dambhodbhav , after 1000 years Nara would break the kavach and die , NArayana would bring him back to life and continue the fight , nara would comlete the tapasya for 1000 years as Narayana fought the battle and break another kavach , thus each would alternatively fight and practise tapasya and cut the kavach . This continued for 999 times in 1000000 years . The fight went on for 1000000 years . and when the last Kavach was left , Dambhodbhav fled the battle field and hid behind SUN in surya mandal , Sun gave him shelter . Nara Narayana demanded the demon to be handed over but SUn pleaded on behalf of him . Thus Nara cursed SUn to be born along with the demon and be killed . For having given shelter to Demon and going against NArayana , Sun took the birth as KARNA along with suryavarman demon [ Dambhodbhav] . This time he was born with the 1000th kavach kundal naturally by the grace oF previous boon by SUN . Nara and NARAYANA were born again as Arjun and Krishna . This kavach whoever breaks it would die and hence , had to be begged back by Indra . As demon would not give it Karna had SUN also born in this birth as Amsa . With the quality of giving dana readily , SUN gave back the KAVACH he had been tricked to offer by DAMBHODBHAV , and created havoc in the world . Thus Indra tricked Dambhodbhav and SUn rectified his mistake . The presence of Dambhodbhav and Narkasur in the KArna made him undergo untold misery and misfortunes . But his previous tapasya and presence of SUN made him a hero as well . Apart from that due to immense devotion that Sugreeeva had done in Ramayana , Krishna himself Manifested in KARNA to make him unparalleled due to PArshurams chariot and Bhargava astra . WHenever the whole Pandava ARMY trembled on account of KARNA , it was actually Krishna in him that made the balance in the WAR . At all such times , Karna won and became difficult to conquer like swayamvar of Jarasandhas daughter , use of Bhargav astra , use of shakti, use of Bramhastra , riding Chariot of Parshuram etc. As with KAvach on HAd Arjun killed Karna , even Arjun would have lost his Life , just like previous birth fight . Thus Kavach was taken away and returned to Suryaloka . Now Sun had to be released from runanubandha of INdra , on account of shelter to demon and also on account of killing VALI . Thus he was killed unarmed to set right the score and make way for sun to go back to Surya Loka and NARA NARAYANA to return to NARAYANAASHRAMA in upper BAdri . krishnarpanamastu 9 May

Computer Science , Vedanta & logic[ TARKA SHASTRA]

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, education, karma, sadhana, yashas -success in career. Tagged: advaita, attachement, dvaita, vedanta, virtual reality. 3 Comments If sun or mars are second lord aspected by Jupiter or Venus in vishesha amshas one becomes adept at TARKA shastra . when not in vishesha amshas , people usually dabble in computer programming . Similarly Jupiter or Venus as second lord aspected by sun or mars in mooltrikona or own house gives one mastery in TARKA shastra . Given the large number of people working in the IT industry , it has to be concluded that combination of Jupiter ,Venus with either sun or mars gives indulgence with computers . I consider computer science as pure logic . Its enumeration and developments follow the usual theorems in TARKA shastra . In fact TARKA shastra elaborates even better models then what is currently available in the raw field of Computing . One of the interesting fields in the realm of Computer vision is Virtual reality . Virtual reality is slowly gripping the society although its current applications is limited to games and war simulation , This fascinating world of Virtual Reality ultimately triggers a greater debate on philosophy and especially Vedanta as practiced in INDIA . Let us first understand the term Virtual Reality . Virtual and reality are mutually contradicting terms . What is virtual cannot be real and what is Real cannot be attributed Virtuality . But computers boast pf achieving the marriage between Virtual and real . How ? In the the field of simulation , all the real world objects can be simulated onto a software driven platform [ platform can be video , laser ,or 3 D models ]. With a specialised glasses , user experience can be enhanced to give rich feeling of Virtual world as seen through gasses .Or alternatively User can be seated in an auditorium with a giant screens and acoustics surrounding him ,transporting him into a virtual world .

This world is simulated Objected in this world are created through software They follow the algorithms of the software in their behaviour and interaction The software assumes certain mathematical models depicting human behaviour . The whole world inside the podium [ video , auditorium etc ] are interactive and event driven . Your own self can be simulated through what is popularly known today as *Avatar*

This avatar of yours can trigger live feeds[ drive events , initiate interaction ] through sensors attached to your fingers , limbs and other body parts . With binoculars on your eyes , and sensors to limbs your avatar can be seen by you and controlled by you in the Virtual World . Your avatar acts as you say , as move and feel to interact with the virtual surroundings of the simulation . Slowly as the simulation progresses , you become a part of it You get engrossed into it . You get identified attached to your avatar / The life led by avatar , is the virtual life that you lead The happiness and unhappiness of avatar is what you experience as emotions while viewing the avatar interact . As your involvement increases , you mistake the whole process and experience as a Reality Your involvement is more if you are not allowed to blink .momentary blinking may give self consciousness . In a movie theatre people get engrossed by identifying with a character , here your own self is character ,so involvement is more almost inseparable . When Identities merge

Thus it becomes a Virtual reality Now The philosophy : Advaita Vedanta [ By Sankara and others] 1. The avatar is not real . 2. The experiences are false 3. As the game is over [ ie as you come out of the auditorium , or remove your glasses ,binoculars etc ] , you have gained nothing or lost nothing . C mon it was just a game . 4. The experience of happiness and unhappiness was owing to your excessive attachment to the avatar . 5. As long as you felt the avatar as your real self and not mere body , you have feeling of happiness and unhappiness , the moment your mind is conscious that your self is not the avatar , its just a simulation , you cease to identify with it and happenings of pleasure and pain of the character are no longer bother you . 6. So leave attachment by conscious practice of the knowledge that it was Virtual and not Real . 7. Such complete consciousness of the fact that this is not real saves you from misery . Dvaita Vedanta .[ By Madhvacharya and Sri Raghavendra swamy] 1. Avatar is manifestation and real

2. The experiences are a reality and truth 3. As the game is over, the lesson learnt and memories of experiences are still real . It was just not a game , there was a higher purport in the formulation of the game . 4. Though the experience was owing to the attachment of self to the avatar [ dehabhimana] , yet the happiness and unhappiness owing to pain and pleasure of the avatar was real and experienced by the self . 5. Though the knowledge of self being different from the body [ avatar ] helps in mitigating the pain to some extent yet it does not relieve one from the experiences of pain and pleasure as long as the game continues . If without the masters blessing such a state is not possible because the show goes on and we are a part of it willingly or unwillingly , so better to gain master blessings to gain pleasure and equanimous leading of life by avatar . mere liberation from the attachment to pain and pleasure does not gives an understanding of purport of the game/show. One cannot live a vegetable life by being indifferent to pleasure and pain , without purpose . 6. Goal is not defined or gained by the knowledge that it was Virtual and not real , But by accepting it as real and different from self , happiness is achieved in the form of grace of MASTER running the show. 7. Accepting it as virtual may relieve temporarily from the misery of avatar , but gives rise to misery of wasting time into the virtual world without knowing the purport . BY ignoring the presence of MASTER and his designs we are self and its purpose and end up in destruction of self . on the contrary by accepting the reality and the designs of nature [ software simulations] and its creator is known and an relationship unfolds with the Creator and his purpose. Thus a new beginning of self awareness is achieved. krishnarpana . 7 May

Ekalavya the GuruDrohi

Posted by chiraan in Astrology and purana, education, karma, mahabharath, people and astrology, yashas -success in career. Tagged: Dranacharya, ekalavya, paundraka vasudeva, mahabharata, gurubhakti. 3 Comments Ninth lord if in mruduswabhava rasi or in aspect or association of Jupiter ,the native will have Gurubhakti . if associated with malefics the native will go against Guru . Ninth lord in navasmsa if placed well , the navamsa lord if aspected by jupiter , the person will be endowed with guru bhakti , if afflicted the person will offend his preceptors.

Ekalavya is known for the Guru bhakti in the popular history, His story has been celebrated as cruelty on part of Guru Dronacharya

Also Ekalavya has been portrayed as that of being a victim to the partiality of Acharya Drona ,for his love towards Arjun. Ekalavya is supposed to have learnt everything all by himself . Ekalvya is portrayed as one from lower caste and untouchable. Ekalavya is seen as another victim of Pandav favoritism ,just like Karna Incidently Ekalavya is brother-in law of Karna .

Contrary to the above popular belief let me give you the real facts to uncover the myth about EKALAVYA . Before venturing into the character named Ekalavya ,it is important to know the greatness of Acharya Drona .

Dronacharya was a man without desires ,he used to live on shillonch vrutti [ that which prohibits one to ask anything from anyone ] He was taught astra Vidya By Lord Parshurama [ not different from Krishna] . He was very devoted to Lord and his Guru . He was true to his profession of teaching and to his employers and kept his words always. Arjuna had promised to caryy his mission [ to conquer Drupad] ,and thus HE had promised Arjun to make him the greatest Archer . Archery consists of plain skill of holding bow and relieving arrows + knowledge of astras [missiles] Without knowledge of missiles plain archery is of limited use. Astras involve usage of vedic techniques .[these can be learnt only from Guru ]

Drona was divine personality , his grace would make anyone a great . Now let us move to Ekalavya ,

Ekalavya was not a lower caste , He was nishada prince [ a son of nishad king]. Nishada is a caste sprung from the intermixing of bramhins and sudras[ parasava + kshatra] . These are tribes that dwell in forests and are adept in various skills from hunting to boating . They form an important part of forest life and governance in general , as they are cheitains overwhich a kingdom stands. Ekalavya and his father etc were in the service of Kashi raja .

Ekalavya went to Drona to learn Vidya Why? Ekalavya had a inherent hate towards Lord Krishna . Ekalavya was the incarnation of demon MAnimanta . He had gone into deep forest to learn astras from Pisachas .[ Paisaach vidya and paisaach astras] He had used them against Krishna but could not succeed ,thus he understood that he should acquire Deva astras .

Only Guru Drona could impart such Knowledge . Thus he Approached Drona

Why did Drona reject Ekalavya ? Drona knew he was inherently a hater of Lord Srikrishna [ His Guru not diffrent from Parashurama] Entertaining him would be to go against his Guru . Secondly By then Guru Drona was in the service of teaching Princes of Hastinapur. School where Princes are taught ordinary citizens are not allowed to learn by their side. Only Royals and bramhins in Royal service could enroll themselves in such schools. This is the reason why even Karna was rejected . Those were the days when Governance itself was beased on a caste . Hence an outcaste could not have dared to go to a bramhin [ A Royal servicemenin the service of Monarch of the world] to teach him if it were against rules .So Ekalavya was not an outcaste . neither a low born because astra vidya could be taught to only higher caste warriors. Disappointed Ekalavya went to the forest , prepared a IDOL of Dronachary and started practising the archery . This gave him profound mastery in archery . This is not the greatness of Ekalavya but greatness of Dronacharya himself ,that even worshipping his idol too gave extraordinary brilliance in the vidya. If this was not so , then Ekalavya could have practised all by himself without the idol . But He knew the greatness of Drona and thus resorted to this form of Practise. This shows extreme determination of Ekalvya to gain the vidya [ determination to kill Krishna] . But all daitya [rakshasas ,demons] are known to have done tapasya earlier and gained boons from Shiva and others , this is just another example of Ekalavya doing tapasya to Dronacharya. Dronacharya asked his right thumb When in the forst ,royal dog was stopped from barking by Ekalavya [without hurting the dog , ekalavya had gagged the dog with the arrows] This created a concern in the mind of Arjun and asked whether Drona was true to his words. Drona to keep his words and to prevent Ekalavya from going against his guru [ Lord] and principles , asked for his right Thumb as Gurudakshina . Ekalavya cut off his thumb because , he knew refusing Gurudaksina would render his Vidya useless [ just as Karna had suffered] thus it is better to give up the thumb rather than risking curse. Dronacharya was divine from the fact that he restored The THUMB equivalent to Arjun in plain archery and less stiff when using astras .

This way Acharya Drona fulfilled his words and also kept his duty .

Later on th mount Raivat Dronacharya taught Astra Vidyas to Ekalavya . Equipped with the Astra Vidya ,

Ekalavya along with Paundraka Vaasudeva [ another son of Vasudev from the diti ] attacked Dwaraka in the night . Krishna had gone to Kailash to beget a son . Satyaki and Balaraam alongwith the army fought with the Ekalavya and Paundraka Vaasudeva their army with lamps. Ekalavya and others extinguished all the lamps . So Balaraam went to back to bring additional Lamps Satyaki kept at bay both Ekalvya and Paundraka . Just then Krishna returned , he cut all the weapons of Ekalavya and Paundraka and destroyed their chariots. Balaraam then happy at the return of Krishna , with full vigour raised his musal and attacked Ekalavya . Ekalvya afraid of furious Balraam , started running away . HE ran and fell in the ocean . Balaram stood near the banks , but ekalavya fearing and assuming Balraam is chasing , swam 80 yojanas and reached an island . there he looked back and seeing Balraam at the banks relieved a sigh . Then Ekalavya undervent tapasya to Shiva to get the boon of being defeatless . ever victorious . Shiva granted him the boon . Now with much more pride and strength Ekalavya attacked Krishna again and used all the astras given by Drona and Shiva but Krishna cut all the astras and finally with his Sudarshan cut his head off .

Story of Ekalavya is the portrayal of greatness of Dronacharya as how when in dilemma a man should act and yet uphold the Dharma ,and duty towards society , king , Guru and pupils and finally towards GOD . Gurubhakti is not in showing histrionics before GURU , Guru bhakti is in total surrender to teacher , obeying his everyword , upholding his every value and treading the path shown by him. Ekalavya only showed histrionics and acted contrarily to his gurus views , loyalties and culture and principles.This is GURU DROHA , thus finally he achieved nothing and met with death at a young age at the hands of Lord SRIKRISHNA . krishnarpanamastu 4 May

Roga shamanam Diseases and Astrology

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Diseases, karma. Tagged: cure, Diseases, epilepsy, lunacy, madness. 4 Comments A careful diagnosis of nature of disease ,its causes is essential to determine the nature of treatment and course of medicine .Ishta Anishta sthanas[bhavas] determine health .Good health is indicated when

malefics in 3 and 11 benefics in other than 3,6,8,12 gulika in bhavas 3,6,11,2 other than these placements indicate ill health and disease .

Planets in favorable positon are known as susthas . otherwise they are known as dusthas .weak malefics in kendra kona ,8 ,12 or benefics in 6,8,12 are known as dusthas . Planets govern

sun-stomach moon-heart mars-head mercury-chest jupiter-thighs venus-face saturn-knees rahu-feet ketu-left foot

twelve houses signify parts from head to feet .

sun-pitta + vata moon-vata +kapha mars -pitta budha -vata+ pitta +kapha jupiter -kapha+vata venus -vata+kapha saturn- vata

Diseases are

nija sarirotha chittoth drishta adrishta


vata pitta kapha sannipata

sarirotha is determined by 8th house ,lord and planets aspecting and occupying it . chittotha is determined by anger fear ,sorrow ,desires etc by 5th and 8th lord . drishtanimmitaja are curses ,abhichara etc are determined by 6th ,lord and planet aspecting and occupying it . Adrishtanimmitaja are know by badhaka grahas . combination of eighth and sixth lord indicates curses Lunacy Unmada 1. 2. 3. 4. jupiter in lagna saturn in seventh causes unmada saturn in 1st and mars in 7th 5th 9th moon and mrcury combust in 1st afflicted mercury in 3,6,12 ,8 o the cuses for lunacy are excessive delight ,desire ,fear ,sorrow,inappropriate eating and wrath of deities and preceptors. o five types are caused by o vata ,pitta,kapha ,sannipata and agantav

1. vata causes laughing ,clapping,loud speaking ,singing dancing crying ,moving shaking ,these are manifested more after meals .[vatonmada] 2. seeking pleasure of women and solitude ,sleeping too much ,showing aversion for everything, speaking less ,drops of saliva trickling are kaphonnmada 3. showering abuses ,ever angry ,longing to drink water and food impatience and hating all are pittonmada 4. All above characteristics are mixed in sannipata 5. sometimes unmada is caused by Dev andAsura grahas when one is possesed . 6. Devgraha he will talk like learned and be strong 7. Asura grahas will make person abusive and uneasy in disposition with cannibalisitic attitude. 8. medicated oils can cure vatonmada 9. strong purgatives can cure pittonmada 10. kaphonmada is cured by inhalations and vomiting 11. there is no treatment for sannipata 12. All types of madness can be cured by japa homa etc. Epilepsy Apsmara

saturn in eighth powerful malefics in trikona sun and mars in 12th these are causes of epilepsy

symptoms of epilepsy are 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. man faints all of a sudden dirty sphutum flows out of his mouth one makes strange sounds eyes roll bites ones teeth becomes pale ,thirsty and excited

types of apsmara 1. svasini 2. malina 3. nidra 4. jrimbhika 5. anashana 6. trasini 7. mohini 8. rodani 9. krodhini 10. tapani 11. soshani 12. dhwamsini

kushmanda bali and tila homa with krodhagni mantra cures epilepsy . herbs {sindhuth ,vrischikali ,kushta,vanga and bhangee} powdered and inserted in nose pacifies apsmara herbs{ bramhi , vacha ,amaya , shankhapushpi ,dhatri } all these juices + honey + siddharta ,hingu,+ urine of cow inhaled or taken in can pacify apsmara A lay man should not administer these herbs .

krishnarpanamastu 3 May

Effect of Mantras -contd

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, karma, mahabharath. Tagged: Arjun, mantras, shiva. 7 Comments IN the previous post we had come to conclusion that mantras do have effects . Then again the perrennial question arises , does that make a owner of mantra a invincible .

Can he change things ? and achieve indiscriminately anything and everything he wants ? Does he superced the law of Karma ?

If yes why and if no then How these laws of Karma apply to the owner of the mantra ?

Man attains mantra siddhi during the period and sub periods of the planets having relationship with the ninth lord or jupiter . Mantras do not show effect during six and eight lord dasha bhukti . Mantra also does not work while saturn or mandi is in lagna Mantras do not work when used on more powerful people , mantras do not work on a person having excessive punya [eve n if he is evil] Mantras do not work on people under vrata niyama etc . Mantras do not work in the state of impurity .Mantras do not work when used against wishes of elders. Mantras do not affect person in yogakaraka dasha . Mantra siddhi can never be achieved by persons who are , pardararat ,paranna bhakshi ,paradhanlolu ! Once in Vanavasa When Bheemasen urged Yudhisthir to wage a war on Kauravas , Yudhisthir replied Bheem you are foremost among bhagavatas , you will never wrestle with Bheeshma and Drona etc , at the same time even if you know you dont use Astras , So Bheeshma and Drona etc can be won only by astras Arjun is yet to acquire astras to vanquish these , After he acquires them we shall wage the war . But having said that Yudhisthir was in deep thoughts abouts prospect of war and Arjuns capability . Bythen Vedavyasa appeared and calmed Yudhisthir by saying dont worry I shall give you the mantra , You in turn teach it to Arjun , this will enable him to win over Bheeshma and others With this mantra Arjun will never be defeated . Yudhisthir taught the mantra to Arjun . Arjun then embraced his brothers and went to INdrakeel parvat to worship Shiva antaryami Vishnu . After intense tapasya , one day mukasur a rakhshasa took the form of a wild boar and came to kill Arjun , Arjun released many arrows simultaneously , At the same Rudra [Shiva] along with his wife took a form of hunter [Kiraat] and also chased and killed the boar , mukasur died but both arrows from Shiva and Arjun struck it simultaneously . Thus Kiraat spoke , since you have attacked my prey , you must fight with me to claim it . Arjun exclaimed you shall never be successful , come on for a fight . Arjun used many astras , Rudra nullified it , Arjun finally hit Rudra with the gandiva itself , Rudra swallowed it . Then they wrestled each other , Arjun used his fist with the Mantra of Vedvyasa but Rudra used another and flung him in the air and Arjun fell unconscious on the Ground . Arjun was defeated , How ?

Arjun had mantra siddhi Krishna had given boon to Indra [during the episode of Parijata ] , that till HE is on the earth Arjun will never be defeated . Vedavyasa had given a mantra that would give him Ever winning power .

Why did Arjuna Lose here ? The answer given By Acharya Madhwa is thus :

1. Shiva is greater than Indra in valour and Qualities 2. Shiva had asked a boon from Krishna that if ever he gives boon of Invincibilty to any of his subordinates , they should still be defeated by Shiva . Krishna had granted it 3. Vedvyasa had given Arjun the Vaishnav mantra , but it was not a KEVAL VAISHNAV mantra . 4. There is difference between a mantra and keval Vaishnav mantra . A keval Vaishnav mantra posses the quality of having all the rishi chandas and Devata as Vishnu . But when the rishi changes then it becomes a just Vaishnav mantra . 5. Rudra had used Keval mantra . 6. Arjun had no knowledge of KEVAL mantras uptill then . Then Arjun getting up from slumber , made a sand linga and prayed with all the mantras he knew to the Rudra antargata Vishnu in Linga . But as he was offering the flowers to the Linga , it went onto the jata of Kiraata [ Shiva] . Arjun realised , his aradhya devata [nija guru] was Rudra and standing before him as kiraata . He made a sashtanga namaskara [bowed] to Rudra and prayed him with devotion . Rudra happy with Arjun , gave him Pashupata astra a Vaishnav Mantra with Rudra as rishi . Thus suddenly All the devatas appeared and gave him their respective astras . Thus INdra happy with his sons performance took him to Swarga and taught him many more astras . Arjun spent next five years of Vanavaas in swarga vana . The same Arjun when he forgot mantras as Srikrishna left the earth , could not even defeat ordinary theifs [ aabhirs] and save Krishnas Wives . Thus Mantras dont make a person always invincible . They also are governed by the laws of Karma and are subservient and under the control of NARAYANA .

When Durvasa used mantra against Ambareesh it boomeranged to give extreme bruises and heat to Durvasa muni himself . Vishvamitra expressed his inabilty to use mantras against Khar Dushana and asked Rama to kill him . All the rishis giving shapa to RAVAN did not affect him , even Rambhas curse also did not affect him . Nahusha became immune to mantras of the rishis around him, Chandra could not be subdued by mantras of Brahaspati himself. Dyut mantra of Yudhisthir did not help him on a fateful day . Abhimanyus forward mantra could not help him come out of VAishnav PadmaVyuha mantra of Dronacharya . Bheema and others could not penetrate Shakatabj Vyuha mantra of Drona , But at the same shakatabja mantra could not ensure safety of Jayadrath . Dronas yantra to Duryodhan on the arms still could not save Duryodhans palms being slit by Arjuns arrows.

SO one must not undertake abuse of people around them with mantras ,Mantras have to be used for only for good and self protection only like

Vashishtha resisted entire army of Gadhi [ Vishwamitra] with the help of Bramhaneya mantra Vishwamitra created artificial swarga [ Trishanku swarga] Vishwamitra created vegetations Vishwamitra taught Bala and ATIBALA to Ram and Lakshaman [ this mantra gives one power to live without food and water for ages ] . Arundhati gives Seeta a mantra that could prevent her only dress in vanavasa from tearing and soiling . Parashara uses mantra to make Satyavati Yojanagandha Durvas gives Devavashikarana mantra to Kunti . Ajun uses a wick of the candle as agneya astra with agni mantra Arjun creates water fall to quench thirst of his horses . Vichitravirya teaches Arjun Adrushyatva Mantra [ becoming invisible] Yudhishir uses his swatmataijas mantra to kill Shalya . Ashvaththama uses Bramhastra to kill Uttaras womb .[ Abhimanyu's son] . Krishna uses Sudarshana to Protect Uttaras womb

Lord says even bramhastra will not kill Pandavas progeny because HE has resolved so that their progeny rule for 1000 years . Krishnarpanamastu 2 May

Effects of Mantra My experiences!

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, yashas -success in career. Tagged: mantra. 14 Comments Generally a mantra should not be disclosed or its effect should not be made public as it reduces the efficacy of the mantra . But as indicated in previous posts , mantras are of three types , Satvik , Rajasik and Tamasik . I had also dabbled in some tamasik mantras ,results of which made me shun them , precisely since I no longer use them , I write their effects and experiences , hiding sevral more which I cannot disclose . THis post is only to make people aware of the shastra and restore in them the faith in the age old tradition of using shlokas ad mantras to alleviate evil . As every astrologer and daivagnya never fails to prescribe a mantra or jap or shloka to alleviate the evil or undesired . It is neccessary to examine whether these really work ? My experiments with these though were childish at sometimes , but result made me very curious to explore the field further . Before venturing I must remind the readers that a mantra is as effective as the Upadesha and teacher , If teacher has not made siddhhi of the mantra , then upadesha is of no use , and mantra is just few words . At the same time mantra is a personification and hence personal purity is paramount is getting the desired results . Thirdly mantra is most effective when used without desires.

