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Pates Classroom Management Plan

Classroom Expectations / Mr. Pates Five Ps: Be Prompt Be on time, enter the room quietly, turn in homework, and immediately go to your assigned seat. Be Prepared Bring all materials, necessary work, and proper uniform every day. Be Productive MAXIMIZE learning time by staying on task, following directions, and remaining seated unless youve been given permission to get up. Participate actively! Be Polite Be nice or neutral to everyone. Swearing, teasing, talking back, and bullying will NOT be tolerated! Protect yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and your classroom. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Distracting yourself and others is NOT tolerated. Be Patient Wait respectfully and calmly for your turn, do not pout or complain. Listen and stay seated when someone is talking. Lab Expectations/Procedures: Lab instruction is much different from that of everyday instruction and can at times be dangerous. In addition to classroom expectations, it is important that students abide by the rules and expectations for laboratory instruction. Safety rules will be and laboratory expectations will be reviewed prior to every lab exercise, and are as follows: Follow all instructions of the teacher No food or drink are allowed Absolutely NO horseplay Bring lab binder to each lab class period Treat lab equipment with respect Report broken glass, spills, and injuries to the teacher immediately Clean your lab area when you are done Follow all SCHS Lab safety rules Classroom Procedures: In order for the classroom to be a safe, functional environment, conducive to learning, classroom procedures must be followed and are as follows: 1. Entering the Room. a. Enter quietly and report to your assigned seat, do not stand outside the door. All students should be in their assigned seats when the bell rings. b. Make sure you are in dress code. If you are not dress code compliant you will be sent to SMC if it cannot be corrected at the door. c. Students who arrive after the bell are considered to be tardy and will be marked as so. d. If you are tardy and it is excused place your excuse on the front table. e. Take out your materials, review the agenda, and begin bell ringer assignment.

2. Bell Ringer Assignments a. When the bell rings students should be in their seats working on the bell ringer or bell work assignment (whichever is relevant). Students should not be talking, but should have all their supplies ready and wait for further instructions from the teacher. b. The daily objectives and agenda will be posted on the board visible for students. 3. Asking for help and/or clarification a. Raise your hand and wait to be recognized. b. Be courteous to others when they are asking a question. c. If I am helping another student, move on to another question/assignment or wait patiently. 4. Turning in work a. Follow the teachers instructions for turning in work. b. Pass all work to the front and center of the room and remain in your seat. c. If instructed to do so, place work in assigned file container at the front of the room. 5. Transitioning between class/lab a. Clean up around your station. b. Move quietly. c. Keep aisles clear of clutter. 6. Moving Around the Room a. You must ask permission. b. Do not ask during a class discussion unless it is an emergency. 7. Group Work a. When working in groups students should move and work efficiently. b. Students should not be off task c. Groups will be assigned by the teacher or chosen by the student. d. Students who cannot work effectively in groups will be removed from the group and asked to complete the assignment independently. 8. Restroom Breaks a. Students will be given two (2) bathroom passes per six week marking period. Students will not be giving extra passes unless given as a reward. Students without a pass will not be allowed to go to the bathroom. b. To prevent excessive need to go to the bathroom during class, students should go before class. 9. After an Absence a. You are responsible for ALL make-up work. b. You have three days to make up work after you return to class c. You are responsible for checking the make-up work folder for missing work or asking for assignments from the teacher. d. Retrieve any assignments, sign for them in the notebook. e. Assignments not made up will not be excused but assigned a grade of zero (0). 10. Getting Your Attention a. When I need your attention I will raise my hand and say May I have your attention please, you are to face me, get quiet, and wait for instruction. b. There should never be talking/distractions while the teacher is giving instruction.

11. Paper Heading a. Place your name, teachers name, class and class period, and the date in the heading of all assignments. b. Assignments turned in with no name will be placed in the Homeless Work folder for three days then thrown away. 12. Student Responsibility Cards a. These are for students who do not have assignments that are due. b. Fill it out, sign and date in, turn it in with rest of assignments. 13. If You Finish Work Early a. Quietly work on unfinished SCIENCE assignments. b. Work on your next current event article. c. Review vocabulary words. d. Start working on homework. 14. Turning in Papers a. You do not need to get up. b. Pass all work to the front of the room. c. I will (or I will ask one of you) come by and collect all work. 15. Classroom Discussions a. PLEAE participate. b. Make all questions and comments RELEVANT to the current discussion c. If your question is off the topic, write it down and ask later. 16. Cell Phones a. Cell phones/electronic device usage is not allowed in the classroom unless instructed by the teacher. b. Please turn your cell phones/electronic devices off and put them away before entering class. c. All cell phones/electronic devices will be collected and turned into the office on your first offense. This is your warning. d. Your parent/guardian will be able to pick up the cell phone/electronic device at the front office the next day. 17. Exiting the Room a. The bell does not dismiss you If I am talking, wait until I am done and dismiss you. b. Students will complete an exit ticket question or activity at the end of most class periods c. Do not pack up or stand near the door OR and your desk 18. Intercom Announcements a. When the announcements/intercom is on, you should be quiet, seated, and listening. 19. Substitute Teacher a. In the event that there is a substitute, you should treat him/her with more respect than you give me. The classroom should run as if the teacher was not needed. b. Complete all assignments, and follow all directions

Consequence/ Infraction Plan When a student or students do no follow expectations and/or classroom procedures, consequences will be enforced, which increase in severity. Positive consequences will be in place for those who go above and beyond in upholding classroom and school-wide expectations. Classroom Offense Levels 1st Offense: Warning with documentation 2nd Offense: Action Plan 3rd Offense: Call parents/ Letter to parents 4th Offense: Detention (FRIDAYS ONLY) / ISS 5th Offense: Office Referral Severe Clause Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages school property (including the property of the teacher and other students), or is disrespectful (as defined by the teacher) will be sent to the office IMMEDIATELY.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------By signing below you indicate that you have reviewed and understand the classroom management plan. It is the students responsibly to know and abide by the expectations/procedures covered. Please keep a copy of this management plan at the front of your notebook as a reference. It is also available online on our classroom website. Student Signature: ______________________________ Date: _____________________ Parent Signature: _______________________________ Date: _____________________

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