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Guys....are u ready?? Yesssss..... Alright.. A very good afternoon to all lecturers and fellow friends....

Stay there, relax and enjoy ... We, TESL 4 are now pleased to bring to you WE LOVE OUR lecturers ! G1- Guys! .....listen... shhhhhhhhh... Maimunah studying is like study then you die. no one can ever score 4flat check your result slip again no, its real there's only explanation to this, lecturers. they are there to help us in times of great depression when writing our assignments in times of trouble where we landed in hot water L1-attendance, assignments,L2tasks, problems dont be afraid friends, your lecturers wil be there for you. this is not a drive by ah ah ah ah. Exam stressfull, we need to get away from it Naim lecturers, you are cheerful, helpful and hardworking too! And for these, we would like to thank bottom of our heart

Clap-Loretta Oopps! lecturers3.... They possess so many styles they can be the doctors.. treat us when we sick they are our parents.. love to advise Blabber-lily and! who rides on a ford fiesta and flashes bright smile all the time? of coz la miss nenny! our beloved ES lecturer! Hey! whos the most stylish in IPTI? Mirror mirror on the wall whos the most stylish of them all? no need to ask the mirror, cuz we all knew that its MADAM ANG! Mai nyanyi We love them all! ...True! From dear loving and motherly MDM Siti shamizatul, Sporting and cool Miss Noraisyah, To joyful and high-spirited MDM Lailatul. And the charitable and lively mdm nurliza pehh so many of them... our dear lectures... thousand years. lecturers are always advising us... hard, please... You know your exam is coming.... You must get good result! InsyaAllah, teacher...InsyaAllah... (sing) InsyaAllah...InsyaAllah...InsyaAllah... Well find the way....... Last but not suddenly least, Thank you for being our lecturers... We love you, the end

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