In the initial phases of my spiritual journey I felt no neccessity to use mantras . Although the field always fascinated me , I was afraid of learning or using them and morover I had a firm belief that they wont work . So I felt leaning them or using them was only a ego boosting [ rather bashing] exercise . Hence I resorted mostly to shlokas to attain my results . {here I must add what I could never figure out all my life was , My father always had a excellent interpersonal relationship with elders or juniors etc , in bad days and good days as well , he was immensely popular . He used to use numeral vibrations to keep the bad vibes of a bad day at bay , and He was always successful , He used to do some calculations and then write a number on a piece of paper and keep it in a pocket , and lo his day would go always eventful ; I always thought there is no point in going behind the logic of this , as My fathers Venus was exalted in fifth house aspected by moon , this gave him what Sages called a s Vichitravidya visharad . Once a couple came to my father with their girl child ; they had no horoscope ,My father without looking at anything made some rough calculations on a piece of paper and declared , this girl would marry and even after the husbads death will remain a daughter in law to her husbands parents . Many years later we met the couple in Jhansi , The couple said the girl had been married to a friends son , a year later the boy died and the girl was again married to the younger brother . How he had predicted that is not known to me ,perhaps vichitravidya ; But it fortified one thing certain formulations defy logic . } Once in class eight ,I had skipped for a long time and suddenly physics teacher known to be very viloent [ he had a practice of hitting on knucles or on a head with hard objects ] was in punishing mood . He wanted entire class to be taken to the task ,I was the first person on the first bench . As soon as he made his intentions clear , I started reciting a shloka ; He came to asked me to stand aside for a while , and then gave a stern look at me and asked me to fetch a glass of water . I went out and then by time I came back each and everyone was cooling his knuckles . WHen someone protested as why I was the only one spared , He openly declared I was his favorite . { this was no mean miracle for me at that age}. Later the teacher confided his hands always tremble looking at me .Somehow I always escaped bad day at school . Year later , a statewide essay competition was announced , and every school had to send a representation . The topic was announced well in advance and one month preparation was allowed to each students all through the state schools .Lazy as I was , never cared to even apply for it , nor bothered to know which topic was being discussed . A month passed by on the day of actual competition , our school Principal grew wild looking at meagre representation from our school , so she stormed into my classroom , and randomly picked 10 guys and then pointed towards me to go and write the essay .We neither knew the Tpic on which to write nor were prepared . SO reluctantly went into the competiton , looking at the huge number of students , my nerves were really getting onto me . I looked at the topic , And then as usual practice recited a shloka and started writing extempor whatever I had known by then . All the 30000 students were pre written essays ,

illustrations etc with sketch pen etc . Suddenly my pen gave way , I borrowed one from the invigilator , but Lo it was a black one , I had written uptill now with blue , never mind whos watching here , But then i wrote a paragraph and had a change of heart again , i picked up my blue pen again , it started writing . When the results were announced a month later , I had topped the entire state and my paper / essay was photocopied and displayed at all the schools as the best essay wriiten . And WHAT , the paragraph written in black ink was considered as best highlighted point . The prize was a loads of books and free voucher at popular supermarkets . . I spent most of days predicting through palmistry . But once I was in a converstaion the querist wanted to spend some time alone and was worrying about a probable meeting that would hamper the discussion, I as an amusement used what is known as Sthanban , and lo! the other person called up and said he had no intention of meeting When I confided this to my uncle he chided me what a cheap use of power ! ANd I was ashamed too but it fortified these things work ! . Then came the time when I was introduced to mantras ! I was adept at using shlokas , My enemies had entered my chamber and wanted to have straight talk and rather intimidating talk . These people had utter contempt on my ways and never hid their dislike . BUT as they entered with anger the chamber , a surprising calm discerned them, Yet that person claimed , I had come ti fight , but my senses are not with me , Look I am having cool drinks with You . I must admit I have a dislike for you , just outside I had planed a complete verbal attack on you , but as I sit here my lips are locked . Surely you have done something . Later after this incident I faced a series of difficult days and I was unable to control these events , this was the first time in my life I was facing resistance and I was on the brink of failure . This surprised me , I ran towards Mantralayam . I fell at the feet of a learned Man , looking at me he said RAhu is at your back today , you are facing extreme resistance [ the word he used was "GHARSHAN" ] I asked him I have a feeling to wage a violent war ! The learned man said , You are not introduced to mantras , so you say so , learn mantras , You will find never such a reason to be violent ! Then I said mantras should be given by a guru , in olden days you can go to forest to search for a guru , now where shall I go ? The wise man laughed , whoever gives vidya is also guru , Like I give you now this mantra rm .hum .phat now I am your guru .[ I like this confidence of a person and I readily accepted him as guru]

I practised this for a whole day . There were loud cries all the night by my room . The cries stooped at wee hours of morning Next day I went to my guruji , I said I feel lighter now , but I could not understand the loud noise the whole night . Infact the noises were so loud that entire village had given a complaint about it to local police station . Incidentally , the cries were of a pig , a dof and a donkey . All the three had died a terrible death by morning , their bodies were burst into pieces like they had been blown up . They all had suffered a lot . I was surprised , my guruji explained , I was under the effect of abhichar from three sources , as these were very powerful abhichara , my mantra were not allowing it to pierce me but at the same time , mantra used by them were no mean, it had to accomplish something ,returning empty handed would mean annoying the masters , thus frustrated these mean mantras , fall upon a weak animal by the vicinity . All the animals had a mark of brutal killing . . Then subsequently I learnt many mantras , Once when I felt I had lost the midas touch , My guruji gave me mantra suggesting it will make people listen to me . I wanted to test it , Once while in a train a serious looking person was sitting opposite me , I thought can I induce this person to talk to me without making any efforts on my part I recited the mantra . The serious looking person , suddenly turned towards me , with a broad smile ,broke into conversation no stop for twenty minutes . I could not help smiling all through at the prowess of mantra . Then Mumbai has a menace of Chhakkas , They disturb you at the traffic junction , in the trains etc . Once a Chhakka{ shand} peeped into the vehicle and demanded money obscenly , I felt how dare he does this before me , But you cannot scold him ,neither threaten him , so I muttered a few words mentally , He exclaimed a great pain in the chest and then cursing me fled away . In another incident While the train had passed LOnaval , everyone in the compartment had descended ,and I was the lone traveller . Then came this Shand , immediately I resorted to mantra ,but last time it was sharper , so i used a milder one the shand exclaimed, Oh Panditji ! please tell will I get married in my next life ! I said you will get a very good bride in the next life . He was so happy that he left giving me a hundred rupee note as dakshina . To be continued .. 30 Apr

Kuke kshetra puraan [24th chapter]

Posted by chiraan in Astrology and purana, people and astrology, sadhana, yashas -success in career. Tagged: Kumar, skanda, subramanhyam. Leave a Comment

Rishis exclaim hey suta puraanic, kindly give some more information extolling Kumar ! Suta explains whence one lisens to the mahima of Subramhanhyam , one will not fear the samsaar . In kritayuga , he is known as skanda , in treta as shanmukha , in dwapar as mayurvahan, in kaliyuga as Subramanhyam . in krita this parvat is known as Ram parvat , tretaas Rishyashringa , in dwapar as skandaparvst ,in kaliyuga as kumaarparvat . Kumardhara relieves all from sins , Subramanhyam relieves everyone who just remember him of hunger and thirst . Those who pray lord skanda will always get food without fail. early morning recitation of his name will give clean mindset free of evil . Those who listen or tell this purana during gayatri japa , riverside , near gooseberry tree , neem pipal etc will attain bramhaloka.he will get success and victory . A mental recitation with devotion will definitely fetch favours from skanda ,also mukti is also ensured by this . Thosewho write this puraana also obtain vishnusayujya . He will be blessed with children and grandchildren without fail , He will be blessed with riches , grains and lands giving much harvest , gold and pompous life. This recitation will ensure good physical features , and many learnings of secret sciences . One who listens also will obtain progeny , and health .Thus one must make efforts to pray lord subramanhyam 24 Apr

Kumardhara Kshetra puraana

Posted by chiraan in Astrology and purana, people and astrology, yashas -success in career. Tagged: kuke, sarpa dosha, subramhanya, kumardhara. Leave a Comment Shri Suta continues , Hey all muni gathered kindly listen to Shatabindu and his fathers story , interesting and ashcharykara[exhilarating]; In tretayuga , Sahasrabindu sat for a difficult penance on the peaks of Rushyashringa parvat. HE undertook severe austerities to commence the penance , in summer ,he kept gazing at the sun and continued tapasya ,in rains he stood in the open ground to continue the tapasya , in winter in surrounded himself with snow and yet continued the tapasya . The snow that was around his neck melted to give way for a river .This river is known as Kumardhara . Sun impressed with Sahasrabindu appeared before him to give him a boon. Sahasrabindu asked for a son . Surya [Sun] told him look this river which has originated from your body will assume another form as your son. That son became famous as Shatabindu . Rudra continues to tell Shanmukha , In another yuga Shatabindu was born and he to please Agni undertook severe tapasya . But his tapasya caused strife to devatas in suryamandal Everyone was unable to bear the heat of that tapasya as it was emanating a huge flames towards the sun . The devatas ,siddha sadhya,chanar, gandharva, birds ,animals and men all were unable to carry out day to day activities due to this tapasya . Thus saptarishis , Kashyap ,atri,bharadwaj,shatanand,gautam,vaikhanas,valkhilya maharshi all went to shatabindu and asked him why he was undertaking this tapasya that is inconvenience to thers , good people do not do karma going against the

humanity . Just as they were speaking these words , a huge flame was engulfing them , seeing this shatabindu stopped his tapasya . But the sweat from his body flew as a river all around . This came to be known as kanishtha . Agni appeared before Shatabindu and urged him to ask a boon . Shatabindu said I would want this river to wipe off the sins however grave they may be for those who bathe here. Anyone who might have committed , bramhhatya ,go hatya ,bhrunhatya ,streehatya or engaged in drinking alcohol or debauchery all such people too ,if they take dip in this river be relieved off the sins and become pure. In hemant rutu margashirsha shahti , or any other punya yoga on panchami or chaturthi, one be relieved off skin diseases . Agni obliged . Shatabindu prayed, Garhapatye ,dakshinagnaye ,avahaneeya namaha jwalatmane namaha and Agni dissappeared. Thus these rivers were known as jyeshta kanishtha , Kumardhara and flowing beore subramhanyam ,it is cleansing the sins of the devotees and purifying their minds enables them to attain sadgati. krishnarpana Kumardhara

21 Apr

Subramhanya Kshetra Puraan [Sarpa Dosha Nivaran]

Posted by chiraan in Astrology and purana, people and astrology, yashas -success in career. Tagged: Kumar, shanmukha, sesha, anantapadmanabh, kuke, sarpa dosha. 13 Comments Note: Many of the people on the earth are troubled by sarpa dosha in the horoscope . Such people face lot of hurdles and untold miseries . Skin diseases , inability to conceive , extraordinary struggle , Unable to find suitable match for marriage , Mangal Dosha ,Chronic debts , frequent fights in the house , Sudden loss of fortunes , Aimless wanderings all point to presence of Sarpa dosha in the horoscope .

Evey person may not be able to perform sarpa pooja ,sanskara, pratishtha etc So for such people reading about Kuke Kshetra mahima will relieve them from this dosha . starting today everyday a chapter in this puraana will be posted for the benefit of all May lord Anantapadmanabh bless us all . SrimanMoolaramo vijayate| Shri Gurubhyo namaha | Kshipraprasaday namaha | Annadam Pranadam nityam nrytyantam yoginaam hrudi| Ayuraarogyadam devam Subramhanyamaham bhaje||

Shri Suta preached to Shaunak and others that Parshuram kshetra where lord had performed tapas ,the place where Rushyashrunga had lived ,famously known as Kumar parvat ,on whose peak lives Subramhanya ! I recite the story of such Kumar as known to me ; Listening to this story ,relieves one of kushtha [skin diseases ] and other miseries .Shanmukha mahima relives us all of the pain and thus I recitethe story of Kumar parvat , kumar dhara and Shanmukha as told to Parvati by Shiva , also as known by conversation between Bramha and Narada as told by Sahasrabindu to his son shatabindu ,may this bring happiness to all and this bestow punya . In tretayuga Sahasrabindu told thus to his son shatabindu oh dear son , I narate to you what shiva had narrated to his son Shanmukha in his childhood . Mahasesha ,one day tired of bearing the earth on his head ,prayed Lord Vishnu , Lord appeared and blessed Sesha to take a break and happily choose his dwelling place for sometime till then he

would support the Bramhanda as Koorma . Then Sesha chose the best among the mountains Rushyashringa took the form of Subramhanya and resided peacefully for many years in Vishnu Dhyana . Katyayani devi yearning for a son came to this ranges and did penance for many years observing anantpadmanabh vrat . Sesha ,happy with her penance and austerity blessed her to conceive and also established a avesha of his roopa in the child. Thus blessed with the boon , Agni entered the virya of Shiva , Parvati Devi gave birth to a Son of six faces [ Shanmukha ] . That blessed son , bowing before the Parents and after obtaining their permission .went away for penance in the western direction , in the Kshetra of Parshuram , Rushyashrung Ashrama , Shanmukha ,seated in the tapasyaof Shesha antargata Anantapadmanabh Swamy . Since Kumaar had undertaken tapasya , this came to be known as Kumar parvat . And the river that flew from this place is known as Kumardhara. Andthe linga here is known as kukelinga . Those who know this will be relived of the pains of the world . Thus Men should try his best to serve Kumar .Those who pray Skanda seated on a peacock will achieve all the desired . Just by mere recital of this devatas name relieves off the sins . Shaunaka asked Hey Mahatma , How come this place of Parashuram became Rushyashringa Kshetra ? how did subramhanya come to kumar parvat ? Why did he stand here ? Kumaardhara ,where did it origin and where did it flow towards ,kindly narrate the mahima ! Thus ends chapter 1 of Kuke kshetra puraana fron Skandapurana !! krishnarpana

20 Apr

Shivapalit vs Vishnupalit [ A study ]

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis. Tagged: akshavedamsha, astro research. 2 Comments Once a great astrologer came up with a great concept that , the world is divided into two types of people

Shivapalit jataka Vishnu Palitha jataka

1. The learned mans contention was that Sun ,Moon ,Mars ,jupiter, form one group [ Vishnu palitha] 2. And Venus Mercury and Saturn fall in another group [ Shiva Palitha] 3. Lagnas belonging to Leo ,Cancer , Pisces Sagittarius and Scorpio and Aries are Vishnu Palita 4. Lagnas belonging to Gemini ,Virgo ,Taurus ,Libra Aquarius Capricorn come under SHiva Palita . 5. Shiva Palita are blessed with ample wealth luxuries and are inclined to material world and happiness and pray Lord Shiva , Parvati ,Shakti ,Bhairav etc 6. VishnuPalita jatakas are into gyana bhakti vairagya ,intellectual pursuits , struggling and poor . 7. If Shiva Palita is suffering and wants come out of his sufferrings He must resort to Shaiva pooja only then he will get riches and fame , however hard he tries to please \vishnu and other linked Deities he would never get results .So such people if they want riches and fame they should appease NOn Vaishnav dieties. 8. Similarly If Vishnu Palit Jataka are into sufferings dueto prarabdha , if by any chance these are visting Shakti temples or Shiva Kshetras , these will never be rewarded with results instead their sufferings will increase , But on the contrary if they resort to VIshnu aradhana ,they will prosper instantly . 9. Shiva Palita jatakas have chakras risisng from mooladhara to Sahasrar 10. Vishnu Palita jataka has flow of chakras [ energy ] from Sahasrar to Moolesha. It was an interesting research although but I did not find any supportive testimony to accept it , neither did the gentleman tried to give one. But He was so firm in his belief , that just at a look at the horoscope he would ask the people to discontinue their Vishnu aradhana or Shiva Aradhana .

His belief fortified when a person serving in Mantralayam with Vishnu mantra japa for 12 years could not get success and went to this astrologer , he said you are Mithuna lagna Rayaru will not listen to you You must resort to Panchakshari , He accepted his words and suddenly next year he accomplished his desire and thanked the astrologer and went away to his native . Second came a Vedanti he was practising intense Yoga , But could not enter the Sahasrar for as many as five years he could not enter sahasrar and his energies would lapse back into mooladhar as he forced his way to Sahasrar . The astrologer said , you are Vishnu palita your mode of practise is wrong , Go perform Hanuman seva for 48 days , you will enter Sahasrar . He agreed and then he was successful . All these and several other cases made him believe intensely in the theory . So I thought to give it a study . The basis would render a simple division of humanity into two parts , just on the basis of Lagna . o Not acceptable as there are many Vishnu bhaktas with lagna in Mithuna or vrishabha kumbha , and they are intensely devotional . Although they may not be completely detached .

Secondly what about those whose Shaiva lagnas are aspected by Vishnu palita grahas ,and vice versa o We do not get any explanation , as this should render people to resort to both upasanas . The research can be more termed as success in Upasanas of a person o NO text attributes upasana to lagna o Upasana is studied from fifth house , twelfth house o Upasana is studied from Amatya karaka . o Also from fifth from Atma karaka . o Upasana is also studied from Vimsamsa and chaturvimsamsa. The research can also be termed as teaming of deva paksha with Rakshas paksha , Jupiter as Dev Guru and and Shukra as Daitya guru . o Here too Planets friendly with Jupiter are termed as Dev and Venus group is malefic o Malefics in Puranas are known to resort to SHiva and never to Vishnu o But attaining this distinction on mere Lagna ownership cannot be justified because that would render all malefic owned Lagnas ineffective for VIshnu Bhakti and vice versa . o This research makes sense but where to draw distinction is only difficult but defibitely lagna in rashi cannot form such distinction o Let us examine some alternates. The Navamsa in the horoscope is divided into Dev , manushya and Rakshasa category o But I have found most devoted also coming under the Rakshsas category in navamsa o SO Navamsa while can say which root the soul belongs to ,but cannot declare him to be anti shiva or anti vaishnav , as Prahlad being Rakshasa was a known Vishnu devotee .Jayant a devta has gone against Ram . The drekkana gives three distinction of NArada , Agastya and Doorvasa , denoting , bhakti yoga , gnyana yoga and karma yoga. o here distinction of SHiva and Vishnu palita cannot be achieved by mere means of sadhana The Akshavedaamsa gives the distinction of jataka on the basis of Vishnu , Shiva and Bramha . o but all shaiva bhaktas did not show their lagna falling under shiva o Nor did Vishnu Bhaktas had their lagnas falling under Vishnu amsa . o Bramha amsa is an addition here . o By far this is the closest in accepting the theory but theory need modification and has to take into account the fact that humanity can be divided into Vishnu palit Bramha Palit Shiva Palit o But the onus of distinction should lie with choosing one among the Lagna , sun[ atma] , Moon , Atma karaka ,And other special lagna .the one with most strength .

Finally Parashar muni says there are four types of people based on lagna , Uttama , Madhyam , Adhama and Udaseena . o this is based on planets in udayarashi. o Shodashamsa divides lagna into Bramha , Vishnu SHiva and Surya amsha . o Shodashamsha is more conerned with happiness of the People . The learned should take this as just a study and not as conclusive or affirmative .

Krishnarpana mastu 14 Apr

Divine Seer -Shri Sushameendra teertha

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis. Tagged: Bheeman katte, Maran, Sushameendra tirtha, swamiji. 5 Comments

The Raghavendra swamy mutt at Delhi Moti bagh ,is constructed on a land actually allocated to German Embassy In India . German abassador in India used to everyday have a strange dream of a saint clad in saffron early in the morning and instructing him to relieve the land. THis was an incident the diplomat could not relate to anything in his surroundings , But his experience was there everyday . Once he happened to visit PMs house in New Delhi , Prime minister then was known to be a ardent devotee of Shri Raghavendraswamiji , He had a large photograph at his PM residence at the entrance . The diplomat immediately recognised the saint as the one who appears in his dreams and instructs him to relieve the land . PM also surprised by the fact summoned the endowments officials to enquire about any mishaps or lacuna that has occurred with regards to mutt . After many a file search it was found that the land allocated to German embassy was many years ago reserved for the construction of mutt to the Mantralayam trust . Immediately steps were taken to replace the land papers and permission to grant

the construction of mutt was accorded . Sushameendra teertha performed holy yaga at this mutt and to this day it is a very bright pleasant,vibrant place to visit . Years later I and my Vidyagurji had a small argument [ vada between two learned people to enhance knowledge is encouraged in our philosophy ] . Th debate was when encountered with abhichara , [ deadly incantation ] , a bramhin can resort to maran this was my view . I had manusmriti verses backing me ; My vidyaguruji was of the opinion , I being Simha lagna , was making this statement else , bramhin [ especially madhva] should not resort to maran . [ Prior to using mantra , I was making statements like we must shoot people to death ,when faced with opposition , after initiation into mantra , my opponents dwindled automatically , I had no necessity to use harsh words either ] citing my own experience , my vidyaguruji opined , maran should never be employed ,Ahimsa is a must . My nature was not accepting this , I was finding hard to digest the fact that we should be forced to meek submission before abhichara .[ even as a child , my uncles and father and relatives used to play chess without employing exchanges , idea was to conquer the enemy with all his forces intact , but I preferred a violent game , a fact that later enabled me to win intra university chess] Again my teacher dismissed it as the compulsions of LEO ascendant and aspect of mars on lagna in navamsa . I was looking for injunction and not opinion . SO my vidyaguruji suggested lets take direction from Sushameendra teertha . Swamiji as we approached him , he without speaking a word pointed to the MoolVrundavana . I did not understand . Then I learnt a new thing in my life , my teacher explained , everybody just visits Brundavana froa distant , even the most influential also just gazes the brundavana by a two or three feet distant even inside garbha griha . But stepping onto the brundavan is a divine experience , one cannot think even for a second anything wrong or mithya or fictitious ,[ the logic is Rayaru Shri Raghavendra swamiji being in asampragyat samadhi for more than 300 years now , as we ascend his Brundavana ,his TAPAS vibration creates a definiteness of thought ] . SO my vidyaguruji said , i make a sankalpa of our question as whether one should resort to maran then he rectified , i will never , but can i allow my disciple [myself] to resort to maran ! then I will ascend the moolbrundavan and chant 10000 times the moolmantra , then whatever i get the answer , i shall relate it to you . meanwhile I sat by the Vadeendra brundavana gazing amazingly at this new phenomenon ,rather new methodology of getting answers . After 10000 japa , my guruji came out , Sushameendra teertha had a peculiar smile on his face , my vidyaguruji was very serious , he took me to Tungabhadra ,at sunset , BY then BHeeman Katte Swamiji had also come for chaturmasa , Swamiji and my vidyaguruji were classmates at SUdha lessons ,At the behest of my teacher Bheeman katte Swamiji initiated me into maran mantra saying , I could resort to in extreme danger

Later my vidyaguruji confided that his guru late archaka of panchamukhi temple was and expert in maran vidya. krishnarpana 14 Apr

Sushameendra -A Divine seer

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis. Tagged: Sushameendra tirtha. Leave a Comment A first look at the swamiji , he comes across as less knowledged , childish and less expressive person . Guruji is not known to have given highly charged sermon . He always speaks what has been ordained for him through his surroundings . MAny people mistake him to be a proxy . But all these notion will change once you have a intimate moment with him . The conversation that he leaves [ consisting of only few words sometimes a one liner ] and expression in his eyes would leave even most savvy people stunned and amazed at the spiritual power of this great saint . { I am a balanced personality never given to histrionics and unreasoned adulations , I take credit unto myself many times [egoistically] analysing most complex human issues with ease since my mercury is exalted as second and eleventh lord with yoga karaka aspected by benefic. I could read human mind just by looking at the eyes of the person even as a child of eight years . Most of the time [ as i was growing and simmering with intellectual ego { squashed badly during seven and half saturn} ] i refused to listen to people as i knew what next words would be , as I thought listening would be a waste of time , angering many people . Later i learnt the fact from my father that one must listen for the solace of others though you know what he is going to say } But with swamiji a look into his eyes would result into non worldly experiences . Swamiji never seemed to be in this world . What a pamar mind of mine [ pamar is one who is engrossed in mundane affairs of life ] would decipher the extrawordly affairs of a advanced soul ! Am I being unreasonable and exagerated ? NO because there were moments where swamiji knowing my abilities gave many a hints ,advices through his eyes ! ONce when I was swayed by emotions and was adamant on taking an action unapproved by everyone surrounding me , BUt I was very reluctant to let go the thought , because i was under the impression I could never go wrong , BUt as everyone disapproved[ I had stopped interacting ] , I thought why not ask the seer Sushameendra teertha . As these thoughts were crisscrossing my mind , I got a urgent call to attend a conference in Hyderabad , I hurriedly left Mumbai . As a usual practise Before attending I made it a point to visit Barkatpura mut ,Sushameendra teertha had also come that day to Hyderabad . As MoolRama Pooja was going on , My mind was wavering , I was only concentrating on Gurujis eyes and my mind was far from devotional , Swamiji stopped the pooja in middle , turned towards me I was seated in a corner very far . gave a stern look , I could read he did not approve my action , The pooja being stopped had surprised everyone , well I asked mentally a question , AM I facing failure by giving up this

thought , he smiled and his eyes were moist and showed concern and assurance , I could read it . I promised I will give up the thought . The poise regained pooja continued . Swamiji called me after the pooja , I had a tapta mudra dharana , believe my thoughts weeded away , I felt was it me who was thinking so . [ a minute ago my mind was agitating , after tapta mudra i was ashamed , I realised everybody is prone to making mistakes] Its very difficult to conquer an agitating mind , But with likes of Sushameendra Guru around , everythings a cakewalk. But WHy do people like swamiji behave like this ? The answer is in Bhagavat , Purana say when a person attains a extraordinary knowledge about lord and self , he must act like a fool , child or null , carelessly singing ,dancing and behaving as child or insane , he must escape the worldly pursuit and live a secluded life given up towards krishna . Aparoksha Gyani as Shri Sushameendra teertha was , not for a second did he make other realise that he was very knowledged or scholar or divine. BUt his divine nature oozed out for the people to see , when everyword uttered by him started materialising. Couple who never had children for 14 years , just when he blessed have a child , bore child within nine months , Once when keys were forgotten to open the sanctum sanctorium , he opened it miraculously . He could ask people to find solution to problems around him , just by childish adamancy. Is touch was a great heal , I remember when I was badly stuck in one of my endeavours , [ however hard I tried , i felt some force obstructing me and me helplessly meek before it , i needed a booster adrenaline ], Just then swamy came by , he gave a small pat on my back , I felt a surge of energy , and very next moment then onwards my forward journey started overcoming all the obstacles like a twig . I know for myself it was not my efforts but some divine strength that drove me through fierce opposition. Friends Sushameendra teertha was no ordinary seer , he was a divine Aparokshagyani living amidst us . I feel fortunate to have had such close intimate relationship with him . I bow to this souls again and again in reverence. krishnarpana 12 Apr


Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis. Tagged: Mantralyam, Sushameendra teertha, pontiff, seer, peethadhipati, raghavendra swamy mutt. 7 Comments My beloved guruji ,the PEETHADHIPATI of SRI RAGHAVENDRA MOOLASAMSTHANA MANTRALAYAM passed away yesterday . I present the

following couplet in my Gurus charanarvindam and relate my close encounters with him and influence on my life.

