The Roll of Rich Class in Deffernet Socities

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The Rolle Of Rich class In Defferent Societies

It is one of the richest area of Faisalabad,

D ground and MC Donald road where
Amir selling balloons, I watch their
innocent eyes, face which is full from
tears, desires, dreams and frustration, in
this area all rich class comes for jogging,
walking, eating and refreshing but no
one take attention to the Amir’s innocent
eyes, they buy balloons from him to
entertain their children but no one
entertain him, he leaved school before
one year in 4th class due to their father
All developed countries rich class spend their money to build schools, colleges,
universities and libraries for example Mr. Build Gate, Micro Soft CEO grand income to
low income student Unfortunately in our country rich class spend too much on Haj,
Umra, Ziyarat, Niyaz, build luxurious Immam Bargha, Masijds and homes, to buy
luxurious cars, Marsadies Benzz, BMW, Honda Accord and Toyota etc.
It is requested to our rich class people let to play role to build the society if our govt. and
rich class don’t pay attention to child education then these children will became robbers,
Stealers, pirates, suicide bombers and drugs users.

Wasif Rizvi
Address: Kot Mir Yakoob Ali Shah near railway station road Rohri, Sukkur
Currently I m come in Faisalabad for office work
Cell no: 03322923633
NIC NO: is 45502-0186166-7
I m MBA and Working as assistant project manager in Huawei Technologies Pakistan

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