Safe Use of Technology

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Safe Use of Technology

The National Education Technology Standards (NETS) define the teachers role in using and modeling the use of technology. (NETS-T 3&4) Safe use of technology requires attention in multiple directions. There are safety issues for the students, the teachers, the handling, location and maintenance of the equipment and even the learning experience itself. A student who is continually frustrated by technology will likely disengage in the learning experience. The lesson content I have designed is focused on middle school students. With the exception of infancy, there is no other time in a persons life that there are more rapid physiologic, developmental and psychological changes. Middle school students succeed more often if they find in school: caring and supportive relationships, the boundaries and limits of behavior are clearly spelled out and their use of time is supported by an external structure. Following is a list of ten safety issues to consider. 1. Identify the appropriate technology for the students and learning activity. 2. Learn how to use and troubleshoot the technology 3. Use software that allows you to monitor student use 4. Collaboratively, with the students and other teachers establish rules for behavior during the use of the technology 5. Clearly define, post and enforce consequences for inappropriate behavior 6. Identify strategies to maintain the equipment in working order a. Storing, transporting and independent use rules b. Absence of food or drink around a computer work station c. Monitor the work environment for safety risks (plug-in cords, equipment location, etc.) d. No personal software or any unauthorized downloaded software. e. Settings, passwords etc. are not changed without authorization 7. Teach students about ethical and legal use of technology, discuss the issue of plagiarism. 8. Teach students to critically assess the information they discover 9. Teach students what to do if they receive threatening, illegal or coercing emails 10. Openly and frequently communicate with parents and guardians about the technology and learning activities the students are participating in and the expected learning outcomes.

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