Havyavahan samah tejam Hrudabji Prakashit narasimham !

Raghavendraamsha sambhuutam SriSushmeendra Gurum Bhaje!!

Beloved Guruji had always been a guiding force in my life . Whenever I was in a state of despair , in whichever city I would be ,Swamiji surprisingly would be in the same city to offer me guidance ,good wishes and new enthusiasm to continue. For as a many as three times I faced sabotage in my life , surrounded by enemies as I was , my only hope would be Raghavendra swamy mutt , where would spend hours to seek solution , freedom from the web of enemies . Everytime Swamiji would somehow appear in that city as a part of his spiritual trip and my encounter and his darshan and Divya MOOLRAMA POOJA would immediately put my mind into calmness under the most impossible situation and I would always always escape enemy designs . Some of the incidents that i could recall are thus 1. I had completed my engineering from one of premier institutes of India in computer Technology , I had no wish to get a job for myself , I wanted to do something different ,My Father had given a clear dictat not to enter foreign land , Local industry was not aware of computer design and analysis and only thing Indians were attempting were a coding job , but I had three research papers to my credit , WHat should be my first steps in life ? I told my mother , that I am taking a break and going to mantralayam to seek answers for my future! My Father great astrologer as he was , has made note of tapasvi yoga in my horoscope and my mother always gets jitters when I mention I am going to Mantralayam . somehow I convinced her my aunt took the responsibility of bringing me back in case i dont return .This time I wanted to experiment and put to test my spiritual endurance ,hence I left Hyderabad with only dhoti and shalya and only one way bus fares towards mantralayam and nothing else [ My contention was only Lord will orchestrate my return and i will only concentrate on my next immediate steps ,orders to be taken directly from the Seer] .I spent next ten day on the altars of mantralayam sleeping on the temple doorsteps on the ground ,fasting without taking even water was a usual practice in the house.BUt as friday was usual fast day , next saturday was ekadashi [ brahmins fast complete 36 hours from dashami night till dwadashi morning] but again sunday was an extra ekadashi and monday was vaman dwadashi a fast again . Thus four days went without water , I had totally dehydrated barely able to move [ think my three hours regular gym practise during college days had come handy in countering the stress] .The fifth day meals seemed like the only endeavour in life ,but somehow it was served at 10 am . The previous fasts had rendered me blank and I had forgotten the very purpose of my visit . There was a congregation of all major scholars , and my dressing was mistaken for one of the participants and as I was seated on a altar without hiring a room , people gathered around me to know few things general about philosophy and slowly about astrology too . NExt few days my airs of being Engineer too vanished I was observing myself being reduced to a rustic fakir. BUt my aim was to know my future .ON the eigth day I met MY VIDYAGURU

ASTHAN jYOTHISHI OF MATRALAYAM, he initiated me into a mantra shastra , the next few days I spent my all day half dipped in tungabhadra practising what guruji had given the upadesha . My guruji had completed 10 crores of the japa thus I could easily see the difference the mantra was making on me because of his capacity . NInth day I had a dream of fabulous research [ which gave way for fantastic products later] . I wrote them down on a paper the next morning , presented it to my vidyaguru . Though he did not understand it [ computer science was not their subject, they had all the schooling in the matha pathshala in sanskrit ] ,guruji suggested , Shri SUSHAMEENDRA TEERTHA is guru for all of us ,so lets take his blessings . I was skeptical what a religious pontiff would understand about a computer research , but my traditional upbringing and putting faith in everything uttered by elders forced me to the seer. I placed before him three bunch of papers of three different ideas, Swamiji gazed at it for pretty 15 minutes [ swamiji is known to be not so literate in his pre-sanyas days] , this was surprising me even more , after much afterthought , he flipped away the first bunch and then poured sacred MANTRAKSHATE ,on the other . [till date the matter written in the first bunch could not be either proved or productised however dogmatically i spend my time in the lab I could see some flaw or the other creeping up in the equations . BUt the other two research immediately saw the light of day and i have found accolades for that coming easily my way. BUt the stranger aspect was guruji's words to start it all by myself , my father was a bureaucrat in Government service and I had no great wealth to start a business of my own , but as lord's grace would have it everything started with zero and piled up into a huge business . ] Slowly it was 12th day , my only dhoti and shalya were already mutilated , that afternoon shalya gave way into in the river , I mentally refused to go back . 13th day dhoti edge tore off . now it was a must i acquire a new one or go back . I looked at Swamiji ,he signalled to make a move , but how ? I had nothing to back , i prayed RAghavendra swamy that if something would come by all by itself i would go back else i will sit here on his altar . that evening a trader from miraj came by sat besides me and asked , if I could tell something about his life, I told through palmistry that he was a perfume trader and had two wives , one of whom was untolerable ! tears rolled by his eyes , he then went on to ask many remedies and in the end placed a 100RS note before me , That made up for a ticket to hyderabad , with only dhoti and bear chested , I was a spectacle to watch in the bus. 2. Second time was when in mid twenty I had just about made a installation of a system that was first of its kind in India , and a very big business house wanted to acquire it and my father was against giving it up and I skipped a grand party and gathering given by the business tycoon[ at mumbai's five start hotel] to announce our merger , i was in no mood to join them , I cooly switched of my mobile phone [ those were the days 16rs /min outgoing call] and went away to Mantralayam without informing anyone , the party went in my absence giving hiccups to my managers and brothers who were co directors were finding it hard to explain my absence .

The non merger in business sense was a great mistake in everybodys eyes , for me my fathers words were more important , I took refuge in Sushameendra teertha alongwith my vidya guru , who reassured me i would never come down in my life .Merger failed but gave way to many enemities. 3. In one of the cases of sabotage from unwanted sources , i had lost everything ,my establishment ,wealth and near dears , I somehow escaped the fatality and reached Jogeshwari, my father had expired by then , and I was trying to find out the whereabouts of my near and dears , just then Swamiji was there and he ordered a pooja to be made on my behalf and many people were given bhojana on account of the occassion , and lo , I dared to go all alone as a lay man to a ministers house [ ALL my acquaintances had shut door on me on account of fear of goonda forces acting against me], standing outside his house for twelve hours [reciting atharva sukta], by evening I had the previlige of meeting this high profile minister as he descended from his car . HE accorded me a warm welcome and within minutes a huge force was employed to trace the whereabouts of my near and dear the guilty though the most powerful then were brought to book by SHRI SUSHAMEENDRA TEERTHAs grace. 5. I restarted the whole thing again and at the peak of my days , I visited UDUPI stayed there for 10 days for the purascharane of HARIVAYUSTUTI saptaka and on the eighth day I performed a homa of purashacharne , it was first time full format homa was being done , a seven by seven feet kunda was constructed and homa lasted for four hours . , a convoy from MAntralayam had come down and his disciples notified swamiji was in my native the next day, I rushed to see him , and the very morning as i Reached home , My mother complained of chest pain and was hospitalised in one of speciality clinics ,under observation 24 hours , this was a moment i was desperately in need of assurance from elders or seers. Swamiji was there ,communicating through his eyes , and at the end of aarthi he declared all will be well. Just by Doctor came and assured things were all right. I thanked Swamiji for calling me back to native . MY mother needed more my presence than udipi [ where i had planned to stay few more days]. 6.[I had thought of marrying and settling down ] and again at the behest my vidyaguru And we met SriSushameendra teertha swamiji and this swamiji was in the midst of prayer , as pushpabhisheka was being done to Sri MOOLARAMA at MAntralayam , Swamiji took one rose out the bunch from the feet of RAMA and threw it at me [I was seated at 20ft away] and swamiji blessed with a smile . It seems he had already known the purpose of my visit.I was blessed to have one of the most beautiful women in my life and a wonderful marriage remembered by near and dears for many many years even now. As i write this my mind is unable to accept that he is no more ,This great seer who is the amsha of the RAghavendra swamy himself [ also appanacharya] will always be with us to be beacon light in our lives . GurusarvaBHAUMA Govinda Govinda 11 Apr

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis. Tagged: Arjun, Jayateertha, Nyayasudha, Teekacharya. 20 Comments when twelfth lord, twelfth house and 22nd drekkana all are exalted and aspected by benefic only then the subject achieves moksha . In all other cases one has to take a rebirth . As mahabharaha war was being fought fiercely , Arjun with his Gandeeva ,[ with Srikrishna as charioteer , Bheema by his side and Hanuman on the Flag] was moving at a blazing speed vanquishing his enemies. Arjuna for a moment felt proud about his achievements and Said to himself oh what a great warrior I am ! There is none to defeat me , I am the best and Look I am responsible for this win . Immediately Hanuman on the flag cautioned Arjun of incoming astra and said hey! Pashu , watch out .Arjun immediately regained his self and realising he was carried away by pride apologised to Hanuman and insisted to explain , why Hanuman had chosen to address him as Pashu[Animal] . As Guru Hanuman does speak anything in vain there must be something hidden in his words. Hanuman explained , If anyone is given a chariot [invincible] from Indra , possess a divine Gandeeva and With Srikrishna as guide and protector , and Supervision from Hanuman the vayu , is there anything special about such man being Invincible ! Yet Arjun you are attributing your success to your self . So conscious are you about the Lords presence and your dependency on him , yet you have acted independently ! You have heard Geeta so carefully yet you have forgotten its primary message .Thus you will be reborn as animal to fortify your knowledge about bhagvadgeeta . Thus When Bheem came to the earth again as Madhvacharya , MAdhvacharya rote many commentaries on Vyas sutras and Geeta , totalling 37 in number . IN order to understand them one requires immense intelligence and concentration. A bull has supreme concentration. THus Arjun [Indra ] chose to become a bull to capture these teachings from MAdhvacharya . Everday this bull sed to carry all the granthas on its back and during pravachan ,it recapitulated Geeta with complete concentration sitting opposite Acharya. Once all th pupil curiously asked Acharya as to who would be lucky enough to write notes and commentaries on Acharyas works . Everyone was nourishing a thought that he would be assigned the job . But Acharya pointed to the bull . Years later bull died and was reborn as king of deccan in the Village of Mangalvedha , in maharashtra . The boy was named DHondurai ,by his father Raghunath .The boy was skillful in archery and horse riding . He had abundant riches and was married to two beautiful women . at the age of 17 , he had everything a person would long for in a material life.

Once when he was hunting by the banks of river sandhyavalli , he was thirsty and he rode alongwith his horse deep into the river and suddenly leaning down from the horse , he drank the water without getting down from the horse and riding it at high speed ,cutting through the river waves and water pouring into his mouth as a result of ride against the river flow. On the banks was seated the disciple of Madhvacharya , Sri Akshobhyateertha swamy , The swamy looking at the lad asked were you an animal in your last birth that you are drinking water like an animal This sentence stunned the young boy , who at once shed his boyish nature and recaptured his past birth and he being Arjun the Sesha . His purpose of the birth to read and write the commentaries on Geeta and Sutras and gain better understanding of Principles taught by srikrishna , became clear to him . He decided to take sanyasa from the Swamiji.then and there itself. Raghunath the father came abusing towards the Swamiji and accused him of brainwashing his young son to take up sanyasa. Swamiji denied the allegation and allowed Raghunath to take his son back if he can . Father took back his son and took to task his daughter in laws for failing in their duties to attract his son towards the Material life. So a lavish room was adorned with all pleasurable articles to woo the boy towards the charms of life and wife was sent with all the decoration and bridal grandeur . But the wives instead found a 1000 hooded snake in the room rather than the 17 years boy , this terrified them and entire gathering alongwith the father witnessed the 1000 hooded Sesha [ Arjun] seated on the cot , Thus accepting the destiny , Raghunath brought the Boy back to Swamiji and the boy was ordained to Sanyasa as Sri Jayateerth Swamy . This is the highest form of Vairagya displayed by Arjun [ a rich family , kingdom , youth , two wives and pleanty of wealth and enjoyments , renunciated in minutes for the love of study and sadhana ] . The Acharya Jayateertha wrote the magnum opus Nyaya Sudha a commentary on the Anuvyakhyana of Shri Anandteertha[ MAdhvaharya] .Jayateertha wrote what he had listened to under the tutorship of MAdhvacharya as bull . This book is commentary and thus he is also known as Teekaacharya . It is said of NyayaSudha that there can be only two meaningful purpose of life , one has to be either born as king of entire Jambudweepa and lead a pompous life or one has to be intelligent enough to keep diving and surfing in the ocean of logic of Nyayasudha krishnarpanamastu 9 Apr

Samay and Kaalpurush.

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis. Tagged: time. Leave a Comment Time is beginingless and endless . Yet the seconds that we count begins and ends. Thus time has both the qualities of being nitya and anitya . Hence it is nityaanitya. as a Kshana and muhurtha it is anitya , but as a flow of time it is eternal. The Lord as time is known as Kaalpurush. Lord creates and destroys this world in a kshana . WHat is kshana to Vishnu is a life time for a Bramha and bramha kalpa is many crores of years for us on earth . Thus kaal pravah is undaunted. The time that has gone by is unique and does not repeat . ONly Lord Vishnu is always present at all times . Sri MAhalakshmi is also present along with Lord Vishnu at all times . Thus she shares with him the quality of being timeless. kaltah samaan . Lakshmi is dukhasprushta , that she does not have grief in any form , Lord Vishnu is always sukhpurush. INdependent , Lakshmi though dependent on Vishnu is still Untouched by Grief. Rest all souls are subjected to dukha.[grief].The cosmic time is recorded through Navgrahas and saptarishis in a creation . Thus a given time is unique in features and mutually exclusive with other moment , Thus the attributes attached to this moment is completly different than the next moment . THis an ordinary brain cannot decipher . Thus astrology and its learning becomes unending exercise , because humanly it is not possible to know what exactly is going to happen this moment , this moment at this place is different than this moment at another place ad evets at these two different places are subject to planetary conditions . Thus every moment becomes a research in its own way making astrology a vast subject to just marvel at and leaves us all gasping for more and more understanding. 6 Apr

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis. Tagged: longevity, Shri raghavendra. 3 Comments The two uses of Astrology is 1 Ayushcha 2.lokyatra . one is determing longevity and discerning the life events. The men with lower longevity cannot enjoy the yogas of the horoscope and fruits of dasha antardasha. In Kaliyuga it is very difficult to determine these with less intellect. However Deha and Jeeva sphutas make these very easy to understand . Jeeva determines longevity and Deha gives the life events. Lagna is Deha and eighth is JEeva; malefics occupying 3 6 11 will give long life.If jeeva and deha are strong then long life is indicated , one is strong the other weak medium life is indicated and if both are weak then person die soon .

If lagna lord is strong and exalted , the person will have name fame ,wealth and overcome his enemies. if in mooltrikona he will have plenty of clothes ornaments and happiness if in own house friendly house , he will live happily with money ,wife children, and relations overcoming difficulties; if in inimical signs there will be sickness ,troubles from kings and thieves , fear from fire and calamities to wife children and friends; if in debilitation the person lives in foreign lands being driven by poverty , loss of position etc. if in combustion or in association with gulika or malefic planets , the person lives maimed in unknown place through incantations of enemies or orders of rulers or he will be executed. if lagna is in urdhodaya rasi long life is predicted. the longevity is predicted from lagna , it is Pindayu , from SUN it is Amsa Ayu and from moon it is naisargik ayu . Longevity is also predicted from ashtakvarka longevity is also predicted from saturn . Thus there are many ways of calculating longevity each giving different life span . Which applies to a particualar horoscope is always a challenge to Astrologer.

once Three great astrologers[ who never failed in their predictions] from Kerala came to Raghavendra Swamy matt . Shri Raghavendra swamiji handed over a horoscope to each of them and asked them to calculate the longevity . After hours of calculation , the three Astrologers determined that

the owner of horoscope would live for 70 years the other declared a 300 years third one declared 700 years .

The sabha was surprised and eager to know whose horoscope that was; Raghavendra swamiji said the horoscope was his own. But what about the three different ages . Were the astrologers wrong in calculation . The astrologers came they cannot go wrong But how can one man have three longevities. This puzzled even astrologers . Then Great learned Shri Raghavendra Swamiji declared all the astrologers were correct , he would live with a mortal body for 70 years , after which he will take sajeeva samadhi and continue to live in samadhi Vrundavan of Mantralayam for 700 years and his books and teachings will be effectively preached till 300 years.The people and scholars gathered appreciated the astrologers and praised SHri Raghavendra swamy for his intense knowledge of jyotishya as well . The scholars were felicitated by the Mutt and swamiji with gold and cash and certificates citation etc.

Many years later , while teaching a bunch of students in an open ground , some airborne vehicle past by in the space , Swamiji at once stood up and raised his thumb in questioning mode , and then raising two waved it thrice . After some time he sat down. The students curious asked about his strange gestures in space , Swamiji explained , the person in the aerial vehicle were celestial beings , they were enquiring how many days he would still stay on the earth in mortal body. He had replied by waving two fingers thrice indicating two years two month and two days . Thus tears rolled down the disciples eyes as Swamiji had indicated his departure from worldly affairs . their association was coming to an end . Then one day he sought to cut a stone specially in the midst of forest to ready his Vrundavan mantle. WHy this particular stone only ? Then Swamiji replied this the stone on which SHri Ramchandra Prabhu had sat while moving towards Kishkindha. Thus it was very sacred stone and he wanted to take jeeva samadhi into this stone. Then he chose to inspect his seat at a particular spot , saying this was the Place where he had performed the Yagnya to achieve Indras abode in his previous birth as Prahlad . Thus Mantralayam is the place where Prahlad had performed yagnya and Shri Raghavendra swamy has sat here in asampragyat Samadhi alive inside the Vrundavan made of the stone touched by Shri Ramchandra .What a holy place for the devotees to get their wishes fulfilled . Its been 340 years since Shri Raghavendra swamiji entered Vrundavan at Mantralayam . He will continue to bless the devotees for another 360 years . LEt us all take the blessings of the great teacher and fulfill our desires in this and other world. ||Shri Gururajo vijayate || 5 Apr

Chandra navamsa Rasi

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis. Tagged: chandra navamsa rashi, Vijayeendra teertha. Leave a Comment Once there lived a great saint by the name Vijayeendra teertha in the kingdom of tanjore in Kumbhakonam as the mathadipathi of Sriman moolRamchandra samsthana. Shri Vijayeendra is guru of Shri Sudheendra teertha ,who in turn is the guru of Shri RAghavenedra Swamy of Mantralayam. So much is the influence of personality of shri Vijayeendra on the devotees that even in Shri Raghavendra stotra [ religiously

recited by MAdhvas] ,the poet describes Shri Raghavendra as Vijayendra karabjothra Sudheendra varaputraka: ,this mention emphasizes the magnanimous personality of Vijayeendra teertha. It is neccesary to remind that the period was one of peaks of Vijaynagar empire and people were stupendously prosperous and only pursuit that was rendered great was that of culture and learning. Note : when every citizen is full and prosperous , where there is no poverty and everyone is rich then what would be the persuit of human being ? Men are known to excel each other , today when wealth is paramount because it is ill distributed ,its owners defy all the logic to reinforce their superiority . But when wealth becomes a common factor among citizens , all desired are easily accessible , then the humans pursue arts . Those who are well versed in different arts are given prominence and wealth takes a backseat. Arts comes by learning and sadhana .There are 64 types of arts , the prosperity is reflected in how many arts a particular person knows .Everyone in that era had one or two arts well practised and the best were those who exhibited their arts and learnings in an extraordinary way. Shri Vijayeendra had openly declared himself as the master of 64 arts and dared people to challenge him and win over him if they can . Thus the era marked various people challenging him in various fields, Vijayeendra won over singers like Tansen and his disciples with rendering of deepak raga and meghmalhar simultaneously causing fire and rain . He defeated gymnasts by walking between two temples on a rope made of single strand of beetle bark , tied between the top of a kalash of city temples , with a kamandalu and umbrella . This is laghima sidhdhi . One day a famous astrologer came to the city to challenge the Swamiji . The swamiji asked the astrologer to write down the incidents that is going to happen the next day in a closed envelop. Both of them wrote down. The next day there was a great gathering in th town and King of Tanjore had also come down to witness the great challenge.The king initially paid obesance to the Swamiji and gave hima felicitation and did abhisheka with all sorts of precious stones [ratna abhisheka] and also gave royal welcome to the astrologer .The envelops were opened by the Royal ministers. Astrologer wrote , Shri VIjayeendra teertha swamiji will be felicitated by a king through ratna abhisheka . Then another envelope was opened written by Swamiji . Shri Vijayeendra teerth wrote as The Astrologer will be given royal welcome and this envelop be opened , astrologer will get a good news of birth of son through a messenger . Just then a messenger forced through the mob and gave the astrologer the message of birth of a son to him .The astrologer was very very happy and prostrated before Swamiji and conceded that swamiji was greater astrologer.

Chandra navamsa rashi plays a very important role in a ones life . if it is associated with good planets good future is indicated. if it is afflicted bad future can be predicted.

