36.3 Birth Growth and Aging: Bio 30 NWRC

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3 Birth Growth and Aging

Bio 30 NWRC
Stage 1
Labour- about
Birth (video)
12 hours –
contractions –
cervix dilates
Amniotic sac
tears open
Stage 3
Stage 2 – Placental Stage–
about 1 ½ 5-30 minutes
hours Baby’s placenta and
head moves umbilicus is
through the expelled
cervix into the Mother rests and
vaginal canal. recovers
Baby is born
Humans go through many stages of
• Hormones such as HGH,
thyroxin and steroids
influence the body to
grow and develop.
• HGH from pituitary
(stimulates cell division)
• Thyroxin from thyroid(
increases metabolic rate)
• Steroids – estrogen and
testosterone facilitate
sexual development and
Growth and Aging
• Infancy – the first 2 years of life.
Characterized by rapid physical and
cognitive growth
• Childhood/Adolescence – Childhood is a
slower physical growth period however
much cognitive development occurs at this
• Adolescence is a period of sexual
development (continued)
Growth and Aging
• In Adolescence another physical growth
spurt occurs.
• In adulthood the body continues to go
through changes as aging occurs-
mental/cognitive growth can still occur.
• 1. Infancy
• Childhood
• Adolescence
• Adulthood
• In your summary of
each stage of the life
cycle include
important milestones
as listed in text book
• 2. Uterine
contractions intensify
and amniotic fluid
leaks out.
• 3. Dilation
• Cervix Opens
• Amniotic fluid leaves
mother’s body
• Expulsion
• Placenta detaches
and is delivered
• 4. HGH stimulates
growth and cell
reproduction by

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