Jupiter in chandra navamsa rashi gives birth of son Jupiter in debilitation will give quarrels with bramhins Venus in chandra navamsa rasi gives fresh clothes and happiness from women mercury gives success in litigation fullmoon denotes beautiful things sun causes anger of rulers and gods mars causes unnecessary struggles and litigation due to lands saturn destroys produce and diseases to cattle and difficulties to servants rahu gives trouble from poison,serpents ketu gives trouble from ghosts gulika gives troubles from spells and casts weak moon gives mental worry afflicted mercury gives failure in court cases. results will come in as many months as the number of navamsa from moon or from lagna traversed or gained.

krishnarpanamastu 4 Apr

Shubh Ashubh Karma

Posted by chiraan in karma. Tagged: karma. 1 Comment The good karma gives 1. good health 2. favours from rulers 3. gain of money /vehicles /houses /clothes /ornaments 4. gain of friendships 5. success in enterprises or work undertaken 6. ever at peace mentally 7. Gaining promotions / positions of prominence 8. Affection of people society [popularity] 9. Fame 10. Birth of children BAd karma gives

1. Death 2. serious diseases 3. danger to near and dear 4. destruction of dwelling 5. fall from position [ exile] 6. wrath of rulers 7. loss of reputation 8. loss of wealth 9. theft 10. Ill fame [ insults] Karma are

Shubh Ashubh Dridha Adhridha manasa vacha kaya

Benefics in 6 ,8 and 12th or malefics in 1,4,7,10,5,9 cause the bad karma [Ashubh karma] The malefics or benefics if in chandra hora indicate Dridha karma [ karma done intentionally and deliberately] If in Sun s hora it is adhridha karma . From chatra rasi it indicates wrath of divine beings as the cause of misery of humans From Arudha Rasi these indicate the misery as result of Brahmins curse From moon they indicate the misery on account of enemies From Lagna they indicate the miseries as a result of general hatred of people. [ unhappiness caused to normal people] When malefics are in 2nd house , evils are due to speech , they result in loss of money When they are in 5th house , the evils are due to mental hurt ,careless attitude , results in loss of children When they are in 10th house the evils are due to evil acts and results loss of honour , position and job. The debilitation brings about severe results and exaltation reduces the malefic effects . When benefics occupy kendra or kona and exalted the nature enjoys good fruits of the karma.[Shubh karma]. 3 Apr

Maryada Purushottam Ram

Posted by chiraan in ramayana. Tagged: ram. 1 Comment Bhagwaan Ramchandra , the son of Dasharath ,the very God has enacted many leelas [ acts that creat illusions in the minds of people] . All through the avatara Lord illustrated how a ideal human should live a life .Though he remained as simple as manushya , people extoled him as Maryada Purushottam Ram .Contrarily in Krishnaavatara however Lord showed his prowess as divine people dismissed him as just a Kshatriya or Yadav. Yet certain incidents in Ramayana clearly depicted his divine nature 1. Vishwamitra asking Dasharath to send Ram to kill the rakshas [ These rakshasas could not be killed by Dasharath or any other kings nor could they be destroyed by the curse of Vishwamitra ] 2. Breaking Shiva Dhanush [ The whole world could not even lift the dhanush , but mere touch of Ram broke the bow] 3. Fight ensuing between Parshuram and RAM [ both are vishnu ] they appeared to be different and fought to create illusion. o Because , once there was a demon named Atul ,he completed great penance and asked Bramha a boon that he wants to pervade the entire universe. As only Lord Vishnu alone can pervade entire universe , Bramha asked him to stay in a PArshurams stomach . But he could pervade entire universe only till he does not think Vishnu as seperate from himself. ie There is no difference between Vishnu and his avataras and there is no difference among avataras as well . o As fight ensued between the Parshuraam and Ram , Parshuram enacted to be very angry with Ram as he was Kshatriya and also he broke the Shiva Dhanush which was given by Parshuram . o But Ram seemed to vanquish Parshuram and as astras flew towards Parshuram and Parshuram showed himself weak against it , Atul inside starteed fearing for his life and contemplated that Parshuram was different from Ram and he would die if any astra hits Parshuram.This contemplation killed Atul and put a stop to his allpervasiveness. 4. Accepting exile on Fathers words rejecting coronation 5. Relieving Ahalya from the curse of Gautam by mere touch of his toe.[ clearly divine] o Not only Ahalya had shap vimochan ,this was simply not enough ; Gautam had cursed her in anger , she needed her husbands love and affection too mere restoration of body was not enough . {INDRA particularly had requested to restore love and affection between the couples] o Story goes , in olden days all the men and women were born equally beautiful and had same features common and equal . Thus there was no jealousy or misery owing to possession of beauty.

Bramha once insoected all the creatures looking alike , he felt bored and created a uniquely beautiful woman called Ahalya . everyone was amused by this new beauty and were secretly hoping to marry her. o Bramha after long thought called upon Gaitam to look after his new creation carefully till he finalises on the groom for her.Gautam took care of his new guest but never lusted her . o Impressed by the Gautams dedication and indriya nigraha , Bramha gave her in marriage to Gautam . o Gautam had amassed a lot of punya by that time , this would hamper his chances of gaining Mukti . Those who have excess punya have to lose their punya either by giving away the punya or losing it by misdeeds. o Indra hoping to bestow mercy on Gautam , planned to annoy him , he induced feeling of having enjoyed Ahalya in Gautam in wee hours , when he appeared in the guise of Gautam leaving his house. o Gautam cursed Indra to have multiple eyes all over his body . o Gautam cursed Ahalya [ who had not defaulted at all] to be a stone . o GAutam lost interest in the world and went away to forest for penance. o Gautam had lost his punya by cursing elders like INDRA. o Indra though not at fault had indeed felt bad for Gautam and recommended Ram to restore love between the couples.[ love between the couples is not a independent feature of humans , even this is also dependent on God], if God wishes two people can always be locked in love] o But past incidents can disturb this peace and loving disposition , so INdra asked Lord Ram to give Gautam a vismarana [ forgeting ;selective amnesia] about this incident. o This incident shows how merciful lord Ram is !!!! 6. Using RAM BANA on a crow because it hurt his wife Seeta on the breast. 7. Running after Golden deer [ even though everyone knows such a deer does not exist ] and weeping for Seeta [ abducted] o There were few rakshasa who had done great tapasya and asked Bramha that they wanted to achieve Moksha . o Bramha granted they will achieve their goals only when they do not assume seperation [VIYOGA] between LAxmi and Vishnu o Laxmi Vishnu are AVIYOGI according to the VEDAS . LAxmi always resides on the chest of NARAYANA as mole named Srivatsa ! Both Laxmi And Vishnu are equal in space as they occupy every part of the universe and space [ both vyakta and avyakta AKAASHA] o Thus Laxmi and Vishnu are never seperated from each other ; o Thus Narayana is known as SRIDHAR and Laxmi is known as AMBHRANI as they are never for a moment without each others company. o Thus even when Ravan took [sitakruti] , seetha was still with RAM as Srivatsa . o Ram never missed his wife , but he enacted as a grief stricken man asking trees and clouds and lakes about the whereabouts of his wife Seeta.

This generated the doubt in the minds of the demons that Ram and seeta had seperated and they were not divine but mere humans who cry at mere separations and long for union. This thought entitled these demons perish from the path of moksha . 8. Hitting Dundhubhi with toe touch; 9. Piercing seven zigzag Tad Vrakshas with one arrow 10. Sitting before the Ocean to ask for a way . 11. Showing anger on the ocean to dry up if not appeared . 12. Building a bridge [ every stone scribed RAM floated on the water] o All the monkeys were writing RAM on the stones and it floated on the water to be cemented for the bridge. o Looking at this RAM lord took one stone and threw it the ocean , it sank . o STrange , you write his name ,it has a power to float ,but he himself throws it does not float o some say RAM naam is more powerful than RAM o This is faulty thinking . o Hanuman explains : BY taking the name of RAM we can float in the ocean named samsara [ jeevan maran] and reach the shore named Moksha [ Vaikuntha]; But if ,such lord Ram himself leaves his hand [support] onto us , then we are sure to be drowned in this samsara without recourse. Thus one must always engage in RAM NAMA!!! 13. Making a saashtanga Namaskara to Ravana o RAvana was a bramhin and learned , Lord made sashtanga namaskara to illustrate ,all bramhins are respectable irrespective of nature. o When elders make a sashtanga to the lesser ones , their longevity is reduced . o Ram the lord is the greatest GOD , ravana is a mere soul , only GOD has right to the namaskar , thus by this namaskar Ravans punya was absorbed by the lord and his longevity nullified . 14. War with Ravana o Ravana with the boon of bramha had 10 to the power of 32 clones equally powerfull as Ravan hidden in a cave. o They all came out of the cave and ran towards the Lord RAM to attack him o RAM seemed to be still without movement ,yet all the clones of RAVAN died one after the other with arrows even before they emerged from the cave o Hanuman explains ; RAM was so fast in leaving arrows that it defied persistence of vision , thus he appeared still , yet within 1/10 of the second he applied crores of arrows to kill 100000000.00000(32 zeros) in few minutes.Yet he appeared to others as if he was still doing nothing. 15. Agni PAriksha : o Ravana had never abducted real seeta he had abducted Seetakrutii ,enacted by INdra and Agni [ with Vedavati as instrumental Seeta]. o HAving accepted it Ram would have accepted a different woman .

o o

Thus Agnipariksha was enacted to exchange it with original seeta who was his Wife . Had Laxmidevi [ Seeta ] were to be in Lanka , Lanka would never have vanquished or Ravan would never have been defeated . Where there is Laxmi[ jaya laxmi ,vijayalaxmi etc] there cannot be defeat and misfortunes. Thus LAxmi could not have been abducted by Ravan to face misfortune. Ram with Seeta ruled Ayodhya for 13000 years.RamRajya.

!!Ram rameti rame raame manorame sahasra naam tulyam tannamparanane!!

Let sri MoolRama bless all of us on this auspicious day of RAMNAVAMI . krishnarpana 2 Apr

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis. Tagged: aghora, Devatas, japa, sadhana. 3 Comments Whenever a person is in the difficulty and facing misery , astrologers ask to undertake remedy! Remedies usually consist of

Japa , homa , stotra , bramhan bhojana dana . yagnya upavasa Yantra Tantra Rasayana

All these are in one way or the other related to a Devata , Yaksha or Rakshasa or pisacha . But why should these help in removing the misery or gaining the desired of a person who engages in remedy ? If we look closely at the remedies described above , we come across the fact that they are some form of flattery towards the ishta or kamya devata etc. Does flattery work?

In day today life when we are presented before Kings its only our flattery speech that ensures reward. A boss in an office definitely acknowledges the junior who engages in flattery . A praise indeed assures a relief or pat from the Rakshasas as well .who does not succumb to praise ? if mean demons , human can succumb to a praise , then Devatas [ filled with compassion as they are ] should definitely respond to a praise. Although when addressed to a devata it should be a truthful one acknowledging their past accomplishments. A devata definitely responds to such praise through stotras . Stotras like kavacha etc extract a promise of protection from the Devata. Apart from flattery people are moved by the hospitality they are extended , many people to get desired from officers and ministers and others throw a grand party for them . They take every care that their guest is atmost comfortable and happy . After his mind is gained a suitable favour is definitely granted. If ordinary humans can grant some favours then why cannot a all powerful demigod not bestow a favour ,when treated to a proper hosptality. Albeit a human can be more demanding and unjustified in his demands and comforts , But a DEVATA is alpasantoshi , he is happy with simple delights like a milk , flowers and kheer or laddoo etc .as long as they are presented with good intentions and bhakti , a Devata is everready to grant boons . He is more magnanimous than a human , who is never bothered about your intentions ,but more bothered about his booty . With all these defects in humans man still keeps a lot of hopes on these menial humans to get their desired results and become unhappy when they meet with disappointments when failed in human relations [ and extraction of favours ] . Humans are known to be themselves trapped in the cage of destiny and dependent on fortunes from heaven . today whoever is powerful may not be so tomorrow etc . but yet we bet our last penny onto this hapless souls seeking betterment . A devata is more capable of bestowing , changing our fates . He is more sensitive to our problems. He is more merciful and kind hearted. He takes our offerings in homa etc as debt to be repaid to us . Good people return favours perhaps manyfolds , a mustard like favour turned unto a good worthy individual is felt like a mountain of burden onto him and relaxes only when he has repaid it mountainously . What a change of fortune that would be when a devata decides to repay the debts of homa. Devatas partake gifts from the humans in three ways , 1 . directly as naivedya [bhog] 2. through Fire [Agni ] agni is the mouth/ tongue of devatas , whatever is given in the fire by invoking the name of devata it is accepted by the devata. Earlier in olden days Agni used to have discretionary powers in accepting only sacred food ,but after the Bhrigu sages curse it had to eat everything that has been offered. hence a samskara [ invocatory chants] are neccessary for agni to accept the sacred , and without these chants [homa] the food and articles given in the fire does not reach the devata . Thus homa or yagnya has a procedure to be followed. 3. third way in which a devata can recieve is through the mouth of the bramhins . thus bramhins are fed to appease the devata . It is the fire inside the bramhin [ a bramhin engulfs "aropan" a fire at the time of initiation and keeps it intact through penace and

austere life ] that makes the devata take the food. till a bramhin praises the food the devata in him eats , as soon as the food is praised by the bramhin , it is the human that eats the food. quicker the speech emanating from the bramhins mouth ,leeser the acceptance of devata. Wise bramhins in order to give ,maximum fruits [punya] to the yejman[performer] do not speak a word till the food is consumed. A devata is rendered satisfied ,when any demand made by the bramhin is fulfilled. Wise bramhins demand a pinch of salt while eating before breaking their silence to give complete benefit of homa to the doer. It is neccessary to invite learned bramhins only [ learned in vedas , kind and completely undesirous of wealth ] to complete the homa japa dana etc of a person. These remedies are also undertaken for yakshas and Rakshasas and pisachas like that in case of aghoras. The invokee and invoked consume according to their tastes and character. But results will also be akin their natures. Thus complete harmony and happiness and peace cannot be expected by praying rakshas pisacha and yakshas . ONly devatas can give peace and prosperity. Just as praising a local king cannot assure you of a longlife or relief from a disease , similarly peace and prosperity cannot be expected from praying rakshas yaksha and pisachas or other dead men raised to levels of sadhus or miracle men. Even devatas can bestow good life but not relief from Samsara . ONLY Vasudev can give relief from Samsara [cycle of birth and death as HE is GOD ] rest all are just devatas . Even these devatas can bestow good fortunes only by the grace of NARAYANA . just as a minister cannot bestow results or favours against the wishes of a King , so does a devata cannot go against the wishes of NARAYANA . Just as by praising king alone and neglecting other ministers and officers does not fetch maximum benefit , so also other devatas have to be prayed as parivar devataas along with Krishna . Thus it is said Sarva Deva namaskaro KEshavam pratigachchati .One must not pray mean deities and always surrender to MAdhava . krishnarpana 27 Mar

what is karma?
Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 1 Comment It is often most used term KARMA ! But exactly what is Karma ? Karma is the actions left behind by the soul .Actions from manasa vacha kaya!!!

All these karma are interaction of 24 tattvas in the universe. Our bodies are made of 24 tatvas . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Avyakta sookshma prakriti [satva rajas tamas] Mahat Ahankar 5 panch gyanendriya [chakshus ,shrotra,ghran,tvak ,jivha] 5 panch karmendriya [ hasta , pada , payu upastha , vaak] 5 panch tanmatra [ roopa,shabda ,gandha,sparsha ,rasa ] 5 panch bhoota [ tejas ,akash, prithvi, vayu, jal]

Gayatri [24 syllables ] represents these 24 tatvas , its japa energises these tatavas . Human body [ infact entire creation] is made of these jada tatvas. When the world interacts , there is exchange of these tatvas from one body to other and one element to the other. Thus there arises a need for equilibrium of this tatvas both in micro and macro levels of creations[ pindanda and bramhanda] . This exchange of sookshma tatvas and its debt and credit are termed as Karma. Creation and its sustenance and destruction is process of bringing the cosmic balance of this tatvas . Thus we are born in the same city where we would have performed in our previous lives ; we use the same utensils that have been recycled from previously used materials. etc etc. As we think act and speak a huge amount of tatvas are used and expended forming a anubandha. This are depostied as karma [sanchita , agami ,prarabdha] as huge as mountains beyond Lokalok parvat. As the bramhanda is covered with 24 layers of Tatva [kharpar] like a coconut shell. The bookkeeping of these karmas are in the very nature and also inside our bodies in the form 72000 nadis. A look at a persons astral bodies gives a picture perfect view of his karma , Astrology only reconfirms this Karma through mathematical calculations and planetary motion. So Planets are only indicative phenomena , real karma is our deeds , and is present in our own bodies. When we have excess of Papa karma , our antah karana is heavy and sagged due to presence of excess tamo guna and we are unhappy. Tamo guna is slow in movement and hence our thoughts move slowly and man is brooding . A visit to a temple removes this tamo pradhan akaash from the mind and replaces with the satva pradaan antahkarna , we feel a sense of calmness and relief and our burdens are lightened. So we say we are at peace after visiting the temple. Such is the greatness of Lord vishnu that even if one bows to him in arrogance or ignorance or through hautiness or jokingly or with cunning attitude , Papa[sins] accrued in 100 births vanish . Shattyenapi yatkrutam namaskaram shata janma papam vinashyati. 26 Mar

Swargarohan -Fate after death

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Astrology and purana. Tagged: Swargarohan. 9 Comments 1. If eighth lord or decanate is in the sign of jupiter indicates journey to heaven [swarga] after death ; 2. If eighth lord or decanate is in the sign of moon or venus indicates journey to land of manes [pitru loka] after death 3. If eighth lord or decanate is in the sign of mercury indicates journey to martya loka after death ; 4. If eighth lord or decanate is in the sign of mars or saturn indicates journey to hell [naraka and tiryank loka] after death After Srikrishna left the earth ,Arjun went to Dwaraka and completed last rites of the remains of Srikrishna [left by leela by God for illusion] . While returning he escorted the wives of Srikrishna [except rukmini satyabhama and shanmahishi ,who had taken to sati] . On the way ordinary bandits from Abhir attacked Arjun . Arjun could not recollect any astras [he was 110 years old] nor could hit hard the arrows from Gandeev to stall the Abhirs . Abhirs abducted the women ,and Arjun in a devastated state went to Hastinapur and fell on the feet of Vedavyasa for soalce . Vedavyasa told All he had the glory with Gandeev only till Krishna was present on the earth ,since HE has finished his avataar ,it is indication for you all to leave this place and stop from bhubhar harana .Arjun taking the cue , established Parikshit and asked him to teach abhirs a lesson . Abducted wives of Srikrishna [ as adviced by Dalbhya rishi , performed ashadha ekadashi vrata to purify themselves and jumped into river saraswati. Anirudhha son Vajra was made king of Indraprastha and Kritavarma's sons were given panchal and other countries . Thus establishing new order , Pandavas left for Himalayas. They reached gandhamadan in a days journey by their yogic powers and then headed for NArayana Ashrama. As they were reaching atop , first Draupadi fell [ fell dead according to Yudhisthir but technically left their bodies as they had no attachment to the body.] Then Nakul and sahadev fell . subsequently Arjun Fell . Bheema askedYudhisthir the reason for the fall , Yudhisthir explained , because they had defects . Draupadi liked Arjun much more then other five. Arjun had pride of manlihood Nakul had pride of Beauty Sahadev had pride of being just Bheema you always boasted as being superior most in strength and valour .

Thus Bheema also fell down . However a dog was quietly following the Dharmanandan. A chariot came to take Yudhisthira to Swarga .Yudhisthir refused to go to swarga alone and insisted on dog to be also accompanied. the sarathi argued that it is not possible then Yudhisthir asked him to give up the Idea of Swarga. Suddenly Dog assumed its original roop of Yama Dharma. Pleased with Yudhisthir , asked him to step in the chariot. Yudhisthir went to Swarga there he saw Duryodhan in a swanky throne enjoying. Yudhisthir red with anger refused to be in one place with Duryodhana. He pleaded to be taken to his brothers place. A sevak was assigned to take Yudhisthir into darkness and land of filth and foul smell , suddenly there were loud cries of Bheema , Arjun etc ,as Oh brother save us from this dirty environment and sufferings , our presencedivine has reduced some pain for us , Yudhisthir angry again at the justice of yama and Indra meted out to his brothers , He refused to go futher and preffered staying there . Suddenly Indra appeared and all the darkness and filth disappeared and a beautfiul swarga appeared with all the Pandavas with their original[mool rupas ] enjoying with their respective wives. Surprised Yudhisthir asked what was that ? Indra said it was actually a punishment meted out to Yudhisthir for going against the words of Lord Krishna [ refusing to lie for Ashwatthama episode] he was given a illusion of naraka and temporary pain of suffering [illusion of brohers suffering narak darshan etc]. Infact other Pandavas were never at wrong so no hell or illusive hell either. Neither did they have any defects , Bheemasen was greatest in the strength among his contemporaries and was boast cing about . One can confidently speak a truth about ones abilty if its absolute truth ad one has knowledge about it. This can not be treated as pride else Lord Krishna declaring himself as the superiormost and beginingless endless etc will become a defect and pride. They all left their bodies out of their will as their karma ahd ended and they ahd nothing to do with a human body.But Yudhisthir still had attachments to his body and was not leaving it and thus suffered still hatred towards Duryodhan although he was dead [ he could not forgive him for his misdemeanours ,and remembered him as a enemy who had given untold miseries]. Dead are dead and story should end there , but owing to human body , human elements of raga dwesha were remenant in Yudhisthir. Thus Yudhisthir ashamed , took a bath in holy ganag in swarga and regained his devata swaroopa. And enjoyed bliss of heaven. krishnarpana 23 Mar

Importance of KAma Bheemasenas View

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Astrology and purana. Tagged: Kama. Leave a Comment

1,5 ,9th house represent dharma 2,6,10 represent artha 3,7,11 represent the Kama 4,8,12 represent the Moksha

Once after the Mahabharath war was over , in a sabha Yudhisthira asked Vidura ,and his pandav brothers , which was more important among 1. Dharma 2. Artha 3. Kama 4. Moksha Vidura replied Mans after life is dependent on Dharma and all others do not follow him , thus Dharma is most important among chaturvidh purushartha. Arjuns verdict was Artha is most important as it gudes the dharma to be undertaken. Artha is of two types 1. daivaartha 2.manushyaartha. gyana[knowledge siddhis obtained are daiva artha ] and money and other articles of enjoyments are manush artha. since obtaining vidya and other things precedes the dharma and its carriage , Artha is more important than Dharma. Nakul Sahadev agreed with Arjun . Bheemasena said Kama is most important. Because one has to desire to get anything . If one does not desire then nothing can be achieved ,Even purushartha word is laden with desire , purush and artha [ that which is desired] , Lord Narayana is most desired goal for life . He is the desire and the desired. Lord as desire in the humans , desires himself. Thus such desires lead to better lives and moksha. There are three types of kama 1 uttam kama one that leads to Dharma and Artha . Dharma and artha that are not mutually opposing , like gain of knowledge from a renunciate teacher who does not desire anything against his teachings. Thus dharma of learning under the teacher is obtained and artha of knowledge is obtained. 2.Madhyama kama, one which has sanctioned Dharma and unsanctioned kama or vice versa. like performing of Vishwajit yaga , where dharma is obtained but loss of vidya is possible , or other yagas where much money hads to be spent to obytain swarga etc. here there is artha haani but dharm sadhana , thus this kama is madhyam Also day to day business of men , where there is gain of wealth but loss of dharma can be categorised under madhyama kama. 3.Adhama Kama -one which does niether facilitate the Dharma or give any real artha , like parstree sanga , it leads to loss of life longevity wealth and also amounts to sin. Thus

such kama of desiring others wealth women and possesions leads to destruction of dharma as well as artha. These should be avoided. Only those wealth women and possesions should be entertained that are conducive for Dharma and Artha leading to Moksha. Yudhisthira declared Moksha is supreme Purushartha to be desired by all the humans. krishnarpana. 16 Mar

Curse-An Astrological perspective

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. Tagged: Astroanalysis. 6 Comments Many a times we get such horoscopes where everything is fine , excellent positioning of planets , a good dasha ,a good gochara , yet the personwill be lamenting with problems . The source of problems unknown . All sorts of remedy towards the planet yield no results. Such people usually [if] know a few combinations of astrology , do point out , sir I have such and such yoga , but I have not yet got any such results. What is the reason for these sufferings? Curse is the only answer for such cases. Carefull observation leads to presence of curses in the horoscope , which does not allow the subject to enjoy any pleasures in the life. Old timers in astrology with experience proclaim that curse if present in a horoscope does not give fruits of normal yoga unless it is alleviated . Curses are combination of lanets irrespective of lagna sometimes operative on a horoscope. infact every horoscopic combination indicates somekind of latent curse . some take off early some late in life or few births away. Till these curses are obsolved the subject does not gain fruits of his good karma. Just as if yogakaraka graha opearates its dasha only after longevity is exhausted ,no effect of raj yoga etc can be seen [ ie , if raj yoga is present but dasha giving this yoga is operation in 70's but the person dies before 60 ,then such yoga is fruitless.] sinilarly a curse ridden horoscope is useless in terms of giving the good results. Curses are found in the horoscope by the placement of badhaka graha and its relation with sixth eighth and twelfth. The placement of badhaka in a inimical condition usually indicates curses. What are curses?

A curse is a inimical thought of a helpless man/woman in condition of torment or annoyance. A curse can also be a order for fall frm a powerfull. Acurse is a punishment from a the heavens to the guilty when done with complete consciousness .A curse is a mitigation of excess favours one has to recieve By GOD .[ Like Gautam ' case] In all curse has to be identified and then sevral remedies must be taken to mitigate them and recieve the proper yogas fruits.Curse can only be mitigated by sincere apologies and prayaschita. Sometimes curse conjoin a dynasty , especially ruling class when they falter they undergo curses from masses and this can be seen in the eway coming generation suffer. Such curses can only be removed by expert and empowered Yogis. 15 Mar

Marriages and Astrology- an opinion

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. Tagged: marraige, SEVENTH HOUSE, WIFE. Leave a Comment Many a times we see People claim marriages are made in heaven.

Then we see many people calmouring after women folks to marry them . Parents of eligible girls flock around to get a suitable match for their daughters. In the process many seems to be strongly opining their likes and dislikes wrt each groom or bride.

If marriages were to be made in heaven , does this not seem to be a superflous exercise?

Just wait for a right right time and the prospective people would be married? is it possible. Do we believe in it? If marriages are made in heaven then why at all we see a break in a marriage ? If marriages are made in heaven why one goes through so much of grind in identifying prospective groom or bride. Finally almost every star matches with other star in some way or te other does that mean people of these stars eventually marry even after Astrologer proclaims a match is good , people dont marry , talks fall off ! Even after horoscopes dont match people marry Some elope to marry some suffer in marriage some elate in marriage

Some marry to be happy ever after!!! Whats so heavenly about it , how astrologer can say whether the two horoscopes in question will definitely marry or not?

Astrology does have answers to all this..? WHen two horoscope are matched , its the nimmitta that suggests that whether the marraige will occur or not. The position held by the messenger speaks a lot about the marital proceedings . The nadi of astrologer primarily holds sway on the marriage to be solemned . Also muhurtha chosen sometimes lays foundation for destroyed marriages. Called off baraats. There are three types of people in this world , for the fisrt category Marriages are indeed made in heaven. These people need not wory about their marraiges , they inavariably marry those they are destined to , whether the world agrees aor not , whether it is practical or or not aor howvevr impossible , the marriage takes place even if these two prospective groom and bride live at the opposite pole of earth , they marry ,simply because they are destined. The second type undergoes marriage yoga every 10 years and every month in a year. These people if make an effort end up marrying someone or the other and its the muhurtha of the marriage that determines the qualities of this marraige. Here marraiges are not made in heaven. Its the instantaneous Karma that brings about such union. The third type of people , marriages are only meant to give unhappiness . Such people invariable marry wrong types , get decieved in marraige, marriage is a curse for them ,they suffer for it . It is there destiny to suffer. Most of the males if born as females in this birth , marry only for conveneince and rarely there is any sense of belonging between the pairs. For those who have been not lucky to have a partner born for them , usually with remedial measures marry the second types. So the real true devotees of God need not worry about the marriage at all . Just wait for heavens to shower the blessings. But excessive contemplation will result in early marriage with the second types. So choice is yours. 7 Mar

Dara Pada -Supportive/Inimical Wife

Posted by chiraan in Astrology and purana. Tagged: WIFE, SEVENTH HOUSE. Leave a Comment

When Lagna Pada and Dara pada are in mutual kona or kendra the realtionship between wife and husband will be friendly and supportive , if second from the Lagnapada contains a benefic exalted or aspected by exalted planets , one will have many beautiful and pativrata wives. A supportive wife is one who cares for her husband and always sides with him even if he is a debauch , evil or impotent. Such woman have been praised heavily in Puranas and are known to have stopped even Sun moon in their movements , some have reversed the cycle of time and other impossible feats have been accomplished by such women through the power of penace of Pativratya. Mandodari the queen of Ravan was a very pious woman. She advised ravan against all evils yet she never deplored him for his dastardly acts. She always prayed the Lord in Him ,even if He went on to bring a thousands of wives in a unethical manner .Even when the whole world was against her husband for taking a stand against the Lord Narayana, she stood by her husband , God Ram praised her for her partivratya and granted her Mangalya . [ Ravana was dead ,yet she remained sumangali forever How?] . In Vedic culture Woman are considered to be sumangali as long as the pyre of husband in the cremation ground does not subside. But Lord Ram granted that the Funeral pyre of Ravana be never subside and fire be always blazing from his funeral altar . This is known as Ravan kashtha which keeps blazing ever and Mandodari remains a sumangali. similarly when Lagnapada and darapada are in mutual 6th 8th or 12th, there will be enemity between the wife and husband. Prabhas the Vasu was cursed by the Rishi that he be born as human and because he had attempted to steal the cow on the insistence of his wife , there be enemeity between him and his wife in the human birth. Prabhas was born as Bheeshma and his wife was born as AMBA . Amba vowed to kill Bheesma , As his wife was not available to him in this birth owing to rishis curse , Bheeshma converted the curse to his advantage by taking Bheeshma vrata [ ajanma bramhacharya] and advanced his spiriual journey. For the greats and devotees of Vishnu even curse is a great source of sadhana. 1 Mar

AyuhKshinam Ayuhvriddhi
Posted by chiraan in karma, people and astrology, sadhana. Tagged: Jagannath das, longevity, mantralayam, vijay das.Raghavendra Swamy. 5 Comments When 8th and ninth lord in 12th then one will lose his longevity by the dishonouring the elders. Aspect of benefics on 8th house and its lord increases the longevity.Having good

Ayur yogas also increases the strata of longevity .12th sun for libra ascendant also confers longevity. One loses his longevity by

disrespecting elders, fire ,cow,idols eating in iron plates having hair cut on saturdays sundays and tuesdays or amavasya ,chaturdashi etc having haircut in the noon drinking curds in the night before sleep going to places where one is not respected when elders make sasthtanga namaskar [bow ] marrying woman elder in age having sex in the morning having intercourse for an unusually longer time

Once there was a very learned bramhin by name Srinivasachar in 18th century. He was a great scholar in sanskrit and philososphy . He was very proud of his scholarly aptitude . It was also around same time ,when bhakti movement had gained importance in south India and Das culture was on the rise . Das way of life was initiated by Purandardas [incarnation of Narada] in the south when Vijaynagar empire was at its peak under the able guidance of Vyasateertha [Incarnation of Balhik] a pontiff in the line of Madhvacharya. Das culture mainly emphasised the delivery of Vedic Knowledge in local language [Kannada] through poems and melodious songs for the Lord Vittala .Thus common men and women were suddenly bestowed the nectar of geeta and puranas in the common mans language then prevalent. Vijaydas [ incarnation of sage BHrigu] was also one such illustrious personality of those times. VijayDas was also maternal uncle to Srinivasachar. Srinivasachar owing to the pride ,he had cultivated, did not recognize the fact that philososphy could be delivered to common man in simple mans language. The philosophy which could not be guaged by immense learning in sanskrit ,how could they be delivered in simple dismal languages. True ! Sanskrit is a complex language ; its grammar is vast ; its difficult to master it ;perhaps takes many years for the same; Then comes the grasp poetry in sanskrit ! still difficult ; upon that philosophy ; its totally incomprehensible ; Almost all the philosophic literature is available in archaic sanskrit in poetry form ; difficult to decode. it takes many years of study and mastery to exhibit command over such philosophic understandings. All such efforts would seem ridiculous , if somebody claims he understands philosophy although he does not understand sanskrit. Amazing still will be the statement if one says he can express all the intricacies of the Vedas in common mans language! even if we were to accept this ; How come the common man is going to understand them; Can such claim be accepted ?

SrinivasAchar felt these Das culture guys were fooling people in the name of God for common man and dancing around with bells in their anklets;He seriously doubted their credentials and claims of sainthood. One day VijayDas came visiting to his place and even visited his house. Srinivasachar out of ego and pride did not respect the Learned VijayDas and did not even welcome him in his house. VijayDas went away smiling .But soon after this insult , Srinivasachar started losing out on health.Slowly his health deteriorated. He contracted Kushtha [skin disease ] and slowly his moments became restricted. SrinivasAchar now contemplated he is heading for Apamrutyu [ his longevity has decreased ]. He however could not comprehend the loss of longevity[ Ayuhkshina] . So to gain longevity he prayed Lord Hanuman in the mountains near Panchamukhi on the banks of TungaBhadra river. After 42 days of Vayustuti Purascharan ,he had a dream , where Lord Hanuman directed him to pray Shri Raghavendra swamy in Mantralaya for further directions. [ Shri Raghavendra has been specially sent from heavens by God to grant the wishes of the humans, hence the direction ]. Srinivas achar spent next few days under austere conditions as penace towards Shri Raghavendra Swamy at Mantralayam. The following night Shri Raghavendra swamy appeared and explained to him the reason for his loss of longevity .[ Disrespect towards very learned VijayDas] ,so he asked him to seek his pardon and blessings. Srinivas Achar went to VijayDas and sought pardon and accepted the supremacy of poetry and dance in gaining lords Grace . VijayDas directed him to go to his disciple Shri GopalDas [incarnation of Ganapathy] to seek blessings and accept him as Guru .GopalDas was a very learned man , he kept the entire place clean of pebbles lest his disciple would be hurt [ Srinivasachar was troubled by lack of moment and kushtha ] . When SrinivasAchar came and bowed to GopalDas , he transfered his 40 years of longevity [ through yoga] to a Roti of Jowar[Bhakri] and asked him to eat it to gain a 40 years. When one loses longevity owing to disrespect no austerities can actually increase it . someone has to donate his longevity to make a person live more. [SO never ever lose longevity we would not find anyone to donate life] Without life and longevity all the riches and fame are useless. Despite donating 40 years GopalDas lived for 80 years of age and gave to this world a wonderful science and technique of Vishwopasana . He rechristened Srinivasachar as JagannathDas [ srinivasachar is incarnation of AHLAD brother of Prahlad , and hence had a very special relationship with Shri Raghavendra swamy ,a incarnation of Prahlad] JagannathDas gave a magnum opus HARIKATHAMRUTASARA a treatise on the qualities of God Narayana in the comman mans language specially to be read by women and others inelligible for Vedas. krishnarpanamastu

28 Feb

Posted by chiraan in Daiva vs Purushartha - can destiny be changed?, bhagya, people and astrology, yashas -success in career. Tagged: Raghavendra swamy. Leave a Comment Ninth lord exalted in the kendra aspected by jupiter , man acquires everything in his life by luck and grace of the Guru. Once there was a simple ,poor,average bramhin .[ Not very brilliant or charismatic] . But he had immense faith and devotion in the Shri Raghavendra swamiji . He was serving swamiji with single minded reverence. After many years of worship and service , he decided to visit his native place and his parents. To take the leave of the Guru he waited patiently at the gates of the abode of HIs Holiness Shri Raghavendra swamiji.Swamiji had just finished his daily chores was out from the toilet and was washing the hands with the soil in the garden . The disciple wished the guru and insisted on giving him some momento to carry home from the Guruji. Guru picked up the mrittika[soil] from the earth and gave him . He happily [ and piously] tied it into his angavastra[ mufler cloth] and set out for the village. All the while thoughts crisscrossed his mind , that he had served the teacher for so long , Swamiji was known to change peoples life , but nothing actually did happen in his case. Perhaps [he thought to himself ] I was not very bright student and thus did not deserve any special attention . Or may be I had not impressed him by my service. Well just accepting the fate , the lad set out towards the goal. Night fell on ; thus he had to take shelter in the nearby village . It so happened he slept in the verandah of a noted rich noble family of the village . Now this family had history of miscarriages and birth of dead child from many years. There was no male issues to the lady of the house except for a grown up daughter . For past ten years every child born was dying under mysterious conditions.Today also the lady was about to give the birth. IN the midnight a huge Rakshas appeared at the door of the Noble man . But this day Rakshasa was not able to enter the house as a fire was emanating from the doorstep . It so happened that our hero [disciple] was sleeping with the angavastra [ the one which contained the soil from the Swamiji] under his head near the doorstep in the verandah. Rakshasa woke him up , somehow the lad was not afraid a bit at the sight of a gigantic huge demon. Instead sleepily he rebooked him , Rakshas said , his prey was about to take birth and he was unable to enter the house . What was it he was carrying in the mufler . Feeling insecure the disciple hid his mufler and shyed away from the demon . Not to part with it as it was a momento of the Swamiji. A tussle arose between the two , angered disciple hit the demon with the mufler. Demon died on the spot.

Day broke out and people were surprised to see the huge demon dead at the doorstep of the noblemen and inside lady had delivered a baby boy ,ha;e and healthy. Now understanding the mystery behind their misfortune , they thanked the bramhin . Thinking the disciple to be very blessed personality and also being indebted to him , the noble chief offered his daughter to him and also his half wealth. He called upon his parents and with a great pomp and show married the couples off gifting them all the amenities of house utensils , ornaments , cloth,chieftainship of village as livelihood and many more gifts. The couple and family lived happily by the grace of SHri Raghavendra swamiji. So much for a average mans selfless service. Pujyaya Raghavendraya Satyadharma ratayacha !Bhajatam kalpavrukshaya namatam kamdhenave!! 27 Feb

Arishta Bhanga-[Avoidance of unfortunate Yoga]

Posted by chiraan in Daiva vs Purushartha - can destiny be changed?, bhagya, people and astrology. Tagged: Raghavendra swamy. 4 Comments There are many arishta yogas in Astrology . These bring misfortunes or even death to the native and his prospects.But a single strong benefic in the kendra destroys all the evils .If malefic causing arishta yoga is hemmed between the benefics then the maleficence will cease and only benefic results will flow. Once Shri Raghvaendra Swamy was on a pilgrimage towards south India . On his way he stooped along with his entourage at a village . A village is headed by the Desai . Desai accorded a welcome to the entire Swamis disciple at his house and requested for the MoolRama s pooja to be held in his house that day. The whole village and nearby people had gathered in his house. [ All the Swamiji's carry some Idol of divine presence with them given their respective gurus . They must perform daily pooja in a detailed manner as prescribed to Sanyasi's to this idol and saligrama etc. The lapse in this routine causes the Sanyasi to lose his post and authority . Shri Raghavendra Swamy had Shri MoolRama idol with him . This Idol was handed down from Bramha to Sanatkumar to Durvasa and others on to the earth. Even Lord Shri Rama prayed this Idol himself . Thus Shri MOOLRAMAidol and its pooja is held in high esteem even to this date] Desai arranged for the prasad [ grand lunch ] to all the participants in his house . The whole atmosphere got festive as Shri Raghavendra swamiji performed Pooja to Lord Rama . The atmosphere resembled that of Bramhas abode resplendent with all the devatas as the pooja commenced [ primarily because Devatas themselves come everyday to witness this grand pooja].

Delicious sweets were being prepared in the large kitchen . A vessel full of KHEER was also prepared. Desai had a son of eight years age. He merrily went into kitchen at the smell of sweets . Everyone was busy in the prayer hall attending to guests and witnessing pooja. Boy accidentally slipped into the vessel and died. The parents having noticed this went into untold grief . But laying aside the grief and their son in another room , they hid their emotions and also the news of their sons death , lest it would put an end to the celebration in the house and guests would return without partaking food. Thus with a heavy heart they ordered the neighbour to carry on with the serving of food to the guests and completion of the ritual. Shri Raghavendra swamiji enquired about the hosts Desai and his family and their well being. But the relatives refused to divulge the details. Swamiji ordered to bring the Family before him. The couple appeared with heavy heart . Swamiji also ordered their son to be brought out in the open . The whole atmosphere was grief ridden as the body of the infant was brought before the Swamiji. Shri Raghavedra swamiji sprinkled the holy teertha of shri Moolrama on the body of the boy and chanted the mantra . The boys life was restored. The boy got up as usual and went to his mother playfully unaware of the details. The entire family was moved to tears with gratitude towards the great saint . EVEryone had a hearty meal all the while wondering the greatness of the MoolRama teertha and Swamijis mantra shakti and his merciful act . Aapadi mouli paryatam gurunam akrutim smaret! ten vignaha pranashyanti sidhyanti cha manorathaha!! krishnarpana mastu 26 Feb

Posted by chiraan in people and astrology, sadhana, yashas -success in career. Tagged: Diwaan Venkanna, Mantralyam, Moolrama, Shri Raghavendra swami. Leave a Comment When there are benefics in 3rd and 9th house and Ninth lord is in gopuramsa ,one will have upadesha of secret mantra and blessings of a Guru. In 17th century there was a bramhin boy by name venkanna. He had no parents and was living in his uncles house. Though being a bramhin he did not have opportunity to study the shastras .Also his guardians were not interested in spending on boys education.They had set upon him the task of grazing cattle . The boy was very sad but had resigned to his fate. One day a Great seer by name Shri Raghavendra Swamy [ peethadhipati of Madhvacharya's Mool samsthan ,and author's ishta guru ,beacon light of Madhva school of Vedanta , Kalpavruksha to many devotees in the country] came to the village .

Everyone rushed to take the blessings of the seer . Shri Raghavendra was known to grant all the wishes of his devotee . He was known for his magnanimity, merciful and quick to grant boons . Venkanna too went to the Acharya and after a sashtanga namaskaar ,and expressing his desire to study , gazed at the guru for some heartening words. But His holiness called the boy and uttered a upadesha in his ears and guided the boy to remember him in the time of distress and chant the mantra. Venkanna keeping faith in the Guru went about grazing cattle as usual. Many days passed by ,the boy had grown adult but yet was uneducated. One day Nawab of Adoni was passing by on a war trail . His troops were tired and reluctant .A terrible battle was anticipated. Just then a messenger came by with a written message in sanskrit . Unfortunately none in the camp were educated. All the troops were unable to decode the message . Nawab happened to see the Bramhin boy grazing cattle in the ground nearby . Now it was foregone conclusion that bramhins were adept at sanskrit . Thus he ordered the boy to be brought before him.As the soldiers presented the Venkanna before the Nawab . Nawab requested him to read out the message for him. VEkanna as illiterate he was , pleaded he did not know to read and write. This angered Nawab ,he excalimed Bamman ka bachcha aur padhna nahi ata ;Bewakoof banata hai He threatened to kill him if he does not read out the message. Venkanna closed his eyes remembered the Guru Shri Raghavendra and chanted the mantra to save himself . Alas !!!! He instantly became the scholar of seven languages , he decoded the message that there was no need to go for war as friendly neighbourhood had intercepted the army and enemies had retreated looking at the friendly armies encircling from all sides.Infact the attack was planned thinking that Nawab was deprived of friends ,but as he amassed strength from neighbourhood they dropped their plan . At the same time Nawab was also blessed with a son. [All this was translated into pharsi for the nawab by venkanna] Nawab was overwhelmed ,seeing the good omen in the bramhin he made him his Diwaan . Venkannas life changed in a moment ,not only was his desire of studying fulfilled but also he achieved the notable post to serve his people and the GURU. Venkanna having witnessed Guruanugraha in his life, continued with faith and worship in MoolRama of ShriRaghavendra swami. Many years later Swamiji came to Adoni ,Venkanna was overwhelmed and decided to give royal welcome to the Guru. He took permission from Nawab and as a routine expressed the mystique that is Guru Raghavendra . He obliged but at the same time decided to test the Swamiji .

Diwaan was anxious and nervous at the prospect of possible insult that would come Gurus way. but there was no solution to his dilemma . He remembered Guru and chanted the mantra . Something in him assured that everything would be allright. Next day Swamiji was accorded Royal welcome. Nawab himself came to pay his respect ,but Nawab had a plate full of nonveg covered and presented it to the Swamiji to accept it to be offered to Lord Ram that he prays. Swamy Raghavendra took water from his kamandalu and sprinkled it on the plate to purify it as ritual before offering to the Lord Rama . Lo!!!! when plate was uncovered it was full of fruits and flowers !!!!!!!! Nawab was taken aback ,he was quiet ashamed and at the same time was afraid that if Swamiji is outraged than he may very well turn his kingdom into null .Petrified he offered to donate land and riches to The Saint . He offered many well nurtured lands with plantation and agricultures and mines. But Shri Raghavendra swami refused to take them but as a token gift he requested him to donate the barren lands of Manchala village. Nawab donated it along with lots of riches and arrangements to establish the mutt there at manchala . This is the modern Mantralaya on the banks of Tungabhadra river in Adoni taluk , Kurnool District Andhra pradesh . Swamiji took jeeva asampragyat samadhi in this place is still present in th Brundavan at Mantralayam blessing his devotees . Mukopi yat prasadena mukund shayanayate !RajRajayate rikto Raghavendram Tamashraye!! krishnarpanamastu 19 Feb

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. Tagged: chitrasen. Leave a Comment IF there is Rahu or mars and Saturn inthe fourth house one will be kapati[ man of evil intentions] When Pandavas were in exile , Duryodhana wanted to show his prosperity to them and wanted to make fun of them. So to show that he has performed better yagnya than Rajsooya of Yudhisthir , He opted for Paundrika yaag . Sent invitation to pandavas . Bhemasena sent away his emissary by saying there can be only one yagnya now and that is Yudhdha yagnya. Duryodhana completed yaag , but is intention of showing wealth to others and pandavas did not materialise as Pandavas did not attend .[ Yagnya or other austerities done without pleasing Vishnu bhaktas dont give good results] , unhappy Duryodhan and Karna went to forest to tease the Pandavas under the pretext of Go

samrakshana [ yagnya ends withe cattle grazing and feeding them] . Since Duryodhanas main intention was to insult Pandavas , Indra [lord of yagnyas] wanted to teach Duryodhana a lesson and save pandavas from embarrassment. So he [ Bramha] and other dieties gave boon to one Gandharva Chitrasena as to be invincible for a day and sent to instigate Duryodhan. Duryodhana was taking a bath in the pond , guarded by his soldiers . Just when gandharva descended to the pond. Guards objected , Gandharvas replied they were from heaven and were not obliged by the rule of a human king[chakravarti] . Duryodhana and guards became angry and waged a war. Chitrasen with the boon soon overpowered duryodhan. Karna fought with him but as he was fighting with a jeal to insult pandavas,[ parshuram had cursed him if he fought with jeal or competition he would lose] , he lost and ran away . Gandharva tied Duryodhan and dragged him towards heaven , Kaurav ministers ran to Pandava camp and asked Bheemsena to help to save family prestige. Bhema refused , But Yudhisthira was in a days deeksha and hence asked Bheema to rescue Duryodhana. Bheema and others went and fought with Chitrasena and released Duryodan. Chitrasen told in front of all the gathering the eveil intention of Duryodhan.Yudhisthir and other eldrs scolded him to discontinue his evil ways like a child. Duryodhan totally ashamed returned to his camp and undertook fast unto death [for he could not avenge pandavas yet had to take their refuge ]. krishnarpana 16 Feb

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, mahabharath, people and astrology, yogas. Tagged: Nahusha. 2 Comments If the Atmakaraka is in scorpio navamsa ,one will be troubled by snakes. If 8th lord is in sarpa drekkana or 22nd drekkana is sarpa drekkana then one will be troubled by snakes. Once Bheemasena went to the forest for hunting .There in the forest , a python [ajagar] attacked Bheema and caught him in its grip. Bheemasena did not make any attempt to release himself .Bheemasena also did not attack it back. He stood still . Because of Bheemas hard body , python was under distress while strangling , [if you grip a hard substance and press it hard ,your hands pain ] Bheema was stronger and his body was tough ,tougher than diamond ,iron casts and indras vajrayudha . Then Snake [python] asked few questions to BHeemasena , if answered it offered to leave him. Bheemasena did not offer to answer him . [ one must not use Vidya to earn money or benefits , this applies to Bramhins so also to Kshatriyas ; one must not be vidyopajeevi] .Slowly Python started losing grip and tiring ,its body started to pain and wither .The snake started losing strength.Bheemasena was in deep meditation of Narayana . That was his natural charactreristic and he was not meditating to get rid of snake.

WHo was python ? Why did Bheema not Kill it ? Once when Indra had killed a demon named Vratrasura , the sin of Bramhahatya chased him [Vratrasura was bramhin] . Fearing Bramhahatya he hid in a lotus stalk on the earth . The kingdom of Swarga was kingless ,thus devatas decided to replace Indra with another worthy person . After Long thought and discussion ,it was decided The son of king AYU , Nahusha ,who had done many yagnyas was worthy of sitting on the Indras throne .Thus a human king was selected to preside over the three worlds . Thus to enable him to rule over three worlds ,they bestowed him with the boon that he would get all the punya and tapasya shakti of the one whom he sees. Thus Nahusha became the King of the three worlds . Nahusha grew in strength day by day by acquiring the punya of everyone he saw. Thus he became arrogant with excess punya and lost his balance . He then demanded union with Shachi [ the wife of earlier Indra ] as he was indra for all purpose now ,he thought he was entitled to gain Shachi as well . All the sages grew anxious at the evil thought of Nahusha , but they could not stop him from doing sin as they were all powerless , Their power to curse him was no more as their punya and shakti would be his as he sees them. Shachi was very scared but there was none she could turn to . Indra had given her one advice before leaving the Swarga to be used in such situations. As Nahusha sent his emissary to her palace that he would arrive for her , She said she would accept only if he comes in a Palaki which is carried by Agastya and other prominent Rishis.[She knew rishis would save her] Nahusha ordered Agastya and others to carry him on their shoulders to Shachis palace . Sage Brigu was always present in the Jata[hairlocks ] of Agastya . Now while carrying Agastya initiated a discussion with Nahusha whether Vedas are pramana [valid statements ] intention was , if Nahusha says yes ,then parastree sanga [ cohabitating other woman ] is prohibited in Vedas , then why was he doing such ghastly thing ? If Nahusha persists then he will be entitled to curse !!! But Nahusha was quick to grasp this intention and thus said He did not consider Vedas as Valid , Agastya persisted with argument of proving Vedas as Valid , angered Nahusha kicked the jata of Agastya . Now Bhrigu was in the jata of Agastya , and he was not yet seen by the Nahusha and his powers were intact ,thus cursed him that he become python [Those who copulate with friend's wives or wives of elders become python in the next birth] . Nahusha prayed Bramha for relief , thus Bramha said when he will be effectless against a human stronger than him and if he does not budge to his grip and neither answers him , then all the punya gathered by him from rishis will be transfered to him and he will be released from his curse .

Yudhisthira seeing apashakuna everywhere , enquired about Bheema , and started to look for him . There they found huge trees fallen in a arranged manner in the forest , it confirmed Bheema might have gone in that direction [ When Bhemma runs ,his mere touch of thighs towards forest trees fell them] . There Yudhisthira saw Bheema in the grip of struggling python. Yudhisthira asked python as what was his intention , it asked him few question , Yudhisthira answered them for Bheema , and Nahusha appeared in celestial form went away to Swarga. Krishnarpana 15 Feb

5th House -Putrika Putra Dattaputra yoga

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, mahabharath, people and astrology. Tagged: Babruvahan. Leave a Comment If 5th house be owned by saturn or mercury and be occupied or aspected by saturn and mandi ,one will have adopted issues Once there was a king named Pratip in the lineage of Kuru. He had three sons, Devapi ,Balheek and Shantanu . Devapi the eldest was disinterested in the worldly affairs and hence seeking the permission from Father went away to other lands for tapasya , He will be under penace till the end of this kaliyuga and come back for the procreation of subjects in the new mahayuga. Balheek was a very auspicious birth , as he took birth there was a loud roar in the heavens , and this roar created a fear among the rakshasas at the time and they fled away to caves and forests ,and many horses and animals vomited blood as the earth shook with tremors. Thus Balheek was the most powerful of his time . very strong by the grace of Vayu and terror for evil during his times. Balheek was the reincarnation of Prahlad . Balheek was given as dattak putra to the inlaws of King Pratip and thus became king of Balhik country beyond Gandhar[modern afganistan] . Balheek had son by name Somadatta who had three sons Bhuri ,Bhurishravas and Shalya. As Balhik was given away in adoption , Shantanu became king of Hastinapur even though he was the youngest . BAlhik was elder to Bheeshma as he his uncle and the oldest warrior in the Mahabharath . He was the only Vishnu Bhakta whom Bheemsena Killed . Balheek had the capacity to die at will , He was more aged than Bheeshma . Balheek requested Bheemasena to kill him . Balheek had a wonderful chariot which could fly into heavens , He donated this chariot to Bheemasena when struck with Mortal blow as mark of respect and obsolvence of sins to have fought against Krishna and his devotees.He happily accepted death at the hands of Bheemasena. Similarly Babruvahan was also adopted by Chitrangadas Father ,ruler of Tripura and Kaamrupa desha. Babruvahan though son of Arjun and alive after Mahabharath war did

not ascend the throne of Hastinapur . Because when Arjuna was being married to , Chitrangada , her father took a promise from Arjun that if a son would be born to his daughter ,he be known as his son ,as he is without a son . This is known as Putrika Putra vidhana . { one can accept the son of the daughter as adopted son , but this has to be done before marriage of daughter }In such cases , daughter never goes away to the land of husband but remains with her father and her lineage is continued as fathers. Thus Babruvahan was not made heir to the throne of Hastinapur. After the battle of Mahabharat was over , Pandavas decided to perform Ashvamedha yagnya. Thus Arjun took up the mantle of winning the world again . Winning across the world , he came to the land of Babruvahan. Babruvahan came with kamandalu and sandal paste flowers to welcome Arjun his father. Arjun felt unhappy that a lad being kshatriya is devising ways to avoid war. He challenged the boy to fight then resort to worship . Babruvahan enraged fought bravely . But unable to contend Arjun by mere arrows decided to use astras. [He was also anxious whether his astras that he had learnt were really potent ] Thus remembering a astra taught by Uluchi , he used it on Arjun . Arjun died on the spot . Babruvahan bereaved at fathers death and his own folly prepared to kill himself , just when uluchi appeared and with her mantra shakti brought Arjun back to life [ She was a nag kanya and was aware of mrutsanjeevani vidya] . Arjun happy at the prowess of his son was immensely delighted seeing his son cross over the valour of Father. Blessing his son to be worthy and accepting supremacy of Hastinapur [ Victory of son is Victory of Father] Babruvahan prayed his Father. Apsara and Gandharvas showered flowers on Him. Worthy son of a Worthy Father krishnarpanamastu. 13 Feb

Ninth House Bhikshashanam

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, mahabharath, people and astrology, yogas. Tagged: ekchakranagar. Leave a Comment When ninth lord is debilitated and 10th lord and 3rd lord are weak , the subject will go begging for the food . Vedvyasa took all the Pandavas to Ekchakra nagar to a Bramhin and told him that these were his disciples and He should give them shelter. Bramhin agreed as per the Lords words. Pandavas and Kunti devi were living in the house of bramhins . Pandavas were engaged in study of vedas and lived by Bhiksha.

Kshatriyas should not ask BHiksha . Bhima was param Bhagavata and hence would never go against Dharma. but here there was no option but to beg. How to save themselves from defaulting Dharma? Just then a potters house got caught fire from all the side . Bheemasena , standing a few feets away from the house amidst fire , kicked hard in the ground . By the force of his kick , the house on the otherside emerged out of the ground along with the earth beneath it. Bheemasena lifted entire house by his hands and put it out of fire on to the other side. Indebted potter created a earthen vessel as big as the village itself and gifted it to Yudhisthira. Now Bheemasena taking the earthen vessel just roared into the air, panicked by his roar , villagers gave away Bhiksha into the vessel even without their asking for it . This was akin to Kings giving their wealth as a tax to Indraprastha for the fear of losing kingdom and acceptance of Pandava supremacy. But Yudhisthira said , this type of roar and eating vessel full of meals would alert Duryodhana and his friends about their whereabouts and thus requested Bheema to stay away from BHikshashan and eat whatever they would bring for him . Bheema was happy to save his dharma. One day the bramhin and his family were bereaving and loud crys were heard. Bheema asked Kunti to find out the reason for the distress of their host. He could have gone himself but woman in the family would get uncomfortable at the sight of another man ,thus he sent his mother. Kunti standing by the wall heard their conversation before asking them . The bramhin said , oh my wife I had already told to leave this place you were not ready look now its time for embracing death ! I shall go from my family and embrace death . Wife said oh my lord , Let me go into the mouth of death , for i would attain good lokas for having saved you. Daughter said a daughter is of no use , why not let me go to the den of BAkasur ? Father said Shruti[vedas] say a daughter is the one who graces the dynasties of both father and husband by her deeds and good virtue , a son only uplifts one family.birth of a daughter is more auspicious , sending you will only put me further into naraka ,so as worthy son of my lineage let me take on death. the child in the family tottered and with a small twig in the hand said oh father I will kill bakasur with this twig let me go! Taking these words of child as good omen [ Bheemasena her child would break Bakasura as easily as a twig] , Kunti entered to ask Bramhin for their plight.

Bramhin said , there is a demon named Bakasur in the vicinity , who demands a cart full of food ,milk, animal ,birds and a human as bali , every thirteen years a family has to send a human from their family to satisfy the demon . Its now their turn. Kunti said she has five sons and would send one of her sons. Bramhin says it will be a sin to take someone elses life to save oneself . Kunti assured that his son has a VIDYA which cannot be confronted by devatas and demons and hence she is not afraid. Kunti came back and told Bheema about the Bakasura.Bakasura was a demon and maternal uncle of Ravana. By the fear of RAMABANA of Lord Rama had hidden in the caves, After Ramayana , he came out and was not defeated by Bharath , jarasndha,narakasura etc was freely creating havoc. Now Bheemasena killing him would have an opportunity to please Lord . Yudhisthira and others came back from Bhiksha and seeing BHeema in a very happy mood asked Kunti Ma ,why is Bheema so happy? Kunti said he is going tommorrow to Bakasuras den . Yudhisthir panicked said what a bad decision , we are all living by the hope of BHeema , owing to his strength and protection we are dreaming of gaining back our kingdom , now Bakasura is living giant from tretayuga , how will we live without BHeema? Kunti said , let there nopt be a doubt about Bheema s strength , even as a child he powdered the entire mountain range Shatashrunga , NO [MAI KA LAAL ] among devatas and demons can kill him as he is very VAYU himself . Thus next day Bheemasens set out with the cart full of food and milk . He thought to finish the meals even before demon touches it and makes it impure. as demon swa him eating his food , he became angry and uprooted a tree to hit the Bheema, Bheema stooping the tree with his left hand drank all the milk and then did ACHAMAAN . [ this implies that food should be eaten in a pure manner untouched by others and achamaan should be done after meals] . Bakasura threw a mountain on the bheema , it broke to pieces , after long battle , BHeema set his foot on one foot of the Bakasura and he held the other feet with his palms and slit him through middle like a sugarcane . Thus Baka was killed . He brought the dead body to the village gate and left it , People afraid of the giant body ran here and there in fear . After Bramhin assured them about his death , Villagers became happy and agreed to pay the cart full of meals to Bheema from then . BUt Bheema asked them to offer it Lord Narsimha in the village temple. Thus from there Pandavas went to Draupadi swayamvar. krishnarpana 12 Feb

What are Planets?

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis. Tagged: planets. Leave a Comment Planets are not just mass of elements in space that have extraneous influence on the humans and world affairs. These influence cannot be termed as a result of some gravitational or electromagnetic or other cosmic influence on each other and on the system as a whole. The popular methodology to seek scientific explanation for each and every phenomena around us does not apply to planetary system . The ways of God are systematic , Anything systematic and organized is scientific , but they need not be physically evident through some bizarre interaction of rays emanating from planets. Seeking such understandings and explanations would be erroneous. SO what are planets and how do they influence us? The plane in which we are living is Bhuloka . The plane above this is known as Antariksha Loka or Bhuvarloka .This Bhuvarloka is below Swarga loka and is full of Planets ,subplanets and stars . Some group of starts from Rasi . Thus entire Bhuvarloka is subdivided into 12 Rasis or Bhachakra . Above this Bhachakra are innumerable starts . The entire Bhuvarloka is Supported by Lord Narayana in the form Shimshumara .The various limbs of this lord are various stars ,Rasi and Planets. This is half human and half scorpion body. The tail of the scorpion is towards the Swarga and Head is atop the MERU. The tail edge consistes of Dhruva the \pole star. It is the Dhruva through which the entire Bhuvarloka and bhachakra are bound alongwith the planets. The Planets are governed by the Devatas by Name Sun ,moon etc. These have normal bodies as well as Astral bodies. How can a devata control a planetary mass? If we look at our body , we find that it has many parts , toes,fingers ,thighs ,abdomen , chest, neck ,head ,eyes etc. Each is placed at a distance from each other . It is all controlled by one souls who is residing in the heart . How can one small soul control such a huge body ? . WHy is it that if a small ant bites the toe and we get a sensation. The medical experts may say , it is the nervous system that gives the pleasure and pain to the soul residing in the heart. Thus it is the connection that exists between a body and a soul that makes it work and experience. Body is not Soul. This connection is by the grace of GOD . It exists by his will and it is destroyed by his will. When this connection ceases , soul leaves the body , wesay body is dead. # Thus the body is immaterial ,it is the connection that God establishes makes it as a body of a soul. [Soul is not present in the every part of the body yet it controls ]. Now This connection can exist even between a soul and a mass. Just as a human body can respond to the stimulus or desires of a soul , so can a mass of planetary body can respond to a the soul incharge ,if the Connection described earlier exists the soul can even control the entire mass of the planet. Also by the Will of the GOD , a soul can acquire multiple bodies if God extends multiple connections. Thus the Devata named Surya has a body of his own ,which is akin to us but illustrious of light [ tejomaya] ,He also has a control over Suryamandal , Surya Rashmi and Surya tatva.The God within Surya makes this possible .

Just as we get up in the morning and go about our daily chores , so does Surya with his astral body .But our chores and its effect are limited to our family and surrounding and society in which we live and have influence, Sun has a the whole world under its influence. So does other planets.

Brahaspati is foremost Then comes Sun and Moon The Mars ,Rahu,ketu and Shukra Mercury Shani

These are the planets that are destined to affect human life and world in general. Other erroneuous bodies like pluto, neptune etc do not have Divine sanction to affect human life. If we think that planetary mass as a scientific phenomena affects us and just because pluto and etc also exist alongwith them and should affect us extending the principles of planetary interaction , this would be folly and the whole Jyotish would become indeterminate . How do these planets influence us?

The jyotish has four entities Bhava Graha Nakshatra Rasi Thus we have yuti phala Bhava -rasi yuti Rasi -graha phala Graha -bhava phala Graha Nakshatra phala.

These are well established by God in the Vedanga and thus are orders of Lord to Planets to act accordingly as per their positions. Planets do not default on this . Thus runs the great cosmic Clock in the bhuvarloka.

God never breaks the rules established by him as he is SatyaSankalpa . Yet he always bestows his grace on the his devotees Both statements being right the world witnesses a dynamic display of auspicious qualities of GOD in upholding the righteousness even under anomalies.

krishnarpanamastu 8 Feb

Purpose of remedy

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Daiva vs Purushartha - can destiny be changed?. Tagged: Draupadi. 4 Comments Most of us are always puzzled at the uncertainty that life exhibits! In such scenario we are perturbed at the thought of losing the things dear to us . We have a desire to acquire things that are not with us . Sometimes we succeed in acquiring the desired and sometimes we fail to protect the loss of precious possession.Sometimes there is fear of loss , we feel threatened at the prospect of loss of money,fame and life .This brings in grief ,the thoughts itself are disheartening and person is agitated. Those who are undergoing strenuous conditions in life hope for better days to come. They live on hope.Everyone consults an astrologer for betterment! What can an astrologer do? Astrologer can only predict .Predict what is destined in the horoscope.He is not the master of the destiny that horoscope reflects. What is the purpose of consultation? Sometimes it brings solace to the aggrieved . Sometimes an astrologer says ,he is forewarning ! Forewarning why ? Is astrologer a custodian of chronology of the world ? or can he regulate the chronology? The answer to both of these is no! Then what is the purpose of prediction ? When we read the above notes , we can see only indefiniteness ,ambiguity in everything that is around us. for a successful life these very uncertainties should vanish. When you have a clear understanding of what you have to do and what you should not ,when you have descended on earth , we say life is successful! How to remove uncertainty ? An astrologer helps in giving you a clear purpose of your life and life events that a person is going to face. As per the nature of the individual , these events bear different impact on the person. Some improve upon their knowledge an understanding ,some wither away in the pursuit of pleasure. When faced with bad times ; understanding of the cause of bad events gives rise to repentance towards the evil we have done . If this feeling arises in an individual then remedies suggested by the Astrologers to nullify the evil ,works wonders and life progresses. But if individual feels remedies are a way out, for a past karma and can just get away from it by dana ,homa ,yagnya etc. Then thousands of such remedies ,will never ever solve any problems. Sometimes remedies are prescribed to certain individuals whose events are unavoidable , remedies are performed and yet events takes place! was remedy ineffective ? if it was totally unavoidable event then why did remedies were prescribed. Remedies never go unanswered!!!!! Remedies work for different people in different people in different ways. For stronger characters ,it gives strength to face the events . It gives a calmness of mind to digest events in all eventuality good or bad. For advanced souls it helps in detachment of karma with its karma phala. For very determined soul it achieves the objective of the purpose of remedy irrespective of the

outcome of Karma as destined. ie. Though Karma shows up in an unavoiding manner , the endresult doesnot affect the Indiviual . example : When Shachi devi ,Parvati ,Shaymala devi, Usha devi , Were cursed by Bramha for being born as humans and married away to other than their husbands ie Indra ,Rudra ,Yama And |aswini devatas . They performed remedies of 1000 years of tapasya to appease Bharati Devi [ wife of Vayu] . To protect them from losing their PATIVRATYA. [being married to other than their husbands on earth would still tantamount to loss of pativratya] But All these are blessed by Bharathi devi to protect their pativratya and yet the Bramhas shapa [curse ] also was carried out . Thus was born Draupadi , Draupadi is the most PATIVRATA stree ever born and had yet had five husbands. Had there been no remedy on part of these women then , they would be born as women on earth , but owing to their devata nature they would be extremely beautiful . In general these women are so chaste that they would marry only if their husbands would also be born on the earth else none else, but as Bramha had cursed them to lose their association with husband , the chances are Rakshasas can also take them away , this would mean loss of pativratya. To avoid this they did tapasya together in a single body of INDRASENA . Thus their remedies were answered and Draupadi born out of Fire directly as a adult ,was married to all the five Pandavas. Krishna says Ahalya ,Draupadi ,Tara ,tara, mandodari Panchkanya smare nityam ,panchpataka vinashayti Note the word PanchKANYA , these are all the women who have some kind of blemish associated with them yet their names when taken removes even those sins which God never forgives. That means these are special women and very auspicious . And the word Kanya is very interesting Lord uses the word kanya even though these are marries woman. This points to a new concept of Nitya Kanyatva. Thus remedies work for those events also which are unavoidable. And all avoidable events definitely vanish with remedies ,Like that in case of Chandrahasa ,in caseof Markandeya Dhruva etc. So one must always undertake remedies with sincerity and devotion to obtain solace from graha and graha chara. krishnarpanamastu 4 Feb

Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. Tagged: Madhvacharya, Vayu. 6 Comments Abhramam Bhangarahitam Ajadam Vimalam sada ! Anandteerthamatulam Bhaje tapatrayapaham!!

Madhvacharya is the incarnation of LORD HANUMAN .[MukhyaPrana] .

What is the purpose of this Avatar? Eternally evil and good [tamasic jeevas and satvik jeevas ] are at loggerheads.Tamasic jeevas continue their dwesha sadhana ,birth after births and satvik souls progress in Bhakti sadhana birth after births . Tamasic souls initially in the SATYA yuga,due to yuga prabhava , also tend to do good and acccumulate lot of punya . In the tretayuga these acquire merits to get good births , but as dharma is on three legs , there is scope for some mischief and adharma within limits.So most of the tamasic souls resort to adharma in an inhibited manner . This is not liked by the God .Tamasic souls as long as they are inhibited , they are not entitled to being killed . only uninhibited sinning entitles one to killing . Thus God and [Mukhyaprana ] enact a plan , they send their own man [devotee] Ravana to go berserk with uninhibited crimes . All the tamasic souls [given their nature to sin] allign and group themselves under Ravana .Declare him as their King ,inspired by his uninhibited prowess. Now Lord and Hanuman [This is first Avatar] came down as Vanar and finished entire rakshasa clan gathered under Ravana in one single go. Round 2: All the Rakshasas gather and decide ,why are they always defeated by Lord Vishnu and killed .Now if only Lord Vishnu does not interfere ,then Its purely Rakshasas and Devatas . Devatas are very emotional people , so if we are all born as their relatives then there will be no stopping for us and we can freely sin. [So think Rakshasas and take birth as brothers uncle and relatives of Devatas] all are born as Kshatriyas. Krishna did not fight , Bheemasena[ second Avatar] and Arjuna killed all the relatives [with the effect of Bhagavadgeeta by Krishna ] without mamatva[me and mine ] . This strategy of Rakshasas failed .Krishna and Bheema won again in Dwaparayuga. Round 3: Rakshasas gathered at the Meru top and discussed , why does Lord favour Devatas and good people ? Because these people pray him through the teachings of Vedas and Puranas . What if these are misled from the path of God .[Lord will automatically stop his grace towards these good people as they faulter] . So what is the way to faulter good people from righteousness ? Just misinterpret the meaning of vedas and puranas . Just let it be shown that they actually mean nothing , they are all false [mithya] etc.Such misinterpretation is only possible and believable if it comes from the mouth of Sanyasis and Learned Bramhins and other influential people.So all the Rakshasas took birth in Kaliyuga as Bramhins and religious teachers and established many philososphies and misinterpreted vedas puranas and other shastras to suit the ways of sinning. Kaliyug as it were, the tendency of sinning is natural ,as dharma is only on one single leg. Also Gautam rishi had cursed all the Bramhins and learned to lose their learnings in the beginning of the KAliyuga . Aiding all these, many ways of reaching God concept ; gained popularity and people at large got deluded from the actual path of Sanatan dharma and many alternate ways of life emerged. This lead to fall of Yagnya ,dharma, karma and other vedic ways of life.

Everywhere a new teacher gave sermons on a new interpretation to Vedas . The world was pushed into Chaos. Slowly people lost faith in the dharma and became athiests by the onslaught of CHarvaak and other materialistic philosophies. Slowly absence of God [Nirishwar waada ] also gained strength. When world was reeling under this situation , All the devatas requested Lord Vishnu to re-establish the real meaning of Vedas. Lord has no Avatar in the Kaliyuga ,thus Mukhyaprana came down as Madhvacharya [ Moolaguru Jagadguru third avatar ] to dispel the misinterpreation of Vedas and establish the correct Dharma and ways of reaching GOD. This is known as Tattvavada. HE showed the lapses and lacuna in all the 21 prevalent interpretations of vedas and established Madhva Sidhdhanta through profound pramanas [proofs] . And thus even in the third round of VAagyudhdha [war of words] Devatas emerged victorious. The satvik found the right path to Moksha. Na Madhava samo Devo ,Na Madhva samo Guru !! Acharya Srimadacharya Santu me Janma Janma ni!! There is no God equal to or Greater than Madhav and no teacher like Madhva ! Let Acharya Srimadaanandateertha be my guru in this birth and birth after birth.

Today is Madhva Navami .By the grace of Shri SarvagnyaAcharya I have completed 100 posts . Hope readers are benefiting from these writings . Let us all take blessings of the great Guru to achieve Grace of Lord Narayana. 1 Feb

DwiPitru Yoga The story of MitraVarun

Posted by chiraan in karma, people and astrology, yogas. Tagged: mitra, varun, vashishtha, agasthya, urvashi. 4 Comments When Sun and moon are in the same rasi and navamsa then the child so born will be raised by Two Fathers. This story when read with devotion gives children very soon to those who have not conceived , without doubt .Those who read this everyday will live happily by the grace of devatas and their forefathers .The following story relieves one of all sins when read early in the morning . Once there lived a very learned Daksha a prajapati . He had thirteen daughters by name aditi,diti,danu,kalamuhurta,simhika,muni,ira,krodha,surabhi, vinata,surasasvasa,kadru,devashuni , He married all of them to Kashyap . The eldest Aditi gave birth to 12 adityas akin to Agni in lustre. They were Bharga, amsha ,aryama,Mitra ,Varuna , Savita ,Dhatru ,Vivasvan,Tvashtru,Pusha,Indra , Vishnu .

The world is illuminated by these twelve suns [Adityas] and thus there is day and night . The heat and rains are due to these Adityas . Varun is the middle among the twelve and attained fame as Lokpalak and obtained the ownership of western direction.He shines over the western ocean [pashchim samudra] .There is a golden mountain by name Shilochchaya It is very beautiful mountain with many mines of precious stones , beautiful ponds ,rivers and many a fauna and flora.Many parts of this mountain range were inhabitatedby siddas , gandharvas . When Sun goes beyond these ranges the inhabitants of the region near this part of the world experience the night. Vishvakarma the devashilpi has constructed a beautiful golden city by name Vishvavati for Varun . Varun himself gives sunlight to this western part of Meru . He is served by gandharvas and apsaras by the grace of Bramha Once Varun along with his brother Mitra went to the Kurukshetra ,where bramharishis were always engaged in penace ,which is full of vanamool kanda [edible roots ] and flowers. There both the brothers decided to wear deerskin and engage in tapasya. Nearby a beautiful Pond named Paundarik was full of lotuses ,creepers ,birds and colourful fishes and tortoises .Suddenly URVASI along with her maids , descended in the pond and singing beautifully ,started taking the bath playfully . Her beauty was bewitching ,fair skinned ,with lustre of newly sprung lotus flower illuminated by morning sun , she was carelessly venturing in the pond with exuberance.Her lustrous wavy hair locks wet with water , face like that of moon in full bloom , lips like a buds ,Her every part of the body was oozing with beauty reflecting her equally beautiful mind ,with a bewitching smile and gait of intoxicated elephant that symbol Youth Urvasi ,attracted both Mitra and Varun engaged in tapasya . Both of them suffered retahskhalan [ejaculation] at the sight of Urvashi ,by the wish of Lord Narayana. The retas fell at three places equally from both Mitra and Varuna [mixed] . One on a lotus flower , one on the pitcher on the ground and other in the water in the pond . As both were engaged in long penance , their semen was very potent . The one that fell on lotus gave rise to VASHISHTHA rishi , one in the pitcher gave birth to AGASTHYA rishi and one in the pond developed into a a big fish . As this was happening , Urvashi left for swarga unaware of all the incidents. Thus Vashishtha and Agasthya came to be known as sons of both Mitra and Varuna. And Mitra Varun continued their tapasya and then Virinchi appeared and assured them that Vishnuloka will be given to them , but for now let the two remain as Loksakshi the observers of world [Karma of people] . For having begotten such illustrious Sons their lives were as well very auspicious. Any one who desires a child ,when he listens to this [papanashak] story with purity of mind and body begets a illustrious child. krishnarpana 31 Jan

Rahu- A prelude to Kurma Avatar

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, people and astrology. Tagged: amrut, mandar, Rahu, sagr manthan. 6 Comments Rahu was a demon ,son of Simhika He took penace or many years to obtain Amrut [nectar] .Bramha gave him the boon to obtain thus. Amrut gives one immortality. Once Sage Durvasa was giving a discourse on Lords supremacy .Indra was passing by . So the rishis listening to the discourse ,made a garland and offered it to The Indra as a mark of respect . Indra out of haughtiness ,kept the garland on the Elephant [kumbhasthala] ,As elephant shook its head the garland fell down . Seeing the disrespect and carelessness of Indra , Durvasa cursed him to loose his opulence. Immediately Demons took over the kingdom of swarga and Devatas lost their charm. All of them went to Kshirsagar and requested Narayana to end their plight . Narayana advised them ,since their time is presently not favourable ,they must make mends with Demons and get ready for great churning of the ocean together and share everything that comes out of it. Devatas and Danavas agreed . To churn they chose the Mandar parvat . But none could lift it . So God effortlessly plucked it and summoned Garuda[Anantha] and he took it to the place of action . But again both Devatas and demons together tried to grip the Mandar parvat , but it slipped and fell on the earth and many got disabled and crippled under it . Again God with his left hand plucked it and placed it on Garuda ,and also cured those crippled . Garuda with his wings held it for Churning but ocean could not be churned and it slipped to the bottom of the ocean . Lord Narayana then took the form of the Tortoise [Kachchap] Kurma , held the mountain Mandar on its back and brought it above the ocean and it stayed still supported on the Kurma. Narayana entered the mandar , devatas and demons to renew their strengths to churn the ocean with the Vasuki the snake offering the services as rope to churn the ocean with the golden Mandar. Demons preferred to hold the face of the Vasuki as tail was inauspicious. But as the churning would commence ,Vasuki breathed heavily and dispelled poison and fire though its mouth causing distress to Demons and Devatas at the tail were at ease. [Evil intentions bear always negative results and discomfort even if good choices are made , here though a face is more auspicious than tail ,it turned out to be uneasy option] While churning the deadly poison of KaalKuut emerged . This was very embodiment of Kali . By the boon of Bramha ,it could not be even touched as it burnt heavily . Lord Vayu took it in his palm and in a Golden Vessel . He took a drop out of it , placed in his palm and rubbed it to reduce its potency , and then a small portion of it ,placed on the tongue of Shiva , Shiva before it could reach his throat , fell unconscious , his Neck

turned blue [ He was thus called NEELKANTH] . Lord Vayu drank the whole vessel full of poison and nothing happened as he digested it. As the drop was being given to Shiva , a few droplets fell on the earth , as it was Kali himself ,it spread rapidly and the poison assumed various forms of manifestations as .serpents , wolf, lions and other poisonous creatures and Poisonous tribes of maneaters and cannibals. Many weapons of poisonous nature also emanated from it . Lord Narayana placed his gracious palm on the Shiva ,he got up ,but unable bear heat of the poison , He chose to stay in the cold snow regions of Kailash near Meru ,but still his pain and heat was unbearable ,thus he kept Ganga in his hairLocks [Ganagadhar] ,still he could not relieve severe headache ,thus he Kept the Moon on his head . Yet to save himself from pain and swelling ,he invited serpents round his neck to give soothing effect. Churning continued a whole vessel of intoxicating Madya came up Demons accepted it ,and out came Uchhaishrava ,Bali kept it for himself . Then came Airavat ,it was given to Indra . Many Apsaras emanated they were all sent to Swarga . Then came Moon , Parijat , Kamadhenu and Kalpavraksha ,Kaustubha gem , Lord Narayana accepted it as a present from Bramha. Then came IndiraDevi as Mahalakshmi , She adored the chest of Narayana as Srivatsa. Then finally Lord Dhanvantari came up with a kamandalu and a vessel full of nectar[Amrut] . Rakshasas snatched it from HIM . God allowed it to be snatched. as one must commit crime to be punished , Demons transgressed the rule that everything must be shared ,thus were entitled to be punished .Demons started fighting amongst each other as Narayani the beautiful form of the Lord appeared . Demons struck by her beauty handed over the pot of nectar to her distribute . Devatas and Demons sat in opposite rows and Mohini , poured the nectar to Devatas and just water to Demons.Here God betrayed Demons to validate the dictum according to the Dharma Dharmachhellam papajaneshu Dharma Cheating evil people is akin to Dharma or One must not apply usual parameters of Dharma to sinners. one must pay back in the same terms as used by sinners.

But Rahu took his position between Sun and the Moon among the devatas . Lord put a drop in his palm [to honour the Bramha's words] But when alerted by Sun and moon , he slit of the throat of the Demon with his Sudarshan chakra. But by then the Nectar had already entered his neck . Thus his both head and the Body [headless kabandh] became immortal . Head became one of the navagrahas and the body is still in the Shubodh Sagar . Aspiring for things undeserving always results in disaster . Though Rahu aspired for Amrut but failed to obtain grace of Lord Narayana ,he suffered .But vowed to

avenge ,Thus time and again eclipses Sun and Moon ,who suffer at the hands of Rahu owing to his immortality . Though Rahus head was severed by Narayana , just a mere touch of Amrut entitled him to survive .[ what a greatness of Amrut the nectar !]. 29 Jan


Posted by chiraan in Jyotish. 1 Comment May Lord Narayana bless all those who have been relentlessly seeking solutions through this site. In order to get going our task of free consultancy ,eclipse was a wonderful opportunity . Eclipse offer a scope to rejeunate your inner strengths to combat bad times. This is the period when one must focus all his energy to get rid of obstacles. Eclipse though unsuitable to begin new works or enterprise or auspicious events , it still is the best time to do austerities . Every small penace undertaken gives 1 Lakh times the fruits that you get in normal times , when done at the time of eclipse. Eclipse had many parts to it 1. Vedha 2. sparsh 3. madhya 4. moksha 5.Shuddha Bimba darshan Vedha is 12 hours or sunset and sunrise prior to actual start of eclipse whichever is earlier. During vedha a temple is closed . One does not partake any food during this period. one does not sleep during this period One does not go about daily chores of cleaning during this period. Eating brings in diseases,Sleeping reduses longevity , and urinating etc brings mental disorders. Children ,pregnant woman and old men and women ,patients and those who cannot control their hunger are all exempt from this rule. Usually a bath gives a lot of punya everyday . Bath[Snana] is process of offering the lord within us a worship.It is also a way of expressing gratitude towards lord for having given us a body to carry out our sadhana . There are many types of snana; 1.VAARUN SNAN 2. KATI SNAN 3. KANTH SNANA 4.GODHULI SNAN 5.MRITTIKA SNANA 6.AVBRUTHA SNANA 7 MANTRA SNAN 8 DHYAN SNANA. SNAN is the one that gives internal and external purity . Only external cleansing is not the purpose of bath , bath should also give us a cleansing of mind . Snana has a procedure. vaarun snana is bathing with water , teertha snana is bathing in rivers oceans etc , here bathing such that only waist is wet is known as kati snana , bathing upto neck is kanth

snana,Standing amidst returning cows in the evening and bathing by the dust of their hoofs is godhuli snana,applying soil from the tulasi pot or garden to the entire body is mrittika snan ,After the completion of Homa or yagnya , taking the fumes of the yagnya all over the body or a hot smoke is known as Avbruth snan, reciting the mantra Apo histha . is equla to taking a bath this mantra snana , this can be done when there is no water available and yet you have to finish your sandhyavandan or daily pooja . Some people observe certain vrata where they dont take anything to eat or drink till they take bath in the morning , when faced with water shortage or during travel mantra snan has to be followed and daily pooja can be completed but should not be skipped on the excuse or pretext of absence of water body. Snan is abhishek for the lord within us. hence purushsukta should be recited after sankalpa while bathing. When there is no water , no place to sit and we are stuck in a dirty polluted environment or surrounding,one can resort to Dhyan snana. Dhyana snana is making ganga yamuna nd saraswati flow thorugh IDA PINGALA AND SHUSHUMNA , it is yogic way of bringing various rivers into 72000 nadis and oozing 3 and half crores rivers thorugh our pores . This is the superiormost of all snans , this way one is unperturbed by the surrounding he is in [however apavithra or polluted that may be] and yet becomes eligible for all the karmas of vedas. Dhyana snana gives 100 crores of times the more punya than normal ganga snan ,so says sanatkumar to Narad. Such snan when taken at the time of sparsh of eclipse [ie when eclipse starts when sun or moon disc is affected] bears 10000 times the ususal punya. In the middle of eclipse it gives 100000 times the usual punya and while leaving [moksha] a snana is worth crores of time. If simple bath can give you so much punya than what about other austerities like dana ,japa,tapa, homa ,shradha etc.They will be akin to performing them crores of time. In the post of matra sidhdhi it was made known that a mantra can be potent only when they are recited with austerities a few lakhs times. IN general lifetime this is not possible as it takes years to achieve this even if one recites 1000 times daily. During eclipse even if reciting ten or hundred times makes it equvivalent to have recied crores of times and thus mantra becomes potent. So people desirous of potent mantras take upadesha during this period . eclipse is divided into three parts, first part is for Devatas ,second portion is for Pitru , and last part is for Rakshasas, so a japa has to be conducted only till first part , shradhdha is performed during middle part , as cooking is not allowed shradhdha is done with floor paste. Dana is given in temples for nag dosha etc. The last portion is used by tantriks and evil mantriks to increase or invoke devils. this should be avoided. Thus after eclipse is over having a look at the clean and free sun or moon , one can take a bath again and have his daily pooja and meals. Krishnarpana. 21 Jan

5th House Sankalpa and Emperor Raghu

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, bhagya, people and astrology, yashas -success in career. Tagged: Raghu, kautsa, Varatantu, sankalpa. Leave a Comment God is SatyaSankalpa .He never fails in carrying out the work that he resolves to undertake or carry out. Puranas written at the beginning of each manvantara are Hari sankalpa ,and they occur as it is ordained.God never breaks the rules set by himself. Humans are on the contrary are sankalp Bhrasta .They always break the resolutions made by themselves. What is sankalpa ? In our tradition before performing any work we undertake sankalpa ,a kind of declaration to ourselves and the God within us that On such and such day ,at such and such place ,I [ so and so belonging to so and so race and in the lineage of such and such personality ] by name decide to undertake this [work ,desire, karma ] for obtaining such and such thing . The purpose of this sankalpa is that it is registered and human undertakes many births to complete this sankalpa ,even if he fails in first attempt . If he fails , even then his desire does not vanish away or fade away ,it remains in his heart till death and even after death it remains as vasana [samskara] in the mind . This gives rise to further birth and further attempts till the soul acquires vairagya towards the object of the sankalpa. Without sankalpa no objective can be accomplished. No remedies pooja or karma succeeds without sankalpa. Thus one must always start a work with proper sankalpa . For example , Sankalpa is of the form :

such and such day ; which day what is the reference ? Aadya bramhane dwitiya parardhe [ From the day Bramha came into existence in universe , in his second half of the life cycle ie after 50 years to Bramha in 51 st year] Shwetavaraha Kalpe [ a day in a bramha's life starts with fresh creation of species ,so each day is special and this day is that when Lord Narayana took the form of White Boar and salvaged the earth from the deep waters and raised it with his tusk . Vaivasvat Manvantare [ in every day of Bramha there are 14 manus of which 5 have passed in the sixth the Son of Vivaswan is the Manu ,hence this is Vaivastwat Manvantara ] Kaliyuge pratham pade [ in this Manvantara 27 mahayugas have passed and in 28th , Krita ,Treta and Dwapar has also passed now we are in Kaliyuga and in the first quarter 5109 years later ] Bauddha avatare [ In the time When lord has taken birth as Buddha]

at such and such place ,which geographical reference?

Jambudweepe [ In this Bramhanda on the earth Bhumandala there is a Jambudweepa island surrounded by lavan samudra ] Meru: Dakshin bhage [ In the centre of Jambudweepa there is a golden mountain named Meru , to the south of this mountain ] Bharatvarshe [this southern region is divided into three portions 1. Himvat varsha 2,Kimpurush 3.Bharathvarsha] Bharath khande[ there are nine globes in the Bharath varsha ,the ninth last globe bordering lavan samudra is what we call prithvi and is known as Bharath Khandaasetu himachal paryantam] Godavari Dakshin teere [Land on the to the southern banks of the Godavari river ] Mamagruhe [ In my house] Devata sannidhau [ near the Lord dwelling in my house]

description of the day evam guna vishesha vishistayam Sarvadhari naam sanvatsare Uttarayane Hemant rutau Pushya masau Krishna Pakshe Budha vasare Ekadashi tithau Anuradha nakshatre Vriddhi yoge Bava karane Shubhe Shoban Muhurte Who am I ? Angirasa Bharamyashva Moudgalya pravaranvit [In the lineage of Angirasa ,Bharamya and Mudgal ] Moudgalya Gotrotpanna [ directly descending in the line of Moudgalya] Chiraan naamdheyasya [ By Name Chiraan] Mam Gyaan Bhakti Vairagya prapthyartham [to gain knowledge ,devotion and detachment]

Bhagavad prernaya prapta vidya anusarenaYatha shakti Hari Guna varnan lekhan sevamaham Karishye [Inspired by the lord ,in accordance to my learning and capacity I write blogs about the attributes of Hari]

Bharatiya raman Mukhyapranantargata SriLaxmiNarsimha supreeto Bhava. [ May lord as present in Mukhyaparana be pleased ]

This is Sankalpa. Sankalpa made thus gives us strength to complete the task thoroughly and accomplish the desired. Note :This sankalpa is being uttered by everyone in India from time immemorial . This was used by my ancestors as well and also the ancestors of every Bramhins in India . This was taught from father to son in every family . There does not arise any scope for doubt in this words as father would never mislead his son.Not every father in a nation of billion people .This goes on to prove that we Indians have a lineage of lakhs of years as dates of the rishis mentioned as forefathers exists in every literature and dates back to many millions of years. There was a prosperous civilization even millions of years ago and we take pride in the fact that they were our forefathers and every story recounted thus is not a myth but a reality and a lesson in humanity. This disproves darwin that we have emanated from apes as none of the mentioned above were ever apes .This also proves that kaliyuga is 5109 years old and great war of Mahabharatha was fought before that.

The fifth pada if exalted and aspected by jupiter and ninth lord and simultaneously 10 pada be in mutual trine , once sankalpa will be successful. Benefics in trines and malefics in 3 6 11 will ensure success in sankalpa Thus choosing good muhurtha for a task is equally important for success of the task .

If mental resolution is strong and dedicated and according to dharma then success is foregone conclusion. The story of Raghu the Great grandfather of Shri Ramchandra Prabhu is testimony to this . Once there was a bramhin sage by name Varatantu who was Kulpati of a school in pratishtapur . Kautsa was a disciple who had completed the study under his tutorship . After completing the study Kautsa wished to give Gurudakshina to the sage . Sage said an able students zeal in completing the study is enough for a Guru as dakshina. Money is not to be sought for imparting education . Kautsa repeatedly pleaded for the Guru to ask for a Gurudakshina . Angered by this pestering Guru said ok then get me 14000 crores of gold coins for the fourteen years of the study . Kautsa was deeply taken aback by this . Now a word is word it has to be carried out . Kautsa set out to earn such a wealth. He contemplated for a while and decided to ask dana to Emperor Raghu . Raghu was the son of Dileep and Father of Aja [grandfather of Ram]. Raghu had won entire earth . But he undertook Vishwajit yaag ,where by one gives up all his wealth and then lives all by himself not dependent on the people or land that he has donated.

So after donating everything he had , Raghu was living in a small hut ,eating in an earthen vessel and sleeping on a kusha [grass] . The disciple came looking after the King and surprised at his fate and kings state of existence [Impoverished] ,he cursed unto himself the moment whence he insisted for Guru Dakshina. King Raghu welcomed the Bramhin and asked for the purpose of his visit , Hesitatingly Kautsa put forward his necessity for 14000 crores of gold coin . King Raghu asked him to accept his hospitality for that day and promised to give him the money in a three days. Kautsa agreed . King Raghu thought that kind of wealth will probably not be there anywhere on the earth to be instantaneously acquired . BUT Kubera might definitely be having it , so why not wage a war on him and get the wealth . Raghu made a sankalpa to give the Bramhin Kautsa 14000 crores of gold coins from Kuberas treasury. Thinking so , he prepared to go to the land of Yakshas [ Alkapuri] in the north of Meru . He gathered all the arrows and astras in is trench and slept that night to start towards Alkapuri . Kubera having known Raghus Sankalpa , thought why war for just few gold coins Raghu is invincible and would definitely get his desired . So why not give him what he wishes for and avoid conflict .So he deposited much more wealth than what Kautsa demanded on a shami tree in the Raghus hutment [during the night] and went away . Next day seeing the wealth got , Raghu was happy and thanked Lord Narayana for having completed his sankalpa . and gave the gold coins to Kautsa. Kautsa took just 14000 crore coins and presented it to Varatantu . Sage though happy at his discipless feat said , wealth is not meant for bramhins, Bramhins must not accumulate wealth for selfish purpose , The King is the right owner of this wealth as he uses it for the welfare of his subject. Sage returned it to the King for the welfare of the state. Thus great wealth came to city of Ayodhya to the delight of its citizens whose all wishes were fulfilled by it . Great is the capacity of the kings in Surya vamsa of Ikshvaku lineage , Great is king Raghu ,who fulfilled his peoples need just by a mere Sankalpa. krishnarpana. 20 Jan

5th House Chiratputra Yoga [Vaman avatar]

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Bhavas. Tagged: Bali, ganga, Trivikrama, Vaman. 2 Comments

When ascendant lord and fifth lord are in shubha rashi and and benefics and jupier ,venus and mercury are in fifth ,one will have a son after many years of penace[ chiratputra prapti ] .

When mars as lagnadhipati is exalted and saturn , sun is in eighth is aspected by benefics one will have offspring after many years of austerities. Benefics in lagna , malefics in 2nd and 3rd , fifth lord benefic placed in benefic rashi will give son in a old age after many prayers.

King Bali was the son of Virochan [son of Prahlad] , He had defeated Indra and occupied the three worlds . In those days all the yagnya done were accepted by Demons in Swarga ,as INdra had fled. Seeing the plight of her son ,Indras mother ADITI decided to get him his kingdom back. She started praying Lord Vishnu ,for twelve years she performed PAYOVRATA . After 12 years of penace Vishnu appeared and gave her a boon that HE would be born to her as VAMAN and get her son INdra his kingdom back. After some time Vaman was born to Aditi and Kashyap , He was accorded jatakarma upanayan etc by Bramha himself . Then Lord Vaman proceeded to Balis Yagnya .As he kept his feet , entire earth trembled and fire in the Yagnyashala extinguishes and Ritwij mantras misspelled .seeing this Bali asked his Guru Shukracharya ,what was the reason ? Shukracharya said VAman is coming to take away your wealth and kingdom to give it back to Devatas , your oblations are hence not being accepted by Agni . Do not promise to give anything to Vaman. Bali says I cannot refuse alms to Lord or for that matter anyone during my yagnya . Vaman appears before Bali , Bali welcomes Lord with arghya pada etc. He then pleads Hari to let know the purpose of his visit , Vaman asks for three steps Bhumi [land] dana . Bali agrees , So Vamana says if you have agreed then let the water from the kamandalu be poured onto my palm as promise . BALI prepares but shukracharya becomes tiny and obstructs the hole[mouth] of Kamandalu to prevent the fall of water . Vaman with a kusha[grass] clears the hole ,Shukracharya loses his eye . He comes out and speed away to a distant land for penace . water falls onto the palms of Hari Instantly the dwarf Vamana takes on a huge form spanning entire universe [This form is known as Trivikram ] and with one step spans the entire earth and with another he reaches and covers the top edge of Bramhanda . There remains no space in the universe for the third step . This is achintyadbhut shakti of the Lord [ making impossible possible] Changing a form from small dwarf VAman to a huge gigantic Trivikram is an impossible task as change of mass and density in time cannot be instantaneous for material bodies. But Lord exhibits this quality instantly , As his foot reaches the edge of Bramhanda , his toes nail pierces the Bramhanda Kharpar , Outside Bramhanda is a layer of Shudhodaka [the original water " Apa " one of the 24 mool tatvas , not the water on the earth which is panchabhutamaya "toyam" ] This water as it touches ,adorns [washes is not a right word] Lords lotus foot , it acquires the name of Haripadodaka [ In temples teertha is nothing but water that sweeps through God's idol and collects at the feet ,this is very sacred everyone takes it with reverence as it is sanctified by touch of Lord's feet] .

Here this water is touching not the idol but the Lord himself [ Hari -> Lord , Pada-> feet , Udaka -> water ] thus this is Haripadodaka and is more important and sacred ,shreshtha ,it flows like a river into Bramhanda , Chaturmukha Bramha realising the opportunity to accept this ,extends his kamandalu and collects the entire water ,rest flows into the swarga as GANGA If ordinary teertha in temples can wash of sins then Ganga can assuredly can cleanse one of Sins as Ganga is very sacred because it has come from the feet of the Lord. But it was all in swarga [ before bali there was no ganga in universe]. Afterwards it came to earth only when Bhagirath brought it through penace . So there was no space left for third step , those who fail in fulfilling promise , Varuna captivates them , Thus Bali was tied down by Varun Pasha , Bali offers his head as the third step , Lord Steps onto his head forcing him to Patala , and gives back the KIngdom to Indra and other devatas , Killing all the demons. Why did Lord not Kill Bali? Usually We hear Rakshasas troubling Devatas and Vishnu appearing and killing the Demon . But in this case Vishnu appeared to ask dana , he did not uses Danda neeti . why? Because Bali was Grandson of Prahalad . Prahalad never asked a boon in his life to the Lord. But Lord insisted to ask a Boon . Prahalad after much pursuing by Lord to ask for a boon asked Oh my Lord Narsimha let my offsprings never hurt or insult any Bramhin in their lives , and I ask your devotion to all my offsprings and my father [whom you have killed now] ,for Rakshasa as we are They are bound to commit some mistakes. You [The Lord] forgives all the mistakes of devotee except hurt or insult to a bramhin. [Thus he ensured his offsprings be saved from being killed by Lord] Having given this Boon to Prahalad , Lord never killed Bali or Banasur etc. Instead personally protected him in Patala and Promised him the seat of Indra in the next Manvantara. krishnarpanamastu 19 Jan

5th House Satputra The story of ASTIK

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Bhavas, karma, mahabharath. Tagged: astika, sarpayaga. Leave a Comment If jupiter as fifth lord is strongly placed and also sun is in ninth then one will have Satputra yoga.Satputra is the one who brings joy to the ancestors of both Father and Mothers lineage .One whose birth is a meritorious and sets fortune among maternal and paternal relations.He is the one who will be a beacon lamp among the dynasty [kuldeepak] . The whole relatives would see a sense of hopes in such progeny.He is the one who relieves the father of his Pitru runa and brings sanctity to a mothers womb.

Blessed is a soul and its lineage where a Satputra takes birth. One such child can wash away the sins of 21 forefathers and 21 grandchildren generations .

A man when born in this world is born with Panch Runa[five debts] Pitru Runa [ debt towards the father ] Matru Runa [ debt towards the Mother] Dev Runa [ debt towards Devatas] Rushi Runa [ debt towards preceptors] Bhuta Runa [ debt towards the elements /environment]

Pitru Runa gets cleared as a child is born to the Man .[he is free from debt of the father] Matru Runa does not get cleared at all [ one can never repay what a mother does to his child . We are all ever indebted to a mother for having brought us into this world bearing all the pain and nourishing us selflessly] Deva Runa is cleared by performing our duties as worship Rishi runa is cleared when we make correct usage of our knowledge and teach it to an able disciple Bhuta runa can be cleared only by proper use of materials made available to us by God ,whether it is fire ,water ,air , house utensils and grain and other objects .[By not polluting them and respecting them in its correct usage avoiding abuse and ill distribution] These runa if not properly handled and cleared rebounces to us in every births giving us what we have returned. and snatching from us what we have not returned earlier. A satputra relieves one of Pitru runa . The following story is one such in MAHABHARATH ,which shows how God readies us a remedy for our problems even before the root of the problem or its cause has taken birth. This is a story of Astik a learned bramhin ,whose birth was awaited by both the lineages of his Father and Mother with lots of hopes and anticipation. Once there lived a bramhin named JARATKARU , who was not interested in worldly life .He after studying shastras decided to take up NAISHRUSHTIK BRAMHACHARYA . HE stayed only on air without food and meditated on Lord .He spent most of his time in pilgrimage and rivers and mountains.One day as he was roaming ,he saw a seven old men tied upside down to a branch of tree which was about to fall in a deep well below.The branch had only one string left and that too was being eaten by a worm. Surprised Jaratkaru asked those holy men ,what is this sorrowful sight ,why are you all suffering like this.The old men said ,oh we are all a ancestors of a single race yayavar ,

we have no off springs except one named JAratkaru , but even he is not interested in family life and bent upon ending his life in penace .old as he has grown ,very soon our lineage will end ,this tree is our lineage we are ancestors ,this single string is the Jaratkaru and the worm is the time .which is eating away , this well is the hell that we all will fall , if there is no offspring for Jaratkaru. Jaratkaru moved by his ancestors plight said Oh my Pitru I am that Jaratkaru , please tell me my immediate duty to relieve you all of this plight. The holy men said Go and marry a deserving girl for our upliftment Jaratkaru said I shall not ask for the hand of the woman myself, Anyone who would come all by himself and give his daughter or sister unto me , I shall marry provided her name is also Jaratkaru like mine. Saying thus Jaratkaru roamed entire world but owing to his old age and ascetic like way of life none came forward to give their girl to him. Thus reaching the end of the world , Jaratkaru decided if fate had init a bride for him then He would shout thrice that My ame is Jaratkaru and anyone having a girl by that name wishes to marry her to me ,can come and do so if someone comes okay or else would go the ascetic way. As he mentioned it twice The great Snake VAsuki appeared and said I am bramhin snake son of Kashyap ,my sister is Jaratkaru and beautiful and I would like to marry her to you if you have no objection to marrying a NAgkanya . Jaratkaru accepted with one condition he will stay with her as long as she does not annoy him . If annoyed he will desert her and go away for penace.Vasuki accepted. Once when sage was sleeping in the lap of his wife , it was about time to sunset . Fearing lapse of karma of sandhyavandana after sunset , Wife woke him up for his duties. Sage in anger said He never lapsed in his duties , And Sun dare not set till he wakes up and complete his karma , NOt knowing this she has annoyed him and thus he would leave her . Wife in grief said , it would not be right of him to leave her for no fault of hers. But atleast not before giving her a son. She asked is there a child in her womb ? The sage said ASTI [there is ],he would be blazing like sun and Agni well versed in all shastras and vedas. Vasuki and all took care of his sister and Astik was born and learnt Vedas under Rishi Chyavan. to the delight of all. Why did GOD want a child to be born to a bramhin and a Snake? In this world child has extreme affinity to the relatives of the Mothers side . Their plight the child when grows up naturally tries to alleviate out of affection. Also a child takes on the qualities of his Father . So a child who would be as learned as a Bramhin well versed in all shastras and with affinity towards Snakes was what God created here .WHY? Parikshit was son of Abhimanyu .King Parikshit ruled justly this world after Pandavas left .One day while he was hunting He saw a Kingly featured ugly man kicking a Cow .

King immediately tried to stop him But The wicked man said Oh King know me as Kali , my time has come I have asked you the permission to enter your kingdom King resisted ,but when He found out that in Kaliyuga people would get punya easily just by chanting name of LOrd as Hare ram Hare Ram ram ram Hare hare , Hare Krishna Hare krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare This punya would be equivalent to what would be got by doing Dhyana in Satya yuga , Yagnya in a Trtayuga and Pooja in DwaparaYuga . Thus what is got in a 100 years Krita yuga and 10 years in Treta yuga and 1year in Dwapara can be got in half a day in Kaliyuga . Thus seeing this one virtue of Kali and also compulsion to follow YugaDharma , Parikshita allowed Kaliyuga to enter ,but asked him to stay away from his kingdom and subjects except five places where there is ,1 Gambling 2 Prostitutes 3.Alcohol 4 Deciet 5 Gold . As Parikshit was wearing a golden Crown Kali entered His crown and was on his head. This resulted in bad company , King hunted a deer which went deep into the jungle , chasing the KIng reached the ashram of Uttanak Rishi . He asked rishi whether he has seen deer , The king was exhausted and hungry 60 years of age as he frustrated as Rishi was in maunvrata and did not respond .King grew angry out of ego and frustration owing to presence of Kali [ one acquires bad qualities in bad company] , King felt insulted for not being given welcome by Rishi .He took a dead snake and hurled it around the rishis neck. Rishi showed no expression and king went away. Rishi had a very bright son name Sringi he was all but 10 years of age very much pious and given to study of vedas ,but highly short tempered. He was returning from his gurukul and on the way he learnt from his friends that his father was insulted by king with a dead skin and his father did nothing to punish King . So Sringi took the water in nearby pond and cursed King that He would die by the bite of TAKSHAK [empowered by my penace ] within seven days. [ what was the penace " Practice of Gayatri for two years "] Rishi uttanak said king was a just man by killing him this way he has deprived the citizens of a good king . He requested his son to divert the curse but Sringi refused and said my words would never go futile So Rishi sent his disciple to King to let know of his fate . King by then had kept his crown aside and immediately realised his mistake and after hearing from Disciple repented not for loss of his life but for his folly. He constructed a a big palace in midst of sea and stayed there and asked Sages of a way to get MOksha within seven days . Sages advised him Bhagavat by Sage Shuka would emsure him Moksha . SO Bhagavat was recited for the first time in this world. Takshak set out to kill Parikshit , on the way he met a Bramhin Kashyap by name , he asked where he was heading to , Kashyap said he was well versed in art of reviving dead by snake bite and that he would revive king Parikshit . Takshak said lets examine ,

He showed a tree and bit it ,the tree blasted into ashes by the poison . The bramhin chanted a mantra , onto ashes ,firstly it turned into seed then sprout and two leaves appeared and then a trunk and branches and whole tree was lush green again as earlier , also there was a man sitting on the branches , he also got restored . The man ran away. Seeing the power Takshak asked him why would he revive Parikshit whose longevity was indeed over by the curse of Sringi , Bramhin closed his eyes and after deep contemplation agreed with Takshak , Takshak gave him ample wealtha nd sent him away. There in the middle of sea all the routes were closed and bramhins were appointed to chant sarpa mantras to prohibit direct entry of snakes. Daily fruits were being taken to KIng , Takshak entered one of the fruits and as the KIng opened it HE came out and bit him to ashes and whole palace was set ablaze by poison. The Son of Parikshit was child , he was enthroned and when he grew up JAnmaejaya son of Parikshit asked how his father left to heavens , The man on the tree survived by Kashyap narrated him story , Angry Janmejaya thought Takshak could have allowed KAshyap to revive his Father but out of fear that his name and reputation of fierce poisonous snake would get tarnished he has corrupted Kashyap , so he must be punished. He summoned all his purohits and ministers , They suggested SARPAYAGA . A yagnya was prepared for genocide of snake species. Swetaketu Pingal Moudgalya ,Chandbhargava Jaimini all presided as sadasyas and HOTRI for the Yagnya . The Yaga began and as butter was poured with sacrificial mantras , crores of snakes fell into the fire , with stench and fat converted into a river of marrow of snakes . All the snakes fell one by one into the Yagnya Kunda Takshaka took shelter of INDRA . Vasuki out of fear of loss of life called Astika to do something for their race. Astika pained by the deaths of maternal relatives headed for the Yagnyashala , he praised Janmejaya in a very notable fashion comparing his yaga with that of SOMA VARUNA YAMA, Indra , Ajameedha , Ramachandra , YUdhisthira presided by Krishna Dwaipayana , Meanwhile Takshak was not coming due to Indras shelter , King was happy with the praises of ASTIK , he wished to give him boon on account of his knowledge of so many yagas and their presiders and though of tender age and blazing like a sun and agni and having crossed the doorkeepers easily by his charm and tejas inside the Yagnyashala. He offered him a boon. The sages stopped him saying Takshak has not yet come , Janmaejaya said to bring him along with Indra into the sacrificial fire. Indra too was getting dragged to Fire , Indra left Takshak , Takshak unconscious and drawn towards fire from heavens , was roling in the air as he was about to fall , King said I want to give you a boon a oh meritorious bramhin ask, ASTIKA said oh king let no more snakes be dropped into the fire stop stop stop , King said ask any other boon except this , gold silver damsels , these three worlds kingdom everything dont ask me to stop , Astika refused , Sages of the yagnya said since this noble bramhin has asked nothing else his boon be given , simulatneously uttering STOP , Takshak stood still in air the whole world stopped . Seeing the prowess of the

ASTIKA , King janmaejaya stooped the yaga , thus snakes were saved , realatives were saved Uncle Vasuki was saved. The extermination of Snake race was halted by an able bramhin , who out of love for snake uncles and profound knowledge of Vedas and mantras , forewent the wealth of three worlds and other gifts and saved the race of his mother and saved the ancestors of his Father. Thus Lord Narayana showed that even before sarpa yaga took place he had already readied a remedy for it in the form of ASTIKA . krishnarpana 17 Jan

4th House -Sukha Dukha Asha

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, Bhavas, bhagya, mahabharath. Tagged: happiness and unhappiness. 11 Comments

The fourth ,tenth and seventh bhava are sukha sthanas for a person in a horoscope. These denote special happiness that strike humans . These places if placed well man will be happy . Venus in fourth will give all kinds of wealth and enjoyments all through the life. People with venus in the 10th house are rarely found to be hard working ,but surprisingly the whole world works for them , there is something special about a bhog graha in a karma sthana ,that even he enjoys during work hours too. he exerts very little and yet achieves a lot . People are mad about these personalities and form a subject matter of gossip due to envy. 4 th house especially points to general happiness , venus well placed in this house makes one a happy go lucky . He will be a ashavaadi .[" boss Umeed pe duniya kayam hai" , this will be his mantra] But venus in the seventh house is not preferable as this will not give conjugal bliss due to excessive demands of the person. He will have multiple partners and always unhappy about his marital status. However venus in 4th house gives abundant joys , friendships and a place of admire among relatives. Moon in fourth house gives enjoyments with a woman in a unfinished house . Mars in such position gives enjoyments in a stable of horse Venus and mars makes one enjoy in a cow shed or buffalo shed. ketu will give a broken house saturn will give a house made of iron sun that of wood mercury will give modern house. moon with rahu makes one adjust to pleasures in a water pump room.

Affliction to fourth house will make one weep in his lifetime If fourth house is polluted then the person will fall prey to schemes by others. If fourth lord is with malefics one will leave hopes and become pessimistic Fourth gives what is known as quality of life , standard of living. Fourth in the rasi indicates external signs of happiness Forth in kalamsa gives internal happiness If fourth lord is badly placed in kalamsa then however happy his position would reflect ,he will be straining his mind in terms of anger and jealousy and inner fear and sense of loss. On the contrary when fourth lord is ill placed in rasi yet well placed in kalamsa , however unhappy a man seems to be , however unfortunate his position may seem to be , he would be infact making merry all the time in solitude.

Pandavas lost father at a young age

Their births were questioned They grew in jungle They suffered murder attempts every now and then all through youth They were denied a place to live They were insulted They were exiled They wandered from place to place They had to marry in disguise They had to live in a broken house They had to live separately from wives time and again They bore children in anonymity Their children grew without their presence They were always war stricken They faced poverty They faced tough enemies They had to serve others as unknowns .[identity] Lost manliness They were repeatedly spied ,chased and troubled They lost all the children before them They had to kill their own relatives When they got kingdom they had none to share it with , only one grandson of Arjun survived. They reached swarga by walking entire Himalayas and shedding their bodies[death]during cumbersome journey . All this when HImself Lord was with them by their side.

Can all this be called misfortunes.? Yet they never complained . Infact Kunti [Pandavas mother] goes onto say Oh Krishna give us only miseries every now and then , for it will make us remember you all the time and our miseries will definitely be destroyed by YOU.

Kauravas had everything in this world that a soul could wish for

Parents fully supportive Royal birth Royal upbringing Royal Guards[ Bheeshma Drona etc] Royal friends [ Karna shishupala etc] Obedient advisor [ shakuni] Kingdom at young age Riches of others easily got Mild and patient opponents Many wives and no separations All relatives supported them [everyone wanted to marry their daughters to these and not pandavas or their sons] Whole world leadership All the world admired and obliged Got everything he wished for[material wishes] When in peak he shared his riches fame and wealth among kith and kin [ 100s in number ] Body immortal except thighs Died in battlefield and went to swarga while gandharvas showered flowers on him and a special aircraft[viman ]arrived to take him. He never acknowledged Krishna as Lord .

Can this be called Fortunes ? Yet he always complained , He was dissatisfied , He grew jealous day by day . He could never sleep .He spent most of time hitting the statue of BHeema as practice. He was preoccupied by schemes to trouble Pandavas and they always failed. He was extremely unhappy all through his life .Gandhari [mother of kauravas] cursed Krishna that his clan be wiped just as her sons had been wiped out . On the contrary Pandavas were as happy as in Moksha and lead a contented life as they never had any desires and were only preoccupied with service to Lord Sri krishna. krishnarpanamastu 16 Jan

Rebirth-Justice ShriRamachandra and RamaRajya

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, bhagya, people and astrology. Tagged: dog, ramarajya, ramayana. Leave a Comment Ramarajya is the best rule ever on the earth by any Emperor. It lasted for 13000 years . Raghupati Raghav Rajaram was the just King ,where in his kingdom everyone knew the

interpretation of LAW.Not only humans but also animals enjoyed rights and went to the court for any misgivings or mishaps. The dharma shastra says miseries to the subjects[praja] is due to the laxity of rule by the King. so every citizen in the tretayuga demanded an explanation from the king for his misfortunes.Men never experienced grief on account of death of children ,Wife never faced any widowhood.No one died before the age of 10000 years .everyone lived full and happy life with all the amenities of life .There were crops all the twelve seasons of the year .It never rained in a non agricultural area and Sun never was too hot . Wind blew with full pleasure of citizens.Trees bore only sweet fruits .Jewels were use of everyday items , utensils were only of gold. All the people were born beautiful and women exhibited complete beauty and youth to the delight of their husbands.In the morning when their blouses got stuck in the ornaments of husband SUN hesitated to rise ,fearing the disturbance in the conjugal pleasure of the citizens. That was Ramarajya This story from RAMAYANA is the crown jewel of episodes during RAMARAJYA. Once when Shri Ramachandra the great king in the lineage of Ikshavaku, the avatar of Vishnu was ruling in Ayodhya .One day fa bhikshu [sanyasi] was walking all through the streets for bhiksha[alms] , BUT a great sabha was organised in the palace of Jagatpati Ram . All the saptarishis and celestial beings and citizens had gathered in the sabha. Owing to it all the streets were empty and Bhikshu could not get any food ,As he was walking in the sun [midday] , he saw a dog lying in his way . Angry with hunger and frustration , he showed his ire on the DOG and hit it with his stick. DOG became upset and headed straight to the durbar of ShriRamchandra Prabhu. As it was standing at the gates of the palace , Shri Rama asked LAxman to look if someone has come to ask justice.[Shri Ram did not instruct his servants or gatekeepers dwarpala ,sevak but he asked Laxman the prince to go and check for himself to ensure anybody is asking for justice] Laxman looked for all the places and did not find anyone and at the gates HE found a dog sitting quietly. He went back and told Shri Ram that except a dog none is there at the gates. Shri Rama asked Laxman to bring the Dog inside the Hall . LAxman went to the gates and asked Dog if he had any grievance .Dog replied Yes but since I am a dog , I should not enter Rajmahal , as there will always be presence of Devatas in Rajpraasad and houses of holy men , by entering will render it impure and Devatas would leave those places and also good fortunes will leave along with them ,So oh prince kindly take my message to LORD . Laxman went back to Lord Ram . Ram instructed Laxman to bring the DOG inside the palace with due respect [ because DOG had the extraordinary sense of dharma and behaviour ,it entitled him to enter Rajpraasad] . Laxman brought the Dog before the Lord Rama. Rama asked what is the grievance. Dog with utmost devotion said Oh King I seek justice , I was unnecessarily beaten by a BHikshu with no fault of mine whatsoever , it was unwarranted Lord Rama summoned the Bhikshu .Bhikshu said he was hungry and frustrated and took his ire and anger on the dog .

So in the Sabha of ANGIRASA PULASTYA VASHISTHA VISHWAMITRA GAUTAM PULAHA AGASTYA ETC were asked by Ram to give a verdict on the appropriate punishment to the Bhikshu . everybody was surprised and after prolonged deliberation asked Shri Ramchandra to adjudicate the punishment himself. Shri Ram declared BHikshu be made the mathadhipati [priest head of institution] of the richest matha [temple] at the outskirts of Ayodhya. Everybody was stumped , is this a punishment or Reward ? saptarishis said this seems to be a reward rather than chastising the BHikshu for wrong doing. Shri Ram said verdict should be such that it should bring the feeling of justice being done to the petitioner or aggrieved.So the dog should be the primary one who should be convinced of the verdict .So let us ask if the dog is convinced! Dog is delighted at the verdict and expresses its deep gratitude towards Lord RAM. Astonished all the rishis request Lord Ram to explain the reason for such verdict. Lord Ram says why not hear it from the DOG itself Dog says he was the earlier bramhin head priest of that temple in his previous birth . He was very sincere and performing his duties towards the deity in the temple with complete devotion and as per shastras .But still out of some unknown sins he had to take a birth and reborn as dog . This bhikshu does not have control of senses at all , he can neither resist hunger nor anger , thus he is bound to be born as a dog [owing to the preisthood of the temple ] there cannot be better punishment than this for him The use of donations and gifts and materials given to LORD in a temple by priests will ensure them a rebirth as a dog . Everybody applauded the knowledge of the dog and Justice of Raghuvanshi Shri Ramchandra . krishnarpanamastu 14 Jan


Posted by chiraan in mantras, stotra. 2 Comments


Venus -The Bhargava Manmath Mohini

Posted by chiraan in Astroanalysis, people and astrology, planets. Tagged: manmath, mohini, VENUS. Leave a Comment

Shukra is a planet that encompasses all the emotions of a man on the earth. The Shukracharya [presiding diety for the planet] is a great rishi and exhibits all kinds of knowledge . He is daitya guru . But Param vaishnava.He is first to invent Mrut sanjeevani Vidya [ giving life to dead] Venus is the planet that imparts beauty with lustrous hair .[ Rukmini devi had a beautiful curly hair] Venus also gives warrior like nature. Parashurama is the Vishnu rupa that arises out of Venus . Parashurama killed all the kshatriyas on the earth not once but 21 times . So Venus is also a violent planet. Venus gives great urge for knowledge because its father is sage Brighu ,the ultimate in knowledge. Without the blessings of Bhrigu no knowledge can be mastered in this world. Venus is known as Bhargav Venus is the most sensuous planet Kaamdev is the manifestation in Venus .one who stirs the heart of the people is known as Manmath o People can stay calm and unnerved and controlled when their Mann[mind] is still .

When this mind whirls due to churning [mathan] ,one loses self control and is infatuated and yearns for a mate . The very presence of Manmath ,churns ones heart ,wherecome then the senses listen . Manmath is specially present in darkness of night , on the bosom of a woman , in the vicinity of jasmine ,mango leaves ,full moon night and picturesque view of mountains ,forests ,lakes and gardens. Thus these arouse passion in the man. But even this manmath looses his senses before Rati , who is responsible for this [ of course lord Narayana who is sakshat Manmath Manmath. one who churns the heart of Manmath] o But the same Manmath can also become ferocious like Skanda [avatar of Manmath, the great commander of Devatas] o Shiva under the influence of Venus mated with Parvati for a 1 lakh year .The retas became so hot and energetic due to prolonged mating that it became golden in colour and Parvati unable to bear it gave it to krittikas , thus ferocious Kartikeya was born.Venus gives rise to Martial nature. Same venus [Manmatha] can be very obedient Bharath . Venus also gives rise to innocence and Vairagya seen in Bharath ,Sanat kumar , Samba [all avataras of MAnmath] o Venus is a poet [Kalidasa] o Venus is also an Astrologer [Sahadev]. o Venus strongly placed in horoscope automatically makes one a good daivagnya [Jyotishi] o Kalidasa in uttarakalamrita says Venus in saturn antardasa exhibits its virakta swabhava [withdrawal tendencies ] o Narada was a great poet but also a virakta. Venus in kendra exalted gives Mahapurush yoga . o Kings born in this yoga are handsome ,great warriors ,excellent administrators , knowledged and excellent singers [ King Vikram of ujjain appeases Shani with rare exposition of Deepak Raga] So Venusians exhibits all the qualities that are there in this world . And no planets gives enjoyments akin to Venus. It gives the great intoxication of the self Ahankara to the Souls due to abundance of joys Shiva is the adhipati for Ahankara , Shiva is Ashvaththama as Ahankara Venus as learned and Angry in shiva gives Durvasa But same Shiva can be most calm and serene and Viraktha as Shuka muni. Lagnadhipati if weak and aspected by Venus and moon attains sanyasa in the later years of the life.

During samudra manthan when Amruta came up , Devatas and Rakshasas started fighting for it . But Amrut was meant only for Devatas as per the wishes of Narayana . One who partook Amrut he became immortal and rakshas if immortal would create havoc in the universe. So to delude Rakshasa from Amrut[nectar] Narayana took the Form of Mohini , one of the most beautiful female forms of Narayana , a 16 years damsel who could get everyone yearning for her beauty .

Rakshasa as they were lechers by nature lost their senses and asked Mohini to distribute nectar for them. Mohini in all her beautiful and youthful peak , suggested that she would feel shy at the peircing glances of rakshas [who could just not take their eyes off her beauty even for blinking] , thus everyone must close their eyes and she would pour the nectar in each ones palm . Demons agreed and Devatas also agreed. So Devatas and Demons formed a row and Mohini out of her maya created two pitchers ,one with original Amrit and other with sweet water . Amrit she gave it to Devatas , just water to Demons , who drank it out of their ill senses. Shiva was lying unconscious due to consuming of Poison [halahal]that had just emanated before Amrit , his neck had become deep blue and thus he came to be known as NEELKANTHa . He could not witness the Mohini rupa of Narayan. Having heard the beauty of the Mohini , he pleaded Narayana to show him his beautiful rupa once again. Narayana asked him to come next morning alongwith his wife parvati . When Shiva came to Vishnus abode , having a look at the Mohini he lost all his control he just embraced her in passion even when Parvathi was present. Narayana smilingly brings back Shiva into his senses. This is the same Shiva who had burnt Manmath to ahses when he tried to disturb the tapasya . But such a controlled Shiva who had won Manmath , lost to the MANMATH MANMATH shriman Narayana. srikrishnarpanamastu Older Entries

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